#but he doesn't talk or tell him to stop its always just some aggressive glare that Shang Qinghua 100% misinterpreteds
nibbelraz · 2 years
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Mobei Juns guide to getting your human to relax
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
Can't guess
Part 1
Lucifer: What do you mean, you can't tell who's the father!
Solomon: Normally, we can do a Paternity test to know who's the father.
Solomon: So I took MC to the human world-
Diavolo: Without my permission I may add.
Solomon: 😊
Solomon: So we got to the clinic and... Let's just say this pregnancy is too dangerous for the human's mind.
Satan: So that counts you out, since this baby is supernatural-
Solomon: Oh? I'm as powerful then any of you. Just because the child cause the doctors and nurses to go insane that does mean I'm out of the count of the potental father of this child.
Belphie: Of course, being here you're causing us to go insane.
Simeon: Wait, are the humans alright?
Solomon: They're fine. *He was lying*
Diavolo: ...
Solomon: Now back to the pregnancy.
Solomon: We can only make a guess on who's the father by MC's change of behavior.
Solomon: In the past, the mother display aggressive behavior when they were carrying a demon spawn.
Solomon: From what I gathered, they didn't know who was the father of those spawns, so we don't know if the mothers would display the behavior of the demon father or its a common symptom of Aggression.
Lucifer: How long would the pregnancy take?
Solomon: ... About 12 months.
Mammon: What!!!
Solomon: Or 6 months. Again there isn't actually a solid pattern of these demon to human pregnancy.
Simeon: What about an Angel Pregnancy?
Solomon: Don't know, no one gets to record them since "Someone" Keep interfering.
Simeon: What's the suppose to mean, friend?
Solomon: You know exactly what I mean, Simeon.
Simeon and Solomon glare at each other.
Barbatos: Oh my.
Lucifer: can you two stop being petty- What's with the grin Diavolo?
Diavolo: Oh? It's nothing.
Barbatos: I sense something bad about this.
Diavolo: Well. if you two must know, I think I have a higher chance of being the father.
Lucifer, Barbatos, Satan, and Belphie: ...
Diavolo: My blood is the strongest-
Belphie: I call bullshit on that!
Diavolo: Oh? *Turn to Lucifer and Barbatos, waiting for them to interject*
Lucifer: What? I agree with Belphie.
Diavolo Oh!
Barbatos: Smugness doesn't suit you, Milord.
Meanwhile in the other room
MC: I can I have some Beel
Beel: *Feels conflicted* Sure
MC: Yeah!!
Mammon: *Enters the room and growled when he saw Beel feeding you* Oi!!
Mammon: *He rushes over and pull you close to him* Who said that you can feed her?
Beel: *Deep down, he feels challenge by Mammon* She was hungry, and ask if she wants some.
Mammon: Oh? What! you think that the kid is yours?
Beel: *Stood up and looms over Mammon* Yes.
Mammon: *Gently push you to the side and got up at Beel's face and growled*
Asmo: Oh? the tension is real!
Asmo: Anywho, I'm taking MC to my room-
Asmo: *Stopped when a tail wrapped round his arm* Let go, Levi
Levi: No.
MC: *Senses trouble you slowly back away and quietly leave the room*
MC: Damn, these fuckers are going to kill each other before the baby is born-
Luke: Baby?
MC: Gah! Luke! When did you get here?
Luke: Simeon and Solomon took me along but said I should stay at the kitchen because they are having "Adult talk" with the brothers
MC: I see.
Luke: You're having a baby!!
MC: Yeah, it seems like it.
Luke: Who's the dad?
MC: ...
MC: We... Don't know exactly.
Luke: Huh? I thought you'll know the dad the moment you found it.
MC: "How am I going to say that I was whoring around with all the guys"
MC: It's a mystery.
Luke: ... *Looks down*
MC: What's wrong?
Luke: No-Nothing.
MC: Come on, Luke. You can talk to me.
Luke: ...
Luke: Would you still love me, even if the baby comes.
MC: Oh! Luke *You pull him into a hug* You'll always have my love. I can't never ignore you.
Luke: *Smiles and hugs you back*
MC: *Pulls back* Now, lets get out of here. Stay here is stressing me out.
Luke: Yeah! Stress is bad for the baby.
You nod and the two of you head out. As you two got far you both hear a loud crash from the HOL.
Luke: What was that!!
MC: Ignore it. When hasn't a day when something in that house broke.
Luke: Hm... Good point.
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jamimix · 2 years
tighnari (if u write for him) x reader? where the reader gets stuck in vines w tighnari, and they make out? (optional) until one of the forest watchers/rangers idk what its called catches them?
Forest Vines
Sorry it took long. I couldn't stop procrastinating and the 3.1 livestream didn't help 😅 I wanted to write the optional part but I suddenly felt mortified just thinking about it (2nd-hand embarrassment iasdnisidnsd) so I tweaked it a bit. Hope that's okay?
Also, thank you @itsxenanotsena for helping me write some parts hehe
One of the rules of being a Forest Ranger is to always be mindful of your surroundings. Tighnari has been drilling this in your head, even before when you weren't even one of them yet. And with the surge of Withering regions popping up, it was inevitable that he'd be adamant for you to do so. Unfortunately for him, you're never one to follow rules.
"Now, be careful. This area was just recently cleared of the Withering yesterday. I don't want you touching anything and then having me to save your butt again. Understood?"
You nodded at Tighnari's words, giving him an innocent smile which he returned with a defeated sigh, thinking that you probably didn't listen to a word he just said. You did listen, but it's just so fun seeing him riled up.
"Well, let's get moving you big lummox."
So why exactly are you two exploring it despite the possible danger? Simply because it's one of your duties. Just because you knew how dangerous it could be, doesn't mean that the others do. The goal was to survey the area, note if it has anything weird, dangerous, or harmful in it, if the place needed to be closed off, and see if there's any unfortunate souls that waltzed in and needs saving. Speaking of weird stuff...
"Hey, Tighnari. Is it normal for vines to move like that?"
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
Turning around, he sees what you mean. A series of hanging vines swaying quite aggressively despite the lack of strong wind passing by. They look quite healthy with how green and thick they are. The urge to touch them swells in you. However, before you could even make a move, you were lead away by the a pair of hands on your shoulders.
"Stay here while I look into it." He says, eyes fixed on the vines. You didn't say a word, more curious at what he'll do than your discovery. You watched as he came closer to it, his ears twitching cutely in curiosity, head tilted as he's inspecting it so thoroughly with his eyes. All is well until you see his hand reach up and touching one, breaking the one rule he gave earlier.
Almost instantly, the vines jumped and wrapped around him, not giving the two of you to react anything other than a yelp, before stringing him up like a piñata.
It was quiet for a moment, the realization still sinking in, before you burst out laughing while Tighnari's face turned red, flustered and embarrassed, with his ears folded back. He then glared at you, though it wasn't effective seeing his current situation.
He tried to free himself, but moving seems to make it tangle him up even more, and for some reason, he couldn't use his dendro vision, as if the vines has the capability of making it useless.
"(Y/n), take me down from here."
"Oh? No please and thank you? And didn't you tell me not to touch anything?"
Despite your words, you drew closer, inspecting the vines, and thinking of how you could help him out. Thankfully, it didn't bring him up too high, just enough that his cute pouty face still reaches yours.
The vines itself didn't have anything to explain why it's like that, but a quick look on your surroundings, you see a Sumeru Rose glowing oh so brightly, an indication that there's a dangerous level of Leyline activity in the area. You lit up, already knowing how to deal with it.
Seeing the recognition in your face, Tighnari tried to look at what you were staring at. Too bad for him, his slight movement caused a vine to get activated and somehow made it to slap him painfully at the back of his head, forcing him to face back.
He bit his lip to stop himself from cursing, eyes going back to you who's obviously enjoying his predicament. You could just let him off but-
"I kinda like seeing you like this." Smiling, you reached up, carefully avoiding touching any of the vines, placing your hands on his cheeks, cradling it gently, drawing little circles with your thumbs. You watch amused as his pupils dilate, before he tried shaking it off, trying to stay focused.
"I know you're kinky, but can you please keep it in the bedroom? We have to-to..."
His words trailed off as he sees your gaze go down towards his lips, his breathe then hitching, tail unconsciously wagging. And the smirk of yours didn't help at all. He knows that he should probably stop you, but his rationality flew away the moment you decided to lean in.
Instinctively, his eyes shut close, enjoying the feeling of your lips capturing his own. You gazed at him with half-lidded eyes, the smirk still on your lips as it molded itself onto Tighnari's. A hand went to caress his cheek once more, coaxing him to relax more, and you closed your eyes, relishing in the moment.
‌You went to deepen the kiss, taking a step to be a bit closer, unaware of a vine crawling on the ground like a snake. So you didn't just touch it. You stepped on it.
A squeak escapes you as you get strung up by the vines, body crashing into Tighnari's, eliciting a pained groan from him. Everything went into chaos. Up became down, left became right, and the cycle continued. You had to close your eyes, waiting and hoping for everything to stop moving, not wanting the urge of throwing up to win.
When everything finally settled, you decided to open your eyesm only to find yourself face-to-face with Tighnari who looked so done with life. The vines managed to put your bodies so close to each other that your noses are touching, wrapping the both of you together. Though, his right arm was also somewhat free, seeing as he's now using it to bring his hand into pinching your cheek.
"Are you satisfied?"
He pinched your cheek harder when you gave him a nervous chuckle as a response. But he couldn't stay mad at you. couldn't completely blame you. It was mostly his fault that this happened. With your face so close to his, there's only one thing plaguing his mind right now.
Just as you were about to speak, ready to tell him about the thing earlier, his lips met yours.
'Might as well enjoy this.' You thought as you succumb to the sweet sensation, slightly opening your lips when his tongue asked for an invite.
Collei grew worried and anxious as you and Tighnari haven't gotten back yet nor have any of you sent news about the situation. It's protocol that, after an hour of no contact, a team will be sent out to retrieve them, which now includes her and two others.
To cover more ground, they decided to split up. And luckily, she didn't have to search much. The anxiousness she felt quickly vanished as she was quick to find the two of you, hanging on vines, resting your heads in each other's shoulder with Tighnari playing with your hair.
‌"Master? (Y/n)? Are you two okay?"
"Ah, Collei!" You greeted her with a smile to which she gave small one back. Tighnari also gave her a quick greeting before giving her instructions on what to do. She chose to ignore how puffy you and her master's lips are, didn't dare ask why you both seem out of breath, already having an inkling idea of what happened. For too many times, she even walked in while in was happening. She unfortunately has grown a bit numbed to it.
"Don't touch any of the vines, unless you want to be stuck here with us. Try using your vision on it. Just don't push yourself too hard if it doesn't work." You shake your head no at his words, making the two of them question why.
‌"No need for that. I saw a Sumeru Rose glowing brightly earlier. Collei could just activate the Purification device you made to deal with the leyline problem. The vines' weird reaction is most probably from it "
‌An irked smile was shown in Tighnari's face, his free hand wrapping around your neck, slightly putting pressure in it. If Collei weren't present, you're sure that he'd try choking you, then and there.
‌"You mean to tell me... that you knew that we could 've gone out of here an hour ago yet you chose to get and stay stuck just cause?"
‌"Oh, hush! You didn't once let me speak, and you enjoyed every second of it too."‌ Collei could only giggle before turning around to do what you told her. It was quick and easy set up. And thankfully, it was as you said.
At long last, you and Tighnari are free from the confines of the vines, and you gave Collei a soft pat on the back as a way to say 'great job!'. She started heading towards the village to report to the other rangers what had happened and you were about to follow when Tighnari grabbed you by the wrist and yanked it.
You felt another hand covering your mouth, and warm breathing on your ear. "Prepare yourself when we get back. I think someone deserves a little punishment for what they did." Tighnari whispered oh so seductively, making you shiver.
He let you go and sent you a satisfied smirk before catching up to Collei to discuss about what happened in the village while he was gone. You were left blushing and flustered, both shocked and excited for Tighnari's 'punishment' for you.
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
What If I Don't Want You To?
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REQUESTED: "Hii! I saw that you wanted people to leave kaz requests in your asks so here I am! Could you do a ff in wich the reader is a part of the crows and she's really sarcastic and flirty (similar to jesper) and she constantly flirts with kaz, (he acts like it doesn't affect him but he secretly loves it) and one day she does something especially bold that makes him blush madly and they finally admit their feelings for each other (also a lot of teasing of the crows to kaz pls) thank you so much!"
SUMMARY: reader loves to tease kaz but is scared once she realizes she might have gone too far.
WARNINGS: a mention of blood but nothing graphic
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Kaz was the most closed-off person you knew. He never revealed anything, wether it was his feelings or the details of a new plan, and it enraged you. That's why you took it upon yourself to see just how far you could push him.
Flirting with Kaz Brekker wasn't an easy task, nor was it rewarding but it sure was fun. The crows loved to see which new technique you would have used and what effect it would have had on Kaz. It was usually a simple glare; a snarky comment when you were lucky. Bets were made on his reactions and you soon became a part of it.
"What are we thinking today, Y/n?" started Jesper while walking you down to the club, "I'm betting on a smirk."
"A smirk?!" you asked surprised, "I'm not even sure Kaz can smile..."
"He can, i've seen him once. I thought i was dreaming but when i pointed it out, he glared at me. I knew it was real when he whacked me with his cane." stated Jesper, shivering at the memory. You couldn't help but laugh at his theatrics. "Why do you do it, by the way?"
You took a moment to answer, suddenly serious again.
Truth was that all the innocent flirty comments you made −comments that started out as nothing more than a pastime− soon changed something in you. They were becoming truthful, and seeing Kaz answer with nothing but a dismissive comment was not easy. Trying to evoke feelings in him, inadvertently awoke feelings in you. Feelings for your boss that you shouldn't have had.
"Do i need a reason? It's fun, why do you talk to yourself in the mirror when you think no one's watching?" you retorted, raising eyebrows in genuine question.
"First of all, you shouldn't have seen that. Second of all, you should try it, you'd feel much better afterwards." he said simply and you tried restraining the smile that inevitably made its way on your face.
You entered the club which was, as always, in full swing. Several people were already ordering at the bar all kinds of alcohol while many others were betting all their possessions at the tables. Only the dregs knew that the real bets were being placed under the tables.
"Ten that he doesn't say anything." you heard someone whispering.
You were the newest of the dregs and of the crows, but you had already earned yourself a reputation.
"Twenty that he finally kicks her out." another voice from somewhere in the club.
That one made you shiver. Would he really reach a point where he would fire you? You were a useful member, you wouldn't have made it into the crows if you weren't, but were you too much? Would he eventually get tired of you?
You walked over to your usual table with Jesper to meet Inej. Kaz wasn't there yet and you were really thinking of ending it there, no more flirting, no more jokes. This was your job, nothing else.
"What do you have for us, boss?" asked Jesper as he saw Kaz approaching.
He looked as he always does: black refined clothes clinging to him in an assortment of sharp edges, making him look even more direful to new merchants. He looked dashing the way a raging sea at night is; frightening, yet enticing. And that was wrong, you reminded yourself.
"It was a dead end." he said, sitting down.
