#but i have a sudden burst of confidence and run across the street into the bus
unganseylike · 11 months
shoutout to the not one not two but three bus drivers this afternoon who watched me full on run after them. and then get on without paying.
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avatarofseshat · 2 years
Pairings: Steven Grant x f!Reader, Marc Spector x f!Reader
Warnings: Smut (not too explicit) , Minors DNI. 18+ Only (to be safe)!
Technically part four of The Sun & The Moon series but can be read alone as well.
Moon Knight Masterlist
“How are you always so sensitive?” You whisper half in amusement and half seductively as you run your fingers down Steven’s toned chest admiring how the golden hue of the morning sun made his olive skin glow.
“Anything for you, love,” his voice trembles as you continue to brush your finger across his torso as you admire every slight imperfection.
“You are so pretty,” you praise as you place a kiss to his toned chest.
“No, y-you are,” he stutters as your hand wonders lower and dips beneath the duvet that covers your shared bed “c’mere…” he mumbles cupping your cheek and pulling you into a passionate kiss “I love you” he voice his husky as he briefly pulls away. As soon as his lips meet yours again he flips you over causing your hand to rapidly move to his back in an attempt to move with him “as much as I adore your touch, darling…I have a better idea.”
It was late morning by the time you both emerge from your shared residence with fingers entwined as you headed towards the street to hail a taxi. It was Saturday - and it happened to be your anniversary - it had become your custom to attend the local outdoor market.
You had caught Steven staring at you doe-eyed more than usual that day and you could help but notice how his eyes would scan up and down your light blue sundress before meeting your gaze.
“Like what you see, Mr. Grant?” You mumbled against his lips before peppering him with sweet kisses.
“Hmmm,” he mumbled against your neck completely oblivious of the odd looks you two were probably attracting. He had that effect on you, when you were together the rest of the world didn’t exist.
As the warm rays of the sun gave way to the cool night air you noticed how he seemed to grow more anxious. You were hoping it wasn’t because they had leave and cancel your dinner plans. You were relived when that wasn’t the case as you sat across from each other at the restaurant. He looked beyond gorgeous in the shirt and jacket you were sure Marc made him purchase as it was classic black and white.
In a sudden burst of confidence Steven reached across the table and took your hand in his as he other hand fidgeted with his jacket pocket.
“Y/N, darling…” he whispered as he took your hand “do you have any idea of how much you mean to me…us,” you had no doubt that Marc had just said something “and I don’t know what I would be without you…you’ve excepted us and have loved us unconditionally. I only hope that I can return it.” You could just hear Marc scoff at that.
Your eyes widened when you noticed the small box he had in his free hand as he slides from his chair to kneel before you on the stone floor. You smiled as he struggled to open it with one hand before relenting to release your hand “Sorry…darling,” he mumble an apology as he opened and a smile spread across your face.
It was a gorgeous natural oval cut Lapis Lazuli surrounded by several smaller diamonds all set in gold. You met Steven’s chocolate gaze both of your eyes rimmed with tears with overflowing emotion.
He took a breath to steady his racing heart “Y/N…darling…my love…will you marry me?” Us.
“Yes!” You instantly replied, you weren’t just saying yes to Steven, even though he was the one to ask. You were saying yes to Marc as well and even to the third alter, whomever he may be. They’re a packaged deal.
A big grin spread across Steven’s handsome face as he went to place the ring on your finger. Before both of you embraced, few knew of how great of a kisser your shy boyfriend - fiancé - was. This kiss easily took the cake, it was full of passion, devotion, and promise.
“You’ve made me the happiest man alive,” He mumbles into the crook of your neck and you just smile into his his neck “I love you so much, darling.”
The rest of the evening passed in a daze as Steven just started at you with doe eyes. He was endlessly adorable and charming and unbelievable gorgeous.
“Steven, let’s go home.”
The morning sun glinted off the blue stone around your ring finger as you rolled over just to find the bed empty. You sighed to yourself as you found a set of lounge wear before gathered up the clothes that were scattered on the floor. You couldn’t help the but smile as the memories of the previous night filled your head and your heart.
When you reached the kitchen you couldn’t help but smirked when you saw Marc’s T-shirt and Jean clad figure. Steven may be keen to hide himself behind too big clothes but mark was the opposite as he usually preferred his clothes snugger.
“Enjoying the view, sweetheart?” He cheekily inquired in that deep slightly-Chicago accented voice as he turned slightly in profile so he would slightly see the pink rise to your cheeks.
Everyday it amazed you how different they where - not that you didn’t expect it. Steven was awkward and somewhat shy while Marc was confident and intense. Their personalities weren’t the only stark difference you have come to know.
“Always.” You cheekily respond as he playfully shakes his head.
He turned to completely face you as his dark chocolate orbs met your (eye color) ones “I’m glad you’re not disappointed.”
You round the kitchen island so that your face-to-face with him “When have I ever been disappointed to see you?”
“This is a special time for…”
You cut him off as you step closer “all of us…a packaged deal, remember?” He wraps a strong arm around you and pulls you in for a kiss that is full of promise and relief.
Suddenly the smell of something burning reaches your nostrils “shit!” He curses when he realizes breakfast is burning. You give him a peck on the cheek as he releases you.
Something catches the corner or your eye and you turn curiously towards it. Your eyes soften as a smile spreads across your face when you spot the bouquet of red roses sitting on the counter. You look to Marc thinking they must be from him as you snatch the small card from its holder.
Don’t believe everything you hear.
I’ll see you soon, mi amore.
The signature looked like it read “Jake Lockley”. You drop the card as realization reaches your mind - the mysterious third alter!
Once Marc finishes preparing breakfast he turns to see why you’ve become so quiet. He nearly runs to your side when he sees the paleness of your features “baby, what’s…,” he stops short as he spots the card on the counter and quickly picks it up to scan it.
‘Marc! What’s are we going to do?!’ Steven is so frantic Marc can barely think.
You’re not afraid of Jake, apprehensive yes but not afraid. You’ve see monsters and as far as you knew Jake wasn’t one. If he was he’s had ample opportunities to show such. The color had quickly returned to your features as you took a calming breath.
“Y/N?” Marc’s chocolate brown eyes were fixed on you, his voice laced with concern.
“I’m fine,” you assure him “I wasn’t expecting it…that’s all.”
“Sausage? Bacon?” You question eyeing the spread before you and knowing of Marc’s Jewish heritage.
“Turkey,” he clarifies before pulling you into a sweet kiss and pulling out your chair. Breakfast was delicious and much to Marc’s amusement you ate more than your share “where do you put it all?”
After breakfast Marc was insistent on joining you in the shower despite having already showered himself. He now had you with your chest pinned against the cool tile as he devoured your neck and shoulder, his hand griped your hips as he ground his hard length against you.
“You like that don’t you, baby?” He breathed into your ear his breath hitched as you ground against him “Shit! You’re such a tease!”
“Marc…” your body ached for him as you turned your head and he eagerly consumed your mouth with his.
“I know honey,” he breathed as he he slid one hand between your bodies as he adjusted himself so that he could enter “you are so perfect,” he groaned as he steadily entered you and he only paused when he heard your sharp in take of breath as your core stretched around him.
Marc soon had you pressed tightly against him as you met his rhythmic pace and you could feel the familiar coil in your stomach as his calloused fingers came into contact with your sensitive perl “that’s it…baby…come for me.” He had you seeing stars as you came around him and you could tell that he was close himself as his rhythm faltered as his mouth sought yours.
Marc had been unusually quiet all day and by the far off look that graced his brown eyes you could tell he was lost in thought as he rubbed a palm up and down your bare legs that where resting across his lap. He only made eye contact when you went to move.
“I’m gonna call him,” he suddenly spoke as you shifted your legs off of his lap.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” he respond with a sigh “I’m doing it right this time…I want us to be a family. You know. If we have kids they should know their grandpa.” You simply smiled at him as he pulled you close to bury his nose into your hair.
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relyingonoldships · 3 years
So I posted a snippet and everyone was so nice about it...and then I did nothing to it and wrote a completely different drabble instead. Apologies. 
Jily, Wartime, Angst because I love it.
The radio warbles some cheery tune as Lily paints the bedroom walls. James was out doing one of Dumbledore's 'requests'. They never called them missions because that would suggest they know the objective and more often than not they simply don't. She doesn't know where he is exactly, just that he won't be back until tomorrow, enough time to air out the room of the paint smell she thinks. She'll kip on the couch tonight. It's just one night. 
She's wearing old dungarees, James had made fun of her when she bought them, said she looked like a farmer and had started singing '"Old McEvans had a farm". She'd huffed at him and thrown the hanger at his face as he laughed. He had ducked grabbed her round the waist and thoroughly distracted her. She'd stowed them in a wardrobe later and promptly forgot about them but now they are perfect painting clothes, and she smiles as she imagines his face if he walked in and saw her in them. 
But he won't, not tonight. She sighs, shakes her head. It's ridiculous to miss him already. He left just after lunch and it's only nearing 9pm.
She's on her tiptoes on a stepladder reaching up to the corner above the door when the patronus appears. The stag skids to stop in the centre of the room, the light blinding her for a quick second as she shields her eyes behind her thick paintbrush. 
Then it speaks, no, James speaks directly to her. 
"Lily, I love you," it's a frantic whisper and her heart stops. "There's no time, but I needed to - you're everything to me, fuck I hope you know that? I'll be thinking of you, I always think of you. I'm so sorry, I love you, I love-" 
His desperate voice cuts off abruptly and the paintbrush slips from her fingers. The light fades from the room, the dark shadows cast from its light receding like the breath from her lungs. 
She doesn't remember getting down from the steps with shaky legs, she doesn't remember running to the front door and throwing it open but she does take pause as she passes the garden gate to stare up and down the street willing James to appear in a crack. If she wills it enough...
It takes her three attempts to produce her own patronus and even still it's fading at the edges not quite the confident doe she's used to. She cannot send it to James as much as every cell in her body is screaming for her to do so, she can't because if he's hiding she will not be the one to give him away. 
So she thinks of Sirius, no thoughts of James could possibly work right now, she thinks of him trying to charm that stupid bike of his different colours and his thrilled exclamation when Lily had turned it a hideous lime green easily. 
Her patronus flies through the night to him wherever he is, with a single sentence, panicked, bereft. 
"Please find him, use the mirror, something, oh god Sirius find him." 
She stumbles back into their house. Their house. Her legs finally give out as she passes the ugly armchair that Euphemia had passed off to them, Lily grips the arms as her body caves with a sob. She's never experienced fear like this, suddenly feeling like she may throw up with the rolling in her stomach. 
She doesn't know how long she allows herself to simply break, it feels like moments but when she comes back to herself the room is darker, night has descended. 
She realises she doesn't have her wand, where was the last place she had it? A sudden rush of adrenaline hits her now, how can she help James if she doesn't have her fucking wand. He could be dying somewhere and she's doing nothing to help, nothing. She's frantically running from room to room when she hears the front door open. 
He appears at their door, god it was nearly just her door. He's bloodied, but walking with the confident grace he always has and his face splits into the widest grin as he sees her. 
"I'm dead for not even 2 hours and the dungarees make a comeback? I thought you had more respect for me than that!"
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" She flies across the room at him and his arms open to receive her and-
She's hitting him, pummelling his chest with her fists. 
"Don't you ever send me a message like that ever again," she's openly crying, pounding every inch of him she can reach and he's flinching away from her. 
"Sorry, I'm so sorry I just-" he grabs her wrists to pull her in tight. His arms surround her, pinning her body close to his. The pressure is almost too much but she needs it, god she needs it. 
"I thought that was it and I was afraid you'd never," he pauses to swallow past the lump in his throat "you'd always wonder what had happened and I needed you to know that no matter what my last thoughts were of you, of course they were." 
Arms raise around his neck, her nose brushes his throat. She knows her tears are soaking through the jumper he wears.
"I love you." she chokes. "But we're going to have a big fight about this later, ok? But not now." She pulls back, hands now soft on either side of his face. He's looking tenderly at her like he's committing her face to memory. 
"Huge fight," he whispers back smiling. "Thank you for getting Padfoot-" her hands tighten, grip his collar, "he um, didn't want to see this, he'll pop by tomorrow."
A hysterical noise burst from her lips, it's half laugh half sob. 
"You're making me a mirror, I shouldn't have to-"
"Tomorrow, first thing tomorrow I promise."
The room is almost completely dark now, Lily's tears have subsided but her heart is still racing, her stomach still feels hollow. 
His fingers toy with the button by her shoulder.
 "We're safe Lily, we're both safe, but more importantly what can we do about getting these off?"
"You prick." 
"Massive fight, tomorrow." 
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mizunetzu · 3 years
Oikawa x reader - Hypnotic Manga Page
⚠️warnings - reader bein a sneaky lil hypnotist :^), second hand embarrassment?
Pronouns - genderneutral, they/them
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‘Dear diary..’
(Y/n’s) hands trembled ever so slightly as their pen glided across their worn-out diary. The words “Property of (L/n) (Y/n)” on the cover in washed-out, black liner seemed to fade into the book even more. It was clearly used many times, ingrained in the hands of (Y/n) like a protective parent.
(Y/n) glanced back to where Oikawa Tooru, ladies man and popular third year at Seijoh, sat dazed and sedated on the floor of his room. 
‘Today, I have captured an angel.’
Oikawa chuckled, entertaining his crowd of fans as usual. It never failed to surprise him how so much of them could fawn over him every day. Doesn’t it get draining? Don’t they have other things to do?
“O-Oikawa-san!” One of them stuttered. She held her closed fists to her chest as she bowed down. “For the science project assigned today...!”
“D-d-do you have a partner yet?!”
Girls started talking over each other, saying things like “Be partners with me, Oikawa-san!” Or “No! Be partners with me!” All the well ganging up on him and batting their eyelashes. 
Oikawa shrugged, scratching his neck. “I’m sorry ladies, in my class the partners were already assigned. I’m with this person named (L/n) (Y/n).” 
As soon as the words left his mouth, his eyes lit up.
“Actually-!” Oikawa clasped his hands together. “Do you know anything about them? I don’t think I’ve ever...seen...them before. And that’s saying something.”
Some of the girls' faces turned sour, while others looked at him in confusion. 
“(L/n)? Sorry, I’ve never heard of them before.”
“Oh...they’re a bit quiet, they don’t talk to anyone-they just keep their head down.”
“Yeah, they seem like a real wimp...they keep their head down so much I don’t think I’ve ever seen their face before.”
A girl chuckled at her own statement. Oikawa raised an eyebrow. 
“Well, I’m going over to their house today to discuss the project. Wish me luck, ladies.” 
It was true. There was no practice today, and they had the whole weekend ahead of them to work on the project. How fun.
Speaking of the assignment, Oikawa bid his harem farewell, heading towards the gates of Aoba Johsai. 
He pulled out a piece of paper. This so-called (L/n) (Y/n) scribbled out their address onto a piece of notebook paper, and insisted that they talk there. Oikawa read over the rushed writing carefully. Maybe they were just a bit shy, and they were more comfortable doing things in private. 
Yeah...just a bit shy...
Oikawa rang the doorbell. He found himself standing in front of a small-ish looking apartment complex, standing in front of the door marked “938”. Either their family was on the poor side, they lived alone, or he was in the wrong place entirely. 
The door creaked open. Someone with (e/c) colored eyes peeked timidly through the tiny sliver of space they gave themself. Oikawa smiled his usual charming smile, and waved. 
“Ya-ho!” He bent down so he was face-to-face with the peeking eyes through the door. Their eyes widened. “Are you (L/n)-san? I’m your partner, you gave me your address in class earlier?”
The door shut abruptly. Oikawa flinched, standing back up straight awkwardly. That was odd. He heard shuffling from inside the apartment, before the door swung open again. 
There stood (Y/n), in house slippers and sweatpants, along with a fresh, comfy looking shirt with a tiny cat printed on the chest. 
They looked everywhere but Oikawa’s face, fumbling with their hands behind their back and shifting their weight between their legs ever so slightly. 
“Hey...” (Y/n’s) voice was barely audible. Oikawa smiled reassuringly. 
“Hi! May I come in?” 
“Of course-!”
(Y/n) stepped off to the side, granting Oikawa access to their apartment. Oikawa stepped in with a smile, bending down to take off his shoes.
“Do you live alone?” 
(Y/n) watched with fixated eyes as Oikawa removed his shoes. The Oikawa Tooru was in their house. Their own house. The man they loved since middle school, the man who they’d watched from afar for years, the one who they had no virtual chance being with...
Was in their home. Taking off his shoes and smiling. 
Oikawa turned around. (Y/n) quickly averted their eyes. “Wanna do this assignment in your room...?”
(Y/n) wordlessly nodded, and beckoned Oikawa down the hallway. Opening the door to their room, they sat down on their bed, while Oikawa sat down on the floor. (Y/n) cleared their throat.
“Um...I forgot to take notes today in class, sorry...uh...do you have the notes we took today?”
Oikawa mused out a “Of course!”, and shedded off his backpack. He opened it lazily, and pulled out notebook after notebook. After shuffling through the bag, in the process he pulled out a colorful looking manga volume. 
“What’s that?”
“Oh, this?” Oikawa stopped digging in his backpack and held up the book. “It’s manga I borrow from a girl every week.”
“...is she your girlfriend?” (Y/n) balled up some of his bedsheets in his hands sheepishly. Oikawa shook his head. 
“Nope. But there was a weird chapter in it this week...” Oikawa shuffled through the pages. (Y/n) tentatively dropped down from their bed to look over Oikawa's shoulder.  “Found it!”
Oikawa shifted the book to give (Y/n) a better look. 
“Yeah, the protag of the manga got hypnotized by the ‘love interest’, this page is just one of those extra filler pages they use to separate the chapters. I totally think the ‘love interest’ is the villain, though...”
Sure enough, the page displayed a fun little step-by-step guide on how to hypnotize your friends. (Y/n) looked at the steps, then back to Oikawa’s beautiful face. He was saying something, and his voice was angelic and perfect, but he couldn’t register a thing he was saying. (Y/n’s) eyes flickered back to the hypnosis page.
The main character...was hypnotized by the love interest...
“Oikawa-san...” (Y/n’s) voice was soft as they plucked the book out from his hands. Oikawa stopped mid-sentence, and hummed in response.
“We have time...why don’t we try out this hypnosis thing?”
And that was the story of how Oikawa ended up silent and tranced on the floor of (Y/n’s) room. Each time (Y/n) would look back up from their diary, they would nudge Oikawa with the tip of their foot, and each time they gained no response. Oikawa was really hypnotized. They could make him do whatever they wanted.
(Y/n) snapped their diary shut, and crawled towards Oikawa. They leaned their face in real close, examining Oikawa’s face. Oikawa didn’t move or shrink back, he didn’t even blink as (Y/n) looked at his face. His beautiful brown eyes were cloudy and dull...and his delicious lips were parted ever so slightly...
(Y/n) eventually pulled back, with an idea coursing through their veins. It was kind of taboo, and wrong on so many levels, but nonetheless, (Y/n) picked up Oikawa’s borrowed manga and flipped through the pages.
‘Once I snap my fingers, you will be my lover! You will be deeply in love with me!’ A girl said, waving her hands around a boy’s face. She snapped her fingers, and the boy suddenly awoken. He immediately clung to the girl’s arm, nuzzling her hair and exclaiming his love for her.’
(Y/n) shut the book.
They turned back to Oikawa, who hadn't moved an inch since he’d gone under trance. He was staring at the floor ahead of him with a dull face. 
“Oikaw...Tooru-kun...” (Y/n) inched toward Oikawa, before sitting down in front of him. They waved their hands in front of his face, grabbing Oikawa’s attention and making his eyes follow them absentmindedly.
“When I snap my fingers...you...” (Y/n) hesitated, swallowing thickly, before going on. “You will believe we were dating for...months, and you will be deeply in love with me.”
(Y/n) waited and swayed their hand side to side a second longer, watching Oikawa’s relaxed eyes follow them around obediently like a dog. (Y/n) brought their hand to the middle of Oikawa’s face, and snapped their fingers.
Oikawa jolted awake. (Y/n) flinched back, backing up shyly as Oikawa blinked and rubbed at his eyes. (Y/n) watched him with an expression akin to a deer in the headlights of a truck, in the middle of a street.
Oikawa’s eyes landed sleepily on (Y/n). They stiffened. 
“Ah! Did I fall asleep on you? Ehehe, sorry, (Y/n)-chan.” 
The use of their first name made (Y/n) shrink up more. They were sure their cheeks were on fire. They didn’t have time to blush however, as Oikawa began crawling towards them.
(Y/n) sputtered, and began moving back. Oikawa trailed towards (Y/n) with a confused expression as they slinked back bashfully, until they were backed up against their bedroom wall.
Oikawa pouted, examining (Y/n’s) extremely flustered expression. He sighed dramatically, and buried his face into (Y/n’s) neck. (Y/n) squawked, as Oikawa relaxed and sighed into their shoulder.
“Why are you running away from meee...” Oikawa sulked. “I thought my (Y/n)-chan loved meeee...”
(Y/n) froze. They silently breathed for a second, trying to take everything in. Oikawa Tooru was currently nuzzling into their neck, hypnotized, while they sat cornered against the wall of their bedroom.
“I-“ (Y/n) almost felt guilty for saying this. Almost. “I do love you, Tooru-kun! I love you so much...” 
Oikawa grinned into the crevasse (Y/n’s) neck. 
“...Is it because I’m your super cute boyfriend?” Oikawa stuck his head up from (Y/n’s) shoulder to stick his tongue out cutely. (Y/n) nodded tentatively.
