#but i mean im always someone who sees the bigger picture
thebrightestbling · 9 months
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I know this is a very unpopular opinion but the only difference between Law, Corazon and Doflamingo is the fact that Doflamingo wasn't lucky enough to be saved. Sengoku saved Corazon, Corazon saved Law while Doflamingo was turned into a machine by Trebol and the others (not to mention the fact that he was raised in Marie Jois, which teaches you all the wrong things about Life).
We are also a product of our surroundings, not just genetics.
I personally feel for Doflamingo because the Anime shows that he does have empathy. He had empathy for Law and his backstory, he cares about his family and I truly believe he loved his brother a lot.
I also truly believe that Corazon never wanted to kill his brother.
Please, Oda, for the love of god, give our Heavenly Demon a chance to have some sort of redemption arc.
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lovelyney · 9 months
CHARACTERS: freminet, lyney, neuvillette, wriothesley.
SCENT: headcanons
WARNINGS: mentions of nsfw on everyone’s but freminet’s.
FLORIST’S NOTE: wow !! took me long enough ☹️ im so sorry for the wait pookies. also how are we liking this new layout for these ?? ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯2023 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: As we know, Freminet's quite shy; he doesn't have much experience with romance, but he tries his best !!
𖠵𝟎𝟐: He wouldn’t hear the end of it from Lyney when he first started crushing on you. . . He kept on asking and asking when he was going to confess.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Doesn’t like going out very much, but if it’s at the expense of your happiness and being with you, he’ll try and push through.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Bought you a handmade plush of Pers since you always like to cuddle the robotic one while he’s away.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Loves whenever he sees you wearing his clothes. he’d probably give you his entire closet if he could.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Has a bunch of pictures of you and him that he keeps hidden in his dressers.
keeps one on him for good luck !!
𖠵𝟎𝟕: I honestly can’t tell if he’d give you a pet name ?? It’d probably be something like “nestling,” “my love,” and “baby/bébé.” (/ Meaning he uses both the English and French ver.)
❝H—Hey bébé. . . If you aren't too busy, would-would you maybe want to accompany me to brother’s magic show tonight ?? I-I could really use your company and I know we haven't been a date in a while. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Crafts you all kinds of trickets🫶🫶
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Brings you the prettiest stones and little things that he finds when he goes deep-diving.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Lyney “adopted” you into the family the moment you and Fremi started dating.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: He cringes whenever Lyney calls him a nickname, but he melts when you do it.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Isn’t a big fan of PDA (he’ll obvi hold your hand) but in the confines of his room, he’ll cling to you.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Will sometimes get pouty when you’re cuddled up to Pers and not him.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Doesn’t get jealous like at all, he’ll just get annoyed and nervous at most.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Didn’t pay much attention to his appearance initially, but ever since you started lovingly thumbing, kissing, and counting his freckles, it’s become his favorite thing about himself.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: I can imagine him liking his hair played with.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Silently protective over you, you know ?? Like he’ll squeeze your hand if he senses someone you’re around is dangerous or unnerving. Or if he wants to leave and doesn’t want interrupt your conversation.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Strangely warm !! He isn’t sure why you enjoy hugging him so much, but never complains, hehe.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: Likes to be both the big and little spoon !! If a day comes where he’s just exceptionally tired, he’ll want to be the little spoon. But if he wants to feel like the bigger person or you need comforting, he’ll be the big spoon.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Lyney, as we know him, is very incredibly playful and can be very charming !! He uses this to his advantage.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Was obsessed with you before you started dating and is still obsessed with you now 😭
𖠵𝟎𝟑: The complete opposite of Freminet. He will not shut up about you to his siblings. . . (Sometimes he might mention you to “father.”)
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Wants nothing but for you to be safe and protected. (Bonus points if it’s in his arms.)
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Going back to the Knave, Lyney might share the relationship you two have with her but won’t give any explicit details about who you are as a means to protect you.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: “Darling,” “gorgeous,” “lovebug/bug,” “my (love)/mi (amour),” “my sweet,” and “sweetheart/chérie.”
❝Thank you so much for coming to today’s show, my love! It always fills me with so much energy seeing you in the seats, staring up at me. . . I ought to put together a show just for you, hm? How does this Friday sound?❞
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Loves to tease you !!
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Does not like waking up in the mornings, especially when you’re lying in bed with him.
loves to hide his face in your neck whenever he’s lying with you.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Loves PDA. He cannot give a single fuck if you guys are in public. If anything, he’s proud to show his love for you to everyone.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Can sometimes be unintentionally flirty with other people without realizing it. Don’t get it twisted, though; he’s incredibly loyal to you.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Many people (of all genders) find him very charming, and as much as that might sting you, Lyney always finds a way to bring you into the conversation to dismiss their advances.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Can be a little feisty sometimes. Examples are: biting your lower lip when he’s kissing you, biting your ear and nibbling on your neck in public, and placing his hand dangerously close to your thigh.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Uses incredibly cheesy pickup lines and one-liners.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: If someone is continuously making advances towards you, then he’ll get jealous.
he’ll walk over to you, put a hand on your waist and act overly affectionate towards you hoping it’ll drive the person away.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Seems innocent (enough), but if he sees you’re upset by someone’s actions, he’ll flip that fatui switch on immediately just to see you smile again.
sometimes asks Lynette and/or Freminet to comfort you while he’s taking care of the person.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Surprises you by showing up in the most unexpected places in your house.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Hates being away from you for long ): That’s the main reason why he hates arguments between you two.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: (↑) Although he lowkey can be petty sometimes. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟗: His hands are really soft !! Sometimes you’ll gently caress them, and he’ll literally melt on the spot.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Also one who loves to see you in his clothes !! 𖠵𝟐𝟏: Really wants to have matching outfits with you. 🫶
𖠵𝟐𝟐: Loves whenever you dress yourself up !! He just adores seeing all sides of you.
𖠵𝟐𝟑: You have a whole bouquet of rainbow roses from the amount of times he’s randomly pulled one out and gave it to you. . .
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: The most gentleman to ever gentleman, I believe ?!?!
idk man, it’s something with the dragon guys in Teyvat. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟐: I’d like to believe that when he started liking you, the Melusines caught on, because he seemed to always be lost in thought. . . 🤭
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Despite him being absolutely stunning and incredibly smart, he somehow felt like he didn’t have a chance with you. . .
the Melusines and Furina were not having any of that !! they devised a plan where she talked to you, and they talked to him. it all worked out in the end.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Being in love with a busy man has its pros and cons, obviously; Neuvillette always tries his best to balance them out. ☹️☹️
𖠵𝟎𝟓: You guys tried to keep your relationship hidden for as long as you could with how Fontaine loves its drama. . .
and when you it got out (guess how), rumors, whispers everything spread like a wildfire. it was incredibly overwhelming for you, and he tried his best to quiet everyone down and comfort you 😞☹️ you can imagine the weather. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟔: (↑) Some people were muttering how you didn’t deserve him or weren’t “pretty enough” for him, which really pissed him off, but he had to remain civil (for the most part, lolz.)
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Your emotions have an incredible impact on him ?!?! If you start crying or if you’re sad, it’ll domino effect onto him. He loves you so much that it physically hurts him to see you distraught.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: All the Melusines adore you !! They absolutely see you as their other parental figure since you guys started dating.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: (↑) MELTS whenever he sees you interacting with kids. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟎: “Cherie/sweetheart,” “honey,” “my (dear/dearest)” and “my (love)/mi amour.”
❝I’m home, mon chéri. . . I must apologize for coming home later than usual—an issue in the case I’m looking into has presented itself and I went to personally deal with it. Hm, what was that, love? Ah, what was the ‘issue?’ Don’t worry about it, my dear. What matters is that it’s been dealt with. Now, have you had dinner yet?❞
𖠵𝟏𝟏: His trust in you runs pretty deep, so he trusts you when others are flirting with you. However, when people aren’t leaving you alone or are masking their interest behind innocent actions, he’ll get pissed.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: God forbid anyone lays their hands on you. . . Neuvillette doesn’t take people hurting you lightly at all.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: (↑) He isn’t a big fan of people touching what’s his in general, but he knows he (unfortunately) can’t have you all to himself. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟒: (↑) Safe to say, he’s quite territorial. . . He is a dragon, after all. They are quite protective over their treasure..
