#but i hope it does something meaningful for someone somewhere
stevieschrodinger · 2 months
Part One Two Three Four
Steve sits with his head pressed against the steering wheel.
In the passenger seat, Robin’s doing her make up.
“What are we doing here, Rob?”
“You mean like, in the cosmic soul searching sense, or here specifically?”
“Here. Specifically.”
“Well, your beautiful brunette boyfriend-”
“You don’t score points for alliteration. And he’s not my boyfriend.”
“All right then, the man who is under the distinct impression that he’s your boyfriend, suggested we all hang out together. So we are here. At the place I suggested.”
“Because you know I hate it here.”
Robin makes a non committal noise, Steve looks, she’s pulling the horrendous mascara face. He goes back to resting his forehead on the steering wheel.
Steve does hate it here. Reminds him of...fucking work brunches with his father and Sunday lunches with his mother and he just. Hates it.
Steve sighs like a Victorian maid who’s betrothed has not yet returned from sea. He’s certain he’ll die from consumption at any minute.
“Shut up you big baby,” Robin tells him as she fluffs her hair, “all I want is to finger bang this chick in the bathroom and then rub my cunt on her face, is that too much to ask?”
And Robin has been wholly supportive of Steve so far, so, “no, I suppose-what the fuck Robin? Did you choose this place because-”
“I like the bathrooms-”
“-the bathrooms are nice-”
“Oh you fucking-”
“They’re romantic kinda’.”
“They’re bathrooms, Robin!”
“The lighting is good. I like the vibe.”
“Oh my god.”
Steve’s stares mournfully after his best friend. She’s at the bar with Chrissy, because Chrissy wanted to watch the guy make their cocktails, look he does tricks with the thing, like in that old movie with Tom Cruise.
Steve could physically feel himself ageing as she spoke.
“It’s so cool they’re dating.” Steve does not point out that whatever Robin's about to do to Chrissy, it will be a four letter word, but that four letter word is not ‘date’.
“You think?”
Eddie smiles big. The dimples come out. Huge happy brown fucking cow eyes. He’s not attractive Steve reminds himself viciously. He’s playing with his cutlery because he can’t sit still and...his chins too pointy. Or something. “Well yeah. It’d be so cool if they get married.”
Steve nearly chokes on his drink.
“Hey man, you okay?”
“Fine, fine,” Steve’s nose is burning from the bubbles going up there, “what makes you think they’ll get married?”
“Well...why would you date someone if you can’t see it going somewhere?” Steve hopes this is going somewhere; like to a bed, specifically, “so there’s a chance, right? I can tell Chris really likes her. I hope it’s like, a long term thing.”
Steve feels himself slow blink. He doesn’t explain to Eddie that you date someone because you want to stick your penis in them. Eddie turns to watch the girls again, they laugh, and Eddie grins at them, all happy and fond.
Steve sighs.
“You okay?”
“You just...you don’t seem so happy to be here man. Kind of tense.”
Steve has no idea how Eddie even noticed, usually people don’t notice. Or usually people don’t care, but it amounts to the same thing because coming to somewhere like this is just the step you take before you step into a bedroom.
“I...I actually don’t really like it here much.”
Eddie looks at him, leans close. He’s ready to really listen. He...cares. About Steve. Steve wonders if he’s going to come up in a rash; it feels like the sort of thing he should be allergic too. He wonders vaguely if there’s antihistamines in the glove box.
“Well...I.” Steve pulls a face. He doesn’t talk about...meaningful things, but he figures it can’t hurt this once, he can be vague. Especially if it increases the chance of doing the no pants dance with Eddie, “I don’t have the best relationship with my parents. I mean, they’re good parents, I had really good nannies growing up, had a great education, the best boarding school, they funded my degree, gave me a solid start at work, so they are great...we just don’t exactly get on all the time. We used to come here for pretty much every family meal.”
Eddie’s frown deepens the more Steve talks, “how often were the...family meals?”
“I don’t know,” Steve hums, “holidays I guess, when I was away, and then...maybe fortnightly? We don’t do it now, obviously.”
“Oh. Me and uncle Wayne had one meal a day together, at least, when I lived there. It was like, a house rule.”
“Oh that’s...you’re close?” To Steve that already sounds like something out of the fucking Brady Bunch.
“Yeah. Speaking of which, he’s invited you to dinner.”
“Dinner?” Steve asks weakly.
“Yeah, since you’re courting that boy, he said.” Eddie puts his hands up to do the air quotes. And then he grins. That big stupid grin. He looks so happy. So genuinely happy to see Steve. So happy about the prospect of just...seeing him again.
Steve does not point out that a blow job at a garden party, humping each other in a public bathroom, and one co ed BBQ does not courting make.
“Awesome, I’ll let you know when,” Eddie drums two forks on the edge of the table. Steve stares at his bony wrists. His mind suggests phrases like, ‘slender’ and ‘delicate’ and Steve ignores those and thinks about how he could very easily hold both of those wrists in one hand. “listen, do you want to get out of here?”
“Well, the girls won’t care,” and he’s probably right there, “and you don’t like it here, and I don’t care where I am as long as it’s with you.”
Steve riffles through his internal Rolodex and comes up blank; no one has ever said anything that sincere to him in his life. And Eddie means it too; he means everything he says in a completely unguarded way Steve has literally never encountered before. It’s like meeting an alien. Steve wants to put him under a microscope.
“I just want you to have a nice time, you know. I want you to be happy.”
Eddie reaches out and takes Steve’s hand.
Steve lets him.
Part Six
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grievedeeply · 9 months
I really love your first kiss hcs with dammon and rolan request! Can I request first kiss hcs with Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, and Zevlor?
sorry these are short! i didn't want to be too repetitive with them but i hope you enjoy anyways and thanks for the request! (and sorry this took forever to do lol)
gn!reader/tav | no tws
first kiss hcs with astarion, gale, wyll, halsin and zevlor
kisses aren't a big deal for him most of the time. he doesn't think of them as anything more than something you do with someone else. he'd done it plenty of times.. but not with someone like you
he really feels something for you, something real and genuine. he'd be lying if he said it didn't scare him, but it's just the truth
he wants his first kiss with you to be meaningful
it's not going to be in some sort of grand setting. it's probably in the middle of the woods somewhere and completely unplanned, too
but that's the beauty of it. a kiss so in the moment it comes naturally to the two of you. it's soft and gentle and warm.. things astarion isn't used to in kisses
he's used to fervor— intense moments that aren't exactly intimate. but this.. this is something special and it's beautiful. he doesn't ever want it to end, but it does, eventually.
but that's alright, because he'll start it all over again
kisses have always been something intimate in his eyes, and he doesn't give them away lightly
he has to feel really genuine about someone for him to even think about wanting to kiss them, and he feels that way towards you rather quickly
you're kind and understanding, helpful and compassionate. all amazing qualities and when added to your incredible personality.. you are someone he sees himself having something real with
he'll take you on a date first. it's nothing fancy but it is special to both of you. it's probably a picnic under the stars.. somewhere where it can be just the two of you alone
he'll caress your face and stare into your eyes before he kisses you, making it very clear on what he wants before actually doing it
it's a sweet kiss, short but filled with everything he wants to say. he doesn't make a big deal about it in front of you, but he does have a giddy smile on his lips for the rest of the night
similarly to gale, he believes kisses are something special— something intimate
he wants his first kiss with you to be perfect. he'll probably have the entire day planned out. a nice dinner or a picnic or something similar, and spending the evening under the stars
in truth, your first kiss with him is far from planned and happened solely because it felt right
even if he wants it to be perfect, he's probably the one initiating it. he just saw you and couldn't resist
while it's not the scenario he pictured in his mind, he doesn't care. any moment shared with you is perfect and one he wants to enjoy for all it is
it's not what he envisioned, but it's perfect because he shared it with you
also wants his first kiss to be perfect in some aspects, but he's more focused on the special part of it than anything else
he's with you. does the moment feel right? does it look like you're into whatever situation you might be in with him?
he's definitely going to whisper, "can i kiss you?" while looking hopelessly into your eyes like a man so deeply in love the only thing he can think of is you
the kiss is lovely and everything he wanted it to be because it was with you. you could be completely inexperienced and he wouldn't care, or the opposite, solely because it was with you
halsin is very sweet and very open about his feelings on things, so he'll be letting you know how nice the kiss was
i think he's probably had a few first kisses with other people in the past, but none of them even come close to the moment he shares with you
zevlor has to get over his anxieties first to be able to accept how much he wants to kiss you
assuming that he's older than you, he has to talk himself out of not liking you because of his age, even if you make it very clear that you like him in that way
when he finally jumps over that hurdle, kissing you is all he can think about whenever he's around you until the exact moment it happens
definitely very impromptu. wasn't planned at all and he completely kissed you on impulse because it felt right and because he would back out later on
it's special to him and means a lot when you don't pull away. the man is so anxious.....
he thinks about it a lot. it might not have been the ideal place but it was perfect because the kiss makes him realize just how much you like him
it makes him feel good, honestly <3
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pitchsidestories · 2 months
rewrite the stars II Salma Paralluelo x Gymnast!Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2472
pairings: Salma Paralluelo x Gymnast!Reader (romantic), Barcelona Femení x Reader (platonic)
You clapped your hands together. Chalk powder floated through the air around you.
