#but hey… really… I love ya… I mean maybe. not really. kind of. I appreciate ya and I’m here for ya… in spirit. like a ghost. a cool ghost.
floral-hex · 1 month
me… sad boy
#I was going to whine a lot but why lot word when few word do trick?#I have been… soooooo anxious and depressed and I feel like I’m going to die soon & the world is ending the world is empty & I’m alone in it#I feel so sick#I need to get out and do something. I always need to get out and I never do and I’m dumb#so maybe I’ll just get messed up and stay in my room#I can’t sleep. I wake up tired and hurting. I can’t do anything.#woe is fucking me amirite?#also I just finished Black Sails and I cried a lot. why did I think getting emotionally attached to a show and finishing it was smart?#that’s not important. I mean it is but not really. what’s important is I constantly feel like the end is always looming over me#I miss my therapist but I’m scared to ever see him again.#same reason I’m scared to be around anyone outside of my immediate family: I’m a failure & I can’t bear to see that reflected in their eyes#so he joins a long list of people I can’t talk to anyone along with my dad and countless old friends#hey wait why did I segue to this?#boo hoo#analytically. logically. I can look past this and see how irrational these thoughts are#but goddamn if there’s not something chemical that just makes me feel sick and scared and I’m having a doozy of a time living with it#because Ian you need to work on long term goals. not just quick fixes like I dunno fucking eating pizza or playing video games#sorry. just wanted to vent. it’s been building up in me for days and I needed a quick whine#I shaved. I’m gonna get a haircut maybe tomorrow. if only to stave off my unhealthy feelings of ‘just shave your head at 3am’#my mom is finally reaching the point where she doesn’t need me to chauffeur her around all the time#and my brothers are finishing their semesters at school and also both have licenses now#so I think I can stop using those as excuses and try to… I dunno. live for myself now. that sounds cheesy.#gonna go get a low paying job doing something mindless so I can have extra cash for being alive#god I need a hug so bad#that’s not even… like… not even a lighthearted joke. I think if someone sincerely held me for a few minutes it would fix me. a little bit.#this is too much information#sorry I love you goodbye forever#but hey… really… I love ya… I mean maybe. not really. kind of. I appreciate ya and I’m here for ya… in spirit. like a ghost. a cool ghost.#you can ignore this#text
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kaleldobrev · 5 months
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Pairing: Soldier Boy (Ben) x F. Reader
Summary: Ben is highly against when other men hit on you
Original Prompt: Requested by anonymous | HEYYY THERE. First of all- I love your work so freaking much. Second of all- if you’re still accepting requests I was wondering if I could ask for a soldier boy x reader where they’re out at a bar and some creepy guys hits on her?? Basically how Ben would react and everything. THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVE <333
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Cursing (21x) & Possessive!Ben
Authors Note: I re-wrote this I think like a handful of times cause I honestly wasn’t happy with it. But now I am finally happy with it | I really hope you guys liked the way this turned out | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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“So tell me why you fucking dragged me here again?” Ben asked, walking very close behind you that he might as well be attached to your back.
“Hughie’s birthday,” you reminded him.
“Remind me again why he invited me?” Ben asked. “Because we aren’t really buddy-buddy babe.”
“Because believe it or not, he doesn’t hate you,” you said. “Besides, even if he didn’t invite you, I would have dragged you here anyway cause he said I could bring a plus one. And you my guy, are my plus one.”
He rolled his eyes. “I seriously do not want to fucking be here. I have other things I could be doing than hanging out with your friends.”
You turned to him, cocking a brow. “Like what? Smashing bennies on our kitchen counter while you watch re-runs of M*A*S*H?”
He furrowed his brow, hating that you knew him all too well. “Fuck you,” was how he chose to respond.
“Fuck you too,” you smirked. “Now let’s go grandpa,” you said, taking his hand in yours and making your way to the back table where your friends probably already were.
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“Y/N!” Hughie exclaimed, holding a beer in his hand. “You made it!”
“Of course I did,” you smiled; him and you exchanging hug. “I wouldn’t miss actually seeing Butcher let loose,” you winked.
“You’ve seen it plenty of times luv,” he said, picking up a shot of vodka.
“Yeah but, that was when strictly murder was involved,” you clarified. He shrugged his shoulders in response, knocking back the shot.
“Hey. I’m shocked you actually came,” Hughie said, gesturing toward Ben.
“She dr—” he started to say, but changed his mind when he saw you, looking at him with the biggest ‘do not piss me off’ look. “Wouldn’t have missed it.”
“So, what’s everyone drinking?” You asked.
“White claw as usual for me. But we have beer and vodka shots too,” Annie replied, gesturing around the table as your eyes followed the drinks.
“Anyone in the mood for some rum?” You asked. “Kinda in the mood for a rum and coke myself.”
“You’re always in the mood for rum and coke,” Ben mumbled. “Rum and my coc—” He mumbled again, but you quickly cut him off, not wanting him to finish his sentence.
“Okay!” You clapped. “I’m gonna go get some rum and coke. Ben, you wanna come with me?” You asked, turning in his direction.
Ben weighed his options: he could either sit at this table making small talk with your friends that he had nothing in common with, or he could go with you to the bar and maybe have the chance to convince you to have a quickie in the bathroom. “I’ll come with you.”
“Perfect!” You clapped again, aggressively taking his hand as the two of you started making your way toward the bar.
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As soon as you and Ben were out of ear and eyeshot, Annie was the first one to break the silence. “So, what’s going on with them? Because whenever I bring up their relationship she always changes the subject.”
“They aren’t in a relationship,” Butcher clarified. “Not a real one anyway.”
“I mean, friends with benefits is kind of a relationship,” Annie said. “I mean, it’s not like the two of them don’t have feelings for each other ya know?”
“How do you figure?” Butcher asked.
“You don’t see the way the two of them look at each other? Those are more than ‘I only fuck you cause you’re convenient eyes’,” she explained.
“He doesn’t love her. Dont think the cunt is even capable of love,” Butcher replied, taking another shot of vodka.
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“Did you actually want rum and coke or did you just want us to have some alone time?” He smirked. “Come and cock if you will.”
“Why does everything that comes out of your mouth sound disgusting?” You asked, not nearly as disgusted as you were over a year ago when you had first met him. Because you had been around him for as long as you have, you had basically become desensitized to basically everything he had said or did. Him walking around naked? Just an average Tuesday. Him snorting coke while you make pasta? Just an average Friday.
“I thought you liked the things that came out of my mouth,” he winked.
“We are not doing this right now,” you warned him.
“I mean we could. Your heart is beatin’ rather fast right now. And your cheeks are turning that pinkish color they usually get whenever you wanna jump me,” he smirked.
“Either go and sit down or stay quiet. Cause I don’t need these random people in this bar to know about our sex life,” you whispered yelled.
“Where’s your sense of adventure Sweetheart?” He smirked again, starting to tug on your empty belt loop on your jeans.
“Ben,” you whispered through gritted teeth.
“What?” He asked, whispering in your ear. “It’s not like anyone’s paying attention to us. This bar is fucking crowded.” He pulled you close, and kissed your neck; which caused you to let you a tiny moan. “There she is,” he smirked against your skin.
“Okay. I need you to go sit down,” you said, Ben still very much kissing your neck.
“You really want me to go and do that when we can go into the bathroom and have a good and quick fuck?” He whispered.
His offer was tempting, more tempting than you would have liked to admit. But you had to restrain yourself, at least right now — because you didn’t want to get fucked in a dirty bar bathroom. “Ben,” your voice stern.
He knew that voice all too well, and he immediately stopped what he was doing. “Fine,” his voice annoyed. “Gonna go sit by your friends.”
“Ben, you can still stand here. Just keep your hands to yourself,” you told him, but he was already half way across the room. “Fucking child,” you whispered, full well knowing that he would still be able to hear you.
“Pain in my fucking ass,” he mumbled to himself.
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“They’re been over there a long time,” Hughie said, trying to see over the sea of people. “Oh wait! Here they come.” But instead of you and Ben coming back toward the table, it was just Ben; and everyone looked at him with slight confusion. “Where’s Y/N?”
“Getting her rum and coke. Weren’t you paying attention?” Ben slightly snapped.
“Jesus,” Hughie mumbled.
“I think what he means is, I thought you were getting one with her,” Annie said.
“Trouble in paradise?” Butcher asked slightly smirking; holding up a shot of vodka for Ben to take. Ben just rolled his eyes and took the shot. “That’s what I thought.”
“Can someone fucking move so I can sit the fuck down?” Ben asked, his voice full of annoyance.
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As you waited at the bar for yours and Ben’s drinks, you tapped your fingers along to the music that was playing even though it was very muffled sounding due to the immense crowd in the bar tonight. “Hey little lady,” you heard a male voice say, but you ignored it, thinking that he was probably talking to the girl next to you. But then you felt an aggressive tapping on your shoulders. For a split second you thought that maybe it was Ben, but you knew he would never do something like that to you.
When you turned around, a man about a few inches taller than you stood in front of you. “You talking to me?” You asked.
He scoffed. “Yeah, who else would I be talking to pretty lady?” His words made you shudder. “Cold?”
“Uh yeah…I uh…I run a little cold,” you lied. Fuck, he noticed the shuddering, you thought.
“You can borrow my jacket,” he said, starting to take off a leather jacket that reeked of menthol and cheap whiskey.
“No I’m good, thanks though,” you said, trying your best to be nice. “Besides, I’d never see you again, so you would never get your jacket back.”
“See, I fully intend on seeing you Sweetheart,” he said. “In more ways than one,” he winked. Again, you felt your body shudder. “Are you sure you don’t want my jacket? It’s honestly really fucking hot. Kinda like you.”
Oh sweet baby Jesus, you thought. “I’m good honestly. And plus, I’m sure my friends have a jacket I can borrow.”
“Your friends uh?” He cocked a brow. “They as hot as you?” You honestly didn’t know how to answer that, so you just stood there a little dumbfounded. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you my number and we can meet up later for a little party.”
“I don’t thin—” you started to answer.
“And before you say no. I’m sure you would love it, it’s a sex party. Like uh, that Herogasm. Ever been to Herogasm?” He asked.
Of course you’ve been to Herogasm; but it wasn’t for pleasure on any account (as that kind of thing wasn’t remotely your thing). You were strictly there to make sure things didn’t go more south than they already did. “That’s not really my —”
“I really think you’d enjoy it,” he said. “The guy who created it must of been such a freak.” You have no idea, you wanted to say.
“Soldier Boy,” you said, and the man looked at you with slight confusion, furrowing his brow. “Created it…Hero…gasm…”
“Oh shit he did! Man, that guy is a fucking legend,” the man said. “Hey, you think he would still be going to those if he didn’t get killed in that nuclear thing in Ohio back in the eighties?”
“I honestly wouldn’t know,” you said, starting to actually get embarrassed.
“Anyway, enough about that guy. Have you ever had a threesome?” He asked, abruptly changing the subject.
“Hey Sugar,” you heard Ben say from behind you.
“Get in line pal,” the guy said. “She’s with me.”
Ben raised a brow out of amusement. “Oh she is, is she?”
“Yeah and—hey, has anyone ever told you that you kinda look like Soldier Boy? Man, he was my favorite,” the man said. If Ben’s ego couldn’t get any higher…
“He gets that a lot,” you chimed in.
“Shit, you two know each other?” The man said, looking back and forth between you and Ben.
“Yeah,” Ben said. “We’re real familiar with each other. So why don’t you scam before I break your nose for hitting on my girlfriend here?”
The man couldn’t help himself but scoff. “Girlfriend? Dude, you wish.” Oh no.
“Excuse me?” Ben asked. “I don’t think I heard you quite right.”
“Of course you didn’t, cause you’re an old, fucking —”
Ben’s hands went into fists, and you felt him start to push past you, but you stopped him by pressing a firm hand on his chest, which was starting to get unbelievably hot. “Let’s go sit down. Annie just texted me asking me where we are.”
The drinks that the bartender made you and Ben got slid toward you, and you picked them up, attempting to hand a glass for him to hold to replace one of his fists. “Don’t wanna worry her now would we?” Ben said, his voice still full of anger, but it was attempting to sound calm.
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“You’re pissed at me aren’t you?” Ben asked, as the two of you started making your way toward the table.
“Why do you think I’m pissed at you?” You questioned.
“Because I didn’t let you handle that yourself,” he answered. “I know you’re all about feminism or whatever, but I didn’t like the way he was talking to you.”
“I admit what you did was slightly more alpha than I would have liked but, I’m not remotely pissed at you,” you told him. “It was kinda…hot actually,” you confessed. “I’m just more intrigued by the choice of words you used.”
“What words?” He raised a brow, the two of you stopping in your tracks mere feet away from the table.
“The fact that you called me your girlfriend,” you said. “You could have just said friend, but you choose to use the word girlfriend.”
“Jesus Christ,” he rolled his eyes. “We are not having this conversation now.”
“But you can grope me in a crowded bar?” You asked, cocking your head.
“That’s different,” he said.
“H-okay, I’m not gonna touch that. But seriously? I think we should really talk about this at some point because you’ve been doing that a lot lately,” you said.
“Doing what?” It was his turn to cock his head, and look at you with slight confusion.
“Calling me your girlfriend,” you stated.
He rolled his eyes again. “Tell me one time before this time that I called you my girlfriend.”
“Literally yesterday,” you responded all too quickly.
“Because some creep was hitting on you. To be fair, you call me your boyfriend,” he said, trying to turn this conversation in his favor somehow.
“I have never once called you my boyfriend,” you stated.
“You did. Yesterday when you were on the phone with your mom,” he told you.
“A conversation that I told you not to listen in on might I add,” you retorted.
