#but i always thought my mom especially was really expecting me to finish it like it was the only option
Finally finished the first part of gai’s 8 gates coma and how kakashi dealt with it rewrite people have been requesting. [tw blood, injury, coma, death discussions, grief]
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Kurenai: Kakashi Kks: Ah. Kurenai and...baby, what’s up? Kurenai: You mind if I come in a moment? Kks: Uhhhhh I-
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Kks: So what did you need to speak about? Did something happen? K: No, Nothing’s happened. You haven’t gotten to properly see and bond with her yet. Here Kks: You know I’m not fond of kids. K: That’s why I didn’t ask. Hold your arms out. Ok, now, don’t look absolutely petrified.
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Kks: She’s ok, I guess [YELP] Oi! Don’t pinch me while I’m holding your baby! K: You wouldn’t drop her. Asuma would haunt you forever! Kks: Terrifying thought, Mirai.... How are you feeling? K: Exhausted. Do you really want to hear how horrifying having a baby is? Kks: No, please don’t tell me.
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K: I came over to check on you as well. Any news? Kks: No. He’s still the same. K: Is that why it looks like this in here? Kks: ...Yeah. Doctor said he may never wake up. Since we’re eachother’s medical contacts, Tsunade told me I had to prepare to make hard decisions should it come to that.
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Kks: With the council breathing down my neck over a job I don’t want, I had... A bit of an outburst. K: I don’t even blame you. That’s... That they expect you to carry on like normal. Still grieving. The person you love most is gone. But you’re still here. Don’t let them just dust you off and move on again. I’ll always have your back. Kks: You and Asuma always did. Even when I wasn’t grateful for it.
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Kks: I can’t tell if they just don’t care or didn’t realize, Gai’s the one who held me together all these years. Only reason I’m still here at all is because of him. I don’t think tenzou, the elders, or the village are prepared for what’ll become of me if I lose him. So, I don’t care anymore. Let them be mad. I won’t give up on him. K: You should talk to him. Kks: huh K: Talk about anything! I’m sure the sound of your voice will help him find his way back. Especially if you sound sad, Kks: uuh
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K: I can hear it now, “My eternal rival is sad? Not on my watch!“ Kks: Pretty accurate impression. K: There’s been lots of source material! Kks: Maaa, Your mom’s a huge dork K: Oi! [kakashi chuckles]
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K: He’ll be so upset he missed her birth Kks: Oh, devastated. I can’t wait to see the look on Gai’s face, Mirai, when I tell him /I/ held you first! When he wakes up
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Kks: Hey, Gai. Kurenai said i should talk to you.
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Kks: Feels weird. Most of the people I’m used to talking to like this are all... Dead.
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It’s so eerie how silent you’ve been for so long. you’re not even this quiet when you sleep. Your kids come everyday to see you. Naruto and sakura when they can. Lots of others. I’ve been telling them embarrassing  stories from when we were kids since you keep making them wait. Do you remember when I came over while you and Dai were making supper
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Dai: Kakashi! Good to see you, my boy! Kks: Id Gai home? Dai: He’s helping with supper! Go on, inside, you’re always welcome! Kks: Ok Dai: Atta boy Kks: Hey, G- !? ummm? Gai: OH!! Rival!! Kks:  Is that a lid?! Gai: Correct!! It stops me from crying while cutting onions! A win for me!!
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Kks: Against.... the onions? Gai: Yep! KKs:[snicker] Gai: Laugh all you want! Not everyone can comprehend innovation. Kks: Whatever. You forgot this at the training grounds. I know it’s yours there’s a turtle on it. Gai: See! You’re already tearing up! Kks: Am not Gai: Also, thankyou so much! Kks: Bye, I’m leaving. Gai: Could it be? You’re scared I can cut much faster than you! Kks: I am not scared. Gai: Good, I think we have another lid! Kks: YOU-!
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Dai: Great to see growing boys with such a hunger! I’ll never have to prep onions again! Kks: I think about that everytime I chop onions now. You’ve altered my brain with all the ridiculous things you’ve done. Can’t even look at the toys you’ve gotten the dogs without getting emotional
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Kks: Just knowing you’re here still, I can barely function. It’s pretty pathetic... Your hair’s getting long. Turning into your dad.
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[gai’s heartbeat] Kks: Gai
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[gais heartbeat continues]
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[gai’s heartbeat continues] Kks: If anything should happen to me, you’ll rush over, right? Gai: Damn right, I will. Dont you worry about that.
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[Gai’s heartbeat]
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Kks: I miss you
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pinkyqil · 2 months
Good news Bad news | a.Putellas x j.Hermoso
Hidden secrets series part 2
Mention of : Angst, comfort, mention of acl and pregnancy
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Alexia had never felt like this before in all her life.it felt like everything she worked for all fell apart. broken acl and on top of that finding out your having a baby after many failed procedures of her and jenni trying over and over again.
all she could do was lay on the couch rethinking her whole life purpose.Tears slowly streaming down her face.
She had recently been feeling unwell and decided to take a trip to the hospital. Thinking it had something to do with her acl. But no she was so wrong instead. after she got to the hospital explaining her symptoms to the doctor's.
they told her that she was 8 weeks pregnant.
the look of shock on her face was not missed by the nurses around her. Her and jenni had been trying for a really long time Their last try would be around the beginning of the year, we're they received a negative blood test. but here she was finding out that she's around 2 months pregnant.
The world really does surprise you at unexpected moments.and this was one of them for alexia. The only thing that was going through her mind at the moment,was how she supposed to tell jenni or anyone else. Stil deep in her thoughts she heard the nurses ask if she would like an ultrasound. all alexia could do was nod agreeing to do it.
After finishing her business at the hospital she decided to call her mami cause she's about to be a mami herself so why not call her own too let her know.
Alexia brought out her phone dialing the first number she saw since it belongs to her mom.it only needed to be rung twice for eli to pickup her phone."alexia what happened did you get hurt are you okay" her mother questioned ?. She couldn't replied as tears started slipping down on her already wet face. Eli could tell something was wrong, alexia never cried that much.
often keeping to herself and when she did it would be mostly happy tears, but eli couldn't bring herself to know what was happening has alexia sob became louder.
"bebe I'll need you to tell me what going if not I cannot help you". eli said delicately trying to clam her daughter with a soft tune.
"Are you hurt" eli asked.
"Not like that mami" alexia said still choking on tears.
"So what exactly happening xia" eli asked her again.
" i don't really know what to do mami,I felt sick and went to the hospital- alexia said before getting cut off by her mother
"Alexia Putellas Segura you just told me that you weren't hurt and now your telling me how you felt sick what honestly going on you have me really worried". She heard her mother say on the phone
"Just let me finish explaining", she said. eil could hear the crack in her voice and hummed letting alexia to continue.
"After going in the hospital and explained my symptom's to one of the nurses attending to me said that i was expecting i don't know what to do how I'm I suppose to let her know mami".
Eli was the only one who knew how the couple had been trying for the longest of time especially knowing how hard it was on her daughter and lover.
"oh ale it all going to be alright but you'll have to tell her at some point she also deserve to hear about it from you".eli told her daughter
A while later that she finished talking to her mom.
now home staring at jenni phone number deciding on how to break the news to her. but the panic in her body said otherwise.
Alexia had decided to send jenni a photo of the ultrasound pictures and the positive pregnancy test that she took.
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Message sent
Once she had sent the pictures she turned off her phone and decided to go too bed she couldn't deal with the emotions she was feeling at the moment.
mi amor 💕 : typing...
A/n: what's jenni's message to alexia gonna be ? How would she react too it and what does she plan on doing ??
p2 coming soon enjoy this small cliffhanger,ideas and questions about the series are always welcome and feel free to let me know what you think about it 🫶
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rikiislvr · 3 months
🫧 fake it till you make it (4)
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read one, two and three first to understand the plot!
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you groaned as you felt your eyes sting, you slowly opened your eyes revealing your bright room from the open curtains.
your eyes winced as you felt a pounding sensation coming from your head. all you remembered was picking up one cup, then pouring another and another until your memory went blank.
you were hoping you weren’t too bad drunk, exposing your act between you and niki with your drunk thoughts. you quickly grabbed your phone and went to nikis contact immediately but there was already a text sent.
riki : u didn’t expose us if ur wondering lol, take medicine
you sighed in relief and slowly sat urself up but your door opened revealing your mother who had pills and a cup of water in her hands, “i already knew.” she smiled walking over to you, you smiled in return and took some pills for your raging headache.
“who is he? why didn’t you tell me about him?” your mom asked sitting at the edge of the bed, “because..” you sighed, “it’s not real.”
her eyes widened, “it’s not.. real? you guys are faking it?” she asked, and you nod with a rush of guilt. “sweetheart.” the moved closer, “i know love. i know TRUE love, and the way he looks at you.. it’s not fake.” she shook her head.
you tilt your head, from what you knew, he didn’t even like you. at all. so what was she talking about, “give it time.. it’ll hit eventually.” she kissed your forehead before leaving your room,
niki doesn’t like you. he never would. you knew that and so did he? this is all just a act, once it’s over you two will go your own ways, he’ll be surrounded by other girls like always and you can finish your studies in peace.
you walked into school tying your hair back so it’s out your face, you immediately saw niki hanging out at his locker with his other friends.
you walked over and he smiled, “hey- girlfriend.” he says, you rolled your eyes, “hi boyfriend.” you turned your lips upwards,
“was i bad saturday..?” you whisper to him, “not really.. didn’t blow our cover atleast.” he chuckled nervously, you didn’t blow yalls cover because HE did. but jungwon knew anyways.
but now that NIKI knew he liked you actually, it was awkward for him to barely even look at you. he still had the polaroid picture of you, he had to find the right time to give it back to you.
“hey you two lovebirds.” jungwon walked up to you guys, you cleared your throat, “hey.” you smiled, niki just stood there, you turned to him and widened your eyes,
“oh- right.. hey.” he put his arm around you, jungwon laughed to himself, “what’s funny?” you ask him, “oh nothing. you guys should go out for a date, especially after my party, niki deserves one after carrying you home.” jungwon says.
being the best wingman, niki shot him a smile and he nod softly, “you— carried me home?! why didn’t you tell me?” you gasp, “because i’m the best boyfriend ever.” niki smiled at you, you rolled your eyes and pushed him away and he chuckled.
“fine- i guess i’ll.. take you on a date..” you groan, but quickly covered up and smiled facing jungwon, he just stared at you two, “cool- i’m looking forward to the details later niki!” he waved before walking away.
niki turned to you with a huge smile, “cant wait for this date you have planned for me.” he nods. “don’t get your hopes up too high, watch it literally just be something so small.” you scoffed a chuckle.
“i wouldn’t mind.” he shrugged and walked away, you tilt your head at his response. not expecting that.. but now you had to plan something for him, something alteast so he can tell jungwon about it.
all day you’ve been in class wondering where to take niki, since it wasn’t REAL, you didn’t wanna waste too much money, so you decided to take him to a cafe place after school, the bell rang, snapping you out your thoughts, you quickly gathered your stuff and texted niki to meet you outside.
niki received the message and felt his palms sweating, gosh he didn’t think the date would be today? “uh- i’ll see you guys later.” he waved to his friends and walked away from them as they said their goodbyes, he headed down the hallway towards the front of the school where you two usually meet,
but someone called his name, making him snap his head back, his head tilted at who he saw, a short haired girl with glasses on her head, “mimi? what are you—?” he turned to her,
she walked up to him and crossed her arms, “what are YOU doing? since when we’re you dating y/n?! and why didn’t i know about this.” she scoffed rolling her eyes, niki sighed.
mimi was the girl he was hanging out with before you asked him about the fake dating, they got closer and mimi developed feelings for him, but niki just thought she was a close friend.
“why are you so worried?” niki asked, mimi just scoffed, “seriously? you’re gonna act like we had nothing going on between us?!” she threw her arms up in the air.
you on the other hand, tapped your foot on the ground and checked the time, “where is he..” you whispered and made your way back in the school to find the lost boy,
“mi. cmon seriously? we were just friends and i told you that.” niki shook his head, her eyebrows raised, “friends? do friends kiss?!” she furrows her eyebrows, “YOU kissed ME. because you were hurt and i only did it to help you. nothing more.” niki rubbed his temples.
“okay well im hurt, i’ve been hurt since i heard about you two because why didn’t you tell me? you need to make it up to me.” she nods, “i will- just not now i have too—
“no. now.” she stomped her foot. “what do you even want me too—
“hug me or something! if this is our last time together. it’s the least you can do.” she sighed, niki bit the inside of his cheek, he’d just get this hug out the way so he could hurry and meet you,
he slowly opened his arms and mimi ran into them, hugging him tightly, he hugged back awkwardly,
you then turned the corner hoping you’d see niki at his locker, but what you saw was even worst,
he was hugging some random girl, she was smiling softly and you couldn’t see nikis face since he wasn’t facing you,
you felt your face heating up, along as your arms and pretty much your entire body. you just blinked blankly at the two, you felt anger rushing up to your head..
why are you mad? it’s not like.. you guys were actually dating. besides, you knew he didn’t like you, and you— didn’t like him..
you bit down on your lip and quickly walked away to just go home, something inside of you was making you feel emotional, which you tried to ignore because— it didn’t make sense.
niki let go of the hug, and mimi smiled, “thanks! have fun explaining this to your loving girlfriend who just ran away.” she pointed down the hall where you pushed through the doors and stormed away,
niki felt his heart drop, “shit!” he whispered and quickly ran down the hall, leaving mimi laughing to herself.
he couldn’t loose you- not without giving you a better explanation and, not before.. confessing how he really felt all this time.
only thing he was scared about was- would you believe him?
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a/n: this was SO SHORT im sorry. but better chapters coming soon! not sure how long this’ll last anyways <3
@certified-ni-ki-lover @noblub-4ulolz @yourmyst4r @vixialuvs @ni-ki-ismyluv @judeduartewannabe @soobs-things @en-chantedtomeetyou @definitelynotherr @heyniki @wntersm @geniejunn
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parkerrogersgirl · 6 months
300 Awkward Blind Dates Later...
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: You go on a blind date on your birthday so you don't have to spend it alone, but it ends up going better than you expected.
