#but he definitely would risk going to randy first
coldblooded-angel · 5 months
Rip Randy Bradley, you would’ve loved “But Daddy, I Love Him”, “Fresh Out the Slammer”, “I Can Fix Him(No Really I Can)” by Taylor Swift
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just-animaxiz · 3 months
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I really like my idea of Randy and Spike having a brotherly bond so here are some HCs!
To start things off, Randy and Spike seemed like a weird choice to make a dynamic of but think about it! They're both red-coded, have an order to follow or failure will lead to consequences, and they're both music lovers!
Spike is definitely the big brother. He seems to be a young/mid adult while Randy is just a teenage boy! Though, that didn't stop them having opposite roles at times, where Randy has to act like the big brother here.
When they're together, it somewhat scares some of Randy's classmates off by seeing this tall 7'3 ft robot with glaring eyes while Randy is charting with them. What they didn't know is that this is his sign of protectiveness over Randy since he gets on his good side.
They often play the good/bad cop in roles, and sometimes Spike gets too real in his position as bad cop. It ended up with wet pants and white hair, and so Randy scolded him for making a scene. Spike didn't care, though, but he'll understand if it's someone Randy cares about.
Spike is shit at video games - The dude's never touched one in months. Randy teaches him, though, and overtime, Spike gets good.. At music games mostly!
When Spike first learned Randy's the Ninja, he's having a hard time choosing what to believe: His enemy is not an immortal dangerous for or the fact that a CHILD has been using the legacy and has been on the brink of his fate after every SINGLE FIGHT!
Randy, on the other hand, is shocked and nervous at Spike knowing his secret; however, at the same time, Spike doesn't show any signs of a threat to him and is just... There?
Spike no longer cared about capturing the Ninja or prove his worth to McFist, but he's still conflicted on the idea that his archenemy is a teenage child. His main goal is to support his people at Scrap City and find materials for repairs.
Fun fact: When Spike found a way to get out of Scrap City and went scouting to gather materials, he often spotted Randy doing his civilian life and was a bit envious at how lively normal the boy's experiences are.
After knowing Randy's the Ninja, Spike had a gut feeling to keep him away from going Ninja or doing something very dangerous. He felt like Randy should be humble for his life as a human boy.
Randy would be annoyed at Spike blocking his duties, often reasoning that He's The Ninja and his job is to protect his home, similar to how Spike wants to protect his City.
The difference is that Spike chose this role because his city was a sign of "Nothing", and no one would care enough to take pity or love for his people. Randy, on the other hand, was chosen as The Ninja and his whole life relied on it or else he'll be nothing.
As reluctant as he is, Spike would let Randy do his business as long as he helped along, knowing Randy cannot do this alone. The boy is a bit stubborn but eventually agreed.
When time passed, the two went from being awkward to eventually like brothers. Randy is protective of Spike getting hurt while Spike doesn't want Randy repeatedly risking his life for others.
Even though Spike is caring towards Randy, he is still the rebellious bad bot and so expect Randy having to hold back Spike before someone gets hurt!
They both sparred together in-between, with Spike helping Randy train for improvement!
Who knows - Maybe Spike will be an upcoming role to help the Ninja?
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crumb · 4 months
okay okay so re: this post about this gifset
tell me what you think--did Benson plan on killing everybody in the restaurant? did he plan on killing himself after? did he expect to spare Randy, or was he on the fence? was he gunning for Chris and Chris alone and anticipating having to improvise?
I just love the way this scene plays out and how, despite the horrific violence, there's still something undeniably human about Benson as he goes about it. I would LOVE to hear your take!!
Holy shit my response is so long and rambling I'm so so sorry but uhhhh here's my thoughts under a cut to save people's dashboards from my dumb brain 🙈
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Omg so yes this is something I think about ALL the time. Chris is, of course, a definite 100%. He was basically dead the moment he grabbed Benson's shoulder and said "...I'll have no problem turning your peaceful redneck existence into a living hell..." Benson warned him, gave him a chance to back down from bullying Randy, but Chris doubled down so RIP lol. Which was the spark that lit the first fuse.
The rest I think may have been improvised a bit but not by much. I think he planned on killing everyone, except Randy, but wasn't sure how exactly it would all go down. There's a chance Hardy might not have heard Jess screaming and never come out of the back. Which that alone I find funny that it was Jess' shrieking and not the two shotgun blasts that managed to rip him away from his morning jerk off session. So Benson might have planned on getting Hardy in the office by surprise after doing in Chris and Jess.
Jess is interesting because Benson tries to quiet her first before getting frustrated and shooting her to shut her up. Like, was bro gonna give her some speech before offing her? I wouldn't be surprised. Something about not dating entitled dickheads? I get why some people think he might not have killed her if she stopped screaming, which is a fair theory! But I also think she's been clearly joining in on the bullying and egging on Chris with her little comments and giggling like she had been earlier that morning. So I think she was already firmly on his kill list by that point, plus she would have no use to him other than being another witness—and the whole thing wasn't about her, it was about Randy, so dragging her around with them, or leaving her behind, would be pointless and risky.
Randy Randy Randy. I don't think he ever intended on killing Randy at any point, except maybe there being the risk of it happening when he was shaken after the whole Sheppard situation. At that point, Benson was so out of his own body I think almost anything could've happened, though ultimately I don't think that would've ever been on purpose, only in a knee-jerk reaction. I do think it was a liiittle bit of a test. I think Benson, like he said in the diner (the first round lol) that seeing Randy just stand there doing nothing and waiting for Benson to kill him was the only thing he believed in. He, like Benson mentioned, had been watching Randy and knew he was smart, but also knew he wouldn't do anything to stop what was happening. But I think a small part of him was hoping he would be proved wrong, hoping Randy would do something and show some agency.
And then there's Benson. I've mentioned this before but yeah, I think throughout the film he kinda goes back and forth on having a deathwish. I think when he's having his smoke and probably semi-planning what he's gonna do he is also fully aware that this is the end of the road for him and Randy is his... I don't know, I guess one last chance at redemption before ending things. Pulling Randy back from the brink of dead-end small town small thinking monotony is his like... last hurrah. Ok well maybe killing Chris and everyone is really the last hurrah, but helping Randy figure his shit out is like his last good deed, helping Randy not end up like him. When they're driving to the diner after cleaning up BBB he's in high spirits. The relaxation and acceptance phase of his road to inevitable death/suicide. But then as things progress and he learns more about Randy and everything, once they reach the school, I think at that point he had stepped back from the ledge and was thinking, maybe wishfully thinking, that he could make it out of there. But then Sheppard had to show up and ruin everything. I think Benson had started to think that maybe things could be alright, if only he could get Randy to Ms. Beard's, get that checked off the to-do list, and then they could try escaping. But Sheppard appears and reminds Benson that no matter what he can never escape. He'll never escape what happened to him, the things he's tried to forget, or who he is. So at that point it's like trying to save a sandcastle from an incoming tide. There's no use. Benson didn't have the tools to deal with seeing Sheppard, especially not on a day like that day when he had already spilled blood three times. Chris and them, maybe they deserved it to an extent in Benson's eyes, but no one deserved it more than Sheppard. So after Sheppard he's given himself whiplash. He had accepted his death, then got hopeful, and then had the ceiling cave in on him causing him to have to re-accept his fate, though not as steadfast. There's a few points after Sheppard where it feels like Benson is mentally clawing at the oncoming events in panic. Ms. Beard getting that call and answering it before they could leave. Benson hearing the sirens after Randy calls the cops. Both times it looks like he's reliving some cosmic disappointment like even though he's had to re-accept his fate, he's still desperately looking for an off-ramp. I think that's maybe what Benson means at the end. "I was never in charge, Randy." His fate or inevitable end was in charge and was something he'd already considered set in stone. Though I think that's also due to some self-sabotage. Like Randy tried to tell him, he had the opportunity to just run and never look back but instead decided to go on some self-assigned white knight quest for Randy in circles around town. Following some perceived path to "fix" Randy in ways Benson could never fix himself. Benson is a walking self-fulfilling prophecy. So to answer your question about whether I think Benson planned on killing himself after killing Chris, Jess, and Hardy (and after "helping Randy")—in my opinion, yes, I believe so. But I also think it switches back and forth from yes to no like 15 times between them leaving BBB and watching the cops pull into the diner parking lot that night, lol.
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feral-mouse · 25 days
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I sadly won't be going through every character, but I'll try to explain my rankings
You can find the template here
First I'm gonna provide some color coding assignments, so if you wanna look for a specific oc, it'll be easier to do so lol
RED: Squirrel, Skull, Eugene
ORANGE: Tantrum, Clove, Fester, Elowyn
GREEN: Davis
BLUE: Dan, Bo, Oenis
PURPLE: Conrad, Ronny
PINK: Kalani, Colin, Vesper, Theo, Sable
Most/Least Likely to get Kidnapped
Squirrel is next. Since she loves climbing trees, this means she's always out in the woods, and has a high likelihood of bumping into Randy lol
Then I have Conrad in third place because honestly, I feel like she's a danger magnet pajjcjs. Maybe she's seen way too many people bring Randy back to their hotel rooms, only for them to be found dead the next night. She made the mistake to confront him about it 😤
I've placed the people in the middle because I feel like they wouldn't be as likely to run into Randy, whether it's because they hang out in the wrong crowds, or because they won't venture the woods at night lol. It is leading with Vesper and Bo because they would smell delicious. Randy would approach them first 😔 pshjcksl
The last five starts with Fester. He might be too intimidating for Randy to try to eat lol. Randy does not want to get into a losing fight 😤. Next is Cyrus, who is only placed so low because he is VERY CAUTIOUS. He is making sure not to run into ANYONE. He wants to stay hidden. Davis is after him because if Randy goes after him, Dan might start to get suspicious. And he does honestly get the vibes that Davis wants to kill him too (he does lol). Oenis is there because he honestly does not look appetizing at all 😭. He looks so dirty and like he'd taste gross 😭
Favorite/Horrendous Victim
Davis 👏 is 👏 number 👏 one 👏 👁👁. HUNT THAT BITCH DOOOOWN. Randy would honestly love to hunt Davis. Give him a taste of his own medicine. He'd love to put him in his place. Randy is actually stronger than Davis. Davis would put up a good fight, and it'd definitely be very fun for Randy to watch him struggle, but unfortunately, he is going to end up dead. Randy has a vendetta against Davis. Not only is Davis preventing him from kidnapping Dan, but he's also just so passively aggressive in general. He gets bad vibes from Davis, and feels like Davis is constantly judging him (which he is). Randy hates those types of people
Squirrel and Colin are next because Randy would have a blast hunting them down. I feel like Squirrel's not the type to go down without a fight. You know she's gonna be climbing up trees and using that to her advantage. It's gonna be something that Randy's never seen before. Sure, people have climbed the trees to get away from him, but Squirrel is different, she's experienced, she knows what she's doing and she's swift with it. For Colin, Randy would be mesmerized by his outfit, and also he'd love watching Colin squirm and freak out lol. He's such a cutie that you could gobble right up! 😋
Starting from Theo, Randy starts to have less of an enjoyable time because these people are fighting back lol. He does love a good chase, but also he does NOT like dying. If you're fighting him with the intent to kill, he's putting a stop to that immediately. That being said, I do still think Randy would have a good time interacting with some of them. Theo seems super nice, and Tantrum would honestly be a blast to fight, he would love her spirit >:). Clove would be very fascinating as well, considering he's a fox beastkin. After the initial awe though, Randy is going to have to adjust to fighting him. I'd imagine Clove is very nimble, so that would really catch Randy off guard
Eugene's right in the middle because he would be too boring, he's too passive 😔 pzjfks. Ronny and Sable would be too eager to kill Randy, so he doesn't like them either lol. Same with Skull, Cyrus, and Fester, except they'd REALLY wanna kill Randy osjfkl
Elowyn is in last place because Randy would honestly just find her annoying psjfksk. She would be going into this too tactically. She is coming up with plans and backup plans, trying to figure out how to use the woods to her advantage, coming up with ways to manipulate Randy. But all of that shit would fly over his head. Nothing she says is gonna land with him. He's just gonna be like "she talks way too much and I don't get any of it 🙄" before stabbing her in the stomach lol
For the last section, I'm gonna start by talking about the people who die lol
Unfortunately, Vesper, Bo, Dan, Conrad, Elowyn, Eugene, Colin, Cyrus, and Tantrum getting EATEN PAJFKSKA. The others are getting eaten too, but they're dying in a scuffle. I'm sure everyone is fighting back, but these guys are fighting back. Tantrum and Cyrus are too, but I feel like they're easier to take down than the last three
Survivors who KILLED
Theo, Skull, and Clove are killing Randy. Of course, Theo is immortal lol. So even if Randy somehow kills him, Theo is getting back up when Randy least expects it and is stabbing him in the back
Skull's massive size and wolf strength is easily overpowering Randy
I feel like Clove would also get the upper hand on Randy because he's not used to hunting people who are so quick. Clove is dodging all of his swings and it would honestly freak him out lol. Randy wouldn't be thinking straight in his panic 😔
He is vibing. He is chilling. They are all having a good time
Once Randy learns that Sable has been the one who's dumping bodies in the middle of the woods, they are immediately becoming best friends pekfkw. Killer solidarity. Sable needs a way to get rid of the bodies, and Randy needs to eat
I think Kalani would know exactly what to say to win Randy over and spare her, whether they end up as friends or lovers 😌
Squirrel is also just so cool. I could see them getting along really quickly lol. Randy might stop hunting her in the middle of it because her vibes are fantastic
Oenis is also surviving because the two of them would also get along lol. They have the same type of humor, and honestly I can imagine the both of them hunting people down together lol. Also, since Oenis is a shapeshifter, it would be an instant party trick between the two of them lol. Randy would love watching him turn into different people lol. (Also Oenis would NOT be pleasant to eat osjfjks. Man is too dense and chewy, he's grooosssss 😭)
Characters belong to...
