#but i just want a job where i can work with animals ffs
nail-art-no-jutsu · 2 months
💸 Edo tensei Kakuzu💸
Stuff I liked
badass entrance + epic jump
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rare grin
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wondering about Hidan (also I love Hidan's face in this)
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the way he revels in the fact that Ino Shika Cho will have to fight their former sensei
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even as he gets sliced through he delivers a line like this
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then there's this line
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then he got hit during the statue's attack and made this face and if that's not a whole mood idk what is, it's so memeable, like... tfw the new bs thing they installed at your work job causes more problems than it fixes
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What I would have liked to see:
some backstory stuff!!!! come on, where's little Kakuzu? and where's the history of how he was sent to kill Hashirama and punished for failing to do so?? (thank you all writers who explore this part of his life, you're doing Lord Jashin's work)
some mean nasty commenting on Choji's reluctance to hit Asuma, some vicious projecting like kids are so soft these days and look at that useless piece of shit who trained them too
and when he sees how Asuma's encouraging them he's like, why's he telling the kids what to do, if they can't kill their former teacher, let them die ffs, that's not how things were done in the bad old days, he never would have gotten so powerful if he had been coddled like this??
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me 🎵
I mean?? let Kakuzu be bitter, and salty, and full of trauma-fueled assholery, like a rejected cinnamon roll left to rot
I love him so much 😭😭😭😍😍😍
something something he got defeated by a bunch of kids. again.
and what would his village elders say, of course Hashirama wiped the floor with you, you can't even defeat these literal babies
not that it actually made sense that he got defeated by them last time anyway, he was much more powerful, he did not deserve that. there are lots of good posts on this, I highly recommend going into his tag! but I digress
we don't even see his soul depart after edo tensei ends!!!! we do in the anime but not in the manga (hmu with screenshots if I just missed it, I would love to see), and that's not fair at all to his character, but who am I kidding, don't we already know that Kakuzu can't have nice things??
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and I wanted some last words or thoughts, they don't even have to be about Hidan
just kidding they absolutely have to be about Hidan
about how he should hurry up and croak already so they can reincarnate together cause their partnership was the only thing worthwhile on this bitch of an earth
yeah. I lov them both
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growling · 5 months
anyway bsd season 4 let's go gamers
still waiting for chuuya to get unbooked. notify me immediately once he gets unbooked i can't take thsi
oh hi fukuzawa. put his wrinkles back on ffs
fukuzawa and ranpo flashback episode pretty please??
oh oda's the assassin?? killer baby
ranpo voice heard my waters are cropped
i do not accept ranpo being the same age/older than oda. i will not accept this. let oda be like. 30+ or whatever
whys ranpo giving me ouma vibes in this outfit
ranpo don't care sunglasses emoji
oh yeah i had the feeling the secretary was the killer from the moment ranpo walked in lmao. now danganronpa execute him
coolest kid you've never met
good for ranpo for getting kicked out of the police after exposing all their shit as a teenager
snitch ranpo we love to see it it's okay if he does it he can do whatever he wants forever he's never been wrong in his life
orphan lore
oh he's 14 now. baby
"well done for today-" "that's it?? you're talking to a 14-year old who lost his parents his job and his future. thats all you got??" yes ranpo go fight for that sympathy points make that old man cry and shake from guilt
he's so sillyyy......... "*2 seconds after walking out the door* help me mister bodyguard i don't have work or a place to stay im going to die" yes ranpo go fight for that house and income pluck that old man out of everything he got (morally correct). i love how it literally works and fukuzawa says yeagh sure every time
with every single minute ranpo is on screen. i swear. with every single damn frame of that guy he gets more and more npd. like. that is a narcissist. you wrote a narcissist and made him the coolest most swag guy in the anime. and that's not even mentioning that guy's massive fucking autism and adhd
is this gonna be like rain code chapter 2 where where-
fukuzawa sweating voice damn that kids a genius and also deeply deeply unnerving why is he so op in the smarts stats what happened in his early childhood to ruin him forever like this
and ranpo's utterly clueless to that too he just thinks everybody else is an idiot or just acting real weird and hiding what they know for some reason.
"ive only just met you so i don't know much but- *lists his entire fucking biography*"
oh ok he apologized. but can he ever truly be forgiven........
the hat :)
new sonboy acquired
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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It’s the morning after Felina’s birthday disaster and the bozo bros are interrupted on their way to work-
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-BY TWO SEPARATE THUNDER FIRES. HOLY HELL. Xander, I get that undying loyalty is the dog unique selling point, but could you please stop following these morons as they run towards the fire??
-Oh wow bro, that was a close one! -I cant’ believe none of us has died in a fire yet with how many of them we’re getting! -Tell me about it! It’s like something is trying to kill us!
Um ya, your own stupidity?? Just go to work. 
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-Look at us, Servilia, two old ladies and still so limber, huhu!🌸 
Ok Cyn I’m starting to worry with all your wholesome pet interactions, don’t you wanna hook up with at least iVan?? I mean he’s right there!
-I don’t know, what’s the point of romantic interactions without Don here to catch me cheating?😔💗
Aw Cyn, so loyal, up there with Xander!
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20K?!? FFS SANDY, at this point it’s literally costing us money to keep your dumb zombie ass employed.
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-̵B̴U̶T I̷ G̵O̴T P̴R̴O̵M̵O̶T̷E̷D A̴N̸Y̵W̸A̷Y🧟‍♀️
Ya and made 3k total, so you still owe me 17k!
-̵A̸N̵D̷ Y̴O̶U O̷W̵E̴ M̷E̴ M̸Y L̴I̷F̴E🧟‍♀️
Ok well, we’ll call it even!
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Look who finally managed to get an A+ now that he didn’t opt out of school.
-One day was all it took me, IN YOUR FACE, FAILINA
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-Uncle Sugar look, I finally bested Failina! 
Felina always had good grades, what you did was finally REACH her.
-Great job, buddy! Now go take your nap and Uncle Sugar will be here to train you tomorrow for your big birthday fight!
Your big what?
-Failina is obviously going to counterattack and ruin MY upcoming birthday, idiot, so we’re training for it and I’M GONNA DESTROY HER. MUAHAHAHA. Now if you’ll excuse me it’s time for my nap-nap time with gram-gram.
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Barth how can you be so wholesome and such a demon at the same time, I can’t. 
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-Ah, nothing better than just standing here, getting drunk in this open space while it’s raining!
Sounds good to me, time to leave you unattended for even a second and go wash the dogs with Sophie-
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-um, Sugar, why is your portrait missing from our family panel??
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-With my last breath.. I’m gonna use this death animation as aesthetically as possible.. and slide down the bathroom wall..
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-Ok can you people take this somewhere else, I’m trying to admire myself here. 
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-WAAAAH first my husband and now my nephew noooooo🌸
CYN PLEASE NOT NOW. Bro literally HOW did Sugar die, I feel he was struck by lighting or something and then made it to the bathroom and crawled up to die there?? I mean what the-
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-Hello :)
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-Well all the fires weren’t working so I had to get creative!
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-Great job, grandpa Jojo! Let me just clean all the death stink from in here..
-Grandma Sophie helped too, why do you think she rolled the want to wash the dogs?
OH MY GODDDD YOU ARE ALL PSYCHOS. Well whatever cause you know what?? Where others see a problem.. 
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..I see a romantic opportunity! 
-Please don’t do this, we have suffered enough.
You really haven’t, now get dialing!
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-̶I̵'̵M A̶L̷I̸V̵E̵!!!🧟
You got that about right!
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-W̵H̴Y̴ A̴M ̵I̵ G̷R̸E̸Y. ̸O̵H̸ N̶O.F̴U̶C̴K̷ Y̶O̴U̴, A̷U̸N̴T̵ S̶H̸A̶J🧟
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Welp.. You look great! 
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Real talk, I STILL don’t know how Sugar died, he doesn’t have a memory of seeing a ghost OR being hit by lighting! Spontaneous combustion?? Wtf
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-H̶E̸Y̴ ̵S̵A̷N̴D̸Y̶, N̸O̷T̴I̷C̴E A̵N̶Y̸T̴H̸I̶N̴G̵ D̴I̶F̷F̷E̶R̵E̸N̴T🧟 -I̴ ̸D̵O̵N̸'̴T̷, I̵ A̸L̸W̴A̷Y̵S H̶A̵V̵E T̸H̴I̶S S̵H̸O̵C̷K̴E̵D̵ A̴N̸D̴ A̷P̵P̵A̵L̶L̶E̷D̵ E̶X̸P̸R̶E̵S̸S̴I̷O̴N̷ ̶O̶N̴ M̴Y̸ F̴A̸C̷E🧟‍♀️
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-Y̴O̷U̴'̶R̴E̸ E̵V̷E̷N̸ H̴O̵T̷T̴E̴R̵ N̷O̴W̶, Y̵O̵U̸ ̷B̴I̸G̶ ̵R̶O̷T̸T̴I̵N̴G H̴U̵N̶K🧟‍♀️
OH THANK GOD. Let’s take you crazy zombie kids out on a proper date!!!
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-̴H̸E̶R̴E̶'̵S̴ T̷O̵ U̸S̴ A̴N̵D̵ A̸ ̵C̸L̴A̵S̷S̸Y̴ ̶R̶O̶M̵A̴N̵T̵I̵C E̶V̸E̶N̵I̷N̶G̵🧟 -C̸L̷I̷N̷K̴ ̷C̸L̴I̸N̵K̴🧟‍♀️
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-N̶O̸M̷ ̴N̶O̶M̴🧟‍♀️   -G̶O̶O̴D B̸R̷A̵I̵N̸S̵ T̶O̶N̶I̶G̷H̷T🧟
Ya ok I officially ship it.
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-̴I̷ L̶O̴V̴E̸ Y̷O̷U S̷A̶N̵D̶Y̵, W̸E̵ H̶A̴D̸ T̸O̷ D̴I̷E̵ S̶O̵ W̴E̵ C̷O̸U̷L̶D ̵B̸E̸ T̷O̴G̵E̵T̷H̷E̵R🧟 -W̴E̷L̵L I̸ D̵I̸D̸N̴'̷T H̴A̷V̷E̷ T̸O D̴I̵E T̸W̴I̸C̵E🧟‍♀️ -B̷O̵T̸H̴ Y̴O̶U̷R̸ D̵E̴A̸T̴H̴S̴ W̴E̸R̴E G̴R̷A̶N̷D̶P̴A̵ J̵O̶J̵O̷'̷S̴ F̷A̵U̸L̸T̴ A̸N̶D N̴O̸W̷ H̴E̷ ̷K̶I̷L̸L̸E̴D̴ M̶E T̸O̵O🧟 -Y̶O̷U̶'̵R̸E R̷I̵G̶H̸T̴,W̴E̵ ̵O̶W̷E̸ O̴U̸R̸ H̶A̸P̵P̸I̸N̷E̸S̵S̶ T̸O H̵I̵M🧟‍♀️ -I̶ W̷A̸S A̵L̸W̷A̴Y̴S H̴I̸S F̷A̷V̸O̶R̵I̶T̸E🧟
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fourleafclovxr · 1 year
liveblogging fotsge because i just bought it
alternatively: soman please don't disappoint me
i have no recollection of what happened in rotsge. fair warning.
"young lad with dark red curls and a smattering of freckles" oh a school master? i want to think he's a sader & a seer so i can say that my sader meta is supported by soman but this desc reminds me of tristan/yara actually...
did soman forget his own lore. didn't august sader tell rafal that he needed the readers.
hook is actually quite a good character and pissing off BOTH twins! good for him.
these evers are. wow. incredibly in character. they rly do capture the essence of good for the sake of being good? on that note, the commentary on evers being spoiled and bored in this duology has been pretty okay (if a bit. pointless? to be honest these books were pointless)
NAMELESS BOY? rhian love interest?
the idea of pan's world is actually really interesting. a place that doesn't follow good and evil, but rather chaos, which places good and evil as the opposite of chaos— order? and hook says "that's why it's so dangerous" which i guess does make sense from his pov but. i hope this concept gets explored more later
kyma questioning whether they're good is also v interesting! comparing the good pirates to evil pan (their roles are reversed, the pirates usually evil and pan usually good— also kyma seems traditional which explains her traditional fairytale view)
"close-shaven black hair [and] violet eyes" HELLO??? lady lesso??? what is your ancestor (?) doing in neverland (it can't be a coincidence right... knowing soman it could be though) one of pan's lost boys huh?
kyma IMMEDIATELY going against pan as soon as he threatened a fluffy animal. and getting them into trouble.
pan is getting more and more creepy though... especially for a thirteen-year-old?
SADERS WORKING WITH PAN????? guys look my meta was right. the saders being on the side of CHAOS instead of good and evil?? because it'll turn out better for them??
