#but eyyyy
heymeowmao · 1 year
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2023.03.21 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324881830741672021
Long time no see!
LYN: Hallo everybody, good evening. I am Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning. Welcome!
C: Ning-ge looks so handsome today. LYN: And what day was I lacking? When did it seem like my stream was lacking a little, tell me and I will go delete the playback for that “episode”. Alright? If you have any opinions you can tell me.
C: Ning-ge, you look thinner. LYN: I’m not thinner; I’m just the same. My guess is that you just haven’t seen me in too long and you’ve missed me too much. There’s that song, right- “思念是一种病” (longing for someone is a type of sickness). Then you... you’re all sick. - C: It’s so high quality today. LYN: You must have missed the last stream. I’ve upgraded my lights and adjusted the camera so now there’s a different kind of clarity- the kind that makes it kind of 3D.  - C: We’re all sick? LYN: Right. I’m a doctor, aren’t I? Call me Doctor Liu. C: You already said it- we’re lovesick. LYN: “Lovesick”... OMG... you all are... sweet-talkers.
C: Ning-ge, today is my birthday. LYN: Happy Birthday to you, friend. I wish you a Happy Birthday... LYN: /got distracted by his wig/ Why is this hair so long? I’ll pull it out. // There was an extra hair there... Here’s another one. /blows it away/ It’ll make another LYN.
LYN: I did make a prior announcement today, telling you I would stream. Because uhm... I got out a little earlier for today but I don’t think I will get the chance to later. We’ll be moving from Hengdian to shoot in another location soon. When I reach that new city I don’t think I’ll be able to stream. I’ll still bring my equipment and everything but the I don’t think I can stream regularly. I don’t think I’ll have the time to stream, anyway. Also this month I’ve a whole bunch of OSTs I still haven’t recorded yet. I was planning to wrap early and go record them, but my vocal condition isn’t that great today. So instead of recording I had a choice: 1. stream, or 2. record. Since I’m not in the best condition I thought it better to hold off on recording and come to chat instead. I’ve still got an early start tomorrow. C: You aren’t regularly streaming now. LYN: I know. The last time I streamed was on the 8th? That was more than a dozen days ago, right? I don’t quite remember. I’ll try to stream at least twice a month, now. That’s enough. Don’t they say that it’s because of my streams that there are so many (weibo) accounts? I don’t know if it’s true or not, and I don’t care, all I want to do is stream. That’s all I have to do. LYN: So, I welcome other people’s fans, too. You can also watch my stream.
LYN: Cheers! LYN: All I want to do is keep you company.
C: Ning-ge, I’m celebrating my great 20th birthday! (大寿) LYN: Don’t mess around. You think 20 counts as a “great” birthday? That’s not very auspicious. Don’t think that your joke is very humorous, it’s not auspicious. Twenty doesn’t count as a “great” birthday. That’s like... you’ve just been born. You’re just a child. You still have a long life to live. Why did you make it seem like living until you’re twenty is something so difficult? 
LYN: Honestly speaking, every time I stream it affects my state of being when acting. Really. Streaming affects my acting. I didn’t know about it before but recently I’ve felt that after I stream, and then go to the set the next day... I can’t say my (standard mandarin) lines straight. The lines I say every day become hard to pronounce in Standard Mandarin. I remember one day I had a line, “Why don’t you sleep in my room? The heating burns hotter.” But when I recited it, it came out with a Northeastern accent.  C: Standard is hard. LYN: Isn’t it? But we just have to keep learning as we age. Especially since my Standard Mandarin used to be pretty poor. I’m from the Northeast, and we don’t differentiate between sh- and s-. So for me, I’ve already put enough effort into Standard Mandarin in the time that I have, and in the rest of the time... /long pause/ ...I do other things. With Standard dialect it’s a long learning process- there will always be room for improvement. LYN: It’s the same for other regions, whether you’re from Sichuan, Changsha, or... just everywhere. There could be a period of time you experienced where you were constantly using Standard Mandarin, and you could have come to a point where you think your pronunciation is already very good. But then, like around the New Year, you go back to your hometown. You’re talking with you family in your native dialect and then after half a month you return and find that your Standard dialect is lacking again. All languages are spoken according to your environment. Let’s give you an example- say you’re from the South, and you have a roommate who’s from the Northeast. After a while, your own speech is going to be affected by the Northeastern dialect. I don’t know if you’ve ever had such an experience? It’s alright, though. It’s okay. I just have to keep practicing my Standard dialect, and I will. C: I’m from Shandong. LYN: /in the Shandong dialect/ You’re from Shandong?? // In my stream I purposefully use my hometown dialect. This goes for when I’m on variety shows, as well; But when I’m shooting my dramas I use Standard. But why do I do this? Because I feel like when I use my hometown dialect in my stream, it gives us a sense of closeness. Also the Northeastern dialect itself carries a sense of humor. Strangely, it’s humorous. I just want my stream to be somewhere you can take a rest. Otherwise I’d only be here to promote my album or my upcoming drama. But I don’t want that. C: Use Standard to stream. LYN: Nah. I just want you to feel the sense of a gap. Many of you might not have seen my dramas, but you’ve seen my stream. You could have come across clips of me on weibo or something, and thought “Why does this fellow open his mouth and sound like a fool?? This kid sounds like he came from the bottom of the ocean.” (Dandong is a coastal city.) And then later, they could see me in a drama and think, “Oh? He doesn’t sound like he did before!” Now they can feel the difference in character and they won’t mistake my character in the drama for my character while I am streaming. This is a difference that I purposely want to create. 
LYN: Our main theme here is contrast. /laughs/ It seems like anything that comes up here is the main theme. Like, “Our main dish today is...” It’s normally like that, isn’t it. When I was working in the restaurant as a waiter, I would serve the customers. They would ask, “What’s your special today?” Normally the waiters will recommend you something in one of two categories. The first is their main dish- their specialty, that the chef cooks well. For example, you can go to eat the... the... /thinking/ ?? Aren’t I a cook? Why can’t I think of the names of any dishes?? Okay- for example you want to eat 殺豬菜 (sha-zhu-cai; literally = “kill-pig-dish”), so you go to a restaurant that’s called “Dongbei Sha-Zhu-Cai” and when you ask the waiter what they can recommend, they’re going to say “sha-zhu-cai”, right? Then, the other possibility is that they recommend whatever is excess in the kitchen. For example, you ordered 20kg of beef yesterday and if you don’t sell it today it will go to waste. Then, you (as the waiter) would say to the customer, “We’re recommending a new dish today. Called “sha-niu-cai” (kill-cow-dish).” /laughs/ Of course, not like that. But you have to think of ways to get this beef sold. But in the end, whatever we recommend as the “main dish” is whatever we want to recommend to you. It doesn’t mean that it’s really the “main” dish. LYN: Right now our main theme is “contrast” and it should only be used for this particular moment. Whether it is still the main theme later doesn’t really matter. - C: Did you stick double-eyelid tape? LYN: No. // Did I?? /scratches his eyelid/ Oh, no. LYN: I took it off just now. LOL. - C: What is “sha-zhu-cai”? LYN: It’s a specialty in the Northeast. It’s a stew made of pork belly and pickled mustard greens and sometimes people put either rice noodles or tofu in it. Sometimes there’ll be blood sausage. It depends. - C: Ning-ge, your double eyelids are pretty prominent these days. LYN: Ah. I really didn’t go get double-eyelid surgery, okay? I didn’t get thread embedding, either. These days not only do I have double eyelids, sometimes I wake up to go to work and I have triple eyelids. For the past two days, when I woke up and got to work, the makeup artist asked me, “What’s wrong with your eyes? Did you cry last night?” And I replied, “Yes. People online are saying I’m ugly so I go home and cry.” They said, “Oh, okay, Cry less because after you cry you wake up the next morning with triple eyelids.” There are three layers. Later, I was thinking about it, and- no, I wasn’t really crying- I think it’s because... I’m getting older so my skin is getting saggier. That’s the only way I can comfort myself. I’ve just reached the age in life where my eyelids cant hold themselves up anymore. Now I have triple eyelids.
C: Ning-ge, your lower eyelids are more prominent too. (aegyo sal/love band) LYN: Those are just eye bags. Those are eye bags and dark circles- it doesn’t have a sliver of relation to the love band. Mine are just... eye bags. Why can’t you see them right now? Because I have turned on the beauty filter very high. Blur is already on 100- you can’t see a single wrinkle on my face. Even my eye bags have been worn smooth by the filter. The records of time have all been blurred away. It’s because I have the filter on. Yeah. So...
C: Ning-ge, your lips are protruding.  LYN: My lips are not protruding. You can’t treat me like this. I’m sure that if you’re watching my stream right now, even if you aren’t my fan, you don’t HATE me, right? You can be kind, can’t you? The problem here is, I can self-diss and say I’m old and my eyelids are sagging but you can’t start following along and diss me, too. LYN: I said I was old, my eyelids were sagging, I have wrinkles and eye bags, and then you can’t just come up and say, “Yes, your lips are protruding too.” We don’t do that here, okay? I can make fun of myself but if you start making fun of me then that’s a personal attack. I do it to make you laugh and relax, to joke around. But you can’t get caught up and start too. Are you monkeys? I give you a stick and you’ll climb right up?? Everyone else’s fans are like this- (I’ll say) “I feel like I’ve gotten fatter recently” and other people’s fans say, “No, no. In our hearts, you are the thinnest! As thin as a match. You’re the prettiest!” But when I start saying that I’m old and have eye bags, my fans say, “Yes. Your lips are protruding, too.” LYN: /sigh/ LYN: I’ll give you a flying kick!
