#but fr seeing good takes gives me back some of the life force that i lose from seing horrible takes
apologies for the saltyposting today, so shoutout to you people who have correct takes and sexy opinions and bring so much passion and love to the table and make the fandom very fun to be in <33
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a-hazbin-reader · 8 months
I hope this is an okay thing to ask for but could you do headcanons of Alastor with female reader on her- time of the month?? (Kinda wondering what to be like for him with all the blood ya know???) 🙇🏻‍♀️ please, thank you!
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being nasty, canon cannibalism mentioned, menstruation(wish I got a TW for that in real life fr)
Description: ☝️⬆️
Can literally smell it coming before you even have a chance to check your calendar
He's like a fucking shark, smelling you from miles away
Maybe it's his affection for you but you're the one person he reacts this way to, he's fine around anyone else on their period
If you forget then he's not going to remind you because he likes waking up to the smell of your blood
Don't worry though he'll take care of the sheets and your clothes, he's got you bby girl
Tbh Alastor is practically starving whenever your period starts, the coppery smell making his mouth water constantly
He's sipping tea and you walk by?? Oops, the cup is crushed in his hands and he's sitting there with tea and broken glass all over him
He wants to devour you all the time
Definitely just finds opportunities to bite you and draw blood so he can stave off his desires
Don't worry it feels good
Eats at Cannibal Town more often
Other than that, he tends to pamper you when you're on your period
You're craving something??? Don't worry, Husk or Niffty will go get it for you! He'll snuggle you while you wait
Wait actually that looks kinda good give him a bite
Fuck off
He steals a bite anyways, forcing you to feed him a little nibble
Thank you love
You're experiencing cramps?? Do you want him to massage the area for you? You want a hot water bottle? He's got you
You just want to cuddle and be held? He can spare some time for that, just let him close the door first
Bby please he has a reputation to uphold
Loves when you have mood swings and snap at the others, encourages your anger
He's a shit stirrer
He literally just likes poking the bear and pointing you in his current victim's direction
"My dear, I thought you knew that Angel ate your sweets..."
As long as it's not directed at him
If you turn your anger on him then his ears fold back and he finds an excuse to run off
"I'm sorry my dear but Charlie is calling for me! We'll have to continue this conversation for another time!"
"Alastor, Y/N is looking for you-"
If your mood changes to sadness and you start crying then he panics and freezes up
Makes awkward grabby motions at you then stops
He hates seeing you upset but he's an asshole and doesn't know what to do, doesn't want to make it worse
Idk if he's ever made a genuine attempt to make someone he cares about feel better
Alastor doesn't want to be the reason you're crying
Will just ask you what he can do to make it better, gripping your chin so that you have to look at him
He's serious
Whatever you ask of him he'll do it and he'll do it himself, no sending someone in his place and no fuss
Is visibly relieved once you're calm again, rubbing your back and letting out a sigh
Alastor is as attentive as he can bring himself to be when you're on your period, but you still have to put up with a lot of his shit
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I hope this is what you were asking for 🥺
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roses-for-rosalyn · 6 months
Ellie x reader
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Part 1
Part 3
Summary: a trip to the local saloon? With a man?!
Wc: 2.1 k (shorter ik sorry)
For the ao3 girlies
Cw: cowboy! Ellie x fem! reader, drinking, reader gets drunk, Jesse (just a little side character), mentions of domestic violence, reader has trauma!, reader has scars, lesbian touching and yearning, lots of talking
Minors DNI (fr)
Seriously there’s some descriptions of abuse here y’all I tried to keep it vague, but it’s important I promise! I am not the kind of author who gives the reader trauma for literally no reason. That being said if this isn’t your cup of tea I’ll see you in another chapter or different fic!
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You wake up with the sun. The warm light forced its way through your eyelids, refusing to be ignored. You got up and attempted to get dressed as quietly as possible. You use the reflection of a steel pan to pin your hair back.
You liked the mornings, normally you were very alone, but even with company, it was a peaceful time. Golden light filters through your windows, everything and everyone is still beginning to wake up. It’s quiet.
A face appears behind yours in the reflection of the pan.
“Mornin.” Her voice was a bit low and gravelly.
“Mornin, where are you off to today?” You finish flattening out the last little stubborn hairs and turn towards her. Her eyes were still heavy with sleep, and bruises had begun to form on her face, but with the way she carried herself, you would never know what happened last night.
“Was thinking of going to the next town over, I have a few people to talk to.” You grab your boots from the floor and sit in the same wooden chair Ellie had last night. You try not to think about how close you were or how warm she felt against your fingertips as you lace up your shoes.
“You’re lucky you have that bandana.” You stand up and grab the hem of the fabric. “You’re a bit of a mess.” You pinch her chin between your thumb and forefinger and force her to turn to the side, and for some reason she lets you. You turn her the other way, inspecting the intensity of the bruises. “These’ll be gone in a week.” You brush your finger over a particularly deep purple bruise on her jaw, she flinches a bit even at your featherlight touch. “This one maybe two.”
“Whatever you say doc,” she replies with a laugh. You let go of her chin and head towards the door.
“I have to go, but you’ll be back before dark right?” Ellie just nods and you leave, hoping that she does actually come back.
** **
Today when you’re locking up the schoolhouse you hear a different voice, “Hi there, sunshine!”
You turn around and see Jesse. You usually didn’t see him at this time of day. He walks towards you like he has something to say.
“What’re you up to today?” He asks with a charming smile on his face.
“I was just going to head home and have dinner. How about you?” You really didn’t care to hear his plans for the day, but you had to be polite.
“I was hopin’ you might accompany me to a show at Buckhorn tonight?” His eyes are hopeful, he reminded you of a little boy, he hadn’t had the same life you did. You had really hoped you wouldn’t have to deal with him asking to court you, not completely sure you could manage to say no. You didn’t have a good reason for refusing, and who knows what he would say about you if you denied him.
“Um, alright, I suppose I could go. I can’t stay too late though, I don’t like ridin’ in the dark.” You manage a smile. Jesse looks like he is just barely keeping himself from jumping up and down in celebration.
He nods, “I will make sure you get home safe and sound darlin’. Suppose we should head on over then.” You untie your horse and take her by the lead, walking beside Jesse to the saloon.
You didn’t have much to talk about, the conversation was mostly small talk. You let him ramble on about his journeys to Santa Fe, the Apaches he’s encountered, hostile cowboys, thieves. No one ever actually threatened him, just passed by, but with the way he told the stories you would think he would be covered in scars and bruises.
You finally make it to the saloon, Jesse orders you both whiskey. You down it like a shot and Jesse seems surprised, but not appalled like you would have expected. “You want another?” he asks with raised eyebrows and a laugh.
“Yes please.” You smile up at him, a little more genuine. Maybe you could have fun, with enough liquor in your system you could get along with anyone. Drunk you was charming, magnetic, bubbly, men usually tolerated that a little better. Plus the drinks were free.
The band starts playing and you pull Jesse out on the wooden dancefloor. The music pulls at your limbs. As you dance with him you feel smooth as water, the more you drink the smoother you feel. Soon enough you’re leaning into his chest, swaying to the music. The night went by in a blur. You are at the bar getting another round of drinks when you see a familiar set of eyes appear at the entrance.
She makes a beeline towards you, shouldering people out of the way as she approaches. Her eyes look angry, but all she does is brush her hand down your arm like she was making sure you were real.
“I couldn’t find you.” She says, and you swear everything and everyone else melts away as she speaks.
She was looking for you.
“I was here.” You say with a drunk smile, relieved to see her. “With Jesse.” you point over to him. She doesn’t even bother to look. You lean in towards her to whisper, “He’s pretty boring, but he gave me free drinks.” you hold up a glass of whiskey as proof, slightly swaying with the movement.
“I’m gonna take you home.” She says gently.
“That would be very nice, I’m sure Jesse wouldn’t want to take me all the way out there. Just let me go tell him.” You haven’t stopped smiling since you saw her.
“Alright,” she nods, “I’ll be waitin’ for ya by the door.”
You stumble over to him, “Jesse, I gotta head home.”
“Ok let me go get my-”
“No need, my bodyguard over there is takin’ me home.” You point to the masked cowgirl by the door. Jesse looks at you, confused.
“I’ll explain it to you another time, I promise I’m safe with him.” You pat him on the shoulder for reassurance.
“Can I at least talk to him? So I can know you’re safe.” Well at least he seemed to actually care about you, not just the concept of you.
“I don’t see why not,” you grab his hand, it’s large and rough, his palm felt like sandpaper against yours, “follow me.” You lead him towards the cowgirl. She’s standing with her arms crossed, observing the drunkards surrounding her.
“Hi,” her head snaps towards the sound of your voice, her eyes soften.
“Hello darlin’,” she runs her hand alongside your arm again. Goosebumps rise in the wake of her touch. She looks behind you at the man you’ve brought over to her. “Who’s this?”
“This is Jesse,” you pull him so he’s standing alongside you causing him to stumble a bit. You giggle. “He wanted to make sure you were gettin’ me home safe. Said he wanted to talk to you.”
Ellie reaches out her hand to shake his, “M’ Joel,” she says in a gruff voice. Jesse’s eyes widen a bit. You hadn’t heard her man voice yet, it was a little silly. “Why don’t you go wait by my horse darlin’? I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Um, alright.” You didn’t love being booted from a conversation like that, but you were starting to get tired and your feet were starting to ache.
You walked out of the saloon to Ellie’s horse. You feel light and heavy at the same time. Then you remember you brought your own horse here. Your thoughts were so jumbled.
You walk over to grab her, untying her lead after a bit of a struggle. Figuring you would pony her over to the house. You would not ride horseback drunk. Again.
By the time you get back to Ellie’s horse she’s waiting for you. She grabs the lead from your hands and helps you up onto the horse. You were going to try like hell to remember the feeling of her hands on your hips.
“Thank you good sir,” you say with a giggle. She just shakes her head and mounts the horse, grabbing your horses lead before her horse begins to trot away from the saloon towards the quiet desert.
You probably couldn’t help the way you leaned against her back, pressing your body to hers. She was so warm. Your hands wrapped nice and tight around her waist and she hadn’t said anything, hadn’t even moved. She stayed sitting right up staring straight ahead. You couldn’t bring yourself to remember why you shouldn’t be doing this. You only knew that you wanted to and that’s what mattered right now.
“Who’s Joel?” You asked, cheek pressed against her leather coat.
“He’s- he was a friend.” She can barely disguise the sorrow in her voice.
“Was he your husband or somethin’?” Questions tend to just pour out of you in this state with no regard for the person you’re asking.
“No, no he was a good friend.”
“Mm, you’re lucky you never had a husband.”
“Well I don’t know if all husbands are like how mine was, but I wouldn’t try it again, just in case.”
“What happened?” You let the sound of the horses hooves hitting the dirt path fill the silence for a moment. You hadn’t really told anyone what happened in your house on the edge of town, where no one could hear you or see you.
“Well, I’ll start at the beginning I suppose. My daddy got sick, real sick and he wanted me to have a man to take care of me after he was gone. So I married a man he chose for me. I didn’t know him, I barely saw him before we got married. But I wanted to make sure my daddy could die knowing I’d be taken care of, so I did it. I still regret going through with it.” You nuzzle your cheek into her back, trying to get impossibly closer. “I still don’t like to think about our wedding night.”
“I’m sorry darlin’ you don’t have to-”
“No I want to, I haven’t said anything to anyone about this before. Kinda feels nice, I feel lighter. Anyways, we moved into that tiny house. It didn’t take long for him to get mean, real mean. Since we lived so far away, no one could hear the screamin’ and yellin’. I still have some scars from that him, that’s why I had that medical kit for you when you got hurt. I’ve had to clean myself up more times than I’d like to admit.” You let out an empty laugh.
“Where is he now?” Ellie’s voice has an anger in it that was terrifying, the type that was calm and sure. She knew exactly how she would remedy it.
“Well, every time he would hurt me I would threaten to shoot ‘em. He would laugh in my face like I had told some sort of fucked up joke. Here let me show you somethin’.” You hike up your dress, exposing the large scar on your thigh. You grab Ellie’s hand from the reins and place it on the Scar, her fingertips run gently across it, like she would hurt you if she pressed too hard. She traces around the jagged raised skin, it was like she was trying to put a picture of it together in her head. “The night he did that I shot him right in the chest. He was an evil, evil man. No one missed him. He’s buried about 500 feet from the house, his grave is unmarked.”
You feel Ellie’s body relax a bit. “That’s good. You did good.” She’s still absentmindedly running her hand along your thigh. The feeling made your breath hitch. Your whole body grows hot. You hadn’t ever felt anything like that. “He deserved it, I hope you know that.”
“Still doesn’t feel good though, didn’t make me feel any better when he was dead. The only thing that changed was that I was safe again.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding when her hand slowly leaves your thigh, pulling your dress back down for you.
“Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. Sometimes it feels like the only solution though.”
“Yeah it does.”
** **
You’re half asleep by the time the horse stops in front of your house. You barely manage to lift your head up, but somehow you get off the horse.
“Go on inside, I’ll get the horses settled.” She didn’t have to tell you twice.
You were halfway to the house when you remembered, “Ellie,”
“Come and sleep inside tonight.”
“Yes ma’am.”
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Taglist: @elliewilliamgfooc @bready101 @sakiigami @wishbones999 @a-little-bit-of-everybody @ellabssweetheart @lily-fics-11
If ur name is crossed out it wouldn’t let me tag u
Lmk what yall think! Notes, comments and reposts always appreciated! Thank you for all the support!
Ch. 3
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captainfern · 1 year
love ur work bae<33 I NEEEEED a lake of fire or in bloom inspired one pleasee🫶🫶 LIKE HEAR ME OUTTT
Lake of Fire
Captain John Price x fem!reader
["Lake of Fire" by Nirvana]
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• summary - you’re a captain of another taskforce, forced to work with the 141. price isn’t happy about it, and shows you how angry he is lol. • rating - 18+ [mdni] • wordcount - 4.1k • warnings - fem!reader, angry/rough sex, oral [m!receiving], unprotected piv, alludes to age gap, semi-public sex? idk but you're outside, dom!price, light choking, light degradation, a lil praise, strong language, some violence/blood
thank you anon and omg i'm hearing you out fr !!!! i hope this is okay :)
"You're taking the absolute piss." Price growled at Laswell as you and your taskforce entered the barracks.
You stepped into the room with an air of confidence, thumbs hooked into the bulletproof vest covering your uniform. You offered Price a half-arsed attempt at a smile, and he sneered over at you, arms folded across his chest.
"Long time no see, John." You said, nodding at him, and the members of the 141 looked over at him in various states of confusion.
"Captain," Price corrected with a grunt. "Looks like you haven't changed at all, rookie."
"Captain," it was your turn to correct him, the three members of your taskforce snickering behind you. "And I've changed quite a lot, actually."
Price scoffed, shaking his head. "Aren't you a little too young to be captain?"
"Nah, you're just fucking old." You bit back, and the look on Soap's face behind his captain made you huff out a laugh.
Not letting Price respond, you nodded to Ghost, Soap and Gaz–– Kyle offering you a warm smile. "Good to see you, boys." You returned the smile, before steering your attention to Laswell, who had a manila folder tucked beneath her arm, appraising everyone in the room with a scrutinising stare.
“This arrangement is temporary,” Laswell addressed the room. “The more firepower the better and, the sooner we locate these insurgents, the sooner you get to part ways. Understood?”
