#but i'll just wait to post until its a bit more finished
ghostlynimbus · 6 months
I think im going to hold off on posting Cinnamon Spice stuff until I get a chapter finished, because there's such a history of me completely rewriting the chapters a few times to try out different POV's and stuff
I dont want to end up posting a snippet of a ch from one POV and then realize after that that the POV spoils something i dont want to reveal yet.
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infamous-if · 17 days
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238K -> 457K WORDS
Please read this post before playing! It's finally here! After five months of writing and rewriting and salvaging and crying and sweating and bleeding I finally finished sort of kind of! Firstly, I want to thank you for your patience and understanding over this duration of this rewrite. It was stressful at times but I'm happy with the end result and I hope everyone else will be too :)
This will be the last chapter I release without beta testers/other sets of eyes so expect errors. I can playtest until my fingers turn blue but I'm just one person </3 I'm bound to have missed stuff.
Please let me know of errors! I tested it a few times with no problems but we know how it goes lol
some betrayal
some surprises
just...read it lmao
**chapter two was too large of a file to upload on dd so I had to split it last minute and I uhhhh dont know how that translates in the demo but it should work lol please let me know if its wonky!**
fixed up grammatical errors and typos
expanded some scenes and added some more choices
you can now choose that your mc has "changed" in some way (drinking, no longer drinking, partier, no longer a partier, negative, positive, attached, detached, or a general default. I was asked to add an MC who "gets around" or hookups a lot but I'm still debating on whether I'll add that since there's already quite a bit lolol)
you can choose to have changed your band's genre before/after seven
you will be able to explicitly state your sexuality in the beginning. this was a big ask and I apologize for not doing it earlier! I wasn't good at coding when I started and I knew I always wanted to make the genders separate from MC's sexuality but I didn't know how to do that at the start :) So you can still choose the genders of the ROs for story purposes and variety. IF YOU DO NOT SEE ROMANCE OPTIONS THAT IS NOT A BUG. You simply chose a RO gender that doesn't correlate with the sexuality you chose for your MC. Having said that, if you do see a romance option available and it's not supposed to be there please let me know! That means I may have missed it coding-wise.
the stats have been all fixed! I've added all the necessary variables and such. The stat portion of the game has been updated with the appropriate pages but they're not finished. Still, the stats should be fine.
You will now have confessionals in the stat page! The feature still isn't a thing yet because I haven't come up with the confessionals lolol but you can click on it to see what it's about. Essentially, as you progress through the story you will be able to see confessionals from the cast of Infamous throughout. They disappear and appear periodically so if you miss it, THAT'S IT! You won't get a chance to see them again until MC watches an episode where it's relevant.
There is now a: Discography page, Infamous wiki, botb cast and staff page, and other characters page for organization. Those are not finished but they're there!
I changed a few stat names but their functions remain the same.
You will be able to choose how you would like to be described (masculine, feminine, neither, both).
O is officially gender-selectable.
You can set the genders of the ROs at the start or wait till you meet them.
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hoodedjelly · 23 days
Sleep walk BTS post!
will go in depth with my process and put better quality drawings in here!
Before any of this i was listening to several fiddauthor/ford playlists to hear a song that really got my brain moving. Funny enough i didn't get Sleep walk from one of the 100+ song playlists i was listening to, it was in my oc playlist (thats a mad scientist who would've thought). Originally i wanted to make a fiddauthor animatic (who knows maybe i will), but THIS SONG just caught my brain in a way i couldn't refuse.
So i technically started working on it the late night of September 27, exactly a week ago! which yes yes i hear you all in unison go "WHAT???" to that, and all I have to say to that is.... I have untreated adhd and lots of caffeine in my system! (honestly felt like ford sometimes while workin on that animatic)
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Started it off with some notes, then thumbnails. I had my tbob AND J3 open next to me stood up with clips for reference (prob looked a little insane looking back but its fine)
now for the rough animatic! i did this in Adobe animate 2022 (i'll get back to that later) the only thing that really got changed was i wanted to add the diner scene from j3. i realize now that it messed up the timeline i was going for with the animatic but i like to think things are out of order because of the state ford is in, things start to merge together.
After i sat with this rough animatic for a bit, i wasn't sure if i was going to make it in Adobe animate (what i usually do) or make it all in Clip Studio Paint. I wanted this animatic to be way more visually interesting then i usually do, so CSP it is. But! i only have CSP Pro, so i had to draw and export every single new frame from this animatic.
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it was a little tedious at first (again never done an animatic like this before) but i got used to it! I edited it all together in CapCut and thats really it!
The missing J3 pages from TBOB spoke to me in a way that im not fully comfortable talking about to my followers. I put a lot of myself in this animatic then i'd want to realize, it's very important to me. The night when i uploaded it i was literally shaking with anxiety (and caffeine-) but the overwhelming support for it is really amazing, thank you so much! if you have any more questions please ask away i love talking about the art process.
Below im going to talk about the code and put HD backgrounds!
thank you for dyemro on here for cracking the code first! now i can talk about my insane little thought process about it
So i never planned to add a code until halfway through with the animatic. i was watching ThatGFFan videos and him talking about gravity falls codes got my brain cooking. i wanted something sweet and simple (i realize with dyemro's post it wasn't as simple as i thought, give me some slack it's my first time). like what you should with making codes you start at the end. And i wanted something that was a nice send off for drawing ford be fucking miserable for 1 minute and 30 seconds.
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so i got this. (honestly every time i look at this drawing after finishing the animatic it makes me real emotional)
There are 4 codes in this whole animatic 0:02, 0:15, 0:30, and 0:58
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wanted the first one to be REAL noticeable so people can stop and be like "wait... theres stuff in here". people usually think to use the bill symbols, but no! from the description theres a little hint to use the Author symbols
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doing that code it leads to: imgu r.com /a/uZa iVfu (and if you know that double line a under a letter means capitalization + im a dumb dumb that used a code image that didn't have a Z so thats just a normal Z)
it makes a LINK! > imgur.com/a/uZaiVfu <
now enough of that boring stuff, heres some HD screenshots and backgrounds of my fav parts
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wileys-russo · 1 year
as you would assume all alessia x reader 😭
getting into a fight with alessia, would she be stubborn or very apologetic
alessia not being able to sleep without physical touch, but you can't sleep because you're too hot
being up late studying but alessia is tired from training and just wants to cuddle up but you really can't yet
taking care of her after a rough day
you don't need to post this one, just a couple ideas :]
couldn't fit all of these into one blurb but did a lil clingy gf less moment bc we love a touch starved blondie
touch starved II a.russo
"i can clean up later baby you look shattered, please go to bed." you tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind your girlfriends ear, no denying you were positively infatuated with the striker.
"only if you come with me." alessia demanded with a pout, balling your top in her fists and tugging your body closer, your arms wrapping around her and playing with the baby hairs on the back of her neck, the italian a good half a foot taller than you.
"i'll be in later i have to finish this paper, its due by midnight." you bit your lip guiltily, admittedly having procrastinated your uni assignment just a little too long. "are you gonna be in the living room?" the blonde asked hopefully, assuming she could then at least lay down beside you as you worked.
"office, i need the scanner and printer." you shook your head, stomach lurching with guilt as the girls face visibly dropped at the answer she had hoped against hearing. "tomorrows my rest day i'll just stay up and wait for you, watch some more of my show." alessia decided, unwrapping herself from you and heading for the lounge.
"less you've been up since like four in the morning, just go to bed." you smiled at the stubborn nature of the older girl who shook her head, curling up into a ball on the lounge and flicking on the tv.
"i can't sleep without you there." alessia frowned and your heart melted at her words. "yes you can, you manage it on away games and camps." you smiled, cupping her face and tracing the frown lines on her forehead, smoothing them out with your thumbs.
"that's different!" alessia protested, though she visibly struggled in trying to explain how.
"fine but don't fall asleep in here, you'll hurt your neck again!" you cut in to save her further struggle and warned seriously as the striker rolled her eyes. you bent down to peck her lips before padding off to your office, which was really just the third bedroom of your shared flat. alessia often needing a quiet neutral space to do her media duties you'd both deemed it a more appropriate use of the space since you already had a guest bedroom set up.
around an hour and a half later you were tracking along well, you had another two hours until your paper was due and you were already halfway done.
craving something sweet to help your motivation levels you made your way toward the kitchen, though glancing over at the lounge you sighed noting the now dead asleep mop of blonde hair still curled up in a ball.
switching routes you made a beeline for your girlfriend, squatting down beside her and gently poking at the blonde who groaned and turned around to her other side as you turned off the tv.
"babe please go to bed!" you requested while shaking her as her bright blue eyes sleepily fluttered open and she stretched, the slight wince on her face as she moved her neck not going unnoticed by you.
"told you your neck would hurt you idiot." you remanded with a shake of your head, standing and offering her a hand up, a mistake on your behalf as the girl interlocked your fingers but instead pulled you to fall on top of her, long limbs wrapping tightly around you.
"alessia!" you laughed trying to squirm out of her grip but with the taller girls build much more muscular than your own, there really wasn't a point. "don't leave me i miss you, i haven't seen you all day." she mumbled into your shoulder as you rolled your eyes playfully.
"you were only at training for a few hours, we just had dinner together and i'm right here!" you rewarded her neediness with a kiss, alessia's large hands making their way under your top and caressing your bare back. her perfectly manicured nails gently scratched against your skin and your eyes fluttered closed in relief, a sense of calm settling over you, you could happily melt into the girl and never get up again.
but unfortunately you knew this was an option not available for the taking.
"do you not love me?" you asked rhetorically, snapping the half asleep girl to attention as she scoffed. "of course i do what sort of a question is that?" she accused only hugging you tighter as she pushed her legs to slot inbetween your own, your body now well and truly trapped in her iron clad grip.
"loving partners let their girlfriends do their assignments and further their education, do you not want to be able to brag that your girlfriends a fully qualified physiotherapist?" you challenged, admittedly now becoming quite uncomfortable in her grip, it was peak summer and without the luxury of air conditioning you were beginning to get quite hot tucked in so close together.
"actually no because then everyone's going to want your hands on them. don't pretend like you haven't already promised half the girls free massages and adjustments once you graduate!" alessia quipped, though the pride and adoration in her eyes betrayed the playful sarcasm of her statement.
"yeah these magic healers will sadly no longer only belong to you!" you grinned wiggling your hands in her face as she rolled her eyes and playfully bit the tip of your index finger, you flicking at her nose in retaliation.
"but seriously i need to finish my paper and though you are the hottest girl on the planet right now you are actually the hottest girl on the planet, i'm melting!" you whined, alessia allowing you to pull her hands off and untangling her legs from yours.
"go to bed my love, i'll be there in like an hour once i finish." you assured, alessia nodding with a defeated sigh as the two of you stood, exchanging a lingering hug and a goodnight kiss before you parted ways.
alessia headed off to the bathroom to get ready for bed and you back to the office, though not before a quick detour to the kitchen for something sweet.
"if you're not beside me in an hour i'm coming to get you!" alessia yelled from the bedroom before you heard a loud squeak and a thud which would have been the blonde belly flopping onto the mattress as she did every night, normally on top of you.
smiling at her words you zoned back into your paper, eyes flicking between your computer screen and your pile of messily scribbled notes which were spread everywhere all over the desk around you.
true to her word and being unable to fully fall asleep without you beside her in bed, alessia leant against the doorway exactly an hour later, clearing her throat as you spun around in your chair to face her.
giving her a brief look of both guilt and nerves you didn't have to say much more for alessia to catch on you still weren't finished. "i'll be back again in twenty minutes, and if you're still not done then i'll be back every ten minutes after that for a kiss." the blonde pouted as you couldn't help but smile at her clingy nature, this nothing new as the harder the striker was pushed in training the more she sought out your affections when she returned home, nodding in agreement.
"i'm trying." you assured seriously and your girlfriends face softened. "i know, and i want you to get it done so we can spend the day together tomorrow stress free. i've got plans!" alessia tilted up your chin, pecking your lips as you gave her a curious look.
"plans?" "for me to know, for you to eventually find out." "that's not a terrifying thought." "are you accusing me of being a bad planner?" "well...you did forget our-" "for the one hundreth time i didn't forget our anniversary, i just simply got the dates mixed up."
"do your paper, i love you." alessia stole another kiss, running a hand fondly through your hair before padding back off to the bedroom.
what felt like only minutes later, though you knew had been much longer due to your girlfriend popping in repeatedly to steal a kiss and try to hurry you into bed with her, you bit down on your bottom lip as your eyes glanced down at the time, seeing you suddenly had only five more minutes to finish your references index.
muttering to yourself your fingers flew curiously across the keyboard, and with what was surely seconds to spare you clicked submit, exhaling deeply and leaning back in your chair, burying your face tiredly in your hands.
closing your computer you darted quickly around the flat, locking up and flicking off lights and lamps, eventually stepping into your bedroom with a small sigh of relief, checking the window was cracked open to try and diffuse the heat of the sticky summer night.
alessia sent you a toothy smile as she scrolled through her phone, eyes occasionally flicking up to stare at you as you changed into an oversized shirt, tossing your shorts and bra into a corner to be dealt with tomorrow.
"hiii." alessia grinned and opened her arms as you finally made your way toward the bed, the girl laying on top of the covers due to the heat. "hello." you smiled tiredly and collapsed into her, reaching over to flick off the bedside lamp, engulfing the room into darkness as alessia placed her phone on charge.
sincere words of endearment whispered inbetween tender kisses and soft giggles, the two of you slowly began to doze off, though no sooner had alessias body relaxed did yours tense up, the combined body heat of the two of you making your brow line bead with sweat.
checking the italian was soundly sleeping you carefully shuffled away, placing a bit of distance between the two of you as your eyes shut, finally starting to drift off.
"c'mere." alessia mumbled tiredly, reaching blindly back out for you eventually grasping at your top, pulling you back toward her.
"baby i'm sweating its so hot, can we just have a little bit of space? we can still hold hands?" you tried to bargain softly, gently removing her hands from where they clenched tightly to your top and interlinking your fingers, alessia mumbling something incoherent but not making any move to argue as you let out a quiet sigh of relief.
though it couldn't have even been a few seconds later before there was rustling beside you and alessias body flopped on top of yours, the taller blonde burying her face in your neck and grabbing your arms, tiredly wrapping them around herself as she tangled her legs with yours and muttered something you again couldn't quite understand.
sighing in defeat you slid a hand up her top and began to absentmindedly trace patterns on her back, moving your other hand to tangle in her golden locks and scratching your nails against her scalp like you knew she loved, pressing a kiss to her warm forehead and accepting you simply weren't going to sleep well tonight.
but for the seemingly touch starved blonde sleeping soundly on top of you, it would always be worth it.
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unofficial-underfell · 6 months
Hey guys, I've been thinking about making this post for a long time and I think its finally time I do so. After realizing that some of my last work was done over a year ago, I don't think I can really ignore it anymore. While I haven't quite thrown in the towel on this quite yet, it's pretty evident to me and I'm sure to everyone who still follows this blog that my fervor for the project has drastically decreased. And has been kind of dead for a while. The comic has not been a priority to me, or posting online much at all actually. I did some soul searching and found that I'd started relying on outside approval for my art instead of doing art for the sake of wanting to tell a story and express myself throughout my work. I have limited energy and depression and sometimes it feels like i get such little progress done even though it takes all of my energy. While I'm trying to go to the gym more and build better habits my energy levels and mood still have a lot to be desired, and I'd rather use the limited energy I have to work on something I'm more passionate about.
I've been trying to grow my skills and absorb more stories and I've moved around a lot and started to listen to what I really felt, and I found that a lot of the art I want to focus on deals with heavier and more mature topics. I do love this story, and all of the characters and I feel like I could make a really clever subversion of what is expected from an Underfell comic. But I feel like in these uncertain times with the world and with all of the stuff going on right now, I'd like to use my energy to work on stories that hit closer to the things that I feel are important. So that's why I've not been posting much.
I'm working on a book, and I've actually got quite a lot of progress done on it, but because of all the horror stories online about people stealing author's original works, I'm kind of holding off on publishing any chapters before I can copyright the first draft of the novel. So my online activity will still be pretty scarce for a bit, though I'll still post occasionally on my @cosmicpixel01 account. I'll try better to not be so radio silent though lol. Even if that means I'll post something boring about my dog or books I'm reading just so everyone knows I'm still alive.
I don't want to call it quits on the story. But I also feel like you guys have been kept waiting to see what happens for a really long time, and that makes me feel so guilty. I will try to finish up the pages I have in the works, and I'm probably going to switch to a different format that is some drawings, some writing to finish the story. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to finish it the way I intended for you guys, even with all of the support and kind words and even the fanart that I've kept in a folder on my desktop. I am letting a lot of you down, but I feel like the radio silence is probably more irresponsible than just going out and saying something. And I'm sorry I've kept you all waiting for a not-so-happy update on the blog.
