#but i have written bits of dialogue in my notion lol
machinegrl · 9 months
tagged by @vicciouxs <3
Share a random line of text from your current WIP or a line or two of dialogue from one of your characters. Do not give any explanation or context, and see what your followers think. Then, tag a few friends to keep the randomness going!
im tagging: @intramoon @bunmou @salemssimblr ( i wanted to tag u guys but u don't have to do it if u don't want to 🤧🥰)
“why should i choose to die for a world that was never mine?”
— Lilith
“then what am i if not a machine?”
“a child.”
— Syera & her dad
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F and M for the fanfic ask game?
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
this is always tricky for me because I write a lot of dialogue. i think that's where stories come to life. That being said, this is a one shot i wrote about a year ago, Cullen and Lydia dancing at the Herald's rest (nsfwish,) From this fic
He doesn’t realize he has voiced his thought until she asks him how. But of course. She’s a woman of details, though he had only the thought and the notion. But she’s a woman of a thousand good stories, a woman of only the best trouble, and his. He sees no reason at all why he shouldn’t inform her of how, or even a reason why not.
“Here.” He says.
“On the floor?”
He smirks. “As if we haven’t.”
“It hurts my back.”
“Alright. The war table.”
“It also hurts my back.”
“Mine as well, but only after. But it’s alright. You’ll be on top. I can make the sacrifice.”
“Your Inquisitor and lover appreciates your service.”
But I would hold you, he promises, as you ride me. You’d sink against me for a bit and I’d hold you close, and I wouldn’t even turn my head to see. I’d feel their eyes but I’d mostly feel you. I’d feel you with so much of me that the part of me that should protest is a mockery.
“I’d look,” Lydia says. “I want to know everyone who loves us.”
I like this for a few reasons--I love exploring themes of what it means to be watched, what it means to live a public life (this is in my original fiction as well) and writing romantic banter is always my favorite. Plus I love couples just openly talking about sex lol
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Two. One is an Ada and Leon fic, wherein Ada comes to Leon after he sends her a message telling her he needs her. She eases his anxieties and his troubles and they act a little like lovers. My second is a cullen and lydia fic--partially inspired by that dancing scene in third class in Titanic (I actually started drafting it when I saw the rerelease in February) and partially inspired by that scene in the Witcher 3 hearts of stone DLC where Shani and the Vlod possessed Geralt go to a wedding. Essentially Cullen and Lydia go to a wedding of two of Cullen's soldiers, they get to be normal and show up for their people, dance, have a blast, and wonder when it'll be their turn to just be regular old normal people
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perexcri · 1 year
hi hi
i just wanted to come on here and show my appreciation for your writing because you truly never fail to befuddle, gobsmack, and ofc flabbergast
like,, literally obsessed with you,, anyway
i dont comment stuff on ao3 because i am Terrified but um i do have a notion board where i log all of my reading stuff and i make comments on there so i thought id share some of my favs that i made on your works
this ripped my soul in half you cannot comprehend
this eternally altered my brain chemistry
this is what love is fr fr
fuck dude
as always this is very well written however i did predict like the entire plot but that is ok i love being right and it was very good some may even say slay idk if id go so far to say that, it may be too high concept for me but it was very good, i did however keep imagining that they both had stinky breath, cuz like will just ate mystery chili and mike presumably hasn’t brushed his teeth in months,, do vampires brush their teeth?
(and then promptly followed by)
one month later i am officially marking this as slay because i haven’t been able to stop thinking about it,, like that last scene where they make out against a cross so mike is being burned while hes turning will,, they’re both in pain together,, just sacrificing your whole life to be with the person you love, oposite of dorothea type thing tbh yah i just think i should grant it its slayage
yah this was so good like insane writing of tension and like idk all of the internal stuff pays of and OMG THE PAYOFF HOLY SHIT THE ENDING SO WORTH IT SO EARNED LIKE INSANE HOLY FUCKKK
i couldn’t stop reading i genuinely felt like i was going to puke from the tension/anticipation/suspense,, the dialogue was really good too and so was the like character study idk if i completely agree with this take on wills character but i really enjoyed in none the less and all in all it did deliver on the rom com of it all and had a very satisfying rom com esc ending that made me cry until it was actually solved because i really cant deal with lack of communication and unresolved tension anyway thats it this was really really good
this might be a bit above my reading level but i read emily dickinson for fun so im powering through just fine
ahhh hello!! thank you for sending such a nice ask and for the appreciation 🥺 i'm glad you decided to share these thoughts you have written down with me!! and i understand commenting can feel a little strange and terrifying, but just know it is appreciated regardless :D (as long as you aren't like,,,actively shitting on the fic ofc lol)
umm i wasn't sure exactly how to tackle this because some of them are clear to me which fics they go to and some of them aren't, but i'm gonna try my hardest and we'll see how it goes 😌✨
1.) so the first one with the "this ripped my soul in half" - i'm gonna guess that's beneath these boughs? maybe? that's the one where i've gotten responses most similar to what you have written down
2.) those next two paragraphs i 100% know are from come to me again!! you can tell i definitely wasn't as focused on the logistics of their later kiss for that fic because i didn't think about the whole brushing teeth/chili thing AT ALL. i picked chili because i thought that would be an easy thing to scrounge up in an enclosed environment and to make easy substitutions for, and i just,,,,,did not think about whether people would brush their teeth in a coldtown or not alfjlas. ah well, it was mainly about them making out on the cross while Mike's flesh is burning and he's turning Will into a vampire, right? that was the main goal and the biggest scene i wanted to write, and i did!! so i consider it a success 😌
3.) okay this one i think might be what a match?? it's either what a match or cheer up baby, but i'm leaning more towards what a match because of the mention of tension
4.) this one is definitely to hell and back again - so i'm glad you liked it despite the tension heheheh. and honestly i would maybe have to agree with you on the thing about Will's character? i guess the big thing with that fic is 1. it turned into an entirely different beast while i was writing it from what i originally intended for it to be, and on top of that it ended up being the first book-length thing i ever wrote, so i was a little in over my head and not entirely sure how to handle it, and 2. i was so focused on whatever the hell had happened to Mike in vol 2 that i did really focus on him more than Will in that fic so i do think Will comes off as a little ahhhh flat? not entirely himself? idk, i'd like to think i've learned a bit more since that fic, and that i made up for Will's lack of character in it with my fantasy au a flower that resembles you, which was very much centered on Will and his complexities
5.) ok i genuinely can't figure the last one out lol. i would maybe say beneath these boughs? but that's what i guessed for the first one, so maybe the first one is a flower that resembles you and this one is beneath these boughs? not sure haha
anyway!! umm idk if my guesses were right, but thanks again for sharing these thoughts!! it does help me to know that you are enjoying what i write and that you have these kinds of thoughts about it :D thanks for stopping by, and i hope you enjoy whatever comes next from this half-functioning brain of mine heheheh :] 💜💜💜
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I'll eat my words on glass but I would be genuinely shocked to see Jaune written out of the narrative because of Penny (exiled, killed, martyred, left behind on the island with no way out unless he has a Fall Maiden girlfriend WOW WHO WROTE THAT) and it surprises me that historically I have encountered a lot of anxiety about that notion - like a not insignificant amount to the point people were treating it as if it were a given.
It was also related to me that there were people annoyed with Jaune for 'being on the island with the girls' which obviously indicates his narrative importance come on. The one thing you can trust about idiotic YouTube comments is that they tap into the narrative in a deeply profound way but just in the absolute symbolic inverse. ('The girls' lol. They think it's a beach episode don't they. If R/WBY does a beach episode it's going to involve at least one person having a crisis of the soul).
That's the one thing I absolutely do not expect. Oh, maybe Jaune thinks he should be exiled/killed/martyred/have sex with Cinder, but most people are talking about the actual narrative invalidating him. I certainly think there'll be a bit of fracture going on and loss-of-purpose but it will be good.
It's easy to get carried away, I know. I don't write this as an impartial observer. I had speculated on Cinder's redemption since Pyrrha dialogue/Salem's reveal and then V4 but I never really seriously considered it until V7 because fandom had me in a headlock and that was when it was just too textually obvious to me - just really in your face - and then I discovered that it was a pretty solitary reaction. So take a bit of distance and actually consider what you're watching, not what other people are telling you is happening. Lol.
You should probably enjoy it too, like it is supposed to be fun.
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nlights37 · 3 years
three stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
::In very convincing Matthew McConaughey Texan:: Alright alright alright, 3 stars, 3 fics to disclose little nuggets of info on...
1.  From Fixer Upper, Chapter 4 - Jon and Dany’s text exhange:
She was laughing even as she sent the text, knowing how touchy he was about this topic. Honestly, it was the whole reason she sent it.
Dany: I can’t believe we’ve been fake dating this long and you haven’t sent me a single dick pic 😖
The text bubble appeared for so long she was a little worried, but then his novel-length answer appeared. She was two lines in before she was laughing so hard she was crying and her vision blurred beyond her ability to continue reading at all.
Jon: How ABSOLUTELY DARE YOU?! Apparently I need to explain this AGAIN? If the Westerosi Security Agency is going to see my dick they can come here and do it in person like men. I’m not just gonna offer it up on a silver platter for them. Also need I remind you I am a small business owner, madam? This store is my kingdom and you ask me to besmirch it’s good name so you can see my cock at 2 pm on a Thursday? I’m disappointed in you Daenerys, I really am.
It should probably come as no surprise, given the ‘Buttslut’ text I shared awhile back, that a lot of the dialogue I write (including text messages) comes from the way my husband and I talk to each other, and in this case I based Jon’s reluctance to free the Peen digitally off my own husband’s unbreakable stance that sending dick pics means your dick is then somewhere in the cloud and idk I guess he thinks the Governtment is just chilling and collecting nudes all day.  Anyway, I really did ask him once when we were dating why he had never sent me a dick pic and he said something along the lines of Jon’s response here, and even now, years later, it still makes me laugh, so I used it :)
2.  A Thin Line (Just some thoughts on this fic in general, that I’m not sure I’ve shared):
I was SURE, ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that a lot of people would hate this fic.  Like, I was over the top about ‘Hey this is crack’, etc, because as much fun as I had making them just awful people to each other, I was like ‘ugh there’s gonna be some stans in both camps that maybe get pissed about this’, but I figured fuck it, let’s do it.  The thing about them in this fic that I really, really enjoyed writing was that they are completely and totally unapologetic about themselves, and letting myself just really let them be the worst versions of themselves, I don’t know, guys.  It felt good.  So good that I was like ‘hmmmm, maybe keep it in the drafts.’
Because that’s the thing I like best about them and this fic - it’s not a redemption story about two tortured souls who find each other and then learn the error of their ways.  It’s more like two villains meet at villain convention and will they birth the antichrist?  Who knows, really, but probably, yes.  Definitely.
Anyway, I really dug that so many people enjoyed their unspeakably assholish tendencies and please know I haven’t abandoned my part 3, in which Dany gets to snob it up in the North and you know, so more light bondage, maybe some matching prenups, I don’t want to give it all away.
3.  From Fang and Claw, Chapter 1:
“When you say fucking,” Drogon drawled, “what exactly do you mean, snack?”  The three were all gathered near the stone walls of the Keep, guards watching anxiously as the three creatures of legend circled and paced.
“Stop calling him that.”  Rhaegal leaned in, nipping at Drogon’s swishing black tail.  “He has a name.”
Drogon rolled his eyes, looking at his brother incredulously.  “I’ll call him whatever I like.  What’s he going to do?  Howl me to death?”
Rhaegal glared, inching closer to Ghost.  “He’s magic, like us, and he’s Jon’s, so you’d better behave.”  The green dragon growled.  “You know what mother said.”
The black dragon gave a dismissive snort, his eyes searching the windows of the Keep instead of Rhaegal or Ghost.  “Be nice.  Yes, I heard her.  This is me.  Being nice.  Not eating this talking little snack.”  His eyes shot to the wolf’s.  “Rather nice of me, isn’t it,” teeth gnashed together, grinding as Drogon uttered grudgingly, “Ghost.”
The white wolf ignored the black dragon, his eyes also falling to the windows.  “You want to know what fucking is or don’t you?”
“I want to know what it is you mean when you say Jon is fucking my mother, yes.”  Drogon sounded angry, offended even, and Ghost was surprised two mighty creatures could be so absolutely innocent to the ways of the world.  Why, he’d been fucking for years now.  Surely there were girl dragons flying about somewhere, though the lack of fucking certainly explained the black dragon’s horrible attitude.