“Okay, that’s besides the point. Point is —”
“Look, I’m gonna make this simple. Do you want me to be your actual girlfriend or not?” You asked bluntly, cutting him off.
“What?” He asked, for some reason acting like he was confused.
"I'm tired of beating around the bush okay? We like fucking, we already live together, and we genuinely like spending time with each other. So, why not just make things official?" Ben knew that you had a point. "So, do you want to be my boyfriend or not?"
"Yes," he replied, sounding slightly annoyed.
"What?" You asked, sighing.
"I wanted to be the one to ask," he mumbled.
"Fucking Christ," you mumbled.
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furuyalover · 2 months
4:52 pm
— ft. kuroo tetsurou
includes: a cute lil impromptu study date
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it’s april and we all know what that means, finals season. right now it’s just you, your laptop, numerous papers and notebooks, and an iced matcha latte enveloping you in the cozy cafe atmosphere. you’re trying study for your calculus test tomorrow and you’re pretty focused, for the most part.
about ten minutes ago you glance up from your studies where you notice a familiar face across the cafe, kuroo tetsurou. while you’re decently close with your classmate and you’ve made conversation with him numerous times, you figured both of you are too busy with your work for you to approach him right now. however you can’t seem to get the striking captain out of your head. you’ve always had an admiration for him but some would say it’s more like a crush… so after a solid 15 minutes of pretending to do work and pondering what to do, you finally decide to maybe shoot him a text!
y/n: hey am i tripping or is there an obnoxious volleyball player studying across from me?
kuroo: obnoxious is a strong word 😒 u also studying for the calc test? 😭
y/n: kind of …. not doin too hot rn
kuroo: oh well you’re in luck then
and just like that you glance up from your screen and notice him begin to gather his things and make his way towards you. the middle blocker plops himself down on a seat next to you and begins unpacking his bag. “don’t worry princess im here to save you from your calc demons.” your flutters a little at the sudden nickname, but you keep your composure with a quick retort “ok woah im not doing THAT bad.” “then why is your study guide blank?” damn, he got you there. “whatever you gonna help me or what?” since he’s a man of his word he opens his notebook helping you review what you’ve learned these past classes, and working you through each problem better than khan academy ever could. he’s concise but sweet, making sure to comfort you every time you’re overwhelmed or not sure how to solve a problem. you’ve never seen this side of him, you’re used to dealing with his cockiness and sarcasm and this caring demeanor is something new to you.
but just like that an hour and a half has gone by and you’ve both successfully gotten through all your homework! where did all the time go? you wondered to yourself. embarrassingly, you’re kind of upset that you’re study sesh has come to an end. you’ve always wanted to go out with kuroo outside of class, and this is the closest you’re ever gonna get to that. “oh well all good things must come to an end” kuroo says, almost defeated you thank him for all his help while you start packing your things.
“actually wait before you go,” you stop what you’re doing to look up at him, wondering what he possibly need. surely he’s just gonna ask about something from class right? wrong. hes flustered. almost red even. scratching the back of his neck he finally looks at you and says “i really enjoyed hanging out with you, and i just wondered if you wanted to do this again sometime?” you’ve never seen him so nervous before, so you let out a small smile with a slightly confused look on your face. “what, like study?” your smile ends up giving him reassurance and just like that his confident demeanor is back. he grabs your hand and says “well that’d be a pretty boring date don’t ya think?” grinning before placing a chaste kiss on your hand.
you look down to try and hide the rosy blush that now plastered your face (too late he already saw it). flustered by his sudden advance you look up and match his confidence arrogance with your own. “alright then, but if i don’t get an A on this test im rejecting you”
“oh like that’s ever gonna happen” you roll your eyes, but he has a point.
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reblogs appreciated and admired ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა
AN: ahhh this was so fun to write <3 love love loveee writing some friends/classmates to lovers drabbles !! hope u guys enjoyed this lil piece i whipped up :)
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day!
I wanted to do a cute and quick little headcanon, so this is the brothers reacting to MC giving them a box of conversation hearts. If you'd like me to do the other characters as well, feel free to send me a request for it. 💕 ETA: Part two is here!
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GN!MC x the demon brothers
Warnings: none!
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He does understand that there is limited space on these tiny chalk hearts, but is that really an excuse for the terrible spelling? LUV U and U R CUTE really make him frown.
Despite this, Lucifer does think it's very cute of you to give them to him. He will keep them on his desk, safe in their box, and woe betide anyone who even dares to touch them. He won't even touch them himself and no, it has nothing to do with getting chalky candy dust on his spotless black gloves.
He may not fully understand your human customs, MC, but he truly does appreciate your thoughtfulness. When you're spending time with him while he does paperwork, he will actually pick one out to give to you. It's the one that says ALL MINE.
He waits to see if you blush. If you do, he's out of his seat in an instant, pulling you to your feet so he can kiss you. He'll whisper in your ear about how you are, in fact, all his.
At first he's too busy being flustered by the fact that you gave him something so cute to consider anything else. But once he's calmed down, he starts scheming. Hey, MC! Don't ya think Devildom variants of these'd sell like hotcakes? You'd both be rich!
You get to decide if you indulge this idea or not. Though admittedly, it'd be pretty interesting to see what kinds of phrases you might come up with for a Devildom variant. They might say things like LUV POTION or SPELL ON U or maybe even HEART HEX. The two of you have a fun time coming up with these, whether or not you actually make them.
Mammon might think that you're only giving these to him because it's what humans do on Valentine's Day. He thinks it's cute, but he doesn't know if it means anything special. You can remove his doubts by choosing a specific message out of the box, though.
Put one that says KISS ME in his hand and it's all over for you. If you're around other people, you can be sure he's dragging you into the nearest empty room.
Ahh! MC! Did you know they actually made a promotional version of these for the anime I Made A Cake For My Crush Decorated With Candy Hearts But They Turned Out To Be Cursed And Now She's A Dragon? They had some in the box that were actually cursed and would turn anyone who ate them into a dragon for a day! They were pulled from the shelves, but he still has three boxes of them that have never been opened.
You listen to this in amusement, but you're quick to let him know that these are just regular human world candy hearts. As far as you know, there are no curses on them. Levi finds he's actually quite excited to try the real thing.
That is, until he starts to read the messages. Each heart he reads makes his blush get worse until he eventually asks you if you realize what these candies say. That blush goes deep red when you indicate that you are fully aware.
He'll get it together and actually try one, though. He's trying not to think too much about the messages. They taste kinda funny and they're a little chalky, but he loves them because they're from you. Give him one that says HUG ME to watch him blush all over again before he reluctantly puts his arms around you. Wait a moment and he'll melt in your embrace.
He's heard of these, though he's never had the occasion to try them for himself. He's skeptical of their texture, but he finds the little messages charming. He will eat some if you insist. He's grateful you thought of him, MC. He truly appreciates your gift.
Then again, these little conversation hearts are like a puzzling challenge. How can he make them say what he wants to say to you? They're so brief and they don't make much sense even when strung together. He spends half a day staring at them and thinking about it.
You eventually find a set of them lined up neatly on the table in your room. They say U & ME, FOREVER, SAY YES, MY LOVE. You look around for him, but Satan isn't there. He left these here for you to find on your own. You'll have to go looking for him in another part of the house.
He's in his room, blushing behind his book, acting like he doesn't know exactly what you're there for. All you have to do is take the book out of his hands and say yes. That single word is all he needs. You won't be leaving his room until morning.
Oh, wow, these are absolutely adorable! Not as adorable as him… or you… but still so cute! Help him set them up so he can take a picture for Devilgram. He knows it'll do numbers because everybody is so into human world trends right now. Plus, he's going to throw in a selfie of the two of you eating them.
Okay, wouldn't it be cute if he painted your nails to look like little conversation hearts? He does it immediately and gives himself a set to match. You're amazed at the skill it takes to write the words so small and perfect, but Asmo is more than up to the task.
Ask him which one is his favorite and he'll say all of the ones that remind him of you. He'll start putting them into your hand - CUTIE, SWEETIE PIE, and XOXO. He makes kissy faces at you as he puts that last one on your palm.
When you laugh, he joins you. You're radiant and that's all he can see for a moment. And then the candies are forgotten because he can't resist your sweet lips. He doesn't need candy, MC. He has you.
Surprises you by not inhaling them immediately. You have several boxes for him because you anticipated this reaction. Don't worry, though, he'll still eat everything you've brought him.
But he stops because he's curious. They say stuff on them, right? That's really cute, MC. He picks out one that says only LOVE. He doesn't need a lot of words, candied or otherwise, to let you know how he feels about you.
Turns out you're the one who's flustered now. You cover it up by telling him to try some. He does as you ask and he's happy enough to eat them all. You tell him about the different ways they can be used to decorate other desserts as well. Eventually he realizes he's really hungry. He wants to take you out to get something a little more substantial soon.
He tells you that he's full of sweet candy words now, but he would rather just hold you than say them. You're okay with that, of course, and it's not long before you find yourself covered in kisses.
What are these? Are they for Beel? You'll have to explain that you wanted to give them to him. Tell him about how popular they are in the human world and he'll start to understand. He might even be aware of what they are, but he certainly wasn't expecting you to give him any.
What a nice gift, MC. He's happy that you thought of him. He tries them out of curiosity and finds he's not too fond of their thick texture. But he likes the words. He arranges them into a little sentence for you. SWEET, DREAM, YOU & ME.
You see him blushing slightly when you read them together out loud. Well, that could mean a lot of things, right? There aren't enough words to make a real sentence. But he's just coming up with excuses to cover the fact that he's nervous about hearing you say the words.
It's easy enough to distract him with some kisses. He forgets his embarrassment pretty quickly when he's suddenly far more focused on how you feel in his arms.
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xoxo part two with the side characters
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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shall-we-die · 11 months
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#Part 1📍 || #Part 2
What are their kisses like? || Where do they like to kiss you? || Where do they like to be kissed?
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Obey me!}࿐
↬[Characters]•⊰ {Lucifer || Mammon || Diavolo || Barbatos || Simeon || Solomon}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {None}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰────┈┈{0001}┈──╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐
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• He's such a prideful demon; so your kisses, of any kind, will be in private. in his room, or yours...
• Bet your ass, he'll ask your permission first; that if he can kiss you or not.
• But "asking for your permission", takes as long as you're in the beginning of your relationship. After some time, you have to say goodbye to your rights about your body; cause this man... the avatar of pride, will kiss you at any time without any warnings...
• He leans down, puts his arms around your shoulders and hugs you from behind. A funny scene will surely be created because of the height difference between you. nice ass luci
• He whispers in your ear with a smirk on his face. And sure enough, his breath hits your ear, and he ends up smelling your hair calmly.
• {"Dear, you smell really nice. That's my shampoo? Hmmm... You worked hard today, I think you deserve a kiss."}
• Another version is, when you're sitting on his lap while he's doing paperwork. It depends on how you're sitting on his lap. If you're facing him and resting your head on his shoulder, the best for him place to kiss you is, on your temple or forehead. But if you're leaning back on him, your shoulders and the back of your neck will be bitten in addition to being kissed by him.
• We were talking about forehead kisses. Yes, this is one of the types of kisses he gives you. You can't change my mind, he has a very cute father figure behind that bitchy face. He usually cups your cheeks with his two hands, keeps you steady, bends down and kisses your forehead. Of course, you get this kiss also when you fall asleep on the sofa + his warm and big coat that covers you like a blanket.
• Hand kisses. Hand kisses. HAND KISSES.
• The French kiss is also one of his favorite. He tries to act like the gentleman he's, but sometimes, (always) he gets out of control and sadistic. So you have to attend classes with swollen or bruised lips. lol
• He'll happily accept any kind of kiss from you as long as it's in private, but, 1) If he wants to make others jealous (Mammon or Satan lol)/ 2) punish you for a mistake you made, He'll definitely kiss you in public.
• let's get to the second brother. (my best boy I love him) A man who tries his best to look normal but his face turns completely red. (It's fun teasing shy Tsundere guys Lol) At first he's so awkward. He doesn't know how to ask you to kiss him. (Everyone says that he has had many partners. But look at this kid! I think his only partner before you was Luci's credit card...)
• He has no idea what he's even doing! So he needs time to change from "Oi...H-human...I..I let you k-kiss the... great Mammon... I-I mean...No! You know what? I take my words back! Go away human!" *runs away with red face* to "Hey babe... come here I wanna kiss ya..."
• After banging his head against the wall several times and Lucifer hanging him from the ceiling for making noise. he finally realizes that he loves you and you love him back; so he finally calms down a bit and opens up to you more.
• He likes to kiss you in public especially in front of his brothers. He wants to prove to everyone that the Great Mammon is your FIRST man. (Maybe everyone sees him a submission in bed, but that's another issue that has nothing to do with this post, we'll talk about it later.) He holds your chin or cheeks with one hand and kisses your lips after looking into your eyes for a while.
• I feel that he's more into biting than kissing. Mammo bites your lips, cheeks, ear lobe, neck and even your nose. Of course, he does it slowly because he doesn't want to hurt you.
• He's the type to hug you tightly, with his arms wrapped around your neck and his head close to your neck and head, smelling your hair. Then he presses his cheek to yours. Just like a jealous boy who hasn't received attention from his crush for a long time.
• {"Mine mine mine mine... I'm your first man! I'm the greatest! I'm the great Mammon!...Hey Human! give me my daily Kisses!"}
• He's more interested in being kissed. Especially when cuddling under the blanket. Kiss his forehead, kiss his neck and kiss his eyes. He loves it. His whole face may turn red, but he won't run away. He sits there looking at you and waiting for more kisses.
