#but haven’t watched too many episodes so idk
springypaws · 6 months
Warning: the following content contains nonsensical rambling form a potentially delusional and very excited individual who talks a lot. Oh, and The Magnus Protocol spoilers until the meginning of episode 7 (because I was too giddy to continue it tonight).
Okay so I know that starting the Magnus Protocol, my main focus should be the new characters and such, but I genuinely can’t get the fact that Jonny and Alex are playing the voices of two “text to speech programs” that just HAPPENED to appear in this world, on this computer, for seemingly no reason, a year before this story takes place, which may align with TMA 200 and the fact that I can’t stop thinking these are 1000% Jon and Martin (even if they’ve been dubbed otherwise by Alice) and it’s impossible to get them off of my mind
And all of this focus on the potential (and what I’ve convinced myself to be very, very likely) canon presence of Jon and Martin in The Magnus Protocol doesn’t mean the actual story isn’t captivating so far. In fact, I’m extremely interested, and Colin is, at the moment, my favorite character (as I’m not counting Jon), even though he gives major “oh yeah I’m gonna die first” energy. I adore this grumpy AF man who drinks to cope when he can’t figure out why computers are fucking with him because there’s 100% no better coping mechanism.
So far, Alice may need a bit more warming-up to for me to like her as much as some of the others, but her character is already so intricate and interesting, even if I can understand where Gwen is coming from in her dislike for Alice (not that I necessarily dislike Alice, I just… well, as I said, need some warming-up to with her).
And, speaking of Gwen, she absolutely FASCINATES me. Like at first I thought she was the typical “oh I just don’t want to be here” type of individual, but having this attitude because of the fact that she’s impatient in her desire to grow in rank in the organization? I may have seen some similar character concepts, but for some reason hers really has me feeling like I haven’t seen it before. Not to mention the fact that she doesn’t appear completely hostile towards her coworkers, which is a nice diversion from the typical “oh ho I want your job” types.
I also think I like Lena quite a lot, actually; she might also be up there on my favorites so far. Obviously, I’m pretty sure she’s gonna be some sort of antagonistic figure in one way or another, but I genuinely feel like she doesn’t mean to be such to cause harm, or to follow some selfish goal (cough cough unlike a certain someone from tma 1 cough cough).
I’m a bit disappointed at Teddy leaving so early too, although I’m fairly confident he’s gonna show up again in some way or another— hopefully alive and well. It’s unlikely, but we can hope, because he’s just a silly little guy who doesn’t deserve to be punished for being what I imagine to be a big grizzly softy. I’m fascinated by his and Colin’s history and what they’ve experience together/know, but that’ll probably be discovered/explained soon enough.
OH AND SAM. I haven’t decided what I think of Sam yet, since I feel like we haven’t discovered much about him quite yet, but he seems silly and gives me major Cavetown vibes, for whatever reason. He would definitely own some kind of light olive green thing somewhere or something. He’s also a fool for falling for Celia because she’s absolutely not trustworthy and should not be crushed on but he’s just in love so it’s fine
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helioptilie · 8 months
maybe the pacing in your show is so bad because you don’t have a standard episode runtime
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racetrackhigg · 8 months
@jieloksworld made a post showing hazbin’s character’s phone cases, and i can’t stop thinking about the vee’s
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although i haven’t gotten that much of a good look at valentino’s phone case, i love that both vox and velvette’s phone cases are to some extent a reference to the vees.
velvette’s is more obvious, with it literally saying “V3”, which also forms a heart which i think is cute, and vox’s has voxtech’s logo i’m pretty sure
it’s small details like this which make me think that the vees are a lot closer than they appear ig?
i think it’s very obvious that they all equally need each other, and if any of them decided to leave theyd collapse. i’ve seen many people talking about how they don’t really get along and they would definitely betray each other, but i’d love thinking of it in another way. i’d love it if they were actually friends (and lovers in vox and val’s case), that found family type shit. sure, they get irritated at each other sometimes, but they still care about each other.
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for example in the last episode, when their watching the extermination. valentino and velvette don’t seem to care much about what’s going on, meaning that vox probably dragged them to watch it with him. but that’s the thing, vox wanted them there with him to watch the extermination. he’s like a dad watching a football game dragging the rest of his family to watch it with him, who just have to deal with his antics. don’t even get me started on them celebrating afterwords and velvette filming them? that’s so cute. i really hope we get more of these moments in the next season.
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another example would be during stayed gone. we see valentino and velvette together, albeit on their phone and not interacting at all. but in the entire vee’s building they decided to hang out together while vox was doing god knows what. it’s giving the vibes of when you have your friend over and you’re scrolling through tiktok and showing each other smth every once in a while
idk i’m probably reading way too much into this but i love them so much.
they may be horrible people but they can be horrible people together <3
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 9 months
Hiiii are you taking requests? If so then how about a Tommy fic where he’s like super protective of the reader idk I’m thinking of that scene in Pam and Tommy where the construction worker walks in on Pam in the kitchen.
Stay Away From My Wife » Tommy Lee
Pairings: Husband!Tommy Lee x Wife!Reader
Summary: Someone gets a little too close to Tommy’s wife.
Warnings: Fluff, language, overprotective Tommy, unwanted staring, kissing, pet names (babe, baby)
A/N: My apologies if I get anything wrong. I haven’t watched Pam & Tommy in a while and I only seen part of the episode you’re talking about so this is based off of what I remember of it. I also put my own twist on it.
Thank you for requesting!🩵 @marvelobsessed134
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found this one on Pinterest.
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You hummed to yourself as you made coffee. You leaned over the kitchen counter, watching the coffee pour into the coffee pot. You went to the pantry to get stuff out to make pancakes. You were pouring pancake mix in a bowl while humming lyrics to your favorite song and swaying your hips side to side. You felt an unfamiliar presence behind you. You turned around to see one of the construction workers standing a couple feet away from you.
“Umm, what are you doing in here?” You asked him, raising an eyebrow.
The construction worker didn’t say anything. He just stared at you. That’s when you realized you were only wearing one of Tommy’s shirts and a pair of panties underneath it. You shrieked and pulled it down to cover your ass.
“Tommy!” You yelled.
Tommy came running into the kitchen within 5 seconds.
“What’s wrong, babe?” Tommy asks.
“This weirdo thought he could get a free peak of me in my panties!” You say, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
Tommy felt his blood boiling as he looked at the construction worker. He gently pushed you behind his body, shielding you from him.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Tommy asks, raising his voice at the guy.
“I uhh…” The guy stuttered with wide eyes, not knowing what to see.
“You uhh what?” Tommy mocked him. “You thought you could see my wife in her panties and get away with it?” He says.
“I’m sorry, sir!” The guy apologizes. “I promise it won’t happen again!” He says.
“You’re damn right it won’t happen again cause you’re fucking fired!” Tommy says.