“I feel itchy.”  Rhaegal was shifting restlessly beside him.
Ghost gave a wolfish grin.  “You’re bonded to Jon now.”  Rhaegal nodded though it was not a question.  “That’s what it feels like when Jon’s fucking your mother.”  The wolf’s mouth fell open, and he panted in Drogon’s direction.  “Like an itch you need to scratch.”
His red eyes fell to the windows till he found the one he wanted, and he whispered for the duo to follow as closely as they could as they slid along side the ancient stone, ‘til they were just under the window to Jon’s chambers.
“Hear that?”  He certainly could, and by the look of confusion on the dragons’ faces they could as well.  The Silver Dany let out a throaty yell then, followed by Jon’s name, the sounds and smells of mating flowing from the open window and out into the night.
“Is he hurting her?”  Drogon was rumbling and thrashing his tail about, rage building in those mad eyes.
But Rhaegal responded before Ghost could answer.  “No.”  He drew the word out, his head rising until he could look into the room for himself, then shooting back down to stare at Ghost.  “Why are they doing that?”
Drogon mirrored his brother’s actions, even angrier but endlessly puzzled when he lowered his head as well, clearly befuddled by what he’d seen.  “Explain this!”
Ghost gave a shrug, padding off a few paces, ready to give his brother a spot of privacy with his mate, heading for the clearing along the tree line where he could scent some rabbits running.  “It’s what they do.”  The pair was scrambling after him, landbound, awkwardly lumbering after the sleek wolf.  “Humans.”  Both dragons remained clueless, and Ghost snagged a hare and crunched down heavily, warm blood streaking his fur, downing the small prey in a few bites before continuing.  “When they want to make a pup.”
Drogon shuddered as he watched Ghost eat.  “You’re a fucking savage.”  He grumbled and groused, claws swiping out to catch an elk, idly shooting out gouts of flame to cook the meat before he began to tear it apart.  “You don’t even cook your food, little snack.”
Rhaegal ignored it all, focused only on this new knowledge.  “But our mother is a dragon.”  His eyes lit up, suddenly, turning to his brother in excitement.  “It’s how they make eggs!”
Ghost gave a snicker.  “Humans don’t lay eggs.”  He looked at the pair with amused eyes.  “You lot come from eggs?”
Rhaegal gave a nod, but Drogon preened, proud as he broke his meal’s rib cage between his jaws.  “You should be so lucky.  We certainly do.  Beautiful eggs people pay large sums of gold for.”
Ghost crouched, his attention on the deer he could now sense beyond the tree line.  “Like a chicken then.”  He leapt as the black dragon roared in outrage, his jaws sinking into the deer’s neck, and he pulled the twitching body out of the treeline to drop it in a heap before Rhaegal.
Rhaegal looked at Ghost pleadingly before he cooked the deer his host had provided, his eyes begging the wolf to stop baiting his brother, and Ghost grumpily complied.
“Alright, not like a chicken.  Point is, humans have pups that look like them, and they don’t come from eggs.”  He sat on his haunches, watching the pair as they ate.
“So,” Rhaegal snapped into a femur, “you meant to say that’s what Jon’s doing.  Trying to put a small human in our mother.”
The wolf couldn’t stop the snicker of amusement.  “Oh, no he’s already done that.”  He looked at the pair wonderingly.  What sort of beast were they, that they couldn’t smell the pup in their mother?  “Now he’s just fucking her because it feels good.”
There is nothing funnier to me than the idea that (1) Ghost would ever try ot explain to anyone what sex is and (2) that the dragons wouldn’t know and would be VERY offended and it took a little bit for me to write this scene way way back ago when we all thought that Season 8 would not be a massive shitstain in history because I kept laughing so hard picturing this shit.
This story is probaby one of my favorites, just because it’s silly and every magical creature is TIRED TIRED I SAY of everyone dicking around and just the notion that they’re all like ‘THESE HUMANS ARE SO DUMB UGH DO WE HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING?!”  It just really tickled me, and I might never have written it had the amazing @aweseeds not requested it after her winning bid for the Jonerys Unites charity event.  So, everyone say thank you to aweseeds lol, this might’ve just stayed in my head and silly tumblr posts without that fine investment in fandom content.
Thank you lovely @frostbitepandaaaaa for the ask!  I LOVE YOU BITCH, I AIN’T NEVER GONNA STOP LOVIN’ YOU BITCH!
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butterflymar · 4 years
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I have quite a few... I can’t choose just one so bare with me lol
Life Senjou No Bokura
Synopsis According to MyDramaList: One day after school, the serious Ito and the child-like Nishi meet by chance, as each endeavors to remain walking  on the sidewalk`s white line. As time goes by, Ito recognizes he is drawn to Nishi in a way that is new to him. Nishi, for his part, is frustrated that they only get to meet on the sidewalk. Ito decides to act upon his feelings and kisses a surprised Nishi, who agrees they need to walk side by side for a change. The sparks between them are undeniable as their relationship blossoms in high school, survives the college years, and matures into adulthood. A deeply moving work that bears witness to loving partners, whose unchanging feelings must co-exist within a world of changing realities.
My Personal Thoughts: I already wrote a review for this so I am going to re-share some of those thoughts here. This is one that I have watched countless times already. They went by the manga for mostly all of the episodes and I appreciated seeing that. They gave more context for certain details that may have been lost while reading the manga and translated it to screen. I think they depicted the age gaps well too. For 4 episodes only, I feel that they did a great job including the most important aspects. Actually now that I think of it, I would have loved to see more of them in their early 20s depicted on screen because that was like one of there honeymoon phases and I’m a hopeless romantic lol but that’s just a personal preference not complaining. Also, the show stopped at age 40 and they could have gone on throughout there entire lives but I understand why they chose not too. The manga is great as well!!! I think that the main actors depicted beautiful true love very well. They had amazing chemistry. Japanese BL’s have that special spark about them that I love. I also loved that it showed there relationship from high school till there later years. I don’t see that a lot with BL’s. They usually just stick to one time period. The aspect about them being connected by a line in relation to there love was a nice touch as well. I am glad that it has a happy ending as well. This is a pretty quick one to watch and a great one at that!!! If you haven’t watched it yet, I would highly recommend it!!!
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I Told Sunset About You 
Synopsis According to MyDramaList: Teh and Oh-aew were best friends until a boyhood line of reasoning turned them into rivals. Years later as they're preparing for university admissions, both pursuing interests in the field of Communication Arts, the two meet in a Chinese language class. Their reunion awakens complicated and unstable feelings.
My Personal Thoughts: Same as above, I already wrote a review for this so I am going to re-share some of those thoughts here. This is DEFINITELY one of my top BL shows of the year 2020. This is such a beautiful masterpiece of a show!!! I remember when the preview trailer first came out… I was already hooked!!! I was on the lookout for it and it did not disappoint me one bit when it finally started. I looked forward to seeing it every week. It made me feel all of the emotions. I was up here sitting in my room crying over everything. I don’t think any other BL has made me this emotional before in my life. The two lead actors really DELIVERED!!! I could feel every single stare, every single body movement, and every single touch. You could cut the TENSION with a knife!!! No one couldn’t tell me that there wasn’t a magnetic true love between these two. I know this sounds cliche but it's like they were destined to be together from when they were childhood friends. Also, I would love to see them in future projects!!! The cinematography in this show is TOP FREAKIN NOTCH!!! Every single scene is just so beautifully shot. The cinematography alone makes me want to cry lol I saw somewhere that someone said the filming of the show reminded them of an indie film and I totally agree!!! The writing and directing on this show was impeccable to me!!! No cringy dialogue and every single line served its purpose well. This is movie grade writing. I also wanted to quickly just say that I loved the attention and callback to details throughout like with the tutoring book that Teh made for Oh-aew that was left empty by the end of episode 4, the flower that was supposed to be colored the same as Tan’s garment but Teh colored it red because he was thinking of Oh-aew, the rubbing of Oh-aew’s back when he sniffles, the references to Teh’s favorite actor, and the use of Chinese phrases to get meaning across. I could go on and on but wow I just loved how they really connected all of the details throughout. I can’t wait for Season 2!!!
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Theory of Love
Synopsis According to MyDramaList: Third is a filmology major and a member of the Savage Team along with his best friends Two, Bone, and Khai, but he has a secret. Third has been secretly in love with Khai for years. For three years, he has kept his secret love in his heart, silently supporting and loving Khai while knowing there is absolutely no future between them since Khai is as straight as a streetlight pole and also an absolute player. To make matters worse, Khai has a "no dating friends" policy. How long can Third love Khai silently while watching Khai bring a different girl home every night? Third has tried to see Khai as just a friend. But has failed time and time again. Because as easy as it is to fall in love, to stop is just as hard.  Maybe even harder. That is until Third learns a secret that breaks his heart completely. But when Third decides to stop, Khai decides to start.
My Personal Thoughts: As sad as this show can make me feel at times, I love rewatching it. I still to this day think that it is one of the most well written BL’s that I have seen. Everything flows nicely and everything connects. Your not left wondering how you got from point A to point B. I thought the show had great character development especially when it came to Khai’s character towards the end of series. I know a lot of people had mixed feelings about his character due to how careless and dare I say stupid he acted at times but if he can make the audience hate him that much as a character... I would say he is doing something right!!! Gun’s acting never fails to amaze me!!! He really is one of the best actors I have seen. I know he had to be drained from all of that crying that he did throughout the show though lol It just goes to show that when you truly love someone you can’t just stop what you are feeling inside that easily no matter how the other person feels about you or treats you. As the old saying goes, love is blind. I also loved the friend group as well and Two and Bones side stories with the teacher and crush from school. They added to the shows greatness and didn’t take away from it. The friendship dynamics throughout the show was I feel something that really kept me engaged. The cast acted well together. There was no awkwardness or hesitation. I feel everyone bought there best for this drama. They incorporated the movie references so cleverly and I love how the title of each episode was the title of a real romance film. Just the overall theme of film was very intriguing to me. This drama left me filled with heartache and a rollercoaster of emotions but the ending is worth it!!!
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HIStory3: Make Our Days Count
Synopsis According to MyDramaList: At first glance, high schoolers Xiang Hao Ting and Yu Xi Gu appear to be polar opposites: While Xiang Hao Ting is an outgoing, hot-headed extravert and some-time bully, Yu Xi Gu prefers to keep a low profile and focus on his schoolwork. They seem bound for totally different futures – the bookish Yu Xi Gu looks destined for academic success, while life is just a long popularity contest for Xiang Hao Ting. But a quirk of fate – and a crucial intervention by a female schoolmate – results in the two young men’s paths crossing. But there is more to both young men than first meets the eye. Xiang Hao Ting was not always this way. He started out as a perfect student until he discovered the joys of going off the rails. And Yu Xi Gu has a reason for being so aloof and studious: His parents died in a traffic accident while he was younger, and he is being fostered by his aunt. As such, he works hard to get good grades in an effort to win a scholarship and ease the financial burden on his relatives. Yu Xi Gu also works part-time at a convenience store, where his manager Liu Zhi Gang has developed a crush on a man he has met at the gym. Back at school, meanwhile, Yu Xi Gu and Xiang Hao Ting find themselves drawn together, and passions ignite. The former notices that he has the unique ability to bring Yu Xi Gu out of his shell – and becomes intent on melting his cold-as-ice exterior. What will happen when their two worlds collide? And can love be the catalyst that helps bring these two unlikely students together – as their high school days draw to a close?
My Personal Thoughts: I will stand by this notion for all of my days but this show is one of the best shows I have seen PERIOD!!! Not even best BL shows I have seen but just in general. It highkey saddens me that it is rated at an 8.1 right now on MyDramaList due to how it ended when other than that... it’s a top notch show. This was one that I watched as it was airing and I would get excited to see it every week. My clown self should have known by the title “Make Our Days Count” that some mess was about to occur but I didn’t pick up on it. Now, I just disregard the last episode (WE DON’T KNOW HER!!!). You can just tell that they had a great budget for this series. The production was on point. It had great cinematography, great storylines, and it felt realistic too. The main couples acting was OFF THE CHARTS AMAZING. I loved the whole opposites attract thing going on. Although the show was set in high school... it almost didn’t feel like it nor did it have those typical clichés going on. I liked how it dealt with topic of LGBTQ+ acceptance as well. I wasn’t so sure about the side couples relationship at first but I grew to love them as time went on. One last thing I wanted to point out was that even though I am always looking for a happy ending... I learned from this show that not everyone can get a happy ending. That’s not how life works sadly. In real life, there have been a lot of people who were truly in love and lost there partners tragically. Although it may be hard to accept the outcome, it is something that happens in real life. This is a drama that you appreciate even more as time goes on. It truly is a gem of a series!!!
