#boyfriend bucky barnes
buckysbvtch3 · 1 year
Touch Starved Bucky:
Part 2
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Once Bucky has you, he has you
He’s not letting go of you — literally
Constantly needing to be touching you
He’d always be holding your hand or gently rubbing the pads of his fingers against your arms, legs, etc
He’s a sucker for platonic touch
Hugging you from behind when you’re in the kitchen cooking
Pulling your feet into his lap on the couch
Whenever he needs grounding he pulls you literally on top of him and you lay down like that forever
No, you won’t squash him he’s literally a super soldier
He can’t get over finding different ways to show you he loves you
Forehead kisses
Cheek kisses
Playing with your fingers
Raking his fingers through your hair / or playing with the curls
Resting his head on top of yours when you’re hugging
At first only using his real arm but after you make it obvious that you love being touched with both he never stops
Being in awe of how trusting you are when touching his arm
He’s not used to having physical touch so available to him so he gets overexcited when you two begin officially dating
None of the Avengers expect to see one of you without the other close behind
After he first month of dating, Bucky begins to worry that he’s too much — that you’ll get annoyed with his constant craving for your touch
You don’t, but he doesn’t know that
He begins to pull back and you think you’ve done something to upset him
Once you pry his reasoning out of him (he could never truly lie to you), he realised he’s been an idiot
Because you crave his touch just as much as he craves yours <3
Requests open!!
Thanks for all the love guys I love touch starved bucky so much! Part 2 linked at top
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longlivedelusion · 4 months
Hiker's Delight
Summary: Bucky takes you on a hike. That's it. That's the fic. Boyfriend! Bucky x Reader. Established Relationship.
Warnings: Just fluff and some mentions of post- Hydra trauma, but nothing too crazy. Will proper edit later!
A/N: Quick lil fic I wrote cause I've been just wanting more boyfriend! bucky, domestic life vibes. I need fluffy and comforting energy rn and this is that. Enjoy!!
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I make my way up the hill, huffing as I grab onto a nearby rock to pull myself up.
Bucky's behind me, not out of breath at all, the damn super soldier and his stamina and-
"Hey, you doin' ok?" I hear from behind me, Bucky leaning against a nearby rock.
I nod, looking back ahead as I haul myself up. "This is just a bit more intense than I thought, I'll be okay though." I let out another grunt and I push another step. He's stayed behind me the whole time even though I'm going at a snail's pace, according to him I'd probably drop off and get lost if he lead the way.
"You sure you don't want-"
"No. You are not gonna carry me. I'm gonna finish *grunt* this *huff* damn hike with my own two feet." 
We pull forward, the slopes getting a bit more steep than I expected, which had me nearly sweating by the time we reached the edge. I looked up at the towering cliff knowing my arms were like jello, but I had to, needed to-
Bucky knelt down and held his hands out, a makeshift lift as he looked up at me. He quirked his brow.
"I can-" I start.
"Stop being stubborn and take the help doll. This cliff is a bit of a bitch, if you can't tell." He said waved his arm at the cliff to make a point.
I don't say anything and just sigh, knowing he was right. No use being overly stubborn about this. I prop my foot in his hands, griping where I could on the rock in front of me before Bucky said "Ready? 1... 2..."
And then I was up, the top of the rock pressed against my stomach as I hoisted myself over the rest of the way. I crawled forward, legs starting to feel a bit like jello now that I was on the ground. 
I watched as Bucky followed right after, easily pulling himself over like it was the easiest thing in the world. He stood up with ease, clearly not dealing with same jello legs as I just kind of collapsed on my back and took some deep breaths. 
"Ugh, this damn body. Why must it betray me so." My dramatic ass said.
"Because you just went on a pretty intensive hike with barely any training even though I offered to have you train with me for like 2 months."
My noodle arm managed to raise up and wave him off, "Semantics."
He chuckled, taking a seat beside me and brushing the sweaty strands of hair off my face. "Want some water?"
I nod, eyes closed as my breathing stedied, my body starting to relax and calm down from the overexertion. I heard a bottle cap untwist, making me open my eyes to see Bucky with some water in hand. 
"Come on, you can prop up against me if you want." He said, hand gently helping me upwards. I push myself up and shift over, my back now facing the soldier's chest as he hands me the bottle.
"Oh fuck that's good," I sigh, taking a long swig before passing it back over to Bucky. It takes me a moment, but after I blink a few times I finally realize the view before me.
Directly in front of us is the most beautiful mountain range I'd ever seen-- massive trees lining the edges of the mountainS, an eagle soaring overhead, and a huge, crystal blue lake smack dab in the center. So cut off from civilization, this untouched land surrounded my mountains and only Mother Nature as its mistress.
"Wow, this is-" I start, eyes wide as they tried to take in every detail. The lighting, the shades of green, the textures--all of it... "breathtaking."
"I'm glad you like it." Bucky said softly, his voice a soft tickle behind my ear. His arms wrapped around my waist, tucking me in a bit closer to him as I sat in awe.
"Even though I'm not the biggest hiking fan-"
"Huh, couldn't tell." Bucky joked.
"-oh hush. I was saying, even though I'm not the biggest hiker, I'm really glad you asked me to do this." I reached for his hands on my waist and gave them a small squeeze.
"Thanks for coming. I'd only ever been here alone before, and it was for a mission. So I'm glad I get to actually enjoy it, and with some pretty decent company while we're at it." He kissed the side of my head, a smirk pressed against my hair.
"Oh decent huh? Just decent?" I looked over into his blue eyes and saw they were already looking down at me. That shit-eating smirk plastered on his stupidly gorgeous face. "Says the man who practically begged to take me here."
He shrugged, "I don't remember begging."
"Oh? So all that whining and bribing with takeout was just a lapse in memory then?"
"Probably." He said, the nonchalance to his voice making me wanna shove and kiss his sarcastic ass all at once..
So I settle with a boop his nose and a scrunched smile. "Cheeky." I turn back to the view before me, settling back into Bucky. As I reached into my bag and pulled out the small lunch I'd packed prior, I heard a grumble behind me. "Hungry?" I ask.
"Just a bit." He chuckled lightly.
I pulled some of the sandwiches and some fruits out, grabbing one for myself and handing the other to Bucky. "I can't think of a prettier place I've ever eaten," I said, mouth half full as I took a bite of my sandwich.
He reached for some blueberries, arms brushing past mine as he hummed and popped them in his mouth. "I need to take you out more then. Can't let this be the peak of our relationship now can I?"
"I mean, as long as I can actually physically get to these places ok I'm down. My stubbornness can't handle another hike like this, or I'll try to climb Everest of something next time."
"Eh, Everest is overrated anyways." He said, taking another bite of food.
I turned around in shock, "Seriously? You climbed Everest?"
He had a cocky smile on his face as he nodded. "Yup. Was kidding about the overrated thing though. Impressed?"
"Um, yeah I'm impressed! But when, how, what was it like?" I rambled on. I couldn't believe this man I'd come to know and love still had stuff like this just to learn about. A whole lifetime to know. 
He put the bottle down, thinking for a bit. "About ten years ago, when I was still in..." He hesitated. Hydra. Something we both knew, understood in... Different ways. It didn't need to be said. "I remember bits and pieces, but it was cold as hell and windy. For a second there though, at the top of the mountain, I looked out and was me. Bucky. I didn't remember the last time I had been myself like that, and I just didnt know what to do but take a deep breath in, look out at the mountains. I sat there for... Fuck knows how long."
I set down my food and reached for his hand, my thumb tracing over the back as he spoke. "Is that why you like hiking and climbing so much?" 
He nodded, hand turning and holding mine. He looked at the metal hand below him intertwined with mine before he spoke. "It can always pull me out of whatever headspace I'm in, I don't know. When shit doesn't work and the day feels like hell, being out here just... Helps. It reminds me of who I was or could be. I don't know." He shrugged, looking away at the view.
I squeeze his hand, eyes tracing back to his face. "I think I can sort of understand. Not the hiking or climbing but... Being by the sea does the same for me. Helps me remember that I'm alive and here."
He nods, his gaze still in the horizon. "It's like, no matter how fucked up the world gets or I get, nature doesn't judge. She justs gets it and doesn't care. Doesn't care about who I am or what I've done."
"Because she just sees chaos and order and gets that both are important." I add, fingers still tracing along the side of his face slowly. "The rest of it doesn't really matter."
We sit in silence for a moment before I shift Bucky's face towards me. His eyes lock onto mine in silent question. 
"Thank you for bringing me here. And sharing this with me."
He smiles as he leans down, a small kiss pressed against my lips before he let his forehead drop to mine. "Happy to."
"So where to next?" I ask, pulling back enough to look at him. "Another mountain? The desert? A tundra?"
"Actually, " he said, that cocky smile gracing his features again. "I got the perfect spot already in mind."
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congrats on 1k! can I request bucky fluff where the reader is plus sized and is insecure about her stomach & love handles specifically so she distances herself from bucky and doesn’t want him to see her for a couple days but on the last day she just breaks down and he helps her🥺 thank you
im plus sized too and I’ve been having a hard time recently. 🤍
༉‧₊˚. 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬) 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 || 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
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― pairing: bucky barnes x plus size!reader
― summary: the toxic thoughts never really went away, and instead of pushing bucky away, you finally decide to let him in, to help you.
― warnings: body Issues, insecurities, crying, a bit of self-hatred if you squint, referenced bullying.
― wc: 1014
⋆ a/n: i'm sorry this had been sitting in my inbox for so long, but i hope you feel better, and just a reminder, you are beautiful/handsome/gorgeous or whatever terms you prefer, and you don't have to change for anyone.
masterlist | AO3
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It was no secret that you were bigger than everyone else; chubby, plus sized, fat, plump, curvaceous, whatever you call it, that was who you were. It was hard being larger than other people throughout your childhood to teenage years, people were mean, and it most definitely altered the way that you thought about yourself.
