#but for the purposes of this blog I won't write much (if any) reader x female characters
personasintro · 9 months
people are so bold telling you that u take too much time to publish another chapter of a story but if you did post a new chapter every other week they would complain about it being too short or not written perfectly/good enough for them.
like if you think that writing something good takes a day than go on and write your own story!!
a full length book takes yearsss to finish and perfect so it's fucking obvious that a fanfiction that is so long and really written good is gonna take more time than half-assed written one
people have a life, a job and chores to do, the world doesn't revolve(?) around a story which is just a hobby
i really hope you won't lose your motivation and happiness for writing bc of those stupid people and please take all the time you need to write another chapter and/or story!
all the love🩷
What pisses me off that the never-ending arguments coming from them and the lack of understanding. They tell me I take too long to write chapters, I tell them that's how currently it is and I don't have any control over it at the moment = they start telling me to quit, it's okay to quit because I clearly don't want to write. They come here and purposely fill my inbox with bunch of asks. I'm not sure what those people's intentions are. If it's because they're just that stupid or they have other intentions.
For anyone who keeps telling me to ignore it. I have ignored most of it but I won't stand ppl thinking it's okay to come here and bully me or any other writer. It's okay to show how ugly people can get for a story.
Actually, it's pretty embarrassing for them. Let others see how evil and ugly some readers are. Let others see that this platform is not all positive and it can get toxic. Why should we stay quiet and ignore it all the time? Understand every writer has their blogs and genuinely do this because we love and enjoy writing. This should be a safe space for all of us, including our readers.
So yeah, it might seem stupid to some of you that I respond, and sometimes I get frustrated and probably give them more attention than it's needed, but I think it's important to show this side of internet as well. And to show that I won't stand any type of evil behavior like this.
Thank you, anon. I appreciate it x
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cerveas · 3 months
All you need to know about this blog!
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The purpose of this blog?
Simple, I wanna write my thoughts and scenario ideas about Hoshina!
Are we allowed to send requests?
Request and idea suggestions are welcomed here in this blog! So feel free to click on that ask button to send your ideas!!
Are there any limits or boundaries when it comes to requests?
Yes but it's only a few.
Strictly Male or Gender neutral asks only (not comfortable writing for females)
No ship requests, along with oc x canon requests.
Obviously no racist,homophobic,weird requests. For example r@pe,s@,and anything else that is considered disgusting. I will only write it if it had something to do with the reader's backstory (obviously the reader won't be the one doing it..)
Are we able to request smut?
I'm not quite experienced when writing smut but I'll be more than happy to try and improve it!!
Anything that isn't mentioned in the boundaries, you can request anything! Angst,fluff,gore(not too detailed buddy),etc etc.
Consistency of the updates?
Now that it's vacation days, I think I'll be update soon enough, depending on my mood and how much motivation.
But fear not, I'll be sure to update!
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That's all, thank you! Have a great day!!
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weirdworldofwinnie · 1 year
* Welcome *
I'm Winnie (she/her) and this is my main blog where all my original posts and likes will be, more all-encompassing for reflecting all of my interests (art, photography, science, space, nature, animals, etc.) along with fandoms and actors, especially Cillian Murphy.
Side blogs (inactive):
Stranger Things @ Hey Kiddo (tumblr.com)
Cillian Murphy @ Cilly-Oppie (tumblr.com)
*Fanfiction Masterlist*
Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer x reader:
Heat of the Moment - One Night Passion
A Darling Distraction
Oasis in a Desperate Land of Dark Desire (ongoing series on pause)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Dr. Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x reader (Batman)
Face Me (oneshot)
Jonathan Breech x reader (On the Edge, 2001)
A Safe Way Out (oneshot)
*Important Note: All of my fics are strictly intended for 18+ (minors do not interact) and female readers only! I also try to keep the fem!reader character as general in physical description as possible; I will never specify a certain skin color or body type (unless it's absolutely crucial to the story) because I do not want to exclude anyone and I want you to imagine yourself as much as possible! And lastly, my fics are not completely historically accurate or 100% reflective of any real people (including actors), living or dead. For entertainment purposes only*
I also won't write about Cillian personally as himself out of respect for his privacy and family (and he is a currently living person). And I don't take currently requests and please know I do not allow anonymous asks.
Thank you for stopping by and reading! 😊
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viviennes-tears · 5 months
Little Tease (Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, Sebastian Stan & X reader One shot)
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18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion.  ~
A/N: Hello all you wonderful people! 
It's been forever since I last updated and I apologise profusely for my absence. I won't ramble on here about it, as there's a full explanation on my profile about my lack of updates, and an announcement too for you to check out. However I am hoping the following updates have been worth the extended wait.
Also thank you to Florence_Nightwing for sending me another prompt from back in October and for waiting extremely patiently for me to write this. I will say I got into a flow which then took a turn and I hope it worked out well. It was certainly fun to write and a great way to come back 😊 x
(This is now the last of the October 2023 prompts and prompts are still currently closed.)
Prompt requested by Florence_Nightwing on AO3: If your not too inundated, can you please do another like this? Tom and Sebastian go to the costume trailer to see Tom Holland in just his Spiderman thong for the female costume assistant he fancies. They decide to be annoying big brothers and tease him in front of her even going as far as to give him a wedge and ask her how she likes his butt cheeks, and they play with them. Something goofy like that, please.
Summary: You are working on a Marvel set as an assistant in the costume department. You've worked on all the solo Tom Holland (your crush) SpiderMan movies previously working on this movie set. You've always enjoyed the working environment and those who you've worked with, however this one particular day onset was one you weren't expecting, which ended up involving Tom, Tom Hiddleston and Sebastian Stan. Along the way you gain a new self-discovery. 
"I'm sorry I keep causing you extra work all the time." Tom says, while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Nonsense, Tom, you know it's my job to do repairs and assist on costume designs." You assured him, as you prepare to fix his Spidey suit for the thousandth time whilst working on this movie alone. 
Actually you've been lucky enough to be a costume assistant on all the solo SpiderMan movies since Tom took on the role, however this is the first time you've worked on any of the other Marvel projects, because usually when they asked for you to come back you had to decline, due to other work obligations. Although you made sure for all the solo SpiderMan movies that you were available to work, partly because you enjoyed those who you worked with, and partly because of your crush on Tom. Not that he knows you have feelings for him, nor have you noticed he has a crush on you too, despite it being so obvious to everyone else.
Once you had set everything ready you helped unzip him out of his suit, before he carefully pulled the suit down and off in order to not cause any further damage, albeit neither of you are aware of being watched during this short interaction. At least not until...
"Well, well, well Thomas...have we been careless again?" Sebastian says playfully, as he himself and Hiddleston emerge from their hiding spot from around the corner, each of them carrying their own costumes in their arms. Holland instantly sighs and rolls his eyes at the older men as they approach while you try to hide your amusement.
"Come now, Seb, don't embarrass the boy in front of the lovely lady." Hiddleston says flirtatiously, taking your hand and kissing it, purposely to annoy Holland and make you blush as you often did whenever he put on the charm.
"Aren't you two done for the day?" Tom asks slightly frustratedly, as Hiddleston winks at you and lets your hand go.
"We are indeed." Hiddleston replies, taking Sebastian's costume from him and hanging both of their costumes onto the correct standing rack.
"But there's no rush to be anywhere...besides we've not had much chance to catch up yet." Sebastian adds with a sly smile on his lips as he eyes Holland up and down. Clearly he is calculating his next move, making Holland a bit nervous, as for yourself you've somewhat recovered from Tom's charming act a moment ago.
Hiddleston suddenly appears behind Holland without him noticing until he feels the older man's big hands on his shoulders, causing him to flitch slightly, and then breath out when he turns his head to see who it was. "Relax, Tom." Hiddleston chuckles before he begins massaging his bare shoulders.
"Yeah, just us here..." Sebastian adds, his eyes darkening with mischief intent and Tom assumed Hiddleston looked the same way, they usually do when the teasing is going to take a turn that he can never quite predict what will come of it.
You cleared your throat shortly after Sebastian said that and then you began to assess the full extent of the damage to Tom's Spidey suit over by your workbench. Holland gulped as he felt Hiddleston’s hands gently trail down his back, before the slight squeeze on his hips. The way Tom squirmed distracted you and made you look between the men confused by the silent looks between each of them.
"What?" You asked with furrowed eyebrows, abandoning the Spidey suit on your workbench.
"What do you think of Thomas here?" Sebastian asks out of the blue, stunning you from the unexpected question. Sebastian's smirk reappears as he pulls Tom closer to him, making him face you while he drapes his arm around Tom's neck, and his hand resting on his bare chest. Tom stands there awkwardly, and he knows if he tries to move away it would be a futile attempt, meaning Sebastian will make it worse for him if he tries.
"Well...I-I think he's a great guy. Never difficult to work with nor does he cause any drama like some people can on sets." You replied, choosing these words as a safe way to answer the question. "Want more than that, love." Hiddleston says in a low seductive voice close to you, his scent invading your senses too. He did it on purpose again, getting you to blush and for Holland to feel annoyed he's flirting with you once more.
"You can't say you're not attracted to him right now...I mean look at this face." Sebastian teases as he pinches Holland's cheeks together with his free hand, the other still resting on his bare chest, his actions causing Tom to get a little flustered now he's worked out their intentions. Even if he hasn't worked out how far they will go.
You struggle to find words to divert from divulging your true feelings for Tom, but the blush on your cheeks was evident enough for them anyway, not that either Sebastian or Hiddleston would mention they've known for a long time already. Despite your inability to defend yourself it didn't falter the older men from teasing the pair of you further.
