#but i gotta be honest i have been getting my ass handed to me lately w/ how busy i am
thexsilentxwordsmith · 7 months
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!reader
Author's Note: I had a comment left on my post HERE. The person who commented brought up this scenario of Simon being dared to kiss you and you think that he won't, but he actually does and sparks end up flying. So, of course, I had to write it because... I mean... Come on... (lol). And here it is.
Fandom: Call of Duty
Character(s): Simon Riley, Reader, Soap
Summary: During a game of Truth or Dare, your lieutenant is dared into giving you a kiss, but something about the way he has been acting lately may mean this is going to be more than a quick ordeal. And the way you have been feeling towards him won't be helping.
Word Count: 4k
The night has started innocently enough: you and your fellow officers sit around together in the rec, blowing off a little steam after another successful mission. Some nice, simple fun of playing cards and shooting the shit like you usually do when leaving the base to go down to the bar isn’t an option. Everyone happens to be here tonight, including that brooding, mask-faced lieutenant that you can’t seem to keep your mind from drifting to as he stands against the wall behind you. 
Maybe it’s just your imagination, but you’ve noticed that the lieutenant’s presence has become more and more common lately, especially when you’re around. He keeps mostly to himself, staying on the edge of the fun by just watching, yet you swear that if you are stealthy enough from out of the corner of your eye you can catch his gaze lingering in your direction. 
Whether it’s just a trick of your mind or the truth, either way it makes your pulse race. And tonight is no exception.
All has been pretty calm so far, nothing too rowdy or out of hand. At least, it was until now as the night has waned on and inhibitions have fallen. What was once an innocent bit of fun has turned a bit more risque as Soap decides that cards aren’t enough to keep everyone entertained. What game is it he always seems to pick when everyone is more loose? One where the consequences always end up interesting: Truth or Dare.  
Several rounds have passed already where the truths have consistently gotten more honest and the dares even more spicy. No one is ready to call it quits just yet, but there is one person that hasn’t had a turn after all this time and that just won’t do, not if the Scottish sergeant has anything to say about it. Taking matters into his own hands, Soap turns his attention to the big man standing with his arms crossed, watching quietly. 
“Oy, Lt. Come on, you’re already ‘ere. Ya gotta join us,” Johnny says through the raucous laughter to drag the silent lieutenant into the merriment. “Or are ya chicken, hmm?”
As much as you want Lt. Riley to join in, you would rather him stick around and something like this could get him to walk out; you don’t want that to happen. “Fucking can it, Johnny,” you say as you strike him in the bicep with your fist. “You’re talking out of your ass, alright? Knock it off.”
To everyone’s surprise and yours, after a momentary pause, Lt. Riley steps up closer to the table with his arms still crossed. “ ‘s fine,” he dismisses your concern. “But, one round is all you’re gonna fuckin’ get from me, sergeant, so better make it count.”
Johnny nods his head in agreement, actually caught off guard that he is even able to get this far with the ever stoic and cold-shouldered officer. It all seems a bit too easy, but Soap isn’t going to pass up an opportunity like this to get the lieutenant involved. He’s gotta make this good whatever it is that gets chosen and so he pauses a minute to think of an idea for either scenario before speaking up. “Alright Lt, ye know how it goes. Truth or dare?”
Truth is never going to be an option for Lt. Riley, not with the level of secrecy he keeps to at all times when it concerns his life; he knows if he gives Johnny an inch he will take a goddamn mile. So, there is only one other option and though he tries to hide the fidgeting in his hands, he picks it.  
Maybe it’ll be something that’ll help him strike up a conversation with you later. “Dare,” he says. 
The grin that lights up Soap’s face instantly lets the entire table know that he is up to no good and the words that follow are a testament to that fact. You thought you knew Johnny well enough by now, but not even you could have been prepared for what came out of his mouth then. “Alright, I dare ye ta kiss our sassy little sergeant right here,” he says as he looks at you with an unwavering gaze. 
You meet his blue eyes and hold them in stunned silence. Is he fucking serious? As if Lt. Riley would ever go for something so fucking dumb as this. Johnny has to be out of his goddamn mind to put you in this position; it’s like he knows something he shouldn’t. Again your immediate reaction is to sock him in the arm, this time a bit harder to drive home the point that you are done with his bullshit. 
And yet… shockingly… you hear the lieutenant speak up.
“Fine,” Lt. Riley agrees to everyone’s amazement. 
You turn your attention to face him. “Are you sure? Johnny’s just being a dick, you don’t have to listen to him, sir,” you reassure as you shoot a glare that has the Soap nervously shifting in his seat, worrying about what is going to happen to him later for pulling such a ridiculous stunt.
“Said it’s fine,” he repeats, his gruff tone metered. “But I ain’t doin’ it ‘ere though; you’re not gettin’ a free fuckin’ show if that’s what you’re after Mactavish.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll give ya that,” Johnny concedes. Those blue eyes scan the room for a solution. “How about ‘round tha corner there.”
He points to the bend in the wall a few feet away; far enough from the group that they won’t be able to tell what’s happening behind it. Since there are now stipulations that the lieutenant has set, Johnny is going to add his own as well for good measure. “However,” he pipes up, “since it ain’t in front a us here, ya gotta stay in place for 10 minutes. I doubt ye’ll actually do anything, but might as well make ye both have ta awkwardly stand there for a bit. And don’t think yer gonna pull a fast one; I’m gonna be countin’.”
You look back at the lieutenant and he gives a nod. “Fine,” you agree as well. How you are able to keep your voice so steady when you feel that jolt deep in the pit of your stomach is a mystery, but you pull it off just fine.
With the rules set Lt. Riley stares at you as if waiting for you to get up from your seat first before he moves. You do and he immediately follows close behind as you make your way over to the wall just past the corner amidst the sounds of whistles and whoops. With a quick flip of the bird back over your shoulder to the group, you both vanish around the side and come to a stop a few feet from the edge. 
You lean your back up against the wall as he comes to stand in front of you, watching you intensely through the opening in his thin balaclava. As you wait to see who will speak first, you notice a tension in his broad shoulders that hadn’t been there before. This is the first time you both have ever been this close to one another and you can’t overlook the fact that he seems even bigger now that you are standing so near; you can’t help but admire how small you feel next to him.  
The longer he stares at you with those golden eyes, studying your face as if he is deciding something, the more rapid your heartbeat thumps heavy in your chest. He takes a step closer and then another before coming to a stop again. Now there is less than a foot’s distance between your bodies and suddenly there is a shift in the atmosphere around you both, a thick tension that is growing harder to ignore. 
The sounds of laughter filters over to the both of you, breaking you out of the haze of your thoughts. “You know, we don’t have to do anything. If you want me to lie, it’s fine, sir,” you speak before he has a chance to. “Fuck Johnny for putting us in this situation. We can just stand here in silence until we get called back.”
He clears his throat. “Who said anythin’ ‘bout lyin’?” he asks with a raise of his eyebrow that you can make out through the mask. “Just don’t wanna, is that it?” 
Something in the way he says the statement catches you off guard. Why does he sound slightly disappointed? Did he want to actually do this? You couldn’t really believe that; no, you must be reading this all wrong. “No, that’s not…” you stumble over your words; why is it getting harder to speak? “I just… didn’t think you’d want to… but… if you do then…”
“Yes or no?” he cuts off your string of stammering.
“Yes,” you confirm. 
Nothing else needs to be said other than that. His hand moves to his face, his fingers finding the bottom edge of his mask, and now you can’t breathe as you wait to see what’s under there. This is the first time you’ll be able to see more than just his eyes and that leaves your mind reeling.
Okay, you prepare yourself, it’s just a kiss, right? Nothing to it; you’ve been kissed before. This will be no different. Just breathe and we’ll get through it.
The mask is wrenched up above his nose so that his mouth is revealed and spread across waiting for you is a subtle, cocky smirk. Your cheeks flush as your eyes are drawn to the facial hair covering his jaw and outlining his lips; short, light brown outgrowth from not having shaved today. It accentuates his strong jaw perfectly and though you try, you can’t look away.
Still focused on his face you miss the warning as a strong hand suddenly finds its way onto your waist as he moves against you. His broad chest is pressed up to yours, you can feel it through the thinner fabric of his shirt, and you can’t tell whether it’s your own pounding heartbeat or his that you feel. That tension is suffocating now that he is this close, the air so thick it feels like you can cut it with a knife. You wait impatiently for the moment to finally break.  
It feels like you are holding your breath when after a few more seconds he finally speaks. “Good,” he says with a bit of breathiness to his voice, “cause I’m no liar.”
Leaning his head down slowly to reach you his lips inch ever closer until you can feel their warm, ghostly presence brush over your mouth causing your eyes to flutter shut as the ecstasy from the anticipation of them making contact overwhelms you. They are there, right there, and you plead with the universe to finally let them touch. You feel him inhale sharply and with that they are crashing against yours. It is with such an automatic, visceral intensity that it knocks the wind from your lungs.
Simon had been certain until the second your lips made contact that he could keep himself under control, that this was nothing more than sinless fun, but as he breathes in the hot, moist air from your mouth while he captures it again, he already knows that this is not going to end how he has intended. There is an immediate magnetism that you both cannot pull from and what is supposed to be something quick, turns mind-numbing in an instant.
Time stands still as your lips twine together in that familiar back and forth and what can only be a few short seconds extend out into an eternity. It’s like flicking on a switch how easily you melt into his embrace, like acquainted lovers, like your lips have always meant to be pressed tightly together. 
How can this be the first time you have ever kissed?
The stubble covering the exposed half of his face pricks along your cheeks the more he advances; the skin around your lips and your jaw growing more raw each time he moves, but the way it makes your face burn is far from painful. His breathing has become more strained, muscles tensing as he risks nipping carefully at the skin on your lower lip.
You inhale a sharp breath through your teeth and then it happens: an unconscious reaction to the pleasure surging through your veins like liquid fire. You can’t stop yourself as a sneaky moan creeps up your throat and before you can swallow it back down you hum it into his mouth. 
That low, alluring sound leaves that hulking military officer hungry to hear more. Those large hands of his desperately want to paw at your body, to caress all those silky curves against the coarse skin of his palms, to let his fingertips linger at all that delicately soft flesh for as long as he can. A deep, gnawing ache settles itself in his chest as he takes your lips with more feral aggression; Simon has never craved something more in that moment than to keep you like this entangled with him. 
The longer he goes, the more there is nothing tentative about his movements; he kisses you like he owns you. Lt. Riley steals from you as if your lips are air and he will suffocate without them, his desperation is the kind that feels like this is life or death and he needs you to survive. You are unprepared for the fucking bliss of it all, the raw, unbridled passion that his lips create as the friction abrades the tender skin of your mouth. 
And your thoughts scream for him to keep going.
You match his intensity with your own, kissing him back with everything that you have in you. He opens his mouth slightly and without thinking your tongue moves in and presses against his, trying to shove its way into his mouth. Fuck, he is not prepared for you to be so keen and it throws him off for only a moment before he leans into that passion and comes back with his response.
The lieutenant braces one of his large hands near your hip, pinning you to the wall while his mouth engulfs your own as he slides his tongue in between your teeth to fill the cavity full. It slithers over the surface of your tongue towards the back of your mouth, the taste of you intoxicating so that he cannot get enough. The pleasure is so intense that it severs his connection with reality and everything outside of your joined mouths fades away into background noise. His other hand moves from your waist and is suddenly wrapped around the back of your neck, his thumb holding steadily against your jaw to keep your head securely in his grip so that he can pull you as tight against his face as he can stand. 
Your head is reeling from the potency of those hot, feverish lips that are suck yours into their desperate embrace. Then his knee forcefully pries its way between your thighs and you are sure that you will not come back from this. It’s too much to handle and you’ve lost all control… no, that’s not right. You’ve yielded everything completely to him without even having to think about it and he has taken every single ounce of what he has been given as if it has always been his. 
Leaning up into him, you stand up on the balls of your feet as he guides the movement of your head by tilting it from one side to the other in that natural dance that happens when lips play. You are both insatiable as that carnal need to devour the other makes it impossible to not relinquish yourselves to the ecstasy that overwhelms in that moment. 
Never in your life have you wanted a man to possess you more than you want your superior to right now. Images of him picking you up and slamming your back into the wall, making you encircle his waist with your legs, his cock straining and throbbing between your clothed sex as you plead with him to take you, fill your mind until they make you light-headed. 
Lt. Riley is not faring any better and he has to focus his entire will into keeping his hands engaged so that he can resist the tingling in his fingertips to find the button on your pants and undo them. If you were alone without the threat of interruption, you might already be half undressed by now, but just as that urge reaches its peak and his fingers are moving in, you both hear the words that make your hearts sink.
“Eh, you two,” you hear Soap calling out from a distance, “times up.”
It is torture to pull away from you; Simon is on the verge of combusting from being forced to stop before he is ready.  But he has to or else he might be found out and there is still hesitation to admit that he might actually want more of this. Even after the ecstasy you both had just shared he isn’t sure how far he should let this go and so with a sigh of defeat he releases your lips from his own. 
By the time he lets you go and moves out from between your legs, your stance is unsteady and your mind fuzzy. The sudden lack of pressure against your mouth leaves you feeling empty and you have to stop yourself from whining aloud. As your eyes slowly flutter open you look up into his face and are met with that chocolate brown gaze lingering on you. There is something swimming in the depths of his eyes: a question, a statement, you’re not sure, but he doesn’t say it aloud. The need to say something yourself eats at you, but you close your mouth tight and bite your tongue to keep silent. 
You can’t bring yourself to risk admitting that you don’t want him to stop; what if he doesn’t feel the same? The pressures of putting it all out there at this moment is too much to handle. Instead, you let the moment die away quietly as you breathe deeply through your nose.
“Times up,” Lt. Riley repeats the phrase softly as he situates his balaclava back down under his chin to hide himself from you once again. The others are cheering for your return, giving you no time to collect yourself, so you simply sigh and stride back to the group together.
Heads turn your direction as you reappear back into the main room. “Well?” the heavily accented voice of the bastard that has orchestrated this whole thing questions you both. 
Trying not to stumble back to your seat, you play it off as if you hadn’t just had your soul sucked out through your lips. “Well what?” you return as the lieutenant passes you up and takes his place back behind the group.
Soap’s brow furrows. “Don’t play dumb with us, lass,” he chides. “Was he any good?”  
You cautiously take your seat back where you had been as everyone waits for your answer, trying to give yourself more time to calm your pulse that is still racing like wildfire through your tingling limbs. “It was fine,” you say, hoping you are collected enough to pull off such a bold-faced lie. 
“Oh really?” Johnny asks skeptically as he eyes you up and down to read your body language. Your heart leaps in your chest as you think you’ve been found out, that the bloom in your cheeks is still too noticeable, but he continues like nothing. “I think yer full a shit. Probably didn’t even get a peck, knowin’ LT. I bet ye did nothin’ back there, but stand in silence.”
