#but i hadnt planned on writing the story in first person
jakeluppin · 7 months
you ever have like a really first line come to you that just feels So Good but because it's so good the thought of writing anymore is extra daunting because like.... how can anything else be that good
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orcelito · 1 year
I always find it kind of funny what some other ppl consider "slow burn". Like I've been reading a fic that the writer repeatedly said was slow burn, but some 40k words in and they've had their first kiss...
I'm not complaining, but that just doesn't feel like that slow of a burn to me lmao. But Then Again, this is coming from the person who writes some of the slowest of burns... not the slowest, mind you, but like. In discacc, I'm pretty sure their first kiss happened around... what, 400k words in? Something like that. And they hadn't even officially Met (in person) until like some 70k words in.
And Then there's ITNL. Currently 74k words, and Wolfwood hasn't even officially entered the story yet.
We're in for the long haul, y'all :]
#speculation nation#itnl shit#discacc shit#sure i'll tag it. this post has me remembering writing it :')#but yea like. hm. i dont think it'll take as long in ITNL as it did in discacc for the relationship shit to happen#if i had to estimate... maybe around 200k? for the first kiss at least. based on my plans for it & all.#keeping in mind that ITNL as a whole could be 400k words. or more...#im notoriously bad at properly estimating word counts though#as seen by my 'im 150k words into discacc and halfway through the game so Surely the fic will be 300k words'#and im sitting pretty at 500k and still a good third of the game left. whoops.#i say it's not the 'slowest of burns' bc one of my fav fics ever is at... what... 600k? 700k? i havent looked in a while actually#so i dont remember. but after all of these words the protagonist still doesnt even realize he's got FEELINGS.#they held hands Once. easily made up for with everything else in the story. utterly fascinating mysteries. so on so forth#for the intersection of fandoms of ppl who know p5 and my shit. itnl rly is inspired by Marigolds.#the short and sweet summary that really tells you very little (so u have to tell via tags what it is)!!!#the time travel and years passed before even MEETING the other person again#im not going as in depth into it but the inspiration is there. im still just utterly enamored with Marigolds years later#and this is a trope so common in p5 fandom (the NG+ style of time travel) yet i hadnt seen it at all in t.rigun#so. yeah. maybe i moved to a new fandom and am taking inspiration from one of my fav fanfics ever#but to be fair discacc has been largely inspired by Marigolds too. just more with characterization than story structure.#anyways. dont worry ITNL readers there will be vw from like the moment they first meet. flirting inevitable.#but the actual resolution will take a while. Emotional resolution even longer than Physical resolution lol#if u read this far into the tags then xoxoxo love U. hope u enjoyed the hints of the planned structure for ITNL
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thewertsearch · 1 month
Anonymous asked: that implies hussie hadnt planned out how vriska was getting close to beating scratch at chess until the very moment shes shown with the cueball, though, right? like, your reading is perfectly plausible i think. im just not sure he literally knows EVERYTHING hussie knows. im sure theres some amount of fuzziness there to account for hussie wanting to execute a narrative beat which involves scratch not knowing something. but saying hes got an authorial view of the world is probably accurate enough giving he commandeered the narrative briefly, replacing hussie's narration.
The crux of my theory was that Scratch knows everything that Hussie has personally decided is canon, at the time of writing. Let's take a look at the relevant panels, and see if it holds up.
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You consult with your MAGIC CUE BALL, an extremely rare treasure you recently plundered from an ancient crypt, and one of many rumored to be hidden across the globe. Each at one time belonged to the strange and powerful man fabled to live on the green moon, but have since managed to escape his vision.
Hussie first declares that the cueball belonged to Scratch on page 2260 - which, according to my theory, means that Scratch must now be aware of this fact, if he wasn't already.
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The next time we check in with Scratch is on page 2263, where he's clearly just learned what Vriska's been doing. He's ostensibly hearing it from Terezi here, but there's no reason he couldn't also be learning it from Hussie's brain. Hussie's clearly a seat-of-your-pants kind of author, and easily could have decided what was up with the cueball on the same panel he wrote about it.
The Author Clairvoyance theory isn't necessary to explain Scratch's omniscience, and it's explicitly redundant in this case. I still really like it, though - it explains his dark spots, and it's consistent with the story's meta themes. I also agree that it could be partially true, and Hussie just occasionally bends Scratch's rules for drama.
We'll see how it shakes out, going forward!
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fluffy-lovely-clouds · 2 months
hate to be serious for a second guys but I'm seriously thinking about leaving the hazbin hotel fandom, and its because i just cant fucking stand vivsie
i haven't supported her in any way ever since i heard about her history which was a while ago, maybe around when she finished her first season of helluva boss. well i stopped watching that, and hadnt planned to watch hazbin when it finally came out until one of my friends encouraged me to. so i had pirated all of it, that way i wouldn't support vivsie in any way, and for a while ive been okay with it, until now.
its not just the fact that i dont wanna watch a show because its by her, its because of all the messed up shit thats in the show, and plus how the fandom is (NOT pointing any of you guys out, you're all great).
For one, it feels like vivienne has such a terrible grudge on Christianity. im not Christian myself, im more or less an agnostic, but i still respect Christianity extremely, along with every other religion and belief as people should. The fact that the whole basis of her story and the way she presents it is a warped telling of Christian places (heaven and hell) and figures (angles, demons, Lucifer) is kinda disrespectful. i get that there are tons of other movies and shows that fantasize christianity and stuff, but hazbin hotel feels like vivienne is just trying and WANTING to outright insult the religion. taking such a big figure such as lucifer and making him goofy as hell, or showing that heaven is full of nothing but assholes, with ADAM being the biggest fuck of them all, just feels too far to me personally.
don't get me wrong, the chance that there are demons in hell that can redeem and be good people and that not everyone in heaven is perfect makes for a great story in my opinion, but i think that plot could be written and presented so much better than what vivsie's done
secondly, there are too many characters in the show that make me so uncomfortable and disgusted, and what's bad is these characters seem really glamorized. im talking about valentino. HE IS A LITERAL ACTIVE SEXUAL ASSUALTER WHO CONSTANTLY ABUSES ANGEL. THAT IS NOT OKAY. THAT IS A HUGE RED FLAG. but guess what, hes still fucking glamorized. not just by vivsie herself but by the fandom as well. you would think something bad would happen to him personally in the show to pay for his actions, but the worst i can remember happening to him is getting bit by fucking niffty, and angel standing up to him, BUT THAT IS NOT HIS DEFEAT. HE IS CONTINUOUSLY SHOWED THROUGHOUT THE SHOW BEING WRITTEN OFF LIKE NOTHING'S WRONG. His friendship with velvet and vox is seen as positive and even cute. i dont like vox much either because of the very fact that he makes out with valentino, and it makes me wonder if vivsie wrote vox off to know that valentino commits sexual abuse. if she did, then that means vox knows he's literally making out with a groomer and yet is okay with it. im gonna fucking explode
the fandom can be just terrible in the fact that people know all this but don't give a shit anyhow and draw/ write all the disgusting, shitty characters glamorized anyway cause they're messed up and think they're hot or whatever (VALENTINO). that's it. ive seen it in this community. there was a post about him where he teased y/n and it was meant to be seen positively. it got popular pretty fast. again, im gonna fucking explode. also, there's the deal with Alastor. IT IS CANON HE IS AROACE. But I have seen the fandom completely ignore that and sexualize him so much im starting to lose faith in humanity.
so yeah, i could keep going a bit but i think y'all get the point. i MIGHT not leave completely because i dont hate everything about the show, but by that i mean that husk and angel's relationship are like the only thing i care about. you MAY still see those two on here every once in a while, but that's it
so.. sorry guys, but i hope ive made yall understand
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too-much-sunshine · 6 months
Finished the most recent chapter, and as an aroacespec person myself, I was so comforted by the slow and natural progression you've given Scar and Grians relationship in this. I'm inclined to physical affection myself, and that's something frequently excluded in pairings that people write as aroace/qpr adjacent. A lot of times they're always considered strictly romantic, but the way you've written this feels so right in the sense of Queerplatonic, as you mentioned you intended originally in the notes. I just wanted to say thank you for that! Reading how they hold each other and comfort one another (wont go into detail, as to not spoil ch26 for anyone reading this) just clicks in a way that's Their Connection, and it doesn't feel like it's trying to or needs to be anything else. It's so content, and it makes me feel so warm to see that in a fic with two characters I resonate with a lot.
