#but i want to live in a coastal town hmm
maudiemoods · 1 year
Every few weeks I remember that as of right now my life really isn't going in the direction I want it to go and I have a little month long freak out about how I'm wasting my life and how I absolutely need to find a career
I'm trying to make a list of goals and the steps to get there but it's hard. I'm so worried about investing all my time and energy into something I end up not liking. Idk I have a lot of fear in my heart. Makes things very difficult for me skenksmdjsjn
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niichanism · 2 months
another throwaway-ish acesabo fic i might finish eventually maybe not. the logic and characterization started bugging me but also this ain't about that. i wanted to write alpha sabo wearing a muzzle while rejection-sensitive omega ace is extremely pissed to be denied kissies
Me in 2014, unenlightened: omegaverse is just a cheap tactic to make stoic blorbos pathetic Me now: I think ace one piece should experience PMS 
set ambiguously after marineford but ace lives + nothing huge is going on with the RA
TW: omegaverse, pre-heat pms??? lmao, this one actually isn't that spicy it's just silly summary: ace: what if you helped me with my heat. hahaahaha jk. unless sabo: (malfunctions)
“Another meeting?”
Even Ace is surprised at the sharpness in his voice. It's been jumping out of him these last few weeks. He wants to swallow it back down, this twitchiness, but as Sabo turns his good eye back to him, he tries laughing it off instead.
“Yep.” His brother shrugs, smiling. “Duty calls.” “Hmm.”
Ace had his responsibilities as second division commander, but they so rarely involved paperwork. Everything was hands-on, on the go. Meetings were like rallies or even parties more often than not.
He misses it a lot. It feels wrong to sail under any other flag. But Pops was good at protecting people, and that's something Ace can do. Besides, Sabo is here. Sabo, who still has a way of keeping Ace relatively sane– up until recently, at least. There’s a moment where Sabo catches his withered expression, but neither of them say anything. 
Ace falls back on teasing, hand on hip. “I’m just wondering if you ever get to have any fun is all.” “I have plenty of fun, Ace,” Sabo huffs, “especially when you’re around.” “Oh, yeah?” Ace is fairly sure— Sabo must be thinking of the fun they had a few weeks ago.
They’d saved a coastal town from some shitty pirates, which was already a good time in itself. They went to the tavern to drink– the place had good stuff, on the house for good deeds– went back to a good room– it’s actually pretty foggy from there. The emotions remain more than the specifics.
But he remembers riding Sabo stupid. Lighting the lamps so he could see when the sky went dark. And how pretty he looked, panting, his golden hair haloed on the bed. His bruising grip on Ace’s thighs. The sensation of his cock swelling like he could knot Ace outside of a mating cycle. He remembers Sabo’s face, lost in pleasure– growling, even– eyes scrunched tight, the flash of his white fangs in his open mouth.
He remembers thinking that it was so good. In the morning, though, Sabo was gone. He’d left a note on the nearest surface, in a rough scrawl: gone on mission
The total lack of specifics was somehow just like him, so Ace had huffed and climbed back into bed. Half-conscious, he’d searched the sheets for the elusive scent so often trapped beneath Sabo’s stuffy, high-necked outfits. And he tried to pull together soft little shreds of memory from the previous night. He hadn’t meant to ruminate. Just to check. Because no matter how he turned it over in his head, it all still seemed like a dream. And if it had happened, should it have happened at all? They never talked about it. Busy, busy days in the Revolutionary Army. Normal, normal brothers who were still learning each other a year after meeting again. Maybe Ace had made a mistake. All those vivid images were  tiny embers that refused to die– for weeks now, he was plagued with curiosity. Then shame. 
When they first met again, Sabo hadn’t reacted to his second sex beyond a small, almost comical lift of his brows. Ace had been equally cool about it on the outside, and he held himself to that, but the fact that Sabo was an unclaimed alpha had gotten under his skin.
If he was going to be honest with himself, it was posing a real fucking issue. 
Ace had always been on the more impulsive side, but he really thought he smoothed that out– if not in terms of danger, then at least when it came to getting along with people.
Of all people, Sabo should test him the least. 
And it sucks because he doesn’t, really. He and Ace still get on well. Better than well. What he's testing are Ace’s instincts.  Ace had always been able to ignore them in the past, so their constant pounding in his head had surprising power and he ended up blurting out stupid shit like never before. He hadn't even been that clingy when they were kids. He knew and yet the antsy energy remained, dunking his moods and driving him crazy.
“That’s a relief,” Ace says, throwing him his utmost charming, normal smile. Sabo doesn't seem to take it at face value– figures– but past the semi-concerned twitch of his brow, he manages not to fuss over it for about three seconds. 
“I’m glad, too. Are you… is everything good?”
“Everything's good,” Ace assures, a little too quick. The last thing he wants is Sabo looking at him like that.  “Go on, don't be late,” he urges good-naturedly, sending him off with a lazy wave. “You just let me know if you need any countries set on fire or anything, yeah?”
Sabo looks like he wants to ask something else, but they have another half-conscious second of conversation with their eyes. Sabo’s face crinkles slowly into a smile, and he leaves, taking part of Ace's peace of mind along with him. 
A week later, Ace visits Sabo in his room. “G’morning,” he yawns, hand on the doorframe. Sabo looks up from his desk– coffee in one hand, paper in the other.
“Ace. Good morning. Where have you been?” Sabo asks, casual enough. 
Ace closes the door behind him and leans against it, nearly clenching his teeth against the nerves in his gut. “Sphinx,” he replies cheerfully. “To visit Pops and Marco.”
Sabo turns away to set his newspaper down. “I see. How's Marco doing?”
“Good,” Ace replies. “He’s on top of things as usual. I just help out here ‘n there.”
The revolution lets him come and go as long as he's smart about it. Well, Sabo lets him come and go. Most of the world still thinks Portgas D. Ace is dead, and the RA thinks he should keep it that way until it's the right moment for a blaze of glory. 
No way that's happening until Ace gets his head screwed on straight again. But it's different when he has to be an omega about it. Show up at Marco’s door like a twitchy stray to ask what the hell his body is doing and how to make it stop. He's got a mind that’s too fond of bad ideas, but this sleep with Sabo or else one is throwing him for a loop. 
First of all, stop taking suppressants, Marco had said, way too coolly. You haven't had a mating cycle in– two years now?
Can't I just sleep with people and get it out that way?
Sorry, Ace. You have to pass a heat. 
Ace had gone quiet then, stomach dropping through the displeasure of it. 
You know, there's ways of making it easier, finding a safe partner…
No, I can handle it. I mean, I'll figure it out. Marco. Thank you.
So there it was. He'd tried to take a vacation from his unreasonable instincts only to find out they had to be confronted.
When he looked at his options, his brain became scrambled eggs. The anger in his heart demanded consolation and so he ended up right at Sabo’s door. 
“Want some?” Sabo asks.
It refreshes his attention, and Ace’s eyes fall upon the mug in Sabo’s elegantly gloved hand. That other kind of hunger stokes cinders inside of him. “Nah. Coffee's gross.”
Sabo smiles against the rim of the cup. “Useful, though.”
“How about we get some food in you down at the mess hall, too?”
Sabo raises his eyebrows. “Wouldn't turn that down. Give me a second.”
Ace glances around while the desk gets organized. “I also wanted to ask a favor.”
Sabo pauses where he's just stood up, and looks over, a little too keen for Ace’s liking. “Yeah?”
“See, I was wondering if I could…” he starts– then shakes his head, laughing at himself. He didn't learn to be polite for Sabo. He comes closer and clasps his hand firmly on Sabo’s shoulder, ignoring the low screech of desire that comes with it. “No, let me start over. Will ya lend me some of your clothes?”
He can't help the light pink flush on his own cheeks, but he's genuinely pleased at how Sabo’s face changes. 
He does the eyebrow lift thing, and his hazel-eyed stare becomes that much more sharp, like this simple question does what the coffee couldn't. Ace likes that he doesn’t look away. But then, he's also at a loss for words, unspoken or otherwise. If they'd never been separated, if Ace wasn't a tough guy and Sabo wasn't a child soldier, this would be an easy script to follow. 
Sabo glances down as if he has to examine what he's already got on. Those tough, tan pants that fall just right and the flouncy undershirt and fitted vest; Ace is vaguely amazed at how well put together he looks when the sun’s not even past the rocky horizon of Baltigo outside. 
“Lend you my clothes?” he repeats. “Here I thought you had such a problem with them.”
Well, yeah, they make Sabo look snooty as fuck and they seem as freeing as a straitjacket, but–
“I do, but nesting’s not about fashion, it's about scents.”
“Oh… that's what you mean?”
Now why is Sabo so alarmed, blushing like a village maiden?
“What?” Ace asks, pinning him with an edgy, somewhat challenging look. He crosses his arms, since Sabo looks like he wants to sink into the floorboards. “Why are you so surprised? Did you think I don't nest?”
“Well, no–”
“I nested even when we were kids. It was like the one normal thing I did.”
Sabo laughs haltingly. “I remember. It's just that you insisted it was for Luffy’s sake–”
“Yeah, we thought it might make him less whiny,” Ace reminds him. What a puzzle that had been. Pups raising pups– that Luffy turned out half-decent was a fucking miracle, and maybe Sabo had more of a hand in it than he did. The angel on his shoulder had a lot more sway when it spoke with Sabo’s voice. Makino had loved the idea of their nesting with the clothes she brought, though. Everyone loved Makino, so if she thought it was a good idea, Ace had figured it was. “I guess I just got in the habit, man. You don’t actually have to give me anything, don’t worry about it.” Bless his heart, Sabo doesn’t let this awful feeling in Ace’s stomach take root.
 “What? No, Ace, I didn’t say you couldn’t have any,” he says quickly, eyes as wide as a skittish woodland creature’s. “Please take something. It just surprised me. Nobody’s ever asked me before.” Ace sits with that for a few seconds. He shouldn’t feel happy that Sabo was deprived of meaningful pack bonds. But he feels light as air knowing that he’s Sabo’s first here, too. “Okay,” he says, grinning. When he catches sight of Sabo’s awkward, half-grimacing expression in turn, he snickers. “Could’ve just stolen some of your clothes to save us the awkward little chat, huh? You have so many, you wouldn’t have even noticed.” Sabo rubs his face between thumb and fingers, flustered. Another stilted laugh bubbles out of him. “No, I mean, sure, if you need something from me, you can have it,” he says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Ace’s smile softens, but it feels like a supernova, a victory. He’s having trouble stripping his eyes away from Sabo, the genuine pleasure on his rosy face. “But I’m glad you asked.” Ace bites the inside of his cheek because he feels like he’s about to start purring and Sabo hasn’t even given him anything yet, hasn’t even touched him. He’s out of joint for sure. “No big deal. Used to nest with Luffy’s clothes, too,” Ace tells him. He wrinkles his nose. “He smells like meat and dirt, though.”
Sabo relaxes. “You love meat and dirt.” “I do,” Ace laughs. “Yeah, Lu smells weird as fuck and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ll take your gift too. Much appreciated.” And now that he’s got his consolation prize, Ace yearns to get the fuck out of there. Even if he’s curious about fucking Sabo again– just to check– his upcoming heat is something else. It’s going to be beyond terrible, so much so that he already feels like a sweaty human fireball when it comes to mind, and he honestly doesn’t want to think about it. There’s a reason he hasn’t stopped downing suppressants for two years. Sabo’s clothes and memories of nesting in their treehouse will have to do to ease his fraying nerves. Ace has been through worse, so he should be stronger. He should be stronger. He should pass his heat and then, if possible, have sex with Sabo once more just to get this heavy, cloying attraction out of his system– Ace claps his hands together. “That’s settled, then. Breakfast?”
He needs to do something with his body that isn’t standing here and taking in everything that makes Sabo Sabo. But his brother doesn’t budge or even glance at the door. “When do you need them by?”
 “Hm?” “I mean…” Sabo looks to the wall and back. “It’s soon, right? You stopped taking your suppressants.” Ace frowns, and twists his head over to sniff. “Damn, do I smell rank?” “No, no, you’re fine I think, as long as you don’t go anywhere too cramped or hot…” Sabo’s nose twitches; his mouth thins. “Are you going anywhere?” Ace’s eyebrows jump at the sudden steeliness in his voice. He fixes Sabo with a look on the border of teasing and genuine annoyance. “Sabo, have you never been around an omega or something?” “I have,” Sabo says, somewhat irritably. “Just… older ones, or… subordinates…” “Subordinates,” Ace repeats, teasing. “Well, it’s an army here, Ace, not exactly a family,” Sabo sighs, idly massaging one gloved hand with the other. “But now my brother is about to go through a cycle, so shouldn’t I make sure everything is fine? Are you going back to Sphinx for your heat?”
“Kinda thought I’d just stay here and bolt the door.” Sabo studies his face for a few seconds, then relents, throat bobbing. “Okay. Are you going to need… anything else?” “Well,” Ace starts. He puts his hands on his hips, rocks on his feet. “What’re you offering, Sabo?” Sabo swallows again. Ace almost hears it. Shit, it makes him want to pounce. “Oh.” He shows all his teeth. “I’m low maintenance, promise.” Sabo shakes his head, his smile completely lost on his face. Ace’s head gets foggy and hot and his mouth just starts moving.
“T’ tell the truth,” he admits, “it’s… gonna be a tough one to ride out since I haven’t had one for two years– that’s what Marco said. But it’s short notice, don’t really wanna go through the trouble of finding someone I can trust.” Despite knowing how terrible the heat is going to be– and it’s always worse than imagined– he can hardly think of anything that motivates him less than finding a viable partner out of the blue. The thought has worked like a boomerang, just bringing him memories of Sabo’s hands, arms, lips. Something tells him he shouldn’t trouble his brother with his cycle like this. Something else tells him that nothing in the world would be better. Like Sabo his brother and Sabo an alpha could be different things– and they’re not; Sabo is Sabo. 
Ace the brother and Ace the omega are different things, though, and by the four fucking seas, he should know to keep it that way.  “Are you serious?” Sabo asks. Again with the eyebrows raised way up, his stare both hawkish and disbelieving. Ace’s heart beats like a drum. This is a gamble, he knows. But he’d regret anything less. “Dead serious,” he drawls. Go big or go home, and he’s fearless. He understands very well that he can’t always get his way. Can’t make people want him. He gets that. They do or they don’t. It seemed like Sabo did that first time. In fact, it’s hard to imagine a world where Sabo doesn’t. Kind, loyal, capable, pretty-faced Sabo…
He holds up his hands. “If you don’t wanna, that’s that, but I remember last month– kinda– sorry ‘bout that–” “Don’t be sorry,” Sabo chokes out. Nice of him not to play dumb. Ace nods. “-- it was good! Real good. You’d be helping me out, if you’re up to it.” “Well–” Sabo falters. He shifts his jaw around, looks altogether way too serious, rigid. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Ace.” Ace freezes. “Yeah, you’re right,” his mouth says without his permission. Now his heart’s beating in a bad way. Why’d he say that? Sabo never became a pirate. Maybe he’s not built for that up-front, casual kind of thing– “It’s not that I wouldn’t,” Sabo says with that same hasty voice from earlier. Now Ace recognizes that it’s not an endearing fluster, but a quick course correction meant to coddle Ace, and fuuuuck, he really showed his hand at the worst time.  “I just think– I’m not very available– I couldn’t be any help–” Again Ace’s hand comes down on Sabo’s shoulder. Maybe a little harder this time. “Sabo,” he says heavily, and sucks a deep breath in through his mouth. Sabo shuts up for the duration of his exhale, too, and then Ace smacks his shoulder a few times, grounding them both. “It’s fine. It’s cool. You’re super busy. It’s only a heat. Just forget it.”
Sabo looks more horrified than placated. Damn. Ace is pushing a smile harder than ever before because what else is there to do? Yeah, he’s pissed, but he’d be a prick to take it out on Sabo. 
“Wait, I don't think you understand. It’s not you at all. I just think–” “Yeah, I got it. Not cool of me to spring it on you. Way too short notice. And it’s just a heat,” Ace repeats, also trying to convince himself. His stomach feels like it’s about to mutiny, empty itself of its fat 8am nothing. Like nausea lives there now. 
So Sabo doesn’t want him.
That doesn’t even feel entirely true– But Ace is not going to push it.  No regrets, but also damn him and his bad ideas. Sabo grabs his arm. “Wait, Ace–”
He feels overstimulated and shrugs Sabo off. It takes a few seconds to even formulate a response around his brain mysteriously exploding with something like starvation pains. Sabo looks somewhat heartbroken for him, which is worse. It’s just a heat. Sabo is his own person, obviously. His own person who could probably have anyone other than Ace, what was he even thinking. 
Stalling, Ace ruffles his own hair back into somewhat of a bedhead, and tamps down as hard as possible on what wants to come out. You don’t want me? 
Am I causing problems again?
 Can you just hold me for a while, please, please– “If you feel like you need someone for it, just–” “Damn, don’t put words in my mouth,” Ace manages. He turns on his heel. “‘M hungry. I want food in my mouth. Let’s go get breakfast, Sabo.”
They sit across from each other for breakfast in the mess hall. If he’s around, Ace eats there even if Sabo doesn’t; like this, he learns the names of all the dour-faced veterans and bushy-tailed idealists, and they also know not to bug him if he lands face first in his plate. That doesn’t happen today. Sabo sits across from him with that disconcerted look, frowning more than Ace has seen him do in a while– it’s irritating– and Ace stuffs his face like they did not have that conversation. Once his stomach is fuller and he feels stronger, strong enough to hold his instincts at arm’s length again, he reasons that it went as well as it could’ve. Of course he had to ask. Was he just not going to ask? Like a coward? And at least now he knows. Yeah, he feels like a popped bubble or a capsized skiff now, strangled by that rejection in a way he hasn’t been for years, but this time it’s just omega stuff kicked up to eleven. That’s why it feels so beyond his control. 
He’ll get all his hormones sorted with a heat, and then he’ll stop feeling like Sabo’s lost, horny puppy dog. Awesome plan. He slams his bowl down. Sabo’s been talking to some staffers– he really does have his sexy little gloved fingers in everything all the time– and he glances up at the noise. “... No seconds?” “I said I’d help train some recruits today,” Ace informs him, stacking his tray up. Sabo frowns. “Really?” “Yeah– quit that, stop worrying about me.” Sabo takes a deep breath and rubs his neck. “I’m not…” Ace laughs. “Get better at lying. Look, this isn’t my first rodeo, okay? Won't be so bad. And us, we’re fine.” “Of course we are,” Sabo says, and leaves the but hanging in the air.  For now, Ace is fine with that. He whacks Sabo’s shoulder. “See you around?” “Yeah…” 
And the back of Ace’s neck tingles, because he feels eyes on him until the moment he leaves the room. * A nice breeze and a few hours of physical exertion do him good, even if he still feels like a time bomb. At least he can make himself useful until pre-heat starts kicking his ass.  He does indeed see Sabo around. He’s hard to miss at his height, with his stature, having left the top hat behind on this relatively casual day. And casual though it is, he sees Sabo cross from one end of the compound to the other, passing the training yard, no less than four times in six hours. 