You snicker at him, carefully adjusting yourself in your seat so you can squeeze your legs together to relieve the throbbing in such a way that it doesn’t draw attention. “Aww... Guess that’s only for us to know and for you to spend all your time worrying about, bitch. It’s gonna eat at you, isn’t it? Gonna lose sleep thinking about me and the lieutenant, hmm?” you pick back, which seems to get him off your case. 
“Ye wanna add anythin’ here?” Soap asks as he turns to the mask officer.
You risk a glance over your shoulder back at your superior, knowing that this could undo all your progress at regaining your composure, and you catch him completely lost in thought, not having heard a word that Soap just said. Quickly he recovers, clearing his throat. “What’re ya on about, Mactavish?” he questions back. 
“I asked if ye had anythin’ to add to her account of events,” Johnny chuckles. “Or are ye too stunned ta speak?”
The lieutenant shoots him a glare before pulling his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. “Don’t push yer fuckin’ luck, yeah?” he answers it like a threat as he flips open the pack and places a cig in between his fingers.
Soap holds up his hands innocently with palms facing out in agreement not to start any trouble. “Ye must a been terrible, lass,” Soap picks as he turns his attention back to you to keep the jovial atmosphere up. 
You slug him hard enough to make his chair squeak from the force before joining in the others laughter to disguise the heat still burning through your cheeks. Simon takes the opportunity to slip out unnoticed, though you let your eyes follow him one last time. It is a monumental task that he has to perform to actively put one foot in front of the other, to calculatedly focus his breathing to stay calm, and make it out of the door without anyone noticing that his composure is clearly broken. 
Once out of sight he hurriedly steps out into the cool night air and immediately rips up his mask as he lights his cigarette, taking a long, heavy drag off it as he leans up against the brick of the building. The nicotine tingles his throat and he hopes it’ll be enough of a distraction to stop the intense pounding in his chest. Breathing the smoke out in a weighty sigh he adjusts the crotch of his pants as they have suddenly become too tight for his comfort. 
“Fuckin’ hell,” he mutters under his breath as he leans his head back against the wall and closes his eyes, desperately trying to focus on anything in a vain attempt to calm himself, but he already knows its no use.
The second his eyes are shut all he can think about is that kiss: he can still feel his arm around you, detect the ghost of your lips against his, sense the warmth of your breath in his mouth. He tries to push the delectable sensations from his mind, but they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon and he knows it. 
Opening his eyes he stands back up off the wall with a need that compels him, making him move strategically so that he can peek through the door without being seen. Sneakily he stares back into the building, those brown eyes catching the sight of you smiling and laughing, those full lips making his blood pressure rise as he watches them move about as you speak, still red and swollen from being claimed. 
This is a problem, a big fucking problem. Now the only thing that that hardened military man can think about, instead of keeping his distance, is how he can recreate that exact scene with you again.
And maybe, just maybe, take it even further.
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heytheredelulu · 4 months
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To Have and To Hold-
And to Fuck Whenever I Want
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
C/W: Shameless smut. It’s our favorite dirty talkin’, 107 year old super soldier fucking you (his wife) on your period.
Gimme beefy Bucky coming home late, long after his kids are in bed for the night and finding his pretty little wife curled up on the couch with a frown on her perfect face, watching some shitty ass movie.
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His cock twitches in his jeans at the sight of you in his tshirt and an audible groan rises up from his throat when he rounds the corner completely and notices you’ve chosen to forgo pajama pants altogether. Those innocent little cotton briefs of yours always do him in.
“What’s wrong, momma?” He asks in a low, gravely voice as he takes a seat next to you on the couch, resting a large hand on your bare thigh.
“Cramps.” You reply flatly, not taking your gaze off the garbage rom-com playing on the tv, though you’ve seen it numerous times.
“Oh.” He breathes out, glancing over his shoulder at the dry-erase calendar hanging on the wall in the kitchen that you use to manage your large family’s schedule. “Hm. Two days early?” He asks.
“Yeah, two fucking days early.” You snap, shifting in your seat.
He keeps his grasp firm on your thigh, offering an affectionate squeeze.
“You feelin’ that bad, huh?” He asks in a soft voice that he reserves only for you.
You nod, finally pulling your attention away from the television and turning it onto him. The only light source in the room at this time of night is from the flashing scenes across the flatscreen but that little bit of illumination is all he needs to see how glassy your eyes are.
“Oh, baby girl.” He murmurs, pushing your hair back off your face. “Lemme take care of you.”
You shake your head, knocking free a few of the tears that had been brimming your lash line. “No, there’s nothing you can do to help.”
He scoffs, his hand sliding up the soft flesh of your thigh until his fingertips brush the hem of your underwear.
“No. Baby, no.” You protest, bringing your hand down to stop him but his vibranium hand is faster, catching your wrist and pushing it away.
“Yes. Baby, yes.” He muses, slipping his index finger under the fabric and gently wrapping the string of your tampon around it.
“Bucky, that’s disgusting.” You hiss, frowning at him. “I’m on my period.”
He lets out a low, breathy chuckle as he slowly and carefully begins to tug. “It’s just blood, momma. You think me of all people would be bothered by blood?” He asks softly.
You pause, considering your answer but in your silence he continues. “Besides, wasn’t that part of the vows we exchanged in that sweet little church before God? To have and to hold and to fuck whenever I want?”
“That was not in our vows and you know it.”
“Hm, they weren’t? We should consider renewing those.” He replies with a crooked smirk as he pulls your tampon free, tossing it over the couch and into the waste bin with precision.
“I gotta be honest, baby girl. If the good lord hadn’t intended for me to fuck you everytime my cock was hard, he wouldn’t have blessed you with such a perfect little pussy.”
“Bucky..” you warn, sitting upright as he rises off the couch.
He shushes you, his large hands moving to unbuckle his belt as your eyes settle on the tented crotch of his jeans.
“If you think-“ He mumbles, pulling the leather through the silver buckle and unbuttoning his jeans with his thick fingers. “That I’m not going to bury myself balls deep inside my wife any and every chance I get- you are sorely mistaken.” He tells you matter of factly, tugging his jeans down his defined waist and kicking them unceremoniously aside in a pile at the foot of the couch. “Now take off those sweet little panties before I tear them off of you.”
You hesitate, swallowing down the whimper that rose up in your throat at his command.
“I said, off.” He repeats sternly, stepping out of his boxers and wrapping a hand around his weeping cock. He pumps himself lazily once, twice, in your hesitation before letting out an impatient growl and reaching forward to curl his vibranium fingers under the waistband of underwear, not allowing you a second more to protest before tearing them effortlessly off of your body.
“Now, are you gonna follow my instructions or will I have to pick you up and set you down where you belong?” He asks in a gruff whisper, his blue eyes darkening with desire.
“And where exactly do you think I belong?” You ask him defiantly, pulling at his last thread of patience.
“You-“ He growls, grasping your wrists in a punishing grip and yanking you to your feet. He jerks you towards him as he looms over you, his head dipped down to hold your gaze and his impossibly hard cock pressing against your abdomen, leaving a smear of precum across the soft skin of your belly.
“You belong wrapped around me.” He murmurs, cupping your jaw gently and brushing the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip in an affectionate sentiment that felt like such a stark contrast to the aggression he’d just been displaying. It was the little gestures that betrayed that dominance in him, that assured you that this powerful man standing so needy before you loved you so much that he’d do anything for you without question.
You lean into his touch and he lets out a low and breathy moan.
“You belong wrapped around me, momma.” He continues. “Crying out my name. Soakin’ my cock with your sweet, sweet-“ He pauses, his length twitching as he sucks in a sharp breath. “Fuck, I need you.” he chokes out, settling his hands on each side of your hip and he lifts you effortlessly, sinking you down inch by inch onto his throbbing cock.
He plants his feet and bends his knees, supporting your weight as he cups your ass, kneading the soft flesh while he allows you the opportunity to anchor your arms around his neck. A shameless moan rises from your throat, your head tipping back in the pleasure of him buried balls deep within you as he walks you backwards to press your back to the wall. A low and cocky chuckle is all the warning he gives you before he draws his hips back, thrusting up into you hard enough to kiss your cervix. Choked gasps tear from your chest as he picks up a steady rhythm, massaging your aching walls with every deep rut of his hips.
“I thought-“ He hissed through gritted teeth, dipping his head to nip at your pulse point. “You said nothing would help.”
You shake your head, mumbling incoherently and letting your head fall against your shoulder to allow him further access to the sensitive skin of your neck. “Seems like it’s helping.” He muses, licking a long stripe up the column of your throat. You whimper, tightening your legs around his waist as he slows his pace into long, deep strokes, groaning as he savors the way you grip him, the feeling of your building orgasm causing his hips to stutter just the slightest.
“Fuck, momma. You have.. the most.. perfect.. cunt.” He rasps out, emphasizing each of the last words with a brutal thrust.
You break with that last deep roll of his hips, the tension that was coiled tight in your abdomen snapping with a burst of white hot ecstacy, a broken cry escaping your heaving chest as your walls spasm around him.
“Oh God, that’s it. Come on my cock, come all over daddy’s cock.” He grunts, snapping his hips and increasing his tempo to fuck you through the dizzying waves of your release.
“Jamie..” You whimper, reaching a trembling hand to caress his jaw.
His name on your lips is the sweetest fucking sound, causing his breath to catch and his eyes flutter closed with a low and raspy moan. He turns his head to press a kiss to your palm before you trail your fingertips down his shoulders in a featherlight touch. He buries his face into your neck, his short, sharp pants hot against your skin, his movements growing sloppy and erratic as he hangs on by a mere thread.
“I’m- I-“ He chokes out, sinking his teeth into your shoulder to muffle the primal groan that rips through his chest as his balls draw up and his cock pulses, emptying himself inside you with one last powerful thrust.
He’s still for a moment, working to catch his breath before he tightens his arms around you, peppering gentle kisses along your jaw as he lowers you to the floor on wobbly legs and you sway, stumbling forward slightly.
“Momma.” He says softly, splaying a large hand against the base of your skull and drawing you into his chest. “You alright?”
“Yeah, baby. I’m alright.” You assure him, a hum of satisfaction rumbling in his chest under your ear. “I’m feeling much, much better.”
He smiles, tucking your head under his chin just to feel you close to him a moment longer.
“C’mon, baby. Let’s get you in a hot bath.”
His hands trail along your spine in a soothing motion, goosebumps prickling along your flushed skin in response to his touch.
“To have and to hold.” He whispers, pressing a firm kiss to your temple.
You grin against his chest, closing your eyes and inhaling his scent.
“And to fuck whenever you want.”
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Taglist (Taglist is open):
@badbunnybabygirl01 @suz7days @truthfulliarr @lilacka @writtingrose @samsgoddess @loveisallyouneed1125 @vicmc624 @millercontracting @wildernessflora @mydorkyboys @blackhawkfanatic @honestlywork @ladyvenera @cavity-exe @ihavetwoholesforareason @km-ffluv @shortnloud @mrs-katelyn-barnes @somnorvos @22rhianna2006 @misshale21 @angelbaby99 @deans-spinster-witch @kezibear @acornacreacure @buckys-wintersoldier @terry2227 @wintrsoldrluvr @foxherder
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anastasiabowe · 7 months
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𝙎𝙃𝙊𝙒 𝙈𝙀 𝙃𝙊𝙒 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙁𝙐𝘾𝙆 𝙃𝙀𝙍 𝘽𝘼𝘽𝙔 𝘿𝘼𝘿! — Your boyfriend’s baby mama keep trying to get him back, so you gotta show her how you fuck her baby dad..
Note: I do not condone ANY content that is sent to your partners ex.. but if it’s Choso, it’s Choso so enjoy! (Also isn’t proofread so Ntm)
Content Warnings: SWEARING, piv, unprotected sex, recording of intimacy, hair pulling, revenge on ex, sharing 18+ content, mention of Choso having a child (not in any 18+ moments.) , MINORS JUST GO AWAY thank you!
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“Fuck me.” Choso cursed to himself. You were in the kitchen washing your breakfast dishes. You looked over your shoulder to see him rub his forehead in what seems to be stress.
“Everything alright?” You dried your hands on the towel, and made your way to him. You wrap your arms around him, letting his ease into your warm arms.
“Just my ex..” he looked up at you, showing his phone. They one thing you appreciated about him is how honest he is. He always shows you his phone, and it’s almost comforting to know he has nothing to hide from you.
You grabbed his phone, and he stared at your face as you read the messages.
J: “Been thinking about you lately Cho..”
C: “I haven’t. What do you want, Jenny? Is something wrong with Mani?”
J: “nah, just been missing you.. can I do that?”
C: “I’ve told you to only contact me if it’s about Mani. If it isn’t, I’m done talking to you.”
J: “Cho, please, I miss you, I miss your smile. Why can’t I ever see you again? Like we only see each other when you come to pick up mani or I drop him off.”
“I’m going to beat her ass.” You pushed his phone back into his hands, and made your way to the front door only for Choso to grab your wrist.
“Who the fuck does she is calling you ‘Cho’ like that?”
“Well don’t go beating her ass, she’s with mani right now.”
“Well what else can I do, this the 7th fucking time she coming out with these messages.”
Choso looked around in thought until a smirk appeared on his face.
“I got an idea.”
“F-fuck!” Choso had both of your arms wrapped behind your back as he slammed his hips into your ass. He held your phone in his hand as he recorded you moaning out his name.
“Come on baby, who’s dick making you like this?”
“Y-yours!” You squealed when he readjusted, pushing the cold phone into your lower back, and stopping his movements. He soon picked up the pace again and it felt more than amazing.
Choso leaned on your back, bringing he camera around to face your messy face. Your head was half hurried in the comforter and your hands were gripping the sheets.
“Come on baby, we want to see your face!” Choso grabbed your hair, and you smiled as you stared into the camera, eyes threatening to roll back into your head.
“Good girl, doing so good for me.” Choso dropped the camera onto the bed, and swiftly turned you over, dick still inside.
“Gotta see your pretty face for real.” He picked up the camera and recorded how your cunt sucked him in every time he pulled out and pushed in.
The sight was more than unholy, it was obscene, but it only turned you on to know that this will be on your phone for you to see, and this would be the video showing how you fuck her baby dad.
You smiled at the thought of her thinking about the video everytime she even opens his contact.
“What’s got you so smiley?” Choso I’m assuming ended the video and tossed your phone next to your head. He then leaned in closer, chest to chest, and kissed your wet lips.
“Just thinking.” You giggled. He smiled, and deepened his thrusts. He pulled back, and brought your legs up into his shoulders. He then pounded harder into you, still having a smile of love and passion on his face.
“O-ooh Cho! S-shit slow down!” You cried as he kissed your ankle. Your stomach filled with butterfly’s as you felt your high coming quick.