"three children who go exploring an enchanted island" rafal i'm pretty sure that's kind of important for you...
kyma is so. good. and her conversation with the ingertroll is oddly touching. she's like the sensible, good version of evelyn sader and i am HERE for it
i deeply enjoy midas' character. i wonder what the significance of the name is? midas, the greedy king, ruined by his greed? (greed for what?) (also he said gay rights. happy pride!)
i also have to say that soman writes homoeroticism incredibly well and that he should have done this more if he wanted people to think his books had good lgbtq+ rep because they would eat it up
luoto bakthi is really. the villains in this series are a lot more sinister than in the proper sge series and i'm actually kind of impressed?
that was over really quickly! good job kyma!
MALICE ROOM 66???????
"a bug crept into the plot" ie rhian spying idk this is reminding me of agatha in her cockroach form
aladdin is so annoying. please don't call kyma your soulmate you are fifteen years old. kyma is so right stop thinking about yourself!!
SADER LORE... whose side are the brothers on? pretending not to see hook and kyma? exceptions to them aging ten years for pans? THEM TELLING HOOK TO GO TO SCHOOL?
"how much these two paying you?" "not enough." i laughed sorry mistral twins. pay your employees right!
MIDAS HAS GOLD POWERS??? ok maybe the name had a more obvious meaning. should have expected that
hephaestus and the pirate captain are such an iconic duo.
midas saving rafal was the obvious choice to be honest. which brother has been a manipulative lying asshole? not rafal! and his little speech about it being midas' choice was nice.
uniting the schools under pan huh? i see where tlea rafal got the idea from
aladdin ffs STOP being jealous of hook i'm pretty sure he has more love interests (cough. rhian and rafal. cough) than kyma??? and you have more important things to worry about???
rhian is. so evil. i see it now. literal snake
fala is back!!!!
midas has THREE school masters fighting over him. it's pretty easy to forget he's the First ever reader but that says something about him.
"what he'd assumed about himself had guided his actions, and because of his actions, his true nature had irrevocably changed." this is such a clever thing to say actually! the it's not who you are, it's what you do messaging is rly coming through.
the storian guiding pan... writing his story for him... and to HELP him... i could say a lot about destiny but i won't bc it wouldn't be coherent
midas :(
i'm becoming a rafal supporter tbh,,,
rafal & hook reunion! finally!
(can't only men be seers. anyway) sader family showdown!! the elders supporting rafal the boys supporting pan and marialena??
the storian "keeps [their] world alive with its tales"?? how??
RHIAN????????????????????? i mean it makes sense the evil school master but like. But Like. school years trilogy rafal?? what??
the saders having different visions Precisely because the divergence was necessary for the future to become reality. this says a lot about seers. they're not all-powerful nor all-knowing, they're just tools trying to enable the "best" future, the stable one, the one that doesn't result in what. death?
whose side are they on?? their own or this grand unknown destiny's??
midas having nothing but rafal. okay soman. OKAY.
BOTIC REALLY IS A LESSO??????????????????
so pan has the power to change the future? to get the story back?
pan's thoughts on free will vs a good life are actually pretty interesting.
marialena you SNAKE. but also her being evil and her family being good. the interaction between good & evil, and the seers who are seemingly above it. huh. but why would she support rhian... what is her big picture...
midas is being so soft with rafal i really. i'm becoming a midas supporter too i fear
ok rafal is still evil never mind
holy shit rhian just MURDERED a guy. he's plenty evil.
so what happens when both brothers are evil? by nature or by choice?
midas :(((
how is botic a lesso. man is pathetic
"good always wins" rhian doesn't that go against your ENTIRE philosophy of balance
NOT THE GOLDEN ARROW it is NOT midas' fault.
the rafal -> hook -> kyma relationships. nice.
"his princess" no more aladdin!! yes!!
"when a lost boy serves his purpose, it's time for him to grow up. only there is no growing up in my world." that hits deep tbh.
MIDAS :(((( his lines about how he became more than a boy in gavaldon... how it's not The End... his belief in rafal to his last moments... rafal BETTER make this right
oh my god the gold. seriously. the entire school?
"two brothers, eternal once more" wow. AND WHO WAS THE GUY FROM THE FIRST SCENE. i doubt he's a sader but??
the tale of pan and pen?????
the concept of pans being good and their shadows being evil is v interesting especially when you remember that you kill pan by killing his shadow.
the evil always wins, it always destroys the balance. so the evil has to be eliminated by the storian. and that's why the shadow is the thing that has to be killed. wow.
"a gold-soaked corpse ready to fly" soman rly did write quite a few good quotes in this book
"far from the tyranny of men" midas :( kyma :(
rhian you bastard
how is he the school master
i mean i knew it made sense but. this is incredibly unsatisfying.
oh the pirate captain is blackbeard is he.
do they KNOW it's rhian?
uhh is he calling himself "deviant and perverse" for being. straight. i mean. okay i guess.
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zzencat · 2 months
hello !! i’m here for the free readings if they’re still open, initials are ff, aries sun, and i’d say 🧶 for an emoji
apologies if this is too niche but I identify as otherkin (I believe I was certain species/characters before this life) and I was wondering what my past life(s) were like ? I think I have a vague idea but it feels cloudy whenever I try and think about it
I also wanted to ask if there’s any direction I should take in my witchcraft, or in life currently ^^ I’m a beginner and could always use some guidance
tysm in advance !! have a lovely day/night
hello FF aries basketball emoji!! i love past life stuff and this is really interesting, so lemme know what you think:
- in ONE of your past lives, you could’ve been some kind of being that was a slave or felt like being one. you “could” escape if you wanted to, but there’s a period where you don’t yet. weirdly, when i was shuffling i pictured a native american or natives on land (that would eventually belong to the colonizers). you were good at your assigned job though and maybe you decided to stick around bc the rewards paid off. you didn’t HATE it, but you thought it could definitely be better. maybe you even saw the colonizers having fun, observing their clothes and how in high spirits they would be when they partied or had celebrations at night, and wondered “what’s really out there?” i also thought about tinkerbell for some reason. if you haven’t seen tinkerbell movies or at least this specific one- i think it’s the opening part (can’t be too sure tho) but she’s born and everyone kinda stands around in a circle. she gets a bunch of choices- what kind of fairy she’s going to be and work as—her “talent” essentially - and so there’s shit like working with water, working with animals, with air, making pixie dust, etc. there’s one that she skipped over bc it didn’t look interesting, and it was a hammer to represent “tinkering,” aka building/crafting a bunch of things. when she finishes choosing, the hammer ended up choosing her—not the other talents—and so she was like “ah damn i didn’t want this one tho…😔 *some grimacing here n there*”. throughout the movie, she’s in denial the whole time that she’s good at it, just bc the job is too limiting to her (ex: not being able to go to the “main land” i think was the name, where people/humans are) and she wants to go out there and be able to explore. as the movie progresses- i actually don’t know if it’s that one or the next one, but she rebels and builds a bunch of shit, brews up a plan to escape and somehow join the fairies that CAN go to the main land during a certain season.
so i felt the need to write that down for you bc your cards show a very similar theme happening: being extremely skilled in what you do, but you don’t feel that great in your environment, so there’s a calling- a need to leave and explore what’s out there. eventually you do! the cards actually end there with the world card in upright- you feel fulfilled, free, you’re going out to explore the world, or an insanely big chapter of your life has concluded- either way, the cycle is complete. so in my personal interpretation, you probably waited for the right moment, before you jumped ship—or jumped ON a ship—to get tf out of your situation/environment. i just had pocahontas show up, so feathers or wings could be something as well. if not, you probably worked in a colony and very closely to animals or things that could fly/use air travel.
ok some advice would you to reflect on what it means to be intuitive. question it and sit with it, look within and verbally define it out loud to yourself. what does it mean to be intuitive? then being open to receiving love and giving love. be comfortable with accepting it towards yourself and don’t focus on criticism. there’s probably a lot of things going on but if you could narrow and pin down your inner voice and have more trust in yourself, that’d also be great! take your battles head on! have more trust in the universe even if you are afraid. be upfront and confrontational with what you’re looking for in your craft and make it so that it’s yours. channel any kind of aggression or aggressive energy into fuel for reflection and looking deeper within. speak up for what you believe in. and also choose wisely what battles you’d want to get involved in. sometimes, you don’t need to put your energy into trivial things. just let it be and let it flow on its own….stillness, sacred, serene…
that’s all i have for you FF! thank you for asking such thoughtful questions haha you made me think a bit 😸
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dollsandmasks · 1 year
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Hello, Youkai Watch fandom, today I bring you this.
I stumbled upon this alignment chart by accident, please tell me who made it if you have their info so I could credit them.
This alignment chart uses characters from Youkai Watch Shadowside and Forever Friends (mostly Shadowside, it's just this one guy from FF), and you can see I was scraping the barrel to fill some slots. It was very fun, though, and made me rewatch some episodes I haven't touched in a while, which is always a good thing. Also, I decided to only add one character per slot, the one who fits best in my opinion ( unless the characters are practically a single unit, such as the Onimaro Trio), but that ended up pushing some major figures to the side (like, for example, Keisuke and Akinori would both be Benefactors, and Fukurou and Douketsu would both be Soldiers, but I had to choose one for each category). I know that some characters don't really fit in these narrow slots, some are up for interpretation (how much do we really know about the Onimaro Leader or the corrupt royal advisers who framed Kuuten?), and some might be me misremembering the shit out of a show I'm in love with. If you have anything to add, please feel free to do so!
Here's the list, top left to bottom right, as well as some thoughts on their placement. Beware of spoilers, though, because it gets very spoilers!
Crusader - Tsukinami Touma. The post-movie Touma, obviously. He is a genuinely good guy who fights for what's right and is associated with sword imagery, what else can you say. Also, the reason he attacked the police station while under the influence of the Onimaro was because they made him believe the police weren't doing their job right and Touma was the only one who could fight crime efficiently, which means he must care about upholding the law, making him Lawful, alignment-wise.
Nurturer - Himeno Ayame. She is the kindest soul ever and doesn't want anyone to get hurt under any circumstances. She is the the only person on the show who is consistently nice to everyone, even the team's punching bag (Micchy, that is). And she is pretty social to boot.
Benefactor - Arihoshi Akinori. He is a free-roaming magical detective who will do illegal shit to solve a case, but will also do completely legal shit to solve a case, because he likes helping people and doing the right thing. Good for him.
Hero - Amano Natsume. I mean, who else would it be? She is literally the hero of this story, and she will try to deceive the villains by giving them chocolate bars instead of sacred swords, and I'm also not sure how legal jumping into that river from the movie was, she could have been fined for that if it didn't literally save a kid's life.
Vigilante - Jibanyan. All those Nyan Reno movies must have been one hell of an inspiration. He is a free spirit indeed, I mean, aren't all cats free spirits? And he is rough around the edges, but undoubtedly heroic and kind, and he will take on the supernatural law enforcements if they try to hurt someone who's dear to him.
Protector - Arihoshi Mitsue. She has high morals (some accidental dog-and-frogslaughter aside) and follows both the common Japanese laws and the laws dictated by the supernatural realm. She is not actively heroic (she tried her best during the movie, but at her age, she probably shouldn't have), but she is both a protector of tradition and a protector of the new generation of our spirit world doo-gooders. Respect the granny!
Counsellor - Whisper. Who else is there to give counselling to our leads if not the all-knowing butler himself? Whisper respects the laws of Youmakai, and appears to be working for Enma directly in the movie (I wonder if he still does during the show itself, that would explain where the detective agency gets the money to buy all these chocobars), but, as we can see from his past in the first anime, he is no stranger to barging into the royal palace and demanding laws be changed so he could keep hanging out with a friend. His relative closeness and complete lack of respect for Enma in some cases (the You-Tube prank and the Halloween boink come to mind) seems to indicate that he would be the most likely youkai to actually talk to Enma about changing the laws of the Youmakai if he disagrees with them, instead of following them begrudgingly (making him Lawful) or straight up breaking them (making him Chaotic).
Philosopher - Komasan. Why would a dog even care about laws? Also, he gives me general philosophical observer who would rather muse about the world around him than change it vibes. He is still a good doggo who will fight for his friends when they are in danger, and he follows his morals, but he will pay no respect to the silly human laws that forbid sentient creatures from urinating in the streets. Let him live, goddammit!
Rebel - Micchy. Acts without thinking? Check. Suffers the consequences? Check. Mantains a moral standing? Check. Would totally wear a leather jacket with a word "Rebel" etched onto the back? You betcha. I mean, many superhero comics and tokusatsu shows, which he is clearly a fan of, have rebellious protagonists who do the right thing and have high moral values without necessarily following the rules or staying in their lane, and many are at odds both with the criminals and with the law enforcements. Micchy himself has a delinquent background and would totally use underhanded tactics if necessary, but he is still a good guy and a self-professed hero. This guy is everything to me.
Trickster - Junior. Fudou Myouou Boy fits here too, to a lesser extent. Junior is still a little kid, so he views the world as a fun game to play, and being raised in a detective agency where exciting things tend to happen on a weekly basis is clearly affecting his development. He can be mischevious and cause minor trouble (including, but not limited to, eating someone's ark or cheating, like, twelve or so kids out of their Yu-Go-Oh! cards), and trickstery kinda comes with being a cat, but he is still a benevolent creature and will use his powers for good, even if using them for good means scaring a guy half to death (especially if it means scaring a guy half to death).