“Yay~!” Oikawa chuckled, burying himself back into (Y/n). He was practically laying on top of them with the way his body covered their own like a lanky blanket. 
They laid there for a second, before Oikawa reluctantly sat back up. He stretched out his arms as he gave a little groan.
“Anyways...ehehe..we should probably get to work—“
“Actually-!” (Y/n) shot up, grabbing onto Oikawa’s shoulders, with a sudden burst of confidence they didn’t seem to have three seconds ago. Oikawa blinked.
“We...have all weekend...why don’t we go on a date? I’ll pay, my treat for my lovely boyfriend~” (Y/n) smiled sweetly. They pushed the guilt and morals down their throat just a bit longer to watch Oikawa’s eyes glisten at the mention of a date. 
And who was he to say no to his wonderful lover?
(Y/n) shoved the icky feeling down inside their throat as they entered a small restaurant, hand in hand with their ‘boyfriend’ Oikawa. 
“Gosh, these chairs are so small…” Oikawa said, slipping into a small booth opposite to (Y/n). (Y/n) sat down quietly, picking up a menu provided to them by a waiter. 
“That’s only because you’re so damn tall..” 
Oikawa chuckled. “I am, aren’t I? But you still love me~”
(Y/n) gulped. 
Ordering quickly, Oikawa started chatting about whatever came to mind at the moment. All (Y/n) could do, however, was stare. Stare as Oikawa Tooru, hypnotized, sat across from them on a date he was forced to go on. (Y/n) wanted to enjoy it, they really did, but the consciousness that Oikawa deep down was probably confused as to why his body was moving and talking and acting on its own ate them up from the inside.
Eventually, the food arrived, and (Y/n) stuffed their mouth with food to avoid saying anything embarrassing. Oikawa found it cute, though.
“Slow down, food’s not goin’ anywhere.” Oikawa laughed. (Y/n) hunched their shoulders in embarrassment, swallowing down a thick piece of food.
“S’ok, cutie~”
Oikawa munched on his food for a bit, before furrowing his brows. 
“Y’know,” Oikawa slouched back in seat. “Even though we’ve been dating for months, this feels like the first time we’ve ever really went on a date.” 
(Y/n) choked on their food. Oikawa watched as (Y/n) broke into a cold sweat, trying to swallow the lump in their throat. He raised his eyebrow nonchalantly. “I don’t think I can recall a single time we went on a date.”
(Y/n) coughed quietly into their sleeve. “Uh...don’t you remember?”
“Remember what?”
“You told me that you didn’t want your fangirls knowing about us some time ago, and that’s why we never went on any dates.” (Y/n) tittered, a confident face back on their face. “So technically this really is our first date, huh, Tooru-kun?”
“Since I’m so unpopular and weird and stuff...and you’re all popular and pretty...we didn’t want your reputation to suffer…” (Y/n’s) mouth was overflowing with lies. Though, they were kind of shocked how quick they were able to lie on the spot. That didn’t mean they didn’t feel bad, though.
“Ah. I suppose so.” Oikawa rubbed the back of his head with a breathy laugh. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
“Mhm.” (Y/n) stuffed their mouth with food once again. Maybe if they kept their mouth plugged, no more lies would seep out, and they wouldn’t end up lying their way into something they can’t get out of. In all actuality, (Y/n) didn’t even know how the hell Oikawa believed them so easily, too. 
There’s just some things (Y/n) would never understand about hypnotized people, huh?
(Y/n) felt guilty that they enjoyed that date more than they should’ve. 
They knew they technically brainwashed Oikawa into playing boyfriend with them, but they had to admit, talking and linking arms with him all day was like a dream come true. Even if it was all a game of forced pretend.
(Y/n) fumbled around for their apartment key while Oikawa played with their hair. “Tooru?” Their voice was weak, and a bit strained from how terrible they felt on the inside. Oikawa hummed, noticing the pained features on (Y/n’s) face.
“What’s wrong, cutie?” Oikawa jutted his bottom lip out as he followed (Y/n) to their room. “Do you feel bad that we didn’t get any work done for our project after all? Because like you said we have all weekend-“
“N-no, it’s not that…” 
Oikawa watched as (Y/n) plopped down on their desk’s chair, huddling up into a small ball of culpability. Oikawa pouted once more. “What is it, (Y/n)-chan? You’re worrying me.”
“Don’t call me that-! That’s...that’s only something lovers do-!”
“But,” Oikawa gestured to himself, chuckling. “We are lovers, are we not? I’m literally your boyfriend?”
(Y/n) felt their chest tighten. “Oikawa.”
“Hey-we’re using last names now-?”
“Go to sleep.”
In seconds, Oikawa’s face fell and his shoulders slumped forward. His eyes, half-lidded as they were, focused on nothing in particular, staring straight ahead with the most dull expression on his face. (Y/n) stood up from their chair, and guided Oikawa down to sit on the bed with a heavy exhale. Oikawa obediently sunk down.
(Y/n) stood in front of him, sighing and rubbing their face. “Uuuu...I’m such a terrible person...”
They eventually turned back to the dazed Oikawa sitting on their bed, making up their mind and huffing. They raised their hand up to trace Oikawa’s vision back and forth like it did in the manga, and how they did the first time.
“Oikawa-san...I’m really sorry...and I hope you’ll forgive me...and I hope none of your fangirls saw us...” Oikawa didn’t respond, only following (Y/n’s) waving finger with his eyes lazily. 
“You...” (Y/n) bit their lip. “You don’t really love me. We were never dating. When I bring you out of this, uh, trance, you’ll be back to normal and not hypnotized anymore.”
(Y/n) once again brought their fingers to the middle of Oikawa’s vision. They hesitated. Some evil part of them was screaming not to, Oikawa would be mad and would want to switch partners, and that this was the moment they’d been waiting for forever. And they were just gonna give it up like that? 
They shook the devil off their shoulder. It was wrong. Period. They’d rather have Oikawa hate them than have him be internally forced to be in a relationship with someone he doesn’t even know for the rest of his life. 
They sighed. Their hand was beginning to feel heavy holding it up infront of Oikawa’s face for so long. At least that one ‘date’ they had would stay in their heart for forever. As a little memento of how wonderful Oikawa is as a boyfriend, and how horrible of a person (Y/n) was. 
(Y/n) pursed their lips, but before they could snap their fingers, they heard chuckling. Looking at Oikawa, he was laughing and covering his mouth, seemingly trying to silence his fit of laughter.
“Pfft-ahahaha-! I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry. Sorry...A-ahem, lemme just-“ 
Oikawa tried to resume his ‘I’m-hypnotized-and-helpless’ blank face, but in a matter of seconds he broke back into a smirk and sputtered into laughter again. (Y/n) stood there dumbly.
Oikawa wiped at his eyes, momentarily looking up at (Y/n). He stood up, making (Y/n) step back, and stretched out his arms with a big yawn. “Damn, pretending to be hypnotized really takes a lot outta you, huh?”
(Y/n) opened and closed their mouth repeatedly, trying to find the words to speak but ending up looking like a fish out of water. 
“Oh, right.” Oikawa smirked, leaning towards (Y/n’s) face and pointing to himself. “I was awake the whole time. I just found it cute how you thought you had so much control.”
“I mean,” Oikawa threw back his head, chuckling. “Hypnosis? Ahahaha! I don’t think a measly manga page is gonna teach you how to hypnotize someone for real! Like-I was just playing along because I thought you were gonna make me do something stupid, but-“
Oikawa stopped when (Y/n’s) knees buckled, making them fall to the ground pathetically. He crouched down, amused, while (Y/n) curled up into a ball and covered their face in pure humiliation.
“Gooooosh, I’m so...” (Y/n) whimpered. Oikawa snickered, playing with a strand of (Y/n’s) hair. “I wanna die...god, I’m so sorry-“
“Don’t be. I thought it was cute. I think you’re cute~” 
(Y/n) peeked through their fingers with a confused expression. Oikawa sat back on his behind, and smiled. 
“I mean, you ‘hypnotized’ me into being your boyfriend, right? You don’t need hypnotism for that.”
“Next Saturday at six? After we do the project? We can go on a real date this time.” 
(Y/n) looked at him blankly. “You’re joking.”
“I’m not.”
“Dude, I literally just manipulated you into being my boyfriend and took you out on a date that could’ve ruined your reputation, and you’re asking me out on a date?”
Oikawa shrugged. “Yeah. Seems about right.”
(Y/n) sunk back into the floor. “This is too good to be true...it’s not real...not real at all...”
“Well, I’ll let you dwell on my offer, (Y/n)-chan~” Oikawa poked at (Y/n’s) cheeks, before crawling over to his backpack.
“But we should really get started on our project.”
‘Dear diary.’
(Y/n) scribbled down in their black notebook. They had to keep hiding the page they were writing on from Oikawa’s prying eyes, though that was to be expected since they were literally laying across Oikawa’s lap while they discussed their project. 
‘Today, I really did capture an angel.’
how was it ahahaha pls comment yer boy is desperate for feedback
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firstbeachgoblin · 3 years
Not sure if you would be up for writing it, but maybe an imagine with Leah x female reader with lots of fluff and them falling in love?
Meeting her.
Leah Clearwater x Fem!reader.
A/N: Anon, I love Leah Clearwater. my bi heart goes pitter patter.
Leah’s POV:
I walked through the streets of La Push heading towards the local diner for a quiet breakfast. Luckily there weren’t many people out so far to throw pitied glances; living in a small town had its disadvantages, every one knew my business in one way or another.
The sky was clear for once with the exception of a few wispy clouds, illuminating the remaining layer of fog that lingered between the trees and along the pavement. It was quiet. Clouds were painted with the faint pink and orange glow that was comparable to the likes of cotton candy.
It gave me something to be thankful for today. I could always count on the natural beauty of La Push to put me in a better mood.
Jingles rang out from the bells that hung off the door handle to the diner indicating to the staff that someone arrived. The clock read 7:30.
“Good morning!” A sweet voice called from the back of the restaurant sending my heart fluttering which was rare. A feeling I hadn't felt in years and it felt good.
I said hello back and took a seat glancing once more out the window grabbing the menu that stuck up behind the napkin holder.
Scanning down the laminated menu it was effortless to feel happy, my world was making sense again in the moment; I could confidently say that today was promising.
The waitresses' soft footsteps and melodic voice pulled my attention away from the sheet of plastic that rested in my hands.
“Good morning, my name’s (y/n) and I’ll be your waitress for the morning. Is there anything you’d like to start with?”
I looked up and locked eyes with her as I was about to answer. My voice stopped in my throat, my heart stopped for a few beats and my pupils dilated for a brief moment. The flare of pink that tinted her cheeks brought me back to earth again and my heart felt pulled to her, tied in an eternal bond
“Oh y-yeah I’d like a cup of coffee please.”
“Okay I’ll be back with your drink shortly.” She gave me a soft smile and turned back to the counter getting my drink ready leaving me with a moment to panic.
I know what happened, it’s something I thought wouldn’t happen at least not for a long time. Running my hand through my hair letting out a shaky breath I leaned my forehead on the table before looking forward. I finally imprinted.
The movement of her brought my gaze back as she approached with a cup of coffee and a notepad tucked into the pocket of her red apron.
“Here you go, be careful it’s hot.”
“Thank you, darling.” Spilled from my lips, my sudden burst of confidence set her cheeks ablaze resulting in her tumbling over her next words.
“Uh, what would you like to- um- eat?”
I told her the pancake breakfast and she turned on her heel calling my order to the cooks in the kitchen. I noticed she stole a quick glance in my direction causing me to blush and look away.
I had to figure out another way to talk to her, get her number, maybe take her on a date.
My desire to see her again and hear her smooth voice is what placed me back in the diner for two weeks straight. On days she didn’t work I’d order a coffee and drink it with the looming presence of disappointment repeating in my head.
I was back in the diner starting my third week of stealing glances and flirting back and forth with her.
Anything she said would tinge my ears red and heat would rise to my cheeks, she has me in a choke hold without doing anything but existing.
Today she wasn’t here so I ordered my usual coffee and the other waitress that (y/n) worked with had turned away. The jingle of the door rang out and someone sat down in front of me.
Looking up at the person who occupied the seat across from me I saw her. Her beauty warmed the atmosphere, she brought life to what I felt was my dark life. Her hair dazzled in the sunlight while her eyes sparkled with life and warmth.
(y/n) centred my world. She was the answer to all of my unanswered questions. The tension in my shoulders relaxed in her glow, with her in my world it was like a movie, like a song. She is my world.
I wanted to see her again so badly that I mulled over the idea of asking her on a date, a real date, not her coming in on her well deserved days off to see me.
I have to ask her out, it’s what my heart wants and I can feel that it’s what she wants too.
(y/n)’s POV
When I first met Leah she had come into the diner, I think it was 7:30 on a clear day approximately three weeks ago, since that day she’s been in everyday. She quickly made her way to the top of my favourite customer list, with her sweet words and compliments she could easily make me blush.
I remember looking at her for the first time, her shoulders relaxed from the tense position that they were in, the scowl on her face softened. She looked like she had seen light after sitting in the dark for years.
She is beautiful, her skin is like a burnt sienna, it radiates warmth like the sun one the first day of spring. Her eyes were a beautiful brown, it reminded me of the beauty trees hold on rainy days. It was aided by the scent that radiated off of her, it was cedar and pine mixed with a hint of rain and lavender.
Her hair fell below her chin, the colour was deep with hints of red when the sun caught it. Her laugh is music to my ear filling my heart with joy, lifting my spirits on the drieriest of days.
I knew Leah would be in the diner again today so I grabbed my purse and headed over to meet her. I planned on taking her on a proper date which meant asking her for her number.
The bells chimed with the opening of the door and I spotted Leah in what was now her booth. Her eyes were glued to the menu in front of her and she wore a small frown upon her face, probably disappointed that I didn’t work today.
Her eyes left the menu and looked towards me as I sat down across from her.
“Good morning Leah.” My greeting was enough to flush her cheeks with a tint of red sending my heart into overdrive with how cute she looked.
My presence seemed to lift her mood since her eyes pooled with joy.
“I thought you didn’t work today?” She quizzed me with a small smile.
“I don’t but I wanted to see you without having to wait on other people.” She looked down at her hands which were now folded in front of her on the table, my chest tightened and my heart screamed at me to grab her hand, to hold them, to kiss them.
I don’t know why I felt so strongly for a person I barely knew but by god, I’d give the world for her. I was attached and hooked now. I couldn’t imagine another world without her being there. It was like I found my soulmate in her.
She looked at me and I saw panic flash across her face before she took a deep breath. She unfolded her hands and placed them flat on the table. The yearn for holding her hand came back tenfold.
“I was. . . wondering if you’d like to go on a proper date.”
Leah looked nervous for my response but all I could feel was the joy bursting out of my heart.
“Oh course Leah, I’d love to. I was um actually going to ask you on a date myself. . .”
Relief washed over her features. I rounded up the confidence and reached out to hold her hand. It was soft and slightly bigger than mine, her fingers wrapped between mine sending a rush of electricity up my arm to my head.
“I guess it's a date then.” she smirked at me darkening my cheeks more than they already were. She knew what she was doing and the effect she has on me. I wouldn’t trade it for the world though.
I unlocked my phone pushing the screen towards her which showed an empty contact. “How about I get your number and we can plan where we should go later. Right now I’d like to buy you breakfast if it’s okay with you.”
She squeezed my hand and rubbed her thumb against the top telling me it was fine with her. My heart already loved this woman sitting in front of me and I could only hope she felt the same way about me. I hope she wants a future with me because I know I want one with her.
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nootgi · 3 years
Irony - Kaeya
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A/N:// This is kinda piece to get my thoughts out. It’s been a tough couple of days but I hope y’all enjoy! Someone take kaeya away from me, poor bubs keeps getting hurt
All of the memories between you and him flashed through his mind as he walked away from you. He left you standing on the bridge and never looked back. If he did, would he come running back into your arms? Or would the terrifying truth that he truly was over the two of you sink in? You silently begged in your mind for him to answer but there was nothing. Bennett was there to catch you as you fell onto your knees, the sudden sadness crashing down onto you. All he could do was hold you in his arms as you sobbed, eyes never leaving the place where Kaeya once stood. 
He heard your sobs and wanted to turn back and wipe your tears away but he knew he couldn’t. It was over, he was closing the door to your heart. He didn’t belong there anymore, he prayed you will be able to lock the door so he couldn’t come back in. You deserved more than this fading love. People heard about the break up the next day and were confused at how Kaeya was perfectly okay. He was back on his feet, doing his duties as a captain and in fact he still went to his usual tavern nights. He waved off everyone’s words, anyone that came to check up on him were shot down. Recycled answers of “I’m fine” or “I’ll be okay” were wearing Kaeya thin. Kaeya didn’t see you around much, he heard you took a small break. Even when you passed each other in Mondstad, there were no lingering glances shared. You two pass as though you were complete strangers. It pained the two of you to be like this but that was life, you have to stride through hardship and pain to reach the other side. The cruelty in it was that he wasn’t there beside you to help you through it. Your paths are diverging, fate is leading you down two different roads. Alone.
Everyone thought that Kaeya was over it so quickly because he was ready for this ending. But no-one saw how he’d leave earlier from the tavern, how his laughter felt forced. No-one saw how he went home and broke behind closed doors. When the curtains fall and he is alone with his memories, the irony sits heavy on his heart. Love is cruel. Love is twisted. Love is dangerous. Love… love was the best feeling he ever felt. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you more.”
“I love you mostest!” you laughed cheerfully, proud you got to win this round of who loves the other the most. It was a silly concept but it warmed his cheeks and heart to no end.
“Oh do you now? What makes you so confident about that?” Kaeya raised his eyebrows, not wanting to lose this competition but also not wanting to take away from your victory. 
“Well I know you and I know me, I’m pretty confident.” Kaeya just shook his head, walking ahead of you. He changed the topic to what you should eat today, ignoring your offended ‘Hey!’. That was a regular sight of the two of you, him taking the lead and you following along, going back and forth from your teasing. Often the talks could start from what food shall we eat today to height differences and even about the secret society of slimes. You could go on for hours about how despite being this blob, they probably have a language and secrets if their own. Kaeya listened with a smile, hearing you detail an infiltration mission that involved your future children with him. Passerbys listened in with confusion but Kaeya couldn’t care. The grin on your face and the laughter in your voice made everything melt away. 
“Listen it’s a pinkie promise! You break it and I get your pinkie.” He states plainly, walking up to you as you arrived late to the mission.
“It’s good I have 3 other pinkies then huh?” You offer up a cheeky smile and he can’t find it in him to argue against that. 
“(Y/N) our children will have us as parents, I don’t think they’re lucky-”
“HEY! We’d make awesome parents…” You move to slap his shoulder but as you do the basket of eggs you were transporting decided to swing. The eggs poured out until there were only 2 left in the basket and a massacre on the streets. “On second thought you right.” 
He never questioned what you meant by you knew him. Until one day, when the two of you were relaxing at home on a lazy day. 
“What did you mean by that?” 
“Well if you think about it, if we ever break up.. You’d be the one to do it.” 
“Not that I'm saying that we will! But I know I couldn’t walk away from us.” Kaeya looked into your eyes and saw the 100% certainty in them. He did love you, he couldn’t imagine him breaking up with you. Did it not come across enough? He wasn’t the best at showing his love without teasing or speaking in riddles. Is that what made you think that? 
“Well it’s good that it’s you and me forever then~?” You look up at him with a bright smile and lunge up to kiss him. In the rush to kiss him your teeths clash together, making you both wince and pull away. Your hand comes up to your mouth as you look at Kaeya then you both burst out laughing. He does his usual shake of his head and thinks to himself. 
‘I could never walk away from us either.’  
He slumps his head on the table, looking up towards Diluc who was keeping his brother company as he drank the night away. 
“Ain’t that funny Luc?” The strangled noise that leaves Kaeya feels more like a sob than a chuckle. 
“What is funny?” He walks over to take Kaeya’s cup from him, deciding it's time to cut him off. Kaeya doesn’t protest. 
“They know me.” 
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hopeamarsu · 3 years
Of potions and myths - Chapter 2
William “Ironhead” Miller x f!reader
Word count 3,1k
Warnings: This one is pretty mild, but there is tiny amount of angst sprinkled in. Reference to an attempt at drugging ones date (nothing happened!), mythical creatures and potions. This chapter is from WIll’s POV
A/N: I just couldn’t let this one go and it’s turned into a bit of a gremlin to be honest. I have to thank my love Thia @clydesducktape for encouraging me to explore this and Will, the man has honestly swept into my mind from completely left field. Not that I’m complaining! 
Chapter 1 - Chapter 3
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The morning dawns and as the pale light of the sun hits Will’s car bonnet he stretches out, feeling his spine pop loudly as it protests the long hours sitting in the front seat. Despite the back ache, he does not regret spending the night watching over you. He would never regret it and the feeling both thrills and surprises him.
As he waits for the world to wake up with him, Will’s mind turns back to the previous evening and everything that happened. He’d been out alone, a rarity given how close his pack normally is, and originally had only thought of grabbing a single pint before heading home. But something had drawn him in, made him sit in that corner booth and watch the people milling around him, before his eye set upon you and your date. 
It had looked normal enough, two people talking and seemingly on a date, but he hadn’t been able to look away. Had he felt the mysterious pull even then? Maybe, maybe not. As he watched, you had turned sideways to dig through your bag for something and that’s when it had happened. With shaky but quick hands, the man had produced a tiny vial from his pocket and emptied it into the drink closest to you. 
