#but i really love the wingfic and i wanted to write about it and. i'm actually quite proud of this.
lost-in-fandoms · 3 months
Your wingfics live rent free in my head. I can't stop thinking about it. They were so good omg. It's such a beautiful universe, so amazing ♥️ Do you plan to write more about it? 🥹♥️ I hope so but if the answer is no, I will read them again and again because I love them ♥️😍
adsfndjd anon you are the sweetest!!! I'm so happy you enjoyed them and were so kind to tell me, I really appreciate it!
Sadly, I can't promise anything for the future tbh. I have been really struggling with getting back into writing after a really long drought, and I'm giving my brain the chance to just put down whatever it fancies, instead of forcing myself to write something specific just for the sake of it. I am always open to be prodded by an ask like this or a prompt though so always feel free to drop by! A lot of the things I write don't actually live in a wider universe, they just spawn out of nowhere, get thrown down on paper, and disappear in the void, but usually I can still create more around it if someone asks. Another reason why I really appreciate you saying this, because for once my wingfic does have a wider universe around it, and I am always glad to put one more snippet into it.
This is little baby Max in his first year in the rbr seat (part 1 and part 2)
cw: mentions of Jos not being a great father related to unsafe and painful wing care practices, description of said practices, littlest blood mention
Max doesn't like his wings.
He doesn't dislikes them either, but if he could get rid of them, he would. First of all, he can't actually use them to fly, his bones aren't hollow and his back muscles aren't powerful enough anyway, so having wings that don't actually work seems like a taunt from the universe. They're also very inconvenient when driving. Papa has taught him how to keep them clipped to lower their weight, and how to keep them tightly bound in an harness to have them take up less space in a kart, but neither of those things is exactly pleasant. Sometimes, when he drives for too long, his whole back spasms because of his wings being constricted, and sometimes when he clips too much, his wings bleed and molting becomes painful.
It's worth it, of course, to be able to race faster and better, but a part of him does wish he just had Papa's fish scales, or even Mama's diaphanous dragonfly wings.
Cleaning his wings is also annoying, because it's hard sometimes to reach all the spots, and after long days on the track it feels like there will be itchy dust and grit clinging onto them forever.
He's not one to get stuck on made-up scenarios, but it doesn't mean he has to like them.
Daniel is not the first bird-winged racer he meets, of course, but he is his first teammate. He has a completely different relationship with his wings than Max, always keeping them shiny and clean, no clipping or binding. He seems to love them and to love taking care of them, parading them around and showing them off.
Max doesn't understand. Not that it matters, he doesn't need to understand Daniel to be able to beat him, but. It's not that he's jealous, he's not, but sometimes he feels the heaviness of his wings on his back, skin irritated by the dirt stuck to it, looking patchy where he's taking longer to molt, and he wishes. He wants.
Most of the time though, he knows it's just a waste of time, to care about how they look so much, when it doesn't even matter, when it doesn't affect his driving.
And then one day, Daniel doesn't knock.
Max is carefully peeling his race suit off his shoulders, hissing slightly when it goes over his bound wings, when the door slams open.
"Maxy, hey, have you seen..." Daniel doesn't finish his sentence, eyebrows knotting together, eyes zeroed on Max's back.
Max feels his skin prickling under his gaze and he's almost tempted to do his suit up again, but his wings are aching, and he wants to take a shower, so he just turns around to face Daniel, frowning just as hard.
"What do you want?" he snaps, hating the way he feels his cheeks heat up. He doesn't know why he's reacting like this, he's done nothing wrong, but the way Daniel is looking at him, a mix of unbelieving and horrified, makes him feel ashamed.
"Do you always do that?" Daniel asks instead of answering his question, taking a step forward. Max instinctively takes a step back, bumping into the massage table behind him, hating himself for not standing his ground. It's his driver room, Daniel has no right to judge him in here.
"Do what, Daniel?"
He goes to cross his arms, but the movement tugs on his still trapped wings, making him wince. He wants Daniel to leave, so he can finally finish undressing, but Daniel steps even closer instead.
"Do you always keep your wings like that? Max, that's dangerous!"
Max decides to ignore the worry in Daniel's voice, feeling himself bristle.
"I am of course able to drive safely!"
"Drive?" Daniel gives a short laugh, so different from his usual one Max feels himself shiver. He wishes he had more space to put between them. "I am not talking about driving, I am talking about your wings!"
Max opens his mouth, ready to tell him to leave him alone, when his back spasms, a hot flash of pain traveling from his neck down his spine, wings straining against the constrains, and what comes out is a strangled gasp instead.
A second later, Daniel's hands are on his shoulders, forcing him to turn around with a swear.
"Did you put this on this morning? Let me help you take it off."
Daniel doesn't give him a chance of answering, fingers already working on the buckles on Max's side, as Max scrambles to push him away.
"No, no, you cannot, you have to..." he breathes in sharply as the harness start to loosen, wings cramping as they try to flutter, eyes snapping close.
"Max, you need to..."
"Slow," Max interrupts him, clutching at the straps to keep them from slipping open all at the same time. "You have to, one at a time."
He doesn't open his eyes again as he undoes them carefully, feeling Daniel hover just in front of him, keeping his wings tightly pressed against his back until he can slip the straps over his shoulders and down his waist.
"Max..." Daniel doesn't try to touch him again, but Max can hear the stress in the way his vocal cords curl around his name, mixing it with an involuntary warble.
Max ignores him. This is always the worst part, but he is practiced enough to make it go quickly.
He takes a breath, wrapping his right arm around his waist until he is able to grasp his left wing's tip, and then holds it as he works it open, fingers sliding along the length of it, straightening feathers as they come. Pain shoots through it, his back burning, his shoulders tensing, but when it's fully open, he works to close it again, and then it's done, just a dull ache left behind.
He lets himself take two deep breaths before repeating the whole thing with the other.
When both wings are resting along his back again, he shifts his shoulders, trying to get rid of the tension there, and then finally opens his eyes.
Daniel is looking at him, eyes wide and horrified, mouth slightly open. His hands are shaking. Max doesn't know what to say.
"It is of course fine, see?" is what he settles for, fluttering his wings to prove it. It's slightly painful, especially his left one where he clipped a bit too much and is bleeding a little, but Daniel doesn't need to know that.
"Fine?" Daniel chokes out, eyes widening impossibly more. "You're hurting yourself! That's not safe, Max!"
Max scoffs, letting the harness fall on the massage bed and pulling his undershirt off, carefully easing his wings through the slits in the back.
"I'm fine, Daniel."
For a second, it looks like Daniel is going to scream at him, eyes narrowing and fists closing, and Max wonders if it would be inappropriate for him to flee the room half naked, but then all the fight seems to leave Daniel's body. He sags a little, raising a hand to drag it across his face and sighing, shaking his head to himself.
"Listen, I don't know why you've decided this is the right thing to do to yourself, but you're going to take a shower, and when you're done we'll go back to the hotel, and I'll preen your wings."
Max opens his mouth, ready to argue with him, he has data to go over before tomorrow's qualifying, but Daniel doesn't give him a chance to, turning around and leaving the room as quickly as he had come in.
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eirianerisdar · 4 months
Hiiiii I’ve only just seen it but if youre still doing the directors commentary thing I was gonna ask about Icarus? :) and the ⭐️ for whatever part you choose
(and just wanted to say your writing is so beautiful, I’m loving reading it so much thank you for sharing <3)
Oh ye I'm going to go on an absolute rant about Brocedes
An excerpt from chapter 30 of Icarus, when Lewis has just strained his newly regrown wings on a highly unadvised first flight after having grown out his primaries again for the first time in sixteen years, and runs into Nico by chance on an old clifftop haunt of theirs above Monaco. It's purely mutual pining in that uniquely Brocedes way
For the uninitiated, Icarus is an F1 wingfic that covers most of the grid, with the theme of wing trimming as a representation of unhealthy practices in motorsport forced upon drivers.
A shape appears out of the rising sun, brown-white sparrowhawk feathers silhouetted against the dawn.
Unlike Lewis’s haphazard landing a minute earlier, Nico’s is elegant and precise; he comes out of his dive twisting in a perfect diagonal to the clifftop, one wingtip brushing the ground and the other pointed towards the sun, and lands on silent feet. He is wearing a tailored flight-suit that fits him as well as his race suit used to; the small backpack slotted between his wings has a molded plastic shell for better aerodynamics.
Nico folds his wings, and stares.
“Lewis?” he says, shocked. “What are you doing here?”
Lewis is suddenly all-too aware of the dirt ground into his skin, smeared over his t-shirt and ratty running sweats. His wings are caked with sand and grime from his less-than perfect landings; his palms are smarting with a dozen shallow cuts from hauling himself back up onto the clifftop.
He finds his voice. “What are you doing here?”
It comes out more accusing than Lewis intended. Nico’s face closes; his sparrowhawk wings flatten against his back.
“I come here often,” he says. “I fly up here every morning.”
Lewis doesn’t miss the implication that he is the intruder here, not Nico.
Lewis doesn’t know why that hurts so much. Maybe because he shouldn’t feel so out of place here, in this little sanctuary tucked against the Monaco cliffs where he and Nico had watched the sun rise and set so many times.
Nico ventures closer. His eyes are on Lewis’s wings. “You really did it,” he says oddly. “You grew out your wings.”
Lewis sets his jaw, raises his chin. “Yeah,” he says challengingly. “What about it?”
Nico flinches and looks away. His chest rises and falls faster than usual.
It would seem that even after all this time, Lewis still knows how to get a rise out of Nico. Lewis should feel vindicated, but he doesn’t. Something about the way Nico is holding his wings makes Lewis feel sick.
Nico crosses over to a flat-topped rock a careful distance away and sits. The two of them face the sunrise like they have done so many times years ago. The wind that ruffles both their feathers brings with it the scent of the sea.
Lewis closes his eyes. The sun sears his skin, turns the backs of his eyelids orange-yellow. There is so much he wants to say, but he doesn’t know where to begin. He could start at Abu Dhabi, at that awful Sky interview. He could go back to 2021, when he had finally admitted to himself and to the press that he could have been a better teammate to Nico.
