#but he looked at a baby and called him a shinobi
hellcifrogs · 1 year
Omg have I finally found a safe space where I can safely say that I consider Fugaku a decent dad? Every time I try to tell that to someone I get attacked with mostly fanon views of him. Like, people have somehow convinced themselves that Fugaku """canonically""" (which is to say, nowhere in canon is shown) hit his children, especially Itachi, and was a shitty father all around?
I have a strict dad close to the way Fugaku is shown to be in canon (minus the Take-My-Four-Years-Old-Son-To-The-Battlefield thing obviously) and being strict doesn't mean being shitty, but I guess people have just decided to ignore that...
ANYWAY. I'm fully convinced that Fugaku is one of the best dads within the Narutoverse and I'm so so so happy to see more people realizing it!
Fugaku wasn't the greatest dad, but he WAS a father. We can't say characters like Rasa were "fathers" too...
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Ding dong, here’s the final chapter! I have an epilogue in mind so that may come later, but for now, Thanks  so so much for the response to this series and Enjoy!
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
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[talking] [talking passes]
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Gai: You knew right away, didn’t you? Kka: Correct. I knew something was wrong when you weren’t trying to do situps or anything..... You little criminal, who smuggled that in for you? Gai: Naruto
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Kks: How did you get him to do that? /I/ cant even get Naruto to do things. The tear tracks and shit eating grin are cute. Kinda wanna kiss you. Gai: Don’t let me be a hindrance to-
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Gai: What are you giggling about? Kks: I just remembered
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Kks: I get to hold over your head that I held mirai before you. Gai: You what?! Your first baby hold and I missed it? Get off of me Kks: So mean! Near death made you crabby. Gai: I won’t give into this Kks: You will, you always succumb. [gai sighs annoyed]
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Gai: [Groans] When are they making you swear in as hokage? Kks: That’s not happening anymore thankfully. Gai: Huuuh?? Tenzou didn’t tell me that!
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Gai: He said Lady Tsunade was retiring and you were the only choice. Naruto even tried to- Kks: Where do you think i’ve been all day? I convinced her to hold out until Naruto or whoever  took over next. Gai: How did you smooth talk that one? Kks: I agreed to do her paperwork and cover for when she needs R&R. I also advised her to ditch the elders so she can actually run this shit show right. Gai: And they... took that well? The elders? Kks: No, not at all. Let’s just say I said some... things that made them backtrack on their decision.
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Gai: YOu cant just say that and not tell me now!! I gotta know! Kks: Well... Homura: Absolutely not! Kks: If I am appointed, I’ll be replacing you regardless. Naruto certainly will. It’s inevitable. Koharu: Those kids don’t know how this village runs!
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Kks:Those kids just won your war and this is how you speak of them. Or are “those kids“ only respectable to you when they’re eager to die at your beckon call and shut up. Elders: How dare- Watch your tongue! Kks: I won’t be someone who you can walk all over. Things will change. Just so my intentions are clear
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Gai: What next?! Kks: That’s is really. Kinda tuned the rest out and passed out for 3 hours. Gai: Rival, I was so invested Kks: Sorry Gai: So you agreed to essentially split the work of a hokage but not publicly take the title? Kks: Mhm Gai: So cool! Apologies, I had just assumes since you were gonna accept last time Kks:[hums] Things changed. Konoha’s not on the brink of war, Tsunade’s still here. The village can breathe and rebuild now.
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Kks: After a glimpse of the hassle and public attention the last time, I’m just... Not interested in any of that. I’ve never dreamed or desired to be the hokage. That was always something others wanted /for/ me. So I said no. I know you were happy for me so- Gai: Kakashi
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Gai: I’m so very proud of you for expressing how you truly feel. You and tsunade will do amazing work supporting the next generation. Even If you chose to retire today, I’d still be just as proud of you. Also a selfish part of me if happy to have more time with you. [kks huffs]
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Kks: I’m proud of you too, y’ know. All your hard work, you’re fucking incredible. Glad my dad made me talk to the cool kid in the green jumpsuit. 2nd coolest shinobi. Gai: Only took 25 years, but I’ve finally caught your eye! Kks: Yup, let’s move in together.
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Gai: WHAT?1 Whu-! Kks: I’m fixing up dad’s old house with Tenzou. you should live there with me Gai: Why? Kks: Why are yo suspicious? I’m serious. Space, accessibility for you... I want you around more. Gai: Ok Kks: Ok? Gai: An exciting change is just what my youthful journey needs!! Kks: So yes?
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Gai: I would love to share a home with you, Rival [kks giggling] What now?
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Kks: Did I just make you succumb, Gai-kun? Gai: When can we have a match next, I need to consensually slap you in the head [kks laughs] Why did you say it like that? Kks: I’m sorry! Your pout looks so cute.... You are still moving in with me, right? That wasnt a joke.
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Gai: I’m gonna let you sweat on that one awhile... [whimpers]
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Kks: Love you so much, Gai
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[gai snoring]
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[gai snoring]
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ayyyez · 1 year
For whichever Naruto characters you'll get inspiration for: how do they think they would do babysitting vs how they actually do. Who'd be overconfident and fail miserably? Who would avoid it at all cost but turn out amazing? Who is bad with kids and knows it? Who'd be a supernanny?
A/N: oh yeah, sure thing my friend! These were fun to do. Thanks for sending in a request!
TAGS: babysitting headcanons, fluff, soft headcanons, hehes, gremlin Madara
CHARACTERS: Neji Hyuga, Shisui Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Madara Uchiha, Tobirama Senju
NEJI HYUGA: Okay so genin Neji would not be thrilled at the prospect of babysitting. He'd also be a little cocky thinking he'd have no problem wrangling a bunch of kids. He underestimates these trouble makers however and has a woeful time dealing with their "backtalking" and "incessant questioning of authority." That's him— he's the authority. Neji sweetie they're kids. Won't lose them though with his Byakugan and kind of scares them into behaving with his demeanour.
Teen/Adult (Jonin) Neji now is a lot more mellow and less harsh. He's going to be a lot softer and understanding. Is actually less confident with the task but does a lot better. Bends down to the kids level to talk to them. Treats them the same way he does adults in the way he talks to them but his tone his gentler. Is patient with their questions. Reads to them. Teaches them life lessons.
Don't tell anyone but he gives them piggybacks.
SHISUI UCHIHA: The best damn babysitter you could ask for and he knows it too. If you tell him though he'll get all bashful about it. He's so good with kids! Talks and plays with them like he is one. Being around kids helps him reset and forget his troubles. He can't help but want to protect them and their childhoods. Because of this just wants to show them the best time.
Kind of sneaky about the games he teaches. The games teach them strategy and how to think on their feet. Real world shinobi skills to help them learn how to hide and escape if they ever need it. Shisui also picks the littler kids up and zooms them around. Piggyback rides and races. Rolling down hills. Lots of laughter and fun.
Always letting the kids win and encouraging them when he can.
SHIKAMARU NARA: Doesn't matter when this is Shikamaru's always going to think it's going to be a drag babysitting. He's going to look for the easiest way to mind these kids. Think smarter not harder is his motto. Doesn't think he'll do a terrible job nor exceed expectations. He's there to tick a box. What he doesn't expect is to be kept amused by the kids. Having back and forth banter. The kids telling him "jokes" and stories.
Ha. So maybe babysitting isn't so bad. The kind of babysitter who is like 'Alright, I'll give you some treats if you don't tell your parents.' Totally has a secret pact with the kids. Teaches them all sorts of cool things. As long as they don't have to go anywhere or do anything too annoying.
The kind of babysitter the kids think are cool.
MADARA UCHIHA: Do not let this man babysit your kids. He's a terrible influence (affectionate). I don't mean big bad Madara either I just mean regular gremlin Madara. He's going to have your kids running wild and promoting their chaos. He has a complex where he both thinks he's the best babysitter in the world and thinks he's also going to fail big time.
Okay in all seriousness though he's good for kids who have a lot of energy and need to run around. He'll match their energy and do what they need to do to get all of that out. Won't bring any negativity to the table either. Just encourages them to go go go. And is behind them the entire time. Doesn't care about the mess either. Those kids want to roll around in mud? Alright mud fight it is. It's war baby. Takes those wargames very seriously. The kids call him sir and everything lol.
He encourages chaos in order to keep that watchful eye on them. He actually does an alright job.
TOBIRAMA SENJU: Great teacher. Terrible babysitter. Terrible with teensy children. Good with school level children in a teaching environment. But he just can't babysit. He's so bad with children that aren't his own or his students. He's just so awkward. You know how people hold toddlers like they're wild creatures with their arms completely stretched out in front of them? That's him holding them.
Everything becomes lectures when he talks to them and he's so theoretical and awkward at connecting and knows it. He honestly chooses to just not babysit.
I want to point out though he is really good at teaching children when they're his students. When they're old enough to somewhat take care of themselves and he just has to teach them the rest and theres time to make a connection—he can't explain it—it's just different. Like tweens he's good with tweens. Genuinely enjoys seeing the next generations flourish he just doesn't have those babysitting skills.
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seoheesoo · 3 months
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What if Sakumo were alive and how Kakashi's life would have changed after Naruto was born
[Part 6]
"I can't believe it's been nine months already!" - Obito said excitedly.
The teenagers arrived at the Namikaze family's house. Kakashi raised his hand to knock, but the front door suddenly opened. A young woman came out of the house.
"Tsunade oba-san!" - Kakashi smiled at the woman, who looked at the three teenagers with a surprised look.
"Kakashi! Look how you've grown!" - Tsunade extended her hand and patted the guy’s hair. - "Have you come to visit Kushina?"
The teenagers nodded.
"Come in, she just woke up", - Tsunade stepped aside. - "I'll go see Sakumo-san for now."
Obito and Rin bowed to the woman in farewell.
"Why do you call Tsunade-sama an aunt?" - Obito immediately asked as soon as the woman disappeared around the bend.
"Because Jiraiya is my uncle", - Kakashi shrugged and entered the house.
"So what?" - Obito screamed. - "You're always like this. You can never answer a question directly. You're annoying!"
"Be quiet", - Rin shushed him. - "You'll wake up the baby."
The teenagers took off their shoes and walked into the living room. The door to the bedroom was slightly open. Obito and Rin knocked and entered the room, while Kakashi hesitated at the entrance.
"Obito, Rin!" - he heard a woman's voice. - "Glad to see you."
"Kushina-san!" - Obito rushed to her first. - "How are you?"
The woman was lying on the bed. Traces of fatigue were visible on her face. She smiled softly at the worried teen and squeezed his hand tightly.
"I’m fine", - she reassured the guy.
Obito did not take his eyes off her, in which anxiety was noticeable. At the same time, Kakashi finally entered the room. While Obito and Rin were talking to Kushina, Kakashi moved closer to Minato.
"Do you want to hold him?" - asked the Fourth Hokage as soon as Kakashi was nearby.
Hatake nodded uncertainly. Minato smiled encouragingly at him and held out the child. Kakashi carefully picked him up and pulled him closer.
"Hey Naruto, wake up", - Minato bent over the baby. - "It's time to meet."
The child in Kakashi's arms began to stir. His eyelids fluttered and after a moment he opened his big, blue eyes. Kakashi turned his back to everyone and pulled the mask off his face with one hand. His lips stretched into a gentle smile.
"Hello Naruto", - he said softly. - "My name is Kakashi."
Naruto blinked.
"I’m so happy to finally meet you", - Kakashi leaned over the baby and touched his cheek with his finger. - "From this day on, I will be your big brother. And I will always be by your side. I give you my word."
"Kakashi! I want to hold Naruto too!" - he heard a loud voice behind him and quickly pulled the mask over his face.
"Wait", - he muttered and hugged the child tighter.
"Hey, that's not fair!" - Obito immediately pouted. - "Give him to me."
Kakashi shook his head stubbornly. Minato and Kushina laughed.
"Come on, Kakashi, let Naruto meet his other siblings", - Minato put his hand on the guy’s shoulder.
"Okay", - Kakashi muttered displeasedly and handed the baby to Rin.