Maybe that's not unusual? Except that Sabo stops to look at him every time, arms crossed and not quite focused. 
He's not there when the bell for dinner rings, which raises some questions, but Ace pushes it out of mind. He focuses on the roasted turkey and how he's going to have to ask for heat rations from the cook, who he hasn't quite won over just yet. Maybe in the morning when he’s less sleepy.
He's about to pass out in his room when there's a knock at the door and it opens. Huh. A guy has to question the point of knocking, then. 
Sabo closes it behind him with his foot, approaches Ace’s bunk– nest half-made and sadly lacking– and waits for him to stand up before holding out a folded set of clothes. Ace can't help the way he perks up at the gift. 
As he reaches for them, Sabo leans in and sniffs. Ace goes still without even meaning to, mechanically closing his hands around fabric. 
“You're getting close.”
“Hi to you, too, Sabo.”
Sabo leans back with a frown. “I really think you should stay in until it starts, Ace.”
“How are you? I'm doing fine, thank you for asking.” 
His voice is pinched. Briefly Ace traces the shape of his scar again and sighs. 
“I think I've got at least a day or two left ‘til it really sets in and gets, y’know, smelly.”
At age 18 he'd fought off a navy squadron in pre-heat, even, and any pirate in a mile radius knew not to fuck with him. Surely the revolutionary army guys are as disciplined as pirates? 
Sabo apparently doesn't think so. His face darkens. It's tough for Ace not to grin, but he tries. He brings the clothes closer to his chest. Sabo's wearing a whole other prissy outfit– so the ones he brought must've been from today. Ace feels itchy with that knowledge. 
He remembers practically tearing his brothers’ clothes off of them when they were kids, so brashly insistent on tossing them into bed, and laughs a little. Sabo scolded him then, too. 
“I'm not joking, Ace.”
“Obviously not,” Ace says lightly. “I can handle a fever, Sab. You worried about my hot, irresistible pheromones?”
Sabo’s face loosens like a lightning flash before his mouth firms up hard. Ace has the sense he's stepping on something he shouldn't. 
“Yes,” he answers, huffs, and rolls his eyes. “You know, a lot of these people haven't mated in years. If it was anyone but you, I’d probably ask you to use the heat rooms in the infirmary.”
That doesn't make him feel special. He scowls. 
“Don't really wanna be cooped up in any room at all for long,” he edges out. The worst thing is that he trusts Sabo is looking out for him, in his own needlessly intense  way. 
Ace catches the inside of his cheek between his molars.
“I'm telling you, ‘s not even pre-heat yet,” he says. His gland hasn't swollen up, there's no miserable heaviness to his groin, and he still has more than enough energy. So much energy he almost feels like he wants to fight.  
He's so hopeless sometimes. He sits on the bed just to put some space between them, looks dourly at Sabo. 
Sabo's surveying the room. There's a few trinkets, misplaced socks, log pose on the standard issue dresser. He hasn't made a home here, but it's something. 
“I still need to get my hands on some water and food for it,” Ace continues, trying the rational angle.
Sabo shakes his head, tic in his jaw. “I'll take care of that,” he says, and his voice is gentle, reassuring. And Sabo always does what he says he'll do, so. 
Ace frowns though. He feels fidgety, full of tinder sparks. He rubs at his neck, eyes shut. If he hunkers down now, he's just going to be… alone… for a while. And usually that’s no problem.
It's not like this room is a prison cell, but he learned just how slow a few days can pass when there's no one to talk to. He sends another silent thank you to Jinbei for keeping him somewhat more sane for that, but his friends can't do anything about his heat.
It's just a heat.
Sabo says his name and Ace realizes he doesn't know how long he was staring at his lap just now. 
“Ace?” Sabo sounds worried. “You still have your baby snail?”
“…Huh? It's somewhere.” 
“Right. So– that's how we’ll–” Sabo gestures, though he seems confused by exactly what he's doing. He pauses, puts his hands on his hips, and smiles. “You just call me on that when your heat starts.”
Ace’s brow twitches. He's not gonna show that side of himself to Sabo just for shits and giggles. Sabo looks at him and cools down, mouth falling open, smacked with some realization.
“Oh. Right. Sorry, are you still–” Again with the gesturing. “I changed my mind about what I said earlier.”
Ace leans back on the bed, incredulous. His arms are taut behind him. Sabo takes in the line of his body, then looks up. Oh, he's serious. 
“Changed your mind?” 
Sabo nods, all sincere, unflinching eye contact. “Yeah. I can’t just walk around doing business as usual while you're suffering in here. You even told me it was going to be bad. Can't take it lightly.”
Ace hums. Shit, he's getting too used to being saved by his brothers. 
Shaking his head, he pats the stack of clothes. “Couldn't have led with that, chief?” 
Sabo shrugs, smiling helplessly. 
“Will you wait for me?” he asks, voice butter smooth. “I have to get some things ready, and then I’ll be one call away when you feel it coming on.”
“Koala says you never answer your snail.”
Sabo makes a face. “Not fair, she's making generalizations. I can't always answer the snail if I'm sneaking around or fighting–” he takes another breath, pauses. “-- and I won't be– I mean, I'll be right here.”
“So…” Ace looks down. “You want me to hunker down now and just wait for you?”
It seemed like the biggest drag in the fucking world two minutes ago. To himself, at least, he can't deny all the warm, fuzzy feelings dredged up. Sabo also seems happy. They're on the same page again.
“I can bring you some comics tonight?” he offers. Ace laughs. 
He's a world-class wanted man who spent years in the Grand Line, and Sabo thinks he still likes comics? 
He's not wrong. 
“Ehh… just bring me all the papers with stories about Luffy,” he suggests, grinning. The two of them are collecting like crazy. “And the ones about Pops if you got ‘em.”
Sabo smiles. “Okay.”
Excitement grows inside of him. There’s whole-body relief  for the first time in ages. He hates that it's not something he could've accomplished on his own, but– he knows better than that now. 
“Thanks, Sabo.”
Sabo nods. “I’ll take good care of you, Ace, I swear.”
Ace’s ears go hot. He chuckles, looking aside. “You don't gotta say shit like that.” 
“Well, I mean it–“
Ace crashes back into his bed, sprawled over clothes and extra blankets, head tilting back and eyes shut. “I trust you.”
Sabo walks a little closer into his peripheral vision. All serious-faced again. His chip-toothed, wild brat really grew up into a soldier. “Full disclosure, though,” he starts. “I've never shared a heat with anyone.”
“What a surprise,” Ace says breezily. Haha, looks like he's gonna be Sabo’s first again. 
 Sabo doesn't even catch the dig for what it is. Ace clears his throat. “You'll be fine. When was your last rut?” 
“Uh. Not too long ago, actually.” 
Ace looks up at the ceiling, considering that. It means that Sabo’s alpha instincts likely won’t be so intense. Ace isn't sure how he feels about it. He’ll be burning off two years of suppressed heats and also the traumatic stress, according to Marco. 
He worries his lip between his teeth, glances over. “Did ya spend it with anyone?”
He doesn't know why he asked that. 
Sabo sort of stares into the corner of the bed. “Not… really…”
Ace laughs even though he wants to hit something suddenly. “What does that mean?”
“I mean, I didn't,” Sabo says with more certainty. Ace trusts that– and it's not his business, he reminds himself. Sabo’s free, all they ever wanted.  “I didn't share it with anyone. Full disclosure again, I don't like how I get during my ruts.”
Interesting. What does that mean? Ace tongues at the corner of one of his fangs and considers asking. 
He sits up, hunched over his knees. “Sabo. You will be fine. If anyone’s gonna embarrass themselves it's me.” Now that he thinks about it, that's pretty likely. His head dips as if the force of gravity hit it all at once, and he rubs the base of his skull.  “Sorry. I wouldn't bug you with this if it wasn't… believe me, it's just…” 
Something gets caught in his throat. 
“No, Ace, you can always ask.” Sabo is fast to sit down next to him. “I want you to ask.”
“You’re my brother,” Sabo says firmly. 
Ace can’t do anything but laugh. That really was one of the best ideas he ever had. He could get half-drunk on it at any time. He lifts his arm for Sabo to cross. Sabo returns the echo of their surprisingly idyllic childhood, then settles back into place, looking rather mindful of… something. That’s the thing with Sabo. He always seems to have a thousand things on his mind, but you can’t guess when or even if they’re going to come up. Ace leans over and nudges his shoulder. “I’d do the same for you if you had a bad cycle,” he swears, “you know that, right? Drop anything to take your knot.”
Sabo’s shoulders shake with his laughter, though it winds down fast and thin. His eyes flit away. “Dude, stop.”
Ace grins, leaning over. 
“Huh, maybe it is starting early…” “Ace, I mean it, please,” Sabo coughs into his hand and then stares at Ace so intently that any playfulness snuffs out. “I need to be prepared for your heat, as much as possible.” Ace blinks a few times. There’s an absurd amount of pomp and circumstance around this. It’s embarrassing, humbling– unexpected. He scoots closer and slaps his hand on Sabo’s back, hard. “Don’t treat it like a chore,” he says cheerfully. “You can have fun, too! I trust ya, and I’m not fragile. I’ve been working on my haki, I could probably kick your ass now–” “That’s not what I mean either,” Sabo says, ruefully shaking his head, but he doesn’t elaborate and Ace is getting sleepy. Sabo pats his thigh and stands up, winding an arm back to loosen up. “Alright, I’ll take care of reading material and the food ‘n water. You’ve got the clothes for nesting. Anything else?” “Nope,” Ace says. He said he was low maintenance and he means it. He shoots finger-guns. “Just you and that dick!” Sabo snorts. Ace tracks his movement and finds himself standing up, walking along to the door. Restless, suddenly. “Good night, Ace.” “Night, Sabo.” They stare at each other. Desire comes to life on the tip of Ace’s tongue. His skin prickles with it.
 Sabo is helping him. It’s too much to ask for anything else– especially not after all of Ace’s insistence that he didn’t even have his pre-heat yet. This isn’t need. Not his health. It’s just wanting. Inexplicable, childish wanting. Now that he’s going, Ace wants him to stay. With his hands, which touch Ace so easily; and his tough, pretty smile; and his scent, like the high canopies of the forest stretching toward the sun. In this stuttering, overborne moment, for once, Ace is unable to get his head around the feeling they’re sharing. There’s a huff– it could be either of them– and then Sabo nods, turns the knob, and leaves. Ace waves. Stands there, processing. When nobody and nothing else so much as crosses in front of his room in the next few minutes, Ace free falls into his privacy– into that clunky bed that’s so much more agreeable when arranged to soothe his instincts. Sabo’s offerings are washed in his scent. Ace buries his face in them. His heat is going to colossally thrash him this year. Now he’s stuck inside this tiny, sterile room for a while, too. And he is so, so lucky. The longer he has his nose to Sabo’s shirt, the luckier he feels.
It’s unfair of him to want more.  -
Sabo comes in the morning with a box of newspapers and a tray of breakfast. He has enough sense to have brought enough for both of them to eat together– they make room to do so on the floor. It’s surprisingly cozy. Ace cheerfully gnaws on toast and downs orange juice while pawing at the pages, eyebrows raised at this or that headline. He always grins whenever he sees “straw hat” emblazoned on the front pages. Sabo has the same enthusiasm, finding Ace first thing to show him whenever something new comes up. It’s been a little while, though.  “D’you think he’s okay,” Ace asks, mouth half-full of apple as he holds up one of the more recent ones. Sabo looks up, slurps the rest of a ham slice into his mouth, pauses. “... Of course he is.” “Uhuh.” Another bite. “Why’d you have to stop and think about it?” “He’s a little reckless, isn’t he?” Sabo notes lightly. “But you said yourself that it always works out for him.” He did say that. It does seem a little suspect though. Ace runs his hand back through his hair again, frowning. He knows Luffy is much bigger and stronger than he used to be. He’s reliable, in his own way. His friends will take care of him. All things that Ace has thought to himself any number of times, with increased frequency in the last few weeks. He can’t wait to start walking himself back from the edge. 
“Hey, it’s perfectly natural for an older brother to worry,” says Ace. “Sure is. Do you wish he was here?” “Yeah, a little,” Ace admits, since it’s Sabo– then he immediately thinks better of it. “Well. No, he should be out there becoming King of the Pirates, yeah?”
One-handed, he shifts some of the pages aside to find a picture of Luffy– well, a picture of Luffy’s wacky limbs splayed across the sky in some foreign land. How can you not root for him? When he glances up, Sabo’s smiling just the same as he is. “Yeah, of course,” Sabo replies. “You know… you know we can call him, right? Well, call the Sunny to talk to him.” Ace huffs. “What’s he gonna say? It’ll be the same as always. That kid....” He takes a deep breath. “We’ll see him when we see him.” “Alright, well, if I call him I’ll say you’re busy–” “Hey, if you’re gonna call him anyway, that’s different–” Sabo snickers. Ace starts cleaning up, annoyed again that Sabo has to play errand boy for him until his heat starts kicking his ass. “How are you feeling?” Sabo asks, setting the box of newspapers aside. “Fine–” Ace pauses when he feels Sabo’s bare hand on his forehead. He squints at him critically, an incredulous joke on his lips, but again, Sabo’s so intense at random times. It’s less work to just let him tire himself out. “You know,” Ace reminds him, gently lowering his hand, “you can’t really check my temperature ‘cause of the whole–” Sabo almost squawks when Ace makes use of his logia from the shoulders up, torn into red and orange flames licking the still air, then settling back into flesh. Sabo blinks at him, annoyed, while Ace gets his laugh in. 
ummmm ur honor i love them. anyway yeah the idea is like. ace in heat is very Not low maintenance and wait. this:
Ace in heat was boldly confrontational, glaring at Sabo like that.
 He started up with I’m sorry only to realize that Ace was channeling all that mysterious ire at his mouth– or, no, at the dull, thin bars of the alpha muzzle strapped over it. 
“You going to keep the gloves on, too?” Ace asked scathingly.
“Do you want me to?”
instead of finishing the rest of this fic can't i just.. RP it or smth...
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kanerallels · 6 months
Good news: I'm FINALLY contributing to Magical March! Today's prompt from @monthly-challenge is Ocean, and I wrote a story about some of my OCs from my Fantasy Adventures With Waffles story!
(@taleweaver-ramblings you showed interest in this universe once and I retain that kind of thing way too easily SO get tagged, feel free to ignore it!)
(for context this is about the fantasy UPS driver and her perpetual stressed out apprentice, original post about them here!)
When Trey woke up on the cot tucked in the back of the shelter on Adelis’s raft, he could tell something was different. What, he wasn’t exactly sure. He’d been traveling as her apprentice for two weeks now, and he was still getting used to the day to day changes.
But there was something off. Trey hopped out of bed. He slept fully clothed, in case they had to make a late night delivery, or a posse of Colin’s exes showed up to kill him and they had to run for it. Luckily, only one of those had actually occurred. Yet.
The wood of the deck was rough underfoot, but Trey was used to going barefoot. It didn’t bother him at all. Stepping out of the shelter, he squinted in the morning light.
Adelis was already up, as she always was. In her steering position she stood tall, her multi-colored cloak fluttering in the breeze. “Good morning,” she greeted Trey, sending him a smile.
“Morning,” he said, holding back a yawn. “Morning, Colin.”
The golden-haired selkie gave a lazy salute from his position lounging against one of the stacks of packages strapped to the deck. Colin liked to give the impression of uselessness, but it hadn’t taken long for Trey to realize that he was always up to something. 
Generally, that something was trying to see how many females of any species he could flirt with in each town. But sometimes it was something genuinely useful and productive.
“Are you hungry?” Adelis asked him. “Colin was just thinking of rustling up some breakfast.”
“You have two choices,” Colin told him. “Leftover soup from last night, or… that’s it. Okay, there’s also dipping into our dried food reserves if you want to ruin your own life. We really need more supplies, Del.”
Nodding as she expertly maneuvered them around a corner, Adelis said, “I know. We should make it to Bethany today. Care to take a guess at how soon?”
Colin frowned thoughtfully. Tilting his head to the side, he sniffed, taking in a long draught of the fresh air. “Hmm… I do smell the ocean. Early afternoon, maybe?”
“The ocean?” Trey said, his eyes widening. Maybe that was what was different— now that he thought about it, there was a slight tang on the breeze. “Are— are we going to see it today?”
“Absolutely,” Colin said, an unusual smile crossing his face. Most of the time it was sardonic or charming. This was genuine, joyful. “It’s been too long.”
“You’ll get your share of it once we get to Bethany,” Adelis told him. “We’ll be taking a coast run, dropping off packages to quite a few of the coastal cities.”
Rubbing his hands together gleefully, Colin said, “Excellent. I can’t wait. Trey, are you excited?”
“I… think so?” Trey said tentatively. “I’ve never seen it before.”
Colin sat bolt upright, his gaze locking onto Trey with utter horror. “You— what? You’ve never seen the ocean?”
“That’s not uncommon,” Adelis assured him. “But I think you’ll like it— you handled the river travel well enough, so you’ll probably be able to deal with any potential sea sickness.”
“Adelis! He’s never seen the OCEAN? But— we live on an island!”
Rolling her eyes, Adelis said, “It’s a big island, Colin.”
“And I’ve never left my home village before now,” Trey reminded him.
“Right,” Colin said, still looking shaken. “Skies, I can’t imagine.” A smile crossing his face, he said, “You’re going to love it.”
As he got up and headed into the shelter, Trey looked at Adelis questioningly. “Am I?” he asked in an undertone. “Or is this a Colin thing?”
Adelis laughed. “A little of both. He’s a selkie, so he grew up in the ocean. The idea of being permanently landlocked is terrible for him— and having never seen the ocean is unthinkable. But I think you’ll enjoy the ocean. It’s a beautiful and powerful sight.”
“What’s it like?” Trey asked.
Adelis thought for a moment. “You know those massive banyan trees that grow near your village? The ones that are so big that three of your tallest men can’t wrap their arms around it, with leaves the size of your face?”
“Yeah,” Trey said.
“It’s like standing underneath one and looking up.”
