#but i havent even been eating much for the sake of not being seen by her roommate bc she wasnt entirely happy about me being here the other
Hello everyone, today I'll do something never before seen on the flames and darkness liveblog which is read TWO chapters!! Idk man, i havent been able to read more than one chapter at a time recently because this book suddenly turned into such a slog to get through, although granted that might also just be my mental illness making it more difficult. whatever, i'll be in treatment for that next week
Anyway, today I'll be reading chapter 44 which is the star fall chapter, and chapter 45 which is. a chapter. Knowing this book series nothing of note is gonna happen in that one but that wont stop me from reading it
Chapter 44
Okay, theyre mentioning Feyre not looking so emancipated amymore and it made me remember all the weird weight shit from the start of this book. Like, she was losing weight because she was throwing up all the time and then not eating a lot and everyone was constantly remarking on that and it was unbelievably uncomfortable, but then when Feyre officially joined the night court and everyone immediately stopped talking about it, it almost feels a little manipulative, if that makes sense. Like, this book is ostensibly about Feyres healing journey but the Night Court cannot, under any circumstances, have anything negative associated with it so her trauma basically just disappears so we dont have to see the unpleasant parts of her recovery, she has one (1) nightmare after she starts living there permanently, one (1) moment where she feels too depressed to leave the bed and a few moment where she acts out but then immediately feels bad for it every time
Ughhhhh Feyre is wearing a dress for this which is really frustrating but you guys already know how I feel about that so shant go into that much more detail on this
I swear Im not just saying this to be a hater, Feyres dress sounds so tacky too
yoooooooo is Cassian implying he'd like to wear a tacky ass dress too??
and yet hes just wearing a BLACK TUNIC bro Feyre is literally covered in diamonds from head to toe so she can look like a shooting star or whatever and Cassian doesnt even have the decency to wear a black tunic that glitters or something?? Or hell, maybe even a red tunic to match his siphons, idk, give me SOMETHING im gonna tear my fucking hair out
Feyre is wondering about the IC being her friends and its like, girlie theyre barely even each others friends and youve known each other for maybe half a year to their 500 years
Feyre is describing Azriel hungrily staring at Mor's ass and it reminded me of that one bonus chapter Ive seen discussions about where he's really horny about Elain in a way thats pretty uncomfortable, and a lot of ex-Elriels say that it made them stop liking the idea of the ship because thats when they realized that SJM was just gonna mutilate both of their characters for the sake of smut, but honestly I dont think she would even need to mutilate Az that much
I could not give less of a shit about the Mor/Cassian/Azriel drama but I have to admit its kinda funny reading about Feyre speculating so much about Mor's relationships knowing shes gonna turn out to be interested in women
Mor says that Rhysand was very upset after she had sex with Cassian and beat him up as hard as he could (#incest) but she says he wasnt upset because of her virginity but because of the danger she put herself in by losing it, which is like, first of all that seems like splitting hairs, he was still upset that she lost her virginity even though that was none of his business. And second of all, I think it would actually make sense for him to have the kind of archaic sexist beliefs that would make Mor losing her virginity upsetting to him, considering he was also 17 when that happened just like Mor and Im guessing there wasnt anyone around to teach him feminism. or maybe hes so feminist he came out of the womb believing in womens rights and didnt need to be taught anything
god, the inner circle dynamics are so comically fucked up I have no idea how they can stand being around each other
Again, Im not much of a Feylin girlie but "Your hair looks... clean." >>>>>>>>>>>>>> "You look like a women again." (???? whats thag even supposed to mean)
So Rhysand is not wearing a black tunic, but he is wearing wearing a black jacket which is equally disappointing. atleast he has his tits out i guess
Rhysand was gone for 50 years and yet his best friends are not spending any time with him at their first party together since theyve been seperated, thats what i call friendship goals
Yeah, I guess its kinda sad that Rhys missed out on important holiday that meant a lot to him while undr the mountain but you know who else had to do that? Literally everyone that wasnt from the spring court
So he doesnt wanna tell his friends, who are by all accounts doing alright because theyve spent the past few decades trapped in a beautiful idyllic city, about his trauma but hes perfectly fine traumadumping on a twenty year old woman who just started to recover from her own trauma
Maybe Im just in a bad mood but this bullshit where theyre getting covered in star spirits or whatever feels so joyless to me, like its not whimsical or fun to me
Okay so, Ive heard about Rhysand calling Feyre exquisite and it made me cringe just thinking about it, but it looks like theyve translated that to him calling her 'herrlich' which means the exact same thing but it sounds a lot less weird and bad. once again, thank you, Alexandra
Feyre really just said "You regret sexually assaulting me? But why?" huh
Chapter 45:
Okay, thats the end of the chapter but theres two more things that kinda annoyed me that I didnt feel the need to mention as I was reading. 1) Feyre kept going on and on aboht Rhysand being her friend, it felt so insincere, its like sjm say a post online right before she started writing this chapter that was like "in the best relationships, your partner isnt just your partner but also your best friend" and decided to put that sentiment in her book, and 2) I felt like there were so many moments towards the end of that chapter where Feyre is like "oh, ive never felt this way with anyone" and its very obviously alluding to how she didnt love Tamlin as much as she does Rhysand now, and it was just very strange to read, like Tamlin was haunting the narrative even though hes not even dead yet
Uhm. so i got really tired all of a sudden so I took a nap at this point and read some gay vampire fanfic to rejunivate myself and now Im ready for whatever happens in the next chapter
"I was a traitor. [...] Even though I oficially left Tamlin - it was only two months ago, after all. By Fae standards that was probably barely more than a day." Oh yeah, i havent been keeping track of the time thanks for reminding me that this story about immortals is moving at a breakneck pace for no goddamn reason. But also, as an author trying to write a grand long-lasting romance, why would you write this. I know Feysand are gonna get married at the end of book and now when I get to that point Im not gonna be thinking "wowwww such romance" Im gonna be thinking "damn these bozos did the fae equivalent of getting eloped in vegas after knowing each other for barely a week"
Oh, men of all ages are training at this camp? would you say some of them are. child-aged
Feyre is being all "its so cold here, im freezing in my illyrian leathers I cant imagine a child with no clothes surviving here for a single day, much less eight years" (referring to Cassian) and yet she doesnt spare a single thought to all the children who have to be at this camp as well because this is the camp that the batboys grew up in, its not like this is a different kind of camp where they dont train children
God I hate Feyre thinking about how fuckin powerful the batboys are especially because its like, Rhysand is literally their high lord, he already holds so much power over the guys running this camp we dont need a reminder that he could easily crush their minds or that his goons need more syphons to contain the totality of their power or whatever
I get that these guys are like, shitty misogynists or whatever, but I dont think Rhys throwing them out of the house they live in is some #boyboss move hes just being an asshole
Rhysand would never want to lock Feyre in a house for protection, but he does want to decapitate anyone who lays a hand on her which is soooooo much better
Rhysand keeps calling the.... "females" of this camp "girls" which implies one of two things: 1) hes talking about adult women, hes just calling them girls, which is not very feminist of our feminist king, or 2) hes talking about actual girls aka children which. thank god for our feminist king having equal-opportunity child soldiers
Its actually kind of surreal how theyre at the camp where the batboys spent their CHILDhoods and Feyre keeps talking about what it mustve been like for Cassian while the narrative is actively avoiding talking about children being at the camp at this present moment while also not outright stating "there are no kids here at this present moment"
"'[The clipping of the wings is] to ensure the safety of their women, they said.'" this reminds me of something @/kateprincessofbluewhales said in regards to Rhysand forcing illyrian women to train but not doing anything else to advance their rights, which is that the wing clipping mightve started as a way for men to help women dodge the 'draft' that seems to be mandatory for all healthy illyrians. I dont really have anything else to say about that, it just popped into my head and i thought it was interesting
Rhysand is talking about how at some of the camps, women are declared anti-marriage material if they train and how he cant do anything about that and its like, even if these women are not officially declared unmarriable or whatever, the misogynistic men that make up these camps are probably not gonna wanna marry a women who trains, so what difference does that really make
Also, he says the only thing he could do about 'laws' like that is to murder the warlords and take their children/trainees? under his wing and I guess he thinks he would have to do that for every camp that does that but honestly, I think just doing it once or twice would send a powerful enough message to discourage other warlords from being misogynistic. And he wouldnt have to raise all these children all by himself either, Im sure he could get the help of a few non-sexist men or even, gasp, some women. Like those priestesses living in that library Im sure some of the ones that have already recovered from their trauma somewhat wouldnt mind teaching some boys about the harm that misogyny does
Okay so the blood rite is called a Blutritual [blood ritual] in german which is a little confusing because a ritual is a pretty specific thing and I dont think the blood rite is that specific thing but whatever, it sounds cool enough
Ive said this before, I am not a Tamlin girlie, at best I prefer him to Rhysand, and I dont like or trust Rhysand at all, but imagine hearing that tragic story about how their families killed each other, leaving them as the only survivors and being like "I cant believe Tamlin killed Rhysands family!!" especially when its like, the only person Feyre actually knows Tamlin killed is Rhysands dad who sucked ass, its not exactly a great loss
I feel like i had a lot of thoughts about a lot of things in this chapter that I couldnt write down because theyre these abstract half-thoughts, so I think I'll let those marinate until theyre full thoughts and share them with you at some later date
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do you think we should forgive people who havw hurt us? even if they aren't sorry or even aware of the hurt theyve caused? you dont hava to respond to this if you dont want to , but i am just thinking, is it actually wise to let specific people exist in my life , (a parent) when they are delusionally unaware of the lifelong damage theyve caused me (and will never understand), or anyone really. Is there a point in.. getting angry, when they oncr again show that they really dont know or care. Still, i enjoy talking to them. So im thinking that maybe forgiving would be better . but i feel like that way i might be gaslighting myself. Have you ever read anything on this?
there is a good book on this anon, "adult children of emotionally immature parents", u can read it online for free if u google the PDF. it is monumentally eye opening. other than that, i can speak from my own experience w/ my parents. i'll put it under readmore cus im bout to get a lil personal;
so, basically, i have one parent, my mom, because my dad has been dead for over 15 years. my parents were alcoholics who worked full time dead end jobs and we never had a close relationship, but i was closer to my dad. when he died, my mom absolutely lost her mind, like, maybe this is dramatic but i do pretty much consider myself an orphan because in 2006 i lost both of them. my mom chose booze, despite the fact that it made her act completely volatile and disturbed, she chose the liquor over me n my sister. my sister is an extrovert and she started spending All her time at other ppl's houses so i was constantly alone with my mom. the emotional abuse she dealt me after my dad's death i think are the wounds within me that truly can never be healed. worse than having to watch him die. my mother would berate me for everything i did, my appearance, the fact i was flunking school, my friends, and most of all, she would always remind me that i am a bad daughter who doesn't love her enough. once i started w the suicide attempts her abuse and guilt trips only got worse. i made a lot of reckless decisions just trying to get away from her. i still feel immeasuable guilt that she is my only living parent but i can't be her daughter. i havent seen her in 3 years..
now that the context is out of the way, here's how i feel about forgiveness: you HAVE to forgive. you have to. for your own sake. to free yourself. for me, when im so so belligerently angry at my mom, i imagine her as a child. i think of her childhood where she was born to a 16 y/o polish ww2 orphan girl and a 17 y/o fatherless boy who had already been thru several detention camps + was forced to join the navy to avoid jail time. i think of the stories she'd tell me from her childhood where she constantly moved from trailer park to trailer park, the caretaker of her 3 younger sisters while her parents worked, her dad often disappearing for months at a time w no explanation, her mother in and out of psych wards. she's always casually bringing up how her parents would beat her if the trailer wasn't spotless when they got home. she was mercilessly bullied at school for being poor so she's never had many friends. she never got any education and has worked retail/cashier positions her whole life. she had to watch her husband slowly waste away, then go right back to work so we could just barely afford to eat. i think of all these factors and it's so so easy to forgive her, despite it all. like if i could reach into her chest and grab her heart and pour all of the forgiveness inside of me into her body just so she could feel happy and light for one single day, i would do it. we are all so broken and forgiveness is the only way we can ever put things back together.
that being said anon...i still have an immensely hard time talking to her. every time we talk on the phone she immediately just starts dumping all of her problems onto me, like how she used to do when i was a kid and she was drunk. she refuses to acknowledge she could ever possibly benefit from therapy. she can't even begin to acknowlege the ways she hurt and abused me. she is deeply, deeply emotionally immature. when i talk to her it rly feels like im talking to a severely damaged child. our conversations are short. i dont tell her anything about my life, i never have. we'll never be close, i've accepted it. sometimes i have days where i'm so angry at her that im ready to send myself to the psych ward over it. but the damage is done, it cant be taken back, only moving forward. and at the end of the day, i forgive her. and i want her to be ok.
i'm not sure what's happened to you with your parent anon, but just know, you can forgive from afar, you don't have to keep engaging with them if they continuously harm you. i really really reccomend reading adult children of emotionally immature parents. its only like 200 pages and you'll fly through it. like i said, available for free as a pdf online. i wish you the best anon and im sorry you have to go thru this but you're not alone. #<333
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If your theory about the company retaliating on Jimin for hinting about his queerness turns out to be true, then damn, I'm sorry but I think he better leave the company. I get that they're bounded by contract and that coming out has its repercussions, but if he's only hinting, why would the company retaliate that badly? It still has plausible deniability so it shouldn't really affect his career. That also sounds like the company does not respect Jimin at all. It's discriminatory. And in a way, wouldn't that hurt the company's profit too, because if they would suppress Jimin, they're also losing earnings? It's not wise and it's just self-sabotage.
Now for laying low for the sake of their careers (more like for the sake of JK's career and image), I can get behind that because people in relationships make sacrifices. To what extent though, well that depends on them. But would that be fair to Jimin, at least? I can see Jimin making sacrifices and being kind, yes, but he has his limits too. He's smart and not a pushover, so I think that if the relationship is starting to become a liability on JK's side, I can also see Jimin calling it quits. I don't know how much he loves JK romantically but Jimin also knows what's good for him and if things are not working out. And for years, jikookers have been highlighting that JK is the one who wants to make it more known that JM is his boyfriend, then suddenly he wants to be seen as a het male? It's baffling to me.
It also strikes me that JK doesn't quite know what he really wants and how to express himself yet. He has this "rather be dead than cool" tattoo (though tattoos are always up for interpretations) but then wants to be seen as a cool, giant pop star. He seems to want to be taken seriously and change his image, but then he goes to say things that, for me, sound shallow and superficial. Showing that you're mature or a grown-up by singing about literal sex and swearing isn't also the only way you can express it. (Maybe he'll experiment about it more in his upcoming album, so we'll see.) I don't know, it all seems contradicting to me.
Seven also has no connection to JM. AT ALL. I dunno why other jikookers keep on insisting that, but there's nothing romantic that you can connect with that to JM. Be for real. Don't even get me started with the concept photos. Idc what anyone says, I know a copy attempt when I see one, and no, doing that is not romantic or anything. It says something about you as an artist instead.
Sorry for the long ask, but I'm just wondering about all these things. Thanks for indulging me.
Hello anon,
Write away. These are things I wonder too.
