frosty-mango · 2 months
Reanimated Madara x Shy!Forest Goddess!Reader
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@opheliasadventures1 :- Reanimated Madara with a shy and easily flustered forest goddess reader
A/N :- I gotchu with this one first, headcannons coming later I promise. Just bear with me, it's been a minute since I've written on Tumblr 😂
Warnings :- Flirting, mild language, Madara, gender specific reader (fem)
Word Count :- 1.2k
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Life has a funny way of things doesn't it? One second you're living fine, alone, happy, content. The next your falling head over heals for a man that can kill you with one fatal jutsu. After that... You're mourning the loss of that man because of a negative spiral for power and revenge. And then your back to square one for god knows how long. The heart can be something so great and so hurtful in these times.
And much to your own dismay it really is. You lived in near solitude after the death of your late husband, Madara. You were fine with this, you couldn't get hurt if you didn't make any new connections. Plus... It's more painful to watch all that you know change and leave when you're immortal. It was like this for years, but until now you hadn't had a reason to leave your sanction till you heard it.
And not just by someone who just so happened to come across your home, but by the very Senju that killed what was your brother inlaw. Tobirama Senju, an old friend yes, but a sour one at the most. Seeing as he wasn't looking completely together told you enough that he was completely there. One of the Senju brothers needing your help wasn't uncommon from back when they breathed and bled, but this was far different. Being asked to stop your husband who is trying to make the world submit to an eternal genjutsu was something else.
And that's why you're here now...
Currently using your abilities to your advantage on the battlefield. You weren't near Madara yet, but you could tell he was there and what he was doing was sickening. Everyone had a show for it too, Hashirama fighting the Ten-tails, Saratobi and who you now know as the fourth hokage, Minato, fighting the reanimated, you and Tobirama on the other hand, were tracking the slippery Uchiha. A plan set and ready, all you needed to do was distract Madara, now how hard could that be?
"How hard is it to track him if you're able to sense things from the ground and roots?" Tobirama sneered at you while you leapt around the battlefield.
"Easier said than done, the less vegetation the harder it can be. So don't act all high and mighty like you can do it better." You rolled your eyes looking softly at the younger Senju as he sighed looking around.
"Just try and focus, the sooner we can seal him away the better-" just as he finished his sentence he was sent flying by a fireball sent straight for him. "Damn bastard! If you don't watch where you're shooting you'll hurt your own plans Madara!"
You had leapt back a good distance when the fireball had come close, earth and fire don't mix well in your conditions. When you scanned the area of the fireball you spotted the spiky haired Uchiha just as he seemingly teleported right before Tobirama. They both locked their hits stopping one another from bashing the others.
"And what do you know about plans? If I recall, you had almost died from two pathetic idiots all because they ate their way out of the Nine-tails." Madara jerked back against the white haired Senju and both backed away from one another. As he was about to call his susonoo again you had jumped at his side and by a miracle tackled him to the ground.
"You damn Shinobi pest never know when to quit-"
"Finish that sentence and so help me I'll make you remember what being slapped feels like." You looked down at him and his stunned face as he was mid jutsu sign. You grinned softly at him as you straddled his waist. "Hi baby.."
Madara just looked at you as he moved to sit up and slid you down to his lap. He looked down at you, scanning over you slowly as a smile formed on his face and his hands moved to your waist and face.
"So, you really weren't lying about being immortal then huh?"
"Why would I lie about that? We had plenty of moments that showed off the truth of that very question." You scrunched your nose a bit and furrowed your brows. Despite trying to look upset and angry, it was rather difficult when he was caressing one of your cheeks and rubbing his thumb along your cheekbone.
"Because, despite that, it just means I get to experience your eternal beauty~" he winked as he brought you to stand up with him. A heavy blush formed on your face while he began laughing at your reaction, his armour shaking as he did.
"Cheeky move Mada.." you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face away into him whilst he hugged you tight to him.
Silence fell over the two of you while you held one another. Taking in one anothers present, this alone made your grip on him tighten as your eyes began to burn, before long you had a small stream of tears rolling down your face. Madara moved you away, grabbing your chin and making you look up into his shining red eyes of his mangeko sharingan. Before you could say anything he only traced his thumb over your lips, hauling your words in your throat.
"I know, I know, my sweet girl... I know..." He spoke softly as things started to come to a stop around you. You shook your head and pulled him close again as your lips met in a tender and longing kiss.
Your hands made their way to the sides of his face and in his hair. As the kiss broke away you heard someone clear their throat. You both turned to look at Hashirama scratching the back of his neck with an awkward grin, Tobirama next to him looking away as irritated as ever, and Saratobi looking away while shaking his head with a small smirk.
"Glad to see your love is as strong as ever!" Hashirama looked at the two of you and rocked on his heels before Tobirama smacked him over the head.
"How about instead of your nonsense you let them talk." Tobirama glared at him before turning to you and Madara before nodding to you directly. Madara lifted his brow as he glared at the three in front of him before looking back down at you.
"Heh- Mada, I love all that you do and all that you've done...but this isn't part of that. You're hurting what was our home. The place we built back then, look at all of this. I've watched it all change and grow and I ask that you don't destroy it. Madara I want to watch what we did grow till I can't no longer, will you grant me that? Please..?"
Madara looked at you with a panned look till it softened, he wrapped his arm around your waist making you blush. As he leaned down and planted a kiss to your forehead.
"I suppose it isn't very fair to make you watch your- our home crumble, especially with you watching over it my sweet girl." He pressed another soft kiss to your head while he looked at his fellow reanimated Shinobi and back down at you.
"Even if I'm gone, I'll be close to you, I promise."
"I know you will Mada, I never doubted your words, not once." You pulled him into another hug that he returned without hesitation and held each other tightly knowing what was to come.
"I love you, my God of the Uchiha."
"I love you too, my Goddess of the land and earth."
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phonkscribes · 1 year
Working under Wesker
You've been assigned to work with the infamous Albert Wesker on behalf of the virologist taking on more work than even he can handle. He won't hesitate to replace or to get rid of you if he doesn't think you're up to the tasks he gives you. It is an uphill battle to try and please him, and keep your job, but this seems to please him plenty enough.
He thinks its rather pointless to entrust another person with the important work that he does, especially one who he is not formally acquainted with. From the beginning, he's plotting on getting rid of you the first chance he gets unless you can prove your worth. The pressure is on, and it's only your first day.
The first task he has set out for you is to file reports with the information that has been made accessible for you, due in less than six hours. This is his first test, because he's already finished the report in case you make something that does not meet his expectations. Miraculously if you manage to finish the work that meets his standards, he will be surprised, but won't let it show on his face. If you fail, he will be there to insult you.
"It's really quite simple, if you can't manage this, I'm going to have to dismiss you. Is that something you want?", he taunts you yes, but he also means to push and challenge you. He only naturally comes off as an ass when doing so.