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Wrio likes to bring you up in conversations over tea !!
𖠵𝟏𝟔: This man has always been head over heels for you. Whenever you two are shopping together, he’ll follow you around like a puppy—always insisting that he holds your bags and pays.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Pretty gentle with you. . . The farthest thing he wants is to hurt you, but sometimes his primal instincts kick in and he can’t help but want to mark what’s his !!
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Spoils the hell out of you. He literally can’t help it. He’ll see something that he’ll think you’ll like or something that reminds him of you and gets it without another thought.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: Really doesn’t like that you can tell his mood based of whether or not it’s raining. . . He hates worrying you.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Furina loves to ask about you !! She thinks you two are so cute together.
𖠵𝟐𝟏: Loves whenever you visit him in his office while he’s working !! He’ll always try and persuade you to stay with him while he works—coaxing you to sit on his lap and such.
𖠵𝟐𝟐: He’s still relatively new to understanding human emotions, so he really appreciates you being patient and helping him out.
𖠵��𝟑: Whenever you’re mad at him or giving the silent treatment, he’ll just look at you with the most saddest eyes ever. Guarantee heavy downfalls until you two make up 💔
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𖠵𝟎𝟎: Literally the almost perfect definition of my type 😭
𖠵𝟎𝟏: He’s smart, cocky, and hot. You’re in for a wild ride with this one 💔👍
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Secretly a deep-rooted hopeless romantic at heart, he just hasn’t had the time to explore that part of him because of his duties in the fortress.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Like Neuvillette, this man is head over heels for you. It’s just that he’s better at hiding it (most times, anyway.)
𖠵𝟎𝟒: A big teaser !! He loves to get under your skin.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Can and will protect you at any cost. He loves you so much, it’d kill him inside if something were to happen to you.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: A bit of a sadist, I think. . . He’ll watch you struggle for a bit before actually helping you with something.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Before you two started dating, Sigewinne kept on insisting he confess to you because of how obvious it was.
Clorinde also gave him shit for it.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: “Baby/babe,” “doll,” “my (darling),” “my (dear),” “my (love/lovely),” “pretty/my boy/girl,” and “sweetheart.”
❝Oh? I wasn’t expecting you to stop by for a visit today, doll—not that I’m complaining, of course. . . Lucky for you, I just finished up all my paperwork for the day, so I’m all yours ~ Wait, what? What do you mean you’re only here to deliver more papers? Please tell me you’re joking, babe. . . Archons sake, please at least stay for tea. I haven’t seen you since this morning.❞
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Roughly smells like freshly brewed tea with a mix of his cologne—it’s a rather comforting smell, actually.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Hates whenever you’re gone too long above ground. He gets grouchy (more so than usual) whenever he hasn’t seen you for a certain amount of time.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Surprisingly like a sloth when you two aren’t at work. . . He loves clings to you, doesn’t matter what you’re doing or where you’re at.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: I’d like to think he doesn’t give a shit about what people normally think of him, so he’ll love you on wherever and whenever.
loves to rub his cheeks/stubble against yours despite your whining !! i’m weak
𖠵𝟏𝟑: One of his favorite things about the two of you is your size difference. He finds it adorable his hand can comfortably envelope yours and somehow perfectly fit around your throat. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟒: A waist holder !! He loves to have a hand on your waist one way or another. Whether it be him pressed against you from behind or simply just a hand on your waist while you’re standing next to each other.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Protective and possessive !! Not too much to the point where it’s toxic, I think. He’s just very territorial, and does not like when people get too close to you. He always denies he doesn’t get jealous, but he isn’t fooling anyone.
he doesn’t want your future to repeat his past, so he tries desperately to protect you from those kinds of people.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: (↑) All for marking you in obvious places if he sees this is a frequent thing. . . He’s far from shy with it, as well.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Always prepares an extra cup of tea for you just in case you were to stop by his office.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Nearly suffocates you if you’re in bed facing him—he’ll smoosh your head against his chest so you don’t have a chance to leave.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: People were genuinely shocked when they found he was dating someone !! Some didn’t believe you until Wrio proved them wrong.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Is a mixture between gentle and rough with you. . . He doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you or you know, break you.
𖠵𝟐𝟏: He claims he’d be fine if you two broke up but in reality, he’d be a complete mess. (Sigewinne knows this without a doubt.)
𖠵𝟐𝟐: (↑) Pouts whenever you spend too much time with her and not enough with him </3 He can be a literal manbaby sometimes.
𖠵𝟐𝟑: Literally doesn’t know what to do with himself whenever you ignore him or give him the silent treatment.
goes to Clorinde for help if he’s really stuck. which may or may not be proven helpful depending on her mood. . .
𖠵𝟐𝟒: Adores whenever you’re resting on top his chest !! He always says that’s where you belong, lol.
𖠵𝟐𝟓: (↑) Also likes it when you rest on his lap when he’s sorting out paperwork. He claims you “give him the energy needed to make it through the day.”
𖠵𝟐𝟔: The one for you if you have a praise kink and the one for you if you have a degrading kink !! Two birds with one stone, amirite ?? kill me
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this is why i hold back with the information i was a prostitute myself for as long as possible because as soon as i do - no matter how neutral and objective i was before, like for example here:
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it always goes well im sorry your experience was bad when i havent said a single word about how i judge my own experience. im really on the verge of tears right now because debating women in prostitution who dont (yet) suffer any negative consequences who dont hold sex buyers accountable and defend prostitution are so fucking frustrating. like im glad honestly that you are coping so well apparently even though your obvious cognitive dissonance and inability to see how „yeah im selling sex because i need money“ means someone buying sex from you is abusing that very need seems like coping to me. seems like you are making it all about yourself and your experience and refuse to see the bigger picture
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congrats on 1k! can I request bucky fluff where the reader is plus sized and is insecure about her stomach & love handles specifically so she distances herself from bucky and doesn’t want him to see her for a couple days but on the last day she just breaks down and he helps her🥺 thank you
im plus sized too and I’ve been having a hard time recently. 🤍
༉‧₊˚. 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬) 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 || 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
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― pairing: bucky barnes x plus size!reader
― summary: the toxic thoughts never really went away, and instead of pushing bucky away, you finally decide to let him in, to help you.
― warnings: body Issues, insecurities, crying, a bit of self-hatred if you squint, referenced bullying.
― wc: 1014
⋆ a/n: i'm sorry this had been sitting in my inbox for so long, but i hope you feel better, and just a reminder, you are beautiful/handsome/gorgeous or whatever terms you prefer, and you don't have to change for anyone.
masterlist | AO3
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It was no secret that you were bigger than everyone else; chubby, plus sized, fat, plump, curvaceous, whatever you call it, that was who you were. It was hard being larger than other people throughout your childhood to teenage years, people were mean, and it most definitely altered the way that you thought about yourself.
Even though you were an adult now and managed to separate yourself from that toxic mindset that you had to be skinny to be beautiful, degrading thoughts popped up occasionally. It was a subtle change, starting from paying extra attention to how your double chin looked in pictures, to how your clothes felt a little too tight and itchy against your skin, and ever since you had begun to date Bucky, these episodes grew intense.
When you were a teenager, it felt as though no one would ever have a crush on you, and even if they did, they would rather be caught dead than admit that they were into the cute chubby chick in their class. With Bucky, this was totally different. He wasn’t afraid to be vocal about his attraction to you, let alone able to keep his hands off you; he was always grabbing something, either that be your hand, thigh, hip, waist, and scandalously enough, sometimes your tits and ass.
So, when you had moments like these where you couldn’t help but glare holes at the prominent bumps in your pants, the curve of your stomach that pushed out your shirt, you didn’t want to be touched, let alone be around Bucky. When you felt so lowly about yourself, you began to question your self-worth, questioning whether you deserved Bucky’s affections, that you deserved him. It was no secret that Bucky was extremely handsome, that he was quite the charmer with his sarcasm and flirtatiousness, and he directed all of that to you.
