#but hey at least I'm honest uwu
evilblot · 1 year
Tagged Summoned by @fullmoondagger, thanks king!
Last song: Relax by Frankie goes to Hollywood. Another song that's been forever ruined by a movie I recently watched and now activates a pavlovian response everytime I hear it (<- starts foaming at the mouth but at least they don't want to kill the president of Malaysia. Yet.)
Currently watching: The entirety of Will Ferrell's filmography. All of it. I can feel my brain atrophying and shrivel with each one I manage to finish (with a few exceptions), but trust me: this suffering is not for nothing. I have a plan (<- the brain rot wrote this)
Last movie/TV show: Bewitched. The.. the 2005 version. It was cute I guess. It definitely didn't fill my brain with ideas about doing a themed AU but with werewolves or similar beasts ahahaha..!
Currently reading: Nothing, unfortunately. I got some titles I'd like to get back to now that I've got a little more time, but I still need to find the mental capacity to sit down and actually read :')
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: All of them! Combined, possibly. Like hot honey-glazed spare ribs.... Hrrmrmm.. Dammit, I'm salivating like a starving dog now, help dhjshsjs
Relationship status: People say I'm a self-insert Mary Sue slut... but the truth is, I have fifty BILLION boyfriends. And they all love me. And you're just mad that I'm having WAY more FUCKING FUN than you EVER WILL. You know, what's your damage? Maybe you should try having fifty BILLION boyfriends too, because then you might not be such a salty, jealous bitch. I'm just sayin.
Current obsession: Do I... Do I even have to say it? Take a look around and take a wild guess. The hints are there I prommy fjsbxjdls BUT!!!! I'm also going back to being obsessed with 3D sculpting since I'll be soon finally able to carry out the insane ideas I got... SOON!!!!! *cackling like a mad man*
Last thing you googled: How to stream movies on discord. And once I figure it out, we're gonna watch the Barbie movie. Together <3c
Tagging @taonpest @smimon @dansdaughter @monochromatictoad @hedjblogr @amazinlei (no pressure guys, ignore it if y'all ain't in the mood, I just wanted to let y'all know ily <3)
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falling-star-cygnus · 1 month
This isn't really angst but I want to share this idea with you anyways, Nicole and Anby get sick, like really sick, so Billy and Nekomata take care of them, Nekomata goes out to get medicine for Anby and Nicole so Billy does some nice things for them while waiting for Nekomata to come back, like putting a cold towel on their heads and making chicken noodle soup for them, and when doing this he gets to hear some muttered apologies from Anby and Nicole about the way they treat him
AHHH THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA -> i'm on it o^o7
posts might slow down for a little bit, but I'll definitely try and knock out what's already been sent in as speedily as possible while ensuring [hopefully] good quality :D
the other format i tried out didn't necessarily do bad, but i think i'll stick to this one after all. since i created the Master List at long last uWu
"Hey, Manager," Billy says into Nicole's phone, trying to keep his voice as unassuming as possible, "Boss won't be able to make it to your hangout today."
"Oh no!" Belle immediately frets on the other end, "What's going on? Is she okay?"
Well. The goal was not to make her worry. Damnit.
Objective failed.
"She's okay. Her and Anby just came down with a... pretty brutal fever, if I'm being honest. They should be fine in a few days, though at max!"
Hopefully. Billy had heard stories about humans with sickly immune systems that... didn't always survive a fever. The stories had never scared him before but...
"Kitty's out getting some medicine for them right now," the android forces himself to continue, lest he dwell on that too long, "And I'm staying here to make sure their temperatures don't get too high."
That's what you were supposed to do when humans got sick, right? He was kind of just basing everything off Nekomata's experience and one episode of the Starlight Knights where two characters- who should be love interests but weren't- got stranded together on a desert planet and one of them had to take care of the other. But the other wasn't really human or anything- so it was kind of an unreliable source of information.
So he also did a quick google search.
"That's great, Billy," Belle's gentle voice brings him back to the present conversation, "Sounds like they're in very capable hands then. My mind is put at ease."
That was nice to hear. That she believed in him.
"Do- do you have any suggestions?" the android ventures, figuring it couldn't really hurt, "I mean- I can totally take care of them on my own, but- surely the legendary, all-knowing Phaethon might have some advice for a plain piece of scrap metal like me...?"
Perfect save.
In the end, Belle doesn't really tell him anything that he didn't already get from Nekomata or from the computer the Hares' all shared. Cold towels, warm soup that's easy on the throat, and lots of rest.
The two Demara's were laid up in one room to prevent contaminating Nekomata. Or him, too, but the only way the android could get sick was via computer virus.
Which- they all learned the hard way. That was not a pleasant experience, nor one he was eager to repeat... but he would if it meant Nicole and Anby could recover faster.
With no time to sit on his thoughts, Billy replaces the cloths on their heads with all the gentleness he can muster. He must- at least- be doing something right, because the two already look more peaceful than they had before the call with the Proxy.
"Mm.. m'sorry.." he thinks he hears Nicole mutter.
Bad dream? He ponders, hastily striding over to fix the towel across her forehead. Maybe she was dreaming of the time Eous shut off in the Hollow and they had thought about turning them in.
Or- Billy had suggested turning them in.
Twasn't his proudest moment. He sincerely hoped Phaethon never found out about that-
"...m'sorry," she mutters again, turning onto her side with a furrowed brow, "..sorry.. Billy.. for yelng' all th'time. You're a good android. Good fr'nd. 'n I... dn't say it... nuff."
If he had been built for crying, Billy was sure he'd be making a mess of his faceplate right now.
The things his family team does to him... he was going soft.
As the android fixes both the Demara's towels, as he helps prop them up and spoon feed the delirious duo medicine and soup, and as he tucks them back in for a nice long nap, privately he thinks...
Maybe that's not such a bad thing.
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yourlocalderp · 1 year
A very long and angry essay that will put my head on a guillotine but who cares.
Now before I start, to anyone I may offend or anger in this, I just want to say that I don't care. Call me evil, say I'm bad, announce me the Tumblr fun police, whatever just keep it to yourselves. (Don't actually, I'm bored. Write paragraphs about me on TikTok and slander my name please.)
Also, I'm going to be brutally honest in this, with my genuine feelings out there for the world to hear. If you don't want to read a bunch of words written by a mentally ill teenager who just hates something in the world, then feel free to move on with your life. For all those who don't want to leave/ are actually interested/ readying their pitchforks, then do I have a treat for you.
Now, onto my actual topic. The Marjorine Scotch headcannon fucking sucks and makes no sense.
Let me tell you why.
First of all, it came out of nowhere. She appeared in one episode, and everyone decided "Hey, let's get rid of Butter's and put Marjorine instead mhm mhm definitely a good idea!" Y'all flocked to Marjorine quick as fuck, and I bet a rat ass some of you don't even like her and just want to jump on that bandwagon of the random ass uprise of a character which is a COSTUME of a literal existing character.
Second of all, you all act as if she's been here the whole time. She hasn't, it's BUTTERS who was here, not Marjorine. I keep seeing replies on comments asking why Butters is always replaced with Marjorine going "Well Butters and Marjorine are the same people blah blah blah" as if those same repliers wouldn't go "Marjorine>>>>Butters" like what happened to the "same person" mindset you had before hm? Anyways Butters>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Marjorine like there is no doubt about it if you argue you're wrong and a hypocrite. Third of all, why Butters? Isn't he the most misogynistic, hater of all women, had an episode where he stuck his wee wee out to prove a point, kind of boy? Why suddenly all that is thrown out of the window for some girly girl MaRjOrInE with an unhealthy obsession with hello kitty? He didn't even enjoy being a girl for fucks sake he threw off his wig the moment he stepped his ass out of the girl's slumber party. (Btw feel free to correct me with this part because I refuse to watch the Marjorine episode out of spite.) Why not Wendy with Wendyl? She seemed pretty chill with being a guy. What about Princess fucking Kenny.
Topic 4. Princess Kenny and why she'd make more sense for a fandom to headcannon as mtf.
