#but i just got the whole big college talk and i just feel shitty now! idk what i wanna do and everyone's acting like its my fault
merumis · 2 months
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you gave kuroo a notebook last may—he hasn't quite had the courage to open it yet.
it's almost august now; it's that sticky kind of heat outside, the one that clings to both his skin and the inside of his lungs, so he's stuck in his childhood room. there's a rickety fan that keeps blowing half-cooled air into his face and downstairs, he can hear his father talking to his grandparents. something about dad's hardware store, something about a new employee, something about grandma wanting to make grandpa's favorite for dinner tonight.
the fan keeps lifting the cover of the notebook up. it's sitting on kuroo's desk. to his right, between all the remnants of last semester's college apartment that he couldn't leave there this summer: an air purifier his mom sent him (it was a peace offering, he thinks, after a particularly bad phone call. he doesn't think he forgave her), a box of his dishes, filled with cracks from his shitty dishwasher, and a bread basket you thrifted him. just to name a few.
and still, between the clutter, the breeze from the fan lifts only the cover—just enough for it to catch his eye. he reaches over to grab it, playing with the cover, bending the spine and flicking through the pages. it's an old notebook, well-worn and imprinted by your fingertips. the leather bends and gives where you would've held it, or where it would've jumbled around in your bag—molded by textbooks and pencil cases and your laptop.
he supposes he'll see you again next month, so now is as good a time as any to open this. you've been awfully incurious regarding this whole thing—sending him texts about your and his internships more than anything else. he's been partially grateful.
it's not that he doesn't want to read it. he doesn’t know quite how else to say it. he’s watched you scribble in this thing over the course of the year. it’s almost always late at night, in his bed or yours, lit only by his half-broken lamp or yours, gifted by a professor who you get lunch with every other week.
it was never that he didn’t want to read it—he means it, really. he’d always try to sneak glances while you were writing in it, and you’d tsk and laugh at him while pulling the papers up to your chest. in a weird way, it felt wrong to read it after you’d given it to him—like he hadn’t earned it, or like he’d be looking at something all too personal that hadn’t been there during all those failed attempts.
the fan lifts up the cover again, and this time, he sneaks his index finger under it, flipping to the first page.
i don’t normally fill the first pages of notebooks, it reads, scrawled out in your too-neat handwriting that he’s always made fun of. but it’s a good thing, you continue, because this way i get to fill this page with this. you finally get your way, tetsurou. you can read the notebook. i’m so—underlined three times, drawn a little darker, he can feel the sarcasm seeping through the pencil led—proud of you.
and then at the bottom, one more bit.
and by the way, do NOT tell me when you read this. don’t even mention it to me at all. this is embarrassing enough as is.
he lets out that stupid breath of laughter through his nose. those uninterested texts suddenly make a little more sense. he turns the next page.
i’ve met someone infuriating, it reads. crooked smiles, tequila-drenched breath, eyes made just to match. he leans in close when he speaks, laughter bubbling between words and fanning his warm breath across my ear and neck.
and then there’s that pull. i couldn’t put a name to it if i tried. that sweet tingling across my skin whenever he gets close enough; it feels like someone’s placed magnets beneath the surface of my flesh, and he’s holding their pair.
i knew we were going to kiss before he ever got that close—and i think he did too. he was too warm, too enticing, too, well, magnetic for anything else. and i love watching his brows furrow at the sound of my voice—indifferent, maybe a little cold. a comment about his big nose in return for one about my pretty eyes.
and all at once, kuroo knows this moment. the fan acts as a poor imitation of the cool october breeze—but it feels similar, all the same. it wasn’t quite halloween but at every party, you could see hints of it popping up in the corners. window decals of a witch and a ghost hanging in someone’s room, pumpkin carving kits tucked against the wall because no one had planned for a place to store them.
it was hardly the first time he’d talked to you—much less the first time he’d seen you—but you are right. he did know he was going to kiss you that night.
the fan catches one of his old posters behind him—making the thick paper scrape against his wall. the noise makes him turn. it’s an old periodic table (groan) and now it’s starting to get a little tattered at the edges. the fan catches again, this time on the notebook, and flips to another page.
kuroo allows it—call it fate or languor—and flattens out the notebook onto this new page.
i don’t know if you know this, it starts, but you fell asleep last night. shocking, i know, but it was before me, in my bed. you were sprawled out on my sheets—taking every inch of space you could in my mediocre full-size.
two weeks ago you told me you loved me. i didn’t know what to say. i laughed and kissed you and maybe said thank you. you took it like a champ while i dipped tofu into panko crumbs.
but tonight, i whispered it to you. once, twice, a third time—my lips brushing against the curve of your ear. i stopped every time you tossed or turned—i love, i would begin, and then hold my breath until your body stilled against mine. you, i breathed out. warm and all mine for tonight.
and kuroo has always known that you’re a writer—a good one, at that, from all those nights reading over your latest essay or poem for class, but this is different.
you like to write break-up poems for class—all about him, all fictionalized (he hopes) and all there to get a bit of a rise out of him, he knows. you love to write about the grand, the grotesque, things that he couldn’t put words to describe and you always did.
you had never written about him like this. or not to his face, anyway, and yet here it was—laid out in front of him, your handwriting looping around the college-ruled lines.
he flicks through a few more pages, fanning them out underneath the slow glide of his thumb—the fan swirling them in front of him faster than he wants, so he has to do it once, twice, and then again—a third. they’re not all about him, some are about her roommate, others about an essay or a concept that kuroo couldn’t put a name to. but most center him—in one view or another.
his grandmother clatters a few pans downstairs, a sharp clanging of metal hitting just beneath his floors. he can hear his dad call to her, his grandfather watching the tv 4 clicks too loud.
but here, with his rickety fan and tattered posters and his claustrophobic childhood scattered around him, he also has you. his phone buzzes next to him.
i think my job hates me btw, you send, and then another. how was your day off?
good, he replies, read a little.
anything good?
and because kuroo is so compliant to your word—perhaps maliciously so—he replies.
eh. not really. he smiles to only himself. maybe i’ll tell you about it later.
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herozdiary · 8 months
Hellooo 👋 I know you’re busy with other requests but I can’t help with this idea
With hyperpink girly reader (gender neutral Ofc or your choice) though they may seem mean to others but is really nice to Simon, very affectionate to him (covering his face with pink lip gloss marks) , and protective too. Chase Simon’s bullies away with their neon pink platform heels.
I’ve been obsessing with pink x emo dynamic
Take however long you want!! Thanks for reading this and I hope you’ll have a good day/night ✊
Simon x reader
This diary entry contains…established relationship | Talk of poor mental health | mentions of bullying | reader is a icon | Simon is just Simon | just the two of you being cuties | slight obsessive behavior
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Simon was a loser and you were the popular icon of the college you both went to.Your style was so pretty and colorful,Mostly pink but any color would fit you.
You met Simon on your first day when you needed help finding the girls restroom to re-do your lip combo.He instantly fell in love with you.
He soon enough made a big enough of move to get closer to you and you guys ended up getting close to each other to start dating blah blah blah!
Once you guys got close enough he confessed about how he was struggling with poor mental health and was a main target for bullying.
You never liked them.You use to be a target for bullying until you kinda just snapped and told them off.You were left alone after that and ever since then you been helping people who get bullied.
You sat on his bed as he cleaned up his floor.You had came over to listen to him vent and to help him with some English because he needed an idea of what to write.
“People are so shitty sometimes Simon,but you gotta ignore them and show them you don’t care! They’re just a bunch of self projecting losers”You say while fixing your digital camera.
Simon nodded before shrugging.He didn’t have the confidence like you did.You made yourself known while he kinda just stood on the side lines and supported you.”come here”you say gently as you place your camera on Simon’s windowsill.
Simon got up from his spot on the floor and made his way towards you.he sat next to you before staring into your eyes.You grab the sides of his stubble covered face and plant small kisses all over his face.
You had applied some cute pink lipgloss a couple of minutes earlier so you left sticky lipgloss kiss marks.You giggled at your work before grabbing your camera and snapping a quick photo of Simon.
He started down at your lap before smiling.”You’re so so so so soo handsome babe.Im kinda glad some girls don’t you like you because now I can have you all to myself!”You joke as you place a couple more kisses on his face.
Simon feels his face get red as he hides his face in his hands.Girls never were into him as much as your were.He had Sophie yeah but Sophie only saw him as a friend
You were different.unlike Sophie,you didn’t leave him but you stayed with him and comforted him.When Sophie rejected him and made up the excuse she had to go,You stayed with him the whole entire night listening to him vent.
Simon and Sophie are still I guess you could call them friends but he doesn’t talk with her anymore as much.He has you!When Simon does talk to Sophie he mostly talks about his life and how you made it much better.
People still don’t know how Simon was able to get with someone like you.You were a likeable,bubbly and a talkative person unlike Simon who was like the complete opposite,but they do say opposites attract.
You sometimes would even chase them off,it didn’t matter what type of shoes you were wearing you could run in 6 inch heels and still look flawless spewing out curses word at a bunch of losers who were picking on Simon.
Sometimes Simon would help with picking your outfits!he didn’t have much fashion sense when it came to himself but when he came to you,He knew exactly how to dress you.
“Ok Simon!I have this cute baby pink crop top or should I wear the baby blue one?”You ask while showing your boyfriend the two shirts.Simon did a quick scan off both shirts before looking at the skirt you had picked out.It was a black,pleated skirt with small rhinestones on the belt loops.
“I feel like you should wear the blue one.I think it would go good with the skirt your gonna wear”Simon said while going back to messing with his camera,
You nod as you toss the pink shirt back into the closet before smiling at Simon and thanking him for his help.Not only was he such a cutie but a big help when it came to styling you.
He was the only male you would trust picking out your outfits.Sometimes the two of you would match if you were able to convince him.it would take a couple minutes of begging but sooner or later you would make Simon have matching pink themed outfits!
Even if he found it absolutely ridiculous,As long as you were happy he was even more happy.
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navree · 4 months
still on this, THE THING IS the bones of this aren't even actually that bad.
bruce has done something horrendous, something objectively heinous, to his child, and to his child who has already suffered so egregiously in such a short lifespan (until they start letting dick grayson be a man in his thirties jason cannot be older than early twenties, like, college age early twenties, at max he's only barely legally allowed to drink). and he has the perfect out he could use if he wanted to deflect responsibility, it was zur, it wasn't really him, so he cannot really be faulted for what he's done. but he doesn't take it, he chooses the hard path but the right path, and takes responsibility. he acknowledges that even if he wasn't in his right mind, it was still him, a version of him anyway, that did something really, really bad to someone he's sworn to love and protect and who did not deserve anything like that. bruce taking the ownership for his shitty decisions rather than trying to find the loophole, that's good. and it can even work with jason attempting to brush it off, like i mentioned before, jason is canonically a forgiving person who does not prioritize himself, and will continuously turn the other cheek to those who hurt him if they happen to be people he loves. i can absolutely see jason trying to give bruce that out (though not with that fucking therapy speak bullshit, jason todd has never been to therapy because people with healthy coping mechanisms don't create the fucking red hood plan at the big age of sixteen).
the thing is, the thing that could have made this good but didn't because instead they decided to continue making this story shitty from start to finish, is that bruce can't take it. it's good that bruce is owning what happened and bearing the responsibility and referring to it as "what i did to you" rather than passing it off in a bid to get jason to move on. and it can work that jason would try to go "it's fine it wasn't really you" about it. but you lose any good when bruce agrees with him and just goes "yeah you're right. anyway!" what's the point of bruce taking responsibility for a horrific deed in a symbol of growth (and we know it's supposed to be about growth because he prefaces it with talking about how his kids are his family and he needs to acknowledge that to them and let them know what they mean to him) if it's immediately smoothed over? it's utterly meaningless, he might as well have just told jason that he can't be blamed and jason could have just nodded and agreed. the bones were there but then ya fucked it, it literally doesn't mean anything at all. it's the narrative equivalent of going "i have a lit stick of dynamite" only for someone to immediately pour water on it. it has no impact now and it loses any catharsis for the readers, let alone deflating that emotional beat in narrative and making everything just seem stupid. even if jason attempts forgiveness, it doesn't work if bruce accepts it. he needed to say that even if jason is trying to absolve him, he still did it, he still needs to own up to it, jason is still entitled to whatever feelings about it, and he still needs to fix it along with actively working for a redemption and acknowledging his responsibility in that regard. not just go "yeah you're right it's in the past hakuna matata never gonna blame myself for my own shortcomings ever again" and promptly move on to more bullshit.
and like, you're nerfing your own ability to write good stories in the future! for one, it's good if bruce grows from this whole debacle, and does consistently put effort for future issues into not just reminding himself he needs to acknowledge his family, but that he can't take the easy way out and he needs to own up to things even when they were done when he wasn't totally himself. for two, you could have a story where bruce doesn't just have to atone, he has to actually fix his mistake. jason's got this chip in him, bruce has acknowledged that this is something HE did and needs to take responsibility for, have him be the one to fix it! have him be the one to try and find a solution, a way to undo it or nerf it or get it out. have him work to fix this issue that he caused, have him be the one to attempt to mend it and do right by someone he did wrong.
not to mention, it can work from a narrative perspective. batman is a detective, have the search for a cure/fix/whatever be a detective story. false leads, dead ends, red herrings, clues that need to be uncovered, new twists and turns. and for another thing, it works to have bruce try to right a wrong he did to jason specifically. bruce's big failure, in his mind, his greatest unforgivable sin, is that he did not save jason. that jason needed his help and bruce failed him, bruce wasn't there. so it makes sense that, when given the opportunity to make up for that in a way, to be there when he's needed, to help him when he needs it, to essentially make it in time in a way he couldn't on the day jason died, of course he'd throw himself into it with 110%. of course he'd decide that, this time, he won't fail. jason is hurting and in need of help because of him but this time it won't end in the worst way imaginable. this time, bruce is gonna fix it. it would make for great storytelling, and good character moments for bruce AS a character.
but i never get the things i want so instead i got some decent legs to build on that were immediately hacked out from under me in the same fucking panel and the chip thing is likely gonna be solved off-page without any real introspection into bruce doing this really horrible thing to jason or growing from his fuckups or growing in his relationship with jason or jason dealing with this and the two of them actually putting in some work to come back together strong than ever and build a new, better baseline as bruce accepts accountability and jason offers forgiveness once it's earned, for once in his life. and this entire plotline will literally never be brought up again except to explain why tim has a clone-damian suit that looks ugly as shit.
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rafaslittleboy · 2 months
I need to say this anonymously because I feel so dirty for thinking this but oh my god step brother Sonny with a breeding kink (maybe his wife can’t have kids but Sonny wants some?) so he holds you down (dub-con? I suppose, maybe a slightly established relationship.) and pumps you full of his cum going on about how you’ll look so good with his babies HAHDQJFJANDNAJ I NEED TO TEAR MY SKIN OFF I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT ugh just give me your babies pls Sonny
OMFGSHSB tws: stepcest, breeding kink, consensual step-incest, sly sex, quiet sex, dirty talk, coercion, AFAB reader, no gendered pronouns or persons or names, slight religious guilt.
NSFW under the cut
@noellawrites ❤️
Sonny’s hand was pressed against your mouth, trying to keep you as quiet as possible. The carisi household was either a quiet house or a house that was a few decibels higher than it should be. And right now, there was an unnatural middle—kids running around, the adults laughing downstairs—but if you made any noise higher than a whimper or a low moan, there would be a fifty percent chance it would be heard.
Tucked away in a bedroom closet, sonny was grinding his exposed cock on your wet with arousal underwear. Propped up on a low shelf, the position was just good enough for a quick, good fuck.
But sonny liked to take his time, to tease you.
“please,” you begged. It was muffled by his hand, and you tore your eyes from the cock that was rubbing against your clothed swollen clit.
“What was that?” Sonny teased, “couldn’t hear ya, need to speak up, kiddo.”
your hips tilted to try and catch the tip of his cock, but he was more skilled than you and continued to drag his cock on your crotch.
Sonny was kind, though, and he took his hand off your mouth temporarily to hear you out.
“please put your cock in me,” you begged, lust took over your body and mind that there wasn’t any shyness behind your voice. Only need.
Sonny smirked, “depends, baby… ya gonna make me put on a condom?”
Sonny knew your thoughts on protection; you figured you were too young to have a baby, with your whole life ahead of you—you didn’t want a baby to throw your life off track. With a shitty barista cafè job, still living with your mom and step-father at twenty-one years old and in college debt; this would be the worst time to get pregnant.
“Sonny…” you closed your eyes.
“C’mon… baby, would it really be that bad? Ya could move in with me—I’ll take care ‘a ya n’ the baby,”
Sonny’s mind was lust-clouded as well, but he meant what he said. If you got pregnant with his baby? He’d step up, be the father he was born to be.
“I can’t, sonny…”
Sonny pulled your damp underwear to the side and the fat, red head of his cock kissed your clit and you let out a low moan.
