#but especially mac because he has it worst. he'll never get it if you don't Say it.
sunnykeysmash · 1 year
if cursed had the characters suffer horrific scenarios, then what scares dennis the most is just being misunderstood, which is pretty much already what he goes through
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silvanoir · 10 months
Drove work friend home today,
and will be doing so on Mondays for the rest of the year. Only 4 more working Mondays after this, maybe in January too, Mondays only. Because last Monday his usual ride didn't pick him up and left him to freeze in the parkinglot for 3 hours, until the security guard took pity and drove him home.
He doesn't have his own car because he can't afford one ... in debt due to identity theft. He used to have a work truck some years ago but it was sold without his permission... used to do light construction but someone stole and sold off most of his tools... guy has the worst luck.
AND he was sick the first 3 hrs of work, kept having to run to the bathroom, but didn't want to go home because he needs every bit of money he can get.
And on the way in I heard him saying to his ride to that "I'm not a bad guy! I don't ask for much..." (I didn't want to butt into that so I kept walking by, though I agree, he's NOT a bad guy and he doesn't ask for much.... he's never asked anything of me, I've freely offered... and he's sheepish in even accepting any help). He's sleeping on a couch, doesn't even have his own room, and another person he lives with who does nothing all day and is on unemployment wants to watch TV until 10pm, which is a problem, since we have to be in work by 3 am. He NEEDS his own bedroom, some space of his own where he can shut the door, work on his craft projects and music, get some SLEEP, but I can't help him with that.
My guest room is occupied by my elderly disabled father who has a caregiver during the day. My bedroom is MY room. So all I have is a livingroom couch.... so same situation PLUS... we're friends but only close friends as of this year and it would be a BAD LOOK to invite a guy from work with no transportation to live with me lol (after he gets out of debt he's going to save up for a used motorcycle, good luck to him). Plus I don't want to be the one to drive him around all the time either.
Bad enough he said on the way out to someone asking where he was going "I'm going home with Charlene" NOOOOO bad way to phrase it! You're not going to my home with me, I'm driving you to YOUR home (as much as it is a home, dwelling may be more accurate). We already thwarted rumors over the summer, I don't want to go through that again! but his mind doesn't work that way, when I told him "That's how rumors get started" he said "Like the Fleetwood Mac album" and then the conversation went off on tangents like it always does with us.
On the way home I stopped for bagels, because I always stop for bagels on Monday, and as I said to him "I used to bring bagels to you, now I'm bringing you to bagels". Bought him a bagel and a coffee, and a bagel and green tea for me, and we sat and talked about vintage toys, old cartoons, and Godzilla. He kept apologizing for not having money or a car to take me out, and I told him don't worry about it. I'm helping because I want to (I hate seeing nice people suffer. He does too).
Plus he is doing little things to help me back. I don't remember if I mentioned, but he fixed both my bicycles. And is currently fixing a broken watch (the clock part is fine, the fastener on the strap is broken and I don't want to replace the strap because it's this pale blue-green cotton I'd never find again, he builds models and is very good and piecing together things so he'll figure it out). And he's going to help me with some small fixes on the house and yardwork.
Despite falling on hard times he IS a good guy... we were talking about Thanksgiving, not a favorite holiday for either of us, especially since he has social anxiety.... he has to go to 4 different relatives' houses and doesn't want to (his family is kinda messed up and they've done more to hurt than help him)... he said he'd rather go volunteer in a soup kitchen or something like that. So I don't mind helping him because I know if he had the ability he'd been the one helping other people, but right now he's the one who needs help.
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randomdcfangirl · 5 years
Personal Hairstylist
Okay, this is Jason x POC Reader but reader is not living anymore. It's probably going to be sad and or triggering so be warned. Anyway, because reader was mom and is dead that means Jason dose her hair and things the 'moms do' (I put that in quotes because there are a lot of amazing single dads out there that don't have the recognition they deserve). So Jason is a single dad, daughter is about 6 years old.