• One of his dirty secrets in kissing? Showing off with your lipstick mark on his body. (Tbh I really love his skin color) He's a model so it's natural that he has an attractive body. Now imagine the lipstick mark on his body. Maybe with every kiss his body trembles or tickles and laughs a little, but after that he goes in front of the mirror and takes a picture of himself.
• He also likes very simple kisses on the cheek. When all his brothers have offended him in some way and he's sitting on the couch feeling lonly. Then you come and kiss his cheek and caress his face and tell him how much you love him. Well, he can now endure their bad behavior for another hundred years.
• Another one of his favorite things is to put his head on your lap and sleep. I can say that biting and kissing your stomach and thighs is another thing that he likes to do but is shy about.
• Giant fluffy puppy. Pure sunshine. Sexy cute dady. I don't know how to describe him better (lol)
• Kisses? You can't escape from this man. Good morning kisses, good night kisses, hello kisses, goodbye kisses, praise kisses, comfort kisses and sudden kisses are a must.
• He has no problem with expressing his feelings in public. tbh, he believes that expressing his love for you in front of others is necessary and something romantic.
(Brothers will get jealous, and Barbatos keeps warning Dia, not to jeopardize his position as crown prince.)
• {"Y/n... you make my heart beat faster; see?... come here... no, no! You can't run away dear!..."}
• Most of the time you sit on his lap like a little child. You're shorter, so it's difficult to reach his lips. What's the best option? Kissing his chin will surely melt his heart.
He looks at you with surprise for a moment and then, hugs you tighter with a warm smile and kisses your cheek.
• He likes to hug you when he's doing paperwork and kisses you whenever he's tired. You're his best motivator.
He gets bored quickly, so every ten minutes you have to spend time with a little boy who plays with your hair, rubs his lips on your neck and makes unintelligible sad noises.
• He's a softy. So it's not like he's interested in biting you. (However, it's not that he has no interest.) He's just afraid of hurting you. What if he presses his teeth too hard and breaks your bones?
• His lips are big and warm, also he has a lot of stamina; So you get out of breath after every kissing time and have to break the kiss up.
• He's fond of your neck and collarbone, he likes to lay his head on your small shoulders and then, put small kisses on your collarbone or run his lips over it.
• Okay, you can't tell me that he's not into praise kink. You just stand facing him when he is sitting (cause he's too fucking tall bruh), stroke his hair and kiss his forehead. Tell him something like "good boy" / "good job" or / "I love you"... and then, you'll have a happy little baby who hugs you tightly and presses his head to your belly or chest.
• Handsome gentleman who asks your permission before doing anything. Don't get me wrong, this guy asks for permission 'cause he IS polite. (Just the opposite of other guy [luci bitch] who asks permission with a fucking sexy grin on his face just to make you blush)
• And also a man who's interested in privacy. well, doing things like this (kissing, cuddling, blah blah) in the Demon Lord's castle isn't something  right to do. Also, nothing interesting will happen if a child (Dia lol) sees you guys in that situation.
• {"You seem to be doing well, don't you, Y/n? How about you come to my room for some tea?..."}
• And you know when he says something like that in the school hallway, then, gives you a smile like that and then moves on his way; It means that interesting things will happen while having tea in his room.
(I'm sure even if he wants to propose to you, he'll do it with a box of tea in his hand.)
• Oh! You want him to kiss you? What a shameless little human you are... He giggles and bows; kisses your forehead, cheek, nose and even your eyes. Then, he fixes your hair and walks away from you with a smile.
No kiss for lips! The school corridor isn't the right place for that! go to horny jail Y/n...
• A feeling tells me that Barbatos has hand fetish and you CAN'T change it! He likes to kiss your hands. He usually plays with them, massages them or puts moisturizer on them. He kisses your palm and each one of your fingers. Then he slyly stares at you. Are you blushing Y/n? yes you are. And if you kiss his hands? His heart melts completely. (the first time you did this, he was completely red) Thank him for his efforts and take care of his hands.
• Contrary to everything that has been written about him, something tells me that this man is a pure, soft and kind sweetheart who prefers everything to be fluffy. and Yes, neck kisses when you're cuddling IS a must!
again something tells me HE IS SECRETLY SUPER TICKLISH. So kiss his neck, even lick it. I'm sure he jumps up in shock. However, it will not end well for you. Good luck y/n
• I said he was a fluffy calm guy, didn't I? Ok, but we should not forget his sadistic side. Kisses and bites that leave you bruised are for times when he's angry or jealous of someone. (we need another post for this part)
• And one of his favorite things is to gently brush his lips over your skin.(ok bye) This guy is amazing. Especially when he does this to your spine in the bathroom while washing your body.
• (I'm a simp for this demon)
• Pure lovely angel? Nope... I mean, he's trying! he's trying his best not to touch or kiss you before marriage... but... ok he just can't avoid you. (and I don't think he really cares, specifically after lesson 79/80....) anyways...
• At first, he's really gentle. Before doing anything, he asks your permission, kisses your hand, caresses your cheek... After kissing your eyelids and cheeks, he finally kisses your lips slowly.
• Then, he looks at you with seductive eyes and slowly turns his face away from you. (Of course, at night before going to sleep, by remembering these movements, he asks God for forgiveness many times.)
• (But we all know who horny he is...) So you have to cover your neck every day and avoid wearing short clothes for a while.  Unfortunately, Asmo will ask you out loud if this is the new fashion or not; And you just laugh in embarrassment.
• {"sorry... but you're so cute, Y/N."} *purely giggle*
• Let me give you a piece of advice. Best place to kiss him? Between his shoulders, somewhere between his two wings. I'm sure he's very sensitive and ticklish there.
• And as someone who has prayed for a long time and loves to praising and being praised. He talks a lot.
• You'll sit on his lap and he starts praising you. like, How beautiful and charming you are, blah blah blah (no I'm not jealous)
• He always behaves as if he has been away from you for about 100 years, while you met him at school just an hour ago.
• And no, you are not allowed to have physical contacts in front of Luke. Simeon is kinda sensitive about this. (Luke sits between you on the couch and likes to pretend you're a family... and Simeon thinks it's so cute.)
• Our old man is not someone who gets too touchy with you quickly. Maybe he flirts with you, but he maintains physical distance to some extent. And when he gets comfortable with you, he will certainly do whatever he wants without any shame.
• He is one of those types who appears from behind you when everyone's sitting in silence and suddenly bites your earlobe. And you have to muffle your sudden scream so the brothers don't notice anything.
• Although he kisses you in front of demon brothers on purpose to make them angry. And in fact he's happy because they can't kill him.
• (Luci and Satan finally work together to find a way to make Solomon's death look like an accident.)
• In fact, there are very few times when he really kisses you out of love and really thinks about you. (Solomon looks cold and serious in that moment but he's really good at it.)
• His favorite part is your lips. Most of the time, your kisses end in a biting fight.
• He also likes to dig his fingers into your hair and gently grab and pull them to some extent.
• {"hehe, you look dazed... maybe amazed. Is it really that good?}
• It might be hard to tease Solomon by kissing him. In fact, you're the one blushing in the end, and he's the one laughing and teasing you.
• But!... the best way to stop him when he decides to cook is to pull his collar and kiss him. He completely forgets to try his new recipe.
• Let me tell you something, he really enjoys it when you caress his wounds by kissing him. He may not talk much about his feelings or show them, but every time you kiss him, Solomon feels butterflies in his stomach.
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[And here we go; First post on the new blog... Yaaaay!~ I think I've come up with something great as my first post! Hope it gets enough attention and gets the blog going... Wait for Part 2!]
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curlyangelsblog · 5 months
✿ Yandere!Tomura Shigaraki x F!Reader ✿
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
( Hello ! I wanna start a new Yandere series and here is a little sneak preview of it ;) please if you want tell me what you think so far and tell me what you wanna see in it and please leave request for more series and shorts I’d appreciate. I wanna be more Active on here and find mutuals. Hope you all have nice holidays. <3)
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
„Aww come on ten ten don’t be such a sore loser“ you giggled into his headphones.
„yeah whatever“ was all he mumbled back with a blush on his cheeks which you couldn’t see. You and Tomura, or Tenko as he introduced himself to you, have been gaming together for 2-3 months now. You guys met in some sort of chat room and have been hitting it off ever since. You not only game together but also talk on the phone for hours on end about Friends and Family , personal stuff and obviously gaming. Well you more then him. He love listening to you ramble. Your cute voice and addicting laugh.
„It’s getting kind of late ten ten (you’re the only person that gets to call him that) I have work early in the morning but it was nice talking to you“ you giggled. It really was you always felt like he was the only person that understood you. And he felt the same maybe even more but he wasn’t ready to admit that.
„Sleep well ten ten !“
„You too“
Was all he said and that was enough for you. You always knew what he was intending on saying and what he meant.
—————— next day—————————————————
From [y/n] : Hey Tenko you ready to play r/g (random Game) again ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა♡ ?
To [y/n] : sure
You were actually really good also a reason why he liked playing with you besides your cute voice. It was getting kind of frustrating that you were so good. Not to mention you were enjoying yourself quit a bit and making little remarks about how bad he was.
„Ok now your not THAT good“ he said
„I only won four times in a row didn’t I“ you said cheekily.
„Yeah yeah whatever“
„Well maybe you can learn a couple of things from me if you would watch me play“
What did you mean watch you play. Did you stream ? You guys have been talking about all lot of stuff but jobs and other hobbies have never really been topic. You did send him pictures before so he kinda knew what you looked like. You were the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. But all he said that he didn’t need to watch you.
„Here is the link to my channel if you ever change your mind“
Tomura could feel how his heart sped up and a blush was creeping on his skin. He had to suppress the urge to click on the link and watch you stream. He had recordings of your voice which he listens to every night and the pictures you send him which he looked at when he felt down or when he did other things… But it wasn’t his fault that he got hard looking at you. You were just so beautiful to him.
„Buuut let’s finish this round I’m getting kind of tired ten ten“
„This time I’m gonna beat ya“ he said chuckling. The excitement and the images of you streaming shot right to his member. He wondered if you were one of those who wore slutty clothes and took money from old men. He was gritting his teeth trying not to make a sound. It excited him being able to see you more often it wasn’t enough to just see your pictures anymore he needed more. He won the round and he let out an excited “yes!” Which made him blush a little bit he was still a little awkward about showing so much emotions. You like it tho it was cute the way he got excited. You grumbled in response to loosing against.
“Well I can’t lie that was pretty good ten ten”
You guys logged off for the night. And as soon as the call ended Tomura clicked on the link as fast as possible. The link led him to your stream account it was as he imagined all pastel and pinky it was so you . The brightness stung in his eyes but he was too eager to look away. You were at almost 350k follows how has he never seen you. Well looking through you content you did play games you two liked to play but the majority of you content was games he wasn’t too familiar with. He clicked on one of your videos. The latest one of your streams. You greeted you viewers with a little wave and that cute smile of yours. He couldn’t look away. He had to have you…
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sleepingnova · 4 months
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Pairing: Ray x fem! black! reader
Summary: it's the summer of 1996, and Los Angeles is all the rage. Living life and maybe, you'll have some friends to enjoy the ride of life with.
I have such a brainrot for this movie omg I love this movie, it's so good. I actually wanna get back into writing fr, so send asks guys !!
As always, likes and reblog are appreciated, mwah mwah mwah <3
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Working at the local corner store, it's always some sort of racket outside. Loud chattering every day. Yelling and screaming from the store manager for whoever's outside to get away.
“man come on, we ain't even doing nothing for real! we just chillin’!” someone's voice rings out from outside, followed by the store manager. Rolling your eyes, you walk out, seeing your manager walking away and down the street.
“fuck. shit, what the fuck is his problem?” a curly haired boy rings out, drinking from what looked like a jug of water.
“sorry about him. he's just not used to a bunch of noise everyday. neither am I, to be honest.” your voice rings out, honey sweet and kind.
“damn, you kinda fine. you wanna see sumn?” the same boy rings out, his eyes hooded.
“fuckshit, shut up. damn. you'll have to excuse my friend here.” a black boy politely says, looking you up and down respectfully.
“wow, you are really pretty. I— woah!” a younger boy says, tripping over your skateboard. you act quick, catching him and helping him back up.
“Be careful sunburn. who the hell puts a random skateboard in the middle of the sidewalk anyway, right? I mean, just dumb,” the dark-skinned boy looks at you, a little dazed at your beauty. “ray. I-I’m Ray, nice to meet you.”
You smile, as a car comes up to you, catcalling you, telling you to ‘bring that ass here’.
“Yo, you know that fool?” Ray looks back and forth from you and the car.
“Yeah, he's my ex boyfriend. Won't leave me alone.” You smile at him, the car getting closer, the profanities getting more and more grotesque. “guess I should get going. I'll, uh.. see you around, Ray, right?” You pick up the skateboard, starting to walk as you walk away.
“Yeah. Wait, yo, what's ya name?” Ray yells down the sidewalk as you start to run, hopping on your skateboard in the distance.
“It’s whateva you want it to be, baby!” You yell back, turning the corner to get away from the car that's gaining on you. You run, running until it starts to hurt, seeing your house in sight. Going in your house, you watch at your window for the car to drive past, sighing as it finally does.
Over the next few days, your boyfriend— or well, ex, has been tannin’ your hide. It's up whenever he sees you outside. You've been getting a few hits in, but you're a heavy hitter, so he looks worse than you. Running from your ex again, you run into the skateboard shop, not expecting to see Ray.
“Yo, ain't that the chick from the other day? The one that had Ray all blushin’?” A kid asks, apparently called Ruben, followed by a ‘black people can blush?’ by someone, who they all seem to call “fourth grade”. You and Ray exchange a glance, but even though you're out of breath, you defo have time to pull a ‘is this nigga serious?’ look at him, before putting your hands on your knees, panting, your face flushed from the heat outside.