"He's quite the catch, no?" Hiddleston asks, his fingers brushing against your exposed arms due to the short sleeves you have on today, the feather-like touch forming goosebumps on your arms. 
"What's not to like? He's young, good looking and sweet as you girls like to say." Sebastian continued, letting go of Holland's cheeks, but the hand which had been resting on his chest no longer stayed still. Instead his fingers started to circulate around Tom's left nipple slowly and gently. The sensation caused Tom's nipple to react and form a tweak-able point, much to his annoyance Sebastian took advantage, rolling the peak of his nipple between his fingers. Your eyes widened slightly, this wasn't at all where you imagined this conversation to go at all, of course your reaction amused the older men to no end.
"What more could you ask for, darling?" Hiddleston adds, as he moves over to the guys, his fingers gone yet left a tingling sensation in their wake.
"Alright, alright guys, I think Y/N is getting uncomfortable now." Tom says with nervous laughter and pleading eyes. It's clear he's trying to hide something from you, you just can't work out what, at least not yet.
Sebastian mockingly ponders for a few seconds before saying, "no, I think we're getting somewhere with this. Right, Tommy?"
"Right." Hiddleston agrees, wrapping his arm around Holland's waist, Sebastian's still around his neck. "We're only helping out the little guy." Hiddleston adds playfully, both he and Sebastian chuckle simultaneously. Holland sighs exasperatedly, you're speechless, this being the strangest interaction you've had with any of them.
"Come on, Thomas, lighten up." Sebastian says, his hand trailing down Tom's back down to his ass, squeezing his bare ass cheek firmly. Holland's eyes widened in surprise as he jumped a little at the same time. "Do you like his ass, Doll?" Sebastian asks, a darker look appearing in his eyes as he stares at Holland.
"I-I er..." You stuttered, your cheeks flushing again at another risque question, Tom's cheeks just as red too.
"I think you just need a memory refresher." Sebastian says, his fingers wrapping around the thin waistband of Tom's thong, then tugging at them swiftly and yanking them upwards. Tom lets out a little unexpected yelp as his balls were being strung up. His lips then press into a firm thin line as Sebastian man handles him with his free hand, Hiddleston's arm falling from his waist, his butt then on full display to you now he's been made to turn around. "Mhm...peachy." Sebastian adds, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. 
A few seconds later Sebastian man handles Tom again, he stumbles as Sebastian forces him to walk over to the workbench, he frees up some space, shoving things aside including the Spidey suit to one side too. Followed by Sebastian standing to the side while pressing Tom forwards against the workbench, forcing him face down, his hand pressing down on his back with his fingers splayed out to keep him in place. Hiddleston starts smirking in his signature Loki way, his eyes darkening now too to match Sebastian's own, he also continues to crotch down on the other side of Holland, spanking his ass hard and Holland yelps again. Your jaw drops instantly, realising they must have a much closer relationship than anyone knew about, plus the more you witness their behaviour the more you realised you're now somehow involved too.
"He likes a good spanking." Hiddleston seemed to have a look about him that made you realise he really wasn't joking, despite his tone sounded like he was. The next thing you knew was Hiddleston grabbing hold of your wrist, gently pulling you closer, as Holland peered over his shoulder shyly with brightly flushed cheeks. "Give it a try, love." Hiddleston encourages, his thumb gently rubbing over your skin and you feel another tingling sensation from his touch.
The older men see you're hesitant, you have every right to be though, after all you've never spanked anyone before. Sebastian and Hiddleston give each other an exchange of looks in agreement, leading to Hiddleston easing your hand towards Holland's butt, before getting you to cup his bare ass cheek in your palm. You all hear the loud gulp from Holland and you feel his ass clenching beneath your touch. Followed by you taking a shaky breath out of nervousness, albeit your fingers soon twitch, feeling the warmth of Holland's ass in your hand and Hiddleston's fingers lightly caressing the back of your hand. This lasts for a long moment before Hiddleston leads your hand away and back again, a light tap on Holland's ass on re-entry, he's easing you into the idea of spanking. All the while Sebastian watched Hiddleston teach you how to spank someone the right way to bring pleasure. Of course he was delighted by the sight and absentmindedly caressed Holland's body.
Every touch and sensation was affecting Tom, his breathing becoming more shaky and low, his cheeks still bright red, while his fists kept clenching and unclenching. Although the long awaited anticipation eventually arrived, after the small little practice goes your hand thwacked against his ass hard, a low moan escaping Tom's lips upon impact while you felt the way his flesh had a slight heat to it already.
Hiddleston rose up to his full height shortly thereafter, leaning in closer towards you, his scent assaulting your senses again due to the closeness. "Again, darling." Hiddleston whispered lowly, his lips brushed against the shell of your ear, causing your lips to part slightly to allow a tiny puff of air to escape. A smirk appeared on his lips like before as his fingers wrapped around your wrist once more. "Again." He repeats.
You look toward Sebastian who nods approvingly and bites his lower lip. By this point however it's like these men have gotten under your skin like you never imagined they could, yet somehow they had accomplished to do so. On the other hand it was all rather arousing too, once you had become acquainted with the situation you found yourself in, a situation which would be engraved into your memory for sure.
As you prepared to give Tom another good smack he peered over his shoulder at you again. His eyes seem to be staring into your soul, not like he's begging for you to stop, in fact you see the opposite and you know he wants more. There have been many times where you pictured Tom during the throes of pleasure, however never in your wildest dreams had you pictured him like being dominated. That look did give you reassurance about doing this and you went for it this time. This time you spanked Tom's butt repeatedly in a rapid quick session, the older men not able to take their eyes off the scene before them, while Tom moaned and yelped in pleasure. 
"Enough." Sebastian suddenly cuts you off mid action after a few consecutive slaps. You do as you're told and watch Sebastian help Tom to stand up properly again. His hand massaging Tom's butt, earning a low grunt from Tom, both older men chuckled.
"Not bad, love." Hiddleston praises and places a kiss upon your reddened cheek. Getting their approval actually felt nice, but you also had a feeling you've definitely delved into something with the three of them now. 
In the end you found it wasn't as far-fetched as it may have first sounded, because within the next hour an hour you found yourself in Hiddleston's trailer with the three of them, naked. Your seemingly normal day working on set turned into an afternoon delight partaking in a foursome. A foursome with even more kinky antics and you being fucked in every hole at the same time. Your body got used and over simulated in the most pleasurable way by the end. Along the way discovering a new side of yourself, a side of yourself you wanted to continue to explore, the exploration you knew would only ever be satisfied with these three beautiful men.
@jennyggggrrr @foxherder
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Tom Hiddleston Masterlist
Source: @viviennes-tears
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Linked Universe x Reader Fairy Tale Collection
@luimagines . Third scene in the opening act, it will have 5 scenes in total before actual romance, not fully satisfied with it though so I might remaster it in the future, these past few weeks have been... Something, but I still wanted to move things along and post this week so hope whoever reads this enjoys ^^
Fun Fact: All folks in the theater crew's names are references to an indie series of musical operas, wonder how many people will catch each one, just thought it fitting given the setting, I wouldn't recommend getting attached though, they won't appear at all past the opening act unlike Dark's hired help, who will have a little bit of purpose on the narrative and have some scenes but won't take the spotlight, wouldn't recommend getting attached to any of them.
A few things happened in between the time Reader fell asleep, woke up and fell asleep again.
Plus, there's going to be lots of easter eggs to other fairy tales and fairy tale adjacent stories in the story plus towards Zelda in general, some obvious, others not. Might put some fun facts about them in here before each story and/or act if you're all interested, you can see who will have each story by checking out the original prompt on Luimagines' blog except for First's, Calamity's and Spirit's, I have something special in mind for them. FD only isn't in this story because I'd have to dip into mythological territory for him, but I'll probably write a solo thing for him later on to compensate. Look out for a Masterlist of this after we are done with the opening act.
Oh and uh, warning for fairy tale typical violence in the next scene (I mean, the Disney versions are technically already gruesome and the most recognizable, but other versions also go pretty darn dark) plus Zelda typical violence, so just a quick warning while I can even if it's only on the next act, though the character will technically be fine, if probably traumatized.
Opening Act, Scene III
It barely took a minute to explain the situation to Time, and not even a full hour for your little group consisting of yourself, Twilight, Cal, Time and Wild all to recall the others to the village square to explain the situation in full. The director long since left it and the oak tree looked awfully lonely for a moment against the backdrop of a darkening horizon (when had the storm clouds thickened so much? It was plenty sunny a few hours ago).
As you guessed, Time already heard from the mayor and innkeeper that the inn had been attacked, and he likely would have talked to the director had you not beaten him to it.
"50 rupees this is a trap. Come on now, show of hands for those who think so." Came the sharp, downright arsenic tone from Legend, caged and ornery like a fox (rabbit?) Who once had it's tail caught in a trap and learned the hard way to chew his limbs off to be able to flee for another day.
You can't exactly blame him for getting snappy though, the situation is pretty unsettling and you all know it. And this group had seen a lot.
Four snorted a bit, "No bet, I'm not losing money over something that obvious. I don't know about you all but I really can't believe in coincidences with the way things are lining up."
'It's definitely the work of the Shadow then.', signed Calamity, posture straight and alert. Hand on the hilt of his sword like a silent sentinel, as if expecting we'd all be jumped. A clear contrast from the quiet but polite young man from before, box up the young man, set loose the soldier, '... We're being cornered, led by the noose. We shouldn't accept.'
