#but for a joke he'll work
kikizoshi · 1 year
Nikolai and Fyodor's dynamic is actually so funny, because it's just like Kirillov took on some of Rogozhin's less-favourable qualities and ended up falling in love with an Alyosha-ified Raskolnikov.
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gomzdrawfr · 11 months
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brucewaynehater101 · 6 months
Tim can't escape Robin. It's a self-inflicted curse brought about by his self-sacrificing tendencies, his need to feel useful, his continuous labor to Bruce, and the cycle of abuse.
He could be so much more than the mantle he chained himself to. Unfortunately, he hasn't healed enough to find self-worth outside of vigilantism and his ties to the Waynes. He also may not recognize that he's stuck in a cycle of abuse when he's (as far as I'm aware) only been hit by Bruce once. All abuse is horrid and has their own perils. Emotional abuse can be much harder to spot or acknowledge (especially when compounded by their situation as crime-fighter leading to easier excuses for drastic measures ["he psychologically tortured me to make me a better hero"]). Tim will need to willingly set boundaries and build his self-worth in order to flee the clutches of Robin. His love for Bruce makes this process extremely difficult.
Batman needs a Robin. Bruce needs Tim. Until Bruce can function without a child-made crutch, Tim will always be Robin (Red or not).
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fbfh · 18 days
Had to take this to the professional 🫡
We need more dad tony stark content (literally anything you got)
Literally starving
Thank you 😌
thank you for giving me more excuses to talk about this. Tony is such a good fucking dad in general, but he's especially great when you get sick. if you're in new york, he probably notices cause you're not up as early as usual. idk where this came from, but I can hear him clear as day walking into your room and smoothing your hair to wake you up, saying
"Hey pumpkin, sun's out." you only grunt in response, but it's not your usual sassy I don't wanna wake up grunt. It sounds softer, like you actually can't get up yet.
"You feeling okay?" before you can answer, he's totally on it. "jarvis, run a vital scan."
He rolls you over onto your back so he can look at you. you look... pale. you don't have the usual vibrance to your skin, it's gray and faded. you look like if you weren't lying down, you'd pass out. Your eyes are puffy and watery, your lips are chapped. You're not yourself. While Jarvis runs a diagnostic scan on your vitals, Tony also gets to work. he carefully sticks a microneedling patch on your arm to check your blood - something Strange helped him whip up, among many other ways to monitor your health without all that clunky invasive hospital equipment - as Jarvis gives him the low down.
"Elevated body temperature of 101.3 degrees fahrenheit, swelling of the sinuses, elevated white blood count..." Jarvis rambles on and on while describing your simptoms, only interrupted by an agressive coughing fit.
"And a rather nasty productive cough."
You look up at him and try not to get teary, you know crying will just make you feel more dehydrated and achy.
"Dad... I don't feel good..."
He looks down at you so warmly, and with so much love.
"I know, kid."
He stands up, determined to do everything he can to kick this cold in record time.
"Alright, your schedule for the week is cleared." He cuts you off as you object. "Ah-bup-bup-bup. I don't want to hear it. You are officially on bedrest until further notice. Jarvis, order out for some of that soup we like, some cough drops, and popsicles."
He looks down at you.
"You want ice cream? What am I saying, of course you want ice cream. Jarvis, throw in a few pints of Stark raving hazelnuts and bunny tracks."
He grabs the remote for your tv, putting on your favorite movie and has dum-e wheel you in a box of tissues. He grabs some vaseline and cold medicine, along with a fresh cold water and your favorite flavor of sports drink.
"Now. I want you to lay back, I want you to stay cool, and I want you to get some rest. And you're a Stark, so staying cool should be no problem." He gives you a kiss on the forehead, then stands up to move all his work to stuff he can do at home, and tell Pepper to cancel or reschedule the rest so he can spend the rest of the day watching movies and tv shows with you between naps. You can hear him muttering to himself as he calls Steven over to come check on you. If you weren't so tired, you'd find it funny that the only person your dad trusts to be your family doctor is also a wizard.
"Can stop aliens from invading earth, I can make an arc reactor that can fit in the palm of my hand, how have we not cracked this cold and flu season thing yet?" he mutters, making a mental note to discuss it with the rest of the Avengers at the next team meeting. you drift off to sleep feeling a lot better than you did when you woke up, and thinking about debrief folders titled Avengers v. Rhinovirus.
