#but he’s taken a turn for the worse recently and i just found out today how bad it is
venting a bit don’t mind me
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darylbae · 4 months
Pls could you write daryl dixon x fem!reader at the kingdom? carol and ezekiel took in a worn out and struggling woman and have been helping her get back on her feet. daryl comes along and teaches her to hunt and maybe r lost some memory but got a bit back when she shot her first animal w daryl maybe she’s actually a vvv good hunter
crack shot — daryl dixon 🩰
in which you find the kingdom, and an archer who's willing to train you.
note: love this, going to make a lil drabble of this.
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You'd been alone for a long time. You'd survived with your stealth and trusty knives, but it was getting harder. Your backpack of supplies were low, you hadn't found a proper place to settle down, and you'd recently injured yourself trying to hide from a horde of walkers. Until you'd been found passed out from blood loss sat on a branch in a tree. A man, who spoke as if he'd been pulled from a fantasy book, and a woman, who seemed the exact opposite of him. And yet they worked together well enough to get you back to wherever it is they call home. The Kingdom.
That was almost a month ago. You'd spent a long while recovering, getting to know the Kingdom and it's people, and helping out with your very minimal mobility. Turns out your injury had been worse than you or anyone had thought. When Carol, the woman who found you, had sat at your bedside to question you, you appeared to have lost any knowledge of what's happened. Memories muddle into one, not being clear enough to decipher. You'd forgotten a lot of your life before this, but you assumed that was because the world had changed so drastically. You remembered some long-term things, like family members you had, what was happening in the world at this point in time, and where you were born, but everything else had fallen short. It was time to start building you back up. Carol would visit you a lot, bringing you things to eat, taking you around on walks to show you how things are going, and today she had other ideas in mind. "So," Carol sighed, sitting next to your bed once again, "I think you've recovered enough to start doing something. I've asked a friend to train you in dealing with walkers. Just to make sure you can defend yourself still." You nodded, finishing lacing up your boots and getting out of bed. "Who? Jerry? Because I love Jerry." Carol laughed. "No, an old friend of mine offered to help actually. He's waiting outside."
Carol had taken you outside, and stood in front of the both of you, was God himself. Everything you'd liked in a man, he was here. But you pushed those thoughts to the back of your brain, focusing on learning. "This is Daryl," Carol introduced him, and he held the strap of his crossbow on his shoulder, giving you a quick look up and down, and a nod. "He's going to take you hunting today."
The two of you had left the Kingdom, quietly walking towards the woods. "Carol said you forgot everythin'," he mumbled, his voice gruff but it pushed a few buttons for you, "that sucks." "Yeah. It's a strange feeling. I don't really remember much except the family I had, and how the world turned out like this." You explained. "So you're a hunter?" He nodded. "I'm good at it. Been doin' it all my life." "Well I hope I catch a good deer or something for Carol and Ezekiel."
It had been a long, slow day. You'd spent a long time just walking through the woods silently, trying not to scare any wildlife away. With the occasional "come 'ere" from Daryl. But you'd finally found a deer; stood gracefully between two trees, sniffing at the ground. Daryl raised his crossbow, explaining how to use it. "Wait," you exclaimed in a whisper, "can I do it?" Daryl handed you his crossbow, and before he'd opened his mouth about how to hold it, you'd fired the arrow and it landed perfectly into the deer, killing it in the most humane way. He was in shock, analyzing your features for any signs of shock. "You done this before?" He asked, slinging his crossbow over his shoulder again before following you towards the deer. "Maybe? I don't know. It just felt natural to me." You answered, and he was still reeling from how impressed he was. "Have to take you huntin' with me all the time now, crack shot."
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
hi! i've been rewatching a few tdliosk eps every once in a while and i kinda missed kusuo 😩 and since it's christmas season i was wondering if u could write a saiki x fem reader one-shot in reference to season 1 ep 16 where saiki dresses up as santa and distributes presents to the kids in their neighborhood? so uhm when he was about to go home, he sees reader walking in the street (she lives nearby) also dressed up as santa for some reason lol. saiki and her are friends to say the least but there's an unspoken mutual pining stuff going on between them. saiki walks her home then she suddenly sees a mistletoe on one of the houses... reader froze and blushes hard and saiki got confused so he read her mind and he was like oh... he's hesitating on whether he'll kiss her or not but much to his surprise reader makes the first move 😆 tysm and pls take ur time! ❤
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hi there! Thank you so much for your request! I couldn’t resist writing one of my more recent requests especially with the holiday theme…i hope you enjoy!
ps., dialogue in italics are kusuos inner thoughts/talking via telepathy!
warnings: angst? maybe? if you squint?
wc: 1.4k
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The last person Saiki wanted to see today was you. 
It was already a pain going door to door dealing with all the brats in his neighborhood, but suddenly it was a hundred times more embarrassing when you were nervously eyeing his Santa get-up in confusion. 
But something that sort of lessened his dread upon running into you was that you too were also wearing a costume like his.
Saiki had spent his entire evening playing this Santa delivering presents to the children in his neighborhood, courtesy of his parents. He flew around the sky with a sack full of presents, just like the real deal. He’s dealt with all sorts of headaches tonight- a scared child, a non-believer, and a family conflict, to name a few. By the time his sack was empty, Kusuo was exhausted and ready to head home, opting to simply walk with his empty bag instead of teleporting as he didn’t live far. He regrets this decision immediately, however, when he runs into you. Which leads him to the dilemma he’s put himself in right now. 
“Oh no…of course I'd run into Y/N at this very moment. Why didn’t I just teleport home as soon as I finished?”
Just like with the rest of his friends, Saiki found you a nuisance, someone who interfered with his ability to lead a “normal” and peaceful life, but for a different reason than the rest of his peers. The two of you had been friends for a long time, longer than any of his current ones, but your relationship has felt different recently, and it’s been stressing Saiki out. 
As of late, Saiki has taken notice of some new uncomfortable feelings that only arise around you. Tightness in his chest, a weird sensation in his stomach. He doesn’t get sick, so obviously these symptoms alarm Kusuo. What was even more alarming was the fact that they were recurring, and most alarming of all, they were only recurrent around you. 
He’d been trying to avoid the most dreadful conclusion for these feelings ever since he noted that they only arose around you. He’s heard the signs a million times thanks to his love-crazed classmates. Clammy hands, he’s got it. A burning feeling in his chest? A blazing feeling, even. It brought him a sense of horror unlike any other, but after being unable to rid himself of his troublesome feelings, he’d come to the conclusion that yes, he, of all people, has a crush. Even worse, it was a crush on one of the only tolerable people in his life.
Maybe this conclusion wasn’t all that shocking, but it certainly didn’t make Kusuo feel any good. He’d been friends with you for years, spending all that time getting to know you and growing comfortable with you, and now suddenly he feels something more than friendship? Him of all people, the psychic who thought that it was his very nature not to be romantically involved with anyone? It turned his view of himself upside down. 
Saiki reached this conclusion not too long ago, and he’s still trying to figure out what to do with it. What was even worse about the ordeal was that your thoughts, as of late, have also been worrisome, seemingly more eager than usual to be around Saiki and questioning yourself whenever you caught yourself thinking of him in a not-so-just-friends kind of way. He's been trying his best to avoid you until he can figure out how to dispose of these feelings without them growing and without you catching on, as it seemed that they only intensified each time he saw you, and that wasn’t something he wanted.
Yet here you were, and for some reason, you were also in a Santa getup like Kusuo.
And after recovering from your initial moment of shock, you spoke out into the quiet, frigid atomosphere.  “Kusuo? Is that you?”
As you lived near Kusuo, the two of you accompanied each other on your walks home. You both removed your beards and hats to see and talk to each other properly, and you anxiously explained to Saiki the reasoning behind your getup after he explained his own, flustered that he caught you at such an embarrassing time. 
“Well, my work required me to wear something festive, and I got stuck with Santa out of all our costumes. I would have preferred an elf or even a snowman over Santa. I’ve been sweating all day.” You laughed nervously as you held your gaze to the ground and your beard up in defeat. But then you let your arm drop to its side and you turned toward him with a small smile. 
“I think it’s nice what you did, even if your parents coaxed you into it. Not many people would step up like you did tonight.”
Saiki stared at you exasperatedly. Usually Saiki doesn’t care for any sort of praise he receives, and he really (and I mean truly), doesn’t mean to brag, but he usually receives a lot. He doesn’t think much of it, but something about it coming from you makes him reflect, which pained him. He hates the effect you have on him, which is why he’s been trying to stay away. But somehow, he always keeps finding his way back to you, and you to him. He has to deal with a lot of irritating people on a daily basis, but you were his ultimate headache. Just how was he about to go about this new development in your relationship? It made him uneasy to think that things would have to change between you two, that things were already changing. Was it because he let you so close to him that he developed these feelings for you? That he’s gotten so vulnerable, so much more anxious and scared? Was he right about relationships in general being nothing but an inconvenience? 
Your house came before his, and out of respect, Kusuo walked you to your doorstep, deep in almost dark thought about his feelings. You didn’t mind Kusuo being quiet, and for the most part, your dynamic has usually consisted of you being the more talkative one. Besides, you were both exhausted from your eventful evenings. What you didn’t expect was for Saiki to follow behind you as you climbed up the steps to your porch. When you turned around behind you, your eyes widened in alarm.
“Oh no, Saiki, it’s okay, you don’t need to-!”
By the time he stopped in his tracks, your warning was futile. Saiki stared in confusion over your panicked face, your eyes carrying a sort of frenzied look in them. “What? What’s with the sudden dismissal? I only-”
And suddenly his own eyes widened in panic as he realized his error, his miscalculation. He’s beating himself up for not being more cautious, especially during this time of year. How could he be so careless?
Kusuo slowly turned his head up, almost in fear, to get a better view of the mistletoe that hung above the two of you. 
“My family thought…it would be sweet…”
Saiki stared in horror with his mouth open at the plant before quickly turning his attention back to you. What was he supposed to do? He wasn’t entitled to kissing you, he could obviously refuse. But his stomach churned. Did he really want to be turned down? The thought, even if it cropped up for a second, made him want to slap himself and hurl. 
The two of you stared at each other nervously in silence for a couple of moments before you suddenly took a deep breath. Saiki’s eyes widened even further. “Are they seriously going to kiss me? I didn’t think they’d have the courage to make a move like that. Their thoughts never indicated-”
Warm lips met his cheek for the swiftest moment before only a tingling sensation lingered. It had happened so quick it left him feeling dazed from being pulled out so suddenly from his thoughts. His surprised gaze still firmly held your nervous one, and silence fell between the two of you for a brief moment. 
“Thank you for walking me home. Merry Christmas, Saiki.” You quickly sputtered out these final words before turning on your heel and quickly heading inside, thankful that the door was left unlocked by one of your family members like you had asked earlier that evening. 
Saiki couldn’t help but linger at the porch for a few seconds, staring at the closed door before slowly turning around and continuing the path toward his house.
There was good reason for him to want to avoid you, especially tonight. When he got home and headed into the kitchen to greet his mother, she commented absentmindedly on the deep rose that settled into his face from the cold, and talked to no one in particular about how wonderful and joyous the Christmas season was.
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wishing you all a happy and healthy 2023!! thank you for all the support i’ve received this past year <3
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elisysd · 1 year
Astronomy – Conan Gray
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
As much as it seems like you own my heart It's astronomy, we're two worlds apart
When Charles woke up in the morning, Lyanna was not there. He was looking forward for the morning, slowly waking up with her frame next to him or better curled up against his body. He would have taken his time to wake her up, slowly leaving a tray of featherlight kisses starting from her forehead and then her neckline and her shoulder blades. She would have been grumpy at first but then she would have giggled. They would have had a lazy morning before Charles had to go back to Maranello. But instead, he found the other side of the bed completely empty.
Worried he called out her name and started to inspect all the surfaces of the room. Maybe she had left something indicating him where she went to. But nothing. He checked his phone and nothing as well. Now he was panicking. She could not have left? Not after what they said to each other, not after she promised him that she was in for the long run?
He was about to leave the room to ask the reception if they had seen her, when the door opened on a bare faced Lyanna wearing one of his sweatpants and jumpers. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and she still looked half asleep. She was holding two coffees and a few pastries. She was surprised to see Charles already up and a frantic look on his face.
“Good morning. Is everything okay?” she asked, worried.
“I… I thought you left.” Answered Charles abruptly.
The surprise in Lyanna's eyes was clear. She shook her head as she placed what she had in her hands on the coffee table in the bedroom and sat down on the bed.
“Charles… Tell me what I have to do to make you trust me when I say that I’m not going to leave you?”
“I trust you Lya.” He defended himself.
“Clearly not. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast this morning. I really thought you were going to still be asleep when I was coming back. I didn’t bother to warn you. That’s it. I never thought that you were going to expect the worse…”
“Yeah, and I expecting you to be next to me this morning. I was looking forward to it actually. Our first night together and I wake up alone with no idea where you were.”
“Do you think this low of me?”
“That’s not the point. But admit that you have the tendency to run away when something scares you and recently it involved me a lot.”
His words hurt Lyanna.  
“You’re not being fair, Charles. How are you expecting us to work out if you always expect the worse from me. I came here for you, I overcame my fear of media for you, I got my shit together for you. Okay it took me some time but I did it. Because I know what I want and what I want is us to have a chance. But it’s going to be exhausting if I have to constantly prove myself to you. So again, tell me what I should do.”
Charles ran his hands over his face before massaging his forehead, clearly annoyed.
“Forget it, Lya. I don’t want to argue. That’s the last ting I want actually. I’m going to take a shower.”
“Who is running away, now?”
Lyanna was now standing with both hands on her hips and a stern look on her face. Charles, who had turned away from her to head for the bathroom, stopped dead in his tracks.
“I told you that I didn’t want to argue. So I’m walking away before saying something that I will regret. I’m trying to be mature.”
“Are you saying that I'm immature? Personally, I think we should fight. At least everything will be cleared up. It's healthy for couples to fight, Charles! What's not healthy, on the other hand, is to repress your feelings.”
“You sure know what you're talking about” He replied, a sarcastic smile on his face.
“And you think you are funny?”
“Listen Lyanna. I woke up stressed out this morning, I’m still tired from yesterday. It’s really not the right time to argue today. So I’m going to take my fucking shower and I’ll be in a better mood after. We will enjoy breakfast and we will forget about all of that.”
Just as he was about to open the door, he felt Lyanna's hand grab his wrist and pull him towards her.
“You will take your shower after talking to me.”
Charles met Lyanna's fiery gaze and that's all it took to make him switch. He turned to face her before pinning her against the wall. He rested his elbows on either side of her head and leaned towards her, his lips brushing hers. He could hear the actress gasp at his sudden change of behavior.
“You want to talk, baby. Then let’s talk. Yeah, I’m scared that at some point you are going to run away. All the important people in my life left me so I’m preparing myself to the idea that you will to. And I know that when it will happen, it’s going to absolutely crush me because I already feel so much for you. Too much. It scares the shit out of me. So I want to enjoy all the time we have together so I can cherish it when you’re not here.”
