#and sometimes one CD to play in my car if it has the songs I want and I love the artwork
wavesoutbeingtossed · 6 months
I know UMG is garbage with the merch orders generally but they replied almost instantly to the two orders I just cancelled and refunded immediately and I'm very impressed right now.
(Now I'm trying to decide if I really do want to re-order them with combined shipping or if I should take this as a sign to be fiscally and environmentally responsible and not order additional variants after all lol)
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larsulrichisgay69 · 8 days
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manicpixiefelix · 8 months
Whatever you do, don't envision Reader and Felix driving a vintage convertible through the Tuscan countryside. Top down, wind in their hair, the scent of lemon groves, music playing from the radio.
Perhaps they're on their way to a private party or they're ditching one 🤭
Felix and Reader are holding hands or he's got a hand on their thigh, loving the way they look so carefree.
(stumbling out of my inbox covered in fluff: i don't know where this came from)
There's no prying eyes in moments like these, no-one to perform for, no performers masquerading as his friends or friends of the family trying to steal his attention. Its all on you, and you've never performed for Felix the way the rest of the world has.
He loves you for it.
He loves you for many reasons, of course, but this is one of his favourites.
The sun has just set, the sky painted a burning orange before it fades to sweet lilac and then night, stars beginning to brighten in the sky, and you haven't stopped smiling since he'd pulled out of the parking lot of that god awful party. His darling parents were being progressive with none too subtle purpose, and while both you and he loved their ongoing support, sometimes it was a bit much. More than a bit much. It was suffocating.
But he has no phone service out here, only you beside him with the map he keeps under the seat, pointing out a quaint town an hour away with some kind of hotel situation, and his hand on your thigh. The radio is loud and bright, though you still complain about the CD player in his car -
"I spent good money on a tape deck that works, bought actual, brand new tapes -"
"Where the hell did you get those?" He laughed, but was endeared by your efforts, even as you talked over him, pointedly ignoring him.
"- made you a whole mixtape, and you went and replaced the take deck in your card with a bloody CD player!" You threw your hands in the air in mock dismay.
"I had the CD player put in when dad gave me the car," Felix half smiles, glancing at you for just a moment out of the corner of his eye, "years ago," he reminds you. Seeing the way you're trying so hard to keep up your show off being miffed, despite the sheepish smile curling at the edge of your lips, he gives your thigh a squeeze and looks back at the road.
Slowly, you uncross your arms, sitting back in your seat with a faint, playful pout. When you rest your hand on his, it's warm.
"Made a whole proper cover for it and everything, to put in that plastic cover-thingy they all come in."
"I know," Felix agrees, "I like how you styled the track list on the back," he can't help but smile, picturing it in his mind, "and it's a good set of songs."
He loves the goofy smile he knows you're wearing without even having to turn and look at you. Something about how genuinely you've always reacted to his praise has always warmed his heart; you'd always had a knack for telling his performative, placating praise from his sincerity. He's known you too long and too well by now to offer anything but sincerity when you both know it's rightfully deserved.
"I'll buy you a car with a tape deck just so we can listen to my road trip mix," you say it so casually that he's not quite sure if you're joking. But then you pet his hand, laughter ringing out from you, into the perfect Summer night, "kidding, Fi; I made it for you, listen to it wherever or whenever you want," he catches your easygoing shrug out of the corner of his eye, "or never. No skin off my nose." For a few moments, you distract yourself, tapping out inconsistent beats along his fingers, the back of his hand -
"Unless you want a car with a tape deck," this time he's sure it's not a joke. Its as casual as if you'd offered to simply buy him a beer, no real larger thoughts behind the offer. No part of you is performing the way anyone else would; not trying to bribe, or buy, or placate, or charm, or flaunt your wealth;
"You've just now reminded me why my parents are so adamantly pro-Gay Marriage," Felix couldn't help his laughter, and you sat back, watching the road ahead with a wry smile.
"Your parents are so adamantly pro-Gay Marriage because they desperately want me to pick if I'm to be legally recognised as one or the other, so they can marry me off right now to either you or your sister, but are too deep in their support of me to feel comfortable asking that," you turn to look at him with something forlorn in your eyes despite the smile on your lips, and Felix, despite how much he loved his parents, also knew you were absolutely right.
"No matter where in the world I am," Felix grins, as the lights of the town ahead begin to glow in the distance, "the minute -the absolute moment- mum finds out the two of us can legally get married, I bet you I get a call telling me to come home so she and dad can give me the family ring," and beside him, you're cackling with laughter just picturing it, "at three in the morning, I'll be in Australia or some place, high as fuck in the bush or something, and I'll have to deal with mum acting like she hasn't been plotting this arranged marriage shit for years!"
And the two of you laugh, because you're barely twenty, and the idea of a future beyond your youthful hedonism is overwhelming if you don't laugh about it. Politics, and real world issues, and the future neither of you want to think about, are all absurd, and laughable, and easy to push to the back of your minds. Like the cassette mixtape Felix keeps in his glove box even without a tape deck, because he knows he'll never lose it there.
You take Felix's hand from your thigh as you lace your fingers with his.
And you laugh.
And neither of you knows if it's because the idea of getting married feels preposterous, or maybe a little inevitable.
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adissonsss · 11 months
Tom x teen daughter reader! He was like in his teenage dirtbag phase when he had her (yeah yk the one) and her mom left so now it’s just them and they’re bffs?? Thank youu
PT1: Tom Kaulitz X Teen Daughter!Reader
Notes; This is my first request! Tysm anon!!
•My life has been so hetic and busy, I lost EVERY thing in my camera roll from like july 2023-now(not a single TH pic+vid), my home life has been super busy, but I returned to writing ASAP.
•I wasn't so sure about if you wanted headcanons or a fic or wtv, so I decided to do headcanons
•Enjoy, much love!💜💜
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•First off, he loves you like he loves Bill. Even more, ngl. He cherishes you, adores you, spoils you, and overall just loves you.
^He will NOT tolerate you being bratty or not saying thanks, not being grateful. He wants you to know the importance of gratefulness.
•He loves buying you stuff. Any treat, stuffed animal, new soda, cd, movie tickets, concert tickets, if you play a sport or instrument any fancy and upgraded equipment, all that and more.
•Obviously, your mom is not in the picture. Tom takes care of you more than a mom could ever. He wants to help you with anything, so he researches about periods, anything that could make you sad or angry, stuff like that.
•When you were younger, if you were ever backstage during songs/on tours, you would be in a couple of TH TV episodes! The camera man would be polite and asking you cute questions
^"What do you wanna be when you grow up?"
^Stuff like that, and most fans and interviewers love you!
•Y'all know that lion cub interview w/ Bill & Tom? Let's say you were like four(???), and you got to meet a lion cub. Tom would slowly let you walk towards the lion cub, and the cub would sniff around you and lick your face. The camera man is filming this and it's totally becoming a TH TV episode.
•He would be the cause of a couple of cavities... He wouldn't let anything or anyone make you sad or angry, he is protective and can get angry when it comes to you.
•As long as your happy and not hurting yourself, he doesn't mind what you do with your looks, fashion, hair, career, etc.
•He loves dressing you up in his clothes, seeing his baggy jeans swallow your legs, and his headband+hat cover your forehead+eyes.
