#cinnamon spice is very much the exception
ghostlynimbus · 6 months
I think im going to hold off on posting Cinnamon Spice stuff until I get a chapter finished, because there's such a history of me completely rewriting the chapters a few times to try out different POV's and stuff
I dont want to end up posting a snippet of a ch from one POV and then realize after that that the POV spoils something i dont want to reveal yet.
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mochirizu · 5 months
A collection of WK headcanons because I can
MARTIN - 28, 5'10, he/him, December 23rd(Capricorn)
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BIGGEST heart on the team. Sees good in everybody
He's like if someone gave a golden retriever a human suit.
BANNED from the kitchen he CANNOT COOK at his ancient self
He pulls the 'big brother card' a LOT
He LOVES to sing, but nobody has the heart to tell him he sucks so they just...let him
He loves so easily
Martin makes the stupidest dad jokes
He labels his things with a blue sticker so he can keep his stuff organized... he still loses things
He taught himself Mandarin Chinese out of sheer boredom; he is now almost fluent
He needs people to like him or he will DIE
Do not give him coffee; he will be insane and hyperactive and then go awol for the rest of the day
CHRIS - 24, 5'8, he/him, July 19th(Gemini)
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Burned-out gifted kid? Yes
His experiments normally consist of him using Martin as his guinea pig for payback for all the jokes he got pulled on as a kid
Loves cinnamon-flavoured anything
He also has a pretty high spice tolerance
Used to be friends with Zach in preschool, but it stopped not long after that
He climbs trees because he's a sensory seeker.
Chris is an avid tea drinker
He is also the best dancer on the team
Chris was such a geek in high school, he didn't 'glow up' until he was 17
Since the Tazzy incident, Chris occasionally has cravings for raw meat but chalks it up to low-iron
The only one on the team with a consistent sleep schedule
AVIVA -26, 5'5, she/her, April 5th(Aries)
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Her dad raised her to be tough and strong, therefore making her a perfectionist and a maniac lol
Aviva loves Hot chocolate with Marshmallows, and watching nostalgic cartoons
She has a nasty habit of comparing herself to others and gets ridiculously insecure when anyone challenges her opinion. She masks it by being defensive and doubling down
Beautiful by default(duh) but she doesn't see it
She has a nasty older brother who was the stem of all her insecurities
She found a grey hair once and cried
She was cheer captain in high school, hence her athleticism
Aviva is messy as hell. Like, more messy than Martin.
She also dislikes mud
The worst dancer on the crew(I'm sorry), but she's the most talented singer
NEVER lets her hair down, it gets in the way too much.
KOKI - 27, 5'4, she/they, Feburary 13th(Aquarius)
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Raised by a single dad(parents divorced)
Grew up basically rich, but was kept humble
Koki's uncle taught her mechanics before he passed away when she was in middle school
She had a pet canary named Booboo
She has pent-up anger issues
LOVES Zytago music as her family comes from New Orleans
She 100% has muscles and biceps. Martin is jealous
"No, I'm not gay. Everyone wants to kiss their girlfriends at some point....right?"
When it comes to cooking, she's Jimmy's sous-chef
HATES being in tight or confined spaces
Wants to style her hair in something else other than a single puff, but always gets busy before she can book an appointment with a stylist
JIMMY - 25, 5'9, he/they/doesn't care, August 20th(Leo)
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Had a very normal childhood. Like, eerily normal.
Has a younger brother and an older sister and they are ALL GINGER.
Everyone in his family is a Ginge except for his mom
Jimmy can speak nearly fluent Korean because he took a gap year in South Korea after High School.
He studied software engineering but dropped out to attend culinary school instead
His family is secretly wealthy as FUCK
He has his own power suit, just never uses it
Had an emo phase
Jimmy's full name is James Coleman Benedict Zeigler
Grandma Jimmena has a bunch of random stories from her childhood and they are all UNHINGED
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
lmfao Dark Howlett/Creed!Reader having rankings for who they like the most
Imagine a tier list video except it's Reader ranking the X-Men and villains
Logan and Victor are probably F tier lol
Cube anon
Hahaha! Oh dear... Okay, I might as well do it, and make it canon (with hidden fun facts and lore for the au!)... This is in Creed/Howlett Reader's pov:
(Journal: List of Who Is The Least Awful)
(In the Green)
Gambit: is nice to me, only tries to steal my food and my spare change, wants information but at least attempts to listen to me talk first (he smells like cats and spice, maybe a hint of cinnamon) 7/10
Kurt: tries to be polite, but I know he's scared, and he went along with what the others did (I saw him wearing a cross necklace... Catholic, maybe? seems sweet, is blue and fluffy... smells like blueberry muffins) 6.5/10
Todd: still jokes at my expense, but is only as scared as everyone else... still doesn't like me, went along with their plan to use me (is he a feral mutant? or just a poor frog, erm, toad kid?) 6/10
Beast: was nice to my face, did not say i should stay, knew I was being tested, did nothing (why is it always the same?) 5.5/10
(In the Yellow)
Xavier: ... I don't like him, he set me up... but he is polite to my face, albeit he also decided I wouldn't be staying with them (who let him have kids?) 4/10
Rogue: isn't bad, but is distrustful of me (wasn't she in this position before?) 4/10
Magneto: terrifies me... but hasn't personally messed with me (he's Pietro and Wanda's dad, he's scary as f*ck!) 4/10
Evan: annoying and likes to mess around/make jokes about me, is not the worst (I'm not fighting him, he has SPIKES, I'm not that much of a sucker for pain-) 4/10
Lance: still annoyed me, was not nice, was rude and threw a rock at me in retaliation once (has issues, but don't we all?) 3.5/10
(In the Red)
Kitty: is a bit snobby and prudish, but hasn't tried to fight me or get in my way, smells like bubblegum (she's smart, once was in a club with her, was ignored, it's normal) 3.5/10
Jean: did not trust me at all, is suspicious of me, has tried to read my mind, she scares me (a telepath or telekinetic? how do any of these kids live under the same roof? smart, pretty, avoid) 3/10
Scott: definitely does not trust me, has tried to start a fight with me, his lasers burn, is very, very stubborn (I am not fighting him again, one time was enough, did he have to insult me, too? are he and Jean dating? ... they seem like a good fit...) 2.5/10
Wanda: ... no... nope... does not like anyone, is related to Pietro, is the nicer of the twins (wears red and black a lot... is dangerous... steer clear of her) 2.5/10
(In the Black)
Pietro: is annoying as f*ck, is rude, insults me and everyone else, will rub your insecurities in your face, is demanding, is dramatic, is addicted to drama (why did I ever try to talk to him? avoid at all costs. Is NOT worth it) 1/10
Logan: ... avoid avOid AVOID! dangerous, terrifying, deems me too dangerous, has almost hurt me, don't go near him, stay away from him and his brats (I thought he'd understand... what it's like, to be this way... he doesn't care...) 0/10
Sabretooth: Run Run RUN!!! Avoid at all costs! Do not talk to, do not get near, stay still, don't speak, pray, will bite and scratch and aim to hurt, deems me too soft (said it more hurtfully than that... is NOT nice...) -1/10
(Hmmm... I don't think I have friends... I have maybe Gambit, but he's, well... I know why he comes around. I know it's just a job, just a scheme. But I'm lonely, okay? I need someone to talk to, and out of everyone, he's the least problematic... Is it so bad to want someone as a friend? What am I doing wrong? I try to act normal, talk normal, eat normally... These people should understand, but they don't... Is there a point to this?)