Wesker might not even trust you enough to allow you to handle reports, sending you off to do trivial tasks like to fetch him coffee or deliver paperwork from point A to point B. This is an incredible waste of your talents and capabilities, but that's because he doesn't have the time to carefully monitor you working on his things. When you show up with the cup in hand, practiced smile on your face, he drinks in the anguish written in your eyes. It might even steal a chuckle from him as he watches you walk back to your desk or designated area.
And watch you he does.
Even if he wasn't wearing shades, he'd drag his eyes carefully across your physique, thinking about the possibilities that might arise if he ever had the reason to turn you into an experiment. However, he does enjoy the shape of your body and how your clothes hug your form around certain curves. When you feel the weight of his gaze, he's already getting back to work, not letting his enjoyment of messing with you distract him for too long.
When he leaves for break or for the evening, you decide to stay behind, to take some of his work load in hopes of finally getting his approval. The sun has risen high above your head by the time you're through with it all, feeling a bit of sympathy for the other right before you decide to fall asleep at your space. When he arrives, he spots that all of his papers have been moved to your area. Albert's first instinct is to be mad with you, because you might've made errors and mistakes in his name, and he can't have you ruining his perfections.
Upon reading things over, with sharp and refreshed eyes, he can see now just how hard you've worked. Damn near to the bone, which he supposed was admirable. A hand reaches out to pet your head, smiling some to himself at how adorable you are resting. For now, you've earned some sleep, so he won't bother you until you either wake up yourself or six hours have passed(which he will write you up for). Wesker even leaves to go bring you a spot of coffee for when you do arise from your deserved slumber.
"Here you are, you've been asleep for long enough, wouldn't you agree dear?", you aren't sure what startles you more, him actually caring for you and being nice or the fact that you really have been asleep at your desk.
However you may react, he finds it to be adorable, and even holds a smile for a moment until he urges you to go and freshen up. They didn't hire you to dilly dally, they hired you to work. When you return, he pats the side of his table where there's free space, calling for you to join him.
You've proven yourself... for now.
"Don't let me down, rookie", he says with tease in his tone, but all the more stern. Some time after this, he lectures you about taking his work while he's away.
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skzoologist · 8 months
Hii!! I saw that you are open to supernatural AUs so... Can I ask for one where Stray Kids summon a demon that happens to be Bae? 😈😊 (I want happy vibes pleaseee)
word count: ~2k
warnings: few drops of blood
genre: demon AU, fluff?
a/n: I hate you. I told you in our chat already several times, but I hate you so much. You KNOW how much I love supernatural AUs, especially demon ones. And you dare give me this idea, that is now living rent free in my head, growing itself out into a whole ass series. I will be demanding compensation later. Maybe some Chan pics or smt, I haven't decided yet. I need to bash my head into the wall first a few times.
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!I don't condone anyone stealing my work and posting it anywhere without my permission, or feeding it to AI!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
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“Are we really sure this is a good idea?”
Hyunjin’s question never got answered, the air between the 8 teenage boys unusually silent and strained. It only caused him to grow even more nervous, his fingers occasionally twitching without his own command, urging him to just tuck his hands into his pockets.
Everyone knew that it wasn’t a good idea. Not the little group they gathered up in, not the dark room lit up with various candles, all placed in a certain pattern scattered throughout the whole space. And the charcoal drawing they circled around certainly wasn’t the best thing they had ever done in their whole life, not at all.
But what they were about to do was something even stupider.
Jeongin took out a little knife he’d kept safely tucked away in his flannel’s pocket, revealing the hidden blade with the single press of a button. His eyes swept over everyone else’s, worried glances greeting him back. The maknae could only gulp, yet his slightly shaking hands extended over the circle, blade cutting into supple flesh.
Drip, drop.
The vermillion liquid slowly landed and formed a small pool in the middle of the drawing, where the most intricate symbols laid, everyone sitting around it with bated breaths. It felt as if they were about to make either the best, or the most horrible decision of their lives, and they couldn’t have wished for it to be over any faster. It laid heavy on their shoulders, their chests, as soon as they got their hands on that wine red, leather bound book that started it all. It was as if that thing was calling them, whispering into their ears, something they couldn’t resist even for a moment. 
It would have felt wrong to do so.
So now, here they were, performing the ritual that was carefully written down in those aged, yellow pages, their content beautifully explained in great detail. Even them, who had no idea about the occult, could easily perform it; the hardest thing to do was to draw the lines good enough and have enough bravery to cut into their flesh.
And yet… nothing seemed to be happening.
No magical lights appeared from the summoning circle, no portal opened from the blood, nothing. Not even a little puff of smoke.
“Well… we tried.” - it was Chan, breaking everyone out of their stupor. “Yea, let’s just go. Don’t look so heartbroken Lixie, we can maybe try again later?” - Changbin said, slinging an arm over the mentioned male’s shoulder. “Exactly, so let’s just go down. I never liked this room, whenever I passed by it, it gave me the chills. C’mon Jisungie, stop moping around.” - Hyunjin said, a sweat rolling down the side of his forehead. “No need. Just look.” - Minho’s voice caught everyone’s attention, his arms ushering the two youngest behind his protective form.
The boy was right, the room now glowed in a sinister red light, something captivating, yet frightening. A rift that tore through time and space started opening up in the middle of the summoning circle, the blood fallen there now moving on its own, pawing the path for the portal in an intricate pattern. Dark smoke escaped that rift, coating the room with its chilly self. If only that was the single thing that crossed over to their world, then the boys could have heaved a sigh of relief. But no, they were forced to watch as a void-dipped, clawed hand gripped at their floor boards, pale skin following it soon after.
In front of the boys stood an imposing creature, one with ashen skin that was dipped into tar, head crowned with pairs of majestic horns, back adorned with a pair of skin-woven wings and a slender tail. His eyes were like molten gold, the colours and patterns perpetually swirling in there, dragging anyone into their depths, were they brave enough to look.
Those same eyes slightly widened, stuck on two members of this little friend group, their presence catching the demon completely off-guard. He wanted to ask what this was all about, especially when he saw that same recognition flash across their eyes, but he wasn’t a fool. There must have been a reason for why they hid amongst these humans, something he didn’t want to ruin even without knowing.
So, the demon set his eyes on Chan, the one who bravely stood in front of anyone in a protective manner. The creature cocked his head to the side, his wings closed to seem less imposing as he was waiting for the other to speak. Nobody summoned a demon for no reason, after all.
“Why did we do this, again? Someone remind me please?” - Changbin’s voice was sharp, yet it had a slightly fearful edge to it. “I don’t fucking know, you idiots just bought this book and somehow we ended up here. With a fucking demon in our room, which is as tall as the room itself!” - Seungmin’s seethed, snapping at the other. “It wasn’t even me, why are you yelling at me then?! It was Minho and Jisung who found the book and brought it here, blame them!” “Oh so you’re pointing fingers now, huh?” - Minho joined in, a deep scowl etched onto his delicate features. “Uh, guys, maybe not now…” - but Jeongin’s pleas weren’t heard, not even after Hyunjin joined him in his efforts to diffuse the situation.