This told Trey approximately nothing, but that wasn’t really new for Adelis. She could be a little vaguely cryptic sometimes, and said some pretty strange stuff. Colin had theorized that it had something to do with her being half Fae, but Trey thought it was probably just how she was. In this situation, he didn’t really mind, and contented himself with waiting.
The morning slipped by peacefully— the three of them had an unorthodox breakfast and then Trey worked on sorting packages for their next stop in the town of Bethany, while Adelis checked them against her manifest. Colin was put in charge of steering, with dire warnings about what would happen if he started messing around.
They were halfway through their work when Colin, who’d been singing one of his sea songs to himself, stopped short. “Ocean, ho!” he said, his voice delighted.
Trey looked up from his work and followed Colin’s pointing hand. His eyes went wide at the sight before him.
They’d crested the top of a hill. From there, the river wound its way down, cutting a silvery scar across the green treetops. And at one point, it widened out, and the land just… stopped.
Past it was water, more than Trey had ever seen in his life. The sunlight sparkling off of it in dazzling bright diamonds that didn’t diminish the vivid blue in the slightest. Somewhere, out in the distance, the sky and the sea met in a firm, dark line, and it was just so much. Suddenly Trey thought he knew what Adelis had meant earlier.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” Colin said happily. “And look— you can see Bethany off to the right!”
Trey took a moment to look towards where a large, walled city followed the curve of the coast. Clusters of white specks moved around it in the water, and it took Trey a moment to realize they were sailing ships, cutting through the waves like a bird through the sky.
“Wow,” he breathed.
“Wait until you see it up close,” Adelis said, her voice knowing. “We’ll spend the night on the shore before we head into Bethany tomorrow— our last night of peace.”
Colin let out a delighted whoop, and Trey almost felt like following suit. The idea of being so close to the vast expanse before them was incredible, if a little terrifying.
Adelis took over steering, and they slipped down the sloping hill with ease, following the curves gently. The mouth of the river was a few miles away from the walled city of Bethany, and Adelis pulled them in on the other side.
At this point, Trey could barely tear his gaze away from the ocean. The deep rush of the waves and the salty taste of the air enthralled him— he’d really never seen anything like it before.
Colin seemed just as excited, bouncing up and down on his heels as he stared out across the sandy beach. He had a familiar jacket slung over one shoulder— his selkie skin, Trey realized, glamored to appear like whatever outerwear would blend in best. At the moment, it was a soft tawny colored undercoat.
“Hey,” Adelis said, pulling both of their attention from the ocean. Looking amused, she said, “Help me secure the raft, and you’re both relieved of duty.”
Colin immediately scrambled to help, and Trey followed suit hurriedly. Before long they had the raft safely secured to the shore and checked to make sure the packages were safe. But even then, Colin shot Adelis a questioning look, edging closer to the nearby beach.
Grinning, she said, “Go already.”
The words were no sooner out of her mouth than he let out a whoop and took off towards the water, sand spraying up from under his feet. Trey watched as he plunged into the waves without removing his clothing, and disappeared into the water a few seconds later.
Glancing at Adelis, he said, “Is he—”
“He’ll be back in a little while, probably with dinner,” she said. “If you want to go, too, go ahead— I have a few things to finish up here, but I’ll join you soon.”
Trey hesitated for a minute, almost tempted to wait for her. But the rhythmic voice of the ocean was calling, and finally he headed away from the raft and towards the sea shore.
The banks of the river had been grassy, but that gave way to soft, loose sand as Trey approached the water. It slipped and slid underfoot, impeding his progress. But it wasn’t long before he made it to firmer ground, the sand wet from the pounding waves and easier to walk on. 
Cautiously, he approached the water. He could smell the salt, as well as a distinctly fishy smell that was just shy of unpleasant. But with the late afternoon sun beating down on him and the breeze ruffling his hair, Trey really couldn’t complain. As he grew closer to the water, he noticed bumps in the sand— shells, he realized, but not like the river oysters or snails he was used to.
Bending down, he picked one up— a creamy white, concave shell— and was so busy studying it he almost didn’t notice when the first wave washed over his feet. Almost— the cold shocked him, and he actually jumped into the air, landing with a subdued splash as the water washed away again. Trey gazed, wide eyed, as another wave came roaring towards him, only to slowly lose momentum as it thundered across the beach. By the time it reached him it was only energetic enough to wash over his toes, lapping at his ankles.
Gazing out at the blue-green expanse before him in wonder, Trey breathed the sea air in deeply, listening to the roar of the ocean. It’s incredible. It’s beautiful, he thought. But it was more than that. It was more than just words could describe. It was simply too big for that.
He caught sight of a flash of movement out in the waves— tawny gold fur and the flick of a tail. Colin, he realized. The selkie was in his seal shape, and was also heading straight towards him.
When the water got too shallow, the seal ducked under one last time, and Colin came up, shaking water from his hair and sputtering. “Tell Del I’m working on dinner,” he said with a sharp grin. “Any chance you can bring her the fish as I catch ‘em?”
“Sure,” Trey said, finding he didn’t mind an excuse to stay by the water as long as possible.
Before long, Adelis joined him, and they spent the rest of the afternoon splashing around the shallows, collecting the fish Colin brought them and overall enjoying themselves immensely.
By the time they’d gotten enough for dinner, the sun had sunk to just above the water and was burning a glorious shade of red-orange. Adelis led the way back to their campsite, Colin still dripping but looking far happier than Trey had ever seen him. He cleaned the fish while Adelis and Trey built a fire, then rummaged around in their stores to see what they had to best cook fish.
Eventually they decided to wrap it in leaves filled with salt and spices and some slices of a rather shriveled lemon Adelis found, then buried it in the coals and waited for it to cook.
As they waited, they watched the sun sink into the ocean, bleeding gorgeous shades of scarlet and gold across the waves. Letting out a long sigh, Colin said, “There’s no sunset like an ocean sunset. It’s even better when you’re out there in the middle of it.”
Adelis nodded in agreement. “The best ones are on the coast of Wrinhart, though. That’s the island where I grew up,” she explained to Trey. “We’ll go there someday soon. It’s beautiful, and these stunning white flowers grow along the shoreline. Sometimes it looks like it’s snowed, there’s so many of them.”
“That sounds amazing,” Trey said.
“It is.”
It wasn’t long before the fish was ready, and they all enjoyed themselves carefully eating the white, flaky meat, trying not to burn their fingers or their mouths. It was one of the best things Trey had ever eaten, with the evening breeze whispering around them and the waves singing to them from a distance.
There were days when he was still scared of the crazy adventure he’d ended up on. Of everything that could possibly go wrong— and there was a lot.
But the days like this made everything else fiercely worth it. There was no question about it.
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ellecdc · 4 months
congrats on 2k elle! the picnic is such a cute idea help. i was torn between all those questions so i might've given a lil too much sorry ☠️
icebreaker: 10, 15, 139, 170, 194 (answer whichever you wanna!! 🎀)
awe thank you sweets xx
ice breaker -> pick a number between 1 & 200 and I will post a question from this list along with my answer, and everyone can feel free to leave their answers in the comments! I want to get to know everyone better and give everyone a chance to get to know each other!
10 - What's your happiest memory?
ooof hmm.... IDK I feel like I have so many? I'm a lucky girl. One time I had a raspberry mojito that instantly transported me to summer's at my grandparents which was eight hours north in a town of 400 people. They lived on the outskirts with a big property, and grandma had vegetable and fruit gardens. My cousin and I who were only two months apart in age got to spend our time together there. In the mornings we would help grandma with her raspberry bushes; she'd give us four of those cartons and told us if we filled all of them up, we could each have one carton as a snack. So we'd work in the sun on our hands and knees and then run inside with our pints of raspberry, hastily rinse them off, close the blinds in the living room and share our grandpa's big recliner chair and pop a movie into the VHS - I think that's a really nice memory.
15 - What are the top five items on your bucket list?
oooh okay before I die I have to have to have to visit Greece - it's non-negotiable, I wanna go horseback riding on the beach, I'd like to go scuba diving somewhere tropical [damn Canada's cold watersssssss], uhmmmmmm I want to own a house/cottage in a historical coastal town near where I live, annnndddd I want to go to both the south and north poles
139 - What character do you identify with most personality wise? 
from the characters I write it's Sirius Black 😬 black sheep of the family, constantly compared to siblings/cousins, tried to do everything that was expected of me and never did it 'well enough', quick to anger, sensitive but come off as bitchy uhmmmmmm oh horribly loyal and protective of the people I am close to
170 - The zombie apocalypse is coming. Who are three people you want on your team?
I'm going to answer these from the characters I write for too hahaha, Barty 110%, Remus aannnnndddddd Lily.
194 - What song would make the best theme music for you?
oooooh uhmmmmmmmm this is hard, let me ask my friend that I've known since we were four:
Ok 3 hours later and her answers are shit but here they are
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thanks for playing sweetness!!
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snlhostharry · 4 years
rose blush
harry styles x reader
4.5k words 
you and harry meet in a small coastal town as your both running away from your responsibilities 
a/n: this is loosely based on gold rush by taylor swift, but honestly this story is 50% plot 50% vibes y’know. also i’m obsessed with the concept of seeing harry after a long time apart at one of his concerts as he sings the song he wrote about you like that exact concept has been in multiple fics I’ve written so yeah
Coffee shops are supposed to be a refuge from the outside world. Not your usual starbucks, no you mean the small town coffee shop filled with plants and little to know patrons. The bell on the door jingles briefly as patrons come in and out on occasion. Everyone too wrapped up in their own lives and their own coffee orders to notice you: it’s really perfect. As you type aimlessly on your computer. You’re not paying any attention to the people who come in and out of the small shop, your hyperfocused on the computer and the piles of papers and binders set out in front of you at the table. 
That is until someone walks in that no one expected to see. A man enters the shop quietly, wearing a black beanie and a gray hoodie with the hood pulled up over his head. You don’t think anything of him until you hear the barista say, “Oh my gosh your-” And then she cuts herself off as the man nods. You find yourself glancing up at him frequently as he stands at the counter waiting for his order. As it turns out, it’s just a black coffee, and as he says thank you for his drink in an accent that might just give him away he passes you to walk out of the shop. 
He glances over at you and your piles of binders at your feet, and the strewn papers on your desk as he heads towards the door. His precursory glance makes him curious about you, and his curiosity gets the better of him and he takes a good long look at you. You meet his eyes briefly, the green orbs capturing all of your attention in a moment that feels long more than anything else. You recognize him and pull your eyes away quickly to fix them back on the computer. 
He shakes his head and walks out of the door coffee still safely in hand. 
You’re looking at the computer, but your mind is going twenty miles a minute. Harry Styles is in Capitola, and that’s okay right? You think then that fact isn’t going to change anything about what you're here to do and what you’re supposed to be thinking about. Celebrities probably pass through here all the time, it’s nothing new, probably. If you keep telling yourself that then maybe it’ll become true. 
Harry Styles seems to like the coffee from this place. Day after Day after Day for what you think is a week, he comes in to get his black coffee, The odd thing about it is he always comes in at different times, sometimes at ten in the morning, sometimes at three in the afternoon, and at all times in between. It’s odd for you because you always come in for a set amount of time from nine in the morning until four in the afternoon everyday at the exact times. You’d read an article that routine is key to productivity so you’d decided to stick to it. 
On the eight day of making an appearance at the shop, this time at noon exactly Harry stops before he heads out of the door. He hasn’t really looked at you since the first time (not that you were looking at him to see if he was looking at you or anything you’re just looking for a distraction and curious about what he’s doing) but on the eight day he stops fully. He stands there for a moment being very creepy if you're being honest and then he sits down across from you. 
“What are you doing?” He says, accent abounding. He flashes a smile at you, and sits his coffee down on the table, a sign you take to mean that he’s going to stay for a while. 
You stare at the computer for a bit longer, thinking maybe it will make him go away but he says. You look at him, struggling to meet his eyes for some reason, and then say, “I’m writing.” 
He lets out a small breathy laugh, fully aware that you’re not going to give him the answers he wants. “Why do you come here to write?” 
“Because it’s quiet, and there are limited distractions,” You tell him. You lean in closer to him and half whisper, “Except of course for the former one direction member who comes in everyday for only a black coffee.” You go back to staring at your computer, satisfied with yourself. 
He's interested in you, and if you weren’t trying to ignore him so much you would be able to notice. “What’s wrong with a black coffee?” 
“It’s boring,” You say instinctively. 
“It’s a classic.” 
“I thought the English were more into tea than anything else.” 
“I need the caffeine,” He explains. 
You hold up your reusable cup, filled halfway with a green liquid. “Matcha tea, it’s caffeinated.” 
He wrinkles his nose, “It’s green.” 
“Don’t be a child,” You say with a smile on your face. When you realize that your smiling at him, you quickly fix your face and stare back at the document in front of you even though there’s no way that you could possibly get anything done on it now. 
“What would you suggest I try then?” He says, trying to get you to talk to him again. 
You click your tongue, trying to think of something. “If you need the caffeine why don’t you try a latte? Cinnamon is a good flavor.” 
“A latte?” He says, wrinkling his nose again, “That’s not even coffee.” 
“It has expresso,” You say, “And it’s not boring for one thing.” 
He huffs, “I don’t know if I can trust your taste.” 
“Then don’t,” You shrug. 
“So you’re just not going to tell me what you're writing then?” He says, “You’re going to leave me wondering every time I walk in here and see you sitting at this same table.” 
You smile at him sarcastically, “Yes.” 
He stands up from the table suddenly and says, “Guess I will have to get more creative then.” He doesn’t even wait for a response from you as he picks up his coffee and heads out of the door, the little bell ringing again as he leaves. You look up from the computer and across from you at the seat he just vacated. Something passes over you, maybe a feeling of anxiety or somewhat of a realization that someone famous just talked to you, talked to you about coffee and what you were writing. You didn’t expect that to happen, and you’re not sure if you like it or not. 
The next day, you're in the same place, with another cupful of Matcha Tea when Harry walks in. You expect him to follow the same routine, order a black coffee and then leave. That day, he changed his order. You almost don't believe your own ears when you heard him say, “I’ll have a latte, cinnamon and vanilla please.” You try to think that it has nothing to do with you, that maybe he just wanted to change his order naturally or he has a friend who wants that order. But when he receives it and comes over to sit across from you again, you realize that he did change it for you. 
“What’s in a latte anyway?” He asks with the same smile. 
You sigh, trying to seem uninterested, but the sudden feeling is back. “Espresso and milk I think.” 
“You think?” He asks, the surprise in his voice evident. 
“I’ve never had one,” You try and keep your sudden urge to laugh under control. You laugh, louder than you meant to at last and instead of looking at you with some kind of horrified look he just smiles. 
He shakes his head, “You think you’re funny don’t you?” 
“I don’t know about that, I just thought you knew I was being sarcastic.” 
“I will have you know I took your words as a dare.” 
“Why would you ever think that?”
“Because I grew up with an older sister.” 
“Well I’m an only child so, you miscalculated, Mr. Styles.” 
He takes a sip of his coffee and muses, “Hmm.” Then he seems to suddenly taste the Latte and almost spits it out. A look crosses his face that you wish you could’ve gotten a picture of and then he tries to recover before saying, “It’s good.” 
“Really?” You take a long sip of your tea. “Because it looked like you're regretting your decision to challenge me.” 
He shakes his head and takes another sip, making the same face. “No, in fact I’m happy that you encouraged me to make this change. This is delicious.” 
You narrow your eyes, “Why don’t I believe you?” 
“Do you want to try it?” He asks, holding out the cup to you.
“First off, the amount of germs that would spread is astronomical,” You smile at him, “Secondly yes of course I do.” You take the cup from his hands, “How could I not when you made that oscar worthy face while drinking it?” You peel the lid off the cup and take a sip of the drink. The first thing you state is a frightening amount of sweetness, and then the foam gets caught on your mouth. Lastly comes the sudden shot of espresso as the mess of flavors is finished. You hand the cup back to Harry after putting the lid on and say, “Coffee is gross.” 
“That’s not coffee,” He offers, “If you were to try a black coffee you would see.” 
“Black coffee is gross,” You tell him, giving him your full attention. “I’ve had it and it’s all bitter.” 
He tilts his head to the side for a moment, “Can I ask you something?” 
“You’re going to whether I say yes or not.” 
“Why are you here?”
“You asked me that last time.” 
“Not here like, in town.” 
You’re surprised, “Oh.” You cough and then say, “I needed a change of scenery.” 
“To write whatever you’re writing?”
“Yeah,” You eye him right back, “What are you doing here, aren’t you supposed to be a world famous pop star?”
He leans back into his chair, “I think of myself as more of a rock and roller.” He folds his hands together on top of the table, “I needed a change of scenery too,” He says earnestly. 
You click your tongue and turn back to your computer, “Something tells me that’s going to be the only thing that we have in common.” 
He shakes his head, “There’s more than you think I’m sure.” 
“Oh yes,” You say sarcastically, “Harry Styles and the mysterious girl at the cafe he frequents, i'm sure we have a lot of shared life experience.” 
“You’re so contrary.” 
“You’re so hopelessly optimistic.” 
He taps his fingers against the table, “I don’t think that’s a bad thing.” 
“Good for you,” You shoot back. You can’t see it, because you’re trying to focus your attention back on the computer but he’s smiling at you in a way that he hasn’t before. It’s not a smirk, or something sarcastic or even patronizing. If you were looking you would know that he sees something in you, but you’re not looking. When he gets up and leaves you turn to him and say, “Until next time then.”
He looks at you curiously and then nods. 
The next day you’re still at your spot but noticeably without your computer or your piles of books. Quite simply you're stumped on your writing, you don’t know where to go to what to do and although you wouldn’t say it outloud it makes you incredibly angry. The reason why you don’t have your computer with you is because you’d gotten so mad at the thing the night before you thought you might break if you didn’t take a beat of separation. Even though the entire situation obviously isn’t the computer's fault, it’s your fault. 
So you sit, mindlessly scrolling through tik tok, trying to think of something to do to keep your mind off the fact that this whole trip could've been for nothing and you’ll never get it finished. Unfortunately the best thing you can think of is the thing that you're already doing, sitting in the same shop that you’ve been sitting in day after day. You wonder if the employees have begun to get annoyed with you, or if they talk about you on their breaks and wonder why you’re always covered in papers or why you type vigorously on your computer keys. 
Harry walks in and you look at him immediately before just as quickly moving your eyes back to your phone. He does the same thing he does everyday, gets his order (this time the regular black coffee), and then sits down across from you. 
“What happened?” 
“I seem to have hit some writers block,” You say, “I had to extricate myself from the work or I would’ve committed computer murder.” 