•If you wanted to get matching clothes, piercings, tattoos, sweatshirts, whatever, he's SO down for it!!
•(Let's say this is the 2023 era) You get along w/ Heidi & Heidi's kids so well! Having Heidi as a step-mom is so relieving. Yes, you have Tom+TH, but you can't always talk to them about periods, hair problems, how awful it (sometimes) is being a girl.
•Again with the spoiling. Tom will buy you anything. A country? It's yours. The sun? Cha-ching. An extremely expensive car? If you can drive, here's the keys.
•He will listen to your opinons and views, if you ever wanted to help him on a song, he is all for it!!
•When he had the dreads, you accidentally chewed on a couple😭
•If you ever get a significant other, he is going to make sure they're the right one, and won't let you get hurt by them.
•He splashes you w/ water at the beach
•He had to raise you practically on his own, so he expects y'all to be close. He had to bathe you, feed you, keep you happy, and he honestly puts you before himself.
•When you were younger, he stayed up all night waiting for you to get up and protecting you if someone wanted to come in and try something.
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tobyislame · 1 year
some ticci toby headcanons
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consider this a headcanon salad cus these were all randomly thrown together as they came to me
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- fragile masculinity up to the NINES with this one
- totally an ice eater what a sicko
- he's double jointed in so many places. also freakishly flexible. likes to freak people out by popping his joints in and out of place lmao
- has the crackiest bones ever. you think you hear sticks breaking in the woods its just toby's crack ass ankles
- weed partaker but stays the freak away from the bottle cus yk he doesn't want to find out if that "like father like son" stuff is true
- plays guitar and makes up shitty 1 minute sad guy with a guitar songs. fingerstyle typa guy
- plays ONLY FOR HIMSELF and gets embarrassed but tries to act like he's not if someone walks in on him. like he'll just hastily stop n scramble to put away his guitar n act all cool like he totally wasn't playing guitar just now and go "whaddyouwant"
- definitely sneaks into concerts and shows. it's easy for him to blend in there. gets suuuper fucking beat up in the pit cus yk he doesn't realize how battered up he's getting in the moment until he gets a glimpse of himself and is like oh hell my lip's busted and my nose is in a different place than it was before
- think he'd have an owen wilson nose on account of how much he's broken it
- also one of his canines is missing
- just a SUUUPER accident prone guy. has no sense of self preservation. like ZERO (cus he was never really taught how to manage his cipa) (well he was yk before The Incident but he doesn't remember much of it)
- has sun spots cus he's outside all day all the time. also tonsss of freckles and moles
- burns his playlists onto cds
- he'd like every music genre but in particular i think he'd listen to late 90s/early 2000s teenage boy music. also 80s music. specifically new wave stuff
- knows a lil bit of asl for his verbal shutdowns
- also i hc him as audhd
- along with his stutter (which i don't consider to be related to his tourettes) he also just has a speech impediment. like sometimes his r's or l's come out as w's and he has trouble pronouncing certain sounds or words and just says them wrong and people correct him consistently he just doesn't really listen or care to correct himself
- not too good at spelling or any of that grammar stuff
- i really want to stress that he's NOT stupid. he hate hate hates how people patronize him and make him out to be some sort of incapable dunce. it makes him feel small and he hates feeling small. he's smart, he's just not good at communicating it. no matter what he tries his words just come out wrong. "i'm lots smarter in my head" is what he'd probably say
- always has a fidget spinner/cube on him
- he kinda just vomits when he gets overwhelmed. like when he has to ride in a car he leans his head out the window like a dog the whole way, partly just cus he likes it and it's fun to play airplane with his hand in the wind but also cus he could spew his guts at any moment
- collects spider-man comics and cool rocks. also unironically looks up to spider-man cus he always gets back up despite all the shit he gets put through. he feels like he could learn from that. he thinks it makes him seem like a kid though which is something he really wants to prove that he's not so he keeps it to himself
- super gross oh my god he's so gross. like doesn't wash his body in the shower cus "the water will get it" picks his nose and eats it kind of gross. will also get all obnoxious and in your face about it if you rightfully tell him he's a sick fuck for that
- honestly that'd be his response every time someone criticizes him
- like you could be like "you fuckin reek" n he'd be like "oh yea?" and grapple you into a headlock with his armpit shoved in your face
- his speech pattern is a little funky. like his sentences just come out like they were sorta haphazardly put together. he doesn't make much sense a lot of the time
- i wanna say he's endearingly dorky but he's just fucking weird. like he probably flirts in a napoleon dynamite-esque fashion. he has a vague idea of what flirting is he just doesn't quite got it but hey he's got the spirit
- he really just has a vague idea of what conversation is in general. he just doesn't have that good of a grasp on how people talk to each other. he feels a major glaring disconnect between himself and every other human in the world and it just makes him feel even smaller
- a lost fucking puppy when it comes to talking to women. just completely and utterly helpless. he stutters a lot more he trips over his words a lot more which just makes him red it's brutal to watch
- my voiceclaim for him is whoever voices bumblebee before he loses his voice box in the michael bay transformers movies (just looked it up it's stiles fucking stilinski)
- his voice cracks all the time ESPECIALLY when he raises his voice. he gets red and embarrassed every time it does and he really badly tries to hide it which just makes it even funnier to everyone else poor guy
- wants so badly to be perceived as a big intimidating muscle man but he just isn't no matter how hard he tries
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fitgirlfemdom · 4 months
whats your favorite nine inch nails album
The Downward Spiral is not only my favorite NIN album, but my favorite music project of all time. I've listened to it cover-to-cover probably a couple dozen times over the past few years. The storytelling, the songwriting, the instrumentals, the backstory to each track, the fact Trent Reznor got sent to court for it, the music videos, everything--I love that album so much. I wish Hurt wasn't such a meme song because I honestly think it fully encapsulates the post-suicide regret that many people experience after surviving. My favorite tracks on it are Ruiner, Mr. Self Destruct, Hurt, and I Do Not Want This, but I can't skip any tracks. It's probably the only album I've listened to where EVERY song is a hit, even the more subdued/abstract tracts like A Warm Place or the title track.
With Teeth is an incredibly important album to me--it's what I listened to after my OD, and also leading up to my OD. I remember I was having a seizure at a get-together after doing something, and my friend asked what album I should put on to calm me down after, and I said groggily, "With Teeth, Nine Inch Nails." My final OD before I got sober, I listened to With Teeth in the hospital, and realized I couldn't keep putting my body, my family, and my friends through it, and I went stone-cold sober. That was back in 2022. I'm planning on getting the With Teeth logo text tattooed on my wrist sometime, because the title track would always play in my head whenever I was offered anything else.
I enjoy Pretty Hate Machine, but I haven't listened to it as frequently as TDS, mainly because it's more new-wave/synth heavy and that just isn't my vibe. Certain tracks, though, like Sin or Something I Can Never Have are still in my constant rotation. Other tracks, though, like Sanctified are unlistenable for me. PHM was my first CD for my car, and while my mom was teaching me how to drive, Sanctified came on--"If she says 'come inside' / I'll come inside for her"--and I could never listen to the song the same. Down In It was one of my first NIN tracks, so it has a special place in my heart, even if it's directly ripped from a Skinny Puppy song. The Fragile has some of Trent's best tracks, but it's such a bloated record with so many filler tracks, I wish it was split up into two projects (especially since some songs like Starfuckers make no sense on the project). I don't think I've ever listened to The Fragile all the way through, because I can only take Trent's ambient droning for so long.