C: Ning-ge, your hair looks less, too. LYN: You! I’ll slap you!! My hair is thinning?? I’m the spokesperson for L’Oréal!! Don’t say any nonsense, here! You’re going to make me lose my sponsorship. XD LYN: It doesn’t matter if you say it normally, but saying that right now means that people are more likely to believe you. Because lately I keep wearing these wigs in my stream. The rate of believability immediately raises. One person says, “It seems like Ning-ge is losing hair recently” and at this moment another one chimes in, “You might be right... he’s always wearing a wig in the stream. It can’t be that he’s balding, right??” You’re going to affect my market value. D: Stop messing around. C: Take off your wig to prove (that you’re not balding). LYN: I won’t! Some things need to be proven and some things don’t. 清者自清 (the wise man knows he knows nothing).
C: Ning-ge, is your foot completely healed now? LYN: There’s no way it can be completely healed. The bone needs time. Right now the bones are pretty much set- they've healed correctly and are starting to mend. It’s fine to walk normally, but it still hurts a little if I run. Sometimes if I am doing a fight scene and I step on a rock- if it puts pressure on the bottom of my foot, it will hurt. Basic walking is fine, though. I’m a normal person, again.
C: Mao-Xue-Wang mentioned you.  LYN: I saw that video. If I remember, they asked MBY if he knows what the “Great Celebration-Great Tragedy Combination” was and he was dumbfounded. He said, “What does this mean??” But I’m guessing that one of the staff told him. “Hold on! MBY-laoshi, the combination of you and LYN- the netizens are calling that the “Great Celebration-Great Tragedy Combination”. Alright? Okay- we’re ready to roll!” And at that moment MBY said, “Oh! Do they mean me and LYN?” He didn’t know. You can tell he was floundering. You can tell that someone at the side reminded him. Then LXQ put in a word, “Oh, Ning-ge? We should ask him to come play.” Isn’t it a coincidence that right when I was watching that video, LXQ was standing right next to me? The moment when my staff showed me the video, to tell me that I was mentioned in Mao-Xue-Wang, LXQ was standing right beside me. Life is so interesting. C: You’re saying it as if you were there. LYN: I’m just guessing that’s how it went. C: So does that mean you’re going? LYN: Yeah, if I have the time, I’ll go. I’ll shoot the drama with Xueqin first, and I’m already close with MBY. If I have time, I’ll go. No, I don’t mean “if I have time”- If I don’t have time, I’ll MAKE time. What is that? It’s called, “(being) A Friend.”
C: The music is too loud. LYN: Do you think the music is loud, friends? Sometimes when I stream I purposely make the sound of the music a little loud, because it’s not as if we’re taking an online class here. We’re not in an online class, so you don’t need to- C: It’s a little loud. LYN: Then, sorry. I must not have adjusted the output settings well. Sorry. It’s my problem. // Alright. I’ve adjusted it. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. When you’re watching my stream I hope that you can be happy. C: Can you make the speaking volume higher? LYN: I won’t. :p I already said that my voice isn’t in the best condition today, if it were I’d have gone to record songs.
LYN: I’ve released a few songs recently. One of them is 朝暮 (Dawn and Dusk), the OST from Warm on a Cold Night (九霄寒夜暖). I’ve released quite a few OSTs recently... The drama is pretty good, I did actually find some time watch it. Just a little. It’s nice, so friends if you have some time you can go watch Warm on a Cold Night. I sang the song 朝暮 (Dawn and Dusk). There’s also another drama called Romance of a Twin Flower (��闺梦里人). For this drama, I’ve sung an OST called 长相诺 (Long Promise). I quite like these two songs. CGMLR has Ding Yuxi as a lead. I remember right when I finished recording that song I had gone to Changsha for a show and I met him. I told him, too, “I sang an OST for your drama” and I chatted with him a bit. I think this drama can be popular; it’s very nice. LYN: Another thing- if you have time, you can go to the theatre to watch a movie. There’s one called Manifesto (望道). I sang a song for that, as well.  LYN: Did I just lag? ?__? LYN: Anyway- Manifesto. Yes, I sang a song for the movie. You can go watch it, it’s not bad. It was fairly inspiring. You can watch it.
C: The speaking volume is too low. LYN: /pulls his mic closer to his face/ Is it low? My mic’s about to go into my mouth. Ey! Hello?? Hey!! It’s not low, right? /making more noises into the mic/ LYN: It’s alright, not low.
LYN: Before I started streaming today, I did a really big feat. I copied all the accompaniment tracks I have of my songs onto this computer. I had promised you before, that I would copy the tracks. Today I have finally done that. There are some I don’t have, though. I wanted to sing a song earlier, but I am finding I don’t have it. The one I sang on Jiangsu Satellite TV... what was it called? I forgot. XD C: A great feat! LYN: Right? I got them all recorded. No, I mean- copied. I’ll sing something... let me pick. // Xiao Hong Chen! That’s right. But I don’t seem to have that one... I probably didn’t copy it over. But I do have tracks for most of my own songs. Let me see...
C: 一爱如故 (One Love as Always) [The Long Ballad OST] LYN: 一爱如故? I’ve never sung that live. - /plays the first few notes/ LYN: It’s this one, right? But the problem is I might have to go online and look up the lyrics. // I don’t know how it’ll come out. It’s my first time singing it. First time singing it live. LYN: I sang the first line wrong. It’s like this isn’t even my song at all. Sorry. Let’s go again. It’s supposed to be “I lived too ‘stubbornly’” but sang it as “I lived too ‘miserably’.” That’s two different experiences. Sorry. Let’s try again. -- 一爱如故 (One Love as Always) LYN: Was this always so difficult to sing?? LYN: This song is so high (in key)? /sigh/ It’s alright. I’ll see if there’s a chance to sing it for you again next time. C: Ning-ge, the original singer didn’t do as well as you. LYN: There’s no need for backhanded compliments. We want to be confident, here.
C: 与子成说 (Yu Zi Cheng Shuo) [The Starry Love OST] LYN: Let me see if I have it. I think this song might send me (to death), though. // This one right? Let’s try. -- 与子成说 (Yu Zi Cheng Shuo) LYN: I’m not in the best condition, for this. I’m not able to sing it. It’s alright, though. All the tracks are copied to this computer, so I’ll sing for you the next time I stream. My voice is a bit tired, today. I feel like it’s hoarse. I won’t sing today; I’ll save these tracks for you. Later when I’m better I’ll stand and sing. We’ll just leave it here for today. LYN: It’s fine- just that when I’m shooting the drama I’m always fighting with people. I’ve made my voice hoarse (from yelling).
C: Will you be singing at Weibo Night? LYN: /clicks his tongue/ Don’t ask. You think you can ask about anything? Weibo Night organizers have spent so long just to try and give you a surprise, and you think I’m going to spoil that? Don’t ask. C: I got it. LYN: What did you get?!? You DON’T KNOW but you’re just pretending you do!
C: Ning-ge, when you go to Weibo Night be careful not to be overpowered. LYN: XD I don’t know if this person really cares about me, or if they’re trying to start something. “Be careful not to be overpowered”... isn’t that quite a normal occurrence, for me? You can grab anyone and they will overpower/overshadow me. It’s alright. I’m- how should I put this- I’ll be suppressed no matter what I do. I won’t struggle. If we’re talking about visuals, I don’t even consider myself a contender. I’m not UGLY, but if you compare me to other people I’m certainly not as handsome. So this time I think... I’ll proceed as usual. Our main theme is “overpowered.” Even my fans want to overpower me. As if I’m someone in this industry who is most easily pressured... I’m not even worthy of being overpowered by other artists. Now my fans have to come overpower me??  LYN: Weibo Night is a great activity. There’ll be a lot of people I’m familiar with in attendance. As well as those people that I don’t really speak to online, but in reality we talk a lot in private. I can go and see all the handsome men and beautiful ladies. I’m not good-looking myself, but at least I can go out and see the world, right? For Weibo Night this year, I’ll just go to open my eyes to the world. I’ll go to see exactly HOW good-looking all these celebrities are. C: Ning-ge, go to Weibo Night and ask people for their autographs. LYN: LOL. The point of going to Weibo Night is to go and take pictures with celebrities, is that it? My goal is to collect 40 photos together with artists? It’s like I’m on a mission every time I go. This time I am prepared to find 40 artists to take a photo with and then, I will ask 20 of them if I can get a personalized autograph.  LYN: If I collect 20 autographs, could I summon Shenlong, or what? C: And then sell them. LYN: I don’t think that’s going to work. They’re going to write “To: Liu Yuning” on them. Who am I going to sell those to? Sell it to someone in this world with the same name as me? There’s no need, right? I won’t sell them, then? Is my goal in attending Weibo Night only to get autographs?? LYN: My stream is like this, friends. It has a bit of an entry requirement. You might think that my stream really takes a lot out of you, but there are some friends- those without brains- who don’t understand. They can’t understand my stream, they don’t know what I’m talking about. Like just now, I said I would go to Weibo Night to gather autographs, and some people thought I was being serious?? They thought I was being serious and are even advising me against it, saying, “Ning-ge, there’s no need. Let’s not make ourselves look so pitiful.” These friends are cute and... they’re just afraid I’ll lose face, right? LYN: But this type of foolish thing is something I can really do. Our theme is “being different from others”! We want to be “perverse”. XD
C: Ning-ge, your accent isn’t worthy of your hairstyle. LYN: What type of accent should a person with this hairstyle HAVE?? Tell me. This hairstyle... what accent is it worthy of? - starts playing Big Bang’s - If You - [t/n: does this mean he thinks the hair’s worthy of being on a kpop boyband member’s head...] LYN: There’s no accompaniment track??  LYN: It doesn’t work. Let’s forget about it. ...It’s sha ma te. There is no “worthy” or “unworthy”.
