#but i read a lot of drarry
humsops-stash · 5 months
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it's givinggg jerk x nerd
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juiche · 2 years
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Inspired by Way Down We Go by @xiaq 🪄
Draco and Harry found a way to snuggle together while remaining as clueless, platonic best bros and it's a bit hilarious and very sweet, so I had to draw it :)
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foursaints · 3 months
sorry to be so utterly blasphemous on ur marauders account but whats ur opinion on drarry
oh this is the furthest thing from blasphemy… i LOVE drarry and i probably reread ‘the bolthole’ & ecidyrue about 2x per month….
my favorite brand of drarry is the kind where draco strikes a very specific balance between “poor, pale, pathetic darling who looks so fetchingly humble & penitent with his gigantic guilt-ridden eyes and tremulous voice and soft hair” and “insufferable diva who is not opposed to kicking shins”
and harry is the only one who ever SEES the catty side of him anymore but HARRY has become such a belligerent emotionally constipated asshole post-life-altering-war-trauma that hermione is lightly touching his sleeve and asking him if, perhaps, he could stand to be a little nicer to draco.
and since when is DRACO MALFOY supposed to be the VULNERABLE one, harry is thinking (belligerently and assholeish-ly). and then he’s eventually overcome by the wiles of draco’s quiet resignation to a life of suffering but their commitment to kicking each other in the shins has reignited a spark of childlike mischief & joy in harry’s life. and they live happily ever after the end.
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touchlikethesun · 7 months
one of my fav krtsk tropes of all time is the unfortunate accidental mixing up of the jerseys. or like (now entering my fantasy lol) kei accidentally bringing kuroo’s nekoma shirt to change into for practice instead of one of his own tshirts, and burning up with embarrassment when the rest of karasuno notices, trying to stonewall his way thru everyone’s questions of “who do you know in nekoma,” “why would they give you their shirt,” and “when did you even get that we haven’t had a practice match in ages,” etc.
yamaguchi, who is the only person on the team that already knows about krtsk’s “secret” long distance relationship (it’s only secret on one side, all of nekoma and fukurodani already know - kenma’s been sworn to secrecy and forbidden from telling shouyou), is torn between trying to help tsukki avoid answering and giggling because he told tsukki that something like this was bound to happen. hinata asking with annoying sincerity if he beat up someone from nekoma, which finally prompts kei to snap “no, it’s from kuroo, he gave it to me!”
the rest of karasuno falls silent at his outburst, and regret is only just starting trickle down kei’s neck when sugawara gasps suddenly and says “oh my god, you’re dating kuroo from nekoma” which in turn causes everyone to look back to kei who looks like he’s trying to melt into the floor and there’s an shocked pause before the gym explodes again with congratulations from the second and third years (who honestly are just so relieved that tsukishima has found someone that can match his energy they were worried) and increasingly incredulous but earnest questioning from kageyama and hinata of “how??? how????” (they are also like, happy for tsukishima, but… how????)
yamaguchi texts kuroo at some point during the hullabaloo to tell him what happened and prepare him for tsukki’s inevitable mood on their nightly skype call.
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hasturlover · 1 year
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Context: Draco and Harry searching Sirius' potrait in Grimmauld Place. But instead of Sirius', Draco found Regulus' potrait and awakened him from slumber. And when Harry returned to Draco after searching the loft, Regulus' potrait smiles and mistaking Harry as James.
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citrusses · 2 years
AO3 Wrapped 🎁: Drarry Favorites Published in 2022
Featuring eighth year and fuck-or-die fics that were instant classics among classic tropes, steam and suds, mind-bending non-linear narratives, and character studies that made me consider anew the protagonists with whom I’ve spent so many years. 
Finely Drawn Lines by @the-sinking-ship (E, 61k) 
Draco doesn’t consider himself an artist (though the dozens of sketchbooks lining his shelves might suggest differently). Yet ever since Potter returned to Hogwarts, accepting a teaching position alongside Draco, his drawings have taken on a rather singular focus.