Anger, white-hot and blazing, surged in his veins immediately and before Will had even fully realised what he was doing, he had walked over and opened his mouth. He had watched with pride as you had confronted the man and then with worry as you hurried out of the pub. He knew he had to follow you, to check that you were alright. 
He turns the memories in his mind, trying to pinpoint the moment when the magnetic connection came into play. He knows it was sudden, the warmth of it all creeping up his back and enveloping him completely as he felt all your emotions jumbling around in the aftermath of your date. 
He knows that in that moment and the ones that followed that he desperately wanted to crush you into his arms, snarl and growl at anyone trying to approach you and rip the throat of the man trying to hurt you. His inner wolf was in full-on attack mode. It had taken every single bit of training Will had gone through to keep the wolf in check. But the connection still persisted and he was powerless to stop what it wanted of him. 
Which leads him here, sitting in a parked car on the sidewalk of your apartment, his wolf alert and ready to jump into action. He doesn’t feel tired or weary at all. There is this need inside of him to be close to you, to protect you. It’s almost desperate at this point, how every nerve ending inside him wants to be close and make sure everything is perfect.
As Will runs his eyes across the street, scanning for anything that might be a threat, the front door opens and you step out. Immediately his eyes snap into your form as you pad across the front yard and into the street, your steps bringing you closer and closer by the second. You look beautiful in your sleepwear and an oversized hoodie wrapped around your body to shield you from the morning chill. You’d look so pretty wearing his hoodie, Will thinks absentmindedly as he tracks your movements. He steps out of his truck just as you reach him.
“Good morning.” 
“Morning. Did you sleep well?” He doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he’s been here all night, Will knows you know. The air around you hums again but it’s more muted than last night and as Will tries to reach out mentally, he finds himself blocked. Your shields are back up, full force, and he hides his approval in a barely-there smirk. 
“Pretty okay. Would you want to come in? I think we have a lot to discuss. I have fresh coffee,” You offer with a small smile. He agrees quickly, the hum between your bodies elated that you invite him in, and follows you inside, hand hovering near your back as you lead the way. When you open your front door, Will is hit with a smell of jasmine, salt, candle wax and thyme and he recognizes the small display next to your door. Protection spells. His pride swells even more as he knows you’ve done this to protect yourself better.  
The second the door closes, the hum ramps up and Will can feel the tendrils from last night appear again, stronger than it was when you were standing outside. He wants to touch you, hold you, bite you, claim you. But he doesn’t make a move, planting his feet firmly into the floor and clenches his fist to keep his hand steady and by his side. It’s not his place yet, you need to talk first. 
Will watches as you close your eyes, taking a moment to ground yourself too, before you open them and look straight at him. He likes it, how forward and confident you are as you do not try to hide or cower away from him. With another small smile, you gesture for him to follow you into the kitchen. It’s difficult to move when everything in him calls for you and your body, but somehow he makes it and as he sits on a kitchen chair and watches you move in your domain, Will finds himself enjoying the view and domesticity of it all. 
It tugs him deep inside, the mere idea that he could get to watch this morning after morning. Is it too fast to hope for these things? Possibly, but for Will, it doesn’t seem to matter as his mind keeps refueling the dreams with mental images of you in his own kitchen, padding around the hardwood floors with bare feet and dressed only in his flannel. 
The flashes move to images of you in his bed, your head on his pillow or chest as the morning light dances on your skin. Evenings spend on the couch, cuddling under a throw blanket and nights in his kitchen when he spoon-feeds you something he’s cooked for a date night. You with his brothers, sitting around a campfire as you trade jokes with them and they with you. 
Will is jostled into the present as you hand him a steaming cup, careful not to touch him in the process much to his approval and dismay, and take a seat opposite him. The first sip of the hot liquid feels like heaven on Will’s tongue, the notes hitting just right and he hums in approval. Keen eyes follow you copying his movements and for a while, it’s silent and comfortable as you sip from your respective cups.
The connection tingles in your sternum and you place the cup on the desk, hands flat on the surface. Your eyes reach for his and Will finds himself entranced by the hue in them. He would love to catalogue the flecks within those orbs. 
“I, uh… I spent some time last night looking into this. Us. The hum and connection.” You stumble a little in your words and there is an urge to hold your hand in comfort but he refrains. This is important, he reminds himself, more important than his carnal desires and his inner wolf huffs in displeasure. 
“I don’t have a lot of books at home, so I’ll need to continue this at the museum later on, but… this seems rare. Really rare. I don’t have a name for it or an explanation yet though and I would need more information from you as well before I, we, can venture deeper. Would it be alright with you? Are you comfortable sharing things with me?”
His immediate reaction is yes, ask what you want and he’ll tell you everything and that stops him in his tracks. This could lead to dangerous territory quite fast. It’s within his training and pack rules that his status, what he is and what he has done in the past are not to be discussed with outsiders.  “What kind of things?” Will asks instead.
“Well… For starters, what type of mythical are you? I know it’s invasive to ask but given that you are with Delta, you are clearly not a mundane. I’m hoping that will give us a clue on where to start looking.” It’s a reasonable question and it does give you both a starting place. Will relaxes his shoulders and releases the breath he’s holding before answering. No point in hiding after all. 
“I’m a werewolf. But I haven’t heard of this type of connection between two wolves before. May I ask, what type are you?” 
“I’m a… I don’t know exactly. I’ve always been interested in potions and history and spells but my family isn’t witches nor do I belong into a coven. I was raised as a mundane. As far as I know, there are no mythicals or supernaturals in my family lineage.”
He hoped the question would be easy for you, to give another clue, but instead it seems to have had an opposite effect as Will watches you drop your smile. You seem conflicted and embarrassed at the confession, hunching your shoulders a little as you shrink into yourself. The connection between tugs at Will’s heartstrings loudly and he’s unable to deny himself or it anymore. He reaches over the table and takes your hand in his, feeling oddly pleased as his hand engulfs yours. 
The second skin meets skin, golden and silver tendrils burst out of your skin and a gasp leaves your lips. You both watch with curiosity as they snake up his arm and under his Henley and under your shirt as well. Will can sense how warm they are, filling him up completely. He tracks their movement based on their warmth as they dance on his skin until they go still but remain tingling when they cover his entire body. He looks at you and sees the lines glow faintly all over your body. You look ethereal to him and he feels himself falling for you even more.
“It feels so warm…” You whisper, awe in your voice as you look at your connected hands. “It does. It’s not hurting you, right?” Will questions, running his thumb across your knuckle. He knows it doesn’t hurt him but he needs to be sure, his wolf poised to take away any discomfort you might feel. For all he knows it’s different for you than it is for him and he can’t help himself, the need to protect is far too strong now that you are touching each other. 
You shake your head, biting your lower lip as you catalogue the feeling. It calms him immediately but at the same time arousal courses in his veins as he witnesses just how alluring your mouth looks. He wants to surge forward, kiss you until your lips are swollen and bruised and your mind is filled with only him. His eyes are honed in on the sight, how the lip disappears and reappears plumper and plumper. He can practically hear his own blood rush in his ears as your eyes track the golden lines in his forearms.  
“Please stop that,” Will is unable to hold in the groan as he watches you chew on the flesh in concentration. “Huh?” Your eyes snap into his face, wide with surprise and you try to tug your hand free, but he only squeezes it tighter. Will knows his eyes have grown darker again as his wolf is howling to be let free. It wants to break free, tug you into its embrace and never let go. 
“Please stop biting your lip. It makes me want to bite it,” He growls and watches with delight as you shiver at his tone. You release your lip but the tender flesh, plush with blood pumping rapidly inside, calls to him. And once again he is unable to deny it, his resolve truly broken when you are this close and a harsh tug at your hand lifts you up from your seat and into his lap. 
You look at him, studying his face as Will raises one hand to your cheek. Another burst of tendrils escape once his calloused hand connects with the soft flesh and he shivers with the sensation. Fascinated, he watches as the small tendrils wrap around his large fingers and bleed into your cheekbones and up your forehead and hairline, creating patterns that make you glow again. 
Will searches for your eyes again before speaking in low tone, your faces close to one another. His eyes drop to your lips and all he can think of is pressing his mouth to them, finally having a taste of what the connection teases him of. 
“Do you want this?” 
Do you want me? 
“You need to say the words, sweetheart, before we go any further.” 
I will not be able to stop once you give me permission. Tell me no and this all stops now. It will break me, but I will honor your wishes.
“Kiss me, Will.” 
Your words have barely left your lips when Will claims them. It feels like something bursts out of his chest as he tastes the coffee, the cherries you must’ve had earlier and something uniquely yours. You taste of heaven and all the good things in the world and he never wants to stop tasting you and identifying the notes hitting his palette just right. He deepens the kiss by running his tongue on your lower lip, begging you to grant him access to nirvana. Once you do, opening up shyly, he feels he’s ready to burst into flames when he gets the first real flavor of you.   
The wolf howls in joy as Will continues to explore your mouth, dipping his tongue inside it to battle with yours. He feels your hand on the back of his neck, tugging at the hair as you pull him closer and closer. The hand that was holding yours releases its hold before pressing against your lower back to push your chests together. He wants you close, closer than you are now and his wolf agrees. The clothes separating your skin from his feel itchy and constricting but Will is grateful because it keeps him somewhat coherent. As much as he wants to, needs you, craves you, he needs to tread carefully and not lose himself. 
All too soon the need for air is too much and you pull back, ending the kiss. “Is this… Umm, is this normal?” You sound winded, out of breath and the wolf preens, happy to have made you like this. Will shakes his head minutely, pressing his forehead into yours. He needs to feel his skin connected to yours, can’t let it slip even for a moment. He traces your neck with one finger, enjoying how you tremble again in his hold. 
“No, I don’t think so. I haven’t felt like this before.”
“Me either. But this feels big.” He nods. 
You breathe in sync for a minute, matching each other as the tingling of the tendrils flickers. Will rubs his thumb on your lower back, lazy circles that make you quiver minutely, a sensation that he eagerly abrobs in his own body. 
“What does this mean?”
“I don’t know, but I want to keep exploring this, us, and this connection.”
“Me too.”
You speak in whispered tones, within your own bubble, even if you are alone together in your apartment. Tentative hands move across the planes and curves of bodies as you trade a few more kisses, each one accompanied by the hum and tendrils that skip from one patch of skin to the other, bathing the room in luminescence.   
Will agrees with your assessment earlier, there needs to be more research into whatever this is. And he knows of only one place to look for answers. “We need to visit the pack elders.” He tells you quietly as you pull away from the latest kiss, still stroking your neck and shoulder in a calming manner. 
“Are they willing to help?” You question softly, knowing how strict some packs are, not allowing any outsiders to enter the area deemed for pack members only. It’s the same for some of the witch covens you’ve tried to approach, hoping to learn more and explore your skills only to be turned away because you are mundane. It has broken some of your spirit, being turned away one too many times, even if you’ve come to terms with it and understand their reasoning. But as the sadness of it all breaks through your shields, Will is almost pushed back by its magnitude.
He wants to take away all the pain you've ever felt, the hurt you feel almost too much for him and his wolf to handle. But he can’t do that, Will reminds himself ruefully, he doesn’t know how. So he gathers you close, placing his hand on your neck as he guides you to rest sideways against his torso, his other hand resting on your hip, offering comfort this way. You breathe in his scent, calming cedarwood and juniper berry tones, and close your eyes to rest for a moment. 
It takes a lot out of you to hold up the shields and they slip whenever your feelings become too much and often they are projected outwards, letting others feel them too. Lack of training and lack of skill, you think but don’t voice it out loud. But you are glad he’s not running from you because of that and burrow in a bit deeper, a pleased sound leaving his chest as Will feels you get closer. He kisses your forehead gently before speaking, the vibration of his chest low and comforting.
“They are. The Miller-Morales pack might not be the biggest out there, but we are tight and welcoming. The elders will help us figure all this out. I promise you.”
Of potions and myths taglist: @mylifeisactuallyamess @luxmundee @innerpaperexpertcloud
Everything taglist (I fully understand if you want to skip this one, please let me know and I’ll remove you!) @clydesducktape @wayward-rose @themuseic @miraclesabound @clydesfavoritegirl @a-true-janian-reply  @10blurredsmoke10  @caillea @mariesackler​
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avintagekiss24 · 4 years
waiting on you > steve rogers
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|| pairing: steve rogers x black!reader
|| word count: 3,608
|| warnings: smut, sex, angst, sad steve, sad reader, friends to lovers
|| square filled: @star-spangled-bingo​ SSB2020 N4: love confessions
|| note: here it is! 24hrs late BUT, technically, you can celebrate a birthday for like an entire week. this got stupid sad because i was listening to the atonement soundtrack again. anyway, happy birthday to this big, blonde, dummy - the only reason that july 4th means anything to me anymore. i went heavy with the italics again.
divider by @writeyourmindaway​
gifs (at the bottom) by @/largoaneditt
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You don’t know why this idiot makes you so nervous. He’s a big, blonde… idiot, but yet here you are, nursing your third beer, staring at him from the corner of the room as he wiggles his hips - rather suggestively. He stands next to Sam, both of them facing the opposite wall, beers in hand, shaking their asses as the rest of the party goers hoot and holler.
“I don’t know Rogers,” Bucky says, shaking his head, “I think your age is finally catching up with your ass.”
“Bullshit,” Steve laughs, “Listen, I happily turn over my shield and suit to you, Sam, but that is my moniker! Look at it!” He shouts, pointing to his ass, “This will always be America’s ass!”
The room erupts in laughter and you can’t help but chuckle yourself. Idiots. All of them. He looks good tonight though - relaxed, finally. You’ve known them all for just a little while, Wanda, Steve, Sam, Bucky, but since Steve has officially decided to retire, he’s like a completely different person. He’s Steve - not Captain America. Which has actually proven to be an absolute nightmare for you because if you thought you had a crush on Captain America... whew, be still your beating vagina.
Steve is funny. Steve is confident, and laid back, and wears fitted chinos with Vans Classic Slip Ons. You have Sam to thank for this updated style of Steve’s, and you honestly want to stab Sam right through his buff chest. He’s made it impossible for you to be around Steve without having to change your underwear - a fact that Sam finds hilarious, but your wallet does not.
But, it’s more than that. Steve is also warm. He’s attentive to his friends. He listens. He cares. Steve goes out of his way to make people feel welcome, even you, the first night you wandered back to Sam and Bucky’s apartment with Wanda for one of their parties. You never left Wanda’s side, keeping your head down, your eyes cast at your hands and feet. He picked up on your nervousness quickly, but didn’t outwardly address it. He just made sure you always had a drink in your hand, a chip or sandwich to nibble on - he even adjusted the thermostat when he noticed you running your hands up and down your arms. 
Steve is easy to talk to. Steve is humble, reliable, dependable, strong - both physically and mentally - but he’s also... emotional and vulnerable - not just sometimes, but almost all the time. Then, he can turn right around and throw somebody through a wall. Steven Grant Rogers is dangerous… and you think you lov -  
You take a sip of your beer, closing your eyes quickly to chase those thoughts away, and reach for another chip, loading it up with some of Wanda’s famous dip before you shove it into your mouth, the taste calms your nerves. 
“Why are you hiding over here?”
His voice makes you jump. You pop open your eyes and inhale sharply as the one and only Steve Rogers towers over you. He smiles softly as you blink at him, before he reaches for a chip and pops it into his mouth.
“I’m not hiding,” you answer quickly, scrunching your face, “I’m eating, there’s nothing wrong with eating.”
“You’re quiet tonight.” He says, chewing slowly as he shoves his hand into his pocket and narrows his eyes at you, “You okay?”
You scoff, and roll your eyes to try and pretend that you have no idea what he’s talking about, “I’m fine, Rogers.”
“Are you sure?”
“Stop,” you laugh, raising your hand, “I’m fine.”
He shrugs, one of those I know you’re not okay, but I���m gonna drop it shrugs, and takes another long swig of his beer, “You know,” he starts, nodding slowly, “You still haven’t wished me a happy birthday. That’s kinda rude.”
“Well,” you laugh, “Don’t hold your breath. You’ve had your fair share of birthday wishes over the last, you know, one hundred and two years.”
He shakes his head, smiling at your sarcasm. You wiggle your eyebrows and push your chin forward a little, slightly proud of your attitude and your way of not falling into a giggly, stupid mess in front of him. Then, suddenly, there’s a… shift. All of the false confidence you had just seconds before floods out of you as his eyes drift down your body, before snapping back up to your wide eyes. He tilts his head and that soft smile appears again.
You’re not drunk enough for this. You lift your beer to your lips and focus on finishing it as quickly as possible as you glance away from him and focus on something, anything else in the room. You immediately grab another green glass bottle from the ice bucket, handing it to him for him to pop off the cap. You hear him chuckle, and then feel his large hand wrapping around your wrist before you're being pulled through the apartment. 
“Excuse me,” you laugh a little, having to nearly jog to keep up with his long strides, “Sir, this is kidnapping.”
You let him pull you out of the apartment and up a few flights of stairs before you burst out onto the roof. He pulls you to the edge of the building, dropping your arm so he can rest his hands against the ledge. You cut your eyes towards him as you grip your beer bottle in your hands. He gazes out over the city, the lights from the buildings and the stars lighting up his eyes. His expression is soft as no doubt hundreds of memories flash through his head.
“It’s nice up here, huh?” He says after a minute.
“It is.” You nod, casting your eyes out over the illuminated city,  “I’m kind of mad you’ve been hiding this from me.”
“You’ve been hiding from me.” Your mouth drops at the sudden admission. He turns his head towards you, blinking, “You’re always hiding from me.”
“I don’t,” you start, shaking your head as you swallow hard. You laugh nervously and try to play it off, “What are you talking about, Rogers? You’re drunk.”
“I’m not drunk.” He shrugs, “I can’t - I haven’t been drunk since 1939. I just, I like you and, I don’t know,” he trails off, turning away from you to look back out over the city, “You just are always so distant when you’re around me.”
You stare at the side of his face, your eyes wide, your mouth literally hanging open. You grip the glass bottle in both of your hands as your mind recaps the words that have just left his mouth. I like you. You’re always hiding from me. 
“I think you like to hide though,” he says, taking your beer from your hands and taking a swig, “It’s like a mechanism, or something. That’s what my therapist told me that I do, so, I guess I can kinda see it in other people now.”
“Therapist?” you ask, your voice soft.
He nods, still looking out over the city, “Mmhmm, at Bucky’s persistence. It’s nice to hide though, right? Like, you can be here but not here at the same time? Present, but not present.” He clears his throat, dropping his head, “You can feel but not feel.”
Your eyes drift away from him slowly, knowing exactly what he’s talking about - feeling exactly what he’s feeling. It is nice to hide. You’ve done it your whole life, but seemingly more over the past few years, “Yeah,” you finally offer, “It is.”
The air is warm as it whips around you on this July night. Brooklyn is as alive as ever - cars honking, people laughing and chatting on the streets below, planes flying over head. You swallow again as you cast your eyes down to your feet, his words still running on a loop through your head. I like you. You’re always hiding from me. 
“I do like you, I mean that. I do.” You snap your eyes back up to the side of his face as he keeps his head down, “I remember the first time you came over with Wanda.” He turns towards you and smiles, “You had on that flowery thing, I don’t know what it’s called.”
That night flashes before your eyes. Apparently he’s been staring at you from the corner of the room too,  “A romper. I love that thing.”
“Yeah,” he nods slowly, “You looked amazing.”
“Steve, is everything okay?” You ask suddenly, because, clearly, he’s not okay.
He nods again, smiles again, “Yeah. Are you okay?”
You laugh out of… you’re not really sure. Surprise? Nerves? Confusion? Or maybe, just the fact that you’re realizing that he’s not okay and you’re not okay -  and the two of you are desperately trying to prove that you are okay, but at the same time trying to deal with the fact that you’re not okay.
“Yeah,” you titter softly, “I’m okay.”
“Good.” He says, taking another drink of your beer, “I’m gonna get more. I’ll be back.”
Without another word to you, he moves away from the ledge and disappears behind the heavy metal door. You let out a breath that you weren’t aware you were holding and turn to face the cityscape. It is nice out here. Calming. 
Your heart sinks a little when you start to think about Steve wasting hour after hour, day after day, up here, all by himself, trying to deal with just living. He’s been Captain America for damn near eighty years - now he’s just Steve, but in 2020 - not 1939. He doesn’t know this Steve.
You’re always hiding from me. 
You turn away from the city, spotting an old, lumpy couch tucked in the corner of the roof. You move towards it slowly, rubbing your fingers against your pant leg as you move. You plop down and stare at your fingers as you start to rub them roughly. I like you. Fuck. That’s all you’ve wanted to hear, right? Since the day you laid eyes on him, like every other woman across the United States. It’s here, right in front of you and - 
The door opens, the metal creaking as Steve steps through it. It slams shut and you jump a little from the jarring sound. He turns to you, but dips his head, keeping his eyes low as he steps towards you and then falls onto the couch beside you. He hands you a beer and clinks the necks together before he takes a drink. You follow suit, swallowing the golden liquid slowly as you keep your eyes on him. 
“I’m sorry for being so blunt,” he laughs, spinning the dark green glass in his hands, “I don’t want you to be put off or anything. I’m not trying to make a move on you, I’m just-” he drops his head again, “It’s been weird for me, lately.”
“Don’t be sorry. Turning a hundred and two would be weird for anyone.” You laugh. 
“Bucky seems to be doing okay.” He smiles, keeping his eyes on his beer, “I’m happy for him, I really am. He and Sam are just so good together.”
“They are,” you smile, “But you feel stuck, right? Like everybody is moving and you’re just standing still.”
