#but for gran to see themselves as a good person that requires them to HELP ppl who need help
toestalucia · 4 years
there was things i wanted to talk about today, but i didnt write them down cuz ‘what if i make a hc post later today’ but then i nvr did cuz i didnt have time to write so now i have forgotten what i wanted to do, so kids rmbr to write down ur ideas
#stardust speaking !#i know.....one of them....was regarding gran & rules/laws. considering gran grew up at an island thats constantly described at one that#rarely gets visitors etc.....its Literally called hermit island#so i feel like grans more wellversed into Basic Decency & justice as a Concept but having not seen.....Any of what other skydom does#until theyre 15+ is. a thing#like zinkenstill is TINY#so seeing enforcers is kinda just 'wow ive only heard about yall'#but for gran to see themselves as a good person that requires them to HELP ppl who need help#so following this law & justice is kinda Whatever#enforcers take black knight into custody vs grandcypher needing black knight to find out the Truth about everything#is a choice that gran wont feel awfully bad about#ofc they follow what regulations they Have to follow (like the system of entering new islands)#but grans loyalty lies within their crew as opposed to anything else#THE OTHER WAS JUST.....general stuff....probably......about gran & the future & grans feelings towards it etcetc#also gran & crying cuz gran DOES get teary in the manga after they defeat tiamat. cuz the skies pretty or something??? ITS SO LAME#its endearing i love it#but i think rpwise too the only time gran has Cried was in front of katalina when struggling to deal w everything in arc3#ive been over this many times but.......gran is rly bad at hiding anything they feel#but that doesnt mean they wotn Try. and they also avoid crying in public (or at all)#ANYHOW ILL SEE WHAT ILL DO WITH IT ALL#welcome back to toestalucia rambles with no direction
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krastbannert · 3 years
And one more for the ultimate ship meme. Zutara.
Ah, Zutara.
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Just kidding - sorry, I couldn't resist. It's my responsibility as a Maiko shipper to regard your heathen lovely ship as my arch-enemy.
(Okay to those people reading this who ship Zutara, and don't know me: I actually am joking. Just having a little fun.)
Rate the Ship - Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! (I actually do like it; I'll admit that sometimes I get tired of seeing constant ZK content, and I'm much pickier about ZK fics in general, but I like the ship) | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - So, the way I normally think about Zutara, it happens in one of two ways: a hard and fast burn with a less-than-stellar ending (I think them being exes-turned-best friends is hilarious), or they get together when they're older, after Aang and Mai are gone, and live out their golden years together. So, in canon, it's either a few months, or in the years until their death. I could see them working well together fairly well in an alternate universe, though. (The other sections of this ask assumes this AU version because fuck it, I can).
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - It took them a hot minute to get there; years post-war. I figure maybe in their early-to-mid 20s. They were best friends for years before that.
How was their first kiss? - Probably frustrated, mostly with each other. They're each dancing around their feelings and one of them just says "fuck it" and plants it on the other.
Who proposed? - Zuko would, eventually. He'd definitely give Katara a beautiful betrothal necklace, and make a lovely proposal under the Southern Lights, or maybe in the Crystal catacombs (first place they saw the good in each other).
Who is the best man/men? - Same answer as I did previously: Sokka, and Aang would be one but he's helping Zuko's former crewman Koji officiate.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Probably Toph, Suki, and Mai (yes, I know this might sound strange, but think about it: Katara and Mai being best friends? Hilarious.)
Who did the most planning? - Probably Katara, she seems like the type to get really into it.
Who stressed the most? - Zuko. He knows that Katara loves him.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Same answer as my Maiko one: I figure they'd have 2, 1 public and 1 private. Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 (their friends, Hakoda & Ursa (are they dating? Maybe), Iroh, Gran-Gran & Pakku, and Zuko's old crew) | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big (they're royalty; huge wedding is required)
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Um. Well. Ozai is pretty obvious. Other than that...I really can't think of anyone. Jet, maybe, if Katara and he never make up post-war (although I like to think they would, eventually).
Who is on top? - Katara's often on top.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Hmm I feel like it would be Zuko. He can't resist; Katara's just beautiful.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 (they like to change things up a lot, keep it fresh, and with two benders...well, they have to put their abilities to use, you know?) | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - For some reason I get the feeling they'd do a lot of quickies, so that's the norm, but when they want to go all night? They really do go all night.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Okay, I feel like the answer for all the ATLA guys is the same: yes, they damn well do.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - I feel like they would have at least two (Izumi, because of course, and I like the common headcanon of Kya being one), and I could see them having 1 more.
How many children will they adopt? - I could maybe see them adopting a kid in a modern AU, but in the canon timeframe I don't think they adopt any.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Zuko might be the Fire Lord, but the wife is still the boss. Zuko's busy but Katara makes sure he does his fair share. (He wants to do his fair share, he just gets lost in the work sometimes.)
Who is the stricter parent? - I feel like Katara would be, publicly, even Zuko's actually the strict one. Katara doesn't mind the kids getting into a little trouble, she just wants them to be safe.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Katara. Zuko's getting in trouble with them because he's doing them, too.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Servants do it. Modern AU is probably Katara who does it more often; she's a night owl so she's up, anyways. Zuko does it, too, though, he just has to beat Katara there.
Who is the more loved parent? - Honestly, it's about equal. Katara and Zuko are amazing parents, and their kids know it.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Uh both, honestly.
Who cried the most at graduation? - No matter who you pair him with, it's gonna be Zuko, I swear. He can pretend to be a bad boy all he wants, but he's a softie. (Katara totally cried, too.)
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Zuko's the one who got them into trouble. They don't get caught when it's Katara leading them.
Who does the most cooking? - Probably Katara; she teaches Zuko a lot, but he just can't get Water Tribe food right (he inevitably adds spice to it), and Katara loves her WT food.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Katara because she can't quite handle Fire Nation spice. She doesn't mind low-to-medium levels, but Zuko likes the spicy stuff and Katara thinks he's out of his mind. (Azula agrees.)
Who does the grocery shopping? - Well, servants do it in-universe, but in a Modern AU it's probably Katara, and she brings Zuko out whenever she can.
How often do they bake desserts? - Katara has a sweet tooth, especially when pregnant.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Zuko is all about the meat (Sokka really approves of this), and Katara likes salads as a side, but she loves meat, too.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Zuko, probably, since he's a sweetheart.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Katara. She's not very familiar with the Fire Nation, especially at first, so she really enjoys going out and walking around.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Considering Katara is a waterbender and can pull water from almost anywhere, it ain't gonna be her. So, Zuko.
Who cleans the room? - Servants, most likely, but they both clean when they can.
Who is really against chores? - They're both just kinda used to it, so they don't mind too much.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Servants, probably.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Between them, probably Zuko.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Katara; she wants to make sure everyone's taken care of. (Zuko's almost as stressed because he's an awkward potato.)
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Katara. She invested it. Made an absolute shitload of money. Now she's in charge.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Hmm I figure it's probably Katara. She likes the water.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Katara, same reason as in "more likely to suggest going out".
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Katara loves decorating, and she never got much of a chance to as a kid - life was always about survival in her tribe - so she decorates for every single holiday, Water Tribe and Fire Nation.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Grow old. Be happy. The usual.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Katara, the resident night owl.
Who plays the most pranks? - Hmm between them, I get the feeling it would be Zuko.
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moomingitz · 3 years
I pretty much never do these 30 day challenge questionnaire things, but, I’ll make an exception for this one.
Jak and Daxter 30 Day Challenge:
Question 1: How did you discover Jak and Daxter?
I remember when the TPL first came out it was advertised out of the ass. It was the commercials and ads in video game magazines I saw first, and the Disney and anime esque art style and character designs immediately appealed to me. Also, my former tween self thought Jak was kind of hot.
I didn’t have a PS2 when it was first released, though, because I was obviously not old enough to get a job at the time, and my family was kind of on the low income end of things. The first time I actually got to play it was in the summer of 2002, when I was at a Circuit City(RIP). They had a PS2 on display and one of the games you could play was Jak and Daxter. During the time I played it while waiting for my mom to look at computers, I got stuck on Misty Island because I kept trying to catch that damn muse.
In early 2003, my mom surprised the family with a PS2 because Costco had special bundles on sale while she was there. Two of the games that came with our PS2 was Gran Turismo 3 and Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy.
It took me some time to get used to the game play, and to find all of the items and secrets, but once I did I was not only able to beat the game, but also %100 it no problem. I ended up loving the game. I loved it’s art direction, the environments, the character designs, and the characters. I wished the game was longer because I really wanted more- turns out I wasn’t going to have to wait much longer, learning that a sequel was on it’s way later that year.
I was very skeptical when I first saw previews of Jak II. With it’s whole shift to a darker and gritty tone, it’s setting changing to a futuristic dystopia, the heavier emphasis on vehicles and now gun combat, and then eventually learning that Jak would longer be a silent protagonist. When the game finally came out and I rented it first thing; I also ended loving it, much to my relief. I still stand by what I say about Jak II being one of the better examples of taking a more light hearted series in a more dark and gritty direction. It probably also helped that it came out just at the right time- when I was entering into my edgy teen phase, so I ate that kind of shit up. And if I thought Jak was kind of hot in TPL, oh boy, it was Simpy City for my former edgy teen self the moment the second game was released.
The Jak and Daxter series was also one of the very first fandoms I became active in, instead of just lurking around, during my super early internet fandom days. So this series in general is very near and dear to me.
Question 2: Which game is your favorite?
I guess it’s a tie between The Precursor Legacy and Jak II?
I really like the gameplay, the art direction, and the setting in general in TPL. Even now I think the areas are fun to explore and find neat details in them. The whole game feels like an action/adventure cartoon. Still waiting for an animated adaption that I think this series deserves.
When it comes to Jak II, it’s my favorite in terms of story and characters. Aside from the whole attempt at some love triangle/conflict that’s immediately dropped and never brought back up as soon as it’s introduced, I think this game nails the three act story structure. Every character you meet are not only likeable or interesting, but are all relevant to the plot. Nearly everything you do or encounter has a purpose to the narrative. Everything in the game’s story eventually comes together in the game’s third act and climax. The attention to detail is something I also really like, making you view things in a different light when playing through again.
Then there’s Jak and Daxter themselves in the second game. I think having Jak no longer being a mute protagonist was a good move. I think it really helped give him more of a personality and character, while at the same time you can still look at him and see that he is the same boy we saw in the previous game- he’s just older and traumatized, now. Where I think it was most beneficial is when it came to him and Daxter’s dynamic, especially now that Daxter was no longer the one having to carry everything.
Question 3: Which is your least favorite game?
I haven’t played Daxter’s spin-off game yet, along with The Lost Frontier, and I have yet to finish Jak X because it’s a game that requires more time to dedicate to(which I’ve recently not have had much of). So I’m going to have to say, Jak 3.
Now before anyone says anything, I don’t hate or dislike Jak 3, and I definitely don’t think it’s a bad game. I still enjoy picking it up and playing it. But it’s pretty obvious this game was made within a year, unlike the previous two games, with how shorter it is compared to Jak II, and some questionable writing decisions.
Despite this being the game where I enjoy it’s cutscenes the most, and I love the whole story surrounding Jak and Damas, there’s some stuff in the game’s story that’s either janky or it’s because I’m sure the developers didn’t have enough time.
For example, there’s this cutscene later on in the game where Sig is all, “Well fuck everybody in Haven City and their fight in some war they’re wasting their time on. You gotta watch your own back cause everyone fucked me over or something.” But then near the end of game he’s like suddenly helping Torn, Ashelin, and friends, with the war in Haven City. There’s no explanation or anything that would even hint why he may have eventually had a change of heart, or why he changed his mind in general. He just shows up and is suddenly helping in the war now.
Also, Jak II did much better in terms of story progression and build-up. In the previous game there was a gradual build up leading up to the climax, especially when the third act starts. There is a steady increase in tension as things are revealed and progress, until shit officially hits the fan with the Metal Heads infiltrating Haven City, and from there it doesn’t let off on the gas peddle.
In Jak 3 there is some build up with things like the Dark Makers coming to destroy the planet. But the climax just kind of happens when you get to the final areas of the game? I don’t exactly know how to describe it, but hopefully people get what I’m trying to convey.
Again, Jak 3 is not a bad game at all. But the things I just described in the game could have easily been ironed out if they were given at least one more year to work on it.
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beholdme · 3 years
All the Many Shades of Gerry - Chapter 2
Chapters: 2/19
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist
Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Gertrude Robinson, Elias Bouchard
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Library AU, Librarian Jon, Artist Gerry, Trans Male Character, Trans Martin Blackwood, Canon Asexual Character, Asexual Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Ace Subtype - Sex Positive, Polyamory, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Romantic Fluff, Falling In Love, Boys in Skirts, Kissing, Demisexual Gerard Keay, Minor Character Death, Past Character Death, Canon-Typical Child Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Flirting, Minor Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist/Tim Stoker, Adventures in Hair Dying, Happy Ending, Banter, Gerry has a lot of sass, Gerard Keay is Morticia Adams, Jon is a very grumpy Librarian, Martin adores them anyway.
Summary: In which Gerry is a kaleidoscope and Jon and Martin can't help falling in love with him.
He happens to love them back.
Find it on Ao3
Gerry doesn't even regret showing up to a first date with dye-stained hands. After all, stained by hair dye, stained by paint. Much of a muchness.
He sincerely hopes between his height and new shock of bright green hair, Jon will be able to spot him through the modest Wednesday crowd.
(Jon had pleaded that they were too old to brave the London weekend crowd that starts on Thursdays, Gerry had simply grinned and said he knew a great place to go).
And he certainly can. By the time Gerry spots Jon sitting in a corner booth, Jon is already watching him intently. Jon doesn’t yet have a drink, so Gerry throws him a grin and tilts his head towards the bar.
"I pegged you for more of a whiskey, neat man," Jon tells Gerry when he arrives at the table, frowning dubiously at his selection of a strawberry daiquiri, two shots of vodka, and a jug of margaritas.
Gerry takes the opportunity afforded by his distraction and picks up Jon's hand to press a kiss to the center of his palm. "I'm a man of diverse tastes Mr. Sims. You should never try to predict what I might be tempted to put into my mouth."
Between the kiss and the ribbing, Jon is broken out of his consternation, and he stands to greet Gerry with a familiar hug. "Maybe so, Mr. Delano, but just how drunk are you planning to get on a work night?"
"That is still to be determined, but considering my workday normally starts at about 3 A.M., this is just breakfast."
By the time all the drinks are gone, Jon having happily participated in all of them, despite his initial grousing ("But why did they have to be pink, Gerard?"), they're both warm, and open, and things are easy with them in a way even Gerry couldn't have predicted.
After all, two closeted teen boys from strict homes don't really make for the smoothest of teen relationships. Nevermind the pair of them trying to navigate barely understood sexualities. Asexual was the word Gerry had offered Jon, laying together in Jon's cramped teen bed. Biromantic was one he had arrived at all on his own in the years since. Gerry simply uses the word queer now, and people rarely bother him about it.
"Quite a lot of people recognize you here." Jon finally notices as the fourth person in an hour greets Gerry in the easy way of affectionate drunks.
"Never fear, old chap," Gerry intones, briefly stealing Jon's Oxbridge accent, "I'm not a raging alcoholic artist, only a bartender."
"You work here?"
"Yup," Gerry confirms, cheerfully popping the 'p'. "Thursday through Sunday graveyard shifts."
"And you felt an all-encompassing desire to attend on your day off?" Jon asks, one eyebrow quirked.
Gerry shrugs, smiling and leaning over the table meaningfully, "Starving artist, employee discount, close to both our flats. Seems perfectly logical to me. Besides, a man should be able to rely on the quality of first date alcohol."
"It's hardly a first date, Gerry! We've seen one another naked." Jon sounds rather scandalised, as if he suspects Gerry has forgotten. Which he certainly has not.
"I rather think the quality of our nudity has improved enough over the years that it merits rediscovery." Gerry shoots back, and Jon blushes hard enough to melt the remains of their ice.
"Well, regardless. How's the food? You should probably eat something solid if this is actually your breakfast." Gerry has to chuckle that it's taken so much alcohol for Jon's natural mothering instincts to finally emerge. Regardless, he flags down a waitress and she gets Jon a menu.
Hiding partially behind it, Jon frowns. "I do think I should mention that I've been seeing someone for a few weeks now. We're not exclusive at this point, though."
Gerry, somewhat delighted by this new development, having imagined that Jon was something of a spinster, chuckles and asks, "Oh yeah, do tell?"
He's donned his most winning smile and gently nudges the menu so he can see Jon's face better.
"You want to hear about the other man I'm dating on our first date in almost a decade?"
"Obviously," Gerry scoffs, adopting a long-suffering attitude. "I might decide I prefer him."
"Of course you might." There's a bit of lovely bite in his voice, and Gerry begins to truly enjoy himself.
"He used to work with Sasha and me at the library." Gerry hums in acknowledgment. "He was one of the assistants when I was promoted to Head Librarian. We didn't get along very well in the beginning."
Jon's stormy expression tips Gerry off to the fact that this is a gross oversimplification.
"With you, that could mean anything from a small tiff over the proper use of the Dewy Decimal system to attempted murder."
"Hrmph. If you must know, it means that I treated him very poorly for several months because of my own glaring insecurities." Jon's words are guilty, and he stares intently at an empty glass while he speaks, as if Gerry is less likely to judge him if eye contact is avoided. "Eventually I realized what a twat I had been and apologized, but it wasn't too much later that he quit."
"Because of you?" Gerry huffs, although he does know Jon can have a razor-sharp tongue, and it doesn't take all that much to inspire it.
"Oh! No, he says not. He had put together a great business plan and even managed to get a partial investment, on top of a loan. He's opened a bookstore with a little tearoom inside of it. Even took one of the other assistants with him." Past the painful part of his small tale, Jon's expression has lightened and he seemed quite delighted by the end. "When I went in to offer some support, Martin was actually happy to see me. He asked me out for dinner practically before I could finish taking my coat off."
Gerry was hardly ever possessive, and generously tactile with almost everyone, and seeing the open affection in Jon's typically closed-off expression warms his gothic little heart. He decides he can appreciate anyone who takes the time and (sometimes monumental) effort it requires to make Jonathan Sims happy, instantly opening a special place in his heart for one Martin Blackwood.
They end the evening with gloriously good fried food and laughing themselves giddy over tales from their teen years. Including the time Jon's Gran caught them smoking weed on the roof (Gerry shirtless, obviously) and had almost taken one of Jon's eyes out with the book she threw at his head.
By the time Jon realizes that he hasn't been allowed to pay for a single thing, he's been bundled into a cab and is on the way home. He knows he should feel indignant at being so smartly handled, but all he can muster is the warm, satisfied sleepiness of someone shown a very good time, and halfway to being back in love already.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Do you take headcanon requests? If so, could I pls ask for headcanons where Midoriya's dad is a pro hero known as Flame Hunter and Midoriya interns under him (not knowing that's his father) and as time goes by Izuku starts seeing him as another father figure and accidentally calls him dad while Hisashi just cries in the corner with his best dad mug? You don't have to if ya don't want to ^^
Oh. Um.
I ... don’t ... usually? Usually people ask about my already existing AUs but I guess I could try?
-Midoriya is surprised when he gets any internship offers. He didn’t exactly make a good showing during the festival (though he refuses to regret that, not when his actions helped Shouto). He’s definitely surprised that there’s TWO. One is for Gran Torino, who he’s never heard of, but the other...
-The other is Flame Hunter, and Midoriya knows that name.
-Flame Hunter isn’t big name hero, as quirks go his is kinda small. He can breathe concentrated streams of fire up to twenty feet away or inhale fire from up to ten, but compared to say, Endeavor’s EVERYTHING that’s not very impressive. But Midoriya has always loved studying heroes and that includes the small ones and Flame Hunter...
-Maybe it’s because Flame Hunter has a similar quirk to the dad he’s never met, but Midoriya has always been extra fond of the pro hero. It helps that Flame Hunter is actually a really nice guy. He isn’t famous, but he’s GOOD, he specializes in helping police with hard cases, especially ones involving children. He’s done everything from help take down trafficking rings to volunteering to guard the temporary homes of abused kids while they wait for the court case. He makes sure no one bothers the kids, helps them feel safe enough to tell the truth and then guards them to make sure no one comes after them in retribution. He’s also the only pro hero Izuku has EVER heard of that intentionally seeks out and hires staff with “bad” quirks or who are quirkless (his secretary has a ghoul quirk that requires special dietary supplements to manage and his lawyer is quirkless- QUIRKLESS). The rest of the world might not know much about Flame Hunter since he doesn’t advertise his agency a lot, but in the former abuse victim circles and the quirkless circles, Flame Hunter might be more popular than All Might.
-Deku doesn’t ask All Might who he should pick, doesn’t think to, he signs off on Flame Hunter’s offer with shaking hands and a huge grin and only thinks later to ask All Might if it’s okay. All Might just smiles and says it’s fine, unaware of who the other offer was from because Deku forgot to tell him.
-Deku goes to Flame Hunter’s agency and maybe babbles when he meets the sidekicks (Nightbird who is basically a quirkless sidekick because all he can do is change his eye color at will and specializes in infiltration and investigation, Floragora who has Venus Flytraps for hair and works in villain capture, and Alucara who is Basically a Vampire without the sunlight weakness or undead complication and flaunts it gleefully). They and the rest of the staff are super welcoming, and Flame Hunter shakes Deku’s hand easily and smiles behind his vaguely dragon themed mask. Flame Hunter asks Deku about his quirk, how it functions, what control exercises he knows, and then sets him to training with the agency’s personal gym trainer, a tiny man who has a quirk that lets him bench press buildings if he wanted to.
-Hosu still happens, but this time it’s because Flame Hunter takes Deku with him to Hosu to walk a beat around the house of a kid who’s uncle is abusive and going to court for it. Deku sees the Nomus and maybe sorta kinda runs off to help people before Flame Hunter can call him back. Flame Hunter is not best pleased and leaves Floragora to guard the house while chasing after his son new sidekick and so Stain’s power trip is interrupted by 90+ pounds of Smol Fite Me bby hero and one severely unimpressed Dragon Dad who has Lots of Experience dealing with people who use knives (aka Nightbird) and blood quirks (aka Alucara).
-With an Actual Hero on the scene to give them permission to defend themselves there is ... less drama? Sorta? Iida is still in trouble but Deku gets to keep interning with Flame Hunter at least and it’s EPIC. He enjoys every minute of it.