Btw I'm a mixed girl who has extremely mixed hair. If you didn't think it was a thing OH MY GOD. My hair is a mess, it's curly and just a lot to handle. When it's wet and full of conditioner oh it's easy but when it's dry and tangled don't even think of getting a brush through it. But anyway my mom is black and my dad is white, I appear as a 'white girl' because my mom is light skin. I have 3 siblings and we are all the same skin tone.
Warnings: a couple cuss words, mentions of death, possibly triggering, Justice League is kinda insensitive, kinda depressing but it has a happy ending.
(D/N): Daughters name, (Y/N): Your name (L/N): Last name
Loosely inspired by a headcanon I saw by @secondratefiction
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(btw the picture is a example of their daughters skin tone and hair type, but you can use her as your daughter if you would like).
The night Jason got the news you weren't coming home he broke. He didn't care who saw or heard, all that was on his mind was the fact that you were gone. He cried, about the pain, about what happened, what this would mean for (D/N) since she was 8 months at the time.
You were in an accident, a MAC truck driver didn't look before pulling out and smashed your car. Your injuries were bad, like really bad, swollen brain, fractured skull, broken legs, spine, arms, ribs and many more injuries. You were lucky you didn't die on the spot, you were in a coma for 3 weeks before you passed.
Jason was sitting at home with the 8 month old baby in his arms. Bruce and his brother's were there to check on him, Alfred was there to take care of (D/N) when he went back to the hospital for the night. But instead Jason's phone rang, he set the sleeping baby on the couch next to him, he was there so she wouldn't fall, then answered.
"Hello?" He answered over the phone.
"Calling for Jason Todd?" The voice said.
"Thats me." He replied.
"I'm sorry to say but (Y/N) (L/N) passed away at 8:31 p.m., you may come here to see her and say your goodbyes." The doctor said. It was now 9:00 p.m.
Jason didn't know how to respond, so he hung up and threw his phone at the wall, shattering it. He had just seen you an hour ago, he came home to put (D/N) to bed then go back when Alfred arrived to take care of her. He was about to leave to spend the night with you there. That's when the crying came, no one needed an explanation, they understood what happened and started tearing up too. As much as Alfred wanted to cry as well as everyone else he just took (D/N) off the couch so the noise didn't wake her.
When everyone calmed down enough they went to the hospital. Jason brought (D/N) so she could say bye as well even though she doesn't understand. Safe to say that was the worst day of Jason's life, that beats his death, or anything horrible that has happened to him in the past. When they got to your room Jason laid your daughter on your chest that wasn't moving anymore. He laid his head on your shoulder as more tears and quiet sobs came out.
"I'm sorry it has to end this way. I can't believe you're gone, it hasn't set in yet. I love you so fucking much, I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm just so sorry." Jason said to your motionless body.
Jason felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked to see Bruce then turned back in your shoulder. The rest of the night was a blur to Jason, all he knew was he had to raise (D/N) into a queen he knew you would love.
Now it's almost 6 years later and Jason was getting (D/N) ready for school. He was doing her hair, when her hair was starting to get really long he taught himself how to do it. With the help of Kori, Barbara and YouTube videos, mostly YouTube because Kori and Babs didn't have hair like her so he got a lot of help from YouTube. It was definitely a trial and error type of thing.
But he did it, damn he was good too. He learned how to braid and how to slay dam edge's. He also is definitely teaching (D/N) how to embrace her curl's and love who she is. She's so much like you it's crazy, Jason has definitely cried over that many times but would never admit it.
"Okay, go look in the mirror." He told her as he picked her up off of the bar stool she was sitting on. They walked to the bathroom. "Do you like it?"
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"I look so pretty." She said.
"Yes you do, like the queen you are." Jason told her. He was going to make her the most confident and independent woman you ever did see.
"Daddy, do you think mommy would like it?" She asked, the question stunned him for a minute but he composed himself.
"Yes, she would've loved it, almost as much as she loves you." Jason would never admit it but he almost cried.
"I wish she was here." She said, about to cry as well.