He nods slowly as he chews on the inside of his cheek, his fingers picking at the label glued onto the glass bottle, “I still want us to be friends, okay?” He picks his head up and turns to you, his eyes as blue as ever, but just a little sad and worried, “Just… forget about what I said earlier. I shouldn’t have put that on you.”
You sit your bottle between your legs and tap your manicured fingers against it as another silence drops over the two of you, “I don’t mean to hide,” you say quietly, ignoring his comment to just forget it, “You’re right, I do like to, but I don’t mean to. Not from you, anyway.”
You feel his eyes on you, wandering around before he speaks, “Why not from me?”
You laugh, sadly, “I um, I was married a few years ago. He um, he,” the emotion clogs up your throat. Fuck, it’s been two years and you still can’t talk about him. You shake your head, keeping your eyes on your hands, “I haven’t felt this way in a long time.” You whisper, “I don’t even know what I’m feeling half the time, it’s just, whenever I’m around you… it just scares me, I guess.” 
You see a shadow of his long arm reaching for you. Then, the rather soft tips of his fingers trace your chin before he lifts it slowly, so he can look at you - really look at you. You close your eyes before the two of you can make eye contact and smile nervously as a tear slips from the corner of your eye. He hums to himself as the backs of his fingers sweep across your cheek, removing the tear, before they move back down to cup your chin. 
“Open your eyes.”
You laugh, a sad smile on your face, “I can’t.”
“You can.” He presses, “Open your eyes, please.”
You take a breath, pressing your lips together as your eyes start to flutter. You blink furiously, but focus in on him - his face, his eyes - and then exhale deeply. You’ve been waiting to exhale for two long years. He closes the distance between the two of you before you can process it, and his lips are suddenly on yours. Soft. Warm. Still. His hands cup your face as you rest yours on his broad shoulders, gripping slightly. 
He pulls away but barely, still so close that his lips rest on yours. You open your eyes again to find his closed, his long dark eyelashes splashing against his smooth skin. He takes slow, deliberate breaths, the air from him washing over your face. You lift your hands, slowly, and place them on either side of his face, a small smile curling onto your lips. You press your mouth to his again. A little harder than the first time; and Steve responds a little harder this time. 
The kiss doesn’t dissolve into desperation, regardless of if the two of you feel desperate -  going untouched for so long. It stays sweet. It stays gentle, the kiss. You’re pulled into his lap, straddling his legs with yours, and it feels like you belong here. His tongue pushes, softly, asking permission by sweeping across your bottom lip. You grant it, the permission he asks for, without hesitation. 
You moan at the warmth of his velvety tongue. It spreads through you quickly, warming parts of you that you thought were long dead. His tongue slides along yours as he holds you to him, pressing his fingers into your thin t-shirt and back, pulling you close. So close. He licks at the roof of your mouth before he pulls your top lip between his, sucking gently. It makes you moan again. 
Steve kisses down your chin and throat,  working his way to the crook of your neck as he continues to hold you so tight. He nips at your skin, finding that little spot that sends a direct bolt of lightning to your core. You throw your head back, biting down into your bottom lip as you dig your fingers into his shoulders.  Your hips start to push into his as his warm fingers move underneath your shirt to feel your flesh for the first time. 
Your mouth open falls as you start to pant. Now that his fingers are on your skin - that whole desperation thing starts to kick up. He pushes your shirt up, up over your breasts and then just stops there, staring up at you with those eyes. His thumbs rub your sides as he holds them. He pushes in again, and presses his lips to the center of your chest, right in the valley between your breasts and then just rests there; breathing you in, feeling you. You smile, and run your fingers over the top of his head and through his hair before you rest your chin on his head. 
His fingers start to roam again, slipping along the band of your jeans. You bite your lip as you push your hips forward; ready. The button on your jeans pops, the zipper rolls down and you're on your back, Steve’s weight now pushing you into the cushions. Your legs are suddenly bare - you feel the warm air brushing along your skin. His lips are back on your neck as you wrap your arms around him, spreading your legs for him to settle in between. 
He fumbles around, pulling himself free, pushing your thin panties to the side. You’re nervous, he’s nervous - you can feel him shaking, but just a little. Then you both gasp as you're suddenly full of him and he’s encased by you. You groan, and so does he. His breath washes over your face as you both get used to the feeling again. 
He braids his fingers with yours and pushes them up over your head as he kisses you deeply. He starts to move - his hips pushing into yours, and then pulling away. You start to pant as his strokes get deeper - harder - as he breathes directly into your mouth. It’s sweet, his breath, even as it’s laced with alcohol. 
God, he’s such a soft lover. His hands, his lips, his thrusts, all just so soft. Passionate. Caring. He hovers over you, his eyes closed as he leans in to kiss you gently, his lips barely touching yours. You cup his cheek in your hand as his lips brush along yours, both of you breathing each other's air as his hips tenderly push into yours. He drops his lips to your throat again, kissing the base of your neck before he runs the tip of his nose up your chin - a small, barely there smile on his face. 
You kiss him hard, only breaking it to hiss. Your toes curl as the familiar pull in your stomach starts to build. Steve nuzzles into your neck, keeping his fingers laced with yours as his hips continue to grind. Your and his sounds mix and mingle before they are carried away by the soft breeze. Your heart starts to beat hard against your chest, your blood rushes as your body starts to tighten. 
He lifts your leg, hiking it over his hip but holds his hand there, gripping and groping your flesh softly as his thrusts now reach deeper. You gasp, gripping his biceps, your fingers pushing indents into his skin as your sex quivers from the attention. You bite down into your bottom lip, whimpering just a little as a dull pain ripples through you as you stretch to accommodate him - it’s been too long and he’s, more, than you expected. 
“Y’okay?” He slurs, his forehead resting against yours, his lips brushing against your cheek, “Baby, you-”
“Fine,” you breathe, “I’m fine- ah! -” you hiss as he hits that spot, “S’good, Steve. Don’stop… please.”
And then it blooms. It starts slow, at the tips of your toes before it floods throughout every inch of your body. You dig your fingers into his hands as you come, your hips bucking, your pants and cries loud and thick. He only lasts seconds longer, before his hips hitch and the growls scratch at the back of his throat. 
The calm is beautiful afterward. It’s not awkward or strained. You’re just two people trying to be okay, trying to reach out, trying to heal and move forward - trying to deal with the feelings swirling around in your chests and minds. There’s a blanket thrown over the back of the couch - he tugs it over the two of you, covering you from the elements and any prying eyes if they happen up onto the roof. 
You jump when the first firework explodes in the air. He chuckles and pulls you into his side, kissing your face as he drags his fingers, over your collar bones. Another firework goes off, and then another, and another, bringing you both back into the present. No more hiding. 
“I think I love you,” he whispers, watching the fireworks through your fingers as he lifts your hand into the air, “Is that weird?”
“Shit,” you laugh, curling your fingers between his, “I hope not, cuz I think I love you.”
Another firework pops in the air - red, white, and blue splashing against the dark sky. But all you can see are your hands, your small fingers laced with his long ones, twisting and curling around one another. He flattens his palm to yours before he brings it down to his lips, giving each finger a kiss before he lays a gentle one on the back of your hand. 
“You still haven’t wished me a happy birthday.”
You laugh loudly, pushing his shoulder, “And I’m still not gonna!”
“Why not?” he asks, laughing, picking your hands up again to watch your fingers dance with one another's, “That’s mean.”
“I’m a Taurus.”
Steve’s laugh makes you smile - yet another thing to add to the list of why you love this big idiot of a man. 
“That’s okay,” he whispers, pushing his nose into the side of your face as he nuzzles close, “You’ve got every year of the rest of your life to wish me a happy birthday.”
You don’t answer. You just smile harder and roll your face towards his, rubbing your nose along his. 
Steve Rogers is also a dreamer - how lovely. 
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the-dream-team · 3 years
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Happy 420! Enjoy a fluffy little 6th year jily fic featuring plenty of ouid and pining :) tw: recreational drug use
Read it on AO3
“I have a feeling the properties of that water might reinforce the Deception Elixer I’m working on with Slughorn, so the next time we go to the Mirror Pond, remind me to bring a jar, Mary.”
James’ head snapped around so fast, he nearly gave himself whiplash. Maybe he should have been subtler about listening in on Lily’s conversation across the Common Room, but old habits die hard and he was too caught off guard by what she said to stop himself.
“The Mirror Pond?” he practically shouted, grabbing Lily’s attention and earning him a confused raised brow. “The one in the Forbidden Forest? With a surface so reflective it could be mistaken for solid glass?”
“That’s the one, Potter,” she replied casually, exchanging glances with Mary and Dorcas. “Glad to know your hearing hasn’t been affected by sixteen straight years of Mummy shouting her praises at you.”
A year ago that quip would have bothered him, but something affectionate glimmered behind her eyes and sent a flurry of hope through his ribcage. Of all the ways he’d felt towards Lily, hopeful had never been one of them… until recently.
“It’s been seventeen straight years now, Evans,” he pointed out with a grin. “I know you, of all people, haven’t forgotten my birthday party last month.”
Even from across the room, he could see a pink tinge spreading across her cheeks. His heart soared, remembering a few weeks back when Lily had- with the encouragement of an emptied bottle of Firewhiskey- given an impassioned speech about James’ ‘surprisingly lovely qualities’ and how lucky she was to be his friend. It was the first time, to his delight, that the “F” word had been used, despite months of suspecting they were close to reaching that point. The speech concluded with a sloppy hug (that James cherished every second of) and her promptly falling asleep on the nearest armchair.
It was a birthday he wouldn’t soon forget, and neither would Lily, judging from the blush continuously growing on her face.
“For real, though, Evans,” he continued, “how do you know about the Mirror Pond? I’d think a Prefect such as yourself would know the Forest is off-limits.”
“Then how do you know about the pond, Potter?” she asked with a smirk.
He glanced back at his friends, who sat around the fireplace amused, listening to the conversation. Remus arched a brow, curious to see how James would explain away their monthly trips exploring every corner of the forest, and Sirius just laughed. At least Pete had the good sense to pretend to be reading, despite holding his Divination textbook upside down.
“Doesn’t matter,” James waved, dismissively. “I’m just surprised you girls spend your free time in the forest. There are dark creatures in there, y’know.”
“Are you scared of the Flobberworms, Potter?” laughed Lily.
“The Forest is beautiful,” chimed in Mary as she left her seat by the windows to join the boys around the fire. “That’s why it’s the best place to go after raiding the Greenhouses.” She plucked a sugar quill from Sirius’ hands before settling in on an armchair, a sly grin curling at the corner of her mouth. Lily rolled her eyes, but she too had a suspicious smile playing on her lips.
James glanced around his mates, wondering which one would take the bait.
It was Peter.
“What do you raid from the Greenhouses?”
“Keep your voice down, Pettigrew,” said Dorcas in a hushed tone, swiftly moving to join Mary on the chair. Lily reluctantly followed her friends and James’ heart leaped when she chose to sit next to him on the sofa.
“We get the best stuff from Sprout’s private collection,” Mary sighed. She seemed to be speaking vaguely on purpose.
“The best stuff for what?” asked Peter, unknowingly taking one for the team yet again. Sirius leaned back in his seat with an air of nonchalance, but James could tell his curiosity was getting the better of him by the sudden tapping of his foot.
“For smoking, you posh knobs,” said Dorcas.
“Oh!” barked Sirius, relief washing over his face. “I smoke all the time. I’ve even got a pack on me now-”
“Not cigarettes, Black,” Lily cut in. “We smoke grass.”
Sirius looked dumbfounded, not bothering to hide his confusion anymore, and James reckoned he looked the same. Suddenly, Remus burst out laughing and James nearly fell out of his seat.
“Oh, like Muggle grass?”
“Exactly, Lupin,” said Mary, turning back to the girls. “See, I knew there was a reason we liked him best.”
Sirius whipped around to look at Remus as though he’d just transformed into the Giant Squid. Remus hit him with a pillow.
Peter knit his brows together and let out a huff. “Why would you smoke grass?”
“Bloody hell,” groaned Dorcas, “not the grass that you walk on, Pettigrew. It’s Marijuana. We’re smoking drugs.”
“Like medicine?” asked Sirius, picking his jaw off the floor from Remus’ betrayal.
“Well, technically it is medicinal when you use it in potions, but when you smoke it, it’s a bit more… fun,” Lily chuckled and James turned to look at her. The amusement lit up her eyes in a way that made him say stupid things.
“Oh yeah,” he said with mock confidence, a hand raking through his hair, “we’ve actually been meaning to try that stuff for ages now.” He shrugged, hoping the girls couldn’t peer into his brain and see that he’d never even so much as sniffed one of Sirius’ cigarettes before.
“I’m sure you have,” said Lily, patting his shoulder. Her touch- intoxicatingly warm- acted like a reward for his idiotic behaviour.
“Well, do you have any on you?” he asked, holding her gaze. He let his smile go lopsided and watched her expression turn from amused to mischievous.
She glanced at Mary and Dorcas. “Alright. We’ll meet you in your room in ten minutes.”
And with that, the girls stood up and left the Common Room, leaving the Marauders gaping at each other in their wake. In a flash, the boys jumped to their feet and raced up the staircase to their dormitory.
“Moony, you’ve got to tell us everything you know,” said Sirius, pacing back and forth, a cigarette twirling around his fingertips.
Remus flopped onto his bed. “I don’t know much! I only did it once last Summer with the boys down the street.”
“Bloody help you are,” moaned Sirius.
“But why are we taking medicine when we aren’t sick?” asked Peter.
“You heard Evans,” James jumped in as he quickly made his bed and shoved dirty laundry into a drawer, “when you smoke it, it’s fun. Right, Moony?”
“I guess, but when I did it I just got lightheaded.”
“Oh, Merlin, we’re going to look like fools.”
“We already look like fools, Padfoot. Stop pacing and lean up against the bedpost or something. Act casual.”
“You’re one to talk, Prongs, you’re running around like a house-elf with its head chopped off!”
“Don’t tease him, Sirius, this might be the only time he’ll ever manage to get Lily in his room.”
“That’s a low blow coming from you, Moony.”
“Sorry, mate, you know I’m rooting for you.”
A knock on the door scared the four boys stiff. They stood frozen, staring at each other with wide eyes until a second knock brought them back to their senses.
“Act casual,” mouthed James as a reinforcement before leaping over his four-poster to let the girls in. “Evans, Meadowes, Macdonald,” he greeted. “Long time, no see.”
Dorcas rolled her eyes and brushed past him with Mary into the room, but Lily hung back.
“You excited, Potter?” she asked. “I know you’ve been looking forward to this for ages.”
He stilled, his breath caught in his throat before realizing she was talking about smoking. “Oh, ‘course,” he sputtered. “So excited. Well, not too excited. The normal amount.”
The flurries in his chest from earlier, now mixed with a healthy dose of nerves, picked up speed as Lily laughed and made her way into the room, sitting down on- of all places- James’ bed.
He short-circuited. Lily Evans was sitting on his bed.
Remus perked up on his own four-poster, trying to subtly catch James’ attention, but having a hard time keeping his eyes from bulging out of his head. Sirius didn’t bother hiding his own bewildered grin, going so far as to point at her animatedly as though James couldn’t see what had happened with his own bloody eyes.
Peter didn’t even bother to hold back. “That’s James’ bed.”
“Okay,” said Lily, unphased, “are you giving me a tour, Pete?”
“No, I just-”
“So, we should get started, right?” James cut in, his voice an octave higher than it should’ve been.
“Sounds good to me,” said Dorcas, settling down on Remus’ bed across from Lily.
So, they were going to be sitting on beds. That was no big deal. No big deal at all. James gathered up every last ounce of casual that he possessed to walk over to his four-poster and sit down next to Lily. He prayed that she couldn’t hear his heart threatening to beat out of his chest. Lily seemed completely unbothered to be next to him on his bed, however, and nearly caused him a brain aneurysm when she scooted closer in order to let Mary slip in on her other side.
“So,” said Remus, providing a very welcomed distraction from the thousands of thoughts rushing through James’ brain, “is it about the same as Muggle grass?”
“Practically,” said Dorcas, pulling out a small jar and another ceramic object that looked vaguely like his father’s tobacco pipe. “It’s just a bit stronger.”
“Much stronger,” added Mary, beaming.
“It’s quite strong,” Dorcas agreed, laughing as she packed the pipe with a green substance that smelled impossibly fragrant. “Lily, do you have the lighter?”
Lily reached into her robe’s pocket, leaning against James for a split second as she did so ( Merlin have mercy ), and handed over a well-loved Muggle lighter.
“Technically we could use our wands,” said Dorcas, producing a flame from the plastic and lighting up the green substance. She breathed in through the pipe, waited a moment, then exhaled. “But, when in Rome…”
She passed the pipe to Mary, who repeated the process and moved it on to Lily. James had been so caught up by Lily’s leg bumping up against his own, that he barely noticed how quiet his friends were as the girls blew smoke around their dorm. When he looked up, he noticed Sirius intently staring from Mary to Lily, trying to pick up any tips on how smoking this “grass” worked. As Lily placed the pipe in James’ hand, he wondered if he should have done the same.
“Er, okay,” he said, staring at the pipe. He brought the ceramic piece up to his mouth, like Lily had done before ( Holy Merlin, she just had her lips exactly where his were now ), and hit the little plastic button on the lighter. Nothing happened. He flicked the button multiple times, but the flame wouldn’t come.
“Oh, of course, you’ve never used a Muggle lighter!” Lily grabbed the plastic from his hand and switched the flame into life before his eyes. “Keep it to your mouth, I’ll light it for you.”
She did just that, leaning over to reach the pipe, her fingers so close to his face, she accidentally brushed the tip of his nose, sending his stomach swooshing. And just when he thought he couldn’t get luckier, she put her hand over his to demonstrate how to hold the pipe properly and cover the little hole that let air in. She was warm and soft and smelled so nice that he instinctively breathed in deeply, forgetting all the smoke piling in his throat.
The coughing came in sputters, then gasps. He’d never coughed so much in his life.
Thankfully the sounds of him hacking covered the fits of giggles from the girls and once his own coughs subsided, Peter had managed to pick up where he’d left off. Remus was able to hold his own okay, but Sirius nearly fell off the bed after doubling over from choking so badly.
The pipe traveled around the circle of sixth years, their coughs became less frequent, and the rigidity that plagued the beginning of the night burned away with the funny smelling plant. James barely noticed anymore how he had let his leg relax against Lily’s. Barely.
He looked up to Sirius and pointed to his leg as if to say “Can you believe this is happening right now?” Sirius’ eyes didn’t follow where he signaled, but he nodded all the same, a glaze covering his pupils.
Remus was sprawled out on his back, staring at the ceiling, and occasionally asking questions.
“Is the Giant Squid lonely or just alone? Is there a difference? Are bones the only thing preventing our muscles from acting like tongues?”
Peter just stared, unblinking, towards the door, then back down to his stomach, and back to the door. He interrupted Mary, Dorcas, and Lily attempting a three-part harmony (badly) to say, “I feel like I could chew for a hundred kilometers.”
“Snacks?” squealed Mary, hopping off the bed.
“Snacks!” responded Lily. She grabbed James’ arm, dragging him to his feet. He thought about how he would let her drag him off a cliff if she wanted to. Maybe he should tell her.
He followed Lily down the staircase, through the Common Room, and into the corridors, all the while thinking of the cliffs she might lead him to in the near future.
“Should we watch out for Peeves?” squealed Pete from behind, but James just laughed.
“No worries, Wormy, we’re under the cloak. He won’t see us.”
“Prongs,” said Sirius, laying a hand on his shoulder, “I hate to break it to you, mate, but we aren’t using the cloak.”
James looked around as if seeing his surroundings for the first time. “Blimey!” he laughed. “Would you look at that!”
“Potter,” whispered Lily rather loudly between fits of giggles, “ you can’t shout, we’ll be late to the kitchens! ”
How stupid of him to forget! But when Lily held up a finger and pressed it to his lips while she shushed him, he thought he ought to forget everything he’s ever known if it meant getting her skin directly on his mouth. Maybe he should tell her.
“Do the paintings move when we can’t see them?” came Remus’ lofty voice from several meters ahead of them.
“That’s an excellent question,” Lily said, still whispering. The way she beamed up at James made his whole head spin. “ Personally, I’d like to find out how the paintings work. ”
“I actually know the answer to that one,” James said, his cheeks painful from smiling so wide. Lily looked up at him with eager eyes. “It’s magic.”
“James Potter you twat!” she gasped, punching his arm and running ahead to stand next to Remus at the top of the moving staircase. He watched her link arms with Moony and follow his gaze up to a massive portrait.
“I know exactly how you feel, mate,” said Sirius, throwing an arm around his shoulder.
“Do you, Pads?”
“Yeah, actually.”
Sirius gave him a long, hard look. “That prank is going to work out so well.”
James paused. “What prank?”
“The one I just thought of. It’s gonna be really good, I’ll tell you about it when we get back to the room. Don’t let me forget.” And with that, Sirius wandered over to join the rest of the group in front of the large portrait.
What was so great about that painting that it warranted all his friends drooling over it?
As he moved closer, it became quite clear that this was actually the most beautiful piece of art that had ever been made. Tall grass danced in a draftless wind, carrying brushstrokes of flower petals over taught canvas. Colors moved together like schools of fish flowing separately, but together, creating life out of something as still as darkness.
“It looks like you, Prongs,” said Remus softly and James wondered if he too could see the energy vibrating off the paint. But then he looked a little harder and saw the majestic stag staring back from the other side of the frame.
“James looks like a deer?” asked Lily, still whispering.
“It’s his soul,” said Sirius. There were no further questions.
Peter whined about his stomach growling and the others mumbled in agreement, moving on from the portrait on the top of the stairs.