Three years have passed since Naruto was born and four years since Minato assumed the post of Hokage. Konoha was rapidly changing under the leadership of the Fourth Hokage. The first thing Minato did was remove Danzo from all affairs and abolish the Root. As soon as Kakashi turned seventeen, Minato appointed him head of the ANBU. Not only focusing on changing the ANBU system, Minato also advocated reforming the police department. By concluding an alliance with the head of the clan, Fugaku Uchiha, with the support of Obito, Minato was able to change the attitude of the elders and residents of Konoha towards the entire Uchiha clan.
In addition to changes within the village itself, Minato actively advocated signing peace treaties with other villages and ending bloody wars. The long-awaited peaceful era of shinobi has arrived.
Kakashi was patrolling the borders when he suddenly felt familiar chakra. He stopped abruptly, and his team members immediately froze nearby.
"Go ahead, I need to check something."
Having waited for their nods, Kakashi headed towards the supposed location of the familiar chakra. He landed silently on a tree branch and glanced at the ground. In the middle of the edge of the forest stood a child. Kakashi jumped down. The child turned around and shuddered in fear.
"Naruto", - Kakashi called him quietly.
The boy covered his face with his hands in defense. Kakashi mentally cursed. The child had never seen him in his ANBU uniform before. Kakashi removed the Hound mask from his face and then quickly pulled off the black mask as well.
"Naruto", - he called the child again. - "It's me."
The boy slowly moved his hands away from his face and turned his gaze to the guy.
"Kashi nii-chan!" - with the speed of the wind, the boy rushed at Kakashi and hugged him tightly around the neck.
"I’m sorry I scared you", - Kakashi said softly, stroking the child’s back soothingly. - "What are you doing here? And why are you alone?"
Naruto was silent, still trembling slightly from the emotions he had experienced. Kakashi decided not to put pressure on the child, giving him time to come to his senses. After a few seconds, he felt a familiar chakra approaching. He quickly pulled his black mask over his face and carefully broke the hug from the boy.
"Genma, captain of the Hokage's personal guard", - Kakashi turned to the arriving guy and deliberately emphasized his position. - "Would you like to explain why the hell the son of the Fourth got lost in the forest alone?"
The guy put his palm forward and frowned.
"Do you remember that five days ago the Fourth sent me on a mission to Hidden Sand Village? I returned an hour ago and was immediately informed that Naruto had escaped."
"Escaped?" - Kakashi clenched his hands into fists. - "So, what did your incompetent subordinates tell you? Isn't it their responsibility to protect and monitor the Fourth's son? How could a three-year-old child escape from their surveillance? Do they even understand the danger they put him in? What if something happened to him?"
Genma jumped off the branch and came closer to the guy.
"According to them, in recent days he began to run away more and more often. And it became more difficult for them to find him."
"They also have the audacity to come up with excuses for themselves?" - Kakashi’s cold voice cut deeper and sharper than any dagger.
Genma glanced worriedly at his right hand, which was beginning to gather chakra. The accumulated chakra crackled and enveloped the guy's entire arm in blue bolts of lightning.
"They were very unlucky that it was not the Fourth who found out about this, but me. Minato sensei could have spared them, but I won’t", - Kakashi growled in a slow and low voice. - "I'll kill them."
"Kakashi, stop", - Genma took a step forward, standing in the guy’s path completely without any fear. - "You're scaring Naruto."
Lightning flashed and disappeared. Kakashi turned around and met the gaze of frightened eyes. Hatake dropped to one knee in front of the child.
"This is the second time I’ve scared you, I’m sorry", - Kakashi bowed his head guiltily.
"Kashi nii-chan, I didn’t mean to", - sobbed Naruto.
Big blue eyes filled with tears.
"I ran away and now you’re angry with me", - the child said in a broken voice, rubbing his eyes with small fists.
Kakashi's heart sank. He extended his hand and hugged the boy tightly.
"Naruto, I'm not angry with you", - he whispered, feeling hot tears on his shoulder. - "Listen to me carefully, Naruto Namikaze, I will never be angry with you. You will never disappoint me. And you should never be afraid of me. I will always be by your side to lend you a hand or lend my shoulder. I will always be behind you, protecting you and guiding you. You should never worry about this."
The boy's small arms hugged his neck tighter. Kakashi could feel the child's heart beating fast in his chest.
"Do you promise?" - the boy asked in a quiet voice.
"Promise", - Kakashi vowed, putting all his love and devotion into one word.
"I knew I would find you here", - Kakashi heard Guy’s voice, and then felt Might sit down next to him. - "You weren’t near the gate and I didn’t find you in the apartment. You usually meet me after missions. Something happened?"
Kakashi could feel his excitement. Guy knew him too well, he could read all of Kakashi's hidden feelings just by looking at him. Hatake felt Guy's hot hand gently squeeze his palm.
"It’s interesting how much has changed in the village in the three months that I was gone", - Guy decided not to put pressure on Kakashi and decided to continue the conversation, giving Hatake time to find the right words. - "Did Naruto acquire some new techniques? I can't wait to meet him tomorrow and show him some new moves."
Kakashi snorted quietly. Guy loved Naruto very much and if it were his will, he would spend every free minute with the child. Kakashi liked to watch them train while sitting under the shade of a tree with a book in his hands. Guy and Naruto were very similar to each other in Kakashi's eyes. Both had immense energy and literally glowed from within, like two bright suns. And usually, when Guy went on long missions, Naruto's company brightened up the days of waiting for Kakashi. But not at this time.
"I’ve been having nightmares a lot lately", - Kakashi said in a hoarse voice.
Guy tensed.
"Every night I dreamed that I was losing everyone I cared about. Father, Duy-san, Obito, Rin, Minato sensei, Kushina-san, Jiraiya ji-san… They all died right in front of me, and there was nothing I could do to save them. I just watched helplessly as they left."
Guy silently listened to Kakashi's monologue. Hatake could feel how carefully and tenderly Guy squeezed his hand.
"And every night I woke up with a scream in my throat", - Kakashi sighed heavily and turned to face the guy. - "But, you know, there was something that helped me break out of these nightmares and come to my senses."
Guy waited with bated breath to hear the continuation of the story.
"You", - Kakashi finally said.
Guy's gaze warmed. The tense shoulders relaxed and the corners of the lips curled into a soft smile.
"Thinking about you brought me to my senses", - Kakashi continued. - "You know, my brain never formed nightmares about you. Because I know better than anyone that I simply won’t be able to stand it if I see something happen to you. I can and I was able to survive nightmares about all the people close to me, but I know very well that if something happens to you, I will break."
Kakashi pulled Guy's arm, forcing him to move closer. And then put his head on his shoulder.
"You are my anchor, Guy. Always have been. As a child, you always brought me down to earth when I acted like an arrogant kid. In my youth, when I was drowning in the blood of my enemies, you pulled me to the surface, not allowing me to choke. You became my support and my strength."
Guy gently ran his hand through the Hatake's hair.
"I often think about the future when I look at Naruto", - Kakashi admitted. - "This child was born in such a cruel world, but I want to change this world so that he does not have to experience the horrors that you and I once went through. I want his whole life to be filled only with happiness, joy and love. Sometimes I worry that he is too energetic and that it might put other people off. But, you know, this child is special. There is something in him that, on the contrary, attracts other people to him, makes them follow him. Very soon he will go to the Academy. Because of his parents' status, I was afraid that the other kids might shun him, but he manages to befriend every kid he meets. He has already made friends with Itachi's younger brother, the Kazekage's son and the children of Ino-Shika-Cho."
Guy smiled. Kakashi's voice changed when he spoke about his little brother. Guy could feel Kakashi's boundless love for Naruto.
"These are peaceful times, but sometimes this calm scares me."
"I understand what you mean", - Guy nodded.
"It’s like everything can collapse in an instant. It’s like this whole world is an illusion."
"That’s not true, Kakashi", - Guy objected softly.
"I want to believe", - Hatake sighed tiredly and closed his eyes.
He felt like he was falling asleep. And he knew that next to Guy, all the nightmares would finally recede.
"I missed you", - Kakashi said. - "Three months is too long. I was afraid that you wouldn't come back."
"I will always come back to you", - Guy gently hugged him by the shoulders. - "In this world and in all others. In this life and in all others. In every reality and in every universe, I will always return to you. Only to you."
Kakashi smiled.
"Sounds like the most serious promise", - he teased the guy.
"This is my self rule", - Guy lifted Kakashi’s face and softly kissed his forehead.
"Maa", - Kakashi pulled off his mask and covered his lips with his own, feeling Guy’s happy smile. - "I love you too".
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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4ngeldusstt · 11 months
K A K A S H I H A T A K E headcanons
A/N: some cute things i came up with i wanted to write some kakashi my man deserves some attention too
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 727
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♡ He knows you’re part of the ANBU, he was notified by Tsunade herself (even though he isn’t a part of it anymore) but everyone knows he is trust worthy and she thought it was something he deserved to know.
♡ He is very worried about you when you have a mission, usually he is told when something is going on in the village so when every once in a while you are sent to a very important and/or dangerous mission you must know he isn’t gonna have not a single minute of sleep until he knows you made it back safely.
♡ If it happens that you are sent alone to a mission just know he for a fact is gonna follow you, he is very cautious and is very good at hiding his presence to avoid being noticed, he does think you are more than capable of protecting yourself, don’t get him wrong, but he still does it mainly for his own mental sake.
♡ He is so so proud of you, when he has the pleasure to see you in action he can’t help but stare at you in awe, almost drooling as you take down opponents without breaking a sweat. Kakashi defenitelly thinks you are the most badass person he’s ever met and adores when other people praise or recognise your strength and your exceptional abilities.
(I must add he loves to brag about you and praise you when he has de opportunity, to the point his friends have to shut him up cause he can go on and on and doesn’t know when to stop, can you blame him though? Everyone has to know how amazing and beautiful you are, duh.)
♡ The combination of you being cute and gentle and the complete definition of a sweetheart to everyone but also in the other hand being capable of being ruthless and a overly skilled shinobi?? drives him i n s a n e, he just can't get enough of you!
♡ He loves when you call him nicknames, everyone calls him kakashi, sensei amongst others but you are the one that he allows to refere to him as anything else his favourites are kashi or baby, it makes him feel so special and gets pouty if you use his full name.
(You also make up weird ass names for him, for example: “my little baby prince”, “my angel king of my soul”, “baby veggie dumpling”, “prettiest shinobi of the land”, “my perfect angel baby” and so on, they make him laugh and in fact he adores them, its become a thing between you two, he honestly looks forward to what you come up with each time.)
♡ When he finally has you home after a long time away, (even more than a couple days is long enough for him) he has a delicious meal already prepared, a warm bath ready for you and some of your favorite flowers sitting pretty in a vase with a little present next to it, a small detail to make you smile, like a ‘welcome home’ present. There’s nothing in the world that he loves more than taking care of you, knowing himself how tiring ANBU missions can be, after a long mission he wants you to just get home and not have to do anything, and i mean anything, if you need something, even the smallest thing, you can be sure that he will do it for you.
♡ If you love books just like him, that’s something yall bond about, making it a tradition that on sundays you have a chill day where both of you only lounge in the couch/bed and read, just enjoying each other’s company and after that reading session he takes you to the village restaurant to eat dinner and comment/talk about what happened in the book.
You both for sure gift each other books all the time, if a new icha-icha book comes out oh boy, you are the first get your hands on it so your man can read it without having to wait. And the same for you, he has his ways to get the books you love even before they launch officially, it brings him genuine happiness to see how excited you get and how your eyes shine when you have a new story to devour.
<3 Overall he is just the perfect boyfriend, get yourself a Kakashi <3
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thebloodredraven · 5 months
Akatsuki Secret [sub] Kinks - Part I
lineup: itachi uchiha, hidan, konan, sasori warnings: mentions and descriptions of rough sex, degradation, dumbification, mommy kink, humiliation, r*pe play, and edging, gender inclusive
- x - notes: I've had this in my drafts for a little while (a year lmao), but I couldn't get Hidan fleshed out tbh. His was hard. Anyways: minors do not interact, comment or reblog if you like it, and make sure to support other fanfic writers ♥ I only do these when the moment strikes so idk when the second part will be published but it'll get done! thanks ♥ - x -
Itachi: degredation/humiliation
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Sure, he could be the best pleasure dom you've ever come across ever. Ever. But have you considered he gives you all the praise because he's tired of hearing it for himself? Every waking minute of his life, he has to hear about how great he is. How powerful he is. How nobody will ever amount to his power and prowess as a shinobi. Praise, envy, recognition, infamy, compliments, shoe-shining, ass-kissing, blah blah blah blah blah. He's heard it all before and he's sick of it.