C: Ning-ge, you know Cantonese songs? LYN: When I was working the bar I had learned some Cantonese songs, some Korean songs, some English... I don’t think I learned any Japanese? Oh- I learned one. LYN: Let me see if there’s an accompaniment track. // Why can’t my computer search... LYN: There’s even a Qin Junjie version?? -- Sekai ga Owaru Made wa... (世界が終るまでは…) (WANDS) LYN: This song is hard! You get the drift, though. That was pretty much it.
LYN: Someone earlier said that my accent plus this hairstyle equals suffering. I feel it too. Friends, tell me. What type of accent pairs well with this hair? Which region fits, even just a little? C: Perfect Scum sound. (渣苏音) LYN: What the heck is that? The “scum” of “scumbag” (渣男) and the “sue” from “mary-sue” (苏死你) [used to describe when something is too perfect]? What is that? I’ve never heard of it. Let me look it up- see if I can find anything. This is my first time hearing this expression. It might be the first time I got eliminated. [t/n: because he’s usually up-to-date on all the memes and internet slang] LYN: ?? Why is it all about other artists?? /watches a video/ D: What- what the HECK IS THIS?? This is what you like? You like when it sounds like there’s a tractor hiding in your throat- like this? /demonstrates/. Alright then, let’s do it. LYN: ~Friends, do you like this type of voice? If it’s true, then this is simple. /repeating the song lyrics (问风)/ Why didn’t you give me a reason and just abandon me? Your piercing eyes can see... the true form of a demon~ (second half is NOT the lyrics to the song X’D) LYN: ~Young friends nowadays like this sort of thing? Isn’t this purely the “off-putting man”? Friends, it’s like this- I told you last time about it but many of you might not have heard. I’ll teach you where this “perfect’ sound that a lot of girls like comes from. I’m sure there are men in the stream- you can learn. It’s just that when you’re speaking, you need to use a breathy "bubble” voice to start. What is the “bubble” voice? /demonstrates/ It’s this. Then, just use a normal breathy voice to end. /demonstrates again/ When you want to kill a girl with perfection, use the bubble voice to start and end with a breath. You can try it. With these lines... ? Why can’t I show you the lyrics? Friends, just randomly give me a line. Tell me a line that you think is most perfect in the world. I’ll see what lines there are and then I’ll show you where the “perfect scum sound” comes from. - /decides to look up some lines/ - /follows along with a video & creeps himself out/ LYN: I just don’t understand who the target audience with this is?? I really want to know, who would you use this on??? What the heck IS this? /sigh/ Forget it.
C: Handsome-guy, please change a method. LYN: ~You want me to change a method? But just now I... almost lost my wig. Let me... fix up my hair. /adjusts it/ Alright. I’m handsome once more. ~
C: Change a wig. LYN: ~ I don’t have any more. This is the only one I have with me. I can’t afford to buy any more. ~ LYN: My wig is about to fall off...
C: Jiu Yuan is fine. (Parting of Orchid and Demon King donghua) LYN: Jiu Yuan doesn’t sound like this!! He’s more... manly. When I was doing the voice acting for it, the laoshi kept telling me that JY was a god of war, and that he was very fierce. He could fight very well and he didn’t have any wants or worries. When I was doing the voice acting there wasn’t much emotion I needed to put behind it. When he speaks he doesn’t have any big emotional fluctuation. It’s difficult to phase him, so when we were doing the voice for him, we made him a bit... emotionless. He’s a monk, right?
C: Ning-ge, your wig is too distracting, I can’t get into it. LYN: What are you doing that you need to get into it?? Are you watching a drama? Do you think this is an ongoing drama or a movie? Are you too into your character, that you’ve fallen for the play?
C: Jiu Yuan is wearing a back-bearing outfit. LYN: Since a lot of people know that I was the voice actor for the character, now they’re asking me when /I’M/ going to wear a back-bearing outfit. I saw that comment and wanted to spit blood. XD  LYN: Whenever I’m shooting for the drama, I always run into these relatively... I said RELATIVELY! Relatively... exposing scenes. Of course, nothing is really exposed at all. But whenever I’m met with scenes like that I tell myself- not that I am so high and mighty, but- I tell myself, “LYN. You’ve gotten to the point where you need to sell your body?? You can’t just rely on your mouth (chattering) anymore, you need to sell your meat (body) now, huh?” I have to EXPOSE myself now. My goodness... C: Bathing scenes. LYN: Yeah! Isn’t it normal in dramas to have a scene or two of men bathing? But unfortunately, my physique is truly average. I’m too skinny. On set there are those dedicated cameras- the ones who follow you around and record the bts videos, right? So one day we were doing a bathing scene and I took my top off and just... hung out in the bath. We were getting ready to shoot the scene. And then the BTS-laoshi was standing right across from me. I was dazed. At first I didn’t even notice, but when we were getting ready to start the scene I turned around and there was someone standing there like this:
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LYN: I said, “Laoshi, how about we not record this part?? You’re a bit TOO into it...” I was just sitting there, in the tub and (there was a person with a camera on me). Not to say that they weren’t allowed to film me. It’s just that if I had an 8-pack abs and 16-pack chest muscles that would have been fine. But I don’t have anything to show. Later I negotiated with them and got them to delete that material. I’m sure that laoshi knew what the audience wants to see. XD
- /chat is going crazy, I guess/ LYN: ... Can you.. can you not talk about this topic in my stream? I was joking around with you and you’re over here wondering where you need to send money to buy the video. Are we selling premium content, now? Don’t mess around. C: I’ll buy a membership to watch. LYN: There’s nothing to see!! I have nothing to show! I’m not like other people who train for nice muscles. I saw one of my friends post a video the other day showing off and I was almost jealous. They have really nice muscles and have abs, so when you look at me- friends, just go to the market and stare at a rack of ribs. Go to the market and ask the boss if they can show you pork ribs- what they show you is exactly what you’ll see on me. Go take a look, alright? It’ll be the same. I’m just... skinny. C: Ning-ge, I want to see your ribs. LYN: LOL. Even if it’s my ribs, you still want to see? I... /speechless/ /shakes his head/ I can’t with you, omg. It’s getting to my head, let me eat some grapefruit to cool down. LYN: If you have the means and really want to see Ning-ge, really want to see ribs, then go to the market first thing in the morning tomorrow. Go the earliest you can- the pork is fresher the earlier you go. Tell the butcher, “Boss, give me two racks of ribs” and they will give it to you. Take those ribs and stick my photo onto them. You’ll have a good enough idea of what I look like. C: Someone’s really going to do that. LYN: Not likely.
LYN: Right- I forgot to say. I really need to thank Givenchy. When I’m talking about a name brand like that, I feel like I need to speak Standard dialect. I’m afraid of damaging the brand’s image. I was just their beauty ambassador, right? It hasn’t even been half a year yet and they’ve already made me a spokesperson. That means they think highly of me, at least. I’ve also seen that a lot of their shops have my image in them. My fans have been checking in. I was wondering if there was a shop in a city close to Hengdian. I want to go check in, too. I’ll do some searching and find out a place I can go. Other than the hot packs, I think this is the only other brand to put up my photo. They made me look quite handsome. I saw the photos online and thought to myself, “Wow, they photoshopped it so well! It really looks like I shopped it. XD″ C: /telling him locations: Hangzhou, Shenzhen/ LYN: Alright, I’ll see if I have a free day sometime and go to Shenzhen (1200km away) to check in. C: Ning-ge, the photo doesn’t look as good as you do in real life. LYN: There’s no need for that. No. X C: /more locations/ Xi’an, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Dalian, Xuzhou LYN: I see. In any case, they’ve put it up in a lot of different locations, right? I’m happy to have a nice picture of me put up in the malls. Thank you, Givenchy and thank you to my friends, for buying their products. I see that a lot of you buy some stuff and then start showing off... thanks for that. Thank you for your support.
LYN: It’s like this- I’m actually pretty strict with accepting brand deals. I’m not trying to sell or praise myself, and there’s no need for that. I have few collaborations. Of course, if I WANTED to, I wouldn’t have so few. Then again, I am not as popular as some other artists who have multiple brand deals at one time. Just saying, I don’t need to have so few. But the thing is I only accept deals when I acknowledge the brand, and they acknowledge me. Some brands require you to shoot ads, and I don’t like doing that. I don’t like ads or taking photos, so sometimes that’s the reason I don’t accept deals. Another thing is, it doesn’t do my fans any good. I have a lot of dedicated fans who always support me when I am doing a project, but its not as if money just grows on trees. I’m really thankful for those of you out there who support me and really give me face when it comes to these brand deals, but there’s also no need. Even so, you support me and I thank you. - LYN: What does “2464″ mean? I don’t get this joke. What does “2464″ mean? I only have two thousand, four hundred and sixty-four fans? And only 300 “die-hard” fans? I really don’t get it. If I knew, I would say so. I didn’t lose connection, I just really don’t know. ...I only have 300 real (living) fans?  - [t/n: ?? idk either. something about only 300 fans showing up? and he says, “no, you’ve overestimated. last time only 6 fans showed.”] - LYN: Anyway, we were talking about brand deals- I don’t want to accept too many. The other thing is, I also have a different thought, which is... Ning-ge isn’t very popular. If I get a little more popular first and then accept the deal, wouldn’t the brand have to compensate me a little more? There are only so many brands out there to begin with. Once you’ve worked with them once you’d have gone through all of them in no time. Right? So I was thinking of holding off- not working with them first- and then negotiate a higher price later. If I start the collaboration now, I... I wouldn’t make as much. We have to think of the bigger picture! Just because I CAN accept the deals, doesn’t mean I SHOULD. With my current status a deal like that would only get me $200. But if I were more popular, wouldn’t that rise to $500? Right? We have to widen our horizons and think of it in the long run. There are only so many brands you can feasibly work with, anyway. If you’ve worked with them all early on in your career, what do you expect to do later? LYN: Our main theme is “horizons”.  -  C: I only have 2600+ fans.  LYN: That isn’t a small number. In this industry having 2k+ fans means that you’re already internet famous. You’re a celebrity!