But not James. He stayed, glued to the floor, marveling at the way a single hand could create an entire world on a blank page, drawn in by the stag and how watching him reminded James of looking in a mirror and meeting a new friend all at once.
“Your soul looks nice,” said a voice off to the side. Lily had stayed. James had hoped she would stay, but he had been too scared to look. But she was still there and moving closer as a smile stretched across his lips.
“Thanks,” he said. He looked down to meet her eyes, so clear and bright he could make out the reflection of antlers deep within her irises. “I see your soul there, too.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah,” he continued. “Your eyes are brushed into the leaves and the sunlight is stroked with your hair. You’re in the wind because you’re here and you’re on your way at the same time.”
“You’re funny, James Potter.”
It was the most poetic thing he’d ever heard.
He opened his mouth to respond, but a flash of mocha brown caught the corner of his eye. He turned to see a beautiful, graceful doe stepping into the frame, joining the stag.
“There I am,” said Lily and her words sounded like music.
James could have floated away in that moment. She was so beautiful and he was high as a cloud, wondering how he’d ever be able to contain these emotions once he was back on the ground. He looked at the painting like a crystal ball and wondered if his future could be immediately ahead of him. He had to find out. Did Lily want to learn, too?
He reached down and grabbed her hand, thrilled that she didn't let go, and realized what he had to do. How he could show her all their possibilities.
James took a deep breath, gripped Lily’s hand, and lunged forward, pulling her with him directly into the wall. He rammed headfirst into the canvas and bounced backwards onto the floor with Lily toppling after him.
“What just happened?” asked Lily, wheezing from the floor beside him.
He turned his head to catch her eye. “I thought I could take us into the painting.”
After a beat, Lily burst into laughter and James followed close behind. Giggles crashed over them like waves he wouldn’t mind drowning in.
“I think we need some snacks,” said Lily, standing up and pulling James with her. She didn’t let go of his hand once they made it to their feet. He felt her warmth rush up his arm, igniting his nerve endings with happiness and excitement and hope. A hope that he knew he could live in for the rest of his life as long as she was on the other end of it.
Maybe he should tell her.
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mochii0park · 3 years
 meraki; chapter 01 I jhs
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Title: Meraki
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader / Jin x Reader
Part of series: Waterlilies and Japanese Bridge
Genre: angst I fluff
Pairing: literaryscout!hoseok x writer!reader
Word count: 4.5k
Summary: Throughout your whole life you lived in your sister’s shadow, watching from side-lines as she formed herself into a successful businesswoman with an envying life. Never being able to fill her shoes you gradually understood the meaning of an estranged family and the burden it carried. The twenties began slowly slipping from your grasp which had been embedded with insecurities and longing for fulfilment. Pouring your heart out to strangers with a pseudonym meraki, you began second guessing the decision when an email lands in your inbox.
Author's note: unedited, it's 2am I'll reread it tomorrow
Taglist: if you want to be added to the taglist message me
@namsope32 , @cuteipat , @ofvopemin
Meraki masterlist
< intro | chapter 02 >
Seokjin got engaged and moved to the USA.
Your lanky fingers hover over the keyboard, the reality of the situation still lingering in the air. The send button felt heavy, as if the action would make a shift in your universe. You have already made mends with how things were going between you, but it still felt crushing.
Sucking up the little pride you had left after lying to your friend, you push the button and lock the phone hoping to gain some sanity in your walk back to the apartment. It had been a regular night out with your friends. Coffee chitchat alongside freshly baked cookies which you got as an apology for being late.
Your mutual friends felt the need to notify you of the sudden change in Seojkin’s life, wanting you to hear it from them first. Pushing it to the back of your mind as nothing but an additional fact, you continue through the night with a smile. That lasted until you the rounder the corner.
Seokjin had been your friend through university and even later as you grew up and struggled to make ends meet.  You had been there for him when his girlfriend of five years decided to dump his ass having a shift in her feelings towards him. You mended his heart through late night talks and rides across the city. He was your kiss partner after breakups, picking up your self-esteem and gluing it together. In conclusion, Seokjin was your everything. If only the feeling was mutual.
Days before deciding to confess to him, he blasts your phone with messages about a girl that pulled all the strings in his heart and awoke oceans of memories. Kim Jisoo was his high-school crush with whom he lost contact after entering his last relationship. Reconciling through social media the two hit off where they last left it and suddenly you became the dust under his shoes. 
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months of not seeing him. With a deeply rooted pain in your chest and a jealousy for the new girl in his life you stepped down allowing Jisoo to consume his being. Afterall who were you than a mere friend, easily replaceable.
The last slap came when you drunkenly confessed, having enough of their roller coaster like relationship. That was the last time you’ve heard of Seokjin’s teary-eyed voice telling you goodbye over the phone. No matter how many times he told you this sounded like the end and the suffering he felt was unbearable; it was nothing compared to the sound of your heart shattering into pieces.
Sehun told you many times that the timing was so off it made him uncomfortable, but that’s the thing about you and Seokjin. Everything was off with the two of you. From kisses to cuddles to nudes after midnight to serious conversations about pineapple pizza. Friends don’t do that, is what you kept telling yourself when the feelings for him slowly grew from platonic to romantic.
In midst of your thoughts your phone rang. Sehun the attachment dealer flashed across your phone. Giggling at the memory of how the nickname came to be, a warm feeling nest itself inside your chest. “Hello?”
“Where are you?”
“I left the Howl Cafe, I’m near home.”
He hums, the sound of the blinker echoing in the distance. “I’m there in five. Meet me at the bus station at beginning of your street.”
There were instances when disobeying Sehun felt like the biggest thrill of your life but right now when feelings you couldn’t pinpoint ran through you clouding your judgement, Sehun felt like a silver lining. As you wait for him to arrive, you can’t help but scroll through your phone in search for that one picture of Seokjin.
The only one you’ve saved after your last conversation. He was leaning against the wall of the bakery, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. His bleached hair fell over his rimmed glasses giving him an emo vibe. It was somewhere around three am when you’ve taken this photo. 
Both of you exhausted from running aimlessly around the city. He begged you to visit this bakery at the top of a hill, assuring you about the quality of their goods. You remember that night vividly, how you would steal a kiss or two in the shadows hiding from the reality. How he would woo you with his terrible French accent and you would answer him in your broken German.
You miss him. You miss him to the point where it physically hurt.
Sehun honks ever so caring about the people sleeping peacefully in their homes. He bursts into laughter at your jumpy reaction making you feel annoyed as you lock your phone. Settling yourself in his car you wait for his I told you so, but it never comes. Instead, he turns on his Spotify playlist clicking on Olivia Rodrigo’s good 4 u blasting it a such high volume all thoughts you had were overridden with the upbeat song.
Sehun had been your friend for the same amount Seokjin was. The two knew each other through a few short encounters, for some reason they never crossed paths for longer than ten minutes. For that you were thankful. The song comes to a finish and Sehun observes you from his seat. The lights of the city painted on the window illuminated your face, giving him a prefect view of your perplexed expression.
“How are you feeling?”
You knew he would ask this question, after all the sole reason you were driving on a highway was because of your damped mood but in whole honesty you didn’t know the answer.
“A part of me had expected it. He talked about marrying her, but he also talked about wanting to drop everything and own a cottage in Sweden.”
“Your taste in men is terrible. Remember Mark? The guy who had so many career goals but couldn’t leave his house because he thought having a life outside work was overly distracting for his oh so important career as IT support at ZARA? Or Mino who was so high you couldn’t recognise him when he dropped the weed after your breakup.” Sehun snorts.
You roll your eyes at him. Surely your boyfriend track wasn’t the best but it’s not like you seek out boys with issues, it seems that they attach themselves to you and you can’t get rid of them without a major heartbreak. “Whatever.”
Sehun stretches forward pulling your favourite chocolate bar out of the compartment, throwing it in your lap. You smile, munching on it as you switch the song to Zayn and Sia’s Dusk Till Dawn.
“I just expected him to inform me.”
Sehun shakes his head. “I am not sure why you expected that. You two haven’t shared one conversation in two months. You’ve asked for space when he told you he can’t choose between you and Jisoo. Plus, that was a dick move to be honest making him choose between his girlfriend and his best friend.”
“Space,” you emphasise,” not utter silence. He didn’t move two fucking blocks Sehun. He moved to a whole fucking country without telling a soul. Our mutual friend finds out through an Instagram story. Fucking Instagram. And I don’t care, he was a dick that started this charade might as well end it.”
By now you were fully shouting, the tears that threatened to spill before now rushing down your face. In this moment you didn’t care much about Sehun’s awkwardness regarding tears and crying, that was pushed aside when he backed Seokjin’s decision and pissed all over yours.
“Y/N,” he whispers, turning down the volume as you whimper, “there is not much you can do. You must respect his decision. You can’t force someone to love you.”
It was your turn to huff at the stupidity of his words. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t go about kissing people. Respect decision? Fuck that. Did he respect me when he made a fool out of me?
Sehun exhales knowing that in this case you weren’t in the right mind to have a rational conversation. Seokjin was your weak point, he knew that much. Your emotions began to pour out, leaving you a sobbing mess in his car. 
“Look, I can’t stop you from having all sort of emotions for him. I can only advice you to turn off your phone for tonight and give yourself time to process the information before doing anything you might regret.”
 “I won’t blast his phone with insulting messages if that’s what you think.”
“Good, also don’t eat out your emotions. You can’t stand too much sugar in your system.” 
“Thanks doctor. I’ll just write out my emotions instead.” You say leaning into the seat, closing your eyes as you listen to the music.
“You still write on that blog?” You can hear some amazement in Sehun’s voice, and you know it’s not to mock you but to praise you for managing to stay faithful to one thing this long. You had a reputation for giving up on things in early stages because you couldn’t finish them perfectly.
The rest of the ride was spent with you eating out your emotions with the food Sehun bought from your local fast-food restaurant. Not much was said between you and him as he drove into the night letting you process the whole situation, only dropping you off at home when you felt yourself calming down.
Once in the confides of your room you strip yourself of any pent-up emotions letting all the pallet of different feelings overran you. Taking a pen, you let your heart pour into endless words scribbled away in your notebook. When you’ve felt empty the high gone, you take your laptop opening the site you’ve a long time member of. It came to you on Instagram in a form of a poorly done advertisement. It was a website for people wanting to share their poetry with strangers.
At first, you’ve done what you always do: began self-doubting your poems and their worth. Most of them were written in a spur of a moment when you felt like you would burst from the number of things you felt. But one night, when sleep couldn’t come to you and the pain of losing the person you held dear lingered in the air threatening to choke you; you signed in posting your work. It was raw and you suddenly felt exposed and naked in front of the world.
That’s how Meraki came to be. How your pseudonym became your shield, allowing you to burden it with any thought or emotion you’ve felt. In the online world Meraki was a fierce writer, letting her readers know of the pain and suffering she felt. In real world Meraki was an introverted person hiding herself from anyone willing to come close.
 It was a hot Wednesday morning when you’ve gotten an e-mail from your sister informing you of her whereabouts. Due to your mother’s work preventing her from traveling, she decided to pay you a visit instead; much to your delight. The days to her wedding were numbered and so was your sanity.
Luckily for you she and her fiancée decided to stay with your parents.
The thought of her roaming the halls of the only place you’ve managed to cover in comfort was disturbing you. It wasn’t that you hated your sister but although you’ve dealt with your own insecurities some parts of the trauma still hung over you.
You’ve managed to avoid her for a good number of days since she landed in Seoul but now a week later you ran out of excuses. That’s how you found yourself sitting in a posh sea food restaurant, juggling your anxiety during the family dinner.
The last time you saw your whole family was at your grandfather’s birthday (which happened six months ago). The event left a bad taste in your mouth after you’ve spent majority of time listening to your sister’ success only receiving attention when she addressed you.
Solar and her fiancée Minho discussed the menu as they skimmed through different meals. You have been so busy staring at one spot that you’ve never noticed the waiter taking orders.
“Y/N?” Solar spoke catching your attention.
“One chicken fillet for me please.” You were so preoccupied with different thoughts you never saw what they had to offer therefore you went with your go-to food.
The moment the waiter leaves the table with the menus, your mother scoffs. “Aish you’re eating chicken again, we’re in an exclusive sea food restaurant and you’re embarrassing us.  “
“Mother, let her eat what she wants.” Solar interrupted your mother’s complaining, switching the topic to her wedding dress. Your mother beamed at the photos she showed her.
It was somehow sad how much power Solar had over your parents. One word was enough to ease them into doing whatever she liked whilst you had to beg and crawl your way and even then, you were no match for her.
You felt severely out of the place. The two talking about preparations while your father and Minho gushed over their new apartment in Tokyo. You sat there in your chair counting down minutes until you could leave. Any other day you wouldn’t bother to attend the dinner but now Solar insisted you showed up. Something about the sight of her family warming her heart, bunch of bullshit.
“How are you doing Y/N?” She asks ignoring your mother as she mumbles under her breath about your bad habits, one being smoking.
You took up smoking in your last year of university when the pressure of getting a master’s degree and balancing your parents had been too much to take in. A lot of your friends decided to find comfort in weed, but you never understood the thrill of it. Rather than spending enormous amounts for just one puff, you could buy a pack of cigarettes and still have money left for some booze.
“Not much, same old same old.” You answered pushing your nervousness away.
There wasn’t much happening in your life. You’ve started a job in a bookstore and spent your free time either with Sehun or Jihyo.
“How’s Seokjin?”
That one question had caught the table’s attention and suddenly you felt a terrible need to smoke one. Your families were acquainted through work, your fathers working together on a project. They had been shocked when they discovered that you and Seokjin had been close friends for a long time.
“He’s fine.”
“I heard he got engaged,” Your mother spoke up,” to Kim’s daughter Jisoo. Ah what a wonderful being that one is.”
“Oh?” Solar gave your mother a perplexed look narrowing her head at you. You played with the glass in front of you, the object suddenly becoming interesting.
“I thought you and he were dating.” Minho joined, telling the words that were stuck on the tip of your sister’s tongue.
“Y/N and Seokjin? Don’t make me laugh. They are worlds apart. Seokjin is so focused on his career while our Y/N thinks writing will make her a fortune.”
Taking a sip of water, you try your best to wash away the nasty words threatening to leave your mouth. Your parents never approved of your career choice not that you even cared about their opinion.
Solar hums pulling her lips into a straight line. “I’ve must’ve mistaken then. I was sure I saw you-“
“Here is your food.”
And that’s how you were saved from the embarrassment of having to explain to your sister that what she saw was imagination playing tricks on her and not you and Jin making out in front of your house. It was awkward enough when she pestered you about it the next day.
The conversation takes on a different dynamic and you breathe out in relief. You were still trying to process the news and talking about him wasn’t helping your soul.  You gather yourself before your façade could fall and mask it with a stoic expression continuing your countdown till desert when Sehun would call you for an “emergency”.
Right on time you think as your phone began to ring.
You pretend to gasp covering your mouth to show concern as Sehun sputtered nonsense. He kept talking about his trip to the gym and how his feet hurt from all the exercise he did while you tried not to show disgust as explained in detail how hit his little finger against a metal device . Solar shot you a worried look as you excused yourself from the table.
“And the award for the best actress goes out to Y/L Y/N” Sehun pitches once you close the door of the restaurant. Shooting a quick apology message to Solar, you jump into his car deJa’vu hitting you.
“I should get paid for spending so much time with you.” Sehun dripped in sweat, his black shirt sticking moistly to his body, hair pushed back.
You shrugged falling into a comfortable silence. Half an hour later he stops at the number 13, the windows of your house distinguishable by the large number of flowers catching last rays of Sun before the night settles.
“That will be 100 won and a Mcdonald’s later when you’re free.”
“Yeah, not happening” you tell Sehun, already halfway out of the car, rucksack slipping from your shoulder.
He raises a brow at you.” I am not your personal driver Y/N. I had to leave my girlfriend to drive you back.”
You scoff as you roll your eyes at him.” I’ve told you to call me for an emergency. There was no picking up included.”
He mimics your words mockingly before pressing the gas pedal leaving you behind him. Unlocking your apartment door, you’re greeted with your dog sleeping in the hallway not giving you a second glance as you pass over him. Haku’s snores echo through the empty apartment warming your heart. The Shiba became your companion two years ago when you were going through a rough patch. It took some time for you to get used to each other but now you couldn’t image not having his snot buried into your business.
Turning on the lights you sit at the kitchen table pulling your leg up to rest your head on the knee. Opening your laptop, you see a few notifications popping up on the sideline about your recent orders. Just when you were about to close the notification center you see one mail standing out. The name Jung Hoseok makes you jolt in your seat.
Dear writer aka meraki,
I hope this e-mail find you well. My name is Jung Hoseok, I’m the CEO of ZER Publishing company. I’ve taken interest in your poetry and would like to have a meeting to discuss a possible collaboration between us.
Kind regards,
Jung Hoseok
The scream that came from you couldn’t possibly be human. Closing the laptop as if it will burn you, you throw it on the sofa choosing to avoid it until tomorrow.
You didn’t know how he found you giving that any personal information on the site was strictly private. Pacing back and forward you facetimed Sehun. He picks up after three very long rings making your heart beat erratically against your chest.
“I swear to God if this is another one of your emergency calls.” Sehun stands there in nothing but a towel hugging his waist. He moves to the other side of the bathroom, bare feet pacing against the marble floor.
“I got an e-mail.”
He curses, his voice muffled from the towel pressed against his face. ” You called me to tell me about a mail?”
“Not any mail, Sehun. I was contacted by Jung Hoseok.” You whisper still walking back and forward, Haku following every step of yours. Sehun tries not to pay close attention to you, getting slowly dizzy from all the commotion.
“And something tells me I should know who that is?”
You halt taking a moment to stop yourself from starting a conversation about common knowledge again, it was a sour subject. “He messaged through the mail used for Meraki.”
This time Sehun is quite for a few seconds taking in your words. You don’t see him, but you can hear deodorant spray and shuffle of clothes. “How? Isn’t that private?”
And suddenly the anxious feeling was back. The poems you wrote there were strictly private, the mention of your love life and your hardships with your family were never meant to be linked back to you. You’ve checked the websites policy not wanting anyone to associate you with the account. If that were to happen you can immediately start packing your things to move to another continent.
“I am sure he didn’t hack it; nobody is that desperate. Maybe he contacted the website owner?” Sehun takes his phone, hair freshly washed strands falling over his face. He moves from the bathroom to the kitchen placing you carefully , so you could see the whole room.
You think for a second, there was a possibility. “Isn’t that a violation of my privacy?”
“I can try to read out the rights and policy. Come up with a text signed as your lawyer but Y/N” Sehun’s voice is soft, something he did to calm you down. He stood in the middle of the kitchen, eyes having an internal battle, the look you’ve seen on him in rare moments.
“I am sure if you refuse, he won’t bother you. I am also sure you don’t have much to lose if you agree.”
Hoseok was on his fifth coffee by noon, deprived of any sleep last night.  He was starved for a good literature piece that would leave him in myriad emotions. Sadly, he came up with an empty line. He spent his days cocooned in the corner of Suho’s café reading page by page poetry that awoke no emotion except irritation. He was on the brink of losing his mind.
Suho slides into the booth, careful not to startle Hoseok.” Have you found anything?”
Hoseok ruffles his hair before resting his head in his hands. He was desperate enough to visit fanfiction sites in hopes of stumbling upon work that had  the spark.
“Maybe you should take a break? Visit those open mic nights where people recite their poems?”
Hoseok shakes his head having already used that option last week. “I’ve been to three mic nights and not one was interesting. I am on a verge leaving everything behind to become a stripper. Yoongi did say I have an amazing body."
Sehun by now used to his friend’s dramatic antics shrugs his shoulder.” You should really take a break. You’ve been searching for a month now.”
Hoseok wished he could take a break, but the existence of his firm lay in his hands. That enough gave him tremendous worry pushing him way above his limits.
“I know but if I don’t find a good piece in a month, I can close the firm. Do you know what that means? Hundreds of people losing their job.” Hoseok wasn’t the one to crumble under pressure but now he felt like crying. Suho offered him a smile he’s seen before, the pity smile. Patting his shoulder he gets up at the sound of doors opening ,customers swarming in.
At the end of the day Hoseok thinks everything has turned against him. His laptop dies in the middle of reading, and he discovers he forgot his charger at home. In all the despair and anger he accidentally knocks over the mug spilling coffee over important documents and his newly bought jeans. The stain will probably leave a small burn that he wasn’t ready to face today. He’ll take care of it tomorrow.
On the side Suho observes his restless friend. He felt bad for not being able to help him more, but he already used all his resources and sent them anonymously to his mail only for Hoseok to turn it down.
Sehun walks into the café with his gym in one hand and candy in the other, drops of sweat forming on his forehead. He was waiting for a call from Y/N, prepared to jump into his car at any second. He greets Suho, his sight landing on an exhausted Hoseok bumping his head repeatedly against the table lightly. He hoped to never reach this point of insanity. 
“What’s his problem?”
Suho follows Sehun’s line of sight. Hoseok sits in the booth, forehead rested against the table. Both his mind and body were tired, and the clock was ticking. “He needs to find a good poetry piece to publish otherwise he’s toast.”
In that moment Sehun weights his options. He knew how self-conscious you were about your work thinking it lacked emotion and quality and this seemed like a good opportunity to prove you otherwise. On the other hand, there was the issue with people closely linked with your poems. He takes his time picking between different sugars, steering the coffee slow enough to buy him at least one more minute.
Pushing the bills to Suho he takes a sip. “There is a website called Nora, it had lots of good poetry. I've read some.”