I hope that some of you will continue to follow me for some of my other exploits and see whatever other things I have going on, but I understand that you all followed me for Undertale so I don't want you to feel any sort of guilt if you decide not to. I'm just happy you all supported me for so long.
I'll try to work on this blog again soon, and if anyone has any questions, my asks are open, though I'll probably keep the asks private. Until then I hope everyone stays safe out there. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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hwathinker · 7 months
"you like that, eh? aw, don't cry. shut your fucking mouth and take this cock like a good girl you are."
oh that?? well.. here's the thing. at the start of your relationship with seonghwa years ago, he has always remind you that if you feel uncomfortable whenever you have sex, you should always tell him about it. you've always keep that in mind until you finally grew comfy with him. and now.. what did you do? you fucked up, messed with him by teasing him with;
"hmm.. i think im still not comfy with the size." "im okay, i can take your cock" "wait no! i think it doesn't fit." "no, i think it does." "ahh shit! it doesn't!"
he started to lose temper, his dick pressing hard against his sweats as if he's not impatient to fill you up. as for you.. you like to tease seonghwa like he's some kind of joke. wearing such a short shorts that your fucking panties goes visible, and that your nipples literally poked out of your hello kitty crop top, also exposing half of your body. so.. thats how you ended up bending over on the bed, face buried into the pillows with the both of your hands being held by him from the back. and his cock.. don't even say it again. he plays your folds with his tip like a fucking tease.
"a-ah.. hwa.. please? let me have some of that dick inside.." you begged, voiced almost muffled by the fabrics. seonghwa chuckled, pressing the head hard to your entrance till it went it a little. only the tip. "oh you gotta be nice for that one. i only gave in earlier because you begged like a good fucking girl. but why do you have to scold how my pace is slow or not? shit makes me insane you know.. these pretty pussy are not good enough to be filled. i need the owner to beg more." seonghwa spanks your already red with hand prints ass, exciting him more by the sound you made. "c'mon princess. don't you have something to say to me?" he once again took the head back out, thrusting in between your wet ass. "mmh.. please just.. please hwa.. need your pretty cock inside me, fill your princess up please..? i swear i'll be good.." you cried, pushing your body against him to feel his dick once more.
seonghwa clicked his tongue, letting go of your hands and helping you roll to your back and facing him. you sighed in tiredness of the position for at least.. an hour? seonghwa aligned his cock at your entrance, holding your hip while the other is sliding his dick in. you arched your back to the feeling. "gosh... your dick 's so fucking good.." you moaned. seonghwa fell on your shoulder, head buried deep into it as he thrusts his hips to yours. he bit your neck, making a small love bruise on it. "oh fuck, you're god damn pretty being filled in like this.. fucking moan like a slut more and i'll cum inside you. you're mine baby." he breathed heavily, mixing them with his moans as your pussy and his cock making filthy sounds that fills in the room.
you moaned, loudly and sweetly in his ear. you knew what you were doing, and of course its on purpose. so he'd fill you up like you wanted him to. "fucking hell, im fucking close baby, please don't stop." he moaned. his hands dug deep into your skin, pace going fast as he's close to cumming. "aah.. so good. good girl hm?" his hips started to grow more slow, your breathes slowing down after coming on each other. seonghwa thrusts in a few more times to ride his high, then pulling it out ad he watches your dripping wet cunt. "god.. your pussy is so fucking pretty like this." he licked his lips, fingers weren't wasting a second to caress your wet folds. he pushed the remain liquids into you with his fingers, basically overstimulating you. "mmh,, can't take it anymore.. sensitive." you said, legs shaking from hours of teasing and a hot sex you just got.
"come on baby, let me take you to the bathroom. a good girl deserves it."
GOD I FINALLY POSTED AFTER A LONGGGGGG FUCKING TIMEEE 😫😫 i missed writing filthy seonghwa drabbles sm bro KSKSSJJSSBD but hey!!!! i found a time to finish this yayy woohoo shai is finally free!!!! 😼😼😼 hope ya'll liked this ass lol the fuck
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A witchcraft basics doc; update, resource call, interest check, and a possible second doc
Bet most of you didn't even know I was working on this >:D
Yes this is a huge post. It's a lot of things.
So, one of my first posts ever on this blog was me mentioning that a friend of mine had NO clue what they were signing up for when asking for the basics of witchcraft. The google doc I wrote took on a life of its own, and the post did as well when people started asking for it. I still plan to tag said people when I post it, assuming they haven't deactivated. The thing is, this doc had become a proper project, and it took a long time for me to have the motivation to work on it again. Now, though, it seems to me like a damn good way to reconnect to my craft after a rut! (which, by the way, is why I've been offline.)
So, my first post back is for a couple of reasons. For one, if you have any resources you'd think would be useful for beginner witches, feel free to shoot me an ask, DM, or comment/reblog on this post! I'll have a list of things I'm putting in the doc (taking recommendations there as well) at the bottom of this post.
The other thing is that I might end up making a second doc, one that's a little less "101" in vibe. It would have a MAJOR MAJOR UPG warning on it, first off, and I'm not sure whether or not I would be marking any UPG either since this would essentially be a second Grimoire/Book of Shadows for me that would be public to others for the sake of sharing information! I can't say I'd call it "advanced witchcraft" by any means, I'm not very fancy lol, but I don't want the basics doc to get too overwhelming. I do, however, want to scream about random witchcraft topics that interest me. So this is also a bit of an interest check for that, as well as the basics doc.
FINAL NOTE: I fully plan on posting this basics doc before it's done. Some sections will be unwritten or unfinished, because if I wait until I find it "finished" I'll never post it. It's going to be added onto whenever I can, but I feel as though getting it out is the best course of action.
A list of stuff in the doc that I'd take resources on (AKA everything planned in it) with * by anything that will be left unwritten/unfinished on purpose until I know more. I will take resources and recommendations on EVERYTHING though. This is in no particular order:
grounding and centering
VOCAB (intention, intuition, UPG/SPG/VPG, appropriation. probably others I'm forgetting.
candle, plant, crystals and safety* (as well as any other tools one might need safety tips for. This is left completely unwritten as I use very few tools of this type.)
deity work* (the whole debate surrounding when to start, as well as information about it. Will include smth about house rules/boundaries. My work is very casual, I'd love to see different POV's of this! This is by nature left unfinished because deity work is so unique to the witch.)
grimoire/book of shadows
tools of the craft* (common tools and how to use them consumerism in witchcraft, etc.)
appropriation* (I don't know near enough about this, I just check what's in my own practice. I would like this to include a list of commonly appropriated closed practices, a definition of appropriation and why it shouldn't be done, open pantheons, and common open practices.)
where someone could go from here* (including sigils, tarot, crystals bc my friend likes rocks lol, maybe astrology but oh god I have nothing about that it makes my brain hurt just looking at an astrology chart /pos. I will probably make a list of stuff that I could add in this section.)
casual/daily/quick/low energy practices and witchcraft
paganism and witchcraft; overlap, what they are individually, why one might be for you rather than the other, etc.*
there'd be a credit section for anyone who wants to be credited for links/resources at the end! If you send me resources plz specify if you want to be included in that or not.
Things I might include in the second doc if I make it:
the craft and mental health and my experiences with it
things commonly touched on in the community (your deities don't hate you, cycles of inactivity and burnout, other things I'm forgetting rn)
deity-specific things, more specific topics of the craft, etc. yet another reminder that this would all include UPG, possibly unmarked, because it would basically be primarily used to give me motivation to research more.
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Hii!! Could u make a scaramouche x reader smut, but the reader has a breeding kink? i would love dom reader but its completely up to you 🤭
(i finally got the courage to ask...)
Bottom! Scaramouche X Top Female Reader
Ft: Degrading, bondage/cuffing, grinding, riding.
word count 1.2k
ScaraMasterlist | Subby cat scara | Sub wanderer
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Scara coming out of the shower with his shorts halfway on and his hair still dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his hair. He walks into his room while you catch him off guard and pull him into a sloppy kiss against the wall. At first he's dismissive about it but when he realizes it's you, when he feels your cleavage against his chest. He couldnt help but moan as you sandwich his body against the wall and trail your hands down to his half put on boxers. "S-shit~ I see your eager arent you? Ive only been gone for a week and this is how you act?" he pulled the towel off his hair and tossed it onto the floor.
"Hah- Like a little pet. Couldnt wait for me to finish getting dressed?" you shake your head and sigh into his shoulder. "Want you so bad scara~ please, I want to make you feel good~" Scara smirked, then guided your hand on his stomach; Abs slightly defined on his flat stomach while he had plenty of scars and markings rubbing along your fingertips. "Hm- Then I should entertain you since you've begged so well." Your eyes filled with lust as he slowly descended your hand to his V line and giving you a peak at his hard length. "Give it to me...Show your master how good he should feel pet."
You spared no time bringing scara onto his bed. Quickly sitting ontop of him and against his clothed cock as he gasped at how aggressive you we're; How hungry he was to feel you. You grinded on his clothed length, slowly stripping off your oversized shirt with your bare chest on display. Scara looked aroused and intently at you, He didnt notice until now that you barely had anything on. Just one of his shirts and silky underwear he bought for you. Pale fingertips itched up to your hips, he Squeezed and rubbed your body in motion with your grinding. "Shit..Thats it pet, Dont stop. Love how much you want me~" He dug his free hand through his hair, pushing his bangs out the way to watch you speed up your pace. 'Fuck~ Wanna flip you over right now and cum inside you. Dont stop y/n, Dont stop..' In a daze scara began bucking his hips up down. You lost a bit of balance and leaned on his body for support. "Scara~" you teased, but your words went through one mechanical ear and out the other. "Does it feel good?" 'Ah~ You~ mnn~' Stuck in his trance all he could do was grab tighter on your hips. You pouted at the lack of attention and looked down onto his shorts. His boxers we're barely hiding his hard on through his pants and poked at your wet slit. 'Was he close?' you slowed down and he sucked his teeth in irritation, and you swore you saw his eyes glow. "Fuh-.. i- W-why'd you stop?!" He hissed. "Because scara~ I want it... here.." you pointed down to your stomach and He immediately blushed "O-oh?... Is that what you want, pet?" you pressed his hands over his head, leaning down to his face close enough your noses touched. You pecked his lips and pulled away from him then got off the bed, walking to your room. "I'll be quick okay~! keep your hands like that for me." 'over... my head?' he sucked his teeth and turned his head towards the ceiling, just wondering what you had planned for him.
Scara turned his attention back to the door over the faint sound of jingling. Watching as you emerged completely naked into the room with a pair of handcuffs around your finger. "Hah So you want to be cuffed up too, slut?" he chucked as you walked towards the headboard. "No scara, this is for you~"
In a matter of seconds scara's hands we're both restrained against the headboard. You climbed onto his body once more like a cat, Pulling down his pants to reveal his aching shaft. Scara tugged against the handcuffs as you moved closer to his erection leaking pre. He wanted to put you in your place so bad, how dare you starve him of his release then cuff him up as if he was the pet. You took a deep breath before sinking yourself onto his length, your walls squeezing against his thick cock. Your body shivered and he moaned in response. "Hah..mnh y/n, Your so warm- Oh god...yes~" you leaned your hands against his body for support. Slowly bouncing up and down "fuck~ ah...You want it that bad baby? Wanna be a- ah~ mommy?" he instinctively went to touch your hips but was jerked back by the cuffs. He tugged again then groaned. God it was too much, scara wanted to touch you so bad. You began panting heavily at his sudden submission. He could just break the handcuffs, couldn't he? you gripped tighter onto his sleeveless shirt as your pace grew messy to make sure he always hit your sweet spot. "mnh~ yes scara! I want it.. Want it so bad please, please inside~ ah! please!" your body bounced faster, sloshing up and down his length "ah~ mommy~ j-just like that~! im close~ S-so fucking close. im gonna~!" He bawled his hands in a fist-
sticking out his tongue slightly while he felt his orgasm wash over him. You quickly came after, coating him with your juices as his warm seed filled your pussy and clamped down on him.
You we're a bit exhausted and collapsed onto his chest, sliding off his cock while his seed gushed out and onto your folds. He let out a deep sigh after you pulled out and was oddly silent. "scara..I-mm!" Suddenly you felt his hot hand cover your mouth. Wait..Cover your mouth? Your heart skipped a beat and looked up at him. His eyes we're glowing, With a cocky smirk planted on his face. He couldnt take it anymore. The 'pathetic' little cuffs you put on him we're dangling; broken on the headboard. Before you could process it any further, the puppet flipped you over on the side of the bed on your back. He caged you under his own body and softly bit his lip at your now 'innocent' glare. "You call yourself wanting to please me but only for one round? How pathetic." He chuckled while you looked away flustered. He noticed your shyness and shifted his hand on your throat. "Your mine. Do you understand that pet? Dont you dare stop." He moved his hand off your throat while you choked for air "B-but scara- I already-c- AH!" You pleaded and he slapped your thigh, teasing you with a spark of electro. "Isnt that what you wanted? Wanted to be a mommy?" Your eyes widened a bit, And you drooled at his words. He made a thin smile at your reaction and took off his shirt. "Good pet..I let you have your fun..now your gonna take this like a good girl yeah?" He hoisted your legs over his shoulders and lined himself up, Slowly fisting his length again.
He couldnt wait to see you bare his children.
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myimaginedcorner · 3 months
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Hello my dear readers,
WE DID IT! After a few weeks of wait and talks, I can finally announce that Scales of Justice has been officially accepted for publication, both on Hosted Games and on Steam! The current publication date is set for January 2025; however, if that changes, I will update you with new information.
You can now wishlist the game on Steam! Here's the link -> https://store.steampowered.com/app/3089710/Scales_of_Justice/
I am so, so grateful to everyone who has been here for me during these past 3 years. What began as a shy attempt at dreaming has grown into a marvelous project that taught me so much, brought me so many new experiences and skills, and is going to end with my first publication as an author. I cannot be more grateful and excited. I hope this is only the beginning of an amazing journey.
I am currently finishing my degree and working on preparing for the release; however, I will soon be posting a little more of my thoughts about future projects (including SoJ 2), continuing Torn Page, and being a bit more active around here. Until then, please, spread the word, and let's celebrate this together! ^^
Scales of Justice is a fantasy story that takes place in a world afar – a place called Therania. Albeit there was some interaction between Therania and other worlds a long time ago, now it’s solely a tale from their lost past… or, at least, that is the most common belief. Regardless, this story does not focus on extraterrestrial connections: its plot revolves around the people of Therania and their lives, their history and – what’s more important – their ‘determined’ future.
There are plenty of species living together in Therania, yet the human race is currently split in two: the one known as Hero kingdom, which is ruled by ‘heroes’, and the one named Vannais kingdom, controlled by ‘villains’. Both nations hate each other - here, the fight of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ is something that happens on a national level. The game is focused on lore, character development, and the player's choices: perhaps, your MC just wants to live a peaceful life... or maybe they want to save the world.
Or even rule it, if you’re into such things.
Set off on a new adventure towards Neutral Lands, to meet a mythic creature of all answers - The Visionary.
Play as a woman, man, or non-binary - straight, gay, or asexual.
Gather up to 3 companions to help you in your quest - befriend, romance, or rival them, the choice is yours.
Buy a horse - we know you want one.
Fight, conjure, support, speak or think - choose your way of handling a tricky situation.
Explore the kingdom of Hero up to Menai's shores, in search for someone - or something - to aid you in your journey.
The DEMO version of the book runs up to Chapter 5 and contains 276K words overall.
If you want to know a little more about this project and read chapters 1-5, I'll leave the link to the game here -> https://dashingdon.com/play/myimaginedcorner/scales-of-justice/mygame/
If you want to discuss anything on CoG's forum, I'll leave the link for SoJ here -> https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/wip-scales-of-justice-new-project-announcement-and-demo-release/101088/16
If you want to send me a more extensive feedback, here's my email -> [email protected]
Shoren/Seile → Heir to the Hero kingdom’s throne, right where your journey starts. Also, your old friend who’s very attached to you. Likes to read and practices magic, enjoys adventure and heroic deeds. A recognised “hero”, with blonde curly hair, pale skin and a pair of sapphire eyes.
Robert/Reina → Order’s Paladin, defender of Hero and Knight of Fate. Brave and honourable, determined to protect the people of the kingdom. Very loyal to friends and very dangerous as an enemy. Has short brown hair, tanned skin and an athletic build.
Valerius/Venis → An Outworlder caught by cultists in the Wicked Woods. Gracious, elegant and charismatic. Has long dark brown hair with a silver streak, olive skin and golden eyes.
Arion/Aria → Leader of Vannais, a recognised “villain” who escaped from Hero and now rules the enemy kingdom. Serious but temperamental. Prefers action over words and so, is always present on battlefields and amidst negotiations, even if in an unofficial manner. Has short blonde hair, pale skin and emerald eyes.
