#but domino's pizza smells AWFUL
tarczar · 8 months
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it's a pizza friday
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vypcr · 2 years
idk why just take them
Pinky promises are like blood oaths to her, breaking one is a big betrayal.
Favorite flower is the chinese dianthus, especially the black or pink ones. She also likes peruvian lilies, the “butterscotch” and “flaming star” varieties.
ngl she kinda hates tulips
This is her favorite video in existence atm
She generally smells like vanilla cake, strawberries and peaches, and/or green apples because those are her go-to scent choices when it comes to body wash, shampoo, etc.
“Take on Me” by A-ha is her favorite song.
She likes to collect funky glasses.
The only shoes she really wears are vans or converse. They’re functional and she likes the style.
She thinks cheetahs are the coolest animals. Also loves cheetah / leopard print (if you can’t tell by her prom dress lol)
She cries really easily during emotional scenes in television shows / movies. Even if it’s only vaguely emotional, idk she’s just an emotional person. Most of the time she’s not comfortable with people seeing her cry so she gets embarrassed and gets fake made to hide it, but sometimes she’ll let it go if she feels okay around you.
Actually scared of thunderstorms because it fucks with her ptsd tbh. She’s good at hiding it for a while but she always retreats when it’s storming bad because she knows she’s going lose her cool.
She hates Taco Bell with a passion and also Domino’s pizza. (Fuck your shitty food choices Hawk.)
She likes In-N-Out because you can fold the boxes into cute little sailor hats.
Favorite foods are chicken chow mein, chips & white queso, and fries with gravy. She’s awful idc
Favorite desserts are banana pudding, gingerbread and almost anything white chocolate. She’s a white chocolate fiend.
Would kill you over a mango smoothie.
She likes summer because she can wear less clothes and go to the beach more.
She’s naturally cold, temperature wise. Her hands and feet are always freezing. It’s why she likes the summer and the heat. But also, she’s the type of person who keeps the thermostat at 69 degrees fahrenheit so sfdljk
She’s a night owl but she also wakes up super early. She rarely sleeps more than 5 hours a night because of insomnia, recurrent nightmares, or her schedule, and she naturally wakes up around sunrise. Doesn’t mean she gets out of bed immediately but she’s awake.
Favorite snacks are skittles, pretzels, oreos, and hershey’s cookies and cream chocolate bars. Favorite drink is Mt. Dew, the original and the raspberry lemonade kind.
She HATES Sprite.
She can’t stand being by herself for too long. It fucks with her head too much.
She loves The Weeknd, Poppy, Paramore, Billie Eilish, and Muse.
She hates Ed Sheeran music with one sole exception and that’s the song “Perfect” because Robby sang it to her on their first solo roadtrip together.
She has an irrational hatred for hippopotamuses and the taste of coconut.
Loves the Office, hates Friends.
You can keep her entertained for approximately 30 minutes if you give her a big sheet of bubble wrap.
Green apple gum is the supreme gum flavor. All other flavors pale in comparison and she WILL fight you over this.
Make her coffee or hot cocoa with milk instead of water or she won’t drink it.
She has been known to draw silly faces on fruits and veggies after grocery shopping.
She likes to make lists but she never follows them. She will make a list and lose it in five seconds.
She will moo back at a cow and meow back at a cat. Can’t bark back at a dog though. Cannot figure out how.
If she’s driving, it’s karaoke time. Put up with her singing or find another ride.
She’s genuinely scared of the concept of zombies for existential reasons.
Klondike bars and thin mints are from Satan.
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Survey #521
(this one’s from like... three days ago? whoops)
Is there an article of clothing you need to buy right now? I need bras most desperately. I have lit-er-a-lly none that fit me comfortably. Bras are just expensive, especially when you're my size, AND my proportions have to be strange or something because I tend to need them custom-made for it to be perfect. When was the last time you changed your picture on Facebook? Very recently, actually. Funny thing though, it's from two Halloweens ago. I haven't taken a selfie in so very long, but I wanted to change the picture. Do you have a brand of deodorant you prefer? I've just used Secret forever. Do you have a really fat cat? No, Roman is a healthy weight. Have you ever made a business card for yourself? No, because I'm sure the effort wouldn't be worth it. It wouldn't make a difference. Do your parents allow you to have your privacy? Yes. Are you good at creating logos? I don't think so. I've changed my photography's watermark a thousand times. Have you ever been severely burned? No. Did you ever dream that you had a baby? I've actually, oddly, had many??? Even recently I dreamt I had a daughter. It's weird when I don't want kids. Do you or anyone you know have a rabbit? No. Do you enjoy staying at hotels? I do, so long as it's a well-kept, clean hotel. I like the change of scenery while also allowing me to do what I usually do so feel comfortable. Do you have any tan lines? No, I never do. I'm pale as shit. Did you make any money today? No. What was the highest place you've ever jumped from? Nowhere very high, idk. Have you ever gone swimming in a river? I have. Not a fast-flowing one, mind you. What was the last souvenir someone got you? Probably a shirt. Do you like driving at night? HELL no. I don't like driving PERIOD, never mind at night. I can't see jack-all. Do you completely trust the person you’re dating? I honestly do. When the holidays come around, do you watch holiday movies? Not really anymore. Do you own many pairs of shorts? I own literally zero. Is there a band you like with amazing music but a bad vocalist? Yes; I'd say the one that stands out the most is Mother Mother. I love the lead singer, but the woman who sometimes has parts as well is fucking HORRIFIC. Like holy shit. Megadeth is another that comes to mind; Dave isn't an awful singer, but his voice is still... ehhhh. It can be very raspy and gritty and just unpleasant. Overall though, I love both bands. Does pizza sound good to you right now? I've been craving Domino's in specific for days. ;-; Will you be going to the beach anytime soon? Got noooooooooooo plans to. Have you ever made any kind of video? Yeah. Kinda wanna get back into editing meerkat stuff after watching The Meerkats. The cinematography was very inspiring. Have you ever had a premonition? No. When was the last time you wore earrings? It's been a looooong time. Has it thundered lately? No. Do you have any plans for the next week? Birthday stuff. :') Do you believe the fortunes in fortune cookies? Does anybody? They're fun to read, but. When was the last time you went to a playground? It's been a couple years, back when I took pictures for a family, mostly of their son playing. Do you own a pool? No. What was the last thing you took a picture of? uhhhhhhhhhh Are there any recipes you have memorized? Nope. Do you have a favorite font on the computer? Out of the basic ones that are naturally present, I really like Garamond. What was the weirdest thing you ever saw cross the road? Not sure, nothing that memorable. Have you ever read any self-help books? No. I should, I just find them boring. Do you thank the bus driver? I haven't been on a bus in eons, but I always did. It's rude as hell not to. What made you the happiest today? Girt came over today, and we had fun! We started All of Us Are Dead, which is looking sort of like a Korean The Walking Dead. It's really good. What is something that smells bad to you? I HATE the smells of gasoline and freshly cut grass, off the top of my head. What is currently the most tan spot on your body right now? Nowhere. Do you shut down your computer when you leave, or just leave it on? I have a laptop, which is always on, even when it's closed. Have you seen your best friend cry before? Sadly. What color do you want to dye your hair? Next up, either lilac, pastel pink, or a light creamsicle orange. What's your ringtone? Just basic shit that came with the phone. What’s something you’ve experienced that very few others have? Numerous psych hospitalizations, I guess. Have you ever dated someone who was terrible with money? If so, how did it affect the relationship? No. Do you know anyone who’s related to a current or former world leader? *shrug* I mean there's a queen in my ancestry, but I consider ancestors and relatives to be pretty different. Do you do your own taxes, or do you hire a professional? I don't have taxes yet. What was the last thing you purchased used? Ummmmm probably a game from Ebay or something, I really don't know. Has anyone ever told you that you get too competitive over minor things? No; I'm not very competitive. What was the very first thing you ever saved up to buy with your own money? I want to say my snake, but I'm not sure. What is something you frequently forget? Everything. Who is someone you would like to get to know better? My high school acquaintance Courtlynn. We're FB friends and will react to each other's posts frequently, but we don't actually talk. She seems super cool, though. Do you have a cell contract plan, or are you on a pre-paid plan? I have a Tracfone that I personally don't pay for, but I think it's a pre-paid plan? The person who last spoke to you in person, what is their name? Donna. Do you have uncontrollable anger? No. Have you yelled at someone recently? "Yelled," no, but just earlier I raised my voice a little bit at Mom because she was being needlessly grouchy and short with me just because the dog was annoying her. The last conversation you had with someone online, was it important? I mean, all convos I have with her are important to me, but truly considering the basic definition, no. It was just a casual convo. Is smoking an immediate turnoff to you? It is. How many pushups can you do, if any? Zero. Have you ever taken a yoga class? No, but I taught myself yoga via WiiFit when I was a teenager. I was quite honestly bangin' at it. Do you own any records? No, but I think it'd be very cool. Mom used to have vinyl records of classic rock and metal bands, and I REALLY wish she didn't sell 'em forever ago and I could have them. I would love to have picked out some of my faves and frame and hang them in my future house. Is there a technology brand you prefer? I don't care about the brand, I just care that it works. What was the last song that got stuck in your head? I was recently watching a let's play of Devil May Cry 3, and the guys made an intro for it with one of the songs from the soundtrack. I could NOT find it by name to listen to the full piece, and it was driving me insane because I just had what I am assuming is the chorus blaring in my head. I think I know how to find it now (it's the song that plays during the fighting credits), but I just haven't looked for it again. Do you or does anyone you know own an antique vehicle? I'm unsure. Have you ever sat on a bale of hay? I don't think so? Do you think you will have a date for prom? I went to my then-boyfriend's senior prom, and he went to mine. Have you ever wandered around drunk at night? No. Have you ever been in a play/musical? Yes, but only for elementary and Sunday schools. When was the last time someone asked you to go somewhere? A few days back, my mother needed to go pick up groceries as well as pick up my medication from my psychiatrist's secretary, so I drove around with her. Is there a light on in the room you're in? Only my ball python's heat lamp. Are you eating anything right now? Nah. My mom made the mistake of making a pan of these mini red velvet cheesecake treats though, and god they are so good and I am trying not to touch them again tonight. Really wish she hadn't made them so close to my b-day, considering I'm going out to eat ACTUAL cheesecake. Do you have small wrists? Shockingly, I do, even at my weight. I always have. How many corners are there in the room you're in? Four. It's very basic. Do you watch the news often? I never do. Hoodies or jackets? Hoodies. Do you go to bed the same time every night? Holy hell no. My sleep schedule is W A C K. What is the most overrated thing in the world? Fitting in just for the sake of being seen as "normal." I know, I'm SERIOUSLY one to talk when I'm horrified of judgment and conceal the "weird" things about me from almost everyone, but... I know it's stupid. Do you own any Tupac albums? No. I couldn't even name a song of his. Have you made any new friends recently? No. Have you ever in your life had a bunkbed? Yes; I had one growing up when I shared rooms with my younger sister. Have you ever been to any form of summer camp? I went to numerous Bible summer camp-ish things growing up. Have you ever been in a cave? No, but that is a MAJOR goal of mine. :( I find them to be mega, MEGA cool. Have you ever climbed a rock wall? Only those small fake ones that would be at school field days and stuff. Have you ever tried any form of tofu? No. It looks gross. What are you eating for dinner tonight? Mom made smoked sausage, broccoli, and potatoes with a ranch seasoning that is DELICIOUS. Which love story would you want your life to turn out like? Y'all seen Morticia and Gomez together, right? *chef's kiss* Have you ever been to any Disney parks? I've been to Disney World, yeah. Do kids often knock on your door on Halloween? This past one was our first one living here, and we didn't get any knocks. Pretty sure our lights were out, though? Do you like where your house is located? FUCK NO I can't complain about my house's location enough alsdkfja;lkwej;rklj Do you think there’s anything you did better when you were younger? I think in many ways, I was a better writer. An over-dramatic one, but I just think the overall writing dexterity and vocabulary I had was definitely better. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had, and what was it from? I fell while chasing my friend down the (very, very lightly-traveled as it's a short dead end) road by my childhood home, and I brutally skinned my knees. "Skinned" is a bit of an understatement, though: I tore away so many layers that it oozed pus. I fucking SOBBED while Mom patched me up, it hurt so badly. The bandage had to be changed frequently because of how long it took to heal; my knees were actually scarred for years. How’d you react to receiving your very first pimple? I'm?????????? supposed to remember this???????????????????? Have you ever wanted to model? God no.
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enneadau · 3 years
An Example:
Of how things can change between original planning and production. For example after what Otogi pulled, this version of Marik would not have worked:
Yugi smiled as she entered her bedroom to find, for the seventh day in a row, a bunch of flowers led on her desk with a simple white card. Dropping her school bag and moving over to the desk her smile broadened as she saw the same awful handwriting on it as had been there for the last few weeks but the words on it made her pause.
 “To Yugi, here's some beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl. Please make me the happiest boy in Domino by going on a date with me. Love Namu.”
 She tried not to giggle at the eye roll she could sense from her twin sister at their new friend's cheesiness. Namu was cute, she had to admit and it was nice to get flowers from someone. She had never had a guy truly interested in dating her before but the intern was nice, friendly, fun to play games with and he clearly wanted a date.
 She did not know if she should though. She had Anesan to consider before she said yes to his question. It was not fair for her to date anyone who did not know about the Spirit of the Puzzle. Especially when her twin regularly took over to play games and hang out with their friends...still...
 'If you want to go out with him, Imoto, then I'm not going to say no.' Oneesan spoke up as Yugi sat on the bed and considered what to do. 'You're allowed to date...we can always tell him about me later.'
 'Yes but...' Yugi hesitated. She liked Namu. She really did. She just did not entirely feel comfortable with saying yes without telling him everything. It was only fair for her to do so before they tried a relationship.
 'If you like him then I trust your judgement, Imoto. Go. Talk to him.' She felt her Anesan settle down to wait, 'If he's okay with what you tell him...he might be worth keeping.'
 Yugi laughed at that. Namu had been working in the shop since she had been hospitalised because of the fire. He was only on a temporary contract over the summer and it was due to end in the next few weeks. She and grandpa had been discussing whether to extend his contract and had not yet come to a decision. 'Alright, alright. I'm going...'
 She stood and headed down the hallway to the kitchen, where she knew Namu was heating up his food for his break and paused just out of sight of the doorway when she heard his voice. She frowned slightly as she realised he was on the phone, which to be fair he was allowed to be since he was on break and tried not to eavesdrop, something that suddenly because much more difficult when she heard, “Yes, sister, I know. I know. No, I'm not...I'm aware that I'm supposed to be getting close to her. Why do you think I've been courting her vessel...”
 Yugi suddenly felt like she'd been stabbed in the heart, her face paling as she backed up.
 He knew.
 He not only knew but he had been using her to get to Anesan...
 She could not handle it.
 She could feel Anesan's anger rising, but her own emotional pain and swirling thoughts kept the spirit from seizing control and shaking Namu until he started telling them the truth.
 Yugi put down the flowers and fled back to her room, slamming her bedroom door behind her.
Anzu frowned as she reached the top of the stairs in time to hear a door slam.
 Doors slamming in the Mutou residence was a rare occurrence. Neither of the Mutous displayed their anger that openly and when they did snap it was because someone had pushed them to their limits, in fact she had never seen Yugi lose her temper properly with anyone before. Jou was prone to fits of rage, though he was getting better on that front, but even he did not slam doors around here, especially not during the day when there would be customers downstairs in the shop.
 What worried her the most was that it sounded like it came from the back of the flat, towards the bedrooms, rather than the store room that had been converted to a bedroom for Jou when he had first moved in. Ojiisan would be working the shop right now, which meant that somehow, between Anzu pausing outside to answer her mobile phone and now, Yugi had been provoked into an incredibly rare display of anger.
 Concern flowed through Anzu as she made her way through to Yugi's attic conversion bedroom, noting the flowers on the side by the kitchen and Namu eating his breaktime meal in the kitchen as she went, and reached Yugi's room to find that yes, for the first time in pretty much forever, Yugi's bedroom door was shut.
 “Yugi?” Anzu asked, trying the handle and becoming relieved when the door opened, having half expected Oneesan to have barricaded it with magic or something. The door opened almost silently, not that the occupant of the room noticed. Yugi was curled up on the bed, back facing the door, her body trembling. Anzu could hear the faint sounds of her crying into a pillow as she approached the bed quietly and bit her lower lip as she realised her friend was hurting. She had a horrible feeling she knew why as she put her hand on Yugi's shoulder.
 The girl jumped a mile, the pillow going flying and furious ruby overtaking bloodshot, puffy amethyst and though under normal circumstances she had no fear of the spirit of the Puzzle any more, Anzu put her hands up and backed off to show she was not a threat, “Easy, just me. What's happened?”
 “Namu can go fuck himself.” Oneesan hissed out, her tone so close to the old days, when whatever Namu had done would have resulted in a Shadow Game that Anzu winced.
 “What's he done?” She asked, worried now. “Is Yugi okay?”
 “No. You know all those flowers and chocolates and games he's been leaving Yugi? And all the flirting he's been doing?” Oneesan's tone did not improve as she stretched and stood up, her body language reminding Anzu of a big cat on the hunt. When Anzu nodded the Spirit of the Puzzle continued, “Imoto finally decided she was going to take a risk and agree to go out with him...”
 “And he's changed his mind?” Anzu asked, wincing when Oneesan snorted dismissively and shook her head.
 “He's never been interested in her.” Anger rose in Anzu at the Pharaoh's words. “It's not Imoto he's been after. It's me. Imoto heard him on the phone, talking to his sister. He's been 'courting' Imoto in order to get close to me.”
 Anzu's hands balled into fists. Suddenly Oneesan's pure fury made perfect sense. Yugi had not entirely been comfortable with guys, except for Jou and Honda, since she had been kidnapped by Hirutani's gang. She had actively avoided any guy who had tried to flirt with her and kept herself well away from any potential relationship. For her to finally decide she liked a guy enough to make that jump and say 'yes' to him and hear that...no wonder Yugi was devastated and the spirit was fuming. Anzu wanted to smack him herself.
 “What's your plan?” Anzu asked, watching the Pharaoh pace the room like a caged animal and staying out of her way.
 “I'm too angry to decide.” Oneesan admitted with a grimace. “I want to Challenge the little...sod, but I shouldn't do that in the shop. And I want to ask him questions because he clearly knows about me, except I'm so pissed off right now, that I can't trust myself to listen to what he's saying properly.”
 “And what does Yugi want to do?” Anzu nodded, thinking.
 “Curl up in a ball and cry for a bit.” Oneesan sighed, closing her eyes so she could focus properly on how her other heart was feeling, “Then get whatever information he has for me before staying in here until his contract is up and she doesn't have to see him again.”
 “Can't you ask Ojiisan to let him go now?” Anzu's confusion caused Yugi to come out and shake her head.
 “N-No. I-If we fire him now, i-it's for personal reasons, not business ones...he could sue.” Yugi's voice shook as she went and sat on her bed, wiping her eyes and trying not to start crying again in front of Anzu, no matter how much her heart hurt. “And we c-can't afford a l-lawsuit right now. Not after the f-fire...”
 Anzu hesitated for a moment, then sat next to her and pulled her into a hug. Within moments Anzu could feel Yugi shaking in her arms and she rubbed the girl's back as she felt tears sink into her top. “He's an ass, you're better off without him.”
 Yugi did not cry for long but when she pulled away her shoulders were drooping, her head hanging low and her eyes showed how unhappy she was was. Anzu pushed her own anger aside to sigh, “Hey,” Yugi looked up at her, “We're going out.”