It surprised you at first, that a man like him confessed that he couldn’t keep his head on straight while you were around him, that his brain trailed to many different places when he thought about you.
It had been a couple of days since you had texted Bucky, let alone took him up on any of his offers to go out on a date. You couldn’t imagine yourself wearing that dress that your boyfriend loved so much, couldn’t fathom him even being seen with someone like you. Being cooped up on your couch in clothes that were big enough to practically blanket over your full body while wallowing in self-pity seemed like a better time to you than tolerating the rather judgmental glances people on the streets would give the two of you. Trashy tv had been playing for longer than you could remember, your home growing to become an absolute mess, the motivation to practice self-care had pretty much been thrown out of the window.
Occasionally you pondered the idea of instead of shutting Bucky out when you had gotten like this, talking to him about it. You didn’t want to sound whiny or like you were searching for compliments, seeing as though he never forgot to remind you every single day that he thought you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen, and he had been alive for a very long time. You knew he wouldn’t be mean about it, that he would be more than happy to reassure you that you were his, that your body was like a temple that he felt was a privilege for him to be able to explore.
Then it hit you, like that wall of despair had finally crumbled down, and then, you were crying. The feeling of loneliness loomed over you as you allowed yourself to sob, to feel warm tears trail down your plump cheeks. Reaching for your phone, you didn’t hesitate to click on Bucky’s number. He didn’t even allow it to ring over one time before he picked up.
All he had to hear was your sniffles before you received a, “I’m on my way, doll.”
It didn’t take him that long to reach your building, opening your door with a key that you had given earlier in the relationship. You tugged him into a deep embrace, burying your face in his shoulder as you shook. His metal arm held you close to him as his flesh one stroked your back soothingly, only moving when you had calmed down. That’s how you wound up sitting on the couch once again, Bucky’s hand laying comfortingly on your thigh as he waited for you to tell him what happened.
“I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you, Buck.. I just.. haven’t been too comfortable with my looks lately. Whenever I get like this, I sometimes question whether or not you should even be with someone like me. I mean c’mon, I’ve been dating an ex-avenger, the guy that helped take down the Flag Smashers. When I think about it, me and you just sound kind of ridiculous.” You knew your words sounded cruel, painful even as Bucky felt like his heart was getting ripped out of his chest. “Baby, nothing about us sounds ridiculous. In fact, I think we sound just right. You’re my girl, sweetheart, I chose to be with you, to let you see all of me, and you know that’s not easy for me to do.” The hand that was on your thigh moved up to cup your cheek, gently pulling your attention to him.
“I love all of you. Every single curve, bump, and flaw that you may think you see in yourself. I wouldn’t trade you for anyone or anything, so try to remember that for me, please, hun.” You felt tears springing back into your eyes as you allowed him to pull your body into his, laying himself down so you could lay directly on top of him. “Buck..” You whispered in embarrassment. “Ah ah ah, doll.  I think you keep forgetting that I’m a super soldier.” He teased, wrapping his arms around you.
“Sometimes.” You said sheepishly with a smile on your face.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love
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natsmagi · 9 months
I hate to be rude but do you know how to draw body fat or are you just gonna make tsumugi a stick with boobs over and over
THE "I HATE TO BE RUDE" AHAKGSQKG3KWHQJSUANSHDNGN PLEAAAAASEE ANON DONT LIE TO URSELF U KNOW DAMN WELL THIS WAS WRITTEN WITH CONDESCENDING INTENT LMAO but to answer ur question; yea i do! admittedly im not the best at it as i lack experience (i dont draw nudity very often so the opportunity barely arises) but i do have a general understanding of how its meant to look and yes i will continue drawing tsumugi as a stick with big boobs over and over! because this is the body type i headcanon her with and i think it suits her. i know boob sizes arent that deep, but a figure like hers carries a more "motherly" vibe to it (theres a reason we say "mommy milkers" n shit after all) plus it adds to her "hot klutz anime gf" energy. theres a Reason this portrayal is so common in the broad enstars community (including JP/KR/CN/etc artists too). when coming up with femstars portrayals my priority is not in giving you representation (that was never even there to begin with); it is to try and translate what made the character good in the original and keep that energy in this new version. now, sometimes adding a larger bit of diversity DOES help translate over the characters energy, and its a win-win for all! it just simply is not how i picture tsumugi in my head (but this does not mean i eat up those different portrayals of her any less!!! i think its super fun to see and she will always be absolutely gorgeous!!!!). if you disagree with my headcanon of her you quite literally do not need to consume my art. no one is forcing you to look at what i make. Pick up a pen and draw the tsumugi of your dreams yourself
and before anyone brings it up: yes!! skinny ppl can have big busts!!!! crazy, isnt it?? ud never expect it from the way yall discuss it! boob sizes are determined partially by fat, yes, but also genetics and if uve undergone pregnancy (the mommy milkers.....) so its INCREDIBLY weird to see people constantly talking about how those of us who draw tsumugi like this "dont know how women look" when yall dont even research the shit you spew. the reason "big boobs skinny waists" is something we've been fighting against in media portrayals is because there was a time where that was ALL THE PORTRAYAL OF WOMEN WE'D GET. THAT IS UNREALISTIC. women come in ALL shapes and sizes, and to dictate what women Can or Can't look like is fucking misogynistic and i cant believe you people dont realize this. i cant believe you dont realize the harm in what you say. alot of skinny people with big busts end up getting breast reduction surgery because 1. those mfs are heavy and 2. everyone sexualizes them!!!!!!! their bodies are viewed purely as something pornographic!!!!!! and no one wants that!!!!!!!! which shit like THIS (something being wrong with having big boobs) perpetuates. often times they hide their busts by wearing baggy clothes, which hides their figure and they end up looking a few sizes bigger just to avoid being viewed as an object. its sad!!!!! and now theres a new wave of people BODYSHAMING THEM??????? and for what??? because men think big boobs are hot???? why can women only exist in contrast to men???? why must women always think about how men will react to how they look or behave?????? why cant women of all body types just EXIST. why must there ALWAYS be someone we punch down at???? bodyshaming isnt suddenly cool just because youre shaming something men get off to
so, i have a question for you too! genuinely, what is wrong with drawing tsumugi like this? what is the harm? theres like 6 characters out of the 49 in enstars that i hc with big busts, so its not like im reducing women to this body type, and its queer people and women who are my target demographic. so whats wrong with it? im genuinely curious
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mapoeggplant · 9 months
i was reading some chapter discussions since im catching up on skip and loafer and i saw someone call mtsumi self-centered like always and this was surprising to me because i've only seen her as a positive character! do i just have shima vision in thinking she is always right? i just cant think of how she is a self-centered character and how someone could get that impression!
oh anon……i want to say i’m sorry because i’ll write a lot about this topic.
honestly, people see her like that because of the breakup chapter. i don’t quite understand why people see mitsumi as a self-centered character when all she was thinking about was shima’s feelings and a way to preserve their friendship, for the both of them.
i’ve seen people saying she’s self-centered because, in their mind, she forced her feelings on shima, which was never the case. she was always open to listen to what he had to say and gave him a chance to speak up while they were having the picnic, but she knows how hard and confusing it is for him to open up and understand his own feelings. when she started to talk about wanting to focus on herself, it was clear to me that she was just making up an excuse to preserve their feelings.
we, as readers, need to reming ourselves that we are the ones with the “bigger picture”. we know what is happening behind the scenes, we have the power to read people’s mind and understand their emotions. not the characters. mitsumi doesn’t know ANYTHING that happened with shima or his internal battles. all she knows is what he’s ready to tell her and she respects and appreciates that. she never forces anything out of him or make up stories on her mind, all she does is respect his space.
when shima says “mitsumi is always right”, this comes more from his admiration for mitsumi rather than the absolute truth. he thinks she’s this amazing person who always knows what to do and always understand her own feelings, someone that he’s not. that’s why he sees her as someone who’s never wrong.