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Synopsis According to MyDramaList: Type Thiwat is a handsome freshman with a passion for football and spicy food. Although he’s a friendly boy, he hates gay people because, in his childhood, he was molested by a man. His life turns upside down when the new academic year of college brings along a charismatic roommate, Tharn Kirigun. Tharn is a gorgeous, compassionate music major, who is also openly gay. When Type learns this, he is determined to make Tharn leave the dorm, as he won't live with a gay person. Tharn is equally determined not to give into Type's homophobic tantrums. With a gay guy and a homophobic guy that have to share a small space together for the rest of the year — what can possibly be the outcome of their story? Hatred? Or maybe love?
My Personal Thoughts: *Goes to hide in a corner* I know this drama is problematic and controversial as hell but it’s like a train wreck that you can’t turn  away from. What truly carries the show I feel is the chemistry between MewGulf. I don’t think I would have enjoyed the series as much if other actors were cast in those roles. They just exude confidence, passion, love, and lust. In terms of the storyline, I found it to be a chaotic occurrence of situations where I just had to know what was going to go on next. Everything that occurred had me intrigued for the next episode and so on and so forth. I loved Type’s character development. One quick thing I want to touch on was I know there were a lot of problematic things that happened which I will touch on at a later date but one thing I wish people were more understanding of was Type’s outbursts, thoughts, and feelings in certain situations. He was a victim of sexual assault so I felt the way he handled certain things was in response to what he had gone through as child and I think some viewers kind of missed that and were almost too harsh on him. Everyone processes and deals with trauma differently. This show went through so many twists and turns and I honestly lived for it especially the shocker towards the end of the series. I didn’t see that one coming at all!!! Despite all of its flaws, this show still holds a special place in my heart.
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Honorable Mention:
Cherry Magic: As of today, this show has 4 episodes left and I think I am just going to come out and say that THIS IS MY FAVORITE BL OF THE YEAR!!! It’s a beautiful Japanese BL and I rewatch the old episodes while I wait for new ones to come out alot. It’s such a fluffy, heartwarming, and precious Bl series!!! I love it to pieces!!!
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zet-sway · 3 years
@the-wip-project day 46:
What does your editing/revision process look like?
It's a mess. It's a god damn shit ass mess. I can slam down 1k words in an hour if the mood strikes but I will, without question, second guess the everliving fuck out of every last word.
So I write a scene and then spend like 1 week minimum nitpicking it.
Editing fanfic! Its a thing I do until it makes me literally sick. Sometimes I know I'm done with something when I just can't fucking stand to read it anymore. Holy hell you guys just don't have any idea how heavily edited all of my work is.
The method is: draft first, fix later.
So usually my WIPs are stuffed into Tumblr's drafts thing. And I pick at them a few minutes at a time, multiple times a day.
While I'm at work
When I get home
Before bed
When I wake up
When I'm taking a shit
You know, downtime lol
In fact I often start editing the work before I even finish writing all of it.
The number one thing I find myself doing when I'm revising work, is taking the second half of a phrase/sentence/paragraph and cut/pasting it in front of what was once the first half. I don't know why but most of the time, when I rearrange words like this, I like them better.
I also keep the fucking thesaurus handy. Because I'm not confident in my vocabulary. One of the shitty things about writing a lot of smut is this oppressive feeling of "sameness" that permeates each work. It's all smut. Mouths, hands, genitals, sensations, feelings, intimacy. There are only so many words to describe how it feels to be touched. And I don't want to reuse the same idioms from scene to scene cause then it just feels like "I wrote the same smut but remixed." I'm trying to incorporate a heavy focus on dialogue these days and that's helping a lot, but wordplay is challenging when you're writing oral sex for the third time in two months. At that point I often find myself banging out a non smutty scene just to like, loosen up a little.
Side note: I found this "sexy thesaurus" online that listed "heart of her arousal" as a way to say vagina and I'll be honest I've never heard this one and I really love it so yeah expect to see that more lmao
And one of the biggest things I do when I'm editing is distance. I have to take breaks from the work, to write something else, or just to do anything else at all. Sometimes I read other fanfics which is a double edged sword because it's inspiring but also makes me think "fuck why didn't I think of that???" But I'm trying to distance myself from the notion that I can't "borrow" from other works. I can borrow. Borrowing a "train of thought" is not plagiarism. Borrowing one word used near another word is not plagiarism. If I don't try out new words, I will never grow as a writer.
And don't even get me started on dialogue. It's funny because I find Shepard's character a pain to write but her dialogue is very easy for me. She speaks with my voice (not literally but in terms of words). Thane I find easy to identify but harder to dialogue. I revise his words a lot. There's a fine line between his ample vocabulary and his direct way of speaking. For instance in Taste of Victory, I revised these lines at least five different ways:
"What do you hope to gain by poring all night over strategic data?" - I struggled with what exactly Shepard was looking at. I wanted her to be doing some small, pointless thing that made her feel like she was still contributing to the war while tired as fuck, but I didn't want to use the words "war assets."
"The whole galaxy could be on to us and I could not find it in myself to care." - I wanted him to say "I have no fucks to give" in the most Theloquent way possible. I just made up the word Theloquent - Thane + Eloquent. I'll see myself out LMAO
"Ah, the legend herself, assassinated in the fortified heart of her own warship?" - this line was originally way too long. I wanted to keep the words 'legend,' assassinated,' and 'warship.'
Thane in particular is very easy to "overdo," in my opinion. It's easy to put too many big words in his mouth and even easier to tack "Siha" on to every single line of dialogue. In my headcanon, he calls her Shepard just as often, usually saving Siha for more private moments but not always. Actually he sometimes calls her "Dess" too, as a shortened version of "December" (thank you spookyvalentine for that nickname!) but I don't use my Shep's name as a general rule. But yeah I don't want Thane to sound like a thesaurus.
The absolute hardest thing is second guessing the "plot." I'm dealing with a lot of that now. If I change an idea for something that hasn't been written yet - while simultaneously working on a scene that comes AFTER that event - oh my god it just makes my stomach flip with anxiety. I could fix this by actually writing in a linear fashion. But that's so fucking hard to do lmao. That's one reason I haven't finished my long ass WIP yet. I'm happy with the interlude scene but I keep thinking I want to slow burn it more - it's important because both Shep and Thane make direct references to events that happened previously. Events that I haven't written yet. This is me clutching my fucking head in my hands and screaming into a pillow lmao (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
So TLDR my editing process is extremely nonlinear, time consuming, and exhausting. I have this ingrained idea that "there's always room for improvement." But often by the time I'm done editing I can't see what's good about the work anymore. I know which moments I like but I can't see it from an objective standpoint anymore. Coming back to fanfic after years was an incredible experience because it was the first time I ever read my own work from a completely clueless perspective. It gave me inhuman confidence to write again, and I have to remember that because I'll second guess myself into the ground if I'm not careful.
I should maybe try and calm down a bit lol
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k-s-morgan · 4 years
Hi there! I recently finished the Hannibal series for the first time without much background either than watching the films and having read the books a long time ago. It didn’t take long for me to see the relationship between Will and Hannibal as being more than platonic in the murderer’s love sense (if there is such a thing, lol), and now I can’t stop thinking about them and wished there was a S4 and beyond that would continue to explore their dynamic. To fuel my fixation I came across your metas and found them to be insightful and wonderfully written. Towards the end of the series there are two pieces of dialogue that I’m trying to get more context on and wanted to get your perspective. First, the scene when Will visits Hannibal after seeing Molly in the hospital where Hannibal says, “When you look at her now, what do you see?” to which Will replies, “You know what I see.” Would your meta confirm that Will was referring to the dream he had of Molly being murdered by his own hand in place of the Red Dragon? And that he continued to dream or perhaps fantasize about her being dead or murdered after seeing Hannibal again? I know in the finale we don’t see her again and Will uses her name as an excuse to hurt Hannibal, but in this scene he seems a bit divided so it was hard to tell. The other scene is when Will is in session with Bedelia and she says, “It excites him, knowing that you are marked in this particular way.” Was she referring to Will’s physical (and psychological) scars inflicted by Hannibal as a response to, “if you play you pay”? Will seems to truly resent or feel that it’s unfair how Bedelia manages to come out of her relationship with Hannibal unscathed and then getting away with lying, deceiving, and participating unpunished. From Bedelia’a point of view, I assume their dialogue is a continuation of her previous comment about Will and Hannibal’s relationship being passionate with the implication that their passion equates to violence and murder, hence all the “marks” Will carries as proof of that. I wonder if Bedelia envies Will of this or if she’s simply trying to get Will to understand.
Hello! Thank you, I'm glad you liked my metas. And oh, believe me, I understand - Will and Hannibal have such a unique, addictive dynamic that it's impossible to get enough of it. I'd probably enjoy just watching them sit in front of the fireplace and talk about their favorite topics.
1) When Will says, "You know what I see", I think he both refers to his dreams and to the notion that now, once he felt the Dragon's strong desire to kill her, he can't recall other, lighter feelings she evoked in him. The image of Molly dead overshadows the image of a smiling, kind-hearted  woman Will was used to, and since his bond with her was extremely shallow, it broke under the slightest pressure. It's worth remembering that his feelings for Abigail, which were also not the most solid thing, withstood the temptation of Hobbs' desires - depite being able to imagine her death so clearly, Will was still ready to fight for her. He doesn't fight for Molly and Walter.
2) "It excites him, knowing that you marked in this particular way." Personally, I always felt some sexual subtext in this phrase, and it is confirmed when we regard the similar scene in the book. Clarice gets sperm on her face as she's visiting prison and these same words sound. Granted, the situations are very different, but it proves that the phrase does indeed have sexual connotations. So I think Bedelia primarily refers to Will's physical scars, but also to the scars etched in his mind - the scars revealing his true self that Hannibal teased to the surface. Hannibal is excited by the knowledge that he left his mark on Will in several ways at once.
3) As for Bedelia & Will interactions, I agree with what you said - the "excites him" phrase was spoken  in the context of passion and violence Will and Hannibal share. Will is bitter and jealous because he considers Bedelia a somewhat more relevant figure than she is. He sees her as his temporary replacement, he knows Hannibal used to confide in her, and he's angry that he got scars as the result of his relationship with Hannibal while Bedelia got away unmarked + Hannibal even covered for her by supporting her alibi. Of course, the truth is, Hannibal never cared about Bedelia the way he does for Will, so she never evoked enough emotions in him that would have made Hannibal lash out. He was simply planning on killing her, albeit in a savory way.
Bedelia, in turn, is bitter about her lack of relevance. I don't think she envies Will's marks, but as she says, if she were to be Bluebeard's wife, she would prefer to be the last. She doesn't understand why Will is put on the pedestal no matter what he does while she is dismissed and seen as disposable. She wants to be interesting and worthy in Hannibal's eyes, and she's angry and scared to realize that she isn't.
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knchins · 4 years
Double Down - Chisaki Kai
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Summary:  After taking you out for dinner, Chisaki decides you need to be punished for your inappropriate behavior. (masterlist)
Pairing: Chisaki Kai x Fem!Reader
Rating: E+
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings:  Dubcon, jealousy, double penetration, lots of choking and hair pulling, dirty/degradation talk, squirting, and minor aftercare
Notes:  This was written for the @bnhabookclub​ weekly NSFW prompt. It started out as a Jealous!Character x Friend!Character but devolved into something quite different lol. So I decided to use the dialogue prompt instead :) Heavy warnings, please be safe while reading. I'm terrible at writing aftercare so please keep that in mind.
 You had been an unlikely duo from the start. Perhaps your quirklessness was what he found most alluring about you, as he tended to think of quirks as a curse, but truthfully you weren’t completely sure. It could have been that your own opinion on quirks wasn’t too far off. Having similar ideologies seemed to make you that much more compatible
 In your last serious relationship, your boyfriend had used his quirk to abuse, manipulate, and cheat on you any chance he got. It had torn you down so badly that in the end, Chisaki had to rescue you from yourself. When he found you on the brink of death, he did something extremely out of character for himself and reversed all of your wounds. You wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for him, and because of that you cared deeply for him.