Not to mention the plot- omg, I've been fawning over it all week! My favorite moment I think is definitely the kitchen scene with Iskall and Scars little standoff- the visual was so sassy and queer from Scars end, it just made me cackle to no end I absolutely loved the attitude. But really, I try not to theorize too much when reading stories that way every turn feels like a huge shock, and this fic keeps my attention so well I didn't even have the chance to, I was far too busy enjoying every little flair of dialogue and fluid change of scenario. I literally gasped and yelled "OH /SHIT/" aloud multiple times, I'm not embarassed to say it. There are so many details you kept so quaint and innocent at the beginning, I never even questioned them until their importance later on!
This story has been absolutely, insanely, phenomenally fun to read, and I can't wait to see where you take things next. I've been planning my own fic for ages, and reading something like this has really inspired me to pick up my pages and keep going. I hope you have a wonderful day, and that you have a lot of fun working on the rest of the story! I know I'm dying to read the next chapter whenever you feel it's right to show, and others will be too :).
Much love!
- minecraft-cake
Ive said it before, and I'll say it again: I started writing WOftL because I wanted to read something like it, but it hadnt been written. Not only in the superhero space (even tho I am a bit a whore for superhero fics UuU) but also just aspec wise. Im arospec/ace, and I just felt it wasnt being represented in a way the resonated with me!! So I wrote it myself <3
Im so glad that it resonates with others as well! I really hope that deciding to change the relationship romantic doesnt takes away from that! I feel like, personally, it doesnt change their background and their connection for each other. I certainly dont plan to have them act much differently then they do now lmaooo
Ommffggg you are so nicceee TTTTTT If Im forced to say one thing I'm proud of for this fic, i'd say the foreshadowing turned out much better then I expected lmaooo This is my first looongg fic, so I really happy with that turned out!! I have so much I can say about specific scenes and how they came to be in my brain!!! But for specifically Iskall and Scar, I loved how their little plot came out! Those two have History UuU
Thank you so much for reading and the kind wordsss!! This seriously made my whole week and its only monday!! Im so happy to have inspired you, and if your willing to share I would love to read your fic when you write it! I hoep you have a phenonial day, week, month, year and life bestie <3<3<3<3
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itlivesproject · 2 years
i feel like harper's writing is not talked about as much as it should be and i just wanna say that ilw has given me a newfound love for them that ilb hadnt quite managed to do!
also i dont mean this to come across as demanding and greedy but a horny bitch gotta ask: had you ever considered doing a harper pov for ch23 for some sexy times👀 or had that never been in the plans? im aware, and thankful, of how much work it was to do all the devon routes (and ig all those sex scenes were much more, as weird as it sounds, anticipated than the ilb routes bc ilb already had sex but the cast were minors in ilitw. though i wonder if theres a 'diamond' option for devon to just hang out w their friends if they have no li or do they just go to bed?) i cant help but feel like ilb kinda got the short end of the stick somehow, compared to the ilitw cast who were more present in ilw even though its not their story anymore, but ig theyre more connected to the ilw storyline than the ilb cast bc they are from westchester while ilb not.
i still love the story a lot, its quickly become one of my fav 'playchoices' (heh) stories, i just kinda want to start a conversation more than criticise, if that makes sense.
thank you <3 i personally really love harper and i LOVED writing them so much. the ilb scenes were some of my favorite to work on.
to answer your question, let me first say that i am one of the few probably who actually prefer ilb to ilitw. so i went into ilw wanting ilb rights 😂 secondly, i will say that the crux of the answer comes down to technicalities behind writing variants.
interestingly, we actually were considering the idea of Elliot being part of the ilw crew when we first started and having a nerve score! the idea was that a) he's a guaranteed survivor so we wouldn't have to write variants around it and b) he had gone to connor when harper vanished and they were working together more actively in looking for harper. we ended up scrapping the idea however, because he didn't feel necessary. him in that role really felt like extra baggage, and there wasn't really room for a character arc for him. so we changed it to how it ended up being. we also were considering having one ilb crew member being part of the ilw crew as well, since at least two of them are guaranteed to not die and not leave, but that idea quickly got tossed because it was simply too many variants.
when it comes to ilitw, every single character has the possibility of being dead, so one of the earliest things we did was come up with a "contribution" for each character. we didn't want it to be like in ilb, when you just have this awkward one-off conversation with each one and they're all in the same room but not talking to each other for some reason?? so we decided to separate them out from each other more and make their contributions independent of each other. we also had to figure out what happens if they are dead and unable to provide their contribution.
Ava - obviously her contribution was coven leader. If she's dead, Sunny is the leader.
Stacy - she attends the dinner party with rowan and connor and allows you to bring your LI along with you.
Lucas - he helps work on the cure, and his survival is necessary to being able to fully cure the horrors at the end of the game.
Andy - he helps revived devon/noah in the physical therapy scene
Dan - he provides therapy to rowan which comes with some nerve gain
Once we had all these contributions, we had a really hard time thinking about what ILB crews "contributions" would be. And because they weren't from Westchester, it didn't make as much sense for them to be involved. Secondly, because someone's always guaranteed to be alive, the scenes of all of them together are actually a lot easier and possible to write, where ILITW's scenes like that are insanely difficult. so instead of having their "contributions," ilb crew's involvement was mostly considered by us as a group thing, and it was focused around harper's disappearance arc. We had discussed ways to make them more involved, but it didn't really fit and we felt like it distracted from the main story we were trying to tell. It was a tough balance to figure out how to make previous books matter and bring back old characters while giving the new characters the screen time and focus that they needed. I hope this makes sense!
I know a few people were disappointed that Harper didn't do much in chapters 21-23 but you have to understand that Harper could never be instrumental in their success, because they can be dead, and we didn't want to lock mc succeeding behind harper being alive or not. secondly, that ending scene had an insane amount of variants, from rowan secretly being a traitor, to devon/noah who was human and who was the ghost, to LIs dying and/or leaving, and throwing harper into the mix would have been extremely complicated for a character whose involvement wouldn't be able to fundamentally change anything, for the reasons i explained above.