“Charles…” she whispered.
“And I don’t know how I’m going to handle being away from you. Because I’m not going o ask you to come wit me for the next races. You have your own life and projects; you made it clear in Monaco. And I don’t want you to drop everything to be with me. I would love to but I can’t ask you that. It would be selfish. And with the distance, I’m scared that you will be too much in your own head and realize that you don’t want to be with me. That you don’t want this life. Because no matter what you think, you don’t know wat you are getting yourself into. The media, the pressure, the distance. It’s a lot.”
“I’m used to them Charles.”
“It will be different Lyanna. It’s not the same type of media than those you are used to. And finally, I’m scared that you decide you want to have nothing to do with me when you will see me coming home after bad weekends. It’s more frequent than good ones. I’m not a nice person to be around during those times, Lyanna. And I don’t want to take out my anger and frustration on you. You don’t deserve that.”
Lyanna put both her arms around the pilot's neck and pressed her forehead against his. She could feel Charles's sharp breath melt into hers. His eyes were glued to the ground, avoiding her gaze. Lyanna moved one of her hands to rest against his cheek and force him to look at her.
“Thank you for sharing all your fears with me. But I mean it Charles, I’m here to stay. During good times and hard ones. I’ll be there to cheer for you and to kiss away your tears. If you let me. And if you want me to do that, you will have to allow yourself to trust me. Copy?”
This drew a slight smile from Charles.
Lyanna placed a light kiss on Charles's cheek before capturing his lips. Charles's hand found her hip before pushing her a little harder against the wall and pressing his body against hers eliciting a moan from the young woman. This encouraged Charles to deepen the kiss. forcing Lyanna to spread her legs slightly so that he could squeeze between them. As Charles ran his hands beneath the actress's shirt, she broke off the kiss suddenly.
“Charles…wait.” She stopped him, out of breath.
She put both hands on his chest to push him away from her to give her some space and distance between them.
“Sorry. I got carried away.” He excused himself.
“It’s okay. Don’t worry.”
Charles cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair.
“I’m gonna take a shower. A cold one. I need it. I’ll be back fast.”
She nodded before opening the window and breathing in the fresh air. When Charles came back, with damp hair but a clear mind, she was still at the window.
“Are you still hungry? The coffee might be cold but we can still eat.”
She looked at him, smiling shyly. She didn’t expect things to be this weird between them. Not as she thought that it would be all rainbows and sunshine but she felt like they were not on the same wave lengths, something she did not feel when they were back in Monaco. And that was bothering her. They ate without a word, both deep in their thoughts. Finally it was Charles who broke the heavy silence.
“I’m going to address the elephant in the room right now, but when are we going to see each other next? I suppose you will go back to London now and I’m going to Maranello tomorrow to go to some meetings and work on the sim before heading to Singapore.”
She gulped. That was one of the questions she feared the most to answer.
“I.. I don’t know. When is the next race in Europe?”
“We don’t have any left, here. Monza was the last of the season. Do you think you could be able to make it for Austin? In a month and a half?”
“Maybe… I can always come up with an excuse to go to the States and make a quick side trip to Austin. I know that I have some people to meet in New York but no dates are planned yet. I can try to arrange them and fit Austin in my schedule. Could you, maybe, find time in yours to make it to London between to races and other appearances? Even if it’s for two days?”
“I don’t know. It’s going to be tough.”
Lyanna was annoyed.
“I can’t be the only one to do all the work to make us work Charles. You have to do some effort.”
“It’s easier for you. You can adapt your schedule more easily than me.”
“Well, not really. I have commitments that have been blocked for several months and I can't change them.”
“And I have a race calendar that is also very complicated to handle. I barely have time for my family.”
“You and me both. But you can’t ask me to be the only one making all the compromises and sacrifices.”
“I’m not asking you to. I’m just saying that we are in the early stage of our relationship and that I don’t want to spend it completely away from you. I want to be able to see you as much as possible but my hands are tied. I can’t do what I want and I’m just saying that it would be easier for you to follow me.”
“And I understand your point, but try to understand mine.” She replied trying to keep her calm.
Charles settled more comfortably in his armchair and stared pensively at a spot in front of him.
“Maybe I can try to clear a few days before going to Austin so it can be just us. Austin comes the week of my birthday and I know that my friends and family already planned something for me. I would like it if you could be there too. I could introduce you to everyone. Officially. What do you think?”
“Meeting you family? Already? That’s not what I was expecting when I said we would take tings slow…”
“If it’s too much, it’s fine, but it would mean a lot for me if you could make it.”
“I can’t see myself missing your birthday, so I guess you can count on me.” She finally agreed.
Charles nodded. And Lyanna could not help but think that their discussion looked more like a business transaction that a couple taking decisions together…
And then it was time for them to say goodbye to each other.  Even if the weekend had turned out to be a mixed success for Lyanna, leaving Charles behind was painful for her. It was difficult for Charles too. He had had the impression of being on top of the world for a moment and of having had everything he wanted most in the world, only to be quickly disillusioned. He knew he was partly to blame for ruining the incredible day he could have spent with Lyanna. There were so many things left unsaid between them that he didn't know where to start addressing them. And Lyanna's unpredictability wasn't helping either. But he knew he had to give it time. He didn't doubt Lyanna's sincerity when she said she would stand by him no matter what. He had confidence in her, contrary to what she might believe. But he didn't trust the environment around him.
Lyanna had ordered a taxi, rather than let Charles take her to the station where she would catch a train to Milan before heading to the airport to catch a late evening flight to London.
“I don’t want to cry and to face saying goodbye to you. If you were coming with me, it would feel too real and I would rather keep only the good memories from this trip.” She explained to him when he asked her why she did not want him to drive her to the train station.
“Promise we will call and text and Facetime whenever possible?” he asked her.
“Promise. And I will send you stupid memes I find on social media.”
“And as for me, I’ll send you songs that reminds me of you, of us.”
“Every day?”
“Every single day. Call me when you land. And have a safe flight.”
Before letting her go, he took her in is arms to give her a long hug. A quick kiss was the last thing she gave him before hopping in the taxi and leaving Charles thinking that it was going to be the longest month and half of his life.
author's note: I hate Charles behaviour in this chapter. But for once it is him who acts stupid and not Lyanna. Let me know what your thoughts are about it and about about the chapter in general. As usual it is always a pleasure to read your comments. You can as well use the ask box, if there is someting specific you want to say about Cruel Summer or if you would like to read specific things in it. I could always try to fit them at some point in the fic because it is as much your story than it is mine.
taglist: @zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse @fangirlika
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mxnsterbabe · 1 year
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Male Dragonborn/Male Reader SFW Wordcount: 3,960 Tags & Warnings: plus-sized character, mentions od spiders Commissions | Ko-fi | Masterlist | Commission for @doomfisthero
You and Virgil have been friends for years, ever since you started adventuring together. What he feels for you is more than friendship, though, he just doesn't know how to tell you.
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You and Virgil had been working together since your early adventuring days, long before you took on any real danger. The two of you had faced countless tough missions together, some easy and some not so, but you never got tired of being near him.
Today, as you both walked into the guild hall, you noticed a new mission posted on the board. You approached the board, scanning the details of the mission. It called for the retrieval of a lost magician’s staff from an old dungeon. The reward caught your eye – a sum so large that you couldn't help but glance at Virgil, excitement bubbling within you.
With a grin, you pointed out the mission to Virgil, who raised his eyebrow in interest. The two of you approached Georgette, the guild owner, to accept the mission. She looked up at you both with a stern expression, warning, "this mission is not to be taken lightly. Many have ventured into that dungeon, and nobody’s returned with the staff yet."
You exchanged a quick glance with Virgil. The secretary's words were concerning, but the thrill of adventure and the tantalizing reward were hard to resist. Virgil chuckled softly, his eyes gleaming with excitement, and said, "Danger is our middle name, isn't it?"
You couldn't help but smile back at him. "That's right, Virgil. We've faced worse, and we've always made it out alive." Your confidence in each other was unwavering.
Georgette sighed, shaking her head. "Very well. I can see there's no convincing you. I wish you both the best of luck. May you return safely and victorious." She handed you a parchment with the mission details and a rough map to the dungeon's location.
You took the parchment, thanking her, and turned to Virgil. "Well, partner, it looks like we've got another thrilling adventure ahead of us."
Virgil nodded, his eyes gleaming. "Let's make sure we're well-prepared before we set off. We don't want to be caught off guard by whatever awaits us in that dungeon."
Over the next few days, you and Virgil gathered supplies, researched the dungeon's history, and studied the lost artifact you were seeking. As you worked together, you found yourself falling even deeper in love with him. His intelligence, bravery, and sense of humour were irresistible. But you remained silent about your feelings, fearing that they could change your friendship forever.
Finally, the day arrived for your departure. With your packs full and your spirits high, you and Virgil set off toward the dungeon. It was a long way, but you took any chance to spend time with Virgil as a blessing.
As you and Virgil set off on your journey towards the dungeon, you couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness at the prospect of spending more time with him. The two of you had always been close, but recently, you found yourself growing even fonder of him. The fact that you were going on this adventure together felt like a gift.
The days of traveling brought you closer, sharing stories and laughter as you navigated the terrain. Virgil's wit and charm never ceased to amaze you, and his friendly flirting always left you feeling warm inside. You couldn't help but wish there was more to it, but you were almost certain that a Dragonborn like him wouldn't be interested in a human. So, you brushed off the idea and enjoyed the time you had together.
One evening, as you both set up camp, Virgil approached you with a playful grin. "You know, you've really outdone yourself today. I've never seen someone scale a cliff that quickly," he said, his voice laced with admiration.
You chuckled, feeling your cheeks heat up at the compliment. "Well, I have to keep up with you somehow, right? Besides, I couldn't let you have all the fun."
Virgil was a big guy, almost as wide as he was tall, with a soft stomach beneath the scales - but he also towered over you, and sometimes keeping up with him was a challenge. It was as if he forgot how much bigger he was… not that you minded. His size was half of his charm.
Virgil laughed, jolting you from your thoughts, and his eyes were sparkling with delight. "I suppose you're right," he admitted, playfully nudging your shoulder. "But seriously, it's been great having you by my side. It wouldn't be the same without you."
Your heart swelled at his words, but you kept your emotions in check, forcing a casual smile. "Likewise, Virgil. There's no one else I'd rather have with me."
The conversation flowed effortlessly, as it always did between the two of you. You couldn't help but steal glances at Virgil, taking in the way the firelight danced across his golden scales, casting a warm glow on his features. He seemed to be doing the same, though you told yourself it was probably just your imagination.
As the days went on, Virgil's friendly flirting grew more pronounced. He'd often sling an arm around your shoulder or casually brush his hand against yours. Each touch sent a thrill through you, but you remained steadfast in your belief that it was just friendly banter.
The morning you arrived at the entrance to the dungeon, Virgil stood beside you, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Ready for this?" he asked, a wide grin spreading across his face.
You nodded, your heart racing for more reasons than one. "Absolutely, Virgil. Let's do this."
As you descended into the darkness of the dungeon, you couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. You were about to embark on a dangerous and thrilling mission with Virgil, and no matter the outcome, you were grateful for every moment spent by his side.
As you moved cautiously down a narrow passageway, Virgil noticed your tense demeanour and offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. We've got each other's backs, and we'll get through this together."
His words brought a sense of comfort and you managed a smile in return. "You're right, Virgil. Thanks."
Just as you were about to press on, a low chittering sound echoed through the corridor. Your heart pounded in your chest as you realised that you were not alone. Virgil's eyes narrowed, and he readied his weapon, the reassuring smile replaced by a look of determination.
The chittering grew louder, and suddenly, a pack of giant spiders emerged from the shadows, their fangs glistening in the torchlight. Your instincts kicked in, and you both leaped into action.
You drew your sword, striking the first spider that lunged at you, while Virgil unleashed a torrent of flames from his mouth, incinerating several others. For every spider you took down, though, several more replaced them.
As you fought, Virgil was always there, covering your back and working in perfect harmony with you. You spun and slashed, the sword weightless in your hands - while Virgil seemed to almost dance around you, lithe despite his impressive size.
At one point, a spider managed to creep up behind Virgil. You shouted a warning, and he turned just in time to avoid its deadly fangs. However, in the process, the spider's massive legs slashed across Virgil's arm and left a deep gash.
Virgil roared in pain, his eyes blazing with fury. He unleashed another blast of fire, consuming the remaining spiders in a fiery inferno. The last of the spiders fell, and you both took a moment to catch your breath, the adrenaline from the battle still coursing through your veins.
You rushed to Virgil's side, concern etched on your face as you examined his injury. "Let me take a look at that, Virgil," you said, your voice trembling slightly.
He winced but nodded, allowing you to examine the gash on his arm. You rummaged through your pack, retrieving bandages and a healing salve. As you carefully cleaned the wound and applied the salve, Virgil watched you, his eyes filled with gratitude.
"Thanks," he said softly. "I don't know what I would've done without you."
You smiled, trying to hide your worry. "You'd have done the same for me, Virgil. We're in this together, remember?"
He smiled back, his eyes filled with warmth. "Yeah, I remember."
Once the wound was properly bandaged, you helped Virgil to his feet. He winced but managed to stand, determination shining in his gorgeous green eyes. "We still have a mission to complete, and I won't let this stop us."
You nodded, your admiration for Virgil growing stronger. "Alright, let's keep moving."
As you and Virgil continued through the dungeon, you encountered a narrow path that seemed to be the only way forward. The passage was too small for Virgil's hefty frame, and you could see the frustration in his eyes. He didn't want to leave you alone, but it appeared that you had no other choice.
"You go on ahead," Virgil reluctantly said, his voice filled with concern. "I'll wait here and try to find another way around."
You hesitated for a moment, not wanting to leave him behind either. However, you knew that the mission had to be completed, and this was the only option. "Alright, Virgil. Just promise me you'll be careful."
He offered you a determined nod. "I promise; you should be careful too."
With a deep breath, you squeezed through the narrow passage, your heart pounding as you ventured further into the darkness. The path twisted and turned, and you could only hope that you'd find a way to reunite with Virgil soon.
As you navigated the tight space, your thoughts were focused on Virgil. You missed his reassuring presence, and you hoped he was alright on his own. The bond between you had only grown stronger throughout this journey, and you couldn't help but long for the moment you'd be reunited.
After what felt like an eternity, you emerged into a larger chamber, your heart racing as you scanned the area for any signs of danger. To your relief, there was no immediate threat, and you took a moment to catch your breath.
As you surveyed the chamber, you noticed a hidden passage that seemed to lead back in the direction you had come from. Hopeful that it would lead you back to Virgil, you hurried through the passage, your mind racing with the possibilities.
Finally, you found yourself back in the main corridor, and to your immense joy, you saw Virgil waiting just where you had left him. He was focused on the passage you had squeezed through, worry etched across his face. You couldn't help but grin at the opportunity to surprise him.
You approached Virgil silently, and when you were just a few steps behind him, you called out, "Hey, Virgil!"
Startled, Virgil whipped around, his eyes wide with surprise. Then, as he realised it was you, his face broke into a wide grin. "You made it back! I was worried about you."