“Computer murder?” He repeats with a small sly smile. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” You say suddenly, then correct yourself, “Like talk a walk by the beach or something.” 
He looks surprised but he says, “Yes,” right away. Then he pauses and says, “But you have to tell me your name, or what you’re writing.” 
You stand up from the table, tea clutched in your hand. “I will do you one better,” You hold your hand for him to shake, “I’m y/n.” 
“That’s a pretty name,” The smile on his face seems immoveable. 
You roll your eyes, “Flattery will get you nowhere with me.” You start to walk out of the door and he follows you right out onto the sidewalk. The town is small, and the main street is very close to the beach. It only takes a minute or two to get onto the beach and when you do you turn to him and say, “I’m writing my graduate school thesis.” 
“Huh,” He says, clearly thinking about something. 
You shove your hands into your pockets, “What did you think I was writing?” 
“A novel,” He answers quickly.
You laugh out loud, “Seriously? What kind of book?” 
“I don’t know,” He laughs a little too, “One of those steamy romance ones.” 
“Oh my god,” You say, laughing again. “You thought I was writing one of those honry romance books that gets made into a movie that makes everyone uncomfortable? I don’t know wether to laugh or cry that you would think that about me.” 
“Well you wouldn’t tell me, so I had to get creative.” 
“Just to make sure that you don’t have to get creative anymore,” You start, “I am writing my master's degree thesis on aerospace engineering.” 
He stops walking and just stares at you, “Fuck. You’re a genius.” 
“If you read the thesis you would not think that,” You shake your head, “And before you ask if you can read it no you cannot.” 
He laughs, “Darn.” 
“I’m not a writer,” You say as the two of you continue to walk, “I am a builder, and a math person, this is literal torture.” 
“So you came all the way out here to-?”
“Try and see if getting away from the pressure helps at all.” 
“Is it working?” 
You shrug, “Why did you come out here?” 
“Writer's block,” He says, and for a moment you think he’s mocking you but then you see the look on his face. 
“Really?” You say. 
He sighs, “Usually the ideas just come to me, but I’ve not nothing.” 
“So you decided to disappear to a small coastal town?”
“Don’t sound so contrary,” He says, “You did the same thing.” 
“Is the word contrary on your word of the day calendar or something?” You accuse him, “Or do you just like the way it sounds coming out of your mouth?” 
He turns to you, for a moment, doesn’t say anything and just licks his lips. “I think that you like the way it sounds.” 
You roll your eyes, “I’m sure that you're used to thinking that every girl you’ve ever met has been in love with you, but for the record I am not.” You continue, “And not in the way that I don’t date because no one has ever loved me before, just in the way that you live a different life than me.” 
He doesn’t say anything, he just nods slowly and the two of you walk in silence for a while. After a while, he clicks his tongue and says, “Aerospace engineering, huh? Do you want to work for NASA then?” 
You dig your foot into the stand, hands still clenched in your pockets, “I have an offer from them, but I can only go to work with them if I graduate and to graduate I have to finish this godforsaken thesis.” 
He stops walking and steps in front of you, almost causing you to run into him. “The only thing standing in between you and your dream is one essay.” 
“One monster essay,” You correct him, “One monster essay that then has to go through edits after I finish seventy five pages.” You cross your arms over your chest when it’s clear that he’s going to stand in front of you as he thinks about something. 
“That’s something,” He says, and narrows his eyes at you briefly. You wish you could know what he’s thinking about, because you’re not sure what he means by what he just said. 
You roll your eyes again, “Nice to know my personal life makes interesting fodder for your songs. Am I going to be the next Carolina?” You turn on your heels and start walking the opposite way down the beach, you start walking pretty fast and it seems like he’s still in thought because it takes him a while to catch up with you. 
“You’re reading too much into it,” He says. 
“Am I though?” You don’t even look at him, you just keep walking. “It’s your MO isn’t it? You like girls, or maybe you don’t, they fall in love with you and one way or another they end up immortalized for a bunch of teenage girls and the recording academy to listen to.” 
“And you think you know everything about me?” He offers. 
You spin around and plant your feet in the sand, causing Harry to run right into you. He barrels right into you, and sends both of you falling onto the ground. Suddenly you're in the sand, with Harry on top of you. You very much regret stopping for dramatic effect as you roll out from under him, leaving him face first in the sand. You sit up and dust sand off yourself as you sit on your knees. 
“Do you always have to be so dramatic?” He says, exasperatedly, as he sits up and brushes sand out of his hair. 
“Yes,” You sigh, “I study engineering, it's pretty much the only entertainment I have.” 
“So you were joking? Back there?” 
“No, I was being serious.” 
“You really think that just because I’m into you I’m gonna go off and write songs about the aerospace engineering major who has stars in her eyes and perfect hair falls into place everyday the same way? There’s going to be a billboard hit about the girl that who drinks the same tea I don’t understand every single day, and pours over her little computer with diagrams of rocket ships trying to will the words to appear?” 
You stop and just look at him. He looks back at you with a deer in headlights expression, and lays back down into the sand like he wishes he would disappear. You sit in the sand, as a breeze blows across the beach. The waves behind you crash against the sand with a sound that you just seem to notice, as Harry seems to have his little crisis, you suddenly notice nature all around you. And you notice the fact that you hadn’t paid any attention to any of it, because you were too busy looking at him. 
“You have been watching me,” You say suddenly. 
“Not in a creepy way,” He says from his place on the ground, “I have just noticed things.” 
:”Well I’m not going to go off and design rockets that are shaped like Harry Styles but-” You sigh, “I have noticed things too.” 
“By which you mean?” 
You get to your feet and walk over to him, holding out your hand for him. Harry looks up at you and takes your hand, using it to pull himself up until you're standing looking at each other. “I mean, maybe the version of you I've created in my head isn’t the real you. And I would be interested in finding out who Harry is.” He smiles, “And also,” You cup your hands around his cheeks and pull him in for a kiss. He kisses you back immediately, and it goes on until you pull away. “I have to get back to work.” 
“Oh so now you can write?” 
“What can I say, I think you cured the writer's block.” 
You spend the next two weeks actually getting to know Harry. He’s a bit like the person the general public thinks him to be, but there are things about him that he’s never shared in any interview or any tweet. You feel lucky to get to know these things, to get to have these little pieces of him to keep. You know the taste of his lips, his exact coffee order, the way he laughs at jokes that are not funny, the little smile that crosses his face whenever there’s a commercial with dogs or babies, and the fact that if left unattended he will wake up and eat leftover cake at two in the morning. 
You like him, you like him a lot, but you don’t allow yourself to fall in love with him. Well maybe you do, in the small ways, the ways that are so easy to push down and not think about. Everytime you think about yourself having some kind of future with him beyond the four walls of the apartments you're both renting you think about something else. You think about how you have your own dreams that couldn’t include him even if you tried, you think about all the things that could go wrong and all the reasons why his life can’t be your life, and you think maybe that’ll be enough to stop you from loving him the way you want to. 
One of those things you try not to think about? How good you are for each other. You kissed him one time and it was like your brain lit up somehow you had the energy to work on your thesis and get close to finishing it. Harry helped in his own way, he sat with you in the coffee shop and on the couch as you wrote, telling you that it looked good even though he had no idea what you were talking about. And everyday when you were working he would sit on the floor of your small apartment with his guitar, strumming and singing and creating music finally. You didn’t really understand what he was getting at either but you thought it sounded nice anyway and you liked to see him happy. 
None of that makes it easy to leave by any means. That’s the biggest reason why you can’t love him, because you know and you’ve always known that you were going to leave. At the end of the month you both pack up your bags and get ready to go back to Washington DC, and Harry gets ready to go back to London. Both of you knew deep down that it was going to be this way, and so you just push ahead. No crying, no confessions, no big dramatic moments that both of you had become accustomed to, you just kiss one last time and head off your separate ways. 
You realize once you're on the plane, leaving the whole thing in the past, that you actually don’t mind if he writes a song about you. Something should come of your time together, you decide because it meant so much to both of you. 
Almost a year later, Harry has released another album and he’s coming on tour to Washington. Your thesis is done, and you're working your dream job for NASA, helping to design rockets and other technology. You don’t know why, but you revolve to go to the show. Half of it is because you genuinely like the album, and because you’ve heard that Harry Styles concerts are something that everyone should experience, but half because you want to see him in person because it’s been a long time. 
You could tell him that you're coming, but you don’t. You don’t know what to say and most of all you don’t know what you want him to do with it. All the barriers to the two of you having a serious relationship are still there, especially now that he’s going to be on tour for the time being. You don’t tell him you're going, but somehow despite all the doubts that appear in your mind the hours before the concert is set to start you make it all the way there. 
You actually enjoy the concert like a normal fan, up until the point where he plays Sunflower Vol 6. 
You’ve known Sunflower was about you since the album was released. On the day Fine Line was released, Harry sent you a text that said: I know I said that I wouldn’t write a song about you but I couldn’t help it. Don’t be mad. It’s called Sunflower.
You weren’t mad, and you actually ended up loving the song. Hearing it made you a little emotional however, because it just made you think, think about the time the two of you had spent together and how you wished it could've lasted longer. 
You don’t know why, but you text him while he’s playing. You know he won’t see it until after the show and that’s kind of the point. You sound great tonight. Sunflower is beautiful. 
Eventually the concert ends and you end up staying in your seat for a little longer than everyone else, just to steer clear of the crowds trying to get out of the building all at once. When mostly everyone around you has cleared out you leave your street and start the walk back to the metro station. You’re walking down a long and mostly empty hallway when you suddenly hear the sound of someone running right behind you. You turn around and see Harry running after you, in a way that reminds you so much of that day on the beach. 
“Woah,” You say, suddenly. “Where’s the fire?” 
He stops a foot ahead of you, out of breath. 
“Did you run around the whole venue?” You ask him. 
“Not the whole thing,” He says, finally able to catch his breath. “But a good chunk of it.” 
“All for me?” You tease him lightly. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” He asks. 
You shrug, “What would you have done if you knew?”
“You could’ve come backstage and met the band and-”
“-and what would you have introduced me as,” You reply, a question that you both know means more than just the words that you’ve said. 
He tilts his head to the side and says, “My old friend.” 
“Uh-huh,” You say.
“You’re being contrary again,” He says. 
“And you're being overly optimistic.” 
The two of you stand there for a minute, just getting a good look at one another for what you both think will be the last time for a while. 
“I mostly came to hear the song live,” You say, “I’m glad I got to hear you play for real, instead of just on the kitchen floor.” 
He laughs, “Personally I think I do my best work on the kitchen floor.” 
“We’re going to have to agree to disagree about that one.” 
“So you’re just going to go home, then?” 
You put your hands into your pockets, and say, “Yeah, I am.” 
“Can I at least walk you out then?” 
You pause, but then say, “Yeah, you can.” 
He smiles, and the two of you start to walk side by side down the hallway. 
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tealtoedtoots · 3 years
Two Super Vampires Walk Into a Bar...
“To me, immortality was something utterly unimportant and trivial. All that has ever mattered to me was living up to my code.”
Wamuu and Esidisi go out on the town and have a little heart to heart about the future.
     Wamuu wasn’t usually one for drinking. Not often, anyway. He’d partake on  occasion, but ultimately, he had decided that this particular diversion was not for him. He didn’t like the idea of not being in complete control over his emotions. 
So it was with some reluctance, one night, that he agreed to go out drinking with Master Esidisi. 
It was not long after they crossed the sea. They had been traveling for some time until they found themselves in a magnificent coastal city, marked with gorgeous architecture and bustling with life. Esidisi, ever lively, found himself with just enough spare energy to fancy a drink or two somewhere in this exciting new place. Kars did not share his enthusiasm. By the time they found a place to stay, the red-eyed man, perhaps a tad more red-eyed than usual, was ready for a rest. 
So it was up to the dutiful Wamuu to accompany his master for the night. Truthfully, it wasn’t just his aversion to alcohol that made him wary of sharing a drink with Esidisi. He had much on his mind. The voyage had been quite unsettling for all of them, and Wamuu was left wondering if this grand quest for complete immortality was worth such risks. Or if he wanted such a thing at all. Ordinarily, he’d keep such doubts to himself, but he was terrified of the liquor loosening his tongue. And, shrewd as Esidisi was, it wouldn’t take much to see right through him. 
Still, his master wanted to go out, and he couldn’t just let him go alone. So, with some good-humored advice from Kars, (“Make sure he behaves.” “Yes, Lord.” “Don’t let him start anything.” “Yes, Lord.” “Don’t get stuck somewhere before sunrise.” “Yes, Lord.”) they were off on their little tour around town. 
Even at so late an hour, the city was fluttering with people, between and around such grandiose structures the likes neither of them had ever seen. They walked under several beautiful arches made of limestone and marble with impressive friezes. They passed by a large nymphaeum, covered in mosaic with a particularly striking fountain. And then there was the theater, so enormous the two found it hard to believe there was any spectacle that could draw a large enough crowd to fill it even half full. They finally settled at a tavern of sorts. A cozy little place with a lovely view of the city. They sat in contended silence for a while, Esidisi’s cup already half-empty, Wamuu’s untouched. It was a truly beautiful night, and Wamuu was quite taken with the view.
“So, what’s troubling you, Wamuu?”
Wamuu flinched at the suddenness. What?? How could he know? He hadn’t even drunk anything yet! Had he been obvious? 
“Oh…” He wasn’t ready to have this talk. Leave it to Master to charge headfirst into a potentially difficult conversation. He thought quickly. “I was merely wondering...what happens after we obtain the red stone.” 
“Ah.” he seemed satisfied with the answer. “Well, I’d imagine once we’ve achieved our goal and are made properly invincible, Kars and I will travel at our leisure. See the world in a new light. Maybe take an overseas trip that isn’t miserable.” he winked at Wamuu over his cup before taking a sip. “You and Santana are welcome to join us of course, but ultimately, your eternity is yours to spend as you see fit.”
The two went quiet again, a little less comfortable this time. The last part of his reply seemed to hold some weight to it, a certain melancholy. They were both already missing Santana, which made the possibility of parting ways sting more than it normally would have. In the silence, Wamuu was surprised to find himself compelled to speak truthfully after all. He still hadn’t touched his drink, and yet whether it was the ambience of the place or his master’s subtle change in expression, he couldn’t fight the urge to confess. 
“Master...what if I didn’t want to be an immortal being?”
Esidisi looked at him in surprise, and immediately Wamuu regretted not keeping his mouth shut. He had to be livid, how could he not be? He just admitted that he didn’t want the glorious life they were working so hard to achieve, and partially for his sake. He must seem so selfish. He tried to backpedal.
“H-hypothetically.” Nice save.
Esidisi looked intently at the man beside him for a time, then relaxed his face. “Of course he doesn’t.” he thinks. “This earnest and honorable fool would never have an earnest and honorable battle again. It would utterly take the wind out of his sails.” As a warrior, he understood. Esidisi had had countless battles over his long life, some of them exciting and perilous, most of them far too easily won. And though he still enjoyed the thrill of combat, he’d long made his peace that there were few of this world that could measure up.
But Wamuu was still young, and had done most of his living by their side. No doubt, he’d need to have many more encounters before he could be satisfied. He put aside his disappointment and spoke evenly.
“Well, Wamuu,” he turned forward again and took another sip. “It’s as I’ve said. Once the stone is ours, you may live your life as you please.” 
Esidisi didn’t seem upset, but Wamuu was still uneasy. “And...Lord Kars?”
Esidisi stilled. Ah. That might be a different matter. Kars wouldn’t be too thrilled to hear this. Esidisi knew it came from a place of love, of course he wanted Wamuu to live forever with no threats or fears to burden him. They both did. It would be giving him everything. It would be giving him the whole world. He wouldn’t understand why he would reject such a gift, just so he can play around with some lesser beings, and at the possible cost of his life at that. 
“Hmm. I won’t lie to you, Kars will likely be furious.” Wamuu knew the answer, but his heart sank anyway. 
“But don’t let it torment you. You know how he can be. He’ll come to accept it in due time, and sooner rather than later. He cares for you deeply, after all.” he claps a warm hand on his back. “And anyway, knowing Kars, it won’t be long after conquering the sun before he needs something new to obsess over. Maybe his next mission will be building you the perfect opponent.” he grinned. 
Wamuu smiled. He didn’t know whether the older man was joking or not, and he had a suspicion he wasn’t so sure himself, but his words cheered him considerably. He was glad that he came out tonight.
“You know, Master, I’m somewhat surprised a fierce warrior such as yourself would be so willing to give up his combative lifestyle for an eternity of peace and tranquility. With all due respect, it doesn’t seem like you.”
Esidisi chuckled. “Who said anything about peace and tranquility? Believe me Wamuu, even in paradise, if there’s trouble, I’ll find it.” His voice and his smile soften. “Besides, even if I’ve already fought my very last battle, a whole lifetime of them can only pale in comparison to an infinity with my mate.” Wamuu made a commendable effort to keep his nose from wrinkling. “Maybe someday you’ll find someone for whom you feel the same.”
He wasn’t so sure about that. He thought for a second. “Honestly, I think I’d rather spend the remainder of my time with you and Lord Kars.”
Esidisi barked a hearty laugh. “Don’t be so quick to decide that, Wamuu! That’s a long time, you may very well be sick of us by then.” He smiled at him warmly.
Wamuu smiled back. He doubted it.
It was then that Esidisi noticed Wamuu’s cup, still filled to the top. With an exaggerated sigh, he held out his hand. “Alright Wamuu, give me the drink. You haven’t touched it all night.”
Wamuu looked at the cup, then back to his master. An impish smile formed on his usually serious face. Suddenly, on a whim of rare playfulness, he jerked his head back and gulped the whole thing down in mere seconds! It was not a small drink. 
Esidisi was stunned for the second time that night. He stared at him in disbelief before erupting into a fit of raucous laughter. “‘Atta boy! ‘Atta boy!! Let’s have another!” he shouted while slapping him vigorously on the back. “Maybe you can taste it this time!”
Wamuu wasn’t usually one for drinking, but he had a wonderful time that night.
The door opened with a loud bang, and Esidisi entered with a flourish. He found Kars in the middle of the room, comfortably laying on some blankets and looking over some scroll he managed to get his hands on.
“Why! Is that Kars, the brilliant and gorgeous love of my near-immortal life? Or is that simply the most exquisite and oddly colored mop I have ever seen?”
Kars huffed a laugh and looked at him with a sly smile. 
“It’s Kars.” Esidisi said simply, kissing his cheek and making himself comfortable against Kars’ back.
“Your flattery needs work.” he turned back to his reading, still smiling.