he keeps on repeating “mitsumi said i don’t feel that way about her” and that is already a point for people to say “see, mitsumi is imposing her feelings on him”, which is not true at all. shima never had the chance to be in touch with his feelings and be the one to determine what he feels. when someone he admires and think is right says something, ofc he’ll be “oh, yeah she’s right”. but that doesn’t mean he stopped and simply accepted: he’s questioning if this is truth since the day she said it — i mean, the fumi scene? the crab scene? the talk with mukai? all he wants is to understand his feelings and see if mitsumi was indeed right or if there’s something more that he’s missing.
that reminded me of another point that people broght up once that absolute make no sense to me: people said that, when fumi said mitsumi’s only good at studying, she’s just poking fun at both of them (mistumi and shima) with how terrible they are with love and understanding their own feelings. in fumi’s point of view, shima DOES like mitsumi’s romantically, and she’s surprised that mitsumi can’t see that herself, since she said “he doesn’t feel that way”. she’s not, at any point, confirming that mitsumi is selfish nor saying that she only thinks about herself.
i don’t know…mitsumi showed to be one of the most selfless characters out there. we even have a chapter with her exhausting herself to help everyone with the festival, starting to work just so she could buy her sister another wallet, asking the girls not to treat shima differently after knowing about the breakup….she’s ALWAYS thinking about others, which, in my opinion, isn’t even that great for her, i wish she would think more about herself and be more selfish!
anyways, sorry for the long rant, but this subject kinda makes me mad!!! like how can people see that sunshine as a self centered person?? absolute crazy!
hope i made myself clear!!!!!! but we can discuss more if you want, i’m always here for it 💛
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prongsfish · 2 months
im post blocked
(ive been asking everyone because he's slowly becoming my favourite)
just now realising you asked this nearly a month ago i'm so sorry i don't know why i struggle with answering asks so much!! but anyways evan headcanons i will GLADLY give. my characterisation of him is less concrete than characters like barty or regulus but i think about him loads still i love him...
this is a classic ofc but i will always see him and pandora as twins!! i love siblings in media so much and i think it allows for suuupper interesting dynamics between them, even in canon
in muggle aus my go-to career for him is either a piercer or something in the medical science field. i can just picture him as this mildly off-putting medsci student who goes on to be a forensic pathologist or something, he's really intrigued by the human body and how it functions in various ways. could definitely also go the way of unlicensed surgeon or mad scientist who performs fucked up experiments on people but that sort of thing doesn't quite fit into every fic lmaoo
i've always thought of him as more of a piercings guy than a tattoo guy (which is the opposite to barty). he'd definitely have both but i associate him more with piercings if that makes sense? i imagine he'd have a labret, bridge, stretched lobes (~7/8"), stretched septum (~0g), eyebrows (normal and middle placements), and high nostrils. all symmetrical!! plus probably some other non-facial piercings
he'd love sci-fi, thriller, and horror (especially psychological) films. anything super tense and probably confusing
when he was a child he and pandora would trap and kill insects. they'd spend ages examining little bug bodies and dissecting them with sticks and stuff... as he grew older he became more and more interested in bigger animals. occasionally he would kill animals himself but more often he'd search for those already dead, especially roadkill. once he was finished with any given specimen he'd carefully remove, clean, and reconstruct their skeletons to give to pandora. she didn't like the organs stuff as much as he did but she loved collecting bones and taxidermy insects, in exchange one year for his birthday (10-14th, maybe) she spent ages searching to buy him a surgical set from an antique store
waaay scarier than barty. if you don't know them you might be more initially scared by barty but while barty is loud and crazy and violent and laughs at pain/danger, evan is creepy. he knows way a million and one ways to kill someone without leaving behind any evidence. he knows every single pressure point on the human body. someone mentions a medicine they've taken their whole life for the first time and when someone else asks what it is he can explain in minute detail exactly how it works to the point where not even the person who takes it knew even half of what he says. he's super quiet moving without even meaning to be so he scares the shit out of people all the time. he doesn't blink as often as he should but just often enough that you don't notice until you're paying attention. and this is all revealed gradually, whereas barty's most "scary" traits are purposefully the most surface level things about him
he loooves medical dramas. he's watched tons of them. he HATES the good doctor though, purely on principle because once someone said that must be his favourite because he's autistic. his actual favourite is house
he runs cold and NEVER wears shorts. lots of beanies and jackets
these were so random and i went on a few tangents but oh well i did like five other things between writing these so it's a bit of a mess LMAO
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skylinesnsunshines · 5 months
Hello, can you make a reading about Twice's Sana personality?
yes i can! here it is, hope you like it!
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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the hierophant rx, 10 of cups, queen of wands, ace of wands rx | hawk, visionary, mercury: think, learn, network and communicate
with the hierophant in reverse as the first card, i see sana as a trailblazer who always wants to challenge the status quo. her thought process might be unique compared to her family, friends and peers, as she doesn't necessarily always seek out external approval when it comes to her personal beliefs. sana could be someone who is introspective and often questions the things she was taught throughout her life, whether that's with morals, values, or beliefs, among other things. she's unafraid to stand out from the crowd and speak up when necessary. she could also be seen as a rebellious figure but it doesn't come from malicious intent, rather that she just feels that many structures or hierarchies don't align with her beliefs which is why she questions it. 10 of cups tells me sana prioritises harmonious relationships, especially when it comes to her loved ones. she seems like a glass-half-full type of person. She reads as a serial optimist (to a fault) and that she really values her connections with others compared to her material things or worldly achievements. sana comes off as someone very genuine and authentic when it comes to living her truth. the queen of wands tells me sana's a social butterfly, and that she is very assertive as well as independent. she's someone who doesn't let setbacks hinder her from achieving her goals, and she has a go-getter attitude (typical capricorn). the sense of duality comes through with this card as well, as the queen of wands depicts someone with perseverance and courage as well as warm and sensitive. sana knows she is highly capable when it comes to achieving her goals, but never comes off as snobby as she carries herself with an air of grace. with the ace of wands rx at the bottom, sana might struggle with following through her ideas or plans. i see her as a sporadic person when it comes to her energy and her constant flow of ideas causes delays in what she wants to achieve. i think she could jump from one idea to another often which causes frustration with herself. i feel she also might struggle when it comes to creating plans as she does have the determination to follow through with it, but her sporadic energy causes her to be distracted easily.
i definitely get mercurial vibes from sana (she seems like a gemini rising to me), the level of duality she has and her love of communicating with others intrigues me. her energy comes off very vibrant and curious, which is why she loves communicating and learning new things. the mercury card also represents virgo energy, which is why i can see sana as a perfectionist and someone who's very detail-oriented. im hearing that she has a great ability to "read between the lines". the hawk card basically reiterates what i said, as well as the fact that sana is very intuitive and that she is always able to see the bigger picture. with the visionary card, it illustrates someone who can envision what is not yet conceivable to others with a willingness to proclaim a vision without the need for personal gain. i feel sana might be someone who gets prophetic dreams, and just has an innate feeling when it comes to making decisions or seeing others. if i'm not mistaken she's the only extrovert in twice, which makes sense as she feels rejuvenated when spending time with others. she could be someone who easily makes friends, as her bubbly personality comes off as very endearing and her presence is good energy to be around.
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so that’s it for the reading! let me know if you have any feedback, questions or requests! my askbox is always open for a chat as well <3 sending you love and light always :) hope you enjoyed!
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thebearme · 2 years
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This picture is single handed the most controversial photo, all because the fandom is split on who it is.
Now I'm on the side where it's Eddy's bro and here the logic of this.
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1) Teeth, Eddy hadn't ever wear braces... ever. Not even a single mention from Ed or Edd or the other kids and they know him for sense they were five, and you can't hide something like that.
2) Height, I know that this show is like a loony toon with the physical comedy but we know what someone like Eddy looks in stilts or anything that makes him appear taller. Annnd that's not what it looks like, his torso is tall yet hunched over so unless Eddy grew a literal bigger spine- we can come to the conclusion that it's someone naturally taller.
3) Clothes, Yes funny enough the clothes can be a dead giveaway. This guy is wearing a sweater and tie while Eddy is always shown wearing a vest in he's photos.
4) Hair, This is shown to be a consistent thing with in Eddy's photos. That one of his hairs curls up, THIS IS THE BIGGEST GIVEAWAY BESIDES THE BRACES! Even when he greases up his hair the curl always stays while the first photo shows it ALL down but you can tell it's greased up the same but it's still different- mmm...