One more deep breath.
It was almost time for you to go on the balance beam.
You were used to high-pressure situations but competing at the Olympics for Team USA was a whole new experience. You were basically living your childhood dream.
The usual mixture of nervousness and excitement spread through your body, leaving you with the perfect amount of adrenaline for your performance.
You looked up towards the audience. The atmosphere was amazing, but you were trying to spot your family somewhere in the crowd. Instead, another familiar face stared down at you.
A face that you hadn’t seen in years. Like a ghost coming back to haunt you.
All your focus was gone in the span of a few seconds.
“What’s wrong, y/n? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.“, Simone Biles teased you.
You turned towards your teammate: “Something like this. There is someone in the crowd that I used to know.“
Simone looked unimpressed: “There’s always someone you know in the crowd. If this person isn’t in your life anymore, they had their reasons.“
“I wonder why Salma is here though. She’s not listed under sprinters…“, you wondered, talking more to yourself than to the other gymnast.
Simone squeezed your shoulder tightly, seemingly impatient: “What does it matter? Focus on your performance.“
You sighed: “You’re right. As always…“
“That’s why you should always listen to me.“, she joked.
With a smile, you moved to make way for her: “Let’s get started. Ladies first.“
She passed you with a cheeky grin: “You mean age before beauty.“
“Oh, that’s a lie. You’re beautiful.“, you laughed as you walked behind her towards the apparatus.
Simone rolled her eyes: “Stop flattering me. You still have to go on the beam first.“
You stretched your legs one more time: “Oh, I can assure you I’m ready for it. Hope the competition is too.“
“We’ll see.“ Simone teased but smiled like a proud mum at your confidence.
“You better start believing.“, you winked at her before shifting your attention towards the balance beam.
Happy with your performance, your teammates pulled you into a hug.
Once again, your gaze wandered towards the stands without your permission.
Simone elbowed you in the side: “Not bad. Now stop staring up there.“
“I’m not.“, you protested.
“I saw it.“
You played innocent: “No, you didn’t see anything. It’s almost your turn.“
You playfully pushed her forward: “Come on, superstar!“
“Stop distracting me.“, she complained with a laugh.
You grinned at her: “Go!“
Meanwhile in the stands, Ona’s mouth dropped wide open amazed from what her eyes witnessed.
“Salma, the female gymnasts are all so impressive especially the girl you know, she’s so small and yet so powerful.”, she gushed.
A mild smile crossed the forwards face, the Catalan defender was usually one of the tiniest players on the pitch, but you were even a few centimetres below her, so it was no wonder she remarked on your height.
“Gymnastics is such an insane sport. I always loved watching.”, Salma told her while admiring you from the safe distance.
This was true; however, you were her favourite gymnast to watch, with your twenty years old you were one of the older in the competition, but you had an elegance to your moves which couldn’t be matched by most of them. And you were even beautifier when the young woman from Zaragoza remembered.
“It’s so cool!”, Vicky exclaimed excitedly.
“I know, right? There’s so much work behind this.”, Salma explained to her two teammates who joined her on their free day to see the Gymnastics.
“And you met her during your hurdle race days?”, Ona asked curiously.
“Yes, exactly. I had some time to waste before my race and went to watch it.”, the forward nodded. She was reminiscing on that meaningful which was factual not that long ago but felt like it was a lifetime away.
It was hot in the hall that day, you were satisfied with your performance, and you caught a breathtakingly gorgeous girl staring at you.
Despite your height difference you were the one who took the first step and started talking to her.
“Enjoyed the show, runner girl?”, you questioned the tall athlete with a teasing smile on your lips.
“How do you know that I run.”, Salma raised an eyebrow in surprise.
“That was easy, you’re tall and athletic.”, you shrugged.
“Everyone here is tall and athletic, I could also be a basketballer.”, the Spaniard stated smiling amused.
“Okay to be honest it was just a wild guess and not everyone is tall here.”, you confessed sighing.
“Everyone except for you.”, she mocked you grinning.
Oh, of course the pretty girl was making a remark about this, still you knew that your small height didn’t stop you from doing show stopping things.
“You couldn’t take your eyes off of me while I was doing my exercises.”, you reminded her.
“Oh, wow. I was just watching.”, Salma laughed in disbelief. Secretly she was impressed by your self-confidence. Did this come along with being in team USA who was dominating this sport? This was a question the racer would like to ask you at some point.
You smirked at her, taking her in once more: “See you.“
But before you could leave, a sudden thought let you pause. You turned back towards her: “Wait… I don’t even know your name. Or should I stick with runner girl?“
“It’s Salma.“, the tall girl said politely, unimpressed by your teasing.
You nodded once: “So, see you Salma.“
“I’ll come watch your competition.“
Again, she kept your from leaving. You raised an eyebrow at her: “Again? Sounds like I’ve to see you run now too.“
Salma bit back a grin, playing innocent: “I mean the race is later today if you got nothing better to do.“
“I’ll be there. Maybe dinner afterwards?“
Your bold suggestion seemed to throw her off a bit. She caught herself quickly, a smile appeared on her lips: “Is this a date?“
“Only if you want it to be.“, you grinned back at her.
Salma seemed to think about the option for a second: “Let’s stick with dinner and we’ll decide then.“
“We’ve a deal.“
“See you later then.“, she said, turning around and leaving the hall.
You had to hold back your excitement. It wasn’t often that you met someone who matched your energy like she did.
You watched as Simone finished up on the uneven bars. She was the last one. Your team had already qualified for the finals, as expected when you had one of the world’s best gymnasts on your team.
But there was no time to celebrate yet.
You stood there in your sparkling leotard watching the familiar face from the stands approach while your teammates impatiently waited for you.
There was nothing you could do about the anger rising in your chest. The feelings of loneliness and helplessness bubbling up, feelings that you had learned to associate with the young woman in front of you.
“You! What are you doing here?“, you snapped at her.
You noticed your teammates going quiet behind you.
Salma fearlessly took another step towards you. “I saw that you were competing… and I wanted to see you.“
“Oh, sure. You thought it would be okay to come here after years of radio silence? I tried to find you for years, but it was like you just vanished. It was like I spent an unforgettable summer with a ghost, with a person who didn’t exist! “
You wanted to sound angrier, even more powerful but you were exhausted. You were tired after all the time you tried to find an explanation for her disappearance. She had left and you had to come to terms with it.
This time, Salma looked a bit taken aback, her pretty face contorted into a frown: “What do you mean? I was always right there! I didn’t disappear.“
You wanted to scream. She couldn’t possibly be serious about this.
“You stopped texting! You forgot about me… and us!“
There were no tears, just pure adrenaline-fueled anger.
“I never stopped…shit. I changed my number back then, I must have forgotten to give you my new one.”, the tall woman realized aghast.
“Oh, of course, that’s a bad lie for ghosting a person.”, you snapped at her.
“If I had been ghosting you, would I be here?!”, Salma shot back, looking hurt.
“Probably not.”, you admitted wearied.
“Also why did you never try to find me?!”, your former girlfriend continued madly.
“I told you I tried, but you stopped participating in hurdle competitions, so it basically was impossible to find you!”, you replied through gritted teeth.
“No one told you that I left track to focus on football?”, the forward shook her head unbelievingly.
“You did what?”
“I only play football now.”, she explained matter-of-factly.
“Come on, y/n, we got to go.”, Simone intervened clearing her throat.
“I’m coming.”, you assured the gymnast before turning your attention back to your ex-lover.
“Good for you.”,
“I..”, Salma began helplessly.
“Goodbye, Salma.”, you muttered. However, she wasn’t ready to bid farewell.
“Don’t go yet, I don’t know when I’ll see again.”, the football player requested, there was an urgency to her ask.
“Seems like these girls are waiting for you though. Is the freckled one your girlfriend?”, you nodded in the direction of the women who appeared to belong to her.
“What? No. Those are my teammates, nothing else.”, the Spaniard denied heavily.
“And they came to watch with you? Cute.”, you commented sarcastically.
“I told them about you, so they wanted to get to know you.”, she revealed.
“Oh, they did?”, you looked surprised at her.
“But it’s fine, we were about to leave anyway. Just wanted to see you.”, Salma answered disappointedly.
“Why now?”, you wanted to know from her, seeing the woman again who broke your heart was a lot for you to process.
“Because I didn’t have the chance before this tournament.”, the forward responded truthfully.
The honesty in her voice made you pause; your anger has blown off a little.
“When are your football games? I assume you’re in that, maybe I take a look at your new sport.”
“We’re playing tomorrow.”, she informed you.
“Salma would be so happy if you could make it to the match.”, Ona interjected smiling.
“Ona!”, your former lover rolled her eyes annoyed.  
“Is that true?”, you glanced curiously at her.