You nodded stiffly, flicking your eyes to Price, who was rolling his cigar between his fingers. He made a point to stare at you, eyes narrowed, before getting to his feet. He rolled his shoulders, gesturing to his taskforce.
“Come on then, boys,” He said, Ghost, Soap and Gaz already trailing behind him. “Let’s show these rookies how it’s done.”
The past week had been the tensest of your entire life.
You and Price were butting heads constantly. He’d give you an order, you’d ignore him. You’d ask for his input, he’d give you a snarky reply. It was a game of tennis, going back and forth with a ball made from anger and spite.
Both taskforce’s were walking on eggshells each time you and Price were in the same room as one another. They’d bristle at the sounds of your voices, waiting for another shouting-match, that would end in Price slamming the door to his office, and you stomping out of the barracks in a huff.
Your taskforce’s were fine with each other— the boys remaining civilised, working together like a well-oiled machine. It’s just that the machine operators were stuck in a seemingly never ending cycle of despising each other.
It was getting annoying for everyone.
“Why d’you hate her so much?” Gaz asked Price, crammed into the back of a hummer.
You and your task force were riding in another armoured car, just a few metres behind.
Price grunted, adjusting the way his hat sat on his head. “She’s just bloody annoying. Gets on my nerves.”
Gaz gave him a skeptical look. “That can’t be all. You clearly have history, don’t you?”
Soap was eagerly listening in on the conversation, leaning across Ghost’s lap so that he could chime in: “Did you two fuck?”
Price shot daggers at the Scotsman. “No. She was in a rookie group I trained before the 141. She was a bloody good shot, hard to beat.”
“So… why do you hate her?” Gaz pressed, and both him and Soap were watching their captain expectantly.
“Just the way things turned out,” Price shrugged. “She took a turn after she was moved to a different faction. Ignored direct orders, started talking back. Hell, she stole an enemy tank against my command. She was just… reckless.”
Gaz hummed thoughtfully as the armoured car continued to rumble through the countryside. “That still doesn’t explain why you despise her.”
“I don’t… okay, despise is a strong word,” Price said, running a hand down his face. “I just… look, I just don’t want her putting any of you in danger.”
“She’s only a danger to herself.” Ghost grunted, still letting Soap lean across his lap to engage in the conversation.
“Nah, the lass is great! Damn funny, too.” Soap said with a smile.
Price ignored him, replying to Ghost. “That’s what I’m worried about. Any more of this disobedience, and she’ll end up bursting into a ball of flames somehow.”
Soap scoffed. “You’re makin’ her sound like the devil.”
Price grumbled. “She might as well be.”
“Alright, you lot, listen up ‘cause I’m not going to repeat myself,” Price addressed everyone as they clambered out of the hummer’s. “This forest is crawling with insurgents, and we need to get rid of ‘em all. If you find their compound, fucking destroy it.”
He looked around, making sure everyone was listening before he continued. “Ghost, Soap, Gaz— you’ll head west. Cover the left side of the forest. Clear it out, get your hands dirty.”
Then, he turned to your taskforce, flanking you on either side. Price gestured at the three of them, pointing to the right. “You lot’ll take the east, slowly move inwards.”
You nodded, gripping your gun tight. Price shook his head at you. You scowled at him.
“What now?”
“You’re not going with them.”
“Bullshit.” You spat.
“My orders,” Price hissed, jabbing a finger in your direction. “If we want to get this done, you’ll listen to my orders, rookie.”
“Captain,” you corrected, annoyed. “And, I don’t know if you’re going senile, old man, but you’ve failed to realise that this is my task force and I give them orders.”
“Not when you’re working under Laswell’s jurisdiction, you don’t.” Price retorted, nodding to his taskforce to depart. They did.
Your taskforce remained glued to your side, watching Price skeptically. Price nodded firmly at them, gesturing to the east. They didn’t move, waiting for your command.
Price hid a sigh, looking over at you. You glared at him, gun hooked around your shoulder as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“I suggest you tell your boys to get moving if they want to be paid.” Price said quietly.
You stared at him for a moment longer, before you dismissed your taskforce with a quick hand signal. Just like that, they vanished into the shadows, leaving you and Price to seethe at one another at the edge of the forest.
You scoffed at him. “Happy now?”
“Very.” Price said.
“What do you expect me to do? Just sit here?” You asked, tossing your arms up in a sign of frustration.
Price grunted, leaning against the body of one of the hummer’s, lighting a cigar. He took a drag, pocketing the lighter, before he responded in a puff of smoke.
“You need to learn some discipline. So, yes, you will just sit here.” He said, greyish smoke lingering around his head.
You cursed, grumbling under your breath. You looked out at the forest, realising that the scenery was at least not bad. The forest was shadowed, leafy and green. The canopy thinned in patches, sunlight filtering through in a golden glow. The ground was all lush grass, clover and wildflowers and somewhere in the distance, you could hear the sound of running water. A stream.
You accepted your fate, sitting on the ground, back against the tyre of the hummer. You closed your eyes, and prepared for a long wait.
An hour later, Price had disappeared round the side of the hummer, leaving you standing, clutching your gun, scanning the tree line.
You saw something.
Then, again: a flicker of movement, a light crunch of branches, a flash of something foreign amongst the fauna.
So you cocked your gun, and sprinted into the tree line.
You heard Price shout your name a couple of times, but you didn’t listen. You ran, pumping your legs, leaping over a fallen log as you pursued the flicker of moment. Your heart was hammering, lungs burning, and when you skidded to a stop near a small stream, you spotted an insurgent running between the towering trees.
You aimed your gun, taking a deep breath as you tracked the erratic movements of the insurgent. You counted to three in your head, one eye closed, then pulled the trigger. In the distance, the insurgent’s head exploded in a wet cloud of crimson, painting the trees nearby. He crumpled to the ground, a dull thump amongst the shrubbery, then silence.
You were breathing hard as you lowered your gun, sweat shiny on your skin. Your face was hot, and after catching your breath, you moved to the stream to splash some of the icy water onto your face.
“What the fuck was that?”
You whirled around, droplets rolling down your face as Price broke into the clearing, stomping towards you angrily. You quickly got to your feet, wiping the water from your face as he grabbed the front of your bulletproof vest, balling his fist.
“What made you think you could just run away and ignore my yelling, huh?” He shook you a bit, making you drop your gun. You grabbed hold of his wrist, enclosing your fingers around it in a tight grip.
“There was an insurgent, so I pursued,” you spat, nodding in the direction of the body. “I wasn’t going to just let him get away.”
Price whipped his head to the side, seeing the splatters of blood coating a couple of trees in the distance. He turned back to you, hand still holding you.
“You should have told me. You had a direct order to stay fucking put and you couldn’t even do that, could you?”
You pushed at his chest with your other hand, but he didn’t budge. You squeezed his wrist tighter. “I caught the fucking terrorist, okay? What else do you want from me?”
“I want you to start listening to orders, captain,” he said the rank mockingly. “You’re constantly putting yourself and others in danger ‘cause you don’t want to shut up and listen. Is that what you want, eh? You want your taskforce to get fucking killed?”
You shook your head, and finally managed to push Price away. He stepped back, balling his fists at his sides.
“No, I don’t want them to get killed,” you hissed. “But I also don’t want to listen to someone who treats me like a goddamn kid!”
“Then stop acting like a kid. You’re behaviour is juvenile, rookie.”
“And stop calling me that,” you sighed, more exasperated than annoyed. “I’m not a rookie. I’m a captain. And I’m just as deserving of this rank as you, Price.”
He grunted, unimpressed. “I don’t care if I’m hurting your feelings right now, rookie. What matters is that you need to start listening. Start following simple bloody orders or you’ll get yourself killed.”
You rolled your eyes.
Price scowled at you. “Don’t do that. Stop being difficult.”
“Oh, fuck off! Being difficult? You haven’t seen difficult—”
“Zip it. That’s an order. Can you follow that?”
“I’m sick and tired of—”
“—your absolute bullshit—”
“—Price! Can’t you just—?”
He grabbed the front of your bulletproof vest, and pulled you to him.
He slammed his mouth onto yours, silencing you immediately. His tongue wrenched your lips apart, invading your mouth before you put a hand to his chest and pushed.
He pulled away.
You blinked up at him.
“I’m so angry at you right now.” He hissed, eyes darting across your face.
“Feeling’s fucking mutual.” You replied, and grabbed his face in both hands, dragging his mouth back to yours.
He released the grip on your vest. One hand fell to your hip while the other grabbed the back of your neck, holding you to him. Your hands cupped his facial hair as you kissed him, tongues pushing against one another, teeth clashing.
With a grunt, Price pushed you backwards. Your back hit a tree, still kissing, and he pressed you into it with his body. Your stomach was flipping, heart racing, yet anger still coursed through your veins. But you didn’t seem to care as Price’s mouth moved against yours, hand like a vice on the back of your neck.
“John?” Crackled through Price’s comms, and he disconnected his mouth from yours, still holding the back of your neck.
He used his other hand to press against the comms collar. “Laswell.”
Your eyes widened, heart beating out of your chest.
“Where are you?”
Price looked at you, eyes dark. You licked your lips, and he followed the movement.
“Occupied.” He said simply, switching his comms off before slamming his mouth back to yours. You moaned from the back of your throat, placing your hands back on his face to stroke your fingers through his facial hair.
His thigh was quick to nudge your legs apart, lifting against your core through the thick material of your cargo pants. Despite the protective barrier, the pressure from his large thigh made your cunt start to pulse.
He was holding your head to him, consuming your presence as his tongue made you gasp. You moved your hands from his face, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders. After a moment, he pulled away, holding your head and forcing you to look at him.
“You’re gonna follow my orders?” He whispered, eyes boring into you.
You felt your stomach flutter. “Depends on the order, captain.”
He grunted. “On your knees.”
He released your neck, letting you sink down onto the foliage. As you did that, he yanked his belt open, unzipping his pants. You held onto his thighs to steady yourself as he pulled his cock out, pumping it a few times just inches from your mouth.
“Open your mouth.” He ordered.
You did, and he was ruthless in grabbing a fistful of your hair and shoving his cock into your mouth. His tip hit the back of your throat, making you gag as you enclosed your mouth around him.
You laved your tongue around his length, feeling the soft veins along the sides. He grunted above you, hand tight in your locks. His other hand shot up to brace against the tree, leaning over you. You looked up at him, eyes watering, as you dragged your mouth along his cock in tandem with his thrusting hips.
“So you can follow orders, eh?” He mumbled, breathing fast as you bobbed your head.
You tried to pull off so you could reply, but he just hardened his grip, pushing you further onto his cock. You gagged again, and he groaned out a dry laugh.
“All I had to do to shut you up was shove my cock down your throat,” He tutted, fucking into the wet heat of your mouth. “Mouthy little slut, aren’t you, love?”
You were literally choking on him— ruddy tip slamming against the back of your throat, soft weight sliding across your tongue, saliva dripping from the corners of your both. You moved one hand from his thigh to grasp the base of his cock; stroking tight and glossing your spit over the flushed skin.
He groaned, hips stuttering, fist balling against the tree. Your jaw was aching as your mouth met the movements of his hips, pre-cum smearing along the back of your tongue as Price grunted above you, noises echoing around the small clearing.
“Fuck, Jesus—” He huffed, pulling at your hair and forcing you away from his rigid cock.
You whined, a string of saliva connecting your lips to the tip of him. You continued to pump him, and he gritted his teeth and tugged at your hair.
“Want my cum down that pretty throat?” He asked, voice thick with pleasure. “So desperate for my cum, eh? Needy… such a needy whore.”
He urged you onto your feet, pinning you up against the tree again. He kissed you, just as aggressive as the first time, making your head spin. You could feel the heat of his hard cock slotting between your parting legs.
With one hand on the back of your head as he kissed you, Price used his other to pop the button of your pants. He then unzipped the fly, shoving your cargos to your knees. You gasped, moaning into his mouth as he hastily pulled your underwear to the side and ran his finger between your folds.
You moaned again, shying out of the kiss. He chuckled under his breath, dragging his mouth to the junction of your jaw and neck.
Simultaneously, he slipped a thick finger into your wet cunt, working it in and out as he lapped at the fragrant skin of your pulse point. You whined beneath him, arching off of the tree. Your cunt pulsed around his finger, an influx of arousal leaking from you. Then, he pulled his finger out.
You opened your mouth to retort, a moan caught in your throat, but he stopped you— shoving his finger into your mouth and holding it down against your tongue, muting you. He let go of your head, moving his hand to peel your underwear to the side, exposing your cunt to the cool forest air.
“Bloody dripping,” Price mumbled, watching as your spread thighs boasted a couple of tiny streams of shiny arousal. “Greedy cunt wants cock that bad, eh?”
You couldn’t speak, tongue immobilised. You whined, lips still wrapped around his finger, as a response. He tutted at you, slowly pulling his finger from your mouth, and wiping the excess fluids across your cheek. With the same hand, he reached down to grip his cock, letting out a humph as he did so.
Then, without warning— or thorough prep, for that matter— he speared his cock inside you, still holding your underwear to the side.
You opened your mouth in a silent gasp, the air ripped from your lungs as you were shunted against the rough bark of the tree. Price enclosed a large hand around the back of your knee, pulling it to wrap around his waist as he thrusted.
Your cunt was like a vice around him, muscles half-tensed. You sighed between moans, trying to relax yourself as your cunt stretched around the girth of him.
Price’s movements were angry and rough: hips slapping into yours, cock abusing the sensitive plug of your womb, hand clenched around the back of your knee. He was making animalistic sounds as well, grunting and huffing with eyes dark as night.
“You make me so angry, love,” he seethed, cock bullying into you and leaving you stunned. “You just have to talk back, don’t you?”
You gripped his back, nails digging into his work shirt. You could feel his muscles rippling under the fabric with each frantic thrust he made.
“Not my fault you—”
Price readjusted his thrusts, slamming into you harder. You moaned loudly, voice bouncing from the trees, sentence vanishing on your tongue.
Price buried his head in the curve of your neck, biting and sucking. He reached your ear, whispering, “Shut your fucking mouth.”
You did, drawing your lips together as he pulled his mouth from you and analysed your face. You focused instead on the heat building shockingly fast in your stomach. Your legs were trembling, thighs tensing as Price fucked you. Your skin felt like it was on fire beneath your uniform, back aching as you were rubbed repeatedly against the bark of the tree.
Price’s cock was hitting that one place inside you that had you keening, burying your face into his shoulder and releasing little breathy moans of his name and rank. You were a whimpering mess, whispering curses as he abused your cunt so roughly that you could hear it. You could hear the lewd, wet squelches that arose from his fat cock slamming repeatedly into your soaked hole.
It would have been embarrassing if you didn’t feel so good right now.
Price laughed. It was a rumbled vibrato from his chest. “Listen to how this pretty cunt talks to me. So mouthy, eh, pretty girl? Just like you.”
He was making fun of you. Mocking you. Using the fact that you were dripping for him as ammunition for his words.
You still couldn’t speak— rendered speechless. You’d never felt like this before. Your stomach tightening, legs shaking, cunt pulsing, arousal creating rivulets down the expanse of your inner thighs. Even your clit was more swollen and sensitive as his pelvis shifted against it, the smallest bit of friction forcing a jolt through your body.
You still had your head leaning on his chest, sweat tacky across the back of your neck. You were breathing hard, moaning quietly as he pushed you towards your release.
“So you can follow orders…” Price drawled, pussy-drunk. His eyes watched his cock split your cunt open, flicking to where your face turned away from him at his chest. “I told you to shut your mouth, and you did. Feel’s good being obedient, yeah? This is what it’s like. Good girls get fucked so good, love.”