He could go back to Barcelona 2016; the ache in his shabby wings in the garage, and the brief moment of blessed, cool relief when Nico had brushed a hand through Lewis’s wing.
It was the last time either of them had touched each other’s wings. Their crash and DNF at Barcelona had snapped the last threads that held them together as flock.
Lewis waits for Nico to say something, but Nico stays silent. It stings.
Lewis sneaks a glance at his former flock, finds Nico already looking at him – not at his dirt-smeared face or messy braids, but at his wing plumes, pooled carelessly in the dust at the base of the rock he is seated on.
In the dawn light, Nico’s clean, well-brushed feathers are painted in peach and ochre. Lewis bristles, waits for Nico to make an unsavoury comment.
But Nico just clasps his hands together in his lap, tight enough that the knuckles go pale. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows.
“Your wing plumes are longer than I remember,” he says hoarsely.
Oh. Lewis looks down at them, at his draped double-cloak of gold, white, and maroon.
“Yeah,” he says. A gust of wind blows dirt over the end of one of his plumes; he nudges it carelessly with the toe of his trainer, but only succeeds in matting the feather ends with even more dirt.
Nico makes an abortive motion towards Lewis.
Lewis looks at him sharply, watches Nico fold his hands into fists on his knees. Nico’s face is pinched.
Lewis breathes through the bitterness. He knows he is intruding on Nico’s space by being here. It’s just that a part of him thought that he would still have a place here, where they had shared so many happy memories.
He can’t even leave; his wings still hurt too much to chance anything other than a glide.
Nico’s feathers rustle as he stands. “I’m going to head back,” he says quietly. “You coming?”
Lewis shakes his head. “Nah,” he says. “I’m going to sit a while longer.”
The flight muscles of his right wing ache dully; he shakes it out carefully, fighting a wince.
Nico is suddenly standing within arm’s reach, blocking out the sun. “Your wing,” he says, frowning. “You’ve got flyer’s cramp.”
“It’ll pass,” Lewis snaps, folding his wing back against his spine even though that makes it hurt worse. “I’ve got it handled.”
“You shouldn’t fly back alone,” Nico says seriously. “Come on, let’s go. I’ll even let you get there first.”
Lewis tenses at the implication. He hates competition not treating him seriously – Nico most of all.
“I’m fine,” he says testily. “It’s just the thermals. I rode them up, I’ll find a way between them to glide back down again. I’ll manage.”
“The thermals?” Nico frowns over his shoulder at the dizzying drop down towards the sea. “Where did you fly here from?”
Lewis works his jaw. “The beach,” he says.
Nico turns on him instantly. “The beach?” he exclaims. “Are you fucking – you can’t have unsheathed your feathers more than a few days ago!”
Lewis doesn’t reply, but Nico reads him anyway.
“Oh my God,” Nico stares. “It hasn’t even been a few days, has it? This is your first fucking flight.”
Lewis jerks his chin. “What about it?”
Nico puts his face in his hands. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Are you insane? Who flies up a cliff for their first flight in sixteen years? Do you want to die?”
Lewis hates to admit it, but laying it out like that puts it into perspective. He isn’t usually one to take such risks. He let his hunger for freedom override his common sense.
“That’s it,” Nico says. He jerks his head towards the cliff edge. “I’m making sure you get back without killing yourself. Let’s go.”
Lewis looks at the edge of the cliff. The wind has picked up even more now that the sun has fully risen; bits of rock and dirt swirl in the wind to tumble off the lip.
He doesn’t want to name the feeling that roots him in place.
Lewis Hamilton has never been one to admit fear.
Nico strides over to the cliff edge, draws a sharp line in the dirt with the toe of his flight boot. “Come on,” he snaps. “I’m not leaving unless you’re with me.”
Something about that phrase twists Lewis’s stomach, uncovers a bitter wound.
Because Nico had left. He’d left Lewis to race on alone.
“What is it?” Nico says. “Is your wing still cramping?”
Lewis shifts his wings. “No.”
“Then what are you waiting for?”
Lewis opens his mouth, closes it again. Looks away.
If there’s anything he hates most in the world, it’s looking weak in front of Nico Rosberg.
“I don’t think I can make it,” he admits.
Nico stills. “What?”
Lewis breathes a bitter laugh. “I know what it sounds like,” he says, looking down at his dirt-splattered wing plumes. “But I’m gonna be honest with you, man. I don’t think I can make it.”
Nico doesn’t respond. He looks like a statue stood on the cliff edge, his golden hair a halo around his head, his wings of carven marble.
Lewis runs his scraped palms together. “I don’t know the thermals,” he says, swallowing the shame. “They’re so different from what I remember. I keep getting pushed higher. My flight muscles aren’t strong enough to fight my way out if I get caught in one.” He gestures at himself, at the dirt ground into his wings, his clothes. “I barely made it out of the clouds and back here.”
Silence, save for the cry of gulls in the harbour below and the whistling wind.
Flight boots stomp against dirt and rock as Nico stalks over, grabs Lewis by the collar, and shakes him, hard.
Lewis’s hands come up automatically, but Nico has already let go. Lewis watches as Nico turns in a flare of sparrowhawk feathers to pace the dirt of the clifftop.
Nico snaps to a halt, glares down at Lewis. “I can’t fucking believe what I’m hearing,” he hisses. “You’re not some damsel in distress. You’re Lewis fucking Hamilton.”
Lewis stares up at Nico’s furious face. This isn’t what he expected at all.
“Lewis Hamilton doesn’t back down from a fight,” Nico snarls. “What the fuck happened to you? You always said you could do anything as long as you pushed hard enough. So get up. Push.”
Lewis bristles. “Easy for you to say,” he spits. “You’ve had six years to learn the air patterns and train up your wings. Don’t pretend we’re on equal footing.”
Nico’s face whitens. For a moment Lewis thinks Nico will punch him; but Nico only exhales and looks over his shoulder at the cliff edge.
“It’s not as complicated than it looks,” he says abruptly. “It’s just that new building down where the road splits, and that paved road cutting through the trees there. It breaks up the current that used to flow down from–”
“Thanks, Nico,” Lewis says sarcastically. “I’m sure that’ll be really helpful when I’m trying to navigate something I can’t see.”
“Just–” Nico closes his eyes briefly. His voice softens. “Just stay on my wing,” he says quietly. “I’ll guide you down.”
Lewis looks at the cliff edge. He swallows.
Nico’s eyes are a clear, intense blue. “I won’t leave you,” he says. “I promise.”
Like that fucking meant anything the last time you said it, Lewis thinks. Some of his thoughts must show on his face, because Nico’s eyes shutter.
Lewis grits his teeth. He feels like an arse.
He feels the wind run through his still-aching wings. “What if I fall?”
Nico’s face hardens. He looks for a moment like he did when he met Lewis’s eyes across the garage as they got into their cars in Abu Dhabi 2016. It is a look that says try me, and I will prove you wrong.
“Then I’ll fucking catch you,” he spits.
The promise settles in Lewis’s bones.
Nico’s anger and determination is something Lewis knows too well. This, he can trust.
Nico’s straightens. The sun suffuses his hair, outlines his wings with gold. He holds out a hand to Lewis.
“Come on,” he says. “We’ve got this. Clear air all the way down.”
Lewis looks at Nico’s hand before him – the familiar grooves of his palm, the finger-webs turned pink in the sun. The hand that Lewis had once thought nothing of holding in his own.
He reaches up, and takes it.
Director's Cut:
I had this scene planned very early; I held on to it for a solid four months before the plot progressed to the point that this happened. The thing I most wanted to get across in this scene, the first proper scene where Lewis and Nico are properly speaking face-to-face instead of just pining, is just how much they both care about each other even if it all comes out toxic.
The way I planned this conversation is that every single thing that comes out of Nico and Lewis's mouths is misinterpreted as hostile. Even body language is misinterpreted.
A few examples:
1. When Nico says, “I come here often. I fly up here every morning," he means I often return here, to this place of good memories with you, because I miss you.
Lewis takes this to mean that Nico thinks that Lewis is in his space, and that Lewis doesn't have a right to this shared space they used to have as teenagers.
2. Nico ventures closer. His eyes are on Lewis’s wings. “You really did it,” he says oddly. “You grew out your wings.”
Lewis sets his jaw, raises his chin. “Yeah,” he says challengingly. “What about it?”
Nico flinches and looks away. His chest rises and falls faster than usual.
It would seem that even after all this time, Lewis still knows how to get a rise out of Nico. Lewis should feel vindicated, but he doesn’t. Something about the way Nico is holding his wings makes Lewis feel sick.
Nico's trying to find some common ground here. He never thought Lewis would give up speed to regrow his wings. Nico had been harbouring hope that maybe they'd be able to heal if both of them weren't dead-focused on racing anymore; but Lewis is so used to Nico using everything as an insult he takes it badly.
But he still cares about Nico enough that he can tell when he's gone too far. Nico at this point in the story has gone through a full wing crisis because of Lewis, and Lewis isn't aware of it.
3. But Nico just clasps his hands together in his lap, tight enough that the knuckles go pale. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows.
“Your wing plumes are longer than I remember,” he says hoarsely.
Oh. Lewis looks down at them, at his draped double-cloak of gold, white, and maroon.
“Yeah,” he says. A gust of wind blows dirt over the end of one of his plumes; he nudges it carelessly with the toe of his trainer, but only succeeds in matting the feather ends with even more dirt.
Nico makes an abortive motion towards Lewis.Lewis looks at him sharply, watches Nico fold his hands into fists on his knees. Nico’s face is pinched.
Lewis isn't used to having full-grown bird-of-paradise plumes. He nudges them with his foot because to him they're just his feathers; he'll go and clean them later. for Nico, he's positively screaming to preen Lewis's wings. He's sitting there going insane with yearning while Lewis mats his feathers in dirt.
4. Nico turns on him instantly. “The beach?” he exclaims. “Are you fucking – you can’t have unsheathed your feathers more than a few days ago!”
When Nico finds out Lewis has got flyer's cramp and that Lewis isn't sure if he can make it back home without falling, he defaults to anger. He's actually furious because he's terrified that Lewis could have fallen to his death, but Nico, like Lewis, defaults to anger to mask his fear. Lewis does the same.