He was in a gloomy mood, certainly for the news, and even though you knew you would have let down the whole club, you couldn't help but think of the comment you had heard moments ago.
"Twenty that he finally kicks her out."
You loved working and simply being with the crows and the possibility of being kicked out was positively frightening.
But you couldn't simply stop. Everyone would have noticed something was off, he would have noticed. And then what? He would have known you liked him.
You had to do something big, something he couldn't simply ignore. You might have been out of the dregs for good, or maybe not.
Jesper kicked your shin under the table, making you focus back on the real word and motioning at all the dregs in the club, looking expectantly at you.
Kaz and Inej were now talking about something you weren't quite getting, their voices seemed distant as you tried to forget about everyone's eyes on you. You had made it a thousand times already, you could do it once more.
"So, what are we going to do now?" asked Jesper and Kaz leaned back in his chair.
"I have some other leads we can try, but we'll have to split up." he started, the prospect of new kruge in his pockets making him incredibly more cheerful, "Jesper, Inej heard something about a particularly pricey painting in east stave, she'll bring you there and you'll learn more about it. And Y/n," he began and you perked up.
It was your moment to say something and get it over with.
"We'll go to west stave, i need your help with a lead there."
"Oh, you need me?" you said, your tone excessively teasing.
"That's what i said, but i can ask Inej." he replied drily.
You hesitated but you were not one to back down, especially not in front of one of Kaz's passive aggressive comments.
"But then you wouldn't get to stare at me longingly while i work, would you?" you said, pouting slightly.
You could have expected a retort, a glare, a not-so-nice hand gesture, but not him storming out of the club.
The entirety of the dregs was dumbfounded, Jesper and Inej, who never participated in the bets but still knew about them, were agape. You were mortified.
"Maybe," began Inej, "You should go talk to him."
"And meet my demise?" you asked.
"There must be a reason why he stormed out-"
"Yes, that he would have liked to kill me but blood stains are tough to remove." Jesper laughed but you were quite serious.
You got up either way, you had to explain yourself to him, you owed him at least that, and got out.
You found him not so far from the club's entrance, leaning on the railing over the river. You approached him unsurely.
"Kaz." he didn't turn around, so you got closer to the railing and noticed that his face, even in the night with the palest light of the street lamps, was scarlet. "I'm- i'm sorry, i will stop."
He remained silent.
"That is if you still want me in the crows, if not i'll leave tonight obviously." he turned to you, usually-perfect hair now slightly tousled, face still red and unreadable.
"Why wouldn't i?" he asked.
"I'm always teasing you and i figured you hated that. I will stop."
"What if i don't want you to?" your head perked up and he turned back towards the horizon, but a smirk crept up on his face. He didn't bother hiding it.
"So you can smile?" he rolled his eyes.
"I don't like it when people point out things i obviously do, you should have noticed back there."
Heat rushed to your face and the smile he had plastered onto his face turned into a complacent one.
"It was real? You stare at me longingly?" you asked bewildered.
He looked at you once before turning to the horizon once more, "Obviously not."
But you could sense he was lying.
"Told you he could smile, Y/n!" shouted Jesper from behind you.
You both turned around to find Jesper and Inej surrounded by the dregs and a couple of other clients too, all jostling to get a better look of the scene.
"It'll be hard for him not to, i'm afraid." joined in Inej and you bit your lip to refrain the laughter. Kaz's annoyed expression didn't help you maintaining a straight face.
"I'm not paying you to stand here doing nothing, get back inside." he ordered.
Everyone turned back inside but Jesper and Inej.
"Boss, if Y/n now gets double, just know i'm great at flirting too." stated Jesper as Kaz made his way back to the club, you in tow.
He ignored him and whacked him with his cane. Again. Jesper had now yet another lovely cane story to add to his collection.
"You'll never let him forget it, won't you?" you whispered. Jesper looked at you like a child who had just entered candy land.
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awlumii · 2 years
imma ask y'all to read this, tell me what you think, and then choose A or B... cause i wanna try my hand at slow burn. ANYWAYSSSSSS
so i was playing hanachirusato and i'm thinking.. what if you're a retainer to the kamisato clan, right? much like thoma, you're very close to ayaka and ayato, but you were raised alongside ayaka as her personal retainer, okay, you two are super close — best friends, even
now, the idea splits into two. either: A) it is announced that ayaka has to wed the only son of the declining kaedehara clan to keep them from falling into ruin, or B) ayato arrives one evening with a samurai with bright hair who has the most vacant look in his crimson eyes.
if it's A, i'm thinking that ayaka and kazuha are basically forced to spend time together all the time to keep up appearances. they get along very well in a platonic sense, and for that you're proud of your best friend for conquering her inital shyness and making a new friend. however, because you're with ayaka all the time, you're also with kazuha, and even though you don't speak much, you find yourself enamored by his kind smile and quiet laugh. eventually, you fall in love after you notice that he's started seeking you out even without ayaka around. you panic and bottle your emotions up until ayaka tells you that it's perfectly okay — kazuha seems to like you in a similar way, and if you choose to pursue a relationship, then you have her full support.
now see this could go a happy route in which they call off the marriage, the kaedehara clan inevitably falls, and you go off wandering with kazuha the way he always spoke about doing, or it could be that you get snitched on by some other servants who completely ruin your reputation, forcing you to steal off in the night to avoid ridicule and... yeah he comes and finds you, etc etc ITS SUPPOSED TO BE CUTE OKAY
now about B, i'm thinking that you're tasked with helping this samurai (aka kazuha) get comfortable while the clan basically hides him from the vision hunt decree, but he kinda comes off as an asshole to you because he's so goddamn quiet all the time, and he almost seems to be glaring at you. you come to dislike him quite a bit, but kazuha doesn't do much of anything about it — he just stares at you, observes you, and waits for your next move.
time passes with you reluctantly keeping him company as per ayaka's orders. you wish you could just leave — there's nothing for you to talk about, anyways. you eventually mention the vision hunt decree, which makes kazuha tense, but you mistake his tension for aggression, and i guess you run to ayaka and tell her that this samurai is dangerous and he has to fucking go. but no one listens to you and you start keeping kazuha at a distance.
further down the line, you notice that kazuha's been looking for you these days. he keeps his eyes low, but you're not having it. you openly try to get away from him but he stops you one day and he utters his first words in your presence:
"forgive me."
he must be apologizing for leaving such a bad impression. you snatch your hand away regardless and march off, angry at the fact that you like his voice. but sooner or later, you stop avoiding kazuha since he now seems intent on being around you specifically. you start making conversation and you find yourself mesmerized by his ability to string words together so beautifully all the time. you bring him things from outside whenever you go, and so on and so forth... he explains that he was so quiet because of his friend and you feel for him and ... down the line, you start to like him. like, like him like him.
and what do you know, he likes you too! BUT BING BONG HERE COMES THE VISION HUNT DECREE, they find out that kazuha's there, so he leaves in the middle of the night to watatsumi island, but not before promising you that he'll definitely be back for you some day. but it takes FUCKING FOREVER.
word passes through of a blonde traveler. you meet the traveler! they seem nice! yadda yadda yadda, the vision hunt decree ends, and then you're hearing about a samurai who stopped the raiden shogun's blade. that's wild shit, but you don't know who it is. until one day, while outside, you hear that it was none other than kaedehara kazuha.
you sprint back to the estate and find him in the same room that he left you in and BOOM HAPPILY EVER AFTER OKAY BYWEEEEE
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Can you do a headcannon with the undateables now dateables please?? 😁 with an mc that wears a ton of make up and one day she doesn't cuz she forgot and they are like astounded by mcs looks and compliment them and tell them they don't need to wear so much cuz they are beautiful! Thank you!!!
I'm sure you didn't mean it for it to be like this, but this ask has a "I got stuff that's internalised" vibes and so I'm going to make this a teaching moment.
To Everyone who follows, wearing makeup or not is up to you - how much you wear is your bussiness. Besides, what is considered 'alot' could be a natural look depending on how many products you use.
I personally don't use foundation or concealer, my face is spotless and smooth and I incorporate my eyebags into my eye looks. But there's still the amount of eyeshadow I use as contour, actual eyeshadow, eyeliner guide and even to add more vibrance or odd colours to my lips. I also use eyeliner. Which doesn't seem like alot but its full face look.
Your makeup is your business and you shouldn't shame those who do wear it or those who don't nor should you rely on a man or woman to tell you when you look good. Your always look good, period. The trope of girls who stops wearing loads of makeup turns out to be naturally pretty just links to a mindset that people who do wear makeup only wear it because their ugly or trying to hide their true appearance.
Which is stupid because unless you're going out your way to do face morph looks, makeup is used to enhance features you already have. It just helps to bring attention to how pretty your features are.
"they don't need to wear so much because they're beautiful!" You don't stop being beautiful when you put makeup on. Again how much you wear and what you do with your appearance is your bussiness.
But I think that's enough of me going on, let's actually get into this.
"ah, what a surprise, you're not wearing your makeup today, did something happen?"
He looked at your curiously
You dissmivley waved your hand, smiling
"Oh-! Yeah- I forgot to do it this morning and didn't want to run late for class, that's all."
"you look stunning might I add without it, it's a refreshing change - that sounded rude...I didn't mean for it come out like that."
He immediately looked guilty
Hand over his mouth realizing his words, he his lips pursed
It looked like he was internally beating himself up about it
You decided to be nice, patting his shoulder, seeing he didn't mean for it come out like that
"You're right, I am stunning but yeah, I get what you mean, it's new and I look good without it but I also good in it! It makes me feel good and lets me show off my favourite features."
You used your hands to shape and point out said features
Diavolo intently watched your hands but still had a guilty and apologetic expression
"I see, forgive my rudeness I never intended to imply anything, I'm glad you have something that makes you feel confident and happy."
"it's okay, Dia, perhaps I can do a look on you aswell? Show you the appeal."
Diavolo could be a child at heart and he almost squealed
He has been interested by your makeup ever since you've arrived
But instead of letting himself show his full excitement he nodded, grinning
He was aware of his butler's eyes on him aswell as Lucifer's
"I'd be delighted to."
"I had a feeling I'd see a surprise today, it appears it was you, is there a reason you've decided to not do your usual look?"
"it sounds silly but just forgot, I was so tired this morning I'm pretty sure I dreamed doing my routine and couldn't tell the difference."
You laughed at yourself, gently scratching your cheek
You were embarassed by how easily tricked you were by your tired mind but you couldn't really blame yourself
You haven't been sleeping much so after finally getting the best sleep in your life you were bound to get groggy
He smiled, tilting his head to the side
His eyes looked as if he was scolding you
"thats abit alarming, get your needed sleep though the change isn't uninvited, you're very pretty."
You could tell he meant no harm by his words
But you've dealt with situations similar to this where the person was being very passive aggressive
It made you feel bitter and have a need to explain yourself
"I'll be sure to sleep, thanks but this isn't going to be a permanent thing, I'm very much happy with my usual look! Makes me feel more pretty~ I don't think there's such a thing as being too pretty."
You both chuckled at your end statement
"Fair, I do not control what you do but I advise you stop spending so much with asmodeus, you're starting to sound like him - I have actually done makeup myself, perhaps you'd like to see some examples? I'm intrigued if you have any feedback or tips I could use."
"asmo is just truthful! But on a serious note, I'd actually love to see that and feel honoured you'd want my feedback! You better not back out on this."
"I almost didn't recognize you, what a stray from your usual look, it's very off brand - I'm afraid viewers might be displeased."
You couldn't help but smile
He was using an inside joke you two made
After refering to one of the years as a season you two started making a few jokes about it
But it became a habit and now you two just had a thing were you pretended you were self aware TV characters
"Oh no! We can't have the ratings go down! Haha- I don't look that different, don't be ridiculous, I think it's just your eyes old man."
You poked the side of his face, near his eye
He frowned, he let you have passes on calling him old due to favouritism
But still got grumpy when you joked and brought him his age
You did only say it to tease and if he got genuinely upset or mad about it you'd immediately stop
"I'm not old, just wise - just for that your fanbase has shrunk but sadly, your good looks will bring them back."
You had a light blush on your cheeks, waving your hand
Acting as if you've swooned for him you leaned against his shoulder
"you're so kind yet so mean~ but I'm sure they'll prefer my normal form than this one, I kinda feel naked without my makeup - it's almost shameful."
"don't say that so loud, who knows who'll turn up naked, I'd rather not experience that today."
You bursted out laughing
Meanwhile he looked like he was experiencing Flashback'
"I like the new look, it's very natural! but is that makeup or your actual-"
"My face is bare, I forgot to put it on, not really bothered today."
His slender finger was pointed to your face, squinting to see if he could see
You almost wanted to laugh but you just lazily shrugged your shoulders
"oh! You're still look just as beautiful, I can't believe I couldn't tell, ever since I saw your more extra looks I've been looking into makeup and I saw people could make it look like they weren't wearing any."
"Thanks but don't worry, I'm not Insecure without it or anything, just really enjoy it! - oh? You're looking into it? Is there any looks you like specially, some people are really amazing at looking extremely natural or being really artistic - it's amazing."
He nodded
"pardon me then, I didn't mean to imply anything I just saw how much bad press was around it all and wanted to say incase but yes, I'm extremely intrigued by high light! It's so sparkly!"
He looked apologetic before his expression turned into one of awe and inspiration
You smiled, happy to see he was interested in something you were already passionate about
It was good to see him wanting to learn and gain interest
"You're sweet Simeon but this human is very happy! I see~ let me do your makeup later or a day you're free, I can give you my extra shimmery high light to really make those cheekbones of yours pop!"
His eyes were sparkling so brightly
Grinning from ear to ear with excitement
"I'd love to! Please, I want you to show me all your amazing ideas."
"Your face is different, you're not wearing makeup!"
"And your face is still childlike, you're correct though, I forgot to do it."
You both pouted at each other, glaring
The moment quickly ended as soon as he started to speak
"oh, I thought this was going to be a thing now....you're pretty, why do you wear it? You don't need to especially the amount you normally wear."
You frowned
Annoyed no one has taught him about this kind of thing and how what he was saying was rude
Mentally noting to speak to Solomon and Simeon about this
But you couldn't be too mad, he was a child
You decided to make this a reaching moment for the young angel
"Well you see Luke, anyone can wear makeup even if they're super confident with their features or super Insecure, it makes people feel good and extra attractive or it can make you look dead and gross - really up to the person - and I'm just someone who really likes wearing makeup and alot of it, what may seem like alot to others could be basic to others, it's all about your personal touch and wants."
"I see....I'm sorry I didn't really understand-"
He looked absolutely devastated
Ashamed and guilty and extremely apologetic
"It's okay, I know you're still learning about these things - hey, how about I do your makeup and we can see what you like?"
You lifted his puffy hat, ruffling the messy hair beneath it
He didn't even swat your hand away
He was too excited and relieved by what you were saying, he jumped up and down as his hands turned into fists
"Really?! I'd- I'd like that, I'll go ask Simeon if you can come over and do it for me! Maybe we can try out your kind of style?"
"Sounds perfect, now go ask~"
He hastily rushed off to find the older demon
You watched from slight afar him asking permission but gave simeon a 'we need to talk' look
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 14: Jersey Devil
They walked down the hall to the sound of shouting. “And you didn’t want to tell me what you were into, either!!”, they hear Beast yell.
