#but i really love hearing their range i think it suits them well ^^
oddballwriter · 7 months
Calling Them your Husband
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Warnings: nothing really 
Author’s Snip: I just wanted to make some tooth-rotting fluff so enjoy
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Steven Grant
When you call him your husband, it was originally a joke, sort of
Your friend called you while you were out doing errands with Steven and they asked what you were doing, to which you said "I'm out with my husband getting stuff done."
Steven just blushes and does that goofy little smile he does because he's never heard you say that but now he wants to hear it all the time now
You guys are in a long committed relationship together and you two have been living together for some time now but he's been too anxious to ask about possibly getting married some day. Not knowing if that's something you want or if you just want to cohabitate as a couple instead
But now that he heard you refer to him as your husband (even if it was a little joke) he wants to marry you in a heartbeat so that you can actually call him your husband and he can call you his wife/husband/spouse
He just thinks about it the whole day but doesn't say anything to see if you will call him that again in case pointing it out will cause you to stop. He is a bit more affectionate though, sneaking in a pick on the cheek or something and secretly making goo-goo eyes at you
When you get home and you aren't in range of seeing it Steven starts looking up engagement rings and prices to see which one would look nice on you and try and save up money
Steven also starts to subtly, at least as subtle as he can be, ask you about if you want to get married someday
He's such a dork though, bless his soul, in his brain he's just kicking his feet and giggling. He's looking at prices for venues and planners already.
Marc Spector
Marc has it in him to get married, we know that
But in his mind he doesn't really see himself as "husband material". He thinks that he's got too much baggage that you'd have to deal with if you were married
He acts like you two haven't been living together and splitting the bills and stuff, which is sometimes what marriage is, in the most domestic way possible
To him, he can't really see himself being able to do the whole marriage thing all over again
That was until some drunk creep was hitting on you while you and him were on a date and you told the guy "I'm with my husband" which warded that guy off
For some reason you calling him your husband while you locked your arm with his just washed those feelings of doubt out. Something about it just made him feel so confident
Like "Yeah I'm their husband! Back off!"
After that Marc was more open with himself about the idea of letting that title back into his life and getting to call you his spouse too
He more so likes the ability to call you his spouse. Possessiveness is in him and by god does getting to call you his spouse feed it
Marc will ask about the idea of marriage sometime after that just to see if you like it
If you want to get married then he's on board. But if you think cohabitating suits you better then he's fine with that too
So long as you're there together and you love him then he's content and happy
Jake Lockley
Damn right he's your husband
Honestly ever since you two got serious with your relationship, became committed to each other, and moved in he's just been like "We are married now" in his head
He's never said that out loud but he knows that the feeling is there with you too
It wasn't until you semi-jokingly called him your husband when some girls were checking him out and you huffed and puffed about it
"What's the matter? I wasn't flirting back." "Well, excuse me for not wanting some giggling college girls to be eyeing up my husband."
And that just... made him feel something, in his heart and in his pants
No but seriously. After that night cohabitating and acting like a married couple wasn't enough. He needs to put a ring on you and vice versa
He will go down to town hall and get those damn papers and buy the rings right now
Jake was originally just going to wait until you said that you wanted to get officially married, but he just can't anymore
In the morning you guys are going to buy rings, get the papers filled out, and planning the wedding
He's got the wedding planner on speed dial and a house with a picket fence in the nice part of town ready to go, just say "I do" please
Honestly at this point he never wants to hear his name come out of your mouth ever again. To you, it's either "hun" "hunny" "dear" or "sweetheart"
Light of his life, air in his lungs, fire in his loins
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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pseudowho · 4 months
How well do you think Nanami Kento would handle eating spicy food? What would his reaction be towards his girlfriend/wife who LOVES spicy food?
Domestic Bliss: Nanami Kento #6, Spicy
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"Hey, Kento," you whispered conspiratorially into his shoulder, nuzzling him from behind, "that new ramen place just opened round the corner. I hear they have the biggest range of hot sauces going. Big. Huge. International."
Your bad impression earned you a scowl.
"And you want to try them," Kento intoned, flat as he flipped through his newspaper, "I assume."
You draped yourself over the armchair, pushing his newspaper away with your feet. Kento grumbled, trying to avoid their push, until his newspaper crumpled, and he rolled it up, hitting you with it while you laughed.
"I'd love to go," you sighed, dramatic, "but I know you can't handle spicy food." Kento's eyes narrowed.
"What makes you think that?"
"Well, I never see you eat it."
"Because most extra spicy food relies on it being hot as its main point of attraction. I prefer my flavour palate to be a bit more sophisticated." Kento's eyes narrowed again, swiping over you. "Like my women."
"Ouch, Kento."
Kento reached into his pocket, the ghost of a smile on his mouth. "Silly games win silly prizes." He tapped on his phone. He was silent for a moment.
"Table's booked for 7pm. So you can eat spicy food, to your heart's desire...my love."
Pushing through the chest-level curtain, you and Kento were greeted by a bustling restaurant, vibrant, and enjoying its early success. Your mouth watered as a hot, umami rush of air hit your nose. You smiled, excited, not noticing how Kento read your every move, fizzing with your joy.
Perusing the menu in your intimate corner booth, you noticed the dishes were arranged in order of spice. You leaned over, pointing to Kento's menu.
"This is your side of the menu, darling..." You gestured to one side of the booklet, "...and this is mine." Kento pinched the sides of your knee under the table, smiling lightly, ungoadable.
When the waiter arrived, you requested a bowl of the spiciest ramen listed.
"We have extra hot sauces, too," offered the waiter, "if you like a challenge."
"Perhaps your top five hottest?" You requested, handing the menu back to the waiter, teasing Kento. "And a big glass of milk for my boyfriend."
"That won't be necessary." Kento replied, clipped. "I'll have the same as her, thank you." Your nose flared; a competitive edge.
"You don't have to buy it just because I do, Kento."
"I know that." He hummed, leaning back into his chair, his hands clasped over crossed legs. "But it seems we have some...misunderstandings to address."
Your ramen arrived. Its colour cried Danger. Tree frogs of its exact hue were known to cause certain death, and the hot sauces arrived in a rainbow most often seen in government-approved public warning announcements. Kento gave you a warm smile, chuckling as you snapped and rolled your chopsticks with gusto.
You took a noisy slurp of your noodles, Kento following suit. The heat was slow to build, but by your third slurp of noodles, your mouth thrummed with fire, climbing up your nose and filling your sinuses. You sniffled, laughing and dabbing your mouth with a napkin.
"Wow, they really weren't joking," you laughed, burning from the inside, in a way that was almost too much, "that really is spicy." Kento raised his eyebrows, seemingly unaffected. He reached for the first hot sauce.
"Is it?" He asked, mildly. "I think it could use a little something, actually." Kento splashed his ramen with hot sauce, enthusiastic, and offered you some. With a smile, and a nod, he did the same to your ramen.
"I don't see much difference, to be honest," you lied, the ramen now significantly spicier. You blinked the tears from your eyes as Kento patted your hand sympathetically. With a wan little smile, Kento reached immediately for the third hottest sauce, splashing it onto his ramen.
"Let's cut out the middle man, shall we?" Kento joked, squeezing your thigh affectionately under the table. You were starting to consider that you may have fucked up your last upfuck. You didn't stop Kento as he offered you the hot sauce, splashing a thin, acrid red glaze into your ramen.
The fumes hit you as you leaned over your bowl, and you coughed involuntarily. Kento shook more hot sauce onto his egg, slurping it up with a delighted hum.
"Eat up." He pressed. "It'll get cold." You took a hesitant bite of pork that didn't seem to have too much hot sauce on it. You were wrong. You must have swallowed lava, you thought, your eyes flickering over the restaurant as you chewed, as if someone could help you. Spluttering and praying for escape, you knew you would never live this down with your new lover if you threw in the towel.
"In fact, mine does seem to have cooled down a bit." Kento reached for the hottest of the hot sauces, in an unassuming little bottle with a skull and crossbones on the front. You were on fire, and nodded with tears flowing down your face, sweating, red, and coughing, when Kento offered you some. He was ever the gentleman, never pouring the sauce on your food until you accepted.
Kento was exceptionally uncrumpled, his navy dress shirt still just as pressed as it had been in the morning, his hair still neatly parted. Strands of yours stuck to the sweat in your forehead, and in a delirious haze, you lifted your bowl to slurp the broth, desperate to end this hellish ordeal.
You briefly saw God, before plummeting to the deepest circle of hell. There was no heaven. Life was a lie. Existence was meaningless. You felt the flesh melt off your bones, knowing death was nigh. Your hands shook, your smouldering lips puffy, mascara on your cheeks. You sat with your head in your hands, having just drunk acid. You dared one look up towards Kento.
...who seemed delighted by his meal, paying the waiter, and rubbing your thigh with those warm, gentle hands.
"There are people waiting for our table, darling. We'll go, hmm? My place, or yours?"
Your mouth numb, slurring, you babbled; "Me at, er-- mine...you at-- at-- yours--" You would surely be spending the evening in a bath of milk, retching into the sink. Kento pressed a tender kiss to your sweaty forehead.
"You're right. I'm always tired after a good meal, too."
After being driven home, you spent the night in an oven, wondering if you would ever get over challenging Nanami Kento to such a stupid, unwinnable fight.
"How's that new girl of yours, huh, Nanamin? Managed to impress her yet?" Gojo called from outside the toilet stall, tapping away in his phone with that everfixed smile. A low, nauseated groan rumbled out from the stall.
"--I...think she might dump me actually." More groans of agony sounded from the toilet stall, with Kento within, trapped in Satan's grasp.
Gojo had your number, of course. You and he had been chatting for weeks. Gojo held down the Record button outside Kento's toilet stall, ready to send you Kento's anguished moans.
Nanami Kento couldn't stand spicy food. He'd never let you know that. Thankfully, he had a friend who would sell him out at any given opportunity.
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oceanspray5 · 2 years
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Anthony being touch starved and Lucy touching him so tenderly like that affects him so much from the get-go obviously cuz it fulfills that need. It also highlights their quickly burgeoning feelings/connection with each other but in the CRUELEST way cuz the reason she's touching him is not because she wants to but because she's possessed.
But, its not only just that she is acting in love with him (making the connection between them so hard to ignore) when its not really her that hurts but she's acting as if she loves him while he (his role) is HURTING her. With Anthony's past being so traumatic, you just KNOW he internalizes that shit even though its not really even Lucy talking and its not even him she's talking about. It hurts him to have Lucy act in love with him but also she's acting as if she has to FIGHT to believe he's not hurting her. She's acting as if loving him is causing her physical pain and that's horrifying for him cuz the one thing Anthony absolutely believes is that he hurts the people he loves. So to be slapped in the face with his growing feelings for Lucy but in a way that pulls at all of his trauma strings in the harshest soul twisting way?
Right after that you have Lucy reliving how Annabel choked to death to seal the traumatic incident with a cherry on top, finalizing Lockwood's internal fear that he kills the people he loves and is left alone.
Not to mention as the series goes on we see that Anything absolutely cannot STAND the idea of having hurt Lucy or her being unhappy with him even though he makes stupid decisions. Almost as if this incident triggered in him a crippling desire to never hurt her... So she'd never look at him like that again. Like he's everything... But also as if he destroyed everything in her to the point she fears him.
So in quick summation we have:
Lucy acting in love with Anthony under possession of a ghost while he very much does have growing feelings for her; and the love the ghost in her playing out being an abusive kind, the kind you have to convince yourself isn't harmful, forcing Anthony to relive his trauma and self-depreciate even more about the fact that it's hard to love him because all he can leave behind for his loved ones is hurt. Combine that with the traumatic way she relives Annabel's death and Anthony's genuine worry of Lucy's possession being... well... dangerous as is.
This scene is so beautifully acted. Ruby and Cameron's chemistry is insane. The way they portrayed that much range of emotion in such a short but impactful scene early on.
EDITED TO ADD: I also forgot to talk about the costuming cuz its the softest we've seen Lockwood in the whole series. All three characters are in their pajamas but Lockwood specifically is in a simple gray hoodie. Something that invokes comfort and relaxation. He's tense during the scene because of the situation but he's completely vulnerable as well. There's absolutely nothing for him to hide behind. No witty quips will work when Lucy can't hear him and he's fearing for her life, no physical force can be used to fight her either... And his emotional barriers are all down too. Not only because of the unexpectedness from the multi-targeted assault on his emotions but because he didn't exactly have time to prepare for such a thing occurring either. @locklyleiscanon pointed this out i think but Lockwood uses his suit as an armor. And he's not wearing it. There's no weapons near him. He's completely defenseless when it comes to Lucy in this moment as well as all the warring emotions that are overtaking him.
The first time I watched the scene my first thought was literally how soft and vulnerable Anthony looks. I didn't even have reference for the rest of the show (that he wears suits almost always) but it was a striking detail. Not just the vulnerability on Lockwood's face but in his body language and clothing as well.
Here's an edit I saw that made it all easiest to visualize and word for me:
Props to the person who made the edit cuz the close up scene and the slow motion at Just the right moment makes this so plainly visible to see.
This incident is simultaneously the best and worst thing to happen to Lockwood regarding his feelings for Lucy. It shows him early on just how much he needs her, but reminds him of all the reasons why he can't have her.
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
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I don't think some people understand just how absolutely terrifying Mori is and I want to talk about it.
When you meet him it will most likely be in a casual place such as the street or the mall with Elise by his side, naturally. The little girl takes a swift liking to you and basically demands Mori to convince you to play with her and he obeys. It is honestly a little humiliating seeing a grown man beg for something like that but it is endearing in its own little way. Feeling bad for them both you agree and promptly make your way towards the playground where the three of you spend the day together, responsibilities be damned.
Before you know it, the physician and his daughter become something of a semi often occurence in your life.
Mori himself is silly - tripping all over his words, especially if Elise says something to him. There are times when the little girl says some of the most concerning things totally out of the blue but Mori always manages to shut her up, which feels out of character for him.
It feels like some sort of secret that you really should not hear but you decide not to pay any attention to it. Everyone has secrets to keep, a skeleton or two deeply hidden in their closets, you don't judge Mori for this.
He is greatly pleased with your easygoing attitude.
Mori often sits in his pitch black office, the scent of fine chocolates and cigarette smoke lingering in the air as his subordinates give him their reports but his mind is elsewhere.
He's half paying attention to the executive's words as he grabs a tiny heart shaped chocolate from the pristine red box, its surface shining brightly against the light that is lit close to him. He pops is in his mouth and savors the milky flavour, the sweet strawberry centre giving it that extra delightful kick which he oh so craves.
Mori indulges in the sweets and thinks of you as he does so. Yes, this is something you would love.
The gifts start pouring and pouring, each one more extravagant than the last. They range from fine sweets, good wine, beautiful clothing and letters which detail the senders feelings towards you. The sender never bothered to sign the letters but always made sure to add something like I'm always watching or Sleep well.
It was creepy.
You tell Mori about some of the gifts that are left on your doorstep but never go into full detail as you're too nervous of scaring him off. The older man always somehow manages to laugh the entire sitation away and tells you to not so worry so much. Don't you know that some people would kill to have someone so helplessly in love with them? He sits on your couch, legs crossed and with a cup of tea in his hands, which you served him of course. You talk and talk and his words give shallow comfort especially as time goes by.
Was he being too forward? Did the gifts not suit your preferences? With a sigh he just waves off his men, all while thinking to himself "Ridiculous, of course they love it!"
Mori thinks you're just shy. You just are not used to someone paying so much attention to you, especially to the extent that Mori is. He has eyes and ears everywhere, your apartment is under constant surveillance and not to mention that the apartment itself is bugged, allowing Mori to hear you speak and do your other daily activities.
He knows you better then you know yourself.
It does not take Mori insert himself in your life in more personal ways. No matter who, Mori always somehow manages to make the people around him look worse than he is and in a flash he orchestrates the downfall of your whole entire life. You lose your job, your home, your friends and family no longer speak to you.
Some, if not all are dead but you don't need to know that.
That is when he comes to you, when you are at your weakest, your most vulnerable. He drops the silly act like a mask and his true colours are exposed.
Mori Ougai is a monster.
But, would you rather sell your soul to a monster or be left in the streets alone, unloved and penniless? Truly, your life would be so much easier if you just submit to him and look, you don't even need to do that much! Eat the food he feeds and wear the nice clothes he gets you and you will be golden!! Just, be still and pretty, alright?
It's honetly so jarring to see Mori's personality shift - one minute he is the silly doctor you met and grew to like, the man who says dumb things in order to make you laugh, the man who was willing to beg on his knees for you to just please, wear this cute outfit, it is going to look so good on you he promises!!
And yet, the next moment he is cold, cruel and calculating, the head of the Port Mafia. He is a man of his word and his subordinates greatly admire and fear him, yes, fear. Do not forget that Kyouka literally started shaking when she saw him after she left the Port Mafia, almost everyone who is in close contact with the man is never the same person they were once before. He will make himself out to be the best possible option and you know that he is the reason why your life is in shambles but that's not even the worst bit.
It is the fact that you have two options. Do you go to the streets and die in the darkness, be it from starvation, dehydration or murder? Or, do you stay with Mori who all but guarantees your safety and comfort, under the condition that you can never leave?
He knows you hate him and he is perfectly content with that. You will choose him in the end, you always will.
That is what keeps you both up at night, one with glee while the other with terror.
🕊️ TAGS: @yanroma, @oneoftheprettynerds, @rosemary108233, @itssara-chan, @gettinshiggywithit, @ophticcus
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seventeenreasonswhy · 3 months
SVT Reacts to Seeing Their S/O in Glasses for the First Time 🤓
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~ SFW ~
OT13!Seventeen x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Content: SFW, Fluff!, can be read as established relationships or new relationships, just boys being smitten! 🥰
Author's note: Sweet boys being sweet! They are whipped! This one's for my fellow glasses girls out there. (No affiliation with eyebuydirect, they just had a wide range of frames lol)
You walk out of the bathroom in these frames, with your hair gathered in a lose bun, ready for bed. S.coups is lounging on your bed already, but he has never seen you in glasses before and does a double-take, looking up from his phone. They suit your face so well. It’s like he’s seeing the real shape of your face for the first time. God, she's so cute, he thinks. “You’re so cute,” he hears himself say aloud. You turn to him suddenly, a deep blush spreading across your face at his sudden compliment.
You walk into the coffee shop wearing these, your hair falling in tresses over your cute cream-colored sweater. You looked so relaxed and cute. Jeonghan almost didn’t realize it was you when he saw this cute girl in glasses walk through the door. “Wah, Y/N!” he can’t help but cry out, beaming as you get closer. “You’re so cute!” You tease him about sounding so surprised, but he ignores you and tells you that he loves how you look in your glasses, he thinks you're adorable. He can’t stop smiling and simping as you drink your coffees.
You meet Joshua at the museum wearing these. You were running late and didn’t have time to put in your contacts. You were dressed in a chic turtleneck and grey marbled overcoat. He spotted your high bun right away, and as soon as he saw your glasses he smiled. “I didn’t know you wore glasses,” he said. It’s true, you hadn’t really worn them around him yet. You didn’t prefer them. “You look sexy.” he said softly, and you felt something catch in your chest. maybe you would wear them more often...
As Jun walks by the laundromat, he does a double take. He sees you by chance, sitting at a counter in the window passing the time reading as you waited for your laundry to finish. He was surprised that he recognized you—he had never seen you wearing glasses before. You were concentrating hard on the book you were reading, so you didn’t see him kind of watching you from the sidewalk. You had your hair half up in a messy-but-sexy bun, long strands hanging between you and your book. You chewed on your fingernails as you read. So cute, he thought. He finally enters the laundromat and comes up behind you. You jump a little, but quickly recover and smacking him with your book. “You look cute,” he says, ignoring your playful smack and tucking a strand of your hair away from your face affectionately, making you blush all of the sudden.