Yeah, I don't see why the company would self-sabotage too. But they have been by not utilizing Jimin to the fullest potential.
Example: Jimin in mvs and interviews. His parts are the most replayed.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Yet, we only get bits of him now. Less lines too. Ugh like in Take Two where he sang like 2 lines and then was used as a choir boy for the rest of the song. Or all of FACE promo.
So I don't know. It has to be something strong enough to make them not care about losing money.
I believe that there are other queer members but I don't see any of them queer coding all of their project likes Jimin does. Jimin embraces femininity and masculinity as well. I havent noticed other members doing any of this?
I don't know. I'm just trying to make sense of things. Why would someone in that company hate Jimin?
As for Jk...
I do think his goals and ambitions have changed from before. He changes often. I feel he hasn't quite found his place yet.
For now, he wants to be a het pop star. Being a het pop star could have it's perks for jikook. In Korea, people will judge an idol for eating a strawberry the wrong way (wonyoung im always with you, girl 😭). You don't get that dumb criticizing when you are a big international pop star. In fact, the more controversial you are (Johnny Depp, JB, HS), the more people get used to you and defend you.
This could mean that it will allow Jk to do whatever he wants without fearing the wrath of army because he will have other fans who will be chill about him doing what a normal 25 year old does. This works for Jk and this could work for jikook.
It all does seem contradictory, though. Especially in terms of jikook. We will know in a few months if Jk will use his fame to be more open with Jimin without the fear criticism or if jikook will still be low so Jk can get more famous.
And YES! Seven has nothing to do with Jimin. No matter how much we want to tie it together. It doesn't. Jk said it was a fun song and he took it. That's it. There is no more to it.
I see your point on the concept photos. It makes sense. I know that as a Jk fan, I would be dissapointed.
I raise you my theory:
People keep saying that jikook probably agreed to the concept photos together but...
Jm wasn't in on it. Jk did it as a surprise since he does those sort of things.
Jm was like hmm ok on the outside but on the inside was like "seriously?"
Imagine Jimin being ok with his beautiful concepts used for a song made by a gross and evil white man who shades you?
You all don't know Jimin at all if you think he would be happy.
Be for real. At least since Festa, Jimin has been taking his career more serious than Jungkook. He has worked hard and gave FACE everything. He likes to set the path. He sets the trends. He likes to be unique. He has said this.
If the concept photos match, I completely believe that it was because of Jk. He is a hopeless romantic...
(Ahhh and this goes with what my partner said in this post:
If they were Jk, they would spoil me to try to make up for the sabotage.)
So no, I will NEVER EVER get behind the photo concept theory that was thrown around saying that Jikook thought of it together and it was them letting the world know they are "I am you. You are me."
The matching clothes and matching brands, yes. But not the concept photos.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
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surveillance-0011 · 1 year
oh geez uh uh any w-3 headcannons????
Yes many tee hee.
Most of these r new/havent said before but I will repeat some for sake of not having to rummage thru tags. ANd the ones rotting in my drafts. Sorry for length i am. not normal about these fish
DJ (they/he?) is nicknamed Faith, and with the og japanese name this nickname would be Chu(ji)
Timpanist (he/it) is nicknamed Val, jpnese version would be Oo(shiki) or just Midori bc that's a bit more presentable name
The Cellist (they/she/he). Uh. I don't have a set nickname for them I usually just call them The Cellist/ cellisake I think they'd be okay with being referred to as that too. I've also called them Algin even tho that's technically not who they are... I've seen Blade as a nickname for them but something like Jr or Kid in reference to the whole "First Child" thing could work. Idk I'm indecisive ig they have a lot of nicknames
They are all ND
The Cellist and Faith started the band and Val joined soon after. Perhaps it makes more sense for it to be the other way around but I feel like with the Cellist being stubborn and more out there with their ideas that they'd initially forgo a more traditional instrument until they realized something was missing.
Val and Faith live together. The Cellist lives alone, maybe nextdoor w/ a lil pulley system between the two houses. Houses made during the Salmon Run are not really meant to be long term so this was meant to be a temporary arrangement to streamline their work but as you can see it's been some time.
Faith finds this nice, they were pretty much homeless and just couch surfing pre omega 3 and ended up moving in w/ one of them in their permanent ocean residences and they decided for the Salmon Run to keep a similar idea
Faith likes a lot of urban, cool culture. Streetwear, graffiti, hip hop and break-dancing... etc etc. They're also very tech savvy. Preferred genres r edm/techno, rap +rnb and punk...
Val enjoys an active lifestyle. Into travel, camping, fishing and more outdoorsy things, working hard, eating well, taking part in festivities and trying to give back to the community when he's not too caught up in his own stuff. Likes traditional salmonid music a lot but also pretty big on grunge and nu-metal
The Cellist likes reading and interacting with art that is like. "good enough" for him. Most of it is confusing or dreary. Likes coffee in the morning and maybe a small glass of scotch on a lonely evening. And being right. As for genres he'll go for whatever he thinks is groundbreaking in specific songs mostly regardless of genre.. but I feel he'd like rock. Probably post punk and more experimental stuff? Maybe folk and some classical music... idk idk!!! If anything it's mostly stuff like Trout Mask Replica...
The Cellist does however claim to not like pop music. This is usually not a lie but. She does actually like some of the Squid Sister's songs maybe even some stuff from OTH or C-Side. She would rather die than admit this.
I do feel like if any of them had to choose a favorite band of the ones we know DJ would choose Dedf1sh or Sashimori maybe C side.. Val would go for bottom feeders and Cellist would say uhh ink theory may be.. it’s good jazz music
Also uh Splatfest teams!
Faith: Scissors, Grub or Fun, Grass, Sweet, Milk Chocolate, Aliens, Gano- Power. and Vanilla!
Val: Rock, Gear, Fire, Spicy, Dark Chocolate, Nessie, Courage, Strawberry
Cellist: Paper, Grub, Water, Sour, White? or Dark. Bigfoot, Wisdom, Mint ChocoChip
They have all physically fought on multiple occasions. There's been at least one near breakup too
The Cellist's dorsal/hair fin is greying, their coloration is also a bit warmer than other salmonids
Val is not completely blind it its injured eye but its vision is fucked. It's also sensitive to light and sensation which is a major reason for the eye patch
They all respect each other as musicians and people and deep down they all care but they really do argue a lot. They're not really people who blend well together at all. DJ rebels against all that is mainstream and all they don't like and even stuff they're more neutral on for the hell of it. They kindof think they're cool for being a jackass but theyve also just become very callous bc they didnt have a choice when they were younger... and they kind of feel like they're still on the defense. Esp since the other two are more experienced and older and tend to treat him like a kid sometimes esp the cellist...
Val means well but he often struggles to take others into account. He's very goal oriented, a one-way track sort of guy who often acts more than a little clueless or even selfish. Not as petty or stubborn as the Cellist but he's got a lot of inertia. That and he's just... kind of shit at socializing in ways that don't piss other people off. Says a lot of accidentally insensitive stuff too. Comes off pretty intense to some as well!! And the Cellist. Well. Stubborn, emotionally repressed, physically and verbally clumsy... they are also a very sensitive person with a lot of emotional empathy where they kind of sponge up whatever vibe they feel, but they don't quite have the ability to act on what they think would make things right!
So yeah they fight a lot between these clashing personalities that bring out the worst in each other and other creative differences. The stress of the job adds to it!
Faith has an older sister. Val has two older brothers and many younger siblings. The Cellist is an only child which is uncommon in salmonid society
Faith is a Goldie, at least partially so. Val is a cohock from a family of steelheads and Big Shots and is extra durable bc of this. The Cellist is a Maws or meant to be one... he either did not complete training or retired due to his clumsiness...
All of them have healthy appetites esp Val and the Cellist
Val and the Cellist have both been in different bands before. Val was in a rock band that only lasted a summer when he was like 17-18 and then was part of a traditional salmonid music ensemble for a couple years before ω-3
As for the Cellist they’ve been through a couple different musical groups. They left most due to creative differences and not getting along with band mates.
This is the DJ’s first like. Band. Before this they just did solo gigs and posted stuff online
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evandorepart2 · 1 year
longgggg fucking vent post under the cut. idk if it even counts as vent i am simply relaying information about the situation and i am unsure how i should feel right now
oh my fucking GOD my brother is such an asshole like. ok so whats happened over the past couple days is that
i hit a depressive period. it is Obvious -> since im depressed i dont have energy to eat or cook much and ive been struggling with making sure to eat Before this -> we have recently got groceries and there are muffins. before this i was literally eating a slice of bread so i would at the very least not pass out or vomit so obviously when we have that im going to switch to Depending on that -> this is something i do a lot, unconciously, to eat. i have a single 'meal' and stick with it until its run out. whether or not it has lots of steps.
what happened after this is
my brother gets pissed cause i ate all the muffins and he calls me a bitch and some other stuff idr cause i deleted the messages -> i am hanging by a thread and being confronted abt an insecurity on multiple levels makes me very upset -> i attempt to deflect these feelings by joking about it so that i can convince myself that im not upset -> he responds negatively and calls me annoying + brings up the fact that hes the only one whos been cleaning downstiars and subtly implying that im lazy and never do any work. a fact he Has said to my face despite this being proven Not True many times. and none of the Mess hes been cleaning up is mine since i have not been using the kitchen / using dishes / had items isolated to a single small table -> i get more upset and decide to be honest and write a short, frank note [bc this is all over text bc he never talks to me face to face] saying that i am depressed. its difficult to eat and i wasnt even Thinking of him [as he is someone who regularly gets on everyone else for eating junk sweet food so i dont think he wnats that stuff] and i apologize for being a dick and thank him for cleaning up.
after this he does not respond which means that there is nothing else he wants to say on the matter. that was a few days ago and i do not talk / go near him. ive phsyically seen him Three times since this exchange. and they lasted a few seconds since i quickly Left The Area.
today was the first time hes messaged me since then to tell me to do the dishes. i Was going to - was debating not to but then it got into my head as a Task I Need To Finish before i could continue what i was doing - but when i went downstairs he was on the couch and this scared me so i went back upstairs and was promising to do it tomorrow.
Until i had another breakdown and completely reorganized all my projects so i wouldnt have an unproductive spiral. and then i just finished so i thought Now i will do the dishes so i can get back into doing my Other Tasks. that is if they werent done - the thing with the dishes is that he said he was going to cook. which is how it usually goes. so its not like he just told me to clean LOL
but during this time i had headphones on which are sound proof and as i was going outside i took them off and realized the tv was on which means hes downstairs. and also i could smell meat cooking, meaning he was making dinner. its at this point i was like. whoops i didnt do the dishes that sucks but also. i Have told him i was in the middle of a depressive period. i havent been eating and i havent been leaving my room at all. even my father picked up on this. its easy to assume that he understands that hey! maybe youll tell me to do something and i just dont do it. for gods sake i didnt even answer the text bc i didnt want to say id do it and then not do it.
so i went to shower instead and felt really sick standing up since obviously i havent eaten and it feels like my stomach is caving in and i can smell food cooking which just makes it significantly worse.
which is whatever. i leave. i think about whether or not my pride will let me go downstairs when he tells me hes made dinner. NOTE: my father is gone today - hes partying with his work friends as a going away thing. so it is just us.
except! he hasnt texted me at all! in fact! its been half an hour since i know he cooked and nothing has been said to me. which leaves the options. he made something else and i can just fend for myself. he made the original meal [which was burgers and takes a while to do cause he does it from scratch] and was pissed that i didnt do the dishes so he didnt make me any. or hes still cooking and has yet to text me [doubtful]
which. i dont know which is worse! and i am unsure if i am allowed to be upset by this!
because on one hand yea. i was supposed to do the dishes and i couldnt even bring myself to do that.
but on the other hand. man im fucking depressed. it took two days of convincing to get me to brush my teeth again. i am getting physically ill from lack of food and ive been having casual thoughts of suicide again. and its not like he doesnt know. like ive told him. ive left out my diagnosis papers so he could see them - which he told me hes read ! im not 'suffering in silence' or whatever. im just FUCK i dont know. i hate this stupid family.
its like everyone looks at me and goes. yea you have problems. but the second i start i dont fucking know having problems everyone gets soooo mad at me and tells me how awful and lazy and how im literally never going to ammount to anything or do anything < real words that my brother had said ! he went off very long on how pathetic i am to my father and only 'apologized' like a day later when he was high which was barely even an apology he just said sorry and then hung up.
its like every time i try to get better and then everyone around me just. fucking i dont even know man. my mom hates me. my brother hates me. my father hates everything i like and everything i stand for and completely refuses to ever listen to me actually talk. im awful person to everyone around me and all my friends and im not getting out of this hell hole. nothing is going to change when i get to iowa. im just gonna be the same shitty person in an even shittier country with people and family that i hate
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freesomebodybyluna · 2 years
#i feel so fucking shitty im so fucking exhausted i have no will to live tbh#im stuck in my sisters room all day trying to find internships or just feeling depressed bc im stuck in a room that doesnt even get light#and i feel a little less stressed bc her roommate + kid left earlier today so i can walk out into the kitchen more freely#but i havent even been eating much for the sake of not being seen by her roommate bc she wasnt entirely happy about me being here the other#day when she saw my sis for first time since coming back from a trip#and was quick to yell at my sis over stuff that my sister clearly communicated w her#and idk i feel like ive stressed out my sister more bc she needs to find a place regardless of whether she wants to keep me somewhere#more comfortable while i figure out my living situation bc shes been having trouble w her roommate as is#bc even though theyre friends shes been weirdly possessive over my sis for a while now apparently & will go off on my sis about her never#being home regardless of the fact that shes an adult w a bf & a life....and their friend in common has to step in as well occasionally to#defend my sis#and blah blah i feel so uncomfortable everyday i dont even leave my room or feel comfortable being in their backyard#when theyre not home bc idk i just dont feel comfortable w this situation#and im having no luck w finding an internship with less than a month until fall semester starts#and i hate having to rely on my sister sm when she has her own problems to worry about#and im not eating properly to avoid seeing her roommate#and im having trouble finding a driving school thats even holding classes rn#if i could id be willing to pay for ubers to be able to learn once & for all#nothings working out i feel like shit#dl#and unrelated but her roommate leaves her puppy in her crate for HOURS when shes not home & i feel so shitty hearing her cry all day#bc shes not getting the exercise she needs & her crate isnt even all that big#and the other day when she was out she called to ask me to take her puppy out so she could relieve herself#and i took her out for as long as i could so she could run around & play & i felt like a total dick when i had to put her back in her crate#and i can't even comfort her bc shes in the roommates room & i dont wanna get caught in there in case she comes home suddenly......
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samadiw · 3 years
Knickers - Part 03 - Yellow Knickers 💛
Fucking yellow?
She didnt have yellow knickers, she didnt have yellow anything and it wasnt like she could stroll into Hogsmeade and buy a pair.
Hermione pulls out her drawer of knickers, for a girl who didnt get it on much, she had a drawer full of colourful undies, one must always feel good in what covers your twat.
She gingerly picks up a scanty almost see through black pair of knickers, well, they would have to do.
Placing the pair on the bed, she reaches for her wand and waves it over the undergarment, the colour instantly changes from black to dark yellow.