 Since then he had always taken control of any situation you found yourself in. And in his own subtle way, he showed you how much he cared over and over. The only time he used his quirk on you was to heal you and never to hurt you. It came in handy after some of the rougher scenes you partook in. His healing just became an aftercare routine.
 Right now though, you knew something was wrong. Ever since you two had finished your meal at the restaurant, Chisaki had been silent. Although he was typically quiet and reserved by nature, it was more so than usual. Any attempt at small talk had been thwarted.
 During dinner, the waiter had relentlessly flirted with you. You still had a lingering blush on your cheeks from all of the attention. Typically when people saw you with Chisaki, they avoided you. They wouldn’t speak or even acknowledge you. His presence was just that threatening and his criminal ranking that well known.
 He had asked you to wait outside for a moment, saying he needed to take care of something before you walked back home together. It seemed innocent enough and you had no reason to speculate any wrongdoing.
 Still, his anger was definitely noted, however you waited to address it when the two of you returned to his compound. You knew it was better to discuss his foul mood in private than while on the street.
 “Kai,” You murmured to him, “are you upset with me?”
 He tutted, slipping off his jacket. “You? No.” You watched as he took off his shirt as well, revealing his defined muscular build. You swallowed thickly, enjoying the view as well as the relief at knowing that he wasn’t mad at you.
 “But I am going to punish you.” He added darkly, turning to catch your eyes within his own. Your breath caught in your throat, eyes widening as you began to wring your hands together.
 “W-Why?” Your voice shook as you backed away from him. He was taking broad steps towards you and was in your personal space in a few quick strokes. His eyes were piercing, the fury evident within them as he towered over you.
 “For being such a little slut tonight.” His hands darted out, ripping off your shirt as you tried feebly to resist. Your nails bit at his biceps as you attempted to get him off. Despite your fight, your thin panties were starting to flood. This little game of cat and mouse you always played was so goddamn enticing.
 Hot lips and teeth attacked your neck as his firm hands moved over your body, anchoring you to the wall behind you. Your bra was gone in a flash, torn to ribbons and laid to rest on the floor. The rubbery feel of his white gloves against your supple breasts had you hiccuping back cries.
 Golden eyes seemed to see right through the crocodile tears. “I-I didn’t-” You stuttered, weakly digging your nails further into the flesh of his arms.
 Suddenly a hand was on your throat as the other continued to undress you. You could no longer speak, breaths coming out in shallow pants. “Did you really think I wouldn’t notice?” He asked, “you continued to lead that waiter on. Make him think he had a chance at your tight little pussy. You want to give it up to him too, Y/N? You’re my dumb whore, don’t fucking forget that.”
 He forced your legs apart with his knee, shoving it up against your cunt. Another wordless plea escaped as your hips bucked in search of even the tiniest bit of friction. The small sparks of pleasure cause you to move them more, chasing after something that wasn’t nearly as satisfying as you had hoped.
 “Look at you, trying to fuck my thigh.” He hissed. Your skirt was pooled at your ankles, abandoned like nearly everything else you had been wearing. “I’m going to fucking      ruin     you.”
 The hand on your throat suddenly grabbed a fistful of hair. He yanked you down, dragging you to the small futon on the floor. You stumbled, trying to stay standing to where his grip didn’t hurt as badly, however you tripped over your own clothes. You fell, the only thing keeping you upright was Chisaki’s grip on your hair. Your scalp burned with pain, pressure surrounding the delicate follicles as you struggled to regain your footing while he continued to pull your body towards the other side of the room.
 He threw you down and you landed face first into the futon, ass in the air and on display for him. You turned your head to watch in fear as he snapped the elastic of your panties so hard that it tore. They slid down to rest lifelessly at your bent knees.
 Using his gloved fingers, he spread your lips apart, observing how much moisture had collected at your core. You clenched your muscles and tried to shy away from him, but Chasaki pinched your outer labia hard enough to make you cry out in pain. “Don’t be shy now, little slut.” He said through clenched teeth. “I can see how wet you are. I’m going to make you regret ever batting those pretty eyelashes at that asshole.”
 You heard the sound of his belt unbuckling. “But since you wanted him so bad, I decided to bring a piece of him home with me.” Kai continued, his voice nothing short of a growl. Your eyes widened, flooded with tears that were yet to fall as not one, but two cocks emerged from his underwear, stacked vertically.
 “You wanted to fuck him so badly, Y/N, didn’t you? You made me do this. He didn’t have to die but you couldn’t shut that fucking mouth of yours.” He grabbed two condoms, having never been able to allow himself the pleasure of going bare. The mere idea of your juices intermingling made him break out into hives. He rarely touched you without his gloves on, but this was something you were totally used to. Kisses on the mouth were almost nonexistent, not that you minded.
 The thought of him killing someone over jealous spite made your stomach churn. While overall his possessiveness had caused a title wave between your thighs, the idea that him ending a life because of it made it all too real for you. Chisaki Kai could kill you in an heartbeat if he really wanted to, if you pushed him too far, or maybe accidentally pressed a button you shouldn’t have pressed. Somehow this notion caused your arousal to burst into hot flames, the edge of life and death making this game so much more alluring.
 He pressed the tips of both penises to your holes as your body quivered from how tensely you were contracting your muscles. Your true punishment was about to occur, him going into your asshole without any lubricant. You swallowed hard, knowing you were about to be in a lot of pain simply due to the size of his new cock.
 His hand reared back to slap your ass hard, the stinging pain making you cry out as tears finally cascaded down your face. “I can’t wait any longer,” You said weakly, the anticipation of the torturous act he was about to do was driving you to the brink of insanity.
 “What’s that?” He asked, voice grating. “You want both of your dirty holes filled at the same time? My, my what a little whore you are.”
 His hands latched onto your hips, forcing them upward just a fraction before he pushed in ruthlessly. The sweet mix of pain and pleasure ripped through you as both of his cocks filled you and the sob that came out was more than enough to tell him that he had won. Pain ripped through you light lightning as you were forced to stretch to accommodate him. You tried to breathe through it, allow yourself to relax your abdominal muscles to ease the tension. Nothing seemed to help.
 Chisaki grabbed another fistful of hair, yanking back so that you were up on your hands and knees. He didn’t give you time to adjust to his sizes, simply ramming into you with force great enough to push you down into the mattress. Your scalp screamed in pain as your body tried to careen forward from the force of his hips.
 Tears continued to fall helplessly as your nose began to run. He was crashing into your weak pussy and tight ass with greater speed each time, never the one to give you any sort of break. “Fuck, look at you taking my cocks like the little tramp that you are.” His balls slapped hard against your clit, making your thighs quake. You felt so full, so complete, so utterly ravaged...
 “Is my cock not enough for a horny bitch like you?” He asked, pulling you up onto your knees as the hand that was on your hip came around to press against your sternum. Your head was forced back towards his shoulder due to his continued hold on your hair. “You need your ass fucked too? Is that it, slut? You can’t have just one?”
 Your eyes rolled back as he continued to destroy you with his body and voice. The hand that had been on your chest captured your throat once more in a vice grip. You clawed at it, trying to pry it off but to no avail. You cried weakly, trying to scream but nothing auditory seemed to come out. Your voice was gone as he continued to double fuck you.
 A tight coil wound deep inside of your abdomen grew more and more tense as the tears from your eyes began to make his grip on your neck slippery. You were so close to snapping, so close to the edge that you teetered back and forth. Your vision was blurring, becoming hazy due to the lack of oxygen.
 “You’re going to come all over me, now?” He hissed into your ear dangerously. “Come on, little whore, get off on me using you like a personal fuck toy.”
 Something inside of you shattered as he relaxed his grip on your throat. Blood rushed to your brain, flooding you with endorphins as you came so hard that you squirted all over the futon, soaking it as you spasmed against him. He didn’t let up, letting you go so you fell into the puddle of your own ejaculate.
 You were unable to speak as your mouth hung agape, tongue out in a classic ahegao as he rubbed you raw from the inside with both of his cocks. Chisaki continued to ram into you before both shafts pulsated. His grip on your hips was utterly bruising as he pushed himself until he fell off his own edge, spilling into both condoms simultaneously.
 His shoulders slumped forward as he took in large gulps of air, releasing you so that your lower body fell helplessly into the wet mattress. He removed himself from you, covered in hives despite his precautions.
 He took off his gloves and condoms before picking you up into his arms, cradling you into his chest as he took your spent form into the bathroom. He cut on the hot water, setting you down gently on the ledge inside to rest while he washed himself thoroughly.
 Slowly the red marks strewn across his skin faded and he began to wash you, touching your blue and purple skin softly as he activated his quirk to heal you. The small rips and tears as well as the blood that had pooled beneath the surface of your skin disappeared. You looked up at him with tired, loving eyes.
 Chisaki fixed his body back to normal, the penis of the waiter de-materialized into thin air. “You did so well, princess.” He said in a calm voice as he continued to look you over for any sign of hurt. “Did you enjoy it?” He pressed, wanting to make sure he hadn’t somehow crossed a line.
 You nodded, eyes closing as you rested your back against the wall of the shower. Despite him healing you, you were much too tired to articulate any kind of verbal response to his question. You felt him press a chaste kiss to your forehead before turning off the hot water.
 He grabbed a large fluffy towel to wrap you in. “You can stay in my room tonight.” He said, noting that your futon would need to be cleaned before you could sleep in it again. While he was not one for sharing beds, he did lend you his when it was necessary while he slept on the nearby couch.
 He attempted to set you down, but you quickly tried to grab onto something as your legs failed you. Chisaki caught you with ease, bringing you to him so he could set you down gently on a nearby chair. He put on a clean robe before grabbing a pair of pajamas to help you into. Once clothed he carried you into his bedroom and tucked you snuggly into his plush bed.
 “Goodnight, angel.” He whispered as your eyes slid shut and you fell into a peaceful slumber.
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p-and-p-admin · 3 years
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Interview given to The Severus Snape and Hermione Granger Shipping Fan Group.  (sharing here Admin approved)
Hello IShouldBeWritingSomethingElse and welcome to Behind the Quill, it’s wonderful to finally have the chance to chat with you.