The Things We Need by @kbrick (E, 25k)
Three hundred and fifty-three days out of the year, Harry is in a monogamous, fulfilling relationship with Draco Malfoy.
Then there are the other twelve days.
Lateralus by @shiftylinguini (T, 2k)
The world after the war was so big, and so untamed. Magic spilled out of every corner, creatures never seen before watching from nooks that never used to exist. There were colours in the air, in the morning dew drops on the leaves―indescribable, and new. Otherworldly, and pulled from a spectrum that shouldn't be visible in their world.
Heartlines by @sorrybutblog (T, 22k) 
Just as Draco Malfoy's life seems to be getting back on track, the magic at Malfoy Manor is spinning out of control. Auror partners Harry Potter and Angelina Johnson are assigned to the case and quickly find that nothing about the situation is obvious. The flare ups are unpredictable at best, downright dangerous at worst, and why has a Hogwarts first year gone missing at the same time?
​​Heal Thyself by @astolat (T, 47k) "Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.”
“What course?” Draco said, then, “No, don’t be ridiculous,” when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he’d been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard’s Office By August 24th.
“Oh, I thought you might,” she said. “Well, goodbye.” And off she wandered again in her addled way.
any day now by @oknowkiss (E, 17k)
The rehabilitation centres were the Minister’s idea, or that’s what the Prophet said anyway. Their stated objective is simple: to provide a safe space for low-tier Death Eaters and high-tier sympathisers to reconsider the entirety of their life choices. All guests–because no one is a prisoner here, the literature brags–are to be provided with shelter, food, clothing, and the guided support of a Mind Healer via a programme they call “ideological restructuring,” which is, of course, mandatory. 
Lovesick by @corvuscrowned (T, 8k)
People keep spiking Auror Harry Potter with love potions. Healer Draco Malfoy keeps having to pick up the pieces. But it's getting harder and harder for Draco to watch Harry fall in love with everyone except for him.
The Only Magic Left Between Us by @lqtraintracks (E, 24k)
Harry goes to the market and ends up having to save Draco Malfoy’s life with sex. He saves Draco’s life with sex and ends up with a husband. The last thing he expects in all of it is to fall in love.
Once More With Feeling by InnerLilith (E, 29k)
Draco is dosed with a consummation-compelling potion, with Harry Potter as his intended. It’s a cruel irony, because he’s wanted Potter for years. But not like this.
Not Nineteen Forever by @sorrybutblog (E, 6k)
A rogue charm hits on a mission and suddenly, Draco is nineteen again. Harry is still thirty-five and doing his best to look after his de-aged Auror partner (and forget about his long unrequited crush) until St. Mungo’s can brew the antidote. Only, Draco insists on wandering around Harry’s flat wearing nothing but Harry’s pants, flirting like his life depends on it and in the end, Harry’s only human after all.
An Emerald In The Sky by @corvuscrowned (M, 7k) 
The hardest part about shagging an Unspeakable is that they’re not allowed to speak of anything. All Draco knows is that Harry works in Time. Harry works in Time, and while he’s out there in all of that time, it is as unforgiving to him as it is to anyone.
Two to Lie and One to Listen by @fluxweeed (E, 85k)
It’s weird when Hermione announces that she and Ron have broken up. It’s weirder when this is followed by the revelation that she’s already moved on—and the new object of her affections is Draco Malfoy.
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by @sleepstxtic (T, 6k) Astoria watches her husband fall in love with Harry Potter.
The (Third) Worst Year by TheFrancakes (E, 20k) 
Draco Malfoy has one year to fall in True Love with Harry Potter or be turned into a Dragon. And he knows that is never gunna happen. This is going to be the worst year of his life.
Well, minus that whole having to kill Dumbledore or be killed by Voldemort thing.
Second worst year.
Oh, but there was his whole 7th year while Voldemort was using his house as a home base for Death Eaters and making him torture his fellow students. That one was pretty bad too.
Fine, this is the third worst year of his life. Hoppípolla by @moonflower-rose (E, 21k) Falling in love was as easy as jumping in puddles, and Draco Malfoy was completely drenched.