"It might be the only lead we will have in a while though." Grimaced Warriors, arms crossed as he leans against the oak tree, his strategic mind going a mile a minute through the possibilities. As expected of a war commander and the left hand of his Zelda, "Don't get me wrong, this is all bloody unnerving. Specially given how (Reader)'s conversation went with the director, but it might be better in the long run to risk it and get more leads once the storm passes. Who knows when we'll next find shelter? Getting sick with a storm like this coming with zero information wether or not there's a second village nearby or if any other person will let us stay for a while would just leave us more vulnerable."
"Doesn't exactly mean we have to like it.", Sighed Spirit, a hand on his hip, nervous and skittish but doing his best to contribute anyway, "It's like stepping onto the tracks when you know for a fact there's a train coming no matter how good the reason is, but Cap' is right. Me and Wind asked around, doesn't seem like there's any other villages or cities nearby where we can stop, and the terrain isn't right for caves in this Hyrule. We'd be in big trouble eventually even if we retraced our steps."
"Speaking of that, what do any of you make of this storm?", Hyrule interjects, looking at a frowning Wind, "I can't sense anything particularly magical about the town, except maybe the fortune teller and the potion makers, but..."
Wind groans, frustrated as he crosses his arms, "That's the thing, it looks like it should be unnatural. Winds like that don't blow easily in any of your Hyrule's, specially so far away from sea, it's usually just in mine. It looks wrong, but it doesn't feel wrong! The Wind Waker won't clear it either." Spirit put a hand on his shoulder in sympathy, clearly this was driving the Sailor up the wall as the Link most attuned to the flow of winds and weather, except maybe peculiarly enough Four.
"Have you tried the Song of Day?"
Time nodded to First, "We did it already with the Sailor's baton, no change." True to his word, the howling of storm winds picked up as if on cue, or maybe spite. Almost blowing Legend's hat straight off his head to match Wild's hood, you quickly snatched it as he cursed before it could get too far.
Yup, if this was a natural storm you'd eat Hyrule's cooking for a month straight at a bare minimum. "Do you think there's dark magic involved at all?", You inquire to Twilight, Warriors, Sky and Four, the one's who had the most experience with it out of the group as you finished helping Wild with putting most of your cooking supplies away. Gooseflesh crawls up your arms, it was getting chilly and you couldn't help but look over Wind and Spirit, though it seems Warriors beat you to getting their cloaks repaired at the tailors. They've ripped recently and the thread ran out so you, Legend, himself and Sky couldn't do it as usual.
"Here," he passes you your cloak from his slate, you blink as he gives you a smile, "It's about time I gave it back to you anyway." The habit of Chain members accidentally grabbing stuff from one another was legendary by now (and the fact that some items like Sky's Sailcloth, Twilight's necklace and Four's Sword were off limits, you'd have better luck getting Legend to allow you to borrow an item than getting them to part from those), you just didn't think it would extend to you.
"Thank you.", Smiling, you snuggle into the fabric, tilting your head at the headshake from Twilight as he takes the floor, "If there is, it's too faint for any of us to really notice it. Or it's just not the type we are using to deal with."
"We won't exactly know unless we're in the building most likely.", Sighed your resident captain, the smith nods along and adds in, "There definitely was some around the inn though, in the rubble. But not really anywhere else strong enough to notice, could be because of the monster presence here recently."
"Fi's been quiet too, plus that Raven fellow didn't even seem to bat an eye at her presence, unlike the Shadow would." Sky spoke thoughtfully, you had seen them pass by one another didn't they? It was likely then that he checked.
"Mhn, they act strangely but they're not possessed from what we can see either."
Legend shakes his head with a huff, "Much as I hate to admit they're right, disguised monsters usually have cracks in their facades, either it's a really good, really patient one, or just a Goddess damned weirdo with a few screws loose."
Neither alternative is good, you think and despite yourself, your gaze drifts to the theater building again. True to the stranger's word, the doors were open and the gales were picking up, you still have that niggling feeling from before, the unease that picks up the shoe before letting it drop, the feeling of being at a stalemate with a Lynel or breaths away from getting shot down by a Guardian as you look at the dim lights of the second floor of candles and lanterns likely being lit up. As much as you wanted to believe this was a rare struck of luck the Chain some times had when traveling (in meeting some times strange, but helpful individuals), something in there shook you, and laughed in your face when you couldn't figure out where the possible dagger was coming from.
The thunder roars as lightning strikes the earth, joining the once peaceful breeze turned into a furious zephyr in it's howling, screaming melody as the first drops of water begin to fall, seems the grace period you and the Chain had was up.
"Old man?" "Grandsire?" Inquired both Twilight and Sky, as you all leave the final decision to them (an inevitability really, with a group this big and diverse). Time and First trade a look, seemingly having a silent conversation, before First nods lightly, sighing, Time nods in acquiesce, "We'll accept lodging until the storm is gone and not a moment less, everyone be on your guards. And anything suspicious or sign of the Shadow you tell one of us immediately, we mean it, do not engage or go off alone, this doesn't look like a Dungeon but we can quickly be proven wrong."
And that was that.
As one, you all walk towards the theater, the director seemed to be talking with someone at the door, a young woman with curly hair close to her chin. They wave her off as she runs back inside the building, tugging excitedly on the arm of another young lady, this one tall with hair a pale shade of blonde to the seats where you can briefly spot a side door who giggles at her excitement, the director gives them both a fond grin before turning to your group with a wink, "Nothing like seeing young people have fun mhm? So, I take it you made your choice."
First nods respectfully, voice steady and even, "Indeed, thank you very much for your hospitality."
The director rolls their eyes with a chuckle, ushering you all in, "Oh stop, you'll make me blush! It's nothing really, I have more than enough space and am always eager to please and entertain."
"It's still appreciated nonetheless."
They shake their head at Time, "So very polite, no need. Now! In you all go, I'll show you all to your rooms on the second floor and the communal area backstage."
You pause, just a step behind Sky, Wild and Hyrule, who scanned the warm lobby space with open interest, Spirit barely being able to hold Wind back from just running off as the director closes the doors behind Calamity, Legend and Warriors, their Hyrule's didn't have anything similar to theaters, at least not anymore on some cases not to mention many of the Links would have had time or interest to frequent these spaces anyway, so their curiosity was warranted. A glance from Time and First quickly stop any shenanigans at the director's back, "Has the communal area always existed?" You ask.
"Not really, most of these buildings don't have those. But I wanted the best for my actors you know? Some of them have nowhere to go, and letting such talent go to waste would be a shame. Hence why I had something of a substitute for it built in and rooms up above.", Shrugged Raven, going through the open doors on their left, "Comes in handy anyway when things like this happen, we have plenty of rooms for you all individually, so don't worry about sharing. Backstage and the communal area are just beyond the main treat of this place." There's a grin on their voice as they say so, and you quickly see why as your breath is briefly taken away.
The auditorium is beautiful, open and spacious with a grand stage where most of the lightning would be focused on, but generally bright enough as there are visitors as you spot a young man with red hair helping a blonde lady light the other lanterns. The curtains open with minimum scenery on the dark wood stage and the stands go from the very beginning of the auditorium, to the sides and second floor where two stairs covered by a dark red carpet lead up to the boxes', an iron chandelier hangs from the dark wooden rafters, casting light onto wooden beams and gray walls. Simple and solemn, but elegant enough to feel comfortable and homey rather than something more opulent or rigid, at least on any other occasion.
Raven's grin widens, seemingly satisfied at your reaction and what they seem to find on the faces of the Chain from open appreciation to curious interest, they stand in the road to the stands and take a bow, "Welcome to Astoria Theater, enjoy your stay! Once you've seen one of our performances you'll never want to leave!", They straighten up, something about their movement feels... Off, but you shrug it off as they nod to the red haired young man and lady sliding down the stairs, by the stairs you spot two side doors at the corners of the stage's stairs, the salt and pepper haired playwright seems more than pleased to themselves as they nod to each one, "Communal area and kitchen to the right, bathrooms and showers to the left. Feel free to help yourselves to the pantry, our home is your home." With a quick hop and sweep of their sleeve, they call the young red haired man over, "Edgar here will lead you to your rooms and if anything feel free to ask him, Anabella, Amelia, Byron or Priscilla, there's enough space so you all shouldn't need to bunk together." The newly named Edgar nods, a black cat comes hopping and balancing on the seats to settle on the theater's owners shoulders, earning itself an ear pinch before they move on, "All I really ask is that you keep away from the quarters of the crew and my own. Not many of us around today since most have their own places now, but just enough we can probably be nice enough hosts."
"Also keep away from the costumes and prop rooms and the stage", chimed in the other blonde lady, either Amelia, Anabella or Priscilla you guessed, "Byron is downright feral when someone messes with his hard work."
Edgar raised an eyebrow at her, "Downright, Anabella? You'd think he was raised by a pack of Wolfos if not by seeing him with that little village herbalist."
"I HEARD THAT!" Comes the yell from backstage, as a young man with brown hair sends a scatching glare from behind the curtain, the Chain as one jumps, and you thank your lucky stars for their restraint indoors even as you have to half remind yourself not to throw your dagger either. "Costume making with you people is maddening and you know it, no thanks to your stunts! And don't you bring Lynn into this you pompous pri-"
"Alright! Settled down you two!" Raven claps sharply with a stern look, Edgar sneers at presumably Byron while the later growls, they sigh, pinching the bridge of their nose before sending your group an apologetic, tired look you've seen on Time's or First's face many, many times over the course of this adventure, "Apologies about them, things can get hectic some times. Anyway, just don't go to those places uninvited and remember your end of the bargain." Brightening up, they grin, "Nothing like meals and a show during rainy days you know? It will be a nice distraction for us all I'd wager, we'll make sure to call you lot so you can take it in the stands."
