#movie spoiler
wormfunkie · 7 months
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sometimes i feel like doug
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collectivelyacoward · 1 month
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itskeisy · 7 months
Spoiler ahead ⚠️🐍
In theaters on November 17
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fure-dcmk · 1 month
OP HOW ARE WE FEELING....... THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ALL AROUND...... genuinely distraught... someone take dcmk away from gosho fr...
sorry anon the tone of this ask are not specifically directed to you, its more to the general KS posts i've been seeing on my fyp
don't plan to address this since im not even a KS account but i'm starting to get peeved seeing a bunch of ppl act victimized like gosho did that cuz he personally hates KS shippers
i'm a huge gosho aoyama hater myself but come on that man probably thinks there's nothing wrong with first cousin dating in the first place (addendum one: shuake, addendum two: hanzawa love interest being his own countryside cousin) i'd even dare to say based on his unintentional world view its him encouraging KS shippers instead
for this account i'll make sure to tag any future KS to avoid icking those bothered by the reveal but for the record any KS made by me are not closely related
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childofsardior · 7 months
My take on the main animatronics from the fnaf movie
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cottoncandyofterror · 2 years
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I watched Napola - Before the Fall last week and huh boy, that one sticks with you.
A wonderful movie, but I felt the urge to add my alternate ending to my screen redraw attempts :3
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queen-ofc · 10 months
Movie Review - Blue Beetle - First Impressions !! SLIGHT SPOILERS MENTIONED!!
Hello everyone!
Movies are something that I am OBSESSED with! Film is my passion! Ever since I was a little girl, I would critique every movie I've ever seen to my parents, so much so that they'll sit and listen after we finish a movie because they always expect me to say something about it.
I have always wanted to share my passion for film with the world, but I have never the confidence nor will to start, but that's all going to change. I wanted to start off my little series of movie reviews with the one I had just seen in theaters today: Blue Beetle!
Now, Jaime Reyes' Blue Beetle has ALWAYS had a special place in my heart. I grew up watching the series Young Justice, and I continue to watch it today. Ever since I saw Blue Beetle on the screen, he instantly connected with me and has kept his #2 spot on my list of all-time favorite DC characters. (#1 being Dick Grayson Robin/Nightwing.)
This has been a HIGHLY anticipated movie for me! Ever since the trailer first came out, I was anxiously waiting for it to hit theaters, keeping track of every day in between, counting down the very seconds until its release, and as soon as it did, my parents and I jumped on the opportunity to go see it in theaters! To see my boy hit the big screen and finally get recognized by so many people as a hero in the DCU just filled me with overwhelming joy. So, as one could expect, I had incredibly high expectations for this film. And to make a long story short, overall, I wasn't disappointed!
As I said, overall, this was a very enjoyable movie, but there were a couple things I wanted to point out that could've improved it!
1) Now, this one is mostly a bias of mine, so feel free to ignore this point and move on to #2 if you'd like.
Something that really stuck out to me was the fact that Jaime's father told him something like, "The Universe knows" or "... chose you" (obviously not an exact quote, but you get the idea.) During the movie, I noticed that they were hitting a lot of stereotypes regarding Hispanic/Latino families. Keeping that in mind, I'll go back to Jaime's father. Now, already a lot of people can tell it's obvious that Jaime seems to be visiting him in a heaven of sorts, with the candles around his father symbolizing that. However, there was no mention of God at all during this time, which in my personal opinion, seemed like something that could've been an easy switch; from "universe" to "God" or "the Lord" or something along those lines to show a Catholic or some other Christian denomination belief system.
However, this is just a minor thing, and luckily, it doesn't affect the story at all. Now, I'll get into something a little more unbiased and a little more major to Blue Beetle's story.
2) They should've established a good relationship with the Scarab.
Now, I'm not saying to remove Jaime's relationship with his family to this, but I'm just saying to add it. I loved the fact they included Jaime's family in all the scenes, making them an essential part of the movie, but adding this would dive into the Blue Beetle's story a bit more. Yes, the movie would be a tad longer, but it would be so much better.