“Ya ever thought ‘bout how good it’ll feel when I go in raw, baby? Ever touch ya’self to the thought of me cummin’ in ya?”
You have, and you did. The condom was always put on because sonny respected you and respected the fact you didn’t want to get knocked up—and if you did, explaining to your parents that the father of your child was your own step-brother wouldn’t go down easily, either.
Your legs spread a little wider when he started to grind his cock through your wet pussy lips, closing your eyes to focus on the delight between your legs.
“Least lemme put it in raw, doll,” Sonny asked and he placed the pad of his thumb on your clit and rubbed slowly to further convince you. And it didn’t take much to do so.
“fuck… okay,” you breathe, agreeing.
Sonny smiled, gleefully, and bit his bottom lip as he eased the tip of his fat cock inside you.
The burn was what got you first, and after so long without having your big brother inside you, it felt brand new.
The moan that left your mouth was louder than he wanted, “shh—quiet,” he warned, and he slid a hand from your thigh to your cheek, and he put his thumb in your mouth.
“Feelth’s s’tho goothd,” you slurred around his thumb, and your eyelids were half-lidded. And his tip was barely inside you.
“Feels betta’ without a condom, huh?” Sonny smirked as he eased more of himself inside your sopping, tight pussy.
You nodded repeatedly, and your eyes glanced down to his cock slipping inside you and your eyelids fluttered shut.
“‘Magine how good it’ll feel if I cum in ya, baby.. feelin’ me spill inside of ya, fillin’ ya up….”
You moaned around his digit and tipped your head back against the cramped wall. His cock started to move inside of you, and you had forgotten what he felt like inside you, and then you wondered how you went so long without him pumping inside you.
Sonny took his thumb out from your mouth and used it to rub your clit, and you had to bite your lip to keep yourself quiet. “Really wanna fill ya up, baby,” Sonny moaned, tipping his head to the side.
Your pussy was unlike anything he’s ever felt before, so tight and grips him in the best way possible—and all he thinks about is cumming deep inside of you, filling you up and knocking you up. Hell, if his own girlfriend put out a little more then he wouldn’t have to drive all the way home to fuck his step-sibling—but by god, he loves it. Addicted, almost. The way your body gripped him and never wanted to let him go, how your arousal dripped from your pussy as he fucked you—no one has reacted as you have.
Your walls fluttered around his cock, the first telltale sign that you were close to an orgasm and with the added pleasure of his thumb rubbing your clit, it was happening fast.
You never expected a nice, long, sensual fuck in a cramped bedroom closet. The top of your step-brothers head had to hunch over as not to smack against the high shelf with each hard thrust of his hips. And Sonny knew your body somehow better than yourself, playing it like an instrument for so many years now. Imagining it as he touched himself as night.
“Ya gonna cum, baby?” Sonny groaned.
You nodded, feeling your lower pelvis bubble with anticipation of the orgasm creeping up on you.
“Uh huh,” you moaned.
Sonny’s cock moved inside you harder, banging you hard against the wall as he chased his own orgasm.
“Gonna cum inside ya baby,”
Your eyes fluttered open, “n… no, sonny—can’t,”
“‘M gonna fill ya up with my baby, honey, see ya swell with my baby, fuck ya everyday til’ ya give birth.”
before you could say anything, your jaw dropped ever so slightly as sonny fucked you into a powerful orgasm—an orgasm only he could give you, you’ve come to learn. Your velvety walls sucked him in and that was just enough to tip sonny over the edge.
His back bowed over you and he stifled his groan by pressing his lips into your neck, pumping his cock somehow even deeper inside you as he came. You gasped as you felt the spurts of his cum inside you, your hands grasping at him and you didn’t know whether to push him away to pull him closer.
“Sonny,” you moaned, and your step-brother peppered kisses on your neck as he prolonged his orgasm.
“see? felt real good, didn’t it?”
What sonny didn’t expect was a hit to his solid chest, and he removed his face from your neck.
“I told you not to cum in me!” you told him in a hushed whisper, finger pointing into his chest.
“Too late now, anyway,” he said as he stood (as straight as he could in the closet) and his cock was still inside you. You couldn’t deny how good it felt, and he was totally right about that; but you told him from day one that you never wanted to even risk being knocked up.
“you’re gonna have to buy me a plan b,” you told him, “I can’t… I’ve told you i can’t get pregnant,”
“I ain’t buyin’ you plan b, sweetheart, it’s against our religion. hey, if god wants ya knocked up by me, then he’ll do it.”
Sonny only chuckled and kissed you, and you hesitated for a moment but you were always weak for him, kissing him back as he pulled out and the first thing you felt was your argument falling apart as you felt so empty, his cock filled you in the best possible way. Sonny watched in the dim light as his white cum started to drip out of you; then he took his finger and fucked it back inside you.
“Ain’t wastin’ that,” he commented.
“I hate you,” you mutter, and you don’t know if there’s any meaning behind it as he softly fingers your raw, swollen pussy; pushing his cum as deep as it could go.
“nah, ‘ya love me. or at least ‘ya pussy does,” he laughs, leaving a kiss on your cheek.
your stepbrother knew he had you hypnotized by his cock, and now his DNA was inside of you, ready to start making a baby inside you.
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svnoohe4rts · 2 years
GAME OVER ! ― part three
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↳ PAIRING: lee heeseung x fembodied!reader
↳ SUMMARY: since you have seemed to forgotten just how cruel heeseung could be, he decides it’s about time he remind you.
↳ WARNINGS: angst, heeseung literally being straight up cruel, both sungchan and chenle being kind of shitty friends tbh, SMUT ! MDNI .
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Science was something you despised in high school, which is exactly why you decided not to take that one extra course in college. Looking back, maybe you should’ve joined Sungchan when he decided to take science instead of literature; you probably would’ve saved yourself a lot of unnecessary pain and agony that way. 
No having to convince Chenle to take literature with you, no having to sit through hours of listening to your professor talking about how great of a work The Great Gatsby was and how it impacted the history of literature.
Instead, you probably would’ve learned more about black holes.
And most importantly, how to get swallowed by one.
You knew stars got swallowed by black holes all the time, sucking them into oblivion just for them to never be seen again; so why couldn’t one swallow you, too? Well, technically, you knew they couldn’t - you did pay a little attention in science class back in high school, after all. 
But that didn’t stop you from wishing, begging even, for one to randomly appear and pull you into the dark nothingness.
Especially in moments like these, where you felt your whole world collapse around you.
‘’Sungchan?’’ Both out of breath and slightly panicking, your voice came out shakily as your best friend finally picked up the phone. After stumbling out of Heeseungs car and calling his number multiple times, each and every call going straight to voicemail - the thought of anyone, especially Sungchan, knowing what had just happened in the darkness of Heeseungs car causing a sudden feeling of distress to spread across your chest.
You wondered just how many people had seen you leaving with Heeseung, you wondered if anyone knew what had happened, but most importantly: you wondered if someone had seen you and Heeseung making out just outside the front door, making it incredibly easy for absolutely anyone to see you.
Wanting to slap yourself across the face for being so reckless, no, you wanted to slap Heeseung across the face for being so reckless. He knew exactly what he was doing, you thought, there was no way he didn’t. He knew you’d kiss him back, he knew you’d let him do whatever he wanted with you; even if it meant he had to do it in front of every person you knew.
Including your two best friends, who both thought you loathed Lee Heeseung more than anything else.
No, you did loath Lee Heeseung more than anything else. And that’s probably why you let him finger you in the back of his car, right?
‘’Where are you?’’ Sungchans sharp voice echoing through your ears caused you to let go of a breath you didn’t even know you were holding, nibbling on your bottom lip. How were you supposed to explain your current situation to him, if he didn’t already know, which he most likely did? The almost bitter tone lingering behind how words indicated that he did, in fact, know.
And the thought almost made your stomach turn inside out.
‘’I’m outside, but I can explain, I promi-’’
‘’Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he? I swear to God Y/N, I’ll kill him,’’
You could now clearly hear the concern lingering behind his words as he spoke, something you had managed to miss while internally panicking, his words causing you to frown.
Maybe he didn’t know, and you prayed you were right.
‘’What? No, I’m okay, he didn’t hurt me,’’ You let out, hoping he couldn't hear the distress in your voice. And to your surprise, he didn’t seem to notice it as a small sigh left his lips; the sound of him opening a door echoing through the speakers of your phone. ‘’Fuck Y/N, I was so worried,’’ He mumbled, the bitter tone that had lingered behind his words now nowhere to be found; worry taking its place. ‘’Where exactly are you? I’ll come to you.’’
Turning around to look at the car parked right behind you, you once again found yourself nibbling on your bottom lip. ‘’I’m just down the street, I’ll meet you at the door, alright?’’ You prayed he’d agree to your request, your eyes still glued to the parked car; the car in which Heeseung was still sitting. 
A short silence followed, causing you to grow slightly anxious again as your best friend remained silent. ‘’Alright.’’
With shaky hands, you ended the call and took a deep breath. Tearing your eyes off the car, you quickly started walking down the road leading back to the party; deciding it was for the best to not look back, nor did you feel like telling Heeseung you were leaving.
Not that it mattered to him, anyway.
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‘’You go ahead, I’ll catch up with you later,’’’
Giving your friend a small nod in an attempt to encourage him to leave the now almost empty classroom, you let your fingers ghost over the keyboard of your laptop. Sungchan, however, just frowned upon hearing your words; raising both his eyebrows as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. ‘’You’re not eating?’’ 
You just hummed in response, a small sigh falling off the tip of your tongue as your eyes darted back to the computer. ‘’I don’t have time, I have to finish this before noon or my literature professor will be pissed,’’ You mumbled, keeping your eyes on the screen of your computer as you spoke. 
Sungchan stared at you for a minute, observing you as you bit down on your lower lip and furrowed your eyebrows while reading the article you had pulled up. You almost began to think he had left, when your laptop was suddenly slammed shut; your eyes landing on Sungchan’s finger, which had just been used to close the computer in front of you. 
‘’Well, tell your professor that eating is kind of necessary to survive,’’ Your gaze landed on the boy now standing in front of you, his finger still keeping the laptop shut as you rolled your eyes; grabbing onto his hand before shoving it away. ‘’And I’m telling you I can just eat later.’’ You let out, squinting your eyes at him as you opened the laptop back up, earning an eye roll from your best friend.
‘’You never said that.’’
‘’I just did.’’
‘’You can be so stubborn sometimes, you know that right?’’ Sungchan muttered, shaking his head as he watched you return to reading the article you had just been reading. ‘’Yeah, whatever, now go and eat,’’ You mumbled back, keeping your eyes on your computer screen while waving your hand; signaling for him to go enjoy his lunch.
Accepting his defeat, Sungchan let out a low sigh before fixing his backpack, already on his way out. ‘’I’ll get you something, alright?’’ He let out right when he was about to walk through the door, looking back at you one last time. 
Giving him a thumbs up, still keeping your eyes on the computer, you mumbled a ‘thank you’ - which you weren’t even sure if he heard, before he eventually left.
And like that, you were left alone.
A sigh escaped your lips as you placed your elbows on the table in front of you, letting your forehead rest in the palms of your hands as you stared down at the keyboard in front of you. Three days had passed since you allowed Heeseung to finger you in his car, three days since you had managed to convince Sungchan nothing happened between the two of you.
Three days since you lied to your best friend, rather said.
Sungchan had been visibly upset when you walked up the driveway, his back leaning against the side of the house until he eventually spotted your figure coming towards him; practically tunning towards you before grabbing onto every part of your body, making sure you weren’t hurt.
He checked your arms, his fingertips grabbing onto your jaw to make sure you weren’t hurt there and he even asked you to show your legs to him; just so he could make sure he hadn’t hurt you there, too. Of course, he didn’t find any signs of you getting hurt - because you hadn’t.
That part wasn’t a lie, you thought. 
The part that came after, though? A completely different story. 
With Sungchan glaring at you, waiting for an explanation as to why you were with Lee Heeseung alone; you began rambling about Heeseung pissing you off, which wasn’t technically a lie, he had pissed you off and that’s why you stormed away with him in the first place. You told him you had just dragged him out of there to tell him off, to stand up for yourself, anything; anything that made it sound like you hadn’t let Heeseung kiss you right where the two of you were standing.
You didn’t want to lie to your friend, but you also felt like you had no choice. You knew you couldn’t tell him what had really happened, not right there and then; not when he had just told you he’d kill him if he as much as laid a finger on you.
You guessed that was when you realized you had to lie, when you realized how much Sungchan actually loathed Lee Heeseung. And at that point, you also realized Sungchan might’ve hated Lee Heeseung more than you did.
A part of you wished your best friend wouldn’t have believed your stupid lie, that he’d call you out and tell you he knew; that he knew about the night at Chenle’s birthday party, that he knew about the kiss and that he knew that Heeseung had just fingered you in his car - you just wished he knew.
Because if Sungchan wouldn’t have believed you, it would never happen again. You would never end up with Heeseung’s lips against your own ever again, you would never doubt your hatred for Heeseung ever again - you and Heeseung would never happen again.
But sadly, Sungchan did believe your stupid lie. And what was even sadder, was when you realized it was most likely going to happen again.
‘’You know, it’s kind of rude to just run off like that.’’
A yelp left your lips as a voice suddenly filled your ears, causing your head to snap in the direction the voice was coming from; your whole body flinching in surprise. A low sigh left your lips as your eyes met a pair of familiar ones, a pair that you had grown a little too familiar with.
‘’I’m not doing this,’’ You mumbled, your eyes darting back to your laptop before slamming it shut, just like Sungchan had done a few minutes prior and you couldn’t help but wish you had agreed to come with him. A chuckle was heard coming from beside you as you began packing your things, rushing to get them into your bag; not wanting to stay in the same room as Lee Heeseung for another minute. 
‘’What’s the rush? Your boyfriend left a while ago, don’t worry, I made sure he left before I came here.’’ You just remained silent, not even acknowledging the words that had just left his lips, keeping your eyes on your bag as you began to fiddle with the zipper; trying to leave the room as fast as you could.
You weren’t doing this, not today. 
Heeseung, however, seemed to have different plans. As you finally managed to zip the bag shut, you quickly grabbed onto the strap before walking around the table you had just been sitting by; heading straight for the door without even looking Heeseungs way. 
Perhaps you should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy getting away from him, it was Lee Heeseung, after all.
Feeling his cold hand grab onto your wrist, your steps came to an abrupt stop as he prevented you from walking away. ‘’You’re not even going to say sorry?’’ You inhaled through your nose, trying your best to calm yourself down before spinning around; now facing the boy who was still holding onto your wrist.
‘’Say sorry for what, Heeseung?’’ You glared at him, your eyes traveling down to his lips, a small smirk forming on them. ‘’Someone is in a bad mood,’’ He chuckled, his fingers slipping away from your wrist and his arm falling down his side once more. You just continued glaring at him, the feeling of his fingers on your skin leaving an almost eerie feeling to spread across your chest.
He just stared back at you, his gaze traveling up and down your body; making you feel exposed, naked even, as a chuckle left his throat. ‘’I was just coming here so you could apologize.’’ Keeping your eyes glued on him, you blinked. ‘’Apologize for what?’’
Heeseung could hear the annoyance lingering in your voice and you wondered if that’s what he wanted. You wondered if he came here to rile you up, to make you panic - to make you almost look at the door to make sure no one could see you standing there with him, alone. Shaking his head, a grin still on his lips, he looked down at his shoes before eventually taking a step towards you.
Your whole body froze as he looked back up, realizing how close he now was. You felt the need to take a step backward, to run out of there; anything, anything from preventing this from happening.
But you never did.
No, instead you remained standing in the exact same spot as Heeseung brought his hand to your face, his fingertips ghosting over the skin of your cheek. ‘’For leaving me like that,’’ He mumbled, his eyes watching as he put a strand of hair that had fallen in front of your face behind your hair. You just kept your eyes on him, your breath hitching in your throat as his fingertips ghosted against the side of your neck.
‘’I know you hate me, but damn,’’ He lowly chuckled, letting his hand gently cup the side of your face, ‘’Leaving me, without a single word, after I made you cum on my fingers? I think I deserve an apology for that.’’
Oh no.
This wasn’t about to happen.
‘’Heeseung,’’ You almost whined, your voice coming out hoarse as you spoke, ‘’Not here.’’ A chuckle left Heeseung’s throat, his thumb gently stroking your cheek as he tilted his head. ‘’Why? Are you scared someone will see us?’’ He cooed, his eyes low as he stared at you; your lips parting, he was right. 
You had fought for your life trying to convince Sungchan nothing had happened between you and Heeseung, that he had just pissed you off and you just went to tell him off; the last thing you needed was for someone to see this, Heeseung cornering you in an empty classroom.
Heeseung clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as you remained silent. ‘’Tell me,’’ He let out, leaning closer to you; his eyes darting down to your lips, causing your own eyes to mimic his as your eyes landed on his lips. ‘’Would that really be so bad?’’
