#but he’s also just touch adverse. while being touch starved.
ephemxras · 1 year
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winter and summer 💫
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realcube · 2 months
Could you do a Saiki x touch-starved reader
(Also I love your writes!❤️)
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SAIKI K x touch-starved! reader hcs
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☆ saiki is very apprehensive to touch you
☆ mostly because he's not naturally very physically affectionate
☆ and also because if he gets too flustered he might accidentally level a whole country , ya never know
☆ but if he can read your thoughts so when he finds out that you're eager for hugs and cuddles n all that sweet stuff
☆ he learns to deal with it
☆ and finds ways to touch you that work for both of you
☆ he likes to sit next to you , shoulder to shoulder, just on the couch while y'all are watching something or on the floor while playing video games
☆ it sounds awkward and that's because it kinda is but he considers it to be peak intimacy
☆ and massages !!
☆ he doesn't mind giving / receiving massages at all , especially from you , in fact he really enjoys it
☆ that is the most at peace you will ever see him
☆ though iirc it's canon that trying to rub his back feels like chipping away at stone, but you make it work somehow.. perhaps a chisel ??
☆ he also pats your head, another thing that you might find awkward but comes naturally to him in terms of affection
☆ he's very hesitant to cuddle because he's afraid his super strength might activate and he might crush you
☆ if you're tried and you ask him to carry you to your bed , assuming he'd pick you up bridal style and you'd have a cute moment
☆ you couldn't be more wrong because he'll pick you up with one hand carry you to your bed like a platter of shrimp
☆ he is even very nervous about holding hands because again, super strength
☆ and it makes him feel the tiniest bit bad because like.. he is depriving you of normal boyfriend/couple experiences bc he's a psychic
☆ bc if he was just a normal boy, he'd find a way to overcome his adversity to touch and physical affection for you because he knows you like it and it's the least he can do
☆ but it's obviously a bit harder when you're a psychic
☆ sometimes he practises by hugging pillows but that usually just results in torn pillowcases and feathers/cotton like.. everywhere
☆ and plus the stakes are a lot higher when it comes to you so he's more likely to get anxious and mess something up
☆ but he makes up for it by being sweet in ways you might not expect
☆ like he tends to feed you desserts a lot, and he doesn't even realise how intimate it can be, he just thinks of it as normal to want to share some of his favourite food with a person he loves
☆ and if you get a bit of icing on your lips, he'll wipe it with a napkin for you
☆ he also doesn't mind it when you touch him
☆ since less can go wrong that way
☆ like you could legitimately start using him and human jungle gym and he couldn't care less
☆ in fact, he secretly enjoys it
☆ sometimes you think you can catch him out and surprise him with a hug attack but of course that hardly ever works because... he's psychic
☆ so you'll just pounce on him and instead of falling over like most ppl would, he stays upright and you are left hugging and clinging onto him like he's a tree
☆ also he'll never admit it but he loves lil kiss on the cheek !!
☆ makes him feel very much loved and afterwards and so enamoured and he thinks he does a good job at hiding it but you can always tell bc his expression goes from 😐 to 🙂
☆ a very subtle difference but you as his s/o notice it immediately
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moon-tell-me · 9 months
"Our fingers dancing when they meet" - This side of paradise
The outsiders (separate) x GN reader
Warnings: bit of cursing, not proof read, nothing else??
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He prolly needs a hug honestly
I doubt he gets them often
He's a wee bit touch starved
‼️All hugs and cuddles will be greatly appreciated‼️
He's not super big on pda
He'll have an arm around you, kiss you and stuff
But that's kinda it
He would def give the best kisses
Sharing a bed with him is alright..
He gives you enough space and he'll spoon you if you want
He snores
Like, really bad
He loves affection
Mans would actually hold you 24/7 if he could
You wanna cuddle with him?
Don't even have to ask
He always knows what you want and when you want it
Sorry, got distracted
Anyways, he'll be big spoon, little spoon, your pillow, blanket, anything really
He also loves hand holding
Just link your fingers with his anytime, anywhere
He'll be the happiest boy on earth
Soda doesn't mind pda
He'll show you love anywhere
He actually kinda likes it cause it shows the other girls that he's taken..
He's one of the best greasers to (sfw) sleep with
He's used to sharing a bed with someone, and he is probably the biggest cuddler of the group
Plus he's like a human heater
So you won't get cold
He likes your affection.. a lot
Maybe not as much as the others, but he likes it
He's not really a touch starved person
Actually, I see him as being kinda touch adverse, Soda, Johnny, and you being exceptions
He'd probably prefer just reading with you over all the cuddling
Until he's tired atleast
Speaking of, he canonically gets nightmares, and having someone sleeping with him helps
Y'know what else helps?
Cuddling, that's what.
Just let him be your little spoon
Kid really deserves it
He definitely likes more subtle affection
Your leg touching his, stuff like that
He also really likes cheek kisses and you playing with his hair
When it comes to pda, it will only happen around Johnny
The others won't let him live it down
ALSO, out of everyone, he's the one that blushes the most
He hates physical affection
At least, that's what he says
You know better though
You've noticed how he reacts when you hold his hand, or play with his hair
How he calms when you cup his cheek and give him a gentle kiss
If we're being completely honest here, he loves it
He loves every single bit of your affection
Just don't do anything more then a quick kiss in public
If he gets really jealous or possessive in public he'll initiate pda
I'm talking, arm around your shoulder, pulling you in his lap, full on making out with you
He's a very touch starved person
So in private he'll accept any and all tender touches
He'll still be an ass about it but y'know
If you do it while he's tired he'll actually shut up and enjoy it
Sharing a bed with him is probably nice
He's veryy cuddly when tired
Do what you will with that information
He will only be your little spoon if he's black out drunk
Otherwise he'll just serve as your personal pillow
In the beginning your gonna have to hold back on your physical affection
Because of how his parents treat him he's gotten used to touches being painful
You need to be very patient and careful
He'll get used to it though!
He's also extremely touch starved
So he will definitely enjoy it once he knows you won't hurt him
He's willing to be affectionate in public, as long as the other guys aren't around
Except Ponyboy, he doesn't mind too much around him
He loves cuddling
He's always super shy about it tho
Actually, he's always kinda shy about anything you do
Even if it's just eye contact
It's just so new to him
Please please please just kiss him out of nowhere
His reaction would be so fvcking cute
Give this boy the love he deserves
Let him sleep in your bed every time it gets too cold out
He needs a nice, warm, comforting place to sleep
He'd be very respectful about it
Just give him sweet kisses while you cuddle him
Probably the second most affectionate
Right behind Soda
He's not touch starved, he just really likes you
He doesn't care about pda
He doesn't care what others say
I think it's actually physically impossible for him to get embarrassed
So, do whatever the hell you want tbh
He's absolutely terrible to sleep with
He always sleeps in the starfish position, leaving you with no room
He's also a blanket hog
So uhh
The only pro is that you can cuddle him
I bet he would give nice hugs and cuddles..
Overall, you can do pretty much whatever with him
He doesn't care that much
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squiddy-god · 3 months
Sebastian, Undertaker, snake,triplets jumpy touch starved s/o
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Alright so sebby has no clue what being touch starved means and at first he just figured that you were just really jumpy
Before the relationship starts he wouldn’t tese you too much but on occasion he would tease you for being so jumpy, especially sense he was interested in you.
Eventually when you did start a relationship he dose tease you more (i like to think seby is a little shit)
Once snake comes along he started seeing parallels between how july and touch-adverse you can both be
Sebby may be a bit slow when it comes to knowing that your touch starved af but make no mistake he’s extremely observant
Once he knows that you’re touch starved he understands
So thats why youre so jumpy
He’s going to have to change that
Gos slowly at first because he wants to ease you into it but he makes sure to give you a little more physical affection.
Now that Sebastian knows that you’re touch starved and afraid to ask, he’ll start to pick up on the subtle hints that you give him since you won’t outright ask for affection.
Thinks it cute that you want cuddles so much but are to shy to ask for them
But don’t you worry seddy, while being very busy, will make time to cuddle you when he notices that you’re in need of some physical affection
Although he will try to get you out of your shell a little bit and ask for cuddles on occasion he won’t push you too much.
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No like how are you touch starved with this man??
Undertaker is a very physically affectionate man and is constantly surprising you with random hugs and kisses
I hc that he waits in a coffin like a trapdoor spider and when you walk by he just pulls you in on top of him for cuddles
He really enjoys giving you surprise hugs and is sent into a mad giggle fit when you jump in surprise
Like sebastian he’s observant, however it registers that your touch starved a lot sooner with undertaker.
And you think nothing would change right? because he’s already super physical?
You could not be more wrong, undertaker is going to become an absolute cuddle demon (pun intended)
You probably won’t have to ask for cuddles or physical affection because he gives it to you in spades
But if your feeling particularly in need of some cuddles he’ll notice
There is literally no hiding it
He sees the way you melt into his arms rather then jump out of your skin, the way you stand closer to him then normally, all your subtle little hints, and he’s absolutely going to indulge you
He wants to get you used to his affections so that you become less shy about asking for it
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Also a touch starved baby and wont ask for affection
The first time he touched you and you jumped out of your skin he assumed the worst, he automatically assumed that it was him and his skins odd scaly texture on curtain parts of his body
So for a while he distances himself from you and doesn’t touch you at all and trust me it hurts him just as much as it hurts you
Eventually he releases (probably threw his snakes) that you jump when anyone touches you suddenly so it isn’t him
That’s what brings on the realisation that you, much like him, are touch starved
Now snake, while the quickest to this realisation, is the one who progresses the slowest
He starts out very small, standing closer to you, little very very very subtle touches until eventually he’ll start holding your hand with the reddest face you’ve ever seen
If it’s ok with you, one of his slithery friends will always be with you, coiled on your arm or neck.
After a long while he’ll ask you (shyly and threw his snakes) if you would like to cuddle
After that it becomes quite common for the two of you to sit in the garden and cuddle in the sun (snake is cold blooded I will die on this hill)
Hes also too shy to ask for affection and cuddles so it’s often the snakes that ask for the two of you
Eventually he’ll get a tad bit more confident and he’ll ask you for affection (and help you with asking for affection.
You would be surprised at how in tune he is with you, its an uncanny ability to sense the slightest changes in your mood, because of that he knows when you want physical affection but are to shy to ask and he’ll shyly hold your hand until you can properly cuddle
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The triplets
These three fucks know right off the bat that your touch starved, they can sense it
They aren’t put off by the fact that you jump when anyone touches you so they don’t care if you jump when they suddenly wrap around you
And trust me that happens a lot
They like to cage you in their arms and attack you with physical affection at the most random of times.
Now these three will on ocation make you ask for a hug (witch you will immediately receive) they know what you want but theyll play dumb until you ask for it, but once you do theyll give it to you 3 fold (im hilarious I know)
Cuddles are actually very common as the triplets are surprisingly physical with their affection.