5) The attic, why is it up there in the attic in the first place? Yea Eddy could have put it up there so he doesn't have to be embarrassed by it, but you know what other option makes more sense or just as so... one of Eddy's family members hiding it. It makes more sense if you thing Eddy's bro hiding it because HES embarrassed by HIS OWN PHOTO. Or my personal headcanon that it's eddy's parents hiding anything that is even associated with Big bro, I mean they had to know about the abuse and knows Eddy still idolizes him. So like any sane parent would do they try to get rid of anything and everything that's associated with him.
And heres the important thing to remember
1) Eddy's bro might look like Eddy when he was younger, it wouldn't be a surprise once you remember that all Eddy's ancestors look like.
2) This could have been before they had a original character design for Big bro, so why put a design from the scrap board that you don't even know if it's going to be in the movie or not when you can use Eddy but make him look older. You know... like a place holder. .-.
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In the end of the day, Eddy is Eddy. And I hope yall can see the difference here...
I hope this didn't seem passive aggressive, sorry
edit: nvm i guess im wrong here
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hi it’s the lonely anon that was expressing frustration abt how i react when my partner responds to me being upset;
to the people who commented on it i just wanted to say he’s not like that about everything. it’s right that using my own name as a way to identify a ‘negative’ trait is unkind and unfair to me. i’m gonna talk to him about that in depth— thank you to the person who’d mentioned that! i never could identify why it felt so upsetting or made me feel like such a child.
he really is a lovely wonderful person who’s made me feel beautiful & who’s been my safe place through a lot. he thinks im awesome, and beautiful, and smart as hell. almost every morning he makes me breakfast and every time i am being quiet or sad he’ll spin me around until i laugh. every time i get dressed he says “wow!” like it’s the first time he’s ever seen me. he’s a big reason why i have finally been able to admit that i am smart, and why i’m doing so much better.
we’ve been together almost 3 years and he’s expressed that he’s exhausted and hurt by how much i hate on myself. hearing the person you love constantly talk shit about themselves is heartbreaking and hard to deal with. i think part of this loop and why he can’t empathize any more is because i am so quick to assign myself the blame for every bad thing. i can’t expect anyone to not be exhausted from hearing me describe myself so poorly when to them i’m nothing like that. i’m trying to become better, but it’s still really difficult to love myself on my own.
empathy is a skill that’s sorely under taught, and he’s working on it as much as i’m working on my anxiety and negativity with it. we’ve come a long way together, but our lives were very different! it’s okay that things sometimes don’t mesh. not saying it’s ok to make your partner feel dismissed or unheard or turn their name into something negative, but everything’s multifaceted. i love him so fucking much.
i just needed to get my side of it out because it’s still hard and i’ve been holding onto it for so long that i just wanted someone to say i’m not crazy to feel this way. there’s always a bigger picture, and i’m thankful for different perspectives! i still maintain how i felt, but i can recognize my part in it too.
thank you for being so kind kat. i really hope i can see things the way you do & again thank you for hosting this blog. it’s so important to me and i’m sure a lot of other people too. <3
I am really happy and relieved to hear that there are also a lot of positive aspects to this relationship, and being frustrated with a partners self hatred isn't inherently toxic. But once it moves from communicating needs and boundaries to refusing to engage with your partners emotional struggles at all, then that's something which should be worked on. And part of that work is on you, if you do have a pattern of self hatred and irrational paranoia which is hurting your loved ones. But you having mental health struggles which are hard for him to deal with does not mean that he gets to dismiss your pain and emotions. Like you gotta look for a middle ground where both of you are working to find ways to make this situation more manageable for both of you
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creatively-cosmic · 6 months
Hi Starry, I’m back! :D
I’m glad you like the questions and that they aren’t annoying, because every bit of lore I read is like a taking a shot of dopamine lmao. And that picture of Fire getting a hug 🥹 brightened up my whole day. Trust me when I say that you guys reposting pictures and adding content to older ones isn’t obnoxious in the slightest. The art (at least for me) makes it easier to digest and form connections about the story in my head, plus y’alls art is great—who wouldn’t want to look at it? The lore/art in the last one was particularly interesting. (Like, young Red looks like such an polite, upstanding citizen and then you scroll down two pages and now it’s like “Tf you lookin crazy for”? Was that an implication that Steven had something to do with Red going missing/becoming Glitchy? And Leaf is funking DEAD?-)
Anyways, you know what that means! Question time: Leaf Edition!
The First (and most obvious) question: What happened to Leaf? Why is the homegirl dead? (Why was Leaf being dead, out of all the things I’ve seen so far, the one thing I wasn’t expecting?)
Second: What’s the relationship between Leaf, Fire and Blue? You said that Blue and Fire’s murder-suicide loop was spurred on by her death, so were they friends before she died? Did they see it?
And two smaller questions: How tall are the main four (Red, Blue, Fire, Leaf)? And do they have Pokémon Teams? If so, what are their teams looking like?
That’s all till next time! Have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are!
We honestly can't thank you enough for all your questions, compliments, and just overall being a huge sweetheart. We're really happy you've been enjoying these, and whatever dopamine you get from seeing these, we probably get like. TENFOLD, just for seeing someone so interested, and giving us a chance to talk about this wild ride of a story. So really- thank you. This has been a delight!
This one is gonna be REALLY long (I have to rewrite fucking HALF OF IT now DAMMIT), as we want to talk on the stuff you crossed out, too.
(I'll put their heights and teams in a follow-up post btw, so watch for that.)
1. Red.
Young Red is an interesting point in time. See, he and Blue had a LOT in common- a lot more than you might think. Of course, Red was a good kid, genuinely- always so caring for his Pokemon, kind and passionate about them. He was polite to the people around him, and always soft spoken, when or if he spoke at all. The adults around Kanto and his hometown always adored him for how well mannered he seemed- a real role model, and stand up child. Just a bit shy.
In all truth though, Red moreso had a very strong mask. One that he only dropped, allowing himself to relax and act like himself around one person: his best friend, Blue.
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Both of those boys were a lot more immature and competitive with each other- the main difference being Blue didn't hide it like Red did. They LOVED competing, always trying to one up each other in everything they did. When they were together, Red wasn't afraid to speak his mind, signing or whispering to his friend with a smug grin on his face. Around his friend, Red could really be himself, and they both loved it. Having so much fun, roughhousing and taking jabs and just being children around each other. A lot of people, when seeing this, would assume Blue- who was always rude and a bit more standoffish- was a bad influence, but really, the two couldn't be happier than they were with each other.
... When you spend God knows how long, trapped in a dimension with no human life, desperate and angry with unholy forces eating away at your mind, will, and sanity. Let's just say masking doesn't end up staying a necessary skill. A good portion of why Red being Like That now is honestly? Just because he just gave up on trying to make himself presentable.
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He has bigger problems now than worrying about how people see him, anyways.
2. Steven.
I'll try to keep this short, as the Strangled Red elements of this story could warrant it's own post entirely.
To put it simply: Steven is, in part, directly responsible for Red's fate.
It wasn't HIS decision, mind you. He barely even thinks for himself anymore. But there were things that wanted Red, and Steven is very suggestible when it takes the right approach. So it lays itself out so simply.
Red trusted Steven, after all. Idolized him. Missed him. Would follow him anywhere. What better possible option could there be?
Of course Steven is the one to drown that boy on the coast of Cinnabar.
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3. Leaf. (cw for animal death.)
Finally, the star of the show for this ask (as if this isn't long enough already). I can see why the information for her is more supriding as we haven't posted as much for her, which. We do feel bad about- our ability and motivation to make art for her was severely hindered by our struggle (I'm talking MONTHS) to make a design for her that we were happy with. Her story is WELL figured out, though, so we're glos we get to discuss! And now that her design is actually finalized, there should be more visual stuff for her coming.
So what happened?
Well! As is the entire premise of Missing Numbers, each major individual is based off of various Pokepastas. The easiest way to answer that is one of two of Leaf's sources:
Abandoned Loneliness.
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But first, we have to go further back.