His words caused you to look up at him once more, your lips still slightly parted; this time in surprise. ‘’What?’’ You breathed, his thumb still gently stroking your cheek and thanks to how close he was, you could feel his chest press against your own every time he took a breath. A grin formed on his lips, tilting his head so he could look at you properly. 
‘’Someone catching us, would that really be so bad?’’ He let out, his voice low and you could easily hear the mocking lingering behind his words. The sudden question took you by surprise, every word leaving your throat coming out in a stutter; causing Heeseung to chuckle at your desperate attempt to defend yourself. ‘’I don’t think it’d be so bad, Y/N,’’
His other hand suddenly snaked under your shirt, lightly caressing your side causing a whimper to trail off your lips; your eyes immediately darting down to look, watch even, as his fingertips ghosted over your now slightly exposed skin. Sucking air through his teeth, he let his fingertips dance across your skin; allowing them to come into contact with the hem of your bra.  
‘’Wouldn’t it be a good thing? To put an end to the rumors going around about you,’’ His breath fanning across your cheek took you by surprise, too hypnotized by the feeling of his rough fingers ghosting over your skin to notice that he had leaned even closer to you; his lips almost grazing against your ear as he spoke. ‘’Or maybe letting everyone see how easy you fold for me,’’
You felt your breath hitch in your throat as his fingertips suddenly slipped under the elastic band holding your bra in place, another low whimper leaving your throat at the feeling of his cold fingers coming into contact with your flesh. 
He was right. You folded for him, again and again, and almost too easily - but there was something about his lanky fingers caressing your skin and his mouth spitting such foul words at you that you just couldn’t withstand; not when you could feel his hot breath against the skin of your neck and his chest practically pressing up against your own. ‘’Heeseung,’’ You whimpered once more, this time as a warning.
The warning, however, just made Heeseung chuckle as you tilted your head slightly to the side; your whole neck on display for him, begging for his lips to decorate the sensitive skin. ‘’You want everyone to know, don’t you?’’ He murmured, letting his lips ghost over your neck as his hand only traveled closer to your breasts. You quickly shook your head no, your eyes fluttering close at the feeling of his lips finally coming into contact with your now burning skin.
‘’Of course you do,’’ He hissed, pressing a soft kiss right below your ear; your lips parting as his hand finally cupped one of your breasts, a moan ripping through your chest. Heeseung, however, was quick to rip you out of your trance - his hand slipping out of your shirt, the loss of contact causing a whine to leave your lips as your eyes fluttered open again; only to be met by him already looking at you with a small smirk on his lips
‘’Unfortunately, you haven’t been very nice, have you?’’ He let out, his head once again tilted. You just stared at him with wide eyes, what did you expect? Did you honestly expect Heeseung, the man who had spent his whole life teasing you, to make an exception, right here, right now? Of course, he wasn’t. 
Another chuckle left his lips at the sight of you, both confusion and desperation written all over your face; the palm of his hand grabbing onto your cheeks once more. ‘’But maybe,’’ He let out, watching his own thumb stroke your cheek before swiping it across your bottom lip, ‘’If you be a good girl and meet me by the bleachers, I’ll forgive you, hm?’’
Letting his thumb rest against your bottom lip, his gaze met yours once more; both his eyebrows raised as he waited for you to respond.
You just stared back at him with wide eyes, his thumb gently tugging your lip downwards; there was no way you’d sneak around with Lee Heeseung, no, not like this. And especially not behind the bleachers.
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With your back pressed against the cold metal of the bleachers by the football field, just outside the school where all your friends currently were, low whimpers left your lips as Heeseung’s lips gently sucked on the skin right below your ear. ‘’Please, no marks,’’ You whimpered, your arms sneaking around his neck. Heeseung just rolled his eyes upon hearing your words, moving away from the spot he was just nibbling on. ‘’You’re so demanding for someone who practically begged me to fuck her.’’
You really wished Sungchan would’ve seen right through your lie.
You were about to protest as he swiped his tongue against your skin, his teeth lightly nibbling on the skin causing another whine to emerge from the back of your throat. ‘’I didn’t,’’ You gasped as one of his hands found its way into your hair; gently tugging it to the side, giving him easier access to press rough kisses down your neck. ‘’Say you could fuck me.’’ 
The chuckle that left Heeseung’s throat caused you to whimper, the vibrations only adding to the pleasure of his lips assaulting your neck. ‘’And I never said I’d fuck you, either.’’ He mumbled against your skin, his lanky fingers suddenly wrapping around your wrist; a loud gasp leaving your lips as he placed the palm of your hand against his crotch.
More specifically, the bulge that had begun to grow underneath the fabric of his jeans.
The two times you had been intimate with Heeseung, he had been the one to please you. Well, if you could call the first time pleasing you, that being said, as he left you hanging; he did however make up for it the second time, though, you thought. 
But the fact still remained, never had you been the one to please him.
Even though you had most definitely felt his hard-on poke your inner thigh as he fingered you with you on his lap, and maybe if you hadn’t left him all alone in the darkness of his car to wonder where you went that night; maybe you would’ve had the chance to please him, too.
But you didn’t, and a part of you didn’t want to - both because he didn’t exactly deserve it, but also because you had no idea how to.
You had no idea whatsoever how to please someone else.
Your girlfriends had talked about pleasing other guys multiple times, talking about how their boyfriends liked it and practically exposing their boyfriends for the whole world to hear; to which you mostly just rolled your eyes, zoning out as you had no interest in knowing how they sucked their boyfriends dicks or how they jerked them off.
You also remember that one time Chenle bragged about the best head he had ever received in the bathroom of some party he attended, going into detail about how amazing it was and even going into detail about how she did it; and if it hadn’t been for Sungchan telling him to cut it out because neither of you wanted to hear about him getting his dick wet, he probably would’ve given every detail there was to give.
Maybe you should’ve listened to your girlfriends gossiping about their boyfriends and perhaps you should’ve let Chenle go into detail about the greatest head he had ever received, because then you probably wouldn’t have been so clueless as to what to do when Heeseung pressed the palm of your hand against the bulge in his pants.
Heeseung groaned against your neck as he applied some pressure, his fingers gripping onto your wrist even harder. Pressing one last kiss right below your ear, he looked up at you; a small chuckle leaving his lips as he spotted the confused look on your face. ‘’What’s that face for, hm? Is it because I said I won’t fuck you?’’ He let out, your palm still pressed against the bulge in his pants and his finger still tangled into your hair. 
You just stared at him for a moment, slightly out of breath from the makeout session you had shared a few minutes prior and you realized Heeseung probably didn’t even know that you were a virgin.
‘’Fuck you, I never even said I wanted you to fuck me,’’ You breathed, trying your best to not let it show how flustered you were by just feeling his cock outside of his pants, the thought of actually feeling it causing your heart to race. You just prayed he couldn’t hear it, your heart almost beating out of your chest.
But of course, he did hear it - and the smirk on his lips proved you right. Licking his lips, he scanned your face. ‘’Good,’’ He let out, letting the hand that he had wrapped around your waist fall to his side, ‘’Because I have fucking zero plans on pleasing you today.’’
A yelp left your lips as you felt your knees hit the grass underneath you, his grip around your hair tightening as he forced you to look up at him. A small smirk formed on his lips as his eyes landed on your face, your eyes wide and lips parted; the smirk slowly being replaced by a pout. ‘’You thought I’d let you feel good, after just leaving me like that?’’ He cooed, his grip on your hair loosening once again as he spoke, his fingers slipping out of your hair. ‘’I don’t think so.’’ He continued, using the palm of his head to stroke the top of your head.
You just stared at him, not being able to do anything else. Your heart was on the verge of bursting out of your chest, your underwear sticking to your core as drops of arousal slipped out as a result of his harsh words. You know you shouldn’t be getting turned on by this, you know you shouldn’t be getting wet at the thought of Heeseung being so mean to you; yet the wet patch that had begun to form in your underwear only continued to grow. 
Heeseung, however, just stared back at you; slowly growing confused. Weren’t you getting the hint? Or were you just trying to get on his nerves? ‘’Looking at me like that isn’t going to change anything, you know that, right?’’ He let out through gritted teeth, causing you to place your bottom lip in between your teeth; looking down at your lap to avoid embarrassing yourself.
Oh god.
He had no idea.
‘’It’s not that,’’ You mumbled and Heeseung almost couldn’t make out what you were saying. ‘’What?’’ He let out, furrowing his eyebrows as his hand slipped away from your head, falling down his side. You just nodded, your eyes still glued to your lap; curses running through your mind as you squeezed your eyes shut; if you hadn’t embarrassed yourself around Heeseung enough, you sure were about to.
‘’I just, haven’t, you know,’’ You began, your words coming out mumbled as you tried to find the right words; the words that wouldn’t make you sound stupid. Heeseung just stared at you, still feeling confused; until it hit him.
You had never given anyone head before.
His lips parted as the realization set in, his gaze softening; not that you could see it, as your eyes were still squeezed shut and glued to your lap. ‘’You’ve never given anyone head before?’’ He let out, causing you to bite down on your lower lip once more; fighting the urge to let a curse slip past your lips. Instead, you just slowly nodded your head - preparing yourself for him to burst out laughing.
The laughter, however, never came.
Instead, silence followed. You weren’t sure which one you would’ve preferred, him making fun of you or him benign completely quiet; both seemed equally as bad, especially when you were on your knees in front of him. 
That was until you suddenly heard him moving, and you were just about to open your eyes when you felt him place one of his fingers underneath your chin; tilting your head upwards. Your eyes fluttered open, only to be met by his squatting figure; a small smirk lingering on his lips. ‘’Well, in that case,’’ He spoke, his eyes scanning your now flustered face, ‘’How about I teach you?’’
You just stared at him for a minute, feeling both confused and embarrassed. Why was he not laughing, like you know he’d normally do whenever you embarrassed yourself in front of him? You slowly nodded your head, his finger still under your chin; his eyes scanning your face once more and you wondered why he was suddenly being so careful. 
Nodding his head back at you, he grabbed onto your hands before standing back up, your eyes following his movements. ‘’Take my pants off.’’ He let out, keeping his eyes on you as he placed both your hands by his crotch once more. This time, however, you just nodded your head before letting your fingertips come into contact with the zipper decorating his crotch.
The feeling of your fingertips grazing over his bulge almost caused goosebumps to form down Heesueng’s arms, the sight in front of him causing his cock to slightly twitch in his jeans. A small sigh left his lips as you finally undid the button of his pants and pulled the zipper down, letting his cock somewhat leave the restraint of his pants before pulling them down to his knees.
You almost gulped as your eyes landed on the now very obvious bulge that had formed in his underwear, letting your fingertips trace the outline of his cock; a low groan leaving Heeseung’s lips at the sensation. Your eyes darted up to look at him, slightly scared you might’ve done something wrong; but the sight in front of you proved you the opposite.
With his eyes low and his head slightly tilted to the side, he watched as you placed your hand on top of his bulge, slowly letting the palm glide against the fabric. Heeseung just let out a breath at the feeling, fighting the urge to just pull his underwear down right there and then and feel your warm mouth around him. ‘’Now take my underwear off.’’ He breathed, causing you to slowly nod once again; letting your fingers travel towards the waistband of his boxers before hooking one of your fingers underneath it.
This wasn’t the first time Heeseung had received head behind those very same bleachers, the football field remote enough for people to never walk by which made it the best spot in the entire school to sneak around. Behind the tall metal bleachers, he knew he’d never be discovered; mentally thanking Chenle for showing him this spot in the first place.
But even though it wasn’t his first time getting his dick wet behind those bleachers, this time felt different. Much, much different.
A hiss left Heeseungs lips as his now almost fully hard cock sprung free as you finally managed to pull his boxers down, followed by a gasp leaving your lips. With your thighs now rubbing together in an attempt to somewhat relieve the aching coming from between your legs, you let your fingers wander back to his cock; slowly wrapping them around his grith, looking up at him for reassurance. 
Heeseung almost forgot he was supposed to teach you, as this was your first time; biting down on his lower lip as your big eyes met his and your fingers wrapped around his cock. Remembering you were expecting him to guide you through it, he nodded, wrapping his own hand around your own. ‘’Just like that,’’ He let out, slowly guiding your hand up and down his length, his cock feeling heavy in your palm. You let your eyes dart back down, watching as he guided your hand back and forth; nodding your head.
His hand eventually slipped off your own, finding its way into your hair as a low grunt left his throat as you continued stroking his length; his eyes fluttering shut. ‘’It’s not like it’s going to fall off if you go a little harder, you know,’’ He mumbled, missing the way you rolled your eyes at him. ‘’Shut up or I’ll literally make it fall off.’
Heeseung was about to come up with a snarky reply, when you suddenly began to go faster; and harder, just like he had said. A broken groan left his lips, letting his head hit the metal pole holding the bleacher up behind him; forgetting all about the snarky reply that almost trailed off the tip of his tongue as a wave of pleasure washed over him. A small smile formed on your lips at his reaction, a feeling of accomplishment washing over you, slowly replacing the feeling of nervousness.
‘’Fuck,’’ He grunted, his eyes fluttering open once more as his gaze once more landed on you; his fingers lightly tugging at your hair in an attempt to tell you he was enjoying it. ‘’Now spit on it.’’ His words caused you to slow down, your lips parting as you looked up at him; confusion written all over your face. ‘’What?’’ You let out, causing Heeseung to nod. ‘’You heard me, spit on it.’’
Staring at him for a moment, you slowly looked back at his now fully erect cock; wrapping your fingers around the base as you sat up on your knees, now eye level with his cock. Leaning forwards, you let a glop of spit leave your tongue; dropping right onto the tip - Heeseung’s grip around your hair tightening as you watched your own spit run down the sides of his cock. 
Through gritted teeth, a hiss left Heeseung’s throat as he felt you go back to stroking his cock; having to hold back from fucking himself into your fist. ‘’That’s good,’’ He mumbled, throwing his head back once again; if he continued watching you he’d cum right there and then by just looking at your hand wrapped around his cock, he was sure of it. And he didn’t want this moment to end, not just yet. 
Nodding in response, you tried speeding up your movements; your eyes darting back up to look at the boy standing above you, the sight in front of you causing your hole to clench around nothing. With his head thrown back and his adam’s apple on full display, you held back a moan of your own; deciding you wanted to see more of this side of him.
Leaning forward once again, you experimentally pressed a soft kiss against the tip of his cock; the feeling causing a broken groan to rip through his chest, his eyes landing on you once again and he wished he hadn’t looked, because what he saw almost caused a whimper to leave his lips. 
With your eyes staring right back at him through your lashes and your lips pressed against his tip, all while your hand was still stroking his cock; he pressed his lips into a thin line; grabbing onto your hair even harder and slowly guiding your mouth onto him. 
Parting your lips, you let his cock slowly slide into your mouth; your hand no longer stroking his cock and your lips wrapping around his tip, watching as his lips parted at the sensation. ‘’Keep going,’’ He breathed, watching as you went back to stroking his length and slowly letting his cock fill your mouth up. Another hiss left his lips as he felt you swipe your tongue against the underside of his now throbbing cock, resting his head against the metal pole behind him once more. 
His grip around your hair softened as you began bobbing your head up and down, your fist still pumping whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth up and down; remaining eye contact with him as you rubbed your thighs together.
Not once had you thought you’d end up giving head for the first time behind some bleachers, nor did you think it would be Heeseung’s cock you’d be sucking; but there you were, with your knees rubbing against the grass and Heeseung’s groans echoing through your ears.
‘’Fuck, Y/N,’’ He breathed, his other hand finding its way through your hair as well; pulling some of the pieces of hair that had fallen in front of your face behind your ears before letting it join his other hand at the back of your head. Still bobbing your head up and down, you hummed against his cock; placing one of your hands on top of his thighs in order to support yourself.
Panting was heard coming from above you, your eyes darting between him and his cock; feeling his thighs clench under your touch. ‘’Just keep going, just like that,’’ He mumbled, his words coming out slurred as he slowly began helping you bob your head up and down faster, using the hands he had placed on the back of your head. 
You choose to ignore the tears forming in the corners of your eyes as he thrusted his cock further down your throat, resting your hand at the base of his cock as you let your mouth do all the work. Swiping your tongue against the underside of his cock once more, you looked up at him; your eyes meeting his.
Heeseung let out a curse as his eyes landed on you, your big, now glossy eyes staring right back at him. The sight in front of him caused his cock to twitch inside the warmth of your mouth, spit forming in the corners of your mouth as he guided your head up and down; his bottom lip placed in between his teeth as he felt his orgasm approaching. 
‘’I’m gonna cum,’’ He mumbled in an attempt to warn you, low grunts ripping through his chest as he kept guiding your head back and forth. You only nodded in encouragement, letting your tongue rest against the underside of his cock as he fucked into your mouth; his hands gripping onto your hair even harder.