“I’m gonna cum, Cho, I’m gonna cum!” He laughed, and leaned down to kiss you.
“Cum for me.” Those words made you let out a cry of pleasure as you came. Choso continued to rut and kiss you through it, and you couldn’t be more grateful.
“F-fuck baby, where d’you wan’ it?” Choso noted, waiting for your response.
“Inside!” You moaned, and Choso bit your ankle to stop himself from making any loud noises. He let out whimpers, and you smiled feeling him relax.
Choso quickly grabbed your phone, and swiped to the camera and pressed record. He slowly pulled out, and his cum mixed with yours flowed out.
Choso chuckled at the masterpiece you and him made.
“Look at that shit,” Choso scooped some of it up and pushed it back inside. “Keep it all in baby, tryna get you pregnant.”
Those words made your stomach flutter from the mere thought of having his kid. Everything about this was so filthy yet so thrilling, and you couldn’t wait to get that positive pregnancy test.
Choso then tossed your phone down onto a pile of clothes on the floor, and kissed you.
“You’d like that huh?” He pinched your side and you let out a laugh. He knew you’d like that very much.
You were sound asleep when Choso opened your phone and sent the video to himself. He then sent that video to Jenny, making sure she knows who he really wanted.
Not even 5 minutes later, Jenny sent a message that made Choso laugh a little to loud.
J: “You guys are so fucking disgusting, I hope you choke on your fucking ego. I don’t want to see your face ever again, you fucking cunt.”
What made that funny was he had to see her in not even 8 hours when he has to pick up his son from her house. This will be a fun exchange.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 2 months
can you do one where reader is Dunn’s girlfriend amd they are at a party with the crew celebrating the movie or something. Dunn is super touchy the whole night and they end up in the bathroom for a quickie 🙈 if you don’t write suggestive content they can just sneak to the bathroom to have a makeout session
Sneaking (Getting) Off
Jackass: Number Two has just finished filming, and what better way to celebrate than renting out the hottest bar in LA and hosting a kickass wrap party? Well, your boyfriend could think of a few better ways…
Ryan Dunn X Fem!Reader
1.3k Words
Warnings: Highly suggestive content, drinking, crude language, injury, implied sex, bathroom sex
An: Thank you so much for the request! If I’m being entirely honest, the way I depicted Ryan and Y/N’s relationship in this fics is pretty similar to how I would like my future relationships to look XD I’ve always thought that Dunn would, for lack of a better word, be the kind of person you could spend a lot of time arround. Anyways, thank you for the request, and please keep sending them!!
Typically, when Ryan and you were together, things could not be more chill. In essence, your relationship could be described as friends who shared the same bed; It wasn’t like a friends with benefits situation, you just weren't constantly on each other and overly affectionate like most couples are, and that low maintenance thing cut through the shit parts of dating. Now, note I specified ‘typically’, because once in a while- for a reason you couldn’t place- Dunn would get this weird bug up his ass and just couldn’t keep his hands off of you, like a male version of baby fever. This isn’t to say you didn’t enjoy it because you enjoyed it a great deal, thank you very much- but it wasn’t always the most convenient thing. Take, for example, tonight.
You arrived fashionably late, as you did to any event you attended. It was hot and muggy, as were most nights in LA, and the moment you stepped into the bar, you were greeted by Bam (one of Dunn’s dumb little buddies), who was visibly a few deep and had a fistful of darts in one hand and a beer in another, “Heyy, Ry! Me an’ the guys’re throwin’ darts at Steve-O’s ass- you gotta come check it out!” Politely palming the beer that was thrust in his direction, Ryan shook him off in the nicest way possible, “Yeah, that sounds cool! But I’ll, uh-“ From behind his shades, he shot a glance down at where he had you on his arm before turning back to Bam, ”I’ll catch up with you later. See ya, man.” Not dejected in the slightest, he just went back to doing whatever dumb shit he was occupied with before you showed up and you and Dunn went to grab a drink.
With how Ryan was stuck to your side like some needy dog that was begging for attention, you would’ve thought one of his dumb little buddies got into the superglue, but it’s not like you minded. You sat at the bar and chatted about the torture he had to endure for this movie, including him showing off some pretty questionable scars. There was something so enthralling about hearing him speak, and the way he looked at you as if you were the only girl in the room helped given the grisly subject matter. “This one’s from that stupid cacti jump stunt, and these-“ Dunn sat up from where he was leaning against the bar top and tugged up the bottom of his shirt, exposing the little red half moon scars that littered the pale skin of his stomach, “These’re from the riot control test. God, that one sucked so bad.” You winced in empathy, inhaling through your teeth. Taking a sip of your drink, you quickly shook it off and shifted the topic to something that had been on your mind for a while now, “Y’know, you can go hang out with your friends if you want. I mean, it’s your party after all.” There wasn’t a trace of sarcasm in your words. Dunn just shrugged, cracking an amused smile as if you suggested something totally ridiculous, “Nah- I’m alright with you.”
It got to the point that you had to practically drag him to where the guys were clustered around a pool table and actively force him to hang out with his friends, but still, your efforts were ineffective. See, your boyfriend can be pretty quiet when it comes to wanting attention. To illustrate this, let’s compare him to Bam. If Bam wanted attention from his girlfriend, he would likely do some ridiculous stunt and end up hurting himself to force her to patch him up or slide up next to her if she was talking to another guy and get real handsy to make a big show of the fact that she was his. Ryan, on the other hand, didn’t look at you like that. In general, he was more subtle. Take for example, the way that he had been eyeing you from across the room even while he was off with his friends. Their stories about sleeping with strippers and getting their stomachs pumped went in one ear and out the other because he was so totally focused on you that night. And you were perceptive to this stuff because you knew Ryan. You knew all of his tells.
After maybe thirty minutes of drinking alone, you picked up on his voice from across the room, “Yeah- I'm gonna go get another drink. I’ll be right back!” You didn’t even need to look over to the previously empty stool at your side to know who sat down next to you. “What do you want?” Raising an eyebrow at your sarcasm, Dunn slipped a hand on your thigh, making you feel even warmer under the incandescent lights that hung above your heads, “You look hot.” Taking a swig of your drink, you turned so that you were face to face and dropped your voice down so as not to be heard over the chatter of the bar, “You’ve been starin’ at me all night like some lost puppy, and that’s the best pick up line you could come up with?” Your boyfriend chuckled, leaning in towards you so there was about an inch of room between your bodies. His hushed words were tinged with this conspiritory tone as he murmured, almost directly in your ear, “I think you know what I want.”
If there was one thing Ryan loved about you, it was how you could keep up with him. It was like some sexy Abott and Costello routine the two of you had- this ceaseless back and forth until one of you caved. Running your hand across the sticky, wooden countertop, you cooed your words slow and heavy with implication, “Right here? Right here on the bar?” Out of the corner of your eye, you could see some of the guys eyeing what was happening at the bar, which only served to fuel your teasing further, “Or what about the pool table over there? With all your friends watching us…” Despite the whole exhebitionism thing and the latent sexual appeal of green felt, Ryan had other plans in mind. Standing up, he cleared his throat before patting you on the back and scanning the room for something, “Nah- you’re a lady with class. I gotta better place.”
What a gentleman your boyfriend is, taking his woman of refinement off to the bathroom to screw. Hell, you couldn’t even say that, because you didn’t even make it into the stall before you were on each other. Yep, he caved all right. Hands on bodies, mouths on bodies- in this hormone fueled haze, it was hard to tell who began where as Dunn had you pressed against the cold tiled wall. The astringent scent of disinfectant mingled with cheap booze and desire as you practically tripped over each other’s feet. Ryan had you by the waist and your hands fisted into the fabric of his shirt and you practically tumbled into the nearest stall, clumsily locking it behind you. It was frantic and passionate- and fuck, it was hot.
Outside the ladies room, however, things were not nearly as sexy. Yep, the guys were still standing around, idly chatting and getting trashed with the occasional prank sprinkled on- think pissing on someone’s leg or sneaking up behind them with a pair of electric clippers. So consumed in their benign antics, it was half an hour before anyone noticed you were gone. It was Bam, funnily enough, who brought this to everyone’s attention. “Hey, has anyone seen Dunn?” Almost as if on cue, there you come totally not suspiciously stumbling out of the bathroom, adjusting your hair and buttoning up your top with Ryan right behind you. Yep, everyone knew. And the worst part was, you didn’t really care.
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broooooo · 1 year
A Jocked dream
A rewrite for my first story on this blog, I hope to make it better
I am Aaron, a high schooler, I've never been very social, I was a very protected child as a kid, I'm also asexual, meaning I don't find sexual attraction to any gender, I have long hair, I'm skinny and have bland style, I'm not very smart, and I hate most lessons.
To be honest I hate it all, I'm quite jealous of everyone , wishing I could be one of the popular guys, hot and muscular with lots of courage.
Occasionally I get the chance to talk with the older guys, I feel happy around them, they said I was there friend and I could always talk to them.
Its the closet I get to my dreams
Whilst sitting alone under a tree, Jason, one of the popular guys and football jock from the group comes and sits with me
" yo Arron what up ma bro"
Extends fist for fist bump
I look up a bit confused but happy to see him
"hello Jason" fit bumps back*
"nutin much , just waitin for class"
"isn't it math?" I say
" yeah bro that shit sucks ass"
I laugh " damn right, I fuckin hate math , sucks major ass"
Jason's a little shocked but understanding.
"YOO damn right bro, sports so so much better, why don't you join a sports team bro?
I sigh saddly
Jason notices and sits next to me
"yo bro, what's wrong"
"well.. As a child my parents rejected the notion of me wanting to do sports, quite surprising if you think about it"
Jason's head almost blew up after hearing that.
" WHAT BRO, your parents suck for that, you wanted to play?"
I look up and smile
"yeah... I wanted to play football, and I still wouldn't mind , just It's too late for me, I'm no longer a child"
Jason puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me straight in the eye.
"bro, let me help you, it's never too late, coach can definitely help you"
I look up shocked and excited
I smile back and say
"yes, sure go ahead"
Jason runs around excited as hell
He extends his hand to me
"come with me Aaron, let's get started right away,
I'll take you to coach!"
I take his hand
Me and Jason walk through the school until reaching the sports hall where coaches office is
We walk up to the door and Jason opens it guiding me in.
Jason walks up to coaches desk
"Yo coach gotta minute?"
Coach sits up and adjusts his shirt that's tightly pressed against his large muscles.
"Jason my boy, need something?
And hm? Who ?, Looks me straight in the eye"
"well he's why I'm here, this is Aaron, my best bro, he wants to becum like me, he wishes to play football and becum a jock"
I'm feeling nervous hearing this.
"well Aaron, is that so, I can definitely help you , thank you Jason for bringing him here,
Jason please go to the locker room and get a kit ready"
"yes coach!, See you later bro",
he says to me as he leaves
"Aaron, please, sit down, let's chat"
I sit down in front of the his desk
" care for a beer son? It's a favourite between the players"
(Hmm I don't drink all that often but sure, I think in my head)
"Sure sir, I don't mind"
"please, call me coach, and take as many as you like, I just know you will want more"
I smile back, "thanks"
I take a big gulp of beer and start to sip it
"so son, you want to play football? You don't look like your very active?"
I pause for a second feeling calm from the beer
"as a kid my parents didn't want me to play sports, I was Hella protected, it's only because of Jason that this is happening"
Coach looks shocked and pale from what I said
"well that's no way to live is it! I'm glad you're here today because from now on you're gonna be a football jock, ill be the father you never had"
I am shocked by his words but also comforted by them
"thank you so much coach, I hope to make you proud"
I go to take another sip of my beer but find it's empty
Well now...
"yo coach, hand me another beer ?"
(Yo? Did I just?.. well whatever)
"hah, what did I say, the jocks love this stuff, and you're pretty much one of them now" he hands me another beer.
I go pale now, and my dick is extremely hard now my heart beating and my thoughts cloudy,
Wait.. did I just finish this beer ?
Well damn
"well son, you really like it, I'm impressed, heres another, come with me to the locker room, and don't worry, we have a stash of beer in there too!"
I take the new beer bottle and walk with him to the locker room, where my bro Jason went
(Bro? Yeah... Broooooooo)
Walking into the locker room , coach guides me to one of the benches , it and a big screen TV Infront of it.
"sit down son, let me help you out of your clothes
watch what's on the screen"
I sit down and just stare at the screen, drunk out of my mind as I had finished the 3rd beer on the way here, coach stripping me. I begin in drool and leek pre as I look at the screen
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"stare Aaron stare"
"Listen to its words, let it becum who you are meant to be, who you want to be"
I stare hard , foggy... dick... Hard.. huhu
The screen fills me up with tactics and football, all about football, and sex, locker room sex with the bros, huhu.. brooo. Im so horny now...
He moves on with his plan
He injects a serum into me, body grows
He starts to play with my expanding nipples, as my chest becums inflated and flat, my arms exploding in hard muscle with hands hard and rough from the sports and the gym
My legs becum tree trunks with thighs of steel, with a tight ass.
My feet grow and expand .
Finally my washboard 8 pack cum gutter abs.
Coach then pays attention to my hard and leaking, now 12 inch dick and lemon sized balls swirling with jock cum
"having fun Aaron, don't worry, were almost over'
Now say it, recite the words you know are true
He starts to jerk me off
" I.. I am a football.... Jock
I ... Big.... Dumb
.. football....
I am a football jock,
And within 4 jerks i cum
I cum all over, me, coach, the floor,
Ropes of cum spew for minutes as I lay there a drooling sweety dumb mess of a jock
Jason comes in with a full football kit, he's happy at what the sees
" Yoo coach, u did great"
"Jason help your bro get changed, practice is soon'
Jason comes over to me and starts to dress me.
"sup bro, what up"
As my mind clears i say
"broooooo what uppppp ,I guud brahhh that was amazing, thank you bro, thank you
"that's great bro! Anytime"
He helps he dresses in the kit, from the jock strap to the cleats and pads, all were tight and arousing .
"damnn broo I'm so horny now"
"bro same, let's help each other out after practice bro"
Yeah brooo
Once all ready, Jason gets changed and we wait
Coach comes in to check on us
"well look at you boys, ready for practice"
We say in unison
"yes coach" we laugh at that
"Aaron, come , i will need a picture of you"
I walk over to stand at a camera, my cleats clinking on the floor
"ready son? "
I nod
As the picture is taken, I'm filled with confidence
My jock fills with more pre and cum as I am
A football jock
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Damn Im still so horny
Me, Jason and the team run onto the field for practice, coach bringing out caskets of beers for us at the end
"drink up boys, you earned it"
In the locker room it's a ogy of cum and beer after a good practice.
Beer, cum and football
Bro that's the life
_____________________________________________well... What do you guys think?
I think it's better, different but better
Damn if only it could happen to me
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lou-struck · 1 year
It Goes Both Ways
Keigo Takami x reader
~ Keigo swears he never gets sick. But when he comes home from patrol with a bit more than a sniffle you call him out.