Many readers will know you from your extensive catalogue of works like Convergence, A Soul-Mate’s Kiss, Entangled and of course, The Ribboned-Witch
Okay, let’s jump right in. What's the story behind your pen name?  It’s a simple one. I should be writing anything but fanfiction, ie o-fic. I need the pennies! Which Harry Potter character do you identify with the most? Probably a mix of Snape and Granger. Snape’s general curmudgeonliness (is that even a word?!) and Granger’s swottiness, (also perhaps not a word…) Do you have a favourite genre to read? (not in fic, just in general) Romance. Always romance. I am addicted to my Happily Ever Afters. Do you have a favourite "classic" novel? Persuasion by Jane Austen. Reunited lovers, a fave trope. At what age did you start writing? 14. How did you get into writing fanfiction? I blame Wolverine. I fell into Rogan (Wolverine and Rogue) in 2011, then starting writing it, when I *should* have been writing my o-fic…. What's the best theme you've ever come across in a fic? Is it a theme represented in your own works? The Marriage Law Challenge. Can that be called a theme? I love that, and have written a few. It’s probably an equal love with soul-mates/fated mates. I’ve written a few of those, too. What fandoms are you involved in other than Harry Potter? I’m a fairly linear shipper. So it was Rogan, then Sherlolly…then SSHG and it’s been only that for *gulp* almost seven years. If you could make one change to canon, what would it be? Do you have a favourite piece of fanon? Naturally, Severus Snape lives (not that he died in the first place!). Fanon? At the minute, I’ve read so much fanfiction, I’m not sure what’s solely in the books anymore! Dark Revels, maybe? Or could Jason Issac’s idea for long hair for Lucius Malfoy be considered fanon? lol Do you listen to music when you write or do you prefer quiet? It varies. Sometimes it’s whatever I have listed on Amazon Prime, or various rainy ASMRs. I so have a creativity sound thing that’s supposed to tap into your writing brain. It runs for 3 hours and does *seem* to work…when I remember to turn it on! What are your favourite fanfictions of all time? Hope Reawakened - Georgesgurl117 A Place in the World - Noodle In the Darkness in Which We Are Made - Corvusdraconis A Number of Ways to Kill Ron Weasley - Ms-Figg From the Corner - Coffeeonthepatio Chocolate Enchantment - Vivian B Forged in Flames - MsWhich Owned - TwilightDarkness82 Three Pregnancies and an Adoption - rhapsodybree A Witchhiker’s Guide to Beltane - TeddyRadiator Romancing the War - Pubella The Marriage Benefit - Miamadwyn The Nature of the Phoenix - scatteredlogic Vomica Domintor - Always_ss There are probably fistfuls more… lol Are you a plotter or a pantser? How does that affect your writing process? A panster. Which is why I often get to the middle of the middle of a story (*the* hardest place!) and it stalls! What is your writing genre of choice? Romance. Always. Which of your stories are you most proud of? Why? Ignis Tactus, mainly for the feel of it. And chapter 5, because of quality of the writing. It’s intimacy. Did it unfold as you imagined it or did you find the unexpected cropped up as you wrote? What did you learn from writing it? I had a vague idea of where it was going and wrote the first chapters in a few days. Chapter 5 took longer - as the smexiness always does. It was a reminder to pick out the right detail, which is a simple idea and the hardest to achieve. How personal is the story to you, and do you think that made it harder or easier to write? It wasn’t personal, I don’t think. A story is always a tapestry to me, weaving threads together to make sense.  What books or authors have influenced you? How do you think that shows in your writing? Probably from years back, Orwell and Hemingway. And a shedload of poetry. It’s made me aware of language and to aim to use the least words I can to sharpen the imagery, dialogue and setting. Do people in your everyday life know you write fanfiction? My other half does and that’s about it. I keep my fanfiction separate from my o-fic world. How true for you is the notion of "writing for yourself"? I like to write what I want to read, so very true? lol How important is it for you to interact with your audience? How do you engage with them? Just at the point of publishing? Through social media? I’m a social media hermit, tbh. I’m on the usual sites, because I have to be for work…and even then, I can happily wander away for weeks! I envy people who do social stuff naturally. What is the best advice you've received about writing? Look at your verbs and make them strong. What do you do when you hit writer's block? I’m been blocked for about 2/3 years, which is why I’ve slacked on writing, both fanfic and o-fic. I’m still trying to find a way around it. At the minute, I mostly play with digital art/Daz3d. Has anything in real life trickled down into your writing? Very probably. I do sit and ‘feel’ the emotion in a scene as I write it. Do you have any stories in the works? Can you give us a teaser? I’m plugging away on bits and pieces, the odd few hundred words here and there. So this is a bit of a bare snippet from The Offer of Just One More (yes, I also peck at that!) “Victoire said you’re mean, Daddy.” Alexandra’s little Severus scowl was quite plain. “I said you weren’t, so she tried to pull my hair. So we sat on her,” she pointed to herself, Oona and a beaming Olivia, “until she said you wasn’t…weren’t.” Hermione sighed. The Burrow was a bloody minefield. And she was certain there was more than Ron stirring trouble, through their children, to get in a dig at Severus. “You shouldn’t sit on people who disagree with you,” Severus murmured. There was a light in his eyes. Hermione was sure she’d get the blame for their three daughters being little hellions. A lifted eyebrow and the murmured, “Draco? An attack of birds? Setting me on fire?” “She sat under the tree with us last week when you were at the Burrow,” Emily said. Obviously their eldest had known about the altercation. And supported it. The Snape girls were just as protective of their father as he was as them. It was sweet. In a Mafioso sort of way… “It was the troll then, too. And she thinks you’re the best storyteller, now.” “Troll!” Meredith cried, waving her juice cup, obviously at the end of her patience in waiting for her story. “The troll, indeed, Meredith.” The toddler beamed up at her father and clapped her hands. Severus glanced down at a still-sleeping Hannah. His voice was soft as he asked. “So…who is the hero of this story?” Five little girls grinned and looked towards Hermione. She blushed. “Mummy!”
“And who is the villain?”
“The Troll!” Oona and Olivia declared. “Because he attacked her.”
“Quirrell. He released the troll.” Alexandra said. Emily shook her head. 
“She wouldn’t be in the toilet at all without Ronald Weasley.”
“Weedy!” Meredith laughed and the semi-circle of girls fell into giggles. Her eldest had recently taken a sharp dislike to her old friend. Hermione’s eyes met her husband’s. They would have to keep an eye on what the ginger menace was saying around their children. Or wait four years, and let Emily hex him. Any words of encouragement to other writers? Write what calls to you…and find your fun in playing with language. Hunt out those moments where you go ‘ooh, that’s good!’ Thanks so much for giving us your time. No worries. A pleasure :)
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mego42 · 4 years
Writer Asks
Tagged by @sothischickshe, @bourbon-ontherocks and @medievalraven who are all v lovely and for reasons unknown to me, want me to ramble about my fic so like, blame them for this I guess
Tagging @fairhairedkings, @riosnecktattoo, @inyoursheets, @foxmagpie, @pynkhues if you feel like it
ao3 name: ms_scarlet (origin story no one asked for: I came up with it for a creative writing class where we had to submit everything under pseudonyms for anonymous full class critique, which was gr9 and not at all traumatic, and I was deeply obsessed with both the Grateful Dead and Sublime versions of Scarlet Begonias at the time)
fandoms: the only fandoms I’ve written fic for are bellarke/t100 and Good Girls (and Buffy but it was way back in the day, pre-organized archives and has been completely lost to time which is For The Best)
number of fics: 14 (lol, 5 over the course 3 years in t100 fandom and 9 since joining the GG fandom at the beginning of s3, you could say I have been inspired)
fic i spent the most time on: a song inside the halls of the dark for sure, it’s the first multi chapter I’ve ever done and I’m far enough into it that I will be super honest, I was extremely dubious over whether or not I’d actually see it through when I started but huzzah! It’s happening. But yeah, I spend like, a lot of time thinking about it, writing it (lmao obvs), rewatching clips of the show to pick apart characterization and mannerisms, etc, etc. I try to work on it in some capacity every day (sometimes that just means outlining or deleting chunks of my outline and crying about how much I hate myself) to keep up momentum so yeah, def that one.
As far as one shots go, there’s blood in my body (I’m holding on) for bellarke, I think I spent a month, maybe 6 weeks working on that
fic i spent the least amount of time on: as the world turns, the blunt burns, I was doing my usual lazy Saturday morning scroll through Tumblr before I got out of bed and saw a post like I want beth and mick to get high together (I would love to give credit but I haven’t the foggiest notion who said it, I wasn’t intending to write it so I didn’t pay too much attention, I’m the worst, I’m sorry) and then some dialogue popped into my head maybe 10 min later and I think I wrote the whole thing in like, 45 min on my phone. Cannot emphasize enough how little I thought about it (or proofed it tbh, yikes, so many typos) before posting
most hits: overall, I’ve Got You Here my t100 post s3, alt s4 thing. For Good Girls, a song inside the halls of the dark
most kudos: overall, there’s blood in my body (I’m holding on) - bellarke modern au. For GG, still song.
most comment threads:  a song inside the halls of the dark by a M I L E (it twice as many as blood, the next highest), the GG fandom is so lovely and supportive and friendly and I love you guys, I really do
most bookmarks: same as kudos, blood overall and then song for GG
highest total word count: lol song is killing it
favorite fic i wrote: oh man, that’s hard. I love them all for different reasons. Blood was my first ever AU (I am a canon/canon-divergent ho) and it also deals with some stuff that’s important to me so that’s always going to have a special place in my heart. I’ve Got You Here was the first time I tried to tackle something bigger than a missing scene or short one-shot so that’s also significant.
I’m really proud of smoke, fire, it’s all going up because I think I did a p good job with the Rio POV there. I’d give her a HA! And a HI-YA! is special bc it’s my first outside POV and it was based on so little info it was basically OC, so that was a fun challenge.
All of that said, obviously, a song inside the halls in the dark is my fav. It’s been the biggest stretch of my skills (I had NO! IDEA! If I could plot and pace on the level required to sustain the fic I’d originally outlined and it’s only grown from there tbh), it’s also been like, the loveliest experience? I keep saying people’s reaction to it has broken my brain and I’m not actually just saying that. I’m deeply overwhelmed. And last but emphatically not least, it’s how I’ve gotten to know @nickmillerscaulk who, on top of being an incredible editor (seriously y’all, she is Skilled, I’ve learned so much from her), is such an awesome, amazing person and I’m so very glad we’ve become friends.
fic i want to rewrite/expand on: Oh man, idk. Pills N Potions is the easiest because it’s a prompt collection! Send me prompts! I can’t promise I’ll write them right away (my ADHD is so very real and only dubiously under my control during quarantine, so I live in constant terror of losing the thread of song especially this close to the end) but I def want to flex my quick and dirty short fic for funsies skills. I’m super looking forward to @goodgirlsficrecs prompt-a-thon.
share a bit of a wip or story idea you’re working on: ahahaha oh man, my google drive is littered with partially drafted or outlined ideas. I have a bunch of missing scene things I started at various points in s3 that are realistically dead in the water.
In terms of WIP/ideas I’m still intending to work on/finish:
A post 311 Rio POV pwp
A fishing/fencing/flute playing fluff for @medievalraven because I keep taunting her with my tags for song
The Good Guys (Rio, JT and Stan) thing that snowballed in a post way back when from @jazillia007, @nickmillerscaulk, and @inyoursheets
I still low-key want to do the transcripts for the Mick, Annie and Ruby group chat. I might save that for whenever I rewatch and have it running concurrently to s3, idk we’ll see
A Jewel Thief AU that I am wildly hyped about. I outlined the first chapter of it around when I started posting song and haven’t let myself do anything with it because I know once I get started I’m going to abandon whatever else I’m working on
More Annie POV, I don’t have any specific ideas, I just really love writing Annie POV
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midnightprelude · 4 years
Writer Questions
Thanks to @serial-chillr for making the list! Tagging on to @chaotic-good-hawke, @barbex, @tortuosity-writes, and @mhandersmyheart!
1. Do you have a favorite character to write? Who and why?
Dorian Pavus, of course! I identify with him pretty strongly for personal reasons that I won’t go into here and we have a lot of similarities in how we interact with people. We’re both ‘engineers’ interested in expanding knowledge and improving the world for others. 
I like to think we’re both good at reading people and try to reassure them when they’re upset, we’re romantics who tend to hide it professionally, we’re idealists who think that despite everything telling us otherwise, we can still change the world for the better.
Then of course, he’s brave, fashionable, erudite, philosophical… I think we would be good friends. 
2. Do you have a favorite trope to write? Or one you want to write?
LOL, maybe a slow burn, one day. My characters end up smooching within minutes. I’m actually like this too—if I have feelings for someone, you can bet I’m not going to sit there pining over them, I’m going to ask to kiss them as soon as I have the notion I want to.
3. Share your favorite description you’ve written?
Eh, descriptions, especially of locations are probably my weakness, I’m all about the characters. Here’s some stuff that’s okay from something I recently wrote:
Dorian couldn’t help but chuckle at the serious expression Anders wore. His lover opened an eye and glared at him for a moment, through a narrowed lid. Dorian bit back his laughter, settling for a bemused smile. Anders sat on the park bench for several breaths, their legs touching lightly, inhaling slowly through his nose and exhaling through his mouth. It was a quiet Tuesday morning, Anders had managed to convince Merrill to cover his shift at the hospital and begged Dorian to cancel his 101 class, and they planned to spend the entire day together for the first time in weeks. The air was brisk, just cool enough for a light jacket—the weather was starting to turn and the tulips were beginning to pop out of the ground. Not many flowers yet, but the promise of them was there.
4. Share your favorite dialogue you’ve written?
Oh, this is kind of hard, I love writing dialogue, it’s my favorite thing to write.
It’s honestly probably some trash banter that I never saved where Dorian is flirting with someone, probably Cullen. XD
5. Scene you haven’t written, but want to?
WEDDDDDDING SCEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEE (though let’s be real, with Dorian, it’s going to be a week long extravaganza followed by a lavish honeymoon, so ‘scene’ is a bit of a misnomer)
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thenightling · 4 years
The Dodged Bullet
Warning: This is deliberately bad!
The dodged bullet:  
The following is the horrific notion of what would have happened if The CW, Fox, or Syfy adapted Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman instead of Netflix.   This is going to poke fun of common tropes of Fox and CW shows.  See if you can spot them all.
I am going to deliberately write this very, very badly.
             The generically attractive young man in his early-twenties walked toward the crime scene.  He wore a long leather jacket, designer sneakers, expensive brand-name jeans, and a stylish and perfectly fitted black polo style shirt under the jacket. It was rumpled but just so as to hint at what a great body he had under it.  He had thick, dark brown hair.  Brown eyes, a smoldering gaze and a dazzling smile.  He’s Caucasian and generically attractive.  He’s thin but not rake thin, more like sexy male model thin.   He’s got muscle tone.  