C: 2464. LYN: I still don’t know what that means. Did a blogger say that? I have 2464 fans, and 300 offline? Is that it...? They’re right. They have such precise calculation of my internal info, so they must be an amazing/capable person. I received that data the day before yesterday and they already found a way to steal it. LYN: I only have 2464 living fans. Nice. Too many and I can’t attend to them all. After all, my main business is in keeping you company, right? [t/n: no, I still don’t get it. .__.;;]
LYN: I really want us to be different from others, and I’m not just saying that I want to be different. I really want to DO things differently. My hope is that this industry can forget us. I want us to be forgotten. But then, in a single wonderful moment, we can do something that makes people think, “Wow. I didn’t know that LYN’s fans were so amazing. I thought too little of them, before.” I like that feeling. I don’t want to be in the news all the time- that’s not sustainable. I want us to go slow and steady. We can do our own thing, and if the situation calls for us to charge forward, we can. If you see us great, but if you don’t then it’s your loss. LYN: I want to say that I have confidence in my fans. You’re the best. I just don’t have confidence in myself. I don’t have anything to show for myself just yet, in terms of acting. If you ask if I have anything to show for myself in regards to MUSIC, I do. It’s also rare for me to be able to hold a 10k seat concert just a year after my debut. Not a lot of people can do that, but I have and I’m proud. I have a few musical products, but none of them are particularly amazing. As an actor, I don’t really have anything to show for myself yet. All of my previous roles were as supporting characters. Even if those characters were loved by the audience, they still don’t count as something of my own. When I have something solid, then I will have the confidence. Right now I’m going slow and keeping focused on work- I’ve been doing one drama after another. The second day after BYOL wrapped, I was in the YNGS crew. When YNGS was finished it was New Year Holiday, so I got 6 days of rest then I went straight into the ZY crew. Our main theme is “working harder/longer”. I’m not letting myself stop. All I have to do is keep producing one after another, and keep my head low. Sometimes I’ll come to stream and keep you company. That’s enough.
LYN: I don’t need my fans to worry about me, and wonder if I have a mind for my career. You don’t need to worry about that. Look at what I’m doing right now, after work. You can tell if I have a business mindset or not. I finally had a day where I could wrap up early, and what am I doing now? That will tell you where my values are. I’ll keep myself in check, so you don’t need to worry or be anxious for me. I know a lot of people like to ask me, “Ning-ge, have you decided on your next drama yet or not???” I feel like you’re even more anxious about it than my studio is. I’ve received scripts and I’m currently looking through them, to see which one I will pick. Which one I like, rather. I’m looking through them and I’m also thinking about if I want to do a modern or historical drama next, because I’ve done quite a few historical ones already so I was thinking of switching it up. If there’s a suitable role for me with a modern setting I might consider it but if there isn’t then I will continue to go the historical route. I’m in the process of thinking about it! LYN: I have to look at the role and the script, to see if there’s anything I like. We’ll see when the times comes. In any case, I won’t stop shooting dramas. Even though there are many people who are trying to convince me to stop acting... but I don’t even listen to my mother, so what makes you think I’ll listen to you?? Since I was little my mother had always told me I had to study well, and I didn’t listen to her. XD You think I’ll listen to you? No. I don’t even listen to my mother. You don’t need to try to convince me to stop acting. It won’t work. There’s no need to for you to go through the effort and tire yourselves out. LYN: Our main theme is “rebellion”. /laughs/ I can make anything into my main theme... it’s so ridiculous.
C: When is ZY going to air? LYN: I’m still filming for it. Most dramas take up to a year after filming wraps before it airs. I’m still currently shooting so... you can start counting when we wrap. About a year or so after that. YNGS, as well. We wrapped that up around the New Year, so it’ll air around the New Year next year. After all the editing, special effects, censorship, voice acting, music- the whole process takes about a year. At the fastest it can be 6-7 months.
C: When will ALZ air? LYN: I really don’t know. Honestly, in ALZ I’m just a supporting character. I don’t have very many scenes and I don’t have enough face to go and ask anyone when it will air. Once during a stream I said that I had acted as the second male lead in ALZ, with about 300 or so scenes... I mis-spoke. I didn’t think it through before I said “300 or so scenes”- I was actually thinking of a different drama. I had said before, that I had 200 or so scenes in ALZ but that day in the stream I was just saying nonsense and didn’t think too much of it when I said 300. Then the internet got to talking. “You see that?! The second male lead exposed himself for getting added scenes. Even though we saw the announcement that the 2ML clearly has 200 scenes, he exposed himself in his stream and said he had 300.” The netizens will say, “How did that happen? He only had 200, how come he has 300 now??” and the reply will be, “Haven’t you heard of “filler” episodes? It’s obvious that the director or the production company added filler for the 2ML. They don’t count in the script, so that means they added scenes for him!” This single line made their brains go into overdrive, thinking of all the possibilities. The simple truth is that I mis-spoke. It’s my fault, though. I made them think too much. They’re making it seem as if they know more about the industry than the actor himself...  C: What’s a “filler”? LYN: A “filler” is, for example when you only have... It doesn’t matter. In any case, I don’t have any filler scenes and I only have 200 or so. The second male lead, Luo Mingxi, only has 200 or so scenes and if you don’t believe me you can start counting when the drama airs. Go count it yourself! Also, who do you think I am? Some company’s artist? You think I have some connection with the production/platform? I don’t. I just act out whatever is in the script that they give me. I don’t have the qualifications to have added scenes.
C: So fierce. You’re agitated? LYN: No, I just feel like there’s no end to it. I only acted as the second male lead, a supporting character- how many scenes do you think I could have?? Stop targeting me. I’m only a supporting character and I don’t even have that many lines. My dialogue is just- supplemental, utilitarian lines. Some roles in a drama are only there to serve a specific purpose; not that I am saying LMX is purely this type of character, just that a portion of his role requires him to serve a certain purpose. Anyway, what type of character is this? Let me explain. LYN: Let’s say you’re watching a drama and the main lead says, “Based on the evidence, I am positive that the killer is that person.” This is what the lead says, “Based on all of the evidence, I have determined that the killer is-” -and you can say any surname- “-Mr. Liu.” At this moment, the functional character comes along, “No way. There’s absolutely no way! We grew up together, how could he be the killer?? He would never do such a thing!” Here’s the lead again- “But all of the evidence points to him! My deduction can’t be wrong.” The functional character comes back in- “Why would he do it?” The lead starts again- “Because this person owed him money. There was already bad blood and so, in an act of revenge, he killed him. There’s motive.” The support comes in again- “But when could he have done it?” ML- “Based on my prediction and the state of the body, the crime must have been committed at least five hours ago.” The support shoots back- “What about the murder weapon?” ML- “Based on my prediction, the murder weapon must have been abandoned somewhere on this road leading east. It must be within 5km, so based on the suspect’s normal activity, he must have thrown it into the river. The support- “I don’t believe it! I’ll take someone to search right now!” LYN: /claps/ This is a functional character. Everything he says sounds reasonable but in reality it’s all just superfluous. This character is only there just to pave the way for the main character to get his next line out. LYN: This always happens in dramas and movies. When everyone including the main and secondary characters deem a single person to be the suspect, there’s always going to be that one person to go against popular opinion. “They’re not the killer! There’s no way they could be! Why would they kill someone? Tell me!” As the actor themselves, there’s no way they’re not going to know who the killer is, right? Of course they know, because they’ve read the script. Also, as a human being, they’re not an idiot. They’ve seen all the events leading up to today and they know the suspect has motive and could very well be the killer, but in that moment they’re still going to say they don’t believe it. It doesn’t matter where their disbelief stems from, they just don’t believe it.  LYN: Our main theme is “disbelief”. Anyways... some supporting characters are only there to serve this purpose. In ALZ, I am only a supporting character. Have mercy on me. Let me live. Stop targeting me. I only have 200 scenes and for most of them I am only there to state out the obvious. In a lot of the scenes I only appear in case the audience doesn’t understand what’s going on. I’m there to repeat what happened and why- “I’m sure he did this for a reason. He did this to lure the enemy away from his territory. He used someone else’s trust to resolve his own problem.” A lot of my lines are like that (explanatory)- in case you don’t understand the story. So just... leave me, a mere second male lead, alone. Thank you. I’m begging you. LYN: In that drama my main theme is to be “company”. I accompany all the other actors in their growth. I help them accomplish their goals. 