 “B...but...” Yugi started but cut off when Anzu shook her head.
 “No buts, I'm paying. We're going out and getting pizza. From that place with the all you can eat dessert bar.” She knew she had Yugi's interest when she saw the girl lick her lips, “No boys. Boys smell.”
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wylanvnneck · 3 years
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Rating: G for Giganotosaurus
Summary: Based on a TFOTA headcanon which I posted on Tumblr about Cardan and Jude visiting the Mortal world and Cardan getting introduced to pick-up lines. That he uses. Frequently. Which, of course completely irritates Jude.
Originally posted on AO3 | Previous Chapter | Masterlist
Chapter 2
The next morning Jude wakes to the late morning sunlight streaming through the window onto the bed where Cardan still slept. Quietly, so as not to disturb him, she untangles herself from his grasp and heads to the bathroom to freshen up, having fallen asleep in her traveling clothes from earlier in the morning.
Cardan is sitting up with a lazy grin curving his lips when she comes back, his eyes trained on her.
“Good morning, wife.”
“Husband,” she returns.
He looks around the room in the daylight and his expression turns thoughtful, dark eyes deepening. “Did you...think of me when you were here?” He asks her, sounding uncharacteristically cautious
She looks straight at his face, remembering the pain she’d been in during her first days here, all those months ago. She’d spent her first few days in exile moping around and not thinking about her treacherous husband. With a little help from Vivi and many tubs of mint and chocolate chip ice cream she’d finally gotten out of her pajamas and returned to her training routines, all the more vicious as she thought up ways to get her revenge on the High King of Faerie.
“I did. I used to stay up late into the night with Vivi once Oak was asleep and we would plot ways to kill you.”
Cardan smiles a wry smile at her admission, “I’d expect nothing less from you, my sweet nemesis.”
“I know you thought of me, you’ve told me about your letters.” Letters that she would never get to see, thanks to Lady Asha.
He shifts in the bed, tail swishing in the air. “I did. I thought of you incessantly. My anger at you over Balekin didn’t last long and soon I found myself wondering why you hadn’t returned yet. I worried that you’d found the Mortal world more pleasurable than Elfhame. That you preferred your life here. In my darkest moments I’d imagine you with another. I’d imagine never seeing you again.”
His voice is racked with pain and sincerity, the anguish he’d felt written clearly on his features. “So many times, I thought of coming here. To see you, even if just from a distance. But I couldn’t leave our Kingdom, I couldn’t forsake the duties you’d entrusted  me with when you crowned me, even if you were meant to be by my side always. That throne that you’d worked so hard to save, I couldn’t risk leaving it when the threat of Madoc loomed so near. Jude, believe me when I say that my thoughts were always, always of you, my brave villain.”
His confession touches her very soul. She takes in the sight of him, broken and exposed and her heart quickens. The High King of Elfhame, her husband, who would only ever be this open and unguarded in front of her, his queen. She comes closer to him on the bed and bends down, stroking his messy black curls away from his face as she gently lowers her lips to his.
* * *
They’ve arrived on a Saturday so Oak is scarfing down a bowl of sugary cereal when she and Cardan enter the kitchen. He looks up with excitement and rushes to give his sister a bear hug, squeezing her as tightly as his 8 year old hands can. “Jude you’re finally here, I missed you!”
She playfully ruffles his nut brown hair and squeezes him back, pulling away to give him a once over, “I missed you too, Oak.”
He goes to hug Cardan while Jude finally spots Heather, Vivi’s pink-haired girlfriend who was currently by the kitchen table, making her way over to say Hi. “Good to see you again, Jude. Vivi’s just popped off to grab some groceries. Hopefully she uses actual money this time,” she rolls her eyes, smiling.
“Nice to see you too, Heather,” Jude smiles in response.
Once they’re all sat around the dining room table and Cardan and Jude are equipped with their own bowls of cereal, the multi-coloured loops of which had captured Cardan’s initial fascination and Jude now watches out of the corner of her eye as he sits stirring his breakfast, entranced, as the colours slowly bleed into the milk, turning it slightly muddy. She finds him quite adorable with that expression on his face. Maybe even charming. Not that she’d ever say it out loud.
She tunes in to what Heather is saying at the moment, “So, what do you guys wanna do today?” She looks expectantly at them and Jude tries to think of an answer but is thankfully interrupted by her brother.
“Ooh ooh, can we go to the mall today? And have pizza for lunch?” he jumps in his seat.
“Tell me, what is a ‘maul’? And what type of a food is this, ‘Pizza’?” Cardan interjects. Oak slowly turns to him with a look of horror on his face.
“You’ve never had pizza??” He turns to Heather, “We have to have pizza, Heather, we have to.” He faces Cardan once again and starts telling him all about pizza and all the different toppings and which combos worked and which didn’t and how eating pineapple on pizza was an unforgivable sin.
Heather laughs a little as she looks at Jude, “Well, I guess we’re having pizza today.”
“I guess we are,” Jude laughs back, watching her little brother excitedly explaining mortal customs to her husband.
They head out to the nearest shopping mall once Vivi’s back and they travel by bus which leads to another shock for Cardan who is in awe at the fact that this metal box was able to move on it’s own. Truly, mortals did have some funny ideas, he’d remarked, astonished.
His eyes are locked on the view outside the whole time, taking in the concrete and cement, in stark contrast to the raw natural surroundings of Faerie.  He is dressed in better fitting mortal clothes than last night which Vivi had gotten for him. A dark shirt and dark fitted jeans, with space for him to tuck his tail in. He glamours his face to appear more mortal, with rounded ears, accentuated by his usual gold studs and he is still inordinately attractive for a mortal and Jude knows he’ll be receiving lots of stares. Especially appreciative ones from girls. She is suddenly conscious of her concealed dagger.
Once they arrive Oak immediately drags them to the gaming zone, introducing Cardan to the wonders of playstations. He teaches  them how to play Mario Kart and the little character on the screen whose movements you could control was indeed, quite entertaining.
He is less enthusiastic when Heather and Vivi drag them to Sephora, the makeup store. Nevertheless, he tries his hardest to stay still and is justly rewarded with an achingly sweet candy floss that he graciously shares with everyone.
Cardan, for his part, is not only entranced by the fluffy pink treat but also by the cosmetics surrounding him, letting Heather draw Kohl on him with liquid black eyeliner and applying shiny silver highlighter on his high cheekbones. Vivi even forces Jude to try on a dark shade of red lipstick that Cardan later attempts to kiss off of her when they are alone in between the secluded store aisles.
Finally, they emerge from the store, shopping bags in tow as they head to the food court for lunch. The place is buzzing, with a multitude of smells permeating the air. Oak immediately makes a beeline for the blue and red themed food stall with a sign that reads ‘Domino’s’ in large lettering. The scent of pizza being baked is enticing and they quickly order a personal pizza each plus coca cola.
Thankfully their orders arrive quickly and Jude impatiently blows on the first slice of her barbeque chicken pizza. Next to her Cardan is considering his slice of pepperoni and cheese covered crust, no doubt fascinated by its odd composition. He seems to enjoy it after his first bite though, once it was explained that the pepperoni was not, indeed, supposed to be plucked off and eaten separately and soon they are all done.
Jude heads to the washroom to pee and whilst she’s walking back she sees Cardan being approached by a slim girl with blue streaks in her hair. He is alone, Heather and Vivi having gone somewhere with Oak and Jude quickens her stride.
She is just within earshot to hear the girl’s voice say, “Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?”
Jude’s eyes narrow as her husband smiles a sly grin and answers with an arrogant tilt of his head, “Rule the Kingdom of the Fae.”
He is being completely honest, after all he cannot tell a lie. But of course the girl does not know that and she looks confused and then lets out a giggle and lightly swats his arm, obviously thinking he is joking.
Jude has had enough of this and finally reaches her husband’s side and smiles at the girl, making sure that her ruby ring is on display as she takes Cardan’s arm. She immediately backs off, while Jude secretly pinches Cardan, hard, for messing with the girl.
“What was that about?”
“She asked a question. I answered it.” While his words were innocent, his grinning face gave away that he knew he’d been slightly wicked.
“Mhmm. You are incorrigible,” she rolls her eyes, finally letting her harsh grip on him go.
“You love it. Tell me Jude, did her question make you jealous?”
“Please, the females at court eye you on a daily basis back at home. It’s no surprise that they find you handsome here as well,” she responds truthfully. “I was more annoyed by your response. What happened to staying inconspicuous?”
He just smiles guiltily back at her. Shaking her head, she’s about to threaten him with a reduction of his beloved alcohol supply back home when she spots Vivi, Heather and Oak coming their way.
They spend the rest of the day at the mall in a similar fashion, introducing Cardan to the wonders of retail shopping and toy stores.  The day passes quickly and the exhausted party head home by early evening, satisfied with the day’s events.
A worn out Oak heads off to bed after extracting a promise from Jude that the two of them could play at the park alone together the next day.
It’s still too early for the adults to go to sleep and thanks to their sleeping in today they are all still wide awake.
“So, now that the little terror is asleep, what should we do?” Vivi questions, tucking a stray lock of her umber hair behind her furry pointed ears.
“Jude mentioned that there were places where mortals had night time revels, I should like to see them,” Cardan suggests.
Vivi trains her cat eyes on Jude, a feline smile on her face, “You told your husband about night clubs? Excellent. The High King of revelry in a mortal club is definitely something I need to see.”
The gleeful look in her eyes set Jude on edge. After all, she’s never been to one of these clubs herself, but surely they were not half as wild as Fae celebrations. How much trouble could Cardan get into?
Hey, so we've approached pick up line territory (yayy, finally) but the real intro happens in the next chapter. So stay tuned🦕
Also, please let me know if you’d like to be tagged for further installations of this fic :))
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ussgallifrey · 4 years
Change of Plans
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✦ Summary: Bucky really wants to give you a good Valentine's day, but sometimes even the best thought plans don't work out the way you thought they would. ✦ Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader ✦ Warnings: Mentions of menstruating and periods ✦ Word Count: 3.3k
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There was something about the girl, who made his heart thud with a continuous home home home, that made Bucky desperately want to get this right. 
At the admission that you'd never celebrated the holiday with a partner before, which was said nonchalantly over a shared pizza, he was absolutely determined to change that. Sure, you'd only been together seven months - give or take a few days - but there was just something about you that made all the little signals in his head go off all at once and his tongue would tie up and he felt hopelessly dumbstruck at the sight of your smile like all the time.
He was crazy about you. That's all.
And because of that, he wanted to do something for the 14th. Nothing overly insane, like dinner in Paris with fireworks at the Eiffel Tower. Though, if you asked, he would have no qualms about absconding a quinjet and flying you there on the spot. But that is definitely not your taste - not even close.
But you deserve flowers and chocolates and a card and probably one of those giant pink teddy bears with the heart that says XO-XO that you were cooing and awwing over in CVS last week. And, God help him, he might even attempt to make dinner. 
Yeah, he's got it bad for you.
And waking up in the same bed this morning, with the knowledge that my place or your place? had finally ended at long last and that this was how he got to wake up almost every day. Well, it just about made his heart thump out of his chest and wouldn't that be a messy cleanup?
So, he's pleased as punch with himself when he can hear the happy little aww coming from the bedroom later that morning. He's obviously been up for hours already, attempting to throw together something edible in the kitchen while you slept away unawares.
You're a sight to see, as he leans against the bedroom door frame. Still under the covers, but sitting up enough to smell the vase of fresh flowers on your nightstand.
"You devil," you chide with a tired smile and a beckoning hand.
Bucky's more than happy to thread his fingers through yours as you pull him down next to you.
"When did you do this?"
He wants to kiss you.
"Had some time," he says instead, cupping a hand to your flushed cheek.
You hum happily, eyes fluttering closed as you lean into the simple touch. Warm lips feather-light against his palm.
"Keep it up, mister. See where it gets you."
Bucky chuckles, leaning his weight over you as his lips ghost against your own.
"Mmm, that's the plan," he murmurs before dropping a kiss to your waiting lips as you tug him ever closer.
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Bucky likes to think he's pretty flexible. More of a flying by the seat of his pants type of person than a strict schedule follower. That's why he was going to let the day kind of flow on its own natural path. Breakfast in bed, maybe more in bed. Then a shower obviously, and maybe if things were to happen in there then that would be fine because you could still get the box of chocolates and the teddy bear whenever. And lunch and dinner didn't really have to fall on a set time either, so long as there was plenty of time left over for other activities later that night.
But even those simple plans are easily changed.
"Well, this sucks," you announce, emerging from the bathroom with a towel around you, hair damp against your skin.
He's already changed the sheets in hope of sparing you further embarrassment. 
"I'm sorry."
Dropping down onto the edge of the bed, Bucky folds himself around you to massage your warm shoulders.
"No, I'm sorry," you sigh, leaning back into his welcomed touch.
A kiss to your neck, fingers digging into the muscles of your back, "Hush. It's not like you can control it."
You nod slowly, head down and hands folded in your lap. He doesn't like the change one bit. But he lets the silence stretch at your discretion. Focusing all his skill into alleviating any and all pain he can with his impromptu massage.
After a moment, you admit, "It wasn't supposed to happen for three more days."
He gives a little hum of acknowledgment as he works his thumbs along your spine.
"It's bullshit, Buck."
That gets you a kiss to your cheek.
"I know, baby."
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Leaving the comfort of the bed for only a moment to pad across the room, in your comfiest clothes and newly gifted heart-eyed taco-patterned socks, you return with an assorted box of chocolate and a small bag that had been hidden in the closet.
His heart, honest to god, wants to burst. He can't even remember the last time someone got him something for Valentine's.
Bucky holds up the covers for you to slip back in next to him, cuddling up against the large purple teddy bear wedged in between you both.
Handing over the red gift bag with silver ribbon tassels, "You're going to love this."
A raised eyebrow and a wary voice responds, "That sounds ominous."
You just smile, watching him untie the ribbon.
"Oh my god," he groans. "Why?"
All you can do is laugh as he pulls out the small Falcon plushie with a disgusted touch, as though the toy is actually burning him.
"I think this actually constitutes as a form of abuse."
You can't stop laughing, but you grab the bag from him while trying to fight back tears and pull out another stuffed animal. 
It's a sloth.
And then he sees the heart and he just shoots you a strange look and it sends you into another round of hysterics.
Snatching it from your hands as you collapse back against the pillow with howls of laughter, Bucky stares at the large red heart that says Damn Shawty You Fine.
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As you continue to scroll through your phone, Bucky holds out one of the chocolates for you. Opening your mouth enough to let him slide the cream-filled piece into your mouth.
You were trading off all the coconut and walnut and pecan clusters his way, and in return, he was giving you all your favorites - despite his personal tastes.
"Mmm," you coo around the candy as you eagerly hold up your phone for him to see. "Look at this one - he's so cute."
Bucky stares at the curly-haired poodle wearing a heart headband.
"His name is Cupid. How cute is that?"
"Super cute," he responds with absolutely no disinterest whatsoever as he tries to catch up on the last few Dodgers' games before they were moved to California. The bastards.
You're not even bothered by it as you scroll through the adoption app and show him a tiny dachshund with a Free Kisses bandana.
"His name is Cupcake, Bucky. Cupcake."
He nods, "I can see that, yeah."
"Can you imagine if we got a dog? Oh my god, I haven't had a dog since I was a kid. We should get a dog."
Bucky shoves another piece of chocolate into your mouth as you laugh weakly around it, the protests dying on your lips.
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It's absolutely freezing outside, but he insisted on going out to the store instead of using one of those delivery apps you were so crazy about. It was giving you a chance to sleep anyway, so if he was out for a while, then all the better.
- Midol
- Half-baked ice cream
- Gummy bears (not sour)
- A dog
- Rubbing alcohol & medical tape - ur fault
- We're almost out of dish soap too
- ♡
Is what the text reads.
Pulling his hood up and his coat closer, Bucky walks down the recently snowed-over sidewalk towards the store.
And you know what, it was all going just fine. He found everything you ask for - well, almost everything - and was at the register. And it was fine.
But the universe intervened and a pink poster caught his eye for the local animal shelter's Paws and Claws event. And he got a really stupid idea in his head. Because clearly, some higher power was trying to get him to check off everything on your list. 
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Which is how he finds himself inside the FurEver Home animal rescue, almost forty minutes away from the apartment. Like an idiot. A lovesick idiot.
There's an older woman behind the counter that a white cat is walking across and dangling red heart banners wrap around the back wall. Small cat condos are in the one corner with a Kitty Haven sign above a room. And on the opposite side, it's not that difficult to miss the distinct sound of several dogs barking.
"Hi, how can I help you today?" she smiles warmly.
And that's when he realizes what he's actually doing. 
"Uhm, yeah, I actually wanted to look at the dogs, if you - "
She's already moving around the counter, "Yeah, of course."
Why did this seem like a good idea again?
"You can put that over here if you want?" she shows him a little shelf, pointing at his shopping bag.
"Oh, uh, yeah."
What the actual fuck was he doing?
"Okay, hands to yourself. If there's one you want to really meet, I'll get them leashed up and everything. Was there a certain one or a breed you were interested in?"
Bucky shakes his head dumbly, "No, just wanted to look around, I guess."
The barking is insanely louder once the soundproofed door is opened. Everything smells of wet dog and he's actually kind of overwhelmed, unsure of where to look as she guides him down the first row of kennels.
"These guys here are some of our newer arrivals," her voice is raised to be heard over the barking.
"Rocco here is a mixed pit, two years old. He's better with a quieter home right now. And Jessie was brought in from the same place. Little skittish, but she's a real sweetie."
He looks down at the large pitbull that's standing up on its hind legs to see him. And the nearly identical female in the kennel next to him. His heart squeezes.
"We have Cookie over here. She's a Collie mix, about five years is what our vet estimates. Domino is our oldest pup, she's ten, but she is so good with kids."
The little graying dog wags her tail when he walks in front of her kennel.
Oh, this was such a bad idea. He wants to take them all. Could he take them all?
They round the corner and another row of kennels. Max, Coco, Puff, Pebbles, Sascha, Twix, and Kit all bark and wag their tails and excitedly hop up as he walks by. And he is hit by the fact that this was a really really stupid idea.
A final row of kennels.
He passes by Margo and Finn, but pauses at last before a Golden Retriever - the only dog actually laying on a bed instead of right at the door.
"This is Lottie - hi, sweetheart."
The dog hops up and walks over to them, nuzzling her nose against the kennel as the woman stops in front of her.
"She's three, very well behaved. Housebroken, knows your basic commands."
The dog isn't even looking his way, just sniffing against the door, trying to get to the woman.
"Her last owners couldn't afford the vet bills; had to give her up. But we got you all taken care of, baby, didn't we?"
It's only then that the dog turns her head and Bucky realizes, "She's blind?"
"Yes. She got SARDS and her previous family couldn't afford the treatment and surgery."
"Is she on medication or…?"
"No, not anymore. Antibiotics post-surgery and some pain relievers, but she's all healed up now."
He stares at the healed-over scars where her eyes used to be and his chest aches.
The woman seems to pause, taking in his expression. 
"Would you like me to grab a leash?"
He nods wordlessly, struck by the dog in front of him, sniffing around the edge of her kennel. 
She opens the door and the dog backs up with an excited little tail wag. With the command, she sits and the woman is able to get the purple leash attached to her collar. And then she hands it to him and oh, hey. This is happening. 
"Free to walk in here or right out on the main sidewalk. When you're done, just bring her back over to me or one of the other volunteers. These guys are microchipped, just so you know."
Oh, darn. Looks like opening all the kennels and stealing the dogs wasn't going to work out then.
