#but in my mind tumblr and ds go so well together
taff-ebrum · 1 month
Old Fanfic Rambles #1
I’m unsure how many reading this are a fan of the Harvest Moon series. One of the very DS games I got was Harvest Moon Grand Bazaar. I have fond memories of staying up on Christmas Day playing it until the very early hours of the morning. It introduced me to the endless joy of farming simulators.
But how does that relate to Kirby? Or Taff, for that matter?
Growing up (and even now), I had a tendency to combine my interests into one. Whether or not the separate properties involved worked well together did not matter to me.
When I was writing Taff as a child, I had a hard time coming up with a proper personality for her. But, I wanted to write in some drama. “Angst”, if you will. So I began to think of how I could do that. A villain coming across as charming and witty, only to reveal himself as a monster sounded good to me at the time.
But who would this monster be?
My only frame of reference for charismatic at the time was James from Team Rocket… and a certain bachelor from Harvest Moon DS Cute.
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Phantom Skye.
For those who have not played Harvest Moon before, Skye is meant to be the “bad boy” bachelor in the game. He has a reputation around the valley for stealing. The game’s manual even tells you outright that he’s going to try and “steal your heart”.
I thought Skye was everything as a child. Unfortunately, the conditions to get married in the earlier Harvest Moon games were VERY VERY high and I could never reach them. Mostly because I did not play the game as intended, but that’s beside the point.
I decided I would literally just steal Skye as my villain. I wrote him into the story and gave him his own monster form which I don’t remember. I think it was some kind of wolf due to my obsession with Wolfwrath.
The fanfiction has unfortunately been lost to time, but I think King Dedede ordered the monster specifically to mess with Taff. Keep in mind that I hadn’t established a reason yet for King Dedede to single Taff out yet. I wouldn’t come up with Taff foiling King Dedede’s plans directly for years until much later.
The monster, Skye, comes to Cappytown in a similar way Mr. Chip did in Episode 83. He just shows up and Taff instantly fell for him. I think even at the time younger me realized this didn’t make sense, so I played up his charismatic abilities. Like, he was forcing her to take an interest in him. Yikes!
The rest of the fanfiction is the two of them messing around UNTIL Meta Knight revealing that Skye was a monster the whole time! Taff is betrayed by this revelation, Skye, on the other hand, is not remorseful. There’s a fight scene where Taff actually literally murders him and then the fanfiction ends.
So how did people take it?
The reception was decent, surprisingly! I did, however, get ONE comment from someone who DIRECTLY called me out for straight up ripping Skye from Harvest Moon. I remember PMing them on fanfiction.net, don’t recall why, but we actually became friends. We roleplayed Harvest Moon and Kirby characters in PMs a few times. They were active on Tumblr at some point but I lost contact with them a long time ago…
Maybe they’ll see this post and we can reconnect! Fingers crossed!
Anyway, I regret not archiving my old work. This is a message to all artists to archive your work. Drawings, writing, keep it for yourself so you can look back on it years later.
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thebmatt · 3 years
I’ve spent a good portion of the past two days looking for ask memes here in tumblr that I could address some of these things with (thank you @autumnslance for the reply) but then I realized “wait, I can just TALK about these things if I want, it’s my own tumblr, there’s no rules about it”
Anxiety is a bitch yo.
So I’m gonna start a little series about my own headcanons I have about my characters. And we’re gonna start of with....
The Multiverse
This is The Big One, the massive thread that more or less holds together all of my headcanons I’ve developed about/within any fandom I’ve considered myself a part of, ever. 
I have a lot of inspiration to draw from here, Marvel and DC’s multiverses are obvious but also a tremendous amount of @magicturtle‘s work with building the world of the Void Saga of the Critical Hit podcast.
The basics of the idea is that for every world, every universe, there exists other versions of this universe, which has the same general structure (worlds, continents, locations, even a vast majority of people), but with at least one Major Difference. A Major Difference could be specifically important people being entirely different, certain historical events happened differently and thus an alternate history emerges, or even something as big as events happening in a different age of civilization. As an example, the Hydaelyn of my own Warriors of Light would be a different universe of Lashen and Blanfyr. Their universes are identical, with the Major Difference being that Lash, Blanfyr, and their ally Azrael are the Warriors of Light, not my crew. Versions of them may exist in each others universe, but they would have different histories. 
It’s important to note that the Shards aren’t different universes either, they’re what are known as Demiplanes, a different plane of existence tied to the primary plane of their own universe. Every version of the universe known colloquially as Hydaelyn, as an example, has its own versions of the shards, which may or may not have their own histories. In Toragana and Veilette’s universe, the shards are either numbered differently or were subjected to the Ascian’s machinations in a different order, for example.
My own WoL/Ds are now aware of the existence of other versions of their universe. Franks, in particular, is exploring the theoretical physics and mathematics with a renewed gusto now that he has some confirmation of this. Well, he has MORE confirmation of it, but we’ll get to that. He knows of at least two other versions of their universe now, and as he’s mentioned, the math the Arcanist’s Guild has managed to work through supports the idea of no more than 15 versions of their universe, but he’s not quite willing to put that in stone yet. He’s got some revisions to do.
Other universes
Hydaelyn’s not all there is that’s out there, however.
There are also other worlds out there, other universes, which are ENTIRELY different. Different worlds with different kinds of life on them, landmasses that would be unrecognizable to the people who live on the Source and no versions of the people who live on it. They even have their own demiplanes, different in number and purpose
Franks knowns of one of these, because he comes from it. His original world is called Azeroth. On that world, he spent a majority of his life as a creature known as a human, but a large number of recent years as a walking corpse. 
These universes which are entirely different from one another all share one trait, they each have their own set of universes which are similar to themselves save for at least one or more Major Differences. 
You can probably see where this is going. Every fictional world or setting I’ve ever been interested in potentially could have its own representation in this multiversal structure.
The Structure of the Multiverse
So who knowns about the whole of the multiverse? Who knows about its structure?
There is an organization who has taken it upon themselves to watch the whole of the multiverse with one goal in mind, their own Prime Directive, if you will, and it is simply thus: Do NOT allow knowledge of the multiverse to become widely known to any universe at large and prevent unauthorized travel between them. 
The founders of this organization were an extremely advanced race from a universe that had learned of their “universal neighbors”, developed the technology to cross the barriers between them, and had over millennia formed diplomatic relations with each other. Vast citadels existed in each version of their universe with permanently open gateways between them, allowing politicians, diplomats, and scientists to consult with their counterparts in the different universes. 
Periodically, their scientists would determine the planar coordinates of another universe, and an expedition to this new neighbor would be formed. “Opening Day”, the day a new portal was brought online, had become a cultural milestone for them, and it had evolved into a major celebration. People would gather near the citadels holding massive parties. Different versions of the same being would gather, sharing knowledge and celebrating accomplishments. 
Unfortunately, this race had made a major assumption. Every other universe they’d discovered had Major Differences that were ultimately benign, ultimately leading them to the same current point, an age of enlightenment and reason. They expected something similar in this newly discovered universe.
What they found instead was a world dominated by a predatory insectoid species that had been destroyed in every other universe early in the history of the race. In this universe, however, these insectoids had destroyed them instead. And now they had evolved into a massive hivemind swarm that had consumed almost all other forms of life in their world. And they were hungry. 
What followed was a cataclysm. The insects poured through the portal in uncountable numbers, devouring and consuming everyone in their path. They quickly discovered the other portals, centralized as they were in the citadels of every version of their universe, and expanded into them all. Their prey was a race of civilized thinkers, they had all long discarded any forms of a military, and they could not stand up against the insectoids single unifying mind and the viciousness of their forms. 
It took only a few months before they were all but wiped from existence. A few members of each universe had been working on a form of transport capable of independent travel between universes and also the “in-between” space that divided them. Before the insectoids could eat them as well, they boarded their experimental craft and activated it, blindly jumping away from their universe. 
It worked. The survivors, less than two dozen in number, ended up in the In-Between, out of reach of the insectoids. Their “ship” boasted a large variety of experimental sensor devices for exploration, and so they were able to monitor, in near-realtime, the destruction of all versions of their civilization and culture, consumed by their own failure to account for all potential possibilities. Their were no other versions of their universe remaining, the version where the insectoids had won was the last one in existence. 
For the next century (age being another thing they’d managed to defeat) they simply explored, mapping as much of the multiverse and it’s various forms of life as they could. Ultimately they decided it was their duty to prevent what had happened to any other universes, and so they set out establishing their organization to accomplish this.
The Organization
I don’t have a name for this organization, nor the race that established it. Everything i call them in my head is directly pilfered from one or more of my inspirations, and I don’t want to canonize any of them by writing it down here.
The organization is responsible for cataloging and organizing the multiverse as well as monitoring its inhabitants for the development of any methodology which could enable discovery of the multiverse or cross-universal travel. To this extent, they recruit agents, beings from across the multiverse who must forsake any ties to their home universe or any versions of it to monitor others. These agents are given a ship capable of monitoring all universes under their purview, as well as opening a doorway to any point in their assigned sector. 
The organization groups universes thus: all universes which are identical save for Major Differences are grouped together in what is known as a universal cluster. These clusters are named (generally for the primary world of importance that all universes share) and numbered in order of creation (if they can determine it) or discovery. The first universe created is named Prime or One, all others receive a sequential number. These grouped universes are known as parallel universes when discussed in comparison to each other. Likewise, Universes in different clusters are known as alternate universes. 
The organization has a very strict non-interference policy in the affairs of any universe not related to their mandate of cross-universal travel. This includes in the combatting of threats. While agents do carry a variety of weaponry suited to the different universes under their purview, the policy of the organization is to minimize knowledge of their existence. To this end, Agents are to recruit assets from the variety of worlds under their watch, and provide them whatever resources they need to deal with cross-planar incursions (or potential ones). These assets are, as a rule, not made aware of the greater structure of the organization or the scope of the multiverse, only that it exists and the extent of whatever knowledge they need to defeat the threat. Assets are carefully cultivated for capability and trustworthiness before they are recruited. 
Agents of this organization also carry are provided with the means to acquire whatever clothing they need to “blend in” but the structure of the multiverse provides their best disguise in itself. Should a being cross from one universal cluster into the next, the multiverse itself will change your form into something that most closely matches something within the universe you’re going to.
This is why Franks, when he found a strange portal within Azeroth and ended up on Hydaelyn, which does not have widespread sentient undead, his form became similar to what he used to be. 
Thus far the agent responsible for monitoring both the Azeroth and Hydaelyn universal clusters has not seen fit to interfere in this planar jump, as Franks has taken great pains to conceal the connection between them on both ends and has thus far dedicated himself to opposing the machinations of the Ascians, who are known to the organization as an potentially extremely dangerous threat to the multiverse should any universe’s version of them manage to free their primal and rejoin all of the shards. He’s monitoring the situation there extremely closely. 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by xflirtykaosx
Alphabetti Spaghetti (1/3)
And we will fall in love with shooting stars. - A
Have you ever seen an Aardvark? I don’t think so.
Were you ever abandoned in a public place as a child? Where? Abandoned is a pretty harsh word lol. My parents did like playing pranks on me and hide whenever I’d get distracted at the grocery or department store. They’d let me get nervous or even tear up for a bit until showing up again.
What accent do you have? I guess just your standard Filipino English accent that’s common among people who were able to take up English studies. I don’t really know how to describe it.
Is there someone in your family addicted to something? What is it? I don’t think so.
Have you ever been under general anaesthetic? What were you having done? I think so? When I had a tooth extraction done on me two years ago I was told I was going to be injected with anaesthesia, but I didn’t feel as if anything changed throughout the procedure. Either my dentist told me fake news lol or he’s just really good at his job for me to not notice anything.
How do you show the ones you love affection? It depends on the person. Around my friends, I know I’ve had taken a liking to them once I start getting especially talkative with them. For people I have even deeper relationships with, I like...buying them gifts, I guess. Getting them things that remind me of them. I would also bend over backwards to do nice deeds for them, like driving them to their destination even if I find it far.
Are you more passive or aggressive? I tend to be very passive aggressive in the way I deal with things.
Do you like the band Aha!? Not in particular.
Do you know anyone called Aidan? What are they like? Nope.
Ever heard of the band Ajax? No but I know that’s a brand of like cleaner or something. That’s close enough to ‘band’ haha.
Do you know anyone called Akash? I don’t either.
Do the sound of fire alarms scare you? They would obviously be scary if it rang for a real reason. Who wouldn’t freak out over a fire?
Do you live in America? If so, which state? If visited, where'd you go? No, and I’ve never visited either. I’d love to take a trip to cities like New York, New Orleans, Portland, and Chicago one of these days.
Have you ever had an ant infestation in your house? Only when there’s food left out accidentally.
Aora - did I spell that correctly? I don’t even know what you’re referring to, so I can’t tell you if you’ve spelled whatever it is right.
Do you have a preference in Apple? What type do you prefer? I don’t quite get this question - like a preference within Apple products? I mean, a phone and a laptop are essentials for me, and generally I do prefer having an iPhone and Macbook over other brands; but I can live without an iPad, an Apple Watch, iMac, Apple Pen, etc...if this is what you mean.
Are you an Aquarian? Is anyone in your family/your partner/best friend? ...You mean Aquarius? No. I don’t believe in astrology nor pay attention to zodiac signs either, so I wouldn’t be able to name Aquariuses that I know right off the bat.
Have you ever worn any type of armor? Which type? I don’t think I’ve ever had to, no.
Do you use the word ass a lot? Kinda, but it’s usually part of a longer word, i.e. asshole, asshat, deadass, etc.
Have you or your family had an attorney? What for? Not to my knowledge.
Is your car/family’s car an automatic gear or manual? Automatic.
Are you interested in aviation, piloting and aircrafts? Just the slightest bit. I would love to learn how to fly a plane, and I would be willing to pay for lessons. It’s just the type of activity that’s super hard to squeeze into an already-hectic schedule of mine.
What was the last award you recieved for? A academic distinction in college.
Axl Rose - like or dislike? Like, but I’m nowhere near a passionate fan. I just don’t have any reasons to actively dislike him.
Do you like air being spelt ayre or ayer in rap or hiphop or is it nasty? I don’t care.
Is the sky outside Azure? If not, what shade is it? No, it’s pitch black.
Belle amour (we've been here before). - B
Do you call anyone baby? Is it sweet or an overrated name for affection? Just my dogs. I find it sweet; it’s my preferred term of endearment if in a relationship.
Bby - does this shortened version bug you? No; my friends and I use this with each other.
Do you know what BC in terms of time stands for? Before Christ, but I prefer using BCE.
BDf - For or against? I don’t know what this is referring to.
Do you prefer beach breaks, city breaks or winter breaks? Why? Beach breaks. Winter break is an immediate cross-out since we don’t even have winter; and I already live and work in an urban area as it is. Beaches are my way to go if I want to escape life for a bit and completely unwind.
Do you spell out boyfriend properly or put bf in texts/online? I can use either depending on what I feel like typing out. It’s not that serious haha.
Do you know what bg is short for? Upon reading this question I immediately thought ‘background,’ but if this question had another meaning in mind I wouldn’t be aware of it.
Do you know anyone with the last name Bhays? No.
Have you ever been bird watching? What did you see? No, doesn’t sound like my kind of hobby.
Do you like Bjork? Not in particular, but just like the Axl Rose question I don’t have anything against her either.
What does this read: bk 2moz miss u lyk fk. Doesn't this text speak annoy? No one types like this anymore at least among people I know, but I imagine it would lowkey bother me a bit.
Do you like BMWs? They’re whatever. I don’t pay attention to cars much.
What is the nearest book to you called? How many times have you read it? There aren’t any books here up on the rooftop.
BnQ - gone there? What did you buy? Idk what that is.
Are you more brainy or brave? I wanna say brainy, if anything? I’m pretty jumpy lol.