“Really? I thought that was pretty good for me.”
“You’ve had better.” he glanced behind him. “Where’s Wamuu?”
Oh. That was a good question. Esidisi opened his eyes in realization. “Huh...he was right behind me…”
Kars sat up in alarm just before hearing a thud at the entrance. There he was, perfectly safe and completely hammered, lying right in the doorway. 
“...Wamuu? Are you alright?”
Wamuu giggled drowsily in response. He raised his arm in the air and swung it in a circle a few times before giving a thumbs up, before dropping it over his face.
Kars gave Esidisi a look. “What?? There was no stopping him Kars, the boy practically drank the whole place dry!” 
Kars got up with a sigh. “Oh, no he didn’t Esidisi, don’t fib.
“He did!”
Kars crossed the floor and leaned down, giving Wamuu a shake. “Wamuu.”
Wamuu opened one eye and looked at Kars. He gave him a broad and goofy smile. 
“Luvff you Daahd…”
That’s both masters he’s stunned tonight. Kars’ eyes widened and he pressed his lips together in shock. He was certainly not expecting that. “O-oh!” was all he managed. Wammu didn’t hear his master’s uncharacteristically inelegant reply, he was out again almost immediately. Kars could feel Esidisi beaming at him from across the room, and he was sure he could tell he was fighting a silly smile of his own.
“You both are incorrigible.”
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
38, 37 Y 36
36: where id like to live?
Hmm I’m pretty happy in my town but if I absolutely had to move, I wouldn’t mind somewhere coastal. Less allergies. I want to stay in California though
37: insecurities
I’m pretty self conscious about my weight and voice. I’ve been lazy this past year and am working on it, and I talk really slowly. I feel like it makes me sound stupid
38: childhood career choice?
I really really wanted to be a museum guide. Dunno what changed
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ficsnroses · 5 years
Put Your Head On My Shoulder - John Wick x Reader
Some soft John fluff. Enjoy! :) 
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Word Count : 2652
Warnings : None!
Summary :  Reader falls asleep on John’ chest, however, he’s too kind and gentle to wake her.
A/N : I will use this gif 100 times he’s so  p r e t t y 
As John scrambled around his living room, tidying up the spare couch cushions and scattered remotes, he finds himself growing more nervous than initially intended. Should he light a candle? Dim the lights? How much was too much? He hadn’t done this in years, he was definitely out of practice. His heart hadn’t planned on falling this solid, this fast for Y/N, but he did. And there was no undoing it, no going back from here.
Finding new love may just be one of the purest feelings on the planet. It’s hard to find another experience that makes you feel so hopeful, so cheerful, so happy with the course of life. You begin to find joy in all the little things around you, begin to see yourself in new ways. Falling in love, even the simplest drink of water tastes as if maple syrup, tapped from the finest maple tree, the smallest glance their way bringing the light of a million stars, twinkling in your eyes, nothing in the universe seeming more seamlessly, more flawlessly crafted, than them.
He didn’t believe in love at first sight, it was a concept too perfect. Too faultless, impeccable, a dire contrast to the life he had lived, the things he’d seen thus far. He didn’t think the sin he lived deserved to find happiness, the awful deeds that defined him would never truly erase. They’d always linger, glooming around him, following him to the depths of everything he did, everything he tried to be.
But when Y/N walked into his life, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to see her walk out. She’d gave him the normalcy he so desperately tried to seek, everywhere. Something about her was so inviting, so wholesome. He truly felt she was the first to see the good in him, the man who so desperately wanted to be free from who he had been. A man who wanted not to be remembered by the gruel things his life had succumbed to, whenever, wherever, he inevitably fades away.
Y/N and John were still quite new, still adjusting to the feeling of having each other around, feeling each other in the most unique of bonds. They were still getting used to each other, but one thing they knew, was that they’d keep each other around for a long, long time.
John tried his best to keep his thoughts, his feelings at bay, scared they’d overtake him too soon. But he had already pictured a future with Y/N, the perfect life he’d craved, the life he’d chased. He wanted it all, the white picket fence, the loyal dog, the boy born before the girl, so he could protect his sister from all harm that may threaten her way. The love he didn’t get before; the companionship he’d never received. He wanted it all, with her.
As he smoothed out the lines on the sofas, and made sure each thing was exactly in place, he ran a hand over his slightly sweat coated forehead. It wasn’t as if this was his first date with Y/N, it was far from that actually. They’d been seeing each other for around three months now, making an effort to talk to each other every single day, whether it was just a small text asking how their day was going, or a full blown conversation about things they hadn’t discovered about each other yet. He’d took her out to romantic evenings in the city, she loved the way the lights glimmered in evening air. He’d take her to the park, where they read books together under his favourite oak tree. He’d taken her on long, destination-less drives, where he’d hold her hand as she leaned her head out the window, taking in all the beautiful coastal sights, letting her know he’s close.
However, he’d never properly invited her over for a day in. He had been to her apartment a few times, popping in just to see her gorgeous face. But she had only ever seen his house once, the day she’d come to drop off some goodies she’d baked for him. She didn’t stay long that day, he was due for a job in the city next to town.
This was the first time she’d come to spend time with him in his setting. She’d get to see him in the place he was most vulnerable, the same place he’d spent countless nights lonesome. He had forgot how it felt to have someone else there with him, someone else’s voice to echo in the gray corridors of his not-so-humble abode.
The doorbell ringing sent butterflies quivering through his stomach. She was finally here.
He found himself taking a look at his appearance in the full body mirror by the entrance doorway. He’d never cared much about the way he’d looked before, sometimes letting the scruff of his beard grow wild in all directions. But now, he had someone to look good for. Someone to keep his beard trimmed spick and span for, someone to lather cologne onto his skin for. He straightens out his shirt and jeans, running a hand through his hair. He made sure to ruffle it a little bit, just the way she likes it.
With a finally content sigh, he glides open the bulky wooden door. There she stands, stunning as ever, her hair falling perfectly over her shoulders. The sun had been hitting her seamless skin in all the right places, she looked divine. John may have just felt his breath hitch momentarily at the sight of her. A big smile casts itself on his face, as he brings his arms up to wrap around her waist, pulling her in.
“Hi,” John beams, staring right at her lips. She’s brought her arms around his neck, getting on her tippy toes to reach his lips. They kiss briefly, both grinning into each other’s delicate, tender lips.
“Hi,” she says back. “You look really handsome today. Lucky me.” She grins, gently grazing her thumb over his cheek. John knew he must have blushed three shades deeper in a vibrant pink. There’s no one else that could manage to have this effect on him.
“You look beautiful, Y/N. As always.”
“I didn’t think we we’re going anywhere, so I didn’t dress up too much. I hope this is okay.” She glances down at her attire. She’s got on an oversized sweater and some jeans.
“It’s perfect. We’re not going anywhere, I thought we could watch a movie or something, make lunch at home?” John proposes, as she steps in and he closes the door behind her. Down the hallway, the sound of Dog’s collar rattling comes closer and closer, finding Y/N and John. Dog had met Y/N before a few times. When John took her out to the park on a date, or for a walk around the city, he’d bring Dog along.
“Hi baby, how are you today?” Y/N coos, leaning down to pet him. Y/N and Dog were quite fond of each other already, seeing them together, getting along made John’s heart so warm each time. She would buy Dog new toys often, much to John’s dismay. “He doesn’t need more toys than he already has, Y/N.” John would argue. “But he’s such a good boy!” she’d insist.
After brewing some fresh tea for the both of them, John and Y/N sit at the kitchen counter, talking. As they grip their respective mugs in hand, every now and then, their fingers touch each other’s skin, their hands fiddle together. They could talk to each other for hours, if time allowed them. John had never had such an easy time investing himself in someone else before, opening up to anyone else. But Y/N made him feel safe. He knew each thought; each word his lips spoke would be welcomed by her generous heart. She had such an aura to her, so alluring. He could never harm her, despite all the violence that laid on his fingertips, and he knew she’d never harm him.
“So what kinda movie you wanna watch?” John asks, leading her to the living room, where he may or may not have had a minor nervous breakdown before she arrived.
“Oh, anything works for me. Whatever you want.” She smiles, setting herself down on the couch, innocently folding her hands in her lap.
“Hmm, okay. Let’s see what’s on then?” John says, flipping through the channels. When they finally settle on a comedy, John places himself beside her on the couch, close enough so that their legs and shoulders are touching. John was a little out of practice to the whole…relationship thing. It had been so long since he had been in love, or even felt love for someone. He knew he wanted to hold her, but was that okay? That is what lovers do…right? Or did she just want space? John didn’t know what was the appropriate thing to do was. Should he just hold her hand, as they usually did?
As he pulls a knitted blanket from the side of the couch, he drapes it over the both of them. This was okay. He turns his head to see her smiling at him. He almost felt as if she was waiting for something. For him to do something. With a wave of confidence cast over him, he takes her smaller, softer hand in his, entwining both their fingers. She looks down at their connected hands, the way her hand has basically disappeared in his. She chuckles lightly, her lovely voice filling his ears. “You know, I don’t bite, John.”
John is almost awestruck, watching how comfortable she is around him, and in his home. He watches in admiration, as she lightly kisses his shoulder, before leaning her head on his bicep. She brings her arms to wrap around his arm that is holding her hand, tucking herself in. John loves every second of it, her holding onto him, proving to him that she trusts him, she feels safe around him. It may not have been a big deal to most people, but to John, having someone so close, knowing they’re not scared, was so special. It meant the world to him.
John wasn’t hesitant anymore. He slightly shifts his arm, moving it out of her grasp. She lifts her head, brows furrowing as she’s confused. She’s nervous now, did he not want to be held so close? Had she invaded his personal space, gone too far? She swallows lightly, scared she ruined the moment. But when John brings his arm to wrap around her, pulling her into his chest, she feels the smile creep onto her lips once again. John wanted to hold her closer. He kisses the top of her hair as she tucks her head onto his chest, her eyes reverting back to the screen. John brings his other spare hand to connect with her hand once again. They hear Dog pad into the room, waltzing in a few circles before setting himself at John’s feet, for a nap. This was perfect.
“This guys a complete idiot. Who even does anything remotely like that?” John huffs, staring intently at the screen. “I would feel stupid even writing this character on script.” John chuckles. However, when Y/N doesn’t reply, he questions why.
“Y/N? Darling?” John’s chest rumbles as he speaks, his coarse voice filling the room. When Y/N doesn’t reply, John leans his head forward, looking down at her.
She’s fallen asleep on his chest.
John felt butterflies in his stomach for the possibly 90th time that day. Here was the woman of his dreams, asleep, right on him. She felt secure enough, protected enough to doze off. John only holds her tighter, moving the hair that’s fallen in her eyes behind her ears, pressing his lips to her temple. She looked so precious. If he wasn’t sure of it before, he was definitely sure of it now. He was in love with her, and he didn’t think he’d be able to keep from telling her for much longer.
John tries not to stir; he didn’t want to wake her. He’d stay there all day, holding her, giving her a place to rest if he needed to.
Minutes go by, turning into an hour, an hour and a half…and so on. The movie has long finished, and John’s arm has fallen asleep a few times. He’s growing a little uncomfortable, but there’s no way he’s going to wake her. For her, he feels he could endure any pain. This was nothing. He keeps her in place, soothingly rubbing her back every now and then, embedding kisses in her head as his heart desires. Life seemed pretty darn good in this moment.
Eventually, two hours in, Y/N’s eyes snap open, as she gently flutters her eyelashes, getting used to the light surrounding. She’s in John living room still, but where’s John? She stirs, before realizing, he’s under her, as his right arm is wrapped around her, and his left hand is holding hers securely, still. She notices John must have pulled the blanket up to drape over her as she slept. He was so considerate.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Did I fall asleep on you?” she questions, voice quiet, as she sits up, looking at him.
“Yeah, actually. About 30 minutes in to the movie.” John smiles.
“How long was I out?” she scratches her head. Her hair is tousled, right on the side that had rested on John’s chest.
“Well, the movie finished about an hour ago.” John chuckles. Y/N’s eyes grow wide, and she gasps lightly.
“John, why didn’t you wake me up! We were supposed to spend time together.” She frowns. “I’m so sorry.” She sighs, rubbing her forehead. “John, you look like you haven’t moved an inch…did you stay like that the entire time?”
“Yeah, I guess.” He says, scratching the back of his head.
Y/N’s eyes grow gloomy, and she feels horrible. “Oh my gosh, baby, you must be so stiff. I’m sorry.” She says, touching his shoulder.
“I’m okay. I couldn’t bring myself to wake you. I really liked it, though.” He smiles, staring into her eyes. As he moves his arm, however, he can’t help but wince at the sudden movement.
“John, please tell me you’re okay.” She grabs his arm, concerned.
“I’m all good, angel.”
Her expression suddenly moves from concerned, to a light, pink hue to blush over her cheeks. Her smile reaches all the way up to her eyes, and they sparkle. “John, did you really just sit still for two hours, just so that I could have a nap?”
John shrugs, unable to hide his dreamy smile. Y/N’s heart grows warm this time, in awe at the man in front of her. This amazing, remarkable, compassionate, gentle, dream of a man. She couldn’t believe how lucky she had fallen to find him, to have him walk into her life, and become such a big part of it so quick.
She brings one of her arms to entwine with his once again, leaning forward, to cup his bearded cheek with the other. She stares at his lips first, and then into his earthy, espresso eyes.
“You’re a good man, John.” She says sincerely, placing a loving, admiration and respect filled kiss onto his cheek. “A really, really good man.” She kisses the corner of his mouth this time.
John can’t help it, the moment is perfect, and she’s so close. They’re so connected in this moment, its picture-perfect.
“I think I’m falling in love with you.” He breaths, close to her lips, barely above a whisper. 
“I know I’ve fallen in love with you.” She assures, his cheek still resting in her hand, her thumb grazing the skin under his eye, as she connects their lips, in a searing, honey drenched kiss 
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bittercoldbrew · 3 years
PLEASE tell me about the alien plant girls im so gay for anthropomorphic fem plants
omg thank you SO MUCH for asking and i apologize in advance for the infodump because i have been thinking about these alien plant people for literal years now, i love them so much. I first started thinking about these guys a little after TFA, because of an oc i was working on for a lil star wars fic that i have mostly abandoned by now--so sorry to the like 3 people who were reading my sidon ithano fic but tlj/tros really killed whatever passion i had for the franchise for a good long time :/ but Mando is great so i've been thinking about them'st again...
anyway i am sticking this under a cut because a) im very attached to these characters and if someone steals my shit i will kermit and b) sweet jesus this got so long, i am so sorry
in the SW universe at least, these plant people (that i still for the life of me cannot settle on an actual name for) were the primary inhabitants of a dwarf planet way out in wild space; they had a pretty symbiotic relationship with a race of sentient insectoid people (basically human-sized bees) who could travel between the planet and their home on one of its three moons (affectionately called the Honey Moon). what the plants didn’t know was that the bees were also able to travel to different planets, and had been doing so for a couple centuries before everything went to shit--but we’ll get to that in a bit.
the plant people weren’t particularly interested in the galaxy around them--they had a decent understanding of astronomy and cosmology, but little cultural interest in journeying to the stars. since the planet was pretty small and distant from the galactic core, it was pretty rare that a visiting ship would even pass them by, and scanners didn’t register them as genuine life-forms separate from the natural flora, so even if someone happened to end up out there it’s not the sort of place anyone would really choose to land. on rare occasions, a pirate or smuggler would try to hide out on what they thought to be an unoccupied planet, and would return to the Outer Rim with tales of mobile, sentient trees and bizarre, organic cities found on some uncharted world; likewise, occasionally a plant person would turn up at the local bar with tales of crashed space-ships and strange aliens that seemed almost like people. neither would ever be taken seriously.
the plants aren’t a particularly verbal people. they understand spoken language (a somewhat-modified Basic, at least, which is what the bees speak hmm i wonder where they picked that up from) and many can talk, but most don’t really bother learning to do so. mostly they rely on an ESP-like combo of pheromones and body language, highly attuned to the point that it’s essentially a kind of telepathy. i think i mentioned in the tags on that post that my character Antheia is sorta kinda a jedi? for these people, force sensitivity tends to manifest as an extra-extra-sensory-perception that causes you to be hyperaware of every living thing in your environment, not just the other sentient ones.
this made her uhhh extremely off-putting as a youth, easily distractable and often disinterested in the other people in the small community she grew up in, where she was already pretty disliked to begin with. there’s quite a lot of diversity among the plant people (a wide variety of skin tones/textures and body types, though few if any secondary sex characteristics; four limbs are most common, though occasionally some have two or more sets of arms; different types of leaves/vines/blossoms/etc in lieu of hair), and though they have a barter-based economy there’s still a lot of classism that’s mostly based around lineage (and thus evinced by one’s appearance and the traits one manifests). to protect (or attempt to bolster) those lineages, prospective parents can apply for a spot in a nursery, where their offspring are propagated and tended--mostly just through infancy before going to live with parents, though sometimes longer, and the very high class have private nurseries that will do all the rearing so they don’t have to.
