#but everyone at the end is pretty much in agreement that the cradle guys suck and they all wouldve killed them themselves if zero hadnt
hecksupremechips · 8 months
One thing I appreciate so goddamn much about 999 is how Akane and Aoi (and to some extent Light and Clover) getting revenge on the cradle guys by just brutally killing them is treated like a super cool and based thing to do actually
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taetaespeaches · 5 years
“When you’re with me, you can always have your cake and eat it too.”
taehyung x reader (or oc) genre: fluff word count: 1.7K
a/n: Howdy lovelies! Here is a Tae drabble with very little plot. Just Tae and his Peaches being an affectionate and cute couple in a room full of boring ass people. I hope you all enjoy and thank you for reading :)) 
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HE had already told you so many times you lost count. However, it didn’t affect you any less when he gently pushed your hair over your shoulder, leaving your neck exposed as he leaned in and whispered in your ear, “You’re stunning.” He then pressed a soft kiss below your jaw before straightening his form, though he left his arm around your shoulders.
No matter how many times Taehyung complimented you, or kissed you, or even looked at you how he was looking at you in that moment, you would never become accustomed to it. So many years of knowing him and he was still making you bashful with his simple affections.
When your eyes left his adoring gaze, they dragged down his face, admiring the slope of his nose and the little freckle that was perfectly placed at the tip of it. His lips curved up into a smirk when your eyes found his mouth, and you mimicked the smirk.
You had to make an appearance at the charity event for your job. Sat at the table with your work colleagues, the room was full of prominent community members, everyone dressed in their best gowns and suits. Yet all you could see was him.
And his eyes hadn’t left you all night- even on the car ride there causing him to nearly rear end a car at a stoplight. When you teased, “eyes on the road you maniac,” Tae simply giggled, flashing a guilty grin as he turned his face forward. He kept stealing glances, you smirking every time you caught him doing so.
As some of your coworkers engaged in conversation with your boyfriend, you reached for your glass of wine and took a sip, entirely uninterested in the conversation taking place, though you smiled when your coworker attempted a joke while Taehyung gave a polite but forced laugh.
Taehyung noticed you were running low on wine, so he handed you the bottle as he continued entertaining one of your coworkers, letting you pour yourself a glass. Your boyfriend had bought the bottle for $30 when you first sat down. When you gave him a judging look, both of you fully aware the bottle was probably under $15 in the store, he shrugged and said, “it’s for charity.”
Filling your glass, you paused mid-pour as your eyes latched onto the desserts the caterers were beginning to hand out. Taehyung looked toward you, his lips turning up into a grin as his eyes followed your gaze, landing on the cake.
Taehyung leaned toward you, making you respond by leaning toward him as well. “Should we steal an extra piece?” He whispered into your ear with a grin.
Looking up at him, you bit your bottom lip to hold back your growing smile. Setting your wine glass down, you asked, “And how do you suppose we do that?”
“Well,” he smirked as he picked up his dinner plate that hadn’t been cleared yet. He then reached over you to set it in front of the empty seat next to you. With his chest pressed against your face as he made his move, you gripped his suit jacket in your hand as you nudged your nose against his pectoral.
Sitting back in his seat, you giggled, leaning in to press a kiss to his neck, one of your hands resting at the center of his chest as he tucked his chin in to look at you. Pulling away, you noticed some of your lipstick came off on his skin. “Whoops.”
“Hmm?” He hummed in question. You swiped your thumb across the red makeup and showed him the pad of your finger. Taehyung simply beamed at you, and when you reached for the cloth napkin to wipe it off, he took it out of your hand and looked toward the stage where a live band was playing. He felt your gaze on him however, a smirk forming on his lips. You were sure he knew what you were thinking… there’s that marking kink.
Taking another drink of your wine, you sat back in your chair, your eyes finding one of the waiters hauling over cake for your table. You let out a gasp of excitement, Taehyung looking at you with an amused grin.
As soon as cake was placed in front of you, you didn’t waste any time in digging in, your boyfriend watching you with adoration. When the waiter asked if someone was sitting next to you, looking at the uncleared plate, Tae coolly nodded, giving the waiter the go ahead to clear the plate and place a piece of cake in the empty spot.
You shot Tae an excited smile, scrunching your nose as he booped it. “My hero,” you cooed.
“Don’t you forget it,” he teased.
You both ate your cake quickly, moaning in approval of the sweet treat. “That’s so fucking good,” you complimented the cake, Tae chuckling at you as he nodded in agreement. “Split this with me,” you told him as you placed the extra piece between you both.
When your coworker made a passive aggressive comment about hoping you had enough dessert, Tae smiled at him politely before looking at you, meeting your gaze. You silently exchanged a fuck this guy between the both of you, you holding back a smile.
With your coworkers watching you both, Tae swiped the edge of your mouth with his thumb, wiping some frosting off. He then brought his thumb to his own lips, sucking off the sweetness with his gaze locked on yours. In response, you held a fork full of cake in front of his face, Tae leaning forward to eat the bite. Your coworkers, feeling a little less than comfortable, soon turned their attention to the live auction that was starting on the stage.
You and your boyfriend shared a knowing look, reveling in every second of being that couple.
“How much?” Taehyung suddenly asked, sitting against the back of his chair as he nodded toward your wine glass. “Place your bet.”
Raising your eyebrows, you bit your lip in thought. “For the bottle? Twelve.”
“Twelve dollars?” You nodded in response. “I think it’s ten,” he said, pulling his phone out to look it up.
“Hey wait,” you protested, placing your hand over his phone and pushing his hands to his lap. “What do I get when I win?”
“When you win?” He flashed an open-mouthed smile, a laugh on the verge of breaking through, sitting there in his throat. When you shrugged, he let the chuckle slip out. “What do you want?”
“For you to take me home,” you whispered. “Now.”
“Not having fun?” He raised an eyebrow, his amusement showing through his smile.
“Always with you,” you said, lowering your voice so it was just barely a whisper. Taehyung leaned closer to hear you as you added, “Just can’t stomach any more of you pretending his jokes are actually funny,” you nodded toward your coworker sitting across the table. Taehyung’s eyes widened in surprise for a moment as he grabbed the side of your face, tugging you against his chest as he shushed you.
“You’re gonna get us in trouble,” he breathily giggled against the shell of your ear. You let out a laugh at his reaction, pleased with yourself. “Ok, deal,” he said, pulling away from you to meet your eyes. “I’ll get you out of here immediately if you win.”
You nodded in agreement, and with that, he picked his phone up again to search the price.
“Wait, what do you want if you win?”
“I’ll tell you if I win,” he shrugged.
“What, no,” you laughed, trying to steal the phone from him as he held it out of your reach. “That’s not fair, we have to agree,” you whined.
“I thought you were gonna win?” He questioned you with a teasing smirk on his face. “Where did your confidence go, Peaches?”
With a sigh, you rolled your eyes, Taehyung laughing as he made the search on his phone.
“Closest guess wins, right?” He confirmed with you as you nodded. Holding the phone out to you, you read the price, letting out a whine of disappointment. “I’m pretty sure nine dollars is closer to ten than it is to thirteen, right?”
You rolled your eyes and let out a scoff as you held back a laugh. “Fuck,” you chuckled. “Fine, what do you win?”
“Let’s get out of here,” he said as he stood up, holding his hand out for you to take. Your eyes widened as you placed your hand in his, standing up.
“You want to leave?”
“You think I want to keep pretending his jokes are funny?” He asked you, his voice a little louder than a whisper, purposely loud enough for your coworker to hear if he was eavesdropping. As you bit back a laugh, Taehyung grabbed your coat off the back of your chair and helped you put it on.
He bid your coworkers a perfectly polite goodbye as you both made your escape. Holding your hand, he led you through the room, you both weaving between the tables toward the exit.
As you stepped outside the doors, Tae turned around, spinning you under his arm so you were in front of him. He then wrapped his arms around your chest, your back pressed against his front as he continued leading you toward the car.
“What do you say we get a nine-dollar bottle of wine and continue this party at home?” He asked you, leaving a kiss to your cheek.
“You won’t even splurge for a thirteen-dollar bottle?” You teased.
Tae snickered into your hair as he held you close. “Peaches, I just forked out twenty dollars on a bottle in there,” he joked making you cackle in the quiet parking lot.
“Cake too?” You asked with a smile, turning your head toward him so your lips could find his. He stopped walking for a moment as his hand cradled your jaw and he deepened the kiss.
“Of course,” he whispered against your lips. “When you’re with me, you can always have your cake and eat it too.” You giggled against his mouth as you kissed him again.
You slowly turned in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands slid down to hold your hips, pulling you closer against his frame. Your mouths moving with each other, neither of you gave a care in the world that you were stood in the parking lot with peering eyes watching you as they smoked in front of the entrance.
The rest of the world always did seem to disappear when you were together.
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shoutoismybaby · 5 years
Enouement- Ch 1
Pregnant!Reader X Bakusquad boy (He is a secret until next chapter! Can you guess who it is?)
Enouement- The bittersweetness of having arrived in the future, seeing how things turn out, but not being able to tell your past self.
Hi! This is inspired by all of those unexpected pregnancy AU’s that I love reading, but it always made me sad they were only a one-shot, so I turned it into a chaptered series! I hope you enjoy and tell me who you think the boyfriend is!
(also special thanks to @liliesoftherain for helping me with this story, a true MVP that you should follow)
masterlist/ part2
This wasn’t supposed to happen. It was a one-time thing, an accident. After being together for 2 years you both had finally turned 18 and decided it was time to take the next step in your relationship. You didn’t think that this would happen. You were careful every time after, neither of you thought that this would be the outcome of a one-time thing. He COULDN’T know this was the outcome, he couldn’t know that there was any outcome at all.
But there was, and it sat there in your shaking hands, a small test with two lines. Tears welled up in your eyes as you muttered to yourself about how this couldn’t be happening. You were on winter break, graduation was only 3 months away!
Could you hide it until then? You could only be about 2 months now, so no way that would be possible. Should you even hide it in the first place? Could you even take care of a baby? Did you want to give up your dreams of being a hero for a baby? And what about…
No. You couldn’t do that to him. You could never ruin his dream, a baby would set him back so far. He would never be able to forgive you. Even if he did, you wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself. Not only that but he totally was not mature enough to even think about being a parent. Those thoughts only left you with one option, abortion. You knew you couldn’t talk to your parents about it, or you felt like you couldn’t anyway. They would be so disappointed in you. Not only that an abortion sounded so terrifying to you.
Would they have to reach inside of you? Suck the baby out?
The thought of it made you nauseous.
“(Y/n), you alright?” you heard your mother’s voice from outside the door, “you’ve been in there for a while.”
“You having diarrhea?” Your dad laughed, and you hear the ‘ow’ that left his mouth after being elbowed by your mom. You quickly wiped your eyes and tried to clear your throat,
“Yeah,” you tried to figure out an excuse, “I was um, just fixing my hair.”
The last few days of winter break went by pretty smoothly, though you couldn’t help but feel like puking every time you thought of the test you had buried into your trashcan. Going back to the dorms was nowhere near easy, however, morning sickness hit you hard and excusing yourself from class in time to run to the bathroom was one of the most difficult things you had ever accomplished. Luckily for you, no one seemed suspicious of your changing behavior. In fact, your boyfriend just thought your increased appetite was cute. Part of it was probably due to being in different classes, you used to hate being in class 3-b, but at the moment it was giving you the time away from your boyfriend that you feared would reveal your secret.
“Hey, (Y/n), you okay?” your boyfriend’s happy voice broke through your thoughts. “You’ve been spaced out a lot recently.”
“Yeah I’m okay,” you tried to bring yourself back to the present, “it’s just that even though it’s only been a couple of weeks since break I’m already worried about our final.”
It wasn’t a lie. While you were worried about the exam, your biggest fear wasn’t about knowing the answers. No, you were terrified at the thought of not being able to take it in the first place.
“What do you mean, you've got nothing to worry about babe!” His chipper attitude brought a much-needed smile to your face.
“Yeah, you’re like totally smart!” Mina agreed, the rest of the Bakusquad you spent most time out of class with made various noises in agreement. 
“Thanks, guys, but I’m more worried about the application portion. I heard the teachers won’t be wearing any restrictions thi-” Your phone buzzing on the table cut you off. Your boyfriend picked it up for you,
“It’s your mom,” he said, handing it over. You stood up and ruffled his hair gently,
“I’ll be back,” You answered the call once you stepped out of the cafeteria, “Hey mom, what's up?”
“Hey honey, I just have a question.” Her voice sounded shaky and a nervousness built up in your stomach.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, of course. Your father and I just decided to get started on some cleaning, he wanted to beat the neighbors to spring cleaning, you know how he is.” Her laugh didn’t comfort you as much as it usually would.
“Yeah,” was the only way you could respond. You could tell that she was upset, but what was it about. “Is dad okay?”
“He went into your room to get your trash today.”
Your heart sunk.
“Mom I-”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Her voice broke and tears sprung up into your eyes. 
“I was scared! I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me, it was an accident and I didn’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do!” Your voice sounded strangled as you struggled to not sob in the middle of the hallway.
“Honey if you have this baby,  your hero career will be ruined. You might not even be able to graduate at this point.”
“I know that,” you sniffled and wiped at your watering eyes.
“But Does your boyfriend?” It was a reasonable question but it caused a sharp pain to shoot through your chest.
“No,” You walked over to the window to watch the snowfall outside,
“(Y/n), you need to tell him,” Obviously you knew that, but you just couldn’t.
“He’ll hate me! I just- I don’t… I don’t want the baby. I want to be a hero, and I can’t ruin his life like that.” You could hear her sigh as you wiped at your eyes.
“Listen, I’m going to pick you up from school, and we will figure out what to do okay?” You could only mutter in agreement before wiping your eyes some more. You turned away from the windows and back to the doors of the cafeteria only to let out a startled gasp. Standing in front of the doors was The Bakugou Katsuki.
“B-Bakugou, I don’t know what you think you heard but I can assure you it’s definitely not what it seems li-”
“You’re pregnant?” His eyes were blown wide open, and while you had seen him shocked in battle before, you had never seen him look so agape. Your once loose grip on your phone tightened to the point your hand ached in protest. The soft fabric of your shirt as you held the device close to your chest did little to comfort you as you began to shake.
“No, it’s not like that, I just..” Your grip on your phone slackened and your arms dropped to your sides, Bakugou wasn’t going to believe whatever shitty excuse you came up with, so you gave up.
“You’re fucking pregnant.” His eyes pierced through you and you couldn’t help but look down at the ground in shame.
“Yeah,” Your headshot up along with your hands, phone abandoned in your pocket, “but you cant tell! No one can know.”
“You’re not going to tell him?” His brows furrowed now, looking deeper to how you were used to seeing his face,
“Who knows what he would do if he found out! Hate me, leave me, give up on his dream to take care of the-” You pause, some part of you can not bring yourself to say the word once again. The whole situation was already too real for you. “I just need to deal with it by myself, then it won’t matter and everything can go back to feeling normal!”
“Is that what you want?” His voice was uncharacteristically gentle,
“What are you talking about, what do you mean?” You scrunch your face in confusion. Not only did you have no idea what you were going to do, but now Bakugou was acting weird. As the blonde moved to open his mouth he was cut off by the bell. You both knew that your conversation would have to end there as people were about to walk through the door, and the relief caused your body to slacken.
The rest of the day went by pretty fast, other than hero training which really wore you out. You walked as slowly as possible to avoid seeing your parent’s faces again. You knew they would be in the parking lot of the cafe across the street, and they would be so disappointed in you. So you lingered about once school ended, spending some extra time hanging out with the Bakusquad. You were trying to be as normal as you could, but that unwavering stare you felt on your back just made your nerves skyrocket. You wanted to say you were being paranoid, you really did, that Bakugou glared at everyone. Yet the longer he looked the more unease you felt that wasn’t one of his normal stares
Would he ruin everything for you? He understood that this wasn’t his place to tell right? Plus, when had the Bakugou Katsuki ever cared about things that weren’t supposed to involve him? Still, he did what he wanted when he wanted, and that was that. His extremely strong set of morals is what guided him in life, despite what some liked to believe. He was definitely going to let your secret spill. If he did that then..