Judge - Lord Enma. Even with his throne usurped, he is still a just and honorable ruler who cares deeply about the safety of Youmakai and is willing to sacrifice himself to protect it. He is the law, or at least was the law before Lord Kaira took the throne for himself, but even then, saving Youmakai came first for Lord Enma, and getting his throne back came, like, third or so, he didn't even bother with it in the end. Nurarihyon could be in this spot as well, at least at the time of Shadowside, but the absolute shitshow that was his time as a consort in the second movie of the first anime makes me see him as more "Lawful Disaster" or "Lawful What the Fuck" than "Lawful Neutral". There was nothing neutral about him at the time, and even during Shadowside, his devotion to everything Enma kinda takes the neutrality out of him.
Soldier - Douketsu. Fukurou could be in this spot as well, but Douketsu had considerably more screen time than him, so I went with the teach. Fukurou can never win, can he? My poor owl child. Anyway, Douketsu is the devoted type. His moral compass is based entirely on what's best for the Oni clan, and, specifically, for Shutendoji. Shutendoji's wish is his command, and, even if he does not approve of his master's actions (see the Ayame/Jorogumo disaster for reference), he will always be there for him, will follow his every whim, and is more than willing to die for him (which he eventually does). Showing compassion to anyone but his fellow Oni clan members is out of the question, kidnapping little kids is the least he would do for his master. I wonder if his colleagues ever noticed anything strange about him during his short gig as a school teacher.
Undecided - Komajiro. Frog. That's it, that's the reasoning. He frog. Baby froggo. Dat boi. Why would he have morals, why would he follow the law? He loves his brother and is a friendly little creature, but he is more than capable of revenge, both petty and not-so-petty, and you will get your eye gouged out if he doesn't like you. This is what happens when you give a frog magical powers. Frogs cannot discern between good and evil, they don't need to, they are above that. Praised be the frogs. O shit waddup.
Rogue - Mitsumata Mizuchi. The Mitsumata Brother who did not grow out of his delinquent phase, but might begin to change his ways soon - not because he wants to be good or doesn't want to be evil, he just wants his brother to respect him. Laws, morals and alignments don't mean much to him, but his pride as a Mitsumata does, and so does his family (even if his reunion with an estranged brother did end up with a girl crying and a factory getting blown up). I don't think this guy respected a single law in his entire life, if he did not break a law, it means he just wasn't feeling like it on that particular day. His plan to get his brother's attention was to kidnap a girl, tie her to a chair and write a ransom note. I'm starting to think that watching too many movies and then poorly imitating them is a Mitsumata family trait.
Free Spirit - Ogu, Mogu and Togu. I'm including all three because they are an inseparable unit and play the same role in the story. While technically part of the malicious virus hive mind, they are not particularly motivated to do good or to do evil, they just float around doing what they are told, get attached to a guy and then help the guy in any way they can because they like him, whether it is by fighting the good guys, fighting the bad guys, performing a self-sacrifice or coming back after the self-sacrifice to float around once again. They even develop enough personality to get separated from the hive mind, all while not being technically good or bad. They literally become free spirits, after spending their entire lives as non-free spirits. Godspeed.
Overlord - the owner of NGEI, the power plant from the Robonyan 00 episode. His secretary also included because I couldn't be bothered to take a screenshot where he would be alone. A corrupt businessman who wants money and power, unsafe work practices be damned. You've seen these guys in the real world, now you get to see one on the screen. Not the strongest bad guy around, one combined effort from Whisper and Junior is enough to scare him into submission, and he gets his just desserts by the end of the episode. I know that the description says "bending" the law, and the guy clearly broke some laws in managing his power plant to get arrested at the end of the episode, but he fits otherwise, and bending the laws without technically breaking them can still get you in legal trouble if your power plant catches on fire and a group of kids nearly die. Shit, or was it a factory, not a power plant? I'd fact check if my browser didn't have a lethal amount of tabs open already.
Socialite - Lord Kaira. He wanted to lead all right, and lead he did. I don't think he was even that bad at it, like, everything bad that happened during Shadowside mostly took place in the human world, and the whole Soranaki kerfuffle wasn't even his fault. Nurarihyon is responsible for more ridiculous lawmaking than Kaira ever was, as far as we know. Lord Kaira's problem wasn't how he ruled, it was how he came to power (starting a coup and throwing a guy into a prison because he was more popular back in youkai school), and how he cared about power more than he did about effectively protecting his people (either that, or he genuinely believed he would just assimilate Fudou Myouou's power and slice Oni King Rasen in half effortlessly like a potato or something). On a sidenote, do we ever learn what kind of a human-youkai hybrid he is? Was he born from a youkai parent and a human parent, was he a human who somehow turned half-youkai, is he some weird magical amalgamation which resulted from some youkai scientists playing God? Either way, it clearly gave the guy some self-esteem issues that need to be adressed.
Schemer - the Onimaro Leader. You know, the guy from the movie who manipulated a lonely kid into doing lots and lots of crime, just so he could merge with Rasen, effectively stopping to exist in the process. We don't learn much about him, but he is hellishly good at manipulation (all of his scenes with Touma made me gawk at how good he was at reading that kid) and seems to be fairly smart and logical for someone whose goal is incomprehensible to humans. Like, why would you even want that? My theory is that all Onimaro are aspects of Rasen, one way or another, and the Leader represents his smart, logical and cunning side, you know, the traits that are kind of needed to be a competent king. This would mean that Ogu, Mogu and Togu represent friendliness, empathy and having an open mind, and these are the only three Onimaro he did not absorb. Says a lot about the guy, doesn't it?
Nomad - Shien. Yup, we are entering the Forever Friends zone, because it still counts as Shadowside, kinda, sort of, same game! He is a prince who hates his dad and wants to prove himself while also being a dick about it, and a lot of political and family drama follows, resulting in many senseless and tragic deaths among the common folk. You know, just like with real life monarchies. Also, Shutendoji was there, and it made things worse (of course it made things worse), and then Soranaki attacked, and Amaterasu of all youkai was there for some reason (it lasted for three seconds and he had, like, three lines of dialogue), and we ended up getting a baby Enma as a result. This movie was something else, I'm telling you. Anyway, Shien had zero respect for anything and anyone, ever, and his second life as Lord Enma is a big improvement (his second-second life as Hikage Mao is an improvement as well, he manages to be a background character for 214 episodes of the first anime without making it known that he can see youkai, despite everything that was happening around him in the classroom. A true legend).
Psychopath - Jorogumo. Hello, my favourite spider lady! We've all heard about women's rights, now get ready for women's wrongs. She does not. Give. A fuck. Morals can fuck right off, she will suck a guy's soul from his dead skull, and she will commit identity theft while commiting a different identity theft (theftception) to manipulate a simp into doing dirty work for her, and she will ridicule him every step of the way, and she will endanger all lives, any lives, as long as she gets to do what she loves (murder and consumption of human flesh). There has never been a better depiction of "gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss" as a character, and that phrase originated long after Shadowside came out. I love how she got to hang out in the opening credits long after the gang had defeated her. That's how much of an impact she had on everything, all while not being even remotely connected to the Soranaki drama (if she was present during Shuka and Kuuten's time, though, she would totally meddle with them to make sure the drama gets even juicier and everyone suffers even more, all while pretending to be Shuka's bff, friendship bracelets and all. I want a fanfic of this, not gonna lie).
Dominator - the corrupt advisors who framed Kuuten. This is the only slot that I have genuinely pulled out of the depths of my ass. How much do we even know about these guys? Why did they frame Kuuten? Were they worried that he was getting too much influence in the Youmakai court due to being Shuka's lover? Were they planning to set Shuka up with a different suitor to further their political agenda? Did Kuuten do something to anger them, maybe he vetoed a law he shouldn't have or crossed paths with the wrong politician? Was there genuinely a plot to kill Shuka's father, and the advisors decided to frame Kuuten to cover up the true culprit's ass? Were the advisors themselves behind the assassination plot? Or... Maybe the advisors genuinely believed that Kuuten was scheming behind their backs, but they had no evidence so they faked it in fear that Kuuten will go through with the assassination while they are too busy trying to catch him red-handed, and it was their distrust of him, not genuine malice, that got him killed. Either way, I needed someone for the Dominator slot, so let's go with the assumption that they framed Kuuten because they were evil, and were most definitely methodical and intentional while doing so. Honestly, I'm not even sure if it's them in the picture I used, or just some youkai they hired to get rid of the pesky Kuuten supporters. That's how vague the Kuuten situation is. Real world history tends to do that too, actually.
Sociopath - Shutendoji. Let me make this clear, the alignment chart uses the term as a description of a character archetype, I'm not trying to actually diagnose Shutendoji with sociopathy or anything. He clearly needs therapy (don't we all?), but I'm not sure if that would be the right diagnosis for him, same as I'm not sure if an actual medical professional would diagnose Jorogumo with psychopathy (they would probably get eaten by her before they could finish the assessment). Anyway, this guy had an agenda (to put Shuka back in charge of Youmakai, whatever it takes), and he sacrificed everything for this agenda. We don't know if it was his personal decision or if he was raised like that by the Oni clan and just trying to finish what his ancestors had started; we don't know if he genuinely believed that life would be better for everyone under the Oni clan's rule, or if he just wanted to have political power and saw Shuka as the only way to get it. His devotion to Shuka is almost fanatical in nature, his one-track mind makes him miss obvious signs that Something is Wrong, and everything about him screams "a kid who got brought up in a literal cult and does fucked up things because he doesn't know any better", but does that absolve him of responsibility for, well, everything that happened? Not really. Also, by the time we last see him in Shadowside, his two closest friends and allies are dead, his plan has failed, he has nowhere to go and he plans on drowning his sorrows in alcohol so he wouldn't have to face the existential dread of having failed the task that he's been preparing for his entire life. The tragedy of Shuka gave birth to the tragedy of Shutendoji, and time will tell if it, too, will result in a Soranaki-level threat that some kid with a magical watch will have to fix in a hudred years or so. Jiba Jinpei's descendants better get ready.
Malefactor - Oni King Rasen. The first trial our heroes had to face on their journey to Time Timely. The monarch who actually does something, that something being smashing stuff, throwing girls into rivers, shooting blood spikes at people and generally being an evil piece of shit. He is so mindlessly evil, it's kinda hard to hate him, unless you consider him and the Onimaro Leader to be parts of the same personality, then yes, he is very hateable. Also, his defeat made for a very entertaining kamishibai play by an obscure, but highly talented artist Mike Shadowside. Look, I'm referencing my own old posts now. It's time for me to go to bed, and, thankfully, we are almost done.
Anarchist - Shiroda, the thug from the first episode. At first I misremembered his name as Sorada and wanted to have an entire bit about how him being the first enemy of the series proper was a subtle foreshadowing for Soranaki, but alas, my bad memory is to blame. Anyway, he is a criminal who does criminal things criminally and beats eleven year olds with a chain. A disgrace to all anarchists everywhere, good thing the ghost of a little boy who looks inexplicably like Kujo Jotaro got him beat up.
Destroyer - Soranaki. The grief of a wrongly accused and executed innocent which took shape and went apeshit on everything, but especially his ex-girlfriend. Destruction of beauty and life, indeed. He wants to take away lives the same way his own life was taken away once. Tokio Ubaune from the first movie of the first anime had something similar going on, but her scope was not nearly that big, and her ex actually had nothing to do with it, yet he becomes the reason she changes her ways in the games, which is kind of another parallel to Soranaki. I guess the Amano family is just doomed to keep dealing with bitter spirits who are murderously angry about getting wrongly accused of crimes they did not commit and dying in prison as a result (an understandable reaction, not gonna lie), and the best solution just happens to bring their long dead ex to them so they could make up.
Oh God, I'm going to have so much fun tagging all of this, aren't I?
Anyway, have a nice Youkai Watchi-chi day, I hope the time is timing timely for you.
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kifu · 2 years
I feel like I need a long-term list of projects I wanted completed. My manic drive from January/February has died down, but my will to create is NOT gone. That's ... a feat.
Limbo - this project requires research by way of rewatching some if not all of 2k3 (and my definition of this is seasons 1 through 4 only, as I do not include the Tribunal, FF, or BttS as part of my cannon). As I write this, I'm halfway through season 2 and I'm outlining the points that will help me structure Limbo physically. The more I watch, the more I'm pissed about my creative choices for Limbo draft 1. That might turn out in my favor.
◦ outline 2k3 and figure out WHEN Limbo takes place to ground it in cannon
◦ outline major plot points in Limbo
◦ detail major characters' growth throughout entire story
◦ fucking write the damn story
Horse Comic - okay, another one that has tickled me since my childhood. I wanna get it done. I swore to myself that I wouldn't start this project until I had the skill to draw horses unaided by references. Well, mostly. The point is drawing a comic - and I think this comic will be five issues/chapters long from what I figured out last night - depicting a rundown of a modified story that I remember from my breyer horse herd as a little kid. Well, now adult storytelling, years of stacked ideas that go well with the og story, color genetics, and actually having the drive to put a comic together (by myself) come into play. This ain't gonna be a light project.