You couldn't help but laugh, the tension from your separation melting away. "I found an alternate route for you, just like I promised. We can continue on together now."
Virgil's relief was palpable, and he clapped you on the back, his eyes shining with gratitude. "You never cease to amaze me."
You felt yourself flush scarlet, lips curving into a smile.
As much as you would have liked to stand there and bask in Virgil’s presence, there was a job to finish. Taking Virgil’s rough, clawed hand, you led him forwards.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you entered a large chamber, the air crackling with arcane energy. In the centre of the room, resting on a stone pedestal, was the artifact you had been seeking: the ancient wizard's staff.
You both approached the staff cautiously, taking in its intricate design and the way it seemed to hum with power. As you reached out to touch it, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the history it must have witnessed.
"We did it," Virgil said, his voice brimming with excitement. "We found the staff!"
In his elation, Virgil scooped you up in a tight hug, lifting you off your feet as he spun you around. The warmth of his embrace sent a thrill through you, and you couldn't help but laugh, caught up in the moment of shared triumph.
As Virgil set you back on your feet, you grinned at him, your eyes shining with happiness. "We really did it, didn't we? We make a great team, Virgil."
He nodded, his eyes filled with pride. "We always have, and we always will."
With a sense of determination, you carefully lifted the staff from its pedestal, feeling its power thrumming through you. However, as you took it, a sudden sense of dread washed over you. The room began to shake, and you realised that removing the staff had triggered a trap.
As the walls of the chamber started to collapse around you, Virgil's eyes widened in alarm. "Shit. We need to get out of here, now!"
Without hesitation, you both sprinted towards the chamber's entrance, the staff clutched tightly in your hand. The sound of crumbling stone echoed around you as you raced through the passageways, desperate to reach the surface before the dungeon collapsed in on itself.
Virgil led the way, his powerful legs propelling him forward as he guided you through the maze of tunnels. His protective instincts were in full force, and you knew that he would do whatever it took to ensure both of your safety.
You and Virgil pushed onward, navigating the treacherous passageways as the dungeon continued to crumble around you. The sound of falling debris was a constant reminder of the danger you were in, and your heart raced with each thunderous crack.
As you rounded a corner, a large chunk of stone came crashing down, heading straight for you. Before you could react, Virgil lunged forward, shoving you out of harm's way. The debris struck him instead, and he let out a pained cry as it collided with his side.
"Virgil!" you shouted, rushing to his side as he struggled to catch his breath.
His face was contorted with pain, but he managed a weak smile. "Don’t be so over-dramatic. I’m fine."
You forced yourself to look down despite his reassurances. His metal plating was chipped where the rock had struck him, slicing through hard scales and into the soft flesh of his hip. Blood bubbled from the wound, leaving a scarlet trail down his golden scales.
You swore. “We need to keep going before the whole place collapses.”
Virgil nodded, his eyes squeezed shut in pain. "You're right, but I don't think I can move very fast."
His words sent a chill down your spine, but you refused to accept the idea of leaving him behind. "I'm not going anywhere without you, Virgil. We'll get out of here together, or not at all."
With a surge of strength born from desperation, you wrapped Virgil's arm around your shoulders, helping him to his feet. Together, you limped through the collapsing dungeon, the staff still clutched tightly in your hand.
The path ahead was treacherous, and you were forced to dodge falling rocks and navigate unstable floors. You were determined to save him, just as he had saved you time and time again.
Despite Virgil's injuries, he continued to push himself, fuelled by your unwavering support. You were grateful, because you couldn’t have carried him alone. As the two of you neared the dungeon's exit, you could see daylight streaming through the cracks in the ceiling, and hope began to blossom in your chest.
With one final burst of speed, you and Virgil burst through the dungeon's entrance, collapsing into the sunlight just as the last of the stone walls crumbled behind you.
As you lay there, gasping for breath and covered in dust, you couldn't help but feel a surge of relief. You had made it out alive, and you had done it together.
"Thank fuck," Virgil muttered, his voice weak but filled with pride. "We made it."
As you and Virgil rested in the sunlight to catch your breath, you couldn't help but feel a warmth radiating from within you. It was more than the simple relief of having survived the ordeal; it was a deeper, more profound feeling that you couldn't quite put into words.
As you looked into Virgil's forest green eyes, you saw something shift within him, a vulnerability that he had never shown before. He hesitated for a moment, and then he spoke, his voice barely more than a whisper.
"Listen... I need to tell you something. I've been wanting to say it for a while now, but I never found the right moment. I... I love you."
His confession caught you completely off guard, and for a moment, you were at a loss for words. Your heart raced as you tried to process, because you already knew how much you adored him
"Virgil, I..." you stammered, still reeling from the revelation. "I didn’t realise that was how you felt."
His gaze held yours, steady and unwavering. "I mean it. More than you could ever know."
As the truth of his words sank in, you felt a warmth spread through you, a mixture of happiness and disbelief. All those moments of doubt, when you had convinced yourself that he could never feel the same way, suddenly seemed so foolish. And yet, it wasn't until now, with the weight of his confession hanging in the air between you, that you truly understood the depth of your own feelings.
Before you could respond, Virgil leaned in, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. His mouth met yours in a tender, hesitant kiss, as if he was afraid that this moment might shatter if he pressed too hard.
The world around you seemed to fade away as you kissed him back, your heart pounding in your chest. Your mouths didn’t quite fit together, his cold and scaled, more of a snout than lips - but it didn’t matter. You felt as if you were being swept up in a whirlwind of emotion, and you clung to Virgil as if he were the only solid thing in a sea of chaos.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and overwhelmed, you looked into Virgil's eyes and saw the same love and happiness reflected back at you.
As the warmth of the first kiss still lingered on your lips, you couldn't help but lean in for a second one. This time, the disbelief had given way to happiness, and you kissed Virgil with a passion that left both of you breathless.
When you finally broke apart, both of you panting and flushed, you couldn't help but laugh. "I can't believe it took us this long to figure it out," you said, your heart stuttering with joy. I always thought your teasing was just for fun.“
Virgil chuckled. "I guess we're both guilty of underestimating each other, huh?"
You swiped hair from your face, unable to hide the dopey smile. “Yeah.”
Virgil's expression turned serious for a moment, and he hesitated before speaking. "You say you didn’t think I was into you, but the truth is that I didn't think you could be attracted to me. I know I'm not... traditionally attractive, even for a Dragonborn. I'm heavyset and scarred, and-"
You interrupted him gently, placing a finger to his short snout. "Virgil, you're gorgeous to me. Your scars don’t matter - most of them are from our adventures together, and they're just a part of who you are, and I love every part of you." You smirked. “Besides, I happen to quite like your size.”
As you spoke, you could see the relief in Virgil's eyes. It was clear that your words meant more to him than you could have imagined, and you felt a surge of protectiveness for him.
"You don't have to worry about that, Virgil," you continued, your voice soft but filled with conviction. "I love you for who you are, not for how you look… although, that certainly is a bonus. You're amazing, and I'm incredibly lucky to have you in my life."
Virgil's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, and he pulled you close, his arms wrapping around you in a tight embrace. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm so grateful to have you in my life, too."
You peeled away for just long enough to gaze at Virgil, taking in the miniscule details of his face. The scales were thicker around his eyes and forehead, more of a soft copper than gold, and that same shade trailed down his cheeks and neck to vanish below the neckline of his armour. His eyes, such a dark and beautiful green, had you hooked since the day you met.
Virgil winced then, snapping you from the daydream. Blood was still oozing from the wound on his hip and you scrambled off with an apologetic smile.
"Let me take care of you," you said softly, your eyes filled with concern as you gazed at Virgil's injured side. "You always look out for me, and now it's my turn to look after you."
Virgil hesitated for a moment, his expression a mix of vulnerability and gratitude. "Alright. Thank you."
You helped Virgil to a nearby patch of soft grass, easing him down gently before carefully peeling away his metal armour to reveal the wound beneath. As you examined the cut, you couldn't help but wince at the sight of it. It was deep and painful-looking, a harsh reminder of the danger you had both just faced.
Gently, you began to clean the wound, using a clean cloth and a small flask of water that you had brought with you on your journey. As you worked, you couldn't help but marvel at the strength and resilience of the Dragonborn who had captured your heart.
Virgil watched you as you tended to him, his eyes filled with a warmth and trust that sent a shiver down your spine. It was an intimate, vulnerable moment that made you smile.
As you finished cleaning the wound and applied your soothing salve, Virgil reached out and touched your hand, his gaze never leaving yours. "I appreciate all of this," he murmured, his voice full of gratitude and love. "You're so caring, and few adventurers are. I'm lucky to have you."
You smiled at him, your heart swelling with affection for the brave, strong Dragonborn who had come to mean so much to you. "I'm the lucky one, Virgil. I can't imagine my life without you."
“Neither can I.”
You smirked then, unable to hide it. “And here I thought you were only with me for the money. Dragonborn and their hoards, you know.”
Virgil rolled his eyes - only to wince as you began to bandage his wound. “I don’t care about gold or jewels, or wealth at all. Every mission we went on, every mission we’ve spent together, has been an excuse to be with you.”
You grinned back at him, feeling a warmth spread through you at the sight of his smile. "I love you so damn much."
With the last of the sunlight casting a warm glow on both of you, you leaned in, unable to resist the magnetic pull between you any longer. Your lips met Virgil's once more, and the world seemed to fall away as you shared a tender, loving kiss.
As you pulled away from the kiss, your foreheads resting gently against each other, you knew that you had embarked on a new chapter of your journey together. Maybe you’d keep adventuring, maybe you’d settle down; either way, you couldn’t wait.
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catofadifferentcolor · 11 months
Terrible Fic Idea #66: Targaryen Restoration, but make it queer
The other day I had the crazy thought: what if Robert Baratheon tried to pass a male Jon Snow off as his second wife? So naturally today I had the complimentary thought: what if it was Jon's choice to present as female?
Or: What if Jon Snow was transgender?
Aka: The Visneya the Victorious Fic
Just imagine it:
Everything follows canon - with one exception. It's not just that Jon Snow feels out of place in Winterfell, he feels out of place in his own skin. It gets worse the older he gets, until some point shortly before Robert Baratheon is set to come North Jon has the realization: she is a woman in a man's body, and the pretty features her half-siblings tease her about are the only parts of herself that she's comfortable with.
Jon (for she still thinks of herself by this name at this point), quickly realizes there's no place for her in the North. Perhaps if she ran away, adopted a new identity, and restricted herself to traditionally female activities she might get away with it - but, for all that Jon feels like a woman, she doesn't want to restrict herself to needlepoint. She wants to be a woman and to fight. Her role model in this is Queen Visneya.
In the chaos before King Robert's arrival, Jon runs away. Her escape is helped by the fact that the few people Ned is able to send after her do not know to look for a woman.
Jon manages to make her way to Pentos shortly before Daenerys is due to marry Khal Drogo. She's recognized by Jorah Mormont - not as a Stark, but as a Northerner recently come from Westeros, and presented to Dany during her wedding as a means of learning more about the country she is exiled from. Jon - now calling herself Jenny Snow - is very much an unwilling member of Dany's court, but has little alternative.
Canon proceeds apace, with the addition that many of the Dothraki are alternately amused and disgusted by a woman who wields a sword - though she gains the respect of certain factions for cutting the cock off any man found take a woman unwilling, free or slave.
Drogo dies. Dany becomes mother of dragons...
...and Rhaegal is absolutely taken with Jenny.
At this point some of the truth comes out - that Jenny is the bastard daughter of Ned Stark, now presumed to have a Dragonseed for a mother - but the fact Jenny was born Jon Snow remains remarkably hidden considering the Dothraki live largely out of doors with minimal privacy.
Canon continues to proceed apace, with Dany and Jenny becoming friends in a way they never quite managed while Drogo was alive. They do not become lovers until they finally sail for Dragonstone, and when King Robb - heavily scarred after surviving the Red Wedding - comes to plead for aid, he doesn't see his missing half-brother in Visneya Blackfyre (as Jenny Snow is now known as).
Visneya is sent with Rhaegal and some of their allies to defeat the Others, while Dany and the remainder of her army begins solidifying their position in Westeros.
With their forces divided, neither side is willing to take stupid risks, but with their fresh soldiers and supplies from Essos they can make several important, modest gains. Dany takes the islands of Blackwater Bay and the Narrow Sea - including the Stepstones - before moving onto the Stormlands and the rest of the Crownlands. Visneya, for her part, knows Northerners and how best to fight in Northern weather, and leads her forces to several great victories - including holding the Wall after the Night King tries to destroy it with magic.
Eventually the Night King is defeated - Visneya managing to destroy him in single battle after a fall from Rhaegal separates her from her forces - and she returns south with a portion of the Northern army to start retaking the Riverlands and the Vale.
By the time they turn their attentions to the Iron Islands, the rest of Westeros has already bent the knee and Dany has been crowned Queen of the Seven Six Kingdoms - but it's there Visneya earns her epithet. Not only does she free any salt wives she comes across, but she kills many locals for raping and reaving, and turns the castles of those who refuse to concede to slag, starting with the Greyjoys. It is in many ways a second Harrenhal, writ large over an entire kingdom.
Though pressured to make a political alliance, Dany never remarries. She claims her dragon Drogon as her second husband and continues her affair with Visneya behind closed doors, stating that a dragon is the only acceptable spouse for a dragon, and produces a handful of children with the Targaryen look over the years. One of their daughters goes on to marry Robb Stark's heir. (This goes on back and forth for a handful of generations until, a la James I, the closest male heir to the North is the King of the Westeros, and the kingdoms are reunited.)
As for Visneya, no one ever gets a clear answer who she is or where she comes from. It's largely believed that her mother was a descendant of Daemon Blackfyre who married an exiled Northerner, but no one really knows. Not even Visenya, who never learns she was born the only son of Rhaegar Targaryen and his second wife, Lyanna Stark.
Bonuses include: 1) a detailed exploration of gender roles - and gendered violence - in Westeros and Essos. This should include the many ways in which gender is a performance, and that toxic Medieval masculinity is just as damaging as female repression, and what it means to want to exist outside your ordained role; 2) a detailed exploration of sexuality in Westeros and Essos and what it means to defy - or conform to - those norms ; and 3) Robb and Arya being the only ones ever to learn Visneya Blackfyre's original identity, mostly through accident rather than intention.
And that's all I've got. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you ever do anything with it.
Other Jon Snow Headcanons: Aelor the Accursed | Aegon the Adopted | Aegon the Undying | Aegon the Unyielding | Aemon the Adventurous | Baelor the Brave | Bastard of Winterfell | Daemon the Destroyer | Daena the Dreamer | Daeron the Desired | Dyanna the Defiant | Elia the Magnificent | Jon the Fair | Jon Whitefyre | King of the Ashes | Lady Arryn | Lady Baratheon | Lady Lannister | Lady Stark | Lord of the Dance | Prince Consort | Prince of Summerhall | Queen Mother | Rhaegar the Righteous | River Queen | Shiera Snowbird | Visneya the Victorious
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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kittiwittebane · 1 year
Omg I am so sorry I really though I hadn’t finished it but then I went into it to finish it because I felt bad for not posting it yet and it was done 😭😭😭
Huntlow AU where Hunter and Willow both have to move to a city and they both rent out the same house.
