#but i ✨️don't want to✨️
altruistic-meme · 9 months
still soooo not looking forward to waking up tomorrow why couldn't they have just let us start in January
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xxsinisterxx · 8 months
HOT TAKE: as an adult watching the pjo series I think it is crazy it is that the gods have kids who are barely teens do their dirty work. LIKE EXSCUSE ME?! You're telling me that you froze a kid's mother in gold knowing that he'd come and bring you helm. That you, a GOD, have had stolen??? How is this anyone else fault but your own?? And pretending like it is a fair trade. DUDE, that is the kid's MOTHER!!!
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mad-hunts · 5 months
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ask-team-donum · 3 months
this might be a lil weird but I wanted to say I really appreciate ur aroace characters!! it feels kinda rare to see that at all let alone in a PMD setting and it sparks joy for me :) ty!! and ofc I love Phoebe & Scout as characters and will be following their story as long as it takes
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Not weird at all!!!! You made my day!!!! Imight cry this made me so so happyy fjsgsbfhfh EEHEHE <333
Thank you so much for these kind words <333333
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iwanttobepersephone · 3 months
How do I make bacon
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thecasualfkfan · 1 year
Q: Which of your Friends would you like to Marry?
Khaotung choose First
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First choose Khaotung
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They're so😭🫂✨️💗
Full interview here
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witchwhaat · 1 month
the urge to chop off all of my hair vs the "you know it takes forever to grow them"
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beartitled · 10 months
The pure essence of hype and joy of a person that is ALMOST FINISHED with their diploma is immeasurable
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sparkly-dnp · 4 months
Family Picture Time💛✨️
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pardonmydelays · 3 months
wait, so yesterday was my 2nd anniversary of seeing my boys live for the first time???
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nordfjording · 4 months
Did you find your shop employee or not yet?
Hired one yesterday! She was the first to send an application she wrote her very self that wasn't basically just referring to messages I'd received from her mother.
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kittygamer2888 · 11 days
✨️random thoughts of the day ✨️
✨️Story time- long post edition✨️
Once upon a time, I had this friend in 3rd grade in an old school (that is now destroyed).
I... kid you not.
She literally goes up to me one day and tells me something- to keep a secret for her and not tell ANYONE.
I responded with a 'what' and she tells me that she's some 'princess wolf' due to a wolf biting her one time when she was little and made her a princess.
And me, (being the gullible little kid I was), believed her and didn't tell a soul for the next like... what? 1 or 2 years? But I swear, this was getting out of hand the moment this kept going. And let me tell you why--
During those school days, we would meet at the same place every day. Over time, I began to grow attached to said friend and would hug her, but because of her always wanting personal space and not liking to be hugged (unless if it's from her family), I tried to stay out of her way.
Clearly, this wasn't working, and I hugged her again a few times due to me being forgetful at the time.
Not only that,but, because of her being the only friend I had, I would always follow her around school like in those rpg games when you make a friend, and i kept doing that because I had nowhere in the school to go nor did I have anyone else. She eventually told me to stop following her and I did.
But of course, I kept following her the next day and she pretty much told me to stop again,and I did.
I never followed her once after that, but I kept at least searching for her.
There were times I did find her, and times I didn't, until one day, she made friends with one of the big girls (aka, I think like.. one of the kids from 7th grade maybe? Because my friend was a few years older than me.)
The way she made friends with the girl was, from the way that I saw it, was that she had 'Spotify'.
That's literally just the only thing I focused on at the time, but she probably met her by different circumstances other than just 'having Spotify' as a way that caught her attention, but oh well.
After that, I kept visiting the 2 and being my annoying and talkative self as usual.
Like... seriously, I used to be so annoying and childish my friend had to point that out to me, it was insane😭
So, with that said to me a few times, I was trying to work on that, but it was just not working with me at all,and instead, just resulted in me overthinking one or two more times.
Then there was one day where she pretended that she had 'invisible ears and wolf tail' and that she can change the size and color however she wants and that she can also make them visible. And of course, I told her to show them to me, and she said that 'she can't' because we were in school. Then there was the time she showed me how to 'howl' to other wolf packs and how many howls you have to do when talking or singing n' all that jazz.
Then there was also this one time, when my friend wasn't around, I kept annoying another kid with my 'following around' and pretty much just my presence in general. I kept annoying him so much that, when I tried to at least put my hand on his shoulder, he punched my nose on instinct (and probably forgood reason, too, i probably looked so desperate to make another friend). It wasn't that serious of an injury, but it just hurt, so I left him alone after that.