Maybe it's just because I'm bias to her, or magical girls in general, but why DO I never see anyone headcannon Kenny as anything other than genderfluid? Why does Butters, who dressed as a girl for ONE EPISODE, get the mtf hammer, but Kenny, whom basically EVERYONE called a girl for A LITERAL ARC FOR SOUTH PARK and A FUCKING GAME. Is it because you find Butters more, I don't know, feminine?
Disclaimer, this is where I start going into conspiracy type of shit. Don't take it too seriously because it really ISN'T that serious, but just an FYI, I mean it all.
This brings me to this point; I have a strong belief that some Marjorine people only do the Marjorine headcannon because they see Butters as more girly. Y'all know the ship Bunny? Y'all know how people usually see Kenny as "the man" of the ship? (Yes, I've seen people say that in Youtube comments. Get help.) Well, this makes Butters "the woman" of the ship now doesn't it. Yes, that's right. I'm accusing.
Take that word in.
People who ship fucking Kenjorine as to make them your average "UwU boy" and "Mf alpha demon thing who smokes like 30 cigars an hour" but it's straight and Marjorine is your petit anime girl and Kenny looks like he came out of one of those yaoi mangas from back in the day. Like, why is Marj always this cutesy kawaii girl like at least make her crazy?? (And sapphic. Don't be shy, why not make sapphic bunny with Princess Kenny and Marjorine? Then I can at least stomach SOME Marj content.)
I also think Kenjorine is just an excuse to make a gay ship straight. The number of comments I see that go "Omg!!11!!1 I love Kenjorine because it fits soOoOOOoO well with Kenny's character cause he's SO StRaIgHt>.<<<<<<" is annoying. Imagine that with Creek. I know it's a bad comparison with Creek since both boys are gay, but Kenny and Butters don't have confirmed sexualities, maybe Kenny does like dudes, we'll never know. All I'm saying is that why is it that y'all get so pressed when someone turns the "uke" of the ship (Like tweek or butters, lord have mercy i'm going to cry a river.) into a woman, you're only mad about one? (Aka Tweek ones, which is understandable.) At least the Creek people have gotten past that phase of feminizing Tweek to the point he's not even proportionally accurate, the Bunny fandom though.....
Speaking of Kenjorine once again, can you kenjorine motherfuckers get out of the Bunny tag on tiktok? I can't scroll 5 tiktoks without seeing Marj's face and it's gotten to the point that I just had to mention this in here. Y'all have a tag with over 40 million views go use that, after all isn't Kenjorine the "superior" ship to you guys? (After people see this, I bet multiple kenjorine tiktoks are going to appear in the bunny tag and I'll go into a deep depression because I just can't enjoy Butters x Kenny anymore.)
Anyways, last point I'm about to make before I wrap things up, you know those crappy edits of South Park oc's in South Park? That's what Marjorine feels like. She doesn't fit in, she's too "perfect" or whatever, she basically has no flaws to me. Every time I see a Marj headcannon thing, it's always along the lines of: "Marjorine. (insert age). Gets bullied by Eric but stands up to him or whatever like a girlboss yada yada. Epic bf (and it's just Kenny on steroids). Hello kitty enthusiast. (insert a bunch of facts I do not give a shit about)" Like damn girl what about your PARENTS??? Would your parents APPROVE of this? I don't fucking think so, I doubt they'd not ground Butters for even thinking about being trans.
That wraps up everything I have to say so far, maybe I'll come by to update this, maybe not. Either way, here's some final thoughts, as well as my contradictions to every reason I know of why people use the Marjorine headcanon because I'm petty and angry that I keep seeing her.
"She looked happy as a girl!" Did you watch the episode, or did you just see what you wanted to see? He was happy because he was being ACCEPTED. That doesn't mean he liked being a GIRL.
"He wore a skirt that one time!" What happened to "Clothes have no gender?" There's a difference between dressing in "the opposite gender's" clothing, and actually being the opposite gender. If I wore a tuxedo, does that make me a man? No. I'd like to dress up as the genderbent version of myself, but I'm still not a guy. Therefore, this argument is fucking stupid and goes against a lot of shit that people are saying.
"He likes hello kitty!" Again, liking hello kitty doesn't mean you're a girl or something, you're not suddenly a boy if you play Valorant or whatnot, and you are most certainly not a girl just because you play something inherently "girly."
"She's just a girl!!!" He's Butters, get over it. Just plain old simple Butters, leave him be. You people are like the mfs in the exact episode Marjorine was in. You aren't happy with how he was before; you want him to change just to make yourselves happy. Remind you of something in the episode? Where Marjorine cried in the bathroom because no one liked her, and the only reason the people did was they gave her a makeover and made her more girly? You're all just reenacting that episode but pretending that Butters would be happy with it.
Final words
Princess Kenny is better. Also if y'all are gonna type angry paragraphs about me, please send them to me so I can argue with a wall cause it's pretty damn entertaining. I'll even do the courtesy of ranking your insults/comebacks out of 10. I'm so fucking tired of seeing this bitch everywhere it's driving me to the brink of insanity. I know I'm weird and crazy but the Marjorine Stotch headcannon is like a leech in my brain and I can't get that mf out I want her gone she's a genuine thorn to my spine. Out of the courtesy of my own heart, I must say. This fandom truly made me lose all respect I had for a character, and this character wasn't even relevant to anything. She's useless, brings nothing to the plot, and should've stayed a one-time joke. Everyone who says otherwise like "Marjorine is SooOOoOooOO much better" needs a reality check. This isn't fucking "girl power" to you this is the removal of a character for a fandom oc.
Bunny supremacy, stop putting Kenjorine into it's tag, get the fuck out my ship you have your own tag, bye.
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To the Engines, what type of music do you all like?
Thomas: I like a little bit of Rock and Roll from time to time. My old driver used to play some of it during our breaks. I know with the "Young Nor' Westers" around, they listen to more modern stuff. Sometimes Jonny (Jonathon) will play some London Underground on our rides. It's a wonder he hasn't crashed me yet. =-='////
Jonathon: Hey, it's good stuff. Plus, you weren't complaining. <.<
Thomas: Yes, but that stays between you and me. >.>
Jonathon: Um.... OvO'////
Thomas: Jonny.... <.<
Jonathon:..... >w>'\\\\
Edward: I'll be honest, I'm fine with anything as long as it's not heavy metal. The stuff is very rending on the ears (yes I know engines don't have ears, but that's beside the point). =v=
Eddie: That's not what Grandpa told me~ >w>
Edward: How would you like for the others to know about your little crush? <w<
Eddie: I'll shut up now. OxO'///
Edward: Good lad~ ^u^
Henry: I like Irish music and movie soundtracks. They're very relaxing to listen to. =v=
Correlle: Tell them about Abba~ <w<
Henry: *sigh* Yes, I will concede that Correlle has managed to get me into Abba. She was listening to Chiquitita in my cab and I ended up liking it. =v='
Corelle: He also like Madonna! XD
Henry: CORRELLE!!! *wheeshes steam at her* D:<
Corelle: *dodges* And it wasn't even because of me~ >w>
Henry: Oh the Indignity.... >:(
Gordon: MY LINE!
Gordon: I don't normally listen to music in all honesty. But, if I feel like it, some classical suits me just fine. UvU
Natasha: That's not what I remember >v>
Gordon: If you mean your kentelle playing, then I like that too. <.<
Natasha: Not what I was thinking of, but I won't out you. I at least have enough self respect, unlike some people.... UvU
Correlle: Just for that, Gordon used to be a heavy metal fa-- *is tackled by Natasha* XwX
Natasha: Замолчи!!! D:<
Gordon: WHO TOLD YOU?!?!?! D:<
Henry: Oop... <w<'///
James: I honestly prefer some nice Pop and rock music. I was stuck listening to some old stuff until Katyusha introduced me to some pretty swaggy modern beats. UwU
Katyusha: Да, that I did~ UwU
James: It's amazing what the internet comes up with, if you ask me UwU
Katyusha: Speaking of the Internet, you've seemed to gather more followers on your Instagram. UvU
James: Oh good! :D
Percy: I like Irish music. I also like really goofy songs, like Yakety Sax and Muleskinner Blues. And.... well don't tell anyone this, but I like listening to the songs from the Thomas & Friends series sometimes. <v<'
Michael: There's nothing to be ashamed of there. I still listen to them as well. <:D
Percy: Oh thank Godred! I thought I was the only one. >v<'
Michael: I'll tell you a little secret Percy; all of us young crewmates do it. We're just not open about it. <w<
Percy: That makes me feel better =w='
That's all for now! Sorry this took so long. I don't normally do the engines. Also, this is just based on a guess; I bet someone out there has better headcanons then I do.