"Oh, okay," Bucky says instead.
The woman moves on to the other kennels, before disappearing around the corner, giving him room with the dog. Bucky looks down at her waiting patiently in front of him. Slowly, he kneels down, offering out his hand.
She sniffs it, once, twice, before inching her face a little closer. 
He's awestruck.
Hesitantly, he touches her muzzle with gentle little strokes. She leans right into it.
"Hey, sweetheart. Wow, hey, hey."
Her tail thumps happily against the concrete floor.
"Yeah, you're coming home with me, aren't ya, baby?"
Distantly, he thinks he's being a touch insane. But Bucky just stands up and slowly starts to walk her down the back row. Watching how Lottie stays right along his left side, her head occasionally bumping against him. When they reach the end of the row, he guides her with the leash to turn around and she does it perfectly. 
"Good girl," he rubs a hand between her ears as she pants.
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The woman doesn't seem the least bit surprised when he meets her up front only a minute later.
He signs the adoption paper and the license registration. Gets coupons for a pet store and a vet visit. Is given several pamphlets about bringing a new dog home. And one very specific paper about blind dogs which he spends far more time reading over than the other ones.
The volunteer recommends getting a harness or collar that signals her disability to others and something called a Halo? It all just kind of keeps hitting him in waves with that underlying what the hell did I just do?
And then he's standing in the middle of the icy sidewalk with his dog. His Dog.
Ooh, boy. That's a crazy thought, ain't it?
He looks down at Lottie who's just patiently sitting on his left side, panting lightly.
"Come on, girl. Let's get you home."
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The apartment is still dark when he walks in. Lottie remains on her leash - he'll have to lead her around the place first. Opening the contents of the shopping bag, he grimaces as he hurries to put the very warm ice cream into the freezer.
And then he hears a tired groan from the bedroom, "That you out there, handsome?"
His breath catches as he looks down at Lottie and back at the bedroom door.
"Uh…" he stalls. "I'm not sure if I'd go that far?"
"I'll be the judge of that," you call back playfully. "You got the goods?"
He nods with a silent laugh, unbagging the last few items as Lottie sits at his feet, sniffing the kitchen counter. Bucky pets her head affectionately. 
"Yeah, I knew a guy. He cut me a deal."
Your laugh brings warmth to his chest, "That's my man. I hope it was a good deal?"
There's a rustle of sheets and then your very distinct footsteps. And then a gasp.
"I think so," Bucky says with a shy smile.
"You didn't," your voice is adorably high pitched as you stare.
"I did."
You continue staring with a gaped mouth.
There's a jolt of nerves that hits him then. The realization that maybe this wasn't actually a good idea. And, hey, maybe you should have been there to pick a dog you actually wanted. And he should have at least told you or hinted at the possibility instead of just running out and literally adopting a dog.
But then you're crossing the room and crouching down next to Lottie.
"Hey there, pupper. Hi - awww!"
She leans right into your waiting arms as you rub down her sides and scratch behind her ears.
"You got a name, sweetie?"
Your eyes are glued right to her, a lovestruck look on your face.
"Lottie," Bucky says. "But we could change it if - "
"No," you stare up at him with admiration. "No, I like Lottie." And then you turn your attention back to the dog, "Yes, I do! Yes, I do. Oh, you are an angel, aren't you? What a pretty girl!"
He loves the way you wrap yourself around the dog, emitting all your affection onto her. Not even bothered by the obvious scars on her face. Seeing a dog in need of love and giving her all you've got.
And then you're standing up and squaring him with a lopsided smile.
"You're an idiot, you know that right?"
Bucky tries to look offended, but he just smiles. "Yeah. But I'm your idiot."
"Ah, ah, ah!" You chastise, a hand reaching down to rest on Lottie's head, "Our idiot."
He can't help but roll his eyes as you lean down and continue petting the dog.
"Yeah, I hope you're ready for the full force of this guy's stupidity, Lottie. He comes home looking like a mess almost weekly. Can't even take off his boots at the door like a normal person."
Bucky coughs loudly, "Anyway, dinner?"
You don't even pay him a bit of attention. "And the smell. Doesn't even take a shower after a long mission. I hope your little doggy nose can handle it or maybe we'll just hose him down."
Fixing him with a pointed look, "Could you get anymore cliched for Valentine's Day?"
He grumbles, feeling oddly left out now that you've placed all your attention on Lottie.
You smile, standing once again to press a kiss to his nose, "A man after my own heart."
Circling his arms around your waist, he tugs you against his chest, "All it took was the promise of takeout?"
"And a dog."
He nods, "And a dog."
You press a kiss to his lips.
"Oh! And taco socks," you wiggle your foot happily.
Another kiss, and then a longer one, and then a peck. He stares into your eyes, cupping your cheek with everything he has about to burst from his chest with love love love.
"I love you."
Your smile is sweeter than candy as you lean into his hand, "Love you too."
Lottie makes a little whining sound and you break away. Bucky ruffles her fur a bit, already planning a list out for all the things he would need to buy her.
Moving around him, you eye the goods on the counter - snatching the Midol up quickly.
 "You got my ice cream?"
He winces, keeping his face focused on Lottie, "Uh… it might have melted?"
You gasp.
"Way to go, Bucky. Just ruin my whole day, why don't you?"
Bucky gaps for a moment, then points at Lottie, "Look, sweetheart! I got you a dog!"
Another gasp of surprise as you move down next to him.
"Well, would you look at that! Guess I'll just have to forgive you then, won't I?"
Lottie thumps her tail against the floor, a smile seemingly on her face as she pants. Bucky pulls you in with one arm and kisses you soundly on the lips.
The day might not have gone as planned, but he thinks everything might have worked out the way it was supposed to after all.
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Permanent Tag List: @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ | @diinofayce​ | @juniorhuntersam​ | @lambs-to-the-cosmic-slaughter​ | @majesticavenger​ | @outofmilk​ | @redhairedfeistynerd​ | @s-trawberryv-eins​ | @smilexcaptainx​ | @slowly-drifting-again​ | @weasleyworshipper​ | @ya-lyublu-tebya​
Permanent Bucky Tag List: @livvy-barnes​
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simply-not-an-egg · 3 years
The Next Karate Kid - A Probably Very Opinionated Commentary by Yours Truly
I really am trying to go into this with an open mind; let’s see how this goes.
Starting off with a military band? K sure, you do you sweetie, and I don’t hate it yet so that’s a positive
Aha, a military REUNION, I see. And look at Miyagi with his medal!! Sweet!
So I think if I remember from reading the plot on wikipedia that Miyagi new this guy who was married to the woman he just said hello to
Y’all they got Miyagi’s name wrong. His first name is Nariyoshi not Kesuke. That is his middle name. Although in saying that, I feel like that was more or less revealed in Cobra Kai so idk, anyway, for future reference, Miyagi’s first name is Nariyoshi
Also Louisa Pierce? I assume grandmother of Julie? That would make sense
Ooh we’re in Boston for this, and look at that big white house
Yes, Louisa is grandmother, oh and hello Julie!
Julie is unhappy, a little moody, sweetie are you okay?
Alright so Julie’s an orphan! Why does Miyagi keep picking up either somewhat or completely orphaned children?? I mean, I guess that’s good but also, why?
Ooh yay Miyagi advice about losing parents and grief!
Alright so now Louisa’s gonna fuck off to California while Miyagi takes care of the child
Said child who has now snuck into some place - OH THAT”S RIGHT THE SCHOOL AND THE BIRD
Yes I remember this from wikipedia plot
I like birdy, birdy is nice, and yes Julie talk to birdy, birdy is unjudgemental friend
Now time for the Animal Studies me to take over, that wing is NOT bandaged securly at all. Wing bandages should be wrapped around the wing and on the body, to keep the damaged wing still, thank you very much
Police have come! Julie gonna get arrested, maybe? Unless girl escapes, although that’s evading police then, and now she threw a torch, that’s attempted assault. Idk what it’s like in the USA, but in my state (Queensland, AUS) that’s a $5,500 fine and 50 days in jail (evasion), and a $5,338 - $8,007 fine and 6 - 12 months in jail (police assault, depends on severity)
Have fun in prison, Julie! Oop, nevermind she’s home again
Anyway, I wonder what Daniel’s doing at this time. Wiki says Julie was born in 1977, which is a whole ten years after Daniel, and considering she’s in high school I’d say she’s about 16/17 in this movie, which brings us to like 1993/1994. Perhaps this was around the time he met Amanda, maybe even started dating her? They got married in 1998 (I believe), so it would make sense for that to happen
Bonding moment for Louisa and Julie? No, nevermind
Miyagi’s happy! Love that! He’s going to make special birthday dinner!
Straight of the bat though like the dynamics are so different. Like the moment Daniel ever so much as raises his voice at Miyagi, the dude’s a little disheartened whereas Julie talks shit here and Miyagi’s like “haha, you’re funny, anyway, let’s talk about Japanese cuisine, yes?”
Okay but I LOVE the fucking ‘sayonara’ and dissapointed headshake like, man, Miyagi, legend
This school’s nothing compared to West Valley imo
Alos that little gang? Those coordinated outfits? Do y’all not have a personality? Feel like the Cobras get a win on being comfortable with their own skin whilst also maintaining such a well-formed group
You can see I’m biased, and I’ll probably remain biased, because, two seconds into seeing this Boston group and I’m already dissappointed by the lack of personality. Again, two seconds of Cobras and y’all know you’re in for a ride, and a good one at that
I like the little garden corner that Julie’s at it’s very nice and peaceful
Back to the group, they look like real dickheads. Also, Ned? Shit name for a ‘bad boy’. Also, please stop trying to coerce Julie
I’ve seen this fucker for, what, a minute, if that? And I absolutely hate everything about him. I also don’t like how he sorta just, enters?? Like, at least with the Cobras we knew what their intentions were right off the bat. Here, well, what does Ned want Julie for? Why does he want her with him and his friends? Like, please establish that before anything else
Also why he standing like a Roblox character
The Alpha League? Really? Y’all really tryna be cool with that aren’t ya? Do I smell some toxic masculinity? I think I do?
Ew I hate that school bell
Please get out of the girl’s bathroom sir
Not the fucking wing bandage again, jesus christ. And shot in the wing?? Y’all really gotta have that shit strapped then, STOP LETTING THE BIRD MOVE HER WING THAT IS GOING TO DAMAGE IT MORE
“I’ll call Dominos Pizza and have them deliver 48 pizzas to your house in the middle of the night” ma’am that is a dream come true, first of all, and second of all, please work on your threats, thank you
Okay but is this military training or phys ed??
Miyagi looks so nice in his checkered shirt! Anyway, I swear that’s like the only thing I love about this movie, Mr Miyagi that is
Teacher just slapped a kid and choked him, alrighty then
Oop and here comes Miyagi, defending kids since 1984!!
Love that. “Boy, you okay?” like just the delivery of this line it’s so neutral I love it
Ah yes, threatening a bastard with a story about a bull, the best
Honestly stan how passive-aggressive Miyagi is at any given time
Yeah okay but honestly it would be better for that bird to be taken away considering that god awful bandaging job
“It’s just a car” EXCUSE YOU JULIE, as a car person myself I take PERSONAL offence to that. That’s not just a car, that’s his child, his other half, his soulmate, his everything, thank you very much
That’s right tell her off for saying that, good lad
On a sidenote; my video quality is shit, like super shit, because I’m streaming on Netflix and there’s a few other people in the house using internet so like, :(
“For a while he was sending money and then one day he just stopped” ah yes, every child of divorced parents can relate to this statement very well
i’m sorry but the music is so cheesy
anyway, i was gonna say that this movie lacks something, and i remembered what it is, and that is love. Like with KK1, 2, and 3, you can tell a lot of love and heart and soul went into making those movies (maybe not as much with 2 and 3, but it was still there and in good amounts). Meanwhile, this just feels like a cashgrab (which it is, and a very failed one at that)
Like, when will people learn that well-crafted media will get you better reviews/more money/whatever? 
I hate this fucking background music so much jesus christ please kill it
Please tell someone about the hawk i am worried for its health
The fact that Miyagi has lived with Daniel so long to a point where he’s forgotten he has to actually knock on doors (because you bet your ass Daniel was and still is the type of person who really just doesn’t give a single fuck about who sees him doing what)
This poor man tbh. So ashamed of himself
“Boy is easier” 100% I will agree, hence the reason I’d like sons in the future. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d like at least 1 daughter as well but holy hell are females complicated (and I should know because I am one)
“Don’t order me around” sweetie, he isn’t ordering you, he’s making a helpful suggestion. Please stop the Miyagi slander, my man does NOT deserve this treatment
Miyagi, love you bb, but please don’t waste your advice on Julie at the moment
Speaking of, I greatly dislike Julie, but you know why that is? Because she’s really not been fleshed out as a charater, unlike the others we see in the KKU. Like her one redeeming quality is that she looks after a bird, but even that isn’t redeeming to me because she isn’t caring for it properly, like please take it to a fucking veterinarian
I feel like I’d enjoy Julie more if she was actually fleshed out but like, no, no, she’s just a whole “I’m an orphan so I’m always angsty grr” character and I just - I’m disappointed
Same goes for the other characters; again, the only thing/person I love about this movie so far is Miyagi, and with the way it’s been in these first 25 minutes, I doubt that’ll change
Yeah no I really fucking hate Julie. “You can’t even speak English” she says, even though she has understood every single word Miyagi has said thus far
Ah yes because people can definitely jump on cars and cars can definitely go unnoticed for such a long period of time in a quiet neighbourhood
I honestly feel like giving up on this movie like it’s so bad
But I want to see more Miyagi so 😬
No offence to Hilary Swank but her line delivery could do a bit more work during the ‘emotional scen’ with her and Miyagi
And again, music, hate it
I am literally willing to turn this movie off even if it means I don’t get to see more Miyagi content
Like I can not express my displeasure for this movie enough
Yes, Miyagi, same, I hate the 12am rock concert in Julie’s bedroom to. Like please, gurl, some of us have sleep schedules
Okay so now Julie’s worried about her appearance?? Y’all just made my hatred for her character rise again. When was she ever worried about that? imo this is just put in there to make people remember that she’s still “girl uwu 😙✌”
Haha, yes, pay Miyagi with the homework that’s right
Bet he did that with Daniel after the tournament like “you do homework, I teach karate”
Okay so I’ve sat through 33 minutes of this bullshit and I am going to quit for today. I’m sorry to anyone that does like this movie, but like I really don’t, it sucks in so many ways. Words cannot describe the sheer amount of dissapointment I have for this. Like, it could have been good! The idea is solid and the base of the characters is somewhat okay! And yet they made this shit instead of something actually worthwhile!
I will continue tomorrow, but for now I just need a break from this before I hit something.
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ohtheseboysilove · 5 years
The sunflower always finds its sunlight VIII [Roger Taylor x F!Reader]
Words : 4, 200 K +
Warnings : language, mention of deppression, angst, eating disorders, so much drama
Summary :  Roger likes Reader since forever but the timing seems to just never be right for them. Reader is still haunted by her past relationship and kept rejecting Roger who know nothing about the abuses she had been victim of. After being rejected for the sixth time,  Roger thinks it’s time for him to move on…
Note : finally back and things are moving a lot in this chapter, hope you like it !
☀ Masterlist ☀
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The following months had change your relation with Roger, you were living together, obviously it was a big deal. Things haven’t been the easiest, you fought and cried a lots but at least, it was working. Slowly but surely. You had to spend most of your day around Roger, following him the studio practically every day, it was annoying sometimes, feeling a like a kid needed to be watch but it was the truth, you weren’t a kid but you needed someone to stop you from doing these stupid things. Roger wasn’t as soft as he used to be about food, he wasn’t forcing you either but you could see in his eyes that you better eat your plate. It didn’t work every time but you were looking a bit better, less tired and less thin. Your pills to sleep were now working and this was probably the best part, having a complete night of sleep had been a dream for years. You were still fragile but you were surviving for now, Roger was never far, always an eye on you. Sometimes you felt guilty because his whole life was revolving around you, helping you and it made you feel like a burden. But it would be even worse if you ended in a hospital. At least maybe, you hoped, in few months you could go back to your place and gave back the drummer his freedom.
“We’re done for the day, love” Roger’s gentle voice rang to your ear as you blinked slowly, yawning softly and stretching your sore muscles. With your poorly condition, every effort you did was exhausting you and you took nap every where and every time you could, Roger found hilarious how quickly you could fall asleep. “Good nap ?” He murmured as you sat up on the sofa, trying to shake the sleep off your body.
“Mmm, pretty good yeah” You ran a finger in your messy hairs and licked your dry lips, slowly waking up. “Did you make some progress on the album ?”
“We...fought a lot but we’re going in the good direction” He winked and ignored Brian’s death glare toward him. “Let’s go back home, I’m fucking starving” He grabbed your hand and helped you get back on your feet before waving a quick goodbye to the rest of the band, barely giving you enough time to do the same.
“Maybe we could stop and grabbed a pizza at Domino’s ?” You said as you pressed your body against Roger’s to catch some of his warm. Even if it was only the beginning of Autumn, London’s evening were mostly fresh.
“Yeah ? We could buy some of these cookies you like so much” You nodded softly even if the thought of eating greasy food and sugar made your stomach twisted. But the way his face lighted up at your agreement was worth it, you would find a way later.
Roger was making you follow a strict schedule food coming from your nutritionist, to help you gain kilos back quicker and in a healthy way but sometimes, like tonight, he would authorised some cheating. You were glad he did because you loved these pizzas and you were pushing away the thought about how bad it was for your weight, just trying to enjoy a nice evening with Roger like it was before.
You sang softly as the radio was playing a popular song of David Bowie, Roger was driving – never he would let you drive his car – and he parked at the sight of the Domino’s pizza shop, you followed him inside and immediately regretted it. The smell of hot cheese and greasy food was making you sick. The calories of each pizza were hanging on the wall -- next to the ingredients -- and you felt your chest compressed at the numbers. Way too much. The sight of men in the kitchen, putting tones of ingredients on the cooked dough or the oil stains on the pizza boxes wasn’t helping at all.
“Rog, I changed my mind, can we just go back home ?” You murmured as you tugged on his hand, tears pooling in your eyes.
“What’s going on, love ?” He asked you, worry immediately flowing on his face.
“I...I just...it’s too much, I can’t eat that” You breathed. “I thought I could but I can’t, please” He nodded softly and you both made your way out of the shop, your body shaking a bit. “I’m sorry, I’m so fucked up”
“Hey, that’s fine, love. You tried at least, okay ? It was your idea and just that it’s a good new. Let’s go home and have a lighter dinner” You sniffled but let out a little giggle when he pressed a kiss on your neck, tickling you with his hairs. You sat back and you were feeling so much better, pizza wasn’t for today but it was okay. “Remember what your psychologist said ?” Roger asked with a knowing smile.
“One day at a the time” You replied. It was your mantra and you needed to stick to it.
One day at a time, each day is different.
“Roger, seriously !” You groaned when you found again one of this dirty underwear on the bathroom floor. The washing machine was only few meters away but he always let them on the floor anyway. “You’re a fucking pig” You threw it on him as he was seating on the sofa, the band was around to work a bit.
“Hey !” He whined when the underwear ended on his hairs. “You really had to do that ?” He grunted and threw it back at your feet, putting a hand in his hairs.
“And do you really have to let it on the floor ? I’m not your maid Roger” You exclaimed with an annoyed hummed. “And would it kill you to smoke on the balcony ? The smell of cold cigarette is awful” You wrinkled your nose with disgust as the blond crushed his finished cigarette on the ashtray, rolling his eyes.
