#but if i hate it then. well it was only 50p
youssefguedira · 5 months
that time again
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tekni-kali · 1 year
Day 29
10:32p, Saturday, May 27, 2023
Today was chock full of good tunes and good wavelengths. I spent a great portion of the day horizontal on the couch, farming in the Valley, and e joying the music. Genres ranged everywhere from Song of the day:
To the energetic "well I wasn't expecting that".:
Round about the time Behb was getting off I'd finally gathered enough energies for a bit of productivity, but what I thought would only be me congratulating myself for hanging up the shirts finally.... Turned out to be a full on laundry list of chores completed! Including retuning tjr clothes to their home... The catbox got cleaned, dishes were washed, TV table (and TV) were dusted and wiped down and I cleared the space in front of it so it's not quite so 😬 everytime I glance over at it, fed myself, showered, hooked the lava lamp up to the final smart plug, babysat Sampson, and even cleaned out a couple doom boxes!
We delayed shopping until tomorrow in favor of his brother coming to hang out. We're all caught up on that unicorn show... I can't for the life of me remember what it's called but it's good, it's on Max,Rainbow Unicorn something or other...
I mostly just farmed away while they played Cod..
oo! Tawd Dammit is live! He always plays excellent stuff...
Bit nnewai... Ye... Shopping tomorrow x2 as I've been invited to a BBQ! it'll be a party of two, and I'm 100% perfectly okay with that. I'm responsible for bringing the main course! Those fat sausage bratwursts (hey I remembered!) and buns! Then we will grill them and serve with sides of Mac n cheese n baked beans! For this, I am excited! I spose this also means I shouldn't stay up til beyond past bedtime two nights in a row then.
Kinda why I started the post so early ;) The streak lives! I think there getting easier to do... More fluid, less mechanical.... I have somewhat of a rhythm and not too much anxiety hindering the actions needed to see it through. I won't put too much pressure on myself, but coming up on a month sinc ei started it...and I'm still doing it.... So... That's gotta count for sumthin.... Right?
Newai, Gonna go vibe to Tawd and see how long it takes my pond to finish getting built...
Catch ya later!
P. S. I hate proofing on my phone... So... Hopefully the typos weren't too painful 💛💛
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo ranboo & others are mentioned - tommy won’t go home
this is part 14 to the great adventures series
an: I tried, days are a social construction on the tarosin blog… also i’m back baby <3
from the moment you were forced awake by tubbo streaming with ranboo, Tommy began sending several messages as in his own words you ‘weren’t answering him quick enough’, probably because you had only just woken up and had no idea what day or time it was.
Tommy: y/n
Tommy: y/n were going out soon I've decided so answer me
Tommy: y/n wake up
y/n: heh? I’m going nowhere I’m tired
Tommy: I’m sending you a ticket make sure you meet me there
it was around now you had the feeling you were going to be stuck with Tommy for a while and you had no idea what to expect. an hour later tubbo stopped streaming so you took this as an opportunity to say your goodbyes to tubbo and ranboo explaining you had no idea what was happening as Tommy refused to explain but you’d probably be back later so they don’t lock you outside like last time
“don’t smirk at me ranboo just because you’re tall doesn’t mean I can’t take you down”
“mhm sure yep”
“y/n you’re going to be late we’ll see you later”
soon enough you were with Tommy who finally decided to inform you of what was happening
“we’re going to go annoy George”
“great idea Tommy let’s go”
the pair of you stood at the door waiting for George to answer, the look on George's face is something you’ll never forget.
“Hello Tommy, is that y/n what are you doing here”
“Nice to see you too… the fuck”
a few minutes later you and Tommy were sat next to George when you found a rubber duck and started making it squeak annoying the others well that was until Tommy took it and started doing the exact same thing you were doing
“I now understand why you looked pissed George”
during the stream, you were sat in between the pair George looked at you and you nodded. a few seconds later George threw the rubber duck hitting Tommy, the pair of you left not long after that event and made your way to the hotel after calling tubbo to explain what was happening.
the next day you and Tommy met up with tubbo ranboo and George at a shopping centre where you were all almost immediately met with several people asking for photos and the chance to talk to you all, you hid behind ranboo until the crowd grew smaller. it didn’t take long for everyone to notice the piano before you had time to process what just happened tubbo ran to the piano dragging you with him accidentally pushing ranboo in the process
the pair of you began playing the piano Tommy joining shortly after. time flew by the five of you spent the rest of your time shopping and just enjoying each other’s company, before you knew it, it was time to get the train. you laughed at tubbo falling asleep on the window however karma quickly caught up as you ended up falling asleep on ranboos shoulder ranboo laughed quietly to himself not wanting to wake up you or tubbo
“I swear its always y/n and tubbo who fall asleep”
“its been a long day y/n couldn’t sleep in the hotel they kept mentioning something about ghosts I don’t know man they must have been watching too many horror films”
“mhm probably”
soon enough you were with the others, minx quickly pulled you into a hug
“Nice tattoo”
“I did it for money it was a sub-goal”
you and tubbo stood with Tommy looking at the ferret
“why’s it so long”
“tubbo does it look like I study zoology I play Minecraft for a living”
the next day you were at the beach, having only had a few hours of sleep the previous night it was safe to say you weren’t in the best mood, you sat next to ranboo occasionally falling in and out of sleep, ranboo kept an arm around you pulling you into his side making sure you were safe and didn’t hit your head on the rocks when you fell asleep. you were woken up by tubbo walking on something which he clearly shouldn’t be. eventually, you all made it back to tubbos house, Tommy and tubbo were in the kitchen while ranboo practised for mcc and you were asleep in the room you had been sharing with ranboo whilst he’s in the Uk.
the next day you all went out on another adventure, at this point you had no idea what was happening but you just went with it. you and Tommy chased a bird telling him about the subscribe button and giving him the name ‘funny boy’
“Why does that bird look just extremely anxious”
“because we’re too cool ranboo”
“maybe we should give him another name than funny boy”
it was at this point you all decided to leave poor Charles alone as it was pretty clear he wanted nothing to do with you.
the three of you made your way to the train station forgetting that the school students would be there, a few minutes later the three of you were swarmed by several students all trying to talk to you all.
“I think we might have got on when the schools are here”
“so thankful you pointed that out boo I thought we were being mobbed by several people cosplaying as school students”
“hi everyone hopefully no one has covid”
you backed away from the crowd moving closer to ranboo
“I bet tubbos really glad he chose not to come”
you tried to avoid the crowd by getting on the train, this failed miserably. people were excited to meet the people they look up to they were all determined to sit with you all on the train taking up the seats around you all, the three of you spent a lot of the train ride talking to them, unlike ranboo and Tommy you ignored the comments aimed at the three of you not wanting to get involved after all it was rather overwhelming so many people talking loudly at once, you ended up moving seats and had a quiet conversation with someone from your community, around half an hour later you were at your destination and said goodbye before joining Tommy and ranboo at wills. the three of you sat on the floor listening to will and the others practice. it’s pretty clear Tommy has a habit of finding things as you turned around to see him with a puppet of a shark pretending to bite you
“Tommy what are you doing”
“bye y/n scream it’s going to get you”
realising you weren’t going to scream he began telling joe, Wilbur and David to scream.
after spending time with the others and having a quick trip to the beach you Tommy and ranboo ended up at the shop recording the three of you on the security camera
“If you take a picture from there 50p”
you looked at ranboo tilting your head in confusion even though he was wearing a mask and sunglasses he was clearly equally as confused, he pulled you into his side noticing you were clearly starting to get anxious, you hated confrontation even though it turned out to be a joke it still shook you up a little bit
“I'm only joking my friend…but I did get them”
“you did we took it serious”
“aye you did”
the three of you walked away Tommy still laughing
“he scared me”
after a long day, you all went back to tubbos, you and ranboo decided to end the night early, the pair of you made your way to the shared room. you both spent a few minutes talking about mcc and how you were both going to win and coming up with new strategies. you must have fallen asleep mid-conversation as you didn’t remember seeing Tommy come into the room last night yet you were woken up by him complaining that ranboo playing mcc woke him up.
after getting ready you sat planning an adventure with tubbo
“So where do you wanna go bo”
“We should do something really cool”
“l hope you know that wasn’t helpful”
“pumpkin patch”
“it’s summer where do you think we’re going to find pumpkins…wait tubbo in October I’m taking you to a pumpkin patch it’ll be great we hardly spend time together as a pair near Halloween”
“I promise this year we’ll spend more time together”
your conversation was interrupted by Tommy and ranboo announcing they were ready to go to the beach again. once there tubbo sat arguing with Tommy and ranboo over them needing a life jacket. meanwhile, you had walked away collecting pretty rocks and sea glass putting them in the velvet blue bag covered in embroidered gold stars that dream had sent you as a thank you for the merch you sent him not long ago, you walked along the beach quietly talking to yourself
“ooh jack would like that and I could turn this into a ring for Niki…techno would like this and this would annoy schlatt it's perfect”
you laughed to yourself as you made your way back to the others thinking about schlatts reaction when he sees his gift. when you made your way back you watched Tommy swim over to tubbo leaving ranboo on his own probably waiting for you to return
“did you get any nice rocks then y/n you were out for a while”
“I did. come sit over there with me I’ll show you”
the pair of you sat next to each other away from the sea, ranboo matched your excitement every time you picked the rock you wanted to show him
“you’ve been collecting more than rocks? what’s that”
“I have !! you wanna see?”
“of course I do”
this was a moment neither of you would forget, the pair of you sat enjoying each others company looking at rocks and sea glass you had found on the beach ignoring the world.
@denkisclown @emma0nline @fuzzycloudsz @wtfwriter @milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee @orkwardx0 @bearytime @kylobensgirl
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gracereally · 3 years
Settling in
It's hard to believe that it's been over 4 weeks since I boarded a plane to come to Korea. I've only been free for half of that time, but I've already explored and learned so much. So far, things are going well! There are still growing pains, but I've been really enjoying my time here despite the strict covid guidelines that prevent me from being able to travel often or teach the way I would prefer.
It's crazy, but even after only two and a half weeks at work, I already feel myself settling into a routine. Routines have always helped me understand what to expect from the days and weeks ahead. This post is a quick rundown of what a typical day looks like for me in Korea.
9:00a: Wake up! I set my alarm for 9 so that I can still have a productive and full morning. Occasionally, I do wake up earlier than this. Other times, I'm so exhausted I only want to lay in bed. Luckily I have plenty of time before work for either option.
9:00a ~ 12:00p: During my mornings, I like to speak with my family and friends, since it is the evening for them. If I don't speak to anyone, I try to do something fun for myself, like read a book or play a video game. I also make myself breakfast every day. While I get ready for work, I watch TV.
Between 12:00p ~ 12:30p: I prepare to leave for work. All of my co-workers live in the same apartment building, so travel to work together. We can walk or taxi. Typically, we like to walk when it's nice out, but taxis are quick and easy (as well as cheap!) when the weather is bad or it is way too hot.
1:00p: Arrive at school
1:00p ~ 3:50p: This is my prep period. It may not seem like a ton of time, but we have a lot of resources for our lessons, so if we use our time effectively there's plenty of it for lesson planning. So far, we haven't been finding out what classes we teach that day until we get to work, which has been a huge downside. I would much prefer to be able to plan ahead or use any extra time for future lessons. However, I think this will change soon and I will get a regular schedule as I and the other new teachers settle in.
3:50p ~ 6:00p: I teach two classes to younger students, typically between the ages of first to third grade.
6:00p ~ 6:50p: Dinner break! Every day my school provides dinner for us. We order from a different restaurant each day and everyone submits their order before classes. Our order is waiting for us during our dinner break :)
6:50p ~ 9:00p: I teach two more classes, this time to the older students. The students in this block are typically between third and sixth grade.
9:00p ~ 9:30p: my co-workers and I try to finish up some grading and other loose ends before we head out. The work day technically ends at 9:10, but we often stay later to finish a few things. I really don't mind since I hate taking grading home.
I typically get home before 10:00p. We usually take the bus, but we can also walk on a nice night.
For the rest of the night, I have free time! I usually do my chores, like taking out the trash (such a hassle in Korea) or going for groceries. I try not to snack too much, but sometimes the convenience store is too tempting! I like to watch TV or do some online shopping to relax at night before I hit the hay around 1 or 2.
But there's fun stuff too I swear!
On weekends I've been exploring and shopping! Below are some more photos I took last weekend. I met up with a friend in Itaewon for lunch, and we also visited the war memorial museum. On Sunday I went to Lotte Tower, which is a mall here in Seoul that spans five huge floors and an enormous underground complex. There's an aquarium, cinema, tons of restaurants, a big department store, and so much more. I spent way too much money lmao
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So that's what I've been up to! My day might not seem exciting but it's been very relaxing for me. I know my schedule might seem very different from the normal 9-5 setup, but it's honestly perfect for me. It's a stark contrast to my old job, in which I was constantly rushing to get to work in the morning and working in a stressful environment that I didn't enjoy very much at all.