Hermione grins, it looks better than she expected.
H : "Not bad..."
She flops down on the bed and thinks of Malfoy's cock for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.
The fucker had no shame in just whipping it out in front of her, his crass boldness turned her on, he didn't care to tip toe around her as if she would shatter into a million pieces.
Her toes curl with wanting, he would widen her nicely, she had always been told she was tight.
Damn that bloody Malfoy cock.
T : "The fuck man."
B : "Don't you get sick of losing?"
T : "You're cheating, I know it."
B : "Its wizards chess, you just suck."
T : "I have to meet Luna but once I'm back, I want a bloody rematch."
B : "Let's make it interesting, care to place a bet?"
T : "10 Galleons?"
B : "My house elf makes 10 times that, you bloody cheapskate."
T : "Later."
B : "Use protection, we don't want crummy chess players being added to the population."
T : "Fuck you, Zabini."
Draco walks in towelling his hair
B : "Ah, want to grab a butter beer?"
D : "Sure, mate."
Throws a bottle at Draco and he catches it expertly.
D : "So, whats the name of the new broad?"
B : "Patil..."
D : "Nice."
B : "Is Weasley still banging Granger?"
D : "Haven't a clue."
B : "She's looking rather fine this year."
Draco tightens his hold on the bottle and takes a long swig.
Blaise didnt know the half of it.
The next morning
T : "Fuck, are you ready to leave?"
D : "Yeah, I've got some, unm...work to do."
What he wanted to do was claim his seat in the Great Hall before someone else did.
B : "Well, I'm ready, I'll come with you, Theo, do hurry up bitch."
T : "Yeah, yeah, I'm hurrying."
They walk into the Great Hall and find it half full.
A bunch of 3rd years are sitting in Draco's usual place.
The blonde towers over the younger students and hisses darkly.
D : "Move, now!"
The adolescent boys trip over themselves in their haste to get up.
"Yes, Mr Malfoy, sir."
"Right away."
"So sorry."
Blaise and Draco slide into the seat.
B : "I think the tall one wet his pants."
D : "Respect, Blaise, must be taught when young."
B : "Theres a fine line between respect and bullying."
D : "Potato, potahto."
B : "Why the fuck do you keep looking at the entrance?"
D : "For Nott, ofcourse."
Blaise raises a brow and grins.
B : "Sure you are..."
Hermione links her arm through Ron's and he whispers a funny joke into her ear, she throws her head back in laughter.
From across the hall she can feel steely grey eyes watching her every movement.
She locks eyes with the ice blonde and bites her lip.
Settling down in her usual spot, Hermione looks at Draco through hooded eyes and challenges him.
Draco smirks, fucking showtime.
He's about to drop something when a voice cuts into his train of thought.
PS : "Mr Malfoy."
D : "Yes, Professor Slughorn?"
PS : "Come with me, boy, I need your rather unique potion making skills."
Come on, no, no...
D : "Now?"
Slughorn raises a brow.
PS : "Yes, now..."
Draco glances at Hermione desperately.
Did the old codger have to fuck up his morning?
Draco weakly protests
D : "But sir, I'm um..hungry."
Hungry for Grangers cunt.
PS : "Now! Before I start deducting points off Slytherin."
The bloody bastard.
Draco gets to his feet
D : "Fine."
Hermione looks on in disappointment, brings her legs together and watches Malfoy trail after Slughorn miserably.
The fuming Slytherin throws a look of annoyance her way before exiting the hall after the potions master.
Draco misses his first two lessons because of Slughorn's potions emergency, he is still at it when his year piles into the classroom.
He wipes his brow and looks up, Hermione grins and pats the seat next to her suggestively.
It wouldn't do to openly sit next to the Gryffindor without a bunch of questions being asked.
Draco coughs to distract everyone else and shakes his head, Hermione frowns, rolls her eyes and pulls out her books.
PS : "Good job, Mr Malfoy."
Draco replies in frustration.
D : "Yeah, no problem, Professor."
He gathers this things and sits next to Theo.
The class drones on and by the end of it Draco has dozed off more than once.
Theo nudges him and hisses.
T : "For fuck sake, get up."
The class ends and the exhausted students leave the dungeons and make their way to lunch before the next round of classes start.
Hermione studiously avoids Draco, she wouldn't go to him, let him come to her.
Refusing to sit with her, who the bloody hell did he think he was?
She steps into the abandoned girls bathroom to fix her hair and wash the tiredness off her face.
It takes but a second.
The door opens, closes with a bang and a heavy firm body presses up against her back.
Shocked at first, Hermione reaches for her wand but she looks up to see Draco grinning smugly at her.
She turns around and shoves him
H : "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
D : "Isn't it obvious?"
H : "This is the girls lavatory."
D : "I'm aware."
H : "Get away from me, you pervert."
D : "I haven't seen your knickers today, Granger."
H : "And you're not going to see them now."
D : "Oh, I beg to differ."
He places firm hands on her waist, lifts her and settles her on the counter.
Hermione lashes out
H : "Have you lost your damn mind?"
Draco winks.
D : "Possibly."
Hermione tries to hop down.
H : "I'm not playing this bloody game."
Draco holds her in place, his long fingers brush gently along her skin and edge upwards.
He pushes up the school skirt so it bunches around her waist and stares at the bright yellow undie hugging her pussy lips, outlining every dip and curve.
Draco swallows hard, up close she looks absolutely breathtaking.
H : "There, you saw them, are you satisfied?"
D : "Immensely, yellow might be my new favourite colour."
H : "Very funny, now let me go."
D : "Not so fast, pet."
He runs a long finger down her material covered slit.
Hermione gasps and a involuntary moan escapes her full lips.
She comes back to her senses and scolds.
H : "Stop it, anyone could walk in."
Draco rolls his eye, waves his wand and distinctive click echoes through the quiet bathroom.
He grins mischievously.
D : "Problem solved."
He continues to rub enticing circles around the flesh of her inner thighs.
D : "I wonder if you taste as good as you look."
H : "You wouldn't..."
D : "Oh, I would and you will love it."
He peels down her panties, leaving a trail of fire where his fingers touch her skin.
Draco puts Hermione smooth legs over his shoulders and bends to give her exposed cunt a quick lick.
Hermione gasps as he delves inside her with the tip of his tongue.
He gives her clit a quick flick and proceeds to eat her out generously.
Holy fuck, was Malfoy licking her cunt?
Oh, so good, so bloody good.
D : "You taste divine, let's see what makes you come."
Hermione's breathing elevates, she surrenders to the blonde licking her to glory.
The noises he makes as he moves his tongue echo in her head and fuel her pending release.
H : "Malfoy...."
D : "Wet, so fucking wet."
They have 4 minutes and 26 seconds before their next class.
Draco figures he needs 3 minutes tops to fuck her with his talented tongue and feel her orgasm on it.
D : "You taste fucking amazing."
He parts her pussy lips with his tongue again and begins to lap at her eager wetness.
Moving slowly, he uses the tip of his tongue to circle her ever receptive bud.
His tongue slips and he's rewarded with a loud moan.
Ah, so that's the spot.
Draco relentlessly tongues Hermione till she squirms.
He wants to look at her, keeping up his ministrations he braved a look at the witch whispering his name.
She was shuddering above him, her body wracked in pleasure.
Head thrown back, wild curls around her face, fuck...she looked stunning.
Her eyes closed, thighs spread wide and hands massaging her breasts and pinching her nipples.
This was a sight he could get used to.
H : "There, oh fuck...don't stop..."
H : "Oh...mm...I'm going to come."
Music to his ears, he takes her swollen bud between his lips and sucks hard.
D : "Let go, baby."
Hermione lets out a cry, grabs a fistful of Draco's hair and comes crashing down around him.
Only after she rode her high and stilled did he wipe her dripping juices off his chin and get to his feet.
H : "Well, that was..."
She hopes off the counter and attempts to stand on wobbly legs.
Draco licks his cum stained lips and grins.
D : "Something else."
H : Yes, something else.
Draco muses .
D: "And we havent even kissed yet."
Post orgasm bliss aside, Hermione asks.
H : "Why didn't you sit next to me? Do you still think me dirty?"
Dirty, was the woman mad? She fucking came in his mouth and he couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth.
Draco pulls Hermione close and kisses her.
The kiss is no gentle exchange between lovers, its hard, fast and demanding
He pries her stubborn lips open with his tongue and slips it in to seek the inner sweetness, they grab onto each other fighting for dominance, until, she breaks free and surfaces for air.
Draco nibbles on the heated flesh of her neck and whispers.
D : "That's your cum you taste on my tongue, do you honestly believe your blood status means fuck all to me?"
He places a tender kiss to her lips
D : Actually, I wanted to spare you the embarrassment of mingling with an ex Death Eater.
Hermione shoves him playfully.
H : "Sod it, sit with me tomorrow."
D : "You dig your own grave, Granger."
A distinctive tent decorated Draco's trousers, he cups the bulge and adjusts his painfully hard erection.
H : "Oh, you're still hard, let me..."
D : "We don't have time."
Hermione's face falls in disappointment and Draco smirks.
D : "Don't worry about it, you can make up for it tomorrow."
Draco picks up the discarded yellow knickers and pockets them.
D : "I'm keeping these by the way."
H : "You cant be serious?"
D : "I rather enjoy the thought of you walking about the castle knickerless."
H : "You fucking smug prat."
D : "Blue is my favourite colour, Granger."
Draco lifts the spell and walks out.
Funny, she would've bet her left tit that it was black.
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ohhmyheart5678 · 3 years
When in the streets of seoul (5)
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*warning* this mentions death, murder, suicide, guns, and other gruesome and dark content if you are sensitive to these kinds of things do not read it
Pairing: Chan x female reader
Word count 2.1k
Previous/ next
It's been six days, six day fucking days since I've been trapped here. I absolutely hate it. I spent the first three days not speaking to anyone and the other three finally excepting the fact that this is going to be my life now.
It's such a nice place. I get fed the best foods, I sleep in the most comfortable king sized bed with silk sheets, I have the best clothes, and I'm still miserable.
I went to the speaker and pressed 1. "Kinely ! You need something?" Chan sounded quite concerned. He believed that I had everything I needed but he forgot one thing. "I need to go to the store" I say sharply. Even though the deal was  that I wasn’t able to go in public he haven't let me out of this room yet.
He says I'm not cooperating and so I have to wait. "What do you need from the store that I can't get for you?" I could hear the slight annoyance in his voice but he could never be as annoyed as I am right now. I mean he is keeping me hostage for Christ sake. "Just take me to the store you dickhead" I was honestly so done with him.
I needed to get out this room and I needed to go to the store ASAP. "I'm not going to the store because you won't tell me what it is" Chris was trying to put his foot down but little did he know I was far better at this game than he was. "Look I need pads either you take me to get them, or you can suffer the consequences of trying to find the perfect pads for me which I guarantee that you won't and then you'll have to take me to pick them out anyways, or we can always go with the option of me bleeding everywhere" there was a long pause before he finally responded.
"Fine I'll take you to the store" was all he said before it went completely silent. I waited patiently by the door until a boy comes in. "Hey seugmin did Chris send you for me" he just gives a simple nod. "Felix and I" he simply says while fully opening the door that he was standing in just enough to show his body. Once he swung open the door it revealed Felix. The orange haired boy waved at me.
Since staying here Chris has sent the boys at least once so that they could introduce themselves since I'm gonna be seeing a lot more of them. I've learned about what these boys do. Since I had nothing better to do the least I could do was steal information on the guys I'm going to be living with from now on.
For instance Chris is the oldest and the leader. He calls the shots, he looks over the plans, and makes sure everything runs smoothly he does need to do much work but Felix says Chris is the last resort and that he’s feel bad for anyone if Chris was called in. Then there's Minho. He is one of the main men on the field he's the look out and distraction, and supposedly from what I heard he does a damn good job at it. Plus Minho has a medical background so if anyone gets hurt he’s the man everyone goes to.
There's also changbin he's got quite the temper so they use him when there's need for extreme measures you know if they need .. a mess. I heard he can get pretty creative with that stuff.
Hyunjin, who often checks on me throughout the day is the sniper. He knows weapons like the back of his hands and could handle them blindfolded. Then it's Jisung, they call him Han. He is the best fighter in the house. You can have a gun in the fight and he could still win.
Felix known as the second Aussie of the house does the interrogations. He can get anyone to talk, his deep voice scares mostly anyone , but for the ones that are harder to get through. Let's just say they can either come out alive while missing some part of their body. Or they can come out in a body bag.
Seugmin is the hacker, he can hack into litterally anything. You name it, he can hack it. He's the one who got the information on my dad.
Last but definitely not least there's jeongin they all him I.N . He is silent but deadly. The red hair boy is like a ninja. They use him when they want to get the job done quickly but quietly.
We arrived downstairs where Chris was waiting for us at the door. I figured he was already handling business downstairs so he fetched the two boys to get me. "Thanks gentleman I got it from here" it was his nice easy of telling them to go away.
We got into his car and he drives us to a nearby store. I looks around searching for the right ones as he stands behind me trying to figure how the whole process works. I saw the pack I wanted and grabbed two of them. "Ahh now I know for next time" he says as if he has just been enlightened. "Next time?" I wanted to know what he meant by next time.
"Next time its you know... that time, I'll be able to pick out the right ones for you" that’s so aggravating! My only reason to get out the house was once again taken from me. Chan probably could tell that I was slightly disappointed by his statement so he changed it a little , I mean seeing that he’s talking to a hormonal women who’s not necessarily in the best mood at the moment. "I mean unless you'd like to do it for yourself" A small smile slightly appeared on my face as I handed the cashier the goods to ring up. "Is there anything else you want or need from here before we leave" Chris wanted to hurry out of here because this was time he could be spending working at home. "Nope" I was completely content with having what I needed so far.
Once we arrived back home I was instantly sent back to my room. Sitting there in boredom I looked around for some form of entertainment. There was absolutely nothing to do in this room and I was just now realizing it. For the past few days all I've been doing was sleeping and eating , so I didn't stop to think about it . I was too busy being sad about being locked up in a room by a bunch of psychos.
I looked over at the speaker not wanting to bother Chris because I rarely want to even speak to him. I walked over pushing the number 5 on the speaker and hoped this man was in his room.
"Hey kinely are you doing ok?" He genuinely sounded concerned. "Can you come over here please" I knew I didn't have to really ask him because he doesn't mind coming and checking on me anyways but I thought to ask just in case . "Sure just give me a sec" Hyunjin was always in here and even though Chris comes in often to talk to me he's always busy it's only for a few seconds before he goes back to "work".
Hyunjin came within fifteen minutes. He knocks making sure I'm not naked or anything. I think that it was pretty nice of him to do considering the other boys just come in as they please. I mean I know it's your home and all but a girl needs privacy.
"Come in" I yelled from my closet, I had just put on sweats and a hoodie to get a little comfortable. "You sent for me?" He walked in and closed the door behind him. "I was wondering if you could stay in here for a little longer than you normally do? I think I'm gonna go insane in here by myself" he chuckled at me being immensely dramatic. I put the back of my hand on my forehead pretending to be a damsel in distress.