@hurrl: Conrad, Kalani, Squirrel
@derekgoffard: Colin, Tantrum
@dread0narrival: Clove, Vesper
@weirdo-canniboy: Theo, Skull, Fester
@the-bees-knives: Oenis
The rest belong to me lol
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woodershloomp · 3 months
something i havent heard anyone say is how much is probably already going wrong with Randy and Howard's mental states, like they both have so much to worry about and it probably gets them really paranoid.
Randy has to worry about a lot of things regarding his ninja duties, such as failing at saving people as well as accidentally letting the Sorcerer loose. There's also just the worry of badly hurting someone who might get into the crossfire of the fight, which would probably be Howard most of the time considering how many fights he's present for. Speaking of Howard, Randy thought he was going to have to harm or kill him to unstank Bucky, Dave and Pradeep in 'True Bromance', which he was most likely terrified of the idea.
Going back to ninja stuff, it definitely weighs on him a lot. He's essentially responsible for the safety of everyone in Norrisville, and him screwing up a lot of the time probably doesn't give him any confidence in his abilities. (Also, I'd imagine that he still feels bad about leaving Howard alone, but he thinks that he would understand why he's gotta leave him that often, so he doesn't think about it a lot.)
Now, for Howard, the guy sort of has to deal with Randy being at constant risk of death, meaning that he could easily lose his best friend at any moment. Not to mention, he HAS had to save the guy from being lost to the land of shadows. He also has to keep probably the biggest secret anyone in Norrisville could have, which he almost let spill. He has also nearly died in a couple bad ways himself, seeing as he was dropped roughly a 100ft or so above a rushing river, and he was nearly boiled alive. Being possessed by the Tengu for the first time probably stuck with him as well, seeing how horrified he was during the entirety of Evil Spirit Week due to the constant loss of control and the feather growing out of him.
Not to mention how he is constantly left alone since Randy's the ninja and he doesn't really have anyone else willing to hang out with him. It's clear that it's a pretty scary thing for him, considering his visualization of eating lunch alone and the fact that he called McFist to get Randy to the school. While he usually seems to be perfectly fine, it isn't that difficult to hide fear under anger, especially for someone like Howard since he has most likely needed to do it pretty frequently.
I think they both need therapy..
..and also a doctor.
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quill-pen · 7 months
So the Sims-verse has posed some interesting scenarios that have gotten the gears in my head churning, haha.
So, in game, there are ‘semi-public’ woohoo places like the rose bush or changing rooms. And there have been some CLOSE CALLS with getting caught.
So, do you have any hcs for Wolf and Bess getting caught in the act, and how they’d respond/feel about chancing woohoo in semi-public places?
We've already established previously they are down for getting a little handsy under the table when out with people and sneaking off to the bathroom. And they have/will definitely fog up the car windows at the drive-in theater. And they've shagged in a carriage. And I know, at some point, Bess is going to convince Wolf to make her biggest fantasies (getting fucked raw in a dark corner of an alley off a busy street and sucking him off under his desk while he's in a meeting) become realities. So I can absolutely see them up for being risky and getting hot and heavy in changing rooms.
Rose bushes? First of all, I'm thinking thorns. OUCH! It depends on where and, more importantly, when. Not saying they wouldn't be tempted to shag in the middle of a park while hidden by bushes on a lovely spring day, but that's a little too publicly daring than they're willing to risk. There are children about, after all, so the idea of potentially getting caught by a kid is definitely the main deterrent. 😏However, that's only during the day; evening/nighttime rolls in, and it's a far different story. Would they sneak out after dark to go woohoo in the rose bushes then? Or woohoo in the pavilion? Or the bandstand? Or under the bridge? Or under the weeping willow behind the reeds? Or up against the base of a statue or a tree? Just woohoo like randy teens all over the park in the dark? Abso-friggin-lutely they would. Just gotta keep an eye out for the constables on their nightly rounds, but that's part of what makes it so exciting!🥵
Overall, semi-public sex? Yes. Just proceed with discretion. Especially where little eyes and ears could be about.
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mickyaltierisgf · 2 years
the term mastermind is used too loosely in the scream fandom.
putting this under a read more cause it got kinda long
mrs. loomis is the "mastermind" because she found mickey and wanted to use him as her muscle/fall guy. but this is a bare-bones and borderline dishonest summary of the story. most of this plan is not only executed by mickey, but also a product of his scheming.
all mrs. loomis wanted was to avenge billy by killing sidney + gale and everyone else was just collateral damage to her. but mickey wanted to do the copycat killer spree. so he targetted people with the same names as the first victims and even killed them (somewhat) in the same order. does anyone really believe it was mrs. loomis' idea for mickey to kill two unconnected randos in a crowded movie theatre just cause they had the same names? if he got caught he wouldn't care, because that's literally part of his overarching plan. but that would put mrs. loomis back at square one, needing to find someone who could help her go after sid. and the weird ghostface encounter sid had on stage during rehearsals..there's some speculation as to whether that really happened or sidney hallucinated it, but it's definitely in character for mickey to have attempted it. and once again, are we to believe mrs. loomis sent him to do that, knowing he could have been caught and unmasked prematurely?
i've heard it said that mrs. loomis was pulling the strings and merely "indulged mickey", but why indulge him that much in unnecessary stunts that could risk not only foiling her plan, but landing her in jail right along with him? attacking the cops and crashing the car which could have killed everyone in it? also entirely mickey. i believe they co-ordinated the timing of the phone calls + attacks together and the ending reveal, but that's it. mrs. loomis took very little initiative in this plan which is why her only kill was randy. this is fine, since she was in agreement with mickey that everything should be traced back to him, but that means that by the end, she accomplishes almost nothing. she failed in her attempt to kill gale and dewey. failed to kill sidney. she even failed to kill mickey! and once the dust cleared, sidney's decision to go into hiding before scream 3 is also credited to mickey. because he was the one who infiltrated her friend group. he managed to gain a bit of her trust and manipulate her into doubting derek.
i don't consider mrs. loomis a mastermind (that might apply only to roman) or a leader in scream 2, and i tend to view mickey as almost a prototype of roman, in a certain sense. with the ambition and skill to very nearly pull off such a grand scheme entirely by himself. mrs. loomis supplied him with the offer and the money to go after sidney, but if he'd had the funds, who knows, he might have already been there without her involvement. because mrs. loomis and mickey seem to operate mostly indipendent of each other. and I know this is partly because she and mickey literally could not be seen on screen together for obvious reasons, but even looking at their goals and actions as ghostface, we can see they have vastly different priorities. mickey would have killed randy for fun and probably just to torment sidney further, mrs. loomis did it cause he badmouthed billy.
they were never fundamentally on the same page. mickey could not have given less of a fuck about billy or avenging him and mrs. loomis obviously thought very little of mickey's trial plan. even at the end when mrs. loomis prepares to shoot mickey, we can see the realization on his face immediately and see him raise his own gun to attempt to shoot her first.
you can't be the mastermind of a plan that you take almost no part in and is basically completely someone else's idea. nor can you lead someone who isn't really following you. they were probably the most polarizing ghostface duo who co-operated the least. every other team-up (knowingly or not rip charlie) worked together toward the same goal, but mrs. loomis and mickey were merely working adjacent to each other toward a similar finale rather than the exact same objective.
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xoknowssmut · 2 years
Fill a Shy Futa
"H..Hi. I w..w..wasn't expecting you to come...s..s..so soon. I've s..s..seen you in the of..f..fice for a while, unclaimed. The rest of the f..f..futas here already have their b..b..bound quota, and your mind is im..m..mportant, but I could never conf..f..front a man. So I j..j..jerked off in your coffee. I couldn't believe you n..n..never noticed anything wrong, d..d..didn't taste anything. But you're here. Now. My first b..b..bound boy."
Candace was the newest futa on the floor of the office, a recent college graduate. She was as tall as a standard futa, and was definitely more Reubenesque than Amazon. That, and the size of her cock always made her so self conscious. Even in grade school she was the tallest, largest, and longest of the futas, and the others made her feel so self conscious.
Her nervous habit was fingering her piss hole on her cock, and as she had grown she had stretched it, much wider than the other futa cock holes. And through her habit of masturbating, she could only cum by fingering her cock, not by jerking off. And while her fellow classmates would fuck each others asses in high school to relieve stress, Candace could only finger her drooling cock to get off.
When the office hired Randy, it was for his business sense. It was dangerous to hire a man -- they could get bound so easily by a stray futa. But the office had apartments to specifically isolate men, and the office had futas all at their bound quotas. Having him in an office with Candace was a calculated risk, but her abilities as well as her nervousness meant the risk was minimal.
Candace knew what was on the line. Using just enough of her mind-numbing sperm to make him suggestible, she got him alone in the office one day. She'd never have the guts to fully bind Randy to her, and she'd never actively go after another man to be bound, Randy was relatively safe. And, thanks to her sperm, he'd never tell another soul.
She led him to the copier room, hiked up her skirt, and showed her massive member. It was almost twenty-inches long -- much to massive to fuck an ass with or get sucked off with. But her pee hole was about an inch wide, gaping, and starting to leak. And he was interested too, fumbling with his zipper, and starting to pull his pants down and bend over.
"N..n..no. F..f..face me. I w...w..want you to f..f..fuck me."
The idea of a futa being fucked was anathema to society. Futa were the dominants. Men were the submissive. But Candace wanted Randy's cock in her's. She'd read in some fantasy hentai, a horrible perverted book where two futa's fucked each others cocks. But Candace was perfectly equipped. And Randy's dick would fit snugly in hers.
She held his manhood, normal sized for a male of the species, and gently slid it inside her. It was snug, a tighter fit than her finger, but his flared head scratched her itch so well. "F..f..fuck me, Randy!" She commanded, and Randy started pumping his hips. Instinctively, Candace grabbed her cock, pumping the loose foreskin over her cockhead and over Randy's entire length. Both were pumping, reveling in the feeling.
She felt Randy cum in her, his semen leaking on her inner walls of her dominant sex. That was the final straw, and Candace came. Torrents of cum came down her length, pushing Randy's cock out and covering him with his thick, syrupy seed. She had never cum like this before -- it was so much more intense with a partner than alone, and she knew it wouldn't be long until she had bound Randy to her seed.
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sbknews · 1 year
Ferrari fends off Torres to complete fabulous double at Assen
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The Italian rides the wave all the way into summer break, now just eight points off Torres in the standings After a Race 1 that went almost to the wire, Race 2 most definitely did for the FIM Enel MotoE™ World Championship at the TT Circuit Assen. But once again, Jordi Torres (Openbank Aspar Team) just couldn't quite get the better of Matteo Ferrari (Felo Gresini MotoE™). The Italian completed the double in style to move within eight points of Torres as the Spaniard was forced to settle for second, with Mattia Casadei (HP Pons Los40) slicing through from P10 to complete the rostrum. Torres took the holeshot, with Eric Granado (LCR E-Team) slotting into second initially and Ferrari third, and the trio were separated by absolutely nothing as Casadei got to work behind moving up into fourth. Also on the move was Andrea Mantovani (RNF MotoE™ Team) as he got his elbows out to get into the fight for fifth, taking on Randy Krummenacher (Dynavolt Intact GP MotoE™) and Kevin Zannoni (Ongetta SIC59 Squadra Corse). There was then drama at the front as Granado tagged the back of Ferrari, the Brazilian staying on and not losing the position but losing some time as the duel ahead then pulled a gap. And that gap stayed there as the race became a two-rider showdown for the win. What would turn out to be the winning overtake came with four to go as Ferrari pulled an absolute stunner to sweep around Torres and into the lead at Hoge Heide, with the Spaniard then left with the same challenge as Race 1: stay with him. This time around, that he did... on the final lap getting to within possible striking distance. But not without some serious risk, and Torres instead made it a straight shot towards the line, just losing out by 0.078 – and taking those valuable 20 points as Ferrari once again proved impeccably quick with his third win of the year. Casadei also most definitely impressed, up seven positions from his grid slot and completing the podium. Mantovani suffered a late crash out of podium contention, and Granado took fourth one place ahead of teammate Miquel Pons. Pons managed to pip Zannoni by the flag, with Alessandro Zaccone (Tech 3 E-Racing) taking P7. Nicholas Spinelli (HP Pons Los40) took eighth ahead of a tough finish for Krummenacher, with Kevin Manfredi (Ongetta SIC58 Squadra Corse) beating Hector Garzo (Dynavolt Intact GP MotoE™) to the final place in the top ten. That's a wrap on the first half of the season... and it's next stop the British GP as the electric field take on Silverstone for the very first time. Torres heads the table by only eight points now... so make sure to come back for more!
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MotoE Top 4 - Race Result 2 - Dutch GP 1. Matteo FERRARI - ITA - Felo Gresini MotoE - 11'51.376 2. Jordi TORRES - SPA - Openbank Aspar Team - +0.078 3. Mattia CASADEI - ITA - HP Pons Los40 - +1.610 4. Eric GRANADO - BRA - LCR E-Team - +1.826 MotoE Top 4 - Championship Points after Race 2 - Dutch GP 1. Jordi TORRES - SPA - Openbank Aspar Team - 144pts 2. Matteo FERRARI - ITA - Felo Gresini MotoE - 136pts 3. Hector GARZO - SPA - Dynavolt Intact GP MotoE - 98pts 4. Randy KRUMMENACHER - SWI - Dynavolt Intact GP MotoE - 98pts For more info checkout our dedicated MotoE News page Or visit the official MotoGP website motogp.com Read the full article
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Randy Meeks x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 3065 words
Warnings: none
Summary: The reader struggling when the curfew is put into place, but Randy has an idea that could make it a little better.