“Jesus Christ woman, I’m working alright ? I need to smoke if you don’t want me to throw Brian out of our window !” You pinched your lips and collected the empty beer bottles on the coffee table, you couldn’t support the dirt these days, anything to take out of your mind your weight and appetite. Cleaning was your thing. For now. “I can clean that later” He grumbled and you only gave him a death glare, you both knew he would take him days.
You stormed out of the living-room and Roger sighed loudly, his head falling back on the sofa.
“Well, your roommate sound lovely” John joked as he took a sip of his tea.
“We’re fighting for stupid things, it’s exhausting” Roger groaned before chewed furiously in a pastries. He actually had food in his flat because you went shopping when he didn’t have time. Now he was feeling guilty, you were doing a lot for him and he wasn’t really nice sometimes.
“This was a couple fight” Freddie commented, his head bowed as he was writing quickly on a paper. Roger scoffed and crossed his arms. He wished he was right. “Oh don’t give me this pity look Roger, the two of you are acting more and more like a couple every day, it’s absolutely hilarious” The singer slid his pencil on his right ear and patted his bandmate’ shoulder. “She likes you, a lot” He winked and stood up, mumbling something about the tea being too soft.
“We are...not a couple” The blond shrugged and glanced at his two other friends. “Do you think she likes me ?”
“I would say she loves you but it’s only my opinion” Deaky said casually and Roger blushed furiously. “Now, go see her and say your sorry, it must be hard to stay at someone’s else place. Especially when you don’t let her pay any rent, she must feel uncomfortable about that, little genius” Brian nodded, agreeing with Deaky and Roger pouted but jumped on his feet anyway.
The drummer entered the kitchen to find you doing the dishes, fingers rubbing furiously with the sponge on a plate. You pretended to not hear him and quickly dried the plate.
“I’m sorry I let my clothes on the floor. Again” He murmured as he slid his arms around your waist, pressing a small kiss on your ear. “I’m gonna make more efforts, kay ?”
You shivered at his proximity but relaxed like every time you were in his arms.
“It’s your place, Rog, I shouldn’t tell you what to do” You replied and put the plate away.
“It’s our place, (Y/N). You know I love having you around, even when we fight” He squeezed gently your hips. “I like finding you snuggling on the sofa when I come home, it’s less quiet with you here” Your lips curled into a little small and he giggled victoriously. “You’re way prettier when you smile, love. Now, let these dishes here, we’re going out” Another kiss on your hairs and he moved away, closing the water tap.
“Where are we going ?” You asked with an arched brow as you dried your hands on your jeans, feeling better now that Roger and you were on good term again.
“To get some decent dinner, love” He grabbed your wrist and walked back in the living-room as Freddie was pouring more whisky in his tea, smirking when he saw them holding hands. “Guys, we’re going out, don’t wait for us” He ignored royally Brian’s whining and instead, grabbed his jacket and opened the door.
“Oh Bri, let the kids have a bit of fun” You smiled at Freddie’s words and followed eagerly the drummer.
“Love, please” Roger was trying to make you eat your breakfast for the past ten minutes and it was becoming a bit annoying. He didn’t understand that you just couldn’t. “You can’t go to work with nothing but tea in your stomach” He moved his chair next to yours and rubbed your knee softly. You were back to work, only part time but at least you were doing better.
“Rog...not today, please” You looked at the toast covered in butter and apricot jam with pure disgust and instead, took another sip of your hot tea. “I will eat more at lunch” You pleaded but he shook his head, your puppy eyes weren’t working on him anymore, he was taking his role very seriously.
“You know very well that not the good way to do, love” He grabbed a knife from his plate and cut in half your toast before sliding it back to you. “Come on, eat just the half at least”
You sighed and took a bite of the toast and Roger focused back on his breakfast, shoving eggs in his mouth so quickly it made you frowned. Animal. You swallowed with difficulty the bread and drank a big sip to help. The sweet taste was tickling your tongue and even if it was incredibly good, the calories into it was still on your mind. You cursed yourself, you wanted to stop thinking about that. This was the old you.
“I don’t...I don’t really like eating in the morning Rog, it always been like that, not just when I’m...sick” You said in a weak voice, pushing away the toast before leaving the table, not wanting to see his pity gaze.
The next morning, you reluctantly made your way to the kitchen and put the kettle on and froze when you saw Roger was already up. He was always waking up after you, and he only doing it to make sure you ate before leaving for work. He was cutting several fruits in little pieces and slid them into a brand new blender before throwing you a wink behind his shoulder.
“What are you doing ?” You asked and peered above him to see the bananas, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries turning furiously into the blender, almond milk added to the mix. He hummed mysteriously and waited until the mixing was completely liquid before pouring it into a large glass.
“For you” The drummer slid the glass in front of you, putting a straw in the drink with a smile. You blinked a bit surprise and his smile softened. “You said you don’t like to eat but I know you like tea and juice so...smoothie ?” He looked at you expectedly and you took an experimental sip before humming in contentment. It tasted really great. A bit heavy to drink but still better than actually chewing. “Good ?”
“Delicious” You immediately drank more and soon enough you had finish your glass, feeling completely full but pretty good. “You didn’t have to do that Rog, that’s really nice of you. I don’t know what to say” You blushed under his loving gaze and quickly put the glass into the dishwasher.
“Brian gave me the idea, said you could have an entire meal in a drink” Roger shrugged and threw in the bin all the fruits peeling. “And later, I’m gonna call your nutritionist to have several recipes good and healthy for you and –“
You threw your arms around his neck and crashed your lips on his. The kiss didn’t last long, maybe five little seconds but it was enough to make Roger’s eyes almost popped up from his skull. You were as surprise as him. You looked at each other, in awkward silence, waiting for the other to say something.
“I...I’m sorry Rog, I don’t know what take over me” You murmured with flushed cheeks. You couldn’t believe you just kiss him without even thinking about it before. It felt great to not overthink for once. “It’s was just so nice from you, everything you do for me, I...”
The drummer stayed quiet, his blue eyes dazed like he was thinking very deeply about something. It worried you a bit. Roger Taylor was never silent.
“Can you say something ?” You repeated, a nervous smile plastered over your features.
“You should have told me” Roger whined. You furrowed your brows, trying to follow what it was supposed to mean. “You know for how long I’m waiting for this kiss ? Years. And suddenly you decided to kiss me without any warning for a smoothie ? I didn’t even had time to kiss you back !”
You clasped your hands on your mouth to swallow back a laugh, amused by his childish reaction.
“Well...maybe we can do better at our second kiss” You said casually but inside you were screaming. Did you just say that ? You didn’t know what was happening to you but you were very proud of this new (Y/N). Maybe these four months of living with Roger were finally getting you.
“Are you sure ?” The drummer breathed out, the excitement was bubbling into his stomach at your words, this couldn’t be real.
You didn’t answer and instead took two steps to him, until you could feel his breath tickling your face, heart beating loudly against your chest. Maybe you wouldn’t be brave like that before a long time so it was now or never. And it surprise you but you wanted to kiss Roger, you wanted it badly. His delicate lips were parted with surprise and his pretty eyes were looking for any hesitation into your gaze but he found none. He bowed his head a little and brushed almost timidly his mouth on yours, slowly like he was worried you would run away if he intensified the kiss. So you took the matter in your hands and slid them behind his neck and put his on your hips before deepening the kiss, the feeling making the butterflies in your stomach crazy. Roger’s fingers gently squeezed your waist and gave you an Oscar-winning kiss, lips perfectly melting against each other, his warm tongue slid into your mouth and he moaned lowly at the friction. Your brain was totally disconnected and it felt great, the only thing that was mattered at this moment was Roger’s delicious lips kissing you like if his life was depending on it. You broke the kiss when your lungs started to burn at the lack of air and you pressed your head against his, a little chuckle escaping your swollen lips.
“Way much better” Roger murmured, his mouth red and puffy and he ran a tongue on it, his blue eyes sparkling with joy. “I could get use to that” He murmured almost timidly, testing the water to see if it was a one-time thing or you wanted more like him.
“Me too” You replied in a shaky voice, you couldn’t remember why you were afraid to get involve with him in the first place. He would never hurt you in purpose, you knew that and now you almost regretted that you wait so long before kissing him. It felt so right, so warm and intimate, you felt safe and loved.
“Yeah ?” The drummer smiled, his fingers cupping your face and put another quick kiss on your lips, an amused giggle echoing in the room. You rested your head against his shoulder, savouring for few minutes this perfect and unplanned moment before the blond brought you back on earth. “I hate to say that, love but...you better leave now for work before you’re late”
You gasped at the sight of the time on the clock and ran into all the flat, picking your bag and jacket, babbling about how you hated being late and it made Roger laughed.
“I see you this afternoon ?” You asked at the front door, chest panting after all the running. “We could...hum discuss about us”
“You got your appointment with your psychologist after work love, then your yoga course” He tapped the schedule hanging on the door fridge and you cursed, always forgetting something. Yoga classes was Roger’s idea to make you go out of the flat and make some exercise and, surprisingly, it was working, you really liked it. “But tonight Freddie is throwing a massive party, I’m supposed to go but I can cancel and–“
“Can I come ?” Roger seemed surprise but nodded positively immediately. “I mean, I’m feeling better these past days, thanks to you and...yeah, I didn’t see the girls for so long, it could be good for me” You said a bit nervous but he pressed another kiss on your mouth and you forgot all your worries, Roger will be here, everything was going to be fine.
“I’m really proud of you, my love” The drummer murmured against your lips before letting you go with a wink. “See you tonight”
The party was already insane when you stepped a foot inside the giant manor of Freddie. And he wasn’t even here yet ! You called Roger before leaving the flat and he told you they will run a bit late, studio things to do before they were free to go. You spent the first half-hour with Chrissie and Veronica, catching up about each other life and you even told them about the kiss with Roger. They were ecstatic about it, beaming about how good you could be together and that they were happy for you to finally moving on from your complicated past.
Really, everything was fine until you saw Donovan sprawling on a couch with two girls, like he owned the place.
“What he is doing here ?” You murmured to Chrissie, your gaze stuck on his frame, praying he wouldn’t see you. “Who invited him ? Wasn’t he supposed to be back in America ? ”
“Hum, I don’t know but I mean he is still friend with the boys so...” The brunette shrugged, not thinking it was a big deal and took another sip of her red wine, complaining about her husband not still being here.
“You’re okay (Y/N) ?” Veronica put a hand on your shoulder and you swallowed nervously.
“Yeah, I’m alright. Just don’t want to see him, that’s all” You lied and chunked down your champagne. You looked toward the front door, praying that Roger would arrived quickly, if he was here, everything would be just easier. “I’m going to take some fresh air” You announced and stood up, Veronica imitated you.
“I’m going with you” She smiled but you could see her concerns in her eyes.
You both walk in silence to the garden, picking the quiet part where no one was here, she was like you with crowd, not really comfortable. You sat on a bench and talked about random subjects for ten solid minutes before she asked the question which was burning her lips for the past hour.
“What happened with Donovan ?” She cursed loudly and sighed. “I’m sorry, it’s probably none of my business but I’m just worried for you. I mean, you’re always a bit...weird when we talk about him, even after all these years”
You gaze fell on your chipped nails polish, wondering what you should answer to veronica. You didn’t want her to think you were still into this man or bitter because you weren’t together anymore but there no way you would tell her the truth either.
“It’s...complicated Ronnie, he was a big part of my young adult life and he...did some things to me which really hurt me and I can’t forgive him so yeah, I don’t really like seeing him because it make me think about these moments and I don’t like that” You mumbled, fidgeting your fingers with the hem of your shirt, praying she would just drop the subject now.
“I can imagine how hard it is for you with the boys still friends with him...I guess they don’t know that, right ?” She asked in a gentle voice, her hand squeezing yours.
“No and I want it to stay like this, okay ?” She nodded and before you could add something, the man of the conversation walked into the garden, wearing his brighter smile.
“Hey ladies” He winked at Veronica and grabbed her hand to give it a light kiss. “You look dashing, my dear” Veronica gave him an awkward smile and furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Chrissie coming right after him.
“Donovan wanted to see you (Y/N)” She said with a little smile, not sure if it was a good idea but maybe having a discussion with him could be good for you. She couldn’t know it was the last thing you needed.
“I think we need to talk, Chrissie told me you still hate me after all these years since we broke up” He sat next to you and threw an arm around your shoulders, making you shivered. “We used to be such good friends before our relation went...down. It’s such a shame we can’t forget that and just move on” Your stomach was twisting with hate and disgust for this man, he was a very good actor for sure and Chrissie was falling right for it.
“I think it’s a good idea, I mean, since he decided to move back in London, we are going to see him a lot with the boys ! It’s the best if the both of you could stay in the same room without killing each other” She beamed and you were sure your face lost two shade of colour at her words.
“You’re back in London ?” You asked in a shaky voice, the weight of his arm on your body was making you froze.
“Yeah, miss my friends and family. Miss you too (Y/N), we had a lot of fun together and honestly, you’re more beautiful than I remember” Donovan grabbed your fingers and interlaced them with his and the girls exchanged a look between them. “Could you give us a moment, ladies ?” He winked at her and gave them his best charming smile so they nodded and left, Veronica glanced at you one last time but followed Chrissie anyway.
“We have a lot to catch, don’t we ?” His smirked made your sick and the old fear you used to feel around him came back in a matter of second.
Roger sighed happily when they finally arrived at Freddie’s place. He wanted to see you so badly, thought about you all day. About that kiss. And the us you said. He was on cloud nine. He went straight to the garden, the quiet spot, he knew it was your favourite place of the house. Especially when Freddie was hosting big party like this one. He was about to open the window to enter when he saw you. And Donovan was here too. Your back were pushed against a tree and the brunette was between your legs, body flushed against yours, kissing you ferociously.
His heart dropped into his chest, airs knocking out his lungs at his worst nightmare right playing under his eyes. Your hands were pressing against his torso, one of his hand cradling your face to deepen the kiss. The sight made him sick. You said you didn’t have any feelings left for Donovan but apparently it wasn’t true. The drummer pinched his lips and wiped away his glassy eyes before making his way back inside, feeling absolutely devastated. And highly stupid.
If Roger had arrive a minute before he would have saw you falling on the grass after Donovan had punch you right in the face. He would also see that he forced you into this kiss and that you were only trying to push him away. Not kissing him back.
But Roger arrived too late and left too soon to see you escaped from his tight grip, face swollen and soaked with tears.
tag list : @amy-brooklyn99 @mercurycrowley @vanitysfairr @loveandbeloved29 @luvborhap @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @geek-and-proud @fearless2tobeme @chlobo6 @stormtrprinstilettos @mrsmazzello @neckfruit @khaleesi2017 @jennyggggrrr
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hollandroos · 5 years
How Could I Not? | Seven
Playlist | Wattpad | Series masterlist
Summary: You and Tom are only supposed to be friends... friends who sometimes take things a step further and friends who can’t seem to spend longer then a few days apart. But that can all change with a positive pregnancy test and Suddenly you have to work together more then ever to prepare for the new life you created. But is it really that easy?
Words: 3361
Warnings: Lots of talk of adoption. Please don't read if that is a sensitive topic for you and hold back any nasty comments until you read future chapters, thank you!!
Please remember to reblog/comment/send an ask if you enjoyed this!!
Read the previous chapter here!
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It wasn’t really anyone's fault that you forgot there was food in the oven – what, with the gentle tune of the Beatles playing overtop of a chorus of everlasting laughter between the two of you, not to mention the snoring dog in the corner of the room. Something was bound to happen – it was you and Tom, for crying out loud.
“Dance with me,”
Tom says it as a statement, not a question. He wants – no, he needs you to dance with him. He needs to feel his arms wrapped securely around your waist, to feel your feet move in time with his. It was so cliche, really, but Tom lived for cliche.
He was the type of go out of his way to surprise his love with roses on his way home from work, one for every time he’d wanted to send a quick ‘I love you’ text that day but hadn’t been able to. The type to spend hours perfecting the best meal he could muster up and additionally, plate it with a glass of the best wine he could afford. The type to kiss in the rain, if he had the chance.
You open your mouth in protest, the smell of the cheesy pasta dish wafting around the kitchen. “The dinner–”
“Dance with me.” Tom all but smiles, words slipping from his mouth with such ease and suddenly you’re putty in the palm of his hand. And you don’t hesitate to mould into his body, allowing yourself to fall into him.
“Why did you want to dance with me?” You chuckle, leaning your head against him. You give in, allowing Tom to take you wherever he wants to go. That seemed to be nowhere and you find yourself swaying gently in the comfort of the area between the kitchen and the living room.
Tom shrugs his shoulders. “Jus’ felt like it.”
You hum, breathing in the scent of his cologne. You’d learnt that it was some kind of axe spray that he had cans of hidden around the apartment – such as in the kitchen cupboards and tucked away in his car. The song finishes and a new one begins, one Tom wasn’t aware of but the last thing he wants to do is complain about the pre-nineties tune when he has you right there, humming gently along with the lyrics.
Your eyes are closed and you look at peace as he rocks you two back and forth, feet both stuck to the floor as you sway. 
His heart beats prominently in his chest and it’s nearly impossible not to count every beat. Every beat tells you that he’s there with you, reminding you of the fact that you’re beyond lucky to have him. And funny enough, Tom was thinking the same about you. 
Your peace is short-lived, however, as mere minutes later there’s a horrid – god awful smell and you can’t even hide your disgust with your face in his chest.
“What’s that smell?” Tom mumbles, screwing his nose up.
And you want to ask the same question – before you gasp, eyes widening and you push yourself away from Tom making him stumble back slightly. For a few moments, the brunette stands in confusion before he himself is hit with the realisation.
“The food, Tom, we burnt it!” You exclaim, rushing to the oven. You hardly have time to slip the oven mitt over your hands but that doesn’t matter – because the second you open the oven door black smoke drifts out, flooding the kitchen. “Fuck, I told you we were going to burn it.” You curse under your breath, resisting the urge to cough as you turn the oven off.
“Sorry, love,” Tom says half-heartedly, resisting the urge to laugh at the sight of you looking so frantic. If it weren’t for the clouds of smoke painting your kitchen darker hues of grey then he would’ve laughed. Surely. “Got too distracted, maybe next time I’ll listen.”
He was distracted by your humming, and thoughts he couldn't simply shove away such as the thought that you fit against him so easily. Like two pieces of a wazzgij puzzle. 
“Maybe,” You taunt, bringing the meal out of the oven. It didn't take a second opinion to tell that it belonged in the bin, right ontop of the expired cat food. “Should we just order pizza?” You speak between coughs.
You continue to wave the towel around the living room, praying the smoke detectors won’t go off again. Toms antics had already set the alarms off once, nearly three months ago now and he seemed to be the only one in the entire evacuated building that found it amusing. He had stifled his chuckles in the rain, cheeks tinted red and hair flat against his forehead.
But now, the room stunk. The smell makes you screw your face up in disgust. That was definitely going to be the last time you were going to attempt to make a fancy meal.
“Pizza sounds good.” Tom agrees, feeling his stomach begin to rumble. And to think, the smell of the charcoal lasagna stole his appetite for a solid minute. “I’ll see to it, can I use your laptop?”
“Yeah, it’s sitting on the couch, I think.” You speak, raising your voice so he can hear from the living room. “Get me the cheesy one with the stuffed crust! That’s my favourite.”
“I already knew that,” Tom calls back, typing in the six letter password. “Dominos or pizza hut?” He asks, looking up briefly.
