#but in the meantime i gotta go now to work a surprise party shift at the bar
chaos-coming · 1 year
Ok ive decided i hate my job (not new) and i hate the dumbass students at my university (also not new. Entire campus chock full with blond dreadlocks and lederhosen), theres no grad student culture here and im too old to be hanging out with bachelor students who dont know anything (the central european university system is trash and also only 3 years) and have seen exactly their 100km of the world (plus or minus that one trip to se asia that umbued in them such insufferable arrogance) and whose definition of activism begins and ends with throwing a solidarity party (where the donations pay first for the cost of buying booze instead of actually going to a cause)...
But i digress (read: lost my train of thought partway through ranting about these provincial snobs). What im trying to say is besides hating my university and most of the idiots in it, i think im just done with the student scene in general like im sick and tired of being at the mercy of the exam schedule, and the peter pan never wanting to face the real world mentality of everybody there. I need to be surrounded by people looking forward not trying depserately to cling to a moment that may already have passed
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hotchscvm · 3 years
hoe hoe hoe - part one
Warnings: dark!Steve, student/teacher relationship
Word count: 2.2k
Pairings: Professor!Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Your dad's best friend isn't exactly who you thought he'd be.
chris evans masterlist
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Walking in the front door, the smell of eggnog, and pine hit your nose, mixing in with the warmth of the newly cooked food in the kitchen. Looking around the house, you registered how much decorating you had left your father to do, pondering whether or not he strained his back putting up the Christmas tree. You'd have to make it up to him somehow.
"Dad! I'm home." you yelled out, stepping out of your shoes. Even with the amount of work he had done, he still had the time to shovel the driveway despite the heavy amount of snow that had precipitated last night. The mixed-breed boxer pawed his way to you, the dog panting as he snuggled himself against your leg. "Hey, cutie."
Your father stuck his head from the kitchen, motioning for you to come into the room. "In the kitchen. I was getting worried that you got stuck in traffic. It's an absolute nightmare coming into the city from 122 right now."
Entering the kitchen with Dodger, you went to hug your dad, your arms wrapping around his waist. The man chuckled, giving your cold body a hug back before kissing your forehead. You sighed, pulling away, looking around the kitchen to see the dining room covered with food. "Traffic was a bitch, but I managed to get out of it. Although, I may have made a couple of people mad, but you gotta do what you have to do, right?"
"You got that right, pumpkin." he replied. For someone with a 20 year old daughter, the man was young, having you with his high school sweetheart at 19. He gestured at the food. "You hungry? I made all of this and I'm not sure that everyone at the party will eat all of this."
"Jesus, Dad, were you drunk when you made all of this? This is enough to feed the whole country." you commented, walking up to the table to grab a mini quiche off the plate. Your tongue swirled around the food, relishing the flavor. It was a gift having your father as a successful chef.
"I may have went overboard with the cooking, but I got excited." he explained, chuckling. Pouring some eggnog in a mug, he offered it to you, taking a sip of his own before announcing his news. "An old friend of mine is coming for the party. My best friend in college. He's in town for the holidays, and he'll be staying with us for a few. That okay?"
You nodded, washing the remaining quiche in the eggnog, swallowing it down. "Yeah, that's fine. Who's this friend of yours? Have I met him before?"
"You used to call him Uncle Steve, but he left for Brooklyn when you were four. I doubt you'd remember him but he gave you that necklace last year when he couldn't make it. He's a professor in Brooklyn now, but he wanted to come to Boston, spend the holidays with us."
"Wait, he gave me this necklace?" you asked, holding up the golden angel wings between your fingers. Your dad nodded, untying the knot on his apron. "Oh, wow. Hey, I officially get to thank him for it."
You dad agreed, nodding again as he popped a mint in his mouth, his teeth grinding down on it. "Yes, you will. He'll appreciate seeing you again. He's been talking about seeing his favorite girl—shit."
"Something wrong?"
"I forgot to pick up the ham today. I've been so busy making everything for today that I completely forgot about the main course for tomorrow." said your father, rubbing the bridge of his nose, mentally slapping himself. He sighed. "Can you take the pie out of the oven when it's ready? I have to run to the store really quick and get the ham."
Shaking your head, you stopped him, pushing his clearly exhausted body into the nearest chair, shaking a finger at him when he tried to stand back up. "No, no, no. You're tired and you need to rest. I'll get the ham, and anything else you need. Text me a list."