You can't convince me he wouldn't fold, or at least pause him in his tracks, if someone told him he wasn't as special as everyone claimed he was. That he wasn't worth the hype. That you expected more from someone with his name. That the way he was writhing and keening from your fingers milking his prostate because he hates being edged was unbecoming of him. That Uchiha pride of his would fight back against the accusations and his eyes would burn with hatred, but the beet-red blush that covers his entire face and chest while you're impaling his wet throat tells you he feels otherwise.
That man wants to be spit on and called a cock-sucking whore while he's ass up taking a strap. Call him pathetic. Tell him how stupid he looks with his fucked-out face smothered in the pillows and slick all over his chin from when you sat on his face and smothered him until he couldn't breathe. Laugh at him when he begs for air by tapping your thighs. Ask him how he'd feel if his entire family could see him in a position that would bring the whole clan to shame, and he'd feel freer and more liberated than he has his whole life cause all the expectations people placed on him are GONE and he can just be your dumb little toy.
Konan: dominatrix
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I feel it in my gut that this woman is a dominatrix at certain times. She feels like a switch, but the few times she needs to be in that special space? Needs to feel some semblance of control because everything else around her is out of her grasp because someone else has what she wants in their clutches? That's when she slips into that headspace.
Unlike Itachi as a pleasure dom, she's a no-nonsense woman and expects to be obeyed. You'll be rethinking about how you backtalked her when your top half is hanging off the bed while she fucks you with a brutality she learned to harness on the battlefield, the only thing keeping you from falling being her strong grip on your hips.
You've got drool sliding down your cheek and a tight grip on her wrist while she forces moan after moan after moan from you until you're screaming and crying for her to stop. Because after four messy, powerful orgasms you can't take it anymore. It's too much. She'll slow down once she sees you sobbing and bend down to kiss away your tears, letting you get a breather, but she's not pulling out. In fact, you're too dazed by her lips to realize the meaning behind her sliding her hands up your body to rest at the juncture of your neck. She presses one more tender kiss to your ears before whispering in a deceptively kind voice, "I know it's a lot, baby. But you know tears don't move me. Until I hear that safe word, you're going to take it until I'm satisfied you've learned your lesson. Now stop whining and spread your legs wider. You're in for a long night."
Hidan: dumbification/tenderness
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You'd think this one would be easy because what you see is what you get most of the time with Hidan: a sadomasochistic pain-obsessed BDSM freak with very little boundaries. He typically requires a lot from sexual partners because that's all he's used to: intensity. Everything with him is always blood, violence, screaming, sacrifice, Jashin, Jashin, Jashin, kill, kill, kill. R8P play, flogging, knife play, golden showers, and even killing him are not above his desires. But this is about secret kinks. There are enough fanfics about him loving the thrill of being bullied by big muscular men to the nth degree, but what's something he'd keep hidden from everyone else? One he might actually feel embarrassed about sharing with someone? One he'd go to great lengths to hide because it's the one thing he's ashamed about feeling like he needs? It's not a kink at all. It's a human emotion that he craves to feel during the moment more than he's willing to admit: It's tenderness. It's making love to him to slow his mind down and coaxing his orgasms from him in a way that doesn't overstimulate him and watching him make sense of it. It's enacting acts of violence against his body with spiked whips, chain-shibari, and barbed wire but pressing a kiss to his fresh, bloodied wounds at the same time. It's making him understand that he craves violence and hedonism because it's the only form of control he ever has and taking it away from him is a risk you love him enough to take. It's being in the throes of pleasure and getting him right to his peak before forcing him to keep eye contact as his pleasure spills over and wracks through his body in waves because of the softness and admiration aimed towards him at his most vulnerable. He'll NEVER admit it out loud and he'd actually kill you if you brought it up any time outside of the bedroom, but you know. He knows you know. It works out.
Sasori: MMlb/DDlb
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I see this man portrayed as a hard dom 98% of the time and I'm not mad about it, but........ The same man that figuratively and literally wears a hard shell of a mask to hide his vulnerable and delicate nature? The man that finds beauty in the most macabre things because it's everlasting and immortal, therefore will always be remembered and praised? The man that found peace after death because someone finally understood him? The man that created puppets of his parents for some form of connection to the intimacy that he was robbed of? The Scorpio? That man needs a Mommy with a capital M. He wants to be nurtured. He wants to be held. He wants someone else to hold the strings to his heart for a change. That bad attitude and mean streak doesn't change the fact that that man is a bottom; a bottom leaning switch at MOST.
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frosty-mango · 2 months
Reanimated Madara x Shy!Forest Goddess!Reader
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@opheliasadventures1 :- Reanimated Madara with a shy and easily flustered forest goddess reader
A/N :- I gotchu with this one first, headcannons coming later I promise. Just bear with me, it's been a minute since I've written on Tumblr 😂
Warnings :- Flirting, mild language, Madara, gender specific reader (fem)
Word Count :- 1.2k
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Life has a funny way of things doesn't it? One second you're living fine, alone, happy, content. The next your falling head over heals for a man that can kill you with one fatal jutsu. After that... You're mourning the loss of that man because of a negative spiral for power and revenge. And then your back to square one for god knows how long. The heart can be something so great and so hurtful in these times.
And much to your own dismay it really is. You lived in near solitude after the death of your late husband, Madara. You were fine with this, you couldn't get hurt if you didn't make any new connections. Plus... It's more painful to watch all that you know change and leave when you're immortal. It was like this for years, but until now you hadn't had a reason to leave your sanction till you heard it.
And not just by someone who just so happened to come across your home, but by the very Senju that killed what was your brother inlaw. Tobirama Senju, an old friend yes, but a sour one at the most. Seeing as he wasn't looking completely together told you enough that he was completely there. One of the Senju brothers needing your help wasn't uncommon from back when they breathed and bled, but this was far different. Being asked to stop your husband who is trying to make the world submit to an eternal genjutsu was something else.
And that's why you're here now...
Currently using your abilities to your advantage on the battlefield. You weren't near Madara yet, but you could tell he was there and what he was doing was sickening. Everyone had a show for it too, Hashirama fighting the Ten-tails, Saratobi and who you now know as the fourth hokage, Minato, fighting the reanimated, you and Tobirama on the other hand, were tracking the slippery Uchiha. A plan set and ready, all you needed to do was distract Madara, now how hard could that be?
"How hard is it to track him if you're able to sense things from the ground and roots?" Tobirama sneered at you while you leapt around the battlefield.
"Easier said than done, the less vegetation the harder it can be. So don't act all high and mighty like you can do it better." You rolled your eyes looking softly at the younger Senju as he sighed looking around.
"Just try and focus, the sooner we can seal him away the better-" just as he finished his sentence he was sent flying by a fireball sent straight for him. "Damn bastard! If you don't watch where you're shooting you'll hurt your own plans Madara!"
You had leapt back a good distance when the fireball had come close, earth and fire don't mix well in your conditions. When you scanned the area of the fireball you spotted the spiky haired Uchiha just as he seemingly teleported right before Tobirama. They both locked their hits stopping one another from bashing the others.
"And what do you know about plans? If I recall, you had almost died from two pathetic idiots all because they ate their way out of the Nine-tails." Madara jerked back against the white haired Senju and both backed away from one another. As he was about to call his susonoo again you had jumped at his side and by a miracle tackled him to the ground.
"You damn Shinobi pest never know when to quit-"
"Finish that sentence and so help me I'll make you remember what being slapped feels like." You looked down at him and his stunned face as he was mid jutsu sign. You grinned softly at him as you straddled his waist. "Hi baby.."
Madara just looked at you as he moved to sit up and slid you down to his lap. He looked down at you, scanning over you slowly as a smile formed on his face and his hands moved to your waist and face.
"So, you really weren't lying about being immortal then huh?"
"Why would I lie about that? We had plenty of moments that showed off the truth of that very question." You scrunched your nose a bit and furrowed your brows. Despite trying to look upset and angry, it was rather difficult when he was caressing one of your cheeks and rubbing his thumb along your cheekbone.
"Because, despite that, it just means I get to experience your eternal beauty~" he winked as he brought you to stand up with him. A heavy blush formed on your face while he began laughing at your reaction, his armour shaking as he did.
"Cheeky move Mada.." you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face away into him whilst he hugged you tight to him.
Silence fell over the two of you while you held one another. Taking in one anothers present, this alone made your grip on him tighten as your eyes began to burn, before long you had a small stream of tears rolling down your face. Madara moved you away, grabbing your chin and making you look up into his shining red eyes of his mangeko sharingan. Before you could say anything he only traced his thumb over your lips, hauling your words in your throat.
"I know, I know, my sweet girl... I know..." He spoke softly as things started to come to a stop around you. You shook your head and pulled him close again as your lips met in a tender and longing kiss.
Your hands made their way to the sides of his face and in his hair. As the kiss broke away you heard someone clear their throat. You both turned to look at Hashirama scratching the back of his neck with an awkward grin, Tobirama next to him looking away as irritated as ever, and Saratobi looking away while shaking his head with a small smirk.
"Glad to see your love is as strong as ever!" Hashirama looked at the two of you and rocked on his heels before Tobirama smacked him over the head.
"How about instead of your nonsense you let them talk." Tobirama glared at him before turning to you and Madara before nodding to you directly. Madara lifted his brow as he glared at the three in front of him before looking back down at you.
"Heh- Mada, I love all that you do and all that you've done...but this isn't part of that. You're hurting what was our home. The place we built back then, look at all of this. I've watched it all change and grow and I ask that you don't destroy it. Madara I want to watch what we did grow till I can't no longer, will you grant me that? Please..?"
Madara looked at you with a panned look till it softened, he wrapped his arm around your waist making you blush. As he leaned down and planted a kiss to your forehead.
"I suppose it isn't very fair to make you watch your- our home crumble, especially with you watching over it my sweet girl." He pressed another soft kiss to your head while he looked at his fellow reanimated Shinobi and back down at you.
"Even if I'm gone, I'll be close to you, I promise."
"I know you will Mada, I never doubted your words, not once." You pulled him into another hug that he returned without hesitation and held each other tightly knowing what was to come.
"I love you, my God of the Uchiha."
"I love you too, my Goddess of the land and earth."
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dellalyra · 1 year
𝙆𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞 𝙃𝙖𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 | 𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 | mdni
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ɴᴀʀᴜᴛᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪɴᴀᴛᴀ’ꜱ ᴡᴇᴅᴅɪɴɢ ᴅᴀʏ ʙʀɪɴɢꜱ ᴍᴀɴʏ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ.
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Gods, she looked beautiful. All in white and soft florals - you couldn’t believe it really, little Hinata who would faint every time Naruto so much as looked at her would now standing beside him as his wife. He scrubbed up well, Naruto, you had gone with him and Iruka to get his wedding outfit fitted and insisted he get his hair cut for the day too. You’d never be his mother, just as Iruka would never be his father. But you two had tried, you had been the one to feed the screeching blonde baby his 3am bottles in between ANBU missions and eventually had taught alongside Iruka in the Academy. Seeing him now, with the sweet girl who’d bring you lilacs every day as a gift with a shy nod, having said their vows and exchanged rings, you had never been more thankful for sacrifices made along the way.
You also felt old. Even though you were only 27.
The reception began in earnest, guests greeting the beaming couple and Iruka standing beside Hinata’s father thanking passers by.
Having taught all of the kids in the academy, being close to Naruto and soon becoming Lady Fifth’s right hand woman beside Shizune - these kids felt just like yours. You’d mopped up their blood, dried their tears as anyone would for their kids.
You had spent so much time with them, made them take their medicine, trained with them, studied with them, mediated petty arguments (Ino and Sakura) and mended broken hearts with them. Of course, there was also the other reason.
The 6ft, silver haired reason standing in the corner. Your best friend since childhood, your Shinobi partner, your partner in crime and the love of your life.
Not that the last part came to light until about 3 months ago, when before the final battle arrived you woke up realising you might die tomorrow. He might die tomorrow. Life was too short, you’d lost too many people to forsake this chance - even though his fear of losing people he loved, and your fear of losing your other half was what kept that unspoken gap between you all these years. How you came to get together after almost 25 years of pining was a story for another day, however, because today was Hinata and Naruto’s day.
