#but i’m finally satisfied with it so yay
threenounname · 2 years
final chapter is up!!!! FINALLY
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kquil · 10 months
SUM. : you find out the truth about the boys' relationship
REQUEST. : this might be a dumb question but are the marauders also all in a poly relationship with each other? if so, i'd love one where the reader finally has that realisation and gets all blushy and starts to consider if they'd ever want to include her —@thepunisherfrankcastle
TAGS. : modern au ; muggle au ; tattoo artist james ; tattoo artist sirius ; piercer remus ; only slight fluff ; mostly angst ; im so sorry ; reader finds out the truth ; but not really in the best way ; major misunderstanding trope ; sirius isn't a bad person! ; poly relationship revealed ; yay? ; distance ; walking away trope-ish ; james is precious ; remus trying to make the hard decisions ; our boys need a hug ; wolfstar ; starchaser ; angst angst angst ; im sorry im sorry im sorry!
LENGTH : 5.2k
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Hearing James giggling fills your chest with warmth and is so contagious that you have to bite your lip so as not to join him. He sees your resistance and moves his hand, making you freeze up and stop all movement. His index finger curls under your chin to lift your gaze as his thumb settles on your bottom lip and slowly draws it out from the press of your upper teeth. 
“I can’t be the only one laughing, angel,” on his face is an innocent smile but you know he’s devilish — the raging fire he lights up inside you with the smooth delivery of his simple statement is evidence enough that he’s up to no good.
His light grasp offers barely any resistance when you lift your chin away, “that’s because I’m not ticklish like you,” 
“Hey now,” he warns firmly but you can see the mutual playfulness reflecting clearly in his hazel eyes, it was like staring into clear honey, “you’re the one who’s colouring in my tattoo like a toddler,” 
“I was bored,” you defend a little too quickly, getting huffy and exaggerating a pitiful pout. It was… a sight, James admits in his head; you look adorable like this and he wants to frame the image in his memory forever, “and besides, you agreed to it,”
“Yeah, so don’t tease me about being ticklish,” his hand reaches up to play with a strand of your hair before he leans down to press a kiss onto your forehead, where you feel his mischievous smile lift up the corner of his lips, “instead, tell me how much you love to hear my laugh,”
There’s no way you’ll ever admit that. Not to his face, at least…
“Woah, comfy are we?~” came the familiar teasing voice of Sirius, who walks into the room and almost has his eyes bulging out at the sight of you and James, “you lucky bastard, Prongs,” Sirius clicks his tongue but there’s no malice in his eyes or tone, “shirtless, all relaxed and cool, leaning back into the sofa with our doll on your lap and colouring in your tats,” your cheeks heat up under your skin when a shameless expression takes over James’s face and he sends a wink over at his fellow tattooist. 
“I guess I saved the universe in a past life,” James chuckles, receiving an eye roll in return.
“And you, princess,” Sirius whistles playfully and leans down to kiss the crown of your head, “how lucky you are to have such well-sculpted muscles and a handsome face entertaining you,” the heat on your cheeks continue to blossom, “I don’t know who I’m more jealous of,”
That was the first time you were hinted at Sirius’s dichotomy. Between the wink he sends James and the satisfied grin the glasses-wearing brunette returns, you felt a slight shaking in your heart that you couldn’t quite place. 
It didn’t feel bad… but it didn’t feel good either…
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After the first homemade lunch you made for them, you’ve gotten into the habit of regularly visiting the boys at the shop with boxed lunches whenever time nears noon. They often insisted that the first surprise lunch was enough thanks. 
“It’s really okay for you not to do this, dove,” Remus voices, slowly trailing off as he leans forward to wipe a stray crumb off the side of James’ mouth with his thumb, only to lick the crumb he wiped off without batting an eye. James pays him no mind either and continues savouring your cooking; he was always the one person who devoured your food as if he was a starved man being fed for the first time.
“But–” you quickly protest, trying to dismiss the small gesture between the two, “but I enjoy cooking for you,” 
“And we’re very grateful,” Sirius smiles warmly at you and takes your hand to press a kiss against your knuckles, “but your company is enough,” ever the flatterer and flirt, you resist the butterflies in your stomach from his gesture and words. 
“And we feel guilty that you have to buy and cook all this food,” Remus adds but you assure them one more time. 
“I promise I’ll stop if it ever gets too hard or burdensome but, for now, please let me do it…” the boys look at each other and smile following a unanimous sigh of defeat. You weren’t aware of the effect your soft pleas and pretty eyes had on them. Of course, they couldn’t say ‘no’ and agreed, satisfied with your pledge for the meantime. 
“Ugh! These cookies are amazing!” James praises, completely oblivious to the interaction you had with Remus and Sirius. He looks up and the three of you have to suppress your laughter at his childish appearance, crumbs surrounding his mouth as his cheeks puffed out from the food he still had to chew. 
“Swallow your food first, James,” Remus reminds, which James quickly does before addressing you again. 
“Can you please teach me?” James leans forward in earnest and you swear there are stars in his eyes, “please teach me how to make them so I can have them all the time. I’m an expert at making fruit tarts now but Moony and Padfoot are sick and tired of me making just fruit tarts,”
You were flattered but…“I want them to stay special though,” you pout softly, “I want to be the only person who bakes them for you,”
Before James could answer, Sirius breaks out into peels of laughter, “you don’t have to worry about that, doll,” he winks at you and side-eyes James with a smirk, “James sucks ass in the kitchen, especially when it comes to baking,” James shouts in protest but is swamped by the laughter shared between you, Remus and Sirius. Nevertheless, you finally agreed to teach him just so he stops pouting… even if he looked cute doing so. 
That Saturday, you were at their apartment, eager to teach James the secrets to your baking creations. Their flat was sizable and still relatively clean, which you verbally praise and are clued into all of their cleaning habits in more detail. It appears that they have a pretty good system going on that keeps things neat; Remus handles the organisation of all items and keeps stock on most things, Sirius proactively keeps all spaces clean and James loves doing laundry. When asked, he said that the main reason was because he liked the smell of clean sheets, which you couldn’t really blame him for. Together, their good habits cumulatively result in a tidy space and you were impressed; not only were they great friends but they functioned well together too. In some ways, you were envious of that. 
When you arrived at the apartment, the boys had all of the ingredients you sent over on a list laid out on their kitchen counters, ready to be put together and baked into your famous cookies. 
“Do you two want to join us?” you ask with a smile as James helped you into Sirius’ apron, tying up the strings behind you. 
“We’re good, darling,” Sirius smiles and offers to tie up your hair as James slips into his apron. You don’t deny his assistance and hand him over your hair tie as Remus observes the scene with a soft smile, leaning against the door frame that leads into the kitchen.
As much as Sirius and Remus disparaged James’ abilities to bake in the kitchen, he, once again, proved them wrong. He did pretty well with following your instructions and getting things done if you discounted the times he got distracted and had to pull you away from the work as well, just to share in the fun. The last time you baked together was a lot of fun and you were just as eager to get back into the kitchen with him in order to experience that joy all over again. Like last time, Sirius and Remus occupied the living room while you and James got to making the cookie dough before eventually baking the cookies. With the timer set, it won’t be too long before you’re happily serving everyone yours and James’ baked cookies with some tea and coffee. 
“It’s just down the hall,” James points out, directing you to their bathroom, “it’s the last door on your right,” with a quick word of thanks, you make your way out to relieve yourself while James gets started on clean up duty. You promised not to be too long so he didn’t have to clean all by himself but he just laughed it off and assured you to take all the time you need — ever the sweetheart. 
Your mood was light and happy and, like all other times you spent with the boys, it felt as if you were walking on air… that is, until you weren’t. From the corner of your eye, when passing the living room doorway, your heart came to a stuttering stop at the scene you happened upon. 
Seated on the sofa was Remus with Sirius’ laid down, his head on the tall brunette’s lap. It would have been a scene you could have easily shrugged off if it weren’t for Remus bending down so that the two could share a loving kiss. One that had Sirius running his fingers through Remus’ light brown hair, who returned the touch by tenderly gripping at Sirius’ thigh with a spare hand. You would have remained frozen there, like some petrified statue, if Sirius didn’t hum pleasantly only to have Remus chuckle against his lips. 
Hurrying to the bathroom, you struggle to get the scene out of your head as your heart breaks over and over again until the stinging pain in your chest dulls into a throbbing ache. 
If they were in a loving relationship then you were happy for them, truly…you were; they always looked so content and at bliss around each other, you felt stupid for not having put the puzzle pieces together yourself. It was just conflicting as to why they never hesitated to establish some sort of distance with you when they already had one another. They were together romantically and yet they were able to press loving kisses against your temple and wrap their arms around you with their loved one standing close by?...
“There you are,” James chuckles when you finally make it back into the kitchen, “I was starting to get worried that you somehow got lost on your way to the bathroom,” it was a weak attempt but you joined his laughter without offering to explain your whereabouts. Turning back to the sink, James returns to washing the dishes as you wordlessly get to wiping down the surfaces. He doesn’t appear to notice your sudden change in mood or, at least, he doesn’t let on that he knows; soon enough, he’s yapping away again, being his usual goofy self and drawing a smile from you. He almost makes you forget. You could always count on James to be your ray of sunshine; a happy bug who was eager to spread his contagious joy. 
Sirius and Remus were a… surprise, although you really should have known better than to not suspect anything. They’re happy though, and you’re happy for them; that’s what matters. 
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It was hard to gauge whether or not you should confront them about the revelation you had about their relationship. You had to thoroughly think it over… 
There had to be a reason behind why Remus and Sirius didn’t want to tell you about their relationship and managed to get James in on it too. It must have been a very good reason. So you can’t fault them and resolve to stay silent on the matter. Their privacy needs to be respected; they’ll tell you when they’re ready, you’re sure of it. For now, you just have to act normal, as if nothing happened. The only problem was that you were left to wonder…
Why haven’t they told you? Is it awkward for them? Maybe they didn’t trust you enough? Did they think you were homophobic?— You’re not! You fully support all types of love in all its forms and would never be prejudicial towards them because they preferred the same gender. Or maybe they did trust you but the right time just never came up? That’s also plausible. They probably just need time…yeah! Time, you can give them that; you’re a very patient person, after all—
“H-huh?” you blink rapidly, returning to the present as Remus tilts his head at you curiously. 
“Are you okay?” there’s an amused smirk painted across his lips as he eyes you up and down, “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” his warm voice is like a comforting hug on an autumn day, one that makes you want to lose all thoughts and melt into his arms. 
“Y-yeah!” you chirp as embarrassment begins to creep in, “Sorry about that,” he laughs with you, “I guess I got distracted,” Remus nods, understanding in his eyes as he turns to the clock on the office wall.
“The both of us have been at it for a while,” he hums when reading the time, “I think we deserve a break,”
“Snack run?” 
Seeing the delight in your eyes, Remus laughs and presses a kiss to your temple. It takes everything in you not to lean away out of respect for Sirius —you still need to act as normal as possible so you don’t draw attention but it’s getting harder and harder to do so, “snack run,” he confirms, his gaze lingering on your tight-lipped smile. It’s an awkward tilt of your lips and it doesn’t belong on your usually soft and brightly beaming features, Remus thinks to himself. He wants to ruminate on it’s appearance further but files away his thoughts for another day, “let me tidy up here first and I’ll meet you out front,”
Nodding stiffly, you hurry to leave and get to the front of the parlour, where you can safely catch your breath. There, you can recalibrate your thoughts and feelings from a safe distance—
Your gradually slowing thoughts come to a grinding halt as you pass. 
What did you just see?...
Angling yourself carefully and peeking through the crack of the door, you resist the urge to gasp in horror. In an otherwise empty tattoo room, Sirius sits in his tech chair and angles himself upwards as James stands and leans down to meet the former in a sweet kiss. 
Scandalised, you cover your mouth and step away from the door, suppressing a scream as racing thoughts pour into your head. 
All breath escapes you and the world begins to spin. The charming, loyal and honest character of Sirius that you’ve built up in your head breaks apart and you’re left spiralling at the implications of his betrayal. You feel like crying and vomiting and throwing a rage-filled fit all at the same time! Wait! —No! It’s not about what you want to do it’s about what you need to do and that’s to—
It was then that you hear Remus walking down the steps behind you. Your heart jumps in your chest and your stomach caves in on itself. Leaning forward, you peek through the crack in the open door again and find Sirius carefully prepping his tools for a later appointment while James is against one wall on the other side of the room, checking something on the computer. 
Good… Remus doesn’t have to see anything… you think to yourself, although the thought alone makes your heart break all over again. 
“Ready to go?” Remus asks, approaching you with a lifted brow of curiosity. He’s probably wondering why you haven’t made it to the front of the parlour yet. 
“I-I was just thinking!…uhh,” you bite your lip and try to keep your rising panic from reflecting in your eyes. 
“I don’t really want to go on a snack run,”
“Oh?” Remus didn’t even try to hide his surprise, it wasn’t like you to not go on a snack run — so much for wanting to act normal… “How come?”
“I just remembered something-!” it was a lame excuse but you could kill two birds with one stone through this, it’ll be worth it, “-something I wanted to talk to Sirius about—”
“You called?~” speak of the devil and he shall appear. Upon hearing his name, Sirius pulls open the door and flashes his usual charming smile, which only draws a chilling glare from you. Caught off-guard, Sirius blinks in surprise, “What’s the matter, dollface?”