You’re humming a song in the kitchen, competing with the buzzing fridge but Tom can make out the lyrics to Hey Jude by the Beatles. The smell of the burnt lasagne barely bothers you anymore as you sway your hips to the song playing through the speakers and your lips. He smiles to himself, watching you prance carelessly around the kitchen with a flannel shirt pulled over you, tucked into a pair of denim shorts. Laptop and rumbling stomach forgotten, his eyes sparkle with joy at the sight.
He makes a small note to let you play your music more often, even if it wasn’t his favourite – because the light that adorns your eyes is simply captivating. He’s stuck in the best kind of trance.
Hey Jude, don't be afraid You were made to go out and get her
“Dominos. Pizza hut is nowhere near as good.” You tell him, testing the water with your fingertips. You wince when it’s too hot, pulling your hand to your chest and decide that the awaiting dishes can simmer a little longer. Tom grimaces and looks back at the screen. There’s a picture of you and Laura taken last summer, wearing matching dresses and oversized sunglasses hugging your noses. He can’t remember if he took that photo – it may have been Harrison.
That was the same holiday that the set of you took a road trip and found yourselves renting a caravan and setting it up next to the beach. Mornings were spent sleeping in – or for you and Tom, hiding beneath the sheets with childish grins on your faces while your friends slept and nights were spent sitting by the ocean, threatening to push one another in and sharing chicken and vegetable kebabs.
The minute you let her under your skin Then you begin to make it better
You were getting under his skin, making your way into his heart and you were yet to realise it. That had happened long before your holiday trip. But he liked it. He liked the way your mere presence could make him feel like he was on top of the world and somehow – somehow, the glint in your eyes reminded him of the stars that he could and would stare at endlessly every night before bed.
And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
“So cheese with a stuffed crust and Hawaiian for me?” He finds himself asking, cursor hovering over the ‘add to cart’ button. He was thankful for twenty-four seven delivery – a new addition that he often found himself succumbing too at one am. Maybe it was becoming a bad habit but he couldn’t say no. His self-control was discarded in the am.
“Garlic bread too.” You remind him, dipping your hand into the soapy water. Suds end where your wrist begins.
Tom directs the mouse over to the tabs, squinting his eyes at the bright light and nothing can stop him from pressing the extra tab, his pure curiosity overriding the fact that the two of you had an unspoken rule about invading the other's privacy. But he couldn’t stop himself when the eight letter word caught his eyes.
It started with an A and ended in N. The second letter was D, third O.
Tom bites his lip, switching tabs and silently deciding that the pizza can wait another moment.
‘Looking at adoption. Things you must know.’ ‘Adoption agencies UK.’
You know when people say that they felt their breathing stop? well, Tom did then – for sure. There’s also the feeling of his heart dropping out of his chest, plummeting into his chest.
One second it’s there, beating, pumping blood throughout his body and the next he’s stuck staring. Unmoving. There are not enough words in the human language to describe the confusion Tom experiences as he tries to read the page with hazy eyes.
There’s a feeling of disbelief because Tom swore you wanted this as badly as he did – maybe not at first, but maybe the excitement hit after the first ultrasound. Or maybe it was when he dreamt about taking his little girl to the beach for the first time or coming home to a chorus of soft, baby giggles.
Toms had photos of outfit ideas for his little one already. He had a Pinterest board of parenting tips and had even started listing a couple of names. He liked Emilia for a girl and Sutton for a boy. Marlowe was on the list too, and Starlette. Harrison had suggested Luna and his mother had suggested Max. Maybe he’d fallen too deep into his own world and forgotten that you had your own.
The song finishes, the soothing voice of the Beatles fading out slowly. Just slow enough for your humming to fade out with it, and you look over to see your best friend unmoving in his spot and while you can only see him from the side on, you notice his hand, stiff over the cursor. Suddenly the burnt lasagna and boiling sink seems unimportant.
“Tom?” You prompt, stepping around the kitchen table. Bubbles drip off of your hand and land on the floorboards, a safety risk you’d remember to look at later.
He blinks once before scrolling, seeing a series of previously opened articles and his heart succumbs to nothing but broken, confused pieces.
“What’s this?”
He picks up the laptop and shows you what’s on the screen and you tense. Be it from frustration because he invaded your privacy or the fact that you’d been caught – the bench suddenly seems so cold beneath tense fingers.
“Why are you looking through my stuff–” You snap, biting into your gum to keep you from going off at him.
He grits his teeth, placing the computer down on the table and stands up. He’s tense, clearly, and knuckles are clenched at his side with so much might. Tom rarely got angry, in fact, he hardly ever found himself fuming but here he was. And here you were a mere few meters away.
“Were you going to tell me?”
“Tom,” You sigh, letting out a breathe as tears glisten in his eyes. Tom looked a good concoction of angry and deflated. Shocked too. “Of course I was going to tell you but I just needed… I needed more time to wrap my mind about this entire thing.”
“Were you going to tell me?” He asks again, only this time the words are more muffled and less coherent then before.
A sigh leaves your lips. One that said more then words could. On one hand, you want to run into his arms and mutter apologies – admittedly Tom looked really cosy right now. You’d much rather be bundled up in his arms, a warm blanket thrown over your shoulders then argue with him. But you also know that you need to stand up for yourself and what you were doing.
“You were so excited. I didn’t want to ruin that for you.”
“You can’t just… you can’t just consider other options and not tell me, not when you were so ready to go through with this.” He struggles to form words, finding that everything he wanted to say he probably shouldn’t.
The pets seemed to be completely unaware of what was happening. Both lay still, the cat purring softly against Tessa as if using her as a pillow. Much like Tom did when he was sleeping, Tess snores lightly. You and Tom both secretly wish that you could be as chilled as your pets, but don’t voice your thoughts.
It’s crazy that – how everything can fall apart so suddenly. One second you’re laughing over burnt lasagna, praying that the smoke detector won’t blare at any moment and arguing over what takeouts you’ll get instead because neither are you are decent cooks and the next you’re admitting that you probably tested your trust. And that now there may not be much to rebuild.
Swallowing back your nerves, you clench your fists at your side. “Don’t tell me not to consider other options. You don’t get to tell me not to do that.”
“But that baby is mine too,” Tom was seething with anger and you were about to collapse from feeling all too many things at once. You’d gone from a giggling mess to outright fearful of losing everything you’d built. “We’re in this together, remember that? We both agreed on that.” Tom lets out a shaky breath.
“We are in this together but we need to look at the fact that we do have other options too–”
Tom interrupts you abruptly. “You moved in here so that we could look after our baby together! I asked you to move in here to make things easier, that’s what we agreed on, was it not?”
“You asked me to move in because you wanted me closer in case anything happened to me or the baby while he or she is still inside me.” You correct, practically seething with frustration as he speaks. Every word made you feel smaller then the last. “This doesn’t mean that I don’t love the baby, Tom, of course not. How could I not love him? I’ve been tracking the growth, watching for signs that something could be wrong. Shit, I’ve been doing what I can, when I can.”
For a few moments, your words simmer in silence – at least what silence was possible overtop of the radio which played another one of your songs, only quieter this time and you weren’t in the mood to hum.
Tom was too busy trying to come up with the best thing to say but all he could come up with was eight words.
“I won’t let you give up our baby up,” Tom says, quietly but harshly. Bitterness laces every word, dripping from his lips like venom and you’re more then aware of it – as well as the fact that Tom had never spoken to you in that tone before and you were more then sure that you didn’t like it.
Our baby.
“We need to talk about this properly.” You try, far from fed up over arguing like children.
Tom agrees, but he can’t see much beyond the feeling of betrayal. If he could even call it that.
“I thought you wanted this, you know? You led me to believe that you wanted this and you were going behind my back–”
“You think I want to give the baby up? You think it doesn’t break my heart to consider other options?” You speak up, the urge to breakdown growing stronger. But you wouldn’t in front of him. “Jesus, Tom, we told your parents about the baby and they embraced us with open arms and promised to do what they could. We told mine and they walked out. I’ve texted my mum every day but I’ve heard nothing. I want my family back.”
“I think that you’re being selfish.”
You scoff. 
“Did you really just go there?” He doesn’t respond, swimming in his own guilt. “I’m not selfish for considering other options when I’ve given up so much already and if you can’t support me then so be it… but don’t tell me that I don’t have other choices here.”
Tom doesn’t know what else to say. He feels frozen in his spot, trying to take in and accept every word that falls from your lips but he can’t find it in him to respond. The sickly smell of burnt lasagna was long forgotten by either of you, as was his hunger that had since subside and was replaced by an overwhelming amount of frustration.
You, on the other hand, want to yell at him for not answering you. You want to demand an answer because the silence was deafening and you just needed an apology or at least the knowledge that you can talk about this with him instead of yelling and having to defend your side.
Gritting your teeth, you pick up the nearest coat which happened to be strewn over the chair and wrap it around you, then going back to the kitchen counter where you hastily grab your phone and car keys. The gentle jingling of the keys snaps Tom out of whatever haze he was in.
“I’m leaving, Tom, call me when you actually want to talk like adults – like two adults who are supposed to be bringing a baby into the world.” You spit, missing the remorse that crosses his face at lightning speed.
“Don’t go, we need to talk about this.” He extends an arm and tries to grab yours and for a second, he succeeds, right before you tug yourself from his grasp and glare.
“Why? So we can continue to argue?” You stop, waiting for Tom to answer but he doesn’t. He knows you’re right. “I don’t want to have this conversation like this and I won’t be made to feel like the bad guy when you refuse to even hear me out without losing your temper.”
A large part of you wants him to tell you not to leave, to say that you can sort this out in the morning when you’re both not angry about the invasion of privacy and about him getting mad at you for considering other options and additionally, for calling you selfish. And then maybe you’d apologise for not telling him.
Admittedly, you could admit your mistakes.
And if Tom told you again not to leave, then maybe you wouldn’t have stormed out of the apartment but instead to your bedroom where you’d stay until dusk. Then, you’d creep into his room and you’d discuss this when you were both calm and steam – highlighting your anger, wasn’t making its way out of your ears.
Tom is left in the apartment. He couldn’t necessarily say that he was by himself because he had Oscar and he had Tessa. And it’s Oscar that crawls onto his lap when he throws himself down onto the couch, head in his hands as he runs over every word thrown across the living room to the kitchen.
The cat brushes himself up against Tom, begging the man for a head rub and Tom does so without complaint – hand falling to the cats head. Usually, he would’ve grumbled about the cat... shoved him off and groaned but this time Tom gives in. 
Maybe it’s the guilt that suddenly turns him into a temporary cat person.
“She’ll come back, Osc,” Tom says, more or less trying to reassure himself then the cat. “She’s just going to Laura's for a bit.”
He chews on his bottom lip, fingers running through ginger fur.
You were going to come back. And until then, Tom would grovel.
Hey Jude, don't make it bad Take a sad song and make it better
Let’s talk about this chapter!
HCIN: @grayxswan @whatdaflerken @thataudreydork @h-natale @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @u-are-my-moonlight  @vendylewin @claredolphinbear24@slingingwingingspidey @voidklaroline @satellitespidey @tomhollandswh0re@bringmethehorizonandpizza @darlingimmafangirl @smalltownbigissues@hbmoore1986 @yeastystrumpet @timelock97 @spider-mendes@parkerstylesperalta @parkerspideyman @honeymoonparker @wirth-jackshit@honeymoonparker @sargentjamesbarnes @dumblani @its-lily-i-guess @queengemsworld @euphoricholland @mindfulwishing133 @taybugstuff @spideymood @xxxxdelenaxxxx @gioandreolli @danicarosaline @badhollandfluff @crazykenz-ie @morganthelittle @littlebluewoods @indecisivearia @theamuz @vintage-moonlight @itsrecklesscalum @annathesillyfriend @peter-prkr @scftholland @avengersassemblee @peter-prkr @its-lily-i-guess @scftholland @sadsadiesworld @sarah-moss2015 @@spideymybucky @sxbrxnx818 @tomsmelanin @hannahholland1811 @anxiousdesignerdancerbandlover @siriuslycollins @mutuallynotmutual @catstielanddeanthedog @kayla-m1996 @avenirectioner @toms-irish-girl @dullmiele @lokilove3112 @peterparkyourassonme @barneackles @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @rravenss @watsonundercover @tominhoodies @panemedited @ravynnn-12 @jake-peralta-b99 @thewackywriter @nickigv @clairesrainbow @strangerliaa @youcompletemesk @mjxmb @xcyber-queenx @fabtasticass @threatleveldundies @void-fire-rose @spidey-pal @shirukitsune
Everything tags: @cosmetologynerd @holland-ish @smexylemony @dej-okay@hollandsletters @ive-got-some-lies-to-tell @liz-gayllen@marvelismylifffe@lovelyh0lland @tomhollandandmarvelsworld @woah-jess@southsidefandoms@justannothermonday @its-claire-louise@sophiatomlinson23 @mockingjaygirl1221@joyfullyjenny@damnhisfaceisliketheskyatnight  @bride-of-loki-odinson @in-the-corner-coffee-please@futuremrsb-r-main @spideyyypeter @saturn-aka-six@c0prolalia @buckykinz@ashtonsbandannas @dennasaur @amyyleblanc1999@fnosidam@randomfangirl1701@maybeandperhaps @acciorinn @marvel-language @micki-smiles@justmesadgirl @converseskyline @niall2017@gavemylifetotomholland @tomuchmarvel@leslieandjensen @painted-soulss@practicallylivesonline @mischiefmanaged49 @its-the-unknownspidey@holyrose96 @for-my-mind @mlxbm @erindillon11 @captainbuckyy @shawnandhisroses @converseskyline @smitten0-0kitten @parkeroos @whileinparis @unicornio-vomita-mierdas @draqcnheartstrinq @rainyboo-posts @mikalaka @petxrpxrker @tony-starks-ego @thedaydreamingwriter @peter-quackson @kateelyse96 @lesbian-jesus-jr @wheresmyquill@elyshugh@hollanderheart @tomshufflepuff @marvelismylifffe @tomsh0lland @obsessed-fandoms @girl-in-the-chair @trashqueenbitch @dramatic-and-young @honey-honey-5644@parkerluvs @chingonaconcha @captainbuckyy @jes-sica1@tomsfireheart @Rainbow-marvel @spideysimpossiblegirl @spideys-gurl@thomasstanley-holland @mlxbm @ixchel-9275@parkerssweb @peter-parkersbb @tom-hollands-eyelash @starlightfound @vldlvj  @paradoxparker @lustfulcry  @mlxbm @musiclover1263 @justatheatredork@peterparkerscamera@fandomnerdsarecool @thequeensardine @cutesy-angst@httplayer @mischiefmanaged49 @loca-lola @softboyparkerr @desir-ae @dangerousluv1 @t-hotland @laucontrerasv @peter-parkersbb@whatdafricklefrackle @thatblondebelgiangirl @fairydustparker @they-call-me-le @jamiemac26@nephalem67 @underoos-tom @quaxon-holland@lovelyspidey @no-shxt-sherl @xlatinaaxx@starlightfound @mikexpeter @moonandstars-xo @httpmcrvel @evelyn120700@fromheroestodust@hollandfieldblurbs @ghostlypandacolorpersona@spazclaiire @curlyhairedparker @josierosie@unicornio-vomita-mierdas @icondy@euphoricholland @desir-ae @lovelyspidey @thelazypangolin@ameeravioli@ramen-tically @mellifluous-tom @mrs-webslinger @krazykiara @scottyisthatyou@@s0cial-retard @sithskywalkers @avenirectioner @cokemania147@awkwardfangirl2014 @thot–holland @tomsmelanin @tryn25 @marvelismylifffe @fratboievans @draqcnheartstrinq @mellifluous-tom @obsidiandolans @peter-parkersbb @slingingwingingspidey @darlingxholland @50shadesoflaurmani @tomhollandswh0re  @ixchel-9275 @hellaparker @vintagexquill @spidey-caps @parkerspideyman @particularnarry @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @magical-fandoms
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sleepover au
as @adler-obsessed suggested, a sleepover au with val, tanith, china and militsa. enjoy, also i know the ed is a bit messy but is late at night and i’m tired lmao
(setting supposed to be that they’re all in their late teens?)
 "You invited China?"
The look of horror on Tanith's face was something of comedic gold, and something Valkyrie knew she'd treasure forever; especially as it only grew worse with her spreading grin.
"Uh, yeah? Did you expect me not to?" Settling back against the cushions, Valkyrie swung her legs over the arm of the armchair. "And besides, you don't have to speak to her."
"China's a bitch. there's no way you had to say anything to her. God, Val, I hate you."
"Then leave." Valkyrie smirked. "I know you won't."
"No, because you've got the bloody Star Wars movies. That's all I'm staying for."
"Oh, really? Nerd," she shot back, smirking, and Tanith groaned.
"Shut up. I'm not a nerd."
"You're putting up with Mil and I's flirting to watch Star Wars," Valkyrie deadpanned. "You're a film nerd. I'm surprised you don't get on better with China, really."
"She's a book nerd, that's different. We're different breeds. God, I can't believe you betrayed me like this."
Valkyrie snickered at Tanith rolling over, smushing her face into the couch she laid on, but looked up when she heard the front door open. Only a few seconds past before Militsa was draping herself inelegantly over Valkyrie and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"Hey, gorgeous."
"Hey. You look comfortable," she responded with a laugh, sitting up to tug Militsa into her lap, who laughed as well.
"You're very comfortable. Hi, Tanith. Why do you look like you want to die?"
"Because I do," came the groaned answer.
Militsa paused, then cleared her throat. "Everything okay?"
"She invited China," was the dramatic, half-wailed response, and Valkyrie snorted loudly. 
"I'm allowed to invite who I want. It's my damn house."
"It's your parent's house, technically," Militsa pointed out.
Valkyrie kissed her cheek. "Hush."
"I'm going to trash it out of spite<" muttered Tanith, and Valkyrie lobbed a cushion at her head.
"Don't you dare."
"Ow. That hurt."
"You'll be hurting a lot more if you even dare. Do not trash this house."
Tanith rolled over, sending her a cheeky grin which had Valkyrie seriously doubting if it was a good idea to be here. There wasn't much she could do about it now, though - where there was Star Wars, there was Tanith. That was just how things worked.
Again, the door opened, and Valkyrie called a, "You're late!" to the newcomer, who arched a delicate eyebrow at her awkward seating as she perched herself on the arm of the couch Tanith occupied.
"I'm not late, you didn't specify a strict time. And when have you ever had grounds to complain about tardiness, Valkyrie?"
"You sound like my mother," she responded, earning her a laugh.
"Hopefully, it'll teach you something."
"Hopefully. I'm planning on-"
"Can we watch Star Wars now?" cut in Tanith, earning her an unimpressed huff from China. Valkyrie just grinned, though.
"You don't want popcorn?"
"Oh God, yeah, please. I'm starving," said Militsa, standing with a laugh. "Will I make it?"
"We're not waiting for you, then!" Tanith was already over at Valkyrie's DVD collection, making Valkyrie herself laugh. 
"I can recite most of the first bit anyway, don't worry about me!"
"Oh, are we about to have a nerd competition?" asked China, crossing one leg over the other with a smile.
"Shut up, China," Tanith shot over her shoulder. "You are absolutely a nerd."
"Yes, but not in the embarrassing way you are, Tanith."
"Ouch. Guys, can you both chill?" Valkyrie didn't move from her awkward position other than to pull a blanket over herself for her and Militsa to snuggle. "I didn't invite you both to bicker all night."
"Did you really expect anything else?" China looked sceptical, and Valkyrie just laughed.
"No. Shut up and watch the film," she said, snuggling down.