“With good reason. Look what happened.”, Beauty argues.
“So that’s back on me now? I thought we agreed that was settled.”, said Beast.
Sonya looked over at Bigby, “What’s going on with them?” Bigby sighs. “When I went to the Open Arms, I found Beauty at the front desk and when we were about to open Crane’s room, Beast showed up. Wasn’t listening to a word. We fought and that was that.”
“Jesus… he’s completely different from what I imagined him to be.”, she says.
“You said it was settled. That doesn’t mean I have to agree to it.”, Beauty said, as they walked up to the door. “And when were you going to tell me? Or were you going to keep that a secret too?”, Beast asked.
“You know what it was. You know what was going on, Beast. I had to get a job, and you wouldn’t have it. Don’t make it into something it wasn’t.”, Beauty harshly whispered. The two outside awkwardly glanced at before Bigby knocked on the door.
The door swings open a bit to reveal an irritated Beast. “Oh. What do you want?”, Beast asked, his mood even more sour. “You called, right?”, Bigby asked. “Or, uh….was it Beauty?”
“Why would I call you?”, Beast sneered. Sonya rolled her eyes. ‘He’s definitely different from Disney’s version…’ Bigby frowned. “Listen, I’ve had a shitty night…”
“You think you’re the only one?”, Beast asked. “And we really don’t wanna deal with the runaround. Snow said you called and wanted to talk to us.”, Bigby adds. “Well, I didn’t call. Must have been Beauty. She’s been….surprising me a lot lately.”, Beast says, looking down.
“Can we just-”
“So have you, Bigby. Yet, with all the sneaking around and secrets, somehow, I’m still the bad guy in this. I’ve had to hear about it all night long from her.”, Beast said. He glared at Sonya as well. “You too. You had no reason to lie to me.”
Sonya gave him an unimpressed look. “I dunno if you've noticed but we’re not marriage counselors.”
Beast wanted to retaliate but Beauty cut him off. “Who is it?”
“Can you just let us in.”, Sonya sighed. “Let’s not get into busting down doors today, okay?”, Bigby asks, with arched eyebrows, Beast growls a sigh and slams the door shut.
Bigby and Sonya looked at each other before the door was yanked open again. “It’s your pals. Bigby and Sonya.”, Beast mocked.
Beauty gave them an apologetic smile. “Hi guys. Please excuse us for just a minute?” She walks over to Beast. “Can I talk to you in private?”
“Yes. Let’s.”, Beast said, leading them into a room and shutting the door. Sonya shakes her head. “Hm. I guess I really do have the smallest apartment in the Woodlands.”, Bigby mutters. “At least yours isn’t cramped. I still think its unfair.”, she muttered.
There was a large couch and two chairs set around a table in the middle of the room. Behind the couch was a fireplace with vases on top of it.
There was a shelf with books and fancy objects on it. There was also a large portrait painting of Beauty and Beast back in the Homelands.
“They actually look happy…”, Sonya mutters and looks up at the ceiling and sees a beautiful chandelier. “Wonder what the electric bill is for that thing?”, Bigby mutters. He walks over a white urn with blue roses designs around it, tapping it with his knuckles. Sonya’s eyes widened. “Stop it. It looks antique.”
They turn to Beast and Beauty as they walk out of the room. “Sorry, it’s been a long night.”, Beauty apologizes.
“Yeah, you know what they say. Centuries of marriage come with centuries of baggage.”, Beast said, making Sonya cross her arms. “I gotta say, your place…it looks, uh…expensive.”, Bigby says as he looks around. “What do you mean by that?” Beast asked, offended.
“Beast!”, Beauty says in a warning tone. “No, really, I wanna know. What are you trying to say, huh?”, Beast asked.
“Aren’t you guys having money problems? Cause it doesn't look like you’re suffering.”, Sonya said, getting in front of Beast. “Is this something about that loan you took out? From the Crooked Man?”, Bigby asked Beauty.
“I didn’t know what else to do, so–”
“We should deal with this on our own. Bigby and Sonya are just going to complicate things.”, Beast says to Beauty. “I called them here, and I want to see if they can help us out. Why are you being like this?”, Beauty asked, tired.
“I’m just trying to do what’s best for us.”, Beast says.
“If she wanted to help you guys earn more money, what’s the harm? Y’all are obviously in some type of trouble, so what is it? Either it’s the money, or it’s something else.”, Sonya asked.
The married couple glanced at each other before looking back at them. “I gotta know one thing, first. What if we did have something to say about the Crooked Man? What if we talk, and neither of you get him and all this comes back on us? We’d be risking a lot. We’ve seen what happens when you cross the Crooked Man.”, Beast said.
Sonya frowned. “Y’all are in danger. You two need to tell us what we need to know so we can help.”, she said, tiredly.
“But if you’d rather deal with this on your own…”, Bigby started. “No, please...”, Beauty pleads. “Then tell us what the fuck is going on! You’re in so much debt? Look around you. This isn’t the way people short on cash live.”, Bigby yelled, pointing at the room.
“Look, we’re used to a certain kind of….lifestyle, okay? We couldn’t just give that up.” Beast replied. “We never meant for it to get like this. It’s just that…we had nowhere else to turn. And we got in over our heads.” said Beauty.
“Sometimes you have to think for your needs rather than your wants. Y’all would rather choose riches and starve if it meant y’all could live the way you used to.”, Sonya says, shaking her head.
"There’s not a lot of work out there. Who would we be if we just lived like…”, Beast started to say but their phone suddenly rang.
Sonya and Bigby turn to look at it while Beauty and Beast hold each other in fear. The phone rings until it goes to voicemail.
“Hi there! You’ve reached Beauty…
and Beast
and we’re out doing something fabulous.”
“Uh, let me just, uh….”, Beast walks towards the phone but Sonya gives him a fixed look. “We’re not done here.”, Bigby said.
“A day at the beach?
skiing the slopes?
We can’t come to the phone right now, so leave a message at the beep and we will get to you as…..humanly possible!”
The recording finishes and a deep gravelly voice comes through the speaker, angry and aggressive. “That fucking message... I’m gonna come down there and bash your heads in with that machine if I have to call again and hear that fucking message one more time! I’ve been doing this long enough to know that if you had the cash, you’d have paid by now. So consider yourselves outta warnings. The Crooked Man’s gonna get his. One way or—”
“Fuck this….”, Bigby said as he goes to pick up the phone but the phone already hung up. “Shit.”, he mutters and he sets the phone back down. Sonya turned to the couple. “All we care about is how can we find the Crooked Man? Who do we talk to? Where do we go?”
Beauty and Beast look at each other for a moment as they hold each other. “The Lucky Pawn. That’s where I borrowed the money. The Crooked Man’s behind that place.”, Beauty whimpered. “I’d overheard people talking to Jersey about loans before. So….when I needed money….that’s where I went. I didn’t know what to do.”
“Wait, who do you deal with?”, Bigby asked. “Jersey. You know, the Jersey Devil?”, Beauty said. “Jersey Devil…?”, Sonya asks. “Oh, yeah…", Bigby said. "That slimy prick…..didn’t realize he was back on this side of the river.”
“And those Tweedles were always going in and out, probably dropping off a loan payment they squeezed out of some poor Fable. But never the Crooked Man. Mainly it’s just regular Fables. I can see now that it was a mistake, but….I’m not the only one who goes there, y'know. I saw the Woodsman’s axe there just the other day. It was in a display case.”, Beauty said, making Bigby and Sonya glance at each other in shock.
“I guess he’s hit hard times, too. There’s a lot of that going around. I can’t imagine he has a lot of marketable skills.”, Beast said.
“Sometimes….Fables just don’t have anywhere else to go.” Beauty said. “Fucking Bloody Mary must go through there. She had Woody’s axe last night. Tried to chop my damn head off with it!” Bigby growled.
“Maybe if you two go there you can….sort some things out.”, Beauty said. “I guess we’ll go check out the Lucky Pawn.”, Sonya sighed.
“If we can’t track down the Crooked Man there, maybe we can make enough noise that the Crooked Man will come find us.”, Bigby suggested. “Hold on, Bigby, don’t go there. Sounds like you two are just going to get Beauty in trouble.” Beast says.
He sat down on the couch. “You know that butcher shop? The Cut Above? It’s the place on Tubman Street. Same block as the Baker and the candlestick maker. Well, I’ve been delivering packages from there for a while. The thing is….it’s for the Crooked Man. And….I don’t think it’s meat in the packages. You gotta understand, I needed work.”
“You have to believe us.”, Beauty begged. “Did you ever deliver to the Crooked Man? Can you give us an address?”, Sonya asked.
"No. I delivered to places all over town. But never to the man himself. It never seems to be heading to the same place. But it always comes out of the butcher shop.“, Beast replied.
"How did you get involved with this?”, Bigby asked.
“Johann, the butcher, called. He had a problem with the refrigeration unit one night. But when I finished, it was your pal, Mary, who showed up to pay me. She said I was reliable, she liked that, and….it’s the only thing I’ve been able to pick up. And it’s still not enough. I don’t want Beauty to have to work. Especially not where she was.”. Beast says, looking down.
“It’s Mary you deal with? Bloody Mary is there?”, Sonya asked. “No, Johann is the one who hands over the packages. You know, day to day. But I’ve seen her around there. She, uh…gets under my skin, you know? I…I try to avoid her…but I don’t need to tell you two what she’s like.” Beast said.
“You’re damn right you don’t. I don’t need a run down on her reputation. If Mary works outta there, Sonya and I need to look into it…”, Bigby said.
Beauty walks over to Beast and places her hand over his. “I just wanted to provide for Beauty. Give her the kind of life she deserves.”, Beast said. “We shouldn’t have to live like this. Scraping to get by.” said Beauty.
“None of us should.”, Beast says, getting up. “We were royalty once. We were accustomed to a certain lifestyle. All we want is to make this place feel a little bit like home. You two wouldn’t understand, Bigby.”
“I don’t need to understand. It’s not my fucking job to understand. My job is to keep Fabletown safe.”, Bigby addressed.
“There’s also other Fables out there who are worse off than you two. Have you ever thought about that? I’m pretty sure lots of fables would love to have almost everything you have in here.”, Sonya said to them.
Beast sighs. “So….where are you going? If this all goes sideways, I’d like to know where it’s coming from.”
Sonya and Bigby glance at each other. “I’m down for whatever.”, she says. Bigby nods. “We’ll go to the Lucky Pawn. There’s too much going on there to ignore. We’ll have a word or two with Jersey.”, Bigby said.
“You know, guys, once you two show your face there, word is going to get out. There may be nothing left to see if you go to the butcher shop after.”, Beast said.
“We’ll keep that in mind.”, Sonya said as Bigby walks to the door and opens it. Sonya exits and he follows her.
“Wait….I don’t know what you two are planning to do when you find the Crooked Man, but is there any way you two could….help us out?”, Beast asked, following to ask. They pause.
“What do you mean?”, Sonya asks. “Well, maybe you two can make this all just….go away.”, Beast suggested. “We would really appreciate it.”, Beauty adds.
“You’re asking us to kill him, aren’t you? Is that what you think we do?”, Bigby asked them, getting angry. “No! Of course not.”, Beauty shakes her head.
“I don’t know how you’d get that idea. We just….we know that the Crooked Man is dangerous. To all of Fabletown.”, Beast said.
“I just wanna know something. Even if it came to that…. which at this point, it would be self defense after everything he’s put us through, what would y’all say? How would you feel? Would you be afraid? Relieved?”, Sonya asked, making them look at her. “Because if we do, end him… I don’t wanna hear that y’all are afraid that y’all would be next.”, she says, making them look down.
“If you’re not doing anything remotely similar to the Crooked man, you have nothing to worry about. We’re gonna do our job.”, she says and turns away. “Lucky for you, that might just solve your problems anyway.”, she said, walking away.
“Thank you, guys.” Beauty calls out after them. “I’m sure you guys will do the right thing.”, Beast adds. Bigby and Sonya ride the elevator down to the lobby.
The Lucky Pawn
Sonya and Bigby looked at the rickety old building before walking in. “It’s dirty.”, they hear.
“No it’s not.”
They look over to see Toad arguing with Jack as he tries to trade in a familiar brown coat. “It looks like you slept in it. In a pile of garbage.”, Jack argues as he looks at the cloak.
“Jack, why are you– I’ve seen you take a torn purse for a tenner!”, Toad shouted. “Yeah, but I also got her phone number. I don’t want your phone number.”, Jack said, shaking his head and he looked over to see them walking towards him.
“Here we go...”, he sighed. “What?”, Toad asked and turns around to see Sonya and Bigby. “This is a surprise.”, Toad said.
“We’re just here for information. It’s about the murders.”, Bigby rolls his eyes. “This’ll take two minutes and I’ll be out your way.”, Toad said.
“I’m not taking the coat.”, Jack repeats. “But it’s magic.”, Toad said. "So?“, Jack asked, shrugging. "And it’d be covering a check I already wrote.”, Toad says.
“Okay, well….that sounds like a you problem to me.” said Jack. “Yeah, it is! And so I came here to sell it off!”, Toad shouts. Sonya sighed and noticed the coat, her eyes widened. “Isn't that Faith's coat?”
“It was Faith’s coat.”, Toad says. “Look, you left it in my place, what’d you expect me to do?”
“Yes, I think the oft-cited statute of finders keepers clearly states that it’s his now, Miss Sonya.” Jack said, smirking. Sonya clenches her jaw and gives Bigby a look. He only sighed through his nose.
“So what’s it gonna be?”, Toad asked Jack again. “I don’t know what to tell ya. See if Cindy needs a coat, I don’t know.”, Jack said and Toad let out a frustrated sigh.
He turns to the other two. “This is to pay for those bloody glamours, you know. You and your blinkered rules. If the witches didn’t charge so fuckin’ much…I wouldn’t have to be in here, dealing with this nonsense."
Sonya frowned and crossed her arms, “What happened to the money I gave you?” Toad looked down. “Please don’t tell me you spent it on some new car accessory.”, Bigby says, frowning.
"What are you even complainin’ to them, for?”, Jack asked. “I guess I don’t know.”, Toad said, shrugging. “I don’t know what you’re gettin’ so steamed about….it shouldn’t be that big of a shock that I’m not going to take an ass-hair coat.”, Jack shook his head.
“No, I guess it shouldn’t be….since this whole bleedin’ operation’s just a set-up for one of his shady fuckin’ loans.”, Toad shouts in anger, making Jack’s eyes widen, as he glances at Bigby and Sonya. “Ix-nay on the oan-lays. Okay, og-fray?”, Jack whispered to him. “I mean, what kind of a game are you runnin’ here?”, Toad asked.
“You turn down peoples’ stuff so you can peddle his shit?”, Toad asked. “We know who you’re talking about.”, Bigby said, crossing his arms. “Um, Og-Fray?”, he asked, pointing at Toad.
“The Crooked Man. Right? This is his place. Those are his loans.”, Sonya said, also crossing her arms. Toad smiles mischievously and grabs the coat. “Well, I’ll leave you to your business….I’m sure you’ll have a lot to talk about.”