So far I love teaching, despite sometimes having mixed feelings about the school itself. But that's a post for another day hahaha
Peace out ✌️
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iwach4n · 4 years
haikyuu characters as british sixth form students
i low key hate myself for this but i needed to do it. it’s necessary. also i only did subjects they do at my school
sawamura daichi - takes history, maths and business, but he only really did business because he didn’t know what else to take; his suit is always like perfectly fitted like he actually tried when he was buying it; probably head boy honestly; follows the rules a bit too strictly but you can’t even be annoyed because he’s too nice; will give you the extra 50p you need to get a diet coke before school even if you don’t know him; is friends with the popular roadmen type and is the only one out of the group that you trust
sugawara koushi - takes english, art, classics and maths AS to feel smarter; says he regrets taking art like 20 times a day but still always has amazing pieces; the one kid that’s sort of in a lot of friend groups but has like two genuine close friends; the go-to if you need to copy homework because he’s always done it and will let you even if its as the teacher is collecting it; the only boy who actually tries on non-uniform day and has really nice outfits; makes you nervous if you don’t know him well because he seems too nice
azumane asahi - takes textiles, english and psychology but textiles was the only one he really wanted to do; the guy you’re scared of before you get sat next to him and it turns out he’s a sweetheart; you can’t remember the last time you saw him wearing a blazer; you ask to copy his homework because he seems smart and sort of put together but it turns out he was about to ask you the same thing; all the teachers love him; probably plays rugby honestly
tanaka ryuunosuke - takes PE, drama and french but he only did french because he liked the teacher he had for GCSE and didn’t fail it; if you’re in the same group as him for drama you have to yell at him to actually act properly but once you do he’s actually good; never has a tie; definitely the guy who yells at girls like “ayo miss! miss!!! miss can i chat to you!!!!!” even though he always gets ignored; is a roadman and is friends with roadmen but is actually nice to most people, you still don’t trust him tho; acts friendly with teachers even though they hate him
nishinoya yuu - takes PE, biology and psychology because he was told they work well together but is failing all of them; constantly on report and in detention; you don’t trust him because he’s friends with roadmen and is generally popular but when you talk to him he’s actually alright, none of your friends who haven’t talked to him believe you though; always begging to copy your homework and if you say no he’ll offer you like,,, 20p; always gets picked to do the 100m on sports day and holds the school record for it
hinata shoyo - takes PE, geography and psychology, cried when he found out there was maths in all of them; got low-key bullied in years 7-9 but is now generally well liked; mocked for his height and gets offended even though its in good nature; is that one kid who’s friends with all the popular people but unless you’ve had a class with him you literally haven’t heard of him; forgets its non-uniform day every single time; does shitty bike tricks while cycling down the road to school, there’s a video that everyone has seen of him falling off
kageyama tobio - takes PE, french and business, he was going to take maths because he didn’t know what else but his GCSE grade wasn’t high enough; the one quiet kid in class who’s just intimidating and will not speak to you if you sit next to him; is generally considered popular but when you think about it you have no clue if he has any friends; yells at you for not taking the mandatory non a-level PE sessions seriously; always buys a yazoo or capri sun from he school canteen; literally just completely zones out in study periods
tsukishima kei - takes history, classics, german and english, all of them full course coz he’s a dickhead (i say this but i am also taking four full course); you can’t remember the last time you saw him take actual notes in a lesson but he’s still got amazing grades; if there’s ever a debate in lessons he gets annoyed and swears and gets sent out; in detention for using his phone a lot coz he literally doesn’t care; always has beef with the roadmen, one time he got into a physical fight with one of them and won; won’t snitch on you for breaking any rules UNLESS he actively dislikes you
yamaguchi tadashi - takes art, graphic design and english; literally lives in the art and tech building and is best friends with all the teachers; other than tsukishima all his friends are girls; the one guy everyone thinks is gay but he just isn’t; sometimes brings like a whole box of celebrations into school and as long as he sort of recognises your face he will offer you one; he has really neat notes but he owns like one highlighter and its bright orange which ruins it; will let you take pictures of him for your art project
yachi hitoka - takes art, textiles, business and AS maths; always has the cutest outfits with pretty pastel jumpers and subtle necklaces; actively avoids eye contact whenever a teacher is asking a question even though she always knows the answer; is terrified walking past roadmen and football fields (she’s been hit in the head with the ball too many times); will buy you food from the canteen if you don’t have enough; no one knows where she goes at lunch but they never see her around and never see her leave; became a prefect because her teacher said she should; runs a textiles club for KS3
shimizu kiyoko - takes geography, maths, business and AS further maths; everyone thought she’d be like head girl but she didn’t even run for it; she’s too used to ignoring guys trying to talk to her so if you actually need to speak to her about something important good luck; is invited to every party but never goes; had THE biggest glow up from year 7; stays at school over lunch even though sixth formers can leave, can always be found at one specific bench or in her geography teacher’s classroom
kuroo tetsurou - takes chemistry, physics, german and AS maths even though he was told not to do german coz it didn’t suit his other subjects; is somehow good at everything - gets good grades, really good at sports, you see videos on his instagram of him playing guitar - its genuinely unfair; is friendly with teachers and they love him; if a teacher suggests a movie lesson he will immediately ask for either bee movie, shrek or some shitty one off youtube (killer bean anyone?); is friends with literally everyone; this is a direct description of the one guy at my school who just is kuroo
yaku morisuke - takes french, geography, economics, and AS maths; plays cricket and helps run the club for year 7s, but only because it was required to be a prefect; is friendly with roadmen but the minute they leave he'll have the most disgusted and pained expression; seems really smart and put together but you've seen him swear like a sailor when he misses the bus and get blackout drunk at a party so you really don't know what to think
kenma kozume - takes computer science, maths and business; always in the computer rooms or the tech block because those are the places you can use your phone; you think he has no friends until you see him talking to the popular boys; everyone knows who he is even if like 2% of people have actually spoken to him; skips PE to sit in the toilet on his phone; always has spare everything but you can't tell coz its all just loose in his bag
yamamoto taketora - takes PE, history and english; has played basketball every single lunchtime since year 7 and he's not about to stop now; uses over-the-top compliments to chat up girls and then calls them clapped when they reject him; is trying his best with school work but is struggling, if you sit next to him please help him; is mates with everyone he's ever sat next to and will fist-bump you when you walk past each other; is obsessed with a specific instagram model and everyone calls him a simp for it
lev haiba - takes drama, PE and psychology coz they're the "easy" subjects (he's barely passing any of them); tries to be friendly with teachers but then he says something bad and it backfires; constantly has a massive bag of doritos with him and gets crumbs everywhere; still wears his shirts from year 11 coz he didn't want to buy new ones; talks to girls in younger years and is constantly called a nonce for it even though he never dates any of them; wannabe roadman that the roadmen don't really like
oikawa tooru - takes physics, maths, and business and he's Struggling but he won't let anyone see that; the one guy that everyone likes and you had a crush on for like two weeks and then regretted it for the rest of your life; friends with all the roadmen and dresses like one but doesn't act like them (he's worse); talks to and dates year 10 girls but no one calls him a nonce for some reason; when you first see him you think 'damn he's hot' but a week later you're actively avoiding him in the corridors; puts porn on his snapchat story and captions it 'mood'
iwaizumi hajime - takes PE, biology and business; "friends" with all the roadmen but you get the feeling he wants to be literally anywhere else; always yelling and takes every joke too seriously; shoves his PE kit in the same part of his bag as all his books and has to pull out his sweaty shirt to get to his pencilcase; will be nice to you if you sit next to him but it feels forced; always has a cherry pepsi and a pack of wine gums or dolly mix in his bag and he won't share any with you
mattsukawa issei - takes english, biology and german even though they're ridiculously mismatched; he's not a known druggie but you're like 99% sure he's stoned all the time; will talk to you randomly if he recognises you but its intimidating coz he's popular; you can't tell if he's a virgin or if he gets mad bitches; asks uncomfortable questions in sex ed and has a shit-eating grin on his face the whole time; always late to every lesson and form time; gets blackout drunk in a field at least once a week
hanamaki takahiro - takes latin, history, german and AS english; you think he's dumb until you sit next to him in a lesson and he knows all the answers to everything; he's the nicest ever if he's on his own but if he's with his friends you have to avoid him; he came to cricket club once and now he gets put in the matches if they don't have enough people; tries to keep his stupid silver puffer jacket on in lessons; will wolf-whistle at girls to show off to his mates; you'd trust him with your drink at a party but you're too nervous to approach him
kyoutani kentarou - takes english, biology and maths but it barely matters coz he's never in lessons; school cryptid; you don't know if he's in exclusion or just not in school; if a cover teacher calls out his name in the register everyone jokingly says he's dead; will fight a roadman with 0.5% of an excuse; if you're not a roadman or chav he's acc really cool and will be your friend; has a million friends outside of school and if you want some drugs, whether its weed or like, meth, he knows a guy; probably a skater
kunimi akira - takes maths, computing, economics and AS further maths but is miserable about it coz none of his friends took mathsy subjects; just sits quietly and stares at the teacher, he barely takes notes but still gets good grades; asks to copy your homework right before the lesson and then bullies you for making mistakes in it; you see him pouring monster energy in his waterbottle before school; says he's gonna drop further maths every lesson but never does; sleeps in lunchtime detentions
ushijima wakatoshi - takes history, classics, latin and AS english; definitely plays rugby; you wonder if he even has a social life because he's always at a sports club or doing schoolwork every lunch time and after school; never has a fucking coat even if its below freezing; his parents buy him beer and cider that he drinks while just chilling in his room; probably the one guy you know who lives just,,, in the woods; his instagram has one picture and its of him shirtless, it has hundreds of likes but he was last online 20 weeks ago
tendou satori - takes drama, computing and maths; got really bullied in like,,, years 7-9 but now just sticks to his friend group and is fine; his hobby is annoying his teachers and is a bit of a class clown; turns the wifi setting off on the school computers and plays the google dinosaur game in lessons even though he's literally doing computing alevel; somehow always gets away with not doing his homework; the only weeb in the entire school, is angry about that fact constantly; drinks way too much monster energy, he's 50% of the local corner shop's profit
semi eita - takes music, maths, and business; you think he only took music because people think its an easy subject but he's genuinely good at it and is predicted an A*; every girl in younger years has a crush on him and it worries him; he lives in the music block; had a year 8 emo phase and will murder you if you bring it up; drinks the white monster more than he drinks water; sort of tiktok famous for his bass videos and no one believes he's british; also probably a skater
bokuto koutarou - takes PE, english and drama but is Struggling in english; wears a coat every single day, even if its boiling hot; plays subway surfers on his phone in study periods and somehow never gets caught; has popular friends but prefers his other friends; slaps his mates ass in the PE changing rooms (says no homo tho); has to type his exams because his handwriting is too messy; has a love-hate relationship with his teachers; buys custard donuts from the local supermarket every morning
akaashi keiji - takes RS, french, classics and english AS; the one guy you've never spoken to but trust more than anyone you know; every teacher wants him for their subject on open evening; really needs a nap. seriously get the boy some sleep; no one thought he was attractive until like year 9 - 10 and is now just The pretty boy; goes to costa every day before school and somehow can afford that; mentors year 10s in english and french and looks like he hates every second of it
astumu miya - does PE, business and computing, is still useless at programming; loudly and carelessly discusses his sex life with no shame whatsoever; looks really good in the suit and just in general but makes you hate yourself for thinking that; he would get a perm. he would; on the rugby team and threatens to rugby tackle everyone constantly; does hard drugs at parties; tries to chat up any alt / goth / grunge girl he sees even thought they all immediately hate him
sakusa kiyoomi - takes PE, biology and sociology; got bullied for being a germaphobe but never gave two shits about it; rude as shit to all the roadmen but is generally chill with anyone else; one of very few people who wore a black suit and it looks damn good; somehow got into the popular-but-not-quite-roadmen group by sixth form; brings his own hot lunch in like a thermos because the school food is nasty but he needs hot lunch; just wears like a t shirt, jeans and a leather jacket on non-uniform days but somehow looks like a god
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vicky-shitposts · 4 years
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struggles of a trans girl
28 Feb 2021,
think ive fixed my sleeping pattern, managed to wake up two minutes before my alarm today. had some coffee and cashews for breakfast while watching more Outnumbered, but that proved difficult thanks to tech issues. i got through two episodes by the stroke of something on my side (for once). ive decided im gunna stop attaching photos to my daily "diary" posts, and not focus so much on giving them all titles. it's been fun to do so for almost a month straight and ive built up a good bank of photos thanks to it. im looking forward to next month though, im gunna have so much new music to write about: St Vincent, Rob Zombie, Emma Blackery, Gary Numan and hopefully Lorde too. might have to create a whole new chapter just dedicated to reviewing and talking about their new music, but we'll see how thinga go.
so many people have said so many things about me recently. i've been called pretty, queen, a sex icon, a creative genius and "the most fabulous depressed, vampiric, 150* year old, gaytastic, academic superstar there ever was". but it's funny because to me, most of what they say really are just things. it's gotten to that point where i don't like looking at myself again, and the only times ive taken photos of myself recently were for my album - even then they were all in black and white with barely any lighting and a lot of editing. it's really nice that a lot of people see me as a woman and forget im trans, but on the other hand, it makes all those "learn to love yourself" comments and ideas so much harder. how can i love myself when i look down or in a mirror and see a thing looking back at me, rather than the woman i feel i am inside?? it's not like i can go out, buy a cute set of underwear and take photos to empower myself or make myself feel more confident. that's not how it works with my body. recently i've been thinking a lot about how the weight of a guy is distributed differently to a girl, so my belly just goes out whereas a girl has so many different places for her fat to go. boobs, hips, bum whereas i just get more three dimensional; i hate it and it just makes me hate myself and look down on myself more.
spent 50p today on freeprints because i was offered 45 free photos this month and only had to pay postage, which was reduced by £1.50 which i really cannot complain about. i chose to print out photos of REG and some of myself, from the Inner Mechanisms album cover sessions. i wish i had a few fans so i could get a gold sharpie, sign them and send them out. imagine being a pin up on somebodies wall; imagine having somebody listen to your music to help them get through their life and struggles. that's why i make the music i do, often cited as "depressing". one girl told me she did used to listen to my music to help get her through, but i don't know if i truly believe her or not. i don't even believe people fully when they say they like a song that i've shown them, or when they say the song is good. i am riddled with so much doubt and disbelief.
THE BARD HATH ARRIVE!! my copy of othello is here, and the cover has a lot of yellow to it, so im thinking of wearing yellow in my next english class to color coordinate my outfit with the cover of my book. yes i really am that pretentious and over the top. managed to finish series 4 of Outnumbered now, but watching it has made me so broody and emotional. all i can really think of and about is having my own children and imagining what i would be like as a parent. plus seeing the photo of them all grown up on iplayer made me well up with tears - which is probably my attachment to fictional characters and families resurfacing - but they grow up so fast. mother also had her first covid vaccine shot today and so far she's all well and healthy. fingers crossed she doesn't get flu like symptoms.
we got a new shower head the other day, and when i was using it (innocently) i came to the conclusion that a woman's orgasm is only as good as her shower head - but then again, i don't have a vagina to make an accurate judgement. i did shave my legs however, and they feel so smooth; i am baby and i feel like baby. i can also tell i've watched too much Outnumbered because while i was making my dinner, my personality was basically a replica of Pete mixed with Ben but with a lot more bad language. i didn't expect to start picking up the personality of people from Outnumbered at all, but it does give me an excuse to watch Withnail & I again this month to get back in touch with my inner Withnail. last year i ordered a scarf and it's come in very handy because it's like the one Withnail wears in the film. i had so much fun last night annoying people with my quoting the film in snapchat videos again.
*i am in fact 423 years old, my friend who was saying it to me forgot my age.
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All Good Things…
31st May 2020
Hello, Chaps and Chapettes,
Here’s my first true attempt at writing a blog, or any kind of a diary of sorts. It’s bound to go wrong, but it is my hope that it doesn’t. If I hope hard enough, it might stick around for at least a month, right?
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I say that because every other time I’ve told myself, “I will keep a diary for real this time,” it has always gone the same way tits and testicles go. I haven’t had the right mindset to keep anything up longer than a few days, sometimes I haven’t gotten as far as to write on a single clean page. I’ve bought the nice shiny books with Harry Potter logos on the front, maybe even a shiny pen to write with, and then it has gone in the drawer for seven years before eventually being sold on to some kid in a car-boot sale for 50p.
Why do I think this time will be any different? Well, as you can tell from that first claim, I don’t. I feel I know myself well enough (and I should, I have known myself intimately for at least 32 years) to know what motivates me, what will work, what will fail, and what will trick me away like a witch with a cottage made of gingerbread and gumdrops. However, I also believe that detailed knowledge about myself is what will allow me to carry this on without dropping the ball this time. Maybe, just maybe, I know enough about myself to give this a chance.
You see, what has always been my failing in the past is giving myself the time to do these things. I have never had a structure to my life and even if I have tried to meticulously plan anything out, I have always ended up tripping over it because I hate structure. I don’t plan unless I am forced to, so trying to plan will make any project sour for me. That is how I have tricked myself in this first instance.
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You see, faithful reader (you must be faithful to have got this far), I have given myself a limit. Thirty minutes, to be precise. All I have to do is write for thirty minutes each day. You can do a lot in thirty minutes, you can make a meal, eat a meal, and… Okay, I’ve ran out of things I can think of that you can do in thirty minutes, so I will cheat and say ‘write a blog post’ for the third option. Laziness, however, can last a lot longer. It can take up an hour, or an evening, a day or even a weekend. Laziness has been my disease, so by telling the sleeping bug in my brain that I only need to do something for a few minutes and then will be lazy again, I am essentially beating it. Just don’t tell the bug that.
In fact, this is already proving to work. My phone has called out to me twice and I’ve ignored it. I have written this much so far and I am only just passing the halfway point. I didn’t expect to fill a page with words this early into this game! So now I have the tricky stage of figuring out what I am going to continue to write.
I suppose I should explain what these blogs are going to be. I am going to sit down, as you may have guessed from my earlier explanation, without a plan. Instead, I will talk about what is important to me on that day. It may be long, it may be short, it will only be what I can write successfully in thirty minutes. That may mean I have to conclude with ‘to be continued…’ or a terrible cliffhanger, the kind you only get in a badly written soap. Sometimes, I may offer help, sometimes I may talk about a hot topic, but what I do want to stress is that there will be no angry rants. I will not pick off what I feel is wrong in politics, or in general media, or what beat up my psyche on the day I sit to write. This is because of the title. ‘All Good Things…’ I want this to be what it says on the tin. If it’s good, it is in, if it is bad, it is out.
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That does not mean I may not pick fun at a subject. For example, I found it hilarious, when changing the name on my social media platforms, that some did not like those dot-dot-dots (‘ellipsis’ if you want to be scientific about it) that I added at the end. This replaced the word ‘vlogs’ because I did not want ‘All Good Things…’ to be solely about vlogs, or blogs, or funny cat pictures. I wanted it to be about the amalgamation of what I felt to epitomize the word ‘good’. Some social media delegations, however, do not like those three dots. They’d rather they were words or weren’t there at all. So, I got around this in some places by merely writing ‘dot-dot-dot’ and they were quite happy with this! Therefore, if you see this on any of the places I’ve chosen to hang my hat then you’ll know I’m having a quiet little chuckle at their measures of what is and isn’t good practice.
Two minutes left, so I had best try to wrap this up. I will do so by saying that I am happy with how far I have gotten with this so far. In future, I will try to talk less about myself unless necessary, I will try to talk to you, share things I feel help, and ways to get through whatever you need to get through. To that end, please never hesitate to shout if you think I can help with that.
Otherwise, try this technique out - give yourself thirty minutes, and do something you want to do but don’t have the time to. If you do it often enough, it might become a nice habit and beat your own lazy bug a bit!