Surprisingly, China did as she was asked to, eventually moving to sit on the arm of the couch properly, and Valkyrie had to stifle a giggle at the opposite way she sat compared to Tanith - the former relaxed but upright, her legs crossed neatly at the ankles, the latter sprawled so strangely it was difficult to tell exactly how many limbs she had. Somehow, she was able to see the screen and eat the popcorn Militsa had brought in - both rather impressive feats.
They were almost halfway through the movie before Valkyrie swore. "Ah, shit. The pizza place will be closed soon."
"We're getting pizza?" Tanith may well have been shot from a cannon, she sprang up so fast, making the other occupants of the room laugh. Not a hint of shame crossed her features, though - just a wide grin.
"Er, yeah. Unless you've stuffed yourself on popcorn?" Militsa eyes the mostly-empty bowl by Tanith as she spoke, who shrugged and shoved it away unceremoniously. Popcorn ended up spilling on the ground, finally rousing Xena from her corner to go and stiff at it. Nobody seemed to mind.
"I'm still hungry," Tanith decided, giving a hopeful glance to Valkyrie, who was already pulling out her laptop.
"Cool. China, I'm assuming you'll want the most expensive one on the menu?"
"Please be quiet, Valkyrie," came the amused response, but she did wander over to look at the laptop screen, which was awkwardly perched on Militsa's lap, with Valkyrie leaning around her.
"You know what I want," chipped in Tanith, who's eyes had returned to the screen and who's mouth had returned to eating popcorn - even as she spoke, it scattered all over the floor. 
"Yes, yes," she muttered distractedly, resting her chin on her girlfriend's shoulder as she scrolled through the Domino's page. "Your god-awful pepperoni and pineapple on barbecue sauce."
Militsa made a vague gagging noise. "You what."
"It's good!" Tanith protested, but Valkyrie snorted. 
"Mil, you have fish pizza. I think that's worse."
"It's good!" Militsa instantly echoed, a scowl settling over her features. 
"Alright then, tuna-face," was Valkyrie's amused response, ordering the two their pizza, before glancing at China. "What do you usually have?"
"Home-baked pizza. I have a personal chef for a reason, Valkyrie." China didn't look thrilled with the idea of takeout, which made something occur to Valkyrie.
"Hold on. Have you ever actually... ordered a pizza?"
"Why on earth would I do that?" China asked, looking almost offended, and earning her looks from both Tanith and Militsa. "What?"
"Oh my God. Nothing. What do you want?" Valkyrie shoved the laptop towards China, who looked as if it were about to bite her as she scrolled through the web page gingerly, making Militsa giggle.
"Is something funny?" asked China sweetly, but that just intensified the giggles as Militsa nodded, hair bouncing wildly.
China sighed. 
Tanith and Valkyrie laughed too.
"Where are the options for the mozzarella?"
"Uh... You just have it. I don't know. It's cheese, China, it all tastes the same."
"It does not. There are all the different types of-"
"Shut up and just pick your bloody pizza, will you?" called Tanith. "My God."
A dramatic huff escaped China's lips, but she returned to ordering, looking less than pleased with the limited options and making Valkyrie have to stifle a laugh, pressing her face into Militsa's neck.
"Val, that tickles!" she complained, trying to shove her away, but Valkyrie held on tight, pressing a kiss there instead. 
"Does it?"
"Stop it- ow!" In her attempts to push Valkyrie off, accompanied by a lot of giggling, Militsa accidentally tipped the pair of them off of the armchair, ending up sprawled in one another and laughing her head off as Valkyrie used the opportunity to tickle her.
"Val- Val, I swear- Val, no!" Batting at Valkyrie's hands helplessly and barely able to breathe from laughter, Militsa's freckled face was already flushed red, making Valkyrie laugh as well and just tickle harder, already aware of Tanith filming the pair on her phone.
China, of course, barely gave them a glance.
Eventually, Valkyrie flopped on Militsa, who let out a huff as Valkyrie's larger weight was dropped on top of her like a sack of potatoes.
"You're a bitch," the redhead complained, kissing her cheek.
Valkyrie grinned. "Your bitch."
"Could the pair of you please get a room?" asked China, putting the laptop aside, and Valkyrie sprang up to see what she'd ordered and put it through, laughing at the way she'd managed to make even Domino's look fancy.
"Never," she said as she put the order though, sitting in Militsa's lap before she could get up again. "Aren't you used to this by now?"
China just rolled her eyes and settled back, eyes on the movie, but there was a small, amused smile n her face.
Valkyrie grinned.
When the pizza came, Valkyrie wasn't sure if she'd ever seen someone even half as excited as Tanith seemed - practically dancing as the boxes were laid out.
"It smells so good!" she exclaimed, dumping herself on the floor to grab some. Militsa and Valkyrie followed suit, but China seemed more hesitant.
"Is there no cutlery?"
Even Tanith stopped chewing, cheese and barbecue sauce somehow all over her face already. "What? It's pizza, China."
"Yes, and? You eat meals with a knife and fork, don't you?"
"Not pizza." Tanith looked shocked by the very idea.
"But...You're touching it."
A pause. 
"With your hands."
Another pause, this one longer.
China and Tanith seemed to regard each other for a long moment before Valkyrie cut in. 
"China, there's cutlery in the kitchen, if you're that fussy."
"I am not fussy," she said instantly. "I just don't appreciate being covered in grease and sauce." The latter comment was accompanied by a long, long look at Tanith.
"You won't be, promise." Valkyrie grinned. "Tanith is just a messy eater."
"Am not!" In the couple of minutes or so that they'd been eating, Tanith had already managed to cram two slices of pizza down, and her mouth was once again full. Xena was by her, gazing up at her and silently begging for scraps, but Valkyrie knew that she'd have an easier time getting blood from a stone.
With a dramatic sigh, China moved to get herself a knife and fork with a muttered comment beneath her breath, and Militsa grinned. "Typical."
"Hey, be nice. My God, that smells disgusting, by the way." The latter of Valkyrie's comments was aimed at Militsa's pizza, with unidentifiable grey... fish? smeared all over it, looking as unappetising as possible.
"You just said to be nice, Val," Militsa grumbled, taking a bite of her pizza and actually bothering to swallow before she added, "Take your own damn advice."
"I never claimed that I wasn't a hypocrite," Valkyrie said with a shrug, eating her own pizza as China came back with her cutlery, kneeling by the pizza box as if it were going to shit on her.
In fact, all eyes on the room were on her, all three girls clearly amused by the way she cut small, delicate pieces of pizza off and ate them as elegantly as one could eat pizza, not a scrap of her lip gloss even smudging. It was incredibly impressive, Valkyrie had to admit.
But eventually, the pizza was finished, much to Tanith's clear disappointment - even if it was late, she still insisted on ordering more food, which was turned down firmly until she was shut up by China lobbing a cushion at her.
"Just watch the bloody film, Tanith," Militsa said, but was grinning. "Nerd."
"You're a nerd too," was her only response, flopping back on the sofa again, this time with approximately six blankets and a duvet, which Valkyrie could have sworn were untouched in the corner mere seconds ago.
Not that she bothered with it; the night grew later, and soon it was midnight, then two am. They'd changed, and China had fallen asleep some time ago, not waking despite their hushed laughter at the Cards Against Humanity they whipped out, films long forgotten. Very few of the rounds ended in something appropriate, and when it eventually became a struggle for the remaining three to keep their eyes open, they retired to go to sleep as well; Valkyrie and Militsa in a tangle of duvet on the floor, and Tanith happy on the couch with Xena sprawled on her.
It had been a fun night.
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negasonicimagines · 5 years
Pretty Sure
request: from @xsophie-elisex​: “Also hi I love your fics! I was wondering wether I could request one? Maybe something along the lines of reader and Ellie are best friends and roommates (lots of vine references!:3) and slowly fall In love but it’s like the little things, eg : she brings flowers into the dorm and brings Ellie her favourite takeout or buys her eyeliner when it runs out. Just really domestic things. Basically pure concentrated fluff xox”
notes: This request is really cute! I tried my best to do it justice, but I’m not all that good at slow burn, I hope that a lot of the “slowly falling in love” was prior to the events of the fic. Check out freerice.com!!!! Feed people by answering simple questions! (The money is made off the ad revenue, I believe, so turn off your AdBlocker on the site!)
warnings: none!
Your room was always a refuge for Ellie. She’s glad you two are finally roommates, so that she never has to leave.
The fresh flowers, the sneaking into the other’s bed when one of you is having a hard time sleeping, the Vine and meme references… It’s the best.
Ellie does her homework, every now and then looking out at the courtyard. You’re picking flowers with Laura and teaching the girl how to make flower crowns. She catches on quickly, which makes Ellie feel a little dumb. You’d tried to teach her, too, but, despite her texting experience, her fingers just weren’t nimble enough.
Ellie looks back down to her poem, regretting deciding to take the poetry elective her school offers. Now, instead of writing whenever and whatever she wants, she has to fulfill prompts. This time, she has to write a poem about what love means to her. But… Ellie just isn’t really a “love” person, pushing away 99% of warm, fuzzy feelings like that. The only person outside of her close family she can confidently say she loves is you, and even that’s platonic… At least, she’s pretty sure it is. Platonic means friends, and you and Ellie are friends. At least, she’s pretty sure you are.
She looks up again after brainstorming a little more, taking notes on her paper. The poem wasn’t due for about a week, but she’d wanted to get it done sooner, so she wouldn’t have to do it later.
You’re no longer visible, at least through the window. Ellie sighs, not quite sure why that’s so disappointing. She looks down to her notebook, trying to think on her poem more.
You enter, jolting her from her thoughts.
“I brought us some more flowers!” you announce sweetly, going on to identify them: “Wild violets, purple deadnettle, and these little blue flowers that the internet keeps trying to tell me are forget-me-nots, but I don’t think they are.”
“Alright.” Ellie decides to scribble something about that down. She loves flowers, not that she’d tell you or anyone else that. They’re good for symbolism, and pretty to boot. You grin, and Ellie thinks: ‘She’s my favorite flower.’ And then: ‘Wait, what the fuck does that even mean?’ She writes it down, anyway, because she’s pretty sure it’ll help her later on.
Ellie’s phone buzzes, and you sit on her bed while she sits at her desk, chair turned to face you.
“Fuck, they’re having burgers again. Piotr texted me.”
“I know. I’ve got a pizza order already set on the Domino’s app. Just gotta wait ‘til we’re hungry,” you inform her with a smile that she’s pretty sure shouldn’t make her heart stop the way it does. Sometimes you’re just so pretty. ‘All the time she’s just so pretty,’ Ellie corrects herself, practically hearing you say “Oh, only sometimes?” You’re like cotton candy, she can’t help but smile.
“Not that I don’t love to see you smile, but it’s just pizza,” you chuckle, smiling back at her warmly. Suddenly flustered, she looks away, smile falling. “Sorry.”
“Uh, no, don’t be, I just suddenly thought about how people can donate to Notre Dame but not Flint, Michigan,” Ellie fibs, but then she really thinks about it, and she’s sure her expression darkens further with anger.
“Right? It’s such bullshit,” you agree. “It’s a fucking building, nobody even died. You hungry? We could eat  and go on freerice.com or kissanime or something.”
“Why pirate an anime? I have Netflix and Hulu.”
“Because fuck capitalism, Ellie. Duh,” you explain.
She almost says it without thinking, which makes her realize she’s pretty sure thought it all this time without thinking. ‘I love you so much,’ she realizes. ‘More than anything.’
“Or we could watch cat videos… You still seem a little tense.”
“Cat videos sound nice,” she agrees. “And I could definitely go for some food.”
“Cool, I’ll order.” You do, tapping around on your phone.
“Thanks, how much do I owe you?”
“Shut the fuck up.” You tell her, no malice to your tone at all. “It’s not a pizza just for you, I’m eating it too and I’d be a gluttonous dickbag if I didn’t share.”
“Gluttonous, huh? Maybe I should use that one in my poem,” Ellie teases you, pushing the disgustingly sweet thought of being in love with you out of her mind, deciding to deal with it another day, maybe not even at all. After all, your friendship meant so much to her. She was pretty sure you wouldn’t abandon her for her feelings, but she didn’t want things to be awkward, even for a little while.
“Oh, please,” you scoff. “Isn’t the assignment, like, love or whatever? Though, I guess love can be selfish...”
“No. No deep conversations. My brain already hurts from trying to force words onto the page. Love’s bogus, and-” ‘And I hate the way you looked at me when you said that.’ “And I wanna eat too much pizza and go into a food coma, not examine the intricacies of intimacy with a dork who’s never even been on a date.”
“Hey, neither have you!” You playfully retort. Your phone dings. “Oop, it’s on it’s way.”
“Nice,” Ellie says. Usually silence between you two wasn’t awkward, but this time it is. Like there’s a conversation that’s supposed to be happening but isn’t. Ellie’s pretty sure she hates this feeling. “So, uh, how was your day?”
“Oh, it was good. Is. You?”
“Mine’s alright.”
“Good,” you tell her. The two of you gaze at each other wordlessly for what must have been a long time, because when your phone dings again, it’s to inform you of the pizza’s arrival at the school. You quickly dash downstairs, casting away thoughts of just how beautifully Ellie’s dark eyes glittered in any lighting, and pick up the pizza. You sneak it upstairs, closing your dorm door behind you.
“Fuck, that smells good,” she comments, and you move her notebook and whatnot from the desk to set down the pizza.
“Ooh, who’s she?” You ask, glancing at a page in her open notebook.
“She?” Ellie wonders, already having forgotten what she jotted down about you.
“Flowers are good for symbolism. She’s my favorite flower,” you say in a hyper-feminine tone, teasing her. She’s pretty sure she’s gonna die if she looks at that adorably smirking face of yours any longer.
“Um- Well, um…” She can feel her face getting red, and that embarrasses her even more. “No one, okay?!”
You flinch away from her before stepping back a bit. Scared. She scared you.
“I- I’m sorry. I just… I like someone, okay? And I don’t like people. So, it’s weird and new and I don’t like it, but at the same time I do.”
“Aw, Ellie, why didn’t you tell me?”
“You-” she starts, thinking maybe, just maybe, you weren’t oblivious to her feelings, and that maybe you even shared them but wanted to give her time to figure it out.
“I could’ve given you advice or something! Even if I haven’t been on dates, I had a couple girlfriends in, like, middle school! And I still get crushes! I like someone, too.”
“Really?” Ellie wonders. She’s glad she somehow managed to mask her disappointment. “Then why didn’t you tell me?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Who’s your crush? Maybe I can help!” You excitedly respond, and while Ellie’s glad that the awkward silence is over, she’s not quite sure she’s ready to play this game of conversational Jenga with you.  
“Well, I don’t really have a chance, so there’s no way you can,” Ellie admits, and you pout.
“Come on, El. You’re cute, smart, creative… I’m sure any sapphic sweetheart you’re into that has half a brain wouldn’t pass you up,” You tell her.
“Trust me, she would,” your crush disagrees.
“Well, then I guess she doesn’t have half a brain,” you joke, smiling a little and hoping she doesn’t see the sadness in it. “That, or…” You gasp with a falsey scandalized look in your eye and a mischievous smile on your parted lips. “Does Ellie Phimister have a crush on a straight girl?”
“No, no! She’s not straight, I skipped that phase. I just- I don’t know. I don’t think I’m her type.”
“Why?” You wonder. Maybe through this questioning you could figure out the girl and play matchmaker a little. After all, at least one of you deserved to be happy. Ellie tells you everything, you’re one of the few people she vents to and the only one who lives at Xavier’s. So, if she had a crush on you like the one you had on her, you’re pretty sure she’d totally tell you, even if she thought you wouldn’t like her back, because you’re her safe space.
“I think she likes, or, y’know, at least deserves a nice girl. Or girls. Not sure where she stands on that.”
“You’re plenty nice, don’t be ridiculous,” you argue.
“Well, then, I think she’s into more feminine girls.”
“Ellie, I’m not trying to invalidate you or anything, but you’re not exactly the least feminine person on the planet. Even if this mystery girl is into super feminine girls, I doubt she wouldn’t make an exception for you, you’re still pretty and comfortable being called pretty,” you remind her.
“That’s true, but- But-” She’s running out of reasons for you not to like her. Maybe you do like her, or are at least open to the possibility of liking her? “Well, she- She’s really awesome, and special, okay? I don’t deserve her.”
“I bet she’s great,” you say, suddenly sounding dejected. Had you realized she was talking about you? “But you do deserve to be happy, okay?”
“I’m sorry,” Ellie replies.
“For what?” You wonder, eyebrows furrowed. You’re suddenly looking at her like she’s crazy.
“I- I don’t know. You sounded sad,” Ellie fibs. “I- I thought you figured out who I was talking about.”
“Why would that make me sad?” You ask her, sounding a bit defensive.
“Um, uh… Listen, Y/N, I’m pretty sure things are gonna be awkward for a while after I say this, but I only fully realized it, like, half an hour ago, and it’s already eating me up inside. I’m pretty sure I love you. Like, love-love you. We’ve been friends for ages, so I get if you don’t wanna ruin the friendship, but I’d really appreciate it if you gave me just a chance to be with you. I promise I won’t hold it against you if you’re not interested, but-”
“I didn’t tell you about my crush because you’re my crush,” you blurt, cutting her off. “Sorry, I was trying to wait, but it’s been eating me up inside since we first met, so I think I’m allowed to interrupt you, just this once.”
“More than allowed,” Ellie agrees. “Um… So, uh… What do we do now?”
“I- I guess what we always do? But with kissing and stuff? The pizza’s getting cold, we can discuss the specifics while we eat and if you want that can count as our first date,” You suggest, saying the last part rather quickly, and Ellie nods. “Am I, uh… Am I really your favorite flower? And what does that mean?”
“Flowers, y’know, they’re pretty... Smell nice... Special... Inspiring… Plus, you’re always bringing flowers in, so…” Ellie, a bit embarrassed but finding herself less angry and more flustered now that the truth is out, mumbles.
“I’m pretty sure that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” you tell her, and she smiles softly, the most genuine smile you’ve ever seen her wear.
“I’m pretty sure this is the happiest I’ve ever been,” she responds, echoing your phrasing.
“Well, I’m pretty sure this pizza is delicious,” you continue the pattern, taking a bite.
“And I’m pretty sure I’m still gonna fail that poetry assignment,” Ellie chuckles.
I’m pretty sure this fic is over.