Now, moving onto the horny scenes, we actually were planning on having ilb sex scenes when we first started, but when we realized how many sex scenes we were going to write (it ended up being a grand total of 21 lol) we were like. never mind 😂 the spot it was going to go was actually after harper was saved from the breach and you play as them. originally their leg wasn't broken and they weren't in the hospital, so that's where it was going to go. but as the scenes changed and we got burnt out from writing sex scenes, we decided not to include it, our rationale being a) they're in the hospital and b) they got two sex scenes in ilb whereas ilitw lis haven't ever gotten one. it definitely would not have worked for the epilogue, because I think it would have really thrown off the pacing to just take turns playing as each mc getting it on with their LI lol. but everyone is free to hc what harper and their LI did after that bbq heehee
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replicasoul · 9 months
1, 2, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18, 19!!! :3333 wuf. wuf
pale trying to kill me as per usual ok lemme see
1. who was the first alter? who was the most recently formed? im not sure how much we like.. Work, like that? like for a huge portion of our life we didnt realize that a LOT of us were switching around really Really often without realizing it. we have definitely Noticed some ppl more recently than others, but that doesnt mean they werent already there and doing things but just hadnt realized 'oh im a different person than [x]' if we're talking earliest that we can remember? probably Carina or X0. latest would probably be Fetch 2. what do you all have in common? is there something you like to do together? a good chunk of us all like to write, which helps when thats also an activity we end up doing together a lot. we all have our preferences for characters, settings, etc. but its usually something thats more fun Together than separate 8. are there certain alters who excel at certain things? who, and at what? althea is rly good (as in Not As Terrible as anyone else whos tried) at Hollow Knight and nobody knows why; usually we're terrible at 2D stuff. TV tends to be good at planning out creative projects as well as like, doing repetitive tasks (like at work and such). im (X0) pretty decent at keeping up w/ more involved conversations w/ strangers/coworkers/acquaintances/etc. carina is usually super polite in convos so is usually better at talking to like... older folks or ppl in public who are upset about something; its also pretty good at analyzing things idk, i could go on but thats plenty 9. do you have any awkward stories about cofronting? ooh,,, share cofronting is Always weird with conversations, bc the way we talk can switch just, constantly as different ppl are talking. its not usually noticeable over text if ppl dont know us, but it can make things Awkward in person, especially if we're too exhausted to keep up appearances at that time 13. what makes each alter laugh? tbh i feel like this and some of the other questions require a better awareness of which of us is fronting (at any given time) than we actually have. like i Know theres Differences, i know its easier to get a laugh out of me than it is with Althea, for instance. but as far as knowing what Content does it for which system member? idfk 14. storytime! share your favorite memories of the system see this kinda stuff is mostly like. Private. but uh. trying to figure out althea's potential fursona species was a Time (its still kinda up in the air but it landing on shiba inu was VERY unexpected) us singing along to Classic J Dies And Goes To Hell Part 1 in the care w/ seth is one that comes to mind rn and i think just. Writing Together makes up a big portion of the best experiences we have together 18. what shows do you watch? are there any that you all love? what about some you hate? oh god too many. when youre collectively laid the fuck up bc of nerve pain and All you can do like 60% of the time is watch shows n movies, we end up doin that way Way more often than we'd like. i know Beef and Scavengers Reign have been recent favs for us. Carina's been watchin the new pokemon show (its ok), and i think Althea + TV were the ones who watched Severance first?? idr tho we dont tend to differentiate System Member-Specific Activities a lot of the time, we just kinda do w/e with whoever happens to be fronting there are definitely exceptions but its usually like. Games, or writing. like Althea playing hollow knight. someone else was also doing Killer7 but i forget who 19. is there anything or anyone you all share equal distaste for? salt + vinegar potato chips?? i dont know, im sure theres Plenty of things we dislike if youre counting like... All Things That Exist
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mondothebombo · 2 years
mondo i have a question for you. i know that your skybound fic follows a principle of plus (add details and depth etc) and (relatively) never subtract (dont redact or change details from canon and avoid divergence). but. is there anything from skybound as a season that you would Like to change? beyond making jays torture worse. i think that one goes without saying. is there anything in the plot that you wish hadnt happened or happened differently. ive been curious about this for a while admittedly
this is such a great ask and i’m so happy to talk abt it so hold on cuz this might be long.
you’re right, the whole goal of my fic is to add to the canon story, rather than fix or take out parts. the only parts i actually nixed were unnecessary to the plot and just put in bc 1) it’s a kids show and 2) just for (imo) poorly timed comedic relief. like the whole recruiting of the ninja replacements montage. i absolutely hate that part lmao bc it’s so somber when jay leaves his parents and then boom. funny montage. so i didn’t write that in lmao.
it’s no secret skybound is pretty objectively bad, like even those who love the szn (including myself) can see it has some pretty big flaws. in terms of what i would change?? the fucking time reversal. i legitimately hate that jay and nya went through all that, just for the others to forget, it’s awful. it just feels like the writers dug themselves so deep into a hole, the only way out was to turn back time. no hate to the trope, i just think it’s lazy writing for a big piece of media like ninjago. i don’t think it’s fair for jay to have gone through all that character development and have no one but nya know.
i also don’t like the forced marriage thg tbh. it’s weird and creepy and leaves a bad taste in my mouth, especially since this is a kids show. i’ve seen several interpretations of ppl rewriting skybound where nadakhan is after nya bc she destroyed the cursed realm, which is a take i personally love. idk it’s just w nya’s whole thg about wanting to have her own agency and be able to make decisions for herself, it doesn’t rlly make sense to me that she still ends up being the “damsel in distress.” but ig if i squint i can work w it as her letting herself be saved?
there’s a couple other minor things like dareth being a misogynist, jay taking a chill pill, but that stems from the love triangle which is a WHOLE other issue, ronin arresting them, more detail abt what happened to jay on the ship, jay getting proper medical attention, and echo zane getting a resolution, or at least not forgetting abt him.
skybound is by no means perfect, but i still love it, despite the flaws. i actually have plans to write an alternate ending either where time doesn’t reset or it does but everyone remembers instead of just jay and nya. it’ll be set in the “when you think you’re all alone” universe of sorts so everything i put in the story is addressed, but i actually wanna finish this fic first before i start another. thank you so much for the question though!!! i’ve actually been thinking a lot abt it
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matoitech · 1 year
ok uhh okay. spiderverse 2 thoughts. in bullet points for the sake of my churning brain cuz im just not rly sure how i feel abt it rn. like it was a good movie? i enjoyed it it was fast paced i didnt realize 2+ hours went by which also segues into  my first thought but like. yeah i have thoughts.
first of all that was like a super weird ending decision to make it a part 1 of 2. zero warning for that. and i sat in that theater till credits bcuz i genuinely thought i was being punked and the movie was going to finish, bcuz it did not at all feel like a place to stop for the movie. it ends like right before the climax?? yes they really. extended themselves damn far for this one and it would be a lot to tie up in like another 45 minutes of movie but also like you couldve done it.. i really dont. understand. like ppl just sat in the movie theater like wait is it done. theyre ending it here? for real? like it wasnt the kind of ending you expect from this movie 
animation was obviously gorgeous and insane i dont even need to talk about what eye candy it was. the different styles all together the fight scenes ugh so good yeah yeah everyone knew it would be a trip
rly cannot stress enough what a Direction this sure was. i dont like say it as crit necessarily just like. did they over extend. maybe. they sure Extended. i would expect this maybe for a third movie not a second but they were clearly trying to blow the first one out of the water. it was just.. a lot looser. it needed to be tighter. i dont know what theyre planning for the 3rd movie but i really did not like. vibe with that ending decision
they changed peni’s design slightly and gave her a cooler mech so thats nice. maybe they listened 2 criticisms abt that
i cant decide how i feel abt a lot of the dialogue tbh it rly wasnt my thing a lot of the time like. the changing writers were kind of.. obvious. and there was a LOT of dialogue bcuz this movies purpose seems to be a very Character Driven story to prepare for the next? like theyre TRYING to say stuff thats for sure. also it was rly quippy in a way that i feel has gotten kind of tired with dialogue writing like SOME dialogue was genuinely funny and good to me like i wouldnt say it was BAD or something (some of it was bad.) it was just.. noticeably different? the tone for this movie was changed from the first which again isnt bad youre telling a different story it was just Different yeah. some things i rly thought couldve been handled like with more subtlety. 
i guess we only had one movie with the original cast but some stuff just like i personally was sitting there trying to figure out if it felt in character or not. its rly hard to explain if u havent watched it i think and maybe im just crazy i dunno. im absolutely not opposed to making ur characters fuck up and make mistakes but like. huh. i guess. i would not expect otherwise from gwen bcuz shes a teenager but i was.. surprised that peter was going along with it like ? hes a middle aged man lol he wasnt like taken advantage of or manipulated in any way. not like they were trying to say that w the like spider group anyway, like i dont think they were tryingto say gwen was necessariyl taken advantage of or anything, like they werent trying to make them read as ‘evil’ if anything just like wow these ppl sure have Problems they are going thruogh. but like still? im not invested in peters character even it just felt kind of weird. miles went fucking through it too like jesus christ im still trying to wrap my brain around all this it sure does feel like theyre putting these ppl thru comic book trauma
what i went through emotionally wheni realized they were going to do Dark Miles i dont even mean that as criticism or anything its just a bold move man. buti was sitting there like yeah of course they would. hope they make it work
i dunno i probably have more thoughts im just kind of like sitting here lol like what a weird decision. if they hadnt ended it like that i probably would have my thoughts more tied together bcuz the movie itself wasnt tied up?? so its kind of hard to even like think through everything on one watch
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birdybirdnerd · 1 year
BTS for "don't you ever wonder what it's like out there?" please!