Did you like the BSBs (Backstreet Boys) as a kid? How about now? No, I’m a little too young for that generation of artists and groups.
Burgers, Hot Dogs or Salads at a Barbecue? We don’t really practice ~barbecues~ here. But at Filipino parties I would usually flock to lumpia and fried chicken, hehe.
Do you have a Byro? No, because I also don’t know what that is.
Cold eyes and filthy lies all leave me petrified. - C
Do you have a Cactus (Cacti)? No, I don’t like plans.
Do you know what a CCTV is? Yes...?
How many CDs are in the room you are currently in? None where I am right now but I have all of Beyoncé’s albums save for Lemonade in my bedroom. I also have Paramore’s self-titled album and Hayley Williams’ Petals For Armor. My CD collection is about to experience a revival because of BTS, though. My plan to get all versions of all their albums is rock solid, lmao.
What's your favourite cereal brand? Cookie Crisps.
Do you like children's TV shows still? Which one(s)? I’ll revisit an episode or two of shows I watched as a kid at a given time for old times’ sake, but I don’t regularly watch children’s TV shows anymore. I haven’t for a very long time.
Cinnamon - Yum or Yuck? I’m actually kind of in the middle about it. I feel like too many desserts have been banking on cinnamon, so the taste of it can be a little tiring. It’s delicious if I haven’t had it for a while, though.
Do you know anyone with the initials and or name CJ? Quite the opposite; I know PLENTY of JCs, even my sister is one. I know one or two CJs but that’s it.
Have you ever met a self professed clairvoyant? What did they do/say? No.
Do you watch CNN News? What's your prefered news channel/show? I don’t tune into the channel but every once in a while I will encounter a CNN link on social media that I’d actually click on and read through. As for preferred news sources, I don’t have one as there are matters to criticize about 99% of them lol; but I am most likely to trust articles I from AP or Reuters. Just things you pick up as a journalism student. 
How many cousins do you have? I have 9 first cousins. I lose count by the time I try to go beyond that since I don’t even know all of my dad’s cousins, which makes it hard to track who my second cousins are.
Do you still draw with crayons? When was the last time you did? Drew what? I don’t remember anymore.
Do you know what a CSS feed is? What is it? I’m familiar with the term but never bothered to learn about what it is.
Do you like cycling/biking? What type of bike do you have? ...I don’t even know how to ride a bike.
Do you really like it, is it is it wicked. - D
What is the most dangerous animal you've petted/held? I can’t decide between snake or crocodile.
Do you like Death Metal? If so, which band(s)? I wouldn’t say I do.
Did you ever keep a diary/journal? I did a million attempts to keep a diary when I was younger, but I was never able to keep up with any of them and I ended up having 4598358395 notebooks with one or two entries each at most. Having a Tumblr page for surveys has so far been my most successful streak at keeping some type of journal.
Do you prefer small, medium, large or no dogs? I prefer all dogs.
Do you know what DP stands for in porn? Yes.
Have you ever dressed up as a celebrity for a party/Halloween? I went as my favorite female wrestler once. I wouldn’t strictly call her a celebrity, but she’s a very well-known personality in the wrestling industry so she’s popular in that right.
DS or Wii? Why? Wii. I was able to make more memories with it.
Does dust make you sneeze or cough? Sneeze, usually.
How many DVDs do you have all together? Idk, I don’t buy DVDs anymore.
Do you dye your hair regularly, sometimes or never? I’ve never done it.
Every love lies sometimes . . . - E
What's something you refuse to eat? Most fruits.
Don't you think the word ebb is so pretty? I’m neutral about it. I don’t use it a lot.
Do you like Chocolate Eclairs? I love eclairs in general haha. Chocolate eclairs in particular sound delicious.
Ever tried edible paper? Yeah, with the White Rabbit candy.
Eevee - pretty name or too Pokemon-y? Definitely very Pokemon-y. 
Do you sometimes mix up the spellings/meanings of affection and defection? Erm, no? They have completely different spellings and meanings, so I personally have never switched them up.
Do you have a big ego, low self esteem or somewhere in between? I think I’m somewhere in between. I’m insecure about some things about myself, but I don’t really put myself down 24/7. I feel like that would put such a strain on my mental health, which I certainly would never need.
What Element does your starsign fall under? I think earth? My co-workers were just discussing this last Friday, but I couldn’t really butt in since I can’t bring myself to care about astrology. I know they mentioned Taurus being an earth sign though.
Do you show your emotions easily and freely or hide them? Depends...I can do either depending on the situation.
What is your favourite form of entertainment? Korean reality shows are quickly becoming a favorite of mine at the moment. I also like compilation videos on YouTube.
What will they write on your epitaph? I’ve honestly hadn’t put much thought into this yet, and I don’t plan to anytime soon. It just seems like a super grave thing to think about lol.
Estimate/guess what number we are on now? Maybe 60s or 70s?
Do you know basic social etiquette? I mean etiquette will always differ per country or culture, so what is basic in other countries might not be here, and vice versa. I think it’s hard to measure.
Does your country use the Euro, Great British Pound, Dollar or other? Other.
Do you still get excited on Christmas Eve? Yes. Mostly for the free food and the opportunity to see relatives I really only ever see every December 24.
What animal/creature that is extinct do you wish wasn't? Those that went extinct from human activity.
What colour eyes do your parents have? Black/dark brown.
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galagaorbit · 4 years
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[im bad @ setting scenes >:[ the first part takes place @ the fountain]
Hajime couldn't focus on his game, how could he? Chiaki's had her head laid in his lap, concentrating on her game trying to beat her previous high score. Hajime's eyes kept shifting towards her, her occasional sniffles made him smile. He wanted this moment to last forever but it was getting late, they'd be kicked off of school grounds soon. "H-hey Nanami, I found this pretty cool cafe in Akihabara, would you, maybe, like to go with me?" he chuckled softly rubbing the nape of his neck. Chiaki hummed quietly, "It doubles as an arcade." Once she heard that she quickly turned her head to look up at him with stars in her eyes, "Really? I'd love to go, when! When! When!" She squirmed in his lap and giggled "Well we can go now but I doubt you'd want to go in your uniform, we should go home and change then meet up... If that's okay with you." Hajime's ears had turned red, maybe if she hadn't moved around so much in his lap he would've been able to keep it together. Chiaki shot up from his lap almost hitting him in the chin and turned to face him "I've never been very good at dating sims but I'll try my hardest to gain relationship points!"
"R-relationship points?! Wh-what are you talking about?"
"Well in every dating sim you get relationship points from dates you go on, I must've already raised enough friendship flags to start gaining relationship points." She gasps. "Unless there's actually a zombie apocalypse and this is just the filler! Now that I can handle."
"I have no idea what we're talking about right now."
"C'mon, we've got no time to lose."
She grabbed Hajime's hand and raced towards the school gate, relationship points? Dating sims? Hajime couldn't help it, he blushed at the thought of going on a date with Chiaki, what would he wear? What would he say? Should he bring flowers? His stomach churned, he was nervous.
They were outside of school property now, Hajime caught his breath "So, should I come pick you up? Or should we meet at the train station?"
"Let's meet at the station, it'll be more efficient that way. Bye now." She waved at him and started walking home, taking her DS out and walking, how does she not run into stuff? It's a mystery to him, he waved and watched her walk until she was too far to see, he pivoted and went home.
She threw her bag onto her bed and paused her game. She put her hands on her heart & blushed like mad, what would she wear? All she had was her uniform, merchandise and cosplay, what would normal girls wear? She thought about texting her classmates but then decided to trust what's dearest to her, video games. She booted up Kitty Powers' Matchmaker and Hunie pop on two monitors and started to play, after about 20 minutes she knew exactly what to do.
Once he got home he flopped onto his bed, his mind was racing, what to do, what to do. He took off his uniform then stopped, he stared at his binder, would she mind? Would she care? Would she understand? He quickly put on a red long sleeve shirt, he felt plain in it so he put on a horde shirt on top, Chiaki probably plays The Horde...Right? He put on some loose jeans and as he was tucking his shirt in he remembered all those Tumblr posts about bisexual people tucking their shirts in, whatever, it doesn't matter. He finished cuffing his jeans and put on some converse, he tried sticking that one piece of hair down but no matter what he did it always shot back up.
Hajime: im walking to the station now
Chiaki: oki doki!! cant w8! >-< im omw 2!!
Soon enough he reached the station, he assumed she'd take a long time to get there but to his surprise she showed up two minutes later. Hajime's heart started racing, her cat thigh highs, her frilly skirt, her Resident Evil shirt, he felt as if his heart would explode and it almost did, Chiaki's hair was tied into two low pigtails, he didn't think she could get any cuter but there she is. Her jacket perfectly framed her breasts, he tried not to stare but his blush gave it all away. "H-hinata-kun? Do I look bad?" His staring must've made her self-conscious, he rushes to her side & hesitantly puts his hands on her shoulders. "I think you look perfect, not perfect like you're a god or something, BUT YOU'RE NOT UGLY, I've never seen you as ugly. Not that others do! I just think that- I'll s-stop talking." She giggled, "I understand, now let's go, my fingers are aching to play." She wiggled her fingers in Hajime's face.
Soon enough their train came, of course it was full, afterall it is a train to Akihabara, it's bound to be full. Hajime held the pole and held Chiaki close, she took out her handheld, muted it and played til they reached their destination.
(a/n: its considered rude to talk/make loud noise in trains in japan)
Hajime sighed a sigh of relief as he stepped off the train, having Chiaki pressed up against him drove him crazy. She turned to him "Lead the way Master Cheif!" She was beaming with excitment, Hajime chuckled and started walking towards the cafe before he audibly gasped, Chiaki intertwined their hands, she looked up at him and smiled, her smile was his kryptonite, he quickly turned away from her and sped up. "H-hey Hinata! Slow down! I can't keep up" Chiaki was tripping over her own feet and the cracks in the side walk, she puffed her cheeks at Hajime, which in his opinion only made her cuter. "I'm sorry Nanami, I just want to get there before they close yknow?"
"I get it, just slow down a bit." She chuckled and tilted her head at him.
They continued on, they didn't need to speak, just having each other around was enough. As they reached their destination Chiaki's eyes went wide, she could see all the games from the window, she bounced "Let's go Hinata-kun!" Chiaki dragged Hajime inside and once she stepped in her jaw dropped, she felt as if she was in a dream, she spun around, getting a good look at everything around her. She jumped onto Hajime "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Hajime hugged her tightly "I knew you'd like it here." "Like it? I love it? Let's go, c'mon" Chiaki dragged Hajime to the nearest game, he chuckled to himself, she's so quiet and reserved but when it comes to games, she's a completely different person. He thought to himself. Chiaki couldn't take her eyes off the screen, she was so focused that she had her tongue sticking out a bit in between her lips, Hajime wanted to poke it, but why? He had no reason to, he stared at her, he could barely focus on his own screen plus she was doing just fine without him, the flashing lights hitting Chiaki's soft skin made her seem unreal, the reflection of her screen in her eyes, the noises she'd make, it all made Hajime's heart flutter. "I'm gonna go get us some boba, what flavour do you want?" She stayed silent for a bit "Strawberry...probably." Her eyes didn't leave the screen, Hajime walked off to go get their boba. Once Hajime left, Chiaki felt lonely, why? He's still there, he just left to get some boba. Even though Hajime didn't do well with the game she still enjoyed his company, even if he was just standing their, but Chiaki didn't feel lonely for long, she soon felt two hands cover her eyes "Guess who?" She giggled and turned around, not caring about the game, Hajime handed her the boba and sipped on his "Wow, the games are great and so are the drinks" Chiaki held her cup with two hands and took a large sip. Hajime laughed to himself and leaned against the machine behind him, "I found DDR on the other side of the cafe, wanna have a competition?"
She gulped. "I'll wipe the floor with you!"
"Bring it on!"
They rushed to the DDR machine and discarded their empty cups, obviously Chiaki picked the hardest difficulty, Paranoia Survivor Max, hijinks ensued; Chiaki was getting a perfect score as always so Hajime decided to tickle her, it worked, she lost her combo & Hajime continued. Chiaki puffed her cheeks "Hajime, someone's stealing your phone!" Hajime quickly turned around and looked for his phone, Chiaki laughed as she continued to play, they decided to focus on their game however Hajime isn't the most graceful when it comes to DDR. Hajime ended up tripping on his shoelace and landed on top of Chiaki with a thud, he's seen enough anime to know that he's probably touching her breast or his face is in between her legs but no, this wasn't an anime. Even with Hajime on top of her Chiaki couldn't help but laugh, Hajime slowly lifted himself off the laughing girl. His hands were near her head, he was still on top of her but he didn't want to move, he's never heard her laugh like that, he bursted into laughter, he didn't care if people were staring, he was having fun, she was having fun. Chiaki started to snort, she tried stopping but the more she did the more she snorted, Hajime thought it was the most beautiful noise, cuter than her giggles, cuter than her hmph's, cuter than her sniffles, her unrestrained laughter was music to his ears. Once they both calmed down they got up off the floor and smiled at each other, they couldn't help it, it was so natural to them.
"I'm sleepy... Let's go home." She giggled softly as she grabbed Hajime's hand and laid her head on his shoulder. He put an arm around her and hugged her close, in that moment, he felt perfect, no need for a talent, no need to be an ultimate, no insecurities, no doubts, he felt perfect... With her.
hhhh i hope u liek it! im not a writer but i tried my best!
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cph-dreaming · 4 years
A Sander Season 5, what story would we want to be told?
Amidst petitions for a Moyo Season 5 (you go @hoptetofantasy and @lucidpantone) and after having watched that beautiful trailer for a Sander season by @theloseyourmindnb (and yes, that is some wonderful work as are so many gifs, videos, drawings, paintings and writings in this incredible fandom!!) I want to try and share some thoughts about it.
As we all know for now it is not going to happen until Julie Andem and NRK decides to go for it or gives some other production company the rights to do so. It is what it is. And still so many of the Skam fandoms keep asking for that Even season in their favourite remake. Of course we do. So many of us still here on tumblr and other social media outlets following that little Norwegian show with a budget not even a 100th of what a Netflix production costs these days to produce were not only touched by the story of Isak and his coming to terms with his sexuality in a setting of divorced parents, hardcore protestantism, and teenage troubles in general. What so many of us reacted so strongly about was the inclusion of that one tall blond character that not only became the love interest of Isak but from an outside perspective gave us viewers one of the first real and honest representations of a person living with an MI in a show. Wow! I for one cannot believe that it is only four years ago. At the same time it seems like yesterday.
When we were told that Skam France and Druck were going beyond the first four seasons of the original, the cries for an Even season in their respective fandoms went up. For different reasons though, as Elliot and David are two very separate characters. But no, we all had to accept that it wasn’t going to happen. In this our fabulous fandom we didn’t really want to accept that and kept on hoping that we would be able to get what we deserved (oh the joy of being a fan). Because Sander! Come on, forget all the other Evens out there, this bleached goof of a character with his art, his love for Bowie, his one liners taken to the extreme deserves a season of his own! And Willem DS could carry it, couldn’t he? Well, in my mind there is no doubt, I see him as a better actor than Henrik... (and now I am ducking from all the knives and swords and axes being thrown at me).
It is not going to happen.
Still I cannot keep asking myself what that season would entail. What would Sander’s shame be all about? I keep reading posts in this fandom about how sweet it would be to just witness Sander and Robbe be in love and that people would not want them to have drama and break up and whatnot if a Sander season came true. But imagine that. Just watching Sander and Robbe be in love. For ten weeks. With daily clips. Ok. To me that would be vomit inducing emotional porn of the worst kind. Like being forced to witness your best friend being in love. Sitting next to him. Watching him kiss. And kiss. For ten fucking weeks. No. Just no. And it would be a very bad way to use that money that a season would cost in production.