The demon watched it with amusement, a slight huff escaping his form as it reminded him of the past.
“Hey, you can grant one of our wishes, right? Any kind?” - Chan asked, causing the demon’s eyes to fall onto his tiny form that was squished between Jisung and Felix carefully.
His only reply was a silent nod.
“I want these 7 boys to never be harmed, to always be healthy and protected.”
That reply was not what the two boys beside him expected, staring at him with wide eyes and arguing how he should have wished for something better, for himself. The demon just observed it, how everyone argued in the room for different reasons, his eyes lingering on the two liars.
“I cannot grant you what you already have.”
Chan only sputtered at that, unable to believe what he had just heard. The two next to him reacted similarly, a few from behind them joining in, their argument slowly dying down. Everyone just stared up at the hellish entity, watching his eyes shift around, his head slightly dipping down when he closed his eyes for a few seconds, deep in thought. The hair-woven waterfall behind him gently moved, just like the chains and other ornaments that decorated his horns and sharp ears.
Those molten orbs were visible again, hiding behind long lashes, yet no more sound exited the demon’s lips.
“What do you mean? I already have it? We’ve never done anything like this, that’s impossible! Explain yourself!” - Chan raised his voice, clearly getting worked up. “Don’t worry, Channie hyung, he’s only speaking the truth. Other demons would take this chance and take your soul in exchange for nothing.” - it was Felix who spoke up this time, his warm hand lingering on his hyung’s shoulder, before he stepped towards the demon. “Yea, you can really trust him. He’s the softest demon I’ve ever known, and I know San.” - Jisung followed the younger aussie, a lopsided smile dancing on his lips.
Everyone watched on, confused, questions upon questions flying through their heads. The strong feeling sat out onto their faces, some closing their mouths several times, yet no sound left any of them. The two who were now standing next to the demon looked guilty, rightfully so.
Because now Felix was sporting angel wings, while Jisung had bat wings and a tail protruding from his back.
“Someone tell me they’re seeing the same thing, otherwise I’ll assume I somehow overdosed myself on drugs.” “Innie, you didn’t take any.” “That was the problem then.”
The boys laughed at that, the awkward tension now broken thankfully. It gave a chance for the two who hid their true entity to gather themselves, to take a deep breath and just slowly let it out.
“We’re so sorry for hiding this before you guys, but it doesn’t change who we are as a person, really. We’re still the sa–” “Lix, Lixie, it’s okay, don’t start crying. Sure, it’s a surprise, a big one, but we’re not mad. No, Sungie, you calm down too. Just. We need a minute to process, ye?” - Chan interrupted, a heavy sigh leaving his chest as he pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to make sense of everything.
“So… you guys like, know each other?” “Minho!” “What? I’m sure you wanna know too!”
Laughter interrupted the bickering couple, Chan and Minho stopping to look at the still giggling Felix and Jisung.
“Yea, we kinda have a history, the three of us. In short, me and Bae are like brothers, and I mean our new demon buddy here. The two of us are like two peas in a pod, inseparable. Lixie here somehow didn’t hate our guts, even though our races completely hate each other, and we all kept sneaking out to hang out. That’s the gist of it, and now here we are!” “While Jisungie left out a lot, and I mean a LOT, that’s the basics, yea. But we’ll fill you guys in later, first let’s finish forming this pact, before the portal closes and Bae’ll be banished back into Hell for a good while.” “Okay, but how? He already denied one wish.” - Chan argued back, the others nodding along. “Hmm, don’t worry about that. I think he already knows what he wants.” - Jisung replied, his eyes hiding a knowing glint inside.
Indeed, the young demon was correct. Ever since he’d been summoned, Bae knew what he'd wanted and from who. It was obvious it wouldn’t be the one whose blood was used for the creation of the portal, everyone too overprotective for that to happen. And the others either didn’t have something to wish for that they didn’t already have, or Bae simply didn’t want to grant it -he was a picky demon after all-.
But there was one wish that tickled his fantasy, one that drew him closer.
“I can grant what your heart desires, in exchange for your soul. What do you say, Hwang Hyunjin?”
The boy was frozen in place, his dark eyes locked onto golden ones. His lungs stuttered, nearly failing to work and take in that vital air, and yet… 
He wasn’t truly afraid. 
This gigantic, dangerously captivating creature didn’t terrify him. No, he was excited, his heart was beating hard and fast as if to say that yes, this was finally happening, he’d waited for this for so long. He didn’t know what he’d been waiting for truly, but this whole thing just felt…right. As if a missing puzzle piece was found, ready to be placed in its place and complete a bigger picture.
A little smile drew itself on the demon’s lips, something that caught everyone’s attention as it wasn’t sinister, no, quite the opposite.
“Then the pact is sealed.”
All Hyunjin felt was a slight pain on his cheek, then dark smoke covered up his vision, the demon’s form lost inside. Nothing could be really heard, besides the hushed whispers of the members and his own rushing blood, his heart beating loudly in its cage. Something that only strengthened when the smoke finally cleared, his eyes widening at the sight.
A tall human stood in front of him, pale, delicate skin framed by dark hair. His eyes weren’t molten gold anymore, no, they mirrored his own, dark pools like the inky sky. It took him a second to blink, the sight strangely carved into his mind.
He had to sketch it down later.
Bae lightly smiled at Hyunjin with those barely red-tinted lips, turning around and opening his arms. It didn’t take longer than a second for him to be tackled by Felix and Jisung, the two clinging onto him as if their lives depended on it. So much so, that the little devil hopped onto his back, while Felix was in his arms, carried away as if this was the newly met devil’s daily life.
The others could only blink at that, too confused to really do anything.
What a weird, twisted situation they had gotten themselves into.
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sir-klauz · 1 year
Oh god I do not wish to remember the days of snake!/fairy!demon! England and his 30 eyebrows on each side of his face like some physically accurate cherub and his various amusements when he’s alone in fairy land
Imagine Hetalia now. FUCN
Arthur Kurkhflangz
Sadly Hetalia was a part of my self service home education ~
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woozten-x · 1 year
#. 𝘼𝙨 𝘽𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙈𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 | 𝙉𝘾𝙏 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢
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[ ; M.List including other Neos! ]
─ Context: When dating, you’ve noticed many habits and cherished the many memories with your boyfriend; you recall every single one, your love for them growing stronger by the many moments shared with them. (NCT DREAM EDITION)
─ Genre: Tooth-rotting FLUFF, lots of wholesome moments of just them being ur boyfriend, Headcanons
─ Length: 7 bullet points!
❒ a/n: been in a headrot about established relationships and overall wholesome/romantic headcanons for the dreamies!! OMG by NewJeans really helped me get in the zone with these headcanons, oh lord i am sick!! i am lovesick!
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!! Mark .