◦ break the story down into five chapters and detail everything that needs to happen within each chapter
◦ break each chapter down into pages so that I don't have to worry about page pacing when I start putting it all together
◦ "pencil" the ENTIRE first chapter before I even think about "inking" or laying down color/background
◦ work on one chapter at a time, but don't expect more than one chapter per year if I can even keep up my drive for this
◦ come up with an intriguing title because I'm stumped
HARPG - so I even started a blog for this and have a few chapters uploaded already, but when I got caught up in that commission I fell a couple weeks behind already. I am NOT feeling this so much, but I still would like to crank out a couple years of story this year. I NEED TO DRAW RAMSEY RIGHT FUCKING NOW. And then continue to come up with a chapter and chapter art every other week. Like, c'mon, me.
New Nation - another story that haunts me every time I think about my stories. Maybe I'll love Kurt again through Limbo. Probably not. I think I'm falling out of love with the character that got me through ... everything ... the past decade. Is it the Catholicism? I've been at war with Catholicism since my job at the pig farm. It's gotta be more than that. But anyway, I really ... really ... I don't know if I can ever come back to this story anymore, tbh. But it would be cool if I could. I might just say that I need to animate the unpublished scene of the future, because why not add another large ass project to the list. But that fight scene? Is AMAZING.
The Tribes - let's be serious. This needs to be written. Though it would be cool if I could actually write down my plan of action so that I have something physical to fall back on when my brain farts again. As it do. I remember that my goal for this story is to end at around 150-175k words. I believe I have the first 25k words written, though a lot needs to be done to those words to make things better. Even so, this is the best iteration of the Tribes yet. And my crack fic? Is actually really, really helping. I did not expect that.
◦ first 25k words are Kifu finding Taya and Jiogi and getting brought to the Tribe
◦ next 25k words are Kifu fitting into the Tribe, and getting to know the other Tribeslings. Need to figure out Mai's predecessor's name
◦ next 75k words are Kifu training under Kumji, first learning what every Tribesperson knows: hunting, gathering, basic body training; and later he introduces her to his group, where she secretly learns how to fight and kill - more details about this to be figured out later
◦ last 25k words are Kifu's struggle with the group's goals and eventual loss of control
I dunno. The story is my pet and I actually do have the entire series vaguely outlined somewhere with names all of the fucking place in the margins. I *do* want to come up with back stories for each and every person of the Air Tribe so it's not just the Kifu show, but a cohesive land where people are more than welcome to hate the main character because she be a stupid ho, but come around for everyone else. idk Things get better after the first book anyway.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 3 months
078 of 2024
Created by dietgrrrl
How many pairs of converse shoes do you own?
None. I just own similar style ones.
Any other names your parents planned to give you?
My dad wanted Joris, but oh well. If I was a girl, I would be named Natalie, Rosalie, Julie or Paulina. Or Mathilda, I heard.
Are you hot?
No, I'm cold.
Which is the most beautiful place you know?
The city in Poland named Slupsk. Very beautiful city and one of my favourites.
What do you work with?
Trains. For real.
Five everyday essentials you never leave the house without?
Phone, keys, wallet, earphones, a small drink bottle.
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?
No, but my dad did.
Favorite ride at the amusement park?
None. I don't like rides.
Favorite beauty essential in your bathroom cabinet?
Shower gel lol. If it smells nice, then yeah.
Do you have many followers on your tumblr?
18 on this one, 80 or something on the main one. I don't really care, I'm too old for that.
Do you tan easily?
No, but I burn easily. Ow.
Are you expecting something in the mail?
Yeah, two packages. All travel essentials.
Do you inspire others?
I don't know, ask them.
Favorite dessert:
Cheesecake, but not American. The European one made of quark is the real cheesecake.
What do you collect?
Pens, notebooks, keyrings, lucky trees, other stationery, memories.
Do you like cats?
I love cats. I have a cat, too.
Are you healthy?
Yea I wish. I have a chronic illness and physical disability.
Have you ever been out of state?
Maybe out of state of mind. I'm European.
Can you always blame your acts on that you were just too drunk?
No. It's the most lame excuse ever. If you cant drink properly, just don't drink, ffs.
Three things you try to avoid as much as possible:
Nuts in food, awful people, wasps.
How many times have you been overseas?
Never. I always stayed in Europe.
Do you use to have someone in mind when shopping for underwear?
No. I don't buy underwear to impress others. Who can see it anyway? My husband and maybe our cat, but she couldn't care less.
Number of jeans in your closet:
I never counted, but much enough.
What accent do you have?
West-Flemish, the whole Netherlands (and the rest of Belgium) make fun of it. But we speak how we speak okay?
Where would you like to live?
I'm fine with where I am.
Do you follow fashion?
No, I don't. What's the point anyway if you want to be just yourself?
Do you have a big butt?
Oh lol. Ask my husband.
Your worst job nightmare is:
Sex work lol. Also retail and cleaning.
Who's the coolest rapper in the world?
Baas B okay :P also Sadistik, he's great and heavily underrated.
Do you count how long you and your gf/bf have been together?
6 years and counting, we're ay past the bf thing.
Have you graduated?
14 years ago.
Should you go to a dance class or a charm class?
What's charm class?
Rihanna or Lady GaGa?
Gaga, she proved she actually can sing.
Do you use fake eyelashes?
Lol no. Maybe I'd do it for lolz.
What's your worst interior design nightmare:
Overloading with colours, styles and unnecessary things.
Which was the last book that really captivated you?
Oh my, how can I choose. Probably Nala's World by Dean Nicholson, a beautiful story of a man who adopted a stray kitten and travelled around the world with her.
What are you wearing today?
Not much. It's Sunday and I don't have to do much outside.
Have you ever been so drunk that the police had to take care of you?
No, but I had my friends do it.
Are you one of those people that often feel sorry for yourself?
No. I just keep going.
Do you have a MySpace? And actually use it?
Does Myspace still exist?
What make up brands do you use?
I don't wear makeup.
What's the last vacation spot?
Poland, coming this year as well.
What's the worst kind of rejection you could give someone?
Any rejection is bad, but being rude is the worst.
Do you have a crush on someone right now?
No. I only have squishes at most.
When are one guaranteed to NOT get laid?
Me not wanting it.
Is there anyone that many people think is hot, but you don't?
Yeah, a lot of people. Mostly celebrities.
How often do you wash your hair?
Two times a week.
Who's your free pass?
I don't understand this question.
Do you sort and organize your clothes in some kind of way?
I do, once in a while. Too rarely, though.
Three persons you would like to thank:
My dad, my sister, my husband.
0 notes
punishedsurge · 1 year
SBFC 002: The Feel of a Podcast
Pat: Are you eating nuts?? Are you GOING NUTSSS?!
They discuss how podcast names should be naturally made during the episode’s runtime. Matt bangs out the title of this episode in under 90 seconds.
Dork Girl cameos in the background this episode. [She’s Woolie’s now-wife, right? Man, they did record at his place for a long time.]
Liam played Muchi Muchi Pork!, a bullet hell game. They force Liam to talk about it after trying to skim past it. Pat asks if the girls are over 18, Liam is confident at least 2 are. [I imagine most of them aren’t.]
Woolie calls AoT Shingeki no Koijin, Pat hates it. Dork Girl says just call it SNK, with leads into a conversation about abbreviations having overlap. FF is Final Fantasy, Fatal Fury, and Final Fight.
Pat proposes GoW, which is God of War and Gears of War.
Liam: Gears of War is ‘Gears’ to me.
Matt: And I always call God of War ‘Disappointing.’ But so is Gears Judgment.
[all go awwww]
Pat: It’s true though.
Liam: This is the first con I’ve been to in seven years where someone didn’t say ‘The Game’ as a phrase. [Got your ass 10 years later lmao, good job Liam]
Matt goes to the zoo to see red pandas with his lady friend, who I’m sure is Crymetina. [She doesn’t listen to the podcast because Liam talks about anime; she’s a keeper.]
The older trio talk about Disney cartoons, which eventually leads to only Matt and Woolie talking about NES Disney games.
Pat: Man, I really didn’t have a childhood.
Pat watched The Wire in the week between episodes. Woolie states that Spike Lee, Alan Moore, and Obama [not Malik the other one] love the show; Pat calls them crazy Warlocks, Matt brings it together by saying they’re a cabal of warlocks that live in a cave, which Woolie finishes by saying they encircle The Wire dvd box set. They also say The Wire has ruined every other cop show. [I haven’t seen it but it’s probably true.]
Woolie played Journey with his gf; Pat played with “SmokesBluntz420”. He also caught up with AoT, he said he stopped watching anime after Gurren Lagann and AoT brought him back in. He loathes shitty fan translations, proceeds to shit on the correct translations without knowing. [What a shit time for anime, trying to pirate it was so not worth it.]
Matt: I haven’t watched [AoT] because I’m busy working.
Divekick talk. It came out 10 years ago today! Zubaz got updated to have Fighterpedia on his shirt. [They spent a lot of cash putting Zubaz in indie games, jeez.]
Matt: I want a Booty Call game made by Telltale.
[I forgot that a thing for a while, ‘have Telltale make your choice-based narrative game’. Well, everyone sure did. Turned out great I heard, even!]
Woolie: Ubisoft, who continue to actually slowly gain my respect agin…
[It’s always funny to see praise of a big game corporation from the past.]
Woolie’s point is that Ubisoft announced Child of Light, it is lead by the Far Cry 3 creative director. Essentially, he thinks it’s cool he went from doing AAA games to something a lot smaller. They are excited it’s running on the UbiArt Engine, at the time it was only used for the Rayman IP. He claims the dev team is also 1/3 women. [I wonder how many of them still work there since the shitty work culture was alive and well then.]
Pat describes the potential work culture of the company as “grind on a AAA game and make it sell well, then you can make whatever else for 2-3 years until we need you to make money." [It’s not an impossible idea, Obsidian made Pentiment in between their far bigger releases, for example. Again, it’s funny to think about Ubisoft workplace culture after knowing all the foul shit they’ve done.]
Barkley 2 talk. Truly a flash in the pan the first game was. They’re excited for it, Liam pledged a high enough tier on Kickstarter to get a CyberDwarf body pillow. [I wonder if he still has it.]
Games for Windows Live is officially closing. Woolie pairs it with EA Origin as ‘things that aren’t Steam that refuse to die.’ [Microsoft just rebranded the service with Xbox decals, it has cross-buy on select titles with the consoles; it also touts PC Game Pass more heavily than their actual store front. Origin just copied Game Pass’ model and is now bundled with GP.]
Killer is Dead launches to ‘tepid’ sales in Japan. It sold 20k on both consoles, Bionic Commando sold 24k. Matt argues that because the former’s sales are in Japan while the latter’s is in America, Bionic Commando still sucks more. They wonder why it sold the way it did, is it because people are tiring of Suda51? Lollipop Chainsaw is apparently the best selling Grasshopper game, Liam says. [Good job, James Gunn.]
Woolie says Poolside Identity is great, and that K. Dot’s Swimming Pools. [I prefer remixes over original songs too when they fuse niche things I like together, but jfc that’s a take alright.]
Gamescom predictions. Pat says they won’t announce an Xbox One Kinect-less skew. [He was right.] He also believes the earlier release of PS4 at a cheaper price will be a deciding factor. [Way too right.] Liam and Pat go back and forth over the decision of Xbox to go so hard with promoting Kinect, Liam is ‘I can see their business strategy for it’, Pat is ‘that shit is dumb’. Then there’s reference to the NSA news of the camera potentially spying on you, which they don’t go into because Matt and Woolie interrupt with talk of showing their cocks on Uno.
Sony at Gamescon predictions. “It’s going to be a big show for Vita, but it is a PS4 focused show,” so says John Sony. Pat wantsa Vita game, pushes back on “Vita is dead” claim by fans by saying 3 games for Vita would be a big show for the handheld. Woolie mentions that every game at the show for PS home consoles will be required to have remote play for the Vita.
Slightly off topic of Gamescom, they speculate on the rumor of a new Vita; they believe it’s so Sony can compete with a new Samsung phone called the Galaxy Mega, which has a 6.3in screen and a 720p resolution. Liam thinks the rumor is all crap. Liam finishes with reminding us that the Vita priced dropped in Japan to $210 USD, Pat comments that it needs a price drop and 2 more ‘killer apps.’ [Probably means for it to be successful in the West/North America].