           At the moment he looked stoic, hands resting in his pockets.  He crosses the yellow crime scene tape without anyone stopping him.  No one questions his presence but he is not invisible. This is “grounded” in reality, folks.  
           The Sandman solves crimes!  The Sandman is a private investigator with a secret. He is a real Sandman!  Hidden in his jacket is a leather pouch which will probably get used maybe once or twice an episode (budgetary reasons).   And he gets confused by certain social cues and pop culture references but otherwise he’s just a generic hot guy.
           He’s probably portrayed by a Tom Mison type. He might be American. There’s an English accent but it’s so slight (so hidden by Americanisms) that it’s almost undetectable.   He approaches the pretty, ninety-pound, college age female detective with perfect, blond hair.   She looks up at him.  
           “Hey, Murphy.” She says in a friendly tone.  Yes, Murphy is his alias. She thinks he’s just eccentric and thinks he’s The Sandman but he gets results!  
           “Detective Walker.” He smiled with obvious affection. He crushes on her, pines for her. But she mustn’t ever know the truth. It is forbidden for one of his kind to be with a mortal.  Even if she is a Vortex.  And her great power may one day destroy the world…  or save it!  That’s the real reason he was here, to watch her. He had never expected to fall in love with her…
The show has almost no scenes in The Dreaming and when there are it’s about 90% CG over green screen, like the Enchanted Forest sets of Once Upon a Time, or the under-whelming Hell of Lucifer.  There’s probably a throne room with a starry night sky behind it, and an under-whelming “vast” library on par with Belle’s library in Once Upon a Time that will be shown very rarely.
           “We’ve got another one.”  She said gravely.  “Eyes torn out.  Pretty girl. Whoever this creep is- this predator must be stopped!”   The implication here is the victims are all damsels who have been targeted by an evil man targeting them for misogynistic reasons.  But don’t worry!  The show is totally not sexist!   Detective Rose Walker kicks ass!   And in season four she’ll be raising her own long-lost little brother!  Even though it’ll take her at least five seasons to learn Murphy’s secret (if she ever does).  
           “I thought the ‘me too’ movement would have at least reduced some of this.” She said with a shake of her head in disappointment at the world.
           The line of dialogue doesn’t actually really make sense under easy scrutiny.  Why would “Me too” actually make a serial killer reconsider his life choices?  Oh, well, the audience doesn’t have enough time to question it.
           “Me too?”  The adorable, awkward, pretty “Murphy” questions.
           “Boy!  Where have you been?  In a cave?”            “Actually I was trapped inside a prison cell for a hundred and five years and before that I resided in another dimension.”
           She rolls her eyes.  “Not this again.   Tell me you can at least figure something out with your ‘Dream powers’” she said cynically.   He might have been insane and socially inept but he got results!
           Morpheus knelt down next to the body and placed his hands on the corpse. There isn’t even any SFX for this. He’s just sensing something.  He grunts in a sexy portrayal of sexy CW level pain.  
           “What? What is it?”
           “I think I know who did this…”
             (Opening credits here.  Maybe the opening riff of Enter Sandman by Metallica.  No, wait, Fox and CW can’t afford that.   It’s Mr. Sandman by the Charlottes!  It kills the mood but everyone knows the song.  You’ll be sick of it by episode five if you weren’t already.  And it will get a LOT of use since the song is cheap / practically public domain.)
           The next scene is not present day.  It’s a flashback.  And by flashback I mean a hastily put together set in Vancouver Canada.  It’s probably someone’s private stables being passed off as a medieval village.  No, wait. Its eighteenth century.  There’s a sexy other character wearing slightly anachronistic style sunglasses hiding his eyes (No CG here, the production team figures the glasses are enough).  In fact his eyes might not even be weird at all. He just likes sunglasses!  There, that’s better, no wasted money here.   He’s wearing a badly fitted white wig over white hair.  
           “My king,” the sunglassed man says with a bow. We have to be blunt for our easily distracted audience, so there’s the reminder that this is the dream king. “Thank you for letting me accompany you to the waking world.  There are such delicious things here.”
           “Yes, the food is rather pleasant.” Morpheus replies. His costume is decently fitted but obviously borrowed from another show, possibly a left over from Buffy The Vampire Slayer.  Those props and some period costumes still get use.  Isn’t Morpheus adorably oblivious, though?
           Morpheus is wearing a dark blue frock coat and lace. His trousers are exceptionally tight to show off the actor’s perfect ass.
           The Corinthian’s costume is cream colored. There was a behind the scenes fight and as small victory for the one crew member who actually read Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman in getting the cream outfit.  Others working on the show wanted the costume to be black to make it more obvious he was the bad guy.        
           An attractive, tall, black man (probably American), under the age of thirty, is behind Morpheus.   This is his loyal manservant, Lucien.  But it’s totally not racist making the dreaming librarian / butler black when the show hasn’t had any black characters yet.  No, it’s inclusive!  
           The attractive black man speaks.  “My Lord, I think he intends to do harm to the mortals here.”
           “Nonsense, Lucien. I’m certain it’s fine.”
           The Corinthian wandered away from his master and he soon drags off attractive young female into an alley, hand over her mouth.   No, The Corinthian isn’t gay anymore in this version.   But it’s okay.  Hob Gadling, Morpheus’ immortal friend (who now runs a bar for some reason) is gay!  He’s very gay.  In fact that’s the extent of his entire personality.  But isn’t this diverse and inclusive?!   And there’s no more problematic gay nightmare, even though in the original comics The Corinthian gets uncreated and the second Corinthian is a relatively decent guy for a nightmare.  
           After some persuasion Morpheus finally listens to Lucien and walks down into the alley.   He stops in his tracks when he sees The Corinthian has killed the girl and his licking his fingers, having obviously already eaten her eyeballs (gotta keep that TV-14 rating!)   He lets out a gasp.  “Corinthian, what have you done?”
           We cut back to present day and “Murphy” is walking into the bar owned by his friend, Hob Gadling . Hob sees him and smiles. “Murph, oh, honey, you look like Hell! Come sit down and tell me all about it.   You know I love juicy gossip.” He says in a naisly, lisping voice.
Imagine this scene was written by some very straight guy whose only exposure to gay people were 1990s Will and Grace reruns.  
           Hob places a shot glass in front of Morpheus and Morpheus downs it quickly. “Have you seen Matthew?”
           Matthew was Morpheus’ straight human friend and roommate.  He had learned Morpheus’ secret in the pilot episode when Morpheus rescued him from a car accident using his dream magick.   Ha!  And you thought we’d have talking birds in this thing. Lol!  No!  Grounded, remember?
           “Matt?  Oh, sweetie, you can do better than him.  I keep telling you, he’s just not your type.”
           Morpheus raises an eyebrow but says nothing about the implication about his sexual identity.  There will be a LOT of queer baiting on this show without confirmation in regard to his sexuality.  
             “I need to talk to him.   One of my nightmares is loose in the city.”  You can tell this was written by a New Yorker because they take for granted “The City” to mean New York.  
           “One of your Nightmares?   Why couldn’t it be one of those sexy wet dreams?”  Get it?  Because if the character’s gay he has to always be horny!!!  Ha-freakin’ –ha.  
(Please know I don’t actually feel this way. I’m mocking bad TV writing.  This whole thing is a spoof.)    
           There’s an awkward pause intended for the viewers to laugh.
           “I don’t believe any water nymphs have escaped The Dream dimension.” Morpheus replied in confusion.
He calls it The Dream Dimension in the show because “The Dreaming” didn’t sound hip enough according to some executive.
“I’m afraid it’s The Corinthian.  So now I have two problems.”
Hob nodded sympathetically.  “The detective you might have to kill…”
“And now this.”   This is an idiot proofed recap for people turning on the show late or just watching it in passing while doing other things or playing on their phone.  CW does this sort of in-story forced, shoe-horned exposition all the time.
The episode plays out a little bit like an episode of Lucifer mashed into an episode of True Blood.
While they’re trying to find the killer, Detective Rose Walker meets Murphy’s roommate, Matthew, and the two hit it off while chatting about Murphy’s weirdness.  They decide to start to date.   As Morpheus has feelings for Rose that he won’t admit to this causes a strain between him and Matthew Raven (There’s that bird reference!  What?  That should be Lucien’s last name?  Naw!)  And between him and Rose Walker.  
Morpheus lashes out rather than admit to what he is truly angry at and he and Matthew argue over something petty and this leads to recovering alcoholic Matthew to start drinking again as sad music begins to play.  
Morpheus eventually finds The Corinthian and is forced to destroy him.  He had to kill his own creation so he is kneeling in angst crying prettily while the sand left over from the uncreation slides through his fingers.  Some new female cover of Queen’s Who Wants to live Forever? Is playing in the background.  The original version is “too old” and too expensive for use. So here’s a very generic sounding cover done in a style that makes it blend in with every other pop song played during the forty five minute mark of a CW show’s run time (including commercial breaks).  
           The song plays as we cut to Matthew drinking alone sexily in an alley.  He’s sweaty and wet, but he just looks like a wet fashion model.   Morpheus is sexy crying over the sand that was the Corinthian, and Rose going to sleep prettily in her bed, no bed head here.  Oh, and she sleeps in perfect makeup!  There’s no scene where she even remotely looks like she’s out of makeup.
 She’s having strange dreams but they look pretty mundane.  Like real-world mundane.  It’s her living room set that we probably saw a few minutes ago, just dimmer lighting and some haze to make it clear this is a dream.  Because even with a show about The Dream Lord, dreams have to have an old fashioned camera fringe haze.  Murphy is there with his back to her.  He looks sad.  He turns to look at her and she gasps.   She sees a star (lense flare) from Murphy’s eyes in the dream as he looks at her in surprise like he wasn’t expecting her to see him.  She wakes up with a gasp, and everyone in her apartment building also wakes up at the same time, signifying that their dreams were connected.
And so ends what was probably the third episode of CW (or Fox’s) The Sandman.  
And that is pretty much how CW or Fox would have done The Sandman.
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nightqueendany · 6 years
That Vanity Fair Article
You all know the one....
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Now, ever since this article came out earlier today, I’ve seen all number of reactions to it and of course did a bit of gloating this morning. However, OF COURSE there are some in the fandom who shall not be named - COUGHJONSASCOUGH - who STILL think this is all fake.
They believe that Vanity Fair found some Jonerys fanfiction and “thought” it was a real script and so wrote an entire fucking article about it - I guess the Jonsas think this was done without checking sources - and so it MUST be fake. Because, as per this article, DarkSansa is TOTALLY a thing AND Jon loving Daenerys is EXPLICITLY stated for all the world to see.
So, you know, if it doesn’t mention “Dark Dany” or “Jonsa” it’s “fakenews”.
However, I’m sorry to say - no, wait, actually I’m fucking ECSTATIC to say because I made this entire blog because of these fucking hater idiots who just can’t accept the TRUTH - that THIS IS ALL REAL.
Now, how do I KNOW this is all real and Vanity Fair didn’t fuck up and just quote a bunch of fanfiction they found somewhere?
Well, aside from the fact that Vanity Fair is an INTERNATIONALLY REPUTABLE PUBLICATION and OF COURSE they wouldn’t post anything quoting a printed, written source unless it was actually true...
The author of the article states that the quotes featured come DIRECTLY FROM THE SCRIPTS.
Now, the question is, where did they get the scripts because you can’t find shit online.
Well, there’s a fucking reason for that:
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These scripts are archived in the WRITERS GUILD FOUNDATION library in Los Angeles, California.
You cannot get copies of them, it is not a lending library so you can’t take scripts home, and there aren’t digital copies (at least not ones available to the public; I think it’s possible to get digital copies of things for educational purposes but not sure).
HOWEVER, the library is open to the public, as stated above in the Vanity Fair article and on the Writer’s Guild Foundation website:
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“All scripts must be read on site.”
So, as stated in the Vanity Fair article, HBO has made the scripts of previous seasons available for some time at the WGF Library. People have been able to go in there and access them for years but, likely because you have to be there to read them, not many people would ever bother to do so.
But that’s JUST what the people at Vanity Fair did. The author and probably an assistant or two “poured over them for hours” at the WGF Library and clearly took notes (I guess you can’t take photos of the scripts...? The website says you can bring laptops and phones into the library but it’s not stated whether photography is allowed).