-So kinda assuming Flame Hunter gets in on the Eri hunt thing because Rescuing Abused Child is literally his ballpark and so Deku now has a second invested mentor figure teaching him stuff and encouraging his outlook on helping people over fame and maybe it’s the flame quirk maybe it’s just that Flame Hunter is so NICE for all he’s intensely private and Deku has never seen him without his mask but like-
-He calls him dad.
-By accident.
-Deku was tired and Flame Hunter had just ruffled his hair and said “Good job today” okay? Things happen.
-While Deku internally dies inside, Flame Hunter just smiles and laughs and tells Deku to go home for the day. No negative reaction. It’s fine. Maybe he didn’t even hear the “dad” part.
-Far away in Hisashi’s apartment, things are Not Fine and he Definitely Heard the Dad Comment and is currently sobbing into the Best Dad mug his sidekicks got him years ago while his secretary/best friend pats his back and tells him to “man up and tell the kid your his dad HONESTLY Hisashi, Inko never said you couldn’t TALK TO YOUR OWN SON you’re the one who went undercover to bust up a trafficking ring for five years after the amiable divorce and then felt too guilty to come say hi.”
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chille-tid-universe · 5 years
Obligatory Beach Episode
The quiet night pulsed with evaporated tension, like blood rushing to the ears after a great exertion. Piles of dead orcs and devils offered an odd juxtaposition to the rejoicing and merriment around the clearing.The handful of villagers who had survived the ordeal seemed simply relieved, though perhaps shock offered a barrier to the gruesome scene around them. In the middle of the ritual site, the charred remains of family members, loved ones, and strangers still smoked.
Removed from the huddling villagers, heroes and adventurers were being introduced. Brienne accepted her heavy plate mail from Robyn and clasped her arm, nodding appreciatively as she slipped her ornate silver diadem over her temples. As the metal band settled onto her head, her eyes closed, and after a deep breath, her lids parted to reveal sharper eyes that peered into the world around her. “It’s good to be back,” the fighter mumbled, smiling at the half-elf. As the two leaders began pointing out their team members, the others mingled.
Nissa was dragging Pock over to Oskar, looking the dwarf up and down before commenting, “That’s a lot of big-folk you got with you. How do you stand them all?” Oskar guffawed good-naturedly and leaned in to confide, “Plenty of mead.” Pock merely nodded sagely, glancing about at the other newcomers. Isolde rode by on Icthuarrux, sniffing and saying something about the end times.
Nula and Uzza were being cornered by Wun Way. The bard had found a scrap of paper from somewhere in the pile of clothes returned to her, and was grilling the half-orc and tiefling for details on all the heroic adventures which had led them to this clearing. Her questions were interspersed with sly smiles at the tiefling cleric.
Idu and Charlot, the youngest of Robyn’s crew, were chatting with Ciri, discussing home, adventure, and basically anything to avoid bringing up the carnage surrounding them. They had each been through much in their journeys, but tonight was more than they could bear to think of, at least for now. Ciri was explaining to Charlot that, no, she didn’t have servants growing up, and, no, that didn’t mean she had been poor. The cleric was trying to wrap his head around this concept as Idu laughed by his side.
Before long, Pel’s curiosity overcame her shock, and she took hesitant steps toward the wonderfully clad individuals who had saved her. Nissa noticed her first, and hurried over to the young girl, taking her hands and gently guiding her away from the battleground. Though Pel was a small child, she was only barely shorter than the gnome. As Pel’s eyes continued to be drawn to the burning ritual circle behind her, Nissa reached into her pockets and pulled out the first thing she found. “Here, kid, would you like a…” She glanced at her palm. “... a gold button?” Pel’s eyes lit up at the sparkling item, how it twinkled in the firelight, and reached for it, mumbling her thanks.
Melpomene sauntered up to Brienne, interrupting Robyn mid-sentence. “So who’s the ranger?” the aasimar asked, head tilting to where Ravain was inspecting the fallen devils.
Brienne followed her gesture. “Who, Ravain? We must have mentioned him before. He helped us out immensely during our time in Orlane. I doubt we’d have been able to-”
Ravain appeared suddenly on the other side of Brienne, interrupting her. “Who is this?” he asked in gravelly tones, his cold eyes drilling into Melpomene’s laughing ones.
Brienne sighed. “This is Melpomene, an aasimar who we’ve been working with since we got to Daggerford.”
“And she can be trusted?” Ravain asked, eyes narrowing, seeming to peer through the beautiful veil around the woman.
Melpomene cut Brienne off. “Sugar, I can be whatever you want me to be.” Shadow solidified behind the aasimar, and faint outlines of skeletal wings flickered against the darkness. The fallen angel’s eyes became pools of dried blood, and her pale complexion darkened to an ashen grey. Ravain’s hand dropped to his pommels.
Brienne stepped between the two, placing a hand on either’s shoulder. “Melpomene, he’s with us. Don’t antagonize him.” She looked over to the scowling ranger. “I can vouch for her. She has risked her life for us several times.” Ravain made a face, but removed his hand from his sword as Melpomene returned to her still-enchanting but less-menacing form.
Robyn coughed, and winced as the ranger and bard shot her intense looks. “It’s been an incorrigible night, and I’m sure we could all use a good meal.” As their expressions softened, Robyn clapped her hands together. “Unfortunately, all you have is me! I do make a mean gestapo, though.”
Melpomene raised an eyebrow at Brienne, who started to ask something before Ravain lightly pressed his hand to her shoulder, barely shaking his head.
Just then, Isolde rode up to the four and asked, “So who owns the talking rock?”
Wun Way’s voice called out from behind, “It’s an egg!”
Ravain suggested the group of adventurers and survivors head back to the now-abandoned orc camp. There, Robyn made generous portions of stew using the more palatable ingredients from the orcish stores. With full bellies, even the shaken villagers began to converse, and before the group collapsed from exhaustion, color had returned to each ashen face.
Ravain returned from his stalking surveillance of the surrounding woods shortly after the survivors had taken to bed, reassuring the assembled adventurers that there were no threats left alive in the area. Brienne insisted that a watch be kept, and Robyn quickly echoed the sentiment. The previously imprisoned members of the group reluctantly admitted that a full rest would be quite beneficial, and several of the newcomers were assigned watches covering the remainder of the night. As the five settled onto beds of blankets (the more acceptable sleeping kits had been allocated for the villagers) Oskar could be heard grumbling about needing to keep watch, after missing the totality of the fighting.
The following morning, Brienne and her group were surprised to learn the orcs had brought them back in the direction of Daggerford; the camp they had awoken in was no more than a half-day’s journey from the city. As they ate a slow breakfast in the late morning, plans were discussed. Melpomene was certain the guard force of Daggerford would be willing to help escort the surviving members of the orcs’ prisoners back to their hamlets and villages. The rest of the group agreed, more for the simplicity of the plan than any other reason. Hell had been quite literally visited upon each person gathered there; some other do-gooders could stand to help see the end of the villagers’ stories.
Though breakfast ended before noon, the sun had reached its zenith before the group headed into the Misty Forest. After a night of rest and a morning of rediscovering their wounds, several of the survivors required assistance in the trek to civilization; splints and crutches were fashioned from fences and tents, and the worst off of the survivors needed a sled constructed, which Icthuarrux graciously pulled. Finally, as the sun began its descent, the group set their feet on the path to Daggerford.
The remainder of the day passed slowly. For Robyn’s crew, the march seemed slow; injured survivors of a massacre the previous night do not move briskly as bruises and fractures make themselves known. For those who had been taken by the orcs, however, the sights of the sunlit forest and the open plains beyond were wonderful. After weeks or months of confinement, the simple pleasure of birdsong and a gentle breeze lifted many heavy hearts.
Along the road, discussions arose, experiences shared, and the band walked into the open gates of Daggerford closer for the journey. After a quick trip to the constable of the city, the survivors were entrusted into the care of the city guards, and at long last, Brienne, Pock, Nissa, Wun Way, and Melpomene returned to the castle of Daggerford. After a brief delay, the castle guards brought the large party to the wizard of Daggerford.
Ondabarl was pleasantly surprised to see the return of the band of adventurers, and spent only a moment’s glance on the extra members with whom they had returned. Brienne reached into the bag of holding and, with no little flourish, produced the spellbook of Haesten and the famed Yellowknife. As she handed the items over to the wizard, Nissa spoke up. “You wouldn’t believe what we’ve been through to bring you these.”
Ondabarl stopped, his hand stretched out over the dagger and book. “Well, that’s what you do, isn’t it? I send out group after group of adventurers until one of you finally completes the job.” Wun Way shot a look at Nissa to silence her response. “Now that I take a closer look, though,” the wizard said, stroking his beard, “you do look a little worse for wear. Tell you what, there’s something that is sure to help revitalize your weary companions. In two days’ time, a wondrous event shall happen on the nearby shore.” He paused for a moment, grinning at the party. “The annual dance of the aquatic flumphs!”
Isolde clapped her hands together. “Beach episode!”
In the end, Pel refused to separate from the strange gnome who had befriended her. Unwilling to leave the last person she knew, Loran had no choice but to follow along with her rescuers on their well-earned vacation. As the group left Daggerford, Nissa walked beside the child. “Have you ever been to the beach, Pel?” she asked.
“What’s a beach?” the girl responded, tilting her head.
The gnome paused a moment before responding, “It’s like a big lake, I think.”
Pel’s eyes lit up. “Gran taught me how to swim!”
Two days later, the gang arrived at the beach of the aquatic flumphs. They had made good time, however, and reached the shore just after noon. With not much to do before the flumphs appeared, the group decided to prepare for the night. After minimal arguing, they separated into three teams: Oskar, Nissa, Pel, Brienne, and Robyn would work together to prepare a fire; they would need to set up camp for after the dance of the flumphs, which Pock, Charlot, Idu, Melpomene, and Loran would take care of; and, of course, they would need dinner, which Uzza, Wun Way, Nula, and Isolde offered to fetch. As Nissa and Pel walked down the beach to gather stones to line a fire pit, Nissa said, “Alright, Pel, we want some rocks about that size,” pointing to the coatl egg in Wun Way’s sling. The half-elf bard clutched the sling tighter and glared at the gnome.
As the groups headed off, Ravain and Ciri were left standing on the beach. The young girl knelt down and began scooping handfuls of sand. “I think Pel would like a sand castle to return to, Ravain.”
The grizzled monster hunter stared at his ward with dead eyes.
Ciri returned the look.
“Alright, alright,” Ravain sighed as he sat on the sand.
Down the shore, Oskar was huddled over a clump of beach grasses, pulling up fistfuls of stalks and grunting in approval at how brittle and dry it was - perfect for kindling. An illuminated arrow whizzed by the dwarf’s head, drawing a long string of curses from him. He glanced back and saw Robyn smiling and pointing beyond him - a dozen paces away, the arrow had imbedded itself near a larger bed of grasses.
Oskar shook his head and turned to Pel to ask her for help pulling the grasses, but she was down by the water chasing a crab. Nissa glanced toward the young child from the small pile of rocks she had gathered and ran after her, calling, “Pel, wait up! Be careful near the waves!”
Further down, Brienne walked along the lapping waves. Growing up on the shores of Tarth, she had enjoyed combing the wave-abandoned detritus from the sea for slabs of driftwood with which to play at swords and shields. Now, she put her childhood searching skills to work in the pursuit of firewood.
Having collected an armful of grasses, Oskar returned to the area of the beach where Ciri and Ravain were building a tall sandcastle. He raised an eyebrow at the stoic ranger, who distinctly avoided his gaze as he began chiseling faux-brickwork into the towers with a twig. The dwarf muttered something about surface dwellers and building abilities before he began shoveling a shallow pit in the dry sand.
As Oskar began digging with his bare hands, Robyn walked up behind him. “That’s not how you acquire fire. Have you ever seen me dig for my cooking?”
Without looking back, Oskar replied, “Have you ever built a fire in the sand?”
“Point taken,” Robyn said, squatting down to help.
Down by the water, a brief shriek pierced the air. Pel was clutching her finger, where a tiny crab hung by its pincer. As Nissa ran up to the girl, she stiffened her pouty lower lip and hastily threw her hand behind her back. Unsure of how to address the injured child, Nissa put on a smile. “Good job, Pel, you really almost caught that crab!”
The girl frowned and mumbled, “It got me instead.”
Glancing around at the beach around them, Nissa asked, “Wanna find some more rocks? Sometimes, there are sparkly bits inside.” At this, Pel’s tear streaked cheeks lit up, and she crouched over the lapping waves, fumbling through the sliding sand.
A second later, Nissa held up a spiral-etched stone triumphantly - oddly, it was slightly squishy on the underside. Immediately, a seagull swooped down with a ferocious screech, right at her upraised hand. In her surprise, Nissa popped the odd stone into her mouth, immediately regretting her decision as it began squelching along her tongue. Barely suppressing her urge to retch, Nissa spat the snail back onto her hand and, shuddering, threw it at the seagull. “Ugh… Pel, don’t put these rocks into your mouth.”
Brienne walked back with a bundle of driftwood strapped across her back just as Nissa and Pel were placing the last of their stones around the firepit. Nissa was trying to crack open a clam, for some reason, as Robyn doused the kindling generously from her flask. Brienne raised an eyebrow as Robyn downed the remaining contents, and Oskar muttered a phrase, sending a lick of flame from his outstretched finger to the prepared bonfire.
Back at the campsite, Charlot gathered the other four around him as he unraveled his lavish tent. “Alright, listen up, all. My tent is the most complicated to set up, and there are a few steps that need to be followed…” Over the next five minutes, he laid out how each part of the fabric and wooden poles needed to be arranged.
At first, Melpomene and Loran snickered behind their hands, but Idu rolled his eyes and began setting up another tent. After the first minute, however, Melpomene whispered to Loran, “Wait, is he serious?” When Charlot took a breath, Melpomene stepped forward to cut him off. Loran had already retreated to help Idu with another tent.
“Quite a laundry list of steps you got there, kid,” Melpomene said.
“I’ve found that others follow my instructions best when they know exactly what is required of them,” Charlot responded, brow furrowing as he noticed that Idu and Loran had stepped away to work on other tents. Pock was poking at the Charlot’s laid out construction with interest.
Melpomene wrapped an arm across the boy’s shoulder, pulling him closer. “I’ll bet I can get your friend over there to take care of this tent for you,” she said, nodding in Idu’s direction. “Watch and learn.”
The aasimar sauntered over to the youth, drawing her enchanting magic from the core of her being into her vocal chords. Idu looked up from the partially-constructed tent as she stepped closer. “Greetings, Idu,” she said in Celestial. She had heard the boy talking to his pet snake in Celestial along the journey to the beach. “I saw you working over here and thought I’d check in on you. Wouldn’t want to exclude anyone.” Melpomene gave Idu a knowing wink.
“So you struck up a conversation in a language that only two people speak?” Idu asked, raising an eyebrow.
Melpomene smiled and continued as if she hadn’t heard him. “How’s your snake, Idu?”
“Around my arm,” Idu replied with a deadpan expression - as deadpan as was possible while speaking Celestial, at least. Melpomene’s smile faltered a fraction.
“Why do you both sound like you have windchimes in your mouths?” asked Loran, who had been listening with interest to the strange dialect.
Without missing a beat, Melpomene cried, “Because we do!” and turned around, executing some skillful illusion magic to conjure a windchime dangling from her open mouth. As she waggled her tongue, dainty chimes filled the air. Loran snorted as she held back a laugh, and turned to the next unfinished tent.
Melpomene turned back to Idu. “Where did you learn Celestial?” Each word was layered with complimenting chiming sounds, as she had left the illusory windchime in her mouth.
Idu absently reached for the snake around his upper arm and stroked its head. “You pick up a lot of things on the street.”
Melpomene threw a hand over her mouth in horror. “The street is no place for a young man.”
Idu shrugged. “Didn’t have much of a choice.”
The aasimar placed a hand on his shoulder and fixed him with a patronizing half-smile. “We always have a choice.”
Idu stared up into her luminescent eyes. “I didn’t really have one when my parents died.”
The luminescent eyes grew wider, and the windchime fell out of Melpomene’s open mouth. “Ah. I, uh, one second.” She turned her head away and opened her mouth, creating discordant windchime sounds.
Charlot, who had been trying to follow the foreign conversation through body language alone and wasn’t certain whether Melpomene was propositioning the boy or trying to convince him to get a windchime piercing on his tongue, looked around to find that Pock had been silently constructing the large tent while he had been distracted. It looked better than it ever had when Charlot built it himself. “Tent’s done,” Pock said simply, snapping the last piece into place.
Across the circle of tents, Loran noticed the gnome’s handiwork and called out, “Hey, Pock, if you’re done over there, do you want to come help me with these?”
Isolde had discovered a small delta where seaweed and kelp washed up, and was humming to herself as she gathered bundles into her arms. She gave a gasp as she lifted a strand of seaweed to reveal a green tuberous object in the shallow waters. “A sea cucumber!” she cried triumphantly in her singsong voice.
Nula looked up from the makeshift fishing rod she had been carving. “You really don’t want to eat that,” she warned, knowing she would not be heeded. As the paladin tucked the sea cucumber into her satchel and carried on along her hunt for vegan alternatives, Nula sighed and affixed one of the ubiquitous snails to the end of her line. A few minutes later, Nula was walking back to camp with a pair of large fish hanging from a line.
Uzza and Wun Way walked along the shore together, keeping an eye out for anything edible. “It would be nice to catch some small game,” Uzza remarked, peering into the grasses by the sand.
“You think so?” Wun Way asked, peering up into the sky just in time to see a seagull get hit by a flying snail. A split second later, her hand crossbow was out, and Wun Way’s bolt found its mark. As the seagull fell, Uzza and Wun Way heard a scream from Pel.
Isolde walked by with a pile of kelp and seaweed in her arms and complained, “The bird was only minding its business.”
Back at camp, an elaborate sand castle had been built, which Pel loved. The adventurers milled about and talked, and easy laughter filled the air. For some reason, there were two Idu’s walking around, and whenever one of them opened its mouth, chiming sounds filled the air.
As everyone relaxed, Nissa huddled near where the bags had been deposited. Checking one last time that Brienne was engrossed in one of Robyn’s stories, the gnome reached for a bag and gently opened it. Within, countless plants and plant-parts were stored, from leaves and flowers to roots and stalks, some dried, some still wet, all odorous. Beneath a pile of vines, Nissa finally found a small purse with a handful of coins. After helping herself to a majority of those coins, she gingerly replaced the purse and closed the bag.
The various discussions were interrupted by a call from down the beach. As everyone turned to look, Nula ran up over a dune, carrying an inflated pig’s bladder. The half-orc waved over the rest of the party, and they found an area of relatively flat beach with a rectangle marked in the sand, separated by a net of kelp held up by two long pieces of driftwood.
“I’ve got a pirate game we can play,” she announced proudly. “Volleybladder!”
Most of the group agreed enthusiastically - Ravain sat out the game, looking sullen in the hot sun, while Loran helped Pel build her own sand castle down by the water. Ciri joined Robyn’s crew on one side of the net, while the heroes of Orlane gathered on the other side with the chime-sounding Idu.
Thus began the game. Nissa made an early point, jumping higher than Robyn’s crew would have thought possible to spike the ball down past Robyn. Wun Way followed up with a gentle bump over the net, causing the ball to fall just in front of Robyn’s outstretched arms. Brienne then served into the corner of the court, but it was returned by a quick dive from Isolde. As the ball flew through the air, Nissa jumped as if to spike again, angling her body instead for a longer strike. Idu (on Robyn’s side) noticed the change, however, and was perfectly positioned to return the hit when it came.
As the ball fell to the sand Wun Way sang out a little ditty about large hands and ungainly feet, causing several of her opponents to become disheartened. While they glanced uneasily at their limbs, the offending bard easily slammed the ball into the sand on the other side. In the next play, Nissa fell awkwardly on her ankle, twisting it. The others called to Ravain to relieve her, but the ranger simply shook his head. Instead, Pock knelt beside his fellow gnome and laid his hand on her leg, pressing healing magic into the limb. A moment later, Nissa was hopping up and returning a quick serve.
After a scuffle for the ball as it bounced off the top of the kelp net, both of the Idu’s ended up on Robyn’s side of the court. They locked eyes, and one of them pointed and accused, “Melpomene, get back on your side of the court!”
The other Idu looked bewildered and shook his head. “But I’m Idu! You’re Melpomene!” A short yelling match later, one of the Idu’s stormed back to Brienne’s side, still fuming that he was the real Idu. Teams reformed, the ball was served again.
As the ball fell to Wun Way, she grinned at Nissa and called for her to set up a bump. Charlot, however, noticed the half-elf’s stance and prepared to answer the duplicitous spike. Sure enough, the bard jumped at the last second and hammered the ball down to the beach. Charlot shouted triumphantly as he tensed to dive, when a sickening dread filled his body.
In the middle of the court, Idu was changing. He grew taller, taller even than Brienne, and his scruffy hair flowed out to whip about in the non-existent wind. His skin lightened, then turned a horrible ashen color, and his clothing faded into star-dotted robes. Skeletal wings brightened in a darkening aura around the revealed aasimar, and every one of Robyn’s team dove away from her. With Charlot cowering by the driftwood post, the ball smacked into the sand.
The silence that followed was broken by Nissa shouting, “We won!” as the Idu next to her grumbled, “Told you I was the real Idu.”
As Melpomene ducked under the kelp netting to rejoin her team, she winked at Idu. “I learned some things on the streets, too.”
After the game, the group enjoyed a hearty meal of fish and fowl (Isolde quietly ate her salad of boiled kelp and even ate the sea cucumber as the rest of the group looked on in horror) and then prepared to relax and observe the fabled dance of the aquatic flumphs. In the distance, all along the shore, they saw other groups arriving to the shore and setting up portable seats.
Finally, the indicated hour came, but nothing happened.
“They should be coming out of the sea, right?” Pock asked, glancing behind to the distant trees but still not finding any flumphs.
“I’m gonna kill that Ondabarl!” Nissa erupted, gripping a piece of driftwood. “Making us trek out here for nothing!”
“Let’s go check with the locals,” Brienne offered, nodding to the nearest collection of observers, “see if this is unusual.”
They spoke with a handful of groups, from gatherings of a dozen people to small families of three or four. Everyone they talked to gave the same answer: The flumphs always rose on the last full moon in the season, and they had never known them to be this late. A self-proclaimed flumph expert bent their ears for an extra ten minutes, pontificating on the common theories on why the flumphs rose, to where they drifted off, and for what purpose. When they finally broke free from his lecture, they walked closer to the water, hoping perhaps that they might stumble upon the flumphs waiting somewhere in the waves.