This has been Scaramouche, tapping at a keyboard, wishing you all good things…
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panelshowsource · 5 years
a note about women’s month 💘
thank you to everyone who voted in the fave female panelists poll this year! last year was a blast and this year was even better! we’ve seen more woman on tv this year — and some improved, though grossly insufficient, diversity within that — and i love celebrating that with you everyday!
last year, i wrote this:
the lack of diversity in british comedy is an alarming issue that has only recently become headline news. statistics presented by this study, based on 50 years of panel shows and over 4,700 individual episodes, are beyond disappointing for women (here is an easy-to-read graph by series & by year); similar disappointment stems from the lineups at popular comedy festivals, like edinburgh. in 2014, the head of tv at the bbc promised to end all-male comedy shows, a “step in the right direction” that hasn’t been without fear of tokenism, fair criticism as well as some naysayers. women, people of colour, lgbt peoples, those differently-abled and those all of the above and in between are just as funny as cis-identifying white men and deserve a place on our screens. watch their standup, buy their books, stream their videos, listen to their podcasts, comment on and like their content, follow their social media. this support can directly help women become more visible in british comedy.
in the last year, have you been actively conscious of supporting women in comedy? i’d like to take a moment to talk about some ways you can do that :)
➡ from feminist discourse to tales of humans & their dogs to ghost stories, these women are providing some of the most touching, stimulating, and funny reading coming out of comedy:
How to be Champion: My Autobiography by Sarah Millican
Animal: The Autobiography of a Female Body by Sara Pascoe
The Guilty Feminist: From our noble goals to our worst hypocrisies by Deborah Frances-White
The Actual One: How I Tried, and Failed, to Avoid Adulthood Forever by Isy Suttie
Cheer Up Love: Adventures in Depression with the Crab of Hate by Susan Calman
The More You Ignore Me by Jo Brand
Can't Stand Up for Sitting Down: A Memoir by Jo Brand
Look Back in Hunger: The Autobiography by Jo Brand
Born Lippy: How to Do Female by Jo Brand
Is It Just Me? by Miranda Hart
Peggy & Me by Miranda Hart
Nina Is Not OK by Shappi Khorsandi
A Beginner's Guide to Acting English: A Memoir by Shappi Khorsandi
Spectacles: A Memoir by Sue Perkins
East of Croydon: Blunderings through India and South East Asia by Sue Perkins
Once More, with Feeling: How We Tried to Make the Greatest Porn Film Ever by Victoria Coren Mitchell and Charlie Skelton
For Richer, For Poorer: A Love Affair with Poker by Victoria Coren Mitchell
Dead Funny: Horror Stories by Comedians featuring Sara Pascoe, Katy Brand, and Danielle Ward
...and that’s just to name a handful! my fingers would need a 5 min power nap if i tried typing out all of susie dent’s books 💪
➡ this is a list of a lot relevant active podcasts coming out of britain right now (though it is missing, most notably, off menu). for example, if you liked alice levine on taskmaster, why not listen to her podcast? or watch/listen her on rhlstp? this is such a fun way to get more deeply involved in the comedy of some of your favourite ladies! might i recommend isy suttie’s the things we do for love, anneka harry’s brown bread, or box set go! with nicola stephenson (the newest ep features rebecca front!)? most of these are free, or they can be found/requested at /r/notapanelshow p.s. suzi ruffell, rosie jones, tiff stevenson and more are scheduled to appear on rhlstp this season 😍
➡ here is a list of some radio programmes currently on the air. while it does look stacked with men (because it is), women do feature on so many of these series and absolutely smash it! did you know sandi toksvig hosted the news quiz for almost ten years, and its regular panelists include susan calman, rebecca front, zoe lyons, and more? or that victoria coren mitchell has hosted heresy since 2006 (because there’s nothing she can’t do)? or that sarah millican, jo brand, and sally phillips have each hosted series of the museum of curiosity? these are all on the masterpost! 👏 p.s. you can always search for and/or request more radio shows at /r/panelshow or, if they’re not panel radio shows, /r/notapanelshow :)
➡ social 👏 media 👏 determines 👏 relevancy 👏 do i agree with this system? no. is this the system entertainers are currently slaves to? yes. do you follow your favourite women on twitter, instagram, youtube, etc? one click. one like. one retweet. one reblog. here is a list of some of the comedians i follow on twitter to get you started — all of your faves are on there! when you like something they are on, tweet about it! tag them, the network, the channel, use the hashtags, post pictures! tell channels like dave or people like richard osman who your faves are, who deserves more exposure, who you want to see in the future! we’re already obsessing over how much we like these ladies anyways, so why not make that obsession even more visibile?
➡ we have a really sweet, modest community here of at least 10,000 people. this is not something i’ve ever talked about because i don’t want what i’m going to say to be misconstrued as begging for notes — that is not my concern. but you may have heard people on this site talk about something called the like/reblog ratio. a lot of creators are concerned that, apart from tumblr’s ever-evolving ludicrous algorithms murdering their visibility, people are so obsessed with their blog aesthetics that they’re not actually reblogging everything they like. here’s a couple of my gifset details, one from a nicher post and one from a more popular post:
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while i appreciate any notes, numbers likes these aren’t always encouraging. i’m not here to tell you how to enjoy your spare time and interests, or to criticise people who enjoy aesthetic. i just want to point out that if you want someone to be successful, you play a direct part in promoting them and spreading their art. as the years pass, this becomes more and more true. i know how much you all love these ladies — i get messages about them every single day — but it’s a simple fact that a gifset of james acaster or noel fielding or richard ayoade or david mitchell is going to get more notes than a post about any of the women who placed in the top 5 of this poll. i am not bringing this up to this make anyone feel guilty about what they enjoy; i only hope my mentioning this encourages you to be conscientious when participating on social media, especially when your interest lies in the products of a grossly unjust industry that is taking a lot fucking time to get itself on the right track. more followers on a comedian’s twitter = more work for that comedian, because that’s simply the direction the film & tv industry is going. if your follow yields that much power, why not use it for good?
please support women. if you buy one of their books, please message me and tell me which one! if you think one of them is shining on a radio programme and we’re sleeping on her, please let me know (timestamps appreciated!)! if one starts a gofundme or patreon to start a podcast or a tour, please donate 50p and then send me the link! there is always more we can be doing and we are always underestimating what even smallest amount of support means for their bigger picture. i don’t have all the answers, but i love the feeling i get when i believe society is evolving in the right direction. rose matafeo won the edinburgh comedy award in 2018, and sarah keyworth and kiri pritchard-mclean took the top awards at the 2019 chortle awards. women are here to stay and they’re fucking killing it. because duh ❣️
if you took the time to read this, i appreciate you x
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kalluun-patangaroa · 6 years
www.nme.com, April 5-7, 1999
You asked and they answered. NME caught up with Suede and put your questions to them.
Day 1 (April 5)
What’s the worst insult anyone’s shouted at you? (Fred Telfer, London)
Mat: “‘Effete southern wankers.’ Someone shouted that repeatedly through our first ever Scottish gig.”
Simon: “I was in the toilet at that gig, and this bloke came up to me and said, ‘Have you seen Sede? I’m going to smash their teeth in.’ I just pretended to be from Scotland. The hard part.”
Brett: “Someone once shouted, ‘You sound like Rod Stewart.'”
Mat: “No, they said, ‘We remember Rod Stewart.'”
Brett: “Oh, that’s it. That was at a time when everyone was into bands like The Wonder Stuff, and we were playing ballads. I think the Scottish crowd thought we were old hat.”
Brett, did your arse ever get sore from hitting it with your tambourine? (Kieren Kelly, Ireland)
Brett: “I used to get a lot of bruising, that’s why I don’t do it any more. I put my aggression into singing these days rather than self-flagellation.”
Are there any songs you wish you’d never written? (Debbie Harding, York)
Brett: “‘Stay Together’. I don’t know why, it’s just not one of my favourites. It was the sole time in our career when one of our records has been successful because of hype. We’ve been accused of that a lot, but that was the only time when it was true. It was just style over content.”
Neil: “I’ve only written three, so I haven’t got much to regret.”
I read somewhere that after you moved out of one of your flats, the council had to have it fumigated. Is that true? And do you like vacuuming as much as Nicky Wire? (Gary Regis, Leicester)
Mat: “That was in The Mirror, wasn’t it?”
Brett: “That’s a bit of an exaggeration. What happened was we were in the middle of a tour, and we finished a gig and I had one too many shandies and a couple of other things, and I was moving house.
“Me and a couple of friends were sitting on my bed while these removal men went around my house throwing things in plastic bags while we were off our tits. It was a bit of a mess when we left, and I apologise to the people who moved in afterwards.
“These days I find vacuuming and washing-up quite therapeutic. I hate having a messy house, it makes me really depressed, so I try to keep my environment clean.”
Which one of you has got the biggest ego? (Softywat, West Sussex)
Brett: “Definitely not me, ha ha. I don’t think any of us has got a big ego, to be honest. It’s another popular misconception about the band. We don’t all need to be pampered, none of us are that fragile. Possibly a few years ago, I had a bit of one, but I think I’ve managed to chip away at that. I don’t feel particularly ego-driven any more.”
If you could stick pins in a voodoo doll of anybody on earth, who would it be? (Kirsty Irving, Grimsby)
Brett: “I don’t have any bad intentions to anyone really. I think when you have bad intentions to other people, you’re just looking for someone else to blame for where you’ve gone wrong with your life. It’s just a coward’s way out, and I try not to entertain thoughts like that. So, nobody.”
What were the first records you bought? (Emily Mugford, Chertsey)
Richard: “My first record was ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson. I think I was about six.”
Brett: “‘Never Mind The Bollocks…’ by the Sex Pistols was the first album I bought, and the first single was ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Kate Bush.”
Mat: “I think it was ‘Abba – The Album’. The one with ‘Thank You For The Music’ on it, anyway.”
Neil: “Mine was ‘Another Brick In The Wall (Part Two)’.”
Brett: “Woah, what a record!”
Mat: “What a youngster!”
Neil: “I thought it was amazing.”
Brett: “I loved the video with all the kids and that. I used to have the sleeve painted on my wall. The headmaster.”
Simon: “Ever? David Bowie, ‘Low’. Shall I tell you why? I thought he was a punk, because he had orange hair. I then went out and bought ‘Never Mind The Bollocks…’ after that.”
Brett, were you good at games at school? (Clint Stone, Yeovil) 
Brett: “Yeah, I was actually. When you’re young, sport is really important, or at least it was at my school. I held the school record for the 800m for a couple of years. I was a good middle-distance runner. I used to play for the county at football as well.
“It was the only way to avoid getting beaten up. All the bullies tended to leave the kids who were good at sport alone, and not take them into the corner of the field and kick shit out of them. I fancied being an athlete when I was a kid, and then what happens, you get into cigarettes and girls and pop music, and you just end up a fat bloated fool.”
Which member of Suede can drink the most beer? (Mike Crisp, Brighton)
Mat: “Richard, probably.”
Richard: “I don’t think so.”
Brett: “Well, you’re the one who regularly empties their mini-bar wherever we go. Even if we’ve got day rooms. He brushes his teeth with vodka, he does.”
Richard: “Not really.”
Brett: “Well, yes. Who are you trying to kid? This is the man who has a bar in his bag. You sit in the back of a taxi with him and when you get out there’s glasses littered everywhere. That’s no exaggeration. After the pubs shut, you don’t try to find a dodgy offie, you just look in Richard‘s bag. That’s the truth, Mate.”
Simon: “He drinks anything, him.”
What do you say to NME’s editor, who recently included you alongside Ocean Colour Scene, Cast and Reef in a list of bands who “have nothing to say” (NME, April 3)? (Dave Thorley, Shropshire)
Brett: “I don’t think it’s true, to be honest.”
Mat: “There’s always this assumption that if you have something to say, you have to say it in terms of politics and social conditions.”
Brett: “I totally agree. When we’re in places like Germany, we’re always asked, ‘Why are you not political?’ and my answer to that is always the same. If you don’t understand the politics of the songs, then you haven’t looked into them. The songs aren’t flag-waving, they’re more subtle than that.
“I think I’m getting more interested in the music as I’m getting older, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I don’t think you lose that fire for life. As long as you’re inspired and have a real passion and rage for your music, that’s something to say in itself. That’s not a cop-out, that’s just how I feel about music and the band.”
Brett, you’re always photographed wearing a silver bracelet. Who gave it to you? (Samantha Jones, London)
Brett: “It was from a fan, actually. Someone sent it to me for my birthday. It’s just a cheap, silver-plated one, but I like it. I’m quite superstitious, and I wear a lot of my jewellery for that reason. This bracelet is a perfect example, it’s been quite lucky. I wrote lots of the album wearing it, so it’ll continue to be on my wrist until something goes wrong.”
When was the last time you cried, and why? (Gontie Tommy, Belgium)
Brett: “I think the last film that I cried at was Watership Down when I was young. The closing scene was really fucking sad.
“My sister used to read books to me, she liked reading to me so much she used to pay me 2p an hour to listen. She’d read stuff like Watership Down and Lord Of The Rings, and I’d cry at that too.”
Simon: “I don’t think I’ve ever cried while watching a film.”
Brett: “Neil?”
Neil: “Nah.”
Simon: “Oh, he’s a butch lad.”
Day 2 (April 6)
Have you dumbed down your lyrics to the point where they’re patronising to the listener? (Tom Stubbs, Dartford)
Brett: “I don’t think they are patronising. If you want to look for intelligence in lyrics, there’s a lot more of it in simplicity. I think the lyrics to our new album are a lot more intelligent than anything on ‘Dog Man Star’.”
Mat: “There’s a difference between dumbing down and being universal. The majority of people who buy Suede records aren’t English, their first language isn’t English.”
Brett: “When you go abroad people are just mystified about what the early stuff is all about. This is an interview for an English music paper, so everyone knows all the cultural reference points, but there’s a whole world out there and I think it’s important to communicate to them as well.
“As I’ve said before, the blueprint for a lot of lyrics on this album came from reading writers I really like, like Camus. His words are just like a simple painting of a triangle or a square or something. There’s nothing clever-clever about them, they’re just there. They describe a situation with a couple of simple brush strokes. That’s what I was trying to do on ‘Head Music’, and if that’s patronising, then sue me.”
What sort of cigarettes do you smoke? (Laura Pike, Aberdeen)
Brett: “Benson & Hedges. It’s always been the same. Mat smokes Silk Cut, but then he doesn’t count.”
If you could be any character in EastEnders, who would it be? (Sarah Glanville, London)
Brett: “I quite like Matthew Rose. I like the real ones P Matthew, Tony, people like that. I can imagine being one of them, they’re in the same sort of age-band. I really like the Mitchells as well.
“Actually, I think I’d be like Phil in the old days. He’s lost the plot a bit as a character since he gave up drink, but I used to love Phil. I’d regularly have dreams about hanging out with him and Grant, and committing various crimes.”
Simon: “I’d be Ian Beale, because I’ve always wanted to own a 50p/’1 shop.”
Brett: “Everyone hates him though, he’s the most hated man in the square.”
Simon: “Suits me.”
Neil: “I’d be Reg Cox (Reg Cox was found dead in the first episode after never speaking a word P EastEnders Ed).”
Richard: “I’d like to be Nick Cotton, but I don’t think I could pull it off. Every time he’s been in it, it’s been great. The time he tried to murder Dot was brilliant.”
Brett: “The best one was when he came back and pretended to be a Christian. That was really sinister. And I love Dot Cotton. Charlie was great as well.”
Tell us about your brown rice diet… (Johnny Robinson, Kettering)
Brett: “I still eat brown rice every morning. You get hooked on it, because it’s just so clean and good for you. I’m really looking after my body at the moment. I spent so many years abusing it, it’s time to give it a break I think.”
Mat: “I met someone at a Super Furry Animals gig who was such a Suede fan he’d started just eating brown rice. I was trying to convince him that you don’t have to do that to be a Suede fan. He should have seen Brett a few minutes earlier, he had a whole load of prawns stuffed into his mouth.”
Brett: “You’ve got to make sure you get the right sort of rice. It can’t just be brown, it’s got to be wholegrain. What I recommend to our fans is go to a standard Indian restaurant and have a fish masala. That’s very nice. I eat like a horse these days. Brown rice just gives you energy.”
Brett, did you ever want to punch Damon Albarn? (Paperback Rioter, Walthamstow)
Brett: “Punch? Nah, I’m not a violent person. Lots of people have had a go at me, but you just have to learn to deal with it because you’re always going to be a target for someone.”
Suede always seem well-groomed. How vain are you? (Jackie Long, Manchester)
Brett: “Personally, I’m pretty vain. You can only afford not to be if you’re really confident about yourself. If you’re always sticking your face in front of a camera and looking like a dog, you try to do something about it, don’t you? I spend a lot of time looking in the mirror just to iron the creases and get rid of stray bits of fluff.