The July Tree by @oknowkiss (E, 52k) 
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail… nor well-meaning friends, nor questionable communication skills, nor seven years of hating each other’s guts can keep Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy from falling in love. OR: It’s Eighth Year, and Harry Potter has detention. What else is new? Well, since you asked: Greenhouse Four and the Tree of Life, for a start, and then there’s the new shared Eighth Year common room, and Harry’s sexuality, and these pesky dreams he keeps having about a blond man pushing him into things…
Pack by @rockingrobin69 (Not rated, 1.4k)
It was cute when they were in school, the whole rivalry thing. 
What Makes a House a Home by @writcraft (E, 27k)
Ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts Draco Malfoy wakes up in an unfamiliar house owned by none other than Harry Potter. Even stranger is the snow in September and a night sky without any stars. Naturally it’s a matter of life and death, because isn’t it always?
The Unspeakable by @the-sinking-ship (E, 24k)
Healer Draco Malfoy took the job at the International Department of Mysteries for the paycheck and the prestige.But what he got was Unspeakable Harry Potter and the most fascinating curse he’d ever seen.
The wrong sort by @vukovich (Not rated, 1.6k)
Draco half-rolled, half-fell onto his back, his skin sweaty against Harry’s sheets.  He licked his dry lips and exalted the plaster ceiling with, “Jesus fucking Christ.”
Howl by @tackytigerfic (M, 9k)
After an encounter with a vicious werewolf, Draco Malfoy wakes in a field hospital with a mangled shoulder, a furry little problem, and an inconvenient crush on Harry Potter. Potter, meanwhile, is still trying to save the world, only this time he wants Draco right there with him while he does it. Taking part in a rebellion against a corrupt regime isn't always glamorous, but at least sometimes there are organic farmshop pastries and fancy hotel bedsheets. Just don't ask about that smell of burning.
Under Giant Mountains by @wolfpants (E, 34k) 
Harry doesn't know where he's going. Everyone else has their life paths figured out; he doesn't even know where his map is. Who'd have thought Draco Malfoy bathing in a Norwegian forest would be the guidepost Harry needed?
but first, we fight by @nv-md (E, 8k) 
Fighting with Draco Malfoy has never been quite this thrilling...or this frustrating. Harry's always horny, Draco's in denial, and there simply isn't enough time in the day to fight crime and watch your ex-archnemesis wash his arse.
Tapestry by @kbrick (E, 51k) WIP
In 2017, Harry is on his way to Pansy and Luna's beach house. He’s a bit terrified of seeing Draco, to be honest. It’s been a while, and then there’s the little matter of Draco having married someone else in the interim.
In 2001, Draco is drunk, wearing Pansy's mother's ermine coat, and afraid to walk into the Leaky because someone might throw a curse at him. So, of course, he runs into his ex-nemesis and hopeless crush, Harry Potter.
The Same Sweet Shock by @xiaq (E, 17k) WIP
One day, Draco Malfoy is going to get his life together.
One day, he will be a respectable citizen. He will have a respectable job and his last name will no longer be a scarlet letter and people will no longer try to hex him in the street. One day, he is going to live a good, honest, ordinary life.
Today, however, is not that day. Because today, he is driving a stolen police car and will likely be responsible for murdering Harry Potter.
Accidentally, of course; not that the papers will care.
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mooncello · 2 months
I miss my boys. I know they'll be there once the dark finally passes. but. I fuckin' miss them.
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softlystarstruck · 1 year
Hi! Was curious why you left the fandom, if you don't mind sharing. Or if we can follow you somewhere else? Since you're not using this blog anymore?
short answer:
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long answer: my chronic illnesses have gotten so bad and i am so sad all the time and i barely have the energy to do necessary things let alone things For Fun. and the drarry fandom feels like it moves very fast so everything about being in it (and writing in general) felt like an obligation rather than something fun so. that’s pretty much it :< you can follow my main blog @celestialbee if you want to see pictures and art that i like but that’s really all ive got right now
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littlewinnow · 1 year
do you ready any fanfics? i’m super curious if you have any favourite tropes or anything of the sort!