But, on very rare occasions, certain wild plants will spontaneously develop sentience, and even more rarely will survive on their own long enough to find their way to a community. Hundreds of years ago (or “before the bees could speak”, which is their version of “once upon a time”), these spontaneous growths were revered and cherished, and whoever was first to encounter one would see it as a great honor to be responsible for their care and upbringing. now, with a much more striated society, these “weeds” (derogatory) are considered inferior, feral, dangerous. fortunately for Antheia, the man who found her, tangled in marsh reeds under the light of the Honey Moon, didn’t buy into any of that bullshit. he was a really sweet dad, very attentive and doting on his increasingly-strange adopted daughter; they were very close. but the older she got, the more her unusual ability developed, and the more he realized he was well out of his depth to help her understand that part of herself. eventually, she’s sent away to a kind of temple/convent for other people like her, where she’s trained to hone and control her extra senses, rather than be overwhelmed by them.
many years later, the sudden appearance of several large starships in their atmosphere turns their society on its head. it turns out, the bee-people have been traveling to other planets, forging alliances, brokering deals; they claim they just want to facilitate inter-planetary trade. Antheia is among the first to mistrust these invading aliens and their fleet of well-armed droids who seem hell-bent on mining their planet (which is, apparently, rich with cortosis, which--thank you wookiepedia--is apparently capable of repelling lightsabers and blasterfire alike). She flees her convent, joins up with an underground network of resistance fighters, discovers that her hyperawareness makes her a truly formidable force on the battlefield, and helps lead her people in defending the sovereignty of their home. And then things take a turn for the worse...but we don’t need to get into that right now.
my other oc, Shoal, is from the same planet but not even remotely star-warsy; either from a different time period well before the droid incursion, or just like an AU of my own stuff, idk. but she’s great, i love her deeply even though i dont really know what i even want to do with her yet. i mostly just was thinking about what a normal, average person in this world would be like, but then i got too attached. she’s also one of the spontaneous “weeds”, a semi-aquatic plant girl that washed up on a sandbar that occasionally connects a small island with the mainland when the tide is out. she was sort of “found” by multiple people at the same time, since they were making their way across to go trade goods at the mainland market, so to avoid the confusion of who should be responsible for her, she’s just sort of raised by the village as a whole. they name her Shoal, since that’s where they found her (it started as a joke, but then no one could agree on anything else to call her so it just sort of...stuck).
she grows up without realizing that it’s a pretty unusual upbringing. as a teen, she gains the reputation for the island’s best fisher (it helps that she can breathe as well underwater as above, and she’s always been a good swimmer). one thing that’s pretty consistent among all the plant people are their teeth--they all have long, sharp incisors and canines because sexy and also as more of a defense mechanism than a dietary one. they don’t eat much, typically absorbing nutrients from the sun/water/air/soil (mud baths are such a beloved experience, like for the most part they are very dignified people but find them some good mud and they will wallow for days) but when they do it’s pretty meat-heavy. they don’t really enjoy the process of eating very much, especially because they don’t have much gut bacteria so they typically have to swallow some stones to break up their food and nobody wants to do all that. but, at least in the coastal towns near where Shoal grew up, fresh-caught fish is considered a delicacy, and they can trade for quite a lot in return.
as she gets older, though, she starts getting restless. she loves her village, but it’s all she’s ever really known. also, it is so hard to even consider dating when literally everyone your age is practically your sibling, i mean, yeesh. so one day she just packs her bags and says her goodbyes and waits for low tide, then sets off to find her own way in the great wide world. she stops wherever she can, sees everything she can, but eventually settles down working at a tavern in a medium-sized town that’s mostly acclaimed for being a crossroads between bigger and better places. she likes it there, likes getting to know lots of new people and hearing about someone else’s travels more than she actually liked traveling herself. after a few years, the tavern-keeper retires and decides to leave the place to her, and she finds she’s become a permanent fixture in this new community. that’s really all i have for her so far, and i have no idea whether i’ll ever actually do anything with this character lol, but still she is very precious to me so i hope i find a story she’d be a good match for sometime soon.
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witched-the-watcher · 4 years
Geralt and Yennefer are living their well earned happily ever after and Jaskier is mortal. Jaskier is happy for Yen and Geralt after everything is said and done. Together with Ciri they brought peace to the land and finally made their relationship work after much hardships. It is a hard won decision, but Geralt, tired of all the fighting, decides agrees to take a break from being a witcher and just retire for a while with Yennefer by his side exploring and enjoying their new relationship.
The plan for their retirement doesn’t involve Jaskier and he doesn’t ask to accompany them. This is the ending of their story and he was never a protagonist. Side characters have no role in the happily ever after and he came to terms with a long time ago. All of them walk together side by side not quite ready yet to say their goodbyes. In his heart he knows it will be the last time they’re together like this, but he refuses to say the words out loud clinging to the hope that he will see them all again. The immortals by his side don’t notice the inner conflict, he hides with song and laughter.
First to go is Ciri, who has become like a daughter to him over the years even if the sentiment isn’t quite shared. To her, he ponders, he must be more like a fun uncle she can turn to when she needs a break from Geralt and Yen. He gladly gives her everything she needs and asks for and is so proud of the strong woman he helped raise. When she depards, eager to find her own place in the world, she leaves them alone in a clearing far enough from Kaer Morhen for Yen to use her portals.
Who would’ve thought the witch would grew on him so much over the years. A deep and chaotic friendship connects them now and knowing she finally found the love she’s been looking for all her life fills him with joy. The jealousy he used to feel towards her seems an eternity away. She deserves all the love she’s getting and gives so much back in return. Thanks to her hardly a day goes by without Geralt smiling and even with his smiles mostly directed at Ciri and Yen, Jaskier can’t find it in his heart to be discontent.
Geralt, grown so very soft compared to their beginning, initiates a hug and Jaskier allows himself to indulge in a fantasy of what could’ve been and never was. He imagines a life full of secret glances and stolen touches, whispered confessions over the campfire and a warm bed to return to. He imagines Geralt turning his embrace into a passionate kiss asking him to run away with him somewhere far away and then he lets go.
“See you around, Geralt.” He says with a smile as Yen leaves with him through a portal and he is left alone on the clearing.
Tears he held back for weeks flow freely down his cheeks now that there is no one is see and Jaskier takes his time to collect himself again before starting his journey again. It’s nearly dusk already and he should start putting it all into song. Audiences love a good happy end. 
His bones ache.
Time passes and the story of the witcher, the mage and the lioness becomes a legend, told and sung about far and wide. Jaskier has spend his last active years as a bard spinning them into an epic tale immortalising them for all generations to come. He can’t stand the thought of the world forgetting the trio and their deeds.
Yen and Geralt have all but disappeared from the face of the earth, but Ciri keeps up with him those first few year through letters and visits. She is a busy woman however and with time their contacts becomes few and far between until they cease completely around the time Jaskier decides to move to the coast to live out the last of his years.
He doesn’t blame her. She, like her parents, wasn’t made for a mortal life and why would you count the decades if you’ll live for centuries. By the time they will think of him again, he can only hope his songs will be enough for them to remember him by. 
Living by the sea is all that he thought it would be. He loves the unpredictable beauty of the ocean, the stormy winds and the salty air. The people are rough but merry and welcome the old rich professor from the big city with open arms, even though he’s grown completely useless over the years. His time as a bard is long since over and neither his hands nor his voice allow him to create the music he prides himself in anymore. All he has left are the stories of his youth, that he gladly shares with everyone in town.
One late spring day a big commotion is running through the little coastal town. A witcher has arrived and everyone is excited. They heard the heroic songs and stories about witchers and want to catch glimpse of the living legend. As the oldest in town and the only one who has any experiences with magic folk the townspeople steal him out of his cozy home and bring him out to talk and negotiate with the witcher.
He sees Geralt standing in the middle of the market square surrounded by curious and excited people of all ages, who dare not approach him just yet except for a couple of children held back by their parents. He is scowling. Of course he is scowling, Jaskier thinks as his heart begins to soar again. He tries telling himself that he is far too old for such silly romantic feelings, but he knows that him giving up on romance is just as likely as Geralt giving up on scowling.
The witcher has obviously been in a fight. His clothes are torn and there are bite and scratch marks all over his body. The people must’ve told Geralt to wait for him before talking to anyone because as he arrives inside the circle Geralt immediately faces him clearly annoyed at the whole procedure and asks
“You’re the elder here?”
Jaskier nods dumbfounded. For once in his life he does not quite know what to say as he tries to keep the tears from falling. Geralt clearly doesn’t recognize him as old and wrinkled as he is and Jaskier isn’t sure if he wants him to or not. Age has always been a bit of a sore spot considering the ageless company he liked to keep. In his youth he tried everything to look as young as possible but not even the best moisturizer in the world could help him now, he thinks slightly bitter as Geralt continues.
“Finished the job. I want my coin and place to stay for the night.”
The job? Jaskier is momentarily baffled. As far as he knows there were no monsters around except for the couple of teenage mermaid messing with the fishermen for the last couple of weeks but surely they couldn’t have banged up Geralt this badly.
“With the job you mean the mermaids?” He asks carefully trying to keep his voice steady.
“Hmm” Geralt grunts as eloquent as ever and Jaskier loses it and starts laughing. Decades later and Geralt still thinks “hmm” is a good enough answer to give. Decades later and Jaskier still understands him perfectly. He loves this beautiful idiot so much it hurts.
The way to the square and seeing Geralt again has tired Jaskier out and he needs to sit down. Thankfully someone in the crowd already brought a chair expecting him to need a rest after this encounter and guides him gently to sit down. Jaskier would’ve thanked the man if it weren’t for the fact that he’s still wheezing thinking about Geralt’s most recent heroic fight.
“You got beat up by a bunch of teenagers? How out of shape are you? You know you were just supposed to scare them a bit, right?” Jaskier manages to spit out in between his giggles.
“Now listen here, old man. You don’t-” Geralt starts through gritted teeth, unamused, only to be interrupted by Jaskier’s continuous laughter.
“Old man? Really, Geralt. We both know you’re much older than me in age and in spirit.”
Jaskier can see Geralt freeze up, confusion and dread slowly overtaking his expression but he continues talking unperturbed. Let Geralt figure it out for himself
“Seriously though you must’ve really let you go in your retirement. Yen’s magic made you lazy didn’t it? Please don’t tell me you’re hiding a potbelly unter all those armor. No, no Yen wouldn’t let you get one, I’m sure, but for you to lose your touch so completely. You must admit this is pretty hilarious.”
Tears have filled Jaskier’s eyes and he tries to wipe them away struggling to keep his laughter under control. Meanwhile, Geralt stumbles a bit, so out of place for the normally unfaced witcher. His eyes have grown wide in shock and his face pale. It’s proof enough for Jaskier that Geralt really didn’t realise how much time has passed between them and he feels lighter, relieved knowing Geralt hasn’t meant to forget about him for so many years. Who is he to judge Geralt for getting caught in the storm of love, when he’s standing here before him looking so vulnerable and scared all of a sudden. 
“J-Jaskier?” Geralt stutters in a fragile whisper and Jaskier’s heart clenches in his chest. Seeing him like this is hurting the witcher and there’s nothing he can do about except for making light of the situation and smiling through it just like in the good old days.
“Took you long enough, old friend. I was already scared you might’ve gotten forgetful in your old age.” He teases and notices the murmurs and stares of the bystanders all around them. In a dramatic motion he raises his hands and tries to shoo everyone away.
“All of you scram. Shoo! Let me catch up with Geralt in peace. Satisfy your curiosity tomorrow after the poor man had a proper bath. And you,” He faces Geralt again and waves him over. “Come here and help me up, will you. You can stay at my place for the night. Melitele knows I could use the company.”
Oh, he shouldn’t have said that, Jaskier notes grimly as Geralt winces slightly at his words. He promises to be better and make this visit count. It’s unlikely that he’ll have another chance to be with Geralt like this and tainting their last time together with thoughtless remarks and accusation just would not do. He wants his love to have some good memories when he thinks of this in the future.
Almost mechanically Geralt obeys and ,unnoticed by anyone but him, hesitates only for a second before helping him him up.
“My house is not far but this might take a while. I’m not as fast on my feet as I used to be. But then neither are you it seems.” He says with a laugh gesturing at Geralt’s torn clothes. The only retort he gets is a grumpy growl as he links his arm with the witcher’s using him as a crutch and leaning into him just a little bit more than absolutely necessary.
The people scatter around them some slightly disappointed but mostly cheerful. Jaskier knows the town will go and prepare a surprise feast for tomorrow with Geralt as the guest of honor. And Geralt will pretend to hate it as much as he will secretly enjoy all the positive attention he’ll be getting. They make their way towards his house and it’s once again up to Jaskier to fill the silence. He tells Geralt about the town and its people, acutely aware of the stares Geralt is giving him. It must be hard for the witcher to see him like this all frail and wrinkled. 
“I may not have your magical witcher senses but even I can feel your staring, Geralt. What’s the matter?” Jaskier asks knowing full well the reason behind his behaviour. 
Sometimes Geralt needs to be forced to talk or else his quiet brooding will consume him and every attempt at conversation will be for naught. To Jaskier’s surprise however one question is enough to make him talk. Looks like he’s not the only one who changed a bit over the years.
“You look old.” Geralt blurts out, making Jaskier raise an eyebrow. “Yeees, that’s because I am old. Very old in fact. Still younger than you of course, but not everyone can be an ageless immortal like you.” He responds. Geralt has to do a little better than that.
“No, I mean you look older. You never looked older before. I didn’t realise how long it’s been. I forgot…" 
Regret oozes out of Geralt’s words and he doesn’t bother hiding it. It reminds Jaskier of his apology after the mountain disaster and he’d much rather not be reminded of that chapter of his life again, so he takes pity on Geralt and continues for him.
"You forgot that I’m just mortal. That I’m ageing like a normal human. I don’t blame you, my dear. Back then I was obsessed with looking young and terrified of growing older. Thought you wouldn’t want me around if I wasn’t uh pretty enough anymore." 
Geralt tries to interrupt him, likely for things he already knows or god forbid to apologize again for the mountain incident but Jaskier simply shushes him and keeps going.
"That was a load of horse dung of course. You should’ve seen me in my sixties, Geralt. I was the most sought after professor in Oxenfurt history. I broke so many hearts in those days.”
He sighs dramatically. “I gave the distinguished gentleman look a whole new meaning. Turns out graying hair and a couple of wrinkles just made me look more dashing. Even you wouldn’t have been able to resist my charms.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” Geralt answers sounding amused and the thought of Geralt visiting him back in Oxenfurt makes him stumble. 
It had been a foolish fantasy of his. He used to imagine Geralt finding him in Oxenfurt during a lecture and suddenly becoming captivated by his new more mature side. After the lecture Geralt would be overcome with passion and drag him into a side corner, kiss him and apologize for how long it took to seek him out again. It would’ve been worth the wait.
Geralt holds him steady and helps him catch his footing. He is pretty winded after their short walk and needs a moment to catch his breath.
“You don’t have to take my word for it. There’s a painting of me in Oxenfurt somewhere on the campus. You should check it out next time you’re there.”
“I will. I promise.” Geralt says looking at Jaskier with an honest expression.
He feels heat rising in his cheeks and splutters. “Eh, um right well. Ah, here we are. My house. It’s not much but enough for an old man like me. Let’s go in.”
A bath was already waiting for them when they arrived. Marie, his housekeeper, had rushed home as soon as she heard Geralt would be staying with him and made the necessary preparation. He hired her some years back to help him around the house after he broke his leg in a stubborn attempt to do everything himself despite his age. His leg healed but Marie stayed. At least twice a day she comes around to cook him food, take care of the chores and keep him company for a bit. 
After Jaskier introduces her to Geralt and thanks her for her efforts she excuses herself to cook dinner leaving both men alone once again only a bath between them. He carefully sits down on the stool next to the bathtub and makes a silent note to give Marie a raise as Geralt undresses and gets in. Sexual pleasure might be beyond him now but her can still appreciate the form and Geralt even after decades of retirement is a sight to behold. He wonders briefly, while admiring the muscles before him, if witchers were even capable of losing their well toned bodies. Imagining Geralt skinny with no muscles or as big and soft man however does nothing to make him look any less appealing in Jaskier’s mind and he absentmindedly pours some of Geralt’s favourite bath oils into the water. 
An old routine is overtaking them and for a moment Jaskier forgets about his aching bones and brittle body. Feeling young again he prepares to help Geralt wash and hums a little melody. 
A silly little song he once came up with a couple of years into their friendship. Just the two of them under the night sky, a warm fire illuminating their camp as they had one too many drinks. He was teasing Geralt about something insignificant and Geralt retorted by singing a couple of lines back to him. The alcohol relaxing him enough to smile at Jaskier and with a sudden clarity the bard realised that he wasn’t feeling the simple fleeting infatuation he was used to, but something different entirely. Something true and lasting and all consuming. This was the love he sang about in his songs and had yet to fully grasp. This was the kind of love that could push him up to the greatest heights or leave him wanting forevermore. He listened to more of Geralt’s tone deaf singing and let himself fall, damn the consequences.
“I missed this” Geralt says relaxing into the bathtub.
You couldn’t have missed it that much or you would’ve come to see me sooner, Jaskier doesn’t say, instead he replies with a simple “Me too” and gently pushes Geralt’s head into the water.
“It’s a shame you cut your hair though.” He continues running his hands through the white hair. “Washing it was always my favourite part.”
“I forgot to take care of it and after a while it got all tangled up. Had to cut it in the end.” Geralt explains and Jaskier rolls his eyes exasperated.
“I spend so much time and money caring for your luscious white locks and you just forgot. I can’t believe it. My poor beautiful white hair. Where was Yen in all of this? I know she knows how to take care of long hair. How could she let this happen?”
Geralt lets out a chuckle that leaves him breathless as he glances at him with an oh so fond smile on his stupidly handsome face.
“She’s fine with me as long as I don’t smell too badly. You’re the only person invested enough in my personal hygiene to help me bathe.”
Jaskier, embarrassed, slaps a bunch of soap on Geralt’s head as a response and starts massaging it in. Geralt however moves away from his touch and takes Jaskier’s hands in his examining them carefully.
“You don’t have to do this.” Geralt frowns, worry in his eyes. “They must hurt.”
“They don’t. They’re just a bit stiff and hard to move. You won’t hear me play the lute anytime soon but this I can still do.” He reassures him. Today is one of the good days and meeting Geralt made him feel much more energized than usual. He can barely feel his aching joints and the moment.
“Now turn around like a good boy and let me have my fun.” He orders and Geralt obeys with a hmm.
After the the bath they treat the worst of Geralt’s few remaining wounds and make their way to the kitchen. Marie left their dinner neatly on the table before leaving for the day most likely to help the others out with the preparations for tomorrow.
They eat in comfortable as sun sets through the window illuminating the small room in orange hues. Jaskier doesn’t have much of an appetite and leaves his food for later in favour of watching Geralt eat. Neither him nor Yen knew how to cook anything more complicated than plain vegetable soup and from the way Geralt is devouring Marie’s cooking they haven’t bothered to learn it in his absence either. Idiots,the both of them.
“What are you smiling at?” Geralt asks him noticing him staring.
Jaskier ignores the question and proposes to go outside and watch the sunset instead. A couple of minutes later Geralt finishes eating and helps him around the house to the backyard and onto the bench facing the ocean. He had to be carried for most of the way there, his legs giving out under him at last. It’s been a long and he’s exhausted, only the thought of Geralt finally being at his side again keeping him awake.
Jaskier leans against the other man resting his head on his shoulder and watches the ocean waves move back and forth glistering under setting sun.
This is it, he thinks, this is what pleases me. He had been right all those years ago on the mountain when opened his heart to Geralt and asked him give him a chance to prove himself. A quiet life like this, just the two of them and the sea, would’ve been enough to calm his yearning heart.
“You’re quiet.” Geralt remarks, breaking the serene silence.
“Hmm.” He teases but Geralt’s mind is somewhere else. He seems uneasy, concerned.
“Have you ever been married? Are there any children?” The witcher blurts out blunt as ever-
The questions make him chuckle. “Of course not.”