Even though you were an adult now and managed to separate yourself from that toxic mindset that you had to be skinny to be beautiful, degrading thoughts popped up occasionally. It was a subtle change, starting from paying extra attention to how your double chin looked in pictures, to how your clothes felt a little too tight and itchy against your skin, and ever since you had begun to date Bucky, these episodes grew intense.
When you were a teenager, it felt as though no one would ever have a crush on you, and even if they did, they would rather be caught dead than admit that they were into the cute chubby chick in their class. With Bucky, this was totally different. He wasn’t afraid to be vocal about his attraction to you, let alone able to keep his hands off you; he was always grabbing something, either that be your hand, thigh, hip, waist, and scandalously enough, sometimes your tits and ass.
So, when you had moments like these where you couldn’t help but glare holes at the prominent bumps in your pants, the curve of your stomach that pushed out your shirt, you didn’t want to be touched, let alone be around Bucky. When you felt so lowly about yourself, you began to question your self-worth, questioning whether you deserved Bucky’s affections, that you deserved him. It was no secret that Bucky was extremely handsome, that he was quite the charmer with his sarcasm and flirtatiousness, and he directed all of that to you.
It surprised you at first, that a man like him confessed that he couldn’t keep his head on straight while you were around him, that his brain trailed to many different places when he thought about you.
It had been a couple of days since you had texted Bucky, let alone took him up on any of his offers to go out on a date. You couldn’t imagine yourself wearing that dress that your boyfriend loved so much, couldn’t fathom him even being seen with someone like you. Being cooped up on your couch in clothes that were big enough to practically blanket over your full body while wallowing in self-pity seemed like a better time to you than tolerating the rather judgmental glances people on the streets would give the two of you. Trashy tv had been playing for longer than you could remember, your home growing to become an absolute mess, the motivation to practice self-care had pretty much been thrown out of the window.
Occasionally you pondered the idea of instead of shutting Bucky out when you had gotten like this, talking to him about it. You didn’t want to sound whiny or like you were searching for compliments, seeing as though he never forgot to remind you every single day that he thought you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen, and he had been alive for a very long time. You knew he wouldn’t be mean about it, that he would be more than happy to reassure you that you were his, that your body was like a temple that he felt was a privilege for him to be able to explore.
Then it hit you, like that wall of despair had finally crumbled down, and then, you were crying. The feeling of loneliness loomed over you as you allowed yourself to sob, to feel warm tears trail down your plump cheeks. Reaching for your phone, you didn’t hesitate to click on Bucky’s number. He didn’t even allow it to ring over one time before he picked up.
All he had to hear was your sniffles before you received a, “I’m on my way, doll.”
It didn’t take him that long to reach your building, opening your door with a key that you had given earlier in the relationship. You tugged him into a deep embrace, burying your face in his shoulder as you shook. His metal arm held you close to him as his flesh one stroked your back soothingly, only moving when you had calmed down. That’s how you wound up sitting on the couch once again, Bucky’s hand laying comfortingly on your thigh as he waited for you to tell him what happened.
“I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you, Buck.. I just.. haven’t been too comfortable with my looks lately. Whenever I get like this, I sometimes question whether or not you should even be with someone like me. I mean c’mon, I’ve been dating an ex-avenger, the guy that helped take down the Flag Smashers. When I think about it, me and you just sound kind of ridiculous.” You knew your words sounded cruel, painful even as Bucky felt like his heart was getting ripped out of his chest. “Baby, nothing about us sounds ridiculous. In fact, I think we sound just right. You’re my girl, sweetheart, I chose to be with you, to let you see all of me, and you know that’s not easy for me to do.” The hand that was on your thigh moved up to cup your cheek, gently pulling your attention to him.
“I love all of you. Every single curve, bump, and flaw that you may think you see in yourself. I wouldn’t trade you for anyone or anything, so try to remember that for me, please, hun.” You felt tears springing back into your eyes as you allowed him to pull your body into his, laying himself down so you could lay directly on top of him. “Buck..” You whispered in embarrassment. “Ah ah ah, doll.  I think you keep forgetting that I’m a super soldier.” He teased, wrapping his arms around you.
“Sometimes.” You said sheepishly with a smile on your face.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love
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purple-1995 · 9 months
Imagine that boyfriend that is always the hornier one in the relationship. Imagine him always wanting to kiss, to touch, to fuck. You are changing after getting home from running some errands and he sees your tits? Please, let him feel them, kiss them, bury his face between them 🥺🙏 You are going to shower? Please, let him join you, he can help you wash your back... and maybe you can let him jerk off while you make your body all wet and soapy in front of him 😇 You are going to sleep in his bed? Please, please, please. He knows you are tired, baby, but you won't have to do anything, just lay down and look pretty, he will do all the work 🥰
Just imagine that 🥵
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marvelouslizzie · 10 months
I'm Not Sure If I Can Do This
Summary: You want to try something new and Bucky isn't sure if he can do it.
Pairing: Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+, established relationship, teasing, dirty talk, pet names, edging, no protection, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 1.9K
A/N: I wrote this little filthy story because of my friend Andreea's prompt. I'm glad it turned out to be something decent.
You can also send me requests if you want. I can't guarantee I'll write it but I'll certainly try.
Thank you @notafunkiller for proofreading and editing ❤️
All work is mine, please do not repost or translate without my permission.
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You thought explaining why you wanted this or even convincing him to do it would be harder, but it was quite the opposite. Bucky Barnes is a guy who loves to give, especially when it comes to pleasure. It’s like he’s thriving on your pleasure while he’s delaying his own. He never made you wait or made you beg for release. Not once. And you really want to be desperate for some reason. And you have no intention to find out why. You just want to experience it. You want him to tease you relentlessly, deny your orgasm, and finally when he allows it, you want it to be explosive.
It’s easy to imagine him doing all those things to you, but the idea of explaining it is just dreadful. That’s why you were so reluctant. You weren’t sure if he would like the idea or maybe he would misunderstand your intention. None of that happened, though. You just said you wanted to try it and as you started to explain why, you noticed how his eyes were shining mischievously. That’s when you realized it was more than okay for him.
And that’s how you ended up all naked and frustrated on your bed. Bucky is a man of his word, so when he said he was going to enjoy this, he was not lying. He has been teasing you for a while now, and all you feel is frustration and of course, that undeniable anticipation. 
“Bucky…” You whine as he’s moving so damn slowly inside you. The touches, the kisses, his damn tongue… It all feels good but not enough to make you come.
The way he looks into your eyes makes you melt. You are so close to forgetting that he has been torturing you. He has been denying your orgasm every time you are getting close, yet the look in his eyes… It shows his true feelings.
“What do you want, baby?”
He sounds like he has no idea what you want. You wish you could hate him for this, but you can’t. You’ve been imagining how this would feel like for so long, and he’s just turning your fantasy into reality while enjoying the ride.
“I wanna come.” 
You don’t care if you sound desperate because you are. You are desperate to come. You want that relief you took for granted for so long. All those times he never denied you, all those times he never even paused for a second before giving you all the pleasure in the world.
“Beg for it.”
His response surprises you. You can see the desire in his eyes and how much he’s actually enjoying this, but you never expected that he would be so into it. Maybe he didn’t know it either, but he definitely loves the state you are in. He even seems to enjoy edging himself because while torturing you, he’s torturing himself as well.
“Yes, baby. Beg. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“I-” You can’t deny that, can you? You always imagined it this way, but you never actually begged before. It’s easier when you are just imagining things, but looking at his face and saying those words… It feels incredibly hard.
“If you are not ready to beg yet, you are not ready to come, sweetheart.”
Oh, that’s awfully cruel of him yet so freaking hot. He knows you want to do this so badly, but your pride is standing in the way, and he’s willing to take you to the point where you wouldn’t care about it anymore. Yet your mouth says something else.
“But I am so close…” 
“I know.” He moves in and out of you. His pace is torturously slow, yet it still feels amazing.
Then his fingers move onto your clit, gently rubbing it, and you feel a jolt of electricity all through your body. It’s like a promise. The promise of blinding pleasure, but he stops after a couple of rubs and makes you whine.
“You know what you have to say, don’t you?” You nod in response, tears are beginning to well up. “You can get what you want, any time you want.” You know that, but it’s like your mouth is having a hard time saying those words. “And you know we can stop this any time you want, right?”
He’s trying to remind you of your safe word, but you don’t want to stop. You have no intention of using it.
“Please…” Your voice comes out so pathetically, but it makes him smile. Why is it so hard to say? 
“Please what?” He combines his words with actions. He moves a little bit harder inside you, and it reminds you of what you need. All you need is to ask him, and you know he will give it to you. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, bracing yourself to beg.
“Please move harder.” When you open your eyes back up, you see Bucky smirking. It just spurs something inside you. “Please, please…”
“Oh, baby…” He sounds so condescending yet loving at the same time. You have no idea how that’s even possible. “You really need it, don’t you?”
“Yes!” Your answer comes out instantly. Fuck your pride, you need this.
“Then you will get what you want.” You feel relieved but it doesn’t last long. “But I have one condition.” He completely stops while talking. “You won’t come before I say you can, got it?”
“I will move faster and harder, like you asked me to, but you gotta hold it.” He sounds like he’s explaining edging to someone who has no idea what it is. “Show me what a good girl you can be, and I will give you what you want.”
Fuck… He’s making it so hard and hot at the same time. You really didn’t think he would take it this seriously. You thought just a please would be enough for him but it’s not. Yet you can’t seem to find it in your heart to regret asking him to do this.
“Can you do that for me?”
“I… I don’t know. I’ve never tried it before.”
“I know you can take it, sweetheart. Just show me how good you are.”
He’s a menace. He knows praising you will help and he’s using it damn well. So you find yourself nodding, and that’s when he finally starts to move again. 
His hands are grabbing your waist, while he’s fucking you the way you imagined it. It’s rough, it’s fast, but god damn, it feels amazing. You feel your orgasm is quickly approaching, especially after all that teasing, and you try not to focus on the pleasure. It’s so hard to move against your nature. Your body just wants to give into it and enjoy it to the fullest, but no, that’s not what your mind wants. So you close your eyes to fight it. Maybe that will help.