“Good luck with that glamour, Toad.”, Jack sneers as Toad starts to walk away. “Fuck off.”, Toad shouts at him. “Leave the coat.”, Bigby ordered firmly.
“How the hell do you expect me to get a glamour, then?”, Toad asked, throwing the coat down on the floor. “It’s not like I’ve got a lot of options, you know. It’s just tough, is all.“
“Just do what I fuckin’ say, alright?”, Bigby said, getting irritated. “Leave the coat. Find another way.”
“Fine! I’m leaving…but I’m taking the coat with me!”, Toad said, angrily. Sonya sighed, pulling the wad of cash from her pocket. Bigby looked at her. “Where the hell did you get that?”
She gave him a guilty smile and handed it to Toad. “However much it costs, its worth it, Toad. Just go get your glamour, if not for you then do it for T.J. Please.”, she said, exasperated. Toad sighs and snatches the wad before leaving. Jack smiles and waves. “Have a good day.”
“He really grows in ya.”, Jack said, smiling. Bigby and Sonya face him, making him frightened. "Look, I work here sometimes for the extra cash. It’s something stable. You know, between more….entrepreneurial bouts. And…before either of you ask, I’ve never seen the Crooked Man in here. Neither hide nor hair, and all that. In fact, as far as I can tell, he’s never even actually stepped foot in here.“, Jack explained.
"But Bloody Mary works for him. And the last time we saw her, she had the Woodsman’s axe.”, Bigby said, leaning on the counter, glaring at Jack. “So?”, Jack asked, nervously. “So, the last time anybody else saw that axe….it was here.”, Sonya said.
“We’d never take something like that.”, Jack said. “Bullshit.”, Sonya says, surprising Jack. “Is this really why you two came down here?”, Jack asked, nervously. “We’ll be asking the questions here, Jack.”, Bigby said, shutting him up. “Okay. Fine. Fire away.”, Jack said.
“Where’s your boss? Why isn’t he here?”, Bigby asked. “I don’t know?”, Jack says. “You know something, so where is he?”, Sonya asked.
“I dunno, I don’t keep tabs on him. He’s probably out getting shit faced and eating cows right now. Listen, I gotta start closing up shop, so, uh–”, Jack said as he walked out from behind the counter.
“Close? It’s the middle of the day.”, Bigby pointed out. "What can I say, Jersey likes to run at odd hours. And, really, he’d be the one to talk to, so….can’t you two just swing by later. It really wouldn’t be good for me if he sees your faces when he walks in. So, uh…“, Jack said .
"What else can you tell us about Jersey Devil?” Bigby asked. “Just that he’s a fuckin’ psycho and I like to stay out of his way. I typically work when he’s not here. But I can call you when he comes back, alright?”, Jack says.
"Jack, shut up.”, Sonya said. “If the Jersey Devil isn’t here to answer our questions….it also means he isn’t here to get in our way. So, we’re gonna take a look around…as long as we’ve got the elbow room.”
“Alright. Don’t let me get in your way.”, Jack said, locking up. “We won’t.”, Bigby said, walking over to a different side of the room.
Bigby walked up to a small statue of the Headless Horseman that was on the far left of the room. “The Headless Horseman? Isn’t this Crane’s?”, Bigby asked. “Maybe? I don’t know.”, Jack shrugged.
Bigby rolled his eyes, walked next to the table and saw a familiar dagger. “This is Prince Lawrence’s dagger. Who sold this?”, he says, catching Sonya's attention.
“I don’t know.”, Jack repeated, shrugging. “Who would have done that? One of the Tweedles….”, Sonya mumbled. “Whoever did it, must’ve needed the money bad. Which shouldn’t come as a total shock. You guys don’t know how hard most of us have it….do you?", Jack asks.
"Yeah? If you had our job, you wouldn’t get out of bed.”, Bigby growled. “It was a rhetorical question….but sure, fine.”, Jack rolled his eyes.
"At least you aren't dead.", Sonya says as she looks through all of the significant objects in the display cases. Nothing out of the ordinary. Bigby walks over to a display that caught his eyes. Cleaving Axe.
Previous owner: The Woodsman
Ensorcelled by Druids
His chest rumbled with a growl as he turned to Jack. “I thought you said you’d never take something like this.", Bigby growls. Sonya looks up to see Bigby storm over to Jack angrily.
“Um….um, what?” Jack stammered, nervously. “Jack?”, Bigby asked. “Uh, yeah?”, Jack replied, nervously again.
“When was Mary here?” Bigby asked him, raising an eyebrow. “When was who here?” Jack said. Sonya rolled her eyes. "Please don't play dumb."
“Bloody Mary. Because the axe was here….but it’s gone. And she had it. So she was here.”, Bigby said.
“I don’t know anything about that.”, Jack said, stepping back. “I don’t. Really.”
Bigby pulls up the little hatch table, and stalks over to Jack like a predator. “I mean, I don’t work every day, so….and even when I do work, I just try and keep my head down.”, Jack rambles.
Sonya crosses her arms. "You'd be no better than Georgie. Looking away because you got your cut and don't care about innocent people getting hurt. It's bullshit."
Bigby growled loudly, making Jack flinch. "Okay, okay! It was Mary, she took it, okay. That’s all I know!”, Jack exclaimed.
“That’s all you know? You don’t know she almost fucking killed me with it last night!?”, Bigby snarled. “No, no, I had no goddamned idea! She sometimes comes in to pick up shit. Sometimes it’s for her….”, Jack said.
“You know where she lives? Where she took it?”, Sonya asked. “I don’t know where that crazy chick lives, and I don’t wanna know.”, Jack said, shaking his head.
“Well, for your sake, you better think of something to tell us.”, Bigby growled. “That’s all I can tell you. I’m being straight here! I’m just part-time. I mean, it’s Jersey who’s the one who’s into this stuff! He’s one of the Crooked Man’s boys, okay? And it’d be great if he was here to tell you all this, but he’s not, so just–”, Jack was cut off by two extra voices from outside.
"Shit....“, Sonya mutters. "Jersey, don’t give me that shit. What the fuck is the point of havin’ a system if you’re just gonna–”
“It’s not my fuckin’ system.”
“But you’re the guy who makes sure that–”
“I’m the guy that keeps shit in order and that’s it, Woody.”
Bigby ducks down and Sonya ducks behind another display case, watching as Woody and another man walk in the building and see the gate was pulled down. “Who closed the fucking gate? Jack?”, Jersey called, irritated.
He pulls up the gate, revealing himself clearly. He was a balding, gingered man with a thick mustache. He turns to face Woody. “If you love your axe so fuckin’ much, why’d you pawn it in the first fuckin’ place, huh?”
“I didn’t pawn it, asshole. It was stolen from my apartment. And Gren said that he saw it here. Now tell me where it is right fuckin’ now.”, Woody demanded.
Sonya and Bigby, reveal themselves, walking over to the two arguing men.
“Whatcha guys arguing about?", Sonya asked with a smile. Jersey jumps looking behind him and rolls his eyes. “God. And these fuckin’ guys, too?”
“Bigby? Sonya? What are you–”, Woody started to ask but Jersey cuts him off as he looks at Jack. “Is his axe even here?”, he asked. “Nope. It isn’t.”, Jack shook his head.
“Just like I said, it’s not here. Happy?”, Jersey asks and walks over to Sonya and Bigby. “So tell me what you two are here for, or get the fuck out."
"Uh….they wanted to know where–”
“Actually, you know what, I don’t care what they wanted.”, Jersey said, interrupting Jack, smirking.
Sonya rolls her eyes. "Such a salesman." Bigby walked up. “You work with the Crooked Man.”, he said firmly. “And until we give you permission…you’re not gonna do anything but answer our questions.”
Jersey glanced at Bigby's arm. “How’s your arm, Sheriff? Bloody Mary leaves a bit of a sting, don’t she?”
He turned to Jack. “Jack, did you know that as of this very morning, Bigby's joined the Crooked Man’s obedience school for wayward fucking creatures? He’s already passed his first class. You see….the Sheriff and the Deputy had, who they stupidly thought was the murderer….been chasing him for fuckin’ days, right? But the Crooked Man snapped his bony fingers….and these two handed him over just…like…that.”
“I’m, uh, just gonna, uh…let you three…you know….”, Jack said, backing away and leaving.
“The Crooked Man appreciated that.”, Jersey said, making them glare at him. “Tell us everything you know right now about the murders, and the Crooked Man.”, Bigby ordered.
“Are you kidding me! It was here. It was right fuckin’ here! What’d you do with it!?”, Woody shouted as he got in Jersey’s face. “How the fuck do I know?”, Jersey asked.
“Listen, you bald little dipshit, you’re gonna–”, Woody started to threaten, grasping Jersey by his shirt but Jersey punches Woody in the stomach. Woody groans and growled at him. “You piece of shit.” Wood throws a punch, making Jersey retaliate.
Bigby moved Sonya out of the way and got in between them, shoving them away from each other. “Back it up, Jersey. You’re dealing with us, now.”, Bigby said, facing Jersey as he gets in front of Woody.
“I didn’t expect to see you upright. Still looking for whoever killed them hookers or are you done chasing your tail?”, Jersey asked.
“Where’s my axe! Who’d you give it to!”, Woody yelled. “You follow me here all the way from Battery fucking Park…just so I can prove to you that your axe isn’t here…and you think I’m gonna take another inch of abuse-”, Jersey started fussing.
“Hey! Back off and settle down!” Bigby ordered. “Oh what the fuck are you gonna do? You talk big, but I don’t think you got the stones to back it up.”, Jersey said to Bigby as he punched Bigby in the side where he was injured.
“Bigby!”, Sonya exclaimed, watching him double over in pain. “Still a little sore, are we?” Jersey asked Bigby. “Why should Mary get all the fun? You ain’t so tough.”
Sonya silently walks behind him as he continues to put Bigby down. “Ya know what? I’m just gonna handle you myself….and I won’t need no silver bullets.”
Sonya grabbed him and slammed him against the glass display cases. He yells in pain as she grabs his head and slams it against the case.
“Motherfucker!”, he grumbles as she slams his head against it again and the glass breaks and his face hits the crystal ball.
She grimaced as she pulled his head back, seeing pieces of the crystal ball impaled in his face. “What the hell are you doing?”, Woody yells, pulling her off of Jersey. “This is my fucking fight!”
“Get your hands off of her!”, Bigby yelled, snatching Sonya away. “Dog, you got a lotta nerve–”, Woody shouted but a strange noise made them look over to see a tall, skeletal creature. It almost looked like a skinwalker. Sonya's eyes widened. "That's Jersey…?", she whispered.
He roars at them, making their eyes widen. Woody charges at him but Jersey simply smacks him to the side and starts to charge at Bigby and Sonya but Woody holds on to Jersey’s arm and pulls him down.
Jersey gets on top of Woody and starts to claw at him repeatedly. Bigby runs up to them and punt kicks Jersey over the glass counter and knocks him towards the back and hits a closet.
Bigby changed to his first form, cracking his neck as he stood in a defensive stance. “Aww, protecting your girlie friend….too bad you couldn’t protect those whores.”, Jersey said, tauntingly as he climbed up on the counter. “Go on, try to stop me!”
He jumps off the table and charges towards them but Bigby raises his clawed hand and shoves his claw into Jersey, slamming him down on the floor.
“Fucking stay down!”, Bigby snarled. Woody gets up and looks at the open, broken closet and sees his axe. “There she is!”, he said, satisfied.
Sonya and Bigby kicked Jersey to the floor and ran over to him, as he landed near the front door. They grabbed the gates and slammed it down on the back of his neck.
Jersey screams as they pull it up then start to slam it back down but Jersey grabs it and shoves it up. He starts to claw at them but they jump away from his attacks.
Bigby punches Jersey in the face repeatedly before Jersey lowers his head and tries to shove his horns into Bigby. Bigby dodges Jersey's horns and grabs one, tugging it out of Jersey’s head then shoves it into his stomach. Jersey screams in pain then shoves Bigby against the display case.
Bigby groans in pain as Jersey jumps in front of him then shoves one of his clawed hands into Bigby’s injured arm. Bigby yells in pain. “Fucker!"
Jersey shoves his claw deeper into Bigby’s arm and Sonya jumps on Jersey’s back, lighting her hands on fire and burning his neck. Jersey screams out in pain, pulling his claw out of Bigby.
Sonya increased her heat, nearly gagging at the burnt smell before she's pulled off of Jersey's back and slammed onto the floor. Sonya's eyes widened as her breath was knocked out of her.
"Hey asshole. I found her.”, Woody announces before slamming his axe down into Jersey’s head. Jersey lets out a shriek of pain and he slaps Woody to the side and tries to pull the axe out.
Bigby looks next to him and picks up an anvil, raises it above his head then slammed it down on Jersey, knocking him down on the floor.
Bigby pushes the anvil to the side, reverting back to his human form and helps Sonya stand. She looks at his arm. “You okay?”, she asked. “More or less. You?”, he said, shrugging. "More or less.", she smiled, catching her breath.
Woody walks over to Jersey, yanking his axe out of Jersey’s head. He hovers the axe over Jersey’s neck and he looks up at Bigby and nods. Bigby squats down next to Jersey. “So…..wanna try again?”
“You can’t find the Crooked Man. No one can. There’s no address, no place….he lives in the bends and forks of tree roots….behind the sun….in the….shadows.”, Jersey says. “You know more so tell us.”, Sonya ordered.
“The door to his house….it bounces around. Never in one spot. You’ll never find it. Even Crane had to use the Magic Mirror….that fuckin’ guy. Mirror, Mirror…fuckin’ shit…”, Jersey grumbles. “Okay, that’s Crane’s way….how do you contact him?”, Bigby asked him.
“I don’t. He uses couriers for everything. Ravens, goblins, the fuckin’ Tweedles…whatever. I go in when I’m taken there. You don’t know anything….about anything, do you? What do you have? Nothin’. That useless bitch, Snow White, and a broken fuckin’ mirror….no fuckin’ friends. And no clue about who is really runnin’ this town.”, Jersey said.
Sonya grabs his arm, sizzling his wrist and watching him struggle in pain. "You're going round and round with our question. You and everyone we've met up 'til now have said the exact same thing. We're asking questions for a reason. So answer them." She lets go. “Now, where did you hear that the mirror got broken?”
“Oh. That. Gossip flies fast. We’re like a sewing circle. It doesn’t matter what you fuckin’ do, you’re not gonna get him. You two wanna knock on his fuckin’ door and see what happens? Fine. Crane had the Mirror. Bloody Mary had Crane. So take your fucking wrecking crew act to the butcher shop.”, Jersey says.
“The Cut Above.”, Bigby mutters, remembering Beast's words. “And if we can find the mirror piece there, we can find the Crooked Man.”
“That’s her spot. That’s where all the magic happens….”, Jersey says as Woody backs away and takes his axe away from his neck. Jersey begins to crawl back. “Now leave me so I can find me some aspirin.”, he says, only to fall face down on the floor.
“Will Mary be there?”, Bigby asked Jersey. “You want me to draw you a picture? I don’t fucking know….you got what you want, now get the fuck outta here….”, Jersey ordered.
Sonya sighed, glancing at Bigby as he glanced at her before starting to leave. Jersey speaks up again. “Hey…Sheriff….Deputy."