Oh god, you needed to get rid of this baby. It could ruin everything you worked for, and you couldn't imagine living without your boyfriend by your side. He was such a happy guy who lit up every room he walked into. His smile was contagious and he always knew how to cheer you up. This time though, you knew that this was something you would have to deal with without him, even though you hated the idea of keeping a secret as big as this. You two were so honest with each other, you were open books the other could read at any moment. But if he knew about the baby..
You must have cradled your stomach without thinking because everyone started looking at you weirdly,
“Is your stomach upset (Y/n)?” Your boyfriend was at your side, concerned for you as always. You wondered if he could tell something was wrong.
“Maybe you should head home and rest, we can’t afford you getting sick!” The group agreed with Mina, and strangely that included Bakugou.
“Yeah, you should go home to your parents.” He grumbled the others teased him about caring for you, but you saw the look in his eyes. You knew what he was thinking.
With that, you turned and headed towards the gates of UA high.
Please tell me your thoughts, I love feedback! And maybe if enough people like it ill create a tag list?? Now that we’ve reached the end, do you know who the boyfriend is?
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erics-meep-morps · 4 years
An Imperfect Christmas Eve
A very cheesy self-ship Christmas fic with Lapis and Peridot. If you manage to read all of it then I hope you enjoy! But even if you just read parts of it I hope you still enjoy it. 
Our plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were planned out, and while both days would be busy we would have relaxation time at home on Christmas Eve night before heading to Beach City in the morning to visit Lapis and Peridot’s friends and family. Technically they didn’t have family, but they considered Steven and the Crystal Gems to be family. 
We had already bought gifts for each other so at least we didn’t have to worry about that. I got Lapis a fancy pool float so she could sit back and relax on the lake that’s next to our house. For Peridot I got a nail gun, which may seem odd but she had talked about wanting to get one for some of her projects.
Lapis and Peridot were still soundly asleep when I woke up on Christmas Eve morning. I carefully got out of bed to start making my breakfast, which was going to be french toast. However, when I opened the bag of bread there were many spots of mold on it. Disappointed that there would be no french toast and I wasted bread, I threw it in the garbage and looked for something else to eat. Everything I found was average instead of something special for a Christmas Eve breakfast, and I settled on cereal. 
“Good morning,” Lapis said as she walked into the kitchen. “Weren’t you planning to have something different for your breakfast?”
“Yeah, french toast, but the bread got moldy,” I said in disappointment.
“Aw, that sucks. Well, I’m sure lunch and dinner will be much better.”
A few minutes later Peridot was awake. “So what’s the plan for today,” Peridot asked as she rubbed her eyes. 
“Take the train into the city in about an hour, and then we’ll spend as much time as we want exploring the holiday market in downtown,” I replied. 
“Sounds good,” Peridot said with a thumbs up.
After my small breakfast and all of us getting ready for the day, we headed to the train station. Lapis and Peridot rarely rode the train since they could fly, but when they did join me on the train it was always nice. While it was slightly chilly outside at least the sun was out. 
Fifteen minutes later we got to the station, and the train would be coming in around five minutes. It was surprisingly quiet, and I realized there were no other people on the platform. Obviously there wouldn’t be any commuters on Christmas Eve, but I figured a decent number of people would also be taking the train to downtown for the festivities. 
We waited for five minutes and there was no train. Ten minutes passed and still no train. After twenty minutes of waiting I knew something wasn’t right. I noticed a small piece of paper taped to a pole and looked at it. Turns out they were running on a different schedule for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and the next train wouldn’t be here for a couple hours. I sighed and told Lapis and Peridot, and there was agreement to just fly to the city instead. Peridot got on Lapis’s back and Lapis cradled me in her arms. 
There was a breeze that made it a lot cooler flying through the air, and I shivered in Lapis’s arms. 
“Doing okay,” Lapis asked with slight concern in her voice.
“Y- yep,” I replied simply with a shiver in my tone. 
“We’re almost there,” Lapis assured me since she knew I was actually freezing.
I made a mental note to wear more layers when we headed to Beach City since Lapis would be carrying me there and the trip takes a few hours.  
When we arrived in the city there was a hustle and bustle of holiday themed activities going on. The holiday market spanned several blocks with many little outdoor shops selling various foods, drinks, and goodies. The three of us each had $40 to get whatever we wanted.
“Try not to spend all your money in one place,” Lapis said to us half jokingly.
“No promises,” I replied with a chuckle. 
We began our journey through the big holiday market and looked around at the various shops. A lot of it was touristy, but since it was only once a year even the locals were partaking in it. As we walked around we held hands with Lapis being in the middle. 
Not long after we started I was getting hungry, and I wanted to go to the shop that sold goulash in a bread bowl. I tried it last year and it was quite good, and it reminded me of my trip to Budapest several years ago. 
I remembered where the shop was located, but when we got there it was a different shop. Instead of making goulash they were selling scented candles. 
“If you’re looking for the goulash, they aren’t doing it this year,” a random person said as they walked by me. 
“Oh, well that’s a shame,” I said in a disappointed tone. 
We continued looking around, and while there were a lot of food shops, none of them got my interest for something I wanted to have as Christmas Eve lunch. Eventually I got to the point where my stomach was growling and I needed to eat something. I settled on a shop selling British food, and bought myself fish and chips. I’ve had fish and chips many times before and always loved it, but this time it wasn’t that good. The fish was already cold and it had a weird taste to it. The chips (fries) weren’t much better, as they were also cold as well as soggy. On the bright side I wasn’t hungry anymore, but it was definitely not worth the $10 I spent on it.
“How’s the food,” Lapis asked. 
“It’s... not the best to be honest,” I replied. 
“Hm, well there’s always dinner. If needed we can pool our money together so you can get something fancy,” Lapis suggested. 
“Well hopefully I won’t need to borrow money from you two, but I appreciate the offer,” I said. 
I followed Lapis and Peridot to a few shops that were selling art stuff, and Lapis bought a small art kit. Meanwhile Peridot inspected the different art and I could tell she considered her and Lapis’s meep morps to be superior. 
Since it was winter it didn’t take long for the sun to begin setting. Besides the fish and chips and the art kit we hadn’t spent any money, but of course we weren’t obligated to spend all of it that day. However, since I had a lot of money left I decided to get something fancy for dinner to make up for the disappointing breakfast and lunch. 
As the sun set it became slightly cooler to the point where I was shivering again, so I didn’t want to spend too much time looking for dinner. I preferred getting something from one of the small shops, but decided on an Italian restaurant since I wanted to be warm as I was enjoying dinner. However, this restaurant ended up being too fancy for us, as the host pointed out there was a dress code. All three of us were wearing winter jackets and our regular clothes underneath, so we awkwardly turned around and left. 
“Clods,” Peridot said. 
“We saved the world and all they care about is a dress code,” Lapis muttered. 
“Well I think I’m ready to head home, if that’s okay with you two,” I said, feeling slightly unsatisfied about the holiday market. 
“Yeah, that’s fine. Are you ready Peridot,” Lapis asked.
Peridot nodded, and Lapis took off for home. This time Lapis held me closer to her to try to keep me warm. I appreciated her trying, and it felt comforting but with no sun and a breeze I couldn’t help but shiver. 
After getting home we turned on the fireplace, settled on the couch cuddled up together, and watched random shows that we were interested in even though they weren’t necessarily holiday themed. My dinner ended up being a sandwich, but I also brought out my favorite wine and had a few glasses. Peridot didn’t drink, or eat for that matter, but Lapis had a glass with me. 
Suddenly I felt my phone vibrating and looked to see who it was. Seeing that it was Steven on FaceTime, I answered and all three of us greeted him. 
“Hey guys! How was your day,” Steven asked.
“It was pretty good,” Lapis responded enthusiastically. 
“That’s good! Were you guys still planning on coming here tomorrow?”
“Uhh, yeah, why,” Lapis asked.
“Well there’s supposed to be a blizzard starting in the early morning and they’re predicting it’ll last all day.” 
“Oh, I thought it was only supposed to be very light flurries,” I pointed out.
“The forecast just changed. The blizzard that was supposed to miss Delmarva is now supposed to head straight for us,” Steven said.
“Hmm, so I’m guessing trying to fly in that would be a bad idea,” Lapis said.
“Yeah, probably. We’ll just have to get together and exchange gifts some other time. I’m sure soon,” Steven said.
“Sounds good buddy. Merry Christmas to you and the gems,” Lapis said with a smile. 
“Merry Christmas to you as well,” Steven said and smiled and waved. 
“Wait Steven! One more thing before you sign off of your communication device,” Peridot said hastily.
Steven chuckled. “Yes Peridot?”
“We love you,” Peridot said with a big smile. 
“Awww, I love you guys too. Catch you later,” Steven replied and hung up. 
Everyone has one of those days where nothing seems to go right, and unfortunately for me that happened to be on Christmas Eve.  
“Well since we can’t go to Beach City tomorrow, want to just open the gifts we gave each other now,” Lapis asked. 
“Sure! It’s not like there’s a law we have to open them on Christmas Day,” Peridot said. 
We didn’t have a lot of Christmas decorations in the house, and that included the tree, which was just a small plastic Christmas tree I’ve had since I was a kid.  
I searched for the gifts we got each other since several of them were supposed to be for Steven and the gems in Beach City. 
“You two can open your presents first,” I said. Each present for Lapis had a blue ribbon while the presents for Peridot had a green ribbon. Lapis opened her gift from Peridot first, which was a hooded sweater.
“You always like taking Eric’s hoodie so now you have your own,” Peridot said with a giggle. 
Lapis snort laughed. “I love it.”
Next Peridot opened her gift from Lapis, which were gardening gloves. “Now your hands won’t get dirty and gross after working in the garden,” Lapis said with a chuckle. 
“Hm, coverings for my touch stumps. I like them! Thank you Lapis.”
Then they opened their gifts from me. For Lapis it was the fancy pool float that she could use on the lake, and for Peridot the nail gun. 
“Ohhh, I love it Eric! But how does it turn into a chair when it’s in this small box,” Lapis asked.
“Oh, you just have to inflate it,” I explained. We opened it from the box and I tried inflating it, though it was a bit of a challenge. After blowing air into it for awhile it seemed like it wasn’t inflating at all.
“Well that’s strange,” I said and inspected it. Something caught my eye on the material and I looked closer. There was a tiny cut in it, so it was never going to inflate. Upon finding that I sighed deeply. “Well, there’s a cut in it, so I need to get a new one,” I said in a disappointed tone. 
“Oh, that’s too bad,” Lapis said with a slight frown. “Well I still really appreciate it, and I’ll definitely use it a lot when we get one that works.”
Upon Peridot opening her gift that was the nail gun she didn’t seem very excited. “Oops, I uhh, should’ve told you I already bought a nail gun. But I still really like it! Now I have a spare just in case,” Peridot said and did her best to show that she appreciated it.
Once again I deeply sighed and facepalmed. “This is... definitely not my day,” I said in a defeated tone and sat on the couch.
Lapis and Peridot sat beside me on the couch and hugged me. “You still haven’t opened your present,” Lapis mentioned with a smile and got up to get it.
“I hope you don’t mind that this present is from both Lapis and me,” Peridot said.
Moments later Lapis came back with a tiny box in her hand and sat down next to Peridot, and both of them faced me. “Peridot and I have known each other for a long time, but we’ve also known you for awhile too. We’ve talked with some of the gems and Steven about relationships, like how they develop and how strong and healthy relationships get through challenges in life. Some days are bad, but the majority of them are good and that definitely applies to our relationship with you, and well... we were thinking...,” Lapis said with a hint of nervousness in her voice. 
“Let’s get married!” Peridot blurted out. 
My jaw dropped and it felt like my heart just did a few flips.
Lapis opened the tiny box and inside were three rings. 
“If you want to get married that is. We don’t fully understand it, but we know it’s a tradition between humans who are very close, and in Garnet’s case two gems who are very close,” Peridot said.
“We were going to wait for tomorrow, but decided now was the best time to ask,” Lapis said with a comforting smile.
I was still in shock, and all the inconveniences of the day disappeared from my mind. When I was able to finally collect myself I gave a deep breath and hugged them tightly. “Yes,” is all I could say and tears started rolling down my cheeks.
“Oh no, are you sad,” Lapis asked with concern. 
I took another deep breath. “I’m okay, I promise these are happy tears. I’m just so overwhelmed with emotions. I love you two so much and I would absolutely love to get married,” I said while still holding them tight. 
Lapis and Peridot started to get teary eyed and returned the tight hug. “We love you too,” they both said at the same time. 
It was a very emotional evening that lasted awhile with us holding each other tight, and then it became a long conversation about how far we’ve come in our relationship. With a day filled with imperfections, it ended up being the best Christmas Eve I ever had. 
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one-spidey-boii · 5 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch. one
an; heya friends. this is a story i actually began writing last year (yoinks) and im pretty determined to finish it now that we’re all stuck inside for who knows how long. thanks covid-19. since i began this last year, before i was well versed in the world of tumblr fics- this story does follow an oc of mine. but i’m pretty sure all my future works will be y/n’s. if oc’s bother you i completely understand. but thanks for reading if you’re interested!
**italics indicates flashback**
summary; edie (ee-dee) wolfe (wulf) can throw knives. peter parker can shoot webs. the two are tasked with watching the avengers compound for the summer while everyone is out kicking bad guy ass.
“do you even have a cool superhero name, wolfie?”
“i’m sure i can come up with something better than spiderman.”
warnings: mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), future smut, mature language, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 2.5k+
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edie's pov
i grab another chip from the half-empty bag laying next to me on the floor and shove it into my mouth. my other hand is scrolling through my instagram feed, only liking pictures of dogs and the occasional selfie of someone i follow.
the school day is over and i just got home, i immediately start stripping to my underwear and a big t-shirt. pants are for being around people, and i need some alone time.
today was weird. i'm quickly nearing the last week of my senior year and today i received some summer bummer last minute news from my friend, peter.
"hey, e." peter says while wringing his hands in front of him. i turn away from my open locker and look at him with a smile.
"what's popping, parker?" i ask as i close my locker and lean against it. he smiles weakly and shuffles in his place. i raise an eyebrow at him and fold my arms in front of me, awaiting an answer.
he clears his throat and looks at me with an unreadable glint in his eyes. "aunt may, uh, said we're going on vacation this summer." he says with a straight tone. my eyes brighten with interest.
"where to? somewhere with a beach, i hope," i say with a chuckle. he lets out a quick breath and drops his hands to his sides. he looks around the crowded hallway and pulls his lower lip into his mouth. i stop a smile from creeping at the side of my mouth. before he could say anything else, our mutual friend ned comes up from behind peter and grabs his shoulder playfully, making him jump a little.
"what's up, guys?" he asks with a huge ned leeds smile on his face. i let out a short laugh at peter's reaction and answer our friend, "hmm, we're just talking about parker's vacation this summer. i'm betting it's a luxurious beach getaway." i say with a wink in peter's direction.
peter lowers his eyes to the ground and tenses up. ned groans and rolls his eyes. "you mean the one that requires him to be gone all summer long?"
i furrow my brows and look at peter as his suddenly sad eyes snap up to meet mine.
so yeah. our best friend is leaving us for the entire summer. all plans are thrown out the window and stepped on by the thousands of people who walk the streets of new york. after that stupid news, my day just kinda went downhill. i was looking forward to spending my summer nights with the usual group of friends- staying up til four in the morning, watching movies, and making the most of our last summer together.
i shove another couple chips into my mouth as a knock sounds at my door. i grant entrance with a full mouth and my mom peeks her head in. "edie, did you leave your brother at school again?" she asks with disapproving eyes.
i pull myself onto my elbows and swallow my food, "he was running behind! i told him to be out at two o'clock on the dot." i huff out at my mother, "he's fine taking the bus." my mom frowns slightly at me and looks over my semi-messy room.