WC: 1.6K
Warnings: Keigo not being good at accepting help from others, feelings, a few tears, happy ending, sickness.
~This is one of the requested prompts for My Emoticon Expression’s Event; check out the masterlist On my welcome page.
For a hero known for his speed, Keigo is certainly running late today.
Him being a few minutes late usually wouldn't bother you, but with date night reservations just over an hour away, you hope he hurries up. After all, you know how much time he takes getting ready in the bathroom.
Tonight's date, in particular, is very special; the two of you signed up for a private cooking class with a Michelin star chef Keigo has been gushing about for months. Every time he mentions eating at her restaurant, his wings flap in anticipation at the chance to try her food once again.
He's not the only one excited; after binge-watching a few of her cooking shows, you can hardly wait for this very tasty date night.
There hasn't been anything crazy today on the news, so you are wondering why it is taking him so long to get home, especially since he has been nonstop talking about the lesson all week long. Honestly, if he calls you a Poussin (a young chicken) one more time, you might make him sleep on the couch tonight.
You pace back and forth in your shared apartment, occasionally glancing out the window for any sign of the Red-Winged Hero. Finding only the familiar sight of the cars below stuck in the usual rush hour traffic. 
Your phone buzzes on the coffee table behind you with a message from him
Sorry I'm running a bit behind schedule today, Angel; it's been a weird day. I'll be home in just a few. Can't wait to make something tasty with you <3
His cheesy message makes you smile, but you hate it when he texts and flies; you'll have to scold him about it once he has his feet on solid ground. 
Turning your attention back to the window, you spot a blur of red swooping toward the balcony. Keigo's wings outstretched, getting closer and closer to you. Suddenly his whole body seems to jerk roughly to the side in mid-air, almost crashing into your freshly cleaned windows.
You'd laugh if you weren't so worried about him.
He lands safely on the terrace, and you breathe a sigh of relief. He moves slowly towards the door, moving as if every one of his muscles is sore and knotted.
You watch him push open the double doors, stopping in his tracks when he notices you watching him. An embarrassed look on his handsome face. "Heh, you uh saw that. Didn't you?" 
"I did," you nod, "what happened on that landing? You ask, stepping a bit closer to him, Keigo may be one of the most beautiful people you know, but you can safely say that today he looks rough…
His fair skin looks visibly paler, and his unusually droopy eyes are empathized by some very dark circles you don't remember seeing this morning. Paring all that with slight shivering, he desperately is trying to hide you come to one conclusion. 
Keigo is sick…
He laughs off your concerns; the sound sounds much more stuffy than usual. "Allergies, all this pollen in the air makes me sneeze. One second I'm great, and the next, I throw myself off course. You know how sensitive these wings can be."
"So it's just the pollen?" you ask skeptically. "You don't look too good."
"Ouch," he winces playfully, his golden gaze looking just a bit foggy as he winks at you. "I guess that means I better start getting ready for our date then. I gotta make my little Poussin swoon tonight."
He flashes you that magazine-cover smile and turns towards the bedroom. It takes one step to send him off balance, he stumbles slightly, and his hand reaches out, gripping the back of the couch so that he can study himself.
Allergies, my ass. He's not being honest with you. "Kei?" you rush towards him to make sure he hasn't hurt himself; your wide eyes and downturned mouth tell him that you don't believe his excuses for a second.
"It's nothing; just tired that once I get me a cup of coffee for the road, I'll feel much more alive," he lies, looking so, so ashamed. 
Keigo has never liked showing his vulnerabilities, even to you. To tell you the truth, he feels like shit. 
But if he were to say it, how would you respond?
Tonight is supposed to be special; he will not ruin it.
"Yeah…no, we're not going anywhere tonight. "You say sternly, your voice loud and lips pursed, but your eyes shine with tender care and compassion. At this moment, you don't give a damn about the cooking class, or anything else for that matter; Keigo needs you. "Obviously, you're sick."
"What? Come on, Angel. It's not like I have the bird flu." he says, laughing at his own joke. This proves to be a mistake that sends him into a fit of coughing that shakes your poor Hero down to the tips of his feathers.
"Was the pun really worth it, Birdie?" you ask, reaching over to gently scratch his back with the tips of your fingers.
"Absolutely," he sighs, relaxing under your touch. "But I promise, we can still go. It's just a little cold. I can take some medicine, and we can be on our way."
The heaviness in your chest intensifies at his words. He doesn't seem to care about his own well-being at all; he looks miserable but still wants to go to make you happy. 
"Keigo," you say softly, looking directly into his glassy eyes, "We are staying here tonight. And I am going to take care of you, 
"But you can't," he blinks, taking a nervous step away from you, "It's not right; I should be the one who takes care of you."
"It goes both ways, Keigo," you say, once again closing the space between you. Your eyes become glassy with the heart-wrenching emotion you are feeling for your Hero. "I love you, and I want to make you feel better. Will you please let me help you?"
Between your pleading, sincerity, and tearful gaze, something clicks in Keigo's mind. 
He's not alone…
You want to help him…
As a lone tear trickles down his perfect cheekbones, he relents. "I-I don't feel that great. I think I want to lie down."
He's cooperating; it's enough to make your chest swell with pride as he wraps his arms around you. "Thank you for telling me, Keigo; what doesn't feel good?"
"My stomach, my head, all over, really." he sighs, giving you a little smile, "I guess I'm really falling apart on you?"
"Nothing we can't handle," You giggle, placing your lips on his forehead.
Your poor Birdie, He's burning up. 
"How about you go and change out of your uniform, and I'll bring a few things into our room," you say, already making a mental list of everything you need to grab for him. Pills, tissues, compresses. 
"T-thank you," he rasps, "I love you so much." 
It takes a bit more coaxing to get him to leave the comfort of your embrace, but once he and his droopy wings disappear behind the bedroom door, you get to work canceling the cooking class, grabbing thermometers, medicine, hydration packets, tissues, and anything else your Bird Boy might need in his recovery process. 
Your arms are overflowing with goods, and just for a moment, the thought passes your mind that you're going a bit overboard. But Keigo deserves to be pampered, and so, you open the door with your foot.
Keigo is already tucked under a mountain of blankets when you walk in; his wings are pressed tensely against his back. You have never seen him look so small in your life. The visual tugs at your heartstrings as you begin to unload your haul. 
"Do you feel a bit more comfortable?" you ask, handing him three tabs of gel ibuprofen. And a glass of chilled water. He takes the pills eagerly, swallowing them down with one gulp of water.
"Thank you," he exhales, placing the glass on the nightstand with a shaky hand, "I'm feeling a bit better."
"I'm glad," you beam, folding a washcloth and dipping it into a bowl of cold water, hoping that you can help reduce his temperature a bit before he goes to sleep. "I brought you a lot of things, so if you need anything at all, let me know."
"M' sorry about our date; I really wanted to do something special with you," he murmurs as you place the cold compress on his feverish forehead. 
"Nothing to worry about," you hum, brushing a few strands of damp hair out of his face, "I get to spend a whole night at your side; that sounds pretty special to me."
Something akin to a whine slips past his lips as he grabs your hand, bringing it down onto the fluffy sheets. "You're too sweet to me sometimes," 
"You'd do the same for me." you say honestly, "Probably more."
"Can I ask you something?" 
"Are you feeling up to making requests now, Kei?" you tease, the comment making the both of you chuckle as one of his feathers weakly brushes against your cheek.
"Just one, can you stay with me?" his voice is hesitant and small, almost as if he is a child asking a parent to check his closet for monsters after a nightmare. How could you possibly say no to him?
"Is that all?" you ask, lying down on the bed next to him. 
"For now," he smiles, giving your hand a squeeze. "I just want to hold you for a bit." 
How could you refuse?
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davenporttf · 1 year
Yo, what's up? My names Phil and I'm the quarterback for Boston College. Go Eagles! I love the sport and I'm stoked I get to play QB.
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I gotta be honest with you though, I've been having a slump lately out on the field. I haven't been at the top of my game. I've been working out every day but no matter how much training I put in, I'm getting sacked left and right.
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I stopped by a local vitamin shop to switch up my preworkout. I don't think this whey stuff is really giving me the boost I need, ya know? The guy at the shop seemed like he was into me. I caught him multiple times checking me out as I was walking up and down the aisles. Not that I care really, a compliment is a compliment but dude could be less obvious about it. He eventually took a break from creepin to ask me what I was looking for in particular.
I explained how I wanted to switch up my preworkout, and he said he had just the thing. It was this black generic bottle with the brand name "Hit Fit." The slogan underneath it said "It'll hit you the first time guaranteed!" I didn't recognize the brand so I looked at the active ingredient, Emascatine. I've never heard of it either but the guy at the shop said it was a new type of drug only sold through his shop.
I was weary of trying the brand but the prospect of fast results was exactly what I needed right now. I caved and decided if I didn't see any results, I'd return it later.
I stopped home and whipped up the preworkout shake and threw it in my bag along with the bottle in case one of the teammates needed some. I made it to the locker room just in time, and setup in front my locker. I took out my preworkout and took my first sip. It tasted like fruit loops which was a nice changeup from my last powder that tasted like crap. I took more sips and really liked the taste so I started to down it.
"So tasty!" my voice cracked as I said it. "You good Phil?" asked my teammate, Drew.
"I'm good, sweetie!" The words just left my mouth without a thought. My voice had raised several octaves and my face was as red as ever realizing what I said. Drew looked at me in amusement. "haha okay, babe" thinking it was a joke.
I refocus on getting dressed, and pulled on my compression pants over my jock. My skin felt so sensitive in the moment. The tightness of the pants felt so good on my legs. I rubbed my legs up and down feeling the spandex material stretch. I was getting aroused by watching my quads flex in them. My eyes were closed sitting on the bench while I rubbed my inner thighs. An inaudible moan came from my mouth as I felt my dick hardened.
What was happening to me?! I look over the Hit Fit bottle and notice a tiny disclaimer at the bottom. "Emascatine may cause side effects of heightened sensitivity, mood changes, sexual stimulation, and emasculation."
I snapped out of it long enough to feel my ass stretch the tights even further. My center of gravity shifted as my ass grew into a firm bubble butt. I tried to walk around but felt an itch coming from deep inside my ass. I braced myself with hands on the wall squirming to hopefully scratch the itch. I don't know why it felt so right in the moment but I started to shake my ass faster and faster side to side as if it were on display for my teammates.
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Drew had taken notice, yelling over "Yo, Phil. What has gotten into you?!" They watched as I continued moving my ass in their direction. My teammates' demeanor changed the longer they watched. I could see their faces going from confusion to slight interest to lustful. My ass was hypnotizing and they could have stood there all day staring into it's fluid motion.
I loved the look on their faces and called over to them "Hey boysss! You like what you see?"
Drew smiled, "Damn, Phil. Why don't you come over here and we can do some team bonding?"
I thought he'd never ask. I let them line up as I got in position.
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Coach says I need to take a step back from QB. Something about my performance not being up to snuff. I've been told I'd make a better water boy. I've really enjoyed it so far. I keep my boys hydrated as they take turns slamming my P-spot. Team morale has never been higher.
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abarbaricyalp · 17 days
For the intimacy prompts: "a hand written note", Sam/Bucky
Wowee is this so super duper late! Very sorry. But unfortunately, this prompt reminded me of a fic I started all the way back in 2022 for Valentine's Day and I just could not let it go this time. AO3 Link
In 1950, several years after the war had ended and just as the excitement and tragedy surrounding the short-lived career of Captain America was dying down, a collection of war time letters from the Captain’s second-in-command, James “Bucky” Barnes was published.
In 2026, the only edition with new letters was published
Selected Texts from: The Barnes Letters : Revised and Expanded 11th Edition, 2026
[Letter to Sam Wilson (36 years old, former Air Force Pararescue, current VA therapist, new best friend of Steve Rogers) left in an apartment while Wilson was running the trash out, 2015]
Don’t get so irritated with this cat and mouse game that you give up and just opt for pouncing over me and eating me. I dunno, maybe I shoulda gone with the early bird and the worm metaphor, but whatever. Maybe I’ll slow down for you in the next place. Spend a little bit of time at some farmer’s market or something. Use an alias that you might know about, depending on how much you read.
Take it easier, birdy.
The first Barnes letter of the 21st century paints a stark contrast to the paragon found in the original text of The Barnes Letters. This book does not attempt to psychoanalyze Barnes or the events of his life, as the original did not. The 11th edition of The Barnes Letters merely wishes to build upon the corpus of the original and to bring a conclusion to the questions brought up in subsequent editions.
The text of these letters have been transcribed exactly as found, but the spirit of them would be dampened slightly if it were not brought up that the letters were found on everything from sticky notes to napkins to sheets of lined paper to sketchpad pages with doodles on the other side or around the words–clean, crumbled, torn, creased. These letters, perhaps moreso than the original, were cherished and protected and clearly read several times over.
The Wakanda Letters
[Collection of letters left for Bucky Barnes, by Sam Wilson, in the Wakandan Palace’s medical facility, 2016-2018]
Hey, Tin-Can,
You’ve gotta wake up soon ‘cause you still owe me a car.
I’m tired of being a fugitive for your broody ass. You better have a whole slate of apologies lined up for when I see you next ‘else I’m gonna put you right back under. I haven’t showered with seriously hot water in ages. (Barring the one I just got in the palace. Wait until you wake up and see the water pressure here. It’s gonna blow your poor little 40s mind.)
You know, Steve really wants us to get along. Gotta say, I do see the appeal. You’re so quiet and a great listener. I always know where to find you.
He just read that over my shoulder and called me a jerk for you. I figure you’d use stronger language, but hey.
Oh, hey, I heard there was some crazy fight here a few weeks ago. Did you see anything you wanna gossip about?
Alright, alright, I’ll stop. Heading out somewhere new tomorrow morning. Always some new fight, new monster, new injustice, right?
Well, good dreams or whatever.
B, you’ve gotta try a drink at this bar. (Bringing the napkin in won’t get a discount, I asked) It’s called…get this, get this, get this, it’s called a Bucky Bear Brawl. Bucky Bear. Gonna lose my mind. -S
If I bleed all over this paper, you won’t use it to create an even better super soldier serum, right? (Cause, let’s be honest, my DNA is a catch for mad scientists. Looks, brains, body, personality. I’ve got it all.)
I don’t get why you didn’t give up the chase after DC. We coulda done all of this shit, avoided all of this shit, if you’d just come back then. You knew I was there. You kept me in the corner of your eye or your rearview or your scope, I assume, so why not just stop running?
I’m so tired of this. I want to go home. I want to see my friends and my family and sleep in a real bed. And you gave all that shit up for…what? They still found a way to ruin your life. Steve’s life. My life.