“Girl, are you blind? She’s still very much into you.”, Vicky chuckled.
“If she’s into her, she should have come forward a long time ago.“, you heard Simone say next to you.
You were a bit surprised by that revelation so you were grateful that Simone took over. You absolutely adored how even at her height, she was always the fiercest in every room.
“Time to go.“, you said quietly.
Simone took your hand into hers and dragged you a step back with her: “Yes, come on.“
Salma handed you something, her face serious. Without thinking you took the small folded piece of paper.
“That’s my new number.“, she explained.
You said nothing, just slipped the note into your leotard and left.
The three football players walked out of the hall in silence.
“Do we think she’ll be there tomorrow?“, Vicky asked innocently.
Ona nodded determinedly: “Yeah, absolutely.“
“Girls.“, Salma said with a half-smile, trying to get them to stop.
Vicky ignored her: “I say she’s not showing up. She was pissed.“
“We’ll see.“, Salma shrugged.
When Salma stepped on the pitch the next day and looked up at the stands, she was not surprised to see you sit there.
It was almost the same situation as the day before, just this time your roles were reversed. She was the performer, you the spectator.
“She’s here…“, Salma said to no one in particular
With a smile Ona snuck up to her and whispered: “I told you.“
“She still looks pissed though or is it just the sunglasses?“, Vicky asked, laughing.
All three stared up at you while you glared at them from your seat.
“Nope, she’s pissed.“, Salma noted and turned away from the stands to go warm up.
You watched the game attentively. Salma was as fast as she was a few years ago, sprinting across the pitch like it was all she ever wanted to do and you had to admit that she played with such lightness and ease, it was almost exciting. Her decision to switch to football started to make sense to you.
Once the game was over and she was celebrating with your team, you made your way further down towards the pitch, just like she had the previous day.
She immediately jogged over as spotted you.
“Not a bad game, Salma…“, you said calmly.
A smile tugged on the football players lips: “Thanks. It’s nice that you came to watch.“
“How is it? To play in a team now instead of being on your own?“
She paused for a moment. You could see in her eyes that she thought about what kind of answer to give you.
“It’s different. But I like this a lot more.“, she finally said.
You nodded slowly: “Yes, you looked happy on the pitch…“
“I feel like football gives me a lot more. I bet you get that.”, Salma smiled shily.
“Yes, I like it too when we compete as a team.”, you agreed beaming.
“I remember that.”, the football player responded fondly.
“You remember a lot.”, a slight blush crept upon your cheeks.
“I do.”, she confessed.
“Like I meant something to you.”, you added nervously.
“Because it means a lot to me.”, Salma remarked earnestly.
“To me too but you broke my heart.”, you sighed deeply.
“I never meant too.”, the forward insisted, looking deep into your eyes hoping you’d believe her.
You closed your eyes for a moment, your head was screaming all the reasons you shouldn’t say what you were about to, but you decided to listen to your heart instead.
“You can invite me to dinner and when we’ll see if I give another chance.”, you declared with a cocky smile.
“You know, I think that sounds like a deal. Let me just take a shower.”, Salma winked.
“I’ll be waiting outside.”, you announced to her.
It didn’t take long for her to come back to you. “Alright, I’m ready.”
“Let’s go.”, you chirmed.
For now, you didn’t know where this reunion would take you both. Nonetheless if gymnastic taught you one thing it’s always to take one step at a time. And right now, it was a pretty woman and you walking along the Seine. It was getting dark, the lights off the Eiffel tower were about to turn on.
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o-sachi · 1 month
Record Store - Drabble for WinBre Week!
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ᯓ you and kaji working together part-time at a local record store ᯓ character; kaji ren (wind breaker) ᯓ tags; fluff, college au, technically a budding workplace romance, has a 500 days of summer reference, afab reader, no y/n
[🐟]: for day 6 - part-time job prompt! @windbreakerweek
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There was this guy you worked with at the local record store. He was pretty quiet and always wore headphones no matter what—which was fitting for a record store employee, you thought.
But that meant it was almost impossible to talk to him. So the register and the customer service were left in your care. He mostly handled the logistics like carrying the boxes containing new records and arranging them on the display shelves.
On his chest he wore the same employee nameplate that you did. It said "Hi I'm, Kaji," in black letters. You assumed he was the one who wrote his name with those asemic strokes. But all that mattered was that the nameplate served its purpose and everyone now knows his name is Kaji.
Unfortunately, that's about everything you know of this guy. Too bad he can't write his life's story or his favorite food on something he can plaster somewhere on his body.
Kaji was intriguing though. You found yourself stealing glances at him while you stood behind the counter and he'd be walking back-and-forth between the shelves and the storage room. The only time he'd talk to you was when he absolutely need to, but would you really consider conversations about work as ACTUAL conversations? No, not really.
It was a rather slow and peaceful day for the record store. To be fair, you've never experienced a busy day here. It was one of the many charms of this place. But you were bored out of your mind doing absolutely nothing at the register while Kaji was busy with rearranging the vinyls.
An idea popped into your head and you found yourself making way to the very same shelf he was at. Scanning his work, you realized he was arranging records by genre, so you started doing the same. He didn't protest—or maybe he really had no words for you—but he silently let you help him.
The music streaming through his headphones were loud enough that even as you stood a few inches away from him—you could hear it clearly.
"I love Deftones."
Kaji lifts one side of the headphones. "What?"
"I said I love Deftones."
He kept it lifted off his ear while he thought of something meaningful to say.
"You have good taste in music," you add, hoping that he could springboard from that.
"You like Deftones?"
"If like, you should stay down beneath~"
"Yeah, I love them."
Holy shit. Kaji was short-circuiting like an idiot. Normally, the news that someone listens to the same music as he does is nothing amazing. But finding out the pretty girl at his part-time job did? It had him feeling some type of way.
Safe to say, you caught his attention. Hook line and sinker. He removed the headphones from his ears completely, setting them slowly around his neck—telling you that he was ready to listen whatever else you had to say.
"That's cool," he stammered out.
For a long while, the only sound between the two of you were the sounds of the records being shuffled on the shelf. The tension was more palpable than ever.
"There's this music festival on Friday evening," you said. In all honesty, you wanted to continue the topic of music and that seemed relevant at the moment, but it was too late once you realized the implication of it.
He cranes his head to look at you, wanting to make sure he wasn't reading into it too much. But it was accidental and he did read into it too much. "Rock music?" he asked.
"Who's playing?"
You decided to double down on it. "Let's go together and see."
The slight shift in his expression was a dead giveaway that your words had an effect on him. "Eh... uh... like as co-workers?"
"Ouch, not even friends? Besides, who goes to events like that as co-workers?"
"So... what? Friends?"
Jeez. You sigh. "If I called it a date, would you mind? And no, not a friendly date."
What date isn't friendly—he thought. Hearing the word d-a-t-e, there was no way he'd misinterpret that. He was hoping your invitation was for something more than friends anyway.
"Sure, it's a date then."
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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literatureloverx · 1 month
Just use this blog! I would love to get your thoughts in Chuuya since you do such an amazing job with Fyodor. Would be awesome to know your ideal types for the other bsd guys (..well chuuya mainly)
Such a cutie patootie request 🥹 I love it, and I’ve been wanting to write about this for a while now!
I’m a bit nervous about writing a character who isn’t Fyodor, but I really hope I can meet your expectations. ❤️ I would hate to disappoint. 🥺
Just a heads-up: I’m also planning to write about Dazai’s, Nikolai’s, and maybe even Akutagawa’s ideal types at some point. ❤️
Chuuya x fem!reader, Chuuya x ideal type!reader.🧡
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Chuuya’s ideal type
In my character analysis post for Fyodor, I mentioned that Fyodor is not a "darling-neutral" character, which suggests that he has a very clear and non-negotiable ideal type.
However, this is certainly not the case with our beloved Chuuya.
Chuuya is genuinely "darling-neutral," but I’d like to depict an ideal type nonetheless, as I believe he has some aspects he would greatly admire in a woman.
Although I can’t recall where I read it, it was mentioned somewhere that Chuuya appreciates elegant people with a good sense of fashion.
When I think of such a person, I immediately picture an elegant woman who knows how to carry herself effectively and gracefully.
A good sense of fashion often indicates high self-esteem and self-worth.
This leads me to believe that Chuuya’s ideal type would definitely be someone confident.
It’s important to clarify that confidence doesn’t mean being loud or mean.
Imagine someone who is elegant, feminine (but not hyper-feminine), and confident.
This person would not be gracefully meek or silent but would act, look, behave, and move with class and confidence.
Given Chuuya’s own pride in his male strength, his keen sense of fashion, and his confidence brimming with pride, I believe he would fall for such a person almost immediately.
However, his ideal partner should not challenge him in a way that disrupts his sense of harmony.
This is precisely why he says he hates Dazai; it’s not that he hates Dazai himself, but rather the constant challenges Dazai presents that unsettle him.
Chuuya is a proud man in every possible way, and he wouldn’t easily tolerate disrespect or undue challenge.