“No, no, no.” You hear Bucky saying. “You gotta look me in the eyes, baby. No cheating.”
“But that’s not…” He doesn’t let you finish. 
“But it is.” 
“Fine.” You know you sound like a child when you open your eyes back to see his pretty ones. They are so full of love and desire. You could come just looking into his eyes but you won’t. Not until he says so. You want to experience that crashingly intense orgasm.
“Good girl.” 
As if calling you a good girl with that deep voice of his isn’t enough, he starts to gently rub your clit and you can feel yourself clenching around him. Your pussy is begging for release. So are you.
“You are doing so good for me, baby.” His voice is full of adoration. “You look so beautiful. All spread for me. Just waiting for my command to come around my cock.” He slams so hard inside you that it makes you moan even though you were trying to hold back all this time. “Let me hear you. You make such pretty noises.”
“Please, Bucky.” It’s so hard to hold back. You can feel tears running down your cheeks. You never wanted to come this badly in your life before. “Please let me come.”
Finally, those words come out of your mouth. It has been a tough journey, but finally, you can ignore your pride and just ask for what you really want.
“That’s all I needed to hear.” He suddenly pushes your legs onto your chest, practically folding you into two. That allows him to move deeper inside you. “You can come now,” he says right before he starts to move again.
And just like that, you start coming on his command. It’s unbelievable how your body was just waiting for four words to come out of his mouth. All that teasing, all the build-up and anticipation pays off. Your whole body starts to shake while he’s railing you like there’s no tomorrow. Your head is thrown back, your eyes are closed and your lips are parted with the most delicious moans coming out of them. 
“That’s it, baby. Take it all.” He sounds like he’s close himself, but you are too lost in the bubble of pleasure to do or say something about it. 
It’s nothing like you have ever felt before. It’s so intense that there’s no thought in your mind, other than Bucky and how good he makes you feel. It’s so long that you forget to breathe for a while. Your ears are buzzing, and your muscles are contracting. You never knew this was possible. You never knew it would be better than you imagined.
When you finally come down from your high, you open your eyes to see Bucky with the most pleased expression. He hasn’t come yet. You can feel how hard he’s inside you, but you can see how accomplished he feels.
“God, you are so fucking beautiful.” He keeps moving with the same pace, chasing his high.
“Come for me, Bucky,” you say while you reach out to touch his face. He has been working so hard to make your fantasy real. “Come inside me. Please.”
“Fuck.” You can see he’s about to come. The veins around his eyes get so visible when he’s close. “You want it, baby?” His voice comes out like a groan.
“Yes. I want it. Please, give it to me.”
That does it. You just watch how he starts to come and damn, it’s such a pretty sight. You have seen this many times before, but it never ceases to surprise you. Him losing himself in pleasure like that… Especially when you know you are the reason for it. You are the reason why he’s so turned on. You are the reason why he comes so hard. You are the one doing this to him. 
When he’s done, he gently moves out and rolls next to you. You whine a little because of how empty you suddenly feel. You feel his hot and deep breaths on your neck. As soon as you think you are feeling a little cold, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close.
“Thank you,” you say quietly, as if you’re afraid someone else will hear you.
“It’s my pleasure, sweetheart. You have no idea how much I enjoyed that.”
“Oh, I saw how much you enjoyed it, Mr. I’m Not Sure If I Can Do This.”
He scoffs at you bringing up his first reaction. Oh, how wrong he was. It was a completely unexpected experience.
“Maybe we should try choking next time.” You test the waters reluctantly, but the look he’s giving you is nothing but promising.
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Legs spread rn lol
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notafunkiller · 10 months
we found wonderland
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Summary: You have a choice to make: you either set yourself free or continue to play the game.
Pairing: (fake) boyfriend’s brother!Bucky Barnes x female reader
Warnings: 18+, age gap (r is 26, Bucky is 39), teasing, dirty talk, unprotected séx (but she is on the pill), pet names, daddy kínk, language, implied aftercare, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 2.4K
story masterlist
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this mini-series! Thank you for reading!
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
You had decided you should wait for a week before making your relationship public, using that time to try to convince your parents to change their mind while Bucky plays pretend with his. It’s not an ideal situation, but he understands, keeping the truth to himself.
What he can’t keep to himself is his hands. Not that you can… but as soon as he comes home, he’s all over you, not even caring you are in the living room sometimes.
Acting like you’re just friendly is very hard for you. You want to touch and kiss him like crazy. Having sex with him changed the game, and now you try your hardest to find a way out of this deal so you can be in this relationship completely.
You laugh at the way he pouts. “You’re really adorable for an old man.”
“Is it so crazy I want us together?”
You melt, leaning in to kiss his chin. “That’s not crazy, baby, but isn’t that a little fast?”
“We’ve been living together for months now. What’s the difference?”
You wish you could find the right words to explain it. It’s quite scary and exciting, but it feels strange. “We’ve been together for a couple of days. Maybe we don’t…”
“Are you thinking of a break up already?”
You jump immediately. “No! Maybe we don’t have things figured out enough yet. And by we I mean me. I won’t have a job anymore if my parents don’t change their minds. I won’t have a real home. I won’t have anything but you. And I love every moment I spend with you, but I want something of my own, and I definitely don’t want to feel like a burden even if you don’t make me feel like that. My life is a mess.”
“And I want to help. I am not trying to control you or suggest something you don’t want, but we are friends, too, not just a couple. I am here for you. You can stay with me as a friend if not as a boyfriend. I want you safe.”
You say nothing, only staring at him for a while. You don’t even know what to say because the mix of emotions you feel is confusing.
“You know what I want?”
“I want to fuck you right now.” You don’t try to hide your neediness as you place your hands on his shorts. “Can I, baby? Can I ride you?”
“Fuck, you’re gonna kill me before I turn forty. Is this your plan? Do you want me gone?” He’s already raising his ass so he can help you take off his shorts quicker.
“I want you with me always. Want you inside me so badly.”
He groans at your tone. “Then go for it, baby, take whatever you want. It’s all yours. I’m all yours.”
You smile eagerly seeing his hard cock, and lift his T-shirt. You cannot stand anything between your bodies right now. You just need to feel him. “God, we should go to the bedroom, but I can’t wait.”
You take off your underwear, unable to wait any longer. As if someone is holding a knife to your throat, and if you don’t get Bucky inside you in the next seconds, you’re gonna die.
“Anyone can walk in,” he says as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. He probably even enjoys it. “Can you imagine their faces?”
You snort, bringing his dick to your entrance without hesitation after spreading your legs further apart. “No, but I can imagine yours when you come.”
“You don’t need to imagine. You’re gonna see it up close if you hurry up.”
Neither of you even realize you’re not using a condom for the first time until it’s too late and you’re already sliding down.
Your grasp on his shoulders is so forceful, you’re sure it will leave a mark, as you moan his name.
“James…” You desperately look at him, wanting to see if he feels the same. “We’re not using anything.”
“I c-can feel that.”
“God damn it, James,” you sound like you’re scolding him, but in reality you are just overwhelmed.
“What did I… fucking hell, I am totally not getting to turn forty. I will die tonight.”
You ask with your eyes closed. “Do you want me to get a condom?”
“No, I want to die.” He groans, already in a different space. “Unless you want to… I am clean and you are, of course, and I can pull out, but like it’s not… I can go grab a condom right now.”
You immediately shake your head, placing your hand on his chest. He’s not gonna do that. He has to make you come.
“You are not going anywhere, you get out of me and I’ll die!”
“So you’re ovulating?” He asks casually, with a playful grin spread across his face.
You chuckle, hitting him in the shoulder. 
“Yes, I am, and you gotta take care of me.”
Bucky groans, grabbing your ass, unable to keep his hands off you. You’re so hot and warm. “You’re really, really wet, princess.”
“Ihm.” You slide down further, almost taking all of his cock. “Look how deep I took you now.” You moan proudly, feeeling so stretched like this. “Look at this, daddy.”
And when he lets his eyes drop to your entrance, he has no idea how he doesn’t com right then. The sight is incredible.
“I’m your baby, daddy.” You quickly take off your T-shirt at the same time you move your hips. As soon as he’s naked, you grab your breasts, holding them together with a smirk. You know that is going to affect him, and it makes you feel powerful.
“Oh God,” he groans as you bring your breasts closer to his mouth.
“Come on, daddy, go ahead.”
It’s all he needs to hear before he takes your right nipple into his mouth and the left one between his fingers. Riding him like this is a little difficult, but it’s not impossible. You love getting your breasts played with, and he loves doing it.
There is also something really hot and thrilling about the possibility of getting caught. You have no idea why and how, but you’re going to enjoy this as much as you can.
“You feel so good like this, nothing between us. Nothing between your come and me,” you moan, not even thinking about what you say.
“You can’t say that and expect me to be strong.”
That makes you laugh. “I’m on the pill, though, you don’t have to be strong.”
“Fucking hell, you’re gonna drive me crazy.” He starts to thrust his hips back so he can meet you halfway. Riding him feels so, so good. You got him deeper, and the lack of a condom makes you properly feel his thickness.
“You feel so… Fuck, your cock is filling me just the way I need it.” You grab his shoulders so you can move faster. “You’re such a good daddy, let-letting me use you right here, where everyone could see us.”
“You love using daddy’s cock.” He looks so drunk, in so much pleasure. “Such a naughty girl.”
“I’m your naughty girl, James.”
“All mine.” His hands on your hips help you move faster indeed, and you’re already so close you can barely keep your eyes open.
Bucky stops thrusting his hips back, and you groan. You need more.
“If you want it faster, keep your eyes on me, pretty girl.”
“I c-can’t-” As much as you want to fight this, your eyes instinctively close again. “Ss-so close.”