A taunting whistle floats through the air from behind him as James steps up and eyes your unusually angry expression, “what did you do this time, Pads?”
“I-I don’t know…” his normally confident, unwavering voice stutters and is offered cautiously, almost scared despite the tattooist standing a good few inches taller than you. 
Finding some confidence, you square your shoulders and address Remus again but keep your glare focused on Sirius, “Why don’t you and James go on a snack run while I talk to Sirius?” you almost snap out the cheater’s name from spite. You can’t believe you ever deluded yourself into thinking he was a good person that could do no wrong. He’s charmed you, Remus and James, tricked all three of you and you weren’t going to stand for it. 
The two boys jokingly wish their friend ‘good luck’ as they walk past and head out, promising to get his favourites so he can nurse his wounds from the verbal beat-down he was about to receive with something yummy. It’s clear that James and Remus don’t really believe you’re capable of delivering much vengeance or rage but the fire in your eyes tells Sirius otherwise. As soon as the front door closes behind the two, you push Sirius back into the private tattoo room before he could utter a single word. 
“You need to explain yourself, Sirius Orion Black and you need to do it now!” you demand, your voice harsh and biting, something you’ve never done in front of the boys before and catches the traitor, in your eyes, by complete surprise. Sirius doesn’t know what he’s done but he already feels incredible guilt and sorrow over it. He’s never wanted to draw out such a horrid emotion out of you; you’re only allowed to feel happiness and love and comfort. Not this. Never this…
“I-I don’t understand, princess—” he reaches for you but you step away from his touch, your piercing glare and obvious rejection stabbing a knife through his chest. You’ve never pulled away from his reach before, he’s not used to this. What did he do? He would take it all back, whatever he did, if it meant that you would lean into his touch again rather than pull away. He’d do anything to quash the evident flames of rage in your eyes. What did he do?... What did he do goddamnit?! 
“I saw it! I saw everything! You’re playing both of them!” you shout, your rage lashing out and scorching him with their intense heat. There was no holding you back, you told him everything, about how you saw his kiss with Remus and James. His eyes widen in shock before filling with horror, which does nothing but corroborate your heart breaking revelations, “I don’t want to believe it! How could you do this to them, Siri?...” your shouting voice slowly quietens and tapers off at the end, quivering like a shaken autumn leaf. So heartbroken over the fact, your rage quickly turns into sorrow and tears quickly fill your eyes, “You’re better than that, I know you are!” and you really do. No matter how betrayed you feel and having witnessed the evidence first hand, you cling onto the little slither of faith you still had in Sirius, “Please tell them the truth, they deserve the truth… they deserve you being forthcoming with them because they’re good guys,”
Looking on at you, Sirius feels his heart break. This misunderstanding was tearing you up inside and, although it makes him happy to know that you would confront him and be angry for the boys at his supposed betrayal, watching you break down, and sob uncontrollably made Sirius’ heart twist and clench uncomfortably— painfully so. 
Without a word, he reaches out again and is able to bring you into his arms. You don’t return the gesture but you make no effort to push him away either. 
“Shhh Shhh Shhhhhh, darling…” Sirius whispers comfortingly, softly patting your hair as he waits for your sobbing to calm down enough for him to come clean. Scrap the plan, whatever bullshit plan they came up with to slowly ease you into accepting their relationship before selfishly asking for your love as well. He wasn’t going to let you continue misunderstanding their relationship, especially when it’s causing you so much pain, “...this is all a big misunderstanding…” he begins softly once your cries were finally reduced to soft sniffles, “do you know what polyamory is, sweetheart?”
“It’s when more than two people agree to be in a loving, romantic relationship with each other, all at the same time,” he explains in the same soft voice, his arms never pulling away from you as he feels you slowly lose your grip on resistance. 
“Is…is that…”
“Yes, that’s the relationship James, Remus and I are all a part of…” he looks down with a gentle smile and watches you peek up at him curiously. Sirius resists the urge to swoop down and pepper your face with kisses. Just when he thought his love for you couldn’t grow any bigger, here you were being the sweetest, most caring and lovable little thing he’s ever laid eyes on. 
However, you slowly begin to shake your head and the resistance in your eyes and expression returns. This time you push him away and keep him at arm's reach. Like a scared prey animal being cornered by a predator, you inch your way back until you're pressing yourself against the wall beside the door. It takes Sirius two steps forward to finally stop and keep his place so that you don’t feel pushed or stressed by his presence. 
“I-I won’t believe you until James and Remus say so…” 
He shrugs and gives you a pained smile. He supposes he can’t blame you for being cautious and not believing him, he’s the apparent ‘cheater’, afterall. 
You watch Sirius part his lips to voice something when you hear the parlour door open and rush into the hallway to see James and Remus walk in. The two were grinning cheekily at each other and their arms were piled high with an assortment of snacks. They held true to their promise; you could spot many of Sirius’ favourites among the pile and it made your stomach twist uncomfortably. 
As soon as the two look up and see your dishevelled form, your eyes pink and tearful, your bottom lip wobbling from restrained cries and your frame closed up like a frightened clam, the snacks are carelessly disregarded and they rush to your side. 
“Dove?” Remus calls, worry evident in his voice as he steals a glance at Sirius over your trembling shoulder. The response he was given — tight lips, drawn into a straight line and unreadable eyes — wasn’t enough, however and his chocolate pools hardened into brown stone. What. Did. You. Do?... Remus silently interrogated the tattooist.
“What happened, angel?” James immediately wraps his arms around you and you almost melt into his hold if it weren’t for your need to clarify everything dominating your thoughts. 
“Are you and Remus in a relationship with Sirius?” your hesitant voice, small and fraying at the edges, speaks up but barely above a whisper. The two men visibly stiffen beside you and you feel a well of tears quickly building up again; your thoughts immediately jumping to the worst possible outcome. 
“Tell her the truth. Give her peace of mind, lads,” Sirius speaks up, his own voice lacking its usual confidence and was reduced to a vulnerable softness. 
“Yes,” Remus affirms after a beat of silence. 
“We’re all consenting, we all love each other, mutually!” James pipes up, his tone bordering on defensive despite not knowing what he’s their relationship defending from, “You…you don’t think of us differently do you?”
“No! No no no! Of course not,” you quickly elucidate your thoughts, your shoulders relaxing as you turn and meet eyes with Sirius, mustering a small smile, “it’s actually quite a relief,”
Grinning softly, Sirius steps up to explain the situation, “Dollface over here thought that I was cheating on you and James with each other, Rem,” he chuckles softly, amusement in his eyes though it still lacked their full brightness, “she gave me a good shouting to and looked like she was ready to bite my head off if I didn’t ‘come clean’ to both of you,” Remus laughs and pulls Sirius into a sideways hug as James coos lovingly at you. 
“You got angry for us, angel?” James presses his face into your hair and nuzzles you affectionately, “you’re the sweetest~” he coos, his smirk growing as he feels an embarrassed heat radiating off your cheeks. 
“St-stop the James,” you whine with an awkward smile and wiggle yourself out of his arms, avoiding his pouting lips because you know your resolve will melt away at the sight. It was confirmed. They were in a relationship, all three of them, with each other. You should be happy that Sirius wasn’t a cheater and still the wonderful man you saw him to be. But, no matter how happy you were for them, the twisting of your stomach and the gaping hole in your heart wasn’t easily fixable. 
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The following weeks, you maintained the friendship you had with the boys, who no longer felt the need to limit their intimate touches around you. However, whenever they tried to initiate affection with you, as per usual, once the innocent kiss on the temple and harmless hug was now fervently being rejected by you and pushed away. You had no intention of disrespecting their relationship, even if most acts of affection you exchanged as friends were innocuous. But, then again, it was also your way of protecting your already shattered heart. Yes, you could just stay away from them entirely but you had built such a strong friendship with them that it didn’t feel right to candidly pretend that you’ve never met them before. It’ll do more harm than the harm you were inflicting now…  
Ever the observant man that he was, Remus knew the instant reason behind your hesitation and was quick to reassure you the next time you were invited over for tea. 
“It’s really okay, sweetheart,” the tall brunette hums softly as James and Sirius agree from their own seats, “we’re okay with it and you aren’t going to come in between any of us, I promise you,”
Stubbornly, you shake your head, pulling a deep frown from all of them.
“Are you not comfortable with it?” James asks with uncertainty, his question and its potential implication is filled with enough dread to make even his two lovers stiffen up. 
You nod your head ‘yes’ and they slump in their rejection. It hurt to know that the revelation of their relationship had pushed you away when the basic nature of their affair meant more love for everyone. And they wanted it to include you… Their romance that led to such an abundance of love and promises of more was now paradoxically pushing you away. For once, they didn’t know what to do, not a single one of them could come up with any idea to resolve the ever-growing tension in your relationship. It was a rubber band ready to snap. 
“If you’re uncomfortable then we’ll respect that and keep our distance, touch-wise” Remus surrenders despite the heartbreak it gives him while Sirius shoots up and sends him an irate glare, one that Remus coldly returns. It wasn’t a question of their comfortability but yours, Sirius needed to regard that to the highest degree and Remus was all too ready to make him face the music. They can’t afford to lose you and if it meant that he needed to make the hard decisions then so be it.
“Thank you,”
“...do you not want to be around us anymore?” James speaks up, not necessarily taking things to their extremes but rather potential, future escalations. He’s seen it. In the days and weeks that followed the divulgence of their true relationship, bit by bit you have begun to pull away from them to the point where James can vividly see where the escalation of your behaviour will lead and it’s frightening. One day, you’ll just disappear and that terrifies him. 
“No no…” your weak defence, lacking true resolve, ignites a shock of terrorising fear in all three of them, their eyes shaking with trepidation. But you couldn’t see it because you couldn’t look at them, like a coward. Because that’s what you are — a coward. The heartbreak was chipping away at you. You thought you would be brave enough to see them happy together but you couldn’t. Because, not only were you a coward, but you were selfish too. Green with envy, you stewed in that awful, stomach-twisting, heart-aching, bitter-tasting, gut-wrenching feeling each time you saw every loving kiss, affectionate cuddle and sweetly whispered words. 
Throughout your friendship you grew to love each of them as more than a simple friend. You know it was wrong but they were all so charming in their own, unique way. They treated you sincerely, cared for you without any sinister, ulterior motives and they’ve successfully wormed their way into your life and heart, permanently. 
What was once something that brought you such joy, warmth and feelings of safety was now mercilessly ripping you apart. 
Their dynamic looked different to you now that you were looking through a different lens. They weren’t just close friends anymore, they were very much in love and have been romantically involved for a few years now — it was one of the first things you found out about their relationship. Its longevity was a testament to their unwavering love for each other and here you were, secretly, selfishly and salaciously hoping for your own slice of the love pie.  
How dare you…
Just because you’ve had such bad luck with love didn’t mean you had the right to wish for something that couldn’t possibly become yours. You have no right to ask them for love when they are completely content with their own.  
“Please don’t push us away, dollface,” Sirius begs softly, his steel grey eyes melting into a pool of mercury. Beautiful but poisonous. Something you want but can’t have. 
“I’m sorry,” you’re breathless when you see the genuine fear in their eyes and turn away from the sight. This isn’t the time to turn weak at the knees, “it’s getting pretty late, I should go,” shouldering your bag, you get up and rush to leave their flat. 
“Stay,” Remus half commands and half begs, almost stopping you in your tracks, “please stay… we need to talk to you about something important,” if there was any time for them to reveal the truth, it was now. Before they lose you, before they drown themselves in regret, before they fall into a pit of despair, before they—
“I’m sorry…” you repeat and, just as James feared, you disappear. 
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A/N : this took such a long while to write but i wanted it to be perfect, thank you so much for requesting this darling @thepunisherfrankcastle it fit perfectly into the plot although i did make some slight altercations to your request. unfortunately, there's still more to go after this so i'm going to have to leave you darlings with a cliffhanger, look out for part 5! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins @aastonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @sageskisses444 @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @chaosofmanyfandoms @storyofaromance @loving-and-dreaming @somewereinthegalaxi @ashreblogsficshere @cassandra-nerezza-black @stray-bi-kids @ttkttt @notasadgirlipromise @ghostgardn @mess-is-my-aesthetic @susyelectra @fangirlninja67 @pagesfalling @thepunisherfrankcastle @axeofwars @imarimon @in-love-with-4-marauders @chicken-taco-burrito @valencia-rou @feast0nmeee @lestat-whore @hvmxjjk @twilightlover2007 @diaryofabiwoman @woohoney @celestialfantasiess @willbedecided @lovelyygirl8 @iiirhiane-g @mangodamochiii @queerqueenlynn @l3xiluve @brain-has-left @bunbunbl0gs @kneelforloki @citrusiove @virtualbuni @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer @that1nerd-20 @wolfstar4everbitches @skepvids @dearmy-diary @littledollfacebaby @mylifeisnothing @em16cor @krazyk99 @imdoingbetternow @realalpacorn @remussbitch @swiftieeras1989 @lonely-nerd-sodaholic TAGLIST CLOSED
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boggsart · 4 months
So, I fixed the phone at the start cuz I admit the old one wasn't the most intuitive choice 😬. Also, this is my first time doing a walk animation, and of course, I'm not totally happy with how it turned out. But honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever be completely satisfied with anything I do but at least that mindset keeps pushing me to get better. Once again, all credits go to @highgroundanimations for letting me include all his bois in this project 🫶🏻 Good news: I only have Fox and Cody left to animate for the menu, and then I can finally start working on the game trailer. I’ve also completely remodeled my clone models, fixing all the mistakes (and the major inaccuracies lol), so now I can finally use them in Unreal. I’m a bit bummed I couldn’t animate this one with the new models, but I’ll make up for it in the trailer (or at least I’ll try, lol). Fox and Cody’s menu animations will use the new models, so yay for that (and they look so good i can't wait to show them) 😁
Here's one for Tech
Here's one for Hunter
Here's one for Rex
Here's one for Echo Here's one for Wolffe
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eddiethebrave · 26 days
eddie pressing his forehead against steve's to check if he has a fever
prompt from @snowdepths
744 words
eddie’s smiling when steve opens the door, which doesn’t bode well for him.
steve blinks groggily as he takes in the metalhead, offering a tentative smile in return. “hey, eds.” he opens the door and gestures for eddie to come in.
eddie tries to kick his shoes off, without hands seeing as they’re full - and he’s successful. he mutters a small yay to himself in celebration of not falling over onto his loot.
steve closes and locks the door behind him and eddie turns to him again with a soft look “sweetheart, you don’t look so good,” he coos.
steve huffs. “gee, thanks.”
eddie rolls his eyes even as his lips lift into a smile. “that’s not what i meant and you know it, pretty boy”
steve’s grateful for the perpetual flush to his skin today so eddie doesn’t see the way his face flames from the pet names.
before steve sees it coming, eddie’s leaning forward. steve doesn’t pull away - just waits for whatever it is eddie is up to. you never know with this one.
the boy presses his forehead against steve’s and peers at him with his huge eyes. steve’s not sure if the way his stomach is flipping is in because of all that is eddie, or his fever.