This is original as far as I know. So yeah. Take it.
(It’s a multi-bedroom apartment that the owners said has a possibility of a different person living in the other room.)
Willow had just moved from her small town of Gravesfield to the large city of Aparo, 1489 miles from her house. She had looked at the renting market and there was a nice small, two bedroom apartment near the centre of the city, for a nice price. However there was one thing. The description said the rent is for the bedroom and the house, and there may be a second client sharing the pay with you in the second bedroom, which she obviously didn’t need. She’d taken the chance and as it turned out, she was living with another guy. Some client who went by Hunter. Hunter Noceda.
Hunter had recently found out he’d gotten a nice deal for a college in Aparo. Without much money, Hunter had to go small. On the market, he’d crossed the two-bedroom house with a possible new friend, as he saw it. Or hoped. The people said there wasn’t a second person in there right now, but with people coming in every week for college, it was unlikely for it to stay that way unless nobody wanted to live with a random person, which would be understandable. He didn’t know if he’d be ok with it. About a month later he found out he’d be living with a girl named Willow. He really hoped she was nice. He decided he’d be a nice person whether she was or not. It would make living with her easier.
Hunter heard a knock on the door and assumed it would be Willow. Both of them were standing at the opposite sides of the door, nervous of who they’d be faced with on the other side. Hunter opened the door cautiously. He gasped. Oh crap, she’s hot. Hunter’s face went red, without any reason. She smiled at Hunter and waved. He was too busy taking in how pretty she was.
“Hi.” she smiled sweetly, waving. Hunter just looked at her. Oh no, this isn’t going well. Willow’s mind raced nervously. Why wasn’t he responding? Did he think she was ugly? Did he really wish she hadn’t rented this place? What was happening?
“Hello?” she asked. The boy shook his head, in what looked like surprise, and Willow tilted her head in confusion. She wasn’t going to question it though. Hunter motioned to her to come inside, and to her surprise, he took one of her heavy bags and her suitcase, leaving her with only her backpack to carry. Jaw open, she continued to her room, where she found a freshly made bed with beautiful white sheets and pillows. She expected to have to make it herself.
“Oh.” she patted the bed experimentally.
“D-do you not like it? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have assumed you’d like the bed made that way, I am really sorry.” Hunter spoke for the first time. Willow turned to him.
“No, I love it! Also, you made the bed?” she asked. Hunter nodded.
“Sorry, did you want to make it? Ugh I have to stop doing that.” he put his head down.
“No, I- thank you.” Willow tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Hunter looked up at her, mildly happy, mildly confused. He smiled at her before leaving the room.
The next day at breakfast time, WIllow groaned with frustration.
“F*ck, i forgot to get food, now I have to go to the store this early.” she grumbled. Hunter came around the corner.
“You ok?” he asked worriedly. Willow’s eyes shot up in shock, but softened as she saw the concern in his eyes.
“I have to duck into the store, I forgot to get some stuff for at least today yesterday.” Willow admitted sheepishly. The embarrassment of forgetting to buy food mocked Willow. Hunter looked at her sympathetically, this had happened on his first day too. Worse, it was raining right now.
“Don’t bother, I have plenty to share.” Hunter mumbled. “If you want to.”
Willow smiled to herself.
“A-are you sure?” she stuttered bashfully. Both of them just stood there for a minute looking like embarrassed tomatoes, chuckling nervously. Without speaking another word, Hunter got out some toast for her.
“Do you have butter on your toast?” Hunter asked. Willow nodded.
“What about a spread? I have strawberry jam, vegemite?” He paused, looking at the vegemite jar. He shook his head and continued. “Peanut butter??” he paused again. “I’m so confused.” he mumbled. “Blackberry jam, Honey, A couple of different syrups, and canned spaghetti.” He finished. Willow shook her head, her cheeks heating up.
“Anything is fine.” she mumbled diffidently.
Hunter made their toast and came and sat down with her.
“So tell me about yourself.” he turned to her, curious.
“Well.. what do you want to know?”
Hunter thought for a moment.
“Common knowledge of a friend.. Maybe?” he looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. Willow put her hand on his shoulder.
“I would love to be friends.” she smiled. Hunter looked back at her smiling goofily. She started. “My favourite colour is green. I absolutely LOVE gardening…” and Willow continued to list things that made her happy for about half an hour while Hunter just stared at her in adoration.
“What about you?” WIllow asked, Hunter’s former trance-like state popping like a bubble. He gave her a stunned look before attempting to form a sentence.
“Uh, I like to draw??” he shrugged. Hunter didn’t really know what he liked, as he didn’t really do much in free time. Willow seemed intrigued.
“Can I see one?” she asked shyly. Hunter’s face was washed with a wave of shock and confusion.
“Just because I draw doesn’t mean I’m good at it.” he mumbled diffidently. Willow’s eyes strayed away from him in embarrassment.
“Sorry,” she chuckled nervously. Hunter itched his cheek, and coughed awkwardly. The two avoided eye contact for a bit before Willow’s phone went off. Her eyes darted towards the screen and read the notification.
“Oh no! I forgot I signed up for a gardening club!” Willow groaned in annoyance. She picked up her phone and put her shoes on faster than Hunter had ever seen.
“UUUhh!” Willow wailed frustratedly. “Where is my seedling handbook!?” Willow’s voice became frantic and panicked. Hunter came over to the stressed plant girl and hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Breathe.” he murmured comfortingly. Willow brought her hand out and counted to four on them while regulating her breathing. His hand subconsciously started to rub her shoulder. She smiled to herself. Once calm, she looked up at Hunter, only concern sparkling in his eyes. Both quickly realised Hunter’s hand was resting on her shoulder, and he was now the one freaking out. He quickly removed his hand, stuttering profusely.
“Oh, my titan I am so sorry Willow, I didn't mean to-” Hunter’s speech cut off as Willow brought his hand back up to her shoulder.
“It’s ok. It was nice.” She smiled, giggling a bit. Hunter’s face brushed with red, Willow’s brushed pink. Willow then found her handbook and walked out of the door.
Part 2?????????????????
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goodfish-bowl · 1 year
Thrill of the Hunt
Ectoberhaunt 2023 Day 5: Hunt
AO3 Link
Summary: Skulker finally manages to catch Danny after a brief chase, but is entirely dissatisfied by Danny's lack of fight and decides to figure out what's wrong.
Warnings: social drinking
Words: 3326
“Whelp! Today will be the day I hang your pelt on my best display!”
Skulker pushed his rockets to go even faster as he chased after Phantom. The new upgrades he managed to extort from Technus must be working well since he was right on the ghost child’s tail as they twisted through the buildings. They both swerved around the building, with Phantom only avoiding crashing directly into the rooftop by the skin of his teeth. He took in a breath so sharp that Skulker could easily hear it before shakily bringing himself back up to full speed. No potshots were taken during the turn like he’d come to expect. There was no typical response to his jab, just a harsh breath and silence.  
Something… didn’t seem right. 
Skulker checked his current speed, and he was faster, but only just marginally. Phantom should be able to outpace him easily, fly loops around him, even. But he wasn’t. He almost suspected it to be a trap, but the whelp never did anything like that unless he got desperate. Skulker looked a bit closer and saw how wobbly Phantom’s flight seemed to be, and how worn down he seemed in general. Desperation was possible, but still not likely. He hadn’t done anything to warrant that kind of response recently. Now that he thought about it, Skulker hadn’t been insulted or quipped at the entire chase. Skulker had even been the one to find the ghost child this time, not the other way around like normal.
Something was wrong. This didn’t seem like a fair hunt at all.  
Skulker started charging up the newest set of weapons he had obtained after his last job from Plasmius. He hadn’t even had the chance to try them out yet, but were supposed to be debilitating for the welp either way, and in Phantom’s current state, it should be more than enough. He lined up the shot. 
Phantom only had enough time to glance back in panic at the sound of the gun before the arc of the blaster hit him. The ghost child fell from the sky like a brick, and Skulker quickly followed his first shot with a net. And just like that, the whelp was trapped, limp in his net, eyes glazed over and twitching almost violently every time a flicker of static electricity sparked across his form. Skulker analyzed the effects of his newest weapon with distaste. Too easy. He was getting rid of this one next time he decided to tinker with his suit. Hunting the welp should never be something easy. 
Skulker picked up his catch, and glanced around. It was too quiet for him to be successfully catching Phantom, and not nearly enough damage. There had been no fight, only the chase. The ghost child’s friends were nowhere to be found. There was no trace of the human ghost hunters either, the Fentons, GIW, or that Red girl. Normally, at least one would’ve shown up by this point. 
Something was severely wrong.  
Skulker grabbed the whelp and slung him over his shoulder, ignoring the flash that accompanied the child’s transformation back to human form. He glanced at the now human whelp. Phantom looked even worse while human, with visible injuries and covered in filth. No wonder this was such an easy hunt, the whelp looked to be on the verge of keeling over. Unacceptable and disappointing, but worst of all, it was worrying. Something wasn’t right in Amity Park at the moment, and Skulker wasn’t leaving the whelp here until the issue resolved itself. 
With a huff, Skulker took off towards Plasmius’s mansion and slipped through the portal. It was… odd coming back from this direction. Normally he ended up “returning” through the Fenton portal. Another fact that further soured Skulker’s mood. 
Upon entering the Ghost Zone, Phantom let out a shuddering breath, and returned to his ghost form in the ectoplasm-saturated environment, still completely unconscious, but breathing easier now. This close to the ghost child, Skulker wondered if he was always breathing like the living, even as a ghost, or if it was just habital, or even circumstantial. So full of unknowns the small ghost was. As a hunter, Skulker should know a lot about his prey, but he never did know much about the small ghost. 
Skulker could practically feel the whelp soaking in the ectoplasm from around him. Deficient then. Which should be impossible considering he normally lived in one of the most ectoplasm-concentrated areas in the living world. Added to his current state, Skulker wondered if there was something preventing him from returning home. He did not like this situation one bit. 
Skulker brought the whelp back to his lair, and set him down on the small sofa that occupied the wall of the main room of his personal abode, leaving him wrapped up in the net. He didn’t want Phantom to run away before he figured out what was going on first. But, he didn’t know who to contact. He had no clue who the whelp actually talked to on friendly terms in the Zone, someone who would know what was going on. There were rumors of course, but few of those were actually believable.
Skulker called up whoever he could think of to contact, mostly just people he was also familiar with, being Johnny, Kitty, and Ember. It was possible they might know something. He knew all of them frequented Amity enough to possibly pick up on something. He sent out an urgent message to meet at his place as soon as possible. 
Ember was the first to arrive, kicking open his door with a sturdy boot, hair blazing in fury behind her. 
“I thought I told you to leave me the fuck alone after what you did last time!” Ember screeched. 
Skulker started to panic. Perhaps inviting Ember so recently after their latest break-up wasn’t such a good idea.
“I… I am! It’s just-!” he tried to explain, but Ember’s anger dissipated at the sight of Phantom passed out on his couch. 
There was a tense pause as she glanced between him and the whelp. 
“Why is Dipstick passed out on your couch? And why does he look like shit?”
“Well, I brought him here because something was wrong. He was terribly prey, no fight at all! So, I intend to figure out what is wrong, fix it, then release him for a proper hunt!” 
Ember gave him a scrutinizing glare, which Skulker refused to meet. She let out a heavy sigh. 
“Well, I don’t know what you expect me to do about it other than whack him with my guitar to see if that does anything,” Ember offered. 
Skulker crossed his arms, thinking it over. He didn’t think percussive maintenance was the solution to this problem. 
“No, I was wondering if you knew anything about what was going on in the Living realm at the moment, and who I should take the ghost child to to rehabilitate him before release,” Skulker elaborated. 
“Well, I haven’t been there since the Fenton portal closed,” Ember huffed. 
Skulker froze. “The Fenton portal is closed?”
Ember looked at him like he was crazy. “Yeah, it’s been that way for about a week. What the hell have you been up to to not notice?”
Skulker shrunk under her gaze, feeling sheepish. “Working on my suit, mostly, and I typically don’t use the Fenton Portal unless I’m getting flushed through it.”
Ember sighed. “Yep. Figured as much. But yeah, the portal’s closed, no clue what’s going on around the other side. I also don’t know much about what Baby Pop gets up to on this side either. Not exactly on speaking terms,” Ember shrugged. “Did you reach out to anyone else?”
“Just Johnny and Kitty. Is there anyone else I should ask?”
Ember thought about it for a moment. “Nah, Johnny’s a good bet though. He has that little portal maker on his bike again, and he was closer to the older sister for a while there.”
Skulker nodded, taking another glance at Phantom. There were numerous reasons the portal could finally be closed, both accidentally and intentionally. Those reasons were narrowed down if the ghost-child wasn’t in his natural habitat, but not narrow enough to come to a clear conclusion. 
“I’m going to raid the fridge, I know you still have those bottles of the good stuff in there,” Ember declared. 
“Grab me one too. I have a feeling it’s going to be a while before Johnny shows up.”
Johnny did show up… eventually. After several hours, in fact. By that time, there was no more booze left in the small house, and Ember and Skulker had somehow gotten over their latest breakup over the third bottle. Phantom was also still completely passed out.
Skulker raised a brow at how exhausted Johnny himself looked, and the lack of Kitty on the back of his bike as he pulled up. 
“I’m really busy at the moment, so whatever it is you want, make it quick,” Johnny snapped. 
“Well… umm… I was wondering if you know what’s going on in Amity Park at the moment, since the portal’s closed. And also if the whelp has any friends in the Zone who’d be willing to help him out?” Skulker just barely managed to get out. 
Johnny visibly sagged, looking even more tired than he already did. 
“Let me pass out on your couch for a bit, and I’ll update you. I didn’t think anyone reached out to you to help with the search yet, and we’ve already checked all the likely places and he’s… not there.” As Johnny was talking he pushed past the entry way into Skulker’s home, to see Phantom passed out on the couch. 
Johnny whipped around. “How long has he been here?!” Johnny demanded, exhaustion turned to rage. 
“Since I messaged you?” Skulker hesitantly answered. 
Johnny dragged a hand down in face, fully entering the house, and then plopping himself on the floor by the whelp’s feet. 
“You’re sister’s worried sick about you, brat,” Johnny hissed at the unconscious teen. “Next time, Skulker, lead with the fact that Danny’s here… actually… Why the fuck is he here?”
“Well, I was hunting him, and managed to catch him, but the hunt was completely unsatisfactory, so I figured something was wrong. So, I intended to figure out what is wrong, fix it, and then release him for a proper hunt! But I don’t know who the welp bothers when in the Realms, so I’ve been trying to figure out who to reach out to…” Skulker explained for the second time. “Do… you know where we should deliver him?”
Johnny… didn’t look pleased, but he wasn’t angry either. The biker ghost leaned his head back to look over the ghost child, a frown on his face. Phantom was still wrapped up in the net from earlier. 