Oh yeah and to those Jonsa shippers who also claim Kit not knowing when Jon and Dany first start to fall for each other, etc. because of the 7x07 commentary, I touch on that HERE. Essentially: 1) the commentary was recorded like, over a YEAR after it was all filmed, 2) Lena can’t even remember her own lines let alone directional lines in between dialogue, as Kit says “bullshit bullshit bullshit, my line, bullshit bullshit” because the actors barely read the scripts unless it is their line, and 3) everything is filmed out of sync so of course the whole process is difficult to remember anyway, let alone the specific moment Jon and Dany fall in love because it was all filmed out of order. 
ALSO to those Jonsa shippers that say “this directly contradicts what Benioff and Weiss say about Jon in 7x06 in the Inside the Episode when Jon apparently notices Dany falling in love with him but Jon not falling in love with her blah blah blah” - stop being so fucking purposefully dense. You know what Weiss and Benioff said. You know it. You heard it. You’re just trying to make it seem like that’s not what they meant. But they did.
“I don’t think EITHER ONE of THEM really knew exactly how powerful THEIR feelings were TOWARDS EACH OTHER until these moments.”
So that makes it pretty fucking clear the FEELINGS are for EACH OTHER, not just “Jon notices Dany’s feelings for him.” - Nuh uh dumb nuts. That’s not at all what Benioff said. He said TOWARDS EACH OTHER. As in, BOTH OF THEM.
“Just the notion of falling for someone, that involves weakness. That’s not something a queen does. But SHE feels that happening AND HE feels that happening FOR HER.” 
If we’re gonna do the “Jonsa” thing, let’s compare speech patterns:
“She FEELS [that happening] AND
He FEELS [that happening] FOR HER.”
What is the “that” that’s happening? “Falling.”
So, we can replace this with -
We can’t just suddenly replace Jon’s [that happening] with “her falling for him” - You get “He feels [her falling for him] for her.” Nope. Doesn’t make sense. The [That happening] has to be the same in both parts of Benioff’s sentence otherwise it doesn’t make any sense.
And the [that happening] is Jon and Dany falling in love. So gtf outta here with that bullshit. 
But likely, the antis will still swear up and down it’s all fake. HBO sent the Writer’s Guild fake scripts because they knew the public could access them and didn’t want people to know the truth or they sent them fake scripts knowing some geeks would go read them and perpetuate the lie that Jon actually loves Dany so that the surprise of Jonsa will be EVEN BETTER BECAUSE IT WASN’T EVEN IN THE SCRIPTS, etc. etc.
I mean, ship whatever the fuck you want. You wanna ship Jon and Sansa, fucking ship Jon and Sansa. You wanna hate Daenerys? Hate Daenerys. But don’t act all surprised or offended when we call you out on your bullshit when you flat out deny canon. We LITERALLY have the fucking receipts.
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hirakdesherrani · 5 years
What are some of ur fav scenes from season 1 of IB (and DBO since you watched it)?
Yaar, anon, I really had to think for this one. 
Okay here goes:
The Obros doing aarti together for the first time, their parents can go take a hike lol
Omkara throwing away his statue in anger and then crying, as he overhears Pinky taking jibes at Jahnvi for raising her sons badly.
Om consoling Rudy as Shivaay is in the hospital after Gayatri’s attack 😭
First Rumya scene in the hospital 
ShivKara saving Rudy at the pub, after pulling his leg.
Annika and Sahil scenes 😭😭 (I just love their bond, its a lot like me and my younger brother. Both our brothers are younger but wayyyy wiser than us lol)
The ShivKara and Obros scene after Om takes excess sleeping pills. “Tujhe har cheez ka haq hain par mujhe chhod ke jaane ka nahi” (or something like that) 😭😭😭
Omkara teaching Shivaay and Rudra how to say ‘sorry’ and ‘thank you’, meanwhile the girls on their own trip about the pathetic boys.
Annika singing the iconic “Billu ki Shaadi hogi”😂😂😂 song, which later became the motto and tagline of IB. 
Soumya tricking Rudra as Love Angel and making him to lameass stuff to make a fool of himself over Romi
The sarso ka saag episode, the entire family having dinner like a normal fam 
The Janmashthami episode “Billu ki pant phatt gayi” 😂😂😂
Rakshabandhan scene between Annika/Sahil and Om/Soumya. 😭😭
The entire Mallika track (thats the reason I started watching the show, ‘cos Surbhi Jyoti came for a cameo) esp. the Shitia letter, Shivaay with his past, present, and future, and Mallika explaining everyone what her issue was. 💜
The Phukat Raja episodes where Sahil solves the mystery and Shivika + OmRu are on the chase of the fake video girl in that chawl. 😂😂
The scene where the Obros get high on meds after saving Annika from the goons. “Main aasmaan mein udhna chahta hoon” Also, Omkara’s love for Riddhima’s pink cushions. 😂😂
Rudra and Soumya on the run from Romi Devi and getting married accidentally.
Omkara’s drug track 😭😭 (Kunal’s best acting in the show) 
Rudra’s dance on break up song after Om and Riddhima break up.😂😂
Omkara and Rudra exposing Shivaay forcing Annika to marry him. The entire family giving Shivaay a piece of their mind. Esp. Rudra saying “Bhaiyaa aap hero se villain kab ban gaye?” 
Omkara and Rudra messing with Mrs. Kapoor “Un se panga na lo jinke do-do devar hain” 
Rudra catching Soumya in the stairs 
Annika saving Tia from piercing her tummy on that pointed vase, showing that she is a bigger person than Tia that she still cares for her baby despite Tia trying to kill Annika.
Shivaay taking the bullet for Annika 😭😭
Annika and OmRu scene in the hospital when Shivaay’s shot 😭😭
Tia and Svetlana and their magnificent vampish looks at the fuckery of the Oberois during the Kapoor sisters track.
Shivaay consoling OmRu, and the Obros hug after Jahnvi’s suicide attempt 😭😭
Annika and Svetlana’s Naagin dance during that memory loss track 🔥
Tia breaking down on reuniting with Robin (?) returning to her good self. Also her equation with Shivaay and Annika
Shivaay reuniting with his brothers after he comes back from his kidnap/replacement by Mahi. 😭😭
Annika and Shivaay when they go outside Mumbai, the time Annika burns Shivaay’s car down and two theifs masquerading as Forest Officers give them a lift. 😂😂
The first two weeks of DBO, they were awesome, man. Esp. Kali and Gauri scenes, each and every one of them. 🔥🔥
The scene in the train “Zaroor aapke saath kuch bura huya hoga, tabhi aap aise ho gaye hain” + the jungle scene “Sharma!” “Ssarma?” 😂😂
Rikara marriage
Gauri and Dandi bhaiyaa scenes, esp. the scene after he saves her from the goons in the Shaktiman costume
Gauri helping Svetlana in outwitting the autowallahs, and dancing to naajaane kaha se aayi hai.😂😂
Omkara and Chulbul’s fairylights scene. 
ShivOmRu getting freaked out by Chulbul and testing the “static” 😂😂
Rudra breaking into Maa Da Laadla whenever Chulkara collide.😂😂
Svetlana skating back to Mumbai clinging to Om’s car, and reaching before them. (I don’t think I’ll ever get over this scene) 🤣🤣🤣
Gauri hiding from Shivaay. 😂😂
Omkara explaining Chulbul the meaning of One Night Stand 😂😂
Chulbul and Rudra interactions, esp. the one where Chulbul is locked inside and he uses a magnet to make the robot bang its head on the door, to grab Rudra’s attention who is standing outside listening to songs on his ipod. (I’ve watched this scene 10 times and I still crack up like mad watching the robot pound its head on the door).🤣🤣🤣
The first scene of Thakurain Gauri (Shrenu’s best acting till date. Thakurain Gauri is a legend, who deserves an entire show just dedicated to her. She’s my god and queen and boss!) 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Gauri and Kali’s argument. “Teri yeh bedhiyaan hamaare paaon jakar sakti, hamaare mann ko nahi, tu humpe pehra pehra laga sakta hain, par hamari soch pe nahi, Gauri Kumari Ssarma ko tod sakta hain, par uske visvaas ko nahi” The summary of DBO in one dialogue. 🔥🔥 
Gauri questioning Om on his warped notion of truth “Aapko lagta hain jo aap dekh rahe hai, vahi sach hain?” 
Gauri looking down at Omkara when she’s doing pooja
Glucose vaali chai
Gauri’s first argument with Svetlana “Dekho tum…” “Dekh hi toh rahe hai!” SvetRi ftw!
All the Mahasangam scenes where the Oberois jammed together. “Dono bhaabhiyon ki bahut jamegi, dono ko tod phod pasand hain”  😂😂
Gauri calling Omkara “Nandi” and then dragging his arse
Annika and Gauri first hug near the pool.
Gauri bitching about the Obros and then throwing Annika into the pool + Shivika’s pool scene
Gauri and Omkara, the ‘sixth sense’ scene
Rikara pretending for Dhurindhar “Tota maina ki tarah romance karenge”
The entire sangeet episode 
The Rikara good bye scene 😭😭 (the first time this show, actually brought me close to tears, Atif yaar!) 
Rudra and Gauri parallel scene when they both tell Bhavya and Om that they will always stand by them in times of need. 
Rikara scene by the cupboard. Gauri giving it back to Omkara
Rikara couch + rain hug scene
The DBO finale when Gauri drags Omkara’s arse and Omkara stops her from leaving
The Pari track, the Obros were damn hilarious. 😂😂
Gauri dragging Omkara’s arse after Pinky taunts her+ the fairytale story scene where Gauri questions him. 
Rikara sketchbook scene where Omkara talks about his art (also the most deep and meaningful scene this show has ever written) 💜
Rudra and Gauri’s ‘perspiration’ scene, esp. Rudra trying to persuade Gauri to abandon the dupatta while doing jumping jacks.😂😂 
Rikara scene during the exhibition “Jo cheez kahi na ja sake, usse bolna zaroori nahi hai” 
ShivKara beating Rudra with pillows for his advice on relationships. 😂😂
Rudra and Gauri teaming up and Gauri explaining what atrangi means. 
Gauri messing with Ragini “Tumhaara koi kaam dhaam nahi hain kya? Jab dekho yaha pe rehti ho” 
Shivaay and Gauri rakhi scene (another scene which made me emo)  😭😭 
Gauri messing up Vikram and Annika’s engagement. “Bhaabhi paagal ho gayi hai” “Ragini Naagini” 😂😂
Gauri feeding everyone bhaang vaale ladoos + the Rikara scene the morning after the ratjaga. “Nasha kiya na tumne?” “Nahi humne toh sirf laddoo khaaye…galti se” 😂😂
Gauri and Ragini gallofying each other in their heads 😂😂 (Gauri is a lot like Shivaay, in the sense, Shivaay used to provoke fights with Annika due to his attraction to her, while Gauri does the same wrt to Svetty and Ragini. Of course, Omkara’s asexuality made Gauri embrace her lesbian side)
Annika and Gauri scene the night before the fake wedding 
Shivaay telling Gauri what’s his problem and why is he playing ego-ego with Annika
Shivaay finding out about Pinky’s truth and telling her that any goodness in him is because of his brothers, OmRu. 😭😭 
Shivaay and Annika shipping Rikara. Shivaay feeding pakodas to Gauri and chaabi ghumaaoing while Annika telling Om that Gauri has “move on” 😂😂
Annika asking Gauri play romantic songs and Gauri responding with “Radha Krishan ke prem geet” 😂😂
Gauri and Om talking in their heads in the car. 😂😂
Shivaay and Annika making terrible food in their food challenge 
Gauri and Omkara fighting off the robbers “Ee toh chirote hain, humein lootne ke liye aaye hain” + the Rikara scene “Mujhe bevkoof bana rahi ho?”
Rudra handing over his pehli kamaayi to Bhavya after fixing a pipe. I’m not a Ruvya fan, but this scene was perhaps the only scene where Rudra’s character showed any growth i.e. him learning that value of money and how to earn it. 
Omkara rolling his eyes at Gauri 1267th time doing her lame sunglass and candy trick. 
Omkara having to restrain Gauri from picking a fight with Dangal Dada + situation reverse and Omkara shrugging away Gauri’s hand and the poor girl being thrown back 😂😂
Gauri worrying over how Omkara is going to be smashed to bits by Balram “Main ladunga” 😂😂
Gauri’s dangal fight + Omkara, for once in his life, getting to be the hero
Gauri upset at Omkara’s reaction at the chai thela “Jab aapko kuch pata hi nahi, toh phir pooch kyun rahe hain” 
Shivaay consoling Gauri after the exhibition fiasco 
Gauri finding Omkara blindfolded. 