A/N: Hey friends! This is a little birthday drabble for my buddy @roosterforme. Thank you for being such a help and inspiration, you're the best!
Warnings: fluff, maybe swearing, a whole lot of sweetness so book your dentist ASAP, allusions to smut (bc I can't help myself), spice
Word Count: 2,617
You take a deep breath and fix your hair in your rear view mirror. You look down at your dress and check your phone one last time. You'd thought your ex would at least act like he cared that it was your birthday. He wanted you back, and yet he couldn't be bothered to text you on your birthday. So, that's why you were on a blind date on your birthday.
You put your phone away and walk into the restaurant, sitting at the bar. The bartender immediately comes over and you order a soda, presuming this date won't last long enough for you to finish any alcohol.
Once you have your soda, you let yourself relax a little bit. You let yourself get lost in the bustle of the bar at happy hour. That is until you hear a voice startle you out of your daze.
"Excuse me? Do you mind if I sit here, ma'am?"
You snap your head to your left to see the hottest man God has ever created. He has curly brown hair and a gorgeous mustache to match. He's got chocolate brown eyes that you could easily see yourself getting lost in-
"Oh! Yeah, sure." You turn to look at the clock to see that your date is 40 minutes late. You pull out your phone and see that your date had cancelled because you didn't sound like his "type," and he didn't want to waste your time. "I've been stood up, apparently, so I should probably go anyway."
The stranger frowns and takes the seat next to yours, "well, apparently it's a blind date."
"How'd you know that?"
He smirks, "if he knew what you look like, he wouldn't have stood you up. You're perfect."
You blush and as the bartender takes the stranger's order, you ask her for a refill on your soda. Before you can take your card out of your wallet to pay out, a rough hand covers yours.
"You can add it to my tab. Both of the drinks." You look up and meet his incredible eyes.
"Are you sure? You don't even know my name."
He laughs and turns your hand over to shake it, "well, I'm Bradley. Bradley Bradshaw. And you are?"
You introduce yourself, and you notice that although you're not shaking hands, neither of you have let go. There's something... right about how his hand feels on yours. It feels like you're home. You subtly roll your eyes at yourself before dropping his hand.
"Well, Bradley, why do you insist on paying for my drinks?"
He grins, putting his arm around the back of your chair, "well, miss Y/N, my mom always told me to pay for a lady's drinks on a date."
"You're awfully bold to assume this is a date," you raise your glass to your lips, smirking at him over the top.
"You were already here on a date. It's not my fault I had to step into that clown's shoes. I'm just taking a shot."
"And if I said this wasn't a date?"
"Well, I would be crushed. I think you're great. You're funny, you're hot, although we do have to have a talk about stranger danger."
You scoot your stool closer to him and start drawing circles on his leg with your finger. The second your fingertip touches him, you feel him tense up and you smile softly, "I'm hot?"
He leans in closer so his lips are almost touching your ear, "baby you're the hottest person in the whole damn bar. As soon as I saw you, you were all that mattered. Especially because I would really, really like to see you again. Tonight. In my bedroom. Preferably under me. "
You bite your lip and stand, heading for the door. You go out and stand next to your car around the corner and wait. Not even 30 minutes later, you hear the restaurant door open and close, followed by footsteps on the concrete. Bradley turns the corner speeds up, jogging toward you.
You open your mouth to speak, but before you can ask Bradley to follow you home, his arms are around you and his mouth is on yours. You moan into the kiss and back up against your car, letting your lips dance with his. His lips were coarse, but in the best way, where it feels like static electricity.
He pulls away and immediately blurts out, "do you want to come home with me?"
"Let's go. I'll come get my car tomorrow."
"No, we'll come get your car tomorrow. I don't plan on letting you go."
@my-emotional-self @thankyouforanonymity @supernaturaldean67 @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @princess76179 @srgntjbarnes @jcc04220 @ilovethefandomwho-blog @a-tale-of-two-comics @p-parkerrr-blog @magellan-88 @healojane @mizz-kraziii @lostinspace33 @esther-maslow-90 @astheskycries @kunaikunari @turningtoclown
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sadprose-auroras · 8 months
hiiii i was wondering if i could make a request for a hazel x reader where reader is beaten up by someone not from fight club and hazel gets really protective and rounds up the rest of the club to retaliate
Hey, thank you for your request! Sorry it took a hot min, this one took on a life of its own. Not sure how I feel about it tbh, but please let me know what you think! xx
Content warning: targeted violence, themes of bullying, cursing
Word count: 3.7k
You were well aware that Jeff, star quarterback, most popular guy in school, widely celebrated asshole, completely had it in him to take his bullying way too far. You couldn’t ever forget the first time you saw him beat somebody to a pulp.
It was eighth grade, and you were an awkward, shy thing, just trying to navigate schoolwork and friendships. To put it simply, you were figuring out who you were and your place in the world. There were so many questions swirling around in your head. Why did you feel an immense swirling sensation in your tummy when your classmate, Hazel Callahan, would sit next to you in class when nobody else would? Was it normal to be so deeply enamoured by the clothes she wore, her hairstyle, her school supplies, so much so that you would try and emulate an outfit she’d worn, to beg your mom for a haircut like hers, to buy the same pencil case she had, just because she was the coolest person you knew? Reflecting back, of course, you had a crush on her, and didn’t know how to express it. But at the time, you thought you just really wanted to be her best friend and not leave her side for a moment.
At this awkward pre-pubescent stage, Jeff and all his football buddies seemed to be way older, more mature, and you were terrified of them. Jeff, especially. He had always been a bully, shoving kids out of his way in the school halls and calling people derogatory names. But he only seemed to be getting worse. And every time you passed him in the hallway, your heart was in your throat as you kept your head down and walked faster. Was this the time he was going to target you?
One day, you were in the schoolyard, sitting on a bench with Hazel chatting about a book that Hazel had lent to you. One that, to your surprise and deep excitement, included two of the girl characters sharing a kiss on the lips. Vampires, at that. You thought that was the coolest thing ever. You’d read that same passage over and over, enthralled at that even being a possibility. It had crossed your mind that you really wanted to kiss Hazel like that.
“So… did you like it?” she asked with an expectant smile. You nodded incessantly.
“Oh my god, it was AMAZING! The vampires were SO cool, Kali and Anna were my favourite characters by far! I wanna be a vampire,” you gushed, flushing a deep shade of red when Hazel giggled.
“Dude, I knew you’d say that!” she said. “You so don’t wish you were a vampire, you love the sun!” You laughed and shrugged. She was completely right.
“You know me well, Haze,” you laughed.
“Hey?” Hazel asked, chewing on the end of the straw on her juice box. She looked nervous.
“I have to tell you something.” Your heart started going a million miles an hour.
“What is it?”
“Well-“ before she could finish, a commotion out of the corner of your eye caught both of your attentions. You whipped your head around to see a large group gathered around two people on the floor. It was Jeff, holding down a kid and punching him. Over. And over. And over. You quickly realised it was a boy in your English class, Thomas, who you’d never really talked to but was a shy nerd like you. He seemed nice; he had lent you a pencil once. To your horror, he didn’t even seem to be moving. And Jeff was cackling. Maniacally.
“Oh god, what do we do?” you asked frantically. “We should get a teacher, right?” Although there were a bunch of kids cheering him on, it didn’t feel right.
“Yeah, come on!” Hazel said, grabbing your hand and dragging you behind her as you rushed off together to find a teacher. You couldn’t tell if it was the handholding, or the life and death situation, that was giving you more adrenaline.
Now that you were all seniors, you were only more terrified of Jeff. He had never targeted you, luckily, but you had witnessed his increasing violent nature towards many of your other classmates. As for Hazel, the vampire book situation all those years ago had been somewhat of an awakening for you; you were totally, completely in love with your best friend. You never, ever told her though, your fear of rejection outweighing anything else. The closest you got was telling her you liked girls when you were having a sleepover for your sixteenth birthday. There was something about sleepovers that made you feel like you could talk about things you usually weren’t brave enough to. To your delight, she told you the exact same thing moments later.
Shockingly, you and Hazel had finally branched out and spoke to people besides each other. Your other friends, PJ and Josie, made you a perfect little foursome. You had bonded over your respective codependent friendships. You first heard about the fight club when PJ and Josie told you and Hazel over lunch that they had created a self-defence club to sleep with cheerleaders.
“We’re teaching them how to defend themselves, next thing we know, Isabel and Brittany are kissing us on the mouths!” PJ addressed Josie, flailing her arms around.
“Can we join?” you asked, then realised how that sounded, laughing. “I mean-“
Hazel squinted at you from the sun, furrowing her brows in confusion. Your heart skipped a beat; her eyes particularly sparkled in the sunshine.  
“You want both of us” – she pointed back and forth between herself and you – “to join those two” – she gestured at PJ and Josie – “in kissing Brittany and Isabel!?”
“No, no,” you say quickly. “The club. Can we join the club?”
“Yeah, sure!” Josie said.
“I mean, I guess, except we don’t want the losers to outweigh everyone else. No offense,” PJ says, and you shrug, entirely not offended.
“You’re not wrong,” you chuckle. “We are decidedly losers.”
Despite the murky intentions PJ and Josie had for starting the club, it began to take on a life of its own. The mismatched groups of girls really began to bond, and you found yourself emotionally fulfilled in a new way that you hadn’t really experienced before. Being able to talk about deep things with a group of girls you knew had your back, and vice versa, was life changing. You noticed a significant difference in how you felt at school. Before, you were on edge most of the time and relatively lonely in a lot of your classes. Now, you had people to sit with, to say ‘hi’ to in the hallways. It was like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders that you didn’t know existed.
One evening after a particularly long club meeting, you were the last one to leave, packing up after everybody else had left. You were humming to yourself as you worked, the warm feeling you had inside from hanging out with your friends still lingering. It was ironic how beating each other up brought you so close. Once you finished, you left the gym, backpack slung over your shoulder and keys in hand as you walked into the carpark. You noticed a figure moving in your general direction out of the corner of your eye but didn’t think much of it; there were lots of people still around school, coming out of their extracurriculars. Just as you had unlocked your car, the footsteps neared, and you whipped around to be met with Jeff standing over you threateningly. You gulped.
“May I help you?” you asked, trying to keep your voice even as not to show how terrified you were of him.
“Yeah, actually,” he said, crossing his arms. “I’ve had enough of your little girls group taking attention away from football. You’re all over the school, and it’s done. You’re all done.”
“I don’t know what you expect us to do,” you said, voice barely above a whisper. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” You shoved him away, going to get into your car. Before you could, he reached out and pushed the door closed.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” he said, and your heart sank.
The first place you thought to go after Jeff beating you up was Hazel’s house. You practically sped to get there, unable to stop the sobs wracking your body. As you pulled into her driveway, you let out a sigh of relief noticing that her mum’s car wasn’t in the driveway. Barely stopping to take off your seatbelt before rushing out of the car, you ran up to the door and rang the doorbell twice in a row. It didn’t take long for you to hear footsteps, and the door swung open to Hazel dressed in sweatpants and a cozy jumper. She murmured your name, eyes scanning your face with concern.
“What happened?”
Without speaking, you practically fell into her arms in a hug, only crying harder. She engulfed you with her arms, stroking your hair comfortingly.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” she whispered, rubbing a hand up and down your back. You hiccupped, pulled away from the hug and wiped some tears from your eyes with your sleeve.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” You wordlessly took Hazel’s outstretched hand, following her to the bathroom. You hoisted yourself up onto the sink, swinging your legs. Hazel started collecting supplies: damp cloths, antiseptic, band aids, bruise ointment. As you watched her, face deep in concentration as she murmured to herself about what she needed, you felt a surge of love for her.
“Thank you,” you whispered, voice dripping with sincerity. She looked at you funnily as if to say, you don’t need to thank me, don’t be ridiculous.
“Okay, I’m just going to-“ she said gently, stepping between your legs and beginning to gently dab the blood off your face. As she worked, you watched her, suppressing tears at the realisation that you couldn’t feel any safer and protected with her by your side. God, you loved her. As she applied antiseptic, she shook her head in disbelief.
“Who did this to you?” she asked, visibly seething.
“Jeff,” you said quietly, lip quivering. Steam practically blew out of Hazel’s ears. Her movements ceased for a moment, and she pressed her lips tightly together.
“He deserves to die,” she said matter of factly.
“I don’t disagree,” you murmur.
“Hey?” you ask, making eye contact with her. You realise how truly close your faces are, and your heart rate increases rapidly. You let out a shuddering breath, trying to keep your composure.
“Can I stay here tonight, please?” you ask, desperately trying to suppress the urge to be embarrassed. You just really didn’t want to be alone.
“Of course. You don’t even have to ask, you know that.” Her voice was so gentle, you practically melted.
“Thanks, Haze,” you said, as she finished cleaning you up.
“All done,” she said, beginning to pack away everything. You hop off the bench, taking the painkillers and water she hands you gratefully.
“Thank you,” you say as you pop the tablets into your mouth and swallow them with a big gulp of water.
“Stop thanking me,” Hazel chuckled lightly. “Come on, let’s go to bed.” You followed her to her bedroom, suddenly feeling unusually nervous. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t slept in each other’s beds before. Sleepovers were a major part of your friendship when you were younger, and more recently were particularly convenient when you got a little too drunk to get home. Perhaps there was something about the added layer of vulnerability to your state that was making you feel shyer with your best friend. As you contemplated this, shuffling back and forth on your feet, Hazel retrieved a soft t-shirt and shorts for you to wear to bed. She threw them at you, and you caught them with a soft smile.
“Thanks, dude.” You moved into an alcove in the corner of her room, turning to face the wall as you heard Hazel shuffling around, presumably getting changed as well. You desperately fought the urge to turn around, unsure if the tension in the room you could feel just at the thought of you both getting changed at the same time was in your head. But you swore, you could feel it. You pulled Hazel’s shorts up, tying them at the waist and trying to ignore the fact that the t-shirt she had lent you smelt like her. Although it was difficult not to. You folded your clothes, placing them on a chair, then turned around to find Hazel in a pair of plaid pyjama bottoms and a white tank top, sitting on her bed scrolling on her phone.