"you're lucky the school year is almost over," she says while still observing my room, "you should probably clean up in here. and put some pants on." i look at her blankly and flop back down on the floor with a sigh, focussing my eyes on the ceiling.
she cleared her throat and continued, "edie, do it."
i peer at her in my peripherals and mumble a snarky response. she chooses to ignore it as she closes my door and yells an 'i love you' through it before walking away.
"yeah, yeah, love you too," i grumble under my breath. there goes my mom, trying her best.
at that moment my phone chimes and displays a text from the one and only peter parker. i pick it up and read the message.
'can i come over? feel like we need to talk'
i open the chat and stare at the words for a moment before replying with a simple 'okay' and pushing myself off of the floor to begin picking up the clothes scattered across my room. i pick up my favorite hoodie and bring it up to my nose, immediately pulling away in disgust and tossing it into the hamper. perhaps my mother was right.
i continue this process until my hardwood floors are fairly clear and visible. spotting a lone sock under my bed, i bend down to pick it up.
before i can straighten back up, my door flies open and i hear a loud “SHIT” before it slams shut again. i whip my head up, hitting it on the end of my bed frame in the process. i throw the sock across the room, completely missing the hamper and cradling my head in one hand. ouch.
i walk over to my door and pull it open slowly, carefully peering my aching head out to look both ways down the hall. after concluding that nobody was there, i begin to close it before something catches my eye. peter stands there, pacing back and forth at the end of the hallway and rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, mumbling to himself. i clear my throat to get his attention. he whips around and stops in his tracks.
"are you lost?" i ask with a soft smirk. he shakes his head slightly and takes a step towards me, "i'm here," he rushes out with his arms spread in presentation, albeit a little awkwardly and takes a step backward, regaining the distance between us.
"i see that," i laugh, "let me put pants on real quick."
i leave the door open as i grab a pair of leggings and pull them up over my legs, only stumbling a few times as i hurry. walking back over to the door, i watch as peter stares at his feet and plays with his fingers.
"you coming?" i ask. he nods and slowly walks over to me. i turn on my heel and fling myself on my bed. peter enters my room, tosses his bag to the side and hesitantly takes a seat in my desk chair, looking anywhere but me. i open my mouth to say something but peter cuts me off.
"ishouldhaveknockedimsorry." he rushes out in one breath. i quirk an eyebrow at him and he takes that as a cue to explain. "i didn't knock. so i saw you in your... panties." he says, defeated.
i bite down hard on my lip to stifle a laugh as i sit up in my bed. peter and i have known each other for years, i could care less if he saw me in my underwear, but to play with him, i look him the eyes and fake a serious face, "first of all, the word 'panties' is off limits. that's a big no-no," i say as i shake my finger at him, "secondly, peter, who cares?"
he lets out a sigh of relief and relaxes in his seat. he smiles, "well that's good to hear, panties make me uncomfortable." it was silent for a few seconds before he processes what he said and stutters to fix it, "i-i mean the w-word 'panties' not a-actual panties. ah shit..." he trails off.
teasing him, i add on, "oh of course, 'panty-dropper-parker' could never be afraid of some measly scraps of lacey fabric." he rolls his eyes and genuinely smiles for the first time all day.
a comfortable silence falls over us as we lounge in my room. i know he came here to talk about summer, but to me, there was nothing to talk about. he's leaving and i'm staying here. as much as it sucks, i can't do a damn thing about it.
he speaks up first, "a-aunt may is really excited about the vacation. i guess we're going to a few different places, making it kinda like a road trip." i smile weakly and nod my head, deciding not to say anything. he takes this as a cue to keep talking.
"if i could take you i would, e." he says with a sad smile.
i sigh and wipe the disappointed expression off my face, "sounds like a good time, parker. make sure you bring me back something special." i say with a wink.
peter laughs and nods his head in agreement.
this is going to be a long summer.
i'm back to laying on my floor after peter leaves. this time i just stare at the ceiling and try to distract myself from the impending doom of the summer. rolling my head to the side, i catch sight of my black suit peeking out of the closet. my eyes widen and i spring to my feet to grab it off the floor.
"shit, shit, shit," i scold myself as i wad it up in preparation to throw it back into my closet, my only thoughts are hoping and praying that peter didn't see it. i stop before i throw it and stare at the stretchy fabric of the completely black suit. i haven't gone out in a few days, making me yearn for the feeling of the suit on my body. with no hesitation, i strip down and pull the one-piece up my legs and hips, threading my arms into the sleeves and pressing the button on my right wrist that makes it fit perfectly to my skin. i follow that by tugging on my black boots that come halfway up my shins.
i rummage through the duffle bag i keep under my bed and grab my set of knives. i put one in each boot and slide the rest into the utility belt that i clip around my waist. with a quick look in the mirror, i pull the hood over my head with a smirk and open my window to climb down the fire escape.
peter's pov
it's not easy lying to my best friend. but with great power comes great responsibility, or whatever. i hop down the remaining steps of edie's apartment building and walk over to the nearest alleyway, away from the public eye.
tossing my backpack to the ground, i unzip it and pull out my suit before stripping down and climbing into it. with a touch of the button on my chest, it shrinks to fit me and i pull my mask down over my head.
a few days ago, mr. stark asked me to stay at the avenger's compound upstate this summer while everyone else went to do crazy superhero stuff.
"okay, kid. nows your time to shine." tony says with a serious look on his face. we're on the roof of a random building and it was nearing sunset. i straighten my posture and nod at him sternly.
"yes, mr. stark. whatever you need, sir, i'm ready."
not letting his serious face falter, he continues, "i'm taking the gang away for the summer, figure we need some bonding time. cap and i still aren't on great terms." he lets his eyes drop during the last few words, but regains his focus quickly.
a smile crosses my face as i try to speak, but he cuts me off, "no, no, no. before you get your hopes up- you're staying here."
my face falls at his words. just when i think i'm going to be able to actually do something, i'm left in the dust feeling like a little kid. mr. stark notices my change in mood and grips my shoulder, "come on, kid. don't get pouty yet. we'll be gone, so you need to be here. at the compound...kinda like a bodyguard."
i perk up at him, excited that he saw me fit enough to protect that building and everything in it. "you got it, mr. stark."
as excited as i was, i knew that i would have to come up with a damn good plan to convince my friends why i would be gone all summer. so, that's where i came up with a vacation. i told aunt may that mr. stark asked me to stay with him at the compound for my internship, which wasn't a full lie. everything was worked out.
i've been out for a few hours- helping old ladies cross the street and responding to any cry of help in earshot. taking a quick break, i pop down on top of a building with my feet dangling over the edge, eating a churro that someone had given me for catching some guy trying to steal their cash register.
my ears perk up at the sound of metal clashing onto the ground. i stuff the rest of the churro into my mouth and follow the noise.
in the alleyway below, there's a female silhouette, surrounded by three men. their voices are low and hushed, enough for me to have to turn on my enhanced hearing to make out what they are saying.
"listen, fellas, why don't you just go on home and take this as a warning." the female silhouette stands with her arms in front of her, as if ready to fight if necessary. the men just chuckle at her and move in closer, mumbling crude phrases that would surely make aunt may slap me upside the head if she ever heard me say them.
with that, i take it upon myself to jump down and land in between both parties, facing the group of men.
"how's it going, guys?" i say playfully before shooting a web at the man in the middle, he flies back onto the ground and sticks there. i turn towards the girl, whose face is shadowed by her hood, and ask with a small smile, "need some help, m’lady?"
she scoffs at me and takes a step forward, kicking one of the remaining two men in the face, who was coming at me from behind. she brings her hands to her waist to reveal two throwing knives. with impressive ease, she chucks one at the last man, pinning his foot to the ground and he lets out a guttural scream. the man she kicked in the face is coming back around with a fist up into the air, ready to throw in a good hit.
i lunge forward to grab him, but before i can, she grabs his hand and knees him in the groin. "ouch," i grumble to myself, feeling the bad guys pain. the girl turns on her heel towards me, and holds the other knife in front of my face as she breathes heavily with a grim look in her eyes. this is way too close for comfort. i swallow thickly and take a step back, "guess you don't need help after all, i'll be on my way now." i rush out and extend my arm to shoot a web to the top of the building where i came from.
once i'm up there, i sneak a look back down into the alleyway and watch the three men scurry off. i shift my eyes and find the mysterious girl staring back at me. all i can see is the small smile on her face as she turns and runs the other way.
|| anyone wanna be on a tag list? message me :)
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telli1206 · 4 years
A Christmas To Remember (Ch.4)
@vndooms @descendantsgiftexchange And here’s Chapter 4 😁 One Chapter left, which I hope to have up in a few days.
Chapter 1     Chapter 2     Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Falling For Christmas
Jay grunts softly, his eyes fluttering open at the intrusive sounds echoing from downstairs. He had resolved himself to sleeping in with Carlos this morning, so of course there would be a ruckus to ruin his first solid sleep this week.
He sighs, glancing down at the boy cradled in his arms. Carlos is settled peacefully against Jay’s chest, even breaths gently ghosting through his pretty pink lips.
Jay snuggles in closer, hugging Carlos tightly to his chest to fully enjoy this restful moment. It’s almost too tempting to just stay here for the day and not move a muscle, but before he can even really entertain the idea he hears a familiar snarky cackle ring out from downstairs.
He bites back a smile, sliding out of bed all too quickly and almost stumbling over his feet, waking Carlos with his movements. The boy next to him pops up, looking surprised to see Jay awake.
“W-What...are you doing?” He yawns, propping himself up on his elbows. Jay smiles at Carlos’ adorable sleepy face, unable to resist leaning over for a kiss. But once he’s back over the bed, Carlos takes the opportunity to grab Jay and press his hands into his back, trying his best to pull him back into the bed.
“Mmph! ‘Los!” Jay resists, pushing back from the bed. “Ben and Mal just got here!”
Jay springs backward when Carlos releases his hold and sits upright. An excited smile splays on his lips, and he drops out of bed to join Jay and get ready quickly. In record time they’re making their way down to the kitchen together.
The kitchen is erupt with laughter when they walk in. Ben, Mal, Evie, and Doug are sat around the table with Lonnie as she animatedly tells the story of her and Jane, again, while Jane sits in her lap, giggling happily. Ben and Mal are clearly absorbed in the story, Mal nodding her approval and Ben glowing his usual reassuring smile while they listen to Lonnie.
“That’s so cool you guys decided to give it a shot,” Mal mused, giving Lonnie a pleased smirk as she turned to nuzzle Jane’s neck. “Like, you got to be such close friends for so long before you dated. That must’ve made things just, so much...better. Huh?”
Lonnie seems speechless, for once, simply grinning at Jane while she nods vigorously at Mal.
“Isn’t that right, Jay?”
Jay chokes back a chuckle. Mal’s not even looking at him yet, but he knows that smug grin is meant for him. She turns slowly, flashing the grin his way as her eyes trail from Jay to Carlos and back. Carlos buries his face in Jay’s shoulder to hide his reddening complexion.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s great. Thanks Mals, good to see you too.” His eyes never leave Mal’s as he returns her smirk, letting go of Carlos to stride over to her and swoop her up into a hug. “Missed you, M.”
Mal leans into the hug with a smile. “Missed you too, Jay. I’m glad Ben could finagle at least a couple of days off for us,” she teases, stealing a glance over to her husband.
Ben’s already engulfed in a hug with Carlos, but he pulls away and quirks a smile Mal’s way.
“I did my best,” he concedes with a shrug. “I know it’s not much, but the royal court is fully adjourned at least, so we shouldn’t have any disruptions for the next couple of days.”
“Shouldn’t, being the key word,” Mal needles, poking at Ben’s chest. He scoffs at her snide comment though, sneaking a quick peck from her before running off to grab more coffee.
“Well, I for one am glad you’re finally here,” Evie says with a squeal, smiling brightly as she leans into Doug, looking over his shoulder at Jay. “Jay has been our Christmas activity coordinator all week, and you’ve been missing out on all the fun!”
“Oh! Oh! Yessss! It’s been so fun!” Lonnie agrees, eyes alight with excitement. “Jay’s got all the great ideas. Like, Christmasy stuff but super fun and exciting. Never a dull moment!”
The murmurs and nods of universal agreement have Jay swelling proudly, puffing up his chest as he smiles around the kitchen.
Once he catches the look on his boyfriend’s face, however, he physically deflates.
Carlos is chewing on his bottom lip, eyes cast downward as he scuffs at his foot. Jay observes him, silently, until he hears Doug clearing his throat.
“Anyway, what’s on the agenda for today, Jay? Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be great to have Ben and Mal joining us!”
Evie grips Doug’s arm, eyes wide and focused in a silent thank you as he places a hand over hers. Jay sucks in a slow, stuttered breath, forcing a smile at them and silently promising to pry about what’s bothering Carlos later. Besides, he saved the best for last, for when Ben and Mal arrived, so Jay has no doubt that everyone will have fun today, especially Carlos.
“Well, why don’t we go find out? We’ve all gotta dress warm again…” he adds, talking over a few groans at the request. “It’ll be worth it! I know it.”
Getting everyone dressed and out the door was a lot easier this time around. Jay likes to think that all of his surprises have been so fun that no one feels the need to question why they always have to go outside, but deep down he knows that Ben and Mal’s presence have more to do with it than anything. Ben is always willing to join his friends without question, and Mal has been hyping up their day so much that Jay’s really starting to wonder about her. Mal’s not the...cheerleader type. But he can’t think of another word to describe how she’s acting right now.
“Jay-bear, I think I figured out where we’re goooing,” she coos.
“Oh, did you now?” Jay quips, trying to glance quickly behind him. He knows she’s grinning, but their banter just doesn’t feel right if he can’t match his arrogant looks to hers.
“Yep, and I’m pumped.” She grabs Ben’s arm excitedly and stares out the window as they arrive. Jay’s pulling up to the lake now, fully frozen over and empty, with a fresh dusting of snow on top that’s been left untouched.
“Ice skating??” Lonnie practically shouts, jumping up from her seat in the car. “Yes! Let’s do it! I love it!”
Jay lips curl into a smile at the warm response to his plans. Even Carlos reaches over to intertwine their fingers and flash a happy grin. Well, a sort of persed, tight-lipped grin with a slight hesitation behind his deep brown eyes, but Jay pushes away the need to address it, yet. They only just got here, so there’s plenty of time to warm up to the idea still. And all their friends are here, so what’s not to love about this?
The sounds of excited chatter and elation as skates are being put on heartens Jay. Even Evie cheery smile stays put through the wobbling on her skates, and the mild offhand complaint about them not matching her outfit. Jane is giggling with every step, emulating a newborn foal with the ways her knees are knocking, but still eager and ready to get on the ice.
Carlos is not much sturdier than Jane on his own skates, but Jay keeps a firm grip on his waist and elbow as they walk, and despite a few harrowing teeters on his blades, Carlos glides onto the ice with surprising ease. Definitely a better start to their outings than previous days, and enough to stir a glimmer of happiness inside Jay as he and Carlos fall in sync on the ice together.
Of course, Lonnie still tries to stir up trouble by flying by them on the ice with Jane and getting a little too close , but even with that close brush Carlos manages to stay upright, maybe just holding Jay’s arm a little tighter.
He heaves a sigh of relief once they pass, and Lonnie throws a wink to Jay over her shoulder.
“We’re racing later Jay, you better be up for it!”
“You’re on!” Jay shouts back. He shrugs when Carlos shoots him a troubled glare, but once he squeezes Carlos’ hip and smiles reassuringly, he gives in with a resigned sigh.