“Wh-What?” He asks, blinking a couple times.
“You’re fired! Get your shit, get out of my house, and most importantly, stay the hell away from my wife!” Tommy pointed at the door. “If I ever catch you staring at my wife again, you’re going to regret it.” He says.
The guy gulped and nodded, quickly leaving the kitchen. Tommy sighed loudly, running his fingers through his hair. He looked down at you and wrapped his strong tattooed arms around you protectively, pulling you close to him.
“Are you ok, baby?” Tommy asks softly.
“I am now.” You say, laying your head against his chest and traced one of his many tattoos on his arms.
“Did he touch you or hurt you in anyway?” He asks. “Cause if he did, I’ll kick his ass.” He says.
“No. He just made me feel uncomfortable with his staring.” You say, looking up at him.
Tommy cupped your cheeks and kissed you passionately.
“Is it ok if you hold me while we stand here?” You asked.
“I have a better idea.” Tommy says.
Before you could ask what his idea is, he picked you up and walked to the living room. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. He sat down with you on his lap and rubbed his hand up and down your back.
“I still want pancakes.” You mumbled loud enough for him to hear.
Tommy chuckled and kissed the side of your head.
“I’ll make you some pancakes, baby.” Tommy says, gently moving you onto the couch next to him before standing up.
“I love you so much, Tommy.” You say, kissing him.
“I love you too, babe.” He says against your lips.
-Bucky’s Doll
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daezedglownut · 2 months
It’s so funny that I was ultimately turned off Trek bc of the first JJ Abrams movie
Like I watched that shit not knowing what Star Trek was, and the script was meh, and the acting was nnnnneehhhh, and the set designs were so blahhh
And then, browsing Netflix YEARS later, the episodes of TOS are all there, and of course when you hover, it autoplays a scene, and I just… found it so gripping? I had to watch it from one tiny scene alone bc the ACTING.
But if you’d shown me a trailer for Star Trek 2009 before I watched it, I would have opted not to watch it >_>
TOS just tickles all the right spots for me, and idk how you dare to envision a remake if you’re going to strip it of everything it’s famous for. Oh wait, money. No, I get it, I was just kidding lol
I also didn’t like Kirk from the get go bc of Pine. Idk, I just… didn’t like the character and I understood why other people didn’t either
Then I watched TOS
I went in fully expecting to cringe and hate this guy - only he was JUST LIKE ME. Heart too big, and tits and ass that just happen to be even bigger??? Jim is so hopeful and romantic and funny and silly and jfc
I wonder how many other people blindly hate Jim Kirk bc the modern movies are their only knowledge of the character >_>
Also, idk why they keep making newer (worse) Trek shit to do with TOS. Give us deleted scenes we haven’t seen. Give us bloopers. Give us anecdotes and stories we haven’t heard yet. Show us scripts that never made it to air. Stop churning out shiny new crap for heavens sake :/
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galaxygermdraws · 7 months
Have a fun question for you:
What is/are your favorite lore moments for team ZITS?
It can be from videos, streams, posts, whatever! Hell it can even be ideas that came from said thing too :)
Asking because I genuinely love to hear your opinion and maybe even find some lore I haven’t found yet.
oh. Oh god that’s such a tough question caus I have lore moments I love for all of them. For Zed, there’s a moment in Season 8 where he like. Goes into his brainspace or smth?? Idk but this is what spawned my headcanon about his pocket dimension. Also anything related to Wormman and Zedeath but I don’t consider them Zed so they don’t count. Zed running the Wormman Shop is very silly though.
For Impulse it’s DEFINITELY what happened to him post-Demise. Nobody talks about this, but Impulse had to go to Scar and use this thing called a “Resurrection Chamber” in order to get a new body. So. Like. Impulse just replaced his decaying body with a non decaying body. This is never acknowledged again. Also really love him canonically traveling to Season 7 via the Infinity Portal, surely nothing could go wrong. Can’t forget “I think I’m human” either. And the entirety of Season 8.
For Tango it’s either the existence of Tiny Tango (does anyone REMEMBER Tiny Tango???) tor that one clip from Secret Life where he talks about Redstone leaking into his brain.
And god where do I start for Skizz. Being lost on Legacy for 3 months, the fact he was canonically sending Impulse his Legacy episodes because we see Impulse watching them, the 3L Enderskizz, the Enderman torture roller coaster from Solo Skizz, the fact Endermen talk to him, anything related to Endermen actually I’m the Enderskizz guy. I have too many Skizz lore moments that I love, he is my favoritest guy.
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desiredcaramellatte · 11 months
Hey if it's possible can you write headcannons of how the dragons getting challenged and defeated by the reader with the powers and personality of luffy?
The one pieceeee
The one piece is rEALLL
I haven’t seen farther than episode 5 but uhh yeah. I’m scared to watch all of it tbh, there’s so much
A little short because they’re for all of the dragons and uhhh idk Luffy too well other than rubber and annoying
Dragons & reader
(With the powers + personality of Luffy (TOP))
Pitaya ~
They despise you :) they still wanna fight you though.
Will try and learn your weaknesses to fight you and mayhaps defeat you. The most likely to push you to the brink, with the pure amount of fire and heat they put into their fighting. Literally. They’re the dragon of fire.
The most persistent in fighting you. Genuinely does not care how many times they get defeated.
Lotus ~
Likely the dragon to try and convince you to join their side once you prove how powerful you are. After all, powerful allies are hard to come by in the dragon world.
They shy away from fighting you themself. They are a very patient dragon, and will be able to deal with you better than any of the other dragons possibly could.
Otherwise, they do their best to remain on your good, or neutral side. They don’t mind you too much, so long as you do not get in the way of their goals.
Ananas ~
The most but-hurt of all the dragons. Very pissy about their defeat.
They will stomp off to their mountain and sit there for an entire day simply pouting. They hate you. Their pride was tested and pushed and they are a very angy guy.
Every time you’re around them they tilt their head away from you and give you the silent treatment, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. They refuse to even look at you, nontheless talk to you.
Lychee ~
Lychee is not fighting you.
Simple as put, they know that fighting you is not the way of beating you. They’ve seen what happened to the other dragons, and this little trickster is not an idiot.
They are likely to try and manipualte you into fighting for them. Otherwise, they do their best to completely avoid you. Tbh, you two would probably get along whenever you do see each other.
Longan ~
They hate you. With their entire being. You’re too annoying to be that powerful- it’s stupid. They’re probably the only dragon that can somewhat keep up with you, and yet you still give them a run for their money and beat them.
If they could kill you, they would. No hesitation.
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veeketchum · 8 months
I’m rewatching Voltron rn (since I was thinking back and all I could remember apart from the names of all the characters was that one monsters and mana episode) and I’m only like three episodes in but I LOVE it
one thing though-
why has no one written a isekai fic for Voltron?? I would eat that shit UP
(this is all based off the vague memories I have of the show when I first watched it, so apologies if something’s are wrong)
imagine just waking up as a newborn but you fully remeber your old life, including watching Voltron. You can practically FEEL that something is off about this world compared to the memories of your previous life, but you don’t know what until you see a sign for Garrison recruitment.