"It's alright.", First relaxed, hand that had instinctually gone to the sword at his side falling limp, Time was the second to compose himself fully with a wry sigh, "Trust me, we understand pretty well."
"Thank you so much again for your hospitality." Sky spoke up, smiling warmly, Edgar seemed to blink a few times, Anabella almost dropped a candle she had in hand, while Raven simply smiled, "Don't mention it, really."
"We mean it, it's appreciated." Nodded Warriors, with Twilight right behind him.
They shrug, waving your group off. "It's not much at all, as long as we can tell stories we are satisfied. It's in the theater's and on the lobby's sign and all."
Edgar nods briefly, "All of us fell for the theater at some point due to that. It's only inevitable."
... For some reason, that makes you pause, that prickle of unease rearing it's head. You study them closely, but the director simply shrugs, sweeping sleeves flapping about as they shoo you group off. "Now off you go! You've had a long day, take your time, unwind, and we'll have the stage set properly tomorrow."
With that, you're all lead away. To the second floor and, true to Raven's word. There was an available room for everyone, all of them standard and pretty much the same with a single bed, desk with an unlit lantern, and a simple wooden wardrobe, after showing us all to our rooms, Edgar left swiftly, muttering something about 'needing to redo the scenery'. Tiredness you've barely registered crept onto the edges of your mind, you stifle a yawn and wave to your company, "I think that's my cue, I'm going to take a nice long nap for now."
"First sign of a bed and already trading us for it?", Teased Wild, making you poke his chest and flick a pointy ear, lips pursed so you won't smile at the little twitch, "Of course, just because I travel and adore you lads doesn't mean you're not exhausting to my sanity."
"Ouch." Mock hissed Spirit, Wind from his side hmphing, "I'll have you know we are a delight, thank you very much! If anything being around us is probably better for your health!"
You chuckle, ruffling Wind's hair and patting Spirit's head beneath his hat, ignoring both the indignant squawk and light bat like an annoyed cat, "I know, I know, don't take it personally. I'm really just tired."
"We know, it's been a long day and an even longer week," Sky smiled softly, giving you a gentle push onwards, before stifling a yawn, "Honestly I might follow your example."
"We meet later on for dinner?" Chimed in Wild, shifting in place, "I kind of want to check their pantry before anything else. See what we'll be working with."
Time nodded, addressing the Chain as one, "We'll meet up in the auditorium, you all get some rest until then. It will be a long stay so we may as well get used to this place."
"Don't give any trouble to our hosts, and if any of you notice something off come fetch me or Time." Came from First, you catch the tail end of agreement from the boys as you open and close your door, breathing in deeply.
You still can't push that feeling that something about this is too easy, or that the other shoe is going to drop. But faced with a warm bed and at least somewhere semi-secure from monsters after so long on the road, you can't bring yourself to dwell too deeply on in it, you set your bag on the wardrobe and atop a pile of wooly blankets. Picking one for your own use while you can, take of your boots and set them by the night stand, dim the lantern and then fall back onto the mattress, wrapping yourself comfortably and not forgetting to place the dagger beneath your pillow.
You fall quickly into a warm and dreamless sleep, unaware of a black cat with crimson eyes watching you from above, as the shadows shift unnaturally and the lantern almost goes out, before it slinks away into the shadows, slipping away unnoticed.
Long after night fell, dinner had been had along a relaxed retelling about the adventures of a young wooden puppet who became a human and all activity had ceased from most other guests and hosts alike. The darkness and shadows of the corridors shifted oddly, flickering as if someone had set a candle by them when all light have been either dimmed or blow out, they seethed and snapped and twisted as form was given to one of their own even as they hissed at the anomaly, wanting to be set to their natural, usually still and silent state again.
Sadly, they wouldn't be able to return to sleep just yet.
First came legs, then a torso and arms, neck and a head with short chin lenght hair, shades draped upon them in a shape like a tunic's and forming boots at their feet and red, red eyes, a shade bright like rubies found in the Era of Wild, bright even in the dark. Something snapped within the darkness, visibly shifted and cracked itself into place, and the figure stepped out, while once as obsidian as the shadows he was named from, color seemed to flood into the being as the remaining shades melted away, giving way to dark purple hair held back with a black headband, sickly pale skin from being unable to stay in the sunlight, and where there once was only the shape of eyes now there was a sclera.
There in the empty lobby stood a perfect copy of The Hero of Minish, the Shadow behind the Four Sword Wielder.
Shadow stretched, cracking his neck with a relieved sigh, "Now that is much more like it." His crimson eyes surveyed the room almost critically, narrowed and wary, he clicked his tongue with a sigh, wrinkling his nose, the only sound in a theater as quiet as a mausoleum, "Sheesh, no wonder Rainbow was on edge... This place is enough to give even me the creeps." And he had worked under Vaati, yikes. Shrugging, he went forward into the darkened auditorium, footsteps silent as the building, "Let's see what we can find, shall we?"
Humming, the masked figure grinned, putting quill to paper from a darkened spot in the balcony, the Director walked away from their room with a candle in hand and a case on the other heading down the stairs, a black cat with blood red eyes stared judgmentally at the masked one's glee, "There you are." They waved the cat off, it rolled it's eyes with a hiss, but melded into the shadows easily enough, the figure leaned comfortably against the balcony railing and got to writing, ink crimson and then back where the quill passed, "First thing most fairy tales and stories teach you: never wander off alone, good intentions or not."
Opening Act, Scene III End.
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breakingblorbos · 5 months
Pinned Post/Blog Info!
Hiya!! Welcome to my BrBa & BCS focused blog! 👋🏼😊 The primary purpose of this pinned post is to give some info about me, my blog, and what you can expect to find on it. Everything below the cut is not required reading to follow or interact; merely just additional info if you are interested, or if you want to make requests. The only thing I require you to read is the following disclaimer:
This is an 18+ blog ran by an adult. You will find NSFT art/fic, dark and potentially upsetting themes, as is common for the BrBa/BCS universe. And I make very thirsty comments & posts about my blorbos, so just keep that in mind. However!! I am not going to restrict anyone from following/interacting with my blog. Use your own discretion and awareness. That's your responsibility, not mine. Anything that needs a content warning will be tagged appropriately, of course.
🌌About Me!🪐
Basic info - You can call me either Orion or Riley! I'm 25, neurodivergent, trans masc & nonbinary, and bisexual. Pronouns are he/him and they/them. I do also live in New Mexico (born and raised babyy!), which makes the shows that much more special to me!! I'm very friendly and open, but also very shy, so I tend to not reach out to folks even when I want to talk to them (which, honestly, is most of y'all. Oops.) If you ever do feel compelled to chat with me, please don't hesitate! I'm super excited to talk about BrBa/BCS with literally anybody!
I'm a writer, but I struggle hard with getting anything actually published on here or AO3. I try to write but it's not nearly consistent enough to ever expect anything from me. I'm working towards getting better at this! My main hurdle to overcome is my perfectionism and my fear of rejection (RSD).
I have a lot of interests, being autistic, so the only important one to list here is obviously Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul. You can certainly ask about my other interests, and I'll be happy to tell you more! I like to keep my special interests all separate on their own dedicated blogs, so that was the main motivation behind creating this one. Which leads me to the next section:
☣️About This Blog!⚗️
Most of the content is gonna be reblogs from others: fanart, fics, writings, memes, shitposts, etc. I myself am not an artist and cannot contribute with art even though I wish I could, but I may sometimes write little drabbles, oneshots, and universe willing, fic chapters for my ships/blorbos (more info on that below ↓). If you want to see something in particular, you're more than welcome to submit a request! I think I have a lot more motivation to write when I get specifically asked to write something, perhaps?
My main blorbos: (red shows the character currently occupying my braincell the most rn)
🥊Tuco Salamanca
🐍Nacho Varga (and by extension, Vaas Montenegro. I simply love MM.)
💀Marco & Leonel Salamanca
❤️‍🩹Jesse Pinkman
🎭Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill
Of course, I adore all the characters (except Walt ofc) and they're all very special to me!! But these seven men listed above have an absolute chokehold on my brain at any given time lmao, so they will be featured prominently in this blog.
My fave ships:
Default ship is character x reader
Vaacho (Vaas x Nacho)
Lacho (Nacho x Lalo)
Beef Sandwich (Nacho x Twins) I fucking love this ship name holy shit
Tucho (Tuco x Nacho)
McWexler (Kim x Jimmy)
Jesse x Jane
Jesse x Andrea
Jesse x happiness (this is a joke, but also not. Man deserves it.)
My asks are always open for questions, requests, or really anything! I love sending/receiving asks and interacting with this fandom! If you're interested in requesting a writing from me, first read this list of what I will and won't write before you submit your request:
Yes, no problem!
Vast majority of ships
Reader Inserts
Gender Swaps
Toxic Relationship
Most Kinks & Fetishes
Please ask first!
Fandom Crossovers (mostly just to ensure I know the fandom)
Consensual Noncon (depends on character)
No, I will not!
In/ce/st Ships (i.e. twincest, cousins)
Explicit content involving underage characters
Ageplay (calling a character daddy doesn't count lol)
Extreme Kinks, such as s/ca/t, v/or/e, n/ecr/o, etc.