He can hear your desperation and without hesitating, he brings his hand into your hair and pulls unexpectedly hard. That’s enough for you to come loud. So loud you can hear yourself as you let the pleasure consume every bit of you.
But Bucky doesn’t stop moving his hips, making your orgasm last longer. He’s saying things, probably dirty things, in your ear, but you can’t understand anything. Your ears are still ringing.
And just like that, Bucky comes too, with his right hand still wrapped around your hair while the left one is digging into the skin of your hip.
“Fuck, I’m coming inside you, baby, can you feel it? Can you feel me filling your pussy, baby?”
“Ihm,” you can barely whisper, too overwhelmed by everything.
“Whose come?”
“Good girl.” He groans as soon as he finishes coming, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you. “This feels like heaven.”
“I don’t think I can go back to wearing a condom now. I mean if you want to…”
“Are you sure? We can still use one just to make sure we are safer.”
You peck him. “We can still use it, don’t worry, I get it. Looking out for me and stuff.”
He lets out a deep breath, thankful you understand what he means.
“Of course I am looking out for you, that’s my job.”
“Job? You are my daddy, not my mom or dad.”
“I am your partner and your friend. I will always look out for you.”
A sudden urge to fuck him again takes over your body, but before you can do it, your phone starts ringing.
Bucky gives you the phone without moving, and when you both see it’s his brother, you groan.
“Hi, William.” You try to sound as normal as possible, but your voice is so raspy it’s impossible.
“Hey, gonna be home in a few minutes. Are you okay? Is Bucky home yet?”
“Ihm, he came.” You wink at James. “All good here. See you.”
You don’t wait for him to answer before you’re hanging up.
“You came too.”
You giggle immediately. It’s hard not to be around Bucky; he is goofy at the right time. “We need to clean up, though, he’s close.”
Your parents didn’t want to listen to you at all. You didn’t have the chance to talk at the party since they’re avoiding you at all costs, and you had to go outside not to cry in front of everyone. You don’t just feel alone and treated like shit, you feel humiliated.
You’re lucky Bucky went to pick up William because his car broke down halfway here, so he didn’t actually witness your breakdown. You know he’d have done something about it. Something you should.
At this point, what do you really have?
“Hey, are you well? Why are you outside, it’s freezing?”
Bucky’s voice makes you jump as he’s suddenly by your side, rubbing your arms. William is right behind him.
“Baby, why are you outside?”
You see Bucky rolling his eyes, and you sigh.
“I wanted some fresh air, William.” You turn toward Bucky before taking a step back. You don’t want him to think you reject his touch. You really need his hug, but it’s not about what you need. “We should go inside.”
He nods, and all three of you make your way close to the improvised stage in the main room.
It’s crazy how many people actually came; it almost feels suffocating.
Your parents have been talking for a while, you assume, because people were animated. You wonder what they promised them.
“And since we’re all here now, I have something to announce,” Bucky’s dad takes the microphone all of a sudden, and William sighs. You want to ask him what is going on since he looks nervous, but you don’t have time to. “I want to invite my son, William, on the stage with us.”
And then he calls your name.
You look at both of your parents, trying to understand why you’d be needed there, and Bucky is just as confused as you are. Everyone starts clapping, and you find yourself dragged on the stage before you can protest.
“Tonight marks a very special moment for us both: professionally and personally.” You freeze, looking at Bucky instantly, but he’s also shocked, shaking his head. “A partnership that will last for a long time, hopefully, passed to a real-life partnership that has developed over the last months.”
William smiles proudly when his dad pats him on the back, and you want to throw up right then.
You turn your head to your parents, who display the fakest smiles you’ve ever seen. They don’t care about what you want. About what you need. Either way, you’re alone, and you cannot continue to play their game. You can’t!
And before anyone can stop you, you’re basically running down the stairs, straight toward Bucky. You quickly wrap your hand around his neck and force him to lean in so you can properly kiss him. You sense his surprise, but you don’t stop, using the opportunity to shamelessly kiss him in front of the whole company, including your parents. He’s yours, and everyone should know it.
He cups your face when you break off the kiss to breathe, and you smile.
You finally did it! You’re free.
You don’t need to turn around to know how upset your families must be. Everyone around you is either gasping or whispering around. You know they’ll be talking about this for a solid week at least, but you’re not gonna be there to hear. You won’t explain anything to them, and they can consider you a cheater who fucked the other brother all they want. It is not your mess to fix. You just want to leave.
“Let’s get out of here,” you whisper, taking his hand. All you want is to eat something and suck him off. “I need to pack my stuff.”
“Are you sure?” He asks concerned as you start to walk toward the exit. Neither of you turns when William calls your names.
“I have never been more sure in my entire life.”
He says nothing as you reach his car, lifting the hand he’s been holding closer to his lips so he can brush a tender kiss against the back of it.
You’re going to be okay.
@charmedbysarge @identity2212 @vicmc624  @cjand10  @mayusenpai666  @abitofblues @doveromanoff @buckyb-stan @igotmajordaddyissues
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wannabespiderman · 8 months
Instructions unclear, sent a bowl of chocolate cereal.
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Bucky Barnes x reader
You get your grumpy old man a smartphone. Chaos ensues.
Bucky suspiciously inspected the black rectangle between his fingers. “That’s not the phone I had in mind.” Of course, he had probably been thinking of a damn rotary phone when you suggested he needed something to keep in touch with people. You knew he had this weird relationship with modern technology, he was very wary of everything electronic and if he didn’t get the hang of it immediately he would just get frustrated. On the other hand, if he was able to figure it out himself he was openly proud of it, telling you how easy it was. You always had to walk the fine line between something enhanced enough that it was actually useful these days and simple enough that he wouldn’t become grumpy and pout about it while talking your ear off at how ‘the simpler times’ were called that for a reason.
A Smartphone was very very risky. Sure, you could’ve found an old flip phone or a Nokia brick but those things just hadn’t survived the test of time and according to your very professional opinion as his partner and self-proclaimed emotional support nuisance, this man desperately  needed to stay in contact with the few people he would call his friends.
Despite your worry you put on your most supportive smile and turned the phone in his hand so he held it right side up. “Try it at least, okay? It’s cool.” You tried to assure him. He didn’t have to do a lot, you already set it up for him and downloaded all the apps you deemed necessary, helpful or fun, you even turned on the accessibility option so he could navigate his phone with one hand since the metal one wouldn’t work on a screen and would probably also leave scratches, so all that was left for him was to explore his new toy. You guided his pointer finger to the side of the phone and let him press the little button which made the screen turn on. Bucky gave you an unsure glance before turning his attention back to the phone in his hand and just kinda…stared at it until the screen turned off again. For a moment you didn’t know what was going on until you realized that with Bucky, specificity was key. You shook your head to shoo away the previous confusion his behavior caused and shuffled closer to him. “Do it again.” You encouraged him. Bucky’s brows furrowed slightly.
Oh no.
You held your breath, waiting for him to potentially hand the phone right back to you and suggesting that writing letters would be enough. After what felt like a minute he finally pressed the button again and you quietly released your breath. “Great! Now you just need to drag your thumb gently over the screen and you’re good to go.” Bucky slowly followed your instructions and you could practically feel the pride radiating off him, his eyes lighting up. Still, he tried to play it cool. “Huh. That was easy.”
Not specific enough.
You looked at your phone and tried to make out what exactly Bucky had sent you. It must’ve been a picture of his face, right? You thought you could see the brown of his hair in this blurry mess but on the other hand it could also be…maybe a bowl of chocolate cereal? Some Chili, maybe? No, there was definitely too little red for it to be Chili.
The man recently learned how to text like a normal person, more or less, but you didn’t know he also kind of figured out how to send pictures. His picture moved upwards when another blurry mess appeared in your chat. You squinted your eyes at the new picture, it was mostly white with some grey stripe in the middle. You gave up, no way you could figure out what the hell that one was.
Bucky…what is that? You typed out. The next message he sent you gave you move questions than answers.
I need a new phone. That was impossible, his smartphone was less than three days old. Sure, it could’ve cracked but you were sure he would’ve told you about that.
What’s wrong with your phone? Maybe I can help? You suggested. You didn’t have to wait for an answer too long.
Yes, please. You quietly chuckled to yourself, half amused by his struggles, half compassionate of them. You decided it would be best to talk to him face to face so you raked your fingers through your hair a few times to hide the fact that you’ve been hanging around in your bed for the last few hours and clicked the video call option on your screen. It rang and rang and…rang…until finally your screen lit up, or dulled down because all you could see was darkness with a touch of a chestnut color. You should’ve known that this would happen.
“Bucky, it’s a video call.” You informed him and watched as he pulled the phone away from his ear and instead looked at his screen, his brows furrowed like he always did when he lost a fight against technology. “Oh…” He grumbled.
“So, what’s wrong with your phone?” Bucky pressed his lips together, his eyes looking anywhere but at his phone.
“Bucky?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. Bucky let out a sigh and wiped his face with his right hand but you could see the slight blush forming on the apples of his cheeks.
“Was anyone going to tell me that there are two cameras? Why the hell would anyone need two?” You saw him lean against the headrest and turn his head to the side with an annoyed expression. Your heart melted a little bit, you couldn’t help but find it endearing at how clueless he was when it came to things that were common knowledge to you.
“James, stop pouting.” There was a tone of amusement in your voice even though you tried to feign sternness. Bucky’s head shot back towards where he could see you on the screen in his hand and blinked a few times as if he was trying to comprehend what you just said. You never really called him by his first name and his reaction made you clench your jaw and hold your breath so you wouldn’t burst out laughing.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” You asked innocently and batted your lashes towards your camera. Bucky narrowed his eyes but couldn’t suppress the little smile that was tugging on the corners of his mouth. You grinned triumphantly, happy that you could at least lighten his mood a little bit. “Alright, alright, I’m sorry.” You finally said and playfully scrunched your nose. “So was that it? Did you have a problem taking pictures because you tried to take them with the outer camera?” Buckys smile slightly faltered but he chuckled nonetheless.