“Don’t worry, I won’t leave you skating alone. Maybe you and Jane can keep each other...up?” Jay grits his teeth, biting back laughter at the thought.
“Ha ha, very funny,” Carlos quips, bumping him on the shoulder. “I was more worried about your dumbass racing yourself into a tree or something. You and Lonnie aren’t exactly...thoughtful, when you challenge each other.”
Jay chuckles, turning their bodies to ease around a bend in the lake. “I’ll be careful, ‘Los. You know you can trust me.”
Carlos nods silently, choosing to lean into Jay rather than respond, which Jay is fine with. He’s content to enjoy this time with Carlos before their friends disrupt them, which usually happens all too soon anyway.
Especially when Mal is around.
He’s startled by two hands on his shoulders, and Mal’s body slams into him from behind before he can react. “Whoa! Sorry,” she cackles, wrapping her arms around to hug him. “I wanna do a whip, Jay! Assemble the troops!”
She pushes off of him, just as Ben skates up and grabs her hand, gesturing for Jay and Carlos to join them as she leads Mal to the middle of the lake. Jay groans as he starts to spin them around.
“You heard the queen,” he snarks. “You wanna grab Evie and Doug? I’ll get Jane and Lonnie. Let’s get this over with.”
Carlos giggles and shakes his head as he skates off to do Mal’s bidding. Jay wants to keep a sneer on for show, but Mal’s eagerness to has him feeling giddy. Even Carlos wasn’t fighting back his smiles, despite being out in the bitter cold. Things were finally going well for him.
The rest of the day on the lake had been fun, but largely uneventful. Jay was happy for that though, because really, most of the events of the last few days had some sort of minor disaster tacked onto the end of them.
The whip had been exhilarating in its success. A knot had twisted in Jay’s gut as they all got lined up, the thought of Carlos potentially finding himself at the end and getting whipped into a snow mound had been swirling in his mind when they finally started. But to his luck, Jay had finagled the anchor position, and was able to keep Carlos at his side, ensuring his safety...for the most part.
Carlos’ breathless laughter and toothy smile remained etched in Jay’s memory, making the day more than worthwhile to him. He even managed to race (and beat) Lonnie, with Carlos conceding to skate with Jane for a bit while they did.
“Oh come ON! How did you do that? Tell me you cheated,” Lonnie pants, trying to catch her breath. Jay doesn’t want to sound as winded as he is, but sucking his breath down only leads to an awkward wheezing, which makes Lonnie laugh out loud. “Careful grandpa, you’re gonna hyperventilate! Deep breaths!”
“Shut up,” Jay retorts, unable to bite back his smile. “I beat you fair and square, Li- loser.”
He snorts when she slaps his back, hard. “Fine! Just don’t get a big head about it, cause it’s not gonna last long, you hear?”
Jay nods, letting his laughter die down as his breaths come in more evenly. His eyes dart around the lake until they land on Jane and Carlos, arms linked as they skate slowly, chattering quietly and smiling to each other. It’s only when Lonnie leans in to follow his gaze that he realizes he’s been staring.
“They’re fucking cute, aren’t they?” she muses, smiling softly as she watches them. “The cutest little nerds…” she adds with a quiet chuckle.
Jay nods, but jumps when Lonnie spins to face him, lips painted with a playful smirk.
“They really needed us you know? To show them how to let loose and just have fun.” She turns back to steal a glance at them again. “I just assumed Jane would always be uptight. I still liked her though, still wanted to give it a shot. And...she’s actually really fun. She’s always up for anything when she’s with me.”
Lonnie continues to watch Jane, and Jay almost has to choke back a giggle at the dreamy look on her face, but he’s able to control himself. He’s too happy for Lonnie anyway, he doesn’t even feel his usual need to tease her.
She finally seems to snap out of it, looking back at Jay with only a half quirk of a smile. She huffs a laugh at him, shaking her head.
“You gotta do the nerd stuff too, though, don’t you? Just to make them happy. It’s not so bad though. Jane loves when we read together. And we do puzzles allll the time.”
She scrunches her nose when Jay chuckles at her, giving him a nudge with her elbow. “Turns out, I actually like puzzles. I had no idea. I guess that makes me a little bit of a nerd too, huh?”
“It makes you a nerd for Jane.” He actually laughs this time, and Lonnie rolls her eyes at him.
“I hate to break it to you, but you’ve been a nerd for Carlos even longer.”
Jay scoffs, pulling her along as Jane and Carlos start to skate back to them. “If you say so, Lons. It doesn’t matter anyway, cause I’m not about to complain.”
Lonnie seems eerily quiet for a moment, but just as she reaches out to grab Jane’s hand, Jay hears her barely mumble.
“Me neither.”
Jay feels his happiness creeping through him for the entirety of their drive back to the castle. The car is relatively silent, Evie and Mal are already both sleeping, clearly feeling physically spent from the long day outside. Jane and Lonnie talk quietly in the back for most of the ride, while Jay lightly strokes Carlos’ hair as he lays his head against the center console. He’s smiling sleepily, and a rush of joy consumes Jay from the inside out. Ice skating had gone off without a hitch, and at this point he couldn’t have wished for more. Today was perfect.
Well, almost perfect.
When they arrive at the castle, Carlos pulls Jay aside and into the hallway as they’re walking in.
“So. Don’t be mad, but-” Jay’s already frowning, so Carlos turns a weak smile. “-would it be ok with you if I just went to our room now? I really want to lay down, I’m beat.” Carlos bites his lip and looks downward, refusing to meet Jay’s gaze as he waits for him to respond.
Jay’s trying to be understanding, but really, he isn’t. Sure, today was tiring, but everyone else is still choosing to hang out together, and Carlos is never one to turn down time with friends. And Mal and Ben just got here today! This just, doesn’t seem like something that Carlos would do.
Carlos finally looks at Jay, giving him wide, pleading eyes and his most regretful smile.
“I mean, if that’s what you want. You know I won’t stop you.” Jay mumbles, trying his best to look sincere.
Carlos nods, kissing him quickly on the cheek as he passes by to retreat upstairs. Jay huffs a sigh as he watches, eventually trudging glumly back into the main living room alone to rejoin their friends.
“Jay, will you get your mopey ass in here already?”
Mal shoves another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth, letting the spoon dangle from her lips as she waves Jay into the kitchen. He follows her command wordlessly. All the will he had to enjoy her company and banter went upstairs hours ago, leaving him alone so his mind could formulate all the potential scenarios that sent Carlos upstairs and not with Jay on Christmas Eve.
“Are you just going to sit around all night and wonder what the hell you did wrong?”
Jay grits his teeth as he slides into the chair next to Mal. “No,” he grumbles, but she’s already flashing a shit-eating grin.
“Yes, yes you are, Jay-bear. You’re not fooling me. Never could, so stop trying,” she chuckles and dips her finger in her ice cream to smear it across Jay’s nose. He swipes it off with a sneer, shrugging her arm off his shoulder.
“Fine, who the fuck cares?” He bursts, tossing his hands up in frustration. “I spent weeks planning out this trip, and all I’ve managed to do is drop a tree on Carlos, knock him out with a toboggan and make him want to go to bed and ignore me. I think I have the right to fuckin’ be upset, ok? I ruined our first Christmas together. He probably hates me.”
“Ok, stop with the pity party. He doesn’t hate you. I saw him with you all day today. He does, like...the exact opposite of hating you.”
Opposite of hate? Jay’s lip trembles, but he forces back his smile. “But, he couldn’t get away from me fast enough tonight. And I thought he had a great time today.”
“Jayyy,” she sighs, “I love you, you know I do. But not everything is about you. Did you ever think that maybe Carlos was...tired?”
Jay shrugs, a little disbelieving. “He’s skated before, it’s never that exhausting. And he’d never give up the chance to see you and Ben. We’ve been wanting to see you guys for so long.”
“I know,” Mals says, squeezing Jay’s hand. “And we’re excited to see you both too. But from what Evie’s been telling me, you’ve had all of them running laps for days with all your, Christmas activities.”
Jay snorts at Mal’s finger quotes, slapping them down with a smirk. “So what’s your point? I’m just trying to make the most of this trip, and really get in the Christmas spirit. You know? Make it a memorable Christmas for everyone.”
“And I’m not arguing that at all, Jay. Really, Evie, Lonnie and Jane wouldn’t stop raving about how fun it’s been thanks to you. But-”
“But? Oh great, here it comes,” Jay starts to moan.
“Just shut up and listen, ok? When you were making all these, Christmassy plans, did you stop to consider the things that Carlos likes to do?”
Jay pauses, licking at his lips as he thinks. “He likes...Christmas. Being with friends.”
“He likes sitting and talking, playing board games, doing puzzles,” she explains with a quirk of her brow. “Sure, he does sports. Sometimes. But mostly to spend time with you, like with tourney. But, you fell in love with a nerd, Jay. Don’t forget that.”
Jay scoffs, turning away from Mal with an angry furrow in his brow. But he releases with a sad sigh. “Fuck, you’re right. I know you’re right. I should’ve made at least one day about doing what he loves, not me. Dammit.”
He drops his head, clenching his fists on the table. But Mal reaches out to him, softening his grip with her fingers.
“Will you chill? We can still fix this.”
“Mal, it’s Christmas Eve. What the hell are we gonna do?”
Mal’s smile stretches wide and triumphant. “I thought you’d never ask. E! Get in here!”
Jay here’s some stumbling in the main living room, followed by quickening clacks.
“You called, M?” Evie sing-songs as she pops around the corner.
“Remember what we talked about? Jay does need our help,” Mal tells her, smirking at Jay’s surprised look.
Evie grins toothily at Mal. “Oh good! Craft time!”
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stellar-alley · 4 years
•Chapter 18•
This is based off of the artwork by oceanteeeth on Instagram!
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: Does Stanley's sickness interfere with the Ancestors getting to the bus on time? Will they make it home in time for the full moon? Well you'll have to read and see! )
“He’s been sick since tuesday, we went out after school and he was all congested and sneezy” Richie filled the Losers in as they sat in a circle outside the room where Stan was.
“And you didn’t tell anyone?” Mike asked, disappointment tainted his voice.
Richie’s shoulders sagged, “come on guys, we know Stan, he always gets a little sick, brushes it off then recovers! How was I supposed to know it would end up being a big thing”.
“No one could’ve known. Don’t beat yourself up Rich” Ben put a comforting hand on the wolf’s shoulder.
“Thanks haystack” Richie nodded his head slowly.
The click of a door opening caught The Losers attention. They all turned to watch Mr Brock emerge from the room, they caught a single glimpse of Stan through the door crack before it shut completely.
“What’s the status doc?” Riche put on a voice which got him an elbow to the ribs from Eddie.
“Beep Beep” he grumbled. Eddie’s hands were tense, up by his chest, anxiously fiddling with his compass.
“Well, he is sick. We tried contacting his parents but the storm that rolled through last night knocked out the phone lines” Mr Brock explained.
Richie cast Eddie a glance, he remembered how he couldn’t call his parents previously.
Beverly stepped forward,“What’s gonna happen?” She asked with her arms crossed.
“Well we-“ Mr Brock started when the sound of another door bursting open stopped him mid sentence.
Mrs. Stuart stepped inside, “Everyone on the bus, the tide is rising ahead of schedule, we do not have much longer” she informed them.
“We aren’t leaving without Stanley” Bill stated as he straightened his posture. The rest of the Losers nodded in agreement.
“Well if he is still throwing up then we can’t have him on the bus” Mr Brock shook his head sadly, “there’s nothing I can do”.
“I-I am fine” Everyone turned to find Stan had dragged himself from bed and had leaned up against the doorframe behind them. His face was pale, the bags under his eyes were darker than previously and his usual straight posture was unusually low.
“Stanley I don’t believe that that’s a good idea” Mr Brock worried.
Stan sharply inhaled, tierd of the bullshit, “I said I was fucking fine so lets just get on the damn bus, alright?”. He was tired but also worried, Stan knew Eddie and Richie needed to get home before the moon rose.
After the rest of The Losers got in on it, and they were all able to force them to allow Stan on, as long as he had a garbage bin in range the whole time. He agreed so they shoved a dollar store garbage bin into his arms and rushed the group onto the bus. They barely had enough time to get settled before the bus driver hit the gas and began on their way to the main rocky road.
“Shit” The bus driver cursed as he raked his hand through his thinning hair. “Brock? We’re too late” he sighed as Mr Brock rushed from his seat to the front of the bus to inspect the road. Which wasn't really a road anymore as it meshed perfectly with the ocean around it.
“Shit” Brock repeated.
“Language!” Richie shouted from the back seat.
Mr Brock had to withhold the urge to flip off his student. Instead he curled his fingers into tight fists and sighed.
Eddie elbowed Richie as a means of telling him to shut up as he shot him a look of daggers. Richie laughed lightly before he met Eddie’s gaze, that’s when it dawned on him, what this meant.
“Oh shit”.
“Okay guys so good news! We were able to get rooms for everyone in the castle’s hotel!” Mr Brock tried so hard to sound excited but everyone could tell he was stressed.
The two Ancestors snapped to face each other. “What the hell are we gonna do?” Eddie demanded, voice low and tense.
Richie’s face scrunched up in confusion, “How the hell am I supposed to know! I’ve never done this before”.
“Get a room you two” Stan groaned in his sick nasally voice from the seat in front of them. Without another word Stan turned, sat on his knees and leaned over his seat to face them. “Why don’t you two just fucking sneak out of the hotel and shift on the beach?” Stan suggested.
The other two shared a look of confusion, “You could hear us?” Richie quirked an eyebrow.
“Yes I'm pretty sure my cousins in Hawkins could hear you. So next time you plan to discuss your full moon activities, keep it down” He advised before turning back around and sliding down into his seat.
“It’s not a bad idea though” Eddie contemplated the idea as Richie shoved his hand up into his snapback and ruffled his hair while still keeping his hat securely on his head.
Richie looked around then responded, “Okay fine, plus I bet it’ll be just us in the room so it’ll be easy as hell to sneak out-“.
Mr Brock stood in front of the class in the lobby of the castle “Sadly there were only a limited number of rooms left so four people per room, everyone group together”.
The Losers looked between each other. That’s the one thing that kinda sucked about their lucky number, seven is an odd number, which meant that whenever they had to split up, the numbers were always off.
Richie and Eddie immediately stood together. Stan glanced at them and shuffled beside them, knowing they might need his help. Bill caught on and stepped beside them, because he wanted to keep an eye on those two, but also because Stan was his bestest friend after all. But in the end all The Losers just stood in one group.
Eddie leaned towards Richie, “We cannot room with Bill”.
“We’ll figure it out later, just act normal” Richie hushed him. Though he put on a relaxed face, he couldn’t help but check the time on his phone. It was 4 pm, the time they were supposed to be home at. The moon rose at 8, so they had a couple hours before they had to get out.
Slowly but surely Mr Brock and the other teachers approved and handed out keys to different rooms. When he finally reached The Losers he haulted with a sigh, “Sorry guys we said four per room, and Beverly, you need to room with people of the same sex” He said semi apogoltically.
Beverly groaned and tilted her head to look upwards, “Fuck my life” She rolled her eyes. “Welp looks like Imma go sleep in the bushes, peace” She held up a peace sign then walked a couple steps away backwards before turning and heading off on her way.
Before she could get very far someone who was vaguely familiar to Beverly walked up behind her and lightly tapped her on the shoulder. Bev turned around and saw a girl from her grade, someone she’s pretty sure she’s seen with Eddie before.
“Hey uh- Sorry I just saw you didn’t have a group and I was wondering if you wanted to join my group. We uh- just need one more person” She smiled warmly. She had brown hair that fell just below her shoulders in soft curls. She wore a shirt she swore she picked up herself at Hot Topic once, it was a black button up with cute line art of crystals on it.
“Sure… Yeah” Beverly slowly nodded then continued, “thanks-?” She questioned carefully.
“Alley” She supplied happily, “My group is over this way” Alley said as she showed Bev over to where he group was standing.