“Simon‘s quite vain. The first thing he does when he gets into a hotel room is unpack his huge case of toiletries. He’s got five different sorts of aftershave, you name it. So actually, he’s the vainest member of the band, and probably the best dressed.”
Simon: “Yes, I’m glad you’ve noticed my Gucci shirt. Mat‘s got the best shoes, though.”
Mat: “They’re from Prada.”
Richard: “They’ve still got that revolting stain on them.”
Mat: “(Sheepishly) Yeah, someone was sick on them. Me, actually.”
Brett, are you still an eco-warrior (A reference to a recently unearthed school essay in which Brett complained about vandals defacing trees)? (Leonard Brown, Portsmouth)
Brett: “Oh God! I was eight years old. Listen, right, all that stuff from my past, anyone who wants to criticise that, I’d like to ask them what they were like when they were that age. When you’re eight years old you’re not boozing and injecting drugs into your eyes, are you? You’re just into stupid things. And no, I’m not an eco-warrior, it’s not something that keeps me awake at night.”
Neil: “He does live in a tree, though.”
Brett: “I have concessions to a green lifestyle, but it’s only buying eco-friendly washing powder. I’m not obsessive about it.”
Is it true you only listen to your own music and surround yourself with people who admire you in obsessive and fanatic ways? (Moa Ranum, Sweden)
Brett: “No, that’s bollocks. A lot of my close friends are into the band, but there are a lot of friends who’ve never heard a Suede song. A lot of our friends are ravers, and the music we make has no connection with their life at all.”
Simon: “My best friend in Scotland hates us.”
Brett: “I don’t think we’re that fragile that we need a load of people telling us we’re great. I think we’ve grown out of that to be honest.”
Day 3 (April 7)
Does Neil like antiques? (Purple Girl, England)
Neil: “I’m glad you asked me that. Not really, and I hate watching The Antiques Roadshow. It’s always shown in the winter on Sunday evenings, and it’s really depressing. It’s always dark outside. It’s so English, and it’s all part of that dreary idea of what it is to be English. It’s really parochial, seedy, it’s all about poking your nose into someone else’s business.”
People bully me at school for liking Suede. What should I say to defend myself? (Barry Beautiful One, Carlisle)
Brett: “Tell them they’re the cowards. If they have to persecute someone to make their own lives seem better then that’s pathetic. Tell them we’re going to go up to their school and get them.
“I don’t know, when you’re into music at school it says a lot about your identity and personality, and a lot of it was about getting into trouble with other people. You have to break an egg to make an omelette, don’t you?”
Your life depends on collaborating musically with either Damon Albarn or Bernard Butler. Which one do you choose? (Derek Brodie, Manchester)
Mat: “Well, we’ve done one of them, so it would have to be Damon.”
Brett: “What song would we do? We’d probably do a cover of ‘I’ve Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts’.”
Mat: “In a ragga stylee.”
Simon: “He’ll probably phone us up now and demand to know how we knew what he was working on.”
Have Suede become a parody of themselves? (John Rickleford, Kent)
Brett: “Not at all. Part of being in a band is being a parody. I don’t think anyone will listen to ‘Head Music’ and think it’s a parody of Suede. I think what we’ve done on it is develop the sound of the band, but keep to the heart of what Suede‘s all about.
“It’s true that there are certain constants in Suede‘s world that we go back to, but there’s a fine line between repetition and just having a lexicon of words to fall back on. Sometimes I fall the wrong side of it, but I like to have a palette of words that I use, like an artist has a style. That’s part of what makes Suede what they are.”
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how was your first kiss? Well I enjoyed it at the time, but mainly a mixture of "OMG FIRST PROPER KISS" and "OH FUCK I HOPE I'M NOT DOING THIS WRONG!" idreadthethoughtofourveryfirstkissatargethatimprobablygonnamiss what do you love about yourself? nothing. Don't get me wrong I don't hate myself, I just generally don't love myself either. We are platonic. when’s the last time you warmed your hands in front of a fire? Last year but it was an electric fire, I've been in front of actual burning wood fires but I don't think I was warming my hands would you rather watch a sunrise or sunset? Sunrise. At sunset I'd probably be doing something else and miss it, whereas I can stay up all night to watch the sunrise and then go to bed :) sunrisesunsetwhenyouwashawaythepain what’s the best thing about summer? In Scotland, the rain gets warmer what makes you feel warm inside? I'm more generally cold and dead inside, it doesn't get warmed often what’s your favourite halloween tradition? Going into work dressed up :) I work in town and I dress up but no one else does. Literally No. One. Else. My work encourages it but everyone patches it and so does every other person on my commute. I wish other people put more of an effort in, but at the same time I like being the only weirdo that walked 2mile to the train station, 40mins on the train and then 2 mile from Scenetral to work in corpsepaint and makeup. Last year I was The Crow. thisishalloweenhalloweenhalloweenhalloweenhalloween what’s the last thing you learned? idk. Tipping Point just told me that 20p and 50ps are made up of a Copper Nickel alloy, but only time will tell if I actually learned this. when’s the last time you felt obsessed? When I saw this quiz I was obsessed with someone who doesn't feel the same, but I'm trying to move on. Trying. what’s your favourite article of clothing? fingerless gloves or striped sleeves are favourite, I'm forever in bandshirts but don't have a favourite one... if you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose? idk I don't really look out of my window too much what’s your favourite thing to do on a sunny day? Stand outside of a venue, hours early, among my peoples, with headphones in, waiting for doors opening to a gig what do you consider lucky? There's no such thing as luck youcanfoolyourslefipromiseitwillhelpnoweverysingledayijustwannahearyousayimsoluckyluckyimsolovelylovely what made you smile today? Memes what makes you happy? Music what’s your favourite thing to do outside? Walk with headphones in, or que for a gig do you like camping? Only at download what would you spend $1,000 on? Concert tickets or boxsets what’s your job, or what do you want to do as your job? I work in a call centre, what I want to do is nothing what do you do when you’re sad? nothing specifically, just the same things I do anyway what are some things you do when you can’t sleep? I know I'll never get to sleep so I don't bother even going to bed until like 5am when I'm tired what was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had? Concert of some kind probably what kind of covers do you have on your bed? Idk its chocolate coloured and kinda silky who is the last person you told a secret to? my 'Main Course' what’s your astrological sign? Aquarius what’s the best piece of advice you ever received? I do not know. when’s the last time you followed your instincts? idk, i don’t trust my instincts what’s your favourite food? pizza or hamwiches what’s your secret dream? my dreams are dead
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Home for Christmas (Part 3 of 4)
Summary: Every year Dan goes to a ballet performance of the Nutcracker around Christmas (he even starts to enjoy it after a while), but what he’s really waiting for is the nights he gets to spend with one of the lead dancers after the show.
Rating: M
Word count: 7.3K (20.3K total so far)
[A/N] Hope you enjoy my Christmas mini-series!
<-- part two
Start at the beginning
As the new year crawled by Dan found himself tempted to google Phil’s name more and more with each passing day.
When university started back up after Christmas break and he found himself surrounded by the people who had to get used to seeing him without Rosie he caught himself just before pressing enter multiple times, erasing the words he’d typed and turning off his phone screen before he could change his mind again. He tried to avoid running into her, sometimes going as far as skipping dinner because she was sat in the kitchen, until he no longer felt his phone burning in his pocket watching her tending to her pans at the stove. Until he no longer had the pressing urge to get out of town every chance he got, visiting Eleanor on the weekly.
Final exams rolled in way too fast and left him feeling wholly unprepared. No matter how many study dates and trips to the library he set up, it never seemed to be enough. Law books were big and heavy, pulling on him with every step that brought him closer to the exam halls. Eleanor, whose exams didn’t start until the day after his, stayed with him and made him a full fry for breakfast the morning before his first test. It was her way of trying to offer her support when she knew that as a neurosciences student she was completely useless when it came to helping him study.
Although he liked to think he was fully over Rosie by May, it still gave him some sort of satisfaction when Eleanor gave a resolute “yes” to his ex’s polite “you alright?” as they sat at the kitchen table.
He wondered how she would greet Phil if she knew the ins and outs of their agreement. His phone lit up, signalling a new Snap from Davis.
Summer was a gift from god.
After missing their November weekend together Dan and Eleanor spent a whole week exploring Rome in early August, completely avoiding the topics of love lives and university and focusing on sunshine and gelato and the ancient history they were walking around in on their flipflops. They held hands the way they’d done in primary school, before they hit puberty and girls and boys weren’t supposed to do that kind of stuff anymore. Before they cared about what anyone thought of their relationship.
Dan neglected to mention to her that on the last night, when she went to the bathroom as they were having a couple of drinks at the hotel bar, an Irish boy slipped him a napkin with a string of numbers on it accompanied by the words, “if you’re not interested feel free to bin this, but otherwise, text me”. Dan shoved it in his pocket, where it stayed until he got back to his parents’ house in London and he unpacked his suitcase. He stood with the paper in his hand for a minute or so, and then another few minutes staring at the new contact in his phone.
Sat cross-legged on the bed he carefully crafted a message. As he was typing it took everything from his willpower not to close the app and go to google. To just type in that one name that he’d put into that bar so many times before. Instead, he resolutely tapped the ‘send’ button and then proceeded to put his phone under his pillow to leave it there for the next couple of hours.
When Nicholas replied he was almost surprised. They spent the next couple of weeks texting and although Dan had initially been sceptical, the more he learnt about Nick, the more he felt that there might be something and he might not need to be stuck on his Christmas dates for the rest of his life.
Nick was nice. Genuinely nice. He was a good listener, made jokes at the right time, and had an intricate knowledge of all kinds of animals as he was studying to become a vet. Dan found himself looking forward to the evenings when Nick got home from placement and the two of them could Skype call before they went to bed. Long nights were spent lying on his back on the carpet, feet propped up against the side of his desk, phone tucked comfortably between his shoulder and his ear. He could hear the Irish boy smile through the phone.
He liked Nick. He really did. But when in early October he asked him that dreaded question, “so, what are we?”, Dan couldn’t stop his fight or flight response from kicking in. Unsure of whether he feared commitment to a boy or commitment to anyone at all, he broke it off.
From there on, things went downhill. Fast.
One of the boys Dan lived with dropped out, meaning they had to either find a new flatmate or a new place, and the others’ half-hearted search for a house stressed him out. University was pulling on him like a ball on a chain and the words danced before his eyes on the nights he tried to catch up with the stacks of work accumulating on his desk. Eleanor’s ugly selfies sent over snapchat were only doing so much to put a smile on his face, their effects diminishing with every day.
Two weeks after Reuben had left, Dan sent in his student withdrawal form.
Three days later, he found the courage to tell his parents, sat on Eleanor’s bed with one hand in hers and the other hand clutching the phone held to his ear. Everything was falling apart, but the one constant he could always count on was his best friend always being right by his side.
Dan moved back home hesitantly. His old bedroom felt too small for him and his hometown was full of eyes watching him, knowing he didn’t belong there anymore.
What did he actually want to do with his life? He had no idea, really. His new job at an electronics shop was not it though, that was for damn sure. It had him drifting through the days, every week feeling like the last, endless and exhausting. To pass the time he messed around with the products when he got bored, feeling professional when he pressed buttons on the DJ sets knowing what they did, and adjusting camera lenses with expert eyes. In those moments he felt for a moment like he was on the right path, just not knowing where it would lead him yet.
In mid-December Dan used his first wages to buy one of those fancy cameras. He spent hours in his bedroom sat cross-legged on the floor adjusting settings and filming little test videos, the reality of his world forgotten for a precious while.
Four days before Christmas Dan planted the camera up on one of his book shelves, fixed his hair in the mirror for exactly two minutes longer than necessary, and then pressed the record button.
He filmed his first video in one go, with rambling tangents and awkward pauses to edit out later, which he did the day after, when he got home from work. He was tired. After a nine-hour day the last thing his eyes wanted to do was focus deeply on something for another couple of hours. One by one his family members went to bed, the sounds of their bedroom doors closing reaching Dan even through his headphones. In the morning, when his alarm would go off at half seven again, he’d hate himself for this, but that felt well worth it when he clicked ‘upload’ and watched the bar load up to a 100%. It was two in the morning when his first ever YouTube video went live.
Dan and Eleanor had bought tickets for the ballet in early December almost out of habit. There had been no discussing it, just Eleanor asking if he’d already bought them or if she should. On the day before Christmas Eve she picked him up in her car, blasting Mariah Carey so loud Dan could hear it the moment he stepped out the front door. She was wearing a beautiful silver dress and had her hair braided back so her elegant hoop earrings were clearly visible. He complimented her as he plopped down in the passenger seat of her Volkswagen.
He tried to play it cool, but it was difficult to do so when he’d been looking forward to this night for months. It felt on the verge of pathetic, but his monotonous job left him with plenty of headspace to contemplate all that could happen and might be in the future. He’d lived this day and the next dozens of times over in his head stood behind the counter smiling artificially at customers as he rang up their purchases.  
They knew their way around the theatre by now. They knew where to find the coat room, and the fact that it cost 50p per coat, and they knew the quickest route up to the balcony and the toilet closest to it. Dan ran his hands over the balustrade as they walked to their spots. The place was still fully lit, giving him a view of the seats and the stage below. Two little girls were on stage in front of the curtains, doing pirouettes and falling out of them with big grins decorating their little faces. He stood and watched them for a moment, until he felt Eleanor demonstratively lean over the railing next to him. “You excited?” She asked.
“Yeah, I guess.” He said without tearing his gaze away from the kids.
“Have you spoken to him at all since last year?”
Dan shook his head, “I don’t even have his number. I don’t know his last name or anything.”
“Really? I thought you had a somewhat regulated plan.”
“If we’re both single by Christmas, we spend the night together. That’s it, that’s the whole plan.”
She laughed, “You’re a bit of a disaster, Dan.”
“I know.” He said. He sighed deeply, leaning further down until his chin came to rest on his hands. “I’ve given up trying to sort this out, I’m just along for the ride now.”
She didn’t respond, but without needing to look over Dan knew she was rolling her eyes at him.
They watched the girls dance until they were ushered off the stage and the lights started to dim. The hall had filled up quite a bit since they’d turned their back on the balcony, and they had to shuffle past grumbly chic people annoyed they had to move their legs to let them past. It was Dan and El’s third year. They were used to the rich people by now.
The lead dancers had all changed. He recognised the previous lead as one of the background dancers, along with a couple of others who’d had big roles the years before. Phil was nowhere to be found. Dan had a heavy feeling in his stomach as he watched them float across the stage. Eleanor noticed too, taking her best friend’s hand in hers and squeezing it tightly. They exchanged a short glance, but Dan couldn’t bear looking her in the eyes for too long, too embarrassed about his situation and the hope he’d displayed before the show. She knew he’d been excited for their meeting and Phil’s not being there made him feel ashamed, naive almost. His eyes absentmindedly followed the ballerinas, not really taking anything in.
Eleanor kept a firm grip on his hand, pulling him downstairs to the bar and pushing a glass of champagne into his hand. She wasn’t sure what to say either, clearly. Dan could see the radars in her head spin as she tried to come up with a way to comfort him.
He saw Eleanor’s eyes light up before he turned and faced the person who’d said his name.
Phil was wearing slacks and a button-down shirt, his hair neatly swept to one side. He looked older, more mature. Dan was glad Eleanor had made him dress up that year, so he knew he looked good. He subconsciously reached up and tugged on his tie a bit as he looked the dancer up and down.
“It’s good to see you.” He managed to say.
“You too.” Phil said.
“I thought you might not be here this year.”
“I’m not on the team anymore. Not as a dancer, at least. I’ve taken up that coaching position like I told you I might last year, I’m assistant coach now.”
“Wow, congratulations.”
Phil laughed, “It’s not that spectacular, I’m not sure if it deserves congratulations.”
“Well, you’ve done better for yourself than I have.” Dan said. It was out there before he could stop himself, and the moment he’d said it he was afraid he’d enclosed too much information about his personal life.
“You can tell me all about it after the show,” Phil said, “I have to get back to the team now. I was just coming to say hi and make sure you knew I was here. Backdoor?”
“Yep, see you there.”
He watched Phil leave before turning around to face Eleanor, who had a smug look on her face. “See, it’s all fine.” She said.
“You say that now, but you were afraid he wouldn’t be here too.”
“Maybe.” She admitted. She touched her champagne glass to his, “Cheers to another fun night for you.”
“And cheers for hopefully one for you. You deserve one.”
He meant it. After Nicola cheated on her six months into their relationship she’d stayed away from boys for a while, but a week earlier she’d said she might try and pull on the 23rd of December, for the first time in months. He watched her eye a guy standing behind them as she nodded and took a sip of her drink. “I sure do.”