Fire was not the only Vessel made by the Almighty.
... He was the first, and the favorite. But he wasn't the only one. Leaf was the other.
Once Fire had come to Palette town, the next Game was set to begin any time now. But as the Almighty looked down on the world, He looked back at the others that had been built, and realized that the new Kanto was missing something. An alternative option. Though He was reluctant to change the structure of the world, it was, by all means, an improvement, and something the Players would expect after the past Generations.
She was less meticulously made than her brother. She kept her Heart and Mind about her, as there wasn't time, nor was it safe, to rid her of them like Fire. She would serve well enough as a Vessel regardless- and she did, as when the Game began, Leaf was chosen as the player's Avatar. (Not quite what the Almighty had expected, but the choice had been given for a reason, so it would be foolish to change anything now...)
Blissfully unaware of the nature of her existence, Leaf proceeded to go on a triumphant adventure through Kanto.
This is a good time, before we get back to the tragedy, to answer your second question!
Leaf, Blue, and Fire's dynamic changed throughout their journey through Kanto. At the beginning, let's just say things were... Tense.
Fire acted hollow, in the beginning, as he was meant to. Genuinely, it was fully expected that he'd be chosen as the players Avatar. So without it, he was left... Quiet and cold. It seemed he didn't care for anyone- not Blue, nor his sister.
Blue, meanwhile, was NOT in a good headspace. But at this point, after about two years passed since Red's dissapearance, he'd learned to hide those feelings. The people of Palette town, including his Rivals, knew him as this bitter, irritable person, resentful towards the world for incomprehensible reasons.
Leaf was the only "normal" one, basically. A cheerful, excited girl, whose heart bled for everyone she cared about and always tried to stand for the right thing. She didn't know where she came from... She had no memories of her life before "Red" and Hazel (Fire's mother) Yuuji found her, seemingly abandoned in the tall grass just outside of Palette Town, under the falling autumn leaves. Taken in as a part of their family, she grew attracted quickly, her loyalty and love and impulsive need to protect coming to be what she was known for.
With all this given, when the journey started. Leaf HATED Blue- he seemed to despise and bully her brother more than anyone. Blue didn't like Leaf much either, but wasn't as harsh towards her as he was Fire. Fire was as... Neutral as ever. But he silently followed the two once they went out, almost as if he wanted to watch over them. Ensure their safety.
As the journey continued, over time, away from the stuffiness of their hometown, the three started to grow closer. Maybe the fresh air was doing Blue good. Maybe Leaf was learning more about the world. Maybe Fire's deep brown eyes were growing warmer.
Somehow, a death was the tipping point for all of them to finally become friends. It's absurd, how grief was the thing driving them apart, but ultimately went to bring them together.
When Blue's Raticate died, he quickly fell back to his lowest point. Angry and hateful and heartbroken, lashing out, and ultimately running away. ... But it put everything in perspective. Through all her guilt (it was in a fight against her, after all, that the Raticate had been so severely injured), Leaf suddenly understood why Blue had been so horrible before: he was mourning. And he needed someone. It didn't make her forgive him, but it made her extend a hand.
And for once, knelt over the grave of a lost Pokemon, Blue accepted it. From that act of kindness, Blue genuinely began to get along with the others, and slowly, the trio came to be friends- all the way up to and after the Championship, where despite losing again, Blue felt closer to the others than ever.
... It seems in this world, good things don't last.
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The events of Abandoned Loneliness happened several months after Leaf became champion. When revisiting Raticate's grave with Blue, Leaf came across a peculiar Pokemon- a horribly sickly little Eevee, too weak to even cry. Leaf had never been the kind to leave a Pokemon in need to fend for itself- kindly, she took the little stray into her care, determined to nurse it back to health.
The properties of Glitched or Corrupted Pokemon aren't something I need to dive into right now this is already ungodly long. What's important is that the Eevee was not a natural Pokemon. It should've been dead.
It always starts with a Pokemon that should've been dead.
Let's just say... Everything unraveled from there. Fully explaining what the events of Abandoned Loneliness translates to in Missing Numbers isn't something I have the energy to write at the moment (this is so long and I've been putting off finishing it cause I'm still mad all my initial writing got deleted >_<).
The important part comes down to Leaf's demise at the hands of this "curse." Bonded to that sickly little Eevee, when the world pushed her to put it out of its misery- voices of the damned screaming, unbearable, suffocating, demanding she DO IT DO IT DO IT, you can't bear to watch it suffer anymore, after all... The destiny bond it held her in dragged her down with it.
Nobody witnessed her death. She was alone and isolated at the foot of a mountain. She thought she could solve everything herself. Thought she could handle it all.
Her body was only found days later, curled up on the ground, rotting blood seeping from her eyes, with the body of the poor little Eevee in her arms. Trapped and suffocated by the hands that killed it. It was far too late. To maje it worse, her friends were the first to know of her death.
Fire was the one who found her body, after all.
Leaf's demise was a SEVERE breaking point, and unlike Fire, she didn't get a chance to be revived by God. Her modern presence in the world was not... Authorized, let's just say. Leaf had to claw and fight to keep hold of herself and climb back to existence in ways unprecedented, and believed to be impossible. But despite being a corrupted entity, her body was stable. And so, rather than Smite her as he would other Glitches, the Almighty decided to make good of an unintended situation: He could make use of her. A man on the inside is a powerful tool, after all.
So long as He kept her anger for her fate targeted towards the "true" threats.
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I could keep going but I've babbled on way too much already for this post lol. I'm so sorry about the delay on this one- life REALLY got in the way. And Tumblr's buggy ass mobile app 💀
hopefully i can elaborate more without any crashing in the next round if there is one ashfshf
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toestalucia · 3 months
OKAY quick event talk<3 (it was not quick)
bitter no1 thought, narmaya feeling constantly sidelined forced smile. naru getting hurt protecting thalassa & going 'dont worry im fine:]' is fine on its own, but in the bigger picture of the event...grrrrrrr cygames u need one more person on event checking still
anyway i thought naru keeping the danchou-chan, meaning she ended up saying danchou-chan-zeki while seofon dropped the -chan and jsut went danchou-zeki was a nice detail:') icarus is nice, i like him. tweyens constant 'seofon looks like hes having fun' made me a bit emotional pien. great to see kyuta again. tefnut go girl give us nothing(positive). the part where she was eating but it was raziel who had made the chanko,,,raziels constant 'did u call:DDD' 'no' + her introduction oh u r soooooo endearing LOL liked the lil abramelin part, thought of how ofc grans gonna be a bit sad thinking about it. having thalassa constantly in her mermaid form was great, although we r circling back to bitter no1 thought. i thought the flashbacks to weapon skills (like rage, phalanx) was sooo cuteT_T + seeing the different job outfits was fun. um. idk what to say about the new art KBJBJKADBJKDBJKAD....????????????????????? did not expect that
i probably wont go indepth with it tonite, but when seofon & tweyen first said they were going to see raiden & the whole 'we have to see if its a danger to the sky or not' aspect.......gran who Gets it, but also as someone who Was seen as an enemy of the sky i think they immediately feels very defensive about it....? on a personal level...? when its someone they hung out with before...? they wont discredit the suspicion seeing the circumstances + its the eternals, but.... did like wilnas telling raiden than him dying wouldnt solve anything, cuz tameemon would just possess his body or whatever instead.
also liked this wilnas line
Wilnas: Those who defy the laws of these skies are best suited to protect it.
scrolling down my notes doc, did like seofon & narmaya noticing ppl were approaching:') i like when they point those things out. + the lil bit about how they always treat captain. do want them to appear in an event together again, i think its neat seeing them both, would lov to see them interact/fight together
Seofon: Might've teased her a bit too strongly. I'll have to dial it back a bit next time. Vyrn: Better quit while you're ahead.
vyrn saying this when he constantly has to go 'captain was joking',,,,LOL
Bennu: Although I may still have the higher victory count, it's clear that your skills have surpassed mine, Singularity. Henceforth I shall address you by name out of respect, Captain.
