#but i respect people's rights to ship it
ltleflrt · 11 months
can i ask - what are you thoughts on the current anti-shipping phenomenon in fandom? I've recently gotten into SPN fandom and fallen in love with your fics, but the state of the fandom puzzles me a bit.
Anti-shipping is not a SPN fandom phenomenon, and maybe it seems to be a bigger deal to you because it's a bigger fandom? Wincest and Destiel shippers have been at war since episode 04x01 aired lol...we even have derogatory names for each other: Wincels and Hellers.
(Jokes on the Wincels, because Heller is a fucking awesome name.)
(Wincestiel shippers are fandom unicorns, and they deserve love and respect.)
I've only been involved in fandom since 2011, so most of what I know about anti-shippers comes from piles and piles of posts talking about fandom history, but the gist of it is that this is not current, it is ongoing since the dawn of fandoms, we just have names for it now. Think about Spirk back in the 60s...there were lots of rabid fangirls who saw nothing romantic between them too. We just don't hear as much about them, because they lost their fandom war lol
It's just really loud right now with the rise of conservatism, fascism, and terfs. And social media amplifies all of the above.
Anyway, my thoughts on anti-shippers is that they need to grow up and mind their own business. I am a pro-shipper, which means I believe that anyone has the right to love any ship, no matter how problematic, no matter how much it squicks me out. I believe everyone should be allowed to read whatever vile smut they want, because thought crimes are not real.
Unless a real person is being hurt, have fun.
Antis claim that problematic ships and kinks hurt people, but I think it's important to understand that there's a big difference between accidental and deliberate harm. And harm mitigation is highly important in a world with 7+ billion people and 7+ billion different lived experiences.
If an anti-shipper is hurt by a ship they don't like, they need to learn how to block and filter content so they don't see it, and on the opposite side of that, the vile shippers/kinksters need to tag their nonsense so that they're not accidentally burning someone's eyes out. Which most people ARE kind enough to do. They sit around in their little ficcing circles and cackle over the evil things they're putting their blorbos through, and they put up warning signs, but the antis come barging in to bug them anyway.
In my opinion, many antis are big fucking bullies and do a lot more harm than they claim to try and prevent, and they can all go fuck themselves with something hard and sandpapery.
So uh... yeah, that's how I feel about it 😁
(okay actually I'm not done, there's a lot of anti-shipping discourse about age gaps and what counts as incest that are just... really fucking stupid, and I honestly believe that shit started out because people were grasping for straws to justify why their ship is better than the ship they don't like. unfortunately, the youngins have been soaking up that moral purity language as Objective Truth because they're little sponges. i hope they outgrow that bullshit eventually. i will forgive and forget if they leave behind their purity police badges.)
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day 145
people forget i think about jade being a Dragon Enjoyer. but in my book club reread i realized that like. first look we get at her computer, she's got a dragon wallpaper. and she's got a window open looking at OTHER dragon wallpapers on furaffinity. shes got that scaley cred and i think we need to acknowledge it.
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galaxyinacup · 7 months
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The people have spoken!!!!!!
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misslovasstuff · 21 days
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hahniana · 4 months
Look I love and respect the yuri nation and also think it Sucks when fandoms ignore perfectly good f/f relationships in media for mediocre yaoiz but like we cannot understate just how strong of a presence farcille has in the dungeon meshi community as of writing. Newcomers making the guys suck and fuck is such a non-issue can we chill
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kyouka-supremacy · 7 months
Beast akutagawa x bsd Atsushi is nice and all but beast Atsushi x bsd akutagawa is where it’s at
Beast Akutagawa x canon Atsushi is your average shonen rivalry between allies that """hate""" each other and in reality constantly push each other to be the better version of themselves / are each other's only drive and reason to move forward but Beast Atsushi x canon Akutagawa is the dark slice of life adult manga that tackles into existentialism and the search of a meaning in the midst of a nihilist perception of the world and potentially even finding that meaning in each other but not before any less than 600 chapters of pining
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
Its funny isn't it. there's a side of the fandom that can only cope if they think of Eddie as some cardboard cutout that they can project onto. Its why I think they have latched onto T*mmy so quickly, because he is literally their dream beige version of Eddie and for so long Eddie being a character who has his own motivations has ruined their headcannons. Didn't someone work out that Buck this season has had way more scenes involving Eddie than Eddie has involving Buck? But Eddie is supposed to be the one twiddling his thumbs whilst Buck is out there living life etc.