Keep in mind that I reserve the right to deny your request for any reason, including no reason at all! 9 times out of 10 this won't be necessary, but if you're rude or demanding non-jokingly, I won't write for you! Just be chill and it'll be Saul Goodman! :)
Also I don't have a Masterlist to link here, because I've never posted anything ever! It's all just vibing in my Google Docs while I polish and tweak until the end of time! Fun! :D /s
So, yeah, I suppose that's the long and the short of it. I didn't expect for this to be so long, but I have a tendency to just keep adding details to things! Good for writing; not great for writing a blog intro. I'll edit as needed over time, though. Thanks for reading if you got this far! Seriously, props to you. Here's a cookie mwah 🤲🏼🍪
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devourable · 1 year
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disclaimer :
first things first, ALL of my xreaders will be completely ambiguous. i will not be describing appearance, gender, body type, etc. unless 1. the mood strikes and i feel like writing smth specific or 2. it’s commissioned, MAYBE requested if i like the request enough. i aim for all my fics to be inclusive of everyone who are often excluded from x reader content without alienating everyone else.
additionally, due to the nature of this blog, my content is NOT for anyone under 18 or sensitive to darker subject matter. this blog is for coping and fantasy purposes and i do not support replicating anything i write about in real life! i am not responsible for your internet experience; if you don’t think you can handle potentially heavy subject matter then do not follow me.
if you are an adult that allows minors to interact with you, i don’t mind if you follow me. but do not put my content on your blog! do not reblog my fics, do not tag me, do not mix me in with your following. it makes me profoundly uncomfortable.
the following are blacklisted topics; i will not discuss them, write them, or draw them under any circumstances.
[ pedophilia, incest, zoophilia, anything involving underage characters or inappropriate age gaps (ie barely legal x older adult), descriptive acts of abuse or self harm, non sexual bodily fluids aside from blood, hyperinnocent/childish characters regardless of age, my ocs cheating on their darling or being cheated on, any form of bigotry or fetishism of minorities/identities. ]
i am okay with the following :
[ somno/drugplay and dubcon, blood, sacrilege, corruption, deserved cheating (yandere/darling cheats on crappy partner with darling/yandere, i'm picky w this though), anything outside of and alongside of vanilla sex tbh ]
do not rush me or act entitled to my work. i will create at my own pace and don't take kindly to people demanding more for free. do not try to make me feel bad for what i will/won't write either; everyone has a comfort zone, i have mine, be respectful or bug off.
to make a request, please be specific! i cannot answer queries that are just “(character) x reader”. if you want to request something from me, you need to have a specific topic/plot in mind that i can actually work with. you are much more likely to have your ask answered that way.
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yueliie · 1 month
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ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 asks & interaction in general are always welcome, you can ramble away in my inbox cuz me too, share your ideas, tell me your day and so on... I love to talk a lot. however, please never vent in my inbox, i'm no professional nor am i your free therapist. unfortunately for you, i'm just a normal person trying to survive.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 please don't offer unnecessary criticism. i know my english isn't perfect, but i only writes for fun... well unless i ask for it, so keep it to yourself if you don't like it then don't read, simple. on that note, feel free to block me if you feel that strongly against me, any hateful messages or asks will be deleted.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 please don't send me hate messages, my blog may be sfw but that does not means that I cannot being friends with the owners of nsfw blogs, I just won't reblog their nsfw posts but slightly suggestive is okay. I would only block the person in question if they are proved to be problematic, that's all.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 please make sure to read my dni and rules which is here before requesting.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 feel free to check queue to see my upcoming works.
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ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 i will write — oneshots, headcanons, drabbles, fluff, angst, yandere, hurt/comfort, aus, any gender for the reader.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 i will not write — smut/nsfw or anything suggestive, a lot of characters in kny are like still in their teens, I don't feel comfortable writing them even if it's an adult character. This rules also applied for wind breaker simply because... I'm too much of a wimp to do nsfw really.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 who i will write for — almost everyone! all i'm asking for a character with a distinct personality then it's should be no problems for me to write for them.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 please only request one at a time, I really don't want someone to cheat their way through by requesting two fics by using anon.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 please specify what you will be requesting by putting separate and not are big difference. also, don't just give me "character x reader" i need more than that and don't forget to mention what gender (reader) or otherwise I will just assumed based on your request.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 for my multiple characters format, 4 characters max because of aesthetic purposes... I tend to write long since it's an odd mix of headcanons + scenarios format so thank you for your understanding.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 when requesting from the alphabet template, make sure you only pick 4 or 5 letters only, gn reader only because I don't want to write the same scenario to change the gender, sorry.
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🫧 back : here ,, 💦 next : here
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jackpiastri · 1 year
you're mine – ln4
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lando doesn't really enjoy the thought of you going out with george.
genre: fluff
pairing: female mercedes driver!reader x secret boyfriend!lando norris
warnings: none
requested?: no
author's note: hello hello, jack (@httpiastri) here !!! trying to see if i can post here while my real blog isn't working properly... just wrote something short about lando. i have so much half-written stuff in my drafts but all i do is start writing new things 😭 anyways hope u enjoy this!
f1 masterlist
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"please don't go out with him."
you roll your eyes, turning away from lando to open your drawer. "shut up."
lando groans from his spot on the bed, sitting up more properly against the headrest. "really. i don't want you to go with him."
"what? george is just my teammate." you say and frown despite him not being able to see it. "he just wants to get some celebratory drinks. for a good season, you know?"
to you, it's nothing weird. you and george have had great teamwork all season and you are good friends. you got to know each other early on, even driving with each other back in your junior days – so to you, a few drinks isn't a big deal.
to lando, it totally is a big deal. "still. i don't want him to get any ideas."
you sigh, throwing a look back at lando. "you know me. i won't let him."
"you already are when you look like that," he says, pulling a hand through his hair.
"what?" you look at yourself in the mirror in front of you, tilting your head. "this is just a normal dress, though?"
"it’s not the dress, it’s you in it." lando jumps off the bed, making his way towards you. "he’d be a fool if he didn’t fall in love with you the moment he sees you."
"oh, please." you shake your head before continuing to rummage through your drawer. "we've known each other for years and he’s never tried to make a move, or even looked at me in the wrong way."
"but he asked you out for drinks." lando comes up behind you and his hands land on your waist, pulling you back against him.
"so, to most people, drinks equals a date." his lips meet the space where your neck meets your shoulder. "don't let him do or think anything." he repeats his action, his kisses trailing up your skin. "you're mine."
"he doesn't know that."
lando pulls away his head, eyes instantly making contact with yours in the mirror. "i'll go tell him right this second."
you giggle, hands coming to rest on top of his. "really?" you tease, and he nods eagerly. "but that would defeat the whole purpose of having a secret relationship, wouldn't it?"
"i don't care."
you turn around in his hold, your arms hanging around his neck as a smile spreads across your face. "you're so cute when you're jealous, did you know that?"
lando groans. "it's not funny. i don't enjoy having other guys fall for my girl."
your grin turns into a pout as you nod along to his words. "i'm sorry." you stand on your tiptoes, giving him a quick kiss to each cheek. "if he tries anything, or hints at anything, i'll tell him instantly that i'm taken. okay?"
"okay." your lips press onto his instead, giving him a bunch of pecks before he pulls away to speak again. "and you can threaten him and say i'll come after him if he doesn't stop."
"oh, that's supposed to be scary?"
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fireofjudgement · 2 years
Pretty in pink
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Requested here
Fandom: All of us are dead
Pairing: Gwi-nam x gn!reader
Summary: You've never realised just how jealous Gwi-nam was, nor what the result of his jealousy would be.
Word count: 696
Warnings: established relationship, kissing, mentions of jealousy, slight angst but mostly fluff, ooc Gwi-nam
A/N: Good lord, this isn't my best work or my longest one but this past month has been quite bad and I didn't have the time, energy nor the motivation to write at all, but I also made this blog with the goal of posting at least one thing every month and I didn't want to break my streak so early on. I'm doing a little better now so I'll be writing more of the requests soon, hopefully 😌
"Gwi-nam, stay still! I swear to God.."
"But it buuurns, how am I supposed to stay still? You're doing this on purpose, y/n!" 
"It will burn even more if you won't stop moving, you silly! Are you trying to get it in your eyes?" You pretended to be annoyed with his impatience and childish behavior, but in reality you had to try really hard to contain laughter and focus on what you were doing. You didn't actually want to hurt him, obviously. 
It was still hard for you to believe he agreed to do this. You and Gwi-nam have been together for almost a year now and you could, with all confidence, say that you knew him better than he knew himself. And yet, never in a million years would you imagine he'd let you dye his hair. Pink. Pastel pink to be more specific. But, as unbelievable as that fact itself was, the reason why he asked you to do it in the first place was even more absurd. 
It was no secret that Gwi-nam was the jealous type, possessive even. You were his and he was yours, you knew it and he made sure everyone around you knew it too. You didn't know however that his jealousy went far beyond the people you surrounded yourself with, or so happened to meet in your day-to-day life. Oh no. But it wasn't till a few weeks earlier that you learned your boyfriend doesn't like for you to look at any other man. Not even celebrities you've never met before and most likely never will.
One of those celebrities, a young actor from a very popular Netflix show, posted a few pictures of himself with his new haircut and without thinking much about it, you made a comment about it to Gwi-nam. 
"You know, he kinda reminds me of you a little. Just with a way cuter hair color."
You didn't think he'd react so emotionally, an innocent remark apparently hurting him more than either of you expected. It took a few days of radio silence, countless unanswered texts and missed phone calls for him to finally talk to you again. And when he did, it wasn't what you expected. He wasn't mad. He didn't want to break up with you. Instead, he asked for you to.. dye his hair. It would be nice to try something new, he said. And you didn't ask any questions. You were just happy to have him back.