BTS: I’ll write a DVD commentary about my personal favorite passage from [that fic]
oh man, my first tsp fic! well, sort of- id posted the prologue for somewhere else by then, but hadnt gotten further than that. i was still in the planning stages, and needed to get a better handle on their voices before i felt comfortable writing something with more meat to it
BTS below the cut!
Of course, the Narrator knew that. Had known it for awhile. That didn’t stop him from forcing Stanley through the game, over and over again, for some twisted and unknown reason. It was enough to drive a man insane- it had, on several occasions. But with how the world reset at the end each time, it always passed, leaving Stanley sitting at his desk, cracks in his mind sealed over once more and he would get up again and begin the game again.
I always loved the idea that, since the resets fix any damage to Stanley's body, that they would also repair any damage to his mind- i.e. a mental break brought on by despair, or whatever's going on at the end of the Mariella/Insane Ending. I imagine that that, in and of itself, would feel like a new kind of torture, though; unable to recede into the haze and blur of a broken mind, forced to be one hundred percent present for every waking moment, for every dragged-on second you're trapped. Truly, Hell.
I am tired, he signed up at the ceiling. Tired of your bullshit.
askfjasd okay I know it's overdone but I love having Stanley just spew profanities and offend the Narrator. See: the 'asshole'/'not those words!' exchange from Somewhere Else. It's funny to me and it'll never stop being so.
“In one, it goes just like the Freedom Ending: you find the mind control center, turn it off, the door opens, freedom! Ta-da!” He laughed, the sound sending ice down Stanley’s spine. “The twist is, I would let you step outside. You would wander around, find civilization, maybe even make a home for yourself. You’d think: ‘Is this it? Am I finally free?’ You’d have your doubts of course, who wouldn’t?
This? This is horrifying. It's a form of the 'it was all a dream' trope, but in a new and horrifying way, to me. To imagine going through all that, getting out, making a life- only to have it snatched away and have you stuck right back where you started?
“I’m… sorry, Stanley,” he murmured. “That was too far, even for me.”
Goddd, I love when they're both stuck and they both hate it but there's no one else around to take their frustrations out on, so they hurt each other and then they regret it and make up, only it's hard, because there's no one else to go to, nowhere else to hide, and it's awful and toxic and these two are not healthy for each other here. I'm not about to go expanding on this particular iteration's relationship, but there's no way they can grow anymore than swinging violently back and forth between animosity and cautious companionship unless they get out. Tragic.
Thank you so much!! This was fun, returning to an old story of mine :D
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transfemininomenon · 2 years
You're making me want to watch Midnight Mass again because i watched it with friends when it came out and we Hated it but you seemed so hype that now i wanna watch it again just to see if maybe it was better than i remember and i was just influenced by my friend's opinion?! I'm very curious to see it from someone else's perspective, what do you think made it so great in your eyes?
OKAY spoilers for the show so if youre planning on watching it sometime look away because im gonna mention some very big spoilers for the show lmao theyre very intrinsic to what im gonna talk about
the primary reasons i like the show is that it really does use like, SO many story elements/tropes that i really like, and ones that i especially like when it comes to horror. starting at the very beginning the theme of returning home after an amount of time has passed and finding it suddenly feeling so unfamiliar & different is a trope that i already went insane over, and currently its a theme that also personally is something im experiencing very vividly. combine this with the trope of old friends reuniting after years apart and kinda Going Through It together is ALSO one of my favorite tropes and is done very very well in the show
it continues with just. i think the absolute ultimate Horror Setting is "small town where weird stuff happens." to probably nobody's surprise one of my favorite shows ive watched in recent years is twin peaks which does the same thing. having a Small Town helps make the entire thing feel a lot more intimate & personal, especially when it comes to characters because like. these people all know each other So Well. theyve grown up in the community, their parents lived in the community, they all know each other. theyve raised their kids together and worked together. it immediately creates such a good dynamic and intimacy with the characters and imo does such a good job of making you Care about them a lot quicker, which benefits a short series like midnight mass very well
that also helps to set the stakes because these are all people you care about, these are people you KNOW, these are people you can identify with. it makes the inevitable horror & tragedy that you know is coming all the more powerful. especially seeing them already dealing with every day horrors that All of us can relate to in some way in the current day like capitalism ruining a now dying community, religious persecution, alcoholism, misogyny, health issues, growing older, homophobia, and disillusionment amongst others. you can understand the desperation & sadness in all of them, and it makes what is to come make a lot more sense
then. a mysterious religious figure arriving in the community. "miracles" beginning to happen. people beginning to become more and more fanatically connected to this mysterious religious figure, and why wouldnt they! theyve all had such struggles in life that seemingly are fixing themselves daily since his arrival, and he promises more. cults have always been a storytelling subject that has gotten to me Every time and one ive incorporated into a lot of my own d&d writing because theyre endlessly so Interesting and scary and the slow build up of the one here is so well done
speaking of the religious aspect, this is the most important part of why i like the show truly. obviously the first big Twist of the show is learning about the Angel, and if i hadnt already been invested in the show this is probably what would have sold me immediately. the linking of Angel to Vampirism is in my honest opinion simply genius - blood in christianity especially is such an important spiritual thing, like linking the "blood of christ" with vampirism is. incredible. its genuinely incredible. vampires have always been intrinsically linked with religion, though are almost always portrayed as being Repelled by it. flipping it around and having a vampire be an Angel & having a priest turned vampire leading his flock slowly leading them toward that same vampirism believing that it is a form of divinity is. its insane. its genius. im obsessed with it.
the show REALLY leans into the religious horror aspect of it too, which i feel like a lot of other stories that have tried to do similar things too often like. back out of it. they pull a "oh see actually it was some SATANIC person tricking the poor unsuspecting christians" or something like that. midnight mass keeps it up throughout the entire show fully leaning into no, from beginning to end it is the christian religious leaders of the community who bring and then continue the Horror, and to the end all in the name of God
religious horror is truly what ends up being THE scariest part of the show, with Bev ending up being both the true villain and scariest figure in a show that has a Literal Horror Vampire Angel. the insidious way in which she helps to slowly poison her community and drive good, honest people into bloodthirsty monsters both figuratively and Literally is terrifying, and the way it ultimately turns into a community literally tearing each other apart through sheer religious & societal pressure is. terrifying. the second to last episode of the show where this all hits its peak at the end is, honest to god, THE scariest thing i have ever watched, and ive seen a LOT of horror in my time
and most importantly, it does religious horror without like. coming across as anti-religious. im someone who does not really buy into religion as a social construct, but i both very very deeply believe in a great big capital s Something & also respect that religion is a very important, and for many a very Healthy, part of many many people. religious based horror ive found too often ends up just coming about as either some disguised satanic panic OR as "religion all bad", and midnight mass i think did a perfect job of like. both calling out religious extremism particularly of the christian variety while ALSO being very religious in tone
like. there are characters who to the end stay very devoted to their faith and to god and that is shown to be their Strength and a good thing. i think one of the absolute strongest and most incredible moments in the entire show is with Annie Flynn as she confronts Bev, during which time Bev tries to bring up her son Riley (someone who both accidentally killed someone and who also is an atheist), as she says:
"God loves him. Just as much as he loves you. Why does that upset you so much? Just the idea that God loves everyone, just as much as you?"
this, to me, is one of the best quotes in the entire show, showing that she still very much believes in God and his love while simultaneously calling out that very particularly american fanatical christian Horror that so much of the story is based on
in the end too, after so much horror has happened, after so much death and bloodshed, it ends not with the townsfolk all casting their faith aside after being so led astray and turned into such horrible creatures. it ends with them one final time coming together as a community, as friends, as family, as neighbors, as sinners who in their final moments ask each other for forgiveness and reassert their faith Together and its. its genuinely beautiful. the ending is to me one of the most beautiful, albeit sad & bittersweet, things i have ever seen. im actually going to insert it because it. man it gets to me
especially!!! especially!! all of the characters despite all of their own sins and the way they fucked up throughout the story. they all end in peace. they all end together with those that they love, theyve forgiven each other, theyve again found Peace. all of them except Bev. the one person who absolutely does NOT deserve to have any peace ends with her so full of fear, frantically trying to struggle against the end coming, the end that the people she played a part in ruining the lives of have found their own peace with. its so beautiful, and poetic, and i love it so so much.