Dan couldn’t help but break into a smile when he watched Phil approach. He was stopped a few times along the way to shake hands and receive pats on the shoulder, but eventually he made it over and to Dan’s surprise he leaned in and kissed him right in front of everyone. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, can you just leave?”
Phil nodded. “Let’s walk.”
The moment they stepped out into the cold Dan glanced over to see if Phil would change his mind about walking, but he didn’t. They both put up the collars on their coats and bowed their heads against the wind. Dan had his hands shoved deep into his pockets until he felt Phil’s fingers brush against his wrist. Wordlessly, their fingers intertwined and fell between their two bodies.
“It was a good performance.” Dan said eventually.
He saw Phil nod from the corner of his eye, “They trained their little hearts out. The lead got sick three days ago, so this was the understudy performing. She’d never had this big a role before and was so nervous, bless her.” He smiled to himself.
“When did you start coaching?”
“With the start of the new schoolyear, this September. I still dance too, just not on this team anymore. I’ve stopped competing too, I’m just doing it for fun on the side now.”
“That must’ve been a transition.”
“Yeah, I struggled with it a bit. Still do, really. I miss it, but I know this is where I need to be and what I need to be doing.”
Dan stayed quiet. His mind drifted to his own situation, how he was far from where he needed to be. He bit his lip, face numb with the cold.
Phil squeezed his hand. The only comfort he could offer without asking too much about his life outside of their Christmas dates.
The hotel was a twenty-minute walk from the theatre, and when they finally stepped into the lobby Dan’s whole body started stinging as the warmth from inside hit him. Next to him, Phil rubbed his hands together and blew on them. His cheeks were bright red, shimmering in the bright lights. Dan couldn’t help remarking in his mind that he looked cute and kissable.
They took the lift up. Hand-in-hand once again, eyes shyly meeting through their reflections in the mirror. The third time and still it felt new and exciting.
There was only one big, king-sized bed in the room this year. Phil’s suitcase was on the floor by the desk with a couple of items strewn over the chair.
“So, I have a suggestion. You can say no if you want.”
“Okay.” Dan said, raising his eyebrows.
“I brought a really nice bath bomb. From Lush. The bath is fairly spacious.”
Phil grabbed him by his tie and pulled him in, their lips touching together gently.
They got undressed as the bath ran in the other room. Phil was still as toned and gorgeous as he had been the years before and Dan’s fingers itched to reach out and touch him. He had to have patience. Soon enough, they’d be bunched up in the bath, with no other choice but to touch each other.
The bath bomb fizzed and coloured the water a pale, glittery blue. Phil lined up the little hotel shampoos and soaps on the side, his muscles flexing under his taut skin as he moved. Dan’s eyes were glued to him, mesmerised.
“You good?”
Phil got in first, settling in comfortably before beckoning Dan over. The latter was hesitant, trying to be elegant about it and almost slipping in the process. A small tidal wave splashed over the side of the bath as he steadied himself on the tap. Phil laughed. He was relaxed, with his head resting against the wall and his arms stretched out over the sides of the bath. The hot water made Dan want to relax, but the situation was so foreign and new to him that he was struggling to keep his composure altogether and was happy enough when he finally settled down with his knees pulled into his chest.
The bath water being blue obscured most areas Dan was insecure about from sight, and soon enough he was relaxing his legs, stretching them out alongside Phil’s. “So, how was your year?” Phil asked.
He was good at asking those questions that could be answered by pretty much anything, leaving the decision as to where to draw the line with Dan once again. “Good,” the latter said hesitantly, “it was a ride.”
Phil laughed, “Yeah, me too.”
“I’m- I was in university before. I dropped out.” Phil didn’t seem to judge him, just nodding encouragingly for Dan to go on. “So, I work in a store now. Trying to, you know, sort out my life and all.”
“What do you want to do when you’re older?”
“I don’t know, die maybe.”
“Okay, that’s valid. But before that?”
Dan shrugged, “I don’t know, honestly.”
Phil decided not to press anymore, and Dan quickly took the opportunity to ask about his year.
“It was good. I went on my last Europe tour as a member of the team instead of a coach, so that was a bit bittersweet. I’m excited to coach though. Oh, I finally moved out, too. Was about time.” He laughed, the water moving off him in little waves.
Dan put on his underwear before he dried any other part of his body. Phil had no such inclination, stood in the middle of the hotel room stark-naked while drying his hair. The bed looked cosy and inviting, and although the room was warm enough Dan longed to curl up under the covers for a while.
Wearing just his pants he crawled into bed and pulled the duvet up to his chin. While he waited for the other to finish up, he grabbed the remote control off the bedside table and turned the TV on to a radio station that was playing Christmas songs. The only thing this atmosphere needed to be perfect was a little scented candle, but Dan would settle for this.
“So, I’ve been waiting pretty much all year to make out with you. Do you mind doing that for a while before we decide what to do with the rest of our night?”
Dan grinned, “I think I’m alright with that.”
Phil slipped under the covers with him and pushed him down onto his back. Dan laced his fingers through Phil’s mildly damp hair as they kissed. Maybe his flight response to Nicholas’ question had had less to do with the question of commitment to either a boy or anyone, and more to do with the fact that he was already committed to something. To a 24 hours period just before Christmas.
Phil’s hands were a bit cold roaming his sides. They sent shivers down his spine, but he did nothing to stop them.
Soon enough they were both warmed up and their almost naked bodies moved together, arousal already showing. Every time Phil’s hips touched against Dan’s thigh it sent a pleasant shiver to his dick, his fingers tightening against Phil’s hair and skin. It was pretty clear that ‘what they would be doing with the rest of their night’ wasn’t much of a question, really. With the way hands and mouths were moving this was only going in one direction.
Phil’s lips had trailed off, going from Dan’s neck to his chest and down to his belly. Looking down at him Dan watched the trail of faint hickeys grace down from his throat to the waistband of his boxers. Phil had already moved on, his breath ghosting over the bulge in the fabric and his hands moving up Dan’s thighs with confidence.
Although one part of his brain was focused solely on the fact that a very attractive boy was about to give him a blowjob, the other part of him couldn’t help but think about what would happen after. The memory of last year was still fresh in his mind to put a slight damper on his excitement. He wanted to try again. The thought of actually having sex with Phil made his whole body tingle, but it was also scary. It was like losing his virginity all over again, where he had no idea what he was doing, and he just had to surrender all control to another, more experienced party.
For a few minutes though, Dan’s mind was completely taken off anything he could possibly worry about as Phil pulled down his underwear and put his mouth on him. He started by teasing along the shaft with his tongue, one hand holding him firmly by the base and the other with fingertips barely grazing along his balls. Dan opened his eyes for a moment, glancing down at the sight below him. A soft sound escaped from the back of his throat before his eyes closed again.
Phil was an expert. His mouth and hands moved just right, and much sooner than he wanted to Dan had to nudge him off to stop him from finishing him off. “Can we try last year again?”
“Are you sure you want to?” Phil sat up on his heels. He needed no further explanation; he knew what Dan meant.
“Yeah. I want to try, at least.”
“I don’t want to say something stupid, but as it didn’t work last time, are you sure you really want it? Don’t do it for me, I’m doing perfectly fine without it.”
“No, yes, I mean- I really want it. I do. I’m just scared of the pain.”
“I’ll go very slow. The moment it doesn’t feel nice you give me a shout and I stop or take a step back, okay?”
“Okay.” Dan breathed.
The two of them kicked off their boxers, Dan pulling Phil back down for a quick kiss, but neither of them had much patience for a make out session knowing what was on the table now.
Phil had lube at the ready, spreading it on his fingers and pressing soft butterfly kisses to Dan’s abdomen as his hand moved down. Dan closed his eyes. He felt more vulnerable than he ever had before. He was clutching at the sheets, but Phil carefully took one of his hands in his and said in a hushed tone, “Squeeze my hand. Let me know if I do something wrong.”
He kissed Dan’s thigh while he pushed a finger in. Dan made a sound and Phil’s movements stilled, but he squeezed his hand, urging him to go on.
He took it slow. Like he promised. He gave Dan time to adjust before putting a second finger in, and eventually let go of Dan’s hand to tease his dick a bit, moving up and down in excruciatingly slow strokes. His whole body was on fire, feelings things he’d never felt before.
Eventually, after what felt like forever, Phil called him back to attention by pulling his fingers out and putting both hands on his hips, “You doing okay?”
“I think you’re well enough prepared, if you’re still up for it.”
“I am.”
Dan’s eyes followed Phil as he hopped off the bed and got a condom from his suitcase. He tore open the wrapper and rolled the condom onto himself with practised fingers, putting some extra lube on himself after. The actions of someone who’d done this before and knew the pitfalls.
Dan nodded. His throat was slightly closed up with nerves, but as Phil settled in between his legs he felt no urge to move away. Rather, he felt an impatient pull in his stomach, his dick twitching at the thought of what was about to happen.
The moment Phil’s tip grazed his entrance Dan closed his eyes and let his head fall back. He focused on relaxing, aided by Phil’s soothing hand on his side, rubbing circled into his skin with his thumb. Being filled up felt weird, and it just kept coming until finally he felt Phil bottom out. He was given a few moments to adjust, catch his breath, which he took reluctantly. He wanted to move on. Desperate already even though he only had to wait a few seconds.
“Go.” He muttered hoarsely.
Phil started slow. A practice run.
His hands were firmly holding on to Dan’s hips as he started speeding up little by little. Every time his hips touched against Dan and he was fully filled up, Dan let out a shaky breath. He had no idea how long Phil was going to last, but he didn’t think he had a lot of time in him. His dick was aching to be touched but he knew he’d come very quickly if he gave into the urge.
“How are you doing?” Phil asked. The question came out breathily, the words clearly an effort to utter.
“Good. Too good, maybe.” Phil gave him a questioning look, but Dan took a few seconds to recover before he continued, “I’m getting close.”
“Me too.”
“Touch me.” There was nothing in him that could muster up even the slightest bit of politeness. Phil didn’t need any. His hand reached down, and fingers wrapped firmly around him. It only took a few firm strokes in time with his hips to make Dan emit a desperate little sound and come all over his own belly. Phil followed shortly after, pushed over the edge by Dan’s muscles contracting around him.
Dan flinched when Phil pulled out. He felt overstimulated and sore, but completely satisfied. It was a tired, content kind of satisfaction, making him want to finally curl up and go to sleep. “What time is it?” He whispered, following Phil’s movements as the other went into the bathroom through half-closed eyes.
“Nearing half eleven.”
Dan laughed as much as his sleepy state allowed him to and closed his eyes fully, “I usually don’t go to sleep for another two hours or so.”
“We can go to sleep now, if you want.” Phil’s voice came from the other room.
“Hmm, up to you.”
Phil returned, putting his underwear back on and slipping back under the covers with Dan, “If we go to sleep now we’ll have loads of time together tomorrow. I’m not leaving till the evening. If you want that, of course.”
That woke Dan up. He opened his eyes and raised his head, but Phil had turned the light off and the room was dark. “Of course I want that.”
“Okay. Okay. Sleep now, then. We’ll have a lot of time tomorrow.”
Dan turned around, picking his underwear off the floor and wiggling into them under the duvet. When he was done, Phil crawled up beside him and wrapped his arms around him from behind. “This okay?” He asked. His warm breath stroked along Dan’s neck, making his skin raise into goosebumps.
“Yeah.” He whispered back.
He fell asleep with Phil’s arms tightly wrapped around him, soothed by his even breathing against his skin.
When Dan woke up Phil was still fast asleep. He snuck out from under his arm and tiptoed to the bathroom, where it still smelt like fruit and mint or whatever the bath bomb had been. After peeing Dan put a bit of Phil’s toothpaste in his mouth and sloshed it around for a bit; it would have to do.
“Morning.” He was greeted by Phil, lying on his back with one arm thrown over his face to protect his eyes from the sunlight, when he walked back into the bedroom.
“Want to order some room service and chill in bed while we eat?”
“Sounds good.” He leant down and kissed the top of Phil’s head without really thinking, not realising himself until he met the other’s eyes. Phil pulled him down with a hand on the back of his neck and pecked his lips.
They ordered room service on the hotel website, Dan getting pancakes and Phil some vegan waffles. While they waited for it to arrive Dan got dressed, splashing some water in his face and attempting to bring his hair to some kind of order. He startled when he felt hands touching his belly. Phil had appeared behind him, wrapping his arms around Dan’s waist and now resting his chin on his shoulder. “What do you want to do today?”
“Anything. I wouldn’t mind staying in and just hanging out.”
“What, just talking, getting to know each other?” Dan asked. It was meant as a joke, but when Phil shrugged he nodded, “Alright, sure.”
They ate their breakfast sat cross-legged on the big double bed. Soft Christmas music played on the TV as they started chatting, carefully at first but quickly becoming more free in their questions and stories.
In the middle of one of his stories Phil suddenly called his dad ‘Mr Lester’, bringing the hand that was just about to put a bite of pancake into Dan’s mouth to an abrupt halt. Phil hadn’t noticed, his lively storytelling not stuttering for even a second.
But Dan had a name.
He had a full name to plug into the Google search bar rather than just the name of the ballet company. He wasn’t sure whether to try his absolute hardest to forget it as soon as possible, or whether to save it to his long-term memory and tattoo it onto his brain.
At about half two, when Phil was lying flat on his back with Dan’s head resting on his belly, both staring at the ceiling and half at the other’s hands gesturing in the air as they spoke, Dan’s phone started ringing. They both raised their heads, disturbed.
It was Eleanor. A picture of her and Dan as little kids in a playpark illuminated the screen.
“Danny-boy, where are you?”
“Uh…” Dan glanced over to the bed, where Phil had grabbed his own phone and was scrolling through some missed messages.
“I told your mum you’re hanging out with a mate, but I can’t hold her off forever.”
Fuck. Christmas crafts.
“I hadn’t realised the time.”
It was quiet on the other end for a moment, “Bring him.” She said finally.
“No, it’s okay, I’ll come back.”
“Really, Dan, bring him.”
It was a weird crossroad to be at. He had 24 hours with Phil, but he also had a best friend and a mum waiting for their Christmas tradition, and he’d already let them down by being late. Last year in November he’d been at the same fork in the road, he realised, and he’d made the wrong decision then. He’d chosen Rosie over Eleanor and he still hated himself for that. It was clear-cut, really.
“I’m sorry for forgetting the time, I’ll be over as soon as I can. Get the crafts ready, I’m feeling the creative juices flowing.”
Eleanor laughed, the sound sending a relieved warmth to Dan’s heart. “Alright, alright. See you soon. Love you.”
“Love you, too.” When Dan turned back to the bed he wasn’t sure how to break the news. He bit his lip and sat down, awkwardly.
“You have to go?” Phil asked.
“I have a Christmas tradition with my mum and my best friend. It’s bad enough that I forgot about it.”
“It’s okay,” Phil nodded. His smile said that he meant it, “My bus leaves at ten, we can have dinner together if you want?”
“I’d love that, yes.”
“Meet me at the hotel entrance at seven?”
“Okay, all good. Have a good day, Dan.”
Dan bit the inside of his cheek. This was the right thing to do, and he was looking forward to crafts, as he did each year, but this still felt bittersweet.
When Phil opened his arms he happily fell into them, “I’m sorry.” He said.
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it. The day after is not usually a part of our tradition, after all.”
“I know, but it would’ve been nice.”
“Yeah, it would’ve been.”
Eleanor hugged him when he came in. Her arms were familiar and welcoming, and decidedly not upset with him. “How was your day, huh?”
He grinned, “Most excellent, thanks for asking.”
“I want to hear all about it. As soon as we’re not with your mum anymore, that is.”
“Are you kidding? You know about my thing, I want to hear about your night.” She winked at him and spun on her heel, walking to the living room. “Eleanor, you bitch, you can’t do this to me.”
“I can, and I will.”
“Dan, there you are! Did you have a good time with your friend?”
“Oh yeah, it was lovely.” Dan said, doing his best to hide the grin on his face that was mirrored by his best friend to his left.
Eleanor, always right beside him.
Scrolling was a bit more difficult than usual after the Glue Accident, but Eleanor managed it as she showed Dan Facebook pictures of a boy with blonde curls and a toned dancer’s body. They’d done two hours of crafts with Dan’s mum and then quickly retreated to Dan’s room with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate, now stood forgotten on the bedside table.
Cam seemed nice enough, but it was clear that Eleanor didn’t care much for his niceness: he’d given her his number at the end of the night, but when Dan asked her if she’d put it into her phone she said she didn’t even remember where she put the note. The night had but a content grin on her face that was enough for now. A reminder that she still had it and that Nicola was a stupid idiot who was missing out, like Dan had been telling her for the past couple of months.