"Okay, I'm done! Now you have to wait about forty minutes, then we can wash it off."
"Wait, forty minutes? That doesn't sound right. What if it burns my beautiful hair?" He asked, pretending to be genuinely concerned. 
"Well.." You hesitated, pulling him closer to you. "..I guess I'll still love you. We'll just get you a pink wig." You couldn't contain laughter any longer when he tackled you, leaving a bunch of kisses on your face and neck. It was adorable how careful he was to not get the dye on you or any of your furniture. 
You spent the next hour cuddling, trying to pay attention to the movie quietly playing in the background, completely forgetting about the timer. It was nice to have Gwi-nam by your side again, it was even nicer to feel his lips on yours, your bodies complimenting each other perfectly. It wasn't until you tried to brush your fingers through his hair that you realised you still haven't washed off the dye, dark pink stains forming on his forehead and neck. You could only hope his hair has survived this unexpected attack.
"And?" Gwi-nam asked, nervously shifting his gaze from the mirror to your face. He was trying to keep his cool but you knew how much your approval meant to him. "Don't be like that, just tell me what you think?" 
"I think..Well, pink is definitely your color." You answered honestly, before giving him another kiss. You could feel him smiling against your lips, your next words only causing his smile to grow bigger. "You'll always be the most attractive guy I know, Gwi-nam. And I wouldn't want anyone else by my side."
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gangplanksorenji · 3 years
Introduction, Rules and Masterlist
Greetings! Welcome to my blog, or shall I say, my Igloo! My name is Raf oryou call me Orenji. I’m kinda into writing now since I read so many pieces to the point I got inspired (this was way back on the last days of January 2022). I’m kinda nervous though ngl and feel free to read my works and enjoy! (Y’all can send some feedback or constructive criticisms about my works, feel free!)
I'm an average LoL (League of Legends) player a car and F1 enthusiast so expect some works and talks for me related from that. I also stan a lot of groups (mostly GGs) and recently got into reading a lot of fanfics too. Also, I mostly adore fluff and fluffy stuff so you would expect works from me according to fluff (also some angsty pieces too).
By the way, I draw portraits too, so I could also post my artworks here if I feel to do so.
Firstly, these are the things I could/would write:
GGs I can/would write (as of now):
More GGs will come..
I'm a N/SFW writer and you'll expect SFW and NSFW fics from me and no requests for now as of the fact that I'm not yet confident with my writing skills. (for now, yet you can send me ideas and suggestions, feel free! Also, if you're a minor, please refrain from readjng any smut/suggestive content from my blog for your own safety, thank you.)
Also, you can ask me anything you want! Feel free if you want to. (No asks regarding with too much graphic topics and etc. and idols who are minors, about it) The reason for this is that, I want my blog's content to be well-mannered and floofy coz I'm a floofy person.
Be NICE and RESPECTFUL to the idols mentioned, me and to each other here. If you didn't comply to this universal rule and I knew about it, I won't be hesitant to block you or delete your asks if you have any. (a really common thing, respect is a must.)
Everything that will be written here is for fun and for entertainment purposes ONLY, some works may have inaccuracies from the real thing (e.g. how F1 works and etc.) yet I’ll make things accurate as possible.
The works I've written are all works of fiction (e.g. the people except the idols, of course, cafe locations and etc.).
Patience is a virtue. (Note that some that my releases may delay because of my own busy life, so I hope you understand me as much as I am with you.)
Just enjoy reading! 
Note 1: My masterlist gets updated every time I upload my works
Note 2: My works shown in the masterlist is according to the date published and released.
[o] - oneshot
[q] - quickies
[u] - unedited
[f] - minimal/moderate fluff
[f] - pure fluff
[a] - minimal/moderate angst
[a] - pure angst
[s] - contains strong or offensive language (I only put this indicator/legend on non-smut category of my fics)
[t] - warning/disclaimers
[t] - trigger warning
[s] - smut/suggestive
My Recent Release
Pulchritude ft. ITZY's Yeji (Released on Sept. 15, 2024)
Pace (F1 Series: LOONA X Male Reader)
“Another year, another F1 season in the calendar as you step up within the challenge against 19 drivers, racing to win the championship trophy but at what cost?”
A Paced Up Masterlist
Around You (Mini Series: LOONA Chuu ft. Heejin and Hyunjin X Male Reader)
"A mini series where friendship is tested despite the circumstances, conflicts and challenges the both of you faced together now in your graduating years as seniors."
Part 1 [a]
Part 2 [a]
Part 3 [a]
loonathelegends (LOONA X Reader)
“Series of oneshots where there are various of different ways which you can spend time with different kinds of girls in a game called League of Legends.”
loonathelegends: Un-shackled [s] [t]
End of a Mix (NMIXX Sullyoon, ?? x Male Reader)
"Just two lovebirds who really love each other—what could go wrong? Well, there's never wrong, it's just about time to end this with a mix—"
End of a Mix: 1. (Full)Filling the Cherry on the Top of the Cake ft. Sullyoon [f] [s]
End of a Mix: 2. ?? ft. ??
When everything gets unshackled from the rust of their cages and out of their frustrating restraints—filthiness ensues and arrogates all over them, consuming them with lust and temptation that's inescapable...
Kinknuary Masterlist
More in the future..
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Post-Race 1: Reminisce [q] [f] [t]
Race 2: Impulse [s] [t]
Post-Race 2: Momentum [q] [f] [t]
Around You (Part 1) [a]
Around You (Part 2) [a]
Around You (Part 3) [a]
Race 1: Unanticipated [f] [t]
Post-Race 1: Reminisce [q] [f] [t]
Race 2: Impulse [s] [t]
Post-Race 2: Momentum [q] [f] [t]
Race 3: Fault [f] [a] [s] [t]
Around You (Part 1) [a]
Post-Race 3: Mend [f] [a] [t]
Your Weakest Smiles [o] [f]
Around You (Part 3) [a]
Kim Lip
Cloud Nine [o] [q] [u] [f]
Out of Time [q] [u] [f] [a] [t]
Fall Again [o] [f]
Race 3: Fault [f] [a] [s] [t]
Post-Race 3: Mend [f] [a] [t]
Stay [o] [q] [u] [f] [t]
Race 1: Unanticipated [f] [t]
Post-Race 1: Reminisce [q] [f] [t]
Post-Race 2: Momentum [q] [f] [t]
Won't Let Go [o] [q] [u] [f]
Race 1: Unanticipated [f] [t]
Post-Race 1: Reminisce [q] [f] [t]
Post-Race 2: Momentum [q] [f] [t]
Around You (Part 1) [a]
Around You (Part 2) [a]
Better [o] [q] [u] [f]
Around You (Part 3) [a]
Ignite [o] [f] [a] [t]
Olivia Hye
Race 1: Unanticipated [f] [t]
loonathelegends: Un-shackled [o] [s] [t]
Post-Race 1: Reminisce [q] [f] [t]
Race 2: Impulse [s] [t]
Post-Race 2: Momentum [q] [f] [t]
Race 3: Fault [f] [a] [s] [t]
Post-Race 3: Mend [f] [a] [t]
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Fading Tulips [o] [f] [a] [t]
Delight [o] [q] [u] [f]
Bitter;sweet [o] [f]
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Good _arts (When everything feels lost but I am—) [o] [u] [f] [a]
19:01 [o] [f]
Do you think you're forgiven? [o] [s]
A door that's slightly ajar (and then, I opened them all up) [s]
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Minji and Hanni
Three's a Crowd, Four's a Party (collaboration with @chunksworld) [o] [f] [s]
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End of a Mix: 1. (Full)Filling the Cherry on the Top of the Cake [f] [s]
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Incandescence [o] [q] [u] [s]
A star illuminates brightly (and then, it collapsed) [s]
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I. Apotheosis [u] [f] [a] [s]
No Control [o] [u] [q] [s]
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Pulchritude [s]
More in the future...
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
Looking forward to your feedback and support! Anyways, stay safe y’all and have a good day ahead! 
By the way, here our dancing serotonin, Chuu, to boost your day!
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willowedwisteria · 3 years
♪Information Counter♪
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Knowledge is key. If you want information, this is the place to start.
Greetings. Come over for a cup of tea, or is it that perhaps you prefer coffee? If you don't know who am I, just call me Wisteria or Willow, you'll learn with time.
Alright. No matter if you are a mutual of mine, someone new or old, please read through the rules and regulations that I have in place. I don't hope or want anything bad to happen.
My beloved and dearests anons and mutuals <3/Masterlist
Requests: Closed!
Asks/brainrots/chatting: Open
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I'm a minor. If you know my age, do not mention it anywhere else, please. If you want to tag me, ensure that your post isn't NSFW or suggestive.
Do you wanna be tagged whenever I post a fic/update on my #Wisteriawrites tag? Sign up here!
Do not repost or translate my works on any other platform without my permission.
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Rules and Regulations ->
Don't be rude towards me, my mutuals, anons, and non-anons.
No mention of my age. I understand that I can't erase memories, but I don't want other anons to attack me after finding out my age. Any past mention of age should be changed, if possible, to refer to as a minor. My mutuals, and only my mutuals, may refer to me as child/kid.
If I ever call you "Darling", "Dear", "Sweetie", "Sweetheart" or any of the sort, it is strictly platonic.
No discrimination/attacking me, an anon/non-anon, a third party. You may tell me about something they did wrong, but please do not insult them.
Be polite and have manners. You can act weird or sometimes strange around me, but in general please remember to keep your attitude in check.