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patrophthia · 2 years
sycamore girl | sirius black
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pairing: sirius black x reader
genre: fluff, fake-dating/relationships, the tiniest bit of angst, con artists sirius and reader sksks
word count: 12.3K
originally posted on my wattpad
"listen, i hate my father and i'm positively sure that he hates me too but he is filthy rich so i curated a-" he paused, considering his next words "-plan of sort."
"so you." he pointed to her.
"and i." he pointed to himself. "get married."
"we then inherit a trust fund that he and mother had set up for regulus and i when we were to be married and split." he finished explaining his plan."what do you say?”
“what do i say?" she repeated his words after a while. "no— you want to know what i think?"
at his nod she added, "i think that it's a stupid idea."
or two (one really) reluctant person chooses to marry the notorious sirius black for the price of many millions galleons.
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"is this seat taken?" the voice caught her by surprise, raising her eyes to meet the asker's waiting ones.
"avril normally sits here," she replied, sparing a glance towards his usual seat; there sat lupin, potter and pettigrew bantering like they always did as they waited for the lesson to start. did they have a fight?
"well she's not here." he pointed out with a small smirk, making his way around the table to take a seat despite her words. "i'm sure she can find another spot."
she only bit her tongue, stopping herself from responding. black —whether he was purposely ignoring or genuinely failed to notice how irritated she seemed to be— cleared his throat, asking her a question that should've been expected from him, yet still managed to surprise her.
"are you seeing anyone?"
feeling as though something was stuck in her throat, she muttered quietly, "pardon?"
"you heard me," he said boldly, pulling his things out from his bag. "why is that any of your concerns?" black paused his actions, keeping his head low as he stared into his bag. "it's not," he admitted after a while, "i'm just curious."
she said nothing, watching as he continued rummaging his bag for his supplies. black lifted his head back up; quill in hand, his grey eyes meeting hers. "are you not going to answer my question sweetheart?"
"i'm not," she said eventually, turning towards the front of the class. "i'm not seeing anyone right now."
it was late, she was tired; extremely tired but sleep didn't seem like it will be making its way to her anytime soon. lily had asked to meet her after class, when she asked why she couldn't just tell her more about the issue during their lunch break lily quickly told her that she had a prefects meeting to attend to (as if lupin eyes didn't grow wide, giving away that it was clearly a lie).
still, she went to the gryffindor's tower anyway, at the exact same place and time that lily had asked to meet her but the redhead wasn't there. instead there was potter, letting her into the common room and insisting that she wait on one of the couches instead of going up to the dorm to see her.
it wasn't until two minutes later when black showed up, sitting down besides her with a —somewhat— uncomfortable look (that didn't suit his handsome features at all) did she realize that this was another one of lily's lie.
"look," black started. helga, whatever did happen to hello, or how are you?, people really just skip to the point now these days. "i'm sure you're wondering why i'm here instead of evans and i will tell you that but i need you to hear everything first before you react, will you be able to do that?"
merlin, gryffindors are weird. "i'll try?"
"great, trying will do." he smiled charmingly, shuffling his weight so he could properly meet her eye to eye. "i have a..." he trailed off thinking to himself, "proposition?"
black licked his lips, mustering up his courage to continue on with his words. "listen, i hate my father and i'm positively sure that he hates me too but he is filthy rich so i curated a-" he paused, considering his next words "-plan of sort."
"so you." he pointed to her.
"and i." he pointed to himself. "get married."
"we then inherit a trust fund that he and mother had set up for regulus and i when we were to be married and split." he finished explaining his plan. "both the money and our relationship, you can go on your merry way and i on mine." he was searching her for a reaction, she knew that, she could feel his eyes roaming around for the most minuscule of movements that came from her. "what do you say?"
she was too stunned to speak; speechless at the shock of it all, it didn't help that his recap was half-assed. "what do i say?" she repeated his words after a while. "no— you want to know what i think?"
at his nod she added, "i think that it's a stupid idea."
black frowned at her words. "honestly, i think it's a solid plan, we just need to get married— we don't even need to be in love! just get married and you get money! it's that easy! it's not like i'm forcing you to join a cult-" to that she opened her mouth, trying to state that the noble house of black itself is a cult but sirius was quick to read her expression, shutting her up by continuing with his pleading, "-besides, i'm not bad looking and great company from what i've been told!"
"well if you're such great company why don't you go find someone else to be fake married to? i'm sure that they'll be plenty of girls lining up for the chance to be your fake wife."
"i don't want any of the other girls, i want you. you're not currently seeing anyone so no one will get hurt from this!" he replied, running a hand through his hair in a stressful manner. this was not how he had planned for it to go. "and i— i want it to be with someone i know and i just so happen to know you."
choosing to ignore how black both admitted that he wanted her for this specific purpose, or how the question that he had asked hours priors to this was in an ulterior motive, she exclaimed. "you also know dorcas. ask her! she's a great girl!" her voice was loud enough for the said girl to turn to her direction with a questioning look. "or marlene, she's extremely good looking."
"i can't," he retorted, sounding the slightest bit annoyed, "everyone and their mother knows marlene swings the other way."
"how are you sure i don't swing the other way then?"
"i don't— do you?" he asked with sudden interest. sirius shook his head, going back to the topic at hand when he stated, "the minimum that you'll get out of this is a million galleons, that's the minimum! i know there's more in that trust fund and i am willing to split it equally."
she thought about it for brief second before asking, "why me? and do not tell me because i'm someone you know because we barely know each other; i only came here to see lily but obviously i was tricked, so tell me why i should agree to this?"
black sighed, his voice growing grim when he answered, "you're the only girl i'm willing to invest in." he paused, maybe those weren't the smartest word choices but he was a flirt not a romantic and the difference had never been made clearer. "so won't you just... think about it, please."
"are you going to do it?" lily asked, settling herself on the seat across from her. please lord, let her finish her essay in peace. "are you still mad at me? c'mon [name] i said i was sorry!"
and here she thought she would be safe in the library.
"i still have the rights to be mad about it," she retorted, keeping her head focused on finishing her work. "you made me sit through that god awful plan!"
"only because i thought you'd agree!" that grabbed her attention, making her turn to the person with an incredulous look. "you're extremely easy going so you could at least stand one another and it's a lot of money!"
"lily, you think i'd marry black for the money? i barely know the guy!"
"then think of it as an opportunity to get to know one another!" she exclaimed loud of enough to get the pair shushed by the librarian. "i mean i personally would for that kind of money."
"then you marry him!"
"no that's weird, i'm in love with his best friend!" she argued in return, a disgusted look on her face. "plus i can't stand him, i could barely talk to him for an hour without lecturing him let alone plan a whole wedding with him."
"i'm not going to marry a stranger."
"he isn't. think of it this way, by the time you finish all the planning he'd be a friend to you," she said, "or you know, something more than friends," she teased with a soft smile.
"lily, a divorce takes at least six months to be finalized. that's half of a year of my life being spent with someone i have no romantic feelings for." she replied, trying to get her friend to understand her reasonings. "not to mention the amount of paperwork i'd have to go through."
the head girl huffed, admitting to herself that she had made good points. she spoke again, this time a lot softer, drawing her into her, "black really needs this."
"he's been living at the potter's after leaving home and if he does get this; he and his brother could get a flat where they'd finally be free from that terrible place," she said slowly, "well at least i think that's why he's planning on doing this. he never told me why exactly, just that he wanted to scam his family."
"i don't think he'd ever tell me the real reason as to why he wants to do this but he doesn't owe me the truth." it was clear that she cared for him, lily's heart was too big for her own good.
"fine, i'll think about it," she muttered, defeated.
lily gave her look, one of disapproval. "you've been saying that ever since you found out about the plan. you don't expect me to believe you when you say it now do you?"
"okay, well i promise that i'd think about it for real this time, is that good for you?"
"it's more than good." she smiled happily.
it was a week later and she had kept her promise to lily, thinking over every possible outcome of what could be the results on the marriage would be:
1. they get married, everything goes according to plan, they get divorce, she becomes a millionaire.
or 2. they get married, the promise of money was fake, she was stuck with him for the rest of her life.
or 3. they get married, everything goes according to plan, she catches feelings for him, she becomes a millionaire with the desire of a man she cannot have.
but maybe that was her dwelling on the negative, not everything is always bad. right?
her eyes scanned the corridor, looking between the crowds of students who were making their way back to their common room after a day of lessons for a group of four rowdy boys. after spotting them, she held onto her bag's strap, ensuring that they won't move when she made her way through the bustling crowd.
with a call of his name, black turned; halting his step as he waited for her to catch up. his friends stood beside him with a curious look. "i thought i'd never see you again," he said with a smile, "you've been ignoring me like the plague."
"you are the plague," she retorted, "if i stayed close to you for long enough you're narcissism will rub off on me." sirius only chuckled, knowing that her comment was light hearted. he looked down at her, meeting eye to eye; silently prompting her to talk about why she decided to call after him. "i thought about it."
to that his grey eyes lit up with recognition, now awaiting the answer that she'd give him whether it be bad or good. "and i thought why not? a million galleons to babysit a gryffindor is an easy pay."
sirius grinned. "great."
"great," she repeated awkwardly, "although i'd have to talk to my parents about it first. i wouldn't want to deal with them if they found out i had eloped."
"it's a good thing i already talked to them then," he said, his smile getting wider when her face dropped. "you what?"
"i knew that you'd need your parents approval so i reached out to them," he spoke while he started leading the way towards the great hall, "they like me."
"black when did you talk to them?" she asked him urgently, why hadn't anyone from her family reached out to her about this? were they planning on leaving her in the dark?
"when i asked you to think about it."
"after you left for your common room i wrote them a letter, your mother agreed to meet me and we talked it through," he added easily, "i of course told her it was because i'm in love with you and wanted nothing more than for you to be mine —keeping the lie going, you know? she told me to talk about it with you but i already did, i just needed an answer from you."
"and now that i've got it. i just need our parents to finalize our betrothal." he finished his words, meeting her gaze.
she shook her head, not believing him. "how did you even find out where they live? i've never once told you where i live."
"i just told the owl to find mister or missus [l/name], it was a simple as that." there was an air of obviousness to his tone, as if she should've figured it out by now but he still answered her anyways. "now can we have dinner? i'm starving."
the words about sirius black and [f/name]'s engagement spread fast. hell, it has barely been three days before a fourth year approached her, asking her if the rumors were true before they sobbed at her answers. their nightmares was coming true.
sirius black was no longer single.
the rumors were okay for the most part, for it was true yet it brought her nothing but an unsettling feeling when she heard her name being whispered in the hallways. even now, as she was sitting at her house's table; barely paying attention to her friend's playful banter did the gossip follow her.
"have you selected a date yet?" avril asked, buttering her toast while she looked at her friend. "yup, his mother wanted a summer wedding, august to be specific. pure-blood accustoms or something," she replied with mild interest, stirring her tea. avril frowned. "it's your wedding, shouldn't you be the one making the decisions?"
"you'd think so," she retorted, lifting her mug to her lips, "but his mum's a nasty witch." she took a sip of her tea before placing it back down on the table. "we met her this weekend where she told us her plans for our wedding."
"she also gave me the black family's engagement ring," she added, lifting her left hand up. on the ring finger laid a dainty silver band that resembled a serpent of sort with a green diamond on top. it was no where near the traditional muggle engagement ring but it was beautiful in its own way. "it's an heirloom and to be completely honest i'm scared wearing it. what if i turned into you know who or something?"
avril laughed good-naturedly, amused by the situation. "honestly, a million galleons would not be enough for me to get involved with the blacks."
"well i've already bought the ticket and there's no turning back now." she shrugged, dropping her eyes to the table. "plus, sirius is actually a decent person to keep around."
"really?" she asked testingly, chewing on her toast.
"really." she nodded. "we have astronomy together and he's incredibly useful. black knows everything about it since his family are named after them. i think he's growing on me." she added. "although every time i remember i'm technically his investment, i second guess that idea."
"what do you mean you second guess that idea?," cut in eric, a ravenclaw who was dragged into their small friend group by avril. "who wouldn't want to marry a man who calls you an investment."
she opened her mouth, a sarcastic remark at the tip of her tongue when the owls flew into the great hall in one large flock; instantly heading towards their respective owner. she hadn't expected any mails today, she was all caught up with the wedding plans along with the letters from her family. so imagine her surprise when one of the many owls soared down, perching on the table in front of her, waiting with a wrapped parcel between its feet.
her eyes raised to meet her friend's curious ones, all of them wondering what's within the wrappings and most importantly who it was from. she hesitated, unsure whether she should take the package from the owl. with a prod from eric, she reached out; untying the parcel from the owl.
the owl flew away immediately, retreating to the crowd of birds. it didn't take long for her to realize what it was, "flowers."
"they're flowers," she repeated, holding up the arrangements for her friend to see, "they're really pretty." she added, biting back a smile. helga, it felt good getting flowers.
"who's it from?" avril asked excitedly.
she looked down, there was card tied to the strings of the bouquet, "black."
"oh," eric muttered, "of course he did, he's your fiancé after all."
"yeah, but it's not why he got it for me," she said, staring down at the card, "it's a thank you gift for dealing with his mother." she giggled, she separated the card from the strings before handing it over to her friend, "here look."
i know my mother is a bitch, thank you for talking to her. you made her tolerable.
- sirius black
now if she remembered correctly, the gryffindor table was seated to her right. with that knowledge in mind, she turned; wanting to thank black for his gift only to find him —coincidentally, sitting with his back to her. she poked at his shoulder, trying to steal his attention from his friend.
he turned reluctantly, looking (maybe more than) a tad bit annoyed only for his eyes to soften when he realized it was her. it took him another second to realize what she was holding before he said, "i see you've got the flowers."
"i did." she smiled, an action that he quickly copied. "i also got your message."
"i knew you would."
of course he would. "right." there was an air of awkwardness that she couldn't quite explain. "well thank you for this, it's lovely sirius."
his smile widened. she wasn't sure why it widened but she was incredibly grateful for it. how could one person's smile be so breathtaking?
"it's no problem. i'm glad you like it my love."
"good evening." an unexpected greeting came, making me her jump from her spot. she looked up from her bed, only to find the source of the voice smirking down at her in amusement. "did i surprise you darling?"
it was pretty evident that his sudden presence startled her. "of course you did dumbass. who even let you in here? i could've been naked!"
"but you aren't," he quipped smugly.
"i could've been!"
"and yet you aren't."
"you're impossible," she grumbled, "are you going to tell me how you got here or not?"
"how i got into your dorm?" he asked, still standing by her bed.
"where else?!" she replied, sitting up and shuffling her blankets away. despite her hostile tone, she made space for him to sit down, patting it slightly to indicate that he could sit if he wanted to. sirius gladly accepted the offer, making himself comfortable while he thought of an answer. "well?"
"i just told the first years i was your fiancé." he shrugged, his smirk still prominent. "they didn't even think to hesitate."
"of course they won't, you're you," she retorted, looking into his eyes. "are you going to tell me why you're here then?"
"what? i can't just come to see you because i missed you? you're my bride to be after all," he teased playfully, holding her gaze.
"no," she smiled unkindly at him, "you can not. now will you tell me why you're really here?"
"alright," he huffed, for a brief second she thought she saw his shoulders deflate, but he was quick to recover, asking her, "you know tomorrow is a hogsmeade weekend don't you?"
at her nod, he continued, "well i wanted you to meet my brother."
"regulus?" she asked dumbfoundedly, brows furrowing together. "why?"
"i uhm-" he stuttered, seeming embarrassed? that was unlike him. "-i wanted you two to approve of each other."
"hmm?" she hummed to signal that she was listening while also simultaneously prompting him to go on.
"i wanted regulus to meet you, and like you and i also wanted you to meet him —and like him." he explained, breaking eye contact to stare at his hand sheepishly. "i want my brother to like you since we're going to get married and all that."
"sirius," she started attentively, "he doesn't need to like me, our marriage is fake remember? it'll be over in a blink of an eye, i'm just trying to help you out."
"yeah, i know that," he said frustratingly. "still, he's my brother, he is important to me; and despite him already knowing that our marriage is a false one, i want the two of you to like each other."
she considered his words. eric will throw a tantrum when he finds out about this. "alright, what time shall we meet?"
maybe running down the stairs of the entrance hall at full speed wasn't the best idea but she was late and sometimes being late justify being a menace to everyone surrounding her. sometimes.
if that sometimes is being late to meet your soon to be husband's brother of course, one that you desperately needed approval from. one who has been waiting for your arrival with his brother for —atleast 15 minutes now. she felt incredibly sorry for making them wait but honestly, it wasn't her fault her hair decided not to cooperate with her this morning.
she wanted to look her best for them, first impressions matter after all. what would it say about her if she should up with frizzy hair that stuck out in every direction possible.
"there you are!" sirius exclaimed, approaching her the moment he spotted her, "c'mon the carriage's leaving, let's not be late."
listening to his words, she did what she was told, following him and his brother into an empty carriage. "i'm so sorry for making you wait, i didn't mean to, i was getting ready and before i knew it i lost track of time-"
"it's okay," regulus cut in, his eyes scanning her every expression. "we weren't waiting that long," he added, trying to reassure her, "the carriage was already planning on leaving when we got there so we technically only waited mere minutes."
fuck, he's charming. "i'm regulus black, you must be [name]?"