[It’s funny to hear all the hopium for the Vita’s success, but not because it failed to perform and stay relevant. When you compare it to Sony’s new handheld (Project Q), it’s such a superior product and all it does better is just play games on its hardware without an internet connection. As someone who streams GamePass titles on my phone at work, it functions far better than remote playing from my Xbox; it’s still inferior to native hardware by a wide margin. The fact Project Q can *only* do remote play via wi-fi (as far as we know) is such a blow to this wretched device. Maybe Vita deserved better…]
FGC News:
Persona 4 Arena is getting an update, only is an arcade location test at the moment. They talk about new HUD stuff and character.
Woolie: You know what matters more to fighting games than story mode? Gameplay—
Matt: I don’t know about that. [Gottem, Matt]
Matt facetiously laments how Arcsys can make so many fighting games in so little time and Capcom can’t pull one together at all. They talk about game development; it’s not lost on anyone paying attention. Pat believes Arcsys is stealing Capcom’s crown when it comes to fighting game relevance. Matt is hyped for the newly announced Killer Instinct. Thunder looks awesome visually, Pat groans at the other’s excitement.
D4 talk. They say, “Twin Peaks”, the end.
Anime news. Space Dandy announced YEEEEEAH! They love the creator’s work but have some trepidation about the sexual nature of the show, Pat believes it’s tongue in cheek. [It is]. Liam also mentions the team’s interest in localizing the series and believes more anime should do it as well. [I want to say Space Dandy was one of the first ‘Simulcast’ anime, but idk for sure.]
Letter time, letter time.
“Why’s it called TheSw1tcher?”
Matt tells the story of how he beat his friend to school after he missed a train.
Pat: Oh god— I based my entire economic fortunes on this dumb joke??
“What game had the best soundtrack?”
Woolie: Katamari Damacy
Liam: Streets of Rage
Matt: Mario Galaxy 1
Pat: Anything by Simon Viklund
“Will Woolie ever cut his hair?”
Woolie: Never.
Matt: Unless Comicbookgirl19 tells you to.
“What does Liam think of Rwby?”
Liam didn’t watch it, they talk about Monty Oum’s former body of work. Mentions Xiao Xiao and Egoraptor. Dork Girl watched it, doesn’t have much of an opinion about it though.
“When will you nerds talk about Jojo All-star Battle?”
Pat bought it, importing will take it a while.
What’s coming up: Rustlemania, 2 new playthroughs. Maybe Matt’s Bomb-ass Zoo Adventure.
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calamityardman · 1 year
im gonna gush about stranger in paradise a bit, this game legit surprised me
Stranger in Paradise has turned out to be a fuckin banger since I got it on Steam. Not only is this the funniest possible protagonist for an FF game, the game itself is like a love letter to the series as a whole. I bounced off hard off this title when it was revealed and when it was released. The initial reveal indicating the bizarro story choices, my own poor internet making Epic as a download platform nearly impossible to use, and early release mechanical difficulties that made me want to wait anyway kind of just caused this game to fade out of my memory for a while.
But goddamn is it fuckin' good. For those playing at home, Stranger in Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is an action RPG made by Team Ninja (Ninja Gaiden, Nioh). Mechanically, it has soulslike level design and gameplay elements, with numerous weapons and sick weapon attacks you can learn to use magic to trigger. You learn skills through jobs, and Origin has a lot of them, 27 to be precise. Most job unlocks require you to level down the skill tree of mostly two classes, though Mage gets to go hog wild and just keep expanding upon itself.
Magic works as such: you start a stage with two MP bars. As you fight enemies, you can use an attack called a Soul Burst when you reduce their Break (like Dissidia!) meter, basically like stamina or posture from soulslikes. This is where you get to see these sick animations of Jack turning enemies into crystal and just breaking them with his bare goddamn hands. As you Soul Burst, you get more Max MP, and MP itself is restored through melee attacks and later through additional job buffs and abilities. The more carnage you inflict, the more MP you get.
And Jack as a character is, I think, the funniest possible FF protagonist. He doesn't have a memory, he doesn't know where he is, he only knows that he needs to defeat Chaos. It makes him untethered to the world at large, which means he also gets to act like an unhinged maniac who pops monsters like balloons and even tells bosses to shut up mid-monologue in a way that just serves to make me lose it. I've never seen an amnesiac character dedicate themselves to something other than self-discovery in at least some way, but Jack doesn't care. He just wants to break shit and move on.
I feel like a decade ago, this would've been played unironically instead of in a comedic way, but the game has a good sense of humor about the fact its protagonist is a fucking goblin and everyone around him knows it. And how even in spite of a protagonist who cares nothing for lore, the game does a good job of enveloping you in the greater narrative.
I'm not finished with it yet, but goddamn I am just blown away. It is somehow this perfect cross between my enjoyment of soulslikes, Team Ninja action games, and final fantasy. It's also the funniest possible way to do a retelling of FF1.
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white-poppie · 3 years
Hi lovely author!! I really like your blog, and I was wondering if you could take a small request I had for L x reader. Something fluffy where he knows reader likes him (bc he's so smart lol) but he doesn't see much to it. But then something happens that causes him to either get jealous or very worried about them (like someone else like Light catching their attention or perhaps them having a near-death experience), and he begins to finally realize just how much he likes them too.
Lovely Author?! 💖💗💓💞 -cough- No YOU are lovely, Baby bee. Hopefully, this ff meets your expectations.
Don't make me worry about you!
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' Ps, this can be considered as a fic by itself or a prologue for My Sugar Cube; I made this banner so kindly do not reuse it ❣ Character: L Lawliet x G! n reader Source: Anime-Death note Genre: Fluff and a teeny bit of angst Warnings: Mentions of fainting Writer: @white-poppie
"L-san here are the documents you asked for, I have also asked all the news channels to not broadcast the names of criminals."
"Good job Y/N," he said patting your shoulder as your face flushed.
"I...I will be leaving," you rushed out of the room.
"They are not too good at hiding it are they?" Misa cocked her eyebrow.
"I wonder how they could like someone like me?" L pondered.
"Even I wonder..why you when there are so many better options available," Misa stated. Why him?
"Do you like them back?" Misa asked
How long had it been? More than a month. More than a month since L ever commended you for your work. More than a month since he thanked you for your little shenanigans. It's not that you craved the attention, but you needed the applause telling you that you were doing good. Perhaps you weren't, this is why worked over and over, day and night so that you could feel the satisfaction when you were commended for your good work from your higher up and not because you wanted the appreciation or acknowledgement.
You pinched the bridge of your nose as the words on the screen blurred out. Your ears buzzed and your oesophagus felt dehydrated. The alarm on your phone rand reminding you of L's sugar-rush time.
You made your way down from the building to a bakery to get sweets, each step felt like an eternity, "4 pieces of strawberry pastry please."
You closed the door of the investigation room as you walked forward with heavy steps, " Here is your pastry."
"Thank you Y/N," he replied monotonously which made you wonder if he was just saying it for the sake of saying it; of course he was, such a high-class detective would rather be focused on solving a case than actually thanking someone for a such a pitiful and feeble work.
"Are you angry at me because I am not sharing my pastry?" he said tilting his head, examining you who was sitting on the couch, eyes staring and the ceiling, and your arm on your head. If only it were that simple.
"No L it's nothing like that, I will take my leave," you stumbled your way out. It had been how long? Weeks, weeks since you last got a night of proper sleep, and days since you had a proper meal. How could you fall asleep when a killer is out there, breaking the law? You were trying your hardest to reduce the work of the overall team, especially L.
Your vision tunnelled as you suddenly sat up, everything happened so suddenly; your chest felt tight and an extreme wave of nausea hit you. Your knees gave up and you felt a momentary pain of your body hitting the ground.
The sound startled L as he recoiled out of his seat, "Y/n?" his fingers curled from the shock, as he automatically fell to the ground, "Y/N! Y/N!! Wake up!" his heart pulsated at an uncontrollable rate. He shook your body and held your warm face in his cold hands as his tears clouded his eyesight. He knew it was nothing, but just fainting out of exhaustion, but his mind was not at rest even when Watari called a doctor.
The bright light of the tube burned your eyes as you woke up from what felt like an eternal slumber.
"Y/n-" L made his way into the room as he dropped on the stool next to your bed.
"I w...was so scared," he said as his voice cracked.
"I am sorry for making you worry."
"It's my fault, it's all my fault, I decided that I should focus on the Kira case and I completely ignored how you were overworking yourself for my convenience."
"It's not your fault, I was too busy craving perfection that I neglected my own health."
L sighed and kept his head on your lap, "don't make me worry about you, you are too precious to me to lose."
Thank you for requesting this fanfiction, hopefully, this met your expectations. Please like and reblog it if you find it nice. The story is written by me and please do not plagiarize my work. If you find anyone copying this, please inform me ASAP. This took a lot of effort. If this fic inspired you in any way, please don't forget to tag me!! If you want to request any kind of prompt/fic please feel free to do so. The link for my ask box is in the description.
Love <3 @white-poppie™ on Tumblr
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katatonicimpression · 3 years
Sam Wilson
do I like them:
Yes. A lot. MCU and comics.
5 good qualities:
He's kind, compassionate.
He's really intelligent, both in an intellectual way and an emotional way
He's great with animals
He's charming, good with people
He's good at his job. Both jobs. Seriously, he's a badass.
(Bonus) he's pretty
3 bad qualities:
I think he overthinks things sometimes. Like, he's so concerned about how his decisions reflect on him that it's causing more pain than it's worth. That said, I think it's good that he cares.
It's okay to just say what you want, Sammy. It's okay to want things, to not want things. Just tell people how you feel.
Ugh... trying.. to... think... of... flaws... OK so one of Sam's biggest character conflicts is this thing where his commitment to non-violence comes up against his earnest desire for change. This happens in the comics and in tfatws. And this isn't really a flaw per se, it's good that he's all about harm reduction prefers peaceful solutions and I think to some extent there will always be some inherent conflict here. But I would love to see him do a bit more to actually fight the system in his own way. As it stands, a lot of these stories present it as a choice between unnecessary violence and doing literally nothing. I know that the comics code had a massive impact on the old stories but what's the excuse nowadays? Let Sam oppose the government more, as a treat.
favourite episode/etc:
MCU: I think "The World is Watching" is really revealing about Sam's character. We see how he feels about Karli and her mission, we see how would like to have dealt with this if it had been up to him and we get more of his actual beliefs and perspective. Like, the show's not perfect by any means, but it's got some great details in there.
Comics: I'm still relatively early on in my disorganised read through for Sam in the comics. But I will say I enjoyed him being chased by a sentinel and getting increasingly frustrated about it lol.
Bucky. Sam works well with a lot of characters (I'm partial to a bit of SamSharon myself) but Sambucky owns me. For the mcu at least. In the comics I prefer Sam with Misty or Steve.
Sarah. Is it against the rules if he's her literal bro?
I want to see more of his relationship with Rhodey - their argument in Civil War is one of the most interesting parts of the film - and I'm looking forward to seeing more of Sam and Joaquin interacting in the next film.
Comicswise, Sam and Sharon's friendship is honestly great.
Ooh that's difficult. I don't think I have an answer for this. That said, I do really like a love triangle with Bucky competing against someone for Sam's affections.
Anything with Zemo. Ffs people.
best quote:
I liked the speech he gets in episode 6:
"Even now, here... I feel it: the stares, the judgment. And there's nothing I can do to change it."
"You like cats?"
head canon:
He's bi. Sorry you cannot convince me otherwise.
Comics: I choose to ignore the retcon about his powers. He's a mutant in my mind or at the very least he was born with powers rather than the nazi stuff.
Related, in earlier comics his powers aren't strictly bird themed. He gets hunches about the near future and dreams about Steve being in danger. He's a telepath, basically. With empathic and some pre-cognitive abilities. I like this. I wish they'd bring it back, but for now I'll just headcanon that he has these powers too.
MCU: Gideon exists and lives in Harlem. I wrote a fic that has a bunch of their relationship in it, but basically I think they're not that close, but they do love each other a lot.
MCU: Leila Taylor also exists. Technically Karli ended up doing a lot of the same work Leila does in Sam's story (I.e. the political radical who he mostly agrees with but nonetheless she challenges his choices), but this isn't a screenwriting class, it's a headcanon. Leila was Sam's girlfriend in college. She had a massive influence on how he sees the world, especially politically. They didn't break up so much as fizzle out, but they still think fondly of each other.
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brawltogethernow · 4 years
I suppose the next step then is "BBC Merlin but it's SpideyTorch"
Oh my god. TEACHER, TEACHER, SHE’S TARGETING ME okay okay uh.
Peter, secret warlock, goes to Camelot with his mother figure, May, who does not know about the warlock thing because it kicked in when he was a teenager and they both strategically decline to tell each other things. Gaius is Reed, who was the court sorcerer and is now the court scientist. (He’s not an old man except spiritually where he has been a senile professor since he was 19.) He literally didn’t change anything he was doing, considering science and magic as different points on one spectrum anyway-- No. That’s Doom’s schtick. DOOM was the court sorcerer, and was fired. He is upset about it. Reed is just a science guy but worked extensively with Victor, so he’s kind of useful, but not as useful as Peter was hoping.