Minors may interact, I have no age restrictions. However, I will put up warnings in case there are some sensitive people.
No death threats.
Any anons/non-anons affiliated with my old blog, please send me a request that you used to be an anon on my old blog.
This blog is not spoiler-free.
Cursing is allowed! I curse quite a bit as well.
Please keep in mind that I am a minor and watch what you say. I will straight up delete your ask if I know it's suggestive/NSFW.
DNI if you are a pro-shipper, homophobic, against any small minorities, transphobic, xenophobic, dreamsexual (attracted to the content creator Dream), Nice Guys TM, pedophiles, zoophiles, etc.
Do not repost or translate my works on any other platform without my permission.
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Requesting ->
(Before requesting, check if my inbox is open.)
The maximum number of characters per request is five.
Be specific. I won't be able to answer your request if you skip out on details.
Reread your request. I can forgive some spelling mistakes because I'm sure I've made them in the past, but please ensure that you can understand what you're requesting. Giving examples is a good way to start.
If you vent in my inbox, I will personally message if you ask me that request as a non-anon in case you reveal a bit too much for your own comfort. Otherwise, I will reply to it publicly.
You can request any SAGAU, soft-yandere content.
If you request any characters that are minors, every interaction involving reader with said character will be platonic. Reader in my AU is a teen/adult depending on who they are shipped with.
No incest, rape, pedophilia in any request.
No smut, NSFW, heavy gore. Anything suggestive will try to be answered.
No drugging, abuse, ddlg/abdl.
You may request Fluff/angst and character x character.
Please mention a specific character/characters. Otherwise, I'll write about the archons as default.
DO NOT spam my inbox. Chatting is always allowed, but if you're going to spam my inbox with different messages instead of compiling them into one message, it's unnecessary and a bit annoying to me. The main purpose of my inbox is NOT to chat, but to send requests. If you want to chat, directly DM me.
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Tags ->
#Wisteriachats -> Chatting
#Wisteriaasks -> Answering asks
#Wisteriaevents -> Events
#Wisteriabrainrots -> Brainrots from both me and my audience
#Wisteriaupdate -> Updates on me
#Wisteriahangouts -> Little mini stories with you hanging out and bonding with me
#Wisteriawrites -> Fics, drabbles, requests, you get the gist of things.
#Wisteriaheadcannons -> Headcannons
#WisteriaOC -> OC interactions/introductions
#Wisteriaaskgame -> Ask games!
#Wisteriamutuals -> Me talking with my moots!
#Wisteriamasterlist -> My masterlist (So I don't lose it in the abyss of my blog)
#Wisteriaarrangements -> Arranging stuff
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OCs ->
- Riku, my dearest
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Nicknames you may call me! ->
- Wisteria
- Wisti
- Willow
- Teri
- Ria
- Ai (@/xyliope)
- Wisty
- Wist-tea
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124 notes · View notes
bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Hey there。◕‿◕。
You're my favorite BC blog now I think-I really love your writing. I'd like to request protective hcs for Zora, Nozel and Langris maybe?
But I also saw how many requests you still have yet to write so please take your time and don't overwork yourself!!
EEK EEK EEK My first Langris and omg Nozel and Zora my softie boys being all protective I love this so much! *。.。・*♥(´∀`)♥*。.。・*
Don't worry Anony I'm not overworking myself, I love being here! And thank you for considering me to be one of your favourite BC blog (๑✪ᆺ✪๑)
Zora | Nozel | Langris x f! reader
Zora Ideale
He's always teasing and bullying you to be honest but if anyone else dares to do that to you... They'll be finding stink bugs everywhere, their pants with holes, one shoe missing. Stuff like that.
If someone ever makes you shed a tear, hell gonna break loose cause this masked man will make their life difficult.
He'll be okay with you wearing anything you like. He loves it when you dress sexy for him because he knows it means that he's gonna get laid.
But if people start oogling at you, he'll wrap his hands around your hips and occasionally give your ass a squeeze or two, making sure the person staring at you is watching.
If you go for missions with him, he'll keep a reflect trap on you, just in case, he'll always be close.
and if you go on missions without him, he'll follow you anyway, lurking in the shadows, making sure you're alright. secretly and discreetly helping you a little but he wouldn't let you know.
He knows you're a careless person so whenever you're cooking for the both of you, he'll be doing all the knife work, cutting, peeling and stuff, JUST IN CASE y'know.
When you go out in public, this man always has his arms around your waist to pull you out of harms way.
Nozel Silva
Mr Royal gonna flex and buy you jewelleries that shows that you're taken.
He'll buy heart shaped pendants and expects you to wear your necklace everywhere. I mean you totally would, they're beautiful.
Always drapes a coat over you when you two take your night walks, if he didn't bring a coat, he'll give you his robe.
Hear me out, whenever there's a dish with fish, he'll make sure that there's no bones in them before he puts it in your bowl / plate.
Nope he ain't letting you go on missions without him. Doesn't trust anyone except himself. But if you insist (with some puppy eyes) he'll give way, but he'll send someone to watch over you and report to him.
Surprisingly though, when you two go on missions together, he'll sit back and watch you. He wouldn't spoil you to the point of not letting you do any work. In fact he'll let you do most of the work and will only step in to help if you really need it.
During fights, when an enemy launches an attack he'll naturally put up shields around you.
He knows you're a tough independent woman, but he just doesn't bear seeing you get hurt.
Will make sure you walk on the inner side when you walk on the streets.
Langris Vaude
He's a softie at heart, but he'll never show it. He would gift you something to wear, maybe an earring or necklace but he puts a tracker in them.
Not for stalking purposes, just in case something happens on a mission.
Similar to Zora, he would sometimes just follow you quietly and move any dangers out of your way with his spatial magic.
He's mostly nonchalant to the world, so he's okay with men making sheep's eyes at you, but if they even try to come close he'll use spatial magic and burn off some part of their clothes first, then their hair, if they even lay a finger on you, yep that finger will be gone.
He hates it when people take advantage of you. He'll confront your bully and make some snide remarks, making them feel shameful of their actions.
You always forget an umbrella, but when it rains, you'll never be wet, because you have Langris Vaude and his spatial magic, where ever you go, there won't be rain above your head. hehe. He's just sweet and protective in his own ways.
Always lets you wear his robe because people are more respectful when they see Golden Dawn + they'll know you're his / taken
Always walks slightly in front of you in crowded places so his body is your personal shield.
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Welcome to my little corner!
Requests: Open
- I write my headcanons and fanfics on the male sonic characters.
- This blog only writes for male or masc leaning gender-neutral. Everything will be masc leaning.
- My blog is NOT intended for fem readers. I won't block you or anything, just know nothing here will be feminine or fem related. Its not intended for you.
- I am a transgender gay man. I don't feel comfortable writing for female characters.
- I am an artist as well as a writer- I will draw requests with a blank character or y/n! Though these won't be accepted as much as writing requests. This are not to be used as bases. I will not draw OC requests, thats for paying customers.
Everything on this blog is my own interpretation of the characters. I stay true to the characters before 2010 in the games, as I feel after 2010 their characters started to decline. This means no edgelord (for the most part) Shadow, no braindead unable to read Knuckles, no coward tails who "doesn't know how to help sonic", and no comic relief laughing stock Eggman.
I'll dash straight into the rules and other important information!
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As I said in the beginning, I only write for male characters and male/masc leaning gender-neutral readers.
The max amount of characters per post is 3!
I may decline more angsty requests, I generally don't like to imagine sad things- there's enough sad irl already 💀 But don't be afraid to ask!
Do not request anything NSFW, I'm not comfortable writing smut of animals even if they're human-like and can consent.
I don't write for canon x oc or canon x canon. I only do general headcanons on the characters and canon x reader!
I don't write for any AU's, I only write for the original characters. However, requesting the sonic characters in the human world as well as their original planet is perfectly fine! Anything canonical to the games and movies will go.
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Character List:
I currently write for: Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, and Silver
I will write non-romantic headcanons for: Eggman, fem characters
I sadly don't write for any of the chaotics, or other male characters yet as I don't have a good enough grasp on their character. This can change in the future though!
I will not write for Eggman romantically as it makes me very uncomfortable to think romantically of him. He is haha silly egg man to me
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(yes, I know it's spelled wrong, that's on purpose!)
Masterlist and Other Information:
This blog is for my own enjoyment and to get better as a writer. I still have school to get through, as well as trying to write through my ADHD and Autism. Headcanon's won't always be organized or proofread. I won't respond to every request, and my schedule fluctuates.
My asks are open for requests as well as asking about Ty, what I think of sonic related things, or fanmail. Even when requests are closed, i'll still be responding to other asks!
Posts that aren't a headcanon or fanfic will be tagged as "TysSpacingOut"
I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy sharing my thoughts!
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twst-drabbles · 3 years
Rules and other such things.
This is a reader insert focused blog, so I won’t do character x character unless the reader is involved somehow. Also, please note that I am 20+ in age, in case anybody needs to know.
Dom Readers only. I can’t do submissive Reader as I am not comfortable with that at all. I also can’t do easily flustered Readers, or stockholm syndrome Readers.
Unless you’re willing to pay me, or unless it’s a collaboration, I don’t take full length fanfiction requests, as in asking me to write multiple chapters for an idea you have. Gotta work with me here buddy. Don't worry though, you can ask for sequels for prompts.
Reader is gender neutral by default for the sake of everyone being able to enjoy it. If you ask for the reader to be a specific gender, but said gender has no relevance to whatever requests you make, I will change the Reader to be gender neutral. It doesn't help that I have a weird relationship regarding gender, so a male or female reader won't necessarily be masculine or feminine or wear the clothes usually associated with gender. I purposely avoid them since gender nonconformity is a thing. So, yeah. If that bugs you, apologies.