In terms of physical appearance, I don’t think that attributes like hair or skin color, height (even though he is 5'3"/160 cm), or weight would be of significant importance to him.
However, I don’t believe he would be attracted to someone who is obese. Don’t get me wrong—he is strong enough to carry someone regardless of their weight, but it’s simply not his vibe.
“If a person’s body is prominent, it should be due to athleticism.”—Chuuya, probably.
Still, I don’t see him caring much about your fitness level either.
When I said he is "darling-neutral," I genuinely meant it.
I believe that Chuuya could easily fall in love with a shy, more masculine, sincere, or careful partner.
He has a beautiful and deeply humane heart, which allows him to see the best in his partner, no matter their characteristics.
However, this is not in a naive way—he would guide his partner to the right path if he sensed something might be off.
On the emotional side, Chuuya loves challenges, but his life is already filled with them. He might seek rest in his partner’s arms rather than being constantly challenged.
He would likely get bored with someone who is only loving but not truly engaging, as he is not a passive person himself.
Chuuya is active in whatever he does.
Chuuya is active in everything he does, so he needs a partner who can at least keep up with his lifestyle.
As a feared man and a valuable part of the Port Mafia—an executive, no less—his position should not intimidate his partner.
This is why I believe he wouldn’t keep his situation a secret.
He wants a true partner, someone loyal to him who also has a life of her own with meaningful activities, so she doesn’t feel alone or isolated when he’s not around.
His ideal partner should be independent and capable of taking care of herself, but also willing to let him take care of her—not because she needs it, but because she wants it.
This is how Chuuya expresses his love, through grand gestures and physical affection.
His partner should accept this wholeheartedly.
Loyalty is one of the most important aspects of Chuuya's relationship with his partner. He is loyal until the end of time, and he expects the same in return.
Then there’s his expensive wine collection—he’s not a heavy drinker, but he enjoys a good glass of wine now and then, especially when celebrating or unwinding after a long day.
He would expect his partner to share these peaceful moments with him. His vulnerable state when he drinks and relaxes gives him a sense of domestic warmth.
I’m not sure if this is a common interpretation of Chuuya’s character, but I see him as a somewhat possessive lover—perhaps not possessive in the typical sense, but definitely territorial.
Sexually, he may be very possessive, but in other aspects, he’s more about asserting his territory.
Because he won’t take it lightly if someone flirts with you or eyes you, you’ll need to be someone who can maintain a certain distance from others when necessary.
This is why I envisioned an ideal type for Chuuya who is classy, carrying herself with elegance and confidence, rather than someone who is chatty or bubbly.
Chuuya is territorial, and while you’re free to do as you please—go shopping with friends (he would even give you his black card), meet them anywhere, or engage in any activities you like—he barely has time for himself.
So, when he does have time for the two of you, he would expect you to set everything else aside to spend that time together.
That is why he needs someone who is ready to make sacrifices when needed.
Edit: I practically forgot to mention any real sexual content about his potential darling, so here they are:
I don’t think he would care whether his partner is a virgin or not, but if you are, he’d be very proud to be your first and would strive to make your first experience as beautiful and sensually unforgettable as possible.
However, I can’t see him being attracted to someone who is "too open" with sexual encounters, like someone who sleeps around.
This simply doesn’t align with the image of a woman who carries herself with confidence and grace.
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genshin-obsessed · 2 months
Hey pocky! Could you do polyamorous hcs with reader, Cyno and Tighnari? I just love those two, and you haven’t wrote poly in a minute, so sorry if this is out of the blue.
(Remember to stay hydrated ✨)
Hiya anon! You’re right, it’s been a while! I hope you like it!
8/1/24: umm idk how long this has just been sitting here completed. Cuz it was down in my drafts.. im really, really sorry anon ;w;
Cyno x Reader x Tighnari
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There was definitely a spark between Cyno and Tighnari. They’ve known each other for a while and so they’re a bit closer.
But there was no relationship, as it was just a close friendship. That is, until they met you. You squeezed in perfectly within their dynamic.
As the two of them got closer with you, that’s when they really started to realize they had feelings for you.
It was the little things, you know? For example, Cyno would feel his heart beat faster and faster every time you laughed at one of his jokes. Or he’d have a greater need to keep you safe.
Tighnari started noticing that no matter how many questions you asked about his work, he would never tire answering them. He never felt irritated or annoyed, instead, he was more than happy to help you out.
There weren’t many jealousy issues. Meaning, you were laughing with someone else and they got angry. They did feel a tad left out, but not jealous, per se. Cyno does find himself wanting to make sure your friends all have true intentions.
It took, maybe a year or so, for both of them to come to terms with their feelings for you. Being as close as they were, the two chose to confide in other another. Which created an awkward situation to say the least.
Both were insistent the other take their chance and that you liked them more anyway. Tighnari figured you’d like someone like Cyno, someone who was extremely serious with his work, but could relax with his friends afterward- almost like a new person. While most people didn't enjoy his jokes, you did and Cyno loved to make you laugh.
Conversely, Cyno thought maybe Tighnari was more your type. Intelligent, a good leader, knowledgeable in the forest and his work and you always seemed more comfortable around him. You would often seek out Tighnari if you were bored or just needed a friend to hang out with since Cyno's work took him further away.
Neither came to a meaningful conclusion that day and so they decided to "help" each other out. Unfortunately, this led to both of them distancing themselves from you inadvertently. Cyno wanted you to get with Tighnari and felt the best way was to remove himself. So, he took on more work that took him out into the desert.
Tighnari believed that you should be with Cyno and would often cancel on plans in hopes you’d maybe make some with Cyno instead. He would often ask both you and Cyno to meet him somewhere and just wouldn't show up. While it made his heart hurt for longer than he'd imagine, the idea of you two being happy together brought him some solace.
That went about as swimmingly as you could imagine. Both were unavailable all the time and it just felt so odd. It felt intentional. You gave them the benefit of the doubt in the beginning and just assumed it really was work which was their go-to excuse. Until the day you thought Tighnari was “busy with work” and found him at the bar with Kaveh!
Oh, that was so uncomfortable and he tried to wiggle away a little, admittedly. It didn't wokr and... that’s when Tighnari explained that he wanted to give you a chance with Cyno- and unfortunately, had to confess on Cyno’s behalf which he felt so terrible for. It wasn’t his place to tell you how Cyno felt, but it was why he was avoiding you.
You asked about him- what he felt and he bashfully admitted he, too, felt something for you. He tried to make it seem like it was just a little playground crush, but you could tell it was full blown love. You decided all three of you needed to talk together. You hunted down Cyno and basically demanded he meet with you and Tighnari and he did without hesitation.
You confessed that you had feelings for both of them and didn’t really want to choose. They were both stunned and stumbled on their words, unsure of what to say.
It took a bit of talking but at the end of it, both Cyno and Tighnari were ok with you either picking one of them… or being with both of them. You, of course, went with the latter.
This relationship was mainly with you and not as much Cyno and Tighnari. So, for the most part Cyno and Tighnari were just “sharing” you. A term they’re not the biggest fan of. It took some time before the two realized their feelings for one another.
According to them, they originally felt something but assumed it was just their friendship. Like yanno… they were super closer.
But after being with you though- knowing they were romantically attracted to you- they started realizing their feelings for one another were extremely similar. For example, Cyno wanted to kiss you all the time and he wanted to kiss Tighnari all the time. But he wouldn't kiss Kaveh and that let him know it wasn't just a normal friendship.
So, this led to them talking about trying out a relationship with one another as well. That went extremely well, actually. Though, they still find themselves doting on you the most.
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portablegoose · 11 months
Woooo so the Magnus Protocol premiered and I have things to say and things to overanalyse!
As we know, 'Chester', 'Neil' and 'Augustus' are, maybe?, Jon, Martin, and Jonah, respectively. Hence this:
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And, of course, there's 'J1', 'M1' and 'J2' in the trailer.
However, I've seen confusion over the fact that the third 'Error' is voiced by Tim Fearon, who as far as I'm aware has not previously voiced any characters in the Magnus universe. Even though the name is distorted, I can make out what looks to be an H at the end of the name, so this very well may be Jonah.
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My theory is this: 'Augustus' is Jonah (or just his voice). However, since the body of Elias was killed in the Panopticon, Jonah does not use Elias' voice anymore. Jon, Martin, and Jonah are all disembodied, if we are to believe they are somehow inside the computer/other technology (ie Alice/Sam's phone in the pub scene) or in some way somewhere adjacent to the world of Protocol. So it could, in a dream-logicy eldritch sense, follow that Jonah is able to survive in his own creepy old ass man way, and use his original voice. Obviously, I cannot corroborate this claim in any meaningful way. We have not heard Augustus speak yet, but I think it is a possibility nonetheless.
The fact that Augustus supposedly shows up to read cases aloud significantly less than Chester and Neil could also be a clue. Maybe Jonah is weaker than Jon and Martin due to his injuries, and is therefore unable to materialise as often as Jon and Martin. Maybe the voice that speaks the true cases (because, similarly to how true statements were identified using the tape recorder in TMA, I imagine true cases will be singled out using the text to speech system) is relevant to the case itself - ie, Jonah only speaks when a case is heavily linked to the Eye, etc.