"Me too pumpkin," He sighed and picked her up them placed her on the bathroom counter by the sink. "But mommy wouldn't want us to be sad, she would want you to be happy, and you got me and I'm not going anywhere."
"Okay, I love you." She told him.
"I love you too. Now, how about we get you to school?" He asked her.
She nodded and hopped on the countertop to get her shoes. Slipping them on she asked her dad to tie them for her, he did and grabbed her bag. Walking out the door he made sure he had everything then locked the apartment door. She held his hand as they walked down to Jason's car. She was really small so she had a booster seat that she knew how to do, Jay waited for her to finish before driving off.
In the car they started talking about random things, like all the friends she's going to play with today and what Jason gave her for lunch etc.
"Your like my own hair dresser." (D/N) told him which made him chuckle.
"I like personal hairstylist better." Jason said as he stopped outside of her school. "Okay, let's walk you in."
So she unhooked her seat belt and got out of her seat just as Jay opened her door. Once again grabbing his hand to walk her inside. Getting to her class she, Jason crouched down to hug and kiss her.
"Bye daddy." She said.
"Bye, have fun, okay?" He told her smiling.
She nodded and ran in the class, Jason watched her put her bag in her cubby then go sit on the rug with everyone else that was there. Jason looked and smiled one last time before walking back to his car. He had to go to the manor for some vigilante stuff, he had stopped missions and only patroled sometimes so he could take care of (D/N). He did help with behind the scenes stuff sometimes too.
When he pulled up to the manor he just walked in the door and down to the cave. Tim's face was in his computer as always, Dick and Damian were sparring, Babs was on her laptop looking through case files, Alfred and Bruce were at the Batcomputer looking at something.
"Hey jaybird, how's it going?" Dick asked.
"As well as it can." Jason responded.
That made everyone look at him.
"Where's (D/N)?" Tim asked finally pulling his face out his screen.
"School." Jason told him.
"What day is it?" Tim looked at the date.
"It's Tuesday. When was the last time you looked at the date?" Dick asked.
"Saturday, I think. Friday maybe?" Tim said.
"If you got you face out if your screen you might actually have a sense of time, Drake." Damian said.
"Yeah, Yeah demon." Tim shot back.
The case wasn't to tricky to solve but it was a league case so we had to talk to them over the phone. Then they were coming to Gotham because it wasn't safe to discuss it over the phone. Bruce was about to insist that he'll come to the watchtower but they hung up. Noticing what time it was Jason had to pick up (D/N).
"I have to get (D/N) from school." Jason announced going upstairs.
"Are you coming back?" Bruce asked.
"Yeah, she would kill me if she found out I came here without her then didn't bring her." Jason chuckled.
A noise no one has heard from him in a long time. It put a small smile on Bruce's face, he was getting soft in his older years. Especially with (D/N) since she was his first grandchild, Dick and Babs didn't have kids yet, Tim and Cass (wondergirl) were really young still and Damian and Raven were also really young. (Y/N) just happened to get pregnant and it wasn't planned, that's how that happened.
Jason drove to the school and walked to her class. She already had her bag and was waiting for him. But her hair was all over the place, one bun was out the other falling and the back had grass in it and was all frizzy. Jason suspected she was rolling in the grass.
"Hey princess." Jason said to her.
"You said I was a queen." She told him.
"You are a queen," Jason picked her up "But you're my princess."
"You're silly, dad." She giggled.
"Also, what happened to your hair?" Jason asked her. She shrugged. "Okay, we are going to the manor because daddy has some stuff to do, but do you want me to fix your hair?"
"Can you fix my hair in the," she stopped looked around to make sure no one was there then whispered. "Batcave?"
"Sure." Jason chuckled.
He walked back to the car and they both got buckled up for the drive to the manor. Once they arrived they once again went straight to the Batcave. The league was there but (D/N) didn't care and immediately ran to Bruce, he was talking so she quickly and quietly set in his lap waiting for him to be done. Once he was she said 'hi' and gave him a hug, The JL already knew about her so it wasn't surprising to see her. What was surprising to them was the fact Bruce smiled at her.