The moon was high and full, and shone brilliantly upon the beach, draping everything in an azure veil. As they searched, they saw a handful of children around Pel’s age shrieking and splashing in the water, the disappointment of the missing flumphs forgotten in the opportunity for late-night fun. Pel began tugging on Loran’s hand and dragging her to the playing children. “I suppose we’ll cover more ground in two groups,” Brienne conceded, and the group split; Robyn’s crew, along with Pel, Loran, Ciri, and Ravain heading further down the beach to the playing children, while Brienne and her team headed back to where rocky outcroppings broke the skyline.
An hour of investigation later, as the damp rocks grew larger, the group heard a child’s cry. Down by the water, a small girl was sobbing, calling for help, crying that her sisters were trapped in the sea caves where they had been playing. There was no time to go back for the others. Brienne asked the little girl to show where this cave was, even as Nissa tried to caution her, and minutes later they arrived to a shallow sea cave, a wide mouthlike opening in the craggy face of an ocean cliff. Within, as their vision adjusted, they could make out a pile of kelp by the entrance and several large rocks strewn throughout the cave.
An older girl, presumably the young girl’s sister, stood by one of those rocks, and her face lit up as she took note of their arrival. “You brought us help!” she cried, clapping her hands together.
“Delicious help!” the pile of kelp replied. It rose on mottled green legs and straightened its horrifying body. The green hag reached out a kelp-wrapped arm, and tendrils of emerald magic drifted across the five adventurers. Each of them stiffened in fear of her terrifying ugliness, and flashbacks of their imprisonment in that awful ritual circle gripped them.
As their hearts began to hammer, the two girls shed off their mortal forms and revealed themselves to be a sea hag and night hag. The sea hag by the rock cackled and cried out, “Swim, my pretties!” Water rose to fill a foot of the cavern, and a trio of giant octopuses swam out from behind the rocks to accost the frightened adventurers.
Wun Way jabbed at the approaching octopuses and concentrated on sending a shockwave of force right in the middle of the group, but as she spoke the incantation, the night hag in their midst let out a piercing laugh, and the words died on the half-elf’s lips.
“Time for a taste of your own medicine,” Melpomene shouted at the green hag, and began muttering silent whispers, which wound their way into the ear of the kelp-clad witch. The hag looked upon the aasimar as she truly was, and gave an angry growl as she began to back away unwillingly.
In her place, the sea hag and her octopuses ran at the group. As tentacles flailed, the sea hag stared into Brienne’s eyes. The fighter felt a repulsion toward the hideous creature, but other than that, nothing happened, and the hag’s hair began roiling in agitation. Pock ran away from the frightening hag, trying to make a break for the rocks, but tentacles wrapped themselves around his short frame and held him fast. 
The sea hag pulled away from the occupied heroes and pointed a finger at Wun Way, chanting a lilting spell. As the last syllable faded, the bard disappeared, and a newt crawled quickly out of the water where she had been standing. As the newt scampered away, the night hag cursed at her sister for “turning the pretty one,” and then lashed out at Melpomene.
With curling tentacles around her, Brienne found no easy way to get at the hags. Instead, she gripped Mjolnir by the base of its handle and spun it once around her head, letting loose at the sea hag. The hammer struck true, and then immediately flew back into Brienne’s waiting hand, where she spun it once more and struck again. Grimacing, the hag continued to keep her eyes on the crawling newt as Nissa’s bolts struck her.
The green hag, from across the room, called out, “Sisters! This will be our greatest feast yet!” There was a pulse in the water, felt against each leg, and then the three hags became invisible. The adventurers continued to scuffle with the many limbs of the octopuses, and all of a sudden Nissa fell to the ground. Brienne called out her name, and the sea hag reappeared near the adventurers, cackling madly. Brienne began to move towards the sea hag when the green witch appeared in the pile of kelp once more and pointed a crooked finger. A bolt of lightning lanced from the finger and struck from Melpomene to Brienne to Pock.
The last hag reappeared by the rocks and opened a palm, sending half a dozen missiles of light arcing through the air towards Brienne. As they shattered against her body, Brienne turned to the nearest octopus and brought her hammer down on its body, sending a violent shiver through its many legs before they settled on the floor of the cave. She then turned to the sea hag and smacked her with a backhand blow, sending her reeling and finally breaking her concentration on the spell. With a popping sound, Wun Way reappeared halfway up the cave wall, and with a swallowed yelp she fell, splashing into the water. She quickly climbed to her feet and dove for Nissa’ body, showering it with healing spells while she whipped out her rapier and skewered one of the octopuses. Melpomene slashed out with her sword and split the final octopus in two.
Pock shrugged off the limp octopus tentacles and darted for the sea hag, bringing his weapon down on the monster. The green hag raised her hand to lay an enchantment on Brienne, but the fighter took the moment of preparation and slammed hard, pulling from the might of the hammer to cast a lightning-wreathed spell around the weapon. As it struck, a loud CLAP reverberated inside the small cave, and shards of rock fell from the ceiling even as the hag fell backwards into the water, dead.
Nissa coughed up seawater as she pulled herself up, but gathered herself quickly and fired off quick shots, one, two, into the torso of the night hag. Pock slammed his weapon into the sea hag’s side as he shouted, “What did you do to the flumphs?!” He did not receive an answer, though, as the witch crumpled under his blow and sank beneath the choppy waters.
The party moved to surround the final hag, but she grinned an awful, pointy smile and lifted a stone in the shape of a heart. As they watched, taken aback, the stone heart appeared to beat once, and then the night hag disappeared.
The cave began to drain, revealing the broken forms of the two hags and three octopuses, and suddenly a popping sound filled the air. Dozens of flumphs materialized, spectral jellyfish-like beings with long eyestalks gently waving above their cores. They floated through the air, crowding around their saviors and passing their eyestalks over them inquisitively. As each second passed, more and more flumphs popped into existence, and soon they were pushed out of the cave and drifted across the lapping waves. As they drifted away, an aura of intense gratitude settled over the party.
Back on the beach, locals and foreigners alike turned awe-filled eyes to the sea, where, inexplicably, the flumphs had returned - later than any year in living memory, but with such an energetic enthusiasm that even the flumph expert was not disappointed. Fathers and mothers brought their children in close, whispering fables and legends of the flumphs or prompting the young ones to wish on the rising flumphs, while others simply sat back, alone or with loved ones, and watched with a viral joy as the undulating flumphs spun and danced around each other, rising ever higher into the moon filled sky. Finally, the highest flumphs reached the apex of their ascent, and in a series of multicolored flashes, they vanished. Over the next half hour, the multitudinous beings continued to rise, bursting out of existence with colorful displays, following each other into whatever realm awaited them, and the night settled into an easy peace.
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Partners | Tommy Akhtar x Reader (1)
Words: 2,401
Pairing: Eventually Tommy Akhtar (City of Tiny Lights) x reader
Summary: You require the services of a private detective called Tommy Akhtar to track down the people who are after your family, but you are not going to stand by and let him do all the work. You weren’t asking permission to take part, but only acknowledgement in your skills. As the two of you delve deeper into the illegal trade market, family secrets are revealed, bridges will be burnt, and the past comes back to haunt you. Slow-burn!fic.
It was a typical rainy day in London when you huddled yourself on the stairwell in front of the private detective’s locked office. A friend of yours told you about him, how he gets the job done whether it’s to uncover or hide something. Right now, you needed to uncover something. You were tempted to do it yourself, since the authorities were no help at all, but you were afraid that you were way out of your depth when it comes to investigating. At least, you couldn’t do it alone. You only hoped that the job wouldn’t be too intimidating for him. Then, you’ll have little to no options left.
The smell of cigarettes were carried into the building with London’s chilling draft as the man in question, with short dark hair, five o’clock shadow, in a black leather jacket, walked up to his office. As he went to unlock the door, he paused and turned to you. He gave you a curt nod, opening the door wide enough for you to enter the dimly lit office. You smiled politely,  straightening out your worn out coat and settled into the seat across from his desk.
He lit another cigarette, holding out the pack to you as a silent gesture. You held a hand out and shook your head. You were trying to avoid smoking anything. Seven years sobriety were doing you good, but you sometimes miss using a puff to take off the edge. He tucked his pack into his jacket and leaned back. You watched as he dragged out a long smoke. With his free hand, he gestured for you to show your case.
As if snapping out of a trance, you jumped a little in your seat, shifting around to pull out a hard drive from your coat pocket. His eyes narrowed, one hand starting up his laptop as he leaned forward to take it from you. Twirling it around in one hand, he used the other to pull the cigarette from his lips.
“And what’s this, exactly?” He asked in a rough voice, smoke blowing out as he spoke.
“I’m sure you’ve had all types of clients,” you started, sitting straighter with your hands on your lap, “and I’m sure you’ve used methods that were… questionable. My line of work has something to do with… taking back what has been stolen, although the public sees it as black market thievery. On the contrary, my job is to prevent any… items from accessing the black market.”
He plugged in the hard drive into his computer and opened up the files. “You’re hired by governments to take back their cultural artifacts from foreign museums,” he stated.
“Exactly. For years, operations have been going smoothly. Governments get their stolen artifacts back, and the issue of missing display pieces at the local museum is swept under the rug. Usually, we have some… allied authority figures that allows smooth routing, from border patrol to dock inspection. Several months ago, after an operation to take back several pieces before the grand opening of the new exhibit at the London museum, a few of my men were taken out and the pieces were brought back to the museum. I’ve questioned the guards at the docks and they’ve threatened to arrest me if I don’t keep quiet.”
You began to fiddle with your sleeves, crossing and uncrossing your legs. His eyes were trained on your face as you spoke, occasionally putting the cigarette to his lips. He glanced back at the screen and saw that it was password protected. He raised an eyebrow, turning the laptop towards you. You leaned forward to type the password in, the sleeves of your coat riding up, partially revealing a tattoo of a lotus on your left arm.
Leaning back, you continued, “It didn’t seem like a huge problem at first. Possibly some black market thieves that got paid from the museum. Then, it happened to a crew in China, then in Moscow, and then New York. There had been rumors, followed by patterns in the news…” You glanced at the laptop, prompting him to open the file.
His brown eyes scanned the collection of news articles. Sightings of dead bodies at the docks, swept aside by business corporations or celebrity scandals, and artifacts being stolen from museums right after the gran revealing, a few guards murdered at the scene of the crime.
“We may be labelled as thieves, but we never kill, Mr. Akhtar,” you said firmly, “With this going on, our business is essentially being framed for this mess and governments are turning on us. If this continues, they’ll be after our heads.”
“Our?” He asked, tapping his cigarette in the nearest ashtray.
“Family business,” you simply answered. The detective nodded, not pushing any further.
“Why not lay low until it blows over?”
“We are trying to, but it’s not going to simply blow over. It’s only the beginning and soon enough, countries will have us tracked down.” You sighed, pulling out a stick of gum from inside of your coat. After unwrapping it from the foil, you let it hang from your lips as you hands played with the wrapping.
“We’ve considered ending the business after the problem has been taking care of, knowing that we have friends who will take our place. Right now, it’s not possible,” you said, chewing one end of the gum. “I’m the only one from the family that hasn’t done much of the diplomatic or field work, so most don’t know that I’m part of the family. I guess I’m a glorified secretary, keeping track of our routes, inventory, documents, et cetera. Only a couple of times I’ve been out, the London operation being one of them.”
“That’s why you’re the one that came to me. Why me?” He stubbed out his cigarette, his eyes analyzing you. “How did you even heard about me?”
“I’ve got to have my own sets of eyes. Sometimes I need connections with people that could follow certain persons of interests to make sure they’re keeping their end of the deal, mostly when it comes to money,” you said with a shrug, chewing the rest of the gum, “A friend told me. I would go after this group if my movements weren’t so limited.”
The detective nodded in understanding, getting the gist of what you’re asking of him. “I charge three hundred a day. I’m sure you can handle that,” He said with a small smirk.
“With a city with many secrets, you should charge more,” you replied, taking out a brown envelope and fishing out two stacks of cash. “This should be enough for now.”
He grabbed the stacks, counting it through. “This is almost two weeks worth. What if I find them in one?” he challenged.
You shrugged. “Consider it a bonus. I can always give more if it does take more than two weeks to finish. I’m helping of course, so I doubt that it’ll come to that.”
The corner of his lips twitched. “And who is my client?”
You paused for a moment, then said, “(Y/f/n) Iotos.”
He stuck a calloused hand out. “Tommy Akhtar.” You took it and shook firmly. He knew it was a fake last name, and you figured that he was used to that. Last names didn’t matter for him to do the job.
You grabbed a notepad from his desk and wrote down your number, signing it off with a picture of a lotus. With that taken care of, you stood from your seat.
“I’ll have to head to my day job, now, but if anything comes up, text me first,” you told him as you headed towards the door.
His eyes scanned you once again, before he stood up from his seat to walk you to the front door. Halfway down the steps, he leaned in closer to you, the smell of cheap liquor and his natural scent more prominent under the layer of nicotine, making you dizzy for a moment.
“I’ve had to deal with a client awhile back that had not fully disclosed information that was useful to the investigation,” he said lowly, “so if you run into anything or something pops up that should have been mentioned earlier today, you call me.”
“Okay,” you managed to say before continuing down the steps and headed out the door, tugging your coat tightly around your body as you were exposed to the outside chill again.
You made your way to one of your close-to-normal job at a diner after taking a cab, shrugging off your coat once you’ve crossed the threshold, revealing the diner uniform. The usual customers from nearby businesses and apartments came and went throughout the day. Being the youngest of the family, as well as the only daughter, your father did not want you in the line of fire, but trusted you enough on being the mind behind the operations. The normal day jobs you had kept you sane in between operations and helped on giving you a cover and use of networking.
An old man in damp ragged clothing and a graying beard huddled in, occupying a booth at the back corner of the diner. You looked around, noting that it wasn’t too busy and went over to the old man. His light gray eyes raised from the table.
“I just want a dry place to stay,” he said roughly.
“How about a cuppa Joe, then?” you said.
He nodded, taking out pieces of folded papers with a shaky hand. “This is all I can offer you.”
You smiled at him kindly. “It should serve just fine,” you said, taking the paper. Digging into your apron, you made to grab your notepad, slipping your own folded paper with his payment tucked inside.
You walked to the back of the kitchens, checking that no one was around before opening the papers. It was a couple of screenshots taken from a cctv camera, the street scribbled at the bottom in black ballpoint pen. Two men in expensive suits looking warily down the streets, meeting two other figure at the Drunken Barrel, a bar a few blocks away. That type of bar was no place for businessmen like themselves. They had your usual drug dealers, gang members, and excons. Really shady and dangerous.
From what memory serves you, the other figures in the picture worked for a smuggling group. There had been a couple of run ins with that group, and there had been a truce between them and your family’s business that they continuously tried to cross, trying to find loopholes into their agreement to get away with it.
By habit, you almost made a move to destroy it, but the detective’s words stopped you. You would have to show the screenshots to him. Instead, you tucked the papers back into your apron and went out to finish your shift before your manager snaps at you.
Stuffing your uniform in a backpack you kept in your locker, you made your way to a corner booth, having placed an order with the cook before clocking out. A familiar figure had walked right in before you could lift your phone to text him. Tommy leaned down as if to kiss the top of your head.
“Thought coming in was better than texting,” he whispered, shrugging off his jacket as he slid into the seat across from you.
“It’s fine.” You said casually, flashing a smile as you reached over to grab his hand from across the table, slipping the papers to him. He grabbed it, stuffing it into his pocket.
“Here’s your house combo,” your nasally coworker interrupted, setting the plate down with a clatter in front of you. When she noticed your handsome company, she batted her eyelashes and giggled. “I’m sorry, what can I get you, sweetie?”
“Coffee should be fine,” he paused, looking over at you, as you rolled your tired eyes at her flirting, “two actually. Seems like my girl wasn’t given her drink.”
She blinked, looking back at you as if she forgot you were there. You rested an elbow on the table and leaned against the palm of your hand. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes as he went on.
“She’s going to need all that caffeine for what I planned for her tonight,” he said, shooting a wink at you.
Your eyes widened at the implication, followed by an amused smirk as the waitress became flustered. Honestly, you didn’t even bother to remember her name. She was constantly flirting with customers and constantly belittling you. Two birds with one stone.
“Babe, no one needs to know that,” you pretended to scold him, hitting his shoulder, although the nickname was foreign on your lips.
“Or should we go right now?” he asked, forcing an eager look on his face as he made to grab his jacket.
“Uh, um, I’ll get your coffee,” she said quickly before rushing off to the counter.
You snickered. “Do you do this to all your clients?” you asked him.
Tommy shook his head. “Nah, it’s just that you looked very bored. I can’t have someone I’m working with sleeping on the job now, can I?”
“So you’re considering letting me work with you,” you said, digging into your food.
“Maybe. You seem to be in good standing with the street life here. I’ve asked around for you and none of the homeless seemed to know who you are or what you look like despite living in the same spot for months on end. I’d imagine that your job had regular hours as well, so it’s not to hard to notice a regular face,” he said casually.
“You’re very quick, Mr. Akhtar.” You pointed your fork at him. “And why would you be asking around for me? You have my number.”
“Tommy,” he corrected. “And think of it as a small background check so I know who I’m working with.”
“Well, Tommy,” you said, emphasizing his name playfully, “What do you think?”
“Lets just say that I no longer doubt your skills… for now. At least, it’s something that I wouldn’t think a simple diner waitress would be capable of.”
“Basically, you doubted that I could be any use to you on the investigation besides what I already know. Since you know I’m quite capable, we should see each other as partners,” you summarized.
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everydayanth · 6 years
22 July Film...
So I watched the Netflix movie last night, and I have a few thoughts.  
Warning: This turned into a personal rant with some anthropology-thoughts thrown in. TL;DR: I think this is an important example of the kinds of stories we need, and the debate about the representation of the terrorist on-screen as an ethical one seems to me a moot point.
Second warning: SPOILERS (kinda, vague ones)
I would love to see the Norwegian Utøya - 22 Juli (U- July 22) and do a better comparison of the perspectives. Both films were released in 2018, one by Norwegian director Erik Poppe, the other by English director Paul Greengrass. But that’s for later... after I’ve recovered a bit lol.  
Culture is an interesting thing, and so many of the critiques and comparisons of these films involve the ethical question of portraying a terror event and a terrorist him/herself as a story, or on screen at all. 
This was interesting to me, because the intended audiences for each film seemed to be so diverse, one was telling the world of the event, while the other (I have not seen it, so I can’t confirm) seems to be giving Norway an art piece preserving and telling the story of the event to the people who know it and need little context - cultural or otherwise. 
Terror and disaster are culture shaping and defining. How we respond, how we react, the consequences and the way we tell the story, they are all revealing. And how/why we portray them to ourselves and as outsiders is also revealing.
If this film did one thing perfectly, in my opinion, it was the portrayal of PTSD and the sudden and immediate flashbacks, often sounds, that don’t go away, the isolation and exhaustion that they cause, and the feeling that vulnerability is a weakness you can’t afford. I’m speaking from experience that I’m not ready to elaborate on here, those things are powerful and extremely misunderstood and misrepresented in American culture. PTSD is often used as a MacGuffin, a simple plot device that causes chaos or explains some rash and nonsensical choice, and is often reserved for stories about soldiers returning from war (thanks Hemingway), but sorely left out of conversations about rape, or abuse, or bombings, or terror attacks or any other trauma we go through (then again... so is the representation of those stories). 
It was so hard for me to watch, and I had to fast forward through a few parts, I didn’t sleep because of my own triggers and whatnot, but looking at it from what I would consider an “average” perspective, of people who haven’t witnessed or experienced something so traumatic, it puts viewers in a position they are forced to empathize with. And I think that is a valuable and powerful cultural perspective. 
How did human empathy get tied in with a connotation of weakness? This film challenges that cultural assumption, it asks us to consider: how did emotion and fear become synonymous with coward? How did we twist the world so that victims become responsible and personal forgiveness is a sin?
Maybe I pulled more questions from the film because of my personal experience, relating or overcoming my own challenges - it was something of a challenge to push play and it sat on pause for nearly an hour after the first 20 minutes. The film doesn’t give you answers, but it does seem to provide a safe place for asking questions as our primary protagonist, Viljar, learns to cope. We, the audience, are, if we allow ourselves to be, challenged with an unspoken question: have you chosen to live? Have you chosen hope? Or are you angry all the time, are you defeated and nihilistic, are you passive and apathetic, do you want to ignore and run away and hide in fear? Have you taken steps forward to face your life and made a conscious decision to live it lately?
And that was hard for me to hear because it’s what I’ve been working on, on living consciously and making choices consciously and forming thoughts and opinions and understanding my own values, and not living in my head where everyone else is more right, more valid, more everything; where I dismiss myself and my experiences because of what they are. I’m still working on coming to terms with a lot of things, Jake divides it between acknowledgement, acceptance, and growth or adaption. 
I’ve acknowledged the things that happened, [SPOILERS] and I think that’s what Viljar does on the snowmobile. I’ve accepted the things that happened as beyond my control, I think that’s what Viljar does by deciding to appear in court, what his father does by encouraging him, and what his mother does by... well, personally I think she does this when he tells her to win the campaign for mayor, she decides then to carry on and try her best to reassure them and fight with her boys, not for them (the younger brother could have used a bit more character, but I get it). And then, for me, I’m struggling with the adaption, and we see Viljar struggle, constantly: physically, emotionally, mentally, it is his speech that tells us the truth - he is going to keep struggling, but he is ready to adapt to that, to grow from it, to choose to be vulnerable and depend on his friends and family, to reach out to them and to try, to understand himself and how this event has impacted him so that he can continue to live a life he values. 
This is where I, and I think a lot of people, get stuck, and why I think this film had to feature the terrorist, though I do understand the ethical fears of giving a terrorist a platform by featuring them. But this was a real event, and by giving the guy a face and a story, we see how it juxtaposes Viljar’s growth, how the terrorist did not grow or learn from his fears or struggles, how he isolated himself and what that intentional ignorance does to a person. If we do not grow from our trauma, if we do not adapt to the ways it has impacted us, like in Viljar’s speech, how he acknowledges that he pulled away from his family and friends, he avoided Lara’s calls for weeks, but he’s ready to understand that he is different now, and that’s okay.