Shockingly needy for kisses and affection so it isn’t unusual for them to come up to you for a kiss or a hug
They have like 0 shame and will let you in on there whispers witch lead to them asking for affection a lot because they have no filter and are needy (another hill i will die on)
I feel like they would be slightly dense at first because they know that your touch starved but you never ask them for affection so they’ll come up to you and ask if you like there affection, once you explain that yes, you do in fact like their affection, you’re just to shy (unlike them) to ask for it
They all go “ahhh makes sense” at the same time
This leads to them randomly asking you if you want some affection in the form of kisses and hugs (witch comes off as teasing but trust me they just want kisses)
Perverts. That is all, let your mind run wild but they are perverts. I will die on this hill.
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spaceagesparkledust · 6 months
Random Doctor Who Hcs: Favorite Types of Touch!!
Nine loves hand holding. I feel like Nine is very closed off (emotionally) but this man grasps Rose’s hand all the time. So much. First thing he does. And he just…never stops. While dancing. While running. While walking. Probably while sleeping. Ultimate sign of trust for him. Long as he’s got Rose’s hand in his everything is okay. 
Hugs? Yeah. Loves a good congratulatory hug/clasp on the back. But again, huge fan of hand holding, him. 
Ten loves hugs. Like he and Rose also hold hands through all of time and space but he loves hugs. And he needs one constantly. In constant need of a hug. Sir was born out of love and after Rose leaves is constantly touch-starved and clingy. Loves to pick people up as he hugs them. Little spin. Totally would benefit from being compressed into a zip file.
Enjoys people (rose, Donna) messing with his hair. Just like a little scratch and he’ll melt. He’s like a cat. 
He’s very touchy with Donna who has learned to just deal with it. He’s taller than her so he’ll just lean down and put his chin on her shoulder. Or lean against her while watching movies. Just. puddle of time lord. Personal space who?
After Martha stops being his companion, he’s much more open to touch with Martha. He enjoyed hugging her before but his hugs just feel so much better afterwards. Holding hands with Martha is also pretty nice (makes him miss Rose though).
But I think also if he’s being particularly broody he won’t let himself be touched nor will he seek it out because’s always alright. (Donna’s got him though). 
Slightly touch-adverse post Midnight. If it’s a stranger and he doesn’t initiate it, he’s not going to enjoy it. If it’s someone he trusts then he’s more open to it and will likely reciprocate. But a stranger’s hands on him start to feel a little too much like the shuttle. Especially if its a harsh grab.
Tentoo gets to touch Rose all the time. Its great. Favorite type of touch is probably cuddling and kissing because he can do that now. Any time he wants without fear. 
Eleven likes subtle touches. Grabbing Amy’s arm while he’s excited. Patting Rory on the back or shoulder. Poking someone. He moves around too much for other types of touches so he’ll give little swipes of affection. 
He does still enjoy hugs though, particularly from Amy. 
I think if the Doctor’s hugged for too long he’ll like shut down or something. 
Amy discovers the head scratchy thing and it like, shuts him off. Completely slack. Amy finds it hilarious and so fascinating and 11 hates it so much. It is a good way to bring him back down to earth though. 
“Rory, come look at this.” 
“Do you feel better?” “yes. Don’t think I’m not mad at you anymore Pond.”
River also knows about this and threatens to use it for evil all the time. She and Amy have definitely chased 11 around the TARDIS, only for 11 to run into Rory’s arms thinking that Rory is safe. He’s not. Rory knows about the spot. Rory is not safe. 
I don’t think 11 really knows how to respond to kissing. Not his favorite. Could do without it/give him a warning if you’re going to kiss him. 
He’s gotten used to kissing River but sometimes he’s still ick about it.
He does love giving Amy forehead kisses though! 
Martha likes cheek kisses. She seems like that kind of girl. A little smooch to the cheek. She’ll do it with her family, they’ll do it with her. She’ll give them to her friends. She gives one to the Doctor post-companionship. She gives them to Jack. He gives them to her. Its very cute. 
Fourteen is touchy as heck. Oh my gosh. It’s different from 10 though where he was constantly touch-starved, no Fourteen just loves giving affection to his friends. 
Most affectionate with Donna. They’re like glued to each other. 
Gives Mel enthusiastic hugs too. 
Likes giving more than receiving. He very much needs to be held for a good minute but he much prefers giving hugs and other forms of physical affection TO other people rather than them to him.
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ruthlesslistener · 10 months
3,7,30, and 38 for palewatcher :3
3.) What was their first impression of each other?
-PK: This one is pretty much exactly as I anticipated. Frightened, fleeting, full of untapped potential. Capable of using Sight, which is unusual. Tricky that he's one of the Nightmare King's creation, but the links back to the Troupe are scrubbed clean- there is only Hallownest in this one. Soul capacity is a bit weak, but with time...
...He's looking me in the eyes. He is not blinded by my light. He sees me. Interesting.
(Lurien did not have fun with that one shfjdjs. But he was also enraptured)
7.) How often do they say 'I love you?'
-Almost not at all lmfao. Or, well, Lurien does- but he's sneaky about it, and doesn't like to say it directly, and I imagine that it would take some years of being in a romantic relationship before he moves on to what he prefers, which are pet names like 'my dear, my love'. I feel like he would only ever say 'I love you' outright if it was his confession, and if he's confessing his love to PK then he's doing it because he thinks he's on death's door- or has already passed it, and found that he no longer cares more about properity than himself.
PK's affection is almost entirely told through possessive titles and actions, so he never says it outright. He doesn't need to, though- Lurien can read him like a book, and that in of itself is why he loves him. It's also what Lurien is the most responsive to, because he spends more time around shady politicians and bored nobility than PK, so for him words mean very little compared to actions, and he knows his lord well enough that hearing PK say 'I love you' would likely be suspect.
30.) What are their respective love languages? Do their love languages work well together?
-HA just kinda answered this, but Lurien's are words of affirmation and quality time with a desire to receive physical comfort while PK's is acts of service and quality time and giving physical comfort, so you bet your ass they work well together. Maybe it doesn't work out for them in initially getting them together (like I said a million times over, I can't see them getting together in the canon timeline bc both of them are too dedicated to Hallownest and surviving The Plot), but in aus where they do, they meld together very well. They're very much a pair where dates are just them spending time together working out problems or simply lying in each other's arms discussing things at length + sex. It helps that Lurien is touch starved and is keenly aware that PK is touch adverse, so the fact that PK willingly seeks physical comfort in him is a massive boon, while PK is happiest when he's giving Lurien whatever he wants or needs
38.) Who's got a quicker temper?
-Depends! My kneejerk response was actually Lurien, but I feel like in terms of overall touchiness, PK is actually easier to anger...as long as you're a god. The problem lies mostly in the fact that PK himself is terrible at telling his own moods, and also that if you're a mortal who isn't noteworthy enough to catch his attention, you're not really going to incite more than irritation. He gets angry at anything that he sees as a threat to Hallownest, his claim over his territory, or his territory itself (or themselves, since wyrm affection is all about posession and mating/breeding rights are implicitly tied to the ability to hold territory and power), so if you never hit the 'threat' classification and you're not making his loved ones upset, you're not going to actually anger him.
Lurien, on the other hand, is much more impatient and defensive, but this is bc he's disproportionatly exposed to infuriating people by virtue of being the head of the City, so his temper SEEMS much quicker than it actually is. Generally speaking, he's fine, but he's also dealing with like 10 million karens per year as well as changing social structures and an endless tasklist of Problems and anxiety disorders on top of it all. Dude doesn't have a quick temper, he's just often under stress and that tends to lead to snappy behavior. Otherwise he's perfectly happy just helping people, discussing philosophy, and painting cityscapes while drinking tea
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devilmaywrite · 2 years
eyyy glad to see you ok!! Make sure to take it easy and don't push yourself too hard. C:
Soft Platonic and Domestic request: So Dante, Vergil, Nero and V are cuddling in bed with their partner, his head resting on their chest. How would the boys react to their partner running their fingers through their hair, in a soothing motion. ex: stroking their hair slowly and repetitively.
(Someone give these affection starved Spardas some love plz)
The aro in me does love a good platonic request 😩 and thank you!! trying not to pressure myself
Probably the most receptive to this, or at least he enjoys it the most.
Once he trusts you more, he likes to be physical (only if you're comfortable with it, of course). Maybe not as much as in a romantic relationship but he's very touched starved and it shows. So he's always down for a good cuddle sesh.
And he loooovvvvvessss having his hair played with so he's pretty much in heaven. Purrs so much you're practically vibrating yourself. Might just grab your hand and plop it on his head after the first couple of times.
Also happy to return the favor should the roles be reversed. If he can play with your hair, that is. If not, he's happy to just traces soothing patterns up and down your back.
You'll have to ask him first, as you would most of the time if you want to touch him. It already takes an incredible amount of trust for him to even be in such a state around you so communication is key.
He's a little iffy about it but when he allows it, he enjoys it. Maybe not as much as Dante but touch in general is hard for him since he's really only used to pain resulting from it.
You'll hear no purring from him but maybe a content hum or sigh here and there. But that's basically the same thing for him.
Not likely to return the favor unless you ask and even then, it's hit or miss.
Overall just prefers to exist in the same space as you but isn't too adverse to all of this sometimes.
A happy medium. Maybe not particularly cuddly as he's more prone to noogying you or a playful push or smack to the shoulder here and there. Maybe even a hug if you're upset.
But if he's in such a mood, he does really enjoy when you play with his hair. He's embarrassed to admit it but won't stop you by any means, but he's unlikely to ask for it either.
He won't really do it to you (if he even can, if not then he'll rub your back) unless you're upset and need comfort. He's more prone to affectionately ruffling it but he has his softer moments.
Maybe a bit more receptive than Vergil but I don't see him being all that cuddly with a friend either.
He does enjoy it when it's actually happening a bit more though. Lots of contented sighs and hums. Might also fall asleep if he trusts you enough.
Doesn't usually mind returning the favor if you're into that, and he's in the mood for cuddling. It's rather calming since he's usually reading while you lay on him. He's happy to read to you if you ask.
Might be open to summoning Shadow or something if you're in an affectionate mood and he isn't. So you have something to snuggle with and he has his space.
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jonahmagnus · 1 year
Some Striderlalonde post-game sibling shenanigans headcannons because if I dont post this Im going to explode.
-I think that their really really physically affectionate. Dirk is a tad touch adverse ("tad" he cant have his bare skin touched without warning) but if hes wearing long slevees hes a-okay. Dave is suuuuper touch starved so even though Dirk doesnt really like sudden physical contact he pushes breaks his own boundary for his little bro. Dave doesnt initiate contact AT ALL at tirst but eventually he gets more comfortable with it. I think whenever Dirk is working Dave'll wander over and Dirk will ruffle his hair like an unruly child. Dave will lean on him while standing around like his body just deflated. Paper towel of a man
-Dave really likes getting his hair pet so he'll lean aginst peoples legs and they'll scratch his skull until he either dozes off or gets embarrassed for wanting physical affection and leaves
-They go shopping for food a LOT. Their fridge is always stocked and they always have shelf-stabke stuff around. Their both not great cooks yet but its the principle of the thing you know. None of the striderlalondes can cook actually
-Speaking of the striderlalondes I think that Roxy Really Doesnt Like Sleeping Alone so she will curl up in other peoples beds or sleep in a common area and stuff. I actually think that Dirk's room had a bunk bed and she sleeps on the top bunk sometimes when the Loneliness Demons get to her. Its far enough up that his lamplight is mostly blocked and she can hear him quietly tinkering away as she drifts off to sleep.