Suho nods following Sehun out of the café promising to deliver the message to Hoseok. Once locked up he slides back into the booth watching Hoseok pack his belongings ready to call it a day. “This costumer told me about Nora site. You should give a shot.”
“Nora?” Hoseok mocks, he heard of all the websites used for writing but Nora didn’t ring a bell.
“I think it’s new. I’ve never heard of it but he seemed sure of his words. The worst that can happen is he lied and knowing Sehun that’s unlikely.”
Hoseok nods eager to go back home to his cat Nobus and prepare himself a warm bath to release the tension built up in his muscles. Waving goodbye to Sehun, he exits the shop from the back door and turns on the engine of his car driving away to the beat of classical music easing him.
Entering his small apartment located in the centre of Seoul, he throws his shoes to the side not bothering for order tonight. Slouching himself on the couch he pets Nobus, the cat bumping his head against his arm purring softly. With eyelids half closed he opens the website on his phone, picking poetry as his preferred category.
Selecting a random writer he opens the first poem, eyes scanning the text.
 I love you             like the habit I picked up in college                  of sleeping through lectures                  or saying I’m sorry                  when I get stopped for speeding      ��      because I drink a glass of water                  in the morning                  and chain-smoke cigarettes                  all through the day             because I take my coffee Black                  and my milk with chocolate             because you keep my feet warm                  though my life a mess I love you             because deep down I know                  you'll never be mine again   (author of the poem: Nikki Giovanni, I added three last sentences)*
With every word that Hoseok took in he felt himself back in university, all drunk on the idea of loving the girl that sat two seats in front of him during microeconomics. He relives the ecstasy of having love running through his veins, he feels the desire under his fingertips for just one touch, he crumbles at the pain of finding her kissing his best friend. Hoseok feels like his heart had been ripped apart with just few simple letters placed in a neat poem.
He sees the words meraki scribbled in a messy handwriting under the poem and he feels as if his prayers have been answered.
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braunbakery · 3 years
salvation, maybe (i)
☞ reiner braun x reader [fem bodied] [chapter word count: 2.5k]
☞ sfw, angst, fluff, post-season 3 [after 4 year time jump], season 4 spoilers
☞ cross-posted on ao3 (very much ahead on ao3, just wanted to bring it to tumblr)
☞ fic plot: you have walked these streets many times before. you have passed this bench many times before. you have seen this man (lost in his thoughts, always drifting, always looking lost) many times before. but this time, this time you take a seat.
i. hero
the wind blows your long skirt against your legs as you make your way down the street, shoes tapping against the cobblestone of the ground. liberio is reasonably busy and you find yourself accidentally knocking shoulders with a multitude of people. the slightly chilly late morning air nips at the skin on your face and you instinctively wrap your jacket a little tighter around yourself, repeating the list of what you need to get in your head.
eventually, you reach the less populated part of the market street. you know that you don't really have any business being here - all of your necessities lie on the busier side of the street (probably all running out at this point, judging by the ever-increasing crowd.) but, you have become so accustomed to making your way to the quiet end of this street to see if he still sits on the bench in front of the broken fountain, slumped over and staring at his knees. sometimes, on sunnier days, his long off-white jacket is crumpled next to him. sometimes he is leaning back, his neck tilted back towards the sky and his arms tightly crossed across his broad chest.
but the constant remains, he is always here.
since he had returned from wherever the previous warrior mission had taken him, every morning he sat at this bench in such an obvious amount of distress that you wondered how come no one else ever said anything. did his comrades never take notice of his seemingly permanently furrowed brow, or his fists that somehow were always clenching and unclenching? or were they all also fighting their own battles, sitting on their own benches and being watched by their own strangers?
his name is reiner braun.
you know this name, everyone knows this name. everyone knows his close-cropped blonde hair, his broad build, his sullen face (you wonder if he only smiles on command). he and his comrades bring honour to liberio and offer an excuse to marley for why you and your neighbours deserve to live. you want to feel grateful and proud, but as you watch him stare mindlessly into the distance, hands absent-mindedly playing at his uniform collar, all you can feel is pity.
sometimes you feel yourself slowly gravitating towards him, your feet moving before your mind even realizes it. today is one of those days when his sorrow is contagious, radiating out of him and into you, and suddenly you really are moving. it has been almost a month since he has been coming to this bench and sitting in silence. it has been almost a month of you idly watching him, wondering if you should say anything. if there's anything you can even say. but, he is a soldier. if you don't act now, he will be whisked away to whatever new conflict marley has conveniently found themselves in. you just want to say something. anything.
and before you know it, you have somehow planted yourself a few inches away from him on the other side of the battered wooden bench. reiner shifts in his seat, but doesn't say a word. your thoughts are racing and you contemplate whether or not it's too late to back out now. whether or not you can sit in silence and pretend your feet were just tired and you needed a rest (despite the fact you have only been outside for all of fifteen minutes.) if you seemed as melancholy as he seems to you, would you want someone to offer you solace? to acknowledge your struggle? you don't know, you don't know, you don't know. and before you know it, words of no real value are tumbling out of your mouth.
"not too bad of a day, huh?" you awkwardly say, eyes flitting towards reiner quickly to see if he will acknowledge the stranger trying to making a conversation about the god damn weather. reiner shifts in his seat, his dazed stare cut short as his body slightly slowly turns towards you. he still doesn't actually look at you. but, to be fair, you still haven't actually looked at him.
"i suppose," he mumbles, looking around the street as another gust blows through liberio, sending papers flying into the air.
"it's a shame the fountain doesn't work. maybe it would've made the day a little better," you comment, your eyes glancing back at the battered fountain behind the bench. it is years old, the white stone now faded into different hues of brown and green, and vines hooking and wrapping their way all around the structure. you suspect that maybe it had never actually worked at all.
"maybe," reiner replies. his head turns towards you, watching you crane your neck behind you to see the fountain. secretly, you don't want to turn your head back and witness him probably ignore your efforts of conversation. can you blame him? he has seen war and has been through hell, from paradis to the endless conflict between the mid-east allies. why would he decide now that a fountain no one actually cares about is what peaks his attention? "but, i think we'd have a bunch of kids jumping in if it did work. so, could be for the best."
realistically, the fountain is too small for anyone bigger than a toddler to attempt to climb in. but, you still find yourself slightly smiling in relief at his response, realising that maybe you weren't completely hopeless and maybe reiner didn't truly want to be completely alone.
"i suppose," you echo his earlier response back to him, no longer craning your neck and returning to face forward with him once more. your smile grows even wider as you notice the corners of his mouth softly curling upwards. much better. your eyes meet his for a moment and you can't look away from the deep hazel, the warm welcome. he is the one to break the stare, eyes glancing off to a passerby.
"you have a thing for fountains then?" he jokes. but, as you stay looking at him, you can see that despite his attempts at some kind of humor, his gaze is still crestfallen and his fists are still clenched at his sides. you don't know what to say.
"no, just for nice days," you retort, offering another toothy smile. like reiner, it doesn't particularly reach your eyes. maybe this is a mistake. maybe you are just bothering him and tiring him out from making him have to put up some moderately pleasant facade. maybe this is just for your own gain. because you are alone. because you are lonely. you grab at the empty woven basket next to you, wondering if you should just leave.
but the truth is the truth, and you are alone and so is he. is it such a crime to maybe want to be alone together?
"are you just out getting groceries?" reiner casually inquires, shoving his balled fists into the pockets of his long jacket. he looks at you again. everytime he has ackowledged you so far, a part of you feels that maybe this is okay. that maybe the small moments where he isn't lost in his own head and instead spares looks at a stranger makes it all okay. in the end, you don't really know him, and he doesn't really know you. but do you need to know someone to want them to feel okay?
"yeah," you say, leaning foward to take a peek at the busier end of the street, "but i think i'm a bit late. everything other than maybe bread is probably gone by now," even though this is going to be an inconvenience, you don't find yourself regretting it. you're happy to sit here next to reiner, even if it means another morning of trying to wake up early and make your way through the masses.
"huh," reiner huffs out a small chuckle, eyeing your empty basket, "you should probably go grab that bread then."
you slowly stand up, slinging the basket at the crook of your arm and turn to face reiner. he looks up at you questioningly. there was no way you had waited almost a month just to have some measly conversation about nice days and a century-old fountain.
"do you want to come?" you ask, trying to feign at least a fraction of the confidence you wish you held in this particular moment, "to the bakery, i mean." obviously he knows what you mean. why would you say that? reiner slightly raises his eyebrows at your invitation, but deep down, you are adamant that this is not the last time you talk to him. you are not going to let him sit on that bench until the next time he's shipped off halfway across the world.
"which do you go to?" he asks after a pause.
"the one by the tailor's," you answer.
"i don't know...technically, i did just meet you. you might be out to kidnap me and force me into building a fountain." you roll your eyes, a smile tugging at your lips.
"i don't think you have anything better to be doing," again, reiner responds with another raised eyebrow, "accept the pretty girl's invitation to buy some bread with her, reiner."
reiner laughs. a real, actual laugh. and you know that you aren't going to regret the sudden burst of confidence when you get home.
"how do you know my name?" reiner asks through his smile, getting up as he dusts off his warrior uniform.
"doesn't everyone, reiner braun, warrior of marley, hero of liberio?"
"hero," he repeats after you, standing a little closer and once more gazing into the distance, "i don't know about that." you both slowly start walking back along the way you had originally come.
"how come?"
"i think heroes are supposed to be good people."
his honesty stuns you, but you try not to let your composure falter as you both make your way down the cobblestone path, maneuvering through the crowd that seems to finally be clearing away as the morning breaks into afternoon.
"well," you pause, trying to think of something that will mean anything to him. that will relax his brow a little, or soften out the stress on his face, "i don't think you're a hero." you can feel reiner freeze for a small minuscule moment, his face turning toward you.
"oh, really?" a small, teasing smirk makes its way across his face. he can't hide the confusion painted on his features. maybe he's not as taken aback or hurt or offended because you really are just a stranger. maybe's it's easier for him to be honest because you really are just a stranger. maybe he is speaking freely, with the knowledge he may never see you again, because you really are just a stranger. and, even though, deep down, a part of you wishes you were something more than a face he would eventually forget, you are grateful for the modicum of anonymity that somehow seems to evaporate an unspoken boundary between you.
"heroes die," you say, bluntly, "maybe i think there's more for you than that." and that was the truth, or as much of it as you could force yourself into saying. reiner stares at you blankly, his teasing demeanor fading away as he stops in his path. maybe you had said something wrong, or reminded him of something he wishes he could forget, but you are glad that in some weird, confusing way, you managed to express that he needed to live.
you had walked on for a few steps before realising he had stopped, and turn back to find reiner still staring at you. people walk between you and around you, but his gaze doesn't falter. his face is unreadable, but eventually, he is cut out of his moment of stillness and crosses the distance between you.
"that's a bit grim, but thanks, i guess?" he laughs, scratching at the back of his neck. you are a couple of steps ahead of him as you both turn the corner, getting closer to the bakery stall. you look back at him, watching as he strides on behind you, arms swaying by his sides and hair being lightly blown by the wind.
"you know," you start, stopping in your path again. reiner follows suit, waiting for you to continue, "that doesn't mean i don't think you're a good person."
reiner looks up at you. he doesn't look back down. you think you can feel yourself sinking into the ground.
"really?" he says, after a pause. you can hear the chatter of the bakery up ahead, the footsteps of more shoppers walking past you, the faint howling of the wind in your ears, the playful cries of children weaving through the hoards of people littered throughout the street. and you look at him. really look at him. you know, for sure, for definite, that you don't want to be just a stranger. you want him to remember your face and your words. you want him to think he deserves something more than desolation. so, you repeat.
"it doesn't mean i don't think you're a good person."
you take a few steps towards him and grab the sleeve of his jacket, gently tugging him towards you as you continue walking towards the bakery. you walk side by side, a little closer now. this time, the silence is comfortable, and when he looks down at you as you ready your basket to collect the bread of your choice, you're already looking up at him and offering a smile. as you grab the money out of your purse, you stare at reiner's hands which hang at his sides.
you don't want to be a stranger. you will see him again.
it doesn't mean i don't think you're a good person.
you hand the money to the vendor, thanking her and steadying your grip on the now filled basket. reiner silently tries to grab it from you, even though it weighs practically nothing, but you move your hand away, eyeing him threateningly.
you have nothing else to buy, but you keep walking. your hands brush accidentally on purpose (more so on purpose on your behalf.) reiner doesn't ask where else you need to go, he just keeps walking with you, and you are grateful. you grab a roll of bread from the basket and break off the end of it, dividing it into two and offering a piece to reiner. he takes it from your hand and offers you a smile. you want to see that smile again.
no, you want to see him smile because of you again.
it doesn't mean i don't think you're a good person.
it just means i want you to live.
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 2.0k
warnings: swearing, eren is a wee bit dramatic, a singular pervert
listen to the music masterlist
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"Shit!" Eren yelled, starting to chase after the police car Zeke was now in the back of. "That's my brother! Let him go!"
He shouted multiple profanities as he ran. He almost hoped they'd reach the ears of the cops.
"Eren, wait!" Armin ran forward after him. His hands latched onto Eren's shirt to stop him from running any further.
He was pulled back by Armin and he collapsed on the concrete. The yells he emitted made his voice scratchy and hoarse. He sat on his knees, breathing hard. The cars disappeared from your line of sight as Armin helped guide Eren to the group.
A deep voice made you tear your gaze away from them. "I apologize on behalf of Levi. He usually keeps a cool head." Looking up, you saw the blond man from before looking at your stumbling friends worriedly.
"Oh, yeah. I apologize on behalf of Zeke. He's always in some sort of trouble. Was that your wedding ring he pawned?" you asked.
He sighed. "Yes, it was." He paused and pressed his lips into a thin line. "Levi was really upset when he came home without it. But you don't have to apologize for what Zeke did. It's in the past and we can always just get more rings. I'm Erwin, by the way." He moved his hand forward to grasp yours.
You returned his kind smile. "I'm Y/n, nice to meet you. You should probably go before my friend gets back over here." You gestured to Eren, who was slumped against the blond beside him. "He can get pretty temperamental too."
Erwin smiled again. "I'll take your advice on that one. Take care, Y/n."
"You too."
After a few minutes, he reached his car and drove away. You couldn't help but wonder if Erwin's husband had anything to do with Zeke and Nebraska. However, you figured pawning something wouldn't get you banned from a state.
You decided not to dwell on it at that moment. So many things happened throughout the night and you didn't need another add-on.
Eren sat against the bench, sliding down the back. Armin was still by his side.
Annie and Bertholdt exited the restaurant, Bertholdt holding the door for her. Reiner trailed behind them.
They made their way over and stood by the bench. Reiner spoke up, "Everything's on the house, according to Marcel. Porco said we should probably get out of here, though."
"We didn't even get to eat!" Sasha whined. Her dress creased against the pavement as she kicked her legs.
Connie nodded and frantically looked around as if some food would magically appear from the ground. He wasn't far off.
"Holy shit is that a food truck?" He pointed across the road, and sure enough, there was one running in the parking lot of a plaza.
"I didn't even know food trucks were out this late. I'm thanking my lucky stars they are, though," Marco grinned.
Sasha's eyes lit up at the sight and she bolted across the parking lot. You were sure you had never seen anyone run that fast in your life.
"Christ, Sasha. Wait for me at least." Connie jumped off the sidewalk and charged after her.
The rest of you followed the two at a slower, more reasonable, pace. Careful to watch for cars instead of just running into traffic like your idiot friends.
The employees of the truck were pleasantly surprised when they saw the sudden line of people gathering at their window.
Eager chatter about the food you all would order quickly arose. All your stress from earlier events seemed to dissipate when Mikasa urged you into a conversation.
When the two of you reached the front of the line, the guy running the truck recognized you. He referred to you as 'the hot guitarist from that one band.'
Mikasa was visibly disgusted when she trained her cold eyes on the man. Grabbing the food, she ushered you away and glared over her shoulder as you sat on the ground in front of her.
The whole group was sitting on the pavement since there were no benches nearby in the empty parking lot.
Stores lined the end of the lot that faced your back. Dim lights emitted from inside a few of them. Other than that, there was only light coming from the food truck plus some street lamps.
The air was light and the sky was dark. Stars shone amongst the barely visible clouds. Your gaze shifted up at them just as you finished eating. They stared back down on you and a closed-eyed smile broke out on your face.
Mikasa stopped laughing with Sasha when you caught her attention. You looked so contempt and peaceful, especially after the night you had. Your foot tapped lightly against the concrete. Your face was illuminated by the moonlight.
She was entranced by you and couldn't avert her eyes. Coming back home made her fall into habits from a long time ago. Habits she used to be ashamed of.
The sound of Armin dropping their paper plate as he stood made Mikasa finally snap her eyes away from you. She blushed and Sasha side-eyed her with a teasing smile.
Eren dropped his plate next to Armin's and pushed himself up. He gestured excitedly to a liquor store behind you and proudly declared that all drinks were on him.
Ymir cheered loudly at this. She stood as well and tried to get others to join in. Historia chipped in a small yell of triumph as Eren dragged Jean into the shop to stock up.
Armin reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. A wide smile stretched his face. "Do you guys like the idea of music right now?"
Reiner nodded enthusiastically and looked over the blond's shoulder at their playlist. He grinned and leaned over to hit shuffle.
Armin turned up the volume and set his phone down. An old song filled the atmosphere and he began to dance along.
Reiner joined in alongside Marco, Ymir, and Historia likewise. Sasha and Connie's dance moves were very uncoordinated compared to the others. Their limbs flailed in the air but at least they had the spirit.
Bertholdt was awkwardly overlooking the scene until Annie grabbed his arm and led him into the dancing circle. It was nice to see her letting loose, even if she was only making Bertholdt's obvious crush worse in the process.
Laughing to yourself, you got up to dance with your friends. You beckoned for Mikasa to come along and she didn't hesitate to follow.
After a few songs, Eren and Jean emerged from the liquor store with cases of beer. Ymir emitted another cheer and helped them unbox some of it, taking a bottle for herself and her girlfriend.
Mikasa stopped dancing to grab bottles for the both of you. After multiple attempts, you claimed to be too weak to open yours so she gladly took up the responsibility. You thanked her and drank it happily.
Eren stepped in to dance and stole Armin's attention from Reiner. A hurt look graced his features for a moment before shaking it off as quickly as it came. He opted for intruding on Bertholdt and Annie.
Jean took hold of Marco's arm and spun him around over and over while they laughed like idiots.
Ymir was loudly singing along while twirling around in various parking spots with Historia.
A few yards away from the others, you kept swaying to the music with Mikasa. Sasha and Connie were snickering to themselves and pointing but you pretended to not see them.
Mikasa snorted when she looked at your clumsy form. "You're not a very good dancer. I guess that's one thing that'll never change."
Your jaw dropped as you feigned offense. "That's rude. I happen to be a great dancer. Remember homecoming?"
She smiled and laughed. "Do I? You must've stepped on my feet at least fifty times."
"Damn, sorry about that. But if I'm so bad then you must be great. Teach me your ways, Mikasa," you jested. Even though you were joking, you still felt your face heat up at the idea of her showing you how she danced so well.
Her smile was still evident when she took hold of your hands and moved you along to the beat. "I'll take you up on that offer."
She never took her eyes off of you as her hands guided your body to move with the music. You flushed under her stare and prayed it didn't show in the moonlight.
Each time she sent you a reassuring smile you wondered if she was thinking like you. Not that it mattered much. All you knew was that when you met her eyes, there ceased to be any problems nagging your mind.
By the time Armin's songs replayed for the third time, you had your fair share of drinks. A lot of your friends had drunk a little heavier, though. The only ones who weren't extremely drunk or passed out were the designated drivers and, coincidentally, you and Mikasa.
At this point in the night, the food truck was long gone. Eren and Armin were making fools of themselves trying to dance together. Marco was doing his best dealing with Jean's clinginess but he was barely holding on by a thread. Ymir and Reiner were fast asleep on the ground on either side of Historia. Sasha was surprisingly sober, you guessed she had to drive a drunk Connie home.
A slower song started to play and Mikasa made the bold move to pull your arms around her shoulders and put her hands on your waist.
"Like them," she whispered and nodded to Bertholdt and Annie. You would've shrieked at the sight of them dancing so closely together if you weren't already so surprised by Mikasa's suddenness.
You swayed with her to the rhythm of the song as she led the dance. You hoped the clicking sound you heard behind you wasn't Sasha's camera.
Continuing the quiet dance, you knew the familiar song was coming to an end. Call it the alcohol talking, but you felt a sudden burst of confidence run through your veins.
You adjusted your arms around her neck to pull her closer and she did the same at your waist. Butterflies swarmed in your stomach as you eased into her embrace.
When you looked into her eyes you realized she was leaning closer to your face. She stopped to ask, "Is this okay?" Her voice was shaky as she whispered. Her warm breath tickled your nose from the proximity.
You nodded. Your hushed words came out even shakier than hers, "Just listen to the music."
You didn't fight the feeling when your lips collided with hers. A warmth spread throughout your chest and you felt like fireworks were exploding inside of you. Her kiss was soft and her scent was intoxicating. This is really happening.
When you finally parted to look up at her, you felt everything and then nothing at all. The world faded from your view and you were no longer staring into her eyes when it went dark.