Both of them stop, hearing Jersey out. "Those girls are still dead….and there’s nothin’ you two can do to bring them back. And I don’t know what they did, but I do know this… if they’re dead, it’s cause the Crooked Man wanted them dead. That’s all it takes. So you can roar, smash the place up. Shit, you can wail on me all you want, but what good is it gonna do ya? Cause he ain’t in your town. You’re in his.”
Bigby growls lowly, turns around and kicks Jersey in the face, making him yell in pain. “Just shut the fuck up, will ya?”, Bigby said, turning back around, and leading Sonya and Woody out of the shop.
Bigby pulls out a cigarette, making Sonya turn away. “Got a smoke?”, Woody asked him. Bigby lights his cigarette and hands it to Woody, before lighting another one up for himself. “Thanks.”, Woody said, taking a drag. “Shitty brand.”
Bigby side eyed him. “You’re welcome.” Sonya waved her hand to dispel the smoke.
“I’m not gonna lie, I was having trouble deciding which one of you to hit with this thing.” Woody said to Bigby. Sonya gaped at Woody, making Bigby shake his head. Bigby drops the cigarette and squishes it under his shoe.
Sonya waved a cab down and waited as it came up. She climbs in first, waiting on Bigby. Bigby starts to follow suit but Woody calls him. “Jersey was wrong, you know.”
“About what?”, Bigby asked.
“About those girls. There is somethin’ you two can do about it. You can get the fucker who did it. Ain’t that the plan?”, Woody asked.
“You're damn right it is.”, Bigby says, smiling. “Alright. Well….go do it, then.”, Woody says before he starts walking away. Bigby stands outside the cab, looking at the retreating man. “Hey Woody.”
Woody stops, keeping his back faced toward the other man. “Yeah?”
“I’ll see you around, alright?”, Bigby said. Woody turns his head to look at Bigby over his shoulder. “Yeah, I’ll see ya.”, he says and finally walks away. Bigby looks down for a moment then he climbs in the cab, sighing softly.
Sonya smiled at him. "You guys have such great teamwork. You'd think you'd wanna stop fighting each other."
"That's practically all I wanna do. But sometimes he makes it hard to get along with him.", Bigby mutters. She nodded. "He is pretty difficult to deal with… ", she mumbles, sleepily.
He noticed and sat up a bit. "You can sleep, y'know. It'll be a bit of a while before we get there." She yawned and nodded. "I think I will..."
She let her eyes close and seconds later, she's out. He smiles, leaning his head back against his seat. He jumps a bit to feel a little weight leaning on him and sees Sonya leaning against him, sound asleep.
He stares at her for a moment then relaxes as she snuggles into him a bit. He felt light. She didn't wake up and pull away as if he were something disgusting. She was the opposite of anyone that even remotely showed him any kindness.
She always seemed so comfortable with him. Never tiptoeing around him or doing things for him out of fear or pity.
She never made him feel like a ticking time bomb and even defended him countless of times. It made his heart swell in a strange way he's never felt before but it made him comfortable enough to accept it.
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kibybun · 4 years
I think about barbaric tribe chief Bakugou alot, he and his mem take over darling 's small village, they kill everyone and take all the food, but darling catches his eyes so he keeps her to himself, she fights him and doesn't accept him so he often gets rough with her, she even stabs him at a certain time and he punishes the hell out of her.... Something like that, idk lol
This... I like this idea lots. It just plays out so well, I hope you like it!
Barbaric Tribe Chief Bakugo x Reader
Tw: Yandere, murder, non-con/rape, nsfw
🧡Chief Bakugo, The most feared and merciless man known across all the land. Only those in his tride know what he looks like due to him killing whoever comes into his path.
🧡You were the exception.
🧡Your small village was just starting to make a name for itself due to the abundance of crops the small area was able to produce. It started bringing in merchants that brought money that bought supplies to expand and advance the architecture.
🧡You were one of the people that proposed the idea of monopolizing the abundance of crops and building up the town more. You were quite proud of all your small town had accomplished, until it caught the attention of a certain tribe.
🧡Bakugo only wanted to attack your village for the food. If he managed to take most of it that would feed his tribe for about a month. He would be foolish not to go and take it.
🧡His tribe moved in the darkness, loving the element of surprise. They took joy from watching the chaos, death, and pain take place.
🧡When they reach your village everyone was softly sleeping. Bakugo had the honor of starting the chaos while part of his tribe collects their goal. Bakugo starts the small flame on the dry house that spred.
🧡Screams came from the houses with people trapped inside while others begin to panic and run like panicked rodents.
🧡The rest of his tride takes the opportunity to grab the people darting around an have their way with them. Plain killing, slow torture, brutal raping, all in the harsh glow of the fire raging on.
🧡You tried to think rationally while trying to avoid capture. You had few ties to people in the village and they weren't the strongest so you had nothing tying here. You could easily run away and live but you need something to help sustain you.
🧡Creeping through the shadows, you made it to the crops. You were disappointed to see the remaining crops trampled but glad some were left.
🧡You tried your best to collect as much as you could but you were harshly interrupted by the harsh pulling of your hair.
🧡You were found.
🧡Spikey blonde hair, strong arms, deep red eyes, bare chest decorated with battle scars and blood of your fellow villagers. Handsome, yes but you couldn't be caught in this siren song of a man.
🧡You thrash and curse him, desperate to escape while he let's out a deep chuckle at your pitiful attempt. It was cute how you tried so hard... you were quite good looking too...
🧡He throws you over his shoulder with ease, not caring for your threats. He liked how fierce you are and your looks were definitely a deciding factor. He looked forward to seeing how you would fight him.
🧡Bakugo carries you to his tribe, gaining very confused looks along the way. He responds with a very aggressive "What the hell are you looking at!?" before tieing your hands and feet too and setting off.
🧡Along the way your talking grew tiresome so he tied your mouth shut with a piece of cloth. It helped silence your anger as Bakugo fondled and smacks your rear.
🧡Everyone was jealous that Bakugo took a plaything with him. They all had sadistic fantasies they had the simply couldn't be acted out within the short time they were allowed to, so why did he get to take you?
🧡His firsthand man walks beside him, hands reaching out with lust. He thought being second in command gave him the right to touch Bakugo's captive.
🧡In a swift movement his head was exploded by the hand of Bakugo.
🧡Everyone froze, terrified and confused. Bakugo looked at his followers and told them if they dare lay a finger on you they'd suffer.
🧡You were terrified and pleased. Not only did you have protection against all these barbarians, you could potentially have the opportunity to bend things to your will with the fear this man already invoked. Downside he could have his way with you and no one would stop him.
🧡By the time you arrive at their base you had severe rope burn on your legs, arms, and mouth. When Bakugo threw you onto his bed and took off your restraints all you could do was slowly move. The pain of the air hitting your raw skin paralyzed you.
🧡You barely noticed how Bakugo watched to, scanned your every move before simply walking off.
🧡You growl in annoyance and yell at him for thinking he could just leave you. Not only did he kill everyone you knew and kidnapped you he was about to leave you while you were in pain. If you were a hostage atleast it a nice experience!
🧡He smirks and creeps towards you like a predator to prey. He asks who exactly do you think you are. You stayed silent as you sent him death glares.
🧡You are his. Simple as that.
🧡He inspects your injuries with great interest before walking over to the far side of the room. Within a few minutes he's back at your side with a rag and a medicinal smelling goop.
🧡He puts the rag in your mouth and starts to care for the burns. It was smart to that rag in your mouth because if not the whole tribe would've heard you howl in pain. He wasn't the most gentle and the goop stung.
🧡By the end of it you had tears running down your face whether you wanted them or not.
🧡Bakugo takes the rag from your mouth and wipes his hands off before sitting next to you. He pets your hair in a way that bordered mocking and sweet as he wiped you tears. He said no pet of his should show weakness.
🧡You scoff and try to scoot away from him but before you could get far your he pushes your head down into the bed. Oh, how the soft whimpers you made excited him.
🧡He growls into your ear about how you are his and he will do whatever he wants with you.
🧡You lay there once he leaves, trying your hardest to make a successful plan of escape.
🧡You managed to fall asleep somehow but what shocked you more was how Bakugo woke you up. It was shocking gentle with the offering of food.
🧡Due to your arms being injured and not wanting to eat Bakugo takes it upon himself to force feed you. While he's doing this he explains how annoying you are for making him feed you. You retort with asking for someone else to feed you.
🧡He didn't like that.
🧡He quickly shoves the rest of the food into your mouth, nearly choking you, before threatening the lives of his tribe and then yours. He was very against anyone interacting with you.
🧡Later that night he traps you with his bear arms. Comforting, yes but you didn't want to be held by him. You squirm, careful not to hurt yourself, but he only pulls you closer and tighter.
🧡As a last resort you bite down hard on his shoulder, only to get a low and rumbling laugh from him. You couldn't understand why he was laughing, you could taste his blood!
🧡You suddenly feel his hot breath on your neck, asking if that was supposed to hurt, before you feel his teeth sink into the crook of you neck.
🧡You bite your lip to hide the pain. If he could take it so could you.
🧡Unhappy with that reaction Bakugo continues to bite your neck and shoulders, harder with every bite.
🧡You somehow manage to keep all noises to yourself. You were proud and delirious considering the pain was now starting to turn into pleasure. It was short lived though since you passed out from the exhaustion and possibly blood loss.
🧡When you wake up you were all bandaged with food waiting for you beside the the bed. Cute but you weren't falling for a sadistic kidnapper.
🧡Thus, a cycle was born.
🧡For the most part you spend most of the day within his room, occasionally walking around the base with Bakugo at your side. He's gone most mornings and afternoons but is sure to bring you the respective meals. He always eats with you for dinner. The most interesting parts of you day happen when he's cuddling you, besides the killing of someone who accidentally brushed against you.
🧡At night Bakugo always starts something or returns whatever you do to him, like the biting. Most everything he does involves physical pain that fades into pleasure but by then you pass out.
🧡You were over this.
🧡That night you had managed to sneak a dagger into the room without him knowing.
🧡Once he got close enough you tried to stab him but he caught you hand. He chuckles with a dangerous glint in his eyes as he tells you this is the reason he likes you.
��He shoves you down and shreds your clothes, leaving you exposed and angry. You were quickly gagged with the remains of your clothes as he began gently trailing the dagger across your skin.
🧡He calls you a slut and a dirty little brat that didn't deserve his dick in you. He also begins to cut a tiny bit deeper, gently breaking the skin and leaving droplets of blood in its wake.
🧡Oh how you hated how much you enjoyed this.
🧡Skin pressed against skin, names carved into you, hot breath trailing up your thighs, pleasure and pain mixed in perfect harmony.
🧡Climax after climax and you were on the verge of passing out when you hear him threaten not being as nice next time.
🧡You suddenly lost interest in escaping.
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How would shoto, katsuki, and Izuku handle feeling their instincts overwhelming urge to scent mate, without revealing they're a werewolf? Or even better (for some drama), they're mate doesn't even know it yet! They think they're just friends, or classmates. Only a matter of time though....
I am just...so weak for any type of supernatural creature x human who has no idea whats going on or that they’re being courted troupe 
Maybe its because protective/delusional yanderes are my favorite and that fuels them
Also usually I don’t do yandere unless specified but I got yandere ideas and vibes from the ask so that's why this one is different! If you’d like non-yandere with this feel free to re-ask it and ill do it for you! Also im sorry I dunno if this was exactly what you asked for QuQ
Shouto would be the most secretive about his werewolf side and any...unseemly instincts that come with it. His father was a werewolf who couldn't control himself around his human mate and he swore he would never be like that no matter what happened. He had seen first hand how fragile and weak humans are compared to werewolves and he is determined to let you live a normal, pain free life, with him, of course. Having said that having his mate to be (he’s working on it) so close to him all the time, smelling like others, and not like him nearly sends him through the roof every time. 
Now if you were already friends he’d try to just play it off as casual affection, throwing an arm around you occasionally, bumping shoulders more often, “accidently” tripping and knocking into you, anything that could get even a drop of his scent on you. Even from an outside perspective it just looks like he is an awkward mess with a crush trying to be closer to you, nothing to suspicious but its enough that he can keep control of himself...for now. But he’ll be 10x more on edge, barely restraining growls when people touch you, people talk to you. Just the thought of someone else breathing around you makes his skin crawl, nails sharpening off into claws, teeth elongating into dangerous fangs. 
This is a dangerous game he was playing with his instincts, basically the equivalent of swinging a piece of meat in front of a starving dog and expecting it not to bite. He won’t last long in this state before he bites...and when he does it will be you that suffers the consequences...
If you’re lucky enough to already be dating him it won’t be as drastic, he’ll just come across as a clingy lover, enjoying cuddling and hugging on you all the time. It can get a bit annoying since it seems like every time you stand still for more than a few moments he’s draped over you like a blanket, rubbing his face into you’re neck. But he is soft and sweet enough that it just comes across as this little quirk he has, you brush it off. As long as you keep tolerating it and don't confront him about it everything can go on as normal for you. Just never try and break up with him...for your own safety and others.
Izuku is clingy on a normal day, now bring his mating instincts into this? He’s insufferable. He can only really be calm when you are dripping in his scent and clearly that isn’t achievable in your current circumstances so he is left on edge and anxious, hovering around you and being overly aggressive to anyone else that approaches him.
Honestly even if you’re “just a classmate” you’re going to be pretty good friends with Izuku, he is loveable and persistent enough that you can’t stop it. And as a (hopefully) future pack alpha werewolf he is clingy in general towards those he wants to bring into his pack, which includes some classmates, so luckily for him rubbing and hugging on you isn’t that out of character for him. You, much like his other friends, aka those he has claimed as his future pack, almost always are dripping with his scent thanks to his overly affectionate personality. And even if he hasn’t been hugging on you he’s always quick to offer a jacket or sweatshirt if you’re cold, seeming to enjoy you wearing his clothes more than anything. It soothes both his need to scent you and his possessive need to show that you are claimed by him. 
Unlike Shouto he just plays off his clinging as normal, he’s not awkward or hesitant about it so you don’t really question it, just assuming that his touchiness is just who he is, which isn’t far off from the truth. It gets to the point that when he eagerly snuggles up to your side at lunch, or wraps his arms around you as he snuggles up to your back on a cold day, or any of the hundreds of other acts of physical contact he engages in don’t feel weird or romantic, it’s just who Izuku is what your friendship is like, until it turns into something more...
If you are resistant towards his constant affection he will be much less...calm about it. Roughly grabbing your shoulder and pulling you against him so you are covered in him for the briefest moment, the slightest hint of his scent getting on you. Or he’ll get more sneaky, leaning over your shoulder to glance at your notes as he asks you questions about the homework or asks what youre doing. If you continue to fight his affection he’ll get more and more aggressive, towards others and then even towards you. You better change your attitude quick.
He can only bend so far before he snaps.
Katsuki is the most blunt or the most secretive about wanting to scent mark you, depending on your relationship. He knows he’s going to be the alpha of his very one pack one day, and his pack needs a strong mate like you by his side. Katsuki has the strongest instincts out of the 3, which leads to his aggression.