"Pumpkin, you don't have to do that. You just got home—" he was cut off by your insistent expression, the man relenting. "Okay, fine. Go to the Costco, they have a better selection there. And drive safe, it's supposed to be snowing tonight but with Massachusetts weather, you never know if it'll start early."
"Gotcha. I'll be back soon. In the meantime, you sit, rest, and text me a list of things I need." you said, grabbing the keys from the table. The cold air hit your face, your cheeks stinging from the impact. You winced, wishing home was somewhere warmer.
The drive to Costco was nostalgic, the familiar buildings and roads bringing back memories so deep you forgot they existed. The little ice cream place reminded you of your first kiss with your first grade boyfriend. You had immediately broken up with him the next day, claiming it was the way he walked when he asked if it was his sloppy peck on the lips. You had lied through your teeth.
Slosh was fun, it made it that much gross to walk through the barely shoveled parking lot, nearly slipping as you reached the entrance. One of the employees by the door handed you a cart, giving you a curt smile before returning to his spot.
Pushing the cart down the aisles, you immediately head to the grocery area, getting a text from your dad of all the food to get. With how short the list was, the cart had been unnecessary, but you decided to get all the last minute Christmas shopping out of the way, grabbing a Christmas card to match the present you had gotten for your father.
You had just bent over, reaching for the ham when you heard your name called, the familiar voice making you look up. A few feet behind you stood your history professor, a surprised smile on his face as he took you in. You returned the smile, stunned by the sight of you professor. "Professor Rogers? Hey, what're you doing here?"
The blond raised an eyebrow, his piercing blue eyes flickering to the necklace visible. He smirked inside, his heart warming at the thought. "I'm in the city for the holidays. I'm staying with a friend, catch up with them. What about you? Any exciting plans for Christmas?"
"Just spending it with my dad." you replied, reaching behind you to randomly grab a ham, not looking at the brand, and dropped it in the cart. "To be honest, I didn't think you could even leave Brooklyn. I mean, you practically worship the city, it's a surprise seeing you outside of it."
Professor Rogers laughed, his laughter was what you imagined angels to sound like. To say you had a tiny crush on the hot professor was understandable, although, so did everyone who had eyes. The professor leaned against the freezer, his eyes never breaking from yours. "Brooklyn's nice but it's nice to get out once in a while. That's a beautiful necklace you have there."
"Thanks, I got it from my dad's friend." you said, blushing slightly at the compliment. Taking a quick look at your phone, you noted you had everything your dad had asked for. Glancing back up at the Professor Rogers, you noticed how close he was, barely a few feet away. You gave him a smile. "It was nice seeing you, Professor. I'll see you in class."
Before you could move your cart, the professor placed a hand on it, motioning for you to pause. The blond scratched the back of his head, rocking back and forth on his heels. "Do you need help with anything? I can help you load this in your car, if you want."
"I didn't realize you worked at Costco, Professor." you teased, earning the cutest blush from the blond. Giggling, you shook your head, enjoying his company a lot more than it was allowed. "Don't worry, it's fine. It's not a lot, and I wouldn't want to bother—"
"You're not." he interrupted, sheepishly staring at the floor. The professor made himself look up, smirking when he realized you were blushing. "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to. Humor me?"
Call it stupidity or side effects of Steve Rogers' presence, but you wanted to spend more time with him, no matter how domestic the chore. Your smile widened, if possible, and you nodded. "Alright, if you insist. I've gotten everything I need, so I can tag along with you."
"All I really needed was some coffee," Professor Rogers held up the little plastic container filled with coffee grounds. Your thoughts immediately went to his hands wrapped around the cylinder, mentally slapping yourself for finding the simple action hot. "I'm ready to go if you are."
"Oh, okay. Let's go then."
The wall from the grocery area to the checkout was rather fun, the professor making you blush too many times to count, the smile on either of your faces never leaving. It wasn't a secret how many people fought to be in his class, guys included, mostly trying to "bond" with the professor only to get turned down every time someone had the balls to ask him. But it never stopped anyone from trying. It was almost pathetic, but very amusing in a sadistic way.
Professor Rogers held your grocery bags in his hands, effortlessly carrying them while you tried to take them back, feeling bad for having your professor help you out. The man would wave away your pleas, and you gave up as soon as you neared your car, unlocking the doors, and opened the trunk, Professor Rogers unloading all the bags inside. You bit back a smile, admiring the view, jealously wondering who would be lucky enough to end up as his wife.
He closed up the trunk once he was done, shifting his weight between his feet. "So, are you staying in Boston for the whole break or...?"