Sadly Ben and Mike were put into a group with two guys they didn’t know very well, Boris and Theo, they seemed oddly familiar but they kinda kept to themselves.
After everyone was shown their rooms, which all consisted of two queen beds, a couch, a tv, and a desk. Nothing too fancy but it was enough. The one thing that sucked was that the rooms didn’t have their own bathrooms. If you needed to go, then you’d have to go to the one that your floor shared. Since no one had any clothes to unpack, since they didn’t plan to stay the night, the four just kinda sat on their beds as Stan cradled his trash bin.
At 5 they were called down to have dinner in the dining hall. The table clothes were white lace and their silverware had exquisite floral designs on them. It was obviously not meant for a group of highschoolers.
While they ate there was some soft elevator like music that played in the background which was mixed with the sounds of low murmurs from the students. The kids spoke in hushed voices as they were slightly intimidated by how underdressed they all felt compared to the decorations of the room and the outfits of the staff.
“Yo would it be bad if I just let one rip right now?” Richie asked the Losers. Eddie rolled his eyes. Stan’s stomach turned at the idea of what that would smell like. Ben, Bev and Mike giggled to themselves while Bill focused on the food on his fork.
Bill was aimlessly channel surfing when Richie did a small backflip, rolling deeper back onto the bed before leaping to his feet and jumping on the bed.
“What? What are you doing?” Eddie questioned as he tilted his head back to look at Richie.
“Jumping!” He said simply.
Eddie rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone from his pocket, typing up a quick message before sending it off.
Eddie: WTF are we supposed to do about Bill?
Richie felt his phone vibrate in his pocket so instead of bouncing again he fell on his butt and checked his messages.
Richie: Wait a minute, I have an idea.
A couple moments passed before Richie abruptly got up from the bed and rushed out the door, firmly shutting the door behind him.
“S’he okay?” Stan mumbeled from where he sat hunched over the bin on the other bed.
Eddie shrugged, “Dunno”. He turned his head just in time to catch the weird glare he was getting from Bill. He quickly snapped his gaze down to his lap where his hands were aimlessly playing with the chain of his compass. With his anxiety levels high, and the fucking full moon rising, hsi viens had turned black again. He shoved them into his pockets and hopped Bill didn’t notice.
Richie waited in the bathroom for about 10 minutes before he left and made his way back to the room. He opened the door with a sigh and made sure he walked slowly up to the others.
“Guys I’m sorry but Eddie and I gotta go” Richie pulled his pants up uncomfortably.
“W-Why?” Bill stood up.
“Well… Last night I had mexican food, and the trash stomach isn’t happy about it. So I-uh, gotta be in a room closer to the bathroom” Richie informed them with an embarrassed tone.
“Why the hell would you do that? You know Mexican doesn't agree with you” Stan played along with the act.
“Right…” Bill nodded. “Then why do-does Eddie have to go?” He added.
“I-I need… support. Yep, that’s it, I need emotional support” Richie lied on the spot.
Eddie withheld a sigh, mentally face palming. But either way, he got up and stood by Richie’s side.
The wolf’s face fell “Sorry guys I feel another wave coming-” he announced before fleeing the room, Eddie in tow. The door closed with a slam and they didn’t stop until they were in the bathroom. Richie locked the door behind them with a sigh.
“Yeah cause this doesn't seem weird” Eddie commented.
“What do you want from me? This is the best I could come up with on such short notice” Richie looked down at his hands, they were the same as Eddie’s, black veins and all. He ripped his snapback off and started fanning himself, “Is it hot in here or is it just me?” He asked.
“Nope, it’s the moon” Eddie checked the time, 7:30. “We gotta get out of here, and fast” His ears were sweating from underneath his beanie which seemed to make his head way too hot at that moment.
Richie laced his fingers with Eddie’s then hovered his other hand over the doorknob, bracing himself, “Lay low alright? Anyone questions us, we say you need air because of your asthma”. Eddie nodded.
The werewolf squeezed his boyfriend’s hand with one hand and ran his other hand through his hair. His wolf ears immediately perked up. He closed his eyes and listened, carefully, he tried to pick up any sounds from behind that door and in the hallway ahead of them. The soft shuffling of foot steps filled the air, soon followed by the click of a door shutting. Richie waited a minute before he slid his hat back on, opened the door and stepped out. The two quietly tiptoed on the plush carpet that lined the floor of the castle’s hallway.
Halfway to the stairs, Eddie halted and clutched his abdomen. “Fuck” He gasped.
Richie reached a hand out but it was slapped away by Eddie.
“I’m fine. Just hurts. We need to hurry” He whispered through gritted teeth.
Richie squeezed Eddie’s hand but continued on. When they reached the metal door to the stairs Eddie stepped in front of Richie and with a swift flick of his wrist the door magically opened just enough for them to slip through, closing quietly behind them.
Rushing down the stairs they shared the same pain that shot through their bodies every time their feet hit the floor. They burst into the main lobby, relieved to see that no one was at the main desk desk and the lounge area was empty. They rushed past the fancy leather seats and the artifact cases. Eddie held his hand out to open the door when the sound of a lady clearing her throat stopped them dead in their tracks.
“Well well well, someone out for a late night stroll?” Elizah’s british accent sent shivers down Eddie’s spine. He’d heard her give speeches countless times in the past but her voice never failed to bring goosebumps to his arms. “Please turn around, it’s very disrespectful to not face someone when you’ve been spoken to, epssesually an elder” Her voice was like an ice dagger, cold and lethal.
Hesitantly the two Ancestors turned to face her. Immediately she scanned the two boys. A faint smirk spread over her lips but she spoke before either of them could examine it further. “See if I didn’t know any better, I would have assumed that you were one of our runaway Ancestors.” She paused to think, “Eddie Kaspbrak was his name… But oh no, that simply cannot be, as he’s supposed to be dead”.
Richie tightened his grip on Eddie’s hand.
“But as I said, he was a runaway.” She took a couple steps towards them, hands behind her back then moved to settle them onto her hips. “Runways always find their way back, don’t they, Edward” She sneered.
Eddie’s eyes widened as his jaw fell slack, unable to properly respond. He could feel Richie growl as it reverberated throughout his body. It began in his chest and spilled out from his mouth.
She continued before either of the boys could speak up, “And who might you be, a young were-“.
The rabbit and the wolf turned to the familiar voice.
“What’s going on? You two are supposed to be in your rooms” Mr Brock stepped out from one the shadows of the various hallways. Confusion covered his face as he approached the boys.
“Eddie’s asthma was acting up, he needed some fresh air a-and our window didn't open” Richie spit out, a nervous sweat breaking out under his hat, that unsettled feeling suddenly turned up a notch.
“Oh well is everything better now?” Their teacher worried.
Eddie still couldn’t speak, his mind was running a mile a minute. She knew, the council knew. Suddenly all of his worst nightmares were becoming a reality.
“Yes, yes. He’s much better. But uh, sir would you mind escorting me and my dearest friend back to our room. We seem to have forgotten the key, we left in a hurry” Richie almost slipped into one of his voices. But with all things considered, he opted to keep things mature and serious. He anxiously grasped his key in his pocket. He hadn't forgotten it. It never left his pocket since the moment they entered the room, but he knew that Elizah wouldn’t make a move in front of Mr Brock, their teacher, a human.
Mr Brock seemed taken aback by Richie’s new tone, “Oh, of course” he nodded, extending an arm for the boys to follow him.
Without missing a beat the two left Elizah in the lobby and followed their teacher back to their room. The walk was quiet, Mr Brock kept up a steady pace a couple feet ahead.
Richie carfully rubbed his thumb over the back of Eddie’s hand as a way to sooth him as their inevitable transformations would have to wait a little longer. When they reached their room, they thanked Mr Brock as he opened the door. He also closed it behind them, they quickly locked it behind them.
Bill had been sitting on the bed, his foot hadn't stopped tapping against the carpeted floor of their hotel room since Richie and Eddie left.
A quiet knock interrupted whatever show they weren’t watching on TV. They both stood Before the door opened, surprised to see their two friends, and their teacher standing at the door.
“H-Hey” Bill said as the two entered the room.
Stan placed the garbage bin on the ground beside him, “Is everything alright?” questioned.
Richie started, “Yep, all is fine-”
“How the hell can you say that?” Eddie ripped his hand from Richie grasp, he shook his entire body as if it would rid himself of the past 10 minutes.
Richie sighed, his temper rising “Eddie can we not right now? We need to get the hell out of here, now”.
“W-Why? What’s guh-going on?” Bill stepped towards them.
“Not now” Richie growled, his yellow eyes practically pierced Bill’s soul, sending shivers down his spine.
“Hey” Eddie grabbed the wolf’s wrist, grabbing his attention. “Let’s go,” He demanded. He nodded his head towards the window.
Without another word the Ancestors stepped up to the window. They opened the latch but the window was sealed shut, Richie barling had to focus to use his strength, opening it with ease while Stan and Bill watched nervously. The moon’s raw power coursed through his veins, the power simply sat at his fingertips now, begging to be used.
Stanley spoke up, concerned about his friends “Wait where are you going-”.
“Stan, cover for us? Alright? And whatever you do, do not talk to Elizah Brightmoon” Richie explained before he stuck his head out the window, the drop was about 20 feet from their second story hotel room. “We can make it,” He said to Eddie who nodded.
Stan’s brow furrowed, “Wait what? Why? She’s the-”.
“She’s the leader of the council” Eddie put it simply, watching Richie stick his legs out the window and sit on the ledge.
No more questions were asked cause right after Richie dropped out of the window. The cool night air rushed past him before he landed on his feet. He took a second to regain his balance. Then he walked away from the hotel to make room for Eddie he watched as his boyfriend lingered momentarily on the window ledge before leaping down and joining Richie.
“What’d they say?” Richie asked as they began walking together towards the beach, away from the town.
“Just Bill being Bill” Eddie sighed, shaking his head.
When Eddie jumped, Bill and Stan rushed to the window and watched as their friend landed on his feet. They studied Eddie and Richie who began walking towards a location they didn’t know.
“They better make it” Stan muttered under his breath, but Bill heard.
“D-Do you know ab-about them?” He turned to face Stan.
“Umm, no?” Stan shrugged, really not wanting to lie.
“That’s such bullsh-hit Stanley and you know it” Bill snapped, he pointed a finger at Stan’s chest.
Stan refrained from meeting Bill’s gaze, instead he looked over his shoulder, out into the property surrounding the town. He caught something out of the corner of the window, someone. “Shit” Stanley cursed. He pushed past Bill to stand in front of the open window.
Bill didn’t wait to find what Stanley was looking at, his brows furrowed as he watched a lady in a long trench coat follow in the same direction that Richie and Eddie went. “Is that-“.
“Yes” The curly haired teen confirmed.
Bill twisted around to face the other, “We need to help them” he said, determination written all over his voice.
“What? But Bill you-“
“They’re still our friends. And they need us” There was no stutter in Bill’s voice.
Stan nodded a little, “Assemble the Losers” He declared.
Word Count: 3524
Guys I cannot believe there are only like 4 chapters left to everfalls, I think- I uh suck at math so enjoy that. But seriously next chapter- the rest of the chapters are all amazing. I mean they're all amazing but the next chapters are the final so they're just insanely better. So be excited for that!
Don't forget to like and comment, it really shows you care and wanna see more! But seriously thank you all for the support I've already gotten cause it means so much to me. Also go check out my new one shot Bubble Baths and Wet Cats, if you like tooth-rotting fluff and cats then that's the fic for you!
That's all from me y'all, so until next time,
So Long and Goodnight!
@richietoaster @s-onora @that-weird-girl-blog @beproudtozier @ghostnebula @bellarosewrites @s-s-georgie @lermanslogan @iamcupcakefrosting @madidraw @gazebobullshit @thoughtfullyyoungduck @aangzukos @ambitiousskychild @reddieonwheels @breadheadscorpius
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!
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thorne93 · 6 years
Whirlwind Romance (Part 15)
Prompt: You’re getting married to Chris Evans… Everything in your life is perfect… Except when you break the news to your two best friends: Tom Hiddleston and Sebastian Stan
Word Count: 1686
Warnings: language, anger, angst, adult themes, blood/gore/violence, uncomfortable situations
Notes: This is for @carryonmyswansong challenge (Double Season, Multifaceted, 500 Follower Celebration, Writing Challenge!): Prompt – You’re marrying the wrong person! Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes bcuz shes amazing and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo@carryonmyswansong for letting me brainstorm with them. Got this idea from @formyfandoms… Fic image made by the super bomb @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo
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The movie with Tom was going fantastic. He was a blast to work with. The two of you on the set was a total riot to everyone. The two of you were having a great time, spending time in each others trailers, enjoying lunches together…
Until of course the ‘scene’ came.
It was the only scene in the film where you’re supposed to kiss Tom, or his character. The scene signified the cliche part where the girl got the guy, and finally, after all this time, gets to kiss him. You weren’t ready for this, by any means.
You and Chris had discussed your on-screen kissing a long time ago. Both of you pretty much shrugged and said, “It’s part of the job.” Well… now, this was part of the job. Part of your job was to kiss your best friend while you were engaged and you had no idea how to handle it.
“Today’s the day,” Tom said, entering your trailer.
“Mhm,” you said, humming in agreement.
Tom sat down on your couch and peered over at you, trying to get your attention. “Everything okay?”
“Just promise me this won’t change anything between us, okay? This is just work. Just a kiss like anyone else, right?”
“Right. You and I both know there’s nothing romantic about this at all.”
“I know.”
“Then let’s just do our job and make our kiss passionate and sweet,” he said with an encouraging smile. “We could practice right now,” he offered with a cheeky grin.
“Har-har. No, I think the one we film will be just fine,” you retorted with a roll of your eyes and laugh.
“Have it your way, darling. Well, I’m off to makeup. See you out there.”
They had a little area set up off the busy streets of LA where the makeup and film crew was set up down the end of a busy bridge. You went out and got your makeup done in the makeup trailer, next to Tom.
The scene was set, the director called action, and you stood at the edge of the bridge, looking out over the water as wind whipped at your face. Richard, Tom’s character, approached you while your red sundress waved behind you.
“So, you found me…” you noted, not looking at him in your character’s persona -- Charlotte.
“Wasn’t hard. You said you always loved this spot.”
“I love a lot of this city.”
“Me too… Mainly the people.”
A small smile touched your lips.
“Yeah, the people are pretty great.”
“I’m looking at one of the best,” he said in his American accent, which sounded almost funny to you.
You finally turned to him. “Yeah? What makes you say that?” you asked.
“Because you’re the only person I look at and I don’t want to run away from…” he said, his eyes glued to yours, so much love and adoration in his face. God he was such a good actor.
“And you’re the only one I want to run towards,” you added before your feet picked up and carried you to Tom quickly. You slowed just before you got to him so you didn’t slam into him, gracefully wrapping your arms around his neck.
All at once, time slowed down and yet it moved so quickly you barely caught the moment.
You stared at him for the briefest of moments, the butterflies flapping wildly in your stomach, but you couldn’t think about those. The cameras were rolling. You needed that soft, determined look. You needed that “fresh in love” appeal.
Before you even knew what was happening, Tom’s lips were on your mouth. His hand held your head, his long fingers gently pressing into your head as his tongue danced along your bottom lip quickly. Your mind was alive with thoughts ranging from “this is weird” to “oh shit is my head at the right angle?”
Then as suddenly as it started, it ended. Tom’s heated lips left yours and it felt as if the air had been sucked away from you. Quickly, you recovered and set forward with your lines, wondering why you felt breathless and elated.
The kiss had left you feeling… wanting? How was that possible? Was Tom that good of a kisser? Were you just wrapped up in the story and the characters?
All you knew was that you felt Tom on your lips for the rest of the day… and you weren’t entirely sure that was a bad thing.