You told Hoshi that you would give him a ride home from dance practice, but he almost misses you in the company parking lot because you're wearing glasses he’s never seen you in before. You only need them to drive at night, but you kind of like them. They frame your face really well and draw attention to your pretty eyes and cheekbones. Hoshi is beaming at you as he gets into the passenger seat. “Ah...” he sighs out softly, a wry smile on his face, as if he's wistful he hadn’t seen you in your glasses sooner, “so you wear glasses, ah...” You smirk, glancing at him sideways. He’s obviously admiring your face in these frames. He holds your hand as you drive, continuing to stare at you while you giggle at his blatant simping.
Wonwoo has been waiting for a chance to see you in your glasses! You'd mentioned wearing them sometimes when you got tired of your contacts but you’d only recently found frames that you actually kind of liked. You finally wear them one day, styling them with your favorite oversized sweater and baggy pants, your hair in a high, fluffy ponytail. Needless to say, Wonwoo is! smitten!! He finds the dark frames so cool. You look effortless, your glasses adding some mystique to your already very beautiful aura. Unconsciously, he gets a little clingier with you... “What’s up?” you ask him as he fiddles with the sleeve of your big sweater, standing closer to you than usual. “I like your glasses,” he says, and his low, quiet tone makes your heart stop for a second.
Woozi loves when you wear your cute glasses. He thinks you look so sweet and squishy, for real. He’d be all over you, pinching your cheeks and tickling you. He can’t help it, something about the big wire frames on your cute pouty face with your pink sweatshirt is just so cute. He wants to squeeze you like a plushy stuffed animal.
He finds your trendy glasses particularly well suited to the outfit you’re wearing today. You look so cool. The whole look really aligns with your style: striking and simple. He catches himself staring longer than usual at your bone structure, really appreciating the naturally beautiful shape of your face and the sweetness of your eyes, accented by those simple frames. He is really staring at you, and you playfully push his face away, but he just keeps looking at you. “You’re so pretty,” he says, smiling at you. You can’t bring yourself to meet his overwhelming gaze, but he doesn’t even mind.
Mingyu sees you hunched over your laptop at the kitchen table when he gets home late. You’re wearing glasses as you stare at the screen, your hair up in a messy bun, wearing one of his sweatshirts. You look up at him as he enters the room, happy to see him and for the excuse to take a break from your studying. “I like your glasses,” he says as you wrap your arms around his middle and give him a big, stress-relieving hug. He pulls back to look at you again. “They really suit you.” You thank him and turn to sit back down, but he pulls you close again, still looking at you. “So cute!” he smiles as he slides his palms up to the sides of your face, gently squeezing your cheeks, puffing your lips out into a fish-lipped shape as he gives you a kiss on the forehead. You can only laugh at how over the top he was being over some plain old blue light glasses, lol.
DK was kind of early to your apartment to pick you up for your date. He figured he could just hang out with you as you got ready. but you answered the door with your hair still up, a toothbrush hanging out of your mouth, and glasses on. he reflexively laughed at how cute and frazzled you were, but you cut him off by trying to ask him why he was so early. unfortunately, the toothbrush in your mouth turned your words to mush, only making DK laugh more at how cute you were, following you to the bathroom as you stomped away in a hurry to continue getting ready. he slowly stops laughing but continues to beam at you through the reflection in the bathroom mirror as he leans against the doorframe behind you, watching your face as you continue to brush your teeth and take your hair down. “You look so cute in glasses, y/n” he says, “why don’t you wear them more?” he pretends to pout, like you’ve been keeping this from him on purpose. “I always wear contacts,” you say, flustered at his presence behind you, the way he’s looking at you through the bathroom mirror. you move to take your glasses off, but you feel a hand suddenly grasping at your forearm. “No, leave them on,” he softly whines from behind you, and you almost jump away from him. but he’s holding you. you just hope that he can’t hear your heartbeat, it’s pounding so hard. “Okay,” you say, blushing beet red. DK just keeps hold of your arm, smiling at you as you both head out the door.
You told Seungkwan to pick you up at the office after another long day. He hated to see you overworking yourself so much and brings snacks for the car ride home to cheer you up. You climb in the car, and he notices your new glasses right away. He loves when you wear glasses, he thinks they make you look so sexy and sweet. He keeps stealing glances at you as you vent about your day. As you make your way home, he lets his free hand idly float over to play with your hair, soon rubbing his thumb gently against the side of your cheek. You smile at the touch, grateful that he’s being so loving right now. “I like your glasses,” he says softly, and you blush at his earnestness. “They’re so pretty on you.” You float your hand up to his, cupping it against your face, planting a quick kiss on his palm.
He opens the incoming FaceTime call to a familiar face, but with a new twist – he’s never seen you in your glasses before. “Do you want me to pick something up, I’m at the convenience store right now,” you ask him, looking at the aisles of snacks in front of you. he just watches you as you hold the tiny microphone built into the side of your headphone wire up to your pretty lips. your lips looked even sweeter and more plush contrasted with these frames on your face. “Did you get glasses?” he asks, not answering your question. “Hm? Oh no, I just hardly ever wear them.” “You look good in them,” he says, smirking at you. He looks whipped, you think with a little inward giggle. “Thank youuu,” you smile, ”I’ll get us some ice cream~.”
Sometimes you stop by the practice room when you know Dino is there very late to bring him a snack or to watch his new choreography. Tonight is the first night that you’ve gone to visit him bare-faced and your glasses on though. You usually get a little more dolled up, but you fell behind on all of the tasks you had to get done today and didn’t get around to primping. But, it turns out Dino doesn’t care. In fact he stops the choreo he’s in the middle of after catching a glimpse of you in your cute frames from the corner of his eye. “Wah, I like your glasses,” a big smile plastered on his face. He holds his arms out, reaching for you even as he walks across the practice room toward you. You meet and rub noses with your lightly sweaty boyfriend as he takes you lightly by the forearms, leaning toward you as he thanks you for bringing snacks. He can’t help but touch the frames on your face, taking in your more casual look. “How are you so pretty?” He breathes out, and you lightly smack him for being so candid in front of all the other dancers.
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genshin-scenarios · 1 year
do clothes make the person? (lyney x gn reader)
Summary: …Lyney dresses up in a skirt and leotard, while practicing for another switch-up trick with Lynette. That’s the basic premise. Enjoy!
Notes: This is still SFW but uh… Rated teens and up, just to be safe (a lot of flirting)
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Throughout his career, and for the purpose of pulling off impossible feats of magic onstage, Lyney has garnered quite a range of props and outfits to suit his purposes. 
The first time you learn of him and Lynette swapping places, you’ve only seen his sister dressing up as him, and joked that perhaps you’d be whisked away by the more level-headed version of Lyney that stands before you (Lynette, still in disguise, looped her elbow with yours and said in deadpan to her brother that the two of you would be going now.)
Suffice to say she was hoping to escape from practice to go buy some desserts, and you were happy to oblige. Lyney hadn’t let either of you forget that betrayal ever since, ever one to play on dramatics just for an excuse to tug on your wrist and demand your attention. Behind those theatrics however is the relief of a brother who’s glad his very-important significant other gets along well with his very-important sister, even if it was at the expense of himself sometimes. 
In today’s practice however, Lynette is the one who required a double, and so you found Lyney in their room still in a leotard and skirt. He noticed you entering, and with a quick decision made in the flicker of his eyes, settled into a monotone expression. Posture relaxed, lazily glancing over at you - in this moment, Lyney truly seemed like a cat.
“If you’re looking for my brother, he already left.”
“I already saw Lynette as I was coming in.” You inform, walking over to tidy the props left on the table. You look over at Lyney from over your shoulder, trying to control the quirk of your lips at the sight of his pout. “Were you hoping to get some secrets out of me? Asking how I really feel about you?”
“I didn’t think that far, but now when you put it like that… How could I not be curious?” Lyney makes his way over to you, capturing you in a hug from behind as he rests his head on your shoulder. He starts using his body weight to tilt the both of you towards the side, dangerously close to falling.
“Please stop swaying around, we’re going to—”
Without letting you finish your sentence, Lyney suddenly pulls you against him as he makes the both of you fall towards the ground. Panic surges through you as you feel your feet slipping from under you, only for Lyney to cushion your fall with his body. He’s trying his best not to laugh at the shriek you let out earlier, while you try to resist the urge to strangle him there and then.
“You— Stop laughing!” You grab his wrists; connected to the offenders that pulled you down with him seconds ago, and drag Lyney into a sitting position. “We could’ve gotten hurt!”
“I wouldn’t have let you get hurt.” Lyney gives you an affectionate smile, which would’ve been sweet had it not been for his actions just moments before. “And look, I’ve got you on my lap now. Not quite as fun as hearing you divulge everything you love about me, but a close second.”
“Try saying that without the cat ears and tail.” Keeping the annoyance in your tone, you reach up to take them off his head. It’s just a cleverly hidden headband, but you remember Lyney mentioning how it’d start to hurt if he wore it for too long. “Are these clothes not uncomfortable?”
Lyney’s eyes are shut, leaning against your touch as you ruffle his hair out of its braid. The ash-blonde strands are soft beneath your fingers. “Mmm, not exactly. It’s not like men have never worn leotards, you know. There are appropriate clothes for it.” His lashes flutter open once you retract your hands, violet gaze soft. “Not going to help me rebraid it?”
“I might mess it up.” You say. Lyney hums at the rebuff, unbuckling the belt that holds his tail. He offhandedly tosses it to the side, and just as you let your guard down, he’s quick to pick you up from below your thighs and pull you even closer to him. By instinct, your legs wrap around his waist to get some balance, but immediately after, you realize your compromising position and freeze. “...You’re an absolute sadist.”
“I just want you near,” Lyney smiles innocently, cupping your face in his hands. Despite how his words sound, he honestly just likes physical affection. The horrible blush burning on your ears is just an added bonus. “I’ll let you go after a hug.”
Watching Lyney carefully, you finally let yourself rest your head in the crook of his neck, arms looping around him. He’s quick to melt into the gesture; at times, hugs could be seen as a test of trust. It was hard for one to see the expression on the other party’s face or be aware of their surroundings when positioned like this. Is it odd for Lyney to feel comfortable despite the slight feeling of anxiety that comes with it? He never lets hugs last for too long, though - lest something actually sneak up from the shadows and he’s too late to protect you both.
By the time he’s finally in his normal clothes, Lyney’s leading you through the streets of Fontaine with your hand in his, claiming there’s a really good restaurant he discovered lately. (In truth, it’s just another excuse to intertwine your fingers.) 
You do have to admit - it is cute when he hooks your pinkies together while talking to a fan or acquaintance, swinging it between you both just subtly enough so that no one would notice. Just like how you hadn’t noticed the addition of a tiny magenta ribbon tied to a small lock of your hair. It sits comfortably at the back of your head, so Lyney doubts you’d notice unless you tried combing through it.
Not to mention, it matches his colors! Call him a hopeless romantic, but Lyney thinks the sight of you both together like this is quite endearing, if he says so himself.
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khuzena · 2 years
Take my heart with you
Kaiser x fem!reader♡
Summary: you're the itoshi brothers' little sister, what could go wrong if you secretly dated kaiser?
Warning: the itoshi brothers hate each other but if anyone hit on their sister they team up rq, fluff to Angst. Kaiser being a sweetheart. Rin being the better brother🔥🙌. I PROMISE IT GETS BETTER AT THE END plS I SWEAR. Kaiser professing his love for reader in the most poetic way possible 🙌 possibly OOC but we dc
A/n: this is so stupid. Let's pretend they actually understand each other 💀💀💀. I swear I tried and I really love those old Rin, Sae and reader sibling hcs or chat fics i used to see on tumblr and i was like how about i add my own twist but reader dating kaiser.
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You sneaked out of the house to go on a date with Kaiser. What could go wrong?
Answer: Everything.
You arrive at the restaurant, patiently waiting for Kaiser until you feel a hand on your shoulder, flinching by surprise.
"Shall we?"
Michael Kaiser who treats you like a gentleman for the entire night and spoils you, getting you anything you wanted in the restaurant.
"I kinda want macaroons but it's kinda expensive—", you say, complaining to Kaiser about the prices but a waitress walks to your table and you hear him whispering something to the waiter.
"Yes, madam we'll order some macaroons"
Michael Kaiser who surprises you with a Birkin bag for your 1 year anniversary, you're still surprised Sae and Rin haven't found out about the relationship.
"I— how am I supposed to explain to my brothers I randomly got a Birkin???"
"Easy, just tell them we're dating, it's not like anything bad is going to happen" Kaiser rolls his eyes thinking what could go wrong if your two brothers found out you're dating their rival.
Michael Kaiser who wears an awkward disguise but it surprisingly works well. Though you can't help but stare at him, his eye glasses accentuate his already good looks.
"Staring at me, schatz?" He teases, intertwining both your hands as you two enjoy the scenery in front of you.
You'd be lying if you said he didn't look good in those glasses, "W-well… the glasses suit you." Shyly looking away. The two of you have been dating for a year now but you still stutter and stumble when you're caught by surprise by him again and again.
"I know" he says confidently while pushing away your bangs to place a chaste kiss on your forehead.
Michael Kaiser who takes off his disguise and leads you two in a quiet area with no other person other than you two.
"You know if I had the chance to turn back time to fix my past I wouldn't change a single thing." He chuckles before pulling you closer to him by the waist.
You raise an eyebrow, not knowing what he meant. "Huh?" He leaned down to your level, holding you close and lips inches apart from each other.
"Because if I changed something then there's a chance I wouldn't be able to meet you, I'd rather go through that pain as a young footballer rather than live my life not meeting you." He whispered, smirking at your reaction. How could he say that so casually and expect you to act normal.
Michael Kaiser who takes you shopping and promises to take you out on another date like this.
"Kaiser, I don't wanna go home yet" you muttered quietly, hugging him as he patted your back.
Kaiser smiles at you, pulling away so he can cup your face with both his hands. "I know." He pulled you into a deep kiss before your phone rang and interrupted your moment.
Your eyes widen at the contact number.
"Oh shit it's my brothers… should I check the message?"
"Its okay go ahead"
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Kaiser reads the chats with you, absolutely baffled by the brothers' efforts to stalk you.
"What the fuck." You both hear behind you, it was Sae's voice.
"I swear I can explain!" Yelling at the two but it's no use when they glared daggers at you and Kaiser.
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Sae forced the two of you to ride back home, talking sternly to Kaiser while driving; Rin is still mad at the betrayal but he won't admit it.
"How long have you been seeing my sister?" Sae demanded an answer, still pissed for 3 reasons.
1. Not telling Sae you're seeing someone (he just wants to keep you safe)
2. You dating Kaiser (Sae and Rin absolutely do not trust that man)
3. The traffic
Kaiser gulps, looking back at you and looking back at Sae, never had he imagined meeting your brothers face to face again like this.
"Since last year"
"What." Rin felt his eye twitch, his nerves popping out of anger and confusion.
You hold your boyfriend's hand nervously, the atmosphere is so dreary it feels like your skin is getting grated every second from the anxiety prickling at your skin.
"You're gonna fucking use my sister and leave her crying like shit after you're done with her? The fuck do you want with her?"
"R-rin— that's enough…"
"I'm not done yet."
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Kaiser entered the Itoshi household, he knew if he chickened out or shit the brothers would never approve of him. He took his shoes off and wore the slippers you offered him, you and Kaiser sit down at the couch and it's already making you uncomfortable.
"Listen here you German shit." Sae snarls at him, Kaiser has met Sae and Rin before and used to piss the two daily at blue lock, now he regrets ever doing it because it ruined his chances of getting along with his future brother-in-laws.
Anyone could tell Sae was pissed as hell, venom seethed from his throat and he swears if he could just smash the living shit out of Kaiser he would.
On the other hand though, Rin is absolutely avoiding your gaze. He's madder than Sae because he feels like he failed as your brother. That he wasn't good enough for you to share your secret with him.
"If you break my sister's heart I'll break your limbs at the next world cup. You hear me?" The eldest brother glaring down at Kaiser, if looks could kill Kaiser would've already been dead.
"And you." Gulping as you stare at the ground when Sae mentions you, hoping that this'll all end.
"Why the fuck did you think it's a good idea to hide a relationship like this for so long?"
"Because I knew you'd blow up like this— you're always so overprotective yet you were never here with me and Rin!" The two of you went at it, insults and insults, uneasiness filling the gaps of each corner. "What the fuck do you mean never here? I was working my ass off in spain to chase my dreams- to make you and Rin's life fucking easier!"
"I never asked you to do that for me! You're the worst person ever, I wish you weren't my brother." It accidentally slips out and Sae's eyes widen. When you look back at him you could see his breathing become uneven— that look in his eyes. The look of betrayal and guilt. He was taken aback at your reply.
You burst into tears before taking Kaiser's hand, pulling him out of the Living room and going outside.
"Michael lets go." You mumbled, it was freezing but none of it mattered. Tying your shoes before taking your shit with you.
Kaiser feels like needles were stabbing his chest, it felt like it was his fault that your relationship with your brothers strained even further— if it ever existed in the first place.
He says nothing as he watches you pathetically cry and run away from the household, catching up to you while pulling you closer to him.
"Shhh it's okay, breathe."
Kaiser rubbed circles on your back as you hyperventilated; tears streaming down your cheeks as you hugged him, looking for the comfort you could never find in anyone else but him.
"I-it's all my fault— I'm sorry for dragging you into this.."
"Breathe," he raised your chin, making you stare at him. It pained him to see you breaking down in his arms like this, "Breathe in and out, it's gonna be okay."
The two of you walk to a nearby playground, hand in hand as you two sit on the swings. Kaiser looks over to you… confusion, pity and sadness coming to him all at once. Maybe it was right that he should've left you alone when you first mentioned that you were an Itoshi.
"I'm sorry… I didn't expect it to go this way— I really am sorry." Sobbing as you hugged your legs together and cried onto your knees.
Kaiser only stares at you. His mouth goes dry as his mouth was left agape, his mind racing and he wants to say something but he doesn't know the right words that he should say. He could make you feel much worse and he didn't want to add to your stress so he kept quiet.
You two stay at the playground for hours until you hear footsteps slowly coming closer.
"Go home now, please."
Your eyes were dead, tugging onto your shirt as you shivered in both anxiety and from the cold weather. "R-rin?"
Rin looks over to you then Kaiser, feeling guilt. He should've said something earlier but he's always been a coward, always been a bad brother.
"Let's go home and eat dinner. You're hungry and you Kaiser… let's talk privately later." Rin's voice was hoarse, you could tell he's been crying. You nod and stand up, walking back home with Rin as Kaiser follows behind you two.
You three entered the house quietly, making sure to not disturb Sae. Rin looks down at the cold soup he made earlier, picking it up and reheating it while you and Kaiser wait at the dining table.
"Here… beef stew." Rin places the bowl down, preparing the dinner table. You watch Rin do all the work, you tried to help him but he refused. You could tell he was trying to ease the atmosphere. "So… when did you meet my sister.?" He asked, Rin was too ashamed to look any of you in the eye.
"I met her at the Blue Lock party a year ago then…" Kaiser pauses, looking over to you for affirmation as you nod at him, "We hit it off and she was nice, we exchanged numbers and we went on a date. She mentioned she was an Itoshi and I got nervous." He continued before taking a bite of the beef.
"Oh." Rin replied, it was awkward for everyone at the dining table. Just the clanking of the utensils against their own plates and whirring sound of the electric fan can be heard. But it's better than the deafening noise of continuous fighting with Sae.
"I know we fought a lot at the world cup and Blue lock but I'm willing to put that aside for my sister." Rin trails off. Rin was never good with words but he knew if he can't make amends with your lover then he'd hurt you in the process.
Kaiser takes a deep breath, his hands still clammy and sweaty. "I— me too."
You only watch the awkward interaction between the two, you were glad they were slowly starting to get along.
"Kaiser." Rin looks over to Kaiser and they stare at each other, but it wasn't hatred in their eyes, just regret.
"Promise me you won't break my sister's heart?" Your brother asked with desperation in his voice, you're the only one he had left and he couldn't and wouldn't bear to see you heartbroken. The first he's ever seen you heartbroken was when Sae came back from spain and abandoned you two. He doesn't want to see you break down over anything— anyone, ever again.