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vermanaward · 1 year
ain't no drama i hate like static drama
there's a lot of tl;dr that nobody (including me) cares about but the general gist of it is that my uwu static lead and his bff sge decided for some undisclosed reason to just like. casually go and clear in pf. just for shits and giggles i guess. quite intentionally, i should add. and then today i learn that they recleared in pf with the other tank in our group. and iam
not happy about this, i gotta be honest!!
initially the lead was like 'uh hey appo are you mad?' and i was just 'i'm... surprised...?' because it takes me a while to process things but it turns out that yeah actually i am mad not least because of how fucking disrespectful it is of the group to (even appear to) decide that actually we're taking too long to clear so fuck you guys we're going to pf
and like. Other Tank is away from the game for a while after the 25th so i can understand him wanting to clear before he goes but it's just like. thank you so much for the vote of confidence that we clear this weekend!
like i was already kinda capital d Done if we don't clear for the nth time this weekend bc it's been nearly two months on fuckin uwu of all the piss easy fights and this is just the. nail in the god damn coffin
on the upside i guess it's a reminder to myself of why i have that 'don't raid with friends' rule!! also two less friends but thems the breaks5
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
"Trunks?" There's an uncomfortable pause, Goten rubbing his arm awkwardly. "You - there's nothing going on between you & Mai, is there?" ( uwu before they get together :'3 Goten/Trunks )
| muse interaction
Trunks knew when he liked girls it was when he saw Mai from the future her long hair, and round face the shape of her eyes. It was enough to flustered him alone. Trunks knew when he liked boys was when suddenly starting at Goten turned into lingering glances. Touches are unnecessary being done. His shoulder, or holding on to his arm. When receiving a message from Goten, would fill him with so much serotonin he couldn't explain the smile thar showed from seeing thier name on the screen.
Okay, well, maybe more of that was because he had feelings for Goten past attraction. Goten was his best friend they trained together, they fought together heck litteraly because they master fusion at a younge age. Goten and him? Well, it made sense if they were together, then everything was okay. If it weren't for valese, Trunk would have admitted how he felt. He was certain their friendship wouldn't be ruined. Even if Goten rejected him. He might be prideful like his father, but he wouldn't let thar get in the way....guess thats why he also never spoke up about his feelings with valese in the picture. If Goten liked her and she made him happy?
At least he could at least hang around Mai from time to time and let him get his mind of Goten. Well, not really, he did enjoy her company none the less. Made him feel less, eh lonely, he guesses. Waving bye to her once he got home, but his face brightened the moment he saw Goten waiting for him.
"Goten! Why didn't you tell you were here? I coulda come sooner!" He says slightly, jogging over towards his friend. Cursing his heart for how it literally skipped a beat sudden when seeing them.
"Hmm yeah?" Trunks asks when Goten hadn't followed up with much else yet. Assuming thar was the question being asked just now.
"You - there's nothing going on between you & Mai, is there?"
He just arches a brow and sets shis hands to his hips, tilting his head to the side as he fixed Goten with a look. "Like what dating?" He asks as if it was unclear what they could mean? "I mean, she's pretty, I guess, and I like hanging out with her sometimes, but we ain't like a thing." Suddebly, he smirks and leans over to nudge his friend a little."Why jealous?" When he said it, he meant it towards Mai. Trunks only was aware Goten liking girls least he assumed as such if he were honest based off Valese. Maybe he was crushing on Mai? Trunks didn't like that but hey he was Goten's friend right?
Throwing an arm around Goten's shoulders now as he just chuckled a bit to himself "man Goten don't you already have Valese? Eyeing Mai now too, uh? What would your mom say about that?" He was purely teasing and far off the mark on who Goten was even jealous towards here. "I mean, I guess I could put in a good word for you still if you want, but ya know, don't go two timing or anything, alright? I won't help you out in th a t situation no why in hell." Laughing more fully just hazing his friend here. "Come on let's go hang out I'm up for some time with my best friend."
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villain-in-love · 4 months
💭, 🩹 and 🤒 for Portia? (@canarycurse)
Hey, An! Thank you for asking about my beloved wife!
To be honest, I really struggled with the first question. What difference would there be between the way someone thinks about you when you're not around or when you're with them? In the end I came up with possibly alternative answer that is close to the theme.
Thoughts 💭 – What do you think your f/o thinks about you when you're not around?
Probably "I sure hope she's not doing anything illegal right now."
But actually, Portia doesn't think that much about Katerina while they are separated. Not because she doesn't miss her company, but mostly because Portia is always super busy, either with her work at the Palace or personal projects/hobbies.
However... Portia has many questions that she isn't sure how to ask, and if it's even possible to get the answers to them, so she keeps mulling them over in her head. If there’s a quality that both Portia and Katerina share, it’s their desire to know things. And Portia wishes she could learn more about Katerina, because this magician still remains a mystery. Even for Portia, who is her closest friend and a lover. To be honest, she's frustrated by the fact that Katerina has amnesia (or at least what they think is an amnesia), in a sense that it prevents Portia from getting information about Katerina’s past and all the events that made her the way she is now.
Lately, Portia has been secretly conducting her own investigation, searching through Palace archives, asking her fellow servants that could still remember Katerina from her past as a court magician... She even went down to the Red Market in search of information, knowing that Katerina must have been involved with it in her past. There's also some information Portia got from questioning Asra and Lucio, but it also wasn't much as Katerina mostly kept her business secret even from them.
Well, it seems like some of Portia's questions might get answered when Cornelius arrives to Vesuvia…
Band-aid 🩹 – If there was one thing about your f/o that you'd want people to understand, what would it be?
Haaa... Portia overall is severely underappreciated by the fandom that doesn't bother to dive deeper into her character...
But if there's one point I'd like to drive across the most it is this: Portia is more than just uwu wholesome cottagecore lesbian (well, bisexual, but you get what I'm saying). Too much content with Portia is about domestic fluff and not enough about crazy adventures and sailing the seas. If you played her route then you would know that, while Portia is great at creating cozy and homely atmosphere, she’s not a domestic person, at least not by choice. She's highly curious, opportunistic and energetic, she always wanted more out of her life. Portia always dreamed of adventures, she wanted to become a pirate captain just like her adoptive grandma! She definitely won't be satisfied staying at home.
Overall, I'd say that Portia is kind of supposed to be this girl-next-door type of character, but it's twisted in a way that she loathes just being a girl-next-door. She contradicts her own advertising.
Sick 🤒 – Your f/o is sick in bed, what do you do?
Well, fuck. If Portia of all people is stuck in bed, you know that it’s bad. Usually it's almost impossible to convince her to rest, as Portia will insists that she’s fine for as long as she can and force herself to go through her usual duties despite feeling sick. It’s entirely possible that Katerina had to personally tackle her and drag her to bed. Then Katerina will put Pepi on top of her for a good measure, because Portia won't dare to get up while the cat is sleeping on her. But further than that…
Okay, first of all, she will call Julian. Then she will kick Julian out, because he was fretting over Portia too much and just proved to be a nuisance (Julian is a great doctor, but he becomes a nervous wreck when it concerns people he's close to, including his little sister). Instead Katerina will send him to Mazelinka – this old woman is smart and is great at green magic, she must have some remedy.
Overall, Katerina will follow all the instructions given to her by Mazelinka and Julian (when he calms down). She's not the best at taking care of people and healing magic never came easy to her, but she'll try her best. After all Portia always takes care of her when she's the one who gets sick.