The feeling of your nails digging into his thighs sent him over the edge, his white seed spilling down your throat as one loud, final groan ripped through his chest; followed by a trail of low whimpers as his hips twitched, his cock sliding even further down your throat.
Trying your hardest not to gag around his length, you relaxed, your nails digging deeper into his skin as you looked up at him; admiring how he looked with his eyes squeezed shut and the veins now prominent on his neck. 
Stilling his hips, he opened his eyes; slowly letting his hands leave your hair as he heavily panted. You just stared up at him, slowly pulling your mouth off his now almost soft cock with a pop; causing his lips to part. Ignoring the dryness in your throat, accompanied by a slight pain, you wiped your mouth using the back of your hand; silence engulfing the two fo you.
‘’You did good,’’ His sudden words broke the silence, causing you to look back up at him as you felt him place the palm of his hand against your cheek. ‘’Never thought you’d be so good at giving head.’’ His words almost made you chuckle as his thumb stroked your cheek, using his other one to pull his underwear back up, followed by his jeans.
Offering you his other hand, he helped you stand up properly; wrapping an arm around your shoulders as your legs almost gave out on you, feeling wobbly from being on your knees for so long. Another silence fell upon the two of you, and you found yourself frowning.
Not once had you felt awkward around Lee Heeseung. Annoyed, sure, pissed off, absolutely; but awkward? Never.��
Well, until today, that being said.
‘’It’s okay,’’ You mumbled under your breath, lightly shaking his arm off of you; using your hands in an attempt to dust off the dirt that had almost embroidered itself into the fabric of your pants. Heeseung stared at you for a moment and he, too, wondered why it suddenly felt almost awkward to be around you.
Letting his arm fall back down his side, he decided it’d be for the best to just leave you be even though he felt the urge to make sure you were doing okay; if it was for his own best or yours, he wasn’t sure. A part of him wanted to believe it had nothing to do with you, it was just him being a decent human being, right?
Right, it had absolutely nothing to do with you. He couldn't care less about you, a frown forming on his face and he found himself thanking whatever higher being there was that you weren’t looking at him; because if you had, you would’ve most definitely noticed the uncertainty that had begun to form inside his chest. ‘’You can leave, you know?’’
Your words came out mumbled and low, but clear enough for Heeseung to make out what you were saying and pick up on the almost harsh tone behind your words; snapping him out of his trance as he realized he had been staring at you. Blinking, your eyes met his and you wondered if Heeseung had ever looked at you like that before.
You frowned, ‘’We’re done, aren’t we?’’
Heeseung just stared at you for a moment before giving you a small nod, leaving you to furrow your eyebrows together; your lips parting as you were about to ask him why he was looking at you like that, almost like you had managed to offend him in some way - before he tore his eyes off you and walked away.
And there you were, left standing behind the bleachers all on your own; your throat slightly aching as the feeling of Heeseung’s fingertips ghosting over your skin lingered, accompanied by the unfamiliar look in his eyes that had burned into your mind.
Lee Heeseung confused you.
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Running his fingers through his hair, a low sigh escaped Heeseung’s lips as he made his way down the hallway; trying his hardest to ignore the sudden burdensome feeling that had spread across his chest.
‘’No fucking way,’’ A voice spoke up from behind him, ‘’Who was it?’’ Heeseung immediately recognized the voice, his steps coming to a halt as he turned around; his eyes landing on his shorter friend. 
He had heard someone almost running after him, after all.
‘’Chenle,’’ He let out, immediately catching onto the curious look in his friend's wide eyes; a small frown forming on his lips as Chenle let out a laugh, placing his hand on the taller boy’s shoulder. ‘’I told you, that place is fucking amazing, right? Now who was it, Yunjin?’’
Heeseung placed his bottom lip in between his teeth, staring at his friend; his eyes wide and a small smirk plastered on his lips, and Heeseung realized he had fucked up.
He had fucked up badly.
‘’I have no idea what you’re talking about.’’
A groan emerged from the back of Chenle’s throat as Heeseung attempted to walk past him, the grip he had on his friend’s shoulder hardening in an attempt to stop him from leaving. ‘’C’mon man, I literally saw you leaving from across the parking lot,’’
With his eyes fluttering shut and inhaling through his nose, Heeseung realized the spot wasn’t as good as he originally thought - otherwise he wouldn’t be here, with Chenle grabbing onto his shoulder and staring at him with big eyes; filled with anticipation as he waited for his friend to tell him what had gone down behind the bleachers.
Or with who, more specifically.
Letting a sigh escape his lips, Heeseung opened his eyes to look at his friend - when a thought suddenly hit him.
Parting his lips, he realized there was one thing he could still do to somewhat fight back the thoughts that were currently clouding his mind.
It was only fair, right? With a heavy feeling still lingering in his chest, a small smirk formed on his lips; placing his tongue in between his teeth. It wasn’t fair that he was the only one carrying this heavy feeling around, he thought, right? It was only fair that he did what he was about to do - at least according to Heeseung, and the urge to get rid of whatever the feeling that was only spreading further and further, threatening to swallow him whole any second.
If he was going down, you were going down with him.
‘’Alright,’’ Placing his own hand on his friend’s shoulder, causing his shorter friend’s eyes to widen even more in anticipation, ‘’You really wanna know?’’
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A strange, almost surreal feeling had settled deep into your chest.
Maybe it was the fact that almost a whole week had passed since your knees hit the grass behind the football field and Heeseung had yet to utter a single word to you, or maybe it was the fact that Chenle had been awfully distant - you weren’t too sure, but something had caused a bizarre feeling to plant its roots deep within your chest; tugging at your heart every now and then.
Perhaps it was all Heeseung’s fault, as most things were; Heeseung had always been the root of most of your problems after all, especially after that one night.
Chenle’s birthday party, the first night you allowed yourself to get sucked into the world of Lee Heeseung, the world you had feared ever since his laugh had echoed through the hallways of your middle school; it was kind of ironic, you thought, how things had changed - yet everything remained the same.
You still loathed Heeseung, the hatred for the boy running deep within your veins and just the mere sight of him made you want to curl into a ball and never look him in the eyes ever again. Your hatred for the boy remained the same, just like it had formed years back, it still haunted you to the point where nothing but repulsion spread across your chest every time you caught a glimpse of him.
Until one day, it didn’t.
At least not in the same way it had once used to, and even though the repulsion and hatred still lingered; it was now clear to you that something had shifted.
So with a heavy feeling of uncertainty and confusion, you were left with nothing but your own thoughts and the memory of Heeseung’s touch, his rough fingertips digging into your skin and his tongue dancing with your own - you realized that Heeseung was, indeed, the root of most of the problems that occurred in your life.
For once, you thanked Heeseung for once again making your life difficult, as Friday night rolled around and you had the perfect excuse not to attend Chenle’s weekly parties. This time, however, it wasn’t Chenle who wanted you there; it was Sungchan who had begged you over the phone to show up, that he wouldn’t survive without you being there; to which you only replied that he shouldn’t go if he felt that way, because you weren’t going to show up.
You should’ve known that life always seems to have different plans for you, though. Especially when the clock hit midnight and Sungchan’s contact info had taken up the screen of your screen multiple times within the span of two minutes, and you realized that perhaps you shouldn’t have thanked Heeseung - because at the end of the day, he never failed to ruin your life in one way or another.
You had yet to know just how and what he had done this time around, and something was telling you you were about to find out.
‘’Please Y/N,’’ Sungchans pleading from the other side of the phone was starting to get on your nerves, a low groan leaving the back of your throat as you rubbed your eyes. ‘’I’ll do anything, just please come pick me up,’’ Your best friend’s begging, muffled by the sound of loud music and people yelling in the background left a sour taste in your mouth. You truly weren’t planning on going.
‘’Well,’’ You let out with a sigh as you kicked your feet off the side of your bed, ‘’I told you not to go in the first place.’’ Sungchan just sighed at your remark and even though you couldn’t even see him, you knew he was rubbing his forehead in annoyance. ‘’Dude,’’ He let out, ‘’Just come pick me up.’’ You shut your eyes, deciding that maybe you owed it to him; he had been there for you more times than you could count, and maybe picking him up from a party he desperately wanted to get away from was the last you could do.
‘’Fuck you for ruining my Friday night,’’ You groaned as your feet hit the floor by your bed, running your fingertips through your hair as you spoke. A small chuckle was heard coming from the other side of the phone. ‘’We’ll go get some snacks and hang out instead, okay? I’ll treat you to it, consider it a token of my gratitude.’’
His words caused a small smile to form on your lips and you realized that maybe you just had to spend some time with your best friend in order to oppress the heavy feeling that had settled inside of your chest.
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Chenle had always been a terrible drunk, something you had first realized the first time he got drunk and he cried in your arms; leaving you and Sungchan to take care of him. Now, years later, it seemed like nothing had changed; despite his position as a declared fratboy.
Especially as you walked down the road leading to the party, spotting Chenle hanging off Sungchans arms as you got closer; and you suddenly felt thankful that you decided to stay home, knowing you’d be in Sungchans position if you would’ve caved in and listened to Sungchan’s pleading for you to go with him.
‘’Gosh, how much has he had to drink?’’ You mumbled as you got closer, Sungchans head snapping in your direction as your voice echoed through the empty stress; almost blending together with the loud music coming from the house a few feet away. Sungchan let a sigh mixed with a chuckle as he desperately tried to hold onto the boy hanging off his arms, ‘’Enough to be blabbering about random shit.’’
A chuckle trailed off your own lips as you scanned the boy, his head low and trying his best to stand upright, failing miserably to do so, and if it wasn’t because of the grip Sungchan had on his arms; he most likely would’ve hit the ground a long time ago.
Your sudden presence, however, seemed to catch the drunk boy’s attention; his gaze shifting from the ground to look at you, and you almost frowned as his eyes widened in what could only be described as pure shock. ‘’There she is!’’ He exclaimed, raising his hand to point at you; causing you to raise one of your eyebrows. ‘’You missed me that much?’’ You playfully let out, tilting your head as a small smile decorated your lips.
The dry chuckle that left Chenle’s throat took you by surprise, his gaze landing on the ground below him once more. ‘’No,’’ He dryly let out, ‘’Why the fuck would I ever miss you when you’re a liar?’’
The small smile that formed on your lips a few moments prior slowly faded, taken aback by the sudden words that had just trailed off his lips. ‘’’What?’’ You let out, your eyes landing on Sungchan; a low sigh leaving the taller boy's lips. ‘’I don’t know,’’ He mumbled, still trying to stabilize his drunken friend, ‘’He’s been going on about you lying to him all night, telling me I’m a bad friend for defending you.’’
The last words trailed off Sungchan’s lips in a chuckle, shaking his head as he looked down at the boy hanging off his arms. 
You, however? You were far away from laughing, no, instead you felt your throat beginning to close up.
‘’Defending me from what?’’ Your words almost came out choked and you wondered if any of the boys picked up on the shakiness in your voice; hoping that Sungchan had more to drink than it seemed. ‘’He keeps talking about you and Heeseung, I don’t know where he got that idea from but I keep telling him to knock it off,’’
Your lips slightly parted, but before you could say something another dry and muffled chuckle left Chenle’s lips. ‘’They’re hooking up, you stupid fuck.’’
Chenle’s harsh words caused another sigh to roll off Sungchan’s tongue accompanied by an eye roll, shaking his head in disbelief. ‘’Dude, you’re just being fucking mean now, knock it off, I mean it,’’ Chenle just remained quiet as Sungchan focused on trying to get him to stand up straight, failing to notice the fact that you had gone completely silent.
Debating whether or not to laugh it off, you remained silent; praying that Sungchan would just shrug it off as Chenle being the terrible drunk that he was and scold him for it in the morning, when the sound of someone walking down the driveway suddenly echoed through the quiet road.
‘’There you are,’’ A chuckle filled your ears, ‘’How much did you drink?’’
At that moment, you realized Heeseung had indeed found a way to ruin your life once again; this time by walking down the driveway with his hands shoved down his pockets. Chenle just mumbled something inaudible into Sungchan’s arms in reply, causing another snicker to leave Heeseung’s lips as he got closer.
The snicker, however, went silent as soon as his eyes landed on you and you wondered if your sudden presence took him by surprise - or if it was the distressed look on your face that made his laughter die down.
‘’We’re leaving,’’ Sungchan let out, his voice monotone as he spoke. ‘’Can you take him back inside and make sure he sobers up?’’ Heeseung tore his eyes off of you, looking over at your friend before letting his eyes dart down to the boy hanging off his arms, nodding his head. ‘’Yeah, whatever,’’ Heeseung mumbled, getting ready to grab onto Chenle to bring him inside.
Oh, how you wished he would’ve done just that.
You wished he would’ve left as quickly as he came, that he would’ve taken Chenle inside, that he would’ve left you and Sungchan alone so you could go hang out and forget about what had just happened; that Sunghcan would’ve just assumed that whatever Chenle had said about you and Heeseung was nothing but drunken rambling and years of built up annoyance from the hatred you shared for his friend.
But of course, things never seemed to go your way whenever Lee Heeseung was present; your current situation being no exception.
‘’No,’’ Chenle mumbled, standing up straight as his eyes landed on Heeseung. ‘’Tell him.’’ Heeseung just raised one of his eyebrows, his hands still in the air from trying to grab onto his friend. ‘’Tell him what, dude?’’ He questioned and as his eyes suddenly landed on you, you realized he knew exactly what the boy in front of him was talking about.
‘’That you and Y/N are messing around.’’
Complete, utter silence.
Until Heeseung shrugged his shoulders, his eyes still glued on you; and by the small, playful smirk that had begun to form on his lips; you felt your world slowly come crumbling down around you.
‘’You haven’t told him yet? Hiding things from your best friends now, are you Y/N?’’
And just like that, by letting one simple sentence trail off the tip of his tongue, Lee Heeseung once again reminded you of just how cruel he could be.
‘’Fuck off Heeseung,’’ Sungchan suddenly hissed, his eyes glued to the boy standing beside him; his harsh words causing Heeseung to stare at the boy in front of him with raised eyebrows. ‘’You really didn’t know?’’ The chuckle that left Heeseung’s lips following his question caused a shiver to run down your spine, accompanied by the realization that both your best friends were about to find out what you had been hiding from them.
Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, Heeseung’s eyes landed on you once again and you could tell he was amused by the clear state of distress you were in; his eyes scanning your wide ones before darting down to your shaking hands. ‘’Go on Y/N,’’ He chuckled, ‘’Tell them, tell them how you’ve been messing around with me.’’
You weren’t sure if the tears that were now prickling in the corners of your eyes were from anger or distress, feeling the need to grab onto Sungchan and get as far away as possible; to tell him Heeseung was full of shit, that you hadn’t been messing around with him - anything to get away from the situation that was currently unfolding.
But instead, you remained standing, feeling glued to the ground as you realized there was no way out. Heeseung had caged you in, and by the amused look in his eyes; you realized that this was how he enjoyed you the most. Having you caged in, never letting you out of his grasp.
You tore your eyes off Heeseung, only to be met by Sungchan looking straight at you. And the moment your eyes met his, you swore that if your whole world hadn’t already crashed around you yet; it most certainly did the moment you spotted the confusion lingering in your best friend’s eyes. 
He knew, and you knew he knew.
Even though your lips were parted like you were about to say something; you knew you didn’t have to say anything, he could easily tell by the tears threatening to spill past your lower lashline and your apologetic eyes. ‘’Are you serious?’’ He breathed, his eyes still glued on you; causing you to bite down on your lower lip. ‘’I was going to tell you, I promise,’’ You let out, your voice shaky from the sudden confrontation and overwhelming feeling of being exposed.
You tried to decipher the look on your best friend's face, to no avail. His lips were slightly parted and you wondered whether it was disappointment or hurt lingering behind his soft features. Perhaps it was a mix of both.
‘’What the fuck,’’ He let out, shaking his head and you realized it was indeed disappointment lingering behind both his facial expressions and words, causing you to shake your head. ‘’Let’s go talk about it, yeah? I’ll explain, I promise,’’ Your voice almost broke as you spoke, the desperation and panic being evident in your voice as you so desperately tried to get your best friend to listen to you.
Slightly furrowing his eyebrows, he just stared at you; watching as your bottom lip quivered and tears threatened to drop onto your cheeks. ‘’No,’’ He let out, grabbing onto Chenle once more, ‘’No, I’m not doing this shit,’’ He mumbled, tearing his eyes off of you before wrapping an arm around the boy leaning into his arms.
Your eyes followed his every movement as even more panic settled in, he wasn’t going to listen to you. He wasn’t going to let you explain, let you explain why or how this happened in the first place; no, he was simply just going to leave without letting you explain. 
‘’No, Sungchan,’’ You desperately let out, a broken chuckle emerging from the back of your best friend's throat interrupting you. ‘’Fuck you, Y/N, and fuck you too, Heeseung.’’ He spat, his gaze landing on you before letting his eyes dart to the lanky boy standing beside him, the boy who had remained quiet ever since he exposed your shared relationship.