Holy shit you’re in Voltron.
You have absolutely no clue what to do, because if any isekai trope is to go by, you’re going to get dragged into the events of the show, even if you haven’t seen anyone you recognize yet.
so you prepare. Better to be safe than sorry. You research outer space, you study how to pilot, you get your hands on whatever books you can about tech and try to get familiar with how to use it, and most importantly, you learn medical procedures and how to deal with situations quickly.
the healing pods aren’t always available in the show, the castle loses power or the paladins are just too far away to get to them.
mind you, you start this all at like age 4, so your parents are probably a little concerned. But you seem content with it, and what parent would stop their child from reading?
then your parents enroll you in Garrison, without your knowledge. Not that you were mad exactly, but you were unsure if you were going to try and stay under the radar or not. Now you have no choice.
you keep your head down most of the time, praying none of the paladins show up. They don’t, at least not your first few years. It’s your third year that you spot Keith, in the freshman class.
surprise surprise, somehow your class is shifted to help train the younger class (even though you’re barely more experienced then them? You’re seriously questioning these teachers). You, against all odds, are paired with Keith. Y’all don’t talk much outside of what’s required- Keith is Keith, and you’re still trying to figure out the best way to go about this. You ask him for a few flying tips once, since you know how good he is, but he stared at you for a while before saying “aren’t you the more experienced one?” You just shrug, and neither of you speak about it again.
It rolls around to when they get that new piloting simulator, and both classes are to use it on different days. Shiro, of course, is there, just like in show. You, by memory at this point (you can’t even count how many nights you’ve sneaked into the normal simulator to practice, or the deck to spar), ace it, soaring over everyone else’s score- and by doing that, catch Shiro’s attention.
there goes staying under the radar.
(I’m totally going to add to this, especially as I get further into my rewatch, but this is all I can think of at the moment.)
Idk, I just feel like this idea would totally be fun and new to the Voltron corner of tumblr. Again, only in the first few episodes and most of this is relying on my really old memories of the series, so sorry if it’s wrong in places.
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Sleep Little Angel, Sleep
Pairings: Castiel x Winchester!teen!reader
Imagine: you can’t sleep but Castiel is there to help
Warnings: angst?, sleep deprivation, mention of depression, mention of possession by a demon (not really), I think there’s one mention of the f-word, idk what else, mention of y/n if that’s a warning I have no clue if I’m honest
A/N just a short comfort fic for all you sleep deprived supernatural fans out there *cough* me *cough*, writing this actually helped me sleep so + to that I guess, bc this is kinda how it have been for me lately except I don’t have a Castiel to help me sleep. Which is why I haven’t posted/written anything in a while :) anyway hope you guys like it bc idk really and I hope you all have a good sleep tonight <3
As usual I put it down as teen reader but the reader can be older and Cas might be a bit OOC
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You layed in bed, staring up at the ceiling, but at the same time nothing in particular. The sound of silence filled your ears and the occasional cars that drove past outside the window was a refreshing sound. Your tired eyes dropped but you couldn’t in any way sleep. It was for some unknown reason impossible.
For once your head was empty of thoughts. Nothing ran through your head. You didn’t have the constant race between hundreds of thoughts competing to be heard the most. Everything was silent.
The other people in the bunker were quiet, not even a sound from your brothers was heard, and they often stayed up longer than you did. It was too quiet. The cars only came one by one each hour or so in the unhealthy times of the night.
Sometimes you thought you were possessed by some demon making you feel this way, but you were pretty sure a demon possessing you would be more fun than the boredom of the night was giving you.
The tiredness that went through your whole body did nothing to help. You were exhausted, but still you couldn’t bring yourself to sleep. It wasn’t intentional, you’d tried to sleep many times, but nothing seemed to ever work. So instead you continued to stare up at your sealing, there wasn’t much else to do at this time anyway.
It took another three hours, before you completely gave up. Turning on your side you checked the watch. Two in the morning. You didn’t entirely know how you could function by now, you hadn’t slept in three days, except for the one nap you accidentally took in the car while Dean drove to the store to pick up some pie if you remembered correctly. But that was days ago, maybe it had been more than three days ago, you didn’t quite know. The only thing you knew was that you were bored to death, sleep deprived and probably in one of your depressive episodes. But you could never be sure about the depression, it always lingered around the corner waiting to strike you down.
You wanted to go up and maybe take a night snack but it would wake your brothers up and you knew it wouldn’t help either. So you stayed in your laying position, still staring at the apparently interesting sealing. You noticed some new shapes that you swore hadn’t been there before, but maybe you notice more things the more you watch something. It was like when you watched a movie for the hundredth time and noticed something new. Except it would be more exciting to watch a movie than your sealing.
A few hours later, or maybe it was just a few minutes a flapping of wings was heard. Your eyes were still unmovable from tracing every dent and dusted corners of your sealing. It was most probably an angel who’d appeared in your room, and you couldn’t care less of who, if you were honest, maybe you could get an excuse to get up and do something exciting. However it turned out to be your favorite angel.
“Y/N, you need to sleep” Castiel’s voice rang out making you look at him, it was strange to hear something break the silence. Your irritated eyes were a bit glossy from not sleeping and Castiel noticed that the dark bags under your eyes were more prominent than ever. He and your brothers knew of your problem with sleeping but it seemed you never tried to get help from them, or to even get some of those sleeping pills. You’d always shrug it off saying you were fine, that you weren’t tired, or for those occasional days you told them you were tired they’d make sure you slept in the car, but those rarely happened anymore. Castiel had sensed your tiredness, and when he’d have to save you from a vampire he knew he needed to help you, but you had shut him out. The angel didn’t want to force you to sleep but if that was what it took to make sure you were sleeping and taking care of yourself he would.
“I know Cas, I just, I can’t” you paused before your voice cracked a bit at your next words “I’m so fucking tired Cas, I, I don’t know what to do”
Castiel walked closer to your bed until he was right next to it. A bit uncharacteristically of him he bent down and tilted his head while he took in your appearance from a closer view. “Let me help you” his blue eyes stared into yours and you closed your eyes for a second, which caused a new wave of tiredness to crash through you.
“Will you stay here” why you asked you weren’t quite sure, but you did anyway and got a nod from your favorite angel. You knew what he meant by helping you. You’d seen him do it to Dean a lot of times, but you had never brought yourself to ask Cas to do it on you. It felt strange and wrong, but at the moment you didn’t care, you were too exhausted. Sleep would be your only release and nothing in you seemed to be willing to give it to you. Maybe that’s why you wanted him to stay, so that he could protect you when you were in a deep sleep that you wouldn’t wake up from in a while. So that he could wake you if anything went wrong.