“So, what about you? Why were you still with him?”
“He’s here all day. Not leaving till nine tonight.”
“Wait, you were going to spend the day with him?”
“He’s still here?” With every word she was sitting up a bit straighter.
“Then what are you doing here?”
“Bros before hoes. Mums before- I don’t know- bums? You know what I mean.”
“Okay, crafts over. Go back to him, God. Your mum and I will still be here tonight and tomorrow and all the time after that.”
Dan was quiet for a moment. “El,” He said then, softly, “I’m sorry about last November.”
He didn’t need to explain what he meant. She gave him a sad smile and a playful push against the shoulder that meant more than it led on, “I know.”
“I really am. I shouldn’t have prioritised Rosie over you, and that was so fucking dumb of me.”
“Yeah, you were an idiot. Still are, really.” Eleanor agreed.
Dan grinned, “Yeah, alright, alright, calm down.”
“You deserve it though.” She said, laughing along. Her hand, still on his shoulder, shook him gently, “Go. It’s okay, we’ll hang out tonight and watch Home Alone. After he’s left.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. You came to crafts, thank you.”
“I wouldn’t have wanted to miss it.” He scrambled to his feet and kissed the top of her head. “Love you.”
“Love you, too, idiot.” She shook her head at him as he left the room.
It was six o’clock when he made it into the hotel lobby and the realisation that he had no way of getting upstairs or contacting Phil to let him in. He stood, probably suspiciously, next to the check-in desk for just a little too long, before his stupid foggy brain finally thought of something to do.
“Why are you calling me? Go have sex or something.” She whispered the last part, probably still at his house, near his mum.
“I don’t have his phone number. Can you see if you can find Cam’s and ask him for Phil’s number for me?”
“Really? You want me to ask a guy I slept with last night for one of his friends’ phone numbers? Do you want me to break the guy’s heart?”
“Tell him it’s a gay emergency.”
“A gay emergency, huh?”
Dan’s face flushed red, “At this point, I can’t really deny anything anymore, you know?”
“You’re gay?”
“Oh my god, this is not what I called you for, El.”
“I know.”
“I’m not gay. I’m just- not straight. Bi, maybe.”
“I’ll find Cam’s number. Tell him it’s a bi emergency.”
“You’re an angel.”
“Yeah, and you’re so lucky to have me.”
After they hung up the phone Dan spent another couple of awkward minutes hanging around the check-in desk, giving the lady behind it a nod that he hoped was reassuring and friendly.
Just before his standing around started going from ‘weird’ to ‘scary’, Eleanor texted him. Just a string of numbers. Presumably Phil’s phone number. Phil Lester’s phone number.
What was he even supposed to say? What did you put in a first text to someone you’d known for two years but had only really seen three times?
Hey, it’s Dan. I’m back at the hotel if you want to hang out now? Am in the lobby.
His finger hovered over the ‘send’ button, and after a glance at the clock – twenty past six – he pressed it.
The lady behind the desk was really starting to give him looks now, so he moved to near the lifts, which was maybe even more suspicious. Thankfully, a minute or two later, one of the lifts opened and Phil appeared, now dressed in some casual jeans and a T shirt. “Hey.”
“How were your crafts?”
“Excellent, I’m a master.”
“I’m sure you are. Want to go straight to the restaurant?”
“Sure. Where are we going?”
“Well, it just so happens that I know of an exquisite Pizza Hut around the corner.”
“Hm, really? How did you become acquainted with it?”
“Ah well, I just Google Maps-ed it a minute and a half ago.”
It was a short walk. Five minutes, maybe. Dan felt some weird sense of pride walking next to Phil, boasting with the cute guy he’d managed to get to… take him on a date? He wasn’t sure what this was, until fingertips touched his hand palm and fingers intertwined with his. He glanced to his side and the two boys made eye contact, grinning at each other, each content with what had just occurred between them.
Dan’s secondary school had had a pizza hut right around the corner, meaning he was very, very closely acquainted with how things worked in there. Phil, who’d been on a ballet diet most of his life, had only stepped foot inside a Pizza Hut maybe three times, had no idea what was going on from the moment he walked in.
“The salad bar is free?” He asked quietly, “Dan,” he did a little jog to catch up with the other, “Dan, it’s free?”
“Yeah. The bacon bits are vegan, too.”
“The bacon bits?”
Dan was enjoying being the one with more experience on something for once, albeit with the workings of a cheap pizza place.
He didn’t need to look at the menu, knowing his order by heart. Amusedly, he watched Phil study his options with his finger tracing the letters as he read them. “Is this one any good?”
“What, the pan? Sure. I’m a classic fan though.”
“I think I’ll be adventurous and get a pan.”
After they’d ordered Dan got some more entertainment from watching Phil squint at the salad bar options, carefully picking up some tomatoes and then loading up on bacon bits. “You’re sure?” He asked, by which time it was already far too late to dump the whole lot back into the bowl.
“Yeah, they’re vegan. My friend who’s vegan has them all the time.”
Phil made the classic mistake of overloading on the salad bar, so he couldn’t finish his pizza. Dan gladly made use of this by eating the last 3 slices.
The boundaries had been moved, and for some reason instead of making it more awkward, as it had been before when they weren’t sure where the lines were drawn, they spoke more easily and fluently. Phil even opened up about his childhood, and how he’d started dancing.
Dan had to try his best to not stare at him fondly, leaning his head on one hand, while he listened.
It was a quarter to eight. They had exactly an hour and fifteen minutes to get Phil’s stuff packed up and get him on the bus, yet the moment they left Pizza Hut, they headed in the exact opposite direction of the hotel.
Their fingers were intertwined, hands swinging between them as they walked.
They got ice cream at a place Dan loved, sitting outside on a freezing December night despite the odd looks they were getting. By the end of it Dan couldn’t feel his tongue, but it was worth it to see the happy smile on Phil’s face, and the way his cheeks had gone red and rosy from the cold air.
Eventually they had to reluctantly make their way back to the hotel. Hand in hand once again.
Dan watched him throw his things into the suitcase on the floor and zip it up with the effortless movements of someone who’d done this many times before.
“I’ll see you next year?” Dan asked. He felt hope and hurt burning in his heart at once.
“I’ll be here. I hope you will be, too.”
“I’ll see if I can find the time to pop by.” Dan said. A weak attempt at a joke while he felt like a small part of him had just been zipped up into a suitcase headed north.
Downstairs by the bus, the other dancers greeted Dan like a friend with pats on the back and smiling nods. “See you next year, Dan.” One of them told him.
A fair assertion, or so Dan hoped.
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alicedoessurveys · 6 years
80 Questions
1. What was your favorite sweet as a child? never really been a fan of sweets, I was more into chocolate
2. Do you like to wear socks to bed? occasionally, if im very cold 
3. Do you own a lunch box? a couple yes, I bought myself some just before christmas when I was in a show so I could take dinner to the theatre 
4. How many coats do you own? two
5. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? twice
6. Do you keep spare change? I do have a piggy bank that I empty small change into because I hate when it bulks up my purse. the only change I keep in my purse in £1, £2, 50p, 20p and 10p coins
7. When was the last party you went to? after show party for the most recent show I helped out with last month 
8. Do you cook? sometimes yep, when I feel like it. I have to be in the right mood to cook a full on meal but I cook myself small lunches most days 
9. Are you cold at this very moment? im just right at the moment 
10. Do you know anyone in jail? nope
11. Have you ever dressed up? like in a costume? yeah quite a few times, especially since I joined the theatre. 
12. What color pen do you prefer, blue or black? blue
13. Are you afraid of snakes? not afraid of them no but they make my skin crawl and id rather not be around one 
14. Do you like scented candles? depends on the scent but mostly yes I love candles
15. Does your house have a white picket fence? nope
16. Do you watch the evening news? very rarely. I only tend to watch it when somethings happened like if theres been an attack or if someone well known has died
17. Whats your favorite berry? is a cherry classed a berry? 
18. Do you like to watch people? yes
19. Do you prefer to have a shower in the morning or at night? morning, I can never be bothered to blow dry my hair if I shower at night
20. Can you relate emotionally to some songs? yes
21. Who do you tell everything to? there is no one I tell everything to. but I tell my mom most things
22. Where is your mobile phone currently located? on the coffee table in front of me
23. Are you emotional? very
24. What was the last thing you said aloud? ‘no thank you im alright’ - im sat in the bar area at the theatre waiting or rehearsals and the guy who works behind the bar offered me some popcorn 
25. Did you have candles on your birthday cake? yes
26. How old are you? 22
27. Have you ever been bitten by anything? yes, my nans ferret bit and latched onto my nose when I was asleep on nans sofa when I was like 7 years old 
28. What DVD is currently in your DVD player? Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2
29. Do you have curtains or blinds on your windows? blinds
30. Do you have a habit of talking fast? yes, especially if im excited or nervous 
31. Do you appreciate what you have? Im trying to be more appreciative 
32. Is it dark outside? not really, it got super dark like half an hour ago when it rained but its okay again now 
33. Are you responsible? I try to be
34. Do you think you could take care of another person? I do quite often
35. Ever had a pregnancy scare? nope
36. Do you have scars you don’t like to talk about? not that I dont talk about nope
37. Ever want to take things you’ve said back? yes
38. Do you smoke? No
39. Do you partake in gaming? I play sims and I play some ps3 games
40. Did your mother sing you a lullaby as a child? I dont remember 
41. Ever get mad at something that happened years ago? yes
42. What’s the kind of soda you drink most often? cherry coke 
43. Have you ever swallowed a piece of ice whole? no, I dont tend to have ice 
44. Who do you text the most? probably nick or rhys
45. Do your legs get really itchy after shaving them? every time 
46. Were you ever forced to read The Scarlet Letter in school? nope
47. Have you ever been called beautiful? Yes
48. Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? I hope too
49. Are you afraid of getting cheated on? a bit, but I dont really think about it because im not even in a relationship
50. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? yes all my jeans are skinny jeans 
51. How are you feeling RIGHT now? tired
52. What (or who) would you really like to hold right now? no one really
53. And what would you like to let go of? overly dramatic people who dont care about me as much as I care about them
54. Sunrise or sunset: which did you see last? sunset
55. Did you ever collect any type of cards? (Baseball cards, etc.) when I was in school I collected yu-gi-oh cards but I only because so many of my friends did. I didn't actually understand them or what there purpose was :’)
56. Do you have any stickers or anything on your laptop? I have a sticker on my laptop that covers the whole back 
57. When was the last time you got a haircut? last July 
58. Where did you go to college? Or, where do/did you want to go? I went to 3 colleges, I went to Stratford upon Avon college for 2 years then I went to Warwickshire college for half a year and solihull college for a year
59. Can you lucid dream? nope
60. Have you learned to love your body yet? No
61. What was the last sport you watched on TV? the Winter Olympics 
62. When did you last get a sunburn and where was it? I dont remember, I rarely catch the sun
63. If you could drop any subject right now in school, it would be…? im not in school anymore
64. Can people usually tell if you’re sad? people who know me well can normally tell
65. Finish the sentence: I can eat a whole bag of… chocolate m&ms
66. Would you rather have curvy legs or skinny legs? skinny
67. How much fruit do you eat on a given day? most days none
68. When someone takes your picture, do you smile with mouth open or closed? open
69. Do you look presentable right now? I hope so, since I am not at home 
70. Have you ever had your ass grabbed? Yes while I was at a music festival and it was not okay
71. Do you post things on Facebook that are personal? I barely post on facebook anymore 
72. Do you ever listen to music that’s in a different language? yes. I used to be a Zumba instructor so I have a whole playlist of music I used to dance to that is majority foreign 
73. Is your bed made currently? half made
74. Do you feel safe riding in taxis by yourself? I barely use taxis, but when I do I use uber and that feels safe
75. Are you craving food/snacks of sort currently? Yeah.
76. Are you very interested in History? not like super interested, but I do like learning about it. especially about British kings and queens
77. Play any instruments? ukulele and a tiny bit piano 
78. Have you ever painted the walls of your room? Yes
79. When was the last time you tied your hair up? (if your hair is long enough) last night so I could wash my face
80. Ever wanted to learn a foreign language? Yes. I started learning Italian but kinda gave up and dont remember much of it now 
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scaramouche-dusk · 4 years
All Good Things... Day One
All Good Things… 
31st May 2020
Hello, Chaps and Chapettes, 
Here’s my first true attempt at writing a blog, or any kind of a diary of sorts. It’s bound to go wrong, but it is my hope that it doesn’t. If I hope hard enough, it might stick around for at least a month, right? 
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I say that because every other time I’ve told myself, “I will keep a diary for real this time,” it has always gone the same way tits and testicles go. I haven’t had the right mindset to keep anything up longer than a few days, sometimes I haven’t gotten as far as to write on a single clean page. I’ve bought the nice shiny books with Harry Potter logos on the front, maybe even a shiny pen to write with, and then it has gone in the drawer for seven years before eventually being sold on to some kid in a car-boot sale for 50p. 
Why do I think this time will be any different? Well, as you can tell from that first claim, I don’t. I feel I know myself well enough (and I should, I have known myself intimately for at least 32 years) to know what motivates me, what will work, what will fail, and what will trick me away like a witch with a cottage made of gingerbread and gumdrops. However, I also believe that detailed knowledge about myself is what will allow me to carry this on without dropping the ball this time. Maybe, just maybe, I know enough about myself to give this a chance. 
You see, what has always been my failing in the past is giving myself the time to do these things. I have never had a structure to my life and even if I have tried to meticulously plan anything out, I have always ended up tripping over it because I hate structure. I don’t plan unless I am forced to, so trying to plan will make any project sour for me. That is how I have tricked myself in this first instance.
You see, faithful reader (you must be faithful to have got this far), I have given myself a limit. Thirty minutes, to be precise. All I have to do is write for thirty minutes each day. You can do a lot in thirty minutes, you can make a meal, eat a meal, and… Okay, I’ve ran out of things I can think of that you can do in thirty minutes, so I will cheat and say ‘write a blog post’ for the third option. Laziness, however, can last a lot longer. It can take up an hour, or an evening, a day or even a weekend. Laziness has been my disease, so by telling the sleeping bug in my brain that I only need to do something for a few minutes and then will be lazy again, I am essentially beating it. Just don’t tell the bug that. 
In fact, this is already proving to work. My phone has called out to me twice and I’ve ignored it. I have written this much so far and I am only just passing the halfway point. I didn’t expect to fill a page with words this early into this game! So now I have the tricky stage of figuring out what I am going to continue to write. 
I suppose I should explain what these blogs are going to be. I am going to sit down, as you may have guessed from my earlier explanation, without a plan. Instead, I will talk about what is important to me on that day. It may be long, it may be short, it will only be what I can write successfully in thirty minutes. That may mean I have to conclude with ‘to be continued…’ or a terrible cliffhanger, the kind you only get in a badly written soap. Sometimes, I may offer help, sometimes I may talk about a hot topic, but what I do want to stress is that there will be no angry rants. I will not pick off what I feel is wrong in politics, or in general media, or what beat up my psyche on the day I sit to write. This is because of the title. ‘All Good Things…’ I want this to be what it says on the tin. If it’s good, it is in, if it is bad, it is out. 
That does not mean I may not pick fun at a subject. For example, I found it hilarious, when changing the name on my social media platforms, that some did not like those dot-dot-dots (‘ellipsis’ if you want to be scientific about it) that I added at the end. This replaced the word ‘vlogs’ because I did not want ‘All Good Things…’ to be solely about vlogs, or blogs, or funny cat pictures. I wanted it to be about the amalgamation of what I felt to epitomize the word ‘good’. Some social media delegations, however, do not like those three dots. They’d rather they were words or weren’t there at all. So, I got around this in some places by merely writing ‘dot-dot-dot’ and they were quite happy with this! Therefore, if you see this on any of the places I’ve chosen to hang my hat then you’ll know I’m having a quiet little chuckle at their measures of what is and isn’t good practice.
Two minutes left, so I had best try to wrap this up. I will do so by saying that I am happy with how far I have gotten with this so far. In future, I will try to talk less about myself unless necessary, I will try to talk to you, share things I feel help, and ways to get through whatever you need to get through. To that end, please never hesitate to shout if you think I can help with that. 
Otherwise, try this technique out - give yourself thirty minutes, and do something you want to do but don’t have the time to. If you do it often enough, it might become a nice habit and beat your own lazy bug a bit! 