The post WT stuff, like Year Zero and The Slip, haven't garnered that much of my attention. Of course, certain songs like Discipline are unavoidable, but I was much more interested in the lore and mystery of Year Zero than the actual music. Some songs on Hesitation Marks still hit, like All Time Low, Copy of A, and Came Back Haunted. All in all, though, I hold the pretty common belief that after Trent got clean, his focus drifted more to his family and writing scores for films, which I support a lot more than his current NIN projects. The Soul soundtrack is fantastic, and I'm glad Trent wasn't one of those 90s male idols that died young, and if that means I gotta listen to his saxophone solos on his new albums, then so be it.
Also, thank you for asking me a question outside of fetish-content. It's nice to know people see me as human.
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markiza297 · 6 months
some of my music-related EMH headcanons because i feel bad and want to share it.
Vinny loves post-punk and goth music, like Joy Division, The Cure, Swans, The Fall, Depeche Mode and New Order. But when he gets asked to put something he likes on, he puts something like Prodigy or Infected Mushroom on, to look cool and not to "bore" his friends. And because he genuinely likes those as well.
Also i cannot NOT project my own coping mechanisms on emh characters, so i think (before the events unfolding, while Jessa is still alive and everything is normal) that boys like to meet up and share music AND their feelings in the format of : "This is how I feel : *Numb by Linkin Park starts playing*".
Jeff feels overwhelmed at his hospital job, feeling that he is responsible for everyone and everything, so most of the time when he doesn't have to work with patients, he wears headphones to ease his mind a bit, usually listening to something rhythmic (+1 point if the track doesn't have any words).
Jeff would be such a fan of Twenty One Pilots. This band is so him coded.
I think that Jeff and Evan would bond over their love for AJJ (again, im projecting, I KNOW). But Jeff would like the deeper details of the lyrics, and Evan would be like, "yo thats fire" because of the interesting sound.
I think that Evan has a Walkman cassette player, and he prefers cassettes to CD's, because "they sound worse". 
And the glove box in his car is filled with checks and old bills, and cassettes that don't match their package, for example, an AC/DC cassette in a Metallica case, etc. 
imo im convinced that Evan would be a huge lover of nu metal, im talking ALL OF IT. im talking Limp Bizkit, im talking Papa Roach, im talking Slipknot, Linkin Park, Skillet, KoЯn. Every time he gets a chance to get a record, he would spend his last money just to headbang to new edgy song while driving home.
And OF COURSE he would like Gorillaz. I think it should be canon, it's so obvious.
I think about Evan and his taste in music like this scene in Scott Piligrim where Ramona has unnecessary amount of different teas.
"-What do you like to listen?"
"-Let's see... We have classical rock, punk rock, hard rock, rock and roll, heavy metal, industrial, nu metal, alternate, metalcore, electropunk, funk metal, new rave, and... Indie"
Evan can't stand MCR (i know it's a hot take, i know), but HABIT loves them, especially when he gets to rearrange and clean his weapons, humming along while putting on a show, like twirling knives in the air or threatening an imaginary opponent.
If talking about my favorite purple bastard, I think it's really for music to get stuck in his head, and sometimes it can result in pretty hilarious (although still horrifying if you know the context) things, for example him throwing out the "trash" *wink wink* and not noticing how he sings something he had heard on the radio.
Just imagine HABIT humming ABBA or some 2010 white girl music. This brings me so much joy, you have no idea.
I think Steph would hide her preferences, until she feels safe enough to share some of the music she likes, and if a person she shares it with likes it as well, she would spend hours and hours talking about every little detail in lyric and sound and how it all has A DEEPER MEANING! She would be right, tho.
I'm convinced there was a situation where she gave an Evanescence cd to Evan with "this reminds me of u" written on the cover. I don't make the rules.
She probably writes some lyrics she really liked "to put them into her art later" only to forget about it.
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scratchyemporium · 1 year
in the midst of me drawing mirage and struggling with his design, i've made a few -1 braincell headcanons for the fellow mirage fandom because of course i did 🤡 (updated; will continue to add on until i forget):
okay so he smells like ocean mist, like, the scent you find at candle shops yknow?? he smells like the color blue or some sort of blue candy or fruit or candle basically
he ain't that smart bruh, like, he forgets words all the time like one time he thought that the word "konnichiwa" was fucking "coochiewap" like a fucking idiot
he likes storms, but just the rain part. he got jumpscared by thunder one time and he didn't like it at all. he can handle the rain outside but he won't go outside when it's thundering
when he was finally introduced to the sonic the hedgehog games, he deadass said "wait a minute, that ain't noah". he proceeded to feel like a clown for the rest of the day
blud can purr, i'm telling you! but like, he keeps it to himself most of the time for obvious reasons (he doesn't wanna be seen as a dork)
he's sarcastic for literally no reason and he loves trolling people. he probably has a inactive 4chan or deactivated reddit account that was only made to make people mad
he can and will hold you like burger. sometimes he will actually nom down onto your head (not like, actual bite but yknow the soft noms) or just hold you like a lil plushie
mirage has been dunked on by optimus at least once, like, full on basketball game. he has sworn to dunk on optimus in revenge. he hasn't succeeded so far....
i know this motherfucker can whimper, i know he does. if he can purr, he can whimper, and that is 102% facts right there. he already has a girlish scream....
on god he knows any cheesy old song that radiates positive vibes to heart. he could sing "bad" by michael jackson perfectly and do all the moves too. just imagine a huge blueberry of a robot jammin' out to the most stupidest songs /pos
i don't know why but he seems like a kids movie type of guy. you can and will catch him watching nightmare before christmas or aladdin alone in the back for like the 126th time
his favorite game to play in the sonic series is sonic cd. he asked noah to make a special controller for him so that he could play and not just watch all the time. his second favorite game is donkey kong country
this big ol' nerd can't count in uneven groups!! he's like that one guy counting the cash. in fact, he can't really count in big groups without thinking about it, even if it was by 100 or 1,000 (yes he's a doofus in my eyes [and i love him so much])
he craves, and i mean craves interaction. you saw him using the car as a step-stool to snoop on noah and kris!! you can't leave him alone for too long or else he gets a bit grumpy (he's tired of being cooped up and alone yknow)
when he was confessing to noah or whoever, he got overheated and sputtered really super duper quadruper hard (like a silly engine) and had to confess on a more cold day to keep himself maintained
sometimes he feels absolutely awful for literally no reason.. when he does feel bad, he targets one person to hover close to and just sticks beside them until he feels better/gets distracted (he usually sticks around optimus or noah but if you're lucky you might see him stick around with you!!)
speaking of distracted, he gets easily distracted like a silly lil goober kid! he could like deadass chase a little red dot around like a kitten and will nevereverever get tired. he's just that silly and hyper and goofy!!