So what story then? In answering my own question I have to go back to that one thing that has always irked me in Skam Season 3, whatever version we are talking about. That love cures everything. While I am a romantic at heart I have always been so provoked by that sentiment we have been shown. Ok, in the original there are those words by Isak telling Even that he doesn’t know how the future will ever play out. In Skam France there is an extra scene that therapists have applauded of Elliot telling Lucas how it will be living with him in the future. In wtFock? Hmm... my own personal favourite of the remakes jumped from a cinematically perfect OHN to a short morning clip of “Always”, from “you’re my angel” to “life is now”. Sander’s depressive state was simply ‘cured’ by that beautiful boy with chocolate brown eyes. Hope and catharsis for all of us! But is that really the message we want to see, teenage show or not?
In the original script there is this horrendous scene where Even and Isak visit Even’s parents. Thankfully it was never included in the show. It was just another superficial attempt at giving his MI a pseudo psychological reason. And that is what I fear the most if anyone was given the chance to do an Even season. Tropes of trauma, past abuse, every attempt imaginable at trying to explain the inexplicable.
I have done some very stupid things in my life, to myself, but they are not the reason for me having an MI, they are a byproduct of my illness. I have dreamed so many years of being rescued by that beautiful prince in his white Tesla. Slowly but steadily coming to terms with what my MI actually means to the life I have to live, I realise that I will never be rescued. This is my lot in life. And there is no explanation for it. These are just the cards I have been dealt. Take it or leave it.
I don’t know how to show that in a season 5. But I would love for that story to be told. How Sander finally accepts his MI, even though it might mean heartache and breakup (oh, they have to get back together, Sobbe needs to be endgame, I also want hope!) To show how someone actually deals with living with an MI that is not curable, that cannot be rescued by falling in love. All the ups and downs. For ten weeks. I have no idea how it would have to be done. I just wish someone with a knowledge and with a brain was given the chance to do it. Until then I will have to rely on all of those extremely talented fanfic writers out there.
What are your thoughts? Holler at me!
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moonieko · 4 years
i've made this post before but i don't care, long story short: internet frens!
i've wanted internet frendos that are interested in the same topics as me for quite some time, but i never quite knew how to find them. but this is a nice place to start :D
my interests:
¤ gaming ¤
> i am a nintendo gal, i own a nintendo switch, 3ds, ds and a wii, so if you want to exchange friend codes, that would be amazing! the game i'm most damn excited for is Animal Crossing: New Horizons (4 more days :D) it would be amazing if i could have an internet friend that would also buy the game, so we could play together!
> some other games i enjoy, but won't play alot once new horizons comes out, are stardew valley, minecraft and slime rancher.
¤ youtube ¤
> some youtubers i enjoy are pewdiepie, angelika oles and shane dawson (many more, but these are the ones that i watch everytime they upload)
¤ my humor ¤
> ah yes. i would describe my humor as a 'fuck you! (but not really because i love you, because you are my friend). i do swear, so if you're not comfortable with that then i'm sorry. my humor is quite meme-y and self deprecating at times. i can laugh about almost anything, really.
¤ time zones ¤
> i live in the netherlands, so my time zone is CET, (central europion time). it would be nice to find a friend from the UK or from europe, but i don't really mind that much tho :)
¤ discord ¤
> if you're interested in being internet frens, i would like to be friends on discord, because i like texting on there better then on tumblr. we don't have to call on discord or anything like that, but we can if we get to know each other better :)
¤ extra ¤
> i would like to have an internet friend that is younger than 20, because i'm under that age as well (i can tell you my age, but i would like to know you better first).
> i don't care if you're a female, male or non- binary, but keep in mind that i'm a female :)
dm me on here if interested if you're able to go on discord and play animal crossing: new horizons when it comes out, goodbaaai :D
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Unattainable - Chapter Six
Note: This chapter is so long that it won’t completely copy over into Tumblr so I’m only pulling over the first two sections. The rest of the chapter will have to be read on AO3. I’m sorry!
I just want to thank each and every one of you for all of your continued support on this series, both AO3 and on Tumblr. It means the absolute world to me and I will never say it enough how much I love and appreciate each and every person who has read, left a kudos/like, or commented on this story. It means the world to me and lights up my entire day!
I just want to warn everyone right now. The end of this chapter is not that easy (for me, anyway) to read because of Sander’s episode. If you feel uncomfortable reading it, then you do not have to. It should also be noted that I, in no way, shape, or form, have a mental illness or specifically been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. with the "hotel" scenes, I tried my best to mimic what the fabulously talented Willem/Nintendo DS did from the clips and what I believe that Robbe would've noticed. I tried to stay as true to the dialogue in this scene as the clips since it's such an important clip for Sander and showcasing what he's going through.
I hope I did it all justice.
Robbe woke up the way that he always did, slowly and unsure, but this time felt a little different, a little more unsure, because he had been certain that he had fallen asleep to the weight of Sander’s on his hip, his nose pressed against the back of Robbe’s neck, and his back flush against Robbe’s, no clothes to block the way between their skin. And, he was definitely sure that it hadn’t all been a dream from the way his body felt so sore as he shifted, searching for the weight of Sander somewhere on the bed. 
When he didn’t feel anything, he reached back, but all his hand came in contact with sheets. It’s then that Robbe forced his eyes open, turning around to confirm his suspicions. The bed was completely empty and he was alone. His eyes darted around the room, looking for his black t-shirt and jeans, but both articles of clothing were gone from the floor. 
He left.
Robbe searched for his phone, finding it on his small nightstand and searched through the notifications. Jens and Moyo were talking in the group chat, about something or another, and there was a handful of notifications from the game that he always played, but nothing from Sander or from Instagram. No goodbye text, no ‘I’ve got to go’ text, and not even a note. Robbe sat up, disappointment washing over him in all-consuming waves. 
Will you be here in the morning?
Of course, I will. I’ll be here for as long as you want me.
Robbe let out a sigh, pulling up his personal messages with Jens.
Sander came by. He was here, but he’s gone-
There was a sound of a laugh in the kitchen, a light laugh that was quickly muffled with a deep shh. Robbe’s eyes furrowed. He recognized the laugh, it was Amber, and that wasn’t surprising because Aaron likely came home late last night with Amber in tow. Moyo, Jens, and Lucas weren’t home quite yet. But, the owner of the shh clicked something in his head, his heart soared, but Robbe shoved it away. He didn’t dare get his hopes up, not until he saw. 
Ignoring his body aching, Robbe got off his bed, snatching his t-shirt from the ground. He slipped it on over his shoulders and moved towards his dresser, pulling out a pair of sweats. Normally, he wouldn’t have bothered, simply walking around the apartment in only his briefs and his shirt. The boys and Noor never minded, but Amber always got quiet and averted her eyes like she didn’t expect it. Slipping the sweats on, he opened the door and headed out into the hallway. 
“Robbe?” Amber’s voice called, questioning. 
“Yeah,” Robbe replied, moving towards the kitchen. “It’s just me.” 
And, turning the corner, he expected to find Aaron or someone else, maybe a drunk friend of Aaron’s that had slept on the couch because he couldn’t drive, but he didn’t expect to find Amber leaning against the counter with a coffee cup to her mouth and Sander at the oven, making something in a pan. The man was dressed in his black jeans and t-shirt from last night and Robbe let out a breath of relief, causing the blond cook to glance up at him. 
“Good morning,” Sander grinned. His smile lit up his entire face and it was infectious, causing Robbe to smile as well. “Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you.” 
“Morning,” Robbe breathed out.
Amber smiled at Robbe, her eyes darting between both of them. She grabbed the pot of coffee to fill up her mug before patting Sander’s shoulder, “I’ll give you guys some privacy. And, I’ll do my best to distract Aaron as well.” 
“Thanks, cuz,” Sander replied, grinning at her as he leaned against the counter, flipping whatever he was making. Amber sent Sander a grin before she passed past Robbe, slipping down the hallway and into Aaron’s bedroom at the other end of the apartment. 
Once she shut the door and the two of them were alone, Sander crossed to him
Suddenly, everything seemed to click into place. “You’re Amber’s cousin.”
Sander grinned, nodding his head before crossing the distance between them. His hands were on Robbe’s face, angling his head up to press a heated kiss against his lips. Robbe melted in his arms, leaning against his chest and smiling when Sander did too, making it difficult to kiss. Sander’s fingers were in Robbe’s hair again, his thumb brushing over his cheekbones, and Robbe opened his mouth against Sander’s, sighing when their tongues met in the middle. 
“Shit,” Sander cursed, moving back to the oven. Using the spatula, he pulled whatever he was making off of the pan and onto a plate. Robbe chuckled as he walked over to wrap his arms around Sander’s waist, trying to see what he was making. A grin spread over his face as he spotted, feeling Sander turn to press a kiss against his cheek. Croques. “Here,” Sander spoke suddenly, turning in Robbe’s arms and holding half of the croque in his hand. “Try.” 
Robbe opened his mouth, taking a bite of the corner. Sander was watching him intently, waiting for his reaction and watching him closely. 
“Best croque ever?” 
“Best croque ever,” Robbe affirmed, reaching out to grab ahold of the rest of the sandwich. 
Sander grinned before turning back to make another, presumably for himself. Robbe moved to sit at the table, out of Sander’s way, but the blond reached out, snagging him by the waist and pulling him back. Robbe let Sander manhandle him, resting him against the counter in a spot where he was out of Sander’s way and close enough. Robbe watched him meticulously arrange the butter and the cheese before placing the sandwich on the pan. The butter sizzled.
“Why do you like croques so much?” Robbe questioned, taking another bite. 
Sander smiled. “My mom used to make them all the time on Sundays so the family would come together and be a family. I guess it always seemed to stick. Plus, it was my sister’s favorite day of the week and it was her favorite meal so that helped,” he admitted, glancing at Robbe. “Do you have any siblings?”
Robbe shook his head. “Just me and my mom.” 
Sander smiled, leaning towards him, and Robbe tilted his head up to press their lips together.
But, as Robbe felt the featherlight brush of Sander’s lips against his own, the door down the hall opened and Robbe could hear Aaron’s annoying ringtone that could only mean one thing: “Robbe,” Aaron groaned, sleepy and probably hungover. “It’s early in the morning.” It was like eleven so Robbe rolled his eyes as Aaron turned into the kitchen, barely registering the sight of Robbe and Sander, millimeters away before snapping at him, groggy and annoyed with his phone thrust in his direction. “Why on Earth is your boyfriend calling me?”
Robbe rolled his eyes, holding out his hand for the phone. Sure enough, it was Jens and Sander glanced down at the phone before glancing at Robbe with a slightly confused look on his face. “I’m sure Lucas would be offended,” Robbe stated, pressing the answer button and pressing the speaker button. “And, seriously, Jens plays my fake boyfriend one time and all of a sudden it’s a running gag that neither of us can’t seem to escape or leave in the past. Hello, you’ve reached the phone of Aaron Jacobs, who is too hungover and grumpy to properly answer the phone like a normal human being. Can I take a message?” 
Jens was roaring on the other end of the line, his laugh filling up the kitchen. 
“Five… four… three… two…” 
“I’m here, I’m here,” Jens spoke, sounding out of breath. “You weren’t answering your phone and Moyo isn’t home yet, so I decided to call Aaron. I’m sorry he’s being such a pain.”
“I am not being a pain.”
“I’m answering your phone!” 
“So,” Jens spoke. “How is my boyfriend doing?”
“I don’t know,” Robbe spoke. He could hear how annoyed that he sounded, which was probably the reason that his friends continued to do it. Robbe locked Aaron’s phone, the phone call still running, and tried disabling it. It worked. One minute. He could see Sander eyeing him with a small smile on his face. “How is Lucas doing? I miss him.” 
“Come on,” Jens teased. “You know I’m your favorite.”
“Yeah, I’m afraid that the feeling is not mutual,” Robbe said, smirking as he glanced up to Sander. “That’s exactly why I cheated on you.” Sander grinned at Robbe, a knowing look in his eyes, and Robbe could practically hear the wheels turning in Jens’ mind from the Netherlands. “What can I say? You’re absolutely boring boyfriend, Jens.” 
“Ah,” Jens spoke. “So, Sander decided to show up.”
“He surely had me waiting,” Sander replied.
“Sander! So nice to hear your voice. I can’t wait to meet you in person! But, unfortunately, I’m in the Netherlands for the weekend so I’m sure I’ll see you sometime in the next week?” Sander chuckled, flipping the croque in the pan. “As Robbe’s best friend and fake boyfriend, I am here to inform you that you have made a very wise decision.” 
There was a look in Sander’s eyes as he looked towards Robbe, whispering an “I know” with a bright grin on his face. Warmth pooled in Robbe’s stomach as he stared at Sander, biting down on his lip to keep his grin down. Robbe glanced down at Aaron’s phone, saying, “Bye Jens!” before effectively cutting him off mid-sentence. The one minute on Aaron’s phone had passed so Robbe quickly disabled it again (five minutes should do), tossing Aaron his phone. 
Holding the disabled phone in his hand, the curly-haired man stared at them with squinted eyes and confused features. “Wait, are you two together?” Before either could answer Aaron’s question, he glanced down at his phone and let out a loud groan. “Oh, fuck off, Robbe!” 
Robbe grinned. 
Once Aaron let the kitchen, grumbling under his breath, Sander captured his lips before letting him go back to eating the croque that the blond had made for him. 
After Sander had finished his croque, he quickly cleaned up the dishes that he had used. Robbe had tried to help, but the blond refused, forcing the brunet to sit on the counter and wait patiently. As soon as Sander shut off the water and wiped his hands on the towel, Robbe hopped down from his perch, grabbing the back of Sander’s shirt and pulling him out of the kitchen, down the hall, and into the confines of Robbe’s bedroom. 
There was a mischevious smile that flitted across Sander’s features, his hands reaching up to cup Robbe’s face as he placed an agonizingly slow kiss against Robbe’s lips. Robbe leaned into his touch, letting Sander sway them closer in the direction of the bed, but the taller one pulled away far too soon. There was an eager look on his face like he enjoyed seeing Robbe desperate for his kiss. 
“So,” Sander spoke, wrapping an arm loosely around Robbe’s shoulder and pulling him close, but not close enough for Robbe to get their lips together again. “Who is this boyfriend of yours?”
Robbe groaned, shoving Sander away from him and back on the bed. The man landed on the edge, his back flat on the bed, and there was a laugh that ripped through his chest. Robbe stepped closer, setting down on his lap and resting his hands against his chest. Sander sat up, using one arm to brace himself and setting his other hand on Robbe’s thigh. Even with the thick fabric of Robbe’s sweat pants, Sander’s palm burned into his skin. 
“What?” Sander teased, the smile growing on his face. Robbe watched it grow, mesmerized. Even if he hated the joke, hated the fact that it was still going around, Robbe couldn’t hate it that much if it had managed to make Sander smile like this. Even, if it was at Robbe’s own expense. “I need to know who my competition is if I ever hope to get promoted to something more than a side piece that you call on whenever you need a good fuck.” 
Robbe stared at him, trying not to grin. “Oh, so you think it was a good fuck?”
“I think your moans last night proved it, baby,” Sander whispered, reaching up to press a brief, fleeting kiss against his lips. With Sander so close, it was almost hard to concentrate. Even more so as Sander leaned closer, his lips brushing against Robbe’s ear, as he whispered, “I’m pretty sure ‘Fuck yes’ and ‘don’t stop’ are pretty good indicators that it was a good fuck. Don’t you agree?” 
Robbe let out an amused sigh, running a hand across his chest. “I thought you left.” 
Sander pulled back, staring up at him. “Huh?”
“When I woke up,” Robbe admitted. “I saw that the bed was empty and… I thought that you had left.” 