"I would never. I've known her all my life." The two Itoshis raised an eyebrow at his bold declaration.
"When I was a child I would pick flowers off the neighbor's lawn and imagine myself giving it to the girl I would love. When I grew older I would take pictures of breathtaking sceneries and hope that maybe I could bring my soon to be lover to those places again. When I got my first check I saved enough because I hoped to god I could meet the love of my life and spoil them with everything I have." Kaiser stares down at his plate, trying to avoid their gazes but he then looks Rin straight in the eye, his eyes brimming with a fiery determination Rin swore he only ever saw from other football players when their vision narrows on the ball, like an adrenaline rush.
"And I'm sure I've known her all my life and I'll spend my life meeting and learning to love her over and over again— so please. Let me be with her. I won't ever hurt her, if I ever did I would stop playing football because I dedicated my goals just for her. If I kicked and rolled the ball without meaning I'd rather not play it at all."
Rin's always loathed Bastard München's ace, Kaiser. But he feels his heart soften at his persistence to be with his sister. Never in his life has he seen a man so dedicated to ever go after his sister. Rin hates Kaiser for sure but he promised to put their past behind just for her.
"Alright… I'll let you have my sister but… keep your promise. She's the only one I have."
Your eyes soften at the scene unfolding Infront of you, happy that the two most important people in your life are getting along but there's one person left, Sae.
You all finish eating then helping Rin clean up the table. In the corners of your eye you noticed Kaiser wiping the table. "K-kaiser you dont have to!"
"It's nothing."
"W-well… I'm gonna go upstairs and uh get my stuff…" you gave a weak smile to the two, slowly walking up the stairs to talk to Sae.
The lights were dimmed and Sae wasn't in his room. Almost stepping on a sock you looked over to Sae, he was sitting down on the staircase; his hair messy and his eyes puffy.
"What do you want?" Aggression and hostility in his voice, he looked up to you. A few hours ago at the fight, Sae was beyond pissed at you but now… he looked broken, as if he realized something.
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Note: sorry if the intro was so bad i dont know how to write anymore im cryigngggg. I mean i know how to but i def downgraded compared to my past fics istg. Sorry if there are too many mistakes, I'll try my best to satisfy my readers in the next part of the fic. 🙇‍♀️ Hope you enjoyed!
Written by @khuzena. Likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated. ♡
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hxney-lemcn · 1 year
Falling For U— Josuke Higashikata x gn! reader
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summery: Seeing things that others didn't was a normal part of your day. Until you find a group of delinquents that end up seeing your own stand. Who knew that you'd end up falling for one in particular.
tw: mentions death (reader can see ghosts)
a/n: Guys please I need more Josuke fics. More ace spec reader Josuke fics too. I'm finding it harder to write right now, but I somehow managed to get this out. (So please excuse the shitty transitions).
wc: 5.1k
Master List
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It was another regular day. Focusing on school work while trying to ignore the stares and whispering of the beings around me. I’ve been able to see these figures for as long as I can remember. I learned quickly to keep my mouth shut about them when I got in trouble for scaring not only my classmates when I was 6, but my parents as well. I also learned that these beings were ghosts, and I was somehow able to communicate with them. 
A being that stood out seemed to come at will. They’d help me communicate with the ghosts when I couldn’t do it outright. The weird part being that they didn’t look like any of the other ghosts. It was a translucent misty blue being that was wearing a dark gray suit along with a white skull mask. 
I tapped my pencil to my notebook to the tune that’s been playing in my head on repeat at the moment. My eyes drifted from the teacher to my old pet that laid next to my desk. There were some perks to my ability, and that was getting to see my pets that have passed away. It always felt bittersweet to see them still following me in their afterlife. If only I could still pet them…
My thoughts halted when the bell rang. I put my stuff in my bag as quickly as I could, ready to finally go home. I walked with my friends to the gate and we all shared our goodbyes, going our separate ways. Feeling hungry, I decided to stop at a cafe that was on my way home. Just a quick in and out, it’s not like I was going there to hang out. But entering the cafe, it held a nice atmosphere that made me want to just…rest there for a bit. Would it be weird for me to eat here alone? 
I tensed as I noticed a group of students in the familiar uniform. Yeah never mind. I didn’t really know them, one of them was in my class and I knew they were friends. I mean I’ve heard rumors about them, how they’re delinquents, but everyone knew Koichi was a top notch student so I took all the information with a grain of salt. 
After giving my order and paying, I took a seat next to the pick up counter. I stared out the window closest to me, waiting to hear my name called. Suddenly, that familiar blue mist appeared and I kept my gaze to where the window would be. I didn’t want people to think I was crazy. Something in my being told me that it’s name was GhostBuster, but I found the name too humorous to take seriously. 
‘Someone wants to know if their child is okay,’ The figure signed in my line of sight. My grandma taught me sign language at a young age and I was fascinated with it. But no one else really knew how to speak in sign around me so I’d like to teach my friends small phrases if they were interested enough. GhostBuster, I suppose I will call the figure, also seemed to know sign, as they spoke to me with it first. It was a great way to communicate without seeming crazy since most of the signs could be done against a table. 
‘Give me the information and I will look into them,’ I signed back against the table. Since I was able to see the dead, from a young age I was bombarded with pleas and wishes for me to pass on messages to their loved ones or to commit acts of revenge for them. I didn’t want to do either, as having a total stranger bring up their deceased loved one didn’t seem like a good decision. But if they wanted me to keep them updated about whatever, I didn’t mind going to the library and doing some research. 
My name was called and I couldn’t help but feel eyes follow me. After I grabbed my bag of food, I ducked my head down and walked out. 
After that day I couldn’t help but feel like I was being watched constantly, and this time it was by someone living. And I couldn’t help but notice that I’ve been seeing Koichi and his friends around more often. I ignored it though, I mean Koichi was in my class so I was obviously going to see that friend group a bit. But I noticed their eyes follow me and I didn’t like it one bit. 
I always tried to keep to myself. A total wallflower if you will. I didn’t like standing out. I had my little group of friends I had at school and I stuck to my homework and hobbies after, well as long as I wasn’t working. It was easy to notice them, as no one really looks at me twice, and their stares made my skin prick with anxiety. Did I do something wrong? Do I look weird? Did I do something to upset them? Are they going to beat me up?
I shook the thought out of my head. Yeah I’ve heard rumors of them beating up kids without lifting a finger, but those stories were so far-fetched it was hard to believe. GhostBuster appeared once more during lunch, and those damned stares started to burn. I tried to look at them from the corner of my eye, but I could only catch one of them. Josuke, the most infamous one out of the group, but he wasn’t looking at me…he was looking at GhostBuster. The misty being disappeared as I tensed up. Could they see them? The being that’s been with me since forever? Was that what they were looking for everytime I passed by? Am I in danger now that they have seen it? 
I shifted my focus back on my friends, trying to tune out the ringing in my ears. I’ve always thought I was alone, that I was the only one with strange abilities…did they have them too? Is that where all the crazy rumors have been coming from? It would make a bit more sense. 
The bell ringing signaling the end of the day brought little relief. I just wanted to go home and destress from everything. Maybe play some video games or watch some t.v. I scurried out of class, head down and sticking to the walls. I didn’t even meet my friends, I was too on edge at the moment. 
“Hey!” I glanced up, not sure if that was directed towards me. I froze when I saw Josuke, Koichi, and Okuyasu. I glanced behind me, just in case they were calling for someone else, but I knew that wasn’t the case due to their eyes boring holes into me. 
“Wanna go to St. Gentleman’s with us?” Josuke asked, a nonchalant look on his face. 
I felt confused, looking around once more just to double check before pointing to myself, “Me?”
“Yeah, who else?” Okuyasu asked with a condescending look (it wasn’t exactly mean, more confused than anything). 
I shrugged, shoulders rising in tension, “I don’t know.” I was completely out of my element. 
“You don’t have to if you don’t wanna,” Josuke shrugged, hands in his pockets. 
I stared at the three for a second not sure what to say, but for some reason I found myself agreeing. Okuyasu and Josuke led while Koichi strayed behind, next to me.
“I hope we didn’t scare you,” The short boy spoke up. “We just haven’t had many good experiences with other stand users.”
My face scrunched in confusion and I turned to look at him, “Stand users?”
“Yeah,” Koichi nodded. “You know, that thing that was…talking to you during lunch.”
My gaze drifted towards the glassy eyes of the dead that turned to stare at our strange group in curiosity. I looked back at Koichi, “A lot of people try to talk to me. Well…people that others can’t see.”
It was Koichi’s turn to look at me confused, but before he could ask anything, we arrived at St. Gentlemens. We all put our orders in before sitting at a table for four. Koichi finally asked about these people but first had to catch the other two up in our previous conversation. 
“Ghosts,” I clarified finally as they all stared at me intently. “I can see ghosts, can you see them too?” I glanced over Josuke’s shoulder, a woman in an old 50’s looking waitress uniform stood behind him, a tired smile worked its way on her face when we made eye contact. 
“Nah,” Josuke shrugged, trying to seem chill, but he glanced over his shoulder and met my eyes shakily. “There’s one right behind him isn’t there?” 
I smiled slightly, “She seems nice.” Suddenly, my supposed stand came out and listened as the woman whispered to it. It then approached me and signed what she said.
“What’s it doing?” Okuyasu asked. I forgot they were there. All their eyes fell onto my stand and I couldn’t help but feel flustered at what the old waitress was implying.
“Telling me what she said,” I replied, trying to casually glance out the window.
“What did she say?” Josuke joined, curiosity working into his expression. 
I felt myself slightly fluster, looking towards the boy next to me with shining blue eyes and that unique pompadour. I opened my mouth but I hesitated, it was kinda embarrassing, “...she said…w-we’d make a cute couple.”
I can admit when someone was attractive, and Josuke fit that bill to a T, if the hordes of fangirls I had to pass in the hallways didn’t say anything. But I never talked to him before and I didn’t know him well enough to even think of him romantically. 
Okuyasu let out an obnoxious laugh and Koichi even seemed like he couldn’t hold his chuckles in as Josuke burned bright red. 
“What do your stands do?” I asked, wanting to change the subject. Okuyasu showed his off first, going on and on about its abilities and the many stories of how it saved him to mundane things it helped him with. Then Koichi showed his stand off. Well…all three of them that is. He also explained his own abilities, but kept it sweet and short. 
Finally, Josuke had recovered and told me all about his stand. Showing it off and even demonstrating its powers on a cut I got earlier that morning from my pet. I stared in awe, the cut seemingly vanished in thin air. 
After that, I seemed to have grown closer to the small group of friends. They invited me into group activities more often and both of our friend groups seemed to have joined together, at least for lunch. 
Though I was growing close to one person in particular. Of course that person was going to be Josuke. It didn’t help that those words that the ghost said were ingrained in my head now. Josuke would hang out with me a bit more than the others and the first thought was ‘is he interested in me?’, but I would quickly shake the thought away. I was just looking into everything a bit too hard now. It didn’t help that when Josuke would pull me away to do something, the others would laugh behind us. 
Not to mention that our conversations have been steering towards dating and romantic topics in general. I wish my heart didn’t beat faster when he watched me intently when I explained how I felt about relationships. How I would want to take it slow but I didn’t really have any experience so I wasn’t sure how all that stuff works anyways. My hopeless romantic side was showing greatly as I would make scenarios of what may happen that day, or what it would be like to hold him/be held. 
He also told me how he was looking for the one, and didn’t really want any flings. I agreed with him and our values on romantic relationships seemed to be shared. Which only made me seem to fall further for him, as I didn’t expect someone to share the same beliefs. Yes you heard me correctly, I can’t deny it anymore, I’ve fully fallen for him. I wouldn’t say love, but I haven’t had a crush this strong before. 
“Are you doing anything for Valentine's day?” My friend asked me as we stood outside before school. 
“Nah,” I shook my head, shifting my bag on my shoulder to a comfier position. 
“Really?” They asked skeptically. “Nothing with Josuke?”
I stared at them, feeling myself flustered, “What would I be doing with Josuke?” 
They raised an eyebrow in disbelief, “Confessing to him.” 
I tensed and my face felt like it was on fire, “No way. It’s not like he likes me like that anyways.”
Before my friend could retort, Josuke seemed to have entered the grounds. I couldn’t really see him, but the horde of fans told everything. I looked back to my friend and raised an eyebrow at the scenario.
“I also don’t want him to think of me as just another fan,” I huffed. 
“I don’t think he’d group you with them,” My friend shrugged. “You two are close now, you’re on a level that his fans aren’t.”
I didn’t think about that. Yeah I was his friend, but I suppose that I was afraid that if I did confess, that his view of me would lower and he’d stop wanting to be friends. Which doesn’t sound like Josuke, I know, but the anxiety still lingered. But now I kinda did want to do something now. Not some grand gesture, just a small thing. Maybe make something small and a note. I could buy my friends some candy as well to use as a cover up in case he didn’t like me back…
The day came quicker than I liked. I trudged to school, my bag heavier than normal with the treats it carried. I started to second guess myself, I could always just eat it all myself. Not the candy I got for my friends…but the chocolate covered strawberries I made for Josuke. I could always just give some of the candy in my bag to him instead. Rip the note to shreds and throw it away. 
No, I shook my head. I’ve gone this far, I can always fall onto my cover story just in case. I could pinpoint Josuke easily due to people swarming him like flies. Once again, that little voice of doubt flooded my mind. He’s already being bombarded, I don’t want to add to it. 
“Oi, (y/n)!” A familiar voice shouted. “Over here!” I turned towards Okuyasu, Koichi waving at me from beside him. I joined the two surprised to not see Yukako or Koichi covered in gifts yet. 
“Hey,” I greeted back as I approached them. “I got you guys something.”
Okuyasu’s eyes seemed to shine brightly as I rummaged through my bag and handed them each a little bag of candies. Josuke finally approached us and peered at us curiously, “What’cha guys got there?”
“Thank you so much (y/n)!” Okuyasu yelled, pulling me into a suffocating hug trying to hold back tears. “You’re the best!”
I patted his back and chuckled at his reaction, “I wanted to get you all something for being such great friends.”
Once Okuyasu let go, Josuke peaked his head into my view, “You got us all something?”
I drew in a deep breath, it was now or never I suppose. As the two others were preoccupied digging through their candy bags I quickly took out the small box with the note taped to the top. I thrust it into Josuke’s hands and brought my finger up to my lips in a ‘shh’ motion.
“Don’t tell the others but I got you something a little extra,” I joked lightly, hoping I came off as I normally do. I noticed he started to read the note and I quickly slapped my hand over it, drawing attention to us but I was too anxious to care. “Read that later!” I spluttered, feeling my heart race. I’d rather him read that when I’m far away and can’t see his reaction.
I glanced at my watch, noticing class was going to start soon. I waved goodbye to the group, not taking a second glance. If only I did, because I would’ve been met with Josuke staring at me in adoration, a rosy pink settling on his cheeks. 
The day seemed to drag by and I tried to ignore that I totally confessed to Josuke that morning, even if it was indirectly in a note. It was the first question my friend asked and I begrudgingly told them about what I did. It was a nice distraction when Yukako showed up and poured a load of gifts on Koichi, giving him a short kiss on the cheek as a finale. 
I felt a sort of jealousy setting in the pit of my stomach. That kind of relationship is what I longed for. I suppose not the stalking and kidnapping part…or the obsession… Okay so maybe their relationship wasn’t perfect at first, but they seemed to be working through it together. 
I tried to ignore the glances Josuke would give me during lunch. He totally read the note. God, and he totally knew my intentions too. I shouldn’t have given it to him. I picked at my food as my friends swapped candies they liked. My best friend, knowing exactly what prediction I was in wiggled their eyebrows.
“Oh he totally got the message,” They grinned smugly. I groaned and hit my head on the table. “It’s not that bad. He can’t keep his eyes off of you even with all the people confessing to him.”
“Of course he’s going to be,” I frowned. “I’m his friend so he’s gonna feel different about rejecting me.” 
“More like accepting you,” They nudged me. 
I just rolled my eyes, not feeling hopeful. I just hope I didn’t ruin a great friendship. The second half of class went by faster as I focused on school work. Bell rang and I was the second student to turn their paper in to the teacher and leave. Once again I was going to run out and hopefully not run into the person I was dreading to see. But of course life had a way of squashing my plans.
A pink and baby blue figure stood in front of me, arms crossed and a stoic gaze rested on me. I quickly snapped my head back to a normal angle, I hate being able to see things that others can’t sometimes, I hope no one saw and thought I was weird. I slowly turned my head around as Josuke pushed past other students, charmingly excusing himself. 
“(Y/n),” Josuke panted slightly, waving at me. “Hold up!” 
I stood in place as he finally approached me, “It’s not like I had much of a choice.” 
Josuke grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck, “Well I know you have a tendency to run off and I wanted to make sure I caught up to you this time.”
I wanted to shrink, am I that predictable? Did he really notice that? Does that mean he pays attention to me? I shrugged, not sure why he wanted to catch me so badly after school…okay maybe he does have a reason but I’d rather forget I did anything. 
“Is it cool if I walk you home?” Josuke asked breezily, a charming smile resting on his lips.
Damn him, damn him for stirring up all these fluttery, confusing, warm feelings. I hated it. I hated but loved it. I just wanted to throw the damn feelings away, not wanting to waste time on one-sided pining, but on the other hand I wanted to bask in the warmth these feelings brought. To indulge myself in something I wasn’t sure I was able to have. 
“Sure,” I shrugged again. Just pretend like nothing has changed. That’ll fix everything…totally. Josuke’s grin somehow widened and he nodded. 
I hated that white day was a month after Valentine’s day. Josuke was being much more affectionate towards me lately and his fans didn’t seem too happy. Not that I really cared about them but still, it was uncomfortable. I mean the gestures Josuke did could still be viewed as platonic. It was mostly hugs, resting his arm on my head/shoulder, and on the rareish occasion he’d hold my hand. 
It would make my heart flutter every time. He didn’t bring up the gift I gave him, and I thought that’s what I wanted, but slowly I realized I wanted closure. I’d rather be straight out rejected than this weird little dance we shared of not speaking our feelings. It was giving me hope, something I didn’t like in a situation I felt so uncertain in. 
It was a constant thought in the back of my mind, but it slowly faded as school and work once more took priority. I nearly forgot about the whole ordeal when white day came around. Josuke being more affectionate being a new norm that people just didn’t comment on anymore. And without my friends pointing it out, it became something I grew accustomed to. The flutter in my stomach never left, but I grew used to the feeling. 
“Oh!” I said in shock as Okuyasu handed me a small teddy bear and a small box of chocolates. “Y-you didn’t have to get me this.” 
Okuyasu grinned sheepishly, a small blush on his tanned cheeks, “I never got a gift on Valentines day, even just from a friend. So I wanted to return the favor!”
A giant smile spread across my face, “Well thank you, Oku. It means a lot.”
Koichi handed me a small baggie of candy, similar to the ones I gave him, “I know it’s not as much as the other two got you…”
My eyebrows furrowed as Josuke hadn't given me anything, but decided to brush it off, “It’s alright, I wasn’t expecting anything in return. Besides, I’d rather not get on Yukako’s bad side.” The three of us shivered at the thought. 
The small (okay maybe it grew a lot) glimmer of hope I had that Josuke would reciprocate my confession slowly dissipated throughout the day. It felt like a knife in my heart when I realized I wasn’t the only one waiting for something from Josuke. I truly was just like his fans. I felt cold as I zoned out the teacher’s lecture. Once again, I just wanted to go home and avoid people. I really was predictable. 
I packed my bags slowly as the bell rang. Everyone shuffling around me. This time, I’ll try to wait out Josuke if he was planning on catching me again. I made my way to the band room. My friends would hang out there for a bit after school so I thought I might as well join them. 
“So, how’d it go?” My friend asked, a giant grin on their face. 
I simply looked away with a frown, “How’d what go?”
Their grin fell, “Well Josuke’s an idiot. He can’t just lead you on and do nothing!” I shrugged, my other friends tuning into our conversation. 