After shooting, Tom offered to take you out to dinner. You practically jumped at the offer. Filming all day and the emotions you had been feeling all day made you exhausted. The odd feelings that went through you at shooting had pretty much subsided, and you focused on the task at hand.
Now the two of you were at one of Tom’s favorite upscale italian restaurants in LA. Conversation flowed freely and the two of you were laughing constantly, so much so that your face was hurting and your stomach was in stitches. You two had been trying some wines on the menu tonight too, just for fun.
Eventually though, the evening was getting late and the two of you needed some sleep.
“I’m gonna go out and get some air,” you said as you stood up and grabbed your purse. The evening was very warm and you wanted to enjoy some of the air before you got a taxi home.
“Sure thing. I’ll settle the bill and meet you out there,” he said with a nod and smile towards you.
With that, you set off out of the restaurant. You stood outside for a few minutes, walking aimlessly in front of the restaurant until you got just a few feet away from the entrance and stepped one foot into the alleyway beside the restaurant.
You pulled out your phone to check for any texts or calls from Chris, and to check in on social media when someone suddenly said something right in front of you.
“You belong to me.”
Looking up, frowning in confusion, you asked, “I’m sorry?”
“It was supposed to be me!” a man approximately your age in a hoodie said in front of you. His voice had suddenly jumped two octaves, making you jump.
Immediately, you knew something was very wrong.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t know you,”  you gently informed, trying to move around him to get out of the alleyway, but he blocked your path, moving in front of you.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“You’re scaring me.”
“You take pictures with strangers all day! Don’t I deserve a little respect?” he demanded, grabbing your bicep and yanking you towards him.
At first, you had no idea what to do. You didn’t know if you should try to pull away or just go with it and hope he would calm down. Maybe you could get him to leave if you took a picture.
“Let go of me, you’re hurting me,” you stated, your voice shaking as the fear trickled all throughout your body. You wondered where Tom was. Hopefully he would come out of the restaurant soon and see this wacko.
Finally, you yanked your arm away and you turned to start to get away from him.
“Don’t run from me!” he shouted before he gripped your arm again, whirling you around to face him.
At first, you didn’t feel anything. But then it hit -- the searing pain in your stomach. Your eyes trailed down to see why your stomach hurt so bad.
Inside your abdomen was the blade of a knife, while he still held the handle. Red was dripping down the front of your stark white dress. Your gaze drifted back up to the man’s face, your mouth slowly falling open. His eyes went wide with horror and without warning, he yanked the knife from your stomach, making the pain twice as bad. The slicing motion made you cry out.
Without another word, the man glanced both ways on the street and then took off in a sprint away from the restaurant. Another moment and your legs started to shake as you tried to brace yourself against the building, but the blood was just pouring out of you. Quickly, you began to lose your strength. You tried to grab your phone that had fallen in the altercation, but all the blood made it slip out of your hands twice.
Now you had no more strength or energy so you slunk down to the ground, landing sloppily on your side.
At that moment, Tom stepped out of the restaurant, curious when he didn’t see you. It wasn’t like you to leave him. Even if you were tired and wanted to go home, you would always ride together. You wouldn't just disappear. He was about to call out for you or call you, but then he saw your shiny black heels sticking out of the alleyway.
“Y/N?” he said, his stomach sinking at the sight. The rest of your body was out of sight to him so he began to move quickly to see what had happened, yet when he turned the corner he thought he would be sick. “Oh my god,” he breathed, horrified. He rushed over to you, not caring that his expensive suit was getting dirty in the wet alleyway as he cradled your head and knelt next to you.
“Y/N? Y/N? Talk to me,” he said, but all you could do was murmur. He pulled out his phone and called 911 immediately. He told them where he was, and that you appeared to be bleeding a lot but had no idea why. As soon as the call ended, he pulled you close to him. “Y/N, hang on, hang on. Help is on the way,” he said as he rocked you back and forth, kissing your hair. “Y/N, if you can say something, please speak, make a noise, something so I know you’re going to be okay…” he practically begged.  
When no sound came from you though, he couldn’t help the tears that fell on his cheeks.
Forever Tags:
Tom Hiddleston:
Sebastian Stan:
Chris Evans:
WR Tag:
@gaylemonshark @tacohead13
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myhappyendings32 · 6 years
Be Still My Past
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AN: Hey everyone @unitchiefwives and I want to apologize for the delay in the update life happened, but we are back. We hope you enjoy…
Chapter 4:
Callie’s POV
Life. It’s a funny thing, one minute you’re the happiest you can be and the next minute you have sunk down to the lowest depths of turmoil. Honestly, if it wouldn’t have been for my sister Aria, life in general wouldn’t have been an option. Being there for me every step of the way led me to med school and eventually to being a surgeon. I am now a world renowned Pediatric Surgeon. Considering I am the oldest of the family, it still leaves me astonished to how I was the one being taken care of and protected.
One of the promises I made to myself and my sister was to always support and be there for her while she is following her dream. My sisters dream was to become an Assistant District Attorney (and damn she is one hell of an ADA.)  Which brings me to why I’m in the New York County Supreme Courthouse. Supporting and being there for my sister also means attending as many cases as possible. I loved watching my sister perform, she has a 96% accuracy rate to winning too her 4% rate of losing. She’s become somewhat of a legend around New York.
Today, though I am here on business. I have to testify in court for something so sad. This guys was doing things and...it��s so awful. This is always the downfall to being a peds surgeon, the part where things go wrong for some of them and I don’t mean medically.
This part always messes with me, the testifying part. The fact that I even have to do it is messed up. It bothers me how people in this world can be so cruel.
It wasn’t time for me to go just yet, I had about an hour before I had to meet Aria. I was ready for everything, all I had left to do was get my sister coffee. You’d think she’d be the one giving me the coffee since she’s so used to all of this. It’s fine though, she needs her fuel to win this case, if not for me then for the victim.
The hospital has a total of 13 different coffee carts and all of them have their own unique taste, this place… has one cart and it’s a take it or leave it situation. You either take it and count your blessings or you leave it and don’t look back. Since my shift ended less than 5 hours prior, I would say that taking the coffee is a no brainer.
Strolling up to said cart, I notice that it only has 3 types of Coffee. ‘Really that’s all they are going to supply me? This is just cruel.’ “I guess I will have a regular coffee with creamer and sugar.”
“Ma’am I’m sorry but we don’t have creamer. We do have sugar though.” The lady says, while pointing to the bowl that cradles the sugar.
You know there have been wars over coffee, because they don’t have the right flavor or it’s not made to there standards and here I am grasping to what I can find to flavor the caffeinated beverage that I adore. “Um… sugar will do I suppose.” This is not my day. I left the coffee cart assuming that this day would not be on the best or even average day.
As I was walking away, I totally forgot about Aria’s coffee so I ran back before anyone else could get in line, “Sorry, I totally forgot to order a latte for my sister.”
The lady at the cart looked a little annoyed, “Sure, what’s the name?”
The barista looked shocked, “Do you mean the ADA Aria?”
I looked at her confused, “Yes?”
She opened the register and had her coworker in the back make Aria’s drink. She looked at me, “Here is the change back for your coffee, and you and your sister’s is on the house. We lover her!”
I took the change, “Umm...thanks?”
Pretty quickly she handed me the latte and I was off to court. Fun, fun, fun. I was not ready for this, and no matter how many times I tried to trick myself into thinking I was...I wasn’t. It wasn’t before too long, when I got there. I went through the normal security check and metal detector walk through, and eventually found my sister waiting in the hallway outside of the courtroom.
“Here A.” I handed her the free latte and sat on the bench next to her because my feet were killing me from these heels. I mean I have a right to feel this way, I’m used to wearing surgeon shoes which are comfy and soft, not hard and arched weird.My sister is the one that wears the stilettos and the business woman suit. So it’s no surprise that she’s pacing back and forth while rehearsing what she’s going to say and hasn’t flinched a bit from the heels.
She finally stopped pacing and and sat next to me, giving me a hug. “Hey Nerd Brain, how are you?” she said with a huge smile on her face.
“Hey, we do not use that awful nickname in public.” I said laughing. I paused for a second before continuing, “As for how I’m doing, I’m a complete mess. This kind of thing should never happen. Plus these shoes are killing me A.”
She gave me her concerned look, “You’re right, this shouldn’t be happening. The sad thing is that the world isn’t always beautiful, which I know you know as well.” She was right and we all had to keep moving forward. I looked down at the floor, “Yeah, but it still sucks!”
Nodding her head in agreement Aria grasps my hand. “I know this is difficult on you, especially since… well… you know.” She’s right, I did know what she was talking about, but talking about something so odious was not going to happen not today, not ever. I must of had a look of fear and uncertainty in my eyes, because the next thing I know she is engulfing me into a sheltered hug. “Hey, hey, hey you don’t have to talk about it. I was just suggesting that if you need to talk I’m here. That’s all hermana.” My lips start to curve into a smile. I love it when she calls me that.
“Thank you Aria, but if I am going to make it through this case, I have to be strong. I am here for little Jami, she is the one that has suffered and if I am not on my “A” game this creep could walk out free and all be damned if I am going to let that happen.” I extract my hand away from my sisters and rub them up and down my pant clad legs. “So… what about you? Are you ready?” Shaking my head at my own stupidity. ‘What am I thinking of course she is ready. She was made to be an ADA.’ “Of course your ready that was crass on my part and I am sorry.”
She chuckles at my antics and shakes her own head. She knows that she is good she doesn’t need me nor anybody else to tell her. “Callie, you need to breathe and just relax. Matthew is going to be put away no matter what either of us say. Be truthful, and from the looks at the documents that you have in your hand you have everything. Am I right?” receiving a slight nod in conformation she continues; “Than you will be fine.”
She got up and headed into the courtroom to set up. I didn’t need to be in there just yet so I sat there very still, trying to compose myself so that I wouldn’t turn into a crying mess when I walked in there. I had memorized the document in my hands and started reciting it over and over to make sure I had it locked in.
I took a big gulp and finally got the courage to head in there. It was about to start in five minutes and I didn’t want to be late. I walked up to the big and wide wooden double doors, each with a golden handle, and opened them to walk in. On the right I saw Aria sitting next to the victim and their family, explaining to them the steps and what exactly was going to happen. On the other side I saw the most evil and wretched person in my life. How does one simply hurt another person, yet alone a child. It hurts deep inside whenever I see a child who got hurt in this way, children have such a pure view on this world and if it gets ruined so quickly then their sense of a childhood vanishes.
I walked down the center aisle to the front of the seats and sat behind the victim and my sister. When I sat down, Aria looked back at me with a reassuring smile and then turned her attention back to the child and his family. I’m not much of a religious person now, but I still believe there’s a God out there because that’s how I grew up and if other parts have changed on my belief one that, the one thing that hasn’t is the fact that I pray.
Right before court started, I sat there silent in my seat and nonchalantly closed my eyes, and prayed to God that this evil man wouldn’t see the light of day so that not only that child could be free, but also for any other children that may be his future victims. When I finished my silent prayer, the judge walked in and everything started.
“All rise! The Court of the second Judicial Circuit, Criminal Division is now in session, the honorable Judge Morgan presiding.” The bailiff announces, as Judge Morgan goes to take the stand.
The Judge nods to the bailiff dressed in a police uniform and looks at us. “Everyone may be seated except for the Jury.” We all take our respectable seats. He then looks at the bailiff and says; “Ms. Olson, can you please swear in the Jury.”
The bailiff known as Ms. Olson nods a yes and turns toward the Jury. She puts her right hand up and states; “Please raise your right hand.” The jury all raise their right hand and waits for the brunette woman to continue. “Do you Solemnly swear or affirm that you will truly listen to this case and render a true verdict and a fair sentence as to this defendant?” She looks at the scumbag and gestures to him. The jury all say “I do” She then tells everyone who are still standing too be seated.
Judge Morgan looks at us with a serious look and states; “Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this case. The prosecution has the burden of proving the guilt of the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt.  This burden remains on the prosecution through the trial. The prosecution must prove that a crime was committed and that the defendant is the person who committed the crime. However, if you are not satisfied of the defendant’s guilt to that extent, then reasonable doubt exists and the defendant must be found not guilty.” He gazes up the bailiff and then inquires; “Ms. Olson, what is today’s case?”
Ms. Olsen discloses; “Your honor, todays case is the state of “New York versus Matthew Johnson.”
“Is the prosecution ready?” Judge Morgan asks.
Johnson’s attorney stood up, “We’re ready your honor.”
Judge Morgan slammed the gavel down, “The trial is now in session.”
This was all suddenly becoming real, and if it was real then that means that I have to physically go up and somehow testify pretty soon. By this time I was mentally and emotionally ready, but I knew that when I got up there that I couldn’t look that kid in the eyes because I would break right then and there in the middle of everyone. That was definitely not on my to-do list for the day.
As I was sitting there, they went through the whole process of interviewing them victim and the suspect, asking questions, hearing stories, and one side trying to prove to the jury that Johnson was not guilty and the other trying to prove that he was. I knew he was guilty, I could see it in his lifeless eyes. I could tell they were lifeless too because I’ve seen a few in my line of work and his pale pretty close in comparison which is pretty scary.
They were finishing up with the interviews and started heading into the testimonies. These were rough because you could clearly tell when someone was lying and it was so hard to watch. I didn’t know exactly when I would be called but I was ready for whenever it was. I got my medical file out and made sure everything was in order for when I was called.
They’d been through about three suspects already and Aria called up the fourth one, “I’d like to bring Supervisory Special Agent Arizona Robbins of the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI to the stand to testify.”
The word agent caught my attention and I looked up to see a beautiful blonde with bright ocean blue eyes, walking up to the stand to speak. She wore a black pantsuit with a white button up blouse underneath and a pair of black boots. Some of my friends and I always wondered if all women FBI agents wear black boots or if it's just a myth, I hope i get to find out.
When she was up there, all I heard was her first sentence and then I got even more attracted to her. Her voice wasn’t what you would expect from an FBI agent. It was soft and sweet like candy canes and and gumdrops during the Christmas season. Most agents you would expect to be harsh and cold, but there was a certain light to her that made me feel safe.
Funny huh, I don’t even know her and she makes me feel like no one could ever hurt me. What is this feeling? Whatever it is, I have to talk to her somehow. Then again, me plus talking to strangers it like doesn’t really pan out well in this kind of situation. Maybe if I’d met her in a bar and we’d smiled at each other from across the bar then i’d have more confidence, but this was in a courtroom and and she was the most beautiful one in there who might I add, while having a sweet approachable side, also had a dark side I was a little bit weary of.
My thoughts left me once she left the stand to sit back down. It probably would of helped to hear what she said in terms of knowing about the case, but how could anyone think straight when she was around? I tried not to seem like a stalker but I followed to see where she sat. So I could possibly make a point to “accidentally” run into her if I had the time, but who knows.
After Supervisory Special Agent Arizona Robbins left the stands and the others took the stands I have to admit I really missed her being up there and gazing into her beautiful azure eyes. Rolling my eyes at my own pathetic thinking, I shake my thoughts away. It’s a good thing that Aria can’t see me from behind, she would for sure give me hell for it.
The session lasts for another 30 minutes and all the while I am looking between the person that is speaking at the altar and Arizona. What is this spell she has over me? The more I try to look away the harder it is too do just that.
“The court is now going to call a 30-minute recess. We will then return back at 10:20.” Judge Morgan declares. He then stands up and walks out of the back door.
Aria tells the Schmidt family to go ahead and get some fresh air. She then turns around with expressed brown eyes; “How’d I do up there? I mean I know this case is in the bag, but I still have a reputation to uphold.”
That’s when it got delicate, all I could say was a meager “You did great.” If only I could comprehend courtroom jargon, and it doesn’t help that most of the time my gaze was at the delicious blonde that has stolen my mind. Watching her made my stomach all fluttery, like hundreds of butterflies flying performing an air show, fluttery. No one in my whole being has made me feel that way.