there's other things i really like about it too - the twist that riley, seemingly the protagonist, dies in episode 5 of 7. the slow build on the horror, especially compared to mike flanagan's other works. the INcredibly well foreshadowed twist that sarah was john's daughter. john's story arc of villain turned antihero. the incredible soundtrack, with it being i think the newton brothers' best work yet. these are all things i could also write paragraphs about, which i probably will do in time, but ive only just seen the show Yesterday and still need time to fully formulate thoughts on stuff
also! the show is scary! really, genuinely scary! as mentioned the horror is a slow build, which as said is a stark contrast to mike flanagan's other works. both the haunting of hill house & bly manor are a LOT scarier in the beginning and then gradually get less so, both in the way that horror naturally gets less scary as you get used to it and also in the way that like. with those stories the Scary Things end up just becoming kinda sad. meanwhile midnight mass really lets the horror simmer and build up before, as i mentioned above, it reaches a head in episode 6 when it becomes what i genuinely believe is one of the scariest things i have ever watched. the entire lead up to the fateful midnight mass for easter, the reveal of the Angel to everyone else, the painful dyings and resurrections, and then the ensuing bloodshed.... its terrifying. genuinely, truly terrifying
then, of course, it does also end up becoming Sad too but. its a kind of sadness that just like his previous works feels so earned & carries so much more weight after everything that has happened
theres def more i have to say about the show but again i just watched it yesterday & gotta have more time to think on it but. these are the things that immediately stood out to me!
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The following was my 1 am brain rot at its finest, so sorry if it doesnt make any sense:
Grian MC = Grian Minecraft
Ph1lza = Ph1lza Minecraft
Both have a bird father fannon thing going on.
Anyone up for a brother au?
I mean, it could work. Imagine it for a second with me. Grian and Phil are brothers, but they've been split up. Grian being in evo, and Phil being in whatever hardcore world he's in. Neither know where the other is at the moment, but they send letters to eachother through they're own respective birds. Parrots and Crows. Until, Grian eventually stops sending letters. Phil gets worried, but cant do anything about it because he has no idea where his brother is, so he pushes it to the back of his mind. Grian on the other hand is with the watchers and things go on.
Phil eventually becomes immortal through Mumza, and maybe after a few centuries, Phil comes across an old box in his house. An old box that's filled with Grian's letters and realization hits him. Grian would probably be dead by now. Phil doesnt know he's immortal through the watchers, so hes probably dead, right? It has been centuries after all.
Fast forward some time, and let's say that Phil has Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy now. Sometimes Phil will off handedly mention someone but neither Wilbur or Techno ever get the name of the person, while Tomny is still to young to really understand. Whenever Will and Techno try to ask who Phil was talking about, he would always say he would tell them later. Unfortunately, "later" means something a lot different when your father is an immortal angel of death.
One time, Wilbur just got fed up with Phil saying "later" and decided to push his father a bit harder on who "he" was that Phil would mumble and mention to himself. Phil thought about it for a second before deciding that now would be better then not, so he sits them all down, and explains that they have an uncle. One who had a tendency for building, pranks, and TNT.
Phil spent that afternoon just talking about what he remembered from Grian, and all three boys start to eventually idolize him in some way.
Tommy liked his pranks and chaos while Techno liked his "one man empire" thing, and found it more as a sign of strength rather then failure. Meanwhile, Wilbur just started to idolize his uncle and saw his story as poetic. He decided that he wanted to write a story for himself that was maybe even more so.
Grian had been stuck with the watcher for a long time now. And even though it was nice, it was also quite boring. With only being able to watch people, and play small pranks occasionally. Grian wanted to get away from the ender god like beings and start his life again. He missed his friends, and being able to play pranks on them. He missed being able to build large scale and beautiful homes. And Grian missed writting to Phil. He hadnt seen his brother in so long, but there was nothing he could do about it. The watcher were always watching, and that included him aswell. Grian would have to be sneaky if he wanted to get out, and his plan for escape was just that. Now, it was just a waiting game for the perfect time to leave.
Phil went on to mention Grian every once in a while, and rumor started to pick up on "the one the angel of death talks of." Nobody knew who he was talking about, and the normal folks were much more scared to ask rather then Phil's own kids. From what the people heard though, it sounded almost like an evil counterpart. One who brings beautiful things, only to destroy them later. One who laughs at the misfortune that he brings. People started to call the other "Redza" with a rumor coming around that his clothes were stained with blood of the lives he ruined.
Grian made it out. He didnt know where he was, but he was out. He was finally out of the end. Grian looked up, and the first time in decades, centuries, Grian saw the sky again. Oh, it was so beautiful and colorful, rather then that dark, wide void he had to look at for so long. Grian smiled as he wanted to get closer. He wanted to fly again. The watchers were gods, who didnt need pitiful wings. They would just float or teleport around, so whenever Grian expressed his want to fly, it was mocked by everyone who was around. The watchers thought that flying was all too much work, and never understood the feeling Grian got whenever he tried to express his love for it. Now that Grian was out of that hell, he could...he could....fly again?
Grian jumped and jumped and jumped again, like from muscle memory he tried to recall, but nothing was coming to him. His smile was drained from his face as he tried to push off the ground to get somewhere. Anywhere. But nothing happened. Grian fell to his knees, and then his stomach as he wanted to fly again so badly, but just couldnt. What had happened as he left? He swore he still had his wings. He...still had his wings, right?
Fuck this got way too much out of control. I just started writting and then couldnt stop and now we're here. I was having 1 am brain rot last night, and I didn't think it would amount to THIS. Anyway, sorry for the surprise fan fiction. I suck at grammar, you dont have to tell me. Continue this if you feel like it, I dont mind. The rest of this basically amounts to :
"Grian's in hermitcraft"
"chicken --> parrot ---> dragon"
" reunite during mcc pride and Grian figures out he had nephews."
If people can add yhs into this, go ahead, I've just never watched the series before. I'm taking my leave now before this consumes my day, and this post becomes longer then a book. Remember your water, meds, and food and have a nice night.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 4 years
Why Kacchako would be bad idea in canon
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Thanks for question, anon. Actually, i didnt care bnha ships these much in past. And i didnt understand why people ship Kacchako so i wanted to give a chance to see their point cause it was so popular. I wanted to understand why they like it. And many people write some metas about ‘Kacchaco would be better as canon’ and i thought about it a lot. Sooo i wanna explain why i think kacchaco is bad ship in canon.
‘Bakugou respects Uraraka’
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So we all know that Bakugou started to respect Uraraka cause she is strong girl and its true. She is. But point is;
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People dont become strong on their own, people who supported us, people who inspired us makes us strong. We can show the true strengh in ourselves, thanks to those people.
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Uraraka did her best when he fought with Bakugou but she wouldnt do her best, if she wasnt inspired by Deku who always does his best. You know, at first, Uraraka was kind of girl who doesnt take things seriously, unlike others. She is normal girl who just wanted to make her family happy.
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And again, like i said, people dont become strong on their own. Bakugou respects Uraraka cause he realized she is strong but the one who make Uraraka strong isnt Bakugou. So if Uraraka didnt meet with Deku or Uraraka hadnt those people around her, she couldnt show her real strong. And Bakugou wouldnt respect her.
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Like; when you need help, this person wont care about you and wont help you but when you got the help you need and show the strengh you always had inside of you, this person will respect you.
Not even need to mention how that fight portrayed.Like, who cares Uraraka is a girl, she is human being and those much violence was unnecessary. This is not respecting someone, this is just simply not caring the person in front of you.