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ursbearhug · 2 years
One of the main reason I no longer try to argue with the folk who purchase The Antisemitic Fear Mongering the game, is because it's bascially talking a wall.
Every possible argument you make they strawman like their life depends on it (which it really does because the moment they realise they did something wrong is the end of all, instead of - ya know - apologise and go on do better) and the argument they do understand, will unlogic out to you until you die from brain malfunction. Like in Sims 3 when you asked another sim to divide 0 and they just set ablaze and die.
Examples? "Hey by purchasing the Fear Mongerer the game you help a billionaire racist and xenophobic trans-exlusionist ruin lives of milion other people" and they hit you with "well, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism" (strawman; they are aware that your argument is unbeatable because it warrants 5 minutes long Google search to prove that, yes, JK Rowling is indeed that horrible of a shell of human being, therefore they take the "purchase" part and decide to fight this bit because you cannot refute them)
Or the new one I see a lot on Tumblr; "well, I donated 3x the cost of the game to "Poor organisation trying their best to shelter trans folk" so my purchase of the Racist and Anti-Semitic narrative the game is justified". No, it's not. Even if every buyer, somehowly, manages to donate triple the amount of games price, we're talking about what? 600 per buyer? To a lowly organisation scrambling for money because they fight against something that most people would rather look away from? Versus a millionaire author collecting royalties? This is also a moment where I really want everyone to step into academic field and try to write 1 (one) paper that would go through the Copy Right program without a single problem on their first try and maybe, just maybe, they'd realise how royalties, copyright and copyright theft works. Also I really, really want people to understand it's not The Witcher situation; where the author gives away the rights to the mark. Even if we ignore (which is pretty hard to do) JK Rowling's words about "folk who helps Harry Potter, help me" (or whatever the fuck) and treat that just as a "I don't want to feel horrible so I'm saying words", she still racks up obscene cash from people who's reading capabilities didn't evolve past 1st grader or are so hung up on their childhood and unable to let go. Bitches will make fun of people for buying and being invested in Pokemon and have "uwu I'm such a ravenclaw" in their profile bio and not a single spark between their last remaining braincells would be ignited in the spawn of this event. You're not ravenclaw, you're just an imbecile.
And even when you go neck deep into the issue of the game being antisemitic and not actually transphobic, they'll still manage to use their lack of common sense which can and will numb you into state of unconsciousness.
It would be easier, and better, if they just straight up admit they don't care and would rather play the poor (not really considering the price tag) man's version of Dark Souls but with wands and magic and Harry Potmaker veneer. I would have lesser beef with that because at least we're being transparent and honest, instead of making weird hills to die on that make zero sense and make all the logic roll in its grave. Like, really, just say you'd rather pay for this game and play it with 0 critical thinking involved and be done with it. It will not lesser the bullying some folks are willing to go with, but it will lessen the headache you're inflicting with your absolute lack of awareness and empathy.
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meili-sheep · 2 years
but hey, what's your opinion on the Harbingers? Do you think they'll enter Diluc's harem? Or like Harbingers Found Family glaring at Diluc and him glaring back because he's dating Childe? Brainrot is hitting as a lover of villains haha ~S
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So my rundown on the harbingers. The TDLR is I really want them as found family, but my hate for Dottore is too strong for me to totally give in to my delusion. But outside that on their own ...
(this is long and includes Ice Prince!Diluc relationships cause my brain rot is also strong)
Starting with Pierro
Pierro has been added to my list of Crepus replacements. Well, he did end up more serious than how I put him in my Ice Prince Fic. You can still bet he's a good father figure to Diluc in that. And in the context of Chiluc. While I think Pierro is weary of Tartaglia as one of the few who hasn't been picked by him personally, I do think he trusts Pulcinella's judgment. That is until Childe brings Diluc home and Is like, "This is my boyfriend. Yeah, he destroyed a lot of our shit, but please forgive him, UwU"
But Since I still think the Tsaritsa would approve. Pierro would end up seeing the advantages of having a truce with Diluc and even being on friendly terms. In the long run, they would get along quite well I think. Bonding over chess and even to the point where Pierro would start being reminded of what he lost and having fatherly affection towards Diluc.
Then Columbina
Well, starting off, I can't help but feel the lesbian energy rolling on her. If I do more with Ice Prince, I was planning to make her more of a big sister figure. I don't see her as someone much for conversation, but she would be there when Diluc needed that silence. Of course, singing him lullabies.
And for Chiluc, I think she would very much agree with the Tsaritsa and be very supportive of the relationship regardless of where Diluc came from. She just recognizes two people who have formed a strong bond of love between them. And that's something wonderful to get.
Pulcinella is an interesting case.
I think he has a strange affection toward Tartaglia, partly through picking Tartaglia himself and partly through learning about Tartaglia through his family. And he sort of sees Diluc as an addition to his promise to Tartaglia. He's someone Tartaglia cares so much about, so he's someone he takes care of while he's visiting. He's very nice to Diluc and actually grows the same affection he had for Tartaglia. Maybe even to the point of favoring Diluc over Tartaglia... as Diluc's conversation is " more stimulating".
And For that reason, too, Pulcinella has no trouble looking over Diluc's past actions. Pulcinella just clearly sees the value of Diluc being close to Tartaglia. And he even thinks that the value of both increases while they are together.
Oh, and in Ice Prince, Diluc is his favorite student, and he cherishes Diluc a lot. He's the fun uncle who always brings those gifts that trick you into learning something.
La Signora is Ice Prince Diluc's gay rich aunt.
And if I do more with Ice Prince i want to do that trailer with the addition of Ice Prince. As her death would affect Diluc a lot.
But in normal. I think she'd probably be one of the least welcoming to Diluc. I don't think She likes reminders of Mondstadt. Especially not a former Knight, especially not a prominent mondstadt family. Helps that she's not a fan of Tartaglia, so she couldn't care less about whoever he takes as a lover. Thought I feel she would get irate at Diluc getting close with everyone else. But I think ultimately, he ends up reminding Signora of Rostam. (I have this working theory that Diluc was Varka's own "Wolf Pup" but this is mostly cause I put Varka on my replacement dad list after the last event)
For Scaramouche
I'll be honest I'm pretty indifferent to him. Like most of the Inazuma stuff, he feels like filler to me.
But he would harshly does not care about Childe or whoever Childe is dating.
Ice Prince... I think Diluc makes him weirdly curious. I think this would be the first time close with a human child. And he wouldn't understand Diluc at all. But I think he could connect to him more. Still very, very abrasive.
Now Pantalone
With Ice Prince, Pantalone is very interested in the young prince. Especially since he's instantly put in charge of keeping track of Diluc's expenses and making sure Diluc is never wanting and his own accounts do well. And he's pretty serious about it, especially since he was a child who grew up with nothing. And he recognizes that diluc's young vision has been nothing but a burden to the child, which pushes his personal distaste for the gods.
For Chiluc. Pantalone is both excited and very jealous that Childe now has his fingers in the King of the wine industry. He thinks he can use this chance to push his goals but doesn't realize Diluc... is well, Diluc. And incredibly stubborn and has no interest in a business relationship. Pantalone is shocked when Diluc talks about his plans to expand the juice market. Diluc probably tends to push Pantalone's buttons a lot, intentionally and unintentionally.
Childe loves it.
Il Dottore, not let me tell you what I think is gonna happen.
The Dottore we saw in the trailer was most likely a younger clone. And the original is gonna get killed, which will be the boss fight. The younger version we saw in the trailer will learn a lesson and become playable. And I am gonna Haaaaaaaaaard pass.
Anyway, Ice Prince does not Trust Dottore as Dottore wants to improve humans to surpass gods, while Diluc thinks humans are already capable of rebellion without Dottore's horrible sacrifices.
And chiluc, well, Dottore is my go-to villain for my chiluc fics. So I think that says it all. I don't understand people who ship Diluc and Dottore. He's not like Childe, where DIluc can see a similar core value. And the clone would need a hella good redemption arch to be harem worthy.