You whined, barely audible, a dog whistle. You had your eyes screwed shut, pleasure mounting and something hardening in your stomach like a knot. It was poised to snap.
Your wetness was sliding into your cargo pants, which had dropped to your ankles after Price had taken hold of your knee. You didn’t even know it was possible to get this wet, but Price was proving it possible. The way he made you feel, the way he drilled his cock inside you, was driving you clinically insane.
“Fucking cum, love, come on. Can tell you need too,” he panted, pulling you away from his chest. “Cum all over my cock. Needy whore, eh? Cum on my fucking cock—”
You did as you were told.
But it hit you like a tonne of bricks.
You clenched and burst around him. Your cum splashed out of you, making you gasp as you drenched his pelvis. It made you whine, biting your lip as your hole spasmed through the aftermath, constricting around his rigid cock.
“There you go, there you go.” He muttered, not really paying attention to you, but to the sopping mess you left across his pelvis, cock and thighs. You swear you saw a flicker of a smile before it disappeared like a shadow.
He growled, maybe a groan, as he doubled his pace, rutting into you and forcing you further onto the tree. The wet slapping of skin on skin reverberated through the forest, making your ears burn.
Now you were whining and whimpering like a wounded animal— cunt abused and overstimulated, cold from your wetness, yet burning from the stretch of your hole accomodating Price’s rough thrusts.
He moved his hand from his knee to your throat, wrapping his fingers around you.
“Take it, come on. You can take it,” he breathed, his momentum building towards a crescendo. “I know this tight cunt can take it, love. So, be a good girl, shut that pretty mouth of yours, and take it.”
He slammed into you, harder and harder as you moaned loudly one last time before forcing your mouth shut. You where making sounds of utter pleasure behind your lips, wanting to sob as his cockhead speared your gummy walls.
“Ah, fuck, gonna—” he stopped himself with a curse and a short groan. “Gonna cum. Want this slutty cunt to take it all.”
You nodded deliriously, but you knew that Price wasn’t seeking your confirmation. He gripped your throat tighter, a couple of stars flashing momentarily in your vision, as he shoved himself as deep as he could go inside you.
He came with a strangled groan, his warmth flooding your abused cunt, hot and sticky, yet it cooled the burning sensations inside you. Price released your throat, cupping your jaw instead as he breathed hard, pressing his mouth to yours one last time before he pulled away, and pulled his softening cock from your leaking hole.
Both of you began to get changed in silence. You could feel him staring as you tried to wipe the dried arousal off of your thighs, as well as Price’s cum.
“Leave it,” he ordered, hypnotised by the milky substance dripping out of your cunt. “Keep it in you. That’s an order.”
You did as you were told. You collected as much of his spend as you could on two fingers, dragging them along your thighs. Then, while he watched, you shoved them deep into your cunt with a small, pleasured sigh. You pulled your fingers out and readjusted the positioning of your underwear, covering up.
“Good girl.” Price whispered, almost lost in the sounds of the forest as he buckled his belt.
You got dressed, and once you had retrieved your gun, you sidled quietly up to Price, who was about to turn his communication device back on.
“Laswell is not gonna be happy with you.” You said.
He hid a smile. “I know.”
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apollodarling-writes · 2 months
This one made me so sad but it’s so good☹️😭 Can we have reader who takes care of Levi? Loves him and they have their happy ending? Fem reader who was dating him before or finally accepted his advances Levi deserves it fr fr he has earned it. (I say this is sad like I didn’t request it…)
post war! levi with a reader who gives him his happy ending
cws ; yandere themes, aot spoilers, traumatized! levi, lots of fluff.
sorry for getting to this so late!! i hope you like it,, im a little bit rusty ☝🏻😔
— post war! levi who you had fallen in love with during the war. seeing him get hurt broke something inside you, forcing you to finally confront your feelings for him.
— post war! levi whose advances you’d stubbornly dodged and berated for years, but despite that, he’d never given up on you. you were the only one he wanted even after all this time. that level of devotion was something that made your heart race.
— post war! levi who you asked to meet with once he was healed enough to levi the medical wing, confessing that you’d realized you harbored feelings for him after all.
— post war! levi who stares at you in silent shock, wondering if this was a cruel joke you were playing on him. when you reassure him it wasn’t, and that you wanted to be with him, he can’t help but sag in relief. all of his efforts weren’t in vain.
— post war! levi who takes your hand in his, a soft, almost unnoticeable smile tugging at his lips as he declares you his. he’ll press a tender kiss to your knuckles and try not to tear up, thinking that all of his good deeds for humanity must’ve made him worthy of love… that despite everything he’s done to ensure you were his, he’d somehow finally earned the right to belong to you officially.
— post war! levi who will have you move in with him immediately. he’ll need some help around the house and with gabi and falco after all.
— post war! levi who spoils you rotten. he’ll purchase anything you want. he never spent too much money on himself in the past, most of his money being hoarded for this purpose.
— post war! levi who enjoys taking baths with you, or letting you take him on strolls through the city, a field, or even just sitting with you while you read a book to him.
— post war! levi who will eat anything you cook for him, but if it tastes bad, he’ll give you some gentle pointers.
— post war! levi who loves when you rake your fingers through his hair. the feeling of your nails on his scalp soothes him, making him forget all of those nasty memories that haunt him every time he closes his eyes.
— post war! levi who will wake up in the middle of the night due to nightmares, his eyes immediately searching for you. he’ll relax a bit once he realizes you’re beside him, shifting you closer to him so he can feel your heartbeat. it reminds him that you’re alive and here with him— grounding him in the present instead of the past
— post war! levi who likes to hold your hand and rub his fingers along your knuckles or the back of your palm. he loves the way your skin feels against his.
— post war! levi who feels bad when you have to comfort him. he’s supposed to be strong, right? your reassurance eases his worries, allowing him to slowly open up to you about his feelings of guilt and grief, as well as his past.
— post war! levi who is happy for once in his life. he has you, the two of you co-parenting the kids and living the life he’s always dreamed of. he finally has everything he’s ever wanted.
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restinslices · 9 months
MK1 x Winter Soldier Reader Intros
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Me not writing only about the Lin Kuei Bros? Who would've thought. Idk why I thought of this but here we are. For those not into Marvel the simplest way to explain TWS is he was in the Army in the 50s then he was injected with the super soldier serum and forced to become an assassin with over two dozen assassinations in the last 50 years. You're not a white guy named James “Bucky” Barnes, you just hold the title. Also you got a metal arm, it’ll make sense later-
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Kung Lao: You’re a Winter Soldier? 
Y/N: I am The Winter Soldier 
Kung Lao: Ugh, more training?
Y/N: Do you expect to get better through sheer luck?
Kung Lao: I take it Liu Kang doesn’t allow assassins to be Earthrealm’s champion?
Y/N: Assassins and failures, such as yourself
Kung Lao: How do I become a Winter Soldier?
Y/N: You don’t 
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Raiden: It is an honor to be trained by you 
Y/N: As is to train Earthrealm’s champion 
Raiden: I can’t imagine going through what you have 
Y/N: Good. You’ll save yourself nightmares
Y/N: Sometimes I worry I’m not a good person
Raiden: You are a good person through and through
Y/N: I wish I had lightning powers
Raiden: I wish I had your metal arm
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(These rabid dogs behind him-)
Liu Kang: I hoped your life would be better this time
Y/N: Why hope when you had the power to change it and didn’t?
Y/N: You let my life go down this path?
Liu Kang: I cannot control everything
Y/N: You let me be a part of Earthrealm’s defenses, why? Pity?
Liu Kang: Because you are a capable warrior who deserves more in life
Liu Kang: Do you doubt my care for you?
Y/N: You expect me to still believe our friendship is real?
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Y/N: I am not playing an assassin in your movie
Johnny: Aw, but you have tons of experience 
Johnny: How much for the arm?
Y/N: Not for sale
(That debt kicking his ass)
Johnny: Your life could make an amazing movie
Y/N: You’ll become a real victim if I see it
Johnny: Over two dozen assassinations but a date with me would ruin you?
Y/N: If I had to pick between being a mindless assassin and dating you, I’d put my mask back on
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Kenshi: Wanna trade predicaments?
Y/N: A blindfold looks much better on you
Kenshi: Have you ever fought a blind swordsman?
Y/N: Not sure it’d be fair to count it as a fight
Y/N: I too understand the need for a new life 
Kenshi: Perhaps that is why we are such good friends
Kenshi: Planning on giving me a hand?
Y/N: I don’t think you’d see it coming
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Y/N: And they call me The Winter Soldier 
Bi-Han: Jokes will not help you win this fight
Bi-Han: You have not a shred of hope against the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster
Y/N: Your ego is what’ll knock you down in the end
Bi-Han: You won’t have the element of surprise with me
Y/N: Oh Bi-Han, I’ll be the last thing you see before you die 
Bi-Han: You alone won’t take the Lin Kuei down
Y/N: I’ve taken a whole country down in one night. Excuse me for not being scared
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Kuai Liang: I am glad to have your support 
Y/N: You always will
Y/N: Are you willing to kill Bi-Han if he does not back down?
Kuai Liang: I am not sure
Y/N: Liu Kang could’ve made all our lives better and chose not to
Kuai Liang: You have to believe in his judgment
Kuai Liang: Liu Kang is not your enemy 
Y/N: He is certainly not our friend
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Y/N: I’ve heard you’re a great fighter 
Tomas: I’ve heard the same about you
Tomas: You look great for 106 years old
Y/N: God, you gotta stop hanging around Johnny
Tomas: Why still defend Earthrealm if you’re so angry?
Y/N: The same reason you do; the need to protect is bigger than anger
Tomas: Why’d I have to hit Madam Bo and not you?
Y/N: I’m left/right handed and that’s the metal one soooo…
"I'm gonna write angst soon" *proceeds to write dumb Marvel x Mortal Kombat shit* I could've looked for gifs when they clash but my tumblr is actually so glitchy, if I did that I'd Kate Marsh. Also disclaimer. I should be writing Liar pt 3 and I have some of it written but I'm fr not having fun with it. For whatever reason it's just not making me happy like Mortal Kombat is. And as a bitch who has bad depression and that shit gets alarmingly bad during this time of year, uhhh I don't wanna do something that's not making me happy. I'm not tryna go to another hospital so Imma put off writing it until I'm having fun. Who knows, maybe that'll be next week. But yeah, that's for the Shadow and Bone fans here. Also also a fanfic, oneshot, drabble, whatever the fuck about being with Liu Kang (or being friends) and thinking your relationship is fake because as your creator he must've forced it to happen (he didn't but ya know). Am I cooking 'cause I feel like I am.
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toomuchracket · 5 months
bday party girlie and matty at the met gala! and charli and george too!
girls stun while the boys simp and cause mayhem
MAYHEM MENTIONED???? nah fr though i love thinking about this, especially if it's like the first Big event you and matty go to as a couple. i haven't yet moved on from that time matty was working with dior, so in my mind that's who you're both wearing, and god knows you analysed the essay/story they gave as theme inspiration within an inch of its life because "there is no way in HELL i am letting some tiktok twink call my dress off-theme. not a fucking chance" - matty is so fucking entertained by that, all ":D i love you so much" lol, and there's also no way in hell you're letting him turn up in a black suit, so that's that. anyway!! your outfits aren't matching, but they do correspond perfectly together, and actually you assume you'll barely get a wink of sleep the night before the met because you're so fucking excited to see your boyfriend all dressed up and hot, but he tires you out enough (wink wink) that you're both very well-rested. and matty's SO cute while you're getting ready - he's documenting it all on video like "an angel! glowing! most gorgeous woman in existence!", and you're like "baby please stop making me giggle my foundation will crease" (but actually you very much enjoy him just sitting shirtless and wet-haired and looking at you lovingly. you're only human, after all). he actually tears up when he sees you completely ready for the first time, which your MUA gets on video, and you really do feel like the prettiest girl in the world when he sniffles like "christ, you are SO beautiful. i love you. and i'm honoured to do that", bless him. and GOD, matty looks amazing, all curls and slut hoop and clean-shaven face and the colour of his shirt making his skin glow, so you have to take approximately eight million pics of and with him before you can leave. in terms of walking the carpet, you start alone and then go up the stairs and take pics together (matty's adamant he's helping you up the steps in your heels "just so you don't have a jason derulo moment, babe"), and it's testament to how truly happy matty is to be with you that he smiles for almost every pic you take together; there are a couple where you whisper "baby. i think we should be cunty" and it's both of you smizing/giving blue steel lmfao, but most are just big smiles for the camera and tender glances at each other where it is so blisteringly obvious that you're in love. they split up couples at the dinner section of the met, but it's still nice getting to meet people you think are cool at your table (zendaya! she likes your dress! she said she had your first book recommended to her and loved it!), and you sneak off to hang out with your boyfriend in the toilets (iconic, really) or the smoking area. and of course you run into charli and george - literally, the boys aren't looking where they're going and walk into each other and find it absolutely hilarious - and take some (illegal!) pics; once again, george is like "we really are punching above our weight with the girls, aren't we? look how good they look" to matty while you and charli force them to take pics of you together, and matty's literally like "yeah..." in a daze just looking at you lmfao. and if you think he's simping now, well, seeing you in your minidress for the afterparty is SO MUCH WORSE - he's jaw-on-the-floor like "must we go? i can't just keep you all to myself?", and you're like "we have to go, but i do actually plan on clinging to you on and off the dancefloor the whole night", and needless to say he's convinced lol. the events are so much fun, but your favourite bit is getting back to the hotel and ordering room service to eat in bed with the love of your life, before giggling in the shower with him while you wash each other's hair, and then falling asleep curled up safe in his arms. perfect <3
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pandoramyst · 2 years
what wasn’t there before II ✩ Jake sully
contents. 18+ g!reader, dbf!jake, cute names, fluff, adult behavior, age gap
summary. Jake was your father’s best friend but to him, he was like his brother. When you entered puberty, you started to feel foreign feelings about him that certainly, you shouldn’t have been having. When you got a bit older, you grew closer to him and you noticed that he acted the same way toward you.
notes. the love yall give me makes me wanna tear up fr :( also its not edited so sorry for typos and mistakes :/
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The last couple of weeks were a rush of adrenaline. The sneaky touching and pecking when your father had his back turned was thrilling but it only pushed you to do it more. Jake had shown you depths of Pandora you never even knew existed and it made you more grateful for his presence in your life.
Not one day went by without him sneaking into your room when he visited to shower you with love. He would do anything just to see your face, even if it was just for a moment. You two grew closer than you had thought was right. Despite the good moments, the doubt you felt never escaped you. Your relationship was obviously dangerous considering Jake was much older than you. However, at his maturity was when your doubt halted. He respected every boundary you had vocally expressed to him and moved completely at your pace.
You wouldn't be shy in saying that your boundaries were certainly strict. But that only lasted until today. Your dad was still asleep as the sun still hurried to rise when you heard the main curtains of your hub shuffle. You were still in bed, appreciating the warm sun on your cheek. The sun shined from the big opening above your bed that worked as a window.
Your head turned when you saw Jake’s big figure walk through the curtains. He removed his bandolier, letting the arrows fall on the floor. His hair was still down from the night before when you used some of your mother’s oil on his hair as hair therapy.
He smiled at you and fell right on top of your body, his arms slowly lowering his torso on top of yours. “Morning, soldier” you chuckled and pressed your lips on his head, giving him tiny kisses.