Furthermore, there's the question of who is spying on who and when/why. By this I mean that we hear our perspective switch between devices (the phone, the computer, the security camera during Colin and Sam's interaction, etc), and I believe that this happens because one or more of the 'Errors' (as I am going to refer to them henceforth) is travelling between devices to spy on the characters' conversations. What we hear is dictated by what the Errors, characters who have prior knowledge of the Fears, deem important. This is backed up by the episode's closing scene: Colin's paranoid closing lines. It is clear that Colin believes someone is listening to them, and it is implied that he has made a connection between this and the Errors. What intrigues me is the Errors' motivation for doing this at all. If what they deem important is what we hear, and this is the first that we are hearing, then it seems to me that it is Sam's arrival that has given them cause for concern, or (in Jonah's case) hope (if he is plotting to return, or something, I don't put it past the scheming weasel). So, why are they listening? And how can we really tell if what we are hearing is the spying of Jonah, or of Jon and Martin?
Another thing. Jonny makes a point of letting us know that Alice does not think the work they do is of any significance, or is checked by anyone. She constantly mentions it in passing and is very casual in her attitude towards work. We obviously have the foresight to know this isn't true. The reason I point this out is because of what Sam does when filling out his paperwork: he ticks the 'Response' box, to which Alice responds that it doesn't matter. This could be nothing, it probably is nothing, but I feel like the fact that Sam has ticked the onboarding box of a mysterious department of an already mysertious organisation might come up later...
Yes I know I am jumping to a lot of conclusions, especially where the Errors are concerned. Please take every theory you hear, from me or anyone else, with a grain of salt, this is all speculative. From a writer's perspective, I honestly think it's pretty likely that Chester and Neil aren't actually Jon and Martin, and just their voices taken by the Web or something, but shh I can dream.
Edit: oh my god they changed his name to Norris that is even worse. Jonny and Alex were fr like 'neil is too kind, we need the name to be Chester levels of horrific'
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evillemons · 2 months
hiii i love ur work!!! could u do what their marriage proposals would be like? like who’s most likely to have a public / private one, or spontaneous or planned? ☺️
Hi there! Thank you for your request, I love this one :) I'm sorry it took so long to get out, I've had an unbelievably crazy month and took a little break from Tumblr. I also initially tried to write these in the form of short stories, but absolutely hated them, so I decided to scrap them and start over in my usual style.
As an aside: realistically, I don't think any of them would propose in a public setting due to their status. I actually see most of them having really humble and intimate proposals to keep things simple and away from public attention. Now, without further ado:
How BTS would propose
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Jin - Jin would really want to make his proposal special, so he would likely start planning a few weeks in advance. He's extremely introverted and a little shy, so there's no way in hell he would propose in public, but he would still want to make a grand romantic gesture to show his girlfriend how much he means to her. It would be a whole day affair, involving breakfast in bed, a professional massage, and online shopping. For the actual proposal, he would take her to the beach at sunset where he manually set up an intimate oasis with a blanket and pillows, candles, lanterns, champagne, and flowers. "Marry me" would be spelled out in rose petals on the sand. Traditionally, he would also get one knee and present a white gold ring with a modest, singular round diamond.
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V - Taehyung wouldn't want the proposal to be too grand or flashy as to not attract attention from bystanders, yet he would try to be creative and unexpected. And while elaborate, he would likely come up with the plan last minute and spend a sleepless two or three days arranging everything. The theme would be a scavenger hunt around the city, where each destination holds a cryptic poem that leads to another. Each place would hold some sort of significance in the relationship, like where they first bumped into each other or had their first kiss. The final clue would lead her to him in an open field at night, atop a picnic blanket underneath the stars. He would take his time to tell her everything he loves about her, that she is his soulmate and he couldn't imagine his life without her, before officially proposing. His ring choice would undoubtedly be something nontraditional or vintage, like an opal or emerald.
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RM - As he does with everything, Namjoon would be overthinking about whether or not to propose for months, maybe even a year. He might come up with a few ideas here and there that he thought his girlfriend might like, but end up getting so frustrated that he decides to put it off for another time. While he would prefer to plan something meaningful, his proposal would end up being a completely in-the-moment type of situation as a result of his sentimental nature. Him and his girlfriend might just be chatting over dinner one night, where he has the sudden epiphany that he is certain he wants to spend the rest of his life together and that there is no reason to wait. He would ask her to marry him spontaneously, without a ring or a grand gesture, but he would somehow find the most poetic, extraordinarily romantic and loving words to say. He would later take her shopping to pick out exactly the ring she wants.
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j-hope - Hoseok's bougie-ass would insist on taking his girlfriend on a fancy, first class vacation to propose; anything less would be inappropriate. Hobi is undeniably the planning type, although I think he might hire someone to arrange all the details and reservations for the trip rather than doing it himself. I also think he would have the most traditional proposal, and take her somewhere undeniably romantic like Venice or Paris. He would make sure there is a jam-packed agenda for the entire vacation, transitioning directly from one scenic outing to the next. At sunset, he would take her to a high-end restaurant by the water, where he would recite a rehearsed speech that he practiced for days (at a private reserved table, of course) about how much she means to him. He would then pull out a burgundy velvet box to reveal a sparkling, semi-large diamond ring that he picked out with the help of an expert.
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Jimin - Jimin is probably the type to dream about proposing to his girlfriend after the first date. However, he's not one to be selfish either, and would try to perfectly cater the day to exactly what he thinks she would want. He would listen closely when she talks about the places she wants to visit, and then write them down later so he doesn't forget. I imagine the proposal occurring somewhere scenic and private that also incorporates some sort of fun activity, like a wine tasting in a winery followed by a walk in the vineyard, maybe even next to a small castle. Jimin would be grinning ear to ear the whole time, and as he gets on one knee, she would probably say yes before he can even utter a word. He would pick out a ring that's semi-traditional but with a unique twist, like a light pink diamond for the main stone, with a diamond band.
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SUGA - Yoongi's proposal would be shockingly heartwarming and sentimental. He wouldn't do anything extravagant like a vacation or or grand gesture, but rather pour meaning into his proposal by revisiting history and the landmarks of their relationship. He would take her to the restaurant where they had their first date, the spot by the river where they had their first kiss, and reminisce together. The last location would be at the concert venue where they first met, to which he would book out for the day. In a cheesy, unlike Yoongi fashion (because the day has him feeling particularly sentimental), he would take the stage with his acoustic guitar and sing her a song he's been writing about her since the beginning. It would end with a declaration of wanting to be with her forever, despite everything. He may not initially opt for a ring and choose to discuss it with her afterwards, but if he did, he would pick out something extremely simple like a solid gold band or a very small diamond.
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Jungkook - I think Jungkook would want to impress his girlfriend so badly (and also feel influenced by what a proposal "should" be like) that he would end up going way overboard with his proposal. He would send an outrageous amount of flower bouquets to her house, buy her a luxury dress, and take her out to eat at a high end restaurant. And that's not even part of the proposal. The proposal itself would be something adventurous and exciting, like inside a hot air balloon in mid air. It would all be a little excessive and overwhelming, but the sentiment still sweet nonetheless. He might also have the entire day planned in advance, but not know exactly when to propose until the right moment arises. When he does, he would probably be in tears and too nervous to say too much, and only manage a mousy "marry me". Ring wise, I think he would be excellent at picking something that suits her style perfectly.
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icycoldninja · 4 months
You are indeed a ninja when it comes to writing! Some people ask for the oddest things but I love it. Could you perhaps do head canons of the Sparda men (including V) with a significant other who is covered in tattoos and what they think of them? Would they get a tattoo themselves?
Ayyy thanks! Sometimes these requests be getting wild but I don't mind, they're fun. These might be a little short, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless.
Sparda boys + V x Tattooed!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante is immediately reminded of V, and wonders if your tattoos serve the same purposes as he did.
-He thinks some of them are pretty, though, and might get a few himself to match yours.
-He doesn't like face and/or neck tattoos though; he wants to be the only one to mark those parts of your body.
-He does find himself tracing the pattern of your tattoos when you two are relaxing together.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil doesn't mind you having tattoos as long as you don't have any on your face because he likes looking at it--to mar your beauty with ink would be a true tragedy.
-He might get tattoos too, but won't get too many tattoos himself. The most he'll do is one or two on his arm, leg, or somewhere inconspicuous. Also, the tattoo has to be meaningful. He's not going to get any just because someone says they're cool.
-One thing to note is if you have a tattoo of his name, he will go absolutely feral.
-Finds himself just staring at your tattoos and admiring the intricate patterns they make with your skin.
□ Nero □
-Nero doesn't care what kind of tattoos you have or where you have them because he's used to being around people with lots of inks. (think Nico)
-Might get one or two on his back or something, but only if it's for a specific and important reason.
-Nero is honestly indifferent to tattoos altogether; do whatever you want, in whatever color, he doesn't care.