liked this part too cuz i always end up talking about how much gran dislikes being called singularity LOLL regardless if its actually Real or not, gran is counting it as real
Captain recalls the various techniques and strategies learned from fighting alongside allies. Before long, all of that knowledge begins to flow through Captain like water, becoming the captain's strength.
back to this part but i trulyyy do lov grans skillsets & fighting style becoming a mishmash of the ppl they spar with/see fighting often/etcT_T.....monk quests whole 'captain is very good at copying images cuz thats how they have trained'.....its very thrown together, lacking parts etc since they nvr had a teacher, so having ppl around who Actually knows how to fight...........gahhh
speaking of monk i spent most of the event imaging gran forgetting theyre supposed to keep to sumo and easing into the closecombat moves theyre more used to -> immediately having to apologize with their entire might
ok thats all in my doc
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gurorori · 1 year
9, 10 and 13 final answer locked in
9. share an unpopular opinion!
hmmm this is a bit hard 2 think of. i cud say a few unusual opinions on da way of dress itself but i have a general community opinion dat most lolitas wld definitely side eye me 4...
ok stay with me. bit of a fun topic but, kinksters in lolita. an' 100% i don' mean the s/ssies or anyone similar, sadly lolitas r quite used 2 bein' sexualised & havin' their pictures (especially if it's sweetloli) stolen & used in s/ssy imagines, so on, non-consensually ofc. which angers me too, kink is normal but involvin' ppl who want nothin' 2 do w it will always b nasty, even if it's only a picture. like i need them men 2 understand lolita isn' a girly girl costume, it's jus' a fashion. dat ppl wear, sumtimes everyday...
That Being Said. i find it very insultin' seein' most lolitas turn their noses when they see someone who is Also into kink, interact with the community. in a non-harmful way dat is, i'll explain. it doesn' happen very often but yunno how on reddit, if ya interact with nsfw subreddits & such, it will show on yr profile. well, i've noticed ppl in r/lolita bein' very judgemental of those who have a nsfw side, despite their posts in lolita bein' completely normal & nawt suspicious.
idk, i can only hope im mistaken & it's nawt actually 'most' lolitas, as a lot of da community is full grown adults, an' i don' hold the whole s/ssy thing against em, i'd b slightly wary seein' someone at the intersection of kink&loli too, but i hate seein' ppl act like they r interests without overlap. ya can only have one at a time, apparently.
so ye ig my unpopular opinion is dat ya can b into cool adult stuff & still wear lolita & keep those two separate. ya don' taint the fashion somehow & don' ruin anyone's impression of it. there's a lotta pressure sum ppl put on others in da community 2 always b this perfect representation of wat lolita is, but we r all jus' ppl w our own lives, wearin' unusual clothes. i think ppl r free 2 do the things they normally do.
n_n anyway da more tame opinions i have will always b old school related, an' it's a few style choices dat ppl outside old school look down upon, so i guesss.. unpopular? i luv peekin' bloomers, i luv small/no petticoat, i luv striped socks, i luv whites not matchin', i luv black shoes/accessories with sweet or shiro, i luv coords with a random bag/shirt/anythin' ya found home slapped on, if 2000s FRUiTS street snap girlies cud do it, ya can too.
10. do you prefer vintage or new dresses?
looks at ya with my autistic eyes. guess. guess.. guess. guess. I LUV OLD SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!! i don' particularly mind re-releaaes of the old designs tho, so technically they'd b 'new', but 'm mostly in favor of older, used, even worn dresses/skirts/etc, if da price is good & it's a piece i want.. sumtimes the designs get updated a bit thru da years & end up lookin' different, which happend 2 a baby dress i own ↓
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2005 (da version i own) vs current,
i still have no idea if we can trust new baby stock images but da color difference is crazy if true. havin' the older dress irl i can vouch it's.. actually even lighter in person, but dat might jus' b signs of wear. but yeah as ya see da design itself still had changed quite a bit, the cute lace curtain on da bodice is gone. i think da bigger bow on da neckline instead of da waist throws da balance off 4 me personally, too. like i jus' overall prefer the old version here.
i think dats my stanceeeee.. i don' mind buyin' re-releases & most likely will, but i still have more old-school preferences. it's quite hard 2 find pieces dat r both new & fit dat vibe still. as ya see even da old designs get renewed 2 da point where they lose their charm..
13. where would your ideal photoshoot be?
A CEMETERY!!! srsly, all da western places like europe & the us have such aesthetically pleasin' lookin' well-kept cemeteries with like nice greenery & stuff. here they r huge & ugly & very packed tho like it's nawt a place where ya can melancholically lean against a tombstone or stand menacingly & look gothic. nope.
aside from dat, jus any gothic architecture really, dark & imposin' n watever. obviously we don' have dat here either..
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gentil-minou · 2 years
I'd love to go into psychology. I think that diagnosing people is absolutely fascinating, but I have a really hard time with empathy. I can understand characters in TV shows and books and why they do the things that they do, but when it's real people it feels like there's a mental block or something? I just have to try really hard to be understanding and patient and I think that doing that for years would make me feel terrible. I have the right personality to be a psychiatrist, but I hate science and I know that I'd hate doing medical school. I know that there's other jobs in psychology (like a research psychologist, or a professor or something maybe) but getting a PhD is phenomenally hard and I'm not sure if I can do it. I feel like, for a therapist or really for anyone in psychology, having a lot of empathy is almost a requirement. Can you be a therapist if you have a hard time with empathy and relating to people?
Hi! I'm so excited to hear you're interested and I always love talking to folks who are passionate about this as a career! We need folks, yes including folks like you!
For starters: psychology is a broad field and not just one career. There's different types and paths to follow, not just the stuff you see on TV. It can be stuff like psychiatry (which is more medication based and why more like med school), therapist (my field which I didn't need a doctorate for in the USA, only my masters and liscensure hours), occupational therapy (which is its own field and so so very important), school counselor. And etc etc. Some folks even use psych in other fields, like teachers and I know it helps im advertising and marketing. It's so multifaceted that there really isn't a limit!
What I mean to say is, in short, it's about figuring out what you're comfortable with doing and what's the right fit for you. And you have time! One of my classmates in my masters was 50, and they're terrific. Higher education is necessary, but there's many paths for the same thing. I'd say see what opportunities might be available for you now to test the waters, see where your interests lie. Do you like working with kids or adults? Do you prefer play therapy or talking about feelings? Do you like moving around and working on motor skills or helping someone in a crisis or trauma situation? Are you interested in social work or working in schools? Start with researching and see what sparks your interest, the more passionate you are about it the more motivated you'll be to go to school for it.
And as to your second question: you already HAVE empathy. You said you understand what a fictional character is thinking and why they act a certain way, and that's a start.
It's true having empathy is an important skill in this field, but it's a SKILL for a reason. It's something we have to practice, and that's part of why school is so important. Part of it is understanding how someone's experiences lead to they way they act, which comes from not just empathy but understanding the symptoms in play here.
I'll give a real example: a parent comes to me and says they don't like the work I'm doing with their kid and they want a new therapist, even though the kid doesn't. My instinct, and this I cannot stress enough is valid and normal reaction, is to be hurt and upset. I'm even angry, because I know I am doing good work and it's the parent who has been causing issues. I'm frustrated and so very very hurt.
But I can also acknowledge that my feelings are separate from the situation, that I need to dig deeper to find out the full bigger picture here. This career is a lot like detective work, because we have to search for clues that might tell us why someone does or acts a certain way. So for this parent I might think about what I know of home life, current events that might he impacting them. Does the parent have their own mental health that causes issues? Are they upset with me or the situation? And can I help them figure put and communicate? It builds on more than just empathy I think, and it's something that comes largely from experience and recognizing patterns.
It doesn't always come naturally, but it does come with practice. You definitely have empathy if you are able to think about how your reaction affects another person. It's just building on those skills! Gathering experience and letting yourself learn, recognizing what might be a weakness that you can build on. And crucially: Practice practice practice!