“I forgot to ask you earlier how did work go? How many bad ass surgeries did you rock?” Being a Pediatric Surgeon I surprisingly have a lot of cases and they run sporadically throughout the day. The vilest is when I am on call, (especially when I am on call for 2 days in a row and its tied in with my scheduled day to work) which is why I have just come off a 36-hr, shift. But I love my job and I love my patients. Noticing the now glazed over look I have, she starts beckoning by waving her hand in front of my face. “Hello! Cal?” Deciding to take it one step farther by pinching me.
“OUCH ARR-IA, WHAT THE HELL?” rubbing the superior part of my arm to subside the pain, I inhale and then exhale a few times to calm myself down. “Sorry, uh, what were you saying?”
Concern evident in her eyes she puts her hand on my shoulder and inquires; “I was asking you about your job and how many kick ass surgeries you rocked?” Thinking something is troubling me she maneuvers her hand from my shoulder to my back and rubs up and down to soothe me. “Where did you go? Are you ok? I know that the case probably brought up a lot of grievous memories…” She trails off remembering my request earlier.
Not wanting to divulge in why I spaced to divulge in why I spaced out I give her a “yes, I’m fine. Just… tired I guess.” Because if I was being honest, I would have to convey that I missed most of the case and where my mind was just a second ago was on a certain B.A. So, I decided to change the subject and speak; “Hey, I am going to go and get some coffee from the coffee cart out out there, do you want anything?” Shaking her head, no and looking at me with that oh so familiar Torres glare, I smile and proceed out the courtroom. Once I open the doors to my surprise my eyes land on the woman that has been clouding the better part of my mind since I laid eyes on her.
 AN2: Too clarify Guest (Max) Reviewer we are far from done with this story and as far as getting to what happened to Callie well we assure you that it will come. Please everyone be patient. Thank You
 Thank You to all of you for your reviews, follows and favorites
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soldierstark · 7 years
Hometown Weddings | Part 1 | TOM HOLLAND X READER
Description / Request: The reader gets a call from an old friend inviting her to come to her wedding, one that's being held in her hometown. Tom, who has a crush on the reader, agrees to being her plus one, much to the amusement of Jacob and Zendaya. Jacob makes Tom promise to tell the reader his feelings at the wedding if he can get proof that she likes him back within the next 8 days.
Author's Note: So I got sent this request and liked it so much that I started writing it almost immediately. I added some details and it ended up being longer than expected so I think I'm going to turn it into a multi-part fic. Let me know if you like it and feel free to send me your own requests.
Word Count: 1632
Part 2 | Part 3
Everyone cheered as I caught yet another raspberry in my mouth. Tom, Zendaya, Jacob and I were all hanging around the craft services table, messing around while the crew got ready to film the next scene.
I reopened my mouth and leaped sideways as Jacob tossed another raspberry into the air. When I caught it once again, I dabbed furiously to my right.
“Why are you so good at this?” Zendaya asked in disbelief taking a sip from her water bottle.
I shrugged my shoulders and caught another raspberry in mouth, this one being tossed by Tom. I winked at him as I started chewing it causing a blush to appear in his cheeks. “While some of us were mastering the art of dancing,” I started making a pointed look at Zendaya and Tom. “I mastered the art of eating.”
“Preach,” Jacob said raising his hand for a high five. I grinned and slapped my hand against his rather aggressively. He hissed and retracted his hand. “Dam that stung,” he groaned, cradling his hand.
I cackled and opened my mouth to give a witty retort when the Spiderman theme song started playing. My hands reached into my back pocket and pulled out my phone which was receiving a call.
Tom started laughing, a sound that was music to my ears. “Seriously? That’s your ringtone? Why (Y/N)?”
I smiled at him innocently and put my free hand over my heart. “I’m just very dedicated to my role in the movie,” I said accepting the call. I put the phone up to my ear, not bothering to see who it was. “Hello?”
“(Y/N)? It’s (Friend/ Name),” a voice replied.
“Oh hey! What’s going on?” I asked, casually catching another piece of food in my mouth, this one being thrown by Jacob.
“Not much,” she answered. “I actually called you talk about my wedding that’s coming up.”
I leaned against the craft services table and watched as Tom failed to catch the food Zendaya was throwing his way. A weird feeling of jealousy coursed through my veins at the sight of them having fun together.
I tore my eyes away from them. “What about it?”
“Well I sent an RSVP to your apartment about a month ago and still haven’t gotten a reply from you. I’m just calling because, well I want you to come and I was wondering why you haven’t responded.”
“Oh (Friend/ Name) I haven’t been to my apartment in weeks,” I started laughing slightly. “I’ve been in Atlanta and will be for a while filming this new movie.”
“You should probably get someone to forward your mail (Y/N),” she said in a light tone.
Zendaya threw another raspberry at me and I leaped sideways quickly, catching it in my mouth successfully. “Yea I’ll make sure to do that. Sorry girl. But hey I’ll definitely be there. What day is it?”
“It’s next Saturday at 2:30. I’ll text you the location and other details. Also you can take a plus one.”
I paused and looked over at Tom who was chatting animatedly with Jacob. It was pretty obvious who I wanted to take with me, but would he want to come? I’m sure he had better things to do.
“Alright sounds good. See you then. Bye.”
“Bye (Nickname).”
“Who was that?” Zendaya asked as I hung up and put my phone away.
I looked up at my friends who were all watching me curiously. “My friend from high school. She’s getting married next week and wanted to make sure I could come.”
Tom raised an eyebrow at me. “(Y/N) you’re only 19. If she went to high school with you, assuming you graduated the same year, wouldn’t she be 19 too,” he asked, his accent very prominent.
I nodded my head yes with a look of confusion. “She is. So?”
“Don’t you think 19 is kind of young to be getting married?” Jacob added looking between me and Tom. Zendaya and Tom mumbled in agreement.
“Well where I’m from people get married very young. It’s common for people to marry who they date in high school when you’re from a small town,” I explained twirling a piece of my (Y/H/C) hair around my finger.
Zendaya laughed. “Oh yea, I forgot you’re from the country.”
“I’m not fro-,” I started but stopped when I realized she was right. “Okay yea I am. But I’m excited, I haven’t been home since I graduated. If anyone one of ya’ll is free on Saturday and wants to come with me you can. My friend says I can take a plus one.”
“Tom can go!” Jacob and Zendaya blurted out quickly in unison. My pulse started quicken as I tried to hide my excitement.
Tom’s head turned toward them so quickly I swear he could’ve gotten whiplash. His cheeks flushed as he started stuttering. “What? I uh, I mean uh ho-.”
“Look, Tom if you don’t want to go that’s fine,” I said trying to sound nonchalant, hiding my disappointment.  “I know you’re probably too busy and don’t want to travel to redneck Texas and watch some people you don’t know get married.”
He turned his head and looked straight at me. “No, uh I’ll go with you. It sounds… interesting. I’ve never been to Texas before.”
I quirked an eyebrow. “Really?” Tom nodded his head and I clapped my hands together in excitement. “Oh this is gonna be so much fun.”
“Dude you’re totally gonna get laid!” Jacob said clapping Tom on the back.
Zendaya and I started howling with laughter while Tom’s face went bright red. “Jacob!” he yelled embarrassed, covering his face with his hands.
I know I should’ve been upset at the prospect of my crush getting it on with another girl, but this was too dam funny. “He’s right Tom,” I choked out between giggles.  “You’re a cute 20 year old British movie star. The girls are gonna be all over you,” I finished once I sobered up.
“I don’t care if they like me,” Tom trailed off. He looked at me for second then down at his feet. “I’m not gonna sleep with a girl I hardly know.”
Zendaya smiled at him innocently. “And why is that… Tom.”
“Because I’m not that kind of guy,” he said in frustration.
Jacob crossed his arms and smiled at Tom innocently as well. “And,” he urged him on.
Tom looked back and forth between them. “You two suck. You said you wouldn’t tease me about!” Zendaya and Jacob started laughing at their friend’s expense.
“What am I missing here?” I asked with a look of confusion adorned my face.
Jacob opened his mouth to speak but Tom interrupted him. “Don’t,” he stated calmly.
Unfortunately for Tom, Jacob ignored him. “Tom has a crush on a girl!” he blurted out.
“Jacob!” Tom whined.
I looked between all three of them paused at Zendaya. “Wait, you knew about this too?” she nodded her head. “Why am I the last to hear about this?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. Tom?” she asked, looking over at him for an answer with a devious smile.
“Uhhhhh,” he floundered looking between me and Zendaya.
I waved him off. “You know what, that doesn’t matter,” I said trying to sound nonchalant though I was internally screaming. “I just want to know who she is.”
Tom, Jacob, and Zendaya all looked at each other then back at me.  I waited patiently for someone to speak up. “Well?”
“Jacob and Tom to bedroom set. Jacob and Tom to bedroom set,” a voice over the PA system announced.
Tom grabbed Jacobs’ wrist and started walking away. “Oh would you look at that they’re ready for us on set.”
“Bye guys,” Jacob yelled over his shoulder as they disappeared into the crowd of camera’s and crew members.
    “What the hell man!” Tom whisper yelled at Jacob as they walked towards the set of Peter’s bedroom. “You’re so obvious there’s no way (Y/N) doesn’t know I like her now.”
Jacob laughed. “(Y/N) is a lot of things but she isn’t perceptive Tom. Trust me when I say she doesn’t know.”
“Alright,” Tom mumbled running a hand through his curly, dark brown hair. “I hope you’re right.”
“I am but switching topics, next weekend is the perfect time for you to tell her how you feel.”
Tom looked at his friend skeptically. “Really?”
“Trust me dude, alright, you need to make your move at the wedding. You’re gonna be alone with her, dancing, partying, drinking,” Jacob trailed off.
“She’s 19 Jacob,” Tom said simply looking down at his friend.
Jacob shrugged his shoulders. “Well you’ll be drinking, but that’s not my point.”
Tom sighed as they arrived at the set of Peter’s bedroom. “Jacob you know I don’t think it’s a good idea. We still have at least another month of filming this movie and if I confess to (Y/N) that I like her and she doesn’t reciprocate…” he trailed off. “Things will be weird for the rest of filming.”
Jacob sat down on Peter’s bed while Tom took a seat at his desk. “Tell you what Tom, if I can get you definite proof that (Y/N) likes you back, will you tell her that you like her at the wedding?” Jacob bargained, resting his elbows on his knees.
Tom swiveled in Peter’s desk chair and looked at his friend, raising an eyebrow. “You can do that?” he asked.
Jacob nodded his head. “Sure. I have my ways. I am, after all,” he paused for dramatic.”-the guy in the chair.”
With a laugh, Tom turned his chair back around. “You have 8 days Jacob. You sure you’re up to the challenge?”
“Dam straight. But only if you promise me that you’ll tell her.”
“I promise.”
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Lol "loss"?
I reblogged this ask game, and this is one of my prompts.
My friend, Anonymous Reader:
You didn’t specify a pairing for this prompt, just the word, so I took a few liberties with this prompt. It also ended up being a lot longer than a drabble, at close to 5,000 words. It’s a very rough draft, but the angst is so strong that I cried a few times while writing it. Please enjoy this painful, terrible fic.
As you’ve requested, here’s a Voltron: Legendary Defender story in which Lance is a hero, Keith is selfish, and both Paladins lose something before they even have the chance to appreciate it in the first place.
Loss Prompt: The Worth of a Life
“Hey, what’re you guys cahoots-ing about over there?” his voice is light; bright and beautiful and enchanting and gratingly obnoxious all at once, as always. It’s just a bit more… distant than usual. It’s less like Lance’s usual voice, and more like a memory of what Lance is supposed to sound like. He knows it’s not quite right, not quite conveying the cool and composed persona he wants, but he’s trying his best. It’s hard just to remember how to breathe given the circumstances, so trying is all he can do. Breathe. Speak. Breathe again. He pushes on, and Keith sucks in a breath of his own to keep from telling his boyfriend to shut up. Nobody else can hear what he’s thinking, can feel what he’s feeling, can know the thoughts lurking just below the surface of his mostly-conscious mind. Keith doesn’t want to confuse or alarm their already terrified charges any more than necessary. And besides… Lance doesn’t need to be silenced or belittled right now. He needs to be comforted and validated and understood and –
“No cahoots-ing on my deathbed!” he hits the punchline of his own sorry excuse for a joke so hard that it rattles the fragments of bone that’ve come loose inside his ribcage. He tilts his head back as far as he can manage and laughs like he’s said the funniest thing in the whole universe. He tries to make that sound normal, too, and as far as Keith is concerned he very nearly succeeds. His laugh is rapid, and breathy, and genuine, and largely uninterrupted. It’s musical and ethereal and amazing and, again, gratingly obnoxious. It just isn’t… present. It fades out around the edges, as the warmth of it is trying to sink back into his pale, sand-colored skin. As if it can reinvigorate the parts of him that Keith can’t look at, that make the Red Paladin’s stomach curl in on itself like a dying animal. As if it can halt the progression of death as it creeps across Lance’s weakened body.
Lance himself lets the last laugh fade away, the distant look in his eyes and the slight shaking of his body the only warning either Keith or their anxious audience receives before he’s doubled over with a cough that seems as if it wants to tear him apart from the inside. His mind goes blank for a long moment, unable to process the sight of fresh blood in the crook of his elbow. There’s just the shock of bright red, the muddled scents of copper and acid and the last space goo they’d had back at the castle. His eyes go dull, and words leave him – even in his own head.
Keith shudders, decides it would take too much time to stand up, and instead crawls across the dusty concrete to reach Lance. He leans his own body against the same giant, mechanical lion’s paw that’s been keeping his boyfriend in a semi-upright position all this time. With a long, stuttering sigh, he lifts Lance into his lap and holds him close against his chest. Lance wraps an arm around Keith’s neck, what’s left of the other one reaching toward him only slightly before giving up and falling back. Lance closes his eyes, face buried in Keith’s chest. He shakes again, trembling with a cold only he and Keith can feel. The Red Paladin shivers in response, and then stills.
Wait. He can’t hear Lance’s breathing. He can’t feel it, either. The other teen is pressed so close against him that he can feel their hearts beating together, but he can’t feel his breath. He isn’t breathing. He’s been focusing on the rhythm of breathing for nearly half an hour, and now he isn’t focusing on anything at all.
“Lance?” the teen giggles at the sound of his own name, and Keith has the sudden desire to know if the galra have a god – because if so, he wants to thank them for keeping Lance alive… at least until help arrives. He places a kiss on his lover’s forehead, whispering instructions on how to breathe in case Lance forgets again. The Blue Paladin nods, and the inner mantra of reminders to breathe in and out starts back up in his head again.
He speaks anyway, deciding it’s worth both the mental distraction and physical exertion, “No cahoots-ing, Keith.”
“I’m not cahoots-ing. I’m… talking. That’s all.”
“Hm? Who’re you talking to?”
“The kid…”
“Idiot,” Keith almost bristles at the insult, but he manages to catch himself before Lance can hear his thoughts and get distracted any further, “you can’t just say you’re talking to the kid. There’s, like, fifty of ‘em in here. They’re the whole reason we’re here. There’s no the kid. Dumb Keith. Silly Keith. Pretty Keith. Soft Keith.” He mumbles on, his original point lost in thoughts of his boyfriend. Keith is just one person. Better yet, he’s Lance’s favorite person. He’s easy to focus on. Sort of. As much as it’s easy to focus on anything.
He makes up a song about Keith in his head, knowing that if he sang it out loud he’d end up coughing again. He hums the song weakly against Keith’s chest instead, grip loosening on Keith’s neck and body slumping into sleep. In the back of his mind, he’s considering giving in to it.
He’s cold. Colder than he’s ever been, even on ice planets and tundras and in that one blizzard where he and Keith holed up in a cave and told stories and made out until Shiro rescued them. He liked that cave. It was warm, and filled with luminescent creatures. It was romantic, and safe. This is kind of romantic, too, right? His soul-bonded lover cradling him in his arms, heartbeat steady against his cheek as they breathe in tandem. That’s a nice, romantic way to go, right?