No, but that's exactly it for a portion of the people on the fandom and that is definitely what made people jump straight into T's arms. Eddie is a main character. He has dept and development. He has 6 seasons worth of a personality that doesn't fit the ideal partner they see for the wobbified version of Buck they made up in their heads. And considering the way that canon established Tommy as Eddie two steps to the left that Buck is projecting feelings into, fanon went wild. Tommy has no established personality. He has the begin episodes that paint him in a not so great light. They have the few scenes that exist with Buck where he exists, okay? He's doing the bare minimum. Sometimes not even that. But that means he is a character they can project anything they want into. He's a blank canvas. That means the space can be filled with whatever they see fit. And that means they can take the personality they convinced themselves Eddie had and copy/paste into T and move on. I've seen some awful takes. AWFUL. Like, some people are legit attacking Eddie to make him look better in comparison because they can't deal with the way that Eddie is still Buck's partner in crime. Eddie is not allowed to exist outside of Buck and some people just wanted to see Oliver make out with a guy. T does that. In a blank canvas. The show is historical for handling Buck's love life poorly and people are putting too much weight on interviews. They lie all the time because they can't give things up. I wanna know what's gonna happen if this relationship isn't the smooth sailing people decided it will be. There is a chance it will be fine and end amicably. But there's also a chance that it will get messy. Right now it could tip either way and I don't think that part of the fandom is gonna be ready to deal with shit if it gets messy. If T does something that goes against the perfect pedestal they put him in. People are already ignoring actually canon stuff like the way he left Buck in a curb, failed to communicate why he was leaving until he was in the car, and then didn't come back. So like, it's crazy. And yeah, a lot of Buck's arc so far has involved Eddie somehow, but Buck is adjacent to Eddie's. But I guess that's making it worse, because they don't like Eddie unless he's providing Buck with something they see fit and they are getting that somewhere else. Some people are showing that they don't have critical thinking skills when it comes to queer couples and honestly, that's kind of alarming.
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tavina-writes · 5 days
i want to share salt. have you ever had a ship that annoyed you so much it starts poisoning other ships you could have potentially liked? because this is me with xiyao vs nielan. like, xiyaos are so fucking loud and proud of the fact that he sides with jgy over everybody else multiple times in ways that turn out to be incredibly hurtful. so it gets to the point i can't even enjoy cute teenage nielan art knowing xichen is going to so catastrophically fuck this up by repeatedly writing off mingjue as just imagining things and lying to him and leveraging their relationship for someone else's benefit and handing his killer the method to kill him and that people are *gleeful* about all that.
Hi Nonny!
First off, I want to offer you a hug, because this sort of feeling about fandom is never a fun thing to experience, and since you recognize that this is a salty ask, you might want nothing more than a "hey I see this and I get it in some part!"
But if you're thinking about how you might improve this situation and like, enjoy interacting with 3zun fandom again/mdzs fandom in general, I have a few ideas:
block everyone whose takes are pissing you off. There needs to be no bigger reason than "You know what, your takes are ruining this fandom experience for me" or "making me slightly more irritated than I would've been." There's no shame or like, anything wrong with this. Ultimately, we all live in this mosh pit of stuff together, and I might think everyone has a right to whatever kind of take they want, but I don't have to martyr myself on the cross of "hearing all sides" or whatever, and neither do you Nonny.
Recognizing which things are fanon and which are canon. This might help, but like, LXC doesn't, canonically, keep picking JGY at every turn. He is a flawed character with his own problems (as are they all in MDZS lol) but this is...not really what's happening? People can say what they want in their meta and their headcanons and interpretation of canon, but that doesn't make it...true.
this goes with 1 and 2 but also: if a fandom or a ship or a trope or something no longer brings you joy Nonny, there's always the opportunity to pack it up and leave it behind, either permanently or for a time. There's nothing wrong with not being "on" about a ship or fandom or recognizing that it was once something you really liked but not something you enjoy right at this very moment.
All that said, I'm personally of the opinion that there's a very loud and vocal part of the xiyao fandom (who exist on my blocklist by now) who've made me lose interest in the ship altogether, because the parts of the ship that I find most interesting -- the deceit, the almost gothic horror vibes, the slowly rotting center of their relationship when it didn't begin that way -- is obviously not what most (or what seems like most) people who ship it are looking for. And overall, I'm sure that it's no loss to not have me there, and that I (a NieYao girlie at heart) would not be welcome in that sandbox, so like, Nonny, I do get you and your frustrations. Ultimately I guess sometimes it's just easier to recognize that not all fandom spaces are welcoming and to find places that serve you better.
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fure-dcmk · 2 months
OP HOW ARE WE FEELING....... THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ALL AROUND...... genuinely distraught... someone take dcmk away from gosho fr...
sorry anon the tone of this ask are not specifically directed to you, its more to the general KS posts i've been seeing on my fyp
don't plan to address this since im not even a KS account but i'm starting to get peeved seeing a bunch of ppl act victimized like gosho did that cuz he personally hates KS shippers
i'm a huge gosho aoyama hater myself but come on that man probably thinks there's nothing wrong with first cousin dating in the first place (addendum one: shuake, addendum two: hanzawa love interest being his own countryside cousin) i'd even dare to say based on his unintentional world view its him encouraging KS shippers instead
for this account i'll make sure to tag any future KS to avoid icking those bothered by the reveal but for the record any KS made by me are not closely related
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
i think it's cute how people are like why can't we go back to post-season 2 when everyone thought mike was bi and everyone had fun :( girl there's been two seasons since then i don't think people hated mlvn as much back then either things have changed
i think bi mike is still slightly more popular but gay mike truthers are more vocal because they're usually the people who analyze the show which is certainly...interesting. also i hate how people act like this is about him loving will more or whatever believe it or not this is not about will and it's not about el either it's about him and his storyline! conformity is just a more interesting story to me than incompatibility is
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
it's actually, genuinely, honestly hilarious that in a fandom where popular ships include characters who are biologically related, characters with a 10+ year age gap who met when one was a teenager or even a child, and characters who have tried to kill each other, people hate on a friends-to-lovers ship with a <2 year age gap where the characters have a deep emotional bond and plenty of romantic subtext, because "they're siblings". my brother in the force they are literally not.