“Yeah, I guess. Sorry to be a bother with all the…you know, modern stuff, I-“ You cut him off immediately. “Don’t you dare apologize for that, you’re still learning and I’m happy to help. Hey, I’m very proud of you for making it work with the phone.” Bucky rolled his eyes good-naturedly but you could see his eyes soften. “I try.”
You continued talking to him for a while about nothing in particular until you decided that you both needed some rest and hung up. It was merely twenty minutes later, you just settled down and closed your eyes when your phone vibrated. A message from Bucky. You curiously opened the message to see if he had any more problems but instead your lips curled into a big, bright smile.
He sent you a picture, this time you could fully make out what it was, a photo of a shirtless Bucky laying on his couch, his eyes crinkled as he wore a proud grin with the caption I figured it out!
Tag list: @lunaroserites
621 notes · View notes
the-nameless-poet · 6 months
Petition to make
'loud, chaotic and dramatic husky girlfriend x sunshine, lovable and adorable golden retriever boyfriend'
to happen.
"Chaos follow me everywhere I go." Boyfriend x "Are you calling me chaos!?" Girlfriend
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955 notes · View notes
nickfowlerrr · 1 year
Ohhh bonfire night with Bucky Barnes 🥹
it's easy to be loved.
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pairing: bucky barnes x curvy!reader
warnings: fluff fluff and some more fluff. & like the tiniest little bit of angst if you really, really squint.
words: 2.9k
notes: ahh this is so cute!! thank you for sending it in! 🥰
comments and reblogs are always welcome and so appreciated! let me know what you think. 🖤
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"Where are you taking me, Barnes?" you question as Bucky leads you further into the woods, his hand holding yours tightly.
"I said it's a surprise, you can't wait another minute?" he lightly chastises.
You had just gotten done at the pumpkin patch, Bucky's car loaded with your haul of pumpkins, an assortment of sweets from the farm's bakery, and a good three pounds of some of the best fudge you have ever had in your life. You were already thinking about how you wanted to carve your pumpkin when you got home but were pulled from your brainstorming when Bucky pulled off the road, instead following a single, one-way road down into the wooded area that surrounded you.
You looked over at him quizzically and he turned to you for a second with a light laugh and that ever-disarming smile, though you didn't miss the twinkle of excitement that was shining in his gaze.
When he finally pulled up to a clearing with a little gated pathway just to the side, he parked and turned the car off, quickly getting out and gallantly coming to the passenger door to open it for you before you could even try.
"Okay seriously," you looked at him pointedly, "did you bring me out here to murder me? Was this past year just one long con to get my guard down enough to lure me out into the middle of nowhere?"
You narrowed your eyes at the laugh Bucky let out at your words as you got out of the car, standing before him as he stayed where he was, one hand on the car door, the other on the side of the car, keeping you right where you were. "First of all, sweetheart, we're not in the middle of nowhere. And secondly, you think I would've bought that much fudge if I was planning on killing you tonight?" he joked.
"Hm. Okay, fair point," you allowed with a quirk of your lip, your fingers finding the belt loops of his jeans, tugging him closer. You tilted your chin at him, an expectant pout playing on your lips when he didn't move, only a smirk on his lips as he looked at you. You tugged again and he relented, moving in to kiss you softly.
"Mm," he hummed against you, "you taste like chocolate."
You smiled into the kiss, pulling away only for a second to speak. "That fudge. It's so good," you murmured before kissing him again, your lips moving more firmly against his, your fingers tugging him closer once more.
Bucky groaned as he moved to press you against the car, sharing your desire for more, deepening the kiss, his lips hot against yours.
And then all too quickly he forced himself to pull away from you, biting his own lip as he took a grounding breath, shaking his head at you. "No," he huffed, "you can't distract me right now, doll. I didn't bring you out here just for some nookie."
You breathed a laugh, "God, I love it when you talk like an old man," you teased with a smirk.
He fixed you with that signature glare of his before he moved to grab something from the backseat. You watched with renewed interest, still wondering what exactly it was you were doing out here.
Bucky shouldered a large bag on his left side and held a full duffle in his right hand before he shut the door and turned to you, smiling again. He looked like a kid going on his first camping trip.
At the thought, your face fell, eyes going a little wide.
No, you told yourself, he wouldn't... Or would he?
As if he could read your thoughts, he spoke and put your mind at ease as he approached the small gate just across from where you were, signaling you to follow him. "We're not camping, don't worry."
"What are we doing then?"
"You'll see, just trust me."
"Hmph," you puffed as you trailed behind him.
You watched him for a long moment, admiring him among the beauty of the wooded trail. Smiling to yourself, you grabbed your phone from your pocket, making sure your sound was off before you took a photo of him.
Bucky wasn't the biggest fan of being on camera, but he always humored you, smiling when you asked him oh so nicely and even giving you his okay to post a candid to your Instagram every now and then.
This one, though, like many of the other shots you've taken of him this past year, would stay in your favorite album. Just for you, until December came around. You couldn't wait to finally put together the physical photo album you've been planning. It'd be the closest you'd get to showing Bucky how you see him through your eyes. The charming and protective, strong and cuddly, sweet and caring, loving, doting, brilliant man he is.
You wish he could see himself the way you see him, for who he truly is, without the darkness that can so easily cloud his outlook on himself.
He's been doing much better, therapy and healing work making a noticeable difference. But every now again, he gets that look in his eye. He tries to hide it when it rears its head, but you never let it go unnoticed. You never want him to feel alone in that. Not ever again.
You're not paying attention to your path, your eyes are drifting as you think, and you end up walking right into the brick wall that is Bucky's back, barely dodging the backpack slung on his shoulder.
"Shit," you laugh, resting your head against him and wrapping your arms around his front, "sorry."
"What the hell are you doin' back there?" he asks, turning and being careful not to hit you with the bag.
You shrug, "Can't beat the view," you say with a playful smack to his ass as you lean into him.
"Would you stop trying to get into my pants for five seconds," he laughs, switching the duffle from his right hand to his left and then grabbing yours to hold instead, tugging to his side. You squeeze his hand lightly with both of yours and let your body bump into his, your head against him as you walk side by side. You feel it when he presses a kiss to your head and it sends a fluttering to your tummy as you bite on your contented smile. "We're almost there," he says with a soft squeeze to your hand in return. You straighten up as you continue walking but stay close to Bucky's side.
Within a minute, Bucky is pulling you from the main path onto a peculiarly stoned one that branched off from it. From there, it was a short walk to the large, modern, yet rustic looking cabin he had been leading you to.
You stare in awe at the impressive building as Bucky smiles at you.
"You like it?" he asks, still grinning.
"It," you breathe a stunned laugh, "it's gorgeous. How did you find this place? Whose is it?"
"Didn't really find it... Built it," he says a little too casually for the pride you see in his eyes as your own widen.
"What? You- you built this?"
"Well, I mean, not entirely me. Sam and Steve helped out a bit here and there."
"This is incredible, Buck," you shake your head with a smile. "How long have you been working on it?"
"Took a few months,"
"Wait, is this the job you've been talking about?" you ask.
"I wanted to surprise you," he laughs, tugging you close as you both look on at the cabin.
"Color me surprised," you say as you hug onto him. "This is amazing. You are amazing. Whoever gets their hands on this place is gonna be so damn lucky."
"I'm glad you think so..." he trails off, the corner of his lip threatening to curl into a half smirk.
It takes you a second to pick up on what he's getting at, but you finally do.
"You own this?" you ask in near disbelief.
"It's not entirely furnished yet, but I couldn't keep this to myself any longer. I can show you inside later, but right now, I have a little something else planned," he leads you by the hand to walk past the side of the cabin, coming around to a fenced backyard as you take it all in.
Along the back wall is some kind of screen mounted, in front of it is what looks to be a bonfire pit, huge wooden chairs placed around it and an outdoor table off to the side, too.
You're still silent as you take in the sight, Bucky unlocks the fence door and lets you through. You turn back to him, and he is nothing but smiles as he ushers you closer to the setup.
“Wow,” you awe.
"I know it's not the same as that drive in you were talking about, but-"
"No, I-" you turn back to him, "I love this," you breathe with a laugh.
"Good," he says, leaning closer to kiss you softly. "Pick a seat, I'm gonna get this set up."
You listen, choosing the chair at the head of the pit, right across from the screen.
Bucky moves the table around behind you, and you watch in quiet amusement as he arranges all of the items he's brought in his bags on the table.
First, he sets up the wireless projector, the once white screen now dark as he pauses the movie on the very first few seconds. He then sets out a bag of marshmallows, a box of graham crackers, and a package of full-size Hershey bars; your smile grows at the sight, as a fuzzy warmth fills your chest. That feeling you’ll never tire of, the feeling you’ve only ever experienced with Bucky.
He turns and heads to the fire pit, already loaded with logs. He quickly gets it lit and dusts off his hands before striding over to you.
You're gazing up at him from your seat as he stands before you, "All this for me?" you ask, your voice much softer than you thought it'd be.
"All this for you," he responds just as softly, taking your hand in his and pulling you to stand, guiding you to the table.
Soon, you're wrapped up in a blanket as you and Bucky roast your marshmallows on sticks, your chairs pulled as close as they can be while your favorite halloween movie plays on the screen. It's a bit darker out now, the sun nearly set and leaving the remnants of a gorgeous autumn hue as the wind blows lightly around you. The first few stars to be seen are already shining brightly in the sky. Bucky has turned the light backyard lights on, the strings of small bulbs hung around you adding to the cozy outdoor atmosphere as the glow from the fire burns brightly before you. The smell of the smoke mixing with the sweetness in the air. You're both leaning toward the fire as you let the flames brown your sugary treats, a pack of graham crackers sitting on the arm of your chair and an open bar of chocolate sitting on Bucky's.
"Shit," he curses as he pulls his stick from the fire - his marshmallow fully ablaze while you laugh at him frantically shaking his stick about.