Throughout the movie, the growing relationship between Jaime and his scarab is always implied and never actually produced in the scenes. Instead, he seemed thrown into the action and already knew how to use his scarab to his full extent after just a single battle. It's like we were missing a big chunk of the story, and just thrown into the action.
At the beginning, the scarab seemed hellbent to kill any and every threat in its wake, yet at the end, it tells Jaime that he shouldn't kill the enemy. It tells Jaime "We aren't murders." That doesn't seem right to me considering there was no time in between when Jaime taught the Scarab such things. The control Jaime had over the Scarab also seemed just given to him, instead of earned.
What they should've done, is have some sort of "training montage" in the movie. A time when Jaime finally has the Scarab in a calm mood and is talking with it to learn exactly what his abilities are and how to use them all. He should've had to fight a little more with the Scarab, telling it why they don't kill innocent people. Jaime should've had to command control of the Scarab himself, instead of it being handed to him on a silver platter. Only when the Scarab and Jaime are fully in sync would the Scarab acknowledge why it's bad to blatantly murder people regardless of what they have done, making the "We aren't murders" line so much more meaningful after all they had been through.
Another thing that I would fix, is to more obviously establish the fact that only Jaime can hear the Scarab. Only at the very end of the movie does this fact become clear, meaning that people who didn't know the Blue Beetle and his powers probably would've been confused about that fact. I think they should've had a small scene where Jaime is having a conversation with his Scarab, maybe even arguing with it, in front of his family or his girlfriend. The family/girlfriend would obviously be confused, thinking that he was talking to them, when in reality he wasn't.
Maybe he gets into a fight with a family member or his girlfriend while he's trying to argue with his Scarab because the family member or girlfriend thinks that he's insulting them when he's insulting the voice in his head. Make it a little bit of a joke when he's fighting the enemy and gets into another argument with his Scarab, making the enemy think Jaime is talking to them, only making Jaime have to repeat himself that it's not them he's talking to, but the Scarab.
Just small ideas, but all ones I believe would make a big difference.
That concludes my initial reaction to Blue Beetle! I really hope my writing was comprehensible as I just kinda brain dumped it all on here and my brain is far from organized, haha. However, I do plan on making a more in-depth review of the movie once it hits a streaming platform and I can watch it a second time! After all, you can miss a lot of things the first time!
Being that this is my first time actually posting any of my thoughts on a movie, please give me some grace. As I do want to continue to do these types of things, sharing my thoughts on movies I love, I would appreciate constructive criticism and thoughts on how to more accurately organize my thoughts before I write them! I would also love recommendations of blogs that do any kind of reviews so that I could learn from them too! And please, share your thoughts on this movie!
Thank you for reading! <3
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sawdust-emperor · 10 months
Saw Last Voyage of the Demeter!
(spoilers below cut)
Struck me as a movie that, while being very similar plot-wise to Alien, was directed by someone who had never seen Alien or REALLY didn't want to be compared to Alien. It was alright.
In my opinion, it wasn't able to hold onto much of the tension it created because it was moving so fast from night to night that I actually lost track of where in the day the characters were more than once, which is a problem in a vampire movie for obvious reasons. The story taken from the book is already scary, as well, so the violence in the movie was surprising - if done right, simply vanishing crewmembers and finding them later would have been sufficiently scary, but they tried to crank it up with violence to make up for where the 'being stalked by a vampire' fear tailed off. It isn't excessively violent, and some of it was really good and showed off Dracula being more than a mindless beast, some of it was just alright. Nothing was bad, but I could see where they could trim some things and make it very good.
Emphasizing that the sun is setting and using dramatic irony better, maybe a cast that was a bit bigger, playing on inter-crew paranoia - it was alright, but if put together the way Alien was, this really could have been a stellar movie. You can see where they almost pulled it all together, but not quite, and it's a little disappointing they don't spend more time emphasizing how fucked all these guys are. They know they are, they all see Dracula coming, there are lines in the movie about it, but something just doesn't meld it all together quite right.
You never really feel how small a schooner is, either. The boat felt spacious. You forget they're on the water when they're below deck.
Also, as a smaller nitpick, they start the movie with a constable picking up the ship's log, and it implies we're reading along with him - they seem to forget that's how they started the film by the end of it.