There was a knowing look in Sander’s eyes as he stared up at Robbe. “I promised you that I would be here in the morning.”
“I know you did. But, when I woke up and saw that the bed was empty and your clothes were gone, I guess that I just suspected that you had changed your mind about being with me.” The again hung in the air around them and Sander seemed to have been completely aware of it. Robbe avoided his gaze, turning instead towards his gaming posters which hung around the room. Robbe shook his head, trying to fight away the insecurities that seemed to roar in his chest. “Sorry, it’s stupid-”
“Hey,” Sander cut in, lightly grabbing Robbe’s chin and forcing him to look at him. Sander sat him, his other arm wrapping around Robbe’s waist, shifting him closer. “It’s not stupid, Robbe. What happened isn’t going to go away just because we slept together. But, you’re not going to get rid of me that easily, Robbe.” 
Sander’s eyes searched Robbe’s and Robbe wondered if he would ever stop getting lost in them. 
“I meant what I said last night. From now on, it’s just the two of us,” Sander whispered, brushing his nose with Robbe’s. He tilted his head to the side and Sander brushed their lips together, pressing them together gently and sweetly. Robbe knew that he meant every word, gripping lightly on his shoulder. “Just so you know,” Sander whispered. “I almost went and got you some croissants. But, I didn’t want to be locked out and I didn’t know where your keys were.”
“Yeah,” Sander mumbled. “I found Amber in the kitchen and she showed me what I could use so I decided to make you croques instead.” His eyes flickered up to Robbe’s. “That’s why I was dressed and not in bed with you when you woke up.” 
“Oh,” Robbe replied, smiling. “You didn’t have to.” 
“I wanted to.” Sander let out a sigh, breathing out as he ran his hands through Robbe’s hair, “God, how did I not find you sooner? We missed out on so much, so many years of this.” 
“What do you mean?” Robbe questioned, tilting his head to the side. 
“You’ve been Aaron and Amber’s friend for years, Senne was my roommate for almost two years before he and Zoë moved in together and we drifted apart, and I went to college with Noor,” Sander explained, staring up at him. Robbe spotted that look in his eye again, quickly feeling a worried feeling over him. “How is it that I have so many ties to you and somehow we never managed to meet? How many times could we have almost crossed paths but never met? Is-” 
“Infinitely many,” Robbe replied, cutting him off. Sander stared up at him, a thankful look hidden in his eyes as his finger drew patterns along Robbe’s thigh. Robbe ran his hand through Sander’s hair like he had done that afternoon in Sander’s apartment. “But, in this universe, we found each other the way that we did, me being a total stalker crushing on some unattainable man behind an Instagram profile.” Sander smiled at him, brightly. “And, that’s all that matters.” 
Sander pressed a kiss against Robbe’s lips before pulling away. “I didn’t know.”
“About you being a fan,” Sander admitted, looking nervous as he moved beneath Robbe. “It was kind of my one rule that I didn’t want to cross. Never date a fan, especially with what happened with… you know what it’s not important.” Sander looked up at Robbe, looking surprisingly vulnerable. “But, I saw you at that warehouse with Noor, with the moonlight all around you, playing on your phone and bickering with her and I just knew.” 
“Knew what?” Robbe questioned. 
“I knew that you were the one,” Sander confessed. 
Robbe felt his heart thump in his chest. 
“And, I spent the better part of the night worrying that you were her boyfriend, but when you walked away to answer the phone, she said that you were her friend and I relaxed. But, I couldn’t stop watching you. I had hoped that I would accidentally run into you when I delivered the picture, but you had already left.” Sander edged closer, his lips lightly away from his. “I was on the verge of going through every one of the people Noor was following because I had to find you and I had already checked her pictures when she tagged us in that post.” 
“So, you didn’t know I was a fan until I told you?” Robbe questioned. 
Sander nodded his head, a nervous look in his eyes. 
“God, I must’ve seemed like a stalker,” Robbe groaned, shoving his face into Sander’s neck. Sander let out a deep bellowed laugh, his hand tracing designs along Robbe’s back. He pressed a kiss against Robbe’s neck, collarbone, and everywhere he could touch to try to get Robbe to look at him. But, Robbe was too embarrassed, burying his face further into the skin where Sander’s neck met his shoulder. “No, stop, I’m embarrassed.” 
Sander grinned, he could tell from the way his lips pulled back against his neck. “I thought you were absolutely adorable,” Sander informed him, biting down the vein. Both of his arms wrapped around Robbe’s waist and the next thing that Robbe knew, the world was spinning. Robbe landed flat on his back, Sander fitted between his legs, and slowly climbing over him. Before Robbe could hide, Sander’s lips were on his and Robbe chased after his kiss, gripping on the strands of his hair. 
When Sander ducked his head down to kiss his neck, Robbe giggled. 
“You better hold on, Robbe IJzermans,” Sander mumbled, hovering inches above Robbe. The brunet tried his best not to seem so desperate for Sander’s kiss, but he knew from the gleeful glint in his green eyes that he was failing in that regard, failing so incredibly hard. “I’m holding onto you,” Sander pressed another kiss against Robbe’s lips and Robbe leaned up, chasing after him when he pulled away, “and I’m never going to let you go.” 
Robbe grinned, making difficult to kiss. 
“I’m not letting you go either,” Robbe mumbled, cupping Sander’s jaw with one hand and gripping onto his shirt with the other. Sander looked down at him with wide, loving eyes. “Not when I finally got you back, the man of my dreams.” 
When they kiss again, Sander’s grin is the one that makes it difficult to kiss.
Note: this is not the end of the chapter. Because of post length, or something, the full chapter did not copy completely over onto Tumblr so I couldn’t bring the full chapter. If you would like to read the rest of the chapter, click here.
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Okay, gonna give you a prompt-aroo! The song "Almost Lover" by Alison Sudol for IronStrange. Just as inspiration. Do with it what you want—if you want, of course!
Gosh, I love this song! Discovered it years ago in a Castle fanvid, haven’t let it got since! Thank you Desca!
Edit: because tumblr cropped the last lines for no reason..^^
I got so inspired!! Hope you’ll like it, here comes 1k of angst… 
Also a fill for: Ironstrange Bingo 2019 Fill, O1: “Alcohol”; Stephen Strange Bingo 2019 Fill, O4: “Stephen is missing.”
Warning: unhealthy consumption of alcohol as a coping mechanism; depression.
This will probably be posted on AO3 as well, whenever.
Link to the song so you feel the vibe.
I see this as happening in an AU where Tony and Stephen saw each other before Stephen’s accident. Putting Tony in Christine’s place when they have their argument in DS. 
Under the cut to not clog everyone’s dashes :)
.Appease me
Tony’s glass made a sound thud as he put it back on the counter. He didn’t hear it.
He was sure he could do it without resorting back to alcohol. He was sure this was behind him. And yet, here he was, drinking without counting, losing himself as the same time as he lost touch with the world around him and everything that mattered to him, or used to matter?
Then again, he’d thought he was on the right track then. He’d thought he’d arrived somehow, that the train that should have wrecked had been steered the right way around and was now preparing to park, smooth and happy with a ring at the end of the tunnel to prove it all.
To prove it’d been real.
“Did I make it that easy to walk right in and out
Of my life?”
Tony tried to swallow the lump in his throat once more. It was no use, it wouldn’t budge; it was there to stay.
He gulped down the end of his drink, whiskey - like his eyes…. Bullshit.
He signaled the bartender for another and glared at him when he showed a slight hesitation, “M’grown-ass man, another.”
If he got a moment of sobriety anytime soon Tony would certainly hate himself and how he was acting, what he was doing to himself and others. If he got a moment.
For now, the only thing that mattered was the next drink, the next gulp of liquor that brought him just that tad bit closer to the vision of clear-blue eyes and glass-sharp cheekbones.
The only thing that mattered the fact that inebriated as he was, nothing made much sense anymore and even less concepts like reality versus dream - Tony could picture a world where Stephen was still there and no one was miserable.
“I cannot wake up in the morning
Without you on my mind,”
He could fantasize about a reality where they were still together and happy - he could summon images of Stephen’s smile, of Stephen’s neck bowing with the strength of his laughter, of Stephen’s hands clutching his. He form all these images in his mind and forget that was the only place where they remained, intact, if a bit faded.
Stephen’s hands, the heart of the matter and the matter that broke everyone’s hearts - “We were barely lovers,” and “You care so much, don’t you.”
The hardest goodbyes Tony had ever had to force himself through. And then he was gone, disappeared, not a trace of him anywhere, not a note for Tony, anywhere.
“I cannot go to the ocean
I cannot drive the streets at night,”
He’d watched the expressions on Pepper and Happy’s faces, then on Rhodey’s and even though he’d suffered through much of the same refusal to be helped from Stephen, Tony couldn’t bring himself to listen to them. He couldn’t bring himself to go to work, couldn’t bring himself to smile and make small talk with anyone.
The tiniest things brought him back to the little time they’d spent together - the shine of a watch in the low light, a black bow tie on a faceless person on a magazine cover, a man three-days past his shaving deadline in the streets - and he cried.
“So you’re gone and I’m haunted
And I bet you are just fine,”
He cried and he drank, till he didn’t know the taste of his tears from the taste of bourbon, vodka, martini, anything.
He drank and he was put in cabs by the more cautious bartenders, left to stumble his way back to the Tower by the others.
He was alone and never felt like this, this much hate and this much love battling inside of him; more regrets than even his body could handle, let alone his mind and a broken heart, exploded and bleeding continuously.
“Should’ve known you’d bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do,”
It went on like this for months. Tony secluded himself, the more time passed the less he sought bars to get wasted, the more he preferred the desperate solitude and quiet of his floor.
Good thing Pepper had the override codes for FRIDAY’s commands or she would have been kept out of her office and out of the abandoned labs after one more of Tony’s drunk all-nighters. Oh, and Tony wouldn’t be in the hospital right now - he���d still be face-planting in an indescribable puddle of his own excesses.
That’s when he felt it - waking up in a squishy hospital bed, under cool sheets and soothed by the constant beeping of the heart monitor - a barely there touch down his neck.
“Your fingertips across my skin
You sang me Spanish lullabies,”
His eyelids fluttered open, expecting to see Pepper asleep in a corner of the room or ready to sermon him one way or another - he was already gearing up for a fight.
Instead, all he could do was sob.
Stephen’s eyes, beautiful orbs of pain and love riveted on his own, holding his gaze like a parched man holds onto his last drop of water.
Stephen, smiling and clean-shaven and astonishing. He couldn’t be real. Tony blinked despite the fear that the act alone would have Stephen vanishing.
He could feel his hands shake wildly around the bars of the bed. He opened his eyes.
Still here.
He was still here and Tony couldn’t even smile. He studied Stephen’s face - so much healthier than the last time he’d seen him. He tuned his buzzing ears to the faint sound of his breathing, tried to match it with his own to stave the panic attack he could feel forming in the dark corners of his mind.
Tony eventually raised both his hands to brush over the other man’s cheeks, shocked to feel skin and warmth where he’d only managed void and depression with the figments of his imagination he’d fed off for months. Real.
A tear escaped his willful blankness and Stephen exhaled shakily.
“You look like shit,” Stephen gave him a small smile and past the shock of hearing his voice Tony sobbed again.
He let his forehead fall to the top of the other man’s chest, resting his face against the proof of another heartbeat besides his own - ringing in the room.
Hello, my almost lover.
“What are you even wearing?”
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papirouge · 4 years
Hey I do agree with you mostly! Christians lately have been playing that cute little animal crossing together and I think that’s swell! I for one like to watch culinary shows cause I love to cook, even though I mondo suck at it 😂😂 but I also know Christians that were ok watching game of thrones and stuff like that and I just don’t get it. I think they are baby Christians not feeding their soul enough to know that content ain’t kosher for us and at some point they gotta grow up
Animal Crossing is a super cute game!! lol (I own “Wild World” on my cute pink DS lite😄)It’s always a red flag when you see Christians rejoicing with pagans in popular wordly activities, but we all grow up in Christ at our own rhythm, so I avoid getting judgmental when I see young Christians still indulging in wordly activities. We need to educate them assertively, but with love and kindness (Milk). What makes me fuming is when I witness older generation Christians or people in position of influence (Christian gurus on tumblr) approving & normalizing this type of behavior. THIS is when I feel entitled to blow the trumpet 🎺 (lol)
I noticed 2 type of pattern when confronted to the whole issue of sanctification :
1) they downplay or straight out refute the actual luciferian agenda behind the vast majority of today’s popular entertainment they willingly indulge in so they can’t possibly be wrong since what they do/enjoy is not wrong either. Anyone who disagree is a “legalist” that don’t deserve to be listened.
2) they refuse to admit the concept of Christians’ accountability before God, and our overall life choices can hinder our salvation - the infamous “Christians can’t lose their salvation” narrative. As a defensive coping mechanism they will often make rhetoric shortcuts like “haha, if any Christian will go to Hell because they watch TV we’ll all go to Hell” or “haha, well if enjoying medias is sinful I guess we’ve all lost our salvation then”. This is a direct consequence of the fact the basic Western Christian has been so pampered for so long the single thought of spiritual accountability / responsibility troubles & scares them. We’re eons away of the spiritual firmness of Christians in plenty other LESS PRIVILEGED places of the world (esp those where Christianity is literally CRIMINALIZED like China or some Muslim countries) where Christians choose TO DIE out of their Faithfulness to God. Looking back at us, where I see Christians literally whining against any criticism of their frivolous entertainment and how *gasp* our lifestyle choices have consequences like it was too much to ask for being makes my mind melt.....I noticed that the whole concept of holding accountability before God scares A LOT of Christians and that’s really sad because it somehow gives away they still doubt about their own salvation…. But as you said, it probably relates to the fact a bunch of them are still very young in Christ and didn’t have the time yet to build a stronger & more intimate relationship with God so that they can grasp His Love and Faithfulness.…but it might also for some cases give away a blatant guilty conscience regarding some persistent unholy behaviors that are easier to dismiss behind the whole “you CAN’T lose your salvation” “God’s love puts up with disobedience” umbrella. But the thing is, this “doctrine” is contradicted by plenty of examples in the Bible : whether it’s Moses who didn’t step a foot on the Promised Land (just) because he struck the rock twice instead of talking to it, King Saul formerly anointed by God Himself-, oh and let’s no forget Mariam who literally caught LEPROSY for murmuring(!!) against Moses, or Ananias and his wife Saphira that got STRUCK DEAD because of their greediness (yeah I’m bringing out NT example in before anyone tries to say Jesus somehow abolished the consequences of willing disobedience. I see you guys… 👀 LOL).Those example make whole narrative of “the people God rebuke were NEVER saved” defended by the “once Saved forever Saved” mob absolutely moot because it would mean that someone like Saul (literally ANOINTED by GOD HIMSELF) was NEVER Saved. Yall really ready to downplay how much of deal God’s anointment is??? How about the name of the Book of Life that are ERASED? (Ex 32:33) IF GOD CAN ERASE PEOPLE’S NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE DOESN’T IT MEAN THEY WERE ONCE SAVED AND THEN LOST THEIR SALVATION OUT DISOBEDIENCE/SIN??
Both are defensive tactics that have in common in refuse to engage on the actual role of personal accountability. If you live a sound christian lifestyle, a few criticism on some aspects of your lifestyle (that we all deserve, let’s be honest - I’m myself is undergoing on a whole withdrawal spree of any toxic form of entertainment/media/activities in my life since a few months already…) should NOT be enough to literally shake your own assurance in your salvation.
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Strangers To Friends/Lovers (4) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: December 4th, 2022
part one, part two, part three, part five, part six
6:30 Special - dansphlevels
Summary: In a world where you and your soulmate both have constellations of dark blue freckles that glow when you’re together, Dan has been waiting for his whole life for it to finally glow. And when it does, he is stood face to face with a man Phil, who looks back in confusion, his own constellation unlit.