Il Capitano... this is an interesting one.
He seems to be the more respectable of the harbingers, in the sense that he seems like a good but typical general way.
Tartaglia seems to admire him in a small way, so I think he'd push to impress Capitano by showing how strong his Diluc is. Did doesn't work. I do think Capitano would be slightly impressed, but only in seeing Tartaglia and Diluc as good soldiers. And maybe even seeing their relationship as their ownly flaws.
For Ice Prince, I don't think Capitano would pay much attention to the young prince until he took the crown. It would confuse him because this boy is ranked above him but must clearly be weaker than him. I do think that Prince Diluc does end up putting Capitano in his place by showing him his own strength. Afterwhich he probably becomes as loyal to Diluc as he is the Tsaritsa.
Hmmm for Ice Prince I see her making a lot of Automatons for the prince. And Diluc being fascinated by them, but he also treats them like living things which would be fascinating to her in return. Definitely make the prince his own butler.
As for Chiluc. Sandrone is seemingly annoyed with Childe, and I think this is more out of Childe's personal unpredictability. That he's something that so obviously can't be controlled, and I think that bothers her. So Diluc's appearance would be of interest to her. Until she learns Diluc is equally if not more feral than Childe is.
She dislikes them both.
So it's my working idea that Arlecchino is the harbringer Diluc actually confronted.
I don't know why. That's just the vibe I get. So Them (NB Arlecchino for life) seeing Diluc and Childe. They probably attack Diluc on sight, still most likely bitter he even managed to escape from them. Of course, Diluc's stronger now, and with childe on his side, the fight is ended really quickly. I think they are very, very bitter towards Childe and Diluc and only keep calm because of Columbina's support of the relationship.
For Ice Prince, Arlecchion probably was Diluc's first bodyguard. As Diluc's very years in the court were very rough, and many were the child as a threat. So Arlecchion was put as his guard. And I think this would change them a lot as Diluc would quickly attach to them. I think Diluc would change how Arlecchion runs the orphanage. Arlecchion holds no loyalty towards the Tsaritsa, but they care about Columbina and their Prince.
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margridarnauds · 3 years
the "more evolved" tankies use hypocracy strategy, example: they point off how civil russians are suffering (that cant get to metro post) that most of us agree on, but on the other hand not once have they shown symphaty for ukraine civilians will it be those running to safety nor those that are trying to defend their country. they try to refute every information from ukraine with sources from russian funded websites/social media (spurnik, russia today, telegram,..). You try to donate to ukrainian army? you are pro-war in their eyes or nzi. not once they mentioned putin. and when they did it was because uwu putin is trying to defend russia with atomic bombs because usa and europe has those? im sick and tired oof them blocked them all but somehow i still see their shit on my dashboard
They say "Fuck NATO" for egging on the war while ignoring that, at the end of the day, regardless of any other factors, Putin made the call. Putin made the call and is CONTINUING to make the call. And then proceeded to jail thousands of his own people.
They say not to donate to the Ukrainian army...fine. But they don't want anyone else to interfere because THAT'S imperialism. (Though to be honest I have mixed feelings about US involvement purely because my country doesn't have the best track record when it comes to letting other countries go once we "help" them...even when they ask for us initially.)
But, okay. Let's resolve this peacefully.
But they don't like SANCTIONS either. They talk about the every day people of Russia who are hurting -- I'm not a monster. I don't like hearing about sex workers not being able to withdraw money that they need to survive. I don't like hearing about the people of Russia suffering, especially when they've already been put through so much. And, as someone who's had to live abroad during a time when my country wasn't exactly the most popular country in the world for political reasons and faced my fair share of backlash for it, perhaps I sympathize with Russian people living abroad and being judged for their country's sins more than I should. But they don't say a single thing about the Ukrainian children that are being butchered right now. They don't talk about the thousands being forced to flee their homes. Something tells me that they're a LITTLE more inconvenienced at the moment, call it a gut instinct.
And, frankly, what DO they want? For Zelensky to get ahold of Putin via Zoom and say "Hewwo? Mistew Putin? I'm vewy sowwy, but can you pwease stowp invading my countwy uwu? I pwomise I'll be vewy good?" Like, what are they seeing as an endgame if you can't hit them physically, you can't hit them in the pocketbook, and you can't even say that that's a Very Big No No. For a bunch of brave revolutionaries, they seem to want the Ukrainian people to take this lying down. (Ignoring as well that they HAD talks today....that were suspiciously timed to more shelling.) But, then again, given they had no issues with the LAST time Russia had a chokehold over the rest of Eastern Europe, that's not really much of a surprise -- they want the old days back because, hey, maybe this time, things will be BETTER.
They want to talk about Palestine or Iraq. Fine. Let's talk about Palestine and Iraq. Let's talk American imperialism, or British imperialism, or French imperialism, and the hypocrisy of these countries because, in at least the case of all three, I can almost guarantee that I have some stories that you don't hear every day and, frankly, I would LOVE for the French in particular to grow an ounce of accountability. Let's talk. But don't forget for one second about what's going on. Don't use lives lost elsewhere as bargaining chips to justify how your side (like we're in a sports match instead of a life or death situation for millions of people) is right. They deserve better than that.
They say that invading a sovereign country is a war crime -- I fully agree, can we agree that there are now both USAmerican and Russian war criminals and move on from there, preferably while people are not still actively dying on both sides while we twiddle our thumbs?
We shouldn't put Zelensky on a pedestal -- I absolutely agree. The man's shown a superhuman amount of courage and fortitude, but he IS human. But, at the same time, SURELY that goes for Putin as well?
Ukrainian news is biased, but Russian news sources aren't? Have they taken lessons from the Republicans that only watch Fox News because "it's the only news channel without a liberal bias"?
Fuck the lot of them.
And the thing is that I see a lot of leftists who are otherwise NOT tankies reblogging from these sources because they want to show that they Understand All Sides, or they want to make a point against the USA, whatever, without checking to see if Tumblr User "karlmarxismysugardaddy" might have pictures on their Tumblr of them posing with a Putin body pillow, so the shit gets spread, because this is Tumblr.
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inkdemon-whore · 3 years
hey man, I was around from when you posted your dsmp/mcyt art. I just want to say, I really don’t think it’s okay to not disclose that you’re a pro-shipper after the fact. I would have liked to know back then. I know you don’t do mcyt art anymore (or it seems like it) but it really leaves a horrible taste in my mouth knowing I interacted with your posts and your art and you weren’t fully open about which were ships and which weren’t.
It’s upsetting. I personally think it’s disgusting, but I don’t think I’m going to change your mind, so that doesn’t matter.
All I’m saying is, with those kind of topics it’s important to disclose that information to your followers. You don’t need to blast it on air, but enough that people aren’t going to like your more innocent posts or possibly following without knowing what they’re getting into.
I like the way you’re doing it now, with just a simple post. So props to that.
Thank you for your time.
- 🍓
gonna be honest, yeah, you're right, but at the same time it's kinda hard to disclose it, especially when you're still figuring yourself out away from other people
like, imma say it up front now, i've drawn frans, not even like aged up frans (except for maybe one or two post), and i don't recall too much if i got a shit ton of hate or support for it, for all i can recall, it may have been equal, but the hate hits harder, so from then i just kinda kept proshipping under wraps, or put a pretty little "chose how you see it uwu" bow on any other ship i drew
which to me at least seems fine, it's art, interpret it however you want. as far as i'm concerned, once my art is out there, death of the author is immediate, and my intentions don't matter as much as the interpretations. if my intentions where ship, and someone sees it as platonic, cool. if my intentions where platonic, and someone sees it as ship, that's cool too. i'm not gonna police how people see my art, i've done that before and it's exhausting, and also feels uuuuuhhhhhh hella manipulative on my part frankly, don't like it, don't like doing it. this shit?