“With the shape he’s in, the Far Frozen would probably be the best bet,” Johnny decided, causing both Ember and Skulker’s eyes to go wide. 
Ember snorted an incredulous laugh, “Do you want to bring Baby Pop to one of the more dangerous parts of the Zone? Those yeti don’t like anyone even getting close to their turf.”
Johnny looked at Ember with an understanding look. “Apparently, according to his sister and friends, the brat’s actually friends with the yetis, especially their Chief. So yeah, to Winter Wonderland we go.”
Ember still seemed completely baffled while Skulker thought it over. “I have heard rumors that the whelp was friends with some power ghosts, but I must admit, the Chief of the Far Frozen is a bit of a stretch,” Skulker reasoned. 
Johnny shrugged. “I’m just gonna do what Jazz asked.” 
“Nuh-uh, no way. Sorry, Johnny, but I’m not going anywhere near the Far Frozen,” Ember refused. 
“Don’t care, didn’t ask. It’s the Tin Can next to you who wanted to know,” Johnny snarked back. 
Ember huffed and Skulker chose this moment to make sure everything looked at least halfway decent. He walked on over to Johnny and Phantom, and grabbed to the end of the next, picking the whelp back up. 
“If that’s where he needs to be dropped off, fine. But if we get attacked it’s on you,” Skulker said. 
Johnny shrugged. “Just don’t get attacked then.”
This time it was Skulker’s turn to groan. “Fine, get off my floor and let’s go.” Skulker slung the whelp back over his shoulder and walked past Ember, who seemed a  bit lost and confused. 
“Wait… you’re seriously going to drop him off there?”
“Better there than my couch,” Skulker complained. “I don’t want to be there when he wakes up. I’m a hunter, not a ghost-child sanctuary.” 
Ember let out an irritated whine. “Fine, but I’m still not going.” Ember turned to Johnny, who was tiredly picking himself up off the floor, with Shadow giving much-needed support. “Also, it’s definitely your fault if he comes back with too many dents. I know I won’t see him for an entire week if he decides to tinker again.”
Johnny gave a half-hearted salute. Skulker gave Ember a quick peck on the cheek as he walked by to follow Johnny, Phantom still deeply asleep in the net hanging from his shoulder, curled up around himself. 
“I’ll be fine, Ember, don’t worry.”
“I’m not worried,” she denied. 
Skulker smiled. He was happy they made up, he might just have to thank the ghost-child when he woke up. 
“I’ll be back soon.”
And with that, Skulker and Johnny took off in the general direction of the Far Frozen. Between Johnny’s bike, and Skulker’s boosters, they were making it in record time. It was a stroke of good luck that the orbit of the Far Frozen was closer than it normally was. 
“So, what happened?” Skulker finally asked, curiosity getting the best of him. 
Johnny gave him a side glance from his bike, looking grim. “Apparently, the Fentons found out, and that caused the brat to book it. From there, things spiraled according to his sister, with his parents looking all over for him. He’s been missing for just over a week at this point, and no one knows where the hell he’s been, living or ghost,” he explained. “So where the hell did you find him?”
Skulker let himself preen with pride, just a bit. “I am the expert when it comes to tracking down the ghost child. He was exactly where he normally is. In Amity Park.”
Johnny lost brief control of his bike, tires skidding and swerving on nothing before he regained his balance and sped back up to match Skulker’s pace. 
“He never fucking left?!” Johnny screeched. “That idiot!” 
Johnny let out a deep, suffering groan, muttering something Skulker couldn’t quite catch under his breath. He caught Johnny glancing over to Phantom, slowing down just a bit to give him a glance over. 
“He’s probably just been hiding wherever. Ancient’s know that no one knows Amity Park like he does. It might as well be his actual haunt by this point, living world or not.”
Skulker laughed. “The whelp knows every nook and cranny, that’s for sure. Took me twice as long to find him this time than it normally does.” Skulker let his laugh fade away and some thoughts finally connect together. “Where were the others looking? I noticed a surprising lack of ghost hunters within the city while I was there.”
Johnny had to think about this for a minute. “The surrounding counties, I think. All his friends thought he either ran away from Amity or fled deep into the Zone. But of course, he stayed in Amity, prying him out of there would be harder than me getting a date with his sister again,” Johnny joked. 
Johnny signed, “but apparently, his friends checked all the brat’s allies’ places first. Jack shit there, obviously. I’m a bit worried honestly, I don’t like the bugger, but he’s a bit too iconic to get rid of.”
Skulker nodded in understanding. “The day I finally catch the ghost child in a fair hunt will be a satisfactory one. But… likely very far off.” 
Johnny snorted, “Sure, keep telling yourself that.” 
Skulker had never been to the Far Frozen before, he’d been warned against it numerous times, and now he could see why. The Yeti were a formidable people, and nearly struck both Skulker and Johnny down at sight until Johnny said that he had found the whelp. The yeti cleared the way almost immediately. It was deeply surprising. Skulker had no idea the ghost-child had allies like them. It was… something he would need to consider if he wished to continue hunting Phantom as he was. He didn’t want to fight the population of the Far Frozen, that would be bad. 
Skulker was practically herded to the medical facilities, and there was some minor outcry about Phantom being carried in a net, but a surprising number agreed that it was probably for the best. What ruthless allies. From there, Skulker was shoved into a waiting room, while the whelp’s friends were contacted. Johnny wandered off somewhere to recuperate. A passing healer told Skulker Johnny had been searching the Zone for the last day and a half nonstop at The Great One’s sister’s request and happily offered a place to rest. Skulker wondered what the whelp had done to earn a title like that. Another thing to consider. 
Skulker was still in the waiting room, nursing a cup of hot chocolate when the expected trio of humans showed up and began harassing the doctors of the Far Frozen. It took them long enough. 
Skulker gathered himself and began making his way out of the medical facility, his job concluded in entirety. 
“Skulker, correct?” A voice called. 
Skulker paused and glanced behind him to come face to face with the largest yeti he had yet to meet, missing an arm that had been replaced with ice. This had to be Frostbite himself, Chief of the Far Frozen. Hot nerves shot through Skulker. 
Then, much to Skulker’s shock, Frostbite dipped into a low bow. “I must thank you humbly for bringing the Great One here. His friends and allies were all deeply worried.” Frostbite lifted his head and scratched at his chin. 
“Though, I must ask, how were you able to find him when no one else could?”
“I am the Ghost Zone’s greatest hunter, finding the whelp, in particular, is my specialty,” Skulker answered reflexively, wincing when he realized what he had said. Not good. That was a bad thing to insinuate to the ghost child’s powerful ally. 
Frostbite laughed good-heartedly, snapping Skulker out of his sudden fear of being ripped apart right then and there. 
“The Far Frozen offers many thanks, Skulker, the Ghost Zone’s Greatest Hunter. If we ever need your assistance, we will be sure to contact you. And in return, should you ever need Far Frozen’s aid, you may have it,” Frostbite offered. 
Skulker could do nothing but stare for a moment before finally collecting himself and dipping into a deep bow himself. “It was my honor, Chief Frostbite. I’m glad to be of assistance and deeply grateful for your offer.”
Frostbite gave him a hearty clap on the shoulder, laughing merrily. “Well then, Skulker, it was wonderful to meet you, but I must go attend to the Great One’s condition.”
And with that, Frostbite walked away leaving Skulker gaping like a fish in the waiting room. Slowly, he returned to gathering himself and finding his way out of the medical facility. He should definitely pick up another three bottles of the good stuff on his way back. He wondered if Ember would still be around to share it with him.  
The whelp would be just fine with friends like that, even if he was going to be that much harder to hunt. Skulker was looking forward to it.
Ectoberhaunt 2023 Master Post
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aita-blorbos · 13 days
AITA for attacking my counterpart when he made assumptions about my life?
I (robot, m) recently went on a conquest for a few months to expand my vast space empire. Subjugating new planets was going well as usual, when I get a news update that I'm currently fighting my amusing little nemesis in some sort of tournament death match. Obviously, I rush back immediately, where I find a very poor copy of myself defeated and said rebel taunting me as if she could ever actually stand up to the real me. I considered killing the imposter, but he convinced me he could possibly be of use, so I've been keeping him close enough to keep an eye on.
APPARENTLY, he's my "dimensional counterpart", which I find hard to believe given his utter lack of my charm or good looks. That and he's never been successful a day in his life. It's an insult to even suggest, but he knows just enough about me that for now I have to accept it. He's amusing, if nothing else. I've tolerated his overstepping bounds quite a bit for the past few days, but today he managed to ruin my mood immediately after I made my victory announcement. He suggested that I may be flawed and that I was "equating happiness with success", which is absolutely absurd. The unmitigated GALL. I am NOT unhappy; I have everything one could ever want and more than HE could ever dream of, given his losing streak.
I may have lost my temper and thrown him to the floor in the moment. Really, he deserved worse, but I've turned my eyes to new battles for the time being and am graciously allowing him to come along. Despite this leniency on my part, I'm beginning to notice that he seems increasingly upset with me since the incident. He was noticeably sarcastic on the LAST invasion I brought him on, and now he's taken to silence or grumbling behind my back. Currently, I'm amassing a huge fleet in orbit and he's not even attempting to help beyond hovering around looking uneasy.
He's being rather ungrateful. I didn't kill him (even AFTER I found out that he'd been actively trying to convince my subjects that he was me and somehow managed to destroy one of my most valuable research stations), allowed him to work alongside me on a planetary invasion, and let him duet me in my newest song. I'm even planning on allowing him to serve as the copilot for my greatest creation once I begin my takeover of his dimension. He should be honored!
So I ask you, my loyal subjects, did I take things a bit too far in throwing him to the floor earlier? AITA, or is it entirely fair to be annoyed that he's making assumptions about me after I extended mercy to him?
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Thomas Barrow x Teen!reader - the bond that keeps us going
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Part two:
With the war ended, you had hoped Thomas would return as a footman, but he never did, and after everything was cleared and the house was returned to normal you hardly heard a single thing from him.
You thought perhaps he was busy, yet, whenever you asked of him, nobody would provide you any answers.
But there was too much going on in the house with trying to recover from the war, and you had taken a turn for the worse with your health.
Much like when you were a child, you were sick.
You were confined to your bed with people rushing about to try and help you.
“How are you feeling today?” Your father asked.
You patted around the bed, and you found his hand and you gripped it tightly, taking a small breath.
“It.. it hurts papa…”
“I know.. I know.. Doctor Clarkson is coming I promise.” He whispered.
A cloth was placed on your forehead, cold and damp, and it made you shiver.
You weakly tried to push the hand away.
“It will help my lady…” Anna whispered.
“You must let them help you dear, please.” You mother begged.
You shook your head, and tried again, but in your weak and frail state it didn’t work.
You simply gave up, and just laid there, holding your fathers hand as you waited for the doctor.
He did some checks, and asked you some questions you refused to answer, and you heard everyone walking away while Anna focused on bringing your fever down.
“I though she was better…” Lord Grantham whispered.
“She was, but you know she has always been a rather sick child. If something has rather stressed her out it could have triggered an attack, resurfaced the illness.”
“She’s hardly been stressed, she has been staying inside more recently but nothing stressful.” Lady Cora whispered.
Ladies Sybil, Edith and Mary all shared a look.
“She’s been asking about Thomas.” Lady Mary said.
“Thomas? You mean he has not been with her?” Lord Grantham asked.
“No, he’s been rather busy I believe, he mentioned something about seeing her when he can though I’m unsure if he did.” Lady Sybil said.
“Anna do you know where Thomas is?”
“Out for the day I believe my lady.”
“Summon him here when you see him.”
“Yes my lady.”
They had no idea if that was the cause of the stress, but something was telling them it was.
You had grown used to him, lost him, grown used to him again and he seemed to have just vanished once more again.
Maybe it was what stressed you out, triggered your sickness again, and they were hoping perhaps if they brought him back it would solve it.
Maybe he could make the sickness go away, or convince you to fight it off, just like you did when you were younger.
“Im.. I’m tried papa..”
Lord Grantham looked over and rushed by your side with the rest of your family.
“Hold on there…” he whispered.
“How long…” you whispered back.
Your mother took your other hand in hers.
“For as long as you can, okay?” She asked.
You clenched your jaw a little, and slowly nodded your head as you let out a weak and shaky breath.
Your health began to declining slowly, and now it had taken a suddenly turn over night, and it was like you were a child again, unable to move around anymore.
And the last time this happened, you had lost your sight.
Thomas had only just got in when he heard the chatter.
“She’s not looking well…” Mrs Hughes whispered.
“I know, the last time she was this ill she lost her sight, lord knows what she will lose this time…”
Thomas dropped his cigarette on the floor and he ran up the stairs, heading up to the next flight of stairs he ran into Anna.
“Thomas you’re-“
He cut her off.
“I know!”
Thomas sprinted as fast as he could, and he burst into your room and everyone looked at him as he panted for breath.
“I apologise for my actions.” He said.
“Nonsense, come in.” Lord Grantham said.
Thomas walked over, and he stood at the end of your bed where you were fast asleep.
Your breathing was ragged, and you were sweating, eyes darting under closed eye lids.
“What is wrong with her my Lord?”
“We don’t know the name of what ails her, it has never been seen. (Y/N) was a frail baby, a frail child, and the last time she became like this she woke up unable to see.” Lady Cora said.
Thomas nodded his head, clenching his jaw as he stared at you.
He swallowed harshly.
“This is my fault, if I were here perhaps it would have been spotted sooner…”
“Do not blame yourself, anything could have set this into motion. You are here now, and this is what matters.” Lady Edith said.
Thomas nodded his head and they stood up, stepping aside.
“Sit with her Thomas, she’s been asking for you.” Lord Grantham said.
Thomas nodded again and walked over, sitting on the chair next to your bed.
He had seen you ill, of course he had, but never had he seen you in such a state.
It was like you were but a ghost of yourself, as if you weren’t really there.
“We have guest arriving soon, can you watch over her Thomas?” lord Grantham asked.
“Yes of course my lord.”
“We will return after dinner.” Lady Cora smiled.
“Very good my lady.”
He stood as they left, and then he sat back down turning his attention to you.
Thomas just carefully watched over you, placing the damp cloth on your forehead, cleaning your face and holding it there.
Even now he could feel how warm your skin was.
You were on fire, burning.
“You must keep fighting…” he whispered.
You stirred a little bit, and your eyes opened, gazing at the ceiling.
“Im here lady (Y/N)…”
You titled your head in his direction.
“You… came…”
Thomas smiled softly, even though he was aware that you couldn’t see him, of course he was, but he still smiled at you, a true smile he saved only for you.
“Of course I came, I promised you I wouldn’t go away again did I not?”
You coughed harshly, and he stood up, gently lifting you as you coughed, and he rubbed a hand up and down your back.
You gasped for air, arms holding Thomas’ tightly.
“You’re okay. You’re okay.”
You nodded and slowly laid yourself back down, and he held your hand in his.
“You… have not… been here…” you rasped out.
He squeezed your hand a little.
“I was trying to figure some things out my lady…”
You weakly nodded your head.
“Did… they work… out…?”