Then the same kid appears again when I'm with my friend. My friend shows me... *sighs* either the scratch mark or a bite mark of a 'wolf' and... yea, little me was not having it. It's so obvious that it was drawn by a pink sharpie, but then the kid that I annoyed came up to me and said "WoAh, it looks so R e A l" and then I just told him that it looks like it was drawn by a marker, but then he kept saying that "no, look at it, it looks real" and then my mind spiraled into madness when I came back home. I was having a hard time whether to believe or not believe my friend. This was the time I started to overthink so much to the point where, if I told her that I didn't believe her story,then she wouldn't become my friend anymore, so I just kept quiet and kept believing in the little stories she tells me. Stories like saying her father is rich, that she finds dinosaur fossils, or that her blood is 'purple'.
It just kept going on and on, and the more I went to school and visit her with her friend, the more I started to believe that maybe she found someone better than me. This friend that she had- there was one time she told me it was the friends 'cousin' that she was hanging out with one day, but I looked at their face and... it looked like the same person. And guys.. I swear, when I went to the empty classroom upstairs where they were (this was during lunchtime), I could've sworn I heard laughter at the other side of the wall. I go back to check, and I tell them that 'they were laughing just now' and wondering what the hell was going on by this point. I told them that it wasn't the cousin, that was the same friend, but they told me "no, that is their cousin" and I stared at said 'cousin' and they looked like they were holding back laughter.
After that, I left the upstairs area where the big kids were because I was having a hard time believing in what they were saying.
In the times that my friend wasn't present in school, I would always annoy a few other kids by talking a lot, pretending to 'trash talk' to look tough to the older kids, get myself in trouble by going to the back of the classrooms, or watching the other kids play on their Nintendo while being the little annoying kid I was by talking a lot or create some form of entertainment to make myself interesting to these other kids.
It was a mess, but i was actually a very social kid despite it being a local mess.
Then, in 5th grade, my friend wasn't around. I go to this other kid that I've talked to a few times who also knows about my friend, and I tell them "where's [friend's name]?"
And then he tells me that they moved to the U.S.
At that point, everything just went downhill from then and there. I've had a lot of fun with this one specific friend, so much so that we would play, draw and do little singing battles with eachother. But the moment that I heard that she moved to another place without telling me, it was uhm.. yea, it was pretty heartbreaking to hear.
Not long after that, but the friend that she made was also said to have moved to another school.
And then it was official. I was going to be walking alone in the school again. I was having a hard time processing this when I came home because, she was the only friend I had that actually stuck with me no matter how annoying or obnoxious I was. I then started to overthink back to everything that she's told me, everything that's happened and all the times I didn't respect her personal space.
"Was I a bad friend?? Was everything that she said made up??" At that point I didn't know anymore, I was confused, sad, but I still kept her secret...
Until NOW that is, PFFTT--
I think it's pretty obvious that everything she's told me was fake and she was probably autistic-- idk, that's just the vibes she gave off when I thought about her more and the way that she spoke (which was really hard to keep up btw). And yea.
I started to isolate myself and talk to no one after my friend left. I was always lonely in school, and since she moved to another place, it was hard for me to accept that I'll be alone again when I go to school.
From not wanting to be alone as a kid, to NOW wanting to be alone years later is wild, now that I think about it💀
And ye.
✨️and then, happily ever after, I went back to school without seeing her again✨️
(It was not happily ever after, however, as I now have more anxiety and insecurity than I did as a kid after that mess of a school year :'D)
(Extra note: I forgot to mention, she also told me about having these "Darknesses" inside and that they are based off of my interests and personalities. Obviously, she was lying, but I still believed her when I was like... when did this all happen again?? I think when I was around 6 or 7 years old).
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daz4i · 1 year
ik it's not good to latch onto a mental illness as your defining trait but also. babe i don't have much else going on or any other sense of identity beyond it
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nulltune · 8 months
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^ from tsukinoura's wordpress and iwakura production's english patch! i don't speak a lick of japanese so i have no idea which one's more accurate but it's pretty neat seeing the different translations ✨️✨️ methinks i'll write my hakuno more like the speech patterns from tsukinoura's translations tho ! :>
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favoritejohn · 2 years
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happy birthday to the (ˆ ³ ˆ)est man in the world ♡
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fennthetalkingdog · 4 months
Heyo, so um... I wrote a really long thing. But because homophobia and transphobia is mentioned (not endorsed or condoned, but I used a couple of quotes so I don't know if that counts as being explicit about it?), here's your warning now!