C: Is that Ning Yuanzhou’s photo behind you? LYN: Huh? Oh, yeah, it is. One of the makeup artists (?) drew it for me. C: I want to see it. LYN: Why do you want to see everything?? - /grabs it anyway/
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LYN: The makeup jiejie, Xiao Li, drew it for me. When it’s dark and you turn on the lights it reflects, too. It looks sparkly and nice. She drew me a picture, so I’m very thankful. It’s something meaningful, so I placed it back there. LYN: Right now I am a tool used to show you a picture. Every main character here said, “Come! Show us the picture!” and I said, “Yes. My Lord/Lady, please take a look. Is it to your satisfaction?”  C: Let’s see it with the lights off. LYN: You’re watching my stream and you want me to turn off the lights?? I’ll leave them on. LYN: ~ There’s no way! No way I’d turn off the lights. ~
LYN: Stop making a fuss, now. Let’s do this- I... Hold on, don’t say anything for a sec. ... Friends. I think my neighbors are fighting. My neighbors are fighting. Let me go take a look. I hope nothing bad happens. Let me look. I’ll play you a video. - break #1 LYN: I’m back. /whistles/ Let me dry my hands. /flaps/ Alright.  LYN: My neighbors weren’t fighting. They were watching Romance of a Twin Flower. It just started airing today, right? I sang a song for it. You can take a look. It just started airing today. You can go watch it. The song I sang for it is a little... angsty. I also wanted to try out a different style. C: You really know how to promote a show. LYN: Of course. Don’t you already know my track record? I’m all about the price-product ratio. The song is called 长相诺 (Long Promise) and the drama is called Romance of a Twin Flower. There are a lot of familiar friends acting in that drama. If you have time you can watch it. // Yes, there are familiar friends. In this industry it’s really easy to get to know one another. That goes for actors and singer alike- it’s really easy to know one another. Without knowing it, you get introduced to one another. I mean, there will always be friends of friends. Ding Yuxi- It seems like I don’t really have any connection to him but he’s filmed Love You Seven Times with Chaoyue, and CY and I are friends. Right? Then also, I went out to record a show and we had dinner, which he also attended. We had a meal together, and then got introduced.  C: Do you know Peng Xiaoran? LYN: I do. This industry is a little small... It’s very easy to get to know whoever you want to know. I know her. It was also one night I went out to eat with a few (actor) friends.. and PXR is friends with those actors. We had a meal together and were introduced. We’re all friends! Everyone is friends, we all know each other. LYN: He Changxi is also in RoaTF, right? I know him, too. There’s another old friend in RoaTF, called Yi Daqian- you should remember him, right? You tell me, isn’t it a small world? I’ve done two shows with him. We’re all acquainted. If you want to get to know someone there are an infinite number of opportunities. But there’s a prerequisite- whether as an actor or a singer, I haven’t been doing this for very long. Unlike some actors who I’m working with, who have been in this industry for 10+ years. They must know hundreds of people, because they debuted earlier than I have. I’ve only been around for a few years; I don’t even know that many people in the music industry and there’s a limit to how many in the film industry I know. Usually you get to know someone only after you’ve worked together
C: Trending at #49. LYN: Is the topic “LYN’s ugly”? “LYN-so-ugly-he-’exploded’“? It’s not that, right? Probably not?
C: Zeng Shunxi. LYN: ZSX- Of course I know him, he’s a very good friend. I asked him out for a meal the other day... he didn’t take me up on the offer. LOL, no. I can’t joke around about my friends. Sometimes when you joke, the other party takes it seriously and they’ll really think that you’re making fun of them or something. LYN: ZSX is about to switch filming locations- he’s going to be in another city for filming soon. He’s about to leave, and we’re both currently in Hengdian, so I wanted to get together since we didn’t know when the next time we would see each other would be. He agreed, and told me to look for him when I wrapped up for the day. I wrapped at 9p- and I thought I would come home and get ready and we could meet up at 10p to grab a bite or chat. But he ended up wrapping later that day, at around 11p, so the plans fell through. It was too late. It’s alright. We could try to reschedule for some other time. 
- /comments telling him not to mention other artists, so that he doesn’t get called a clout-chaser/ LYN: Alright, alright. I know. It’s fine, it doesn’t matter.  C: Talk about Daimi. LYN: There’s no need. LYN: /in English/ Daimi. Daimi, come here. // Look at me, I speak English to my dog~~ // Daimi. Come here. Please. // *You have to add the “please”. LYN: Come! Little Miss Ungrateful, come! Alright- let me ride off of your popularity. Greet everyone, or say something. 
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LYN: Little Miss Ungrateful? Ms. Want-a-Sausage? Want a sausage? /Daimi’s ear twitches/ You want one? Do you? Want a sausage?  C: Daimi looks a little sloppy today. LYN: She looks alright. We haven’t done any beauty treatments for her lately so she may be a little sloppy. We’ll do it when we find the chance. She doesn’t have any work lately, she’s just been hanging around with me. We’ll talk when she has work.  C: She looks down. LYN: She’s not down- she was sleeping and she’s not quite awake now. She’s had a busy day. She goes out when I go to work and she comes home when I come home. 
LYN: Remember to watch Romance of a Twin Flower... and... Chong Zi. and The Starry Love. and uh... let me take a look. Warm on a Cold Night. These dramas are all worth a watch. C: Chong Zi is already over. LYN: That means you have money- you’re a rich second-gen? You must have VIP. If you don’t have a VIP membership, I don’t think it’s ended yet, right? The movie, Manifesto- you can check that out, too. 
C: Under the Microscope was good! LYN: I watched it. I need to check out what other people are shooting nowadays, and see how the other actors are performing. To learn from them. In this industry it is better to expose yourself to all kinds of media. Under the Microscope was a pretty good watch... though I didn’t have time to watch in its entirety. I saw a bit of it and was planning to finish it off when I had a break.  C: Who acted in it? LYN: What do you mean- the main character is played by Zhang Ruoyun, isn’t it? I did watch it! Also, when I sing OSTs I always do a bit of homework. I need to know who the actors are and what the plot is about. Only after I figure that out, do I sing the OST for it. It adds another layer of understanding.
LYN: Right- there are a lot of friends lately who are saying they want to go out and play. That’s your freedom of choice, but as your big brother I do want to say a few words. When you go out, please don’t get into any fights with any other groups of fans. Alright? Don’t fight. You have to be more righteous. I know that my fans are made up of more mature jiejie-s, so you can teach others to be more mature as well. Don’t fight. The second thing is when you go out, you have to be careful! Don’t lend money to others so easily. Be careful when you’re pooling funds to live together, too. I know that if you want to come out to watch my concert you might pair up with another fan to book a hotel room and live together. I think that’s fine, but you have to be careful of your personal possessions like your bank card, wallet, phone, etc. Put them under your pillow. Don’t trust others too easily. Not that I am expecting everyone to be a bad person, but it’s better to err on the side of caution. Alright? Watch your belongings. Don’t lend money out. Even if you think you know each other well, don’t lend money. I don’t allow it. That’s the most important. I don’t want money exchanging anyone’s hands. That’s just a matter of maintaining a good community. That’s all I have to say on this, okay? Just be careful. Be happy when going out to play, and be safe when going home. C: Can I borrow money from you? LYN: Of course you can. But I won’t. Are you satisfied with that answer? It’s both magnanimous and rational. You CAN borrow money from me, but I won’t lend you any. C: That’s not very satisfying. LYN: You’re not satisfied by that answer... ? It just goes to show that not everything in the world is going to be to your satisfaction. In this world not everything is going to be to your satisfaction. What can you do? You adjust. A lot of people say I’m ugly and I’m not satisfied with that. The problem with that is- I can adjust. Find the answer within yourself. Not finding satisfaction is your own problem.
C: Are you going to the marathon in Hengdian. LYN: I’ll pass. Ning-ge’s main theme is “weak”. I’d need to have trained for some period of time before I ever thought of running a marathon. If I just try it straight out, I might run myself to death. I’ll pass. I’ll just focus on filming for the drama. If you want to run, you can go. Watch out for your safety, of course.
C: Why did you start calling yourself “da-ge”? LYN: It’s nothing- just a random address. Just colloquially, I’ll say “Today your Da-ge, I, etc etc.” I don’t mean that I want to become your “da-ge”. It’s just a way to relax the mood when chatting with my fans. It’s just a form of address. You can also call me “xiao-di”. I’m just a little brother, you can look after me. But I personally think that calling myself “di” would be making myself out to be too young.
LYN: /to Daimi/ Alright, it’s about time. You can stop squirming around. Say goodbye to everyone. /waves her paw/ Okay. You can go. LYN: Hold on, let me give her a sausage. C: You just give her one when you say you will? LYN: Erm... my dog’s got a pretty cushy home life. Unlike me- I didn’t have a good time growing up. But she is growing up in MY house, so I’m going to let her be a rich second-gen. My dream is to make my dog a rich second-gen kid. She can eat whatever she wants. She has the best tasting dog food, too. LYN: I’ve been caught in the rain before, so I just want to hold the umbrella for other dogs. C: I want to go to your house and be your dog. LYN: There’s no need for that, alright?! No need. Lao-mei. Let’s not play something so deep. I had such a positive mood going in my stream, I don’t need you to turn it in such a weird direction. Don’t mess around. Stop messing around. I’m not joking.
C: I’m so sleepy, I need to go now. LYN: Go. If you’re watching my stream and you’re sleepy, just go to sleep! You don’t need to tell me. If you wanted to have manners and/or respect me enough to find the need to tell me, go leave a message on my weibo. Don’t type those words into my stream. When you do that I think that my stream is so boring that I’ve made you sleepy! It brings my mood down in one instant. You can’t be like that. Leave a message on my weibo, and you will have already been polite enough. When I receive the news, it won’t affect my mood either. Alright? Our main theme is “positivity”.
C: Can you still maintain your hairline when shooting guzhuang dramas? LYN: I can. /clears his throat/ If I can’t, then I’ll try my best to.
C: Ning-ge, you’ve made a number of things your “main theme” for tonight. LYN: In an album only one song is the title. In my stream every topic with me the main topic.
LYN: Someone asked if shooting guzhuang dramas has a big effect on my hairline. I've been wearing a wig during all of my streams lately, do you really not understand what’s going on? Of course, it has nothing to do with the acting. PLEASE don’t think you’ve understood anything.
C: The main theme is “company.” LYN: You’re wrong. Our main theme is “main theme”. Everything is a main theme.
C: Can you sing? LYN: I really want to, but my voice is a little tired today. When I first started the stream I tried, but I found that I’m not in the greatest condition today. So I won’t sing. I don’t want to negatively influence drama’s broadcasts.