“I will stay, I promise, I’ll be right beside you when you wake up” with that you gave him a nod and he gently put two of his fingers on your forehead. It didn’t take long for sleep to take over you. Exhaustion and tiredness took over your whole being in one sweep and your eyes closed. You could finally get your release from the life you lived. You could finally rest for a while, You would for once not be exhausted when you woke up.
However before you fell asleep you heard Castiel softly murmur in a whisper “Sleep little angel for nothing will come your way tonight, sleep and dream of sweet dreams”
True to his word Castiel stayed by your side, he made sure no nightmares came your way, and you slept peacefully for the first time in a while. You slept for the first time in a while, and Cas woved he wouldn’t let it go further than this again. He would protect his baby angel if it so was the last thing he did, and to make sure you slept was only one part of it.
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hyperfixated-fan · 1 year
Here is some of those wonderfully nostalgic girly-girl shows in vague order in which I watched/discovered them that no one asked for but I’m giving to you anyways.
1. First up, we’ve got the Horseland
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Back in the day, I was a major horse girl (a part of me still is), but this show was so awesome and adorable. It’s just a bunch of gals riding their horses and hanging out at the barn. And their horses and other animals talk amongst themselves. It is all an animal lover like me could want. It’s just so cute and gives sweet life lessons. And occasionally, I found it interesting that they do touch upon some serious topics such as eating disorders and loss. The episode “Mosey” always makes me cry. All the episodes are on YouTube.
Overall, I have to say my favorite character is Alma Rodriguez.
2. LEGO Friends
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The first generation of LEGO Friends is nostalgic, but I also seriously love the LEGO Friends: Girls on a Mission. It’s just a bunch of teenage girls getting up to shenanigans and being besties (Oddly, though they are high school age, we barely see them in school XD). I particularly enjoy Girls on a Mission (the episodes are on YouTube) because the episodes were so well put together and it fleshes out each girl a bit more uniquely. It’s a genuinely fun show though I generally am partial to LEGO shows. I am personally not a fan of latest generation of LEGO Friends. I’ve watched a few episodes and it’s just blegh. It might be the nostalgia talking but I just can’t get into it.
My fave character has always been Emma (she’s so adorable) and my fave ship is Emma x Ethan in the Girls on a Mission iteration.
3. Barbie Movies
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Not sure if all the movies are pictured above, but there’s a good portion of them. I admit, I haven’t seen all of the Barbie movies (especially the good old classics mainly due to animation that did not age well so sorry) and did not really become a fan until later than most little girls. However, I still find the movies to be very enjoyable and cute. I think a lot of my affinity comes from many familiar Canadian voice actors being in most of the movies and I find it fun trying to pick out familiar voices.
A few of my personal favorite movies are “Princess Charm School” (it’s the first Barbie movie I ever watched with one of my best friends), “The Twelve Dancing Princesses” (so many voices and characters to listen to and try and remember), and “Mariposa” (I am rather partial to the voice of Chiara Zanni and loved her playing Barbie).
4. Ever After High
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It is so sad that Ever After High ended after Epic Winter. I really wish we got to see more. I loved the imaginative twist on fairytale characters and the whole “facing your destiny” storyline. The princesses, knights, dragons, and wonderland were all great components as a lover of fantasy. Disney Descendants ain’t got nothing on Ever After. It was a very creative show and it was interesting to see all the characters that would pop up.
A few of my favorite characters are Rosabella Beauty, Ginger Breadhouse, and Lizzie Hearts. Call me basic but I really do like the ship Darabella (obviously the execution of it could’ve been better but I still like it.)
5. Miraculous Ladybug
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Simply put, this show is a mess. Miraculous Ladybug barely made the list only because I have fond memories of it. I’m not caught up on any recent events and admittedly quit watching it after season 3 or 4 (I don’t exactly remember). The show had potential and many amazing fanworks, but after a while, the episodes just get repetitive. I still like the earlier seasons before things got too messy. As a lover of side characters, I also wish they fleshed out the side characters a bit more instead of keeping on creating more and more side characters. I still occasionally pop in to see what is going on and apparently Nathalie is dead?! Idk what’s going on and I love looking at spoilers with no context because it makes the show all the more funny.
My fave character list includes Alya Césaire, Nathalie Sancoeur, and Juleka Couffaine and I’m partial to the ship DJWifi.
6. Monster High
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Since I was a fan of Ever After High, it was only inevitable that I would eventually become a fan of Monster High. It took a while but I eventually did fall in love with the show. And I fell hard. All the characters are so unique and while I absolutely love all the generation 1 content, I do not completely hate the g3 series. I loved the message of standing out yet belonging at Monster High, freaky flaws and all. The animation is very dated yet endearingly nostalgic at the same time. I love all the different twists on various monster creatures.
My favorite characters list gets pretty extensive, as I love g1 and g3 Abbey Bominable (I always love an ice queen), along with g1/g3 Cleo De Nile (bc she’s your typical mean girl/diva but truly cares for her friends), Robecca Steam (her steampunk aesthetic and little accent are adorable), Deuce Gorgon (a kind yet popular jockish character is rare), Jinafire Long (Chinese dragon is always a win), and Rochelle Goyle (she’s just neat).
Fave ships = Cleuce (CleoxDeuce) and AbbeyxHeath. I just love them okay!
7. Lolirock
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I believe I discovered this show coming off of Storm Hawks and Steven Universe so the crystal motif and everything was already an intriguing concept for me (plus familiar Canadian voice actors drew me in). I just love the trio of girls trying to “secretly” protect earth with sparkles and spells while putting up the front of being a girl band (the songs are very catchy by the way if you can get past an ungodly amount of auto tune). The episodes gave me vibes similar to Miraculous Ladybug but somewhat better with less convoluted characters. Overall, it’s a very bright energetic show and I wish they would’ve delved into the backstories of the other princesses a bit more instead of focusing on Iris all the time. Here’s to hoping they eventually do come out with season 3. All the current episodes are on YouTube.
My favorite characters are the sisters Izira and Talia. They have so much power and the show needs to actually do them justice.
8. Mysticons
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This one is definitely lesser known than most on this list. I found it shortly after LoliRock since it has similar features and characters. It’s a very simple show with simple characters but I am fond of it still (and I’m pretty sure it made me cry at one point. I don’t remember when but I remember something about it made me emotional). The fantasy magic of the world was definitely a big win for me. I think the creators did a decent job at world building. It’s your typical prophesied heroes must save the world from certain destruction but I found the show overall enjoyable and cute with a nice dose of found family thrown in.
My top favorite characters are Zarya Moonwolf and Emerald Goldenbraid.