Hello! I do, I have so many I need to read 😅
For Drarry:
I’m specifically obsessed with Draco in the muggle world (doesn't have to be down & out) and trying to figure his way through it in a comical way with Harry. (Ex: miseducation of Draco malfoy by magpie fangirl)
Any domestic drarry or drarry dads ofc!
One of my faves is dustmouth on ao3, their comics are how I picture Drarry
Veela or werewolf!!
For Marauders:
I haven't read too many fics (in progress) but I enjoy a lot of older post-war Wolfstar raising Harry or rom-comish jegulus.
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wolfpants · 1 year
Hey! I'm curious, pls indulge me: which book or fic that you've read in 2023 has made the most impression and why? x
Hi friend 💐
Okay, I have something rather embarrassing to admit: I have been terrible at reading this year.
I don't know what it is. I keep telling myself it's because I have so many writing projects on the go, one after the other (I'm just about to embark on another big one), but that never really stopped me reading in the past, so, I'm not sure this is a viable excuse.
My attention span is really bad at the moment. That's another thing. I've started books, wonderful books (In Memoriam, A Marvellous Light), but somehow I've got distracted along the way and when that happens, I find it really difficult to pick things back up again, no matter how wonderfully they had me in their grasp before I did the Bad Thing of dropping them for something else.
I hear all the time that as a writer I should read, read, read, and never stop reading, and part of me wonders if that lack of reading has reflected in some of the roadblocks in my own writing process. I'm not sure. According to ao3 I've written 163k words this year so far, and that's not counting any fest work that's yet to be revealed or WIPs in my folders, but I have to say, even though that's a lot of words, not every one has flowed from me easily. I've been constantly asking myself this year if I'm finally starting to run out of ideas (this is probably my biggest fear!), if I'm as mediocre as I tell myself I am when I'm at my lowest/most annoying 😅
I can think of one fic that really stopped me in my tracks this year, though.
@sweet-s0rr0w's entry for Dronarryfest, Silhouttes. Sweet really has this way of writing that draws a reader in from the first line and keeps you in the work's grasp until the very last word. It's an exploration of grief and loneliness and sharing and caretaking, and it also includes one of the most beautiful portraits of the Burrow I've ever read. It also features a Ron I love very much: blunt, gruff, confrontational, possessive, but ultimately loyal and kind and caring. Sweet is also great at incorporating dark British humour and subtle references that make me feel really at home whenever I'm reading her works. So this fic has become a little bit of a comfort read for me, in a sea of me feeling confused and lost over not being able to focus and feeling a bit disconnected from a number of things.
Anyway, this turned out way longer and more navel-gazy than I ever wanted it to turn out, so... I'm very sorry about that! x
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If you ever feel like your not being productive enough (I am going to expose my self a little real quick) just remember that a random stranger on the internet (me) has read a lot of spiderman fanfics (109 different fanfics and 115 including rereads) within the span of a week(that's not even taking in account that have I been going to school for 4 of those days and for the two of them I was practically offline for 12 of the 18 hours I was awake) and the fanfics word count ranged from 1k to 100k with most being about 5-20k words a piece. So you may not be being "productive" but at least you are not obsessedly reading spiderman fanfiction at any chance you get. You're not being productive but I am super not being productive and therefore you are being more productive then someone and to be more productive then someone implies your being productive so why are even worried about not being productive. Also sorta unrelated but if you want recs I have started my reading good ao3 fanfiction era and out of my reading bad wattpad fanfiction era so I have tons of recs :]]
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galaxostars · 1 month
iris i need to know your fav rarepairs immediately
hi robyn !!
HA so this question is hard cause I’m a huge multishipper and fall in love w pairings reallll quick so you could basically name any pairing and… I’d be into it, but I’m gonna try and keep it short (or my definition of it at least)
Mauraudeurs era :
Remus/James (my absolute babes the most underrated)
James/Sirius (they shouldn’t be a rare pair ohmygod they’re SOULMATES)
Remus/Regulus (seriously? those introverted book nerds who are done w prongsfoot? need I say more?)