You were bored.
Woodsboro wasn’t a super happening place to begin with but now that the curfew was in place, it was even worse.
There was nothing to do, and with the additional stress that these recent murders had put on everyone, you were about to blow. The boys could see it, Tatum and Sidney could see it, and most important, Randy could see it.
It was only a matter of time before you absolutely lost it.
Your parents were taking this whole thing extra hard and basically had you on complete lockdown outside of attending school. They couldn’t imagine going through what Casey and Steve’s parents were going through right now, and they were scared.
Which was fair enough.
Everyone was scared right now, but you didn’t understand how putting you under house arrest was going to keep you any safer than you would be anywhere else. Casey was killed at home, after all?
If anything, you would be much safer in a group setting than you would be locked up in your house alone. Still, your parents had made themselves very clear where this topic was concerned. You were absolutely forbidden from attending Stu’s party, or any other party until the curfew was lifted.
It just made everything that much worse.
Parties, especially Stu’s parties, were one of the only things you were looking forward to as of late. Knowing that you couldn’t go to them was really starting to wear on you, and you were understandably let down by the whole thing.
...but it wasn’t just that.
Getting together with a big group of people, your age and ready to party, was an escape for you. With so much uncertainty going on and everything falling apart at the seams, you needed that normalcy to feel human again.
Not that you could really complain about that to anyone who could actually do something about it.
You knew that there was a very real danger out there and the only way to really be safe would be to stay inside your home where no one could get you but you just felt like your folks were taking it a little too seriously.
If everyone else was going to be out anyway, what different was it going to make, really? If anything, it made you a bigger target because you were one of the only people stuck in your house while everybody else was together.
To you, the logic was sound but to them, it was little more than a pathetic excuse to get out of the town’s mandated curfew.  
Which it kind of was, but you couldn’t help but feel like they were being unreasonable. You were a smart, responsible young woman and you weren’t going to take any stupid, unnecessary risks. You just wanted to maintain some level of normal life.
You were tired of being stuck at home like a rat in a cage, never allowed to go out and do anything. It was a stark contrast to how you normally were, with a thriving social life and active party presence.
It was almost as if you were dead too, not to be dramatic.
This was just hard on you, and they weren’t making it any easier. You had to rely on your friends, now more than ever, and they were basically cutting off any contact you had with them to lunch at school and quick phone conversations.
No one would have just taken that and been happy with it. Certainly not within your tight knit group of friends.
You sighed, fiddling with your pen as you tried to remember all the things you needed to get done when you got home. You knew well enough to know that if you didn’t write it down now, you would never remember it all.
With everything else on your mind, school seemed like the least of your worries.
You were so enthralled, in fact, tapping your pen away on the table that you didn’t even notice at first when Randy came up and sat down beside you, taking note of how unhappy you were about everything going on right now.
He couldn’t blame you.
The male at your side was perfectly aware of how excited you had been for the parties the recent nice weather was bound to bring, and equally as aware of how bummed you were that your parents had put a kibosh on the latest shindig before it even had a chance to begin.
“You okay?” he hummed, startling you just a bit when you looked up to see him already sitting at your side, but the racing in your chest calmed down just as quick. No one really knew who was responsible for all these terrible murders but you knew in your heart it wasn’t Randy.
You had known him all your life and even if he was a little strange, he was the sweetest guy in Woodsboro. He wasn’t some natural born killer or a sociopath on a killing spree.
“Honestly, if I have to think about this anymore, my brain might explode” you allowed, leaning slightly into his side to take some of the pressure off your aching, tight muscles as you kept focus on your schedule.
All this stress had to be bad for your body.
Tatum seemed to think so, at least, warning you that if you didn’t learn to decompress somehow you were going to go prematurely grey and get crows feet under your eyes. While you weren’t sure how much you trusted her endless cosmo knowledge, you certainly didn’t feel the greatest.
This was all just a lot for one person to juggle.
Randy could see that much.
He had been watching you all day, moping around that you wouldn’t be allowed to go to Stu’s party and worrying about a huge midterm you had to take for your english class that would physically make or break your grade.
You were spreading yourself way too thin. Luckily, he had an idea of just how he could help you feel a little bit better without breaking your parents' rules.
He just wasn’t so sure you’d go for it once you found out just what he had in mind.
“I was thinking, maybe you’d wanna come over to my place later? I have tonight off so we could watch a movie or something?” he offered, trying not to come across as painfully awkward as he felt. Randy was your friend, and usually could talk to you no problem but what he was proposing was different.
The two of you had never really hung out, just the two of you, before.
You nodded, not even looking up from your notebook as you scribbled something down in black ink, likely a reminder to do your calculus homework based on the way your brow knit together as you formed the letters.
You were preoccupied, too in your head to really consider what was going on but he certainly wasn’t.
Randy was aware of every little movement you made, from the way your nose scrunched up as you concentrated on making sure all the due dates and assignments were right on your calendar to the way your shoulder rested gently against his side.
“Who else did you invite? You know Tatum always complains about the movies you pick” you reminded, thinking over all the times the six of you had tried to watch movies together in the past. She got bored of psychological thrillers and grossed out at the gorey slashers.
She was much more of a Meg Ryan fan herself, constantly pulling for the cheesy romance flicks that made you want to ralph. You couldn’t put it past her to make Randy grab a couple of sappy videos too, just in case.
If she was going to be involved in movie night, you were sure you’d have to shoot down a few of those crappy comedies before you could watch anything worthwhile.
Randy sighed lightly, doing his best to keep you from noticing as he thought about what his next move was. Clearly, you’d missed the point of what he was asking entirely, not that he could blame you.
He had never really been good at asking out pretty girls, especially not ones he;d known since he was in elementary school, so this was new for him as well. He just sort of hoped that you would catch his drift early so he wouldn’t have to clarify out loud.
The last thing he wanted to do was put you on the spot and make you uncomfortable.
“Oh, I was actually hoping it could just be the two of us. I know it's no Stu Macher party but it could be fun” he shrugged, this time almost wishing a giant hole would open up from under him so that he didn’t have to have this conversation.
He wanted you to say yes, of course, more than anything but he just wasn’t sure if it was going to happen and if it wasn’t, he wanted to know early on.
At least then he could have some dignity in this whole thing.
You stopped writing for a second, letting the meaning of his words sink in as you sat there, your left leg bouncing up and down to try and keep up with the racing of your thoughts. It had been going nonstop since you sat down, but now, it was just resting against his.
Was Randy hitting on you?
Randy Meeks, your childhood best friend who had never once made a move on you aside from calling you pretty in your winter formal dress in middle school?
It didn't seem likely, but it was also hard to misinterpret his words. That was about as cut and dry as a date invite could be, and if it had been coming from anyone else, Tatum and Sid would have surely confirmed it for you if you asked.
Not that you could ask either of them right now.
“You wanna watch a movie tonight? Just you and me, at your house?” you clarified, setting your notebook down beside you without a second thought in favor of looking him in the eye.
He was uncertain for a second, trying to read any cues of how you were feeling about that from your own expression but found nothing there, so he nodded.
“Like a date?” you hummed, the words barely leaving your lips as you spoke them, feeling silly at having to clarify at all but you couldn’t help it. If he wasn’t meaning it in that way and you took it like that, you risked making an even bigger ass of yourself.
...but if he did, you needed to know that too.
There was a light blush on his freckled face as he considered his options before he nodded again, giving you all the information you needed. Randy was definitely hitting on you, now all you had to do was decide if you wanted to.
A movie could be fun.
You and Randy had watched a hundred movies together before, with you sometimes staying after hours at the video store while he closed to just see the ending of Frankenstein's bride that you loved so much.
Usually, there were more people there, Tatum and Stu at the very least, with Billy and Sid joining in when they saw fit, but it couldn’t be so different to just be the two of you.
You loved spending time with him, so doing so under the context of it being a date couldn’t possibly change that up so much. This was just Randy after all, it wasn’t like he was some guy you’d only just met or some creep Tatum thought it was okay to set you up with.
...and you were sure that your parents would agree to it.
Spending a few hours at Randy’s house was vastly different than going to some house party and out of all your friends, you knew that they trusted him the most. If he said you were there, they would believe him which would cut down on the third degree.
There really were no downsides.
Besides, if you were going to go out with any of your friends, it would be him, even if Billy or Stu did happen to be single. You and Randy just had a lot more in common and you knew that he would never put you in any danger.
You trusted him, and you liked him.
If he liked you too, it only made sense that you had a movie night together, just the two of you.
Getting your parents to agree to letting you spend a few hours at Randy’s house wasn’t as easy a sell as you thought it would be but by the time he came to pick you up, he managed to convince them that it would all be fine.
He wasn’t going to let anything happen to you, and in all honesty, they believed it.
Randy had never given them any reason not to trust him and at the end of the day, they came to the conclusion that you did have a little bit of a point. Knowing that you were somewhere with someone else made them feel a little bit better than if you were home alone.
It brought some amount of comfort to know that Randy would be there with you. Besides, your mother was just so thrilled that he’d finally asked you out on a date that you were sure she would have agreed to anything.
That was how you got here in the first place, walking down the familiar aisles of the video store with Randy as you searched for something to watch. Between the two of you, you had basically seen all the good horror films that they had available.
Not that knowing that was stopping either of you from picking up title after title, looking them over incredulously as you searched for the perfect thing.
Initially, Randy was just going to pick something up on the way to get you but decided that this would probably be more up your alley first. The video store was only open for a short time today due to the curfew but that was more than enough time for him to find exactly what he wanted.
After all, there wasn’t a title in the store that Randy didn’t know by heart. In fact, he had likely put them each right where they were, in each of their respective spots on the shelf. That was literally all he did all day when he did work.
“What about this one?” you suggested, holding up a pretty well loved copy of night of the living dead happily for his approval. It was a classic, one that you had each seen a dozen times, but because of that, it was quick to go into the basket.
Then, after scanning the few horror aisles one more time, Randy settled on what he always settled on and plucked a copy of Prom Night off the shelf.
At this point, you were sure he’d rented that specific video nineteen times by now but didn’t bother to point that out. You knew that it was one of his favorite movies of all time and if that was what he wanted to watch tonight, you weren’t going to argue.
All you really wanted to do was spend the night relaxing with your best friend, on what was technically also your first date. It was a little bit of pressure, more so than you were used to, but nothing that you couldn’t handle.
At the end of the day, you loved Randy and this was just something else you could do together.
“Alright, are you ready to go? I’ve got plenty of good snacks at the house for us to munch on too” he promised, fully aware of just how you liked your movie nights to go down. That was something else the two of you had in common.
You were very particular about your movies, especially horror movies.
It was something he could appreciate, along with your sense of humor and heart of gold. All in all, when Randy actually stopped to think about it, he wasn’t sure why he’d waited so long to ask you to do this in the first place.
This was going to be awesome.
Randy’s house was nice, of course, well put together every single time you had been there but you couldn't really focus too much on that.
Instead, you occupied yourself putting the tapes into the player while Randy made popcorn in the kitchen. It was kind of strange for a few moments, as you sat waiting for him to get back, looking around the living room under such new circumstances.
You have been here a hundred times before.
You had sat in this exact spot plenty of times but tonight, it was so different. You had only ever been here before as a friend, normally with all your other friends there to keep you company even when someone had to leave the room but not anymore.
Right now, you were waiting here as a girl on a date, a date with a guy you’d known your entire life.
It was just so strange how quickly everything had changed. Just this morning, you and Randy were little more than friends, and now, you couldn’t quite be sure what you were. Not that you had too much time to consider that before he was back.
“I bring gifts,” Randy grinned, plopping down beside you on the couch, swamping the coffee table with bags of chips and assorted boxes of candy before handing you the big bowl of popcorn. Clearly when he promised snacks, he wasn’t kidding.
You watched him do a onceover of the spread he’d provided before he ultimately decided that it was going to be fine.
“Perfect, just what we needed” you smiled, relaxing even further into the couch next to him, getting ready to start whatever it was that was going on between the two of you. It was new, uncharted territory for the both of you but it wasn’t looking too bad.
A copy of Prom Night and some popcorn with Randy was perhaps the only thing that could make this whole curfew thing worthwhile.
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Call Me Mother, Chapter One
I languidly drained the last breath from my cigarette, the drag filling my lungs. My garter straps hung down lazily, tickling my thighs, as they awaited their purpose. Music thumped rapidly, and whoops of delight resounded through the hall. The dressing room door swung open; a small, but curvaceous woman behind it.
Her eyebrows were tweezed to perfection, eyes deeply shadowed, eyelashes false and curled into large feathery swoops; her mouth was like a plump strawberry. I’d always harbored a mild curiosity about how it tasted.
“Mary, you’re up in 10 minutes. I want you at the curtain in five," Cristella said, her hispanic accent thick.
“Is that a new corset?” I asked. Cristella turned me around, and yanked the laces of my corset together. Thank god I haven’t needed to breathe for the last 150 years, I thought. I floated a small influence her way. Gentler, please. She complied, unwittingly. They always do.
I don’t normally use my influence on people I like, but I’m far too hungry to risk her pinching me with this corset. I couldn’t forgive myself if I lost control. She was far too kind to die a death that violent.