“you look like an angel in the morning,” he lifted his head up, staring at your face which had started to become red. You pressed his head back into your neck, smelling his coconut-scented hair. This was typical of you two. He would welcome you in the morning in bed, typically before your father woke up, and you would lay there with him, brushing your fingers through his hair.
“What are we doing today?” He asked, his voice muffled.
“My dad will force me to go to the blue petal festival. It’s an annual tradition for us. He wants to take my mom out so he said he needs to get rid of me somehow,” Jake’s body shook as he laughed at your sarcasm.
“Well, lucky you. You’re gonna get more Jake time,” He looked at you and scrunched his nose with a smile. You squished his cheeks together and pouted at his cuteness. “Wanna come with me?”
He raised his eyebrows, “To the festival?”
“Yes dummy,” You said flicking his forehead.
“Are you sure? It isn’t really my setting?”
“Oh wow, is that your excuse for not wanting to hang out with me?” You rolled your eyes at him playfully and pushed him off of you.
“How dare you,” He gasped and tried to reach out for you as you walked towards your wooden wardrobe. You opened the doors and pulled out a white sleeveless tank top with a long blue loincloth to match it.
You placed it in front of your body and smirked at him, “You like it?” His elbow rested on the bed and he stared at you with half-closed eyes, lip between his teeth. “Come here and let me show you how much I like it,” You dropped the outfit on the floor and slowly walked towards him. 
He reached out a hand to you and when you grabbed it, he pulled you down on top of him. His arm was secured on your waist as he kissed your face. His lips inched closer to your lips but he avoided them, showing you once again how committed he was to respect you.
You placed each of your arms next to his head on the bed, and you lowered your face to his. His eyes went to your lips and then looked up into your own. “Want me to come to the fest, baby?” he whispered a breathy “hm”.
You breathed on his lips, closing your eyes as you synched your breathing. His hands went down to your lower back, caressing it with his thumbs. You could sense he felt uncertain about whether to make the first move or not so you just initiated it. 
“Please, come..” your voice became deeper
You pressed your lips on him, savoring the moment. He moved his lips with yours, slowly and deeply. His hands went on your bum, rubbing it up and down as he found new confidence in being bold with you. His fingers hooked around your shorts, pulling them down to reveal the floral print underwear that he had gifted you.
Underneath, you were clearly wet, the dark, wet patch on your undies making it apparent. Your underwear was creating friction as it was rubbing against his thigh. “you're wet, pretty girl?”
“Jake..” his name rolled off your tongue and with a whiney voice you begged him. He kissed your lips sweetly, sucking them with his so that he can pull you more towards him. When he backed off, he used his finger to pull up a hair strand that had fallen on your nose.
“Your dad should be awake now, don’t want him to catch us, do we bun?” Jake raised his eyebrows and your face relaxed. But it wasn't the calm kind of relaxed. It was the face you made when you were pissed. Your eyebrows and eyes were relaxed and your lips were slightly pushed forward. Jake had spent many days with you to know what you looked like when pissed.
You pushed yourself up from the bed and looked down at him, before walking towards the curtain that separated your bedroom from the kitchen.
“Oh, bunny” he rubbed his nose with his fingers and his head fell back on the bed. Despite you not wanting to admit it, he was right. Your father was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. His back was turned to you. Jake had already made it out the window in your room and to the front curtain of the hub.
“Your late, partner” Jake had walked through the opening, holding the curtain above his head. Your dad walked towards him, giving him his hand to do their typical handshake. You walked out to the balcony and saw your mother sitting on the swinging wooden bench, a mug in her hand.
“Mama,” you sat next to her and she placed her hand in your hair, pushing it out of the way. “Haven't seen you in a while, my sun” your mother had been stuck in bed as she was carrying your baby brother in her belly. This pregnancy was far more tiring than the last one and you had witnessed it. Helping her stand up from low platforms and making sure when she wakes up at night to empty her bladder, that she is safe.
“How do you feel?”
“Ready to see this fussy boy already,” she said while rubbing her belly. You chuckled and watched her proudly stare at the bump as if your brother was physically here with you.
“Shouldn't you be getting ready for the festival?” she raised her eyebrows
You groaned, “Mama, I don't wanna gooo. It's so boring” She held her belly and laughed at your whining. “Come on, it's not so bad. Get your butt up and go get ready, I'm sure Neïtan will be waiting for you,” she nudged your shoulder.
Neïtan and you had a bit of a difficult relationship to describe. He wasn’t exactly your friend, more so your friend’s friend but regardless he always hung around you. Occasionally, when you were hanging out he would shoot you glances and winks, making it obvious that he was into you.
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merakiui · 1 year
Wait wait wait! I wanna jump on this apocalypse au train real quick! But envision this…
Whenever a housewarden picks his bride there’s a ceremony that takes place to show the remaining population the person that’s going to be standing by his side. And for this, housewardens from other compounds are invited to come witness the ceremony (or some sort of diplomat comes in the leader’s place) . It's a show of goodwill and comradery between the compounds. To keep up morale and strengthen unity.
And for this special ceremony, it’s between the one and only Malleus Draconia and his pretty bride. And who shows up because of his hatred that borders on obsession for Malleus? Fuckin Rollo.
And he takes a great interest in Malleus’s Bride. She’s innocent looking, quiet and meek. But that’s not what sparks his unhealthy interest, it's the way you stare up at Malleus like he’s your whole world. Full of love and adoration. Pure and utter devotion.
And Rollo can’t fathom the thought that you, the pinnacle of perfection and innocence, could love a monster like Malleus. Surely, it must be the effects of some sinful curse.
And late at night, where all guests are in their rooms sleeping away from the festivities of the wedding, Rollo finds himself roaming the halls. Your sweet smile and perfect body engraved in his memories. How can he sleep when you're plaguing his mind?
That’s when he finds himself following the sounds of your moans echoing down the long hall. Walking deeper into the dwelling of the dragon’s territory. Forgoing any disdain he held for the ruler. Only focusing on the sounds of your pleasured gasps and lewd moans up to the large marble doors that seem to block his view of you.
A voice whispers into his ear to lean in closer and listen. That he’s the only one worthy enough to view. Tempting him so nicely and convincingly, that he’s on his knees peeking through the keyhole to see you sprawled across the large bed. Legs wrapped around Malleus’s waist and hands tugging at his long ebony locks. The force of Malleus’s deep thrust making your back arch.
And Rollo listens to you begging Malleus to go harder, to go faster. And all that strikes a chord with Rollo and he’s tempted to reach his hand down his trousers to beat his throbbing cock to the rhythm of Malleus thrust into your tight cunt. But he holds himself back, forcing himself to focus on the sway of your breast, the shining trail of cum that drips down your thighs and ass, the plumpness of your lips and hazy expression on your face.
It wasn’t until you plead these very words that not only does his restraint snaps but so does the man that was holding you like you were the most precious gem, “Please, give me a baby!”
And the thin string that was preventing him from falling deep into his delusion is cut.
Anyways, this has been on my mind for like the whole day. Um… so do with this as you please. It was mainly supposed to be about the love of my life, Malleus, but quickly turned into a rollo thirst, which is kinda surprising. But! Here it is. Also, I didn't know where to add it, but I like to think that Malleus knew Rollo was watching and knew that he was growing some sort of infatuation for his precious Child of Man and Mal took it personally.
And I just want to say I absolutely love your work. I consume it like my abuelita consumes her telenovelas. Every post is just so juicy and good. Legit, the best blog to ever blog fr. And i want to interact more, so i might be coming back with more ideas lol
-M (not quite sure how anon names work, but I hope this is good :))
AAAAAAAAAAA M ANON, THIS IS SO YUMMY OMG........ Rollo peeking in on you and Malleus when the two of you are trying to conceive a child, not only because of compound tradition but because the two of you genuinely love and care for each other. Oooooo Rollo is in utter disbelief that you could ever willingly love someone like Malleus! Surely you're under some spell. Magic is so filthy and terrible, after all. He wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason you're so affectionate with Malleus (Rollo is very wrong about that and also very delusional).
Omg and Malleus knowing Rollo was spying...... orz he can definitely sense the presence of another, and maybe come the following morning at breakfast Malleus is so attached to you, more possessive than usual because he just knows if he leaves you alone for more than a minute someone (Rollo) may attempt to strike up conversation with you. >_< aaaaaa and Rollo is so strict with himself, trying so hard to deny the fact that he's (lustfully) attracted to you and that he's only watching you from across the banquet hall like this because he's trying to understand what you see in Malleus. That's the only reason! It's definitely not because he keeps thinking about you and your pretty body and your moans and....... T_T he is obsessed and in denial, and Malleus most definitely knows this.
After he's returned to the Noble Bell compound, he (very begrudgingly) writes to Malleus, if only to keep up appearances and be polite, but mainly so, should another event happen, he can secure an invitation and see you again. <3 he frequently writes about you in his diary to sate every filthy desire he has, often tearing the pages out and burning them after he's gotten it out of his system. But some pages he keeps. Like the poems and sonnets dedicated to you.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
u got any hc’s for miles for earth 42 and miles from 1610 interactions? they’re besties to me fr fr
(first few are sorta theories for btsv, the rest are general hc's for their dynamic. these got kinda angsty, oops)
they definitely fight a few times before realizing they can be on the same side of things, Miles 42 being more the aggressor, but Miles 1610 wants to get even each time, cause he's a teenage boy, sue him. its in their moments of weakness that they start to see that they don't have to be enemies. they're also fair fighters, to some point, and fight generally clean, which definalty plays into their bond later on. there was always some level of mutual trust and respect.
its when they reluctantly team up and they get beaten to absolute pulps, and are forced to see each other as not only equals, but kids, both forced into lives they didn't want, or at least positions, they didn't want, that they start to bond.
its the act of picking each other up and dusting each other off that the bond cements, when Miles 1610 sees the kid in Miles 42, the kid that's tired and scared and not entirely there after living life hidden away in the back of his head that makes him extend his trust and his friendship. for Miles 42, its seeing Miles 1610 be so kind and good and trusting and strong, despite being a kid and being scared and tired and hurting, that makes him want to accept Miles' offer of friendship, and in a way, safety.
once they're friends, they're the definition of terror twins, like, generally they're sweethearts when not in combat, but they are capable of so much mischief, oml. and in combat, together, they're down right terrifying.
I totally think they would see each other like twins too, so they have such a brotherly dynamic in my mind. both are technically only children, so at first they're just kinda in this blissful awe of how nice it feels to not be alone in the world, to know they always have a shoulder to lean on, someone to protect them.
definitely both physically affectionate, and both of them have that AuDHD in them, so they spend a lot of their free time justlying in a pile somewhere.
Miles 42 does Miles 1610's hair and helps him with Spanish, in return Miles 1610 helps Miles 42 reconnect with his artistic side that had been buried while he was the prowler.
Miles 1610 sneaks him into HQ all the time, to the point that Miguel just gives the kid his own watch for the sake of his sanity.
it takes a while for Miles 42 to be down with intimacy of any kind, even just stuff like small talk and brushing shoulders, cause he feels like any attempts at connection from anyone is just them looking for a weak spot to use against him. Miles 1610 definitely helped him feel safe by just blabbering on and on about just about anything, making it abundantly clear that he trusted him (42) to keep his 'secrets' safe, and therefore he could trust Miles 1610 to do the same. once he's ok with small talk, they start tackling physical touch, slowly but surely. Miles 1610 is always supportive of him, always trying to understand better so he can be helpful, trying to make his 'twin' feel safe.
Miles 1610 forces Miles 42 to join his friend group, like he is so insistent that Miles 42 just caves. he doesn't regret it.
Miles 1610 is the more emotional protector, making sure Miles 42 feels safe and secure in a give situation and helping him get away and ground when he doesn't. Miles 42 is a physical protector, and he will end anyone who harms a hair on Miles 1610's head.
very competitive, in everything, absolutely everything.
steal from each other all the time, and almost never return the items.
Miles 1610 will indulge in childish things as if they're the norm for kids his age, so that way Miles 42 doesn't feel so ashamed of reliving the parts of childhood he lost.
they're both afraid of thunder and will huddle up under the covers during a storm. (once Miles 1610 has kindled a bond between his mom and especially his dad and Miles 42, they totally climb into their parent's bed, cause they're just big little kids and they want their parents when the thunder starts shaking the house ok? leave them be)
vigilante Miles 42, who tries to be someone Miles 1610 would be proud of, even in his fucked up dimension and with his already fucked up reputation.
they kinda forget they're basically the same person, so they're all ways surprised when the other likes the same thing or has the same habit, etc.
1610; orange cat. 42; black cat. vibes; amazing
it should be so obvious, but they do the good old twin switch every once and a while, sometimes just for shits and giggles to see how long it takes others to notice.
they guilt trip people when they take too long to notice. they don't actually care, they just think its funny.
they make each other more confident. Miles 1610 is less of a people pleaser and does more for himself. Miles 42 feels secure in being selfless and nice and having his own feelings on things.
for some reason, Miles 42 is really good with babies, and Miles 1610 is subpar at best (he's better with little kids, not babies) and they always babysit mayday together.
they're with each other more often than not. especially after migeul just gives up on trying to keep him off of missions, cause it takes more time and effort to do so, especially when he ultimately fails every time.
Miles 42 blackmailed Miguel into apologizing to Miles 1610, while he was already in the process of apologizing... he just wasn't doing enough in Miles's mind, he needed a little push, a little reminder of what would happen to him if he chickened out.
thats all I've got for now, hope you enjoy my brain worms.
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littlemisslipbalm · 1 year
Demonology: Me & My Dog
Series Summary: A new demon has come to Nashville. Josh and Jake's ways of life have been thrown off by her arrival. The angel and demon have lived with an understanding of one another, but with Y/N stirring up trouble and asking questions, they're forced to work out a new normal. And why is she so powerful for a human turned demon anyway, that's unusual, right?
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Jake Kiszka x f!reader and Josh Kiszka x f!reader
A/N: This will be at least three parts! This first part is more about Josh and the reader, the second will be more Jake and then we will see with part 3 what is to happen. Please let me know what you think with comments and reblogs and messages to my inbox!! I want to talk about this bc I have been so excited to share it!!
Word Count: 5.4k | Warnings: alcohol consumption, strong language, allusions to sex - minor descriptions of sex but not descriptive smut (still 18+!!), dubious comprehension of angel/demon mythology, like this is fiction fr so if it does not make sense i am sorry but idc (but am also open to suggestions thx)
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Part 1: My & My Dog
When being told to stir up some trouble on Earth, Y/N was more annoyed that she had to go back at all than excited that she was moving up in the ranks. Afterall, she’d only died 50 years ago. It was already time to go back? She thought she had eternity down here. 
From what she’d heard from other members of the underworld, it’d just gotten worse since she’d left. Prior to 1976 had been a riot for her (1976 was not her favorite, but dying usually wasn’t in people’s top ten greatest moments), but now it sounds worse than Hell itself.  
Still, like a good little demon soldier, she trudged through the dim back rooms to find the dull office that would provide her with the necessary documents to take a corporeal form and inhabit the physical sphere for an extended period of time. 
“Can I bring my dog?” She asks, kicking at a piece of garbage on the floor. It littered the entire ground around her feet. 
“Dog?” The servant of hell inquired. 
“Chupacabra,” She corrects.
“Sure,” Their eyes raise from filling out the paperwork to the little animal beside her. “Extra form you need to both sign. Says he’ll suck the blood of at least five animals per earthly week while he’s there. We don’t do ESAs here.”  