You could see Sakura, in the distance - she’d intercepted a messenger bird and pulled the scroll from its foot, and you saw her smile. Only one person can make your Sakura smile like that. Sasuke. On his journey of atonement, who knows where - but still thinking of Naruto, and Sakura. His friends. His family.
Sai stood hand in hand with Ino, a genuine smile on his face and love in both their eyes. A blushing, wait, blushing Temari stood beside Shikamaru - when did that happen? You all knew it was coming, but didn’t know it had happened. Tsunade caught your eye and winked, raising a glass of champagne in your direction. Shino and Kiba were monitoring Rock Lee and Gai who were causing mild havoc and Choji was at the Hor D’Ouvres already. TenTen stood near Kurenai and Mirai. So many loved ones, but too many missing. Neji should be here for this. Jiraiya would be so proud.
You watch the Kazekage make conversation with Kakashi who looks absolutely miserable among so many people, and you decide to save him. You grab Sai as you walk towards the Hokage and Gaara of the Desert.
“Lord Kazekage, thank you again so much for attending today. It means very much to Naruto to have you here with him today. Hinata too, although I suppose I can just call them the Uzumaki’s now! I believe you were speaking about a memorial portrait for your office, Lord Kazakage? Sai here is our finest artist, perhaps you could speak on the matter?” You interject, with levels of diplomacy you only gathered watching Tsunade daily.
“Indeed, I’m grateful to be here to witness a dear friend’s happy day. Sai, would you speak with me about…” Gaara speaks, wandering away with Sai beside him. An odd pair, one you knew would be busy making incredibly strange conversation for some time.
You glance at Kakashi, a wry smile on your face.
“Better?” You snicker, taking your place beside him.
“Infinitely. The second Naruto can string a sentence together without saying ‘Believe it!’ I’m giving him the hat. I hate all this talking.” He grumbles.
“Even to me?” You act offended.
He just gives you that adorable eye smile, lips quirking under his mask.
“Never to you.” He says, voice quieter, softer.
“You really do look very handsome today, Lord Sixth.” You smile, fixing the lapels of his jacket. He rolls his eyes.
“Not even half worthy of standing beside you, sweetheart. Y’look beautiful today, everyday but today - that’s something else.” He smirks.
“Oh hush you, you told me how nice I looked for 15 minutes this morning.” You huff.
“I believe I showed you how nice I thought you looked too, 3 times before we left the apartment.” He snickered, knowing the images of your tangled limbs in the bedsheets making you almost late would infiltrate your mind again, causing a flush across your cheeks.
“Kashi, gods, we were already nearly late - we can’t go sneaking off to a broom closet now and that’s how this will go if you keep talking like that.” You glance at the sky, trying to clear your mind.
You both laugh at the scene in front of you as Gai and Rock begin doing various exercises and TenTen just rolls her eyes. Everyone looks so beautiful, so happy. The aura of calm and peace surrounding everyone is a reminder of why you came back from the war with many new scars. It was worth it. Seeing these kids, who really deserved a better world - actually living it was more than any of you dreamed.
“Did you see Shikamaru and Temari hooked up?” You elbow your boyfriend.
“Finally. I thought his lazy ass would never do anything about it.” He snorted.
“Bets on it was all Temari.” You respond and he shakes your hand to seal the deal.
“Sakura got a message from Sasuke too.” He chimes in.
“Sai asked me to help pick a ring for Ino too.” You remember shopping with him, in awe of how much of a romantic this boy turned out to be.
There’s silence for a moment between you both.
“Who do you think will be next?” Kakashi asks you.
“For what?”
“To get married.”
“Temari and Shikamaru probably. Ino will want to plan a wedding properly, and I think we’re still a while off Sakura and Sasuke. Who knows, maybe Gai will find his partner in the grand spirit of youth?” You respond.
He huffs a laugh, but doesn’t reply.
“Why, was that not who you thought?” You question him.
“Nah.” He shrugs.
“Who do you think will get married next then?” You poke his cheek.
“Us.” He looks at you, unfazed.
You blink.
And blink again.
He just stares at you.
“Is that a proposal, Lord Sixth?” You think he’s joking, so you play along.
“I suppose so.” He nods.
Oh my god, he’s being serious.
“Kashi - are you - do you mean that?” You ask, breathless and grasp his hand.
“You used to say you didn’t want a fancy proposal. Just for someone to say they want to marry you. I want to marry you. The rings at home.” His smile is soft, imperceptible to anyone but you.
You turn to face him, smile bright and lash line glistening with tears.
“You busy tomorrow, Hatake?” You ask, a laugh interrupting.
“Shikamaru can take care of business, you got plans?”
“Wanna get married?”
He just smiles, and glances around to make sure nobodies watching before slipping his mask down and pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips.
“It’s a date.” His voice is wavering slightly.
“Let’s keep it quiet. It’s not our day. Hinata and Naruto leave for their honeymoon tonight.” You whisper to him.
“Tomorrow we’ll ask Gai and Kurenai to meet us at the courthouse. It can be just us four. Then I’ll take Mrs. Hatake home.” He nods, and your heart seizes at the sound of you being Mrs. Hatake within 24 hours.
“I love you, ‘Kashi.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He says, pressing a masked kiss to your inner wrist.
“Some things never change.” You laugh as Kakashi grimaces.
Recommended Listening:
Say Yes to Heaven - Lana Del Rey
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uchihaharlot · 3 months
Shisui talking to his child.
Shisui: go tell mom that you want a little sibling😊
Child: But I want a dog🤨
What would Shisui do if he had a child who wanted to remain an only child?
ohhhh nonny.
You and I think a lot a like!! 🥹 Though, and I've said it before and I say it again. You cannot outwit a master manipulator...
NSFW; Shisui being much like a damn kid with his son; what a lucky man; I wish I were his wife; white wine induced writing; ya'll getting blue balled here too 😈
While Shisui is definitely a shinobi with integrity, he regularly barters with his son. Candy, toys...a puppy?? This is a little more than just a simple request from his dear heart little one. And Shisui adores his first born tremendously. Would give up his right so to speak.
That being said, there is a tit for tat he wants to run by his shit grinning kid, as he is asked for a four legged friend. Ultimately he's gonna get the damn puppy regardless, he wants a dog too...but his son is nearly six. Which means Shisui has only bred his wife in theory over the years, and birth control is a real bitch.
'Sounds good pumpkin,' gives his son a charming smile. 'I'll make you a deal.'
Now, Shisui needs to be smart about this. He hasn't necessarily had the talk on the birds and the bees with his boy. His son is essentially a fingerprint of his own genius and Shisui does't really deign going into detail daddy's need to fill mommy with his seed.
'Ok Papa.' Gods his kid is cute, but devious as hell.
'Ask mommy very nicely,' he pauses, thinking appropriately the next words, 'tell her you want a little sibling.'
This damn kid tilts his head, 'why?'
Ok, this is a good time to bitch about kids not doing as they're told. 'Because, just tell her and then we can get a puppy.' Tries not to baby talk his own kid, but he's just so damn cute and menacing. Like his father.
'What if I don't want a sibling?' Little fucker tilts his head, again, but in the opposite direction.
Now, Shisui is not what I would call a desperate man. But with this? He might be. 'If you want the puppy, you need a sibling. Dogs are a lot of care and you're gonna need someone ton help pick up after it when the puppy gets bigger.'
'...Why?' Shisui rubs a palm over his face, and smiles wickedly kind at his patience testing kid.
'Thats how this deal works kiddo.'
'But...' Shisui is forced to listen to little boy ramble off the plethora of peers with animals and no siblings. Even adds that is why most of them have an animal companion to begin with.
It seems luck is not on Shisui's side today. The damn kid is a cock block, not really but, for the love of the gods. If Shisui has to pull out again he's going to impale his forlorn heart on a steak.
Cue his lovely, and adoring wife. They lay in bed. Her reading, Shisui going over some scrolls. Mundane absentminded conversation between the two as they wind down and snuggle into bed.
Silence is usually the last thing Shisui notices before falling asleep, but his wife so sweetly big spoons him. And, well, she's quelled their silence with three simple words whispered at the nape of his neck.
'...a puppy, huh?' Snakes her soft hand over his chest, it only goes lower.
Let's get this straight, Shisui never gets nervous. He faces enemies on a regular basis, but his damn wife asking about the puppy their son begged for earlier didn't fall short on her eager ears. He groans, out of arousal and disbelief that she heard them.
'Heh... You heard all that?' Not so much a nervous chuckle as it was a soft exhale. Her dainty little fingers are already slipping into his pajama pants.
'Only the important parts...'
She needn't say anything else. Shisui was on her before she could even register the two fingers that squelch in her cunt. Goddamn heat seeking fingers. 'So are we getting a puppy?'
When Shisui looks at her like she held all the answers, fingers crooking in soft wet pussy, coaxing her to cum with sharingan eyes. Sexual coercion was his best quality in the bedroom. That and his cock.
'Yea..' Bitch, yea. They're having another baby. Right here, right now. 'Don't even need...to ask.' So beautiful when she's halfway to cumming and wetting his lips with a desperate swipe off her tongue.
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13as07 · 3 months
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(Rock Lee)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to Twinvenus]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 3,574
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Peep me having to look up types of flowers because I ran out of names
I know Kurenai retired when her kid was born but I refuse to believe that cause screw Kishimoto's semi-sexist writing
Gets a little heated in the middle
Nonsexual shower scene
"My Petunia!" Rock's voice rings out, filling the field with his voice. Kiba lets out a long sigh that quickly melts into a groan. He's not the biggest fan of Lee, the reason why is still unknown. However, I think it's just our clan's territorial behaviors shining through. I get a little defensive when people flock to him too.
"Over here, Rocky!" I call, throwing my hand up to wave it around in hopes he'll see it.
Akamaru jumps up from his sunbathing spot, running circles around Kiba and me as he barks his snout off. My dog, Gekko, does the same, chasing after Akamaru in a playful game of tag. When he catches Akamaru, he flips around, running in the opposite direction as Kiba'a dog chases.
When Rock gets closer, Kiba lets out an exaggerated sigh, and Gekko beelines for Lee. Akamaru follows, the two dogs now attempting to pounce on the Shinobi. "Sunflower, call off the dogs!" He whines, trying to escape the ball of fuzz that keeps following him around. "Rose! Kiba!"
I let out a whistle, throwing my hands up again with my palms facing the dogs. They do as the signal suggests, racing forward to press their noses against my hands. "Who's a good boy?" I praise them, rubbing their snouts as I take turns littering them with kisses. "Are you a good boy Aka? Yes, you are! How about you? Are you a good boy too Ge-Ge? Yes, Sir."
The dogs settle down, Gekko resting his head in my lap as Akamaru goes to bother his owner. "You're home early," I mutter, leaning backward to look at Lee as I scratch my dog's ears. "I didn't think you'd be home for a few more days."
"My mission ended early so I figured we could celebrate!" Rocky cheers, falling into his usual placement. His hands cup my neck, his wraps rubbing against my throat as he massages it. Lee's head dips, his hair flapping around in its cute way as he looks down at me. "What time would work best for you, my Iris?"
"Kiba and I have to meet up with Kurenai-Sensei in about an hour. We're usually done training by five-thirty."
"Five-thirty it is!" Lee cheers, brushing kisses across the red markings of my cheeks.
Kiba rolls off his back, fake gagging as he does so. "I'll need to shower afterward, Rocky. How about six-thirty? It'll give me an hour to shower and look nice," I giggle out, Gekko jumping up to cover me in kisses too. It's funny how much competition Rock and my dog think they have over my attention.
"Six-thirty, and not a minute later!" He cheers again, littering my nose in kisses. "We'll go get some good curry and then go for a walk. Oh! Maybe you can even spend the night!"
"I'll think about it," I say the words coming out as a laugh. I let my eyes flutter closed, soaking in the feeling of his lips against my face and his nimble fingers caressing my neck. "But, it'll probably be yes."
"Yes," he mumbles under his breath, joy coating the single word. "All right, I'll let you be, Daisy."