"Smooth," you comment as you ready your s'more, smooshing your marshmallow from the stick onto the chocolate between the crackers.
You turn more towards him as you take a bite, reveling in the gooey sweetness. He's looking at you with bright eyes, his smile nothing short of pure admiration.
You lick your lip, feeling some of the stickiness there.
"You missed some," he hums as he sets his stick down, his burnt marshmallow not so much a thought as he turns more towards you in turn. You watch him intently as he brings his thumb to the corner of your lip, wiping at the bit of chocolate that was left behind.
A shiver rolls over you at the soft touch and you lean into him further. His lips tick in a smile as he copies you, his hand holding your cheek while he leans in. Your breath almost hitches as he is about to kiss you, but you're left stunned, brows furrowing when his lips meet his thumb instead, sucking off the chocolate that sits there.
"That's not nice," you murmur as you turn your face, watching entranced by his sultry display. You place your hand over his, still holding you gently.
He smirks at your complaint but doesn't say anything as you brush your nose against his, taking matters into your own hands.
You press your lips to his, your other hand wrapping around the back of his neck, almost leaving your seat as you scoot forward - wanting to be closer to him as you deepen the kiss, but getting stopped by the barrier that is the chairs.
Your hand leaves his and moves to hold his face instead. You don't break the kiss until you're out of air, pulling back as Bucky chases your lips. You titter, letting your forehead press to his as he whispers hotly, "You always taste so sweet."
"It's the s'mores," you smile.
"No," he mutters, kissing your lips tenderly once, "that's all you, sweetheart."
The credit song catches your attention as you stay where you are, both you and Bucky teetering on your seats for a moment.
"This has been really nice, Bucky, seriously, I loved it. Thank you."
"I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to have the first night spent out here be just us, because this is the first of many nights to come. Sam's already planning a bonfire for next weekend with everyone," he rolls his eyes.
"Ever the gracious host you are," you kid, following Bucky up as he stands. "Are you gonna have the interior done by then?"
"Well, that depends."
"Oh? On what?"
"On whether you agree to help me decorate the place or not,"
"Bucky," you laugh, "I helped you decorate your apartment, now you want me to help decorate your cabin? If you're not careful, you're never gonna be able to get rid of me," you say as you help him pack everything back up, "You're gonna see me everywhere. From the bath towels to each and every throw pillow I'll force you to buy."
You're smiling as you close the box of graham crackers, facing the table as you work. Suddenly, Bucky's arms snake around you, his head coming to rest in the crook of your neck as he breathes you in.
"That's kinda the whole point, doll."
You close your eyes enjoying the warmth he offers and the way his stubble tickles your skin as he nuzzles into you.
"I don't ever want you to leave," he confesses against your skin, a part of him hoping you didn't hear the desperation in his voice and another part wanting him to just get down on his knee and pull out the box that's been burning a hole in his pocket for the past week. To finally ask you the question he knew he'd end up asking the day he met you.
But he won't. He's waited this long, he can wait a few more days.
Your anniversary isn't far off. He can wait, he tells himself.
You turn into him as he keeps his touch around you, "I'm not going anywhere," you assure him, resting your hands on his chest, your eyes gleaming with love and sincerity. You mean what you say, you're not going anywhere. Not unless he's planning on going with you.
“I’m gonna put out the fire, then we’ll head home, okay?”
“Okay,” you simper, letting your fingers graze along his chest as he pulls away from you.
“Bucky,” you say his name, so lovingly he swear he could melt right then and there, and he turns back to meet your eye, your soft gaze full of adoration, “I love you.”
It’s a simple statement, one he’s heard pass your lips many times, but one he knows he’ll never tire of hearing.
He smiles at you, one of the few people who can so easily get a genuine one out of him. As he gazes back at you, he can’t believe, that by some miracle, he found you in this life. Can’t believe that you allow him to be in yours, that you want him to be in yours, and really can’t believe how easy it is to let himself be loved by you.
After everything he’s been through, he fought with himself for the longest time. He wasn’t sure he’d feel worthy of being loved ever again. Wasn’t sure he’d find someone who would even want to, someone who could love him.
And then he met you. And you make it seem like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
He feels it when you so much as look at him, every little touch from you, every kiss, every laugh. He knows he's never felt less worthy of anything in his life, but he also knows you never want him to feel anything less than worthy. He's still working on it, and he'll get there...someday.
But for now, he's going to keep thanking his lucky stars for leading him to you.
"I love you more," he returns as your smile grows at his words.
And he means it. He loves you more than he could ever say, more than you could ever know, more than he ever thought was possible to love someone.
There's a twinkle in your eyes and his fingers twitch, wanting to reach for his pocket again before he thinks better of it.
Just a few more days...
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can i request bucky taking care of you after a long day at work? he cooks or orders in, helps you take a bath/shower, gives you lots of cuddles, reminds you how wonderful and strong you are.
(if you want something less fluff and more hurt/comfort maybe it's bucky taking care of you after a mission gone wrong. you're injured and traumatized, he knows how that is--he's been there. it's hard for him to see you like this, and all he wants to do is make it better)
okay, hope this isn't too long or anything!
༉‧₊˚. 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲, 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥. || 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
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― pairing: bucky barnes x plus size professor!reader
― summary: no one ever said being a professor is easy, especially not when you're up to your neck in assignments you have to grade, but never fear, bucky will always be there to take care of his favorite teacher.
― warnings: literally none!
― wc: 865
⋆ a/n: thank you so much for your request! i'm so sorry this took literally forever and i'll admit that I've been slacking on answering requests, but i swear that i'm getting better! this'll actually be my second request i answer today i'm pretty sure!
masterlist | AO3
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Sometimes you really regret your profession.
It wasn't like teaching the wise brains of tomorrow was all that bad, it was just exhausting, and being an advanced placement teacher, your students got more class work and tests than what you would have been comfortable with assigning. Of course, you let them know that, and they kind of expected it since they paid to take your course, but that just meant that you were up the spout with things that you needed to grade. You were kind of grateful for the spoiled rich students that took your class because they almost never turned anything in, so that just made your job easier.
Huffing as you walked in, Bucky could already sense what kind of mood you're in. He was surprised that you had managed to escape your classroom so early, you usually stayed in later. Kicking off your shoes, Bucky walked over to come and greet you, taking your coat off of you and hanging it up in the hall closet.
"How was work today?" He asked. You turned to look at him, tiredness written all over your face as you allowed yourself to collapse face first into his solid chest. "What if I just quit?" He heard you mumble into his shirt. He couldn't help but chuckle, his chest rumbling against your face as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Your master's degree would have gone to shit then." He said crudely. You laughed, resting your chin on his sternum so that you could look up at him. "I guess so." You let the silence of the house bring you peace after having a full day of teaching rowdy young adults.
"How about I order in and run you a bath? Let me take care of you, doll." Bucky suggested. You weren't even going to lie and say that you could take care of yourself like you usually would, getting pampered tonight was exactly what you needed. "Yes, Buck, please." He bent down, wrapping his arms around your thick thighs so that he could haul you into his embrace. On any other day, you would have chided him, saying something like he was going to hurt himself even though he was a genetically modified human being, if anything, you felt like a sheet of paper. Bucky would say that you're probably the lightest thing he's ever picked up.
You allowed him to carry you to your shared room where you nuzzled into him, even though your embrace was broken by him gently setting you down. He began to take off your cardigan, followed by your white tank top, leaving you in your bra as he bent down to feel your feet from your flats. You sat down on the side of your bed, Bucky massaging your feet as you let out a content sigh. "God Buck," You said with a delirious laugh, "If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were a masseuse." He let out a laugh too, lifting up both if his hands and wiggling his fingers, "It's all in the hands, sweets." He then sent you a wink as he reached for the band of your jeans, tugging them down.
His touches were innocent, completely focused on your comfort.
"You can lay here while the tub fills up, I just hope the food will get here after you get out." He pressed against your forehead before heading for the bathroom. You followed his instructions, getting cozy in your bed as you watched him turn on the water, searching through the cabinets in your bathroom for a bath bomb and bath salts. You smiled fondly, Bucky picking out all of your favorite scents.
"Alright, dollface. The water is all warm 'n smelling good." You got up, walking to the bathroom while he left to the living to order the food. You stripped the rest of your clothing, sinking into the warm water. Your muscles easily relaxed as the water enveloped your large body, caressing the aching parts of you as you felt like falling asleep.
You stayed in the water until the water slowly began to turn cold, your fingertips shriveled up like raisins despite how good and soft your body felt and smelled due to the bath bomb. Wrapping yourself up in the robe that was left folded for you on the toilet seat, you walked out into the kitchen where the Chinese takeout sat on the counter.
"The food's here just in time." Bucky said with a soft smile. "Chinese?" He nodded, wrapping his arms around you and leading you to the table so that you could sit down. He pulled the chair out for you so that you could sit down. "Mhm, your favorite." He sat down in front of you, both of you silently eating. The silence was peaceful, something that you didn't know you needed after the long day you had.
Words couldn't express how grateful for Bucky you were. Sometimes you questioned what you did in your past life to be able to deserve him, and you knew that if you brought this up to your boyfriend, he'd ask himself the same thing.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
Party Games
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Summary: You want it bad.
Pairing: Beefy Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 2K
A/N: This wasn’t the kink y’all picked, but here we are. It’s two am. 🥴 Hope you enjoy! You can read this as a companion piece to That Face.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. SMUT! Read at your own risk; curate your own experience. Reader is owning her sexuality. This is about a nal s ex and it’s enjoyment. Allusions to past acts and partners. A teeny bit of angst, but mostly pwp. Bucky has turned reader out but he’s sprung. Drinking, bathroom s ex, mirror s ex, rough s ex, (but Bucky’s so sweet), oral s ex (f receiving), a nal, praise/degradation kink, allusion to group s ex if you squint. Not Beta’d. All errors my own. 
I don’t have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post!