“Fab,” She sighed in relief and scratched behind the ears of her dog that she had re-encountered shortly after arriving in Hell. 
The chupacabra placed his paw in some mysterious blood that had formed in the pewter catch-all dish sitting beside the papers and then pushed it onto the form. Signed, sealed and soon to be delivered. They were getting out of Hell. 
When she materialized on Earth, she wasn’t sure where she was exactly. The home office didn’t give that information, you just had to figure it out yourself. She had been hoping for her hometown of Los Angeles or another major city center she’d never been to before. Maybe London or Tokyo would be a fun change of pace. 
After walking what felt like 20 miles, but was probably half of that given that she wasn’t used to physical legs anymore, she came upon a sign as to where she was. A mural to be exact. 
It had only been woods and fields for the first half, but then there were more buildings. Coffee shops, bagel shops and something that was called a ‘Vape’ shops. Everything advertised themselves as historic music sites. But it wasn’t until 1504 Demonbreun St. that she fully ascertained she was in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee. 
“Welcome to Nashville”
“Fuck yeah,” She smiled. A friend back in the day had been from here and told her about it a few times. It wasn’t a major capital city or home, but it was a city alright. And where there was nightlife, she was sure there could be trouble. 
She spent the rest of the day checking around her surroundings. Finding the place Hell had given her to lodge in. It wasn’t much but she remembered earthly delights and planned to spruce it up, give it a vibe. She wrote a note on the wall with a deep red pen she had brought with her a list of items she needed. Couch, rug, bed, posters, an electric guitar and lots of wine and clothes. The ink dripped down the wall and she smiled, swiping at it and placing it to her lips. 
She passed the rest of the daylight hours with great displeasure for the living people around her who barely seemed to notice her. Not that she looked any different than them, but it just bothered her that no one was as friendly as when she’d last been here. No one bothered to say ‘hello’, all they did was stare or talk into their rectangular devices she had realized were portable telephones half way through the day. 
Broadway St. seemed to be the place Y/N thought she’d find the most possible trouble. It was lit up like the Sunset and if it weren’t for all the horribly dressed people surrounding her, she would’ve felt right at home. 
At one of the bars, she got free shots from the bartender with a flash of her eyes. From the regular dark brown iris, they flashed an entire eternal glassy black. He smiled dreamily in the abyss and walked away after she winked at him. She swung back the shots and made her way to the dance floor. 
Raising her hands above her head, she began to dance. Her black lace dress hugged her curves and shifted with her. Her silver jewelry glinted dangerously as she moved. The lights in the bar shifted to stay red instead of the flashing multi-colors that had bothered her when she entered. She moved her hips to the music and slowly it transformed from a poppy song she didn’t know to Led Zeppelin. 
Robert Plant’s voice got everyone dancing the way they should and the vapes transformed into cigarettes and she smiled to herself feeling alive for the first time in a long time. Maybe being back wasn’t so bad. She drank more and danced more and saw people getting drunk and making out in corners and thought debauchery worked as trouble. Job done for the day. 
She relaxed into the sway of the music, writhing around like a snake as her skin grew dewey with perspiration. A tug at her arm brought her out of her euphoric state. All night she had made sure no one would bother her, but whoever this was didn’t seem to follow her rules. 
She opened her eyes, fully black once more as she stared at who was holding her wrist. She tugged back but his hold was secure. He pulled her to the side of the dancefloor, a space conveniently opening up. 
“Get your hands off me! What the fuck, man?”
“You can’t be here,” He spoke calmly. 
She narrowed her eyes at him. He had on a white plain t-shirt and light wash jeans, with opalescent beads hanging around his neck. His eyes were an oddly familiar light brown. His hair was shaved on the sides, creating a sort of mullet that she mildly appreciated if he hadn’t been so rude as to pull her away from her fun. That mullet exposed the golden earrings in his pointy ears. 
There was something different about him. None of it was in his physical form but she felt it, vibrating and extending around him. As if he had invisible light passing around and through him even in the dark dingy bar lighting. 
“Says who?” She finally tugged her arm free from his hold and crossed her arms across her chest, pressing her breasts up in the process. 
His eyes flicker to the movement before pressing his lips into a thin line “Says me.” 
She rolled her eyes, unimpressed. “And you are?” 
“Joshua. I protect this town," he says. He wrings his hands around the gold bracelets on his wrists. “You can’t come into these bars and just mess with everything about them. It’s wrong.” 
“Yes I can, Josh,” She smirks. “I’m a demon as you clearly already can tell. I can do whatever I want.” 
“Oh my God,” Josh sighs, exasperated already. “There’s already a demon here.” He knew the other one quite well and was at least able to keep him in check. A newcomer would mean more work. 
She shrugged. “Not my problem, angel. Hell sent me up here, guess they’re not happy with the other one’s performance.” 
She moved to go back to the bar for another drink when Josh looked like he was a million miles away. He’d really killed her buzz. Josh’s mentioning of another demon made her stop and ask as an afterthought: “What’s this other demon’s name?” 
“Jacob–er, uh, Jake,” Josh corrects himself. He hadn’t gone by Jacob since, well, since before, even if Josh wished he could just call him Jacob. 
“Groovy.” Her smile is wicked, her lips painted a red so deep it resembled dried blood. “Displeasure meeting you, angel. Come find me if you ever want to have a real good time.” She kissed his cheek before disappearing behind a group of people. 
Two weeks later, Y/N was seated on a bench in the park with her legs kicked up. She looked like she was a dead body–which more or less, she was, but the way she was sitting was unusual for someone who was supposedly alive. Her dog was perched unnaturally along the backrest, soaking in the sun he had missed. They looked out of place. 
She had come out in the midday to see if she could start any fights in the park. She’d quickly learned that malfunctions with their little handheld phones really upset the modern humans so she liked to mess with wifi and electrical connections every odd day or so just to keep up the no-good work. 
Her black RayBans covered her eyes as they surveyed the green grass for potential targets for a bit of a row. She sat as far away from the people as possible, so she had enhanced her vision as if using a zoom function. But soon something white blocked her vision. 
“Angel,” She practically growled. Her dog actually growled, sitting up. 
“Mind if I sit,” Josh asks pleasantly, eyeing the dog with caution. It looked like a normal dog, but a clip in his right ear and a strange red shimmer in his eyes made Josh think there might be something hellish about him. 
She took her feet off the bench and pushed her sunglasses up off of her face. “Finally want a taste of what you’re missing?” 
“No,” he states flatly. His eyes were still wandering between the creature and the demon. She was dressed in all black, typical. The dog was between cream and the lightest brown he’d ever seen, atypical. “Is this your dog?” 
“Yeah.” She smiles softly for the first time. Her hand goes to pet him between his ears and down his small snout. “He was waiting for me in Hell back’n the day. They made him a chupacabra for me as a ‘Welcome to Hell’ present.” 
Josh’s eyes widened in surprise. What had she done in life to receive a present in Hell? “They like you down there?” 
“Eh…I think I’m just a descendant of many a troublemaker. They knew I’d be an asset, especially when I arrived so early.” 
Her dog slipped into her lap. For a moment, he shifted as he stared at Josh. Big ruby eyes glowered at him, all his hair was gone, leaving something more resembling a pale soft dog-rat. Disturbing and wretched, nonetheless. He wrinkled his nose at Josh. 
Josh tried to smile, feeling awkward. Jake had insisted he find this demon Josh had encountered, needing more information about whether he was really in trouble or if it was procedural. Why Jake wouldn’t do it himself, Josh never got as many answers as questions he asked. 
“Do either of you have names?” 
She grinned. “Is this twenty questions? Why so interested in me?” 
“Just want to get to know my opposition,” Josh says lightly, praying for her to feel extra kind today. Afterall, she was a demon who was originally human and it was only a little while ago from what she seemed to like. He was pretty sure she’d only been down in Hell for 50-60 years, that was barely a human lifetime—and yet it was longer than hers. Far less than Jake. Maybe he could neutralize her, get her to see the bright side. 
“His name is Rune, now, but it used to be Rori.” She rubs over the dog’s hair, happy that he was softer on Earth. “He responds to both–for me. Not sure what he should be called now we’re back.” 
Josh waited patiently. The breeze was cooler than usual and looking at her, he had to assume it was her as well. She seemed far too powerful for a run-of-the-mill demon who used to be human. But she also seemed extremely unlikely to answer his questions if he got too personal. 
With her eyes uncovered, Josh watched them move around as she thought about something. It was almost like she was tracking something or doing some long form math equation in her head. Like she didn’t know what her name was and was looking for the answer. 
“Mine…well, now you can call me Sal.” She winks and Josh straightens in his seat, feeling strange. “Gonna write about me in your diary now, Joshua?” 
Josh pretends to laugh with a clipped “ha ha.” She smirked again, sliding closer to Josh on the bench. Rori grew annoyed and hopped off her lap, slinking off to climb a tree in hopes of finding a squirrel. Sal extended a delicate hand to Josh’s shoulder, beginning to play with the fabric of his shirt. He smiled tightly, not having anywhere to go if he wanted more answers. 
“You said you arrived early?” Josh’s voice is high as he feels her touch moving down his arm. Thankfully, being an angel kept him from feeling her entire influence, but her physical touch was enough to feel something…unholy. He didn’t want to imagine her abilities on mortals. “What did you mean?” 
“You’re fun,” She beamed. “If I show you some tricks I picked up in Hell, will you show me something?” 
“It depends what you want to see,” Josh tries to be diplomatic. 
Her head throws back in laughter. “Not that. No, I want you to want me to see that.” Her hand wanders to his wrist and toys with the bracelet before slinking to his thigh. Her voice was low and sultry, lips pressed to his ear. “Desperately.” 
Josh was starting to feel like he might have to leave. His breathing had turned shallow and he couldn’t stop staring at the carnelian stone hanging between her breasts. Her hand’s touch left him and she laughed again bringing him out of his reverie. 
“Hell, you’re pretty cute…I was a 27 club member.” She shrugged, turning away from Josh to stare out at the people again. “Had my heyday in the late 60s/early 70s and went out the same way I lived. Fast.” 
Josh thought about the 60s and the 70s. He’d admit those decades were a bit of a guilty pleasure for him. Nashville had been fun, not as crowded. He watched her again, seeing her eyes narrow looking at the couples and the groups of friends. 
“You weren’t from here?” 
“LA. Broadway’s kinda like the Sunset Strip, just a bit more loser-y…NashVegas, just like Liv said.” 
Josh was about to protest, but refrained, letting her reminisce. She did miss her friends from back then. They’d gotten up to so much trouble. Sometimes too much. 
“Best of times, worst of times kind of thing y’a dig?” She tapped the heel of her boot like she was trying to shake off something unpleasant. “Just glad I had my dog for most of the time. He followed me everywhere and everyone’d let ‘im in because he was such a doll. Died ‘bout three years ‘fore me.”
The more she spoke the more her accent of a bygone era of California popped up. Josh couldn’t deny how sweet she sounded when she spoke about that thing, demonic as the pair of them were. 
“How long’ve you’ve been up–er, down here?” She asked, barely realizing she had to correct for him. 
Josh cast his eyes to the sky, thinking. “Since the beginning. That’s like, 8000 human years, I believe.” 
“Get the fuck outta town!” She exclaimed, jumping in her seat to face him. Her eyes were alight with hellfire. “You’re a proper angel then?” 
Josh chuckled. “They don’t really take new hires upstairs, I’m afraid. Only very special occasions. It doesn’t happen much these days.” 
She regarded him for a moment, inventorizing him again now that she deemed him far more interesting than before. “Yeah, I was on a special list when I came down. Only a few others in my line, everyone else had to wait in this huge waiting room. It was…repulsive and I’ve been in the alley behind the Whisky.” 
Josh tilted his head, looking over her once more. He felt like he should know her, but he couldn’t understand from where. She looked so familiar. Her hair seemed to shift every so often and he couldn’t be sure if it was the light or mood dependent. He didn’t prod at her mentioning the special treatment in Hell, didn’t want to alert her to the fact, that from what he knew, that was extremely rare.
“Have you told your demon friend about me yet?” She asked.
“He’s not my friend,” Josh responds automatically. 
Her eyebrows raise as she turns her head back to him, scanning him for understanding. A killer upon its prey. 
“Secret lover?” She guesses. 
Josh can’t hide his face of disgust. “Jesus! No!”
“Homophobic?” She asks with a look of distaste. Not being for the gays was so not groovy. Half the musicians she hung out with back in the day were gay. And she wasn’t one for choosing when it came to sexuality. 
“No!” Josh cries. “I am more than an ally to that cause, not that angels really have sexualities…it’s just.” He sighs, rubbing at his neck confusion. “He was, is–I don’t know, my twin.” 
“Oh!” She beams, eyes once again lighting up in intrigue. She enjoyed learning things, it helped for using it against people at the end of the day. “So he’s also a proper demon. Fell and all that.” 
“Yeah, don’t remind me.” He sounded pained, as if he was reliving the entire thing. 
“Wow…” She blows out a breath. “That must be funky.” 
She continued when Josh said nothing. “Y’know ‘cause he’s your brother but also he’s–” She finished her statement by sticking her pointer fingers through her hair and wiggling them around. 
“Yes, I am aware.” Josh shakes his head. 
She stood up and stretched her arms over her head, revealing her stomach below the flowy lace top she was wearing. “Great catch up, I guess, angel. Wanna trade tricks later? I’ve already worked through most of the main bars here and I’m getting bored.” Nothing was keeping her interest, since every place she had to transform into her liking. 
“You want to hang out with me? You want to hang out with an angel?” 
She grinned, turning around herself once before dropping her arms and stalking back towards Josh, standing directly in front of him. She leaned over him, watching him straighten his neck and swallow thickly. His eyes flickered from her face to the carnelian again. 
“Everyone else is too easy around here. I need a challenge.” Her lips were right in front of his. “You seem like the perfect remedy for a wayward soul like me.” 
Josh wasn’t exactly sure why he agreed to meet the demon at some speakeasy she said she needed to try. He wasn’t fully sold on calling her ‘Sal’, something about it felt off to him. She didn’t even really seem to care for it either. Jake, he knew, was vehement that he wished to be called Jake. 
Jake was probably why he had come to the back door of a pizza joint that was actually the door to the underground speakeasy. He’d asked for more information on her. When Josh had inquired why Jake couldn’t just do it himself, his twin finally fessed up that he was actually not currently in Nashville at all. Leaving the heavy lifting to Josh, like always. 
Begrudgingly, Josh entered another bar with plans to meet a demon. Heaven forgive him. It was smokey inside the brick-walled cavern. Small candles lit the tabletops and narrow bar top. A small dance floor was packed as people danced slowly to a jazz band. In the corner of the room, he saw her hair almost glowing in the dark and he made his way over. 
She was dressed in a black pantsuit, with no undershirt, just a black lace bra and her same necklace. Rori wasn’t present, from what Josh could see, but based on their conversation earlier he had a feeling the demon dog was around, lurking. 
She groaned when she saw what Josh was wearing. 
“Angel, man, do you have any other clothes besides that?” She shook her head in disappointment. 
“Of course I do,” Josh huffed, looking down at his clothes not understanding what was wrong with them. 
“I can’t perform miracles just to change my outfit. That’s wrong.” 
“That’s wrong, it’s wrong,” She parrots what she thought was becoming Josh’s mantra. “God, Heaven sounds so stifling.” She rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers with impatience.