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oops-its-a-fanwork · 3 months
Ask: A pirate's first kiss! 🤭💕
Anonymous asked:
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Oooh great taste in questions already! I always love reading kissing headcanons myself, never made them before though :p
Pirate au as kidnapped depicted from @mega-punani ! Go check 'm out, there's cute skele pictures there too~
In this case, you and your skelle are both into eachother and you both kinda know it, but this is the first proper kiss on the lips! ...teeth?
Uuuuhhhh you're smoochin! Enjoy <3
First kiss huh? If he initiated it, it probably came paired with a pun. In fact, he would be making hundreds of kissing and relationship puns to try and help you catch on to what he's going for. When you finally realize he is asking for a kiss, he gauges your reaction, looking to see if you're up for it. You can be as shy about it as you want, with his judgement eye he can see right through it!  
"Well, if you insist~"
It's a very sweet kiss, and he has a dreamy, almost smug smile on his face afterwards, teasing you a little bit if you look very flustered. Don't be fooled though, the smug smile and teasing are there to hide his own bashfulnes. You don't need a devil fruit to realize it though, seeing as his entire face is bright blue: he absolutely adores you.
If you catch him off guard by initiating first and out of the blue, he buffers for a few seconds before blushing hard and hiding his eyes with his hat, not able to stop smiling all day. You can watch him trying and failing to come up with a pun about it the first minute after.
He'll probably find you at some point during the day to return the favour.
Oh dating manual my beloved...
So papyrus is casually suave and totally swept you off off your feet when your relationship was still completely platonic, but now that you both feel the romance growing... he gets kinda flustered lol. He has no idea of how much natural charisma he has, so now that he wants to impress you he sticks to the book... the Dating Manual!
He meticulously searches for the right place, time and circumstances to have a romantic first kiss to, which we all know means it's highly unlikely to happen anytime this year. He does, however, loudly proclaim romantic expressions of love to you when he deems the time to be right (or on accident) and he is always hiding the little book behind his back when you walk in on him reading it. It is very, very clear that he wants a kiss. Please save him.
If you want him to take initiative, you'll have to make it very clear you are expecting a kiss, *right now*. You read somewhere that uhhhh seeing two seagulls fight over a scrap of bread after having sailed north for at least two hours means a romantic kiss is bound to happen! Oh, if only something that romantic would happen to me...
There is a 30% chance he'll both take the hint and take the step, but when he finally does, well...
If you happen to kiss him somewhat out of the blue, he short-circuits- trembling a little and glowing pink and orange. Tell him he looks like a beautiful sunset and watch him flounder. Will excitedly tell Sans about the whole thing. Multiple times. (Sans is a very supportive bro and is very happy for him)
Your first kiss with Blue may have been a spontaneous, spur of the moment kinda thing, like many of your adventures with this man.
As he held u princess style in an epic rescue from something very dangerous (you slipped), you aimed to dramatically smooch him on the cheek as thanks. But then he angles his head in an unexpected way and oh my... 
He freezes, eyelights expanding, and slowly becomes completely blue. Before you can apologize, he starts running around the ship with you, holding you tight and loudly giggling as he is overtaken by excitement and glee. You are so sweet he is on an artificial sugar high!
Even if it's not a spur of the moment kiss, it will likely still be up to you, to some degree, to make the first move. It's not that Blue doesn't want to kiss you! Heavens no! It's just, well... He knows that he can miss the occasional social que and he doesn't wanna fuck this up by hurrying you or misreading your intentions, so he just flirts dramatically and hopes you take the hint to take initiative. Just for the first time though, after that he has a free pass and boy is he gonna use it.
The flirts are pretty forward, you can't miss em: things like kabedoning you and looking at you expectantly, or showing up with a rose in his mouth. Even if it doesn't lead to a kiss, he hopes it will make you laugh!
With Stretch, it pretty much happened on accident.
You were sitting next to each other, your head against his shoulder, listening to him softly playing some tunes as the sun set on the sea. The boat was anchored, and the others were busy or tuckered out after the long day. It was just the two of you, the waves and a soft melody.