If you are a friend of Katsuki he’ll go one of two ways, the first way is he’ll be bold and blunt, pulling you onto his lap or forcing people to move so he can sit next to you, pressed up against your side. He’ll angrily throw his jackets at you and yell at you to cover up no matter how many layers you are wearing, growling and yelling at you until you listen and put on his scent soaked jacket. Or he’ll be much shyer about it, waiting until you are in private to hesitantly pull you into hugs or sit closer to you, still acting confident but it’s clear he’s a little timid, unsure of how to initiate physical contact with you. Either way one thing is for sure, any other werewolf will never doubt who you belong to, even if he hasn’t mated and marked you up yet.
If you are just a classmate the same scenario really will play out, but leaning more towards the first aggressive one, he’ll yell at you, shoving and fighting you more during training, anything to allow more physical contact between the two of you. He’ll follow you around growling and grunting at you if you point out how he is glued to your side, stepping even closer until your bodies are brushing against each other, glaring and pouting at you if you continue to point it out further, making him turn red in embarrassment 
No matter what he’ll be aggressive and protective of you, especially towards others. Even those he is scouting to be part of his pack need to be careful around you. The second you complain about anyone, or anyone hurts or upsets you, they are gone. He needs everyone to be able to smell that you’re his (even though he knows most people can’t tell) and he needs to protect you from threats until he can cover you in his scent everyday, to lock you up and keep you safe, his precious little mate. 
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seeds-and-sins · 4 years
The Seeds accepting you, a young kid, into their family would be like...
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• To the surprise of others, cult members and sinners alike, your acceptance into the family happened the moment you met them.
• Your drunk father was being the abusive piece of shit he was at one of Joseph's Sermons and Jacob Seed intervened without hesitation.
• Within weeks John Seed found a way to legally remove you from your father's custody and assign the family as your permanent guardians.
• John pulled some strings even further and your father was sent to prison for child abuse. Needless to say, you won't see him for a while.
• The Seed siblings, at first, had a hard time figuring out who you would live with.
• So you had a room at each of their abodes, free to live with any one of them, whenever you so chose.
• John would spoil you with an endless array of gifts and excessive affectionate hugs and forehead kisses. He would take you flying in his plane whenever you stayed over at his ranch. He even let you fly it one time, but don't tell Joseph.
• Family dinners every friday night were your favorite.
• John would make the meal and it would suck, but nobody wanted to hurt his feelings, so he never would know.
• Jacob would secretly pass his food down to his wolf sitting under the table, motioning for you to be quiet about it with a wink.
• Family conversations sometimes turning into bickering...
• "Unicorns are real! Okay?! The Bible says so!"
• Joseph and you had a garden together that the both of you would work on when you were at his compound. He would read scripture to you, teach you lessons about the world, and talk to you about the collapse.
• Jacob was more about tough love. He had high expectations of you in terms of being efficient when it came to protecting yourself, surviving in the wilderness, and acknowledging your surroundings. (But every now and again, he would allow you to sleep in his arms if you had a nightmare about your abuse, or were afraid).
• Faith, you went to when you had emotional issues, or questions, or when you wanted female company. You both would have sleepovers and she would give you all the sweets you could imagine.
• Family photos where they all are extra and try to get single photos with you. (There might be a fight over who is the favorite parent, but Jacob doesn't call himself parent as much he does guardian).
• Joseph has one really cute photo of John, Jacob and you, that he hides in his journal. It was the day you got officially baptized and as Jacob was trying to help you out of the river, John and you yanked him in.
• You started playing basketball at your highschool, now that your father was gone you had more confidence to explore your interests. And the Seeds were more than enthusiastic about you being more active and social.
• At home games, they would be the ones cheering for you in the stands, the loudest spectators, even Jacob would participate in the madness (mainly to threaten the referee for calling fouls on you).
• Jacob and John worked with you often to make sure that you were the best player on the team. Jacob more so, would force you to train as much as possible.
• The coach let Jacob take over practice one time, since he usually watched on the sidelines. No one made it to the end of pratice, except for you.
• One of your fellow team mates going, "I hope your dad never runs practice ever again."
• Jacob yelling, "Cull the herd!", aggressively, anytime you got the ball.
• Joseph pulling you aside at half time and explaining, "My child, remember when I said violence wasn't the answer? Yes, well, this might be the one time where I am wrong."
• John bragging about you to the opposing team's parents, "Oh look! There they go again! Out running all of your children and scoring on them."
• Your sophmore year you almost failed math, you had good grades in your other classes, but the teacher wouldn't budge. It was your worst subject.
• At away games, it was almost like the whole cult was there to cheer you on. They would take two massive buses of members who would come see you play.
• Your math teacher never called for a parent-teacher conference ever again. Your grade became a C shortly after that meeting.
• John calling your math teacher and saying, "It would be a shame if (insert random blackmail information) became public."
• You being the best in PE class, with none of the kids being able to catch up, because Jacob Seed trained you every early morning. You were a force to be reckoned with.
• When you started dating, the whole family was very protective of you.
• Jacob and John were more direct when it came to threatening your boyfriend/girlfriend about being good to you.
• "If you try anything, I will carve the sin from your flesh myself. No one will be able to save you, and when I am done with you, well..." John's words fading into a deep chuckle, with that leering smile on his expression.
• Jacob crossed arms, stern posture, "Hmm, I hope you know where you belong, you pathetic weak little-" He stopped at Joseph's glare, "Especially where your hands belong, or else you'll lose'em."
• Your first ex ended up finding snakes in their pillow case before they went to bed one night. Jacob swore 'he had nothing to do with it' and John couldn't stop smiling.
• Faith and Joseph were sweet and kind, but their words had a warning lurking beneath them.
• "My child, you are so full of life. I would be very disappointed should something happen that would require that life to be slowly taken from you. I will pray for you." And Joseph traced a cross onto their forehead, which they couldn't have know that that meant they were marked.
• "It's so nice to know that they think you deserve them." Faith placing a hand on her chest, mockingly being kind to your date. "They are so giving and genuine aren't they? Let's hope they are right... for your sake."
• Your boyfriend/girlfriend had to ask permission before taking you to the local drive in.
• Jacob and John stopping you before you leave, "Don't forget that one neck breaking move that I showed you" and "Do you have that knife that I gave you last Christmas".
• When they give you the talk, Jacob was completely absent from the conversation, John wouldn't stop nervously pacing, and Faith and Joseph were mainly doing the talking.
• Jacob piping in at the end, to Joseph's aggravation, "Just make sure you wrap it up, kid."
• "Only when married can two partners share eachother in such an intimate and loving embrace," Joseph explains.
• Jacob admitting, "Ya'know kid, I actually don't mind having you around, and I don't like having anybody around."
• Joseph always saying, "After I lost my daughter, I never thought the Lord would gift me with another child, and then... and then we found you."
• Take your kid to work day, where John takes you to one of the Project's many court hearings at the Missoula courthouse.
• "My daughter/son would be a better lawyer than you ever could be and they haven't even become a lawyer yet."
• All the other cult members practically babysitting you, or watching your back while the Seeds did the Lord's work.
• Jacob giving you your very own Judge, that follows you around the Veteran's Center and elsewhere when he is busy.
• John Seed tried to cook for you one time and it came out horrible, so you both just started get pre-made meals in the mail.
• Prom night at the Hope County Highschool was a night to remember because John, Joseph, Jacob, and Faith all chaperoned.
• When no one wanted to dance with you in fear of your four parents, the Seeds each had one dance with you.
• John, Faith, and you pranked Jacob into beating up your PE teacher, with a disapproving Joseph on the sidelines.
• You all ended up back at the ranch anyways, for a family dinner.
• When you graduated high school, John Seed revealed his secret stash of wine to you, "You are old enough in my book."
• You having trouble figuring out what you want to do in life.
• "Whatever you do, whether its here with us, or not, we will support you."
• Jacob swelling with pride when you join the Army (but secretly afraid because he doesn't want you to go through what he went through), John nearly crying when you explain you want to become a JAG, and be a lawyer like him.
• John calling you to talk about the family and complain, Jacob rarely calling or accepting your phone calls (he doesn't like phones so much, but you know he cares), Joseph and you communicate through letters, and Faith always FaceTimes or Skypes you.
• When the first seal is broken, the Family urges you to return home to help prepare for the collapse.
• Even as you rushed to get back, there was not enough time.
• You don't make it back before the collapse and end up stuck in someone else's bunker, an individual that you soon come to be friends with.
• Joseph gives you a frantic welcome, crying and holding you in his vice grasp. He explains what happened, how Jacob, John and Faith were killed.
• When the seven years ends, you head straight to Hope County, your bunk mate and you head your separate ways. You look for your family with all of the energy you have, and you find them. There is only one left.
• And then you cry and feel guilty, because you blame yourself for not getting back in time. But Joseph talks you out of that guilt and explains to you that what we do now will be in their honor.
• Ethan being slightly jealous when Joseph shows you more love and affection than him.
• Joseph and you talk about them often.
• And he introduces you to the man you would call your brother, Ethan.
• Together, the three of you try to build what your family had always wanted.
• Joseph stating with so much appreciation and gratefulness in his voice, "You came back safe to me, you came back home. I am proud of you, and John, Jacob, and Faith would be so proud of you too."
• And you never once realized that the Judge was, in fact, the murderer of your beloved parents.
• At least you had Joseph and Ethan...
• Since the day Jacob punched your dad across the jaw in the church, "I know what it's like. No one will ever touch you like that ever again", he promised.
• The day that John stood in a court room and fought for you, "You are one of us now, and we Seeds protect eachother."
• The day that Joseph wrapped a blanket around you, "I knew you would come to us, to be part of our family."
• And the day that Faith held you in her loving embrace, "Everything happens for a reason, my little flower."
• That was the day you became a Seed.
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evesbeve · 4 years
Hey, hey, hey eve 👀 hey, eve 👀 what if 👀 you wrote 👀 some Ben and Klaus angst 👀 haha 👀 Jk if you don't want to you don't have to ily
hey hey hey,,, what if i did  👀
I’d started this before I received this ask, but now is the perfect chance to post it, I think! Hope you enjoy!!
(special thanks to @totallyevan for giving me the constructive critisism i asked for uwu)
Title: people are strange (when you’re a stranger)
Summary: In which Klaus gets into a fight with literally everyone, but it all works out in the end.
(Read on AO3)
Klaus never liked family meetings.
Even after their topic had switched from 'How the hell do we stop the apocalypse?' to 'What the hell do we do now that there is no apocalypse?', they somehow still managed to be the most intense part of the week. Indecisiveness that led to arguments, arguments that led to fights… It really shouldn't have surprised Klaus that Luther and Diego weren't the only ones capable of snapping.
When Ben had walked out without a word during their discussion about a family vacation—they were thinking of either staying at the seaside or renting a cabin in the woods, but it didn't really matter; Klaus just wanted to get away from the Academy for a few days—the room fell into silence, everyone exchanging worried looks. Well. Everyone except Klaus.
"What just happened?" Allison asked and Klaus glanced around the room. Clearly the rest of his siblings shared the same question.
"Yeah, he does that sometimes," Klaus said, still lying on the couch and playing with the ends of his hair. It was getting long again. He'd need a haircut soon.
"… Are you sure?" Diego said. "Because Ben doesn't… It's not like him to…?"
Ah. Of course. Klaus should have known that's what it was about.
While Klaus had been oh-so fortunate to spend the past decade haunted by Number Six, his siblings had learned to live in his absence. It wasn't as if they had spent enough quality time together after reverting the apocalypse either; Klaus was still working on keeping him manifested for long periods of time, especially from a long distance. His family didn't know Ben. Not really. Not anymore. All they had left of him was a memory, a facade he'd long left behind.
Maybe it wasn't like teenage-Ben to walk out on a conversation like this, but dead-Ben? The Ben that Klaus knew? Not only did he walk away on a relatively regular basis when he was upset, but also lashed out, letting Klaus know exactly what it was he was mad about.
Klaus sighed, not quite meeting anyone's gaze. "People change, Diego dear," he said. "Dead people, especially."
For a second, he really thought that was it. That they'd drop it and continue making vacation plans just like they were supposed to do, but Klaus could practically feel another round of glances being exchanged.
"But there has to be a reason, right?" Vanya asked.
Klaus shrugged. Did his siblings honestly think that just because he could see the dead, he knew what it was like to be one of them? That night at the rave had been long ago, but he was sure he'd remember if God waved a document with the words 'Congratulations! You Died! Read the Terms and Conditions on your Behavioral Changes below,' in front of his face.
"Couldn't it be, I don't know, trauma?" Klaus offered, knowing fully well that Ben would have glared at him if he was there.
"A reason as to why he walked out, Klaus," Luther said. A hint of disappointment—that he was desperately trying to suppress—was very much visible in Number One's tone. "Of course he... Of course he has changed. But, uh… there has to be something more to it, right?"
Klaus, now sitting up, clapped his hands on his knees. "I seem to have lost you, brother mine."
"What Luther is trying to say," Five said, not doing a great job at hiding his annoyance either, "is that it's highly doubtful that walking out was Ben's way of showing he's pleased."
Klaus snorted. "Well, that's certainly how you'd show it." He knew he was pushing it—Five's glare told him more than enough—but he didn't really care. He stood up, walking around the couch as he spoke, in the most theatrical voice he could muster. "Maybe he's simply overjoyed, you know? Overjoyed about… sunbathing." He came to a halt, clapping his hands again. "Yeah, sunbathing! In some golden beach in Australia or Greece or wherever we're going—"
"Klaus," Diego said, a warning tone in his voice.
Klaus found himself huffing dismissively without even meaning to. "God, you're just like Ben," he muttered under his breath, and since when was he comparing the way he was treated by the rest of his family to the way Ben was treating him? He managed another glance around the living room, only to see that everyone was staring at him. Great. "What? What did I do now?"
Allison and Diego both scoffed and looked away, Luther shook his head in defeat, and Five and Vanya stayed exactly as they were; staring at him.
"Just… Will you check on him?"
Klaus tried not to be mad at Vanya for asking, but he couldn't help it. Of course they wanted him to go after Ben. Of course that's what this was about.
On days where he just couldn't get his powers to work, Klaus had been more than welcome to pass on messages from Ben to the others, to stand to the side and help them communicate. It'd been sweet, really, and kinda fun, to see his family act like an actual family.
But now Ben was corporeal. Or, well, had been, a few minutes ago, until he walked outside, far from Klaus' range. There was no reason for Klaus to intervene, and yet he was being asked to do just that, once again.
That's all he was to them. Ben's messenger.
Five's voice snapped him back into reality, but Klaus wasn't so sure he was grateful for it. Instead, he nodded, a not-so-friendly grin decorating his face. "You know what?" He nodded more intensely this time. "Sure. I'll go check on Ben for you."
He almost didn't recognize the poison in his voice. He'd really made an effort in playing the good sibling role, and according to Ben—ha!—that meant no offensive comments, no passive aggressiveness, no ignoring everyone…
"Klaus, come on," Luther said. "You know that's not what we meant."
"'We' meant?" Klaus said, letting himself chuckle. "Oh, so you've had time to think about it. What you'd tell me to do if Ben got tired of you all."
"I'm not your fucking courier!" he yelled.
"Of course you're not," Allison said, taking a step closer to him. "We never said that you were."