"i am, it's nice to finally meet you." she smiled, offering him her hand. she should've expected it, really she should've, with him being from an aristocratic family and all but regulus lifting her hand to press a gentle kiss on it still stunned her. she cleared her throat, "sirius has told me quite a lot about you."
"he has? and here i thought he was ashamed of me." he arched an eyebrow, whether he was teasing her or being genuine she could not tell.
"how could he possibly be ashamed of you, he's not even ashamed of himself." at that regulus chuckled, his smile no different from sirius'.
sirius rolled his eyes, watching their playful interaction with a small satisfied smile on his face. "i'm glad that the both of you can bond over bullying me," he said as the carriage pulled to a stop, "it's good to know that both my brother and fiancée thinks so highly of me."
sirius got out first, helping her get down from the carriage as best as he could. the three of them made their way to the three broomsticks, wanting a comfortable place where they could sit and chat their heads off.
seeing the black brothers in their natural habitat was entertaining. they were similar in many ways, from the way they talk to the way they carried themself and yet they were so different. sirius preferred to talk and make outward jokes while regulus listened, mumbling sarcastic remarks that had you smiling to yourself at how cheeky it was.
sirius had a habit —she was quick to note— of glancing down at regulus' left arm, a worried look always took place when he did so but he was swift in changing his expression. replacing it with a neutral one whenever he caught himself doing so.
regulus was as great company as his brother, charming, and fascinating to a certain extent.
they spent a large majority of their time talking. all of different topics ranging from quidditch to their favorite subject until regulus dropped his eyes to the table where her hand laid, playing with a napkin. "i see mother gave you her ring?"
"yes, she did," she said, her ring finger suddenly feeling heavy, "it's beautiful."
"it doesn't look very you," sirius joined in, pointing out the obvious. "it's still beautiful sirius, it doesn't need to be very me." his brow furrowed, countering, "but that's not good enough, it's your engagement ring after all."
"in case you've forgotten, i'm marrying you for your money, as of right now i'm the definition of a gold digger," she reminded him with a small smile, "an engagement ring being very me is the least of my concerns."
at that sirius frowned, dropping the topic. regulus stifled a laugh, the corners of his lips curving upwards. "has mother took you dress shopping yet?" he then asked with interest.
"no," she answered, "my mother wanted me to pick a dress of my own, your mother didn't like that idea very much. long story short i have the freedom to pick out whichever dress i want."
regulus pursed his lips, thinking. "i'm glad to hear that. i know mother is exhausting to deal with, i hope you find exactly what you're looking for."
"thank you regulus." the door bell rang to signify someone's entrance, the said boy turned, spotting a girl standing by the door before turning back towards his brother; pink creeping onto his cheeks. "is that her?"
he nodded sheepishly. "we'll leave you to it then," she said, standing up from their booth; she grabbed onto sirius wrist, smirking down at him in hopes that he knew of her plan. sirius got the memo, holding onto her hand before briskly bidding his brother goodbye. "do you think they'll end up getting married to scam your family like us?"
sirius laughed as the pair left the inn, walking down the streets that were so fond of. "probably not. i don't think he has it in he."
"i didn't think i had it in me to marry someone for his money at 17 either but here i am," she replied sarcastically, looking up at him. it was then did she realized that they were holding hands, she hesitated; not sure whether to pull away or to keep holding onto him. his hand was warm, it felt nice.
sirius, as if he had read her mind decided to squeeze it reassuringly. "can i take you somewhere?"
"there's a shop around the corner," he said, maintaining eye contact, "can i get you something from there?"
"oh sirius you don't need to get me anything-"
"i know i don't need to," he cut in softly, "i want to. so i can please take you there?"
she thought about it briefly, knowing full well that her answer would be yes because who was she to deny him anything. "what is it that you wanted to get me?"
sirius broke into a smile, turning to lead the way. "do you remember how i said that the ring wasn't very you?"
"the thing you said barely 10 minutes ago? yes i do."
"good," he muttered, turning the corner, his grip on her hand never once faltering, "because i want to get you want that actually does feel like you."
"sirius i already told you it doesn't matter, you've already bought me flowers and that's more than i could ask for."
sirius paused for a split second, pursing his lips. "look, if i don't get this for you then how would people know you're mine? that ring is no where good enough for you," he questioned, leading them into the store. he held the door open, smiling at the shop's clerk who was ecstatic to see a customer. "just think of this as my thank you for marrying me gift."
"i don't think that's real thing sirius," she said, stilling besides him as he looked at the different rings the employee had put on show.
"it doesn't need to be real if it's what is needed in order for me to spoil you," he muttered in return, his full focus on studying the different rings. finally he picked out one he thought best resembled her. sirius took off his mother's ring, placing it in his pocket and slipped the new ring on her finger. "what do you think?"
"i think it's beautiful."
"i can't really take that as an answer love, you also said that about dear mother's ring."
"fine, i think it's magnificent. i love it sirius." she smiled, eyes glancing between him and ring.
"it's perfect then," he muttered, taking it off and handing it to the clerk for it to be sized. "that will be  our engagement ring."
it was later on that night, with avril and eric passed out on her bed after discussing their outfit plans for her wedding did she opened up the box that contained the new ring.
she lifted it out, examining it when something caught her eyes. engraved into the back of the ring wrote: yours S.B
avril loved throwing parties, she loved plying people with food and making sure they were enjoying their time, she loved gathering her friends round a circle to play silly games that captured the true essence of adolescent. avril loved everything that one could love about parties.
so when she told her friends that she wanted to throw one in the hufflepuff's common room it was in their nature to help out. it was sunday, dinner had just finished and the common room was empty, each person in their own respective dorms getting ready when eric and [name] made their journey out, heading towards the kitchens for as much snacks as they could gather.
facing the broad stone basement corridor, it brightly lit and decorated with food-themed paintings, she reached out to tickle the pear on the painting. the  pear giggled, turning itself into a large green door handle that revealed the entrance. she took the first step, entering the kitchens with eric behind her.
"what are you doing here?"
her eyes widened, not expecting anyone besides herself and eric to be in the kitchens at this time. "i could ask you the same thing sirius."
"i asked you first."
she turned, briefly looking at eric for help but her effort was to no avail, the ravenclaw was as at a loss for words as she was. "i'm here to grab some snacks, we're throwing a party and it would a pretty shitty one without any food."
"oh," he muttered, "no wonder you look so pretty."
"you're wearing the ring," sirius pointed out after minute, gesturing towards her finger. was all conversations between two people who would be married to one another always this strained?
"i am," she said, looking down towards the ring, "how could i not? you bought it for me."
there was the silence again; her, eric, sirius and his friends all awkwardly glancing at one another. "oh! uhm- eric this is sirius, my fiancé and sirius this is eric, my friend."
"nice to meet you," sirius smiled, offering him a hand. eric hesitated, eyes drifting towards to her direction, she tilted her head slightly, an action he took as cue to accept sirius hand.
eric shooked it, smiling in return when he spoke, "i know she's marrying you for your money." sirius smiled dropped, slightly taken aback when eric added, "i'm sure potter knows it too, doesn't he?"
in truth potter did know, sensing by the way his shoulder tensed up at the pretense of him knowing. eric had a weird way of wording things, making everything seems hostile when it wasn't supposed to be. helga, why does men have to make everything so hard?
"eric you can grab the cheesecake?" she asked, making their attention shift to her, "i need to have a word with sirius about the wedding, then i'll grab the punch and meet you back outside."
"i'll see you in a bit." after she waved her friend off, she grabbed onto sirius' arm, pulling him towards a secluded spot where his friends wouldn't be able to eavesdrop on their conversation. she looked at him hesitatingly, studying his expression before asking, "are you mad at me?"
sirius frowned, furrowing his brows in concern. "no," he answered, "why would i be mad at you?"
"i dunno." he was taller than her, having to look down in order for their eyes to meet. "i just thought that maybe eric had said something to upset you."
"he's a bit... straight forward, no subtlety whatsoever," she added, "also a little untrusting at first but he's very kind, he's a great guy." the way his gaze hardened at her words, turning from attentive to resentful didn't go unnoticed by her. is he sure he's not mad at her?
"i'm not mad at you," sirius said softly, consoling her, "nor am i mad at your friend."
"then why do you seem so uneasy? especially when you're with your friends? you're never like that."
sirius pursed his lips, thinking. "because," he started, a smile tugging on his lips, "you look very pretty, and i just happen to not know how to act around pretty people."
she scoffed, rolling her eyes despite feeling her cheeks flush at his words. "right, of course."
"love, i'm being serious!"
"of course you are you're sirius!"
"hey! i'm being truthful here," he argued, chuckling slightly, seeing her flustered over a compliment had to be his new favorite thing. "you look as pretty as a picture."
she smiled, brushing it off. "that's sweet of you to say." noting how his eyes was lingering onto her every movement. "but you're still not welcomed to the party."
sirius laughed, throwing his head back at the lame joke she made. his words was never meant to be anything more than praise, wanting her to know just how breathtaking he thought she looked. "that's a shame, i was looking forward to get a taste of that cheesecake."
"better luck next time," she said, biting her lips. "i think i should go now."
"i think so too," he replied after composing himself, still smiling down at her due to their height differences. "it's unfair to keep my darling away from them for too long."
she watched as he took a calculated step forward, bringing the front of their shoes to contact. staring up at him, she felt her breath get caught in her throat.
leaning down abruptly, sirius pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead; her eyes fluttering shut at the warm contact. he stepped back then, he smiled once more, "invite me next time, won't you?"
next time came in the form of a gryffindor party instead. it was james potter's birthday and it would be an understatement to say that the marauders went all out. despite the party being a "secret", the room of requirement was packed with students from every house that is cool enough to join an inter-house party.
upon arrival she was quick to spot regulus, introducing him to avril and eric who he both charmed his ways with them. eric and regulus, both cut-throat people bonded easily, making good natured jokes about how big of a mistake it was that she chose to marry sirius. eventually the slytherin led them to the life of the party.
"[name]!" james cheered excitedly, walking towards her with open arms, his face flushed. she returned his hug, turning towards his friend with a confused look only to receive chuckles from them. pulling away james grinned at her, slurring "i'm so happy you're here!"
right, he's drunk. "and i'm so happy to be here james," she replied, making him his smile stretch out even wider. "although i'm not too late am i? it seems like i missed out on the fun."
"oh no don't worry," lily shook her head, answering for him, "he just wanted to be that shit faced drunk person of every party."
"ah," she nodded in acknowledgment. "oh, uhm- i hope you don't mind, i brought some friends?"
"no it's okay, the more the merrier," lily smiled kindly, taking one look at them before noting, "eric from potions and avril from care of magical creatures."
"weird way to identify me but i've been called worse," avril said light-heartedly, earning smiles from their small group. "now, would you be kind enough to show me where the booze is?"
"it's just right around the corner, i can get some for you actually," lily offered, being the good host that she is, "[name], peter, would you mind helping me?"
"oh," she muttered not expecting herself to be mentioned. "no i don't," she smiled, taking the hand that lily offered and following off behind her.
"so," avril started, turning to sirius, "she looks great doesn't she?"
sirius nodded, not thinking much about his actions. she really did look beautiful tonight, although —if he really thought about it— there wasn't a day where he didn't think she wasn't good-looking.
"you like her don't you?"
remus, with his curiosity now piqued, dropped his head, leaning down to hear their conversation over the loud music. regulus doing the same, finding the topic of his brother's real love-life intriguing. "yeah pads," remus started tauntingly, "you fancy her don't you?"
"i hate you did you know that?"
"avoidance is not an answer black," eric commented with a small smirk, "if you fancy her just say it."
"i don't," sirius stated, his tone now on edge, "i mean it, i only care for her as a friend and nothing more."
it was the truth, as of right now he thought of her as a friend that just had some extra steps to it. she was kind and pretty but so was lily and regulus' new girlfriend but that didn't mean he was attracted to them. really, whether they want to believe it or not, sirius could be friends with a woman and not be in love with them.
"are you sure princess?" eric added, provoking him. sirius rolled his eyes, now used to the (for the lack of better words) asshole demeanor that eric had. "alright, i'll leave you to it," he said with a condescending smile, "but just so you know, [name] is the shit faced drunk at every party."
"and potter does not stand a chance at taking that position from her."
"speaking of the devil," avril murmured, breaking apart from their small group to welcome the two girls with open arms, refusing the spiked punch that lily offered for a shot of firewhisky that she immediately downed when her friend handed it to her. "you know me so well."
"i'm really the best aren't i?" she joked, turning towards sirius; she smiled up at him, an action that he copied and handed him a shot of firewhisky as well. sirius shook his head, opting on a butterbeer that peter handed him. "you're not drinking?"
"i'm not," he replied, taking a sip that resulted in foam being stuck on his upper lip. she frowned, disappointed, "why not? it's your best mate's birthday!" sirius only stuck with his decision, deciding to stay sober so he could take care of james whilst lily had her fun. "don't worry darling, i know how to have fun without getting drunk."
"what a shame, i brought these with me for nothing," she said, staring down at the three shot cups between her finger, "well i better not waste it then."
and with that she downed one, grimacing at the taste right after. she held another shot for remus who took it with a polite smile; the pair cheered, drinking the shots, for the party has officially started.
"pads," came james, pouting, "mate my throats dry," he complained, eyes going heavy. "will you be so kind to grab me a cup of water?"
from the corner of his eyes sirius spied lily talking to some of her friends, seeming just the slightest bit under the influence. "sod off prongs, go find your girlfriend."
at the other side of the room was [name]. the alcohol had hit her about an hour after her initial shots, drunkenly laughing at every joke that remus made as the two of them found themselves to be partners in drunken crime. remus chuckled, throwing his head back with a punch still in his hand, she sat besides him, listening to the story he was telling with a small smile.
"honestly, at one point during fourth year i had considered starting a hogwarts protection group from those two maniacs," the brunette said, incredulous by how stupid his fourteen year olds idea was. "i was part of the pranks too but still."
she only snorted, finding everything funny in her current inebriated state. as she opened her mouth, ready to tell him a funny story of her own sirius approached, a cup of water in hands. "hullo dear husband."
"hello," he greeted in return, handing her the cup of water, "i think you've had enough my love," he said patiently, ignoring the cringed looks that remus was sending him. "drink this so you won't feel so hung over tomorrow morning."
"sirius if i can handle getting married to you then i can handle being hung over on a tuesday." despite her comment, she drank the water anyways. alcohol sure does make your throat dry out. "you know you don't look like you're having too much fun."
"i don't?"
"you don't," she said, getting onto her feet to face him eye to eye. she placed a hand on his shoulder to steady herself, looking at him with an intoxicated gaze. pulling her hand away, she exclaimed enthusiastically, "anyways, me and remus are going to dance, have fun being sober!"
and with that she left, hand pulling at remus so the lanky boy would follow after her. sirius' eyes trailed after them, noting how they both were bad dancers and yet did not seem to be stopping anytime soon. it wasn't long until eric, tipsy enough to be nice to anyone other than avril and [name], dragged sirius onto the dance floor as well.
she found her way to him, smiling as she moved badly to the beat. she said something that she couldn't quite hear; sirius leaned down, his ear close to her mouth, ensuring that he could hear her over the loud music. with a drunken giggle, she told him, "you're so handsome."
he pulled back to his full height, looking at her with amusement. "thank you chérie, 'preciate it."
"do you still think i'm handsome?"
"shut up," she scowled, ignoring the delighted look that sirius had from eliciting such response. "i don't want to deal with you right now."
"why not? you thought i was handsome last night and now you suddenly despise me?" he teased quietly, not wanting to distract other people with their conversation.
"sirius i'm too hungover for this right now," she said, trying to keep her eyes straight at the board. oh how she missed the days where avril was sat beside her. "and if you say something along the line of i told you so, i will hex you into oblivion."
sirius bit his lips, holding back his tongue from stating that he did warn her about this. instead he commented, "you know i think i like you a lot better when you're drunk."
"and i like you better when you don't speak but we both can't have what we want now can we?"
"actually," sirius said matter-of-factly, "i've already gotten what i wanted."
"and what's that?"
"not the drunk you but having you is good enough for me," he clarified, "but i can always count on avril to bring out my favorite version of you-"
sirius continued to talk, but no sounds came out. don't you just love the silencio charm? she patted his thigh, causing him to pause in order to look at her. she smiled at him kindly, her expression the direct opposite of her next words. "you are so annoying right now."
"your mother picks the worst time for us to meet her," she said, not once bothering to greet him. maybe he was rubbing off on her. "i mean seriously, couldn't she have planned to see the venue on a hogsmeade weekend."
she closed the hufflepuff's door behind her, walking to his side. sirius shifted his weight off of the pillar he was waiting for her at and started leading the way, "i've just had a long day of school and now i have to be nice to her. no offense boys, but i hate your mother."
regulus let out a small laugh, smiling at her words. "no offense taken [name], we hate her too."