Three, four, five kisses are pecked on my lips before Lee drops his hold on me. A huge smile is on his face as he pulls away. He pats Gekko's head before he starts walking away, waving at me the whole way.
"Gross, disgusting, I'm going to throw up my lunch," Kiba grumbles, sitting upright. "You two are gross."
"You're just jealous," I tease, knocking my fist into his shoulder.
He teases back, dramatically falling back to the ground as he holds his arm. "Oh no, you broke it. You broke my shoulder. Tell Kurenai-Sensei I can't train today."
"You're such a baby," I giggle out, standing up and dusting myself off. The dogs trail after me, a groaning Kiba making up the butt end of the pack per usual.
My focus is on Lee's mirror I'm kneeling in front of, sights set on applying my makeup. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see Rock sitting criss-crossed in my bed, his eyes jumping between me and my sketchbook I'm letting him flip through.
"Rocky?" I call back, rubbing my brush over my cheeks again. My blush is too pink and I can't get it to blend out for the life of me.
"I saw the prettiest field on my last mission." I hum in acknowledgment, finally making progress on my blending. "I think when we get home you should sketch it for me since I didn't get to take a picture of it."
"I can do that for you," I mutter, letting my eyes flicker up. Lee has left the bed and is now standing behind me, my book hanging from the fingertips of his right hand. His left hand jumps up, cupping my throat again today.
I managed to talk him out of his outfit. The usual green is still present, this time as a sweatshirt with his Shinobi tag hanging out the pocket of the workout shorts he chose to wear. Rock is a pretty boy, and he definitely works his body suit but he looks so much better in his day-to-day clothes. Despite the change-up, his hands are still wrapped up in his signature bandages.
Said bandages rub against my neck again, toying with my skin as Lee's big eyes focus on me in the mirror. His eyes remind me of a stuffed animal, so round and soft. I could melt away in them.
My eyes trail over him as his eyes trail over me. I like it when Rock wears shorts, it shows off some of the 'sleep build' he has.
As if he can read my thoughts, Lee shifts forward, tapping his knees against my back. "Are you ready to go, Lavender?"
I hum a yes, letting my eyes trail over him again. "You're hot, you know that Rocky?"
"Oh, well, thank you, Blue Bell," He races out, one hand tightening around my sketchbook as the other one jumps off of me to scratch the back of his head. His cheeks are a bright red as he glances away from me, his flusteredness evident in the darker red his face gets. "You're very pretty too. Just cause you are, not because of your makeup. Though your makeup is pretty too and I appreciate your efforts to look nice for me. I just want you to know that I don't think you're not pretty without it or that I don't think your makeup is nice. I just - "
"I know, Lee," I cut him off, climbing to my feet as the man goes on a ramble. "I'm glad you think I'm pretty." I turn around so we're face-to-face, letting my hands snake into the pocket of his hoody. Rocky's hands fall to my hips, my sketchbook between his hand and my side on one side. "Can I have a kiss?" I ask, leaning forward so I'm pressed against him.
"Of course, Tulip!" He answers, his face lighting up at my question. His free hand jumps up, cupping the back of my neck as his head dips. Lee's lips brush against mine, soft and slow like always. It melts me how much time and care he takes when kissing me. It's always kisses that make my knees weak.
Rocky's hold on me tightens, head tilting to the side a bit as he keeps his lips gentle. My mouth parts slightly, testing to see what it is he wants. His tongue pokes out, rubbing against my bottom lip before disappearing. It pokes out again, running over my own this time. He tastes like a honey-crisp apple, which isn't a surprise. Lee insists having an apple for breakfast helps his immune system.
His head tilts again, giving him more space to trail his tongue around my mouth. The moment doesn't last long though, Lee pulls back, hand still present as he tugs himself away from me. A huge smile is set on his face, cheeks dusted pink again and mouth stained from my lipstick. "Thank you, Pansy."
"For what?" I ask, leaning forward in search of another kiss.
Lee backs away, cheeriness still lingering off of him as he smiles down at me. "For our kiss. I like kisses like that." The second half is almost whispered, his cheek darkening as he looks away from me. "Anyway," Rock cheers, hand moving to toy with my hair. "Are you ready to go?"
"Ya, we should probably clean my lipstick off of you first," I mumble, sliding my hands out of his pocket. I let them dance up his chest before dangling over his shoulders, crossing them to try and keep him in place. "I want another kiss first though."
Rocky shifts in my hold, cheeks flaring again as his eyes jump around. "We should eat before we... do anything else."
I hum in agreement, tightening my arms around him as I lean against him again. "We won't do anything until after dinner," I murmur, crashing my lips against his.
Lee gives in, tongue poking my lips instantly. My head tilts, mouth parting to give him what he wants. His apple taste slides into my mouth again, the sound of my sketchbook tumbling to the ground as his grip tightens. "Daffodil," Rocky mutters, tugging me backward as he sucks in a breath.
"Rock," I mutter back, my hands dancing across his shoulders.
He bumps into the bed, falling into a sitting position as I shift myself between his knees. Lee's hands fall to the back of my knees, gripping them to tug me up, settling them next to his hips. "We should... we need to get going," He stumbles out, lips pressed against mine again.
"We should get going," I echo, letting our kisses continue for another beat before I pull away. "But first, let's clean you up and fix my lipstick."
Rocky's hands dance under my shirt, toying with the area just above my belly button as I struggle to focus enough to slide his keys into the lock of his door. His nose is buried into my hair, mouth focused on sucking softly on my skin. "Snowdrop?" He mutters into my skin, a single hand leaving my stomach to crawl across my arm.
His fingers wrap around mine, helping me shove the key into the lock and turn it. We stumble into the house, courtesy of our previous pressed-up position in the door. Lee's hands jump to my waist, helping me stay on my feet. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," I say, clinging to his wrists with my shirt disrupting our connection. "Are you good?"
"I'm good," he answers, using his hold on me to pick me up. I'm carried into his room kisses brushed to my clothed shoulders as he walks around. Once we're in his room, I'm settled on his bed before his attention switches away from me.
"Rocky," I whine, clinging to his arms that are trying to tug away from me.
"My Morning Glory," he coos, bending down to peck my lips. A few more kisses are peppered to my lips before Lee - successfully - pulls away from me. "Let me get my evening workout in and shower. Then I'm all yours."
"Promise," Rock giggles, coating my cheeks in kisses before he leaves me alone in the bed. The noise of him getting his stuff out fills the room as I scan for my sketchbook. It's still discarded on the ground from earlier, standing out against the tan carpet of Lee's room.
Reluctantly I climb out of bed, collecting my art book and digging through my overnight bag for my drawing pencils. "Hey, Rock?"
"Hey, Poppy?" He calls back, tugging off his hoodie. Rocky put on a t-shirt, probably one Naruto bought him because of the graphic in it, gracing me with the sight of his defined form.
"What did that field you were talking about look like?" Lee jumps into his explanation, doing his best to remember all the details as he starts his sets of sit-ups.
     I half listen to his speech, my eyes trailing over his shirt. My cheeks heat up as I watch the way his muscles shift with his movements, most notably the way his arms and shoulders move. "Did you hear me, Orchid?" Lee asks, staying seated with his arms still pressed to his head.
     "Hmm? Ya, ya I heard you. I'm just... envisioning it," I mutter, snapping my sketchbook open. "Do you want it black and white or colored?"
     "Black and white is fine," Rock answers, slowly moving back down to his laying position.
     My eyes scan over the blank sheet, reversing Lee's words as I plan out my attack on the paper. My focus stays on my sketch, quickly laying out the plan so I have something to go off of.
     By the time my very rough outline is laid out, Lee is shuffling around again. My eyes flicker up on occasion, watching him situate his pull-up bar in the door frame. What little focus I have is gone when he jumps up, clinging to the bar stuck to the door.
     My mind wanders just as much as my eyes do, taking in the sight of his ridden-up shirt. They jump around from his stomach to his arms, back down to his exposed v-line. "Rocky?"
     "Hydrangea?" He huffs out, his eyes flickering to me before he focuses on his breathing again.
     "We should go take a shower... right now."
     "It's... just... a light... workout," Lee counters, pulling himself up and letting out a huff of air between each word. "I'll be done soon," he tells me, letting himself hang for a beat before he rolls into another set. "Wait we?" He asks, letting himself hang again after a few pull-ups.
     "Yes, we," I mumble, falsely focusing on my outline. "I want to take a shower with you if you want."
     "Ya, yep. Ya, that... I would like that," Rock stumbles out, the pinkness of his cheeks not just from his workout anymore. "If you would like that."
     "If I didn't like it I wouldn't have asked," I tell him, my focus actually on my sketch now as a smile crosses my face. What a goofball of a man. A sweet, kind, easily flustered, man.
     Lee is kneeling in front of me, his eyes tracing the lines I've laid on the image I'm working on for him. Despite the constant distraction, I've made pretty good progress on the art piece.
     "Rocky?" I ask back, glancing at him before settling on my picture again.
     He stays quiet, still balled up as he kneels in front of me, eyes on the same thing mine are on. "I'm done working out."
     "... I'm going to go shower now."
     I can hear Lee's unasked question just as much as I can feel his eyes on my face. Nervousness waves off of him as he burns holes into me. His balled up-ness increasing as if shrinking himself will help his nerves. 
     "I'm starting to think you're just making flowers up," I tease, setting my notebook down and focusing on Rocky.
     "No I'm not," he tells me, a soft smile on his face as he shakes his head, Lee's bangs skirting across his face as he moves. "I would... I'm done working out... and while I was working you said..." Lee's bushy eyebrows press together as he struggles over his words, face scrunching up as he looks at me.
     "I said what, Rock?" I ask, leaning forward to further tempt the words out of him. The tip of my nose is pressed against his, eyes locked on his obnoxiously round ones as I wait for the answer.
     "Ya... um...." Lee puffs his cheeks before letting out a long, slow breath, his cheeks quickly getting dusted again as he tries to work the words out. "You said... that we should... that, that we... shower?"
     "Shower," I repeat, nodding my head in agreement before I finish leaning forward. I brush my lips against a reddened Rock before climbing to my feet, set on grabbing the things I need for our shower.
     Rocky follows me around the room, the lost puppy-dog look in his eyes as he trails after me. He stays close but still makes sure there's space between us as if I'll change my mind if he gets too close. When I head towards the bathroom, I can sense Lee almost buzzing behind me.
     I stop in my tracks, hand still on the knob of the door. He bumps into me from my sudden stop, accidentally pushing me against the door as his hands fall to my hips. "Rocky?"
     "Are you sure you're okay with this? You seem nervous."
     "Ya, I'm just... I'm not used to seeing you naked in the light. We've only..." Rock's cheeks puff out, his blood rushing to them once again, bringing color to his skin. "... in the dark. I'm just nervous about you seeing me... and super excited to see you, of course! You're so pretty, I can't wait to see you like... that."
     "I'm excited too, Rock," I coo, gently pushing us off the wall. He calms down a bit, still buzzing but slightly less nervous as I open the bathroom door.
     Once we're in the bathroom I focus on myself, peeling off my clothes and using the big mirror to clean off my makeup. As I prep for the shower, I can hear Lee moving around the small space. The sound of his clothes shifting off, the shower being turned on, and him pacing as he waits for me to finish getting undressed.
     When I'm prepared, I turn towards the man waiting by the shower for me. I keep my eyes on his face, trying my best to keep Rock calm as I smile at him. A nervous smile is on his face, his eyes locked on me as well. "So... um... shower?" He asks, eyes glancing down my body before he panics. Lee turns away from me, cheeks pink and puffed out again as he focuses on testing the temperature of the water.
     I move slowly, gently laying my hand on his bare shoulder as I step over the edge of the bed, letting the water fall over my body as I climb in. I can feel his eyes jumping around me as I soak my hair in the water, the streams coating my body as I soak in the heat of it. "You are beautiful, Violet. The most beautiful person I have ever seen."
     "Thank you, Rock. You're very handsome too," I compliment back, letting my eyes scan down his body quickly before settling them on his face again. "Are you going to get in with me?"
     "Oh! Ya, it's not much of a shower together if we're not together, huh?" He asks, rubbing his neck as his eyes skirt around the space of the tub. Lee is as red as a rose petal by the time his focus settles on me again. "Okay, I'm getting in now."