9. DC Super Hero Girls
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I started out as a G1 fan when it was still coming out and became a fan of the reboot as well. It was interesting to all these wonderful kickbutt superheroes placed in a high school -esque setting. The original series was very average with their shorts but it was such fun to see what characters would pop up to help (I even will tolerate and enjoy the LEGO specials). The reboot had better design and animation. I am sad it didn’t get a chance to run longer. My only qualm was that some characters had such a drastic change from their backstory and original character development that it moved from being whimsical and imaginative to simply keeping the name and having an entirely different character. *cough* Jessica *cough* They don’t get that she was such a powerful Green Lantern because she was bold but because most of the time she was scared out of mind due to her past trauma but still acted and pushed through the fear to save people.
Rant aside, my fave character is Jessica Cruz despite the reboot overhauling her character and erasing her backstory.
10. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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Not necessarily my favorite glittery girly series I’ve watched but definitely an enjoyable series. True to my usual form, I unfortunately did not end up caring for most of the main plot and characters. However, the idea of this show was fun nonetheless and it had its nice moments, so I’m glad it got a decent number of seasons. The magic, weaponry, and elemental powers drew me to this show. I wish they delved a bit deeper into the true effects and trauma that fighting a war would have on all of the characters as they are leaders of their respective kingdoms.
My favorite characters include Entrapta (little nerdy characters are almost always a win for me), Mermista (Vella Lovell was perfect for voicing her and her character design is nice), Netossa (another awesome blue character; if anyone’s seen Six: The Musical, does she vaguely remind you of Catherine Parr?)
Bonus: Rainbow High
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An interesting premise though it ultimately falls flat for me because I am not a fashion-oriented person in the slightest. However, I still like the show and all the drama that comes with it. I just overall find it hilarious to watch the squabbles that happen because everyone is just so high strung. (Why do all the guy characters literally look the exact same with that same stupid little hairstyle?) XD
Fave characters are Ainsley Slater and Jade Hunter.
Bonus: God’s School
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Greek mythology! Need I say more? This is such an imaginative show. It is even more amazing considering one guy does all the animation. The webisodes that are out are great and I definitely recommend watching them on YouTube. Zeus looks like Disney Hercules and I find that hilarious. All the character designs for the gods are so awesome and I love the details that help indicate who they are. Ignore the fact that over half of them are related in some form or another and everything is fine.
Fave definitely has to be Athena! (…bad*** in the arena. Unmatched witty and queen of the best strategies we’ve seen.)
Bonus: Tinkerbell
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These are just cute adventures. I wish the series could’ve continued so we could’ve gotten movies highlighting each of the fairies.
My fave is Silvermist.
Bonus: Steven Universe
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I personally enjoyed this show and know it had a large fan base so I don’t get why so many people are going back and hating on it so fervently. It’s a flawed show like any but it still has it fine points and I have a soft spot for it. I heavily debated on whether this qualified for a magical girl show but I think it does. It’s nice seeing Steven grow alongside the gems and it’s a good show to put on in the background.
My favorites have to be Garnet and Sapphire.
Honorable mentions that I never fully watched but seem nice:
My Little Pony - I’m disappointed in myself for never getting into this show because it has all the right points for me to like it, including great Canadian voice actors and magic and ponies. I have watched some episodes and enjoyed them but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to sit through and binge the entire show.
LEGO Elves - watched some but I never got truly immersed.
Totally Spies! - never really gave it a go but it seems okay.
Winx Club - I tried to like it but the characters just didn’t hit for me.
W.I.T.C.H. - watched the first few episodes but nothing made me want to continue.
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dysfunctional-doodle · 7 months
What is your favorite and least favorite version of all the turtles?
I feel like it’s fairly obvious who I favour the most if you read my chat fic, Too Many Turtles (I have a lot of bias, oops) but I shall break it down.
Ok so favourites:
1987: Michelangelo (come on, he’s a surfer dude and actual angel)
90’s: Donnie (the snark he has with Casey makes my day, though Mikey is still second because he genuinely has the best relationship with Donnie I love watching those two interact)
2003: Mikey, duh. Just look at my blog and my fanfics. I love this chaotic gremlin.
2007: Mikey (again! Especially after hearing about the cancelled sequel of him joining the foot, his brothers demutating, etc. I will say I am looking forward to finally getting to the 2007 plot line in my chat fic, it’s gonna be great >:) )
2012: Raph (I haven’t watched much 2012 at all, I just can’t. I don’t know why people think it’s good in all honestly aside from a few episodes, but from what I’ve seen and mostly read about Raph gets way too much abuse dude, someone give this turtle a hug)
Bayverse: Donnie, followed closely by Mikey. (Idk why but the “younger sibling energy” they give these two is actually great. And Donnie’s little stims and the fact that he licks the icing off pop tarts and puts them back in the box just about pushes him above Mikey.)
2019: Mikey (again. Come on. Have you seen him in that movie?)
Rise: Donnie, followed closely by Mikey. (For me they are both pretty much even in different ways. I love Donnie’s chaotic neutral status and Mikey got boosted quite a bit after the movie, and the rage I feel whenever I hear about hall the episodes he was the star of but then they cancelled almost all of them.)
Mutant Mayhem: Mikey (Something about seeing him sadly look through a sewer grate at the humans with that music in the background made me want to protect him forever. Also I love his effort to try and be a comedian but his jokes are…um yeah. As a second I would actually say Leo - I know, strange for me - but idk, he’s just an anxious mess.)
And now least favourites, strap in boys:
1987: uuuh Leo I suppose. Kind of a fun sponge
90’s: again, Leo (though this doesn’t mean I dislike him; I really liked how happy he got when Raph woke up and the way he guarded him before then. He’s just the least favourite.)
2003: Leo (again, the same reasoning i iterated with 90’s. I really like this Leo but compared to the other brothers…he falls a little shorter.)
2007: Leo (Patronising Asshole)
2012: OK, this one is weird. I dislike Donnie the most by far only when he is simping for April. When they let him not have this as his only character trait he’s actually fun to watch but DEAR GOD I hate him when he kept being a creep to her.
Bayverse: Leo (He insulted Mikey, he must die /jk)
2019: Um I guess Raph? I like all of them pretty much equally, don’t really have a least favourite at all.
Rise: Leo (yeah I don’t like him. Don’t get why the fandom does. Still an ass)
Mutant Mayhem: Donnie (idk why, I like everyone else much more. Don’t get me wrong, I still like him though)
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thealogie · 3 months
what are your favourite doctor/companion duos? idk if you've said this already but i'm curious, especially with 15/ruby properly in the show now :)
It really changes (though my top 4 remains the same) but here it is currently on the fly.