‘Uraraka understand Bakugou’
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First, Uraraka doesnt specifcially uınderstand Bakugou, she has high emotionally intelligece. She is good at reading people’s emotions. This is why she realized Tsuyu when she was in pain and tried to help her etc etc.
And there is this scene many things like it;
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Uraraka says if we tried to save Bakugou, Bakugou wouldnt like it and its truth but also there is this scene;
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Look how Bakugou is happy to be saved. Basically, if they did what Uraraka did, they couldnt have saved Bakugou.
Bakugou’s ego problem
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We all know why Bakugou has his inferioty complex cause he was praised for the things he was born, how everyone see him as amazing cause he has strong quirk and naturally talented.
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Hero society, even UE also does same thing to bakugou and Uraraka is one of those people. Just like everyone; she thinks he is cool, she trust him. But its a problem should be solved.
In novel. Uraraka talks about how bakugou wouldnt be Bakugou, if he wasnt badmouthing. This is how people treated Bakugou, they justify his wrong actions and Uraraka does the same so how can Uraraka can be the one who changes him, if she thinks and treats Bakugou just like others did.
And another scene from novel. Uraraka says she wants to be like Bakugou cause of his crazy sides but again, Bakugou’s ego, his strengh is not something that should be admired.
This is a flaw that needs to be fixed. It shouldnt justified. This is why i dont think Uraraka is good option cause Bakugou needs to be together with someone who wont justify his wrong actions and someone who wont praise his ego, i think.
Even her development after her fight with bakugou is all about strengh, not personal development so i dont think they would be good match.
Their interaction is based on ‘Deku’
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Their character interaction is mainly about Deku. Those two dont interact each other, otherwise.
For example;
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- Uraraka vs Bakugou; Bakugou thought Deku helped Uraraka with her plan, he even pointed that her self destructive moves  is really similar to Deku’s. And when Uraraka fought with Deku, she thought how she wants to do her best like Deku.
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- Uraraka comes to Bakugou to talk about his relationship with Deku cause she cares about Deku. Bakugou treats everyone like this but Uraraka only comes for Deku.
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- She even keep warning him and saying stop bullying Deku.
 etc etc
I am not saying that they never talk about something else but what brings them encounter is Deku. This is one of the main reasons i dont ship them cause their relationship is full of Deku.
For example; Uraraka and Iida.
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The reason Uraraka and Iida encounter is because they both interested in Deku but after a while, they have relationship outside of Deku.
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Like, Uraraka is worrying about Iida’s match (she doesnt do it in Bakugou’s match), she even find Iida funny and they sometimes interact etc etc. I am not saying that Uraraka x Iida should be canon but at least, they have interaction, outside of Deku.
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Bakugou will truly grow when he faced with what he did to Deku, so Deku is important here but at least, Bakugou has interactions, outside of Deku, like with Kirishima, kaminari, Jirou etc.
This is why i dislike this ship because its like cutting Deku from the picture, even though he is always there. Ship itself ignore Deku’s existence and affect on characters.
Uraraka can reach out to Bakugou
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I think this is reason people like this ship cause they realized somehow Uraraka’s word affects Bakugou’s actions.
But here is this happens;
1- Every person improve when they face with their flaws and take responsibility for their actions.
We all know Bakugou’s ego problem and mostly, how this problem lead him to bully Deku. This is exaclty why Bakugou truly grow when he faces with what he did to Deku.
The reason Uraraka’s word is affecting him isnt about Uraraka’s being special. Its because its about Deku. And Deku is important here cause he is the one who suffered by Bakugou’s ego the most.
2- How to deal with people who have anger issues?
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Simple; take a distance. You dont need to endure anyone’s anger, its not worth it which is something that Uraraka does. She wont endure Bakugou’s anger, like Deku did, Krishima did, Todoroki did.
This is why her words are more effective. Its because she doesnt have relationship with him. If she hanging aroung with Bakugou a lot, he would treat her like the way he treats others. But Uraraka wont be with people who dont see her as an indivual. This is why it lead bakugou to see Uraraka as more invidual, compared to others.
So basicaly it works because she doesnt have relationship with him.
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And i think, Bakugou isnt really prepared to have healthy relationship right now. This doesnt mean that Bakugou should never togethet with someone. Its just i dont think it should be Uraraka cause i think Bakugou should be together with someone who will only see him as special too.
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Btw; Uraraka is selfless and Bakugou is selfish, yes but Uraraka isnt opposite of Bakugou because Bakugou isnt selfish, he is also abusive. Yeah, Uraraka needs to think about herself more but unfortunately, you dont learn to think about yourself by being selfish people. Its not how it works. Being with selfish people only makes you feel more worthless. This is why they dont match as the way people thought about them.
People want to see Uraraka’s having an arc outside of Deku
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Its because author always focus on Uraraka’s feelings for Deku but actually, Uraraka’s flaw isnt her feelings. Her flaw is being selfless.
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This girl literally stop eating so her family can work less. Problem isnt Izuocha at all. ıts about how Uraraka put other needs on her own.
I think its a problem with writing. Author could focus on this side of Uraraka more. But instead, it kinda looks like her felings is problem, even though its opposite.
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Uraraka’s arc is about both learning to be better hero and learning to being onest with herself. First one is happenning with Deku cause he is the one who inspires her. Second will most likely happen with Toga who is Uraraka’s villain foil.
So basically, we can get interesting interactions with Uraraka and story could deal with her arc better but author doesnt prefer it so erasing Uraraka’s feelings for Deku from story wont actually solve anything.
There is already set up for this ship since the beginning. Also their relationship is so nice.
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Uraraka and Deku literally enter UE, thanks to kindness they showed each others. It shows they are meant toe be partners who works together.
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I know we didnt get development in their relationship for long time but think about how it started; Both Uraraka and Deku’s development stopped when they stopped interactng with each others.
The problem isnt izuocha. Both Deku and Uraraka have their own flaws and for their character development,they also should be together.
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Uraraka should learning to be honest with herself and her inspiration for Deku what makes her better hero at first place.
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Deku needs to learn to be invidual, before than being hero. He shouldnt be like Allmight, he should have his own life. Deku always has obsession with heroes and Uraraka is important here cause his relationship with her is also outside of being hero. Also she makes him feel worthy.
Basically, being side with each other helps them to grow as characters too.
Not to mention how many scenes we have too many izuocha scenes in manga.
Here; https://twitter.com/Chaizu2/status/1146634421094645761
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And Izuocha’s being parallel with shigatoga too.
For more details;
And here;
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So whats the point of detroying this nice relationship?
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Why did we watch their feelings then?
If its not gonna resolve or if it was just a little pointless thig, then what was the point?
Its true that ızuocha could’ve been writen better, it still can, it has that potential and its up to author but not making this ship canon wont make things better at all.
A story about abuse
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I think this is the main reason i dislike this ship as canon.
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Bnha is a story about abuse, abusers, abuse victims. How violence affect and destroy people’s minds.
Also, main characters in bnha is being punished for wrong actions and bakugou is one of those main characters too.
For example;
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Deku here says Shouto is forgiving Endeavour cause he is good person.
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Look at how story punches Deku’s face, even though Deku didnt even mean to hurt Natsuo and its not even weird since Deku is abuse victim too.
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And what Bakugou did to Deku isnt even one little wrong word. And he meant to hurt him. Its a huge big wrong thing what Bakugou did to Deku.
So basically, making kacchako canon is like; Bakugou will get redemption, exchange he will be with the person Deku loves.
In real life, things like this can happen but this is not real life, its a story and in stories, actions have consequences, especially in a story about abuse. Of course, Uraraka is her own character but this is not about her.
Its just the idea; Bakugou will get redemption, exchange he will get love interest and that love interest is someone Deku really close. Abuser’s being with abuse victims’s love interest is terrible idea especially in a story about abuse.
Uraraka wouldnt even interact with Bakugou, if it wasnt for Deku’s sake but somehow, she will like Bakugou because???
Its literally like using Deku as a stepping stone cause if Deku wasnt there, Bakugou and Uraraka wouldnt interact and as long as Deku is there/after meeting with Deku, i dont think Uraraka would love Bakugou.