“You look cute,” she remarked in an indecipherable tone, and you couldn’t entirely tell if she was joking or not. Since eighth grade, you’d definitely developed your own style apart from Hazel’s, and her clothes on you were not your style at all. You poked you tongue out at her, as you walked over and got under the covers, snuggling down. It was easier to fall back into your friendship as it had always been in those moments, where you were unsure if she was feeling the same way. Otherwise, you might have to actually confess your own feelings, which was completely terrifying.
Hazel followed your lead, placing her phone down on the nightstand and pushing the covers back so she could get in, pulling them up to her chin and turning over to face you. Your heart skipped a beat.
“Thank you for everything, Haze,” you said, shutting your eyes. If you looked into hers for a second longer you might actually explode.
“I’d do anything for you,” she whispered, so softly you could barely hear it. Before you knew it, you were drifting off.
The next morning you awoke to sun pouring in the curtains, and you slowly opened your eyes, stretching your back and yawning. Despite the events of last night, you actually slept better than you had in weeks. The pain in your face had subsided a lot already. You rolled over to face Hazel’s side of the bed, heart sinking when you found it empty. Confused, you rolled back over and reached for your phone, touching the screen. Realisation flooded in. It was 9:00am on a Thursday. A text from Hazel was waiting for you, which she had sent half an hour earlier.
morning! i let you sleep, hope that’s okay. wasn’t sure if u were gonna go to school today. text me if you need anything <3
You smiled softly to yourself, eyes focused on the heart she sent a little longer than necessary. You quickly replied.
Thank youuuu, needed that sleep in. I think I will come to school, I’ll see you for second period probs xx
After hitting send, you got out of bed, making sure to make it neatly before deciding to go and quickly take a shower. After you stripped out of your clothes and waited for the water to warm up, you took a moment to examine your face in the mirror. It felt significantly better than last night, as if Hazel’s touch was magic. The bruising around your eyes was starting to come out, you had a small cut on your cheekbone, and the eye that you could barely open last night was much less swollen. You stepped into the shower, allowing the warm water to relax your muscles with a sigh.
Little did you know, as you were sleeping that morning, Hazel had called an emergency meeting of the fight club. She was on a mission, and absolutely nothing was going to stop her. All she kept seeing in her mind’s eye was your face when you showed up on her doorstep, beaten and bloody, sniffling, eyes brimming with tears. To see you like that, the person she loved more than anyone in the world, shattered her heart. She had to get revenge, and she needed some help.
“Are we all clear on the plan?” Hazel asked, looking around at the group. It felt strange for the whole club to be there with you missing; she certainly noticed your absent presence. Normally, you’d be next to her, sitting cross-legged, and tapping your fingers on your leg like you do, exchanging glances with Hazel when something funny happened. She basically ached at the thought.
“Let’s fucking do it!” PJ yelled, banging the handle of a broom on the ground. Everyone else cheered and clapped in agreement.
“Let’s kill him,” Isabel said, narrowing her eyes with determination. She had her own reasons to want to do this.
By the time you pulled into the carpark at school, the bell was just ringing, indicating the end of the first period. You weren’t going to lie, you were nervous about running into Jeff, but you prayed that there were enough people around during the actual school day that he couldn’t get you again. Just as you stepped out of your car, you heard a commotion coming from behind you. You frowned, swinging your backpack over your shoulder to follow the noise of people shouting.  Rounding the corner to the other side of the carpark, your hand flew to your mouth. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
Hazel, along with all your friends from fight club, were stood over a football-uniform clad guy on the ground, who you couldn’t see from your angle. As other students had gathered around to watch, whooping and cheering, your friends were taking turns to punch, kick, stomp on, and slap the guy on the ground.
“THAT’S FOR CHEATING ON ME WITH MY SISTER!” Isabel cried out, kicking hard. That’s when it dawned on you; the guy on the ground, who was barely moving, unable to get out of the girls’ grips, was Jeff.
“THAT’S FOR Y/N!” Hazel yelled, in a voice you had never heard her use before, swinging both of her fists down hard on Jeff’s face multiple times. You approached the group, pushing past the onlooking crowd. You couldn’t believe how many people were supporting this. The way Jeff was thoroughly worshipped in school was obscene. Perhaps everybody was just waiting for someone to get back at him first. You approached your friends, taking a deep breath to yourself. They all turned to look at you as Josie was kicking Jeff in the head blood dripping from his mouth. Isabel was watching on proudly. You placed your hand on Hazel’s shoulder, and she spun around.
“Hey,” you murmured, smiling softly.
“I-uh-“ she began, as if she was about to explain herself, then you shook your head.
“Can I get in on this?” you asked, and she visibly relaxed, grinning.
“You’re not mad?”
“Fuck, no! You’re so brave for doing this, to be the first to give him what he deserves.” With that, you turned your attention to the guy lying on the ground, smiling at the sight of him groaning, bleeding, looking like absolute death.
“Hey, remember me?” you asked, before bringing your fist down on his face. Hard. And then again. And then again. And once more. Your friends, as well as the crowd watching on, cheered you on. The last punch you threw caused Jeff’s head to fall to the side as he passed out. You stood up proudly, looking around at your friends.
“I love you guys,” you grinned, and you all engulfed each other in a big group hug, all congratulating each other and saying how much you all loved each other. Amidst the chaos, you could feel Hazel’s hand resting on the small of your back. You all pulled away, and as everybody fell into chatter you grabbed Hazel’s hand and pulled her with you away from the crowd.
“Where are we going?” she asked with a laugh, awkwardly trailing behind you in a half jog, half walk.
“Here,” you said breathlessly, stopping when you rounded a corner to a quiet spot.
“Thank you for protecting me.” Your voice was still breathless, your head spinning with anticipation. It was now or never. Before Hazel could respond, you leant against the brick wall of the building behind you, pulling her toward you by her waist. She cupped your face, and your lips met. Desire pooled in your stomach as your lips slotted together perfectly, moving together in sync. Her lips were way softer than they looked, and you had spent a lot of time looking at them.
Hazel pulled away slightly, and you instinctively chased her lips. She smirked, eyes scanning your face. You flushed deeply.
“Oh my god,” she said in that voice that made you want to melt into the floor, and you laughed in disbelief.
“I know,” you whispered before kissing the corner of her mouth. She smiled at this, pushing a strand of your hair out of your eyes. If it was anybody else, you would feel insecure about your swollen eye and bruised face, you would worry that you weren’t attractive, but it didn’t cross your mind once with Hazel. She made you feel like the most beautiful person in the world.
“I didn’t know-“ you both started to say at the same time, then giggled. You were literally giddy.
“You go,” you said.
“I didn’t know you liked me.”
“I didn’t know you liked me,” you replied, laughing.
“Do you remember-“ Hazel started, then cleared her throat. “Do you remember that book I lent you in eighth grade about those gay vampires?”
“That was literally my gay awakening,” you said with a laugh, unable to believe that she remembered that. “Wait, what does that-“
“I’ve been in love with you since then,” Hazel suddenly said, and your heart caught in your throat. You pulled Hazel even closer to you by her belt loops, and she gasped. You kissed her more passionately this time, your head spinning.
“I’m in love with you too,” you murmured when you pulled away, foreheads resting together.
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forsungie · 1 year
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pairings. park jisung x female reader
genre. mature content
warnings. expect grammatical errors, needy jisung, oral (female receiving), hair pulling, cum eating
author’s note. full english smut since madaming nagrerequest... here we go :D
you’ve been studying for your midterms for hours, but your mind doesn’t seem to be working and you’re very frustrated by it. while your boyfriend—jisung, seems to be really bored watching you read your notes for the nth time. the man keeps rolling around in your bed mainly since he got bored watching movies on your tv and has nothing to do on his phone. you didn’t even invite or ask him—he invited himself to your house because he wanted to, and he promised not to bother you while you were studying for exams, so you agreed.
“are you done?” he asked, impatiently waiting for you to be done.
you shooked your head without even looking at the man who’s now pouting because of the lack of attention.
“you’ve been reading for hours, you should take a break! you’re going to hurt your eyes,” he added.
you shook your head again in response and immediately continued what you were doing.
the room was quiet for a few minutes which made you happy because you assumed that the young man had fallen asleep while waiting for you. jisung has already finished the plates he was supposed to do, so he has plenty of time to mess with you now. in fact, he was supposed to hang out with his friends, but he refused because he insisted on watching you review for your exam.
you looked over at the young man for the first time to see if he was truly asleep, and you were surprised when he met your gaze. he’s still staring at you while lying on your bed.
“what’s with your face? i thought you wanted to watch me review for exams,” you teased.
“you should’ve just joined your friends if—”
“you’re taking too long, your attention is what i want, love,” he whined.
“are you done? can i have your attention now?” he moved closer to you and proceed to play with your hand.
“why are you so clingy today, mhm?” you giggled when he lightly pull you to the bed.
he sat at the foot of the bed, allowing you to straddle his lap. you’re only wearing an oversized hoodie that is obviously jisung’s and just a panty. you didn’t bother wearing a bra and shorts anymore since it’s just you and your mom living in the house.
“ji, we can’t, mom can hear us.”
“see! you’re too focused on studying to the point that you didn’t hear your mom,” he scolded, “she said she’ll be going to the grocery with her friend.”
you giggled, “i’m sorry, okay? you know i need to get higher grades this time since i’m not satisfied with my performance last semester,” you stated with a sigh.
“love... i didn’t tell you to not study, did i? my point is you shouldn’t push yourself too much, you can take a break in between you know,” he said while tucking the strands of your hair behind your ears.
you smiled and saluted jokingly, “yes, sir.”
“good. now, kiss me,” he said and grabbed your nape to kiss you.
you smiled through the kiss and pulled away, “make out break?”
jisung chuckled, “make out break.”
make out break that turned into oral sex. of course it’s jisung, this man is tempting as hell and you can’t help but give in. and it’s impossible for jisung to not eat you out when you taste so sweet for him. he always seems to be thirsty for your juice. he loves eating you out. he loves having you come on his face especially when you squirt.
he moaned as you gently pulled his hair which made the young man’s dick even harder than before. he definitely loves it when you pull his hair out of pleasure that he’s giving you.
“fuck, you taste so good, i can’t get enough of you...”
“so fucking sweet... mhm...”
“want your juices on my face, please...”
jisung’s moans and groans is like music to your ears. you enjoy hearing him moan and say nasty things while eating you out, it makes him even hotter.
“need your fingers, ji...” you moaned while palming your own breasts.
“yeah? my girl’s so greedy, isn’t she? but since you’ve been studying really hard, i think you deserve it,” he inserted two fingers inside your hole while his plump pink lips is sucking your clit.
he keeps pumping his fingers inside you while he watch you play with your nipples, caressing and pinching them. your hands are back on jisung’s blue hair—tugging it when you felt like you’re about to come.
when you calm down from your orgasm, instead of cleaning your juices with tissues, jisung licked and swallowed them dry. even if jisung wanted to stuff his cock inside you, he felt like you needed rest so he laid you down on your bed properly and cuddled you to sleep.
“i can’t sleep, i still need to study—”
“just take a nap and then i’ll help you study later... what about that?” he asked.
you smiled and nodded, leaving a kiss on his cheek before closing your eyes, letting your sleepiness take you.
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sluttywonwoo · 10 months
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instead of you [part twenty-four] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, angst, alcohol consumption, smut adjacent... you'll see (mdni)
word count: 4.5k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
series masterlist | early access to the next chapter on ko-fi
Jisung was gone when you woke up the next morning. The sheets beside you were cold, meaning he hadn’t been there for a while. You reached for your phone to see if you had any messages from him, but when you checked it there was nothing. 
You didn’t have much on the itinerary today so you could go back to sleep if you wanted to, but you figured you should probably get up and find Jiisung before doing anything else. 
You got dressed and ventured into the living area, stumbling across Minho sitting shirtless on the couch. You suppressed a sigh, and brushed past him into the kitchen. Jisung wasn’t there either. There was tea brewing in a kettle on the stove so you knew he couldn’t be far, but you were back at square one with your search. 
Reluctantly, you sulked back to where Minho was. It was hard to ‘keep your distance’ from him when you were sharing a living space- even if you weren’t sharing a room anymore. 
“Do you know where my boyfriend is?”
Minho flinched, like he didn’t expect you to address him, but recovered quickly, lips easing into a smirk. “What, am I not good enough company?”
It was especially hard to keep your distance when he said things like that- mostly because you wanted to smack the grin off of his face. 
You scowled. “Do you know where he is or not?”
“He’s on the balcony.”
You left Minho where he was and found your best friend exactly where his brother said he would be. He was sitting with his mother at the dining table with the book he’d borrowed from you laying open on the glass surface. 
You could tell he’d responded to some of your annotations from the different colored ink in the margins. Neither of you had very good handwriting so it could be difficult to tell apart, which is why you always wrote in different colors. You used black pens, Jisung used blue. 
Leaving little messages between the pages of books was you and Jisung’s thing, well, one of your many things, but you found yourself wondering what it would be like to annotate a book for Minho. Would he think your dumb jokes were funny? Would he like the same lines as you? Get annoyed by the protagonist- you stopped yourself there, unable to go any further with that train of thought. Sexual fantasies were one thing, but domestic fantasies... you couldn’t let yourself go down that road. 
Nikki was the first to notice you standing there and she waved you over with a grin, pulling out an empty chair for you. 
“Good morning! How’d you sleep?”
“Really good, thank you.” 
Jisung spoke next before you could return the formality. “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. I thought I might have to go in there and wake you up before we head out to the museums.”
You forced a chuckle as you settled in the seat, throwing your best friend a glare when his mother wasn’t looking. 
“Your tea is almost ready,” you said, suddenly remembering. “The kettle was making a lot of noise.”
“Oh thanks, baby.” Jisung leaned forward to push himself up, but his mom beat him to it. 
“I’ll get it, you two stay here.”
“Are you sure, mom?” he asked. “I can just go grab it really fast.”
“No, no,” she assured him. “I’ve got it.”
“Thank you.”
“Would you like any, y/n?” 
You shook your head. “Oh, no thank you.”