James/Barty (the potential for these two to be UNHINGEDDDD is so so good plus it brings out dark!james which i love—but on that topic I ship James and Barty w pretty much anyone sooo)
James/Narcissa (this proves my theory of me shipping James with everyone but also, it’s not my fault if a friend wrote the hottest fic ever w those two and now I’m brainwashed)
Golden trio era :
Ron/Krum (…this one’s my friends’ fault, they cough cough gently bullied me into writing them and now I’m obsessed)
Ginny/Cho (the way they’re both so powerful, smart and hot and so done w Harry lmao)
Oliver/Marcus (idk how I fell into that one but the flintwood fics out there are so fucking good it’s not even funny)
Blaise/George (yes yes yes I blame ‘here’s looking at you, kid’ but also George and Blaise are both so hot and I ship them w everyone)
Harry/Sirius (I’m a sucker for age gap—and these two! ohmygod the ANGST is amazing??? to rlly hurt myself I like to think of this ship as Harry being so lost and in need of a masculine older figure in a fucked up way and Sirius still mourning James, trying to navigate his feelings towards his best friend and his son, his guilt, the way he’s literally touch starved, probs like Harry… they fuck me istg)
Next gen era (including cross gen):
Harry/Teddy (this one’s like sirry but cuter? there’s more hope? two orphans finding family and love where they can…. and age gap my love)
James Sirius/Teddy (again idk why they’re so good but THE FICS OUT THERE HOLY SHIT)
Draco/Albus Severus (I read ONE 100k long fic abt them and now I’m soooo fucking hooked, they’re both soooo slytherin which makes the dynamic super fun, and petty abt not being Harry Potter lmao)
I have not mentioned my dead dove fave ships for my… protection and peace haha but I have a lot of those too !
So, ahem, there ya go 🤣
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loreoftheforgotten · 10 months
sometimes when the going gets rough you simply have to indulge in a fanfic you wouldn’t normally read </3
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punmster · 4 months
having an existential crisis because I finally cracked and searched up a summary for Manacled and found out one of the DMSMG alternate endings (which I've changed before this) is like. kinda similar to it??
#i fucking hate every mention of Manacled when i go on inst*gr*m okay?#i insta block anyone who mentions it let alone dramione#despite writing about draco malfoy i think he is a little shit and refuse to read anything remotely dramione b/c he is VERY EXPLICITLY A#BIGOTED PIECE OF SHIT TOWARDS HER AND IF YOU HAVE TO KILL OFF/DEEPLY MISCHARACTERIZE OTHERS TO GET EM TOGETHER THATS...NOT GOOD#anyway the only resemblance was the handmaid tale and antimagic handcuff bit. i separately came up w/ magic-forced memory loss as a PTSD#symptom but thats for the main DMSMG story and not central to the plot#also pretty sure the way i was gonna use those elements was gonna be...a lot more fucked up. not just the typical forced breeding thing#i think you can read what you want but i WILL block you if i dont like it. lets stay separate please#that being said. Virgin Dramione dark romance enjoyer vs Chad Drarry neurodivergent crack writer#< on the mischaracterization thing i realize my own draco is completely ooc. i mean that bashing ron by making him a cheater or somethin#is not the way to justify any feelings. im sure you could somehow work out a way to make hermy like draco w/o making him the least shitty#option in comparison to others yknow?#also im not sorry about making draco ooc cuz 1) he actually doesnt show up much in the books anyway and 2) the main ooc bit is him not#being a bigoted brat and not being as self absorbed (about his family at least)#i have the vague impression that the people who enjoy manacled and those who read shit like the shatter me series or idk haunting adelein#placed on a venn diagram would be a circle
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bibereangelum · 7 months
my latest marauders fandom observations have been the following. 1) People put too much weight into ship politics. 2) Demand for better representation of women in fics, still consume m/m content *only* 3) Apparently people are reading Drarry fic and pretending it's Jegulus? girl idk.
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ladyanthony · 2 years
I love ron weasley !!!!
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