“Yo, you breathing like you just got fucked, calm down.” Ruben laughs, lighting a cigarette.
“Shut up, Ruben. Hey, you okay? I still ain't got your name from the other day.” Ray jokes, helping you over to the couch.
You wheeze, taking your jacket off, wincing as dark bruises and scars paint against your brown skin.
“Need you to hide me.. please. My ex— he's..he's coming and he's gonna beat my ass.” You pant, Ray nodding, looking at everyone else. Just as he starts to speak, your ex comes busting through the door. Ray and fuckshit block him, taunting him as he stares you down. They eventually get him away and out of the store, leaving you a mess.
“That was dope as hell, not gonna lie. You was all starin’ him down like ‘yeah, nigga I got the juice now. what's up?’ even though you look really bad.” fuckshit comments, Ray looking at you with concern.
“He did all that? Yo, he's a pussy, man, beating on a woman like that,” Ray tilts his head, pointing up and down. “ay, you finna roll with us from now on.”
“You got bitched. Why you ain't fight back?” Ruben laughs, sunburn and fourth grade looking at him with a side eye.
“Shut up, Ruben. You suck, nigga. Real shit, are you okay? Come on, go into the bathroom, you bleeding through your shirt.” Ray helps you up and into the bathroom.
Closing the door, you're pressed against the sink as Ray tries his best to help you.
“Where're you from, again? Remember you said we was too loud. Y'know, cause you aren't used to all the noise where you're from,” Ray asks, his hands around your hips, trying to lift you. “sorry, where are my manners? can I? need you to jump, so you can sit on the sink.” He asks, you mumbling a ‘mhm.’ before lifting you onto the sink, his hand lifting up your shirt to see your whole stomach area covered in blood and sweat.
“m from the east side.” you mumble, blushing from being so close to him.
As he finishes cleaning as best he can and putting a bandage on your stomach, he helps you down with a smile.
After a while, after adopting the name ‘babydoll’ or doll or sweets, or honey, and after fighting with your parents so much about the friends you hang with and finally getting your ex to leave you alone, it brings you to here— waking up in the hospital bed, after apparently being asleep for 3 and a half days from the accident, extremely drowsy as Ray and the others come in your room, Stevie sitting on your bed, facing you.
“Hey, sunny baby, thought you couldn't be out the bed?” you slur, still on all of the painkillers.
“Convinced them to let me out my room.” Stevie shrugs, drinking a carton of orange juice.
“How you feeling?” Ray grabs at your file, looking over all your injuries as you groan, collective gasps and ‘damn’s come out of everyone's mouth.
“Everything hurts. All the bruises n stuff don't help neither.” You groan, not moving.
“One thing's for sure; you're resilient. I like that about you. Get some rest. I'll be here, babydoll,” Ray hugs you, kissing your cheek, followed by all of them snuggling up next to you. “we all will. for real.”
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doumadono · 7 months
hii it’s the twice & dabi anon again.
i’m sorry to ask for another emergency request but i’ve been having so much difficulty with my mom over the past year and a half, maybe two. it’s only been getting worse and now she doesn’t even talk to me. i only get updates from my little sisters and— oh my god it’s just horrible. i feel so bad that i had to leave them. but, i just couldn’t stay, you know?
could you maybe write something about twice & dabi comforting their partner/gf about the situation??
you don’t have to write for both!! either or is perfect!!
i just love the comfort you’re willing and able to provide. (even though you don’t have to. it’s truly heartwarming seeing you do this all. i really appreciate what you do.)
i really hope you’re doing well and taking good care of yourself. please be sure to eat properly and drink water!!
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A/N: I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult time. It's important to prioritize your well-being, and I hope things get better for you soon. Also, thank you so much for your kind words! Your appreciation means a lot. Even though I'm not doing well lately, I'll make sure to take care of myself. Wishing you all the best too! 🌟
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Amid the chaos that permeated your mind, Jin Bubaigawara appeared with a boisterous greeting that momentarily broke the heavy silence that surrounded you. "Hey, babe! Twice is here to lift your spirits!" he declared with his characteristic energy, though his eyes held a genuine concern as he noticed the weight on your shoulders.
As you poured out the complexities of your strained relationship with your mom, Twice listened attentively, his empathy shining through. "Dang, that sounds tough. But you know what? You're strong for facing it head-on, I admire that," he remarked, his voice carrying a mix of reassurance and admiration.
He enveloped you in a tight hug, and his voice softened, "You did what you had to do for your own well-being. Don't beat yourself up about it." He pulled back, looking into your eyes. "You're not alone, okay? The League's got your back, and so do I."
Twice pondered, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Perhaps you'd like to engage in something? Not sure what exactly. Toga mentioned once that staying busy is beneficial - it keeps your mind from wandering into overthinking territory. And hey, if you ever need a clone to handle some mom-related drama, I got you covered. Double the trouble, double the fun!"
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The faint glow of Dabi's cigarette illuminated his face as he leaned against the wall, his stoic demeanor unwavering. "Come here, doll," he said, gesturing to the spot next to him.
As you recounted the painful saga of your relationship with your mom, Dabi listened in silence. When you finished, he took a slow drag of his cigarette before speaking. "Family can be a real mess, I know that. Sometimes, you gotta step back to save yourself."
He placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Leaving doesn't make you weak, ya know? It takes strength to break away from toxicity, in fact." His voice was low, carrying a raw honesty that resonated with your own emotions.
His long fingers traced soothing patterns on your back as he continued, "You're not alone in this. The past doesn't define you, and you're building a future for yourself, not for them, yeah?"
Dabi's lips curled into a smirk. "We're both well aware of the hell it is to deal with toxic nonsense within our own families. Parents messing up their own kids? That's a special kind of mess."
He lightly tapped your nose. "Take it easy, and find ways to keep that beautiful head of yours focused on other things. Overthinking is just a slow way to kill your own self. Don't let it consume you."
He extinguished the cigarette and looked directly into your eyes. "Just so ya know, if you ever need someone to lean on, I'm here. We're in this together."
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stevesbestgirl · 1 year
Would you ever write for tangerine 🍊 Cause I would disintegrate of joy
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Tangerine x f!Reader
1922 words
Warnings: major spoilers for the first third of Bullet Train- for real, this follows the plot super closely, so please watch the movie first (I super recommend), mention of a dead body, alcohol, Tan being a flirt, maybe a little OOC Tangerine, but really he's just soft on reader, pet names, sexual content, swearing, thigh riding, reader really just says "fuck it, he's hot"
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You gave a squeak of surprise as a disheveled-looking man crashed into the snack cart, pinching your fingers against the plastic seat edge. You ducked your head, stifling a curse.
“Hey, why don’t you watch where you’re goin’, mate? Bloody fucking hell, it’s not hard to watch out for a pretty lady, is it?”
You glanced sharply across the aisle at the man who had spoken, a chestnut-haired stranger with a neat mustache and sparkling blue eyes. The man who had bumped the cart muttered something in Japanese and continued on his way. While the girl staffing the cart was distracted, the handsome stranger across from you palmed two packages of cookies, tucking them in his coat and sending you a quick wink, as though you were in on the secret. 
You forced your gaze away, back to the open book in front of you, though you couldn’t stop a little smile, even sinking your teeth into your lower lip. 
“What is he, fucking blind or something?” he redirected his conversation back to the man sitting across from him, who had lighter hair and a darker skin tone. You stole another glance at the pair; they were wearing matching tweed overcoats, which was rather cute. You made a conscious effort to not eavesdrop, but he spoke to you directly again, “You alright then, love?”
Nodding quickly, you forced words out before you could fully process the fact that he was still talking to you, “I’m okay. Thank you- for speaking up, I mean.”
“Well someone’s got to, don’t they? Can’t have a pretty thing like you getting all banged up, can we?” That pulled a smile from you- a real one, which he seemed to appreciate, “Now that’s what I like to see.”
Your stomach was light at his attention and you found yourself wanting more of it, "What should I call my knight in shining armor?"
"Name's Tangerine." His companion made a comment you couldn't make out and received a glare, "And this here is Lemon. And what's your name then, sweetheart?"
“Do I get to pick a fake name too?” you teased.
Lemon laughed aloud, “I think I like her.”
Tangerine leaned across the aisle, offering you one of the offending snacks from the cart, waving away your protest, “You were reaching for something, weren’t ya? Before that prick came banging down the aisle.”
“Really, I’m fine, I promise-”
“Look love, I don’t even want this. If you don’t take it, it’s going in the bin.”
Reluctantly, you accepted his offering, though you raised an eyebrow, "If you didn't want it, why'd you steal it?"
Tangerine opened his mouth to reply, but Lemon beat him to it, "Because he needs therapy."
That made you laugh, "Don't we all." Tangerine glared at Lemon, like he'd stolen something from him. You smiled at him again, “Thank you.”
“You grateful enough to give me your name then?”
“Oi-” Lemon nudged Tangerine, “Sleeping beauty is awake.” And indeed, the young man with face tattoos seated beside Tangerine was coming around. You had assumed they weren’t together. 
Your heart sank a bit as they both redirected their attention, seeming to forget about you; you missed when Tangerine stole a glance back at you, having already resumed your reading. You didn’t have to make too much of an effort not to eavesdrop this time- they kept their conversation low, easily slipping under the constant din of chatter and the rattle of train on track. 
At least, until an argument started. Tangerine was the first to escalate and soon the pair were shouting numbers back and forth at each other, counting off some kind of tally. You decided that now was a good time to get yourself a drink.
The bar was unstaffed; you grabbed a glass and mixed yourself a drink, taking a seat by the window. You considered leaving money on the counter, but Tangerine had given you a dangerous little confidence boost. He was gorgeous- and he was trouble. He made you want a bit of both. You finished your drink as the train pulled into the station, leaving the glass on the counter and heading back to your seat. 
At least, you went in that direction, only making it down a car’s length through the traffic of disembarking passengers. Once the aisle cleared, you were left facing the only other person still standing, Tangerine. His brow was furrowed as he scanned the car, not seeming to find what he was looking for.
“Everything alright?” You stepped a little closer, almost bumping into him as he began moving forward, still gazing around.
His gaze snapped to you with such intensity that you started back, but he quickly softened, catching your elbow to steady you, “I was wondering where you got to, sweetheart.”
You gestured over your shoulder, “Thought I’d get a drink. Although maybe I should have waited for you- you kind of look like you could use one.”
“Er- yeah. One of our things is missing- a briefcase. You mind helping me look for it? Maybe I can get that drink on the way.”
“That’s awful about your things, of course I’ll help you look.”
“Knew I could count on you, love.” He captured your hand in his, warmth encapsulating your fingers and flooding your cheeks as he brought you with him down the aisle. “Now, it’s a silver briefcase, with a train sticker on the handle.”
You trailed after him, scanning the cars and finding nothing. By the time you reached the bar again, Tangerine was visibly frustrated, releasing your hand to smooth back his hair. 
You paused a second before resting your palm on his bicep, "Don't worry, we'll find it."
When he glanced at you, there was a glint in his eye, but his gaze flicked up over your shoulder. You glanced back; there was a man leaning up against the window, slumped like he might be sleeping. 
Tangerine took your hand from his arm and squeezed it softly, "Gimme a second, love."
He marched over to the man, giving his shoulder a shake, "You mind giving us a minute here, mate?"
But the man's head lolled, making his center of gravity shift. The body slipped from the seat onto the floor of the car, revealing a knife wound on the chest and dead eyes beneath sunglasses. Your gasp was lost under the curse from Tangerine. Stumbling back, you bumped into the bar, making the glasses rattle on the wall.
Tangerine didn't move to comfort you right away; he watched the way you struggled to look at anything other than at the body, the way you tensed when you failed. 
Then he approached slowly, his hands raised, "Alright love, I'm gonna need you to relax for me alright?"
"How are you so calm?" His eyebrows drew in, making him look rather guilty and your stomach twisted, "It's not really your briefcase we're looking for, is it?"
He planted his fists on his hips, blowing out a breath, "Of course it is." He sounded offended that you would even ask. "Let's put it this way: that briefcase belongs to a friend of mine. And if I don't get it back and return it to him, he's going to be very, very angry with me, understand love?"
"Oh my god, you're a thief."
"I am not a thief," he protested adamantly."I'm an assassin." And whether you like it or not, sweetheart, it looks like you're involved now." 
He expected you to cry, to be completely honest. Or he thought maybe you'd hit him- it wouldn't be the first time that had happened. But he didn't expect you to grin, "Does that mean I get a code name?"
"Er, sure." He cupped your elbow, "You're taking this very well. You sure you're alright?"
"I'm fine." You raised an eyebrow, "I thought you wanted to find that case."
Tangerine lifted a brow, seeming impressed, "How about pumpkin?"
"For your code name, love, keep up if you can," he grinned.
“I’m going to choose to believe you’re trying to be cute and not commenting on my weight.”
“Alright, fair. Clementine ain’t too bad though.”
“If you call me Clem, I swear-”
“Okay, okay, I’ll keep working on it.” He snapped his fingers, “Got it- Peach.”
You crooked an eyebrow, “I don’t hate it. Give it a go.”
The corner of his mouth twitched in that signature smirk of his just before he leaned in, pressing you against the bar with one hand on your hip and the other on the counter behind you. “C’mere, Peach,” he breathed the words up your neck, his nose tracing the line of your jaw before he cupped it in his palm, ghosting his lips over yours.
And then he smirked again at the way your lips parted in surprise, making heat rise in your cheeks, "Not bad, hm?"
"Alright Tan, you've made your point," you huffed, placing a hand flat on his chest.