À Cœur Ouvert - wavydanrises
Summary: “I wonder if there’s a mind reader here,” Dan thought. “Must get boring, after a while. Always listening to random people’s thoughts and never having anyone to try and talk to you instead. Well, hello! My name’s Dan.”
Co-Stars (ao3) - mollieblack
Summary: Phil Lester hadn’t meant to - he really hadn’t. He hadn’t INTENDED on working for an adult film company that specialized in full length films when he moved to London. And he CERTAINLY hadn’t intended on getting roped into acting in one with his cute and slightly awkward co-star, Dan Howell.
Dance To This - melancholymango
Summary: After meeting on a questionable dating app, Dan and Phil make plans for a quick and easy hook-up. Dan wants to lose his virginity, and Phil is used to one night stands and short-term partners. What he isn’t used to is running into those partners again after they walk out on him.
Flashes Of Innocence - paradisobound
Summary: Phil Lester was an aspiring photographer, trying to fine tune his skills in a black and white photography class. Cue Daniel Howell, the attractive male that walks in one day and captures Phil’s eyes. But Dan has a small secret, he needs help. He runs a Tumblr blog and he needs someone to shoot his photos for him. But there’s a catch that Phil doesn’t know right away. Dan runs a NSFW porn blog and he’s asking Phil to help him recreate authentic photos. 
Jardin d’Eden - wavydanrises
Summary: the one in which Dan is a single dad managing running a flower shop and dealing with his five years old son, and his new teacher is very easy to like.
Let Go Of The Reins (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan did not want to go home to his parents' house the summer after his first year of studying law - which he was failing at - so when a friend suggested a simple job that would keep him busy for three months and give him a place to live, he couldn't say no. Granted, shovelling horse shit wasn't glamorous and he was afraid of horses, but the Lester Stables had other things going for it.
Phil was newly graduated with a video editing degree and moving home to his parents' horse stables, even if he still would not get back on the horse since what happened earlier in the year. He had a complicated relationship with horses to begin with and he had decided he was done riding. When the new stablehand help arrives, Phil finds himself going out to the stables more often despite trying to stay away.
Love is Blind (ao3) - mollieblack
Summary: When Phil Lester moves to a new highschool in London, he’s determined about a few things. 1) NO ONE here is going to find out he’s gay 2) He’s not going to make friends with anyone that could bring him to the bottom of the school hierarchy 3) He refuses to get bullied here - even if that means not standing up for what he believes is right. What he didn’t expect was that one boy would compromise everything, and suddenly those rules wouldn’t seem so important anymore.
Lungs Filled With Flowers - botanistlester
Summary: Whenever Dan has a bad day, he always knows that Animal Crossing will be there for him no matter what. When he finds a friend code written on his desk, he immediately adds it into his DS, despite not knowing who it could be.
Midnight Moonlight - gorgeousdan
Summary: It’s Halloween, and PJ leaves Dan in charge of babysitting his cousin Phil: a cute puppy with piercing blue eyes who PJ claims is a werewolf. Yeah, right.
Now And Forever (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: Dan needs somewhere to live after his first year at uni. Phil needs a flatmate.
Phil Lester & The Downfall of Dateable London Men - gorgeousdan
Summary: Phil’s a YouTuber who’s certain he’ll never find love. Dan sends penis enlargement emails and wants to change Phil’s mind.
Sea Glass (ao3) - kae_karo
Summary: Phil arrives on the Isle of Man to house-sit at his family's cabin while it's repaired and sold. Except the cabin's in far worse shape than expected, and Phil's got to find somewhere else to stay (Phil POV)
Six Ravens (ao3) - iihappydaysii
Summary: Dan meets Prince Philip at a cyberbullying campaign, but what starts as a working relationship grows complicated when Dan realizes he’s falling for the prince and maybe, just maybe, he’s not alone in his feelings.
Some Things Are Meant To Be (ao3) - scifi
Summary: Dan thinks his work halloween party is the worst thing in the world until a co-worker he has never met before grabs his attention.
Stage Lights and Sparklers (ao3) - husbants
Summary: When a friend from university asks Phil to direct his new musical on the West End, he is ecstatic. The only thing that would make him happier is if he got to direct musical sensation and actor, Dan Howell. As rehearsals begin, Dan and Phil realize that the drama might not end up being only on stage.
Swipe Right (ao3) - howellesterfics
Summary: Dan is tired of matching with sexually confused frat boys on Tinder. When he swipes right on Phil, he hopes that this time around things will be different, and well - they certainly are.
To Bite The Hand That Feeds (ao3) - FadingCrystalVoid
Summary: Daniel Howell is a lycan, his and his family's secret safe from the public. It isn't until Phil moves into town with lycan parents that things become a problem. Dan has to learn how to control his wolfy nature while also making and maintaining friendships. Can he do it, or will his secret be revealed to the world?
What A Catch (ao3) - hygee
Summary: Phil visits the same cafe every weekday morning without fail. But, when he decides to visit the cafe on the weekend for once, the atmosphere that he had grown used to has completely changed thanks to a piano player named Dan. While Phil is ready to jump into a relationship, Dan is hesitant and is still trying to stitch his life together again after What Had Happened in his past relationship. And that’s easier said than done.
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franeridart · 6 years
dude your recent demon & angel kiribaku art reminds me a little bit of aziraphale and crowley from good omens!! like aziraphale would be angrier as baku obvs but still i thought of it and it made me happy lol
A lot of people have mentioned that in the tags/under the post and that makes me!!! super happy!!!! Good Omens is one of my fav books and Crowley one of my fav characters, so the comment feels nice! I wasn’t specifically thinking about them when drawing it, but possibly a bit I was influenced anyway!! I wonder if what made everyone think about them was Kiri’s sunglasses? It’s not noticeable but I did give him glowing eyes too after all haha
Anon said:Have you ever thought about how op a TodoBakuDeku fusion would be? (if they could stay together that is lol!)
Never thought of it tbh, but at this point I’m pretty sure with a lot of work on Baku’s part they’d be able to stick together long enough! He wouldn’t find it comfortable but they’d def be one of the strongest three-people-fusions in the class - not the strongest, tho, since they all have the same sort of straightforward offensive power when it comes to their quirks, I think I could find three people who’d make a stronger fusion... Baku Kiri and Momo, for example, would be even more impressive imho! Since all their quirks cover a different field, and their minds/personalities mesh well enough to have the right amount of planning and instinctive reaction/self-preservation and safety of others/pride and self-doubt/lawfulness and chaotic acting and so on. Even just as a team, without counting them as a fusion, I think they’d make one of the most balanced ones! Compared to that putting Todo Deku and Baku in the same place is just a recipe for disaster more often than not haha
Anon said:no, i move slow, I wanna stop time, I'll sit here til I find the,, inspiration to draw,,,,,,
LMAO it’s a song about art block after all, I feel every word in it a whole damn lot hahaha
Anon said:Art block or no art block, I love everything you come up with 💜
AW HECK ANON you’re so sweet!!! Thank you so much!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Mixing thei hero names? So uuuh King Riot?
We still don’t know Baku’s hero name, so anything might be, really! It’s why I didn’t outright have Kiri mention any idea, I got no clue myself where he was going with it haha it’d be cool if his hero name were Ground Zero, because it’d mix well with Red Riot imho (Red Zero or Ground Riot or Red Ground, they all sound nice!) but what if Baku’s hero name ends up just being Katsuki, after all? How do you mix that with Red Riot? (the answer is Red Victory, or Akatsu!! from akai (red) + katsu !! ngl I’ve thought about this a lot lmao) anyway so many possibilities so little known facts!
Anon said:I love the details on Kiri and Baku's skin. Great job!!
Anon said:!!!!!!!!!! fran oh my god your zine piece is so beautiful!!!!!!!
Sob thank youuu!!!! I’m glad you liked it!!!! ;O;
Anon said:i just got my zine and the art and writing was so lovely, i loved your comic at the end. an amazing way to end the zine♡
THANK YOU!!!! I’m jelly, I still haven’t gotten mine ;O; I hope the comic was easy to read even in printed form, I’ve been worried about that for months hahaha rip at least there’s the pdf
Anon said: i’m in love with your kiri bday art!!!! with the colorless art like that, are we allowed to color it? of course no posting it, but just for fun.
If you promise not to post it, I’m cool with it! Thank you for liking it enough to want to do that!!! Seriously tho don’t post it if you do
Anon said:Can you draw more kamisero? g u d q u a l i t y s h i p ma' dude.
Maybe? Currently it really isn’t between my top priorities but who knows
Anon said:FRANNNNN!!!! Your comic for the Take My Hand zine!!!! I'm gonna cry! It's so beautiful and the boys are so perfect! Your art is so amazing, I was so thrilled to see your piece. Not to mention the detail you put in. Their hands killed me! With Bakugou's palms and Kiri's arms! Ugh, I just can't, I love it so much.
I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE HANDS it’s weird bc that one panel is probably my fav in the comic and I was so sure no one was gonna really notice it but!! So many people did!!!!! It makes me so happy oh man ;O;
Anon said:Hey coulda maybe make a traitor Kaminari comic?
Nope! No traitor arts here, sorry! SInce I don’t believe any of the theories to the point of finding them outright laughable, any art I could ever make about it would just come out looking either fake or ridiculous and no one wants to see that lmao
Anon said:your take my hand comic!!! it's so good!! thank you for doing the boys so well ;;;
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I don't know if you remember, but a couple months ago I asked if it'd be okay for me to write something based on a few of your art pieces. Would that still be alright? Your art is gorgeous and makes my brain think and brings joy to me all the time ^^ would absolutely link to the art and credit you. that's not even a question :)
That still depends on which art you’re specifically talking about! And thank you so much for the compliment!!
Anon said:I don’t know if you read fan fiction, but I have one to suggest to you! It’s called, “It’s Obvious When You Lie”. Only three chapters are out so far, but it’s really good!
I’ll add it to my marked for later list then!! Thank you so much for the rec, I don’t easily try out ongoing fics so this was very nice of u!!!
Anon said:In the body switch AU Todoroki sees how fucked up Midoriya feels around Bakugou('s body?) and realizes wow fuck this guy has traumatized my bf. I wonder what I can do to fuck w/ him so the day before they switch back (So Bakugou can't do much in retaliation) he takes Bakugou's body and does the stupidest bullshit ever as revenge
HECK anon sorry but nothing like this would happen ever as long as I’m the one writing the AU! For three main reasons! One, I don’t think Deku is traumatized at all! His relationship with Baku at the moment is actually pretty damn neat and on equal footing, you go you two, growing so much!! Two, Baku and Todo are friends!!! And Todo would never be a dick to Baku instead of just talking to him, if he had a problem with him!! Three, even if one and two weren’t true, Deku has no need for knights in shining armor fighting his battles for him!! He’s a strong independent boy and if he hasn’t fought Baku over this it’s probs cause he doesn’t want anyone to fight him over it!!! Also in this specific AU Todo and Deku aren’t dating, so the scenario doesn’t work for me! Sorry!
Anon said:Have you ever thought about krbk wedding?
I have! And I’ve talked about it on here a few times too! Lately I’ve been thinking about it again tho, from a designs point of view, because!! There’s that very neat post going around tumblr about that wedding photos in which one of the two grooms has a white tux with a cape, and I’ve been thinking about a variation of it for Kirishima’s wedding suit :0 something red instead of white, but generally similar! It’s a lot of effort to draw it so I still haven’t, but yeh!!
Anon said:Hello! I read this fic about your cat comics and the author said to send you some love in their end notes so here is some well-deserved love: your art is beautiful! It's why I became interested in BakuShima and I would not have loved these characters as much if it weren't for you. You also seem to be a very nice person, your mind is beautiful and I am glad you exist
G O DS this is such a nice ask!!!! thank you so so much!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Non chiedo una risposta a questo messaggio, anzi. Volevo solo dirti che trovo la tua arte FANTASTICA, e non sai quanto i tuoi comic e tutto il tuo lavoro mi ha strappato più di un sorriso in brutti momenti. Sapere che sei italiana mi ha fatto totalmente impazzire. Continua così, hai del talento vero. E grazie!
Anon said:Okay okay okay! I adore your art! Could you maybe... draw some KiriBaku fantasy? If it’s not too much to ask! It can be as simple as can be! Your art is just really cute!
Yes I can and yes I will!!! Definitely and in the near future, did you know one of the app games JUST revealed a fantasy wolf Baku as a special halloween chara?? It’s just fantasy Baku with wolf ears and tail, but he’s adorable and I’ve been wanting to draw him since I saw him this morning ;O; so cute!
Anon said:Pssst. Singer Baku, Guitarist Kami, and Drummer Kiri. A good hc if I do say so myself.
It IS a great thought!! Drummer Kiri and Singer Baku have always been a weakness of mine too, so heck!! What a good image! If we put Jirou on bass and vocals too and sero on keyboard and mina on guitar, you make my fav band right then and there hahaha
Anon said:I'm not in the BNHA fandom at the moment but your art still continues to give me the warm fuzzies
GODS ISN’T THIS A NICE ASK!! I’m happy I can make you enjoy even characters you’re not specifically into! Thank you so much for sticking around!!!! ;O;
Anon said:i just got into bnha and fell in love with your art, started going through your sketch tag, and then realize that youre the person who made a bunch of haikyuu comics i loved a while ago so im! very glad to rediscover your stuff!!
HOLY GODS THAT’S NEAT!!! Welcome back!!!! ;O;
Anon said:I love it when you draw kiri with his hair down 💕💕💕 so good, so pure 💕💕💕💕
Oh boy thank you!! ;O; he’s so much easier to draw with his hair spiked for me, knowing people like the way I draw his hair when down means a whole damn lot!! 
Anon said:Hello! First I love your account and artwork! Second will you ever be drawing Mako and Taiyou again? They are so adorable! Also Bakugou and Kirishima seems like amazing dad's!
Thank you!!! And yes I will! I have another ask around here asking about them, so maybe soon! Just gotta find the right idea to draw, I got a bunch but they’re all way too long for my curret attenton span level sadly hahaha rip
Anon said:lmaaaaooo my boi kaminari be having an emotional awakening
Kaminari is like, he’s always somewhere subconsciously known that Baku’s objectively pretty, but since he knows him so well and he’s always around him and most of the times they’re bickering and making fun of each other he’s never actually realized, so now he’s like oh, NOW I see it hahaha
Anon said:hi u probably get this enough but I wanted to give u all my appreciation for ur art thank u for sharing it with us I love everything u post ♡♡♡
THANK YOU!!!! It might be greedy of me but this sorta asks are never enough for me, so seriously thank you for taking your time to drop by and be so nice!!!
Anon said:Could you please draw more of the body swap au? Or what if a different pair of students were to switch?
I’m not gonna draw any other switch with other students, because before settling on Baku and Todo I went through a lot of possibilities and came to the conclusion that nothing would be as funny as Baku and Todo switched are (or at least nothing Horikoshi hasn’t already done himself lmao) so there’s that. I might draw more of them switched, but to be honest with you the only idea with that concept I have right now is Bakugou forgetting he’s suddenly taller and continuously walking into things around the dorms, so there’s that as well hahaha
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storm-driver · 5 years
Tumblr media
Oh boy, you wanna know? It’s gonna be a lengthy one, but I’ll do my best to make it entertaining, heh
Under the cut because L O N G P O S T
So first things first, it’s best if you know how old I am. As of March 2019, I am 17-years old, and I’ll be 18 by the end of Summer. Kingdom Hearts 1 came out just 7 months after I was born, so I wasn’t into it from the very beginning. 
