#but he was an ass to Jon in AoS
Just a joke
Edit made by my beautiful husband @thesimpingcorner
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setokaibapetty · 1 year
Fic Friday 5 + 1 Roundup: Before Your Time
Some fics where people time travel beyond their own time - before they were born even - rather than doing their own life over.
Recoil (FF / SB) - "The fight against Behemoth in New Delhi goes horribly wrong. Taylor, almost the only survivor, is sent back into the past by Phir Sē to try to fix matters. But there are complications ..."
According to Plan (AO3) - "The plan was very simple: go back in time, kill Kate, kill Gerard, never ever make contact with his parents, try to find a place within the Hale pack or not, but either way, live the rest of his life displaced and without the people he loves. Of course, as it always is with him these days, nothing goes according to plan."
The Road to Victory (AO3) - "Too late in preparing for the Night King and the Long Night, the last stand at Winterfell is close to falling. Bran takes desperate measures to ensure victory, and Jon, Sansa, and Arya pay the price for it in a time unfamiliar to them, on the cusp of another war. [GoT, time-travel fix it]"
Aos sí (AO3) - "Returning for her Eighth Year at Hogwarts, Hermione Granger discovers the school itself has different plans for her."
Like Water (AO3) - "A story about botched magical attacks, involuntary time travel, and Alec falling even deeper in love with the warlock who had been occupying pretty much all of his thoughts already." This fic is set to private.
Bonus: Swinging Pendulum (AO3) - "Locked up in Muken with half-healed wounds and helpless rage, Ichigo gets another chance to save his fellow Visored when the Spirit King whisks him away and offers him a deal. He accepts and promptly gets his ass dumped in the past. Like, WAY back in the past. Ichigo really should be used to impossible things happening to him by now." This fic is set to private.
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redbelles · 5 years
first paragraph meme
trying this again because i guess tumblr ate the initial attempt? bad hellsite. tagged by the lovely @tacitwhisky​ and the delightful @thatgirlnevershutsup​ to post the first paragraph(s) of some fics/chapters i haven’t published yet and tag some friends to do the same. here’s my ao3 if you’re interested in seeing more of my writing!
a million miles of vagabond sky | star trek: aos + always a girl!mccoy
Iowa is nothing but dust and cornfields, and she hates it more than she should. Realistically, there’s more to the state than what Riverside has to offer, but she’s hungover and mean with it and she can’t bring herself to care.
The divorce turned her sour. Six months out from the wreck of her marriage she’s nothing but resentment and bottom shelf bourbon, festering and angry and so achingly, unbearably lonely. The Starfleet construction docks and the looming, skeletal shadow of what the cadets all say is the future flagship, voices reverent even when they’re drunk off their asses in a shitty roadside bar— it’s an ugly vision of a future she never wanted.
hang us homeward | asoiaf, jon/myrcella post-series au
Myrcella is the one to find them. Jaime and Cersei lie still as death in each other’s arms, a heap of bloodied gold beneath the shadow of the Iron Throne. There is a certain terrible beauty to it: a queen and her knight, together in death as they were in life. Lovely and tragic, like something out of a song.
The thought makes her mouth twist in a frown. The songs never speak of brothers and sisters turned lovers, never make mention of the children who must live in the shame of their sin. She stares down at them dispassionately, a hollow space in her heart where all her grief should be. Perhaps if she were a better daughter she would mourn them. Instead, there is only a curious relief in knowing they are gone. The Dragon Queen is coming, her beasts and her armies and her Northern wolf with her, but for the first time in her life, Myrcella is free.
late for the sky | rdr2, arthur/sadie
Hanging Dog Ranch looms in the distance. They should be riding hard for safer territory; instead, Sadie is knee-deep in the river, trying in vain to scrub off the blood. Once it’s on you, it don’t come off. Arthur could have told her that. Wouldn’t have changed anything, though, and it don’t matter now. So he keeps his silence, keeps his gaze off her small figure in the water, keeps a lookout. They killed damn near as many O’Driscolls in one go as he’s killed in the last five years, but even now, even with Colm gone, he doesn’t trust their luck.
pieces rendered | ac: origins, post-game fix it fic
On his knees, lungs still scorched with smoke, fighting to stand, to move—
A shadow passes in front of the sun, and the Roman falls dead.
He knows, in the moment before his savior pulls the hood back, that it’s her. It makes him ache, a deep, persistent pain that eclipses every other hurt. Splinters, burns, the rasp of his breathing; it all falls away.
She pulls a laugh from him, half-feral, rusty from disuse, and that should be the end of it. Instead, the words pour out of him like smoke, like water. Like blood.
“You came back.”
through the desert, repenting | lucifer s2 au
He woke to blistering, searing heat. For half a moment, the barest flicker of a heartbeat, he was back in Hell, crippled and broken, burning in the aftermath of the Fall. But no; it was sand and cracked earth beneath his skin instead of basalt. Clean air instead of the sulfurous reek of the Pit.