We tend to leave this out of our stories in America, and probably other places as well. We end with the happily ever after when the physical body is saved and we rarely go into details about the mental or emotional journey that is yet to start. We can perceive it in films, we can write tumblr posts about Tony Stark’s PTSD and Steve Rogers’ issues, we can transpose ourselves onto these characters, which makes them so universal, but we do not see them specifically address or combat these problems. We do not see Captain America lamenting a world he knew or the confusion and trauma that would result from such a drastic transition, we do not see the Hulk’s loss of identity plague him as anything more than a good one-liner (okay, this one is a bit more debatable). These are good films, and they have limitations they have to work with - source material, fandoms, broader story archs, time limits, etc. But the mental health journey is nearly always left to subtext at best. 
Of course we struggle to understand our mental health in context in America, our stories don’t remind us of the importance of responsible emotion, of the pains of growing that last our whole lives, they don’t tell us about our changing identities as adults, or give us the tools to cope or find help after trauma. There are always exceptions, obviously, but collectively, they seem few and far between. But when they do happen, they stick around for a long time, like Christmas classics It’s a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th St. that look at adult growth and development from the primary struggle. Then there are your intentional dives into mental health, diversity, and trauma like, A Beautiful Mind, Good Will Hunting, Rain Man, Room, Charlie Bartlett (a personal favorite, oh, also Gran Torino imo), even The Breakfast Club. 
I think we want stories that teach us how other people get through trauma, so we can learn from them, see ourselves reflected, and grow and adapt to our new identities after something has happened to us. We want to deal with difficult subjects, but to do that, we’re going to have to start talking about personal ethics and consumer responsibility more and more. We can’t dismiss that as classroom conversation or over-analysis or invalid. We’re going to make bad stories, and we’re going to mess up, but at least there will be more variety and we won’t just be repeating the same shallow stories that end as soon as the physical person is in a physical or economically stable place, occasionally a romantically stable one too. 
To encourage directors to look at mental health and tell new stories, we have to support them when they do. We have to watch and then discuss. We can’t just write it off as inherently right or wrong, because our worldviews are so different. People like that terrorist exist in the world, and ignoring it and not representing that social fear in our media does not even attempt to acknowledge the problem. Trauma hurts us and we’re often told to put some pretty tape around our cracked and broken selves and make do. We teeter through life fearing exposure, anxious, depressed, hidden, and we just keep cutting ourselves on all our jagged pieces. 
But films like this say it’s okay to be broken, it’s okay for Lara and his brother to feel the same as Viljar, even if they weren’t shot, it’s okay for them to face their fears in different ways and to be patient and understanding with themselves as they fit all those cracks back together and learn what they can do to glue them and sand them and make themselves whole again. It’s okay for the parents to struggle, to feel inadequate, terrified, and consumed by guilt and fear, and then to grow and gather strength from their own children and learn to be stronger together. 
We have this independent mindset, that to overcome by yourself is stronger, the lone wolf is the awesome badass, but we know, even our stories know, that we require teams. Even the Avengers need each other (getting into Civil War territory here lol). Our YA masterpieces teach us about the power of friendship and teamwork in developing our identities and overcoming pain and trauma. But we still walk around jaded and in pain, we don’t know how to talk or listen to each other, and we get frustrated and angry when others begin to talk about their vulnerabilities. 
But work like this, it gives us an opportunity to understand what we might not have the experience to relate to, it gives us the ability to be empathetic to something we may not be able to completely comprehend. It tells us that it’s okay to hurt, and it shows us that we can still grow, if we so choose, and that the choice we make is what we control. And we get so overwhelmed by our choices these days, there are so many, and yet so few. I think it’s hard for us to remember to choose to grow and reflect and redefine ourselves at all, hard to find the time to even consider our options. But it’s the most important choice we make every day. It defines who we are and we spend so much of our lives ignoring it or building a protective wall around it. 
This was not a perfect film, but it offered perspective in-context and I think it did justice to the trauma, and the resilience and growth required to overcome it, to choose to have hope. And I don’t think it could have done that without also showing us how easy it is to give up and assume we are right, like the terrorist, to assume we know best and can fix the world ourselves with our own walls firmly planted between us and our own identities. 
This film needed an antithesis to prove it’s point, for the same reason The Silence of the Lambs requires a Hannibal Lecter (and, like the greatly respected Anthony Hopkins, the actor, Anders Danielsen Lie, who played the terrorist, is an accomplished and greatly respected Norwegian actor, and that seemed important to me; this was not an opportunity for a new actor, this was an experienced artist telling the dark side of the story). 
We need filmmakers and story tellers to break rules so that we can all adapt and grow as a society. We need to start telling our stories and stop repeating our own folktales and bedtime stories over and over again. They lead us to sweet dreams, but they forget to help us learn how to stay asleep, and how to wake up, determined to live each day. 
We do not need to simply exist, and while existential crises are frickin’ impossible (there’s that personal experience again), and seem to be a massive current social problem, maybe they are not the cause of our lack-of-hope endings and false identities and fake happiness, but rather the result of a society that doesn’t allow itself to be broken, and therefore doesn’t allow itself to grow. 
You’re allowed to fail. You’re allowed to be wrong. You’re allowed to mess up and make mistakes and hurt the people you love. You’re allowed to be hurt and vulnerable in your life. 
And when you’re allowed to be these things, you’re allowed to be forgiven and grow from them, instead of hoarding all your broken pieces where they cut you over and over, or only revealing them to anonymous Tumblr netizens. You are not a static object, you are not made of stone that can only be cutaway, you are human, and flesh grows back. You can grow back. And I try to tell myself these things every day, to step into the world knowing it will hurt, but that I will grow back. 
Viljar has a hard time facing Lara, he doesn’t call her back, but when he meets her before the trial, she forgives him, and because of that allowance to grow, she is able to be persistent and keep being his friend, and he is able to be vulnerable and strong, which translates into his acceptance of help. We need art to tell us that it’s okay to be human, and to stop comparing us to these things that are supposed to be better than us - aliens, superpowers, mutants, super-spies, the wealthy elite, etc. 
And I think we need to focus on more than just romantic relationships, we need parents and friends and siblings and teachers and idols and well, more diverse romances; our stories reflect our values, and if this were a “Hollywood film,” I don’t think it would have done the story justice or let its audience come to its own conclusions. What does that say about us? Do we not give ourselves enough credit? Or do we intentionally misinterpret art that challenges our perceptions of reality, like trauma and relationships and other personal ethics because we find it offensive? Can we even hold others accountable for what offends us? Is there a line there involving accuracy and representation and culture, or is it all subjective?
I don’t know, I’ve just been thinking about all this while I spent all night and morning not-sleeping. So I thought I’d just get it out there where it can float for a while. I thought it was a good film, because it was a good story, and it was a good story because it focused on that elusive symptom of trauma, that nihilistic existential identity that refuses to reform. And because that is the story I am living right now, that is the story I needed to hear. Because we are social learners, like all primates, and if Viljar can choose to live and be vulnerable and strong, then maybe I can do it too. 
This turned into a personal rant more than a review... whoops. But I don’t have context enough to compare the film, I think I would have to see the Norwegian-made one (though the cast and setting were still Norwegian in this one), to really compare, and look at what happened in real life, how the world reacted to that event, and basically do a full lit-review to get an understanding of whether this film was accurate or if its portrayal was “good.” But then I would have to define good, and we all know where that will lead. 
So in my opinion, we need more stories about tragedy that don’t end with the acceptance of others, but the acceptance, acknowledgement, and reformation of self. And this movie followed that whole story, or at least, I think it did, and I appreciate it for that. 
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omarcd · 4 years
Body mind spirit / Espíritu cuerpo mente
The Value of Mentors in Career Choices / 
El valor de los mentores en la elección de carreras
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THERE ARE JOBS and then there are careers, but many younger people find both daunting to obtain. Jobs help us survive financially and careers do the same but are more about purpose and meaning, yet they may overlap. Young people can begin in an entry level job that can evolve into a career. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the average person will change jobs at least 10 times and careers over five times. Knowing what you want and love to do will help you choose an ideal occupational path.
We hear it’s all in who you know, but it’s who you want to know and how to get connected that can make a big difference. There’s immense value in the influence of a mentor in youth and at any age. A mentor, defined by the Merriam Webster, is an “experienced and trusted advisor.” Finding one may seem difficult, but when a seeker creates a subconscious invitation, the brain keeps him or her focused to find a mentor. The adage, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears,” has neuroscience behind it. When we change what we focus on, what we focus on changes.
We have mirror neurons when we communicate with one another and if a mentor sees you are enthusiastic about learning they will reciprocate by helping you achieve your goals. The attitude toward authority figures has much to do with finding the right mentors. Those willing to listen and apply the imparted wisdom will find great reward.
Parents aren’t always able to best serve as mentors as this relationship is literally too close to home. The purpose of successful parenting is to raise an autonomous individual equipped for independence. Parents have great influence, to the positive or negative, but it often takes a unique mentor to help an apprentice find their way.
If you’re young, the magnitude of mentorship is not outdated but timeless. George Lucas, who created “Star Wars,” gave credit to Joseph Campbell’s work, “The Hero With a Thousand Faces,” as the base for all of his plot lines. Campbell’s influence can be seen in the backstories of real and mythical leaders who felt a calling and purpose that forced them out of the ordinary into the extraordinary. Along the lonely way, unusual mentors appear. (Think Yoda.) At times, a mentor can feel like a tormentor, but they’re teaching you to surpass them. The young hero forms unlikely allies on similar quests and experiences trials and challenges. They all face a dark abyss of discovery and transform into mentors themselves. Campbell calls this “returning with the elixir.”
COVID-19 has forced many people, particularly youth, to rethink their lives and vocations and want to become healthcare heroes as we see honored. Many young people are answering the call to the medical field. There are a plethora of careers at all education levels in this arena. If you know someone in this field, ask them about different career paths and requirements, or you may volunteer in hospitals to see if this is a good environment for you.
If you’re not sure what career you are best suited for, there are many career counseling tests available. The most reliable are the:
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
The Self Directed Search
Motivational Appraisal Personal Potential (MAPP)
There are also professional career counselors. Most colleges and high schools offer free career counseling. There is another old saying; “Find something you love and find a way to make a living at it.” Finding your passion can lead you to a mentor, a purpose and a future paycheck. You can become your own hero more expediently with a mentor. The career force is with you! hn
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mary Joye, LMHC, PA, is a licensed mental health counselor with offices in Lakeland and Winter Haven. She holds a Master of Arts in Counseling from Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville, Tennessee. For more information, visit winterhavencounseling.com/
HAY TRABAJOS y luego están las carreras, pero muchas personas jóvenes encuentran ambas cosas desalentadoras de obtener. Los trabajos nos ayudan a sobrevivir económicamente y las carreras hacen lo mismo, pero tienen más que ver con el propósito y el significado, aunque pueden superponerse. Los jóvenes pueden comenzar en un trabajo de nivel de entrada que puede convertirse en una carrera. La Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales informa que la persona promedio cambiará de trabajo al menos 10 veces y de carrera más de cinco veces. Saber lo que quiere y le encanta hacer le ayudará a elegir un camino ocupacional ideal.
Escuchamos que todo depende de a quién conoces, pero es a quién quieres conocer y cómo conectarte lo que puede marcar una gran diferencia. Hay un valor inmenso en la influencia de un mentor en la juventud y en cualquier edad. Un mentor, definido por Merriam Webster, es un "asesor experimentado y confiable". Encontrar uno puede parecer difícil, pero cuando un buscador crea una invitación subconsciente, el cerebro lo mantiene enfocado para encontrar un mentor. El adagio, "Cuando el estudiante está listo, aparece el maestro", tiene la neurociencia detrás. Cuando cambiamos aquello en lo que nos enfocamos, cambia aquello en lo que nos enfocamos.
Tenemos neuronas espejo cuando nos comunicamos entre nosotros y si un mentor ve que usted está entusiasmado por aprender, le corresponderá ayudándolo a lograr sus objetivos. La actitud hacia las figuras de autoridad tiene mucho que ver con encontrar los mentores adecuados. Aquellos que estén dispuestos a escuchar y aplicar la sabiduría impartida encontrarán una gran recompensa.
Los padres no siempre pueden servir mejor como mentores, ya que esta relación es literalmente demasiado cercana a casa. El propósito de una crianza exitosa es criar a un individuo autónomo equipado para la independencia. Los padres tienen una gran influencia, positiva o negativa, pero a menudo se necesita un mentor único para ayudar a un aprendiz a encontrar su camino.
Si eres joven, la magnitud de la tutoría no está desactualizada sino atemporal. George Lucas, quien creó "Star Wars", dio crédito al trabajo de Joseph Campbell, "El héroe de las mil caras", como la base de todas sus líneas argumentales. La influencia de Campbell se puede ver en las historias de fondo de líderes reales y míticos que sintieron una vocación y un propósito que los obligó a salir de lo ordinario a lo extraordinario. A lo largo del camino solitario, aparecen mentores inusuales. (Piense en Yoda). A veces, un mentor puede sentirse como un torturador, pero le está enseñando a superarlo. El joven héroe forma aliados inverosímiles en misiones similares y experimenta pruebas y desafíos. Todos se enfrentan a un oscuro abismo de descubrimiento y se transforman ellos mismos en mentores. Campbell llama a esto "regresar con el elixir".
COVID-19 ha obligado a muchas personas, especialmente a los jóvenes, a repensar sus vidas y vocaciones y querer convertirse en héroes de la salud como nos parece un honor. Muchos jóvenes están respondiendo al llamado del campo médico. Hay una plétora de carreras en todos los niveles educativos en este campo. Si conoces a alguien en este campo, pregúntale sobre diferentes trayectorias profesionales y requisitos, o puedes ofrecerte como voluntario en hospitales para ver si este es un buen entorno para ti.
Si no está seguro de qué carrera es la más adecuada, hay muchas pruebas de orientación profesional disponibles. Los más fiables son los:
Indicador Myers-Briggs
La búsqueda autodirigida
Potencial personal de evaluación motivacional (MAPP)
También hay consejeros de carrera profesionales. La mayoría de las universidades y escuelas secundarias ofrecen asesoramiento profesional gratuito. Hay otro viejo dicho; "Encuentra algo que te guste y encuentra una manera de ganarte la vida". Encontrar su pasión puede llevarlo a un mentor, un propósito y un cheque de pago futuro. Puedes convertirte en tu propio héroe más rápidamente con un mentor. ¡La fuerza profesional está contigo! hn
ACERCA DE LA AUTORA: Mary Joye, LMHC, PA, es una consejera de salud mental con licencia con oficinas en Lakeland y Winter Haven. Tiene una Maestría en Consejería de Trevecca Nazarene University en Nashville, Tennessee. Para obtener más información, visite winterhavencounseling.com
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zcyler · 7 years
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Inazuma Eleven ☆ Harry Potter AU  |  https://inazuma-hpau.tumblr.com/
↳ A new side project in which sakka boys are qudditch boys in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 
I was supposed to do adult things today, but a new project happened instead. *cough* 
Inazuma Eleven Hogwarts Headcanons:
Endou Mamoru
Endou as an excited first year, running around on the train to Hogwarts trying to make new friends with all the first years and asking who is into quidditch.
“KUIDICCHI YAROZE” to just about anyone who says they enjoy quidditch. 
Endou being sorted into Hufflepuff just like his grandfather, Endou Daisuke.
The Hufflepuff quidditch team not having won a Quidditch cup since his grandfather played for the team.
The Hufflepuff team always at a constant loss of quidditch players and Endou having to form a team from scratch when all the seventh years leave in his third year. 
Endou charming quaffles as Keeper practise back before he could find people to play on the Hufflepuff team.
Endou receiving an old book of quidditch keeper techniques originally owned by his grandfather at Christmas as a present without a name. Turns out, his head of house Hibiki Seigou sends it to him.
The Hufflepuff team suddenly becoming better over a few months and none of the other teams can figure out how it happened.
A clumsy hufflepuff Tobitaka Seiya accidentally finds the Room of Requirements and the team turns it into the ultimate training room. 
Even when the other houses look down on Hufflepuff, Endou builds their team to become the best defensive teams Hufflepuff has seen in years.
In fact, the best chasers from the three houses (like Gouenji, Kidou, Hiroto and Afuro struggle to get their quaffles past him). 
Despite initially finding Endou quite annoying, many the other students who play quidditch befriend him - it’s kind of hard not to especially due to his personality and ultimate love of quidditch.
Gouenji Shuuya and Kidou Yuuto eventually becomes best friends with him despite them originally competing for the top of the class and rivalling quidditch teams. 
Endou constantly bothering Gouenji and Kidou at the library.
Gouenji and Kidou forcing Endou to study otherwise he would not be allowed to play quidditch.  
Break trio going to hogsmeade together.
Kidou Yuuto & Otonashi Haruna + Teikoku Kids
Despite Ravenclaw being the fitting house for Kidou Yuuto, he asks the sorting hat to put him in Slytherin due to his step-father’s expectations.
Everyone in the Kidou family/Kidou Financial Group has always been sorted into Slytherin. Just because he wasn’t born a Kidou, it isn’t an exception.
His sister, Otonashi Haruna however does gets sorted into Ravenclaw the following year. 
She becomes a writer/ photographer for the Hogwarts school paper and hopes to become a reporter for the Daily Prophet someday.
Kidou becomes a Slytherin prefect in his fifth year and quidditch captain playing as a chaser.
Haruna comes to watch him at every Slytherin game, wrapped in a bundle of his brother’s Slytherin scarf.
He then later becomes head boy alongside Gryffindor’s Raimon Natsumi. 
Kidou and Fudou Akio meeting each other for the first time on the train to Hogwarts in their first year. 
After spending a good five minutes in the same compartment, he finds that his sarcastic and cynical peronality annoying and barely tolerable. He hopes that somehow he gets sorted into a different house to him.
Sadly for him, Fudou also ends up in Slytherin AND becomes his roommate.  
Fudou purposely going out of his way to irritate Kidou.
After living with him for a few years, he realises Fudou is not that bad and not to mention a pretty good quidditch chaser. 
However, he is not happy with the fact that he hits on his sister.
In fact, Kidou is never happy that a lot of boys at Hogwarts fancies Haruna. 
Protective brother Kidou.
Needless to say, anyone who does ends up with a hexed body part. 
Fudou Akio taking girls (or boys, who knows?) to the Room of Requirements for a late night rendezvous. 
Sakuma Jirou and Genda Koujirou are both childhood friends of Kidou’s. When Yuuto was taken in by the Kidou family, Sakuma helped him ease into the world of purebloods (Kidou only being a halfblood). Despite his high potential of being a talented wizard, many of the other pureblood kids did not look at him on an equal level because he was halfblood.  
Sakuma ending up in Slytherin alongside Kidou being sorted with the same reason of family expectation. 
Genda instead ends up in Gryffindor. His family aren’t too strict about where he ends up as long as he does well in his classes. 
Sakuma as a chaser for the Slytherin team while Genda becomes keeper for gryffindor. 
They stay friends despite the house rivalry and enjoy playing against each other when their teams play.
Gouenji Shuuya
Gouenji not attending Hogwarts till his third year. He transfers from Dumstrang.
Tends to spend a lot of time in the library when he isn’t playing qudditch.
Constantly competing with Kidou for the best grades in their year. 
Someoka getting pissed off at Gouenji for transferring and suddenly gaining a starting position on the Gryffindor qudditch team.
Although his dream is to play quidditch professionally, his father wants him to become a Healer. 
Gryffindor Toramaru idolising Gouenji and aims to become just as great a chaser.
Sun Kids
Kiyama Hiroto, Midorikawa Ryuuji, Nagumo Haruya, Suzuno Fuusuke, Saginuma Osamu and Yagami Reina all grew up the Sun Garden orphanage. 
They would always be isolated by the rest of the children who lived there as strange things would always happen around them - especially if you made one of them upset. 
Because of their experiences at Sun Garden, the six of them decided they would stick together.
They enter into Hogwarts a year after Endou, Gouenji and Kidou’s year. 
Hiroto figures out that since Nagumo, Suzuno and Saginuma would most likely end up in Slytherin and his step father being a Slytherin alumni, the best house for them to go would most likely be Slytherin.
Hiroto would probably have been sorted into Ravenclaw otherwise. 
Obviously Midorikawa goes wherever his best friend will go and ends up in Slytherin too. 
Nagumo always teasing Midorikawa telling him he should have ended up in Hufflepuff.
Yagami Reina wishing to go to Gryffindor deep inside, but decides she doesn’t want to be separated from the rest of the sun garden kids.
The Slytherin/Gryffindor rivalry as strong as ever as Nagumo always tries to go head to head against Gryffindor’s ace chaser Gouenji.
As Nagumo is a beater, he always aims to hit the bludgers at Gouenji. 
Nagumo and Suzuno Fuusuke makes one of the best beater duos at Hogwarts next to the Fubuki Twins. 
Saginuma Osamu becoming the keeper of Slytherin.
Yagami Reina becomes a chaser of the team and is the first girl in years to make the team. 
Hiroto becomes a prefect in his fifth year and later becomes the head boy in his seventh year alongside Otonashi Haruna of Ravenclaw. 
He plays as a chaser for the Slytherin’s quidditch team and becomes captain when Kidou graduates. 
The six of them becoming their generation’s Marauders: Sneaking around the school, finding the secret entrances/ passageways, late night kitchen trips and giving themselves nicknames (Gran, Reize, Ulvida, Gazel, Burn and Desarm.
Fubuki Shirou and Atsuya 
Their auror parents were killed by dark wizards at a young age and Shirou promised them to look after his younger twin Atsuya.
They both see Thestrals from their first year of arriving at Hogwarts.
Shirou knows he can fit into Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but he decides that wherever Atsuya gets sorted, he gets sorted their too. He has nothing against Hufflepuff, but with his father in Gryffindor and his mother in Ravenclaw, he’d prefer either of the two. 
Atsuya has his heart quite set on being in Gryffindor and wastes no time telling Shirou that Hufflepuffs are for losers and Ravenclaws are for swots.
Atsuya getting sorted first since A comes before S despite being the younger twin. Due to his bold, daring and often reckless personality, he gets sorted into Gryffindor with the hat barely touching his head. 
The sorting hat spends a longer time on Shirou, debating to send him to either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. Shirou politely asking the hat to send him to Gryffindor, before he runs off to sit next to his brother. 
Both the twins can play bother Beater and Chaser respectively. Their position for a game depends on which house they’re playing against.    
Tsunami getting sorted into Gryffindor. He loves the feel of riding wherever his broom takes him - normally over the Black Lake. He often gets into trouble, dragging an unwilling Hufflepuff Tachimukai along with him to detention.
Kino Aki owling Ichinose Kazuya every week as he starts his wizarding education at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in America.
When he transfers to Hogwarts in his fifth year, he gets sorted into Ravenclaw. 