“what’re you doing?” steve whispers.
eddie’s brow furrows. “checking your temperature. what’s it look like i’m doin’?”
steve can’t look away no matter how much eddie being this close and gazing into his eyes the way he is makes him wanna squirm.
“you’re gonna get sick.”
eddie scoffs and finally pulls away. “don’t care, stevie. c’mon.” eddie heads towards the kitchen, knowing steve will follow (and he does).
it’s only when eddie sets the paper bags on the island that steve’s sick slow brain catches up.
he crosses his arms. “eddie, no.”
even though his back is to him, steve can practically see the other man’s smirk. “eddie, yes.”
steve rolls his eyes and winces at the dull ache the action brings. “how did you even know?”
eddie snorts as he continues unloading the bags. “how do you think?”
steve sighs. “robin.”
eddie chuckles lightly. “robin,” he confirms.
steve had called out of work that morning, which also means that he had to call robin and let her know that he couldn’t pick her up, apologizing profusely until she told him to shut it, dingus. she hadn’t asked him if he needed anything, knowing that the answer would be no, thank you no matter what. seems like she called in reinforcements in the form of one of the only people steve couldn’t say no to.
once everything is laid out on the counter, eddie turns back around to face steve. with his now free hands, he reaches forward and smoothes steve’s hair back out of his face the way he would style it himself if only he had the energy. once he’s satisfied, he laces his fingers through the hairs at the back of steve’s neck and just keeps them there.
steve leans into the touch and eddie bites his lip to hide his pleased smile.
“why don’t you go lay down and i’ll bring this to you when it’s finished, hmm?” he asks softly, nodding his head towards the ingredients he’d brought.
steve will never admit it, but being sick only amplifies his clinginess.
he pouts. “i wanna stay in here.”
eddie trails his hands to steve’s cheeks and strokes his thumbs across the flushed skin.
“alright, baby,” eddie agrees easily. “but you’re not sitting in these hard ass chairs, i’ll be right back.”
it’s a bit of a struggle, but eddie manages to bring in the fancy ass armchair from the goddamn foyer all by himself.
once he gets steve situated in his seat - or, as eddie had presented it to the man, a throne for his majesty - eddie gets to work making the soup.
steve knows his face is far too fond as he watches eddie cook, but he can’t help it.
steve can’t remember the last time someone had cooked for him. he can’t remember the last time someone took care of him, especially when he wasn’t feeling all too well. and he knows he’s partially at fault for the latter - seeing as he never lets anyone know he’s sick unless necessary (like with robin today) - but, still.
steve knows that the fever isn’t the cause of how gooey he feels inside.
eddie takes care of him.
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reiding-writing · 9 months
could i please request spencer reid comforting reader whos been picking at her lips? Like idk maybe he brings around chapstick for her smth. Tysm!
dermatillomania [ s.r ]
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Spencer doesn’t want you to hurt yourself. Even unintentionally. So a lot little bit of research later he’s ready to confront you about it.
WARNINGS: dermatillomania (impulsive picking at the skin), mentions of very minor self induced harm, sharing germs??? spencer would be deterred by that i’m sure, well maybe not in this case
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader
genre: pretty much straight fluff
wc: 1.5k
a/n: this marks the my final fic of 2023, currently uploading at 10 past 11 pm so like less than an hour until 2024 (yay??)
i love writing for reid because it allows me to satisfy that nerdy part of my brain that endlessly thirsts for knowledge
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Everyone had subconscious habits.
Yours just happened to be more physically harming than some.
You found comfort in the monotonous repetition of peeling away the layers of skin covering your lips, whether it be with your fingernails or your teeth.
It would often leave your skin red and raw, sometimes to the point where they cracked or bled.
It wasn’t usually too bad, but during times where you were over-stressed and under pressure, the small habit of yours became more of a staple of your personality.
You sigh softly as you sit at your desk, head resting in your hands as your eyes pour over the file in front of you.
Paperwork wasn’t exactly stressful when you compare it to the rest of your job, but after the week you’d just returned from it was clear that you needed a break.
Spencer glances up at you from his own desk opposite you, a small frown present on his face.
“Stop that,” His tone is soft and unchastising.
"Hm?" Your eyes flicker upwards towards his, your eyebrows knitted into a small line of clear confusion.
“Your lips. You’re going to scar yourself if you keep pulling at them like that.” Spencer’s words come out even softer than before, a small look of worry in his eyes.
You pull you hands down from your face, the thumb and forefinger of your left hand that had been tugging at the cracked skin of your lower lip now tucked securely in your right as you clasp them together in your lap in fumbled embarrassment. "Sorry.."
Spencer sighs softly, and takes a brief moment to observe you. The corners of his mouth twitch downwards into a slight frown.“Don’t apologize. I just… I’d hate for you to have permanent scarring.”
You hum softly in response to his caring nature, not meeting his eyes anymore out of the small amount of shame that trickles into the back of your mind, and your tongue runs smoothly over the raw skin on your lip in an attempt at soothing the sting. "Yeah.. thanks,"
Spencer looks away for a few seconds, thinking about your actions. After a beat, he leans over his desk slightly to grab a tube of chapstick from his desk drawer and holds it out to you over the small metal hatched wall of separation between your two desks.
It’s dark blue with no writing or labelling of any kind on it and has very clearly been previously opened.
“Take care of your lips, okay? They’re very important for human expression, phonation, and sensation.”
And to be able to kiss people with.
You hesitate to take the tube from him at first, not because he’d used it, but because it was his, and you knew how much he hated sharing his personal belongings for fear of germ contamination.
“Are you- sure you want to give me this? I can go and get one after work-“ You take the tube from his hand carefully, as though it might explode if you grip it too tightly.
Spencer is slightly relieved to see you take the chapstick, and smiles brightly at you before shaking his head. “It’s fine. You clearly need some form of relief, and I doubt you want to be waiting another six hours.”
He pauses, before adding, “I’d like you to keep it. It’s pure white petroleum, it should solve any soreness or dryness in no time,”
"Thank you.." You give Spencer a grateful smile as you remove the cap and twist the bottom of the tube to extend the chapstick upwards.
You choose not to acknowledge the small dip in the balm from where Spencer had used it on his own lips in the past, fearing the inevitable flush of your cheeks if you thought about the way you were indirectly touching your lips to his for too long.
"I’m- not sure why i can’t just stop, but.. yeah- thanks.." Your half-assed explanation is more of a way for you to distract yourself from your impending emotional implosion rather than a genuine want to explain yourself.
Spencer watches you apply the chapstick, nodding once as he does. “I have some advice on how to stop, if you’d like to hear it.”
You re-cap the tube of chapstick and place it next to the pencil holder on your desk for easy later access, exhaling softly through your nose as your mouth bends into a soft smile. "Alright, have at me,"
“First things first, you should try and figure out what’s causing you to want to peel at your skin.” Spencer dives into full explanation mode once you give him the chair. “Everything has a trigger, and figuring out what yours is is the first step to stopping it,”
You give a understanding nod to Spencer’s suggestion, your mind beginning to scrub your brain for and reasons why you might have the insatiable urge to pull the skin off your lips like you would the meat from a turkey.
“You should also redirect the behaviour. When feeling the urge or the subconscious action towards picking at your skin you should instead reapply a layer of chapstick to your lips instead,” Spencer gestures towards the tube on your desk, just barely visible from his point of view past your pencil holder.
“People with dermatillomania often times don’t realise that they’re engaging in the behaviour, so having somebody who is aware of the situation to redirect your attention is also a good idea.”
He’s obviously referring to himself in this moment, indirectly telling you that he’s willing to be stuck to you like a piece of gum under a shoe until you fully manage to break your habit.
"dermatillomania?" You blink your eyes blankly at him at the unnecessarily complicated term you’d never heard of that Spencer had casually thrown into his sentence.
“It’s the term for excessive skin-picking that causes damage or scarring. That’s what you were doing to your lips just now.” Spencer nods nonchalantly at you like it was common knowledge.
You can’t say you’re surprised that there’s a term for what you’re experiencing.
You also can’t say that you’re surprised that Spencer knows what it’s called.
Spencer feels the need to explain himself upon your confusion and surprise at the revelation that what you were doing had a proper medical diagnosis.
“I’ve observed you for a while now, and noticed you often picking at your lips.. So I did some research and came across dermatillomania.” There is a tiny bit of embarrassment in his tone.
"You- looked it up for me?"
Spencer Reid had gone out of his way to research something that gave him no personal benefit solely for your wellbeing.
You swear you could melt.
You probably look like you do, physically feeling the pink rise to your cheeks as they heat up in flustered gratitude.
Spencer’s cheeks mirror your own in their soft pink hue, slightly embarrassed to have outed himself to going out of his way to research something on your behalf.
“I did, yes.” He pauses. “I just… well, I didn’t want you to unintentionally do any damage to yourself.”
You let out a soft exhale that could almost constitute as a laugh, pressing your lips together to prevent a smile from breaking out on your face. “Thank you Spencer.. That’s really sweet,”
Spencer nods, diverting his eyes from yours and leaning back in his desk chair to try and look as casual as possible. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve researched countless topics to help the team, this was just one of them.”
It wasn’t exactly a lie. But he wasn’t going to tell you that instead of the usual half an hour he would spend learning about something for one of his team mates he’d instead read every single publicly available medical journal on dermatillomania he could possibly find.
He turns his face back down to his work as you do the same, pushing his desk drawer closed now that nothing inside it was any longer needed.
His eyes fixed on the blue tube that rolled to his the front of the drawer as he pushed it closed.
It was identical to the one he had given you in every way.
Except for the fact that the one in his drawer was still brand new.
But you didn’t need to know that.
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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2.3 Bucky*
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, Explicit sexual content Minors: GTFO; I don’t serve your kind here (protected PIV).
Word Count: 1.5k
Previously On...: Bucky helped your soul vacate your body.
A/N: More smut, yay!
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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He held her until she stopped trembling, looking at her in absolute awe as she came back into herself. He’d never, in his entire, long life, had a girl come apart like that for him before. I could love this woman, he thought to himself, then immediately banished the idea from his head. He barely knew her. But, god, how he wanted to. He wanted to know everything about her, and he wanted her to know everything about him– the good, and the bad. All of the bad. He wanted her to know all of him, and still want him once she did, because even though he’d just had her, he wanted more of her, all of her. Every single bit.
“Major?” he murmured, once her body had finally stilled. 
“Hmm?” She sounded so peaceful, satiated. 
“I hate to ask this, sweetheart,” he began, feeling the flush of embarrassment rise to his cheeks, “but is there any way I could–”
“Oh my god, you poor thing!” she said before he could finish. “You’ve been lying here with cum in your pants this entire time. Fuck. Come on.” She stood up, still gloriously naked, and reached for his hand. Blowing out all but one of the emergency candles, she led him by muscle memory through the darkness into her bedroom. “I’m so sorry,” she said, taking the remaining candle and placing it on top of a dresser. 
“There’s nothing you need to apologize for,” Bucky said. His breath hitched as she walked up to him, the soft golden light of the candle bouncing off her naked body. She reached down and began undoing his belt, then the fly of his jeans. Silently, she rolled the soiled clothing down his legs, helping him step out of them until he was just as bare as she was. When the power came back on, she told him, she’d toss them into the wash for him.
“Fuck,” she whispered, and he noticed her staring at his erect cock, eyes wide as she ran her tongue over her bottom lip.
“Sorry,” he said, shyly moving a hand to cover himself, but she pulled his hand away. 
“You’re fucking beautiful,” she whispered, repeating his own words back to him with a smirk. “I just wanna look at you a minute.”
And god, she made him feel beautiful, scars and all. 