“I’ve been trying to get her on it for years, trust me. She’s partial to coffee.”
“She’s my one true love, I can’t cheat on her.”
The truth was you did drink tea sometimes, but you didn’t really care for the way Jisung made it. 
“You’re in tea’s birthplace,” he argued. “If you’re going to have it anywhere, it should be here!”
“And to your point, if I drink tea here, I’d rather go get it from somewhere authentic.”
Jisung shrugged in defeat, cracking a smile. “Fair enough.”
You waited until Nikki was inside to shove him.  “Can you not make me look bad in front of your mom?”
“What are you talking about?” 
“I sleep in late, I don’t like tea?”
He chuckled, still rubbing his arm. “Those aren’t bad things!”
“You’re Korean. Isn’t not liking tea considered treason?” 
“Well, you’re not Korean.”
“Exactly, I don’t want her to think I’m some classless American or something.”
“She doesn’t! Where are you getting these ideas from?” he cocked his head to the side, voice tinged with concern. “She loves you, trust me.” 
“Sorry,” you mumbled. 
“Nothing to be sorry for,” he assured you and grabbed your hand, giving it a quick squeeze. 
You tried to relax a little, rolling your shoulders and your neck to relieve some of the tension. 
“You okay, baby?” he pressed, running his thumb along your knuckles. 
Just then you heard the door to the apartment open and close. Nikki appeared at the table a moment later with a mug in each hand. 
“Thanks, mom,” Jisung said gratefully as he accepted the drink from her. His eyes flitted back to your face, still waiting for your answer. 
“What are we doing tonight?” you asked, deciding to change the subject.
He hesitated before answering, like he didn’t want to move on without knowing what was bothering you. But you didn’t give him much of a choice. 
“Minho and Felix were mentioning getting drunk tonight.”
“Again?” you mused, making Nikki grin as she took a sip of her tea. 
Bold of you to say, for someone who usually spent her weeknights at a fraternity house. You could tell Jisung was thinking the same thing. He quirked an eyebrow up at you in question, but thankfully didn’t verbalize his thoughts. That would definitely be something to tarnish your character in his mother’s eyes if he were to mention it in front of her. 
“I think the bar upstairs is doing a karaoke night or something. Wanna go?”
Jisung still didn’t know about the decision you’d made to avoid alcohol. Because knowing that would mean he’d have to know about why you’d made said decision. You didn’t think you would ever be able to tell your best friend that you’d kissed his brother- or that he’d kissed you for that matter and then you’d kissed him like a week later while you were completely sober. 
He also didn’t know about your other agreement, the one that you’d made with Minho, the one where you had agreed to stay away from each other. 
So you just nodded easily in agreement, resolving silently to be the designated sober friend of the night, even though you didn’t have to drive anywhere. 
Of course, it was foolish to think that alcohol was to blame for your decision-making. You knew it only lowered your inhibitions. It didn’t alter the chemistry of your brain or turn you into a different person. But you hoped that staying dry, or somewhat dry, for the rest of the trip would help keep you out of trouble. 
“Come on, y/n, you have to do a song!”
It was Minho, of course, who was urging you to get up on stage and make a fool of yourself in front of the entire bar. 
“Trust me, you do not want to hear me sing,” you insisted. “And this isn’t me being humble or anything. I’m not hiding some incredible talent like girls do in the movies, I promise.”
“That’s never stopped you before!” Jisung chimed in. “You love karaoke. Are you embarrassed because they’re here?” he nodded toward his brothers and you stared down at the table without answering, pretty much confirming what he’d suggested. 
And he’s right, you do love karaoke, but that’s because most of the time you’re halfway to blacking out by the time you get on stage, and this time you’re stone-cold sober. All of the fun of karaoke comes from being too gone to care that you’re ruining a cultural masterpiece and doing a disservice to whoever the original artist is. 
The only people who enjoyed doing karaoke sober were people with a humiliation kink. 
Plus, this bar was a lot nicer than the bars you were used to doing karaoke in. Everyone was dressed in semi-formal attire, including yourself, and you didn’t know if you’d be able to relax in this atmosphere. 
“We could do a duet,” Jisung offered. “I know we do a pretty decent Wish I Was a Cowboy.”
“We cannot do a country song here.”
“Then what song do you want to do? You pick.”
“I don’t know,” you whined. “Do we have to?”
“We don’t have to, but I know you’ll have fun. You always do!” You grumbled under your breath because you knew he was right. “Maybe you just need a little more liquid courage, hm?” Jisung pushed your drink closer to you with a knowing grin. 
He didn’t know the daiquiri in front of you was actually a virgin daiquiri, didn’t know you’d slipped away to the bar when you said you were going to the bathroom to ask the bartender to make your drink nonalcoholic. 
You knew the only reason you were hesitating on getting up on that stage was the lack of alcohol in your system. 
“If you do a duet, Minho and I will do a duet,” Felix propositioned. “And you can choose the song.”
Now that was an offer you couldn’t refuse. 
“Fine. Get me a shot.”
“Atta girl.”
Twenty minutes later the DJ was calling you and Jisung to the front of the room. The tequila was still burning your throat even though you’d chased it with your daiquiri. You could tell Jisung was feeling it too from the way he grimaced and cleared his throat before standing from his seat. 
You took his hand and let him lead you through the small crowd. The bar was probably a little busier than it was on a normal night because of the event, but it still wasn’t packed. 
Still, the amount of people you were going to have to sing in front of made you nervous. One shot had turned into three, against your better judgment, to try and shake the anxiety and you were definitely feeling it, but the nerves hadn’t subsided. 
The DJ confirmed your song choice with Jisung and then reiterated it to the audience in Mandarin and English. You’d chosen Kesha’s “We R Who We R” on a whim. It wasn’t really a duet song, but you knew all of the words and you knew your best friend did too. 
Your eyes found Minho’s automatically- even with the stage lights shining in your face, even with the sea of people in front of you, you were drawn to him. You told yourself it was because you already knew where he was, you’d just been sitting there, and he was familiar. You were nervous, and you didn’t know anyone else here other than Jisung’s brothers. Of course you’d look for comfort. 
He gave you an encouraging thumbs up as the music started to swell from the speakers and you forced yourself to look away, cheeks burning. The tequila had been a bad idea. 
Thankfully, the song was over as soon as it started. At least, that’s how it felt. One of the reasons you didn’t mind karaoke was that you’d black out the second you stepped foot on stage and then regain consciousness once you were finished performing. It was fun because you weren’t self-conscious of embarrassing yourself in the moment, and then you’d get to laugh at yourself later if one of your friends had filmed it. 
“Great job,” Felix complimented upon your return to the table. Minho clapped Jisung on the back approvingly. 
“Y/n carried,” Jisung said proudly, leaning back and placing a hand on your thigh. “She always does.”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t even remember what we just did. The song started playing and that’s it. I came back to when they were all clapping.”
“Well your autopilot is very impressive,” Felix continued. 
“Thanks. Years of practice.”
“What do you mean?” Minho asked. 
“It used to happen all the time in high school too...” you trailed off, mumbling the next part. “I was a theater kid.”
Jisung smirked at your embarrassed expression while his brothers gawked at you. “Makes sense, right?” he teased. 
“Shut the fuck up,” you spat. 
“That explains so much,” Minho whispered. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. 
“Anyway, you did great, babe,” Jisung said. “Promise.”
“As long as I hit most of the notes I’m happy.”
“Okay, now pick a song for me and Minho. We’re up in a few more rounds.”
Felix passed you the book of choices for you to look over, even though you’d already flipped through everything when you and Jisung went. Instinctively, you looked up to Minho for some kind of guidance. You didn’t want to pick something they wouldn’t like. But he just grinned.
“Pick your poison.”
You ended up recruiting Jisung for the decision since he knew the two boys way better than you did. He pointed out a couple of options for you to choose from and you eventually went with Promiscuous Girl by Nelly Furtado and Timbaland which proved to be a mistake. You chose it because you thought they’d make fun of themselves and have a good time with it, and they did, but Minho also pulled out a side of him you’d never seen before and that was a problem. 
It was a problem because he took Timbaland’s part and the lower octave definitely had an effect on you. Not only that, but the way he worked the stage like he owned it made your insides twist. He was pretty confident on a normal day, but this was on a different level. It was clear that he wasn’t taking himself too seriously, but that he also knew how to perform, which was making you feel all sorts of things. Instead of interacting with each other, Minho and Felix involved the crowd, acting like they were singing about them. And of course, Minho locked eyes with you and wouldn’t look away. His gaze broke away a couple of times when he turned to face different sections of the audience, but it always came back to you. 
At some point, you weren’t even registering the lyrics anymore, just watching his hips move to the rhythm like you were being hypnotized. 
“He’s such a show-off,” Jisung mumbled in your ear. “He’s got a career in dance and never lets anyone forget it.”
“They’re upstaging us,” you muttered back. 
“Yeah, fuck them.”
“We should leave,” you joked, still not able to tear your eyes away from the stage. You weren’t sure if you’d be able to stand if you tried. “We can’t stand for this kind of disrespect.”
“At least they don’t have our chemistry,” he pointed out.
“That’s true. We have that advantage. It would have been a little concerning if they did.”
Jisung laughed, and nodded in agreement, turning his head back toward the performance. 
It was like Minho could feel the shift in your attention, like he knew you were fully focused on him again, because he threw a wink in your direction, biting his lip to suppress a smirk.  
“Jesus, are they trying to seduce the entire bar?” 
Nope, just me.
He was probably just doing it to be annoying, to get under your skin or something. He was the one who had said it was a good idea to keep your distance from each other so you knew it didn’t mean anything. 
Still, you felt hot all over and stole a sip of Jisung’s drink to try and cool down. You’d already finished yours. But you forgot that his actually had vodka in it and almost spit it all over the table. 
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” your best friend asked frantically, hitting you a couple of times on the back in case you were choking. 
“Just strong,” is all you were able to manage. 
“Here, I’ll get you some water.” 
“No, I got it,” you insisted. “I have to go to the bathroom anyway.”
That was a lie, but you did want to splash some cold water on your face to ease the heat that had risen to your cheeks during Minho and Felix’s performance. The song was over now and you didn’t want them to see you so flustered so you needed to be gone before they came back over to the table. 
You were up before Jisung could protest, and wove through the tables to the back of the bar where the hallway for the restrooms were. You were nearly there when you heard your name being called from behind you and you whipped around before you could think better of it. 
It was Minho, because who else would it be? He had his hands in the pockets of his slacks, Rolex just barely peeking out from where it was fastened around his wrist. You hated that you noticed that. You hated that you noticed the veins that traveled up his arms and disappeared under the rolled sleeves of his white dress shirt. You hated that you noticed everything about him. 
“What are you doing back here?” you asked. 
“Looking for you,” he confessed. “Thought you might’ve been upset.”
“Upset about what?”
He took a step closer to you. You were tempted to back away, but you stood your ground. The hallway was already pretty small and in a couple of moves of this chess game you were playing with him you’d be backed into a corner, literally. 
“About the karaoke thing.”
“What karaoke thing?”
“Well, it could be a number of things,” he explained. “I feel bad about pressuring you to do a song when you didn’t want to, for one.”
“You didn’t pressure me.”
“I kind of did.”
“Not any more than my own boyfriend was.” 
He shrugged indifferently, but it was stiff. His shoulders moved up and down in a rehearsed manner. It didn’t come naturally. 
“It’s just karaoke,” you added. 
“Well, yeah, but then I also thought you might be upset about me and Felix’s song- or my part of the song, I guess.”
Had he noticed you acting weird? Or was he suddenly remorseful over eye-fucking you for three straight minutes in front of your boyfriend? Either way, you weren’t sure why he would care. 
“I picked the song, why would I be upset?”
“I mean, you got up as soon as it ended. I thought you might be rushing out because I overstepped or something.”
“Do you think you overstepped?” you asked, throwing the ball back into his court. 
Minho pressed his lips into a thin line as he contemplated how to answer your question. 
“Not everything is about you,” you scoffed before he could respond, even though you had definitely just been running to the bathroom to splash water on your face because of him. 
He blinked, clearly not expecting you to take the conversation in that direction. “I know.”
You put your hands on your hips and cocked your head to the side. “Do you?”
“Listen, I know things between us are complicated-”
“You’re the one who said we should stay away from each other, yet here you are following me to the bathroom. Where does Jisung think you are? What if he comes to check on me?”
“He won’t.”
“How do you know?”
Minho sighed in exasperation, taking a hand out of his pocket to run it through his styled curls. “Do you ever stop worrying?”
“I think the situation warrants it,” you reasoned. 
“And what exactly is the situation?” he asked, taking another step closer. 
“You tell me,” you countered. 
You were both dancing around it, neither of you wanting to admit it. Minho has a career in dance. Jisung’s words echoed in your head as you stared his older brother down. You knew you were going to be the one to get burned in the end no matter how things turned out, especially now that the fire was growing so out of control. Wild, destroying everything in its path. You could feel it in your stomach, the incandescence that drew you to Minho. You could see the embers in his eyes too. 
Minho was the first to make a move this time. Instead of answering, he cupped your face in his hands and pressed his lips to yours. You kissed him back almost immediately, practically melting into him as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. 
He steadied you by moving his hands from your cheeks to your waist. His strong frame cradled your crumbling one, and he stumbled backward as he pulled you into the men’s room. He leaned his back into the door to open it, mouth never leaving yours. 
The bathroom was empty, thankfully, but you didn’t think you would’ve cared if it wasn’t. Minho turned you around and pressed you into the sinks, teeth grazing your shoulders as he ground his hips into yours from behind. 
The dim lighting was another thing you were thankful for. That way, he couldn’t see how wrecked you already looked in the reflection of the mirror. Your hands clutched at the edge of the marble countertop as you tried to keep your knees from buckling. He hadn’t even touched you, not really, and you were struggling to catch your breath. 
Minho’s hands ran over your ass, squeezing before he spun you back around and kissed you again. Your fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, the alcohol in your system doing nothing to help your coordination. 
He chuckled against your mouth and grabbed your hands with his, stilling them. 
“Let me,” he whispered. 