She greeted everyone else while Jason went to get her hair stuff that they'd left over here. Alfred had put it in Jason's old rooms bathroom for them. They're was a paddle brush, wide tooth comb and some products to keep the frizz down and a spray bottle with water in it. When Jason got back down there (D/N) was already sitting on a stool waiting. Dick wasn't to far either, so they were talking about stuff.
"What's going on with your hair there?" Dick asked her.
"I was playing." Was her response.
"I picked her up like that, I have know idea how it happened." Jason told him.
He got up behind her and started fixing the mess of hair she had.
"How do you want your hair?" Jay asked her.
"Can you put it up, I'm hot." She said.
"I can do that." Jason said.
So he did a bun so it was off her neck and shoulders.
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"You're really good at that." Flash said surprised.
"I better be after doing it for over 5 years." Jason replied as (D/N) got off the stool.
"Daddy, I'm hungry." She told him.
"Oh come this way Miss, (D/N). I have some cookies upstairs waiting for you." Alfred said after over hearing her and grabbed her hand walking her upstairs.
Jason watched them with a small smile as his gathered up all the hair stuff to put back upstairs later. The league had a few questions about things but Jason didn't bother answer any. He was just helping them get filled in on the part of the case he worked on. After a little bit he went upstairs to put the hair stuff away and check on (D/N).
"So spooky, where's his baby momma?" Green Lantern (Hal) asked.
"(Y/N) was her name, she was in a fatal car accident 8 months after (D/N) was born. Automatically leaving Jason with his daughter and having to play both roles." Bruce told them.
"That's rough, dude." Flash said (Wally)
"It is, Jason is sensitive to that topic so don't ask him about it. Especially in front of (D/N)." Bruce said. His voice was very demanding so they didn't want to test that.
"Yeah, don't do that unless you want to be shot." Tim chuckled.
"Would he do that to us?" Wonder Woman asked.
"He would, if you haven't noticed he doesn't taken to you guys ver well." Damian said. Then mumbled "Although you imbeciles probably wouldn't notice."
Superman heard but didn't know how to respond. He thought about saying something but realized it would probably get him insulted further.
"Yeah, you guys really get on his bad side." Dick confirmed. "Jason has been through hell and back, literally, and he feels like y'all treat him like any other criminal. Except you don't take him in."
"We do because he is." Wonder Woman said.
"Jason is a good man who's made some bad mistakes. He doesn't even put his mask on nearly as much as he used to. That changed when (Y/N) died." Barbara told them.
The League went quiet to process what the bats just said. But shortly after Jason and his daughter came back downstairs, they came to say bye because they had to go home. They said bye and (D/N) gave everyone a hug, including the league. Getting in the car they drove home. Once they got home and went inside they hung out for like an hour.
"What do you want for dinner, pumpkin?" Jason asked her.
"Ummm, pizza." She said excitedly.
"I guess we could, we haven't had it in awhile. Can you get my phone out of the kitchen?" He asked, she nodded and walked to go get it.
When she came back with his phone he ordered the pizza and waited for it to be delivered. When the knock came he went to the door to get it. He told (D/N) to get 2 paper plates from the kitchen, when she came back she placed them on the coffee table.
"Can we watch a movie?" She asked.
"What movie do you want to watch?" Jason replied.
"Frozen." She set down on the couch and Jason put her plate with pizza on her lap and went to turn the movie on.
After he put it on he joined her on the couch with his own plate and watched the movie too. Once they were both finished and so was the movie Jason got (D/N) all clean and ready for bed. She had her favorite pair of pajamas that consisted of blue cupcakes shorts and a short sleeve shirt with a cupcake on it. Jason read her a story, it was 'Brown bear Brown bear', after that was done he kissed her goodnight and left. He came to check later to see she was sleeping super peacefully.
What a perfect end to the day.
Okay, I was going to post this earlier today but I fell asleep lol. I really hope you like it.
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