I know very little about Sue and Johnny’s dad except that he’s a supervillain who...faked his death, revealed himself, and then died for real like 12 hours later? Did he also fake his wife’s death at some point? Would he do a mad king magic ban thing? Idk but for plot purposes we’ll say yes. They conveniently already share Arthur’s dead mom syndrome. Maybe their aunt whose name is different depending on what issue you’re reading is also here just to convolute the court drama. Wait no didn’t Arthur have a shady uncle show up after like five seasons. She.
Peter is very talented at finicky, specific magical formulas. (Reed: :) )But in practice he really prefers to just slam out a big wave of power, and if that doesn’t solve the problem, repeat until it does. (Reed: :( ) He gives this a go at the beginning of sorting out any problem, like restarting your glitching computer, and if it doesn’t work the problem is complicated enough to be an episode plot.
So obviously I’m still gonna do secret identity shit? Peter saves the young prince and heir’s life and is rewarded with a second job; he only came here for job reasons and you’re all lucky he doesn’t turn down paying jobs otherwise he’d be having some words with the king. Peter also accidentally becomes a masked vigilante out in the town. His very existence is illegal because he’s obviously doing magic! They keep sending his boss out to hunt him down, and their eyes are always locking dramatically and shit in brief silent stare-offs from opposite ends of the street in thunder storms at sunset until Johnny’s horse rears and breaks the eye contact causing Peter to snap out of it and flee. You know how it is.
Sue is older than Johnny and thus older than the magic ban, so she responded to it by going “:) That’s nice, Dad” and socking away a bunch of books before they could go on the fire, and now she’s just a sorceress on the dl. This is approx. a first season finale reveal, because her real superpower is being able to keep her mouth the hell shut. I literally cannot with how nobody in Merlin ever exchanges information, so shortly after Peter and Reed learn this they exchange secrets, like sane people, which opens up their resources a bit.
That said Sue is an extra legitimate royal, not the Morgana equivalent. Maybe Gwen should be Gwen, especially since I have thought Gwen/Johnny/Peter has potential since reading Spider-Man/Fantastic Four (which if you read an earlier ask, I recommend if you want to see new art of Gwen being mean in hair clips). But Peter/Gwen and Merlin/Freya are like...same energy except the latter wasn’t as well done. And Merlin’s Guinevere honestly more reminds me of Betty. Morgana--
Okay I thought this trying to reconcile as much of the cast as possible and I now can’t unthink it so. The king’s ward is Dorrie Evans. Yes she goes nebulously sapphic evil witch queen. Sure she was an unpleasant teenager and readers hate her, but you know what, I’ll simp, whatever. Let Dorrie poison some people. In a cape. This feels natural to me. Also Betty Brant and Dorrie Evans???? Betty/Dorrie vibes???? I guess!!!!
So like. The thing where Arthur gets mystically whammied by love potions once a month, except also Johnny’s normal relationship-anticipating giddiness happening organically mixed in, the part before he actually starts dating someone and becomes immediately depressed. Peter is in the bg sarcastically dismissing magical incidents saying he can’t even tell the difference, and Reed is like 😬 Please Check Anyway. Peter’s not, haha, Peter’s not jealous, Johnny is just an idiot, and, okay maybe Peter is a little jealous! But it doesn’t matter because the prince is going to marry some noble and--
Reed: Prince Johnathan is a bit like a little brother to me, so Please Stop Telling Me About Your Problems.
Reed/Sue is reciprocated but on permanent hold for class reasons. Spideytorch is in the same boat except they’re also stupid and working it out by dating their way through the whole country, except Peter is actually into that and Johnny is not.
The dragon is...Ezekiel?????? That’s the right level of wise wry mentor who’s very shady and will kill you, so he’s a dragon now. And when he tells Peter he’s the (other) chosen one, Peter full stop doesn’t believe him. This disbelief goes on extensively. Peter is not a fate-oriented person. Johnny would love to hear about the fate thing, but no one will tell him.
Literally I’m just going to add more chronologically unmoored medievalish shit to Merlin now to cram more of the cast in. There’s some kind of town crier/herald outfit, and Jonah is their boss. He’s just out in the road yelling sometimes even though he can delegate that. The buglers otherwise known as Bugle staff named Peter’s vigilante persona the Spider, which was supposed to sound menacing but is in practice also cool. This is out-of-universe fairly equivalent to Merlin’s real name as a neat two-syllable animal word and possible title. In-universe maybe I’d elbow out Emrys and just use this. Merlin is already very servants-don’t-work-like-that, so Betty just also has two jobs for no reason so she can knock elbows with them.
MJ is the court jester and knows absolutely everything, which is a dramatic mid-game reveal that isn’t exactly foreshadowed so much as always possible while carefully obscured from the viewer (the reader). Before this she’s already a Wise Fool, Shakespeare-ways archetype character, it’s just not clear how much. She is the most important character in Homestuck Merlin Spider.
Every ship is real for at least 30 seconds. Most of the extended FF cast are either magical antagonists or weird nobles.
Ben????? (Grimm, I mean. Ben Parker is dead. Ben Reilly is a recurring episodic plot.) This show was painfully formulaic and would simply not keep someone with any version of his deal in the main cast, but he’s a full quarter of the FF so. A magical accident approximated his rock body deal. Maybe specifically tying him to ~the magic of the land~. And then, uh. Wandering the country is too satellite-like. Hiding out in a forbidden castle wing is interesting but doesn’t do him justice. So I guess it’s a come and go semivoluntary transformation thing that’s kept secret? Rock werewolf. Were-rock. Good opportunity to fake out like you’re going to do a monster of the week plot, and then he contributes to the tension to abolish the magic ban.
Knights?? Wyatt is there from the beginning, being tall and reassuring (holding a sword edition). Not sure how him or his immediate ancestors got to Europe and then ended up this involved with the local nobility, but it was probably exciting. And Flash, or he’s an early addition. Either way he’s from the same village as Peter and is approximately White’s Kay, except directed at the wizard instead of the future king, and otherwise you can completely superimpose their comic dynamic including the fanboying over the secret identity angle, which is entertainingly seditious. ...Others. I don’t know enough FF characters for this. I’ve accidentally implied the eventual addition of Bennet Brant, but his evil sorcerer of the week energy is very strong, so maybe not. Randy eventually because I already implied the Robertsons and can see it.
This is so long, covers nothing, and explains none of the namechecks. Using both these characters’ franchises in one fusion is too much stuff. I keep not talking about the core relationship because it’s just. Like That. I don’t feel like I need to elaborate on the Merthur dynamic, even transposed on a different ship. It’s Just Like That.
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Love, War, and Books by GleefullyCaptainSwan
Chapter 3/3 Notes:
Thank you so much for reading and going along on this journey. This 3 chapter AU took me more time to write than any of my other fics, I really stepped outside my comfort zone with this as I prefer to write original stories and struggled with an AU based on something everyone knows and loves. I haven't liked every word, but I grew to love the tale and I hope you did too.
Read on AO3: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Or on FF
Stacy's Tortured Crew: @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @mariakov81 @qualitycoffeethings @zaharadessert @jrob64 @jonesfandomfanatic @natascha-ronin @tiganasummertree @xarandomdreamx @therooksshiningknight @batana54 @superchocovian @onceratheart18 @ultraluckycatnd @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s @the-darkdragonfly
Chapter 3: The Book of You
“Well now that you’ve put her out of business, I wonder if she would come work for me? She’d be an excellent children’s book editor.”
Killian made a snorting sound, “I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t work for anyone associated with me.”
“I think I’m going to offer her a job anyway.”
“She wouldn’t be good for you; she lacks that killer instinct you like in your employees. What is it you always say, never apologize as long as you win?”
“Like you’re one to talk, you’re just as insensitive as I am, I don’t even know why we’re having this conversation.” She complained, punching the button on the elevator to their floor. “The only reason I have the chance to hire her is because you put her out of business.” She narrowed her eyes. “Who’s insensitive now?”
Killian internally groaned, watching the numbers on the elevator move slowly as Milah droned on beside him. Emma would never work for someone like her, she could never be as cutthroat as he had seen Milah behave. She wasn’t like her, or for that matter, him. Emma was a rare breed.
The elevator jerked violently to pull him from his thoughts, lights flickering on and off as it came to a shuddering halt.
“What the hell!” Milah yelled as the other occupants in the elevator began tapping on the buttons.
“I’m sure it’s just a technical issue.” He offered reassuringly. Milah pulled out her phone, dialing and waiting impatiently for someone to answer. He leaned against the wall, smiling at the woman with her young daughter. “They’ll get us out shortly, no need to worry.”
“No one is answering, how incompetent do you have to be to not know how to pick up a phone?”
“Milah, it’s possible there was an electrical outage that affected more than us, I’m sure the phone lines are busy.”
“I’ll be putting in my complaint to the city.” She squealed and Killian pushed himself down toward the floor, sitting on the ground and removing his jacket.
“I’m sure they’ll be awaiting your call with bated breath.” He grumbled to himself. “Shouldn’t be long, someone will come and get us out.” He announced to the group. “Might as well get comfortable.”
Three hours later and Milah was testing his nerves. He had expected her complaints to die down once the air in the elevator had gotten thicker and harder to take breaths, but it seemed to only intensify her anger.
“When I get out of here, I’m going to call my daughter and apologize. I haven’t spoken to her in 3 weeks, and I don’t even remember what we were fighting about.” The man beside him spoke to no one in particular. Killian smiled at the man; it was a lovely sentiment.
“When I get out of here, I’m going to apply for that job I’ve been scared to be rejected from. Even if I don’t get it, at least I will have tried.”
Milah jumped in, “When I get out of here, I’m going to get Botox.” She announced, staring at herself in her hand mirror and pulling at her skin. Killian rolled his eyes. He knew exactly what he was going to do when he got out of here.
“When I get out of here…” He began.
“Do you have my gum?” Milah interrupted and Killian exhaled, reaching into his jacket beside him to pull out his gum and toss it toward her. The moment was gone, but the second he left the elevator he did exactly what the moment called for. He told Milah it was over between them.
She barely gave up a fight, as he gathered his items, promising to return to pick up the rest of his stuff, and taking Smee out the door with him. Killian didn’t care, he was just happy he could stop pretending. He realized in that elevator that his and Milah’s relationship had always been pretend. He dated her because it was the next logical step in their relationship, they moved in together because that’s what you do when you’ve been dating for as long as they had. She was in the book business, she had contacts that he used selfishly for his own business, and beyond that they had nothing else in common with each other. It was over before it had even begun.
Killian sat down in front of his computer, he wanted to talk to Emma. She was the first person he thought about when faced with what he was going to do once he left that elevator. He needed to come clean to Emma, tell her who he was. But he knew that once he did that, it was all over. She would never speak to him again. But maybe, maybe if she got to know the real him, the real Killian Jones, maybe he wouldn’t lose her.
JR10: Tonight, I got in the elevator, something I do every day. Three hours later I got out of the elevator and Smee and I moved out of my shared apartment. It was like the smoke had cleared and everything just made sense to me. It’s a long story, full of all those little details we don’t share about ourselves, maybe one day we will.
Emma stared at the screen in front of her. He had been living with someone. She couldn’t be angry; she had been doing the same. She understood how he was feeling though, the smoke clearing. It was exactly how she felt with August. Like the world just opened to her and suddenly she got tired of playing the game. She just wanted to be happy and clearly she hadn’t been.
Lonelygirl: Change is a funny thing isn’t it? It’s like dominoes. One little thing changes and suddenly there is this chain reaction and when you look up everything around you has changed. Six months ago, when I met you online, I knew exactly who I was, what my life was going to look like, and where I would be for the rest of my life. Now I know nothing. My store closed this week. I haven’t told you I owned a store, but I did. It was a beautiful little bookstore that my mother had when she was alive. And maybe I held onto it so fiercely because it was my way of keeping her alive, but either way, it closed and I’m heartbroken. It’s like my mother has died all over again and there’s nothing anyone can do to make it right.
Emma walked down the street, looking up to see the Jones Books logo staring down at her, mocking her. She bit her lip and walked up to the door, yanking it open forcefully as if somehow her strength was going to topple the entire building to the ground.
She marveled at the size of the inside, stairs leading to a second and third floor, lights hanging in every corner, large comfortable chairs full of patrons sitting together, reading books. The place was full, she’d never seen so many people in a such a large space before. The registers were full of customers purchasing armfuls of books. She climbed the stairs slowly, stopping when she saw the children’s section.
It was a marvel, bright, colorful, with stuffed animals lying around for children to play with. She sat down on a large bean bag, tears falling softly down her face.
“Do you have the shoe books?” A woman asked one of the employees standing a few feet away from her.
“Shoe books? Who’s the author?” Emma rolled her eyes.
“I don’t know the author, my friend just told me that I need to find the shoe books.”
“Neal Streatfeild. The author is Neal Streatfeild, he wrote all the shoe books.” She announced to the pair as the tears started to come faster. “I’d start with skating shoes, though ballet shoes are just as beautiful.” She said with a snort, looking up to see them staring at her with a tentative look of concern. She wiped her nose with her sleeve and stood up, quickly exiting the building.