-Likes to think of you as a beautiful, living panting sometimes.
● V ●
-V himself is covered in tattoos from neck to ankle, so he is ecstatic to find you have tattoos too.
-Since he already has a whole bunch, V doesn't see a need to get more, but maybe he'll get chibi forms of his familiar tattooed on his back or somewhere where he doesn't have innings already.
-He always finds himself comparing his markings to yours, noting how some look very similar and how others seem to line up perfectly with one another.
-V is overjoyed to know you two have yet another thing in common and wonders if you'll start twinning--wearing the same clothes, that is.
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oddballwriter · 7 months
🙏 gn/fem reader who has a tattoo of an ahnk on her chest and arm tattoos of astrological symbols or like more egyptian tattoos who visits the museum with a group of friends and steven just drools at her existence lol
Living Art
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Summary: Working in the gift shop doesn't really earn you any points in talking to people, that's something that Steven's learned the hard way. But that doesn't mean that there aren't some cases that happen once in a while.
Warnings: It's mentioned that the reader does some of their own tattoos using the stick-and-poke method. Steven is shy but very much into the reader. The reader's gender and pronouns are never mentioned but Steven does refer to the ready is pretty so take that as you will. Mention of alcohol and getting drunk but no consumption actually happens. If I'm missing something don't be afraid to tell me.
Author’s Snip: I'm sorry that this took such a long time. I've been out of motivation to write and also recently started my spring semester. So I hope you will still like it.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 954
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Working at the gift shop didn't really make way for meaningful talks with people. Steven has learned that through many one-way conversations with people who come in. But he'd be lying if he said that he ever really stopped wishing for a moment to chat with someone who would listen and talk back. Unfortunately, that person only exists in Steven's daydream it seems.
That is until one day a group of museum-goers come walking in chattering amongst themselves. Steven looks at them for a brief moment just to get a count of them before looking off somewhere else until he hears a voice go "Oh..." in a disappointed cringing manner. Steven glances back and sees you staring at a mug on display. He knows which one it is. It's that one mug that has hieroglyphics on it that are random and translate to literal gibberish. He remembers himself cringing at its existence.
Your friends join in and laugh at your explanation of why this mug has you scrunching your nose in disapproval. "Does it say something dumb?" one of them asks, to which you respond with "No. It doesn't say anything. That's why I hate it.". Your friends laugh some more and move on with their browsing around while one stays with you for a moment to say "You should buy it and put it in your collection of stupid stuff.". You nod but say "I'm thinking about it but in all honestly this thing is kinda ugly.". It is, the graphics look horrible and Steven is so happy that some else can see that.
After a while of walking around, and grabbing a plush that also got a chuckle out of you, you make your way to Steven at the counter. Now that he's getting a closer look at you, you're very pretty. As he looks you over quickly so as to not be caught by you he notices something else.
The shirt you have on gives a sensible show of your chest and arms and along them are various Egyptian and astrological symbols tattooed on your skin. Steven can name practically all of them with his brief scan of your body. He manages to catch you saying something to him.
"How's your day going?" you ask. He blinks off his stun and answers with a shrugged "Alright. Same work day as all the others. You know?". You nod in response. "I bet you get kids in here all the time." you say, "They always want to leave a shop with something." you laugh. Steven gives a small laugh back as he thinks about all the times a kid came in begging for something. "They usually leave with a toy or one of those little books for kids," Steven says before glancing at the little plush you're buying, "This one is actually really popular. They're usually all gone by the end of the day." he mentions as he takes a look at it himself. "They are pretty cute." you reply, "They're also kind of silly. These figures in Egyptian mythos just being little stuffed dolls that you just have around.". Steven laughs at the thought.
Steven starts to scan the items and he can't help but instinctively cringe a little when holding and looking at the mug. You seem to notice and snicker. "Sorry," Steven apologizes, "But as someone who knows hieroglyphics this thing is awful," he explains.
"It doesn't even translate to anything." you both say in unison. You both smile at the commonality in your opinions on the mug, with Steven maybe feeling a little flutter in his stomach.
"The only reason I'm getting it is because I like to collect novelties that are dumb," you explain. "What about the plush?" Steven questions having thought that the plush was quite endearing. "The plush is dumb in a cute way. The mug is just dumb and I feel like it will fit right in with all the other stupid things I have." you explain. "Well, I'd love to see that collection," Steven comments. "It's actually a really nice talking piece. People like hearing about all the stuff in it." you mention.
Steven nods and as he does he takes a look at a few of your tattoos. You catch it this time and smile, "Do you like them?" you ask. "I think they're lovely," Steven confirms, "Where do you get them done?" Steven questions. There's no reason for him to ask, it's not like he has the guts to get a tattoo himself but he's finally getting that conversation that he's been yearning for. "My friend actually does them. She's a tattoo artist and she secretly give me a discount for some favors like getting her food or doing something for her." you mention, "Some of these are by me though. Sometimes I get drunk and bored at home and just grab a needle and pen ink." you add as you point to a few.
"You tattoo yourself?" Steven gasps. "Don't worry. I'm drunk enough to not really feel anything but still sober enough to clean the area and not have it look terrible," you tell him. "If you ever want a tattoo but not the whole commitment, give me a call. I'll give you as much alcohol as you need." you say with a wink. Steven blushes and bites back an ear-to-ear smile.
You both hear the clearing of a throat behind you. When you both take a look you see your friends standing in line right behind you looking on with looks varying between smug and done with overhearing the back and forth. "Just give him your number already so we can buy our shit." one of them speaks up.
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@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction (applications open)
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spongeofaces · 26 days
Matchup exchange for @thecurrator 1/3
First of the three matchups! I'm sorry for taking so long with these 🙇‍♀️
Really loved the one you made by the way, super cute.
Hope it lives up to your expectations!
Do tell me if I made any errors, I'll fix it up right away.
I match thecurrator with...
🐉 Malleus Draconia 🐉
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Malleus may be an absolute sweetheart of a partner, but he is also new to this kind of relationship. He does try his best, however he may not always know what is expected of him; what's too much or too little. Just be patient with him, okay? He'd wait an eternity for you, after all.
Typically, Malleus talks to others in a respectful yet somewhat cold tone, but fortunately he's comfortable enough around you to drop the polite walls he's built up. At times, he may find himself making small jokes or teasing comments that he usually wouldn't make with anyone else. Slowly yet surely, he'll become more and more willing to act childish if he wishes to, not feeling the same shame he used to when he acted in such a way. You've helped him become a lot more open with his words and actions, and he appreciates that.
As someone who has had personal experience with feeling isolated for a long time, Malleus has made it his personal mission to make sure that as long as the two of you are together, you'll never feel lonely. He needs you to know that no matter the situation, no matter the time, he is willing to be by your side. There's no need to hesitant or worry if you want to ask Malleus to spend time with you, I assure you; he'd drop anything if it meant he could be with you instead.
Malleus can take on any role in a conversation, switching between speaking and listening depending on the current mood. Whenever you speak, he is sure to pay his utmost attention, treasuring the words that leave your lips, storing away any and all information you give him in his head. You may make a one-off comment about a show you sort of like, and a day or two later he'll be bringing it up, having watched some of it to learn more about your tastes. Whether you feel like fast-paced banter, meaningful conversation, sudden rants or complete silence, Malleus is always happy to oblige.
This guy does not hold back on the compliments, always finding some sort of excuse to praise you. No matter how mudane a task you complete is he'll have something positive to say about you. Just by the look of utter adoration in his eyes, you can tell that it isn't empty flattery; he means every word of it. At this point, you find that he's truly enamoured with even your smallest actions and behaviours.
Definitely a gift giver. He'll experiment with different types of gifts, trying to get a read on which kind of trinket you treasure most. At the start, he'll stick to the default gifts, flowers, jewellery, clothes, plushies. The only thing that isn't stereotypical about the gifts he gives, is the amount. You'll be recieving something every other day, some things small, some things large. His gifts will become more personalized as he learns more about you.
He adores spending time participating in your interests with you. He'll organize movie nights or days to binge entire shows, just so he can listen as you discuss the themes and delve into the characters.
He is not going to help with your habit of getting lost in new places, if I'm honest. Pretty sure he'll just play dumb and let you lead you both off-track, feigning ignorance when you ask if he has any clue which way to go. Oh, but he doesn't have any malicious intent, he just finds the act of going on a simple, spontaneous walk with you pleasant.
He'd go absolutely anywhere if only you'd invite him. If he's the one choosing a date location, it would probably be somewhere out in nature, with a pretty view or scenery. He may start getting sappy and compare you to a flower or something, how you react to that is up to you.
Make him a music playlist, and it will be the only thing he listens to for practically the entire month. He might seek you out to talk to you about how he interprets certain lyrics and songs. He's grateful you took time out of your day to make something so thoughtful for him.
You two share the 'unapproachable' vibe. You because of the rbf, him because of his intimidating presence. But hey, at least you two know that the other isn't as scary as they look.