(... I heard something outside... I need to check it out... I'll write in you again, Journal...)
( Last written entry of Reader ********, dated 12/03/200? , in their journal )
(How is this for a peek inside Creed/Howlett Reader's mind in their version of the Dark AU? And a reminder: they didn't know who their dad was at first but find out during **********...) (So yes, Gambit ai the closest they have to an ally/comrade, but they aren't quite friends...) (When Reader wakes up and finds the other three with them, those three are traumatized, trying to apologize, and telling Reader they'll be welcomed this time, that the others can't leave then after this, look at the state they're in-) (Well, um... look at this list, and tell me how well you think that goes over initially) ( @sugar-soda @vivid-bun @danni1323 @crowwithguns @thewickedweiner)
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talesofesther · 2 years
cinnamon and spice
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Summary: You share a hot chocolate and a few smooches with Wednesday.
Requested by anon
A/N: This story is part of my Christmas Special event.
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Christmas eve in Nevermore had to be one of your favorite times of the year, the whole school was decorated in warm orange blinking lights and there was at least one Christmas tree in each dorm; the big one standing tall in the middle of the garden outside, between the lunch tables.
The nights were exceptionally cold and the days were usually warm with sunlight reflecting upon the fresh white snow. Most classes were tuned down this time of year, giving the students a break to enjoy the many holiday activities if they so desired.
Your day had been filled with snowball fights and best snowman competitions with Enid, Ajax, and Xavier. But right now, you were carefully preparing two mugs of hot chocolate for you and a certain raven-haired girl.
You had tried to get Wednesday to participate in all the fun today, but she had been more than happy to just bury her boots in the snow and enjoy the cold in peace, discreetly keeping an eye on you at all times. So now, when most students are sleeping soundly and the school is finally quiet, it's time to enjoy some alone time with her.
Steam came from both red mugs — that you managed to snatch from the school's kitchen — as you carefully walked up the steps to Wednesday's dorm. Enid was having a girl's night with Yoko and Divina, so it was just you two.
You pushed open her door with your shoulder and closed it with your foot once you were inside. Wednesday was sitting on her bed, cross-legged and wearing her comfy black and white sweater that was just a few sizes too big on her, making her look all the more adorable — though you'd never tell her that.
Wednesday watched the steady falling of snow outside the big round window, only pulling her eyes away when you came to sit beside her. She shuffled a little to the side on her bed, making room for you but still keeping her knee and shoulder pressed to yours; secretly enjoying the warmth your body provided.
"Alright, I know you said you're not big on hot chocolate, but you have to try this one," you told her, giving her one of the warm mugs and watching lovingly the way her hands closed around it, "I promise you'll like it."
The hot beverage smelled divine, Wednesday had to give you that. She leaned a tad closer to you before saying; "I don't like sweet things."
Even on the coldest of nights, you could feel white hot warmth blooming inside your chest every time Wednesday chose to be a little closer to you. You raised a hand, gingerly pushing back strands of her fringe so you could have a clear view of her eyes; "you like me though."
Her dark eyes turned to you instantly, her hold on the mug tightening slightly, "single exception."
"Just try it, please?"
It was annoyingly unfair how she had trouble saying no to you. With a sigh, Wednesday took a single sip of the hot chocolate, it faintly burned on her tongue before soothing it with the most delicious of tastes. She swallowed and frowned down at the red mug; before raising it to her lips once more.
Wednesday could feel your smirk even without looking at you.
"Don't say it," she mumbled.
You smiled big and bright, one finger going to Wednesday's chin so you could turn her head to you.
"Wasn't planning on it," you whispered, your upper lip grazing her own as you spoke.
You kissed her all sweet and warm. She tasted like chocolate, all cinnamon and spice and something so sweet you could only ever find on her lips.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @gayestfeels26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @witchyhs-blog @tobylikesfire @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri
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You! Yes! You! If it isn't too much trouble, could you write what you think all of the characters (except the platonic-only characters) might smell like? Thank you in advance!
Also, could I be🔺️ Anon? I see that you've started a new blog, so I wanted to catch you while the iron's hot!
You betcha!
Also, yes you can be 🔺️Anon! Welcome to here!
You didn't specify if you wanted me to have HSR or ZZZ Characters, so I'll be splitting them into their own posts. Also, since there's a TON of HSR Characters, and I want to go in depth with each of them, I'll be additionally splitting this post into multiple parts, with a link on here to the other parts once I get them done, so look forward to that!
Part 2 (Kafka, Firefly, Topaz & Jade)
What HSR Girls Smell Like Pt. 1 UTC {ft. Asta, Himeko, March, & Stelle}
Depending on the day, or the time, her smell tends to fluctuate.
During the earlier hours, around 7:30 when she gets up in the morning, she smells like her bed, which is a gentle and fruity smell of her fluffy asf blankets.
If she applies perfume that morning, it has a more flowery, but not overwhelming fragrance. Like lavender after a humid-rain, or apples her smell is very tampered down, since she doesn't want to stand out with it.
During her huge working shift on Herta's Station (or if she's in a hurry and hasn't applied any perfume), her smell erodes away during the day, and she begins to smell like the sterile environment she lingers in. It's not like a hand-sanitizer-type sterile, it's just... nothing, but a little bit of her smell might linger.
And during the night, when she's out looking at stars, the only way I could describe her aroma is cold rain-covered roses. This is probably the most-similar to what she naturally smells like, though she smells much colder due to being outside or in a colder environment while stargazing.
Hydraulic machinery and oil if you catch her right after she's done doing repairs on the express.
She usually doesn't wash her whole body after said-repairs, unless it's nighttime and she's relatively energized. She'll try to wash off her face, hands, arms, but not everything, so it'll be lingering around.
If she's not smelling like grease (so... usually), she smells kind of... spicy?
Like you know those aroma therapy candles?
Yeah, baby-girl be smellin' like those apple-cinnamon, pumpkin spice ones, except the sharpness is at a level 5 Minecraft enchantment.
If she ends up bathing with you, though (especially if it's at night), she prefers much more comforting smells, like lavender, milk-and-honey fragrances, etc...