He looked to his right and found your face just- so close to him. You both just kinda studied each other for a while, lost in thought and completely at ease...
When did you start kissing?
His reaction to it is fireworks going off in his head, but definitely the kind that fitted the occasion.  He didn't even take the time to be embarrassed about it, instead just basking in the moment of having you so close.
As flirtatious as this man is, he will pretty much never initiate the first kiss. He'll initiate after the initial kiss for sure, but he has a lot of respec juice and since he knows he's a bit much sometimes, he doesn't wanna overstep or pressure you into something you are not ready for. He's pretty used to being rejected for being crude so might as well let you come to him.
If you are having a rare tender moment, and you initiate a kiss from there... this man will be in the clouds for a few days: very distracted, uncaring even for his more interesting duties and sporting a huge dreamy grin which grows when you are in the same room with him. His brother is worried he's going to melt.
If, however, you decided to kiss him because you are sick of the teasing flirts he keeps throwing your way, he will be VERY smug about it. Also it will not actually stop his teasing flirts. But you do both get a kiss out of it so it may have been worth it.
Besides the tender moment, there is no way to surprise him with a kiss. He is always waiting for you to kiss him. Always ready for a kiss. Bring 'm in, those kisses! A huge simp, this one.
Edge does, occasionally, take a break. When most chores have been done, someone else takes the lead for a while or when the crew is simply having some down time, dear Edge gets to relax with some tea and a good book as well. And if it is at all possible, he shares these rare moments of downtime with you. 
He usually distracts himself from his crush on you by being busy, so now that he is sitting down and taking his time... he may actually be forced to confront his feelings, at least to himself. After heaving a heavy sigh, he steels his nerves and decides this should be the moment to kiss you. What other times will be as appropriate as this?
Edge takes the time to tilt your face towards him, looking you in he eyes and glancing at your lips... and that's where he reaches the edge of his courage. Luckily, you feel the same, and his set up makes it easy for you to simply close the small gap left to kiss him.  Edge remains quite red the entire evening, but he tries to keep it cool. Please think he's calm and collected and that he doesn't get desperately embarrassed and infatuated upon receiving a single wonderful kiss. He's cool! He's never been more collected!! Don't look at him like that!!!
Ah the tsundere. Let's see... Maybe after a long tiring day, when everyone save for you and him has finally gone to bed, you find him still buried deep in his maps, clearly trying to distract himself from everything that happened. You softly convince him that the quality of the map may suffer if he keeps going when this tired. You even hug him close and he lets you, just this once. You give him your first kiss to his forehead as he is in your arms. As he slowly turns purple you expect him to turn you away, yelling or mumbling something about you being a distraction. Instead, he simply grumbles something along the lines of "not even doing it properly if you're going to do it at all" as he smashes his face into yours. It's actually very nice, and you guys keep the sweet embrace and kisses up until you decide to leave his little mapping office and go to sleep. He seems well rested the next day, if a little purple, and the crew is blessed with some lovely weather after the heavy rains from the past few days.
He won't do much pda with you after, almost making it seem like he doesn't care, but he only shares this with you when no one can disturb you both.
May have been a little shit who tried to dare you into kissing him, or to make bets in which you'd have to kiss him if you lost (and he'd have to kiss you if he lost). He didn't expect you to actually accept his dare, especially if you have declined his dares before, but now he's sweating bullets: he likes having the excuse that it's just a joke or just to tease you, but now that you're standing in front of him expectantly he is once again forced to recognize that he genuinely really wants this... and he's so scared to fuck it up. He genuinely believes he doesn't deserve something like this.
He teases you again to divert his attention but you take that as a sign to just get this over with and kiss him. The kiss melts away any doubt he just had, and when you release him he's just kinda standing there, buffering.
You're kinda disappointed seeing no reaction from him. Maybe he did only mean it as a joke... but as you turn away to do literally anything else he finally loads back in and starts asking for increasingly dumb bets and dares trying to get another kiss. 
Bears first kiss, if given, was probably to calm you down. It was almost instinct: you were upset, and he was already swaying you side to side gently, waiting for the flow of tears to stop. He wants to help, to do more... so he lifts your chin and gives you a gentle but firm kiss on the forehead, as he remembers someone having done for him when he was younger, one of few sweet memories of days long past.