“I would really, really love to have that down my throat right now,” she told him, not once taking her eyes off of his, admittedly thick, dick. 
Bucky groaned. He would love that, too, but there was something else he wanted so much more right now. “Major,” he said, and she looked up at him at the sound of her name, eyes shining in the darkness. “We have all the time in the world for that, later. But right now?” Bucky stepped forward and grabbed her hip, jerking her against him and feeling satisfied when she let out a little shriek of surprise. “Right now, I gotta know what it’s like to have my cock inside of you. Please let me fill you with my cock.”
He watched her breasts rise and fall as she took in his words. It was hard to tell in the darkness, but he was pretty sure her pupils had blown out, leaving only black. “Yes,” she breathed, and she flung herself at him, jumping to wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. 
Bucky groaned into her mouth as he kissed her, his hands kneading into the soft skin of her ass. She felt like absolute heaven, and he nearly blew his load again once he felt her hot, wet cunt grind itself against his lower stomach. 
By the light of the single candle, he carried Major over to the bed, gently placing her down. Before he could join her, though, she leaned over and reached into her bedside table, pulling out a roll of condoms. He watched in awe as her small hands, with a slight tremble of anticipation in them, tore at the foil packaging and removed the latex. He gulped as she reached for him, giving his shaft a few long, sure strokes before rolling the condom down the length of him. 
Then, to his utmost surprise and delight, Major crawled herself over to the middle of the bed, laid down on her back, and opened her legs wide for him, a silent invitation in the smile on her lips. He must have died and gone to Heaven, he thought, because there was no way he was deserving of something so amazing in this life. God, she was so pretty, all spread open for him like a beautiful flower he couldn’t wait to pluck. 
Joining Major on the bed, Bucky settled himself between her thighs. Grasping his length, he ran the tip through her soaking wet folds, loving how her eyes rolled back each time the tip of his cock hit her clit. 
“Tell me if it’s too much for you,” he warned gently. “Tell me if it hurts, and I’ll stop.” He’d been with girls in the past who hadn’t been able to take him, especially without him warming them up first, and the last thing he wanted to do was cause Major discomfort or pain. Not when she was so open and pretty for him. 
“Dick. Inside. Now,” she ordered, and he loved how bossy she sounded. Slowly, so as to give her time to adjust to the stretch of him, Bucky sunk himself into her, inch by agonizing inch. He was about half way when he paused to check in with her. “How you doin, gorgeous?” he asked. Major’s eyes were scrunched up, a look of intense concentration on her face. “Good,” she grunted. “So… thick. Keep… going.” And so, he did, moving nearly incrementally until he was fully seated inside of her. He could feel her walls squeezing him, and he wondered if he was hurting her. “Doll?” he asked, looking at Major intently. “You alright there? You still with me?”
She opened her eyes and smiled, nodding. “Just need a second,” she told him as she worked to breathe through any stretch she might be feeling. “Never… had so… big.”
Bucky grinned at that, hopeful that, whatever might happen between the two of them in the future, he’d at least be memorable in that regard.
After a few moments, Major’s breathing evened out and he felt her muscles relax around him. She was ready, and Bucky wasted no more time. He slowly slid out before snapping back into her, building up a rhythm. There was a part of him that wanted to fuck her hard, to show her what he was capable of, wanting to ruin her for any other man but him, but a bigger part of him wanted to take his time, to go slow, to savor her. 
So he kept his thrusts long and even, relishing in the feel of her every time he bottomed out, every time his tip nudged her cervix. He loved the way she squeezed him, pulled him back into her as he worked to pull out, like she never wanted him to leave. “‘S so fucking good, Bucky,” Major moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist, hooking her ankles together behind his back and using them to pull him further into her, as if she couldn’t get him deep enough to satisfy her. He brought his lips back down to hers, kissing her with a slowness he was unfamiliar with, but that felt so right. Everything about Major, about this felt so right. “You’re doing so good for me, sugar,” he said, burying his face into her neck and sucking kisses into the skin there. “So nice and warm, so tight. Makin’ me never wanna come outta this pretty pussy.”
“Christ, Barnes,” she panted. Major yanked on the chain of his dog tags, pulling his face closer to hers so she could kiss him again, long and deep, and the motion sent Bucky reeling over the edge into his release. Not wanting to leave her behind, he brought a hand to her clit as he continued to thrust into her. “So close,” Major moaned, and he knew she wasn’t far behind. He kept rubbing, kept kissing, kept rutting his hips into this little slice of Heaven until she was falling over the edge with him.
Bucky collapsed, trying not to drop all of his weight on top of her, but Major wrapped her arms around his back and held his head to her chest, gently running her fingers through his sweat-slicked hair.
“Thank you,” he said sincerely. “That was amazing. You were amazing.”
Major chuckled and kissed the top of his head. “I’m pretty sure we were both amazing, together,” she said. Bucky could not disagree.
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plutoslittlerkive · 1 year
Leo/Loke x fem! Reader Smut
Authors Note: Heyyy guys, so like I’m kinda back, I’m really just taking a break from my Tiktok:Princessofmagix (shameless lol) but I find tumblr more comforting rn so I’m here YAY but yeah, here’s a Leo fic because I’m tired of y’all acting like he’s not BAD, he’s so fine like that’s my baby and y’all are sleep👁️👁️ but whatever, more for me ig😴 But anyways here something a lil short, a lil sweet!
Warnings!: Somnophilia, slight manhandling, and the reader cries…(idk Leo’s just HIM fr) but I think that’s it?
(Also mini text is speech through telepathy!)
I personally like to believe that my Leo is a sweetheart, he’s so eager to please, haven’t you heard that lions are loyal?
Especially if you allow yourself to be comfortable around him? He’s so grateful, he’d do whatever you ask. Anything to make you happy!
Like he’s such a sweetie and he always wants to know that he’s being good for you PLEASE praise him, he’s a sucker for words of affirmation…aside from physical touch. He can’t stand to be away from you and he definitely has some attachment issues.
If he could he’d be glued to your side! He’d give anything to be able to touch you. Mans will real deal get down on his knees, like his pride and ego are big but his love and desire for you are BIGGER! Like you could wake up to him between your thighs, he has absolutely no shame, you were his craving, and how else could he ease you after a stressful day?
It’s no wonder, the overstimulation damn near suffocated you in your sleep as if you’d been succumbed to paralysis. But what kind of nightmare would turn hell into heaven? You surely felt the heat, it was a warmth that enveloped every fiber of your being but you couldn’t keep up.
He looked up at you satisfied, he loved seeing you like this. Sure you were his master and you held his leash but to see you in such a vulnerable state, how could that ever be the case? He smirked as your thighs trembled around his face, clenching the sheets to try and brace yourself.
It was just too much, but prey never took the lead, and as your eyes finally opened allowing him to see their glossiness, he immediately gripped your hips and buried his face deeper, he had the power now.
“Feels good beautiful?” He asked through telepathy, a new power you incorporated with your spirits to aid in future battles.
Though now you kinda regretted teaching him at all, he just couldn’t behave.
But you wouldn’t play his game, you were exhausted and the pleasure only made you feel dizzy, so you spoke aloud.
“L-leo…wait…p-please~!“ He eased his fingers inside and curled them up, running his tongue soothingly along your clit.
“Wait why?” He questioned innocently in your head. People love to say cats are spoiled and Leo was no exception, he was such a tease and so brutal in these moments where your body craved any kind of release. Your back arched as you took a deep breath.
“Lion I can’t even breathe, please give me a break…” you stressed as you stared down at him pleadingly, lord only knows how long this has been going on.
“How, when I’m being so gentle with you?” Immediately he pulled you back to him when you tried to escape his grasp.
Curling his fingers deeper, he gently pressed down over your abdomen to feel every thrust. You couldn’t stop your thighs from shaking, he knew how torturous this probably was for you but he also knew he wasn’t going to stop, not until he felt like you were satisfied, he just wanted to please you, if you allowed it.
And allow it you did, because realistically you could’ve easily just closed his gate if you wanted him to stop but, of course your body betrayed any sane thoughts you had. It was especially different now because you were in fact EXHAUSTED but it was so hard to say no to him when he only did this because this was his way of taking care of you.
“I can feel you getting tighter babe” You’d be more thankful if he weren’t so sly, he was mocking you, and chuckled hearing your cries slowly excel, until suddenly you started to hold your breath.
“That’s it beautiful…” He spoke to you softly knowing you were about to cum.
The arousal dripped down your thighs as he sucked harshly along your clit and continued to curl his fingers up to meet his other fingers that rested gently on top of your belly.
You squeezed your eyes shut allowing the tears to fall, he played with your body for so long that all over felt tense, you couldn’t find it in yourself to open your mouth, too afraid of the struggled cries that would slip if you did. He further guided you until your mind settled, but you panicked as he proceeded to run his tongue over you.
“Relax Princess I’m almost done.” He cooed as he looked up to you, but you whined at his touch as you realized your body really couldn’t handle anymore, but soon enough he pulled away from you slightly and gently kissed along your thighs lovingly.
As you caught your breath he reached up and stole it back with a kiss, then brought one up to your forehead.
He smiled sweetly and pulled you close to him, kissing all over you, you wanted to thank him but your eyes fell heavy, so you finally spoke to his mind.
“I love you lion, thank you…” it didn’t take much time for you to drift back to sleep.
“I love you more beautiful…sweet dreams”
(Thank you for reading! You wanna like and reblog so bad👁️👁️ *Holds up a hypnosis screen*)
Also request something I miss Fairytail sm :(
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Office Naps
Rhysand x Reader
A/n: My first fic! YAY! I’m open to constructive criticism (I’m very sensitive plz be nice lol) and my request are open so feel free to leave one if you like this or just wanna chat. Enjoy!
Warnings: fluff (I don’t think I can write sad things yet lmao)
Being the mate of a High Lord takes a lot of patience. Especially when the Court of Dreams and Nightmares started to overlap. Keeping Kier and his company satisfied with their brief visits to Velaris has meant Rhysand meeting with the governors more and more each week. Now that they have his extra attention the governors are adding more requests and bringing new problems to each meeting.
You’ve been feeling a little neglected, but you would never tell Rhys. He’d feel guilty and carry that guilt around with him to punish himself. That’s the last thing you want.
To make up for lost time you decided instead of mopping around all day having lunch with Rhys in his office would be better. Walking down the hallway of the townhouse with two plates in your hands and a book under your arm you stop in front of Rhys’ office door. After knocking you hear a muffled come in and open the door to the sight of your mate looking disheveled. His usually perfect black hair is sticking up and pushed back at the time, his shirt is creased in places, and papers are strewn across his desk.
As you approach he finally looks up, a smile gracing his perfect features, “Hello darling.” He purrs. You smile blushing, putting the plate down on his desk trying to avoid the important documents that cover the surface. “I thought I could have a late lunch with you in here today,” you say sweetly. He grasps your empty hand bringing it to his lips and planting a kiss on your knuckles. “That sounds wonderful darling.” You move to sit in the chair on the other side of his desk but before you can Rhys’ arms are sliding around your waist pulling you into his lap.
You giggle as he nuzzles your neck leaving a few kisses before pulling back. “I’m sorry we haven’t been spending time together lately.” He says, guilt laces his features as he looks up at you with those beautiful violet eyes. “It’s alright my love. There’s a lot going on, but know that I’m here for you, always.” You say softly. Rhys cups your face with his large hand stroking your cheek. “After we eat will you stay and just sit with me?” He asks hopeful that you won’t leave him alone with the mess he’s drowning in. Just sitting with Rhys makes him feel like some of the weight has been lifted off his shoulders “Of course my love.”
After your quick lunch and an impromptu make out session that Rhys cut off before it could go any further to your dissapointment, you’re sprawled out on his office couch reading. You love this couch, it’s probably your favorite in the whole house. Its just so godsdamed comfy you could stay there forever.
Hours pass by and as you finish your book you find yourself drifting in and out of sleep. The sounds of Rhys’ scrawling and the crackling of the fire lulling you to sleep. Suddenly you feel arms under you lifting you up. Rhys leaves his office with you in his arms heading towards your bedroom.
You stir, cracking your eyes open a bit mumbling Rhys’ name. “I’m sorry darling,” he coos worry clear in his voice, “I didn’t mean to wake you, I just thought we could turn in early.”
“S’alright.” You say softly. “Can we cuddle?” Rhys chuckles as he says, “Of course we can my darling.” “All night?” You yawn snuggling into his chest. “Yes darling, all night I promise.”
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freak-accident419 · 3 months
playing cards
Derek Danforth x GN!Reader
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | More parts coming soon
Summary: You and Derek prepare for the party. When the night finally came, it was up to the two of you to impress his mother.
Word Count: 4.3k
Content: gender neutral reader, swearing, shopping yay, Derek’s mommy issues, dancing hrngggg, fun banter
Ao3 Link
(A/n: thank you to everyone’s support! I wouldn’t have been able to do this fic without you all! Please comment if you want to be added to the tag list!! Reblogs, likes, comments, and kudos on Ao3 are highly appreciated! Love you all xx)
“Okay, so…” You began, gently chewing on the pen in your hand. “What is our stance on six months?”
“Too long, don’t you think?” Derek replied, raising an eyebrow.
“Hm. Yeah, maybe.”
The next day, you and Derek rejoined at your penthouse, lounging in your bedroom with index cards in your grasp. Together, you were coming up with your ‘backstory’ to make sure that the two of you were on the right page, especially if you were ever met with specific questions regarding your newfound relationship.