He is also the youngest player on the American representative quidditch team. 
He co-captains Ravenclaw with Afuro Terumi where he plays as a Seeker. Afuro himself plays as a Chaser. 
Their childhood friends, Domon Asuka and Nishigaki Mamoru both transfer a few years prior and gets sorted into Slytherin and Hufflepuff and both play beaters for their respective houses. 
Kazemaru at one point is the Captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team. He is probably the fastest seeker the house has had in a decade. 
Kogure is the school’s local prankster. His cunning and misleading trickster personality lands him in Slytherin.
Heads of Houses: Kageyama Reiji (Slytherin), Kudou Michiya (Gryffindor), Hibiki Seigou (Hufflepuff), Kira Hitomiko (Ravenclaw)
Kudou teaches Defence against the Dark Arts, a position which Kageyama wanted. Kageyama teaches potions instead. 
Hibiki teaches either Arithmancy or Ancient Runes
Kira teaches Transfiguration or Charms
During their first year, one of the quidditch teams (Ravenclaw or Slytherin), uses a potion with the code name Aqua of the Gods before their quidditch games and they win all their games for the season suspiciously. Turns out the Aqua of the Gods is actually Liquid Luck and the team forfeit their Quidditch cup victory. The members of their respective teams are banned from quiddich for the rest of their time at Hogwarts. 
As Endou was still in his first year and unable to play quidditch, none of the banned members of the team are known. 
Not my complete set of headcanons there! But that’s what I’ll leave for now.
There are a couple of headcanons if certain people got placed in different houses (Ravenclaw!Hiroto, Hufflepuff!Midorikawa, Ravenclaw!Kidou ) and I probably may write drabbles and whatnot with them in the future! 
Hope some of this sounds interesting :D I’ll be working on this project on the side while I try to sort out some adulting life things.
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evilkitten3 · 7 years
The Yuuei Dorm Laws
AN: Well, I did it for Fairy Tail… might as well do it for BNHA! Rules fic~ I wasn't going to post this at all, honestly – this is a joke thing I did for myself a while ago, but with all the angst I've been posting lately… might as well do something funny. I don't know if I can pull off a chatfic, so here's this instead. Anyhow, lemme know if you want me to continue this or whatever. Kitty out.
Title: The Yuuei Dorm Laws
Summary: The Heroics Department has moved into the Yuuei dorm rooms, and Principal Nedzu realizes that some rules should probably be put in place – for the teachers, the students, and anyone else who happens to get involved.
Warnings: General nonsense, reason being abandoned for the sake of humor, and Kacchan's potty mouth
Pairings: Everyone/everyone else (it's a list fic and I'm writing it – what the hell were you expecting?)
Aizawa Shouta – As a teacher, you should endeavor to act as a role model for your students. Showing up to class with a sleeping bag and a hangover, saying "today we're learning about spontaneous silence – anyone who talks in the next four hours fails," and falling asleep is not acting as a role model.
All For One – Stop persuading your guards to commit tiny acts of vandalism on school grounds. The government isn't going to let you go just because "the police force is corrupt".
Amajiki Tamaki – Asui is not going to eat you. Frogs do not eat people (or octopi or even clams, to the best of my knowledge). Please come out of the basement.
Aoyama Yuuga – Stop throwing glitter at people.
Ashido Mina – I don't care what Kaminari said. Do not cover his bed sheets – or anyone else's – in acid ever again.
Asui Tsuyu – If you see a student with compact eyes and antennae, you are not to beginning following them and whispering "frog food" at random intervals. Please apologize to the seven students that have locked themselves in the basement and convince them to come out.
Awase Yousetsu – "Killing two birds with one stone" is a figure of speech, not a challenge. Stop throwing rocks at Tokoyami.
Awata Kaoruko – Enough with the "fucking bubbles" meme. We get it.
Bakugou Katsuki – "Fuck the police" is not an excuse for setting off firecrackers in Iida's room, even if you do think he was policing you. This applies even if he is dressed as a police officer.
Bakugou Mitsuki – If your son asks you for a rather specific outfit, get context. If the words "dare", "evidence", or "Monoma Neito" are part of that context, please do not give your son that outfit. This applies even if "Monoma" is replaced with "that copy-cat bastard" or a similar insult.
Bakugou Masaru – You cannot adopt your son's friend group, no matter how happy you are that said group exists.
Bondo Kojirou – Cementoss is not trying to usurp you. That doesn't even make sense.
Bubaigawara Jin – Stop asking the students to help you become Deadpool. You are not, and should not ever be, Deadpool.
Chatora Yawara – You may not "forget" to apprehend a villain because the person she is attacking misgendered her. Arrest the villain and then scold the civilians.
Dabi – Todoroki does not need your help to be a deviant. He is doing just fine on his own. You are not "Super Fire Bros".
Desutegoro – Stop trying to schedule all your meetings on "February 51st".
Ectoplasm – Detentions cannot be assigned for an indefinite period of time, no matter how insulted you feel. Honenuki will not be in detention for "the rest of his goddamn life", and he was probably not trying to offend you anyway.
Eri – You were in a bad situation, and a negative reaction is understandable. That said, please stop threatening to castrate people with your horn. How do you even know that word; you're like five.
Fat Gum – The fact that Satou and Yaoyorozu also have food-related Quirks does not mean you need to mentor them. Two students are enough.
Fourth Kind – "Having a katana" and "having the right to threaten people with a katana" are not synonymous.
Fukidashi Manga – Your Quirk does not give you the ability to "see beyond the fourth wall". Stop trying to convince people that we are all trapped within a shounen series. That is ridiculous.
Gran Torino – "Kick 'em in the dick", while an effective battle strategy, is not appropriate advice to give to children.
Gunhead – Stop trying to set Uraraka up with Midoriya. You're probably right, but they have bigger things to worry about.
Hadou Nejire – Stop asking villains questions. You're supposed to be arresting them, not sharing good places to get shoes.
Hagakure Tooru – Bakugou's inability to hear what you're saying is not going to stop him from punching you for talking about him behind his back. He'll find out, you'll get punched, and no one will feel sorry for you. If you absolutely must insult him, either learn sign language or get a translator and do it to his face.
Hakamata Tsunagu – Not everyone is comfortable in denim. Deal with it.
Hatsume Mei – "It seemed like a good idea at the time" is not only a terrible excuse in general, but also a completely invalid one that does not explain the giant robotic velociraptor currently patrolling the school grounds.
Hikiishi Kenji – Killing people for misgendering you is illegal. Please find other ways to express your displeasure.
Honenuki Juuzou – Do not challenge Ectoplasm to a "who can scare the most children with only their face" contest. I don't care that you think it's a compliment; you're hurting his feelings.
Iguchi Shuuichi – Hoshigaki Kisame has not challenged you to a sword fight. Hoshigaki Kisame is not a real person; he is a fictional character, and you know this.
Iida Tensei – Your little brother has a lot of respect for you. Stop abusing that respect by suggesting he do ridiculous things. He will.
Iida Tenya – Please do not dress up as a police officer when inspecting your classmates' rooms. You are only asking for trouble. I don't care what your brother said.
Inui Ryou – Do not tell students to mark their territory. The janitor would like you to know that anything that gets urinated on is your responsibility.
Ishiyama Ken – If Bondo declares you his "eternal rival", you are to ignore him, not encourage his behavior. Insanity does not "build character".
Jirou Kyouka – Do not start playing the One Punch Man theme song whenever Midoriya is about to punch something. This holds true for All Might too, as well as anyone else who tends to punch things in an over-dramatic manner.
Kaibara Sen – Having a name similar to that of a fictional character does not make you that fictional character. Stop challenging people to Duel Monsters.
Kamakiri Togaru – Collecting insects is a perfectly reasonable hobby. Using them to terrifying other students is not. Please apologize to Kouda so we can take the anteater back to the zoo and you can come down from the tree.
Kamihara Shinya – Bakugou does not need to be followed 24/7. Surely the No. 5 hero has better things to do.
Kaminari Denki – This school does not need an electric fence. You are not permitted to skip class in order to act as one.
Kan Sekijirou – Please stop encouraging your students to try and one-up Eraserhead's class. This will not end well.
Kayama Nemuri – Do not put smoke bombs in the teachers' lounge ever again. I can and will start making you wear normal clothing if this behavior continues.
Kendou Itsuka – You are not Lady Flyswatter, Queen of the Bitch-Smack. So stop bitch-smacking your classmates.
Kirishima Eijirou – If someone asks you to pass the salt, they are asking you to hand them the white crystalline substance used for seasoning. They are not asking you to pick up and throw Bakugou at them. Please desist.
Kodai Yui – Stop trying to scare Bakugou and Todoroki. I cannot promise you will continue to emerge unscathed.
Komori Kinoko – You are not required to provide "magic mushrooms" to anyone who asks or doesn't ask. In fact, you are actively discouraged from doing so.
Kouda Kouji – You are not allowed to "do favors" for animals in the zoo. I don't care how badly that polar bear claims to need a cup of coffee, he can't have one.
Kurogiri – While I am personally unsure of the League of Villains' hierarchy, you seem to be the most mature. If there is anything to do to stop your cohorts from playing mildly annoying but otherwise harmless pranks, please do it.
Kuroiro Shihai – "It's because I'm black, isn't it" jokes are not appropriate coming from a fully Japanese person; even if you are technically black in color, you do not have African heritage. Stop before you offend someone.
Lock Rock – Tsunotori and Rin do not need you to adopt them, regardless of whatever Fat Gum told you. That said, if you have any pointers on avoiding xenophobia, I'm sure they'd be delighted to hear them.
Maijima Higari – Tell Hatsume to get rid of that raptor. Or at least make her do something useful with it.
Midoriya Inko – No, you cannot adopt your son's class. Yes, this applies even if they have all called you "Mom" at some point. You also cannot adopt the teachers or the villains. I don't know why I have to tell you this, but apparently it needs telling.
Midoriya Izuku – The fact that anyone with a sex drive seems to be attracted to you does not mean that you had a secret Quirk all along. Said Quirk is not "The Love Bug", and you will stop insisting otherwise.
Mineta Minoru – "Stuff a sock in it" is a figure of speech. You are not expected to eat socks, nor are you expected to carry around socks so you can try and force other people to do eat socks.
Mizushima Masaki – "Don't stop believin'" is not your official theme song. You're from Toyama Prefecture; I doubt you've ever even been to Michigan, much less south Detroit.
Monoma Neito – While Bakugou probably will do pretty much anything if you so much as hint that he's incapable of it, I feel like I should remind you that such a situation may not turn out in your favor, though one would hope you figured that out on your own when you (and everyone else in the vicinity) learned that not only does he see nothing wrong with clothing generally associated with women, he looks damn good in a tutu. And he knows it. Lording this over his head will only get him to dress in drag again. I have to ask you to avoid provoking him, if only because several students who thought they were aware of their orientation are suddenly reconsidering (which is, of course, absolutely fine, but probably shouldn't be happening at school).
Nishiya Shinji – You are not the Lorax. You do not speak for the trees.
No. 13 – You are not legally obligated to begin back-up requests with "Housten, we have a problem", and you will stop telling people otherwise.
Ojiro Mashirao – You chose the hero name "Tail Man". Now you're going to have to live with the consequences.
Overhaul – Todoroki Shouto has publically declared you to be the worst father of all time. Take a moment to think about that.
Rappa – Stop trying to fight Kirishima. I don't care how "badass" you think he is. He has homework to do. You can't fight any of the other students either.
Rin Hiryuu – If you are actually being bullied because of your ethnicity, please tell an authority figure (me, the principal). Stop trying to guilt-trip people into giving you food.
Ryuukyuu – Stop telling people that the Dragon Balls are real. They aren't, and you can't grant wishes.
Sakamata Kuugo – Do not try to convince students to "rebel against the tyranny of Sea World". You are not being as subtle as you think you are.
Sako Atsuhiro – If you absolutely must ask Shigaraki to give you "a hand", do not do so on school grounds. You can and will be arrested, no matter how funny the students seem to think you are.
Satou Rikidou – If a villain breaks into the school, alert the proper authorities. Do not bake them a cake in exchange for them leaving. Even if it works, you're just encouraging them to come back again later.
Selkie – "Captain" is not part of your hero name. You do not have the right to arrest people for not calling you that, especially if you are not on your boat at the time.
Sero Hanta – I understand that boys your age like to roughhouse. That is perfectly fine. I only ask that you not use your elbows, as you could do some serious damage.
Shigaraki Tomura – Please stop breaking into the school and taping up crudely drawn pictures of tap-dancing monkeys with socks mooning the viewers. While your creativity is certainly nothing to scoff at, this is inappropriate behavior. Also, you're a criminal, so you shouldn't be here unless someone arrested you. No, you cannot demand fuzzy pink handcuffs, even if Yaoyorozu is happy to oblige.
Shinsou Hitoshi – Stop kidnapping Aizawa's cats. I do not want our teachers sending death threats to students; it's bad for publicity.
Shiozaki Ibara – Smacking someone with a Bible is not an appropriate method of combat, no matter how much you think they "need Jesus".
Shishida Juurouta – Unless you can turn into a prince at will, you are not "the perfect candidate for a new Beauty and the Beast movie" and you will stop insisting otherwise.
Shiretoko Tomoko – I understand that the loss of your Quirk has upset you. However, breaking into All For One's prison cell to demand he give it back is not only very dangerous but also very illegal. I advise against it.
Shouda Nirengeki – I understand that Shinsou's actions in the Sports Festival made you feel uncomfortable. I do not understand why you think the appropriate "vengeance" is following him around and hitting him with a pool noodle.
Shouji Mezou – Mineta should not be trying to get people to eat socks. You should not be helping him.
Shuuzenji Chiyo – "The little shit had it coming" is not an excuse for refusing to heal a student, even if they did have it coming.
Sirius – Please refrain from lashing out at Harry Potter jokes. You knew exactly what you were getting into when you chose that name.
Sir Nighteye – Plus do not leave your All Might body pillow out in the open. Midoriya doesn't need any more ideas.
Snipe – Your active hours cannot only be "high noon".
Sousaki Shino – While on my campus, you follow my rules. Stop telling the children that anarchy is an option to alumni.
Takeyama Yuu – There is no law stating that you and Ashido have to watch "Monsters vs. Aliens" together. You should not be telling her otherwise.
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu – There is nothing you or I can do to stop people from adding a "Tetsu" or two to your name. Learn to live with it.
Todoroki Enji – I have no say in the sort of activities the students partake in after school hours. Thus, should your son wish to gather a bunch of his classmates and egg his own house while you're away, I'm afraid there is little I can do to stop him. What a shame.
Todoroki Fuyumi – While I understand that you are happy that your youngest brother has begun socially connecting with his classmates, I have to ask that you not treat this as though it is his sixth birthday. Please stop showing up carrying pink cupcakes with hearts and smiley faces.
Todoroki Shouto – As amusing as it is to watch you infuriate your father, I must ask you not to break any laws. If you do, I will be able to stop you, and that is not something either of us desires. Full steam ahead (but only legally)!
Toga Himiko – Whether or not your hips are honest is none of my concern. Yours hips, as well as the rest of you, are not allowed on school grounds. Please stop flirting with/trying to stab my students.
Tokage Setsuna – If you are responsible for the creation of Hatsume's velociraptor, then you are also responsible for any damages in causes.
Tokoyami Fumikage – If you stand around dramatically on the roof, people will laugh if/when you fall. They will be justified in doing so.
Toogata Mirio – I understand that you are sick of Tintin jokes. I expect you to understand that Recovery Girl is sick of fixing broken noses.
Tsuburaba Kousei – Stop stalking Todoroki. I don't care if you're only doing it to protect him from the press, stalking is still stalking.
Tsuchikawa Ryuuko – You are thirty-one years old. Do not flirt with teenagers.
Tsunotori Pony – If Monoma tells you how to say something, double check with someone in your class first.
Uraraka Ochako – Please do not try and convince your classmates to refer to All Might as "Dad-sensei". Please also refrain from convincing them to refer to Midoriya Inko as "Mom". Please also stop trying to hook them up.
Yagi Toshinori – Do not encourage your students' delusions of grandeur, whether it's Bakugou claiming to be invincible or Midoriya claiming to be some sort of sex god.
Yamada Hizashi – Stop encouraging Jirou to annoy people with music. Stop helping her annoy people with music.
Yanagi Reiko – I am going to assume that you are the reason several people think the third floor girls' bathroom is haunted. You are not Toire no Hanako-san. Stop it.
Yaoyorozu Momo – I am legally obligated to advise you that providing Todoroki Shouto and his cohorts with eggs is, while not illegal, frowned upon. That said, so long as you can prove that you don't know what they're using them for, there's really nothing anyone can do to stop you from "feeding eggs to your hungry friends". Also, if Shigaraki Tomura appears and informs you that he refuses to be arrested unless it's with fuzzy pink handcuffs, do not feel obligated to provide them.
AN: That's chapter one! I won't be able to post it 'till later, so I'll write something else in the meantime… For those of you who don't know, "Toire no Hanako-san" (or "Ms. Hanako of the Toilet) is a Japanese spirit who was murdered in a bathroom and now haunts them. There are a few interpretations of her, but I'm just referencing her here. Lastly, don't expect this to make any sense. It's solely for shits and giggles. PWP ("puns without plot"), if you will. Anyhow, let me know what you think, and I'll see you next time! Kitty out.
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topfygad · 5 years
Around the World in 80 Hours
“Let’s make a wager,” stated my grandpa, William Foxx.
This specific wager began as all our different bets had — within the den.
It was February 29, a bissextile year, and we would simply completed consuming dinner with Gran. My grandfather, Pops, in his typical worn armchair, was nearly to settle in to certainly one of his books for the night.
“What’s that you simply’re studying,” I requested him.
“Jules Verne,” he answered, lifting the guide for me to see.
“Across the World in 80 days,” I learn. “Is that how lengthy it might take you to journey the world whenever you had been younger?” I requested jokingly. Pops was a pilot by my age.
“I am not that outdated, Phil,” he stated, “however in my day it wasn’t almost as easy to fly as it’s as we speak — planes did not fly themselves like they do now. It was an honour to even be a passenger, males dressed of their Sunday finest.”
“Humorous how shortly issues change,” I stated. “I wager as we speak you could possibly make it all over the world in Eight days, and you could possibly do all of it in sweats, surviving off of pre-packaged buns.”
“Are we making bets now?” Pops requested with a raised eyebrow. “In that case, Eight days is simply too simple, Phil. I might fly all over the world in 80 hours, I am certain.”
“I do not assume you need to be flying wherever,” I laughed, “however even then, with check-ins, customs, delays, layovers, there isn’t any means you could possibly do it in simply 80 hours.”
“What are you aware of customs and layovers?” requested Pops defensively. “You have by no means even left London!”
“I do not often argue with former pilots,” I stated, ignoring his jab, “however I do know that you would be able to’t simply hop on a aircraft and circle the globe.”
“Phil, the one strategy to study is to strive,” he stated. After which I knew it was coming, grandpa’s 4 favorite phrases, “Let’s make a wager.”
“I wager that you would be able to make it all over the world in 80 hours, stopping in all of the cities on this guide,” he continued, wagging his tattered paperback within the air.
“And what’s going to we wager? Ice cream cones? Tickets to soccer? I am not a child anymore Pops, there’s nothing you could possibly give me to fly all over the world.”
I’ve seen my grandfather severe solely twice in my life, as soon as whereas my grandmother was sick within the hospital and the opposite time was proper then, within the den.
“I am getting outdated, Phil. I’ve saved my cash through the years and I feel now’s pretty much as good a time as any to present it to you.”
“What are you speaking about?”
“I’ve obtained fairly some huge cash, and should you do that for me, if you can also make it again to London in 80 hours, I am going to give it to you.”
I did not know fairly what to say.
“Properly? What’ll or not it’s?” Pops continued loudly. “Eager to comply with Jules Verne’s route for £2 million?”
“What! Two million kilos? The place the hell… are you mad? Do Mum and Gran learn about this? You’ll be able to’t wager all of it on me!” I argued.
“There’s more cash for them, don’t be concerned. Whenever you get to be my age you discover that you’ve an excessive amount of cash and never sufficient vitality to make use of it. Seeing you lastly fly could be value it,” he stated. And with that it was determined.
“I suppose I am going to give it a go…” I agreed, nonetheless uncertain what to anticipate.
Pops contacted somebody he known as his concierge; his goofy smile was all I noticed for days. I heard mutterings every so often. “No, he’ll discover you,” and “Tall ginger, cannot miss him,” and a somewhat alarming, “In fact he likes whiskey, he is a Foxx!”
I’ve by no means drank whiskey in my life. I felt extra nervous than the time I used to be chosen to present a 20 minute presentation in Mr. Corridor’s sex-ed class.
Lastly, in any case his non-public planning, he known as me into the den to inform me how the journey was to go.
“I’ve purchased your entire tickets, you simply have to choose them up at examine in. This is your flight itinerary. You allow this afternoon and also you get again to London at 7:40 pm March 4th, after 79 hours of journey. It ought to take you about an hour to get again house, so let’s meet right here within the den at precisely 8:40, that’ll be our 80 hour mark.”
This was a real Flightfox contest. The successful knowledgeable was ‘Scibuff’ whose itinerary circled the world, stopping at Jules Verne’s authentic 80 Days locations in precisely 79 hours and all for a value of solely $2,039.
“Phil…”, he grinned. “You are able to do this.”
I glanced over the pages he handed me, full of numbers, names, dates and occasions. It was all gibberish. I remembered a couple of locations the characters travelled to within the novel — India with the elephants and America with the circus. My thoughts was racing however hovered on the sobering actuality that there was no backing out now.
“What? What if I miss certainly one of my flights, or..err, what if a flight is delayed, or there’s site visitors getting house. What occurs after 80 hours?” I stumbled, mad at myself for displaying Pops how nervous I actually was.
“Do not get caught up with ‘what ifs,’” Pops exclaimed, “Be assured, belief in your self and in others, and most of all, have just a little enjoyable!”
“Pops, that does not even try to reply my query, what if I actually cannot make it?”
“No extra of this garbage. Now you higher rush off,” he stated. “By the best way, I’ve known as a couple of mates of mine, folks I met whereas travelling, and I would like you to fulfill them alongside the best way. Don’t fret,” he stated as he noticed my frightened face, “they’re going to enable you alongside. I’ve given you a couple of clues that will help you discover them.”
Clues, mates, 80 hours of flying. I could not see how this could finish properly. I wanted somebody who knew about flying (or assembly folks) to return alongside. Abruptly, I considered simply the individual, “Can I deliver a buddy, Pops?”