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spacenintendogs · 10 months
Okay okay
Here's a question you probably can answer lol
What songs are the gang listening to on repeat in your modern au :)
ksxjsodkwkkd i have had a post abt their music tastes sitting in my drafts for months so i will just share that!! my own music is kind of limited bc i just listen to the same stuff over & over (bc neurodivergent™️) so!! my apolocheese for this not being as super in depth for some of the gang vs others. i am also open to suggestions ;_; a couple of these were from me talking with a pal, mainly astrid & fishlegs (@despiteherself hiiiii!!!!)
hiccup: lots of indie stuff, leaning more towards indie folk!! he likes anything rlly with strings involved. he's a dragonboy horsegirl at heart & wants to imagine riding through the air with winds blowing through his hair & wistfully wishing he could have a different life. he does listen to indie pop, too. he liked glass animals before they were popular & wants everyone to know it. also loves woodkid.
astrid: she has 5 songs she listens to & they were just songs ppl recommended to her. she only goes out of her way to listen to music if she's at the gym & doesn't want to talk to anyone (if snotlout is there it does not work </3) tuffnut told her "you should listen to mac miller" & she picked a single song & just made it a song she listens to. every single other song she's ever heard is inflicted upon her when she's in the car, at work, etc & her friends have their stuff. she's content with that
fishlegs: everything & anything u could possibly think of. it's all put together on one giant playlist. u will hear 1940s jazz followed by georgian chants followed by sam smith followed by power metal followed by edm & it just keeps going. knows the words to every song he ever hears. any genre, any language!! collects vinyl, tapes, cds, YOU NAME IT!!! very passionate abt music!!!!!!
snotlout: 2000s & 2010s pop & edm, duchess by fergie is one of his fave albums ever. loves lady gaga. everything else is dad rock. 80s thrash metal, nu metal, & 90s grunge, mostly. he wants to be cool so so bad, he wants to be a rockstar. learns to play guitar & is annoying abt it (can shred p well tho). is the reason everyone in the friend group has at least ONE slipknot song on their individual playlists
ruffnut: grunge, hip hop, rap, & house music. lots of in this moment & garbage. big kendrick lamar fan. lots of late 80s to early 00s for rap & hip hop. she likes to groove & vibe, occasionally headbang. i think she'd love mary j blige too. i think she, outside of everything listed, has a soft spot for p!nk & listens to her when she's having a hard time (her & snotlout sometimes listen together). i think she'd also enjoy billie holiday on a quiet day & no one is around. (she is not embarrassed by it ay all, she just likes having things for herself)
tuffnut: grunge, 70s soft rock, hip hop, & rap!!! lots of overlap with ruff but obv there's also a lot of differences!! the 70s soft rock is the main outlier. he enjoys cruising around & being wistful as he listens to america, doobie brothers, seals & croft, etc. he puts pop country on his playlists as a joke but it ends up stuck in everyone's heads & smth they all jam to to have fun.
there is a massive group playlist (fishlegs is the one who puts it together but will add a song if suggested) & it is a cacophony of so much shit. they all have their tastes but by the time they're adults they all know each other's songs & sing/jam along & have a fucking blast, esp in the car or at the sanctuary. the playlist is always on shuffle & there is the chance for a rickroll. always
songs that tend to get repeated by the group are psychosocial (slipknot), custer (slipknot), anything by pitbull, fire water burn (bloodhound gang), bbc (jaboukie), anything by woodkid, somebody i used to know (gotye), & anything by they might be giants & other assorted meme songs they love torturing each other with. (they are the most obnoxious group alive)
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sheisobvious · 2 years
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some old stuff I found on pinterest (and below interesting things) - Part 1
Picture 1 
“One minute Taylor is busting out lyrics and being adorable in front of the camera, and the next she is like high-fashion model” 
Q: What type of music are you into right now? 
TS: A Late’80s pop. One of my favorite songs is “She Drives Me Crazy”, by Fine Young Cannibals.It was so ahead of its time.  
App she loves – 8MM vintage camera  
TS: “It lets you put a cool, 1960s-style filter on iPhone videos and gives clips a moody grain” 
Picture 2 
TS: "My newest hobby is going to wal-mart and putting my CD in front of others in the rack. I have no shame in it!" 
Picture 3 
Seventeen Magazine (2008) 
Q: Do you think that he ( the guy from “Should’ve Said No”) secretly likes being named in your songs? TS: Yeah, probably. Those kinds of guys like getting attention – because I mean, what else is he doing? He’s probably with six different girls who don’t know that they’re being played. 
Q: Has he (Drew from “Teardrops on My Guitar”)  contacted you?  
TS: Actually, he showed up in my driveway a couple of months ago, and it was like in the movies where at the end the guy shows up in your driveway, and you have this awesome kiss – except it’s three years too late. I’m like, Why didn’t you do this years ago ?!? He was stranger by then, so I felt like I didn’t know him anymore. 
Q: Do you ever write songs about anyone other than yourself? 
TS: “Tied Together With a Smile” is about a girl I knew my freshman year. She was absolutely Miss Popular, a pageaant girl, and she looked perfect every day! Always had the cutest outfits, always looked teh best at prom. But sometimes when you get a litle closer to people who look that perfect, you realize that they don’t feel perfect.They feel they’re ugly. And that’s what happened with this girl- I became closer friends with her, and one day she confessed that she was bulimic. 
Q: How did that make you feel? 
TS: It was really hard for me to take. But I never want to make someone feel horrible. do not deserve to be treated like that. I try to reason with  them and be calm about it. After a while, I was just like, "You don't need to do that anymore." So I played that song for her, and I said, "Who do you think that's about?" And honestly, I don't think she ever did it after that. 
Q: Have you ever felt bad about the way you look? 
TS: Everybody does! Everybody looks in the mirror and is like, I wonder why her eyes are huge and mine are smaller. But I realized that if you’re lucky enough to be different from everybody else, don’t change. 
Q: Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be someone eise? 
TS: Oh, my gosh, if I were a different person and I could start all over, I would want to be Hayley Williams from Paramore! I think she’s awesome, and their music is amazing. But you know, I love country music more than anything  in the world – I would never change what I do. 
Picture 4 
“I’ve seen a lot of you get new cars”, she joke to those who worked on the album (Fearless)  
Picture 5 
YOU (2009) 
FAVORITE BOOK – Who Will Cry When You Die? By Robin S. Sharma. It’s a self-help but It’s na easy read. Every page has a new thing you can do to show the people you love that they matter to you. It makes you appreciate what you have. I have a lot more good days now that I’ve read that. 
STYLE ICON – Cahrlize Theron. Thank you for saying I look a bit like her – taht makes my whole week. 
BEAUTY PRODUCTS – My favourite lip colour is Dragon Girl by Nars;l realy like Armani make-up and there's a perfume that l get when ľ'm in the UK called Midnight Rain by La Prairie. And I love Jo Malone candles. 
I: As ever, she sounds too good to be true . It might be one reason why. If we're being honest what eveyone realy wants to see is Taylor Swit being a litte bit naughty. Surely the teetotal Pollyanna façade must have cracks? Anyway, wouldn’t a bit of teenage rebellion be healthy? 
TS: “I've been given the freedom to do whatever I want. I'm 19 –if want to storm out of the house and go to a club and get drunk and take my clothes off and run naked through Nashville, I can do that. I just really would rather not. I's as simple as that. It's not like I’ve been beaten down by some corporation that's forcing me to always behave myself - l just naturally do. Sometimes people are fascinated by the fact that I don't care about partying. almost to the point where they think it's weird.l think when we get to the point where it's strange for you to not be stumbing around high on something at 19, t's a warped world.” 