How did I end up giving up everything for you and the star spangled man, huh? Seventeen infuriating hours in a car with you and suddenly that makes you worth something to me?
I always try to do what’s right, help people who need it. At great personal cost, lost people important to me. I’ve never done this much for one person, though. And I don’t even know you. I have your files. I’ve read history books. Hell, I even know the fruits and fish you like. But I gave up my family and my reputation for this. I have a bullet in my shoulder for this.
Who are you to drive me to that, huh? You’re not even awake. You’re not out here with us while we do this for you. This is bullshit.
PS, I lied the other day. I don’t prefer you being quiet. I want you to argue with me. I want you to hear what I’m saying. I want you to come back. Fuck, that’s all I’ve ever wanted. I want you so far gone that I never think about you again or I want you to come back. But you keep just existing right in my periphery. A shadow I can’t shake. A stray that’s followed me all the way to my door stoop. Fuck.
I’ve thrown away seven other sheets trying to find something to say, but I suppose it doesn’t really matter what I write down now. You’ll be able to hear it straight from my pretty mouth soon enough.
Sorry we won’t be around to see you through all of it. Princess’s orders. Besides, there’s a new bad guy out there fucking something up. And, surprise surprise, Ross hasn’t sent anyone after them, so duh-da da da-dah, here we come, to the rescue.
I’ll see you soon, though, alright.
Not that, like, you care about when I’ll see you. Ah, shit, I’m gonna throw this one away too.
And Sam had kept his promise, showing up a week afterwards with a sharp quip on his lips but a tellingly earnest patience as Bucky had walked him and Steve around the spaces that had become his life. He’d even left a note on Bucky’s bed wishing him good dreams again.
So it only made sense that Bucky slipped a note into his go-bag.
You musta been real bored without me around to fuck shit up if you had this much time to write all these letters. Did keep me busy for a while though. Maybe next time you could be more verbose and flowery, give me something to really sink a literary analysis into.
I’m gonna keep this one short, though, ‘cause you’re nosey and pay attention to everything I do. I ain’t gonna throw you around no more, so you can unclench. Heard you argue with S1 and S2 about whether or not I was ready to go out again.
I’m not.
I know it’s selfish when all of you are still fighting the fight, but I’m so tired. And I’m unstable on my feet. I need some time to get the ground under me again. But if you tell Steve I agree with him, I’ll burn your letters without looking at them.
You could stay, y’know. You don’t have to keep fighting. I could use the company. Talking is supposed to help rebuild neurons or something, right? Maybe I’m just making that up.
Anyway, hope you find this at an inopportune time.
-Tin Can
[Left on Barnes’s pillow in Wakanda, 2018]
Sorry the world doesn’t wait for what we want. Sorry the world’s ending. Maybe you can show me all your goats again when all of this is said and done. Maybe it’ll be a little quieter for once.
Read the rest on AO3
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hunybee03 · 2 months
Red Leg Zeff x Fem Reader ~ +18 or older
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!!!+18 years or older!!!
This is my first posting anything at all normally keeping them to myself so this is a short one, please be honest and show some love any helping hand would be greatly appreciated. I gotta say I love great daddy Zeff who needs a little more love.
Warnings: cursing, penetration and thoughts of threesome
I don't not own the lovely op characters the great Eiichiro Oda does.
She was young compared to me, Barely in her 30's.
I hesitated hiring a woman to work in my restaurant but times were tough finding someone to bar-tend with the idiots I have working for me scaring off the last few, never did I think I would desire a woman so much than her.
Amber colored hair braided hanging loosely off her shoulder her fast hands making the most delicious and intricate drinks known to man wowing all guests who come here, with just one look she could bring the most wretched pirate to his knees without batting an eyelash or parting those beautiful blood red lips to say a single word.
Her golden eyes sharp enough to pierce steel could woo any man or woman, her voice dripped with the finest of honey could talk you into seeing heaven without a single touch, a body made by the gods curves in all the right places looking devilish in all the outfits she owned.
There are times I would become a little to excited just catching a glimpse of her and the men knew… oh they knew I was completely smitten with her and teased me on the daily. We both had flirtatious attitudes but just how much was it truth on her part, so when going over the inventory with her the others making excuses we found ourselves below the restaurant going over product, I couldn't help but stare at her ass when she bent over a crate of bourbon, how in the hell does she get that ass in those pants yet what i really wanted to know is how she looked without said pants, groaning to myself pinching the bridge of my nose
"Chef?.. OI earth to chef! Everything alright your spacing out, not getting sick are ya?"
"Oh what? Sorry been a long day, how many did you say there were?"
"27 bottles of bourbon, 30 bottles of whiskey and 21 bottles of sake" she smirked peering over another crate "hold on…make that a total of 26 bottles of sake" she stood back up pushing back the stray hairs from her face
"Got it, now all that's left is the wine" she took the clip board from me setting it on the crate beside us "Its late and I want to get this taken care of (y/n)"
"We will get to that, but right now you want to tell me why the head chef hasn't been in his right mind lately spacing out a lot more than usual you haven't come by for a drink in the past couple weeks, is everything alright?" How could I not stay away without thinking of bending you over a table and fucking you not caring if we had an audience or not.
"I don't space out just been busy is all" I picked up the clip board and made my way across to the wine counting the bottles.
"Mm-hm…sure it isn't something else…" she said slowly coming up behind me sitting on a crate "Did I do something wrong?" no just the fucking opposite, with a heavy sigh running a hand through my hair putting down the clip board I turned to her putting my hands on either side of her standing between her legs
"You haven't done anything wrong (y/n).. you have just been taking up more space in my mind than should be allowed" kissing her softly testing the waters when she didn't pull away i kissed her again more passionately her hands in my hair her nails running along my scalp had me pulling her into me more kneading her hips getting her to open up for me our tongues in a dance for dominance, before I knew it our clothes were left in a pile on the floor at our feet and my cock buried deep inside her wet cunt that just had a way of pulling me in
"Fuck Zeff!" she cried out as I watched her eyes roll into the back of her head moaning her lips smeared red parted drool running down her chin, she just looked so appetizing losing herself while I drill into her stuffing her full legs spread wide to watch the show.
Garp is going to be so fucking jealous after i tell him how great she feels maybe just maybe if this goes on we can work our fantasy of having a threesome with her, just like old times, me filling up her greedy little hole while she hangs her head back sucking him off just the thought has a shiver run up my spine.
I doubt I'm ever going to get her out of my mind after this, our lips locked together muffling her cries and my groans fucking my cum into her slowly coming down from our highs, once we caught our breath the silence coming back to us we had a good laugh sharing a kiss. We got dressed finishing inventory, taking her up to my room cuddling under the covers with her head resting on my chest eyeing a few hickies I know I won't hear the end of.
Definately a night to remember.
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octuscle · 11 months
Sorry got excited and forgot how much bigger my fingers were. But I’m the guy you helped get that muscle bear body he wanted. Thanks again for that, by the way.
But I got another ask if you got a minute.
I’ve got plenty of twinks and twunks falling all over me, and don’t get me wrong those guys are great, but there’s a couple of fellow beefy bears at the job, including some of the big bosses in suits even above me, I wish I could get to do the same. Problem is: they’re straight as an arrow.
You got a way to make me more ahem convincing? You mentioned something with my pits last time and I’m not gonna lie, dude, that sounded kinda hot to me. Maybe something to do with that?
First of all: Glad that you like your new body. To be honest: I think it's hot as hell:
Your area director is indeed a really handsome fellow. Not quite young anymore, but beefy indeed. Hasn't been sitting in his executive chair with a white collar all his life, either. He knows the construction sites and hard physical work. You two go over the quarterly figures. Boring stuff. Rising purchase prices. Falling order numbers. The job used to be more fun. Sweat stains are forming under your arms. Shit, did you forget your undershirt? And the way it smells, so does your deodorant. Your boss sniffs and grins. He asks if you didn't have time to shower today. You laugh and say that you were at the gym a little longer than planned today, so you had to save time. Your French cuffs disappear. You wear only a short-sleeved shirt. Your boss loosens his tie and unbuttons the top button. Shit, you once saw at the company party that there is hair on your chest… But there seems to be a fur.
Precum drips into your jockstrap. You're not wearing dark blue suit pants anymore. But like your boss a dirty jeans. And heavy work boots. Your shirt almost dissolves into thin air and becomes a stained wifebeater. You look at the numbers on the monitor and cross your arms behind your head. Beads of sweat glisten in your armpit hair. Your boss moves closer to you. Looks at the numbers on the monitor. Turns to you. And runs his tongue through your armpit. And then, as if nothing had happened, he turns back to the screen, points to a few numbers with his right hand and asks you why energy costs have risen so much. His left hand kneads your bulge in your jeans.
You turn around to face him. He looks at the monitor, unimpressed. Your bulge is getting wet from the precum. His hand goes into your pants. And meanwhile his hair on the head disappears. A massive beard grows on his chin. His voice becomes a thunderous bass. He addresses you only as "Boi" or "Little Lad".
And it seems perfectly natural for him to jerk you off at work. You start to moan. Your cock is hard as steel. You can't hold it much longer. Fuck, you cling to the back of your chair, twitching with ecstasy, your head thrown back. And you shoot your load into your pants. Large wet spots form on your jeans. Your boss pulls his hand out of your pants and rubs his smeared hand on your chest hair clean. "So Boi, now it's time for you to satisfy me." He takes off his sleeveless lumberjack shirt and wifbeater, stands in front of you and unbuttons his jeans.
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You know what you have to do. You get down on your knees. You smell the musky scent of his jockstrap. He pulls down the waistband. His cock jumps out of his pants like a jack-in-the-box. And you don't care whether your boss is about to cum in your face or in your ass. Now you have to suck his balls first.
Pic of your boss found @cazaosos5024
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writinfortim · 2 years
waitress at hooters
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WAHH thank u all for the feedback on my first concept, i appreciate it!!! kisses 4 u all, enjoy this one xo
;fluffy prank
You set the camera up on your fridge, almost falling off the chair. 
He’s been acting foul lately, pranking you every other day. So you decided to play with his heart strings and hit a few nerves on the way.
You never usually do intro’s, because let’s be honest.. we all skip them. So you just get straight to the point.
“ Today we’re gonna irritate the shit out of Timothée. “ you announce with the biggest smile glued to your face.
You get off the chair and lift it up.
“ Please girls, do me a favor and irritate your boyfriend today, “ you pat your chest, “ do it for me. “ You say placing the chair back in its place. 
“ I’m gonna tell him like ‘ hey babe, i’m off to work ‘ and the rest i’ll pull it out my ass. ``You shrug.
“ I at least know where I work, Hooters. Anyone that knows about Hooters knows that girls wear these cute, revealing outfits. “ you spin for the camera.
Showing your white sports bra, written Hooters across it and short orange shorts.
“ Guy’s usually go there for the food.. and the girls. “ You roll your eyes. 
“ Honestly, I've never been to Hooters, like ever. I don’t know if he has? but.. I hope I'll get a reaction out of him. “ 
“ I don’t know if he’ll be like oh okay enjoy whatever or wait.. where the fuck are you going? “
You take a deep breath to prepare for all the arguing to come.
“ Timothée! “ you yell.
“ What? “ he practically shouts. 
“ Come here! I wanna show you something. “
“ Whachyou wanna show me? “
“ Well if you don’t come down.. you won’t.. see it? “
“ Is it important? Is it worth me coming all the way down? “
I roll my eyes.
“ Alright I guess you won’t see what I have.. on. “
You hear hurried footsteps. 
He’s fixing his flannel when he comes into sight. 
His eyebrows reach the 7th sky. “ Ayo.. “ he crosses his arms. “ What you got this on for? “
“ Do you like it? “ you spin around.
He nods while you’re admiring your ass on the body length mirror.
“ Looking real nice, looking real plump. Looking like a peach, “ he says proudly.
“ I’ve been doing my, “ you do a squat, “ squats. “
“ Yeah? “ he hugs your waist, his hand sliding down your figure. Squeezing your ass. 
He kisses you, “ But.. “ he sits down on the couch, adjusting his waist. 
“ What’s this for? Is it for me, like right now? “
you kneel between his legs, “ Did you forget what i told you about? “ you pout.
He furrowed his eyebrows. Thinking. Hard.
“ What? “
“ Really? “ Now you’re gonna pull shit outta your ass.
“ Last week we talked about it. ``You stand up.
“ I’m going to work. “ you announce.
“ Going to work on what? me? “ He pulls his tongue out, proud of his joke.
You push his head away, laughing. “ No! “
You check time on your phone, “ Fuck, it’s almost time for my shift.. “
He grimaces, sliding off his headphones, placing them around his neck. “ Now you said, what? “
“ I have to work tonight, I told you about it. “ 
“ Work tonight? “ He’s lost.
“ Babe, “ you look at him with a blank face. “ That’s how I know you don’t listen when I talk to you. “
“ I listen to everything you say, that’s why I'm so confused right now. “ He empathizes his words with his hands.
“ Um, I have to go. “ You pick up your bag that’s placed next to him. He snatches it out of your hand and stands up. 
“ You gotta go? “ He places his phone inside your bag.
“ Where we gotta go? “ he asks.
“ I have to go. There is no we, give me my bag! “ you jump trying to take it back. 
“ Where we going? “
“ Timo- “
“ Where we going? “
You give up. “ I’m going to work, for fucks sake. “
He walks up to the kitchen island, “ Where ya job at? “ He practically snatches the car keys.
You follow him, “ Where’s my job at? Look at my boobs, “ You gesture to the logo on your chest. 
“ I am. Trust. “ he smirks.
“ Okay, either you can drop me off or i can drive- “
“ Okay stop- W-what are you playing dress up for? “ he turns serious suddenly. 
“ I’m going to- what do you mean? “ you whine, acting tired of his questions. 
“ You’re going to work, where? “ he laughs irritably. 
“ Hooters! “
“ For what? “
“ Okay timothée, now you’re just wasting my time. Give me the keys and my purse. “ 
“ You have like a deal with them? Like is this a photoshoot or something? “
It’s like you’re talking to a wall.
“ No, I’m going to serve people! “
He scratches his chin, “ Serve peo- Y/n what is this? “
“ I mean you know i’ve been spending a lot of money and like i just need more of a social life, all the girls are really nice and they literall- “
“ When did you meet the girls from the Tooter? We've never been there. “ he places his hands on his hips, your purse sliding to his wrist.
“ I went. for my interview- “
“ When? “
“ Last week! “
“ You’re joking, right? “ 
You look at him. 
“ You gotta be joking, like.. “ He looks around, laughing.
“ No, I'm leaving now. I'm already late as it is. “ You take your bag effortlessly from him. 
He looks at you, frozen. 
“ Do you want me to get you anything from work? “
he slouches on the spot, looking at you like you just said the sky is blue.
“ Bring me any- what are you talking abo- You don’t have a job! “ he says, shaking you by the shoulders.