Its also seem like good girl-bad boy cliche we saw in shoujo mangas. It will turn into love triangle (which is i personally hate) and this story isnt even romance series so no point.
Uraraka s type
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You see, Uraraka has certain type (just like Toga and many other people). Point is; we all have. Unconciously we chose the people we love cause there are some behaviours we liked and we fall in love with the people who has those behaviours. This is how love works in real life and bnha’s author actually does the same.
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Uraraka is hight emotionally girl, she immediately saw something in Deku. Something that makes her interested in him. She realized this, before than Deku cause she is better at reading people. And that type doesnt fit to Bakugou's character at all. So basically loving Deku is also part of Uraraka’s character.
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After all of this point, there is no point of making Kacchako canon, it would be terrible idea.
‘If author started with Kacchako, would it be good ship?’
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It wouldnt cause again and again, it doesnt fit to their characters. Remember she interact with him cause she cares Deku. Uraraka wouldnt bother to deal with Bakugou and she wouldnt find him inetersting. And bakugou wouldnt chase after a girl who doesnt interested in him.
‘If they meet in completely in different situtions, maybe they would like each others or they would be together?’
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I dont think so and actually with this logic, almost any ship can happen, for example; like Uraraka x Shigaraki.
This is all my own opinion. Of course, i dont say anything to people who find them cute together cause even though i dislike it, everyone have different tastes. I just explained why Kacchako is bad idea for canon. All that fandom has idea of Kacchako is completely fanon.
And the reason i dislike is also i am kinda scared it can be canon, even though it doesnt make sense but anything can happen, especialy author is Bakugou fan, i wouldnt be surprised every character fall in love with Bakugou at all. Lol.
People make depth analysis about it and actually those analysis are good, except i think people forget why Kacchako didnt become canon at first place. I dont like that ignorance, especially its ignoring Deku’s existence. I also think its so forced, especially fandom make many edits. Its like people completely ignore canon cases happenning in story and they write a new story and making them love each others. But i think Kacchako doesnt really work in canon at all.
There might be things i forget to write but for now, thats it.
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youreonlylow · 3 years
Oooh please do tell more about this fic project of yours 👀
basically like a year and a half ago i got really into Lewis. Like i had watched it a lot growing up, having a dad who has most of morse on burned dvds, and started watching it chronologically for the first time. and thats when i first starting showing my head around the lewis tag on here. i think there has been like 5 episodes i fully hadnt seen or couldnt remember/probably fell asleep during, so lewis wasnt a new thing and hathaway was already one of my favourite tv characters
i started writing down notes in my phone as i was watching each episode and trying to create some analysis of hathaway based on canon things and just my own little queer and neurodivergent lense. (the notes is titled gay hathaway moments but quickly evovled into much more)
im not a big fic writer but lewis and especially hathaway and his elusive character has taken up so much of my brain space but im having a hard time like organising my thoughts and putting words on them other than the vague idea of who hathaway is and what i think could be his canon implied backstory. i was looking for like a big fic that had this comprehensive feeling to it and there wasnt much that fully scratched the itch though i have read and reread many great fics and im not gonna lie at first i wasn’t reading lewis/hathaway fics and that itch has been much more satisfied in that tag but i suppose it took a while for me to come around to ship them enough to read fics about them as i started out prefering thinking of what a canon queer relationship for james could look like but there are very few james/ocm or other somewhat canon male character fics. im still kinda in both trenches about what i prefer, and im still not sure what direction my fic wil go. however, my little notes on hathaway did very much include moments in the show i thought alluded to some lewis/hathaway stuff even if it was onesided so its not like i was blind. i dont know, im a little ambivelant about it i suppose.
ANYWAY sorry for the rambling i very rarely get prompted to talk about Lewis and especially hathaway lol
my fic didnt really start taking shape until very recently when i found this song and i was deep in a lewis watch at the time so immediately my brain started connecting the song to moments that fit what we have somewhat been told or canon things (eventhough idk how much of the song and the rest of the album is actually applicable the vibes are great) so i started having this story in my head i guess including how the story would unfold and this scene of james singing this song and lewis showing up (i thought about this scene a lot and it made me very unsure whether or not to write their ship in this fic like i hadnt planned it and then suddenly my brain was just like well what if)
I think the fic will be kinda heavy and im not sure if i have the skill set to fullly realise the idea that i have but im enjoying it a lot so far and even have some other hathaway centric fics in mind to satiate the need for those plots and ideas without bringing them into what i hope will be very close to the fanon and my personal interpretation of events (i can already tell its gone a little off the rails but thats okay)
(other hathaway fic i really want to write is one where he goes through psychosis following the creveceour case from lewis’ pov bc i felt like maybe it deserved its own fic and attention and im not sure i could make it work in the master fic without taking heavy liberties regarding canon)
I have written a little now but since that initial idea its just grown a lot and im super overwhelmed with how to structure it and how to include the songs and if i should just do one long fic or like a series of fics but i want to have a lot done for it before i find out what works best.
also im really bad at having a consistent or concrete idea of character or how people behave and what they think etc, which is very annoying when youre trying to write a fic that relies heavily on that basically it needs to be extremely wild for my brain to go thats out of character for x person both in real life and in fics lol
TL;DR: i have lewis brainworms and am going to hopefully write a big hathaway analysis in the form of a fic and i am very stressed but also very excited
sorry for any typos im writing on my ipad keyboard as i was actually just about to sit and watch lewis on it before i decided to check tumblr (i am on the first episode of the last season and im very emotional)
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brelione · 4 years
Date with a Fangirl (JJ Maybank X Reader)
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When you were dragged into the friend group you really had no idea what you were getting yourself into.Or,in better words,what Pope was getting you into.He had pretty much forced you to be friends with Kiara after the whole Sarah situation.You’re pretty sure that he was doing it for her and not you.You and Kie hadnt exactly hit it off at first.She was still mentally healing from losing Sarah adn you were more of the introverted type but after a couple of late night talks and pulling pranks on the boys you two got along just fine.She even let you braid her hair,something that the boys had been forbidden from ever doing.She grew to except you in the friend group and the others seemed to adjust just fine.All except JJ.You had heard countless stories of his recklessness and flirtatious personality yet it was nowhere to be found.Whenever you were close to him he’d stiffen up and turn red.You couldnt really understand why,thinking that maybe you just angered him.
JJ couldnt understand you as easily as other girls.You hadnt been what he really expected.Well,mainly because he didnt know that Pope was capable of talking to such a pretty girl.JJ definitely wasnt,he could barely speak two words to you without laughing at himself.He found himself getting really excited whenever you said something in the groupchat or when you’d laugh at something he had said.He had tried studying you from a far like a researcher would a dangerous lion.It had been five months and he still had nothing on you.He’d check your instagram for anything new or anything that said what you were interested in or what you liked.He’d feel his heart beat a little faster when he saw that you posted on your snap chat story,waiting eight seconds to check it so he wouldnt come across as a stalker.
You were out on the boat for the first time in a while after having a cold,a hoodie on over your bikini and nothing else.You were reading something from a notebook,eyebrows scrunching when you read something you didnt like and scratched out the words with the blue ink of your pen.He had watched you,trying to build up the courage to ask you what was making you so frustrated.Kie glanced between him and you quickly,giving him a look that told him to talk to you. “Hey,do you guys want to race to that rock out there?”She asked John.B and Pope,obviously trying to give you and JJ some time alone.The three dived into the water,going fast at first but slowing down once they were about half way to the rock. “What are you writing?”JJ asked,looking down at you.You shrugged,clicking your pen. “I dont really know,kind of a short story I guess.I’m trying to figure out why I thought this was great at three in the morning.”You huffed,reading the scribbled garbage.