[untitled] | thg au
Rue’s body is so small. Smaller than Prim, impossibly light, her bones bird-hollow. She fits in Katniss’s arms like a sister.
tagging @anthropologicalhands @ninzied​ @karenpage​ @carry-the-sky​ @jacyevans​ @chaserandseeker​ @thatworldinverted​ @janenightwork​ @justadram​ @usethehorseluke​ @foggiestnelson and anyone else who wants a go!
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assenterprick · 6 years
Now I'm curious, what GOT Houses do you think everyone else would be in? Bones is definitely a Stark or a Tully
SCREM.  anon, i love you.
so.  um um um, where to begin.  i could go about this so many ways, so uhhhh.
JIM KIRK --> House Targaryen.  Be it in Dany’s shoes or Jon’s, although I like it from Dany’s POV more at the moment.  I already mentioned a few parallels between Dany and Jim that make this fit really, really well, but point blank, Jim is a major player.  He’s the captain, the guy who rallies the troops for the cause.  There’s been a lot of things around lately about whether you could do a Trek movie ( with the original crew ) without Kirk.  And honestly, you could do it, but would you?  Yes, Trek is about the group as a whole, this disparate group of people coming together because one person’s strength is another weakness.  But that doesn’t work as well without a rallying point.
LEONARD McCOY --> House Mormont.  Mormonts are stubborn and incredibly, deeply loyal, and Bones is also the Most Stubborn and incredibly, deeply loyal -- there are so many examples of that okay.  Also, Mormonts aren’t one of the Great Houses, they’re more on the periphery of things.  They serve the Great Houses ( their alliance with the Starks. ) –  in a lot of ways, the secondary Houses are the backbone of the Great Houses and that just. really fits Bones.  He’s a major player, but more so on the periphery of things.  He doesn’t need all the pomp and circumstance when he’s just doing his job as a doctor, and he prefers it that way.
SCHN T’GAI SPOCK --> House Greyjoy.  But sent off as a ward of House Stark.  I originally wanted to say he was a Baratheon bastard ( ah-la Gendry ), but thought the idea of being born one house and sent off to be raised under another better exemplified Spock’s struggles in balancing his Vulcan-ness with his humanity.  Jon ends up telling Theon that he doesn’t need to choose between being a Greyjoy and a Stark, that he can be both.  If I got anything out of ST:B it was a sense of peace in Spock due to the realization that just because he’s one thing, doesn’t mean he can’t be the other.  Now, I don’t think Spock would make the same decisions that Theon’s Greyjoy characteristics led him to make.  Spock, like all the goodies in Trek, isn’t cruel like a Greyjoy.  Nor is he overconfident like Aeron, Balon, and Euron, but he is intense, adventurous, proud.
NYOTA UHURA --> House Martell.  Ahem, warrior women who take shit from no one?  All hail Queen Nymeria.  And, okay sure.  The Sand Snakes are one extreme when compared to Doran’s patience, and, yes, Oberyn is dangerous, aggressive, and insulting in all the ways Ny isn’t, but Ny’s a good balance between the two.  She’s intense, doesn’t take shit from anyone, is brave as hell and is a woman of action, but she’s tactful about it.  She’s a professional.  And, also, relating this back to Jim’s ID as a Targaryen -- the Martells are the only house that didn’t fall to the Targaryens the first go around, much like Ny was all ‘cute try, but boy bye’ the first time she met Jim in XI.
HIKARU SULU --> House Tarly.  TBH, I really struggled with Sulu.  I originally stuck him as a Baratheon, but it didn’t feel quite right.  Tarly doesn’t feel quite right either, but I think he’s somewhere between the two and closer to Tarly on the scale.  And he’s for sure more Sam than Dickon, but I don’t see a universe where Hikaru Sulu would turn down Heartsbane if it was offered.  It wouldn’t be because he’s ruthless, but because he wants to be prepared.  And, okay, the fencing thing influences that too.
PAVEL CHEKOV --> House Tyrell.  I may have based this one on looks more than anything and I’m not even sorry about it?  But, in all seriousness, Chekov sure as hell isn’t as innocent as a lot of people make him out to be just because he’s so much younger than his crewmates.  Reading this ( scroll to #3 for Tyrell. ) just screamed Chekov to me.  I’m 90% sure Olenna Tyrell would adopt Pavel Chekov in 0 seconds flat.  If you can’t see him sitting around, throwing shade with Margaery and Olenna, and then being fighty with Loras then that’s really just on you.  Chekov’s ambitious just like Margaery, licentious, and boasts about Russia just as much as the Tyrells brag about Highgarden.
MONTGOMERY SCOTT --> House Tully.  Another one I kind of struggled with.  Tully doesn’t feel 100%, but nothing else did either.  Ultimately, I went with Tully for similar reasons to why Bones is a Mormont: the Tullys aren’t in the spotlight, and Scotty, if left to his own devices, would probably 100% like to only ever stay down in his own world in engineering.  It’s not because he doesn’t care because he does and we know he does.  He cares a lot, but, in his own words, ‘I’d rather not take sides’ unless absolutely needed.  Tully’s #7 on this list, and that all, imo, fits Scotty.