5. Flight boots stomp against dirt and rock as Nico stalks over, grabs Lewis by the collar, and shakes him, hard.
Lewis’s hands come up automatically, but Nico has already let go. Lewis watches as Nico turns in a flare of sparrowhawk feathers to pace the dirt of the clifftop.
Nico snaps to a halt, glares down at Lewis. “I can’t fucking believe what I’m hearing,” he hisses. “You’re not some damsel in distress. You’re Lewis fucking Hamilton.”
Lewis stares up at Nico’s furious face. This isn’t what he expected at all.
“Lewis Hamilton doesn’t back down from a fight,” Nico snarls. “What the fuck happened to you? You always said you could do anything as long as you pushed hard enough. So get up. Push.”
This is something integral to Nico Rosberg: he has absolute faith that Lewis Hamilton will back down for nothing. That no matter what the world throws at him, Lewis Hamilton will push. All Nico's anxiety about Lewis still hating him or overstepping and snapping this fragile connection that's forming evaporates because this is Lewis fucking Hamilton who Nico knows through and through and Nico will die before he lets Lewis be anyone other than himself.
6. He feels the wind run through his still-aching wings. “What if I fall?”
Nico’s face hardens. He looks for a moment like he did when he met Lewis’s eyes across the garage as they got into their cars in Abu Dhabi 2016. It is a look that says try me, and I will prove you wrong.
“Then I’ll fucking catch you,” he spits.
The promise settles in Lewis’s bones.
Nico’s anger and determination is something Lewis knows too well. This, he can trust.
This is Nico saying I'm with you until the end of the line. It's a declaration of if you fall I will fall with you. Lewis doesn't fully get the emotion behind it yet - there's still too much ingrained hurt there - but he can see Nico's anger and determination. The same anger and determination that allowed Nico to beat him in 2016. This, he can trust.
7. Nico straightens. The sun suffuses his hair, outlines his wings with gold. He holds out a hand to Lewis.
“Come on,” he says. “We’ve got this. Clear air all the way down.”
Lewis looks at Nico’s hand before him – the familiar grooves of his palm, the finger-webs turned pink in the sun. The hand that Lewis had once thought nothing of holding in his own.
He reaches up, and takes it.
I swear I had this section planned out almost word-for-word for four months. The image of Nico with his blond hair and sparrowhawk wings offering a hand to Lewis, offering to parlay, offering to help. It's the first time neither of them have been fully alone. It's the first moment that shows there might be a possibility of healing.
Clear air. Flying in formation, like they used to drive in formation on victory laps. Nico is Lewis's guide back to flight and freedom. They'll push each other higher, like they did when they raced each other.
Lewis lets go of his hurt and bitterness for the first time this whole conversation. He lets himself trust again. He reaches up and takes Nico's hand.
I wanted above all to show how toxic and hurt their dynamic was, but how enmeshed it was - how if both of them decided to take a little step forwards, healing was possible.
It's just the first little step towards the healing we've been seeing in the rest of the fic.
You can read more Icarus here.
Send me an ask with a scene or set of lines from any of my fics and I'll give you a director's commentary! Or, send in a ⭐star⭐ to have me select a section I've been dying to talk about!
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I think you're one of my favourite author in here, but I respect you even more for your incredible consistency and your never-ending ideas.
Would you like to write something related to Winged!Alec where Nephilim have some behaviour similar to the ones of the birds ?
To be more precise, petting birds on some areas can produce arousal and be inconfortable for them when it's not from a same species partner, or how Nephilim can come from a mission with messy and torn painful feathers that he needs help to arrange and oil. Or even how some of them make themselves a nest with items that matters to them ?
Would be wonderful ☀️
this is so sweet so thank you! ahaha, i try to consistently respnd but some weeks are less and some weeks are more. i feel like this has been a good week though so i'm happy ^_^
i love wingfic so much and this and i had to figure out where i wanted to go with it but here we are! the oil glands are located in the shoulders of each of a nephilim's wings in this. one for each because of how massive their wings are.
the oil can also act as whetstone oil since nephilim wings go adamas in a fight and really intense nephilim sometimes harvest their partners oil to sharpen their weapons with as a sign of intimacy/devotion.
is magnus going to polish his jewelry with alec's wing oil when he finds out? maybe... will there be eventually other uses? magnus sure as fuck thinks so. i got super carried away with this lol but it's in the most fragile of poisons verse.
magnus is pretending to be a damsel in distress because it's incredibly endearing to him how protective and concerned and sweet alec is over him. also because alec still trusts and melts for magnus and magnus is enjoying this a lot
i hope you enjoy!
<3 lumine
Magnus frowns at the alerts he has set throughout New York and how a handful have gone off near the boundary of Manhattan.
Manhattan is much harder to keep track of than the rest of New York and the East Coast combined.
The angelic core there is too powerful, too temperamental and possessive to let Magnus get his hooks into it. It grates on him now in a way that was only a minor annoyance before. Because Alexander is in Manhattan and despite enjoying how much his boy dotes on him, Magnus dislikes not having tabs on Alexander at all times.
It creates an itch that Magnus can’t ignore, but he does, for now.
There’s no fire messages , no texts or calls assuring Magnus that he’s fine or that the rifts are closed.  He’s about to just portal himself out there, identity be damned, when his wards chime with greedy hunger and Magnus feels the difference.  Magnus is at the balcony in a moment, stepping through hellfire to get from one side of his lair to the other in a mere instant and then he opens the doors. 
Alexander is a dripping, bedraggled mess and he looks up at Magnus guiltily — as if Magnus would be upset by such a mess — from where he crashed into the strands of demon pearls Magnus was curing in the storm.  It’s hardly his shadowhunter’s fault, the storm itself makes them hard to see and Alexander normally isn’t this tired when trying to land.
“Are you hurt?” Magnus asks first, pulling Alexander up and through the wide doors and summing a towel before he frowns, he’s fairly certain he should use magic rather than fabric, but he’s not sure Alexander will allow that.
“Sore.” Alexander murmurs and he hesitates and then he leans forward and — face still damp and with a bit of sludge that can only be made from storm water and demon ash on his temple — leans forward and carefully nuzzles Magnus’ cheek. “Wanted to see you.”
Magnus stops himself from cooing and then he pulls Alexander over to a large preening chair, one that his boy blinks at in weary surprise. As if Magnus didn’t get the information and furniture he’d need for a winged consort the moment he got home after their first meeting.
“You’ll help me?” Alexander asks, wings fluttering and demon pearls falling around the room, as if the thought of doing it himself is too much to bear. Magnus bites back a chuckle because he would destroy realms for this privilege and Alexander thinks it a chore.
“Always, Alexander.” He promises as he helps get the remains of Alexander’s leather vest off. It’s easy enough and already damaged so Magnus just uses magic to slice through the leather straps on the back and lets it all fall off.
It’s with a gentle motions that Magnus begins to carefully straighten the feathers he can easily touch, using magic to carefully clean away the stormwater and debris. It’s when he’s daring to reach deeper, to straighten the pins and fluff closer to the skin that Alexander shakes and goes still.
Magnus stops, curious and concerned from the brittle way Alexander is holding himself.
“Did I hurt you, darling?” Magnus asks, carefully massaging the spot on Alexander’s shoulder that made him tense. “Are you sore?”
Alexander makes a sound like a muffled whimper and Magnus frowns, digging his thumb in gently, but insistently and a moment later he’s surprised, pulling back his  fingers, coated in a thick, clear oil. Alexander makes a muffled sound, like he’s biting his own lip and the back of his neck and ears are a bright pink.  Suddenly, Magnus knows exactly what he’s been doing and just where Alexander’s been letting him touch without a single protest.
Magnus rubs his fingers together thoughtfully and then, he reaches out and carefully spreads the oil across one of the bedraggled feathers from Alexander’s fight and flight through the storm.
“Isn’t this better?” Magnus murmurs, soothing like this was his intention all along. And it is, now that he knows where Alexander’s oil glands are and that his boy already welcomes his touch. That this isn’t an honor Magnus has to coax from him, it’s one he’s already been given.
Alexander turns his head, eyes wide and cheeks pink as he nods, clearly unsure of what to do with the sudden intimacy, or even that his body is letting Magnus play with it as he is. Magnus knows enough from Ragnor that nephilim very rarely let even other nephilim touch their wings. They certainly don’t allow just anyone to help them preen and Magnus is aware that they’ll turn on fellow nephilim in an instance, if one takes too many liberties.
Magnus massages the gland again and he smirks, not bothering to hide the dark,  hungry gleam to his eyes as he coaxes the oil until his fingers are dripping and he possessively straightening each and every feather he touches. Alexander’s wings are fluttering like the most delicate of gossamer wings — instead of the strong, bone breaking wings that they are — and every time Magnus pets him for more oil, his breathing becomes heavier, more ragged.
His primary feathers are a mess, but magic and the oil make it an easy fix and then Magnus can dig his fingers into the soft downy feathers at the base of Alexander’s wings and scritch.  Alexander goes boneless and it’s only because Magnus has seen preening chairs and made one with magic, that he doesn’t fall forward into a slump.  Alexander has his chin hooked on the soft padded leather of the chair holding him up, arms hugging the back of it tightly, as if it will give him the strength to endure Magnus’ touches without melting completely.
“Am I doing this right?” Magnus teases, dragging slick fingers along some of Alexander’s secondary feathers, shuffling them into their proper places with smooth touches and little tendrils of magic.
“Mmm.” Is all Alexander can get out, but his head nods and his wings flutter before deliberately pressing back into Magnus’ hands. He turns, cheeks a delicious pink and pupils blown, face resting against the leather and lips bruised from how much he’s been biting them to stifle his noises.  Someday, he’ll make as many noises as Magnus wants to hear from him — which are all of them — but for now, Magnus settles his face into a softer, less hungry look and reaches out.
It’s an accident, of course, that Alexander’s oil is all over his fingers still, or that he leaves shiny streaks where he gently cups Alexander’s cheek.
“I’m glad.” Magnus tells him, thumb lingering on Alexander’s bottom lip, “I don’t want to hurt you, darling.”