Right around 2009, I found myself getting a PS2 from one of our neighbors because they were buying a PS3. And among the games they gave us with the PS2, Kingdom Hearts 1 was in that batch. My sister played through and completed the whole game, but little 8-year old me couldn’t get past the Chameleon boss in Deep Jungle. So I put the game down for a year or so, never thinking about it since. I went back to finish the game, got stuck on the legendary ‘THERE’S NO WAY YOU’RE TAKING KAIRI’S HEART’ boss fight, and I eventually beat the game! Go me!
I got a Nintendo DS and my sister bought me Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for the DS because she realized I actually liked Kingdom Hearts. However, I hadn’t played KH2, nor did I retain too much of the information from KH1. My sister got KH2 for the PS2 a few months prior and assumed that the other save file was mine. Turns out she just accidentally saved twice >.<
So I played through 358 until I got stuck on one of the ridiculous bosses, I think it was Leechgrave? And I didn’t retain any of the plot, so I kinda just forgot it. Then... I actually played KH2. 
And I had SO much fun! I played on Beginner because I was 9-10-years old and I needed to if I ever wanted the hope of beating it. And around that time, Re:coded came out. So once I beat KH2, my sister bought me Re:coded and I played that... before getting stuck on a boss again. I can’t remember which one though, heh. 
I eventually went back to beat 358, did so, cried a lot because Roxas was immediately established as my favourite, and by then I was maybe 11-years old. Dream Drop Distance for the 3DS came out and I had become invested in the games at that point. So I was about to start watching the cutscenes for 3D... when I realized I was missing something... 
I never played Birth by Sleep.
I had seen a few of the cut scenes out of BBS by that point, but I didn’t actually know who the characters were. Surprisingly enough, when I saw Ventus for the first time, I didn’t associate him with Roxas at all. I don’t think I even processed that they looked the same. To me, it was just Ventus. Maybe that’s why I can see their nuances so well, I don’t know. Anyways, I went and watched all the cutscenes for Birth by Sleep, lost my fucking mind because OH THAT’S WHY ROXAS- OHHHHH and then I went to watch 3D. 
And lemme just say, by that point, it was all over. This game was now apart of my life. You could tell ‘cause suddenly all the references to Ventus in all of the games clicked for me and I WAS LOSING IT so much. I love that kinda stuff, I dunno why, but I doooo. 
And then the year after... 2013.... y’all know what happened. KH3 was FINALLY announced to be in REAL development, even if it was development Hell. I remember watching the livestream for the first ever KH3 trailer as it was happening and I was crying. Lil’ 12-year old Storm Driver sitting at their father’s cracked and broken laptop, crying over one minute of pre-rendered game footage. It was real. I was going to play KH3. 
So then the next few years were me establishing my love for the series. Right around when I turned 12 was when I’d actually been introduced to social media. I’d played games like Toontown and stuff on the computer, but I’d never used Instagram or anything before... I actually pride myself over still having my first ever IG account. I think I made it after the first KH3 trailer came out. Interesting. 
I managed to get one of my at-the-time close friends into the game, and they let me borrow their 3DS so I could play Dream Drop myself! But we had a falling out the next year and we didn’t talk or communicate that whole time. Fun little anecdote, the name “Storm Driver.” I chose that name after I’d played 3D because it was the name of the track for one of my favourite songs. Except... the name was mistranslated. It’s supposed to be “Storm Diver.” But in pure spite, I kept it as it is today. 
And that was how that friend of mine contacted me again, years later! They found my Tumblr and realized I was the same Storm Driver from the years prior and we reconciled and made up over what had happened. We still don’t talk much, just having each other added on Snapchat. But I’m happy that they reached out to me. 
Years passed and my love for KH didn’t die, but it did settle a bit. It spiked again in 2015, when the gameplay trailers were finally being released. But nothing really dragged me back towards it. Until 2017. The orchestra tour...
OH FUCK MAN, I WENT WILD. I fucking lost it. I did not calm down, for three or four whole months, this exact Tumblr blog was busting out frickin’ KH posts and all the like. And it has not stopped at all. ‘Cause soon after that, 0.2 was confirmed and released and I was losing my god damn mind over it all. I was so hyped for KH3, words cannot properly describe. During those months, I came to meet some mutuals on Tumblr that I now consider very close friends. Even if we’ve never met, I still feel a lot of joy just seeing their names and icons pop up in my notifications feed.
I started playing KHUX after the orchestra tour trailer came out. I used to pride myself over having (at the time) ridiculously strong medals that pushed me forward through a lot of the Proud Mode content without spending a single dime on the game. But of course, those medals are outdated now. My KHUX character is probably just average at this point. But that’s okay. I don’t really play it anymore, heh.
And in the months leading up to KH3, I just did my best to stay relatively calm. I joined a few Discord servers for KH, but I found myself feeling out of place. I started getting interested in other things, and with no one to talk to over those things, i started to talk in the KH servers. I was asked not to and it eventually led to me go and create my own server. It was initially a Voltron server, but as VLD has ended, I changed it to be a community server, where people who just wanna talk can talk. It’s a “private” server at the moment, because I don’t want to overwhelm myself and my two friends who moderate it. I’ve opened it a few times, to help get some more people in who just wanna hang out. 
My experience with Kingdom Hearts took a weird turn when KH3 was around the corner though. Someone kept making one-day accounts on Tumblr and DMing me the leaks of the game, including the ending. Lucky me, I hadn’t seen a whole lot of the plot-related stuff. But my impulse control is weak and I’d click the links just from the sight of them. So I knew what would happen to Sora at the end of the game before I’d even seen the final boss. I didn’t know how Roxas ended up there in the ending and I was REALLY happy to see him and Ventus and Xion standing together in frame. So I guess it kinda hyped me up to see how the game handled him and his return.
At the end of it, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed KH and I will continue to, I’m sure. I’ve also played TWEWY for the DS, so I’m sure that the tie-ins it’ll have with the future of Kingdom Hearts are going to be amazing. This game latched onto me when I was an infant, and it’s been nine long and incredibly fun years so far. I’m happy that we’re not done yet ^^
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urdearestmom · 6 years
Roachie and Eggie: Dynamic Duo
this is dedicated to @belbys and the anon on her Tumblr! 
ao3 link
“Hey, Eggie.”
Eddie’s eyebrows knit together. “What the fuck did you just call me?” He looked over to see Richie grinning at him over top of the comic book he was reading.
Eddie was unimpressed. “So because you can’t get away with any of your other stupid nicknames you come up with an even stupider one.”
Richie sucked in a deep breath and attempted to look hurt. “Well, ah say,” he cried dramatically, “Ah do say, you hurt me, sir!”
“Beep beep, asshole.”
“I can’t believe you don’t remember, Eds.”
Eddie put down his pencil and turned away from his homework. “Remember what? And don’t call me Eds, you know I hate it when you do that,” he added, almost as an afterthought.
Richie sat up on his bed, shaking his hair out wildly. “In kindergarten, remember? When we met?”
To say that Richie Tozier was annoying was to say the least, but Eddie Kaspbrak would never admit that he actually didn’t mind the other boy. They were classmates, or as Richie insisted, friends.
There were certain things that Eddie liked about him, such as his glasses because they made him look like a fly and Eddie thought it was funny, and his voice because it could sound different if he made it (most of the time Richie was just loud, but if Eddie got hurt it would get all soft and quiet and it was just about Eddie’s favourite thing about Richie). There were, however, things he didn’t like about Richie: how his hands were always dirty, how his pants always had grass stains no matter which pair he wore, and how he was always trying to get Eddie to play with him in dirty places.
“I can’t play in the grass, I have allergies!” “I can’t play there, it’s dirt!” “The playground is full of germs, I’ll get sick!” “Richieeeeee!”
“Aw, come on, Eds!”
And then, of course, there were the nicknames. Eds. Eddie Spaghetti (that one had happened after their teacher taught them about rhymes). Eds Spagheds. Lord Eddington, even, although that one was rare. It was a total nightmare and Eddie absolutely hated it.
(He didn’t really, but this was one secret he would never let Richie in on.)
One day, during arts and crafts time, their teacher had said that everyone’s task was to draw their family. Eddie had gotten right on it, using a bright pink crayon to draw his mother and a red one to draw himself. He made them holding hands, and over their heads he wrote MOMA and ME in the shaky handwriting only a kindergartener could produce. Next to him, Richie was scribbling at the speed of light, holding his left arm over the page he was drawing on so Eddie couldn’t see his picture. When Eddie was finished, he looked over only to see the other boy staring back at him.
“What?” He asked.
Richie grinned. “I was waiting for you to finish your picture so I could ask you something.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed in curiosity. “What?”
“How do you write your name?”
Eddie could feel a sneeze coming, but he started answering anyway. “E, two Ds-” Here he sneezed, but he continued. “I, E.”
“Okay!” Richie turned back to his paper with a smile and started writing something. When he was finished, he held it up proudly to show Eddie. Eddie frowned. On the paper there were four people: the two taller ones were labelled DADy and MA and were done in orange and purple crayon, and the two smaller ones were labelled ME and EGGIE. They were drawn in green, but ME had some black scribbles across his face that Eddie thought might be Richie’s attempt at drawing his own glasses.
Richie’s face fell at Eddie’s expression. “Don’t you like it, Eddie?”
“You wrote my name wrong. It has two Ds, not two Gs.”
Richie pulled a face and looked at his drawing again. “But you said it had two Gs!”
“I sneezed! It has two Ds!”
Richie pouted. “I’m not gonna fix it ‘cause it’s gonna look ugly.”
“You’re ugly,” Eddie retorted. “Why did you draw me? I’m not your family.”
At that, Richie’s smile returned. “Miss Smith said your family is people you love, so I drew you. You’re my bestest friend, Eddie Spaghetti.”
“Don’t call me that, Richie!”
“What if I call you Eggie instead?”
“Eggie! Eggie! Eggie Eggie Eggie!”
“Miss Smith!”
“I still can’t believe you were stupid enough to think that Eddie had two Gs in it.”
“I was five!”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Doesn’t mean you weren’t a dumbass.”
Richie got up from his bed and opened his closet, rummaging around in it for a bit before popping back out with a box. “I know I still have it in here somewhere.” He started rifling through the box, eventually pulling out a badly folded sheet of paper with a triumphant grin.
Eddie walked over and sat down next to his friend to look at it better. It was indeed the kindergarten drawing of Richie’s “family”. Looking at it and seeing the badly written labels and hastily scribbled crayon all over the page gave Eddie a rush of warmth, and he saw a flash of a five-year-old Richie with flushed cheeks chasing him around the schoolyard of Derry Elementary, giggling the whole time. He was about to speak when Richie interrupted.
“Hey, do you think there’s an alternate universe where you’re named Eggie?”
Eddie gave him a flat look, the nice thing he was about to say immediately shrivelling up on his tongue. “Sure, but in that universe you’re named Roachie.”
Richie slapped his knee as he laughed. “Ladies and gentlemen, Eds Gets Off A Good One!”
“Shut the fuck up, Trashmouth.”
“I can see it now! Roachie and Eggie, dynamic duo, taking comic book stores everywhere by storm!”
“Oh my god.”
“I’m going to start on this right now! We’re gonna be real superheroes, Eds!” Richie surged up from his bed and grabbed a piece of paper and pencil off the desk.
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Your superpower is living without your head. ‘Cause you’re a roach?”
Richie’s eyes widened. “You are so chuckalicious today, Eggie. You must be learning my ways,” he said sagely.
“Whatever you say, Roachie.”
Richie grinned and started writing across the top of the page in big block letters.
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daddyspumpkin86 · 6 years
BDSM: An Ethnography
Disclaimer: As always, this blog is written from the point of view of a brat submissive. Please keep this in mind, and just bugger off if you feel the need to be negative about my experiences.
This is an ethnography I wrote for my Rhetorics of Pop Culture class a couple of semesters ago. The assignment was to write an ethnography about a counter culture - in which we were to demonstrate our understanding of the concepts we discussed during class (hence the citations.)
The Ultimate Surrender: Living the Lifestyle
In early 2014, the hype for the release of the Fifty Shades of Grey motion picture began. I had heard of the steamy book series written by E.L. James, but had never really had an interest in it until I saw the preview for the movie. I am still somewhat embarrassed to admit that I actually like the book series, mainly because critics affectionately dubbed it “Mommy Porn.” Surely, as an English major, I was above reading that sort of thing. I normally turned my nose up at authors like E.L. James, because I thought their writing gave women unrealistic expectations of what relationships were supposed to be like. Fifty Shades of Grey totally fits that mold. But, one fateful day, completely out of the blue, my curiosity got the better of me and I downloaded a bootlegged copy of the first book, Fifty Shades of Grey. I finished it in two hours and read the other two over the rest of Christmas Break because the story reminded me of my husband and me, and all we’ve gone through over the last twelve years. That week, the BDSM rabbit hole opened, and I gladly jumped in with both feet.
What is BDSM?
BDSM stands for Bondage & Discipline (BD), Domination & Submission (DS), and Sadism & Masochism (SM). The acronym, BDSM, helps those of us who live the Lifestyle bundle all of the possible avenues under one umbrella name so that we can teach others what it means. We call actively living this way living the Lifestyle instead of just saying, “oh hey, I practice BDSM,” because it helps us avoid having to endure the stigma that has been attached to our way of life by popular media, and others who oppose our subculture (Haenfler 2016). We also have our own set of rules, just like every subculture.
Titles & special names
When writing, most of us will capitalize words like: Lifestyle, Master, Mistress, Maitresse, Dom, Domme, Domina, Top, Daddy, Mommy, Sir, Ma’am, or whatever the title of the person who is the Dominant party in the relationship may be. The Dom/me or Top chooses their title depending on what kind of Dominant they want to be, or are, and there are many more titles than what I have listed here. Simple capitalization of a title while writing shows a sign of submission, and knowing one’s place in the BDSM Hierarchy. Submissives are called subs, bottoms, babygirl, babyboy, princess, little girl, little boy, little one, kitten, and many others that. Most have custom collars with their names on them, like the one pictured here.
Be Excellent to Each Other
We call non-kinky people vanilla because they don’t have any exotic flavors in the ice cream that is their life. When we have playtime some of us call it play and some of us call it scening. Just depends on what generation of the lifestyle you’re around at the time, and how structured the play session is. We use safe words, like red for stop and yellow for slow down, every time we play. We also do not follow proscribed gender roles; in fact, many of us challenge them with things like sissification (the feminization of a male, by a Dominant woman, at his request). If you’re non-binary, transgender, cis, asexual, or whatever and want to be a Dominant, do it! If you want to be a submissive, do it! If you want to be a switch (someone who does both), do it! That’s the beauty of this Lifestyle, you can be whatever you want to be and no one will judge you for it. If they do judge you, they’re an elitist prick and shouldn’t be part of the Lifestyle because they don’t belong there. We follow the credo, “Your kink is not my kink, and that’s okay.”
When someone who actively practices BDSM hears “I live the Lifestyle” in public, it tips us off, but not everyone in the room, and that’s the way most of us prefer it. We can also ask others “are you part of the Lifestyle,” without outing them in public, because if they aren’t they’ll ask, “what lifestyle?” Unfortunately, because of the controversial nature of our relationships, most of us have to stay behind locked doors and maintain a vanilla appearance. There have been many kinksters charged with assault and domestic battery over bruises, or loud noises that led to a welfare check, because of over-concerned vanilla neighbors, friends, or family, even though what we do is 100% consensual.
Many of us have to hide our identities, and where we live, for our personal protection because some people really do hate the way we live, and have threatened to hurt us. This is why I have chosen to write under my pet name, Daddy’s Pumpkin. They either don’t, or don’t want to, understand how living the way we do enriches our lives, but that’s okay. It gives us things that we’re lacking, thereby making us feel whole, if even for just the hour or two scene we’re participating in. I have an anonymous Twitter, Tumblr, and WordPress blog because my family would never accept the way we live because they think anything like what we do is abuse. I need to be part of the Community, but I have to do it secretly so I can maintain a career outside of my personal life.