"Yup. I haven't spent much time with my dad since summer, and I've been guilted to stay in the cold since he's too stubborn to go somewhere warmer." you answered, playfully rolling your eyes. Professor Rogers walked you to the driver's side while you played with your keys, not wanting to say goodbye to him already. "What about you?"
"Me, too." said the professor, tucking his hands in his winter coat. He sighed, the smile dropping. "It was really nice to see you. I'll see you soon, sweetheart."
You nearly swooned at the nickname, cursing your heart for being so easily affected. "You, too, Professor. Happy Holidays and all that."
He laughed, walking off with a wave, the smile that had fallen now impended on his face as he walked back to his car. Steve turned around to see you get in yours, unsubtly staring at your ass. He sighed once again, a wave of sadness washing over him, the feeling he got every time he had to say goodbye to you. It would only be a couple of minutes, but it didn't make him hate it any less.
You drove off after a few seconds of getting your shit together; seeing your unbearable hot professor made you feel like a disgusting head-over-heels in love teenager. Or in other words, it made you the same as those desperate girls back on campus. You scoffed at the thought, starting your car. Hopefully, you'd see him again before class starts, but you highly doubt it.
Snow was falling, the little flurries making it harder to see through the windshield, only to stop suddenly when you reached your house. You grabbed the groceries from the trunk, easily carrying it into the house, so focused on not slipping that you hadn't noticed a very familiar car in the driveway.
Opening the door with ease, you entered the house, almost getting knocked out by the eager dog, jumping up on you. Laughing, you placed all the bags in one arm, reaching down with your free one to pet Dodger. The dog panted happily, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as it dismounted it's paws off your legs. The house had gotten awfully warm, even for you, and you immediately set the bags down to take off your coat. You hadn't noticed the shoes besides the door.
"Dad, I'm back." you announced, picking up the bags and headed to the kitchen, your gaze on the floor, careful not to slip.
Your father clapped Steve's back, the broad blond's presence gone unnoticed by you while you dropped the bags on the kitchen island. Your dad smiled. "Thanks, pumpkin. Honey, this is Steve, my buddy from college."
You turned around, facing them, a grin on your face, only to drop slightly when you saw who Steve was. There, standing in the middle of your kitchen, stood your history professor, all six feet of him, nonchalantly grinning at you. He engulfed you in a hug, leaving you breathless. "Professor?"
"Hello, sweetheart."
next >
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mandelene · 3 years
If you're still taking requests, can I have ℧ with Arthur please 👀
You sure can! 💕
The Tea Party and the Promise-Breaker
Word Count: 1690
“But you said you were gonna play tea party with us!”
“I know, darling, but I’m quite tired and—”
“You promised!” Amelia screeches.
Arthur swears he feels something in his skull rattle. He did promise, but that was before he worked three 16-hour shifts at the hospital and started to feel unwell. He woke up yesterday morning to a sore throat, but he refused to call out sick over something so trivial. Now, the sore throat is worse, his head hurts, his sinuses burn, and he can feel his nose beginning to run.
This is his first day off all week, and although he’d love to play with Amelia and Madeline, he simply doesn’t have the energy to entertain them. He wishes he could have a two-hour nap, but that won’t be possible since Francis is working until the early evening, which means Arthur is in charge of supervising their two six-year-olds for the day.
“You never want to play with us,” Amelia accuses him, sounding genuinely broken-hearted.
He knows it isn’t easy for the girls when he’s not home very often, and the last thing he wants is for them to think he doesn’t love or care about them—nothing could be farther from the truth.
“Okay, I’ll join the tea party,” he surrenders, overwhelmed by guilt. “Would you girls like me to set the kettle?”
“We’re gonna have imaginary tea, Dad,” Amelia explains, a little exasperated by how out of the loop he is. “But you can bring your own tea if you want…And bring cookies, too!”
“All right. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
“Yaaaaay!” Amelia cheers, jumping up and down several times before grabbing Madeline’s hand and dragging her toward her room. “Let’s get all of the toys, Maddie!”
When the girls are out of sight, Arthur releases a cough he’s been suppressing and buries it into the crook of his arm. A tea party won’t be too labor-intensive at least. He’d rather sit down and drink tea with the girls than have to run around with them in the yard.
He makes himself a large mug of tea with honey and lemon. Then, he grabs whatever leftover pastries are in the fridge—Francis is always baking something for the girls, it seems like. Thankfully, he finds some chocolate chip cookies as well as financiers. He sets them on a plate, gathers extra silverware and napkins for the girls, and makes his way back up the stairs, clearing his aching throat along the way.