LYN: Our main theme is “hairline.” C: What is “main theme”? LYN: /sigh/
C: If you’re not singing then I’m going to go sleep. LYN: Go, go. They love my music so much that if they can’t hear it then they’re sleepy! Go, rest. I’m going to stay and chat for a while longer before I go. I need to remove my makeup, take a look at tomorrow’s scenes, and that’ll be about it. Tomorrow we start shooting my opening scenes, so tonight I'll force myself not to eat- so that I can look a little slimmer on camera tomorrow. Our main theme is to “make myself look thinner.” LYN: Filming is just like this- a lot of actors have the same thought. Most of them, not all. When we first start filming, let’s say for a 40-episode drama, it’s rare that they start shooting from the first episode. Because the actor hasn’t quite gotten used to the role or found the right mindset yet, and also because you need some time to get used to the crew. Usually when we’re about a month or a month and a half into filming, that’s when the actor’s condition is the best. Because if you wait any longer than that, then the actor’s going to be tired. So most of the times the production will arrange to start shooting the early episodes about a month or a month and a half into filming. Right now I’m a bit thinner than I was when I first entered the drama crew. If we start shooting the early episodes now, then I might look a little better than I do when it gets to the later episodes (sequentially). But the viewers are tolerant. As long as they’ve acknowledged the role or believe in/like the character in the first few episodes, then it doesn’t matter how ugly you start to look later on. But if you show them a bad image* from the start, then they’re going to lose it. If you look bad in the very first scene they see you in, then a lot of them are going to stop watching. That’s a small secret I learned during the filming process. * [t/n: zhu tou men de // he uses a term like.. “pig-headed fool” (in relation to the SIZE of the head)]
C: The speaking volume is low. LYN: Is it? How about now? Is it bigger now? Hello, hello? /adjusting the settings/ How about now? It’s better, right?
C: Our main theme is to “have the viewers in your grasp”. LYN: No- there’s no way to “have the viewers in my grasp”. You want to respect the viewers, not think about ways you can control them.
C: What in the world is “zhu tou men de”? LYN: It’s just an expression. Like... have you ever had a whole pig head during the New Year? You know, when you go to the market you and buy a braised pig’s head? There are times when you liken someone to that braised pork’s head, and that’s when you use “zhu tou men de”. It’s just an expression... to mean that someone has a fat head and big ears. C: I’ve never had it. LYN: If you’ve ever had it then there’s no need to go out to look for it specifically...
C: You’re already very thin. LYN: But on camera it’s a different story... Some actors, too- if they... have some meat on their bones and their stature is more stocky/muscular, in the camera that will come across as silly and not sharp. Even though you look very good in real life- they’re strong and serious. But in the camera it’s a different story- you look bulky and there’s no clear waistline or frame. It just looks one-dimensional, on the camera. It doesn’t come across nicely. This is what I have extrapolated from being yelled at for being ugly so often. You won’t understand it as well as I do. LYN: I’m already considerably thin. At 1.9m for my weight- it’s thin. But as long as you stand in front of the camera and your condition is just the slightest bit off- if you’re having a bad face day: your dark circles are a little too dark and your eye bags are just slightly more prominent than usual- it all shows on the monitor. All of these cameras are operating on 4K resolution, now. And it’s pointed straight at your face. Your condition is very important. They can see all of your pores and probably the (microscopic) mites that live on your face, too. LYN: Shooting a drama is much different than shooting an ad, where I can maintain a good condition for a day at most and it will be enough. Shooting a drama takes 120 working days. We’re working for four months straight- there’s no way you can maintain your condition for all of that time. Even the most handsome person can’t maintain that image/good condition for all 120  days. There are always going to be off-days. What can you do? Just do your best to try maintaining a good and balanced state.
LYN: I didn’t used to care- I never thought about this problem before. I was thinking, “I’m here to act and it doesn’t matter how I look. The most important thing for an actor is to bring the character to life. All I have to think about is why the character is saying what they are and at what time, and what prompts them to say their lines?” I used to think that was all an actor had to care about, but now it turns out that... that’s not only the case.I never used to take visuals into consideration- even when I was shooting for Heroes (SYXSSYX). There was never a day I wasn’t satisfied with my makeup. I would just get in in the morning, let the makeup artists work on me, then go to set however they made me. On set- I’m the type of person who has oily skin- so after one scene the makeup artist might come over and say, “Ning-ge, let me touch up your makeup. Let me blot it.” and I would tell them, “No- I don’t need it. I think a person in the martial arts would should look like this- with oily face and all. Our main theme is “texture”, don’t blot the oil for me.” They would reply, “But your makeup is running!” “No, no. Let it run! That makes it more realistic! This is what I want. It’s okay you don’t need to worry about it.” “But your wig is coming off a little in the back...” “Oh, it’s coming off? Then you can fix that. But you don’t need to fix my makeup. Martial artists are all about the fighting and killing- we have no time to worry about looking pretty. There’s no need. As long as they can tell it’s me, that’s fine.” LYN: I used to be like that. Honestly. Whenever it came to a point for a close-up and the makeup artists wanted to touch up my makeup I would always tell them they didn’t need to. I wanted it to be more realistic. Our main theme is “realistic.” I’m an actor, I didn’t come here as an idol, so I thought it would be okay if I looked a little haggard and it would fit the character well. I thought by doing that it would fit the image of someone who was wandering in the martial arts world a little better. I probably had that in mind when I made those decisions... but it came back to slap me in the face. I used to be like that. I would rather myself look worse- the worse the better. For example when we were doing the jail scenes- I told them to make me as dirty as they could. I told them not to consider my looks. Because I’m an actor, and I wasn’t there to worry about it I looked good on camera or not. That’s what I was thinking, and I’m not trying to compliment myself (for being professional). I just thought it was the proper thing to do. But now it seems like, to me, it was not necessarily the proper thing to do.
LYN: Now I’m singing to a different tune. It used to be that when I was filming and someone wanted to touch up my makeup I would tell them “No, it’s really okay. I just got into character and my head if full of lines and emotions- if you touch up my makeup you’re going to break my concentration.” Now it’s not like that. As soon as I am in front of the camera I immediately start looking for the makeup artist. /pans his head/ There they are. “Hey! Blot the oil for me? Can you touch up my makeup here?” “Are my wrinkles obvious today? No? Still, suppress them for me.” “Are my eyes swollen today? They are? No? Okay, then.” “Hey, can you see my jawline through the monitor? Is it defined, or has my jawline become one with my neck? // Oh, you can see it clearly today? Then does that mean that it wasn’t as defined yesterday?? No- yesterday and today are the same? Oh, ok. Good. ” “We talked so much, blot the oil again, quick. // My eyelids- philtrum- chin, chin- my forehead, here- cheekbone, cheekbone! Okay, good! :)” LYN: I have a totally different mindset now than I did before. In terms of requests for my makeup- they’re totally different. Because filming for a whole day, there’s no way the makeup will hold up. By the end of the night all the makeup is pretty much gone. Before, all I was left with was spots but I didn’t care. Now, luckily the makeup artist is more familiar with me- they’re the same as for YNGS, because it’s the same makeup artist crew- now they say, “Ning-ge. Your face this afternoon is a little lacking. We’ll retouch it after you have lunch. I’ll reapply your makeup so that you look as smooth and white as milk.” They’re really cute, saying, “Don’t worry Ning-ge. I will protect your milky skin for you.” I’m happy, too. LYN: Very cute, very cute. Our main theme is “milky skin.”
LYN: So yeah, I’m totally different now when filming than I was before. I have to monitor, at least a little. I used to not monitor the playback at all- not because I didn’t take it seriously, but because I didn’t have the guts to see myself. I’ve met a lot of other actors like this- They don’t dare to watch themselves on the screen. After each take the director or producer will watch the playback to watch out for any inconsistencies or if they want to do a retake. I didn’t used to watch the playback- very rarely. Nowadays I always want to see it. I just want to check.. if the camera angle was a dead one or not. For example, if they put the camera here- it’s directed right up at my double chin! Because the drama I’m shooting for now, there’s a bit of a height difference, so if there’s a camera at my height then when I’m looking at her- I’m looking down. The camera won’t be able to catch my eyes, then. It looks like I’m closing my eyes and that’s no good, so the camera needs to be lower, aimed up from the bottom so it can get the right angle for my eyes. That’s why sometimes the camera will be set up at a really dead angle for me- pointed right at my chin. I watch the playback to see how bad it is. LYN: You all take selfies, so you know. The best angle is from the top down, because you want to look slimmer. But if you shoot from the bottom up, that’s- I haven’t met many people who could withstand that angle. I HAVE met some who could withstand that angle, but very few. In any case, I can’t. Our main theme is “dead angles.”
C: Ning-ge, 360 degrees, you don’t have any dead angles! LYN: ...Alright. You keep using this lie to trick yourself. That way, you will always be my fan- a die-hard one, at that. You are the 1 in 2464. Keep walking with me forever, okay? use this lie to trick yourself forever. LYN: All 360 degrees of me are all dead angles. It doesn’t matter what angle you take a picture of me from, it’s going to be ugly. The back of my head, even, is flat. There’s no good angle, I’m telling you.
LYN: /sigh/ Anyway, later when the drama airs, please don’t think I didn’t put any consideration into my appearance. I’ve started to make an effort. But if I still come out ugly... then that just means my foundation/base is too lacking. I’ve already held myself to the highest standards for this drama that I could. There is no going higher. I’m already considered as having “milky skin”. X’D When have you ever seen me apply chapstick for my previous dramas? The previous dramas also had reuters- have you ever seen me apply chapstick in any of them?? Nowadays when I’m on set I just slather the Givenchy lip balm onto my face. I’m not just using it because I have collaborated with them and want to promote their product- that’s not what I mean. But honestly, it works well.