Alexander melts against him, shaking as if he’s completely overwhelmed and Magnus reminds himself to look further into the anatomy of winged humans. He knew to expect some reaction once he realized they were Alexander’s wing glands, but this is beyond anything he could have imagined.
Fire itches down his spine and he wonders who else has had this privilege.  He’ll have to ask carefully, when Alexander is less easy to distress and then, well. Magnus is very good at creating accidents to befall anyone who dared touch and look at his boy like this.
It doesn’t matter if he didn’t belong to Magnus then, he does now and that’s all that matters. 
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thesymphonytrue · 2 months
Hiiii! You know I love your longer fics—the Ghosts and Echoes series and your wing au fic! And I was wondering how you stay motivated to work on longer fics. And come up with manageable plots that are still interesting to read. (Sincerely someone working on a longer project while also experiencing writers block 😅)
HIIII!!! 🥰 thanks for the ask, @ascreamintothevoid-blog <3 <3 <3
Aw thank you so much!! I had fun writing them!! And your comments kept me going when I hit roadblocks, honestly!! 😅
MOTIVATION: oh man motivation for longer fics....well...I'd say with my first long fic, Ghosts, I kind of kept into it blindly and then had to finish it, it was my first fic I'd posted for the White Collar fandom and while I had about 50% of it finished, if I hadn't gotten such encouraging comments, I don't think I would have ever finished it. The comments gave me such motivation, because people were reading my story and liking it and I was just....thrilled 😭🥹 On that vein, maybe I crave human interaction or feedback on my stories too much, but with all of the long fics I have written, I have started posting them when I'm about 50-80% finished writing it....then the reader feedback helps me get to the final sprint to the end. so...THANK YOU to anyone who has commented on my longer fics, it really helps with motivation! 🥹
The other two, I definitely had to do more "scheduled writing" to finish them---I made a goal of writing a chapter per week while simultaneously editing a previous chapter. It was a reasonable goal at the time and helped me through the slumps of not being "inspired"---I just would sit down and word vomit into my draft and then clean it up later 😂 Long fics feel like a marathon. They are fun, but exhausting!
PLOT DEVELOPMENT: Okay, so plot. LOL. I struggled with this, because, ya know, fanfic is so often inspired by just ~vibes~ 😂 Let me take the wingfic AU as an example for how I developed the plot, so there will be spoilers for that below if you haven't read it:
Normally my fics start with a vibe-like inspiration and then I kind of weave the plot around that. With longer fics, I figure out my climax of the story, and then scatter the characters and make their individual trails to get there. If that makes sense?
So let's take Neal in the wingfic for example. His climax in this story is after having searched for belonging, he finally finds his "family." That was the basic goal. Then, I had certain moments I wanted in the plot: the wing sacrifices, for example, so I placed those moments in the plot. THEN, I connected those moments. The connecting of the moments is the hardest for me lol. ( I do outline in detail long fics in a journal and draft several outlines before settling on one. )
Then, after I have my main characters plots developed, I start weaving in the villains and side characters. In this fic, I had never planned on developing Peter's father, John, until I started writing----then all of a sudden his story just appeared in my head and had to be told. So I had to adjust my original plot, but his story made the plot much richer, so perhaps he was meant to be there all along. It's weird. But most of the time plots like that just...it's like the characters actually tell me their story in my mind and I'm just listening to them.
and hrmmm making them manageable and interesting? Well, to me they don't seem riveting because I know the whole story. LOL. I have to remember that the reader is only seeing what I have shown them so far, so they likely will find it more exciting than I will writing it. I keep it manageable by limiting the characters and character POVs...and...by not getting into macro plots (like social justice for Flyers like I wanted to, but it was just too much for me to handle).
OKAYYY long answer but I hope that helps!! Thank you so much for the ask!! I actually have been struggling with lack of motivation/writer's block lately (seriously, my mind is EMPTTTYYYY for fics rn 😭) and this helped me remember how fun it is to write and makes me want to get back to it.
Also good luck on your longer project!! you can do it. Just baby steps and small chunks at a time---that's how I stayed at it, a tiny bit of writing per day, and when you need a break, take a break! the inspiration will flood into your brain when it's ready 😎
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noir-renard · 2 years
@kiwwles you sent me an ask about fics I recommend, and I was trying to save the answer as a draft and the whole ask disappeared 🥲 I don't know if it got deleted or if I answered it privately, but since it appears all traces of it are gone, I will try to recreate it here, because I worked on it for a while and I don't know why tumblr is like this
AnYwAy, I chose two fics per category, from four categories: DPxDC, DP only, Batman (+ DC), and Other. I focused on DP/DC because I figure if you like IYGABAB, you might want to read more from those fandoms.
Here are my recs:
Vacation Crashers by @impyssadobsessions
Batman crashes in the wilderness following up a lead in a recent case.
Meanwhile the Fenton family was having a camping trip to celebrate Jazz's last year as a "kid", but considering who suggested the location, it spelt disaster.
Now Danny and Jazz have to survive an onslaught of ghosts, take care of an injured Batman, and while worrying about their parents.
This was the first DPxDC crossover fic I ever read; I saw Impy_'s art from this fic and I just had to know more, and now I'm happily tumbling down the rabbit hole into the wonderland that is the Danny Phantom/Batman crossover verse. Vacation Crashers is the first in a series, which is the best news ever ^w^ 10/10 recommendation!
Bat Ghost by @megaerakles
Bruce is attacked by the ghost of Batman from the future. To get to the bottom of it, he pays a visit to some prominent ghost hunters, and happens to encounter a teenaged half-ghost vigilante (?), who just *happens* to resemble Damian. A lot.
On an unrelated note, Tim Drake has done nothing wrong.
I love fics where the Batfam goes to Amity Park. It's always a good time to watch them out of their element and adapt accordingly. This is a particularly enjoyable rendition, and it's still updating, too!
DP only
Exhumed by Marsalias
AU where Danny left behind half his physical body when he half-died. (AKA Corpse AU.)
Marsalias is one of my favorite DP writers, hands down. I really love the Exhumed series in particular, though; the world-building is excellent, the OCs are wonderful, and the writing is skillful.
Trust Your Instincts by @peachdoxie
A new kind of danger threatens Amity Park. With no other leads, Maddie Fenton turns to the one individual that might be able to help: Danny Phantom. Meanwhile, after a near death experience, she begins to question everything she knows about ghosts.
Excellent Maddie-centric fic where a near-death experience forces her to confront her own prejudices and misconceptions around ghosts, as well as the failings of her own scientific hubris. Currently on hiatus, but this fic was my obsession this past spring. Features cool OCs, interesting ecto-science, and lots of heartfelt/heartwrenching conversations.
Batman only
Loading and Aspect Ratio by Jube514
A world where nobody has wings, but people think they do, and that changes everything. (A Batfam Wingfic with a twist)
An excellent twist on the wingfic trope that really suits Batman. Features a Good Dad!Bruce who leans into the misconception that Batman is a cryptid because a)it's funny and b) it's convenient.
Take It Back Now, Y'all by Timthetoaster
(In which Tim finds himself in the past, and tries to do the right thing. It's more complicated than he'd like.)
Tim Drake being a bad-ass, accidental time travel, attempted fix-it. What's not to love?
TAZ(Balance): All The Things You Prayed For by @anonymousalchemist and @marywhal
Taako is The Winter Soldier and Lup is Captain America AU
This is one of the best stories I've ever read, hands down. I've read it about four times *at least*. Even if you are not familiar with The Adventure Zone or The Winter Soldier (MCU), it's written so well that you can enjoy it without context.
TMA: The Magnus Institute vs the 21st Century: a series of emails and IMs by @shinyopals
What happens if the Magnus Institute gets a Data Protection Officer? What's it like to work in Tech Support? How are employee reviews conducted when your manager is Peter Lukas? This series does its best to answers these sorts of hard-hitting questions about office life at the Institute.
If you aren't familiar with The Magnus Archives it might be a bit hard to follow, but this epistolary fic has some of the best CSS coding and humor I've ever seen.
Anyway picking just a few was really difficult because I read a lot! I think every fic I've ever read has affected me in some way. But these are some of the ones most special to me. I hope you enjoy them!
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exhausted-eternally · 9 months
Fic Writer Interview
Saw Topsy did this and it looked like fun so now Imma pester y'all with one.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
35, currently, and only 1 is for a fandom other than The Lego Movie lmao
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
496,195 over the course of 6 years
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1- Reboot To be honest, I'm kind of baffled by this one. I started it just when covid was really starting to take off, lost where I was going with it before I was even halfway through writing it because I got SO swamped with work that writing was taken off the stove entirely for a while, and a lot of it was honestly just half-assed to get it finished but so many people LOVE it. I don't think I'll ever stop scratching my head about it, but at this point I've just accepted that it's my most popular fic ever. 2- Atonement Still ongoing and without a clear ending in mind yet. I had 2 ideas I was wanting to play with when I started it- wingfic, and house arrest. I've been having fun with it so far. 3- Prizes, Plunder, and Adventure This one was actually written based on a friend's doodles & half-finished ideas. I took them & ran with them as far as I could lol. I'm honestly happy that this one's in my top 5. 4- Hot Spring Another one that I'm kind of baffled by. It's a oneshot that's barely over 400 words. People like their coppernauts fluff, I guess lol 5- Time Travel Troubles This one was based on a prompt a friend gave me when I complained that I wanted so badly to write but had 0 ideas, lol. Of all my oneshots, I'm glad this one made it into my top 5.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Most of the time! Sometimes I can't think of a response though, and once I got overwhelmed with like 25 comments on one fic in one night from the same person so my brain kind of short-circuited lol. I definitely read and cherish every single one though.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do angst tbh, so none of my fics really have angsty endings.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
That's a tough one to pick, I always write happy endings. XD; I guess I'll go with Starting Over Again.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Sort of; honestly I think they'd qualify more as AUs than proper crossovers, but sometimes I just get bit by a bug to write all my favorite characters in some other media settings for shits & giggles. Murphy's Law (Skyrim), Space Shenanigans (Star Wars), The Stranger (Myst), Octan Nights (1001/Arabian Nights), and Hollow Heart (Beauty and the Beast)
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeah, when I first started posting Murphy's Law on ff.net. Honestly it just made me laugh, it was so obviously some kid doing a shit job of being a troll.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I tried once. It was SO awful that I ended up deleting it and swore off ever trying again.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. The fandom I'm in is pretty small so no one's bothered to translate any fics in it, at least as far as I know.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Oh, eons ago when I was still just a little baby birb. I wrote a pitiful attempt at an OoT fic with 2 of my cousins that never got far. All my works since have been solo.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Coppernauts. C:
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Lord I have SO MANY. Think I'd pick Tech Support though (with a much better rewrite to boot, so no link for this one. If you want to read the atrocious original, you'll have to hunt it down yourself :P).