"good," she said cheekily, "i'm glad we have that in common."
they made their way up to the great hall, then up again towards their usual passage beneath the one-eyed witch statue by the stairs. sirius tapped the hump with his wand, muttering a quiet dissendium. the witch's hump open just wide enough for a person to slide down to the hidden passageway.
sirius went through first, pushing his way up into honey duke, regulus followed soon after, leaving her last. with help from sirius, she climbed up the ladder, shutting the trap door below her.
sirius helped her make her way out of honey dukes and into the streets of hogsmeade. after reaching their destination, a spot that allowed for them to apparate, he let go off her hand, knowing that she (like him) was legal and could apparate on their own while regulus on the other hand. their unofficial adopted child, could not.
regulus, now used to being babied whenever he traveled with the couple made his way between them, letting sirius throw his arm around his shoulder while [name] slipped her arm around his waist. with a flick of both their wands, their small group landed in a secluded alley way where their wedding venue would be held.
the pair let go off him, heading towards one another and —as of muscle memory— interlocked their fingers, holding hands like they always did when they were to fake their relationship. the three walked, pushing pass the grand door and quickly spotting both walburga and her mother.
it was the second week of june, the finals had passed,  their NEWTs were completed. it was two weeks before the school year ended and roughly two months away from their wedding. it would be a lie if she said she wasn't nervous, she was, of course she was. marriage was a scary thing —especially when you're marrying into a family with old money who also simultaneously praises dark magic.
"mother," sirius said with a small bow, greeting her as politely as he could. "and missus [l/name], you look as gorgeous as ever."
her mother smiled, dismissing his compliment with a wave of her hand. "no need to flatter me, i've already approved of you sirius."
he smiled, feeling proud of himself for some reason he couldn't pin point. walburga coughed, causing the other four people to turn to her, giving them her full attention. by her side stood a short women with short blond hair, "shall we get started?"
the five followed her through a path that she had prepared, using magic to help visualize the venue the way both mothers wanted it. there was a hall that led into the main ballroom, its ceiling high with fancy chandeliers. her mum who had wanted a more natured feel to their wedding, asked if the person who was showing the venue, andria, could incorporate plants to the walls.
andria followed through her request, and within a flick of her wand the walls were lined up with vines, the ground spilling with purple flowers that made a satisfied smile find its way onto her mother's lips. andria then added a gate for a dramatic flair, making the hall seemed ethereal in its own way.
"this is nice," sirius murmured just loud enough for her to hear. she turned her eyes away from the various plants to him, finding him already looking back at her. "it is."
they then moved towards the ballroom, with it already being set up due to walburga's perfectionist personality; the couple stood in awe. this would've been the wedding of their dreams had they been actually in love.
looking down the isle, she found herself drifting off for a second, imagining her friends waiting by her side while her husband stood happily by his. softly she muttered, knowing that sirius could hear her despite how quiet her words was, "do you think you could cry when i walk down that isle?"
sirius watched her, considering her words for a moment, "do you want me to?"
"yeah..." she trailed off, tearing her eyes away from the isle to look at him. "i mean i bought a beautiful dress so you better cry, if not then i might just have to cancel the wedding right then and there."
sirius let out a small laugh, finding her request incredulous. "okay, i'll try then."
"thank you."
"it's no problem, i'll try anything for you."
the school year ended, the pair passing the NEWTs with flying colors and now the only thing they had to worry about was the wedding.
during the first week after their graduation sirius had invited her to stay at his place, an offer that she was quick to decline. her mother was a pain to deal with on a monthly basis already, let alone having to live with her for as long as it took until their wedding came.
instead she agreed to come by his place, keep him company all the whilst plan out the final details of the wedding. after coming over for half of july she had grown quite used to his spacious room, with its many plastered posters and pictures that left only little of the walls' silvery-grey silk visible.
now she sat, kicked back on his bed while sirius stood ranting, filling her in on everything his mother had said when she was absent. she thought of anything and everything she could say to reassure him. after a while she stopped him, patting the empty spot besides her for him to take.
for a moment she remembered just how close they were now, not even a year ago she was denying him a seat at her table and now she sat comfortably on his bed as if it was of her own. "do you want me to fight her for you?"
"what?" sirius cracked out a smile.
"she's you know- she's the most unloving, conservative woman i've ever met," she confessed, "but i suppose being married to your cousin does that to you."
sirius chuckled, feeling slightly better by listening to her shit talk his mother. god he hated that woman. "[name], you're absolutely amazing but her being inbred was so unnecessary to bring up."
"like you have a say in this sirius." she gave him a look that he knew was her ridiculing him, causing him to grin. "you're a product of their work."
sirius cringed, feeling disgusted by her insinuation. he then cleared his throat, remembering why he had invited her over in the first place. turning serious, he said carefully, "there's something i've been wanting to ask you."
"what is it?" she prompted him, letting him know that she was listening and for him continue on with his words.
"can i kiss you?"
and before sirius knew it, he was rambling, "for when they announce us as man and wife i just- i wanted to know if you were okay with it before it's time and i kiss you without you being fine with it, i don't want to make you uncomfortable, you've already done so much for me-"
"you can." she cut him off with a small smile, one that brought him nothing but comfort. "it's okay sirius, you can kiss me."
"thank you for asking," she added after a minute.
sirius gazed at her, a small smile breaking onto his face. his eyes glancing down to her lips then back up to her eyes. he knew that she was watching him, watching how his eyes were lingering onto her lips like a tattoo kiss.
there was a cough by the door, making them both turn their attention to it. regulus stood awkwardly, shifting his weight; with his eyes wide, he spoke, "mother sent me."
"she wanted me to make sure that you guys weren't-" regulus let out another cough "-having sex."
august seventh came sooner than she would've liked, maybe it was for the better, having it be over sooner. or maybe it was for the worse, not having been ready to see herself settle down yet. but she knew —despite her doubts— that the show must go on. keeping an even head she breathe in, feeling the air in her lungs before letting it go. it was time.
"are you ready?" eric asked, helping make last adjustments to her wedding dress. "no." she huffed honestly, hearing the orchestra music begin even behind the large door. eric smiled softly at her, letting her father come to her side, "well it's too late now."
she took a deep breath, the doors opening on its on accord in a dramatic manner. charmed rose petals pelted at her feet as she took her steps forward. she  took a moment to look around at who was gathered, and where, but she barely recognized them. a large majority of the people were ones who came to honor the noble house of black name's while the other half were distant family and friends that her mother had invited.
down the isle sirius stood, james, regulus, remus, and peter by his side. watching her walk with clouded eyes, she beamed at him, playing with the bouquet in her hands. when she arrived in front of him she noticed his watery grey eyes. as quietly as she could, she commented, "you're crying."
"i am," he said, agreeing. "i told you i'd try anything for you."
the music cut out, the ceremony was starting. the pair shared cheeky smiles as they listened to the officiant drone on and on, following the normal wedding procedures until it was time for them to recite their vows.
"with this hand i will lift your sorrows. your cup will never be empty, for i will be your wine. with this candle, i will light your way into darkness. with this ring, i ask you to be mine."
sirius slipped a golden band around her finger first, her repeating his actions not long after. sirius stepped forward, his shoes touching her's. leaning down slightly, he pressed his lips onto her, his right arm finding its way on her waist and tugging her ever closer to him.
his cheeks were wet, presumably from the tears he had had. she kissed back, melting underneath his touch. sirius smiles into the kiss, a feeling that she knew she'd never forget. the kiss breaks: her pulling away from him, feeling flustered. and then it was official, they were married, this was just the beginning of the end.
"where should we go for our honeymoon?" she asked suddenly, surprising sirius. they were once again in his room, this time alone, the door close with no regulus standing by to make sure they weren't up to something. "since we're married and all now, i think i deserve a break."
sirius thought for a second, laying down on the cold hard wood floor, a place that he somehow had found solace in. "we have a home in paris if you want to go."
"paris sounds nice," she mumbled. her gown was still on her, having come to his room immediately after the recessionals. she was to live with him now, husband and wife after all. staying with sirius, in his room, alone, for roughly a month, won't be so bad. will it?
"it does," he concurred, "do you want to go?"
"maybe," she said, unsure. "gosh this is awkward."
"what's awkward?" he asked, looking puzzled. from his position on the floor, his eyes searched for her. finding her on his bed, sat with her knees pressed to her chest, looking down at him.
"us right now." she answered, straightening out her legs. he frowned then, even more confused. "the people who attended probably thinks we're going at it right now but we're sat here talking about paris."
"we can go at it if you want," sirius said, sitting up. at the roll of her eyes, he smirked, "i'm not denying you anything, it seems as though i can not."
she threw a pillow at him, one that he expertly caught with one hand. she felt her neck heating up, whether it was from the drinks she had or his words she could not tell. "you're insufferable you know that?"
"i'm anything you want me to be my love."
"stop it or i'll punch you in the throat," she warned. watching as he stood up from his spot and made his way to the empty side of the bed, sirius laid down, inching himself closer to her every second. "are you... trying to seduce me right now?"
"maybe," he murmured, finally landing his head on her thighs, the tool of her dress providing him a sense of cushion. "is it working?"
"no," she answered, giving him a smile that was meant to ridicule him but all it did was make his smirk grow more narcissistic.
"why did you never join the quidditch team?" her hand found it's way into his hair, twisting round the onyx curls. "you were really good at it you know? i saw you sub in during james' practices."
sirius shut his eyes, leaning into her touch when her hand landed on his scalp, scratching it lightly. "i didn't want to compete."
"with who?"
"regulus," he answered softly, "we weren't on good terms when he joined the team and i could not bring myself to handle seeing him. especially not during a time where we were to compete for who would be greater."
"oh." her hands paused its movements on its own accord. "i never thought of it like that."
she thought about him?
"well i also never thought of us going at it until you mentioned it minutes ago," he retorted, earning himself a slap on the arm. good godric, he loved drunk [name]. "the offers still stands you know?"
"baby i wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man on earth."
sirius cheeks grew pink at her choice of nickname, never once in their roughly eight months long relationship had she called him anything but sirius or black. she noticed it, smiling when she leaned down to face him. "you like being called baby don't you?"
and —for the first and last time ever, sirius told her to, "shut up."
"the man has mummy issues, of course he likes being called baby," eric scoffed. avril laughed, joking at the expense of her friend's husband. "i wouldn't be surprised if he lets you boss him around in bed."
"alright that's enough," she stopped him, hiding a smile. "my lack of sex life should not be the topic of today's conversation. lily here is literally getting married."
"no, no," lily protested, dismissing the topic change, "i'm more fascinated about you and sirius than james' proposal to me."
"seriously?" she asked incredulously, her eyes moving to everyone around the table for at least one person to be on her side. "i feel like i've said this way too much but in case you've forgotten, i married sirius for his money, i don't like him that way and vice versa. me and sirius haven't slept together."
"but you want to," marlene pointed out, taking a sip of her wine. helga, how did a dinner celebrating lily's engagement turn into them trying to prove that she was in love with her husband. "i can see it in your eyes."
she sigh, defeated. they weren't going to believe her words so what's the point in trying to deny it any longer. lily, seeing her expression shifted the topic, telling them about how she had already made an appointment for herself to go dress shopping and that all the ladies were invited.
the rest of dinner went on smoothly, all of them catching up with one another. spending the night switching from topics to topics, eric's love life didn't escape their conversation, being the only man in the group and all. the former ravenclaw boy had found someone who was kind to him, and from his description, the complete opposite of him but then again, they do say opposite attracts.
after bidding goodbyes, they went on their separate ways. after walking to an empty alley way with avril, she hugged her goodbye before flicking her wand, apparating herself back into sirius' room.
sirius who heard the unmistakable crack, sat up straight, wiping his eyes with his sleeves just as she noticed him hunched over on their bed. her faced turn to one of concern, standing in front of him, cautiously she asked, "what's wrong?"
"nothing," sirius answered, smiling up at her.
she frowned, taking a seat besides him. "not to be a dick but you're a terrible liar."
sirius laughed watery, wiping his nose with his sleeve. "it's just walburga, you know?"
"she did something again?" she asked, clearly not surprised by the news.
at his nod she carefully wrapped her sirius in her embrace. it was weird, hugging him, the most they've ever done was kissed and that was under the pretense of marriage. she's seen him angry, sad, frustrated, and disappointed over walburga but had never once seen him crying. she did not know how to comfort him but she sure as hell will try.
"do you want to talk about it?" she felt his head shook, feeling his tears dampening up her shirt. instinctively, she leaned down, pressing a kiss on the crown of his head. her voice was soft, whispering reassuring words in an attempt to calm him down. 
his breathe steadied enough for him to speak, sirius lifted his head from her shoulder and looked at her with embarrassment. "i'm sorry."
"it's okay," she said lightly, "it's what having a wife is for right?"
there was a small smile on his lips, feeling relieved to have her presence besides him. with a small laughed, he repeated, "i'm sorry you had to see that."
giggling slightly, feeling better about how the mood having been slightly lifted, she quipped, "i don't mind it, seeing a handsome guy cry had always been in my bucket list."
sirius paused, eyes bloodshot red, "you think i'm handsome?"
"are you still sad?" she asked slowly.
"i always thought you were," she answered, watching him lower his eyes awkwardly, a small smile finding its way to his lips.
"what if i said no?" he questioned timidly, his voice coarse.
"the i would've lied and said you're the most mediocre looking man i've ever seen."
"you and sirius looks like a couple," regulus mumbled, pushing his brother's leg over to make room on the couch.
she turned to him, the heat of sirius' hand around her waist getting warmer and warmer as she thought about her brother's in law comment. "what kind of couple?"
sirius kept quiet for a moment, gazing at her seductively.
"why are you looking at me like that?"
"like what?" he said innocently, giving her his best doe eyes.
"like you're flirting with me."
"i'm flirting?" he muttered as if it was new information to him, "flirting with you?" he added, squeezing her waist, his thumb sneaking beneath her sweatshirt, pressing onto her skin. "please don't get me wrong."
"so you're not flirting with [name] right now?" lily asked from her spot on the arm chair, green eyes watching his hands placements.
"maybe i am, maybe i'm not. we're married after all, i need to keep sweeping my darling off of her feet or else she'll fall for someone else," he said smoothly, smirking at lily who then rolled her eyes at him.
over the course of the first month of their marriage, sirius had managed to open his own vault, transfer all his parents trust fund money, found a flat that deemed fit for him and his brother and found a lawyer to begin their divorce's process.
maybe it was all moving too fast but the whole situation had never been taken slowly in the first place. he had asked for her to move in with him and regulus, an offer that she didn't clearly thought through and had accepted. with the help of magic, moving was done within two days which james ended up calling for a celebration. a house party where everyone within their circle was to be invited.
"you shouldn't flirt with people that easily," she commented, stealing his attention back to her.
"and you shouldn't fall for people who flirts with you," he countered, keeping his eyes on her.
"well i didn't! i don't fall for people easily."
"you were just telling me not to flirt with you because you fell head over heels by my beauty when you saw me," he said smiling accusingly, his thumb drawing circles on her skin.
"i didn't tell you not to flirt with me."
"then what did you say?"
"don't flirt with people so easily."
sirius hummed in thoughts, his hand not once stopping it's movement. "so i can flirt with you but not other people. sounds pretty controlling." she looked at him warily, awaiting his next comments. "good thing i like a woman in charge."
"you're ridiculous," she scoffed. eric, who was sat on the floor opposing her, smirked, giving a look that she knew all too well. i was right. pushing herself up and off the couch, she gave him sirius one last look. "i'm filing for a divorce."
the months went by fast, before they even knew it they were halfway through their divorce trial. sirius had filed a no-fault divorce, giving them both equal amounts of legal property. he had served her, and initiated the negotiation process. it seemed as if he was rushing to get rid of her and it would be a plain out lie if she said it didn't hurt her feelings.
"hey," sirius greeted, spotting her read on the couch the moment he entered their flat. "i got you something."
she lifted her head from her book, giving him a questioning look. an expression that sirius took as cue for him to continue.
he shrugged his jacket off, hanging it by the coat stand and dropping his keys in its pocket. he lifted the item in his hand, and made his way to sit besides her. she bookmarked her page, shutting it and giving him her full attention. "what is it?"
sirius only kept quiet, handing it to her, "open it."
she did as she was told, slowly unwrapping the package to reveal a small cake with the words happy anniversary written on it. she looked up him with surprise, smiling. "what is it for?"
"for our anniversary!" he exclaimed, pointing out the obvious.
"sirius our wedding anniversary isn't for another ten months."
"not that anniversary." he shook his head. "it's the anniversary of me sitting besides you despite you saying no."
"you remember that?" she asked with a small laugh.
"of course i remember!" he exclaimed, running a hand through his overgrown hair, "i was so nervous to talk to you."
"you were nervous to talk to me?" she followed up, settling the cake on their coffee table. "why?"