“Alright, my boy. However there isn’t any time to waste, your aircraft takes off in a couple of hours,” he stated.
After handing me the primary clue and my flight data, I gave him a fast hug goodbye and stated, “Thanks, Pops, see you in 80 hours.”
However that was the final time I ever noticed my grandfather.
I arrived at Heathrow airport a couple of hours later, with my buddy Tomas in tow.
It did not take lengthy to persuade Tomas to return alongside, it truly did not take any convincing in any respect. Tomas was a self-proclaimed “elite” frequent flyer and I figured having him by my aspect would assist with navigating airports and international international locations just a little higher. And as he stated, this journey will get him “heaps of qualifying miles, sufficient to realize Gold elite standing.” No matter that meant.
We every had a knapsack and a passport. I had by no means truly used my passport, however Pops insisted I at all times have one helpful, simply in case. I appear to be an absolute twat in my photograph, it was taken almost 4 years in the past, within the peak of my zits part. With my freckles and purple hair I regarded just like the gawky offspring of Carrot High or Ronald Mcdonald.
Tomas’ passport photograph, however, regarded like an expert head-shot, no airbrushing required. It was taken a couple of months earlier, and along with his child face and brown curly hair he regarded like a kind of younger boy-band pop stars.
We walked as much as the British Airways ticket counter and requested to check-in for our first vacation spot, Cairo.
The person behind the counter took my passport and began typing.
“Hmm, it says right here you are booked for Rome this afternoon, leaving at 12:40pm, not Cairo,” he defined, turning the pc monitor so we might see.
“Alright, check-in for Rome it’s,” confirmed Tomas, earlier than I had an opportunity to say something. “We’ll take one other ticket together with it for me,” he stated sliding his bank card throughout the counter.
“What are you doing, we’re purported to go to Cairo?”
“Loosen up, that is what your grandfather booked for us. Have some religion in your outdated man!”
“I hope you already know what you are doing,” I stated.
“Haven’t the foggiest,” he fired again.
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“It says it should take a minute to translate,” stated my buddy Tomas, as we sat in Heathrow airport awaiting our flight. He held his telephone as much as the very first clue from my grandpa and waited for it to translate.
The search wheel on Tomas’ telephone disappeared and ‘312 | RNM’ appeared as a substitute. The clue was initially written in Arabic in line with the magic app Tomas downloaded.
“Is {that a} postal code or a password to one thing?” I requested.
“Let me examine,” replied Tomas. Even with out his laptop Tomas at all times discovered a solution to every little thing. After a couple of minutes of looking out on his telephone he discovered that it was a license plate, “A taxi plate in Cairo. The proprietor’s title is Karim Hassan.”
“You’ll find all that on-line?” I requested.
“Properly, you are not purported to,” he answered, “however you’ll be able to.” Tomas switched his telephone to airplane mode. “Time to board.”
Tomas sat down in his airplane seat as if he had been sitting on his personal sofa, it appeared second nature to him. For some cause he did not appear to ask too many questions. However I had heaps of them.
“Alright, so we have seven cities to go to earlier than we get again to London — Cairo, Mumbai, Calcutta, Hong Kong, Tokyo, San Francisco and New York. Pops stated there is a buddy in every metropolis, in order that’s seven mates, certainly one of them has obtained to be this taxi man, Karim one thing. He’ll in all probability give us a clue to the subsequent individual after which I felt sick. My abdomen was in knots, “wait…why are we even going to Rome!?”
“Loosen up. We’re simply following the trail your grandfather designed,” reassured Tomas. “Rome is on the best way to Cairo, it is in all probability only a quicker route.”
The aircraft began shifting ahead, driving alongside the runway. “It is similar to a bus,” I assumed, “a really massive, flying bus.”
I felt stress on each side of my head, hugging my ears like earmuffs, because the aircraft ascended into the sky.
“And so, the 80 hour race all over the world begins,” stated Tomas with a smile.
“What are you doing? You are not supposed to make use of your telephone up right here!” I requested, jerking my head in direction of Tomas’ telephone, which he was busy typing on.
Tomas, in a technological trance did not trouble lifting his head, “Cool it, there’s wifi. I am telling a few of my mates what we’re as much as.”
“What do you imply, what we’re as much as?”
“I posted your story on Hacker Information, in regards to the wager to fly all over the world in 80 hours,” he stated.
“Hacker Information?” I questioned aloud.
“It is a information discussion board for tech guys,” Tomas stated with a smile.
And that is all he’d say for the remainder of the flight. He was misplaced in his digital dialogue. I watched as he saved refreshing the webpage. The phrases ‘Across the World in 80 Hours’ posted by ‘Scibuff’, which I guessed was Tomas’ username, continued to ascend the checklist of posts ordered by reputation. It sat subsequent to the primary spot, and though I did not notice it on the time, hundreds of individuals all over the world had been studying about our journey, deciding whether or not or not they thought it was attainable.
I hadn’t truthfully determined myself.
When the plane touched down I lastly loosened my grip on the armrest. The flight had no turbulence, no delays, and we had been even forward of schedule, however I nonetheless could not kick this anxious feeling. Would I miss a flight? Would I miss certainly one of Pops’ mates? I used to be enjoying the what if sport Pops hated a lot, so I took a deep breath and targeted on what was subsequent — attending to Egypt, our first cease.
As quickly as we had been off the aircraft Tomas and I sprinted in direction of the ticket desk to get our subsequent ticket. I remembered from the itinerary that I used to be flying with EgyptAir.
“We’ve got a ticket right here for a Philip Foxx headed to Mumbai, India, is that appropriate?” requested the person behind the counter.
“Oh lord, why couldn’t Pops have booked tickets to the locations we truly must go,” I stated.
The EgyptAir flight to Mumbai stopped in Cairo. Tomas gave me a 101 lesson in studying a flight itinerary on the aircraft so I might study the distinction between a cease and a stopover. Thriller solved! I spent the flight going over our locations so I had it clear in my thoughts.
I used to be starting to achieve just a little confidence about the entire thing. I figured I used to be going to be one worldly man in any case of this–what woman does not wish to hear about unique locales?
Abruptly, the aircraft hit a wave of turbulence on its descent. Every dip the aircraft took shook out no matter confidence I had gained. I used to be immediately again to being the thin, nervous boy who had by no means even had a girlfriend.
“Phil, are you alright? You are turning inexperienced,” seen Tomas.
“Mmhm,” I mumbled and had simply sufficient time to succeed in for the barf bag within the seat flap in entrance of me earlier than I used to be re-introduced to my in-flight complimentary pretzels.
We bounced onto strong floor and my abdomen launched its final twist and groan.
“Are you prepared to seek out that clue?” Tomas requested. “Have you ever memorized that license plate quantity?”
“In fact.” In truth, I would forgotten all in regards to the first clue.
Tomas provided to trace down the cab driver’s whereabouts. He immediately whipped out his telephone and beginning typing away — he regarded like a mad scientist. For somebody that is aware of every little thing, he certain did not know Pops very properly. I knew that he would not make issues too exhausting for me.
“I’ll examine exterior the airport the place the cabs park. I will be again in a couple of.” I had a powerful feeling that if I used to be seen, my grandfather’s buddy and the subsequent clue would come straight for me.
“Okay. I’ll keep by the aircraft and attempt to stall in case you don’t make it again on time,” Tomas advised.
There wasn’t a lot time to debate, so I nodded and ran off in search of the taxi.
I used to be satisfied it would not be exhausting to find the cab — till I stepped exterior the airport.
I would by no means seen such a scene in my complete life. It was a mosh pit of honking cabs. They had been aggressive, they had been writhing like bugs enclosed in a jar, and a part of me was intrigued by them. I used to be steps away from the acquainted airport, however I felt transported to a different world. I might have stood there expecting hours. Everybody’s means gave the impression to be the appropriate of means, but someway, one after the other, the cabs had been capable of escape the jam and make their means out of the taxi pick-up zone and on to the streets of Cairo.
I did the one factor I might consider to seek out the cab: I thrust myself from the security of the curb and hit the strip operating. I started weaving by way of the automobiles, squinting on the plates as I handed.
“312, 312, 312, the place are you?”
Drivers honked much more — one thing that appeared unimaginable — and their yelling voices elevated in depth. Every time I peered right down to learn a license plate, I used to be met with disappointment. There was no different choice, the place might this taxi be?
I watched as some safety guards began to note me, prepared to pull me away from the site visitors I used to be angering. However there was no different means, the automobile needed to be someplace on this infestation.
That is after I was knocked over.
I could not fairly inform what had occurred. I felt as if a procuring cart full of cement rolled into me. I fell onto my aspect, hitting the pavement exhausting. I used to be in shock greater than something.
As I attempted to rise up I seen the acquainted numbers, “312” accompanied by some script. The cab I used to be in search of simply hit me! I knew Pop’s buddy would come straight for me, I simply did not assume it might be fairly so literal.
The safety guards had been speeding over now, weaving by way of the cabs, however I used to be shortly hoisted up by the driving force who stated one thing to them in Arabic and so they slunk again to their posts.
“Are you damage?” he requested. “I am so sorry, the cab behind me hit my bumper and abruptly there was this crazed pale boy proper in entrance of my cab — what a strategy to meet, proper?!” he stated with a chuckle.
I do not assume I smiled efficiently, however I attempted. My fingers had been trembling.
“You are all shaken up. Come sit down,” he stated, this time extra sympathetically.
The taxi driver was a few foot shorter than me and his again curled ahead in a everlasting hunch. He fiddled with the nobs on his damaged radio and brushed some mud off the dashboard compulsively earlier than serving to me into the cab to take a seat down.
“I am your grandpa’s buddy, Karim, by the best way.” The Egyptian’s wild eyes flashed to the dashboard clock — it was 10:45 pm. “Appears to be like such as you’re operating late in your subsequent flight.”
His laboured method, and the truth that he almost ran me over, made me really feel unwelcome. I had about half an hour till the subsequent aircraft took off, Tomas was probably already boarding, I wanted to get out of there.
I assured Karim I used to be nice and he searched his cluttered backseat for my subsequent clue. I doubted he’d discover it amid the mess of Styrofoam cups and crinkled luggage however after a couple of seconds of scrabbling about he handed me a slip of paper, saying, “Okay, now go catch your aircraft! Customs will be nasty at this place. Oh, and good assembly you, Phil!” I heard as I closed the cab door. I jogged again contained in the airport, attempting to wrap my thoughts round what had simply occurred.
I used to be so off form that after solely a minute of jogging I used to be out of breath, puffing out my final reserves of air. I raced across the nook nearing the departure gate and slammed straight right into a safety guard. One thing exhausting jabbed into my aspect as I collided into the hulk of a person. Connected to the largest man I’ve ever seen was the largest gun I’ve ever seen.
With a tilt of his head, he scanned me from prime to backside. No questions requested, the person grabbed my arm, squeezing it like a blood stress cuff, and led me off in the other way.
I sat in an empty chilly room with a number of different unhappy wanting travellers. The safety guard requested to see my passport and advised me I couldn’t depart the room with out paying. These anti-bullying adverts from major faculty jogged my memory to at all times give in; dropping your lunch cash is at all times higher than gaining a black eye and post-traumatic stress dysfunction. I felt this man might kill me with a sneeze. I reached into my pocket and fished out no matter money I had.
“What is that this?” requested the guard, left eyebrow raised.
“20 quid, you stated I needed to pay,” I answered.
“I would like {dollars}. US {dollars}.”
“However I am from the UK, I don’t have any. I’ve by no means even touched a greenback invoice.”
“Then you should keep right here,” the guard grunted, and he left the room.
I used to be relieved to have the beast out of my sight, till I glanced down on the time on my telephone. I solely had twelve minutes earlier than the aircraft would take off! Shit!
For 3 lengthy minutes I waited, standing in a single spot, wanting on the different travellers for some indication of how lengthy I would be there. Their grim faces painted an eternity. I made a decision I needed to kick down the door and run.
Virtually as quickly as I had visions of bursting by way of the door and operating to freedom, the door flew open and one other safety officer walked in. The brand new guard, of cheap dimension, requested for my title and passport and briefly checked out my papers. He let me go with none rationalization. Phew.
I had no clue what simply occurred however I wasn’t going to stay round to seek out out. The aircraft was taking off in 5 minutes!
As I ran in direction of the gate, I used to be compelled to cease quick. There was an extended line of individuals ready to scan their luggage earlier than passing by way of to the gates and I used to be on the finish of it.
The road inched ahead. Because the moments previous, I might really feel the defeat setting in. It was 11:02, three minutes earlier than the flight was set to take off.
What if I’ve blown this complete factor already? I assumed as I fidgeted within the queue. However then I considered Pops’ phrases, “Do not get caught up with ‘what ifs’. Be assured…”
“Excuse me,” I known as out, pushing by way of the road, “My flight is leaving proper now.” To the dismay of each different individual in line, however to my shock, I used to be allowed to go by way of the scanner forward of the road. “Thanks, thanks, thanks,” I shouted as I sprinted in direction of my gate.
Once I obtained there it was empty besides for a lady who had clearly lengthy since completed scanning the tickets.
“I must get on this flight!” I advised her frantically, interrupting her software of lipgloss “This is my ticket, please do not inform me I am too late.”
“Phil!”, I heard Tomas name my title.
Whereas I used to be getting mowed down by my Grandfather’s weirdo buddy Karim, Tomas was ensuring the flight did not take off with out me.
“Let me off, let me off!!” screamed Tomas earlier from onboard, stumbling by way of the aisle in direction of the exit.
A plump flight attendant with the title tag ‘Marge’ was blocking him up forward.
“I must get off this aircraft proper now,” he continued. His voice at simply the appropriate pitch to begin worrying the opposite passengers.
With a cool, skilled air, she escorted him to the closest galley and requested him what was unsuitable.
“I… I’m claustrophobic, I want some air,” he lied. It was the one factor he might consider to stall the aircraft with out placing him on the no-fly checklist. In that second I wager he was grateful for these two weeks he spent at theatre camp when he was eight.
Tomas was ushered out of the aircraft and into the jet bridge by Marge, whose reassuring manner by no means wavered.
“What occurs to somebody after they’re claustrophobic?” he thought. He clutched his abdomen, then his throat, then his head. He had no thought what he was doing, or extra importantly, the place the hell I used to be.
That is when he heard my determined plea, “I must get on this flight. This is my ticket, please do not inform me I am too late.”
“Phil!” he shouted.
I might hear him operating again up the jet bridge.
I would by no means been so blissful to see that child face.
“That is my mate who I am travelling with,” I stated to the girl unwilling to scan my ticket, “Are you able to please let me on?”
At this level, Marge caught up with Tomas and put her hand on his shoulder and stated to the lady, “this one’s with me.”
“And this one’s with me,” Tomas stated, reaching up for my shoulder.
“Alright then, chip chop.” the girl rolled her eyes, defeated.
On the stroll to seats 12A and 12B, Tomas whispered, “Did you meet him?”
“I wouldn’t be right here if I didn’t,” I answered. And we took our seats, prepared for one more leg of our journey.
We sat on the tarmac for half an hour earlier than taking-off. The crew made an announcement saying that we might missed our allotted take-off time and we needed to watch for the planes that had queued up.
Tomas tried to maintain my thoughts off the misplaced time by saying, “Let’s see the clue.”
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“They seem to be a bit predictable at this charge,” he stated, pulling out his telephone to translate the symbols.
“Nice Britain Peninsula Railway,” learn Phil as soon as the picture was scanned and translated.
Tomas did a fast search on his telephone. “Apparently it was the primary railway that immediately linked Mumbai to Calcutta. It has been changed with the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, however there’s some plaque on the wall memorializing the outdated station.”
“That is smart, I used to be questioning why we had 9 hours in Mumbai. We have to go to the practice station to gather the subsequent clue. Possibly there will likely be somebody ready for us by the signal,” I stated.
I am unable to bear in mind which certainly one of us ended the dialog or who fell asleep first, however the subsequent factor I knew I used to be woken up with a pointy blow to my elbow. Breakfast was being served and I had an aisle seat.
The shock of waking up was probably the most disorienting emotions I would ever felt in my life to that time. It felt as if my complete life lagged behind me and it took a minute for the truth of our scenario to catch up.
We’re on a aircraft, headed to India, racing all over the world for £2 million. I reminded myself, however my pleasure was tempered by grogginess, sweat and aches from Karim’s bumper.
As soon as out of the airport we regarded round for the taxi queue.
“You want a cab?” requested a person sipping some sizzling tea.
“We have to get to Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus,” I stated.
“That is Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus,” he stated, not understanding.
“No the practice station,” I responded, oblivious to the truth that the airport and the practice station shared similar names.
“Okay, certain.” He guided us to a white striped automobile and we slid within the again. I shortly seen that every one cabs — irrespective of the place on the earth — scent precisely the identical.
Tomas rolled his head to the aspect and fell asleep virtually immediately. I regarded out the window and for the primary time felt a surge of vitality. Every little thing in regards to the metropolis was completely different from London. The colors had been brighter, the faces friendlier, the air thick with a heat fully international to me. I forgot I used to be in a race and easily sat and loved the view.
I watched because the streets narrowed and crowds of automobiles thinned. Abruptly, we pulled over in entrance of a shabby memento store and the driving force obtained out.
He opened my door, “You store.”
“No, sorry we do not need any souvenirs, we have to get to the terminus,” I stated. “Tomas get up, assist me.”
Tomas was truly smiling. “That is regular, they do it to get some kind of fee from the store homeowners. We simply should browse round after which we are able to depart. It will solely take 5 minutes.”
Reluctantly we walked by way of the store. There was a musty scent and I doubted the store proprietor had purchased something new for his storefront previously 5 years.
There have been tiny ants crawling over the hanging shirts, bins of fusty scarves and collectible figurines caked with mud. I could not see a factor I needed to purchase.
After a couple of lengthy minutes we walked out. “Okay, we have now to get to the practice station now,” I stated to the driving force. He obtained again into his cab with out saying a factor. He regarded upset.
“Possibly we should always have purchased a keychain,” Tomas whispered.
I had a nasty feeling. The cab driver was turning down so many small streets and making too many U-turns. I did not know the place we had been headed however I assumed possibly Tomas was proper.
We obtained right into a heavy little bit of site visitors and our cab stopped lifeless for a strong twelve minutes. There will need to have been an accident forward as a result of folks had been strolling out of their cabs and thru the streets.
“Terminus simply forward. You get out right here. This avenue. There,” he stated pointing ahead.
We each obtained out of the cab, paid our fare, and walked down the road within the route he motioned. At first we had been relieved he allow us to stroll, however as quickly as we realized that nothing resembling a practice station was in sight, we began to fret.
“Excuse me, the place is the practice terminus?” Tomas requested a neighborhood close by.
After a couple of head shakes and shoulder shrugs, and even a girl who needed to take images of us together with her daughter, we lastly obtained a response. “Oh very far. That means,” she stated, pointing within the route we got here.
Only for good measure, we requested another person. “You could take taxi, half hour.”
I used to be past irritated. We hailed one other cab and obtained into the again seat. We sat in silence because it putted in direction of the terminus, jammed in perpetual gridlock.
“Uh, I feel we’re headed again to the airport, mate,” stated Tomas after we would been sitting behind the cab for what appeared like ages.
In fact, he was proper. I began to acknowledge a number of the buildings and streets exterior from after we left the airport, and I used to be stabbed with panic.
“We’ll Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus practice station proper?” I requested.
“No practice. Airport, sure,” stated the driving force.
“No, not the airport, we wish to go to the practice station!” I yelled furiously.
“Okay, okay.” In an abrupt swoop he looped round into site visitors so we had been headed again the best way we got here.
“Jesus!” I stated, after having a gentle coronary heart assault.
“Take three,” Tomas stated calmly.
I could not inform you how lengthy it took to get again to the very same spot the place we sat in site visitors the primary time, even with our insane taxi driver. He weaved by way of bikes, automobiles and scooters with out ever shifting his head. His rear view mirrors had been folded into the automobile and he did not appear to make any full stops. It was a nauseating experience to the practice station, and as quickly as we might see the huge constructing forward of us we made our means on foot.
The second we stepped contained in the constructing I used to be met with little aid from the chaos. It regarded as if there have been extra folks in that station than the whole inhabitants of London. Discovering the small monument felt unimaginable. I did not fairly know the place to start.
After our expertise with the cab drivers we did not actually belief anybody’s recommendation when it got here to instructions, so we went in search of the monument on our personal, choosing a route at random.
After operating across the station for what appeared like a lifetime, we lastly gave up being unbiased and requested everybody we might the place it was, however nobody knew what we had been speaking about.
There was quite a lot of swearing, quite a lot of circling, however lastly we discovered the plaque.
Now what?
It was only a signal on the wall. Tomas tapped it, half anticipating it to spring again like one thing in an Indiana Jones movie, however nothing occurred.
“Possibly we should always ask her,” I stated, gesturing in direction of a woman on the makeshift data desk behind us.
And so we waited within the queue.
I seen the lady behind the counter regarded chilly and stern, with skinny lips and coarse black hair slicked tightly again in a knot. Every buyer who walked away from her desk regarded extra sad than the final. She was a brick wall of unresponsiveness, unwilling to supply returns or refunds and pointing to different strains and repair representatives for data she refused to share. That is pointless, I assumed.
Then it was my flip. Virtually instantly it was as if a masks was lifted from her face.
“Phil,” the lady behind the counter stated, the mild tone she spoke with appeared like a ventriloquist trick. “Glad to see you. I am Parvati.”
“I am guessing you already know my grandpa, however how do you know who I’m?” I requested, realizing it was the identical for Karim again in Egypt.
“You are fairly simple to identify,” she stated. And with my peak and ginger hair she was proper, I used to be attracting fairly a couple of stares.
She handed me an envelope. “Sorry I am unable to chat, there is a queue,” she stated, nodding to the folks ready behind me. “However good luck.”
I squeezed away from the knowledge counter and ripped open the envelope. Inside was a boarding go to Calcutta. It was set to depart at 5:05pm.
“One step nearer, mate,” stated Tomas, “Solely 60 hours to go!”
“Sirs, Sirs, please,” known as out a person on the practice station as we had been set to go away. “Want you for Bollywood film. Good-looking boys such as you, excellent. We pay!” He grabbed my arm and began pulling me within the different route. I had a flashback to the guard in Egypt and shuddered.
“No thanks,” I stated, instinctively. Tomas on the opposite had began asking him questions.
“What sort of movie?” he requested first.
“Huge film, very highly regarded. Meet massive Bollywood stars,” the person stated.
“We do not have a lot time, can we do it shortly?” he requested.