     "Take your time," I tell him, leaning forward to grab his shampoo bottle.
     Rocky stands outside of the shower for another beat or two before he climbs in, his hands jumpy as they rest on my waist. "You are beautiful, I told you that right?"
     "Yes, you did," I remind him, letting the shampoo rest in my hair as my hands jump up to his bowl cut. I gently dip Lee's head down, playing with the strands as the water soaks into them.
     His arms tighten around me, shifting me an inch or two closer, but not enough for me to be pressed against him. Rocky's breaths are uneven as he focuses on my chest, not having much room to look anywhere else as I work on washing his hair. "Your... um... chest is very luscious."
     "I'm glad you think so," I answer, keeping my fingertips gentle as I work the soap out of his hair. "Rocky?"
     "I need you to move backward a bit so I can rinse my hair too."
     "Oh... Oh! Right, of course!" He almost shouts, his hands shaky as he slides them up my sides a bit. Rock changes his mind, moving them back to my waist as he slowly moves backward, gently pulling me forward so I can rinse my hair. "Crocus?"
     "Yes?" I hum, flipping my head back out once I'm sure all the soap is out of my hair.
     "I want to touch you."
     "Then touch me. I'm alright with it, Rocky. You can touch me wherever you want."
     "Really," I repeat, resting my hands on his shoulders. I dip forward, brushing a soft kiss to his lips before I turn back to finish my shower.
     A small noise escapes Lee, his fingers tightening on my waist for a second. Once he settles himself down, his hands slowly start to wander, pawing at different parts of me. They play with my waist, jumping to my arms before falling to my thighs. They ghost over my chest, fingertips shaky before he settles on my legs again. "You are the prettiest flower in the world."
     "And you're the hottest workout nut in the world."
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Guardian (Part 11)
Jiraiya x Sarutobi!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Synopsis: Your brother gave you an assignment, "Go ask Sakumo Hatake if he needs help with his newborn." It was a simple task, but it snowballed into so much more.
Tags: @twilightlover2007
Naruto Masterlist: Here
A/n: it's short but wanted to get it out 😄
Kakashi seemed nervous as he looked himself over once more in the mirror by the door. "Kakashi honey, it's okay to be nervous. This is your first team! And Minato Namikaze is a great teacher. You know, Jiraiya was the one that trained him all those years ago. So you'll be just fine." Your words, while sounding reassuring, annoyed him. He wasn't nervous! Pft. If anything, he was excited. He glared in your direction, but they softened at your teary eyes. Your lips were pulled into a loving smile and a sniffle soon followed.
"Mooooom." He whined in embarrassment, "Stop crying!!"
Jiraiya chuckled from the kitchen as he overheard you sputtering like a baby over the young boy. He peeked into the room to see you holding him in a tight hug, words of admiration and love flying from you like there was no tomorrow. Kakashi was growing more embarrassed as time went on, but he let you get it out of your system. If you did all of this now, in the privacy of your home, then you wouldn't do it in front of his classmates.
But he was very very wrong.
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"Oh, my baby!!! I can't believe you're joining your first team!" Your cries had every parent and teacher looking your way. If Kakashi could disappear, he would. "Mom, please, you're embarrassing me," He grumbled as he tried to motion for Jiraiya to help him, but the man simply shook his head. There was no stopping you right now. Kakashi's eyes widened as he saw Minato walking towards them, "Mom. I beg of you-"
"Minato! How have you been?" Jiraiya called out as he met the man halfway with his hand outstretched. Minato smiled brightly at his old sensei before shaking his hand. "I've been good. You must be Kakashi!" Minato called out over your wailing. Finally, having enough of you coddling him, Kakashi broke free from your embrace. "Yes, sir! I apologize for my mother, sir-"
"Oh, that's quite alright. How are you Y/n?"
Kakashi's face fell as he looked between you two in confusion. "How do you know my mom?" You snorted at the question; he always forgot who you were. "Kakashi… Honey, I'm the Hokage's sister. Every shinobi knows who I am. I also did help Jiraiya a little with training Minato."
Kakashi's eyebrows furrowed at that last part, once more realizing that there were many things he didn't know about you. When he didn't say anything, you nodded at Minato, encouraging him to say hello properly. He nodded quickly before turning back to Minato, "I'm Kakashi Hatake, sir! It's very nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to the training I will receive under you!"
Minato smiled brightly at him before ruffling his hair, "You have your mother's excitement, that's for sure. Shall we meet the other two genin on our team? They're waiting by the door."
Kakashi nodded excitedly as he followed Minato back to the school. Jiraiya noticed some stray tears forming in your eyes and moved to stand beside you, pulling you into his side in a comforting way. Kakashi threw a wave back at you as they neared the entrance, and you waved back, trying your best to seem excited for him.
But you knew this was where it all began. Soon he'd go on missions. Easy missions at first. Then they'd morph into something more, something deadlier. With the neighboring nations still having conflict, you were worried a shinobi war would start while he was still this young.
"He'll be okay. He's a strong kid."
You had no idea why you had been so nervous for this day. It wasn't that you doubted him. You knew Kakashi was strong enough. Your throat grew dry as a memory surfaced, making you inhale sharply at the conversation. Jiraiya looked down at you expectantly, waiting for you to explain the sudden shift in attitude. "I just wish he'd fix that mindset of his. I'm afraid it's going to get someone killed." Jiraiya nodded solemnly at that, knowing immediately what you were talking about. He has experienced a couple of other arguments recently about this specific topic.
"I'll never be like him. A mission comes before a comrade."
"I try so hard to change him. To make him see that his father was a good shinobi who made a difficult choice. But I can't get to him-"
"Maybe he'll meet someone that will do that for you. He won't listen to you. But maybe he'll listen to a comrade, a friend." Jiraiya lifted his hand and rubbed his knuckle along your cheek, coaxing you out of your tunnel vision. "You're right… I just hope he learns before it's too late."
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"The white fang of the leaf was a hero!"
Your head whipped around at the statement, eyes wide as you caught sight of Team Minato coming out of the training grounds. Kakashi's lunch shook in your fingers as you watched Kakashi fire back a rebuttal to the boy who claimed his father was a hero. A girl followed close behind, and you could tell she wanted to stay out of it.
Your face scrunched up as they continued arguing about Sakumo; only the young girl noticed you along the tree line, but didn't say anything as you slinked back into the trees. "Saving your comrades is heroic, Kakashi!" The boy stated angrily, causing Kakashi to halt in his place. His nose twitched under his mask, and you could tell he was going to cry. Instead of saying anything, he pushed past the young boy and stormed back towards the school.
Your eyebrows crinkled as you cocked your head at the Uchiha symbol on the young boy's back. Kakashi never talked about his teammates, but it seemed he had a reason for that. The young girl shot a look towards where you were standing, and you moved deeper into the forest.
"Does Kakashi know you follow him?"
You whirled around wide-eyed before sighing at Minato standing on the tree branch. "I wasn't…." you stated simply as you raised the lunch for him to see, "I was just bringing his food."
Minato let out a hum before dropping down, looking at you expectantly. He knew you had a question but you were hesitant to ask, so he answered it for you. "The boy is Obito Uchiha-"
"Does he know that Kakashi is Sakumo's son?"
Minato shook his head, "I haven't told him yet. I'm hoping Obito can break that mindset Kakashi has. It's going to kill someone if he's not careful. Speaking of which, I was going to ask you for a favor."
You stared at him suspiciously before nodding at him to continue. Kakashi's cold demeanor was something you had been working on for years. It would seem that his teachers had been trying to do the same. "Push Kakashi to get closer to those two. I have a good feeling that they will be the only ones to help break his mindset."
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depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
I love that Yamato's story begins as one where he's just sort of there to replace Kakashi while Kakashi's recovering from overusing the Sharingan, but then it evolves into this huge backstory where he was raised by Danzo to not feel emotions and to always put the mission over everything (even his own life) but then Kakashi came crashing into his life and showed him that 'actually it's good to care about people and I'm willing to break rules and risk my life for you, someone who just tried to kill me'. I love the depth of Yamato's story and how he clawed his way from being no one unknown by anyone in the village except Danzo, to being his own person with an over-expressive personality and a desperate need for a vacation.
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I love that his dream is just to simply be loved and wanted. To have a sort of family that he can return to. That he can love. After everything he has been through and done, Yamato deserved to be loved. He deserved to be appreciated and adored.
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That no matter how many times Kakahsi asks him to stop calling him 'Senpai' he refuses. It's like his own little rebellion against Kakashi. He would do almost anything for Kakahsi, except stop referring to him as Senpai. That's just never going to happen and I adore it.
How he comes into Team seven telling Sakura that he's not going to baby them and that unlike his precious Senpai he's not there to protect them. He looks her straight in the eye and tells her she's a Shinobi and has to know how to take care of herself, and then he turns around and becomes the most caring big brother to team seven (specifically Naruto). The man was ready to yell at Sakura over her confession. He watched over Naruto and cared for him after his panic attack. He only ever wanted the best for those kids and he showed it in everything he did for them, even when his efforts weren't recognized.
I love how chill he is with Gai. Kakashi is 'Senpai', Asuma is 'Asuma-enpai' and Gai is- Gai. He's comfortable enough to shove Gai's arm off of his shoulder, knows him well enough to know how the use of the gates affects his body, and yells at Naruto not to touch Gai while he's recovering, and he's even comfortable enough to laugh when Kakashi tells him about Gai's 'acorn'. The two of them didn't get nearly enough screen time together and that's always going to be a pity because they had such a good bond in what little we saw of them.
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How protective he is. As stated, Yamato is someone who was raised to not care about others. The mission comes first and everything else is secondary. His last mission for Danzo was to kill someone he considered a friend and ally and he had even accepted that he would have to do it until Kakashi talked to him. But then as an adult, Yamato is completely different. He's the guy who catches Sakura while she's falling even though he should focus on the fight. He's the one who gets captured in the war because he chooses not to focus on his own safety, but to shove Aobe out of the way of Kabuto's attack. He learns from Kakashi that friends are precious and must be protected, and even though he acts like that's not something he adheres to it's all an act. He loves his friends and he's willing to give everything for them, including his own life.
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His desperate need for recognition/praise. This makes sense given the way Yamato was raised, but I love how easily he falls for Kakashi's sweet words. You know this boy needs a little bit of love because as soon as Kakashi says something sort of nice about him he melts. He's done for, and I enjoy it so much.
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Drunk Kareokee Singing. This speaks for itself. Yamato's rarely allowed an opportunity to relax and unwind so the karaoke scene is a blessing (even if it is Anime only) and I enjoy every second of it. Would absolutely listen to his bad drunk karaoke singing.
(Movie only: lost tower) that moment he got back at Kakashi for years of bullying, by hitting kid Kakashi for being a little brat of a bully. Love that for him. He deserved to get in that single hit.
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shearbolt · 11 months
A Slice of Life Mini-fic That Pulls No Punches
Sarada doesn’t understand how doing both nothing and everything at the same time could be so hard.
Pacing back and forth across their kitchen floor, her breath hisses from between her teeth in a constant “shhhhhhhh.” The little black-haired lump, its limp head resting on her shoulder, is finally still.
She chances a glance down, standing beside their microwave, electric green display reading 4:59. Their baby’s face has faded from rage red to a slight flush, the single whisker line on her cheek visible once more.
Exhausted beyond measure, Sarada sits down at their kitchen table rather than making the long trek back up to their bedroom.
(Why had they even bothered decorating a nursery when it was only used to store the baby’s clothes?)
She stares at the inky sky outside, thinking about how a year ago, her alarm would have been going off. Some stretches, a quick shower, and she would have been off to Hokage Tower with her cloak on while Boruto was still facedown in bed, drooling on his pillow.
Now, he’s out on a mission and she’s here, alone with their daughter.
The first night, Sarada tried to assure herself that it was the “alone” part of the situation that bothered her.
By the second night, however, she had to acknowledge that it was the “with their daughter” aspect that was bothering her. Sarada had wanted to become a mother, but being a parent took more than she expected.
It isn’t the sleepless nights, though. The constant occupation of her body by a small, squalling stranger now occupying their once-quiet house.
The diapers… So many diapers.
What Sarada is worried about is if she’ll ever be herself again.