And the COFFEE! Who could forget the COFFEE (It's me, I forgot about it until I was writing for Jade -_-). She constantly has a coffee smell, though rather than sweet, it's somehow bitter-smelling even though black coffee doesn't smell bitter at all! (She did something hardcore to make her coffee be the way it is)
March 7th
Little dork is the kind of gal that finds an expensive/fancy-sounding perfume, gets hyped and buys the bottle without smell-checking with the scratch-and-sniff, and gets an insta-headache after she conks out from the strong and concentrated liquid.
She learns her lesson after maybe the 4th time, but the impulse to get an expensive perfume on her is a strong one.
Like, Marcher wants to be NOTICED and COMPLEMENTED on how good she smells! So very typically-girly ones, and fruity ones, but especially the flowery ones!
Too bad she can't stand the headache of the stronger ones :{
Little Russle-Tussle definitely has all sorts of different colognes. Most are incredibly cheap ones, she's not wasting credits on something so expensive. Her deodorants are also 100% for men. "... This one smells like nothing, has aluminum, is for girls and costs 6,000 credits..." "And this one lasts for 48 hours, smells cold, has no aluminum, prevents sweat, is for boys and costs 2,000 credits..." *Insta-buys*
Her natural scent is a much more musky one, and depending on her current path, her smell can differ, but the musky smell is always an underlying one. Destruction - Minty. Not minty-fresh, more like dried, stale mint.
Preservation - Smoky, sweaty and musky. Wielding a heavy asf, blazing lance easily makes her sweat. She blazes through everything with a flaming lance, hence the more smoky smell.
Harmony - Old cologne, a dusty old library and a leather chair. This mostly comes from the old felt hat, and using the power of the Imaginary Stelle can completely hide the musky-ness of her smell.
If you and Stelle are dating, she's absolutely self-conscious of her less-feminine smell, and almost obsessively tries her best to smell ✨snazzy✨ for you, so won't even hop into bed if she doesn't have something hiding it. If you tell her that you don't mind it, and that she really don't need to be covering up her smell 24/7, she'll calm down a bit, and while she'll still put on cologne (especially for a date or something), she won't be coating all over her body with it.
That's all for this post, see you in the next one!
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copiouscouples · 4 months
Kanthony is What If Two Types Super Competitive Elder Siblings fell in love?
Polin is what if two Writer Dorks Who Ship fell in love?
Yes! Kate and Anthony are so competitive and Type A. I love how their similar backstory added depth to their relationship.
With Polin, I think it's interesting that writing is like their only shared interest/quality except maybe giggling with each other. As well as their newfound love of smooshing each other. But, I love their differences and how much they complement each other.
Even though Colin is going through a personality crisis this season, him being a Bridgerton has always given him a baseline level of confidence. Sure, he may not be as rakish as his brothers, but he knows as a Bridgerton he will always have a certain measure of respect out in society.
Penelope has never had that. She is always unsure and scared. Her family doesn't have the financial and/or social stability that his does so her confidence often is not there or wavers. We hear it when she tells Eloise "We can't all be a pretty Bridgerton like you."
Penelope is practical and doesn't allow her emotions to guide her (usually). Portia Featherington IS her mother after all. Yes, she wants love but she isn't out here trying to be poor. She has great business acumen and has gone to great lengths to secure her bag.
Colin doesn't have to be practical because he's a Bridgerton and has his family's money behind him. Remember when he was going to run off with Marina? Not practical. Giving his brother drugs? Not practical. Interrupting Penelope/Debling on the dance floor? So not practical. He is led by his emotions.
Colin is a cinnamon roll while Penelope is a Hot Tamale candy. Colin is 90% sweetness and fluff - he can deliver a barb but it's very rare. He's always encouraging especially to Pen. He gives thoughtful gifts to his siblings. He's respectful to other ladies of the Ton. He's sensitive and caring.
Penelope is sweet but has a kick of spice to her. She is Portia's daughter after all. Her Lady Whistledown alter ego is just her letting that side of her personality have free rein. Plus the way she talks to her family- they're just getting their just desserts - but Penelope knows how to use her words to fight back for sure.
Honestly, I feel like Penelope would eviscerate Colin in their couple's fights. Like I'm maybe a little afraid for Colin, lol.
He's a mama's boy. She's neither of her parents' favorites.
Just a lot of contrasts between them. It makes them interesting as a couple.
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Busy Archduke?
Pairing: Raphael/ Unnamed Fem!Tav/Haarlep
SPICE Rating: 3/5 Content
Warnings: Inappropriate Use of Tails, Biting
Smut below the cut dolls! Enter at your own risk!
 “How much longer do you think it will be this time?” The thief and the incubus were crouched in the doorway to the library, not making much effort to really be hidden as they watched the cambion working at his desk. There had been several rounds of “Just another moment” and “After I finish this contract”, leaving them both on pins and needles.
 Tav felt Haarlep’s tail snake around her waist, drawing her back to press against their chest. “Perhaps we should begin without him…” they purred into her ear, giving it a small nip. She tried to suppress a giggle as their tongue traced down her neck before they latched onto her shoulder. 
“I hear you both, you know.” the cambion called over his shoulder without looking up from his desk, “Your little tricks won’t work today.” Haarlep snickered as they bit down a touch harder on Tav’s shoulder, drawing a high mewling whine from her throat. She could feel the slight bruising forming under the incubus’ mouth. Raphael wouldn’t like that. Haarlep didn’t give her time to worry about it. The incubus caught her chin in their clawed hand, bringing her lips to theirs. The taste of cinnamon and ash filled her mouth as the familiar heat flooded her stomach. Her hips involuntarily rocked back into them with a small moan.
They deepened the kiss, clawed hands gripping her thighs, spreading her legs and leaving small indents in her flesh. Their tail had unwound from her waist and had begun to trace a path down across her stomach. The very tip gently flicked across her clit, causing her to lean her head back against Haarlep’s shoulder, biting her lip. “None of that now, little thief.” Haarlep murmured, “We want him to hear us.” 
They replaced the tip of their tail with a clawed thumb, rubbing small circles against the sensitive bundle of nerves. Tav began to whimper from the combined effects of the increasing pressure and the incubus’ aphrodisiac settling into their system. Haarlep, however, was unsatisfied with her performance. 
Their tail wandered lower, teasing her entrance lightly. The soft moan the teasing earned was all the encouragement they needed. Tav groaned loudly as Haarlep’s tail entered her and began to thrust. “Fuck…” she hissed as Haarlep hooked one of their legs around her leg, keeping her spread wide as they pumped their tail into her. 
She was no longer trying to keep quiet as the incubus fucked her with their tail. Her moaning echoed off the library walls, reaching a fever pitch as Haarlep drew an orgasm from her body. “Haarlep…” she whined desperately as they slowed their pace. Tav could feel them grinning against her shoulder, still holding her taught and spread. As she came down from her high, she realized why.