We all know he’s a music lover and he has a dedicated playlist for you, every song in that playlist reminds him of you! Every time Mark feels lonely, he would be listening to it; the melody of every song bringing you closer to him, no matter the distance
LOVES talking about you even when you aren’t there - literally brings you up in every conversation whenever something reminds him of you; everyone around Mark (who know you or not) is always learning something about you
Whenever he is working/composing music, he is always giving you a snippet of the project because he just can’t contain his passion for music; as Mark’s lover, he is making you experience the very same passion he puts in every piece of music he works on
Willing to drop everything or anything he’s doing at the very moment whenever you call his name; Mark doesn’t care, he is always looking at you or looking at the direction of your voice like a lovesick puppy
For some reason, he enjoys placing his snapbacks/beanies on your head; Mark just loves seeing you in his hats, finding it adorable whenever the hat is a bit too big for you
Makes you feel like a grade A comedian because he is always giggling or laughing with you; please save him, Mark’s lungs are working 10x harder after meeting you
Whenever you are talking, his eyes are pleading towards you with every drop of attention laid on you; sometimes, he would randomly utter out “Cute.” because you have Mark in a trance with your beauty
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!! Renjun .
Everytime he draws, he likes to draw things that remind him of you or just anything that may be of your liking (tbh you like everything he draws); Renjun loves showing you his drawings/paintings and he loves every compliment coming from your lips the most
Definitely doodles on your skin with paint because he refuses to use markers that may stain or hurt your skin; the sensation of the brush is bringing you to a serene place, he is always smiling whenever he sees you dozing off with a sheepish smile on your face
Whenever you get teased by the other members, Renjun is always stepping in to defend you; he is your knight in shining armor, willing to let his rated E hands do the talking if necessary
Usually, Renjun can be quite sarcastic with the others when tested enough but his patience is endless when it comes with you; your attention means so much to him, he is willing to take any for his own greedy heart
Has a habit of combing his fingers through your hair, the small affectionate gesture conveying the amount of admiration he has for you; whenever his fingers get tangled in your hair and tugs, he apologizes quickly and kisses the top of your head as assurance
LOVES cuddling with you in bed with those glowing star stickers on the ceiling or galaxy projectors; he just loves holding you close to him underneath those artificial stars, telling you sweet nothings while drifting along the made-up galaxy the two of you created
Has set reminders/alarms to remind you of taking your medication/vitamins everyday; even when he’s out busy with whatever schedule, Renjun is making time to send a text to show how much he cares for you
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!! Jeno .
Willing to stay up with you, whether you are working or just not tired, he is accompanying you for hours; even when Jeno is exhausted or is on phone with you, he is staying awake with you to spend every second of his day with you
When you face him, speaking to him about anything, he is listening but sometimes he gets distracted; randomly, Jeno is placing a hand on your cheek and caressing your soft skin with eyes blinded by the love for you
LOVES approaching you when you least expect it, leaning close to your face with a playful grin plastered on his face; Jeno is always planting a kiss on your cheek, nose or lips whenever he gets the chance to surprise you
He’s a gamer and we all know he has those headsets that practically cancels out all noise surrounding him; but, Jeno always keeps it lower than usual and always sacrifices his own game to give his undivided attention to you whenever you call him
Risking his back to carry you around on his back or straining his arms to carry you in his arms, reassuring you whenever you feel fearful of hurting him; Jeno is your prince charming, striving to take you anywhere regardless of your worries
Purposely leaves his hoodies, shirts and sweaters for you to have and he acts clueless whenever you ask if he wants it back; seeing you in his clothes makes him smile, crescent moons adoring you while saying “That looks good on you.” every single time
Playfully sticks out his arm for you to interlock with whenever the two of you walk together or are walking side by side; Jeno letting you know that he is by your side always and making the two of you inseparable, as he can never think a moment without you
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!! Haechan .
The type to tease you, but you literally carved a spot in his heart that he can’t resist pouting or apologizing instantly whenever you get annoyed; Haechan loves getting a kick of these things, but it backfires as he ends up being the kicked puppy in the end
Shares his screen whenever he is playing games or you are sitting next to him watching, your head resting on his shoulder; Haechan loves to call you his lucky charm for winning games and show off his skills to hold the “Best Gamer Boyfriend” title
Your biggest supporter! He is always hyping you up, willing to show you off like a diamond on a ring; Haechan is the light burning every insecurity you carry, always boasting about you at any given opportunity
LOVES hugging you in whatever situation - back hugs, regular hugs, side hugs…Just anything related to hugs in general; Haechan is your personal teddy bear, clinging onto you until the very end with his addictive warmth enveloping you
Cheesy pickup lines? Suggestive jokes? Poetic words to describe his love for you? He is saying anything whenever he is with you; Haechan has no filter, completely infatuated with you, his own brain barely catching up with the words spilling out of his mouth
Likes to re-enact scenes with you or remembering the lines to have you swooning from some romantic movie he watched; due to realistic circumstances, Haechan is always laughing with you with an aching stomach and a fluttering heart
When you ignore him a bit too long, he gently grasps your chin with a feather-like touch; Haechan meets your eyes, basking in your attention for a brief moment before pulling away with a smirk as a way to have you yearning for him, also
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!! Jaemin .
A smile grows on his face every time you look at him, speak to him, kiss him - just anything in general; his gaze is softening every time, Jaemin would also softly tell you “You are beautiful.” randomly to remind you of the beauty he cherishes most in life
Takes random photos of you, whether you are paying attention or not, he is your own personal photographer; Jaemin definitely has a folder of photos dedicated to you, sometimes scrolling through whenever he misses you or to show you off
Cooks and feeds you! He definitely calls you ‘Jaemin’s baby~’ or ‘My baby~’ in endearment while feeding you; you are Jaemin’s number one! Willing to spoil you rotten with his acts of services
LOVES to pinch your cheeks together, saying his iconic ‘Aigoo~’ whenever you look at him with your cheeks pinched together; Jaemin is smiling fondly at you, littering your faces with warm kisses causing you to giggle every time
Send voice messages to remind you to eat and stay hydrated! He is also sending you photos with a message attached saying - ‘looks pretty, but you are prettier though’; Jaemin always find time to take care of his number one
Always energetic around you and he is practically glowing when spending time with you; Jaemin never has any boring moments with you, always in high spirits whenever you enter the room or text/call him - you are his most treasured happiness!
When cuddling, he loves to pull you close to him and lean in to nuzzle the tip of his nose with yours; Jaemin is always so gentle with you during these moments, the world is currently in his grasp and he is always admiring it with a never ending fondness for you
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!! Chenle .