You nodded wordlessly and watched as he popped a few buttons of the dress shirt- not enough to be completely open, but enough to show off his chest, and you felt your mouth go dry as you shamelessly ogled him. He smirked at your reaction and ran a hand through his hair. You didn’t even remember grabbing his hair like that, but evidently, you had gotten carried away in more ways than one.
 He grabbed your hips and hoisted you up onto the counter, laughing when you nearly fell into one of the sinks. You spread your legs for him, letting him slot himself between them as he placed a hand on each of your thighs and slipped his fingers beneath the hem of your skirt. You couldn’t help but grind yourself against him, desperate for some type of relief. The ache was getting to be too much. You felt so empty, and you just wanted something inside of you. 
“Please, Minho,” you gasped. 
“Please, what?” he quipped back, kissing you again to punctuate the question. 
“I need...” you trailed off. 
Were you really going to say it? Were you really going throw your morals out the window and fuck your best friend’s brother just because you were drunk and horny and couldn’t seem to stay away from him? Clearly, you’d stooped below the moral high ground weeks ago when you’d gotten yourself off to the thought of him, and when you kissed him. You’d already crossed so many lines, broken so many of the rules of you and Jisung’s agreement. Yet this line was the line, and if you didn’t think there was redemption for you before, there certainly wouldn’t be after this. 
It was as if you were at the gates of hell, and instead of turning away and running for the hills, you were being lured into the heat. You weren’t even trying to fight it. You’d burn willingly with Minho if he would step into the flames with you. 
Minho spoke before you could get another word in and whatever resolve you had left evaporated. “You have no idea how badly I want you,” he rasped.
“I think I might have some idea,” you teased, squeezing your thighs around his waist, effectively pressing his erection into your stomach. 
The fact that you could feel how hard he was through his pants was only turning you on more, and it made you wonder if he could feel your arousal too. Wearing a skirt hadn’t been the best idea in hindsight. The only layer between your pussy and anything else was the panties you were wearing, and the material they were made out of was pretty thin. If Minho pulled away and there was a wet patch on his slacks from you, you might die from embarrassment. 
“Wish I could take you up against the glass,” he muttered, nodding in the direction of the floor-to-ceiling windows at the far side of the restroom. “Where the whole city could see.”
The hotel bar was a rooftop bar atop a skyscraper. No one would be able to see you, and you both knew that, but the idea of it made you clench around nothing nonetheless. 
He latched his mouth to your neck and began working on the straps of your shirt. He slid them down your shoulders, exposing more of your cleavage in the process. You moaned at the feeling of his tongue on your skin, and he seemed to like that. Your sounds spurred him on, and his head dipped lower and lower until he was at the valley of your breasts. You were about to beg him not to stop when the door to the bathroom flung open suddenly, making you both freeze where you were. 
It was no one you knew, just one of the other patrons of the bar, but you were still completely mortified to be caught in such a compromising position. Minho was quick to react and shielded your half-naked body with his, holding you close to him so that the person couldn’t see your state of undress. 
The stranger turned around and left just as quickly as they’d come in, but it had been enough to break the spell. 
Minho let go of you and awkwardly stepped backward, hastily redoing the buttons on his shirt. He was quiet now and he wouldn’t look you in the eyes. You knew there was no chance of picking up where you’d left off. It was over. 
“I-I’m sorry,” he said hoarsely. “I don’t know what came over me.”
You straightened your skirt and hopped off the counter. You did know what came over him. It was the same thing that came over him the first time he kissed you, and the time he kissed you back, but you decided not to say anything about it. You had no room to talk anyway. 
“I, uh, I don’t want you to think that I don’t want to, because I do,” he stressed, looking pained. “But you’re my brother’s girlfriend, and that’s... that’s just a line I can’t cross. I can’t do that to him. I know we’ve already crossed so many lines... b-but as long as you’re his nothing can happen between us.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
iou tags: @gimmeurtmi @fuckvernon @phobia0325 @fwess @hipsdofangirl @galaxleeknow @urmomma0324 @bangmechanpls @102598s @farfromsugafanfic @ritzy-roo @dimpledsatan @wonderfulshinee @imwithurmother @smollquokka @rosexjimin @skizzel @endzii23 @lady-lena @kwanisms @ch4nniebang @lilramennoodle @babyphotos0325 @dearalice @sojohns @mistlitmoonlight @yoontaethings @babebatter @mal-lunar-28 @shy-kisu @zerefdragn33l @downbadreading @sana-within-you @saquso @bunnispaces @reianagarcia @hyunehans @imtooyoungforthisshit @i8rsie @honeslykindahorny @214racha @hgema @chillllllli @vixensss @smhlino @feiyaa @borahae-reads @bigbearenergy @hoodiesandicedcoffee @darkacademic2512 @y00nzin0 @i8yul @shinypieceofgarbage @woozarts @just-a-little-delulu @djeniryuu @hbzzzbork000 @mimzibee @sofiaslayed @kangyounghyunhands
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katz-chow · 9 months
Coming from puff puffs blog 🤧🤥 hope you don't mind 😝🙈🙉 ur also totally gaining a new follower..
WHAT ARE YOUR HEADCANONS ON SOAP? 🥰🥰🥰 unless you've already done this before then I am so sorry 😓
relationship with soap headcanons
warnings: sfw, fluff, some angst, relationship arguments, family trauma mentioned, religious trauma, homophobia, bad dad
a/n: my fav cod man is soap so this took my top priority!!! i think about this man a lot, 09 and reboot version. reboot is my fav though, realistically, he's who i would actually get with. here’s all the things i’ve thought about him, there’s probably more tbh… OK OK HERE :))
childhood hcs
johnny soap mactavish comes from a large family of 5 siblings, he's the second oldest. it's elsie, him, blair, callum, and olivia.
growing up in a family of mainly girls got him on that respect women juice. he would always have to make sure his younger siblings are ok and aren't you know, being bullied. his parents were adamant on 2 year age gaps between them all.
his cousin, jack, was an sas operator and that was what made him want to join. they had to call security forces to arrest him out at some point because he kept sneaking in to watch them do stuff lol
elsie left for uni with her bf to live in soho when johnny was 16, the same year he would talk to recruiters around his hometown, driving hours and then getting rejected the same day due to his age
9th grade (year 10) chemistry got him obsessed with stem and its *explosive* results. he aced chemistry and then took advanced chemistry and physics just because he loved it so much
after this, as soon as he turned 18, he went to sign his papers THEN graduated school (he's just like me fr). his mom was so worried for him, especially when her sister told her about the danger that jack would get himself into. in the end, he promised he'll always call her and his siblings
his dad's an ass, hes an alcoholic, a cheater, a *bitch*... he would always take the kids to church on sundays and twisted the religion into a reason for his behavior. claiming that johnny's mom being at home was just "their culture"
she makes a killer shepherd's pie though
always had had some sort of love-hate relationship with the catholic faith. on one hand, it was nice to know there's always at least someone watching out for him, but after hearing the constant belittlement from his father, claiming he wasn't "manly enough" for not willing to give his life up in the service, he started to resent the “all merciful”.
he ended up blaming god for all his faults, letting him take accountability. this especially happened when he got diagnosed with adhd when he was 17, his dad didn’t believe in mental health. his mom was only a bit better about it, they both refused meds for him.
he's bisexual, leans towards women though. found this out after a truth or dare game in junior year (year 12) and some beers in a closet
at one point, callum acccidently let it slip at dinner when johnny had first moved out that he had met a cute guy and their dad screamed and yelled at the whole family, especially their mom, about "raising a fucking whore of a son, dragging the family down to shite"
blair called and told johnny a few days later and johnny rushed his work as quickly as possible and begged his chain of command for a few days off to go back home to his family
his family gets loud…like really loud. there’s 7 people what do you expect?
it gets especially bad when it’s sunday morning and you gotta get 7 people awake and looking their church best for an hour and a half 😔
johnny is the quickest everything there is, which has its downsides too. he could run and swim the fastest in the family, but he was also the quickest eater…meaning he’s on dish washing duty. he’s quick at that too so by the time everyone’s finished, he’s washed all the other dishes that took to make dinner
broke his arm chasing a cat through someone’s yard (he was 14)
had a goat scream and kicked him because he wanted to give it a hug
he got a part time job at a local bakery in 10th grade (year 11). the pay wasn’t much but neither was the work really. olivia, who was 9 at the time, made him promise that he’ll get her a doll to have tea with. her tea set had 4 cups but only one of her, so she must get another one to join her! he kept his promise; he ended up getting three dolls for her
he can make amazing soda bread and brioche loafs now too, still keeps a starter from the owner of the bakery to this day
he had a mountain bicycle that he would take everywhere. had room behind his seat for packages and his backpack, which he would tie down. that thing had such a loud bell too, would ring constantly to “let people know hes coming and get ready”
was terrified of selkies for some reason, always had the window closed and made callum sleep by it while he slept by the door
wasn’t much of a troublemaker, but would get into trouble with his adventurous heart.
got lost in the woods once and after a while of fake courage, he sat down and cried until elsie found him. he was 20 yards (13 meters) away from the clearing 😭😭
laugh at that guys, mf was 15
personality & relationship hcs
johnny is such a fun lover. he’s handsome yeah, but what makes ppl flaunt over him is his humor. he’s what jessica rabbit said “he makes me laugh”
such a charismatic and charming person, gets it from his dad. he could talk about just about anything, also the type to strike up a conversation with a stranger at the grocery store. then end up with their number and a date or helping them dog sit
this isn’t always a good thing though, one time before he was medicated, he would talk on and on, his story becoming incoherent due to the amount of self-interruptions he made, that a group of guys got so annoyed at that pub, they punched him.
he was young, 19, and couldn’t fight, so he didn’t win and came back to the barracks with a nasty black eye
he likes to be the big spoon, has to hold something in order to sleep
feel like he’s the type to wrap his arms around a pillow and lay on his stomach to sleep
speaking of sleeping, he HATES sleeping with socks on. he tried it one day and he just shivered at the feel of it, woke up and his socks were missing (he found them under the bed)
i also feel like he sleeps like a log, unmoving once he finds his comfort, i also think it's because he had to sleep in the same bed as his siblings at one point and he didn't want to wake them by moving, so he got accustomed to being a still sleeper
one time he accidentally got into a fight at a bar when a guy kept being misogynistic and was arrested and kept in jail for the whole night until one of his civilian friends bailed him out
johnny's the type to race you in the rain to the car. again, he's quick so he's always ahead of you but then he slips from the rain and ends up all wet and muddy and in the car.
his favorite thing to do is hear you laugh. he'll do anything to hear you laugh.
whenever you're sad, he'll purposely stub his toe or trip down the stairs or make you kiss his "owie" (a papercut) to get you to cheer up. like yeah it hurts like a fucking bitch but seeing you sad hurts more than a silly tumble
number one date event is city exploring and hopping. like cafe hopping, pub hopping, museum hopping, restaurant hopping, anything that makes you get up and get going with time to sit and chill at the same time.
feels like he can eat a lot, he's the type to eat your food if you end up not liking it or being too full
when he gets home from missions and the initial excitement of seeing you dies down, he also dies down and nap for hours until it's the middle of the night and he gets up to eat something.
he loves naps. feels like he needs a nap time every day if it was possible
he's a very kind lover, he's easy going so its not hard that sometimes people take advantage of this and push his buttons until he can't take it anymore
causes a huge blowup because he can have a nasty temper whenever he bottles stuff up and pushes things aside
not a physical manifestation of anger, but definitely a verbal anger, will say things he doesn't really mean just to say it and realize right after the words leave his lips that he fucked up
but he'll stake out in front of the guest bedroom in which you've locked yourself in until you come out and he gets the chance to forgive you
the type to stand in the rain and hold a sign saying sorry right outside your window, a very cheesy romcom style (gaz made him watch them)
he loves you more than anything and loves you even more than you can keep up with him and laugh at his jokes, no matter how awful they are
he wants 4 kids by the way
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ihaechans · 1 year
Reminiscing || Mark Lee
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PAIRING ▸ Mark Lee x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ best friends to lovers, big fluff
WARNINGS/CONTENT ▸ profanity, sweet Mark, Y/n character development is real, literally just sickening fluff...
SUMMARY ▸Time flies. Especially with best friend and nerdy ride or die Mark Lee. Reminiscing on the rooftop leads to foreign emotions and forgotten memories to rise to the surface, and the obvious tension between you two can no longer be avoided.
A/N▸ Head empty.... just boyfriend Mark Lee. (Dead serious this has been in my drafts for 8 months.)
ALSOOO this was originally supposed to be smut but I decided to take it out and make it a cute fluffy story because it’s my first fic back 😭
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You couldn’t accept that there could be other men out there named Mark Lee. The idea of someone having a completely different look and persona than the one of your best friend completely baffled you.
In your heart, your Mark was the greatest one. The only one you truly needed to keep going in life as well.
You were always one of the castaways at your school. Unknown. Boring. Friendless. It was always something you were used to.
It wasn’t exactly bad though. You actually quite enjoyed having so much time to focus on your studies since you were never invited to parties or friendly hangouts, but there was always this feeling. A feeling of loneliness and despair.
In complete solitude, you would study from dusk til dawn. Barely even glancing away from your computer screen throughout the day. The only time you would bother to check your phone was to see if your mom had texted you, which you admitted, was kind of humiliating.
No one ever would have thought an accidental text to the wrong number would start the strange friendship between you and Mark Lee, one of the more popular members of one of the biggest frats on campus.
Unknown Number:  Yo Jaeminnnn! Just got your new number man :) It’s mark btw
You: This isn’t Jaemin. Wrong number “Mark”.
Unknown Number: My bad. Why is my name in quotes though? I promise I’m the real Mark dude :(
You: You can be some weirdo trying to get my phone information by pretending to be one of my classmates. Who knows if you’re really Mark?
Unknown Number: I do… because I am the real Mark 🤦‍♂️ who is this anyway so I can save your number?
You: It’s y/n. You shouldn’t need to save my contact anyways. We won’t ever text again after this.
Mark: I like to be friendly with everyone just in case. Maybe you should try it instead of accusing me of being a criminal when you don’t even know me 😁
You: Goodbye Mark. You’re wasting my precious study time and you’re kind of annoying :)
You couldn’t imagine how any of your fellow students looked so relaxed and at ease with the endless piles of work. It was completely mind boggling.