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callout post @/self, haha, um, shut the fuck up and stop walking on eggshells for people, ya egghead, like damn uwu
but ye, no, i've been a dick, mostly outta social fear (if you where in the early days of undertale fandom, you'd know)
imma do better. again, i've just kinda been away, expecting to get yelled at or some callout post, and i'm sure someone's made one in the time i've been gone, but i haven't seen it (and um, that, one reply... :/ )
i think my other problem is, is i just expect someone to come into my inbox and send "kys" over and over, or tell me another dead hamster story (yes that happened, no i will not elaborate, the more i repress it the better), on the bright side all these ask, including yours, have been a shit ton better than what i expected. it's an actual conversation and not just screaming insults from the start, which is great
but yea, no, sorry i didn't say anything sooner, my history on here made me scared to say anything outright, and keepin it to myself because of that made it hard to understand where i even stood on anything ship related. i think there's even some techno x quackity post where i'm still kinda confused about it, cuz the ship itself, at least the way i portrayed it, even if it is a ship, was like queer platonic, or at least had that vibe, and i was still confused and wary about even calling it a ship
i've just reached my breaking point i guess, and i kinda think it's for the better
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sweet-rintarou · 4 years
"How long have you been in the limelight?" You asked as you popped an olive into your mouth. Right now, you were on your entrée meals of an Alfresco pasta dish, and Oikawa devouring a shrimp Alfredo. You were expected to spend at least an hour or so to allow the media to think it was a legitimate date. However, since the food started coming in, the two of you were only ranting about each other's agencies, the media being idiots and also how the entire plan is going to crumble at some point. 
"Since I was in middle school, around that time—I think towards the end of middle school," he explained, "I started getting a lot of popularity in high school though, but that was only within my prefecture." 
"Must've sucked to never go to nationals, huh?" How you nonchalantly stated it caused him to send you a dumbfounded look. "Hey, I'm just saying."
"Yeah, I know," he huffed, "but nah, it sucked I couldn't take my team, but we've settled everything now and we've all moved on." 
"How mature."
"Thank you," he smiled sarcastically, "anyway, after moving to Argentina, I was off the Japan radar for a while, and when I came back, I became a national pride despite playing for another team, and they've approached me for advertising and stuff, and now, they asked for me to star in a web series to which leads us right here." 
"How things work out, ya know?" You couldn't help but say out loud. 
"Yeah, I just wish Ushijima could've stayed in volleyball so I could play against him and beat him, ya know?"
"How're you so sure that you'd beat him?"
"If you've seen my team, we'd win for sure," he boasted. "It's funny though, I thought I'd never meet him if he didn't continue volleyball, but look at you being a complete simp for him."
"Hey!" You protested, cheeks flushing red. "I'm only partly a simp."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever lets you sleep at night." You rolled your eyes, wiping the sauce with your bread. "Did you tell him about this?"
"Nope, couldn't if I wanted to," you told him, "the agency won't allow it."
"How do you think he'd react?" You stared at each other, sure enough you were both thinking the same thing as the image of the stoic and almost expression-less Wakatoshi Ushijima came to mind. 
"Yeah, I shouldn't have asked."
The conversation began to flow towards each other, and if anyone were to observe the both of you, no one would ever believe that you'd be dating, even if it was for a PR stunt. You both shared similar views, and personalities weren't too far apart, that it seemed you were best friends since birth. 
"I feel like if Ushijima and I were to go to the same school, we'd be a great duo," Oikawa rambled on, "he was a very powerful offense player, while I had a name for myself in setting, and if were to be in the same team, it would've worked out incredibly well and our team would probably be one of the toughest.”
You only listened, other than Semi, Oikawa would be one of the few sources you could be in contact with that would allow you to get to know Ushijima. 
"But his ideas didn't match with mine and he was suffocating when were played against each other," he said, "I'm sure he's a great guy and to be honest I'd like to meet up with him and get to know him outside of volleyball, but damn, I'd probably punch him first."
"Yeah no, do not do that," you complained. "He was... interesting when I first met him—he hated my band." The dry laugh indicated it was still a bitter memory. 
"Damn, really?"
"Yeah, he refused to support Semi on his choice to pursue music, but that was because our genre didn't cater to his taste," you explained, "but it's fine now... I hope."
"Yeah, I feel like your company will change the image of the band." You nodded, unable to think of anything to say. "When does your contract end with them?"
"Around five years, if I'm not wrong." 
"Damn, that's a long time." Again, you nodded. 
"But, if there's any mistreatment then there's a possibility to terminate it," you tried to view the bright side, "then again, the company itself has a huge presence in the industry..."
"Your fans won't allow anything to happen to you, I'm sure." You could only nod and send him a small smile, but even he was sure you were skeptical. Seeing that you were over the dinner, he stood up and extended his hand. "Shall we proceed?" Releasing the last groan of frustration, you linked arms with Oikawa and prepared to reveal yourselves to the public. 
"Prepare for your social medias to be flooded," he whispered before you both exit through the front door. You'd almost think it was day with how much light was flashing from the cameras, and you hastily pushed your way through the crowd and into the car that was waiting. Eyes casted away from the paparazzi, questions inquiring your date, when it had all began, and if its official were being yelled throughout the crowd. 
Once seated in the car, Oikawa began driving and glanced at you worriedly.  
"I'm gonna blackout tonight," you stated out loud with a heavy sigh, which Oikawa responded with a laugh. 
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silver lining | w. ushijima smau
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part thirty
author's note: heyhey heyy, let us pray that i will have ideas for upcoming parts🥵
taglist: @alienvarmint @amberalisa @naughtylittleweeb @tycrackculture @someone-you-dontknow @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney @stargirlara @brownsugartease-blog @leviathans-watching @kenjiru @ushiwakaismybae @elianetsantana @kagebunshiin @koushiwrites @marajillana @wannakeillmyself @bokuto-buns @smolcactusqwq @ihateccmber @changkyun-not @mischevious-pixie @mochi-the-uwu @haengbokpixie @kiritokunuwu @kittyddandnyla @runningwitches @cevanswhre @mint-mai @morpheus-rex @franko-pop @bigchaosenergy @luhvsnoir @shadowpurr @fueledbyapplepi @bellesowl @nonbinaryh0e @somis0 @farmertoshi @a-moon-fairy @cat-kinda-moon @halesandy @putmeinyourdeathnote @kookie-doughs @nikanikabitch (send an ask if you want to be added)
if your username is crossed, that means i cannot tag you
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tr-ashbin · 4 years
𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲 || 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫!𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐱 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝕥𝕪𝕡𝕖 : one-shot
𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕣𝕖 : slight angst if u squint (update theres no angst i just didnt know what to put here)
𝕤𝕪𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕤 : soft boy kenma streaming on twitch for money, but doesn't want to be a soft boy anymore, he wants to be yours. definitely not based off wilbur's unreleased song—
𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 : kinda sugar daddy/mommy/glucose guardian y/n (aka capitalist y/n), mentions of ahegao, cringe
kenma was streaming, again.
he was in his 3rd year of highschool and was in short of money, thus he began streaming as a past time with the support of his volleyball teammates and his few friends.
one of them being y/n, who was born in a rich family and is one of his top subscribers and donors.
you'd be thinking, if kenma needed money that much, why couldn't he just ask y/n for it?
tuition isn't that cheap, and he didn't want to be in debt with y/n's family once he was much older.
despite y/n's constant offers, he still said no, and started off his twitch career earlier than intended.
don't get him wrong, it was his dream to make it big on twitch.
.. just not this way.
he figured that being one of those "soft boys" who do certain things for his viewers for money would get him some cash— and quite surprisingly, it worked.
it wasn't his first choice, obviously. he didn't want to be seen as your typical uwu soft boi.
but unfortunately, that's the only way to get money sometimes. it even helped that he had longer hair than most boys because some of his viewers mistook him to be a girl.
"ah, thank you liz for the twenty-five gifted subs."
he said in a quite monotone voice.
kenma was happy, he was getting more money obviously.
he was just tired of it already. he wanted to do something else for a change, but he knew he probably wouldn't get anything out of it.
as the stream went on, he proceeded to do some mail unboxing videos since he had received some while on stream. why not show the viewers? they might multiply if he did.
not only that, but a certain someone decided to call him while in the middle of it.