Almost reaching out to grab onto his arm from preventing him from leaving, you raised your hand; just to retract as quickly as you raised it. There was no point, and you knew there wasn’t. He wasn’t going to listen to you, not right now.
Watching as Sungchan dragged Chenle back into the house, the loud music still being heard coming from inside; you were left alone, your eyes landing on the boy standing in front of you once again.
With a small smirk on his lips, he took in the state of you; his hands still shoved down the front pockets of his hands and the dangly earring that had once brushed against your skin as his lips left small kisses down your neck dangling from one of his ears - you felt disgusted. 
‘’What the fuck, Heeseung,’’ You whispered, your bottom lip still quivering as you spoke and a tear finally dropped onto the skin of your cheek. ‘’What have you done?’’ A low snort left the back of his throat as you spoke, one of his hands slipping out of the pocket of his pants before pointing at himself. ‘’Me?’’ He let out, both his eyebrows raised before shaking his head. ‘’This,’’ He let out, pointing his finger at you instead, ‘’Is all your doing, not mine.’’
Shaking your head, you let another tear make its way down your cheek as you stared at the boy in front of you in disbelief. ‘’You’re fucking cruel, Heeseung,’’ You let out, pointing your own finger at him as his hand fell down his side. He just stared at you for a moment, before a dry chuckle ripped through his chest.
‘’You were the one who was all over me, Y/N, don’t you dare blame me for fucking over your friends by lying to them, that’s all on you,’’
His words caused you to chuckle in disbelief. The chuckle was dry and if you would've looked close enough, you would’ve been able to see that Heeseung was taken aback by your sudden laughter. But you didn’t, no, instead you inhaled through gritted teeth as your pointer finger came into contact with the boy's chest. 
‘’You are fucking miserable, you know that?’’ You hissed, your voice shaky as you spoke. ‘’All you fucking do is ruin things, Heeseung, not only for others but for yourself,’’ Heeseung just stared down at you as you continued speaking, your pointer finger hitting his chest repeatedly as fresh tears dropped down your cheeks. ‘’You’re cruel for leading me on, you’re cruel for even coming onto me in the first place,’’
Looking up at him, you shook your head. ‘’And this? Whatever this is,’’ You continued, pointing between the two of you, ‘’It ends now.’’
Another snort was heard coming from the boy standing in front of you. ‘’Whatever this is? This is nothing, Y/N, there is nothing to end,’’ He spat at you, ‘’There was never anything to begin with.’’
Feeling like someone had just struck you with a knife, jabbing it deep into your heart before twisting it; you just stared at the boy in front of you. His face remained emotionless as your fingertip remained pressed up against his chest, clenching your jaw before letting your hand fall down your side. ‘’Fuck you, Heeseung,’’ You whispered, scared that your voice would break if you spoke any louder, ‘’Fuck you for even coming into my life.’’
Walking past him, you let your shoulder brush against his own; the impact causing him to lightly stumble; slightly turning his body to look at you while you walked away from him, using your fingertips to desperately wipe away the tears that had fallen from your eyes.
With an aching feeling that had now settled deep into your chest, replacing the heavy feeling that had once lingered; you realized that Heeseung had managed to take you down one final time.
And with a clenched jaw and his fingernails digging into the palms of his hands, Heeseung realized that you, too, had managed to take him down.
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leehaner · 3 months
Talk: Chapter 2
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pairing: leehan taesan x fem!reader
genre: ANGST, love triangle, slowburn, eventual smut, fuckboy!leehan, college au, undecided ending + genre tbh im lit writing this on a whim bffs
word count: 2.6k
summary: find out
warnings: suggestive?
A few minutes had gone by and you seemed to be arriving at the party house judging by the cars lined up outside of it searching for parking and groups of people making their way to the front door, there also seemed to be a bouncer. Damn they take their parties seriously here, you thought.
“Is there even any parking?” Sungho questions turning down the music and scanning the street.
“I’m just gonna park in his driveway…. not like he’s gonna give me a ticket” Jaehyun says nonchalantly and that’s exactly what he did.
As everyone seems to be having their own conversations about what kind of night it’s going to be, Taesan hands you back your earbud.
“We should do that again sometime, i like your playlist”, he said while smiling which again made you smile and nod in response. There was something about him that was so charming.
Everyone gets out of the car and you all make your way to the front entrance. The bouncer just seems to be some random guy Jaehyun knows of course and he lets you all in with no issue.The house was rather big and reeked of alcohol, weed and random cologne and perfumes worn by the guests. There was loud music blasting throughout the house but still you could hear laughter and random conversations in the air. You spotted people playing beer pong or dancing or making out or just straight up on their phones.
“Okay I’m gonna go make myself a drink”, Jaehyun says enthusiastically.
“Hey you wanna go make drinks in the kitchen?” Riwoo nudges your shoulder a bit which snaps you out of your observations of the house.
“Yeah sure” you smile
You follow the pink haired boy and the rest of the group to the kitchen.
“Y/n , you want something specific?”Jaehyun asks about making you a drink of your choice.
“Surprise me I guess” you reply, not really having an interest in getting drunk tonight at all but you suppose you’re not too against the idea.
“So Y/n, why’d you transfer here?” Riwoo asks, trying to start a conversation between you and the whole group who only knew about you through Jaehyun and Sungho. Taesan looked particularly interested in what you had to say as he was making himself his own alcohol-juice mix on the kitchen counter.
“It's for a lot of reasons honestly, but the short version, I just had a lot of bad experiences there and I think this school makes more sense for me.” , you reply back. You didn’t intend to still sound mysterious but you would rather not talk about how dreadful your last school year had been.
“Really….how so?
“Just cause I kind of had a few shitty roommates but I live in a single dorm now, we’re only supposed to share the bathroom space”
“Trust me y/n we know all about shitty roommates”, Sungho pitches in as he takes a sip of his soda and they all shoot each other a look. You got the feeling the guy Jaehyun and Sungho were talking about earlier is that shitty roommate. But how bad could he be if they still wanted him to come anyway?
“What do you study y/n?” Taesan asks trying to get the attention back on you, you were taken back that he spoke to you directly for the first time in front of everyone so it took you a second to process before responding.
“I major in art but I’m still figuring out if I want a minor or not, you?”, you say in response, taking the drink Jaehyun had just made for you.
“Holy shit! I guessed you were an art major to Riwoo earlier, I can’t believe I was right” Woonhak says in disbelief, the group all let out small laughs after the comment.
“What gave it away?”
“You look artsy, also Taesan minors in it so I can usually spot when someone is artsy and mysterious” He says teasingly.
“mysterious? you’re so annoying” Taesan questions, shoving him playfully which just made you laugh to yourself at how offended he was by the comment.
“don’t pay him any mind…I’m an open book and to answer your question I major in music”, he says. Immediately after him saying this it makes perfect sense to you.
“So you’ll probably be seeing Taesan more often then right?” Riwoo says, taking a sip of his drink.
“Yeah, could be”, you say with a smile that Taesan reciprocates. You notice after this, everyone scatters away from the kitchen which seemed to have been brought by Riwoo’s signal, he probably thought you two were hitting it off or just wanted to get on the dance floor. Either way you were happy to have some alone time with Taesan.
Without saying anything Taesan leads you out of the kitchen to what seemed like a living room area. There were people dancing and playing drinking games all around you and the music was exponentially louder than before. You both take a seat on the edge of a couch and try to get to know each other a little better.
“So….y/n, what kind of art do you like to do?” Taesan says as he leans in close to your ear, voice raised due to how loud the music was. And you can’t lie, it sends shivers down your spine but you don’t let him see that. As you were about to respond you see a girl coming up to you and Taesan.
“Taesan oh my god! I didn’t know you’d be here! You look so handsome”, She says drunkenly and glances at you as she gets extremely touchy with him.
Does she think we’re together or something…
You get the feeling Taesan is disappointed she came over and ruined the alone time he had with you, he also looked uncomfortable by her presence but seemed to be humoring her to be nice. You couldn’t help but feel bored and with a couple minutes passing by of her still having her one-sided conversation with him, you get up from the couch and mouth the words ‘gonna find a bathroom’ to the boy getting his ears talked off. He nods and faces the drunken girl again in annoyance.
You didn’t really need to use the bathroom that badly but you figured it was better than sitting there watching a random girl try making you jealous over a guy you just met. Judging by the way she was touchy with him they were probably either old fuckbuddies or she’s just really desperate for him.
“Yo Y/n!”, you turn around and see Jaehyun walking over to you.
“I thought you were with Taesan?”
“I was but someone came up to him and they started talking so I just left to find the bathroom”
“Oh okay that sucks though, you good?”
“Yeah I'm fine, just bored….” you say hoping he’d just offer to take you back to your dorm.
“Want another drink?”
“Yeah I guess” you respond and follow him to the kitchen once more, he quickly makes you another drink and hands it to you.
“Oh I forgot, I still wanted you to meet one of my roommates…he just got here a few minutes ago. Just wait here a sec while i find him” , He says to you and walks off.
This must be the shitty roommate Sungho was complaining about earlier. Brushing off that fact, while you wait you take a few sips of your freshly made drink and unlock your phone to look at yourself in the front camera.
“Feeling yourself much?” a familiar voice says
“Staring much?” you snap back without even putting your phone camera down and when you do you're met with the elevator guy from earlier, you don’t know who you were expecting but it certainly wasn’t him. Still, he didn’t suck to look at, his hair and overall appearance was messier this time around though, proving your suspicions from earlier that he probably was at your dorm building for a quick fuck.
“Elevator girl” he says teasingly, grabbing a red solo cup from one of the cabinets next to him signaling it wasn’t his first time attending a party here.
“Psycho” you respond back nonchalantly.
“Ouch …. I thought we had something special going” he says with a fake hurt expression over his face and holding one hand to his chest. You let out a dry laugh.
“So….you’re here with someone I assume?” He asks with genuine curiosity and looks at all the alcohol options before pouring what you think is Vodka in his cup.
“What makes you think that?”
Just a second later Jaehyun pops back up and you figured he’d be followed by his roommate.
“Sorry y/n I can’t fucking find him anywhere but- OH I was looking everywhere for you … Wait, do you guys know each other?”
what the fuck? So this guy is their roommate?
“I guess you could say that”, he responds, and you realize you still don’t know his name.
Jaehyun looks both confused and shocked and it was like you could see the gears in his head turning thinking of how in the world did you and his roommate know each other. “weird…okay. I don’t even wanna know how you know each other so i’ll just go literally anywhere else”.
“…we just met briefly earlier”, you say quickly shutting down any suspicions Jaehyun might’ve had pertaining to your ties to his roommate.
“Right..okay. bye nowwwww” Jaehyun says as he steps away from the kitchen, starting a conversation with a random person walking by.
The boy now gets significantly closer to you than before and runs his fingers through his hair a few times seemingly thinking of what to talk to you about.
“So…y/n right?”
“That’s my name, yes...and I still don’t know yours. Why?” you question
“Someone’s eager… isn’t talking to me enough?” he says which makes you shrug, you were enjoying the back and forth you two are having and for some reason it became some game of who could say the next best coy thing to the other.
“I'd just like to know who i’m talking to is all”
Gesturing to you a bit with his drink in hand, he leans forward. “I could say the same about you y/n”
“You at least know my name”
“What if I wanna know more? If you’re willing to let me of course”
You start to realize the intentions of his words and to be honest you’re not totally opposed to having sex with this stranger. After all, he’s extremely handsome and the way you’re teasing each other with just words is making the tension between you two unavoidable.The only thing is that you did see him get off the elevator on the girls only floor of your building, the thought of having someone’s sloppy seconds doesn’t sit right with you…but it could be fun just following his lead though.
“and how do you suppose you do that?” admittedly you knew what this question would lead to but you didn’t care. This was fun for you.
After hearing your question he downs the rest of his drink and sets the red solo cup on the kitchen counter then extends his hand out seemingly for you to grab. He's kind of a dork you thought.
“Shall we go somewhere a little more quiet?”
This question makes you giggle because his overall way of words is so odd and you can’t predict what he’ll say next but you’re at least 98% sure he’s just like every fuckboy you’ve ever met. You kept thinking about what Jaehyun and Sungho had said about him earlier but from speaking to him, you just didn’t care. You were so intrigued by him and what the night could entail so much so that you disregarded your drink and grabbed onto his hand.
Instantly you felt sparks when your hands touched, he at first cupped them in his but as you both worked your way through the house your fingers somehow became intertwined with one another. Eventually you saw the staircase to the second floor, he never let your hand go the whole way up.
Once you two make it to the top of the staircase he walks over to the first door on the right and twists the doorknob open.
He lets go of your hand gently and steps aside, keeping the door open with his back and his arms slightly stretched out on his sides. Gesturing for you to go inside the room. “M’lady”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his comment and he smiles at your laughter then closes the door behind him gently.
You notice the bed in the room, and sit at the very end of it facing the boy and cross your legs intently.
“So, your name?”
He walks closer to you with lustful eyes and diverts your question again.
“Would you say you’re a good kisser y/n?”
Shocked both at his bluntness and ability to avoid opening up to you in any way, you still decide to play into his little game for your own amusement. You stand up from the bed and make your way over to him, both of you inching closer to each other at this point.
“Why don’t we find out?”
Without even saying a word he pulls you in by the waist with both hands and presses his lips onto yours, your hands caressing his face. Almost instantly his tongue makes its way inside your mouth and this kissing was unlike anything you’d ever experienced before. He kissed you with so much passion yet it was messy and thoughtless like he lost all sense the minute your lips collided. It was a shock to you considering he kept his cool while talking to you not too long ago. But it was evident, he was completely drunk by your touch and you by his.
It was hard for either of you to keep your hands in the same place for too long. One second your fingers would be messily entangled in his long brown hair and the next they’d be guiding his hands on where to touch you. You began walking backwards and him forward, only breaking the kiss for each of you to catch your breath, smile into the kiss or let out occasional moans. Eventually he manages to get you pinned against the wall, hands wandering your body and you decide now would be a good time to tease him, so you break the kiss.
“Is my kissing good enough for me to know your name?”
“Can I fuck you?” He dodges.
“As tempting as that is, I’m not interested in being the second girl you fuck today”
He perks up at the response confused on how you could possibly know this information.
“How’d you…? Oh the elevator…”, he realizes.
“That’s fair. If I could take that back to have you, I would”
“How romantic” you say sarcastically, which causes a smirk to appear on his face.
“I guess you could say I have a way with words,” he replies making you let out a small laugh.
The boy gathers himself after the intense make out session you had together. He fixes his hair, takes out his phone from his pocket, checks his notifications quickly and walks over to the door.
“ Anyway, thanks for this. I gotta go” he says, almost out of the room you’d just been eating each other alive in.
Despite knowing the kind of guy he is by everything you’d seen and heard up to this point, you couldn’t help but feel disappointed about the way he just up and left so quickly. You didn’t even know his name or the first thing about him but you tasted every corner of his mouth. It felt so backwards and yet you were glad to have gotten something from him at all.
He steps back into the room to say one final thing with an innocent smile.
“Oh! my name’s Leehan by the way”
Leehan. Hm
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Johnny Cade & Dallas Winston
Dallas hates college. He really, truly does.
He never thought he’d miss the gang this much—or at all, really. Sure, they’re like brothers to him—but he’s always preferred being alone. It's easier.
He never planned on going to college. But some prison program—he never bothered to learn about it—made the offer to send him to community college free of charge, and Darry wouldn’t let him say no.
So now, here he is. He was always alone on Christmas—ever since his mother overdosed, it’s been just him. He spent a few years celebrating with the gang, but he always felt out of place. Still—he had planned on flying out to them. But being New York, a big fat snowstorm hit the day before he was supposed to leave—and all flights had been canceled.
He had settled down onto his bed, beer in hand and idly watching whatever shitty hallmark cable would play. A quiet but frantic knock hit his door—he could practically hear the heavy breathing from the other side.
Dallas wasn’t expecting company—he hasn't made any friends in his few months here. It was also 2 o’clock in the damn morning. Realistically he knew he shouldn’t open the door, but he found himself getting up anyway.
He leaned down to look in the peephole, he had to squint to make out the figure—even then, it was hard to tell. They were relatively small, he could beat them pretty easily—his best guess is that the person is high for the first time.
He groans, already walking back to his shitty bed. But the person knocks again—and he has a sinking feeling they aren’t leaving anytime soon.
“Whaddaya want?” He growls, throwing the door open.
The person—a man—jumps halfway out of his skin, already stumbling away. “I-I’m sorry—I’ll go—“ he begins to sputter, eyes wide and looking at Dallas like he was a predator of some kind.
“Jesus—Are you on something?” Dallas askes, looking him up and down.
He’s seen the boy on campus before—he stuck out because of how often people thought he was a highschooler. He was in one of those artsy-fartsy courses like Ponyboy wanted to do.