Drabbles, in my definition, are pieces that have a word count between 300 words to about 1000 or sometimes more. I can’t control what the fingers want. Those things take time, but you get more content out of them. Multiple characters can be present in a drabble, but they must be connected. So if you shoot an ask asking for a drabble of Vil and Leona giving you a gift, Vil and Leona will get into a spat or try get under the other’s nerves, rather than treat this drabble as two separate drabbles where they don’t interact at all.
Headcanons are about 3 bullet points at least, but can be longer. They are shorter, so I might get them out a lot faster, though they're not my preferred method of writing due to how bare bones they are. They don't feel quite as personal as drabbles, and I do like the canon characters interacting with each other.
I do take OC x Reader asks, I will have to ask you to submit a post with information about your OC and how they would interact with the reader, information such as appearance, body type, and quotes from said OC. Add as much info as you want. OC x Reader asks must be related to Twisted Wonderland.
I am a slow writer, sometimes I’ll have a writing binge, sometimes I’ll disappear off the face of the earth cause I have horrid mental energy levels.
I take dark topics and I hold the right to delete asks that I simply don’t want to do. I do write yandere requests, but I do write them differently, as in reader isn’t an easy passive target. I live for the fight, and I live for yandere’s losing.
I will proceed to ignore canon and say that everyone is an adult.
Do not ask me to write in 3rd POV or 1st POV.
You can request 2 or 3 dorms for a single drabble if you want to focus on multiple characters, might add more, might add less depending on my mood. Mind you, the more characters you ask, the less screen time each individual character gets, much like the original game where some characters only have a few lines and then just fade into the background in favor for more plot relevant characters. Clarify if there is any certain characters you want for the narrative to be focused on. Headcanons, you'll have to pick 4 characters at most, mind you headcanons are not my preferred method of writing.
During the time period when the Request Box is open, please send only 2 requests max, so that others can send in a request. While I know I can’t keep track of this when it’s anonymous, I’m going to rely on good faith that you won’t flood the Request Box with just your requests.
Artist are allowed to draw anything from my drabbles, I enjoy it very much. Writers are also allowed to write for any AUs and ideas I write. Just be sure to give credit where credit is due.
Please do not use my writings or au's for any sort of AI. This includes the making of a character.ai bot.
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raewritesfiction · 5 years
Ice Pole [Jeremy Renner]
A/N: my first Renner fic. Go easy on me please. Also a heads up - DON'T for the love of everything, don't shove ice poles in your orifices! This is JUST for the fic and if you want a similar effect get yourself a decent glass di*do and put it in the fridge for an hour or so - NOT THE FREEZER… you know what happens when you lick an icy metal pole?! Same thing but with your va*inal or an*l walls!!! Safety first people!!!
Plot: it's hot in the city and Jeremy is helping you cool off all while heating you up. 
Pairing: Jeremy Renner X Reader
Warnings: Sm*t. Language.
Tag List: @jaseminedenise @nikkitasevoli @ohh-la-la-leto @iraniq @snewsome756 @vikki-rogue @amelia-in-w0nderland @pandaliciouz @crispyimagines17 @esoltis280 @marie-is-blogging @bonniebird @itsmeauntie @nutinanutshell @lonelywriter88 @louise-buchan @lokilvrr @mindlesschicca @downtowngirlkate
[[ Lemme know if you wanna be added or removed from tags; no questions asked ♥️ likes are amazing however I really appreciate Reblogs to help spread my writing further! Thank you 🌈😘]]
Tied to the bed and blindfolded in the sweltering apartment, there was little you could do except give in to whatever Jeremy had planned for you. Earlier in the day your lunch time visit to his video set had left him very relaxed while simultaneously leaving you frustrated with the set manager interrupting you before you could get yours. 
"How you feeling there babygirl?" Jeremy walks into the room; you're unable to see the low slung pants he's wearing and home-made ice pole in his fingers, in his other hand he carries a cooler which he silently places beside the bed.
"Blind… nervous....Intrigued?" You tilt your head slightly.
"Don't be nervous." He smiles and sucks the ice pole, crawling onto the bed between your parted and restrained legs. "What's there to be nervous about?" His lips smack as he pulls the ice pole away.
"...what's that Jer?" You bite your lip.
"What's what?" He asks innocently enough but holds the melting ice over your breasts, letting it drip onto each nipple causing them to harden more. 
"Oh!" You arch and gasp. 
"I thought, I could help you cool off a little." You can practically hear the smirk and know full well you won't be doing any cooling off. "I don't know exactly if it'll work but we can try…"
You mutter under your breath and lick your lips. "God damnit Jeremy…"
He chuckles low and drips more of the melting ice down over you making a path to your spread cunt, ensuring more than a couple of drips fall onto your already swollen clit.  You couldn't deny how turned on by the whole situation you were and neither would you stop him from doing this again. 
"Is that an ice cube?" You gasp and rock your hips a little.
"Not a cube, no. Close though. Very close." He smirks.
"Holy shit…" you whisper quietly as your mind whirrs into action and goes down the local path; you have little time to dwell on the thoughts however as you feel the cold ice pole trailing down, circling your clit slowly and then teasing between your delicate folds.  
Jeremy slips the quickly melting ice pole over you until there's nothing left but a very well shaped metal curve.  "I had to search long and hard before I found somewhere that could make these…"
You frown and tilt your head again "what are 'these'?" 
"For all intents and purposes they're surgical steel ice pole sticks… only their shape isn't so stick-like. Much smoother and rounded with a nice curve and a long grip." He describes the item in his hand. "However this one is far to warm now…" Jeremy reaches down beside the bed and opens the cooler box, placing the metal curve into the ice and taking out another ice pole.
"Oh…OH!!" you don't know what else to answer but you're quickly brought out of your thoughts of the item by the fresh ice pole teasing your entrance. Your hips lift to the sensation of the ice as Jeremy pushes it just inside you before withdrawing it and sucking along its length, smacking his lips as it leaves his mouth. 
"Can't have it too cold." He kisses your inner thigh and goes back to using the ice pole to tease over you. "You like it?"
"Y-yes…" you shiver and hiss; the sensation of your core being so cold against the outside heat on your skin sends your senses haywire. 
"Want more?" 
"Yes!" You nod and lift your hips to emphasize your answer. "Please..!" 
Jeremy licks his lips and smiles "Good girl." The ice pole teases over you, following its earlier pattern; clit, folds, entrance.  Only this time instead of just barely pushing into you he thrusts the ice pole deep into your pussy and moves it slowly, making sure to tilt it on each pass to catch every part of you.  Your gasps and whines at the initial coldness soon morph into moans of pleasure, moving your hips to Jeremy's thrusts of the ice pole. You could feel it melting inside you to reveal the metal it had surrounded.  The curve fit to the curve of your cunt; conforming perfectly to press over your g-spot with each long drawn out thrust.
"Oh god… please Jeremy…" you whine and rock your hips to his movements.
"Yes baby?" He glides his hand over your inner thigh.
"Feels good but… you're teasing and I need more…"
"More? Use your words." He lays kisses along your inner thighs, keeping the metal pole moving inside you.
"The ice is… thicker. Bigger." You bite your lip.
"Ah, you wanna feel full? But still with the cold of the ice?" He grins and watches you nod. "Good job I had thought of that." He reaches over and takes out a pale pink glass dildo which he has left in the fridge before putting in the cooler.  Jeremy tests it briefly on his tongue to make sure nothing untoward would happen then removes the metal pole, slowly pushing the dildo into you instead and thrusting it deep.  
Your back arches off the bed and you pull against all four restraints.  Goosebumps break out over your entire body while a light sheen of sweat accentuates their appearance in the dull room lighting.  Jeremy watches you intently, rocking and thrusting the dildo into you making sure the cold textured shaft rubs directly against your g-spot. 
"Faster. Please!" You were never one to shy away from telling him exactly what you wanted; even if you did play coy occasionally.
He obliges with a quiet hum and speeds up his movements, the dildo hitting deep & fast leaving you panting for air and lifting your hips clean off the bed.  The cold wetness on the sheets was no longer just the melted ice and Jeremy groans at the view of your arousal coating you, dripping out of you on every thrust.
"You wanna cum for me baby?" He tilts the dildo a little.
"Oh-god-fuck-yes!!" You blurt out and tremble with a mix of pleasure and cold.
"How bad do you wanna cum?" He shuffles a little for better angle.  You growl in frustration, you loved and loathed when he did this.
"So fucking bad!" You move your hips with the dildo trying to add to the friction.
Jeremy smirks again and reaches down, picking up a piece of ice and working a thumb sized melt into one side. 
"Please!" You whine at him. His silence was hell.
"Please what?" He grins and circles the ice on your lower stomach.
"Please, let me fucking cum, you teasing asshole!!" You'd pay for that at a later date but right now you didn't care.
Jeremy raises an eyebrow then narrows his eyes at you with a quiet growl; he tilts the dildo back again and moves the ice to circle on your clit quickly. 
You gasp and pull at your restraints cumming almost instantly with a loud call of various expletives mixed with his name.  Your release is intense making your legs tremble violently and give out. As your moans of pleasure turn to whimpers of exhaustion Jeremy slows the dildo and lets the ice melt on your lower stomach.
"Such a good girl for me… did that help you cool off?" He muses and unties your restraints.
"Nu-uh…" you steady your breathing. "...worth the try though…" 
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