-Roxy kisses people on the forhead a LOT. Like a lot a lot. On the crown of the head too. Its just how she is<3
-Rose and Roxy semi-live with them (Rose with Kanaya and Roxy with Jane and Jade the rest of the time) and their always bringing decorations and blankets over and stuff. The Strider house is very Soft I think with blankets everywhere and plush furniture and lights that can be dimmed. So Rose is always bringing them a new scarf or blanket and Roxy sometimes convinces Dave to help her put up fairy lights and LD light strips on the floor so theres always a little bit of light.
-Dirk takes up knitting because of Rose. At first he doesnt tell her because hes embarrassed but when he presents his amateur scarf to her she tears up a little bit. Because he made it for her. And its real shitty but her sibling made something for her. They knit together after that and she teaches him to be Good At It. They have fun together. Their like crotchety old women on a porch
-Dave and Roxy are both sooooo touch starved and both of their siblings are both soooooo touch adverse so these two are always just Hanging Out. Leaning on eachother. Ruffling eachothers hair. Etc. Rose and Dirk are cursed with the "Touch Starved but also Touch Adverse Disease" so they just lollygag around in the same room together and occasionally brush shoulders. Their favorite activity is sitting in a room and being Haters together.
-Speaking of Rose and Dirk they are sooo underrated as a sibling duo. I think they both have the same media taste and special interests. Their both really into shlocky campy comedy horror and bad sitcoms. Their both horse girls. Etc. They love to mock cable television.
-This is unfinished but feel 2 add ur own. Im just saying words. Peace and love. <3
-If you say "siblings dont interact like this" I can tell you for a fact as an older sibling I looove kissing my little brother on the forhead because hes Just A Little Guy. And also they arent real.
-Pr*ship dont touch this
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jaybirdie421 · 2 days
Everyone's opinion on cuddles? And who their favorite cuddle buddy is owo ?
ooooo cute!!
Classic: reluctant at first for sure, but secretly likes it. usually he likes being able to protect the people around him, but being held is... suprisingly nice. His favorite is obv Paps, but he really likes Grillby cuddles too.
Pyrus: Oh he loves it! He doesn't really have a cuddle buddy but he will hug the shit out of anyone within reach and it's PYRUS who doesn't want to give him a hug?? vaguely remembers Classic cuddles when he was little and loved them.
Blue: in his head? oh yeah, hopping straight into his lovers arms. "HOLD ME!" in reality? uh. not so much. He loves cuddles but once Stretch got "too old" for them, which is bullshit, he compensated by being really touchy. Once he got with Vet.. yeah. He's on him CONSTANTLY. He likes that he's cold.
Stretch: oh he loves being held and holding people, but is.. really awkward and nervous about it. the idea of being held and holding people is great though
Red: oh, big guys loves cuddles for sure. his past girls can definitly testify that his guy as warm and fshkdajfbeaf i love him. loves holding people and will not be caught dead as the little spoon.
Edge: Also a big spoon, doesn't give a singular fuck that he's shorter than his partners. Watch him. very warm, loves that Dezi is pleasently cool and apollo's middle temp. he loves them.
Helvetica: super. super. just. AAAAA. i love him. *slaps skeleton ass* this bad boy can hold SO much trauma in him. after his.. very traumatic relationship with his version of grillby and his universe in general he has an odd feeling for touch. blue being cold really helps his touch aversion though! he likes it fine, but it's not a need for him. he found being held very comforting when he was panicking during the hurricane though. and even though he loves his little brother.. they just didn't really do.. touch. so. it's complicated.
Malvery: oh same as Stretch. loves the idea, doesn't really have anyone to cuddle with though. he does wish that the others were.. uh. well. apollo was real pretty. and so was dezi. and Edge had been protecting him for a while. uhm.
Hop: He had a girl back in his home universe. Cuddles we're.. awkward and weren't really his thing, but he still liked them alright.
Tango: very single and wants to keep it that way. the idea of cuddles are fine, but he's not all that attatched to touch. he likes movement.
Cosmic: he misses his grillby so damn much. he would give anything for fire cuddles atp.
Orion: pretty much the same as tango. just kinda meh.
Dust: Touch starved but also touch adverse. Keigo and Dyrus are the only people than can touch him and not make him feel like there are fucking termites in his bones. keigo holding him had him melting a little bit though ngl :)
Mars: ABSOLUTE cuddle bug, he loves it. Keigo and Lust are his favorites for sure, he loves how tiny they are compared to him, and feeling like he can protect them is very therapeutic after having no control for so long. Smell is big for him and he loves they way they smell. not in a cannibal way tho. yk.
Lust: touch made him very nervous for a long time. but. Mars made him feel very safe. cuddles with Mars were always an immediate yes. (and if the wamth reminded him just a bit of grillby.. nobody had to know. He'd moved on for the most part, genuniely, but the smell of smoke and heavy warmth would always be a comfort to him) and Keigo!! yes! Keigo is so cute to lust and he just wants to squeeze him. the tortured trio fr.
Dezi: it took him a while. like.. a while but being with Edge and Apollo has him so much more relaxed. when he and lust first arrived in the new univserse, he was almost entirely mute and struggles with any contact, but he was damn near a new monster now. He loves how warm Edge is, he's like a fucking space heater, and Apollo feels like winter sunlight. just. yes.
Keigo: had a very hard time with touch at first. as a human, he hated it sometimes. he despretely wanted affection but couldn't stand people touching him. like. at all. hes a lot better now, no skin to crawl, hahah, and he loves his Mars-Lust cuddles. Apollo and Grillby are still his favorite cuddle buddies though. Chara too. Grillby is so warm and. aaaaaa they're so in love. Apollo is literally his baby dont get him started, and chara's his daughter and he is a very proud and protective father. they don't really cuddle, but the hugs are sweet. Apollo and Grillby's wing cuddles are the best though
Apollo: oh he loves wing cuddles and being curled up with keigo is probably his most favorite, nostalgia inducing thing ever. but. Edge and Dezi have him feeling romantical so. LMAO. He loves them <333 the cuddles are so good and he loves being the little spoon, even though he hopes they switch around with it! he wants to hold them as well! it's his job, isn't it?
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ficfanatictrf · 2 years
Touch Starved
Summary: When you can't handle being touch starve anymore. Word Count: 1.2K
A/N - I have been struggling a bit when it comes to dealing with my own touch starved self (love being touch starved and also touch adverse). And it reminded me a lot of how my therapist was like sometimes you just have to be blunt with what you need. My Dad is not a very touchy person. We hardly hug or anything like that, but we have this dynamic now where if I am having a hard time I simply need to just tell him 'hug me, I need it' and he will until I'm alright. (This is the guy who can't even hug some of his nieces or nephews before it makes him uncomfortable).
Viktor wasn’t the most touchy person. 
Hell, you had believed he was asexual before he had admitted his feelings towards you. A startling but joyous miscalculation, that was to be sure. 
But, that left your relationship in a very odd place that you didn’t know how to navigate. 
Apart from your most intimate moments together, you could count on your hand the amount of times he had touched you. 
At first you believed it was just nerves. That he was nervous to reach out and touch you. 
However, as time passed, the two of you slowly having a routine on how the two of you interacted with each other, it left you feeling annoyingly needy. 
You wanted to touch him. Needed him to hold you, to comfort you. To feed that touch starved monster inside yourself that felt like it grew every single day, larger and larger with its constant nagging in the back of your mind. 
Yet, anytime you wished to bring up the topic, you could only remember how he had praised you for not being like all those other romantic partners. Saying how nice it was that you weren’t hanging off of him like a tree, or making him share desserts like the couples beside you, or holding hands. 
It scared you. 
He wasn’t one to do something he didn’t want to do. You knew that about him, just like how you knew he was a person that didn’t do something if he believed it was a waste of time. If he ever saw signs that your relationship wasn’t worth the time - he was sure to leave you. 
And him sometimes kissing your cheek, the rare sexual encounters, the small smiles he sent your way - that could be enough…. Couldn’t it?” 
-------- -------- --------
You found the need to have some form of comfort just being too much not even a week later, sitting in a chair beside Viktor’s desk as he worked away - like he always was. 
Honestly, you hadn’t even meant to say it, the words slipping free in a soft whisper. 
“Can I hold your hand?” 
It was like the words had to be registered by the two of you, Viktor pausing his writing to shift his gaze towards you while you felt your whole body stiffen at the realization of just what you had said. 
“Hold my hand?” 
You could hear it already, the perplexion that was in his voice as he asked for clarification. And when all you could do was nod, you knew you should have just been happy he wasn’t put off by the request. 
“I am a little busy at the moment. I’m not sure if you have noticed, but I am working.” 
The sarcasm burned, the shame making you feel so small and insignificant as you could only whimper out an apology. 
And with that, the matter had ended. 
He ended up working a good three hours more before giving you a soft kiss on the cheek as he said goodnight - heading on his way back home. 
“You need to be harder on him” 
Jayce spoke up behind you, resting his hand softly on top of your head in his own way of trying to give comfort. 
“The man is an idiot when it comes to human interaction. If you want him to understand what you want, you need to be blunt and harsh with him. Don’t ask for things, tell him what he needs to give you” 
For a moment, you just silently stood there, soaking in the warmth that came from your friend. 
You knew that he was right. He always did seem to be right about these kinds of things, but that meant you would need to be someone that you had never been before. Someone who was confident and able to demand what you needed. It had never been something you were good at…but at this point you were becoming desperate. 
With a stiff nod, your hair being ruffled in hopes of giving you motivation, you were on your way to Viktor’s apartment. 
-------- -------- --------
As the door swung open, you could see the small hints of excitement in his expression as he realized that it was you that had been knocking. 
This was very unlike you, coming to visit him unexpectedly. And as much as he didn’t want to pressure you into being more spontaneous, he couldn’t help but feel a thrill at just the prospect of you being there without it being scheduled -  that you wanted to visit him enough to just head on over. 
“Hello again, why don’t you come in-” 
“Th-this is how things are going to go” You started, unable to keep from stuttering as you tried to say things the exact way that you had replayed over and over in your mind on the way over. All the while, Viktor merely blinked at this change, before all you could see was endearment in those golden eyes. 
“I-I would like…no, I need, well no, I…” 
Frowning, you closed your eyes in hopes of getting the words out that you needed. Finally saying the thing that you had been needing to say for weeks. 
“I demand that you be more affectionate in this relationship. I need you to hold me. I need you to touch me, hold my hand, rub my back - everything!” You said, your voice raising slowly out of panic that he was going to interrupt and argue about it. 