15. What are your writing strengths?
I'm told I'm pretty good with characterization. I'll choose to believe it. ;3
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing literally anything. I am terrible for just... not doing it. Which is something I REALLY need to work on if I really want to reach my 300k goal with The Umiran Amulet.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
There's only one language I can speak in any capacity, so I just stick with English. If it's something that's meant to be in another language, I just italicize it. Only every once in a blue moon will I use a word in another language, like if a character is swearing in their native tongue, and only if I'm absolutely 100% certain it's the right word.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Ocarina of Time. It was the fic I mentioned earlier that I wrote with my 2 cousins.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I don't really have any, at least at this time. I am very, VERY slow to move between fandoms & ships and am probably still going to be quite happily writing for TLM even when there's literally only 5 of us left lol.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I'd have to say The Atlantis Expedition, which was my first ever fic for the TLM fandom, and the first one I'd ever finished period. I have others that I love just as much, but this one will always have a special place in my heart.
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watercolor-hearts · 2 months
#12 for the fic written asks
[More Fic Writer Asks]
12. A trope you're really into right now
I'm still not really sure what a trope is because when I Google it every website lists different things. So I guess I'm just gonna list the things I like writing/reading about. 😊
I like reading
Hurt/comfort, fluff and angst,
Doctor/nurse/paramedic/firefighter (but only if there are paramedics involved, too) AUs,
Non-sexual age regression fics,
Elevator fics (especially if there's panic attacks involved),
Snowed in fics (especially with mpreg or a bit of medical things involved to make it more exciting)
Self-harm/depression fics with a happy/hopeful ending,
Anything polyamorous,
And of course anything that involves cardiophilia/heartbeats.
(I'm sure I've missed a few but right now these are the ones I could remember.)
I like writing
Cardiophilia/heart things as comfort (mostly) or something sexual,
And right now I really, really love my polyamorous universe ❤
I used to really like writing but I don't really do it anymore (but might do in the future)
Doctor/nurse/paramedic/firefighter AU
Mpreg (I have an mpreg request in my inbox and I plan to write it)
Self-harm/depression fics
And one I wanted to deep dive in but couldn't really yet
Non-sexual age regression fics
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buckyismybicycle · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
thank you for this, babe💖💖 I know I'm late to the party but I couldn't come up with a list LOL. It's so difficult??? to just??? pick something I'm proud of?? My favourite fics are not necessarily my best-written fics, but they all have a special place in my heart for different reasons!
hey now, you're an all star (get your game on, go play)
This was an obvious one, I think anyone who knows me saw this coming. It's just brought me so much... reprieve. relief. cathartic release. It's a combination of two of my loves - fandom and hockey. I never imagined the overlap between those two fandoms would be very big, but it has brought me SO many incredible friends. People that I talk to regularly, people who make me smile with a single comment, people who have supported and encouraged me to keep going when I was afraid to. I just don't have enough words to describe how much those relationships mean to me, seriously. @alavenderleaf @hannahshattuck @rohruh @fsbc-librarian I love you with all my heart.
i'm the furthest thing from heaven, but the closest to home
This was a fic I recently wrote, which started as a 2-3K one shot for @circaclementine, and then suddenly it took over. I wrote this for an All Caps Bingo challenge and was really determined to do it (all Clem's fault), which drove this to nearly 20K (which is really long for ME, okay!). It combined a lot of (A) what I love (wingfic, angels), (B) what I wanted to explore more of (Steve waking up without Buck and (C) challenging myself to find canon-adjacent moments that I could re-write and bring into my story. I took a lot of lines and moments straight from the MCU, which I hoped that made the fic even more "real" for some people and I have to thank Clem for this delightful challenge and all the subsequent support that I needed, lol. Still, I loved every moment.
it's not love
I really loved writing this one because it was one of the first parts of my "Seb Stan Series" ideas. It's a rare pair (1940s Bucky/Lee Bodecker) but in writing this, I felt a bit of a challenge in writing someone that wasn't just Bucky. I explored a lot more about my writing, and honestly I was actually really proud of this one after Maya helped me fall in love with it all over again. It's sweet, sad, and that basically sums me up as a writer.
so don't go (wasting all our feelings)
How could this not be on my list! It was a fic that I basically wrote with my best pals @cable-knit-sweater @mxaether. It was an honour to write with Maya, and I am continuously blown away by what we accomplished. 36K words?! Are you freaking kidding me! And of course, not only was Kam's art fucking mindblowing but the endless support for all of our collective shouting was very much needed. I just can't even tell you how much love is in this fic and how much love came out of it. I'm so proud of us, truly. Love you both so much.
spoil me
It started with SamBuckyTorres (spread your wings) but I wanted to delve more into Bucky/Torres. I thought "oh! It'd be so fun to do an age difference fic" with Daddy Bucky (I'd never written daddy kink before this fic) and I think I just enjoyed unleashing Bucky on Torres. It made writing Dom Bucky easier for me in my later fics, which is really obvious to me looking back now! Thank you Baby Bird/Slut. Sorry Hannah for dragging you down with me. 😘
teach me how to love
This is the fic that got me started in the Bucky/Reader fandom. I was just writing a simple one-shot and the comments/feedback I got were so amazing that I just kept going?! And going, and going, and going. It turned into a 23 chapter monster purely based on the feedback I got and the conversations I was having. It brought me my first batch of fandom friends, and I'm forever thankful for the friends I made, like YOU! Love you, Lana. Thank you for coming on this wild journey with me.🥰🥰
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
I love all of your fics and I like to re-reading them all the time ♥️ I wanted to ask: what's your favourite trope? There's something you would love to write and something you wouldn't write?
This is such a lovely thing to read first thing in the morning anon I love you so much!!!
This got very long because I am a yapper and a lover, so under the cut it goes.
If we're talking about general tropes, I am always a sucker for found family (real found families not "oh we're friends and somehow the fandom calls us brother-coded) and fake relationships because I love cliches.
If we're talking maxiel specifically, I don't think I really have one? I am down to read anything that grabs my little heart (very easy to do), but if I had to choose one thing you could put in your Esi summoning circle would be devotion. I will always love a "I have loved you all this time, I have been taking care of you even when you didn't notice, I have always been here and I will never leave. I have never stopped loving you, even if it took you so long to reach me here" kind of story. Loyalty in general, if you will. I also love it when you give it the "guard dog" twist. The "I will hunt for you, I will rip anyone else into pieces for you, but when you will reach for my bloody snout I will kneel for you" guard dog twist. There's a reason why Max jumping in with the "you have experience with that?" quote is one of my favorite ever.
Also omega!max not wanting to be an omega and going in stress heat. but that's the less deep answer.
I have SO many things I would love to write. In general, I would love to find the brain who let me write full fics instead of just little snippets again. Right now it seems lost, but I would love to have like. A proper plot and chapters and world building.
If we're talking specific stories, I would love to get a little more angsty than what I usually put out there? I would love to write an apocalypse or post-apocalypse AU. I would also love to write the sort of dystopian AU that sometimes live in my brain that would have tags like 'dehumanization" and "blood" and where Max gets called a Weapon :). I also would love to actually write my wingfic, or the soulmates AU, or the bodyguard socmed AU I will never be talented enough to make, or the slightly Nimona inspired rebellion AU I once plotted in my own voice notes.
So many things, so little brain power :(
Idk if there is something I would never write, but probably something heavily related to drug/alcohol addiction (I almost never can read them either). I was going to say no MCD, but in another past not-specified fandom I did write MCD. Also was going to say something leaning heavily into creepy/horror but I have read those in the past too. So uhm...idk? I never decide what I get to write, I'm only hands. Whatever story decides to make itself at home in my brain long enough for me to type it could one day be written, so I never say never!
Okay, I'm done, sorry it got so long ajksjfjskab
Thank you SO much for this ask, it was fun to think about this! And again thank you so much for being so sweet, I am so glad you enjoy my writing, really makes my day!!
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cookinguptales · 2 years
...huh. After getting that ask last night, I went back and reread some of my old Osomatsu-san karabita fic and like. Damn, I was really going through some shit back then.
There are a lot of them that I could be talking about, being honest, but I really mean that damn wingfic. It's wild looking back at it now because the vibe is kind of like I decided to just get fully naked for all of my readers and they just clapped politely. I'm not sure I've ever written anything more painful or more honest, to the point where I honestly cried a little reading it even now.
Like... I know it's a wingfic for a crack anime but I feel like if I just printed that fic out and handed it to every therapist I ever had, we probably could have saved a lot of time and effort. lmao
I know some of you reading this now followed me even back then (which is wild to think about, and thank you for sticking with me for that long) but for the uninitiated, one half of that pairing is very small and kind of underdeveloped and is canonically sensitive about it, and I wrote a fic that explored that insecurity through a fantasy AU with wings. (Wingfic was super popular in Ye Olde Fandom days but it's less common now and I was feeling nostalgic for it.)
And... I mean, it's true that I was looking at that character trait. But I realize now (and think I knew even then) that it was really about exploring my own insecurities re: my disability (and my childhood trauma) and my inability to accept that I could be loved in spite of it. It was a fantasy, perhaps, of someone who'd fall for the person I am and manage to convince me that I am worth loving, in spite of -- or perhaps because of -- my experiences and deficiencies.