“Yeah, don’t get hung up on a guy that isn’t taking your feelings seriously,” My other friend chimed in. 
My heart felt a little lighter at the support of my friends and I smiled bitterly, “Well, Okuyasu got me a cute teddy.” I pulled out the small plushie and the others pointed out how it wasn’t all bad today. I decided to try and focus on the good of today. I got a few things today, I got to hang out with my friends, I got a good score on that one test. Though that small pang was still there. 
The door slid open and Josuke popped into the room, looking a bit frazzled. His eyes scanned the room and when they fell on me they lit up. But my friends weren’t really having it. Their stares held a bit of hostility, but they didn’t do anything more. I, myself, didn’t have the most pleased look. 
“Hey,” He greeted, fully coming into the room, either ignoring the tense atmosphere or not even realizing there was one. “I was wondering where you were. I, uh, was wondering if you’d wanna come to Trattoria Trussardi with me.”
“That one Italian restaurant?” I asked, feeling my heart skip a beat. I hated how he had such an influence on my emotions. My friend elbowed my side and I glared at them. “I suppose I have nothing better to do,” I shrugged, suddenly feeling a bit shy.
“Great!” Josuke shouted, before flushing red and seeming to correct himself. “I-I mean cool, cool.” 
His grin shined through still along with his fading blush. Taking a hand out of his pocket, he held it out towards me and I grabbed it without much thought. I grabbed my bag and glared at my friends as they snickered at us. 
Somehow, with all these feelings bubbling inside of me, Josuke and I managed to slide into a comfortable conversation. He seemed a bit more bashful than usual, stuttering over himself. I showed him the teddy that Okuyasu gifted me when I told him about my day. 
His face contorted into a frown, “So he has enough extra money to buy you something, but when I ask to borrow some he magically doesn’t have any.” 
I couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up, teasing him I replied, “I guess I’m his favorite now.”
Josuke’s frown turned into a pout, “Is he your favorite?”
When I met those diamond like eyes of his, my heart stuttered. My instinct was to deny it, but maybe I should tease him a bit more for dragging this all out today.
“Maybe,” I replied, looking away to conceal the smile that was nearly splitting at the seams. 
“(Y/nnnn),” Josuke drew out the last syllables of my name. He draped himself over my back, arms sliding over my shoulders and tucking his head in the crook of my neck. I felt myself tense, but forced my shoulders back down into a relaxed position so Josuke didn't pull back. I don’t want him to think I hate his affection, I’m just not used to such actions. “That note you wrote was for me, wasn’t it?” I could feel the smile form on his lips before he pulled away, standing taller than before with newfound confidence. Smug bastard. 
I crossed my arms, not wanting to feed into his ego but not being to deny it either, “I think I might retract it.” 
Before he could protest, we finally came into view. I went to open the door, but Josuke raced me and opened it for me instead. I gave him a weird look but didn’t say anything. Luckily, a table was open and Josuke once again rushed to pull out the seat for me. He seemed a lot more jumpy now, the situation finally sinking in. 
I looked around the restaurant, not sure what to do. There wasn’t any menu, but I’ve only heard good things about this place. People being cured of aches, acne, fatigue, and so much more. It quickly grew into popularity, so I was extra surprised when we got in without a hitch. 
“He’s a stand user,” Josuke spoke up, speaking about the owner of the place. 
“Wow,” My eyes widened. “There’s more stand users here than I thought there would be.”
Josuke nodded, tapping his fingers on the table before changing the subject, “Thank you, for the note and the strawberries.” 
“That feels like ages ago,” I waved him off with a forced laugh. “No need to thank me. You’re my friend, of course I was gonna get you something.”
Josuke seemed to falter, but I pretended like I didn’t notice, “Seemed like a bit more than what just a friend would say.”
I tapped against the table now. I wanted to talk about it, but now I wanted to go back to ignoring it. I glanced at Josuke, his eyes seeming to search for something in my expression. The waiter, I learned named Tonio, put two plates of food in front of the two of us. He smiled at us, wishing us a good meal before leaving. I turned my attention to my food. I wasn’t completely sure what it was, but it smelled good.
No wonder I always found myself single. I’m acting like a child. But ignoring my feelings has always been easier than bearing my heart. I shoved food in my mouth while I internally berated myself. Wow, this was really good food!
“I like holding you,” Josuke said quietly. I tensed as he referenced the stupidly cheesy part of my note where I admitted to enjoying affection. “Your hands seem to fit perfectly in mine, your smile takes my breath away, and everytime you laugh at one of my stupid jokes I feel like I’m on top of the world.” I felt my cheeks warm at his confession and I slowly raised my head up to meet his gaze. It was intense, fiery passion clear in his unwavering crystal gaze. 
“You’re always so kind to us all, you give more than you take,” He continued, his eyes softening. At that moment, it felt like the world came to a halt. I suddenly felt seen, heard, cared about. Josuke took my hand into his own on top of the table, “I found myself falling for you faster than I could process. So when you handed me that small box and note, I was overwhelmed. I still have the note, I don’t think I could ever throw it away because I knew that you were bearing your heart to me, and trusted me with your feelings.”
I squeezed his hand lightly, not sure how to process this information. It was like a dream come true. I wasn’t sure if I could handle much more of his praises though, as I started feeling a bit light headed…or was that the food’s doing?
“A-ah, I’m rambling,” Josuke chuckled awkwardly, rubbing his neck sheepishly. “I guess what I’m trying to get at is that I like you too, (y/n). And it would make my world if you’d agree to be my partner.”
Suddenly, the world grew fuzzy and I squinted my eyes. I could barely make out Josuke’s blurry face before the world snapped back into focus, much clearer than before. I looked around in awe, finally meeting the piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold me in place. 
“I would love to,” I agreed, smiling sheepishly. 
That damn waitress is going to rub it in next time we go to St. Gentlemens.
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trinketfairy · 17 days
After posting my warning on Jazwares for supporting Israel, I've been asked time and time again to make my alternative plushies brands available for non-Twitter users, to which I say "absolutely, fuck that site." It's well overdue at this point, so here's my list of plush brands that are way better than Squishmallows and Bum Bumz!
Unfortunately can't provide images due to Tumblr's image limit, but I'll provide websites for you to search through when available.
Complete list is under a readmore for convenience.
Squishables: If you want that same "kawaii" aesthetic and round shapes, Squishables is your best bet. They're great too because a lot of their plush are designed by fans who are given a cut of their sales. Sign up for their email notifications, they have sales very often!
Amuse/Amufun: If you're really into the "kawaii" aesthetic, then it makes sense to look directly towards Japanese brands! You may know them for their Alpacasso line. It can be expensive to get them imported, but I think they're very much worth it.
Jellycat: I can't say I 100% recommend their newer plush anymore considering their steep decline in quality, but their older plush are still so wonderful and full of character. You're bound to find something by them that you like from their catalogue. (Editor's note: This is what my original thread said, but it seems like Jellycat has improved their quality control, so I feel much better with recommending them again!)
Mary Meyer: If JC is too much out of your price range, then Mary Meyer is what I recommend next to them! Their Marshmallow Zoo line is a huge favourite of mine, I love how full of character they are.
Aurora World: Aurora World has plenty of brands under their belt, so there's bound to be something that tickles your fancy. Brands under the Aurora World company include Palm Pals, Eco Nation, Miyoni, and their baby line, Ebba.
Steiff: Ah yes, the OG teddy bear brand, the one that started it all and is still going strong. Be warned that they can get pretty expensive depending on what you're looking at, but I hear that they're so worth every single penny.
Douglas Cuddle Toys: Probably the quintessential plush brand when it comes to realistic plush, especially cats and dogs, but they have tons of other species available too! Pretty affordable too if you're buying them at retail price
Wild Republic: Another one that does more realistic-looking plush, but I think they have a wider selection of species to choose from. If you're looking for a niche animal, Wild Republic (likely) has you covered!
Shinada Morisaka Global: Another plush brand I have yet to get my hands on, but one that I hear fantastic things about. I mean come on, how can you not love these little guys??
Pokemon Center: Jazwares unfortunately holds the license to make Pokemon plush, but that doesn't mean they're your only option when it comes to Pokeplush! TPC has been making their own Pokeplush for ages now, and they have plenty of different lines to suit your tastes.
Sunlemon: They're expensive to get imported but oh my god are they worth it. The quality is truly umatched compared to American plushies, I adore my tanuki to bits. Please get more eyes on their stuff.
Prime Shiba: Definitely a more expensive option, but I think they're cute plushies for every dog lover. Their stuff often goes on sale often so definitely take advantage of them!
Plushie Dreadfuls: You've probably seen one of their mental illness-themed bunnies before, but have you seen their Pride and Zodiac collections too? They also have many generic-looking plush if the personalization isn't up your alley! Ok so this was in my Twitter thread but apparently since then some shit has gone down with the company CEO making some offhand remarks that got misinterpreted but he acted like an ass in response to it, I recommend doing your own research on it before you buy in case that's not something you wanna support.
StrawbunnyCake: Want to go more small business? Consider supporting a fellow disabled creator, StrawbunnyCake! Their stuff is adorable, and you're sure to fall in love with their characters.
Hannimations: Also on the list of small businesses is Hannimator! Easily best known for their Pride-related Colourful Puppies/Kittens plush lines
Paleoplushies: If you're super into dinosaurs and other preshistoric animals, then Paleoplushies is sure to have something you'll like! They're all handmade by a single artist, so please show them your love and kindness
Cirquell Curiosities: Another great small business to support, most known for their high-end demon goat plushies! A lot of their stuff is one of a kind too, so they're the place to go if you're looking for a unique plush.
Snughouls: The unique and elusive Care Weres line by McMadMissile is sure to win over your heart! It originally started as just being the werewolves, but has since expanded to all kinds of demonic creatures from the Kickstarter! There's even some designs waiting to be funded!
Next are a bunch of brands that weren't personally recommended by me, but get my seal of approval:
Creep Cat Toy Co.
Weighted Wildlife
Tasty Peach Studios
Bunnies By The Bay
MarDeLunaArts (+ on Etsy)
B Softies by B Toys
That's all I have to share, but if you have any other brands you think are worth highlighting then by all means I invite you to reblog with your additions. Please remember that this is a collective effort and we're all counting on each other to act. Keep your head up, don't stop talking about Palestine, and remember to prioritize the official BDS brands list. From the river to the sea 🇵🇸🍉🕊️🫒
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okminer07 · 1 month
A Match Beyond Measure Pt 12
I don't know if I've said this before, but any and all feedback is appreciated, I'd love to be able to improve as a writer and hear what you think, any suggestions. Anyways, on with the story.
Cecilia was a little thrown off by the change of subjects, “Oh…. w-well a while. I guess”   
“Did you take a class or somethin’?”  
“N-not really, I used to work part-time at a bakery during high school if that counts.”  
Garret sighed, “I don’t miss those days, that’s for sure.”  
“You didn’t like high school?”  
He let out a short laugh, “Hated it. Mine started way too early and I lived a decent ways away, so I’d have to wake up even earlier to even make it on time. I don’t think my teachers liked me all that much either. There was this one woman, Mrs. Dechaseray and I swear she had it out for me. Always got mad at me for forgetting the date and then would give me an F because of it.”   
“That’s… harsh.”  
“Yeah, I know. And then there was our gym teacher. God, he was awful. One time he called me up to stand in front of the entire class and used me as an example of why exercise is important.”  
Cecilia’s eyes widened, her hand coming up to her mouth in shock, “That’s awful.”  
“Felt like it. And yeah, maybe he had a point if I’m being honest but it still hurt.”  
“What do you mean he had a point? That’s just horrible.”  
Garret frowned, “Well, my old man would say similar things so I was kind of used to hearing it.”    
Her eyebrows furrowed, “I’m sorry.”  
“What are you saying sorry for? You didn’t say them. Plus, they really did have a good point.”   
“Well, I think you look pretty good.”  
He smiled down at her, “Think so?” she nodded. “Thanks, I’m glad to hear that. High school wasn’t all bad. My last two years, I took up woodshop which was pretty neat. This one time, I helped make this huge-”  
A loud crunch along with the blare of a horn pierced through the air. Garret froze and looked down.  
“Ah shit.” 
Cecilia cautiously crawled and peered over the edge of his palm. All the color drained from her face as Garret lifted his foot to reveal the crushed remains of a red sports car. She began to tremble, it was nearly flat. Completely ruined and unrecoverable, like it had gotten caught under a steamroller. Was it empty? Oh god, had someone been in there?! She looked to Garret who was still staring down at the ground, cringing at the sight. 
His eyes flicked over to Cecilia, “I uh-”  
“What the fuck happened?!” both jumped at a voice screaming up from the ground. The two of them both looked back down to see a man dressed in a business suit running towards the remains, “My car! The fuck you do to my car?!”    
Garret looked around aimlessly before addressing the raging man at his feet “I’m uh- I’m real sorry sir. I swear to you it was a-”  
“You fucking son of a bitch! Do you know how much this cost me?! Do you?!”   
“N-no but I-”  
“Do you know who I am?!”  
“I uh- no” he glanced over at Cecilia, “B-but I swear, I can pay you back for-”  
“What is one of your kind even doing in these parts?! You lost or something dumbass?!”    
“It’s my fault sir!” Cecilia yelled, peering back over the edge nervously, “I-I was distracting him.”   
The man’s head turned to look at Garret’s hand, spotting her head poking out from behind it, “Who the hell are you?”  
“Oh let me guess” the man sneered, “You’re one of those lazy bitches who thinks they’re too good for traffic or cars. Thinks they're saving the fucking planet by hiring some giant to carry their sorry ass wherever-”   
“You shut your fucking mouth!” Cecilia’s hand flew up and clamped tightly over her ears which still rang from Garret’s thunderous yell.  
The man below had backed away, his hands slowly lowering from his own ears, “Watch it asshole. Don’t you be talking to me like-”   
“Don’t you be talking to her like that!”  
Cecilia shook as she looked up at Garret’s face. His jaw clenched as his gaze hardened. For the first time since she’d met him, he looked mad, furious even. It sent a shiver down her spine, seeing someone like him in a mindset where people don’t think before they act. She began to look uneasily at her surroundings, at the fingers thick as tree trunks and taller than her entire being. What were those fingers capable of when the person attached to them was tested? What could the rest of the person be capable of?  
She couldn’t stop a small whimper from escaping her. Garret’s eyes, now looking ice cold rather than just blue, flicked over to her and they immediately melted. His mouth dropped from a sneer to a contemplative frown as his eyes fixed on her.  
“I-I think I should go,” she murmured, not wanting to spend any more time around these two arguing, “Would… would you… you know”   
He nodded, “Oh, right.” Cecilia jumped slightly as Garret turned and began to slowly kneel down. He placed his hand flat upon the ground and she hopped down onto the pavement.  
“T-thanks again, for lunch.”    
“Yeah, I’ll… I’ll text you, once I'm done dealing with all of this” he nodded over at the flattened car.  
Cecilia nodded as she turned and began to hurry away, the yelling of the man starting up again the moment she’d left.  
Her home as a child used to have this very vibrant wallpaper in the living room. It was covered in all sorts of different kinds of butterflies, and Cecilia had very vivid memories of almost everyday after school staring up at them all to pass the time. Her mother would be close by, sitting at the kitchen table with the phone in her lap while she stared out the window looking out into the front yard.   
There were hundreds of this day in her memory. At times, they all blended together. Some days she’d ask what was for dinner, often not getting a response. Other days she’d sit and do homework at the same table as her mother yet they exchanged no words. Sometimes she’d ask if she wanted to do something, bake, or go to the park, but her mother almost always said no.  
A lot of the time, however, she’d be stuck doing exactly what her mother was doing, waiting. 
It was either the phone or the door that broke the silence. Cecilia preferred it when it was the door. She’d lift her head off the couch to see her dad shuffling in, army duffle bag in tow. Her mother would finally move as she turned and smiled up at her husband who would lane down to kiss her, occasionally asking what their daughter was still doing up.  
She would run to her father and wrap her arms around his waist. He’d pat her on the back and ruffle her hair. Sometimes they’d all sit down on the couch, and he would tell them stories. Stories from his travels. Stories about- 
“Huh?” Cecilia looked up and across from her where Maddie was seated.  
“Are you even listening?”  
“I… yes.”  
She crossed her arms and raised a well-manicured brow, “Then what did I just say?”   
“Um…” she looked over helplessly at Rebecca who was sitting right beside her with her iguana, Enoch draped over her shoulder.  
She sighed, “Jennifer got the job.”  
“We don’t like Jennifer.”  
Rebecca glanced over at Maddie, “Honestly, I don’t know.”   
“Because she had the audacity to show up to the party after the whole thing with her and Kyle!” 
Cecilia blinked, “Whose Kyle again?”   
“Her ex” whispered Rebecca.   
“Oh. wow, the audacity,” she replied flatly.  
Maddie threw up her hands, “I know! And then she’s all like…”   
Cecilia began to tune out once again as Maddie continued to rant. A part of her sort of enjoyed listening to her drama, even though half the time she had no idea what she was talking about. Today however, she just couldn’t seem to keep her mind from wandering.  
It was no surprise to her that the day right after the whole cafe incident, Rebecca had called her and insisted they all get together. They did this quite often, usually all gathering at Rebecca’s place since it was the nicest and her friend was insistent that she couldn’t just leave Enoch for any longer than she already had when at work.    
Often these little get-togethers were when they could talk outside the cafe. Away from the prying eyes and ears of anyone else.  
“Here” Rebecca got up and held Enoch out to her, “I gotta go check on the pizza.” 
She nodded as the iguana was thrusted into her arms and Rebecca hurried off to the kitchen. Cecilia sat frozen as the bright green lizard clawed its way up onto her shoulder. Enoch had always been friendly, but she was still always nervous that he would one day try to rip her ear off.  
“So… what are we watching?” called Maddie over her shoulder.  
“I was thinking Grease.”  
She snorted with laughter, “Has it been too long since you’ve seen your darling John Travolta?” 
“Shut up”  
Maddie held up her hands, “Hey, I’m not complaining. I like tall, dark, and handsome bad boys too.” she smirked over at Cecilia, “And I think Cece does too if you know what I mean.”  
Cecilia shrunk away, “W-what do you mean?”  
Rebecca rounded on them “If you’re implying that guy Garret looks like John-”  
“Oh come on! You can’t tell me you see it just a little bit” whined Maddie.  
Cecilia felt herself trying to sink deeper and deeper into the couch. She knew it wouldn’t be long before one of them would bring… him up. 
“So everybody with black hair looks that way to you?” 
“Black hair and blue eyes,” she corrected. 
Rebecca scoffed, “If anyone we know is an accurate comparison, It's Xander.”  
Maddie rolled her eyes, “Yeah if Travolta forgot the gym existed.”  Cecilia couldn’t help but giggle at that.
“You’re just jealous I’ve got myself a man like him” Rebecca stated matter-of-factly, “Anyways, pizza’s ready.” She stepped back into the living room, setting down the large pepperoni and mushroom pizza before turning around to grab them some plates and napkins. 
Cecilia handed Enoch back to Rebecca as she sat down, his claws pricking tiny holes in her sweater. She grabbed a slice and began picking off the pieces of mushroom.   
“Maddie” groaned Rebecca, “Can you please be an adult and use a plate?”  
Maddie paused mid-bite, her slice gripped tightly in her hand, “What’s wrong? And what about Cece? What’s more childish than picking off the vegetables?” 
She paused, glancing up at the two, “What? I don’t like vegetables.”   
“Well, she’s still keeping everything on the plate where it doesn’t run the risk of getting sauce all over my couch.” 
Maddie rolled her eyes as she snatched a plate off of the coffee table, “Since when are you a neat freak?”  
“Can we start the movie now?” asked Cecilia.  
Around two hours later, once the credits had begun to roll, Cecilia got up and started to clear their plates and napkins. Rebecca was currently preoccupied with cooing at Enoch and letting him eat bits off her slice.  