“No, they fell through I am afraid, it was all for nought.”
You nodded your head again.
“I… am glad… you are here…”
Thomas held your hands between his.
“So am I. How long have you been unwell?”
“Few.. days…”
“Why did you not say anything? Tell anyone?”
You didn’t reply and he sighed.
“You will get better, alright? You will. Because you are lady (Y/N), and lady (Y/N) does not give in.”
“I… am tired…”
Thomas furrowed his brows a little.
“Then rest.”
“Not.. that kind…”
Thomas’ eyes shot up, and he stood up, nearly knocking the chair over.
“No! You cannot just give up! Look how far you have come! If you give up what will it all be for!?”
You stayed quiet, but you did flick your blind eyes to him them back to the ceiling.
Thomas sat back down on the chair.
“You are not alone. I am here, and I will fight by your side, like I always have. I am with you, I will help carry you through it all, just like I promised.”
You smiled weakly.
“Will… you.. stay here…?”
“I don’t think that’s appropriate.” He said gently.
You gripped his hand tightly.
“I… I am.. scared Thomas…”
Tears fell from your eyes and Thomas reached out, wiping your tears for you.
“Don’t cry, tears do not suit you.” He whispered.
You sniffled a little and titled your head towards him.
You sniffled a little.
“What.. do you.. look like…?”
“Why do you ask?”
“I… have never… seen my favourite… footman..”
Thomas smiled.
“Well, have you ever seen colours before?”
You nodded.
Thomas described himself for you, his hair, his eyes, his clothes and what his military ones looked like as well and you listened.
You had mapped out his face of course, memorised his features.
You had to in order to get used to him when he would come dead with you or walk with you.
But you had always wondered what he looked like.
“You.. sound… strange…”
He laughed loudly.
“That is not very nice lady (Y/N).”
You smiled slightly, and coughed again, and once again he sat you up.
Thomas let you grip his arm tightly once more, and you stayed there, holding him tightly as you gasped for breath.
“You… are my friend…”
“And you are mine…”
You nodded your head, and breathed deeply.
“Does it hurt?” He asked quietly.
“A… lot…”
“I only wish I could help.” He sighed.
You hugged him lightly, and he hugged you back.
He’s it was inappropriate, but right now he didn’t care, he cared for you, and you were in pain, and sick.
“I… don’t want to.. die Thomas…”
“Do not think like that, you are not going to die. We will make you well again.”
You gripped the back of his jacket tightly, balling the fabric into your fists.
“We will make you better…” he whispered.
He rested his chin on your shoulder, tears burning his own eyes as he held you.
“I cannot let you die lady (Y/N)… you’re my friend… and I’ve seen you come so far…”
“Don’t go…”
“I will stay right here. All night, all day, for days, weeks, months even.”
Neither of you knew about your family or the servants outside your door who were coming it check up on you.
They had tears in their eyes as they listened quietly to the conversation.
“Thomas… if I die…”
“Stop talking like that.” He snapped.
You pulled away and reached out, placing your hand on the side of his face so you could read his expression as you spoke.
“Promise… you will… visit me…”
“You’re not going to die, stop thinking so dark. You will be fine in a few days.”
“Promise… me…”
Thomas sighed heavily.
“Of course I will, but keep fighting for me, for us all, the world would be rather dark without her ladyship.”
You smiled a little.
“Don’t… talk so formal…”
Thomas smiled.
He eased you to lay down again, and you held his hand.
You fell asleep not long later, and after deciding Thomas was keeping a good eye on you for a while, your mother and father came to check up on your both with Mrs Carson and Mrs Hughes.
“Good heavens I apologise my lord I will wake him up at once.”
“Leave him Carson, lord knows that both of them need it. She’s safe with him, they have a bond, though why that is I will never know.” Lady Cora said.
She walked over and placed it on your forehead, brushing some hair from your face and he grabbed a blanket you had tossed on the floor and draped it over Thomas and stepped back.
You were still tightly holding Thomas’ hand, and he was leant over, arm under his head as he slept hunched over.
Still sitting in the chair, but slumped over and fast asleep with you.
“Her temperature has gone down slightly.” Your mother said.
“That is promising to say the least, however is it really appropriate to leave him here overnight?” Your father asked.
“I see no harm in it, Carson? Mrs Hughes?” Your mother asked.
“I believe it would be beneficial for lady (Y/N) if Thomas stayed by her side.” Mrs Hughes said.
“And would perhaps teach Thomas a lesson when he wakes up with a sore back.” Mr Carson mumbled.
Every laughed a little.
“I always wondered why she likes Thomas so much after everything he had done. Perhaps he simply cares for her more.” Lord Grantham spoke.
“I believe the word would be sibling love my lord.” Mrs Hughes smiled.
The lord hummed, nodding his head a little bit.
“Maybe so, and as long as he looks after her and keeps her safe I will carry on turning a blind eye to the strange bond they have. Thomas has always taken well care of her, she is in safe hands.”
Everyone agreed and they left a single light on in case Thomas woke up, and they all left him there knowing he would take care of you and alert them if anything went wrong
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boldlyanxious · 1 year
Still Bitter
Tag team tournament
She had wondered whether her neighbor was interested in her. Marinette had never quite mastered the art of figuring out when someone was flirting and also never quite managed to get across her own flirting. Over the months, there had been several attempts with Tim but he had never quite seemed to pick up on it. He had been dating someone but she was fairly certain that had ended. In the past few weeks, there had been an uptick in odd encounters that seemed too targeted to be anything but made up reasons to talk to her.
With the thump in the hallway she went to the door and there was a coffee cup. It even had a little heart drawn on the side. Tim was nowhere to be seen so she smiled as she picked it up. She had a really busy day today and had just discovered she was out of coffee. She grabbed the rest of her things and a croissant and headed out the door. The coffee was perfect. She tipped it back as she walked and barely saw Tim before she stopped suddenly.
She gave him her best killer smile but rather than smiling back, he looked annoyed.
“Did you find that in the hallway? I had a coffee but someone took it,” Tim said.
Marinette looked at the cup guiltily. Everything she thought of was worse than the last.
“It was really good,” she said. “If you’re looking for reviews, I would give five stars.”
“I have my own review in mind,” he grumbled. “Somehow my day just got even worse.”
He stormed off before she came up with a response.
She was avoiding him. He couldn’t really blame her, he had been unnecessarily harsh when he last saw her. She had left him a coffee and macarons the next day. He had found baked goods two other times but he had never seen or heard her when she dropped them off. He would have to find a way to get to her to apologize. He had been so busy the past couple months that he barely managed anything and when he needed something, he had come to depend on her. She seemed to be able to solve anything. Possibly he had pushed too hard and she felt she deserved repayment. She had taken the coffee which shouldn’t be a big deal, he could afford it but the timing had been bad for his mood.
He would still blame the stake out.
After all the work he put in at Wayne Enterprises to block what appeared to be a silent take over, he still had a stake out. B had not been happy with the results. Three team members were taken out of commission and civilians were injured. Not to mention the crooks got away. That always made him testy but the fact that it was all due to mistakes on the part of every person had led to a long discussion until it was nearly daylight. Too bad when the series of accidental rights led to an unexpected take down they never got a happy talking to, only when they all missed a little clue that led to an embarrassing mess.
He shifted and rolled his shoulder.
He should be fine to go out tonight but he had just finished a very long day. He submitted the report about the take over attempt so Lucius would be working with security to put new preventative measures in place. When Tam asked Bruce’s response to the report Tim grunted and shrugged. She turned away with a sour look on her face. He didn’t mention that he didn’t think Bruce had read any of the reports recently, but she seemed to understand what he had left unsaid.
He needed a vacation. But instead he ended up with a stack of financial records and bad take out. He should have gone to the other place but he learned about it through Marinette, it didn’t feel right to get food from her spot after the way he treated her. Perhaps if he had, he could invite her over to share it and apologize for being a jerk.
She barely had time to fit in the appointment between consultations but it was on the way. She would much prefer someone to go with her but Adrien was back in Paris for now. They took turns heading back to check in with the citizens as they were able. It should have been her turn but she had been booked solid after Tim had worn one of her suits to the last charity gala. Everyone wanted the chance to get on her books before she was famous. She even raised her prices and that hadn’t seemed to deter anyone. The less available she became the more they wanted her.
The building looked clean and had a security check. It was more expensive than her current place but she was fairly certain that Adrien would be interested in sharing it with her. It was mostly separate but had a shared area. Very roomy and the building was out of the way and wouldn’t get excess traffic. She wondered if she was silly for even looking but her lease was nearly up. It wasn’t necessarily just because she had alienated her only friendly neighbor. She tried not to over think everything but it was her natural state.
It was very clear that Tim valued his coffee above nearly everything else but that was why she had thought it was such a sweet gesture. It had been a slow build up to it over a few weeks where he had asked to use her wifi one week. A few days later he had her come over to help him when he was stuck under everything falling out of his cupboards. She still wasn’t sure how he managed to call her while holding every breakable dish he owned but they had managed to save everything and then they ordered take out. She probably couldn’t go back to that place now. He said he would probably eat there twice a week.
Even her Papa’s famous shortbread recipe had not seemed to soften him. He hadn’t called her since and she wasn’t going to bother him with another apology. Sometimes you learn the hard way where the line of friendship was. She turned back to the agent.
“I’ll take it,” she said firmly. “I need to get to an appointment now but I can sign first thing in the morning. Send me the details of what I need with me.”
“Okay, I’ll have the email sent right away and we can just meet here to sign. I have another unit available in the building to show.”
She looked back over at the space. It would definitely be perfect for her sewing needs. It was all the room she would need. Although with her fabric hoarding habits, she might have to be careful about filling up the new space too. She barely had time to get to her next consultation but there was a coffee shop right outside and she couldn’t help but stop in and get one.
She let the aroma wash over her as she walked in. She ordered her coffee to go and was happy that they finished it very quickly despite the line. She stuck a couple dollars in the tip jar and picked up the cup. She nearly ran into someone when she noticed the logo. It was the same as the one she had accidentally stolen from Tim.
Then, she nearly spilled it by almost bumping into him.
Tim had no plan but when he saw Marinette at his favorite coffee shop, he rushed over to her. They nearly collided but he reached out a hand to steady her. She flinched.
"Is that for me?" He asked, gesturing at her coffee.
He was trying to make the situation lighter. She paused for a moment before thrusting the cup at him.
"Oh yeah, of course."
She wasn't actually smiling when she moved past him. She rushed to the exit. He turned as his name was called and his own order was put on the counter. He grabbed it and rushed after her. She was moving quickly, halfway down the block before he caught up to her.
“Marinette, wait,” he called out.
She paused when she heard him. He could see as she started to walk again but then turned to him right as he walked up. He held out a coffee and she looked uncertain about whether she should take it. He extended his arm further and she finally reached out for it, waiting until he lifted his cup to his mouth before she did the same.
The awkwardness stayed in the air and he wasn’t sure what to do. He just wanted things to go back to normal.
“What are you doing right now? I could take the rest of the day off and we could order too much food and watch bad movies.”
She smiled a little but then her phone started beeping.
“oh no, I’m late.” She reached in her bag to silence the phone and then turned back to him. “I would love to but I have back to back meetings today until after seven.”
“Then tonight?” he offered. “I could show up with food so you can just relax.”
She nodded, “That sounds perfect.”
“It’s a date then.”
Her eyes got really wide for a moment and she bit her lip. He loved that little motion she did to calm herself. Then she suddenly seemed to remember she was in a hurry and bolted off. She called out bye when she remembered and gave a little wave as she ran away. He just smiled, already making plans for tonight.
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laurelsofhighever · 1 year
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Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins Characters/pairings: Alistair x Cousland Chapter: 7/? Rating: G Warnings: None Fic Summary: The story of the Fifth Blight, in a world where Alistair was raised to royalty instead of joining the Grey Wardens.
read it on AO3
August, 9:24 Dragon
A hush echoed through the castle, fearful and portentous, a held breath that penetrated even to the sanctuary of the library, where the sun glared its wrath hot across Rosslyn’s shoulders as she sat still in her riding clothes, and staring at her hands, and listening to the quiet, distant sobs of the Antivan girl Fergus had been trying to impress. Despite the sweat trickling down her spine and the headache starting behind her eyes, she made no effort to move, waiting like everyone else for what the mages would have to say. The servants hadn’t even come with a midday meal, even though the morning was long since past.
Her body might be trapped, tense and numb and waiting for word, but her mind wandered. Her vision played the accident over and over until she forgot the pattern in the carpet and saw instead the flash of harness bells as her brother’s horse, young and flighty and not used to its rider, spooked at a pheasant in the grass. She remembered a shout. An eternity had passed as he hung weightless in the air, and then the arc of is fall had curved, accelerated, stopped short with a thud that left him in the dirt unmoving.
Everyone had panicked, except for her father. As the fastest rider, she had been sent for a cart to bring Fergus home, for a messenger to go down into the city to get the mage healers serving in the chantry hospital. Guilt dogged her for how she had pushed her mount, how its sweat-darkened flanks had heaved as she leapt from the saddle and left its reins trailing to fly up the steps, but worse was the yawning void that grew with every moment that crept past without the joyous cry that Fergus had awoken.
And worst of all, the shame that asked whether it was her own selfishness that wanted her brother to live.
A floorboard creaked by the door.
Alistair stood anxious with one hand still on the knob as the other ruffled backwards through his hair. The movement exaggerated the bare inch of skin at his wrist where a recent growth spurt had outmatched the fit of his sleeves, and had finally made him taller than her. He didn’t look like he wanted to tease her about it today. Instead, he crossed the floor and took her hand as he sat next to her, holding it firm in both of his as if she might slip loose and vanish without it.
“He’s going to be alright,” he murmured into the silence.
“What if he’s not? What if he –” She licked her lips. “They can’t make me the heir. They can’t.”
“You don’t need to worry.”
He squeezed her fingers, and after a moment she let herself fall against his shoulder. A bird sang outside the window.
“I envy you sometimes,” she admitted after a while.
“That’s not surprising. Being able to fit seven dumplings in your mouth at the same time is quite an achievement.”
Sighing, she allowed him the jest. “I know we’re not supposed to talk about it – about who your father is –”
“Your father is the closest thing I’ve ever had to one,” he said, curt.  
“I know.” The knowledge hung between them, as it had since she’d found out he was the son of the king. “But you’re free. No one has any expectations for you – when you grow up you’ll be able to do what you want, without anyone trying to turn you into something you’re not. You’re not the spare.”
“You’re not just a spare either.” His voice had softened, but not enough to completely dull the edge brought out by mention of the king.
“Sometimes it feels that way.”
Ever since her first lessons, rebuke and gossip and repetition had been hammer and anvil to her place in the world, forging it with such skill that it had taken her years to realise its shape. Her mother had had a ship and the open horizon, not the gilded bars of protocol.
“You won’t have to do this alone,” Alistair ventured. “If – if it comes to that. If I really can go and do anything I want, then I want to stay here with you. If only to remind you not to blame yourself for things that aren’t your fault,” he added, with a grin she didn’t see.