Never letting you leave bed, no matter your protests or whatever important is going in his/your schedule; Chenle can be real clingy, especially when sleepy and he is not taking no as an answer towards the comfortable warmth you provide him
Random photos and videos of Daegal, always referring the cute dog as ‘Our daughter’ whenever he talks about her; Chenle is willing to be a father for any of your pets also, even if its a cat
Spams you of photos or videos he’s seen on social media, you basically receive ‘Boyfriend homework’; would sometimes feel betrayed whenever you ignore his messages, Chenle would sulk until you react to his spam of messages
LOVES dragging his fingertips along your arm or hand, mindlessly tracing your soft skin while he is on his phone or listening to you ramble; Chenle always conveys his devotion to you, letting you know he is there whenever you need him
Shuts you up with a kiss or unexpectedly kisses you; Chenle would defensively say he got bored or he just misses you, the adorable smile adorning his face makes you forgive him easily
He would play basketball with you, purposely losing to see you excited about winning; Chenle also gives you a kiss before or after a game against the other members, against your lips he says ‘Cheer for me’ or ‘Thank you for cheering for me’
Play wrestles with you on the bed or couch and always ask for a kiss whenever he wins; seeing you smile and laugh makes Chenle feel refreshed, his own heart overwhelmed by the feelings he felt when falling for you the first time
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!! Jisung .
Sends good morning and good night voice messages, his voice always deep with drowsiness and saying he will see you later in the day or the next day; recording his voice is easier for Jisung, he just loves to start and end his day with his attention on you
Plays games with you, mainly the laidback games like Minecraft, Roblox or other games couples play; he is always so patient with you, at times Jisung loves showing off his skills to impress you of his abilities
Shyly pokes you or tugs on your clothes/sleeve whenever he wants your attention, the big baby pouting whenever he feels a teensy bit jealous; Jisung is quite greedy, always wanting to be in your spotlight and be the reason for your happiness
LOVES holding your hand and playing with your fingers, sometimes he just likes tracing the lines on your palm; this small gesture of affection is subtle, but it comforts Jisung knowing you are his only
Is always by your side helping you clean/cook, despite lacking some knowledge in some departments - he is aiding you and doing his very best to lessen the burden for you; Jisung is reliable, wanting you to lean on him when you get busy!
Blushes and gets all flustered whenever you compliment him about his dancing or singing/rapping; Jisung’s own confidence is skyrocketing every single time, but his bashfulness is something he can never hide each time
When he’s out and sees something that reminds him of you, he is going great lengths to obtain it; Jisung even has his hyungs help him (which they do help), willing to give you the most precious diamonds to his special person aka you
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thepepsislvt · 1 year
Gyro headcannons :)
Sam said it’s my week with gyro and I get to write for him >:) any I’ve been living SBR headrot for the past few days :’) enjoy
oh lawd give me strength
he is such a pretty man
and he knows this and knows you think so as well in which he’ll tease you abt it and be like “I’m your pretty man” or something like “you can’t bully me, I’m pretty”
this man istg
hes a handful but thankfully you have two hands for him
every time he catches you even looking his direction he’ll give his goofy ah“go! Go! Zeppeli!” Smile
his signature nyo-hos make you WEAK
hes so cute istg
please play with his hair
brush it, braid it, dye it he doesn’t care just please pet his hair or something he loves it
will put his hat on you when you’re least expecting it
mans a great kisser
but he does try to turn every lil peck to a full make out session
doesn’t even care if people are around he wanna make sure everyone knows you are taken by the Great Zeppeli
he also rlly likes seeing his green lipstick smudged across your face
you have complained abt it before but he doesn’t listen so you don’t try to stop it at this point
he loves physical touch and will hug you from behind at any given moment
Kisses on your head
arm around your waist
head on your shoulder
he will do anything to get to feel you literally every moment he can
when you’re insecure abt something he will literally shower you in praise
youre chubby? “That’s okay that means you can crush my head 😌”
self harm scars? Kisses every single individual one for you and whispers praises in Italian
even though you may not understand it’s the thought that counts 🤷
if you’re trans or nonbinary
supper supportive, literally will punch anyone who uses the wrong name or pronouns on purpose
he’s just a goofy guy
the real dumbassery starts when you two hang out with johnny
my guy doesn’t know how to shut up because he’s got his two favorite people in the world
will bully Johnny and you for no reason besides love
give this man a hug for me he deserves the world
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befloweringg · 1 year
I'm on ghoap headrot therefore here's so headcanon
Ghost loves physical touch so randomly he'll put his feet on Soaps legs while they're sitting down
Soap kisses Ghost's nose every night
Ghost is little spoon
Soap is the #1 Ghost's face protector and all the rookies know not to try to see it
Ghost likes nursery rhymes sung to him to fall asleep - his fav spot to sleep is on soaps thighs
Soap is Ghosts safe space for when he's overstimulated
Ghost has bad circulation therefore his hands and feet are always cold so he torments Soap
Soap randomly wears super high heels to look face to face with ghost
Ghost feeds the stray cats around the base but doesn't want Soap to know until one day one of the cats followed him back so now they feed them together
Soap already has their wedding planned
When they return to civilian life, Ghost becomes military contractor and tells Soap to be his stay at home husband to their dogs and cats
Ghost is a swiftie therefore Soap waited in line for 4 hours to get them tickets to see her.
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because-she-goes · 8 months
warnings: bit of matty headrot, some enemies to lovers, old lady thinking they’re a couple trope, swearing, some pretentious music references. Enjoy!
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With a click and a woosh, the document Rooney has spent the past month or so working on was sent to the editing team. For the past month, Rooney has spent every day thinking and writing solely about Matty. Glad to finally have every last one of her thoughts about him out of her brain and sent off for someone else to deal with, she decided to take Arlo for a walk before heading home to Bowness-On-Windemere. where she would begin the planning stages on her next piece for NME.
Grabbing her keys and Arlo’s leash and giving it a jangle, she awaits the puppy to come bounding to her. From the door, she sees her adorable companion come around the corner, and near her. Panting, barking, blissfully unaware of how Rooney has barely slept and is in desperate need for some fresh air and a fridge restock as she’s been living off of microwavable instant ramen the past week.
Clasping the leash on Arlo’s collar and stepping out into the world, she locks her door behind her and starts walking around Notting Hill. Passing the famous bookstore with teenage girls excitedly waiting to get inside the rather underwhelming building - she was once one of those girls. She too once thought it would be a wonderfully curated shop like in the movie only to find out that it truly only sold bestsellers and what she had seen on the glossy pages of magazines where publishers pay the company for the advertisement. Dreams of her local bookstore back home came to mind, bookshelves filled with Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Louisa May Alcott - real literature she thinks, the type that got her to want to be a writer in the first place. She soon became overwhelmed with how much she loved her life now and how amazed she was by it. If young Rooney could see herself now and how different her life was…
Smack, splat. Onto the ass of her jeans she falls - Arlo’s leash coming out of her manicured hand. Arlo jumps onto her hind legs and as luck would have it, a mop of curls come into her periphery. For fucks sake. He sticks a hand out to help her and she bats it away.
“Yikes, clover! Geez it’s just me, no need to get your panties in a bunch.”
“I’m fine and for the record, my panties are none of your business Healy.”