Maddie eyed them with a slight air of concern, “Are you sure you should be feeding him that?” 
Rebecca ignored her, continuing to snuggle up with her scaly pet.  
Cecilia shook her head and smiled, “She’s fed him things like ice cream and donuts. I think he can handle a bit of cheese and marinara sauce.”  
Her friend shrugged it off as she got up from her seat, “I brought a bottle of red with me if any of you want some.”  
“I’ll have a glass” Rebecca got up and followed Maddie over to the kitchen, “You want any?”  
“No thanks,” said Cecilia.   
After her two friends had each poured themselves a glass, they plopped themselves back down on the couch.  
“So…” started Rebecca, “Gone out with anybody recently Maddie?”   
“No, can’t say I have” both of them kept not so secretly glancing over at Cecilia, “Everything going good with Xander?”  
“Yup, going alright.”  
They both turned to their friend who was very slowly turning a shade of pink. Oh boy. 
“So… a giant,” said Maddie.  
“Heh, yeah,” she mumbled, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.  
“How has that been?”  
“ Uh well, like I said… interesting.”   
“I would imagine so.” Maddie leaned back, “You know, I’m honestly quite impressed.”  
“Well, I’m just wondering what the hell you said or did to bag that guy.”  Cecilia’s face went from slightly pink to beet red.
Rebecca nearly choked on her wine, “Maddie!”   
“What?! It’s a reasonable question.”   
“They barely have seen each other!”  
“How would you know? What, you’ve been backseating all their dates without telling me?”   
Cecilia covered her face with her hands and groaned, “It’s not official or anything like that, guys. Like I said, I don’t even know what it is.”   
“Well, why don’t you tell us more?” 
A smirk appeared on Maddie’s face, “tell me more, tell me more,“ she began to sing. 
Rebecca joined in “Tell me more, tell me more.” she scooted closer while Maddie got up and sat down on Cecilia’s other side, “tell me more, tell me more.”  
She sighed, “Will you guys stop singing if I do?”  They promptly stopped and nodded, leaning in closer, “What do you want to know?” 
“Everything,” said Maddie.  
“How has he been so far?” asked Rebecca.  
She shrugged, “Well, like I said, nice. Very nice actually.” 
“Uh-huh, and what do you mean by that? Because someone not being mean to you doesn’t count as being nice.”  
“He’s just been… very nice.”   
“Is he the reason for the broken glass bottles I found when I opened the day after your first date?” shot Maddie.
Cecilia’s cheeks flushed, “Uh yeah. Sorry, I forgot to clean those-”   
“What was dinner like? What did he-”  
“Quiet.” Rebecca scolded before turning back to Cecilia, “You’re being careful right? Is he being careful? Like, he hasn’t put you in any danger?”   
“Rebecca, come on. There’s always an amount of danger when dealing with those skyscrapers.” continued Maddie, “And why-” 
“Because, and I don’t mean to be judgemental, but he doesn’t seem… particularly… you know… experienced in taking precaution.”  
Cecilia gulped, “He… he did say he hadn’t spent much time around humans” She looked down at her feet, “But… I think he’s trying. I still don’t know what to make of this.” she sighed, “And… and I feel bad th-that I’m still…”  
she nodded. 
Maddie tilted her head, “I mean, I haven’t known you as long as Rebecca has, but I’ve seen how you’ve reacted to giants in the past. Hell, remember when you nearly fainted when that group of teenagers started ruff housing in the parking lot? Sean had to coax you out from the back.” she waved her hand at her, “But just a little bit ago, I saw you voluntarily stepping into a giant’s hand. Sure you looked like you were going to faint at any second, but you still did it, and I’d say that’s pretty impressive for you.”   
“And I think you have every reason to be afraid. Like Maddie said, there is always a sense of danger around giants. But even putting that aside, there’s still the fact that we have no idea what his motive is.”  
Cecilia cocked her head, “Motive?”  
“Yeah, like why the hell would a giant want to be with a human in the first place.” 
Rebecca patted Cecilia on the shoulder, “It’s not that we think someone wouldn't want to date you. I just feel it’s a bit… odd.” That's the understatement of the century, “And again, this is nothing against you, but I just find it hard seeing a giant finding a human attractive.”  
Her eyes fell back to the floor. That had been something that had been in the back of her mind as well. Lately, whenever she passed by a mirror or saw her reflection, it always just made her more confused. She wasn’t hideous, but in no way was she pretty enough for someone like Garret to want to be around her rather than with… someone more like him.  
A loud ding filled the room. Rebecca pulled out her phone and groaned, “Damn it Xander.” her face was illuminated as she opened her phone and began to type.  
“What is it?” asked Maddie.  
“Oh nothing. Xander says he’s just feeling sad and wants me to send him a pic or something.”  
Maddie glanced over at Cecilia, rolling her eyes. Both of them knew by now what Xander meant when he said  ‘pic’, “Well, tell him that you’re busy.”   
“I just did.” Rebecca set her phone down and turned her attention right back onto Cecilia, “So… I know you said you’re still not sure what to make of this, but has Garret said what he makes of it?”   
She shrugged, “I mean… when he asked me to join him to grab lunch, he called it a date.” 
“And that night,” said Maddie, “Did he see that has a date as well?”   
“I-I guess so.”  
“Did you see it as a date?”   
She froze, her cheeks heating up, “I uh… maybe not in the moment, but looking back, I think so.”  
“How the hell would that even work?” Maddie chuckled, “I mean, it’s not like he can score any sex out of-”  
“Maddie!” yelped Rebecca. Cecilia went beet red, going to hide her face in her hands.  
“I don’t think that’s an appropriate thing to bring up right now.”   
“Oh come on, you had to be thinking about it too, right Cece?”  
“Not necessarily no” she mumbled.   
“Well, I certainly would if I was in your place. You’re wondering what his motive is, and that’s been the motive of most of the douchebags I’ve gone out with. I’m just helping eliminate possibilities.” 
Cecilia groaned, I wish Sean were here right now, why did Jaffery have to change their date night to the day before? “Can we please stop talking about this and go on to you guys asking more normal questions?”   
“This isn’t a normal situation.”  
“Can we at least pretend it is?!”    
The room fell silent. Cecilia’s hands fell away from her face. Maddie and Rebecca both were staring at her, perplexed.  
“Please?” she murmured. 
This whole thing, everything since that night at the cafe, had left her mind reeling. She didn’t even want to begin laying out everything in her mind, it was too much. Too many questions without answers. Too many new and unexpected experiences. She just wasn’t ready to sit down and analyze it all, especially with an audience.   
She jumped when she felt an arm wrap around her. Rebecca patted her shoulder, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to… to get up all in your business.” she whipped her head around to look at Maddie.  
“Yeah, sorry I guess. This is just so-”  
“This all must be a lot for you, and if talking about it doesn’t help, then we won’t.”  
Cecilia looked her friend in the eye, and smiled, “Thank you.”  
Rebecca gave her shoulders a squeeze, “But we are still curious. Can we still hear about your first date or whatever it was? Like when Sean told us about meeting Jaffery?”  
She let out a short chuckle, “Yeah, I guess.”  
Maddie leaned in closer, “Oh yes, tell us everything!”  Rebecca shot her a look. She groaned, “Or whatever you feel like sharing I guess.”
Quick shout out to @ipilokko whose when helping me brainstorm ideas and as a whole helping me by being that second oppinion. You should totally go check out her comic, the artwork is quite impressive!
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lavenoon · 1 year
Falling Into Orbit (~4.1K)
Bloodstain Fool by @naffeclipse, og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic
Menace4Menace first meeting - plays before the first comic. Also reminder/ disclaimer that this is not a Y/N, and pronouns used will be he/she
Next -> Conjunction -> Asterisms
“You’re going to draw attention, looking like that.” 
You look up at the animatronic towering in front of you. For some reason, the comment offends you. Could be the fact that so far any passerby walking past has only spared fleeting glances your way, before looking up at your new friend and scurrying off with fear in their eyes. 
In a way, you get it. Twice your height and cutting quite the imposing figure in his suit, Eclipse is no one to sneeze at. 
Your nose still tickles.
“Are you sure anyone is even going to see me standing next to you?” 
Got him. There’s a twitch to his expression as his fingers curl around nothing but air, before he abruptly rips them down to his side. Just as suddenly he turns, walking down the sidewalk. 
You have to take two steps for each one of his. The most annoying part of it all is keeping your grin down.
Eclipse glares down at you just as you round the block. His eyes only narrow further, so perhaps you’re not doing that good of a job, hiding your amusement. 
“You’re still here.” 
… Where else would you be? He started walking, so you followed. Did he expect you to just shrug it off, and let him leave? Or maybe it’s wishful thinking, him hoping you’d turn out to be an apparition only. Too bad you have to disappoint him. 
You blink, and tilt your head. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” 
Again with the furling fingers. It’s not a really reassuring gesture, but mostly you wonder if this time has stress toys. Eclipse sure looks like he could use one. Some, actually - multiple spares, just in case. 
The thought only intensifies when one hand wraps around your head, keeping your head fixed to where he leans down into your vision. While you’d love to say you’re fully focused on that probably faked cheerful smile, 
That hand is big. 
“I have work to do. I won’t babysit you.” 
You pat the hand on your head, and it twitches. 
“Lucky for you, I’m not a baby. You said you’d help me.”
“Because you were freaking out and drawing attention. Speaking of which, you calmed down really fast.” 
The words come out in a snarl, and his grip tightens again. At this rate you’re going to get a headache. That won’t help you clear his suspicions, so you do your best to project nonchalance with your shrug.
“I got distracted. Not every day you meet a sentient animatronic after all.” 
You look around, as much as your limited range lets you, and immediately realize that he won’t be able to sign off on that. There’s three other animatronics out and about, and that’s just from a quick glance around the busy street. 
So you have to amend your statement.
“Well. I suppose that no longer applies.”
The pressure from your head lifts as Eclipse straightens, his optics covered by his fingers curled into claws. He tilts his face up, and just like that you can’t see his expression anymore. Quietly, he mumbles. 
“Why did I agree to this?” 
You’re not sure if you were supposed to hear that, but you decide to reply anyway. First with a hum, earning you another glare, and then you grin. Eclipse drops his hand again, not looking even an ounce happier. You’re not sure it would have made much of a difference - he’s quite a lot of ounces. 
So you end up smiling for two.
“Because I’d go around and tell everyone I met you first. Think the police would enjoy my crazy story?” 
For an animatronic with a fixed smile, he looks awfully close to having bitten into his first lemon ever. But then, for just a second, his expression shifts - too bad you can’t read it at all. His pupils flit to the side, then narrow back down at you, and he looks as hard as ever. Moment over, then.
“You are my punishment.” 
You blink, unimpressed.
“You’re awfully sure you deserve to be punished.” 
Ignoring your comment entirely, he turns to look past you. When he speaks up again, his tone radiates eternal suffering, and you bite your tongue before you comment on that, too. 
“I know where you can stay. There’s someone who owes me a favor.” 
He starts walking again, and you follow with a dreary sigh. 
“Oh no, I landed in a time of ominous favors.” 
Golden eyes with black pinpricks glare back at you for a moment, and then Eclipse accelerates. You have to actually hurry now to keep up. 
“Word of advice, if you want to last here for more than a day, learn to keep your mouth shut.” 
And so you do, if only because your sense of self preservation isn’t quite that eroded. Well, maybe also because jogging after him is enough of a workout, and you prefer not announcing that via embarrassing wheezing. Without lungs he sure has it easy. That, and legs as long as you are tall. You’re barely more than a tripping hazard for him. 
That’s an impulsive thought you better don't indulge. 
Instead you try to focus on everything around you, taking in all the sights without falling behind too much. Just once do you stop to stare at a very fancy couple and their just as fancy car, and get lost a little bit in the excitement they radiate. 
And maybe the old car. Do you know the brand? Could you sneak back to steal a glimpse at the emblem? It’s a rolling death trap, even more so than the cars you’re used to, but if it doesn’t look cool…
Eclipse walks on, and when you look, he just rounds a corner. He nearly left you behind before. You hate running, but needs must. Rushing after him you nearly run into him - seems he waited after all. 
He scowls, grumbling a quick “Hurry up,” and moves on. 
This time you don’t let yourself get distracted. Getting lost in a city out of your time, without money or ID or anything else to your name isn’t your idea of a good time. Your little threat earlier was little more than a bluff - involving the police isn’t an option you actually want to consider. 
When Eclipse takes a sharp turn into a building you stop for just a moment, looking it up and down. Just a little shop, from the looks of it, selling a variety of things. 
The bell rings when you enter, and both Eclipse and the human shopkeep turn to you. The man frowns, and you instinctively smile - it probably does little to help. 
He turns to Eclipse again, thick brows furrowed. 
“For her?” 
“Do you have a room or not?” 
Your smile turns into a small grimace at the hostility in Eclipse’s tone, but at least it’s not directed at you. 
It gets worse, because the shopkeep does not seem to have a sense of self preservation. 
“Since when did you fancy…” 
Apparently unsure how to describe all of you, he makes a vague circular gesture your way, and what little you can see of Eclipse’s expression does not look happy. Maybe you can defuse the situation just a bit.
“Oh, we’re just friends!” 
Again, four eyes are on you. Eclipse’s optics are dark with thin, golden halos staring at you in disbelief. The shopkeep glances from you to him before tensing, and promptly making his escape into the back.
“... I’ll go grab a key.” 
You spare him a glance before looking back to Eclipse, who is currently strangling the air where you presume he would wish your neck to be.
“Why would you say we’re friends?” 
It’s hushed, as much as you assume he can lower his voice. The result is more of a squeaky rubber chicken toned stage whisper, and your little smiley grimace twitches. 
“Would you have preferred whatever he was assuming?” 
Somehow you don’t think him “fancying” you is in any way the better alternative. You don’t really look like someone anyone in this day and age would fancy. 
… At least your skirt reaches past your knees.
Eclipse’s fingers curl further, clenching into fists.
“I’d prefer to not be associated with you at all! I don’t have friends!” 
That was not what you expected. You blink, scowling as well now. 
“... Weird flex but okay.” 
His voice shoots up half an octave in strain.
There’s a small sound from the counter, and a stiff shopkeep slides a keyring with a small plated keychain and two keys over the counter. The way he keeps avoiding both your gazes makes you think he caught a bit too much of that conversation. 
“Second floor, third room on the right. You still know the address?” 
The keyring disappears in Eclipse’s hand, and then his coat pocket. 
From his voice, you'd think the furious voice crack never happened. You definitely don't trust like that.
And then the storm is coming your way. You scramble out of the shop, the doorbell ringing again, and not a second too early. Eclipse ducks back out right behind you, dark eyes still trained on you. For a second you duck, not exactly in fear, but certainly preparation. For what, you don’t want to think about. 
But then Eclipse straightens, closing silicon lids over his eyes, and when he opens them they shine in gold again. He squints at you, and somehow that smile is much more terrifying than the one before.
“Let’s go.” 
For a few blocks, you follow in silence, but then your curiosity gets the better of you (and your self preservation). Though a bit of it, the part you would like to not acknowledge, also is the looming realization that following a pissed off animatronic you have known for a few hours to an unknown tertiary location is currently your safest bet moving forward. 
Can’t have you thinking about that. 
“Do you really have no friends?” 
You barely hear his reply over the noise of the street and his grumbling tone.
“What did I say about keeping your mouth shut?” 
Well, the energy is certainly unmistakable, so you don’t think you’re wrong with your guesstimated perception. Who even needs to process full sentences? Definitely not you, as proven by your entire life so far.
Even though he can’t see, you shrug.  
“That’s kinda sad, dude. Friends are cool - nifty. The bees’ knees even. The cat’s meow?” 
Your brain sifts through months of fluctuating interests to scrounge up the brief interest in dated vernacular, with limited results. You’re not even entirely sure you’re in the right decade with those.
Eclipse still doesn’t grace you with even a look.
“Stop talking. Somehow, understanding you is worse.” 
You press your lips together tightly, keeping down another snappy comment. Antagonizing him is not in your favor, and you need to remember that. 
He doesn’t make it easy though. 
You’re busy studying the old fashioned traffic lights when you notice the motion in your periphery. Eclipse looks away as soon as you look up, rather paying attention to the lights himself. At least it’s too busy for jaywalking, and even he has to wait. Spares you from having to run after him, but not the conversation he picks up again. 
“I have a reputation to uphold.” 
While you have no doubt that nothing about you is helping him with that, you also don’t know why he’s bringing it up. Are you supposed to apologize? Or - 
The friends. He’s talking about having no friends. A fact which is apparently part of his broody loner reputation. 
Your realization must show on your face, because Eclipse spares you another glance, and his expression flattens immediately. 
“Don’t say it.” 
You grimace, and look back to the lights. As soon as it turns red, you’ll have to hurry before the traffic rounding the corner gets its go. Pedestrians are car fodder still. 
“I mean, you’re thinking it, I’m thinking it, I really don’t have to.” 
Unfortunately, your shrug gets interrupted by Eclipse wrapping his hand across your shoulder, and dragging you across the street. You didn’t even notice the light turning red. The fumes of the last car are still whirling in the air, and you cough through that cloud of exhaust. Either he’s really impatient, or pissed off at your comment that you technically didn’t verbalize - maybe both. 
He lets go as soon as you reach the other side, fortunately all in one piece, and at worst only slightly bruised from the fingers digging into your flesh. You rub the spots where his grip was tightest for just a moment before you have to hurry after him again. 
At least you wait until you’re right behind him to pry a bit more. 
“Seriously though, is your reputation just ‘loner who hates everyone’? People can’t do everything on their own, that’s madness!” 
Eclipse stops abruptly, stepping back and startling you into a jump. His eyes are dark again, the golden rings within blazing. 
“Not everyone. And what I can’t do, I arrange through contracts and favors. Friends are nothing but a pretty lie, none of it means anything.” 
Well, good to know the guy really never had a friend. You’re curious about the emphasis - but right now you want to focus on a different point to make. 
“So you do rely on other people! You know, sometimes coworkers can become friends too.” 
The static crackle coming from above sounds awfully close to a choke, except then… He’s laughing. It’s not bad, honestly even kind of nice, except you have no clue what the joke is - which means it’s most likely you. 
At least his eyes are golden again. 
“No, absolutely not.”
You blink. Okay, maybe his coworkers suck, too. What do you know? But still, you huff - you’re not done yet. 
“You know the saying ‘the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb’?” 
The last of his lingering amusement seems to drain from him, a frown taking over. There’s a dark flash in his optics, just for a second, gone before you’d be concerned. Doesn’t mean his expression is in any way happy when he leans down just a bit. No, his grin is bitter, and you still have to crane your neck uncomfortably - you’re pretty sure he just wants to loom. 
You wonder if there’s a craft store nearby. He might strangle you for real, but it would be a hilarious practical joke.
“If you haven’t noticed, I don’t have blood to mingle.” 
Bonafide snarl, once again. You only cock an eyebrow.
“You do know how a metaphor works, right?”
As suddenly as he stopped before, Eclipse now straightens. Somehow, you’re glad you’re not shorter - he looks at you like you’re a particularly nasty bug, and you’re very squishy. Your still aching shoulder speaks for that. 
In your endless wisdom, you decide to stick out your tongue and blow a raspberry. 
“I’m just saying. You can choose a whole lot, and good friends are part of that.” 
“I choose none. Let’s get you settled, before I do something you will regret.” 
The remainder of the trek you stay silent. You’ve poked the bear enough for now - especially considering that this bear is very tall and very sharp, and currently begrudgingly helping you. 
Except the silence means you’re lost in thought, and you nearly run into him again once he stops. You catch yourself just in time, and look up at a nondescript apartment complex. At least, you think it’s an apartment complex. It looks decent enough, not fancy or otherwise flashy but clean. Besides, right now some privacy sounds heavenly. 
“This is the place?” 
Narrow eyes meet yours again, as if daring you to complain. 
“A boarding house. They’ll have meals, and you have your own room. You owe me for this.” 
You pause, then look back at the building, higher and higher up past the rows of windows. The different curtains and various trinkets you spot make it fun, somehow. 