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posted: 9/9/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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bearseokie · 4 years
boyfriend! oneus
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[ gender-neutral! ]
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oneus m.list | navi. | nsfw! bf! oneus (M)
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selfie game, strong! between his insane visuals and like-minded camera angles, you're never let down by his pretty selfies that he sends you throughout the day. mainly paired with his chin to his chest while he's pouting and a silly caption.
if you think his selfies are good, the way he takes couple pictures? chef's kiss. you're never low on pics to post to social media or to put on your fridge. even the embarrassing ones, but he'll whine about those later.
matching onesies or couple pajamas.
walks up to you just to rest his chin on your head or shoulder and breathe you in.
holds your hand in the way that his entire hand envelops the width of your fingers while you hold on to his thumb.
asks for you to buy him flowers more than he gets them for you. you can't help but want to see his eyes sparkle at the sight of a dozen roses, though.
is probably biting his lip unwillingly but also on purpose. it's a habit you learn to enjoy. he does it when he's focused too, so you always know if he's paying attention or not. as confident as he is, he blushes when you call him out for it.
wraps his arms all the way around your torso and picks you up in a hug just because he can.
will see something out of the corner of his eye and make a whole circle to turn towards it. usually it's a gift of a random item he thinks you'll adore, and you always do. you'll gain a little collection of things you never imagined you'd own being with him.
genuinely not used to physical contact and tends to be rougher than he means to be. he's a temperate boy that has a habit of patting your head or kissing you a little too hard because he's in love and is still learning.
talks your ears off when you're alone. if you don't pull his beanie over his face, he won't shut up.
comes across as intimidating, but is literally the most considerate person. like he will physically reel you backwards just to gently push away an eyelash from your cheek and kiss your lips.
big pant, big shirt. aka his and your big pant and big shirt. sharing is caring. he gets butterflies in his stomach watching your hand caress over the clothes hanging in his closet as you search for something to wear.
unintentional - but completely intentional - lip locking. like he'll bend over to reach across your form laying on the bed when you’re distracted and he’ll be right in your face. before you know it, you're sitting up and your lips are colliding. especially loves doing this in public because your warm face is his rapid beating heart.
will admit to others how much he loves you but will be so stubborn behind closed doors. says things like "are you sure we're talking about the same person? me, wait— me? I'm in love with you? no— no, you're right. I'm guilty."
pouty boy with big, pleading eyes all the time.
runs his fingertips over the lines of your hands. you catch him mimicking them on his own and smiling like an idiot when they match.
take his flannels. do it.
late nights where he bursts through your door while you're sleeping and shakes you awake to run a few lyrics by you. always second guesses himself, but when he sees that you're actually taken back by the words, he gets all smiley bolts back to work.
snuggles into your pillow until you lay down with him, then you're his true cuddle buddy.
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dramatically pulls his coats off to put over your shoulders. his constant body heat can warm you up immediately.
takes you on movie dates just to sit in the very back and have heavy make outs with you. like panting, fingers laced in each other's hair, bodies fighting to get into each other’s seats — make out sessions.
his! laugh! the way you can get him to laugh is definitely one of his favorite things in the world, and his smile could light up a room. also has the tendency to laugh at you even when you're not being funny.
pushes his face into the crook of your neck to fall asleep. his breath on your skin can make you feel weird and loved at the same time, but his sound sleeps are worth it. also pushes you to lay on your back so he can curl up beside you and rub his forehead against you.
more chaotic dates where he does things you're afraid of just to show you not to be so scared. hugs you like a koala for the rest of the day.
matching outfits like crazy. even down to the accessories. loves spoiling you with new outfits even if you tell him you hate getting gifts so often.
hugs your waist and lifts you up to reach something instead of getting it down himself.
will have the same pic of you and him set as everything. his phone’s lockscreen, wallpaper, his laptop’s lockscreen, wallpaper, profile pics, it’s the only post on his social media.
so in love that it can come across as icky. blushing cheeks, sweaty palms, a bounce in his step.
mocks you like you’re already an old married couple. but his loving banter comes off as charming.
the saying 'know you like the back of my hand' had to have been written by him, himself, because he does, in fact, know you that well. he knows the different sounds of your sneezes - aka whether you have a cold or not. he knows the change of your morning voice versus the tone you have in the middle of the day. anything going through your mind, this man has down pact.
random night calls where he just goes 'I'm at the door, let me in." because his hands are too full to reach for his key. stumbles in with bags full of snacks and treats just to have you both sit on the floor eating and ranting until dawn.
the softest kisses. and I mean the softest kisses. like michael angelo adding details to his paintings, type soft. you can hardly ever feel them and barely knows he's there until he starts laughing or vibrating from the sudden eye contact you're giving him.
would rather waddle side to side in a back hug than let you go to walk somewhere alone.
has a list of everything he loves to share with you over time. movies, music, random memos in his phone.
included in those phone memos are literally so many details about you that it can make your eyes roll. he has the smallest details noted and little asterisks to remind him to write them down in a physical journal one day, but you might have to do that for him.
a lot quieter than he makes himself out to be. is basically a ghost when you're around him. the only way you really ever know where he is is if he's lugging around a bluetooth speaker with music playing.
messy! hair! he will literally refuse to brush his own hair until you do it for him. loves it more if you just use your fingers to comb his locks.
squinted eyes because he's smiling at you so hard that he'll probably bump into something in the process.
lets you hold both sides of his face in your palms. especially if he's cold. sometimes you can squish.
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being with gunhak — it is literally a love novel.
warm eyes that sparkle when he looks at you. you notice it and keep quiet just to bask in his affection, but it’s always the first thing people mention when they talk about your relationship.
can’t help but reach his hand across the table to hold yours while you eat.
scrunches his nose when you say silly things.
the most attentive person when you’re telling a story. will sit with his chin in his palm and his eyes going between your gaze and lips as you speak. makes constant “mhm” and “ohh” sounds to let you know he’s right in the story with you. stops you to laugh at the way you say a specific word. you both spend hours sitting somewhere together just telling stories back and forth until the sun rises or sets.
can’t go a single day without throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you around.
has his hand on your lower back all day. like all day. in public, at home, in bed while you're sleeping. as long as his hand is on your back, you know he’s next to you.
his face is always a hotter temperature than the rest of his body, especially if you’ve been looking at him all day. crimson cheeks, red-tipped ears, reddened lips because he can’t stop kissing you.
sleeps with you laying in between his legs and your head on his chest. you fall asleep to the beat of his heartbeat while he plays with your fingers and listens to your breathing.
puts you in the shopping cart before any items just so he can wheel you around and listen to you laugh when he pretends he’s going to ram into something.
will pull the shirt/jacket/top he was wearing over his head and toss it to you to wear or hug if he’s leaving so you don’t miss him too much.
isn’t extremely good with speaking words to express what he wants to say, so oftentimes you find little notebook pages folded around the house with love notes written on them. him telling you how much he appreciates how much you do for him. him saying ‘i love you’ in different colored ink in different kinds of ways. sometimes a smashed flower in between the pages just for added scents. completely a cheesy romantic with love notes.
likes to let you drive so he can put his elbow against the window and stare at you from across the front of the vehicle. while you’re focused he’s grinning and giggling because it’s ‘super adorable’.
sends flowers to your work at the most inappropriate times in order to keep anyone that’s been flirting with you in their place. very subtle about being protective, and thankfully never has to make large leaps to have others understand you’re unavailable. thinks it’s the best thing in the world when someone is eyeing you and you come running to him to dramatically toss your arms around his neck and place a kiss on his lips.
enjoys having cleverly matching pieces. a pair of earrings shared between the two of you. matching bracelets. soft cotton shirts you can wear on your days off. two blankets of the same designs but different colors.
severely embraces breaking his shyness when it comes to pda. will pull you into his arms and kiss you while walking down the street. lets you sit on his lap in a busy place. carries you on his back around big stores.
works out with you around him. if he wants to do sit ups, you're holding his feet. if he wants to do push ups, you're laying under him giving him kisses every time he comes down.
forehead kisses. temple kisses. cheek kisses. literally all of the softest kisses.
terribly difficult to wake up, but the sound of your voice will draw his lids to open in an instant so he can see your smiling face.
super nervous about the entire relationship so you have to guide him at a reasonable pace. hold his hand first, kiss him first, even say 'i love you' first, but he'll return it all in a beat after you express your love.
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would be the one to have that situation where you met by running into each other at full force and had to laugh it off despite how much pain you were both in. he does something like offer to buy you a drink as an apology and then he never leaves your side.
sits with him between your legs and his back pressed into your front so you can hug him around his waist and lean on him.
smells are a huge deal to him. hoards light scented candles and renames them with comic titles or references to your relationship just to make you laugh when he calls them out in conversations.
runs his fingers through your hair as a way of showing affection on a regular basis. if you’re in public, he’ll sneak in a quick kiss just because he isn’t huge on pda.
but not liking pda doesn't mean he won't cling to you behind closed doors. he can't go very long without brushing his skin against your own, even in a subtle way.
physically capable of making meals on his own, or with you, but he's too lazy. enjoy the take out! also huge on getting snack foods to feed you in a romantic way without it being intentional.
quiet. very quiet. he enjoys silence while holding you or waking up in the midst of the night just to hear you sleeping peacefully. it's his solace.
although he gets whiny, he will let you do anything you want to him. test out makeup looks on him, play with his hair, make him dress up for you. just as long as you can reciprocate by going on sweet dates with him or let him read his favorite stories to you, he's all for it.
gets you random, very personal gifts. his attentiveness is insane, so he'll give you something like a better-formed pillow to help you sleep or a journal of your silly inside jokes to keep around when you have to be apart.
pretends he's not emotional during the day only to spill the deepest things to you at night. you're his diary and he loves you for that.
but with his distant state, you're still the one to notice things first. if he's too tired, if he's hungry - you know the tell-tale signs and can quietly get him back on his feet. you’re basically his weakness and muse all at once.
he might be the last one to wake up, but that's just because he enjoys knowing you slept by his side all night.
tilts your head to the side to kiss you because he thinks it's romantic.
doesn't care who you think you are, he will give you a piggyback ride.
does that thing where you'll be doing something important and he'll be sat next to you whispering jokes into your ear to keep you from getting stressed. also has to hold your hand the entire time or else he'll get up.
intuitive to your emotions and feelings. if you're in pain somewhere, he's in pain. if you're laughing, he's laughing.
the most pleasing, deep morning voice ever. doesn't even have to try. it's like two octaves lower than his regular voice and will always give you the shivers.
instead of big things for dates he does tasks like have all of your house chores done when you return or studies up on your school work to help you out. it's his way of showing affection and appreciation. but he does bigger things too like cover your bathroom in flower petals with a nice bath running when you get home.
has a tendency of saying your name the most when he’s sleeping.
makes choreography and dedicates them to you all the time. will tug you into the practice room to show you moves. but then he's giggling uncontrollably and starts complimenting you until you kiss him.
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records everything all the time. has backup storage just so he can film everything you both do or take a thousand pictures. spends literal hours printing out the pictures to make photo albums or put them on his wall so he never has to go a moment without seeing you. carries around a physical, mini album just to stare at while he’s traveling or feels lonely.
loves showering with you. will take the showerhead off of the wall and hold it over you while making lightsaber sounds.
loves the sound of you saying his name more than anything. when he's happy, upset, angry - just a call of his name can settle his emotions. and maybe a kiss too.
will sit or lay somewhere and just stare at you with a big, goofy grin on his face and loving sparkles in his eyes for no particular reason.
claps your hands together before he holds them.
makes music playlists titled with hysterical names that are more distracting than the chaos of the actual list. names them with emojis and such to see if you can code his secret love messages.
his lips are always redder than normal around you. quite literally doesn't know when or how to stop kissing you.
cannot comprehend how he could love someone more than you. it's that dumb love like he'll trip over his own two feet, say your name instead of his own when ordering something, or even intentionally get something he hates just because you like it.
changes the color of the led lights to define the mood. happy, sad, sexy time. the room is a rainbow every week.
contrary to popular belief of the cancer man, he's not clingy until you tell him to be. postpones all physical contact to the last moment when you ask why he's distant and give him consent to holding you whenever he wants. then he never lets you go.
has to be even in height with you ninety percent of the day, even if you're off by a few centimeters. helps you sit on the kitchen counter, hunches to kiss you, lifts you up by your waist.
being on opposite ends of a room while he's doing hand gestures and silently singing you the song stuck in his head.
his most genuine habit is giving away all of his emotions in his eyes. one glance and you know exactly how he feels, even if he isn't speaking about it aloud.
thinks being out in the rain is extremely romantic but will pull you back inside at the first drop because "you might get a cold".
hardly wears clothes when he starts getting seriously comfortable with you. no shirt, maybe some pajama pants, maybe some socks with random patterns on them. if he gets hot at any point, shield your eyes.
pouts without actually pouting. you'll hear a little huff from beside you instead.
put your belongings into the rips of his jeans instead of his pockets. they're 'safe'.
visibly shudders when he gets to hold your hand after a long day.
so many shoulder kisses you can't even keep up with them anymore.
you have a collection of him scrunching his nose when you're trying to get soft couple pictures because he can't take it seriously.
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if you fall asleep on him at any point during the day, he'll wrap you in his jacket or a blanket around you and carry you to bed. he'll let you rest comfortably while he lays beside you and watches you sleep while running his fingers across your face in a loving way.
sleeps holding your hand no matter what position you're both in.
dates are basically: carnivals to sit at the top of the ferris wheel and make out peacefully, picnics in the park to pick flowers and put them in your hair, going to bookstores just to shuffle through the comics and mangas.
bites you. slowly. he’s not the type to just bite into your skin randomly, more like you’ll get big puppy eyes and know he’s up to something before you feel a little nibble.
competitive in an ‘i’ll let you win if you give me a kiss’ way. guess who always wins. sike it’s him because he can use it as an excuse to make you pouty and then kiss you until you can’t even pretend to be angry anymore.
loves singing to you and only you.
hand-makes you jewelry because he finds it more endearing than buying them. plus it's sentimental.
hates blushing in front of others, but you can make him blush from a few words. loves the pet names you come up with. they sound like common conversation pieces so no one questions why you said them until they notice his face is nearly crimson.
unintentionally does romantic stuff. plays ballads over a speaker while prancing around until you take his hand and dance with him. finds a rose bush and gently clips a single flower to put in a vase for you. absentmindedly kisses your knuckles when he sees you for the first time in a while.
has the hardest time showing emotions, but does have the tendency to cry when parting or send you chain texts about how much he misses you when he's away.
random cheek kisses throughout the day.
sweater paws because you're both wearing his large hoodies and holding hands.
has more soft objects than you've ever witnessed a person own. now they're partially yours, so choose a stuffed animal.
random store dates where you go inside and find the strangest items you both fall in love with and get to put on display at home. you know when you go to someone's house and see an object that makes you question how it got there? he gets a lot of those for the two of you. 'conversation pieces', he says.
remembers cheesy quotes to tell you throughout the day to make you smile. if he wasn't in love, he'd never think twice about memorizing them.
probably thinking about kissing you every second of every day, but he uses his kisses wisely.
steals your shirts to sleep with when he's away because they smell like you.
cannot handle more than holding your hand in public at first, but he'll learn to love pda very quickly if you enjoy it.
where has all his phone's storage gone? oh, they're just pictures of you sleeping.
so adorned by you that his eyes literally sparkle, even if you're in his peripheral.
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She moves in her own way (Number 5 x reader)
Ask: Could you do a Five x reader where the reader is sarcastic like him, but polar opposites at the same time? Like they are scared to talk in public and prefer tea with milk and sugar, they try to be very kind and sweet to others. They bonded over a book they were reading in a coffee shop and starting talking there, they were super shy, but after a few minutes of conversation Five got them to open up?
A/N: Hope you enjoy this! I changed it up a bit to being in a library first like getting the book then into a coffee shop. i uh posted this then deleted it so this is like version two that might be better but now im just stressin,, this could also be made into a pt 2 tbh
Words: 1559
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Books towered high in the dimly lit building, the smell of paper resonating throughout with history dripping from every page. Aimlessly, your fingers skimmed over the spines of the many books, the worn down fabric feeling like a secret code telling all their secrets of every reader. As you walked you waited for a book to call out to you, for you to read every word as if it was the last time you would ever see a book again. Then a calling came, causing you to stop dead in your tracks. Pulling the book from its tightly packed shelf, you peer at the familiar cover; a book that you could recite every word without flaw yet every time you read it you felt like a child opening a toy on christmas. Gently, your thumb ran over the endented title of the book, The Odyssey by Homer.
Book in hand you walked down the stairs, hand running down the wooden banister that leads to the desk, it was a familiar walk down the spiral steps. Your gentle steps echoed throughout the library as you descended, preparing your library card to sign the book out for what must be the near 20th time. Smiling at the familiar receptionist, you slid the book along with your card towards her and watched her scan your card before taking the slip out of the front of the book, just before she scanned it she looked at it to be met with line after line filled with your name from checking it out.
“Hun,” She says as she just puts the slip back into the book. “I’m going to let you keep this book.” Before you could even open your mouth to protest she cut you off. “I insist, hunny, you seem to be the only one who ever signs it out and we can always order another.”
“Thank you so much.” You smile at her, slipping the book, your book, into your bag. She slides your card back over the counter towards you and winked as you picked it up, smiling again, you head towards the doors and onto the busy road. The streets were bursting with life, cars beeping and whizzing past and people loudly talking. It was a contrast to your slow quiet life, keeping out of the way and too yourself as much as possible. Most would see it as a tragedy but the ability to lose yourself into another world is something magical, to shut away all your problems and become someone else.
One drop of rain fell from the ever darkening sky, only to turn into two, to three to be an increasingly heavy stream, your pace quickened as you saw the neon light for the town diner coming into view, offering itself as a safe haven from the ever worsening weather. The bell chimed as you walked in, warm air hitting your face as it snuck out the door behind you before you could close it.
Once you were in you spot an empty table in the corner, out of the way of everyone and pull out The Odyssey, eyes reading the words that you had read over and over again. Your finger danced over the page as you read, getting ready to turn the page.
“Tell me, O Muse,” A boy said as he slid into the seat opposite you. “of the man of many devices-”
“Who wandered full many ways after he had sacked the sacred citadel of troy.” You finish the sentence and lock eyes with him, only to look back down to your book when his eyes started to linger for too long, making your face turn red. You knew all too well the opening lines to the Odyssey, not even having to think about what came next.
“What can I get you guys today?” The waitress smiled at you both, yet the boys calculating eyes never left yours.
“Please can I get a tea?” You asked softly.
“With sugar and milk?” You just nod at her and smile, watching her return the gesture.
“Coffee,” He says still looking at you before sharply flicking his eyes to the waitress. “black.” Then his eyes landed right back on you.
“Thank you.” You say to the waitress before she walked away, your eyes trail down to your book but become distracted as holes were being burnt into your soul. “You know it’s rude to stare.” A smirk broke across his face at your words, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest.
“I didn’t realise people causally read Homer.” His eyes continued to burn into yours, clearly enjoying your ever reddening cheeks.
“Can one not enjoy a classic piece of literature?” You posed, placing your bookmark into the worn book before setting it down onto the table. Breaking his gaze to look at the waitress as she placed your drinks on the table, you smile at her before gripping your hot mug, letting the warmth seep into your fingers.
“Do you know it in ancient Greek?” He sipped his coffee, seemingly challenging you.
“Not yet but I’m learning, it’s hard to teach yourself a dead language.” You look down at your book, unable to match his stare without making yourself too uncomfortable. He clearly didn’t get the hint from your fidgeting and now crimson face how uncomfortable you had become, or maybe he simply didn’t care.
“I’m fluent,” He shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe I could teach you sometime-”
“Yeah, let me just clear my schedule for a stranger who has been staring at me non-stop and being kind of creepy, seems like a solid plan.” You sarcastically say to him, taking a sip of your tea. For the first time he looked away from you and smiled to himself, being shocked at you sudden sarcastic outburst.
“I’m Five.” He stuck his hand out for you, your eyes flicked from his face to his hand before reaching over and taking it.
Five seemed to relax, talking in a softer tone and easing off the staring. He started asking questions about you, mainly your reading and opinions on Homer, as well as opening up about how his father made him learn it in ancient greek from a young age. Five was a very peculiar boy who hid behind a mask, he was a closed book with a lock around it but you were determined to find the key. 
Somehow, you had cracked and agreed to his offer to teach you the dead language of ancient greek but the way his face broke out into a genuine smile made it worth it, as much as you didn’t want to admit it it, Five was growing on you. 
The next day you found yourself sat in the library, legs swinging freely under the chair you were sat in, eyes following Five as he walked up and down the aisle looking for books. Just when you thought he found the right one, he’d sigh and place it back to then walk to the next set of shelves. Eventually he gave up his search, sighing in defeat as he returned to your table. “Come on, I’ve got the books we need at my house.” He pulled you up by your hand and began a fast paced walk with you trailing behind him like a lost puppy. 
Not paying attention to where you were walking, you bump into Five who had stopped dead in his tracks, now facing a large building. Hand still in yours, he stepped forward and pushed the gate open and made his way to the door.
“You live here?” He just smiled at your question before continuing up to the door. His house was like a mansion, it was a mansion, taking up nearly a full block. Silence filled the air once Five closed the door behind you, the large building having no signs of any other life. He gently took your hand again and started walking through the mansion. Dust particles were floating like fairies in the streams of sunlight that beamed through the windows, illuminating the wooden furniture and portraits that looked as if they hadn’t been seen in years, stuck in time until someone would come along and free them. 
Suddenly you found yourself in a brightly lit room, your eyes took a second to adjust before being able to get a good look. You were met with shelves on shelves of books, definitely being able to qualify as a library on its own. Dust caked the books, like it was a room frozen still. “Wow.”
“No one really comes in here anymore.” He says leaning against a large wooden table. 