1. Ten/Martha: I will always go to war for them. I think they’re the most fascinating duo. I want to study them under a microscope
2. Twelve/Clara: They’re like ten/rose but for toxic and insane people
3. Ten/nine/rose: self-explanatory I mean hate them all you want but arguably the doctor losing rose is the inciting event and thesis statement for the rest of the show. I simply cannot distinguish between ten and nine here this is one complete arc and still the best told companion arc start to finish. Only reason they are three is because the two above have something so wrong with them I want to study it
4. Ten/donna: I can’t believe I’m putting them four because arguably their chemistry is the best of the whole show but I don’t find them as fascinating to dissect as those above
5. Fifteen/ruby: the only reason they’re in five is that they’re not done cooking yet. Individually they’re in my top 5 but my one criticism of this season is we haven’t gotten to see them having fun together or solving problems together as much as we should! If they fix this, I see potential for them to be in top 3
6. Twelve/Bill/nardol: another one where im so sorry they’re so low. Their vibe is iconic in every way and the only reason for the lower ranking is that the dynamic doesn’t compel you to dissect and analyze as much as the others
7. Eleven/amy/rory: I know they love each other and people love them but this chemistry simply did not work for me.
8. Eleven/clara: only watched like one episode of them and it was one episode too many
9. Ten and every actress RTD forcibly paired him with in those never ending specials because he couldn’t let go of David Tennant
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bubblesxo · 6 months
i dont know if you will see this but i am a big fan of your g!bruce meets the batfam!!!! I literally have tumblr just for this series (and now that I’ve tried it im beginning to love it ngl) . Annyywaayy ive just read the new chapter and it’s so good!?? Like i am really excited for the next chapter!!!
Oh and I haven’t watched gotham ( im planning too ) but i sometimes mix the twins????? Like your explanations are good dont get me wrong but yk when your reading and you need to check which ones which? Yeah … and like i want to fix that idk how .do i just like memorize the twins personalitys??
also in this au is theres 2 jokers??????? I saw you once mention Jerome(?) being revived or something
ps .im that great at English sorry .
oh wow wow wow thank you so so much!! i'm really glad that you're enjoying my story so much! it really means a lot to me. <33 i think your english is good! but if you need/want me to clarify anything i say here, just let me know and i'll try to rephrase it for you!
okay, so in the Gotham tv show (this has spoilers for all 5 seasons, so read on if you're okay with that) the way that they approached writing the joker was actually really up in the air in the beginning. this is because they didn't have the rights to use the name "joker," and so fox (the company that made the show) planned on making a bunch of smaller characters in the show as a kind of easter egg as people who could be the joker or who resemble him in some way.
this changed when cameron monaghan (the actor for both jerome and jeremiah) guest starred in s1e16 "the blind fortune teller." in it, the character of jerome is introduced as a 17/18 year old boy who travels with the circus with his mother, who is a snake dancer. he is meant to be one of the aforementioned joker-like characters in the show and wasn't actually supposed to be included again after that episode, if i am not mistaken.
however, the viewers LOVED his performance and jerome came back in season two as a member of the maniax, a group of arkham inmates who were broken out of the asylum. i won't go too into detail about the actual plot, but in seasons two, three, and four, jerome shows up in at least a few different episodes with very memorable storylines each time.
it isn't until season four of the show that jeremiah is even revealed at all! jeremiah and jerome are identical twin brothers, however, jeremiah has been in hiding for years under the fake name "xander wilde" in an attempt to escape jerome, who wants to get revenge on him for lying to their mother about what he (jerome) did when they were children. basically, jeremiah lied to their mother (lila, who jerome is revealed to have killed in 1x16) that jerome tried to kill him, causing jeremiah to be sent away and be adopted by rich people and get to go to a well-funded private school where he could live out his best life as a child prodigy (which was jeremiah's end goal to this), whereas jerome was left behind in the circus that they lived at (haly's circus, the same one that dick grayson later was raised in before being adopted by bruce). during this time, jerome was horrifically abused by his mother, his uncle, and his mother's many romantic partners. this eventually caused him to crack, which creates the character we see in the show.
here's an easy way to remember the difference in their personalities:
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in the standard american deck of cards, there are two jokers: one that is black and white and one that is in color. in this analogy, jeremiah is the black and white joker and jerome is the one in color.
this is jerome:
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he's got a *very* boisterous personality. he's outgoing and charismatic and, of course, severely messed up in the head. he *enjoys* the pain he causes people and does it with little to no reservations. he thinks things through less thoroughly than jeremiah but jerome always has a plan and is actually quite smart. i couldn't do him the disservice of calling him the dumb twin, despite some points about jeremiah that i'll get back to later.
anyway, jerome has a grand plan for all of gotham: he believes that, fundamentally, everyone in the world is like him and is also at least a bit crazy inside. he wants everyone to tap into their inner selves and let themselves run free / go crazy. he successfully ensnares huge hoards of gothamites with his persuasive way of speaking and interesting flare to his words. he amasses a large cult following, all of whom are very similar to him in the sense that they all demonstrate similar signs of instability.
here's some more gifs of him.
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jerome kind of invented the iconic "HAHAHA" signature joker laugh in the gotham universe, even though he isn't the one who goes on to become "mr. j" (gotham's version of the joker) in the end (that's jeremiah, though i have a lot to say about that).
jerome's always smiling, a genuinely creepy smile that throws people off at first but can be really scary once you know what you're looking at. he single handedly turns gotham into a madhouse on multiple occasions and is the one who basically spread the "crazy" to the general population (for short: genpop).
he's a classic cult leader in the sense that he can mesmerize a whole room with his magnetic presence but also will ruthlessly cut down any of his followers if they so much as upset him (or even if they're just being annoying or could have a greater purpose, like when he stabbed a follower in the gut to take their blood to draw a frowney-face on bruce).
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that reminds me, another important thing to know about jerome is that he has an iconic stapled-on face! this is because he died once (in season two, though he came back to life for season three onwards) and one of his followers tried to revive him using some insider medical knowledge from doctor hugo strange (who is just... a whole thing. ew.). he thinks that he failed at doing this and steals jerome's face so that he can wear it on television in an attempt to control jerome's followers (spoiler: this doesn't work).
however, it turns out that jerome *was* revived from this, and he's pretty upset that some dude stole his face! so he uses a staple gun to re-attach it after he gets it back (and kills the guy who did it). his face is later punched off by jim gordon but reattached more properly during his time at arkham afterward (the carnival scene happened in season 3 and jerome came back with a kind-of healed face in season 4).
here's some gifs with jerome's messed up face!
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jerome is the colorful joker because he's very much expressive. he lets out every single emotion he feels---unless he's trying to deceive someone, at which point he is a phenomenal liar. (in season 1 when we are first introduced to him, he almost successfully gets away with the murder of his own mother.)
jerome is funny and laughs a lot and is *loud.* he's also absolutely insane and incredibly cruel, as well as impulsive, but he's able to curb his instincts if he feels like he can pull off a big plan.
jerome is a showman by nature. he's a product of the circus and it *shows.* everything he does is like an act, something that is acknowledged by many people in the show.