“Currently, I can only pay with the power of friendship, which we established you don’t want. Can we go up and look at the room? My feet are killing me.” 
Wordlessly he unlocks the front door, leading you past a few curious gazes up into the staircase. You barely get to take in the hallway and adjacent communal rooms on the ground floor, but it’s fine, really. You’re a bit out-socialed anyway, and tomorrow is another day to leave bad impressions. Or, well - impressions ahead of the time. 
Second floor, the third door on the right. Nondescript just like the outside, and you don’t see any obvious scratches around the lock or frame when you duck to see past Eclipse’s hand. He scowls at you, then opens the door. 
The room is small, no question. But there’s a bed, a desk with drawers, a quaint little closet and a chair. Together with the promised meals and presumably bathrooms you’ll have to find, you’re all set. 
From the window ring the faint noises of afternoon traffic, and you step closer. Eclipse remains by the door, and a small part of you reminds you that he’s probably eager to leave. You just can’t help it, you have to look first. Staring through the glass, the same street you just walked past seems a lot smaller. Somehow, it makes reality sink in more. 
“You might want to look into getting a gun. You look like an easy target.” 
The words barely reach you through your daze. At first, you just hum - but then you realize just what he said, and grimace instead. Not looking away from the window, mind you, but it’s the thought that counts.
“I don’t like guns.” 
“Let me guess, you prefer knives?”
As much as it sounds like a question, his tone is too dry to actually mean it. You turn with a frown, tilting your head in a silent question. Just as silently, he gestures towards your arm, expression flat. Unnecessarily, you follow the motion, and blink at your tattoo. 
And just like that the dread pooling in your stomach disappears.
Unfortunately for Eclipse’s mockery in the making, you grin. 
“Oh, yeah! I collect them. Only ever carry one, though.” 
“You already carry a knife?” 
Eclipse perks up too, suddenly interested. You don’t think that mild enthusiasm will hold. It’s not really anything appropriate for self defense, not even as a bluff. Still, you dig around your pocket, and flip open the little knife before proudly holding it out towards him. His pupils shrink as he looks.
“Yup! Professor Stabby McStabstab.” 
You’ve never seen an animatronic this disappointed before. Sure, you’ve seen your first one today, but that doesn’t have to mean anything. Maybe disappointed isn’t the right word, either - maybe, he just looks defeated. 
“I need to stop having expectations. You shatter each and every one.” 
The cheeky wink you direct at him doesn’t seem to cheer him up in the slightest. 
“It’s my specialty.” 
Eclipse has tasted many a lemon today thanks to you, it seems. 
“I’m leaving.”
He turns where he stands, expression still sour, and moves to open the door. That gets you moving, too. 
“Wait, one sec!” 
The door stays open at a crack as you dash over to the desk, hoping there’s something to write there. You end up in luck. A rough pencil, hidden in a small ridge and looking slightly chewed on, and some yellowed paper stacked in the corner. 
Quickly, you note down a haphazard I.O.U., together with the date you’ve seen printed on some newspapers now. There’s little else to write - “thanks for making sure I don’t end up homeless after appearing out of thin air and screaming at you” seems a bit wordy - but you feel like he’ll appreciate having a physical favor to cash in. 
Skipping over to the door does mean you nearly trip over the chair, and have to steady both it and yourself for a moment. Your leg and side complain where you’ve hit them against the wood, and you wince slightly. You’ll have to get used to the small space. 
For now, you finish your step and wave the note in Eclipse’s direction. He takes it with a frown. Probably best to explain before he can somehow turn it into an offense. 
“Here, for that favor. I guess I can only offer friendship, and the professor, but if you do ever need either you know where to find me. You can also show this to your boss, maybe, if they decide to make a stink over you being late.” 
Because you did end up occupying a lot of his time today. You don’t know enough about his job, given that you never asked, to know how much trouble he got himself into just to stop you from spiraling. All your pestering aside, you don’t want him to regret that. 
Eclipse stares. His expression keeps shifting, and you end up somewhat concerned before he settles on a mild frown. The note he pockets carefully - you don’t hear the paper crinkle as he slides it into his coat.
“You’re strange.” 
Without a care for what could be considered an insult, you take the two steps to cross the room back over to the bed.
“Would be rather boring otherwise, no?” 
You drop onto the mattress, doing your best not to mind the squeaky springs - gift horses, and all that. With a grin his way you let yourself fall backwards. There’s not a lot of room to spread your arms, and the angle is off, but after a day of stress and running after a cactus on stilts it’s soft as a cloud. You even end up closing your eyes in a sigh. 
There’s an exasperated echo from the door.
“Right, I’ll get to work then.” 
The dismissal is obvious, and you crack open one eye just to wave at him. If the lazy twitch of your arm even counts as such. 
“Great, have fun! I’ll lick my wounds, or something.” 
Actually, maybe your eyelids are still too heavy. Just lying there sounds great for now. Everything else can wait until after a nap, maybe. 
You haven’t heard the door shut yet. 
“Your what?”
Eclipse is granted a spectacular view of your double chin, given that you’re entirely too lazy to actually sit up. He doesn’t seem to care. The pinprick pupils aren’t a good look for him. They startle you into honesty.
“Uh, yeah, I mean I’m pretty sure you bruised my shoulder.” 
That was… sure a way to go about it. A very, very blunt one, unfortunately. 
Whatever goes on in his head, you wonder if the journey his facial expression takes you on depicts it all. His eyes flash darkly twice before he chokes out a response. 
“I have to go now.”
And then he’s gone. The door shakes slightly at the force with which he closes it. 
Because you mentioned the bruises? In bad taste, you’ll admit, after all the help he offered you, but it’s not like you mind them. You’re pretty sure your run in with the chair left you just as bruised, not to mention all the mystery bruises you already have. The shoulder doesn’t even hurt anymore either. 
But it doesn’t feel like he was reacting to the bad manners. You don’t know him, really, so what was going on in that head of his?
Curious, you heave yourself back up, first on your lower arms, and then into a sitting position. Did he… 
You narrow your eyes, and investigate. Tip toeing for no reason other than feeling like the pink panther, you make your way over to the door. From afar, it could have been the light, or a strange texture to the handle - but brushing over it with your fingers makes the dents undeniable. Your shoulder got off easy, then. 
Something tells you that Eclipse wouldn’t take that as reassurance. 
Your hand lingers on the dented metal. 
On impulse, you turn and bound over to the window. It’s stuck, and you have to throw your whole weight into it, but it opens with a pop - and when you stick out your head to look down, golden eyes furrowed in confusion meet yours. 
A fun perspective, seeing him from above.
You grin. Cheerfully, and loudly, you call out to him, waving the “injured” arm for emphasis.
“Hey! Big, scary Eclipse! Thank you!” 
The startled expression morphs into something unpleasant again, but you don’t mind it at all. If he has no friends, you bet he’s not used to gratitude either. Even gratitude tinged with a tease. 
He draws a finger past his thin neck in a choppy motion before he stalks off, pointedly not looking up. That’s just fine by you. 
You’re pretty sure he can hear you laughing. 
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connieslover · 11 months
𝙞 𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚 𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙜𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙣
⋆。𖦹°‧★ ࿐ a shy cellist finds himself falling in love with a mysterious girl who visits him every afternoon (part two).
𝘪 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪'𝘮 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘣𝘢𝘥𝘭𝘺, 𝘪'𝘮 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘢 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦, 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘦
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☆ princess!oc x cellist!anton
☆ fluff, slight angst, royal au
(suggested songs ; laufey lovesick, mitski my love mine all mine, taylor swift daylight & enchanted)
the next night, akira didn't show up.
and she didn't show up for the rest of the week.
yet, anton constantly checked the time on the clock, perking his head up whenever someone the bell rang and he remained staying at the store past midnight in hopes that she would show up again.
he was confused, concerned, and worried as to why she suddenly just disappeared. he recalled what she mentioned a few days ago about how her parents found out she was sneaking out and thought that maybe they found out that she was sneaking out past midnight. he was utterly worried that she was in trouble.
anton dreaded coming to work over the past few days, just because the person he looked forward to seeing wasn't there. what worth was it to get ready for work, to tidy himself up in the morning only for her not to be there?
his close friend, sohee noticed that he wasn't acting like his usual self and took it upon himself to try and comfort his friend.
"what's wrong anton?" sohee asked, dragging a chair to sit beside his friend.
anton let out a sigh and rested his head in between his crossed arms, "nothing's wrong sohee,"
sohee rolled his eyes, "come on now anton i know you. something's clearly wrong. i can tell that you've been feeling out of it."
"what would you do if someone you liked suddenly just disappeared?" blurted anton, taking sohee by surprise.
"suddenly disappeared?" repeated sohee, "well i would be confused and hurt. and worried of course. i'd try to find out what happened. search every part of town for her if i could,"
anton brought his head up from his arms, "search every part of town for her? why haven't i thought of that?"
anton immediately stood up on his feet at sohee's response and hurriedly took off his work apron, grabbing his messenger bag and slinging it over his head.
"woah there where do you think you're going?" sohee followed suit, placing an arm on his hip as he watched anton fold his work apron.
"i'm going to town to search for her," sohee's jaw fell open, astounded that anton actually took his words to heart, "wow she must be really something,"
anton nodded sheepishly, "please tell the owner that something important came up,"
sohee gave him a thumbs up, "good luck anton!"
⭑・゚゚・:༅。.。༅:゚::✼✿  ✿✼:゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
anton let out a sigh, realizing that this was already the second time that he passed by the same bench again. he had walked around the town, discreetly checking the neighborhood, parks, stores, and restaurants in hopes that he would bump into akira.
"where could she be?" anton asked himself, his eyes observing the area around him.
as he walked past the fountain which was located in the center of the town, his ears perked up at a conversation shared between a group of teenage girls.
"did you hear? they're holding a ball this friday in honor of the princess!" squealed one of them with short hair.
"i read that she was to be engaged to prince wonbin. isn't he the dreamiest? i heard that they were childhood friends as well. it's such a love story. i wish i was a princess," cooed the other with long blonde hair.
"oh i'd love to be princess akira. she's living the dream,"
anton froze in his spot.
he repeated it over and over again. princess akira. princess akira. princess akira. princess akira. princess. akira. suddenly he felt like his knees were growing weak and that he was seconds away from falling onto the ground. he was hit with a realization that made him physically dizzy.
everything made sense now.
she always wore a hood, to hide herself from the public in case someone recognized her. she had a specific curfew because she was sneaking out. her parents didn't want her to go out. she wore a different dress nearly every single day, and her hair was always neatly tied. she always had a pristine, royal aura that was indescribable.
everything made sense.
the reason why she stopped appearing was most likely that her parents found out that she was sneaking out again or that there was something else going on that anton didn't know about.
anton rushed over to the group of teenage girls, "she's to be engaged to prince wonbin?"
the girls looked at each other, startled by his sudden appearance.
"have you read the paper? apparently, she's to be married to prince wonbin. their parents have been friends for ages and they were planning on expanding their kingdom," explained the blonde girl while her friends furiously nodded in agreement.
"here look," the short-haired girl shoved the newspaper into anton's hand.
right there on the front cover of the page was a photo of her and the said prince. she had a delicate smile on her face which mirrored the one the prince had as well, their arms linked. he had a gorgeous face and it was evident that god really took their time making his face. as much as anton wanted to deny it, they looked perfect for each other. anton felt his heart sink into the pit of his stomach. a wave of uneasiness clouded over him and his mind was in disarray. there was a gnawing anguish that terrorized him, misery written all over his face. he felt the tears well up in his eyes and he forcefully tore his gaze away from the paper.
anton handed the paper into the girl's hand and walked away before he started to pick up the pace and started sprinting, eyes blurring with tears. he needed to go home.
anton fell onto his bed, an arm over his eyes as he tried to swallow the information. he couldn't believe it. he didn't want to believe it. the photo of them together was haunting his mind, making his insides clench together.
she was to be married to a prince. and anton was far from a prince. he didn't live in a castle, he didn't have a kingdom, he was just a normal teenager working at a bar, serving customers and selling instruments. he didn't stand a chance against wonbin who was a prince. he was just a nobody. a normal person. and akira was a princess. someone who was at a much higher status than him. he didn't even deserve to be in her presence.
the whole time that they hung out together he could only ask himself, why did she hide the fact that she was a princess? why couldn't she ever tell him? was all the secret smiles, the fluttering heart moments they shared for nothing?
anton's body wracked with the force of his sobs, his chest was hurting from trying to breathe. he was heartbroken. he was hurt.
⭑・゚゚・:༅。.。༅:゚::✼✿  ✿✼:゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
it was the night of the ball and anton was curled up in his bed, listening to the sounds of the wind blowing, the loud music that was playing in the bar a few miles away from him, and the sound of his quiet sniffles.
"anton? are you in here?" sohee asked from the opposite side of the door, "come on anton you can't stay in your room forever. i've run out of excuses to give to the owner!"
"go away sohee," mumbled anton, just loud enough for sohee to hear.
"i'm not going to go away until you tell me what happened,"
anton removed the blanket from his legs and trudged his way to open the door to his room. sohee nearly tumbled down to the ground as he was leaning against the door.
"well you look like you've been going through it," sohee cleared his throat, noticing how disheveled his hair looked and his tear-stained cheeks.
"it's over sohee. can you believe it? im in love with the princess," anton whispered sitting on his bed there was an evident tone of sadness in his voice.
sohee's gaze on him softened as he took a seat beside him, "so she was the girl huh? who would've thought that a princess would've been visiting our store,"
"she's to be throned to someone else. a prince," anton whimpered, "how am i supposed to compete with a prince? he's probably proposing to her right now,"
"maybe she's not in love with him. just because he's a prince doesn't mean that she's infatuated with him. for all i know maybe she's in love with you too. haven't you thought about that?" started sohee, patting anton's back, "it doesn't matter if she's a princess, you love her for who she is right? and if you never let her know how you feel, you'll live with that regret."
anton wiped his nose with the sleeves of his shirt, "i think that might've been the wisest thing you've ever said to me,"
sohee threw his head back laughing, his eyes forming crescents, "i feel flattered. thank you. now come on, you have to tell her how you feel before it's too late."
"but how? how the hell am i supposed to get into the castle?"
sohee grinned deviously, "oh anton, leave that to me,"
⭑・゚゚・:༅。.。༅:゚::✼✿  ✿✼:゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
anton fell onto the luscious fresh grass with a thump. he got back up on his feet, dusting off the grass off his pants and wiping his hands on his shirt.
sohee knew of a secret passageway to the castle garden that he accidentally came across a few months ago. and luckily for the two of them, there were no guards in their paths or people. however, anton did have to crawl through a passageway that nearly crushed his body as well as climb over a wall.
anton cautiously walked around the garden. there were rows and rows of flowers such as roses, lavenders, and daisies as well as wall bushes that made the garden feel like a maze. anton found himself at a secluded part of the garden where there was a small fountain in a shape of a heart, as well as a figure sat on the edge of it, head in their hands.
anton took a sharp inhale of air, his heart hammering against his chest.
the said princess stood up in a rush, eyes widening as she watched anton walk closer to her. for the first time, her brown hair wasn't tied and instead, it was let down in waves with a dainty tiara sitting on top of her head. she wore an off-shoulder pale rose-colored dress with layers of ruffles going down to her ankles. a crystal necklace wrapped around her neck, glimmering under the moonlight. her eyes were teary, indicating that she had been crying previously but despite that, she looked more beautiful than ever. there were no words in the dictionary that could describe how beautiful she was.
anton felt underdressed considering that he was only wearing formal pants as well as a fitted blouse. in this moment he felt like he wasn't suited to be in the presence of a princess.
"anton? what are you doing here? h-how did you get in here?" she asked frantically, taking in the sight of the person in front of her.
anton didn't answer her question but instead sat at the edge of the fountain, "why did you just disappear without saying anything?"
the two were embraced in silence as akira sat beside him, fiddling with her fingers.
"ever since that night, a lot of things happened. i- i wanted to tell you about who i was. i really did but i couldn't find the right time to do so. i was afraid that you'd see me differently or treat me differently. i would've hated for you to change the way you acted just because i'm a princess. i didn't want you to see me as royalty," akira started, her voice quiet and honest, "the store was my only getaway from this place. this castle. i've been cooped up here nearly every day of my life and it felt so suffocating. that was until i sneaked out one day and stumbled upon you and the store. it was like a breath of fresh air to finally be somewhere where i was treated like a normal person. where i could be myself and not have to worry about my duties, my parents, and everything else. i really did want to tell you anton,"
she took a deep breath before she continued, "but my parents found out that i wasn't in my room during the afternoons and i was watched over by the maids. so i could only sneak out during the night when everyone was asleep. that night that i was supposed to see you, they found the tunnel i used to sneak out. it was barred and there were people taking guard so i had no way to see you. it was frustrating and i didn't know what to do. and on top of that, i had to prepare for the ball today. i really did want to see you anton. i'm glad i got to see you again,"
anton felt his heart slightly at ease that she didn't get into deep trouble by sneaking out. but there was something else that bothered him.
"what about prince wonbin? i heard that you were to be throned to him," he stammered, biting his lip.
"prince wonbin? oh no i only see him as my friend and nothing more. though it is true that i was supposed to be married to him, we both agreed that it wasn't something we wanted. i don't see him as a lover," anton felt the heavy-hearted feeling leave his chest and he could finally breathe again. he felt so relieved.
at this point, anton wasn't really sure what she was talking about anymore. something about how wonbin and her were childhood friends and their parents being friends. but his focus was on her facial expression, how she was furrowing her brows and grimacing at the thought of dating him, how her plump lips were moving, the sparkle in her eyes, and how the moonlight made her look so angelic. he felt bad for not paying close attention to what she was saying.
when akari was done rambling, she noticed the soft tender look in anton's eyes, as well as the smile that was displayed on his face. he looked adorable. she swore that she had never felt butterflies in her stomach until now.
anton slowly closed the distance between them so that their shoulders touched. his pinky reaching out for hers.
"can i kiss you?" breathed anton, his voice quiet and shy. but he couldn't help himself. to be with her was all he wanted right now. his heart was pounding so loud he could only hear his heart ringing in his ears.
anton caressed her face, as she leaned into him, closing the distance between the two as their lips collided with each other. once they separated, anton's face flushed, looking away. he felt like his heart could burst at any minute.
building the courage to look back at her again, his heart raced even faster as she laughed at him, her cheeks as rosy as the roses in the garden.
hearing the sound of the ensemble finally playing, akira stood up, offering her hand to the boy, "would you like a dance with me?"
anton rolled his eyes jokingly, grinning as he accepted her hand.
"just so you know, i've never danced before," confessed anton, placing a hand around her waist and the other on her shoulder while both of her hands rested on his broad shoulders.
"well i'm glad to be your first then," smiled akira as they swayed to the music, basking under the moonlight.
"you're everything i've ever dreamed of, princess," gushed anton.
"don't call me that," snorted akira. she leaned her head against his chest, hearing the fast pacing of his heartbeat.
"is it okay? for a person like me to be in love with you. i mean. i'm just a normal person," spoke anton, a hint of sadness in his voice, "i work at a bar and you...you're a princess,"
"i'm just a person like everyone else. and i want you to see me as me," akari stopped swaying to the music and lifted her head to face anton. she brushed away a long strand of hair that covered his face, "and besides, i love you as you are my prince,"
anton felt like he could've died happy right there and then. if it was even possible, he was blushing even harder.
"and i love you as you are,"
tilting his head down, anton closed the space between them again, his soft lips meeting hers as he brought her closer by the waist.
under the moonlight, they professed their love for each other and shared a happy ending.
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fandxmslxt69 · 1 year
Loki (TV): Speak Now (TV): Enchanted (part 2)
Loki Laufeyson x f!asgardian!reader
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Warnings: Lots of thoughts of insecurity, probably TOO MUCH descriptions lmao umm Loki gets a little sad :( mentions of jealousy, some swearing. Thor being Thor. THIS IS NOT EDITED PROPERLY LMAO I finished it and was Too Lazy to wait for Atlas to get available to edit and read through so thats def a big warning.