Mark and his friends were those sort of people, and you were always jealous of them. How they continued to stay on top of assignments? You would never know.
“You were such an asshole when we first met.” His presence catches you off guard, but you can recognize that chuckle from anywhere. Silently turning your body to face him, you smile, dismissing his brutally honest comment.
“Well. I never knew having friends could be so…”
He finished your thought for you, “Life changing? Exciting? Eye opening?”
“Mhm.” You hum, mindlessly patting the spot next to you on the balcony, expecting him to plop down in the exact spot any second now.
“I admit, I was a complete bitch for no reason.” You stare at the sunset as you speak, knowing that Mark is simply listening in. “I was jealous of you. You were so effortlessly funny and friendly. Everyone knew and loved you, plus you got exceptionally good grades.”
Honestly, you don’t know why you were admitting to any of this. It made you feel as if you were a terrible person. Hopefully mark didn’t see you that way.
You sigh, “I wanted to be you. It was so unfair how I practically slaved away all day and night while you and your friends were out partying every other day yet still managing to pass. I wanted that to be me.”
You stare at Mark now, waiting to him to respond to such a presumptuous confession.
He was smiling, a smile full of love and kindness. He huffs out a laugh, you should’ve known he could never hate you. He could never hate anyone, no matter how wrong they could treat him.
“Can I admit something too?” He’s staring straight into your eyes now, a serious look taking over his features. “That day, I didn’t know it was your number, but-“ he clears his throat, bracing himself for the things he was about to admit to.
“I was interested in you before we became friends. You seemed pretty chill, but I never approached you since you always seemed like you wanted nothing to do with the human species. You were also really pretty…”
You ignore the butterflies that erupt in your stomach, and hopefully Mark couldn’t see the slight blush that appeared on your face.
He lays down onto his back, laughing with his arms behind his head for support. “Aren’t you glad I didn’t give up on you?” He teases, poking you in the side with his elbow gently.
You smile and hit him on the shoulder playfully, rolling over onto your side to look at him. “Aren’t you glad I didn’t block you as soon as you texted me?”
He laughs even harder now, admitting that he found it funny how you seemed so intimidating over text but in person you were completely different.
“You wouldn’t even remember me if I hadn’t kept texting though,” he responds, ending the sentence with another chuckle.
“Wish I blocked you sooner so I didn’t start warming up to your annoying ass.” You speak with a serious expression, but one glance at Mark is all it takes for a laugh to force its way out, his own laughter causing you to giggle even harder.
“God, I love you Y/n. Seriously. You’re the best friend I could ever ask for.”
There it is. “Best friend”. All hope for you was over. You’ve officially been friend-zoned.
You ponder for a moment, thinking about all that he’s done for you and considering how easily things could’ve been different if you weren’t such a jealous bitch in the beginning.
Your friendship could’ve been so much stronger by now if you had accepted his kindness from the start, and you mentally scold yourself for it.
“Say it back.” He orders, perking up from his relaxed position and scooting closer to your body in between every passing second. “Say it back before it’s too late.”
“Why should I? Admitting I wanted to be you is already embarrassing enough. My embarrassment level is already full for today, tell me again tomorrow and maybe I’ll answer.”
“Alright then,” he tsks, “Guess I’ll just have to tickle you until you admit you love me back.”
Your eyes widen in genuine terror. You absolutely hated getting tickled and promised you would personally file a complaint to the police if Mark ever even thought about tickling you.
“Mark. Stop.”
“Say it back, idiot.”
Hissing through your teeth, you prepare for the worst. You’d rather just tell him you love him back than endure his attacks of merciless tickles and teasing.
Conceding defeat, you blink at him and fight the embarrassing grin that wants to appear on your lips. “I love you too Mark.” Hearing yourself say those words out loud almost has you jumping up and down with embarrassment and sending shivers down your spine.
You take a deep breath, trying to stay in control of your emotions.
He smiles, feeling content with your words. You’ve been friends for so long, and now you’ve finally mustered up the courage to tell him how you feel.
Countless times, he’s told you he loves you, but you’ve never said it back until now. You felt like a brand new person.
There’s a comfortable beat of silence before he speaks up, distrusting the moment of pure silence.
“Isn’t the sunset so pretty?” He murmurs, eyes completely focused on something else.
“Mark. You’re not even looking at the sunset,” you laugh, seeming to be completely clueless at what he was hinting at.
He chuckles at your ignorance before taking your hands into his and looking you in the eye. “Y/n. You’re pretty.” Your breath catches in your throat, “I like you. I thought it would be so obvious by now. I’ve been hinting at it for ages but you’re just so clueless it seems like this is the only way you would ever realize.”
He grins sheepishly, wincing as he awaits your reaction.
The only thing you can do is stare at him wide eyed, jaw almost completely on the floor at the sudden confession. “You like me?”
“Mhm.” He mumbles, scooting even closer to you, his eyes gazing straight at your lips.
He moves forward, cupping your face with his hands so he can finally attempt to kiss you.
Mark had no idea why he was feeling so bold in that moment. This situation could either go extremely terrible or surprisingly well.
He stops before his lips touch yours, giving you a second to push him away if you really needed to. You lightly grasp his side and he smiles before connecting your lips together.
It feels like heaven, almost like you two were meant to be. You wonder why you hadn’t done this sooner, and then remember that you were the one being so blinded by friendship that you dismissed his obvious flirting as teasing all this time.
All of Marks emotions embrace him as he backs away, warmth and comfort echoing between the two of you. Mark is a mess, face red and hands jittering uncontrollably and you find it quite amusing.
“I cant believe I actually just did that…” Mark is so overwhelmed as he retreats, barely able to keep his composure as he nearly fumbles with his words.
Your cheeks flush with the realization that you had just kissed Mark. You struggle to keep a grin from forming on your face. “Me neither…” you mumble, bringing a hand up to your lips, still shocked.
Mark smiles at you with adoration, mustering up the courage to finally say what he’s been holding back for the last few years. “Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?”
He looks into your eyes in anticipation, barely able to contain his eagerness as he awaits for an answer.
“Mark, are you seriously asking me that right now?” You laugh, watching as marks smile fades away slightly in confusion. “How could I ever reject you?”
A sweet smile forms on your face, and the look of confusion soon leaves marks features as you kiss him again, making sure he understands that you are in fact, now his girlfriend.
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taeyongdoyoung · 6 months
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summary: you're tired of your relatives asking you if you're still single every Christmas. on the spur of the moment, you lie that your have boyfriend. luckily, your best friend sweeps in like your knight in shining armor to save the day pairing: jin x reader genre: romcom with a lil angst, best friends to fake dating to lovers warnings: nosy annoying relatives, lying, fake dating trope, one bed mentioned, some crying, insecurities, confessions, kissing, it is quite mild tbh author's note: the title is super lame but hey, Jin likes dad jokes so here we go 🤷 also i intended to post this for his bday but didn't have enough time to finish it word count: 2.4k
Christmas is the loneliest time of the year for you. Even though you spend it with your relatives, they always make a point of asking whether you are still single. Spoiler alert: you are. It's gotten annoying that they don't appreciate you for your academic and personal achievements and they are only interested in your relationship status. You are so tired of the recurring question which is why you dread Christmas so much. A few weeks before it, you get a call from your parents.
"You're coming home for the holidays, right?"
"Of course, mom," you respond, rolling your eyes.
"So…have you found a special someone?"
There it is. Again. Ugh.
"If I hear this one more time…" you sigh.
"Got it," your mom chuckles condescendingly, which frustrates you to no end.
You don't know what spirit possesses you to do what you do next but the words are out of your mouth before you can think twice about it.
"I actually have a boyfriend but maybe if you weren't nagging me about it every Christmas, I would have told you earlier."
"You do?" your mom exclaims, surprise evident in her voice."Well, isn't that wonderful! You should bring him, introduce him into the family."
"He's really busy, mom, I don't think he'll make it," you keep lying, trying to get out of the situation you'd brought upon yourself.
"Nonsense, no one works on Christmas. I expect to see the happy couple soon. And no excuses!"
Before you could argue, your mom hangs up. Great. Now you have two weeks to magically find a boyfriend to bring home for the holidays.
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You are sitting on your best friend's couch, playing games with him.
"Damn, you're so good at this!" you shout in fake annoyance at being defeated but you are actually happy for him. You know how much Jin loves winning.
"What can I say? I was born this way," he smirks confidently and puts the console on the table.
"Humble, as always," you tease him, nudging his shoulder.
"So, do you have any plans for Christmas?"
"Ugh, don't remind me."
"Why? I thought you loved Christmas movies and decorations and all things Christmas-related," Jin tells you and you are beyond touched to have someone who knows you that well and remembers such details.
"I do, but…I got myself in a bit of a predicament."
"Do share," he turns to the side so that he can face you.
"Well, you know how my relatives always ask whether I'm still single? And they're especially persistent around the holidays."
"I know," he laughs. "You've only complained about it like a hundred times."
"Sorry," you grimace at your own predisposition to torment your best friend everytime something goes wrong in your life. "So, um…this year I told my mom I have a boyfriend."
"And I learn about this now?" Jin puts a hand on his heart, expressing disappointment that you'd kept such a big secret from him.
"What? No, I don't have a boyfriend. I lied to my mom and now she expects me to bring a guy to meet the family."
"Oh, shit," he now understands why you're not looking forward to Christmas.
"Yep. I'm such a mess. Everyone will be so mad at me when I come home alone. Again. Kill me now."
"Well…you don't have to be alone."
"Hear me out. What if I pretend to be your boyfriend? Just for the holidays. Then, your relatives would get off your back."
"Jin…I can't ask this of you."
"Good thing you're not asking. I came up with this brilliant idea myself. If it bothers you, you can tell them we broke up some time next year. Don't you want one Christmas of your relatives not repeating the same old annoying question?"
"I do want it, more than anything. But I would hate to inconvenience you…"
"Come on, it will be fun! My parents are spending this Christmas in Australia, drinking cocktails and soaking in the sun. It's not like I have anything special planned. It would be delightful to spend it with my best friend," Jin keeps talking and you are almost convinced.
"What about your best friend's super messy family?" you try to change his mind.
"Oh, I'm sure I'll charm the pants off them."
You are not worried about how your relatives will immediatelly fall in love with Jin. You are concerned that it will be you being charmed…
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You are revising every small detail while Jin is driving his car to your grandparents' place.
"When did we start dating?" you ask him.
"Three months ago. We naturally realized that we are great friends and would make an even greater couple," he responds without hesitation. "How did I ask you out?"
"You told me I am the best thing that happened to you and I would make you the happiest man in the world if I went on a date with you," you reply naturally. "What was our first date like?"
"We went to watch a movie together, after that we had dinner at a lovely restaurant and I walked you to your apartment where I kissed you in front of the doorstep."
"The roses! You forgot to mention the roses!" you cry out, almost panicking. This has to be perfect or your snoopy relatives might suspect something.
"I was supposed to bring roses to your grandparents? I thought the wine would be enough," Jin mumbles in confusion.
"No, for the first date details! We agreed that you'd mention the roses. What if…what if they ask and we mess something up and…"
"Darling, relax. We've got this. We've been best friends for seven years. We know each other well enough to handle anything."
You try to ignore the way your heart flutters when he calls you darling. Damnit. When he'd suggested pretending, you hadn't thought about the fact that it wouldn't be pretending on your part.
"Do you trust me?" Jin asks.
"Unequivocally," you assure him. It is yourself you don't trust.
Once he parks the car, you are immediately greeted by a bunch of your relatives.
"Come, come! It is lovely to meet you," your mom welcomes Jin.
"Mom, this is my best friend," you say by force of habit and then correct yourself, "and now my boyfriend, Jin."
"Nice to meet you, ma'am," Jin shakes her hand politely.
"Pfft, call me by my name," your mom says and introduces herself.
Quickly enough, your poor bestie is hounded by your grandparents, your aunt, your cousin and her kids. It's a lot of excitement considering you'd just arrived and you are already looking forward to going to bed. You love your relatives but sometimes they can be…a lot.
Jin, however, seems to be thriving. He talks to your mom about cooking, to your grandparents about fishing and politics, to your aunt and cousin about acting and singing. Even the kids seem to love him, as he takes the time to play hide and seek with them. He also promises to build a snowman with them when it is warmer tomorrow. You have no reason to worry and yet, seeing him naturally fit in with them on their first meeting…when you have felt like an outsider your whole life, is enough to bring tears to your eyes. You excuse yourself from the table, saying you need to use the bathroom.
Not expecting anyone to notice your absence, you cry quietly in your room, feeling as if you have never been good enough and your relatives were always disappointed in you. You hear a soft knock on the door, which takes you by surprise.
"You alright, love?" Jin asks.
You let him in and he wraps you up in one of his warm hugs that have the magical ability to make you stop crying.
"What's wrong? I thought it was going well," he whispers, not wanting anyone to overhear.
"It's going splendidly," you agree. "It's just that…they love you more than they do me."
"That can't be true, you're the most precious granddaughter, niece and cousin anyone could possibly have."
You sniffle and look up at him.
"You only say that 'cause I'm your best friend," you try to make light out of the situation.
"Girlfriend," he corrects you with a wink.
"Right," you chuckle through the tears.
"Come on. Let's not give them the opportunity to discuss us behind our backs," Jin jokes and you decide to return to the table. He gives you the strength needed to face them again.
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The Christmas holidays go by smoothly and in the blink of an eye. The days are filled with laughter, hot chocolate, yummy meals, wholesome Christmas movies, cozy socks and snowball fights with your cousin's kids. This might be the best Christmas you've ever had. You wonder if it's Jin's presence that made it so special and heartwarming. During the family dinners, he is the life of the party, always knowing the right thing to say to each and every one of your relatives. And when the two of you are alone, cuddled up in your room, he is your rock. You know you can count on him and tell him everything that has bothered you. And you know that he would understand you and comfort you like nobody else could.