“ I have a job at Hooters! I'm a waitress! “ 
“ No! “ He throws his hands up in the sky.
“ If you did i would know, you would’ve said hey, babe love of my life i’m off to work and i’d be like okay babe have a good day not like- what the fuck? “ 
“ Babe, “ you pat his chest, “ relax. “
“ Yo, I'm just trying to figure it out, “ he sways a hand between you two, “ communicate. “
“ Well I just want to make sure, y’know, you’re informed I'm going to work. “
“ Y/n, take your ass to the couch. “ 
“ Timothée, the only place I'll take my ass to is Hooters. Wait let me practice on you. “ You put your purse down.
“ Practice what on me? “ He sits on the island stool.
“ So I'm like walking towards you, a customer. “ You walk towards him, doing the most.
“ What are you moving your hips for? Just fucking walk. “ And by his tone you know he’s so over this.
“ Hi! Welcome to Hooters, What can I do for you? “ A hand on your hip, you smile showing your teeth. 
He flips his hat backwards, “ Yeh, no. I don’t even think they say that shit. “
“ Alright now you’re just being a hater. “
“ Nah cuz you just made that up. Do it again. “ 
Oh he’s playing along now.
So you do it again. 
“ Hi, welcome to Hooters, what can I do for you tonight?.. That was good! I feel like I'll get really good tips. “
“ Just explain to me, why would you wanna go to work? At Hooters out of all places? “ He blinks. 
You hold one finger up, “ well first of all ; very good tips! seco- “
“ I give you the best tip that you’re ever gonna get! “  
“ Tim, it’s money. And i need the extra cash, i shop a lot. “ 
“ Ok now you’re lying. You don’t need no extra cash. “ 
You’re lying through your teeth. You shop with his card and he rarely lets you spend anything so you absolutely do not need extra cash.
“ T, i just want to make new friends, meet new peopl- “
“ Pandemic! Y/n, pandemic! “
“ Yeah but everything’s opening back up! so.. “
“ And what about it? you wanna be all up in people’s faces now? “
“ I’m not gonna be in people’s faces.. i’m gonna like wait tables and shit “ 
He holds his wrists above his head, looking at your forehead. “ So you’re saying, you’re going to work today. At Hooters. “
“ Yes! finally. That’s what I'm saying. “ you sigh.
“ What time is your- what’d you call it.. shift? “ He asks curiously.
“ I gotta be there in thirty minutes. “
“ They have applications? Can men work at Hooters? “
You didn’t expect that one.
“ As a Chef maybe? “ you play along.
�� I’m a fucking Chef at Hooters then, where my outfit at? I'll put it on right now. “ 
“ Please stop fucking around, i’m running super late. “
“ Nah,” he gets up and gathers your stuff. 
“ We’re late. We both gonna work at Hooters and we both gonna get tips! How about that? “ He says throwing a fit. What a drama queen.
“ Oh fuck no, this is my job! “
“ Ight.. you done? “ 
“ Yes, hand me my things please? “
He does. “ Thank you, are you driving me or not? “
He ignores you and walks towards the staircase. 
“ I take that as a no, “ you follow him.
“ Can you at least give me a goodbye kiss? “ you ask, smiling. This is perfect.
“ No, I thought we communicated as a couple. But no, next thing i know you’re married and have 4 kids. “ 
“ I'm not married and I don't have 4 kids. “
“ What if you do? “ He says with a sass. 
“ Alright, I love you, “ you lean in to kiss him but he just turns his head the other way. “ Ah! “ 
He’s upset. And overdramatic. 
“ What’s the address of this Hooters shit? “ he asks when you start making your way out.
“ It’s right down 190th St. Queens. It’s not that far, it’s a good drive. “
“ Ok, I'll be here. Have a good shift. “ He forces himself to say. 
“ Bye! “ 
He rolls his eyes and prays to god you didn’t see him.
 “ Tim! “ you call out. 
“ What? “ his heart fell to his ass. Maybe you saw him. “ Go to work! “ He says, reaching out for the tv remote.  
“ Come here.. “ you laugh.
“ Go get some tips, blah blah blah.. extra cash. “ he mimics your words.
“ It’s a prank! “ You say, jumping next to him. “ Look up, on the fridge. “ you point out.
“ I’m not looking up the fridge. “ he flips through channels.
You run to hop on the counter and grab the camera. 
“ Say hi to everybody! “ 
“ Y/n, get this off my face. “ He hides the lense. 
“ Oh, you look defeated. “ You throw your head back in laughter. “ I’m not defeated. I’m irritated. “
“ Ha! what’d i tell y’all! I know exactly what buttons to push. “ 
“ Bro, go to work! “ he pushes himself off the couch.
“ It’s a prank! I’m not working at fucking Hooters! “ 
You can’t help but be filled with pride. You’re the only person that can get him this worked up.
“ Go so I can have some peace and quiet around here. “ He gestures to the door, laughing. 
“ Oh, peace and quiet, that's what you want? “
“ Yeh, cuz you keep playing with me! I'd rather not get played unless it's in a different type of way. “ 
“ Alright, shut up. “ 
“ Your prank wasn’t even that good. “ he shrugs while sitting on the carpet. 
“ Do you guys see how salty he is.. loser! “ 
“ The people will let you know that it wasn’t that great!” he points to the camera that’s filming him. 
“ You like my outfit tho? “
He smiles. 
“ Good to know. “
“ Nah you just wait.. you wait. Just you wait. “
You sit down next to him, “ Kiss me? “
He shakes his head, “ Go to the Chef’s at Hooters they’ll kiss your ass even. “
“ You wish you could. Okay guys it’s the end of the video, i got him real good.  “
“ If that helps you sleep at night. “ He takes his phone out of his pocket. 
“  Thank you guys for watching! Like the video if you think I got him. “
He looks up. “ Y’all still know who the real world champion prankster is tho. “ He says confidently. 
“ Blah, “ you pull your tongue. 
“ She knows I'm right. “ He wraps his arm around your neck. “ Don’t you? “
“ You sure like my outfit though. `` You tease.
His fingers dancing on your collarbone, “ Is the camera still on? “ He looks at the lense and tut. 
“ ight, bye guys. “ And cut.
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(Bucky Barnes) A Little Messed Up #1
Warnings: Hey y'all this short story is not gonna be a cute or romantic plot. Just wanted to warn y'all that this short fanfic is more of a breakup plot between the two characters.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Violence, Cheating, Arguments, Threats, Angst
Also I wrote this years ago, so it has been sitting in my wattpad unpublished dungeon for ages. I just thought that I'd give everything I ever wrote more of a chance to shine on Tumblr to see how it does.
For some reason I just feel more comfortable publishing things here. Even if I have multiple versions or drafts of a story.
Also all gifs included are from @k-fangirledits unless it's linked to the original wattpad post then idk where that gif came from.
Main OC Character Dahlia
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Plot: Dahlia is Bucky's girlfriend. They met when he had just escaped HYDRA. She helped keep him hidden. Being a secret little goodie goodie she never really got to do anything exciting with her life so she saw this as a chance to live her life well and help someone along the way. After a while of training and recruitment once Bucky and Dahlia become part of the Avengers things are not seemingly going smooth as Natasha and Bucky are sent out on a mission together and he comes back distant. This triggers powers in Dahlia that she hadn't used since her childhood when she was going through a dark time dealing with bullies, and judgement. 
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Dahlia snickered to herself as she sat at the island in the kitchen.
Bucky hadn't attempted to contact her in the month that he had been gone.
On a mission with Natasha, and yet Nat is the only one out of the two that cares to give her updates of their well being and how the mission is going.
Apparently Bucky had been spending time going to the bars then coming back late in the night. Thinking he was slick and that Natasha wouldn't notice his change in behavior.
To Natasha, she thought he was absolutely insane and such an asshole to neglect his GIRLFRIEND whom is patiently waiting for him back at home.
This bullshit decision of not notifying the wonderful woman that she considers a sister who is also his GIRLFRIEND.
Phone Call:
Natasha: What do you want me to do Li? Should I confront him and beat his ass for you? 
Dahlia: No. Don't do anything out of the ordinary. Keep me in the loop like you have been and we will see if there's anything truly going on. 
Natasha: Li, he's been coming home with the obvious scent of a woman. Are you sure? It's difficult for me to report this back to you but I want to be as honest as possible.
Dahlia: That's fine Nat. Be honest, I don't want you to sugarcoat anything from me. I am a grown, adult woman and I can handle it. If that's the verdict from your position, once you arrive back at base I'll handle this. We'll see if he comes clean about his choices. 
Natasha: Alright, but only if you're sure sweetheart. I gotta go before they get suspicious of my phone call being too long for just a bathroom break. I love you to the moon and back. See you soon darling. 
Dahlia: Love you too Nat.
End of Call
Unbeknownst to Dahlia her eyes had lost their shine.
The whites of her usually glowing brown eyes, now replaced by a dark abyss matching her pupils.
She glanced down at her hands surprised seeing a dust like dark mist floating around. Similar to when Wanda activates her power but more fluid and constantly there. 
Dahlia wasn't known for any special power with her position in the Avengers.
She never knew how to control her powers growing up.
The only aspects she knew how to control was manipulating shadow people and manifesting them into a physical form, telekinesis, and hiding herself within the shadows.
Any other power she held only came out with impulse based on her emotional and mental state.
Although she couldn't control her powers unless they were triggered. She has no control over when it activates. 
Startled by the footsteps coming towards the kitchen, Dahlia quickly hid in the shadows escaping to her bedroom without anyone actively seeing her abilities.
Unfortunately for the young woman, even that attempt to hide anything from Friday had already been captured and alerted Tony and Captain Rogers.
Saying they were shocked while reviewing the security footage would be a heavy understatement.
"She h-has powers? I- I- I th-thought she was just a simple assassin." Tony stammered.
Steve sighed wishing they could listen to the audio but Dahlia had always requested for Friday to keep every single conversation she has muted for her comfort and privacy as a condition on her staying with the Avengers.
Steve sighed as he continued watching the footage on a loop.
The more he watched
The more he noticed little things in her behavior tells.
Her body language, the tears that started streaming down her face before her powers triggered, the tense posture.
By that alone, he already knew that whatever triggered her abilities to manifest, started with an intense emotional reaction.
Whatever it was, he was determined to make sure that she would never have to go through that again for her powers to trigger. She just needed time to herself, and the right training in order to get everything under control.
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Dahlia sat on the floor in her room with her legs up to her chest. She buried her face in her knees, taking deep breaths to calm down. Once her anger subsided she felt her eyes morph back to normal. 
A gentle tap on her arm shocked Dahlia out of her position as she jolted herself back away from the unknown force.
Catching herself against her palms she looked at the figure that was kneeling in the middle of the room to match her height, making sure she knew it meant no harm. "Shit." She whispered. 
With a wave of her hand the shadow figure had manifested into someone she hadn't needed to see for 15 years.  
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"Heya gorgeous, been a long time." Xander greeted.
Dahlia looked at him with tears in her eyes as she realized why he had become part of the physical part of her life again.
She was going  through a dark time, so her inner darkness would always come out to protect her when she couldn't be reliable to do so herself. 
Xander looked down at the young woman with a determination to make her feel better.
"Come on gorgeous, we haven't seen each other since we were seven years old and I helped beat up the bullies. I'm only here now since you're going through a big turning point in your life and you can't lock yourself away from socializing to someone. You'll only drive yourself crazy trying to isolate from any form of society." He conveyed.
Dahlia let his words sink in.
It hurt to admit but he was right.
Seeing as she was still processing this new information Xander took this moment to bring her to bed.
Being well acquainted with the young woman, he laid next to her on the bed, pulling her close to his chest for comfort. 
Dahlia automatically snuggled into Xander's chest. She missed having her best friend around. When she was young, he came and went so quickly that she always wondered if he was just a dream at times.
After a moment she pulled away slightly to observe her friend that she had not been in contact with for a while.
"What happened to you?" She whispered, referring to the scars on his face.
Xander took one of her hands in his, separating her fingers gently. It was a sweet gesture, something they did when they were young to help him or her focus on any difficult conversation.
"Just because you may think I don't exist when I am not in your physical world doesn't mean I'm not a real entity at least Dahl. When I'm not here to protect you, to help you, to comfort you. I go back to the shadow world, a void, and when you are going through issues in your life... I form scars. Depending on how much it has impacted you. As the main shadow figure in charge to protect you, our bond is just that powerful." He explained. 
The entire night Xander had explained to Dahlia what her powers are and how to control some of them up until she fell asleep.
He sighed sadly seeing the tear stains along her cheeks. He had never observed her so happy before until she had met Bucky. Never seen her so broken until Bucky. 
Xander watched over the young woman as she slept. Manipulating her dreams to something more peaceful whenever he sensed her heart rate picking up in pace.
That was the norm for Xander.
Always making sure that her escape from reality was as comfortable as possible. 
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herecomethatboi · 1 year
Together (Evan MacMillan (The Trapper) x Gn!Reader)
A little angsty/fluffy fic, since i've been feeling down lately :,)
I'd like to apologies for any grammar mistakes that I may made. English isn't my first language and my autocorrect is a pain in the ass.
Warning! There will be cursing here!
"Do you even love me?"
The question rang in your head as you were fixing a generator. The cold and raspy voice was unforgetable, especially since it belonged to Evan.
It was always a surprise when he talked. It's not like you minded, in fact, you encouraged him to do so. You felt more confident and comfortable with him, so you wanted to give him back the feeling.
Your relationship started out on a rocky path with lego pieces and sharp edged stones every step of the way. But with time, you two warmed up to each other.
You could never forget the first time he held your hand. He brushed the top of your hand with his thumb as he hid his face in your shoulder.
Or the time he hugged you. He always did it so gently, not wanting to hurt you.
Evan was a stone-cold fella. Affection stood far away from him, he even hated physical touch, but it all changed when you appeared in his life. His walls were slowly crumbling down bit by bit and somehow he didn't mind it.
The slow building of trust and love came down the moment he asked the question.
It wasn't agressive. It wasn't demanding, but emotionless. Like the past months didn't happen at all.
And it bugged you.
Of course you love him. Why would you be with him, if you didn't? You were his rock. A shoulder to lean on to. Does he not feel it? Why is he doubting what you have? Did something happen?
The generator popped as it finished.
You stood up, brushed the dust off of your hands. You turned toward the exit gate and slowly creeped toward it while listening for the Huntress' lullaby.
You pulled the lever down and saw Meg run toward you.
When she arrived next to you she sighed and leaned against the wall next to the lever.
"You've been hooked?" She asked as she rolled her shoulder to ease the pressure from the joints.
"Yeah, two times, you?" The gate opened and you two walked inside, while waiting if someone else wanted to join the party.
"Same here. David wasn't even once."
"Lucky tough son of a bitch." You huffed and she grinned.