He walked over to my bed and sat on it and patted on it which was his way of telling me to sit down. "Maybe you don't have to stay in here all the time" he seemed like he was getting somewhere but I was yet to follow. "What do you mean?" Was he gonna take me out this house or was I reading this wrong? "Its not much but maybe you could come to my room. There's tons of things to do in there. We just can't let Chan know I'm taking you out considering he wants you in the room." He fidgets a little wondering how I was going to respond to his offer.
Hell yeah I was gonna take this opportunity to leave the room! I had nothing else to do in the looney house. "Why not?" I shrug not wanting him to know just how excited I was. He grabs my head and leads me to his room all the way in the other side of the house.
My jaw dropped once he opened his room door to let me inside. He had arcade games like ddr, those ones when you race on the motorcycle, street fighter and pac man. He had a giant tv mounted on his wall in front of his bed and a wii console which I havent seen in years. "Told ya" he crossed his arms leaning against doorframe while admiring the dumb look of shock on my face.
"Where do we even start?" I was still looking around trying to pinpoint the first thing I wanted to do. "Doesn't matter where we start all you need to know is I'll kick your ass at any game in this room" his cockiness shines through, a side of him I haven't seen since I first met him.
What he didn't know was how competitive I can get "You're gonna be very disappointed when you realize how much you suck compared to me, especially when I beat you in dance revolution" It was on now. I can see a gleam in his eyes and knew he was almost if not just as competitive as I am.
Twelve rounds, six wins , and six loses later. We decided to watch a movie. "How's it feel to loose to someone as amazing as I?" I stood on his bed placing my hand on my hips. I'm sure he's yet to meet someone as dramatic as me. "We both won and lost the same amount of time so I'd say we're equally as amazing if you ask me" hes right about that but this his room and his games that he plays all the time if he didn’t win then it would be embarrassing. Hyunjin pulls my right leg causing me to fall on his bed. "You asshole!" My body had no control over itself. It was bouncing up and down on its own and I couldn't even stop it.
"You were to one who wanted to watch a movie and you can't even sit still" Hyunjin teases while I finally get myself together and sit up all the way in the bed. "Plus you weren't calling me a asshole when I took you out of your room." I gasped while holding my chest. "Oh how dare you?" I squinted my eyes at him and he laughed at me.
I must admit I haven't felt this good in a few days. I almost forgot that I was being held against my will but the thought is always in the back of my mind. I finally settle down and Hyunjin was nice enough to let me choose the movie I wanted. So here we were, on the bed watching a movie. For comfort I lay my head on his shoulder and her wraps his wraps around me.
I felt relaxed and almost safe. Soon I fell asleep with the movie playing in the background. Hyunjin was staying still trying not to wake me up. In fact so still that he ended up falling asleep himself.
I just needed to wake up on time before Chris realizes that I'm gone.
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zmayadw · 4 years
Hello, hello!
Time to continue. I’ll post 2 parts again, so lets begin..
First one :)
PART 11        
Jessy came to Aurora shortly after, finding Phil and me sitting in the booth laughing and chatting. „You two are awfully cheerful.“ She said nearing us. „Hey Jessy“ i chimed back cheerfully „Well, Phil is a good company, how not to be cheerful.“ Phil grinned at her, wich made her look both of us skeptical „Yeah, yeah, if you say so.“ „Aww, sys,  dont be so cruel.“ He teased her. She made a face at him, turning to me „You ready? Im starving!“ „Ready“ i told her, taking my stuff and getting up. „Cya, Phil, thanks for everything.“ I said, smiling at him. „No worries, Maya, glad we talked. Dont be a stranger.“ He said, winking at me as he got up and went towards the bar. „What was that all about?“ Jessy asked as we left the Aurora. „Oh, nothing really.“ I replied, wich made her look at me with doubt. I quickly tried to change the subject „So, where are you taking me for lunch?“ i asked, grabing her under her arm. „I tought some junk food is what we need after last nigh, hamburgers and fries might be a good choice.“ She grined. „I totally agree.“ We walked to the hamburger place, wich wasnt far from Aurora. We sat at one of the tables, and ordered some food. As we waited for it, she told  me how Dan managed to wake up just before she left, begging her to drive his car back, and bring him some food. „He can really drive me crazy sometimes!“ she told me. „Aww, c'mon, thats why you like him.“ I teased, and she laughed. Our food arrived, and we started eating. After a while, i finaly told her, between my bites „I saw Jake last night.“ Jessy almost spat her drink. „What?“ she almost screamed „What? Where? Talk!“ I told her all about it, from the hoodie part, to where i left him standing. When i was done i added desperately „I messed up everything again, Jessy. I didnt hear him out, i was just so tired and frustrated.“ I sighed tiredly „Why is it always so hard with him?“ i paused before i said, sadness creeping in my voice „I just dont know how much more i can go on like this.“ Jessy looked at me, sympathy and care all over her face „I know, Maya. Its hard sometimes, God only knows how much.“ She started „Im just gonna say one thing. Just be totally sure you tried everything there is to get to the bottom of things with him, to be on the clear, once and for all.“ She paused before continuing „I can see how much it pains you, and i see you really care for Jake.“ „I do, Jessy, more then you can imagine. But im tired, so tired of constant fights with him, and not getting anywhere.“ „I know. And i really hope you will resolve it soon.“ She looked at me, giving me a reasuring smile „In the mean time, you can talk to me whenever you need a shoulder to cry on.“ I smiled „Thanks, Jessy. I really appriciate it, you have no idea how much it means to me. Im really greatful to have you in my life.“ She looked at me, took my hand and squeezed it „Im here for whatever.“ We continued with our food. When we wer nearly done, she oredered some food to take for Dan, and when it was done, we payed and left. As we walked back to the Auroras parking, Jessy asked me, all serious „Maya, what's going on with you and Phil?“ I looked at her „Aghh, its complicated.“ She stoped walking, and i did the same „Dont get me wrong, its non of my business“ she started „But to be honest, i've never seen Phil act like this, towards anyone. I think he's really into you, and, well, with all thats happening with Jake..“ „Dont worry, Jessy“ i said „I actually had a long conversation with Phil about all this earlier.“ She looked surprised „He knows  about Jake?“ „Not exactly. I didnt mention Jake per se, but he knows something is happening.“ I paused before continuing „I like Phil, Jessy, and he knows it. But we came to a mutual understnding about it all, so noone could get hurt in any of this mess.“ She continued walking „Aright, thats good. He is a jerk sometimes, but he's my brother, and i do wish him well.“ „I know, Jessy, and trust me, i dont want for anyone to get hurt here. I hope all will get in the clear soon.“ „I hope so too, Maya“ she said, as we came to Dans car „I really hope so, for both your sake, and the others.“ She gave me a tight hug, before entering the car, and smiled „Im here if you need me.“ „Thanks , Jessy, same here.“ She started the car, honking as she drow off , me waving her as i entered my car. Driving to the motel i tought about all that Jessy told me. I hoped she was right, and things will get clear soon. I really was torn inside. I had some decisions to make, and not an easy ones. And i was scared.
When i got back to the motel i realized i left everything in such a mess, and decided to clean it. I collected the sutff  thrown all over the floor. I grabed Jakes hoodie, burrying my face again in it and taking a deep breath. Damn, i tought, i wish i could talk to him, i need to know what will be with us. If there even is a possibilty of 'us'. And all that was going on with Phil was making me confused. My phone rang then, and i quickly put the hoodie on me before answering it. I checked the caller, it showed no number.. Could it be Jake? Then again, why would he hide his number? I answered the call „Hello?“ but there wasnt any replie. I said 'hello' few more times, before whoever was on the other side ended the call. Strange,i  tought, but decided to ignore it, someone probably just dialed the wrong number. I continued with cleaning, realizing i should get some laundrey done. I saw a self-service laundrey in town, i should wisit it tomorrow. When i was done, i decided to try and do some work. I sat at the table, opening my laptop, putting some music on. It always helped me while working, and this time wasnt any different. At some point, i checked my phone ,it was past midnight. Nice, i managed to finish on the project i took, without any interruption. I closed the laptop and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As i got to bed, i thought of Jake again. I hoped we would talk soon, i meant what i said to Jessy earlier, i really didnt know how much more i can go on like this. I sighed, closed my eyes, wishing sleep comes fast.
           When i woke up i felt quite rested. Even tho my mind was a complete mess, i had a good night sleep. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I took the laundrey, grabed the car keys and my purse and headed for town. I parked near the self-service laundry place and took the stuff from the car. Putting the laundrey to be washed, i decided to go for coffe while it wasnt finished. I left the laundrey place, and walked to the coffee shop near by. I sat at the table outside, and ordered myself a big coffee and a toasted sandwich, might as well get some breakfast since im here. I took my phone out checking for some more work and found few interesting ones. Some alone time just working might be what i need now. I checked the news feeds and mail while drinking coffe. Jessy called at some point, telling she will be going to her sister for a few days, apologizing for leaving me on my own. I told her not to be silly, that i'd be working mostly eitherway, so she felt a bit less guilty about it. She promised we'll meet as soon as she's back, wich i acceptet cheerfuly. I was done with coffee so i paid and left. I collected my laundrey, deciding to get some stuff from the store before heading back to the motel, so not to do unnecessary trips to towns center every little while working. When i was done, i got all the stuff and headed back to the motel. I putted the stuff away, and clean laundrey in the closet. I went out of the room to get some ice from the machine by the entrance to the motels office. When i got back, i poured a drink  and took my phone. There was a missed call on it, and the number was hidden. Again? What the heck, i tought. Work was calling, so i dismissed it from my toughts, and focused them on working instead. I worked till late again, before deciding i had enouhg, chrasing to bed.
The next day i spent most of it working. I stopped only to eat and drink something in peace, and i took a short walk to stretch my legs a bit. I took a shower before going to bed, luling my self to sleep with some movie on the tv.
On the next morning, after i got up, i decided to quickly go to town for some fresh coffee. I drove to town, stoping at the caffee and getting myself the biggest 'coffee to go' they had, heading back to the motel. I got back to working, but was interupted by my phone ringing after a while. I checked the phone, and smiled when i saw who the caller was. „Well, if it isnt my favorite barkeep!“ i cheerfully said in my phone. „Hello gorgeous.“ Phil answered me. „Where you hiding at?“ he asked. „Oh, im at the motel. Working my ass off.“ I told him. „I'v been lazy with it lately, so it's taking its tol on me now.“ „Aww, sorry to hear that.“ He said „But, even so, you need to take a break. Bring that pretty ass of yours to Aurora tomorrow night, we'r having a party!“ he said cheerfully, and before i could even start to protest „And i'm not taking a 'no' for an answer here!“ „Aww, c'mon Phil, thats not fair.“ i started teasingly „You took all the fun out of it! I'm good at protesting!“ He laughed „I bet you are. So, see you tomorrow?“ „Ofcourse.“ I said, adding „Hey, Phil, whats the party for, by the way?“ „Oh, right, i keep forgeting you're not from around here.“ He said. „And i tought Jessy might already told you.“ „Nop, she didnt tell me anything, and since she is with your sister, we havent really spoken much these last few days.“ „Ahh, i see.“ He said „Well, in that case, it's the Aurora's opening day anniversary, and its pretty packed for that night,with drinks being cheeper. So be sure to come early, i'll save you a seat at the bar.“ „Thanks, Phil. I'll bring myself and my pretty ass then.“ I said teasingly „Thats the spirit!“ He chimed. „Alrighty“ i said. „See you tomorrow, then.“ „Cant wait.“ He said „Laters, Maya.“ That migt be fun, i tought. And if im lucky, i might finish with work by tomorrow morning, so some fun would be like a reward for it. I continued working, and was happy that i actually finished before i tought i would.I  checked the time. It was almost 3 in the morning! Ohh, guess i would sleep till late again tomorrow. And i didnt mind. The work was done, i had nowhere to rush, some sleep will do me good. I crushed to bed, burrying myself under the covers, sleep coming almost instantly at me.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
House of Mouse: The Stolen Cartoons Review (Patreon Review)
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Hello all you happy people! It’s Patreon Review Time. Since my 5 dollar or higherr patreons get 1 review a month, Kevin my 10 dollar patreon is using one of his to celebrate the 20th anniversary of House of Mouse by having me review a random episode a month. And for this month we’re going all the way back to the start with The Stolen Cartoons!
I already introed house of mouse back when I reviewed “The Three Cablleros” episode but for a refresher: House of Mouse is a 2001 cartoon about Mickey and Co running a club. Mickey is host, Minnie plans the show and runs the books, Donald tends to the VIP”s and co owns the club with Mickey, Goofy is head waiter,  Daisy runs guest services, Horace is technical support, Clarabelle is a gossip monger with no clear actual job, and Max is Valet. The show was used to repackage shorts from the short lived show Mickey mouseworks, using the club setting as a wraparound and said club was attentend by all the various characters from the disney canon. It’s as awesome as it sounds. 
The voice cast, which I didn’t intro thorughly last time, was equally awesome with all the actors for the characters at the time, all legends in the industry. Wayne Allwine as Mickey,who played the character from the late 70′s to his death, Russi Taylor as Minnie and the Triplets, who did the same and was also married to wayne, Tony Anselmo, who should be thorughly familiar to readers of this blog and donald duck fans as his voice since Ducktales, Voice Actress Tress Macneile as Daisy, likewise,  Jason Marsden as Max and Voice Acting Legend Jim Cummings as Pete. All except Allweine i’ve profieled before on this blog in various other series, but Wayne, outisde of a very minor role in black cauldron, only voiced Mickey, and to me is the defntiive voice for the guy, though Chris is getting close. 
The other notable members of the cast i havent’ covered are April Winchell, who while tremendous, I will save for an episode Clarabelle is actually in more, and Bill Farmer. I have a great amount of Love for Bill and like everyone here, he was a vertran of the industry by the time he showed up in this series. His defining roll far and away is goofy, who was, to my delighted surprise his FIRST voice audition, having studided PInto Colving’s voice well to the point you can barely tell the difference between the two, and having inherited the roll around the same time as Russi and Tony. He’s the voice of Goofy I and most kids from the 80′s onward have grown up with and is the best at the roll by far, having chances for depth and nuance Pinto wasn’t allowed with the Goofy Movies and other works. IN general he’s just THE goofy to me. He’s also the voice of horace and pluto, and currently voices Hop Pop in Amphibia which is super noteworthy as looking at his filmography like a lot of the sensational 6′s va’s he’s only voiced goofy or Pluto for most of his career. But hey like Tony, if you only do one charcter might as well be the fucking best at it. He also has a show on Disney Plus with him and dogs I need to watch yesterday. 
So with our cast out of the way, and not much history to go into, join me after the cut and we’ll see how House of Mouse got it’s start and if it was a good one. 
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Breaking from my usual format for House of Mouse and doing the shorts as they come up int he main story for two reasons: The first is that the shorts are integral to the plot and the second is that there’s way more main story this time around than usual, likely to properly set things up. 