Synopsis: After that fateful night, Loki couldn't get you out of his mind, but weeks later at a different ball, he finds you again (or, alternatively, Loki's depressed and Thor Is Thor and decides to help in his special way lmao) Based on Miss Taylor Swift's Enchanted.
A/N: AHAHAHA ITS FINALLY HERE !!!! Anyway Happy Loki Month everyone (idc.) This was so....OOC. I just. Wow yeah I just have lots of things to say abt Loki to they all went here. YEAH I did give it a happy ending okay you're WELCOME. -Clem THIS IS PART 2!! IF YOU WANT THE FULL FIC, YOU CAN FIND PART 1 ON THE MASTERLIST!
Tags: Okay tryna remember everyone who wanted a tag lmao. @divine-knight-hand @the-fox-den @nyxlaufeyson @under00s616 @mischief2sarawr @saturn-rings-writes @sarahscribbles <- if, perhaps, you wanted to read the last little bit <3 If I forgot anyone, please lmk.
Word count: 3.5k (LETS GO!!)
Note: This is from Loki's POV!!
“So what just happened?” Your friends pounced on you as soon as you got settled in your room. You tried really hard, like really hard to ignore them as you carefully undid your hairstyle and brushing out your hair. 
“Whatever do you mean?” “Oh, don’t play stupid. You disappear, and then show back up looking dishevelled and flushed!” 
“I was not flushed,” You argued. They all looked at each other with raised eyebrows. “Okay, fine. I don’t appreciate this at all. You’re violating me, in my own house,” 
“Yes well, our dearest apologies,” One of them said, feigning sincerity. “Now, talk,” 
Well, who liked secrets anyway? 
*                                                               *                                                              *
The lingering question kept me up
2 AM, who do you love?
I wonder 'til I'm wide awake
Loki lay in his bed, fiddling with a dagger between his fingers as he stared at the ceiling. As soon as the party ended, he had left straight to his room, stripping out of his suddenly-too-tight suit and into much more comfortable clothing. He couldn’t get the thought of you out of his head. He hadn’t attended tonight’s ball with the expectations of anything big happening, and yet now it feels like his world got turned upside down. 
And now I'm pacing back and forth
Wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say, "Hey"
Would she come back, he wondered. Perhaps she changed her mind. He couldn’t stop himself from replaying every second, trying to figure out if there was anything he missed- if any second, you’d come knocking at his door. Thinking back on your entire conversation together, he couldn’t stop the smile breaking across his face. 
“Thank you for the dance, your highness,” Your last words rang abruptly in his mind, immediately squashing his good mood again. He closed his fist around the hilt of the dagger and flicked it at the wall. It landed on it perfectly.  
“Thank you for the dance, your highness,” The words replayed again, and again. He groaned loudly, running a hand down his face. He rolled over, burying his face in his pillow and letting out a loud groan of anger. 
Before he could wallow in pain any longer, there was a knock on the door. “I asked not to be disturbed!” He shouted, but it came out muffled.
Then there was another knock. 
“I swear if there is another knock I will-” “You’ll what?” Frigga’s voice came calm, yet in his mind’s eyes he could see the expression of warning on her face. He did not hear the door open, otherwise he would’ve chosen his words much more carefully. He slowly rolled onto his back, his eyes trained on the ceiling. 
“Mother. I didn’t hear you come in,” “No, I doubt you did with all the wallowing you had been doing,” “I wasn’t wallowing,” 
He could see her raise a perfect eyebrow from the corner of his eye. “Really?” She walked gracefully across his room, and her hand reached for the dagger stuck to the wall. She wanked it out, then turned to look at him again. “You enjoy throwing daggers at your wall as a pass time?” He nodded, still avoiding her gaze. “Absolutely,” “Don’t lie to me, boy. I know you better than you know yourself,” 
He cringed. Frigga was kind, gentle, caring and loving. Everything he could ever ask for. But she did not tolerate lying. 
“Sorry,” He sighed heavily. “Simply a long night,” She tutted quietly, walking over to the edge of his bed. The mattress sunk a little as she took a seat, placing his dagger on the nightstand. “Well?” “Well? What?” He frowned, resting his hands behind his head. 
“Well…” She repeated. “What happened?”
He sighed. “Nothing happened. All’s well,” She didn’t offer a response, simply looked at him with a raised eyebrow until he couldn’t keep it to himself anymore. “Alright fine. I…” He sighed again. “Must I really? This feels…embarrassing,” 
“Oh, I see,” Frigga nodded seriously. “I suppose now that you’ve grown, neither you or Thor see it fit to talk with your mother anymore,” 
A smile spread slowly across his face. “No I didn't mean it like that,” He sat up, running a hand through his hair. “Alright, well, you know how I tend to excuse myself from celebrations, yes?” She hummed. “Yes,” “Right, well, I went out to the gardens in hopes for some peace, only I…ran into someone,” Frigga straightened a little, a smile playing at her lips. “Oh?” “Stop,” He buried his face in his hands. “Stop smiling, Mother. It’s not like I’ve gotten engaged,” “Yes but, whomever it is you met certainly got into your head if you’re this worked up,” She pointed out. 
“No. No one’s gotten into my head,” He went quiet for a minute, before groaning as Frigga chuckled lightly. He threw himself back onto the pillow. Even he could hear how much of a lie that sounded. “Mother please. Is it that bad?” “No, you’re right I’m sorry. It’s not bad. But,” She suppressed the grin spreading across her face. He knew discussing this was a terrible idea. “Please, do continue,” “No, absolutely not,” He crossed his arms over his chest, ignoring the pointed look from her. He figured the more he thought about it, the worse this would get. “There’s nothing else to tell. I only talked to her to get under her skin. She was…quite agitated. But then she turned out to be amusing, and kind, and we talked, and that was it. She went home, I came back in. The end.” He wouldn’t dare mention the kiss, or the dance to his mother. He could already see her scheming just from these pieces, he refused to add to the fire. Besides, the more he thought about the kiss- the way her lips felt, the smell of her perfume, the softness of her skin, the flush of her cheeks and the way her lipstick was smeared slightly- the more dizzy he felt. 
“The end? Is that way you’re so…flushed?” Frigga leaned in, pressing a hand to his cheek. “Mm, perhaps you’ve fallen ill,” He huffed. “I don’t-” He bit his lip, deciding to just play along. “Yes, maybe I have fallen ill,” “Hm,” She moved her hand away, and he knew she didn’t believe him. He knew that she was probably thinking a million things about this and going to press later. No one ever got under his skin, or so stuck in his mind, he knew his mother would not stop until she got every last detail. 
His heart squeezed a little at how dearly he loved her. While feelings of envy and jealousy were often choking him, it was moments like these that reminded him that he still had Frigga. And that was what mattered, right? 
Frigga looked around Loki’s room for a second before getting up from the bed. “Very well. I suppose I’ll let you rest now,” She smiled softly as she walked to the door. “Rest well,” “Mm,” Was all Loki offered. “Oh and Loki, darling-” He could hear the grin in her voice. “Don’t dwell on it too much. I’m sure you’ll see her again,” 
“Good night, Mother,” He answered loudly, as if trying to block out her words and end the conversation. Frigga chuckled, and then the door closed as she left. 
He grumbled to himself as he tossed and turned in bed, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in.
This shouldn’t be bothering him.
He shouldn’t be this agitated about a few simple words.
So what, if she knew he was the prince? What did it matter?
Maybe because for once you hoped someone would like you for just you, the horrible voice in his mind let the insecurities run wild. 
Maybe he would never see you again. Maybe this was a one time thing and he’d never have the pleasure to see your smile again. 
Worse- maybe there would be others. Maybe there already are others. He wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that you were exclusive with anyone- how could you be, when you kissed him? But he couldn’t help thinking that maybe your heart would- or potentially already does- belong to someone else.
It’s not like he dreamt of marrying you. He felt simply…intrigued. No one had interested him as much as you had lately, and the idea that someone else had your attention disturbed him. 
Loki was never one to plead, or even pray- why would he, when he was a prince, a god? Anything he wished was at his fingertips. But he couldn’t help the quiet whispers that escaped his lips, begging that there would be a chance to see you again- to enjoy your beauty and bask in your shine. That perhaps, in the near future, he’d be able to hear those witty remarks and feel your lips against his.
This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again
These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you
 He hoped and hoped and hoped that if he closed his eyes tonight and let himself sleep, it wouldn’t mean the end. And most of all, he prayed that there wasn’t anyone else. That this didn’t happen out of curiosity's sake- that the kiss wasn’t just to brag amongst friends. It’s happened one too many times, and still he could hear the whispers of past nights when he frequently realized that no one was interested in him, simply the idea of him- the title he possessed and the bragging rights that came with it. 
He prayed silently. Although he wasn’t exactly sure who he was praying to. Did he even need to pray? But perhaps Freyja was listening, and perhaps she’d take pity on him- though he couldn’t be entirely convinced. 
But he still did- praying and pleading quietly with the stars right outside his window and the moon shining its light into his room- hoping that you saw more in him than anyone else ever did. 
Please don’t be in love with someone else
Please don’t have somebody waiting on you
Please don’t be in love with someone else
Please don’t have somebody waiting on you. 
And yet, in the dark of his room, with just his mind as company, he couldn’t help but let the horrid whispers of insecurity take over his every thought until he fell asleep doubting his every thought and emotion. 
*                                                                *                                                           *
Weeks passed before the royal family hosted another ball. It was a simple one, and there was truly no special occasion behind it. Loki suspected his mother caught wind of all his mopping and wallowing and hoped to fix it. 
Not that it was working anyway. He didn’t want to be here. He’d much rather go back to his room and finish reading his book in peace. Instead, he was forced to put on a polite face and greet guests. 
Overall, this night wasn’t going well at all. Not to mention, he still hadn’t stopped thinking about you. Every time you popped into his mind (which was more often than not) his mood instantly soured. It was safe to say he’d been in an ugly mood for a while now. 
He stood in the corner of the ballroom, drink in hand and surveying the room after exchanging pleasantries for what felt like hours. 
He really really wished he wasn’t here. Thor was talking his ear off- and while he loved his brother dearly, he really wished to be alone right now. Everywhere he looked he saw fleeting glances that reminded him of you. Stupid things like hair in a shade just like yours- a gown with a colour matching the one you wore that night- a laugh that sounded ju-
His head whipped around when he caught the sound of that laugh. His hand went up to shush Thor’s talking. 
This wasn’t possible. There was no possible way it could be you. 
And yet when his eyes found the source of the sound, his heart soared and fluttered. 
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
Suddenly, the night didn’t seem so boring. He couldn’t find it in himself to care about what Thor was asking. 
He felt giddy inside, like a child experiencing the beauty of the world for the first time, and he couldn’t stop the huge smile spreading across his face. It was you. It really, truly, was you- standing right across the room, laughing with your friends. You looked breathtaking, dressed in a beautiful gown and face shining with joy. 
“Oh,” Thor's loud voice brought him back. “Is that why you’ve been so gloomy?” Loki cringed at how obvious Thor made the statement. “Brother, I beg you, stop talking,” “Why?” Thor beamed. “Come now, we shall go over and say hello,” “No we won’t be doing anything,” Loki tried to argue but before he could even finish his sentence, Thor had already left Loki’s side and crossed the room to the group of ladies. 
Whatever it was that he was saying had the girls giggling. And, as if it couldn’t get any worse, he pointed very clearly at Loki as he talked, causing the girls to turn and see him.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck. 
Loki gave an awkward wave at the group. Your eyes lingered on him a little after the group turned back to listen to Thor, and he flashed you a smile. As soon as you turned back around though, he ran a hand down his face in exasperation. What was Thor thinking? Marching over there like it was nothing. Did he not realize how embarrassing this was? What was he even saying to them? What if he was telling some horrible story? He groaned internally as horrible scenario after horrible scenario played out in his mind. Was he trying to serenade them? Why were they laughing so much? Why was Thor grinning like that? Oh what if he was telling some stupid tale? Or was he making up some exaggerated lie about him? And why-
“You look like you’re trying to glare a hole through his skull,”
He jumped, turned to see you smiling softly at him. When did you even get there? Perhaps he got too distracted with plotting Thor’s death. 
“Perhaps I am,” He tried to keep his voice calm, but his heart felt like it was going to pound out of his chest? Could you hear how loud it was? Why was it suddenly so quiet? All he could hear was the blood rushing in his ears. Was he breathing too loud? 
Focus. He needed to focus. He’s getting too much into his head. It’s not like he was madly in love or anything- it’s a simple…interest. Yes, that was it. You simply intrigued him, nothing more. So why did his palms suddenly feel so sweaty as you grinned at him, and why was he so damn nervous? He never got nervous. His face felt like he was on fire. Was he blushing? He cursed himself mentally at least a million times. 
“Your highness?” Your voice brought him out of his head. 
“Sorry,” He mumbled. Stop overthinking it. And why did it bother him so damn much that you used that title? “What was that?” 
“I said, what reasons would you have to drill a hole into his skull?” 
Gods, you were so beautiful. How could anyone be so gorgeous? How could anyone even be allowed to be this stunning? The way your eyes shone with held back laughter, and the soft grin on your lips.
Oh good Norns, her lips. 
No. No. He mentally scolded himself. Stop it. 
“Well,” He acted as cool as he felt- basically, not cool at all. “Other than the fact that he’s my brother?” That got a laugh out of you. Loki: 1 Thor: 0. 
When did this even turn into a competition? Then again, it really did set a fire under him when he saw how easy you were around Thor. 
“Fair enough I suppose,” You shrugged. 
He couldn’t stop the question from coming out. “What was Thor telling you about?” 
“Oh! His Highness was just chatting,” 
“Mm, chatting,” He repeated absentmindedly. You both fell silent for a few moments. “So,” You started awkwardly. “How are you enjoying the party, my prince?” 
“Don’t call me that,” He said a bit too quickly- a bit too harshly. 
You blinked. “Sorry? Why not? You are a prince,” He shook his head. “I apologise, that was rather rash. I just…well,” he sighed. “That night a few weeks back? It felt…nice, to be just a stranger. You made it feel nice to be a stranger with no burden, no title, no importance. Just…another man. I hope…you would be kind enough to keep it that way, between us,” he explained hesitantly. 
“...I see,” You cleared your throat, and he could swear you were fighting back a chuckle. “So, what shall I refer to you as?” “Hm,” He grinned. “Loki works just fine, darling,”
“Loki,” You said hesitantly, as if testing it out and he nearly died right on the spot. “Alright,” You beamed. And then the silence came over again as you both watched people dance across the floor. 
But the question still ate at him. “I can’t help but ask again- honestly, what was Thor telling you? Knowing him, it was either an exaggerated lie or the most embarrassing story in all Nine Realms,” You chuckled. “Well, he was telling us a story,” That had to be the most terrifying sentence he’s ever heard. “Really? Please, do tell,”
“Well, he was telling us this story about a really handsome fellow who’s got quite the personality. He’s kind, and charming, with gorgeous hair and really pretty eyes,” 
He should just listen to the rest of the story before jumping to conclusions, but he couldn’t stop the image of Thor popping into his mind, followed by a wave of bursting fury. He had the audacity- 
“And,” You continued. “Legend has it, he met a brilliant woman- or so they say- but when she left, he fell into a horrible tragic gloom. He was all frowns and grumpy and nothing could ever break through his wallowing and mopping,” He genuinely could not listen to this anymore. His chest felt like it was going to burst from pain and he tasted bile in his throat. Maybe he was falling ill. “I’ll have you know, Thor has been all beams and grins all month,” 
Something passed over your face, and you bit your bottom lip. “Who’s talking about Thor?” “You said ‘handsome fellow’ and ‘charming and kind’ and ‘great hair’ or whatever-” “I told you I’m not into blonds,” You interrupted. 
Now what does that have to do with anything? 
“How does that relate to this conversation?” 
You shook your head, shoulders shaking with laughter. How could you be laughing right now? “Okay, I’ll slow down. Prince Thor told us a brilliant story about this beautiful man, and I came to see you immediately after…” You trailed off, as if expecting him to finish the thought. 
“Yes, you came to rub it into my face. Funny,” His tone went cold. 
You placed a hand on his arm. “Loki, you are the gorgeous man of the story,” Oh. 
And suddenly, his heart was back to pounding rapidly. “Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh I see,” In the back of his mind, he registered how similar this was to the night you met. 
You chuckled. “Yeah, I’m glad you got it now,” You smiled widely, your eyes scanning the dance floor before returning to him. “Dance with me?” You repeated the same words he had said. 
Oh. Oh dear Norns. His heart felt like it was gonna burst, and his face was on fire. 
He nodded slowly. “Oh. Yes, absolutely,” You took his hands and walked to the center of the room just as the music began a new tone. And as cliché as it would sound, he felt everything melt away as you began to dance. It was nothing but him with you in his arms, and the sound of music. And that gorgeous, gorgeous smile of yours. 
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
As the song ended, he held you tighter in his arms, his cheeks aching from how hard he'd been smiling. Your face was slightly flushed, and you were a little breathless, but you looked at him with such adoration his heart squeezed. 
“You, my darling,” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, “are enchanting,” 
I was enchanted to meet you
And although he knew guests were mumbling at the scene, he couldn’t find himself to care. What man could, when such a gorgeous woman was in his arms, grinning at him so widely?
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tuktukpodfics · 1 year
Hi! I'm thinking about making a podfic of one of my favorite fics and I wanted to ask for a couple of tips because I adore your podfics and I have run into a couple problems very early on.
how do you do deeper voices? my voice is fairly high (I'm a soprano that can occasionally deep down into lower alto) and most of the voices in the fic are male. I also always sound about twelve in recordings lol
how do you make distinct voices? again, I have a lot of different voices (probably 5-7 that talk the most, with many many other reoccurring characters).
pacing of reading. I tend to speak/read very quick and in my practice recordings, it sounds like I'm talking much faster than I felt I was. any tips on that?
what recording programs are best? currently I'm using voice memos on my phone. which. is clearly not going to give me the best sound, regardless of the app I use, but I don't have many options.
I am living in a dorm right now and live in fear of my suite mates hearing me (my roommate not quite as much as she likes to dub and does a lot in our room--though she does it in mandarin so I cant understand it). not to mention background noise of doors opening and whatnot. if you have any tips on that as well, that would be great!
I love your podfic, you put so much soul into them, and I hope that I could do that too!
Hello fellow podfic-er! I’m so excited for you to make a podfic!
The nice thing about podfics is that I usually don’t have to create characters from scratch, they already exist in the TV show. If I’m struggling with a character, I just rewatch some clips of them talking and imitate it!
Deep voices: I, too, have a high, childish voice and struggle with deep, Manly Men. I guess the main tip I have is to...give up. What I mean is focus less on pitch and more on tone. If you speak too low, it’ll be less expressive and will probably hurt your throat. It can work for minor, 2D characters, but don’t do it for main characters that have a wide range of emotions (you may notice that my Mighty Oaks Fire Sage Zuko voice swings higher when he’s emotional oops). Instead, use your normal pitch, and make a character sound adult by using an authoritative tone. Another thing I do is play up the childish and feminine voices. We might not be able to make the adults sound adult, but we can make the kids sound extra kiddish by comparison.
Distinct voices: I’m a tactile learner, so for me, it’s all about the physicality. Every time I do Azula’s voice, I make a pinched face like I’m eating a lemon. When I record Ozai, I sneer. For Sokka, I jut out my chin and flail my arms. It looks silly, but no one is around to see. There’s lots of YouTube tutorials about how to make different voices by varying speed and tone and nasal quality, but I get kinda lost in the sauce with those theory lessons. The only way I can really get myself to do different voices is if I’m working off of a reference. I just watch videos of other cartoons and live actors and then copy them.