Over the past three years of being Hokage, her priorities were easy to understand: Protect the village at all costs, even that of her own life. And, she’d still do it, if that meant protecting her daughter as well.
Ah, but there was the rub. What does it actually mean to protect her daughter? Is it wearing a billowing white robe on the battlefield or is it sitting quietly in the dark, that tiny ear pressed against her chest to hear Sarada’s heart beat.
The worry had tickled at the back of her head during the baby’s first two weeks of life, but it wasn’t until Boruto left–proved that he was able to leave while she had to stay–that the weight of it all finally came crashing down.
Sarada tugs at the bottom of her baby’s gown, hiding her wrinkled little feet beneath the hem to keep them warm.
Of course, she and Boruto were a team. Both serious shinobi. But, if she was honest with herself, Sarada had always considered herself slightly more dedicated.
Where was that dedication now, sitting alone in a kitchen, both wanting to place her baby down in the bassinet beside their bed and run off to work while simultaneously unable to imagine ever putting the Hokage’s hat back on her head again?
It’s hard, she acknowledges.
Even harder when she’s facing it alone. Of course, Hinata had offered to come and stay while Boruto was on the mission—her own mother currently sitting behind the desk in Hokage tower—but, Sarada had said no.
She told her mother-in-law that she wanted time alone with the baby, when the truth was that it was hard to watch Hinata in her house, making every aspect of motherhood look so easy.
Is that what Sarada wants to be?
The baby hiccups and squirms in her sleep.
Is it possible to love something so much that you lose yourself?
The locks on the front door click before it opens and is slammed shut. The familiar sound of Boruto’s bags hitting the ground grates on her nerves (they had hooks on the wall, damn it!) Through the open doorway, she can see him sitting down to take off his shoes.
She doesn’t want to call out. Doesn’t want to wake the baby, so she says nothing as he dashes upstairs, then winces as his feet pound down them a second later.
He stands in the doorway, smiling. “Sarada!”
Ah, the village hero has valiantly returned to his home, ready to regale his wife and infant daughter with tales of his heroism! Or, maybe, tuck his hands behind his back and deliver a mission report.
She presses a stern finger to her lips, pointing down at their sleeping child.
In the dim light, Boruto’s shoulders slump, his one open eye drifting over them before his gaze lands on the floor.
Her heart immediately sinks.
Too harsh.
“How was your mission?” she whispers.
Her husband scratches at the patch of mud on his chin and shrugs. “Fine, I guess.”
Then he presses his lips together, voice as shy as the night he first asked her out. “Can I just hold my baby?”
Her eyes dart down to the tiny black head on her chest. “Yeah, of course.”
Boruto is beside the table before the words are even out of her mouth, pulling off his dirty jacket and blood-speckled t-shirt, stretching out his arms.
Sarada stands, gently transferring the sleeping bundle to his bare chest. She watches as Boruto breathes a sigh of relief, burying his nose into their child’s fine hair.
He slumps down in the chair across from her, eyes closed as he inhales and all the things Sarada wanted to say to him are suddenly stuck in her throat.
Because, sometimes life is going to be hard for both of them, wanting to do nothing and everything at once.
And maybe that’s okay.
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shisuisui · 8 months
Konohamaru is born
A/n: fluff, character death, Y/n becoming an aunt
Age 14
Y/n waited anxiously in the hallway of the hospital. She´s going to be an aunt. She wonders if the baby will be a boy or a girl. If it´s a girl, she already thinking about all the cute dresses she´s gonna put her in. And if it´s a boy, well she guesses boys are cute too. Asuka, her eldest brother is in the hospital room with his wife Chinami. Asuka leaves the room. “Y/n, are you sure you want to wait here? We don´t know how long it will take. You can go home.” He comes closer and puts his palm on the top of her head. She leans against her older brother. Of course, she was going to stay there. She really wants to see her nephew or her niece. Chinami´s screams could be heard in the hallway and Asuka excused himself and went to his wife´s side.
Her father lord third arrived and took a seat next to her. “How is it going?” He too was curious about his first grandchild. Y/n looked at him and told him what her brother had told her.
After two more hours, screams were heard, but they were not Chinami´s. It was a baby´s scream. Y/n and her father stood up, excited to meet their new family member. A nurse signaled them to go inside, and both went in. After congratulating the couple Asuka extended the baby boy towards his father, asking him to name him. The Hokage took the small baby in his arms. “His name should be… Konohamaru. Name after our great village he will grow up to be an honourable shinobi following the will of fire.” Y/n looked at her father. Konohamaru…. She looked at the small baby after her father gave him to her. He was scrunching his nose and looked a bit wrinkly, but he was also kind of cute. Just as the Sarutobi´s were enjoying the new addition Chinami suddenly gasped for air. Nurses were called and directed to the family members outside. She didn´t make it.
Asuka was devastated. Nobody had expected her to die. He took on his Anbu duties and went on more missions than ever. He loved Konohamaru more than everything but looking at him only reminded him of what he had lost. Of the cost of bringing this small child to life. One year later a mission failed, and Asuka was killed. He closed his eyes, knowing that he wouldn´t see his son again, his father, his younger brother, and his sister. Suddenly Chinami stood in front of him and extended her hand. He knew it was time. He was united with his love and knew that his family would look after his son.
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whattraintracks · 3 months
25. Laser Tag Gone Wrong - The Next Mutation
Let's take a trip to Joe's Laser Funhouse
Some thoughts on "The Good Dragon" (S1E23). I've said before Venus and Raph are besties in this show, and I stand by that, but they also give off baby sister and big brother vibes, especially in this episode. It adds an interesting perspective when they butt heads over Raph being too protective and Venus declaring she doesn't need protecting. This is true; she kicks serious shell, and Raph knows it.
ACTUALLY WAIT, DO YOU KNOW WHAT INTERPRETATION WOULD BE SO MUCH BETTER?? THEY BOTH THINK OF THEMSELF AS THE OLDER SIBLING. This is perfect. Venus was so sad when Leo said they weren't related (part of my list of things to ignore). I swear she wanted to be their mysterious, long-lost sister so bad. So I imagine she gets to New York, meets the guys, and is like, ah yes, four little brothers, how exciting I've always wanted to be a sister. But Raph, who is the protector ever, meets Venus and is like, ay sweet, baby sis acquired. You guys, I'm so big brain for this. Okay, on to the actual episode.
Brief Inexhaustive List of Ignorable Things:
every incorrect use of the term shinobi, forget the word exists in this show it will make your life easier
weird out of sync running sound effects
weirder dragon noises
the dragons do not look like dragons, they look like humans in baggy clothes, green body paint made to look vaguely like scales, and red-eye contacts
on that note Venus' plastron
don't know how I never realised this before, but there's a scene in the opening where Leo's in yellow instead of dark blue??
whatever puns you don't like, it's 70-30 for me on which land or not
My Commentary:
We open at Joe's Laser Funhouse
Raph and Venus are playing laser tag
Raph: "Oh, Venus! I'm coming for you!"
Raph could probably afford to sound a little less serial killer, but that would be boring, actually
R: "Ya mess with the best, ya fall like the rest"
Raph might just be posing
I choose to believe he is actually the laser tag champ in this version
R: "Raph rocks"
yes, you do, honey, never change
or maybe do because Venus immediately tags him
or not
not sure if she completely missed him from five feet away or if Raph did actually cheat somehow like she insinuates
R: "Want fair? See a judge"
what could you possibly know about the US judicial system
Venus: "This here town ain't big enough for the both of us"
who showed Venus a Western!! I'm not mad, I just wanna talk!!
literally the cutest thing ever
V: "Draw!"
except it's NOT Raph it's a dragon
good thing he's super dramatic and ominously inches his laser closer to Venus so that OTHER dragon can come in and knock him out
you know, the titular Good Dragon
R: "D'you know why they call them dragons? 'Cause they're a major drag"
Raph saves the day with the power of ninjutsu and puns
After two PowerPoint transitions, we arrive at the lair
obligatory Venus getting mad about it Raph rescuing her all the time
R: "Ah, quit being such a weenie, I'd've done it for anyone"
which is not inaccurate
but we know the truth, he just wants to watch his sister's back
proceeds to jack Mikey's food and leave
Quick jump over to the Dragon Lord's Lair
turns out Joe's Laser Funhouse is actually the Good Dragon's hideout
Mikey: "Hey, Raph! What's the mutatious babe up to?"
you know Raph's hovering when folks start asking him what Venus is up to
he is, in fact, just watching her meditate in this scene
yes, Mikey calls her that. no, I don't know why
I've just been reading it as a silly Mikey thing
Back to Joe's Laser Funhouse
can't believe Venus got past Raph to Joe's Laser Funhouse by herself
V: "Good doggie! Sit! Stay!"
Good Dragon v. rabid dog
R: "Ay, yo! Mei Pieh Chi!"
never mind, there he is
comes in a-shoutin', but it's really sweet that he uses her real name!
alternatively, calling her by her legal name for the full big brother effect
R: "Where you hidin', huh?"
she sneaks up on and judo-flips him
why? why not
as far as I remember, Raph is the only turtle Venus consistently chooses violence with
V: "Goo!" R: "Uh, that's boo, Venus" V: "No. When you're packing these it's 'goo'"
excuse you, Raphael, she got that colloquialism wrong on purpose
they are very physical and constantly in each other's faces in this episode, such sibling behavior
oh no, he fell for the classic made you look + mystic goo ball getaway!
R: "I've been psyched out by a peace-loving mutant!"
hilarious because she gets into and out of as many fights as he does
Raph, I hate to break it to you, but you are also a mutant
V: "Being hunted isn't so bad, trust me I know. Sometimes I even enjoy it"
girl, we need to get you some new nemeses and professional help
V: "Gee, Raphael, you see kind of angry"
metaphorically and then literally pokes the beast
see could be little or big sibling behavior, I don't know
R: "Oh, boy"
he says, after getting kicked into a dumpster and dragged away
V: "Raphael's in the trash!"
how she chooses to announce to the lair that Raph has been kicked into a dumpster and dragged away
Leo: "There's no dragon alive that Raph can't wail on"
okay, Leo's faith in him is really sweet
Donnie: "A . . ." L: "B. . ." M: "3. . ." D: "Shouldn't that have been C?"
Donnie, why do you even bother
Splinter: "Teenagers! Ugh, can't get used to them"
Splinter when nobody ever tells him anything
he's like, where are you going? where is my son???
and they just leave
PowerPoint transition to Props Props Props
that's the name of the prop warehouse Raph is being held captive in
Raph is tied up with tinsel and string lights
why would a dragon who likely has no concept of Christmas also put a star on his head?
Did Raph tell him to do it?
who knows, but Raph is very bothered by looking like a Christmas tree, and the Christmas music in the background sells it
R: "There's no shame in, uh, being good"
Raph's attempts at negotiation
unfortunately, said dragon reacts like he's been called a slur
Good Dragon: "You're my only hope . . . I'll sacrifice you to prove my loyalty"
you have been chosen
farewell, Raphael
you go on to a better place
R: "Here's the concept: you untie Raph, Raph will fight, okay?"
everyone just leaves him tied up while they have an epic fight scene
guys, please, he just wants to fight
this is like his third or fourth entreaty to be untied
V: "Merry Mutant Christmas!
as she drives a pair of dragons pulling her around on a sleigh
one is wearing a zebra mask, and the other has a sombrero that she put on them to blind them? I think?
Venus goes ham in this fight
R: "You know, I sorta liked that Good Dragon dude. He wasn't like a dragon. He was more like, uh, like a turtle!"
Raph has two categories: turtles and everyone else
if he decides you're chill, you get to be an honorary turtle
L: "Raph finally makes a friend, and it turns out to be the enemy!"
Leo, don't do him like this
this is like the fourth to last episode, he's made other friends
like Andre and the gorilla
does the baby turtle count?
Raph gets along well with animals
R: "Hey! He wasn't my friend! He was Venus' friend!"
the turtle doth protest too much, methinks
goes to sulk on the couch with his sister
jokes on him, she will not be a reprieve from the mocking
V: "Actually, I think he liked you best" R: "Oh yeah? how's that?" V: "Well, you guys have more in common . . . You're both pig-headed!"
Venus never wastes an opportunity to make fun of Raph
such big sibling energy to me
gets laughed out of the lair and goes for a ride on his . . . hog . . .