So we open at the House of Mouse with Mickey Adressing the club and showing off the general premise of this being a club for all of the various heroes and villains of disney to hang out and what not. He also presents the house rules which are no smoking (Fair and should’ve always been a thing), no villianous schemes and no eating the other guests, all helpfully demonstrated as he says them. We also get to see the others in action: Minnie handling the schedule and the crew, Donald welcoming the guests, and Daisy running the desk and getitng brainwashed by Jafar into giving him a table. Max also is providing his job as Valet which surprised me because I genuinely thought he didn’t join the cast till season 2.. despite the fact he’s right there in the credits.. which are the same for ALL THREE SEASONS. 
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So things are going well.. so naturally that’s when Pete shows up to try and ruin things. Look he’s having a hard time after the divorce.. several years ago. Okay maybe he’s always just been a dick and that’s why he’s divorced in the first place. Point is he naturally wants to shut the club down, boot them out, and wreck up the place like any natural cartoon villian or real estate scum bag landlord. Pete just happens to be both because he can multitask. .and because it’s basically the same thing you just have to be animated for one of them.  Thankfully whoever the previous Landlord was, i’m going with Shere Kahn given the setting, his roll in tailspin and the fact the obvious candidate, scrooge, would make no sense here given a later episode where he guest stars, wrote into the contract that as long as the show goes on, they can stay in business. Pete stews over this and naturally plans to stop the show while Minnie, in a cute bit, comforts a nervous mickey and just tells him to play some cartoons. So...
Pluto Gets the Paper: Wet Cement and Donald’s Dynamite: Magic Act I”m covering both of these at once. But as I said the animated shorts this time are one big sized one and two of the shorter ones to make more room for the story. Which is fair: this is the first episode, and thus needs to set up the premise. The series isn’t story driven but your first episode should still feel like one, ease you into the world and get you situated and THEN can do the normal format. It’s also in the episode’s favor as the heavier story focus meant a BETTER story than most season 1 episodes, on par with the two season 3 episodes i’ve covered so far. 
The shorts themselves are fine. So far this is the only Pluto Short i’ve liked as it has a neat enough gaga: Pluto has to get the paper in wet cement. Why did the paperboy throw it in wet cement instead of in the driveway, I dunno but given this short is well.. short and just meant to deliver on some quick gags, I’m not going to question it. It’s the first Pluto short i’ve covered without any dog sexual harassment, i’m not looking a gift dog in the mouth. 
The other short short played right after is part of a series where Donald ends up trying to get rid of a round bomb that shows up wherever he is....
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It’s pretty damn funny, though being a huge Donald fan i’m obviously biased, but even removing my donald duck brand sunglasses, I will concede this was objectively fun.
But the cartoons stop as, true to the title, they’ve gone missing! Horace is found tied up, the cartoons are gone and Pete is obviously responsible. and hilariously so as the rope has his name on it and he says “I don’t know horace horsecollar” There are a LOT of good gags in this one, i’m leaving a lot out for time’s sake. 
So Mickey and Minnie come up with a plan: Mickey sends the.. Quackstreet Boys.... to stall. Now it may shock you but I actually LIKE the backstreet boys. Not to an extreme amount but I did grow up with them, and even now find their music pretty damn good. No my issue is this parody is weak, mostly running entirely on the title pun. The most I can give them credit for is using the outfits from their second album cover. No I wasn’t kidding I did grow up with them. You saw that everywhere so even if I didn’t enjoy their music then and now, i’d know it. But it just feels really weak, like they had no idea what to DO with the boys and instead just slapped them in a lame parody. It dosen’t help i’m not a fan of the classic version of the boys outside of the comics, as I feel later productions should’ve had them actually be distinct, and it took until 2017 to pull that off with the reboot, something I fear may be undone in future productions. Please.. don’t.. you can have Cristina Vee voice them all, I don’t care about the voice I just want to be able to tell them a apart. So yeah I don’t like it but it dosen’t drag the episode down. Just something I wanted to have a moan about. 
So they split up: Mickey, Minnie and Goofy go to shoot a cartoon while Donald runs the club. Naturally he rebrands.. but what really is telling is everyone boos him when he tries to mc.. just for not being Mickey. While Donald does have a massive inferiority complex here, desperately wanting to one up mickey.. with moments like this it’s hard not to see why> He’s JUST as big a star, just as talented , maybe not as nice but just as likeable. He even co-owns the club. But ironically only Mickey Himself, and Daisy of Course, treat him like an equal. To everyone else it’s Mickey’s world and he’s just the sidekick. It’s no wonder he spend sthe entire show desperately trying to outdo mickey: he doesn’t hate the guy, even if he wouldn’t admit it.. but he just wants to be loved too. Sure it’s part ego.
Mickey does return though with the new cartoon. And our only sizeable one so. 
Hickory Dickory Mickey: This is a REALLY good one with a simple enough premise; Goofy wants Mickey to take him to the airport at 6am tomorrow.. which Mickey balks at. 
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Seriously i’ve woken up at 3-4am to go to the airport or on road trips. Waking up at 5:30 is pretty standard. Goofy also has good reason to ask as he once BROKE MICKEY OUT OF JAIL. And as seen up top the flashback is done in black and white AND with their old models. I just.. love everything about this and it had to have taken extra effort to make new models for the old models and thus extra money for a quick joke. So kudos best part of the episode. But with his hands tied Mickey is forced to take him and Goofy leaves him his clock which won’t stop ticking. So we get just.. nonstop good gags as Mickey tries to sleep with standouts being his trying to drown it out only to get the tick station, the tock station on the radio and the clock channel on the tv. He also tries to mail it and naturally it comes back thanks to a kangaroo when he ships it to Australia..a nd then get’s progressively batshit as he mails it to HADES (comes back in a puff of smoke) and to the 1920′s (It comes back in black and white with arms and legs). It’s just.. really damn good and I suggest seeking it out. I have liked other shorts better but this was a good one. 
Pete still gloats as they’ll need more cartoons.. only for one to fall out of his jacket and Mickey to shake the rest out. We then get a fun chase between the two, SO many good jokes, my favorite being him dressing up as a dalmation only for Cruella to take measurements, before being cornered by the three and the elephant from tarzan who throws him out.. right next to pepper-ann and her mom “Don’t touch the villian dear”. Good crossover.. and another show that like House of Mouse is not on disney plus don’t ask me why. 
So our heroes win, we get our usual sponsorship and unusually we see the guests leave, a nice bit I wish they did more. All’s well that ends well. 
Final Thoughts: This episode was fantastic. It introduces the cast well, sets up our villian, our basic premise and while only having one major cartoon, uses that as a plot point and it’s a damn good one. A fantastic start to the series and frankly the best place to start if your curious about the show. I’d like to thank Kev for sponsoring this review. If you’d like your own review you can look at comissoin details on my blog or get one guaranteed every month by becoming a 5 dollar patreon. You get one guaranteed review a month, acess to my discord server for my patreons, and to pick a short when I do birthday specials. And contributing to my patreon gets me closer to my stretch goals, even one dollar helps. Next goal not only gets reviews of the super ducktales mini series, but also a darkwing duck episode EVERY MONTH. And with the plug done, i’ll see you at the next rainbow. 
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
The Runaway
Cw: none, ask to tag
Ok to rb
Chapter finale bitch!
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Jerico woke up with the wind tapping at her window, its early morning.
She sits on the bed, turning to see her loving husband completly passed out.
She giggles caressing his side, and pressing a kiss to his warm cheek.
Going to take a bath she then changed clothes and grabbed a black parasol heading for the village with waffle behind her.
It was cloudy, the night before it snowed so the homes were adorned with white.
She Walked around the market, grabbing some things she thinks Lucas would like.
Suddenly waffle barks and runs to an older Man.
He looked so familiar.
Walking up to him, he picks her dog up, talking to her in a familiar accent -- ah hello waffle! No time no see!
--well color me impressed, nikolai?
The Man looks up to jerico, with a warm smile-- oh look at you, all grown up now
Jerico giggled, grabbing waffle-- what are you doing here?
-- I live here of course, and what are you doing here?
Jer shrugged-- well you remember that the dimitrescu family adopted me, so this is my home too
Niko nodds-- da, I remember, well its starting to get cold, let me invite you for a warm drink at my place? Just for old times sake?
She nodds-- id love to but I gitta be home by midday, I hav some stuff to do
He nodds and both walk to his home, the cozy ambient Provided much needed warmth.
Once they had a warm drink they sat on the couch with the TV going off in the background.
-- what did you get in the market?--nikolai asked.
Jer shrugged-- just some stuff I think my husband would like
The world stopped for nikolai right then and there-- h husband?
She nodds-- oh I havent told you did I? I got married!
He smiled with pain behind it-- ah congratulations, hes very lucky to have you
--hey before I leave though, can I ask you a question?
-- uh yeah
-- why you left our home, when we "broke up" ?just the night before we had an amazing date and then boom, never to be seen again
He sighed-- I used to be a mercenary, things got dangerous and I didnt want you to suffer, im so sorry, I was such a fool
She sighed patting his arm-- I dont hold any grudge towards you, dont worry --He sighed in relief-- well I gotta go, I wanna get these things to Lucas before he wakes fool
Waffle runs to her owner and both say their goodbyes.
She arrives home just in time to see Lucas wake up.
-- morning handsome -- jerico said caressing his side-- breakfast is ready
Lucas smiles sitting up finding the tray with coffee, Bacon and eggs some centimiters away.
--Ya pamper me too much-- he said putting the tray on his lap, waffle just besides him and jerico snuggled up to him, Like a child between her parents.
Jer leans against Lucas shoulder as he eats, handing waffle a piece of a....waffle.
-- she can eat that?
-- shes a genetically engenireed dog of course she can--he added.
She raised her brows with a smile-- okay okay fine--Both giggle and kiss-- you should brush your teeth after this okay? You have bad morning breath
He laughs kissing her cheek-- okay
That same night, they had unexpected visitors, the long and big dinner room was perfectly decorated, there were some extra plates, wich jer didnt notice much.
--jerico!-- she freezes at the sound of a familiar voice.
She turns around to find her old four lovers at the door of the dinning room
--jill?! Carlos?! What are you guys doing here?
Lady dimitrescu walks up behind her-- I invited them over, since today its your fourth anniversary with Lucas
She knew her mom didnt do this on purpose, but she couldnt let it slide today.
While eating jer was deadly silent.
Lucas,who sitting Infront of her, took her hand-- are you okay? Youre too quiet
-- well, having to eat dinner with your exes is kinda tough
He nodds squeezing her hand-- you can concentrate on me, its just for Tonight
She nodds and finally smiles-- youre the best husband ever, did I told you that?
He smiles-- all the time hun
Jericos exes smile at the scene, yet a part of them also hurted, how did they let slide someone as wonderfull as her?
Theyd stay the night,and a couple of days more, as they all chattered,except jerico who went to walk with her dog Carlos spoke up.
-- you are one lucky Man, you know that? -- he said drinking from his glas-- everyone of us let her slide, some more than others -- he looked a nikolai who insulted him in russian.
-- well, you guys gave me a tough road-- Lucas said-- Man,she was devastated, she cried Rivers upon rivers-- he noticed the pained expressions of the people around him-- but uhh... we solved it,shes happy now wich is what matters
They nodd-- amen
That night, jerico was soundly asleep, its maybe four am, she wakes up, her throat dry.
Being careful not to wake up Lucas or waffle she opens the door, just like her sisters, jerico could turn into a cloud of insects, and that she did, floating to the kitchen where she transformed into a human again.
With a glass of water in hand she drank from it hearing ball music play in the Background.
Walking to the ballroom she peeks her head into the room, her mom always liked dancing at late hours of the night.
--Mind if I ask you for a dance?-- jill scared the crap out of jer.
-- JESUS! You scared me jill!-- she sighed, to then smile-- yeah of course
Alcina smiled watching her daughter dance,she taught her well.
They moved gracefully across the floor.
When the song ended jill pulled jerico closer.
-- nice dance,partner-- they heard Kevin say in the distance
-- ah thanks-- jerico fixed her clothes-- as much as id like to dance all night, I gotta go, Lucas has to wake up early and im the only one that can get him out of bed, by yall!
She bolted to her room, throwing herself into her bed, Rolling on her side to hug Lucas.
The Next morning jerico heard a soft knock on her door,Jill enters with her breakfast-- hey, hey jer wake up
Jer yawns sitting on the bed-- oh..thanks jill--she sits up looking at the food.
-- whats wrong?
--nothing it just reminds me of when we were togheter
Valentine sighs-- I never apologized did I? Im so sorry , I shouldnt have left you for work, I realized it too late..
Jer hugged her -- its okay, I dont hold it against you
She smiles,--mind if I Keep you company?
-- not at all
During the afternoon, Carlos and her played football on the courtyard--like old times right!
Jer laughs-- this time im kicking your ass Carlos!
--id like to see that!
Both spend an hour or so,then Kevin gaver her a ride to the market since her own Motorcycle was broken.
When she hugged him,the old feelings came back.
-- remember when we used to go and ride around the city? We used to do that all the time!-- kev said.
Jerico laughed-- yeah we did! It was so fun!.
And at night she spend it Reading with nikolai.
The old feelings came back, and she told Lucas this.
-- im not trying to say that you arent enough-- shes been on a tangent for two minutes now.
Her husband kisses her-- jerico calm down, I know what youre trying to say, all I wanna know is, would you be happier if they are with you too? --She nodds hiding her face on his chest-- then so be it, I just want you to be happy remember? I promised you that when I asked you to be my girlfriend..
Jericos now exes were stoked, theyd take her back in a heartbeat.
And Lucas found himself making Friends with them too, specially nikolai who was just as much of an evil genius as he was.
Jill always scolded them both, Kevin joined their misadventures from time to time.
And Carlos was the only one making sure Lady dimitrescu didnt throw them all out.
Things were bound to get interesting and even with the possible Shenanigans that were sure to ensure, jerico wouldnt have it any other way.
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sainadazai · 4 years
When your crush is angry all the time
Ch. 1
Something fun at an all girls school
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Chapter 1
Something fun in an
✨all girls school✨
"Alright, despite how much the staff have opposed the right for students to watch t.v. during school time....our principle believes that this is actually going to be informative. Now girls, students with all sorts of quirk and backgrounds can be accepted to U.A. I expect you all to respect the people on this t.v as your future colleagues. NO JOKES."
"Pst..wish she would just shut up so we can see the hot guys..." Maiyumi whispered to no one particular
"I know, I haven't seen a man since I got kidnapped last year."
"Most of us havent seen anyone since being kidnapped, or you know, FUCKING ARESTED!" Y/n whisper-yelled. She was still very pissed that even though, she was obviously kidnapped-and meant to be killed- the fucking police blamed her. Dad chalked it up to them being jealous, but y/n really wasn't having it. Imagine it's the third time you were kidnapped and tortured before the age of 16, and it was supposedly your fault. 
Technically, they could've arrested her for burning down the building two weeks later, obviously while empty, she admitted that was wrong. Still, they got what they deserved, and she got frozen yogurt from down the street. As she would say: now that's proper treatment after a kidnapping 😎
"L/n thats enough, we all know the story by now, and we do not need to hear it again"
"But you shoulda been there, the audacity of them to say I was working with those guys!?! Those villains were way below MY level. I mean c'mon, if I was a villain i'd be way cooler than those nobodies."
"Oh.my.god. y/n I love you, but shit up so we can watch hot U.A. boys fight each other!"