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fierycosmos · 5 years
YGO 5Ds: JackxReader - Attachment
How are there still boxes? You thought to yourself. You adjusted to your new apartment three months ago and still every time you are finally sitting down to relax you spot a box from the corner of your eye. But this time you were going to ignore it. The urge to unpack everything had died a month ago. You needed to focus on what you had now, and not on the past. Also, you were worried that it would be another one of THOSE boxes. The ones that contained all the things you used to share with Jack. And though you've been able to make a living and not live off his fame as his girlfriend anymore, there were still small things that reminded you that he was in your life and a big part of it. And it's also hard when your Neo Domino News Station would talk about dueling. And Jack was a star. You hadn't talked to him since that fateful day you packed your stuff and walked out on his new stardom life. You missed the old him, where he was about dueling for saving people, for justice. The Enforcers was the best thing that ever happened to him. He was so happy and confident. Now he's just confident. To remove him from your thoughts you headed to your kitchen attached to your living room you were just lounging in and prepared a cup of cocoa. Chocolate always cheered you up. Once it was ready, you were dying to take a sip but the phone ringing interrupted your thoughts. You immediately headed towards your landline, finding it nice to finally use it. But the light wasn't blinking. You then headed back to the couch and saw your phone was buzzing along with the ringer going off. You sighed and reached out to grab it. You didn't recognize the number but decided to pick it up anyway, you had to get a new phone plan when you broke up with Jack's money as well. So it could've been someone you knew. "Hello?" "Hello, is this Miss Y/N L/N?" You didn't recognize the stern voice coming from the receiver, but he certainly knew who you were. "Yes, this is she." "Hi, I'm calling from New Domino General. We have some news." "The hospital? What's wrong?" "Mister Atlas has been through quite an accident. It says on his paperwork that you are the first to call in emergencies." Your cup of cocoa dropped and shattered to the ground. Thankfully it didn't burn you, but it's not like you would've noticed it anyway. Your hand shook as it had a death grip now on the phone. "Miss? Are you there?" "Y-Yes." You stutter as you take a deep and calming breath before continuing. "I'm still here." You cradled the phone with both her hands. "I'm on my way." You said a quick thank you and didn't bother to hear him say goodbye as you hung up and rushed towards the door with your car keys and jacket. You didn't care if you were speeding. You needed to reach Jack. The one day you wanted to go one day without thinking about him and now he needs you. You were rushing in anger and in fear of what happened. As you rushed through the lobby and right to the desk to explain why you were here, it suddenly dawned on you that you hadn't seen Jack since you left. His dark eyes flaring with tsunami fury and his hoarse voice echoed through the walls and down the hallway after her. The nurse directed her to the room Jack was being cared for in and you froze. How were you going to react, how was he going to react? You didn't know if you were going to be able to stop yourself from slapping him or even talk to him. The nurse held the door open tentatively as you weren't moving. Before she could call out to you, you got your nerve back and took a confident stride into the room. You were ready with an opening line, you were so ready. Then time froze and the duel racing blondie came into view past the curtain and you froze. Bandages partially stained red was the first thing you registered. You eyes scattered to his bandaged arms and his leg partially up in the air with a cast. The rest of the room was starch white like his sheets and the only thing that stood out was his creamy bare skin, he also had his toned torso bandaged hiding his stunning physique. Then the blonde caught your eye as the sun reflected off his shiny hair as his forehead was bandaged as well and heavy gauze was under it. Then all you saw was indigo. His eyes stared at you, and for once you couldn't read him. It's like he was a completely different person. Unrecognizable. And that threw you off. "I'm surprised you haven't yelled at me yet." Jack's voice rang through the small space of his room. You watched his mouth move, but you were still processing his current state. You cleared your throat and prayed for something to drink. "I'm not mad." You state with as much conviction as you could. "You sure about that?" He inquired. "Sometimes your silence is your strongest form of anger." "What happened?" You asked, ignoring his commentary. "What does it look like, I got into an accident." He huffed as he crossed his bandaged arms over his chest in discomfort. "Were you dueling?" You asked with more bile in your tone. "Maybe I was." Jack gave you a sideways glance. "Jack." You state as you dared to get closer to him. He turned to look at you this time, as you say his name was a shock to the both of you. "Don't give me attitude." You tried to pretend the pause meant nothing and continued without a missing beat. "Tell me what happened." He blew some air out of his nostrils and decided to be civil. "Some duel racing reject challenged me and forced himself into the arena." He went into detail about some ex-champion who got his title stolen from Jack. "He was cheating and so I knew I had to put a stop to him." "What do you mean he was cheating?" "He tampered with my wheels." Your eyes widened at the comment and you gripped your hand close to your chest. "Damage in the duel became another missing part on my bike." "That's insane!" You gasp. "It's all right." Jack said, trying to make it seem like they were having a normal conversation and not talking about his accident in the hospital. "He was kicked out and handed over the police. No big deal." "Jack." You state sternly and he stiffens slightly at your tone. "This is very much a big deal." You said sternly between your clenched teeth. "I mean just look at you." You took notice of his bandages again and felt a rush of worry and sadness overwhelm you, making you rest in a chair not far from his medical bed. "Look at you." "I can't." Jack states, almost with his full confident tone. "I've been looking at you." You blow air out of your lips making an exasperated noise. Jack sighs and continues on a different note. "Look, I don't need to see anything." "Jack!" You snap as your head shot up to glare at him. "This isn't okay. You can't do something like this again." "Since when did you start bossing me around again?" Jack challenged. "It's for your own good." You crossed your arms as you lean back slightly in the uncomfortable chair. "I think we have different ideas of what's good for me." Jack noted. "Oh I would love to hear one of your bright ideas." You retorted. "You getting me out of this hospital." He emphasized. "Do you not see the cast around your leg?" You state as you stand up and gesture to his elevated leg. "You have to get physical therapy and be given pain meds." You begin to list but stop yourself short before you lose your train of thought. "There's no way you can race tomorrow in that match." "So, you've been keeping tabs on me?" Jack inquired as he smirked slightly and raised a brow at you. "It's not very hard to when you're practically on every news channel." You state as you try to keep your heart from beating fast from seeing that infamous smirk, crossing your arms tighter over your chest. "Sometimes it's hard being me." He continues boasting. "Oh I bet." You said sarcastically. "It's even harder when your girlfriend decided to move out." Jack mentioned, changing his tone yet again. You turn your body slightly away from him. 'I was waiting for this,' you thought to yourself. "You know exactly why I left." You mention in a smaller voice, not wanting to make a commotion in the hospital by starting a shouting match with Jack. "I can't even remember the bloody fight." Jack stated as he crossed his arms and looked out the window. "It's not like it was a major game changer." You state honestly. And before he could brighten up about the small fight, you continue saying, "But it was the last straw." You say as a small fraction of your sadness trickled through your voice. It was silent in the room for a bit as you chose you didn't want to sit down anymore as you leaned against the wall instead, feeling jittery and slightly infuriated. "You made me dinner." Jack stated in a thoughtful voice. Your head turns towards him hesitantly. You see him with his arms still crossed but he was looking at his lap in concentration. "Yeah, I did." You spoke. "I can remember it now." Jack said in a far off tone. "Good for you." "I like to block it out of my head a lot." Jack admitted as he decided to change his attention back to you. "It's very distracting." You wanted to retort but you saw a far off look in his eyes that said maybe you shouldn't. "It hurts a lot thinking back to that day. It's felt like an eternity since you've been away. I remember the smell and that awful apron you were wearing covered in flour." "You remember that?" You state, almost surprised that suddenly it was hitting him. And the flashes of the events that unfolded that fateful day glided across your vision. "Of course I do." Jack states, making you stop reflecting and making eye contact with him again. You were surprised with how much sincerity and recognition flashed through his eyes as he didn't dare leave your face. "You made me that pizza we talked about having as kids. The one with the garlic knot crust" "Yeah." "I knew it was perfect as soon as I smelled it." He smiled slightly at the memory, but it vanished as something dark appeared in his mind. "Then I saw that look in your eyes, not unlike the one you're giving me." You hide your face with loose strands of hair and look away. A strong heat was definitely rising to your face and you weren't going to give him the satisfaction. "You looked lost and strained." Each word sort of sent a needle through your heart. "I was late. I had a long day putting up with Goodwin and I took it out in you. I really messed up." "It's in the past." You state quietly, trying not to get too emotional over it. You had to be strong to continue being here. But the memories flooding in brought you right back to that moment you ran down the stairs to escape Jack. "No." You looked up, forgetting that your face was giving away your true emotions no matter how strong and tough you wanted to act. "It's still here. I've played back that day through my head since you slammed the door." Jack admitted. "Probably the hardest thing I ever had to deal with. And it wasn't something I could fix with dueling." "No, not exactly." You wanted to sound sarcastic but it came out sad and pitiful. "Crow won't stop giving me hell for it." Jack admitted as he rubbed his chin, thinking about how Crow practically decked him despite their height difference when he first found out. "He probably knows a lot more about how I messed up than I do." "Oh Crow..." You put a hand to your face, just in case since you could feel tears were eventually going to fall if you didn't keep it together. The memories of the other boys, and meeting Luna and Leo, were really hard to think about since you distanced yourself a bit from them too. You were worried if you were ever around them that you would see Jack again. "He always hated us fighting. I think he preferred when he started them." You reflect. "And he loves to pick a fight with me." Jack stated with annoyance. "You know you can take him, right?" You pointed out. "I know that." Jack retorted defensively. "But there's no point in fighting him when he's right." "Right about what?" You question, completely giving up on your place on the wall and kneeling slightly near his bed. You couldn't stop yourself from moving slightly closer to him the more you two kept talking. By the time you were on eye level with him, you realized you couldn't retreat back. Your body just gave up on listening to you. "How stupid I was to let you get away." He stated honestly as he glanced slightly at you, but decided it would be better not to make eye contact with you and thus stared at your hands, currently clenching the fabric of his sheets covering half his body. "I should've chased you, throw your stuff to the ground, just to spend a few extra seconds with you." You let his words sink in, almost tempted to imagine what could've happened if he did stop you. How would that have changed the situation? Would you still be with him? Would things have been worse? Despite the dread that came with asking, you were just too scared not knowing. "Well..." You clear your throat. "I'm here now." You admit as you decide to look at him, but he still avoids your gaze slightly, but you could tell you had his full attention. "Tell me what you wanted to say." "Right now?" He asked nervously as this time he did meet your eyes, and it was painful for the both of you but you didn't break the connection. It was now or never. "Yeah." You nod. "Right now." Jack stares at you, then closes his eyes briefly to clear his head. You could tell he was deep in thought. And the small creases in between his forehead showed that he was trying to go back to that moment. After a beat, he opened his eyes and sighed deeply, then blinking again before looking at you again. "To be honest, I didn't have a full speech planned." Jack admitted as he scratched his bandaged arm in annoyance. "I just sort of wanted to stall you until finally, I said something right. Or did something right." That wasn't a good enough answer for you and so you decided to continue. "What could you have done?" "This." Without hesitation, he gently caresses your cheek and sits up to the best of his ability and pecks your lips gently. He doesn't dare to linger longer than necessary so he pulled back almost immediately. He was kind of afraid to get slapped. But you didn't. You were stiff. You were frozen in time, just staring at him as you felt your eyes glazing over with sudden sadness that resonated with how you felt all those months ago as you trudged down the hallway. Though this time there wasn't a broken feeling, there was a missed opportunity. Jack had looked away at this point and didn't bother saying anything more as he didn't want to force you into anything you didn't want. He saw something shining from the corner of his eyes and he betrayed himself as he found himself looking at you again. You were crying quietly, but you weren't shaking or wheezing. You were just stunned with so many emotions you didn't know how to deal with them. But you knew you had to do something. So you rose slightly as you leaned over him and kissed him again. There wasn't a need for force or any sense of hungry desire like sometimes it would feel when they've been a part for a while. Everything was gentle like they were experimenting with how they felt again. Seeing how far before things ended up breaking again. The two of you lingered as you didn't want to separate, just barely parting before giving a few more pecks. Then he pulled back and you looked at him, wondering if maybe he didn't feel anything. You could tell it would hurt more than last time, but right there and then you were just trying not to clench onto him with all your might. You felt as though you needed his strength and to hug him again. Your heart tightened in anticipation but he smiled gently at you, something you weren't expecting for the master of faster, and combed his fingers through your hair before gently bringing your face to his bandaged chest. And this time when you looked at the bandages you were no longer afraid; you felt that he was here and that the two of you were going to be okay. Maybe it was a good thing not all the boxes were unpacked.        
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dammit-stark · 5 years
good ol’ cousin sam
I‘m rewatching Spiderman: Homecoming and I just realized that the P.E teacher’s name is Mr Wilson so now allow me to present to you my theory that this Mr Wilson is the legendary Sam Wilson’s underperforming cousin... this was originally a head canon but I gotta admit this became not-a-headcanon many, many words ago
no pairing - - 2.3k words
While the family favorite Sam joins the Armed Forces to fight for his country, the other Wilson cousin- let’s call him Raymond, Ray to his friends and family- goes to a local community college and receives a degree in physical education.
Sam’s a few years older, has been climbing the ranks in the military for a few years before Ray even gets into college, and he continues to fight while Ray passes math tests and writes essays that get torn up with red pen. Ray graduates middle of his class. 
The whole family comes to the graduation, except for Sam who’s stuck overseas. Sam sends a real nice congratulatory card anyway and Ray tacks it up on his dresser right next to the card from their Nana who passed and above the picture of the whole family ten years prior.  
Too soon, cousin Sam gets discharged from the military with full honor for some unfortunate freak accident that leaves him injured and itching to fly. Almost all the details surrounding the accident are classified, leaving all their nieces and nephews guessing after supernatural means or clandestine alien attacks. Their imaginative guesses leave Sam trying not to break out into hysterical laughter and Ray rolling his eyes over and over again. Sam missed being home. Ray just likes that the whole family is back together again, complete and whole and good for the soul. 
Ray starts coming back home on the weekends for a few weeks to make sure his cousin is doing alright.
At Auntie Glinda’s, they watch football and eat Uncle Greg's homemade chili as if they were teenagers again. It’s like any other weekend for Ray. It feels weird for Sam, who hates having his feet on the ground and his hands in his lap, but there’s nothing anybody can do about it. He puts on a smiling face, does his best to slip back into the family, but it’s all a little too forlorn to fit right, like the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle had a rip in it and the picture is just barely incomplete.
Sam refuses to watch Top Gun when little Billy so sweetly asks. He helps Auntie Glinda with dinner, but makes himself scarce otherwise. Ray notices, but doesnt know what to make of it.
After a few weeks, Ray stops coming by in all his free time, spends some time at his apartment, gets a cat named Hammy, joins a gym. Sam doesn’t need him. In fact, Sam up and leaves for DC, as independent and ready to move as ever. Before he leaves, he tells Ray that if he was gonna be grounded, he couldn’t imagine not at least trying to help others, whatever that means. Ray just smiles and nods and tries to imagine himself outside of New York. He just can’t see it.
Again, they part ways; things are good.
Then, around the same time that Ray gets his first job at a public school in the center of Queens, Sam meets Steve Rogers.
It’s not the best job in the world, a lot of the kids mouth off and tend to complain when they play anything that isn’t dodgeball, but it’s a job and it pays the bills. On Fridays, Ray orders himself a pizza from the Domino’s down the street and he gets take-out from the Thai place by the school every Wednesday. He’s not saving children in a third world country somewhere like his cousin always did, but he’s happy enough and that’s all that matters.
Out of the blue one day, Ray gets a job offer for a teaching position at a private school for gifted teenagers. He doesn’t remember ever applying for the position, but it comes with a pretty hefty pay raise and an office that doesn’t smell suspiciously like a festering rat problem, so he accepts the offer.
Completely coincidentally, his promotion coincides with the rise of Queens’ Amazing Spiderman on the public’s (and the Avengers’) media radar. Ray had watched in awe as the news revealed the first footage of their local vigilante. Another superhero? A lot of people complain, but Ray doesn’t mind. He never really had a problem with spiders anyway. Birds had always irked him, something about the freakish wingspan and their frail yet powerful little bodies, but spiders were always fine. He spends the night after learning the moniker of Queens’ new hero holed up in his bedroom under the covers watching Spider-Man compilations on his laptop. Late at night, when his brain slows down and he sees that red suit when he closes his eyes, Ray finds himself imagining Sam’s face beneath that mask. 
Cousin Sam just so happens to move back to New York around the same time, too. Another complete coincidence. He starts coming around and visiting about once a week or so. Thai night turns into burger night with frequent guest appearances by Sam, food courtesy of the family diner down the street. The nice family have his and Sam’s order down pat within a month.
Once everything settles and Ray gets used to the promotion, he decides the job’s actually pretty nice. The kids are generally less athletic and less enthusiastic than at his old school, most too busy with their nose stuck in a book or worrying over the state of their manicure to go after the dodgeball, but they’re attentive and for the most part are too afraid of failing his class to dare sassing him too much. Once a week he has to supervise a detention, but considering that it’s a school full of suck-up geniuses, detention is usually pretty barren. At the very least his college debt is nearly paid off. That’s cool.
The same day that one of his students, Pete, stumbles into class with a black eye and a wicked limp for probably the third time, Tony Stark shows up at school.
The rumors about his presence flutter incessantly in the Teacher’s Lounge like the words themself has sprouted wings and were determined to bother each and every person in the room. The science teachers sound like they‘re about to pass out from excitement. Raymond himself doesn’t really get what the big deal is- Tony Stark is just another person. Sure, he had a big shiny suit and he fought crime or whatever, but his cousin Sam fought for the people of the country, too, but you don’t see people wigging out over Sam’s sheer presence.
Ray really just wants to eat his lunch, that’s it. He had picked up a chicken salad sandwich from the bodega under his apartment before heading to work that morning and Nancy made the best chicken salad. A quiet lunch unfettered by gossip. That day, Ray learns that history teachers are surprisingly interested in gossip considering their coursework was based on 200 year old facts.
The last thing Ray expects when he gets back to his not-rat-infested office after lunch is for Tony Stark to be waiting for him. It’s quite a turn of events.
“You’re Tony Stark,” Ray says dumbly from the doorway of his own office. He’d just spent half his lunch being forced into a one-sided conversation about the recent advancements of StarkTech upstate, something about unprecedented, unimagined technology that the market itself isn’t ready for. One man did that alone, tinkered in his office at two am and all but broke the stock market with the sheer power of his brain. This man is standing in Ray’s office. It’s weird. 
Inside, Tony Stark is leaning back in Ray’s creaky office chair, his feet propped up on the desk next to a precariously tall stack of physicals that Ray hadn’t taken the time to peruse through.
Tony Stark peers over his orange tinted sunglasses to reveal a devilish black eye that he seems entirely unperturbed by. He lets his feet fall to the ground with a thud and his face is entirely serious, “Coach Wilson, right?” He says, “Come on in. Take a seat. I won’t bite.”
Ray inches forward, eyes narrowed. There’s a billionaire in his office, beckoning him in, and he doesn’t know why. This wasn’t something that happened to him every day.
As Ray sits, Tony rises from the office chair to peruse the degrees hanging on the wall. Ray remembers one of the science teachers gushing about how Tony Stark went to MIT or some super fancy college with an acronym or something. Tony flicks the bobblehead on the shelf beneath the frames and Wilson can’t look away.
Neither of them says anything. Tony watches the oversized head bobble on the bookshelf as Ray watches the mysterious billionaire. The quiet aches. 
“That chair has awful lumbar support by the way,” The billionaire says suddenly, picking up an old baseball cap and sniffing it carefully. His hands are always moving. Ray sits back in the chair himself, but doesn’t say anything about it. The furniture creaks.
“Mr Stark,” Ray says eventually, “Is there something I can do for you?”
“Actually,” Stark says, turning around, his face serious for the first time since he’d stepped into the office, “I believe there’s something I can do for you.”
Ray realizes then that Stark’s suit is wrinkled, a possible stain forgotten at the hem of the graphic tee shirt. Every description ever given about Tony Stark has provided an image of pristine carelessness, of confidence and ease. Tony Stark’s hands can’t seem to stop twitching. It’s kind of unsettling.
“Have you watched the news lately?” Stark asks.
“I’m more of an ESPN guy myself.”
Tony hums thoughtfully, glances over at the wall of community college degrees for a second time.
“From what I’ve gathered, your cousin is Airman First Class Sam Wilson. He visits you every other Wednesday, checks in on you,” Ray skin prickles. Suddenly, Tony looks like steel, “Is this correct?”
Ray just nods.
“An incident occured in Germany. Your cousin was involved.”
Ray had long been told tales of his cousin’s heroics. Sam usually told them with an air of modesty, a dash of pride. Tony doesn’t spare him the expense.
“Was he injured? Is he okay?”