Raphael was standing over the both of them, glaring down at their tangled form. Haarlep could hardly hide their glee as they kissed Tav’s shoulder. “I’ve warned you not to mark her.” Raphael growled, eyes fixed on the glowing bruise on Tav’s shoulder. 
“I thought you might make an exception to hear your little mouse squeak, master.” Haarlep replied, squeezing Tav’s thigh and eliciting another moan. 
“I would expect as much from a Harlot such as yourself…” the cambion snarled, “But you my mouse? I would have expected better.” He knelt between their legs, catching Tav’s chin in his hand.
 “Clearly I was wrong. So…how might we teach you to do better in the future?”
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dabiscarpet · 2 months
Smell you, scent you
fox! Natsuya x f! reader 🦊
A collab for into the omegaverse by the beautiful @goxjo (divider cr. to my lovely aki too)
Warnings: tw: sexual themes, blood, violence, human hybrids, p in v, unprotected, creampie, a lil bit of mean Natsuya (but not a lot), crying reader
word count: 3.1k
⚠️ mdni!!! ⚠️
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You can feel it, breathing almost on the back of your neck. You keep walking nonetheless, head up and tall, headphones in, but music lowered to the min, one hand in your pocket holding your phone, the other gripping hard the strap of the pretty pink purse your boyfriend gifted you month.
One block... Two blocks... Three blocks... Six.... Eight... Ten...a left and then another left, and another one... Still right behind you, hiding in the shadows, sun setting already and darkness becoming more predominant.
You try and keep your breathing steady. 1...2....3... Exhale. And again. You already lost track of the time. Where were you even going in the first place? Oh right, your boyfriend's house.
You were going to surprise him after a whole week of being completely absorbed by uni finals. He had reluctantly agreed to leaving you alone. You two loved each other so much, you were obsessed even with spending time together, so you had to take the very painful decision to ask him some time alone while you finished your semester. Now everything was over, and you couldn't think of anything else you but him once again.... Except for this moment, wondering if you'll even see him again at this point.
Gulping hard, some sort of sharpness was pressing around your neck, and a hairy hand was dragging you with extreme force into the alleyway. Before realizing it, you were pinned against the wall, bag long forgotten in the harsh pavement, scratching it, just like the wolf-like creature in front of your was scratching behind your ear.
"don't scream and it won't hurt as much" he leaned in to breath your scent, deep. You felt absolute disgust creeping through your every pore, but you laid immobilized, unable to fully understand how you got yourself into this.
Evoking your best memories with your boyfriend, his deep, rich caramel eyes is all you could see when you closed your eyes, prepared for the worst....
But it never came.
You heard an immediate thud and opened your eyes widely, a flash of brown and the strongest scent of cinnamon and spice the first things you noticed, the smell soon turning bitter and stronger.
The wolf-like man was thrown to the other side of the alley, and your boyfriend's imposing figure adorned by his majestic tail, now in a fighting stance, over the man. It took very little effort for your boyfriend to knock the other guy out, but his anger wouldn't go down.
He breathed strongly, almost as if it was hard for him, pupils dilated and full of fury, ears on top of his head thrown back, and his knuckles full for blood, a bit had already splashed onto his face. This made you finally react and reach out for him, trying to call out his name.
He stopped, ears perked up again, fist still in the air while he turned around to look you in the eyes. He quickly dropped the dude, left to his own fate in that cold cement floor, and jumped to hug you, wrapping you in his warm body, kissing endlessly the top of your head, wonderful tail shielding both of you from distancing. Then, in his arms, now safe, you finally break down in tears.
"Natsu... I don't know what was that... was so scared, terrified!!" You managed to let thru whimpers and cries, your body now shaking and Natsuya hugging you tighter.
"I'm so sorry my love, I was not faster" he sounded deeply regretful. "I hope that bastard didn't do anything to you, or I'll finish him right now-"
"No please stop, just please.... Stay with me" and you cling to his maroon shirt, tears staining down the front of it and wrinkling it between your fingers.
"I promise my love, I am really really sorry, this is all my fault" you didn't have the energy to fight him, to tell him he did nothing wrong, you just kept saying no, no, no constantly.
"I promise to never ever leave you alone. Absolutely not even one second" and he meant it.
"Come on, let's get you out of here. I'm sure this bastard must have some friends around" you just nodded and picked up your bag, hiding in your big boyfriend's shadow all the way back to his apartment.
All the way back to his apartment, Natsuya not only held your hand or your arm, his whole complexion was somehow around you. His arm around your shoulders, keeping you as close as possible, pretty ears standing up to identidy any sound, and his scent... oH GOD HIS SCENT
It wafted all around you too, like a invisible protective cloud, so powerfull it was almost making you dizzy, but his strong grip prevented you from fainting, weak legs being basically dragged by him. You felt it, still the bitterness overpowering the sweet in his usual smell. Natsu was angry, probably more than you had ever seen.
The image of him beating up the other guy flooding your mind again. You looked at his knuckles and stains of blood still remained there, and shyly peeked up to see fresh blood still on his face.
And that somehow turned you on. The twisted thought of violence, of him being so masculine, so strong, so overpowering that could easily break you with a hand, but instead he used that strenght to protect you... It was wicked, you know it, but a very small part in the back of your brain wished you had not stopped him so quick and just enjoy the sight a little bit more-
"What´s on your mind?" Wow you had not realized how many blocks away you were, how far you had gone to hide. Just now you see his apartment almost at the end of the street.
"Don´t lie to me"
"..." You took a deep breath, and as soon as you were in front of his door, you confessed. Natsu would always know if you lied anyway. "I kinda wish... to see you angry more..."
He swung the door open and pushed you inside with a little more force than necessary. In the dark, his expression was unreadable, but his tail wrapped around you and the still tight grip on your wrist giving the message.
"Well... as twisted as that sounds.... you can enjoy a little more" Natsu dragged you to the living room and only turned on the small lamp next to the couch. "I am angry right now, still furious... and partly because of you"
You were so shocked by his answer that you could not reply. Your mind started rushing, trying to figure out how and why would he want to take it out on you. Your sweet sweet Natsuya.
"Because you forced me to stay away so long, and I respected it because I love you-" He pulled you as close as possible, face coming down to your neck, breathing in fully "My scent has almost vanished from you completely. I do not like that at all"
You did not even have the time to feel relief, because his mouth attacked your neck with kisses and bites. Purse falling to the floor, you just opened up to him, using the hand that was still free from his grip to grab his soft hair, touch his soft years, and pull him closer. The intensity was as that of a feral animal, you could feel it, his primal instincts taking over quickly.