This has been Scaramouche, tapping at a keyboard, wishing you all good things…
0 notes
bendyneko · 7 years
Bittersweet Isolation (or: how to wreck someone with bipolar disorder)
So today was the exciting day of the mass parcels filled with toys to celebrate my win over the DWP. 
A day to finally solidify “yes! We’ve done it!” 
But it wasn’t to be. 
I would liken it to running a marathon and then the finishing line ribbon cutting into your side as you cross it.
First in the running was DPD, delivering Dad’s PS4 and my MDR-1000X cans. DPD was early, and thankfully too, as the music my neighbour decided to play at 10am was giving me a headache.
The PS4 is currently sitting next to my radiator with the free copy of Horizon Zero Dawn sitting on top of it. Dad was going to collect it this afternoon, but that didn’t happen, because I had a nap instead.
I needed it.
I’m writing this out, with my MDR-1000X headphones on, in blissful ignorance of my upstairs neighbour’s music. They weren’t kidding when they said “noise cancelling”. These cans are amazing, and the touch controls, etc are all phenomenal, I can put them on in noise cancelling mode with no music and just sit in complete silence, even if her music was rocking my lampshades.
The soundstage feels a bit narrow compared to my Audio Technica set (but they’re MASSIVE in comparison, and technically for different purposes), however, the sound quality is easily as good. I am exceptionally impressed with the whole setup, the gorgeous box, the case, even the “just use them as headphones” aux cable is amazing quality. The only thing holding them back, is the baffling 50p (or less) quality USB charging cable. Seriously.
The microphone/ability to be used as a wireless headset for a phone is excellent also.
How I found that out, is because I had to call UKMail. 
“Your delivery driver attempted delivery to you today at 13:05”, according to the text message, suspiciously bang on the time my hour delivery estimate was due to start. No phone call to check for directions/make sure they had the right place, not even a card.
Are you fucking kidding me.
Apparently not.
I was on the phone for at least 35 minutes trying to find out just what the fuck had happened to my parcel, as no other vehicles had been near the block since DPD had been (about an hour) and no, I didn’t miss them because of the headphones, as I had them on ambient mode (as in, it uses the microphones to create an insane ‘open back headphones’ effect, it’s like what I would imagine having hearing aids to be like, super hearing!)
I was absolutely pissed, but I was trying hard not to be angry to the poor woman on the phone, it wasn’t her fault that the driver skipped me. She did everything she could to get it out for delivery again this afternoon, but the best she could do was tomorrow (Friday).
Why offer next-day delivery as a service if your company can’t handle “the volume”? I don’t get it. I understand that their drivers “don’t get paid for non-deliveries, so it’s not in their best interest to skip them”, but something clearly fucked up, didn't it?
I described to her the road, the location of the block on the road, the entrances to the block, even the colour of the fucking doorframe of the entrance (I called it greyish-blue).
Suffice it to say, I have no Apple Watch (and my Pebble is all reset and boxed up to give to my brother) and no Philips Hue kit (with additional bulbs).
I wanted to show dad the watch as well as what I’ve dubbed “the secret disability aid”, and he wants to see them. 
So he didn’t visit today, and I slept my anger off.
When I woke up, it was replaced with misery. (I hate using the word depression, I will always use a synonym)
I mean c’mon, I got a set of (nearly) £400 headphones that I’d been wanting since I saw the announcement email from Sony (plus consequent “how fucking much?!” exclamation at sight of the price), I should be ecstatic.
I got dad’s present for Father’s Day/Birthday/Christmas/etc for the next 3 years, and it came with something free, I should be ecstatic.
But no, misery and sadness.
Today was supposed to be my DWPmas, my victory lap, the light at the end of the tunnel, etc etc, but it was fucked up by one guy who I can only assume wanted to get home early.
And that has crushed all of the joy out of it. I know it’s irrational, but what can I do?
All I can say is that they had better deliver my £1,025.80 parcel tomorrow, or I will be absolutely furious. 
Regardless of parcel contents value, all customers should be treated the same. Next-day delivery = next-day delivery, not “skip a couple of deliveries so I can get to MaccyD’s”
Fuck’s sake.
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bellesdomain · 7 years
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Starlight Express - Duvay?
This is a thought I’ve been playing with for a while now, but with the more-or-less confirmation that the German production will be adding “New songs and characters” for their 30th anniversary next year, it seems more timely.
So, “New Songs and Characters”.  Well, this version of “The Rap - What Time Is It?” dates from 2003, that’s 14 years and counting.  the previous iteration, “Check It Out, Can You Believe It?” was written in 1992, and lasted til what, about 2008? In Bochum.  And somehow sounded less dated than the current one...  So I’m expecting a new version of The Rap.  And I’m hoping-hoping so hard, with fingers crossed and touching wood - that we’ll get a new Love Song.  I really, REALLY hate “I Do”, it’s just so bad!
As for the “New Characters”, well, we have confirmation from the current cast that Krupp is being cut - Jared Thompson will be the last person to play Krupp.  It’s a real shame, but I do feel Krupp has been somewhat under-used in the German show, he lacks some of the menace he had in London.  
But, the point of the dodgy photoshop at the top there!  The obvious candidate for a “new character” is Duvay, replacing the un-PC Ashley.  Now on one hand, smoking is A LOT MORE POPULAR in Germany than in the UK, you really, really notice the difference, so having a Smoking Car isn’t the PC disaster there that it is in the UK.  But on the other hand, change things up....
Duvay in the UK Tour was always going to be stunted as a concept, because the actress onstage had to match the 3D filmed races, and because they had a budget of about 50p.  All that changed was her necklace read “SLEEPER” and she got pop-tarts on a headband.  But a “New” character going into the German production...  needs a “new” costume.  And that new costume needs to have the same level of detail and fit in with the rest of the set. 
So, what makes Ashley, Ashley?  She’s Tobacco brown.  she has ashtrays on her bodice, her necklace says “SMOKING”, and her wig is styled into a chimney.  All the rest of her details say luxurious, comfort, Victorian elegance of wooden marquetry and soft furnishings.  So, change out the specific Smoking Car references, keep everything else.  Green is the least used colour on that stage, it’s only really Poppa (and Weltschaft back in the day) who feature green.  And there is an existing colour unbalance between the coaches, Ashley and Buffy share the bronze/gold palette.  Green is also a traditional train livery colour, keep the gold details Ashley has, lovely colour combination!  Switch the “SMOKING” necklace for a “SLEEPER”, or do something a bit more original, but that’s one detail the tour did manage.
Duvay’s wig needs re-thinking. She needs to lose the chimney, obviously, but what hair suits her character?   She’s flirty, elegant, shares Ashley’s more laid back attitude taken even further - she tends to yawn, stretch, and would rather take a nap.  Her hair needs to suit this - so choppy bed-head style?  My preference would be to give her golden/caramel tones, but also I’d want to take Buffy back to a chestnut rather than the paler colour she has now, otherwise they’d be much the same colour. Or indeed chestnut would look good with the green for Duvay...  
The big advantage of simply re-colouring for Duvay is that it gives her a strong look, in keeping with the established style of the show, the costume makers all have everything they need and simply need to switch up the colours.  Things like her shoulder boxes only need a new coat of paint to continue their use. The only disadvantage is that they have racks full of old brown Ashley costumes, but those are only valid if they half-half-ass the character as the tour did, any truly new character will make the stock redundant, as it did with the Rockies.  
So, John Napier, if you’re listening? Arlene Phillips, Steven Rosso, whoever has a say in this decision?  I’m just throwing this idea out there.  I mean.  Green trains are such a normal thing, it’s hardly even an idea I can claim.  But Duvay would look good in green.
11 notes · View notes
ohgoditsamy · 7 years
Am I a clean or messy person? Relatively clean Am I a tea or coffee person? Tea all the way! Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Neither Am I afraid of heights? Not really Am I allergic to anything? I hope not Am I an early bird or a night owl? Definitely a night owl Am I an extrovert or introvert? Introvert Am I an innie or an outie? Innie Am I easily embarrassed? Definitely Am I in a relationship? Yup! Am I left or right handed? Leftie! Am I much of a daredevil? I wish.. Am I scared of the dark? No Am I social? Uh I guess Am I superstitious? It depends Am I ticklish? Oh god.. Can I bake? Not well Can I cook? Again, not well Can I curl my tongue? Yup Can I dance? Uh.. I can do the charleston, the macarena, YMCA.. so uh Can I drive? Nearly!! Can I juggle? Lol nah Can I play poker? Lol nah Can I roll my r’s? You bet Can I sing? Well I’m not tone deaf but I wouldn’t go as far as saying I can sing Can I spell well? I hope so Can I swim? Yup Can I wiggle my ears? Kinda?? Do I correct people when they make mistakes? Sometimes.. Do I have a collection of anything? 50p’s, squashed pennies, cool money Do I have a strong accent? Nah Do I have any nicknames? “Weema” - my dad Do I have any pet peeves? Bad grammar, when people spell it “defiantely”, people who put the milk in first Do I have any piercings? Nah Do I have any strange phobias? Let me think about that one idk Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? Probably 50/50 Do I have much of an ego? God no Do I judge a book by its cover? Uh, I guess as first impressions Do I like bubble baths? Too right Do I like classical music? Yeah Do I like clowns? Nope Do I like my handwriting? God no Do I like roller-coasters? Sure Do I like scary movies? Yeah Do I like shopping? Yup Do I like to gossip? Not really Do I like to talk on the phone? Depends who it’s to Do I like travelling? Yeeeepp Do I play any instruments? Piano! Do I sleep with the lights on or off? Of Do I smile at strangers? I try to Do I suck or bite lollipops? Suck, cheeky Do I talk to myself? Yup Do I tend to hold grudges? Unfortunately Do I use earphones or headphones? Earphones, but I prefer headphones Do I use sarcasm a lot? Dunno man, do I Do I want any tattoos? Some cute flowery ones Do I wear glasses? I did for a year? But now I don’t need them? Have I ever been on a plane? Once Have I ever been on tv? Not that I remember lmao Have I ever been to the hospital? Yup Have I ever crashed a car? Not yet Have I ever got in trouble with the law? Not yet Have I ever had a rumour spread about me? Well if it was, I dunno about it Have I ever had braces? Nope but soon I will Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? Yup Have I ever skipped school? Yup, karma got me though Have I ever started a rumour? Idk I hope not Have I ever thrown up in the car? Uh?? I dunno man How long does it take for me to get ready? Not long, I spend most of my getting ready time drinking tea How many relationships have I ever had? Just the one How old was I when I first got my period? I dunno like 12 How tall am I? 5ft 8? What am I most likely to be doing when I am outside? Walking most probably What am I usually doing on a Friday night? Sitting in bed What are my favourite bands? God um, Arctic Monkeys, Two Door Cinema Club, RHCP, Green Day, Gorillaz - idk it changes every 10 minutes What are my favourite flowers? Roses, Daffodils What can I smell in the air? Not much really, maybe shea perfume What colours mostly dominate my wardrobe? Black, blue, crimson What is my appearance like? Pale complexion, brown hair, blue eyes What is my culture? Idk, white british? Is that right? What is my current wallpaper on my phone? A collage of the same picture of my boyfriends face What is my full name and why did I get it? Amy Helen Blackford, because my parents chose it lmao What is my greatest strength? Lmao probably art, I’m just mediocre at everything What is my greatest weakness? Nerves. What is my guilty pleasure? The 80s What is my Hogwarts house? Ravenclaw What is my most expensive piece of clothing? Uh a pair of duck egg coloured docs at a guess What is my most heavily used makeup product? Revolution Flawless Matte 2 What is my most used phrase? Currently “lmao” or “man” cause I’m a generic piece of shit What is my most used word? I don’t really have a personal word count so.. What is my personality like? A bit bland, occasionally funny, easily pissed off, indecisive, persistent, annoying What is my personality type? INTP? Idk I had to google this one What is my religion? Unspecified, I’m not bound to a religion and I as never baptised  - who knows what / if I’ll be. What is my spirit animal?  What is my strangest talent? Uh, this is a weird one but if I were to place my hands as if I were to clap them I can make a weird ass fart noise with my hands?? I haven’t got any decent talents. I’m a bit useless. Oh wait I can cross my legs twice too What is my zodiac sign? Gemini What is one trend that I completely bought into? The 90s trend? What is something I can’t do no matter how hard I try? Fucking piano exams. Playing piano in front of people. Guitar.  What is something I hated as a child that I like now? God, too many things. Eminem, the colour pink, more feminine things What is the last thing I bought? Other than my final set of driving lessons, I bought my boyfriend Mass Effect Andromeda What is the longest I’ve ever gone without sleep? Probably like 20 hours? 22? What is the pet I would like to have? Just more dogs, oh, and a fox What is the worst injury I’ve ever gotten? Spraining my wrist, I’m a bore What language do I want to learn? I know some French, but I’d like to be fluent What video games do I play when I want to relax? Destiny, Overwatch, GTA V.. What was the last book I read? Black-Eyed Susans What was the last movie I saw? Ghost in the Shell, cinema last night What word do I always use as an exclamation? FUCK! What word do I always use to describe something great? Like anything positive, it can range from “cool” to “HOLY SHIT” Where do I currently live? Near Leicester, UK Which is my favourite season? Summer / Autumn
What is my favourite accent? French, Russian, posh British (Southern), German, Italian.. most accents really What is my favourite animal? Just dogs, I fucking love dogs What is my favourite band? I dunno this! It changes every 10 minutes! What is my favourite childhood book? I had this giant bumper Disney book  What is my favourite colour? Pastel pink, blues, yellows, greens What is my favourite drink? TEA. What is my favourite flavour of ice cream? Vanilla What is my favourite food to eat on a rainy day? Soup What is my favourite food to eat on a sunny day? Depends, if it’s hot then ice cream! What is my favourite number? 19, no reason it’s just a nice number What is my favourite place on the planet? Scotland What is my favourite radio station? Radio X What is my favourite sandwich? Ham, cheese, lettuce, cucumber and salsa (specifically Subway #NotSpon) What is my favourite snack? Tea and biscuits What is my favourite song? Currently Love by Lana Del Rey What is my favourite swear word? Fuck. It just fits every situation. What is my favourite word? I just came across the word “Idiosyncratic” meaning distinctive, individual and I love it. What is my favourite thing to wear? It’s generic but mom jeans, they’re comfortable as fuck and I have a pair with flowers on so they’re super pretty !