An out-of-place expression of hilarity traverses Tony’s face And he all but laughs, “No, no. Our, um, friend Sam is fine, scrapefree for the most part actually,” His eyes go weird and unfocused for a moment before returning to Ray like a laser gone haywire, “Unfortunately, he was caught on the wrong side of things. For an indefinite period of time, he will be in prison. Mr Wilson, your cousin is a criminal.”
No. Ray’s cousin was no criminal. No way. Sam joined the army, went off and fought somebody else’s battle instead of getting a degree, instead of living a safe life. He has a big heart with this wretched piece of PTSD shoved between its plates of steel. Sure, things got a little twisted after the whole thing with his friend up there in the sky, but he would always be a good man. Sam Wilson was a hero. Not a criminal. Tony Stark was supposed to be smart, not slanderous, and definitely not wrong. 
“I think you’re talking about the wrong Sam Wilson.”
Tony’s hands twitch, “No, no, I think I’ve got the right one.”
A silence befalls them.
“I don’t believe you,” Ray accuses. Just because Tony Stark was a billionaire with an ego didn’t mean he could just waltz into somebody else’s office and defame their cousin right to their face, “You’re lying.”
“Tell me,” Stark says, “How is it you think you got this job? All on your own?”
Ray stares.
“Yeah, no,” Tony wipes a finger along a dust covered bookshelf, circles the office again. It’s a pretty small office. He paces over his own footsteps as he continues, “Sorry to break it to you, but you were all part of the plan. Wilson’s plan. But he- he messed up.”
Tony looks hurt. There’s a crack in the facade, a break in the airwaves. Ray’s so used to coaching emotional teenagers through the inevitable products of sleep deprivation and hormones every day, he spots it from a mile away. Tony continues like it’s nothing, a tendril of something else, not pain or betrayal or some drama that’s far beneath his celebrity status. God, Ray’s so tired.
“Where’s Sam? He demands, leaning forward against his desk, “Did you do something to him?”
“Sam Wilson is currently located in the most secure prison in the world. In the middle of the Atlantic. Otherwise undisclosed. Confidential, you have to understand.”
Ray’s eyes are narrowed dangerously on Tony Stark.
“What could he possibly have done?”
Ray isn’t thinking about himself anymore, he doesn’t care if he got his job through improper means or through hard work or through whispers up a chain of command. He just wants to know what happened to his cousin. He wants to know what happened to the good, caring, hard-working man that he had deigned to call family.
“Look,” Tony supplants, hands waving animatedly as his feet finally remain still, “It’s all very complicated. He broke some laws, defied the UN. It’s where he belongs, he put himself there,” Tony only looks distantly sorry, a regret misplaced from another dimension of time maybe, “In the end, he lost his title.”
“What title? I know for a fact that my cousin hasn’t been in service in years.”
Tony just stares, eyes narrowed, “Do you not know?”
Ray remains quiet, and then Tony’s eyes grow. He takes a seat opposite Ray, hands gripping the ledge of the metal desk as he peers into the confusion flashing across Ray’s express, “Oh my god, you don’t know.”
Ray crosses his arms, and Tony has to hand it to him, he’s certainly an indignant man, “I know everything I need to know about my cousin, Mr Stark. You don’t need to come in here and tell me things that don’t need to be said. I’d like it if you left.”
Tony’s grip tightens. He looks… confused, maybe a little out of place, suddenly uncomfortable or maybe doubtful or maybe they’re one in the same, but he makes no move to rise, “How do you not know?” The silence is enough, “Raymond,” He says seriously, “Sam Wilson is- was- an Avenger. He went by the codename Falcon. He had gone on nearly fifty missions with us. He lived in the Tower most weekends. You didn’t know?”
Ray doesn’t believe it.
While he was here, in the middle of dingy ol’ Queens with a bachelor’s degree from an unassuming college and a neatly laid out weekly menu, Sam was off in Manhattan lounging around with billionaires and saving the world over and over again. Then again, maybe it isn’t so out of the question, it’s just… a lot at once.
“Why are you telling me this?” Ray demands. His head is starting to hurt. Who would have thought that megalomaniac superheroes could be worse to deal with than moody, brainiac teenagers being forced to exert themselves physically for a grade?
Tony shrugs, “Why do you think?” He’s nonchalant, at ease, a line of platitudes expressed over his face before he finally says, “We’re really shorthanded with all the dissenters. I wanna offer you a job.”
“Wait- what?”
Tony looks more than a little smug, “Let me tell you about a kid named Spider-Man.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Out of all 24 hours, which one is your favourite? The hour where I have my first cup of coffee. Have you ever been in a lighthouse? Nope. What are the names of the neighbours to your right? I don’t know. Left? *shrug* I don’t know any of my neighbors. When’s the last time you actually sat down and watched the sun set? I’ve never done that. Like, I’ve seen the sunset plenty of times, but I’ve never purposely gone out and sat outside to watch the sunset. I just happen to see it sometimes.
Are you on a laptop or desktop? Laptop. Do you ever make your own surveys? Nope. What colour is your shower? White. Where do you order your pizza from? Usually Domino’s. When is the past time you had a serious talk with someone? Recently with my mom. What time are you planning on going to bed tonight? It’s 4:54AM and I’m still up. I’ll go to sleep soon. Also, it’s Christmas Eve! How old are you, your parents and your siblings combined? I really don’t feel like doing math right now. The last time you went out of town was? Earlier this month. And where did you go? A nearby city. Have you ever been bit by an animal? No. Where is the person you miss the most right now? 3 of them have passed away. I’m not sure where the other person is. Have you been paying attention to the Olympics much? I never do. How often do you take naps? Not that often, even though I’m always fighting sleep all day. I know you don’t wanna talk about it, but when do you go back to school? Neverrr. I’m done with school. Did it rain today? No. I think it might later on. What was the name of the last dog you pet? My dog’s name is Princess Leia. (: Do you find that you have a certain meal you eat every time you go to certain restaurants? Oh yeah. I’m very much a creature of habit. Are you constantly judging people? I wouldn’t say I’m constantly judging people. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Yes. Think back to your freshman year in high school, what was the first class period on your first day of school? Oh wow. Uhhh. I think it was history. What colour is your bike? I don’t have one. What word can you not stand to hear people say? The C word and the P word. When was the last time the power went out at your house and how long was it out for? I think it was either sometime this past summer, or summer of last year. It was out for like an hour. What room of your house are you in? Mine. When there’s a full moon, does it make your room really bright for a few days? No. What is the temperature in your city right now? 46 degrees F. Which would you rather, a snowy day, sunny day, rainy day or cloudy day?: It doesn’t snow here, but I’d still pick that or rainy day. How long have you ever spent away from home? A week. Ever had to get any stitches? Yep, plenty of times. When did you last use a post-it-note? I don’t recall. Would you ever want to own your own restaurant? No. Do you have a fan in your bedroom? Yep. A desk fan and a ceiling fan. Have you ever seen the White House? Not in person, no. How about Niagara Falls? Nope. What about the four corners, have you ever been there? I have, actually. Have you ever played any variation of the padiddle game in a car a night? If not, you should wikipedia it and play it. It can be fun with the right people? I’m not familiar with that game and I’m too lazy to look it up right now. The most recent staircase you went down, what did it lead to? I don’t use the stairs. Have you ever thought about what life would be like if we all slept during the day and were active at night? I kind of do that, ha. What colours are the counter tops in your kitchen? They’re granite top. Has your luggage ever been lost at the airport? Did you get it back? No. Which major body of water do you live by? Pacific. Who is the last person that you took a picture with? My mom. What type of food do you eat the most? Taco Bell burrito and tacos and chicken tenders/chicken sandwich. When is the last time you were stuck in a fairly long traffic jam? When we were traveling to Disneyland a couple years ago. It was awful. Do you have certain friends that you hug every time you see them? No. What do you enjoy most about your life? My family, which includes my pup, coffee, sleep, my favorite TV shows and movies, and Taco Bell. When was your most recent trip to an aquarium? It’s been a few years. What do you like in your salads and what dressing do you prefer? Just ya know, lettuce, spinach, croutons, carrots, shredded cheese, bits of hard boiled eggs, and ranch on top. Last time you changed the light bulb to the lamp that you use in your bedroom? Uhhh. Does sleeping past 12 or 1 in the afternoon make you feel like you’ve wasted a lot of your day or do you enjoy the extra hours of sleep? I typically sleep in until 2 or 3. I really don’t care, like what else do I need to do? What is your state most famous for? Hollywood and celebrities. What was the last thing you signed your name in cursive on? The electronic thingy after using a credit card the other day. How many times in your life have you seen a shooting star? Never, actually. Have you ever witnessed a tornado? Nope. How many times a year do you go out of state? I haven’t gone out of state in 5 years. It’s not something we often do. Has your best friend ever moved away? No. If it has one, do you ever use the notepad function in your phone? Yep, all the time. What website do you visit the most often? Tumblr. How good would you say your memory is? It’s pretty good. About how many times during the night do you wake up from your sleep? I don’t even go to sleep until like 4 or 5 in the morning, so. Are there any air fresheners in your house? What kinds? Yeah. What scent of candle do you burn the most? I don’t burn any, but I have a marshmallow scented one I got from B&BW earlier this month. It’s one of their Christmas/Winter scents, and it smells really good. I can smell it without lighting it. For what reason did you last cry? Frustration. What’s one thing you’re glad you’ve done recently? I don’t know. How long have you been taking surveys? Forever. Since like... 2006 or 2007 I’d say. Feels so much longer. What kind of surveys do you wish there were more of? I like ones like this. I just hope I continue to find ones to do.
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cowboylikedean · 2 years
commercials that make me feel something (mostly negative) i have seen in the week i’ve been watching discovery+ with commercials in no particular order
the ADT one where the property brothers saying “it’s safe to say” about a hundred times - this one is very irritating because a) security systems are a joke and b) because the property brothers are a joke BUT  it’s like the low end of anger inducing sooooo
the domino’s ad that was MOSTLY an ad against delivery apps and their thievery from local businesses - this ad ends with “if you’re not ordering domino’s, skip the delivery app and order directly from local restaurants.” according to the commercial, domino’s got frustrated at delivery apps charging them outrageous percentages so they bought up a bunch of local restaurants’ gift certificates around the country and are pushing buying local. obviously, domino’s is a huge company that does kick mom-and-pop pizza places out of business.... BUT i appreciate the fact that the ad doesn’t end with “if you want to support your local community, order domino’s” it ends “if you’re not ordering domino’s, order directly from local businesses” that’s what we need in the world
the goldfish commercials with the giant guy who i think is a nba basketball player - i don’t know this guy but the one where he has a huge bag is annoying because his accent becomes the joke and i don’t like that and the one where he breaks all of the goldfish is annoying because he’s like infomercial level incompetent and i don’t get it. but maybe its not for me to get
macy’s katy perry all you need is love - i hate this one because it’s just such a bland cover of the song
direct tv’s “serena williams/the matrix” commercial - why?? why would you just repeat these it’s so annoying and immediately makes me mute it
the starbucks commercial that has BANGIN bass - this commercial SLAPS. i want this version of what i think is deck the halls on spotify because that bass..... listen starbucks has no business with a bass like that
the breast cancer commercial with that lady with the giant boobs - SHE IS FANTASTIC! she’s like “boobs!” and like yeah.......... boobs!
the one with a dirty and angry johnny depp playing a couple chords on the electric guitar then walking through a desert to sell perfume - ah yes, exactly what i want to smell like, an angry abusive shitstain showing off his masculinity!!! so fun!! so hot!!! so sexy!!! we love men who hit women!!!
the vrbo "this is your home, this is your office/gym" - I feel the same way about all vrbo commercials. this is a waste of real estate and hotels serve a purpose you fucking asshole idiots
any time kate mckinnon does a verizon commercial (she's got several) - kate mickinnon is one of the most obnoxious and unlikeable people in comedy today. i know that's an unpopular opinion but genuinely think she's awful and i have never liked her.
the buddies app from blue buffalo - blue buffalo is an evil company that kills pets. and now they wanna make a social media app about pets? to sell their poison? i will murder every single one of them with my bare hands.
the rheem water heater commercial that uses an AI voice so they didn't have to pay someone for voice over - absolutely no one asked for this uncanny valley bullshit. no one is fooled. pay a voice actor and shut the fuck up.
the colon cancer screening thing that has this uncanny ability to be fatphobic for 0 reason just because - why is fatphobia being used to sell colon cancer screening? Can fat people not screen for colon cancer??? i understand the implication is supposed to be "if you care about your health, you'll use our colon cancer screening thing!" but like??? ????? don't you think there's better ways to get that message across?
the fucking samsung flip phone with the i want it that way - the POINT was to try to capitalize on millennial nostalgia to sell a flip phone smart phone even though flip smart phones don't work well AND no one asked for them and at SOME marketing meeting someone thought they were a GENIUS by taking the backstreet boys, a very millennial nostalgic band to sell a flip phone. it just irritates the shit out of me because it's so clueless and also flip smart phones are dumb. they don't work well and no one asked for them!!! no one wants this!!!
0 notes
lachlantrash · 6 years
"I may be in love with her, and I'm terrified."
You went to Lachlan's office with him, sitting in the lobby area of it on the couch, close enough to the recording room to hear him and Preston (who he's recording with) talking about the hide and seek game they're playing on Minecraft. Earlier this morning before heading to the office, Lachlan went into a McDonalds drive-thru and asked you if you wanted anything from the breakfast menu, which you denied. You're now wishing you accepted the offer, because your stomach has been growling for what seems like hours. You wait until your phone screen reads noon before you hop off the couch, knocking on the door to the recording room, waiting to hear Lachlan say 'come in' before you open the door impatiently.
"Do you want something for lunch? I'm ordering." You say, walking to his chair from behind and wrapping your arms around him, planting a kiss to his cheek. "Hi Preston." You wave to the boy on the skype call on Lachlan's second computer screen, he smiles and says hi back.
"I told you that you should've gotten breakfast at McDonalds." Lachlan laughs, turning to face you.
"You should stop attacking me and just tell me if you want anything, I'm ordering an alfredo sauce pizza and if you want some speak up." You say, removing your arms from around him and getting on the dominos website from your phone.
"Sure, I'll take some of whatever you're having." He tells you, making his chair spin so it's facing you. "Do you want me to pay? I can get my card for you." He adds.
"I'm more than capable of paying for a pizza, Lachlan." You laugh, putting the order in and typing in your credit card number.
"I know you are, I was just offering." He tells you, giving you a smile.
"I'd hate to be that guy, but if you guys are going to go eat in like thirty minutes, we've got to finish recording Lachlan." Preston says, drawing the attention of both of you back to him.
"Sorry Preston, I'll give Lachlan back to you now." You laugh messing with Lachlan's hair before exiting the room. You go back to the couch in the lounging area of the office, listening to the boys in the next room record for maybe another five minutes before wrapping it up. They stay skyping each other, still playing the game they recorded off camera.
"Hey Lachlan, so how are you and (Y/N)? I see she's at the office with you." Preston asks, drawing your attention to the conversation. You're not exactly all for eavesdropping, but if someone's talking about you then it should be okay.
"We're good, really good actually. She spent last night at my place and I brought her here with me today so I could take her out later too. Her company is great, she's great." You hear Lachlan say, making you blush even though you're not in the room.
"Oh, you said she stayed at your place, huh?" Preston says in a teasing tone, and you can picture the smile on his face as he laughs.
"We didn't do what you're thinking of, you sick fuck." Lachlan laughs. "We watched a movie, she got tired and it was late, so I convinced her to stay the night." He adds.
"Oh alright, sure." Preston laughs, making Lachlan sigh.
"I'm not lying dude. All her and I do isn't just have sex, we're not some horny teenagers. We actually have a stable relationship where we talk, we don't just fuck all the time." Lachlan says, making you want to cheer him on but knowing the conversation would end if you did.
"Awe, is Little Lachy catching feelings? Where do you see you two going?" Preston asks, sending your heart into overdrive. Lachlan and yourself are officially boyfriend and girlfriend, that much you two have talked about. You've been like this for a few months now, but you two haven't discussed anything beyond dating yet. You know that both of you want to be married some day, and that both of you want children, but with each other? You two haven't talked about it yet. You know for yourself, you'd love for Lachlan to be the father to your children, and you'd love to walk down an aisle and become 'Mrs.Power' one day, but you don't know if that's what Lachlan wants.
"Preston this isn't a conversation I should have with you, I should have it with her first." Lachlan nervously laughs.
"You two haven't talked about this yet!?" Preston shouts, and Lachlan immediately shushes him.
"She's in the next room, Preston. No, we haven't talked about this yet. I don't know how she feels about me, okay? But I may be in love with her, and I'm terrified." Lachlan says, making you feel like your heart has stopped. Does he actually mean it? You two haven't said those words yet, but you've been thinking them to yourself lately about him. You were waiting for him to say it first, to save yourself the embarrassment if he doesn't feel the same way, but if he feels the same way back then there's no reason to keep it to yourself.
"Do you really mean that, Lachlan? You really think you might be in love with her?" Preston questions.
"Yes, I meant that. I do think I'm in love with her, and Preston it's horrifying. What if she doesn't feel that way about me?" Lachlan sighs. You want to run in and tell him you do feel that way, but you get a notification saying the pizza is here. You completely forgot about your hunger, and now have to fish a few dollars out of your purse and tip the delivery driver before going and seeing Lachlan.
"Lachlan?" You ask, tapping on the door to his recording room with the box of pizza in hand.
"Shh, Preston shut up." You hear Lachlan whisper. "Yeah, (Y/N)?" He calls back after clearing his throat.
"The pizzas here." You say, fighting back a smile.
"Oh, you can come in." He says, and you walk in the room. Preston is on screen muted, yelling something at the camera.
"Lachlan, I think Preston's trying to tell you something." You laugh, sitting in the extra office chair and placing the pizza box on a empty space on his desk.
"No, I don't think so. Preston, I'll call you later. We're going to eat lunch now." Lachlan says, waiting for Preston's muted laughing figure to give him a thumbs up before hanging up.
"Why was he muted?" You ask, seeing if Lachlan will tell you about the conversation.
"I think he muted himself accidentally, I don't know." Lachlan mumbles. "Anyways, this smells good and you must be starving, so lets eat." Lachlan says, opening the pizza box. You two both take a slice, eating the cheesy goodness.
"I think I might be in love with you too." You casually say out loud, biting into your second piece of pizza as Lachlan's chewing his.
"Excuse me?" Lachlan coughs, almost choking on his pizza.
"I heard what you and Preston were talking about." You tell him after swallowing your bite.
"Oh, you um, you heard that?" He asks, a blush rapidly rising to his cheeks making you laugh.
"Yeah I did, and Lachlan? You make me really happy. Every time we go out to get dinner, every time we cuddle on my couch, every time you make me film a vlog with you, I fall more and more. I think I'm in love with you. You know what? Scratch that, I know I'm in love with you. And I know you don't know, I'm perfectly okay with that. I just had to tell you, after hearing you talk to Preston I had to let you know." You confess, a smile on your face.
"I know I'm in love with you too babe, I just said that to Preston so he'd leave me alone. If I told him I was in love with you but haven't told you, he'd be making fun of me for the rest of the year. That's why he was muted when you came in the room... He kept chanting 'Lachlan loves (Y/N)' and I didn't want him scaring you away, I didn't know how you would feel about it." Lachlan says awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.
You get out of you chair, and grab his hand in yours to get him to stand up. Once he does, you stand on your tiptoes and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to meet you in a deep kiss. "I feel the same way about you, Lachlan. I really, really, love you." You pull away to say, smiling as he pulls you back in to continue kissing, murmuring back to you that he loves you too.
A/N I'll reread this eventually and probably not like it as much as I do now, but for now, I like this so lets leave it that way am I right??
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