Picture 6 
PEOPLE, 2009 
Q: You just gave a $250,000 donation to schools you had previously attended or worked with. Why schools? 
TS: The schools that I went to and the amazing people I got to learn from relly turned me into who I am, and I wanted to give back. 
Q:If you’ve done all this by the time you turned 20, what do you want to do bu the time you turn 30? 
TS:I think I’d like to have made a couple more albums that I’m really proud of. I’d like to have a house. I’m not the kid the girl who makes a goal for herself of getting married or starting a family. I’ve never really put a timeline on those sorts of things. So I don’t have any personal goals by the time I’m 30. 
(midnight rain vibe)
Picture 7 
Q: What would you say is your biggest love “don’t” ? 
TS: No one wants to be with someone who desperately needs them. You should want the other person and love him, but you shouldn’t need him. If you depend on him for your happiness, that’s not good ,because what will you do when it ends? 
Picture 8 
I CALLED THIS ALBUM RED BECAUSE.. “all the different emotions written about on this album, they’re all about the tumultuous, crazy, insane, intense, semitoxic relationships that I’ve experienced in the last two years. In my mind, all of those emotions are red.” 
(I think this is the first time I see her referring to this relationship as toxic before 2022)
Picture 9 
BOP 2012 
Taylor Swift looks down at the floor as she talks about the songs on her new album, Red (it comes out October 22). "They're sad, if I'm being honest,"she confesses. Tay's big blue eyes get a little teary as she thinks about her life right now.In the last two years. Tay says she's felt "all of those emotions, travels around spanning from intense love,intense the workd with frustration, jealousy and confusion." She also admits. "There's been this earth-shattering. not recent, but absolute crash-and-bum neartbreak." 
(in this interview they are weird about her parents divorce)
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diazheartsbuckley · 1 year
I kinda feel like Buck had a secrete emo phase (think olivers role from mind games) during his adventures and tried to hide it but the emo just leaks out sometimes until everyones seeing the pictures of emo Evan
Thank you so much for this request anon! I had to look up the pictures of Oliver in the movie that you mentioned and it really made my day to see him like that. Anyways, here’s my take on this 💗
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(Pictures because everyone needs to see this 😂)
Emo-gency Transformation
Most people know Evan Buckley as a fearless firefighter, always ready to leap into action as disaster strikes. But beneath his brave exterior, there was a hidden chapter of Evan’s life that not a lot of people knew about - his immersion in something darker, something that had helped him through his late teens and early twenties before finding his way to firefighting.
It slowly began during Evan’s high school years but really took off by the time that he turned 19. He had been a quiet and sensitive kid, not really knowing where he belonged and parents that didn’t see him, didn’t want to see him, he found himself alone with his feelings. And so he left home to go find a piece of himself.
One day in Peru, months into his journey, while browsing through a record store, he stumbled upon a CD with a black cover adorned with melancholic artwork. The band's name, "Shadowed Hearts," immediately drew him in. Evan purchased the CD and rushed home to listen to it.
As the haunting melodies and heartfelt lyrics filled his room, Evan felt an instant connection to the music. How could he not?
The anguished vocals and emotional guitar riffs seemed to mirror the turmoil he felt inside. It was as though the band's lyrics spoke directly to his soul, giving voice to the pain and confusion he had been harboring for all of these years. The music that he had found quickly made him delve deeper into the emo world and culture.
He dyed his hair black, grew it out too and started wearing dark clothing, adorned with band logos and patches. He discovered a community of like-minded individuals who, like him, used music as a means of coping with life's challenges.
Evan even started playing the guitar, pouring his own emotions into the music he created. He wrote heartfelt songs that spoke of lost love, shattered hopes and dreams and the constant struggle to find one's identity as his parents had never accepted him for who he was. Nor had they ever paid much attention to him. Music became his sanctuary, a way to express what he couldn't put into words. He even joined a band, playing several underground gigs in the emo scene of L.A.
But life has a way of changing people and Evan Buckley was no exception. Somewhere along his journey, still not knowing where he was going or what he was doing with his life, he was faced with having to act quickly as a car accident happened right in front of his eyes.
It made him reevaluate his path and he found himself with a desire to help others and make a difference in the world which eventually led him to become a firefighter.
As Evan threw himself into his firefighting duties, the emo phase of his life gradually faded into the background. He cut his hair, traded his dark wardrobe for a firefighter's uniform, and focused on the bravery and resilience that defined his new profession. Yet he couldn’t deny that his past and his delving into the emo world had changed him into the person that he was today: empathetic, loving and incredibly kind.
Yet he couldn’t help when pieces of his past sometimes slipped through, revealing glimpses of the person that he used to be. Sometimes it was expressions that he used or music that he listened to or ways that he acted that made people question him about it.
One sunny afternoon, years after Evan’s emo phase ended, Chimney was idly browsing the internet, searching for funny memes to share with the crew when he stumbled upon something unexpected.
"Guys, you won't believe what I just found," Chimney called out to the others, his eyes wide with amazement.
The team gathered around his computer, eager to see what had captured his attention. Chimney clicked on a link and revealed a collection of old photographs from an underground music scene in Los Angeles. As they scrolled through the pictures, their jaws dropped.
There, in all his emo glory, was Evan Buckley. His jet-black hair, heavy eyeliner, and the rivet covered vest was unmistakable. He was captured on stage, passionately playing the guitar, and in candid shots with his fellow band members .
"Well, well, Buck. It seems like your past wasn't as secret as you thought." Hen couldn’t help but to chuckle, giving Buck’s shoulders a playful squeeze.
Eddie joined in the laughter. "Man, you were really into this, weren't you?"
“I guess we know what our next team-building activity should be—a reenactment of one of Buck's old gigs!" Bobby said, maybe a tad too enthusiastically.
Buck blushed but couldn't help but smile at their playful teasing. He had kept his emo past a secret for so long, but now that it was out in the open, he realized that he didn't need to hide that part of himself from his firefighting family. In fact, it only brought them closer together. But it didn’t change how it was amusing to them right now.
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angstics · 2 years
my chemical romance has always been a band about death. bullets' bonnie and clyde, three cheers' resurrection-rampage plot, black parade's dying main character, danger days' "where the good guys die and the bad guys win". the vampires and corpse-like make-up and lyrics constantly looking to the end. 1000+ hits when you google: "death-obsessed" "my chemical romance". gerard way's "if we never play another show again, keep yourself alive" in 2008, when the band had an exhausting few years and an uncertain future (video, article).
it took a few years, but the band eventually played its last show. it wasn't just a break or dissolution. the band died. their final song was released posthumously in 2/14 and it was titled "fake your death" -- not a hint at reunification, but a finale that put to rest who they were as my chemical romance. as gerard way said: "i don't think my chemical romance is supposed to happen again. i think it's supposed to stay beautiful forever; it's a beautiful thing. it's supposed to die young in the car wreck" (kerrang , 7/14).