However, instead, as you cracked your eyes open to take in how he would respond, you only saw him thinking about what had been put before him. Already, it seemed he was working on some equation of sorts in his mind. 
Humming softly to himself, it seemed to take him a few moments to piece together things enough to have a few questions. 
“How vital is this to our relationship?”
A soft nod, his hand coming up to his chin as he continued to calculate. 
“Hmm, how often?” 
You slowly felt some of your tension easing away, the man clearly treating this as almost like a business deal. While that was such a very Viktor thing to do, it meant that he was taking your issues seriously and without any sarcastic or teasing comments. 
He was taking your relationship seriously. 
“Everyday…if possible” 
You knew you shouldn’t have tacked on that last part, which Viktor seemed to catch onto very quickly as he reached out to rather awkwardly take hold of your hand. 
“Everyday. Noted. And is there a minimum length of time each of these occurrences take place?” 
With a nervous shake of your head, biting your lip as you just felt like a bother, you could see the man continuing to work on the issue in his mind. 
He only nodded, leading you inside and to the couch. 
Nothing was said as he plopped down onto the cushions, carefully easing you down onto himself so that he didn’t hurt his more sensitive leg. And despite how you wished for it not to happen, you had found yourself slipping to sleep in his hold in a matter of minutes. 
-------- -------- --------
From then on, everything was like night and day. 
It had taken a bit of time for him to be more comfortable with it, but slowly he had gotten into the habit of being affectionate and soft with you. 
Even to admit that he was slowly finding himself looking forward to your cuddle times and good morning kisses. 
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hi! Could I get a Level 5 ship for Stranger Things, DC and Buffy, please?
My pronouns are she/her.
I'm bi and demisexual.
Tritype is 592. (5w6, 9w1, 2w3)
Alignment is True Neutral.
I've been hurt a lot in life so it takes a lot to gain my trust and get past my withdrawn and seemingly robotic exterior. But once you do get past it you'll see that I love very deeply and I'm very protective of those I care about.
If you hurt someone that I care about I will avenge them. Usually by scheming for something you'll never see coming.
I have a quirky, dark, and self-deprecating sense of humor.
My love language is quality time. Though I do enjoy giving people gifts as well.
I love to make things, whether that's crafting something, baking or simply taking the time to create a well-thought-out and highly detailed quiz.
I am slightly nearsighted and have glasses, though I tend to forget to wear them. Sometimes "losing" them on my own head.
My favorite genre of books, movies, tv, and games is fantasy. And if you let me I will info dump about fantasy.
I manage to be both touch adverse and touch-starved. I have to know and trust someone enough to be comfortable with physical touch. Minor things like a handshake don't typically bother me though, unless I get bad vibes from the other person.
Due to being raised by an entire family of narcissists, whenever I tried to speak they'd interrupt me or complain about me talking too much or too loudly. So I'm usually pretty silent unless you can get me started on something I'm passionate about.
Most of the time when I do speak, my words get muddled up. I especially struggle with words that have R in the middle of them.
If I get hyperfocused on something, I'll go the entire day without remembering to eat or drink anything.
How I process things is in three steps; Detach from everyone, repress/numb myself, then move back toward everyone while wanting to be as helpful as possible.
While detached I tend to get lost in fantastical thinking and daydreams.
I'm brainy and content to work behind the scenes, most of the time. And do my best to be fair and impartial as I try not to let my emotions cloud my reasoning.
I pick up on things other people might miss and make connections that aren't generally obvious.
Social cues are definitely my weak spot along with passive aggression. If you're upset with me about something you'll have to just outright address the issue because otherwise, I'll never get it. I may eventually realize that you're upset with me, but then I'll get stressed because I genuinely won't know why. And if you don't fill me in on what I did wrong, I'll spiral and eventually just assume whatever our relationship is now over.
My hobbies include playing video games, writing fanfiction (though I usually don't publish it), reading, and trying to cook recipes from my favorite movies, tv shows, games etc.
I enjoy thinking outside of the box.
I always have the urge to "collect" (horde) which I've primarily focused into my video games to keep me from doing it in real life. But I still collect books and novelty drinkware irl.
I cannot stand the feeling of water on my forearms/elbows. Or have the ends of my pants or sleeves being wet.
I'm very clumsy, frequently tripping over my own furniture. (and feet) I will always have at least one bruise on my body and there's less than 50% chance I can tell you how I got it.
For a lot of things, it's rare for me to have actual favorites. One day I may prefer ethereal wave music and the next I'll be more in the mood for 80s rock. I usually have a top 3, 5, or 10 but no absolute favorites. And this goes for all sorts of things, food, movies, etc.
My 'fashion' sense is somewhere between Dark Academia and Goblincore.
I adore animals, especially the kinds that are less liked by society. Possums, snakes, etc. Though I also love cats and currently have a cat. I would have more if I could. I handraised him, bottle-fed him after rescuing him. He's 10, spoiled rotten and I defy anyone to tell me he isn't my child.
I struggle with driving cars but motorcycles or scooters, I can drive like a bat out of hell.
I am autistic and my stims include knocking, vigorously rubbing my hands together, tongue clicking and knuckle cracking. And I am kinda worried my stims will annoy the people around me.
On bad days I can be rather misanthropic.
I love all things ghoulish. And enjoy going to scare attractions. Because I like being scared. Though if I can opt out of being touched I will.
I'm a high-key slasher lover and low-key monster fucker.
I always feel like I'm forgetting something or leaving something out.
Please and thank you. 🥰
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with Robin! You two would have such a blast together; always laughing, making jokes and talking about the world. She gives you hope for the future - she is the light in your life. You wouldn't ever feel uncomfortable or pushed with Robin, she's always on your side no matter what.
・Likes when you play with her hair. Not a lot of people are allowed to actually touch Robin, so her wanting you to play with her hair is a big deal!
・You guys play this game where you watch people and imagine what their conversations are. You'll each put on a silly voice or accents to mimic the person.
・You drag Robin to Corroded Coffin concerts (more like sets but don't tell Eddie that).
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
▪️ Surrounds by Anatole
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
▪️ Protective Gremlin x Teddy Bear
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
She loves that not a lot of things faze you. Even when she had to talk to you about the Upside Down ... you were actually ... excited? Almost like you wished for something out of the ordinary to happen.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Is Eddie Munson! I think he would love how edgy you are, even if you don't think that about yourself. You have an affinity for thinking outside the box that not a lot of people have, especially in Hawkins. He would feel less like a freak with you. Not because you're a freak, but because you give him encouragement.
𝐁𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫
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I ship you with Willow! The lovey-dovey, passionate witch who would do anything for you. One of the things I hated about the series was the fact that Willow "went bad" because she had "too much power". What bogus. Like yes, I liked that she was a student afterward in witchcraft, but then they treated it like a drug-addiction. IF YOU HAVE MAGIC POWERS, WHY NOT USE THEM?! Anyway, I think you guys would be a great match because you wouldn't try to hold Willow back. You would encourage her to be who she wants to be.
・Willow was actually going to put a love spell on you, but it was at the height of her magic; she thought she was unlovable and wanted to be loved so badly. Silly Willow, little did she know, you were already in love with her.
・She hums a LOT. When she's cooking, reading, writing, studying, cleaning etc. She just hums. You always try to guess what she's humming and it becomes a game
・YOU HAVE ALL THE PETS. When you move in together, you guys don't stop adopting, and animals naturally gravitate toward you. There really isn't a 'responsible' one in the relationship... so no one can attest...
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
▪️ Wait A Minute! by WILLOW (hehe get it??? Anyway, this really fits.)
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
▪️ Wide-Eyed and Curious x Kind-hearted and Gentle
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
Your loyalty. Willow is always so loyal to everyone else, that she feels like 'the dependable best friend'. With you in her life, she feels like she actually has someone who gives the same energy back. There's nothing worse than giving and giving and barely receiving.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Is gotta be Xander or Buffy. With Xander I think you would have a lot of laughs, everything would seem so light-hearted and problems weren't that big. I don't think you'd like Anya, because you've got the same energy, and too much of one thing usually leads to a mess. With Buffy, I think you'd have a lot of open conversations. She would come to you for advice and feel comfortable to talk about anything.
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I ship you with Dinah! I think she would be the most understanding and open-minded with emotional maturity. She doesn't act on a whim like Harley, or keep things bottled up like Ivy. She's quite open, or at least talks it through with the person she has an issue with.
・You love listening to Dinah sing. She has such an otherwordly voice that you feel transported. You ask for certain songs and Dinah always rolls her eyes
"Only for you babe"
・She loves hugging you from behind and rest her head on top of yours. Plus, she always smells so good, like rosemary
・Loves leaving little lipstick kiss marks on your cheek
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
▪️ Lips by The xx
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
▪️ Sun x Moon
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
She loves your open nature. Your honesty and willingness to speak the truth. It's refreshing, especially for Gotham, where lying is second nature.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Would most definitely be Harley Quinn! As your alignment is True Neutral, I think you guys would have a lot of fun. The chaos would be magnificent; who wants to do the right thing all the time?
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Hi! If your matchups are still open, could I get one for Slashers?
My pronouns are she/her.
I'm bi and demisexual.
Tritype is 592. (5w6, 9w1, 2w3)
Alignment is True Neutral.
I've been hurt a lot in life so it takes a lot to gain my trust and get past my withdrawn and seemingly robotic exterior. But once you do get past it you'll see that I love very deeply and I'm very protective of those I care about.
If you hurt someone that I care about I will avenge them. Usually by scheming for something you'll never see coming.
I have a quirky, dark, and self-deprecating sense of humor.
My love language is quality time. Though I do enjoy giving people gifts as well.
I love to make things, whether that's crafting something, baking or simply taking the time to create a well-thought-out and highly detailed quiz.
I am slightly nearsighted and have glasses, though I tend to forget to wear them. Sometimes "losing" them on my own head.
My favorite genre of books, movies, tv, and games is fantasy. And if you let me I will info dump about fantasy.
I manage to be both touch adverse and touch-starved. I have to know and trust someone enough to be comfortable with physical touch. Minor things like a handshake don't typically bother me though, unless I get bad vibes from the other person.
Due to being raised by an entire family of narcissists, whenever I tried to speak they'd interrupt me or complain about me talking too much or too loudly. So I'm usually pretty silent unless you can get me started on something I'm passionate about.
Most of the time when I do speak, my words get muddled up. I especially struggle with words that have R in the middle of them.
If I get hyperfocused on something, I'll go the entire day without remembering to eat or drink anything.
How I process things is in three steps; Detach from everyone, repress/numb myself, then move back toward everyone while wanting to be as helpful as possible.
While detached I tend to get lost in fantastical thinking and daydreams.
I'm brainy and content to work behind the scenes, most of the time. And do my best to be fair and impartial as I try not to let my emotions cloud my reasoning.
I pick up on things other people might miss and make connections that aren't generally obvious.
Social cues are definitely my weak spot along with passive aggression. If you're upset with me about something you'll have to just outright address the issue because otherwise, I'll never get it. I may eventually realize that you're upset with me, but then I'll get stressed because I genuinely won't know why. And if you don't fill me in on what I did wrong, I'll spiral and eventually just assume whatever our relationship is now over.