In an instant, Josh was dressed in a red velvet jumpsuit with sequins around the neckline. His arms were on full display, muscles bulging while the velvet hugged his torso and lengthened his height. He smooths at his hair and feels something come off his skin. On his hand, he sees glitter. He looks at her again and then down at his new clothes. She was eyeing the bulge veering to his right thigh. 
“Much better.” She grins. 
Josh rolls his hand in front of him quickly, almost like a benediction, and once again his outfit has changed. Now, he was in a cream and grey jumpsuit that was far less flashy of his own with his favorite sigil emblazoned on the chest. He left the glitter and sat down. 
Her unamused look makes Josh feel a little hot with shame. 
“A little miracle to make sure I don’t look like a demon can be forgiven.” 
“You looked foxy but whatever.” She rolls her eyes and flicks a hand at the table, producing a bottle of red wine for both of them. “You drink, surely. C’mon, don’t act like your demon brother hasn’t corrupted a few of those precious angel feathers.” 
Josh can’t help the smile that falls over his face. Not sure what was so endearing about her at this moment. The romantic jazz might have something to do with it. He loved jazz. He takes the drink gratefully and they sip in companionable silence. She was subdued. 
With one bottle down, they start a second and this is when she offers to show Josh a trick if he’ll show her something again. He shrugs in compliance, feeling well on his way to drunk. 
“But won’t the other people in here see?” He adds. 
“No, they all know to mind their own business. Plus, it’s dark in here.” She winks and suddenly Josh is staring at only her head. 
He can seriously only see her head and neck. She moves closer to him and now Josh is certain, she’s made her body disappear. She was a dishonest-to-god floating head. Her head glowed gold for a moment as she twirled in a complete 360 to really show herself off. Josh’s eyes were as wide as possible trying not to cry out in amazement. Then the rest of her body reappeared, straddling Josh’s lap. With her arms draped over his shoulder, her all black soulless eyes gazed into Josh’s, practically paralyzing him with her fiery warmth and intensity. 
“So what do you think, angel?” 
“I, uh,” Josh stuttered. He placed his hands firmly on her hips and moved her off of him. “That’s impressive. What’s it good for?” 
“S just fun,” She shrugged, undetered by Josh removing her from his lap. “Let’s dance and then you can show me your wings or something.” 
Josh didn’t have time to protest, as she grabbed his wrist with one hand and their second bottle of pinot noir in the other. 
She took a swig before letting it float in the air beside them. Her body swiveled around the dance floor, placing herself in Josh’s arms as he swayed respectfully. She sighed and sunk into the movement, drinking from the bottle every so often. When the song changed, she turned to face Josh, handing the wine to him. He drank obediently, which she felt was a triumph. 
Hands draped over his shoulders again, she pressed her body against his. He was strong, she could feel his toned stomach. Her regular eyes met his and she tipped her nose against his. He looked stoicly back at her, determined to be friendly but not fall into the trap she was so clearly laying for him. 
“You’ve got so many defenses up,” She whispers. “Why not do what you want for once? Loosen up. Indulge.” 
Josh smiles down at her and moves his lips to her ear. Polite as ever, he speaks soothingly. “I am having a lovely time with you, Sal.”
She groans, pressing his hands to her hips again, where the curve of her ass was. “I can gaurantee you’ve never had what I’m offering you…” 
Josh smiles knowingly, unconvinced. “I’m afraid I’m above your temptations. Is seduction your main area of expertise?” 
She glares at him, but there’s a glint in her eye. She loved the chase. The difficulty. 
“Debauchery in general, but with how many people wanted to have sex with me in my first life I have a specialization in seduction and desire.” 
He shrugs, moving his hands to a respectful place on her waist. His touch is light, but she feels the pressure of his thumbs pushing at the exposed skin. She smirks and snakes her lips up to his ear. 
The gold hoop glints and she flicks her tongue over it. “I could just show you what you’re missing. If you’d allow me to put it in your mind, we wouldn’t actually do it. You’d be in complete control. Halo intact. C’mon just a few images…it’ll be informative.” 
Josh sighs as the tug of her teeth on his earring. She was bad. Terribly good at her job. He understood why she was here. Jake wasn’t even in town. Damn him. If he did his job a little better, Josh wouldn’t be contemplating allowing a demon into even a small recess of his mind. But, Jesus, did he want to just see it. If it wasn’t real, it wasn’t really a sin to indulge. 
She stares at him, waiting for his response. Her hands run over his shoulders and chest. The music swells and Josh’s hands tighten on her waist as he looks up to the ceiling, praying for forgiveness. 
“For educational purposes,” He starts and she grins. “I will allow you to show me how you do your job. So that I may be able to thwart your wrongdoings better.” 
“It’s just a little sex,” She licks her lips. “Igniting passion in people makes more babies for you to teach heavenly values or whatever. God likes sex, Josh.” Her voice is sickening, it was like she was dripping in a delicious scent that Josh can’t get out of his head. Twisting his values and her intentions into something evil that somehow made wicked sense.
He’s been careful to only open up a small piece he knows he can close, but he almost loses his footing when he finally feels her stinging lips on his. She licks into his mouth and he’s about to protest before the images begin to flow through his mind. 
‘Good thing your brother doesn’t have to transfer information like this, huh?’ Sal says within Josh’s mind. 
Guiltily, he feels himself laughing. Though his physical body is still locking lips with her. 
The room she brings him to in his mind is dark, a red lamp in the corner where two bodies are rolling around. Sighs of ecstasy filling his ears. The smell of sex hanging in his nose.
‘You’re really missing out, angel. Could show you the best thing life, and death, has to offer.’ Her voice is softer in his mind. 
The scene changes. He’s staring up at her above him. Her hips are working over him steadily as her naked breasts bounce in front of him, her necklace is the glowing light now. Her voice is sinful as she moans praises for Josh. How good he feels, how big he is, how strong he is. The scene changes and he’s driving into her with her legs over his shoulders, she’s smiling sweetly up at him with her mouth open, repeating his name like a prayer. It shifts and she’s pressed face down in the grey silk pillows, her body spread out for him as he grunts and growls, thrusting ceremoniously into her as she screams for him to keep going. It’s melodic, every bodily sound and the scene of their physical bodies uniting is hypnotic. Like it was pre-ordained that he would fit so well inside her. He feels euphoric as it shifts once more. She is back on top, his hips press up into her as she grinds down. Their faces are pressed together as Josh holds her body close to him. Arms enveloping her fragile frame. The room is quiet as they are pressed skin to skin, her lips meeting his gently. Sharp gasps escape their trembling lips.
‘Okay, enough,’ Josh pushes away from the scene, feeling both aroused and confused. 
In the speakeasy, she pulls back from the kiss with a wipe of her lips. She runs her hands through her hair as she watches Josh. She had shown him every one of his fantasies, placing herself at the center of them. They weren’t particularly raunchy, it was all about connection to him and for once she didn’t tease. 
“I like you, Joshua,” She says, truthfully, allowing him to pull their bodies a little apart. 
He was flustered and confused and embarrassed, but he also didn’t want to run. She had kept her word, shown him a few things and left. He didn’t fully understand the words she had just spoken.
He shakes his head, an awkward smile on his lips there on accident, and she stares at him wistfully. 
“I haven’t had someone in my mind in a very long time.” 
“It’s okay,” She soothes. “You really are an angel. Maybe on this earthly plane for too long since you clearly have carnal desires, but they were sweet. Every man’s mind I’ve looked into had vile and cruel desires…” She paused, looking past Josh. “Even in my first life, all the men I knew wanted to hurt the women they supposedly loved.” 
Josh’s eyebrows shot up in shock. 
“The closest you got to dirty was having me in do–”
“Okay!” Josh cut her off. “I think it’s time to call it a night.” He turned and walked swiftly through the crowd, parting easily for him–definitely not a misuse of his miracles. 
“Fine,” She grinned wickedly and whistled for Rori, sauntering after Josh. 
Back on the street, it could’ve been daytime with all the lights compared to the speakeasy. She squinted her eyes in distaste, thriving in the dark and wishing she had brought her sunglasses.
Josh was turned away from her so she tapped on his shoulder, wanting his attention. Wanting to see him again. He turned slowly and the look on his cherubic face was troubled. She frowned, about to ask what got his wings in a twist. 
A shadow stepped into Josh’s light. His hair was long and messy, in need of a wash. His silver jewelry shined heavy on his tanned chest. His black button up was almost completely open exposing his torso and he held a wide-brimmed black hat loosely in one hand and a guitar case more carefully in the other. His eyes flashed yellow when he spotted Y/N.  
She straightened her posture under his gaze and gave him a defiant look. Rori growled, but stayed behind her legs. 
Jake ran his tongue over his bottom lip, taking in the woman shaped devil before him. “You must be the new demon in town.” 
She tilted her head at him and looked between Josh and Jake. “And you must be your brother’s keeper.” 
He took a menacing step closer, narrowing his eyes at his angel of a brother before returning his gaze to her. “Something like that. Now, farewell…or don’t, I don’t care.”
She opened her mouth to speak again but no sound came out. 
His eyes flashed again as he turned on his heel and said tersely, a command, “Josh.”
The pair disappeared into fog that had appeared as suddenly as the older demon along the nighttime sidewalk and then she watched it dissipate moments later, leaving no trace of the creatures. The men. The angel and the demon.
to be continued... join the taglist
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panda-writes-kpop · 6 months
thnks fr th mmrs, vn thgh thy wrn’t s grt
a/n: 0_0 ..me when I remember that I haven't updated the hypnosis series in months... whoops! anyways, here's another chapter to feed the people who enjoy this series! special thanks to @kingmaker-a for reading over this one - I'm glad you enjoy the series, my guy <3
tw: lots of blood 'n gore, weird spirit physics, double the people turning into vampires for none of the extra cost, sad memories and morally ambiguous characters
word count: 4.6k
( <- Previous Part | Next Part -> | Series Masterlist)
summary: everything's wrong. two of your friends are missing, two of your friends are in serious shit with the university, and the other three are barely hanging on to what they hold dear. and then there's you - the one who's seeing the ghost of your dead friend. the cherry on top? you may be turning into the monster that destroyed everything you loved.
but it can't get worse than this, right?
♡ Masterlist ♡
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light - the absence of darkness.
From the bright sunshine that would blind you when you walked to your 10:30 a.m. lecture to the electrical lighting that allowed you to see what SuA had done to Siyeon, it was there to help illuminate your way and give you the answers that you seeked.
Without the light, you felt like you were stumbling into darkness, just as you were doing now. Your intuition had guided you forwards, past the unrecognizable mush of blood, guts, and bones that was a body in front of you. Your phone flashlight was the only sort of light you had, but it felt like a cheap replica compared to the warm sunlight that you and your friends used to bask in together.
Will things ever be the same?
That wasn’t the question to ask, especially now that you were in an abandoned part of a hospital ward. 
Looking back, the hospital room with your friends seems so far away, and you could go back and give up.
But you don’t quit, not when two of your friends are locked up in some cold, abysmal basement on campus while Ryujin and Handong are nowhere to be seen. You could do something for once, have some agency in the middle of the world’s shittiest situation. 
So you continue on until you encounter a disastrous scene. What intrigues you lies past the bloodshed, but you’re forced to look at what’s in front of you first.
There are eight closed doors past the messy nurse’s station - an evacuation or a massacre took place here, due to the scatter of paperwork, files, and file cabinets all over the floor. A few papers were stuck to the ceiling with pins and needles, and blood covers every possible surface. You’d normally gag at the sight of so much blood, but you weirdly find… comfort in all of it.
And when did your mouth start filling with saliva?
You force yourself to swallow the uncomfortable feeling rising in your chest. Handong and Ryujin are fine, if anything were to happen to them, they’d be the most likely to take care of themselves and each other.
Yet again, betrayal seemed to be a common theme in your life, so you’d best keep moving.
Alright, there’s eight doors. Find something familiar, someone familiar that will make you want to go through.
Your hand grabs the first door knob as you realize how ill-prepared you are for this venture. With just your phone flashlight and the will of pure fucking spite for SuA and her shitty life decisions, you pull through the tangled threads of your fractured mind to find someone to help you through this.
Unfortunately for you and your increasingly temporary good mood, your mind finds its way to settle on Chou Tzuyu, the girl who died before she ever had a chance to live.
What if I hadn’t blocked SuA immediately? What if I had talked things through with Siyeon sooner? What if JiU and I had seen eye-to-eye?
Would anything have changed?
You take a soft breath before turning the door handle.
Chou Tzuyu - the girl who never hesitated to help you out, the girl who gave you homework answers every time you came to class with glassy eyes, and the girl who helped you realize that you should give dating another chance.
You let go of the door handle to place both hands on the door. Rage builds inside of you as vengeance seeps into your bones. Chou Tzuyu was dead, and you were pissed about it.
You pull your hands back, only to slam them against the steel door. To your surprise, the door flies off of its hinges and slams into the parallel wall inside of the hospital room. With your hands extended, you stare at them in morbid curiosity (I did that?) before you realize that you can step through the room (I did that!).
With your phone flashlight, you scan the wall to your left to find a light switch, and once you find it, you flick it on. The light blinks for a minute before turning on. Although you weren’t a fan of the sterile lighting, it was better than the darkness that you were surrounded in before.
“What would you ever do without me?” A voice rings out, one that causes your hair to rise on your neck and arms.
You shriek and throw your phone - one of the least intelligent decisions you’ve made thus far - and you cringe when you hear it shatter against the wall.
“Tzuyu?” You spin around, only to lock eyes with someone you never thought you would see again. “Fuck, I’m sorry-“
“-Don’t worry about it, you can’t do me any harm.” Tzuyu offers you a warm smile before sticking her arm through a wall and then letting it sit at her side afterwards. “SuA already killed me once, you can’t kill me again.”
Bewildered, you stare at her.
“How? Why? What the fuck?”
“Well, I heard Siyeon and SuA fighting-“
“-yeah, I heard that story, I know.” You wildly gesture to the girl in front of you. “How are you here?”
“Being a ghost works differently than being a human or any other type of mortal creature.” She explains as you notice a soft lilac hue that surrounds her figure. “I’m free to roam between the planes of the living and the dead, and I can visit who I want whenever I want.”
“Okay…” You shake your head before nervously playing with your hair. “Why did you choose me to talk to?”
“You have a lot of questions, like usual, and I have plenty of answers. It’ll be just like old times.” Tzuyu sits on the edge of the hospital bed before patting the spot next to her. 
You reluctantly sit next to Tzuyu as you study her for a moment. She doesn’t look as ghastly as your last meeting with her; instead, she looks just as well as she did at the party.
“The party, Tzuyu, you were there… or, at least, it looked like you were there.” You try to explain the events of the party, but it all blurs together in your mind.
Drinks. Dahyun dancing? Tzuyu left to see her. Video games. JiU crashes the party. 2 a.m. wake-up. SuA bites me. Fox bites her. I died?
“It was a mirage, someone was working with SuA to create an exact duplicate of me. It has to be someone with powerful sorcery skills who would study under Professor Wang, since he specialized in mirages and illusions.” Tzuyu’s words cause you to sigh in relief.
“So it couldn’t have been Dami?” You softly ask as your heart tenses in your chest.
She’s the brightest witch you know, one with a soft heart and a kind soul. Did that make her more innocent or more guilty, you wonder.
“No, Dami wouldn’t be taking a class related to that subject until next semester.” Tzuyu places one of her hands over yours, but you can’t feel her warmth, even though you know it’s there. “She’s the last person I’d expect to betray you.”