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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You were having fun at game night. Until the bottle pointed Bucky’s way.
Then the fun turned into need.
“Choose anyone here to do anything with.”
“That’s easy,” Nat laughed as she rolled her eyes.
“No. I’ll give James a pass. He can go with anyone he’d like.”
You were confident of your man.
Bucky’s face lit up.
“Really Doll?”
You hesitated. You didn’t like the way he jumped at that chance. Curse your mouth that ran ahead of your brain when you were tipsy.
You fixed your face as Steve smirked at you two and took a swig of his beer.
“Really James. Live your fantasy.”
Your voice was less confident now.
You held your smile as Bucky grinned and rubbed his hands together, looking around his circle of friends.
He could choose any one of these beautiful people. You'd heard tales of how wild it got with them being in the field before you got together, and even of him and Steve, years ago.
‘Adolescent exploration,’ Bucky had called it.
You lowered your head and braced yourself as you felt him stand up. You didn’t want to see who he chose. You listened, on alert, to the sound of his shoes as he went toward the bedroom door. He stopped, presumably to make his choice.
“Get that ass in here, y/n.”
You gasped and looked behind you to see that Bucky was grinning at you. Everyone started laughing when you got up and skipped toward him.
Bucky pulled you through the bedroom to the bathroom, making sure to close both doors for extra privacy. He chuckled at you.
“How could you even think I’d choose someone else, Doll. You know you’re my one and only.”
You nodded and allowed him to pull you into his arms.
“I know. You know how I get when I drink. I get loose. Create scenarios.”
You shrugged as you smiled up at Bucky, causing his heart to skip a beat.
“You’ve had three beers, Doll. I was counting.”
“You were watching me?”
You angled your neck back as Bucky started licking your pulse point. It was a done deal that you were gonna let him fuck you in your en suite with your friends in the other room.
The question was how.
“Like a hawk, Doll. Was gonna suggest you stop after three. Need you to be sober enough to let me in. You’re a tight fit.”
Bucky’s hand was palming your cunt over your jeans and you ground yourself into the warm metal.
“It’s because you’re so big, James.”
You smirked at him.
“But how much tighter is my ass tho?”
Bucky stopped, pulled back and looked at you, eyes blazing and jaw clenching.
“Fuck. Doll. You want me to fuck ypu like that? Right now?”
Bucky licked his lips, exactly like you imagined the big bad wolf would before he tore you apart.
You whined in anticipation, your core flooding with slick. You whispered your reply to him.
“Yes, Bucky. Please. I- I’ve been thinking about the last time since the last time and I- I need it.”
You reached for him and started unbuckling his belt, a fiend.
Bucky closed his eyes as you went inside his pants and started to stroke him. He was thinking about how you wanted him to fuck you and the way it had you stuttering.
“Please, James. Pretty please?”
When he opened his eyes again, you licked your lips and pouted. How could you be begging for something so filthy yet be so adorable?
His dream girl.
Bucky panted while you handled him, your hand barely closing around his stiff, aching cock.
You watched Bucky’s eyes dilate as he opened his mouth to breathe and you continued to stroke him. The way that you were licking your lips and looking him in the eye made Bucky realize that he was the one that taught you to be bold.
“I’m such a fucking slut for this cock. Want it in my ass, Daddy.”
You had Bucky shook. And he admired the monster he’d made.
“Yes, James. Make me your fuck doll. You know what you’ve done to me.”
And it was true.
Bucky Barnes had ruined you.
Turned you out.
Reduced you to a dripping, quivering, distracted mess whenever you thought about it.
You wanted him to do that sweet, dark, feral thing all the time.
All the time.
Something about being impaled on his pretty, hard, huge cock, stretched to your limits, feeling pleasure that was just on the razor's edge of pain and pleasure that had you hooked.
Oh, and when Bucky led you over that edge into that intense pleasure …
God.. you were addicted to it.
That first time, he was gentle, oh so gentle. And, as he promised, he’d made it feel oh so good.
Bucky teased you, pleased you, coaxed you, ate you, stretched you, lubed you, then eased into you so slowly and sweetly that you were on cloud nine the entire time.
And you’d cum harder than you ever had before.
Then Bucky took care of you with a hot bath, food, water, and rest.
The more you did the deed, the more wanton you were for it. You moved, arched, grabbed, and begged for it.
Tonight, the added bonus of people a few feet away had you heated, glowing hot.
And Bucky was like a moth to a flame.
He took you by the waist and brought his mouth to yours, making you open for him in this way first, wanting the tenderness on your lips at the moment. He backed you up to the sink, and left you breathless as he drew away, opening the medicine cabinet.
You were looking down at Bucky’s cock playing peekaboo in your hand as he searched behind you. You looked up when he suddenly exclaimed.
“Ah HA!”
Bucky brought a brand new bottle of lube around in front of you and your heart started beating double time.
Setting the lube down on the counter, Bucky reached for the button on your jeans, sliding your zipper down. His thick, metal index finger traced the slit in your panties, divining your wetness.
“How long were you thinking about this today? Hmmmmm?”
Bucky looked down on you possessively, demanding an account of your intimate thoughts. He took in the lust on your face and reveled in the fact that you really wanted this. His mouth descended toward yours before you had a chance to answer.
Bucky loved making love to you, fucking you, taking you apart and putting you back together. But this kind of connection was the most intimate to him.
It was not just because it felt amazing being inside your delicate, snug walls, but because this uncharted territory yielded just for him. Bucky was not into virginity as a concept, but damn, knowing that he’d made you into this brazen, begging goddess, that you’d let him into a place so sacred to you rendered him a slave to your pleasure, which he could tell was intense.
Bucky turned you around so that you faced the mirror and he pulled up your tank top, exposing your breasts to the bright bathroom light.
“You wore this with no bra on purpose, didn’t you?”
Bucky just stared at your chest instead of touching like you wanted him to, expecting an answer as he pressed his black-jeaned bulge against your ass.
“Yes, James.”
Bucky’s jaw clenched and he lowered his lips to your neck while his hands came up and played with your nipples, slowly and tenderly circling your areolas. You arched into his hands; you wanted it rough.
The sound you made when he started pulling was everything.
“Eyes open. Watch what I do to you.”
You watched Bucky watch your face and your open mouthed breathing.
When your eyes connected he said, “Good girl.”
You turned your head and kissed him before he grabbed your open jeans and pulled them down your body, kneeling behind you as he took them off.
Bucky sat back on his haunches and looked at you, running his hands up and down your thighs, grabbing your ass and admiring your anatomy.
“So gotdamn beautiful, Doll.”
You shivered as he started kissing your legs, and soon, but not soon enough, licking into your heat.
Bucky’s moans as he participated in his fine dining was enough to make you cum, or maybe it was the anticipation.
It didn’t matter, because by the time he stood up and told you to, “Bend over, Doll,” your knees were already weak.
You watched Bucky tear the plastic off the bottle of lube with his teeth, plucking your own nipples now.
“You ready?”
It was a purely rhetorical question as you moaned in response.
Bucky watched in awe as the cool lube dripped onto your ass and you arched to meet it. A thick metal middle finger quickly warmed both the liquid and you. You let him fuck you there digitally until you begged for him.
“Need you James…please!”
Bucky grunted, reaching around for your clit again.
“Give me one more, Doll.”
His human hand was magic as he worked you from both front and back. Once he had what he wanted, he pulled back to take off his pants and looked down at his prize.
“Shirt too, please.”
He couldn’t deny your look in the mirror; Bucky loved how you loved his body completely.
Finally, he was teasing your tight hole with his cock, sparking electricity and rivulets of slick in your core. You could tell he was holding back because his jaw was clenched and his movements were tentative.
When you bent down and pushed back onto him was when his eyes rolled and you saw his head hang back on his shoulders.
“Holy mother of…. Damn, Doll.”
Soon his eyes were back on yours in the mirror as you fucked yourself back on him.
“Remember when I had to beg you to fuck this sweet ass, Doll?”
Bucky looked down at his thick cock breaching your tight hole. Then he pulled you upright and flush against him for control, one hand around your neck and the other in your cunt as he pounded inside your tightness.
Bucky searched your glazed expression in the mirror, your head lolled back against his flesh shoulder as you rode his cock and his metal hand. Three of his warm, vibrating metal fingers were deep inside your cunt as he slowly fucked your puckered hole.
“Now you beg me.”
“Hmmm. Ummm hmmmm.”
You nodded, mouth open for air as you let the pleasure take over you.
“You really are all mine, aren’t you?”
“Yesss Jamesssss…Ohhhhh yesss.”
The third orgasm while he was buried in you made Bucky wild, and he started pumping in earnest, keenly tuned into your sounds for any sign of discomfort. All you felt was his thick dick pulling and dragging inside the most sensitive parts of you.
And pure rapture.
“I can take it. Give it please!”
At that point Bucky had to stop, and pulled your head up as he whispered in your ear. You could feel his huge cock pumping in time with his heartbeat inside you.
“My beautiful complete cock slut. Such a good fucking girl for me.”
They way he bared his teeth as he snarled it in your ear caused you to spasm again as he fully wrecked you now, pumping voluminous amounts of cum inside you.
“Holy fuck!”
Bucky bit down on your shoulder as you laughed, still impaled on his softening cock. You curled your legs up as he carried you over to the shower and turned it on, him finally releasing you to kiss you thoroughly against the shower wall.
“We’re being rude to our guests, Bucky.”
“Wanna invite them to join us?”
You smirked as you turned around and Bucky started washing your back.
“I draw the line at those party games.”
“Me too,” Bucky smirked, “you’re all mine, Doll.”
“Now let me clean you up…”
And Bucky’s hand was between your legs…
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As always: If you liked it, please reblog.