“If I lived here, I’d be in here all the time.” His eyes followed you as you walked over to one of the shelves, running your finger over all the pristine condition books, each one woven in fabric with a hardback cover. “You’re staring again.” You say as you turn to Five, his eyes locking with yours.
“I just haven’t met anyone like you before.” You smile at his words before walking over to the table and placing your bag down. His eyes lingered for another few seconds before he jumped into life, confidently pulling out books from the shelves like he knew where they were from memory. “Alright, let’s do this.”
326 notes · View notes
rentsturner · 4 years
Dare | Obi-Wan Kenobi
Request: okay! could i request where you and obi wan kiss for the first time as padawans? // @laorme34
(a/n: I was up till like 2am writing this, so pls excuse any mistakes. It probably doesnt make much sense, oh well, It’s basically just fluff, I hope you like it. not my gif.) 
word count: 1.9k
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Coruscant was beautiful at night, there was no denying it. The glowing lights shining from stories upon stories of skyscrapers, the constant buzz of traffic and people. Some may find it unsettling, but you thought the living city was perfect.
You and a few of your fellow padawans had spent the evening relaxing in the Temple gardens, a peaceful oasis amidst the bustling Coruscanti streets below. 
It was Carnival Week, which meant nights filled with fireworks and dancing, colourful acts parading every avenue and boulevard until the sun began to rise over the living, breathing metropolis. But more importantly, for you it meant a week off normal Jedi duties and more time to spend with your friends.
It was a small gathering, but a lively one. The laughter and gossip had flowed easily, a well needed change of pace from your usual hectic lives. But you couldn't help but keep glancing across the circle to look at Obi-Wan Kenobi, the seemingly perfect padawan, excelling in every task his master set for him. He was sprawled lazily across the grass, staying quiet in the conversation, except to occasionally contribute a witty quip. A cheeky grin always followed, basking in the laughter he induced, before settling comfortably into silence once again.
You had known Obi for many years, training with him frequently when your masters worked together. You weren’t entirely sure what it was that drew you to him - that blinding smile that could light up your day in an instant, his endless generosity, kindness that knew no bounds, or his infectious enthusiasm for almost anything. Maybe it was the way he would always check on you after a particularly hard mission, or  maybe the sound of his carefree laughter when you told him a joke. Or maybe it was just that sometimes, when he looked at you, it would feel like the whole world had disappeared and the only thing that truly mattered was that distinct shade of deep blue that coloured his eyes and the way his long auburn lashes framed them so beautifully.
It was safe to say that you were harboring just a little crush for Obi-Wan.
After a few more hours of chatter, the cool night air began to creep in. It wasn't unbearably cold, not to you anyway, as the bulk of your thick cloak stifled the breeze and trapped any welcome warmth. It seemed that the drop in temperature was not to your friends’ tastes, as one by one they began to trickle away, each making their polite excuses before retiring to their warm beds. But you weren't ready to sleep yet.
Now there was only one person left with you in the garden. Obi-wan sat opposite you, seemingly unaffected by the gentle chill that had driven away your peers.His knees were pulled up to his chest, his chin resting there and his arms wrapped tightly around his shins, making himself as small as possible. Maybe it was to conserve heat. He seemed comfortable just to watch you, a faint smile across his face as he took you in. 
You crossed your legs underneath you, one hand fiddling with the petals on the nearest flower, the other tugging on your braid self consciously. It’s not that you were uncomfortable in Obi-Wan’s presence, no. It was more that you were worried. Worried that too much time spent with Obi’s charms and silver tongue would result in your secret slipping out. He was famed for his clever negotiations after all, and it would be so incredibly mortifying for him to discover your little crush.
Best to leave now
But before you could even make your feeble excuse - I have to water my succulent, Obi’s voice cut through the silence.  
“You want to play truth or dare?” 
Looking up at his grinning face, you realised he was deadly serious. You hadn't played truth or dare in years, but you knew that it could easily result in chaos. You could embarrass yourself in front of Obi-Wan or, even worse, your secret could come out. But...you didn't really want to go to bed yet. Whatever happened, you would probably both forget about it in the morning. Maybe it would even be fun.
“Yeah, sure.”
Obi clapped his hands together excitedly and shuffled closer. 
“Okay, you first then. Truth or dare?”
Your first dilemma. Choose truth and possibly reveal some of your deepest secrets? You could always lie, but you had a feeling that Obi would know. He seemed to have an advanced perception of everything.Well, he was on his way to becoming the perfect Jedi after all. No, truth was too much risk.
“Dare.” you tried to sound confident.
Obi chuckled, looking around as if searching for ideas. His gaze stopped suddenly when it reached the largest tree in the garden, an enormous oak stretching up at least two stories. A mischievous glint appeared in his bright eyes. 
“I dare you to climb that tree.”
Your mouth fell open in disbelief. Even with trained agility and balance, climbing the oak would be a tough job. Obi noticed your reluctance.
“Don’t worry, darling. I’ll catch you if you fall.” A whisper in the night, followed by a comforting kiss to your cheek.
Five minutes later, you had dropped back to the ground, the leaf in your hand from the top of the tree a token of your success. 
“Just for you.” You giggled, placing the leaf in Obi’s palm. He wrapped his fingers around it, looking down at it before his gaze once again returned to you. There was fondness in his eyes, along with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. It looked almost like desire...but no, you must have been mistaken. Just fondness. 
“Your turn, Obi. Truth or dare?” 
“Truth.” No hesitation there. He sprawled back down on the grass, waiting patiently for your question. 
Obi-Wan didn’t mind what you asked him, in all honesty. He’d never lie to you. He’d come to terms with the fact that he loved you almost a year ago and was prepared to do anything for you if you asked him to. The love that he felt for you was like a burning ember in his chest, always there, always ready to break free and burn brightly if the moment called. But for the most part, he had to keep it hidden. The Jedi Order wasn't exactly welcoming when it came to forbidden attachments.
Sometimes he thought you were blind, oblivious to his loving gestures. Coming to find you and tuck you into bed after a long mission, travelling to the library late at night to search a book that you desperately needed, using his wit to get you out of trouble with your master whenever you got caught - surely these meant more than being just friends? But Obi had been patient, biding his time. He knew tonight was the night.
Mind racing, you wracked your brain for a good truth. Something lighthearted, but not stupid, interesting, but not too deep. You settled on a relatively tame question.
“Who’s your least favourite Jedi on the council?”
Obi hummed, rubbing his chin and jaw in thought.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to say Master Windu. He accidentally bumped into me in a corridor a few days ago. I split my coffee and I haven't forgiven him yet.”
You burst into laughter at the pettiness of Obi’s answer. His deep chuckle joined your giggling in a pleasant harmony.
“Listen, love, my morning coffee is very important to me, i cannot function without it!”
This only elicited more laughter from you, and the next few minutes were spent lying on the floor, trying to catch your breath. You turned your head to see Obi lying in a similar position, watching you. He was always watching you it seemed, just as you constantly stole glances at him. Obi-Wan was just more confident, upfront. He always had been.
“Truth or dare?” 
“Dare.” The word was barely a whisper, but Obi Wan heard it loud and clear, all his attention on you. He paused for a moment before speaking.
“Kiss me”
Those cerulean eyes never left yours. He was being deadly serious, once again. 
You jerked back, shocked, his two words ringing in your ears. Did he know your secret? Had he read your mind somehow? Maybe he had noticed your gaze catching on his lips, engrossed by the way his tongue would dart out and wet them, how soft they looked in the moonlight and -
No, he couldn't know.
Obi-Wan noticed the panic gripping your features and reached out to your hand slowly, gently taking your palm in his. Maybe he could still convince you. He wanted this so badly and he could just feel that you wanted it too.
“I’m not joking, darling. Please kiss me.”
Words escaped you, only feelings and images tumbling through your mind as you took in the situation. Obi-Wan. Your crush Obi-Wan. Wanted to kiss you. You.
The feeling of his thumb rubbing across your knuckles calmed you slightly and you took a deep breath in. This was it.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn't have said that -” Obi began to pull away, his cheeks becoming flushed with regret and uncertainty, but you squeezed his hand and shuffled closer, a surge of courage running through your veins.
“No, Obi, I want to kiss you. So badly.”
And you leaned forwards, placing your lips on his gently, resting your free hand on his shoulder. A spark of pleasure ran between you. Obi-Wan gasped at the sudden contact, shuddering slightly before moving to kiss you back. He hummed softly and carded his hand through the hair at the back of your neck, pulling you even closer in.
It was almost like a collision, the pining and tension coming to a head after months, like a water breaking through a dam to flow freely. It was everything.
His heady aroma of sandalwood and cinnamon was intoxicating and you could feel the warmth of his body through the thick layers of wool and cotton. You had a sudden desire to just peel his robes off there and then, but you pushed it back down. That could wait.
Your noses bumped together and you could feel Obi smiling against your mouth.
Maker, his lips were just as soft as they looked.
You pulled away slowly, but kept your forehead pressed against Obi’s, your hand wrapped around the back of his neck, rubbing the skin where his hairline started. His large palms skimmed up and down your sides, pressing into your robes as if he was trying to sink through them and reach your warm skin.
Another whisper in the night, except this time it came from Obi. And this time, when your eyes met, it did truly feel like you were drowning in his cerulean orbs, and the world had in fact disappeared. All you could see, smell, feel, was Obi-Wan Kenobi, and that was just how it was meant to be.
Obi Tags: @ohhellokenobi @doublesunsets @snips-n-skyguy0501 @karasong @callmearwen @milleniumvalcon @rosionis @afogocado @stardancerluv @goldenkenobi @fenharel-enaste @corellians-only @weirdfangirl2416 @a-seeker-of-imagination @saintlaurentkenobi @justanotherpadawan (Taglist link in bio)
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bisexualcrowley · 4 years
A Drinking Game
Pairing: Lucifer x Fem!Reader
Summary: Turns out when the devil drinks, he gets horny
Content/warnings: Smut/NSFW, drinking, one night stands, slightly ooc lucifer?
Word Count: 2,624
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You scanned the crowded bar, mindlessly spinning a shot glass on the tip of your finger as your eyes wandered from person to person. It was late, just past 12:30 on a Friday, so unsurprisingly the joint was packed.
Bored eyes flicked between the drunken patrons, pouring the occasional drink for those who stepped up to the bar, but for the most part you were left alone, the shadowy figures favoring dancing over shots tonight, and you let out a sigh, glass spinning smoothly in circles on your hand.
You were about to turn to your boss to ask for an early off tonight when someone caught your eye. He was tall, with mussed hair and an open button down slung over a t shirt and you could see his eyes glinting in the reddish lights of the room. You couldn’t tell exactly what it was about you that had drawn your attention, but you could tell whatever it was had worked in both directions as his steely gaze locked on you, and you felt a shiver run down your back as he released his hold on the door you only just now realized he had been holding open as he made his way through the crowd towards you.
You cocked your head in curiosity as he approached, the glass on your finger having long since stopped spinning, and you stood frozen as the man walked up to the counter and slid into the seat directly in front of you.
As he moved under the dull light shining over the counter his features came into more detail, messy dark blond hair falling softly in front of stunningly blue eyes. He was taller than he appeared from afar, and you gulped as he slid a few dollars across the counter to you, piercing eyes locking with yours as he moved.
“I’ll take 2 shots of your best tequila, sweetheart”
His voice was rougher than you had expected, with the slightest touch of an accent you couldn’t quite place and it went straight between your legs, your thighs involuntarily clenching at the sudden rush of arousal. Hoping to retain a professional appearance, you brushed aside the feeling, took the cash and turned to the shelves stocked with various bottles of alcohol, and returned with two shots of the amber liquid, setting them in front of him with a quiet click.
Feeling bold, or at least bolder than usual, you smirked, resting your forearms on the smooth surface and leaning towards the stranger, your cleavage now in perfect view of the man. “Now then, what’s a guy like you doin’ in a place like this?” You purred, your usually mild southern drawl thickening and blending with the pounding bass of the music around you.
The man let out a good natured laugh before resting his chin in his hand, raising a sly eyebrow at you.  “I do believe that’s my line, miss”
You chuckled, returning to spinning the shot glass on your finger. “You got me there. Name’s Y/n, pleased to meet you”
“Lucifer, and right back at you. I like the accent, you’re from where, Texas?” He smiled with the flicker of a smirk behind those ocean blue eyes which kept flicking downwards, watching the swirling motion of the cup on your fingertip.
“Lucifer, like, Satan type Lucifer? Damn, you must’ve had interesting parents. I like it though, very unique, it suits you”
You chuckled at the snort of laughter he responded with, cocking your head slightly as you continued. “And Louisiana, actually. Moved out here for school, couldn’t find a reason to leave. How about you, Lucifer, what’s your story”
He swallowed heavily as his name rolled off your tongue, drawing it out in a seductive hum and finishing with a grin.
He laughed again and threw a shot back, slamming the glass on the table and sliding the other towards you. “Believe me baby, that would just kill the mood. All that matters right now? You, me, and this tequila, darlin’, so why don’t you drink to that.”
Lucifer winked and you giggled, putting aside the glass you were fiddling with and shrugging off your sweater, exposing your tight, dark purple tank top that hugged your curves deliciously and showed off just the right amount of skin. You took the shot graciously, letting the burn of the alcohol fuel your courage, and you pulled the bottle down and re-filled your drinks.
“I’ll drink with you, if, we can play a little drinking game”
The man raised his eyebrow again, smirk ghosting against his lips, reaching for a glass. “What’ve you got in mind?”
“How’s about you tell me what you like in bed, and if I’m into it, I take a shot, then I do the same for you.” You swirled the amber liquid around, blinking perfectly lined eyes at Lucifer, who responded with a wicked smile and twitch of his head in a nod of agreement.
“I’ll start then… Dirty talk, that’s a big one for me” You said quietly, your previous burst of confidence not diminishing despite your drop in tone. His eyes fell to your chest, not so secretly eying your barely covered breasts before downing his drink, pushing the glass forward for a refill. “Rough sex?”
You let out a hum of approval before taking the shot, Lucifer looking rather pleased with your answer.
“Hair pulling”
He took a shot
You took a shot
The alcohol beginning to cloud your mind, you smirked and tugged your top down more, giving the man in front of you a perfect view of your lacy bra, which covered just enough that he didn’t get the full show, but left little to the imagination, and Lucifer let out a quiet groan, entranced by the sight.
“Oral, giving and receiving” You bit your lip, watching him down another shot, and feeling somehow even bolder, you leaned over the counter to brush a strand of hair away from his face, fingers trailing down his lower lip before returning to the counter.
Lucifer growled, pushing aside the discarded cups and lurching forward, face coming to rest millimeters from yours. His lips moved beside your ear, nipping softly. “If we weren’t in public right now, I’d have my head between your legs”
Your eyes widened, thighs rubbing together yet again as you felt your arousal threaten to drip down your legs, and a breathy moan escaped your lips.
“Wanna get out of here? My shift ends in five minutes, they won’t miss me if I leave now.” You rasped out, voice rough with rapidly strengthening desire. Lucifer nodded, biting at the crest of your ear again before sliding out of his seat, dropping a few bills on the counter. You grabbed your sweater, not bothering to put it on before sliding over the counter, finding yourself in Lucifer’s arms on the other side.
He set you down on the ground gently, hands lingering on your hips and eyes glued to your cleavage yet again as you made your way to the bar’s exit. You spun around to face Lucifer as the door shut behind you, grabbing him by the shirt collar and pulling him into a steamy kiss which he returned more than enthusiastically, hands coming down to grip your ass.
He tasted like coffee and tequila, it was intoxicating and you found yourself lost in the kiss, unable to stop the whine from escaping your lips as he pulled away for a breath, his mouth coming down to suck a hickey into your exposed skin as you gasped for air.
“My place is down the street, why don’t we take this party there, hmm?” He panted against your shoulder, you giving a quick nod of approval and grabbing his hand, letting him pull you along
The second the door to Lucifer’s apartment slammed shut his hands were on you once again, shoving you against the door and crashing his lips against yours. His lips moved against yours desperately, tongue brushing against your lip and fighting for dominance against yours.
Your hands made their way from his hair to his shoulders to his chest, never leaving his body as you moved against each other, moaning loudly as his leg found it’s way between yours, rutting against your hip as you ground your core down on his thigh.
Lucifer pulled away suddenly, chest heaving, eyes blown wide with lust and a sizable bulge in his jeans. You groaned in frustration, grabbing at his shirt again only to be met with a rough tug on your hair, forcing you backwards. A whine was torn from your lips as you watched Lucifer yank his shirt over his head and throw it to the side, pressing his body up against yours once again.
“Now gorgeous, I remember saying something about having my head between your legs, so that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. Be a good girl for me and strip, and I promise I’ll have you cumming so hard you’ll be seeing stars for a week.” He growled, sucking another hickey into your neck and chuckling at the choked moan you breathed out in response.
Immediately you threw off your shirt, smirking when Lucifer’s breath caught in his throat as you undid your bra, breasts falling loose. Your repeated your actions with your shorts and panties, thighs slick with your arousal as you stood naked in front of Lucifer.
He growled again, eyes flashing as he grabbed you by the hips and threw you over his shoulder, carrying you over to the bedroom before dumping you on his bed. You lay there panting as he kicked off his jeans, pausing to palm at the bulge in his boxers and smile wickedly at the sight below. You were about to pull him down onto you when he made the move himself, climbing onto the bed and pressing a deep kiss to your lips before maneuvering himself down between your legs
A shiver ran down your spine at the feeling of his breath against your core, gasping when he licked a slow stripe up your thigh, repeating the motion until you were a panting, trembling mess beneath him.
“Enough teasing, sweetheart?” Lucifer murmured against your hip, moving upwards to trail sloppy kisses along the divot between your dripping cunt and leg, earning a string of breathless expletives in response. “I’ll take that as a yes, then”
And with that, he dove in, tongue lapping at your juices while two of his long, slim fingers made their way inside you, curling to brush your g-spot and thrusting to match the speed of his mouth.
A wrecked moan was drawn from your throat, thrusting your hips up to meet his actions, whimpering and mewling with each flick of his tongue against your clit and rub of his fingers against your inner walls. You could feel your climax approaching shockingly fast, and apparently Lucifer could feel it too, his actions quickening, nipping lightly at your clit and soothing it with a pass with his tongue yet again, pushing you over the edge.
You screamed as your orgasm hit you, thrashing out as your back arched up off the bed, fluids squirting from your core as the pleasure washed over you, vision turning to white.
You lay there panting, waiting for your vision to clear. When you finally came down from your high, you found Lucifer kneeling between your face, one hand at his mouth, sucking your juices off his fingers, and the other palming desperately at his leaking cock over his boxers.
He chuckled when he noticed you staring, moving up to kiss you once again. You could taste yourself on his tongue and moaned against his mouth, feeling him smile into the kiss at the sound.
Your lips never separating from each other, your fingers made their way to the edge of his boxers, tucking under the elastic and easing them down his hips, smirking as his length sprung free, rubbing against your hip and smearing a trail of precum along your heated skin.
Lucifer was once again the first to pull away from the kiss, the both of you panting and pupils blown wide with arousal. Your eyes were fixated on him, mesmerized by the view. His mouth was hanging open slightly, hair matted with sweat to his face, light stubble across his cheeks and lips swollen from making out like horny teenagers. You tried not to stare, but in this moment it was the hottest thing you had ever seen, and unconsciously your hips bucked upwards.
He gave you an almost sheepish grin, rolling off of you to kick his underwear off the rest of the way and to grab a condom from a drawer in his bedside table, returning to your side and tearing open the foil packet.
You pressed a soft kiss to the side of his mouth, taking the condom from his hands and rolling it down his impressive length, biting your lip at the breathy moan he let out but tilting your head in confusion when he paused your hand, gently removing it from the base of his cock. Moving the hand to rest on his thigh, you raised an eyebrow in silent questioning, pushing yourself upright to meet Lucifer’s gaze properly.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” He brushed a hand softly across your jaw as he spoke and you felt your heart swell at the question, appreciative of how even in his intoxicated and aroused state, the man still took the time to make sure he still had your consent.
A smile spread across your face and you nodded, whispering your confirmation before you threw your leg over his lap, straddling him and sinking down on his cock in one swift motion.
Lucifer’s eyes flew wide open, groaning your name as your walls clenched around him and he grabbed you by the hips, throwing the two of you into a roll that left him on top of you, cock still buried inside you.
He was still for a moment, admiring you squirming beneath him before letting go of his control, letting an almost feral noise escape his lips as he pulled out and slammed himself back in, repeating the motion harder and faster each time until he found a rhythm you were both happy with.
You were a moaning mess beneath him, legs slung around his hips and nails scratching patterns down his muscular back, crying out with each thrust. You screamed as he shifted again, hitting your g-spot straight on, feeling your second orgasm building with each thrust.
“L-L-Lucifer I don- don’t think I’m go- gonna last much lo-longer” You stammered, hips flying up to grind your clit against the base of his cock, causing him to grunt and speed up again, rhythm faltering as his thrusts became more and more erratic. You reached your peak seconds before Lucifer, moaning out a string of expletives as you clenched down around his cock, squirting for the second time that night, soaking your bodies.
The gush of fluids was enough to push Lucifer over the edge and he came with a guttural moan, fucking you through his orgasm to the point of over-stimulation before pulling out with a low groan, tossing the condom into a garbage can and collapsing on the bed next to you.
He laid there panting, still coming down from the blissful feeling, letting out a breathy chuckle when you rolled over and rested your head on his chest, sleeping peacefully within minutes. Lucifer followed suit, wrapping an arm around your body and vaguely thinking that he hoped you’d still be there when he awoke, and drifted off to sleep
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