“It is. This papí chulo I’ve been seeing said he wanted me to wear it for him. Maybe he’ll tip better," she said, carefully pulling the slack out of the lower half of my corset. I placed my hands over my belly, holding everything in place.
“What’s the crowd looking like?” I tucked the ties away. She jutted a hip out, and began counting off on her impeccably manicured fingers.
“The usual crowd. Old Man Carraway, that one divorcee who drinks like a fish. College kids. Oh, there’s also these dudes in silver masks. Low-key kind of demonic. And some weird guy in like, face paint? He’s painted up like a calavera. I figured they came from that concert that was in town. You know, the one that church was protesting? Say they like worship Satan or something?”
“Sounds about right." I bent down to attach my straps to the garters of my stockings.
“They’re probably here for a private room, so I figured I’d put you on now. You’re good at handling the weirdos." Cristella giggled, watching me struggle to get the backs of my stockings attached. She and I broke into fits of giggles, as she chased me in circles, trying to help me attach my stockings.
“Let me get that. Hurry up and get on stage!” she said, giving me a playful smack on the ass. I pranced out of the room, trying to avoid her grasping mitts.
“Hey! No bruising the merchandise!” I giggled, linking arms with her as we strutted backstage, perfectly in step with one another. She grabbed the microphone from Mike the Mic Guy, gave me a wink, and stepped through the curtain.
“Aaaaand we’re back! Now, this next lady I’ve got lined up for you is quite a treat. She’s as pale as cream, thicker than a bowl of oatmeal, and will definitely step on you. Well, she might if you tip well. For legal reasons, we can’t call her “Elvira,” so I guess we’ll settle for… MOTHER! MARY!” That was my cue. I sauntered through the curtain, my hips moving like a figure eight. I moved across the stage, “Lullaby” by the Cure playing. I always chose various genres of rock for my acts. Not that I have anything against the other girls’ music choices… but there’s only so much female rap you can play in one night. As I began to dance, I noticed the group that Cristella had mentioned earlier. They were sitting front and center, near the edge of the stage.
Seven of the masked figures sat around the Painted Man, as I had labeled him. Two of the masked figures seemed effeminate, and the other five seemed more masculine. They all ranged in different shapes and sizes. Maybe the masks are a fetish thing? Cristella did say that they came from a concert… Something about them seemed off. I did a swing around the pole, dropping into a fireman, trying to catch a scent. It was a whirlwind of scents, none of them too out of the ordinary. Except the beefy one. He smelled like midnight. I don’t know how to explain it. What really caught my interest though was the Painted Man. Specifically, his eyes. One of them was grey, the iris almost black. The other eye had a pale, white iris. It suited him, and it was beautiful, in an eerie way. Those eyes looked at me, as I danced around the stage, and they knew me. If I had a working heart still, it would be racing.
As Robert Smith crooned, I descended the stairs of the stage as sensually as one could in Pleaser heels, making my way to the Painted Man. If I wanted to know what these people were, I’d have to get a closer look. The Painted Man patted one of his legs with a gloved hand, and cocked his head to the side. I took the invitation, but not before I teased him. I crouched between his legs, running my hands up his thighs. As I rose, I walked my hands up his thighs, bringing my face closer to his. His breath graced my skin, smelling faintly of licorice. As he leaned in, for what I could only assume was a kiss, I rose again, strutting over to one of the masked beings. It was the smaller of the male ones. I sat in his lap, letting him run his hands over me as I began to grind on his lap. His growing erection told me I was going to have a busy night.
“Your boss is a little too eager," I whispered, getting a good whiff of him. He smelled faintly of smoke. I put my hands on his chest, trying to keep my balance. No heartbeat.
“What makes you think he’s my boss?” The being asked petulantly. He grabbed onto my waist, as he began to grind with me. I moved his hand to the small of my back, and leaned back in a dip. The being ran his other hand over my belly, in between my breasts, and up to my throat, bringing me back up to his masked face.
“You’re the one wearing a uniform." I darted my tongue out to lick my lips. What is he? My mind raced as I tried to run through every supernatural creature I’d ever known. But then I heard it. I barely even understood it. All I picked up was price and one night. It was Ghoulish. The taller female ghoul was asking about what I can only assume was my hourly rate. Most strip clubs in this part of Vegas were just fronts for brothels. However, it’s hard to sell the idea of prostitution to Mid-Western vanilla tourists. So most of my income was made from stripping. I usually had one or two clients I went to bed with a night. It wasn’t very stable, but then again, I had less expenses than the average stripper, considering my “condition."
“Tell your friend my basic hourly rate is $500. My Ghoulish isn’t any good." I stood up, and made my way to the female ghoul’s lap.
“How do you know Ghoulish?” she asked, a bit of surprise in her tone. I bent over in front of her, shaking my ass for her. She put a couple of bills in the waistband of my panties, punching my previous ghoul in the arm. He forked over some cash as well.
“I’m not human. I’ll leave it at that," I said, stuffing the cash into the top of my corset. Dear lord… All hundreds… The female ghoul rubbed my thighs, turning me back around slowly, so as to admire my ass.
“Could we get a room after your number? I think a private dance is in order," she said, in broken Ghoulish. I nodded, and as if on cue, the lights and music began to fade out. As I began to walk back up the stairs to the stage past the Painted Man, his hand darted forward to smack my ass. God, it really is not the night for this shit. My more animalistic nature took over, and before I could stop it, a hiss left my lips. As if of their own accord, my fangs sprung painfully through my gums. I heard a snap, and looked over to see the largest ghoul stand up. He shook his head. Thank god the lights were low. Embarrassed, I covered my mouth, and made my way across the stage.
“What the fuck was that all about?” Mike the Mic Guy asked, handing a mic to Cristella. I still had my hand over my mouth. Cristella looked worried.
“Are you okay Mary? I can get you some tea if you’re keyed up." I shook my head.
“Please get a room ready. The Freak Parade wants a private dance," I said as I walked away, silently cursing myself. Once back in the dressing room, I threw open the mini-fridge I normally kept padlocked. I looked to the last bottle I had left in my stash. Hopefully it hasn’t clotted, I thought, throwing the bottle back. This wouldn’t end my thirst, but it would certainly quell the burning in my throat. You nearly lost it. You need to bag one of these stupid fucks tonight, or else. I hadn’t had a bad case of blood lust in decades, but the combination of winter holidays, my strict schedule, and FOSTA-SESTA had really cut off my food supply.
The door opened, and Cristella came in with a cup of tea. She looked at the flask in her hand and cocked a brow.
“And you didn’t offer to share. What is that? Cuervo? Henny?” she said, reaching for the flask. I shook my head, and put it back in the fridge, closing the padlock.
“It’s cough syrup. I keep it under lock and key because of that bitch Ronnie. She’s not fooling anybody. You ever see how much her hands shake? Too much caffeine? Yeah, right. We all know what the DTs look like." I began changing into a burgundy velvet bra and panty set, pairing it with some burgundy gloves and stockings. Finally, I found a pair of sparkly Loboutins Lydia had left me. My mind rolled back through the streets of Paris to 1991, when Louboutin opened its first salon. Lydia smiled, as I kissed her shin, helping her into the heel. She looked down at me, her eyes full of love, and the corner of her mouth hiding a kiss just for me.
“Yeah, she is pretty suspish. What happened with those weirdos out there?” Cristella interrupted my memory. I shook my head. Are you just imagining your heartache?
“Oh the big guy was just mad because I didn’t get around to him. That’s why I wanted you to get the room. Plus, I might be able to secure a nice check from these guys. They all seemed absolutely randy," I said. Cristella shook her head, giggling. The gloss in my hand made a popping noise, as I pulled the wand from the bottle. It was my favorite flavor, watermelon.
“I can ask one of the boys to sit in, to keep them from getting too handsy," Cristella said. I shook my head. It would only keep me from getting too handsy, I thought to myself. Bless her heart. I could never make a kill here. I loved the crew here far too much. Plus, I didn’t have a coven. No one to protect me when I fucked up. They kicked me out long ago. It’s the main reason I ended up in Vegas, avoiding the sun when I could, doing my best to keep a legal and convenient profession. Where else could get a job with only night shifts, and a never-ending supply of useless assholes no one cared about?
“I’ll be okay Crissy. Even if they do try something, we have a panic button in there. Don’t worry." I gave her a slimy, glossy kiss on the cheek, earning a shriek from her strawberry mouth. She batted at me, narrowly missing me as I bounded out of the room.
As I approached the bigger of our three private rooms, I noticed two of the larger male ghouls standing outside the door. All of the ghouls dressed similarly, including the female ghouls. But I now noticed the alchemical symbols dangling from their belt chains. The shorter one had a quintessence symbol, the other larger one, an earth symbol. The earth one opened the door, and the quintessence one escorted me in.
“Thank you, Aether. Back to the door with you. Come, have a seat. Dewdrop says there is more to you than meets the eye. Let me pour you a glass of wine, cara," a thick, Italian accent beckoned to me. I walked to the ottoman in the middle of the room, where I usually found myself during private dances.
“I don’t drink during work hours, love. Now, what should I call you?” I looked into the mismatched eyes of the Painted Man.
“You can call me Papa. I’m Papa Emeritus, the fourth. My close friends call me Copia, but I suppose we are not quite there yet, sí?” he said, leaning forward to take my chin in his hand. I nodded.
“While I would love to marvel at your undoubtedly exquisite body, There is some business we should take care of first, piccolina. Do you like Type O Negative?” Cue the record scratching. The dreamy look I normally adopt when with my clients evaporated.
“Excuse me?” I whispered. Papa laughed.
“The band, cara. I was going to have you dance for me later. However, you must have a preference."
“I really don’t understand what you mean," I whispered. Papa laughed again, a big booming laugh.
“I know your secret cara. The ghouls told me. One of my predecessors, Papa Nihil, told me if I were to ever come across your kind, I should try to win your allegiance. Your kind have interesting abilities, specifically the power of influence." Of course that’s what he’s after.
“I don’t do that," I said, looking down to avoid his gaze. Papa tsked.
“I think you will. The ghouls say you smell lonely. Where is your famiglia?” He asked. I shook my head. Lydia’s pained screams echoed in my ears, our last moment together wrenching my heart out of my chest decades later.
“We split because of artistic differences," I said softly. Dewdrop and his companions giggled behind me.
“Forcing people to allow you to exsanguinate them for sport is not ‘artistic differences,’” Dewdrop hissed. The other ghouls laughed. Papa shook his head, and raised a hand to silence them.
“Now now, Dewdrop. It is hard to control one’s basic nature. Sí, tesoro? Tell me, how long has it been since your last drink?” He looked at me with concern. I couldn’t meet his eyes. I knew what he saw. Weak, pathetic, useless… The words were like a disgusting mantra, swirling through my mind, angry and acidic.
“Weeks… It’s been weeks," I whispered. He tsked again. I heard the ghouls chatter amongst themselves. Their pity made me feel disgusting, like a child with sweaty, clammy hands, and odorous armpits.
“What if I told you I could offer you a job and a home? A home where you wouldn’t have to hide your nature. A home where you’d never go hungry again?” I looked up at him.
“What kind of job?” I asked. The ghouls laughed again. Papa shot them a glare.
“I would make use of your gifts occasionally. Nobody would get hurt. You would warm my bed whenever I asked. Maybe pick up a trade or two once back with the Clergy. And in turn, you would get protection, and all the blood you could ever need," he said. I finally mustered the courage to look him in the eyes. What do you have to lose? Besides, you’ve done infinitely worse things.
“You swear on your life, nobody will get hurt? Not a single person?” I asked. Papa nodded.
“I’ll do it. I’ll also require a salary as well," I said, extending my hand. Papa nodded, taking my hand in both of his.
“Anything you need, cara. But first, I think you need a drink. And then we will get the night I paid for," he said. He waved his hand towards the door, which the shorter female ghoul scurried to open. I noticed she sported a pocket chain with an air symbol.
“Bring in one of the more rosy siblings, Cumulus. I suspect our new friend will need the sustenance before we get too far into our plans for the night," Cumulus nodded, and shut the door behind her. Papa stood up, and began removing his suit jacket and gloves; rolling up his sleeves. I could see his blue veins pulsating, causing me to become aroused in a way I cannot quite explain. Involuntarily, my pussy throbbed, and my mouth watered.
“Now now, little one. Be patient. Your drink will be here soon enough. But for now, you will seal our little deal with a kiss, so to speak. On your knees," Papa ordered, gesturing to the floor. I slipped from the ottoman to the floor, crawling on all fours to him. His breath hitched as I slid my hands up his thighs. I didn’t break eye contact as I unbuckled his trousers, nor when I reached into his pants to pull out his sizeable cock.
The door opened, and I heard mumbles, as well as a struggle, and a thud. Of course, both my hands and mouth were preoccupied. I watched Papa intently as I sucked him off. His eyes were rolled back, his mouth slack, and his hands threaded into his hair, as he let out an ungodly moan. I kitten licked his frenulum, stroking his shaft, earning another moan. He bucked his hips into my throat. Sit still, I whispered in the back of my mind. Papa grabbed my hair, and pulled me off his cock.
“Never again, my little bat. Continue," he said, grabbing either side of my face as he began to fuck my throat rigourously. Someone behind me cleared their throat. I wasn’t able to look up, due to my current predicament.
“Can’t you see I’m busy, Cirrus? What is it?” Papa let out a grunt, as his cock twitched in my mouth. I began to fellate him with my hands, wrenching more breathy sighs and groans from him. Within seconds, his warm seed was flooding my throat. I heard Dewdrop cheer, and then a slap, which I assumed was a high five. Papa rolled his eyes and smiled, as I dabbed away the bit of cum that had spilled over my bottom lip.