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purple-1995 · 8 months
Imagine that boyfriend that is always the hornier one in the relationship. Imagine him being easily bribed with sex. He knows what you're doing. He knows you are using his high libido to manipulate him, but it feels so good that he doesn't care 🥵 Sometimes he tries to be strong and keeps denying you what you want, but it's only because he wants you to raise the bribe, you both know he will cave in the end 🤭 He can't resist you when you have your hand wrapped around his cock, or your tits on his face 🥴 He will do whatever you want and will not regret it later, thinking it was a good deal. You get what you want and he gets what he wants, which is you. Everybody wins 🤗
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winterspiderpurrs · 1 year
Okay okay but no one believes Peter is in a relationship. Sure people know he changed his Facebook status a few months back. But no one else was connected to it.
" My boyfriend doesn't have a facebook "
So yeah a lot of his college classmates think that he is lying about it. Sure some of them could admit that Peter was cute adorable even but they just can't picture this nerd who wore big sweaters, baggy clothes and sweatshirt to have any game.
Then, the day someone mixed some chemicals wrong during their lab day. Beakers exploded. Splashing stuff everywhere. Classmates quickly having to strip jackets and shirts off before the chemicals soak in and burn the skin.
" Oh shit Parker "
People turn to look at Peter, who has a bright blush spreading. His neck and chest and abs( yes, he had a small 6pack who knew!) It was covered in hickey's and bite marks.
They were even more surprised when the mysterious boyfriend actually shows up with a change of clothes.
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miilkybnn · 3 months
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james buchanan barnes
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bigtreefest · 5 months
Sick of It
Pairing: Boyfriend! Steve Rogers x Girlfriend! Reader one-shot
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Summary: Steve looks good in everything and you’re sick of it. That, among other things.
Word count: 1,784
Content/warnings: Crying, comfort, angry feelings, kissing, mentions of body image issues, swears, snacks, non-sexual semi-nudity
A/N: I wrote this a couple weeks ago while I was feeling like absolute crap. I was so stressed and just wanted someone to hold. I know too many people relate. I think Steve would’ve been such a sweetie for this kind of moment.
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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“I’m so fucking done.”
You slammed the door to the pantry as Steve looked over his shoulder at you from his spot on the couch.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” His words trailed down to you as stomped down the hall and slammed the door to his room.
Steve sighed and tossed the blanket off his lap, softly padding after you down the corridor. He leaned against the doorframe before lightly knocking with the knuckle of his pointer finger.
“Hey, you alright?” He faintly heard the sliding of his dresser drawers, frantically paired with the sound of clanging hangers in his closet.
Steve opened the door slowly to be met with the sight of you half naked, hoodie stretched over your one arm and head, only accompanied on your body by your socks and underwear.
You grumbled and sighed before pulling the hoodie fully down over your body, looking in the mirror before ripping it off and throwing it at him. Steve didn’t flinch, catching the beige hoodie he had been given in a stylist’s attempt to take him on as a client.
Steve had many pieces of clothing like that: obscure fashion pieces gifted to him because of his celebrity status. To a normal person, they were impractical and weird. Odd shapes for an odd body. They’d only look good on someone as hot as him, broad shoulders, skinny waist, and all. Any time you’d try to put on a piece of the clothing, you felt like it hugged your curves in all the wrong ways.
You sighed, but it was deep and guttural, bordering on a scream. The way every piece of clothing, which looks so trendy and stylish on Steve, draped over your hips in a weird way, drove you nuts. The colors didn’t look as good, the shape was meant for someone else.
You flopped down on the bed, still only in your underwear, as Steve grabbed a hanger, placing the hoodie on it and hanging it back in the closet.
He walked over to you, slotting his legs in between yours which swung off the bed. He leaned forward over you until his arms framed your head, one hand on each side, careful to miss your hair that was sprawled out over the comforter.
When you opened your eyes, you were greeted by a sea of blue. You wanted to melt instantly at the care and concern that Steve’s eyes held, before you remembered why you were so upset.
You rolled on your side with a groan, hiding your face in the plush covers before Steve did his best to brush the hair out of your way.
He continued to softly rub his thumb against your temple. “Jellybean, you wanna tell me what’s going on? What’s got you so upset?”
You sighed before speaking into the blanket covering your mouth. Even Steve’s super soldier hearing couldn’t decipher the muffled sounds.
“Can you try again for me? I didn’t quite catch that.”
You turned slightly and threw your hands over your face in exasperation before peeking through your fingers at the face full of love and kindness that was always waiting on the other side.
“I’m sick of it.” It came out still muffled by your palm, but understandable this time. Steve nodded in an attempt to understand.
“Sick of what, honey? Anything I can fix? Or at least help with?” He helped you up, sitting next to you on the mattress. He attempted to pull you into his lap before your stopped him, pushing his arms off of you.
“No! Stop it, you’re the problem.”
Steve was taken aback. He would never do anything to hurt you, not even accidentally, so he had no idea where this was coming from. He cautiously continued.
“I’m really sorry, bean. What did I do?”
You shook your head before it fell into your hands, tears threatening to dampen the heels of your palms while you sniffled,sucking your emotions back in. You took a deep breath before looking up at him with red eyes.
“You know what? Actually, nothing. I’m overreacting. Forget about it. Maybe I should just go.”
You stood up and began to gather your clothes from the floor when Steve stood to stop you, holding your hands against his chest.
“Wait, Jellybean, come on. If-“
You threw down your hands, releasing them from his grip as you continued to look down at your feet.
“Quit calling me that!! That’s the problem!! I’m not a jellybean!”
His head cocked to the side in confusion. “Honey, what do you mean? I thought you liked that nickname…”
You shook your head as Steve crouched down in an attempt to meet your gaze. “No, because a jellybean would fit in your clothes and look good. And I don’t at all right now.”
Steve cautiously moved a hand to your cheek, finally able to look into your eyes. “Hey, what happened? Did someone say something to you? Did I? If I did anything to make you feel like that, I’m so sorry. You’re so perfect in every single way, what’s making you feel differently?”
His other hand went to your other cheek and you grabbed his wrists, looking down again, kicking your feet. Your next words came out as a whisper. “Everything sucks. I’m exhausted, and my eyes keep twitching because of it. I couldn’t focus to save my life today. I thought coming over here would make me feel better, and I looked in your pantry to see if you had any of the good snacks and of course you don’t because you’re Mr. Healthy! None of your clothes fit or look good on me! I mean, why do your even own half this stuff!? So many pairs of fake glasses, your eyesight’s perfect-no. Better than perfect! You make stuff that’s not even fashionable or practical look good and I’m sick of it!” You were practically yelling now, your words growing in volume the more you kept going.
Steve simply nodded, letting you vent as much as you needed to and taking it all in. He knew he didn’t have good snacks, he had asked if you wanted him to pick up your favorites when grocery shopping last week and you said ‘no, that’s not necessary. I probably shouldn’t tempt myself anyways. I’m trying to be healthier.’ He should’ve gone with his gut. He wouldn’t blame that on you, though.
He knew his clothes were ridiculous, too, but he kept them around because he thought you liked them. And he loved the way they looked on you.
He also knew the game you liked to play of ‘is it a fit or are they just hot,’ looking at the ridiculous clothes designer brands would release and judging whether or not they were high fashion, or just on a person with a nice body. He had just never thought he would be the subject of it, or that it would bring you down this much.
Steve knew you hadn’t been sleeping well for the past month, too, but hadn’t said anything. He could feel the way you tossed and turned at 3am, before you finally fell asleep again an hour later, only to be woken up shortly after by the alarm clock.
You looked up again after Steve had been quiet for too long. You let out a deep sigh. “I’m sorry, Stevie. I think I’m just taking this all out on you because you’re here. Everything but you is wrong today, and I’m taking it out on the one thing that’s here.”
You shook your head, profusely apologizing before Steve pulled you in close against his chest. He kissed the top of your head as he rubbed your back.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Thank you for talking to me. I’m not the enemy here. I’m your teammate. Thank you for letting me in.”
“It just isn’t fair.” You spoke into his chest before looking up into his eyes again.
“Even when you’re concerned you’re still hot, too.” You rolled your eyes before throwing your forehead back in between his firm pecs.
“Steven. Fix it.” Came out mumbled in his shirt.
Steve laughed and nodded before kissing the top of your head again. “I think I have just the thing. Hold on.”
He meant that literally. Steve stood up fully and you wrapped your legs around him, clinging like a koala, as he walked back over to the closet. The fact that he did it so effortlessly made you feel a little better about yourself, but a super soldier could probably do that with anyone.
He browsed the rack and shelves before he found what he was looking for. “Ah, here it is. They let me keep these after I had to pose as part of a construction crew for a mission. Regular people clothes. None of that high fashion bullshit.”
You laughed against his neck before he set you down on the bed. He kissed the tip of your nose before sliding a dark gray sweatshirt over your head and sinking down to his knees to pull the light gray sweatpants up your legs. They fit just how your wanted and you beamed at him.
“Better?” You nodded.
“Perfect. Thank you, Stevie.”
He gave you a wink. “Of course, jellybean. I think these fit you just right, but maybe your outfit’s missing something. I might still have the reflective vest around here somewhere, or maybe you need a good pair of fake glasses to top it off?”
You giggled and pushed his shoulder. “Absolutely not. I think the only thing that could make this better is if you had real snacks in the pantry.”
Just then, the both of you heard a knock on the door. You perked up and looked over Steve’s shoulder before raising an eyebrow at him. Steve looked back at you sheepishly.
“I think your prayers have been answered. I texted Buck and asked him to pick up your favorites the second I heard you huffing while searching through the cabinets.”
You smiled before wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you. You’re perfect, even if it’s a little infuriating how much so.”
Steve laughed and wrapped his arms around you again, carrying you towards the front door to retrieve the package. “Perfection means nothing if I can’t use it to make your life better. I love you, Jellybean.”
You smiled as he set you down on the couch and handed you a bag of snacks before cuddling close and pulling the soft throw blanket back over the two of you. You placed your hand gently on his cheek. “I love you more, Stevie.”
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Bonus A/N: What’s your favorite snack/candy? I’m currently rocking with those nerds gummy clusters. So good.
General Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen
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