If you ever space out, he'll just sit in silence and watch you affectionately, wondering what could possibly be going through your mind at that moment. When class is about to start, he may poke your cheek to snap you out of the small daze.
Other options: Silver and Jade.
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g-bouchard · 9 days
I know you've been suggested a few chappell roan songs, but i think you'd love all of her music. can you listen to the whole "Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess" album and review each song? would love to hear ur thoughts on them!
I have been meaning to investigate the rest of her music. Thank you for providing the opportunity.
Femininomenon: This is one I've been sent and enjoyed. The call and response in the middle is empowering, and the women-centric message is pleasant. I also like the rhythm of the sentences that she doesn't finish.
Red Wine Supernova: The metaphors that craft this story of a (pointedly queer) romance are very original and artistically appealing. The differences between the two lovers don't stop them from "having fun," and I actually didn't mind the risque references.
After Midnight: This song made me feel like I was at a dance club, but in a good way, I think. There is a sense of pleasant and enjoyable danger in these lyrics. The narrator seems to be letting lose and having a good time, for once.
Coffee: This is such a tragic song, and I'm lucky I can't relate to this feeling. (I do enjoy a coffee, though.) The idea of someone confessing feelings that you know they don't mean sends a shiver down my spine. Beautiful.
Casual: Finding depth in a relationship that the other person doesn't see can be so painful. A very heart-wrenching song, I like the anger and spite in the lyricism.
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl: I'm not sure if I would use any of these words to describe myself, but I would never be caught dead with a man in bad jeans. Energetic song, it makes one envision the perfect duo.
HOT TO GO!: This is another Chappell Roan song I've been recommended before. The "cheerleader" imagery is pleasant, and it's definitely an earworm.
My Kink is Karma: I don't have anyone who I would relate this song to, but I enjoy when artists explore feelings of anger and rage in their music. Such complex emotions.
Picture You: I definitely catch the undertones behind this song, which are... incredibly intimate. But also surprisingly poetic and meaningful. And past the "pleasure" descriptions, this song does a good job of expressing the hope for reciprocation.
Kaleidoscope: Ah, wow. Very... impactful. Feelings of affection are so, um, complex. This song navigates the idea internal struggle surrounding romance very well.
Pink Pony Club: A very poignant story of a girl wanting to be something more, somewhere else, achieving all her wildest dreams. A hopeful song, very good.
Naked in Manhattan: Risque but tender, um. Very good storytelling, and very strong feelings throughout. I like this.
California: This is clearly a very personal song to the singer, and very striking.
Guilty Pleasure: I, uh, hm. Very graphic. Upbeat. I, um. An energetic song for the finale. Good song. Very good.
I have a new level of appreciation for Chappell Roan's music now. You made my quiet night alone in the office a bit more... entertaining. Thank you for, er, enlightening me. I—yeah. Thanks.
-Gwen B.
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vickyvicarious · 11 months
Quincy has lots of foresight and level headedness as Van Helsing says. He is laconic less in the meaning of "Says little" and more with the actual definition of "Gets straight to the POINT". He sees what the matter is and instantly goes for the solution. I think that getting Mina a Portable Typewriter is part of that.
But it is still fascinating that it was him and not Jonathan who bought it. Jonathan might have been too deep into despair to think of a future in the horizon?
I mean, he also does say little as soon as matters get serious, which I think fits his character as well. It's not just Stoker writing him as more background character and forgetting to give him many lines (though I feel sure that's part of it too) but also, Quincey only hams it up when the situation calls for it. He's talkative with his buddies, and with the girl he hopes to marry, but as soon as we get into survival situations then he gets much more quiet and to the point.
Jack says that "In all our hunting parties and adventures in different parts of the world, Quincey Morris had always been the one to arrange the plan of action, and Arthur and I had been accustomed to obey him implicitly." And I think that does seem clear. He tends to think very simply/practically, and while he doesn't take on the role of leader in this group it's easy to see how he would be able to do so in another situation. He doesn't get as caught up in philosophizing or emotion; like you (and Art and Van Helsing) said, he's level-headed. He is pretty good at recognizing the core of a situation and just zeroing in on it, not being afraid to ask the relevant questions even when they might seem absurd or rude. My favorite moment being of course "Where did the blood go?" but there are others as well. And yeah, every time he tries to find a way to act about it. He notices Lucy might love someone else, asks, gets rejected, and then keeps his distance because he doesn't want to get in their way. He recognizes the blood must be going somewhere, asks about it, and then decides to guard against bats because he knows bats are something that could do that. That sort of thing. He also acts preventatively quite a lot (that foresight you mentioned), with stuff like shooting at bats or spying to see which way Dracula might flee or volunteering to ride up the riverbank in case Dracula got off at some port along the way. These are all just-in-case type actions taken to prevent a possible bad outcome.
Him getting the typewriter for Mina is nice in another way because it goes against his tendency to step back when he thinks something isn't his place. He's shown to be pretty hesitant about being somewhere he thinks he would be intruding, from stuff like not coming back to visit Lucy until Art asked him, to not going to see her on her deathbed since she didn't even know he was there, to stepping out of the room when he saw Art having a moment with Mina, to even being weirdly nervous about bursting into the Harkers' bedroom during a life-or-death situation. He likes to wait for an invitation first (not in a vampire way, haha) when it comes to interactions with people. But here, he doesn't. And I think it comes down to the day they met, when Mina saw how he was feeling and offered him comfort and validated his own grief as just as worthy. He was deeply moved and promised to be her friend from then on. Then he vowed to kill her in the name of that friendship. This is a gentler, perhaps less grand but no less meaningful, way he can express how much he cares about her, and try to in some way return the favor by attempting to lift her spirits when she is suffering.
(Mina and Quincey's friendship gets me emotional every time.)
As for why Jonathan didn't buy it... I think it is partially him not seeing the future right now. He has already said that he and Mina don't talk of the future, and while he of course is fully dedicated to hunting Dracula down and ensuring they will have a happy future together, I'm not sure it is anything he can really visualize right now. He is so very absorbed in caring for Mina in her current condition and planning to take care of Dracula in a distinctly different meaning of the word, that he doesn't have room for anything else right now. He's on the edge of breaking down as it is, and is just trying to push through, sort of like it was for him back in the castle.
But also, in a less angsty way, I think it might not have occurred to him as something he could do. He and Mina have only recently come into any sort of wealth, and a typewriter like this would be pretty expensive (I believe someone looked it up last year and it seems like Quincey dropped a pretty hefty sum on this gift). He's become used to using money much more freely of late, but it has always been for the purpose of a specific goal, not purchases for pleasure. It may not be something that even comes to mind as a reasonable act he could do for her, not yet anyway.
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cursedvibes · 10 months
Where is this story going?? What is happening
I really hope kenjaku isn’t actually dead
I hope so too because that would be very dissapointing. All it took was to distract Kenjaku and cut off their head? I would've accepted it (kinda) if it was Takaba who killed them. Given Kenjaku's words, they would've preferred that too, expected it even to some degree, but having Yuuta barge in there and do it is so anti-climactic. He never had any real connection to Kenjaku that would give this move any meaning and the way he did it there was no way to form one either. Anyone could've stood in his place and done it, there's nothing special to it.
All the possibilities for how Kenjaku could "survive" don't seem very good to me either. Cursed Spirit makes no sense because Yuuta is right there, he could just destroy it again, stomp their brain to mush. Plus it would remove a lot of nuance from Kenjaku. Other option is that Kenjaku's CT reforms them somewhere else. The theory that more of their original body is left could be true and they come back through that somehow. Don't like that either because that version of Kenjaku would inevitably be different from the Kenjaku we knew before and I just don't like there being multiple versions around. The character development of the last chapters would've been for nothing. Even if the new Kenjaku is the exact same with the same memories (despite the brain not being the same or even missing? or can Kenjaku create little parasite brains that activate when the main one dies?) I don't like the implications for their cursed technique. Why take on vessels at all if they can regrow? I'd need a very good explanation to believe that.
Last option would be someone else finishes Kenjaku's plan, but I don't know who. Sukuna would feel weird because he has no passion for it at all, although at least he has a connection to Tengen. Yuuji being some sort of sleeper agent would be weird too and take what little agency he has away. He doesn't care about Kenjaku or their plans at all, so that would be very out of nowhere. I'd like Yuuji to step in Kenjaku's footsteps, but only if he does it consciously and I'd also like some actual conversation between them before all that happens. Could also be that Tengen gets freed now that Geto's body is dead for good and spreads chaos. Probably the option I like most? Because that means at least something came of that.