#i'm just saying. out of all the ships in the star war; sabine and ezra have one of the healthiest dynamics#right up there with kanera and bail and breha and obitine and maybe a few others. there are SO few 'problems' with it.#not that those 'problems' make a ship BAD when it's written well or in certain context.#just that out of all the ships to pick on; people choose THIS one?????#the one with character growth and found family and mutual respect??#the one with self-sacrifice and decades-long loyalty and obitine parallels and a jetpack chase scene????#what's there to hate???#and i would add a disclaimer about how if you dont ship them its fine as long as you dont bully but honestly?#i am so so tired of having to qualify my statements.#this is about the targeted hate. this has always been about the targeted hate.#and i don't care if someone loathes something i love as long as they they keep that loathing out of my personal space.#this has been a tag rant. thank you for reading.#btw i'm not being sarcastic about it being hilarious. it genuinely cracks me up to see people get SO hateful over this#for a reason that does not exist#as opposed to several other ships which DO IN FACT HAVE THAT OBJECTION.#like. oh my gosh. are you even listening to yourselves.#if u wanna have the don't-ship-siblings fight then puhLEEZE bring it to someone who ships siblings.#jessica's controversial star wars opinions#sabezra#(don't worry that this post is a vent because i'm getting bullied or anything. im not visible enough for that i guess lol)#it was written in humor not in hurt :)
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cats-nguns · 24 days
can u guys stop stealing posts. like i get it, antis bad antis annoying stick it to the man etc etc but ure still stealing other people's memes & writings and that's fucked up lol?
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bisexualbvck · 2 months
excuse me I'm annoyed and I'm gonna rant for a second :)
#if you're one of the people who won't stop talking about how people are jumping ship for buck and tommy#and how we're never gonna get buddie endgame#letting Buck explore this new and probably very scary part of his life is not a bad thing!#letting him explore and learn with tommy or literally any other guy is not a bad thing!#they didn't make buck bi just so theh could slap us with buddie in the next episode!#and all of this negativity is just exhausting#you don't have to like Tommy. and I know there are people who are not fans of his for so many different reasons and that's fine!#but getting worked up because people are happy about Buck get to have these firsts with someone who isn't Eddie just isn't it!#Buck's not bi just for Buddie. Buck's bi because he's bi! and you have to learn to deal with that!#and I trust Oliver and I trust Tim to give us this story with the respect and time it deserves to have to play out#because y'all would absolutely throw a fit if they rushed into Buddie right#now#we've waited this long and we have a wonderful depiction of a man in his 30s who is going to get the chance to settle into his sexuality#like he deserves too!#and then when it's time we're gonna get queer Eddie and it's going to be equally as important and Buck's story#y'all just have to chill because I don't know how some people enjoy this show the way they immediately jump to the negativity of it all#christina talks about 911#911 spoilers#also scary is not the word I wanted for that 3rd tag#more unknown rather than scary
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venjt · 10 months
is the proshipper in ur bio a joke?
No. I accept and respect other people's ships. I don't discriminate, and if it's a bothersome, then I'm not for you.
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
you ever feel trapped? like you’re just treading water, waiting to drown?
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ricoka · 5 months
sometimes I wish you could post an opinion on a fandom blog without inviting a whole witch hunt or being accused of causing drama but alas
#I've not done anything and i won't do anything#it's just something that's annoying?? that you can't say anything without someone doing a bad faith interpretation of it#or projecting it on themselves or getting offended on behalf of a fictional character#the few times i saw someone actually say something slightly controversial all hell broke loose every time#like great that you're passionate but not everything is about you#not everything needs your opinion - especially if you can only give it like a lecture#not everything has malicious intentions#people disagreeing with you have a right to their opinions as well - as long as you respect theirs they should respect yours#the thing is - i don't think I've ever been in a fandom that didn't have to deal with like ship wars or someone doing hate campaigns#of a character or ship - i guess that's just the way it is??#but here it feels especially tiring because people don't usually disagree on ships#people are literally fighting and hating each other mainly over the same two characters!!! and their different interpretations of them#people disagree over what the right and moral way is to portray and ship those characters#and it creates so much tension because you can't associate with those people because they're doing it wrong#and are acting fucking awful about it#but those people are very exclusionary and if you don't agree with all of their points they don't want to talk to you either#you just float along hoping that you'll find some people who have a similar interpretation and will actually talk to you#it's so weird??? it's so isolating too??#and it feels like you entered a political landscape in your online fandom space#i will probably delete this and I'm not even sure my thoughts make sense#my thoughts spiralled a bit from thinking how some fan interpretations annoy me into disliking a character hahaha
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