"because i thought you were cool, and i didn't know what to do since i had already asked evans for her help with the whole plan thing and i still hadn't talked to you nor was i certain you'd agree."
"you thought i was cool? and here i thought i was the only girl you were willing to invest in," she teased earning a pout from sirius. "fine fine i won't hurt your feelings today, thank you for this, sirius. i will definitely owl regulus and make fun of you about it later."
sirius lips jutted out even more, giving her his best doe eyes. "i feel like you love regulus more than you love me."
"how could i ever love regulus more than i love you," she said sarcastically. sirius faced turned to one that she could not read. curiously she asked, "what? is there something on my face?"
"no, nothing," he dismissed, still gazing at her.
"than what is it?"
"you said you can never love regulus more than you love me," he said slowly, his own grey eyes drifting between her lips and her eyes. she nodded cautiously, not wanting to overstep him. "prove it then."
"p-prove it?"
"prove it."
"prove what exactly," she said with a short lasting laugh, trying to take some of the tension off of herself.
"prove that you love me more than regulus."
she laughed, thinking that it was another one of his joke that she never fully understood but sirius remained —well, serious, keeping his eyes on her.
sirius was slow with his next action, giving her an out if she wanted it. he made sure to watch for her most minuscule movements, the last thing he wanted to do was mess this up and make her uncomfortable. sirius very casually —even though he felt as though his heart was to explode any second, leaned his head down, capturing her lips with his own.
why did he spent so long denying it when it felt so good to have her by his side he would never know. what he knew was that he liked the feel of her, liked that she was kissing him back, liked that she had seen the worst of him (and his sick family) and chose to stay, like that she was —in the most dysfunctional way possible— his.
when sirius pulled away, the first thing he noticed was how her eyes widened with fascination, which only made him fall deeper into the hole he dug for himself. "was that weird?"
she laughed, snapping out of her trance and shook her head. her hands moving on its own accord when the found its way to his cheeks, feeling weak after the chaste kiss. "no, no, it was fine. amazing even."
sirius smiled in return, feeling relieved that she seemed nowhere near mad at him. "it was okay then?"
"it was more than okay sirius," she reassured him, bringing his face forwards and pressing a kiss to his forehead before she even registered her gesture. sirius turned to the side, hiding his blushing face in her palm but his red ears was no help to his case.
sirius own hand reached up, covering her hand with his and pulled it away from his face. "we should call our lawyers."
"we should. they're not going to like this."
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—from bee: i no longer support the artist i’ve chosen to name this fic after but that doesn’t change a thing,,, i still have a song for it hehe
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vampiric-tempt · 1 year
Kinktober | 02
≡ praise | liu kang x gn!reader * ˚ ✦
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tw ➤ nsfw, smut, praise, gender neutral
a/n: I finished writing this in a McDonald's. Also I'm sorry for posting this a bit late, but here it is!!!
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❥・*。Liu Kang's hands traveled down your body, his eyes adoring the way you laid out bare before him. Your legs were hooked around his waist as you eagerly waited for him to make the next move.
"You're so divine." Liu Kang praised, his hands reaching up to caress the side of your face. "Just relax for me my love, I'll make you feel good."
You leaned into hand, giving his palm a small kiss. "Just kiss me already Liu." You pleaded.
Liu Kang smirked, leaning down and brushing his thumb against the bottom of your lips. "You're an eager one aren't you?"
"Can you blame me? Especially when a hot god is going down on me?" You purred, fingers tracing through his hair.
"I suppose that's true." He says before pulling you into a passionate kiss. It was sweet and intimate, but deep down you knew Liu Kang desperately wanted more as you felt the twitch of his hardened cock against your thighs. His hands wantonly moving back down to massage the sides of your hips. He let out a satisfied hum, pulling away from your lips. His forehead resting against yours for a few moments. “Can I continue?” He asks.
You smile at his softness. “Of course you can.”
Liu Kang smiled and gave your lips a quick kiss before leaning up, his body in full view for you. His hand then guided the tip of his member at your entrance, teasing you by dragging his erection over the aching arousal between your thighs.
“Liu Kang.” You looked to him with pleading eyes. “Stop teasing me please.”
He chuckled and slowly sinked into your warmth. He hissed at the feeling of your walls enveloping his cock. "You're so perfect for me." He exhaled, setting his hips into a slow rhythm. “Made just for me.”
You arched your back into his embrace. "Feels so good Liu." You moan.
Liu Kang began to speed up his pace, hitting all the right spots that threw you over the edge. He grunted lowly, his eyes peering down at where his dick buried within you with each thrust. “So good for me y/n, so good.” He praises, almost sounding like a whine.
You tossed your head back in bliss, your hands desperately finding its way to Liu Kang’s back, clawing in pleasure. He groaned at the feeling of your hands along his back, it only heightened the pleasure for him along with the sight of you ruined beneath him.
It was then you began to feel a tension at your core, you knew you were growing close with each of his thrusts. “I’m s-so close.” You panted.
“I know y/n, me too,” His grunts growing more strained with each sloppy thrust. “Cum for me y/n.”
Your brows furrowed, feeling the tension grow tighter with each passing second until a wave of ecstasy finally coursed through. You gasped at the orgasm thighs squeezing Liu Kang’s hips.
Liu Kang quickly followed, his hips jerking into you as deep as possible before hitting his climax. Both of you were a mess, panting as you two rode out your orgasms.
Liu Kang was the first to move, quickly cleaning up the mess between your bodies and laying beside your frame. “You were amazing.” He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you against his chest. “Sleep, I’ll take care of you.”
You hummed, nuzzling into him. “I love you, Liu.”
“I know. I love you too y/n.”
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╰┈➤ other kinktober 2023 mk1 works
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stardragongalaxy · 6 months
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Moonlit Prince
☆Synopsis: Seonghwa and you always meet this time of year, but what will change when he has a proposal in waiting?
☆Characters/pairing: Prince Seonghwa x gn reader
☆Genre: Fluff, Angst, slight bit of horror
☆Au/Trope: Supernatural, Friends to lovers
☆Word Count: 1047
☆Warnings: Implied Smut, Blood, injuries are mentioned
☆Rating: 18+ mdni because this is an adult space.
☆A/N: (optional): This is part of the @cultofdionysusnet winter event! I had fun on this one and I hope you enjoy!! Apologies its been a while since I've posted. Life had other plans so I'll be around more ^^ This is part 1 of what I want to make bigger. Let's see how it fairs though.
Taglist: @abiaswreck @sanjoongie @anyamaris (dm to be added or removed, but it's been a while)
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It had come once a year that you had taken your vacation in the mountains in a star gazing cabin. It was also a time that your longest night comes and you end up meeting someone named Seonghwa each year to spend time with each other. It turned into a tradition to see him this night where he was strongest and it kept you on your toes of when and where he appeared. The same night was predictable, but he was not. In fact he has appeared multiple ways and sometimes it scared you, but he was respectful enough, apologizing that he started to announce himself so he wouldn't scare you.
This year, you awaited him to see what kind of tricks he'd come up with. It was however late and you started to worry until you heard knocking at your door. You found yourself getting up quickly heading to the door. Upon opening it, your eyes widened seeing Seonghwa covered in black blood holding his side, his hand on the doorframe and breathing heavily. You didn't hesitate to bring him inside, having some medical experience and closing the door stopping the cold air coming in then reaching to the couch as you heard him hiss in pain. You knew he was holding back when you looked up seeing his eyes closed and screwed shut after grazing the injured area.
“Be right back” you whispered rushing to get the medical supplies, towels, and a basin of water and returning quickly. He saw what you had and watched cautiously as you were careful. He held back when he could, but yelped and cried out when he couldn't do so. You apologized each time and tried talking to distract him seeing it wasn't as deep. With steady hands you carefully and slightly loosened the wrappings to his torso. You helped him move to a more comfortable place which was a chair the reclined, helping him lay back with a pillow and a quilt.
“Thank you. I was late fighting a monster just to see you” He started feeling tiredness hit him.
“Rest and you can explain when you are well enough. I'll wake you when I finish cooking” you spoke with understanding and calm wanting to help. In all the years you both grew on each other despite not having constant contact, but it's also understandable being from separate places. This was also a safe haven for you both.
You started crushing herbs to a paste with water and other ingredients to put on his wounds after he'd wake up making you start cooking so he could eat and heal faster. He always seemed to heal faster under the moonlight when you saw any cuts before, mainly when he helped you cook and accidentally cut his hand when he wasn't paying attention, only catching a glimpse of his unusual color of blood when he was cleaning the wound and it healed quickly leaving no scar behind.
You focused on cooking and kept the stew on a low heat to keep it warm. You looked over at him seeing his sleeping form resting peacefully. The only indication of him being with you is the rising and falling of his breathing that kept your mind at enough ease to not go into a panick. Enough that he was there recently this year giving you excitement to meet again and maybe, just maybe in realization that you had fallen for him. However, you didn't think he felt the same that you didn't say anything nor did you think the situation called for it.
His coughing caught your attention to come out of the kitchen to check on him. Seonghwa sat up in pain to sit up which caused you alarm to help him, but relieved he was awake.
“Just let me know when you need help, but food is ready if you feel up to eating” You spoke being calm as you could be. Seonghwa swallowed and nodded in agreement.
“Thank you. I am hungry”
“Coming right up. I'll bring it to you” You offered knowing he hated staying in one place for too long, but it was nessesary for him for the time being. You filled the two bowls and set it on a rolling table bringing it to him so you could eat together. He smiled seeing you take a seat by him as you ate together. He complimented your cooking and make conversation, feeling his side healing faster with what spices and herbs you put into the soup.
“We've been friends for years now, but.. what if we could be something more” he bit his lip watching your reaction. You lifted your head looking at him.
“I do like you more than a friend, but how would we go about this? We live in different worlds” You questioned, being straightforward wanting this to work, but wondering how it would.
“We can compromise then. I don't want to lose someone like you” he said holding your hand with warmth. You smiled in return pulling the curtains apart as the moonlight was brought through the window.
You felt pressure on your hand as Seonghwa cried out, arching his back under the moonlight which made you gasp out. Seonghwa sat up as his wounds healed, but balled up as wings ripped out of his back, black down to silver in color, silver eyes looking at you with fear. Something that made your heart shatter as you hugged him that made him gasp in surprise. Why would he fear, did he think you'd hate him?
“I don't fear you Seonghwa. I love you no matter who you are and I accept your proposal” You whispered as Seonghwa hugged you closer as tears hit your neck.
“Thank you” he whispered with a cracking voice as you ran your fingers through his hair, letting him calm down. You sat down in awe seeing him completely healed and his otherworldly form. He looked ethereal under the glow of the moon that his hand caught you off guard, caressing your cheek. “Then let's make it official, hm?” He whispered looking into your eyes.
“I'd like that” You whispered back, ready for the long night and what romance and adventures awaited you both tonight and into the future.
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Healing Touch
Summary: It's ironic that your soulmate would be the one to save your life after sharing a pain connection with him. After the base you work at is attacked, you meet your soulmate, a loyal, dedicated clone who is willing to do anything to keep you two together.
Pairing: Kix x reader Soulmate AU
Warnings: NSFW, smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, Kix is a freak, cum eating, oral, lots of discussion of pain and injuries, reader gets a really bad injury, life threatening injuries, blood, brief gore, medical stuff, soulmate AU, bad jokes.
A/N: I kinda hate this one but here you go. A surprise update to this series. I feel bad about not posting anything in a bit so I wrote some stuff. Also kind of inspired by a thread about friends of nurses who say they're a bunch of freaks. I'll let that speak for itself.
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Pain is nothing new to Kix. 
Though he’s usually the one treating others in pain, he’s had his fair share of injuries as well. Being in active combat had its risks, and he often witnessed them firsthand. He was also used to phantom pains that seemed to plague him every so often. Pain in his fingers and hands, like burns or the dull ache after pinching your finger between something. There were occasional deeper pains and aches, but after the war started it got harder and harder to determine which ones were his and which weren’t. 
His soulmate link, he had figured out quickly after a panicked scan to make sure he wasn’t injured, or perhaps defective and suffering from some ailment they were supposed to be immune to.
It was ironic, really, that his soulmate link would be pain. Each soulmate feels the phantom pain of the others injuries. Though he had avoided some nasty injuries, he still feels bad for his soulmate. Not that they weren’t also constantly getting hurt as well, but theirs were more small pains than anything. In the rare moments when he wasn’t busy, he liked to try and picture what had happened, what they could be doing. 
It’s what keeps him sane when the missions get bad, when they go wrong, when he has to look past his brothers' suffering as he tries to save them. 
He often worries in the dead of night. What if something happens to his soulmate? Are they involved in the war? What if their planet gets attacked and no one’s there to help? Sometimes he lays there and waits for the inevitable excruciating pain of a fatal wound, or the blinding pain of losing his soulmate. He worries about something happening to him as well. He doesn’t want to do that to his soulmate. He’d watched far too many troopers die, far too many leaving their soulmates without ever having the chance to meet them. 
It happens one day, when his worst nightmares come to life. 
They had just finished a hard won campaign against the Separatists and Kix was still hard at work in the med-bay patching up those who were less severely injured. It takes him a moment to realize what’s happening, a strange feeling blossoming in his right side below his ribs. 
Then the pain hits him. 
He doubles over, barely catching himself on the gurney Fives was seated on. 
“Kix,” Fives puts a hand on his shoulder. “You alright?” 
Kix grits his teeth, trying to breathe through the sharp, stabbing pain in his right side. Had he been injured and not noticed until now as his adrenaline begins to crash? He can’t feel anything on his side, no wound, no blood, nothing. Had he taken a hit and not noticed? 
“Come on,” Fives says, slipping an arm around his shoulders. “You don’t look too good.” 
He was supposed to be checking Fives for a concussion, but instead here he is being escorted onto an empty gurney by his patient. A droid runs a scan, checking everything but there’s nothing. Still, the pain burns through him, sharp and stabbing with every breath in. 
It’s not him. 
It’s his soulmate. 
Many things begin to rush through his head. Had something happened? Is it some sort of organ failure, perhaps? With the pain where it is, it could be any number of things. An injury? Illness? Are they getting help? Can they get help? 
A comforting hand on his shoulder brings him back from his racing thoughts. Fives knows. Most of the squad knows. They trusted each other on the battlefield, and with their deepest secrets. He presses his hand into his side, taking a deep breath. He wishes he could ease the pain even a little. 
The doors slide open, Rex stepping in. 
“Kix, Fives, we need every able bodied trooper ready for a debrief in ten minutes.” He says. 
“What’s going on?” Fives asks. “We just finished a campaign.” 
“We’re being rerouted.” Rex says. “There was an attack on a base nearby. They need as many hands as they can get.” 
Kix tries not to let his thoughts take over as he rouses every physically able trooper. He can’t think about his soulmate right now. He has a job to do. 
Kix’s hands are shaking. He rarely lets himself get affected by the injuries he sees. He’s seen a lot, he has been trained to see a lot. Combat medics see the worst of things, and they weren’t supposed to break. They had to be prepared for anything. Calm under intense pressure, stable enough to be quick thinkers and ready to take charge if needed. 
The carnage left from the attack is some of the worst he’s seen. 
These weren’t just clones. 
There are civilians. 
Most of them are civilians. Engineers and mechanics employed by the GAR. Clone armor wasn’t impenetrable, but it offered a lot of protection against injuries and wounds. He’d seen clones survive what should have been a fatal shot because of their armor. Civilians don’t have armor. Most of them don’t see combat so there was no point to them wearing armor. Most of them stayed on bases, safe from the danger of combat. 
At least, the bases are supposed to be safe. 
The 18th Battalion had arrived shortly before them and had already begun locating and treating survivors. They were already working to stabilize those in the worst condition to shuttle them to the cruisers to get more intensive care. 
There’s still civilians inside. 
Most of the troopers were working their way through the ruins of the base, searching for more survivors. Most of them had been accounted for. Either managing to escape harm, or were already being treated. There were still many that were still missing. Kix knows trying to find all of them is impossible, but they had confirmed areas where there were injured civilians still, or they had heard voices calling out for help. 
“This thing could collapse any minute.” Crash says as the mangled roof groans dangerously above them. 
“There’s one right up ahead.” Kix says, staring at the map. 
Something falls off in the distance, the crash echoing through the air before it settles. Both troopers share a look before pressing forward, stepping carefully. Kix’s side still aches, pain still burning through him, but he pushes onward. He has a job to do. He can only hope his soulmate is alright. 
There’s nothing he can do to help. 
He moves forward with Crash, stepping around a piece of collapsed roof. The civilian marked on the map is right there, sitting against a piece of still-intact wall. It doesn’t take Kix long to figure out why no one has helped her yet. A piece of rebar has impaled her through her right side. 
She’s still awake, wide eyed and breathing shallowly. One look at her eyes tells Kix she’s in shock. She’s soaked in sweat and pale, blood staining her light blue shirt. He kneels down in front of her, taking a quick scan. She’s uninjured aside from the rebar, which has gone straight through her and into the wall behind her. 