“How about just three months?” You finally suggested, looking up from the index cards to glance at Derek.
“Uh, yeah, sure,” he shrugs casually, granting you to write it down.
You quickly scribbled on the notecard, littering the blank space with sloppy, black ink. “Alright, quick rundown,” you say abruptly, covering the thin stack of index cards with your hand. “Go.”
“Okay, uh… Three months ago, on the morning after a huge rager, I got a, um, really bad hangover, as one does. And you, being the best friend you were, took care of me and lectured me about my consequences or some kind of… self-righteous bullshit like that,” he recalled, trying to remember what the two had went over just now. “Uhhh… Soon after, you confessed your feelings for me, I told you they were reciprocated, and now we’re, like, fuckin’ dating or whatever.”
You raise an eyebrow with a slight grin. “Wow, that is actually completely correct. What are you, fuckin’ sober?” you chuckle softly, admittedly impressed with him. You flipped over and went through some of the other index cards until you stopped to stare at a specific one. “First date?” you challenge, looking back up at him.
You watched Derek’s expression turn into deep contemplation, noting how his eyebrows furrowed in uncertainty. “It was, uh… fuck. It was… We… Wine tasting. Yeah. The wine tasting at, uh—”
“No, we actually scrapped that one, remember?” You remarked, shaking your head. “Your mom would never believe that, like, you’re way too immature for that shit—hell, I’m way too immature for that shit.”
“Right,” he huffs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Fuck… Fuck. It was, uhh,” he snapped his fingers suddenly, conveying a triumphant epiphany, “Dinner! It was fuckin’ dinner, down at the, uh… the Mistral. That one restaurant on Columbus Avenue.”
You scoff lightly with a satisfied grin on your face. “Damn, you are a thousand percent correct again! Bonus points for remembering the place too.” You stacked the notecards neatly on the table. “Alright, and so everything from there on is just unscripted, plain bullshit, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he answers, nodding his head. “Okay, yeah. And—fuck—if anyone, like, asks either of us a question and we have to make up random shit on the spot, we have to update the other about it immediately, okay?”
“Well, yeah, I mean, that’s what the index cards are for,” you remark, lifting up the small stack to his view.
“You know, I don’t—I don’t understand, why can’t we just use, like, the fuckin’ Notes app or something?” he scoffs, raising an eyebrow.
“Science says you can memorize things more easily if you write them down,” you shrug with a slight pout.
He rolled his eyes and decided to dismiss it. “Okay, right, uhhh—Hey, what are you going to wear for the party?”
“Oh right, um, here,” you say, walking towards your closet and opening it up. You grabbed the outfit by the hanger, which was covered entirely by plastic after a luxurious dry cleaning, displaying it to Derek. “I was, uh, thinking of this.”
Derek’s expression, however, dropped. “What the hell is that?” He asked bluntly, looking at it with resentment.
“What’s—What’s what?” You ask with a baffled expression.
“You’re seriously not thinking of wearing that,” he huffs, glaring at you in disbelief.
“What—What’s wrong with it, I spent, like, a thousand dollars on it!” You exclaim, taking another glimpse of the clothing in your hand.
“That’s the thing, it’s not enough,” he grumbles, wiping downwards at his face with his palm.
You scoffed in utter confusion. “What?”
“Look, if we’ve been dating for three months, I would’ve already bought you a goddamn plethora of expensive shit. You need to wear something that’s at least, like, five to ten thousand bucks.”
“Seriously? Are you fucking serious?” You scoffed in frustration. “Look, no one’s—No one’s gonna even notice the fucking difference, y—”
“My mom might!” He interjects firmly. “Look, if we want to create the illusion that you and I are dating, we really have to fucking sell it, okay? I wouldn’t date someone who wears shit like… like that,” he gestures bitterly at the attire.
“You know what, fuck you! Are we seriously—?” You groaned, pinching your eyebrows together. “Derek. You literally fuckin’ dress like you’re in a goddamn midlife crisis and you’re not even close to pushing forty! Like, are you colorblind, what—what even is that?” You point towards his outfit, which was the revoltingly mix-matched clothing combo that somehow costed significantly more than your own damn paycheck.
Derek gaped in surprise at your insults as you proceeded on with your rant. “Well, news flash, fuckwad! Your mom also knows me very well, and she knows that I wouldn’t date a fuckin’ clown like you! So how about we both make a deal to improve our own clothing choices? What are—What are you even planning to wear to the party?”
“The uh…” Derek scratched at the back of his neck briefly, raising an eyebrow. “That one sage green suit of mine,” he replied stiffly.
“Hell no.”
“Hell no! Are you serious? No!” You exclaim with a dark chuckle.
“Wh—” His face was quite priceless.
“Fuck…” he sighs. “Fuck, fine.” Derek eyes your disapproving expression. “Fine. I’ll call the fuckin’ chauffeur and have him take us to Copley.”
Later on, the two of you arrived at the Copley Place, the posh Boston shopping center that you would frequently visit for most of your apparel. You were rich, indubitably, but not nearly as rich as Derek, of course. Before, you’ve made your money through several technician occupations in the form of job hopping, and it wasn’t until Derek took over Danforth Enterprises that he hooked you up with a seemingly long-term and high-paying job there. You’d been friends with him ever since your college years, after all. He wasn’t at all hesitant to help out his best friend. He was quite the selfish, greedy man, but he had his moments. Especially with you.
“This one,” Derek says, gesturing to an outfit that he found for you.
“Ew, no,” you grimace, nearly scowling at the sight of it. “It looks fuckin’ stupid.”
“What do you mean, it looks—? It looks great,” he retorted with a baffled expression.
“Well, of course you would say that,” you interject, “your fashion sense is fucking horrendous, it’s like you don’t even have one to begin with.”
Derek groaned impatiently at your tireless insults. “Jesus fuck.”
“You just need a reality check! That’s all I’m saying, dude,” you huff, proceeding to walk around further into the store. Suddenly, your eyes caught sight of a rather pleasing outfit, slightly rushing towards it. “Okay, how about this? I think it looks fine.”
Derek raises an eyebrow, but he doesn’t look so against it. “How much is it?” He asked, eyeing it curiously.
“Uhh… Around six thousand,” you shrug after you had glanced at the label.
“Alright, good. Okay. Yeah, we’ll get it,” he nods in compliance. Finally, god damn.
“Will I get to keep it?” You ask with playful curiosity.
“Uh, if the night goes well, then sure,” he replied, “but if not, I’m returning it.”
You pouted.
Soon enough, the two of you were fishing for clothes for Derek, walking into each and every designer store at the Copley. He was excruciatingly picky and difficult to work with, but then again, it was nothing you weren’t used to.
You eye an elegant three-piece suit, the blackout appearance grabbing your attention. “I like this one,” you hum softly, “It’s all black—simple, classy, it looks nice.”
Derek examined the suit in front of him, raising an eyebrow. “Uh… It’s not really… me, though, is it?”
“Yeah, well… Isn’t that the whole point, though? Being the complete opposite of yourself, a changed person? Yeah, we don’t want you to be you tomorrow night,” you scoffed with a slight chuckle. “I think you should get it. And maybe, you’ll actually look very nice for once.”
“C’mon, dude. Isn’t the whole point of this is to impress your mom?” You point out.
“Well, yeah,” he grumbles, scratching lightly at his cheek.
“Then buy the suit, man! None of that fuckin’… crypto bro nonsense that makes her shit her pants,” you urge, chuckling softly.
Derek looks at you with a now serious and inquisitive expression. “Do you really think it’ll impress her?”
You cross your arms, looking at the suit once again. “She would cry tears of fuckin’ joy, man.”
He turned his head and looked at you, genuinely surprised at your answer. “You serious?”
You nodded with a cheeky grin. “I wouldn’t put it past her.”
“Okay, fuck it… I’ll take it.”
The next day came by very fast. In the afternoon, you and Derek ‘rehearsed’ a couple of things, ensuring that the two of you were all set for this ridiculous stunt. Then you both went back to your homes to get ready for the party. It was a genuinely classy and elegant event, so you figured you would actually put effort in looking nice and presentable. Plus, you were attending the party in $6,000 clothing that Derek bought for you. You wanted to do it justice.
Later that evening, the two of you would regroup at Derek’s mansion. You met up with him outside of his estate by a black limo. And you found Derek’s expression to be quite curious once he practically gazed upon you; his eyes were wide and his lips were parted slightly in awe.
“Holy shit,” he scoffed amusedly, crossing his arms, “you actually clean up well.” He was shocked, to say the very least. He’s never seen you dress up like this, considering he’s only ever seen you in your casual, day-to-day outfits.
Ultimately, his reaction surprised you, making you pleasantly stunned. “Yeah? I could say the same thing about yourself. It’s nice to see you not wear a fuckin’ eye-straining suit for once,” you chuckle brashly, getting Derek to roll his eyes.
“Yeah?” He went inside of the car through the backseat doors as you followed promptly. “Well, don’t get used to it. I just have to pull off this stunt for one night and once my mom realizes I’m not that much of a reckless asshole, everything will be back to the way it was.”
You groaned with a slight, teasing smile on your face. “God, just at least let me enjoy this while it lasts.”
“You know—I don’t—I don’t fuckin’ get why you’re always being such a fucking hater!” He nearly laughs, mocking an offended tone. “I—All my assistants respect my fashion choices, they’ve said it themselves, you just have no fuckin’ taste!”
“You know, have you ever considered that they’re just saying that because you’re the one paying them?” You smirk playfully.
“You’re a dick,” he chuckles gently, shoving your shoulder lightly. “You’re a fuckin’ dick, you know that?”
Later on, the two of you arrived at the venue. It was a refined and impressively massive establishment, in which you later actually recognized as part-art museum. Exiting the vehicle, you stood beside Derek at the front of the entrance, glancing at all the other wealthy people walking in.
“Hold onto my arm,” he directs in a mutter.
“Ew,” you scoff.
You rolled your eyes as you gave in, holding onto his arm as you walked into the building together. It was a bit crowded, occupied with older people in elegant getups; gentlemen in respectable suit and ties, women in sparkly dresses, et cetera, et cetera. The interior of the venue was spacious and exceptionally sophisticated, consisting of dignified architecture with the ceiling littered with expensive chandeliers. It definitely was not Derek’s scene, but it wasn’t even yours either.
“Shit. I forgot how pretentious your mother’s parties were,” you mumbled to him as the two of you walked further into building.
“What, did you forget that she’s the fucking President of the entire country too?” He retorted, which made you punch him lightly in the side with your free hand, making you grin once you saw his pained reaction.
“Dick,” you grumble. “Hey, where’s your mom?” You ask, trying to look past the crowd.
“I don’t know, she’ll turn up eventually,” he says, guiding you to a rather secluded spot against the wall. Suddenly remembering the whole purpose of this event, you weren’t sure when the actual auction would begin. But then again, you weren’t sure if you even cared.
“Oh shit, Nathaniel and Ophelia are here,” Derek interjects, pointing to a familiar pair across the room.
“Huh… Hey, why are you friends with them again? Didn’t you say they were, like, pretentious douchebags?” You remarked, looking at the said couple, who were drinking champagne and chatting at the opposite wall.
“Not friends, just, like… I don’t know, my mom wanted me to be in a good social circle, so she introduced me to them a few months back,” he shrugged. “But they’re just irritating, arrogant fucking pricks.”
“And you’re not?” He glared at you as you smirked. “You know, I don’t know if this is wrong of me to say, but… I really can’t tell if they’re siblings or dating,” you confess, squinting your eyes at them.
“Right? Like, I swear to fucking god, I thought I was the only one!” Derek exclaimed with enthusiasm. “Like, fuck, I’ve met up with them so many times in the past, but I still don’t fucking remember which one it is!”
The two of you cackled together as you observed the pair from across the room. “Oh shit, imagine if it’s just a whole Alabama situation,” you suggested, snickering towards Derek.
“God, that would be fucking terrible. Though, it would definitely explain the matching blue eyes,” he laughs. “Fuck, I’ve been waiting to find dirt on those two, they are fucking infuriating.”
“Jesus, it’s the whole Toad and Toadette debate all over again,” you chuckle softly.
“What?” He looks back at you curiously.
“Toad and Toadette, it’s confirmed they’re dating,” Derek claimed.
Your eyebrows furrowed. “What? No, no, I could’ve sworn I read somewhere that they were siblings.”
“Uh, no, the creator himself said that they were girlfriend-boyfriend,” he remarks.
“Wh—Dude! All this time, I thought they were siblings!” You exclaimed, placing your hands on your head in shock.
“Yeah, well, they aren’t. You said you read it somewhere, what was it, fuckin’ Reddit?” He scoffed brashly with a cheeky grin.
“No. Fuck off,” you retort, frowning. “If anything, you’re the one on fucking Reddit, like, 24/7.”
“What? No—”
“Looking at ‘r/Crypto’ and ‘r/Nudes’, you ‘r/Dickhead’,” you teased, smirking playfully.
“Oh, fuck off—”
Your pretend boyfriend’s speech freezes and you could see him tense up slightly at the mere voice of his mother. You noticed her in a stunning, carmine dress, her blonde hair pairing very well with it. Red was definitely her color. She glanced at Derek and then at you, a bit surprised. “And Y/n. I didn’t know you’d be joining us this evening.”