Killian stared at his computer. Sadness overtaking him at her words. He really was the bad guy.
“Cora and I are over.” Killian looked up at his dad.
“So soon, you just got engaged.”
“She was dating the nanny.”
He burst into laughter. “Well, that makes up for you leaving Kristen for the nanny.”
“No, Kristen was the nanny, I was with Kelly at the time.”
“Ah, so many, I lose track.”
Killian turned his attention back to his computer.
JR10: I’m so sorry about your store. I don’t know what else to say that doesn’t sound trite and inconsiderate. I hope that you will be alright.
He sent the message, but he felt sick inside.
“How’s the store? Business must be booming, and I heard that the children’s book lady finally closed.” His father poured himself a drink. “You met her; do you think she would date me?”
His father handed him a glass and Killian sighed. “On to the next, I guess.” He said with a shrug.
“Father and son, back together again.”
Killian could hardly believe that as much as he tried to not be like his father, here he was living on his boat, parked on the slip right next to where his father was currently hiding out in his. Father and son, indeed.
The next few days he went in search of a new apartment, checked in with Belle at the store, and waited anxiously for a reply from Lonelygirl. When he had heard no response from her after a week, he decided to reach out again.
JR10: Why haven’t you written back? Are you alright?
When Emma didn’t reply, he walked to the store, checking in to make sure that everything was going as expected for the new store. Business had taken off in the past week, Belle had made a very important hire, bringing in Will Scarlett from The Golden Swan to run the children’s book section.
After Killian had observed Emma in his store, listened as his employee was unable to assist a customer, he challenged Belle with the task of bringing in the best department head she could find for the children’s section. Will may not have seemed like the best option for customer services with his dry wit, his sour attitude, or his arrogant behavior, but when it came to children, the man turned into a new person. He told stories, acted out the parts, played the different voices, and children flocked to him. He was a rare find in their world.
When he returned home later that evening, he found a new message from Emma.
Lonelygirl: I’m sick. I can’t stop sneezing, my ears are clogged, my nose is blocked. I feel terrible. I haven’t left my bed in days. The worst part is that all I can do now is sit here and think about my life. Who am I kidding? What life? What am I going to do now?
Killian groaned, if he felt worse before he felt terrible now. He had ruined this woman’s life. And now here she was feeling like she had no future. He caused that. She was a bright woman with a bright future, and he needed her to know that too.
He jumped up from his chair, rushing out the door.
Ten minutes later he was standing in front of the brick apartment, staring up at the windows above him. This was a risk, but he needed to take it.
Emma lay in bed, sneezing for yet the fifteenth time that hour. She felt terrible. She closed her eyes, trying to find sleep when the buzzing forced her eyes open. “Oh God, not now.” She groaned, pulling herself up from her bed and stumbling through the apartment. The sound buzzed again, and she put her hands to her ears. “Please stop doing that.” She moaned. Pressing the button to the intercom.
“Go away.” She yelled into the box.
“Hi, Hello. This is Killian Jones.”
Emma stood back from the door like it shocked her. What the hell was he doing at her apartment?
“Go away.” She repeated. She had no idea what that asshole was doing at her apartment but whatever it was, it wasn’t a concern of hers.
“Can I come up?”
“No that’s a terrible idea. I’m sick, I haven’t been sleeping, I might be contagious so I would really appreciate it if you…”
There was a loud knock on the door she was currently leaning against. She jumped at the sound. “Hello?”
Emma stood back from the door. Killian Jones was standing outside her apartment. She looked around the room, scattered used tissue paper littering every surface, blankets draping the floor and chairs. She ran around the room, gathering items in her arms, tossing garbage away as fast as she could.
“Emma?” She heard his voice on the other side of the door. She looked down at the pajamas she was in and looked around anxiously for anything to cover herself up with. Reaching for the closest item she could find she wrapped the long coat around her and tightened the belt before reaching for the door.
Opening the door, she came face to face with her worst enemy, holding a bundle of flowers. “Why are you here?”
“I heard you were sick, I wanted to check on you.”
Emma stared at him, open mouthed. This was a new development, she didn’t think empathy was a trait of his. “You put me out of business. Are you here to gloat or offer me a job?”
“I wouldn’t think of it.” He announced, stepping into her apartment, and slipping past her into her living room.
“Hey!” She said, spinning around and following him. “I’ll have you know, I already got offered a job by your girlfriend.”
“Ex-girlfriend actually.” He offered and Emma narrowed her eyes in his direction.
“Oh, what happened?”
“We broke up.”
“Oh, that’s terrible you two seemed perfect for each other.” She slapped her hand over her mouth. She did it again. Said something really awful just to hurt someone. That wasn’t who she was. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I said that it was really mean. I’m not like that, but every time I’m around you…”
“I know, the words just fly out of your mouth.” He offered with a laugh.
“Yes actually, but I’m sorry. Thank you for coming. But I think you should leave.” She opened the door and tapped her foot.
“I brought you flowers.” He said instead of walking out the opened door. He held them toward her, a beautiful array of snowbells. “Do you have a vase?” He turned and walked back through her house, wandering off toward the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” She argued, chasing him through the house.
“They need water, you should sit down, you’re sick.” Emma stared at him dumbfounded. What the hell was this man doing here? She sat down lazily onto her couch, staring toward the kitchen to see if she could see the man who was currently invading her life. He stuck his head out of the kitchen doorway, “Did you know that Will came to work for me? He’s a great kid. He’s the one who told me you were feeling sick. Did you know he has a PHD in children’s literature?”
Emma nodded absentmindedly and mumbled to herself. “Of course, I knew that.”
He returned to the room with the flowers and Emma smiled at the large bouquet of beautiful buds that almost lit up the room. “When did you break up?”
“With your girlfriend, when did you break up?”
He put the flowers down, quietly speaking. “A couple of weeks ago.”
“Everyone is breaking up recently. This other person I know broke up with his girlfriend in an elevator. Or outside one or near it, something. It was stuck. And then everything was clear.” She said, her mind hazy. “When I saw you that night, at the restaurant, he’s the one I was waiting for and I was…”
“Enchanting.” He said almost reverently which caused Emma to snort.
“I was not enchanting, I was mean, you said it yourself.”
“Well, you looked enchanting” He said, before turning back to the kitchen and rummaging through her cabinets. “Tea?”
Emma nodded, “Top cabinet on the left.” She mumbled, blowing her nose into the tissue in her lap.
“Well, I was upset that night. And I was really rude.”
“I was the rude one, love.” He replied, handing her a cup.
“Yes, but I have no excuse.” She grabbed the flowers, the tea, and her blanket and walked toward her bedroom.
He followed her, “Whereas I am a horrible human being and thus have no excuse but to be rude. Correct?”
“No that’s not what I meant.” She said before sneezing violently. “I’m done being a mean person, even to you.” She crawled into her bed.
“But I put you out of business. You’re allowed to hate me.”
“I don’t hate you.” She sighed.
“But you’ll never forgive me.” He added with an almost sincere expression on his face, to the point that Emma almost believed that he felt sorry for ruining her life. She knew that was ridiculous because Killian Jones was a ruthless businessman, he wasn’t sorry for doing his job.
“You don’t care if you get my forgiveness or not.”
“It wasn’t personal.” He said softly.
“It was business.” She laughed. “What does that even mean? I’m so sick of it. All it means is that it wasn’t personal to you, but it was personal to me. What’s wrong with personal?”
“Nothing.” He added seriously.
“Exactly, if anything, it should at least start as being personal.” Emma shook her head, “My head is fuzzy, I need to go to bed.” She crawled into her blankets. “Why are you here again?”
“I thought maybe we could be friends.”
“You are crazy.” She laughed.
“I know, I guess it was too much to expect. Can I ask you something?”
“Well, you’re here aren’t you.”
“What happened with that guy from the Café?”
Emma’s shoulders sagged. “Nothing.”
“But you’re crazy about him?” He asked, a look of hope in his eyes she didn’t understand.
“I am.”
“Then why don’t you run off with him? Start a new life with this lucky man.”
Emma frowned. She knew she was about to sound completely stupid. “I don’t actually know him.” He smiled at her, and Emma was waiting for the retort. “We met…” Don’t tell him Emma. “You are going to think this is ridiculous.”
“You met him online.”
Her eyes widened. “Yes.”
He pulled the blankets up to her chest, a move that suddenly felt very personal and warm. “Well, I’m happy for you both. But I think maybe you should meet him, love.”
She laughed nervously, “I don’t think I need to take advice from someone who…”
His hand slipped against her lips, and they immediately tingled from his touch. “I’ll save you from saying something else you’ll regret.” His thumb grazed her bottom lip as he pulled it away. “Get better, Emma.”
She stared at him dumbfounded. “Uh huh.”
He smiled, his blue eyes shining down at her and causing her stomach to make unexpected flips. What was happening to her? It must be the medication.
“Goodbye.” She repeated as she watched him retreat from her apartment and shut the door.
Killian couldn’t stop thinking about Emma as the days went by. He had almost given up hope that his words to her at her apartment had fallen on deaf ears when he got the message two days later.
Lonelygirl: I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I think maybe we should meet.
He smiled. Now he just needed to work on his relationship with her. Get her to know the real Killian Jones before he told her he was JR10.
JR10: Of course, we will meet, but right now I’m in the middle of a project that needs…tweaking.”
It’s showtime.
He left the house ten minutes early, taking the route that would get him to Starbucks. He stood in line, keeping his distance from the blonde woman at the front of the line. When she turned to face him, his mouth dropped in fake surprise.
Emma stopped, “Killian?”
“How funny running into you here. Do you come here often?”
“Just every morning.” She laughed. “What are you doing here?”
“Weird, I come here every day too. Funny how we’ve never run into each other before. You look like you’re feeling better.”
She smiled. “Yes, much, thank you. Well, I should…”
He nodded, “Yes of course, nice seeing you.”
He ordered his drink and walked slowly past the table she was sitting at. Looking around he mumbled to himself. “It’s always so busy in here. Nowhere to sit.” Looking down he made eye contact with Emma and she sighed.
“Do you want to sit down?”
“Yes, thank you. How have you been?”
“Great.” She said shortly. “I’ve started writing a book.”
“That’s wonderful news. How’s that fellow of yours? Have you met him yet?”
She looked down at her newspaper. “No.”
“No? What’s stopping you?”
She exhaled loudly. “He said he’s working on a project that needs tweaking.”
“Tweaking? What does that even mean?” He paused. “I bet he’s married.”
Her mouth dropped. “No, that’s not possible.”
“Have you asked him?”
“Of course not, how do you just ask someone if they’re married?”
“Pretty sure you say, are you married?” He laughed.
When he got home that evening, he found a message from Emma that made him smile.
Lonelygirl: I’ve been meaning to ask, are you married?
JR10: How could you ask me that? I thought we knew each other better than that. Wait, are your friends telling you that I’m probably married?”
That evening, after conveniently running into Emma at her favorite diner, he casually brought up her internet friend.
“So, he didn’t answer the question?”
Emma paused and then put her hand to her mouth. “I guess he didn’t, did he?”
“Maybe he’s fat.”
“Killian!” She exclaimed. “I don’t care about that.”
“You don’t care that maybe he’s horribly disfigured or walks with a limp. Maybe he spits when he talks.”
“I highly doubt that.” She snorted.
“Why else would he be taking so long to meet you? Maybe he’s…” He opened his mouth and then closed it.
“Killian, what?”
“What if he’s waiting until he gets out of prison.”
“Oh stop. Will already thought he was a murderer.”
“What’s his username?”
“I’m not going to tell you his username.”
“It might help tell who he is.”
“Fine, JR10.”
“What kind of a name is that?” He huffed.
“Maybe it’s his initials.” She offered.
“Or how many tons he weighs. Just Round 10 tons.” He teased and she burst into laughter. “Or how old he is! Maybe you found a technological genius who is 10 years old.”
“Could be an address or a location…” She laughed. “No that would be stupid.” Killian tried not to choke on his coffee. “Either way, it doesn’t matter. I mean besides being married or in prison, the only other deal breaker is the boat thing.”
“Boat thing?” He inquired.
“I could never be with a man who has a boat.” She said simply.
“I have a boat.” He said, his tone serious. “So that settles it.” She looked at him with confusion. “We’ll never be together.” He met her gaze, not breaking the contact.
“So, what is the book about?” He asked, changing the subject.
“It’s a children’s book, I know this editor from the store who wants to read it as soon as I’m done writing it. You know, JR10, he was the one who really made me think about writing.”
“You mean Mister 10 felonies committed before age 24?” he teased.
“More like Mister 10 ways into my soul.” She said almost lovingly, and he felt the desire to reach across the table and kiss her. “It’s weird how much we’ve been running into each other lately.”
“Wanna run into each other say, tomorrow, round lunch time?”
“Sounds great.” She said with a genuine smile.