“Really?” The disbelief in your voice causes you to physically recoil.
“Don’t you remember? When you left that party and went home, who was the first person that found you?”
You had to have been crying for hours when you got home from the party. What else were you supposed to do besides face the reality that your relationship with the girl you loved was over?
You expected one of your friends to come knocking on the door, Minji perhaps? She was too in-tune with your feelings for your liking, and it was something that bothered you about her. She knew that your relationship was over before you did, and she told you to break things off with Bora before you got hurt.
What a fool you are - maybe she’s here to rub it in your face after everything.
The knocking continues, but it’s less forceful than you thought it was. Gahyeon would try to tear the door off its hinges - she actually did so to your dorm room door when you locked yourself in there in order to prepare for exams. Safe to say, your RA, Irene, wasn’t a big fan of Gahyeon afterwards.
Handong would’ve only knocked once and called out to you. You got into a small fight with SuA, your first fight as a couple, and it absolutely broke you. You stormed into your room and didn’t come out for breakfast, which was unusual for you since you and Handong would get breakfast together before heading to your early morning classes. She was gentle with her approach, and her words eventually drew you out of your hiding spot to go grab a bite to eat before class started.
Yoohyeon would’ve just yelled instead of knocking - knocking was never really her style, anyways. She was your best friend, after all, so the door was always unlocked for her. She’d just yell before storming in, something along the lines of “you better have clothes on, otherwise you’re paying for our joint therapy session!”
Siyeon wouldn’t have knocked - you always went over to her place. Most of the time it was to pick up SuA, or to just hang out with all of the girls since their dorm was much larger than everyone else’s.
When you realized who it was, you pulled yourself off of the floor before wobbling to the door. Of course, the girl knocking on your door would be gentle yet persistent, quiet yet certain. Your first true college friend, your closest confidant - Lee Yubin.
It’s not like you didn’t trust Yoohyeon with all of your secrets - you both know too much about each other to not be friends anymore. Sometimes, you just want to talk to that friend who just listens to what you have to say. They don’t always offer advice or help, but a comforting shoulder and reassuring words are always found with them.
When you open the door, Dami’s not prepared with a humorous quip or a warm hug.
“Can I come in?” Is the only request she makes, with a gentle kindness twinkling in her eyes.
You mumble your answer before opening up the door wide enough for her to enter, and you shut it behind her before turning on a light in your dorm room.
“What did you hear?” You ask, knowing how… creative SuA’s storytelling can be when it comes to people she doesn’t like.
“It doesn’t matter. I want to hear what happened from you.” She reaches over to you and holds out her hand. “Your word matters more to me than SuA’s, or anyone else’s, for that matter. I believe you, I trust you, and I know you.”
So you tell her all of it. Some of the relationship issues you’ve been having to Minji’s break-up comments to the events at the party to how you got back home.
When you’re done, all you can do is scan her face to see how she reacts. Dami, ever the calming wave crashing against the shoreline, reflects empathy and kindness towards you as you finally take her hand.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I could’ve walked you home. You shouldn’t have been alone after all of that.” She says as you bite your lip.
Through tears, you can’t help but choke out a laugh.
“Are you alright?” She instinctively cups your face and brings it closer to hers, but you shake your head and smile.
“Only a true martyr blames herself for other people’s actions. Dami,” You lightly squeeze her hand, “I’m just glad you’re here. I’d much rather talk with you than anyone else.”
“Not Yoohyeon?” In disbelief, she lets go of your face.
You find yourself missing her warmth before you answer.
“Not even Yoohyeon. You’re irreplaceable to me, Dami. I hope we’re close for the rest of our lives because I can’t imagine what I would do without you.”
“…Right.” Heat flocks to your face as you nervously bite your lip. “How could I ever doubt her? Dami put her freedom, her ability to practice magic, and her scholarships on the line to save me. Who does that for a friend?”
“A good person,” Tzuyu quickly answers, “and you know it’s not Gahyeon either. She killed someone for you - a former friend of hers, no less.”
“I need to get them out of there, save them-“
“I assure you, those two are not damsels in distress.” Tzuyu laughs to herself for a moment. “The catacombs under the school aren’t that difficult to navigate.”
“Why lock them up there instead of a prison?” You ask.
“The university didn’t want news getting out about two dead students - bad for enrollment rates. They wanted to sort this mess out in private, but it’s all going to come out in one way or another.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.” Tzuyu confidently says.
“What do I do now? What about Ryujin and Handong?” Confused, you look to Tzuyu for answers.
“Try more doors. If you found me, then you can find the other answers you seek.” She wistfully responds.
“What about you?”
“I’ll be here when you need me. What else am I going to do for the rest of eternity?”
With a broken phone and a ghastly thumbs up from Tzuyu, you leave Tzuyu behind as you approach the room across from hers.
Wandering around in the darkness, you find yourself carefully maneuvering to the other side of the hallway as your stomach growls.
How long has it been since I’ve eaten something?
Your hunger doesn’t seem to be settled by the thoughts of food - rather, all thoughts of human food seem to be repulsive to you. You find yourself gagging as you crash through the second door without a second thought.
I’ve really got to get this superhuman strength under control.
After checking yourself for injuries, you stand up and flick on the light switch. The light comes on with ease, and a soft sigh leaves your lips.
A child’s room outside of the pediatric ward? How odd.
You see a small teddy bear resting next to your feet, and you don’t hesitate to pick it up.
You throw the dart against the board, and Ryujin chuckles as it falls to the ground after touching the board.
“Alright, fur-for-brains, you try it.” You gruffly say before stepping aside.
“I’d prefer you call me Jinnie over that.” She calmly says before picking up the dart and casually throwing it.
And, of course, it’s a bullseye.
She gives you a sweet smile as you give her a sweet two-finger salute, one on each hand. Mature as ever, she sticks her tongue out at you as the carnival worker grabs her an oversized pink unicorn.
“Good luck fitting that abomination in your dorm.” You laugh as Ryujin proudly holds the plushie in her arms.
“Lucky for you, it’s going on the top of my car as a hood decoration!”
You loudly groan as Ryujin laughs. Neither of you notice the pair of friends approaching you until a yellow snow cone lands on the giant unicorn’s belly.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” The taller girl, with long, black hair, quickly apologizes before grabbing some napkins and helping Ryujin clean it up.
“It looks like my unicorn pissed itself!” She whines as you softly laugh.
Your eyes peel away from the sight as you realize who the other girl is.
“Dami, right? We met at orientation.” You give Dami a warm smile that she reciprocates. 
“Yeah. Sorry I haven’t been responding to your texts, I was busy moving in-“
“-Nah, it’s alright,” You reassure her, “I’ve been busy trying to adapt to college life as well. How about we meet for lunch tomorrow and we can catch up?”
“That sounds great.” She gracefully accepts your offer before turning towards JiU and Ryujin. “That’s JiU - most of us call her Minji, though. She’s one of my close friends and we went to high school together.”
“Minji, huh?” Your eyes focus on Ryujin. “Ryujin’s been my best friend since I started walking. People thought we were weird, since she was a werewolf and I was a human, but we made it work.”
“Our friend group has a vampire and a vampire hunter, so it can’t get any weirder than that.”
“Your friends sound like fun. I’d love to meet them sometime.” You say as Ryujin dejectedly walks back to you. “Did you clean up your unicorn’s little accident?”
“It mostly came out, I’ll just put some bleach on it when I get home.” She shrugs as JiU nervously plays with a strand of hair.
“Please, let me make it up to you. I still have two food vouchers from the university that I haven’t used yet,” Minji hands them to you before turning back to Ryujin, "and I got this teddy bear at another game earlier, but I’ve got plenty of stuffed animals at home, so you should take it.”
“I’ll take the food vouchers,” Ryujin snatches them from your hand before handing you the teddy bear, “you can have the bear.”
Ryujin walks away, leaving you to say your goodbyes. 
“It’s been great to catch up, Dami, and I look forward to lunch tomorrow!” You wave at her with a smile before backpedaling towards Ryujin. “Thank you, Minji, for the bear. I promise to treasure it.”
You set the teddy bear down on the bed before grabbing the bedsheet and pulling it up to the pillow.
“I can’t believe we got a whole house to ourselves for a sleepover!” Gahyeon cheers before crashing against the bed.
“Don’t get too excited, Gahyeon,” Handong warns, “we’ll have to have the place spotless; otherwise, SuA will have our asses.”
You set your stuff down on a bed in the next room over as Handong and Gahyeon converse in the distance. Yoohyeon leans against the doorway as you start to unpack your overnight bag. 
“Getting comfortable?” She teases before sliding into the room.
“I’m trying to.” You sigh before tossing the bag aside and flopping on the bed. “Yooh, can I tell you something?”
“If you’re going to tell me something weird, I have to start charging you for therapy sessions-“
“How do you deal with liking one of your friends?” You honestly ask Yoohyeon as she loudly gasps.
“YOU LIKE SOMEONE-“ She shouts, loud enough for the whole house to hear, before you have a chance to close the door. “And you didn’t tell me first?”
“To be fair, I haven’t told anyone else yet, so you will be the first.” You offer her some semblance of comfort as your heart races in your chest - you were really going to say what you were feeling out loud, huh?
“So… who is it?” She asks before you sigh deeply.
“It’s someone I’d never thought I’d fall for, in all honesty. Someone who understands me in a way that no one else has.” You confess as Yoohyeon squeals.
“Oh, I know who you’re talking about! It has to be-“
“-SuA.” You quickly breathe out as Yoohyeon blinks at you once, twice, and then thrice.
“Oh shit, well, good for you!” Yoohyeon scrambles for the right words as you fold your arms.
“No words of comfort or reassurance?” You ask as she shrugs.
“SuA’s not out of your league, but she wasn’t who I was expecting, in all honesty. I didn’t know you two were close.” Yoohyeon says.
“So you’re okay with SuA and I being together if she says yes to a first date?” 
Yoohyeon takes your hand and gently squeezes it.
“I’m your best friend. I’d tell you if you were doing something stupid, trust me.”
You choke out a laugh before grabbing the pillow and putting it back into place.
“Minji, I’m so sorry to bother you.” You softly say before she hands you a glass of tea.
“No, it’s alright, it’s what friends are for. What did you need to talk to me about?” 
“SuA and I- we’re not doing alright.” Your words lift a weight off your chest, as if saying what you’ve been feeling will fix all of your problems. “We’ve gotten into more fights, and every time I want to talk about it, she blows me off to go partying. I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Can I-“ Minji pauses for a moment before grabbing your arm. “Can I be honest with you?”
“Of course.” You nod as she continues on.
“SuA, she’s a great person and all, but she has her flaws. You know this, just as the rest of us do. I love her, dearly and truly, but she’s an unnameable spirit. You won’t get her to settle down with sugar coated words or sweet promises.”
“What should I do, then?”
“You should break up with her.” Minji bluntly says it, and her words carve a mark in your heart that a thousand swords could not replicate.
“What?” You softly respond, hoping your brain had cherry-picked her words and made some sort of sick mash-up of them.
“You can’t- you can’t be with someone who makes you miserable. I see the two of you at parties. She has a great time with her friends, and you look like you want to be anywhere in the world besides at her side-“
“-yeah, but she compromises for me and I do it for her as well-“ You try to defend SuA, but JiU’s having none of it.
“-you’re new to dating, especially when it comes to someone like SuA, and I don’t want to see someone I care about get hurt.”
Your eyes involuntarily roll as you know the lecture is coming. Despite Minji being the most agreeable person on the planet, the two of you don’t always see eye-to-eye. She’s too involved in your life, at times, and you just need some space away from other people to clear your thoughts. To her, you don’t care enough about yourself and she will point that out, every single time, without fail. You’ve always treated her like an overcautious, caring mother, but something about her words irks you. Maybe it’s the fact that there is truth mingled in with her opinion, or you’ve finally grown tired of her meddling in your life, but you’ve had enough.
“I’m not a child, Minji.” You set the tea cup aside before standing up. “I can decide who I want to date, and when or if I should break up with them. I just wanted to see if you knew anything about why SuA has been so distant lately.”
“I don’t want to see you get hurt.” She repeats, firmly standing her ground.
“Do you know something I don’t, Minji?” You exasperatedly say before running your fingers through your hair. “I don’t see why you could care so much about me - SuA was your friend first, after all.”
“Her actions are not my responsibility.”
You can’t take this delicate dance of instigating and investigating any more, so you quickly move towards the exit of Siyeon, SuA, and Minji’s dorm.
“Wait, please-“ She calls out to you as you reach for the door. “I’m doing this because I-“
You slam the door in her face, an act you would grow to regret. When you come back a few hours later to return her pillow from your dorm, it’s like you’ve encountered a new person. She offers you a simple greeting before taking the pillow from her arms.
Minji’s smile doesn’t spread as wide as usual, and it’s all your fault.
A gentle tear runs down your cheek - you were awful to her, weren’t you? - as you gently fix the chapstick on the bedside table.
“You cheated on her!” Siyeon screams at you from the door as tears fall down your face.
“No, she cheated on me.” You offer a simple explanation, but she isn’t buying it.
“I found your chapstick in that girl’s bedroom, so try another excuse.” She haphazardly tosses the chapstick, and you’re able to catch it, even with tears partially blocking your sight.
“I let SuA use it-“
“I can’t even look at you. Come find me when you’re ready to make things right, and I may be kind enough to let you do so.” Siyeon slams the door as you fall to the ground in a puddle of misery and wallowing.
Two friends, one girlfriend. All gone within a few days of each other. Who else would leave you next? Handong? Yoohyeon? Gahyeon? Dami?
For some reason, the thought of Dami leaving you behind pushes you over the edge as the floodgates break open. You sob on the floor for what seems to be hours until your roommate finds you and brings you to bed, where you cry yourself to sleep for another night.
It’s saddening how quickly things can be over. Siyeon seemed open for a reunion - did SuA finally confess, or did Siyeon figure out the truth? You knew your friendship with Minji would never be the same, and that was okay with you. 
Although you were miserable with the loss of a few friends a few months ago, you’d be beyond consolable if one of your close friends of today were to betray you or-
Don’t think about that. Don’t think about that. Don’t think about that.
You lightly brush the tears away before looking in the vanity. The sight in front of you causes you to scream as the puzzle pieces connect in your head.
Hunger for blood, insane strength, and invisible in mirrors.
Despite the fact that your reflection is missing, two pointy objects reflect back to you as you open your mouth.
Sharp fangs.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You rub your temples, hoping that’ll miraculously fix you. “This day cannot get any worse.”
As if the hell opened up and Satan heard your words, Ryujin crashes against the doorless door frame with a heavy sigh.
“You’re bleeding!” You yell as Ryujin winces and holds her side.
“I’ll be fine.” She reassures you as you rush over to her. “Nice fangs, you freak.”
“You’re not helping.” You gently help Ryujin to the bed. “Who did this to you?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” She breathes a little lighter when she’s resting on your bed. “So is the vampire thing permanent, or-“
“Let me deal with that shit, you’re going to bleed out at this rate.” You grab a bundle of cloth that Ryujin can hold at her side. “I can’t do stitches, but I think Minji might be able to-“
Ryujin grabs your arm as you turn away from her.
“You shouldn’t go out there.”
“Why not?”
“She’s out there.” Ryujin coughs up a bit of blood as you grab a few tissues for her.
“Who is she?”
“Handong, but it’s not the girl that you know. They, the vampires,” She corrects herself before coughing into a tissue, “got to her before I could fight them all off. She’s a vampire spawn, hungry and lost to her instincts. We can’t help her until we get her some human blood.”