She looked back at her son. “You look very nice tonight, Derek, I’m very glad you were able to make it.” She then raises an interrogating eyebrow. “So, will your date be arriving here anytime soon?”
Derek eyes his mother, chuckling awkwardly. You felt like you were going to cringe at his next words, knowing what they would be. “Actually, Mom, uh… The date that I spoke to you on the phone about is actually… my partner, Y/n.”
And you did—inside, at least.
Jessica’s eyes widened as she looks back at you again. She knew you as Derek’s best friend—hell, his best friend since college. You didn’t work at Danforth Enterprises until she made Derek the CEO, resulting in him offering a job to you. But most of all, you and Derek had been strictly platonic friends for years, and it shocked her to her core to find out about this. “Seriously? You and… When did… When did this happen?”
“Well, you see, uh,” you began, playing with your fingers as you tried to recall everything you wrote and memorized on the index cards, “there was always—there was always something there, you know? Don’t you—don’t you think? Well, uh, one day, your son was very, um, hungover, and I stayed to take care of him.”
“They, uh,” Derek interrupted, chiming in. “That was, like, three months ago, right? Three, and um, they confessed their apparent romantic feelings towards me. You—you know, it was a very vulnerable moment, and I reciprocated… and yeah, now we’re dating.” He then stuttered out, “We, uh, we wanted to keep it under wraps for a while, but now, we figured we should… tell everyone now.”
And if it weren’t for that stupid, phony grin on his face, maybe she would have bought it. Though actually, you couldn’t really tell if she was convinced or not. There was a look of curiosity in her expression, paired with deep contemplation. You felt like you could detect doubt, but even that could be mixed up with bewilderment.
“Wow, uh… I wouldn’t say I expected this at all,” she says with a raised eyebrow. Then she looked at you with a small smile. “So you’ve been keeping my son on his toes if I’ve heard correctly, yes?”
You nod, glancing at Derek then back at her. “That’s right, ma’am. Uh, we all know his reputation, but, um… You know, ever since we started dating, he felt the urge to become a better person. And so did—so did I,” you remarked, remembering how Jessica also knew you as quite the trouble maker. After all, she caught the two of you getting high at another party before, similar to the sophistication of this one.
She was intrigued, to say the least. And suddenly, you had an epiphany: you just realized that what you were doing was deceiving the President of the United States. Fuck Derek, man.
“And that trending video of him?” You began, “That was taken, uh, three months ago during a party. It was actually the night before we started dating,” you explained, observing her reaction. “Why is everyone posting it now? Well, you see, uh…”
Fuck, you forgot. Did you seriously forget? Shit. What the hell was the reason?
She was looking at you expectedly. Fuck. What the fuck are you going to say? How did you forget something so simple?
“That video was taken on one of those digital cameras,” Derek butt in immediately. “The storage card was lost for a while, but I guess somebody found it and posted it, and now everybody’s reposting it.”
What. The. Fuck.
You were way more of an organized person than Derek. How the hell did he remember the lie that you wrote down, but you didn’t?
Nevertheless, Jessica nodded, a seemingly neutral expression plastered on her face. “That’s relieving to hear,” she hums softly, “well, I know that you aren’t really into these charity events, Derek, but—”
“Actually,” he began with a charming grin, “I think I will be participating in the auction this evening.” Way to go, Derek.
She looked at him in awe, glancing at you for a while, then back at him. “Seriously?”
“Yeah,” he nods pridefully. “I think this is a great cause, Mom.” Wow, he is killing it.
“O-oh. That’s wonderful of you to say, Derek. Well, this entire event is a gala and charity auction, so feel free to help yourselves in the drinks and food. There’s also dancing, but I know you aren’t—”
“I, uh, actually,” he chimes in once again. Jesus Christ, it was like she was testing him. “I would, uh… love to dance with my partner.” Your eyes widened as you felt the both of you cringe at his own response.
“Oh.” Suddenly, there was a small, genuine smile that creeped up on her lips. And you could tell that Derek noticed it too, because his face had just… softened. “Well, I hope you two enjoy the night.” She cupped Derek’s face with one hand and kissed the top of his head. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Mom,” he mutters softly.
“You look very handsome.”
“Thank you, Mom.”
“I am so proud of you.” Then she walked away to greet other people, disappearing in the tame crowd.
You noticed Derek’s widened eyes and chuckled softly to yourself at the sight.
“Holy shit…” he mumbled before lighting up. “Did you—Did you hear that? She said she was fucking proud of me. She’s never said that in, like, a long fucking time, or ever! Holy—holy fucking shit.”
“Congrats, man,” you grinned warmly. “But like… the dancing thing. I can’t fucking dance. I mean, you know that.”
“It’s easy, don’t worry,” he dismissed, getting two glasses of champagne from a caterer that just walked by, handing one of them to you. “Just copy what I do.”
You took a rather long sip of the champagne. Liquid courage, you figured. “I just… You know, I really don’t want to do it. We can—We can just say I got sick from one of the little gourmet shits and I can’t dance.”
“Y/n—C’mon, you heard my mom. She was proud of me. She’ll be even prouder when she sees me out there, dancing like a sophisticated, pretentious prick, like the other fucks here. Come on, Y/n. Please,” he pleaded, looking at you with utter desperation.
“I—I don’t understand, she did say she was proud of you. I’m sure you won’t have to worry about her cutting you off anymore since she’s seen that you ‘changed’,” you reason, raising an eyebrow.
“No—Y/n, Y/n, I’m hanging on by a fucking thread right now. She sees us dancing, she’ll be a hundred percent sure that I’ve ‘changed for the better’ and won’t take any drastic measures. Y/n, please.” You knew your best friend well. And you knew damn well that this wasn’t just about the money and being cut off. He wanted to please his mother, he needed to.
You groaned, rolling your eyes as you downed the remaining champagne in your glass. You pointed at his face with aggression. “I’m raising the damn price to one thousand, then. You know how much I can’t stand dancing.”
“Yeah, whatever, that’s fine with me,” he shrugs, then eyes you gently. “Thank you.”
It was no surprise to you that you would instantly regret saying yes to him.
“Ow—Fuck—Stop—stop stepping on my fucking toes,” Derek snarled as the two of you were in an embrace, your hands clasped together while your other hand was placed on your shoulder and his on your waist. Sophisticated, slow jazz music played in the background as you were surrounded by other people who, not surprisingly, danced better than the two of you.
“I fuckin’ warned you, didn’t I?” You scoffed in response, trying to move your feet correctly.
“Whatever, just… Is she—Is she watching us?” He mutters, looking at the crowd behind you.
“Umm, I don’t know, I don’t know where she is,” you reply, searching the room for the woman in the red dress.
“Ow—Goddammit, Y/n, keep your fucking feet to yourself!” He winces, giving you an angry glare.
“Fuck! It’s not my fault, dude, I already warned you!” You retort petulantly. “Where—Where did you even learn to dance, huh?”
“When I was younger. I had to take ballroom classes. I came from a rich family, you know, we had status, a reputation to uphold,” he explained, making you roll your eyes.
“Oh shit—I can see her, she’s in the crowd,” you say abruptly.
“Where?” Derek’s eyes suddenly widened as he looked at you with anticipation.
“Like, behind you. I think she’s talking to—Oh shit, she’s watching us now,” you say, glancing at Jessica from far across the room, watching the two of you dance.
“Fuck, okay. Okay… I’m gonna dip you,” he mutters.
“What?!” You exclaimed.
“I’m just gonna dip you, earn us some more brownie points,” he figures.
“No! Fuck! No, no fucking way! Do not—do not fuckin’ dip me!” You warned furiously, feeling your face heat up.
“I’m gonna do it.”
“No! Fuck! Derek, I swear to god, I swear to fucking god, I will—I will put cyanide in your bourbon, you will never see the light of fucking day, I—”
You felt his hand reach towards your back as he kicked at your ankle, making you lose balance and fall back towards his hand. You frown at him as you see his cocky face above you until he brought you back up.
“I hate you,” you murmured.
“It’s not a big deal, dude, it—ow!”
“I did that on purpose,” you huff after you had stepped harshly on his foot.
“How does my mom look?” He asked.
“She’s…” you raise an eyebrow, then looked back at Derek warmly. “She’s crossing her arms and smiling at us. She looks really proud. Jesus, for the first time in her fucking life.”
Derek smiled to himself. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Oh, by the way, just for that little stunt you did back there, I’m raising it to fifteen hundred.”
“Fine with me,” he shrugs, now holding your hand in a looser grip. He guided it above your head, stretching your arm upward to spin you gracefully before bringing you back to him.
“God, I can’t wait to break up with you,” you chuckle softly, your movements more trained and fluid.
“Oh yeah?” He scoffs at your remark, laughing briefly, “Me too.”
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cheesesoda · 1 year
I wish I was your boyfriend too.
rookie!leon x detective!reader
Tumblr media
not my gif obvs^^^
genre: fluff fluff fluff
cw: drinking? not in a violent way or anything tho
summary: leon’s got a crush he is convinced is unrequited but after a night of drinking, he’s led to believe otherwise.
part 2 is out!! linked here
“alright rookie, and here is your desk.” chris sighs as he finishes the tour of the station. “thanks, officer redfield.” leon smiles. “just chris.” he replies. “chris.” leon echoes. “you’ll be partnered with an officer for the rest of the week so you can get into the groove of things. lucky you, you’re partnered with our head detective.” chris smirks. “ah, speak of the devil.” a woman with h/l h/c hair and deep e/c eyes approaches the two men. “l/n!” chris calls to her. oh fuck. please no. leon thinks to himself. she was so pretty, he wouldn’t be able to think or focus around her. please don’t let her be my guide. “hey chris,” she grins at the officer. “is this the new guy i’m showing around?” please don’t say yes please don’t say yes please don’t sa- “he sure is!” fuck. “i’m y/n l/n, head detective. nice to meet you…?” y/n trails off. “oh- uh- leon kennedy. nice to meet you too, miss l/n- i mean, detective l/n-“ he stammers but she just laughs. “y/n.” she says and he repeats her name again. the way it rolled off his tongue satisfied him.
a year later…
leon had been working at the RPD for a year now and it didn’t get much easier being around y/n. she was kind, brave, nurturing, and intelligent, but she made him so nervous. he liked her. he liked her a LOT. his heart fluttered when he’d think about her and the unlikely event that she felt the same for him. why would she though? he knew it was stupid to think she could ever like a dork like him. “hey, leon!” y/n called over to his desk. “wanna come get drinks tonight?” she asked. “oh- i probably shouldn’t-“ he said. “please?~ it’ll be fun!” she begs. how could he say no to that? “fine.” he grumbled. “yay! thanks, leon!” she cheered, wrapping her arms around him in a hug, accidentally rubbing his face in her boobs in the process (not that he minded).
later that night…
“shut up, chriz!” y/n slurred, giggling to herself. “another round, pleazeee!” she calls to the bartender. “i think you’ve had enough, y/n.” chris slurs, chuckling as well. “shh shh shhhhhhh!” she puts her fingers to her lips lazily. “how many have you had, y/n?” leon asks. “juzt a *hic* feeewwww!” she giggles. “try 7” jill retorts. “holy shit, you’re wasted.” leon says, shock evident on his face. the drinks arrive and before y/n can reach it, leon pushes it out of her reach. “leonnnnnn!” she pouts. “no, we should get you home.” he says. “ughhh! fiiine! bye guyzzzz!” she calls to the rest of the team as leon holds her up.
he hails a taxi and they both get in. they remain silent and he suddenly feels a weight on his shoulder. he looks over to see the detective taking a nap on his shoulder. he blushes but doesn’t move her.
when they finally reach her apartment complex, he helps her up to her apartment. he helps her open her front door and sits her down on her bed. as he’s taking off her heels for her, she lays down. he gets out some shorts and a shirt for her and lays them next to her. “change into these, y/n.” he says softly. “hehe okay, officer~” she sighs and begins to unzip her dress, letting it slink down her shoulders. he immediately turns around. “after i leave!” he stutters. she stands up and walks in front of him, now only left in her bra and underwear. “don’t you wanna see me naked though?” she pouts. he swears he is on the verge of exploding right there. “no!” he exclaims, covering his eyes. “you don’t wanna see me naked?” she says, her voice sounding betrayed. “n-no, i do!” he stammers. “oh~ you do?” her flirtatious voice rings. “no! i- i mean yes- i mean- fuck! i-“ he stutters and she laughs before walking away to put on the clothes. it takes her a while due to her drunken state. “done?” leon asks. “mmmhmm.” she confirms sleepily. he turns around and she’s still sitting on the bed, now in the shorts and shirt. “good night, y/n.” he says after he tucks her into bed. “thank you, leon.” she yawns. she looks so cute like this, he thinks to himself. “you’re so good to me.” she whispers, closing her eyes. his stomach flutters. “wish you were my boyfriend…” she sighs. oh. his face bursts into flames. when he doesn’t respond, she opens her eyes again and looks at him. “y’so sweet.” she caresses her hand against his cheek. “so respectful. so cute, with your fluffy hair and your cute lips.” she giggles and strokes her fingers on his lips. “i always wanna kiss ‘em.” she smiles. he cannot take this anymore. “you’re drunk.” he says. “no, m’not” she mumbles. “good night, y/n.” he says again, walking to the door. “g’night, leon. love you.” she mutters against her pillow. he closes her door when he leaves her room and sighs against it. that’s when he hears the thunder. he looks out the window to see pouring rain. fuck. surely she wouldn’t mind if he just crashed on her couch, right?
he lays on the couch and listens to the thunder and rain outside. a million thoughts roam his mind—all of them y/n. what the fuck was she saying? did she mean it? no, surely it was just the alcohol talking. but they do say drunk words are sober thoughts. all this thinking was hurting his head. he didn’t sleep much that night.
the next morning…
“leon?” y/n’s raspy morning voice fills his ears. what does he say to her now?