Do I remember the day I met …? My boyfriend. The day I met him. Hell yeah he was a weird kid standing on a table - he shook up an energy drink (specifically Rockstar Guava which I happen to love) and stabbed it with a pin so it spirted out. He continued to do this for a few days. Little did I know it was actually to get my attention specifically. How are my mother and I similar and different? We looked exactly the same at the age of 5. However she is very quick to judge people I am not so What are the compliments I have given other people? I like your outfit, makeup, eyes, hair, smile, eye colour, music taste, art skills What are the compliments people have given me? Nice outfit, You’re pretty What do my best friend and I have in common? We’re both gemini and left-handed. This is also my boyfriend. I have a few other close friends but idk if they consider me as close What gifts would I like to give everyone? Everything they want. Paints, anything yellow, games, clothes, anything. What if I could meet anyone on this planet – who would I choose? Bob Ross Where is my best friend? At work, sucks to be him. Which actors & actresses do I trust enough to watch whatever they’re in? Leo DiCaprio, um.. Which teachers inspired me the most? None of my school teachers Who are my favourite characters? From what TV shows? Tony Stonem, Cassie Ainsworth - Skins. I can’t think of any film ones right now.. Who are my friends? Everyone in my college course, a few I met on Xbox Who are my parents? The ones who.. y’know, made me. Those people. Who are my sisters? Just the one, she’s annoying. Jk lmao. Who are the new people I met? – their names and where we met. Kirstyyy!! Met at college and became friends cause she was wearing an MCR shirt that day. Plus all the other folks at college. Who are the writers I trust enough to read anything they write? I need to fuckin read more. Who brings the sunshine on the days I see nothing but a grey sky? The bae lmao plus all my friends. Who is my best friend? I swear we have had this question. Who is my celebrity crush? 90s: Leo DiCaprio, Angelina Jolie, Winona Ryder. But also Kaya Scodelario, Chris Pratt. Mate just anyone if they’re famous and reasonably attractive. Who is my favourite youtuber? Emma Blackery, basically the only youtuber I still have the time and patience to watch  Who is my role model? Probably Emma Blackery Who is my secret valentine? Secret one? Uh, the bae. SECRETS OUT LADS Who is someone I admire? Admiration and appreciate for Bob Ross if you please Who is someone that saved me? Nathan, from my cripplingly low self-confidence and ability to speak to people Who is the most intelligent person I know? This guy called Jamie, can play guitars ambidextrously, is a killer at maths and science. Who is the most supportive person in my life right now? Nathan and Kirsty thx u guys Who was the last person I texted? NATHAN Who would I like to go on a midnight adventure with? Idk man who was I just talkin about Who would I love to randomly see this week? Any friends, I love meeting up with friendos! Who would I really like to hug? NATHAAN Who would I really like to punch? NATHAAAAAAAAAN Why am I grateful for …? Who? Nathan? Cause he’s cool, talks about problems n shit, treatin me right  Why am I grateful for dad? Cause he helps me out with a lot of shit Why am I grateful for mum? Same as dad to be fair
A playlist for 12-year-old me - Every album ever written by; My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides, Fall Out Boy A playlist for throwback Thursday, Bohemian Rhapsody, Daydream Believer, Spin me around, Snow (Hey oh), I’m Just Here For The Free Beer A playlist for when I’m angry - Survival, This means war, Lake of Fire A playlist for when I’m in love - Spin Me Around, Love A playlist for when I’m in the mood to party My House, I’m not in love, Earthquake A playlist for when I’m sad - Everybody’s gotta learn sometime, Kitchen Sink A playlist of songs that I have on repeat - My house, Where the girls at,  A playlist that makes me want to dance - Nancy Mulligan, Galway Girl A playlist that makes me want to sing - Mr Brightside, Ruby, Chelse Dagger, Don’t you want me A playlist to inspire me - Anything by Lana A playlist to listen to on the bus/train - Anything by Lana, Twenty one pilots A playlist with the classics - Like a Prayer, True Colours,  A song that really speaks to me - I’m honestly not sure A song that was stuck in my head today - Love, by Lana Bands and their logos - Arctic Monkey’s logo is cool, as is Nirvana’s Song lyrics - “I wanna fuck a dog in the ass” lmao just the funniest lyrics I know from Blink 182 What are the first 6 songs when I put my playlist on shuffle? Semi-Automatic, Are you gonna be my girl, First Date, Blue Jeans, Walk, Lake of Fire What song always brings a smile to my face? Spin me around
A place where the architecture made me want to wake up and see the city skyline every morning - Not that I’ve been there but New York A place where the customer service made me tip £100 - God I hope that’s not a thing A place where the memories were unforgettable - I know too many places for this A place where the nature made me want to live in the middle of nowhere - Scotlandddd A place where the people restored my faith in humanity - Scotlaaanddddd How to get to my favourite place - A seven hour ball-ache of a drive to..... SCOTTLAAAAANDDD Places I have never been to but want to see. Grand Canyon, Great Wall fo China, Great Barrier Reef, The Phillippines, Canada Somewhere I want to go before I die - Australia / America Somewhere I want to go before I turn 20 - ‘MURICAAA Somewhere I would rather be right now. - Wait for it.... SCOTLAAAAND What are the popular places in town? - In my town? The cinema, Costa? I dunno What is the worst place I’ve been to? Blackpool. Where is my favourite place to shop? Urban Outfitters Where was I born? George Eliot Hospital
A list of every single song on the albums released by my fav bands “fav” lmao I’m dying can I just list some good songs here thanks
Stolen Dance - Milky Chance Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey Trees - twenty one pilots Stan - Eminem Human - Rag’n’Bone Man Nancy Mulligan - Ed Sheeran
I cant think of any more
Every tom and jerry’s ice cream flavour (I want to try).
Fuck my LIFE all of them
Places I would like to see.
Grand Canyon Niagra Falls Cute beaches Mountains
Sounds I like.
Piano Birds Water
Sounds I dislike.
My dad shouting up the stairs at me : ))
Sports I like.
Badminton Basketball
Star signs.
Gemini? Idk?? 
The first 5 things I saw on my way home.
I only left the house for my driving lesson today idk
The first 5 words that come to mind.
I don’t know what to write
The main roman gods.
Is this a test
The main Greek gods.
Zeus. The end.
Things I don’t own but like.
Self appreciation
Things I want to buy.
An iPhone 6S, I have an iPhone 5S and the home button’s broken
Top 10 episodes to watch
Skins S1 Ep’s 1-9, then carry on. Just go past 10 episodes and finish S2.
Top 10 favourite quotes.
“What, you egg!       [He stabs him]”
“Hamlet: O fuck.      [Exit Hamlet]”
I probably have some favourite serious quotes but I forgot them
Top 10 movies to watch.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 10 Cloverfield Lane Every single Harry Potter Girl, Interrupted Every single Star Wars
Techically that’s more than 10
Top 10 people I want to meet.
I’m not even sure, Emma Blackery? Bob Ross if he were here?
Top 10 places in Manchester.
None I want to visit.
Top 10 restaurants I love.
Rossini’s, Prezzo (though I actually recently heard bad reviews so I may retract that one), Zizzi’s, Windsor Tiffin
What is the sentence on line 13 of page 23 in the book nearest to me?
The book nearest me is a Piano book and I’m not going to write sheet music on here. The song on Pg. 23 is called Here, There and Everywhere though
What movies do I watch when I’m feeling down?
Kids movies - Toy Story, Finding Nemo etc
What tv shows do I always recommend?
Sk-Sk-Sk.. SKINS
What were my favourite tv shows as a child?
Doctor Who (I accidentally just typed Doctor Whom and I’m pissing myself holy shit), Tracey Beaker, 50/50, Raven, Trapped! Drake and Josh
What words don’t seem real to me?
Albertopolis, Bindlestiff
Wish list
That fucking iPhone 6S
A memory in summer
Walks down to a nearby village to have picnics
A memory in winter
A drunkard Christmas party in which I threw up on myself 3 times, twice missing a plastic bag as it was folded over and the sick just kinda rolled onto me.
A memory with my family.
Going to France
A memory with my friends.
Wetherspoons Wednesday!!
I’ll never forget the day (a teacher) did this.
Made me write a half page essay about a poem as I did not answer 3 questions on it for homework. I completed this essay in about 2 minutes having read the poem, she looked shocked I’d done it so fact so I got up and left.
Memories from high school
“Are you emo?” “Are you goth?” “You were a lot of black” None of this I do anymore.
Special moments I want to witness.
One of my mates weddings, he’s engaged
The story behind my first kiss
The most awkward peck on a street corner as a goodbye, however it was good
The story behind my last kiss
It simply just happened, probably again as a goodbye for the night
The stories behind my scars
I have a scar on my chin, about an inch and a half in length due to a birthmark I had removed at the age of 8.
What are the memories I never want to forget?
Basically everything the year I met Nathan and everything this year for these have been some of the happiest years of my life.
What is my saddest memory?
I recently lost a guinea pig I’d owned for 4 years, I hadn’t had the time to give her attention in the latter months of her life so I never really said goodbye to her. I’ll regret it forever.
What is the first thing I remember?
Being pushed down the slide by some bitch called Charlotte at the age of about 2. I was really pissed and blamed her up until about 6 months ago when I realised I was in fact the asshole as I was climbing up the slide. I didn’t see the problem with climbing up it until recently lmao
What is the funniest thing I remember?
Um.. itS SEXUAL SO... I’ll save it for another time.
What was my most embarrassing moment?
I was on a school trip, they took all of our water bottles off us on arriving at the destination. I was parched as I never got my water bottle back like everyone else, and when I did I drank the entire thing and it went through me. On the way home from the school trip I had to stop the entire double decker coach because I was about to piss myself.
What was the happiest day of my life?
Idk meeting Nathan for the first time and going on a three hour walk around my small village
What was the last concert I went to?
Busted, last May
What was the most amazing thing I’ve ever witnessed?
Breathtaking views from Scottish Mountains?
What was the most disappointing thing in my life?
I’d been wanting a Nintendo DS lite for a good year, every time the adverts came on I’d scream about how I wanted the pink one. Did I get one? No. My younger sister, aged 4 at the time got one. 
What was the most nervous I’ve ever been?
Holy shit there are so many examples, having teeth out etc..  Most recent though was a piano exam I was 100% prepared for, in the exam my hands were shaking so much I couldn’t play.
What was the saddest day of my life?
Finding out my boyfriend had done something which apparently I later found out he didn’t do, at the time I was distraught however.
When was I last scared for my life?
I don’t think I legitimately ever have been
A note to my favourite teachers. You were great.
Dear Nathan, I would like to tell you. That you’re awesome and you should love me forever lmao
Dear 5-year-old me. MAKE FRIENDS YOU FUCK
Dear 13-year-old me. STOP BEING EMO YOU FUCK
Dear 16-year-old me. Ur gonna be fine, look at u now, cheer up man
Dear 18-year-old me. Get drunk, go on, ur 2 months ahead of me
Dear 25-year-old me. I hope you have a house and your engaged or something decent, please have a job
Dear all the boys I’ve liked. Lmao why did I like you 
Dear someone I need to forgive. You’re forgiven, whoever you are?
Letters to my future children. fuck off you sperm cells
Questions to answer
A wise person learns from the mistakes of others – do I agree? No, a person becomes wise from learning from their own mistakes. 
Advice to any if the new kids at sf. At the what?
Am I a bad loser? It depends what it is :(((
Am I a good liar? If I want to be
Am I a writer? Hell I wish
Am I an artist? I mean sort of
Am I good at giving advice? Hell I wish
Am I happy with myself? Good joke 
Am I happy with the person I’ve become? Well from what I was, yes
Am I the kind of friend I would like to have as a friend? Ew no
Books I always reread. Uh..
Can insanity bring on more creativity? I think so, sadness does
Do I admit when I’m wrong? Rarely
Do I believe that people are capable of change? Sometimes, but remember I said I hold grudges so I’d probably not trust you for years
Do I belong here? Belong where? I’m in bed so fuck yea
Do I have trust issues? Yup..
Do I like confrontation? I can confront people, but I don’t like being confronted
Do I live or do I just exist? Existing, waiting to live.
Do I prefer to be on camera or behind it? Behind, but if I totally had the confidence I’d wanna be in there
Do I really want a cat? Cats are cool
Do I trust easily? What the fuck this is the same question, no I do not
Have I ever been bullied? Sorta?
Have I ever been on a date? I don’t even know lol
Have I ever felt like I wasn’t enough? All the time
Have I ever felt rejected by my friends/family? All the time
Have I ever had a friend turn into an enemy? Idk some former friends hate me, and I hate some former friends. No enemies, no arguments though.
Have I ever had a paranormal experience? Used to see someone walk around my dads house and hear banging in the loft - both stopped around the same time however so they’re probably related.
Have I ever had a public perception of me change from good to bad? Idk, Idk what “the public” think of me
Have I ever had a song or poem written about me? No but how cute would that be
Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? WHAT WAS I SAYING ABOUT PIANO.
Have I learnt from my mistakes? Yes but I never follow through cause I’m useless
How am I feeling? Useless man I should be doing college work
How do I find comfort when I’m sad? Tea and biscuits.
How do I vent my anger? Arguing, shouting.. it’s bad.
How do I want to be remembered? As a decent person
How could I avoid getting hurt? Pretend you’re not. Be sarcastic n fuckin take it like a truck.
How does a (any appliance around the home) work? Well you see, with a vacuum right, you plug it in and you turn it on. Then it sucks away the dirty shit on your floor. Why is this a question.
How I think will determine how I live – agree or not? Yeah, your thoughts impact your decisions, your decisions impact what happens around you.
How would I define my sense of humour? Sometimes dark, sometimes punny, memes, shit.
What am I like when I’m angry? Argumentative, aggressive, talk back
What am I most afraid of? Being forgotten, left behind
What are some things that stand between me and complete happiness? Self-confidence, nerves
What did I like about being a kid? Not giving a fuck
What did I want to be when I was younger? Fashion designer, teacher, hair dresser, doctor, F1 driver, artist.. you name it.
What do I admire most in others? Kindness, generosity, respectfulness
What do I hate about sf? WHAT THE FUCK IS SF
What do I hate most about myself? My huge ass nose, teeth, nerves, personality
What do I love most about myself? The fact my eyes are blue ? 
What do I notice first when I see someone? Eyes
What do I think about selfies? Sometimes I take good ones
What do I think about the most? Tea
What do I think could be improved in the educational system? Pretty much all of it, the way personal and social skills is taught specifically.
What do I think people think of me? Annoying
What do I touch first when I stick my arms out? My dog
What do I wish I didn’t miss? Um?
What do I wish for every night? To be more productive, a cup of tea
What does a rainbow mean to me? Usually that it’s been raining, I’m pretty black and white.
What fictional character do I wish was real? None really?
What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? Harry Potter or something, maybe X men. Have a wand or some special ability, it’d be cool.
What is an experience that has made me stronger? Getting a job which requires speaking to people
What is an item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? My half 50p necklace
What is my biggest dream and how do I plan on making it become a reality? Going travelling.. I have no idea how.
What is my biggest what if? What if I’d never met Nathan. Would I be a not talkative emo fuck
What is my greatest achievement? Designing the logo for my local carnival? Designing a company brochure (in the making)
What is my greatest failure? Hopefully not my driving test next week.
What is my secret weapon to get someone to like me? Uh. My killer dank memes.
What is one aspect of myself that I feel confident about? My makeup. 
What is one thing I am interested in learning more about? North Korea
What is something that makes me feel vulnerable? My nerves and easy ability to be angry or upset by something
What is the best gift I’ve ever received? My half 50p necklace
What is the first thing I think of when I hear the word ‘heart’? FUcking hell.. the heart emoji. I want to die for that answer, but if I didn’t put it I’d be lying
What is the hardest lesson I have had to learn in life? What I do when I’m learning something, it won’t be perfect first time.
What is the ideal age to be and why? 18 forever, old enough to be responsible for yourself, young enough to go places and have fun.
What is the most scandalous situation I’ve ever been involved in? I broke into an abandoned house?
What is the nicest thing about a person? Their kindness
What is the single best decision I’ve made in my life so far? Switching to Graphic Design course over Art and Design cause the people on Art and Design were shit and I wasn’t happy.
What is the single worst decision I’ve made in my life so far? Being emo aged 12-15
What makes a great relationship? A good balance of friendship, love and lust.
What makes me smile? A good joke, hanging with friends What motivates me to succeed? University, the idea of success
What part of my life would I relive if I could? Most of my childhood?
What part of my life would I remove if I could? The old person part, I don’t wanna be frail, ill and dying unable to do anything and it’s just a waiting game to death.
What question am I afraid to tell the truth to? None really?
What questions would I ask to get to know someone better? What stuff they’re into?
What was I doing at 12am last night? Talking to friends
What was I like as a child and how did my personality change as I got older? More understanding, loving, friendly now
What was my favourite subject in school? Art What was the last lie I told? I can’t remember, who knows, I could’ve been lied to and I don’t know
What was the most ridiculous thing that made me cry? My piano exam, having my teeth out, several films, nothing
What will I do in university? GRAPHIC DESIGN BOI I’M EXCITED
What would I change about my sf? My what the fuck
What would I change about my life if you knew I would never die? Uh.. I don’t wanna not ever die it’d be lonely.
What would I change about the world? Be rid of the old arseholes in Government, disrespectful people, terrorists
What would I like to change this year? BE MORE PRODUCTIVE (ironic I’ve been doing this for over an hour)
What would I do differently if you knew that no one was judging me? Everything.
What would I do in the event of an apocalypse? Probably plan a living strategy
What would I have to see to cry tears of joy? Dogs.
What would I want written on my tombstone? Idk probably something funny like “Active 23 mins ago” or some quote I like
When did I experience stage fright or nervousness in front of a crowd? FUCKING. PIANO. EXAM.
When do I feel most at peace? In bed.
When did I last send a handwritten letter to someone? My french pen friend, year 8
When did I not speak up, when I know I really should have? Several times.
When did I witness something controversial and had to keep it a secret? I don’t think so
When was the last time I cried? Wednesdy, over my FUCKING PIANO EXAM
Where do I see myself in 10 years’ time? uh, in my own house I hope
Where do I want to live? Still not figured this one out
Where is the best place to get pizza? Rossini’s omg
Where would I go if I got a plane ticket to anywhere? ‘MURICAAA
Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? Brains
Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? Used to just be girls but now both really
Who do I miss the most? No one?
Who do I need the most? Nobody cause IM A FREE WOMAN
Why couldn’t I get out of bed this morning? Because it’s me and I’m lazy.
Why couldn’t I sleep last night? Because it’s me and I’m shit.
Why do I hate insects? Because it’s me and I hate them.
Why do dogs hate me and I hate them? Wait what no
Will you lend me a hand – how do I think this idiom got started? Because I can’t carry something or I’m confused
Would I ever spread gossip? I hope not
Would people consider me a diva? I hope not? I don;t think I am?
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