LYN: My main theme nowadays is “my lips.” I’m in a group chat with some of my fans, and I saw the other day... it seemed to be a compilation picture of nine different male artist’s lips. I saw a vote- I don’t know where it came from, it was just a picture. They cut out the lips of nine different male artists and numbered them 1 through 9. The prompt was: “Which pair of lips looks the best?” Very luckily, I was one of those nine male artists. The results... not humbly speaking, I had the most votes. Of course, it’s not because I was the best looking (pair of lips), but because the picture was well-chosen. In the end I got the most votes. But once they found out that the answer was “Liu Yuning” everyone was backtracking. They were saying, “LYN? LYN’s ugly. /suspecting their eyes/ He’s ugly, but these lips look pretty nice.”  LYN: Anyway- my makeup artist is in charge of my skin, so I will take charge of my lips. LYN: After they found out the results of the vote and knew that those lips belonged to me, people went crazy. They couldn’t believe it. “There’s no way. LYN”s very ugly. I- uh.. erm.. I voted wrong!” XD LYN: My main theme is “milky skin and heart-shaped lips.”
LYN: Honestly, my lips are pretty nicely shaped, I think. Even though when I first started streaming someone told me that my lips are protruding... It’s been two hours, and I’m still holding a grudge about that. In regard to my looks, the place I think I lack the most is my eyes. My nose is pretty nicely shaped- I know that a lot of my face relies on this nose. My lips are aright too. I don’t think they count as ugly. My eyebrows- honestly my eyebrows are pretty thick. If I don’t maintain them, I’m Crayon Shin-chan. They’re like this now because we maintain them with a brow razor. If I didn’t do anything with them, I’d be Crayon Shin-chan. They’re very thick. The only place I think I’m lacking a little is my eyes. LYN: I’m aware that when I’m shooting for the drama- like the previous one YNGS- there are the Six Paths (六道堂). Of them, I am the leader. The remaining four (five?) and I make up the Six Paths. I took the four of them and we made our way into the martial arts world together and complete missions together. There’s one scene where we’re standing in a row, facing forward towards the future with eyes determined to complete our mission. The camera pans from face to face, and the fifth one in line is me. Me eyes were just- just a small crack. If you gave me a solo shot it would have been fine but after panning from person to person: big eyes, big eyes, big  eyes, big eyes, a small crack. It was really obvious. The comparison of the eye proportions, in the same frame- you can tell that my eyes are truly small. But you can’t tell just looking at me alone. These eyes are... “killing” me. 
LYN: Have you ever thought about this problem.. have you ever thought... that everyone online who curses me out... the content and remarks... have you ever thought that I am the one who wants them to say these things? Have you thought about that? Everything they say about me is what I WANT them to say about me. LYN: Oh, sorry about that. All of a sudden I went into a role. Sorry. LYN: Our main theme is “supporting the dark side.” C: Ge, this is a little too perverse. LYN: Don’t copy the way I speak. :p LYN: You just have to consider the reverse psychology of things. Make “turning evil” our main theme. I said that one thing and now all my anti-fans will think about it for the whole day. C: Ning-ge, do you pay money to have people diss you, then? LYN: Am I crazy?? How could you trust me so easily? I must be sick- I must be completely immoral. Paying people to diss myself?? I don’t need to put myself to gain popularity like that. I have work. It’s not like I need to create any news for myself. I don’t need it.
C: Are you going to be on The Truth Season 2? LYN: Hm? They haven’t asked me anything. If they don’t ask me to be on it... then I can’t go. I’m not as smart as Guo Qilin, who negotiated and signed for a second season for himself. His punishment for the first season was to sign a contract for the second. But if they don’t invite me to be on the second season, then there’s no way I can go. Have they started recording already? I don’t think so?? There is no second season yet, right? LYN: Our main theme is “cute.” No, there’s no second season. There shouldn’t be one yet...
C: Ning-ge, are you a real person? If you are then grab the mic. LYN: I’m sorry, I’m an AI. // Grab the mic... to prove that I’m a real person, not a fake one?
LYN: Friends, if you still haven’t subscribed to me weibo yet, please do so. I am Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. If you have time you can come watch my streams and check out my weibo. Thank you. C: You’re going to stop streaming? LYN: No. I’ll stop in a bit.
C: Can you change a hairstyle? LYN: I won’t change it tonight. I think this one is fine. Let me change the glasses for you.
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LYN: I changed a color. LYN: Makeup artist-laoshi, is my face oily? It is? Then I’ll blot it, okay? // Now I have to be wary of my face being oily on my stream.
C: You have so many glasses. LYN: It’s not a lot. Here’s another one. And another. And another. And here. Here. One more. Another. /continues pulling out his selection of glasses/
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LYN: Our main theme is “wholesale.” Sometimes I just like to change up a pair of glasses on my streams. There are some friends who have been watching my streams for a long time now. I can’t change the person, so the least I can do is change up my look. My staff told me, “Boss, don’t wear a hat today. The past few streams you keep wearing that same hat.” So today our main theme is “going hatless.” I didn’t wear the cap today to change up the “flavor”. I even found my suit jacket to wear.
C: Why wear the wig? LYN: This is my own hair. Can’t you tell? LYN: It’s because I’m in guzhuang all day and I need to wear the headgear. I don’t know if any of you have ever worn a wig before? The headgear is much like a wig, in that it needs to be combed down to our heads and the edges are glued down. You own hair is wrapped under. After a whole day of filming the hair is awfully flat. If I wanted to style my hair at all I’d have to wash it first and then style it- the whole process would just take too long. You’re not just washing your hair, your washing your body. To wash your body, you’d have to remove the makeup. After I remove the makeup, I’m so ugly how could I stream?? Then I’d have to put it back on- at least some foundation- it’s just a little troublesome. I already get off work late so if I work on making myself presentable after that it would be too late to stream. After all that consideration I just decide to put on the wig, as long as you don’t find it ugly. Just watch for entertainment, and that’s the end of it.
C: There’s a beauty filter, but you still need the makeup? LYN: The function of the beauty filter is not as great as you might think. Also, I’m an actor- what type of beauty filter do you think I’m using? At most I have the blur tool on- so that my skin looks better. Milky skin. Other than that I still have to have a little eyeliner and fix my eyebrows. LYN: I appear often on tv, if I tried any other beauty filters it would be too exaggerated. They announced the video for Weibo Night, right? When I saw the playback I immediately turned to my staff and said, “You edited that too fiercely.” It wasn’t me anymore. I never even looked that young when I was sixteen. Then my staff told me, “Boss, we didn’t edit it. You filmed that yourself using a filtered camera. That was your own doing. We didn’t touch it. We sent it to weibo after you finished recording it.” In that moment I was thinking, “Ah... then I... I overdid it.” I didn’t know what it would look like, because it’s not like I take very many selfies. I just turned the filters on and shot the video without looking it over after. I found out later it didn’t even look like me. It’s not their fault, it was mine. The beauty settings were on too high. I didn’t even look that young when I was sixteen. LYN: Our main theme is “beauty filters.” C: Your main theme is “milky skin.” LYN: No, that’s just because the makeup artists gives me a good base. C: Main theme is “blue tool and brightener.” LYN: XD
C: Ning-ge, how could you stay up all night and still be awake in the morning? LYN: I can’t stay up as well as I used to anymore. For many years I was working in the bar, so I got used to staying up at night. But this year I can’t seem to stay up anymore. Around 9p I’ve started getting sleepy. Around 9-10p. Sometimes I get so sleepy that I can’t hold me eyes open anymore. LYN: There are times on set that requires you to wait around for a bit before they get to your scene... what do I do? I take a little nap. A little half hour to an hour long nap. I’m getting old. A lot of fans are telling me not to shoot guzhuang dramas. I’m already so old, if I don’t do it now then when do you expect me to?? Huh? Those friends who are trying to convince me, tell me when you want me to act in guzhuang dramas. When I’m 45? I want to try shooting some more while I’m still nice and pretty. Do you think I would still be able to film the same type of content when I’m 45? I need to seize the time I have now and film while I can.
LYN: There are other fans still, who want me to try acting in a serious drama. They tell me to stop acting in guzhuang dramas and pick up some serious ones. First of all, the world and I don’t owe you, and there aren’t so many scripts out there who are clamoring for me to act in them. They’re not just all sitting there waiting for me to pick them. The first thing is that no good scripts have come to look for me. Secondly... I think I should still film the current types of dramas while I can. Do you still expect me to be able to play the Leader of the Six Paths when I’m 45? I’ll play Wei Shao when I’m 45?? It’s not realistic. At that time there’s no turning back- this market won’t need me anymore. When that time comes, I can act as whatever I want. I’ll take what I can get. It’s just that simple. Don’t try to be too ambitious. Just because I’ve been shooting dramas for a few years does not mean that I should try to aim for something “deeper” or “better”. I’m very clear on what I want. I’ll do what I need to, when I need to do it. Everything else can be accomplished at any other age. But once you reach that age, you can’t turn back and do what you’re pursuing now. There’s a right time and age for everything. At this point in my life I think this is the most appropriate.