When he arrives at Amelia’s room, the little children’s activity table that she normally keeps against the wall has been moved to the center of the room, along with two children’s chairs and two beanbag chairs.
Arthur doesn’t particularly like the seating arrangement, but he knows better than to complain. He places the treats, napkins, and his tea on the table and makes himself as comfortable as he can in one of the beanbag chairs, letting his weight sink into it with a sigh.
Amelia and Madeline have lined up their teddy bears and dolls around the room, and Madeline seems to have drawn a sign on a poster board that proudly says, “MADDIE AND AMELIA’S TEA PARTY.” The text is surrounded by doodles of flowers, teacups, and stars.
“What a beautiful sign, Madeline,” Arthur compliments her.
She sheepishly smiles and hugs her favorite teddy bear, Kumajirou, against her chest. “Thank you…Daddy, you didn’t wear your tie. You were suppose’ta dress up for the tea party.”
He looks down at his attire and frowns. Yes, perhaps flannel pajama bottoms, a black t-shirt, slippers, and his gray bathrobe weren’t a great stylistic choice. Both of the girls are wearing dresses and tights. “My apologies, ladies. I can change, if you’d like?”
“It’s okay. You just havta act like a gentleman,” Madeline instructs, and Arthur can’t help but smile at how endearing all of this is.
He should enjoy it while it lasts—the girls won’t be interested in having tea parties with him when they’re older. Although he’d rather be in bed, he’s glad he agreed to this.
“I’ll try to be on my best behavior,” he assures them before taking a sip of his tea.
“You havta stick your pinkie finger out,” Amelia reminds before pretending to pour tea for herself and Madeline from their children’s tea kettle and into plastic teacups.
Arthur puts his pinkie out and nods. “Ahh, how could I forget? So, tell me, has anything interesting been happening at school?”
Amelia immediately begins to talk about how some other girl in their class recently got a new bike, and how she feels awful that she’s six and a half years old and can’t ride a bike yet. “Will you teach me, Dad?”
“Of course, love. When summer comes we can think about it.”
He’s learned his lesson about making promises. “We’ll see,” he says instead, ignoring the expression of disappointment on Amelia’s face. He takes a napkin from the table, excuses himself, and blows his nose softly, wincing at the ache in his sinuses…He’s feeling a bit feverish as well.
“Are you okay?” Madeline asks him, concerned.
“I’m just a bit under the weather,” he admits. “So, no hugging or kissing—I don’t watch you girls to catch this.”
Madeline doesn’t seem to be willing to let the subject go just yet. “Did you take medicine?”
“I will in a little while. Thank you, poppet.”
Amelia stands up and comes over to him to yank on his arm. “You havta go to bed, you’re sick. You always say we can’t play when we’re sick and havta rest, remember?”
Arthur feels his patience thinning, but having an excuse to lie down for a moment could be worth it.
“I can’t go to bed. I have to take care of you girls. It’ll be lunchtime soon, and I have to—”
“No, mister.”
“But I—”
“No buts!” Amelia scolds him, and for a second, he forgets who the adult in the room is.
He picks up his mug of tea and begrudgingly follows Amelia back to the master bedroom, where he obediently lies down on his and Francis’s bed, groaning when his sore muscles meet the memory foam mattress.
“We’ll take good care of you!” Amelia exclaims, exuberant.
Arthur’s not too sure he’s looking forward to this, but as the girls go and conspire out in the hallway, he allows himself to close his eyes for just a moment…Only a moment…He has to stay up to watch the girls…
The next time he opens his eyes, Amelia is poking a thermometer against his mouth, waking him from a very brief snooze.
“You’ve gotta take your temperature, Dad.”
Now that his body has had a taste of sleep, he feels absolutely exhausted. He takes the thermometer from her and puts it under his tongue, curious to see what the reading will be. When it beeps, he grimaces at the number taunting him. A hundred and two point seven. That’s thirty-nine degrees Celsius—enough to signal to him that this is probably more than a mere cold.
“Do you have a fever?” Madeline asks from the end of the bed, eyes shimmering.
“No,” he lies. “I’m fine, girls. It’s nothing to worry about…You should both return to the tea party. I’m going to rest here for a moment and—”
Amelia touches his forehead with her cold hand, and he shivers. “You need medicine.”
“I’m all right for now, girls. Really. Go back and play.”