“No!“ The boy gasps out defensively. “I just—I… I’m sorry, I’ll go.” He repeats, already attempting to walk off. Before Dallas can stop himself, he reaches out and grabs the collar of his sweater, tugging him closer.
He knows he should just let the poor guy go. But he looks too familiar—the shake riddling his whole body, his eyes don’t really seem to focus on him, his hands shake even as he tries to tug Dallas off.
“Oh no you don’t! Why the hell are you knocking at my door at two in the morning, huh?” He bites, letting go once he’s sure the guy won’t bolt.
“I—I just…” he mutters, shoving his hands in his pockets and refusing to make eye contact. “My cat got out—H-He’s real white and it’s all snowy out—“ he begins, looking all guilty.
They definitely were not allowed to have pets here. This boy seems to know that too, talking as slow as he can to try and gauge Dallas’s reaction.
“I don’t want anyone getting—y’know, like a hold of him. I just—I don’t know where he is, and I’m really worried, and I’m sorry that I—“
Dallas sighs, rubbing his temples. That's what this is about? A damn cat? Here he was worried this guy was gonna overdose but he’s just unbelievably freaked out about a white-fucking-cat.
Personally, the closest he’s ever had to a pet was an alley cat in New York—it hissed and scratched him regularly, but it’d let him get close enough to pet it when he gave it some leftover food. One day it stopped showing up—he had been really sad, he knew animal control got it.
“So, what? You’re checking if anyone has seen him?” Dallas askes, trying not to sound as annoyed as he very much is. He feels bad for the guy—it’s clear he’s not used to talking to people.
“W-Well, I uh…” the boy mutters, finally glancing up at him. “I know he’s outside—but I don’t really have good eyesight…”
“You want me to go out there and look with you?” He deadpans, unable to hide his own annoyed raised brow. “Maybe perhaps.” He replies, a nervous chuckle leaving his lips as he already tries to back away again.
“I-It sounds stupid now—I don’t really… know anyone and you’re my neighbor, so—I’ll just leave, I’m sorry for bothering you.”
Dallas groans, loud enough that the guy glances at him worriedly. He really wants to slam the door in his face and go back to drinking until he passes out. But the sight is so pathetic that he knows he’ll never forget the look on his face if he doesn’t go.
The boy looks a lot like that stupid alley cat.
“I’ll go.” He says finally. The boy can't help but gasp, looking at him thankfully. “R-Really?” He says, eyes following him as he goes to grab his coat. “Don’t make me change my mind.” Dallas says simply, pulling it on and grabbing some gloves from his closet.
The boy stays silent after that. He stands in Dallas’s doorway until he comes out, locking the door behind him. “Don’t you have a jacket?” Dallas says, glancing back at the threadbare sweater and too-big jeans the boy was wearing.
“I’ll be fine.” He says simply, already scampering off to the elevator. Dallas watches him silently—he quickly unlocks the door, grabs an extra pair of gloves, and locks it again.
He tosses the pair to the boy as they both hop on the elevator. He stares at him for a moment before pulling them on.
“So, uh—“ the boy mutters, looking down at his feet. “What’s your name?”
“Dallas.” He replies, unable to hold back his own chuckle. “What about you?”
“Johnny.” The boy says in reply, pushing the lobby floor button. They are both silent for the rest of the way down. The receptionist gives them an odd look as they pass—it’s definitely past curfew, but they are a lot more lenient during the holidays.
“Does it have a name?” He asks, hearing his own feet crunch down on the falling snow. “Huh?” Johnny mutters, glancing up at him. “The cat.” Dallas replies, raising a brow at him.
“Oh! Shit, yeah—His name is Cobalt.”
Dallas chuckles, walking off already to search. Johnny catches up at him, frowning. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothin’.” Dallas shrugs. “It’s a good name. Unique.”
“You were laughing.” Johnny says, brown frowning as he searches his face for something. “His eyes are really blue. That’s where I got the name from.”
“Ah.” Dallas hums, glancing around. “We oughta split up, I’ll call you if I find anything.”
“Okay.” Johnny nods. “T-Thanks again, man. I mean it.”
“No problem.” Dallas shrugs, walking off. It annoys him a little that he’s so calm about this—it should be a problem. A random dude he doesn’t know came knocking at his door at the asscrack of midnight to help him search for some white cat with a dumb name.
Even so, he found himself actually looking. He told himself it was so he wouldn’t have to be out here all night—but deep down it’s because he knows the look on the kids face will destroy him if they don’t find the stupid thing.
They had been searching for a solid half hour when Dallas noticed an odd hole in the snow. He had passed it about a hundred times, but suddenly he felt like he just had to check.
He takes slow steps towards it, crouching down to look inside. Sure enough, two very blue eyes stare at him. He glances back at the road, cars driving past him at quick speeds. The poor thing must’ve burrowed down out of fear. A
He slowly digs his hands in the snow around him, halting everytime the cat hisses and only moving again when it stopped. It tried to bite him when he finally pulled it out. “Cut it out, you little shit. I’m trying to help you!” He finds himself whispering angrily.
“Johnny!” He calls, walking slowly to not jostle the poor animal. “I think I’ve got him!”
Johnny spins around quickly, pulling himself to his feet. He gasps when he sees him, running up with a big smile on his face. “You found him!” He says, full of child-like joy.
Dallas hands the hissing animal over asap. Sure enough, Cobalt stops hissing the second he’s in Johnny’s arms, ducking its little head under his chin and snuggling closer.
Johnny scratches behind his ears idly, finally looking back at Dallas. “Thank you so much! I thought I was gonna have a heart attack.” He says with a guilty smile.
“It’s no problem, really.” He finds himself saying. “Christmas spirit or whatever.” God, why did he say that? What has this place turned him into? Maybe the gang was right, he was going soft.
He can’t help but take note of Cobalt’s blue collar, with a matching bow tie hot-glued onto it alongside a little bell. He can’t help but smile at the sight—god, that’s too adorable for even stone-cold Dallas Winston.
Johnny tucks the cat into his sweater as they head inside—Dallas makes a point to walk close enough to hide the bump now on his chest. Surprisingly, Cobalt stays silent as they pass by the reception desk.
Johnny pulls him back out the second they’re in the elevator, letting Cobalt climb onto his shoulder like a perched bird. Dallas can’t help but chuckle at the sight, clicking the button for their floor.
Dallas slowly reaches his hand up, making sure the cat sees it before he touches him. Cobalt lets him scratch behind his ears, purring quietly. Johnny must be a damn good owner—It seems just being in the presence of him keeps Cobalt at ease.
“I found him in an alleyway a few months ago.” Johnny says, the silence grating on him. “He was so tiny and scared, I couldn’t leave him outside. I know it’s against the rules—“
“I’m not much of a rule follower.” Dallas shrugs. “Just make sure you don’t ever let the office find out.”
Johnny smiles. “Yeah, I’ll uh—make sure to keep the window fully closed from now on.”
Johnny doesn’t bother hiding the cat as they both step out—most of the students hid something, and a cat was the best thing that could be kept. Cobalt does hop down back into his arms, burrowing his little face into Johnny’s sleeve.
“I really can’t thank you enough.” Johnny says as they stop in front of Dallas’s room. “I don’t—I mean, I seriously don’t think I would’ve found him on my own. I owe you one big time.”
Dallas can’t help the redness that flushes his face. He’s not used to being thanked like this—treated like some kind of angel. It’s not like he helps people out often—not unless he wants something in return. Maybe he should do it more—it feels nice.
“I really don’t mind, man. It’s something to do, I guess.” Dallas mutters, not looking at him. Johnny just smiles at him, warm and big—like he knows there’s more to it than that.
They say their goodbyes and head their own way. Dallas can see Johnny give Cobalt a little kiss on the head as he heads inside his dorm.
He sits down on his bed, leaning back against the wall. He finds himself revolted by the idea of drinking.
He feels good—something warm in his chest, something he’s only ever felt a few times in his life. Huddled up with his mother beside the fire, watching the gang hurl snowballs at each other with big ol’ grins on their faces.
Dallas glances down at his phone. He reaches over and grabs it, scrolling through the Merry Christmas messages the gang had sent him that night. He couldn’t help but smile—alone in his room, he felt loved. He felt good.
He shuts his phone off, kicking off his shoes and falling asleep on top of the covers.
Dallas wakes up the next morning to cookies on his doorstep—a red bow tied around the tin with a little paw print painting on it.
Maybe he was going soft. Who cares?
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broodsys · 11 months
ive been thinking about this a lot lately and kinda just wanna say it somewhere.
that said, feel free to just scroll on by bc this is heavy. also super long? i just- needed to get it off my chest, kinda.
cw: sexual assault, alcohol and drug use
so, in highschool there were these two guys who were in my friend group but i wasn't rly friends with, we'll just say L and N. L had an obvious crush on me and kept trying to get me to date him even tho i had a boyfriend and he knew my boyfriend - once i ended up going on a date with him bc my autistic ass thought he was just trying to hang out, lmao. anyway, it was awkward, esp once my friends told me uhhh no that was a date? u just described a date.
N was a lot more chill but also kinda... he was nice and all, genuinely nice, but he was also one of those no no i'm not sexist i'm an equal-opportunity hater haha! guys. so i wasn't rly close with either of them
but when i went to college they were the only two ppl i already knew and i was rly overwhelmed about being all alone on campus at first, so i ended up spending quite a bit more time with both of them, in and out of school. and it was fun when it was the three of us! they were amusingly raunchy and we talked a lot about related subjects and went on walks together and idk, it was nice. this was before i realized i was trans but i think it fulfilled a Just One Of The Guys need i had at that time
got p close with both of them, esp L. ended up at his house by myself quite frequently. and, well, we drank - this being before i realized i had a unrelated liver disease. and by this point i was out as trans and my family was AWFUL about using the right pronouns and i had no in-person connections who used the right pronouns and i was... p desperate for validation. while also using both alcohol and weed quite heavily to cope
so, yknow... hang out with someone who calls me 'he', talk about gender shit, sigh and go along with the eight million dumb YT videos he wanted to show me, but whatever, i got free liquor and it was smth to do, right? i was even able to lean into being a system around him! that was super validating.
so, surprise surprise, we ended up becoming kinda fuckbuddies. and i was okay with that - p open that i wasn't interested in a relationship but like, sure, we can fuck around. so we did. usually drunk. usually quite drunk. but that was okay because there was still consent going on
but i had one very clear, very explicit boundary. and once he started to cross it - i called him out on it and he pushed back and i had to tell him to stop several times. it wasn't like... aggressive? just very, very coercive. took me a long time to accept that it was still a form of rape. hell, i still struggle to type that out, i want to add caveats to it. but it just was. and that was the big change for me, when i realized he wasn't actually going to respect my boundaries. still hung out with him for a while after that and we had sex a few more times while i was processing my feelings about everything and trying to accept that he was in the wrong and i had a right to be upset
but after that, i just started feeling rly shitty on the walk home whenever i left him. there were subspace/subdrop issues at play, too, which was another brand-new discovery for me, and no aftercare ever, but it was... yeah. it was bad.
still, took me a while to break off the relationship. i was actually at a conference for a school thing when i did it, because being around ppl who saw me as a man, who respected me, who treated me kindly... it totally changed how i saw interpersonal dynamics. like, that whole experience was a MASSIVE wake-up call for me. so that was when i cut him out of my life
now, oddly, this story isn't about L. it's about N.
afaik, N had no idea about any of this. but a while ago, idk probably over a year now, he sent me a nice text mentioning that he didn't know why we'd fallen out of touch. and i usually delete texts after a while but i still have that one. sometimes i want to reply - not telling him the details, just like 'yeah so me and L had smth weird and i didn't want to put u in a position where u had to choose' but also just- memories, yknow? i associate them together very strongly bc the three of us spent sm time together
but i still feel kinda bad. kinda miss N. i saw him become a better person while i saw L kinda become a worse person. i just feel... idk. torn? ultimately i gotta take care of me because no one else can, but i think about him quite often, and about that text i've never replied to. and i also spent time with N alone, and it was just chill. he never tried to fuck me. when i slept over he let me have his bed and made sure there were fresh sheets and everything. he watched me play videogames at his house and let me spend forever on character customization and made sure i had vegetarian food to eat. he was nice, without any strings attached. and we talked about, shit, everything. once we walked for hours and hours - p much the entire night - just talking. he rly opened up to me a lot, and i opened up to him - not about everything and not about anything with L, but about a lot of other stuff. it was an important friendship.
and i just... i regret losing that a lot. i've been thinking about both of them a lot recently. part of it is just coming head to head with things i was using weed to repress now that i've been sober for a while, granted. bc i've been thinking about a lot of things in my past recently.
relationships are messy. but i regret that a good friendship got stained by a bad one.
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jacemond-addict · 2 years
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Leaked Nudes
Aemond Targaryen x Jacaerys Velaryon
Modern au
Everyday for the past week at college, All everyone is talking about is the mysterious leaked nudes of a couple that have been broadcasted to the whole campus.
The students are trying to be Sherlock Holmes and connect the dots.
Only clue : Males: blonde and a brunette.
Jace just wants to go by his day, Away from the drama and be with his new boyfriend, Cregan.
The hacker has other plans.
“Did you delete the video?!” The boy asked, doing a terrible job of whispering. He blames it on the nerves and the queasy feeling in his gut. Just this morning he had a panic attack. His and his family reputation is on the line. He was sweating bullets. Whoever this maniac was, has to fuck off.
“Keep your voice down.”The taller boy slaps his hand on the brunettes mouth. His head peaked over the wall they were hiding to see, checking if the coast was still clear“I told you already. Yes!” The blonde groans when the boy bites his hand.
“That’s what you said about the nudes.”The brunette hiss, slapping the hand away.
“Your one to talk, about every girl and guy in campus has my dick in their phones.”The blonde frowned but his eyes had a mischievous glint to them .His hand went up on the shorter boys neck, his thumb caressing his adam’s apple, gently. The corner of his mouth lifted, seeing the reaction of the shorter male shivering just by his touch.
“They’ve pictures of me wearing…”The boy paused to check his surroundings, then continued,”What you made me wear!”. His face and neck flushed in embarrassment.
The older boy lips thin, his nostrils flaring and blue eyes turned dark, He didn’t like that everyone saw what was only meant for his eyes only.
“Let’s not kid here, you wanted to wear that.” The blonde taunts. He remember very clearly how enthusiastic the other boy was to wear it. How his skin broke out into goosebumps of the soft fabric touching his skin or how wet the boy got just by simply wearing the outfit and presenting himself to him.
Did the boy think he was going to fall for the innocent bullshit now, after everything they’ve done to this point? He steps forward until there was no space between them, leg slipping inbetween the other boy legs, their chest touching, breathing the same air. Not fighting off the urge to be impossibly close to the brunette. It’s been taking a toll on him, being away from him, seeing him now with a shitty replacement that won’t know how to satisfy him like he deserves, the way he only know.
This was how they got into this mess. Being too close, crossing the line where none of them should’ve trespassed. The older boy licks his lip, making brown eyes follow the movement. The younger boy could smell him, could feel him, and he desperately wanted to taste him.
As quick as the thought came he shuts it down. He has a boyfriend now, the appropriate person that he could be with. They’re never crossing the line ever again. He’s not dealing with this situation again, Now there’s someone, who has some kind of vendetta against them or one of the two , trying to expose their dirty secrets.
The brunette’s heart hammered against his chest, he felt himself close to slipping back to what got them in this mess. He shoves the guy away from him. A much needed distance .He ignores the smug smirk on the boys face and continues seriously,“We have to get rid of all the evidence. I don’t want to be known as the guy who messed around with his—-
“Hey Jace, Hey Aemond!!” Baela and Rhaena greet them swiftly before continuing their own way.
Aemond only grunted in acknowledgement to the girls. His focus never wavering off of Jace.
“—uncle.” Jace finished his sentence. Aemond gave him ‘maybe you shouldn’t have messed around with your uncle’ look. He was getting on his last nerve, Aemond’s calm composure really was triggering Jace’s mood. How could he be so calm when there’s a big chance everyone will find out about them.
(Who y’all think is the one exposing Jace and Aemond ???? Idk who it is.)
The plot is basically, Jace and Aemond fucked, sended nudes, recorded a sex tape —then somewhere in the middle of it ;after they did all that. jace is like damn I shouldn’t be letting my uncle fuck me , they stop, (Aemond is trying to get his baby back tho, never doubt.)—Jace gets a bf (even tho he still wants his uncle), but then the nightmare happens.Now they gotta fix this shit, either they find who is the hacker or hide their tracks before it leads back to them.
Also what y’all think Aemond made Jace wear???? I left that to y’all imagination .
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yourfifitherealone · 1 year
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(this is a college AU NOT HS‼️‼️)
Non-binary friendly
Content warnings consist of:
Mentions of argument
Jealousy and jealous friendships
Ever since that costume party, Bakugou became more distant towards you. Not answering your calls, never wanting to hang out, one text answers were a daily occurrence for you two.