“Why not?” Geralt pushes. “You said you had a lot of admirers back in Oxenfurt. There must’ve been opportunities.”
“Certainly.” He agrees lightheartedly and pats Geralt’s arm. “But how could I marry someone else when my heart already belonged to you. That wouldn’t have been fair.”
Geralt’s face crumbles. “Jaskier, I-”
“Oh don’t give me that look, Geralt.” He interrupts him. “We both know you’re much more observant than people give you credit for and I’ve never made loving you a secret.”
Jaskier takes Geralt’s hand in his and places a kiss on his knuckles.
“I never once regretted it. Any of it. So please no more apologies, my love.”
“Okay.” Geralt whispers and squeezes his hand tightly in response letting silence fall between them once again.
Okay, Jaskier repeats in his mind as he closes his eyes for the last time to the sound of the waves and the wind and Geralt’s slow and steady heartbeat. He is happy like this. It’s good enough.
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pabotofus · 4 years
gold rush + iwaoi
so several days ago i made a post (also copied below) about gold rush and iwaoi, specifically iwaizumi’s pov, and. since then i have had Many More Thoughts....
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an expanded version of the tags on that original post:
'i don't like anticipatin' my face in a red flush' you're trying to tell me this ISN'T iwaizumi's mood when he spends time with oikawa?? he absolutely loves hanging out with him and it's something they've always done. they spend more time together than not. and YET. he hates that he knows he'll get flustered because of his feelings and oikawa doing dumb half flirty things. it’s EMBARRASSING getting all blushy especially when oikawa Absolutely Cannot Know about his feelings. but he's not going to NOT spend time with oikawa. firstly because oikawa would kick up the biggest fuss and secondly because again. he genuinely enjoys being with oikawa. so. he’s just gotta live like this now ://
also oikawa is CANONICALLY like. i dont want to say playboy. but he gets a lot of attention from girls. and iwaizumi is canonically both super aware and super tired of that. which........ 'everybody wants you/everybody wonders what it would be like to love you'...... THAT’S HIM... CANONICALLY..........
'i see me padding across your wooden floors/with my eagles t-shirt hanging from the door' the DOMESTICITY of this!!!! if the two of them ended up like. staying near each other for college. you KNOW this would happen. replace 'eagles' with university/v-league merch. im RIGHT. you KNOW IT. i would have liked to see it. *shakes fist at sky* furudate WHY
'At dinner parties I call you out on your contrarian shit' ok this is just their canon relationship iwaizumi also hard relates to this except it also happens outside of dinner
he FULLY resents all of this, by the way. he hates that it fits his situation so much. partly because he cant believe his life is a stereotypical crush song. partially because god d a m n did it have to call him out so strongly??? did it really????? unFAIR!!
and now for new thoughts.
“And the coastal town/We wandered round had never/Seen a love as pure as it/And then it fades into the gray of my day-old tea/'Cause it could never be”
miyagi is a coastal province.......... uc irvine is also pretty damn close to the coast...................................................... san juan not so much but shh. GOD. had never seen a love as pure as this!!!!!!!!! whether romantic or platonic their BOND.. it is just so Strong and like. literally everyone can see it. they were introdUCED as a pair by kageyama if i’m not mistaken. i need to rewatch hq hweklsdjfl for fun if not for anythign else
AND THEN IT FADES INTO THE GRAY OF MY DAY-OLD TEA ‘CAUSE IT COULD NEVER BE ALWAYS HITS SO HARD. i cried about this earlier in conjunction with ‘i can’t dare to dream about you anymore’ but.... iwaizumi hajime (26), athletic trainer, waking up in the morning to get ready for work, making breakfast. wondering.. maybe, if things had turned out differently, would he have set out a second plate? wondering if there would finally be a use for that stupid coffeemaker oikawa bought him as a housewarming present, when the asshole knows he doesn’t even DRINK coffee??? he doesn’t know why he even keeps it anymore. might be put to better use with someone else. but then he dumps the tea leaves into the sink and leaves for work and Does Not Think About It Anymore.
in the reprise when it changes to “the coastal town we NEVER found”...... as of canon, they never did find a place where they could both settle.. together..... HMM
“I don’t like slow motion double vision in rose blush” i have this hc that iwaizumi... very much likes to have things in control. whether like, being on top of all his assignments, or emotionally. he likes being settled. he likes knowing what’s up. but nOW. with this stupid crush? love? whatever? his heart is pounding and he can’t stop looking at oikawa and the worst part is that he’s BLUSHING all the damn time?? absolutely TERRIBLE!!! terrible, i tell you!
also like. oikawa has a monopoly on his free time, his personal space, his physical belongings, and now on his goddamn FEELINGS too?????? this should be illegal.
“Eyes like sinking ships on/waters so inviting/I almost jump in” god knows that if Oikawa had asked, Iwaizumi might have actually followed him. and that’s all I have to say
based on a brief listen-through of evermore i feel like willow, dorothea, and tis the damn season might also be iwaoi songs....... i might do a dissection of those songs as well if there’s interest/if i get the vibes
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supernaturalee · 5 years
Green and Gold: Part 2 - Gwilym Lee x Reader
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Pairings: Widow/Single Father! Gwilym Lee x Reader
Warnings: Some swearing, Mentions of X rated thoughts, and more KAREN
Word Count: 4.4k
Previous Parts: One
Summary: When Gwilym lost his wife two years ago he feared raising his daughter alone in a small coastal New Jersey town would be difficult. In the two years since her death, Gwil and Brianne are finally ready to start moving on. Following the words of a child psychologist, Gwil signs Bri up for cheerleading with the local youth squad, something Gwil knows nothing about. As he is thrust in the world of cheer bows and back handsprings, he will learn it takes a lot more than green and gold uniforms to mend his and his daughter’s hearts. Hopefully through the squad they will find strength, friendship, and possibly a spark of new love for the widow himself.  
Taglist:@the-baby-bookworm​ @ixchel-9275​ @slutforbritdick​ @kurt-nightcrawler​ @radio-hoo-ha​ @imgonnabeyourslave​ @queendeakyy​ @girllety​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @what-wicked-delights​ @drivenbybri​
Author’s Note: It’s almost 2 am EST and I thought to myself, why not post part two. We are getting into meat of the story here, y’all! Again, this update is late, but my writing was hard to come by for a while. So without further ado, he is part 2 of Green & Gold. Please let me know if you want to be tagged in future installments. 
In the four short weeks since Brianne had started cheerleading practice, Gwilym had come to learn three absolute truths. First being that cheer made Bri happier than Gwil had ever hoped. In the time since that first practice, he had seen her smile more than he had seen since before Angela had passed away. Her eyes lit up now whenever she spoke about how the routine was coming along or how she was learning all of these different things. Such as stunts or new tumbling passages or jumps that had odd names like toe touches, herkies, and pikes. While Gwilym cooked dinner or checked over her homework, he could always hear her routine music coming from the stereo in the living room. Once he got her to wash her hands and then settled at the table. It would become Gwilym’s inquiry into the world of cheerleading and Brianne was more than happy to oblige his many questions. 
Bri had taken to cheering like a fish takes to water. It was in her blood, Angela’s cheerleading history flowing through Brianne’s veins now. It made Gwil so happy. She spent three nights a week on the mat now and Saturday during the day at either the home field or away fields cheering on the young football players. The football team’s age coincided with the cheerleaders of Bri's team’s ages. Or the Mustang Pee Wees as Gwil had learned. He had finally found out the difference between the game cheers and the competition cheer as Bri had once told him. He usually sat in the game bleachers trying to decipher how American football was more popular than actual football. Or as Y/N lovingly reminded him every time he complained, “It’s soccer here.” she would say with a smile. At first he thought it was kind of annoying but now anytime she reminded him, he found it endearing. The way her lips curled up in a smile as she said it, he found himself mesmerized by it. 
When Brianne wasn’t cheering and once her homework was done, she could be found hanging out with her new friends Jasmine, Joey, and Selma. The carpool Y/N had promised had been fruitful for Brianne and Gwilym on the friendship front. They had been the type of cheer parents Gwilym had hoped for and luckily he got in with them instead of the others. That was the second absolute truth he learned that, cheer parents were absolutely bonkers bananas insane. Karen Diguimi was just the tip of the massive iceberg that was the “Stepford Stangs” as Joe lovingly coined them. Gwil had now become a member of the mailing list. A dreaded place to be that he wouldn’t have agreed to had he known what a nightmare it truly was. 
He had now started to receive daily emails with updates on fundraising and how close they were to the nice buses. Game schedules, rule changes, and low fat recipes to keep your little cheerleader in proper cheering shape were among the other important articles. Plus little snide comments on the surrounding towns’ teams and how far superior the Mustangs were to them. It was like a tabloid magazine that Gwil now had a daily subscription too.
 Y/N had sent him a long paragraph text about the low carb recipes and how dare the “Stepford Stangs” imply that only certain shaped children could be cheerleaders. ‘It is the middle of October and they are nine and ten years old. WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE SWIMSUIT READY?! Gwil, you will have to stop me from strangling Karen at the next practice.’ It made Gwilym feel a swell of pride for a moment that he read her text. It caused the return of a certain set of emotions. These feelings that he was feeling were something he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
Often he would check over the email for that week’s game schedule then file the email away. His new gang of misfit parents would mock the over ridiculous links in the emails or the fact that they received a new one every day. Joe always sent a meme or two about them, while Rami commented on the complete lack of email etiquette. ‘It’s too many emails and too many people hit Reply All instead of reply. It is chaotic!’ Rami had sent in their group chat. ‘I think its nice to keep us informed with the same information that we knew yesterday.’ Lucy had added. Gwil finally being able to put a face to the name as he met Rami’s other half at the first football game of the year. She was blonde, slim, and in a way almost fairy like. Her movements were graceful but she had this hidden strength to her. Rami and Lucy complimented each other well. Rami was a computer engineer, who like Gwil, could do most of his work from home. Lucy, on the other hand, was a certified midwife and a nurse at the local OBGYN. Often traveling between the hospital and the doctor office. Their schedules mostly allow for their twin girls’ busy sports schedules to work. Joe ran an accounting firm but swore he was bad at math. He stated he liked the business but preferred leaving the accounting to his dedicated small team of accountants.
Finally, the third absolute truth that Gwilym Lee knew was that Wednesday nights were now his favorite night of the week. It was the only night parents were allowed to stay for the whole practice. This meant about two hours of watching Bri have the most fun and grow into an even stronger, more beautiful young woman. It also meant getting to spend time with his new friends including Y/N.  Y/N had quickly become Gwil’s confidant in all things cheer related. Any question or need he had, she had the answer and was always there with a smile. It was just another reason why Gwil was now harboring a crush on this woman. He and Bri had not seen her coming. He thought he would scrap by with googled information and keep his head down. He would be quiet and lonely,  knowing just enough to get by. 
Yet there was Y/N with her intelligence, her helping hand, and her kind heart. Bri also loved her and Jasmine. She was treated with so much love, respect, and care by Y/N. Gwil found it hard to keep himself from melting every time he was in her gaze. He felt like a teenage boy with a crush. He had confided in Ben who told him to get back on the horse. However, to Gwil, the horse was a twenty foot tall bear that was very hungry. Angela was still on his mind, in his life, in his heart. He saw her every day in the brown eyes of his daughter. He feared that any new relationship he would start would be doomed to be branded as the rebound relationship for the man with the dead wife. Even if he found someone, they had to pass the most important test in his book, being well loved by the most important person in his life, Brianne. He shook away the heavy thoughts as the red light turned green. He pressed his foot on the gas as he continued the drive to practice. Bri and Jasmine chatting in the back of his car. 
Y/N had asked him to pick Jasmine up from school and drive her to practice. Y/N had a meeting with the college board about one of her students. She would meet them at the cheer gym later. Gwil’s mind couldn’t help but wander to Y/N. He hoped her meeting went well. He knew in just the short few weeks of knowing her that her job meant a tremendous amount to her. Professor Y/L/N had a very nice ring to it. His mind wandering further to dirtier thoughts. If they were ever to be together would she let him play the teacher's pet. His fantasy slowly took form in his head when Bri’s voice snapped him back to reality. 
“Dad?” No answer came from the driver’s seat. “Earth to dad. Father?” She laughed. Gwil pushed all X rated thoughts from his mind and looked to the rear view. 
“Hmm?” He answered, putting on a small smile to show her that he has really been paying attention the whole time. 
“Could Jasmine and Ms. Y/L/N come to dinner with us?” Bri asked sweetly. The two had joined them for dinner every Wednesday night since that first practice. 
“Please Mr. Lee!” Jasmine used the same sweet voice. Gwil rubbed his jaw with his free hand as the two girls started repeating the world please. 
“Please please please please please please please please please please please please please!” Bri and Jasmine begged together. Gwilym laughed, smiling. 
“It is fine with me but we will have to ask your aunt, Jasmine, when we see her.” He said.  Both girls cheered happily as they looked at each other. 
“Of course Mr. Lee!” Jasmine smiled. “Aunt Y/N likes getting dinner with you and Bri.” Jasmine said. Gwil felt his cheeks heat up for a moment. This came as a surprise to him in a way. Sure he knew she cared about their friendship but maybe this meant she also felt something more for him. He quickly pushed this thought away, no it wasn’t a good time for him to get into a new relationship. I’m not ready. His thoughts continued his mantra. 
“Well we like having dinner with both of you as well, dear.” He answered her. Jasmine’s smile grew. She was a wonderful little girl who Gwilym had grown to care for. She didn’t know what she was doing for Brianne, but Gwil did and how it helped her improve immensely. He had known his daughter had tried to hide her sadness from him. It was something she tried to do to prove she was strong like Angela but she didn’t need to. Gwil and her grandparents knew that Brianne had every ounce of Angela’s strength tenfold. 
As he pulled into the parking lot of the cheer gym he saw Y/N’s Jeep had not yet arrived. He also didn’t see Joe’s or Rami’s cars either which meant he would be alone. He would most likely have to face yet another conversation with Karen. Or he could just hide out in his car until his friends arrived. He shook his head for a moment, he had to go inside, he could handle this. As both young girls made their way inside, Gwil followed behind them making sure both safely got in the building. 
He signed both in at the desk where the young man who Gwil had learned was one of the coaches’ sons sat. He gave the teenaged boy a wave before moving to his usual spot in the bleachers. He had settled into the groove of sitting with everyone, Gwil sat on a lower bench due to his height, while Y/N sat on the bleacher bench above him so she could make eye contact easier. Rami would sit above her and then Joe would sit beside her, the four almost making a little diamond of security. His blue eyes looked around the room before he spotted her. 
Karen was talking to some of the other team parents, her eyes scanning the room for him. He dropped his head down trying to hide himself from her.
“Oh Gwilym!” She exclaimed, moving to him. Gwil sat up straight, damn he had been caught. He politely smiled and nodded. Please don’t come over, please don’t come over, please don’t come over… He repeated in his head, it was too little too late. She made her way over to his place of peace and quiet. 
“Hello Mrs. Digumi.” He said politely. Her smile grew. Damn, his British charm. She stood in front of him. 
“Please call me Karen.” She smiled still. “I wanted to ask how everything was going with Brianne. She is quite the little cheerleader. One of the best on the squad. Almost as good as my little McKenna.” 
“Thank you. I will tell her that later. She certainly seems to be enjoying it and that makes me happy.” He said honestly, maybe he was wrong about Karen. 
“You should have her over for a play date with my McKenna. You and I can exchange parenting tips or tips of some other kind.” She batted her heavily mascaraed eyes at him. He gulped softly. 
“I will have to talk to Bri about it and get back to you Mrs. Dig-Karen.” He corrected himself. 
“I am just saying Brianne seems like a very sweet girl and you don’t want her to get in with the wrong crowd before middle school. Popularity is key and my little McKenna is going to be one of the most popular girls in school. Just like I was. If Brianne settles herself with the likes of those children, her social life is over and I don’t want that for her or for you. Popularity is everything.” She said as she sat next to him. No, he wasn’t wrong about Karen.
Wrong crowd? What the hell, they are children not teenagers. He thought to himself before defending the children of his friends. Popularity is everything. What a bunch of bullocks. 
“Jasmine, Joey, and Selma are good kids. They are smart, fun, courteous, kind and they are Bri’s friends. They were the first ones to welcome her with open arms,” He said. Gwil was a bit taken aback that a grown woman would say something like that about ten year olds. If Bri and Jasmine weren’t on the mat about 50 feet away, he would have forgotten his manners and let Karen have it. 
“I don’t appreciate you talking that way about my friends’ children or about your child’s fellow teammates.”   He continued, his tone was serious and sharp. Her eyes went wide as she heard the manner in which he spoke. 
“Oh! I didn’t mean the kids! I meant, um, the parents.” She was quick to backtrack and try to fix her mistake. Her chance with the Welsh man slipping away. “Gwilly, you are new to all of this. I should have specified that I meant that if Brianne settles herself with the likes of the parents of those children, her social life is over. You both deserve so much but you are still so naive, honey.” 
“My name is Gwilym.” He stated. She had called him Gwilly, a nickname that Angela would lovingly call him after a few glasses of wine. How dare this woman even try to put herself in the same realm of love as his wife. 
“I am so sorry honey.” She smiled to try to cover up the large hole she had dug for herself. “Like I was saying to you that first practice those parents you have chosen to bond with don’t understand the mustang way.” It was clear to Gwilym that Karen intended to keep digging. “Especially Y/N, I mean she likes to pretend she was a good cheerleader because she was once a national champion herself. But she was the worst one of that team, I should know, I did date her brother.” Karen said as jealousy slipped between each word. It was clear to her that Gwilym cared more for Y/N than he would ever care for her. “They carried her to the gold medal and she got the recognition for it like everyone else. Even made her brother break up with me, how dare she. That bitch.” That was the final straw for him.  
“I am going to stop you right there, Mrs. Diguimi. I do not want to hear you ever bad mouth my friends or their children. Please understand I am friendly with you because I have to be. You are the team mom and I do not really like having issues with anyone. However, my daughter is the only reason I am here. Y/N, Joe, Lucy and Rami plus their amazing children came as an incredible bonus to all of this. You did not.” He said calmly. “Now please step away from me and know, this is the last conversation we will have that is not about fundraising or cheering information. I do not take kindly to people belittling others or their children for their own personal benefit. Thank you and have a good night.” 
Karen let out a breath of air through her nose, standing up quickly. Moving from the bleachers, staring him down. 
“Oh I understand.” Her voice dripped with sweetly sickening venom. “If you ever change your mind I am right over there with the good parents.” She moved to the other waiting ‘Stepford Stangs’. Gwil let out a long breath as a smile appeared on his lips. God, how good it felt to let her have it and god how he wished Y/N had seen him. She would be so proud once he told her. It was the sudden sound of two voices that drew him away from his fantasy. 