“We’re in hospital, there has to be blood somewhere-“ You reason as Ryujin shakes her head.
“Fresh blood, from a living human.”
“Yoohyeon.” You breathe out as Ryujin coughs again. “Are you going to be alright?”
“I’m a werewolf, this will blow over in a day or two. Supernatural healing is the shit, huh.” She laughs before going into another coughing fit.
“I can stay with you-“ “-You have to find Yoohyeon before Handong does; otherwise, we’ll have another murder on our hands.”
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ohsayit · 5 months
Zevlor's age, new oath, and future
Zevlor is not main enough of a character in the game for him to have specific lore about his age. FR wiki says average life span for tieflings is 90-150 years and they age roughly the same rate as humans. Zevlor looks like human in their late 40s to mid 50s to me so based on my pure guesswork, I like to think he is 60-70 years old and has at least 40 years left.
He is old enough to have some serious and/or long term relationship before Avernus. If he was in a relationship, I don't think Zevlor's partner will survive both Hell and exile. He is conveniently single for us.
After all the Brain business and regained his paladin power from an unknown oath (my personal guess is Devotion. Or Vengeance at least), he is capable of doing things again.
The Flaming Fist is no friend to Hellriders, even the exiled ones. So he shouldn't be settling in Baudler's Gate. He may take a few of his closest associates with him and settle somewhere nearby.
That opens up two routes for me, originally.
One of them being he settles down to be a regular civilian. Maybe he joins the local force to protect the settlement.
But this man loves having a purpose. Glory is second to Honour for him. Honour comes from Duty and Purpose. I think this man is all about having a purpose. He takes pride in having one and his commitment for it. So even he said his soldiering days is over, the power that came to him from the new oath, will nudge him back to the road again. Protecting the settlement he lives in feels too small of a purpose for him (unless it's a big city which doesn't make much sense for me). This man used to be a commander among "elite cavalris" and sserved in "one of the most renowned and well-regarded military forces in the Realms". He needs to protect something big or important enough for him.
So this is the other and my preferred route. For my Tav in particular, maybe some bits will suit yours.
Zevlor grouped with his close associates and base somewhere near Baldur's Gate. One, they can get in touch with other people from Elturel who settled in Baldur's gate. Two, Tav knows where to find him. They travel around to put their power to good use, bit similar to mercenary. Tav saunters over from time to time just to mess with our old man and fuck him senseless.
Desire to live a life reignites when Zevlor has one again.
He knows Tav is no parent material. On top of that, they are not even in a relationship. He wonders when she will stop visiting. Every time she shows up is a delight. The better it feels every time she visits, the more his mind wonders to ridiculous places. He wants a relationship and possibly a kid with her. Although he knows that will not happen in this eternity, he still fantasies about it sometimes.
FR wiki I look at this time: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Hellriders
End note
Uggghhhh sorry for the long post loll It is super unintended. All I wanted to say was just "dude looks like having 40-50 years left, he wants a kid once he has a life, a kid with Tav in specific, not just a rando woman" See where this one sentence takes me (facepalm)
I am working on a one shot Zevlor/Tav fic, inspired by my own post -,- It was supposed to be an easy, fun, simple, one shot, quick smut. I didn't plan to give Zevlor this much mind for the fic but here I am -,- writing a long ass post for our precious old man.
I blame Larian for all of this.
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myunghology · 2 years
hi jian,i hope you're doing well these days♡´・ᴗ・`♡!i've seen your post reharding about your inbox being opened,so i'll give it a try!can i request a scaramouche/wanderer and albedo hc with their s/o,g/n reader,who turned into a cat and how would they react?👀iyw to add more,you can add some domestic stuff.Its okay of this request is too much,you can ignore it!
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ʚ scaramouche and albedo with an s/o who turned into a cat, + domestic headcanons ɞ
— ✦ gender neutral reader, headcanons, pure fluff! [ a/n : I think I'm in my Sabrina carpenter phase ]
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didn't realize it was you when he visited. tried calling you and said "what's this cat doing here?" but then you don't reply. are you not there? he looks around the living room and sits beside you and pets you.
but in his pov, he was wondering why you weren't there. so he tries asking the cat (he's a lil silly okay) and then you try to convince him that the cat is you. obviously doesn't believe you
and then, you finally convinced him.
he's mad. but not that mad. who would do this to you? or did you do it yourself?
you totally did it yourself.
"are you stupid" - scaramouche
asks if you can turn back into a human. "meow meow meow raaaaaaaaa hiss hiss" translation = "IF I COULD I'D BE A HUMAN RIGHT NOW"
"dang okay"
tries buying cat toys to tease you. and you just sit there with a :// sick and tired of his bs.
bought more like stole something to make you turn back into a human. but of course, things don't always go that well.
you basically turn into a cat for the rest of your life, but you can turn back into a human anytime. and to be honest? it's not bad.
you have sat on this man's lap multiple times, human or not, he finds it comforting
STAWWPPP im literally thinking of scaramouche with a s/o who turns into a cat when they're flustered
you definitely sit on his shoulder when he's working in your cat form
I'm gonna tell you. Living with him is a nightmare. No it's not those type of aesthetic couples let's be fr... You two literally have fights every hour. Playfully of course
"scara what do you use for your eyeshadow?"
"my aunts ashes"
"scara smile for me"
"fuck you"
definitely knows how to cook.
also, definitely late night walks / dates.
buying lots of random shit in 7/11 is considered a date. to him at least. or mall dates!
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+ taking baths together... not sexually omg
washing each other's backs and hair :), you accidentally got soap in his eyes and he hissed so badly HAHAHAH
"(#(#(#(! #? @) @? @?? #(#() 1#(#("
oh btw he definitely does skincare. forces you to do it with him.
random goofy ass selfies in the mirror wearing face masks with scara >>>>
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he was definitely the one who turned you into a cat let's be honest
he. he doesn't really have that much of a reaction.
but he tortures you 'trying' to find a cure and says 'it's hard' BUT IT ISN'T. HE JUST LIKES TEASING YOU AND LIKES SEEING YOU AS A CAT
doesn't turn you back until he's satisfied. sorry.
you knock down some of his materials to annoy him LMAO, acts like he doesn't care but inside he's like "dyk how much I spent on that"
your paws on top of his hair gripping on to it forcing him to turn you back into a human.
eventually, he did.
but he was missing one material,, and apparently you can't get it anymore.
insert incoherent cat noises
and finally, you did turn back.
you'll still turn into a cat from time to time though.
he sends you to places when you're in your cat form because he thinks it's probably faster to get materials that way.
i don't think he's wrong though..
living with albedo... eh..
he's rarely home. most of the time he's in the lab— that's acceptable.
and half of the time he's taking care of klee.
but he all makes up for it, he can't leave you hanging just like that of course.
it's good that he gets home early, you two spend the rest of the day painting together, or either just doing random things together. also— when klee is there, is definitely more fun.
baking with them, coloring, playing hide and seek, making random potions!
“albedo do you know how to make slime” — klee
you three tried making slime. it got stuck on klees hair LMAO
eventually got it out after an hour.
swore to never make slime again.
klee sees you as a sister figure, and that makes albedo really happy :)
she keeps clinging on to you, while albedo just stares in awe at you two smiling and tilting his head slightly.
at the end of the day, you three all take a rest together on the couch looking like a cute little family. actually people have actually mistaken you guys for a famil-
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©myunhology — all works written are made by ©myunhology. DON'T steal / copy my works. if you do see someone stealing my works, please report them :).
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slickchickchocolatier · 5 months
me to Heethan 😭😭😭
like fr tho i would laugh soooo damm loud if i someone ever told me „you belong to me“
Siiiis let me telllllll you!
(Some spoilers if you haven’t read all the series on my blog; ‘Mermaids Tale’, ‘Double Trouble’, ‘MGR/MRE/HHP’, ‘SE7EN’, and ‘The Otherside’. )
- heethan: if this mofo was real, he would be EXACTLY like how he is drafted in all the chapters. Your everyday life will change dramatically. If you’re working or going to school, he’d tell you to quit and stop so he can take care of you and keep you in a house or apartment or whatever 24/7 under his eye. If he’s going to school or work, he’d have your set up for success with everything you possibly need so you won’t go out, and ofc he’d have a solid locking and security system at the door where he can monitor through his phone to ensure you’re not trying to escape. Not to spoil HHP but man has connections and eyes everywhere….eveb if you did manage to leave, you ain’t going far. Plus he had your identification, your passports, and all of your debit/credit cards locked up. You’re stuck. Yes he’s one of those types but it’s all in the name of love (and obsession) for his y/n. He’s also protective asf so yeah….be ready to live the sheltered life with this man (but also spoiled and him living for your happiness.)
Heelel: oh my god….this devil. Listen, it’s bad enough to have a mortal man like heethan obsessed with you and using everything in his means to keep you, but to have heelel (the devil) to be in love and obsessed with you?…..there is nothing this man does not control. Heaven and earth, don’t matter. You have absolutely no chance…none. You reside in hell and under his watchful eye ALL THE TIME. Ofc he is beautiful, he is a fallen angel and was Gods favorite, he’s not going to appear as a little red man with horns and a tail. Naw. He’s dressed fashionably in those fine suits, wears those finger clawed jewelry cuffs, switched between ash blonde to black hair, and always has that damn smirk on his face with very dark eyes that will glow red when he gets…excited. He prefers you baked so he’ll keep you in subtle chains barely dressed in transparent sashes that don’t cover much and keeps you in that pedestal so he can admire you. Licks his lips, rocks your hips, and squeeze your tits. Treats you like a prisoner but also a queen, a goddess. You are above all things and you deserve everything to be at your disposal. You are his and only his, for eternity.
Heebros: oh man…if you find it hard to get into sharing yourself with two men…this will be a hard one for you to adjust. Imagine two beautiful men, twins, being obsessed and in love with you, shelter you away, and force their love onto you by making you take them…both at the same time. And these two love the thrill of taking you anywhere and anytime. Imagine you three going to a fancy dinner and Heejeong politely tells everyone at the table “please excuse us, y/n has to use the ladies room.” And Heeseung pulls out your chair and says “I’ll aid you in escorting her.” And they drag you out into Themis grand hall and take you into the elegant bathroom where they lock it and spend an hour or two standing with you in the center and one is hitting it (hard I might add) from the back, while the other is holding you steady and rocking your hips from the front. Your dress is falling off and is just a mess from all the juices splattering and coating your legs and pelvis. After they’re done, they don’t bother to continue on with dinner, they just take you and go back home where they can give you a nice sponge bath, lick you dry, and sandwich you in the center of the bed with them spooning you, front and back.
Heeler: lord….i can’t tell what would be more scary, belonging to heelel or this serial killer. He’s rich, has good connections to support his corrupted acts, and is so hirby just by the smell of you, the moment he touches or sees you, game over. And he’s so damn twisted and unhinged. Heelel is too, but he’s the devil and can have some level of composure bc he can contain himself as an immortal but heeler? I don’t know what it could possibly be like to have a serial killer obsessed with you and feeling the need to protect you at all times after rescuing you. At least your lifestyle wouldn’t be so bad, minus the fact that this delusional fella would take you against your will to “train” you do that someday you’ll willingly give yourself to him and learn to love him the way he loves you.
Heedam: I have a soft spot for heedam yall. This man is so classy and fine, his attitude and his charisma. He’s so smooth and bc of his DNA, man has skill and talent that makes him invincible. Used to be a part of the SWAT team, adapts to water, sings a tune and hypnotizes girls, CEO of a corporation and murdered a family member to save you…and he keeps you so close to him. He sings to you all the time, and makes you sing to him. With you both having the bloodline of Poseidon and he having the line of Alexander the Great, you both are a perfect match for each other. And ofc he is going to make you bear him sobs to continue the bloodline. It’s only a matter of time. “Can you hear the ocean baby?”
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helpfandom · 1 year
Yandere Handsome Jack x PLATONIC reader HCs
I know that most people talk about him in a more romantic sense, so I figure a platonic sense might be good.
Just going off of the BL2 version, not TFTBL or TPS [Tales from the Borderlands and The Presequel.]
Cw + TW: Dehumanizing and Damn is this man delusional. He fr keeps you on a leash. Highly Abusive, like, I feel worse than than the Calypso Twins. Jack calls himself 'daddy' NON SEXUAL. TW: Jack forces you into being a female role, into being his daughter. I made Jack FUCKED UP.
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Just like the cringe twins / the Calypso's, he took you first without the obsession. He saw the kid and thought: 'Hey, I get to kill someone and ruin the Crimson Raiders? Awesome!'
Before Angel is Dead:
He held a gun to your head, you froze, fearful for your life. Even though it wasn't your first time having a gun to your head, I mean, hey, it's Pandora, it was a first for the person holding, the gun. "Heya pumpkin, just do what I say and I might not blow your head off, okay?"
Kept you around for a little bit, trying to think of everything and anything he could do to kill you. He honestly kept you on a little leash while he was talking to the Vault hunters, talking to them about how he was breaking your spirit, keeping you on a leash before he would kill you.
Of course, he couldn't decide on how to kill you, so you stayed around a little bit. He would try lines on you and focus on you when he insults the Vault hunters through the echo.
Angel may try to talk to you, but even she can see a lost cause and gives up trying to help you escape. You don't know that she is Jack's daughter, just that she is close to Jack.
Of course, mentioning Angel to him, even before her death, would lead to a meltdown from him, a temper tantrum of sorts where he threatens you, pushes you against the wall and says: "I guess I did figure out how I want you to die. Slowly."
You learned all to quickly that if he threatened you, he meant it. You learned it the hard way and your ribs are still broken to this day, seeing as he wouldn't and won't help you with any injuries you incur from provoking his wrath.
He shoves the butt of his gun into your thoat. If you won't speak to him, or laugh at his jokes, maybe you shouldn't be given the option to speak.
At some point, he starts relying in that ego boost you give him, not sure when, although it could be around the time the vault hunters take over Opportunity.
"Ol' balloon-tits is still holdin' a grudge against me, huh? Don't get me wrong, I understand it -- once you've eaten prime rib for free, it's hard to go back to suckin' down hamburgers for cash. If you know what I'm talking about." He looks over at you with a confused expression in your face. He sighs and rolls his eyes. He doesn't know why he wants to explain it to you, but he does anyway. "I'm talkin' about dicks."
After Angel is dead:
All of Hyperion was mess from jack's wrath, you could hear him shooting and wreaking things just for being in his way, you could hear his footsteps getting closer and louder. He shoves open the doors and looks at you. You YOU.
He looks at you and he recognizes a part of you, that he loves you, in some, sick, twisted form of the word. I mean, the look on your face isn't good for a kid to have, so he might have to teach you not look that way at your dad, after all, You're his little angel!
He'll hit you if you say that you aren't Angel, he'll never shoot you, no no no no, but he will use force to remind you that you're angel.
Prepare to be hurt, like HURT, he will be one of the few that is willing to have a blank doll kid in their life. If it means you won't escape, does it really matter if you don't sound excited? Or that you'll only look at him with a vacant expression, the bloodshot eyes leading him to suspect that you've been crying all night? Well that just means you missed him!
In the end, you'll understand that you took the place of Angel in his heart, he'll buy you pretty dresses that he wished Angel could wear, since you're his little daughter, they should fit you just perfectly.
"Heya Pumpkin! Daddy missed you while he was working. That dress looks beautiful on you, aren't you glad Daddy bought that for you, Angel?"
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