You tried to go to Bakugou's dorm and asked why he's been ghosting you but all of a sudden when you knocked and announced it was you, it went quiet and no one's home.
You started getting more aggravated not seeing Bakugou anymore with no explanation. You had really enjoyed being around him and when you think maybe he also shared the same feelings for you he acts like he doesn't know you. So today was the day you were gonna ask him no matter what happens.
You walked determined trough the halls to find Katsuki and ask him why you haven't seen him in a solid 3 weeks. "Hey what's up Y/N?" Sero asks with a wave. "Going to find Katsuki." "Why? Where's he?What happened? What did he do? Are you mad?" Denki appears. "He's been avoiding me, I don't really know but probably in his dorm, he ghosting me, same answer, no" You answered while Denki followed close behind. You knocked heavily on Katsuki's door.
"Whaddya want?" Katsuki said opening the door. He looks down at you and his eyes said it all.
"Why have you been avoid-" "We can talk about this later especially when Dunce-Face and shitty hair are gone at least, 'Kay?" He cuts you off backing into his dorm.
Bakugou's not a shy person but always has been nervous to admit he's wrong and when you want to resolve something he usually doesn't prefer to do it around others but when it's bad he just wants to make it up you didn't understand what was different now..."Hey guys, can you... you know?" They nodded and walked off in the same direction.
You threw up your hands and landed them on your hips, "well, what's up? Why are you avoiding me?"
"Later. I'm busy okay that's it, that's all. SPEAKING of busy... I gotta get ready for class." Then he closed the door on your faces leaving you more disappointed then before. "Uh not to be...y'know...we should probably get ready for class anyway" Denki whispered. "Where did you even -?" you sighed mid sentence and started walking, leaving Sero and Denki behind.
You slammed the door and fell onto your bed. You were upset but then the more you heard the echo of the door slamming you felt the tears well up in your eyes.
*Knock* *Knock*
You lifted up your head and then he started, "Hey. It's me Ejiro this might be embarrassing but I heard what happened and some others to...." You let your head face-first hit the pillow in embarrassment. "...but I am here to comfort you! Very manly of me, right?"
You stomped over to your door and yanked the himbo inside your room, "You gonna tell the whole world?! Jeez" "Heh sorry I wanted to make sure you were at least okay since Bakugou is.. not himself right now." You quickly turned your head, "What do you mean? Is he okay?" "Uh he's.. physically fine but shut downs every single interaction and he's not a very big talker but he's hasn't been like this before." You stayed quiet. What could've you said he didn't want to talk to you and that's that he's stalling on all of your conversations it's like you guys weren't friends at all.
"It's whatever anyways he doesn't even like me anymore i thought we'd be friends forever maybe that was just wishful thinking but we've been friends since highschool even went to the same college! I don't know what I did wrong. Ever since that stupid drunk filled costume party-" you realized, that was the last day he was himself. You two had both got into an argument over you "getting into the wrong crowd" and you felt like you're a grown woman and can hang out with whoever you pleased and Katsuki isn't your father so he can't voss you around and tell you what's good for you. He left the party by himself.
"Shit. I think he's mad about that argument. I had thought we'd gotten over it because the day after we talked just fine. We hung out, I left with a friend and now he's doing this shit!" "...I know you're mad but we have class in a few. Think about why he's so pissed while we're on break or something, alright?" "Sure, thanks Kiri. Very manly of you." You joked, still Kiri flashed a big, bright smile and took the compliment to heart.
Though Kiri SPECIFICALLY said on break to think about the issue, you couldn't help yourself in class while taking notes to do the math and add up why he's so upset with you.
'Bakugou really wasn't a fan of the friend I left with...but like be never acted out like y'know this. He just complained about it after they had left and went on rants about how my friend was a jerk and a whole bunch of other stuff. I am GOING to ask him. Katsuki has been my best friend for the longest'
'I need him in my life."
"Class dismissed!" The professor announced as the bell rung.
You rushed out and stood off to the side of the door while people walked to their next class/lecture.
"Pick up, pick up, pick up" you pleased holding your phone up to your ear. You paced until you heard
'Its Katsuki don't leave a voicemail, just call me later, idiot'
You rolled your eyes, such a stupid voicemail. You ran to your dorm and grabbed a loose leaf paper, star stickers, and a pen and ran to your next class.
You slipped the handmade note under his door and went on with your day hoping, he'd answer.
At the end of the day you sat with Denki, Sero, Mina , Bakugou and a few others. You invite them to come over for something super personal and important and practically pleaded Bakugou to attend even if that'd be the last time you saw each other. When he arrived he showed affection he hadn't shown since that party, he put his scarred up hand from the nitroglycerin in his sweat and the battles he fought on your shoulder and said "I am... busy but it's not or at least I hope so, the last time we see each other, understand?" You smiled and hugged him. He pulled you in his embrace and you went back to sit in the circle with the rest of the group
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scoutpologist · 1 year
Oscar the beloved I bring you a hypothetical tnt duo fic title
Hatred’s not the same anymore (but it’s a good one for you and I)
I LOVE THIS ONE. this one is gonna be 18+ and contain all my fav tropes cause i'm feeling SOOO self indulgent tonight <33 thank you mye darling
okay so my initial thought was divorce. however i think we could do something spicier than that
instead of a whole divorce, which implies a relationship that was stable enough to turn into a marriage at one point, they are exes.
this is, of course, a modern au. why would it not be. all of these are gonna be aus by the way sorry it's just how my brain works. love you guys <3
they had. a horrible relationship, if only because they were both at very unstable times in their life (read: quackity just got out of a big breakup and lost a bunch of friends while wilbur was falling headfirst into a mental health crisis) and cared very deeply about each other but didn't know how to navigate their time with each other
so eventually their communication just broke down (wasn't very good in the first place) and they had one big fight that ended in a very messy breakup and completely cutting each other off.
it takes them both a very long time to get back on their feet. we're gonna focus on wilbur for now because i think he'd be the pov character. wilbur goes Through It, goes to several rounds of intense therapy, maybe gets hospitalized because he is not doing well.
but he gets better. it's hard fucking work but he gets better!! he has his family (sbi <3) and they support him while he gets back on his feet. he even manages to graduate, albeit a few years late.
he works a couple shitty odd jobs for a while, but eventually he beefs up his resume and skills enough to go to
so years later (they dated in like college, they're both easily late 20s now), wilbur applies for a job. probably a smaller workplace, but it pays well, and he's gotten a lot better with talking to people without making them hate him (he's autistic to Me). and he gets it, he's super excited because he needs this job, he walks in on his first day hoping for a good, fresh start, and-
well. quackity is there. and quackity is like "what the FUCK are you doing here".
their boss has to come in and ask them if they can be professional about this, because quackity got mad and lowkey started some shit (something very unlike him). wilbur got defensive and it nearly escalated before their boss came in.
so they part ways and just. avoid each other for as long as possible. weeks, maybe months. it's awkward, but they manage. and then wilbur goes out back for a smoke break and quackity is in the spot he's found (smoking, of course). it's awkward and quiet but eventually they start to chat a little.
quackity, it turns out, has been working there for a couple years straight out of college, so to see his college ex who he REALLY hates walk in shook him to his core. he apologizes for his outburst and wilbur apologizes as well. they're both a little shocked at each other.
either way, they chat a little bit, trade pleasantries, and then quackity goes back inside, leaving wilbur to his thoughts for a couple more minutes.
quackity is pretty high up in the office, having worked there for so long. he's maybe second or third in command, in terms of stuff, but his work and wilbur's don't really overlap that much, so they don't have to interact.
but they start to interact a little. and little by little they tentatively begin to repair the relationship to a professional level.
and then they start getting on each other's nerves in a completely different way. they start to annoy each other like friends again.
months into this, they start teasing each other. they do little shit to annoy one another. they're not where they were before, but they
the coworkers all go out to a bar, just for fun, one friday night - it's been a big week and everyone is relieved it's over. quackity and wilbur end up sat next to each other later on in the night but can't bring themselves to give a shit, and they start chatting at a level they haven't in years. actually talking.
eventually quackity gets a little too drunk and wilbur has to call him an uber. while waiting on the curb for the car to show up, quackity leans over and dozes off on wilbur's shoulder. cue internal crisis. screaming crying etc. but he still sees him off and makes sure he gets home safe (he goes in the uber with him and also uses it to get back to his place) (also note that he learns quackity's address from this)
now something has been unlocked. they feel like they're actually friends again (despite the nagging heartache at the back of wilbur's chest). and they're fucking annoying about it!
they'll complain about each other often, but will be quick to assure everyone there's no actual problem if asked. stupid shit. it's dumb. "i'd change your height" "that's the same thing i'd change about you" "well i'd change your fucking attitude" type shit and then they bitch about it to other people.
eventually they have another outing at another bar with the coworkers, but quackity absolutely refuses to get drunk this time. eventually everyone goes home, and wilbur, a little buzzed, asks quackity why he didn't drink. quackity just said he didn't want to do anything stupid. wilbur is like "what do you mean??" and quackity responded that he gets a bit clingy when he's drunk, hence last time, and he doesn't want to make wilbur uncomfortable now that things are good between them
and wilbur, with the courage of a slight buzz and years of pent up feelings, says there's no way in hell quackity touching him would ever make him uncomfortable. and somehow they end up at wilbur's and hook up lmao
morning after is awkward as hell but they basically agree like... it's fine, we don't have to have strings attached, it was just a one time thing because we already know we're compatible Like That. moving on.
it happens again lmao.
and again.
and again.
and they refuse to talk about it.
people start noticing that things have changed between them a little bit. the air just starts shifting.
wilbur knows he's in love with him again. but if this is the only way he can have him, he'll take it. he was gone for him again the second they said hi in that smoke spot.
okay im getting tired and losing steam so i'm gonna be quick about the rest of this
but they basically get closer and closer to crossing that thin thin line between "just having fun" and "in a relationship". the one unspoken rule is that they NEVER bring up their old relationship. but eventually wilbur does. and they talk about the time they met. and they talk about what they liked about each other. and they talked about why they failed.
the conversation dies. they go to bed. part ways. wilbur comes to the office a bit late to find out that quackity has fucking quit. he filed his two weeks.
wilbur immediately confronts him and demands to know what the hell is going on, because just yesterday he was talking about loving this job. quackity just pushes him off and starts saying it's none of wilbur's business and they're not even that close, and eventually wilbur has to storm out before he says something he regrets.
wilbur, who's having every well-managed mental issue resurface right now because of the whiplash, works like shit the entire day and goes home the second he's able to clock out and just. fucking breaks
hours later, after he's cried himself out, the anger starts. and he says to himself that he's not going to take this lying down, and he knows quackity's address, so he goes over.
oh my god it's getting too fucking long for a tumblr post. okay i will reblog with the rest.
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cmyknoise · 2 years
tubbo said it himself. “it’s dreams server” they did it because dream wanted to. or at least tubbo did it because of that.
he also said there was other stuff at play and i don’t want to claim any direct person or cause of that ending and what we got
it’s probably complicated and a mix of stuff and unless he deadass says “dream made me and tommy end our lore with the amnesia arc” i am not going to repeat that statement
would i doubt it? no. the ending motif is really convenient for the hot water he’s in and it welcomes in the start of the sever which also would act as a distraction.
that writing didn’t sound like tommy’s normal writing, and tubbo outright said he didn’t like amnesia esk endings, and on multiple previous occasions they both said they wanted us to have good endings, for us and the characters
and we didn’t get that, no sugar coating it
so i don’t doubt it.
i also think there’s other things at play though. like their genuine growing disinterest in the server. roleplay is so hard and it’s hard to keep going and consistent for two straight years the same enthusiasm and passion, especially when your roleplay partners don’t respond for a few months.
and you can tell. whenever they did a different minecraft thing they would get so invested and excited so quick and be so visibly joyful and happy playing it. i’m not saying they weren’t happy playing the dsmp, but i can only imagine it gets tired after awhile. it’s the same setting same characters same thing for the last two years.
tommy and tubbo in particular quite literally grew up on the server. tommy’s exile arc was written after he’d taken mental health classes in highschool/college. he’s no longer in school now.
there’s a reason most minecraft rp based servers have seasons that last only a handful of months, maybe a year. it’s burnout.
i imagine it was that, the communication, the people, and other things that lead to the endings we got. i mean it’s the whole reason ranboo wasn’t revived… two weeks after he died, like he was supposed to. stuff like that ruins stories.
im glad it’s over and i hope they can have fun playing minecraft again. to me it felt like the dream smp became an obligation. and tbh fans didn’t help with that point either. i mean over the past two years every time these guys don’t play minecraft, people bark in chat for them to play minecraft. if they’re not playing the dsmp and say played osmp or big dig or hardcore or whatever else, more people would complain about them not doing lore in chats or would ask them when it was coming back.
like i get streaming is a job, but it’s video games. you should be having fun, you shouldn’t feel like you have to play a certain game as an obligation or certain server as an obligation or job, they should have fun.
and i don’t want to talk about dream for long but even he, the whole time he was in that prison for nearly a year real life time, he didn’t walk around his own server. he did an out of character stream literally just to see the builds on it because he didn’t know what people had done.
and imo that’s like, kinda shitty, owning a game and sever and not being able to play on it for lore.
and again i don’t doubt the answer of the person they’re implying made them or swayed them to get lore done a certain way was dream. it is his server, it always has been.
i wish tommy and tubbo and whoever else end move on and get to have fun with what they do next, even if it is dsmp 2.
because video games with friends should be fun. and i hope their experience with the fans and fandom and people they work with is better too.
i hope they have fun. i won’t be watching the dsmp 2 because i think dream needs to seriously own up to what he did and something needs to be done about it, and it doesn’t sit right to me to consume content backed by him, even if he’s not in in directly. those finales were it for me.
even so i hope they do have fun on it, but i hope more that they bring back series they said they had fun on.
like i personally would adore the return of osmp. wilbur said they stopped because the lack of fan interaction but frankly if it wasn’t overshadowed by dsmp and the fans of it i think it would’ve gone places, plus all the members still make references to it and voice how much fun they had.
i hope they bring back other games too. rust, raft, the horror games, and whatever else they want to play. to me it’s not fun watching people play video games if they themselves aren’t having as much fun as they could.
but… i digress. i don’t want to outright say the cause like i stated previously because it seems like it’s a really complicated cause, i don’t doubt you anon and i don’t doubt he had part in it.
anyway. yeah.
don’t watch dream smp 2, don’t let that man continue with a platform
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Whyyyyyy am I so bad at interacting with my sister
She came over to talk with our folks about some housekeeping stuff and I was making lunch and I noticed my book wasn’t where I left it and I asked mum if she’d moved it which she had, and I went over to grab it, and my sister was like “oh, what are you reading?”
And it was Gideon the Ninth, which I started this morning and am about a third of the way through and am loving, and I said so and she said she’d never heard of it, so I started to give a sort of vague and excited summary
and the moment I said “science fantasy with necromancers” she just got this look on her face of total disdain and I knew immediately that she’d seen that thread about its shitty marketing
And somehow instead of just brushing it off bc my sister can think whatever she wants about me, I awkwardly tried to mitigate the damage by saying (truthfully!)
“Yeah, it’s funny, I was put off it for a while because of its marketing, which was very ‘here’s some general concepts’ without really saying much of anything about the book, but my girlfriend’s been really enjoying the series and I’m so glad I took her recommendation, it’s actually great— and the marketing isn’t the book’s fault”
and of course she took it upon herself to tell our parents all about the “lesbian necromancers in space— need I say more?” thing and like yes, yes you need say more, that doesn’t really tell me anything about what the book’s about, and she was telling them about a thread on twitter she read that was about that marketing specifically but said like “gay dwarves in hell” or something and people were like “lol you’re talking about the lesbian necromancers book aren’t you” because it was so obvious
And I just went over to the couch to eat my lunch while she talked to our folks about electricity but like fuckin’ damn, how do you hear “this book is actually really good” and decide to have a whole-ass conversation about how disdainful you are of its marketing? Like that’s more important than the actual quality of the work? She didn’t even say like “oh I’m glad to hear it’s good” or anything just kept talking about the marketing 
and like I was a little put off by the marketing bc like as a writer and as a reader I want to know more about a book than that. But I know my sister was especially disdainful of it bc spending part of her college years in an environment that was big on the “use the language of social justice to seem like we’re in the right while we bully people” thing left her very twitchy about anything that’s like. Overtly political/About Being Queer/etc. I really wish that hadn’t been her reaction to it bc baby, bathwater, you know, but I can’t do anything about it now
I refuse to let this keep me from continuing to enjoy the hell out of this book, but it’s just so damn frustrating, the way she can give me a disdainful look for something I enjoy and it makes me feel like she thinks I’m not smart enough for her. I hate it. 
our mum always said that when I was born, she tried to instill in my sister a sense of “amused superiority” to me to keep her from getting jealous of the new baby. I think it may have worked too well. 