“We’ll see about that…anyways, who is this adorable creature?” Matty bends down to grab the leash and pat Arlo’s side softly.
“Arlo… after Guthrie.” That just about knocks Matty on his ass, who else would know about american folk singers - let alone enough and have enough passion about them to name their fucking dog after them. Matty’s own dog comes to mind and he really named Allen after the american poet Ginsberg. They were too alike, he thinks. He silently melts as he watches her fumble to her feet and bends to dust off her jeans, her crimson hair blowing in the London breeze. He looks away quickly when he spots a series of delicate ink lines dancing and swirling down her spine. It is like he is reading her teenage diary, something sacred and deeply personal, like another aspect of her life has been revealed to him. If only he could see the whole piece of artwork. if only he could see it fully, if only he could know Rooney fully. Truly know her, not just as a work acquaintance or friend. Matty immediately wants to know what side of the bed she sleeps on, what music she listens to while cooking, if she prefers scented or unscented laundry detergent. In an instant, he is even more enthralled by her. It is in that moment, while he takes her in and pets her dog that Matty Healy knows he is well and truly enraptured. He comes out of his spell when he feels Arlo brush against his knees a bit.
“May I join you and Arlo on your walk?” She looks into his eyes finally, they’re ocean deep and for the first time she feels like she can see Matthew. Not Matty Healy, the frontman or the guy trying to impress her in an interview, Matthew. The guy stood in front of her, petting her dog in his blue nike hoodie, sweatpants and sneakers. He looks like himself, not someone he is trying to be. She realizes she loves that about him. How comfortable he is in himself, how he can jus5 be Matty. She could only hope to have that level of confidence someday.
The rest of the walk is sublime, a picturesque day in her area of London. An ideal fall day, bright and sunny with still a nip in the air. They make their way to the Notting Hill Market. Matty still holding Arlo’s leash while Rooney scrolls on her phone to find some good walking music he may like. It is about a 15 minute journey to the market from where the two collided. Her iPhone begins to play No Matter What by Badfinger, one of her personal favorite bits of 70s music she would play while cooking. The harmonies, guitar riffs and percussion fill the air between them - Matty quietly whistling along to the tune. He always loved Badfinger and his dad would play it in their family car growing up - the fond memory of childhood planting a grin across his cheeks. Rooney continued selecting the music for their walk, not bothering with small talk since the two felt so comfortable in their quiet enjoyment of the afternoon together. Badfinger which turned into David Bowie then the Sex Pistols and The Clash finally finishing their walk with Supertramp.
Rooney made a note to herself to see if Matty liked her beloved Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Before she could ask, he had pulled her and Arlo towards a stall in the corner of the market.
“Hummingbird Bakery? I haven’t ever heard of this place, is it any good?” She quickly, albeit a bit nervously asks her companion.
“Best on Portabello Road, Sugar. Trust me.” He adds with a wink
“I never said I didnt, did I?” She adds with a smirk.
“Good. Hi Darling, A slice of the Halloween Batty Orange Chocolate Cheesecake and a pack of the assorted vegan cupcakes. Thank You!” Matty orders with a smile to the older woman working the stall.
“Here you go, dear and something for the adorable little munchkin down there. It’ll be 15 pounds.” The sweet woman informs, handing Rooney their treats as well as a pup cup for Arlo. Matty hands her some money and they thank her.
“Have a lovely rest of your outing , you two love birds!” She adds as they walk away.
“Oh we- we aren’t…. we’re not…” The pair stumble over each other frantically trying to correct her as Arlo eyed the pup cup ravenously hungry.
“Cute. Don’t worry, you’ll both realize it soon.” The woman winks and the two decide to just leave her be and enjoy the pastries at a bench nearby.
Matty takes a bite of the cheesecake and lets out what can only be described as a pornographic moan. He points at it, mouth full of sugar and hands it to Rooney. She mimics the action exaggeratedly throwing her head back.
“Fuckin hell, Healy! Who knew you had such good taste in sweets… and how did you know I loved chocolate oranges?” The redhead asks him once she’s passed the cheesecake slice back over and eaten her bite.
“You think my taste in sweets is good, you should see my dinner spots.”
“Not happening! Totally unprofessional, please I can’t be going on a date with the fuckin guy I’m writing an article about… are you mad?”
“Oh c’mon go on one date with me, Atkinson. I promise no funny business.” Matty says a silent prayer, he doesn’t miss the twinkle in her eyes when he says Atkinson. He takes another bite of the cake, humming in delight. He knows he is gonna win this. He passes her the pasty.
“Will it get you to leave me alone?” Please say no, please for the love of god let him say no. God, a date with him would rot her brain for good. God, why does this cheesecake have to be so good. She passes it back to him after her bite.
“Never. I'm addicted, sugar.” Another fucking wink, bite and pass. Jesus christ.
“Fine, Healy. Pick me up at 8pm, heres my London address.” She finishes the cheesecake, scrawls her address onto the wraper of the pastry and shoves it in his coat pocket roughly.
“Perfect. I’ll be counting the minutes.” He sings as she takes Arlo’s leash, her cupcakes and walks off. Fuckin hell, what has she gotten herself into.
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warderfromtheborder · 21 days
In honor of the new destination having an area called The Blooming, and because I have incurable Dimension20 headrot, I've decided my The Final Shape premier drip is based on The Green Hunter! (No stethocope)
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(also couldn't get Renner)
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billcyphersballsack · 3 months
No but real talk I get why influencers with young audiences get such big egos. I’ve been posting shity sonic and cookie fanfic for a few months now and I keep getting comments from people who are certainly under the age of 15 because my shit is very general audiences. And they say shit to me like “omg this is the best thing I’ve ever read! I love your style! You inspire me to want to write like this!”
On god, if I were popular and got like, hundreds of those a day? No absolutely I’d be insane. That shit got me giggling rethinking all my headrotting depressed behaviour because I have fans I gotta keep going for. I take every mean thing I’ve ever said about the Paul brothers back I understand it now
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blxxditout · 7 months
been very sleepy today, so I drew sid.
but I’ve also been having maaaaad headrot for his dmc verse. [art under cut]
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PIC INFO: "Trapped in a Scene" -- Spotlight on UK hardcore/fastcore band HERESY, playing a gig in Newcastle, UK, c. 1987. 📸: Andrew Medcalf.
HEADROT (zine): "Which scene do you take most interest in. European or American?"
JOHN: "I take a lot of interest in the European. We don’t look to one country in particular, which is another thing, we look to the whole world. We don’t just look to America & what’s coming out of it."
KALV: "Different scenes are completely different; it’s like America’s a lot of business sharks conscious about how much money they can make out of it … the career interests, like the way DRI have gone, & I think originally when the whole scene sort of started taking off with MINOR THREAT & that, all the good people who generally put something back into what they were doing, it wasn’t all take, take, take y’know, make money & milk the scene dry. It was a real positive thing, but now in America it seems to be business sharks putting on shows, getting involved with hardcore.."