“Just in time. I needed something to wash down all that salt," I stood, and walked over to the person Cumulus and Cirrus stood in front of. It looked like a plumper woman. She was wearing what looked like a nun’s habit, her red ringlets spilling out from under her wimple.
“All for you cara. Come find me when you have finished your meal," Papa walked out, which left me with the ghouls and my prey. Dewdrop, and the other male ghoul, who sported a water symbol, helped the little nun onto the couch.
“You’re going to let me fuck that tight ass later, right? Nearly busted watching you and Copia earlier," Dewdrop said to me, softly enough for just me to hear. I giggled and nodded, batting him away after he began nibbling on my neck. He patted my ass, and began to pull the wimple from the nun’s head.
“I’ve got this. Why don’t you and the rest of the ghouls get started? I’ll be done pretty quickly." Dewdrop nodded.
“C’mon, Rainy. Come play with my cock, while we watch Mary drink," The water ghoul nodded, grabbing Dewdrop’s hand. I turned my attention back to the nun. She began to stir. I pushed back her hair.
“This is going to hurt a little bit. But I will make this quick and painless. You deserve an easy death." The nun, barely awake, nodded, and turned her head. I cradled her head, and brought her throat to my mouth. With a final kiss to her soft, peachy flesh, I sank my teeth into her throat, not letting a single drop of her blood go to waste.
It felt like drinking water after being stuck in a desert for a week. Her blood was sweet, clean, and thick, and it quenched my thirst quickly. Her body began to go limp in my arms, and her skin turned cold. It’s still not enough. I had to force myself to stop. Never drink the last drop. It might just be the last thing you do, my old mentor’s voice reminded me. I let the little nun drop back to the couch, and turned to face the ghouls. Cirrus sat with Cumulus, each with a hand in the other’s pants. Rain was bobbing his head up and down slowly, as Dewdrop played with his hair. Dewdrop looked up at me.
“Hot," he said. Cirrus nodded, and refocused her attention on Cumulus. Rain moaned, causing Dewdrop to hiss. I looked at them all, lust clouding my gaze.
“Make room. It’s my turn," I said. Dewdrop pulled my mouth to his, not fazed one bit by the blood coating my lips. Cirrus began to explore the space between my thighs with her long, gorgeous fingers. Rain held my hair, kissing and nipping at my neck. A girl really could get used to this...
Hours later, after all of the ghouls had had their turn, even the two from the door, I was back in the dressing room. I opened the envelope the earth ghoul, Mountain, had handed me on the way out. My eyes grew like saucers as I counted the money inside. I had only expected eight grand; two hours, eight clients, multiplied by $500. But as I counted, I realized I had 15 grand in my hands. The door opened, breaking my wealth-induced trance. It was Papa.
“If you would really like the job, come to this address in two weeks. Bring only what you must. Put everything else in storage," he said, handing me a card. I was confused.
“Why two weeks?” I asked. Papa smiled.
“Because it’s polite, cara. Don’t forget your letter of resignation."
This is the first thing I've wrote in years! I hope you all enjoy it! A special thanks to @gasolineghuleh for all of their help!
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babyspiderling · 4 years
Tiny Dancer Michael Jackson x reader (Triumph era)
"Blue jean baby, LA Lady, Seamstress for the band"
I pulled the shining fabric through the machine, turning a square of sequin material into a shirt for one of the boys. I adjust the needle of my machine as someone opens the door. I glance up to see Michael peeking his head in. "Oh, Michael, perfect timing. I need you to try this on. And if you could get your brothers in here too, I need to do fittings on the outfits I've already finished." I hand him the shining fabric, as well as a pair of white pants. "Put these on, I'm planning on putting some sequin on the knees, and I need to see where that falls on you." I shoo him out the door as I thumb through my shelves of fabric, deciding on what to work with next. Once again my door is opened, this time four Jackson's trample through the opening. Randy and Marlon automatically move towards my designs pinned to the wall, Tito is drawn to the shining fabrics, and Jackie leans against the door frame a small smile blooming on his face. I swat Tito's hand away from the fabrics, very territorial of my materials. "Alright guys, it's fitting day!" I organized outfits by person, making it easy to select an outfit for each man and give to the correct person. I shoo them out the door as well as Michael comes back in, a perfect fit.
"Alright Mike, what do you think? Too loose anywhere, too tight anywhere? Go ahead and do a couple steps to make sure it doesn't get in the way of anything." He does his little ankle breaking shuffle, spinning a couple times. He shoves his hands into the pockets and shrugs. "Feels good, perfect fit." I smile and nod, feeling proud of getting his perfect size on the first try. I grab my swatches of silver fabric and rest on my heels in front of him. With a mouth full of pins, I feel around his legs to find his knees, pinning the fabrics in place. Leaning back, I inspect the patches, muffling out a "Heels together." as I inspect them closely to make sure the two sides are identical. I hear Michael say "Wow, you're really good at this.", and I chuckle in return. "Glad I can be of service. You like it?" He murmurs an affirmation, and he lifts me off my heels. I search his face, memorizing every single detail. My hand reaches up to his face, his weight leaning into my touch. "I love you Mike." Kissing my palm, he rests his forehead against mine. "I love you too." I enjoy his presence just a little longer before stepping away, clearing my throat. "Alright, I've got another outfit for you to try on. Careful with the pins, and I'll see you in a bit, ok?" He chuckles, kissing my cheek one last time before exiting. "Ok. I'll be careful. See you when I get done."
Rolling my eyes, I sit back down at my seat, hemming a skirt Janet had begged me to alter. Tito then entered, his sequin vest shining, and his outfit going together very well if I say so myself. He inspected himself in the mirror, almost as if trying to see what was missing. His eyes lit up and he turned towards me. "That's it! I need a cowboy hat!" My eyebrows crease and my jaw drops in confusion. "You need a what? Tito, no. You are not a country band, no one else is wearing a cowboy hat. You do not need a cowboy hat." He slides up to me, puppy dog eyes staring me in the face. "Please Y/N, it'll look really cool. Plus it'll tie the whole thing together. I've already got the vest and everything." I huff, throwing my hands up in the air. "Fine! Tito, you can get a cowboy hat, but you have to find one and I will jazz it up, understood? I am a seamstress, not a hatter." His face lights up at getting his way, hollering and spinning me. "Yes! I knew you'd agree! Thanks Y/N!" I roll my eyes playfully shoving him away. "Is there anything else wrong or missing with the outfit? Besides the cowboy hat, anyways." He turns and twists, pretending to play guitar, and does a couple steps. He shakes his head. "Nope, all good. Just need to get the hat. Which I'll go out and get when we're done here." I hand him a second outfit, sending him on his way. Marlon and Randy follow one right after the other. While hemming Randy's pants, I kept having to chide Marlon from touching my stuff. I yelled over my shoulder, "Marlon Jackson if I find a fingerprint on my fabric or designs I swear I will give you the ugliest tour outfits until the end of time." He raised his hands in surrender and took a seat.
Jackie and Michael came in about the same time, Michael letting his older brother go first. "Alright Jackie, what do you think. Anywhere too loose or too tight?" Jackie wiggles around and lifts his leg. "The pants are a little loose. But overall, it's all good." I nod, filling my mouth with pins, sitting on my heels in front of him. Jackie smirks down at me, "Babe, if you wanted to get on your knees for me, you could've just asked." I roll my eyes, pinning the inside of his pant leg tighter, pointing a pin threateningly at him. He smiles at me flexing his hands in surrender. I see out of the corner of my eye Michael shifting in his seat, a scowl deep in his face. I send a smile his way before finishing Jackie's pants.
Rocking myself back to stand, I stagger at the blood flowing back into my legs. A large pair of hands wrap around my hips to steady me, and I look up to see Michael staring down at me. I give him a reassuring smile and whisper, "I'm ok Mike, thank you." With a smile in return, he releases his grip and takes his place for hemmings. I see Jackie flick his gaze between Michael and I, his face scrunched up in concentration. I shrug it off, trying not to give anything away. "Alright, Michael, you know the drill. How's it fit?" His white pants from earlier are simply duplicated since Michael has a talent for wearing out his costumes faster than anyone else. He has a red Hawaiian print shirt tucked into it, a few buttons undone. "The pants fit, but they're a little loose on the belt line. Nothing you need to fix or anything, just a belt would make it perfect." I nod, checking over his outfit myself for loose threads, puckers in the seams, loose buttons, but find nothing wrong. "Alright, let me add that to the list with Tito's cowboy hat." At the mention of the horrible idea of a cowboy hat, Randy and Marlon are back, Tito not far behind. Marlon screeches and cackles. "Tito, you want a cowboy hat? C'mon man!" Tito huffs, and folds his arms under his chest. I roll my eyes and call out to everyone "Alright everyone. Mike, Jackie, go change. Jackie, please be careful with those pins! You three, decide which order you're going in for fittings, and then we're done for the day." I pin and adjust Tito and Marlon's outfits, Jackie and Michael returning while I finish up on Randy. "Thank you boys. Just take a seat while I finish up here." I place the last pin in Randy's sleeve, shortening it to the correct length. "Randy, are the pins comfortable enough for you to stay here for a couple minutes?" He nods and I open my mouth, "Alright guys, we're all done for the day. Please I am begging you guys, do not rip up these costumes. I'm looking at you Michael, if you rip these shirts like last time, I will send you out in whatever you have packed for tour." A few chuckles are heard and Michael smiles and rolls his eyes. They all take their leave as I sit back at my machine, ready to fix everything from today. Michael calls out to his brothers that he'll catch up, he just needs to double check something.
Slipping into my work room once more, he shuts the door behind him. He pulls me from my seat and presses me tightly against him. "Y/N, you have no idea how much I wanted to punch Jackie after he said those things to you. Why can't we tell everybody about us? At least my family? We're going on tour next month and my brothers are going to try to set me up with fans. Are you ashamed of being with me?" I stare into his eyes with a passion. "Oh god, Michael, no. Of course I'm not ashamed of you. If anything you should be ashamed of me. I'm just the band seamstress. Not to mention the fact that if we did come out about our relationship, people would wonder why in the world would you choose to be with a white girl who makes your clothes. Your father would see me as a distraction. If he found out about us, he would fire me and then kill the both of us. I love you too much to let you risk that." He shakes his head, his eyes growing glossy. "I love you too much to keep it a secret. To keep you a secret." I lean my forehead into his chest. "I'm sorry Michael. I didn't see it like that, if you'd like, we can tell your family. Just, just let me be there when you do. Ok?" He nods his head and captures my lips in a gentle kiss. Breaking away, I sit back down. "If you want, you can put some records on and we can have each other as company until I finish here. You'll just have to tell your brothers to go on without you." He nods and exits to tell his brothers goodbye, saying that I need him to stay behind to make sure everything meets his standards. Returning, he puts some old records on, teasing me for my Dolly Parton albums, and we just enjoy the music and the hum of my machine.
"Jackie! Outfit! Tito! Outfit! Marlon! Outfit! Randy! Outfit! Michael! Outfit! Please be careful tonight! We have reached the halfway point in the tour and I am very proud of the condition you are leaving these in! Have a good show tonight! And please, do not rip your shirts open!" I hand out garment bag after garment bag, the boys hurrying to change in their dressing rooms. Janet leans against the wall, her outfit designed and made by yours truly, looking good for a fifteen year old. "When I go on tour, I am definitely bringing you with me." I rolled my eyes and laughed. I place my ticket around my neck and take my place up against the barrier separating the crowd from the boys. The opening refrains of "Can You Feel It?" rang out and the crowds went absolutely wild. It was so fun just to watch them all in their element. I'd catch the boys singing to me or looking at me and I'd make the silliest faces. I accidentally almost made Randy mess up on his bongo solo on "Working Day and Night". "Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)" finished and slowly the fans filtered out of the arena. When no one was looking, security lifted me over the barrier and back to the corridors in the backstage area.
Michael was on a high after the show like he always was. He was jumping around in the hall when I finally made my way to him. "You had a very good show tonight. I had fun, and I'm pretty sure the girl next to me was having fun too. When you winked her way, I'm pretty sure she found euphoria." He giggled and spun me around. "Goodness, I love you." With that he held me tight against him and kissed me deeply and passionately. I let myself melt into him, letting myself slip into the bliss only he provides. We break apart with the sound of Janet shrieking "What the hell?"
Taglist: @accio-boys
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pikemoreno · 4 years
if you ever wanna be in love
Chapter I: Coffee Cures All Ills
a/n: Here it is folks! The first part of a Marcus fic heavily inspired by the Netflix rom-com Set It Up. 
It’s more structurally and conceptually inspired and not an exact scene-for-scene remake because a) I was interested in the idea of this not even really being an AU. This is extremely canon-compliant and you’ll see more of that as we continue on. 😏And b) because I had lots of ideas that spun off from watching Set It Up that I just liked better for the purpose of this fic. So that’s what you can expect. It’s gonna be cheesy and fun and great.
The first couple of chapters are a lot of, well, set up (which has been infuriating). But we’ll get into the meat of it soon. My outline says so.
As a side note, a lot of the gifs I’m going to be using are from the movie, but these are not my face claims for any of the characters. I’m using them simply for the ~vibe~ of the chapter. Reader is not a small white girl... Or she might be. She is you. Or whatever OC you’d like her to be. Period. 