CHRISTOPHER PIKE --> House Stark.  Do I need to explain this one?  He’s Ned, but like at least 109842934% more Done.  Like, he’s Boromir ‘One Does Not Simply’ level done compared to Ned Stark on the Sean Bean character scale.  But, he’s good, honest, and loyal.  In AOS, he’s stern with Jim and isn’t afraid to let Jim know when’s he’s disappointed as all get out, but he still sticks his neck out for Jim in the way Starks do whatever and stick up for their family.
CAROL MARCUS --> House Lannister.  Honestly, I think this one comes more from the action’s taken by her father in ST:ID than her own, which isn’t exactly fair, but Tyrion and Jaime haven’t turned out half-bad.  But, Carol’s cunning and got the head for strategy given that she forged her transfer onto enterprise and then, when needed, revealed her presence to her dad in an effort to save the enterprise and her crew from his wrath. 
JAYLAH --> Craster’s Keep.  So, basically, she’s a Wildling, but I specifically grouped her with Craster’s creep ass because she spent an unspecified amount of time as Krall’s prisoner with her family.  And, then, it isn’t until the enterprise crew crash lands on Altamid that she’s, truly, able to orchestrate her escape.  Am I saying the enterprise crew is her Sam Tarly?  I’m saying the enterprise crew is her Sam Tarly.
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moonglw · 8 years
36. Ten people I’d like to meet
 So when I got this prompt, I really thought hard about who I wanna meet (though most of them are celebrities!) and who wouldn’t want to meet them right? The people in this list are some of the people I think would understand my complete awkwardness, and of course, I simply adore each of them, that I’m sure I’d be able to overcome my first-meeting anxieties if I were to meet them. 
So the people I wanna meet are (in no particular order):
1. Hayley Atwell. I was supposed to meet her during AsiaPop Comic Con last year but she cancelled her appearance before I got my tickets. I’ve come to know about Hayley in Captain America and Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD. She and her character, Peggy are role models that I look up to (I know my value!) Plus, remember that dubsmash war she had with the cast of AoS? She even got on a plane just so she can film with Captain America Chris Evans himself, because she needs to win. 
2. Rose Leslie. The wildling. Jon Snow’s ultimate love, the girl with the fiery red hair and creamy white skin. Her character in Game of Thrones is easily my favorite, and with her quirky and smart personality (according to interviews) makes me want to meet her, perhaps when she’s out with Kit? Kidding! She’s one of those celebrities who are just so casual and very nice with their fans. 
3. Gwendoline Christie. She lives the fan girl’s ultimate dream. She actually has roles on three big movie/series. Brienne in Game of Thrones, Commander Lyme in the Hunger Games, and Captain Phasma in Star Wars. Three big movie/series franchises and all kick-ass characters. How does she do it? will probably my first question when I meet her. 
4. Gordon Ramsay. From kick-ass females to MasterChef. I think I need a Gordon Ramsay in my life. Someone who would care enough to actually wake me up to my senses and start doing things, but also believes in me, that I can actually do well if I put hard work and effort to it. Also, I’d like to show him my chopping skills, my parents are quite proud of them. 
5. John Green. At a time when I was feeling low and heart broken, I read his book, Looking for Alaska, and since then whenever I felt sad and dreadful, this book somehow makes me feel better. I’ve read it several times, yet whenever I start to read it, it always feels like that first time, and I remember being heartbroken and then I remember feeling better, that everything was gonna get better. I don’t know how or which part of the book made me feel that way, but it always does. So I wanna meet the man behind the words, who made me feel the recklessness of teenage life, and that although we get heartbroken, we can wake up to a great perhaps. 
6. Chris Evans. Have you seen that video of him jumping up and down when the Patriots won in the Superbowl? Who wouldn’t want to meet this cinnamon roll of a man. He breathes happiness, and I feel like the first thing I’m gonna do when I meet him is to hug him, hoping that his energy gets transferred to me. 
7. J.K. Rowling. Who wouldn’t want to meet the Queen? I’ve only read Harry Potter completely recently, and I believe she writes magic. You can really see how much planning she put on the series, because even if you ask her the most painstakingly small details, she would answer right away, and it would all make sense. 
8. Idina Menzel. I had a broadway phase, because of Frozen and Wicked, and Idina was that shining beacon that led me to it. Oh to hear her sing live, with that powerful voice of hers, I think I’d die happily, let alone meet her. 
9. Carrie Fisher. I wish she could’ve lived longer. I wish I watched Star Wars earlier. I only watched Star Wars last year, and in that short span of time, I fell deeply in awe of this amazing woman who portrays a brave princess, and now general. Carrie and her character are alike in many ways, both do not deserve the shit they’ve been through but both got up and said (well Carrie probably) “fuck it” and did what they had to do. I aspire to have that kind of confidence and passion, that even if it may seem like the world has turned its back against you, you pull them back and you make them listen. 
10. Soulmate. I do believe in the existence of a soulmate, but not the romantic kind. He doesn’t actually have a “kind”. He (or she) could be a friend, someone I randomly meet while travelling. But he (or she) gets me. And I reciprocate. I’d want to meet at least one in my lifetime. 
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