"Ms. Hitoka!Unacceptable, we are here to learn from our follow young heros, not sexualize them"
"I heard midnight is gonna be there," Katna whispered towards the group, front the back of the room. Mind you, she was in a position to pounce, considering, much like her classmates, she hadn't seen a boy in years. 
"MIDNIGHT IS SOOO HOT" y/n yelled, forgetting that their teacher was in the front cursing herself for not accepting that sugar-baby job, and never meeting these obnoxious and horny teens. 
As the teacher yelled all heads turned to face her and ignore their previous conversations. Y/n and Maiyumi had grown soft smiles, finally welcoming back the teacher they know and love. 
You see, LADY STATIC was an ex-pro hero, her quirk was projection. She could pick up any video signals from any device and project exactly what the device was seeing, or playing. She called all cameras her bitch....several times. So, as far as teaching went, she could only last a couple of minutes of seriousness in the beginning of class each day, before she erupted in a fit of lewd comments, brags, and most importantly curse words.
The black screen of the tv suddenly turned on revealing the large stadium that must be where the festival would take place. Y/n didnt really want to watch, it made her kind of sad knowing there were kids out there with the energy to try at something so dumb. A competition where you stay within grade, with supervision, and limits, and rules, and no real risk. It all sounded boring to her. She would either want to sit in bed eating and watching anime, or actually feel something. 
The idea of a battle where you aren't risking your life seemed pretty dull to her. See...y/n along with her best friend maiyumi, was an adrenaline junkie. Those two were the biggest non-villain troublemakers the world has yet to see. 
Finding it fun to jump off bridges, run across intersections, and fight each other with no rules or precautions. After living a life where most people you meet want you dead, and most of your life has just been trauma, everything gets more and more boring. Until you don't even mind risking your life just to feel something. 
However, what y/n did feel, very frequently, was horny. She wouldn't lie and say that she has indulged in some things, despite there being only girls in her private hero academy. However, she craved men, simply because they were something she hadn't had yet. So in the nature of being royalty, if she hadn't had it, she wanted it.
"How could say that, you meant to be representing our school"
"Not my fault the rest of you are just stepping stones to my victory."
Y/n finally focused back on the screen, she was seeing a very up close image of a blonde boy with red eyes, this being the first man she saw since the police 5 months ago. Her eyes lit up, and sub-consciously her body started to glow different colors. Shifting as quickly as the Led lights in her dorm. 
"Mind your quirk princess" Saina, the class grump-who lowkey crushes on y/n- sneers. 
"Aww, sorry, thanks for reminding me daddy" Y/n responded, feigning innocence but still not breaking eye contact with the screen. 
She mentally focused on subsiding her quirk, but it took awhile for her to completely stop glowing. 
Once she was y/n watched the first parts of the festival, noting exactly what that blonde boy was doing. Not without checking out some of the other students. Obviously, but something about those red eyes had her enticed. So she made sure to focus on him. 
As she watched she learned that his quirk was fire, and he used it very differently than she did. She scribbled down a random note about it to make it seem like she was studying and trying to improve herself. Then, focused back on every intricate curve of his face instead. How he scowled, he really looked angry, but being one of those U.A. kids, she couldn't help but doubt he really had anything to be angry about. 
Soon the girl found herself imagining him in some sort of serious situation, what could make somebody so angry? 
And before she knew it, his fighting figure disappeared from the tv as an image of midnight replayed him, announcing that he had one his fight. The last fight wasn't it? Meaning that the rage boy must've won the whole thing. y/n really wasn't impressed, obviously he was only fighting other U.A. students. How hard could that be? However, she was excited that he won for some reason.
While y/n watched him she couldn't help but wish she was the one fight. Oh to be punched by that man.  Every kick he would throw sent goosebumps down her body. Plus when he used that quirk, shit was it hot. Pun intended. Fire seemed like such a simple quirk, but simple works best. That  last fight against Todoroki, that excited her. 
See, y/n liked adventures away from the school ground, and since she could fly..well. She knew Todoroki.  He was always considerate enough not to be weirded out by her when she would sneak into his house, her parents knew his dad well, so she pretty much only knew that one place.  He was logical and so he understood that she isn't really perverted, she simply hasn't seen boys in a very long time.  Todoroki figured if he hadn't seen a female in three years he might become more fond of them as well. 
"Now lets award the metals" 
She looked up at the screen to see a podium holding the winners and runner ups. Atop it was the boy, he was announced as Katsuki Bakugou. He was chained to the post and attacking the air, and y/n found this insanely hot. She assumed that since Todoroki hadn't given his all, that boom boom might be upsetting. However, she never expected to see this beautiful sight on the tv screen of her classroom. The sight was stuck in her mind for days. 
She thought about it during dance class. 
She thought about it during quirk training. 
She thought about it during lunch.
During "sleepovers"
During missions with her boss - gang orca
During meeting with the principle
Even during visit time with her parents. It was then she decided she had to do something about it. Now, even though most girls at her school looked down upon U.A. the parents and staff didn't. For the girls it was about how truly jealous they were that those students, even with lesser power, would get to become heros. While us here, would become noblewomen, or princesses or be married off into other famous quirk families.
Y/n only was jealous because her mother spent more time with U.A. students than with her and her brothers. Seeing her mother was midnight, yes, the pro-hero. While that sounds cool, it isn't. Her mother and father dated for 1 month before getting married on a whim. Her father being a prince was something mom always described as FUCKINZg SEGGSYYY. Yes, you could blame midnight for y/ns horny behaviors. 
Unfortunately for midnight, royal quirks don't mix with other quirks. None of her children have her quirk. Her daughter has Elementus total control, her middle son has Elementus manipulate, and youngest son has Elementus transform. So she is left with a 7 year old that can turn himself into water if he doesn't want to get in trouble....yeah. So that at home life was strange...
"Mom, dad, I wanna be hero"
"Bullshit, no you don't bahaha"
"I do, mom"
"Dad, I wanna help people you know, like mom does. I wanna make the world better instead of just becoming a queen and sitting in a house all day." Y/n lied, she would love to sit around doing nothing while her rich, king husband did all the work. Then she could just eat and watch anime and be unbothered. However, in the moment, y/n forgot about her dream future. All she wanted in that moment was to see boom boom everyday. yuh, I said it..boom boom.
"Babe, she has a fair point...plus its not like chiyo can do anything with his quirk"
"What do you mean?! CHiyo's quirk is so cool dad, one time he took all the oxygen out of my bod and then I couldn't do anything, it was so cool!"
"Yea,yea i see"
"My love, can't you just recommend her to U.A. so you can keep an eye on her. We both knew she was destined to be a hero at some point."
"Uhm. Babe. She only wants to go so she can see boys."
"What?!My princess would never, you heard it, she wants to help people. Our sons would never say such things, we should proud, love"
"Honey, she is lying."
"No, I'm not a mom, I could care less about boys. All the girls at this school can do the same things, if not better. "
"Y/N! I love you so much my precious horny little fuck"Her mother sprang up from her seat and embarrassed her. 
"I can't believe this is my life.." dad sighed. 
"But yeah, that proves your point honey, if she is gay then she must mean it. Yayyy. N/N is coming to school with meeee!!"
"I- yeah mom."
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gluestickcherrybum · 4 years
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Happy Earth Day peeps! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
I haven’t written in a while but I wanted to write something for this occasion, and more posts about environmentalism since its something i’m quite passionate about. Coronavirus is pretty much all anyone’s talking about lately. And as a result , our entire way of living has been adjusted due to the outbreak: Staying indoors, washing our hands, and social distancing has become the new normal.
But just because we’re experiencing difficult times doesn’t mean we should lose sight of the bigger picture which is caring for the earth. 
Thinking about sustainability is even more important now because it connects us to the world at a time we’re told to quarantine ourselves. We’re told now more than ever to purchase single-use hand sanitizers, face masks, gloves, and other products. 
Unfortunately, these items will likely end up in landfills, or worse - the environment. Already, face masks are polluting the shores of Hong Kong. Also, people fear reusable items like never before - some businesses flat out refusing reusable mugs, containers and produce bags. While I understand we want to stay healthy, and prevent the spread of the virus, we should still make a conscious effort to think about how our decisions effect the Earth too. So, with this in mind, here’s how to stay zero waste during the coronavirus outbreak.
Why should we care about zero waste right now?
Sustainability probably isn’t on the forefront of anyone’s mind right now, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still care or talk about it. As I mentioned earlier, thinking about sustainability helps us connect to the world in a time we’re told to bunker down and stay inside. It helps us appreciate things and maybe view the world a little differently. And, as scary and disheartening as all of this is - there is some good news too.
For example, there have been several reports of clearer waters in Venice where fish are now visible. Air pollution has dropped significantly in Italy due to the fact that fewer fossil fuels are being burned from people staying indoors. Even New York, Los Angels, Chicago, Seattle and Atlanta have reported significant drops in air pollution.
I’m well aware these positive changes come at a cost - so they’re bittersweet, at most. However, they can’t be ignored. It would be fantastic if, after the emergency is over, we could remember the beauty we’ve seen reappear in the world and do our best to preserve it.
There’s of course negative news as well, single-use items are being disposed on the daily and ending up littering up our community. Worst part is, these gloves and masks are not biodegradable or good for the environment - they’re made with petroleum. They’re also a health hazard because you can’t exactly pick these items up without worrying you’ll catch something.
That’s why it’s so important to think about sustainability right now. And zero waste does figure into all of that. By remaining zero waste during this time, we’re acting on our commitment to bettering the planet as a whole. 
How can I stay zero waste during the coronavirus outbreak?
Thankfully, there are several ways to make an impact during this time. All hope is far from lost.
Make the most of your food by reducing food waste
In this hard time, the food we eat should be cherished. With so many people struggling to put meals on the table due to job loss, we need to make our food last us. One way we can do this is by cooking with leftovers. For example, if you have some leftover rice and vegetables - make fried rice. Or turn boiled potatoes into mash.You can also get creative and make vegetable stock out of food scraps, turn mushy berries into jam, pickle some fruit. Or getting into some good old composting.
Invest in reusable masks and gloves
During this time, you’ll likely see a ton of people walking around with face masks and gloves on. Most of them are single use too. As I mentioned earlier, lots of face masks and gloves are being littered right now. 
It’s bad enough these items are single use only, they should be disposed of properly. Face masks have already started to wash up on the shores of Hong Kong in addition to other ocean polluters. Yikes.
Cloth masks havent been proven to be as efficient as clinical face masks in filtering the air, but for those who are sick and would like to prevent infection to others, the cotton does aid in catching water droplets from coughing and such. Just make sure to wash them regularly.
Instead of plastic gloves, consider using those reusable rubber gloves that people use to wash dishes sometimes. You can wash them with soap or even boil them to disinfect.
If you haven’t yet read Marie Kondo’s book “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, now’s a good time to get inspired. Time to go through all of your items and find the items that truly “spark joy” and be rid of the rest. Unfortunately during this time, you can’t exactly donate items to thrift shops. More than likely, thrift shops will be closed. However, you can at least set items aside to be donated once all of this is over. If you’re not comfortable waiting that long, you can always try selling it online like on Depop or Carousel.
That said, don’t be afraid to throw certain things out. I know that may seem kind of counterproductive, as I’m advising you to stay zero waste during this crisis.However, I’m fully aware there are some items we hold onto as zero wasters because we hope to keep them out of the landfill as long as possible. Items that are hard to recycle, or we don’t know how to recycle; items we believe we can fix but never get around to fixing; items simply destined for landfill one way or the other.
I know it hurts to let these items go, but you have to. It’s good for your mental health, and for the sake of your home. Remember: There is no such thing as being fully zero waste. We can get very close, but the truth is, our economy is a linear one. And every living creature creates waste of some sort. Now, this doesn’t mean I want you throwing out perfectly good items. Try to find items homes first! See if your friends or family want items you don’t first. Then, if not, seek to donate or sell. But obviously things like clothing tags and junk mail must go.
Invest in reusable period products
At this moment of crisis, with everyone panic buying basic necessities, menstrual pads and tampons are starting to get scarce so much so, you might have a hard time finding those items these days . This might be a good time to try out some sustainable alternatives. Women spend an enormous price in period products throughout their lifetime, so investing in reusables not only keeps a phenomenal amount of waste from landfills, but also saves the time going to the store and a whole lot of money.
Personally i use a menstrual cup (which i might write a whole post about it later), but for the less adventurous there are a good few other choices like reusable cloth pads and period panties (which sounded like a miracle when i first heard about them, but i haven’t seemed to be able to find any sold locally for now)
Heck, invest in reusable anything…
Its not just pads and tampons with reusable counterparts, if you want to get a little advanced in zero waste, try swapping out any disposable items possible, like stainless steel safety razors for plastic ones (ask your granddad), the infamous metal straw for plastic straws, or even things as simple as bar soap for bottled body soap.
Shop for food without the waste
During this time, please only stock up on what you need. You don’t have to hoard food - there’s plenty to go around. There’s more than enough food for everyone. Just take what you need and leave some for others.
To continue shopping sustainably, you can bring your own reusable shopping bags or produce bags (or you can diy some from old pillow cases)
I understand not everyone will be able to shop in bulk during this time for dry goods. So, you should shop as if you have no bulk food options. This means opting for items packaged in paper, cardboard, glass and aluminum.
If you must get something packaged in plastic, get the biggest container you can afford. Smaller plastics especially cling film are harder to or even impossible to recycle. Less than 9% of plastic is actually recycled so the less we consume, the less will likely end up in the landfill or oceans.