My hobbies include playing video games, writing fanfiction (though I usually don't publish it), reading, and trying to cook recipes from my favorite movies, tv shows, games etc.
I enjoy thinking outside of the box.
I always have the urge to "collect" (horde) which I've primarily focused into my video games to keep me from doing it in real life. But I still collect books and novelty drinkware irl.
I cannot stand the feeling of water on my forearms/elbows. Or have the ends of my pants or sleeves being wet.
I'm very clumsy, frequently tripping over my own furniture. (and feet) I will always have at least one bruise on my body and there's less than 50% chance I can tell you how I got it.
For a lot of things, it's rare for me to have actual favorites. One day I may prefer ethereal wave music and the next I'll be more in the mood for 80s rock. I usually have a top 3, 5, or 10 but no absolute favorites. And this goes for all sorts of things, food, movies, etc.
My 'fashion' sense is somewhere between Dark Academia and Goblincore.
I adore animals, especially the kinds that are less liked by society. Possums, snakes, etc. Though I also love cats and currently have a cat. I would have more if I could. I handraised him, bottle-fed him after rescuing him. He's 10, spoiled rotten and I defy anyone to tell me he isn't my child.
I struggle with driving cars but motorcycles or scooters, I can drive like a bat out of hell.
I am autistic and my stims include knocking, vigorously rubbing my hands together, tongue clicking and knuckle cracking. And I am kinda worried my stims will annoy the people around me.
On bad days I can be rather misanthropic.
I love all things ghoulish. And enjoy going to scare attractions. Because I like being scared. Though if I can opt out of being touched I will.
I'm a high-key slasher lover and low-key monster fucker.
I always feel like I'm forgetting something or leaving something out.
Please and thank you. 🥰
(Also feel free to send me a request if you want)
I ship you with.. Lester Sinclair!
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Lester completely understands your robotic exterior because of the fact that he himself uses a form of shield to protect himself. Instead of being stoic, Lester embraces the facade of the "creepy southern guy" role. Although he wasn't physically abused like Bo or emotionally abused like Vincent, Lester was neglected for most of his childhood.
You treated him as if he was a normal person, even though his job isn't the most pleasant nor the fact he knows he's not like his brother's who had charisma/ artistic abilities. Lester loves how you love the animals that aren't as liked. Lester loves Possums and armadillos himself. At one point, Lester had a pet Possum that he took care of since it was a baby.
The two of you are the perfect goblincore pair with the amount of chaotic energy the both of you share. Lester's love language as quality time. He loves just spending time with you while watching one of your favorite movies while Jonesy and your cat are cuddled up together. He spoils your cat with pets and catnip once the both of them become more bonded.
When it comes to your autism, Lester might struggle with fully understanding Stims but once he finally understands it, Lester isn't the one to get grossed out or annoyed with your stims, this man hauls more gross things in his day job so hearing your knuckles pop isn't gonna bother him. With your motorcycle, Lester would most definitely ask you to teach him how to ride because he thinks it's badass(and hot) that you know how to ride a motorcycle.
Other possibilities: Chop Top Sawyer, Baby Firefly, Stu Macher
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cntbtchthevapegod · 4 years
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REQUESTING RULES (required to read before requesting)
PREFRENCE REQUESTING RULES (also required to read before requesting)
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*** - Smut
$ - spicy but not full on smut
<3 - fluff
# - angst
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Pinterest Fancasts Masterlist
My Pinterest username & info
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Harry Potter
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Lily Evans:
Lil stuff:
Lily’s reaction to you being hella dehydrated <3 (from April 2021 sleepover)
Making dinner with lily <3 (from March 2021 sleepover)
Lazy day with lily + I’m touch starved and lonely lily thoughts <3
James wants your warmth <3
Actual fics:
Nobody can be perfect # <3
Summary: When gearing up for OWLs you stress out about your favorite course, your girlfriend, Lily, comforts you and helps you study.
James doesn’t pick up on signals <3
Summary: James doesn’t realize you and Lily are dating
James Potter:
Lil stuff:
James brushes your teeth for you <3
Riding the train with James <3
Dilf James <3 $
Swim team
James loves to see you smile <3
Bitter <3
Actual fics:
Platonic showering (Part 2) # <3 
Summary: you and James have been friends forever, He takes care of you when you are at your darkest points, the adverse effects happen to be an aching heart
Not So Elegant <3 
Summary: wanting to be sexy for your boyfriend is all well and good, but being a bit intoxicated means it may not go as planned.
Sirius Black:
Lil stuff:
Rainy day with Sirius <3 (from March 2021 sleepover)
Being in an opposites aesthetic/interests relationship with Sirius <3
Sirius teaches you how to roll a joint <3
Sirius doesn’t take kindly to being mocked $
Date night <3
Sirius comes back from a tough mission + story of your first kiss with Sirius <3 #
Having a bit of a breakdown and needing to find Sirius for comfort
only a few nights #
Mum <3 #
A very toxic relationship #
Actual fics:
Cold feet <3 
Summary: you want attention, Sirius is not giving it to you, Sirius doesn’t like your methods of getting it.
Dance lessons <3
You and Sirius Pair up while learning to waltz for the Yule ball
Puppy <3 
Summary: the endearing nickname Sirius has bestowed upon you may seem innocent and platonic, but the feelings it causes you to have are getting to be quite romantic.
Hold my hand all day long <3
Summary: Sirius realizes you rarely let go of his hand
Draw on me <3
Summary: when Sirius gets anxious you let him draw on you
Remus Lupin:
Lil stuff:
Fighting with Remus part 2 # (from March 2021 sleepover)
Cuddling with Remus <3 (from March 2021 sleepover)
Going late night swimming with Remus <3 (from April 2021 sleepover)
Remus doesn’t like when you crunch ice cubes <3 (from April 2021 sleepover)
Remus ties you up and teases you ***
Tying Remus’s tie <3
Going to bed before Remus <3
Making Remus beg <3 ***
Smoking ouid with Remus <3
Massage <3
The Beast <3 #
covering his face in kisses <3
Actual fics:
My favorite Remus headcannons # <3
Teaser and the Firecat: <3
Summary: Y/N tries to show Remus her favorite album which he’s deemed to folksy before even listening.
Annabel Lee #
Summary: jumps around in time, based on the poem Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe, poorly written
Remus is really scary when he’s angry #
Summary: Remus gets fed up with the disregard you have for your health and well-being.
The Marauders:
Lily, James, Remus, Sirius, and the artist <3
Just some concepts <3
Dungeons and Dragons x the Mauraders
road trip <3
Camp counselor x marauders platonic headcannons
I am drunk marauders headcannons
Ocean Swim <3
Summary: you, James, and Sirius take a dip in the ocean on an early December morning, Remus takes amusement in it.
Quite a bunch of caring boys <3
Summary: reader has fainting spells and one occurs after an exciting transfiguration lesson
Good luck kisses <3
Summary: you and Remus wish your boyfriends’ good luck before their quiditch game
Chill on the hill <3
Summary: lazy warm spring afternoon with the boys
Yule ball <3
Summary: the boys greet you at the bottom of the grand staircase before the Yule ball
Fights <3
Summary: what fights would be like in a poly relationship with Remus, James, and Sirius.
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Pansy Parkinson:
Francis forever #
Summary: regretting a break up is an awful feeling, based on Francis forever by Mitski
Fred Weasley:
Lil stuff:
Fred gets back from quiditch practice while you’re napping <3 $
Sneaking into Fred’s dorm when you can’t sleep <3
‘fuck you hard on the sink’ Fred weasley <3 ***
“We’re forever, you and me.” <3 #
Held <3
after a win/after a loss <3 ***
Actual fics:
Cookies # <3
Summary: Fred comforts you after a shitty day at work
Fred’s legs don’t fit in the bath <3
Summary: you and Fred miss bathes in the prefects' bathroom now that you’re both out of school
Fred texting you inappropriately at dinner $ <3
Summary: Fred sends you very teasing texts at dinner with his family (headcanon)
Can I sit there? <3
Summary: very short Fred blurb where he’s working into the night and you need him to cuddle you for you to be able to sleep
Merciless heart # <3
Summary: you are hopelessly in love with Fred and he doesn’t make it any easier when you assume he doesn’t feel the same.
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Your Love language <3 Characters included: Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Lily Evans
Telling them you are pregnant & the day you bring the baby home from the hospital <3 #
Characters included: Sirius black, Remus Lupin, James potter
Public displays of affection and sexy times <3 $
Characters included: Regulus Black
Comfort items <3 #
Characters included: Lily Evans, James potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Marlene Mckinnon, Fred Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Cedric Diggory, Bill Weasley, Tonks
Short s/o <3
Characters included: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
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Non-Harry Potter Content
Din Dijarin
Modern Quarantine AU (Din Dijarin x GN!Reader) <3
Summary: after a long couple of days taking care of the child, you start feeling behind in your classes, Din comes home and helps you destress.
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes
Lazy mornings with bucky barnes <3 $
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield's, the Amazing Spider-Man)
Teaching you to skateboard <3
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glowinggator · 4 years
Cuddles - All Turtles
Request: Hi I really like you writes! keep up the good work, I was wondering if you could do a rottmnt cuddle Imagines? If that's fine?
Pairing: All Turtles! (Non-Poly) 
Content: Fluffy as FUCK. Brush your teeth after you read this, cause it’s sweet as hell. 
He loves to cuddle! But...he’s nervous. He doesn’t want to prick you with one of his spikes, or...worse. With his brothers, it’s different! They’ve got hard shells and plastrons, but you’re so... squishy! What if he hurts you? 
He gets so happy about casual touch. Putting you on his shoulders? Throwing his arm around your shoulders? Affectionate hair ruffle? He’s the physical embodiment of :) 
If you want full cuddles, though, you’re gonna have to be the one to initiate it the first few times. He’s just too nervous, otherwise. 
Rest your head on his plastron when you’re watching a movie and he’ll melt. 
Seeing how your arms maneuver around his spikes to embrace him, how gingerly you hold him...Maybe it’s possible. Maybe you two can cuddle without getting any boo boos.
He can’t really lay on his back because of his spikes. He’ll either get stuck that way when his spikes inevitably get embedded into the material, or he’ll shred up whatever he’s laying on.
(He’s banned from the beanbag chairs.)
He wants to be the little spoon so bad, but it’s physically impossible. He’s forever bound to big spoon duty. He’s okay with that, though. 
(One time you showed up wrapped in mattress foam and bubble wrap to try and be the big spoon. It's a very fond memory, even if you were padded too stiffly to actually hold him.) 
He likes to rest his head in your lap. Run your nails along his head or shell and he’ll be asleep in no time.
He won’t lay on your stomach or chest though. He really wants to, but he’s afraid he’ll crush you. There’s no debate with that topic, unfortunately. 
He’s such a good big spoon!! He’s so strong, and he cradles you like you’re the entire world. Because you are! 