You look up at him with wide eyes, now still, and he notices the crying has slowed to a stop as you watch him in fascination. Neither of you remember who leaned in after that.  
Gosh he wants to kiss you. He wants to kiss you so badly!! But he is very nervous to initiate. Is it the right time? The right place? Do you feel the same? He thinks you do, you are always so sweet to him! You help him out when you can! And you are respectful of his boundaries- but oh please take initiative and put an end to his suffering!!
He'll make plan after plan to initiate, even asking Papyrus and Blue for help, only to chicken out for some reason. At some point the rest of the crew gets involved in trying to get this over with, so now if you don't initiate, the way your first kiss goes may depend on them:
Cash would trip Cinnamon into you repeatedly, Red locks you both into a room until you make out, and Razz just straight up tells you to get it over with so Cinnamon will stop nervously tapping his cane on his cabin roof.
How he reacts when you finally initiate depends on your intensity: if you are soft and sweet with him he is blushing hard but mostly just heart eyed, but if you are, *ahem*, intense with him, he pretty much faints in your arms, anime-comedy style. It's very cute ;)
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this and wish to send an ask as well, please read this post and maybe my pinned post as well! See ya around <3
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the1trueanon · 1 year
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poor lil lad, he dont get your joke 😔
i have been. very tired TwT work is good but very physically demanding, so have a wally doodle while i rest a lil bit and make some more stuff
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weirdlizard26 · 2 years
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Image ID:
Five close-up screenshots from TMNT: Mutant Mayhem teaser trailer showing the handles of Leonardo's katana.
The first screenshot shows the letters "RUL" engraved into the handle on the right.
The second screenshot shows the letters "CONSEQUE" engraved into the handle on the left.
The third and fourth screenshots show what appears to be the word "RULES" on the handle on the right.
The fifth screenshot shows both handles with the words "CONSEQUENCES" and "RULES" mostly fully visible on the handles, except for a few letters in the middle obscured by the blades.
End ID.
consequences and rules you say...
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skayafair · 7 months
The fact that Kayne critically misjudged John's true feelings and how much their relationship with Arthur have progressed, brings me so much joy.
Not that all-knowing and all-powerful anymore, are we?
It'd do him good to be brought down a peg or two.
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fiftypiercings · 20 days
I shouldn't be the only one who thinks orv and gintama are alike...
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sysig · 5 days
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Nightly squabbles, the usual (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#DAX#Hhhh theyyyy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3#I loved this scene ahhhh <3 <3#ZEX starting out all touchy-feely as is his wont only to devolve into arguments hehe! Yes!!! Bicker!!!!#They're so married I love them dearly <3#I'm sure they'll start it up again haha ZEX was So insistent on fighting an angle DAX was like ''Yes fine whatever but your Safety >O('' Lol#''I'm allowed to date whoever I want!'' ''Not if you're risking your life about it!'' ''Tch DAX'' lol#And him moving away from DAX where he couldn't follow so they're not touching anymore despite ZEX being so tactile wahhh ZEXXX#I was So ready for ZEX to pull rank (I think that's the right formatting pretty sure I got it backwards in-doodle lol)#Basically be like ''We're Done arguing about this'' and DAX taking the hint but no they ended up working it out ah <3 I love them <3 <3#And the Guilt of DAX lying to him hehe <3 <3 Sure it all worked out for the best - This Time#Just don't make it a habit hm? :3 No I'm sure he'll behave from here on out he's definitely learned his lesson#If presented with the opportunity again I'm sure he'll make the right choice hehe <3#Definitely not the type to worry about ZEX at the expense of literally everything else :)#Agh I'm So pleased with the one of ZEX happily trusting him the gentle back of his hand against DAX's chest eyes closed the trust weh ;;<3#Bruises time! Colourful bruises anyway there's still ZEX's face hehe <3#Such a shame everyone kept their clothes on - so polite - DAX's bruises are probably nearly healed now#But got to draw them before all that at least :D#Pyramid Head really messed them all up bad - straight up footprint on DAX's chest haha poor thing#So so cute how they joked around when ZEX squished his bruises a little too hard ahh ♪ Love them irrevocably <3#Such such fun
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kay9leo · 2 months
UK vs US Slang
Inspired by: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DR57_bCrsxs
NYC!MC: Why did you call him "Cheeky" Ominis? 🤔I'm mean, I know he has full cheeks, but how did you know?🧐
Ominis: You see MC, here in the UK ☕ when someone is being boldly rude, impudent, or disrespectful 🙄😒 in a playful way, we call it being "cheeky". Which comes from the word "Cheek", 😌 meaning "insolence" and *😠 looks at Sebastian* is also the nickname of a misbehaving boy in a centuries old story. *😌sips tea in 🇬🇧🦁*☕
NYC!MC: 🤨😐 Oh....