dying young has haunted my chem as long as death has. every single main character of theirs' was both dead and young: irl demolition lovers on the LOTMS cd, the patient being "too young to die", the fab four being teenagers according to the killjoys: california comics. even gun's "never gonna have a son" and "if im old enough to die for your mistakes / then let's go". even helena, who is directly about the ways' grandmother, is played by a young actor -- with make-up matching the bands'. there were fears surrounding gerard's health ending the band then at one point his life, as stated by brian schechter in LOTMS. after the band ended, mikey and frank had near-death experiences. gerard released hestiant alien's how it's going to be, a song about "waking up from the dream and realizing it's not exactly what you wanted" (video): "you said we'd all be dead by twenty five" and "we're just bored you're still alive". the entertainment industry is marked by the iconization of artists who died young. the 90s - 00s was a time + place defined by DARE and AIDS and young veterans. the band coincided with BIG life changes (sky-rocketing careers, new families).
this is all to say that my chem tightly links youth and death. there is also a great emphasis on death as a performance -- dedicating songs and albums and theatre productions and art and stories and appearances to it. the aesthetic of death.
though the band died young, its people didnt. years went by. my impression as an outsider to that time is that even without reason (least of all from these fuckin guys), hope didnt die. it laid dormant. the group friendship and musical relationship was revived sometime 2017 - 2018 because of a family bbq (podcast, quote). that was two years of possibility before they decided to return in 2019. after some hurdles where hope never diminished, they began their first tour after a decade -- filled with projects and personal hardships and children growing up -- in 2022.
this tour has been marked by their visible and stated joy. not a nostalgia tour, not an album tour, but a chance to "reintroduce ourselves to the world" (podcast, quote). the sources of joy are endless (isnt that just so beautiful??) one of them is discovering the link btwn living and old age.
theyre still about death, theyre still about youth, theyre still about drama. gerard's dressed as princess diane and joan darc, famous women who died young. the when we were young night 2 costumes are bout the horror of aging but not changing. it's a forever mcr theme.
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travelingthief · 1 year
My Favorite Moment With: Lord Apollo
It was my first long haul drive by myself, but I had a good CD collection, so I didn’t mind. My ‘06 Ford shook when I took her above 70 but that didn’t stop me from from hitting 80 while screaming the lyrics to “Open Road Song” by Eve 6. The sun shone down on the newly bloomed trees and I knew at the end of this drive was a pretty person waiting to take me to a punk show. I switched CDs at a gas station stop, putting in Aerosmith and having visions of Apollo and Hermes rocking out with big hair. Both were sat next to me in the passenger seat.
I arrived at the person’s house, meeting their dog and roommate before we headed out to the show. We were laughing as I spun them on street corners and asked about their favorite bands. Somewhere along the way I asked them about their favorite flowers and they told me “hyacinths.” 
I grinned wide, “have you heard the myth?”
It was the first time I told a story to somebody, but I kinda nailed it. I left out the part where I practiced in the mirror twenty times over. I delivered my last line - “and from the blood of His beloved, Apollo crafted the first hyacinth.” We looked down to see we had stopped in front of a spray of hyacinths and I thanked Apollo silently.
The outside of the venue looked like a redemption center. We went down a ramp to the admissions desk veiled behind a cloud of smoke and I teemed with excitement. We were there to see one of my favorite local bands, and it was one of our first dates. The lady at the table asked for proof of COVID vaccinations and I start to kick myself. Now, I am vaxxed and I am boosted but what I am not, is smart enough to keep my vaccine card on me. We got turned away and my brain starts running through its usual script-
“You fucked it all up. The night is ruined. How could you be so stupid?”
But it’s not my first round with depression, so I counter back. “It’s not a big deal, we can find something else to do. The night has been going great.”
But my brain persisted. “You always mess things up. Why would they want to be here with you?”
I countered again. “That’s not the truth. We’re still having a good night.”
So my brain tried a new tactic. “Isn’t it pathetic how you manage to be sad, even when things are going well?” I hadn’t figured out how to think myself out of that one. So I shut down.
My depression gets physical and I tend to go nonverbal and seem disinterested in conversation when I’m depressed. So instead of talking, I offered my date an earbud and we just walked along the river.
The rest of the weeked, I swung back and forth between depression and feeling okay. I reassured my date that it wasn’t them - my brain just gets mean sometimes. They told me they understood. I was relieved yet disappointed when it came time to leave, but I hopped in my car and started my second long haul drive.
I realized there was a downside to long drives alone. My brain continued on about how terrible I made the weekend and fretted about if I’d get a text back. I tried and tried, but the music couldn’t get loud enough to distract me from the thoughts. I ended up pulling off at an exit halfway through the drive: I didn’t know where I was going, I just knew I had to find something.
The first right was a local music store and I immediately pulled in. I closed my eyes and asked “Lord Apollo, if you’re there give me a sign.” I cut the engine and went inside. They were playing the same Aerosmith CD I had listened to on my drive down and I hummed along while sifting throught the stacks. Somehow I ended up in the Local Section, holding a CD with a parental advisory sticker and artwork of a kid staring down multiple doors. I had never heard of the artist before and had no idea what kind of music was on the disc, but I bought it anyway. 
With a bit of effort, I popped the CD into my semi-broken disc drive and pulled out of the parking lot. The first song started up; horns and drums and a beat I could get into. Then the lyrics started:
Welcome to your 20s baby, I know you’re gonna do amazing/All you gotta do is get it, all you gotta do is get it
And the artist broke down into a rap. Suddenly the rest of the drive didn’t seem so long. I thank Apollo for His sign and when I got home, I texted my date.
And they texted back.
And that’s (one of) my favorite moment(s) with Lord Apollo.
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shuffleoflove · 1 year
i was looking through my notes app and found some notes i wrote while reading edge of great (the jatp novelisation) in feburary 2021 so i thought i'd post them bc i miss the time when i was so obsessed with jatp i could quote large parts of it from memory:
okay it's thicker than i expected this is a good start
multiple povs?! oh my god yesyesyes
i've read one page and I'm already loving it because i was expecting it to just be a retelling of the action with barely any insight to characters thoughts other than "i was feeling sad :(" but it's giving so much more than that
luke says sunset curve were all "vibing" shdhfnd
the dialogue is slightly different in some places but honestly i don't hate it
a pink flower in a vase next to rose?? the dahlia symbolism is here already people
bobby is a cheesy hopeless romantic confirmed
[luke about trying to be modest] "it was a new look for me, i'll admit." avdhfdhdhd
alex interrupts reggie trying to flirt with rose avdbfjdd i'm loving the new dialogue
luke makes a joke about staving to death oh god the dramatic irony
julie's literal first words are "my best friend flynn is amazing" 🥺🥺
loz feliz performing arts high school??
julie calls carrie cute?? girl-
i've been spelling dirty candi as "dirty candy" this whole time. whoops.
trevor has literal platinum records but the thing julie decides to point out is that one of his songs was in a car advert shdjdjfjf
nooo they took out flynn shouting demon at carrie
julie mentions flynn and how amazing she is at nearly every given opportunity
"flynn and i were always straight with each other" this is meant to a dramatic moment but i'm laughing at this ahdjdnem
julie is a writer!! not just of lyrics/poems, she writes other stuff too!!