He captured your wrist between his fingers, "And now we're getting cozy with each other." His voice was almost a hum, barely audible over the train, but you heard him clearly.
Your breath seemed to catch in your throat as you met those sparkling blue eyes and then his lips were on yours. His hands slipped over your waist to cup your hips, pulling you toward him as though he didn't already have you pinned to the bar. 
Not that you minded, wrapping an arm around his neck, you threaded fingers into his hair and held him just as tightly. His soft lips explored yours, surprisingly gentle compared to the way his hands were groping at your waist. 
He slotted his leg between your thighs, grabbing your hips with both hands, "We've only got a minute now, love, so I need you to do exactly as I say, understand?"
You nodded, the breathy affirmation leaving your lips not sounding much like you, "Yes Tan."
"That's a good girl," he breathed, sending sparks right to your core just before he dug his fingers into your hips, grinding you over his thigh. At the sounds of your strangled moans, he smirked, "You like that, Peach?" One hand left your hips to cup your jaw, his thumb grazing your lower lip as he lowered his head to your neck again, tongue tracing over the sensitive skin there and he continued to guide you along his thigh.
"Come on now, pretty girl, be a peach for me, will you?"
He chuckled softly at his own joke, his mustache tickling your neck, but the humor was lost on you as your breathing grew rapid, the pressure of his thigh between your legs making you gasp with each movement of your hips, guided by Tangerine's fingers on your hip, which were sure to leave marks when he let go.
You cried out, your hips moving in time with his guidance without your direction as you chased your release.
Biting down on the juncture of your neck and shoulder, Tan hummed, "This is only just the beginning, sweet Peach. Because you belong to me now." He slipped his thumb into your mouth as you rode his thigh, the taste of him on your tongue sending you over the edge.
"Tan, T-" convulsions racked your body as an orgasm swept through you, slackening your muscles and leaving you panting against Tangerine's chest.
He cupped your chin, stealing a kiss from your lips before he smiled, “Come on then, we’d better get moving.”
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intuitivesef · 1 year
A message from your future lover ☆
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Pick a card reading
Don't second guess yourself when choosing a card. Trust your intuition.
Take what resonates, leave what doesn't.
Moodboard. Dividers.
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Pile 1:
Hello my love,
This will be a rather short message because I’d rather speak to you in front of me but without a further ado.
Usually I would give you gifts or kisses instead of writing something down. I’m very quiet but you seem to understand me rather well which was very creepy when we first met. I don’t get that type of understanding and I would presume you understand I can be a misfit. Yes, I am an outcast that apparently found a boyfriend/girlfriend. I appreciate the gesture of you loving me. Thank you very much. It means to me than you will ever know and because I don’t express it well but know I do try to express it but you do understand it well so I don’t worry that much. Um, personally I’m not sure how to express myself that well so this truly sounds like a boring essay, so again I truly apologize for that…I am not THAT formal but my typing seems so. Think of me like Castiel from Supernatural. Have you seen it? I do enjoy the characters quite well. Anyways, when you do read this, I hope you have an excellent day at your work/school/etc. and know that I care for you and love you.
Take care.
If you want to give tips, click this link. Thank you in advanced. -sef.
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Pile 2:
It’s been awhile!!! I miss you sweet cheeks, I really do. I miss your laugh and your smile and the way you caress my cheeks. Gah! It makes my heart swirl around like those ice cream machines and then beat fast like those musical box with those puppet and then Boom! Out comes the puppet and it gives you a jump scare! Just like that! But this is a good scare, you know? I like this scare because I know I’m always safe with you and I got nothing to worry about. Just with you I’m always safe which is funny to me because I thought you were so scary when we first meet but nope, I was so incredibly wrong, you’re like an angel in disguise! The perfect angel in disguise, excuse me. How could I forget how absolutely perfect you are to me. Now, don’t tell me no one is perfect, don’t wanna hear that crap coming from your mouth. You know imma be honest honest here.. I mean I am being honest but this is like—it’s like from my heart scared honest you know? I hate when you’re insecure with me because it hurts me when you say lies about yourself that you believe is true but it’s not. Like I’m gonna compliment you like no tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong but it’s just hurts me you know? It hurts because sometimes I feel like you don’t trust my compliments and it just hurts me like a lot. You know? Sigh, sorry you know it’s kind of awkward for me to say but it’s how my heart feels. You know baby, I just hope you understand how much I love ya and how much I crave ya and those kisses you give me…mm mm, can’t get enough out of that. Phew.. it makes me go mad like da joker actually. But I ain’t toxic like the joker, don’t think me like dat, you know?
Your boo
If you want to give tips, click this link. Thank you in advanced. -sef.
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Pile 3:
Lately I’ve been struggling to love myself so our time when we fall for each other or meet will be long. I’m sorry but I’m very insecure right now and I don’t want you to deal with that so I’m just working on myself. I’ve been watching a lot of sad videos too because I think it makes me feel better because I thought it was a comfort, that I’m not alone but I’m starting to think it makes me feel worse. And I also listen to sad music so maybe that’s also a bad combination but I’m just…really…depressed…um yeah. So I just have to fix that and when I get better then I promise we can meet each other. Anyways, I hope I can make you the happiest and most loved person and just see a smile appear on those beautiful and gorgeous/handsome lips of yours.
Take care, bye and love you
If you want to give tips, click this link. Thank you in advanced. -sef.
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literary-illuminati · 3 months
2024 Book Review #10 – The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik
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I read A Deadly Education last year and quite enjoyed it (and Novik’s unrelated Spinning Silver is just one of my favourite low fantasy books full stop so she has quite a bit of my trust), so I finally got around to putting in a hold request for the sequel. Broadening your horizons and reading outside your comfort zone means swimming through 400 pages of YA a couple times a year, right? Anyway, despite only barely remembering who anyone but El and Orion were when I went into this, was a fun read!
The book picks up more or less directly where A Deadly Education stops – with the horrible murderous monster-infested extradimensional wizard high school’s cleansing machinery repaired for the first time in generations, and the place therefor incredibly less monster-infested than previously. El, prophesied future dark lady of the apocalypse with a savant’s talent for specifically the sort of magic you cast after cackling and before someone puts a sword in you, doesn’t get to enjoy that much – her senior year seems destined to be spent being the target of just about every monster that’s left. Eventually you really have to wonder if the school is trying to kill you – and that question is where the plot really starts to go off.
So I said it before, but this is very much YA. I don’t mean that as an insult, or even a marker of quality, just that it’s a book from the perspective of a 17 year old looking down the end of high school and clearly written to provide a relatable emotional reality for an assumed audience of the same. So El sometimes acts like a cartoon character, and is pathologically incapable of expressing her emotions coherently or expressing affection for the guy she likes in any sane manner, and is far more blase about murder attempts and soul-eating monsters than emotionally awkward conversations – but honestly all that just rings as pretty true to life. Deeply aggravating at times, and her internal monologue and all its snark and doublethink does occasionally grate a bit, but overall it really works. She’s just a fun character to spend time in the head of, (and far less irritating in basically every way than she was in the last book. So hey, maturity!).
The emotional beats were all pretty simple and clearly telegraphed, and it isn’t exactly a book that requires you to sit down and ponder deep symbolism or metaphor to comprehend, but the pacing is tight and it’s very readable. The prose isn’t really anything to write home about – especially knowing what Novik can do when she decides to get fancy and show off a bit – but it very clear and just dripping with El’s personality on every page. I read this at the same time as I was picking through an incredibly dense and citation-heavy historical reader, and the contrast made me very appreciative of those virtues.
Character-wise – well, there’s El, and Orion (love interest, single-minded and near divinely-ordained monster hunter, golden boy of the most powerful enclave in the world), and there’s El’s few close friends, and then there’s a cast of dozens of students with maybe one memorable character trait who kind of drift in and out of the narrative as required. The amount of nuance and exploration someone gets drops off dramatically with each step down the list you go. Most of the cast shows up precisely when required and is more or less forgotten about directly afterwards – which does sell this being a school with over a thousand students in it! But the number of characters who really feel real drops off pretty rapidly.
(Also like, I assume it just comes down to social progress in the 2010s coming at you fast, but you really get the sense that at some point between the books getting written the publishers sent down a memo that you were allowed to say queer people existed now.)
Even more than Deadly Education, this is a book without any sort of singular villain, or even really any consistent antagonists. Some of the other students are assholes, sure, but the book’s whole thesis is that no one is that murderous or awful for the sake of it – they are because they’re rats in a cage, convinced that amoral self-interest and husbanding and acquiring every resource they can is the only hope they have of maybe living to see their families again. Offered a chance to do good, to actually change things for the better and help everyone without getting themselves killed in the process, just about everyone takes it. Even the semi-intelligent school itself gets in on it by the end, pressing the senior class to figure something out and make it obsolete – and the whole conflict of the final act is how and whether everyone will.
El and Orion can both kill basically arbitrarily large numbers of monsters (or people), so the monster-killing is never really where the book finds its drama either. I mean, both do a lot of it through the climax, but the actual tension mostly comes down to crowd management and logistics and whether everyone else is as committed to this as the two of them are.
As for what they’re struggling against – so like, this isn’t Divergent, by the standards of the YA I read in high school, the social commentary is both subtle and nuanced. But I mean, it’s also a story where highschool is four years or murder-hell-prison and justified only because it’s barely the lesser of two evils, and also a story where the poor and marginalized are only kept around more-or-less explicitly as ablative bodies for the kids the powers that be care about, with their only hope of good life being so impressive and useful to those kids that they try to bring them along when they ascend back up to the gilded paradise that is their birthright. So like, not that subtle.
As far as teenage romances go (which, for me, really isn’t very fair at all), El and Orion’s was surprisingly tolerable. It helps that they’re both actually deeply profoundly weird about it, and also that the book didn’t try to milk any drama out of will-they/won’t-they stuff or a love triangle. The ‘and they have sex for the first time the night before the final climactic struggle where one or both of them could very well die’ did feel right out of an old bioware game, though. (Also I’m just a sucker for tragedy and ironic mirroring/repetition, so the ending was great for me).
Look forward to finishing the series whenever I get around to it sometime in the fall.
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bre-meister · 5 months
I hope you are doing well. Okay since you did ask. How about a short story where Claire comes back after the events from revelations 2 and Leon teases her about Neil that he was right about him all along. Just a fun little story, please?
Thanks for the kind words! So I guess this could be considered a continuation of the fic I wrote about Revelations 2. I hope I made it fluffy enough.
“You can say it, ya know.”
It’s dark in their room when she speaks. They’re in bed having finally turned in for the night after putting both of the children to bed. Isabel had been hardest to sleep in their room for the night - a habit she’d picked up while Claire was gone and had kept once she’d gotten back. Claire was loathe to take away this comfort from her daughter but it was a habit that did not need to be reinforced.
Not to mention this was the first time since she was discharged from the hospital about a month ago that she got to sleep in her own bed with her husband alone. Just the two of them. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t enjoying the comforting feeling of being held by him without another small body between them.
He seems so relaxed. One arm tucked behind his head, the other wrapped around her shoulders. She’s pressed so deeply into his side that she feels the rumble in his chest before she hears it.
“I told you so. I know you’ve probably been waiting to say it. I think I’m finally ready to admit you were right about Niel.”
“I don’t know what upsets me more, the fact that you think I’d say that or the fact that I can’t really say it.”
“What do you mean?” She shifts in his arms slightly so she could better see his face. He’s looking at the ceiling when he answers.
“I was totally convinced that Niel had a thing for you and I think past experiences proved me right there.” Claire snorts but Leon continues,
“Never would have guessed he was a money hungry, egotistical bastard that would quite literally sell out all of his employees to the very same people they were fighting against.”
They’re both silent and for a moment. Claire thinks maybe he’s fallen asleep. Finally taken over by the exhaustion of the day.
“Actually, what makes me the most angry is that I didn’t see it coming. I was so preoccupied with our dumb little dick measuring contest that I never realized what he was doing.”
“None of us did and we worked with him every day.” Claire traces her hands across his chest hoping that the small patterns would offer him more comfort than her words.
“No sense in dwelling on it now.”
Her hands still. She sits up slightly so she can look down at him, pleasant suprise written on her face.
“Who are you and what have you done with my husband?”
“I don’t know. All that time we spent not knowing where you were or if you were ok? I guess I just decided to stop worrying about things that don’t matter, that I don’t have control over. Life’s to short and we’re reminded of that everyday in our line of work.”
The arm he’d previously been using to hold her comes up to tuck a strand of her short hair behind her ears.
“I don’t want to spend all my time thinking about what I should have seen or done when it comes to that weasel,” he continues. Voice quiet and sincere in the dark,
“I’d rather think about you and our girls. All the ways I’m going to spoil you,” the hand in her had stills, fingers wrapped gently around a strand he’d been toying with.
“How beautiful you look with short hair.”
She smiles and hopes that he can see it in the dark. It’s the first time he’s directly acknowledged her new haircut. She’s shorn it off in their bathroom last week but had finally broken down yesterday and went to an actual salon to let someone fix the uneven ends.
She liked the new look and felt a small burst of appreciation that he did as well. It was a small bit of change that she could control after the island - cutting her hair. She knows Leon understands why as well. It’s one of the many things she loves about him.
“I love you,” she whispers as she settles back into the side of his body. Not wanting to speak too loudly for fear of ending this moment between them.
He plates a kiss on her hairline and returns the sentiments with his lips still on her skin.
“I don’t think I say that enough.”
“You say it everyday,” she giggles.
“Not enough.” She can feel the earnest love in his voice.
“Well, you have the rest of our lives to make up for it.”