Pacing: Pacing is hard. I especially struggle with the editing and often end up cutting things wonkily. Audiobooks tend to be slow because you’re less likely to get tongue tied that way. If I have a big hunk of text that I find myself racing through, I slow myself down with physicality again. I’ll lean in on important words or mime out the actions. For example, on the line, “Zuko turns, grabs the bar at the side of the ship, and throws himself back over,” I'll turn my body on the word “turn,” grab an imaginary bar on the word “grab” and then lurch forward on the word “throw.” Adding in movement can bring variation to those big blocks of text.
What recording programs are best: I don’t know! I use Audacity because it’s free. Adobe Audition is great too, but it’s expensive. I am very lazy with the podfics. I don’t have a professional set-up. Basically, I make a comfortable nest of pillows in bed or my closet, use an iPhone VoiceMemos app to record straight into the phone mic, send the audio file to my computer, convert the audio to a WAV file, put it in Audacity, add a Noise Reduction effect, and then cut it down. Once I’m done editing it, I export the Audacity file as an mp3, upload it to archive.org and Spotify, and then embed those links into Ao3. Feel free to DM me if you have other tech questions. I am not particularly savvy, but we can Google it together? If any voice actors on Tumblr have professional advice, please chime in.
Silence and privacy: Background noise is a big headache for me too. I live in a noisy area with lots of planes and a squeaky elevator. I usually record now in my closet surrounded by pillows and blankets, so it’s fairly soundproof. If there’s a noise, I usually wait for the sound to stop, record the line again, then edit out the mistake in post. At the end of the day, though, sounds will slip in. It’s just a podfic; we’re doing this for fun not professionally, so it doesn’t need to be polished. I think most listeners’ attitudes is that something is better than nothing. If you’re in a school dorm, there might be music practice rooms, a radio recording booth, or empty classrooms you can use instead.
Storage: Something I didn’t realize going in was how much storage the audio clips take up. Make sure you save and delete projects as you go. One time I finished editing an Audacity project, but it wouldn’t let me save it because I ran out of storage and I had to start over.
I’m so glad you like the podfics I’ve done and that it could help inspire you to make one too! I started making podfics because I fell in love with @pixieinthesky’s fantastic Salvage podfic (it's an absolute gem). Keep the chain going!
Have fun!
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spctrsgf · 2 years
the suits
summary: meeting the system has been the biggest ride of your life. but a returning enemy of their nighttime identity made that ride just a tad bit bigger.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: language, the boys all know each other exist, the reader doesn’t have a fear of heights (jake flies ya so)
a/n: i tried to give all three boys equal time but idk if it worked really well ajfhkefh
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When you met Jake Lockley for the first time, you really didn’t think much of it. He was your taxi driver; you were heading home after visiting the newest exhibit at the museum. The man had tipped his cap at you, asked you where to go with a spanish drawl. His face never fully turned to face you, but you both maintained a friendly enough conversation. He was earnest to hear about you and frankly, you were in need of someone to talk to. You even managed to pull a few facts about him from under that nice cap of his. You gave him a nice tip after that ride: some other taxi drivers you’ve experienced were less than pleasant. 
When you met Steven Grant for the first time, you also weren’t expecting anything to come from it. You had headed into the museum once again to see another new exhibit. Among your favorite things at the museum was the Egyptian exhibit, so when you had caught a whiff of an exhibition on the gods, you had hustled there as fast as you could. To your dismay, Jake wasn’t there to drive you as he’d done before, but you had pushed that thought away and scanned the exhibit meticulously before heading to the gift shop to look for a souvenir. The kind man at the counter looked bored out of his mind, his rich brown eyes always darting over to the exhibit you had just come from.
Somehow, you had mustered enough courage to ask him to explain this one artifact you hadn’t quite understood. The man was enthusiastic yet apprehensive, worried about someone named Donna (you assumed she’s his boss), but you managed to corral the man over to the piece and get him talking. His British accent was smooth and impossibly satisfying to listen to, so much so that you asked him to explain a few more pieces before the museum closed for the night. 
When you met Marc Spector for the first time, you still didn’t have any idea what you were getting yourself into. 
Well, maybe a tad bit. 
You’d met the man at a bar, nursing his drink with an air of boredom. You, yourself, were also bored in the low lighting. So, you downed the rest of your drink for some liquid courage before heading over to him. You weren’t sure what prompted you, honestly. Maybe it was the fact that he was the only one alone other than you. Maybe it was his hair was slicked back like he had ran his fingers through it countless times in stress. Maybe it was because the droopy curve of his lips were begging for something interesting to happen to him.
“Hey!” You’d barely shouted, just enough that he could hear you over the music and buzz of other people. The man’s face went through a range of emotions before landing on a tight smile. “Hi.” 
You tilted your head, trying to stay encouraged after that response. “I’m y/n. Can I sit with you?” 
His eyes bounced down to the barstool next to him before bouncing back up to yours. “Sure.”
“Great, okay.” 
“I’m Marc.” He introduced as you placed yourself next to him.
You smiled warmly. “Nice to meet you.”
When you’d met each of them, you hadn’t expected to meet them again, much less fall for each of them in their own ways. You loved to watch Steven ramble about whatever sparked his interest, you loved watching the sparkle in his eyes and the frantic hand gestures as he tried to help you understand the topic as well as possible. You loved his tousled hair that looked like he’d stumbled out of bed (which happened often, you found, as he slept over his alarm often) and the flannels he flaunted with it.
You loved watching Marc as he watched the television, some program on the screen that you had since forgotten about after watching the calmness erode his scrunched face. You loved the concern in his face as he helped an old woman across the street, when you’d nicked your finger while cutting up some vegetables. You loved the sigh you drew out when you massaged your fingers into his sore muscles, yet again watching the calm swarm him.
You loved the long, late night drives you and Jake went on, bumbling along to your favorite tunes underneath the starlight. You loved yanking the cap off of his head after he finished ushering people around in his taxi, ruffling his hair with a hearty laugh. You loved his cute little nicknames that he found for you, ones he said he’d picked out of a million others and made you feel like the most important person in the world. 
They made you feel perfect, fearless, everything that a person could want and more. You felt safe with them like you’d never felt before with anyone else, and you only hoped they felt the same way with you. You only needed them and they only needed you.
So, naturally, when you were met with attention from other people, it left you perplexed. Especially when you’d just been walking home from work like you always did: you knew the streets like the back of your hand. There’d been this particular street that you walked by that always came off as sketchy, but nothing had happened and you really had never thought anything of it. 
Until now. 
“Ma’am?” A voice called. You kept walking, pretending like the headphones in your ears were preventing you from hearing the person. When a hand laid on your shoulder, you startled and spun quickly. “I’m sorry,” the man said, his gray hair and cloudy blue eyes looking a lot like that one man you’d heard had died at that one asylum. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You only nodded with a hard set glare.
“I was wondering- would you happen to know how to get to the museum?”
“The museum?”
“Yeah, the one with that new exhibit-“
“All the museums are closed now.” Your tone was hard and you hoped to convey an ending to the conversation.
The man sighed. “Thats a shame. Would’ve made this easier on me.”
His hand shot out to his side, a cane with two crocodile heads flying towards it. You jumped back in surprise. You took the way that the eyes were fucking glowing as a reason to book it and run as fast as you could. You soon started twisting left and right to dodge purple blasts from his cane, even having to leap to avoid one to the feet.
“Where is Marc Spector?” The man’s voice sounded deeper and louder, despite the fact that he was farther away. You stumbled slightly. How does he know about Marc? “Does Steven Grant ring a bell?” He called when you didn’t answer. You dodged another blast that scorched an end of your hair. “Who the hell are you talking about?”
“How about Jake Lockley.” The hard blast accompanied the man’s tone as it slammed into your shoulder, sending you tumbling to the ground with a cry. 
“Wh- what are you talking about?” You took to scooting away from him on your hands and feet.
“Your boyfriends, Miss l/n. Don’t play dumb.”
“I- I’m not playing dumb!”
“Just tell me where they are and I promise this process will be a lot less painful.”
“For me or for them?”
The man chuckled, twisting the cane in his hands. “You poor, naive little thing. Why don’t you take a stab.”
“I’ll never tell you anything.” You growled through gritted teeth. 
“Oh, y/n,” the man bent down to meet your furious gaze. He grabbed your wrist and held it above the menacing cane. “You don’t need to.”
His eyes darted upwards and he tossed you to the left as a flurry of white came slamming through the place you’d been sitting just a few seconds ago, colliding with the man instead. As you rolled over with a groan, you formed the white blur into a masked vigilante, wrapped in what looked like the mummy tape you’d taped Steven into once. The vigilante soon had the man against the wall, pinned with two crescent shaped daggers, if you could call them that.
“How nice of you to join us, Marc.” The man drawled. The masked man- Marc?- gritted his teeth, but didn’t stop from his pursuit towards you. Your eyes widened in fear, and you tried to placate. “No no no no, please don’t hurt me-“
“Hey,” he held his hands out. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
You frowned, recognizing that American accent anywhere. “Marc!?” 
“Wow, she’s good. I totally didn’t just say that.” Chuckled the man as he struggled against the crescents.
Marc whirled. “Can it, Harrow.”
Your eyes darted to the man. “Wait. He’s the dude that was killed at that mental hospital a few weeks ago!”
Marc bristled slightly. “Yeah. Listen, we need to get you out of here.”
“Wait,” you pushed yourself up and hobbled over to Harrow. “How are you still alive?”
“You wouldn’t understand.” It was like he knew that would push your buttons.
You gritted your teeth. “Then why don’t you fucking try it out instead of assuming?”
“Okay,” Marc walked up behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “I think it’s time to go.”
“No,” you struggled against Marc’s strong grip. “I want to-“
The sound of fabric rustling sounded from behind you, and then his hand tightened around you and his mouth was brought to your ear. “Cariño,” Jake drawled. “Let it go.” 
“Turn around.” His eyes were narrowing at the way Harrow was nearly out of the crescent binds Marc had placed.
After a few seconds of boiling in your anger, you turned reluctantly. “What?”
In a flash, Jake wrapped both arms around you and shot into the sky. You screamed and clung to Jake’s suit, nearly missing Harrow’s last lunge towards you. Once the initial fear of falling wore off, you laughed and closed your eyes to the chilly London breeze. “Be careful,” Jake’s hand came up to cradle your head. “Don’t want to strain that neck of yours.” 
You nodded, complying. “Were you ever gonna tell me about all this?”
Jake sighed. “Eventually, yes.”
“That wasn’t a very convincing answer.”
“Well, we didn’t wanna dump too much on you after your stressful week.”
“But I’ve been dating you guys for three months.” You grumbled. 
“Listen, y/n,” Jake huffed. “It’s not something we wanted to involve you with. Our system deals with very dangerous people- and we’re not out in the public- we don’t get this almighty recognition or protection from the people. We have few allies yet many very angry enemies, and if they got even a whiff of talk about you, many wouldn’t hesitate to attack you. You’re a weak point for us, and they’ll use it whenever they can. We love you, after all, its the best place to poke. And Harrow? First of all, isn’t supposed to be alive, and second of all, must’ve heard about you. This,” he ducked lower, heading for the roof of your apartment building with practiced precision. “Could prove to be a slight problem.”
“Okay. Wow,” It was hard to form those words while Jake placed you gently onto the top of your apartment building. “That’s a lot- makes sense though.”
“Yeah,” you affirmed. “Here, I’ll go inside now. Thanks for the ride. I appreciate the new form of transportation.”
Jake grinned. “Better than the taxi?”
“Oh, Lockley. Nothing can beat the taxi.”
“Yeah, she’s a classic.” He smirked dazedly as he watched you walk to the door.
“Oh, and Jake?” You turned to him.
“I love this suit of yours. You should wear it more often, it’s sexy.” You winked and walked inside with a laugh.
“Oh, bollocks,” Steven grumbled. “She didn’t get to see mine.”
“One day, Steven, one day,” Marc consoled him with a grin, soon turning his attention then to a swooning Jake. “Amigo! Move your ass!”
Jake shook from his stupor. “Okay, okay! Eres tan impaciente.”
You flopped onto the couch, picking up your tea and admiring your work. You’d taking a shower and changed into some comfy clothes, now settling to watch some television. You found a nice romance movie, just about to get super into the movie when a knock sounded against your door. You opened the door as soon as you got to it, knowing that rhythm of knocking anywhere. 
“Steven.” You sighed, grabbing his arm and dragging him into the apartment. “Hey, love,” he let himself be dragged in. “You doing alright?”
“Im okay,” you shuffled through the kitchen. “A little shaken, slightly scared, but fine.”
“A little shaken?” Steven grabbed your shaky hand.
“Well, maybe a lot.” You admitted quietly.
“It’s okay to be scared, alright? I was scared at first too.”
“I know,” you gently pulled your hand from Steven’s to grab his tea. “For you.”
“Thank you.” He smiled gratefully, taking the mug. 
You smiled back and shuffled to the sofa, settling again in front of your rom com and trying to finesse Steven over. “C’mon, sit down, love.” 
“Hold on,” Steven held his ground as he placed his mug down. “I want to show you something.”
You nodded, slightly confused. “Okay.”
Steven widened his stance slightly, locking eyes with you and smiled excitedly. You couldn’t help but smile back at him: it was contagious. With a quick nod, he scrunched up his nose and it almost made you laugh, but you were cut short by Steven’s flannel and jeans being absorbed by white fabric. Your jaw went slack as the white fabric folded itself into a crisp suit, covering Steven’s face in a mask with glowing blue eyes. You could see hints of the detailing, and when you stepped closer, you were able to make out what looked like some sort of Egyptian pattern running along it. 
Steven involuntarily sucked in a deep breath when you reached out and ran your finger along the side of his vest, unsure how to gauge your reaction. He was half certain you would jump away if he moved at all, calling him out for some sort of sorcery. His eyebrows came to knit together in concern, waiting anxiously for you to reach his eyes so he could really see what you felt about it all. 
And when you did? Oh boy.
Your eyes twinkled with fascination and admiration, your lips pulled into a sloppily concealed childish grin. He let out a sigh of relief, happy that there was no accusations of witchery being made. “So?” He broke the silence when his patience ran out. “I- wow,” you started, trying to work the gears in your jaw. “This is so cool.”
“Yeah. I mean, the detail is insane, and the suit really fits you, and the way your eyes glow is amazing. Jake and Marc’s too.”
“Oh. Wait,” Steven let the mask shrivel away to reveal his grinning face. “The mask comes off too.”
“Whoa.” Your eyes were wide, completely enamored by the sight of him. 
“Hon, pick up your jaw.” he teased with a smirk, reaching up to actually close your mouth. 
You swatted his hand and turned. “Oh, piss off, you jerk.”
Steven chuckled, letting the suit peel away into nothingness. “Love, come on-“
You said nothing, just stood facing the couch.
Steven smirked when an idea hit him. He ran towards you, capturing you in his big embrace and sending you both tumbling onto the couch. You screamed when he grabbed you, it soon becoming laughs as the initial surprise wore off. “You idiot!” You sputtered out through laughs. He chuckled happily, settling with you at his side to meet the twice abandoned rom com on TV. “Your idiot.”
You nodded earnestly. “My idiot.”
You rolled your eyes. “Sorry. My idiots.”
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kal-sharok · 4 months
Hi!! If you’re willing to talk about it/up for it I’d love to hear more about the slavophobia BioWare has in relation to their dwarves. No pressure at all of course bc I’m sure it’s taxing, I’ve just not seen this before and would love a resource to reblog about it if that’s okay. Thank you love your blog ❤️
hello! im actually glad you asked, i'll try to be as coherent as possible 😅 and no u i love yr blog!!
i'd like to preface by saying i don't think bioware invented anti-slavic sentiment in games or in general and isn't the only company, game or otherwise, perpetuating it. it's found all over the western world, most notably in western europe (where we're still regarded as 2nd class citizens, pairs really well with imperialism towards people outside of europe imo), but it also gained a significant boost thanks to the red scare in usa in particular (and continues to thrive thanks to the absolute chokehold mediocre american media keeps everything else in the world in).
im also no social sciences expert, but i do have first-hand experience on the short end of the stick and a couple of books in my have read list so let's say im qualified to rant on 🤭 it turned out quite lengthy so i've hidden it under the cut below!
when it comes to bioware, the first hurdle is already at their utterly haphazard character naming policy. there's a considerable number of dwarves who bear names that range from mockingly slavic-esque to full-blooded backwater serbian, now in yr local fantasy rpg! examples:
gorim saelac. while i do appreciate they tried to give a dwarf a mountain-y name (gora is basically any kind of steep pile of rocks with trees and dew and wildlife over it), "gorim" is how you would say "i am burning" in multiple slavic languages. this is one of the rare ones that are not hurtful and are hilarious instead (and tbh naming him goran, which is what i assumed they were going for, would probably be more ridiculous in the long run. for example i still can't take jowan seriously despite my love for the mage origin bc someone really yassified jovan and thought nobody would notice. wrong!)
lucjan and myaja. these two (along with maybe wojech "we couldn't spell wojciech" ivo) are the classic example of non-slavs butchering the hell out of slavic names bc it suits them better, which is also something commonly experienced by all non-western cultures and communities and a worldwide sign of disrespect. the in-game pronunciation during the provings gave me a physical rash. "myaja" in particular is still in my top 5 wtf moments in origins bc 1) what kind of stroke induced spelling is that 2) it reminds me of kids speaking dialect A mocking kids' dialects B by adding y sounds (which is what set the dialects apart in the first place) at unnatural spots and 3) maja /ma-ya/ would've sufficed perfectly for ethnic coding if that was the sole purpose of her character. do better! sure it was 2009 but from the little i happen to know about the world beyond the atlantic, you're just bound to run into someone of slavic descent in alberta (maybe not exactly polish but anyone would give you a closer phonetics match than... this). it's kind of amusing how 3 of bioware's founders have very slavic surnames and this keeps happening.
bogdan vasca. we don't know anything about him apart from the fact bianca davri was forced into a marriage with him and that his very dwarven parents considered him to be 'a gift from the god' (which is what his name means. theodore would be an equivalent) when naming him. the same clan of dwarves that preserved castes topside (which is why the marriage was arranged) and thus are likely to either believe in the stone (that they do not worship as a god) or nothing, certainly not a very human god with a very human, quite possibly mage (a completely alien concept from common dwarven pov) prophetess and a very human doctrine of considering anyone not human as lesser. the jokes are writing themselves at this point.
all of this naming business falls more into petty territory rather than being outright offensive, but it does bring us to the more serious manifestation — typecasting. the western media simply cannot fathom slavic people in roles that are not violent, volatile (i.e. berserkers, though there are other influences in there), constantly infighting and better off killing e/o (i.e. the diamond quarter, the merchants' guild, the carta) and relating back to thievery, addictive abusable substances and trafficking (i.e. the carta, but also official channels of lyrium supply from orzammar to the rest of thedas). as a slavic woman, it was exceptionally painful to see bioware join virtually everyone else in depicting us as women whose major purpose seems to be to engage in prostitution and surrogacy lite (i.e. noble hunters, most evident in beraht's grooming of rica brosca into the role of one). while these practices are tied to societies of woman-hating — and orzammar, if not all of thedas very much is one — i just take incredible offence in someone naming them integral (dwarven birth rates and the blight anyone?? i hated every moment of that) for a society that's previously been coded with people like myself in mind. of course im going to relate to how someone who looks like me is treated, that's the very purpose of casting. doesn't help bioware's cause that the bulk of npc's with slavic names tend to be lower-caste or castless - with exceptions such as some minor noble houses (houses ivo and harrowmont, possibly meino too) and branka (who's again smith-born and a whole villain).
by only allowing us to fulfill such roles, we are effectively barred from actually engaging storytelling to spend our eternity on the writers' back-burner. hell, even the witcher has been sanitized for the western eye (despite literally being made in poland) and i am yet to find a piece of modern media that doesn't reduce baba yaga to a quirky chicken-legged aesthetic (while also forgetting she's specific to the eastern slavic people). not to mention that if tevinter and par vollen are truly inspired by byzantine and the ottoman empire respectively, guess which mfs were both their vasals. now guess who built the deep roads and guess what tevene mages need to fuel their magic. if dwarves have already been declared the slavs of thedas, let's at least give them/us some space to be such.
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