Sources: www.picuki.com/media/1931645906639927030 & http://directhitzine.blogspot.com/2007/11/heresy-interview.html.
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phonkscribes · 1 year
Would it be wrong to write stuff for Sparda? Because my headrot is getting so hilariously bad. Oh my goodness.
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skzoologist · 1 year
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POV: you walked in on me when I watched the 5 star trailer for the first time
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woozten-x · 8 months
#. 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 || 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧
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[ ; M.List including other Neos! ]
─ Synopsis: Two dogs have brought you having an encounter with a familiar stranger.
Shockingly enough, Jeong Jaehyun has been a fool for you for quite awhile.
─ Pairing: Jeong Jaehyun x Gender Neutral!Reader
─ Genre: fluffy/wholesome<3<3
─ Concepts: a lil flustered/embarrassed jaehyun cuz i like softies, jaehyun has two girl dogs<3, reader and jaehyun meeting after years, implication of jaehyun being in love with reader since then, icecream with jaehyun, yoga instructor jaehyun because yes, straightforward jaehyun cuz we love confident men in this house!!, jungwoo appearing for like a BRIEF moment cuz im kinda in dojaejung headrot lowk
─ Count of Words: 2.6k
─ Inspiration of the work: Love is a Beauty by NCT 127 + Fool For You by Snoh Aalegra
・❥ a/n: i thought of making this a bit longer... but, i kinda liked the straightforwardness of it and just the ending left to interpret whatever you want HAHA. i might make this a series with NCT 127, basing it off of love is a beauty because that song is SOSO cute and my lovesick mind is going haywire!!
jaehyun was mainly based off of NCT Golden Age concept photos where he radiates so much domestic au vibes and THE TWO DOGS<3<3 i possibly made this to have an excuse to write about yoga instructor jaehyun with two dogs
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Summer sunlight kisses upon your skin, the golden glow giving a shine that one could call ethereal. You sit on the bench of the park, the chirps of the birds singing a serene tune with distant children playing on the other side where the playground was; at times, people would walk by with feet scraping across the concrete with murmurs of conversation reaching your ears.
However, you paid no attention. Instead, you are focused on the page of your book, occasionally flipping a page or fidgeting with the corner of the page with a pout of your lips. You are invested in the plot, completely lost in your own world of fiction. The words of the plot take you elsewhere, a world where it's more tolerable than reality itself.
It was one of those rare times, where you are leaving your home for a fresh breath of air. Usually, the summer heat would have you returning back to your apartment with the air conditioner blasting cool air; but, one of those rare days of summer being just perfect has you welcoming outside, appreciating what nature is presenting and how time is flowing past without a worry.
You did not expect this day to be any different. In fact, you are seated on the bench with your hydroflask of cold water sitting next to you, time flowing by without your attention wavering from the book on your lap. Sounds of distant barking reach your ears, but it did not distract you from the book you are currently invested in; it was simply one of those sounds you did not flinch at.
After all, you are at the park. What could be out of the ordinary?
The barking grows closer, you feel your eyebrows furrow slightly in confusion. Deep pitch barks of a canine disrupting your reading, you blink a few times to regain your focus; maybe there is a large dog playing near you - you thought. But, with more seconds passing with the barking and a rushing of pawsteps, you are finally torn away from your book with irritation expressing from your features for a brief moment.
What could possibly be wrong? Is some dog wreaking havoc?
Possibly so, considering there is a large dog with a leash attached to its collar; the gray and white pelt similar to a poodle’s, the long legs fast as a cheetah’s. If you look closely, his fur is combed back by the rush of the wind because of how fast it ran. You look around, noticing how no person is supervising the canine; you thought maybe the dog was fetching something or had run off to start a chase with a squirrel.
But, the more you watched, the dog’s attention suddenly landed on you. The dog barks, the long, fluffy tail wagging behind it; you are confused for a moment, similar to a deer in the headlights. You aren’t sure what will happen, but your body is freezing despite the warm weather, at that very moment.
The dog runs up to you, tongue sticking out between its panting mouth, the dog hopping up onto your lap and you yelp in surprise by the heaviness of its paws. Fluffy paws settle on your lap, your book unfortunately crushed underneath by its weight. You panic, unsure what to do; surely, you had plenty of encounters with dogs…But, this is quite random and one that completely caught you off-guard.
The large poodle mix happily greets you, pawing at your hands and seeming to imply you to pet him…Or her. You aren’t exactly sure, but it has you smiling; the dog’s friendliness only replacing the irritation from before with amusement. You lift up a hand, patting the dog’s head - “Have you run off from your owner?” You coo, scratching behind the dog’s floppy ears and it’s tongue meets your skin with wet streaks.
Giggling, you are cooing at the dog and squishing the cheeks together, adoring how fluffy and adorable the dog is! It was like a large stuffed animal begging for your attention. Suddenly, a male’s voice reaches your ears from a distance - “Bonnie!” The name makes the dog’s head turn away from you, ears perked up by the familiarity of its calling. Bonnie the dog did not leave your side, only bathing in the attention you gave.
“Bonnie!” He calls again, his voice sounding more relieved than panicked once approaching you and the dog. The man walks up to you, the fluffy brown hair on top of his head parted and a white tank-top complimenting his lean, toned physique; you would be flustered to see such a handsome man, but your eyes wandered to the small white toy poodle by his feet. You coo, “Aww~ How adorable!” You exclaim, calling for the smaller canine.
The white toy poodle excitedly runs up to you, the leash accidentally tangling with the legs of the man’s; he stumbles towards the bench you sat, gripping onto the back of the wood with his arms flexing near you. Your eyes widened, getting up to hopefully help him but the dogs were in the way, causing you to stumble towards him like some foolish dance.
Suddenly, an arm is wrapped around your waist and you are not meeting the floor with a possibly bruised face. The proximity between you and the stranger caused your heart to race in embarrassment, a heat rising in your body temperature and the summer’s warmth did not help; however, he stood in front of you with wide eyes. His pink lips parting slightly with a flustered smile, “Are you okay?”
You nod with eyes avoiding the dimples imprinting the corners of his lips, his strong grasp weakening once you find some composure to move away from him and the dogs. Thankfully, with some distance made, the dogs follow you and the man leans down to pick up the stray leash the larger dog had - “I am so sorry about that,” He said sheepishly, looking at you once he straightened his back and gained some control over his excited dogs.
“No, you are fine! Are your dogs always this friendly?” You laugh, thankful that this awkward encounter wasn’t cursed as some embarrassing memory; you could easily melt the ice with the handsome man before you, about his dogs. He looks at you before answering, his eyes widening slightly but the smile never wavering - “Y-Yeah…Uh, well not really.” He said awkwardly.
You chuckle at his words, kneeling down in front of the dogs to let them come closer to you with kisses of their own. You laugh, “They are cute! This is Bonnie and…” You trail off, looking towards the white dog next to Bonnie. The man remains to be awkward, his stiff posture only making him scratch the back of his neck - “Bunny.” He answers back, trying to relieve the tension plaguing his body with a forced laugh.