As a responsible member of the kink community, I have to write a disclaimer about this topic. First, I want to be clear that the Lifestyle is NOT what you see in porn videos, nor is it what you read about in romance novels, or on the Penthouse Forums. That’s why the kink community hates Fifty Shades of Grey. Christian Grey is abusive, and uses being a Dominant as justification to beat women because of his psychological issues. Yes, some people in porn today do live the Lifestyle outside of their careers, but most of them perform it for the money and don’t live their lives as strictly as the actual kink community does. Please remember that they are all paid performers.
I’ve learned a lot from www.kink.com, where all three of these performers work, and I am very impressed by what they do in creating our ultimate fantasies, and shipping together the performers in pretty amazing ways (Duffett 202-207). Everyone just needs to remember that porn is for entertainment purposes only, and do not try what they do in the videos at home unless you know how to do it correctly and safely. There are on-average 10 professionals involved with each shoot at www.kink.com to ensure the safety of the performers. I also follow Sunny Megatron, a well-known sex blogger, and her blog is http://www.sunnymegatron.com.
My Frame of Reference
Most of the people I know who participate in the Lifestyle live by the simple principles of Domination & submission, in which one partner is the Dominant partner, and the other is the submissive partner. Thusly, in this series of articles, I will only be discussing monogamous, Dominant/submissive (D/s) relationships, as I am not familiar with polyamory and cannot claim to understand it. I will also do my best to remain gender neutral, as I know there is not just the typical male Dominant and female submissive mold as popular culture would have us believe (Nowell 2011). Many people in the community are non-binary, transgender, or cis, as well as pansexual and polyamorous, gay, straight, and lesbian and I do not discount their relationships at all. I’m just the most familiar with my niche in the Lifestyle. The rest of the acronyms usage depends the parameters of the relationship. There is always an agreement to which the Dominant and submissive have both consented, either verbally or in writing. It’s good to write the relationship parameters down whether you’re a newbie or a long-time kinksters, because sometimes we forget what we’ve agreed to, and that’s when things can go terribly wrong during a scene.
Contracts typically include what the Dominant will and won’t do, and what the submissive will and won’t do, as well as what they’d like to try as they grow to trust their Dominant. The contract will also detail what words the Dominant prefers to use as safe words. The submissives portion of the contract normally has an intensity scale for each activity as well so that the Dominant knows how hard to push them during a scene. When something on the contract is an absolute no, it is called a hard limit. Hard limits are not to be broken, and both Dominant and submissive have the right to call anything they want to a hard limit. If either party breaks hard limits, it’s a gross violation of trust and can end a relationship immediately depending on the situation. When something is a maybe or they’d like to try it, but with provisions, it is called a soft limit. Limits can be re-negotiated at any time, and honestly should be gone over regularly as the partners get to know each other. A true Dominant will only do what the submissive has agreed to, and will not push them into anything they are not comfortable doing. A good resource for contracts is BDSM Contracts.org.
Types of Activities
Bondage & Discipline (BD) play a large role in many D/s relationships, as do Sadism & Masochism (S&M), for both punishment and fun. Most Dominants are also Sadists (they like to control and administer pain & punishment), as most submissives are Masochists, (they like to be controlled and receive pain). Most include punishment in their contracts for when the submissive breaks rules, or gets sassy with their Dominant so they can remind the submissive whose boss. That’s what floggers, riding crops, whips, canes, paddles, leather straps, hot candle wax, clothes pins, clamps, electricity, fire, needles, spanking, slapping, punching, ball gags, blindfolds, embarrassment, public humiliation, and uncomfortable or predicament bondage are for, most of the time.
Types of Dynamics
However, punishment can also be fun for major masochists, and some actually piss off their Dominant on purpose to get what they want. These submissives are called brats. So, if the Dominant finds themselves with a hardcore masochist, they really have to get to know their partner on a deep level, and find out what tool they really hate used on them so they can use it for punishment. For example: I have a friend who hates canes, so that’s what her Daddy uses. But it’s not just to make us cower in a corner. The whole point of using an implement that scares the submissive is to maintain control, but also to push their limits and help them to not be afraid of that implement any more.
I know this sounds insane to those outside of the Lifestyle, but the whole point of a D/s relationship is safety and structure for both the Dominant and submissive. It gives them a space in which they can explore their limits and needs together. True Dominants are very nurturing, squishy-hearted, people, and that’s what attracts submissives to them. They want a piece of property (yes I know that’s problematic to feminists, but remember the submissive has chosen this role) that they can spoil and do with as they please, which totally does it for submissives because that’s how they want to be treated. People who fall into the submissive mold are looking for security and safety from someone they can grow to trust with their life. Someone to fill their heart with love and feelings of being cherished; someone to fill the void they feel in their lives (Lacan quoted in Storey 2015).
Domestic Service Dynamic
However, there are many titles and dynamics within the D/s lifestyle, because there are many types of D/s relationships, some of which don’t even involve sex. Domestic service is one of the most popular types of non-sexual D/s relationships, and the one I use most as an example when talking to newbies or people who are curious, because it doesn’t make them as uncomfortable as talking about sexual servitude does. In a domestic service situation, the submissive can feel safe and cared for without worrying about being pressured for sex. Simultaneously, they can fulfill their desire to serve someone and be rewarded for a job well done. Often times, domestic servants exist alongside the Dominants full-time submissives, and don’t get a lot of one-on-one time with the Dominant because they’re usually performing their duties while the Dominant is at work, and they don’t typically live with the Dominant. Rewards for great service come in many forms, but the most common reward for domestic service is alone time with the Dominant, be it a date, shopping, or being spoiled. All most submissives want is to feel cared for, safe, and useful to whomever they are serving, as set forth in their contract.
The 24/7 Dynamic
A 24/7 live-in submissive performs all domestic and sexual duties for the Dominant, according to the contract they have arranged. Many of these submissives are actually wives and mothers, so these duties fit right in with their routine, but they have added significance because the Dominant has agreed to a much greater reward than, “thanks for buying the shaving cream I like babe.” A lot of what is required of a live-in submissive is expressed in daily rituals like (but not limited to): making breakfast, packing their Dominants lunch, setting out their Dominants clothes, doing laundry and putting it away correctly, making the bed, cleaning the house, going grocery shopping, having dinner on the table when the Dominant comes home, making sure the kids have done their homework and are ready for school the next day, and tucking in the kids at night and reading them a bed time story. Many do have cages, like this one. Some are kept in them for long periods, and some are just used for play. After everything for the day is done, kids or no kids, the Dominant and submissive spend time together and the submissive is rewarded for a good days work as the Dominant sees fit. Actual recognition from your partner for your hard work every day, imagine that!
Why live this way?
I have often thought about why I chose to finally tell my Husband what I needed, and have concluded that living this Lifestyle really does fill a huge hole in my psyche. I grew up in an extremely disciplined, military home, and I was majorly missing that discipline. At the time of my inception to the BDSM world, I felt like things were spinning out of control with our life, with school, just with everything. Having my Husband take the reins and literally make me follow chore lists, a homework schedule, an exercise schedule, a cooking schedule, and a schedule for everything else we could think of (because I’m obsessive compulsive) has really helped me become a more disciplined person. It has also helped alleviate the major anxiety I used to get from not feeling like I was doing everything I was supposed to be during the day, because my compulsions were getting in the way.
BDSM provides structure for many people like me who suffer from emotional and mental health issues. It also provides a way for us to let go, and just be who we are without repercussion, or judgment from others. I trust my Husband more than ever, because not only can I trust him to take care of me and keep me safe, but now I can trust him to call me on my bullshit and keep me in line when I am not capable of doing it myself. We have become closer than I ever could have imagined over the past three years since we started exploring the world of BDSM together. I’m grateful every day for this wonderful thing we have found.
Works Cited
Duffett, Mark. Understanding Fandom: An Introduction to the Study of Media Fan Culture. Bloomsbury Academic. 2013.
Haenfler, Ross. Goths, Gamers, and Grrrls: Deviance and Your Subcultures. Oxford University Press. 2016.
Storey, John. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction. Routledge. 2015.
Nowell, Richard. "There's More Than One Way to Lose Your Heart": The American Film Industry, Early Teen Slasher Films, and Female Youth." Cinema Journal 51.1 (2011): 115-40. Web.
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queen-asante · 6 years
ejucated immigrant
((AUTHOR’S NOTE: @eene-fangirl For the Fanfiction Weekend Challenge! I should probably wait to post this for Rolf Appreciation Month, but there’s a lot of Jonny backstory/headcanons in here, so I thought it would count. Basically, it’s a poem from Rolf’s POV but it’s technically about Jonny, or rather, Jonny was my muse for this.
I haven’t written a poem in Rolf’s ‘’voice’’ since 2014 but believe it or not, that one little line that Edd says in ‘’A Case of Ed’’ inspired the poem (you know, the one), and as I was reading Ntozake Shange’s for colored girls who have considered suicide/ when the rainbow is enuf, it produced said result. A turnip for your thoughts? I don’t normally write Rolf like this, it’s actually more like Rolf emulating Ntozake Shange for those familiar with her style. As an Indian Immigrant girl who’s considered suicide, that book changed my life, she’s my idol. Hence, the poem is written in ebonics and all lower case to pay homage to Shange (and I consciously dropped third person redundancies, it wasn’t a mistake). Three non-EEnE characters are briefly mentioned: the first one is Vanessa, my friend who’s half African-American and half Haitian. The second one is Ice, who belongs to my friend, Dani. Ice, in her world, is a black and white cat who becomes Double D’s pet. Rolf fears him because he’s not only black and white, but he shares the name of Immigration and Customs Enforcement by pure coincidence. Dani didn’t plan this, as she created Ice before she met me but she liked the idea of giving Rolf a reason to fear the cat, and so we came up with that story together. The third one is Dr. Feelgood who was my therapist, it’s not her real name, it was an affectionate nickname I coined for her in my years battling Bipolar Disorder Type 3.
As a closing thought, much apologies for the length, also tumblr’s going to mess up the format.))
‘’ejucated immigrant’’
dear gods,
i be 14 wit skin as rough as treebark & hands dat look old
i waz the dark skined immigrant wanting to bathe in bleach
Brown Black / Blue Black / Amber Beige / Bister Brick Bronze / Chestnut Chocolate Cinnamin
Copper / Drab / Dust / Ginger / Fawn / Ochre / Coffe Colourd Caramel
Tawny / Terra-Cotta / Henna / Sepia / Umbre
lookin in the thesurus eddward wit two ds give me when i come to dis country
everything spell Brown but nothing spell White
White sound nice like pearl like snow like milk like golden skined white skined light skined
honey dipped / lemon kissed / but begging for ivory / fair frosted silvery ashen boy jimmy
your white hands on my brown skin
i waz the dark skined immigrant botherin to drag you round
you stand there like a closed mouth statue & you insult my way of life
think you know everythin / rolf just some ignorant third world peasant or somethin
but we be livin dis way longer than the foundin of your land
your country young my country old
numbers & poppy / it just to give you illegitimately born breeds of donkeys
somethin to hee-haw over / science say there no gods either but who know dat
you cannot contain lightning bugs in a jar
i waz the dark skined immigrant dreamin of shakin the mr presidents hand
the former mr president wit eyes like a tired old man & Brown his Brown like a mud bath
it really too bad you know / rolf like your former president
dat black man who dont check dixtionaries for validation of his blackness
he not so bad / he waz sympathetic to the plight of the immigrant but his hands tied
not blame him / he not god he not have all the power in the world to fix dis weather
dis cloud dat hang over your land & who the hell is perfect?
it really such a shame / i dream to see the Hill / see the pearly house painted white the place where he live meet him shake his large brown hand / one brown hand to another
cept i not black / rolf not have to be / not pass / rolf european he is white not bloodless
he not pass he not be white enough for your country
cept i be white on the inside look coloured on the out but i aint no coloured
under my skin i am more than a colour
whoever herd of white passing for person of colour
but suddenly i get to dis country & i be treated no different than jonny
so alls i got is coloured dreams
poor grate nano lived & died on silly dreams / well they not exist
there be only reality & reality not kind to the dark skined indigenous immigrant
no one know what i supposed to be / take a wild guess
indian pakistani mexican romani rolf herd it all & none suppose right
they only looking at my face / the outside the outside not matter
cuz i waz the dark skined immigrant not italian not irish but the other kinds
& no one will see unless rolf cut open his veins & bleed
a Wood Nymph have my colour & if i check off the box dat say caucasian i get a funny look
from the lady sittin behind the counter wit the yellow nail polish & beaded eyeglass
spose if jonny do the same they wont believe him neither
jonny be good
yous see him dancin / wearin his stomach out / dark skined bare feet / swayin his hips
& grate thin arms but he not care dat he gots splinters in his fingertips
his nails turnin all black & blue & those chapped lips look like eyes starin out atchu
the gods make dis child the way he is
wit skinted knees & all & elbows pointed outwards readin you like a map
always wit the label on the left side
but he bootiful & he know it / beauty sometime come in the empty coffee can
not in the paper lillies or plastic pearls
you cant make a silk purse from a sows ear / even if dat ear be made of wood
of wood widda crayon drawn smile
jonnys mother the madwoman in the attic
rolf be certain jonny the wood boy some kind of elf from the passage of Valhöll
the mother of the Tree Sprite she not like rolf / well she not like any child it seems
weepy jimmy-boy & rolf invited to jonny-boys abode for a meeting of the Urban Rangers
& tho his mother never says so we feel she not like us very well
she never ast us to stay for lunch
even tho rolf personally would not eat a morsel of what these people eat
& we always been so polite to her but still she build walls
rolf believe she jealous of us becuz jonny likes us
she come out to the parlour / barefoot / flowers in her wild tangled mess of black raven hair
like yoko ono & wearing a long paisley skirt / she bootiful in an earthy sort of way
but she has a wild look in her eyes like a tigress
a violently insane expression like a german vampire dat make rolf think of bertha mason
she looms over her son like a dark older sister becuz they look so alike
altho her skin much darker / a deep chocolate brown / her complexion remind rolf of vanessa maybe she is haitian / she like the demon in nanas stories the one we all have widdin us
who comes out when we try too hard to be good children
she look at white as snow jimmy & myself like she disprove
either she not like us the uniforms or both
rolf forget tho these hippies wit their anti-establishment
they think every uniform represents what jonny calls ‘’the Man’’ & dats what it is rolf think
she not want jonny in the organisation
becuz she think it goes against their opposition to social norms
rolf could tell she wanted to ast us to leave / she not like jonny spending so much time wit us
becuz then he not at home meditating wit her or whatever it is they do
jonnys family is strange / they not eat meat & walk around shoeless
rolf has been called a gypsy by the children at school but flower child jonny seem to rolf more of a gypsy if there ever waz such a thing
he is almost ethereal / his family must be from a clan of faeries the kind nana warns rolf about but brown-skinned jonny seem harmless enough
i watch his mama put a daisy in the pocket of his jeans
i not know if his daddy be white or black but what difference does dat make
rolf understand it is important for a child to love their family no matter their faults
i know The Giving Tree still love his mother
even if she would prefer him to leave the Urban Rangers
of us three jimmy be the whitest of white jonny the blackest of black & i somewhere in between
but any one of us can walk into a puerto rican bar & start speakin spanish
& no one would know what we are
race too complicated & people too narrow minded / want everything boxed in
one day we waz layin on dat grassy knoll / jonny & i
where the trees whisper to us & we whisper back
cuz you know the boy talk to trees & i listen to his voice / & i be lookin at our hands you see
cuz we waz layin inches apart a flower between us & i tuck it behind his ear
then i look & see my skin only one shade lighter than his
tho the sun make me browner than i really be
out in the sun for hours & hours plowing & plowing the fields
by sundown i roasted coffee bean brown / as black as the inside of a chimney
& if i stumble into town any passing stranger would think i waz Black i mean African
id have to stay out of the sun for days to get my old colour black lest i wander round wit only the whites of my eyes visible on my sun burnt dyed rust brown brown skin
& hair so course youd suppose it come off a horses ass
lookin more like an American Indian than a White
i holdin the back of my hand up to jonnys now
how bout dat two brown hands one dark & one light but whos to say i not be a dark white & he not a light skined brown
dont you dare tell me what i am & am not
bitch dis aint no south africa where yous all can reassign us based on what you think
i aint no sandra laing but sometime i wouldnt mind bein black if it meant for you to leave me be
in fact ill gladly be whatever you want me to be but i am what i am
not black enough for black not white enough for white so what am i?