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he's a funky lil dude. totally crazy, but kind of adorable at times.
he's also SEVERELY traumatized from his horrible past and has huge trust issues.
so, yeah. jerome is colors! remember that.
unfortunately, pookie died in season 4 and doesn't seem to have been revived this time </3
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now, onto his twin brother jeremiah!
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jeremiah is, at least at first, presented to be the complete opposite of jerome. he's calm, collected, and seemingly sane---at least at first. bruce trusts him at first and he even befriends him for a period of time before jeremiah betrays him.
jeremiah is a genius engineer, and, when looking into his past, we can assume that he was a child prodigy. he worked with thomas wayne before he died and designed the wayne plaza building under the aforementioned alias "xander wilde." he also locked himself in an underground maze for ~6 years (i believe?) and never went outside, instead sending his proxy (ecco) out to act in his place during business transactions.
as seen here, jeremiah seems to be the complete opposite of showboat jerome:
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when we first meet jeremiah, we are told that he is totally sane, but we can later see that this is not the complete truth.
i'll use jeremiah's project as a metaphor for this. jeremiah was building a set of generators which could make energy harvesting and usage much less expensive and much more bio-friendly (if i remember correctly). bruce promised to fund his project and jeremiah accepts his offer quickly.
after jerome dies in season 4 after kidnapping bruce and jeremiah, he left behind a concoction of chemicals that seemingly make jeremiah go insane. this is a play on joker toxin / joker venom from the greater dc universe.
however, after jeremiah reveals his new self
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he says that the spray did not actually change who he actually is, but just gave him an altered appearance. there are a lot of fan theories about this, but the general consensus is that the spray likely lowered his inhibitions, which gave him the kick needed to reveal his true self.
even his complexion resembles the joker he corresponds with: black and white. he is the black and white joker because he isn't as expressive, is way more calculated, and is more cruel and less happy. even his skin is paper white.
here's some gifs of what he looks like after those "slight cosmetic changes" :
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that looks a lot more like the joker we know and love today, right? bleach-pale skin, red painted lips, green hair. he's instantly recognizable as the stereotypical joker now.
remember when i mentioned the generators? let's go back to them. the entire time that the generators have been around, they've also been perfectly functional as powerful bombs. their ability to be used as bombs does not undermine the fact that they can also be used as generators, and both of these things were true at the same time *for the entire time they have existed.*
it is in this way that jeremiah's paradoxical nature has always existed. jeremiah is crafty, cunning, and absolutely vicious. he has no care or concern for human life in general and will sacrifice most people in his life if it means that he will get what he wants in the end.
this is shown both before and after the joker toxin in how he lied about jerome when they were children (which caused jerome to be heavily abused) and in how jeremiah willingly killed one of his most devoted and beloved followers, who was being ransomed, just because someone put him on hold and it was personally easier for him to just kill him than sit on hold on the phone for a while. (he also has a vicious streak, though, because he immediately moved the demolition of the bombs up to immediately once he was out of the blast zone because those people inconvenienced him.)
something that's important to realize about jeremiah is that he has an issue with being called crazy. jerome does, too, but he eventually comes to accept the term, almost like he's reclaiming it, but jeremiah is *violently* against it. that's one of the things that set him off in the previously mentioned interaction.
both jeremiah and jerome are obsessed with bruce, though in different ways. jeremiah sees bruce first as his best friend and later as the "brother [he] could never have, that jerome could never be." jerome just sees bruce as a particularly entertaining and interesting kid who he enjoyed tormenting who he would eventually kill.
anyway, despite jeremiah being crazy (or, depending on who you ask, just less inhibited) he is still crazy smart and calculating. he thinks through everything before he does it and his master plans seem like they go on forever with 10000 parts to them and backups and contingencies galore.
the only time that jeremiah ever really seems to break out of this is when he's fighting with bruce. while he still does have a greater point to make or something he's trying to accomplish, he thinks through things less with him and shows his impulsive and rash side a bit more, which is interesting because jerome showed his thoughtful and contemplative side when faced with the obstacle that is bruce thomas wayne. i love parallels and contrasts, especially in these two characters! i just love writing about twins, they're always so interesting.
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some important things about their relationship to one another:
even though jerome kidnapped jeremiah and seemingly strapped a bomb to his neck (after breaking into his house and telling him that he would kill him), jerome doesn't seem to actually want jeremiah to die. instead, as we later find out, he wants jeremiah to unleash his true self and carry on his legacy of chaos and cruelty in gotham for him after his death. this is why he left behind the laughing gas for him.
(the fact that jerome thought to do all of that shows that he really was a smart character and that he truly did understand the world around him well. he knew exactly what would happen in the event of his death, i.e. bruce offering to fund jeremiah's work and jeremiah accepting, as is shown when jerome has the joker venom in a present box which claims to be sent from wayne enterprises.)
jeremiah *hates* to be compared to jerome in any way, as he thinks of himself as "the face of true sanity." he actually has an entire notebook full of jerome's ideas, which he says he will outdo and perfect, thus defeating his brother in the end, which i don't know if i agree with, but whatever.
i think that it's because of the reputation that jerome got at the circus. jeremiah wanted people to think of him as better than jerome and as the perfect child, which he succeeded at. to him, jerome is synonymous with crazy, which i've already mentioned that he hates to be called.
okay, just one more part to talk about. the infamous, much anticipated Mr. J!!!
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in the series finale, it is revealed that jeremiah, after falling into a vat of acid, is horribly disfigured and pretends to be in a vegetative state for the whole ten years that bruce is on his quest to improve himself before becoming batman. he does this as a way of waiting for bruce to come back to gotham so he can continue to be obsessed with him.
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however, though this is jeremiah, it seems that he has actually gone through immense mental trauma sometime during this time (perhaps during his fall into a vat of chemicals), which has caused him to sort of lose his sense of self. he once says that there was "another me" [another him] once, which is, of course, referring to jerome. this implies that jeremiah sees jerome as an extension of himself, almost, and almost makes it seem as if mr. j is a whole different entity of his own.
hopefully this clears everything up a bit for you!! let me know if you have any questions or want to know anything specific about the characters and i will be glad to oblige!
thank you once again for being so kind as to leave this ask!! it really made my day. thank you for enjoying my fic, i hope it continues to live up to expectations. i have a lot of fun things planned (and i am very happy that you decided to look into these characters more, because they are actually extremely important to the plot as we get more into the actual story!). <33
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oddishfeeling · 5 months
nothing is ever happening to me bc i don’t do anything 😭 i go to work and i finish class assignments so that i can do nothing!! on my days off, i usually do chores around the house bc i find it extremely soothing even if it is just a different type of distraction. and by the time im done with that, im tired. 😴 idk how to find time for my soul needs when it seems to require so much of me to keep on top of these things. i feel like there’s a sacrifice to make every time and i tend to pick the practical route bc im always going to need clothes to go to work. so i do laundry. i’ll need to eat. so i do the groceries and i make dinner. i do the dishes. i get 10k steps in and then watch too many episodes of a show i dont particularly like. i’ll shower and wash my hair. i’ll do my skincare. i’ll take the magnesium supplements before bed. and i hope and pray for a good nights sleep. also it’s worth mentioning that i don’t think there’s anything wrong with this little life. there’s beauty in and all around it. i get to share it with my partner and our cat and our dog. dotted and sprinkled with quality time spent with my friends and my family. but i would be lying if i said that i didn’t want more, that my soul is being pulled firmly and more intensely everyday. that i have no idea where to or to what or who i’ll be where i finally find it. but truthfully it’s just a feeling that washes over me, like the suds on a dinner plate. like shampoo down the drain. like the flies trapped by the daddy long leg in my kitchen window. they just come and go. they don’t interfere much except when i’m still and i’m quiet between tasks. then i feel like it like a draft. like an old friend from the future. inviting me to a place i belong but haven’t been to yet.