“I see you are on the list now.” Rami said as he and Joe joined Gwilym in the bleachers. 
“List?” He asked, tilting his head curiously. 
“I’ll let Joe explain.” Rami smiled. 
“It is Karen Diguimi’s way of saying you are cancelled until you apologize.” Joe smirked. “We just caught the tail end of what you were saying but from what we heard, it was fucking brilliant.” He said quietly enough for just the three men to hear. “Welcome to the list. I have been on it since the ‘I won’t let my underage child wash stranger’s cars in the shortest shorts debacle of last summer season.” Joe said. 
“Rami, how did you end up on the list? It seems like she likes you the most out of all of us.” Gwil asked. Rami chuckled. 
“I once asked her if the pom poms for adults were necessary at a competition because it was just one extra thing to carry.” 
“That’s not too bad.”
“She also hates my wife.”
“Ah, I see.”
“So we both reside on the list with Joe and Y/N.”
“What did Y/N do to get on the list?”
“What hasn’t she done to get on the list?” Joe laughed. “First it was being Dominic Y/L/N’s little sister during high school. Then it was becoming Jasmine’s key guardian when he died, then it was a few other arbitrary things I don’t remember, but most recently, it was getting you to be our friend instead of hers.” Joe said. 
“It’s a rite of passage to get on the list.” Rami said. All three men laughed as Gwil felt more at peace than ever before. Even though Karen had basically verbally bashed children in front of him and badmouthed Y/N, she did provide one key piece of vital information. Y/N as a former national champion for the Mustangs, maybe even on the same squad as his late wife. He marked it in his brain to ask her later. 
As practice started and the three men continued their conversation, still no Y/N. Part of Gwilym began to worry that something bad had happened. He checked his phone to see if she had called or texted but nothing. He tried to push the worry to the back of his mind as Joe began to talk about the upcoming competition this weekend. It was the same thing Bri had not stopped talking about for the past week. Even as he got her and Jasmine into the car today, they talked about their nervous excitement for it. 
Joe was going to ride up with Rami and Lucy. Figuring Gwil would want to carpool with Y/N. Actually all three of them, Joe, Rami, and Lucy, hoped something would blossom between the two. 
“Oh I hadn’t even thought to ask her. It is probably too late, I will just drive up myself.” He said he was a bit disappointed he hadn’t asked. 
“She’ll say yes if you do ask.” Rami smled. 
“She might not.” Gwil continued. 
“Oh no, she will definitely say yes.” Joe smiled slyly. Both men looked at each like they both held the same secret that Gwil wasn’t privy to. It was at that moment Y/N moved into the gym still in her work clothes. Her blazer that was once covering the purple silk blouse, was replaced by a jean jacket. She wore black slacks and black vans. 
“I don’t drive in heels, I don’t want to be responsible for that many lives.” She had told him their first Wednesday night dinner out with the girls. He knew that she kept a pair of black lace up vans in her Jeep for the drive home from the university. 
“Speak of the Devil and she shall appear.” Joe teased her as she sat in her usual spot. She laughed and Gwil’s heart skyrocketed into flight. 
“Ha ha. Good to see you, Mozzarella.” She snarked. 
“That’s Mr. Mozzarella to you.” Joe answered. Both tossing their heads back gently and laughed. There went Gwil’s pulse racing for a moment. 
“Did I miss anything?” 
“Gwil’s on the list.” 
“Oh hell yeah!”
“How? Tell me! I have to know how Karen’s little lust for you somehow got you on the list.”
“Karen’s little what?” Gwil said. 
“Dude, she wanted to bone you.” Joe said. “Hard.”
“Bone?” He asked.
“Sleep with you, knock boots, cherry pick, dude I know too analogies for sex.”
“She’s married!” Gwil exclaimed quietly to the group. 
“Hasn’t stopped her before.” Y/N said. “Anyway, tell me how you got on the list.” 
Gwilym began to tell the story of her confrontation with Karen. His own smile grew as he watched Y/N’s own smile grow as he got to the words match. 
“Mr. Lee you are bloody brilliant.” She said, her hand rubbed his arm for a moment before she withdrew it. Gwil blushed. 
“It was nothing.”
“This is cause for celebration. You being on the list. We will all go out kid free and celebrate soon.” Joe said. 
“Sounds good to me.” Rami agreed. Y/N nodded, her eyes looking up and waving to Jasmine as the girl waved back. 
“Hey Y/N, did you know Gwilym here was going to drive to Trenton all alone?” Joe stated. Gwil’s eyes went wide as he looked at the man over Y/N’s shoulder. He felt his cheeks heat up.
“Really?” She asked.
“Yeah. He was going to drive by himself.”
“Why don’t you ride with me? It isn’t as long as a drive if you have a partner.” She offered him. Her Y/E/C eyes meeting his blue. A small smile on her lips.
“Um, you won’t mind?” He asked shyly. 
“No, it will be a treat to spend time with you alone.” She said honestly, all the room felt almost like it was silent around them. Joe and Rami watching the two just share prolonged eye contact. Gwil could almost swear there was a light pink tinge on her cheeks as well. 
“Then it's all set. I’d love to ride with you.” He smiled. The tinge got a bit darker. 
Joe poked his head between the two, “Is your, um, neighbor coming?” He asked her. His voice was almost giddy, like Gwil’s when he talked about Y/N on the phone to Ben. Who was this woman  that was making Joe act like the same lovestruck teenager he was?
“Oh no. Unfortunately, Jolene had one of her advanced painting classes rescheduled to Saturday. It is too much money to miss out on but she promised Jasmine she was coming to Regionals.” Y/N said as she raked her hair up into a messy ponytail. 
“Oh.” Joe’s smile faded quickly. 
“You know you could just ask her out. She likes you too.” Y/N patted her friend’s shoulder. Joe shook his head. 
“The divorce is still too fresh to Joey. It wouldn’t be fair to him for me to get involved with someone new so soon after his mother and I split up.” Joe admitted. Gwilym understood that point. A divorce was a similar loss to a child as a parent passing. Everything became different over night for them, changing so suddenly. Joe and his ex were friendly enough to a point for the sake of their son. The one thing that will keep them forever linked. 
“Okay honey. One day though, Joey is just going to want his dad to be happy.” She said with a soft smile to their friend. Joe just nodded looking over at his son. 
How Karen could ever call this wonderful woman a bitch was past Gwilym’s arena of thought. He looked at Y/N and smiled. God how beautiful she is even in the lighting of this gym. He thought to himself. As more time passed for the practice, the three experienced cheer parents told Gwilym everything he would need to know to be ready for Saturday. How he would have to have Brianne ready before 6 am to get her to the gym so that the team could take a bus together to the arena before driving there with Y/N. He would have to make sure he paced enough bobby pins, snacks, water, everything. His worry level that he would mess this all up grew. Especially the idea that he would have to do her hair in a high slick back ponytail. Brianne had hair like her mom’s thick and wavy, he could barely get it into braids without at least three Youtube tutorials. 
“How about this? I bring Jasmine over at like 5. I can do both of their hair and you can make sure they have enough snacks?” Y/N offered, once again being the incredible person that she was. 
“Please. I fear what I would do to my poor girl’s head.” He said honestly. 
“I think you would be fine, but the first competition is the scariest for both the parent and the cheerleader.” 
“It will put not only my mind at rest but Bri’s mind too. Thank you Y/N.” 
“Anything for you, Gwil.” She smiled. “Oh and um, thanks for standing up for the kids earlier with Karen. She can talk all the crap she wants about me but Jasmine doesn’t deserve that. It means a lot to me and it shows me how wonderful of a human being you are.” She said before turning her attention back to the mat. His heart raced again. God, Wednesday nights really were his favorite. 
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greentrickster · 4 years
(ace avatar au) who joins the party next, after Apollo and Trucy? and was Larry there from the start, or does he show up later?
Larry’s not quite there from the start, but it’s a close thing - he Pippin and Merrys his way into this adventure by accidentally crossing paths with the group on the road not far from their town, initially plans to just walk with them for a bit because he’s got a date but if you guys are going away for awhile I’m gonna say good-bye proper first, and then one of the people tracking Apollo catches up to them and the next thing Larry knows they’re on a barge, why are they on a barge, no one knows but they’ve lost the tracker and apparently he’s doing this now, cool.
As for who joins next... hmm. I’m torn between Maya and Klavier, it feels like one of them would be the next to show. Phoenix and Miles probably come from a coastal village in the Earth Kingdom that’s not too far away from the Fire Nation, so there’s a decent amount of cultural mixing going on there, a few families who are technically Fire Nation but have lived here for a few generations, some of the Earth Kingdom people have relatives who live in the Fire Nation, that sort of thing. So Simon’s going to be later in the game, because he’s at one of the poles, Franziska has to be a bit later in the game, because she probably starts as an antagonist and then joins the group, and Kay can show up whenever she wants to, by right of being Kay, as can Sebastian if he joins in this. ...let’s be real, Sebastian’s showing up in this, because I love him.
Also, it just occurred to me, I think the Feys are probably going to be in the Swamp in the Avatar-setting, non necessarily benders, but wildly in touch with the Spirit World, so we’ll have to go there to get Maya. Unless she ran off on a journey of enlightenment and self-discovery or something.
Thanks for the ask!
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jyndor · 4 years
what's the worst tv show you've ever watched in its entirety
asiuhfioashdisfh anon i am dead this is a cursed question because i have to assume you mean bad all the way through? like game of thrones had the worst ending to a show i have ever seen, and i doubt anyone will fuck up a show as badly as d&d fucked up the got BUT it was very very good for at least four seasons
but the thing is I usually give up on shitty things? like I don’t force myself to struggle through something because that’s just not the kind of life i want to live.
hmm. but idk this is a tough one. i’m gonna say this knockoff of the oc i watched as a teenager and idk what it’s called, but it was like set in this coastal town and was probably just white people tbhhh idk man it sucked
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ellohcee · 4 years
I found the site and the selkie names has a little seal in the background it's so cute but!! She!! Is very sweet and loving, and protective of the ones she cares about!! She met and rescued a sailor and fell in love with him, and would visit him late on land whenever his ship was docked and he'd fall in love with her too. Eventually he retires and they try to settle on land but (1)
-she ends up missing life in the ocean despite living so close to the sea. Instead of forcing her to stay or stealing her coat, he lets her go with no stipulations, loving her too much to see her suffer and bearing her no ill, keeping her secret to himself. She ends up exploring the world and seeing new things, but always comes back to see her old lover at least once a year, much to his delight (2)
He becomes a fisherman and continues to patiently wait for her visits while she has little mishaps and adventures that she eagerly tells him during her late night visits. She keeps visiting him even as he becomes an old man, and sometimes brings him a shell or two on her visits. She does like giving him gifts!! But it's hard to keep them on her person if she's swimming from like, far away. She likes to sing too, and teases him as he grows old, thinking his old beard is neat (3)
IF YOU WANTED DESCRIPTIONS UHH, im so bad at those dude, but she's got long, black hair and hmm. Brown eyes probably. Got some meat on her bones! When her hair dries, it gets a bit wavy, and she likes it when her old lover braids her hair, and then she braids his beard. She loves swimming with the local seals and (very politely) "steals" fish from the fisherman's bucket to nosh on. (I lost count)
Maybe she'd take after harbor seals!! She wouldn't look TOO out of place if she went to visit a coastal town that way. Oh, and she'd be curious about human cooking, tasting whatever the fisherman would have to offer so long as it wouldn't make her sick. Like a fish stew or simple roasted fish. I can't think of anything else on the spot, but she's very playful and silly, and likes splashing the fisherman as both seal and human!! (FIN mostly because I lost count earlier)
AhhHHH that's so sweet I love it!!! 😭 She sounds adorable and I love her already! I love the coming back to visit the fisherman and he's just happy to see her wwwdhsg my heart , , , braiding each others hair and beard ffffh
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eastertag · 4 years
@hodgehegposts gift for @cookidoughlilac
Surfing prompt for @cookiedoughlilac
Gravity had never been John’s friend. As a kid, he had been the slowest of the five Tracy boys to learn to stand and subsequently walk, despite being the fastest to learn other, arguably more complex, skills such as reading and talking. Once he had picked up on those skills that required basic motor function, he set about mastering them in true John-esque fashion, not resting until he could stand, walk, run perfectly. Of course, this had been when he was still an infant, before two of his brothers had even been born, and it was rare now that he had any trouble with… well, anything. Sure, he was often wobbly on his legs when coming back to Earth from space, but when you spent most of your time floating around in zero gravity, such instability was to be expected. 
His brothers- specifically Alan and Gordon- used to tease him about his sudden faceplants into the floor during the first few days of any trip back home, but such teasing had ceased the moment they had gone up to Five to complete their first training rotation with him. The experience of floating through air had been so disconcerting, and the grace with which John moved through the space station seemed so miraculous compared to their flailing limbs, that they had relented on the merciless ribbing John would receive each and every trip back to Earth, much to the astronaut’s relief. It wasn’t that he minded it, per se, but he had a much quieter nature compared to his siblings and the combination of hurricane Alan and Gordon could be extremely overwhelming after the quiet and solitude of space. Lucy Tracy had been the most understanding of John’s need for solitude within such a boisterous family, and it had been generally accepted that he would be the only one of the five brothers to have their own room as opposed to sharing before the move to the island had made any potential room-sharing redundant.
John was desperately wishing for that solitude now. He was at the island visiting, International Rescue having been shut down for two weeks to allow its members some much needed rest and recuperation. It was a difficult feat to suspend operations for that long, with various meteorological and geological calculations taking place to ensure that there was an absolute minimal possibility of a natural disaster occurring whilst they were offline, which also had to coincide with the GDF stepping up and taking over any human-made disasters. There was something slightly unnerving about the absence of alarms that usually punctuated every waking- and unwaking- moment. However, it was currently the fourth day of the family’s ‘staycation’- because honestly, they lived on their own tropical island, where would they vacation to?- and John had finally started to relax.
Until now.
The Gruesome Twosome had managed to cook up a plot that seemed essentially to be a method with which to mock poor John. It was hot, swelteringly hot, and it had been decided, unanimously yet without discussion, that the whole family- Kayo, Brains, Lady Penelope and Parker included- would take a day trip to the tiny stretch of soft white sand that made up the island’s only beach on the northern most point. A picnic had been packed, and between the ten of them enough blankets, deckchairs, umbrellas, frisbees, volleyballs, boogie boards and spades had been ferried down to the beach that John was sure that if money ever started to run low, they’d be able to sustain themselves for several years selling beach related paraphernalia in some coastal town or village. Not that they would ever get to that point, of course; Scott was remarkably good at finance administration and all five of them had inherited their grandmother’s frugality that characterised her generation. Tales of skyrocketing house prices and claims that avocado toast led to debt and poverty had seared themselves into the minds of the young and impressionable Tracy boys, regardless as to how true such claims actually were. As a result, despite Jeff Tracy becoming a billionaire following his retirement from NASA, the Tracy family continued to live much the same as they had before their mother died- that is, comfortably well off- with the added bonus of incredible machinery and their own island home that had only been bought in the first place to provide cover for their operations. But all the money in the world would not be able to save John from his younger brothers. He wasn’t sure how, or where from, but somehow two surfboards had been unearthed and Alan and Gordon were currently dragging an increasingly reluctant John to the sea’s edge, despite John’s increasingly frantic resistance. 
“Come on, John, it’s fun!” claimed Gordon from one side of the frogmarch.
“And it’s too hot to be sitting reading your book all day,” chimed in Alan from John’s other side. “Plus, it’s supposed to be a vacation, you can’t just sit around doing stuff you do all the time on Five anyway.”
“I don’t spend all my time reading on Five,” John protested. “I have a lot of work to do up there.”
“Yeah, like programme evil AIs who like to torment your younger brothers,” Gordon grumbled.
“EOS is not ‘evil’ Gordon, she’s just… highly spirited, that’s all. Once she gets to know you properly she’s delightful company. And a bit too good at chess,” John added suddenly, face frowning. Alan snorted.
“Yeah, that’s ‘cos she plays against MAX when everyone goes to bed.”
John didn’t even know how to respond to that, but it didn’t really matter because Gordon had dropped his vice like grip and was clapping his hands together.
“Alright! Surfing time! We only have two boards so I figured that you could use the body board, John, until you’ve got the hang of it and then we can take it in turns.”
“I still can’t believe you’re making me do this” John mumbled, even as he fastened the Velcro strip around his wrist to avoid the board drifting out to sea.
“Oh quit complaining, it’s fun. Now, we’ll have to go in pretty far because the waves are better out there,” Gordon explained, and the three of them waded more deeply into the ocean until it was up to John’s shoulders, the buoyancy and waves causing them to rock up and down in the water.
“Now, you want to face the beach… yeah, like that, and hold the board here… good, now on the next big wave, jump onto the board and it should take you back to shore.”
“Hmm…” John remained unconvinced, but narrowed his eyes at the shore in concentration. There was silence as the three of them waited and John could feel the hot sun on his bare shoulders, causing him to fret over whether he had put enough sun-cream on them. It wasn’t really fair that he burned with SPF 50 whilst his brothers got away with SPF 20 and a nice golden tan, but before he could pursue that line of thought any further Gordon shouted, prompting John to jump onto his board as instructed.
It did not go well. John didn’t jump far enough onto the board and it slipped, the buoyancy causing it to rear up and smack John in the face. As John opened his mouth in shock and pain the wave crashed over him, and he came up spluttering, his hair plastered down by water. Ahead of him Alan had managed to get upright on his board, the same balance and core strength needed for his space board on display. Gordon was not as close to the shore as Alan now was and was facing John, speechless with laughter. John shook his hand and attempted to wipe the sea water from his eyes, taking the time to catch his breath whilst Gordon waded back over to him.
“Yeah… you might want to try jumping a bit further onto the board,” Gordon suggested, his laughter mostly under control save for the odd chuckle here and there. John glowered at him. “Ah, come on John, everyone is like that the first time. Look, another wave is coming, if we’re quick we can catch it.” They faced the shore again and this time John jumped high enough that the wave caught the board, washing it up towards the shore, Gordon whooping in his ear in delight.
The cycle continued until John was able to get it right every time, finally relaxing into the activity and allowing a broad grin to grace his face, before Alan approached with his surfboard.
“What do you say, John? Fancy proper surfing?”
John cast his mind back to all the times that he had had difficulty with remaining upright whilst on Earth and his grievance with gravity, before shaking his head.
“…no. I think I’ll leave the surfing up to you guys.”
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