Truthfully speaking, I think I was very cognizant of it being a fantasy back then. It didn't feel even remotely possible for me. I felt far too -- well, broken, as the fic said. I've been through a lot of shit. Some I've posted about publicly, some I haven't. And through it all, my body has really just been one betrayal after another.
Even in the fic, this character is thinking that he may never be loved, but at least he can be strong and productive and like. God, I guess that's part of the fantasy, isn't it? My physical problems are only partially visible, as opposed to Chibita's very visible wings in that fic, but they prevent me from doing a lot. Honestly, in many ways, they make me feel like less of a person because of all the things I will never be able to do myself. It's a rough thing to struggle with. I am not physically strong. I'm not always very productive. But god did I hospitalize myself a few times back then while trying.
That said... I've changed a lot in the past six years. Some things have stayed the same, and I still recognize enough of myself in that fic that it hurts to read. But some things have improved. I made some medication changes that didn't exactly fix things, but they have made them more bearable. (Both physically, pain-wise, and psychologically.) I have made new friends and have joined new communities. I've taken up new hobbies and created new loves. I finally found a new fandom to throw myself into, lmao.
I'm still single, I guess, and I still struggle with accepting that someone could love me. I still have problems noticing when people are interested and kind of need to be bashed over the head with it. But... I think, looking back on this fic now, I'm not sure that love was even the real fantasy when I was writing it. Like obviously I wouldn't turn down love and acceptance exactly as I am. Who would?
I think, though, that the real fantasy was that someone would tell me that I'm worth loving and that I'd believe it. I wanted to be loved, but I wanted to be able to love myself, too. That's the hard part, isn't it? Believing that you're intrinsically lovable. And that's what I just... could not accept for many, many years. I can look back on it now and see how that mental block was created; the societal lessons and the people I'd surrounded myself with and the various traumas that I hadn't quite processed. But god, was it hard to break.
But I'm happy to report that these days I have at least a couple people in my life who don't just make me feel valued but valuable. They tell me they like me and slowly, I believe it. They tell me I'm impressive and slowly, I become impressed. They accept me for all my scars and flaws and slowly, I have started to accept myself, too.
I think about that character in that fic I wrote, absolutely touch-starved and yearning for it, and I run my hands down my arms, my thighs, and allow myself to enjoy the softness of my own skin.
(Even if it is a symptom of one of my many illnesses. 🙃)
And finally, I can imagine someone else enjoying it, too.
I know that doesn't seem like some big, crazy breakthrough. I'm not out here like "update, I'm in a happily committed relationship and mentally healthy!" But when most of your life you've felt like love and happiness especially in a physical sense are things that belong to other people but never to you... like, it's a big deal, to look at hands that don't quite work right, that look weird sometimes, that are strange to the touch, and think -- one day, someone will want to hold these. They'll want to. They won't just put up with the physicality of me; they will love it and they will love me and I will let them.
Like I may not be perfect at this point. I may not ever be. But I'm open to the idea of happiness and I find myself optimistic in ways I never have been before. I think I'm ready to let someone love me. And to me, at least, that feels huge.
I look back on the words I wrote seven years ago, and I realize that what felt impossible back then feels dizzyingly plausible now. I know I've made a lot of posts lately about growth and about healing but I just. God, it still feels so novel to me. It's crazy to look within yourself and realize that for what feels like the first time, you are feeling better. And idk if it was the medical changes or the therapy or the people I've met or just -- just the distance from who I used to be. From the things that happened. But I feel tangibly different now compared to who I was then and I could cry with it.
(...I have cried with it. lmao)
idk. Growth is hard and it doesn’t always feel good but sometimes you look back on the person you were a few years ago and you just. You just want to hold them, y’know? And tell them that one day things really will be better.
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crushcandles · 2 years
What is idfic? I tried googling it and got multiple answers that didn't necessarily make sense together
Hi, anon. I think you probably got a bunch of different and contradictory answers because idfic is not really about exactly what it is, but about what it does.
At the hidden, slippery, fast-beating heart of it, idfic is a kind of fic that always touches you deep inside, wherever you might be particularly nervy, either as a writer or a reader. Makes your toes tingle, lights up a dark part of your brain, hooks you by the guts. It doesn't have to be sexy, but it's satisfying, satiating. Feels like it was made just for you.
The Fanlore definition is not bad, neither is this brief discussion, but I'm not a huge fan of the emphasis on the "guilty/bad" part of the idea, or the direct route to porn and/or kink a lot of people take. I guess if you really want to commit to the Freud->idfic pipeline you can keep that, but that really narrows the definition and lets a lot of stuff off the idfic hook.
Idfic can be at your reading/writing quality threshold, above it, or below it. In your fandom, or out of it. It can be a big idea, a whole trope or premise like wingfic or curtainfic or A/B/O, or it can spark off something small. Someone saying C'mere touches the idfic part of me. And idfic is personal and individual. One person's idfic may be as enticing as dust to person next to them. Tearful love confessions is idfic for one person while someone else doesn't care about that, but gets butterflies over D/s.
Hopefully this begins to answer your question. Idfic is so everything/nothing that it can be hard to pin down (the additional tags on this page show the breadth of possibilities), although you do develop a sense for it. But once you find you'll know it. If something is touching your id, you'll feel it.
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eidetictelekinetic · 2 years
for the fic writer asks: 2, 7, 10, 23, 42! any/all, however many you want to answer :D
2: The top 5 "additional tags" on my work (excluding 'Podfic Welcome' bc that's not about any of the stories, but it is always true, fyi, podfics of any of my fics are welcome!) are: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Daemons, Quentin Coldwater Lives, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, and Angst With a Happy Ending. Do these accurately represent my writing habits? Uh... yeah, pretty much. 👍
7: Any worldbuilding you're particularly proud of? Ooh, nice one! So, I love worldbuilding, it's one of my favorite things, I'm always usually pretty happy with what I come up with. I'd have to say I really like how my Underworld stuff turned out in one of my Magicians daemon AUs, Witch Oil and Marsh Fire. And how the religious worldbuilding came together in my Narnia fic, a power in every breath.
10: How do I decide what to write? Uh... basically I just write the stories I want to, there's not much of a process, really.
23: What's a trope, AU, or concept I haven't written but would like to? Oh! Wingfic! I am actually going to write it one way or another, but I haven't settled into it yet, lol. Also I'm intrigued by sedoretu.
42: Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason? Oh, yes. More than one. I've had people tell me my fics have become comfort reads for them, I remember one comment that was pleased I knew to mention occupational therapy for a character's treatment, I've had people tell me my fics mean something to them in ways that leave me genuinely humbled.
I'm very lucky; I've gotten very few comments that are memorable for negative reasons.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Note: I don't always keep my masterlist up to date but i try
A/N: All credit to the artists who made the gifs and dividers.
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Mae govannen!
Welcome to Aeonian Archives
My name is Kaiden and I will be your host
I post incorrect quotes and Fics
I'm a Transmasc Demiboy who is Abrosexual, who really enjoys writing for elves as you can tell from my masterlist, but I do write for other characters, I am a multishipper and a huge fan of rarepairs.
My favourite characters in Lord of the Rings are Haldir, Legolas and Elrond, Gildor and Glorfindel, my favourite hobbit characters are Thorin and Bilbo and my favourite Silmarillion characters are Maglor, Fingon, Finrod and Gil-Galad.
>Star Trek Blog is @im-a-doctor-not-a-dragonslayer >Shitposting/rebloging/oc Blog is @ecthelion-in-the-fountain >AO3 is aeonianarchives >Twitter is MantarKaiden >Pronouns Page
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Upcoming: Incorrect Quotes: > Lords of Gondolin - as the name suggests Series: >Time in flux - Lindir timetravels back to Gondolin [Wingfic] >Ghostly Ramblings - Medium Legolas >Ravens of Kidnapping - Thorin timetravling back, Kidnapping Bilbo who is then raised in Erebor by Belladonna >By the Gods - Reader is a Maiar >Frodo's Unexpected Family - Everyone lives AU and they all help raise Frodo even Thranduil and Elrond >The Wanderer who is never Lost - The Reader is Like a Ghost story >Tales as old as Time Woven Together - Oc Series but this is why I am posting about my Oc's >̶O̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶U̶p̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶ ̶D̶e̶a̶t̶h̶ Life, Round Two - Ya know the normal 'girl falls into desired reality trope
Ongoing: Incorrect Quotes: >Fëanorian's on Crack >The Colorful arguments of Thranduil and Fëanor >(in)correct JRR Tolkien Quotes >The King and His Feral Herald >House of Finwë family Arguments >They share one (1) Braincell between them [Gandalf and Elrond]
Series: >Fëanorian's bringing up there children [Just Maglor, Maedhros, Caranthir and Curufin raising there children] >Where do we go from here [Erestor x Reader] >Quite Nights Alone with you [Feren x Reader] >Parental Love [Elrond and Lindir fluff]
In order This Masterlist contains Links to: -Taglist -Rules and Requests -Tolkien OC (Infomation) Masterlist -My Blog Masterlist -My Incorrect Quotes Masterlists -Elves of Imladris Masterlist -Elves of Lothlórein Masterlist -Fëanorian's Masterlist -Elves of Fingolfin Masterlist -Elves of Gondolin Masterlist -Elves of the Greenwood Masterlist -Elves of Nargothrond Masterlist -The Valar Masterlist -Misc Masterlist -Tolkien OC (writing) Masterlist -Character x Character Masterlist -Recipes Masterlist -Misc series Masterlist -Aeonian's Recommended Corner - where i recommend Blogs
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Middle Earth Incorrect Quotes Masterlist
Fëanorian's on Crack Masterlist
The colourful Arguments of Thranduil and Fëanor Masterlist
(In)correct JRR Tolkien Quotes Masterlist
The King and his Feral Herald Masterlist
House of Finwë family Arguments Masterlist
They Share One (1) Brancell Between them Masterlist
[Upcoming] Lords of Gondolin
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-Lindir -Elrond -Elladan -Elrohir -Erestor -Gildor -Third Age Glorfindel
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[more elves coming]
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-Fëanor -Maedhros -Maglor -Celegorm -Caranthir -Curufin -Amrod -Amras
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-Turgon -Fingon -Fingolfin
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-Ecthelion -Galdor -Egalmoth -Maeglin -Glorfindel -Duilin -Rog
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-Oropher -Thranduil -Legolas -Feren -Galion -Elros the Guard -Melduir
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-Finrod -Gwindor
The Valar
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-Manwë -Namo -Irmo -Oromë  -Morgoth
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-Gil-Galad -Thorin Oakenshield -Kili -Aragorn -Smaug**(only write Platonically) -Mairon/Annatar/Sauron
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-Lúthion -Faeron -Valkor -Aerdis -Kyaris -Rae -Kiirion -Levos -Thilion -Nyeldo -Hyamro -Faelyn
Character X Character Masterlist
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-Golden fountain -Glorf x Lindir x Thel -Glorf x Lindir -Gil x Elrond x Celebrián -Gil x Elrond x Thranduil - Elrond x Thranduil -Bagginshield -Glorf x Erestor -Egalmoth x Duilin -Legolas x Haldir -Legolas x Haldir x Elladan -Feren x Lindir -Gigolas -Angbang -Russington -Feren x Elros -Feren x Elros x Lindir -Silvergifting -Gil x Elrond -Thranduil x Feren -Erestor x Gildor -Elros x Meludir
Fandom recipes: Here
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Fëanorian's bringing up there children
Aeonian's Recommended Corner
@animatorwierdo I took inspiration from them while writing my Glorfindel fic they are a really good writer
@icarus-fell-in-spring another blog I am in love with I also take inspiration from them when writing my characters
@jirtolkien - they are really talented they mostly post his doodles and Art as well as Incorrect quotes
@windrelyn - I am utterly surprised why I have forgot to put them here earlier, they have amazing art, and I am so honored that they made a peice to go with my 'king and his feral herald' series, JUST LOOK AT IT, it's so good and amazing ^_^.