You know, one of the biggest challenges of being trans, for me, is realizing that not everyone's out to get me. Granted, I was set up for failure from the beginning; both of my parents were (and still are) homophobic and transphobic, and though they wouldn't throw me out of the house or disown me for it, they heavily disapprove of it in general. And that was a traumatizing experience for me, as a kid that has such a close relationship with them that I tell them everything even now. To open up to the people I love the most and be told, "No you can't be trans," or to admit to both them and myself about a crush and be told, "But that's ungodly." And besides my brief experience with the general queer community, barely enough to realize that being queer and trans was a thing that you could be, that was my first main experience with being queer, and it set the tone for almost every other interaction between me and queerness for years. Every time it came up, I stiffened, preparing myself for someone to argue it didn't exist or that queer people were just maliciously tricking others for some reason or another, and even when my school friends and teachers accepted me immediately, I couldn't relax and was stuck thinking, "But when will everything go wrong??"
Cut to a few years after and you have me, in college, going by my chosen name on literally everything that's not legal and (a lot of times) openly telling folks my pronouns. But it's taken a lot of character development to even get here. It took me a month going to early college and being completely away from my parents to realize that people actually won't care too much and will just use your chosen name and whatever pronouns you ask for (even neopronouns, to some extent; though there will be a lot of stumbling and questions involved, people close to you will be willing to go through that even just for your comfort). It took me until literally a few months ago to fully come to terms with the fact that people automatically (and accidentally) misgendering you isn't malicious at all, and in fact they'll often feel kinda upset if you don't correct them. And also, you don't need to tell everyone your pronouns. (I've taken to not correcting people who I'm not especially close to, especially because even though I am a boy, none of my body is changed and I can't blame others for assuming. Plus some people find connection in a shared identity [like being the only two girls in a group], and I don't have to feel pressured to correct them and break [or at least somewhat fray] that. But other people have different boundaries and comfort levels.) It didn't take me long to get comfortable with being feminine once I realized I was trans, but it took me so much longer to realize that if you tell the people around you that you're a boy, they won't see you as a girl just because you dress or act more feminine one day versus another.
But for all this to happen, you need to tell people about your identity; be comfortable with answering questions about (almost) anything and everything, because people might be confused and it's best to approach that with an open mind rather than a closed and boobytrapped one. My wonderful college friends are a great example of that—they consistently call me a boy and make man jokes and call my hawaiian shirts dad shirts and call me a femboy on my feminine days. But months before now, I had to have a bunch of conversations with one about how I saw myself, my relationship with gender and sex, what body modifications were involved in my view of myself, and more. (Some of these conversations are more than you'd just give a plain friend, but I didn't mind getting a little personal so that was my boundary. Also there were many days when I felt myself getting reflexively defensive and I had to leave, think about the topic for a week or so, and come back with a calmer mind.) And even now I still give my friends feedback on what pronouns feel good, if how and when they use them feels nice (since I like having my pronouns mixed), etc. because I've had to teach myself that showing that I like something won't get me scorned or ridiculed. It's a very, very slow process and it involves learning just as much about yourself as it does telling that to other people, but let me tell you it's so rewarding.
Now, there are still times when people are legitimately homophobic/transphobic to me. Like, I haven't even come out to my parents yet, despite literally telling one of their sisters that I'm nonbinary, because I know that I likely will never be able to change their views and I don't want to put myself through that pain again. So when I hear them talk about queerness (which doesn't happen often, thank goodness, but still occasionally does), I still prepare myself for the worst. But part of my healing was restricting that response to just them and people who have already proven themselves to be queerphobic. I don't want to be a person that gives someone a bad experience with the queer community just because I'm defensive thanks to my own experiences, because though I can't control them, I would never want to be someone that, even unknowingly, causes someone else pain.
(And yes, a major factor in my ability to even come to this conclusion is the fact that I'm no longer constantly living with my parents. I waited 2 and a half years to finally not be under their roof, and during that time that was all I was doing: waiting. It's only been since I could leave that I could truly process everything and try to form thoughts on the matter because I'm no longer just trying to survive. So I'm not talking mainly to those people who are still waiting, but still, if you're stuck having to wait, don't feel bad that you can't grow. Sometimes all you can do is wait, and in the end, that's just as important.)
So yeah, that's the mindset that I've been trying to build over the past year or so of finally being free to be myself. And I'm trying to carry it on to other parts of my life (the autism/ADHD, the nonhumanity, the blackness) just because it's a happier and more productive way to spend my life than constantly being on the lookout for bigots and avoiding people who could just be ignorant. Because I can't control them, but I can control me, and I don't want a bigot to decide how happy I live my life even after they're gone.
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