Soon, the victim was your mouth. His lips overpowered yours, just as you wanted, for Natsu to take complete control over you. You let his tongue to lick all inside you, your teeth to clash, for him to spit in your mouth, and literally bite your lips, the lower one until it started bleeding, and he licked it all.
Natsu was unusually rough, and you could be more excited, already dripping just from the thought. He pushed you against the couch, and started ripping off your clothes, examining every corner of your body to check that you were totally ok, while marking you all over, wherever his lips could reach. His smell of cinnamon and spice already imprinted all around the room, all over your clothes, your hair, your skin... but it was still not enough for him.
"I am gonna make sure to scent you so hard, from the inside out princess" He grabbed your face again as he said thosw words, kissing you deeply again. You reached out to swipe the blood from his face with your thumb, but he quickly pushed you down to your knees. "Lets start with your thoat and face beautiful" His smile was blinding, almost wicked looking.
You do not remember when he took off his pants, but now you were face to face with his clothed dick, underwear completely soaked.
"Don´t you dare tease me, I am warning you"
"Yes Natsu" You just innocently looked up as you ripped off the underwear, he was already standing tall and proud, dripping, red, needy.
You wasted no time to lick him up and down, savouring the unusual bitterness that stemmed from his mood. Licking up and down, he felt bigger than ever, not sure if it was because of how long it felt since you had touched him, or if it was truly like that. Long, thick, pretty just like everything about him is. His tail falling behinf him in relaxation as soon as you started sucking him, his expression softening as he let out a strangled sound.
While having him in your mouth, you needely grabbed onto one of his strong, big thighs, while the other tried to push up his shirt. He quickly understood, removing it in a swift motion and discarding it somewhere in the darkness. Natsu grabbed your hair in a ponytail after you started slurping and playing with your teeth aroun him, your hand now gripping hard and then soft at his base, playing with him.
"You are playing with fire, and you know it" He managed to let out, already sounding breathless. You just smiled, dripping spit and precum from the corners of your mouth, innocent eyes looking up again as you continued your vicious cycle, he was just so addicting- and something inside him unleashead at this.
The hold on your hair quickly became painful, and you lost control of your movements. He took the lead and started pushing in you mouth with more energy, making you gag quickly and slurp and drooleven more. His ears were thrown back and his brown tail stood up again, as he relentlessly pushed into your mouth. Natsuya was a man on a mission.
You just let it happen, the wicked thoughts completely taking over your brain, actually enjoying his more feral and violent side. You did not care he was hurting you scalp and irritating the back of your throat, you were just happy that his all was with you.
Harder, faster, deeper... If he was being this rough with your mouth, you could not wait until it was your pussy, dripping onto the floor right now. Natsu usually lasted long, but today it was obvious it was not going to be that way. His breathing was ragged, short, his movements impossible faster, close close.... You just did your best recieving everything he gave you, sucking in to make it even more addicting for him, already fallen into a trance of in, out, in, out, IN-
Hot, very hot, white cum painted the back of your throat, and more and more ropes kept coming out, mouth already overfilled, so he pulled out and continued in your face, splashes of milky white painted your features, and Natsuya thought he had never seen something more beautiful. You beamed at him, watching his pretty pointy ears twitching in the afterglow pleasure.
Natsuya made sure to empty himself, and kneeled down, face to face with you. He grabbed your neck and kissed you slowly, deeply once again, tasting himself in you, the thought of nastiness already turning him on again, standing hard and tall quickly. Your hand drifted down to stimulate him once again, and he bit your lip, making it bleed again.
"Gosh you're really trying to make it up to me, don't you?"
"... I'm sorry, this wouldn't have happened if I didn't ask you to stay away love..."
Natsuya's face softened, his worried nature coming back to him at this, but were enjoying his animalistic side too much to let it drop so quickly, so you squeezed down on him once again, making him grunt, darkness returning to his caramel eyes, now looking chocolate.
Natsuya stood up and dragged you up with him by the arms, inhuman force making you weak on the knees. He turned you around and you supported yourself on the back of the couch, hand digging the fabric. He wasted not a single second.
"You're right princess. This was all because of your disobedience" he played along, as he noticed how much turned on you were with his roughness.
Pussy dripping, clear liquid going down your legs like never before. Natsuya kneeled right behind to smell in deeply, which made you red in the face, but he just spread your legs more and gave a long lick, from front to back, dizzy in your natural scent.
"I can't wait, get ready" and he didn't even finish his words, as his hard member was already making it's way inside of you.
The strain was almost unbearable, Natsuya was too big, too much, he felt too hot and fat, but the juices flowing from your inside only made it easier for him to keep going in. A few tears quickly formed on your eyes and fell, but your not sure if because of the pain or the relief you were feeling at least.
He wasted no time in getting to move, each stroke making him go in a little bit more and more, soon pressing all the spots inside of your pussy, his tip abusing your cervix. He felt no remorse as the tears kept falling from your face, because the sounds leaving your mouth and the squelch of your pussy sucking him back in told him another story.
His pace was absolutely animalistic, his tail firm and tense from the concentration, just like his ears, grunts and growls leaving his throat as his natural scent boosted even more with his sweat. In, out, Natsu kept penetrating deeply, hard and fast, the couch already moving form it's position.
"aaaaaaah natsuuuuu" you looked back at him, drool falling from the corner of your mouth, and your face still covered in his cum. "i- i can't-"
"what- is- it- that- you- can't?" Each word punctuated by a hit to your cervix, and now his hand was hovering over your clit. He gave slight touches here and there, but he still wanted to see you cry some more.
"I -... I need it-" he slapped your clit, and your pussy clenched hard ".aaaaahh touch me pleaseeeee"
He decided to give to you, and your delicious pussy already had him drunk in the pleasure, he just wanted to come inside you again and again and again, and didn't care for anything else. The hand over your clit finally made full contact, and he started rubbing it slowly but pressing hard, and you didn't need much more to crumble.
With a loud "fuuuuuuckk" you came all around him, squelch getting even louder as juices overflowed your insides, you hole pressing more around him, suffocating his dick. His tail instinctively wrapped around your waist when he pulled your upper body to his, to kiss your neck and back as you were still enjoying the stimulation. His strokes never stopped, nor faltered in rhythm.
Your shaky hand reached back and up, soon finding his ears on top of his head. You rubbed on them as you knew he loved, he always melted in your touch with that, because you felt his intensity growing even more.
"I really hope you're not tired yet, because I'm not done with you until you're full of my cum, stuffed to the point it overflows, fucked out so bad you can't leave my side for days, and each day you ask me for more and more..." He kept whispering dirty things in your ear as he came closer once again "I'm gonna make sure my scent sticks to you, becomes one with you, making it clear to the whole world that you belong to me, princess"
The overestimation already feeling too good, but too much, you kept crying out in pleasure while tightening around him, you already felt another orgasm incoming "aaaaaaah natsuuuuu I'm closeeee but... Haaaaah .... You have .... Have to first" you were decided to give it to him before you came again
For Natsuya, you felt absolutely angelic, heaven on earth, as your soft insides welcomed him since the very beginning. The beautiful sound it made, the sweet juices covering his whole lower body at this point... You didn't know it, but it was equally important for him to smell of you, to have it impregnated on his skin.