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sharkfish · 3 years
2021 writing summary ✍️
WORDCOUNT: 89,471 FICS POSTED: 9 *plus some ficlets/poetry
ok obviously this is ridiculously late but i feel that i have to do it anyway. since i only had 9 fics i will list them all below with some genius commentary!
a better lover
“You don’t like it?”
Dean shrugs. Eats a french fry. “Never tried it.”
Cas arches an eyebrow. “You don’t think that’s odd?”
ok we all love a fic where dean bottoms for the first time and it's the best thing that ever happened to him. but like... sometimes people try things and don't like them. so here's a lil fic about dean bottoming for the first time and not enjoying it. plus cas makes a totally mood-killing joke.
at the edge of chaos
They saw some dinosaurs in the fly-over the day before, so Dean knew he was really, actually, truly going to see real, actual, true dinosaurs, but he still almost drops his camera in the mud when the first stegosaurus comes out of the trees.
Stunned, Dean says, “I’m going to win a Pulitzer.”
Equally stunned, Cas says, “How do I go back to bones after this?”
i've wanted to write a dinosaur fic for 100000 years but was annoyed at how much research would be required. and then i remembered that michael crichton just made shit up for jurassic park and decided i can make shit up too. i wrote this one really quickly and it was soooo fun. there are some super cute dinosaurs, only one really scary scene (but no injuries), and also dean is trans. idk what else you people might want from a fic.
cake or death
“It’s a cursed fertility idol,” Cas says. “It compels procreative activity by causing discomfort, to severe pain, to death, the longer you go without having sex.”
“Death?” Dean repeats. “Fuck or death?”
the prodigal shark has returned to tentacle fics! dean's an idiot in general, there is pining, there is an eddie izzard joke (if you couldn't guess from the title), there is a prehensile dick. a good time all around.
freaky saturday
Slowly, Cas sits up. He’s wearing boxers and a tee when he went to bed nude, and there’s a heaviness to his chest he recognizes but hasn’t felt for years. He looks down and, yes, this must be a nightmare — he used to have this one all the time, where his body reverted to pre-transition, though that doesn’t explain the unfamiliar bedroom or Batman boxers.
for trans bingo square "body swap." let's be real, a lot of body swap fics are gross. idk how to explain it, but a lot of times people use body swap to mean the character is switched to another gender, not that two people switch bodies, and it just comes off like this really... icky... objectification of women's bodies. not here tho!!!! in this one both of them are trans dudes and (sorry to disappoint) they decide that banging while in each other's bodies would be super weird. i agree, i would not want to fuck myself.
on the way down
“Oh my god. What the fuck, Cas.”
The wings sprouting from Cas’s back flutter, maybe the same way his stomach does when he first catches sight of Dean after time apart. “I’m not sure,” he says, miserable. “I messed up a spell, and…”
“You don’t know how to fix it.”
witch + wingfic!! this 3.4k was written in like two days and it was a ton of fun. i really want to write more witch stories!!!
south by
“We have one king ready for you through Saturday night,” the beta says, starting to pull out keycards for them.
“Wait,” Dean says. “There’s supposed to be two rooms.”
She checks the computer again, frowning. “I’m sorry, sir, but there’s only one reservation here.”
this was for trans bingo square "only one bed." because i'm super obnoxious, this was a Non-Traditional A/B/O fic featuring some omega/omega lovin' and cas is trans omega. plus some talk about gender politics — both misogyny and misomegy. but it's fun!
they be here
They’re not actually boyfriends and it’s way too soon for meeting family, but Dean has started wondering what a boyfriend talk would look like. Wondered about meeting Jimmy’s brother — Jimmy’s mate.
this one wasn't very popular (dcj stories never are numbers-wise, but hopefully dcj lovers appreciate the new content!) but it was a lot of fun to write. cas & jimmy are dragons, dean is half werewolf, and it's not uncommon for dragon siblings (especially twins) to be mates. this was the first time i wrote a fic where cas & jimmy's relationship wasn't a secret and that was pretty fun! i also, as usual, had a lot of fun playing with creatures and the way different species navigate each other's cultures.
under water, breathing fine
“You were perfect tonight,” Cas says, voice hushed into a murmur. “Such a good, sweet boy.”
This is enough, Dean tells himself. This is more than he could’ve dreamed, so it has to be enough.
my @acespnminibang bdsm au. i've loved writing ace characters in a/b/o worlds before, and i loved writing this one in a biological bdsm world. cas is ace and having a rough time finding someone to scratch his dom itch because most people do expect sex in that sort of encounter (unless they are into being denied). his bff dean really casually nbd not like he's totally in love offers to help out. i like this one a lot!!
also worked on riptides sequel most perfect possession. i know it's been over a year since i posted a chapter (wtf???) but i'm not done with them yet.
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arofili · 3 years
I love reading what you write! It's always such good, easy writing no matter what it's about! Do you have any Russingon fic recs? I'm new to Ao3 and still figuring it all out.
Aww thank you so much <3 <3 that means a lot! and YES I have lots of Russingon fic recs! These are all taken from my bookmarks and I know there are other great fics out there, but these are ones that I have saved and come back to frequently!
(I’m also going to plug my Russingon fics bc I write them a lot and I’m pretty proud of some of those works!)
Blessed Hands Will Break Me by @absynthe--minded - WIP currently at 139k, lots of worldbuilding, from Fingon’s discovery of Maedhros’ capture to the Mereth Aderthad - Absynthe is an amazing Russingon writer, absolutely check her stuff out!
“whoso list to hunt” by vauquelin (elftrash) - 3k oneshot, post-Angband, 1st person Fingon POV - another incredible writer
“Old Pains” by @zealouswerewolfcollector​ - ficlet, post-reembodiment, Maedhros is unsure of reality
Did My Heart Love Till Now? by @absynthe--minded​ (with art by @felixwhetsel​ !) - 5k, Years of the Trees, masquerade shenanigans <3
“stay thy mind, and all the rest” by @mc-dude​ - 25k oneshot, get together, Fingon visits Maedhros in Himring, the ANGST and LONGING gahhhh !!!
“commit (to the bit)” by vauquelin (elftrash) - 4k oneshot, Years of the Trees, FAKE DATING FOR WORLD PEACE, this author has a GIFT for prose and the subtlety of interpersonal interaction
“cliffs of fall” by @arrivisting - 3k oneshot, nonlinear narrative but generally focused on post-reembodiment reunion with Complicated Feelings - another author with a truly inspiring talent for prose, I reread the wedding scene in this fic at least once a week and it never fails to make me emo
In Equal Measure by @siphilemon - WIP currently at 108k, time-travel fix-it, bullet point fic, not just Russingon but they’re the ones who time traveled and anyway their parts make me go insane
Your colors by @elesianne - 2 chapters, 3k total, Years of the Trees and then Beleriand, gift-giving and anniversaries and dirty talk, so tender and loving, Elle’s Russingon always hits me right in the heart <3
“Like the old season” by Tyelperintal - 1.8k oneshot, post-Angband, Maedhros and Fingon take a walk in the woods, super sweet
“Gifts of the Heart” by @wren-of-the-woods - 10k oneshot, Years of the Trees, really lovely get-together fic, gift-giving, just super sweet and fun
Our Houses Bound Together by @senalishia and @z-h-i-e - 5 chapters, 17.2k total, arranged marriage AU!!, mutual pining, lots of drama, very fun
“just one safe place” by sunflower_diode - 2.1k oneshot, post-Angband, homoerotic haircutting
“All About Your Heart” and its sequel “At Last Broke Silence, And The Ice” by @admirablemonster - first fic is 2k, second is 8k, modern AU ft. aspec Fingon and genderfluid Maedhros!!!, get together, family drama, ice angst <3
Life after Death by Sylanna - WIP currently at 69k, Fingon-centric post-reembodiment fic, slow moving and contemplative, the author is truly the sweetest person ever
What Is Wrought Between Us by @nikosheba - 90k series (with plenty of smut too), complete, canon compliant, ranges from the Years of the Trees all the way to after the Dagor Dagorath, a truly incredible work
“Kindness” by justonelastdance - 1.6k oneshot, Maedhros in a fucked up mental state post-Angband, hurt/comfort - this author writes a lot of Maedhros whump so if you like this check out their other stuff too (this one is just my favorite)
and under the cut, some smut recs....
smut recs
In a Jeweled Crown by @absynthe--minded - 3 chapters, 12k, complete, Fingon’s coronation and the aftermath - this one still makes me go nuts every time I read it
Reconnecting by nyromes - a series with 2 parts, 9k total, first time post-Angband + first time Maedhros bottoms post-Angband
“Bright Defiance” (1.7k) and its companion fic “Very Good” (800 word ficlet) by @edgeoflight - two oneshots, Fingon coaxes Maedhros’ story out of him post-Angband + some PWP - these are some of my favorites, I come back to them frequently
“all your perfect imperfections” by @stormxpadme - 1.8k oneshot, stumpfucking, I’m biased bc this was written for me but I do love it very much, Himring era
“These Games We Play” by @edgeoflight - 1.7k oneshot, the original stumpfucking fic, Himring era
A Surprise At Home by Findecutie and MayGlenn - 25k of pwp, Years of the Trees, newlyweds, crossdressing - part of the much longer Russ and Finno Verse but this was my intro to that verse and it’s good on its own!