All in all, a delightful episode. Love the new insights I had about Venus and Raph's relationship. Laser tag gone wrong in the funniest way possible.
Bonus: memes for Splinter in these trying times.
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dira333 · 6 months
Unwavering IV - Ibiki x Reader
this is for @snuggleboots (taglist is open)
Warnings: Reader is dealing with psychological aspects of her work and she's having trouble with alcoholism. Please do not read if this triggers you.
Masterlist - Part III
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The lights are on when you get back. 
You’re still wearing the daring green dress. With the cold air hitting your back it now only feels like a kidney infection waiting to happen. You should have known that you can’t seduce Ibiki with a pretty dress and some bright red lipstick.
When you open the door, Neko mewls loudly in greeting.
“I’m home, little tyrant.” You call out softly, scratch her behind the ears when she comes to the door. “Where’s your owner?”
Neko mewls loudly again and plops down in the entryway, begins the ardent task of cleaning between her hind legs, a clear sign she’s done talking to you.
Ibiki’s neither in the living room nor in the kitchen, even though the lights are still on. You find him in his office, back to the door as he writes something.
You’re hardly ever in this room but there are a few photographs scattered through the room that you want to look at forever.
There’s Ibiki at six, face split with an awkward smile that showcases a missing front tooth. Next to him are his parents, you believe, looking so much like him and yet so different at the same time. 
There’s Ibiki how you remember him from the Academy, his mother behind him, her face set in stone. He carries someone in his arms, the baby’s face scrunched up to the point you can barely recognize a human being. You wonder if that’s his brother.
There are more pictures but you never get far enough into the room to look at them, to learn more about him.
“Hey.” You stop at the doorway like you’ve done all the other times before. “When did you get home?”
“Two hours ago, I think.” His voice doesn’t show any emotion, but you’re used to that. It doesn’t make things easier though.
“Can we talk?” You hate how soft your voice comes out, not at all teasing or demanding.
But he nods and gets up.
If you thought talking to his back was hard, coming face-to-face with him proves you wrong.
Fear tightens its hold on your neck, making it hard to breathe.
If this goes wrong, you can kiss this friendship goodbye.
“Do you wanna get something to drink?” He asks when it becomes clear that you’re not going to open your mouth soon.
You nod helplessly and follow him down the hallway. He’s wearing his usual loungewear, looks like the Shinobi he is while you’re dressed like you’re a film star waiting to accept an award.
You feel ridiculous. For wanting to dress up, for doing it. For being the kind of Shinobi that you are. For falling in love.
The anger, even though directed at you, gives you strength. You dig your feet into the ground.
“Do you think I’m pretty?” You ask, almost managing to slip the teasing lilt into your voice that you’re famous for.
Ibiki looks up from the kettle he’d been filling.
“Why do you need everyone to to tell you what you already know?” He asks. 
The words feel heavy on your tongue. “Because it matters who I’m hearing it from.”
He watches you for a second. “Yeah, you are pretty.” It doesn’t sound like he means it, more like he’s placating a child.
You take another step forward.
“Why did you kiss me if you don’t think I’m pretty?” You ask, unable to keep your anger from your voice.
Ibiki straightens, puts the kettle on the stove and turns to you. He’s always been imposing, his height, his looks. If you’d know him any less, you might have been frightened.
“You’ve got a scar on your lower lip.” He points out. “It’s not visible under your lipstick.”
“Did you feel it?” You ask. “When you kissed me?”
That’s when it happens. Ibiki shudders like your question runs down his back with icy fingers.
It’s the first involuntary reaction you’ve ever drawn from him. 
You wonder what it means.
“Do you want to feel it again?” Your voice is barely above a whisper.
When you wake up, you’re facing the wall. Ibiki’s chest is pressed into your back, one arm slung around you, the other cushioning your head. His breath ghosts over your neck.
It’s not the closest you’ve ever been to him, but you think you might prefer this. When he allows himself to be open, to show what he wants - in this case, him being the big spoon.
His breathing changes and you smile, waiting for him to wake up properly. 
“Morning.” He grumbles into your ear. 
Neko mewls loudly from the hallway as if that greeting had been meant for her.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you sleep in.” You point out half an hour later. Taking a shower together had not cut the time needed in half, but he doesn’t seem to mind as he pours you coffee.
“I think we need a bigger bed.” He points at the bread instead of looking at you. When you nod, he begins preparing your breakfast. 
Not for the first time you wonder how he can be like this one moment, but provoke you mercilessly the next. How it could have taken you two months to kiss when he’s been making you breakfast two weeks into you living here.
“Nah.” You take a sip of coffee and add a bit more milk. “It’s fine. I like having you close.”
He smiles, the quickest of movements, but you see it, and it lights up your heart like a lightning strike.
“How are we going to do this?” You ask, taking the sandwich from him and sinking your teeth into it with the delight that only good food brings. “Kakashi and Guy know that I was going to confess to you.”
He stops, butter knife raised over his bread. His brows furrow.
“What do you mean, confess? That wasn’t a confession.”
“Sure it was! Didn’t you hear me last night?”
“I did. You said something along the lines of ‘If you rip my dress I’m going to make sure you die a slow death.’”
“Before that.” You wave your hands around. “I said I want to stay with you. Forever.”
“Ah, I thought you meant the part where you don’t pay rent and eat all my food.”
“Like I could ever take Neko’s role.” You’re only half-joking. There’s still a part of you that’s jealous over how easy it is for Neko to get him to smile.
A comfortable Silence settles between you. Ibiki puts the butter knife away and assembles his sandwich. It’s Sunday, almost time for lunch and you’re barely making a dent into your breakfast. 
You could let him eat his sandwich in peace and ask him about everything else when he’s gotten some food in his system. 
But honestly, when have you ever played nice?
You pull his plate toward you before he can grab his sandwich, move from your seat to his before he can open his mouth.
Now you’re sitting in his lap, grinning like the cat that got the cream.
“Hi.” You smile up at him. “Pay attention to me.”
He lifts one eyebrow. “I just did. We’re having breakfast together.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You sling your arms around his shoulders and pull yourself closer until your nose touches his. “But that’s not enough.”
“You can have more of my attention if you let me eat first.”
“Or you can give me your attention now and eat later?” You ask, brushing your lips over his in the hopes of convincing him.
A heartbeat later you’re sitting in your own seat and he takes a bite from his sandwich, sending you an unamused look when you huff in annoyance.
“Not fair.”
“Drink your coffee.”
“Are we going to get pet names?” You ask, picking up your cup. “You could call me Princess.”
“You’re not Royalty.”
“That’s not the point. It’s cute. I call Ino Princess and she loves it.”
“Exactly. You’re not six years old.”
“How about Baby?”
“You’re not an infant.” He takes a sip of his coffee and levels one of his signature glares at you. “And you’re not a kitten either.”
“How’d you guess that?” You can’t help but laugh. “But if you won’t call me that, I’ll just do it myself.”
“What do you-”
“Ibiki, Baby.” Your smile is pure saccharine, your voice as sweet as honey as you cock your head. “Snookums. Honeydrop. Apple of my eye.”
Ibiki groans. “You’re awful.”
“You love me.”
“I do.” His voice is quiet but steady. It blows you away.
He smiles when he realizes that he’s left you speechless once again, leans over the table to press a kiss to your lips before he gathers the dishes and makes the trek to the sink.
“Don’t tell Inoichi.” Ibiki’s leaning in the doorframe as you pack your bag. “We can tell him together.”
“Sure.” You look through your stuff and furrow your brows. “Have you seen my book? The one I was reading?”
“It’s in the living room-” He stops you when you try to squeeze past him. “Hey. You’re okay with this, right?”
He sounds less demanding now, almost timid in his question if that’s even possible for him.
“Sure.” You step into him, let yourself fall even though you really should get ready. “I understand why you want to keep this a secret for now. Besides, who cares about what I’m doing with my love life?”
“Raido does.” It only sounds half-joking and you respond by knocking your knee against his.
“Raido can suck ass.” You remind him. “He’s not the one I want to come home to.”
He holds you for a minute, just long enough to let you know he’s not happy, that even Ibiki can open himself up to you.
“I’m going to be fine.” You remind him. “Besides, we need new people to interrogate or it will get boring at work.”
“Stay safe, okay?” He kisses the top of your head. “Come back in one piece.”
“Did something happen this weekend?” Inoichi asks when you set up your tent. Chouza’s preparing Dinner.
“What do you mean?” You ask, struggling with a knot. “Guy made Jonin so we had a little get-together.”
“You’re different.” Your brother points out. “Not chewing my ear off with gossip. Not whining about the parties you’ll miss while on mission.”
“You’re glowing,” Chouza calls out from the fire. “Reminds me of when Inoichi and Miwa first got together. He was basically floating.”
Inoichi’s eyes zero in on you. You swallow thickly.
“I… can explain?”
“You’ve got a boyfriend?” Inoichi sounds strangely… tense.
“Do I know him?”
“Maybe? I will introduce him to you soon, don’t worry. It’s just… we just got together this weekend… officially, you know… and he wanted to wait a bit before we tell our families.”
There. That’s not completely a lie.
Inoichi huffs. He looks worried.
“What got your panties in a twist now, Inoichi?” Chouza asks. “You look like she told you she’s fallen in love with Orochimaru.”
“It’s just…” Your brother huffs again. “It’s not my place to tell but… maybe let me tell Ibiki, okay?”
You blink. “What?” 
“You know, he’s a little sensible when it comes to you.” He points out as if it’s obvious. It isn’t.”
“What?” You squeak again.
“Oh, Ibiki?” Chouza nods like he knows exactly what your brother is talking about. “Yeah, it will break his heart that you’re no longer single. It’s hard to tell what’s going on in that brain of his, but I think he was planning on kidnapping you and forcing you to become his girlfriend.”
“Like I’d ever fall for that!” You exclaim, finally untangling the knot that had been giving you grief. “I’d rather die than…” You stop and hesitate. Than what? Date Ibiki? You’re already doing that. “Well, I’d rather die than date someone who’s using violence like that.”
Your voice has lost its momentum and Chouza picks up on it right away.
“Poor Ibiki.” He sighs. “Don’t tell him he would have had a chance if he’d made a move.”
They keep reminiscing about the fact that Ibiki has a crush on you. It’s surreal and also funny, leaving you with enough ammunition to annoy him for at least a month, if not longer. You’re also not really sure if they’re both good at reading people or just guessed correctly this one time. 
When you meet up again, Chouza’s face is bruised and your brother has a black eye, but they look fine otherwise.
You have no scratch on your body and the blood splattered over your skirt is not your own, but you don’t feel fine. You feel hollow and dirty and disgusting.
It’s not often that missions mess with you like this, but when they do, oh they do.
The first hour of your trek back Inoichi keeps talking about Ino. It’s a surefire way to distract you. From the violence, the way you hate how you have to use your body some days, from the people that Chouza is carrying, knocked out and tied up
At some point, Chouza takes over. He tells you about Chouji, his little boy's love for butterflies, how he’s got the appetite of his father but the softness of his mother.
“I’m a little worried about him.” He says. “He’s not good at making friends on his own and he’s lonely most of the time.”
“Did you know that Ibiki has a cat?” The words break from your lips like butterflies from their cocoons. “Her name’s Neko and she’s incredibly fat.” 
Chouza blinks at you. You want to keep talking, tell him how she puked on you the first night you slept over, or how she likes to wake you up from naps by landing right on your bladder or your stomach. How she mewls in the morning to remind you that she’s more important than staying in bed. 
But that would mean you’d have to explain why you sleep over so often so you shake yourself out of your stupor and smile.
“Met her once when we discussed a new strategy. I just thought, if Ibiki isn’t good at making friends and seems to have a good time with his pet, maybe that would be a good idea for Chouji too?”
“Ah… my wife’s allergic to cats.” Chouza points out. You shrug.
“Doesn’t have to be a cat. Pet’s come in all shapes and sizes, right?”
“Just think of Shikaku and his deer!” Inoichi calls out from behind. 
The walk home is a little easier after that. You think of Neko and her soft fur, how she’s going to complain when you don’t feed her the amount she wants but the amount she needs.
You don’t think of Ibiki, don’t dare to, but Neko is fair game.
taglist: @snuggleboots @missalienqueen
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