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kallietell · 7 months
Like and Subscribe
This is a flash fiction about a youtuber than begins to grow right alongside her audience after starting a new mukbang series. Trying out a pretty different writing style, i hope you enjoy:)
“Hey guys, welcome back to my channel! As always, don't forget to like and subscribe, and let's just get into it! So I know you guys have been loving my mukbang story time series, and we have part 4 coming at you right now. This is some serious drama, so let me get set up and show you what I got for today. I know last time I did crab legs, but like everybody does crab leg mukbangs so honestly I'm just like, how can I be different, ya know? So I asked you guys what I should have and you blew up my twitter poll, I can’t believe over 300 people voted. The final choice was Burger Shack, so I got it! I’m gonna try all their new menu items and rate them while I tell you all about my ex best friend and how she totally snaked me. Oh these are good. What are these? I didn't even know Burger Shack made jalapeno poppers. So, I met my ex best friend, let's call her Tina, when I was…”
“Hey guys, welcome back to my channel! Thank you guys so much for all the new subscribers! I had no idea my last video would go viral like that! I can't even believe it, like I'm literally still shook. I’ve been having so much fun making these mukbang story times, so like and subscribe if you want more! Ok so we’re on part 7 right? And now for the moment everybody alway wants to see, this is our spread for the day. You guys voted for pizza but there was a comment with like 4000 likes saying to do a footlong sub, so i'm doing both. And I'll need it, cause this part is wild. So at this point, Tina’s ex Bradley had entirely fallen for Sam and it was soooo beyond obvious, but when I actually talked to Tina about it…”
“Hey guys, welcome back to my channel! You already know exactly what we’re doing today, it's another mukbang story time! Don't forget to comment, like, and subscribe, and make sure you follow my twitter to vote in my weekly poll! I love letting my followers choose my mukbang meals, so make sure to show support so I can keep doing this series! All this food is getting really expensive. Ok so, today we have Taco Palace, and I've never been here before so I had to try everything. They have like 12 types of tacos, I literally couldn't choose. So we got the 12 taco combo pack, all 4 burritos, a couple gorditas, two tortas, another 12 pack of taquitos, and chips and queso. Oh my god, everything smells so good. I wish you guys could smell this right now. Ok so where were we, part 12? So it's still March right? And Courtney posted on her finsta that Sam was faking her pregnancy, which wouldn't have been that big of a deal if Courtney hadn't been middle school friends with Tina's new boyfriend, which means he saw the finsta post before…”
“Hey guys, welcome back to my channel. I’m excited to get into today's video. I think we're on part 19, but before that, I just have something that I need to say. I love making content and I'm so grateful that I get to make these videos for you all. You guys love and appreciate me so much and I really feel that, but not everybody in my life supports my career the way my subscribers do. I saw some old friends for the first time in a while this weekend and they were all so unsupportive and so jealous. They told me that I should stop doing this mukbang series even though it's going so well, I mean literally just hating for no reason. I wore some newer stuff, some nicer clothes, and my friend was like ‘I'm glad you have so many subscribers but you’re really looking different now, maybe slow down on the mukbangs.’ Like, she's actually mad I have money and can upgrade? She was just like, straight up jealous, because later I heard her whispering with my other friends about my clothes. Sorry I can afford designer and you can't! Like it really just broke my heart that they don't wanna see my success. Those are the kinds of people you don't want around you, and I just wanted to say, never let someone take your shine. Anyways, getting into the food, last week you all voted for chinese but after everything from yesterday I wanted cake, so I got both. As usual, I got almost everything on the menu to try, I actually just had this place a few days ago and their sesame chicken is amazing. Ok, where were we? Right, the baby. So anyways, when Sam walked into the room with that baby everyone was beyondddd gagged…”
“Hi guys, welcome back to my channel! Make sure you like and subscribe, we’re getting into part 25 today and this is where things really get crazy. Before I do, we have a quick word from our sponsor, Cravings Potato Chips. Everybody knows and loves Cravings, but with their three new flavors, I just haven't been able to put down the bag. Cravings was kind enough to send me a lifetime supply of all of their fan favorites and I’ve never been happier, I mean look at the size of this box! I've got, like, 5 more in the garage. So for today, we’re gonna have Cravings Potato Chips in sour cream and onion, original, and BBQ while we eat our main mukbang. Speaking of, you guys went crazy on the poll, I can't believe almost 6000 people voted. We’re back to an old classic, pizza from Formaggio's. If you don’t know Fromaggios, like what are you even doing? They have the best garlic butter stuffed crust in like, the whole world. And they were doing a buy one get one, so I got two pizzas, buffalo and barbecue wings, and then two of those cinnamon things. You guys know I’m obsessed with these, I've had them in so many mukbangs before. So, let’s talk about it. At this point, Erin is holding Tina’s phone over the blender and everyone is screaming, and Cici turns to me and says….”
“Hi guys, welcome back to my channel! So you guys know I always start my videos by asking you to like, comment, and subscribe, but there’s something I need to remind everybody. Even though I share a lot of my life, you guys don’t know everything about me. So to all the people in my comments saying I’m pregnant, please get some business to mind. I mean really, I saw a comment that said something like ‘She’s so obviously pregnant, she’s eating so much and just look at her face.’ Like oh, you’re my doctor all of a sudden? Some of you guys loooove to make assumptions. This is social media guys, it’s not all real. So while it seems like I’m eating a lot of food I’m really not, it’s just a pretty normal amount for the video and I always have some leftovers. So it’s not pregnancy cravings, it’s just my series. I love sharing my life with you guys but I had to clear the air cause the comments were getting ridiculous. Anyways, today I got food from a brand new restaurant that just opened up, they do Italian. I have all 5 of their pastas, some garlic bread, 2 calzones, and an order of cannolis. And of course, I have my Cravings Chips. So let’s get into it, part 32. So Dylan had just yelled ‘Pull the trigger you bastard’, and I guess Tina was in a silly goofy mood cause she…
“Hey guys, welcome back to my channel! Thanks so much for watching and don’t forget to like and subscribe! I know you guys have been loving that I’ve been posting more often, so I think we’re gonna keep it up and record three story times a week from now on. I just want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart, you make it possible for me to do what I love! Let me show you what we have for today. I’m like, starving right now and I couldn’t decide what to get since you guys voted for Chicken Me Tender and they’re closed on mondays. That’s totally my bad. I’m gonna film another story time tomorrow to make up for it, but today I went with burger shack again. If you know me, you know I’m like, obsessed with their jalapeño poppers. I actually invented a better way to eat them, you dunk 3 in ranch then put them on one of the sweet and spicy bbq double bacon cheeseburgers, I’m telling you, you gotta try it. I could literally eat like 10. Alright, so we’re settled and we got our food, let’s get into the story. I know last week everybody had questions about how Tina’s father was even issued a passport as a fugitive of the law, but there’s a really obvious explanation…”
“Hey guys, welcome back to my channel! Thank you guys so much for liking, commenting, and subscribing, I can’t believe I’m actually celebrating 100,000 subscribers! It feels unreal to say that out loud, you guys have changed my life and I couldn’t be more grateful. Before I started making this series I had tried every type of video, and to any creators who are in the place I was, don’t give up. You just have to find your niche. Another thing I wanna say to smaller creators is don’t compare yourself to larger, established creators and wish that you had what they have. Like for example, when I was broke I would look at rich creators and be so jealous of their designer clothes, but now that I actually can afford the designer clothes I found out that they’re so cheap, like Shein quality for real. They’re always tight and they never fit, they rip and the buttons snap off, and they shrink before I even wash them. You have to replace them so often and all the sizing makes no sense, so things aren’t always as good as they seem! Anyways, you guys voted for sushi today, so I had to get the catering party platter just so I can try everything. I’m so excited, and you know we have our Cravings Chips here too. I actually can’t wait, this looks so good, hold on. Ok, It’s part 38, This is where the story starts to get unbelievable. So it’s been over 61 days since her disappearance, right?”
Hey guys, welcome back to my channel! As always, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe! I’m so excited to announce my new sponsor, Harlequin ice cream. Harlequin makes the highest quality ice cream possible with heavy cream made from grass fed cows, and they’ve created the world's first ever butter ice, an ice cream made of pure, hand churned, organic butter instead of cream for the richest taste possible. Harlequin has over 30 flavors, and you can use my discount code mukbang to get 20% off your first purchase. I know this is an ad guys, but I swear I'd say this for free, Harlequin is literally the best ice cream I’ve ever tasted. I’m so excited to be working with them, I can’t believe I’m getting paid to review ice cream!
I’ll be doing the Harlequin challenge on tiktok where I taste a new flavor every day for a month, don’t forget to check it out! So in the Twitter poll I posted pizza won again, but I saw a tweet saying I need to switch up the options, so I decided to go with something a little different today. I’m going to be eating BBQ from Big Danny’s, and I’m actually kinda nervous. I’ve never had BBQ before. I know that sounds weird, don’t come for me, but I really hope I like it. I got ribs, pulled pork, hot dogs, brats, BBQ chicken, and cornbread. I had no idea BBQ servings were so big. Like…? Are you guys seeing this? These are like party platters, it’s crazy. It does smell good though. So, where were we? Had we gotten to the part about the racehorse? Wait no, no, the hot air balloon ride. Ok so part 43, we’d been in the air for about 6 hours at this point, and night was beginning to fall…
Hey…*urp* everybody, and welcome back to my channel, don’t forget to like and subscribe. If you notice I’m still wearing the outfit from part 51 it’s because I’m filming the videos back to back, I’m going to be in my cousin's wedding this week and I still have like a million things to do. I have to get my nails done, my hair done, I have another dress fitting, there’s seriously so much. I love my cousin and she’s totally not a bridezilla but girl come on, this is the 4th dress fitting she’s had me go to. Every single time she sees me she always like, looks me up and down and tells me I need to get the dress fitted again. And it feels crazy cause everytime I go, the tailor acts like she’s doing so much. She adds like a ton of fabric just for the dress to look exactly the same, what is she even changing about it? The last time my cousin saw me at a family dinner she said you really need to get that bridesmaid dress refitted, and the whole time it's like, if the tailor could just do it right… But whatever, whatever, I’m so happy for her. This is actually the same cousin from part 27 if you guys remember, she’s doing so much better and the dolphin bite healed perfectly. For our mukbang today we have Roundy’s donuts. Shout out to them, because when they saw the viral Twitter poll they sent me all these multipacks for free. Thanks Roundy’s! The multipacks have 6 in a box and we have glazed, crème filled, jelly, chocolate dipped, rainbow sprinkles, powdered, and caramel crunch. Oh my god, that’s so good. Let me go ahead and start the story before I get distracted. So we were on part 52, and this is where you gotta start paying attention. We know Melody had two pet lizards. But what we don’t know…
“Hey guys, welcome to my channel! If you like the video make sure to like, subscribe, and comment. So we’re just gonna get straight into it today, I got a couple fried appetizer sampler platters from Don’s and I want to eat them while they’re still hot. I also have wings and fries from ToJo’s since last time I ran out of food before I got to the end of the story and I didn’t want to have to get a delivery in the middle of the video again. Oh, and of course I’ve got my Cravings Chips, thanks again Cravings for sponsoring this video! Make sure you try out their new double fried kettle chips. So, we’re getting close to the end here, and part 63 is actually insane. Like I was saying in part 62, I’m holding Tina by the ankle, Tina is still reaching for the diamond with both hands, and the helicopter is seconds away from take off…”
“Hey guys, welcome to my channel. This is gonna be a really short video and I’m not even going to do my regular intro because I know you guys are mad at me. I can’t believe it’s been two weeks since I posted, you guys are so sweet and you haven’t stopped blowing my comments up asking for the next part. I really didn’t mean to leave you on a cliffhanger, but it wasn’t my fault! While I was filming the last video the weirdest thing happened, the office chair I always sit in to film randomly just gave out from under me. Like it totally cracked and then snapped. I landed on the floor and it ruined my new top cause I fell so hard all the buttons flew off, I guess from the impact or whatever. Guys I’m seriously, like, so annoyed because I just bought that chair around the time I started this series, it’s like, brand new basically. This is a PSA guys, only work with companies that actually care about quality. Tell me why I emailed them about my warranty, they sent a new chair, and it broke as soon as I sat in it? So I’m filming this on my couch, if any office chair companies that actually make good chairs want to sponsor me, my email is in my bio. It’s our very last mukbang together and I just want to thank you guys so much for watching and supporting. I’m excited because this video has a little sneak peak of my new series, so stick around. I know the last video ended when I was just about to reveal what really drove me and Tina apart for good, so I have an old classic, Burger Shack, and I’m just gonna get right into it. After everything that happened, all the drama, all the mystery, the investigation, surviving that whirlpool, and even escaping the cult, we were basically fine. Then she did the unforgivable. When I posted on my birthday she liked it but she didn’t comment, not even a heart emoji. Like, who does that? What a bitch. Anyways guys, join me for my next series all about nostalgia where I talk about why stuff sucks now. Like why do airplane seats suck so much? They used to be huge and now they’re so tight I can barely buckle the seatbelt. And concerts suck too, it’s like the artists aren’t even trying. And all the food portions are so tiny nowadays, it’s like they’re trying to rob us! I’m gonna get into everything that bugs me. Let’s start with the airplane seats, because I just ran into this problem last week. There’s no reason I should barely be able to squeeze myself between the armrests, and the leg room is so small I couldn’t even bend over to get my bag of snacks from under the seat in front of me. We pay too much to be shoved in tiny seats like that, and when I asked a flight attendant what changed she goes ‘Oh I’m so sorry ma’am, we’re looking for ways to make accommodations as we’ve found our customers have generally been growing more ample as of late.’ Like okkkkk?? What does getting fat have to do with me? So I was like…”
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Being Team Japan’s Manager:
🎂 Happy Birthday Manager!🎂
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Team Japan x GN! manager (they/them pronoun)
Warnings: angst to fluff, Team Japan are really super volleyball idiots in this one
A/N: it’s my birthday and this is my gift to all of you 🥰
I don’t think I have to say it
But honestly Yn, what a godsend you truly are 😍
The world is truly blessed to have you in it
Without you, well, we wouldn’t have a Team Japan
Why you ask?