she describes the garage as being full of ghosts when referring to memories of her mum... i'm living for all the dramatic irony
ahh julie and ray are speaking in spanish to each other so much more than they did the show
the teacup and spoon rose had been using before she died were still there 🥺
julie says that she felt like her mum was telling her to play the cd ahhh
the first thing she says about the guys is that they're cute JULIE AHDJFK
wavy hair reggie yesss
julie says oh my god instead of oh my gosh
julie doesn't know luke's name so she's calling him floppy acdjfjrks
her reasoning for letting the guys stay in the garage was because she thought it was what rose would've done 🥺🥺
they took out reggie losing his shirt this is so sad 😔
[alex about julie playing wake up] "i couldn't remember the last time I felt so moved by music that wasn't actually my own."
okay i get why they changed povs but i kind of wish we'd gotten julie's pov while she played wake up
the first episode took up about 1/5 of the book jesus-
they skipped the bit about the only thing scarier than one girl crying being two girls crying 😔
flynn: "instagram" alex: "what-stagram?"
flynn hugs julie after she tells her about playing music again awwww
noo they cut out the scene where ray comes in to the studio ffs stop cutting scenes please
alex: "it tingles in weird places" alex, literally one line later: "well, it did."
according to alex the other describe him as "warm and fuzzy"
also so far everyone's pov has called luke out for being too cheesy
reggie: "i'm gonna guess death breath"
alex is now describing luke as the puppy reggie never had
alex calling luke and reggie his family 🥺😭
when julie went into her room and found the guys messing around she was on her way to text flynn 🥺 this book just makes me love their friendship so much more
reggie is described as having "a mop of hair" god i wish 😔
dahlia symbolism count: 3. so far it's been a vase next to rose, the curtains in the studio, and the flowers in julie's picture of her
luke: "our instruments are attached to our souls." reggie: "and sometimes our belts."
okay so the book confirms that julie found therapy helpful but she just didn't want to go back because she thought others would see her as fragile, which imo is a lot better than in the show when she just seemed like she hated it
they merged alex asking if julie got back into music with luke showing her bright which i get because if they kept everything in the book would be pretty long but... idk i kinda liked how it was just julie and luke when he showed her bright
julie describes the wow performance as being like a superbowl half-time show
list of celebs who've been name-dropped so far: weezer, the smashing pumpkins, katy perry, and harry styles
julie wanted to kiss kayla?!? wlw julie confirmed
reggie's internal dialogue is using way more words than necessary and as an autistic person I relate to that so i'm gonna use this as proof reggie is autistic 😙✌
reggie says how little julie's smiled since they met and is now describing her smile in detail 🥺🥺
me, seeing that reggie's pov is already over: :(
me seeing that it's alex's pov and he's about to meet willie: :D
avxhfjfldnd alex was so mesmerised by how beautiful willie was he forgot to speak 😭😭
damn they took out willie asking alex if he's into guys if he wanted a picture with fake marilyn monroe (they changed it to spider-man)
y'all willie gave alex a hip bump I'm dying over here
"wait, how can i see you again?" god this is killing me i love them 😭🥺
"even if you don't have questions" willie is hardcore flirting and i respect that
"i liked the sound of that" god it's been a few minutes and alex is already whipped agshdndm
dahlia reference number 4 (this time it's a mug)
instead of calling julie "insanely talented" luke calls her "annoyingly talented"
julie canonically uses the word "bonkers" and idk why i love that so much
ahhh i'm already halfway through the book and it's still episode 3
i'll look at the pictures first though
okay now onto flynn's pov
maybe this is just me, but why does everyone say "mother" instead of "mom" all the time? it seems weirdly formal but whatever
flynn calls flying solo "our song" (meaning her and julie's) 🥺
svdbfjff whenever alex went to meet willie he just said he was going for a walk
wait, walks? plural?! alex and willie had more interactions and we didn't get to see them?! livid 😤
willie wanted to show alex the museum because it was one of his favourite places... god I'm soft
"i would've followed willie just about anywhere" stoppp this is too much for me 😭🤧
"together. i liked the sound of that." awwefdhehrhe
alex's catchphrase seems to be "I liked the sound of that" rather than "okay"
"so close that I could feel his breath" why did I think they were gonna kiss 💀💀
willie: "feels good, right?" alex: "yeah, it does." alex, in his head: "i was talking about the screaming, but i was talking about being here, now, with willie, too." oh god oh fuck-
"wagging an eyebrow" girl why is that worded so weird 😭💀
nah there's no way luke doesn't know what a sample is
yess we're back to luke's pov 😎
the book confirms that it was luke who wrote "hi bobby" on the mirror but i still refuse to believe it because of the one tumblr post i saw comparing all the boys handwriting and saying it was reggie (also the writing it too neat to be luke's 😌)
they cut the entire julie-sneaks-around-while-flynn-distracts-carrie bit 😔 (and also the guys mooning trevor)
"and the truth was, [julie] was becoming important to me. i hated to let her down." awwww 🥺🥺
sbdjfkfl reggie called the hgc creepy and alex got defensive because it "was willie's place"
when luke said they were "overdressed" they all tucked their shirts in
ffs not the eyebrow wagging again (this time from flynn)
so julie considers carrie as her frenemy and not an actual enemy... inch resting...
"the awkward "joke" just sat in the air like dead fish" abdhfjf what are these metaphors
awww when alex asked about the lifers being "sworn to secrecy" willie wanted to telm him about caleb owning everyone at the hgc's souls but he couldn't 🥺🥺 if I catch anyone posting willie slander it's on sight 🥊😠🥊
OKAY WHAT I'M LIVID - they reduced the whole "do this forever"/"there's a lot to like here" thing to just the dialogue. literally no mentions of the lingering glances or luke's "you got a crush on willie". fucking disgraceful. i hate it here.
willie watched the guys getting stamped and said it felt like his stomach was filling with lead SEE I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY WILLIE SLANDER IN THIS HOUSE
willie noticed alex looking into the crowd before leaving and wondered if he was looking for him... do tell me willie who else could he possibly be looking for
"alex said, looking stressed (then again, when did alex look not stressed?)" avshdnfmfr
julie describes nick's voice as "soft" and "graveled"
apparently julie has had a crush on nick since kindergarten, and in kindergarten nick cried because he couldn't get the lid off of his glue stick
luke says that knowing he let julie down at the dance hurt more than caleb's jolts 🥺🥺
the boys' little "sorry" song has it's lyrics written the same way the other songs, the ones actually in the soundtrack, do. tell me jatp why the sorry song isn't on the soundtrack right now 🔫😠
literally no mention of alex's dancing what in the homophobia
according to julie, finally free is about the power of connecting through music, but i still choose to believe it's a gay anthem about coming out
when julie saw her dad cooking breakfast and humming finally free she "almost died from how cute it was"
wait i just realised throughout this whole book there's been barely any mentions of julie and luke sharing the mic, and nothing about luke and reggie sharing either, and julie waking through luke in bright was just ignored. disgusting.
julie canonically thinks ray is the best dad ever 🥺🥺
that being said I'm pissed the book cut reggie from this scene
julie describes herself as being "charmed" by luke being nervous jskdkkdhs
flynn's pov again babey 😎
lmao nevermind the chapter was two pages long
also the whole perfect harmony sequence is just cut and all we hear is julie mention it to flynn... bruh
reggie and alex both see how hard luke is simping for julie and just give each other shit-eating grins whenever he mentions her dgehdjdj
when willie tells alex he can't explain why he's spying on him alex says "and to think i had felt there had maybe been something between us" fuckk
alex wondered if willie had ever had feelings for him or if he was playing him the whole time 🥺😭 bby nooo
they cut girls amirite... no one talk to me...
y'all... i think, other from julie, alex has had the most pov chapters... interesting...
the boys were literally so distressed about flynn eating pizza when they could smell it and not eat it and said they'd die of deprivation sgdhdjfkd
alex: *was choking back a sob*
willie: *was choking back a sob*
me: *was also choking back a sob*
😃 wtf... when willie says he cares about alex and hates that he brought them all into this mess, alex snaps at him... bro wtf that is not what happened and doesn't fit in with what alex was feeling in that moment at all... fuck this book
julie hugs flynn in the book at lot more than in the show so maybe it does have rights after all...
they've made a "face the music" pun at least 5 times so far in this book
wait - luke says that julie played his parents unsaid emily implying she sang it?? yo...