He likes to rest one hand on your stomach and tangle his other hand with yours. It’s so cool to look down and see how his spikes cradle you. Almost as though you were a treasure encased in barbed wire, protected from the outside world. 
You always feel so safe when you cuddle. I mean, it’s hard not to when you’re cocooned in 1000lbs of muscle and spikes!
His hold is firm, but noticeably gentle. 
He runs pretty warm, compared to the rest of the turtles. Great in the winter time, not so great in the summer.  
He traces little doodles on the back of your hand. You can never tell what they are, though. And he won’t tell you what they are, if you ask.  
(They’re dogs.) 
He’s not coldblooded, due to the way he was mutated. As such, he doesn’t really have any issues regulating his body temperature. He does find himself seeking out heat sources, however! Donnie calls it a vestigial response. Raph absolutely does not care about no scientific names or explanations: he just knows that he likes to sit under the heat lamp in the morning.
Prepare to be his next heat lamp. 
If you come over in the mornings, prepare to be greeted with a very sleepy Raph the instant your feet hit the lair concrete.
He’s never on his phone when you cuddle.
He is a talker, though. He doesn’t quite whisper, but he definitely invokes the gentle voice. 
He falls asleep very quickly if he doesn’t keep himself talking. Your presence is just so calming to him, he can’t help it! 
He’s a very deep breather, and it’s really calming to listen to!
Unfortunately, he starts to snore about 15 minutes after he falls asleep. And he’s loud. 
You’ll get used to it, eventually. 
He doesn’t sleep consistently, so full cuddle sessions are far and few between.
He read that fake rumor that Albert Einstein only slept for five hours a year: while it’s since been debunked, it’s stuck with him. He started training himself when he was little to power nap instead, and now it’s hard for him to get out of the habit.  
But..you’re a good motivator.
He’s a little nervous around the concept of cuddling, at first. He’s very touch-starved, and once you warm him up to the idea, it’ll be hard to pull him off you! But he’s incredibly nervous about it at first.
It’s...intimate, you know? He’s vulnerable, and that freaks him out.
His shell is super sensitive. Partially because it’s soft, but wearing his battle shell all the time has removed a lot of stimuli that would have made it less sensitive.
He reflexively rolls his shoulders when you run your hands along his exposed shell. At least, for the first few times. If you do it enough, it’ll quickly become a way for him to relax.
Likes to pull you to his chest and hold you like that. He usually has your head under his chin so he can scroll through his phone while you cuddle. He doesn’t move his arms much though, so it’s okay.
(He also likes it when you’re facing him so he can steal glances at you once you fall asleep. He thinks you’re even prettier when you’re completely relaxed.)
You’ll rarely see it for yourself, but his eyes get all soft while you’re cuddling together. The quietest, calmest smile graces his features when you’re in his arms.
However, you do notice how all the tension fades from his body, and how his breathing seems to slow down.
He’ll run his free hand along your back every now and then, pressing a quiet kiss to the top of your head.
He runs fairly cold, which is awesome in the summertime. He always lets you borrow his hoodies when you cuddle. If you ask nicely, he’ll let you keep ‘em, just so long as he has one or two in the closet.
His bed has super soft blankets, and they’re so nice to curl up in. You’ll probably stay there for a little while after he gets up, honestly.
He’s not a talker, surprisingly. Every now and then he’ll pull his arm back to show you some meme on his phone, but that’s about it. He’ll listen to you though! He actually really likes it when you mutter about whatever's on your mind while you cuddle.
King of “Uh huh,” “Wow,” “Mmhm,” and “Damn that’s crazy.”
He really is listening, though. He just likes to tease you a little bit.
His grip is either iron-tight or loose as hell.
On bad days he’ll curl up as the little spoon, and not even the gods could convince him to let go of you.
It takes him a while to warm up to the idea of being a little spoon. Both because his shell is hyper-sensitive, but it also kind of erodes that “bad boy” persona he’s got going on.
Once he’s more comfortable with it, he’s about 50/50 on it. He’s more likely to indulge himself on bad days, but it honestly just depends on his mood.
If you pull him away from work, you can bet that he’ll pull you to his chest while he’s sitting on the bed. He’ll lean forward to rest his chin on your shoulder as he explains his latest breakthrough. He shakes a little bit when he’s excited, and you can feel it as he holds you.  
He panics a little bit when he’s on his back, but he really likes it when you lay on his plastron, so...Chair cuddles!
He likes to have you in his lap while he works.
He also likes to kick his legs up onto your lap when watching TV. If you guys have the couch to yourselves, he’ll also lay all the way on your lap. If anyone sees you guys, or if anyone comments on it he’ll just hit ‘em with a very snarky quip.
“Okay, and? At least I actually have a partner :)”
You don’t know how he said “:)” outloud.
He thinks he’s so smooth, but honestly? He’s such a dork.
He’s huge on touch. But cuddling? It’s a whole ‘nother ball game. He loves it a lot, but...he’s so vulnerable! It’s so intimate to him. He’s not adverse to it in the slightest; in fact, it’s the exact opposite! He’s super excited when the topic comes up.
You can tell that the idea of fully cuddling affects him more than he lets on, because he won’t stop talking when you bring up the subject for the first time. He rambles when he’s nervous.
(He talks with his hands a lot, and it’s really cute how he rambles and rubs the back of his neck.)
He’s actually a great cuddler, though.
Big spoon? Hell yeah. Little spoon? Awesome. Horrific entanglement of limbs that would put eldritch horrors to shame? Sweet! He’s just happy to be close to you.
He can go 50/50 on having his phone with him. If he does, he’s usually either watching memes with you or playing a mobile game.
(Kind of unrelated, but he was very excited about that weird, Subway Surfers revival that happened earlier this year. It was all he played for a while, and now you have the tune lodged in your brain forever.)
He’ll talk for a little while if he doesn’t have his phone, before you settle into a comfortable silence.
He’s either ranting about something shitty that happened that day, or shitposting. There’s no inbetween.
“If I shot someone from Texas while I was on the moon, would that fall under Texas’ jurisdiction or the moon’s?”
He also likes to trace little patterns on your hands, if he has access to them that day! You can usually tell what they are. Other times, it just seems like he’s finding an excuse to hold your hand. It’s really cute.
(If you ask him what he’s drawing, he’ll say he’s reading your palms before dropping a sweet little line about how he’s in your future.)
(He does NOT know how to read palms but it’s the thought that counts <3)
Not ashamed about cuddling in public. Hell, if you’re fine with it, he’s more than happy to cuddle during movie night. In fact, it’s kind of a source of pride for him!
He looks so cocky about it that Donatello has to make a physical effort to NOT hit him.
Please run your palms over his shell, he’ll melt.
If he’s the big spoon, squeeze his biceps. He might not say it out loud, but he’s melting internally. It sticks in his head for at least a few weeks afterwards. Ego Boost 100
If you’re ticklish, prepare yourself for tickles. He strikes without a pattern, and without warning. He doesn’t always do it, though. Maybe about one in ten times. He just likes to hear you laugh :)
He’s very nice to cuddle with overall. He’s the best cuddler in the lair, hands down.
Literally the only one in the lair who isn’t embarrassed when you bring up the topic.
He’s been WAITING for this moment, actually.
Doesn’t care about whether he’s the big or little spoon.
He’s super talkative when he cuddles, it’s cute. He usually likes to spend this time talking about one another’s day. He’s a great listener too!
He’s always 100% engaged in what you have to say.
He has trouble settling down outside of his normal schedule, so it’s rare that he’ll fall asleep while cuddling.
If you’re in a position that gives his arms a lot of mobility, he’ll draw on you. Not just tracing patterns, but he’ll actually bring out his markers and draw on your arms, back, or just any exposed piece of skin.
He always manages to find the prettiest colors to compliment your skin tone. You never want to wash it off, honestly.
He HAS to keep himself busy with something, or else he’ll explode. At least, that’s how he describes it. If you try and get him to lay down and fall asleep...well, he’ll try! But he’ll be squirming the whole time.
It’s best to throw on a Jupiter Jim movie if you want him to stay still.
He likes to tangle his legs with yours while you cuddle. Whether he’s taller or shorter than you, he WILL find a way.
He’s the lightest out of all the turtles, so there’s a possibility of letting him (partially) lay on you without shattering your sternum! Congratulations!
(He’s around 525 lbs. He’s only half of what Raph weighs, but he still has to be careful about how he lays on you. It’s crazy to think that you’re so small compared to him.)
His hands are so cold, and he’ll absolutely use that to his advantage. If he gets bored, or if he just wants to make you laugh, he’ll grab your waist with his cold fucking hands. Hope you’re a northerner <3
He also likes to tickle you, way more than Leo.
Don’t try and tickle him though, he HATES it. He’s absolutely the type of person to just Scream if you try.
Like I said, he gets bored really quickly. He also just likes to make you laugh.
If you’re cuddling in bed though, like right before he falls asleep? It’s so nice.
He’ll still tangle his legs with yours, but he moves so much slower. He loves to let his hands lazily roam across your form as he pulls you closer to him, savoring the comfort and heat that you bring. If he talks, it’s in drowsy whispers that only you two can hear.
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Touch Starved
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Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Warnings: Cursing, sfw fwb dynamic (lmao it’s secret hugging)
*heavy breathing* I finally finished it!! I’ve had this request sitting in my inbox for literal months and I’m so sorry, anon, that you had to wait so long 😫. I hope you like what I came up with!
Also I ended up using she/her pronouns a bit towards the end, so if you’d like me to edit it so it has they/them I can repost it! Just let me know :)
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● Bakugou's never been much for physical affection
● Or, at least, so he'd convinced himself
● Even around his family, he found himself shrinking back from hugs
● And anytime one of his friends would try to put an arm around him or pat him on the back, he'd flinch and tense up (Kirishima and Kaminari had a few special privileges, but even they were on thin fucking ice)
● A part of him craved that touch, wished it could last longer
● But his ego always got in the way
● From a young age, he'd viewed acts like this as showing weakness and vulnerability. It's no surprise that by the time he arrives at UA, the longing is a mostly ignorable dull throb
● Until he got to know you
● You were one of the most sickeningly sweet people Bakugou had ever seen, and he despised you
● You were just as bad as that Shitty Hair, if not worse; always grinning and trying to include everyone, even him
● He hated how his eyes seemed to have a mind of their own around you, never letting you leave their gaze when you were around him. He hated how your laugh made his cheeks heat up and his heart pound in his chest. And most of all, he hated when the tips of your fingers would brush against his arm, or when you tried to lean on his shoulder. You truly were the most intolerable of beings
● And it seems like you're even worse today
● Class was about to start and you were talking with Ashido, Kirishima, and Kaminari
● He honestly wasn't even paying attention to the conversation, that is, until he heard his name mentioned
● His red eyes flicked to you, since it had been your voice he'd heard say his name
● You had definitely been trying to get his attention. Now your gaze was directed at him
● "I've never seen you hug anyone, Bakugou," you said, your head tilted slightly as you addressed him
● "The hell does that have to do with anything?" he grumbled, already getting annoyed at the topic of conversation
● "Well, I read the other day that hugs can make you happier! And you always seem so grumpy all the time, so I was wondering if you just needed more hugs."