“Mm. Keith, can you promise me something?”
“Anything, Lance. You know that.”
“Good. You’re a good guy, y’know that?”
“What’s the promise, Lance? What do you need?”
“Oh, yeah. Right. When the others get here, I want you to tell them I died doing something really badass and important. Like, Zarkon came back to life and we had a showdown and we both shot at the same time and I hit him in his gross, zombie face and saved everyone in the whole universe. Promise you’ll do that?”
“Yeah, no.”
“Hm? Why not? I’d do it for you, y’know…”
“I know. I’m saying you don’t need me to tell them anything but what actually happened. Actually, no, screw that –”
“Keith, there are children…!”
“You don’t need me to tell the team anything, cause once you’re out of the castle cryopods you’ll tell them the whole story yourself. You jumped in front of a weird, alien weapon to protect a bunch of children you insisted we rescue from a galran labor camp. You saved, like, fifty kids from dying in those camps and a handful of them from dying when a maniacal warden threw giant, mechanical, alien ninja stars at them. You were totally badass and important all on your own, okay? You don’t have to kill zombie Zarkon to do something important, alright? You’re amazing, and what you did was the most amazing, selfless thing I’ve ever had the honor to witness. And you can tell everyone I said that when we get back to the castle, I promise.”
There’s a softness in Lance’s thoughts, then; a smile that can’t quite make it to his face. He nuzzles feebly against Keith’s armor, slumping further down into his lover’s lap. He focuses on feelings of gratitude, and overwhelming love, and reminders to keep breathing. This time, Keith can’t feel the words coming back. He’s been able to hear Lance’s thoughts since that galran marriage ceremony the Blade of Marmora insisted on having for them, and both of them have had times when words aren’t the best way to convey what they mean. They’ve even had times when they can’t think of words at all. But this… Keith takes off one of his gloves and runs a hand through Lance’s hair. It’s sticky with cold sweat and drying blood, and Keith can barely handle the sensation of bitter cold that seeps into his fingers when he makes contact with his boyfriend’s skin.
The child beside him shuffles in place, watching the two with an expression Keith can’t actually place. He’s never been good at deciphering expressions to begin with, especially with non-humans, but this particular kid has a poker face that he bets would stump even the greatest diplomats he’s ever known – Princess Allura included.
She nods, walking over and hovering her hand just above Lance’s intact leg. Her ears fold back, eyes searching Keith’s for some kind of agreement, or perhaps just understanding.
He takes in a breath, and watches the way Lance’s hair ruffles when he lets it out.
“You said you’ll die,” he wants to cringe at his own voice, the flatness of it pressing down on his chest. This is someone’s life – a child’s life, and he’s talking about its sacrifice like it’s nothing more than a… a fact in a textbook. He’s thinking about this death the same as he would any death he learned about in his history class back at the Garrison. He wants to go back, say it again, say no this time and mean it.
“I told you already, it’s okay. My papa said that when someone saves you, or someone you care about, you owe them a life debt. And my mama said that Voltron is the most important thing in the whole entire universe, and that if you lost a Paladin of Voltron you’d lose all the millions of people that the Paladin would’ve saved if they hadn’t of been lost,” she speaks with a confidence and acceptance and even grace that Keith can hardly comprehend. She mispronounces a few words, and stumbles over even more, but even her stuttering and floundering comes across like it’s just a planned part of her speech. She smiles, showing off gaps in her teeth, and Keith swears she can’t be more than five or six years old – or at least, whatever the galra equivalent of that would be.
“You’ll die,” he says it as a fact again, but he likes to think there’s a bit more reluctance behind it this time. A bit more sympathy. A bit more god damned humanity, please. “You’ll die, and that’s not fair to you.”
“Is it more fair for him to die? His life is worth more than mine, right?”
“That’s not…” he bites his lip, hand pressing against Lance’s head as if he can stop all this by himself and not have to have this conversation, “That’s not true.” He’s lying. He’s lying, and he knows it. He knows that when choosing between Lance and an innocent kid… he’ll choose Lance. Every time. She’s a child, with her whole damn life ahead of her, and he’s a Paladin of Voltron. He’s supposed to be protecting innocents like her. He’s supposed to be keeping them alive, not… not sacrificing them so he won’t have to live without his lover.
“It is true. Your soul-mate saved me, and my little sister, and all my friends. I owe him my life, like my papa said. That means his life is worth more than mine, cause mine belongs to him, now,” she smiles, hand moving closer to making contact with Lance.
“That… doesn’t even make sense,” Keith struggles to believe himself, though the steady weakening of Lance’s heartbeat makes it difficult to prioritize logic over emotion. He’s always trusted his feelings more than anything, and right now… right now all he can feel is the fear of having Lance slip through his fingers.
“If you talk me out of it, he’ll die,” her expression breaks at last, an angry pout overtaking her fluffy, purple face.
“If I talk you out of it, you’ll live,” he tries to push his words over hers, to convince himself that they can all survive this. He hates his own doubt, and for a moment indulges himself in the mental image of being able to punch his personified doubt in the face. His teeth clench, and he counts out the slowing rhythm of Lance’s pulse. If his heart can stay beating for just a little longer, if Lance can stay breathing for just a little bit longer, they’ll all survive.
“You want him to live, though,” it’s a fact. She says it the same way Keith told her she would die. Lance will live, and the little half-galra girl will die. Keith’s breath stutters, and it’s only in the silence that he realizes Lance’s breathing has stopped again. His breath is gone, and Keith can’t tell whether his heartbeat is just too soft to feel or if it’s absent altogether. For a long moment, the cold that he’s been feeling from Lance becomes his own. His body freezes, and everything – words, sights, sounds, feelings – everything suddenly… falls apart.
He pieces himself back together as quickly as he can manage, looking to the girl as if he’ll somehow find answers in those inscrutable eyes. What can he do? What should he do? Where are the others? Why aren’t they here yet? Are they even coming? Did Blue even reach the castle to deliver their distress signal? Why aren’t the Lions doing anything? Why can’t he do anything? He just wants Lance to live through this. He just wants – he needs Lance to survive this. That’s all he needs. That’s all he asks. Is that more than the universe can handle? After all he’s done for it – after all Lance has done for it – is this too much for the universe to give back in return? Is Lance’s life not worth saving? Is he meant to die here? Is Keith meant to outlive him? He never thought – he never wanted – he thought maybe Lance would go back to Earth and not take Keith with him, but this – is he meant to just sit back against his Lion’s paw and let this happen?
He can’t do that. He can’t accept that. He’s never had someone who loves him and believes in him and is there for him the way Lance is. He’s had his father, and Shiro, and that’s it. He’s never had love like Lance’s. He’s never had someone he’d die for. He’s just getting used to it. He’s just starting to get used to knowing that there’s someone he can actually love and trust on this level. He’s just starting to get used to the feeling of Lance’s arms around him at night, and the sound of Lance’s voice singing songs to him in the morning, and the looks in his eyes that make him feel like there’s nobody in the universe but him and Lance. How can he let that go? How can he let it just… disappear?
He barely registers the whimper that slinks out his throat like a wounded animal fleeing from a fight. He barely feels the added weight in his lap, and the soft, small hands that wipe the wetness from his cheeks.
“Thanks for finally agreeing to let me do this, Mr. Paladin. He’s gonna live, now. I promise,” the voice pulls him back, pulls his eyes to the sight of a small half-galran girl curled up between him and Lance. She’s pushed the Blue Paladin away from Keith’s chest, and strains her arms to reach around his torso, “My druid mama taught me how to do this, and she said I’m perfect at it. He’s gonna live.”
She closes her eyes, hugging Lance tight, “You saved my sister. Now I get to save you. You’re gonna live.” She squeezes his body, and something happens. Keith isn’t entirely sure what it is. There’s a humming, almost a rumbling, that feels something like the Balmera did back when it spoke to its people during that first mission so long ago. There’s a light, and a heat, and a coldness, and Keith imagines that if he’d ever stepped out of his Lion or the castle during a wormhole jump, it would feel a lot like this. His very bones resonate with the energy that suddenly surrounds him, until the world is blurred at the edges.
The energy ripples, and again Keith gets an image associated with its motion. He imagines it as a child, fidgeting in place as they try to figure out where to go or what to do next. It moves in waves, settling itself, and then draws in past him, past the girl, towards Lance.
The humming stops, the world goes still.
Lance’s eyes snap open, glowing the same violet as the girl’s fur for just an instant. He gasps, lungs finally working on their own. He looks around like he’s just woken up from a nap, groggy and disoriented and half-terrified.
“Lance… oh my god, Lance! Lance, you’re back! You’re here! You’re –” his words fall over themselves, tripping on the tears Keith can’t seem to hold back. Lance isn’t dead. Lance is alive. Lance is here. Lance is with him. Lance is still here.
“Where’d I go?” Lance speaks slowly, voice cracked and weak. It’s gone from light to downright pale, a shimmering afterimage of itself, but it’s still his and it’s still here, and Keith has never heard anything more beautiful, “What happened?”
“I did a good thing,” the girl sighs, like a dog settling in for a nap. Lance startles and looks down at her, somehow curled up in both his lap and Keith’s at the same time. The Paladins watch as she draws herself into the fetal position. She shivers, lets out one more sigh, and stills. As if a light was switched off, she’s suddenly pale and dull and horribly still. She’s gone. Lance is here, and the girl is gone. And Keith told her she could do it. Not with his words, exactly, but… she’s the second person he’s killed today, after the warden.
“Keith,” there’s a panic in Lance’s voice now as his mind begins to wake up, “what does she mean? What happened? Keith, is she…?” he grabs his boyfriend’s wrist, searching for answers in his eyes just as Keith had looked for guidance from the girl just moments before.
“You’re alive, Lance. Focus on that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“She… did a good thing. You’re here now, with me. You’re alive.”
“Because of…?”
“Yeah. Because of what she did.”
There’s nothing else to say. There’s a million other things to say; to ask, to shout, to demand, to plead. Keith hears them all, and responds without words. He imagines them all surviving. Lance, being healed in the cryopod. The girl, being brought to the castle along with her sister and her friends. The kids they rescued, all being taken to a sanctuary the Blade of Marmora had told them about just a few months ago. The kids all either finding their parents (though not many were still alive) or finding good foster families – except for the girl and her sister, whose parents Keith imagined had died trying to save her because why else would she have been in a place like this with a Blade of Marmora member for a father and a druid for a mother? He imagines himself and Lance visiting to check on her, only to see her all alone and bring her back to the castle with them. He imagines teaching her to use the blade, to follow in her father’s footsteps. He imagines Lance teaching her his terrible jokes. He imagines Pidge playing video games with her. He imagines Hunk teaching her to bake. He imagines her hugging Shiro when he’s quiet, like he himself used to do when they were kids. He imagines Coran letting her pretend he’s the Altean equivalent of a horse and she’s a brave knight protecting her kingdom. He imagines Allura showing them a place in the castle where she and her sister can go to be absolutely safe during missions. He imagines both Allura and the mice playing dress up with her to help her find her own style. He imagines a whole life with her – a life where her willingness to save Lance would be rewarded.
He looks down at her again, and brushes a hand across her cheek. Lance lets his forehead fall against Keith’s, the only gesture of comfort he has the energy or dexterity to perform. He doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t know what to think. He thinks about losing his own siblings, and his heart threatens to stop beating again. He shuts his eyes tight and kisses Keith’s forehead to tell him it’s okay. It’s not okay. There’s a dead girl in their laps, and he’s alive because of it. How could any part of that be okay?
“The part where you’re alive?” Keith isn’t sure if it’s a question or an affirmation, but Lance doesn’t respond either way. He just slides his head down to Keith’s chest and leaves it there. If he cries, Keith doesn’t mention it. He’d join him, in truth, if he had any of his own tears left.
Another hour goes by, children gathering gradually closer to one another for warmth. They give Lance and Keith and the dead girl as wide a berth as they can without straying so far that they start to feel vulnerable again. Lance starts to fall asleep a few times, his blood loss still sufficient that even a druidic cure isn’t enough to keep him alive for long. Keith wakes him each time, and each time he prays to whatever unknown galra god(s) there may be that the girl’s efforts weren’t in vain.
He isn’t sure they’ll make it until he hears static in the helmet by his hip. He fumbles with it, hands slow with disuse, but manages to get it over his head after a few tries. Shiro’s voice. God, he’s been relieved to hear Shiro’s voice before but never like this, “ – there? Keith? Lance? Pidge, are you sure these are the right coordinates?”
“Yes, these are the coordinates Blue gave me! And – wait, look! I see Red! Red’s down there! And so are… a bunch of mini-galras?” Pidge is there, too. Blue must have gone to her because she has the easiest time understanding computers. Good Lion.
“I think those are kids, Pidge. I mean, I’ve never seen a galra kid, but I’m pretty sure none of those are adults. I think,” and Hunk. Blue brought Hunk with them, too.
“Paladins, get in your Lions. Coran and I are going to land the castle as well, but if there are any threats to be dealt with –” Princess Allura. Coran. The castle. Lance could be put in a cryopod. He would live. Not just for a few more hours, but for… well, as long as he would have lived if this whole nightmare of a mission had never happened.
“There aren’t. Any threats, I mean. There’s just me, and Lance, and a bunch of really scared galra hybrids. Their parents are different species, and the galra put them in this labor camp to keep them out of the public eye and make them,” a growl slips into his voice, and Lance does his best to echo it despite the pain in his broken ribs, “‘useful to the empire,’ as the wardens put it. The wardens are… gone. Lance and I took care of them. Now we just need to get the kids to a Marmoran sanctuary, and get Lance into a healing pod… quickly, please.”
The team does move quickly, and before he knows it Keith is sitting alone on the vast concrete work floor. Lance’s been taken to the castle to be healed, the kids have been given temporary rooms in the labyrinthine halls where castle servants used to live in the old days, and the lions have gone to their hangar. All that’s left is Keith, and the girl still curled up in his lap.
“Um… Keith? You guys were here for a couple days before Blue came and got us, so Coran says you should go in a healing pod, too,” Hunk speaks softly, sitting down with his legs crossed and searching Keith’s face for signs of recognition, “I know you didn’t wanna talk about it – or, I assume you didn’t wanna talk about, cause you didn’t say anything when we asked – but, um, you’re gonna have to let go of… of her, sooner or later. We can… uh… give her a funeral? If you want?” He claps a hand on Keith’s shoulder, though even without the telepathic bond he shares with Lance, he can tell the Yellow Paladin is afraid to put any part of himself too close to the dead girl’s body.
Keith nods, scooping the girl into his arms. He never even got to learn her name. Lance gave her a few, while they were living through their imagined life together, but none of them stuck. None of them were hers. Maybe Keith will find her real parents one day, and ask them who she was. He rises to his feet at last, surprised when he stumbles and has to lean on Hunk for support. He’d only been sitting there for the second half of the four hour wait between when Lance got hurt and the team arrived to help them. Were his legs really that weak after just a few hours of sitting? Well… he had been holding Lance in his lap the whole time. And… the girl, too. He walks over to Red, the only Lion who hasn’t yet retreated to the hangar, and lays the girl gently between her paws. He steps back, and Red puts up her particle barrier. She understands. She’ll protect her body, until they can figure out what to do – where to bury her, most likely.
They stand together for a moment, shoulder-to-shoulder, looking up at Red’s face as she determinedly stands guard over the small body.
“Lance is missing an arm and a leg, those kids will barely talk, the wardens are in pieces, and this girl…” Hunk looks at him again, confusion and concern so clear on his face, “what happened to you guys?”
“Lance saved her, so she saved him back. She…” Keith pats Hunk’s shoulder and turns to walk back to the castle, already mapping out the path to the healing pods in his head, “she did a good thing.”
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