"You thought of it," Klaus said, shaking his head. "Because that's all I'm useful for, isn't it? Talking to Ben?"
For a moment, the only sound in the mansion was Vanya's leg rubbing against the fabric of the couch opposite to Klaus as she bounced it.
"Klaus," Luther said, seemingly taken aback by his outburst. He exchanged a quick look with Diego, then Allison. "Are you…?"
Klaus should have known where this was going.
"Because you can talk to us, if you are."
He really should have known.
Klaus couldn't help the deep row of giggles that escaped him. A bitter laugh. He hated it, but he couldn't stop it. He didn't want to. "If I'm what?" he said. "High? Using? On drugs? What's it gonna be, Luther?"
"I didn't—"
"We both know what you meant," Klaus interrupted. "I honestly don't know why I'm even surprised."
"Klaus, come on—"
"I'll talk to Ben for you," he said bitterly, reaching for the door that led to the courtyard. He was about to exit, but then he turned around again, to take one final look of his family. "Then maybe he can talk to you about my drug habits."
Without another word, he stormed out.
He wanted to hate them for what had just happened, but he couldn't. He was certainly angry though. Furious. He was so angry that his face was burning and his chest hurt and he wanted to scream, but didn't want to be heard. Not like this, anyway.
But hey. There was one more person in this family left to disappoint.
Ben was standing in the middle of the courtyard. His back was turned on Klaus, but it didn't take much thinking to know what he was looking at. Ben's statue lay proudly on its side, a few meters away from its empty pedestal, and just a bit further was its head. It'd been weeks, but no one had bothered to clean up after the incident at the funeral. Klaus hated to admit it, but he understood why. It wasn't a very pleasant sight.
For a second, Klaus hesitated. If he were honest with himself, Ben was exactly who he needed. Ben knew him. He'd never wrongly accuse Klaus of taking drugs, of not trying enough. Sure, he could be a pushover, but so could Klaus.
And then he remembered the way Diego had scolded him, in the exact same tone as Ben did, and the doubts started to roll in.
Ben had been in a mood for days, and Klaus hated it when Ben was in a mood. He got cranky and quiet and shot him judgy looks, and it was the worst. The last thing Klaus wanted was another argument. Especially not one that would remind him of what had just happened inside.
For a second, Klaus felt the anger from before rising in him again. It was so unfair. The others were probably back to acting as if nothing had happened, and Klaus was boiling with anger. Was this how Ben had felt when Klaus made promise after promise to stop taking drugs, and then invited himself into the first bar on the street?
Maybe that was how Ben was feeling right now. Klaus just didn't know why. He supposed he would find out soon enough.
Ben had seemingly not noticed he was there and—no. Ben always knew when Klaus was there. He was simply ignoring him.
Klaus knew he shouldn't have been angry at him for it, but he'd already dealt with enough bullshit today.
"So, do you also wanna murder me in my sleep?" he asked, only to be met with the silent treatment again. Fuck you, Klaus wanted to say, but didn't. Couldn't. It wasn't Ben's fault the others had yelled at him, although Klaus would have really appreciated the backup.
Perhaps cheering him up would do the trick.
"At least your statue is decapitated now," Klaus said. He immediately regretted it once he saw Ben's body freeze.
"What?" Ben said, without turning around to look at him.
"Oh, you know," Klaus said, trying to play it off cool. "Our dear brothers' big fight has happened in this timeline, so your honor has finally lost his head." Klaus pointed at the forgotten piece of metal on the ground. "You did always say you hate it."
Ben didn't reply.
"Still, wonder why they haven't cleaned up after their mess." He should have shut up there and then. "When I screw up, it's always like 'Klaus, why did you make such a mess in my closet!' and 'Klaus, jump in the trashcan to find daddy dearest's diary!'" Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up. "You'd think they'd have told Luther and Diego to clean up by now—"
"You think this is funny?"
Klaus swallowed. He shut up a little bit too late.
"Um… No. But you have to admit, you did always hate the damn thing—"
"Because I died," Ben said.
"Because it doesn't look like you," Klaus corrected. He and Ben had spent so many nights making fun of the so-called sculpture in the yard. It'd been about the only positive thing that came out of Ben's funeral.
"Because I died," Ben repeated.
Klaus scoffed, and suddenly, he didn't care as to why Ben was acting weird. He knew perfectly well how much Klaus hated it when he threw the dead card around.
Klaus wasn't going to stand there and take it anymore. Not when, after everything they'd been through, he had the same card to pull.
"I died too," Klaus said, anger finding its way back inside his body. "Remember that? Luther, the rave? I even met God and everything, so really, I don't see why you gotta keep—"
"It's not the same!" 
Ben yelled. He yelled, and Ben never yelled, even if he was furious, which meant there was more to it, and Klaus—
Klaus was an idiot. He was a fucking idiot.
Ben wasn't angry. He wasn't moody. He was sad. Desperate. Scared.
And Klaus knew more than well what that felt like.
"You're right." Klaus took a step forward, rubbing his hands together and trying to speak as calmly as possible. "You're right, it's not, I'm sorry, I just—You gotta help me here, Ben. Because I can't help you if I don't know what's going on, and I don't."
Klaus prepared himself for Ben's next outburst, but it never came. Instead came a sigh, and to his surprise, Ben finally turned around to face him.
His hands were buried in his pockets, as if he couldn't reach deep enough. His hood shadowed over his expression, and really, Klaus should have realised there was something very wrong just by that alone. Ben never wore his hood that high up unless there was something really bothering him. Still, Klaus could see the glimmer in Ben's eyes clearly, telling him he was close to crying, if he hadn't already.
"I'm sorry," Ben said, leaning against the empty base of his statue.
"You don't have to—"
"No," Ben interrupted. "I do. I'm sorry for yelling and for…" He pinched the crook of his nose. "For acting such an asshole before. And leaving you alone. I'm sorry."
Klaus tried to think of a way to fill the silence. He swallowed, then took the final few steps that separated him and Ben, and leaned next to him against the base of the statue. "It's okay," he said, then bit his lip. "Do you… want to talk about it?"
Ben huffed. Almost a laugh. That was good.
"God, no," he said, crossing one leg on top of the other. Klaus hadn't even realised he'd been looking down at their legs. "It's just… I don't know. It doesn't really feel like it's over, I guess."
"Tell me about it," Klaus mumbled, and only realised he'd unconsciously reached for the dog tags around his neck after he made contact with the cool metal.
There was silence again. Not quite comfortable, but not awkward either. It was the same silence that thinly hovered between them during the nights that the ghosts got too much to handle. When Klaus couldn't take it anymore, swallowed two pills, and mouthed a quiet apology to Ben who couldn't do anything about it. When something was wrong, but there was no way out of it.
"And—" Ben suddenly stood up, but interrupted himself before he could get a cohesive sentence out of his mouth. The sudden movement made Klaus jump slightly, and his eyes flickered up to meet Ben's. He didn't know what to say, but he hoped his silence would encourage him to continue.
Hoped. Because he didn't actually know what Ben would do. Since when was Klaus uncertain of what his brother, who spent every single day of the last decade by his side, would do? They acted a lot like strangers these days. He didn't like it.
"And," Ben tried again, "I'm still getting used to—Well, not used to, that's not the right expression, but… you know, how you were gone, how you—"
"Ben," Klaus said. It was becoming painful to see him struggle. "I came back. I'm… I'm alive. I'm okay. As you said, it's really not the same—"
"No, not that," Ben said, and Klaus tilted his head as to show him he had no idea what he was talking about. Ben sighed, relaxing his shoulders, and leaning back again. "You're… grieving," he said, and pointed to Klaus' chest with his eyes.
The dog tags.
Klaus tightened his grip around them. He looked down too, for just a second, because he couldn't quite bring himself to face the only thing he had left of the man he loved yet. He tried to focus on something else; the newly planted tulips in front of them would do for a bit.
"Klaus, ever since I died, you've… I've been with you. And suddenly, it's not the same for you, and I'm not saying it's your fault, but—I just." Klaus noticed Ben burying his hands back in his pockets with the corner of his eye. "In and out of a bus. That's all it took for you to… change."
Klaus nodded. He tried to speak, but his throat was suddenly too dry to even attempt it.
"Because you've changed, Klaus, and I—" Ben sighed again, tilting his head back. Klaus wasn't trying to look away anymore. "And then you got sober, and suddenly your biggest issue is where we'll go for fucking vacation—You got sober for him. And I'm happy you did, because God knows how much you deserve this, but I don't understand."
Once more, it was like all the puzzle pieces clicked together.
Ben had spent every last second of the past thirteen years looking after Klaus, trying to get him to sober up. And Klaus had never listened to him. Not in the long run, at least, but he wasn't going to pretend as if his visits to rehab were him making an effort.
He'd made an effort for Dave.
And Ben who knew him better than anyone, Ben who was his best friend and his family, he didn't know who Dave was, not really. There was an entire year of Klaus' life that he couldn't wrap his head around, because he hadn't been there, like every other second.
And Klaus didn't know what to say to that.
He felt so stupid for not noticing before, how bothered Ben was by it; not knowing.
Klaus barely talked about Dave. About Vietnam. About the world behind the briefcase. He couldn't even think about it all without breaking into tears, so putting everything into words was…
Klaus didn't know how to do this.
In the end, he settled for, "You look like shit."
And Ben laughed.
It wasn't a long laugh nor a happy one. But it was laughter, and Klaus hadn't heard it in a long time, so he couldn't help but laugh too.
"Thank you," Ben said, eventually, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "That was exactly what I wanted to hear."
And they laughed again. It lasted much longer this time, to the point Klaus' ribs actually started hurting. He hadn't realised how much he'd missed this; laughing things away they definitely shouldn't. Taking a few minutes to ignore everything else in the world, until it was just the two of them. Ben and Klaus. Broken beyond repair.
They'd need to work on that last one.
They'd ended up sitting on the ground, backs pressed against the cold base of Ben's statue. The silence was around them now—not between them, like before. They were both grinning from ear to ear, as if there was a mutual understanding that Klaus didn't quite… understand, but he felt it, and that was more than enough.
He felt much more confident now.
"I would have done it, you know," he said, and Ben shot him a confused look. "Stayed sober for you, I mean."
Ben shook his head, but not the smile off his face. "Yeah, I've heard that one before."
Klaus wasn't having it.
"No, listen to me," he said, turning slightly to his right so he could be face to face with Ben. "I would have done it, but I didn't need to." Ben huffed, and Klaus felt his heart pound faster in his chest. Why were words so hard, and why were they needed for him to get his point across?
Except they weren't. Words weren't needed.
Klaus took a deep breath, bringing his fists together. Within seconds, a glow surrounded his hands and Ben, before disappearing again as Klaus exhaled. He gave Ben a knowing look, and once his brother nodded in return, he reached out and held his hand between his.
"I didn't need to get sober," Klaus repeated, stroking Ben's hand gently, and scooting close to him so their knees were touching. "Because I could always see you."
Klaus could practically hear Ben thinking, and when it finally clicked, he let go of a silent gasp.
"But you couldn't see Dave."
Klaus nodded. Ben bit his lip, releasing his hand from Klaus' grip and taking both of Klaus' hands into his. Klaus couldn't help but squeeze them, a reminder that Ben really was there. Ben squeezed back.
"You two would have gotten along great," Klaus said.
Ben raised an eyebrow. "You think so?"
Klaus smiled and nodded. "Well, both of you are keen on mothering me, so—ow!" Klaus yelped as Ben pulled on his hands a little bit too hard to tease him. "Are you trying to pull my arms off?"
Ben shrugged. "Thought my decapitated head could use some company."
A snort escaped Klaus. "Always so thoughtful."
"Aren't I?" Ben said, and then it was Klaus turn to pull. "Hey—ouch—Klaus!" he yelped through a laugh and released his hands to stretch. "This really hurts on the shoulders."
"Now you know what pain feels like, Mr Ghost," Klaus said. "And as a matter of fact, Dave's the one that said you two would get along for taking care of me."
"So you admit it at last—" Ben paused, and his expression changed. "Dave knows about me?"
Although Klaus couldn't see himself, he imagined his expression was similar to Ben's. Staring in disbelief, or something along these lines. He wasn't used to seeing Ben so confused, so vulnerable.
"Of course he knows about you," Klaus said, clearing his throat. "I mean, he asked about my family, so… Who else was I supposed to talk about, Diego?"
Ben shrugged. "Well, did you?"
"Yeah, a bit," Klaus said, and when Ben slapped his knee in return, Klaus let him. "I wish you could have met him."
He didn't know what he was expecting. He'd already said too much about Dave than he possibly could in a day, and Ben had probably heard too much than he wanted to anyway. When he felt the hand on his knee squeeze against it, he couldn't help but look up to look into Ben's reassuring eyes.
"I will."
It was a promise. Ben didn't need to clarify it. And it was a promise that Klaus wanted to come true more than any other one.
Klaus held his breath and nodded, suddenly much too aware of the tension he'd been suppressing in his body ever since the start of the conversation, ever since his fight with the others, ever since too-long-ago. He bit his lip, finally letting his tears roll down his cheeks, and if Ben did the same, he didn't know, because he was being pulled into a much-needed embrace.
Klaus didn't know how long they spent there, on the dirty ground, nor did he care. All he knew was that for the first time in years, he truly felt as if things were turning out for the better.
I'm planning on writing at least two more fics for this series (you can subscribe to it on AO3 if you wanna be notified), one from Ben's POV, and one from the other siblings' POVs. (But knowing me, I could end up writing a fic per sibling... time will tell.) Anyway, keep an eye out!
If you enjoyed this, please consider commissioning me or supporting me on Ko-fi. Thank you so much for reading!
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ok but,,,, imagine this analodukeceit au
fantasy setting. logan, remus, deceit and virgil a a gang of exiles, cast out for various reasons. they fall in love with each other and go on adventures together.
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Logan Blackberry Everton, 27
Expert swordsman. Refuses to harm or threaten anyone he considers an ally with his sword.
Exiled 6 years ago because he "betrayed" the royal throne of the Paawtonia kingdom, by killing the heir, Dayd Harper, on the day before his coronation.
In reality, Dayd was a corrupt ruler waiting to happen, and knew that Dayd was going to bring his kingdom down to ashes.
Before exile, Logan was a royal guard, specifically Patton Harper's personal guard. He & Patton were in love, and when Patton had discovered what Logan had done to his older brother he exiled him, and by the time Patton learned the truth it was too late. Logan was too far away. Their love has faded into history.
Logan's never seen without bandages covering his arms, from shoulder to wrist. Can't tell you why, it's spoilers.
Calm, calculated, but loving. Knows exactly how to calm his lovers due to his experience with having to deal with Patton's occasional mental breakdowns because Patton had a rough childhood.
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Ethan "Deceit" Moreau, 25
Works with a staff + sword combo. His boyfs thought his sword was odd for a while until Ethan finally revealed he and the "sword" could cast magic.
Exiled because he was born in an anti-magic kingdom, having magic powers. He naturally knows dark and deceptive magic, and he taught himself some fire & psychic magic later in his life.
Never seen without his body almost 100% covered and part of his face covered. The location that's covered is always changing. Sometimes one eye, sometimes both, sometimes his mouth, etc. It is unknown in the group why he does so. It is theorized to have something to do with his magic, perhaps a side effect? Only Ethan & the people from his home village knows.