● You seemed oblivious to the way your classmates were staring at you. Even Bakugou couldn't bring himself to speak, merely glaring at you with a confused, almost offended expression
● Panicking at his lack of response, you bent down and threw your arms around his shoulders. You thought you heard a gasp from one or two of your classmates behind you
● Bakugou seemed to have no reaction other than mild shock. He just froze there, neither pushing you off nor reciprocating
● The whole thing was over within a few seconds, but it felt as though it had actually lasted much, much longer. Seconds after you pulled away, the bell rang for class to start, and everyone had to go back to their seats
● There was an abnormal silence in the class after that. It was as if nearly every student was thinking, Holy crap, (L/N) just hugged Bakugou freaking Katsuki
● Bakugou was weirdly silent too. It seemed as if he hadn't had any reaction at all
● Sike—it was pure chaos inside his head
● He's just been pounded with a whole slew of new feelings and emotions—give the boy a break (and a minute to process)
● He can scarcely pay attention during class (which he can afford to do, it's not like he doesn't already know most of this stuff)
● Katsuki can't tell if he hated it or not
● His immediate instinct is to reject it and say it was awful . . . but he can't deny that there's a teeny tiny part of his brain that wants you to do it again
● No one can ever know this, of course. He has a reputation to maintain, after all
● But in the safety of his own mind, he replays it over and over, trying to remember every detail of how your arms had felt around him for that brief moment
● Boy was hooked on you even more than he had been before
● But it's not like anyone can tell. Bakugou's good at that. No one would ever be able to tell he had any feelings towards the incident at all, negative or positive
● Even after his friends bombard him with questions after class, he gruffly brushes them all off. He acts so uninterestingly about it, they don't even bother asking him about it again
● Bakugou hopes that this will all blow over within the next few days. He'd surely stop thinking about you all the time, right? Maybe somehow, if he ignored these thoughts, his eyes wouldn't trail after you on their own accord, and his mind wouldn't jump at every opportunity to think about you
● For weeks, he told himself this, and time passed to nearly two months. He avoided you at all costs, refusing to speak to you or even make eye contact
● You felt horrible, blaming it on the dumb mistake you'd made to hug him that morning. No matter how hard you tried to approach him to apologize, he'd turn you away, and soon enough, you'd given up
● Until one night, he couldn't take it anymore
● He had just been fantasizing about that moment again, and tentatively wondering how it would feel to put his arms around you while he was out in the dorm hallway
● Even through the haze of his thoughts, he was quick to notice your head of hair about to turn into the hallway to your room
● You. Bubbly, bright, overly touchy and friendly you. Fuck you.
● You were always hugging everyone, right? You didn't really mean anything by it, right? It was no big deal when you hugged other people. So, maybe if he were to just ask . . .
● "Oi."
● You froze in your tracks. You'd caught sight of him in the hall, but you knew better than to try to attract his attention. He was dead set on avoiding you, and you'd pretty much accepted that by now
● Turning, you met his fiery red eyes for the first time in weeks. "Yeah?"
● There was something . . . apprehensive in his expression. You weren't sure if you'd ever seen anything like it on his face before
● "Get over here, I want to ask you something." He shoved his hands in his pockets, shifting his glare to the carpet below him
● Uncertain of what might be going on, you cautiously made your way to him
● "What is it?" you asked, a little annoyed with how he'd been treating you lately
● "I, um, well—remember that thing you did a while ago?"
● You blinked at him, slowly. "I do a lot of things. You need to be more specific."
● You'd never seen him look so flustered. It was almost . . . cute
● "You—um, you hugged me. Remember?"
● Of course you remembered. That was what had made him hate you in the first place, right?
● You sighed and crossed your arms. "Look, I'm sorry I did that. I know it made you uncomfortable and I'm sorry it affected you so much. Really, I was just goofing around, and I'm sorry it got out of hand."
● He blinked at you. You were apologizing? Oh, maybe it did make sense, now that he thought about it. He had been being an ass to you
● "Is that what you wanted?" you asked. "I tried to apologize a long time ago but you wouldn't even look at me—"
● "Could you do it again?" he cut you off
● ". . . apologize?"
● "What?! No!" Bakugou's face reddened and he scanned the surroundings for a potential audience. He dropped his voice to a scarcely audible mumble. "I . . . —dammit, I want you to hug me again."
● You blinked at him, this time in surprise. You had, in fact, heard him, but you could barely believe it. You only knew that you'd understood him correctly by his posture, and how uncharacteristically flustered he was
● "You want another hug?"
● He scowled. "Don't make me say it twice."
● "So you liked it the first time?"
● "I never said that!"
● "Uh-huh."
● Even with your annoyed teasing, you felt as if you might be able to understand a little. Everything seemed to make more sense to you, and you were beginning to catch onto the bigger picture. He'd been embarrassed that he liked it, and that was why he'd been avoiding you
● "So do you want a hug now or—?"
● "Not where anyone could see!" Bakugou's eyes nervously darted around again. "We could . . . go in my room or something." His voice had dropped back to a mumble
● You snorted and rolled your eyes. "Secret hugs, huh? I didn't know I was in such high demand."
● "Shut up, dumbass. Just follow me."
● You do that, letting him lead you into his room. After he shuts the door behind you, you stand there awkwardly for a second
● "So . . . you just wanted a hug?"
● He shrugged. "Yeah."
● You closed the distance between you and took him into your arms
● He stiffened a little at the contact, heart pounding away in his chest. It was even better than he had remembered, and now he noticed even more things; like the way your chest felt pressed against his body, and how your hair smelled like shampoo, and—
● "Relax, idiot," you whispered beside his ear. Bakugou tried to let out some of the tension in his shoulders and even tried looping his own arms around you
● You snickered internally, until a thought struck you
● When you finally pulled away, you looked at him inquisitively. "When was the last time you hugged someone?" you asked. "Other than me."
● He frowned, still a little flustered. Then he shrugged. "I don't know. It's probably been a few years."
● You couldn't help but feel your heart pang a little bit for the boy. You knew how he felt about interacting with people. You'd seen how adverse he'd seemed towards physical interaction, even among his friends
●Touch starved, you thought. It was an awful thing to experience. Bakugou probably wasn't even aware of what he was missing
● You sighed. "We can do this again if you want," you offered, wondering if the proposition would set him off to ignore you again. "I won't tell anyone."
● "Better not," he muttered under his breath
● "Do you want me to come back or not?" you asked
● He shrugged. "S'whatever. Do whatever."
● You frowned right back at him. "Yes. Or no?"
● "Yes! Yes, come over here and hug me or whatever shit! Just—just leave now."
● You rolled your eyes at him, turning and twisting the doorknob. "Just ask when you're ready," you said before walking out of his room again
● Bakugou stared at the door for a long time after you'd left
● His chest felt like it had little explosions going off in it, and he couldn't help but feel ridiculously giddy
● What was he doing? But it had felt . . . amazing. And you'd offered to do it again, whenever he asked . . . .
● . . . You proved to stand by your word
● Sure enough, he'd catch you alone every few days and sneak off to his room for a quick hug. In return, he'd help you go over your notes for class
● Before long, you couldn't help but feel closer to Bakugou. Even with his harsh nature, you noticed how he could really be. Coupled with the moments of vulnerability he'd let you in on while you hugged in secret, your liking for the boy only grew
● And it did seem to have some effect on his mood. He wasn't so easily set off, and he yelled a bit less. Your fellow classmates didn't bring up the change, but they had certainly noticed it
● Even though no one was allowed to know about your shared moments together, Kirishima would often join you for a study session
● During those days, you'd wait until he left before going in to give Bakugou his hug
● Until the inevitable happened
● It was just you and Bakugou in his room. You'd gotten all your stuff packed up for the night and you were giving him one last hug
● He'd gotten better at it over the past couple of weeks, and he'd learned to relax more into your hold
● Of course, that was right when Kirishima came back in
● "Sorry, dude, I left my—" He froze at the sight before him
● Bakugou jumped back from you, trying to look as though it wasn't obvious what he'd just been doing
● "Sorry, guys!" he said, hovering in the doorway for a moment as he debated whether or not to grab whatever he'd forgotten before dashing back out. Ultimately he decided to go emptyhanded, slamming the door shut as he whisked back into his room
● You looked at Bakugou, trying to gauge how he'd taken this turn of events. He looked angry and flustered (a look on him you were starting to get used to), but he definitely could have looked more outraged
● You patted his back. "Are you okay?"
● The blond seemed speechless for once, unable to take his eyes off the door
● "It's just Kirishima," you assured him. "He'd get it. He's understanding."
● Bakugou wasn't so sure
● A few minutes after you left, there was another knock at Bakugou's door
● "What the hell do you want?"
● Kirishima poked his head in, making sure the coast was clear. "I just wanted my notebook back."
● Bakugou picked it up from his desk and launched it at Kirishima's head, which he barely managed to catch
● "Thanks, man." Even with his originally sought after item, the redhead proceeded to step into his friend's room. "So what's going on with you and (L/N)?"
● There it was, the question Bakugou knew was coming
● "Nothing." At least it wasn't a complete lie
● "No, you two were doing something," Kirishima smirked. "Are you dating in secret or something?"
● "What?! No! It's not like that! And besides, it's none of your fucking business."
● Kirishima shrugged. "That's fair. But if you're not dating, why was she hugging you?"
● Bakugou tched. "She hugs everyone, you know her."
● "Yeah, but you were hugging her back."
● "She just gives really nice hugs!"
● Kirishima pouted. "You never hug me."
● "That's because it's different!"
● "So does that mean you like her or something?"
● Bakugou froze for just a split second too long. "No."
● Kirishima gave him a look. "She might like you back. Just ask her out on a date."
● "I already said it wasn't like that—"
● Bakugou's friend shrugged. "Well, if it was . . . couldn't hurt to try."
● Once Kirishima was successfully kicked from Bakugou's room, he took a moment to think. Could he actually . . . like you? Maybe that would explain some of the things that he'd been feeling lately
● But what about you? Could you like him back?
● Bakugou rolled his shoulders. Of course you'd like him, what part of him wasn't perfect? But still . . . .
● One night a few days later, you were alone with Bakugou again in his room, doing homework together
● You couldn't help but notice that his vibe seemed off, and it looked like he was having trouble concentrating
● "Are you alright?" you finally asked him
● "Yeah," he snapped
● "You seem stressed," you commented.
● "I'm not fucking stressed," he said, refusing to meet your eyes as he glared at his notebook in front of him
● "Okay, then," you muttered, rolling your eyes to yourself and attempting to go back to your own notes
● You watched Bakugou fidget from the corner of your eye, but decided not to pay it any mind anymore. It wasn't long before you noticed that he hadn't turned a page in his book for the past several minutes
● Bakugou was, of course, internally raging
● Why couldn't he ask you a simple question? Did he even know what kind of question he wanted to ask, though?