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
Out of curiosity, have you ever had like a serious paranormal experience that you legit cannot explain?
I like hearing people's ghost stories :)
sorry for the delayed response. i just had a crazy day haha
also double sorry bc dear lord above this is long
i have had a couple different paranormal experiences. but there are two major ones that have always stuck out to me. one longer story, and one shorter one lol
first story: i went to online school for 8th grade, and my parents didn't want me to go to the high school my brother had graduated from. to simplify it: my brother's high school was terrible towards him and his mental health, and i was in the same school district being bullied so my parents had had enough dealing with these shitty schools. so we had plans to move before i would start hs. all of this is important to know bc i was able to go house hunting with my parents.
we went to a couple houses, and one of the last ones we went to was this house. it was all white, had a small front yard but a big ass backyard. it didn't look too crazy or anything really.
we - my parents, me, and the realtor (bc my brother was in college) - all went inside the house and immediately i was hit with this overwhelming feeling like i'm being watched. the house itself inside was… fine. outdated for sure, but other than that it seemed okay. the house was completely empty, and you could tell that it was once a grandparents' house. time felt frozen there, like nothing had been moved since the 70s. the only piece of furniture left in the house was a portrait of the whole family (think of a sears-esque photoshoot). i'm talking the parents, their kids, and then the kids' kids. the spouses were there too. hilariously, you could tell one of the kids must have gotten divorced and remarried because the one spouse had been tapped over with the new one.
other than that, that was the only thing in the entire house. key thing to note.
but how i was feeling in the house was really intense for such an empty space. again, i felt eyes on me the whole time. i remember even saying out loud "this house feels like a horror movie house." just bc of how creepy it felt to me. not only did i feel like i was being watched, but it was also hard to breathe. right before we went up to the second floor, i told my mom what i was feeling. my mom believes in all this stuff, has told me for years she thinks i'm psychic, so she was excited to hear that i was feeling something in this house. my dad on the other hand never believed in the paranormal, so he kinda brushed off my feelings.
the moment we got to the second floor, all of the feelings i had quadrupled.
i had this pit in my stomach, like the eyes that had been staring at me were now next to me. i felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest with how hard it was to breathe. but a new sensation had started, something i never felt before or since. i felt like someone was angry at me. the best way i can describe it is you know how like when you would get yelled at by a teacher or parent, and you can just feel their anger roll off of them and onto you? you almost start to feel embarrassed or upset at yourself for acting the way you did? that's how it felt. like someone was right next to my face, screaming at me. angry at me. but i didn't know why.
i kept telling my parents in between the realtor showing us the rooms how i was feeling, but after a while, both of my parents were getting annoyed with me. my dad more so than my mom. finally, the realtor wanted to show us the attic. it had a set of pull down stairs. so the realtor opened them up and we started going into the attic.
right before we went upstairs, i felt this rush of a thought come to me. i grabbed my mom's arm and told her "mom, i think someone died here. like, recently." i don't know why i felt that way, but i did. and i felt like i was right. my mom kinda hushed me and said "angelica, i think you're just freaking yourself out too much."
we all got up into the attic, and let me paint you a picture of what the attic was like. think of a very obvious, borderline straight out of a movie, creepy attic. dark brown wood, one tiny ass pullstring light in the center, and one very small window. it had been deary all day, so it was dark.
the feeling in this room was different than everywhere else, but in a worse way. you know how your whole body clenches before a jumpscare? that's what the entire room felt like to me. something was going to happen, and i could feel it like a mack-truck. it was heavy and intense, and i felt insane since i was the only one sensing this.
again, there had been no furniture in the entire house. but all the way in the very back corner of the attic, almost tucked away so that no one could see it, was a hospice bed and a hospice machine.
we were all very confused to see that. we asked the realtor what that was about. he was reluctant to tell us, just trying ease our worries by saying the house was in a nice neighborhood and was cheaper than expected and that the people selling it would take a lower amount if it meant we would take it off their hands (something he had been saying the whole time). but finally, he told us the truth.
the two eldest people in the portrait downstairs, the parents, had lived here. the mom had died a couple years ago, but the dad still lived here alone. but, he had grown sick and had passed… not even TWO WEEKS prior to us coming to see the house. his family cleared it out almost immediately and were trying to sell it as quickly as possible. so fast, in fact, that the hospital (or whatever company that deals with hospice equipment) still hadn't even picked up everything left behind. this was why they were selling the house for so cheap or for whatever price they could get.
i remember both of my parents looking at me once they heard this like they had seen a ghost themselves. i was right. i knew someone died there bc i could feel it. i could feel the old man, still there. and all of the anger i felt towards myself now made sense. the man's spirit was still there, and he was probably pissed to see random ppl coming in and out of his house. bc that house was his. this was his home, not ours.
once i heard i was right… i ended up telling my parents i had to leave. like i couldn't be in that house a moment longer. but this is where things got worse. the jumpscare if you will.
i left the attic, and my parents and the realtor were well into the attic, so i could not see them from the bottom of the stairs. i was alone, for the first time in this house.
all of the feelings came rushing at me tenfold. i started having a panic attack and was basically hyper-ventilating. maybe it was a mix of hearing i was correct about knowing someone died, or maybe it was the fact that this whole place creeped me the fuck out and i just needed to get out of there before something actually happened. the moment i started heading for the stairs, i felt like someone was running after me. like right on my tail, hauling ass. the thing about me that you need to know is i run for nothing. so, if case you ever see me running, run faster lol
i booked it out of that house so fast. i've truly never ran faster than that in my entire life. i felt like if i turned around i would see this old man chasing after me, screaming at me to get out of his house. i reached the front door, yanked that bitch open, and the millisecond i stepped onto the porch… all of the feelings i had were gone. the anxiety disappeared and i was able to breathe again like it was nothing.
i went to the car and waited outside of it because i forgot to ask my mom if i could have the keys. it even started raining, but i did not care because there was no way in hell you could pay me to go back into that house.
my parents finally came outside, got in the car, and we followed the realtor to the next house (which fun fact, ended up being the house i currently live in still to this day). on the way there, we were all very quiet. i eventually said "there's no way i'm living there. we are not moving there." my dad agreed and said "yeah, i don't think that's the right fit for us. the foundation is cracking and i'm getting too old to fix things like that." all i said back was "whatever you gotta tell yourself. just know i'm not living there." lmao
second story: so my grandfather (my mom's dad) used to live down the street from us back in my hometown. that last ten years of his life he had cancer. every year it was a different one, and since he was so old, he needed someone to care for him. so my mom ended up telling him to move from philly into our neighborhood and he did.
when i was five, my grandfather passed away and me and mom found him. he had died at the top of the stairs in his house.
when we were selling his house, we ended up giving it to my older cousin and her husband. they lived there for a couple years. what you need to know is that we ended up having a strained relationship with them bc my cousin's husband was an asshole and abusive (but we didn't know that at the time) and they found things of my grandfather's/mother's in the house and decided instead of just asking us to take it, they trashed it instead. the only reason we found this out was bc of me coming across them throwing out old christmas decorations from my mom's childhood and when she confronted them, they told her they had trashed a lot of old shit. so… things were rocky with them.
they ended up moving out eventually and when they did, they told the ppl they sold it to "if you have any questions about the house, don't ask us. ask the ppl up the street who are our uncle and aunt."
all of this is just backstory, the real story begins with me coming downstairs and seeing my dad talking to this random guy. i had recognized him as the new guy who moved into my grandfather's house. it was him, his wife, and their golden retriever that now lived there.
i didn't hear what he and my dad were talking about, but they were talking at the front door for a while. eventually the guy left, and my dad went back to his desk in the dining room. i asked him what that was about. and he told me it was something strange but he brushed it off like it was silly or not important. eventually i got him to tell me what him and the guy talked about.
the guy came over and said to my dad that the previous owners told him that if he had any questions to ask us. the guy wanted to know if we knew who lived in the house before. my dad explained to him that his father in law had lived there, but had died a couple years prior.
the guy then asked "did he, by chance, die at the top of the stairs?"
there is NO WAY this man should have know this. my cousins didn't know. it literally was just my immediately family who knew about where my grandfather had passed in the house. so it's impossible that this guy knew or just guessed correctly.
my dad was a bit shocked about this, and said that yeah that's where he died. the guy kinda got uncomfortable and said that the only reason he wanted to know was bc his dog would sit at the top of the stairs and bark like he could see someone there. and this would happen daily. the guy then said "please don't tell my wife, bc she'll want us to move immediately" and then ended up leaving not too long after that.
my dad told me ALL OF THIS, and still didn't believe in the paranormal. and i just remember being SO FLABBERGASTED by that. like… there's no way. bc out of all the places in the house to guess where someone could have died, i wouldn't think the stairs. so there's no way he knew or was told this info beforehand.
and i will say, this story both makes me sad and kinda happy bc my grandfather loved dogs. so i imagine he was chilling in that house not only bc it was his home but also bc he liked their dog. but i don't like thinking that my grandfather is a ghost in a house that no one in his family lives in, you know. it makes me sad to think that, but at the same time…. maybe it's just a part of him that's in that house.
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ditttiii · 1 year
MY EYES... they're sweating 😭😭 i was sure u wouldn't remember me 😭😭 im so happy you do 😭😭 sorry for disappeared, a lot hapened (really) BUUUUT im finally back to fill you with pure sweet cringe love ❤️❤️ how are you? how is ur puppy (who is a big puppy now)? how studies are going? i hope its everything great to u ❤️🤎💛💙🧡🩵💚🖤💜
pls how could u even like the blasphemy what is my pea brain filled with if not thoughts of ur incredible self
ah heavy year for u too i see. life does seem to just realllyyy give when it gives us. if you wanna talk about any of it to a random person on the internet and ever vent? well who better but your wife ;) but no fr if u need a friend know u v always got one in me ❤️
pls i m the biggest cringe to ever exist i LOVE cringe gimme all of ur love and it ll expand and fit right into place in my cringey existence and heart 💘
u have all of my love as well
I am doingg much better. the end of last year and beginning of this one were top 2 hardest times of my life. last year as a whole really had a lot of ups and downs love life wise as well and it led to me becoming depressed and losing a lot of my college attendance which ultimately led to me failing a subject. i had never before failed anything and it dealt a crushing blow to me. That with how shitty my college administration is in general created a lot of life turbulence and led to my health going down the drain. yk all fun stuff
but i bounced back from it all *self five* and am in a much better much happier place and am feeling a lot more in control of things and my life in general. big fan of this. we should all be feeling like it always ahah
toto is yes no longer a puppy but a giant baby
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his favorite hobby is to put his head absolutely everywhere a move i have lovingly dubbed 'heavy head'
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dantebsinferno · 2 years
mentioned: @rileyvander4rd​
The tapping of feet echoed in the hallway as an angry Dante stood next to whatever lawyer his family hired, Eric or Ethan, something with an E. Whatever games these so called agents were playing was working as he began pacing up and down the hall. Any attempt by his counsel was met with a harsh glare from his client. The door swings open as Agent Murray walks out. “Took you long enough.” Dante retorts. “You find her yet?” She shakes her head and gesture for him to come inside. Dante stomps as he goes and takes a seat. He immediately crosses his arms as he scowls at those involved.  
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“We appreciate your patience, Mr. Baro.” Agent Choi says with a smile. Dante groans. “Call me Dante. That’s my dad.” Choi continues to smile while his cohorts keep a neutral expression at the younger man’s attitude. “I understand you were close with Ms. Morrison. We are doing everything in our power to try and find your friend.” Dante snorts at that. Sure, you are. It was obvious from how they were wasting time on him.
“Can you talk about your time capsule video? Give us some context for the clip that was leaked?” 
“No.” Dante hisses, glaring at everyone in the room. The video was self-explanatory. “What part did you not understand? The me liking dick or how being outed works.” His lawyer speaks up about how the matter is private and should be kept as such. Agent Jones in particular looks irritated while Murray and Choi look at him with sympathy, which to Dante looks more like pity. 
“I am sorry that happened to Dante. It’s not fair-”Life isn’t fair, now is it?” Dante interrupts before closing his mouth. He grits his teeth as he stares down the agents, clearly done with the question. 
"Were you aware that Greer Morrison had submitted a video at the end of last year?” 
“Yeah, Greer did whatever shit the Dean asked of her. She mentioned participating, but not what she said. I guess we weren’t as close as I thought.” It killed him inside to say it aloud. Seeing her face on the video sparked a little hope in him that maybe she was fine, and out there, alive. It was soon crushed by the fact that if that were true, Greer was just another person who betrayed him, left him. He gave up on people long before her, but she was suppose to be different. How foolish he was. His eyes meet Agent Murray’s who’s own never left him. Dante can’t help but radiate the hurt and anger he feels. 
“Had you ever heard of anything regarding THE NAIVE NEWCOMER using steroids?” 
Dante laughed at the question. “If that kid was taking steroids then he got a shitty brand. I’m bigger than him.” The agents glance at each other. “And no, I’m not taking steroids. It can ruin your dick game and that’s my whole own gimmick.” Agent Jones scoffs. “Is that relevant?” He asks with a sneer. “We both know it was going to be your next question.” He responds with a shrug. 
“Had Greer brought up breaking up with him ever? Or anything of the sort, like she did in her video?” 
Dante shook his head. “I always told her she could do better. That hick didn’t deserve her.” He shares, rolling his eyes. The day he met Kit was not a good one. Dante promised Greer that he would be nice, but the guy was clearly not gonna last. It didn’t help when he told the guy that he would just be another notch on her bedpost.
“Why did you think that?” One of the agents asks. “He didn’t fit in with our world. Typical small town guy falls for a big city girl and wouldn’t have been able to provide the life she deserved.” They call frown at the question, writing something on their notepads.
“And you could? You cared for her, and she wasn’t giving you the attention you needed.” Agent Jones states, with a knowing smile. Dante smiles back arrogantly. “I never had to beg for her attention. I’m saying I’m not shocked she dumped him.”
“Do you have any reason to believe THE GOLDEN GIRL would want to leave Ogden College?”
“No, Greer liked this place. It was our playground and she wouldn’t leave without saying anything.” Dante explains.
“And you are sure about that?” Agent Murray speaks for the first time.
“Positive.” He asserts despite the waver in his tone. The video rattled him. She knew everything about him. Was this some sort of revenge for his bad attitude? He would’ve toned it down, not very well but he would’ve tried. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her and this is how he is repaid. When they find her, Greer would have a lot to answer for.
Were you at the party on June 4th in the Hamptons that Greer is pictured attending on Riley Vanderford’s social media?"
“Yeah, I was there. I drank and was merry. Greer had a great time as far as I knew. I left the next morning for Barbados with three Victoria's Secret Models. You can check my flight logs if you want.” 
“We will.” Agent Jones promises, scowling. Dante chuckled. It seemed officer pretty boy wasn’t too fond of him. “Did you see her after the event?” Agent Choi asks, still being friendly. Dante didn’t appreciate it, a nice smile wasn’t going to break him.
“No, we took a photo for social media. I told her to wrap it up and be safe and we split. I was going to call her after I landed, but it went to voicemail. I got distracted,” he smirked, winking, “I’m sure your detective skills can figure out why.”
What do you know about Riley?
“We grew up together. I’ve known her all my life. She's one of my best friends.” Dante sat up straighter from his slouched position, his eyes narrowed. “She didn’t have anything to do with this if that’s what you’re implying. Her only brush with crime would be her podcast, and that’s stretching it.” The agents continue to write. His lawyer attempts to pull him aside, but Dante scoots away from him.
“It’s sweet that you care about her.” Agent Choi remarks. 
“Never call me that again.” Dante threatens. “She’s innocent.” He asserted. There was no way Riley would be involved in this. The thought is laughable yet a deep sense of dread grows at it. He didn’t want to deal with another friend lost. She was one of the few people he cared for and she wouldn’t be lost without a fight, not to some idiot agents.
And her relationship with Greer?" 
“I don’t know.” He replies, yawning. Agent Choi asks. “You don’t know or you’re not telling us?” Dante glances at the lawyer who nods for him to answer. 
“I don’t know.” 
Agent Jones groans. “I don’t have time for your bullshit answers.” Jones pushes, leaning on his hands that are resting on the table. 
“And I don’t have time for our bullshit questions. You’re supposed to be the last resort and I am not seeing much from you.” Everyone kept making promises from the police of Portsmouth to these so called agents. They were all liars. All the agents frown, but none look more angry than Jones. “Do your fucking job and find her.” With that, Dante stands to leave. 
“Mr. Baro, we are not done.” Agent Jones starts, but Agent Murray waves him off. Murray and Dante’s eyes meet and for a moment, she smiles sadly. 
“Have a good day, Mr. Baro.” She says. “We’ll be in touch.” 
“Just find her… please.” Dante mumbles, leaving the room while the lawyer trails behind him. 
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