And thats all for today’s post, im sorry if its posted a bit later on Earth day than expected. I hope everyone is safe and healthy during these hard times. And if youre a student, i hope the online classes arent as bad as people say (im conveniently on a special leave of absence this semester (see my last post) so i have no idea how its going down) and if youre interested in more tips and tricks in being zero waste, feel free to hit me up and maybe ill write more posts like these. Thanks for reading ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
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wormssss · 4 years
so. basically. tl;dr i ffuucking hate school it sucks and it doesnt. do ANYTHING but make things worse . anyway.
the schooling system like. it sucks for me specifically in a few ways idk abt anyone else. for starters; neurodivergency literally at all makes it so hard to function in a classroom environment. its so loud? idk if anyone else gets that in their classrooms but you can hear my class of 23~ from the bottom floor of the 3 story building and that’s considered quiet. as well as like, i cannot function in a classroom without my friends? im out at school and like.... everyones.. transphobic obv why wouldnt they be, and its not in like a..any avoidable way. if i sit with the guys they’ll refuse to talk to me and deadname me all period adn if i sit with the girls theyll laugh at me every time i fucking breathe idk, but the school still thinks putting me in a classroom with kids that visibly hate me and see me as a CRINGE ENTERTAINMENT IRONY MACHINE is like a good idea? and a good way for me to make friends? i dont know if its my luck or if they’re deliberately doing it, but, next term for example i have drama and cooking as classes. two of my friends also have cooking ....but they dont have me in their class. they’re together. but im not in their class. im on my own because other than them and the girl who already did cooking these past two terms (so she cant do it next term) i have.... no other friends. so im definitely in a class of complete strangers! and the way they have this school, you have no choice but to work with someone else in a cooking class...... you are paired with someone in the same mini kitchen and its a disaster but i digress.
also, like. school goes for 6 hours. by the time you get home and get changed and get settled, its sunset so you can’t go out and do anything. you can’t go to the park or climb a tree. youre stuck inside. your family is like groggy from work or whatever and doesnt want to talk to you. you have no energy to get online and talk to your friends online. or theyre asleep. so basically at least for me i get... no time to actually talk to my friends, for example i havent had an actual conversation with piper in like... two months i swear. we’ve forgotten how to talk to eachother and that actually goes with all of my friends. by the weekend we’re still awkward because we havent spoken in months so we can’t really even talk. and because of this rigid like, routine you have to have to actually be able to go to school at all (wake up 7. eat. get dressed. go to school. come home. get changed. eat. shower. go to bed. repeat), i actually like.... find myself. forgetting Everything. i dont know what it is about strict routine where i cannot be myself (my school has a strict and ugly uniform), but it makes me ... completely forget everything slowly and my memory decays. my time blindness gets worse to the point where i dont know what month it is on a regular basis and like... i ditch a lot? because of this? maybe if the schedule didnt make me dissociate and forget everything i wouldnt ditch constantly and like. actually go to school. but like my attendance is... im not at school 25% of the time because i physically cannot go every single day and attend to that rigid and exact cycle that doesnt even teach me anything
doesnt even teach me anything? i dont ... learn anything from school. they like. reteach the same meaningless part of a subject every single year. every year in religious studies in october i learn about the rosary and we spend a lot of the period praying the rosary and i like. ok. cool. its a religious school yeah but what am i actually learning from this. and every year in social studies we learn abt the waitangi treaty but the way they teach it is so whitewashed and utopian and its fucked and they teach it the same way every year around the same time. and anzac day. and in math im not going to use any of those skills you teach me, i dont care about algebra or anything because thats not really going to actually help me in my life im an artist for fucks sake teach me about managing my own finances! teach me how to do taxes! teach me how to function in the society i live in! teach me the important things that ill sink under or die without knowing i want to actually know important things but by cramming so many unimportant things in my brain all the time i forget the actual important things, i fucking failed basic addition and subtraction last year, i’ve forgotten division and multiplication past the 10 times table, but i can vaguely read an algebra equasion BUT FUCKING ALGEBRA EQUASIONS WILL NEVER UFCKING GET ME ANYWJERE!!!!! and it makes me so fucking angry i want to learn and function and KNOW
and the way they tightly bundle everyone to being one conforming individual who dresses like everyone else, is at the same intelligence level as everyone else, is a catholic like everyone else, does not question authority as everyone else or does not question themselves like everyone else or think like anyone else OR BE DIFFERENT THAN ANYONE ELSE makes me want to FUCKING THROW UP. there are so many hopes and dreams that i remember watching from primary school to now sink into a hopeless pit of stereotypes and basic conformity, people who used to be nice are suffocated into being horrible people so that theyre liked by their peers or get anny attention from the school at all, guys who used to respect women (god forbid) suddenly becoming horrible to anyone of any slightly different gender identity but you can actually see on their face how weird it is to them, waves of 11-14 year olds getting nose studs that get infected and they’re forced to have them taken out by the school, kids trying to do their makeup to look like SOMEONE to BE AT ALL DIFFERENT FROM ANYONE ELSE are put right back in their place and told to take it all off and their parents are called and if youre caught with the wrong jacket your parents are called and youre told youre too poor to wear what the school provides yet THEY DONT EVEN LET YOU WEAR WHAT THE SCHOOL PROVIDES WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS 70 DOLLAR HOODIE FOR WHEN YOU WONT LET ME WEAR IT WHILE IM SHIVERING I DONT SEE THE POINT OF ENFORCING SUCH TIGHT POINTLESS SMALL BOUNDARIES OF WHAT A PERSON CAN BE WHY IS IT SO LIMITED? are we not allowed to do anything? you cant even have one strip of hair dye yet a teacher can have a full head of bright purple hair what’s that about? you can have antisemetic pins on your senior year blazer jacket but the second you put a pride pin on there youre called to the principals office and asked why youre promoting this to kids
you try a speech on trans rights and they dont even pass you and pretend its because you got over the time limit but you didnt, you timed it yourself for your friends you didnt get over the time limit and you know it but you didnt even place in fourth you placed last out of 6 or 8 and you wonder why that is because every year in the past you soared into first so whats that about???? in my speech i said be yourself and dont be afraid to experiment with your gender lightly and they told me to take it out because its seen as too much and i said what the fuck? that’s the most important part of my speech, i want to promote acceptance in others and the self and they said take it out or you cant present your speech. they actively suffocate any sort of self expression or nonconformity of any sort you have to be a plain cookiecutter boy or girl and thats it you cannot be anything else, for nearly 6 months theyve fought me and my mom about my hair but if anyones being hurt by it its me because it draws more attention to the kid you can call slurs, are you hurt because im actually expressing myself? are you hurt by my little sharp stud earrings and my industrial piercing and the embroidered cuff on my shirt? are you offended by the heart on my belt or the platforms on my school shoes because the last time i checked none of these were illegal things to have at school
this kind  of got a lot angrier than i meant to make it but ive been . really angry abt this for the past year idk. i really just wanted to write this because i ahvent spoken to piper properly in months and the way we talk now seems like when we just met but i cannot carry a conversation anymore because school knocked the wind out of me all over again and the sudden inability to talk to any of my friends online makes me want to scream until my lungs give out im so tired
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glitterygayvodka · 6 years
Your fluff writings are so cute!♡ can you write about Harry getting sick in the middle of the night and being upset about it because he and yn havent dated that long and he's worried she won't want to be near him but she helps him and takes care of him and even after he's been throwing up she helps him shower and dress and actually let's him cuddle with her so he starts crying because she loves him and he's been in love with her for awhile?
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Aww thank you so much love!!! The fact that you enjoy them makes my heart swell because I literally love writing fluff! I swear I’m always a soft ass bitch for Harry. I’m sorry if it’s taken me a while to get to this request. Tumblr is an ass sometimes and it doesn’t tell me I’ve gotten anons! It also takes me forever to write in general lmao. I switched it up and decided to write this in the 3rd person so please let me know what y’all prefer. Anyways I’m gonna stop rambling. I hope you like it! 💖
Warnings: None!! This is all fluff :’)
Y/N is woken up to the faint moonlight peaking through the blinds of the bedroom. Despite being bundled up under the thick comforter, she can still feel the chill of the air lightly caressing areas of her skin that are exposed. Burrowing deeper into the blankets, sleep is slowly calling her name again, urging her back into an unconscious state. Its call is disrupted however when she hears muffled noise coming from the direction of the bathroom. Startled, Y/N turns over to wake Harry, realizing his side of the bed is empty. The sheets are cold and crumpled as if he had gotten up in a hurry, and a feeling of concern washes over her despite her tired state. Making her way out of bed, the contrast between the warmth of the covers and the coolness of the air causes goosebumps to scatter along her skin. She navigates through Harry’s large room using the light from the forgotten TV. It was still faintly playing the baking show her and Harry had chosen as background noise for their nightly reading together. Taking care not to trip, Y/N approaches the bathroom door. Light faintly creeps from under the crack, and listening closely she can hear soft sniffling from the other side. Confused and worried, she slowly turns the knob, cracking the door ever so slightly.
“Harry, baby, is everything okay?” she questions softly, opening the door wider. The warm glow of the bathroom illuminates the dark bedroom as Y/N steps onto the chilly tiled floor. Her gaze is almost immediately drawn to where Harry is balled up next to the toilet. He lifts his head up as he hears her voice, his green eyes meeting hers with a mixture of embarrassment and exhaustion. His whole shirt appears to be damp with sweat, and if she didn’t know better, from the way he’s drenched, Y/N would assume he had been working out. His damp curls are pressed against his forehead, and his skin appears to have lost some of the golden color that she’s so used to seeing. Harry can visibly see the concern spreading across her features, and he’s mentally kicking himself for not being quieter. They hadn’t been dating for very long, and the last thing Harry wanted was for Y/N to see him in such a state.
“M’fine darling. Y’can go back to bed.” Harry manages to rasp out, his usually smooth voice sounding a bit strained. She ignores him, moving further into the bathroom to crouch down beside him. Reaching out a hand to press against his forehead, Harry almost moans at the feeling of her cool touch against his feverish skin. His eyes fluttering closed as Y/N’s widen in shock at his temperature. “Oh my god Harry! You’re burning up!” She gasps, brushing his damp hair away from his face. “Why didn’t you wake me up?!” Harry sluggishly opens his eyes to look at her again. The amount of concern for him that’s etched across her face makes his heart swell. He’s not sure if the butterflies in his stomach are from how pretty Y/N looks despite being woken up at such an early hour, or if they’re from the bad seafood that had gotten him into this situation.
“S’no big deal love. I think I’ve just got a bit of food poisoning s’all...didn’t wan’ to wake you up just cause I can’t handle a bit of shrimp...” he murmurs, giving a weak smile as he makes eye contact with her. Y/N can’t help the grin that spreads across her face despite the situation. Here he is, nearly on the brink of death on his bathroom floor, still cracking jokes. That’s Harry for you. Shaking her head, she reaches a hand out to him to help him up. “I told you that it smelt weird and not to eat it!” She exclaims as she helps him on to his feet. “But no, y’just had to have some! You’re so bloody stubborn.” Her voice is firm, yet tinged with slight humor, and Harry knows she isn’t actually upset with him. He tries to hide his smile from her. Harry would never admit it, but he loves when Y/N dotes on him like this. The fact that she cares for him so much makes his heart flutter and his head swim. Well actually, his head might be swimming because he stood up too fast, but thats besides the point. She guides Harry to sit on the toilet as she begins to run him a bath, making sure the water isn’t too hot or cold. After adding some of her favorite bubbles, Y/N turns to Harry to begin helping him out of his sweaty clothes.
Harry holds back his cheeky remarks about her helping him undress, accepting her help into the bathtub. He sighs as he sinks down into the warm water, the soft smell of freesia and rose invading his senses. It’s a familiar smell he realizes, one he often finds caressing his nose after Y/N has spent the night. Harry allows his eyes to flutter closed for a moment, the warm, soothing water around him instantly easing his stomach cramps slightly. Y/N is perched on the edge of the tub, studying his face. Partly because she’s still worried about him, and also because she could stare at him forever. Even when he’s sick, Y/N still thinks he’s the prettiest thing she’s ever seen. Breaking out of her trance and realizing his eyes are now open and on her, she smiles at him softly. For a moment, they just look at each other. Their eyes tell each other the words neither of them have been brave enough to say yet. It’s almost too intense, and the amount of gratitude and love that Y/N can see in Harry’s eyes is too much for her.
“I’m gonna go get everything ready for when you get out of the bath,” She smiles lightly as she stands up, wiping her damp hands on the edge of the fluffy jumper Harry had let her borrow for bed. “Let me know if you feel like you’re gonna be sick again okay? I’ll be right back.” Before leaving, Y/N leans down to press a small kiss against Harry’s damp forehead and he hums in response, tilting his head back against the cool tile of the bathtub. With that, Y/N makes her way back into the dark bedroom, turning on lamps as she passes them. First, she grabs one of the assorted towels that Harry keeps folded neatly in linen closet. She chooses a big, fluffy, yellow one that she knows is Harry’s favorite. It takes her a minute to navigate through his many drawers, but eventually she finds him a clean pair of underwear and a t shirt. Deciding that, despite his fever, he would probably be a bit chilly after his bath, Y/N makes her way downstairs to put the towel and clothes in the dryer for a minute.
From his spot in the tub, Harry can hear Y/N shuffling around in his room and it makes his dimples appear along his cheeks. He loves how absolutely normal everything feels with her. Even though they’ve only been dating for a few months, Harry never has to hide from Y/N. He can be his authentic self without worry of judgement. He loves how big her heart is, how she cares for everyone and everything so dearly. The way that she instantly jumped to his aid with no questions asked. There’s so many things about her that check every single box on his list, and as she stumbles back through the bathroom door moments later, arms full of anything and everything he might need to feel better, the fact that he’s in love with her is solidified in his mind.
“Okay bubs! M’back.” Y/N smiles, placing the now warm towel and clothes on the closed lid of the toilet. “These are for when you get out, and I also brought you up some ginger ale and medicine.” Harry’s goofy smile turns into a frown of disgust at her words. “Darling, y’know I can’t stand the taste of ginger a-“ Before he can finish his sentence, Y/N cuts him off. “Shh! None of that. I know you think it’s gross but it’s gonna make you feel so much better, I promise!” Harry grumbles slightly but nods in agreement anyways, a slight smile still plastered on his lips at the way she was basically mothering him. It makes him think about how good of a mom she would be to their kids someday, but he has to reel his thoughts back in. He hasn’t even told her he loves her yet for Christ sake! But here he is, already thinking about starting a family. His friends would call him whipped, but as he watches Y/N scurry around the bathroom in his oversized jumper with sleep ruined hair, he doesn’t mind being whipped all that much.
“Alright!” She says as she stops in her tracks, looking around the bathroom, almost as if she was looking for something she had forgotten. “Are you ready to get out love? I’m sure the water isn’t as warm anymore.” Her eyes meet his, her eyebrows scrunched in a concerned way. Harry shakes his head lightly in amusement as he begins to rise of of the tub. “Yeah m’ready, you’ve got me turning into a bloody prune over here!” he smiles playfully. Y/N let’s out a distracted laugh, her eyes following the water droplets that flow down his defined and tattooed shoulders and chest, dripping down to the delicate ferns that adorn his hips. Butterflies envelope her stomach at how gorgeous he is. She isn’t sure how anyone could be so breathtaking, but here he is right in front of her. Y/N avoids letting her gaze fall any lower, a warmth spreading across her cheeks. Though she’s seen it before, now wasn’t really the time to be focusing on his dick. “Well, at least you’re a prune that smells good!” she laughs, a cheeky glimmer in her eyes as she looks back at him.
Harry hadn’t missed the way she was looking at him with noticeable admiration in her eyes, but he doesn’t say anything, instead choosing to wrap the warm, fluffy towel around his waist with a grin. Y/N smiles and leans against the doorframe as he gets dressed. Once he’s fully clothed, she guides him to sit down on the closed toilet seat. She hands him the ginger ale as well as two small pills he assumes will lower his fever. Harry looks down at the light brown liquid, already dreading the taste of it. “Do I really have to drink this?” He grumbles, looking back up at Y/N with pleading eyes. She grins at how dramatic he is, rolling her eyes slightly. “Yes you do! Ginger is great for nausea and I want you to feel better as soon as possible.” Her voice turns into a murmur towards the end, her hand reaching out to rest against his cheek. Harry sighs, unable to resist nuzzling his face into her palm. “Fine, but I’m only drinking it because you’re cute.” With that, he places the pills in his mouth, quickly drinking the whole glass as fast as possible.