And that’s it. Let’s go, I guess.
pairing: marcus pike x f!reader
word count: 2k (probably one of the shortest chapters we’re gonna see out of the 14-ish lolz)
warnings: none, and i don’t expect there to really be any serious ones in upcoming chapters either. this is just fun.
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Marcus Pike never wanted to fall in love. 
He’d seen what it had done to him in failed relationships including everything up to a failed marriage. Some would argue that it wasn’t love then, that love doesn’t fail, so it couldn’t have been. But he disagreed. He knows it when it hits. It comes on you like lightning, bright and fast. You accept it, letting it run through your veins, and risk suffering a fatal blow to your heart. And it most definitely can fatally fail. It can cause joy and pain in equal measure. He’d already been struck so painfully once, the blow of the electricity going straight to his heart. He was beginning to hope to the high heavens that he wouldn’t be so unlucky as to be struck a second time, just in case it should reach his heart so painfully once more.
Marcus Pike never wanted to fall in love.
He felt that especially strongly as he watched Adrian go through his recent break-up. He felt for his fellow agent, he really did. Adrian was completely convinced Sam was the one, sold to the point of going ring shopping soon. But one brief mention of an engagement sent Sam running for the hills. He’d been moping around the office for a couple of weeks now and, as much as Marcus understood the pain, he was already really looking forward to Adrian’s rebound or some similar distraction. He was needing his friend’s signature fire back right about now, not to mention his focus. His work had gotten sloppy in this mourning period. He was constantly distracted. Marcus was dreading getting him on this case today, but maybe it was just the push he needed. He hoped. He stepped up to Adrian’s desk, watching the glazed over look in his eye.
“Hey, Adrian, do you mind getting a head start on this? I’d really like you to be our head man on--” he slid the file onto his desk, but was cut short by Adrian’s response. A response that had nothing to do with anything Marcus had just said.
“I’m gonna die alone,” he muttered, hands supporting his chin, elbows on his desk. Marcus let out an exasperated sigh that he didn’t seem to notice.
“You’re not gonna die alone,” he played along once again, rubbing his temple.
“Maybe I’ll go be a monk. They never have to worry about this shit.”
“An honorable profession.”
“Yeah.” Adrian blinked out of his dream-like state. “I’m doing it again, aren’t I?” Marcus nodded rigidly. “Sorry, Pike.” He opened the file, nodding slowly, “Yeah, I’ll get on this.”
“You look exhausted,”
“I am,” he admitted sheepishly. 
“I’m making a break room run to get coffee, you want one?”
“Please.” Marcus nodded his understanding and made his way down the hall to the break room. He doubted a case and a coffee could get his friend back on track, but he could hope, right?
If you had to listen through one more of Wendy’s mood swings, you might just scream. You love the girl, you really do. She’s your friend and the best boss you could’ve asked for, but Lord Almighty, had she been in rare form. Some days she was perfectly fine, strutting around like she didn’t care that her asshole boyfriend Daniel gave her an ultimatum instead of a ring on their last anniversary. Other days would see her doing a complete 180, shutting herself in her office and weeping into suspect files. Your least favorite days, though, were days where the heartbreak made her angry, where thinking about Daniel saying “It’s me or your job” made her border-line vengeful. But, unfortunately for you and the rest of the team, he wasn’t around to take the beating.
You couldn’t say you entirely understood. The short catalog of even shorter flings that you boasted brought largely apathy rather than heartbreak. You couldn’t say you’d ever been in love like Wendy had been. You’d never felt anything quite that strong-- and thank goodness for that. It wasn’t something you particularly looked forward to, at least, not the way you’d seen it lately. It was an uncontrollable force, dangerous and all-consuming. You liked control, liked being in your right mind. If love was to take up it's unfortunate residence, you could only hope it was for someone worth losing your mind over. You hadn’t seen anyone of the sort so far. 
Unfortunately, it was already too late for Wendy Harrod. The already intimidating head of the Jewelry & Gem Theft Program in Texas was in rare form. You watched as an HR intern ran from her office in near tears. Poor Randy. Her sharp “come in” in response to your knock on her door made you wince.
“Harrod, I have the results of that house search you requested if you--”
“No, no! Absolutely not, I cannot handle this right now,” she was absolutely raging, leaving you grasping at straws for a response. 
“I-- Uh-- Of course. I’ll just leave it right here whenever--” you placed it gently on the end table by the door before being interrupted again.
“Ughhhhh,” she groaned out before flopping into her desk chair, the red leather creaking as she let sit spin her around once, “I’m sorry. I’m being mean.” There was your Wendy.
“Just a little.”
“Sorry, sorry. Bring that here please.” 
“What can I do for you? As your friend, I mean. You--” you weighed your words carefully as you hand her the report, “You haven’t quite been yourself since…” you stopped that thought, “Well, lately.” She sighed, shaking her head.
“I don’t know. I don’t know what I need,” she began to skim the report before looking back up with you with a tight lipped smile, “Maybe a coffee? For the more immediate problems anyway.” You laughed.
“Now that I can do. I’m headed there now. Break room coffee ok?”
“That’d be perfect.”
“The usual?”
“The usual.” She yelled after you as you walk down the hall, “You’re an angel!”
She wasn’t gonna be saying that when you came back without coffee. 
The sign on the coffee pot reading “out of coffee” was going to seriously ruin your reputation and Wendy’s sensitive mood. You ran through the options: you couldn’t leave to get her a Starbucks; there were some bottled iced coffees in the fridge, but Wendy hated them; you could wait for someone to make a run at lunch and pass on the order, but this was too urgent. Then it hit you. Everyone knew the sixth floor had the better coffee stock anyway. The art freaks loved their fancy stuff. You could always just waltz down a floor and snag two cups from their stash. 5 minutes in and out. No harm done, no questions asked. 
Or so you thought. 
The sixth floor break room was already occupied when you walked in, finding another agent also brewing a morning cup in a single cup coffee maker. 
They really did have everything here: multiple pots, another much fancier looking machine that looked like it might come to life and attack at any moment, recyclable coffee cups, every type of creamer. You name it.
You’d have to sneak over here more often.
You stepped up to the larger coffee pot, rinsing out the carafe before reaching for the container of grounds. Empty. 
They had everything here. Except coffee. 
Was the whole damn building in a coffee famine? You didn’t have time to check.
“No, no, no, no,” you panicked, frantically searching the cabinet for another container. In your peripheral you could see the other agent look at you like you’d grown two heads. You couldn’t be bothered with his judgement, but you met his eyes to ask, maybe a little too frantically. 
“Is that the last of it?” you questioned, eyeing the cup he was brewing.
“Well, yeah, sorry.” It was obvious he meant it, but apologies were not what you were needing right now.
“Withdrawals?” he laughed a little at your panicked state, but it wasn’t demeaning. He was genuinely amused, and maybe a little concerned, but it made you narrow your eyes at him all the same. You were not in the mood for the mocking, no matter how light-hearted it may be. No matter how much it was softened by the bright smile next to you.
“It’s not for me. It’s for my boss. My very upset boss who needs just one small ounce of joy in her life right now. The kind of joy that can only come from the fueling of her caffeine addiction, so if I could please just have that cup?” You blinked at him innocently, but his dark brown eyes widened as he shook his head
“What? No. I have a friend who needs this. If I don’t bring him this, he won’t be working for the rest of the day.”
“If I don’t bring my boss a cup of coffee in the next two minutes, I will probably not be working again. Ever. I will be dead. Do you want to be complicit in a murder, Agent--” you glanced at his badge, “Pike? Can you really live with that?”
“You’re awfully dramatic aren’t you?”
“I wish it was an exaggeration.” He inspected your badge then too.
“Jewelry and Gem Theft. Floor 7, right? What brings you down here to steal our coffee?” The argument was pointed, but his demeanor was anything but. He was smiling, enjoying this. A little too much, you seethed. You couldn’t stand around arguing all day.
“We’re out too.”
“Try another floor?”
“Time is of the essence here, Art Squad.” There was no room for addressing him politely now, he was riling you up on purpose. 
“If you didn’t stand here arguing with me you could’ve tried another floor by now, Jewels.”
He must think he’s so clever.
“Please. This is DEFCON 5.”
“You do know DEFCON 5 is the good one, right?”
“You know what I mean. Please.” He looked at you and then the newly brewed cup, biting the inside of his cheek, thinking through the problem.
“Tell you what. I am willing to split this if you are. Maybe it’s enough to fix both of them.” The crease between his eyebrows was deep as he studied your face, “I know Adrian is too out of it to notice he’s getting jipped, not sure about your boss.” You shrugged.
“Wendy will manage. It’s enough to keep her from throwing something at my head next time I walk in.” He dutifully split the coffee between two of the recyclable travel cups and handed one to you. You took it gratefully. 
“I hope this keeps you from… Dying? What’s up with that anyway?” You’re not sure what made this person that was essentially a stranger so interested in your life, but something about it feels nice.
“She had a really bad breakup: anniversary, thought it was going to be a proposal, instead it was him being a piss-baby. She’s a little all over the place right now. They’d been together for years and now there’s just… A hole. She doesn’t know how to deal with it.” Pike’s nod in response is emphatic, giving the cup in his hand a little wave.
“Same with him. Terrible breakup. He didn’t see it coming at all. She broke up with him on a voicemail… Then moved. ‘Course it just put him in this crazy funk, though. Doesn’t wanna work or do much of anything. No violence. Yet. But it’s sad to see.” You winced.
“That’s a rough one. Best of luck with him, Art Squad. Thank you. I owe you one. Seriously.”
“You definitely do, Jewels.” His smile is blindingly bright as he jokes. It makes you smile back.
“See you around.”
series taglist: @whiskeyslasso​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​
forever tags: @acomplicatedprofession​ @hdlynn​ @makaela27 @space-floozy @catfishingmorales​ @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa​ @princessbatears​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @findhimfives​
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be11atrixthestrange · 4 years
Step 1: Getting To Know Her
From 12 Fail-Safe Ways To Charm Hermione Granger
Step 1: Getting To Know Her
All witches are unique. Before pouring effort into charming a witch, it’s important to get to know her well, Aim to understand why you like her, and stay observant, because there will always be more to learn.
Ron was lying awake in bed, flipping through the old and tattered book, and he couldn’t help but chuckle when he read part one, ‘Getting To Know Her’. Like that’s remotely possible.
He smiled softly at her sleeping form beside him. Her dark and bushy hair splayed wildy across both pillows, and the stress lines that appeared on her face throughout the day seemed to vanish in the night. She looked peaceful and calm, and it was contagious. Funny how the same girl that could rile him up and ignite his passion could also ease his anxiety. Her effect on him was undeniable, even this far along in their relationship.
Ron had a date planned for tomorrow, and he was pretty damn excited about it— so much that he couldn’t sleep, which is why he had picked up the old book again. His anticipation for tomorrow resembled a kid’s on Christmas Eve. He’d taken Hermione on plenty of dates before, but this one was going to be a surprise for her, and it had to go well. Maybe it was time to refresh his memory in the art of charming witches.
He nearly skipped this chapter the first time he read the book. It was in his sixth year, back at Hogwarts, and he scoffed at the book’s assumption that he would be interested in trying to charm a witch he didn’t know. He figured he could skip it because, well, he knew Hermione. They had already been through so much together, and he knew her like the back of his hand, or so he thought. But it turned out that Hermione was a complex witch, and even after years of friendship, she still managed to surprise Ron. Even now— they lived together, spent the majority of their time together, and could finish each other's sentences, but sometimes she still left him scratching his head, working new details into his understanding of her.
He recently learned that the scar on her knee was from a biking accident when she was younger. It needed stitches to heal. Muggle doctors actually sewed her skin back together. He was horrified when she told him— His parents had always been able to cast a cushioning charm around the Burrow’s grounds in case someone fell from their broomstick, and any cuts and scratches could be easily repaired with a dab of dittany— no needles required. Although it was a minor detail of her life, it further differentiated his childhood experience from hers, and unveiled that a lot of his knowledge of her upbringing was based on assumptions, not facts.
She surprised him again the first time he threw her a birthday party at their new flat. They had recently moved in together, and Hermione had insisted on living in Muggle London so her parents could have easier access to their new place. To go with the theme of their home, he decided to throw her an entirely muggle party, complete with muggle decorations and games and a cake baked the hard way— magic-free. He was quite proud of the result, and definitely didn’t expect her panicked reaction when she came home to find their apartment bursting with balloons. Hermione— who fought dark wizards as early as age sixteen, was afraid of balloons simply because they could pop anytime. Mental.
Ron’s perception of Hermione was constantly expanding with more information— Hermione had grown into a new person over the past decade and a half. The witch he met on the Hogwarts Express was completely different from the one sleeping next to him, and he had no idea what to expect in another fifteen years. This thought used to terrify him. He remembered discussing this with his brother Bill the summer before his wedding, after learning he was going to marry Fleur.
“What if you fall in love with someone, and then they change?”
Bill’s answer left Ron quite confused at first. “That’s the most exciting part,” he had said.
Of course, now Ron understood exactly what Bill had meant and agreed whole-heartedly. There was something exciting yet reassuring about how truly unknowable people were. Hermione was like an ocean— well studied and explored, yet ever-changing and mysterious.
At this point he had known her for fifteen years, and the words “Get To Know Her” made him laugh for completely different reasons that they did at age seventeen. This time, he laughed because he knew he never would.
There were many moments that stood out as turning points for Ron— moments when his knowledge of Hermione expanded, and his feelings for her strengthened.