"oh..? hey, y/n, what's up?"
the stream chat instantly knew that the y/n on call was the same y/n who donated the most money and gifted the most subs to him.
"hey, kenma." y/n said, "have you opened my gift yet? i sent it through the p.o. box."
".. you're watching my stream?"
"of course i'm watching your stream, how else am i supposed to give you money if you wouldn't take it any other way?"
they were right, kenma wouldn't accept money unless donated to him through his streams.
kenma put y/n on speaker, and placed his phone near enough to the mic so they could be heard.
"say hi to the stream, y/n."
the chat knew y/n for their many donos and subs. and when you say many, it's many.
ask any of kenma's average of 2.4k viewers, at least every one of them was gifted a tier 1 sub by glucose guardian y/n.
now aside from that, kenma and y/n talked while he opened the gifts he'd receive from fans, figuiring that he'd open the one from y/n last (mostly becaude they told him to).
kenma received a lot of things. things his viewers would want him to wear on stream, decorations for his room, some even sent him cash through mail along with a personal message.
eventually, they had reached y/n's gift, which kenma reluctantly opened.
his eyes widened at the sight, taking his time to process what he had just received, and then deadpanning at the camera.
y/n felt the chills go through the screen, but just laughed it off.
"you like your gift, kenma?"
".. it's a fucking ahegao hoodie."
"it's a work of art!"
"oh my god.."
kenma rolled his eyes at the camera and looked away, putting the hoodie where the stream couldn't see. he wouldn't want to get banned from twitch now, would he?
while doing that, he noticed something else in the box, under where the hoodie was placed.
"are these.."
"wear them, kenma."
"i'm not wearing the cat ears—"
suddenly, a donation appeared on screen.
from y/n.
"y/n donated $100! wear the cat ears, kenma." said the text to speech.
"what the fuck, you donated too? how much money do you even have, y/n?"
"not important, now wear the cat ears, please."
kenma sighed and wore the cat ears.
"kinda, but go off."
he removed the cat ears, then placed them somewhere near the hoodie.
"well, i guess that's the end for today's stream everyone. thanks for all the donos and subs, say bye to the stream y/n."
"the broadcast you were watching has ended." message was displayed on y/n's monitor.
the call hadn't ended yet, though.
"why are you so nice, y/n?"
the sudden question shook them up.
".. what? i'm nice?" y/n chuckled, not knowing whether they should take it as a compliment or not.
"to me, you are."
"wow, thanks."
"but, really, don't you have better things to spend all that money on?"
"nah, not really. besides, you need the money, don't you?"
"i do, but–"
"then i don't see a problem with giving you so much money."
kenma paused, genuinely not knowing how to take that. was it romantic? platonic? was it really just y/n being nice?
he didn't know, he really didn't.
the next few days were the same for kenma.
wake up, go to school, practice, go home, stream, then sleep.
kenma's thoughts, unlike his routine, were messy as hell.
spiraling around his place as vice-captain, then his twitch career, then his studies.
again, messy as hell.
but what really shook him was y/n. still confused as to how they were so generous despite only getting closer when kenma had started his twitch channel.
did y/n only support him just for the satisfaction of seeing him looking really feminine? or did they really want to support him financially because he refused help from them before? he clearly couldn't tell.
what he could tell, was that he didn't like his current situation.
the money and fame, it was nice, but he knew that wasn't what he wanted to be known for.
being some random soft boy who would do anything for some cash? not really a good image to his name.
if he had to be honest, the only reason he continued to be one was because of them, y/n.
though he didn't know why.
a month had past, kenma's streams had become less frequent as he and y/n have been meeting up during his designated time for streaming.
what was once daily 7pm sessions of kenma doing soft boy shit in front of the camera for around 2.8k viewers for an hour straight became y/n treating him to after practice arcade hangouts.
fortunately enough, he enjoyed them. being content with the quality time he was spending with y/n alone, and not on his twitch livestream with thousands of strangers watching.
not ever missing a day without spending at least half an hour with them, kenma had stopped streaming.
figuring that he had collected enough money for him to live on a side job while he studies, one where he could take breaks and talk to y/n without worrying much about anything else.
he was happy. he finally knew what he wanted.
he didn't want to be a soft boy anymore, he wanted to be theirs.
a/n: hi hi hello writing tips would very much be appreciated for ash here does not know how to end stories properly 😄
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[Bodyguard AU cause reasons uwu]
God this night was boring. Yvonne went to a lot of events, but the ones she hated most were the ones where people just stood around talking. She was terrible at small talk, to begin with, and outside of her bodyguard, she didn't know anyone enough to strike up conversation. It was going to be a long night. But at least she had Raph at her side, looking after her. She liked Raphael, quite a bit, sometimes even inviting him to 'jobs', not because she needed protecting, but to simply have an excuse to be with him...
Shame they always had to be around people though...unless. Faint smile appears on her face, the woman coming up with something that may give them some time alone to really talk,
"Hey, Raph?" Yvonne speaks up, briefly biting her bottom lip before she continues, "So, I'm not sure about you, but personally, I'm bored out of my skull."
Was she calling it a night? No, far from it,
"I think we should ditch," Yvonne suggests, curling a finger around a lock of her as she grins wider, "Maybe go to that Pizza place or something," She adds on, "Just you and I, go have our own fun - what do you say?"
| Muse Interaction Raph had to be honest as he was looking around at all the yokai in the room, he didn't understand the reason for him needing to be accompanying Yvonne tonight in truth. Sure he came to a lot of these just to keep any trouble away from her but this time? even he had to say he couldn't see a need for this event though? Seemed pretty boring all these people just sort of stood around talking to themselves mulling about in the near-crowded room. Then again most spaces felt crowded to Raphael. She said she didn't need the whole team so he didn't have his brothers with him either, kind of wished he did because Raph was beyond bored standing with her right now. Even if he likely would have to watch them too to make sure they behaved least it is something. Then again? Eyes drifted to look down at Yvonne. This was a nice excuse to be alone with her. Quick to look away before she could catch him. Okay, he knew he wasn't meant to be thinking that way. In a sense he worked for her, they took up some spare jobs around the city as a way to earn some more money. It was a bit easier compared to other ways they went about it. Since the Hidden City, they could be out and about so offering thier services to protect and such? Well, it was perfect for them..sometimes. Mostly though they were booked as helping Yvonne. She was nice and smart and kind and the most beautiful person Raph knew. Stop it Raph! he mentally scolded himself You are working, you are her bodyguard meaning you gotta stand here and look scary so no one tried to harm her. Straightening up a little trying to look even bigger than he already is as he fixed a serious look on his face. Mad Dog mode is on.
"Hey, Raph?"
Until he heard her voice at least dropped the look fast as he looked down at her smiling brighter than he meant to. he just couldn't help it whenever her attention was in his direction
"So, I'm not sure about you, but personally, I'm bored out of my skull."
"Oh, you need me to help yas back home then Yvonne?" Assuming she was ready to call it a night. On the other hand, Raph was more than fine with that because this was a full-on snore fest if he was behind honest. Though the downside was it meant his time with her was always going to be cut short if they were heading to end the night. Oh well, there would be other times to be around her though right?
"I think we should ditch,"
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Wait ditch? that didn't exactly sound like turning in and calling it an end to the night. "What do ya mean by ditch?" he presses one curiously. Watching how she weaved a finger in through her hair as the section curled around her finger when she went on to speak to him and added on to what she was trying to get at.
"Maybe go to that Pizza place or something,"
He crocks his head to the side a little at the idea "Oh, you wanna get away from the snooze fest" Seeming to click in now, "i don't blame ya I mean not to be rude but this? yeah this whole situation is making me wish I knew how to sleep with my eyes open" he joked a little holding up his phone now "I'll give my bros a heads up if you like even, and we can get to Run of the Mill sooner than you can blink" he went on to offer her way. But she seemed to have her idea in mind already.
"Just you and I, go have our own fun - what do you say?"