“Fuath” by yeaka - 3k oneshot, first time, some truly disturbing manipulation by Melkor but the Russingon here fucking destroys me ;-;
“Rozanne” by yeaka - 2.8k oneshot, Maedhros recovering from Angband, I once saw someone use the phrase “lovingly described blowjobs” and that’s basically this fic
“Sleeve” by yeaka - 2.4k oneshot, trans!Maedhros, Years of the Trees, Fëanor invents the condom for Maedhros and Russingon are incredibly eager to try it out, they’re SO IN LOVE here it gets me every time
Passion and Anxious Care by LiveOakWithMoss - 12.5k total, 2 fic series, modern AU, oh my god they were roommates, get together and then first time, this is another one I return to frequently - this author is/was a BNF a few years ago but hasn’t been active recently
“For nimble thought can jump both sea and land” by TheLionInMyBed - 2.2k oneshot, palantiri foolishness that leads to video sex basically, Beleriand era - another BNF who is/was buds with LiveOakWithMoss
Treat me soft but touch me cool by LiveOakWithMoss and TheLionInMyBed - 4 chapters, 18k total, swoon kink/medical kink, relationship difficulties that are resolved, Beleriand era with a final chapter post-reembodiment, love this one
“Enthroned” by @ultraviolet-eucatastrophe - 4.5k oneshot, throne sex, fealty kink, King Fingon era
“A Disgrace to the House of Finwë” by @edgeoflight - 2.3k oneshot, get together/first time, Years of the Trees, they’re just super sweet together <3
“What Happens in Himring” by teasoni - 3.4k oneshot, reunion sex, Himring era, fealty kink, this fic is tagged “finally some dicks get sucked!!!!!!” and I think about that tag every time I write a Russingon blowjob jdkfhdkj
“a light in darkness, hope in woe” by @admirablemonster - 4k oneshot, trans!Maedhros, surprise baby Gil-galad in the middle of the Bragollach
“A lord and his prince” by @ultraviolet-eucatastrophe - 3.1k oneshot, early Beleriand era, reunion sex, super sweet and fluffy
“Made of Lava” by @edgeoflight - 2.1k oneshot, Years of the Trees, tender get-together fic with a kind of silly premise
Bend, bruise, beg by LiveOakWithMoss - 5 chapters, 13k total, part of a larger modern AU but tbh I haven’t read the main fic in that verse and this absolutely stands on its own, Maedhros discovering his kinks, chapters 2 (first time) and 4 (butt plug shenanigans) are my favorites
“in a field of stars” by Nacht - 3.4k oneshot, Years of the Trees, first time/get together, the writing style here is really unique and sticks with me
“a sword once sheathed” by @mc-dude - 3.5k oneshot, Beleriand era, reunion sex, the amount of horny longing is truly astonishing
Of Flight and Freedom by @admirablemonster - 2 chapters, 6.6k total, wingfic/wing kink, first time/get together, the Rescue and its aftermath
“Thorns” by yeaka - 2k oneshot, post-Angband, Maedhros with lousy self-worth, Fingon who punishes him with love, bondage
The Ice Between by angrymermaids (who has a tumblr but I don’t remember the url oops) - 7 chapters, 33.5k total, Beleriand era, piecing their relationship back together / trying to get back to being intimate, focus on Fingon and his trauma from the Ice
“much too tall for a boyfriend” by @i-am-a-lonely-visitor - 4.7k oneshot, fem!Maedhros x budding-transmasc!Fingon, Years of the Trees, I think about this fic ALL THE TIME I kind of want to write a sequel to it sjfdhdkjh
“the beat of your heart as my hand touches your skin” by @admirablemonster - 5.3k oneshot, part of the Elves in Pon Farr series, Years of the Trees, heat fic/mating cycles, first time/get together, Maedhros’ first heat catches him by surprise while on a camping trip with Fingon, accidental soulbond
“Beneath the Blanketing White” by @nikosheba - 2.3k oneshot, Himring era, pwp, cameo from little Gil-galad at the end
“What I Am (When I’m With You)” by @thatfeanorian - 5k oneshot, part of a larger modern AU, married fluff, Fingon with baby Gil, ends with some lovely smut, this was written for me so AGAIN I’m biased but I do very much love this one
“open your body and soul to me” by @the-quiet-fire-of-defiance - 2.3k oneshot, Years of the Trees, trans!Maedhros, pregnancy, exhibitionism, sex toys, they’re so in love that it drives me crazy, I can’t stop thinking about this fic djfhkjd
“Like the Golden Fire in Your Eyes” by @sianascera - 3.8k oneshot, Years of the Trees, Maedhros invents nipple piercings, extremely fun <3
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unhinged-summer-fun · 2 years
Danktober 2022 Week 1 Roundup
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Day 01: my chernabog romance [chernabog x f!reader] breathplay / gargoyle / national coffee day
Day 02: scene 01. [joel miller x f!reader] daddy / scurry / national farm animals appreciation day
Day 03: delayed, whoopssss
Day 04: dream ballet [TBAD polycule] spanking / scallop / national taco day
Day 05: burning flames or paradise [pero tovar x f!reader] heartbeat / flame / national do something nice day
Day 06: to love and to cherish [frankie morales x f!reader] lingerie + stripping / bouquet / national plus-size appreciation day
Day 07: the one with the jellyfish [pero tovar x f!reader] chastity / trip / national body language day
[full danktober list here]
Postmortem rambling beneath the cut~
Woo! One week under my belt. I got six fics of seven that I wanted to post (as far as weeks go this month, there is a singular instance of Lennonesque week-to-day ratio fuckery toward the end when there's suddenly 10 days "in" a single week, lol). I made a last minute decision to cut my losses on Day 03 and deal with it when the spell slots become available. I think this first week was the most difficult to write for, but I'm still not entirely sure why, considering it's almost 10k.
I started writing for Danktober in the first week of September, when I finally got the Inktober prompts squared away. I found that organizing the ideas into groups helped me for a bit, when I was faced with 31 unstarted tasks. I had a few series-adjacent works planned (set in triptych, mesh network, puppy marcus, tentacle marcus, and farmer Joel to an extent), a few self-contained series (don't call me wifey and chernaboyfriend to be precise), and the rest were a mix of one-shots ranging from monsterfucking outside the realm of the PPCU (chernaboyfriend) to monsterfucking within the PPCU (tentacle marcus, max phillips) to just plain old mostly in-canon stories.
A few things here and there were ideas that managed to accept the process of getting smashed into the context of certain days' prompts, such as the wingfic coming in week 4, the khonshu sleep hypnosis fic in week 3, the reverse AU next week, and the idea for the omegaverse fic next week has been marinating for a while, but I rescued it from the brackish pondwater it had been sitting in. Other than that, I really like how this all came out. The editing process was fun, and I'm writing this all in Scrivener so I can get ample practice before NaNoWriMo (most likely gonna write Farmer Joel for that one, btw). I still have no idea how to compile things, so I've found a fairly-easy workaround to help me out lmao.
What went well? The process of posting was very smooth, I think due to my (probably) overkill planning and organizing. I'm never doing a challenge like this again without at least a month's prep. I think flunktober was only written max 2 weeks in advance, which is why I missed 7-10 days total out of 31.
What didn't go well? Obviously missing a day sucked, but I chalk that up to more of an unclear inspiration for the prompts (bat, boyfriend, stuck in the wall) than sheer laziness or even creative block.
What surprised you? The response to farmer Joel, honestly. I had no idea y'all would be so intrigued!! The feedback was fuckin incredible, and really really alleviated my anxieties surrounding the AU.
What didn't surprise you? Initially I planned to make little doodles inspired by the fics, but considering I'm still not actually finished with 100% of the prompts, it was an easy thing to drop. Maybe 2023 will be the year of Art Bailey. I haven't had a vested interest in making art since I was in high school, but who knows?
Which work did you like writing most? Difficult to say. I think finally putting words down for Chernabog was the most difficult to do, but also the most gratifying!! I loved building out their relationship and just daydreaming about alternative forms of communication with a nonverbal sentient species. Lackadaisical absurd humor is my bread butter meat potatoes and comfort zone, so getting to be real nonchalant about the fact he literally ate reader's actual fucking heart and sometimes temporarily kills her for fun tickled me. I think the obstacle of that initial hurdle is actually what stalled Day 3 - it's another Chernaboyfriend but quite a bit sexier.
What are you excited for about next week? LOTS of things but I'll just name two. The first bit of Farmer Joel I ever wrote is coming out tomorrow for Day 8 and it's sooooo atmospheric and mysterious. I'm in the middle of editing it right now and giving myself chills just rereading some parts of it. There's a few more farmer Joels getting posted on the 12th and 15th, with the rest of the works in that AU being in-universe outside of the main story, and they're non-spoilery for the most part unless you have a knack for deciphering foreshadowing and literary devices. The other work I'm excited to share is Alpha!Marcus Moreno, an idea that's been rattling around my mind like the dice in one of those lil pop-o-matic domes from the Trouble board game. Katee's commentary in the comments of that google doc gassed me up like a goddamn humvee.
Thanks for reading, yall! If you want to be on (or removed from) the taglist for next week, please read the blurb at the bottom of the Danktober 2022 masterlist for more information. Besitos!
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