It’s simple really, because they literally would have all killed each other 😃
Tell me I’m wrong because you know I’m not
The sheer chaos that encompasses Team Japan is astronomical
Whether it be Kageyama fighting with Hinata
Suna and Sakusa ganging up on Atsumu
Yaku and Komori iterally instigating it all
Be honest, we all know how much they LOVE the drama 😏
The whole team would fold without our sweet precious YN
Unfortunately, being the manager of such a chaotic team can mean your accomplishments go unappreciated
Let’s be real, the people that work behind the scenes often go unnoticed
It sucks tremendously and it’s often a thankless job
Sure the team appreciates you but sometimes it feels like you are often the pillar under the foundation
The invisible support of you will
Without you, our boys would literally collapse
And sometimes we need to remind them of that 🥰
That’s where I come in 🙃 because nobody does karma and reminding quite like ya girl
You see, like most people, you were really looking forward to your birthday!
It was just around the corner, a few days away in fact and boy were you excited
You hadn’t really planned anything specific because you see, you were kind of hoping for a day of appreciation from your team
Honestly, it’s not much to ask for!
These guys totally go all out for birthdays and we know it
But you just wanted to be appreciated and the best way you could think to do so was to celebrate with the team
As your birthday approached, not much happened
Honestly, you just kind of thought they were being secretive
Honestly, first red flag YN, no way Bokuto or Hinata could be quiet about anything
Oh my sweet YN 🥹 you poor angel
It wasn’t until the day before your birthday that your expectations began to lower
“Hey Sumu whatcha doing tomorrow night?” Suna asked
“Probably nothing, maybe going to Samu’s place. You guys wanna come?” Atsumu answered
The guys all agreed as you went about your chores as manager, all while listening in for clues
“Maybe we should invite YN to come along? I bet they would enjoy it!” Bokuto added as your heart jumped a little
“You really think YN wants to hang around with us after work?” Sakusa asked
“Nah you’re right, we should probably just leave them out of it,” Yaku interjected as you instantly deflated
Fortunately none of the guys had seen your mood shift as you quickly made your way back to your office and shut the door
“Maybe this is all part of their plan?” You thought as you tried to calm the tears
Surely they wouldn’t forget about your birthday, they couldn’t
Spoiler alert 👀 they did
The next morning you got up and ready for work, you were so excited as you seing by your favorite coffee shop for your birthday drink
“Happy Birthday YN!” The barista said as you thanked them and walked to work
You were so excited for today and nothing could interfere with that!
Unfortunately, immediately upon entering the gym, your dreams of a grand birthday were crushed
“YN seriously, you’re late!” Atsumu growled as you looked at him confused
“Like 2 minutes late Sumu give them a break,” Aran said rolling his eyes
“Well us dedicated players have been here for almost an hour already!” Sumu said as he turned around to serve
All the guys were lined up for serving drills, concentrating on their targets
Meanwhile, you just sat there, waiting for a mere “Happy Birthday” that never came
Deflated, you walked to your office, turning on the lights and seeing nothing
No balloons, no flowers, no stupidly printer computer sign that Hinata haphazardly taped together
Absolutely nothing 🥺
Your heart sank as you set your coffee down and pulled out your chair
“How could they all forget?” You mumbled to yourself, trying not to cry as you heard the guys outside
A knock sounded as you quickly jolted, wiping your eyes as you instructed the person to come in
“Hey Yn, good morning!” Iwaizumi said as you smiled softly
Even Iwa forgot your birthday Yn 🥺😩😭
“Can you help me with the stretch routines for the guys? You’re the only one who can get Bokuto, Hoshiumi and Hinata to actually cooperate,” Iwa said chuckling
“Uhh yeah sure I’ll get right on it,” you said grabbing the papers and turning around
“You ok Yn? You seem a little down?” He asked as you cleared your throat
“Yeah all good just tired, I’ll see you later Hajime,” you said as Iwa nodded and left your office
The day dragged on and on
As 3pm approached and you were gathering your stuff, a knock came as the coach entered
“Hey Yn, Happy Birthday!” Coach said as you smiled
“Hey thanks coach! I really appreciate it!” You said smiling as he handed you your gift
“It’s nothing huge but I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you as our manager YN!” He said as you smiled
“Thanks so much coach,” you said smiling as he left your office and you put the gift in your bag
It almost seemed pointless
Your birthday was almost over and not one of your teammates had said anything
You sighed deeply as you turned off your lights and headed home
“Kageyama will you wrap it up!” Iwaizumi shouted as the guys all stood on the side
“Just one more serve,” he said, tossing it up as the serve slammed into the other side
“Usually it’s Hinata and Bokuto we have to drag home,” Hakuba inserted as the team chuckled
“Hey Guys,” Kuroo said, walking in with a huge bouquet of flowers, balloons and a present
“Damn you got a date of something?” Suna joked as Kuroo looked at him questioningly
“Uhh no, I was wondering if Yn had left yet, I wanted to give them my gift before they went home,” Kuroo said
“Gift? For what?” Yaku questioned
Kuroo 👉🏻 🤨 are they really that stupid?
Team Japan 👉🏻 🤡 🤡🤡🤡
“You guys can’t be serious? It’s YN’s Birthday!” Kuroo exclaimed
🎶 it’s the sound of SILENCE 🎶
Literally it registers in their head all at once
Like you can see the ping sound go off
They all look at each other, literally pale as ghosts
“Don’t tell me you guys forgot today was Yn’s birthday!” Kuroo growled as panic ensued
“OH MY GOD WE ARE THE WORST TEAM EVER,” Hinata screams as he collapses on the floor
“Team? Try worst FRIENDS EVER!” Aran shouts
“Fuck I can’t believe we forgot!” Atsumu said slamming his palm against his forhead
“Shit, I wonder if that’s why YN was so sad earlier, dammit! They looked like they were crying!”Iwaizumi spat
“YN WAS CRYING?!?” Bokuto shouted as the rest of the team stood in panic
“We really fucked up this time,” Sakusa said as Suna nodded
“Guys wait, it’s not too late to fix this!” Komori shouted, pulling out his phone
“Pretty sure it’s kind of late Komori, we missed almost all of her birthday,” Ushijima interjected as Komori ignored him and kept typing, putting the phone up to his ear
“Well we need to do some MAJOR damage control,” he says as his phone rings
That night, you went home and treated yourself to your favorite takeout and desert
You got several happy birthday messages and phone calls
But none of that seemed to matter anyone 😞
That fact that your boys, your team, forgot your birthday made all of it seem absolutely worthless
Sighing, you went to bed early, setting your alarm for another day at the gym
“How was your birthday Yn?” The barista asked you the following morning
“It was ok, nothing special,” you sighed and thanked them for your drink
You had to get yourself out of this mood!
You weren’t going to let the fact that the guys forgot about your birthday weight on you?
Right - ☹️
You calmed yourself, opening the door to the arena as you made your way to the gym
The lights were still off, strange given that normally Kageyama, Atsumu, Hinata and Bokuto practically slept at the gym
“They probably had a late night at Osamu’s restaurant,” you say, not exactly thrilled to have to deal with tired men
You flipped the lights on, a sudden and loud “SURPRISE” ringing in your ears as you practically dropped your coffee all over the floor
Your eyes looked around, observing the elaborately decorated gym in your favorite colors, balloons and flowers everywhere
“What the hell, what is going on?” You ask, stunned as the guys all smile at you
“YN we are so sorry about forgetting your birthday yesterday,” Iwaizumi said, coming up and hugging you tightly
All is forgive Iwa, a hug is all you need ✋🏻
“We know nothing we can say will make up for us forgetting so we figured that actions speak louder than words, so we did this,” Aran added, hugging you again
YN, two hugs??? From Aran and Iwaizumi?? You better forgive them istg-
“You guys did all this? This must have taken hours!” You said, looking around and observing all the decorations and flower
“It actually took us all night,” Hoshiumi said rubbing the back of his neck
“Osamu is coming soon with the catering and cake! We called him and asked if he could help!” Hinata added
Kuroo approached, handing you a gift of balloons, flowers and an elaborately wrapped present
“I’d like the record to show Yn, that I did, in fact, not forget your birthday but I stayed to help these dumbbells fix their mistake,” Kuroo said as you smiled, tears forming in your eyes as he hugged you
Another hug Yn 😒 honestly just over here collecting hugs from these hot ass men
“YN we are really so sorry for forgetting your birthday! Please don’t be mad at us!” Bokuto say, practically crying as he approached you
“How can I be mad at you guys when you went to all this trouble for me! I’ll admit, I was already upset that you all forget yesterday was my birthday but this totally makes up for it!” You say, happy tears flowing down your cheeks
The visible sigh of relief washed across the men’s face as you began to hug them all one by one
The door opened and Osamu came in
“Hey YN, happy belated birthday! Sorry I would have wished you a happy birthday yesterday but my idiot of a twin forgot so here we are!” He said, smiling and carrying in a large cake
“Hey! It wasn’t just me that forgot!” Atsumu growled
“Yeah but I know somehow it was your fault because it always is,” Osamu sang as the team nodded in agreement
“It’s true,” Suna agreed
“You guys really treat your starting setter like crap ya know that!” Atsumu whined
“They treat me just fine Atsumu, it’s you they treat like crap,” Kageyama chimed in
“No way are you the starting setter Tobio! Not with the pure talent I possess!” Atsumu yelled
“Pure talent to annoy literally everyone,” Sakusa added
Komori sighed as he approached you
“Sorry about this YN. They promised they’d get along,” Komori said
You just smiled and laughed, “we can’t expect miracles Komori.”
“Well let’s get started, we are forgoing practice today to celebrate Yn,” Aran sang as the men all stared
You just rolled your eyes and smiled, “how about we play a practice game instead!”
“That’s our YN, always thinking of the team!” Atsumu said proudly
“-but I get to play the setter position,” you laughed maniacally 😈
“Works for me!” Suna said, grabbing something to eat as the rest of the team agreed
Kageyama and Atsumu rn 👉🏻👁️ 💧👄💧👁️
Please, YN deserves this 💅
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sonicstalker123 · 5 months
Jealous!Protective!Korekiyo x Clumsy!Reader
✨they/them pronouns used✨
✨fluff, angst and fluff at the end✨
CW: nothing really, just Korekiyo hearing Y/N stretch and it makes him blush, Kiyo being jealous, pajama sleeve sliding down Y/N’s shoulder, slightly suggestive?, jealousy, profanity
Korekiyo decided to surprise his S/O with their favorite snack that he prepared just for them with a tiny bit of help from Kirumi. He decides to send Y/N a text.
‘Y/N, good morning. Are you awake?’ SEND.
‘Mornin Kiyo… am not really awake rn… What’s up?’ SEND.
Kiyo gasps in shock. ‘Oh dear, I’m sorry to have woken you up. Are you alright, do you want to resume your nap?’ SEND.
‘Eh it’s ok, I��ll get up. I accidentally took a three hour nap. Guess I got into a food coma after breakfast? Lemme get up’ SEND.
‘Alright, I’ve got a surprise for you, by the way.’ SEND.
“Oh my, now he’s gotten me curious!” Y/N asks themself, clapping their hands in excitement and giggling to themself. “Alright, Y/N, ya gotta get up. Your boyfriend has a surprise for you.”
Little do they know that Kiyo wanted to surprise them at the door. He’s patiently standing at the door, with a little chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting on it. He gets butterflies but knocks on the door once he sighs to relieve his anxiety.
“Himiko, is that you? I can’t wait to watch your magic show this afternoon! I talked about it with Gonta last night while he was teaching me about the different kinds of ladybugs! Lemme get up- OH SHIT!” They slide off the bed. “Christ on a stick, that hurt! That’s juuuust great, a bruise is gonna pop up soon…” They sigh and stretch to wake themself up.
Korekiyo hears them stretch and blushes for whatever reason. “I-I didn’t know people made noises when they stretch… Maybe it’s just something Y/N does? It’s a mystery.” He then hears them walking and they bump into the door, making a loud THUMP noise. “Oop. Didn’t mean to do that, Himiko! I’m all good! It’s normal for me..!”
They see their (favorite color) pajama shirt part of their PJ outfit starting to slide down one of their shoulders. “Oh shoot!” They try to fix that but it slides down again, but fortunately it doesn’t slide any more. At that point, they give up and open the door, yawning. “Sorry, Himiko, my clumsiness got the better of me, I should not have stayed up until midnight. I think I ended up falling asleep on the floor haha-“ They look up to see a confused looking Korekiyo.
“H-Hello, Y/N. I made you a chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting because Kirumi informed me that you really enjoy chocolate. She helped me a small bit. But I hope you enjoy it. Would you like to come with me to the courtyard? There’s tables and chairs underneath some cherry blossoms there.” He asks.
Y/N finally opens her eyes and sees Kiyo looking at them, patiently waiting for answer. They blush super hard and continuously try to fix their sleeve. Them blushing causes Kiyo to blush pretty hard and tremble slightly and almost drops his plate.
“O-Oh dear. I guess you’ve never seen me with PJs on. You’re one of the few people here in this academy who have seen my pajamas. This stupid sleeve wouldn’t stay put, maybe I can see if Kirumi can tighten them one of these days. A-Anyway, let’s go to the tables, I would love to try what you made for me, which is so sweet by the way, I really appreciate it!” They smile.