The attempt was fruitless though, considering he feels extreme embarrassment around you. You smile widely, “Bunny!” You call out, the small dog going on her hind legs, seeming to show a trick upon your call. You extend out your hands, petting both dogs and cooing at them like they are newborns.
“They are both girls.” He tells you, watching you interact with his girls. He smiles, a faint blush from the heat or possibly the embarrassment coloring his pale cheeks; a glow in his eyes, one that seems to be adoring you from afar. “How cute!” You say with a hum, standing up and finally facing him. He seems to stiffen when your attention settles on him, your warm gaze only making his heart ache just a little.
You stare at him, furrowing your brows - “Do I know you from somewhere?” You ask, his face familiar from somewhere in your past. He blinks back at you, “I do yoga here at the park.” He said, his hands tugging the dogs away from you. It seems like his own dogs are in love with you, just as his heart is.
“Really? I swore, I’ve seen you before…” You mutter out, thinking maybe he is some celebrity…Considering his outstanding looks, he has to be! But, you couldn’t recall.
There is a visible twitch to his lips, a small smirk growing on his face - “Maybe…From your dreams?” He said with a small laugh of his own, the joke gradually brewing in his mind before he said it. It was cute though, the way his eyes light up when thinking about a smooth reply to your words.
Smiling, you roll your eyes - “I’ll see you around then. The stranger from my dreams~” You tease while picking up your book and hydroflask. He continues to smile at you, seeming proud to see you smile like that.
“I’ll see you around,” He said, a small promise to his words as you gave him one last nod before walking off. Although you wish to stay much longer to possibly know more about the familiar stranger, you wanted to return back home and take a cold shower after the eventful encounter. You try to think, wondering who he could be…
How could a stranger be so familiar? You simply cannot figure it out.
. . .
Sitting at your usual spot at the park, a new book in your hands. Eyes wandering along the page with each line describing the scene, bringing you a sense of experience with the words printed on the page. Away from reality once again, but you hear more voices this time; among all of them, there is one you recognize. You didn’t think much of it at first, wanting to finish this chapter first before taking in your surroundings.
Once you do finish the chapter, you are looking up to see the same man you met a few days ago. He wore a pair of gym shorts, the fabric reaching his knees and wearing a white tee that seems a little too tight on him; his body flexing underneath, as he moves and instructs yoga to his class on his mat.
You feel a small smile tugging at your lips, watching how he slowly takes the lead; encouraging anyone who might not be as flexible as him. The more you watch, you smile to yourself, admiring the way the sun glows on his skin like a golden spotlight. He straightens himself, his eyes wandering to you and his dimpled smile is overcoming his pink lips.
Oh, it was so familiar…One that makes your heart feel like mush.
He waves a hand at you, a boyish smile on his face with eyes twinkling at the sight of you. You wave back, chuckling when noticing one of the members of his yoga group had followed his movement.
“Jungwoo, you did not have to do that.”
“What do you mean? You told us to follow what you do!”
You laugh a bit at them, your attention returning back to the book in your hands. You did not spare another glance, not wanting to distract him any further…Even if he is distracting.
Collectively, the yoga group finishes their last stretches before picking up their belongings. You didn’t look up, attentive to the plot you are currently reading; this chapter holds important information, you simply can’t tear your eyes away even for a second. Unknowingly, you held your breath when reading, the details unfolding in your head like a movie; one that has you on the edge of your seat.
Suddenly, a voice rings out - “Hey.”
You barely registered the voice, reaching the end of the chapter - thankfully - but, it was left with a cliffhanger. You huff, feeling a little annoyed by the rising tension and to only remain due to the author’s sadistic tendencies with the reader! You look up, meeting eyes with the man, two icecreams holding in his hands. You blink back at him, surprised to see the icy treats in his hand...Obviously, those treats weren’t just for him.
“Here.” He said, handing you the flavor you love; how would he know? You smile in return, “Thank you…But, you didn’t have to.” You say, accepting his offer nevertheless. You pick up the little spoon, picking up a spoonful with him sitting next to you. “Did I appear in your dreams again?” He asks, a chuckle leaving him by the inside joke the two of you have created when first meeting.
You grin, “Nope. Only once…And never got to learn your name.” You reply back, playing along with the joke shared between the two of you.
He looks at you, “I am Jaehyun.” He said and you felt your own mind melt…Not from the heat, as you thought - but, from the realization. “Jaehyun…The one…” You start, obviously astonished to see the familiar Jeong Jaehyun from your past.
He nods, “So, you do remember me.” He chuckled and you shook your head.
“It was the last year of middle school that you’ve left…” You said with a blush rising to your cheeks. It was unfortunate for Jaehyun to move schools, but meeting him again…As adults and after so many years, it felt odd. Yet the familiarity of it made your heart skip a beat, maybe fate had the two of you intertwined from the very start.
He casually picks a spoonful of icecream to his lips, “A long time, huh?” He hums and you nod slowly at his words. You look away, feeling embarrassed for not exactly recognizing him. Jaehyun glances at you, “We weren’t that close back then…But, I am happy to see you.” He admits, a faint blush on his cheeks by his own honesty.
“I am happy to see you also!” You exclaim, nodding in agreement to convey how important this meeting was. You grin at him, “You’ve been here all along!” You say with a hint of disbelief. It truly was a small world.
Jaehyun nods, “Better late than never.” He replies smoothly, his eyes tracing along your features; seeming to adore the details, the very same details that made him recognize you instantly. To this day, he still hasn’t forgotten; no matter how long, he has not found anyone else…Sometimes, he thinks he is a fool.
“Are you seeing anyone?” He asks suddenly, the silence of admiring you bringing out a bold question from him.
You shook your head, “Nope. Unless, characters from the novels i’ve read count.” You remark, a chuckle leaving you. Jaehyun smirks a bit to himself, his gaze falling to the ice cream melting away in the cup he was holding.
“Go out with me.”
You nearly spat out the icecream in your mouth, eyes wide - “What?” you sputter out, completely caught off-guard.
“I never got to tell you before…So, go out with me.” He repeats, his gaze returning to yours; a hint of warmth in his eyes, a vulnerability radiating him and you swore you could see his heart through his own gaze. The way he looks at you…How long has he had these feelings, especially towards you?
“I am not saying ‘no’ but…How long…”
“For a very long time.” He admits, a hand reaching out; his fingers brushing away the strands of hair covering your face. You felt your own heart melt at his gentleness, only letting him smile back at you with a tenderness that you never knew existed; especially for you.
He leans in, his warm breath reaching your ear - “A very long time where I became such a fool for you.”
Shocked, you watch him lean away with a grin on his lips, but there’s a tinge of pink on his cheeks. The secret told from honest lips, the very same lips holding a beauty of what love is - maybe you have become a fool for him also.
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