His member felt like it was about to explode, his hips faltering and falling out of rhythm, but still at a speed no human could ever. He had you lifted from the waist, meeting his strokes midway. His eyes were closed, but he opened them once again to see his cum on your face had dripped down your chest and-
"SHIT-" Natsu stopped suddenly, blurred vision as he held you tight against his skin. His tail tensed completely around you two, and his ears because stiff, and he emptied all the pent up frustration in ropes of milky white cum, that soon we're dripping down your legs. At the feeling of complete fullness, you had also cummed again, swollled lip between your lips as you wrapped you arm back around his neck and he breathed hard.
More and more kept coming out, painting all the inside of your walls white, marking you, scenting you from the inside out.
You remained still for a few minutes, trying to recover your breath. Natsuya was kissing the back of your head and neck, never letting his dick free from your pussy. You tried turning your head sideways, and he immediately reached down to kiss you, this time softly.
"I love you Natsu, I'm so sorry this is really all my fault-"
"Stop" the command in his voice making you bite your tongue "I'm sorry for all the mean things I said... It's my fault after all... But I will keep my word, and I'll make sure my scent never leaves you, ever again"
"Really? And how can you do that?"
"By fucking it into you every day ;)"
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drowninginblox · 7 months
HideDuo HCs bc we are going through it
The March drought is getting to me y'all. I don't know about all y'all but the anniversary isn't the best thing ever, especially with the Hatsune Miku incident.
I think we deserve a little treat for being dedicated to our favorite roommates. Hence these ramblings.
The following applies to the OSMP characters, not actual streamers themselves. This is gonna be very all over the place, overall cursed, and is projecting. I hope yall enjoy-
Can play any sport, but hates all of them (except for ice skating, he fucking loves it but he'll never admit it and he can't skate for shit)
Has read fanfiction before
Knows about dreamsmp lore but doesn't know what it all means in context, very much "Did you know a guy fucked a salmon and had a fox as a child?" "He started a country later? The fish fucker???"
Is into more fru fru coffee drinks than he lets on. Like- fuck yea 9/10 times that mother fucker be drinking that shit black, but he loves some good pumpkin spice- tooty fruity-cuchie deluci frappuccino. He'd only give in around sunny tho.
Was a smoker for a hot minute, quit tho when the ashes nearly lit a TNT. Hasn't picked it up since
Is a slut for pig step
Has read The Art of War
Had a celebrity crush on Philza. He still has it but it's defo diminished since he knows him personally.
Showers daily. I don't care that he's a war-torn mf, that man loves taking showers and will never pass up the opportunity to get one.
Has a poster of Miku Binder Jefferson. Someone gave it to him as a secret Santa present and he has no idea who or what to do with it. He's tempted to burn it but he's kind of afraid of it. It's so cursed that it shows up in his nightmares.
He thinks about Forever a lot more than he wants to admit. He's afraid of the possibility of turning into a monster since he was exposed to the black concert a lot. He understands the fear is irrational since it was long ago but the intrusive thought lingers.
He's thought about marriage in general and with Pac. He'd never admit it but he planned out everything from the venue to the music to the vows. He'd easily swipe it all away if Pac said he had an idea of what he wanted it to be like.
is fluent in Morse code
Knows sign language
Hearing aids mf
Has a family somewhere out there, one that he lost or left only to be dumped into TB2T
Loves crosswords, especially during breakfast and right after Ramon goes to bed.
His favorite smell is cinnamon and cocoa butter
Believes in Herobrine
Can't do long division to save his life
Hates the sound of Velcro
Likes the Pacman TV show
Smells like cinnamon and cocoa butter
Has too many scars from the cats he's owned over the years.
Married Mike for tax reasons in the past. They play it up that they're bitter divorcés from time to time
Doesn't shower as often as he should, not because he hates it but because he has a long routine and enjoys baths far more
Enjoys tea and coffee equally
Gay awakening was Rufio from Hook
watches Reading Rainbow as an adult
paints on his prosthetic all the damn time
Has a Post-it note collection. He barely uses them but he has a rainbow of them and each color represents a member of the island.
Has a sticker collection
Always carries small snacks for his pocket dude (I heard about this through the wiki, apparently Pac has a pocket boy? If not then he does now lmao) mostly gummy bears and crackers
Is afraid of the ocean. Idk why that just sounds right for him and if it is it recontextualizes the date he had w fit lol
knows Morse code
Knows some phrases in American sign language (fit is teaching him / is learning for fit, whichever is cuter)
Has hacked into a government-locked server, left lobster porn in place of any files he took. Idk which government it was or why he did it, but he did and they haven't recovered since
Is the type to listen to Jon Bellion and Talor Swift. No, i will not elaborate
Has very vivid daydreams. Aside from drugs and PTSD, he has some really nice ones all on his own. Mostly about Fit tbh.
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vaspider · 9 months
Spider!! Hola :)
So I know I came back way too early this time but with this whole situation we lost sight that 2 of the affected family members will be having their bdays.
So, if you don't feel comfortable with us asking so soon for a boost I do come asking for a fool proof apple pie recipe.
We're short on money so gifts are out of the question, but I could make them something tasty, and they have always wanted to try apple pie.
There are many recipes on the internet but I need one even I, who have never baked a pie, can bake.
Hope it's not a weird petition, I just remembered you have valuable experience in the recipes department.
Thanks for taking time to read our ask, please stay safe!
If you're looking for foolproof, I would actually skip over Apple pie as a starting point & I would instead go for an apple crisp.
A crisp is much easier to make - pastry can be really finicky if you aren't familiar with how to make it, whereas a crisp you just mix together all the good stuff that makes a tasty topping and you are good to go.
Easy Apple Crisp
1/2c butter, cold (do not take out to soften like you would for cookies)
6 apples (Granny Smith, Fuji, Pink Lady, or similar. NOT RED DELICIOUS.)
2T granulated sugar
2t pumpkin pie spice (or cinnamon, if that's what you've got, but I find that using pumpkin pie spice is just... better... if you can)
2t lemon juice
1c light brown sugar, lightly packed
1c old-fashioned rolled oats
1c all-purpose flour (if using gluten-free flour, that's fine - you don't need to add xanthan gum for this recipe)
1/2c chopped walnuts or pecans
1/2c craisins (technically optional, but don't skip)
Pinch kosher salt
2 medium-sized mixing bowls
Sharp knife
Cutting board
2 large spoons for mixing
1 small bowl for butter
Wash hands thoroughly before beginning. You should do this every time you cook or bake, but especially this time, bc we will be handling a lot of the ingredients directly.