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shadowjax · 29 days
"That Beach Episode" OneshotTeaser
Part of Dragon’s Blade Series, can be read as a standalone.
(idk what to title it rlly buttttttt) 10 pages and almost 5k words, many many edits/attempts at fixing grammar and worldbuilding later. I'm getting there.
“Pack your things, guys, I just got out of a meeting with Fury and persuaded him into giving us the day off.” Tony paraded into the lounge, Morgan following right behind, dressed like they were ready to go to a tropical island. With the clap of his hands, a video of the beach played on the TV.
“Hey.” Morgan shot Tony an annoyed look and crossed her arms.
“Ok. Ok. This little rascal did all the work with her puppy eyes.” 
“Tony it’s almost noon, any place remotely tropical is hours away. Even by jet.” Bruce was seated on the couch, now annoyed his show had been turned off. He and Vison were in the middle of watching an old sitcom that Wanda had recommended.
“Which is why we’re staying overnight at a condo I just so happen to have bought years ago.” 
“Love the idea but who will take care of the city while we are gone,” Steve commented, who was in the middle of a card game with Vision, Sam, and Bucky. 
“None other than our junior counterparts, of course. C’mon, guys get packing, the jet leaves in two hours.” After scooping his child onto his shoulders, Tony exited the room, their laughter echoing throughout the hallway. Recently the tower had become a bit more crowded with all the newest recruits like Kate, Cassie, and Kamala. 
“Ohhhhh, I love building sandcastles. Now that I think about it, you’ve never been to the beach have you.” Wanda stood beside you while the two of you cleaned up from making the group breakfast. 
“No, I haven’t, it’s on my list of places to take Nat though so this works out. I hope it's too crowded with tourists but knowing Tony we’ll be on our own private sector...” 
After temporarily scarring the newest recruits during your first encounter, you realized it was time to find a solution to heal the scars across your face. The main problem was that while the serum in your veins could heal new wounds, it couldn’t fix the scars from injuries you had before it was injected. Over the past several months, you have undergone a series of procedures with Dr. Lee to improve the appearance of the scars on your face. Although certain scars may still be visible, the once vivid pink marks have now blended more effectively with your natural skin tone. This has significantly reduced their prominence, resulting in a much less noticeable appearance overall. 
“I’m glad to see the scars are healing, the doc sure knows what she’s doing. Speaking of beaches, in my opinion, they are a great place to propose to someone. Say a particular redhead.” Wanda’s eyebrows danced for a moment, causing you almost to drop a plate. “I know you’ve been thinking about it, I can see the pictures playing in your head. You practically project them!” 
“Wanda I know you mean the best, but please. It’s only a thought.” When you were younger, there were numerous things you never imagined yourself doing. Reflecting on those times now, an uncomfortable pit seems to form in your stomach when you think back on the past.
“A thought you have entertained for 3 months and many hours throughout the day.” You glanced at the ring Vision had given Wanda when he proposed. It was well crafted and clearly, Vison spent a lot of time working on the perfect design for her. A while back, you had a conversation with him about how he chose the design and gem for the ring, knowing he was the only one capable of keeping such a secret. 
Dr. Lee placed an arm around both you and Wanda’s shoulders, gently stepping in to join the conversation. “Believe me when I tell you, kid, there is nothing better than knowing you share a special bond with the one you love the most. Knowing only the two of you share this bond, to spend the rest of your lives as equals. Heck, I never thought I’d survive being a war nurse but here I am. Ring and all, with a beautiful woman I call wife.” 
“I think both of you need a new murder show to binge rather than prodding into my life.” Your comment led to a smack on the back of your head from Lee. “Well, when the world isn’t inanimate danger, what does a married woman in her late thirties do with her time, especially when she has a stable, well-paying job?" The conversation quickly ended, knowing neither of them had a good comeback, leaving you last in the dining room though packing wasn’t a tedious task for you.
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lonelychicago · 5 months
Hi! Another different anon. I haven’t watched 9-1-1 religiously gotta admit and am back for good now with Buck’s new character development. And like for so many, bi Buck makes sense. But have there been signs for Eddie too like for Buck all these years? As I’ve missed many episodes, I don’t have the whole picture, but would bi Eddie feel real/genuine?
i think it would! you have that scene where eddie checks buck's ass in s3 for starters. u could also argue the 'because evan' is another scene where u see how much eddie loves buck. not bc od the will but bc eddie waited a year to tell buck, and he probably wouldn't have told him if he didnt think it was what buck needed to hear in the moment— like, "hey, see? im your family. i trust u with my life and my heart and WE need you around. me and chris. ur one of us! ur not expendable! u are loved unconditionally and to the core!!!"
like, eddie trusts buck so much and in such little time. from when he first started at the 118 to the tsunami its not even a year i think??? and yet, eddie stands there and says with his whole chest that he trusts buck with chris more than anyone else in the world??? more than his own family, his sisters, his tía, his abuela??? ppl that have admittedly known eddie for a lor longer.
and i feel like, its not easy for anyone to just come into eddie's life and gain that kind of trust and loyalty??? but buck did!!!
the kitchen scene is another one!! they were 1000% flirting. buck taking a step closer with his hand on his belt and eddie with that lil smirk and his stupid lil beer bottle???? PLEASEEEE.
also idk, u can just see eddie is different with buck. like, sure eddie has some friends and u can even see him with tommy but in my opinion he acted very hey bro! hey dude! and friendly.
but with buck it just feels different???? like he’s always reaching out to him and for him he's always calling, or dropping by bucks apartment, or inviting him over, or involving him in chris' life, talking to him more than he talks to his actual gfs and confiding in him more than he does anyone else. he rests his hand on bucks shoulder when he wants to comfort him and he just looks at buck so !!!! idk. i think its just a different behavior and air???? im probably not expressing myself correctly bc im literally falling asleep, so hope this makes sense. <33
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