"but there was nothing I could say, nothing I could do, to make things better. so instead, I watched her go." why does that line hit so hard
"i pulled him in for a quick hug" lmao girl no
I JUST REALISED they cut the "i would've still followed you" scene 😭 the homophobia of it all 💀💀
'"i won't forget you," he said before spoofing out. Me either.' god don't do this to me today 🥺🥺
"with my smoothest dance move" now THAT'S the alex i know and love
the promoter and his assistant have names now: frank and tasha
the book's nearly over and i just realised there were barely any reggie pov chapters 🥺 not only is he my comfort character i also really liked his internal dialogue... oh well 😔
they really let there be spelling mistakes in this book smh
"who knew sunset boulevard smelled like cat pee and old takeout containers? not very glamorous, given that this was my hollywood rockstar dream."
"the music filling me like air - like joy" god I love that line
julie feels the need to point out how good luke looks in his tuxedo avdhdndmd
"i'm gonna miss you." "not as much as we're gonna miss you." oh god oh fuck-
"are you real?" "we were always real. But now... maybe... we're here?"
okay so i finished it and it was fun to read overall but i felt like past episode 3 was very rushed and condensed (makes sense since episode 3 finished past the half-way point of the book) and it stopped being as well written (barely any internal dialogue and descriptors), and some moments were mischaracterised heavily (including a lot of the willex) and juke just didn't seem developed at all. also i wish reggie had gotten more pov chapters since he's, y'know, a main character. i'm pretty sure he got, like, 2 :( also a lot of the music scenes lacked emotion but since this is an adaptation of something with music without music i'll let it slide. it was still nice to read either way.
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🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Sometimes! Sometimes- mostly with long fics- I'll make a playlist then listen to it to get in the mood for writing, maybe stick it on when driving home from somewhere or something so I start thinking about the fic then can write later.
At the moment I have a CD in my car though, so the on loop has been the entirety of Fall Out Boy's Mania
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Word. I have the app on my phone as well. I also use OneNote as my notes document, it's split into sections for different ideas, and sometimes I'll just bring a notebook and pencil into the bath with me (though I've only done original writing that way, not fanfic)
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
I think my brother suspects but I haven't told anyone and I do not want anyone in person bringing it up
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
They are very appreciated, I enjoy every one of your Eobard Thawne rants so much, but they are very, very appreciated.
'Constructive criticism' comments less so but that's because I rarely see the actual constructive part in there, and those ones they're never open to having a conversation or they get in a huff about me refusing to go back and edit a fic I wrote like 8 years ago.
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
I would keep it forever and maybe cry a bit, I would be so incredibly thrilled. Do you want to see the moodboard @agentmarymargaretskitz sent me after I wrote 256 Days, it made me so happy:
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I kept it at the top of my notes while writing the Milk and Sugar 'verse and looked at it every single time I went to write some
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Action probably, I do find fight scenes harder to write, I don't really think in images and see what's going on, I mostly hear, it's more like listening to a radio drama or podcast, and those are much more visual scenes so sometimes I find it harder to keep track of what's going on
Thank you!
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katscatnip · 5 months
Listening to one song on repeat
My experience with listening to a certain sound or song on repeat for long periods of time.
Shown below all this text is my most recent streams on Spotify. as you can see,, there is just one song listed, and that's because It's all I've listened to for the past 2 days or so.
I have done this kinda thing sing as long as I recall having personal access and control over what I listen to. my earliest memories of it being the time my mom let me chose the song we play on the sound system (the song in question was Rock the Nation by Michael Franti) and i would constantly ask her to "play it again!" until she couldn't handle it anymore. Next it was when we bought the Curious George movie on CD and in the bonus features, there was a music video for the song played earlier in the movie Upsidedown by Jack Johnson (again was eventually asked to stop playing it over and over lmao.
Next was when i was old enough to stay for the "after school program" it essentially let the kids get into fun toys and boardgames and such and what I would do every single time is find one of the three sony CD walkmen in the electronics box, put in the Shrek soundtrack cd and set SmashMouth's allstar to loop, then proceed to walk up and down the gym's left wall gliding my fingers against the textured grout for the next hour and a half to three hours depending if it was an extended day.
Next was another walkman, my older sibling's bf at the time would bring one over with him when he visited along with his latest playlist burned to a cd and would let me borrow it. this is when I heard the oh-so-familiar and desired FireFlies by Owlcity (my current fav song at the time that I could only hear on the car radio when going into town) where I would proceed to lie on my upper bunk bed in complete darkness and imagine I was in space.
Another time was when a different friend would bring over their iPod and I would loop a couple greenday and Metallica songs over and over (I don't remember the song names now lmao)
Fast forward to my teen years im actively annoying my siblings after playing a song 7 times too many. yada yada ya-
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I am aware of that now,,
my friends have been pointing out traits that were worth looking into for a while and I finally did and ya. when I went in they said it was not hard to notice and identify it from the moment I walked in the door.
Anyway, this post isnt about that its actually about how self-aware and insecure I've become from having others perceive this part of me. I've never really had any bad experiences aside from the occasional family member shout at me to "stop playing the same song" which is whatever.
The real issue for me is things like Spotify Wrapped and the idea that what I listen to as an auditory stim is perceived as my "taste" in music and such. i guess its rooted in maintaining a kind of character in the social aspect, and feeling like I have to make what I listen to look palatable to peers and that means having a high listen count and knowledge of artists whose music has meaning and depth while also not being caught listening to the opposite (breakcore, hyperpop, noise, goofy nonsensical hip-hopy stuff, etc)(?)
Which I'm finding to be stackingly exhausting and I think I've trying this year and lastyear to give myself the grace of being me and not conforming to the shape I feel pressured to fit into.
I hear and read a lot of peer's takes or reviews on music and such (which I think is important to have ofc) but it kinda feels to cliquey for me to feel fully comfortable being in those circle's conversations.
sometimes i just like the noises and vibration pattern coming from a specific artist's stuff and don't take in or care about the meaning or depth of a song's lyrics,, anyways yeah. here's some of the semi-recent past loops: (noise warning on some!🔊) 757, Hollywood baby, Improved mashcore, kickback, 3 o'clock things, Being so normal, Uncanny long arms, Leg room, Stuck Inside
below is my current song backslide by 21 Pilots. the tapeworm synth and silly bass drops itch the itch good :+)
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