Cut butter into small cubes. Put into small bowl and place back into refrigerator to keep cold until needed.
Preheat oven to 350°. Spray 8" baking dish with non-stick cooking spray or grease with butter. Set aside.
Core and chop apples into large bite-sized pieces, about as big across as a nickel. Some people peel the apples. I don't. I think that's a lot of extra work to eliminate a great source of fiber & flavor. Place apples in one of the mixing bowls. Add lemon juice, granulated sugar, 1t of the pumpkin pie spice. Stir until combined, then pour into prepared baking dish.
If you prefer smaller bits, lightly chop the craisins. I like them full-sized, personally.
Put the rest of the ingredients except the butter - craisins, chopped nuts, brown sugar, flour, oats, 1t pie spice, salt - into the 2nd bowl and stir to combine.
Get the butter out of the fridge. Work it into the dry ingredients with your fingers until you have pea-sized crumbs. You can also use a fork or two knives for this or a pastry blender if you're very posh, but I really prefer using my hands. It's easier, and you get better texture, IMO.
Spread evenly over apple mix. Even it out a bit with the back of one of your mixing spoons. Don't leave any big gaps, but also don't press down on the mix at all.
Bake for 40-50 minutes or until the topping is golden brown and the apple/sugar mix bubbles up at the corners of the dish.
This recipe is specifically written with round amounts to make it easy to size up or down! You can halve this or double it. Doubling it should make about enough to fill a 13 x 9 casserole dish.
Make sure to adjust your cooking time if you adjust the size!
If you have small oven-safe bowls or ramekins, you can divide this between those ramekins instead. If you do this, DON'T heap up the topping higher than the top of the dish. It gets very easy to spill.
Like technically you don't HAVE to use the nuts or craisins but ... why would you want to skip those? THE FLAVOR!!
If you really prefer raisins I guess you can use those. I hate raisins, and also craisins add a tart element which makes the dish really delightful and more complex IMO.
You can make a crisp like this with lots of different fruit! This recipe works pretty much exactly the same if you substitute in 4-5c of blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, or pears. You may want to fiddle with the amount of white sugar or the spices, but yeah. Once you know this recipe, it's a good basic dessert recipe that you can use for a lot of fruit!
If using berries, make sure to rinse them very well with cold water and inspect for any spots of mold. Supermarket berries get moldly REALLY fast. If possible, buy berries from chain supermarkets the day you're going to use them, and check berries in the store. Open the containers, don't be shy. Nothing sucks more than wasting money from your grocery budget and realizing when you get home that you bought moldy berries.
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windermeresimblr · 24 days
Storytelling Secrets
I was tagged by @danjaley and @treason-and-plot, so I'm...uh...doing ten of these, I guess. Five for extant characters, and five for ideas.
Alasdair's future (and/or past, if you want to get technical) is still in flux, even once Danjaley's finished writing him! I've dreamt about his adventures frequently. (It's so funny to me that he shows up in my dreams. No other character I've made has ever done so.)
Wee Lassie will never time travel, mostly because she is, unlike her 'dad,' tethered to the timestream; I don't think animals would really understand or enjoy the experience of time travel. I mean, people have a hard enough time. (Cough, Alasdair.)
Wee Lassie is clever enough to know her name really is "Lassie" and not "Wee," but this causes problems whenever anyone starts singing a certain variant of "The Braes of Balquhither," as she doesn't understand why she's being called for...
Ma. Yolanda likes to drink her hot chocolate with chili and cinnamon. Of course, the ability to get good chocolate, or the necessary spices, is rather limited given the circumstances she is living in. She very much enjoys spinning the molinillo and watching the foam rise.
Eleri would find it very amusing to know that her father also has a connection with the spirit world, but she'd be astounded to learn everything else about him. Except his hair color...
I find bog bodies and natural mummies an endless source of inspiration. Especially when they have little inventories of all their associated goods.
I also get ideas from pretty extant garments or artifacts, or cool pieces of CC I find.
I routinely write/picture scenes in small, unlit rooms, and find myself in a bind when it's time to show them in the Sims. After all, how much room IS there so that we can see everyone's face? How can I avoid the dreaded "fishbowl" angle?
I wish I could be more of a plotter and less of a pantser, but it's hard to break the (lack of) habit!
I admire people who tell gameplay stories and make up dialog based on the speech bubbles, because I am horrendous at doing that.
I tag @holocene-sims and @schokokokatze, as well as anyone else who wishes to do this!
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pajamadragon · 2 years
Midge’s Masa-Moondrop Curry
So, story time, I saw the FNAF recipe book advertised and was chatting with some people who said they really hoped that the Masa Moondrop Curry would be in there. I thought, why not try my own hand at it?
And then someone told me they thought the Moondrop candies would be blue raspberry flavored, and I had a vision.
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Raspberry Massaman Curry. if you have a sweet tooth good glory this is the curry for you please do not use as much raspberry as I did. That being said, this one’s probably very kid friendly as a result.
If you wanna try your own hand at it, I have the ballpark estimates for the ingredients I used below.
1 lb chicken
1/3rd lb carrots, chopped
1 lb potatoes, chopped (if you can find them, the purple potatoes are hilarious in this. Otherwise, any potato will do)
1 can coconut cream (coconut water will do, but you’ll need yogurt as a thickener if you do. Thai Kitchen, the brand I used, is 13.66 oz per can. Round down in necessary.)
3 tbsp Coconut oil
3 tbsp red thai curry paste (for those who like spice, you could probably double that and be fine. I went light on this on purpose.)
4 green onions, chopped
1 tbsp cumin powder
1 tbsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tbsp ground cardamom
1/2 tbsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp soy sauce
2 tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp lemon juice
And the dark horse of this recipe, 1 10 oz jar of raspberry preserves. Get as plain and simple as you can. I used Smuckers Simply Fruit.
Heat up coconut oil in large pot, and saute the green onions over medium heat. After 2-3 minutes, add the curry paste and half of raspberry preserves and saute an additional minute.
Add in the carrots, potatoes, and chicken, coating thoroughly. Cook for 3 minutes. Stir in coconut cream, rest of raspberry preserves, and all spices except for lemon juice. Simmer, do not boil, until potatoes pierce with fork easily and chicken is done. You probably want to start your rice at the beginning of simmering.
After simmering, add lemon juice and serve on top of rice.
All these ingredients are to taste. You could get away with using half the raspberry and twice the curry as I use. I would actually probably recommend using half the jar if you try this yourself, you can add more raspberry later if you feel you want it sweeter. If you want it a little saltier, add more soy sauce, if you want a richer, warmer taste, more cinnamon and nutmeg. The world is your oyster. I’m quite happy with how this turned out!
And, if you’re like me and definitely think this would be blue in game...