There was a clear shift when he discovered her crying in the bathroom on that first Halloween, Hermione was no longer a “nightmare”, but a vulnerable, insecure kid who simply wanted to fit in— just like him. He saw her in a new light, and realized her commitment to studying so much, and showing off her knowledge wasn’t intended to be condescending, it was her attempt to make sense of a world of which she knew nothing. Knowing nothing meant knowing no one and the hurtfulness of his words took on an entirely new dimension. He had teased her for having no friends, but he also had the power to change that. On October 30th, she had been an annoying know-it-all, and by November 1st, she was his best friend, and he thanked Merlin every day that his eleven year old self had changed his opinion.
Things changed again in his fourth year. By the Yule Ball, Hermione had outgrown the young, precocious, socially awkward first year that pointed out dirt on his nose, and corrected his pronunciation of wingardium leviosa. She was a brilliant, confident, and strikingly pretty young woman, but his 14 year-old self was stuck to his original perception. He was forced to reassess when he saw her dancing with Victor Krum at the ball, looking magnificent in her periwinkle dress. He watched her laughing, dancing, and carrying herself with poise and confidence, while other girls lurked nearby, their faces contorted with envy. Victor Krum effortlessly ignored them because he was so drawn to Hermione, and he wasn’t the only one— Ron couldn’t take his eyes off of her either. Her words swam back his mind, suddenly changing everything.
“Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl.”
Why hadn’t he noticed before? And now that he had, what the bloody hell was he supposed to do about it? Hermione had evolved from a friend to a girl to a girl he fancied and Ron was left with the daunting task of moving forward with that revelation, somehow.
Although unsure how to proceed, he grew accustomed to his new feelings about Hermione. He edited her character profile in his mind to reflect this new person, someone who was infuriatingly clever, beautiful, and confident. This was Hermione, not that.
He kept learning, and her definitions expanded over time. He added both fearless and terrifying in their fifth year, when she risked her prefect badge to help form Dumbledore’s Army, jinxed Marrietta Edgecombe, and fought valiantly at the Ministry of Magic. He added flirtatious during their sixth year, when he could have sworn he saw her eyes that lingering on his taller, scruffier, more athletic-looking body, thanks to a combination of puberty and Quidditch. That same year, he briefly added not interested when her signals became too vague for him to trust, and completely fucking mental when she set a flock of canaries on him. Those descriptions changed again when they reconciled, and he fell right back into his old pattern of wanting her, this time slightly more confident that she felt the same way.
At that point he was convinced that knew her. He had adjusted his definitions so many times and finally felt that he had landed on something all-encompassing. But of course, he was wrong.
It was at the Burrow before Bill and Fleur’s wedding when she alerted him to another unexplored cavern of her personality. It had been a few months since the Lavender incident and they’d been dancing around their feelings for one another since then. Ron wasn’t sure how he was supposed to make the first move, or if it had been an appropriate amount of time to date someone new after breaking up with Lavender, so he just continued to hang around her, lamely hoping something would just happen between them.
His mother made an effort to keep them apart that summer, as she was— rightfully— scared they were planning something dangerous, so in order to spend any time together, they had to be sneaky about it. One day, his mother sent Hermione and Ginny to change all the sheets without realizing she had already asked them to, and instead of asking for a new chore, Hermione wandered up to Ron’s attic bedroom where he was busy tidying up.
“Hi,” she said before jumping and landing prone on his bed. “What are you doing?”
“Cleaning up my room,” he replied. “Not sure why I have to do it, it’s not like any of the guests will come in here.”
“You know why,” said Hermione. “To keep us busy.”
“Oh I know,” replied Ron, laughing at his mother’s antics. “Care to help me?”
“No, I think I’ll just sit here and watch,” she said with a coy smile.
Ron looked over and grinned at her. She was so cute lying on his bed like that. He couldn’t help but think she looked quite sexy too, with her skirt riding up, revealing more parts of her leg that kept him up at night. Sexy was another word Ron had added to her profile, one he found himself noticing much more frequently as of late.
He shook his head as if to jumble the randy expression that had undoubtedly formed his face, giving away thoughts that were best kept to himself— at least for now. At this point, they had not discussed where they stood relationship-wise, and gawking at her exposed thigh could easily ruin anything that remained unsaid.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked. He winced as he said it, hearing the unintended flirtatiousness of the words only after they left his mouth.
Fortunately his comment was well received. “Well, maybe take me to dinner first..,” she said playfully before shifting toward the edge of his bed, making room for him to sit down.
He felt his face warming as he lowered himself to the bed beside her and realized he had nothing to say. Dreading an awkward silence, he spluttered the first question that came to mind. “So uh, have you ever been to a wedding before?”
She turned onto her side to face him before nodding. “A few, but only muggle weddings. I was actually a bridesmaid in my cousin’s wedding last summer.”
Ron had expected that she’d attended a wedding before, as most people had. He was surprised by the other part of her answer. “You… have a cousin?”
“Yeah,” said Hermione. “This was Ellie’s wedding. She’s about five years older than me. Have I not told you about her?”
“No, I thought it was just you.”
“Hmm,” she said contemplatively. “I don’t have any siblings, but I have a lot of cousins. My extended family’s actually quite big.”
It wasn’t a personality-altering detail, but it revealed a sudden gap in his data. Ron wracked his mind for any missed conversations where he could have learned more about her family. “I never knew that. Are you close to your cousins?”
She shrugged. “Well I guess I just don’t talk about them that much. But growing up they felt like my siblings.”
“Do you visit them a lot?”
She hesitated before answering. “I used to,” she said, a hint of sadness in her voice. Ron suddenly regretted asking about her family, remembering what she had just done to keep them safe. “I probably won’t see them much anymore. At least not for a while.”
In a moment of courage, he reached for her hand, which was lying on his bed between them. He squeezed it gently and smiled. She returned the gesture, caressing the back of his hand in a way that sent shivers down his spine, but Ron was distracted by the glisten in her eyes as she reflected back on her family.
Also, his head was spinning. Hermione knew his family so well after their years of friendship, it almost felt like she was part of it. How had she never mentioned this detail about hers? Had he never even asked?
He had only met her parents once or twice, and he didn’t really converse with them when he did. Hermione had spent holidays with his family. His mum would send birthday and Christmas presents. Fred and George would take the mickey out of her like she was their own sister. She felt comfortable waltzing into his bedroom and sitting on his bed, and he had never even been to her house. He didn’t even know what it looked like.
“Can I meet them someday?” he asked boldly. “Your cousins, I mean.”
She paused in thought before answering cautiously. “Well, they don’t know I’m a witch. They think I attend a muggle boarding school. Whenever I visit them, I have to lie about everything. It’s a lot of work. A lot of stress.”
Ron hadn’t thought of that— she lived in a world that her family knew nothing about. Even if they got through this war, and she reunited with them, he would have to learn a whole lot more about muggles in order to keep up the lies she must have developed over the years. “I’m a good liar,” he said. “And a quick learner.”
“I’m happy to hear it,” she laughed.
Ron chuckled too, glad he could cheer her up, even if temporarily. But he was overwhelmed by this new information. There was a lot he didn’t know. He wondered what she told her cousins she studied at school, and what they thought she was planning to do after graduating. He didn’t even know how many cousins she had, how old they all were, or their names.
Now that he thought about it, he didn't even know her parents’ names.
“What are your parents’ names?” he asked.
“Jean and Hugo,” she answered. “Why?”
“I’m just curious.” He looked down at her hand, which he was still casually holding. He gave it another squeeze and saw her smile brightly at him when he did it, and he grinned softly back at her. It was the same Hermione, yet there was still even more about her to discover— things about her that he had never even thought about.
He felt a bit guilty learning exactly how many questions he’d never bothered to ask. But his guilt was overshadowed by his excitement to learn more. He really was a quick learner when the topic held his interest, and nothing held his interest quite like Hermione Granger.
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nightwingshero · 4 years
1, 5, 14, 27 and 38 for Wren and Whitney! 💜
Thank you, hun!!!
1. What’s a unique skill they have? Is their any reason why they can do it?
Wren - Well, she can sing because she’s naturally good at it, can play piano, guitar, and drums because she’s gone to school for music and learned, and she can dance because she did burlesque. The latter was to get by with doing something she enjoyed, and performing was fun for her. Other than that, I think the most unique skill she has is her talent for throwing knives. That one was stumbled upon when she was drinking with Hurk jr and Sharky. And she’s really great with the Latin language. She studied it in college and is fluent. 
Whit - I guess...I don’t think she does. Girl can cook like a legend, and her painting? Mind-blowing. I don’t know if this counts, but she does have an affinity for natural poisons. She stumbled across it when researching herbs and such for a dinner, and just...something sort of caught her eye. Nancy made the off comment about how too much of something can be a bad thing, and it went from there. Her first victim was almost Mable. Whit felt a bit powerless with just being the wife of the Father, while Faith, Jacob, and John had power of their own--dangerous in their own right. This was something that was close to her wheelhouse and provided her with power and made her a threat. 
5. What’s their reputation like? Does this reputation contrast what they’re really like?
Wren - yes and no. Wren’s reputation...depends on who you ask, because she’s...a bit of a snake in the grass when she needs to be. Those who know her, know her reputation is being a loyal and loving person, someone who is stubborn and committed. Most people say she’s wrathful and dangerous, and yes, all of this correct. But there are things that get a bit lost from one person to another. The biggest part of her reputation is that she’s a traitor, which...is accurate, even if she doesn’t see it that way. Her reputation changes throughout her canon, and she does redeem herself, but she’s mostly known for being the Dark Siren of the Henbane (after Faith dies), the Judge of Eden’s Gate, and people fear her just as much as they fear the others. Especially because she knows so much about the Resistance on the inside. So it starts out good, turns really bad, and then...gets a bit better in the end of New Dawn.
Whit - She’s another snake in the grass, but she’s way better at it. While Wren’s more of a siren, Whitney is more...angelic and pure, until you cross her and the tables turn. It’s obvious with Wren, it’s not so obvious with Whitney. You’ll never know if you’ve crossed her until it’s too late. You mostly hear that she’s just a housewife who is devoted to Joseph and Eden’s Gate, a warm and bubbly woman that has high standing and carries herself as such. That’s accurate. But people firmly believe she’s helpless, naïve, too innocent and stupid to really do anything else other than follow...and that’s not at all accurate. Whitney is ruthless, she will kill you with a smile on her face, and you be none the wiser until you’re choking...and she would still be smiling. Nobody knew she was married to Joseph until they were ready for people to know, and she fooled Wren and Rowan, which is saying something. When Whitney shows her true colors, it always takes people by surprise because they never see it coming. 
14. Who do they go to in a crisis/emergency? Any particular reason why they choose that person? 
Wren - It’s always Rowan. Ro is her best friend, the more logical of the two, and has her back throughout the Reaping. She’s someone that knows how to survive and knows Wren well enough to help her when she needs it. Rowan...is dependable. She loves Wren, cares about her, and is the sister she never had. There’s a bond of trust that’s never broken, even when things turn for the worse (Ro being conditioned and Wren marrying John.) Randy eventually becomes another person, because he’s loyal to her and also dependable and he’s another best friend that would risk his life for her, but Rowan? Rowan will always be that person when all else is lost. 
Whit - It started out being Nancy and Joseph, Nancy taking the place of a caring mother and Joseph being her husband, who she has the utmost faith in. As time goes on, that changes to Wren, Mel, and Ivy. Wren is her sister-in-law, someone that’s in a similar situation and someone she can truly relate to, you know? They build a special relationship from that, they lean on each other (more Whit leaning on Wren, but that’s okay), and its something special. Mel and Ivy are Whit’s actual sisters, and of course, Mel is there for moral support even if they don’t get along that well. Ivy is the eldest, so naturally Whit turns to her for guidance when she needs it. Sometimes you just need your big sister. 
27. Are they forgetful? What do they tend to forget? (plans, phone, keys, etc)
Wren - Absolutely. She’s scattered brained from time to time, she’ll lose her keys, phone, the tv remote constantly. Plans, not as much. Wren likes plans when she has that control in them. Will she go AWOL? Only if needed. She likes knowing what’s going on before rushing in, so plans aren’t really something she tends to forget, in fact, she goes over them until she has them perfectly memorized
Whit - Not a chance. Whitney is so damn organized, she knows where everything is because there’s a place for everything. If there’s something out of place, she’s not having it, and she’ll let you know that. Whitney is also a planner, so she definitely doesn’t forget that. Everything is planned out perfectly, even down to the smallest detail. Whitney is absolutely as put-together as she seems. 
38. Do they get lost easily, or are they good with directions?
Wren - She can, but if she gets lost, she’s usually really good at getting herself out of it.  Wren typically does a bit of research on where she’s going if it’s super new, and she’s more along the lines of “take a left at the red barn, if you make it to the bridge, you’ve gone too far” when it comes to directions. When she moved to Hope County, she was pretty quick with getting the lay of the land. She’s not completely hopeless.
Whit - Can you say completely clueless when it comes to directions and maps. Whitney can get lost in a damn grocery store. If she was stranded or was lost on a road trip, she would have a complete meltdown, crying and freaking out while on the phone with someone, and rushing around to try and get a cell signal. You have to be very thorough with your directions for her, write them down, or just buy her a damn navigation system. 
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msjr0119 · 4 years
The Unexpected Roommate
Part 2
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What happens when your roommate of many years falls in love and moves out unexpectedly? Drake Walker was in this situation, until his friends fiancée suggested that her friend moved in to replace her fiancé. The new roommate is causing tension already. Will they be able to survive living together? What’s the worse that could happen?
Drake x Riley
Leo x Olivia
Warnings: Swearing, tension, smut.
Tags- as always if you want to be removed please do let me know. I won’t be offended.