“Sure very quick, very shut. One hour, very quick. We pay 500 rupees.”
“Why not?” Tomas stated, grinning at me for a solution.
“Why not? Are you severe?” I stated, “We do not know this man, what if he steals our cash and drives us within the unsuitable route?” I ask, bewildered by Tomas’ pleasure.
Tomas was having none of it, “We have seen some shady characters to date, however they don’t seem to be all dangerous. Simply have some enjoyable, it’s going to be a great story for after we get again. And we have now heaps of time.”
I knew I would not win this one, so we adopted the person out of the station and into yet one more taxi.
I had a couple of stabs of worry when the cab experience lasted longer than half an hour, however my nerves calmed down after I acknowledged a number of the identical buildings close to the airport. From what I gathered we had been solely ten minutes away from our aircraft if we wanted a fast getaway.
As quickly as we walked into the airport Hyatt Lodge, the place the film was being filmed, we acquired VIP passes and had been each ushered right into a room with a buffet desk. I did not notice till that second how hungry I used to be for non-packaged meals.
We stuffed our faces with crispy samosas and sizzling curries, abugobi and dahl, alongside different dishes I could not pronounce. Every little thing was scrumptious, I virtually obtained full from simply their scent. It was a full twenty minutes earlier than we began questioning why nobody had come again to get us. I used to be deliberating whether or not to seize yet one more samosa and inform Tomas we’re heading to the airport when our new “supervisor”, the person from the station, swiftly led us into the dressing rooms.
There have been racks of clothes arrange in outlandishly vibrant colors and ladies able to do our hair and make-up. Tomas and I had been pulled in reverse instructions, he to garments, I to make-up.
I sat down in a chair with my again to the mirror.
The lady grabbed a chunk of what regarded like dental floss and got here in direction of my face. Earlier than I might ask what she was doing there was a pointy ache between my eyes, as if I would been jabbed within the nostril. I instantly began tearing up.
“Bloody hell! What’s that?” I screamed.
“Eyebrows,” she stated, wanting unhappy and shocked.
“No eyebrows,” I stated. I by no means thought I would should say that in my life. Tomas was laughing at me, however he did not look too significantly better.
He had stepped into some vibrant orange pants and was slipping an extended dress-like robe over his head.
She labored on my face after which whipped me round to indicate me the completed product. She’d darkened my eyebrows, someway lightened my already translucent pores and skin, added eyeliner and glued a gem to my brow.
“Ravishing,” I stated sarcastically, however she had no clue what I meant.
We had been bustled round for one more whereas, then we watched as one other group of younger vacationers got here in and obtained all dolled up for the scene.
“So what do we have now to do?” I requested Tomas, “We do not even know what kind of film that is, what if it is an grownup movie?”
“Come on, that is India. Have not you ever seen a Bollywood film?”
We came upon from the others that they’d come right here by alternative, it was a kind of bundle tour for vacationers. And after chatting with everybody within the room, which was a grand complete of 5, I used to be getting antsy.
“We higher depart,” I advised Tomas, “We do not have time to movie, it is already been ages.” However as issues at all times do, that was simply the second we had been escorted onto the set.
Within the scene we had been purported to be at a marriage and we had been divided into teams to study a number of the choreography. We needed to step proper, leap left with lotus arms, clap — one thing like that. I regarded like an fool, however Tomas was choosing it up like a champ. They even gave him a line within the film and put him within the entrance row of the dance quantity.
I might inform this was some kind of secret want Tomas had, however I did not wish to tease him about it whereas he regarded so ridiculous in his outfit, I figured I would wait till we had been on the aircraft.
The aircraft! What time is it?! I assumed. There weren’t any clocks round and I wasn’t allowed my telephone on set.
I walked over to the bin the place the telephones had been held and checked the time, 4:35pm.
Tomas was on display screen, saying his line, after I ran over and grabbed him.
“We have to depart now!”
He did not want a proof.
With everybody calling after us, we stripped our garments off, shortly wearing our personal, and ran out of the lodge.
“Airport, Please,” we each stated after we sat contained in the cab. “Hurry.”
We had 14 minutes to get on our aircraft.
I ran to the airport monitor right away to see if our flight took off already.
There, the phrase “delayed” gleamed angelically subsequent to our flight quantity. It was delayed by half an hour.
It was a bloody miracle.
One thing got here alive within me, a newfound confidence, a confidence that Pop’s could be happy with. I grabbed Tomas and pulled him in direction of the IndiGo Airline check-in space.
We obtained to our gate after they had been calling the ultimate boarding and walked straight onto the aircraft. I used to be ecstatic that we had made it aboard, however someway knew we might all alongside. As mad as I used to be at myself for dropping observe of time, I could not assist however really feel the frenzy of attending to the aircraft simply in time. It virtually appeared as if the aircraft was ready only for us the entire time.
Not lengthy after the seatbelt signal flickered off, one of many airline stewardesses approached me and stated, “The pilot wish to converse with you within the galley. Please comply with me.”
As quickly as I noticed the pilot, who regarded as if he ought to have retired years in the past, I used to be met with an enthusiastic roar.
“Phileas Foxx,” he introduced in a raspy voice match for radio, “I used to be beginning to assume you’d by no means make it on the aircraft. I needed to take an additional jiffy smoking my pipe to delay the flight.”
“You held up the aircraft?” I requested.
“In fact, I am betting on you! Fairly the chunk of change too,” the outdated man stated candidly. “Not everybody can stall a aircraft for you, you already know. It is best to try to be extra punctual.” The person laughed, which shortly was a hole cough.
He launched himself as Jasper and we chatted for fairly some time about how he knew Pops. Apparently my Pops had been making bets lengthy earlier than I used to be born.
“We almost misplaced all of it again in ’72, do not inform Gloria!” the person stated.
Gloria? It was odd to listen to Gran’s title like that, it made her appear much less like grandma.
Apparently he and Pops labored collectively at British Airways.
“However what are you doing flying this little aircraft all the best way in India?” I requested.
“British Airways is for younger pilots, nobody desires an outdated man flying a aircraft. Properly, nobody besides IndiGo, bless ’em,” he stated wanting as much as the roof of the aircraft.
“Why are you continue to flying? Pops retired years in the past,” I requested, I wasn’t certain the place my curiosity was coming from.
“Flying is not only a job, boy, it is your life. If it weren’t for flying, I, I…” he trailed off into silence. He sounded precisely like Pops when he talked about flying.
“However wait, should you’re right here speaking to me, who’s flying the aircraft?” I requested, realizing how lengthy we would been talking.
“Ah sure, my co-pilot will likely be questioning the place I’m, I higher head off. It was a pleasure to fulfill you, son. You appear to be a great child. Oh, and bear in mind, my cash is on you for the win.” he stated with a wink, handing over the subsequent clue.
I accepted the envelope however wasn’t capable of say a lot as a thanks earlier than I used to be ushered again to my seat by one of many flight attendants. The seatbelt signal had turned again on.
I opened the envelope to discover a {photograph} of Pops when he was simply beginning out as a pilot. It regarded as if he was in an Asian airport someplace, along with his arm wrapped across the shoulder of a younger man with an airline title tag that learn ‘Yu Lin.’
I flipped the photograph over and on the again there have been two small Chinese language symbols.
I felt my ears pop and I knew we had been descending.
As soon as the aircraft landed Tomas and I took seats in the primary terminal and Tomas switched on his telephone to translate the clue.
“Properly that is fairly obscure now is not it?” he stated when he noticed the interpretation.
However I wasn’t paying consideration. I switched on my telephone and noticed that I had twenty three messages and ten voicemails. One thing was unsuitable.
It solely takes an instantaneous for panic to smother all of the senses, and in that second I used to be gone. I used to be reminded of my outdated nightmares, after I first moved in with Gran and Pops when my Gran obtained sick. I’d fall asleep each night time afraid she’d depart us. The worry gripped my torso, squeezing me like a tube of toothpaste till tears got here spilling out of my eyes. “She will be able to’t go,” I would mutter in my sleep, and I would get up counting the seconds till my coronary heart caught up with my thoughts and discovered it was all only a dream.
A telephone name from my mum got here virtually immediately.
“What’s unsuitable, what’s occurred?” I requested, fearing the worst.
Her voice was shattered, I knew she was attempting exhausting to carry again the tears.
“The place on the earth are you? We have been attempting to succeed in you for hours?”
“Don’t fret mum, every little thing is okay.”
“No sweetie,” she stated by way of her tears, “It is Not. It is Pops. He had a coronary heart assault.”
I sat speechless, feeling my very own coronary heart had stopped.
“What? Why? How? What occurred? Is he okay?”
“He is gone, love…” She saved speaking however these are the one phrases I heard.
He is gone.
The clock stopped. The countdown ended. I misplaced management of my arms, legs and fingers and simply let the tidal wave of feeling take me over.
I needed mum and Gran to be with me so I might maintain them and say it was going to be okay. I needed to inform somebody it was all proper, however I could not say it in my very own thoughts. It wasn’t okay. It bloody properly wasn’t all proper that Pops was gone. He could not have achieved this to me, not now.
Tomas was speaking, taking a look at me for solutions, however I used to be having bother getting air into my lungs. I might solely absorb actually quick breaths. The room was spinning and my imaginative and prescient was hazy. I feel I used to be having a panic assault. I do not bear in mind ever feeling that means in my complete life.
I should not have left him. I should not have taken the silly wager within the first place. I felt all my unhappiness, ache, disgrace and guilt all blended up into one. Swallowing was a shot that burned on the best way down.
“I must go house,” I managed to say. “The silly race is over.”
Tomas grabbed my telephone. I would forgotten about my mum whereas I used to be having a psychological collapse. He spoke together with her for a minute about what occurred and defined the place we had been and what we had been doing.
In that second there was nothing round me that I might cling onto. Seconds and phrases and the folks round me slipped by and I could not grasp any of them tightly sufficient to comply with them ahead in time. I used to be caught previously. Caught listening to phrases in my thoughts I would heard earlier than. Mum’s “He is gone” Pop’s “Let’s make a wager.” I could not cease listening to them in my head.
“Sorry, I am so sorry.” I wasn’t certain if it was my very own ideas or not. It turned out to be Tomas repeating the phrases.
“We’ll should go house,” I stated.
“Completely, no matter you need, sit down, I am going to get you a glass of water.” Tomas walked over to the water fountain and filled-up his crinkled bottle.
He gave me some time to catch my breath, however then he stated, “I do know you wish to be again house with your loved ones proper now, however I feel we should always preserve going.”
Seeing my eyes widen, he continued, “Hear me out. Your Pops needed you to journey greater than something, it was a very powerful factor for him. He was in all probability blissful he lived to see you fly to a different nation, regardless of every little thing. In the event you depart now, each time you look again on this journey you may really feel that very same feeling you do now, you may hate your self for ever leaving as a result of it was all for nothing. In the event you preserve going, and we make it again in 80 hours, each time you assume again on this journey you may really feel a way of satisfaction understanding that you simply fulfilled his final want.”
I imagined myself at house and Tomas was proper, I would not really feel any higher. If ending this 80-hour wager would assist me eliminate a few of this guilt it was the one choice that made sense. I’d do it for Pops, or the reminiscence of him. I could not let him down.
By the point we checked in and handed by way of safety it was already time to board.
I wasn’t simply drained from the day in India I used to be drained from feeling a lot. I wanted to go away my thoughts and ache behind, so I took a sleep help Tomas had with him and fell into an induced nap.
One of many strongest and most vivid recollections I’ve of the entire journey was my dream on that aircraft. It was not a lot what I noticed or what was stated within the dream, however it was the sensation I had after I awakened. I felt hope.
In my dream I used to be again at house within the den. Pops was there sitting in his chair, wanting precisely as I remembered him, however I knew he was lifeless. Not as a result of he regarded lifeless however as a result of one thing within me had already accepted his passing.
I watched him learn his guide and he seen me are available in. “Again so quickly,” he stated, upset.
“I could not —” I began, however I wasn’t capable of end the sentence. Pops returned his eyes to the pages of his guide and we simply sat collectively within the den with out talking. I saved pondering how alive and properly he regarded for somebody who simply died.
In my dream it made sense to just accept his dying. It appeared so illogical, I questioned, in my oddly lucid dream, why folks get so upset about dying within the first place.
Once I awakened, for one lagging second I felt the identical might apply in actual life. I assumed for the briefest second, It is okay that he is gone, as a result of I can nonetheless see him and converse with him as I at all times have. After which I noticed, that is not how issues work. He is gone — his cheery face, his toothy smile, his crackling voice, his adventurous life, it is all extinguished. And that is after I actually misplaced it.
“He is gone, it is all my fault,” I whimpered, attempting to maintain quiet, however it damage rather less to cry loudly, so I did.
Everybody round me stared at me with disgust. Crying infants had been acceptable however for some Godforsaken cause, I used to be not. Tomas helped me to the washroom, then the galley, however after fifteen minutes I used to be advised by a flight attendant that I used to be upsetting the passengers.
“We’re very sorry in your loss Mr. Foxx, however the passengers are disturbed. If you cannot comprise your self till we land we’ll should take emergency measures.”
I could not pull it collectively, I did not even have the guts to strive. “He is gone. It is over.”
After a number of extra makes an attempt to pacify me, nothing labored. Tomas was politely advised that the aircraft could be making an emergency cease in Guilin the place we might be requested to disembark.
And that solely made me really feel worse.
It was 5:30 within the morning in Guilin after we had been “kindly escorted” from the aircraft. I felt like such an imbecile.
Every little thing was closed. The airport was fully abandoned and we had no strategy to get to Hong Kong. What had I achieved?
We sat in silence till the kiosks opened round 6am. I used to be grateful for the quiet. Tomas by no means even talked about us getting kicked off the flight, nor me blowing this complete factor. That in itself, made me really feel just a little higher.
The subsequent out there flight to Hong Kong left at 6:00 that night. However we needed to get to Hong Kong earlier than 3:30pm to catch our subsequent flight to Tokyo, so we wanted to seek out one other means.
“There must be one thing earlier,” reasoned Tomas.
“There is a struggle at 7:45 this morning and one other at 11:30, however they’re fully booked. I can put you on standby, however there isn’t any assure,” defined the clerk.
“Sure, please do this,” I stated handing over my bank card. However after a second the person behind the counter handed it again to me and stated, “I am sorry, sir, however it’s been declined.” I did some fast calculations and though I would spent some cash, I used to be nowhere close to my restrict.
“Did you inform your financial institution you had been leaving?” Tomas requested me.
“No, ought to I’ve? It was kind of a spur of the second factor, should you do not recall.”
“Yeah, however you have in all probability set off a fraud alert as a result of they know you by no means journey wherever,” Tomas smirked, “I am certain it is exhausting to imagine we paid for one factor in India and one other in China all throughout the identical day.”
“Nevertheless it’s no massive deal,” continued Tomas, “We’ll simply use my card.” And he handed over his flashy Platinum Visa.
There wasn’t a lot we might do however wait. So we sat down on the sterile airport restaurant and had a warm-ish meal.
“Virtually on the half means mark,” I stated. And Tomas simply smiled. “Do they often kick folks off planes for crying?” I requested quietly.
“Not often, in any other case infants could be banned, however I’ve heard of it taking place as soon as earlier than.”
Nice. I questioned if Pops would have been upset or if he’d chortle. I feel he would have laughed. I am certain he was excited to listen to all of the tales of my journey. I felt a tug in my throat.
7:45 am got here and went. We did not make the primary flight. At 11 the subsequent aircraft started boarding, and at 11:17, simply after I’d given up hope, we heard the candy sound of our names on the intercom. We boarded the aircraft inside minutes and took our seats.
I used to be lastly feeling hopeful. The worst is over, I assumed. However boy was I unsuitable.
We arrived in Hong Kong at 1pm. Simply as we disembarked the aircraft I noticed — the clue!
“What was the clue, what did it say?” I requested.
“It simply stated Hong Kong.” revealed Tomas.
“What is the level of that?” I requested. “What a waste of a clue, what a waste of my time.” With a sudden surge of anger I kicked the closest bench.
“Phil don’t do that to your self. That photograph of your Grandpa with the opposite pilot should be a part of the clue too. There’s somebody named Yu Lin ready right here for you, I do know it. We simply have to seek out him. You simply should calm down and belief, like your grandfather needed you to.”
“I have been hit by a automobile, kicked off a aircraft and my grandfather simply died! How am I meant to calm down? This was such a mistake.”
“Do you wish to flip again?” He requested, defeated. The pity in his voice was new to me, I’ve by no means identified him to ever surrender.
“No. Let’s get our subsequent ticket, we’re midway there.” I used to be decided to complete this, even when it price me every little thing.
On the ticket counter for Japan Airways there was a ticket ready for me, to San Francisco, California with a stopover in Japan.
“Oh, sorry. No extra ticket,” stated the lady behind the ticket sales space to Tomas. He had tried to get himself a ticket for a similar flight, however apparently it was full.
“You will should go by yourself, mate,” Tomas stated, taking a look at me with concern.
“There aren’t any different flights?” I requested the lady, who regarded blankly again at me.
“NO OTHER FLIGHTS?” I slowly repeated to her, attempting to masks my annoyance.
At that second a person walked up and stated one thing to her in Mandarin. Judging by her response, he was her superior. The person regarded a lot older, however it was not due to wrinkled pores and skin or greying black hair, it was due to his sensible eyes that regarded proper into me. It took me a second to comprehend this was one other certainly one of Pop’s mates.
“Phil,” he stated in good, unbroken English. “I perceive you are upset and I do not blame you. I am Yu Lin, and I wish to assist. Your grandfather was a superb man and an expensive buddy of mine.”
“You are the one from the photograph” I stated, cooling my mood. I took out the photograph and confirmed the person.
“Wow, this was almost thirty years in the past,” he stated, nostalgic. “It is good to see us again in our prime.”
“I wasn’t certain I would see you right here after what… occurred. I am so sorry.” Yu Lin stated, placing the photograph again down on the counter for me to take. He waited a beat after which stated, “However I feel your grandfather could be very proud. He needed to see you fly greater than something.”
He checked the system and punched a couple of keys, “I am upgrading you to first-class, which is able to open up a seat in coach in your buddy. Listed below are your boarding passes.”
“Thanks,” I stated, feeling guilt over my rudeness only a second in the past. “I actually recognize it.”
We had been about to go away when he stated, “Do not you want your subsequent clue?” He disappeared for a couple of minutes and returned with two passes to a VIP lounge in San Francisco.
“That is our clue? It appears extra like a present,” stated Tomas.
“Properly it is each, I feel you may take pleasure in it,” he stated, “you have earned it.”
I felt higher understanding that I had assist from this man whom Pops known as a buddy. It was an indication, letting me know persevering with on was the appropriate alternative.
We boarded the aircraft and as I took my seat in first-class Tomas continued to the again till he disappeared behind the scenes.
Earlier than we would even taken off I used to be given a heat towel for my face and a drink. For the primary time for the reason that complete journey started I began to agree with the best way Pops at all times described flying. It was luxurious, thrilling and I needed to admit, satisfying.
The minutes ticked by and the aircraft sat nonetheless. Ten, fifteen, twenty. I used to be having fun with the peace and quiet at first, however I used to be getting just a little unnerved. Then the pilot introduced that there was an issue with the engine and we would all should disembark and get onto one other aircraft. Why cannot I catch a break!
After slowly filling up the subsequent aircraft, I took my seat close to the entrance once more. A number of the novelty of first-class had worn off and earlier than we would even taken off I used to be anxious to reach in Tokyo.
After the delay I used to be hyper-aware of how a lot time there was left. I had lower than 33 hours to get house…if we had this a lot bother to date, what would occur subsequent?
“How was first?” requested Tomas as soon as we met up after the flight.
“Pretty much as good as flying can get until you are within the cockpit” I stated. “It will be exhausting to return to teach.”
“Properly I am glad to see you are feeling higher. I will not lie, I am fairly exhausted from all of the flying myself.”
“Good, so it isn’t simply me,” I stated, and we each laughed.
We saved laughing as we waited in line for safety. It was nervous laughter, from being so exhausted, however it felt good to let go.
I lay my backpack on the conveyor to get x-rayed and walked by way of the physique scanner. The purple gentle flashed. An older Asian lady rapidly checked my physique with a handheld steel detector, and though I used to be certain it did not beep I used to be ushered right into a aspect room for “extra examine” as she defined.
As quickly because the door to the closet-like room closed, the lady’s severe expression vanished and he or she wrapped her arms round me, crushing me in a hug.
“I am so sorry in your loss,” she stated. “So so sorry.”
“Thanks?” I stated greatly surprised.
“I am your grandfather’s buddy Kayo. I’ve identified him for a very long time. He was one of many nicest males I’ve ever met.”
“Yeah, he was,” I stated, holding myself again from breaking down.
It appeared prefer it was already too late for Kayo. Her eyes had been watering and he or she began rambling about late night time espresso and the way they’d get so caught up speaking he’d almost miss his aircraft.
“I in all probability should not be telling you all this,” she stated.
“No it is nice,” I stated. “Practically lacking his aircraft, sounds a bit like me, truly.”
“I am certain you are very alike. He talked about you in all our letters.”
I obtained an oddly intimate vibe from Kayo, and though I am certain they had been solely collectively previously, I felt like someway, being there together with her and never Gran was a kind of betrayal. I felt my coronary heart quicken, I used to be panicking once more…
“Phil, I used to be requested to get this to you, it is your ticket to London. It is simply in regards to the final aircraft you’ll be able to take that can get you again in time. Do not lose this ticket and be sure you’re on that aircraft.”
“However what if I am unable to get again in time?” I stated, spiralling uncontrolled, “What if I left everybody — I left Pops — for nothing. What if I might have helped Pops, possibly even saved him, if I had been house.”
“Do not get caught up with ‘what ifs’” she stated, hugging me once more, “They make you are concerned for nothing.”
“Pops used to say one thing like that,” I stated.
“Sure, he used to say it on a regular basis, bit annoying I assumed. However he was proper,” she stated extra to herself than me. “He died a cheerful man, I am certain,” and her eyes started to swell once more.
Although listening to the phrase “died” was a blow, by assembly Kayo I someway felt nearer to Pops. With every individual I met I started to see simply what number of lives Pops touched and I understood the person he was earlier than I even got here alongside.
If I might simply be extra like Pops, possibly I would truly be capable of make it again on time. I wanted to cease doubting myself, or to make use of his phrases, I wanted to “have just a little enjoyable”.
Our time in Tokyo was truly fairly the chortle. We browsed the retailers, sampled some airport sashimi, and even posed for a couple of vacationer pics. However every time I caught myself smiling I felt responsible and instinctively mourned Pops once more.