My main problem is that as far as I can see there will be no meaningful connection to Yuuji. They won't meet and they won't talk. With the positive development through Takaba I could've seen Kenjaku be more open and honest about their intentions with Yuuji, but Yuuta's actions ruined all that. Instead Kenjaku dies somewhere far away, while Yuuji is busy with Sukuna and doesn't spare a second thought about it. He wasn't even at the meeting discussing the plan for how to kill Kenjaku. No struggle of what being complicit in matricide would mean to him, he doesn't have to face his last close family member at all, doesn't have to deal with all his family issues and more importantly doesn't even get one good conversation with the person who is responsible for all his suffering. Sukuna hurt him more directly, but Kenjaku is the reason Sukuna is even here and used to be inside Yuuji. They birthed him just to be a vessel, an experiment. They dehumanized him and while they do care about him, Yuuji doesn't know that. That would've been very important to make his thoughts on Kenjaku more meaningful. To him they're just some person he met once, who attacked him with centipedes, told him confusing stories and then dipped with the Prison Realm in hand. Just some mad scientist he abstractly knows is responsible for his trauma and what his half-siblings went through. Plus a weird dream he once had and that he seems to want to forget.
He could still find out more about Kenjaku and their intentions and past (through Sasaki for example), but that will mean a whole lot less without Kenjaku actually being around.
Idk, maybe I'm looking at it too pessimistic, but I don't see a whole lot of good coming from this. We got proof that Kenjaku is capable of caring about people, even now, even ones they haven't known for very long, and it all seems to become meaningless. Giving them depth just to cut them off when it becomes most important is such a weird decision. Depending on how Kenjaku's "will" manifests in the future, I might change my mind, but right now it just saps a lot of tension from the story. All they need to do is kill Sukuna and that's it? Well I guess they still need to stop the Culling Game somehow because with "Geto" dead the conditions for it to end won't be fulfilled. They could destroy the prime barriers Tengen erected, which will also destroy jujutsu society as is, but...idk Kenjaku succeeds in a way, but if that really is the end for them that makes this even more unsatisfying.
Anyway, we'll see...
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dargoww · 2 years
i saw you were doing requests so i wanted to suggest some fluff hcs for leon?
hello sweetie pie! ofc! hope you like it!
type: headcanons
summary: just a bunch of fluff headcanons that might even hurt your teeth but trust me you'll like it
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first things first yk leon is that kind of person who makes you feel so safe whenever he's around
and sometimes even when he's not
literally sometimes all it takes to build up courage is a message or a call from him
he has that effect on people, you included
but what's even better
your presence is even more comforting to him
he has spent years fighting for his life in every shithole possible
years being constantly anxious that tomorrow's gonna turn out to be another goddamn apocalypse
he's seen too much
and due to the fact that he's seen stuff
he literally holds onto you like the only stable thing that has ever existed in his life
especially after the raccoon city incident
sometimes leon would wake up at night and hug you so firmly you might even wake up
he simply fears that something might happen to you
but every time you reassure him that you're not going anywhere and that nothing's going to happen to you
he does actually relax a bit
not for a long time, but it helps
you are his haven, his sacred sanctuary
he comes to you when he feels like shit
he comes to you when he feels his best
leon always finds himself willing to share his life with you
except for the dark parts
he wants you out of it
in his mind, you are too much of a sunbeam to be dealing with or even knowing about all the stuff he's seen
but trust me he needs someone to listen to him
he has frequent nightmares that kill him
ask him to tell you what they're about
he won't tell you at first though
it may take months to do
one day he will realize that this has grown into a sort of barrier between you and him
and leon would hate it, he would hate it so much how something he was trying to keep you safe from turned out to become a wall between the two of you
yet you managed to convince him that you are capable of comprehending whatever is sitting inside him
and even if you aren't, you would want to try your best for him
to ease up his life
to take some of his burden, even if it's just a little bit
and one day he tells you
afterwards, he always tells you things that happen to him whenever he feels like it
it was such a relief for leon
he didn't even expect this
he finally felt like you two connected again and that connection was now even deeper
that was when he decided for sure that he's marrying you someday
actually leon kinda believes that you're his soulmate
he doesn't fully put it on faith though, he's not sure that soulmateship even exists but damn
if soulmates existed, you would be his. one. hundred. percent.
he's so sure about it he could probably write a paper on it
but again all these ideal concepts are not really his thing
he is a hopeless romantic, very much so (he will never admit it though), but with this lifestyle leon didn't have any time to form meaningful relationships
and he was afraid, too
he was afraid to have a bond with someone because
what if something happens to the world again?
what if something happens and he's unable to protect you?
what if something happens to you?
you, the only light of his life?
he couldn't bear the thought of you being in danger because you don't deserve this, you don't deserve to experience the things he had experienced
that's why it would take him time to start something official and serious
to let himself fall in love and then dissolve in it
but when it happened
with you
leon felt like the happiest man ever
the very idea, the very thought of you is so reassuring to leon whenever he's fighting somewhere
he rarely thinks of giving up at all but you just boost his strength and his desire to come back home swiftly
because he always knows that you're waiting for him there
every time you greet him after he comes back from a mission
is like a balm
it heals all of his wounds at once
he also loves it when you take care of him
ppl didn't ever do this too often for him
that's why leon appreciates every effort of yours
oh and btw we all know it, he calls you sweetheart 100%
but there are other nicknames as well
however there's one of them that you will remember forever
one day, he came back home all bruised and barely holding up together
leon was so tired
so exhausted
he didn't even have the strength to eat something after starving for, like, a couple of days during a mission
but there were you
you took such a good care of him
got him some devilishly delicious food, tended to his wounds
and while you did so
he stared
leon stared at you with so much affection
he looked at you and spoke no words except for these:
"love of my life."
that moment is engraved upon your heart for eternity
that's when all the sleepless nights worrying for him felt like they were worth it, felt like it was fair to experience them all over again and triple times more
you will keep this in your momery forever
like something sacred
i must say that leon loves holding you
it gives him peace
hugging, kissing, wrapping his arms around your waist
he rarely admits it (except if he does it playfully) but when you reach out for his hands and hold them his heart still skips a bit
there's one more thing about him
that's one thing he really likes you doing
it's a very rare occasion that other people's perception of the world makes him change or question his
but YOURS is kinda whole another topic
first, he was genuinely interested in the way you think and see the world
it didn't make him absorb your thoughts in exchange for his own, no, but it made him question things
and appreciate your take on them
maybe some of it felt naive to him
but you're so precious to him he won't ever allow himself to laugh about it
and he definitely won't allow this to anyone else
i also must mention that leon is SUPER loyal
like fr he's never ever leaving you behind
never ever choosing someone over you
we all know about ada right
well i don't think that leon would trade his life with you for pursuing something he isn't even sure can be a thing
he thinks about ada sometimes yeah
but leaving you for her?
leon won't do that
he's a loyal man
you were there for him during the worst times, the best times, all of the time
ada is like a ghost in his life he can't ever stop seeing
but there's life beyond that ghost and he's gonna hold onto this life
because leon has sworn himself to you
and he's gonna keep that damn promise
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gentil-minou · 10 months
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for voting third-party. I know a lot of folks have said third-party votes are wasted, but with the way things are going, I'll probably vote third-party, too, and it's nice to know there are other people out there who care more about following their beliefs than standing by a broken system.
Maybe this will be the election people realize it's not a waste.
(Also, I'm sorry folks are being nasty in your inbox. Hope things get better soon. On all counts.)
<3 <3 <3
Thank you for also voting third party!! I used to do it more back when I first started voting because I actually believed in the democratic process, until I was disillusioned by a rigged system and started voting blue because it felt like I had no choice.
Every year I voted blue I had to convince myself "this is fine. This is better than the other guy" even though I knew their warmongering policies and how they leaned too close to the center for comfort. Voting Clinton and Biden last couple cycles felt like I had to, because I was able to wear the blinders long enough to gaslight myself into thinking I actually wanted them as my president. Because I had to or else I'd "waste my vote"
I refuse to do that anymore. Now I realize I'd waste my vote by giving it to someone who would rather see us dead than lose their money and power. I'd waste my vote giving it to a broken system.
The people shaming everyone to vote blue act like I'm voting for Trump by default if I don't vote Biden, and look i followed the same rhetoric in 2020. I'm sure if you go back in my posts I said the same thing.
But the line was crossed somewhere around the minute I learned my money funded the deaths of thousands, and always has. The line was crossed when I learned the president I called into power cares more about his military pet project than life. The line was crossed when I realized Biden is old enough to remember when Palestine was it's own free nation but refuses to, because he follows the age old American tactic of "This land is my land, actually, not yours"
So yeah I'm done with feeding into a system like that.
And here's the thing about this newest generation of voters: they are soooo powerful and they are so much braver than I was at their age. They know that meaningful movement and cooperation can overtake a corrupted system. The Dems and Republicans are both terrified of them because they know they're not as easy to indoctrinate into their philosophy.
I genuinely believe that if we can use the millions and millions of people who voice support for Palestine to also put their vote towards someone else, like Claudia in the socialist party who I've been keeping an eye on or the representatives that have actually backed up calls for ceasefire, like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar and I'm proud to say my own rep, who are trying to move the dem party to a place that actually represents me.
If millions back a third party candidate, that says something. It says we aren't going to fall into the traps laid by the generations before us. It's says we are going to fight for what we believe in.
Revolution does not happen in a year or two. It takes a lifetime. And if there's anything that I've learned from Palestinians it's that the cause for a truly free world is worth fighting for no matter how many decades it takes.
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