Which is why it hurts so much when he is now driving you both back to the city. The pretense is over. You would no longer have an excuse to hold his hand or sleep in the same bed as him or kiss his cheek so openly. He is back to being your best friend. And perhaps that's the way it should be. You couldn't risk your friendship by doing something stupid like confessing your undying love for him. No, that would certainly be a terrible idea. Perhaps more terrible than having him as a fake boyfriend for the holidays.
"What's on your mind?" Jin asks.
"I can see the gears turning in your head. Something is bothering you."
"Hey, aren't you supposed to look at the road instead of the gears in my head?" you tease him.
"I can multitask. Come on, just tell me."
"It's nothing. I just found myself wishing the Christmas holidays could last longer. I really had an amazing time, which doesn't usually happen around my relatives."
"Glad I could be of service," Jin smirks proudly, making you laugh. You would never grow tired of his casually confident nature.
Silence ensues for a couple of minutes and you are back to worrying and thinking about your unresolved feelings for your best friend. When suddenly, he interrupts your thought process with an unexpected suggestion.
"How about we have a second Christmas?"
"A second Christmas?" you repeat in confusion.
"My place. Just the two of us. We'll do all the things we didn't have the chance to do at your grandparents' house."
"Such as?" you inquire, wondering what you've missed.
"We'll play games and I'll make you my famous roast beef. We'll have midnight snacks and watch anime with no one judging us. We'll bake Christmas cookies together and we could even go ice-skating."
"That…sounds lovely. I'm in," you immediately agree, excited to have a second Christmas with Jin. Maybe, just maybe, a miracle will happen.
The next day, you arrive at his place and are amazed to find how magically decorated it is.
"Ta-da! Welcome to your own personal winter wonderland."
"My goodness, Jin, it looks incredible! How did you achieve all this so quickly and all by yourself? You must be exhausted."
"Nah, it was my pleasure. And besides, seeing the smile on your face is the best Christmas present I could hope for," he responds.
"Merry second Christmas to you, too," you grin and give him a hug. It feels so natural and like you were meant to end up right there.
As promised, the two of you get to do all the things you couldn't at your grandparents'. You watch the spiciest animes with zero shame, you eat ramen at 1am and you play violent games that would make your relatives gasp in horror. It is genuinely the most incredible Christmas. Even more incredible than the time you spent with your family.
But all good things inevitably come to an end. Tomorrow, it is time for both you and Jin to go back to work. And with that, the magical holidays will be over. You don't want them to be. You wish you could stay in this bubble forever, with Jin's arms wrapped around you.
"I should probably head home. You have to wake up early tomorrow."
"Or…you could stay. We can share the bed," Jin suggests and you can swear you hear a hopeful hint in his voice.
"Jin…we're no longer surrounded by my nosy relatives. You don't have to pretend it's okay with you to have me intruding on your personal space."
"Who said I was pretending?" he whispers and you probably shouldn't but you allow yourself to dream. There is no way he feels the same…or is there?
"Don't…don't say stuff like that if you don't mean it," you mumble, feeling more vulnerable than ever.
"I'm tired of hiding it, sweetheart," he sighs and presses his hand against your cheek. "I only offered the whole fake dating thing because I was hoping you would finally get the hint and realize how important you are to me. But in case it wasn't obvious enough, let me spell it out for you. I. Am. Crazy. About. You."
You blink in shock.
"Pinch me so I know I'm not dreaming. You…like me back?"
"How about I do something better?" Jin smiles softly and leans in to kiss you. It is slow and sweet, just as how you'd imagined it hundreds of times. No, scratch that. It is so much better. He makes you feel so special and loved. You wish you had confessed earlier. You have been missing out on so many Christmas kisses.
"Look up," Jin says gently once he finally breaks the kiss.
You do as he asks and you realize that you have somehow ended up under a mistletoe decoration he must have put up and you haven't noticed before.
"Aww, man, did you only kiss me because of that mistletoe?"
"Let me take you to my room and prove you otherwise," Jin vows, grabs your hand and urges you to follow his lead.
Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year.
The End
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mooooonnnzz · 1 year
Hi moonie darling 🫶 hope you’ve been doing well!
Can I request a lo’ak relationship headcanons ? The ones you did for neteyam are so cute and dreamy 🥹 I was wondering how you’d interpret a relationship with that troublemaker 😚 thank you in advance and good luck with the blog 💙
The Perfect Pair // Lo’ak x GN! Reader
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❀ You and Lo’ak’s relationship headcanons <3
♡ Content: WARNING mentions of scars and picking at them, just a lil heads up!! angst but barely enough to ruin your day FLUFF lo’ak and reader are very cute shy lo’ak bc i love him being shy BUT HES SHY JUST FOR A LIL BIT
♡ WordCount: 1k
♡ Quicknote: sorry for taking absolutely forever to post this 😭 i have gotten bad writers block and i’ve been in some weird mood slump lately BUT I FINISHED IT SO HERE YOU ARE <33 hope you like it 🫶 and thank you for the luck, you’re very kind ❤️
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expect to patch up this poor boy 24/7
there isn’t a day where he doesn’t come to you, honoring a new scratch on his body from his reckless behavior 
and it’s not like he does it on purpose 
he doesn’t mean to always get hurt, he just doesn’t think about the consequences until he’s actually facing them
“Lo’ak!” You rushed towards the boy who was staggering over to you, his hand clutching his injured arm. “What happened?!” Your eyes examined his body, your heart stopping at the large red gash on his side. Lo’ak uncovered his arm with a shaky hand, hissing at the blood that stained his palm. “I tried to do tricks with my Ikran and you know where that got me.” He said defeatedly, his head hanging low. “Let’s deal with those injuries, okay?” You grabbed onto his arm that wasn’t hurt and brought him inside the tent. He sat down on the floor, groaning in pain when he moved a certain way that strained his body. Scouring the tent, you picked up some healing ointments, healing paste, a cloth and medical gauzes that were gifted to you from the scientists. You sat next to Lo’ak, facing his side. “Can you lean to the left for me?” You ask, popping open the ointment. Lo’ak leans to the side, a few grunts and groans leaving his lips. “This’ll sting.” You warn, pouring a good amount of ointment on the cloth. “I know, you tell me that all the—SHIT!” He curses, sucking in a deep breath through clenched teeth. “Lo’ak!” You smacked his upper thigh with your free hand, using the other one to lightly tap on his wounds with the cloth. Lo’ak pressed his lips together and screwed his eyes shut. “I wonder what goes through your head when you do this.” You say, wrapping the gauze around his waist. “Nothing.” Lo’ak replies, laughing at his own joke. “What a shocker.” You plainly said, moving to the next cut. 
i’d like to say he has a lot of scars on his body
and he doesn’t really mind them, until his mom started pointing them out
theres frown on her lips as she talks about how reckless lo’ak is 
she even shows them to jake, who just either stares with disapproval in his eyes or says something along the lines of “well, what can you expect? the boy doesn’t even use his brain.” or “how can you expect him to care for his own well being when he can’t even think right.”
from then on, he started hating the scars on his body
he hated the unwanted attention he’d get from his mom, especially when she brings over his dad 
you comfort lo’ak whenever he falls into his hole of self hatred 
Lo’ak sat by the pond, fingernails scratching one of his scars. A habit he developed when he no longer thought the scars that littered his skin were cool. A ripple broke through the still surface of the pond. He didn’t have to look around to know that it was you. Sitting right beside him, you pressed a kiss to his temple. “What’s up?” You ask, your tail wrapping around him to provide a little bit of comfort. Lo’ak dug his nail into his scar, his eyes glaring at the white ragged skin that stretched to his mid forearm to his elbow. “My scars.” He grumbled. “I hate them.” He started picking at it. “Stop, you are going to make it worse.” You grabbed his hand, halting his movements. “You liked your scars, what happened?” You watched with worried eyes as Lo’ak sighed. “My mom always points them out and the look that she gives me makes me feel like shit.” His ears tucked behind his head. “And sometimes, she brings my dad over to look at them. As if my moms looks weren’t enough, my dad doesn’t hold back to insult me.” His bottom lip begins to tremble and your heart cracks. “I just do not know why they look at me like—like they’re ashamed of me!” He sniffs, roughly wiping the tears that were threatening to escape his eyes with his arm. “I hate crying.” He muttered grimly, tucking himself into a ball. “It is good to cry,” You begin softly, hand coming to caress Lo’ak’s back. “And you are not a disappointment.” You say with such certainty that Lo’ak almost believes it himself. “How are you so sure?” He looks at you, awaiting your answer. You started listing off all the wonderful qualities Lo’ak has, like how he’s so strong and doesn’t take no for an answer, how he doesn’t back down and never gives up, how he’s so annoyingly persistent with things and is curious about everything. As you said more and more things about Lo’ak, the more you saw him visibly perk up. It was like you rebuilding the broken pieces, slowly but surely with care, you made Lo’ak whole again. Lo’ak sniffed, rubbing his eye with his fist. “Thank you.” He mumbled, snuggling closer to you. 
like he’s blushing a whole ton when you hold his hand around his family
and just kissing his cheek?? he’s on the floor hyperventilating 
you love messing with him because his reactions are priceless
“Lo’ak.” You call out. He turns his head over to you, raising a brow. You lean towards him and kiss him on the cheek. “I love you.” You said against his skin, smooching him one last time before leaning back. Eyes intently watching him to see his reaction. As always, his ears rear back to his head and there’s a bright blush tinting his cheeks. “Oh.” He squeaks, his eyes are casted downwards and he can’t even look at you without stuttering. “Why are you so nervous?” You teasingly asked, tail whipping behind you playfully. “Because you! I—You…Ugh.” He runs a hand down his face, dramatically sighing. “What’s wrong, Lo’ak?” You wrap your arms around his back, pulling him closer to you. “Y/N!” He whines.
hes hugging you close to him and latching onto you like a koala 
“Can you let go of my arm?” You politely asked, looking down at Lo’ak, who had your arm clutched in his hold. His head comfortablely resting on your shoulder. “Nope!” He says with a devious grin. “Lo’ak, I have to go.” Trying to remove him from your arm is a lost cause, might as well chop it off so Lo’ak could have it for himself. Giving up, you lean on Lo’ak. He makes a happy noise and clings himself closer to you.
and hes begging for your kisses, or he’s kissing you 
Lo’ak is covering your face in a mess of kisses. “Lo’ak!” You giggled out, hands finding purchase on his shoulders. You pushed him away from your face, still feeling his kissing ghosting your face. “Too much.” You huff out loudly. Lo’ak rolls his eyes and puckers out his lips. You’re preparing yourself for another round.
later on into the relationship he gets better with pda
he isnt afraid to show that he loves u 🫶🫶
“Is Lo’ak actually holding their hand?” Kiri’s eyes are wide from her shock. She hides her grin with her palm. “No way.” Neteyam is equally as shocked. They watch Lo’ak pull you in for a sweet kiss in horror. “What is that thing Dad said earlier?” Neteyam asked, voice raspy as if someone sucked his voice out. “He finally became a man.” Kiri whispered out. Cringing as she watched you and Lo’ak cuddle with each other. 
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If you want to be added to my taglist dm or comment me! + request are open <3
Taglist: @writingsbybirdie @tzurue @lokisblueskin @niawritesbs @yoluvrz @kenzs-world @neteyamsmate4life @froglogblog @wondxrgurl
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f1monaco24 · 5 months
Lando Norris x reader
Well kind of I hate using y/n so instead I am using Olive
This is a part 2
Psa - I don’t know these people so it’s all made up. Also not edited…
Olives POV
I stare at the ground for a while, I feel his eyes burning into me.
I know he is staring at me waiting for me to say anything, but I can’t, I have no words.
I feel him start to walk closer, so I back away.
“Olli please” he says
“Go finish the live Lando, you have to for the fans and then we can talk later”.
I still don’t look at him but I hear his footsteps as he walks away.
I let out the breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding in.
I walk upstairs and into the room that I always stay in.
I want to call someone anyone, but I remember the only 2 people I have to talk to are downstairs.
I lay on the bed flat on my back looking at the ceiling. Thinking how the only person I want to talk to is my Mom.
“Mom” I Whisper
“I could really use one of your hugs right now”.
My mom died a year ago, she was my everything. The one person that never left, but then she was taken.
I cry thinking about everything and I end up falling asleep.
“Olli. Olive”.
“What” I say quiet and tired
I slowly open my eyes to see the green eyes that have been haunting my dreams.
“You said we could talk after the stream and well it’s after the stream” lando says.
“Great” I mumble as I sit up and lean my back against the head board.
Lando takes a seat at the end of the bed and just looks at me.
“What’s going on with you Olli, why did you just walk out today” he ask
“ I don’t know” I reply while staring at my hands in my lap.
Which was the biggest lie I have ever told. I knew exactly why, he was leaving, so I decided to leave first.
“Olli don’t lie to me, we don’t do that” he says.
Once again reading me like a book.
“Olive look at me. Please” lando whispers
I raise my head and look at him.
I have no idea what to say.
Lando scoots towards me, grabbing my hands that I didn’t even realize I was picking.
“Olli you have to talk to me” lando says
I feel the tears start to build in my eyes once again.
I turn my head away, I can’t let him see me like this.
His strong hand slides under my chin gently turning my head towards him.
I look at him.
“I can’t do this Lando. I can’t”.
“Can’t what Olive” he ask
I start to get upset questioning how he doesn’t get it.
I break
“Everyone leaves Lando and I get it, you are too, so I have protect myself, I have to let you go first”
Lando has a surprised look on his face.
“ I already told you Olive I’m not leaving you”
“Everyone says that Lando but guess what they still leave.” I say
I continue
“And why would you want to be seen with me, I’m nothing and you are an f1 driver”
“That doesn’t mean I would just leave you” he says hurt.
“Why would you stay in touch with me, I have nothing to offer you Lando, I’m just a basket case, a girl trying to survive, a girl with a dream that’s barley alive and a girl grieving her mother. No one wants to be seen with a person like that Lando, especially someone who has the world fawning over them” I yell
By now I’m standing pacing around the room but as my rant ends I start to stare at him, seeing the pity in his eyes.
I can’t, I can’t stand him looking at me like that, like I am a lost puppy. I close my eyes and turn towards the door but before I get to the door a hand grabs my arm.