“It’s a must to cease,” Tomas stated. “It’s a must to let your self have just a little enjoyable. It is the perfect factor.”
He was proper.
However the flight to San Francisco was exhausting to take pleasure in, or fake to take pleasure in. It was nothing just like the flight to Hong Kong, it was simply 9 hours in the identical cramped seat with nothing to do however assume.
I used to be ecstatic to the touch down in America — the final nation we would have to go to earlier than heading house. With simply lower than 20 hours to go I used to be lastly feeling optimistic about the entire thing. I wanted to get house to be with my household, and at last face life with out Pops.
As soon as Tomas and I had checked in to our flight to London it felt like issues had been foolproof — I might lastly calm down. We determined to do what most travellers do after an extended aircraft experience and an extended layover. Drink!
We walked as much as the Delta Airways Crown Room and confirmed our VIP lounge passes courtesy of Yu Lin. Once we obtained inside we felt barely misplaced with our smelly denims and backpacks. We hadn’t showered in days and we hadn’t even became the spare garments we had packed, in order that was the primary merchandise on our agenda.
Feeling marginally higher after a run to the john, we walked into the primary space of the lounge. The room was full of enterprise travellers, aside from one. There was a person who sat alone ingesting what regarded like whisky on the rocks. He had gray raveled hair and was carrying a horrible multi-coloured sweater, someway he regarded much more misplaced than we did. Naturally I knew he should be certainly one of Pop’s mates.
“Cornelius,” stated the person, extending his hand. “Be a part of me for a drink? My deal with,” he roared with laughter.
“In fact,” stated Tomas, mesmerized by the open bar.
The subsequent three hours handed in a blur. There have been champagne toasts to Pops, whisky pictures in his honour and we shared our tales of the person we cherished.
“After faculty, after I moved in with Pops and Gran, I could not sleep for the primary month. Pops snored from 9:00 at night time till 6:00 within the morning, I did not understand how Gran might stand it, so one morning I requested her, and are you aware what she stated?”
“What?” requested Tomas.
“Precisely! She’s as deaf as a doorknob! With out her listening to help she will be able to’t hear a factor!”
And all of us laughed and poured one other spherical of drinks.
“I knew William after we had been younger lads, properly earlier than your time. He was my first buddy,” began Cornelius, “We grew up proper subsequent to one another. We used to stroll to high school collectively proper by the practice tracks and noticed the practice go each night on our stroll house. Sooner or later, your granddad determined to experience the practice house — by leaping onto it. He ran up and grabbed maintain of the rails because it handed and he rode all of it the best way to his home. Right here I used to be pondering the man was a genius, hitching himself a experience almost to his entrance door, however when it was time to leap off he let go and began barrel rolling off into the rocks. I could not cease laughing. He advised his mum he fell off his bike. The very best half was, she did not say a factor though his bike was within the driveway that complete day.”
And we shared one other drink. “To Pops, the barmy aircraft flying, practice leaping, child.” Cornelius slurred.
“Alright, my flip,” stated Tomas. “Now it might not be pretty much as good as your tales, however the first time I met your Pops he was sitting in his armchair studying. I did not assume he seen me, however then he stated, out of nowhere, “you are the one who likes to journey, proper boy?” and we spent the subsequent half hour discussing all of the locations we would seen all over the world. He is truly the explanation I visited Morocco, he stated it was certainly one of his favorite locations to observe the world go by.”
The tales saved coming and so did the liquor.
The subsequent factor I remembered I used to be waking up on a bench exterior the lounge with throbbing temples and a dryness in my mouth.
The place am I?
I checked my telephone — 7:25 within the night. No, this cannot be proper.
Simply to make sure, I rushed by way of the airport, forcing myself ahead by way of the fogginess in my head. I obtained to the gate and certain sufficient, it was empty.
Our flight had left with out us.
I felt an invisible fist seize maintain of my intestines and twist. I used to be alone on the opposite aspect of the world with no cash and no clue how one can get again. The place was Tomas? And the way might I’ve messed this one up?
I watched one other aircraft took off from the fuel-stained runway. I used to be in complete disbelief. We had simply used up the final of our probabilities — our last ‘get out of jail free card’.
I needed to discover Tomas.
By lacking the flight to New York we might additionally miss the connecting flight to London, certainly. There have been 14 and a half hours left, however it was a 13 hour flight again to London. How did this occur!? I attempted to focus, however my thoughts was clean.
I went again to the lounge to try to kind all of it out.
“I am sorry, your lounge go is a one time solely use earlier than your departure, I am unable to enable you again inside,” defined the lady I initially handed my lounge ticket to.
“You do not perceive, I simply want to seek out my buddy, I am undecided the place he’s. My title’s Phil Foxx, do you assume you could possibly name out for him in there, say I am out right here ready for him?”
“Umm sir, you and your buddy left the lounge collectively virtually an hour in the past. Judging out of your situation, you had been probably restricted from boarding the aircraft.”
“Restricted, why?”
“You aren’t allowed to fly whereas intoxicated.” She said distastefully, “Now I am sorry however you’ll be able to’t keep right here Mr. Foxx.”
I rotated, able to stroll off, after I almost collided with a person standing behind me.
“Phil,” stated the person, “How’s the race all over the world going?”
“Come once more?” I stated earlier than vaguely recognizing his face.
Is it one other of grandpa’s mates? Did I meet him after we had been ingesting?
Then it hit me. I would seen him from pictures and articles within the information. He was some crazy-smart engineer, certainly one of America’s wealthiest.
“Whoa, you are the true life Iron Man man,” I stated. Clearly, nonetheless drunk.
“Haha, not fairly. I am Elon Musk, I examine your little journey on Hacker Information. I truly wager fairly a bit of cash on you, so that you higher make it again,” he joked.
“Properly, we have simply missed our flight to New York and I’ve misplaced my mate, so it does not look promising.” I admitted.
He checked his watch, and took out his telephone, “In the event you discover your buddy within the subsequent couple of minutes, I’d have the option that will help you.”
Come on Tomas, the place are you?
I would left Elon ready by the lounge promising to be again in lower than 5 minutes as I raced by way of the airport to seek out Tomas.
He wasn’t by the gate or within the washroom or the retailers. I went to data and begged them to name out his title on the loudspeaker. They stated it was for emergencies solely.
In a second of half-drunken liquid confidence, I held down the loudspeaker button and screamed out “Tomassssss, come to informa–“, earlier than they angrily lunged for the microphone. Simply as I used to be speeding away, the little baby-faced rascal got here sprinting across the nook.
“Thank God, Tomas, come on!” And we raced again to the lounge.
“Bloody hell, it is Elon Musk!” Tomas stated because the lounge got here into view.
“Alright boys, it is all labored out,” the billionaire stated as quickly as we had been again in earshot. “Sorry I will not be capable of fly with you,” he stated taking a look at his watch “I’ve obtained to fulfill somebody, however by the point you get to the airport the aircraft will likely be able to take off.”
“Wait, what airport? We’re on the airport.” I requested.
“It’s a must to head to Palo Alto, the place my non-public jet is fuelling up.” he stated.
There was a driver ready for us exterior the terminal, able to take us to Palo Alto Airport simply twenty minutes away.
It might have been the lingering results of the alcohol, or the truth that we had been headed to a billionaire’s non-public jet, however for the primary time, I used to be genuinely blissful to be on the transfer.
Once we arrived on the small airport twenty-three minutes later and stepped onto Elon’s aircraft, I used to be in full shock. His aircraft made first-class flying appear to be driving in a Campbell’s soup can. Tomas and I every ran for the plump silk sofa. I threw one of many stiff ornamental pillows at Tomas, hitting him sq. within the head.
“Properly you appear to be proper at house,” Tomas smirked, rubbing his head. “You look nothing such as you did in your first flight.”
The aircraft began racing down the runway.
“I’ve come to love flying, truly,” I stated. “I hardly really feel my ears pop anymore.”
And Tomas simply smiled.
The jet took off lower than an hour later than the flight we had been initially going to take. We had been up within the air headed to New York with nonetheless some hope of constructing our connection.
It was meant to take 5 and a half hours to get to New York, however the experience felt like a fast drive to the grocery retailer. The pilot advised us that we might arrive at Newark airport thirty minutes forward of schedule.
The information was each reassuring and alarming.
“Newark?” I requested, “Is that one other title for the JFK airport?”
“We are able to solely land at Newark. Mr. Musk wasn’t capable of reserve a spot at JFK on such quick discover.”
“Newark is barely a 40 minute drive away from JFK, and right now of day the roads needs to be empty,” clarified Tomas. “Don’t fret, simply benefit from the flight.”
I did not reply.
We landed in Newark simply ten minutes after our authentic aircraft landed at JFK. There was an hour and a half earlier than our last aircraft to London. Tomas was proper, at almost 6 within the morning the roads had been nonetheless clear.
“Thanks a lot,” we each stated as we left the automobile after we arrived at JFK. “I am going to pay Mr. Musk again, I swear. Ship him our thanks!” I stated simply earlier than shutting the automobile door and operating into the airport.
“Right here it’s,” stated Tomas. “the final aircraft we’ll should fly earlier than getting house.”
“Stop it, you may jinx it,” I joked.
We obtained to the Virgin Atlantic Airways counter and confirmed our connecting tickets. We had been allowed to go by way of and had been even given precedence check-in.
As we sat by the gate, ready for our subsequent and last flight, nothing occurred. We barely spoke to one another, scared that if we did one thing, something, we would slip up and miss the aircraft. When it got here time to board my passport did not set off any alarms, I did not fall over drunk, and we merely walked on the aircraft and took our seats.
There was no turbulence, no coronary heart to coronary heart with the pilot. No extra clues. No extra countdown. It was almost by way of.
“Have you considered what you may do after we’re again in London,” requested Tomas.
“I am going to in all probability simply stick with Gran for some time, she’ll want me to assist out at house as a lot as I can.”
“I meant in regards to the £2,000,000, have you ever forgotten about it? Do you assume you may nonetheless get it?”
“I doubt it, I did not inform anybody in regards to the journey and I do not assume Pops did both, all of our bets had been at all times simply between the 2 of us. Mum did not even know the place I used to be when she known as. It is in all probability the very last thing on folks’s minds proper now anyway.”
“Properly that is not solely true. The submit I wrote on Hacker Information continues to be on the primary web page and we’re getting floods of feedback each hour. Everybody desires to know should you’ll make it again in time, it looks like the entire world is betting on you.”
“That is precisely what Elon Musk stated, apparently he wager some huge cash we would make it house. And really, so did Jasper the pilot.”
The aircraft landed, we touched British soil, and I used to be so grateful simply to be house. It felt like I would been gone for ages. In actuality, I knew that issues would by no means be the identical as they had been earlier than.
Based on the pilot, it was 7:45pm and unseasonably chilly in London after we landed. I could not imagine it, there was nonetheless an opportunity I might make it earlier than the 80 hour mark. I used to be so shut.
With out checked baggage, Tomas and I squeezed our strategy to the entrance of the aircraft and ran the endless dash in direction of immigration and customs. Once we arrived, the road was minuscule, and we breezed by way of to the entrance.
“What was making your journey?” The immigration officer requested,
“Leisure,” I answered.
“Are you bringing something again with you? You have not declared any items.”
“Nothing to assert, we did not purchase a factor.”
He handed our passports again and we walked over to the customs desk.
Every little thing was stamped and regarded over for Tomas, they appeared a bit puzzled by our complete journey, however they let him go. Once I walked as much as customs my passport triggered some alarm.
“Excuse me for one second, wait right here,” stated the lady on the desk.
I waited for 5 lengthy minutes earlier than a middle-aged man got here as much as the kiosk. His gray hair and looking out eyes advised me it was one other certainly one of my grandfather’s mates earlier than he had an opportunity to.
“I am going to deal with it, open kiosk 7 and go the remainder of the passengers, please.” the person instructed, and he or she did as she was advised.
“Phil, I am glad to see you made it. I wasn’t certain I would see you right here, however your grandfather could be thrilled to know you made it again in time.”
“Properly, virtually, I nonetheless should get again house and meet him —” however I caught myself a second to late. It left my lips and we each regarded sadly at one another, sorry it occurred.
“I mean-” I started, however he interrupted me.
“Don’t fret about it. Right here, that is for you.”
He handed me a hand drawn sketch of the den, and by his armchair, in my grandfather’s neat handwriting, had been the phrases, “I will be ready for you, hurry house.”
I had tears in my eyes however I wasn’t going to let myself get overwhelmed once more. I thanked the person and left customs, with out even studying his title.
We ran by way of the arrivals gate, previous all the unfinished households ready for his or her lacking members. We obtained to the road up of taxis and managed to get one with out ready.
“We have to get to 7 Saville, Beckenham earlier than 8:40,” I advised the cab driver.
With out eager to, I checked the clock. It was 8:20. We solely had twenty minutes to get forty minutes throughout city.
After all over the place we travelled and after every little thing we did there was no means I used to be going to let 20 minutes beat me.
I advised the driving force I would pay him an additional £300 if he obtained me there in time.
The cabbie jumped on the bonus and we sped away from the airport. It virtually felt like we had been again in India the best way the cab driver was weaving by way of the streets. I could not see how briskly we had been going, however I might inform it wasn’t the pace restrict, and even shut.
8:35pm. I began to acknowledge the homes in our city. We had been nonetheless a couple of kilometres away however there was nonetheless an opportunity we might make it. We might truly make it! And simply as I had that thought, as if on cue, I noticed the purple and blue lights flash behind us.
“Oh Christ!” shouted Tomas.
“No, preserve going,” I screamed on the driver.
He began to sluggish, however I jumped at him, “We’ll pay your bloody rushing nice, simply preserve going!”
He stepped on the gasoline, however he slowed once more instantly.
“No, I’ve to cease, I am going to lose my license,” he stated, pulling to the aspect of the highway.
“I am unable to wait, Tomas,” I stated, already antsy to leap out of the cab. “I’ve obtained to get again, even when there’s nothing there I must know that I did it.”
“You are two and a half kilometres away from house, you higher run like hell,” he stated. “I am going to determine this out and meet you there.”
The automobile got here to a whole cease and I opened the door and rushed out. With my bag flapping towards my again and my chest tight, I sprinted by way of the streets and ran on in direction of my home.
I’ve by no means been a lot of a runner, however I entered some kind of a trance. Pushing towards the pavement, I used to be seconds away from the deadline.
Nothing would change whether or not I got here again at 8:45 or 8:40. There could be nobody ready in that chair. However for some cause I saved operating quicker.
I used to be too afraid to examine my telephone for the time.
There was one thing liberating about operating the ultimate stretch — I wasn’t ready for planes, I wasn’t getting led round in circles by taxi cabs. If I did not make it again it was as a result of my legs could not take me there quick sufficient. It might be no fault however my very own.
What if it is already too late? There is no means I can run all the best way house in lower than Three minutes. It must be previous 8.
No extra what ifs. Simply go! I advised myself as I ran, and I saved shifting ahead even quicker.
My legs had been wobbling, and every time I breathed it was a choking ache. I did not assume I’d make it again on the pace I used to be going however then I noticed the define of my home within the distance and I sprinted ahead all the best way to the driveway.
My legs almost gave out. I reached into my pocket to examine my telephone, I needed to know earlier than going inside.
The numbers on my display screen learn 8:39pm.
“Bloody unreliable cabbies”, I smirked to myself realizing his clock will need to have been off. And I raced up my entrance steps and thru the entrance door.
I might hear the noise as quickly as I walked inside my acquainted kitchen. It solely amplified as I walked by way of to the den.
The second I burst into the room there was a refrain of alarms. There, round grandpa’s empty armchair, stood my total household: aunts, uncles, cousins and all. Cell telephones, watches, wall clocks, every little thing was set to ring at precisely 8:40pm, March 4th.
I made it! I truly travelled all over the world in 80 hours.
“I feel all of us wanted one thing to have fun,” stated Gran after I requested why she set the entire thing up. “Your grandfather would have achieved the identical.”
“Thanks, Gran,” I stated.
“I am happy with you, Phileas,” she continued. “And William was too. You are all he might discuss. It was about time you flew!”
“I do know, I am simply sorry the best way issues labored out,” I stated.
“Do not be sorry, we’re all blissful you are again and even happier you made it the entire means by way of, it was what he needed.”
I simply held her, there have been no phrases.
“Phil,” she stated after I pulled away, “he wrote you this,” and he or she handed me a examine, in Pops’ writing, for £2,000,000.
“No, I could not,” I protested.
“You earned it.” she stated.
And with that I would gained the wager. I used to be £2,000,000 richer. However standing there with Gran, with my household and Tomas blended in someplace within the crowded den, I felt richer than I might have ever imagined and it had little to do with the cash.
XXX – Epilogue
Mum, Gran and I stood subsequent to the casket and shook everybody’s arms.
“My condolences,” they’d say and I would nod my head.
The funeral corridor was jam-packed, and never simply any sort of jam-packed, however the form that upsets venue homeowners as a result of it is a fireplace hazard.
The primary face I acknowledged among the many crowd was Karim, the Egyptian cab driver. He checked out me and jerked his head, I feel it was his model of a nod. I noticed that he was talking with Kayo, the safety examine lady who hugged me in Japan, she was as pleasant as ever handing out hugs to everybody inside arm’s attain. I noticed the person from customs, who gave me the drawing from Pop, and Parvati from the Mumbai practice terminus. In fact I met Cornelius close to the bar with a whiskey in his hand and I noticed all of the others too. They had been all there, all his mates from the world over, and I could not assist wishing sometime my life would prove simply the identical.
I walked as much as Jasper, and requested him a query that had been on my thoughts since I returned house from my 80 hour journey. “So,” I stated, “What recommendation are you able to give to somebody who’d wish to turn out to be a pilot?”
source http://cheaprtravels.com/around-the-world-in-80-hours/
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jaspreet66-blog · 6 years
Top Tips For Choosing Your Wedding Photographer
Obtaining wed is an amazing experience. It is a day loaded with emotion, joy, joy and also sometimes a little sadness when a member of the family or buddy who is no longer with us is not there to share our special day.
As professional wedding digital photographers we know exactly how stressful preparing your wedding can be profesionalus vestuviu fotografas. With a lot of professional photographers around, where do you begin? What do you need to recognize when seeking a wedding digital photographer? With costs varying from a couple of hundred pounds to several thousands, just how do you know if they are ideal for you?
It is a straightforward fact of life that with the arrival of electronic cameras, many people currently call themselves a "photographer". Over current years there has been an explosion of individuals providing their solutions as wedding celebration digital photographers, many of who have never received any training, have no insurance coverage, do not make use of specialist equipment and also do not have sufficient backups in position to cater for any kind of scenario.
An expert photographer will certainly have every one of the above and this blog post is a quick "Help Guide" to the things to search for and also the questions we recommend you ask when picking a wedding professional photographer. Grab yourself a cuppa and also obtain comfy. This is not a conclusive overview, merely a basic review of what to try to find.
Seeking a Digital photographer:
Personal Recommendations: Have you been to a wedding lately? What did your friends think of their digital photographer? As a Yorkshire wedding photographer the majority of our customers originate from individual suggestions from either Groom and bride that have actually used us, or from Places that know the quality of the work we create and also the fantastic worth for cash we provide.
Google As Well As Other Online Search Engine:
A fast search on any one of the significant online search engine will certainly create a mind numbing amount of choices. As an example, if you type right into Google the search terms "Wedding Professional photographer" it will return millions results. Simply going through each result would certainly take you years, so as a general rule, stick with those on web page 1 or web page 2. The reason for this is basic: If they are on page 1 or 2 after that they have actually put in the time to make sure that their site is well developed, optimised and placed, to guarantee that their services or products are very easy to locate for prospective Bride and Grooms.
Selecting A Professional photographer
As soon as you have chosen a day, have scheduled your wedding event location as well as obtained verification then book all other solutions needed for your special day as swiftly as possible. Leaving it to the last minute to reserve your wedding event professional photographer is not a good suggestion.
Numerous Bride and Grooms start trying to find their professional photographer the day they get involved.
Internet sites:
The initial point to do is take a look at a professional photographers website yet do NOT be fooled into assuming this is the be all and end all. Always focus on the images and not the internet site layout. These days for a few hundred pounds you can have an actual sophisticated looking web site created. Never forget that a web site just reveals the content that the photographer WANTS you to see. You will just generally see the best pictures, the ones they wish to make use of to display their abilities so take a good look around the internet site. Have a look and see the amount of various wedding events you can see. If there is just one or more, have they just photographed a couple of wedding celebrations? Likewise just how much info does the photographer offer you? Are they up front concerning their rates or do you have to go in and see them to learn just how much they charge? Do they give you details detailed details about their services?
Additionally be VERY cautious if they say they belong to a "Specialist Profession Organisation". Some trade organisations only require photographers to pay an annual membership cost to sign up with after that enable the digital photographer to utilize the Organisations logos on their website. Undoubtedly some organisations have definitely no signing up with needs, you do not also need to possess a cam and also your Gran, that has no suggestion regarding digital photography, might join if she desired. Do your research and also look into Trade Organisations meticulously as they are not all the same.
Some are for full-time experts only as well as Members are needed to go through assessment, inspection and have insurance policy records checked, others just allow you pay a small amount as well as state you to be a "Professional Digital photographer". Remember that the digital photography industry is not managed as well as any person can declare to be a "digital photographer".
If it appears as well good to be true, opportunities are it is! Lots of professional photographers simply starting have a tendency to bill actually low cost and also only cover their costs. Lots of see your wedding event as a means of constructing a profile of wedding event images. Now this will certainly not relate to all spending plan valued professional photographers yet as a basic guideline, if the cost appears truly low, then there is a reason for it, so attempt and learn what it is. Rate:
If it seems too great to be real, chances are it is! Several photographers just starting often tend to bill really low prices as well as just cover their costs. Numerous see your wedding event as a means of constructing a profile of wedding event photos. Now this will certainly not apply to all budget plan valued professional photographers but as a general guideline, if the cost appears really reduced, after that there is a reason for it, so attempt as well as find out what it is.
For numerous Couple, cost winds up being the figuring out aspect. You spend hundreds, if not thousands on the gown, the venue bills a tiny lot of money, then there are the automobiles, the Grooms attire, Bridesmaids outfits, the cake, the flowers - cutting prices on your wedding event photography can lead to bad wedding photographs resulting in substantial dissatisfaction and also photos of the day that you simply do not wish to consider.
Check out below vestuviu fotografas mantas gricenas to learn much more.
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