Shivaay gifting Annika Sahil’s adoption papers. 
Annika and Gauri’s trip to the village and saving Suman on that phatphatti. Bhaujaai and Chuitki fleeing on the bike will remain epic. 😂😂 
Shivika and Rikara’s parallel scenes in the prison. “Hamaare sehen karne shakti ab khatam ho chuki hain” 
Inspector Taadka putting the entire Oberoi family into prison “Arey yeh baat bahut karte hain” 😂😂
Omkara getting drunk and confessing his anger to his parents, when Gauri goes missing for 15 days. Esp. Tej trying to reconcile with Om “Badi der kar di huzoor aate aate”😭😭 I actually felt bad for Omkie at this point (does not mean I forgive him, but boy has a lotta issues fucking his head courtesy his parents) 
Gauri breaking up with Omkara, confessing that she made a mistake falling in love with a loser like him, who keeps misunderstanding her because of his sick mentality (Also, Shankarji in the back). Epic scene! 🔥🔥
Gauri getting dressed for Karva chauth 
Dilpreet questioning Gauri’s ability to manage Richa’s wedding finances and Gauri asserting that no one might have any faith in her, but she has faith in herself and Shankarji. 
Annika’s mad “buddhi” dance at Gauri’s roka. ShivKara’s WTF expressions. 😂😂
Gauri delivering a set down to Omkara and rejecting his “confession” 
Annika having nightmare of Chutki and hugging Gauri while they are sleeping 😭😭
The Obros funny scene and pillow fight 😂😂
Gauri questioning Omkara, if he would have forgiven her if she had done all that, he did + tearing off the dupatta at the temple, and telling Omkara to GTFO. (the point at which Rikara story should have ended, with their separation, because Om’s redemption is not possible).
Obros kidnapping Gauri (’cos consent doesn’t exist in their dictionary). Rudra going “Mubarakho bhaabhi, hum aapko kidnap kar rahe hai” 😂😂
The Obros lameass attempts to hide Gauri. Rudra “Ab firauti ki demand kare?” 😂😂
Pia getting the LOLs out of fucking with the Obros. 
Rudra ordering the Royal Bengal Tiger. Shivaay “Yeh sher nahi, tiger hain!”
Gauri enthusiastically planning to drug bade bhaiyaa with “Babaji ki booti” +Om having it by mistake and going “Surooooor” 😂😂
The one scene where Annika shows Gauri her new home in Goa. 
The holi scene where Annika and Gauri get high on bhaang vaale gujiya. “Sher toh hamara chirota maarta hain” “Manjhla devar shikari hain?” “Naahi naahi woh *roars* vaala sher nahi, waah waah vaala sher maarte hain” 😂😂
Annika and Gauri sleeping together like old times after the AniRi reunion. 😭😭
Omkara gifting Gauri the trophy saying ‘you are my hero’. The context was stupid, but I’m all here for Omkie Shomkie stating the facts. 
The AniRi scenes from redux  
Yeah, I can’t remember anymore and I’m exhausted. I’m sure there are others, but my memory is hazy now. Do we have any in common, anon? 
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meryllfrey · 6 years
all of the questions
If you had to change your character’s FC for one day, who would you pick?hmmm. Shannyn Sossamon, Alicia Vikander. There has to be a cute factor.
The rest of the questions are under the cut
What drew you to rping this character?In all my gaming, whether tabletop RPs or PC RPGs, I’ve almost played a female archer/sniper type character. For whatever reason, I’m drawn to this woman who can throw a punch, survive in the woods, and take someone out with a headshot before they even know she’s there.
What’s something you like about how you write?I enjoy writing dialogue and that’s where I find I’m able to express my characters the best. 
What’s something you dislike about how you write or wish you were better at?I need to work on narrative voice and descriptions of actions, places, etc. I’ve never had ‘flowery’ type writing and so these visual details sometimes escape me.
What’s something about your character that you’d like if you had to spend time with them?Meryll’s willingness to be open to new experiences and new people, and how she chooses love first, rather than judgement or suspicion. 
What’s something about your character that you wouldn’t like if you had to spend time with them?Her impulsive nature would drive me nuts. And she does so many things are that aren’t safe lol
What’s a negative thing about your character that you enjoy writing?Meryll has the worst taste in men. She isn’t interested in anyone who is even remotely appropriate for her. This leads to so many odd pairings and comical events.
What;s a similarly you have with your character?probably the tall cutesy brunette part
What’s a difference you have with your character?Meryll is far quicker to open up to new people than I am. I tend to be more standoffish when I first meet someone but Meryll is all in right from hello.
What’s the hardest thing for you to write?as mentioned above – imagery in narrative.
Do you think you’ve gotten better at writing anything or any type of thing or situation since you started writing this character (or roleplaying in general)? I think I’ve gotten better at jumping into the minds of different characters. My two mains - Tywin and Meryll - are on the opposite side of the spectrum from each other, and I find switching between them to be easier all the time
Why do you roleplay?I’ve always enjoyed writing, making up stories, but it has been such a solitary activity. The idea of creating stories and worlds with other people is amazing. i love it.
Do you write fiction ever other than rping?I started writing a fantasy novel many many years ago but put it aside. A couple years ago, I discovered GoT fanfics and that got my writing bug going again.
Do you like fanfiction more or less than rp threads between characters?Depends – sometimes I want complete control over a scene and don’t feel like dealing with other people, so that is a great time to work on fanfics. When i get writers block in my fics, I find RP helps get things flowing again. RP demands a greater flexibility - always being ready to react to whatever your writing partner throws at you, different timelines, different genres, or characters you never even imagined your own character meeting. It is definitely great for creativity.For reading purposes, i would rather read a fanfic over someone else;s RP threads, just for continuity of style and flow.
Do you like or dislike OC/Canon character interactions in principle?i love it. as long as the characters are well written and the chemistry is there, i’m all for it.
What’s your favorite thing about rping a canon character?having so much lore available at my fingertips. The ASOIAF community is incredibly dorky and the lore resources out there are absolutely amazing. sometimes i spend more time researching a thread than i do writing it.
What’s something you dislike about rping a canon character?having to explain/rationalize some of GRRM’s weird decisions, and having to deal with other people’s ideas about a character
What’s your favorite thing about rping an original character?Not having to deal with other people’s predetermined notions of the character. When I write canon characters i worry that they come across too HC-heavy and that others will think I’m not IC enough. I never have that problem with Meryll :). Although there are, of course, predetermined notions of her House, but that’s fun to deal to with.
What’s something you dislike about rping an original character?the struggle of getting other people to write with me. i get it though, i have canon characters and sometimes i just can’t get my head around how they will interact with a certain OC. 
How much time do you spend roleplaying on average a week?comes and goes in spurts. right now i’m spending a lot of time writing but that comes after a couple weeks of very spotty activity.
Do you think about your threads and your character when you aren’t roleplaying? How and for how long on average?yes .. i come up with weird ideas all the time. not sure how much time is spent doing this..
Do you like lots of headcanons or few?i love hearing other people’s headcanons about their own characters and mine as well. it helps to come up with ideas for threads. really, the more information, the better
What’s your take on AUs?i used to write a lot of modern AU but lately i’m into canon timeline. I’m game to try writing most things, but my focus depends on what is currently inspiring me
What’s your favorite AU?the one where Meryll exists.. ?
What’s your least favorite AU?not sure
What’s a ship you really like rping?Meryll/heartbreak
What’s a ship you would never rp? For what reason? Hmm.. there’s not much I would be completely against shipping. That being said, I would never push a ship that my writing partner wasn’t comfortable with. I do ship some unconventional (problematic?) pairings, so I’m careful to have a frank talk with potential writing partners before delving in.
What do you like about roleplaying angst?all the FEELS
What do you dislike about roleplaying angst?sometimes if it stays dark for too long, you almost get immune to the pain. i like a nice mix of angst and fluff.
What do you like about roleplaying fluff?everything is so sunny and unicorny
What do you dislike about roleplaying fluff?lack of tension and plot development at times
What do you like about roleplaying ships/romance?i fucking love ships. I love everything about them.
What do you dislike about roleplaying ships/romance?Meryll tends to be unsuccessful in ships. that’s probably the mun’s fault hahahaha
NSFW rp — yes or no? Why?sure, as long as both writers are comfortable and of age.
Do you ever read other people’s NSFW rp threads? (be honest!)of course. who hasn’t?
Do you ever read rp threads you aren’t involved in? What type of thread does it usually have to be to interest you?I love good writing, so I’ll read anything - angst, smut, fluff, etc - if it’s well-written. I recently read some awesome Star Wars threads which made me get into the movie franchise again when it was something i hadn’t been interested in for quite some time. Right now I’m creeping on the HP fandom – some cool stuff going on there too.
If you do read threads you aren’t in, do you usually let the other authors know, or keep it under your hat?I’ll usually let them know that I’m enjoying their thread through a like, reply, dash commentary or IM.
Has a roleplayer ever changed your view on a character? If so, how? Good or bad? For better or for worse?@snowingwillow – Ilyn Payne. Ummmmm I don’t know if it’s good or bad but I have so many feels for Ilyn. He’s still a horrible being though. So damn the mun for making me care.
Do you like to title threads or not? not really but i like it when other people do
Do you like to plot or improv?for long threads (multi-para), i like at least a little bit of plotting. i like to improv one-liners 
Do you like to make open starters?yes but I usually get overwhelmed by the replies
Do you like to answer open starters?only if it inspires me
Do you usually prefer chat/short replies, or long/para/novella replies?I like a nice mix of both. Sometimes I’m in a witty mood and like to send off a bunch of one-liners. But when I have interesting plots in my head, i like to spend the time on longer replies.
What’s your favorite thing about rping a chat/short style thread?this is usually where the humour happens.
What’s your least favorite thing about rping a chat/short style thread?I quite appreciate one-liner threads and they definitely have their place on my dash, but it can be frustrating when one is really awesome and you want to turn it into a novella-like thread and aren’t sure if the other person will appreciate it.
What’s your favorite thing about rping a long/para/novella style thread?lots of room to explore characters inner thoughts and motives
What’s your least favorite thing about rping a long/para/novella style thread?these are harder for me to write and usually sit in my drafts for a long time, even though I really do enjoy working on them
Do you prefer gifs or icons when roleplaying? Or no FC at all?I prefer icons, but gifs can be useful too, especially for humour. I don’t mind if writers don’t use FC’s though. sometimes there just isn’t a FC available to do the character justice.
Do you roleplay with people whose characters aren’t from the same dimentional universe as yours? (For example, if your character is drawn or anime, will you RP with people who use actor face claims/play-bys?) Hmmm. Probably not. I think it would be harder for me to visualize interactions in this situation.
What’s something you like about FCs/Play-Bys?It’s nice to be able to put a face on a character, and also fun to do image hunting to make the perfect icons.
What’s something you dislike about FCs/Play-Bys?There’s always those situations where you associate a certain face with something and then that carries over into your perspective of the character using that FC
What’s a trope or plot you think is overdone in roleplay?pregnancy
What’s a trope or plot you’ll never get sick of roleplaying?arranged marriages, fake marriages
What’s a trope or plot you love but you’ve never gotten to roleplay or never gotten to roleplay in completion? may-december romanceDoes any plot ever make it to completion? Hasn’t happened for me yet…. which is fine. write as inspiration hits.
What do you like to do as you reply to threads? Listen to music? Have TV on? Complete silence? Dark room? etc. silence or a playlist that fits that character
How did you learn about roleplaying? How did you get started roleplaying yourself? I had seen RP on message boards in the past but it never interested me. I joined tumblr when i got into fanfiction and was super intrigued by the RP threads. 
What was your first roleplay character? Meryll!
What’s your newest roleplay character?Tywin
What/Who is a character you think you would like to roleplay? What’s currently stopping you from roleplaying them?Arya. There are so many already who do a great job, so I don’t feel a need to throw my hat in the ring
Who’s a roleplayer (or writer) you think you have learned a lot from? @yngwolfrobbthey are one of the most welcoming, easy to talk to muns ever, plus a good writer. my first interactions in this fandom were with yngwolfrobb and it was such a positive experience that i always try to offer the same warrm welcome to new RPers.
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