@pedudley @kacie-0156 @loveellamae @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @drxkewalker @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @rainbowsinthestorm @desireepow-1986 @queenjilian @bebepac @drakewalkerisreal
Catch up here
Riley did the great escape after awaking from her hungover state- the way Drake had been with her, she had even contemplated having to jump out of the window to avoid him. Even the thought of risking breaking a limb would be better than socialising with him. Arriving at work, the smell of alcohol added to the nausea. Sighing, the sooner she had finished her shift- the sooner she could return to her bed and nurse the lingering hangover.
“Good afternoon sweetie, I thought I looked bad.”
“Love you too, Dan.” Shrugging her shoulders, she put on her uniform- Daniel had painkillers waiting for her, knowing what sort of state she would be in. Feeling grateful, she did wonder why- as he had got her into that state in the first place.
Drake had finished his work, barely completing half of the work that he would have done if he was in the office. As angry as he was with Riley, he wasn’t a bastard as she had described him. The mention about ‘dates’ had slightly stabbed him in the heart- he had been on plenty of dates but had never found ‘the one’. Noticing that she had snuck out without saying bye, he decided to have a nosey in her room. At least she’s kept this tidy, he murmured to himself. Going through the drawers, he knew this was crossing the line of boundaries- but he wanted to find something expensive, something that would be on par with her stealing his aftershave. Le Perla underwear. Googling the price tag, he had an idea.
Quickly getting dressed, he wasn’t wearing his usual casual attire of a denim jacket. Deciding to put a smart casual shirt on, along with smart jeans and shoes- tonight was the night that he was going to attempt to pull the hottest girl in New York City.
The shift went surprisingly quick. Daniel had asked if he she would like to go back to his apartment, mainly to re-enact their antics from the previous night - as well as ask how ‘grumpy’ was with her.
“Another night Daniel, I’m going to make amends with Drake if he’s in. If he allows me to. Before I came here, I replaced his aftershave. I’ll grab a pizza, some wine for me and whiskey for the grump.” Daniel shook his head in disbelief that she was willing to give in so easily.
“If he’s a twat, call a cab and I’ll pay. But warn me prior- you know how randy Maxwell can get.” Locking up the bar, she waved to her friend. Determined to try and make things work between herself and Drake for the sake of both of their sanities.
“Dan?” She shouted, before he rushed off down the street out of her view.
“Do you fancy going for a couple of drinks?” Changing her mind, she would do anything to avoid rushing home.
Drake made his way to not a dive bar, but a bar that had some slight of class. The atmosphere was crowded; he noticed many friendship groups as well as couples, possibly on a date- as he assumed. It was just a normal day for him compared to the people surrounding him- a dull day. A dull few days if he was honest with himself, Riley had been in his life a millisecond and was already making it hell. Feeling petty, all he wanted to do was get laid by a hot stranger- take her home, if it slightly annoyed Riley he believed that the mission was complete.
Scrutinising the area, he glanced at many women- however none had looked his way, apart from the brunette waitress who every so often had walked passed him collecting glasses.
“Hey, handsome.” Not my usual type, but she will do. Revenge on Riley, begins now. The blonde slid next to him, with her martini. Providing him with those ‘fuck me’ eyes, she bit the Olive off of the cocktail stick in a seductive way.
“Hey, beautiful. Do you want a drink?” The blonde smirked at him, resting her hand on his thigh. He ordered shots as well as the drink that she had asked for.
“So, your place or mine handsome?”
“Mine. Definitely mine.” Not wanting to sound desperate, he needed her to go back to his. If she was to reject this offer, the hours he had spent on his own in the bar would have pointless.
Arriving back at the apartment, the woman pushed him on to the couch and immediately straddled him. During the time at the bar, he had found her to be slightly boring- self centred. Most men such as Leo would fuck her there and then, but Drake as much as he wanted revenge on Riley he felt guilty. There were doubts whether he should carry on or not.
“How about we watch a movie?” He suggested. “How old are we, five?”
“Listen, Madeleine. I’d love to do more, but we’ve both been drinking. Sober up first, then we can do more.” Keep her sweet.
“You’re lucky that I’m here in this hovel. You are below my standards. Why won’t you just fuck me?” Hovel? Below your standards? I don’t fuck blondes, I prefer brunettes- I’m using you, you bimbo. Hearing the door open, he didn’t realise that it was that time already.
“Oh, baby. I’m going to fuck you so hard tonight.” Madeleine was confused with his sudden change of attitude- turning her head towards the door, she saw Riley. Not giving two fucks about having an audience he forced a kiss upon her cherry flavoured lips- it was demanding, and he was filling her mouth. Their tongues curled against each other.
“Shit. I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you had a guest. I’ll just go to my room.” Looking at the two of them, she felt a pang of jealousy. Not knowing why, she wasn’t in a relationship with Drake. They had a mutual agreement that they hated each other. Why wouldn’t he pull? He looks more handsome when he makes an effort.
“Good!” Drake snapped, before placing sloppy kisses onto Madeleine.
“Oh babe, I hope that you’re on contraception. You know, he’s had that many girls here recently- he’s ran out of condoms.” Madeleine broke the kiss. Seeing Riley smile at her then shrug her shoulders- the blonde wondered what was going on between Drake and Riley.
“She’s lying. She’s the one that has used them all- she’s just jealous because she wants my cock... but don’t worry baby- my cock is for you tonight.” Madeleine licked her lips, as he said this. Wishing that the gooseberry would disappear- she thrust up against his erection as she kissed his neck seductively.
“Drake, if I wanted your little wiener- I would have it. Enjoy your night you two!”
Riley laid in bed twiddling her thumbs, Drake had been fucking the blonde around the kitchen for a good twenty minutes or so. She knew that this was real unlike her prank, she was more annoyed that he had broken his own rule. He never asked her permission, neither did she- but that wasn’t the point. He had gone against his own rule, and she was frustrated due to this. Knowing that the two of them were distracted - she gathered a few of her belongings and snuck into Drake’s room.
“Perfect.” She giggled to herself. Sneaking back into her room, she put her headphones in- hoping to block the echoing noises out.
Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did
Ha, time for a little revenge 🎵
“How about we take this to my room? Do you think you could handle it more?” Eurghhh god, please say no. I think I’ve got my revenge now.
“You do realise that I’m using you? Just for sex?”
“Same. I don’t even like blondes. I’m imagining that you’re something but blonde.”
“Oh, how nice of you to tell me. I keep imagining that you’re a millionaire- it’s a good job that you have a big cock because if not it wouldn’t be worth my time!”
Walking towards his room, Madeleine reached into her purse- pulling out another condom. Drake provided her with a fake smirk.
“What’s the smirk for? If a certain imbecile had condoms, I wouldn’t need to use all of mine.” Providing him with a serious tone of voice, he wasn’t sure if he could be bothered continuing the night with her.
Opening the door, he was grateful that he had kept his room tidy for this unexpected one night stand. Even though it was revenge, he didn’t think he would actually succeed in pulling it off. In the back of his mind, there was still a slight percentage of guilt.
“What the fuck?”
“All of this isn’t mine....I swear.” Fucking Riley. Even though he was embarrassed with the state of his room, in a way he was grateful- he couldn’t fuck Madeleine anymore. Her sex drive was too high for someone who was clearly not her type.
“This is such a turn off. See ya around, Damien.”
“It’s Drake.”
“Whatever. Enjoy cuddling Hello Kitty.” Picking up all the teddy’s that Riley had neatly arranged in his room- as well as the random Barbies in between, he dumped them outside of her room. She’s good, damn. When will she give me a break?
The morning after, Drake was up before Riley- making some coffee, he poured the hot liquid into two mugs.
“Hey, there’s a coffee there for you. Thanks for redecorating my room by the way. How did you know that I loved Barbie and Hello Kitty? Oh, and the teddy bears- that was such a sweet idea. However, I smell a big fat fail....” Ignoring him, she was frantically looking for her favourite bra. Slamming the washing machine, she was frustrated beyond words. She knew that she brought it with her when she had moved in.
“What’s up with you?”
“Have you seen a red and black bra? It’s like my favourite bra, and it was so expensive. I can’t find it anywhere.”
“Oh yeah. You know that blonde? I kind of ripped her bra off, I broke it. I was that eager to suck on her tits. So when she left, I gave her yours. You won’t mind though, because it’s only a bra.”
“It’s fucking La Perla! How could you do that to me? Do you know the price tag of their underwear?”
“Do you know the price tag of Tom Ford aftershave?”
“Yeah, the aftershave that I replaced before I went to work yesterday. As well as buying some whiskey for you. I wanted to make amends.” Looking down towards the floor, she made her way back to her room. A moment later, she returned with the items that she had bought him.
“Here. I’m going to get ready to go out for the day.”
“I just wanted a bit of payback. Thank you for replacing my aftershave. I hope the pranks were worth it, but you also need to replace some other items. Not the condoms though. I can live without them. Unless you need them?” Knowing that he was referring to the items from the bathroom, she had a little giggle to herself. Thinking about her and Daniel doing that, she knew now was the time to come clean about her friends true identity.
“Drake, the guy that came over....”
“Daniel.” He snapped back, knowing full well what his name was- he couldn’t ignore her moaning his name.
“Yes, Daniel. We didn’t have sex, it was fake. We didn’t even touch each other. He’s gay. I wouldn’t disrespect my roommate like that. I’m a prankster. I’m sorry for being a bitch. I’ll find you a cheaper bra that you can give away if she comes back.” He’s gay. What the fuck? They are both good actors. Fuck. I did the ‘same’. I disrespected her.
“I’m glad that he’s gay...” shit why have I said that? “ I had sex with her to get revenge on you and Daniel. But it’s not revenge. Because you didn’t do that. I’m so sorry. She’s not my type, and I don’t think that I was hers. I couldn’t wait to pull out. It meant nothing, if anything it was torture.” Nervously laughing, he felt bad that he had done the deed and that she didn’t. Riley didn’t want to hear his excuses, they weren’t friends- they were roommates. If he wanted to be in a relationship, or have one night stands she wouldn’t be a burden. She had no right to be.
“Don’t worry I’ll replace them. Size small. See you later.”
“Riley! I need extra large. Thanks.” Rolling her eyes back, she shook her head.
“I’ve seen plenty of cocks in my life. All men exaggerate the size of it. I’ll get you medium- as a compromise.”
Riley had spent the day catching up with a few old friends; having a stroll around Central Park, grabbing some lunch and doing some retail therapy. Doing this made her feel relaxed, and grateful that she had such amazing friends. Later on that night, she had arranged to meet Daniel for a few drinks as they were both off work. It was unusual for the two of them to be off on the same night, so they were going to take full advantage. Walking through the apartment, she cursed herself for forgetting to pick up some condoms as she had promised Drake. Hearing the door open, Drake turned the tv off and jumped up from the sofa.
“Hey!” He shouted enthusiastically. Riley backed away from him slightly, wondering if he had a twin brother- a nice person.
“Erm. Hi, what’s up with you? No insult?” Taking her high heels off, her feet were throbbing- she was still waiting for Drake to elaborate as to why he was showing a bit of niceness towards her. It won’t last long, she thought to herself. Sitting down on the couch, she massaged her feet, if she knew that Lola and Beth wanted to walk around Central Park, she would have worn more sensible footwear.
“I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier - about making amends. I actually wrote you a letter....”
“You did?”
“Yeah, except I lost it. Then I found it and you pissed me off so I screwed it up and put it in the trash.” Nodding, she really wasn’t acknowledging what he wanted to say.
“Don’t you want to know what I wrote in the letter?” Can I tell her the truth? Come on Drake, just tell her.
“I can already guess.... ‘Dear, Riley. I hate you. The end.’ The feelings mutual Drake. But I’ll be civil until you can find another roommate.”
“Yeah that’s what it said.” Lying, he didn’t want to tell her the truth after her sarcastic response. The truth also including that he couldn’t stop thinking about her. “Until I find another roommate?” He questioned, looking confused.
“Yeah. Leo and Liv said they was desperate to find someone to live with you so that Leo didn’t have to pay rent. Pretty selfish of them, I’d say. My old roommate had decided to move out of the city, I couldn’t afford the rent on my own. I was just going to move in with Daniel and his boyfriend Maxwell until I found somewhere. So, here I am. Until you find someone. Someone that you actually like.”
“I see.” Not really knowing what else to say, he didn’t want to hate her. He wanted to get to know her more. Possibly more than roommates. “Shall we start over? Watch some tv? Have a few drinks and a take out?” Asking nervously, he didn’t know how she would react to his suggestion. Wishing he had the balls to suggest his original plan that he had wrote down in the letter- he just couldn’t do it.
“Thanks but no thanks.”
“Would this change your mind?” Riley opened the bag, inside there was her ‘missing’ bra- as well as another set. Her heart sunk, now knowing that his words were sincere. Now realising that maybe, he could have had a long thought about the way he had acted towards her. Drake wasn’t the only guilty party in this, she knew that she wasn’t exactly an angel. Believing that she would have forgiven him for just returning her bra, she was unsure as to why he had treat her to an extra present.
“I lied, I didn’t give your bra away. I’m not a bastard, Riley. If you don’t like the other bra and the erm.....” Seeing him become flustered, not able to discuss the item in the bag- she bit her lip attempting to not laugh. In the back of her mind she wondered how he got on actually purchasing the items.
“Yeah that... the receipt is in the bag. You can take it back. I won’t be offended. I meant what I said, I want to make amends. To be honest, I’m fed up of your shit. So. Shall we start over?”
“Sure, I’d love to.”
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