Overall it was still an enjoyable watch, and some of it was plenty scary. The build-up from the start of the movie to the first death is GREAT if you know what's about to happen to these poor crewmen. The emphasis that they skipped a port to make time for a bonus in spite of losing all their animals and potentially facing an outbreak of some disease, and that the decision comes back to haunt them once they realize what situation they're in, is great. I like boats on storms, and while I'm not a boat person I know the sails have to move and the setting wheel doesn't look like it does in pirate movies, so the movie got that right.
I liked it on the big screen. Worth a matinee ticket if you're interested in the story of the Demeter, or a prime time ticket if you're REALLY interested. It's decent as an adaptation.
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blueashetree · 2 years
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r0semultiverse · 10 months
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Like music to my ears
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prokopetz · 18 days
I think "they don't even have X" is one of those memes that's actually funnier in its original context than in anything that's been done with it subsequently. Like, in its original context, this is a joke about a man who has lived his entire adult life alone in a swamp cold-reading the atmosphere of a corporate workplace and deciding that appealing to the receptionist's sense of working-class solidarity is going to get him in the door, and it fucking works.
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pizzee · 10 months
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I’d lose interest if I found out it wasn’t about horses too
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cheesy-cryptid · 10 months
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So the barbie movie happened 😭😭😭😭
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completely-static · 10 months
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go watch Barbie
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squishy-min-mochi · 10 months
It’s important to recognise that Barbie (2023) criticises both the patriarchy AND the matriarchy. Yes, the Ken’s are just accessories to the Barbies. Yes, they don’t have any say in the government they live under. That’s the point, you’re supposed to feel awful, you’re supposed to want the Kens to have their own agency, you’re supposed to want equality. The Barbie movie explicitly states that the way Barbie treats Ken is wrong, so much so that once he finds a safe space for his masculinity and individual identity he’s so excited to share it with the other Kens.
But they go overboard and replace a matriarchy with a patriarchy and now the same issue exists but in reverse. That’s the POINT!! THATS THE POINT!!! Barbie is not anti-men it’s pro equality PLEASE understand this
13th Aug 2023 UPDATE:
Heeeeey howdy!!
Due to the IMMENSE comments and discussion on this post (thanks ya’ll!!) I’ve decided to update my post with my recent opinions and hopefully clearer explanations!!
First, my original post only considers a very small and very vague analysis of the film!!
Since making this I've read all your comments and learned quite a bit about the matriarchy as it appears in human civilisation. Originally, I was pitting the patriarchy and the matriarchy against each other as though the results of their implementation were equal in the film.
They were not!! Below is the definition of matriarchy I’ll be working off of.
Matriarchy Simple Definition;
Matriarchy is a social system in which women hold the primary power positions in roles of authority. In a broader sense it can also extend to moral authority, social privilege and control of property.
There's a lot to talk about in the Barbie film that would fit better in an essay, so I'll try and condense it into this;
To me, Barbie (2023) is a film about the female experience and the shared connection between women that persists through childhood and adulthood, support and harassment, suffering and joy, mother and daughter.
It uses Barbie as its figurehead because of the immense societal and political impact the doll has had on women, both good and bad (as explained in the film).
The male experience as seen in Barbie (2023) is not the sole focus of the film- rather, it's an accessory (as the Kens are) to Barbie's story, and a necessary aspect of exploration to truly highlight the importance of individualism and healthy personal exploration.
I want to make clear that I in no way think the treatment of the Kens was just as bad as the treatment of the Barbies. I also still agree that the matriarchy fostered by the Barbies wasn’t good for the Kens.
Additionally, I’m aware that this take on Barbie (2023) works strictly within the assumed heteronormative boundaries of gender. There is a lot of nuance in the Barbie film and I don’t think everything can be covered or explained in on Tumblr post— but I hope this clarification helps!!
I hope you're all coming to your own conclusions and analysis of the film in a way that makes sense to you. And for those of you engaging in online conversations and discourse about it, I hope you're keeping yourself and others happy and safe!!!
Much love to you all!! < 3
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I am Kenough.
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