Killian thought about Emma his entire walk home. The way her hair glowed bright with the sun shining on her, or how her eyes were the perfect shade of green. It was becoming harder to fight the urge to kiss her each time he saw here. He needed to tell her who he was, soon.
JR10: How about meeting me tomorrow? 4pm. The park on 88th. Where the flowers bloom in the garden and the path curves. You’ll find me there.
Emma stared at her computer. She was finally going to meet him. A part of her was excited, the other part of her was feeling something else that she couldn’t put her finger on. She’d been focused so much on meeting this man but between those moments she had formed something of a friendship with Killian Jones. It was a friendship that somehow she had learned to value.
He had offered her advice on her book, some to talk to about JR10, and in the times when they were together, a companionship that she had been missing. It was like he understood her better than anyone she had ever known before.
They were meeting for hot dogs for lunch, she was happy for the distraction from her nerves of meeting JR10later that evening. Killian would know the right thing to say to her to calm her down and prepare her for this meeting.
“I know right? This afternoon.”
“That’s very exciting, I bet he’s the clock maker on 82nd. You’ll never need to have your clock fixed again.”
“Stop. That guys like a hundred years old.”
His mouth grew wide. “That’s it, he’s 10 centuries old.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “You’re ridiculous.” She bit into her hot dog, ignoring the way he was watching her. Lately he had been looking at her with a feeling that was almost akin to want. Which was ridiculous but also gave her butterflies for some reason.
“He was smart. He waited until you were certain there was no other man in your life that you could love.” She glanced at him and nodded but then he set his hot dog down and stared at her, his blue eyes glistening in the sunlight. “Sometimes I wonder…”
“What?” She asked anxiously, feeling like whatever he was about to say was important.
“If I wasn’t Jones Books, and you weren’t The Golden Swan, and we met…”
“Don’t do that.” She interrupted.
“I would have asked for your number, and I wouldn’t have waited until I got home to call you. I would have asked you out for drinks, dinner, and your every desire, for as long as we both shall live.”
“Killian.” She warned.
“And then we wouldn’t have gone to war, and I wouldn’t have put you out of business.”
“Killian, please don’t.” Her heart was pounding in her chest.
“Can I ask you something?”
“I need to go.” She couldn’t be standing here listening to Killian saying these words to her, not now, not when she was finally getting to meet the man of her dreams.
“How come you can forgive him for standing you up, but you can’t forgive me for this tiny little thing of putting you out of business.” He reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Oh, how I wish you would.”
“I need to go.”
“You don’t want to be late.”
She turned away from him quickly, practically running down the sidewalk to put space between them. She needed to stop herself from turning around and kissing him.
Fleeing the scene, she returned to her home to prepare for her date with JR10, ignoring the sinking feeling in her stomach.
Stepping out onto her sidewalk, she practically skipped to the park, she was about to meet the man of her dreams, the man who knew her better than she knew herself. Her soulmate.
She arrived early, taking her time to wander through the park, admiring the flowers, trying to embrace the nervous feelings currently building in her stomach. She stood on the path, where the curve bent around the park, adjusting her dress nervously.
“Smee.” She turned quickly, looking in the direction of the voice. A dog came bounding toward her, his leash dragging behind the pup. She bent down to pet the runaway dog when he came into view. She knew it, it was the only thing that made sense. It had to be him. He was her soulmate.
She stood up as he approached her, tears slipping from her eyes. Before she could react, he wrapped his arms around her, and she melted into his chest. “Don’t cry lonelygirl.”
She looked up into his eyes. “I wanted it to be you. I wanted it so badly.” He smiled and her heart melted as his lips touched hers.
Two lonely souls, Emma and Killian, had found love in the middle of a war over books.
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innovativestruggles · 3 years
Extra thoughts on Daisuke x Suzue (Anime and Novel)
I was prompted to write this when a friend asked me several prodding questions on Daizue’s relationship and feminism several days ago. Obviously my friend knew where to hit the right nerve LOL
So I thought about it and I’d like to share my thoughts. I don’t know whether my DaiSuzu followers are still hanging around, but if you see this, then this is for you. This post is very opinionated of course so you may not agree with what I have to say. 
I took the initiative to go back and watch some of the FKBU episodes, and then top it off with the novel. As I mentioned in numerous older posts, the novel is the original and was written sometime in the 1970s. If you can read Japanese, I strongly recommend you grab a copy and read it for yourself. It goes into a lot more depth with regards to Daizue’s relationship and there is a lot more development between the two.
Novel and anime are different yet there are similarities. What I am going to write here is purely about DaiSuzu and because there are only minute differences in their interactions in both novel and anime, I will combine the two elements together. But before I do that, I want to talk a little about Suzue.
I absolutely love Suzue’s character - in almost every single aspect. She is strong, clever, independent and defies all odds. Her personality and interests are definitely more pronounced in the anime in terms of strength and defying the odds. She does the hard yard - a mechanic, an engineer, a creator, a pilot, a spy, an intelligence operator - she is a one stop shop and she is not just a pretty face. Then we have her novel counterpart, who shares similar traits that concerns intelligence and independence. She does intelligence and spy work for Daisuke as well, and the only thing that was absent would be her ‘mechanics and gadget development role.’ Given that the book was written in the 70s by a misogynistic piece of shit, I am surprised the author gave Suzue that level of prominence. 
When I saw the promotional materials and then the second episode of FKBU, I was so excited! Finally, a strong female character who has all the ‘male dominated’ traits! I was looking forward to what the anime had to offer her, considering the creators were talking about giving Suzue an ‘important’ role in the anime.  And throughout the series, her character in that sense did not disappointment. She did a lot of work for Daisuke and she was the backbone of everything. She even had to rescue him at times. What an incredible woman.
In comparison, novel Suzue, although a prominent, intelligent character, still had some level of submissiveness to her that screamed ‘I need a man to save me and do things for me’ kind of way. Unsurprising of course being written by an old fashioned man in the 70s. So the anime in a sense was a breath of fresh air.
Then we see the lack of screen time. Although Suzue was just a supporting character, she was quite prominent in the novel. The anime went through all this trouble to create such an incredibly strong female character, but gave her such little screen time. Disappointment doesn’t even begin to describe it. I’m just frustrated that it is always the bloody male characters that gets a lot of screen time. I don’t give two fucks about your need for a fanservice or to appease fujos, we need more female characters who are strong, clever, independent, does not need a man to save her, is not overly sexualised and gets plenty of screen time. If it’s not one, it’s another. Can’t they just bloody do it all together? Also, have three main characters, Daisuke, Suzue and Haru ffs.
Feminism & Anime
If you trawl through my blog, there are a lot of posts about women, feminism, misogyny, toxic fandoms and a lot of het ships. Although I do absolutely love my M/M and F/F ships, there is a reason for my interest in anime het ships. I am a social worker who specialises in working with victim/survivors of family/domestic violence and sexual assault (DVSA), and complex trauma. Considering the majority of perpetrators are men, and the majority of victim/survivors are women, it is important to emphasise the need for a healthy and respectful relationship. I enjoy bringing my feminist perspective to film and fiction because they are an extension of society. Film and fiction (including anime and manga) are based on societal perceptions, and characters are still, unfortunately, heavily gendered. 
The anime fandom consists of real people and if you look all over social media, people talk about the characters all the time and their thoughts on them. It comes from somewhere. So when I watch anime, and when I see a male and female character get together in a manner that is healthy and respectful, they get a standing ovation from me. In particular, is when a male character treats his female partner in a way that empowers her or if he abstains from using his male entitlement to demean her. Because in society, there is still a large proportion of men who continues to abuse women in every way possible. If fans are constantly viewing content (yes, even ‘cartoons’) where women are objectified and disrespected comparatively to men, that rigid stereotype is reinforced and ingrained. 
I just want to add a note here that the LGBTQIA+ community do experience DVSA as well and this post does not disregard or invalidate them in any way. The focus of this discussion however, pertains to men, who make up the majority of perpetrators and, women, who are the majority of victim/survivors.
Daisuke and Suzue
I answered an ask sometime ago about why I ship DaiSuzu and although that has not changed, I have given a lot more thought to the reasoning behind it. The one thing I dislike about Suzue is her obsession with Daisuke, both in the novel and anime. It does take away her cool, independent like character, and submit her to the idea that she is nothing without first appeasing a man (Daisuke in this case). I don’t want to put too much dislike into her character in the anime, because we never got to see what her history was like with Daisuke. In the novel, I do see elements as to why she can be a bit obsessive, and that was most likely to do with her being ‘adopted’ and given a second chance. It was her way of showing appreciation. Yet she does have romantic feelings for Daisuke, so in essence, her character was emphasised as a typical lovestruck woman 😒
Again, she was incredibly loyal and forgiving towards Daisuke in the anime, despite his shitty attitude towards her at times. You’re probably wondering, after all that I wrote about feminism, why I would still ship DaiSuzu? In the anime, that comes down to Daisuke’s trauma. It added an extra layer of complexity. Daisuke’s standoffish, cold behaviour towards Suzue was not out of a sense of male entitlement and disrespect towards Suzue being a woman, rather, it was a manifestation of his trauma. Of course, it does not excuse his behaviour, but this is the reason why I really enjoyed watching their relationship. There was a lot of mutual trust going on (which I wrote about), covert appreciation of Suzue’s skills and abilities and Daisuke’s own way of making amends with her. 
In the novel, however, Daisuke does not have a history of any traumatic experiences. His personality was a lot more animated and though he does exhibit some weird behaviour towards Suzue, he does not do it out of male privilege or misogyny. He was just dense (and an idiot).  
Regardless, DaiSuzu’s relationship isn’t just as simple as black and white. There are elements of feminism that intertwines the anime and what I love a lot about Daisuke was that he never put Suzue down, felt intimidated, or tried to make her feel inadequate for being more clever and more intelligent than him. He relied on her knowledge, her skills and her expertise to guide him through his missions, because not only did he trust her with his life, he believed in her skills. He quietly allowed her to do her job without questioning her abilities or intervening.
I won’t discuss how shit the anime was and how much they shat on Suzue’s character by making her Daisuke’s relative, but like I said, I was pretty impressed with the way they turned Suzue into a strong character, and Daisuke’s perception of Suzue as a woman.
And yes, Daisuke doesn’t deserve Queen Suzue. And if you were again to ask me about Daisuke’s true feelings for Suzue? I am pretty damn certain that he loves her to death - in both novel AND anime.
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isagrimorie · 4 years
brief thoughts on a very long snyder cut.
- someone hire snyder an editor.
- take away the slow mo effect from him.
- take the best parts of the 2017 theatrical release, add in some shadings of character from snyder cut, make it a concise 3hr. perfect justice league movie.
- keep the intro of clark with a kid in the 2017 cut. keep clark in a red and blue suit.
- snyder is always great with fight scenes so i wasn’t surprised.
- liked the arthur characterization, but also missed his fun banter with diana.
- don’t kill victor’s dad. why even do that, hasn’t he lost enough???
- keep the music from 2017. and the music for wonder woman, i don’t need more of the one woman wailing.
- i don’t mind darkseid.
- why does steppenwolf have anime bambi eyes?
- martian manhunter is obviously a sequel hook. i’d remove the part where martha becomes manhunter. why even do that. undercuts martha and lois’s relationship by a lot.
- also didn’t love lois just wallowing like that -- lois would throw herself more at her job, not less.
- didn’t love brutal!clark. stop trying to make injustice!dark!superman happen. i know you love your version of watchmen but ffs snyder.
- seriously why so much slow mo.
- cyborg should have had his own movie instead of putting everything in one movie. it does cyborg a disservice.
- also a disservice, killing his dad. why even do that.
- a lot of the quips people didn’t like in the theatrical version were also in the snyder cut.
- ezra miller is not my favorite flavor of flash.
- diana did well in this movie, liked her experience and her dynamic with alfred. it’s also serving my diana/bruce ship.
- that said, i really didn’t love diana killing the dude by exploding him in front of school kids. it was unnecessary.
- no denying that snyder is also great at iconography, but also doesn’t escape my notice how much he loves framing the heroes as untouchable gods. it’s not my cuppa.
- did i mention the slow mo?
- i looked at the time and almost headdesked because an hour in we’re not even approaching the points that can move the plot forward. it’s like watching disjointed episode scenes dropped at random.
- seriously someone give snyder a better editor.
- i don’t like the black suit. i know superman used the black suit when he came back from the dead, but he also had a mullet. the mullet made it work, what are you even doing if you have a superman wear a black suit and cape without a mullet. 0/10.
-also clark skipped over the red and blue suit for the black suit to be a ‘symbol of hope’.
- i get clark killing zod in man of steel, the way he whaled on steppenwolf? i don’t get it. i don’t love it. this is not my flavor of superman.
- snyder loves bruce wayne, the actor is a great bruce and batman, snyder should have just directed a batman movie from go, batman is clearly his passion character. the one he understands and relates to the most.
- no twitter stans, i don’t want snyder directing aquaman 2. i liked the first aquaman movie.
- shoulda released this as a limited series in hbo max.
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