LYN: I’ve seen a lot of choices people in this industry. A lot of people you can tell are students with just one look. What I mean by that is some people are very well suited to act in school dramas. There are handsome young men and pretty women who are very well-suited for school setting dramas. I believe that if they ever act in one, they would be famous for it. But they never have. They don’t like school dramas. I don’t get it. // Like me right now. Even if I wanted to act in a school drama, I can’t. There was a script that came to me, and wanted me to play a college student for some period of time. It was only a very short period of time, but I hesitated. Once you’re past a certain age you can’t act in some things even if you wanted to, you know? I can act as a school principal, though. Or maybe a PE or music teacher. But if you want me to act as a college student I wouldn’t be able to handle it. C: Ning-ge, act as a student who was held back. LYN: My class is made up of 17-18 year olds but I am a 30+ year old held-back student? This role is difficult to act. First you have to think about why they were held back- because they were bad at studying? Why were they bad at studying? There are two possibilities: 1) they don’t like to learn, or 2) low iq. His intelligence couldn’t keep up, so he kept being held back. Let’s go with this latter scenario first. It’s difficult to act as someone with low intelligence- look at me. Do I look like someone with low iq? Yes. But I don’t want to act as such a character. Is that a good enough excuse? I don’t want to... Then, the other scenario- he doesn’t want to learn. What’s the meaning behind that? Now we’ll circle back to a previous topic- say the camera is panning across all of your classmates and finally lands on you. How terrifying is that?? The first row of students is made up of bright and youthful smiles and then it gets to you- an old face with heavy wrinkles. From the viewer standpoint it looks like a parent/guardian broke in to listen on the class. 
C: University for the Elderly. LYN: Oh? Are there any stories that center around older people going to college? Are there any dramas like that? Especially something the masses can watch? It can be promoted like this, “Our drama is a school drama!”  and then you take a closer look- and it’s a University for Elderly. Is there anything like that? No way~ C: There are stories about retirement homes. LYN: ... LYN: Friends, it’s like this... I said I could no longer act as a student... but that doesn’t mean you should automatically categorize me into the “retirement home” genre. I know I have a head full of white hair right now, but you can’t hurt people like that. I just said- according to my own conscious- I can’t act as a college student or any student.  You can’t just turn around and say, “Alright, Ning-ge. Then we have content about retirement homes.” LYN: If you wanted to kill me, don’t do it with the age blade. LYN: I said I didn’t want to act as a student, so you’re pushing me to retirement??? Our main theme is “extremes.”
LYN: Happy New Year, friends! Thank you for spending the new year with me. It’s the year 2023. I wish you health and success in your careers! LYN: Thank you for spending another year with me. Here, as long as the clock strikes past 12a, it’s the new year. Let’s to bigger and better in this new year. If you still haven’t subscribed to my weibo, please do so. LYN: Here, Modern Brothers Liu Yuning, will give you a New Year’s greeting!
C: The background is so fake, LYN: It is a little fake. Excuse me. I’ll make it better next time. Everything you say is right. I won’t fight with you. C: Another year older.
LYN: Let me see when I have to wake up tomorrow. LYN: I need to be in hair and makeup by 6:30a. If I’m there by 6:30a and it takes me 20 minutes for travel, I’d need to leave the house by 6:10a. If I leave the house at 6:10a, I’d need to wake up, wash my face, brush my teeth, apply a face mask for 10 minutes... then I need to wake up at 5:50a. I’m sorry, everyone. I’ll need to leave first. LYN: I wish everyone had a relaxing, happy, and wonderful night. It was great to have you and I hope you enjoyed yourself. I hope to see you in the next stream. If you haven’t subscribed to my weibo yet, please do so. If you have the time you can come chat! Goodnight, everyone. 
11 notes · View notes
casdeans-pie · 2 months
Dean and Cas are visiting Jody and the girls one day and Dean has insisted on cooking them all dinner. He hears them all chatting and laughing in the next room while he cooks - he can especially hear Cas's rumbling replies - and it warms something in his chest and makes him smile, even though he's not actively part of the conversation.
Patience comes into the kitchen to fetch another bottle of wine and stares over at Dean long enough that he gives her a curious look. "Y'okay there?"
"Oh, yeah, sorry," she says, "it's just that, I've never seen that mark on your shoulder glow so brightly."
Dean freezes. "The what?"
Patience gestures with the bottle at his left shoulder. "The handprint?" she says, with a little uncertainty after his reaction. "It's glowing brighter than ever."
Dean immediately pulls his arm out of his flannel and yanks up his shirt sleeve, but there's nothing there.
"Oh wow." Patience blinks and squints at a light only she can see. "Must be hard to sleep with that."
Dean feels like he takes a long time to respond before he finally says, "You get used to it."
"Guess you'd have to," Patience says, shaking her head as she leaves the room, "when it's as bright as that."
Dean immediately touches his shoulder, where the scar used to be, but it's just smooth unmarked skin under his palm.
He presses down.
The sound of a glass clinking over onto the table comes from the other room and he hears Jody cheerfully claim that Cas has had too much to drink (which Dean knows isn't true unless they had a significantly lot more wine).
Castiel, Dean prays, I think we need to talk about something in the kitchen.
(Part 2)
(AO3 link post)
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drathe · 4 months
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Davrin - the Warden
622 notes · View notes
bell-goat · 3 months
*crawls out of the grave, slaps this down and crawls back in without comment*
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( Outfit ID is 2624062 )
444 notes · View notes
daimondea · 2 years
▌♚ ❝ bacchus ( @falcongroh​ )
To say the Orland blood ran deep in her veins wouldn’t be the whole truth. No this ire, the disdain held for his existence, purely upon his shoulders. Even as he rolls his shoulders to loosen up Bacchus find it hard not to see the little girl in her. How many years had passed since that fateful day? He knew because he could remember every nightmare he’d have since since. Always of he same thing, of his sister not being safe because he left her when he ran away from his forced role. It was a pitiful life that he forced upon his sibling and yet he couldn’t exactly say he wouldn’t flee again.
Or at least not without her next time.
    “That what dear ol’ dad keeps beaten into you?” words cut through the air like knives. It’s a rare, and brief, showing his his Orland blood as he looks at her with both regret and shame towards himself, “You can act tough all you want Mini, but we both know this isn’t what you want.”
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              his  words  sunk  in,  and  minerva  had  to  fight  the  urge  to  throw  something.  preferably  at  her  brother’s  know-it-all  face.  even  as  she  resisted  that  desire,  the  tigress  did  turn  around,  twin  braids  flying  with  the  action  as  she  looked  up  at  the  taller  mage.    “  really,  bacchus?  really?  this  isn’t  what  i  want?  strength,  power,  recognition?  why  in  the  world  wouldn’t  i  want  that?  “
              green  eyes  narrowed,  even  as  painted  lips  curved  in  a  haughty  smirk.  this  was  such  a  pathetic  reach,  especially  considering  how  even  as  a  young  child  she  had  enjoyed  winning.    “  or  maybe  you’re  just  worried  about  your  own  chances.  you  know  just  how  high  the  standards  are  for  sabertooth,  and  i  made  it  in  on  my  first  try.  “  and  they  both  knew  that  their  father  would  not  have  made  that  easy  for  her,  despite  the  fact  that  she  was  his  daughter.
              pride  shone  in  her  gaze,  gloved  hands  shifting  to  rest  on  her  hips.    “  i’m  stronger  than  i  was  back  then,  brother.  and  it’s  no  thanks  to  you.  “
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callilouv · 2 years
I got a taste of how it is being shadowbanned and it was hell, -100/10 experience
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hran-art · 6 months
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Referencing @ksopaz Fresh as a magical girl. Click this link to see the ref n Fresh in a bootiful dress with more intricate designs.
Fresh belongs to @loverofpiggies
This is just a rough sketch and coloring, go check out ksopaz works. It is bootiful. I love fresh, platonically and aesthetically. My eyes are blessed.
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haahka · 10 months
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inspiration from @thisautistic & the simpsons
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yashley · 1 year
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"I love it so much."
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atorionsbelt · 1 year
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Mothra: The stars are so beautiful...
Godzilla: They're just giant balls of gas.
Mothra: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then-
Godzilla: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Mothra, blushing: Oh...
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Okay I've been lurking in the DP x DC fandom and had an idea I'd like to share.
*throws a handful of deer vertebrae at you*
You know how cat/wolves/lion fight their kits/pups to teach them how to defend themselves? Well ghosts do that too.
Danny having regressed to a somewhat feral ghost state (insert angsty backstory) arrives in the DC universe, sees all these baby heroes (to him) fighting and struggling against some of their foes and goes 'must teach the babies how to fight' and straight up start throwing down (gently by his standards)
Of course the league, batfam, or whoever don't see it like that. So they're fighting this creature with all they got and from their point of view it is not going well.
Eventually it devolves to a point where they are seriously losing and the powerful creature gets to one of them (hero of your choice), fangs at their throat... But it doesn't bite down ?
Instead, the being slightly pinch down before crooning and playfully nudging them with his head. Then he back up and lets his guard open as if saying "okay now your turn to attack :D"
Cue 2 realizations:
-this being is not trying to hurt them and from up close looks awfully like a teenager
-it wasn't fighting at full strength ? how powerful is it really ?
(later, Danny does the almost bite to Jason and ends up spluttering like a cat tasting saltwater and immediately wraps around him like a boa to heal him from the pits)
Garfield flies on down to Tim but pauses in his step as an eery sound echoed around every street and building. "I'm sorry did the Devil Ghost Guy just giggle?!"
Tim took a long sip from his thermos looking up at the two clashing figures in the sky. "You heard it the same as I did."
"He's fighting SUPERBOY!"
Beast Boy looks over at Tim utterly baffled. "How are you so calm right now. Did he mind control you or something? Can he mind control people?"
Tim lazily shook his head as he readjusted his position on the concrete rooftop that he was watching the action from. "I mean, not that I know of. They've been at it for two hours now."
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ladsofsorrow24 · 8 months
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人生ご破算 お前さんあんたの所為だつて (x)
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klien2000 · 1 month
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Kkuwi q lng gling skul, tas tinapos q yung wip na gawa q kahapon,, MWEHEHEHEHHE!!! tamang halik lng mna tyo, zyug, calma sa laplapan :3 effort talga aq 2day guyz
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just-dol-headshots · 6 months
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@dollya-robinprotector this is what I pictured when you said this btw.
I hope your Robin won’t mind!
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2deadkat · 1 month
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Radicallizard619 🦎🛹
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