"He's a big softie though. You just gotta let him in."
"I'll take your word for it." That moment David arrived. He looked confused at the both you, Meg laughed while you shrugged and grinned. The three of you walked out as the Huntress was closing in.
The trial was good, aside from Ace accidentally running into the Huntress when he was already hooked two times and getting hooked one last time.
When you got back, you weren't at the camp.
Instead you appeared right next to Trapper, who was just as surprised as you. Both of you stared at each other, his mask was off. This is the first time you've seen his face.
You quickly snapped out of it and hugged the fella close -of course, baing careful with the metal rods sticking out of his back-.
It's been awhile since you last seen him, so it felt natural to embrace him.
He tensed up for a moment, but hugged you back and hid his face in your hair, not wanting you to stare at his bare face any longer.
He told you before that his face is hideous.
It's really not.
His skin burned, scars scattered everywhere. You didn't expect him to look like Prince Charming, or anything.
To be honest, you expected something worse.
The two of you stood there, holding each other close, while your thoughts were a non-stop roller-coaster of emotions and doubts.
"I love you." You whispered as you looked away. "I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner..."
Evan huffed, but held you even closer and moved to rest his face in your shoulder. Still hiding.
"I was shocked..." You continued, "But I really do." You leaned against his head and gently caressed down on both of his arms, massaging the tense muscle.
He melted into your arms and sighed.
"I know." His voice came out like a deep rumble. It was raspy, so much more than it usually -which isn't a lot- is. "I'm not good enough for you."
"What?..." You tried to look into his eyes, as he leaned away. Evan looked away, still not wanting to meet your eyes. "Evan..."
"You deserve better." You ran your hands up his arms and gently held his face, turning him toward you. He leaned his forehead against yours and closed his eyes. "You should be with someone better, I hurt you too many times..."
"Even if I deserved better, I'd still want you Evan. I'm with you because I want to be." You kissed him, then pressed more kisses around his face. "You're enough. You deserve me as much as I deserve you. And I love you with all of my heart."
"You're strong. You're brave. You're handsome. And you're enough. You deserve the best, and I will give you not only that but more."
You've never seen Evan cry. His facade of cold-blooded killer never seemed to break, until now.
His tears were flowing down one by one on his cheeks. You wiped them away with your hands or small kisses.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, his voice breaking a little. His confidence disappeared and seemed so much smaller than he actually was.
Evan never apologised for anything, but this made him reach his breaking point.
"Don't be." You whispered back and continued to kiss him until his tears stopped. He smiled just a little and opened his eyes to meet yours.
"You're my only reason to keep going..."
"And you're mine. I love you too much to let go, Evan."
"I love you too..."
The two of you continued to share soft kisses while embracing each other.
The road forward is still full of ups and downs, but you know that the two of you will survive every single challenge that may come in your way.
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
Snail! Another banger! You know what that means:
○“C’mon, now. What have I gotta do to get your layers off? Talk dirty to you?” He used the steel edge of his knife to attempt to pry the brown outer layer away.
●Not my home cook ass just using my hands 💀. In my defense, I'm only cooking for family lol.
○Cheeky Nami kisses, soft Robin kisses, and nibbled toothy kisses from Chopper were his favorites.
●The way I need these so bad??? Blink twice if you wanna hear my takes on these.
○ from Luffy which was used to depict the state of his appetite
●Kissing Luffy and him getting hungry halfway through. Him deciding you taste good enough and just continuing to kiss you. Don't worry, you two raid the pantry later (don't tell Sanji).
○the skeleton man had no lips
●A moment of silence to think about how terrifying Brook would be irl
○he was happy that the stinky moss-head kept his lips to himself.
●Me when I lie
○ you leaning on the side of the door
●OH this absolute nuisance (affectionate). She knows what she's doing. Going full seductive door lean? Are you trying to kill the poor boy? Something, something, Megara from Hercules.
○What's cooking, good looking?” you smiled at him softly, gesturing with your chin to the pot on the stove. He froze up, his ears tinting darker with the shade of pink.
●His ass could not go back to baraié, because he'd come back with twice the skill and a third of the rizz he left with.
○Taking the extinguished cigarette out of his lips, he placed the butt in the bin beneath the sink.
●Three trash bins in the strawhat kitchen. Wet Waste, Dry Waste, and Sanji's Cigarettes.
○“I actually love it. Even though it started as a joke, it has actually made a big difference the way I’ve been feeling lately.”
○throwing his head back and drawing up his forearm to his face to catch the damp blood from exiting his nose. His head was dizzy, his lips parting and whining as he felt your tongue swirl around the soft bite to his collar.
○You squeaked in response, immediately placing your hands on Sanji’s hips as he pinned you against the sink with his hips
● Yes bitch! Grab that slutty little waist!
○"I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything, honest-" “-Sanji,” you laugh at him, looking up through half-hooded lashes and brushing your nose with his, “Your mirepoix is going to burn.”
● Them: https://images.app.goo.gl/r4ciH8S635FznucZ9
○“This stupid apron has been nothing but a complete distraction.”
●Snail, this is your sign to buy chef-husband a "kiss the cook" apron.
○Come find me when you want to put on that stupid apron again, hm?” you utter, releasing his hips and making your way over to the kitchen doorway
●She's such an icon! Came to the kitchen and kissed the prettiest boy on the ship! Made him literal putty in her hands! Made him burn his food! Kissed him again, and then left! Left while still flirting with him, hips swaying to Shakira Shakira! I want her! I NEED her!
Oof, this one was long. But what else to say after 1.5k+ of absolute art?
-♡♡ lots of love
Oh my gosh, I love your reviews and commentary!!
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As a home cook married to a chef, peeling onions is my job. And I hate it. I do the good ol' halve it and pry it, but sometimes the skins are just a nuisance.
I am blinking twice. Give me your hot take on the kisses 😏.
Luffy kisses are just him gnawing in between waiting for dinner.
Brook has my heart and I love him. I'd still kiss. I wanna jam with him so bad.
"Me when I lie," I'm dying. I can't even. I love me a bit of zosan (see my strawhat Christmas fic 👀).
Yes, we are trying to kill him. With kisses.
The three trash bins, I can't even. I refuse to believe he'd taint the flavour of the sealife with littering the ocean. He knows better.
Kiss Sanji '24 ✊
I should absolutely but a 'kiss the cook' apron for chef-husband. If I get him for Krap Kringle this year, that's the first thing I'm gonna get.
This reader is Loca, and I loved writing the kisses like this. Kisses are my favourite.
Thank you for dropping lil' treats in my ask box. I love doing your requests, Anon! 😘🖤
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polaroid love | njm (3)
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THREE — thinking about you
<- BACK | MENU | NEXT ->
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PAIRING | na jaemin x female reader (ft. nct dream + enhypen 02z)
GENRE | fluff, angst, college au
WARNINGS | intended lowercase, cursing, alcohol consumption
SUMMARY | inspired by enhypen’s ‘polaroid love’ — in his twenty-two years of living, na jaemin has never been in a proper relationship. after witnessing his best friends go through their fair share of complicated, devastating heartbreaks, jaemin decided he was better off investing his time and effort into his studies, rather than wasting his time falling in love. years of having fleeting crushes and being countlessly confessed to passed by and not a single person could tempt jaemin into the world of love. that is, until, he meets someone that he can’t get out of his head no matter how long he stares at his anatomy textbooks. someone that reminds him of the hopeless romantic he once was. someone that can show him that love doesn’t have to be so complicated to succeed.
FIC PLAYLIST LINK | click here to enhance your reading experience!
HEADER KEY | • REC -> a character’s point of view | ■ GALLERY -> a flashback from that character’s point of view
A/N | sorry for being so inactive lately! i’ve been busy preparing for uni and it was actually my first night last night 🙈 hope you guys enjoy this new chapter and feedback is always appreciated <3
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you stared at jake in silence, watching as he fiddled with his chopsticks whilst waiting for the food to come, “jakey?”
“hmm?” he answered, eyes fixed on the small tower he was making by stacking tiny, balled-up pieces of a napkin.
“you okay?” you asked, your voice laced with concern, “you didn’t even squeal when you saw the turtle-shell grill, is everything alright?”
jake let out a quiet giggle at your observation, putting his chopsticks down and abandoning his napkin tower, “yeah, everything’s fine, i’m just… tired.”
you raised a brow, not completely convinced by his answer. reaching across the table, you took his hand in yours, rubbing your thumb against the back of his hand, “hey, you know you can tell me when something’s bothering you, right? i’m not gonna force you to say anything if you don’t want to, but i’m here to listen, okay? i don’t like seeing you upset, what do i have to do to put a smile on your face, hm?”
you noticed jake’s lips curve upwards at your words, but the smile had yet to reach his eyes. he squeezed your hand and met your gaze, “thank you, y/n, really, but i promise i’m okay. i’ve just… had a long day, those morning classes are such a pain in the ass. ugh, i wish i’d taken up your coffee offer before.”
you still weren’t a hundred percent reassured by his answer, but you decided it was best not to push him for the truth. instead, you settled with the reply he gave, “ahh, okay, i’m glad nothing’s bothering you, but i’m still shocked you said no to free coffee.”
“i don’t know what got into me, i’ll be honest,” jake shrugged, retracting his hand from yours and running it through his hair.
“well, don’t you worry, i’ll buy you some coffee next time you take me to photography club,” you bit your lip, trying to hide your growing smile at the thought of seeing a certain someone again.
“next time? you wanna come next time?” jake cocked his head to the side, his face reminiscent of a confused puppy, “what’s with the sudden interest? don’t tell me you expect free food in return for helping me, you know i don’t have the funds for that!”
“actually…” you paused, inwardly debating whether to tell your best friend or not. “okay, can i tell you something and can you promise not to judge me? or tell anyone else?”
“judge you? i mean… depends how bad it is.”
“jake, i’m serious!”
“okay, okay, i promise! now, what is it, my dear?” he said, leaning in and placing a sympathetic hand on yours.
you pulled your hand out from under his, lightly smacking it, “i told you, you’ve gotta stop calling me that in public, people are gonna think we’re dating.”
jake shrugged, “so? you’re the one who held my hand before, hypocrite.”
the exaggerated pout on his face told you that he wasn’t being serious, but you didn’t want him to think that you were joking, “okay, that’s fair, but… it just— it can scare guys away! which i don’t have a problem with when it gets creeps to back off, but sometimes there are guys that i don’t want to scare off, y’know?”
your gaze trailed down to the grill on the table, unable to make eye contact with your best friend knowing your words were quite harsh. a few seconds went by with no reaction or reply from him, and although it seemed like you were too late, you scrambled to soften the blow.
“i-i’m not saying you have to stop doing those things, i still like the affection and the cute names but, maybe, i don’t know, you could save that for when we’re, uh, not in such a public place?”
“who is it?” jake asked, his arms crossed over his chest.
“wh-what do you— who… what?”
“hey, first things first, i’m not upset. if saving that stuff for when it’s just us or just friends is what you’re comfortable with, then ‘course i don’t mind doing that,” he shifted to lean his elbow on the table, relaxing his stance in hopes of relaxing you.
“what i meant was, well, i know you, y/n, and there must be a specific guy you don’t want scaring off, and, ah! that must be the ‘thing’ you were gonna tell me about, that’s why you didn’t want me to judge you or tell anyone. am i right or am i right?”
you blinked once, twice, in disbelief that jake was able to read you so well—it was a blessing and a curse. you opened and closed your mouth to speak, but nothing was coming out, earning you a loud giggle from the boy across you.
“your silence is telling me i’m right,” he said with a smug smile.
“okay, fine, yes, you’re right. i hate how accurate that was,” you sighed, trying to regain your composure.
“so… the guy?” jake asked, fed up from the anticipation.
“promise you won’t judge or tell anyone?” you held up your pinky in front of your best friend.
intertwining his finger with yours and placing his other hand on his chest as if he was swearing an oath, he declared, “i swear on my dog’s life, i won’t tell a soul.”
“good,” you nodded, “well, the guy is, uh, it’s someone you know well, he’s, hmm—”
“stop beating around the bush, who is it!”
“it’s jaemin!”
jake’s eyes widened as his jaw dropped, “jaemin? like na jaemin? like the med student jaemin, the photographer jaemin? the jaemin you met not even a few hours ago?”
“shhh!” you launched forward, pressing your hand against his mouth. “the whole restaurant does not need to know, and for the record, yes, it is that jaemin. and before you judge, which i’m pretty sure you already have, i’m not saying i like him or anything, i’m just, interested in him, let’s say.”
“interested? go on,” jake said to the best of his ability while your hand was still covering his mouth, prompting you to remove your hand and wipe it with your napkin.
“okay, ew. anyways, i-i don’t know, jaemin always sounded so sweet and funny whenever you told me about him, and, well, i saw that for myself today. he’s also, like, really really gorgeous, i couldn’t stop staring at him, and when he came up close to talk to me, i swear i almost fainted right there and then,” you paused to catch your breath, surprised at how easy it was for you to gush over someone you had, like jake pointed out, just met.
“but, like you said, i don’t even know him that well, which is why i’m glad he asked for my number so we can—”
“he asked for your number?”
“yeah, he asked for it so he could send the photos he took to me.”
“damn, i’m stealing that move from him, that’s smooth.”
“‘smooth’? ‘move’? y-you think he’s interested in me too? that he did it on purpose?” the mere idea of jaemin reciprocating your feelings had your heart rate speeding up.
“i-i don’t know anything! i mean, whaaat? what were you saying before i interrupted?” jake blinked rapidly, poorly covering up how suspicious he sounded.
you decided to ignore whatever it was he was hiding in case it gave you any false hope, and continued your point, “as i was saying, i’m glad he gave me his number, that way i can get to know him and stuff before jumping into anything. he was just… he was really nice and everything, i just wanna see how it goes, y’know?”
jake nodded, “ahh, okay, that sounds good. i hope it goes well for you, really. jaemin hyung’s a great guy, i can vouch for that, so no need to spend your early talking stage trying to figure out whether he’s a red flag or not.”
you laughed, cringing as the boy’s words reminded you of a past, failed fling, “oh, trust me, i don’t want a repeat of that. everything feels so much easier with jaemin, i have a feeling it’ll be different with him.”
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“get the drinks out, boys, we’re celebrating tonight!” haechan exclaimed, swinging the front door open and letting jaemin shuffle in behind him.
“it’s literally… thursday night,” jeno deadpanned, glancing up from the tv to give his roommate a look of concern, or was it confusion? jaemin was too preoccupied thinking about… someone else to tell.
haechan locked the door, passing jeno’s slumped figure on the sofa and making his way to the kitchen. scoffing, he muttered under his breath, “okay, when has that ever stopped you?”
unfortunately, he wasn’t quiet enough, as jeno shot up from the couch, ready to crush that little coconut head of his, but was quickly stopped by jaemin pulling him back down to sit and renjun interrupting the petty squabble.