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schizopositivity · 1 year
hello, sorry if this is hard to read i am having some trouble at the moment but i had a question and your blog has been very helpful to me in the past so i figured i would try?
im almost definitely schizophrenic (as in my doctor's have said this and just want to do some extra clarifying testing this week before providing the diagnosis. either way it is guaranteed i have a psychotic condition) and have been experiencing a ramp up in symptoms laately, many of which i am only barely able to convince myself are not real, because of my treatment and previous severe episode. the issue is that ive just woken up and i had a dream that was terribly related to what i have been experiencing in the day, and its throwing me off, because i dont know if thats possible in schizophrenia which makes it hard to rationalize that it isnt real.
i wont go into it extensively because it could cause issues for people (content warning for some mentions of unreality here to clarify what happened, its only this paragraph!) but i have been experiencing voices belonging to tvs in my head, and a lot of existential worry on if anything is real, if im awake, etc. last night i had a dream with the same tv voices as a major theme, and at the end of my dream a character acknowledged i was dreaming, and i had a false awakening too. this has all thrown me for a loop because since i dont know if the disorder can impact dreams, it makes everything hold so much more weight, and it is very distressing???
i am mostly just wondering if its possible for the disorder to impact dreams or cause you to have dreams related to hallucinations and delusions. i think i had some stuff similar to this last year in my last active episode, but its incredibly hard to remember.
im sorry for bothering and i hope this ask doesnt cause you any issues, i would just really like to know if it is possible for the disorder to show up in dreams like this. thank you for your blog and i hope youre having a very good day, your work is so appreciated and has brought me immense comfort while im being diagnosed
I think a psychotic episode can definitely impact your dreams. For most people (nonpsychotics included) dreams can feel weird, can be separate from reality, and can have you questioning things when you're finally awake. So it makes sense to me that someone who is already struggling with reality in their waking life would be even more impacted by these types of dreams.
Also for me when I was deep in my psychosis before treatment, everything in reality, and in my psychosis was always connected in strange ways. I'd find meaning in every little thing and connect it to a bigger picture that only existed inside my mind. And dreams played into this as well. Only after years of medication and therapy, I can see that things just sort of happen, and coincidences happen, and not everything is part of this bigger picture that revolves around me. I don't expect everyone to come to this conclusion on their own or even ever, but for me some very helpful mantras have been "shit happens", "it's not that deep" and "this is just the chemicals in my brain firing off, it means nothing".
Also if a dream, or the aftermath of a dream is distressing, it's totally valid to care for yourself after as if something distressing in your waking life happened. Practice your coping skills, do things that bring you comfort, rest and take care of yourself. Dreams being distressing is no joke.
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kaeyapilled · 2 years
u should tell me more about asa PRETTYPLEASE
AUGH I REALLY DONT HAVE MUCH. does it have to be only the genshin related parts? well yes ill stick to that because he has like four different flavors depending on what universe i put him in. okay so
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this is roughly what he looks like. i thought i had more good picrews of him but i dont apparently<//3 well heres some fun facts about him like in general to start
- best friends with my oc sofia who. i haven't really put into the genshin universe. but if the people ask i can talk about her too loll
- ambulatory wheelchair user, typically uses a cane, has Some chronic illness that i dont really know which,, pots probably. unspecified chronic pain. but the thing is im not chronically ill or disabled myself so i need to search more stuff before im super confident exploring this side of his character lmao
- sadly he is just like baizhu. the chronically ill doctor trope is already filled in genshin but there's always space for someone else! right!
- not pictured here but sometimes i make him have wings. i still haven't decided if he should actually have them or not. when he has wings only one is functional so he can't quite Fly
- wings or no wings he likes birds a lot!
- i chose his name because it means healer or doctor in....hebrew i think? according to google? and it also means just. "wing". in my mother tongue portuguese so kshdksh hitting two symbolisms with one stone
- now focusing on the genshin part. his father is the actual doctor in charge of the cathedral infirmary but is currently on the varka expedition (look this guy's father is. I don't know what to do with him. like in any universe. idk if i give asa oc syndrome and make him a full orphan or if i just leave the man alone because he's a solid guy! a good father! anyways i digress) and asa is in charge sort of in a similar situation to jean being acting grandmaster.
- i think he's besties with barbara. she's like a younger sister. because i think hes around jeans age. (and dilucs and kaeyas i think all of them r around the same age)
- he has an anemo vision but don't ask me how he got it
- catalyst user and healer but do not ask me like what sort of talents he'd have i dont know. don't ask me if he's a 4* or a 5* either i don't know,, but if he were to have a banner his like. title? idk? would be, and this is kinda stupid, Healing Winds of Birdsong - does it not sound like something you'd read on a genshin banner. i think does
- hes very devout to barbatos but at the same time i kinda enjoy the idea of him. questioning some stuff about the archons and gods too. like those medieval(? do not quote me on this) philosophers who thought extensively about religion and the human condition and. etc. does this make sense
- if he knew the annoying bard is no one other than the anemo archon i think he'd combust
- he picks up his fantasy testosterone prescription at the alchemy shop. the image of albedo and sucrose coming up with hrt is just too dear to me
- i want him and kaeya to kiss just because im a kaeya lover and. why not. but i don't have anything developed about them At All forgive me
do you want to see my cringefail voicelines i wrote?
Something to Share: Did you know that Mondstadt alone has over three hundred species of birds? Around the city area, you mostly see pigeons and falcons, but the diversity in places with less human activity is much bigger. Also, a lot of the birds migrate during the winter months, towards warmer climates like Liyue and even Sumeru. Oh, and— um... Forgive me, I seem to have been talking for a while... It's a topic that interests me.
Favorite Food: I tend to like more savory dishes. In fact, Sofia won't let me cook anymore, because I "put too much salt in the food". You know, I don't see the problem. It tastes fine to me.
- oh!! on the topic of favorite foods! i tried coming up with a special dish for him and i ended up picking northern smoked fowl because. vibes. but its a stamina dish and i kinda wish his special dish was a hp one.,, but anyway:
Special Dish: Doctor's Orders
Asa's specialty. The same recipe for smoked fowl with vegetables that's been passed down in Mondstadt for years, with the doctor's own twists. It's a little heavy on the salt, but it tastes really good overall.
plus character voicelines
About Barbara: Barbara? Oh, we wouldn't manage at the cathedral if it wasn't for her. I have taught her a lot, but the healing techniques she comes up with never fail to amaze me. Her presence always brightens up the place and soothes even the most ill of patients. I hold her in very high regards.
About Rosaria: I can't say I approve of Sister Rosaria's negligence towards her duties in the church, or of her blatant disrespect towards the Anemo Archon. That being said... I think I admire her conviction to simply do whatever she wants. Perhaps trying to force her into the role of nun is a bit foolish. This is the city of freedom, after all, is it not?
About Venti: The bard? *sigh* Archons above. He'll sing beautiful melodies about Lord Barbatos, then turn around and immediately slur out the most sacrilegious things I have ever heard in my life. Being around him for too long is exhausting and he always brings trouble. Yet, I find that I can't truly dislike him. Heh, he's an interesting one for sure.
and my entirely self indulgent and overly long About Kaeya voiceline:
About Kaeya: Sir Kaeya? Way too much of a charmer. That overly confident attitude ought to backfire on him sometime. It's easy to get swept away in all his smooth talk, but after a while you start to see it for what it is: a convoluted way to either change the subject or make you the center of his jests... *sigh* Well... I suppose that, when he wants, he isn't entirely awful to talk to... Hm? What? Who– who told you that? No! Why would I go to the tavern "just to see him"!? That's– *ahem* It isn't like that. Is it that far fetched that I might enjoy a drink during my moments of leisure? It's not my fault if the Captain is there all the time... Hmph, did Sofia put you up to this?
yeah. what else can I say about him. i thought of writing character stories for him but couldnt find enough ideas. here's the only salvageable paragraph:
... Asa can recall exactly what Mother Maria told him when he came to her, realization still fresh in his mind, desperate for some sort of guidance.
"The winds lead each of us through different paths. Barbatos has granted you with the power to choose whoever you wish to be; that is part of His gift of freedom."
Like a gust of cool wind that brings with it epiphanies, something clicked inside his chest, like the pieces of a puzzle falling into place.
And it was on that day that the little girl who used to dream of nunhood grew into a sharp young man who named himself "Asa."
okay this is all I've got. for now
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