“What’s your name?” He asks her. 
She tells him, her voice weak and shaky. 
“We’re going to get you out of here.” He says, the pain in his side increasing as Crash moves her just slightly to check how stuck the rebar is in the wall. 
His eyes widen beneath his helmet and he stares at her for a moment. Where the rebar is in her side is almost exactly where the pain is on his side. It couldn’t be...could it? 
“There’s no way of moving her without removing it.” Crash says. 
Kix sighs. He knows moving her at all is going to be excruciating. He takes a second to assess things and calm himself before doing what he does best and takes charge. “We can’t risk removing it. She’ll bleed out before we can get her out of here. Is there enough room to cut it back there?” 
“Barely.” Crash says. “It’ll be close.” 
“We have to try.” Kix says. 
Kix kneels in front of her, bending her top half forward just slightly, until he can feel the pain of the rebar moving inside of her. He lets her rest against his shoulder, her hands weakly lifting to cling to his arms as Crash cuts through the rebar behind her. 
He doesn’t need to guess to know how much pain she’s in. He can feel it. He has no doubt he’s right in front of his soulmate. Oh how he wishes they’d met in a different way. It was ironic, though, that he’d be the one saving his soulmate’s life. He’s determined to do everything in his power to save her. 
She cries out as the rebar jostles free, pain radiating through Kix as well. He breathes steadily, trying to comfort her as best he can. The pain begins to numb, her hands slipping from his arms. He pushes her so she’s sitting up slightly, hands cupping her cheeks. 
“Hey,” He pats her face gently, her eyes fluttering. “Stay with me.” 
Her eyes flutter before they crack open, staring at him blankly. He takes in their color, trying to memorize her face. 
“Let's get her on the stretcher and onto a shuttle.” Kix says, forcing himself back into his roll. He needs to get her into a surgical pod sooner rather than later. 
Navigating the building is hard as they carry the stretcher, Crash talking to her to try and keep her awake. He can barely hear her responses, and later Crash would tell him she was speaking nonsense. He’s not entirely sure she even knew what was happening. 
They get her loaded onto a shuttle, Kix having to watch it fly away the hardest thing he’s had to do. He wanted to be there, wanted to stay by her side, wanted to make sure she was going to be alright, that they got to her in time. He would know if she died, if he had failed. 
He shakes those thoughts from his mind, jumping back in to help the other injured civilians.   
Your head is throbbing when you wake. You feel like you’ve swallowed sand, your mouth and throat dry and aching. There’s beeping around you, and a harsh sterile scent burns your nose. Something flashes behind your eyes and you force them open, blinking against the bright lights. 
Something presses against your shoulders, keeping you still as you try to shift into a more comfortable position. Pain shoots through your right side, stealing your breath for a moment. 
“Easy.” A voice says above you. You know that voice. “Didn’t think you’d be up so soon.”
You blink blearily up at the figure standing over you. Your vision is still blurry, your mind trying to catch up. You’re disoriented, feeling far away from your body. 
“Here,” Something cold and wet touches your lips. “Drink.” 
You drink through the straw, cold water hitting your dry mouth. You drink greedily, feeling refreshed as the sandy feeling in your mouth begins to disappear. 
“Bacta makes my mouth feel dry too.” 
You turn your head to look at the person standing next to you. He’s a clone, you can tell that much as your vision begins to clear. That’s why you recognize his voice. You’re no stranger to clones after working for the GAR for two years. 
You press the heel of your hand into your forehead, closing your eyes. “Where am I?” You murmur, not even sure actual words come out. 
“On a cruiser, heading for a medical station. Do you remember what happened?” He asks slowly. 
You think for a moment. Do you remember? “It was a normal day at work.” You start, walking yourself through your day. “I was working on an attack shuttle. I had gone to grab a different tool when...” Horrible images flash through your mind. You remember being thrown, heat washing over you. Something hitting you, or you hitting something. Pain. You remember pain.
Something beeps rapidly beside you, the clone putting a hand on your shoulder. “It’s alright. The base was attacked.” He explains. “You were injured badly. I was one of the ones that got you out. I wanted to come and check, make sure you were alright.” 
You stare at him, taking him in. His head is buzzed, lightning bolts shaved into the short buzzed hair. There’s a tattoo on the side of his head, but you can’t see all of it from this angle. He’s handsome, as you thought most clones were. His armor is painted blue with the medic’s symbol on his shoulder. 
“Thank you.” You say, staring up into his brown eyes. “For saving me.” 
He smiles softly, running a hand over his head. “Well, it is my job. And I wasn’t about to let anything happen to my soulmate.” 
You stare at him blankly, taking in his words. Soulmate? 
“You have a pain link, right?” He asks, looking so hopeful. 
You nod slowly, still trying to process his words. You had tried not to think too much about your soulmate. Your link had appeared later than you expected, little pains here and there, that blossomed into harsher ones more often. You wondered about your soulmate and if they were alright, until the war started. You had heard about people discovering their soulmates were clones and that’s why their links had shown up later. 
You haven't put much thought into it. You were destined to meet eventually, and you trusted it would happen. You had been more focused on leaving home, on building your career. 
He grabs a small needle pulling off his glove before pricking his finger with it. You feel the sharp pinch on your own finger, lifting your hand to stare at it. 
No mark. 
No blood. 
You let your hand drop slowly, looking up at him with wide eyes. 
“My name’s Kix.” He says. “Medic with the 501st Legion.” 
You tell him your name, introducing yourself with your status as a civilian engineer. 
“I didn’t think this was how we were going to meet.” He says. “I’ve been waiting for this for a while.” 
You nod, swallowing the lump in your throat. You knew about clones, about the rules around soulmates. That’s partially why you refused to think too much about it. You don’t want to be rejected. You’re not sure you can handle that. “A-Aren’t you supposed to-” 
“Technically.” He says, cutting you off with a grin. “Most of us don’t follow those rules.” 
You stare at him for a moment. “But...” 
“If all of us followed every rule, we probably would have lost the war already.” He leans against the side of the bed. “There’d be a lot fewer of us, anyway.” 
Your brain feels like it's moving in slow motion. “So...you’re not going to reject me?” 
He smiles, shaking his head. “No. Not unless you want me to.” 
You shake your head. “No, no. I just...didn’t expect...” 
“I know it’s a lot. Especially after what just happened.” Kix says. “I just wanted you to know since we’ll be leaving after everyone’s offloaded at the medical station. I didn’t want to miss this chance in case we don’t cross paths again.” 
Right. Their only job was getting you to the medical station. They still had a war to fight, so naturally they’d be leaving off to their next battle. You’re not sure where you’re going to end up now that the base you had been stationed at is gone. The chances of you two crossing paths again is slim, but you were soulmates for a reason. 
You take his bare hand, squeezing it gently. You can feel it, the flow of energy between you two. His calloused fingers wrap around yours, and you try to memorize just how his skin feels against yours. “We’ll meet again.” You say, staring at your hands. “We are soulmates after all.” 
He smiles, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb. “You’re right. I just hope it’s under better circumstances.” 
You can’t help but smile. “I hope so too. I’d be happy if I never had to go through that again.” 
Your name is called as you make your way down the hallway. 
After your brief stay at the medical station, you had been sent back to Coruscant to the GAR headquarters to await reassignment. You assumed you’d be staying on Coruscant, since the war was heating up and a bunch of dead civilian workers wasn’t exactly a good look. 
You turn, one of the lead engineers walking up to you.
“I have your orders for your reassignment.” She says, handing you a datapad. “You’re loading up with the 501st when they arrive.” 
“The 501st?” Your eyebrows lift in surprise. 
“I hear they asked for you directly.” She says. 
Your brows furrow. Kix was assigned to the 501st. Had he managed to pull some strings without giving anything away? You couldn’t risk revealing anything, not with the GAR directly involved. So how had he done it? 
They arrive a few hours later. You’re patiently waiting on the airfield among crates of supplies to be loaded on. The venator cruiser kicks up a breeze as it lands, truly an engineering marvel. A huge floating city, capable of housing thousands. Ships weren’t your specialty, but you often found yourself working on their communication systems. You had been fixing one in a shuttle when the base was attacked. 
You wait for the offloading of troops and supplies, heading into the ship as troopers begin moving supplies on. You look around the hangar, likely where you’ll spend most of your time. Shuttles and cruisers, and all other sorts of vehicles. 
You eventually find the lead engineer, getting a tour and introduction to the cruiser. You had only been on one briefly, most of your knowledge about them being learned virtually during training. You had spent more time learning about the clone’s armor and how to fix any sort of malfunction or damage that may be caused. The functionality of their armor is essential, especially their helmets. 
You’re eager to see Kix again. You want to know just how he’d managed to get you assigned to his battalion. You can’t be conspicuous, though. Even at this proximity, you still have to be careful. If the wrong person found out, it would spell disaster for both of you. 
You’re checking through one of the supply rooms when he finds you. Your first task with the 501st had been to restock and organize the supplies getting loaded onto the ship. It was a typical task for a newbie, since you’d need to learn the layout of the supply room and where things are located in case you need them in a pinch. 
“Hello, mesh’la.” 
You nearly jump out of your skin as the deep voice breaks the silence of the supply closet. You spin around, finding Kix leaning against one of the shelves behind you. You hadn’t even heard him come in. That was precisely why you weren’t a soldier. 
“Kix!” You put a hand on your chest. “You scared me!” 
He grins. “Sorry. Thought you heard me come in.” 
You shake your head. “I was too focused, I guess.” 
“It’s good to see you.” He says, stepping closer. “I missed you.” 
It has been a few weeks since you’ve seen him. You’ve missed him too. You’d felt it, the longing deep in your soul for its other half. The distance, the lack of contact had begun to eat at you. It’s easing now with him so close. Even though you’ve just been reunited, your entire body is already relaxing. 
“I missed you too.” You say, stepping closer to him. 
He pushes the cart out of the way, stepping up right in front of you. You stare up at him, his fingers grazing over your side. “How do you feel?” 
“Completely healed.” You say with a smile. “Hardly more than a scar left.”
“Good.” He says, wrapping his arms around you. You’ve never been this close to him before, but it feels right. “I hated feeling you in pain.” 
“I hated being in pain.” You reply, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Though, whatever you did to your foot a week ago, that sucked.” 
He grins sheepishly. “Would you believe me if I told you that was a box of medical supplies?” 
You stare at him for a moment. “No.” 
He chuckles. “I’ll tell you about it later.” He leans down, resting his forehead against yours. “I’m just glad you’re here.” 
“Yeah, how did you manage to get me assigned to the 501st?” You ask, pulling away slightly. 
He lifts a hand, rubbing the back of his head. “Well, I may have told Rex and had him put in a special request.” 
You stare at him wide eyed. 
“Don’t worry,” He tries to ease your concern. “He’s not going to say anything. None of them are.” 
“What did you do, tell the whole squad?” You ask. 
“The whole platoon, actually.” He says sheepishly. 
“You were the one that said we had to be careful.” You punch his shoulder, the plastoid harder than you expected it to be. 
“I think that hurt you more than me.” He says, taking your hand and inspecting your sore knuckles. “But don’t worry. No one’s going to say anything. We’ve all been sworn to secrecy about each other’s soulmates. It’s a sort of unspoken law among clones.” 
“That’s sweet.” You say, captivated by his fingers as they gently massage your hand. 
“I’ll introduce you tonight during third meal.” He says. “When everyone’s back on board.” 
“Yeah, shouldn’t you be out enjoying your shore leave?” You ask. 
“I wanted to see you.” He says. 
You stare up at his face, at those big brown eyes. “You’re being all sweet on me now, making me nervous.”
“Don’t be nervous.” He soothes, wrapping his arms back around your waist. “I’m just a goofy guy who's never really talked to a woman before outside of a professional setting.” 
You stare at him open mouthed. “You’ve never...” 
He shrugs. “Never really wanted to.” 
You lean against his chest, wrapping your arms around him. “Well, you’re doing a good job.” 
He chuckles, the sound deep in his chest. “Thanks.” He holds you for a few moments before letting you go. “I’ll come by the lab and show you around later, okay?” 
You nod, a smile tugging at your lips. “Okay.” 
He swoops down, kissing your cheek before leaving you a bit flustered in the supply closet. 
Despite how close you two are, you barely get to see Kix. With the 501st constantly on the move, constantly going from one campaign to the next, you’re very busy and so is Kix. You mostly see each other in passing, or in the mess hall, or occasionally in a stolen moment in a supply closet. You only see him in the med bay twice, there usually for burns on your fingers, things you’ve become almost numb to in your years of working as a mechanic and engineer. 
You finally get a quiet moment to yourselves on a long journey from one side of the galaxy to the other. Well, it wasn’t exactly that far, but it was a long trip. You’re glad for the break, and glad for the quiet moment you get to spend with Kix. 
He tells you to meet him in the barracks, a place you hadn’t really explored much. You weren’t really supposed to go into the clone barracks, especially as a civilian unless it was an emergency. 
This was an emergency, you were about to go crazy from the longing to be close to him again. The GAR wouldn’t see it that way though. 
You’re extra careful, slipping in quickly as he waves you over from the door. It’s empty besides the two of you, Kix leading you over to his bunk. 
“How’d you get everyone to leave?” You ask, laying down and stretching out. They’re not any more comfortable than the civilian bunks. 
“I may have promised to buy the boys a couple extra rounds on our next shore leave.” He says, stretching himself out next to you. He’s stripped from his armor, left in his blacks. 
“Another unspoken clone law?” You ask, tracing your fingers over the muscles visible under the tight bodysuit. 
“Well, they know why I’m doing it.” He says, his hand settling on your waist. “I just figured you’d prefer some quiet privacy. They’d pretend to ignore us, but they’d be listening the whole time.” 
You hum, kissing him softly. “Then I thank you for your sacrifice of a couple rounds.” 
He grins against your lips, pulling you closer against his chest. “Just doing my duty, ma’am.” 
You pause for a moment, a tingle running down your spine as he calls you “ma’am.” You’ll have to lock that one away for later. He pulls you back to him, kissing you harder. You lose yourself in him, letting all of the stress and fear and emotions over the last few weeks go. You worried about Kix, every time they left on a campaign. You monitored comms as often as you could, for more than just your job of making sure everything was functioning. You waited anxiously to hear that Kix is alright, that he’s still alive and well. 
“How long do we have?” You murmur against his lips as he rolls you onto your back, settling on top of you. 
“An hour or so.” He says, lips leaving your lips to kiss down your jaw. 
“Is that going to be enough time?” You ask. 
He smirks against your neck, nipping at the skin. “I’ll make you cum at least twice before then.” 
You smirk, lifting your arms as he tugs your shirt over your head. “Is that a challenge?” 
“No,” He smirks, hands cupping your breasts. “It’s a promise.” 
You gasp as his lips close around one of your nipples, tugging it gently with his teeth. You’re already wet, your underwear sticking uncomfortably to you. You can feel him pressed up against your thigh, painfully hard through his blacks. You’ve both been waiting for this, eagerly anticipating this moment. You wish you had all the time in the world to do this, but you’re lucky enough to even get an hour of privacy together. 
You can’t wait for this war to be over with. 
He continues his kisses down your stomach, tugging your pants and underwear down. You let your legs fall open for him, his eyes staring hungrily at your soaked pussy. Your cheeks warm a bit as he stares at you, his eyes dark and lust-blown. His hands hold your thighs as he leans in, licking a stripe along your slit. You gasp at the sensation, his tongue dragging over your clit. 
You have to be careful not to make too much noise. Anyone walking past could hear, and with your luck it would be the wrong person. You’d get in so much trouble, both of you. 
You press a hand over your mouth as he dives right in, eating you like a man starved. He was, in a way. You had put this off far too long. You’d snuck a hand into your panties in the dead of night a few times while thinking of him, trying to take the edge off as you waited for the opportune moment. 
Nothing compared to the feel of him, though. 
His tongue thrusts into you, licking at your walls as his nose presses against your clit. You curse behind your hand, your other hand gripping the sheets under you. 
It doesn’t take you long to cum, his tongue lapping up every last bit of your orgasm. You’re close to overstimulated when he finally pulls away, face glistening in the low light of the barracks. You drag him up, kissing him deeply. He groans against your mouth, hips pressing against yours. 
You break the kiss to tug his blacks over his head, your hands trailing down his chest, feeling every ridge of muscle. Your fingers trace every little scar, every little mark. He tugs his pants down, kicking them off the end of the bed and your fingers continue lower, wrapping around his thick length. 
He presses his face into your neck, groaning as you work your hand over him. “Kriff, you feel so good.” He murmurs. “Better than I ever could.” 
You smile, parting your legs a bit so he can settle between them. “Isn’t that the point.” 
He leans up on his elbows over you, staring down at you. “You’re going to ruin me forever.” 
“That’s my job.” You say, lining him up. 