“You are so much more than that Olive” he says still holding onto my arm
I don’t turn around but then he pulls my arm spinning me around brining us face to face.
My head slightly looking up at him, since he’s taller than me.
“Olli you are the most beautiful thoughtful person I know, I would never let you go, and I would never just leave” Lando says staring right at me.
The tears fall and Lando’s hands goes from my arm to my check wiping the tears away.
“Olli these past few weeks have been amazing, getting closer than we ever were and honestly I didn’t expect to ever feel the way I feel for you but Olli I have feeling for you”
I shake my head not believing that this moment could actually be true.
“Olli please. Say something, anything” he pleads.
I look at him and say “how would it work Lando your moving your always traveling how could this possible work”.
“Come with me” he says
I laugh and shake my head.
“And if you don’t want to move then come with me to the races” he says.
I laugh once again and look at him and say “lando I can barley afford to buy groceries and pay for my rent”
I’m cut of “quit the cafe, come with me worry free and work on your book Olive”.
I have no words once again.
He continues “what did you promise your mum that day Olive?”
The anger rises and I move away from him.
“Don’t you dare bring up my mother” I say anger filing my voice.
“ I was there Olive, she asked you to live, travel, and write your book” he says.
“You think I don’t know that Lando, I spend ever night staring at a blank screen hoping that I can find the words to write my god damn book, but I can’t because how can I possible write something knowing my mum will never read it” I say
“You write it for her Olive. You live your life to fullest so when you see her again you tell her the amazing stories you have gained”he says looking at me.
He moves closer grabbing both of my hands.
“Come with me Olive, get out of this place you have been your whole life, live somewhere new, travel the world and write your book”.
The tears fall as if they were a waterfall.
“And when you ready maybe possible we can see where this thing between us will go” he says.
“But don’t worry about the money or the logistics, just come with me” he says
I look at him questioning if he’s serious but when I look into those green eyes I see how serious he is. I take a step closer. I put both of my hands on his face.
He beings to lean in, closer and closer, I close me eyes wanting for his lips to meet mine.
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cryptidfuckery · 1 month
Hey so you don’t have to reply to this but I’ve been having a career crisis lately and considering other vocational paths. One of these careers just so happens to be hair. I was wondering if you could tell me what made you want to become a hairdresser?
Ohhh this might get long but
First things first my mom is a hairdresser. Me becoming one wasn't a case of "I'm going to take over my mom's business" because she's been a sole proprietor booth renter for probably over 30 years now. She doesn't run a salon with other people under her, it's just her and her clients. If I worked under her I would have just been taking money our of her pocket.
But my mom being a hairdresser definitely influenced me! Getting to watch her work and own her own business my whole life helped me understand exactly what to expect out of the industry, and what I would have to do to be successful.
But me actually deciding to become a hairdresser started with me being absolutely miserable in my third semester of college. I loved studying sociology, but school and I don't mix well. I also realized that while I loved what I was studying, I didn't have any real interest in the professions usually associated with what I was majoring in. (Didn't want to do any kind of counseling, hate math so no stats work, research was the most enticing but too close to how school works and I Know would have been Miserable ultimately)
So one day being absolutely miserable and stressed around finals I sat myself down and forced myself to think about what the next 5-10 years would look like. I realized that if I stayed in college it would be to finish, find a job in my degree, then eventually when I have the time and money again I'd go to cosmetology school. (At the time I thought I was going to be a makeup artist. Holy shit fuck that noise. Not for me.)
And it just kind of clicked for me. Why am I spending all this money on a degree i (while I loved) did not really want? Especially when I could finish cosmetology school in under a year with less money than 2 semesters of college would be? Especially since you can start making money directly out of cosmetology school and continuously build after that as you gain more clients.
My final advice is this. There is a hairdresser for everyone and there are clients for every hairdresser. Genuinely the best thing you can do is be yourself and the right people will find you. And then they'll give your their friends, who like you too because you're their kind of people. And you get to choose absolutely what the fuck ever you want to specialize in. You can do exclusively color. Exclusively cuts. You can choose what style of cutting and coloring you want to learn from and you can completely switch that in the middle of your career. You can exclusively do texture treatments (perms, keratins, etc) if you're okay with so many chemicals in your body and bad smells! You can specialize in rat haircuts, which I honestly might try to do. (I have not done one yet. Someone let me do a rat haircut on them. Please. Rat haircut.) You can do everything! Also don't forget barbering!! Whole different school with different subsets and specializations, but many many cosmetologists cross over into both as well! I plan on eventually also acquiring a barbering license so I can truly be a one stop trans chop shop (mainly so I can offer my trans girlies clean shaves between electrolysis/Lazer appointments (iirc one can and cannot. I cannot be fucked to check rn)
So. Yeah. I think trades are absolutely the way to go right now in this economy. We provide services that everybody wants or needs, from hair to plumbing to carpentry to welding to auto mechanics to nail techs. There will always be a broken toilet, an oil change, a haircut needed.
Watch out for pandemics though. Woof.
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limeade-l3sbian · 6 months
Some time ago, before I cut contact with my dad, I would often contemplate his mindset. Not of why he was so lackluster in all manners of fatherhood but about his unbiased, objective few of me as a girl and, now, a woman.
On some obligatory level, I know my dad loves me. I think his perspective of what makes someone a “good Christian” demands this of him. And in a small percentage of the time we spent together, he might love me for the child he knew. And to hear that a father loses interest in his daughter when she grows up/develops the ability to defy and to think is not a new experience. There were telltale signs of it coming so I was fully prepared. But I expected a casual indifference when we got to the point we are now. He would lie about me to the family and retain his desperate image of a father “trying his best.” Like I said, I saw it coming years before.
But it didn't really play like that. Because while he definitely began to detach, there was this frustration and rage in his eyes when he spoke to me. When I called him out. When I didn't just shrug off what he said. He was so angry when I threatened to stop talking to him for a while and followed through. As a child, he couldn't understand why I chose to live with my mom in a homeless shelter over staying with him and his now ex-wife. And there are a handful of family facts and personal history that I won't just spill but I know for a fact play a part in this. I was more interested in his objective perspective of me, like I said.
And to be frank? My dad loves me in a very superficial way, but in no way likes me. My family is the type that say “blood is thicker than water” no matter what. Generations of abuse and neglect founded on the back of “respect” that is inherited rather than earned. My mom was the first to make me challenge that, and I think my dad resents her for that to this day. 
When I was younger, I considered him cool. Especially since he seemed supportive of my feminist ideology that I garnered very early on by just being with my mom. My thoughts then and now? How can a woman's place only be by a man's side when my mom has given me as much of the world as she can without one? I just wasn't buying. But he always told me he wanted me to be independent and strong. So I can give him that credit. No one in my life ever told me I couldn't be whatever I wanted to be, and that is a real blessing I don't take lightly.
But his support had a veil of contrasting expectations. I didn't have to wear makeup…but I should have my hair pressed or braided. I could wear pants instead of skirts…but you need to ask your mom to teach you how to shave. The role models he thrusted upon me were strong figures still deeply layered under a presentation that was appealing, especially to him. To him, they were still “women.” Strong but ever willing to submit. 
And his support always came with imaginings. When I inevitably became rich, he would joke that I could get him things. When I won a writing award as a kid, he didn't drive me home for twenty minutes until he finished boasting to his friend about me. He thought I was the most intelligent person he'd ever met. If I could just stop being so disagreeable and more presentable then the world would be my oyster.
And as an adult, hearing him speak, I could finally understand why my average intelligence seemed like such a world shattering achievement. Because to my father, I was intelligent in spite of being born female. I immediately thought back to all his interactions with women. How they were either dismissive or lewd. How he rolled his eyes when my stepmom would demand basic respect from him. And I'd laugh with him. [Go ahead and insert infamous quote about how it will not save the daughter.]
His perception of women was secondary. Adam's rib. He wanted to raise me as Eve and felt (and feels) cursed that he was bound by blood to Lilith. And the only Christian thing to do is spend the rest of his life trying to change me. And when I came out, that thin smile of support from him told me that he felt his ability to control not just slipping, but being yanked. I did not recognize men as authority. His only card he had and has left is that we are bound forever by blood.
But I don't care about blood. The water of strangers and women in my life and in this community has carried me further in life than blood ever has or, at this point, ever will. 
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manheeiim · 3 months
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chapter five: harsh words
-- a ghostly love masterlist
Although, there was really no benefit to me showering anymore, I’d always found it quite relaxing. The hot water combined with the silence was always nice to me. Whenever I was in the shower, my mind went blank and I didn’t really think about anything. I liked that.
The only thing that used to creep me out about showers was the possibility of someone killing me while I was in the shower. That whole fear originated after I watched Psycho and had always been in the back of my mind since. Well, I guess not anymore since it’s not like I can be killed again.
After I finished, I stepped out and dried my body first before drying my hair a bit and brushing it, my hair still being wet but not dripping wet like before. I then got into my uniform again, combed my fingers through my hair, and went to the mirror.
I knew that I could really just wear the clothes that I’d worn to school the day that I died and that were currently stuffed in my backpack in my locker, and I did think about that. But, truth is, the clothes I was wearing during the school day were so boring and I guess I figured that I’m dead, why does it even matter? In life but especially in death.
I was still standing in front of the mirror when the door suddenly opened. It wasn’t by a ghost though, it was by someone living. It was not only after school hours but it was also too late for people from clubs to be here so I wondered why anyone was here.
My mother stepped into the locker room though and I let out a sigh. I heard the principal say something outside of the locker room before shutting the door. My mother glanced around for a moment before going over to the lockers. I watched as she went to my locker and opened it, standing in front of it for a few moments and she looked at my backpack that hung solitarily in the otherwise empty locker.
My mother took my backpack off of the hook. She didn’t look inside of it or anything, she just took it and headed out. I followed after her and watched as she thanked the principal before heading in the direction of the main entrance.
I followed her as she went through the doors of the main entrance and walked over to one of the benches on the sidewalk. She sat down and I sat down next to her, watching her put my backpack on her lap and zip it open.
She looked at my things for a moment before taking out my binder and looking through it. It was all really just schoolwork. She put the binder to the other side of her, on the bench, before looking at my notebooks. I thought she’d finished before she looked at the bag and saw a piece of paper, folded up at the bottom. She took it out and unfolded it. Oh, I knew what that was.
It was a piece of paper that me and Chloe had passed to one another in class a month or so prior to my death. On the paper, I was complaining about my mom.
“I don’t get her at all sometimes. I swear that the only reason she put me in cheer was so that she could relive her childhood. I never wanted this. She knew that. It’s so fucking annoying.” I read aloud in my head. “Sometimes, when I’m really mad at her, I wish that my dad was the one to stay and that she wasn’t.” I then read. “But then I remember how he was, how things were, and realize that it’d be much worse than it is right now.” I finished.
My mom stared at that paper for a while before putting it in her pocket. She stuffed the other stuff in my bag before getting up from the seat and walking off to her car. I remained seated as I just watched her. I felt kind of bad, honestly. I know that she’d been a kind of bad mom when it came to certain things but she was still my mom and I knew that she was not expecting to find that in my backpack. I would’ve thrown that out but the bell rang and I had to hurry and get to the next class so I just shoved it in my bag unconsciously and completely forgot about it.. until now.
I stayed seated on the bench for a while after that with my face in the palms of my hands and salty tears escaping my eyes. I was alone there for a while. Suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps on the cement sidewalk. I looked up and saw Charley walking over to me. He walked over to me with a comforting smile and sat next to me, putting his arm around my back and giving me a comforting side hug.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, it’s just- I saw my mom again and she saw something in my bag that I wish she didn’t.” I say.
“What was it? Drugs?” He asked. 
“Um, no.” I blankly say. “It was just.. a mean note I’d exchanged with my friend about my mom.” I tell Charley.
“I thought you didn’t like your mom.” Charley says.
“I don’t.” I responded. “But, she’s still my mom.” I add.
Charley sighs, “I get that.”
“Yeah..” I breathily say.
“Well, I’m here for you.” Charley tells me. “Thank you.” I say back.
“You’re welcome.” He says with a small smile.
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supersoftly · 2 months
My mom was telling me she remembers from her childhood that they were still receiving American condensed milk rations post WWII, and her younger brother was only just a little too young to remember that before it got phased out. They really pushed in public schools at the time to "finish your plate or you don't go home", which now is considered almost fiendish, but at the time, where a country had just barely survived and was doing it's best to avoid mass starvation, it was law that probably saved more than hindered.
It just reminded me personally as someone who is lucky enough to be outside of war that I think we forget how difficult life is even after recovery; the country and its people are still there, still growing and living and trying to get back to a sense of normalcy, even after being exposed to the deepest depths of human cruelty and suffering. War feels like the blade that keeps cutting away, even after it's over, yet we all have to deal with the consequences of the choices of people who may no longer even be alive anymore. And it's not like my mom is super old either, it was just how things were, especially in rural Japan where a new house on the block was considered a big event.
Recovery simply just doesn't happen overnight, it happens in each generation with what we give and take, and also with what we choose to leave behind. If we only choose to carry the burdens of the past to lay at the feet of the future, expecting them to carry it, where are we going but only towards a future where children will always bear the responsibility of our cruelty and evil? Is this really the path towards a future where we raise up and support the human experience to a much grander scale, where we minimize the suffering of all innocent people and work together towards something better than what we had prior? I want to believe in our vast interconnectedness, people find each other closer than they ever did before on an unprecedented scale and this is what will raise us up as a human race, simply communicating with each other as the necessary step towards real peace... And I really haven't changed my mind, even with everything going on, with the lies, the propaganda, the control of information... People still actively choose not to pass on hate as their sole inheritance, even when hurt beyond understanding, there is deep resolve and courage in those who continue to choose love when the rest of the world permits otherwise.
This ramble really didn't have a purpose in mind, just thoughts rotating in my brain, and I suppose putting clearly to words why I'm grateful as a hafu that both sides of my family chose love when they easily could've blamed each other given the circumstances. And I know some people will always believe and vocalize that my family made the wrong choice in the grand scheme of things, but for me, the simple happiness of being here today, having the time to just exist alongside my husband and my children, is a joy that keeps stoking the fire to a thankful heart.
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