She had been trying to forget. “I’m the one who told him to take Sunbird.”
“You were joking,” he told her. “And he wasn’t paying attention. You probably saved his life getting back as quick as you did.”
“He was being such a prat.”
A deep breath hissed in through his teeth. “I… I think it’s because he’s in love with her. Oriana.”
“Then that makes him even more of a prat.”
Instead of replying, he merely sighed. The summer sun crept across the room, marking the hours until it retreated into a purple twilight and the servants could be heard on their rounds to light the lamps. None came to bother them where they waited, and hoped, and tried not to imagine what would happen next if hope wasn’t enough.
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anthromimicry · 4 months
7) receiver finds sender crying and approaches,  clearing the tears with their hands while demanding to know what happened. 
the feeling that no one would care if you were in a certain place, or even anywhere at all, is what misao had thought was the worst one for a while. and this is because her mind had definitely gone down the path of believing that plenty of times before. the path of telling misao that she might as well be a dead-woman walking, because of the fact that no one worried about her, or needed her. but no. today, misao had discovered a feeling that was so much worse. it didn't even matter that he was the warden of arkham itself; being told by him that he noticed misao had been acting more withdrawn lately around work, and asked whether she was okay, which pretty much completely flipped that first belief of hers onto it's head? it startled misao so much that she didn't even know what to say for the longest time.
in the end, misao lied to him that she was fine, because what was she going to tell him? that she had been alone for centuries now because misao was taught as a child that her own feelings... her own needs, always came second to everyone else's? thus, misao took to existing as some sort of ghost drifting through different parts of the world, and never made friends with anyone else out of fear that she would become just as invested in them as she was in her family? and the same family who hurt her — even if it wasn't either of their faults. so misao tried to just focus on her own wants and desires now but found herself feeling more lonely than ever. that brings us to now in one of the asylum's broom closets, which misao had ducked in to be able to cry somewhere private.
but it seems she couldn't have that because she heard the sound of the doorknob being turned then. misao was just about to act like she was looking for some cleaning supplies or something when the doctor saw that it was her. elizabeth; the otherwise friendly librarian of the asylum that misao had taken to occupying the space of recently, with how she wanted someplace to read other than her office on her lunch breaks. a hand reached up to clear the tears on her face, then though it seemed like elizabeth was one step ahead of her on that. ' what? ' misao thought, ' why is she doing this? ' she struggled to gain her composure back as all misao could think of was how a small piece of kindness was enough to completely break her down at this point. and that, well, basically made her feel like she was broken.
❝ i... i don't know. i've just been feeling so alone lately, and i haven't been sleeping well. i'm sorry. ❞ misao's words slipped out before she could stop them as she covered her face to prevent eliza from seeing it any further. the other shouldn't be here, misao thought, because she was probably keeping her from doing her job. misao let out a sob all the same as she spoke up, ❝ please don't tell anyone you saw me like this. and — and don't feel like you have to stay here, because i know you've probably got things to do. i can handle this myself. so just go, okay? ❞
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smiles-advice · 3 months
Hi, I searched tumblr for advice blogs and found you. I can’t really turn to anyone I’d normally go to in this situation so I’m hoping for an outside opinion.
I’m a 21 year old college student in the US, and I’m home with my family (parents and younger brother) for the summer. My brother is 17 and turns 18 in a couple months. He just graduated high school and is going to college in the fall.
My brother, since I’ve left for school, has grown distant from my parents and myself. He spends a lot of time out with friends and doesn’t tell us where he’s going. I’ve caught him sneaking out at night when my parents are asleep, I know he’s stolen beer from my dad, and recently I found out he’s taken up smoking, which he’s legally too young to do until he turns 18 and which could be dangerous to his health and wallet if he keeps it up.
I’m torn because I feel like he’s basically an adult, going off to college, and has a right to make his own choices, bad or good. But he’s not an adult yet, and I also feel like I should tell our parents so they can intervene before things get worse. I’m also worried that if I tell anyone what I know about his habits, he’ll never tell me anything ever again.
Earlier today, I found a pack of Marlboro cigarettes that had fallen out of his pocket. I hid them before anyone else could find them. He knows they’re missing and has been looking for them, without telling me what he’s looking for. He seems to think my parents found them. Now I have evidence if I decide to tell my parents, but I don’t know if I should or not. What should I do??
hiya darling,
oof, I can relate to this, honestly. my younger brothers very much the same.
so, personally, I'd speak to your parents for sure. let them know what you know, give them the evidence, and leave it to them to handle it.
there isn't much else you can do, although if the acts are currently illegal, you could always call the police. they wouldn't really do much, probably just give him a warning, that's what happened to my brother. but it could act as a shocker, or a wake up call.
obviously, at the end of the day, it will be up to your parents and your brother.
best of luck with this situation, I know its difficult, sending love your way
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the-bar-sinister · 5 months
The Mechanics of Emotion (26231 words) by thesavagesabretooth
catch up here Athena Cykes has a problem. For years, she built her life around rescuing the man who had saved her, Simon Blackquill. She'd been imagining a fairytale ending. A kiss. A ride into the sunset. But real life isn't as simple as a dream. Athena got her kiss, but there was no ending– there was a complication. Bobby Fulbright was suddenly back in Simon's life in an unexpected twist of fate, and it turned out that he and Simon had been together for a whole year. Not to mention that there are two more members of the Phantom Organization who've been captured that Simon now needs to prosecute, and Athena must defend. Love and chaos in LA. In justice we trust– but who understands the mechanics of emotion?
December 27, 12:45 pm
Bobby was ashamed of how relieved he was when he had gotten the text from Simon that he was ready to meet up. No matter how far Robert had steered their conversation with Ray over lunch to mundane and pleasant topics, Bobby couldn't get over his apprehension and sick feelings of sitting there and lying to him.
No matter how much Robert reminded him that it was the same thing that they'd been doing all year.
Honestly, that made it worse.
They'd given Ray a kiss when they dropped the young detective back off at the station along with a salute, sending him on his merry way, and Bobby had breathed a shameful sigh of relief.
I know how you do it, Robert, but I still don't know how you do it.
It's all I've known up to this point.
Bobby shook his head and checked the address that they'd been sent, putting it in the GPS and starting that way
I don't think we've been here before, Bobby considered as they pulled up to the apartment building.
No. It's Athena's apartment.
Athena's!! Bobby was taken momentarily aback by the idea of meeting her in such a place of privacy, while Robert didn't quite understand the problem.
It's not as if we have anywhere else to meet. Simon and Athena are close. It's no surprise he asked her.
Bobby figured he was probably right about that as he hopped out of the car, and headed up the stairs of the apartment building until he found the right door to knock on.
He found himself hesitating, and it ended up being Robert who rapped vigorously and unselfconsciously on the door.
The sound of Athena’s footsteps…they had to be hers from the way they clomped hurriedly across the floor rang muffled behind the door moments before it flew open. 
“Hey!! Thanks for coming!”
Athena Cykes stood before him, her hair only mildly out of place as if she’d just run halfway across the tiny apartment to open the door as fast as possible.
They saluted and grinned widely. "Of course! It wouldn't be just to be tardy answering the call! May I come in?"
“The call of…justice?” She put her hand to her chin with a big grin and a wink, before she stepped out of the way. “but seriously…of course! Welcome to La Casa de Athena~” 
"My thanks, Athena!" He chuckled, striding in and looking around. "But in this case, really the call of Prosecutor Blackquill."
"And don't you dare compare me," Simon drawled. He was seated on the floor by Athena's couch with his arms on his raised knees.
Athena chuckled, waving her hand. 
“well…that’s almost the—” she froze. “oh shoot he said DON’T compare him, I’m screwed!”
Her cheerful projection was in full force today, shining through her smile and her tone…which was odd in comparison to only a few days ago.
She led him into the house, past framed photographs and postcards…and japanese mementos on small shelves and frames. 
They followed along doggishly after her, glancing around at the knick knacks and mementos.
"This is the first time we've been to your home," Robert remarked politely. "Have you lived here long? It's well decorated."
She passed a framed photograph of her mother, the Cosmos team and young Athena…it looked recently placed from the fresh drywall dust near the nail.
She looked over her shoulder with a nod. 
“A little bit now, yeah…since , well..” She put her finger to her chin. “Pretty much since I started working for Mr. Wright,” she mused as she led him over towards her couch and Simon.
Halblicht stood by the coffee table and waited to be told where to sit down.
"It's about as big as mine, I think. Well, maybe a little bit smaller."
Simon shook his head. "You underpaid detectives and defense attorneys. It's a wonder anyone takes the job. Sit down, Half Bright."
They looked to Athena for confirmation.
It's her place after all.“Oh uh…” Athena gestured to the couch with a smile. “Have a seat wherever you want, you guys want a drink?” 
"We're alright, thank you, Athena," Robert murmured. 
She nodded and put her hands on her hips “and Simon, if you’re so worried about our salaries ... maybe you can put in a good word with mr. Wright and uh…the…detective…payment…board?”
With the question resolved, they sat obediently on the couch near where Simon was perched on the floor, and put their hands in their lap
Simon was smirking. "To raise detective pay. Hmmm, that would make me a popular man in the police precinct– but perhaps rather less popular at the prosecutorial office."
Athena waited a moment and plopped herself on the far side of the couch where she grabbed a remote to toss nervously between her hands.
“And what’s more important? Popularity or….” she grinned widely. “the happiness of your subordinate? And the chance to put in a good word with Mr. Wright while you’re at it?” 
Simon waved a hand dismissively. "I'll consider it. But it's neither here nor there, for a moment."
"Well, I guess it's a little relevant," Bobby considered. "Since we have to start apartment hunting, salary is a consideration."
Athena rubbed the back of her neck with a sheepish smile. 
“Ah yes…apartment hunting.” She tossed the remote in her hand again, “have you given any thought to that, guys?” 
"Oh well–" Bobby glanced at Simon.
Do you think it's okay to tell her, Robert?
I don't see why it wouldn't be.
"Simon and I had briefly discussed moving in together, actually! Though there were no firm plans."
"Indeed," Simon shrugged. "Prosecutor salary or no, there are benefits to a roommate."
December 27, 1:05 pmThere are many benefits to a roommate.
On that, Athena Cykes could agree. It was no surprise the two of them had discussed arrangements before, given their mutual displacement and the…
Difficulties…of using the Blackquill Manor with the looming specter of Aura Blackquill’s inevitable wrath.
So why was Athena feeling so nervous? Her internal matrix had been set on overdrive, trying to determine any emotion at all from the other two parties in the room, all while her own muddled together into the low buzzy hum that was not unlike anxiety yet distinctly more vague and unpleasant.
She had no idea how to broach any of the stuff she and Simon had talked about, so she poured on the big smiles and the projected cheer to stall for time with as many pleasantries as she could wring out of the situation while she waited for a moment.
“Like….half the chores?” 
"Like half the chores!" Bobby laughed. She got a ping of embarrassment from him, and he rubbed his neck.
"Tsk," Simon shook his head. "A roommate only halves some of the chores. It doubles others."
“Oh no!” Athena clapped her hands against her cheeks “well…how about half the expenditures?”
"On the place of living, certainly. Though there's the need for additional space to consider," Simon drawled, "That costs money."
Halblicht hung their head– now more playful than embarrassed. "Prosecutor Blackquill it's like you don't want to be roommates at all."
“Ouuugh.” Athena threw her hands up “sorry Halblicht! I tried to help!”
She giggled outwardly, internally…her mind ticked away on her conversation with Simon earlier…and the discussion they’d made about their approach.
"Quite the contrary," Simon shrugged smoothly. "But it's important to consider the challenges as well as the benefits of anything. Athena and I were discussing something similar earlier today."
Simon had his own emotions as clamped down as he ever could– which wasn't very– and she felt a sting of anxiety from him as he brought the topic around.
“H–heheh…yep!” Athena flashed a bright smile. “We were..when we were looking around Aura’s house.” 
"Ah." Halblicht's expression smoothed as Robert swam to the front. "So you went to Ms. Blackquill's house."
"Indeed," Simon had started to chew on one of Taka's quills he'd pulled from his pocket. "It's unsuitable as a residence for us, obviously in the long term. Almost certainly in the short term. But investigating it gave Athena and I a chance to talk on certain matters."
Athena nodded quietly as she spun the remote thoughtfully in her hand, widget flashing yellow on her neck as her anxiety sparked just a little higher into something registerable.
“Yeah…it’s been a crazy week huh? To think it’s the first time we managed to talk about it was only just today..” 
"Yes, we've all been quite busy," Robert agreed. "Am I being invited to ask what 'certain matters' you were talking on?"
"Well deduced detective," Simon drawled, snarky. "You are."
"Then, you may consider me asking."
Athena looked up at Simon with a shaky smile. “..I was gonna make a slideshow but we didn’t exactly have time…and Simon kept laughing at me every time I tried to put something together.” 
Simon crossed his arms, smirking broadly. "That's because it was a foolish idea, Athena. And would have required more time than we had."
His amusement was real– but it was covering nerves.
Robert, meanwhile, seemed to have taken over fully because she could feel nothing from him but calm.
"A slideshow," he considered. "It sounds like it must be a complicated topic if you'd think it required a slideshow, miss Athena."
“It’s a pretty complicated topic, Robert!” she brushed her hand through her ponytail with a sigh “also I’ve been told it’s an effective tactic of relaying and visualizing the—”
She cut herself off. This was silly. She was being silly…all in an attempt to cover her and Simon’s nerves. But they’d never get anywhere looping around the topic like this.
“Nevermind! It’s about ah…us.” 
"Us," Robert repeated. "Does that 'us' include everyone in the room, or is it more limited?"
"All of us in the room," Simon snapped. "You lot are ridiculous. I'm not talking about a business venture, Athena we don't need a spreadsheets or slideshows– although I'm starting to regret not having a prepared speech."
"Simon," Robert said slowly. "You know how I mostly don't have any feelings to speak of?"
"Yes. What of it."
"You're making me nervous."
“Urrrrrgh…” Athena’s head fell into her hands for a moment. “Hhhhh’okay!”
She looked up with a bright smile. “It’s like this…back before we knew you were alive still and…and before Cauli and all of that…Simon and I had a night together…and I confessed some stuff to him.” 
"Ahh." Robert nodded, looking between them. "Bobby is advising me that this was likely a romantic confession, and not, for instance, a murder confession."
Simon rubbed his jaw. "Ah, an actually correct deduction from Fool Bright. Yes, it was something along those lines."
“I uh…I think a murder confession would have been a little gauche after I’d just gotten declared unofficially innocent in a homicide trial.” Athena laughed, and rubbed the back of her neck “but no, it was a romantic one…”
Robert glanced down at Simon, and Simon put a hand on Robert's thigh in response.
"In Cauli, you and I discussed the matter of physical affection between the tw– between us," he grumbled. "But the rest of the boundaries of our relationship are undefined. Which is a problem, now that I'm not going to die any day now. And you're… not dead."
Robert's little 'ah' was impossible to read.
Athena wrung her hands together and spoke up “I’m really, genuinely happy for you guys. That you’ve worked that out, seeing you re-bond in Cauli was…it was really wonderful. But there’s a lot of things up in the air…”
She trailed off.