Y/N throws her head back in laughter at the disgusted look on his face, her arms resting loosely around his neck as she moves to stand between his thighs. Harry is smiling up at her with a goofy grin, wrapping his arms securely around her waist. Because he’s sitting down, his head rests just below her chest, and he cuddles into her. He can feel the vibrations of her laughter, and it makes him smile even harder. Harry absolutely loves the sound of her laugh. It’s undeniably contagious and reminds him of everything good in the world. That might be a bit dramatic but, what can he say? He’s in love. “M’glad you think my pain is funny petal.” Harry mumbles against the fabric of her sweater, humor lacing his tone. Y/N’s laughter slowly fades into small giggles, her fingers twirling the little curls at the base of his neck.
“Did the bath help any?” She questions, continuing to run her fingers through his damp hair, her nails brushing against his scalp every so often. “Do y’still feel bad?” Harry hums at the feeling of her playing with his hair, every ounce of tension leaving his body. “Mhmm. Felt like I was bloody dying earlier, now m’just sleepy.” He slowly opens his eyes to look up at her, smiling when he finds her already looking down at him. “Thank you so much love. I can’t believe y’even wan’ to be near me when I’m sick. I dunno what I’d do without you.” Y/N laughs slightly, gripping his cheeks softly in both hands. “H, you could have the fucking plague and I’d still want to be near you. Nothing you could ever do would scare me away. Especially not something as small as a bit of throw up.” She smiles, concluding her mini rant by pressing several kisses along his forehead. Harry is almost speechless. He’s never had anyone care about him this much, and the emotion bubbling in his chest is overwhelming. He sees everything he’s ever wanted right in front of him in the form of Y/N, and he never wants to let her go. Before he knows it, stray tears are sliding down his cheeks and Y/N is frantically wiping them in concern.
“Harry? Baby, why are you crying??” Her voice is higher than usual, unaware of what could be wrong with him. Harry simply hugs her closer, sniffling against the plush fabric adorning her body. For a moment they just hold each other, Y/N quietly murmuring to him every once in a while. His hands run up and down her back slowly, the sound of her heart beat pressed right against his ear. Once he’s finally composed himself, he looks up at her with his beautiful, now red rimmed, eyes. “I just...” He sniffles some more, his eyes tracing over her features, and his fingers intertwining with hers. “I love you so much Y/N, and I know we haven’t been datin’ for that long but y’already mean so much t’me and it’s been eating at me and I jus’...needed to let you know.”
Harry looks down, almost shyly, after his admission. His heart is pounding in his chest, and he feels like he might cry all over again, but when he feels Y/N’s soft hands tilting his chin up, he reminds himself to breathe. When Harry finally brings his eyes back up to meet hers, they’re shining with happiness, a huge smile etched along her cheeks. “Harry Edward Styles,” She murmurs, pressing a kiss to his face between every word, “I’ve never loved anyone in my life more than I love you. You own my whole heart.” A weight is lifted off of Harry’s shoulders at the sound of her words, and if it weren’t for the fact that he was throwing up his dinner a few hours before, he would kiss her with everything in him. Instead however, he opts for the tightest hug he thinks he’s ever given anyone. “Oi! I love you but y’gotta let me breathe!” She laughs, playfully swatting at his back. She can’t help but giggle at the dopey smile on his face once he loosens his hug.
“M’so glad you feel the same, petal. That would’ve been a real bruise to my ego if you didn’t.” He laughs cheekily, earning yet another playful swat. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. How about we get you and your ego in bed? It’s almost 4 in the morning and nurse Y/N is pretty tired.” She yawns through a smile, reaching out a hand to him. Harry grins yet again, taking her out stretched hand.
“M’okay with that, but only if y’let me be the little spoon tonight.”
Y/N smiles for what feels like the millionth time tonight, nodding her head at him. “Sounds like a plan!” And as they make their way back into bed, Y/N can’t think of anything that would be better in this moment, than falling asleep next to the love of her life.
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joonyverse · 5 years
The President - Baekhyun (EXO) (Part 4)
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Summary: Being the youngest Minister is not easy, especially when it seems like the whole world is trying to go against you. Proving yourself is proven to be a difficult thing. But things had to get even more tangled when dark pasts are coming out, and truths are being unveiled
A/N: OHYMYGOD! IM SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE VERY LONG DUE UPDATE! I’ve seen your messages too, and THANK YOU for the loves and support! I just finished my exam early this month and I admit that perhaps I’ve been procrastinate a lot hjjh, this chapter doesn’t really involve lots of bh x reader moments, but i hope you guys enjoy it? ;-; im so sorry i havent write in so long, so im in the process of getting use to it all over again...
Genre: Drama, romance, fluff, angst
Warning: Age-gap (10 years), some curses, bad english, grammar error, unedited
notes: yln = your last name, yfn = your full name
Byun Baekhyun x Female Readers
If you’re uncomfortable with age-gap relationship, please just scroll through it
Flashes of images went through your vision. Sounds of children crying and screaming filling your head. The heat from the fire, it feels like it’s gonna burn your skin. All of those feels so close yet so far. It goes so slow yet so fast. The images and sensation overwhelm you to no end.
And suddenly, it’s all stopped. The images of bus on fire, the children screaming, it’s like everything is just in the background and a white noise. 
Instead, you saw a little girl looking around feeling helpless and devastated. You can see her screaming weakly for help. Tears were streaming down her face. Her little arms keep shaking the man beside her, trying to wake him up. She keeps asking for the man to wake up yet the man shows no sign of it. Every once in a while, she weakly screams for help to people around her, and really you tried. You tried to reach for her, yet you can’t. It’s like you weren’t even there. Desperately, you tried to reach for other people to help the poor little girl to no avail. Everyone were busy. With everything in you, you run to her. Run to her despite no moves were being made. 
Until finally, you saw two hands reaching for her. Holding her and taking her away. You see her trying hard to get out of the grasp, reaching for the man that still laying still. She cried even harder. And suddenly, it’s like you were being picked up from underwater, her voice sounds clear to you. “Please help my dad! Dad! Dad!” she screams.
And suddenly, something exploded, right before your eyes. You want to scream, screaming for help. But you can’t It’s like something is blocking your voice cord from doing so. Until your visions went white and it turns to black.
A faint sound of beeping in certain type of rhythm caught your hearings. Sounds of people in rush too. And suddenly, you can feel the stiffness of your body.
You tried to move your fingers, a simple move that seems very difficult at the moment. Slowly, you opened your eyes. Blinding light of the room immediately greeting you, making you frown and closed your eyes again, trying to get used to the bright light.
The smell of some kind of chemical hit your smelling bud. You stare at your surrounding, taking it all in, trying to remember what had happened.
Suddenly the door to your room opened. Your eyes shoot at the intruder.
“Oh? You’ve wake up” Mina said to you as she entered the room.
You sighed and rubbed your eyes slowly. “What happened?” You asked, your voice hoarse and your throat feels dry.
Mina hands you a glass of water, that you gladly accept.
“You don’t remember?” Mina asked as she took a seat beside you.
“Only fragments? I can only remember the smell of gasoline and fire and the heat” you said.
“You and your impulsiveness... you were face to face with an almost death situation” Mina said while shaking her head. “You helped those kids in the bus” she added.
Slowly, the memories start coming back. Your eyes widened in realization.
“Those kids, they’re all saved right?” You said, panic starts to kicking in.
Mina held your arms, trying to calm you down. But the stare she gave you, it held so many meanings that you know so well.
“8 casualties...” Mina said, her voice getting quieter.
You froze in your bed. Despite knowing you can’t do anything about them, guilts till eating you alive, making you feel somehow responsible about it. 
“Nothing you can do y/n, you tried your best, nothing you can do,” Mina explained in the most comforting way she could.
“What about the others? And the man?” You asked.
“Fortunately, they survived, some got serious burn, but most are just light wounds, the man is also alright” Mina explained. “Listen, I’m gonna tell the doctor you woke up okay?” She asked which earned a light nod from you.
The doctor came into your room with two nurses by his side. Checking up on you. Fortunately, nothing serious happened, you just inhale too much carbon monoxide and other chemicals that you don’t bother to remember. Even more fortunate, he said they can discharge you in three days if your health keep improving like the estimation.
You are just glad that you can escape this place and dive more into the job.
Suddenly you got reminded of the vision, or dream, that you saw. Something about it makes you feel distraught. Something about it makes you feel a missing part in you. Trying to ignore them, you decide to turn on your phone, diving into the internet to see what’s up and what have you missed.
As soon as the phone turned on, so many notifications came up, most of them are friends, plenty from family. Your mom missed called you once, and honestly speaking, it’s not surprising.
One message though, particularly caught your eyes. It’s the most recent one. From your mom. 
“I knew there’ll always be something to be disappointed for from you” was written across the screen.
Your heart can’t help but clench. It shouldn’t bother you, it shouldn’t bother you when it had happen for so many times that you should have get used to it by now but you don’t.
You immediately come up to the internet though, wondering what makes your mom send you such message.
“Minister of Transportation and Communication is Faking Her Heroic Action?” 
Was written on big sized fonts. An article that finally beat the ‘President and Minister are dating’ article. 
“It was found that maybe the Minister is faking her heroic action for publicity purpose, and even, staged the whole scenario”
You can’t even believe what you’re reading with your own two eyes. Who was in their right mind and heart to write such things? 8 people died and they said it’s all a scheme?
“We hope sincerely the President will give thoughts on replacing his Minister, or perhaps, Lover”
You scoffed. You can feel the anger is one step away from crossing your limit. You felt tears are building in your eyes. You felt thankful at Mina for leaving the room at that time. You felt so ridiculed. You haven’t even work properly, yet people are already accusing you of such things. They just… haven’t seen what you capable of.
You see that the rest of article are just sub-writing that article. The comments are mostly curses and death wishes. This is one hell of a tough start for you, you’ve realized.
Mina who was just entering the room can’t help but notice the frown on your face. Gently, she took the phone from your hold. Your hands instinctively reach up for it. 
“I’m not finished!” You whined at her.
“Rest, we don’t need this kind of negativity while on recovery” Mina said as she put your phone on the bedside table, a little bit further than your reach.
The knock on the door stole both of your attentions. Both of your heads shot up at it.
“A guest?” You asked.
“No one really saying anything about visiting except your family” Mina said, as she gave you a slight shrug.
Mina walked towards the door and opened it. Her eyes are furrowed in confusion. “Mr. Lee?” She called out.
“There’s a card and a basket of fruits from the President” Mr Lee said with his monotonous tone before he handed said things to Mina.
Mina muttered a small thank you before she closed the door and walked back towards you. 
She handed you the card and left the basket on your bedside table.
“Who was that?” You asked while slowly opening the card.
“Oh? He was Mr. Byun’s chauffeur” Mina answered despite the lack attention from you since your eyes were already on the card.
A simple “Get well soon” was written on the card. You can’t help but scoffed and rolled your eyes. You appreciate the effort he gave though. But still, it’s a classic and textbook kind of kindness, and for some reason, it kind of annoyed you.
“I’m his minister for goddamn sake...” you muttered under your breath. Of course that was heard by Mina, which earned a chuckle from her.
You felt unfairly treated. You are still his minister no matter how many things had happened between you both in a matter of days. You should be treated with respect, and yet... he doesn’t even bother. Not that you care.
Reaching for the TV remote, you turn it on. Continuously changing the channel, nothing in particular caught your eyes. When suddenly you came across a headline. 
“Minister’s Fake Heroic Action” 
You scoffed. Feeling absolutely ridiculed. But you can’t lie that it’s actually caught your attention. And so you turn up the volume, curiosity picking in on what those people had to say.
What caught your attention more was the statement the president himself about to make.
“So far, we’ve been informed by the medical team that Minister y/l/n got minor injuries but thankfully nothing serious” Baekhyun said into the mic, his voice and expression was stern. “I can assure you that we will get to the bottom of this incident, together with Miss Y/l/n,  we will solve this case” he added.
For some reason Baekhyun mentioning your name bring a slight smile to your day. It feels good in some way having someone to be on your side, trusting you, when it feels like the whole world doesn’t.
People was crowding the hospital’s entrance as it was the day you got discharged. Questions were asked here and there, of course all asking about what had happened in the incident. It was difficult to walk to enter your car when people keep pushing towards you to get closer, despite the securities surrounding you. After successfully entering the car, Mina kindly handled the situation, and you can’t be more thankful to her.
“Where to, Ma’am?” Your chauffeur asked.
“The president’s residence please”
His house was… well he’s a president, his house is just what you expect. A grand scale you could say, especially for someone who lives alone. Black, white, and grey are the colors that seem to decorate the house that feels more like a castle you would say. The smell of teakwood hit the smelling sense as soon as you stepped in. His housekeepers greeting whoever the guests that came to his house. A hint smell of some dishes entering your nose too, probably came from the dining room that’s not very far from the entrance. The man probably get hungry as soon as he finished work and enter the comfort of his house you thought.
“Ah, Miss y/l/n” Baekhyun said as he greeted you. “My cooks made us some foods to talk over with, would you like to eat?” He offered.
You gave him a small smile, alas not genuine. “Sure thing, Mr. Byun” you said, accepting his offer. Truth be told, you were hungry for some real food, not some bland hospital food.
You stepped into his dining room. As expected, his cook was there, greeting you with a smile. “Nice meeting you, Ma’am” his cook said. Your eyebrow raised in wonder. The image of warm homemade food come into your vision. You can’t help but gulping. You really can’t wait to devour them all. The smell of cream soup, truffle, and some other herbs filling your smelling sense.
Baekhyun who seems to notice your hunger state can’t help but chuckle. He might has some rivalry going on with you, but staring at the woman who usually keep her emotions covered and buried inside, and always seem to be calm, suddenly looking like a starve woman who hasn’t ate for years, it was an amusing sight.
“Please sit down, you can eat” Baekhyun said, with a slight tease in his tone.
You got embarrassed at the fact you can’t hide your hunger. Slight blush creeping up your cheeks. You chuckled. “I’m sorry, hospital foods were terrible” you said.
“Oh, I know very well, Miss y/l/n” Baekhyun said, his voice sounded a little bit solemn, hinting at something that you can’t pinpoint.
“So, why did you ask me to come sir?” You asked as you sit down, with Baekhyun following afterwards.
“I have something to discuss with you miss Y/l/n” He answered as he picked up his spoon. “It’s about the incident” he added.
You swallowed your food, which by the way tastes amazing, you almost moan from the taste itself, before answering him. “Don’t worry, I’ll get into it sir” you reassured.
“It’s not about that” he said as soon as you finished your sentences. Your head instantly shot up at him. He looked somewhat distressed, and you can see him trying to hide it. “I’m going to form a special team for it” he added.
His voice somewhat have this very serious tone. You knew this was a serious situation, but something in his voice, it’s like there’s something that he’s hiding from you. “With all due respect sir, I think my team back at my office can handle this well” you said carefully, tip-toeing around eggshells. 
You can see his frown from your seat despite him still having his head down at his food. “Y/n, listen to me for this one and obey me, I don’t want to argue about this, we’re going to make a special team, that’s it” he said. The wrinkles on his forehead showed the distress he’s going through.
Honestly, you wanted to go against his order, knowing very well that this is something that you and your team can handle, and the fact this might be your chance to prove yourself, you won’t miss that chance. But you knew very well that he has something to hide, and honestly, for some reason you kind of pitied him.
“Right” you said simply. “So, what do you want me to do about it? Do you want me to gather people or?”
“Come here again tomorrow, 8pm”
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