dont box me into Black & White / cuz in dis world brother dat not exist
im sorry as hell but i gettin real tired of bein called
an illegal / an alien / a wop / a gypsy / a guinea / a brownie whatever you want to call us
all your bigoted slurs clumping us together like we one & the same
dat fine but papers or no papers not define who i am
so uncle sam can take it & shove it
welcome to america!
i be having a long love affair wit your country & people
i also be having a war wit em
mama told me there are limits for dark skined immigrants stuck in dis light skined first world
we come over the border wit all the rest of them
wit all them people from central & south america
wit all them refugees from africa & asia
guess what we blend right in we look no different
look just like any other brown faced ‘’illegal alien’’
border patrol take one look at us & think we just like the rest
cuz yesterdays europeans are todays mexicans & middle easterners
coloured Sons of Shepherds gots few chances
what it like to be bilingual / to speak in two tounge
ah but to be fluent in one & not the other tryin to find any definishun in the dixtionary
in which i drop third person redunduncies cuz i only one person not three
& i only speak two language
you speak spanish?
no habla inglés
you speak english?
i dont speak spanish
one day the hat & head as one edd boy say oh rolf! youre so unejucated!
i think my ears deseeve me but i know what i herd
i wish to strike his milk honey cheeks full of nonsense
& say to him i am the ejucated immigrant you be warned about
dont talk to me bout ejucashun
i sale cross the oshun
i wash up on your shore
i lern another language
it wasnt easy
what you know bout ejucashun
all you know come from books & theories
at least i know where i stand
you are a child & i am old old old my hands notted thick wit veins like the roots of a tree
you say i sound angry / yea i angry but not as angry as you
cuz there nothing they fear more than a minority who knows what up
i used to be fraid but not no more
i used to fear the plainclothes agents in Black & White uniform
of immigration & customes enforecement / of ICE police
of eddwards Black & White cat name Ice on ICE
he must be making fool out of me to call a domesticated beast after homeland security
a cat in uniform because the gods make him so not by choice
like there be some purpose to it / i waz the dark skined immigrant you made fun of
i see what they do to the undocumented immigrant on the telly  
but now i not be fraid / becuz you cant touch me
so the grapefruit widda red ugly mouth & bleached hair sit in office now
damming all them people from ‘’shithole countries’’ / just as well but we here to stay
it not what i ast for but no use fighting it
& i will gladly pull the bookmarks from my english dixtionary
the one double d edd boy give me
no longer will i bathe in bleach / only use to washing dishes & floors
i not some bloody floor
at least i can spell dat  / i look it up in the dixtionary
websters dixtionary / who the hell is webster?
but now it marked up used copy wit yellow post it notes
i use it a lot to lern your tounge
i not smart but i sho as hell not unejucated / papa can tell me dat
i be in your country in first place to reseeve ‘’best ejucashun’’ like grate nano wanted
grate nano waz an adventurer / a dreamer wit big goals
he travell far & wide seeking fame & fortune
when he a very young boy immigrants from every cesspool in western & eastern europe set sale for The North / it waz always grate nanos dream to travel North
everyone say he more insane than a bovine wit mad cows disease
there no room in dis life for dreams they tell him / he prove our village wrong
when rolf eight years of age grate nano briefly left the Old Country to set sale for america
everyone say he be too old / he never too old for dreams
he wanted to find dat American Dream he hear so often about
spoken wit fondness by the tinkers who visit our land
he returned from his valiant voyage wit stories about what he seen
in the North  he said everyone has cars & money & television & running water
no one listen / The North the North they say dat is all you ever talk about
he waz a man who dreamed of a new life for his family & so he decided to send for us
& make a better life for ourselves after the plagues of the land had haunted our family for years grate nano promised us america he said youll soon be eating apple pie from off a china plate white picket fence / coca cola / santa clause / marilyn monroe / empire state building
it sound like a fairytale he spun a legend dat the streets waz paved wit gold
& we believed him for shining in grate nanos eye waz a dream & so here we are
rest his soul he wanted so much to buy us light & sun & clean wind of the oshun
‘’immigrant’’ waz a new word for rolf when he first come here
did not know after hearing the stories from grate nano dat he would soon be one himself
rolf not know what dat mean & still really dont
the dixtionary definishun say \ ˈi-mə-grənt \ noun. a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
\ ˈi-mə-ˌgrāt \ verb. [to go or remove into; in, into, and migrate, to remove.]
to come into a new country, region, or environment in order to settle there: opposed to emigrate.
oh sorry dat definishun not say we unclean people / flea invested vermin
sickly serpents who not speak english / greaser / sheenie
contagions of american society / incredibly dirty tramps fresh off the boat
so pervasive / such nonwhite filth / staring back at pitch black faces
not blonde haired & blue eyed / nonwhite skin only fit for dirt & waste work
mama papa kiss me goodbye i going to haiti
but it is what rolf is now it part of his identity just as much as the colour of his skin
just as much as bein a pagan / just as much as bein a male
just as much as bein the Son of a Shepherd
now rolf a new man living in the New World
i am an immigrant
sometime i wish i waz shug avery / bootiful fictional dark skin harlem singer
half man half woman / wit my large glittering masculine thighs i make an animal of men
maybe i have the courtesan complex
so i ast dr feelgood what my diag-nonsense
& she say poor soul you suffer from Stressed Shepherd Syndrome
okay so we all crazy in one way or another / it alright for some
of a mannequin in tears / of personal prejudices
im an unejucated farm boy from No Mans Land
im a poet who write in english
neisatnaf i isatnaf ne / ttim tetrejh dem gnyalp re lesgnel og gem tolrof nuh
rettenremmos i sirb ne mos rav ed / gem etlatrof nuh dro retsem nadrovh
etted tal eddejks rofrovh? / enneh lit gem trekided gej og enneh teksnø etrejh ttim
senneh enenyoø ås gej etted tla eddejks rofrovh
& this is for Sons of Shepherds who have considered suicide
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Nothing Sez “Student Game” More Than The Dinosaur Evening News (that’s a good thing, btw)
The above is Mediazoic, which takes place in an alternate reality in which dinosaurs have come back to rule the earth and they've hired you, puny human, to make sure their televised broadcasts are dino family safe.
You moderate comments left on message boards, censor full frontal dino nudity, and so on. It's a student game alright, and one of my top picks from the NYU Game Center Student Showcase2018!
I was also fond of Dreams For Your Computer because CRTs, magnets, and cats...
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... Here's what it looks like in action, btw.
Though the one game that I liked the most, and which would actually fare well on the marketplace, would have to be Static...
And honorable mention goes to an updated take on Flight Simulator, which recreates a 6 hour long commercial flight as a passenger...
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... The best part was the look on Stephen Totilo's face, who kinda didn't get it.
When was the NYU thing btw? Over two weeks ago, and it’s been even longer since the last update. Sorry about that. You know the deal: a million, billion things going on. As usual.
Hence why it’ll take not just one, but two bursting at the seams posts, to cover the second half of May! So onto part one…  
Please, please, PLEASE let these Game Center CX Blu-rays have an English language option (via miki800.com)...
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Not a day goes by in which I don’t wonder how that guy who appears in the instruction manual for Bomberman B-Daman is doing these days (via videogameartarchive & videogameartarchive)...
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I really love the “are you for real?” vibe that Samus gives off in the instructions for the original Famicom Disk System release of Metroid (via nintendometro)...
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If you’ve ever wondered what a pair of bosses from Mega Man 9 & 10 would look like with 8’s 32-bit sheen, well here ya go (via mendelpalace)...
A print ad for the Famicom adaptation of Akira that wasn't all that hot (via videogameads)...
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Though whenever anyone hears the words “Akira video game”, this is basically what immediately comes to mind. Anything else is a disappointment, no matter what (via aaronkraten)...
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Welcome to the rabbit hole that is the Memorex VIS (via @ColinWilliamson)...
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Is the soundtrack to some ultra-obscure home banking software for the Mega Drive worth a listen? You goddamn right it is (via mendelpalace)...
… The accompanying article is also totally worth a read.
It’s the Battletoads X Blue Swede mashup that you can’t believe hasn’t been done yet (via SiIvaGunner)...
Replace Link with myself & Navi with my iPhone, which I use as an alarm clock, and you have earlier this morning in a nutshell (via nintendometro)...
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“So where you going?”
“Down a road. A low poly road…”
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“Where you headed towards?”
“Whatever’s at the end of this street. This low poly street...”
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“If you look up, what do you see?”
“Low poly buildings, under a low poly sky. Who knows, maybe there’s some low poly birds up there, behind those low poly clouds…” (via pmpkn)
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From looking at low poly skies to soaring high above them, but what a difference an arcade board makes huh (via kazucrash)...
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This is what Metal Max 2: ReLoaded on the DS looks like, at its normal resolution...
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And this is what it looks with the resolution bumped up (via gaucheartist)...
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Is this sprite of a BMX biker animated unusually well or am I just out of touch when it comes to 2600 software? Granted, it does come from a game made in 1989 (via segagenesisevangelion)…
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According to the law: “NO JUMPING” (via vgadvisor)
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“Hi guys.” (via beowulf-ultra)
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Such a heartwarming scene (via @PicturesFoIder)...
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This is what VR looked like many years ago, which is basically how it still looks today as well (via peazy86)...
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It’s Yuji Horii, from way back in the day, presumably before he had created Dragon Quest (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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Why yes, I have heard of the Ocelot Arcade System, by virtue of it being Quality Simon Carless content...
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... BTW, “Quality content” is in reference to this. Moving on: yes, I've also heard of VecFever. It plays games that you might be familiar with, since it emulates old vector MAME titles...
Meanwhile, am only just learning that Tiger released their handhelds in Japan under the Game Vision label (via segacity)...
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The Sega Dreamcast: it's thinking... about you, cuz it cares about you (via posthumanwanderings)...
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"Wait… was he always there?" asks the official Sonic the Hedgehog Tumblr (via sonicthehedgehog)...
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And the final nail in the coffin for this gag came courtesy of the official Sonic Tumblr as well (via sonicthehedgehog)...
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"Good news everyone skyrim has been ported to the Bethesda offices carpet" 
"Who the fuck designed support pillars to obstruct a quarter of the hallway?" 
"Bethesda" (via mysteriouslypeculiar)
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Yet another "it's funny cuz it's true" (via highlandvalley)...
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So annoyed that I only find out about this Games Glorious shirt on the very last day of kylefewell‘s Japanese extrusion (via miki800.com)...
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Not a fan of the game (don’t hate, I just don’t find it very enthralling), yet for whatever reason, I REALLY want this vintage Mappy sweatshirt (via namcomuseum)...
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When video game attire looks plausible IRL (via @cvxfreak)...
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Much like with regular attire, with cosplay, sometimes it’s all about the accessories (via frankiebalboa)...
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Don’t think I’ve ever seen this piece of Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter art before (via segacity)...
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For those who dig POC, as well those who dig VF, and also those who dig FV... that last one's Fighting Vipers, BTW (via fightersmegamix)...
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It’s a crying shame that Fighting Vipers is such an unknown commodity these days (via kazucrash)...
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Virtua Fighter vs Virtua Fighter… Kid (via segacity)...
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It’s a crying shame that Fighters Megamix is such an unknown commodity these days (via segacity)...
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So hyped for RPG Time, based solely upon the headline image used for this 10 ten list of BitSummit games (via @indiegameweb)...
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Please enjoy yet another thing that I originally posted on a Saturday late at night, whatever time it might on your end right this second (via contac)...
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Been a while since I’ve seen the handiwork of Joe Bleeps, largely since it’s been a while since I’ve been collecting Game Culture Snapshots; the man has certainly stepped up his game (boy mods) since way back when (via kotaku.com)...
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Am also very much impressed by the Game Boy Macro, though once again, am super irritated that GBA games do not rest flush with the DS Lite’s body...
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An example of function over form I guess (@gamesyouloved)...
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Familiar with Line Wobbler? Ever wished you could play it on the go? Are you into demakes? For the Game Boy Advance? (via @diskmem)
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Today’s corrupted GBA boot up sequence is (via corruptionasart)...
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Can anyone tell what Famicom game we’re seeing that’s all glitched out? (via mendelpalace)...
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My fave part of this NES 2 print ad is how, in order to truly drive the message of “EVOLVE OR BECOME EXTINCT” home, whomever felt it necessary to include a little picture of a dinosaur (via nintendometro)...
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Was this an ad for the SNES? I ask because it’s considerably more sophisticated when compared to what you usually encountered in gaming rags at the time (via nintendometro)...
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This ad for the GoldStar version of the 3DO, hailing from Korea, makes me so proud to be (half) Korean, you have no idea (via notablegamebox)...
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This Space Invaders tribute piece is like the cover art to some 80s heavy metal record (via shmups)...
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Meanwhile, the album art for the Metal Black soundtrack feels more Pink Floyd-ish than anything else (via reportal)...
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As amazing as it would have been to attend a ZUNTATA concert 20 years ago, I desperately wanted to see them perform various Darius cuts live just the other week (via miki800.com)...
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This cover art for a tribute album celebrating 25 years of Mega Man is still quite good, 31 years after the fact (via rnn-draws)...
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My recommended reading this time is a comparison of all the various Mega Man sprites that have been, including a few that you may not be familiar with (via retrovania-vgjunk.blogspot.com)...
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Apparently there was a Mega Man boss that was part arcade machine, but he only appeared in some mobile game, for f's sake Capcom (via mendelpalace)...
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Guess now’s a good time to share another random game canter pic (via gogopri)...
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Pathos at the game center, even among Sailor Scouts (via funnysailorm00n)...
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A pride & joy of my personal collection is both the original retail Japanese release of Jet Set Radio & the available via Sega Direct only edition: De La Jet Set Radio (via videogameartarchive & videogameartarchive)...
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Here's an alternate take on it’s alternate cover star (via @Drooling_Demon)…
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Putting together the necessary gear to properly grind the streets of Tokyo-to (via kiroziki-cosplay)...
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JSR tales place in a fictionalized, idealized interpretation of Japan, whereas this gif is a very realistic take, yup (via dehtyar)...
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Meanwhile and elsewhere, somewhere in the United States of America it would seem (via behexagusthegreat)...
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There's still dinner time in the future (via kirokazepixel)...
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My contribution to #WorldGothDay (via it8bit)…
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From dark & dreary, to warm & fuzzy, yet still black & white (via this old post from a few years back)...
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Old photos of a Japanese school kid obsessing over the Famicom are somewhat dime a dozen, but the PC Engine? A very rare treat (via gamingremembrance)...
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From black & white photographs of Japanese 80s kids playing consoles, to a full color animated gif of US 80s kids at the arcade (via tvneon)...
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Time to wrap things up by touching upon something that kept me awfully busy over the past few: Death By Audio Arcade X Dreamhouse II. Here's a rather mysterious image that appeared on the FB event page, and which was utilized in my promotional push...
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... Did it work? You’ll have to find out in my part 2 of my Attract Mode X Tumblr: May 2018 recap! Due tomorrow. Maybe.
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