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elizabethsnuts · 3 months
okay what if nat and bucky's daughter asks for a sibling on her birthday?? Then, the parents are speechless hearing that question?? Or idk you decide 😭😭
Birthday Wishes
WinterWidow x Daughter!Reader
Summary: You make an unexpected wish when blowing out your cake candles on your birthday.
It was a very special day, it was your birthday. The compound was decorated with a superhero theme just for you. You were ecstatic the second you woke up, you could barely sleep the night before, and the excitement was way too much for you to calm down.
You ran into the compound living room, seeing all your decorations, balloons everywhere, streamers and banners. You squealed excitedly and jumped up and down.
Bucky grinned at you and scooped you up. “There’s my big 5-year-old! Do you like all the decorations?”
You nodded eagerly and grinned, your little pearly-white baby teeth showing. “Yes, yes, yes! I love it, Daddy! I’m 5 now, that’s my whole hand!” You held up five fingers and giggled.
Bucky chuckled and kissed your cheek. “You’re so old, babydoll! I think you’re catching up to me.”
You smirked and looked at Bucky like he said the silliest thing in the world, you obviously thought he was serious. “Daddy you’re so silly, you are way too old. Very far away from 5. I don’t want to be as old as you.”
Bucky's face fell and Natasha snickered as she walked over. Bucky looked over at his wife. “Did you tell her how old I was?”
Natasha put her hands up in surrender with a smirk on her face. “Hey, hey, hey, I said nothing.”
When it was time for cake, you were so excited to get your hands on the perfectly decorated treat. You had been caught suspiciously lurking around the cake table multiple times throughout the day.
“Alright, it’s finally time for your cake, malyshka!” Natasha grinned and lifted you onto a chair so you could stand and see the cake.
“Yay! Cake time! Cake time!” You jumped up and down on the chair, waiting for Natasha to light the candles.
Bucky stood beside you to control your frantic jumping. “Okay, okay, sugar monster! Calm yourself, the cake isn’t leaving.”
You giggled and stopped jumping, watching as Natasha lit the candles and everyone started singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to you. As the song came to a close, you clapped your hands as you prepared to blow out your candles.
“Make a wish, Y/N!” Wanda said quickly before you could blow the candles out.
“Oh yes!” You smiled and thought for a moment. “I wish for… hmmm… I wish for a baby sister!” You said excitedly and quickly blew out your candles.
Natasha and Bucky widened their eyes and looked at each other. They didn’t know what to say, they were speechless. Bucky was stumbling over his words, trying to clear his throat. Natasha regained her composure and looked back at you, giving you an awkward laugh. “A baby sister? Why’s that your wish, malysh?”
You grinned and looked at Natasha. “All my friends at the park have a sibling!”
Bucky quickly cut the cake to try and move topics. They knew you’d hate having to share their attention and you had made it clear in the past that they were only your mama and daddy.
“Who wants cake?” Bucky smiled and held up a piece of cake.
“Me! Me! Me! Me! I’m birthday girl!” You cheered and reached out for the cake. Bucky quickly placed it in front of you and fixed your party hat.
Natasha whispered to Bucky. “What do we do? What if she keeps asking? We don’t want another kid!”
“Relax Nat, it’s just a phase. She just wants to fit in, I’m sure she’ll eventually stop asking.” Bucky put his hand on Nat's shoulder. “Just uh… don’t mention it.”
“Surely that new doll with satisfy her enough.” Natasha smiled.
Natasha and Bucky watched you dig into your cake, frosting on your cheeks and nose. You were wiping your crumbs on Peter’s shirt, both of you going back and forth with putting cake crumbs on each other. You were certainly a handful.
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Mother’s Day
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
You celebrate Mother’s Day with Natasha
Note: Soft mama Nat! Wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there this weekend. Enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
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You know that Natasha feels a certain way about cliche, card-selling holidays but you’re still determined to always make Mother’s Day a special day for her.
Nat never thought she’d be able to have this. A wife, a family. But you and your kids have fulfilled her like nothing else ever has.
So now you have the youngest kids making cards for her while the oldest are out shopping.
“Great job, Belle. Add some more glitter,” you tell her, helping her with the jar.
Your phone rings and you grab it off the table.
“Hey sweetie,” you answer.
“Hey Mom. We’re trying to decide between a few things and Ivan said we needed input,” your daughter, Ali, says over the phone.
“Yeah because she knows Mama best! You know I’m right,” Ivan says. Clearly they’ve been arguing about this.
“Okay, okay be nice to each other please.” A couple of reluctant yes ma’am’s come over the phone. “Alright what are y’all between?”
They tell you about the gifts they can’t decide on and you have to admit they’re doing a great job of picking out the gifts. Finally, you settle on one and they can be heading home for dinner.
“I’m finished!” Belle says, hopping off her seat with the card in her hands.
“Hold on!” You chase after her and the glitter trail she’s leaving. “It has to dry, baby.”
She reluctantly lets you take the card and put it on the table where Taylor is finishing up her card. It’s decent for a two year old.
Belle washes her hands of the extra glitter and you clean Taylor up too.
You check to see where Natasha is and she’s still about fifteen minutes from home.
“Let’s write Mama a message,” you say. Belle and Taylor hop into your lap.
“I can do it!” Belle says, she’s in an independent stage.
“Alright, sign your name and if you want to say something else I can help you.”
“I wanna tell her I love her like the moon,” Belle says with full confidence.
“To the moon?” You ask with a chuckle.
“That’s what I said, Mommy,” she says.
Belle writes her name and she pauses. She leans her head back and looks at you.
“Yes, dear?”
“Can I write it in Russian?”
“Oh, yes but I don’t know how. Maybe we can ask your siblings when they get home,” you answer her. You probably should’ve learned how to write it by now.
“Use your phone,” Belle says.
“Okay, baby. We gotta do it fast because Mama will be home soon.”
You use google translate and help Belle write the message to Nat. You write a much simpler message to Nat from Taylor and the littlest girl is satisfied.
Your older kids get home in time to wrap the gifts they bought Nat, and she comes through the door with dinner in hand.
“Sorry for the delay. The highway was closed,” Natasha says.
“It’s all good, babe.” You help her with the bags she has. “Hi there.”
“Hi detka,” she says with a smile. She kisses your lips before you go into the kitchen together.
“Did you use glitter again?” She asks you.
“Maybe,” you say, catching the glimmer she sees on the counter. “Kids! Dinner!” You yell upstairs.
They trudge down one by one with Ivan coming up the rear.
“Hey Mama,” Belle is the first to greet Nat. She’s rewarded with a kiss to the cheek. The others follow and everyone settles around the table for dinner.
The food is delicious and you share conversation with the family.
“So, we got this for you,” Nat hands you an envelope. “Happy Mother’s Day.”
“You didn’t have to, but thank you.”
You open the envelope to find a sweet card and a printed picture of Disney World. You glance up at Nat and she’s smirking at you.
“Is this- are we?”
“We’re going to Disney World,” Nat confirms.
“Yay!” Belle cheers and the table fills with chatter.
“Did you know?” You ask them.
“Us three did,” Ali answers, pointing to herself, Ivan, and Jack.
“Thank you, thank you! I love you!” You kiss Natasha long enough for the kids to make disgusted sounds.
When you pull away, you stand up from the table and the kids follow you.
“What’s happening?” Nat asks.
“Stay there, babe!” You call back to her.
She sits patiently and waits for you to come back into the room.
When you do, each kid has a card in their hands and they place them in front of Nat one by one. Ali also puts the wrapped gift in front of her.
“This is too much,” Nat says, her cheeks are pink with nerves.
“Open mine first!” Belle says. She stands next to Nat, so she pulls her into her lap.
“Alright, krasivaya. Let’s see.”
Nat admires the drawings on the front of the card and opens it. There’s seven stick figures with one that has red hair.
“That’s you!” Belle points to it.
“Wow! That’s so good, Belle!”
“And this says I love you like the moon,” Belle says the phrase wrong again, but no one corrects her.
“Oh, does it? That’s so sweet. Thank you, Belle,” Nat says, dropping a kiss to her head. “Did Mommy use google translate?”
You nod and she chuckles.
“What does it say?”
“It may or may not say I love you to the month,” Nat says. The whole table bursts into a laughter fit.
“Mom, why didn’t you just ask us?” Ali asks, not being able to hold back a laugh.
“I was trying to let her be independent,” you say.
“That’s alright, babe. I do love you to the month,” Natasha says. She relents her teasing after that. “Let’s see what else we have here.”
She opens the cards from each kid and thanks them properly. When she gets to the gift from the older kids, she takes care to open it slowly for the dramatics.
“Hey, this is exactly what I needed,” Nat says when she sees the brand new pair of shoes.
“They’re some of the best on the market,” Ivan says. “Guaranteed to make you run super fast.”
“Oh I’m sure,” Nat says. “Thank you guys.”
Nat hugs and kisses the kids and after a yummy dessert you all settle on the couch for a movie night.
When it comes to an end, each of the kids are tucked in and you come into your room to find Nat putting her cards away.
You stand behind her and wrap your arms around her waist. “You still need your gift from me,” you say, a hint of mischief in your tone.
“Oh yeah?” She asks. “We can arrange that.”
“Did you keep all of those?” You ask her. You’re referencing her cards.
“Every single one,” Nat says. She opens the drawer further to reveal all of the cards you and the kids have given her over the years. “Remember this one?”
You move next to her and she hands you a card. Happy first Mother’s Day is transcribed on the front.
You do remember it. Ali had been born just a few weeks before that day and you were exhausted. Still, you knew you had to make her a card. You signed it from you and Ali and added a picture of your happy little family. Nat cried and held the photo close to her heart.
“I still carry that photo with me on every mission,” Nat brings you back to the moment. “Thank you for taking a chance on me and being the best mother to our kids.”
“That’s you, baby. But thank you,” you say.
Nat puts the card back into the drawer and shuts it. She moves in front of you to push you softly back onto the bed.
“I love you,” you say as she falls into your arms.
“I love you too, detka.”
Natasha has the perfect family that she has always deserved and she wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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jedimasterbailey · 5 months
Tales of the Empire Thoughts (Mostly About Barriss)
I know I’m a little late to the party in terms of laying out my thoughts on Tales of the Empire but honestly I needed a few days to process and digest what happened (not to mention being on vacation delayed that process as well). Obviously as a Barriss stan/fanfic writer/blogger y’all know that those episodes were the upmost priority for me and I will be rewatching those episodes on repeat like no other since it’s been far too long since Barriss has had her time to shine. 
The majority of this post will be centered around those specific episodes because I’m just gonna just go ahead and say that the Morgan Elsbeth episodes were boring and didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know about the character. Also the bullshit reasoning as to why Morgan doesn’t obviously look Dathomiran is so dumb in that my brain will malfunction if I think about it too much. If the “magic going away” thing was true then how do you explain Merrin and Ventress who still have power and retain their clear Dathomiran appearance? Either way, there is no way Darth Felonious could explain his “logic” to me there because it is all too clear that Morgan was never meant to be Dathomiran in the first place. She was just a bad lady with a spear and that’s that. Love the actress, but the character is just lame. Furthermore, it is so clear that the hat man knows absolutely nothing about Thrawn and I’m not even a Thrawn stan but why even if the guy involved if he just says a few words and leaves? Now before y’all come for me, yes I’m aware these episodes are shorts and the time is precious but to me they could have dedicated more time into explaining to me why Morgan is so loyal to Thrawn. Her reasoning for wanting to join the Empire is empty too in that the Separatists that annihilated her race is now the Empire so…to me that’s not enough reasoning for Morgan to be so dedicated. The only parts that had me engaged were the Grevious bits which were both beautiful and frightening at the same time.
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Now onto the meat which is the Barriss arc which has me both elated and frustrated at the same time. Let’s begin with the stuff I absolutely love.
1.) Barriss proving herself to not be committed to the Dark Side/Empire is a huge win for me and other Barriss super fans who have been preaching this for over a decade. We knew from the moment the trailer came out that Barriss was just going to do what it took to survive and even though she was forced into doing things she really did not want to do, she stayed true to herself and escaped before it was too late. The light in her never left nor did it ever leave her and I just know that Luminara would have been so proud of her. Barriss constantly questioning the Grand Inquisitor and the Fourth Sister had me smiling because that is just Barriss. She will always question things that seem off and will defend her beliefs and values no matter what the danger to herself may be. The line of reclaiming her position of a Jedi is my absolute favorite line and gave me all the feels I get whenever Luke tells Palpatine that he is a Jedi like his father. On a final note, I loved that she showed genuine concern/fear for what was happening to the Jedi when Order 66 was happening and demanded an answer. 
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2.) Barriss being a healer and a protector. It is so satisfying to see it canon on screen that Barriss remains to be a healer after years of being obsessed with the Legends Medstar lore. I absolutely loved that Barriss took off her mask to the terrified boy in the village and protected him against the Fourth Sister’s unnecessary wrath only to save the non-binary (yay representation!) Jedi from death later that day. It all just makes me so happy to get that validation that Barriss has always had a big heart which makes her stand out from other Jedi in my opinion. 