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Wait..just her and him? Alone together not for work either? why did that thought seem to make his heart beat a bit faster in his shell? Or make the room seem a bit too warm now. Slightly lifting a hand up to tug his mask a bit in an attempt to cool his face, seeing how that warmth was mostly at his face slightly chuckling to himself. Why was he laughing she didn't say anything funny. "Oh uh I mean..." he shook his head gathering himself together again. "I mean they ain't serving food here and it is pretty bad if I didn't make sure you ate right?" he started to make up the excuse for them to ditch, slightly nod of his head as he turned his body slightly to make way for the butterfly mutant now. "So let's go, I know the guy who runs the place I'm sure he'll like having you eat at his place!"
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weirdkittenhere · 4 years
Enlo Kitten-chan! Idk if that's how I'm supposed to call u but I took courage (umph!) I saw Giyuu and I click. I'm such a simp. And hey!!! Welcome to Tumblr!!! I hope you enjoy it here! So here it goes, can i request for Giyuu having a crush HCs? Tenchu so much!!!
I have a few nicknames so either Kitten or Honey is fine C:
Honestly, same I’m simping for Giyu so hard
Thank you for the warm welcome! I hope I won’t disappoint you! uwu ♥
Giyu x fem!reader having a crush 
His brain just goes ERROR
Like what is that, why he feels like this
He can’t focus and he’s doing more mistakes than usual and he doesn’t even realize why
He doesn’t want it, how to go back
But then you go past him and his heart goes WHOOSH
Then he starts thinking because he’s smart
And he realizes that he has feelings for you
After that, he can’t focus even more (poor man)
You're a pillar so you’re often around him
And he loves it and hates it
Because he loves talking to you, hearing your voice
You always have so many interesting things to say and you always make him chuckle
(One time, he tried to make you laugh, but he got so nervous he forgot the rest of the joke he was telling and struggled to save himself. It was so cute you couldn’t help but chuckle at this sight and his heart skipped a bit. You were so adorable he wanted to kiss you on the spot. (He didn’t but let’s be honest, neither of you would complain if he did))
B u t
The more he’s around you the more he’s lovesick, and it’s killing him
When you two go on a mission he just can’t stop admiring your fighting skills
The way you chopped off that demon head so easily and with such grace-
He lost himself for a moment there
But he would never tell you this, he’d die on the spot from embarrassment
He thinks you most likely don’t feel the same because why would you 
You’re so pretty and smart and strong and funny-
He thinks he doesn’t stand a chance
So he just shuts his feelings in and tries to pretend nothing changed
Keyword  t r i e s
This man can’t hide his blush when he's looking at you to save his life
And he’s looking at you from afar almost all the time
Either when you go by, or you practice and he's around
He doesn’t have the courage to talk to you so he just stares
And the first person to notice that is
(God help him)
She. won’t. stop. teasing. him.
He got used to her usual teasing but this-
The poor man just wants to hide under the ground
But she’s not that cruel as he thinks
She does like teasing him, but she would  l o v e  to tease him, and you together!
So her life goal now is to help him confess
More precisely, force him to confess
So the only thing she could think of was to lock the two of you in a room and leave for at least a few hours
It was very childish but he was childish for not telling you how he feels so it’s even
She called him and you to a room and said she wanted to tell you something important about the next mission and when you got here you heard the sound of the door locking
You both were confused 
Then you hear from outside
“Tell her Giyu! It’s now or never”
And when he realized what he has to tell her he turned into a beetroot
(Very cute beetroot mind you)
You were even more confused after that
His heart was pounding 100mph
He turned his back to you and cursed Shinobu for this
“What.. what do you have to tell me?”
You asked gently and a little bit scared because you didn’t know what was going on 
He straightened up, took a deep breath, and turned around to look at you
“(Y/n) I... I have feelings for you.”
He decided that the best way was the quick way
You were shocked
You went silent for a few seconds which made him even more nervous
You blinked a few times and said
“And Shinobu had to lock us here to make you say it?”
He was embarrassed beyond description 
Then you smiled softly and even chuckled a little
You went up to him and he looked at you
And you hugged him
He froze 
You wouldn’t think this man can get even redder
“I have feelings for you too”
You said with a small blush and he didn’t believe his ears
You what-
Is this real life?
Is he dreaming??
You like him???
You looked up at him resting your chin on his chest and smiled sweetly
He lost his mind 
He smiled sheepishly and awkwardly put his arms around you
It’s the first time when Shinobu did something that turned out good for him
Little did he know that from now, he and his new girlfriend will be victims of Shinobu’s neverending teasing
But it wasn’t important right now
Right now, the only thing that matters is you in his arms
And that he never was happier
Confessing wasn’t in the ask but I had an idea so I hope you don’t mind uwu
And I hope you like it! Thanks for reading! ♥
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jyndor · 3 years
if you don't mind elaborating, how does the fandom infantilize Bodhi? I'm genuinely curious because I don't want to make that mistake even unknowingly
hey anon good question! I tried to answer this quickly but I can’t help myself I’m wordy.
so you know how people will say things about characters like “uwu soft smol baby boi”? when someone assumes a character is soft (and lbr childlike) when they are queer (and also this goes for asian men and neurodivergent people) and then like plays up that softness and smolness and uwuness? that is infantilizing a character.
and fandom’s characterization of bodhi can sometimes fall into that soft, smol shit. and given that bodhi hits at least two but probably three of the groups most often infantilized (mlm, neurodivergent/mentally ill people, asian men) we need to be extra mindful of how we talk about him. because whichever way it cuts it can be offensive. 
I’m not sure which part of bodhi fanon came first - that he is soft and smol, or that he’s gay and/or ace (which are the most common ways I see him represented). I wasn’t in rogue one fandom spaces until maybe a couple years ago so I don’t know how that evolved. if it was just like queer people headcanoning a character as queer and then everyone going with it, hey cool that’s the dream LOL but usually what happens is not that. usually what happens is that slash shippers, mostly straight women tbh, take a template of their favorite kind of slash ship (usually based in stereotypes about mlm) and then shove two men into that template even if they don’t really fit it.
and bodhi does not fit the smol soft thing. he just doesn’t. like if you watch the film, he’s a fairly extroverted guy, brave as fuck. I mean he defects from the empire because he wants to get right by himself, that’s amazing. he is witty, like actually pretty funny. when he gets tortured by that thing which should have been deleted tbh, he’s out of it for like ten minutes onscreen and then pretty much seems to have no real leftover symptoms from something that was supposed to turn his brain to soup. he does seem to have some anxiety and may be a little scatterbrained, but it’s hard to tell if that’s from the torture or if it’s just part of his personality.
yes, he’s vulnerable and honest and good. yes he is sensitive to others’ emotions. and yes I think he’s queer as fuck. these things can all co-exist. but if you look at a male character who exhibits those traits and think “gay” because of those traits, and usually it’s subconscious, that is infantilizing and homophobic. and if you look at a man played by a british pakistani actor and think “soft smol boi” that is infantilizing and racist.
and quite frankly as someone with mental illness I loathe when people assume we need to be coddled, so thinking he’s smol and childlike for maybe having trauma or anxiety? infantilizing and ableist.
in rogue one fandom it’s so weird because for once the mlw ship is actually the most popular ship in the fandom. so slash shippers aren’t really the ones making most of the content. usually bodhi/[insert man here] and chirrut/baze are secondary to jyn and cassian (which I would like to discuss on another day because we do need to address that), so their most obvious characteristics are what get highlighted. bodhi often is incredibly anxious and defenseless - which aren’t necessarily infantilizing on their own. not everyone likes to fight (jyn and chirrut) or is a master assassin (cassian and baze) and bodhi isn’t seen in the film doing any of that so it stands to reason that he might not be a seasoned warrior XD
but when it’s the ONLY thing someone says about bodhi, like the only thing we see him do is get bullied by other rebels (for reasons~ even though like many of them are defectors and also I can’t imagine that the rebellion is full of bullies but idk) and the others have to protect him from harm, that can come off as infantilizing. it depends on how it’s done and how he reacts.
anyway I hope that helped.
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