She defaulted back on what she’d said to Simon back in the car when they’d finally broached this whole emotional puzzle. “That cramped bed in Cauli was really comfortable.” 
Halblicht had leaned into Simon's touch, and curiously looked over at Athena with a lightly raised eyebrow. "That's an interesting thing to say. It's relevant here?"
"It could be," Simon said. "Damn it, Halblicht, this is half way to a useless question but I'm asking it anyway. What do you want out of our relationship? We talked about moving in together– should I be expecting a ring, or–"
Robert laughed loudly and suddenly, a mirror of Bobby's powerful, expressive one, but with only a shimmer of the forceful emotion. "Oh now I see why the idea of a powerpoint was raised. So… you and Athena have been together, I imagine?"
"Something like that, yes," Simon muttered, rubbing his jaw. "I thought you were bloody dead at the time."
"I'm not mad, Simon. Bobby isn't mad. He's… relieved."
Athena perked up “oh!!!” her nervous smile spread on her face again “he’s relieved? Really?” 
"Color me surprised," Simon drawled, wary.
Robert nodded. "During that conversation you mentioned, Simon, you might have noticed that Bobby has very little experience with dating and relationships outside of the expected, boy meets girl boy marries girl archetype."
"I had noticed, in fact," Simon drawled. "Hence my question about if I ought to expect a ring."
Athena nodded quietly, taking it in…from that description, she knew exactly what they must have talked about.
The classic life script, the idea of marriage , boy meets girl and marries her dynamic that remained loosely culturally enforced around them. It was perhaps the only social norm she had basically forgone and ignored in her single minded drive to save Simon’s life…perhaps because of the already strange mire of her emotions.
“That makes sense, Robert…that’s what a lot of people expect.” 
"Bobby seems to have been raised in a particularly restrictive culture with respect to this," Robert shrugged. "He was quite nervous about the idea of being close with Simon in public–"
"--People stare at you!" Bobby whined, Halblicht's expression suddenly changing from passive, to an embarrassed grimace. "I want to be fine with it, but it'll take a little getting used to, you know?"
Simon sighed and patted Bobby on the leg. "Ridiculous, Fool Bright. Utterly ridiculous. But yes, I imagine it will take some getting used to– as will any arrangement we come to with regard to our relationship. We've been skirting around the point there, I think."
“It’s culturally difficult to bring up, Simon!” Athena sighed performatively, before she rubbed her face “I’ve learned enough about people to know that!”
She closed her eyes. “So…so I had talked to Simon about the two of us…I care very much for him too, Bobby…hard not to when I made saving him my whole life. But I didn’t want to stand in your way. Not when I was so happy for you all…”
That was probably the best way to start, with the story and leadup…right?
"That's very kind of you, Athena," Bobby said, rubbing the back of his neck. She could feel the waves of embarrassment coming off of him. Robert murmured. "Self-sacrificing, perhaps."
"It is," Simon drawled. "She's a very self-sacrificing person. I wonder whose example she was following? Regardless– now that I've served my time, I personally have no intention of being as self sacrificing as that. And I told Athena as much."
Athena smiled shyly with a nod “...and we talked about that a bit. I know I can be self-sacrificing sometimes, but when we talked I realized that I didn’t want to self-sacrifice here either. I know it’s crazy given the situation , but…”
She chuckled “I care about you guys too, Bobby, Robert…and Simon and I came up with an idea we wanted to run past you….hence me wanting to make a slideshow..” 
"Are you going to offer it to me plainly," Robert asked with a slight amused twitch of his lips,, "or should I use my powers of detection to guess."
Athena leaned on her hands. “I’m kinda curious to see if you’ve gotten rusty as a detective, Robert.” 
"Justice is never rusty, Miss Athena, I assure you. " Robert grinned broadly– despite the emotional show, it was still mostly him, Athena could tell. She felt the secondary ping of Bobby's shy embarrassment behind his wall. "My intuition tells me that Simon is going to ask if we mind if he dates the both of us."
Athena laughed into her hand “basically! You’re basically right there…and well, as I said, there’s something comfortable about a cramped bed. There’s a word for it, you know? I learned about it in Europe, and then more often from helping Trucy at the Wunder Bar…”
"And what word exactly are you thinking of, Miss Athena?" Robert asked, inclining his head toward her.
“Polyamory?” She said with a lopsided smile.
"That's a good word," Robert nodded.
"And would you be interested in such an arrangement?" Simon asked, glancing at him out of the corner of his eye.
"Well," Robert adjusted his suit cuffs thoughtfully. "It touches on something Bobby has been absolutely dying to for us to disclose. We'd better get that out of the way."
Athena leaned closer, folding her hands on her lap with a puzzled smile. “oh? Really?” 
Now Simon turned his full attention to Halblicht, his eyebrows raised. "Do tell."
Athena could feel Bobby's anxiety suddenly pinging a fever pitch, low and hidden behind the bulwark wall of Robert's glossy emotional shield.
"Bobby is feeling guilty, and convinced you may be angry," Robert said as preamble. "Personally, I have my doubts about it. For part of the time you and we were carrying on our prison affair, Bobby and I also were involved in an informal sexual relationship at the police precinct.
"I see." Simon's eyebrows had crawled further into his messy hair. However, far from anger, what Athena mostly felt from him was embarrassment– and intrigue.
Of course, typical for Simon, he left his reply hanging ominously.
Athena flushed a bit, leaning on her hands with genuine curiosity. The emotions in the room pinged through her, washing over her own as she brushed her hair out of her face and broke the ominous pause for Bobby.
“Gosh…an informal sexual relationship at the precinct? Was it with …” She thought for a long moment about the few detectives and officers she knew. “Investigator…Skye? Mr. Detective Gumshoe? Maggey?”
With that, she’d pretty much gone through all the ones she knew. 
"I doubt either of you know him. HIs name is detective Ray Hoshino. Initially our relationship began as a solution to a problem. Namely that he was formerly Bobby Fulbright's neighbor."
"I see," Simon repeated. He leaned forward, and his smile widened dangerously. "Robert, let me talk to Bobby for a minute."
Robert shrugged and Athena was suddenly hit full force with the wave of Bobby's embarrassment as he wrung his hands in his lap. "Are you mad? Simon, I mean, we never talked about– and I didn't think that– you know—"
"Silence, Fool Bright!" Simon snapped harshly. Then he laughed and thumped his hand on the sofa. "So– you were worried about me being mad? Why? As Robert said, we never discussed any kind of formal arrangement. Which is why we're doing so now. Here I was agonizing over having slept with Athena while you've been screwing around in the office!"
Athena turned a vivid red, both from Bobby’s embarrassment flooding her system and her own as it pinged in response to Simon.
“Gehhhhahahhhh….” She held her hands up shyly. “Looks like that…uh, resolves nicely? Yay! Nobody has to feel b-bad for sleeping with anyone!” 
"Indeed not," Simon laughed, slapping the couch again. "All that's left is to tie up how we're going to proceed."
"And um, how would you like that to be, Simon?" Bobby asked, poking his fingers together nervously. "I can break things off with Ray if you'd want us to be uh, um, exclusive to you…"
"What kind of drivel is coming out of your mouth now, Fool Bright?" Simon sneered.
Everything but sheer amusement had left Simon's emotions– they almost overwhelmed even Bobby's embarrassment and anxiety.
Athena laughed into her hand. “geeze…Bobby, he’s having a lot of fun with this. It’s almost oppressive.” 
Bobby rubbed the back of his neck, flushing deep scarlet. 
"I can kind of tell. Justice, Simon, I really feel like I'm being laughed at here." Nevertheless, he smiled widely. "You know I'm not always the quickest on the uptake, can you two just tell me, you know… how you want to proceed?"
"Spoilsport," Simon snapped playfully. "I propose that we do as we like, sexually. And I propose further that we invite Athena to apartment hunt with us, if that arrangement would be agreeable to the two of you."
"All three of us live together, huh?" Bobby smiled awkwardly. Some of his embarrassment had faded, but not much.
Athena smiled shyly and rubbed the back of her neck. 
“it’s not a bad idea…I m-mean, with the three of us–and especially Simon’s big big prosecutor bucks– we could probably find a place a lot nicer than this, or sleeping on Aura’s couch and spider-filled guest bed until she kicks in the door…”
She thought for a moment, the idea of the three of them living together playing in her mind for a moment. It’d be comfortable, it’d be fun, heck, it’d even make court kind of hilarious when they then went home after the trial.
And it was a way they could all bond in this strange tangle they’ve found themselves. in “if you guys are okay with it, Halblicht, I’m on board for it.” 
"A prosecutor, a defense attorney, and a detective, all living together," Bobby counted on his fingers. "It sounds like the set up for a joke, doesn't it?"
"Potentially a very funny one," Simon drawled. "But I won't push you if you're not interested."
"I wouldn't mind at all!" Bobby said quickly. "Um, Robert will agree to it of course, but I can tell he's got some reservations."
Athena scuffed her foot on the ground with a tilt of her head. “Reservations, Robert?”
Halblicht's features smoothed back into Robert's expression and he shrugged. "It's only the same reservations that I have about living with Simon, writ larger. I have no experience living with other people in this way. I may be a poor room mate."
As he spoke, she felt a low shimmer of real anxiety from him. He was nervous about it, actually nervous. Of course, he had only ever lived alone the last year– he was used to having his privacy. Having to hide, always. And other than that, he had only ever known whatever life had been like as an asset. Athena's intuition told her that he was likely going over possible disaster scenarios in his head.
She listened as he spoke, and took a moment more to filter the emotions through herself with a pensive hum.
“You’re in good company, Robert…I think, for the most part…none of us are especially experienced with having a roommate. I grew up mostly around robots…Simon had himself and his sister in that big old house…and your situation…” 
Sympathy and anger welled up inside her as she thought of the organization and its cruelties upon Robert and his fellow assets.
“Which means if we do this, it’ll be a learning experience, something to work through together, even if we have hiccups. But it’s important to know that…no matter how many terrible ‘what ifs’ go through your head…the reality is as long as we’re all willing, we can make it work…no disasters necessary.” 
"I can conceptualize some pretty terrible disasters, Athena," Robert cautioned. 
Simon waved a hand. "And I can imagine terrible disasters if we don't live together. There's a word for that, Robert. It's called catastrophizing."
“It’s something I’m pretty used to as well, Robert.” Athena nodded and smiled weakly “what if everything goes wrong? What if this happens because of that…but Simon is right. It goes both ways…and if catastrophize, you not only give yourself unnecessary anxiety…but you miss out on something that may be good for you, or bring you joy.” 
"I'm sure your advice is sound, Athena," Robert nodded. "Regardless, I'm outvoted three to one, even if I were going to object. I'll be interested to see what living with the two of you is like."
Interested… that was the word Robert tended to use when he was pleased about something.
It brought a smile to Athena’s face. 
“I promise…your interest is well placed. If nothing else I can’t imagine it’ll be boring!” She laughed into her hand “...you and Bobby will have to work extra hard to combat Simon and my…design sensibilities.” 
Robert raised his eyebrow performatively, and made a show of looking around the apartment. "I'll lay my hands on some interior design magazines."
"Hmph!" Simon sniffed. "My interior design is unimpeachable. I think we should go for a prison style decor. Bars and chains."
Despite his utterly straight face his amusement was unmistakable.
Athena snorted and had to cover her mouth to stifle her laughter. 
“And here I thought we could agree on tatami mats and a space motif! I didn’t know you were that  interested in bars and chains, Simon!” She grinned at Robert “I actually know a few people we can get some advice from, on that front. The magazines, not Simon’s chain fetish.”
Robert pulled down his sunglasses. "Never fear, Athena. I know exactly where we can source the chains."
Athena turned pink, and flashed him a broad smile. “well, we’ll have to make it one of our first trips then!” she glanced at Simon with a teasing wink. 
"Ghhk!" Simon shook his head. "Perhaps bringing the pair of you together under one roof is a mistake."
"Too late now, Prosecutor Blackquill. On your head be it." Robert grinned widely.
The little ping of anxiety that Athena had been feeling from him had smoothed away.
It eased in her own heart…and she found her smile had turned genuine as her joy.
It was an odd situation no doubt…especially with the variables still only somewhat accounted for…but she couldn’t help but be excited and happy with the result.
“You did agree to it, Simon. You’re kinda stuck with us now,” she chirped 
"I'll prepare myself for round two of my neverending punishment then," Simon drawled.
Halbllicht laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. "You can't fool us, Simon. We know you're enjoying it. Right Athena?"
“Oh he’s loving it, Halblicht.” Athena sidled over to place her hand on his other shoulder. “He’s practically glowing with it right now!” 
It was Simon's turn to flush, and he rubbed his neck. "A curse on both of you. I'm the curse, by the way."
"We could tell," Robert nodded. Athena felt a shimmer of emotion from him– amusement? Happiness? It was something positive at least. "Now, it seems that we've decided how to proceed in the long term. Now we have to discuss the short term."
Athena leaned against Simon with a hum and a nod. “the short term’s hopefully not as complicated, right?” 
"I certainly hope we can at least agree on where to get lunch," Simon drawled. "Or the future is dire, indeed."
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twilida · 1 year
Five Nights at Freddys’ Lamenting Logs: Part 3
January 4th, 1986:
School was mentally draining today, My old friends wouldn’t stop bothering me and others were talking about me behind my back even the teachers….. I know it was my fault can they just drop it!? It’s been nearly 3 years I can’t take this anymore…..what’s not helping anything is that some people think I’m just like my Father….I’m not like him…I’m NOT like him! I’M NOT LIKE HIM!!! (I’m crying right now…I can’t take this anymore!! Evan….I’m so sorry….for everything)
December 20th, 1986:
Things have been stable since I last wrote in this Journal, my Foster Father is the best Father I could have ever asked for, he’s done so much for me and my sister ever since our Father was taken away. I even made a friend, his name is Jeremy Fitzgerald, we met in School and we’ve grown very close since we started hanging out he’s like a brother to me….anyway Christmas is coming soon and I’ve been thinking about what I want to get for him and my family. He’s interested in Video Games maybe I can get him that popular new TV Game System? That’s expensive though…. I’ll ask my Foster Father for help he would know better then I would.
February 2nd, 1987:
My little sister and I had a big argument just now, we recently found out that our Foster Father, Mr. Schmitt sold the Fredbear/Fazbear franchise to someone else so he could support us. Needless to say we were both angry, I was angry because he was unemployed now because of it, but my sister was angry for a…different reason. turns out she never got over her dislike for Mr. Schmitt for taking away the family business from Father and hated him even more now because he sold the whole brand away. I was appalled, shocked ANGRY at the little brat for what she said!! Father wasn’t a good parent not just too me but I’m general!! My sister was a baby when Evan died she never saw all the things Father did to me….his behavior got worse after the bite, his neglect turned into abuse. He choked me so bad that I have life long damage to my throat that makes it hard to talk with out wincing in pain. This brat was treated as ‘Daddy’s Little Princess’ by Father yet I became the outlet for his outbursts….I hate you Father. Next Part
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