“can you two shut the fuck up for a sec,” he looked up from what he was cooking, glaring as he pointed his spoon at jeno and haechan respectively. “you said we should be ‘celebrating’, right? that means… it went well with y/n! how was it then, jaem?”
haechan gasped, placing the cans of cider he’d retrieved from the fridge onto the counter, “oh my god, would you believe jaemin actually—”
renjun sighed, rubbing his temples with his fingers as he whipped round to face his infuriating friend, “sorry, is your name jaemin?”
jeno and jaemin’s (not so) muffled giggles broke through haechan’s silence, which spoke for itself.
nodding, renjun turned back to the boiling pot on the stove, “yeah, i thought so. go on, jaem.”
jaemin took a deep breath, trying to organise what felt like a million and one thoughts into coherent words, “to be honest, i-it felt… like a dream. i must’ve blacked out or something, it was like some super confident version of me took over. i still can’t believe that i winked at her, practically held her hand, asked for her number and got it. oh, and she even gave me her instagram without me asking.”
“sorry, what? you got her number and held her hand and you— my god, i need some time to process the fact that you did all of that,” jeno placed a hand on jaemin’s shoulder, before quickly turning it into a hug. “shit, man, i’m proud of you.”
“damn, you go, jaem!” renjun cheered from the kitchen, his face beaming with pride for his best friend’s multitude of successes, “so y/n’s definitely single then? ‘cause you’re in a good position right now to start getting closer to her if she is.”
“yup,” haechan answered, “i checked with her friend jake, and jaemin’s got the green light. jake even said he’d help him out if he needed, but as if our jaemin will need his help, right?”
jaemin’s eyes widened, looking frantically from jeno beside him to the boys in the kitchen, “uh, well, you’re kinda overestimating my skills, hyuck.”
“oh no,” he shook his head, chuckling. “no, no, no, i know you’ll need help but you’ve got us! y’know, since we’ve actually gotten this far with girls before.”
renjun’s stirring slowed to a stop as his jaw dropped, and jeno whipped around, burying his face in the couch cushions to suppress his laughter.
“yah!” jaemin stood up, pointing a threatening finger at haechan. on any other occasion, he would’ve found the teasing funny and laughed it off, but jaemin’s furrowed brows and stern tone told the boys otherwise.
“ah, i crossed the line, didn’t i? sorry, sorry,” haechan said, holding his hands up in surrender.
jaemin sighed as he slumped back down onto the sofa, burying his head in his hands, “no, i’m sorry. i really do appreciate your help and support, because, you’re right, i have no idea what i’m doing. i just— i really really don’t wanna mess up with y/n, and i’m grateful that you guys are willing to help me out, but it would be nice if you let me figure some things out myself too.”
jeno ruffled his best friend’s hair, giving him a supportive pat on the back as he replied, “of course we can do that! i know that sometimes we get involved in each other’s business without being asked, but we do it because we care, even though it’s not always the best way of showing it.”
“yeah,” haechan added, abandoning the drinks and joining his roommates on the couch. “we just want the best for you but we don’t wanna get there by overstepping your boundaries or anything.”
“i agree! with both of those things,” renjun shouted from the kitchen as he plated their dinner, “sorry, they kinda said everything i was gonna say. oh, by the way, food’s ready!”
jaemin chuckled, “thank you guys, honestly. uh, also, this might sound a little contradictory now, but i just realised that i never gave y/n my number. can you help me figure out how to word my first message to her? while we eat, of course, i’m not gonna let the food renjunnie worked so hard on go cold.”
“oh my god, yes!”
“i’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life, not even kidding.”
“at least someone appreciates my hard work!”
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the enthusiastic squeals eventually died down and the next thirty (yes, thirty) minutes were spent meticulously drafting a message to you, with the occasional distractions of renjun’s delicious stew and debates over what your contact picture should be.
“okay, i’m pretty sure you can send it now,” haechan said and was met with nods of agreement.
“pretty sure?! pretty sure isn’t sure enough for me, i’m checking it one more time,” jaemin shook his head, placing his phone on the table and reading the text aloud.
“‘hey y/n, it’s jaemin, just letting you know since i didn’t get to give you my number before. by the way, i haven’t managed to start editing the pics just yet but i’ll let you know how they look once i do, smiley blushy face emoji’. are we sure it’s not too much?” his fingers hovered over the screen, prepared to alter the message for the umpteenth time.
“jaemin, my guy,” jeno placed his hands on jaemin’s in reassurance. “we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again—it sounds fine. and it’s not too much either, the text isn’t dry and the fact that you mentioned the photos means she can start a conversation about it, so you’re less likely to be left on read.”
“plus, y’know, it’s too late now. jeno just sent the text,” renjun pointed out nonchalantly, directing everyone’s gazes to the blue text bubble on the screen and jeno’s hand stacked clumsily on top of jaemin’s… on top of the phone.
jaemin yelped, yanking his hands away and turning his phone off. he squeezed his eyes shut, not ready to accept what happened nor even think about getting a response any time soon.
“i-i’m sorry! i was just trying to make you feel better, i didn’t realise i was gonna press send. we can turn airplane mode on if you want so it doesn’t send! or we can—”
in the midst of jeno’s flurry of apologies, a small ding resonated through the kitchen, followed by another, as the screen illuminated, showing two notifications from messages.
“no. way.” jaemin breathed out, eyes now open and glued to the notification banner. a quick glance over at his wide-eyed friends with their jaws hanging open told him that they were all anticipating the same thing.
“open those notifications, open them right now, na jaemin!” haechan said, more of an encouragement than a demand.
jaemin quickly came to his senses, scrambling to unlock his phone, as the other boys leaned forward to get a closer look at your replies.
“my god, she’s quick,” renjun commented, shuffling closer to read the messages.
“‘thanks for letting me know, saved it now hehe smiley face’. mission accomplished, jaem, she has your number and she replied!”
“ooh, and it seems like your conversation starter worked,” haechan took over for the second, longer message.
“‘speaking of pics, jake never lived up to his ‘threat’ and he took some photos of me at dinner, wanna help me pick which ones to post?’ wait, is she talking about when jake said he would stop taking her instagram photos if she didn’t listen to him?”
jaemin couldn’t hide his wide grin as he nodded, remembering that he was the reason you were so preoccupied.
“well, don’t just sit there blushing like a tomato, answer! you don’t wanna leave her on read for too long, do you?” jeno lightly smacked jaemin on the arm, prompting him to type out a quick ‘sure!’.
once again, they all gathered around the phone, waiting to see the three dots pop up or hear another notification alert. moments passed with no dots nor dings, all that could be seen was a faint ‘delivered’ as the screen slowly faded to black from lack of activity.
“it’s fine, it’s fine,” jaemin shrugged, forcing out a laugh. “she’ll respond later… probably, right? you know what, doesn’t matter, i shouldn’t be so bothered about it, does anyone want another cider?”
before he could even leave his seat, renjun gently tugged his arm, sitting him back down, “jaem, stop stressing, and don’t say ‘i’m not stressing!’ because we know you well enough to know that you definitely are. how about you turn your phone off for the time being, hmm? i know you want things to go well with y/n, but try not to let yourself depend on her too much, okay?”
“he’s right, trust me, it’s awful—obsessively checking if you’ve gotten a notification from a certain someone and letting it ruin your day when you haven’t. y’know, just speaking from experience,” haechan added, earning a nod of agreement from jeno.
“yeah,” jaemin sighed, turning his phone off as renjun suggested. “you guys are right, thank you. you’re probably gonna need to remind me of that a lot, i just– the last thing i want is to get heartbroken.”
jeno placed a hand on jaemin’s shoulder, “we’ll do everything in our power to make sure you don’t get hurt, jaem.”
for the next few hours, jaemin decided to keep himself busy and distract himself from thinking about you. but it was as if the universe didn’t want him to get you out of his head.
washing the dishes reminded him of the lazy roommate you told him about earlier. showering with music on to block out his thoughts? the song that came on shuffle had played earlier while he was taking pictures of you. even reading through his stupid ‘ethics in medicine’ textbook reminded him of you and your passion for your major. before he knew it, the thought of you had infiltrated anything and everything that he did, whether he liked it or not.
“fuck it,” jaemin muttered to nobody in particular, finally turning his phone back on. impatiently tapping his finger against the side of his case, he watched, waiting for the screen to load.
as soon as it turned on, he rushed to unlock it, his hands shaking as he went to click on the messages app. he would be lying if he said his heartbeat didn’t speed up when he saw a ‘6’ hovering next to the icon. before even opening the app, jaemin took a few deep breaths, preparing himself for the worst.
those six messages could be from multiple people—it could be jaehoon sending the notes from the lecture he missed the other day, it could be his mum nagging him about not getting enough sleep, it could be renjun asking for more toilet paper because someone had forgotten to replace the empty roll earlier.
even as he considered all the completely rational possibilities, he still couldn’t come to terms with the idea that the messages could be from anyone but you.
he squeezed his eyes shut and tapped the icon, slowly opening one eye, and then the other to confirm what he thought he’d seen. you had, in fact, sent jaemin six messages almost half an hour ago.
the knowledge that his mental torture could have ended earlier only passed his mind briefly, as he was more bothered by the fact that he had ignored you for so long.
he opened the messages, smiling fondly at the short apology you sent for responding so late because your data wasn’t working. his eyes naturally drifted to the pictures you’d sent, the beat of his thumping heart rivalling that of a deafening drum as he looked closer.
it hadn’t been long since jaemin last saw you but the way your enchanting smile shone like the bright, blazing sun made him feel like he was being welcomed into a brand new day. a giggle escaped his lips when he swiped to the last photo, depicting you mid-laugh, trying to cover your face with your hands but failing to hide those adorably crinkled, sparkling eyes of yours.
‘as an extremely professional photographer, i personally think that they’re all great and you should post them all but i think you look prettiest in the last one,’ jaemin typed out and sent, exiting the app as soon as possible to stop himself from overthinking his response and stressing out about when you’d reply.
feeling the corners of his lips starting to curl upwards, he buried his face in his pillow in embarrassment, but even that couldn’t stop the massive grin from growing. the ring of a notification had him darting upwards, letting out a little squeal when he saw your name on the banner.
‘thank you, mr professional photographer na, the last one’s my favourite too, i’ll post them all with that one as the cover :) since ur such a pro, can you help me choose a caption too?’
never had a simple colon and closed parenthesis made jaemin kick his feet and giggle before, but the thought of you smiling so sweetly behind your screen as you messaged him had his heart racing and his cheeks reddening.
he quickly replied with an ‘of course!’ and, before he knew it, there was no longer that anxious wait between him sending messages and you replying. as the conversation went on, jaemin gradually felt at ease talking to you, his responses coming naturally rather than being carefully crafted and analysed. although the beating of his heart was still erratic, there was something so comfortable, so natural about talking to you that made his worries and everything else around him simply drift away.
that was the first of many late nights jaemin chose to spend with you.
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adracat · 5 months
So I have a feeling I'm gonna ramble on here, so tl:dr is basically I love your writing, thanks for sharing. With that out of the way:
I started by reading your G Witch myth analyses here on Tumblr. TBQH a lot of it went over my head, but I enjoyed them all (went through a mythology phase in like elementary school, so it's been a minute, but I still casually enjoy learning about myths). Then I saw you have fics on AO3. And as a millennial on the interwebs I am aware of the site, but as someone generally in the ace sphere of things I haven't actually spent any time over there. Anyway, I found your Law of Causality series and because my Sulemio brainrot is boundless I read As Above So Below. And boy howdy did I enjoy that. Like, read it a few times. The story telling is really good, and I love the little notes you stick on at the ends of the chapters. Now I am not a Prospera fan, so I didn't read Chaos and Night for a while. But eventually I decided I liked your writing enoughto give it a try. What can I say, I truly enjoy the world you concocted and wanted more of it. I'm glad I did, because I think that may be my favorite of the three stories. Still don't like Prospera as a person in general, but you wrote her so well. Like, girl, don't go making those stupid-ass choices. But obviously I see why she did, because her characterization comes through so strong in your stories, so she really had no choice in her decisions (tragically, yes). But, not to state the obvious or anything, Notrette is the one who steals the show. My favorite of your characters. The times where she is so open and honest and vulnerable in sharing her feelings with Prospera kills me every single time. She gets the best lines due to those situations. Like there are at least three times where she bluntly asks Prospera to stay in the garden, and that's not even counting the handful of times she asks for them to be a family. Damn. We all know what's gonna happen, but it doesn't make that knife's edge any less sharp. I have many favorite lines of hers, but up there is when she come back from Delling and tells Prospera she was only able to do it by thinking of her. Man, that whole interaction gets me every time and I gotta take a moment to pause and reflect. Absolutely heart wrenching. Anywho. Their toxic, tragic relationship is just so dynamic. Plus, again, all your mythology easter eggs were delightful. I thoroughly enjoyed looking up the different names and stories as I came upon/recognized them. (I'm actually naming a new character of mine in an upcoming ttrpg I'm joining after one of the gods I learned about and then did a deeper dive into late one night.) I'm sure there was quite a bit that slipped past my notice, which is a testament to your vast knowledge of a wide variety of deities across different cultures. Theophany was like a sweet afterwards/gift when it came out. Loved how it ties in the two stories, and how the two relationships mirror each other. Devastatingly so, and also in a beautiful way. I will never get over Prospera always being so firmly rooted in the past that she kills off so many healing futures she might have had. And how Suletta refuses to do the same, even without knowing her mother's tragedies, and is able to focus more on her present with a certain amount of forethought as well. Ugg, cycles indeed. I have, of course, read your other G Witch fics (the finished ones anyway, will get to the last one when it's completed). Those are great as well, but I mostly wanted to gush about your Law of Causality. I have read each story multiple times now. Just last night I finished reading all of them, in order, in their entirety. I can't get them out of my head (kinda want to go and reread my favorite parts again already) which is what lead me to reaching out to you. I'm not sure if this is poor etiquette or whatever, and I'm not an elegant writer like you, and it's certainly obnoxiously long, but I figured I've gotten so much enjoyment from your writing I ought to let you know. So. Thanks.
This made my day! Thank you so much for the gushing praise. Law of Causality possessed my soul while writing it, and I honestly think it may be the best thing I've written purely on a cohesive and thematic level. I wanted people to dive deep into everything I was doing there and think about why certain references were chosen. I'm looking for a moment to actually do a lengthy write-up on the stuff that may have been too obfuscated lmao. The two pairings are complimentary and contrasting tellings that I loved bringing to life. Prospera I knew would be a hard sell for people, but I'm glad you gave it a chance! Notrette's lines were a treat. (Ngl I reread too for them) I'm glad I wrote her saying the wildest off-the-wall shit to contrast Prospera's self-inflicted misery brainhole. It's incredible to know my work is seen and appreciated <3
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