Reserved. Keeps things close to his chest(metaphorically). Will take things you say about him seriously and it will take a while before he forgives you for it. He thinks fast on his feet, and is usually the reason his boyfriends dodge being hit by someone, because otherwise they'd have no clue.
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Remus & Roman Aveyard, 23
Remus uses a large, spiky battle hammer as a weapon. It's lighter than it looks, most of the impact and damage comes from the spikes. Remus just likes swinging a hammer more than a morningstar.
Roman is never seen without a shield. He'll take any weapon, but he knows to protect himself during combat. He'd never intentionally give up his shield for another person, it's all about keeping himself protected.
Exiled together at the age of 16 for sabotaging their kingdom, Fairience. They hated their father, Romulus, their mother, Farah, and their older brother, Pryce; Which led them to the foolish decision to attempt to assassinate their whole family and take over the throne together. The twins successfully killed off their parents but were halted before getting to their brother.
Pryce took over the throne, the twins got chased out of the kingdom and were hailed fugitives. They tried to stick together until eventually during an ambush they got separated and presumed each other dead, so they went their separate ways.
7 years later which is when the story starts, Remus had ended up in the exile gang this au is about, while Roman became the leader of a gang of thieves. The gang Roman leads is known to bring harm to whoever resists their ways, no matter what. They'll even overthrow their own leader if the leader goes against their ways.
Remus was mostly alone those 7 years, and became touch starved because of it. So this short, rambunctious kid known for frequently going beserk curls up in fear, shaking, just from being touched. Roman however, is not touch starved but is vary wary about strangers touching him, causing him to quickly dodge oncoming contact from someone new faster than most people could, it's a sixth sense for him to know when unfamiliar touch is coming.
Remus is super wild and all over the place, and at times seems so hyper that he must've had a lot of sugar. He's not afraid to roast & talk sh** about someone, and slap a b***h too. But when it comes to his boyfriends, Remus is very affectionate, giving lots of compliments and kisses. He is very good at distracting them from whatever is bothering them as well.
Roman is prideful and despite him keeping a shield with him most of the time, he's not very cautious. He'll dive headfirst into danger with a shield in hand. He's one of the few who can keep Remus under control(aside from Remus's bfs). He will gossip about you, just accept it. On the outside he acts very social and outgoing but on the inside he's very shy and just wants to get away from the crowds.
Roman isn't as big in this AU as Remus is, Roman's just put here for convenience.
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Virgil Caverly-Deckett, 24 (His name in the image is wrong)
Rogue, uses close-range weapons like daggers. He intimidates most who get close to him so it gives him the advantage.
Exiled for being only part human. His mother had an affair with a demon, so he's part demon. His birthplace is known for being heavily religious, and all the people saw him as a child of sin. So against his mothers cries for mercy, he was chased out of town the day he turned 8, which is when the rumors of him being part demon were proven due to his demon heritage finally coming to light. He still doesn't know what type of demon he partially is, as the only signs he has shown so far are the tiny horns that stick out of his head, the odd patches of skin on his arms and his sharper-than-average fingernails.
He was found and raised by the Dragon Witch, who is actually a relative of Virgil's birth father. Virgil then left his new home at age 19, because he wanted to make a name for himself out there(as well as find others like him), but he occaisonally visits his "Mother Witch"(as he sometimes refers to her as) whenever he can and spends time with her.
Prior to meeting the exile gang, he stopped speaking sentences longer than 10 words, and nobody knows why except for Virgil himself. Not even his Mother Witch, because he hadn't visited since it happened. He can frequently be seen counting on his fingers over and over.
Vigilant. Was pretty vagrant too, until he met his lovers. Soft spoken when calm, but when in battle or stressed his voice is loud, booming, and aggressive. His glare is powerful due to being part demon, he can convince people to back down with it. He rarely uses it on his boyfriends, its only when it's absolutely necessary. He's super affectionate, but in a cuddly way. He's silently demanding them to cuddle him a lot, and they give in because either they want to or they can't resist.
Other noteworthy characters:
Patton Catonica Harper, 24: Ruler of Paawtonia. Used to be in love with Logan but exiled him out of grief after he killed his brother, Dayd. Found out once Logan was long gone that Lo had done him a favor and has since become a shadow of his former self.
Serilda "Dragon Witch" Caverly, ???: Mother figure to Virgil. Master of making potions, charms, and other magical objects. Casts spells with staff. Has wings on her back that she can shrink for comfort and grow when she wants to fly. She also has dragon-like pupils, and has dragon claws, feet, horns, and tail that she can disguise at will for ease. She is a Draconic Demon.
Remy Brantley, 20: Wizard in training. Focuses on sleep-related spells & items. Has trouble with duration of his spells.
Emile Picani, 23: Patton's head servant and best friend. Essentially Patton's therapist as well, as he's the only one who has helped the depressed king with his trauma.
Thomas Sanders, 21: Wizard in training & Remy's best friend. Born in Paawtonia & is faithful to his kingdom. Knows Logan because they are cousins, was very close to him. Fears the day Logan returns because that means, as a defender of Paawtonia, he would have to kill the intruding exile.
So yeah,,,, Analodukeceit Exiles au. Clothing is slightly too modern for the setting but screw it. i'll draw these extra characters later kshfjshfks only the characters in the ship this au is based around were necessary for this post,,, i only added roman cuz it was easier.
i'm 85% likely gonna write a series about this au,,,, lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist. speaking of which, the taglist: @tottalynotgayatall @ollyollyoxinfree @locked-prism @gyllenhoe-f99 @bexxbeauty @a-random-queer-humanoid(you didn't say you wanted to be tagged but i thought you would like to)
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dokidoki-tae · 5 years
thank you for doing the maid ask!! if it's not too much trouble can you also do la squadra'' general reactions about having a maid (she can see stands but doesn't have her own) and risotto dealing with his feelings for her? the maid is clumsy and silly but she cares deeply about each member and tries to make sure they're happy and safe
 This got pretty long haha. But it was fun to write!
Risotto: He left his team to their own devices and didn’t intervene when they were deciding on hiring a maid. He didn’t expect it to last long, and they knew what they had to tell her if she were to work for them. When she started working there, they crossed paths a few times, she always greeted him with cheer and he responded with silence. It never deterred her from greeting him each time. The first time he spoke to her was when Formaggio was bombarding her with questions after questions about her romantic life. He’s a man who values privacy, even for normal citizens, so he stepped in and stopped him. He would notice the little things she would do around the base and greatly admire her attention to detail and thoughtfulness. There has been a higher success rate lately, and he wonders if it has to do with her as a boast of morale. He saw her more frequently when she knocked on his office door for the first time. “Signore Risotto, I made some coffee, would you like some?” He agreed and since then she would always bring him a cup. During these exchanges, they exchange only a few words or two. At some point, he finds it hard to drink another’s coffee as he grew to love the way she made his. The next time, he got to speak more than two words to her was when he heard Ghiaccio berating her in the kitchen. Risotto had not slept in three days and his head was throbbing, so Ghiaccio’s yelling was not helping his mood. He stepped out and ordered him to leave. He couldn’t leave the maid in such a state and lead her back to his office. (Damage control) This is the first time Risotto got to know her and realized why some of his team was slowly growing fond of her. He apologized on Ghiaccio’s behalf but she shook her head, saying Ghiaccio was right because she can be careless. Risotto listened to as she spoke softly about her clumsy performance and how she’s grateful they had given her a chance, the softness of her voice acting as a sleeping agent. She laughs quietly when she notices he had fallen asleep. 
Over time, Risotto spoke more to her, asking her how her day way when they cross paths, a huge change from before. He sometimes pulls himself away from work and sits in the living room to talk to her about how the team is frustrating him. One night, he dreams about her and making love to her. He wakes up in a cold sweat, upset by a very human desire he thought he suppressed long ago. When he gets lost in thought and lets his guard down, he thinks about holding her and how her lips would feel against his and wonders how his name would sound as he makes love to her. Ever thought only causes him to grow more and more angry at himself, and he ends up being cold to her. She deflates when Risotto orders her to leave him be, but she complies. Over time, she goes into his office and apologizes for being so clumsy and careless and nosy (thinking this is the reason Risotto is avoiding her). He can’t stand hearing her voice crack as she tries not to cry and stops her. “I can’t let you continue. I should be apologizing for my childishness. It’s just…I have grown fond of you, and I’m having difficulty understanding what I should do.” He had to put it all out there to clear things up. He watched, slightly amused, as she slowly began to process what he said and turn red. She couldn’t form a proper sentence. Risotto noticed her lips move and sound come out her lips but couldn’t hear what she was saying. “Speak up,” he instructed. “I’m fond of you too,” she said, quiet as a mouse. Risotto knew he had to work these feelings out and ignoring them has only made him grow restless. Knowing she shares similar feelings, he hopes they can talk and see if they could help each other out. 
When Risotto shows her his stand for the first time, she takes them into her palms and coos at them like they’re babies. “They’re so cute, Risotto~ Just like you~” He raises an eyebrow. “Cute?’ She nods confidently. “Super cute.” She brings them closer to her face and watches them reach out to her, and she’s sure she can hear them say her name. She starts to make kissing noises, and Risotto can’t help but chuckle at her behavior.
Prosciutto: At first, he was against the idea of hiring a maid and having some random person snooping around HQ. But Formaggio, Gelato, and Melone went ahead and hired one anyway. He was pretty annoyed by her clumsiness at first, ordering her to not touch anything fragile. He softened up when he saw her go through the efforts of sewing one of Pesci’s jumpsuits despite poking her hands several times. She does help relieve him of some chores around the house despite how clumsy she could be. He is worried she will be a bad influence on Pesci as she encourages his “mammone” behavior. Though, he hopes having a woman around will control his teammates and maybe encourage them to be a little more hygienic. She got to meet his stand and was more in awe than scared. She tried to poke its eye before Prosciutto stopped and scolded her.
Pesci: He enjoys talking to her because she always listens to him with a smile. She doesn’t judge or criticize his timid personality like the other. He sometimes confides in her about things, how he doesn’t feel manly enough. She cheers him on and tells him he’s plenty manly, just in his own way. When she discovers she could see stands, she asks Pesci to see his. He feels embarrassed because it’s not as cool as the others. But she’s still impressed. One time, she brought a toy fishing rod and said, “Pesci, look! I have a stand!” He was flattered and thought it was cute.
Formaggio: Fantasized that she would be wearing one of those frilly maids outfits and was disappointed when she showed up in what were basically scrubs. It wasn’t sexy at all. Nonetheless, he badgered her with questions about her relationship status, and she couldn’t help but laugh at how eager he looked when she said she’s single. Eventually, Risotto came out of his office, saw what was going on, placed his hand on Formaggio’s head, and used his strength to push Formaggio’s head down. “I’m sorry my friend has been bothering you. I’ll send him away so you can do your job.” Formaggio eases up and becomes pretty friendly with her. He complains about all the people who’ve rejected him, and she gives him advice on how to talk to women. Formaggio actually blushes when she gasps in amazement when she sees his stand. He becomes bashful and rubs the back of his head. “Little Feet is pretty cool, huh?” and she nods her head furiously 
Illuso: He spies on her after he finds out the others have hired her. After finding out she’s harmless, he doesn’t make much of an effort to communicate with her unless he’s being harsh and lecturing her for breaking one of their cups. usually he leaves Prosciutto to lecture her, threatening to take it out of her paycheck, but lately, he’s been lenient, so he takes it upon himself. When he does, she looks like a kicked puppy, and the others are glaring at him and that’s the last time she does it. He watches her constantly especially when the others are gone to do other things. He doesn’t mind her, but he doesn’t get why others like her. But he starts to notice the little things she does around the base that are pretty considerate. She arranges things the way Prosciutto prefers and folds clothes the way Ghiaccio prefers, she cleans the mirrors in his room with delicacy even when she’s clumsy. He can’t help but soften up around her. He introduces his stand to her, and she calls it a muppet. He mopes in Mirror World the whole day.
Melone: He’s one of the people responsible for finding and hiring her. Unlike Formaggio, he’s not disappointed despite her plain, modest uniform. He questions her eagerly about her healthy, birthday, favorite position. She stupidly honest but shies away from her favorite position part. Melone is surprised and confused by her because she’s the aggressive and defensive type, which he mostly encounters when he asks invasive questions. Her honesty attracts him and finds himself wanting to be around her. When he encounters her clumsiness, he tells her not to feel bad and to just keep on doing her job. He doesn’t really care if they pay her to just sit around and watch tv or eat dinner with them; he just wants her company. He shows her his stand and watches as her eyes widen and her lips form an “o.” She’s examining it and compliments it. She asks what it can do. “Create life” is all he says. He can’t find it in himself to explain how it all happens. He fears that she will hate him if she knew.
Ghiaccio: He’s indifferent at first about hiring one. “As long as they stay out of my way and doesn’t talk to me, I don’t care.” He does because the first few times she’s there, he evaluates her job performance. She’s pretty good at cleaning but is careless! He yells at her the first time she broke a wine glass which ends with her bursting into tears. Risotto was the only one home and ends up having to come out of his office, visibly annoyed, and orders Ghiaccio to leave the base and cool his head. Ghiaccio storms out as Risotto tries to (awkwardly) comfort the crying maid, leading her into his office. Over time, Ghiaccio grows to tolerate her presence and clumsiness. When she experiences one of his rants for the first time, she stares at him in confusion. He barks, “WHAT?!”  due to her staring. When she asks why he’s so mad, he explains the stupidity of idioms and figures of speech. She listens to him and looks more passionate as he goes on. She validates his feelings, agreeing with him about how figures of speech make no sense. He’s startled by how she embraces his point of view and grows to like her. He’s smug when he activates his stand only for her to ask him to meow like a cat. 
Sorbet: He didn’t want a maid at all. Why do they have to pay someone to clean the base when Prosciutto can do it? When Prosciutto hears this, they nearly get into a fight. Upon meeting her, he tells her he is not paying her. Gelato steps in to reassure her that she will be getting paid. Over time, he appreciates her presence. She’s pretty damn normal compared to anyone else in that damn base, appreciating how grounded she keeps Gelato. He enjoys seeing Gelato animated when he talks to her about random things. The others tend to just roll their eyes when Gelato talks about movies or music he likes, and Sorbet is the only one who’d listen. Now this maid is here and listens and converses with him, and it makes Sorbet happy. 
Gelato: Gelato was one of the ones who found, interviewed, and hired her. He knew she would be great the moment he looked into her eyes. There was so much life and warmth in her eyes, it made him smile ear-to-ear. He thought it would be fun to hire and be around someone who had no ties to the mafia world. He often helped her as she cleaned which ends with her shooing him away and telling him that it’s her job to clean. Gelato has a lot of demons inside of him and ends up using her as a sort of therapy. She never has any advice to give, often ending with her tearing up after hearing about their hardships. Gelato respects that she actually listens and doesn’t simply tell him to drink until he’s numb. He accompanies her to the store to buy groceries for the base, and they end up talking about relationships. He teasingly asks her, “Do you find any of my teammates attractive?” as she turns a deep red and turns her face away from him out of shyness. 
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