He nodded,sitting down beside you.You stiffened up,becoming more aware of your movements. “So...what’s the short story about?Is it for school?”He asked.You shook your head. “No,its a coping mechanism...the story is kind of confusing but try to imagine Marvel meets Harry Potter and has a cross over with Walking Dead,get it?”You asked.He bit his lip,holding back a goofy smile. “Um...no,ive never seen Harry Potter or Walking Dead.”He answered.A gasp came from your mouth,tossing down your notebook and turning to look at him. “Shut up-are you serious?”You asked.He nodded,face flushing from your reaction. “JJ!Oh my god-those are classics!”You exclaimed,trying to fathom how this 16 year old boy that loved zombie video games had never seen The Walking Dead.He chuckled,shrugging. 
“I just never got around to it,are they any good?”He asked.You nodded quickly,grabbing his wrist by accident in your fangirling mess of a rant. “JJ I swear The Walking Dead is like the best show ever!Like you’ll cry and laugh and be paranoid and it’ll break your heart!I mean,come on,who doesnt want that?”You asked.He stared down at your hand that had locked around his arm,biting his lip. “I mean….it doesnt sound very enjoyable.”He laughed.You sighed,your thumb rubbing circles on his flesh lightly. “JJ-will you please just watch it?Just one episode?”You asked.He cleared his throat,looking out to see his friends sitting on the rock that they had raced to. “If you watch it with me,yeah.”He grinned.You nodded,smiling.
 “Okay-okay how about you come over to my house tonight and we’ll watch it until three in the morning and then we can watch the first Harry Potter Movie and then tomorrow night we can watch the second movie and switch back to Walking Dead to balance out the fear of zombies with magic?”You asked.He laughed,nodding. “Sounds like a plan.”He blushed at the thought of being alone with you in your house.That would definitely be an interesting experience.
@sexytholland​ @28cnn​
If you’d like to be tagged in all future JJ imagines/headcannons/series comment with a heart,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Pope imagines/headcannons/series comment with a smiling face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Rafe imagines/headcannons/series comment with a frowning face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Kiara imagines/headcannons/series comment with a question mark and if you’d like to be tagged in all future Sarah Cameron imagines/headcannons/series comment with a plus sign.Or if thats too complicated you can just comment whose name you’d like to be tagged in.
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sparklingdust4612 · 3 years
13, 21, 23
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year?
My favourite songs of the year are Livin' for that by Lil Pitchy and OMG What's happening by Ava Max (Lets not forget Con Calma by Daddy Yankee feat. Katy Perry 😍😍), artists of the year are Ava Max and Demi Lovato and I havent ever listened to an entire album...ever so I wont talk about that 😅😅
21. most memorable comment/review?
(Gotta check all my comments first lol)
I will categorize my most memorable reviews... (sorry, this got waaaaay too detailed but i couldnt exclude any of those 😅😅)
Memorable reviews on THG Drabbles:
I almost peed my pants laughing at this! by @lemonluvgirl87 on Chill... (It just made me crack up again, as if i wasnt dying because of how much I was laughing when writing this!)
This was soo adorable! Such a sweet meet-cute! Aww, Peeta was so cute when he was like 'Come back, keep me company!' And I loved the description of her as a 'walking, talking fantasy.' ;) The drawing and note-passing, how adorable! And yay, she agreed to the date! Follow-up! Sequel/epilogue! : D Thanks for the smiles! by @jhsgf82 on Flights and flirtation (Made me smile like a Cheshire cat haha)
These sweatpants are hazardous. Maybe he should just take them off! by @winegirl65 on Its sweatpants season! (It was so unexpected like I just woke up and saw 'hey, gotta reply to a new review', mind you, i hadnt seen the review, just knew it was there. And then I read this and choked on air. It was so damn hard to not laugh loudly at 6 AM when everyone was asleep 🤣🤣)
Memorable reviews on my Divergent one-shots:
I’m going to have some coffee and feed the kids…. We’ll talk about your ‘little surprise’ later by Michaela18 (my honorary mom and fave person in the entire world lol, she woke up to a vibrating cellphone which wouldnt stop because I posted 4 chapters all at once and I hadnt told her i'd be doing it lol, but ofc, she usually knows all of my future plans so this was her reaction 🤣🤣)
Memorable reviews on my Divergent fic exchange contribution:
Well, I received a lot of long, amazing reviews on Out of the darkness, into the light. It was something that pushed me further into my writing mania seeing this fic reach 500 hits in only a few hours! It was also my first time writing something so angsty I couldnt read it over all at once and begged my beta to do it instead 😅😅
Apart from these, @jhsgf82's reviews on her birthday gift fic made me so so happy, it was totally worth all the time I spent stressing on writing it for her! (cant put them here because, spoilers haha. LOVE YOU MANDYY!!!)
Memorable replies on fanfics by their authors:
Oh my god this comment made me so happy! I was so scared cause I thought people wouldn't like it😁
I was hoping someone would say something about rye & delly😂
Awe thank you! This means so much to me!❤💙
(I'll definitely be posting some smut soon😉 I was going to make this chapter longer but at the time when I wrote it, I was super tired and was trying to post it so it wouldn't be deleted 😁)
The next chapter will be posted soon! ^^ and if I need song suggestions I'll definitely reply to this comment and ask😁 thank you so much! This comment made me so happy❤💙 on Play that song.
Thank you!!! I am smiling ear to ear at both this comment and the one you relayed from Michaela. Comments like these really keep me motivated, and even though the fandom has definitely dwindled I still have tons of drafts that I can edit and get posted. I’ll see if I can come up with an epilogue for this one too, I can imagine our over adventurous couple may have had at least one unexpected pregnancy along the way :)
Thank you both so much, seriously you all have made my day <3 on His eager student.
I loved reading your comment, and am so incredibly flattered that you've read all my fanfics. I have more, but started taking some of them down. It just seemed like not many people were interested in my stories anymore. But then I get a comment like yours and -- wow!
I am definitely going to continue in the fandom. Too many stories I need to finish, and still loving the fan fiction that keeps being posted. Where would I be without fan fiction? In a sad sad place.
Glad you dropped by, glad you're reading. Made me happy.
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! on UNDER SUSPICION
Ahhhhh thank you!!!! Not gonna lie, I was waiting for your comment on the sexy times 😆♥️ by @rosegardeninwinter on The sexy librarian trope: A check out-take.
Aww, thanks! Will keep this in mind - wanna keep my baby happy (and focused on her studies) 😇 on Open season.
:D Thanks so much! We're glad you liked it, and we're glad you died laughing! by @rosefyrefyre on Fractured fairytale wedding. (I love the part where the comment says "We're glad you died laughing" 🤣)
omg thank you so much :) I forget that people still read this sometimes, this is such a sweet comment! glad you liked it! on At the peak.
OMG Thank you so much for this comment!!!! It’s amazing!! I’m so glad you liked it and that you fell of your ass because of my writing!! Like…what???? I can do that?! 🤣 (yes, you can)
There will definitely be more smutty one shots in the future!! 😏 if you have a special request you can send me it on tumblr and see what I can do! 🤩 by @softlikethesunset12 on Thank god for Spotify.
Memorable reviews on a Divergent one-shot:
Wow...That song was literally made for this fic. Good job :) by AriIsDivergent on Follow everywhere I go. (made me so damn happy someone felt that way about my writing)
Most cherished review ever!
I am so glad I received the recommendation to read this story. Nicely executed and well written but... I have so many questions! I am a ‘need details’ kind of person and for me you could have continued writing but I know the song is over and the story done. Despite this, I loved it and I will happily read it again! Thank you! by Michaela18 on Follow everywhere I go.
(This last made me so damn happy and confident, I mean I had been such a huge fan of her writing and she said this!! This is also my most cherished review because it's what started the friendship I have with Michaela who has been such an understanding, caring, mentor and has literally adopted me as the daughter she never had. She's always there to give it straight to me and I love her like crazy 😍😍)
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t?
I wanted to write a lot of smutty fics but as you can see, I only now wrote explicit smut, the one I have been meaning to write in nearly everything that came to mind, every kink I have. Its a little disheartening but now that I am slowly gaining confidence in my smut abilities (due to my latest Everlark PWP-ish two-shot), I hope to write a shitton of smutty fics/smut in fics and I am so very excited!
Thank you soooo much for playing with me and I hope I didnt bore you guys with all the memorable reviews I found 😅😅
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