You bury your face in his shoulder as he eases into you, moving slowly. It’s a stretch, far bigger than you had anticipated. He pauses once he’s seated inside you, making you feel full and connected. You can feel it, the connection building between you two. There was no going back now. 
He slowly begins to rock his hips, holding onto you. You wrap your arms and legs around him, pulling him as close as you can. You can feel him deep in your very soul, the connection between you two solidifying. You’re two halves of one whole, one soul shared between two bodies. This was what you were meant for, not what the GAR forced you to do, hiding and keeping secrets. 
You wish the war would end. You wish you could steal him away, live a happy life somewhere free of war, free of the GAR, free of everything. A life happy together, where nothing has to be a secret, and you can take as much time as possible. Where you can shout your love for him as loud as you want. 
You use his shoulder to muffle your moans, his own groans muffled by your neck. You move seamlessly, meeting his thrusts. You’re already close again, the tautness of his body telling you he’s close too. 
“Cum for me.” He whispers, hitting that spot inside you over and over again. “Let me feel you.” 
You cum around him, nails digging into his back. He cums with a groan, emptying inside you. You lay still for a moment, simply breathing each other in. 
Kix leans up, kissing your lips before sliding down your body. You watch, leaning up a bit as he settles between your thighs once more. You can feel his cum starting to leak out of you, Kix watching for a moment before he leans in, closing his mouth around your pussy. You breathe out a curse, flopping back on the bed as he cleans you with his mouth. It’s unexpected and obscene as he slurps at your pussy, your skin burning. 
You can feel it, another orgasm approaching. You bite into the skin of your arm, keeping yourself quiet as he sucks at your clit, forcing you over the edge a third time. 
He laps at your folds for a few more seconds before sliding back up your body, gently tugging your arm free from your mouth. He soothes over the mark with his fingers. “You’ll want to clean that.” He says, so easily switching into medic mode. “Human bites can be very dangerous.” 
You roll your eyes. “Yes, doctor.” 
He pauses, eyes widening as he stares down at you. You file that away too. He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “I kept my promise.” 
You laugh against his lips. “You did. And a bonus.” 
“I did say ‘at least twice’.” He says, sitting up on the bed. “I’d make it a lot more than that if we had time.” 
You grin, sitting up next to him. “Save that for the next shore leave.” 
He smirks, patting your ass as you move to grab your discarded clothes. You wash up in the fresher, trying to make yourself appear like you hadn’t just been fucking a clone in the barracks. Kix puts his armor back on, checking both ways before you step out of the barracks. 
You walk closely, wishing you could hold his hand, but you know you can’t. You silently curse the GAR and their stupid rules. You can’t wait for this war to be over. 
You’re so close to the elevator when your names are called from down the hall, both of you freezing. You turn, eyes widening a bit at the sight of General Skywalker approaching. 
“G-General.” Kix says, standing up straighter. 
General Skywalker looks between you, crossing his arms. “What are you two up to?” 
“I was, uh, having some calibration issues with my helmet.” Kix quickly lies. 
“Uh huh. And you had to fix that in the barracks?” General Skywalker asks, crossing his arms. 
“Well, I needed to make sure it would connect with the others, and it was easier to just check it where they all were gathered, instead of disturbing them and making them come down to the lab.” You nervously explain. You know he doesn’t believe you. You’re absolutely screwed. 
“Right.” The General nods. “That’s very thoughtful of you, not wanting to disturb them.” 
“Yeah,” You nod. “They work so hard, they need all the rest they can get.” 
“I still have some work to do, so we were heading to the mess to grab some caf.” Kix says, trying to explain why you were now leaving together. 
“Very busy.” You nod, trying to make it as believable as possible. 
The General looks between you two for a moment before nodding. “Then I should let you get back to it.” 
You don’t relax, even as you turn to continue down the hall. Your shoulders are still tense, nerves running high. You had tried so hard not to get caught, and then here you were, getting caught by the General of all people. 
“You know,” The General says, making you two stop dead in your tracks. “That’s not a bad excuse.” You both turn, looking over your shoulders at the General. “I might have to use that some day.” 
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@stressed-cherry, @6oceansofmoons,  @ladytano420, @spicy-clones, @dangraccoon, @bobaprint, @star-trekker-0013, @stunkbiggu, @endofthexline, @rosechi
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ox1-lovesick · 11 months
🏹 he loves me not - p.sh
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pairing. bf!sunghoon x gn!reader genre. angst, hurt, lovers to exes, exes to strangers warnings. unrequited love (?) half assed writing, mentions of food wc. 669
type. drabble
a/n. I know I said I don't write for enha anymore (which I don't) but I started moving my drafts to google docs and found this from over a year ago 😭 it was almost done so I edited it a bit. I do have more drafts for enha, if I finish them I'll probably post them too
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Somehow, being in a relationship feels exactly the same as being single does. There's no one next to you when you wake up in the morning, no one to keep you company while you eat breakfast, no one to check in on you during the day and ask if you've been drinking enough water, no one to wish you goodnight and cuddle with until the sun rises again the next day, and then do it all over again.
At least not after your honeymoon phase; he was all over you when you'd first started dating. Sunghoon let you know that he loved you every single day. Whether he sent flowers to your home with handwritten messages or simply asked how your day was, you never felt out of place in his arms; in fact, it was the only place you felt fully at home in. Sunghoon was your definition of love; you didn't know what it was before he came into your life.
But these days, you're forgetful. You forgot what it feels like to be held by him; the embrace that greeted you every night when he came home slowly lost its warmth until it felt like his blood ran cold, and then he didn't bother to acknowledge you at all.
You forgot what his voice sounds like. You've never known 4 hours to come and go quicker than when you were on a call with him. The space between hello and goodbye was a blur of nothing but smiles and laughter. He'd beg you, "Just five more minutes" until the birds are chirping as the sunlight seeps through your curtains, and even then he wasn't tired of talking to you. The last time he called you was three months ago.
You've even forgotten what he looks like. The mole on the bridge of his nose—or maybe it was the corner of his lip—that you adored more than any feature on his face Endless coos, and that left him pink, bashful, and giggly. There was nothing that put Sunghoon in a better mood than when you'd fuss over his beauty spots and litter them with kisses. Every time you mention how pretty you find them, the thought of getting them removed is all that crosses his mind
He's been slowly moving out of your apartment, bit by bit. Asking for a hoodie of his you stole back, books, and stationery, he left so he could work on the weekends he spent with you and make their way to his dorm with him, the scent of his cologne on your bedsheets dissipating until the bitter stench of laundry detergent is all that's left. He never brings anything for you any more, but he'll always leave with something, and that will be the last you see of it—see of him—until he's back to take something else from you.
He'll sit there and watch his phone ring. Your name, decorated with a red heart he felt too guilty to remove, lights up his screen for the third time that day, and he'll wait for it to go to voicemail, then he'll wait some more to tell you he was busy and will call you when he can—even though you both know he won't.
The guys know now to stop asking about you; never mention how long it's been since they've seen you; never ask when you're going to visit again; and never ask how you are. They won't get an answer because Sunghoon doesn't know.
It hurts more than you'd ever imagined—probably because you'd never imagined it at all. The thought of your love turning rotten never crossed your mind, ever. A part of you is still in denial, believing his excuses and telling yourself that he does still love you, even when he hasn't said it in months.
But no matter how many flowers you pluck to the stigma or dandelions you make a wish on, your head knows the answer, and so does your heart.
He loves you not.
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🗯️ taglist. @k-labels @kpopcontentcreatorsclub @kflixnet @fairy-yeo @tsxkkis @kynrki @hoonfever @haknom @soov
★ OX1-LOVESICK all rights reserved. do not copy, distribute, translate, alter or repost my work without my explicit permission.
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lalalian · 1 month
I always think to myself, "I'm out of ideas... I'm out of actually cool, creative ideas, will I have to shut all my shit down? How am I supposed to continue posting if I've got nothing..." but then, the next second I'll come up with something that genuinely could be a whole ass dr
here's a dump of some of the drs I've been wanting to make into filled scripts for awhile now, but I haven't even started designing the scripts for them yet.
Some of them are literally just titles, but idk I just know I can work with it yk?
since I finished some prototyping hw today, I'll put in a little more effort sectioning this post
some of the ideas in question
cloud catcher: steampunk reality based on a cloud city, you've got a job as a cloud catcher, your job is to catch and sell different kinds of clouds, have a cloud shop
inedible edible cafe: inedible things here (in our OR) would be edible in this dr.. Initially I only wanted to include slime as a dish, but now I want to make dishes with different ingredients, like puffy sticker cereal or sum shit
shifting school dr: okay so this actually was a trend on shifttok for a sec, it was called a 'mysterious school' idk why. anyway, this school was supposed to be it's own dr, but I think i may include it in my dreamscape dr
magitech engineer dr: ngl this idea was in the fucking basement of my mind-- ain't nobody gonna wanna shift here besides for someone that actually likes crafting things. idk i just feel like it’s a niche idea
number magic: uh so no, that's not the title for this dr-- I just really wanna make a dr with this kind of system. idk I was just in world lit class and I realized the poem I was reading was repeating the number 5. we were supposed to analyze the poem, but my dumbass just started daydreaming... anyway, next idea
fantasy cosmetic makeup maker dr: so like imagine handmaking make up with like... mermaid pearls or like ground unicorn horns (sourced ethically of course-- unicorns will shed their horns like baby teeth throughout their lifetime. I cannot imagine depriving a unicorn of its horn... imagine doing that... what a psycho😨) you could make like a mermaid line, a sky beauty line, IMAGINE THE PACKAGING. STOP. WAIT. FLOWER KNOWS. AHHH.
guardian flame: I have so little down for this DR lmao 😭😭 essentially like you're some sort of being that's been assigned to protect another, probably someone who isn't as strong as you. the kinda oddball part about your drself in particular is that you have to go to school to train how to be a good protector, but like you've already got a person you need to protect. nobody is assigned to protect anyone until affffftteeerrr graduation, but ur stuck with an idiot
futuristic skater/futuristic biker: self explanatory! I also wanted this to be in a high school setting. this idea stemmed from me just wanting a high school futuristic dr, cuz like yk I was curious about what high school students would need to learn. what would be considered important to learn about? would all students be taught about how to make technology we would find difficult to make today? what about psychology class? what new theories would arise? what would students think about our generation (in our CR) today? would they think we're stupid, crass, or selfish? anyway, initially I just wanted to go to school and walk around... but, I had a dream about living in the future, more abt that in the next idea (this idea is getting long). Instead, I think I wanna deviate a bit from what I would usually do here and in literally every other school dr I have-- I want to experience what it'd be like to be a... deliquient? idk, growing up i kinda just was just that quiet girl that listened to her parents... soooooooo why not do smth different? I'm still not gonna drink or do drugs tho, boooooooo ik so boring 🙄🙄 oh also I was gonna have a group of friends that were also skaters or bikers and compete in definitely legal biker/skater competitions
futuristic entertainment district: anyway more about that dream, essentially everyone was wearing these levitating rocket boots that looked a lot like roller skates (they had those wheels at the bottom of the shoes). the city was like a huge pot hole filled with stores on the side, but like it seemed like parts of the land was broken apart and floating around-- even those had advertisements and people singing and dancing on them. like this pot hole city was filled to the brim with advertisements, shops, stores, entertainment places, literally I remember that there was a huge section of like idol shit. there were a lot of people darting around the place using those levitating boots I was wearing, but there were also futuristic floating cars. imagine cyberpunk but if it was located in a big ass pot hole. yah, that. idk i just wanna explore
dystopian futuristic dr: similar to cyberpunk in the fact that it's a world dominated by companies; I want to join an underground group that wants to overtake the gov and make the world less ass
singles inferno - introvert ver: I actually have all the contestants scripted + designed a script for this DR, but I haven't worked on this script in a whiillleeeee. I wanna be song jia. not literally, but like I want to have her charm, yk? ok so the introvert part-- a lot of the game will take place in a group chat room. you do challenges in-person and in this chatroom to get a date, sometimes it's a random date, but most of the time it's like your choice. very heavily inspired by a game called picka!
a minecraft roleplay dr: I know at least one of yall cringed so hard at this, trust me, I knooowwwww-- but I really want to be like the next aphmau or smth. oh except I don't want to make kid vids, tho I'm sure yall knew that right. I want to recreate aethergarde academy in minecraft (ALSO ALRUNA TOO OMFG) but then I also wanna do other things that aren't dr related. idk I just know that this DR's gonna be sooooo fun. I haven't even decided on a channel name yet 😭😭
uh so I prob got more, but these were just the ones that came to mind
I'll prob make a part two when I'm lazy with posting
if anyone wants to use these ideas, please do credit me! if one of yall see someone using my ideas without credit, plz plz tell me, ty!
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rekino2114 · 18 days
Blind date with Veronika grebenshchikova
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Pairing:Veronika grebenshchikova x male reader
A/n: episode 12 was great, Charles was the mvp and it ended on a pretty big cliffhanger. We also got to see this Veronika quote:
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(I love her so much)
Anyway I have an announcement to make starting today I will be doing a weekly drdt post every Saturday until chapter 2 is finished (I know the episodes come out on Friday but they actually come out at 1 am where I live) next Saturday will actually be the first genderbent post about this fandom (you can probably guess who it's gonna be)
This is kinda inspired by red flags by Tom Cardy and montaigne (with a twist), I put it here if you wanna listen to it, i know i'm not the first person to say this but that song is just Veronika (sorry for the really long note)
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Veronika got set up on a blind date by her classmates ,mostly because they were tired of her creeping them out and wanted to pass that burden on someone else, so they asked whit to match her with someone and he chose you.
You waited at the table that you booked for you and the girl you were supposed to meet, you were slightly nervous about the date, mostly because you were scared your date would be put off by you as it's not the first time that happened but the ultimate matchmaker matched you together so you had hope.
You saw a red haired girl enter the restaurant and approach your table
"Hey, are you y/n l/n by any chance?"
"Yeah are you Veronika?"
She smiled and sat down across from you
"Yep, it's great to meet you"
"You too, I really dig your look, those fake eyeballs look amazing"
"Oh thanks so much, you're actually the first person to say that"
"Really? That's a shame, they're great"
"I think it kinda spooks people"
"Well I don't get spooked easily"
"*giggle* well then I think this date might go better than I thought"
You started talking for a bit until a waiter arrived to take your orders
"Oh I'll take a stake,very rare,I want to see the blood"
"I was about to order the same thing"
"Oh really?"
"Yes I love seeing blood in what I eat"
Your waiter got very freaked out and left as you continued talking
"So what's your favorite movie?"
"Oh......it's human centipede"
"Huh? Really?"
"Yes I know it's weird but-"
"That's my favorite movie too"
"Yes I love seeing all the body horror and the fear on the actors faces its amazing"
"...do you like scream too?"
"I have a Ghostface mask in my closet so I can prank my friends"
"I also have a Billy the puppet doll there"
"Micheal Myers is my lock screen"
".......marry me"
"Sorry if I'm too forward, but I think we might be soulmates. You know how I said I go to Hope's peak"
"Yeah I was wondering what ultimate you were"
"Weeeeel let me introduce myself formally, I am Veronika grebenshchikova the ultimate horror fanatic"
"Yes I adore all things horror and I see that I have found a kindred spirit"
"Absolutely, I love horror too, I didn't know Hope's peak considered that a talent if I did I would have probably asked to join"
"This is amazing, you're the only person I know who has a love for horror other than me, now I see why paired us together"
You continued to talk about horror movies and eat, and after eating dessert(feeding each other the red jam in the cake to make it seem like blood) you walked Veronika home, who very happily accepted another date.
Some time after your date Veronika is talking with her classmates in the cafeteria
"Y/n is the sweetest guy ever, do you know what he did for me yesterday? He carved my name with a heart on a tree in a graveyard so romantic"
"....how is that romantic?"
"That's just disgusting and unsanitary"
"Soooooo I did well matching you together didn't I?"
"100%, we've been dating for only a few days but I already feel soooo happy and in love"
"Well at least she won't bother me anymore"
"Says the guy who can't leave j alone for more than 5 minutes"
"Shut up"
Everyone got distracted by the door opening, and you coming out of it, especially Veronika who immediately tackled you into a hug
"Darling, what are you doing here? Don't get me wrong, I love that you visited me, but you're not a student"
"Well now I am actually, I asked if I could "share" your talent since I love horror as much as you and they said yes"
Veronika squealed happily and peppered your face in kisses
"That's amazing now we can spend even more time together, I have to show you my dorm it's full of horror stuff I know you'll love"
"I can't wait to see it"
As you two walked away happily a look of horror appeared on teruko and Arturo's faces
"Awww how cute, seeing happy couples like these is why I love thi- ow! What was that for?"
"You idiot, do you understand what you did, now there's two horror psychopaths in this school"
"All of the heart attacks Veronika gives us daily are gonna be doubled"
"Weeeeel, she didn't really do anything scary to me before. In fact, you two seem to be the ones she likes pranking the most, so I suggest you prepare yourselves"
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