●Go out on a date with me— too forward, it didn't sound right to him in his head
●For some reason, I think I might like you— no again, that wasn't right either
● His mind rolled over various phrasings, trying to figure out how to put his feelings to words. How was he supposed to do that?
● How could he iterate this weird burning mess he felt clawing in his chest every time he looked at you and touched you? How could he say that he wanted more than what you were doing? How was he supposed to get the reaction out of you that he wanted?
●Be fearless, he told himself. He'd faced worse than this before. He'd been through situations where his life had literally been on the line. How come you, of all people, made him feel more frightened than ever before? Why did he care about your opinion of him so goddamn much??
● He had to start somewhere. Maybe once he got going it would be easier
● "Oi," he said, straining to keep his voice steady and nonchalant as you looked up at his averted eyes
● "Yeah?"
● "I was . . . I was wondering if maybe you wanted to . . . study somewhere else sometime."
● You blinked at him. "Like . . . where?"
● He shrugged, just a bit too jerkily. "I don't know. There's this café a few blocks from campus."
● You squinted at him. "What's wrong with staying here?"
● He scowled, his eyes finally darting up to meet yours before dipping back down again. "I just wondered if we could maybe—do something together. Something a little different."
● A hint of realization dawned on you, causing a smile to alight on your lips and your eyebrow to quirk up. "Different like—a date? Are you asking me out on a date with you?"
● He shrugged again in the same manner, still scowling as he muttered, "Only if you want it to be."
● You considered for a moment. He was a decent enough guy. If you were being completely honest with yourself, you might say you'd developed a bit of a crush on him, actually. You'd never paid too much attention to it before, but now that he was asking . . . it couldn't hurt to try
● "Of course I'll go out with you," you said, breaking into an easy smile that Bakugou still wasn't certain if he adored or hated
● He immediately relaxed, a small smile of his own appearing on his face at your agreement
● He was glad it was you. You were the only person he felt comfortable being vulnerable around. He could already tell that he was growing to like you more and more with each passing day, and he could only hope that you felt the same
● You put up with him, and you were strong in your own way, and by goodness, he was beginning to fall for you so hard
● And maybe, if you agreed for him to be your boyfriend, you'd let him cuddle with you. It wouldn't be awkward, because that's what couples did. You'd be his and he'd be yours, and he wouldn't have to bottle up these annoying feelings anymore
● But that would be decided at some later time
● Even so, he couldn't wait for that day to come
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Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @fourteenow @iiminibattlehero​ @katsugay​ @nabo39​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @xoxopam4​​
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curious-menace · 4 years
Riddler hug/cuddling Headcanons
so like. no excuse for this, its pure self indulgence but tbh id kinda like a hug so im imagining how these nerds might give me one.
warning, i got very carried away with writing. 
Arkham !Riddler
oh boy arkham riddler REALLY needs a hug. he is probably the most touch starved of all the riddlers, definitely the most clingy. he is too afraid of being hurt, physically or emotionally, to be the one to initiate the hug and if you come to him he will absolutely fight it. at the start anyway.
he’s going to cry if you give him a decent hug. he’s been so high strung for so long that a simple touch like that is going to send him overboard.
it starts off with him a stiff as a board, tense incase he needs to run away. but once he realises you wont hurt him he’ll start to relax a little, he usually crosses his arms across your back, under your arms rather than over. he also likes to rest his head in the crook of your neck.
like i said, he’ll probably cry at some point, so he becomes tense again as his shoulders shake, he starts to dig his hands into your back for fear you’ll let go. he keeps burying his head into your neck/shoulder so you cant see how red his face and eyes have gotten. he’s embarrassed to be like this over a hug, especially around you.
after that he will always be in your space. he’ll want to lie across you on the sofa, sit in his lap/ him sit in your lap while he works on his computer and he literally cannot sleep at night unless you have at least one arm draped across his back ( but preferably let him curl up in your arms completely )
he’s quite boney tbh. when you hug him you can feel his ribs and spine, he really likes to press his entire body to yours. He also hugs quite hard so don't be surprised if you lose your balance when he runs to you.
Blacklight! Riddler
blacklight riddler used to be like arkham riddler, he was touch starved and desperate for affection. But unlike arkham riddler, he actually receives hugs on a regular basis. 
He’s around 5ft8 so he is a great height for giving and receiving hugs. if you are smaller than him he likes to rest his head on top of your head , maybe give optional head smooches while hes at it. if you're taller than him he likes to press his face into your chest/neck, especially if this is a comforting hug. Your scent is calming to him 
he hugs kinda weird. its always one arm over your shoulder and one under your arm. He also likes to sneak up on you, rest his chin on your shoulder while he’s hugging you. strange but at least they're warm and soft.
i've mentioned before he likes to sleep in people's laps, but he enjoys being big spoon just as much as little spoon. he likes having people sit between his legs but he is very fidgety, don't expect it to last for long. 
he’s not clingy persay, but he does love sharing space with people. hes a “give them an inch and they’ll take a mile” kind of person when it comes to personal space.
the only time he doesn't like hugs (rare as that is) is when he’s having a meltdown/implosion. SOMETIMES he likes deep pressure to calm himself but it should really come from something like a T-jacket or a weighted blanket. if you touch him when he’s like that it’ll just stress him out more. just use your words and give him some space. Later, when hes calm or if he’s feeling embarrassed about having a meltdown/implosion somewhere people can see him, that's the time he’ll want comfort. 
BTAS! Riddler
this riddler is a bit touch adversed. he usually tolerates hugs in a social setting but just about. other people touching him, particularly people he doesn't know well , sets his teeth on edge. 
its different with people he knows, however. he’s very casual with his hugs, and very happy to have You in his personal bubble. even if its just tossing an arm around your waist or shoulder as you walk, its nice to be near a comforting presence like you are to him. he’s fond of hugs that don't close you both in, even though he can usually see over the top of you, it makes him feel claustrophobic 
hes pretty tall, you’d be hard pressed to be level with him so he usually hugs by putting his arms around your shoulders, maybe crossing his wrists at the back of your neck. as he is so tall, most peoples hugs on him will probably be around the waist. don't be surprised if he bends down to give you a quick peck or head bump while you're hugging him.
Its sometimes hard for him to spoon given he is quite tall, but he doesn't really mind what position you maneuver into to give him cuddles. he likes to rest against people while sitting on a sofa or lie with his head on your shoulder in bed
He gives good comforting hugs, he’s naturally very warm both in personality and temperature . lots of “oh darling dry those eyes” or “there there my love” with head pats and soft cooing . he wont even complain if you mess up his suit by balling your hands in the fabric or crying all over his sleeves. and he REALLY likes his suits. 
can be a little patronising with the head pats but honestly, he is a gentle giant type guy, he doesn't mean to be rude, everyone is just so small compared to him he cant help but treat them like kids sometimes. 
another tall lad, but he’s like one of those big dogs who doesn't know he’s big. He is friend shaped, gives excellent hugs that are very warm and all encompassing. you would feel very safe getting a hug from this riddler
the only danger is being squished a little. sometimes he doesn't quite know his own strength when it comes to hugs.he’s particularly bad at this while cuddling in bed. if he’s half asleep and you try to move away, he might reflexively latch on and inadvertently hurt you in the process. the utter horror of thinking he’s hurt you is enough to make him not want to be near you for a few days while he apologises profusely .
he is very lanky, his hugs can wrap all the way around you until his arms are nearly touching him on the other side. only a small risk of being suffocated. 
he likes it when his partner jumps for him, into a hug so he can catch them and spin them in his arms. no idea why, guess he’s just a dramatic dance kid at heart. he also prefers to be little spoon with a special fondness for partners who completely wrap themselves around him like a warm, scenintient backpack 
likes lying under a blanket on the sofa, his face pressed into your tummy with his arms around your back. you can use him as a table if you like, he wont mind. His back is always sore ( probably because he lies like this a lot) so he appreciates back rubs while hugging .
mooves around in his sleep too much to be constrained by cuddling. if you try and hold onto him it’ll either be like riding a bucking bull or trying to get out of quicksand, no inbetween. he sleeps like a dead man too so good luck waking him if you’re uncomfortable.
telltale! Riddler
hugs are few and far between. doesnt hug much, even at home. He likes to use hugs to show off or rather, show you off. he likes having some one pretty on his arm for casual, public cuddling as a power move. 
has occasional nightmares about what SANTUS did to him and as a side effect of the LOTUS. this is one of the rare times he’ll tolerate and even expect to be held and cuddled by you. he needs something like the pressure from a good ,long hug to ground him back in reality, in the here and now. 
in public he’s most likely to throw his arm around your waist or shoulder, quite possessive if i'm honest. he can be a little rough at times, gripping your shoulder or waist a little too hard when someone is pissing him off or making a move on you. he has left bruises but its never intentional. he’s a lot stronger than the average man and sometimes he forgets that. 
in private he’s a little more relaxed. sometime he just likes to share space, like having your legs over him on the sofa. sometimes hes more demanding and wants you to sit in his lap with your arms draped over him.
He demands a lot of you, but never physical contact. if he wanted a hug he would simply stand and wait for you to initiate it. likewise, he’ll always ask for your permission before he comes into your space. 
He likes to hug from behind and often picks you up off the ground, whatever way he’s hugging you. He likes to show off how strong he is despite being one of the shorter riddlers. 
Zero year!Riddler
his idea of cuddling is resting a body part on you. he might stretch his legs over yours, intertwine them while sleeping or use you as a pillow while he reads. Hes not great at being big spoon tbh; if you want him to do much more than just chilling there and letting you do the work, youll need to tell him.
like btas riddler, he’s a human furnace. he just radiates heat all times of the year. good for warming up in the winter, bad for not sticking to one another in the summer. He’s basically a big cat. cuddles on his terms, paws at you when he wants something and pushes you away when he doesn't.
thinks he’s a smooth mfer when it comes to cuddling and spooning. has 100% done that old yawn, stretch and slide an arm around you thing that all teenagers think is the height of sophisticated moves.  it only works sometimes though, more often than not he’ll simply huff and drag you towards him from the other side of the bed or sofa and demand hugs.
hes another tall riddler. he likes to use his height to his advantage by hugging you around your head so you cant escape. he also likes to have a hand on your head and one on your shoulder, sort of like he’s shielding you from something. it can be nice but sometimes, you do need to see where you're going. 
he likes to press his face into your chest/breasts just for badness. he has large hands so he can almost wrap them around your sides and back at the same time for maximum squish. he doesn't often press his entire body into you while you hug but when he does, oh boy i hope you don't have plans. you wont be leaving for a while.
he likes to cuddle in weird places. like you might be riding the subway and he’ll sneakily link his arm with yours and rest his head on your shoulder. maybe you're eating dinner and he’s trying to twist your legs together with his. maybe you're minding your own business on the sofa, he’ll try to slip between you and the cushions so you're practically sitting on him instead. 
lmao i had fun so i guess it was time well spent.
got anymore headcanons you want to talk about? wana ask me something specific about riddler? hmu with an ask, im always happy to talk about our favorite curious menace💜💚
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