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This is after an unholy amount of food coloring.
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queasy-kitty · 26 days
You were shaking so much barfing up last night. Was it the sick tummy that did that? I at least hope it felt good to vomit. I had cinnamon spice oatmeal with strawberries cooked in milk with real cream as a treat on it and i gave my cats a few small bits of deli ham as a treat and then i enjoyed putting the rest in my hungry tummy. I drank dr pepper too. That was supper last evening. I was so thirsty when i was in my room i had 2 bottles of water maybe more. At around 1am my mouth got sour taste then i got nauseous about an hour later and that happens lots due to meds or other stuff like migraines. I got sick cramps and a bloating feeling and i really wanted to burp to relieve it but my gas did not want to come out. I began to feel my tummy sloshing the food and drink and i knew i needed to puke up and i felt super icky but horny at the same time. I was talking with my long distance romance interest while i was getting that sickly feeling evolving big time, and she’s Emetophilia also I did meet her here. I told her I thought I would probably barf up at any time. She asked me to tape it for her which I did and it shows my face so not comfortable putting it up. I felt my mouth filling with my sour saliva but nothing was happening except for me wanting to spill my tummy contents. I got my purple throw up bag ready to catch it. I knew that I had to use my fingers which I had never done since I am notorious for big barfs that hit fast. I shoved my fingers in and up came gagging and then the wet belching my vomit was brownish and mostly it was liquid except for the ham chunks which never digested. I barfed about 4 more times it was very pleasant tasted sweet coming up. I up chucked all the non digested ham chunks. I very much enjoyed that barf. That one felt so amazing to bring back up and it was my favorite yakk I have ever made from my tummy. It was mostly liquid but I barfed lots of deli ham chunks. That was what made me need to spew. This is true story.
oh my goodness, thank you for sharing this story :)) Im glad you had someone you could share the experience with, i love having someone to talk to about the feeling in my tummy and to send photos and videos. special feeling for sure. feel free to send more stories 🥰🥰
and im not sure why i shake so much when i puke, i think its partially just fear, but it happens in almost all my videos.
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frownyalfred · 9 months
your blog has a chai flavor to me and now every time i your posts on my dash i start craving chai lattes
Coincidentally, I love chai lattes! Especially spicy, dirty chai lattes. The spicier and dirtier the better (I have a caffeine addiction and questionable taste buds).
Interestingly there’s a “recipe” for Mandalorian coffee (spicy, spiced coffee) that’s very similar except it uses cayenne. I made it the other day and I loved it so much. Just cloves, dark coffee, cayenne, cinnamon and nutmeg. Hnnng.
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ravencromwell · 4 months
For the last half year, I've watched @pinkcupboardwitch periodically wax rhapsodic here on the delights of chai tea. Having finally taken the plunge I can report apparently I shall be learning the intricacies of brewing chai because I'm thoroughly hooked. I had a chai latte, rather than the straight tea, but some cursory googling informs me milk is the best complement to the flavors, so fortune smiled in that regard.
Two things surprised me most: what a full sensory experience it was, and just. how well flavors my very American self wouldn't put together naturally gel. The spice aroma almost scared me off: it was strong and I'm not used to teasing out cinnamon and cardamom etc. When my nose smells "strong" I instinctively default to pepper and oh, hell it's going to be _hot rather than flavorful. But once I took that first tiny sip--think kid inching their toe into water and you'll have a good idea--and the flavor burst, not exactly sweet but bright and rich across my tongue, I started prolonging the experience. Inhaling the spice became aslow prelude, sweetening the anticipation of the flavors bursting across my pallet again.
I like wine, but I'll be honest. About all I can smell when I try to "discern its bouquet" is sharp and acid, to the point I have to work actively not to inhale because I know I'll enjoy the flavor once it's on my tongue if the aroma doesn't put me off entirely first. But this was strong, bracing and made me want to go sniff cardamom and ginger etc. to se if I can untangle the individual notes.
And erm. ginger is actually quite good in certain combinations, apparently? My (again very American. very southern.) take on ginger was too sharp, too _bitter in all the dishes I'd had it in except gingerbread but well. we Southern folks put so much sugar in gingerbread, I figured it could cover up *anything*. I couldn't imagine how vanilla would clash with what I expected to be a bitter ginger note. So I was delighted to learn that ginger, in small quantities, actually seems to contribute to the brighter notes, cutting through some of the sweet richness of the milk and (maybe) cardamom and vanilla along with the cinnamon.
When I've had coffee, I'm the kind of person who has to spice it up: yeah, I'm drinking coffee, I'll say as I drink something decadent with peppermint and white chocolate and a coffee base--it's less about the coffee than the frills, downplaying coffee's strength rather than complementing it. (My subsequent google made me cackle, because apparently a lot of coffee people actually really love black tea, and I couldn't find them more different. Mom was a coffee person, so I tried a fair bit of it and without an infusion of something, it was always so _bitter to me. But the dregs of the cup--which I figure come closest to the original tea flavor just tasted a little nutty, but so _fresh. Just such a different flavor profile, at least for me.)
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bioethicists · 5 months
What’s your fave tsimmes? It’s cooked a lot of different ways so like what’s your preferred style is more what I mean? (I haven’t had it and I wanna try it bc it seems right up my alley but there’s so many different recipes that it’s overwhelming)
i like it quite sweet! i tailor it to my preferences (i love sweet potatoes + apricots, the carrots in this one are much less forward than they usually would be) the recipe i made last night was
3lbs sweet potatoes (half white, half yam, peeled + cubed)
1 bag dried cherries
1 bag dried apricots
7 carrots (peeled + cubed, this is just all we had haha)
like 20 prunes
2c chicken stock (i boil a kettle then mix in powdered stock but some ppl take this part much more seriously or use like schmaltz or smth)
2c orange juice
3oz honey
large scoop of generic mix of warm spices (cinnamon/cardamom/allspice/nutmeg- i have these premixed in my cabinet so idk ratios)
several sprigs of thyme
add everything except the prunes + only add half the liquid at first (so it goes up halfway to the veg, not submerging them). stack potatoes on bottom, then carrots, then dried fruit, lay thyme on top so it's easy to fish out. mix the honey in with the liquids ahead of time. slow boil, covered for 40 min, then add prunes + the rest of the liquid (DO NOT STIR, you can shake the pot a lil if u are worried abt sticking) + do another ~10 min (prunes will get yucky nasty if u add them at the beginning). fish out the thyme sprigs.
what i look for: a bit of liquid hanging around, ideally runny syrup texture (tbh u could add more honey or add brown sugar for this cuz i skimped on it due to The Neuroses) but mostly a root vegetable/fruit medley, sweet with a slightly savory undercurrent, potatoes hold together but fall apart when bitten
this is not a very traditional recipe + is primarily based on my preferences!
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