NYC!MC: We say "Smartass" *😠looks at Sebastian* back home cuz you're smart and you're an asshole😌🤗 *😌sips coffee in 🇺🇸 🦅* ☕
Sebastian: I said "I was sorry!" 😫
Sebastian: And my cheeks aren't that fat! 😩😭
Ominis and NYC!MC both sip their respective drink while glaring at Sebastian (who made a cheeky joke earlier about them being grave robbers and disturbing the dead after completing a quest in the catacombs)
Sebastian: 😥😓
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ask-artsy-oncie · 7 months
Baloo doesn't make "hate my wife" jokes he makes "hate my boss" jokes and you have to understand it's different, its different okay, it's different
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vaugarde · 6 months
may I suggest appletun or toedscruel for the guild second in command character... idk why I just feel like those two fit the character description you gave. also I want to see the funny silly fungi in pmd stories LMAO
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hold on.... you may be on to something with toedscruel
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thinking about nora again
#fallout#okay first of all her full maiden name is lenore dubrovhsky#she's somehow related to the russian diplomat who is the grandfather of natalia dubrovhsky#maybe his niece? idk but she immigrated to the us after meeting nate during his tour because she claimed she was IN LOVE#i imagine she was in her late teens and nate was in his early 20s#and she falls for him and he promises he'll help her with going to college in the US and they'll have an equal marriage yadda yadda#so they get married and nora becomes a lawyer#so they've been married around seven years and she's doing her training as a legal secretary when oops! she becomes pregnant#(nate sabotaged her birth control but shhh she doesn't know that)#so nate persuades her into putting her career on hold just for a little while until they can start putting their son in daycare#(shaun takes heavily after nora's side of the family to the point nate jokes about whether his DNA had any say at all)#(he also later joins the army and dies in action)#so nora's being kept at home all the time. taking care of the kid. cooking all the meals. cleaning the house. barely any time for herself#and she gets so frazzled she gets into a minor car accident while taking shaun home from the doctor#nate freaks out and confiscates her car keys so now she can barely get out of the house without him on her arm#barely any adult social interaction and any family she could have had keeping her company was all the way over in russia#so she has a quickie with a door-to-door salesman and when her next kid pops out with red hair#the lack of resemblance to nate stops being funny#he agrees not to leave her but says he can't trust her at home alone anymore so he gets her a job at shaun's elementary school as a teacher#this happened around when shaun was 11 and he's harbored a hatred for his mom and his sister ever since#nate promised to raise the girl like his own but he's distant with her which rubbed off on shaun#so the girl. i'm calling her annabelle. TOTAL mommy's girl. wants to be just like her#so when shaun's seventeen he fakes his enlistment papers so he can be enlisted early and dies in combat#i imagine nora misses the baby boy she raised and is utterly upset he turned out this way#and by 'this way' i mean i imagine him as a patriotic misogynist and nora does not hold kind feelings towards the US for various reasons#nate was proud of his son for dying for a cause he believed in#so when annabelle's six nora gets pregnant again and that's when i imagine the bombs drop#the school nora works for is a really privileged private school (nate comes from old money) and that's where the cryo pods come in!#i imagine it would be like a 'saving america's youth for a brighter tomorrow' thing idk#also the day the bombs dropped nora killed nate before heading off to work. woulda been totally caught had the bombs not dropped HEYOOOO
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How silly is your Michael on a scale from 1 to 10?
Like a solid 7 I think he's actually a bit fucked up. His dad's like an 11 so he's not quite there but the more Mikey tries to differenciate himself from his silly arse dad the more he becomes like him.
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liferetainsitssparkle · 8 months
op/la is a really good case study for adapting a work while engaging meaningfully with a quarter of its themes
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