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3.) Barriss sporting that lesbian pixie cut with the adorable laugh/smile lines and being a healer in the mountains helping Force sensitive and the sick/injured just makes my day. It warms my heart to see Barriss be at peace and doing so much good after so much pain and trauma from her past. Though I do miss her hood and would like to see a head covering on her again. Also doing the math, Barriss should be in her thirties during the third episodes so why did they age her up so much? I’ve heard the theory of the Force healing taking her life force but damn Luminara was in her late thirties during the Clone Wars and she had like nothing 😅 One other note that makes me smile is that Barriss is referred to as a “wise mother” and that’s just everything.  Also she looks and acts like just like Luminara they truly could be mother and daughter it’s so sweet 💚💙
4.) Barriss defeating an Inquisitor without a weapon of her own and catching a blade with the Force is so fucking badass, I could re-watch that sequence on repeat forever. 
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5.)The vague Ahsoka mention had my Barrissoka heart exploding. I demand an animated Barrissoka show immediately. 
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Now here are the bits that have me frustrated and I demand that Darth Felonious fixes them later.
1.) The lack of closure between Barriss and Ahsoka/Luminara. Barriss hurt a lot of people from her actions but at the very least it would be nice to see her repair the damage she inflicted on the people closest to her. We never saw anything in regards to Luminara’s reaction to the bombing and knowing what gruesome fate awaits her in Rebels, I was so hoping the two would meet again, make amends before Luminara inevitably sacrificed herself as a final act of love and forgiveness for her Padawan. As for Ahsoka…if the two are able to work together in the future, could we at least see how exactly that came to be? I’m personally growing tired of major developments happening off-screen and we as an audience are just expected to roll with it. Again I’m aware these are shorts, but why do they have to be shorts? Why can’t we just delete the boring Morgan episodes and get like a movie or limited series on this exact journey? 
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2.) The return of yet another ambiguous ending for Barriss. I am a firm believer that Barriss is alive granted that people seem to get stabbed all the time in Star Wars and they get to live so why not Barriss? I understand what they’re doing with Barriss getting through to the Fourth Sister to show us that Barriss has come full circle in her journey from dark to light, however since I’m forced to believe that Barriss had some sort of relationship with this random Inquisitor pre-Empire instead of someone who did have a significant relationship to her, it falls flat for me and it enrages me that if Barriss were to die from this….well I just don’t have words for that. So now I’m wondering if I’m going to have to wait another 10 years to get answers. Thank the Force for fanfic and fanart to get me through. 
3.) Does Barriss even know what the Empire did her Master? Because… I feel that’s another huge story thats being missed here. Ahsoka was able to get some closure with Anakin, why can’t Barriss have the same with Luminara? 
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4.) Never getting anything in terms of what pushed Barriss to bomb the Jedi temple in the first place. That’s my biggest beef with the original Clone Wars series since we see no development as to how Barriss goes from a kind gifted Padawan healer to mastermind of a terror plot. That could a book or show on its own. 
5.) Star Wars continuing to miss what a satisfying redemption arc is. Not only do we need to understand what got a character to do the crime(s) but we need to see the growth that comes from it. That’s what makes the Obi-Wan Kenobi show so good to me is that I now know how Obi-Wan grew from RotS to where we meet him in ANH. I would love to see the same for Barriss, because you just know she’s been on very spiritual/emotional journey to get to where she was at the end of the show. 
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6.) Why was Vader even in this? Given the history Barriss and Anakin share, it is incredible that nothing happened between them post ROTS. And this is like fresh Vader still full of grief and anger by what’s happened so I doubt seeing Barriss even as an Inquisitor initiate would be anymore soothing. I just don’t understand…what a waste. Something more epic and cathartic could have come out of that interaction.
Well I’m done ranting for now, I’m curious to know what your guy’s thoughts are. Otherwise my brain is buzzing with fanfic story ideas and I’ll be getting back on the writing horse as I re-Watch the Barriss episodes into oblivion. 
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cjhern1109 · 21 days
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🌅||📸 ForsakenTale 🔭||🌌
“As children, the world is innocent and bright. Creativity and laughter knew no bounds, curiosity and joy was plentiful. A right that every child should have…but not everyone is met with that luxury.
Her earliest memories, perhaps even before, was nothing else but needles and test tubes as injected by familiar yet distinct faces, wearing their lab coats. There weren’t windows or clock to till the time, the adults around Frisk provided her with the most basic needs as any other lab experiment requires. To everyone, she was alone. At least to the other scientists.
When the day those government bastards stormed in and rescued 7 year-old Frisk from that hellish lab, she dared not speak about her ghostly friends to any adult out of fear they do the same as her previous captors.
With no other family relatives to claim Frisk after her rescue, she grew up in the foster care system. While attempts have been made to give Frisk a proper home, it wasn’t easy to deal with her personality changes and sleepwalking for the adults. Therapy and constantly placed under new medication didn’t seem to help at all. The other children weren’t easy on Frisk either, finding her creep when they catch her talking with no one in particular. School was even a bigger issue as she struggled to understand any sort of subject, often lagging behind with incomplete assignments.
It came to ahead where Frisk had finally aged out of the foster care system and decided to drop out of high school to find work. It wasn’t easy, especially as the older Frisk got, the bigger the burden her ghost friends became as their power grew.
But maybe life isn’t as cruel as she imagined. She got a job at a local cafe/bar joint owned a the married couple, a female Fire Elemental and male Spider monster type. They were nice enough to offer a room for her to rent in their apartment in exchange for her photography skills and encouraged her to get a GED. The ghost kids even seem to have settled down their childish behavior as well. Noting that they help her remember orders and use their ghostly powers to clean and move objects. And Frisk also has herself flirting with a familiar Skeleton monster who frequents the joint after her college classes.
Yes, maybe, just maybe life isn’t as cruel like she imagined…but you know the say, your past always comes back to haunt you…”
- Dr. W.D. Gastor, entry log #215
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Yay! I finally got around to redesigning my ForsakenTale AU, including how the ghost kids look like. They really needed a revamp 😭
Oh and if you’re familiar with early synopsis about this AU, I actually deleted it cuz was so cringe. But I’m satisfied with this and plan to make more posts about them 😌✨
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theoraclej · 1 year
light, where to begin, a disjointed ramble of things I observed:
Dovie’andi se tovya sagain! - Mat said the words, he said the words!
And he made his own ashandarei! I hope he gets the raven-inlaid one though because I’m sure no one wants him running around with that dagger
And I know he’s going to get a massive S3 glow-up because he sees himself as MORE, now. Yay Mat!
RAND exploding the shit out of the Seanchan including Turak; nice way around his general lack of swordtraining which I’m sure will be remedied
Once the Heron, to set his path!
The interplay between Rand (and Lews Therin before him), Lanfear, Ishamael - they were besties in the Age of Legends, lmao!
I had expected the intro to be a high society polyam party they were attending, not the Sealing of Ishamael, 🤭
The Warder bond was beautiful, flowing, intimate, just what I imagined when reading these books some 25 years ago
I knew Moiraine was gonna say Lan was her better!
I’m so glad they’re back together though, legendary qpp
Nice to see the S1 intro sequence with the gorgeously woven Aes Sedai tapestry
I was a bit sad Nynaeve didn’t heal Elayne OR Rand but she DID swear to make Seta’s mother curse the first kiss her father ever gave her and THAT was cool
Hopper, my beloved! 😩 I would be chopping Whitecloaks too!
It was so satisfying to see Perrin obey his wolfly instincts already!
Elayne being the one to heal Rand’s wound was an interesting choice, and you can tell he was dazzled by her!
Book lines, book lines, book lines making me have conniptions every time one was uttered
“From birth to death I serve the Blood.”
“For the Light, and Shinowa!” still gave me chills even without an expanded story behind it for Ingtar
Egwene al’Vere. I hope she earns a title of “the Unbroken” someday. Remember, Nynaeve even said that about her when Egwene was captured by Whitecloaks in S1!
Egwene, spitting out the damane gag and refusing to rain down fire on innocents, ah my girl, that’s that Two Rivers steel
Egwene, collaring Renna and choking her to death, being stronger than Renna, being able to withstand the pain of that because that’s exactly what Renna taught her
Egwene later, with that amazing shield against Ishamael to protect her friends!
Lanfear pushing Lan and Moiraine out of the ocean Waygate was very unexpected but totally within Lanfear’s lane, just to keep Moiraine away from Rand
Lanfear working to sell the Seals to Bayle Domon, which was so lmao also, and it really enhanced her utter shock when she entered the room later with the Seals all broken.
M O G H E D I E N 🕷️
She is perfectly creepy, perfect in every way. I can’t wait to see her tear shit up, or to see how she will be used in S3 and beyond
Never expected her to cage Lanfear in her webs, either, dang. Lillen Moiral wasn’t near so strong as Mierin. But we know some things are just Talents, and Moghedien is better in Tel’aran’rhiod than Lanfear
Did you notice Rand’s wound swirling with evil bits throughout the healed part? Really cool effect if you catch it
Aviendha, Bain, and Chiad showing they can fight just as well in close quarters in a city as in the Three-Fold Land; and then later acknowledging Rand as Car’a’carn
Though I’d hoped we’d get some good old He Who Comes With The Dawn in here too
Moiraine’s outstanding torpedo weaves that fucked up the Seanchan boats! And she understands the stakes - if the Dragon is gentled, or harmed, or captured, everyone’s life is in danger and that includes her and Lan
Anyhow fuck the Seanchan
Did it look like Suroth got blown up too? Does that mean she’s dead? I guess we’ll see who gathers in the scattered remnants of the Hailene!
The first “I’m not Lews Therin” from Rand
Mat taking a moment to mention Rand’s “shit hair” to Perrin while they were in the mix, lmao
That shadow ashandarei is really scary, it is a laser knife (lightsaber?) on a stick
I can’t wait for Perrin and Hopper to meet again in the Wolfdream
Speaking of which, I think Perrin’s eyes are permanently golden now
I cried at the coming of the Heroes of the Horn, I’m sure many of you did too 😭
Cool Hero fighting effects, I liked those
I figured Min’s vision of Mat “killing” Rand would be something like this, an accident, not an intentional thing
His blood on the rocks of Shayol Ghul…
AL’LAN MANDRAGORAN, the Uncrowned King, Sworn to the Flame, bonded again, fighting as he was meant to, just slicing through armies, snatching arrows out of the air and stabbing people with them, chef’s kiss
I wonder if Nynaeve’s “failures” and inability to channel at these vital moments will give her the drive to break her block
Ishamael’s channeling at the end was really impressive, a testament to how much more he knows than Rand
I hope that’s not the last we see of Fares Fares, he was remarkable as Ishamael and a truly enjoyable villain
And since they didn’t have the Dragon banner of Lews Therin Telamon found with the Horn like in the books, Moiraine saw to it that he was heralded with literal fire
This I can imagine many people seeing from far away, and of course rumor travels further
The Falmen sure seem to appreciate it and of course the Seanchan are gone for now
Lanfear asking the LIGHT to protect Rand at the end is something interesting and NOT LOST ON ME
I REALLY ENJOYED IT and am looking forward to a full rewatch of S1 and S2!
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Proclaimed across the sky in fire 🔥🐲
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Bucky love for you. ❤️
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Those Three Words
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Pairing || 1940s!Bucky x Female!Reader
Summary || A beautiful declaration of love.
Word Count || Around 400
Contents & Warnings || Fluff, Mild Smut — implied sex.
Authors Note || Yay Bucky! He’s always precious <3 Thank you Navy! Had to do a drabble for 40s Bucky because of that gif <3
1940s!Bucky Masterlist
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It’s been hours. Hours of you and Bucky rolling around in the bedroom sheets, deep into the night.
You couldn’t get enough of each other. Couldn’t get enough of your skin touching, the taste of one another, the breathless words of pleasure as you and he lost count of how many times you reached euphoria together.
Once you were both happy and satisfied with your prolonged adventure of mind-blowing sex, you held each other close under the protective bubble of the sheets.
His body lay tight against yours, facing each other as your foreheads brushed. The palm of his hand cradled your face, his thumb stroking your cheek lovingly. His other trailing delicate fingers up and down your spine. Your skin felt warm and fuzzy as he touched you so gently after his rough and determined behavior previous.
His eyes. You could get lost in them, drown in those perfect blues forever as they gazed into yours. They held nothing but love and affection for you—only you.
“I love you, doll. I’ve done so for some time now. I’ve never felt more alive and happy when I’m with you. You’re the love of my life, darling. You’ve touched my soul like no one ever has.”
Your heart burst with happiness as he finally said those three words to you, declaring his undying love for you. You’ve wanted to share those words with him for some time now but were too afraid to do so, worrying that there was a chance that he didn’t feel the same for you in that way, despite all the clear signs that he did indeed.
You rubbed your nose against him as you smiled in glee, cupping your hands around his neck to play with his hair at the back of it and snuggling even further into his naked embrace.
“Words can’t explain how much I love you, Bucky. It’s beyond what I can ever express. But I’ll spend the rest of our lives together trying to convey just how much as best I can.”
You both leaned in until your lips touched, softly and gently, sealing your words together in a forever pact with a kiss of love and joy.
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Thank you for reading 🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
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