Korekiyo and Y/N make their way to the tables. Y/N has a little spring in their step and their sleeve slides down their shoulder, though they are just happily making their way to the table and they aren’t even aware that Kaito is in front of them.
Until they bump into him. “Oof-“ they silently say as they look up at Kaito. “Ohh! Kaito! I didn’t see you there! Afternoon!” They exclaim with a really big smile. “Hey there, Y/N!” They high five. “Do you want to come vibe at the courtyard with Kiyo and I?”
“Hmm… as long as Kiyo is fine with it, I don’t mind, my dude.” Kaito smiles and Korekiyo then walks up to Y/N. “Oh, Kiyo! Hey! Y/N here says that you’re going to the courtyard soon and they wanted to know if I could come along with you two. I won’t, like, be the awkward third wheel or anything.”
“S-Sure...” Kiyo responds back, sounding a little annoyed. Y/N’s eyes sparkle as they jump up and down with sparkling eyes. “Alright, let’s make our way there! I’m gonna get a head start!”
Literally them as they run towards the doors:
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Kiyo happily waves at them as they run off and then turns his head rather quickly and glares at Kaito menacingly, but stays quiet. Kaito gets a little spooked, so he runs off and meets up with Y/N.
“Haaa… Y/N, there you are! Dude, I forget how big this academy is sometimes ….” Kaito exclaims.
Y/N is muttering profanities left and right as they look at their bruised knee. Kaito looks down at Y/N, who’s on the ground. Kaito bursts out laughing. “Ah, sorry for laughing. You good, though? A-Anyways, let’s go to the courtyard so we can vibe!” Kaito happily walks away, with Y/N happily walking with him.
Kiyo makes annoyed noises as he slowly makes his way to the courtyard. Y/N and Kaito make it to the courtyard table and sit down, across from each other. The two are just catching up about just everything. “So then I told Shuichi and Maki Roll while we doing our training stuff that ‘the impossible is possible, all you gotta do is make it so!’ and Shuichi seemed to like that. I saw Rantaro the other day painting Kaede’s nails the other day and I’m gonna be serious, can I ask you something?” Kaito asks.
Y/N happily nods. “Yeah my dude, you can tell me anything!” Kaito sighs. “I’m… kinda jealous. I wouldn’t be apposed to Rantaro painting my nails, but… I’m embarrassed to ask.” “Tell ya what! Next week, I’ll get my nails painted (insert favorite color here) and I can bring you with! Trust me, it’s amazing!”
Kiyo finally makes his way to the courtyard and sits next to Y/N. “Hello there, dear. Did I miss anything?” Korekiyo asks, readjusting Y/N’s sleeve again. “Not much, we were just catching up and I got a bruise. It’s not the end of the world. I literally trip on everything. Kaito get this. Literally yesterday I was walking upstairs and tripped on my own feet?? No idea why that happens, but I guess I’m a bit of a clumsy oaf.”
Kaito and Kiyo exchange glances. Kaito tries to resist the urge to laugh, but just starts laughing like crazy. Kiyo glares at Kaito and then he’s speechless. “Haha.. ahh, that is hilarious. Just Y/N things, am I right?” Y/N nods and they turn to look at the night sky.
“The stars look so pretty! Look at them, Kiyo! … Is that one changing colors??” Y/N asks, confused.
“Yeah! Did you know that stars can be different colors? I personally like the blue one. One day, I wanna go fly to the sky and check out the stars. You’ll be the first person to know about my stories and what I saw, I promise!” Kaito says, winking in a friendly way.
Kaito rambles for a few hours and Y/N is flat out dead asleep on Kiyo’s chest. “Shit, it’s getting late. I should go hit the hay soon. See ya Y/N! … Y/N?” He turns around and sees Y/N, sleeping peacefully with their boyfriend has his hand on her head, as if he’s protecting them??? Kaito gets confused and walks away with his hands in his pockets.
God that’s so cute, you don’t need to do that though, Kiyo
Kiyo gently taps on their shoulder, waking them up. “Hm..? Kaito? Where did he… go?” They ask while rubbing their eyes. “He… was tired so he went back to the dorm.” Korekiyo’s eyes start to glow, unable to keep his anger in anymore.
“Speaking of Kaito, what was THAT?! He was clearly flirting with you! Did you not see that?! HOW did you NOT see that?!” Kiyo exclaims. “I didn’t. I genuinely didn’t. If he was actually flirting with me, why didn’t you stop him?! Why didn’t you do anything!?”
“Because you were having a good time and catching up on things with somebody you don’t see a lot these days! And I didn’t want to ruin that for you!”
“… wait a minute. How did you know about that? How did you know that I was catching up with him?”
Korekiyo just kinda does this 👇🏻
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“Were you intentionally taking your time? Were you eavesdropping on our conversation? I can’t believe it! It’s all over your face! You not saying anything is just icing on the cake!” Y/N explains with their pajama shirt’s sleeve sliding down even more than before.
“W-Wait, Y/N, let me expl-“ “SAVE IT, KOREKIYO! I don’t want to hear your bullshit lies!” Y/N exclaims with a hint of a growl in their voice. They storm off.
Korekiyo watches them storm off. He then sighs and sits at the table and stares at the night sky. “I had a bad feeling about Kaito this whole time… Does Y/N actually not know when people are flirting with them? Or were they just saying that?”
He looks at the ground and just walks inside the building. He enters the building and walks to his dorm room. “… just wait for them to cool off. You need to just wait, Korekiyo.” He starts to pace around his room. “I’m just going to go to my lab to distract myself.”
He makes his way to his lab and opens the door. He stares at his pot full of roses and just stares at them. “These are beautiful. Y/N and I grew these together. That’s what makes them even more beautiful. Them. They’re beautiful in all ways. Even their flaws make them beautiful.” He blushes really hard. “I must find them and apologize to them. I would only assume that they’re in their room or elsewhere.”
Kiyo spots Himiko. “Himiko, have you seen Y/N? I’ve been trying to find them.” Himiko looks at Kiyo, with an upset expression. “Nyeh, why would I want to tell you where they are?” Korekiyo sighs. “Thanks for your help, I guess.” He continues to pursue them.
Hallways? Nope. Game room? Nah. Cafeteria? Kind of? He found a box of pocky. That’s worth something, so he put it in his pocket. “Pocky..? That’s Y/N’s favorite kind of pocky, so I’m getting somewhere.” Kiyo mutters to himself.
He casually walks around the building until he hears Kiibo and some familiar voices, including Y/N’s voice in the library. “Found them.” “MAN, it feels good to take this pajama shirt off. It felt like I was on fire.” “Y-Y/N, please don’t say that, somebody might hear you say that and or doesn’t sound too good out of context!! What if your boyfriend was nearby and heard that? He’d get suspicious!” Kiibo exclaims
Shocked at what he hears, he aggressively pushes the door open and it hits the wall. Kiyo stares at Y/N and then at Kiibo and then at Kaede. He blushes really hard at the sight of Y/N in a (favorite color(s) tanktop and covers his face for a while. Kiibo raises his hands and walks out. “I wasn’t doing anything suspicious, I was just telling them that it wasn’t wise to shout that.”
Kaede just nopes out of the room. “Nope, not dealing with this.” Korekiyo watches his companions leave and looks at Y/N like this.
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“My oh my, dearest. There you are. My beautiful rose. I was looking for you to apologize for what I did. Can you forgive me for eavesdropping on your conversation and snapping at you?”
Man I swear this dude has rizz
They start to blush hard. “Y-Yeah…”
“Thank you, dear. It means a lot to me. By the way, what was it you and Kaito were talking about? You don’t have to get specific if you don’t want to.” Kiyo asks, tilting his head to the side.
“W-Well, I’m sure Kaito wouldn’t want me t-talking about it, but we just plan on hanging out- nothing bad I promise! Just hanging out.” Y/N replies and Korekiyo smiles. “You look so cute when you blush like this.” Y/N raises her eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Well you look handsome when you blush too~, I’ve never seen you blush like this before.” Y/N scoots closer to Korekiyo and gives him a big hug. “And I’m sorry too… for the yelling. I love you.”
Kiyo smiles warmly. “Your heartbeat… it’s racing a little bit. And I love you so much more.” Kiyo and Y/N smile and Kiyo gets a little peck on the cheek. “M-My oh my… H-How u-unexpected.” He looks at the clock. “Oh gosh, look at the time, it’s three in the morning. But I don’t want to get up just now, I just want to feel your heartbeat for j-just a little while longer.”
“But we’re gonna have to-“ Y/N yawns. “-go home eventually. You make me feel so loved. I’ve never felt this before.” Korekiyo gasps and stands up. He reaches for Y/N’s hand. They stand up and they walk to Y/N’s dorm room. “What were you saying about not feeling loved like this before’?”
Kiyo and Y/N stand in front of Y/N’s door. “It… it’s a long story. I’ll explain it to you one of these days. As much as I would love to keep talking, I feel quite tired. See you in the morning?” They ask. “But of course, darling. I love you, I’ll see you in the morning, or specifically, later in the morning.” He gives them a peck on the cheek. They’re so happy that they go into their room, blush so hard that they are tomato red (from blushing) and dive into their bed and happily shove their face into their pillow and happily giggles. Kiyo hears their giggles and walks to his room, feeling happy and blushing, knowing that he just made their night.
The next day, Kaede walks into the library and realizes that their pajama shirt is still there. She blushes at the sight, picks up the shirt and walks to their dorm room with a note saying “Y/N, you left this in the library. -Kaede”
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amorficzna · 7 months
For the sentence starter prompt thing... Karlach/Wyll: “How I wish you could see yourself as I see you.” 💜
Thanks sm for asking for some of these two I love them, I just had to do a bit from the tiefling party!
The tieflings were in the full swing of the party now, and although Karlach fucking missed parties, there was something - or rather, someone - that was calling to her more right now. Anyway, Shadowheart always had a bit of wine tucked away. Maybe she would even be willing to share later. 
The lights of Rolan’s magic tricks dimmed quickly as she made her way towards the edge of the water, where she saw Wyll run off as soon as they made it to camp. She wanted to give him his space, but she was fucking worried too. It was only a few days past that Mizora transformed him into his devilish form, and the boisterous Blade of Frontiers was replaced with a very quiet, very withdrawn Wyll. It wasn't him, and she hated it, hated seeing him punish himself even though it meant he saved her. 
A pair of curved horns appeared in the darkness before her. He was sitting on the water’s edge, back turned to the roaring flame of the bonfire so its light licked up his skin like a beautiful battle. 
She shook her head, “Hey, hero.”
He turned, his face half in the light now, the scars of his skin marking deep shadows. Her engine flared at the sight of him, and now thanks to it his face was fully in view, though still flicking with shadows. There was a warm Wyll smile on his face even if she could see the way his eyes didn’t light up to match it. 
“Karlach! What are you doing all the way out here? You should get back to the party. It’s been a while, right?” 
His smile was so kind. It almost tricked her, almost, if only she hadn’t worn the same expression for however many fucking days, years, she’s had to. She fidgeted on her feet. Pushed some sand with her foot. Right. She sat down beside him, and the sand around her began cracking into small shards of glass that moved with her, tinkling with their new crystal form. His eyes widened at the sight, watching in awe of it. Of her, maybe. She shook her head again. 
“It’s no party without you, Wyll. Just wanted to check on how yer faring, is all. You… you doing alright?” 
She peeked over at him, but his eyes were on the rippling waters ahead. His smile was gone. 
“Just… didn’t want to ruin the tiefling’s night with my presence. They’ve been through enough as is, with their frights in Avernus. I’m sure you would understand that seeing a devil wouldn’t be… appreciated.” 
She nodded, “I get it. So lemme stay and hang out with you, eh?”
He smiled again, and there was something besides the numb trying-to-not-really-be-there glaze in there this time. It was a start, she thought. A beautiful start. 
“No need! I’m doing just fine on my own here.”
She huffed, “I ain’t buying it, Wyll. I’m hunkering down right here with ya, if it means I get to spend time with my favorite savior.” 
He shook his head at that, “No savior now,” he said softly. 
Devil wasn’t said, but they both felt it in the air between them. 
She blinked, and an errant thought crossed her mind. It was out of her mouth before she could stop it. 
“You don’t see me as a failure, do ya? Or a freak or something? Cause of my heart?” 
It wasn’t just her heart. The engine left pockmarked exhaust holes and burned skin twice, thrice scarred over. It left her changed. Inside and out. She knew no one would say anything. But sometimes they would stare a bit longer than they would otherwise. She wasn’t just a tiefling anymore. She was a walking weapon.
Wyll turned to her, his hand so close to where hers was in the sand she could almost touch it. His eyes were serious, and when he looked at her she felt the beating of her engine speed up, firing off cylinders of warmth through her.
“I would never. You… you’re you, Karlach. An incredible woman. A fighter, a survivor, a warrior through and through. The world cracks and changes simply with you being in it,” he gestured broadly at the glass now surrounding her in a small sea among all of the sand, “Never think of yourself as any less than that,” his voice was strong, reassuring.
She swallowed heavily. Wasn’t exactly expecting all of that now. Fuck.  
She dared graze the very edge of his finger where it sat in the sand with her pinky, and Wyll gasped. She hoped it wasn’t from her heat burning him. But he didn’t pull away, so maybe it wasn’t.
“Well then,” her voice was a bit hoarse, and she wished she was better with words, “How I wish you could see yourself as I see you, Wyll. Because… because right back at ‘cha.” 
His smile was fucking brilliant, his eyes bright as he looked at her.
“I believe you,” he said.
And then they spoke, long into that deep night.
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