To his surprise, the girls do leave, and he lets out a sigh of relief…That is, until he hears Amelia talking to someone over the house phone in the distance.
He jolts out of bed and dashes over to her, but it’s too late…
“Papa wants to talk to you,” she says, matter-of-fact.
He takes the phone from her, feeling a growing pit of dread in his stomach. “Hello?”
“Arthur, why didn’t you tell me before I left the house this morning that you were feeling ill?”
“I’m fine, Francis.”
“I’ll be home in an hour.”
“You don’t—”
“See you then.”
And just like that, Francis hangs up.
Arthur puts the phone down and prepares his most intimidating scowl, ready to direct it at Amelia, but then she pulls on his arm again and says, “We can play tea party next time. Don’t worry. You’ll be all better soon.”
The scowl disappears and is replaced by a wistful smile. “Thank you, love. I’m sorry our plans have to be put on hold. I’ll make it up to you both, all right?”
The girls nod, and Arthur sends them off to finish the pastries that are still waiting for them in Amelia’s room. In the meantime, he finishes his tea and blows his nose again. He sucks on a cough drop and grits his teeth against the immense pressure in his sinuses. After seeing the color of his mucus, he’s willing to bet he has a sinus infection.
He leans against the headboard of the bed and falls asleep against his will.
“Come, mon amour—you’re going to have a sore neck and back if you stay like this. Lie down properly,” Francis coaxes him, bracing his head for him.
Arthur’s not sure how long he’s been asleep, but he lowers his head so that it’s on his pillow and lies flat on his back. “…You didn’t have to come home early.”
“I’m glad I did—you have a fever, and a high one at that,” Francis says, setting a damp hand towel on his feverish brow. “Did you really think you’d be able to tend to the girls when you’re like this? It’s dangerous. You should have told me.”
“…'m sorry,” Arthur mumbles, still incredibly tired. The towel on his head feels nice.
“You just wanted a reason to leave the tea party, didn’t you?” Francis jokes, brushing his hand against his warm cheek. “The girls told me about it.”
“Oh, of course. The next time I’m asked to play dress-up or ‘hair salon’ with them, I just may have to give myself bronchitis.”
Francis laughs and kisses the side of his head. “Conniving man.”
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mimisempai · 3 years
Wait for me on the other side 8/8
The long awaited end! Will they finally overcome all the obstacles?
Here we go! Enjoy the journey!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
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The months and seasons have passed for Mobius and Loki.
Mobius moved out of the house on the cliff and into an apartment above the store. After Ravonna's death, Casey saw no reason to stay in TK and joined Mobius at Miss Minutes.
With his client base expanding, Mobius needed someone to help him and thought of Casey, who had been more than enthusiastic at the idea.
They had formed a curious friendship with Sylvie and life was flowing smoothly.
Casey could see that at times Mobius' eyes seemed lost. His face wore a melancholic expression. But Mobius said nothing, smiled and Casey pretended he hadn't seen anything.
On New Year's Eve 2022, Mobius, Casey and Sylvie were celebrating together and as the fireworks started, Mobius couldn't help but think of other fireworks with nostalgia and wondered what Loki was doing, where and with whom.
January 2021 - Miss Minutes
It was already late and Mobius was hunched over his drawing table, looking focused as Casey poked his head through the door.
"Mobius, I'm going in. I've got it all locked up, you'll just have to close the main door and the blind."
Mobius focused, simply replied, "Hm..."
Casey, seeing that he hadn't been listening, approached and looked over Mobius' shoulder at what he was working on.
"A new project?"
Mobius looked up, a little embarrassed, "Oh. No. It's just... a personal thing."
Casey shifted to get a better look at Mobius' work.
Mobius tried to hide it.
"Mobius, let me see."
"No, it's nothing."
"Come on."
Mobius gave in and Casey's eyes widened at the drawing.
It was the house on the cliff but re-imagined. There was a terrace that ran along the back, and stairs that went down to the water - the stairs that Mobius had described to Loki. There were trees planted along the way, and lights shining in the trees. The house was just as extraordinary as before, but much less austere, much warmer, almost romantic.
Casey said softly, "I like it."
Mobius asked casually, "Do you like it?"
Casey nodded enthusiastically, "Before, it looked like a place you would go to be alone. In this one, I can imagine taking someone there."
Mobius nodded. Casey looked at him with his piercing eyes, and asked softly, "Who is he?"
Mobius answered without hesitation, "Loki. His name was Loki."
"When you lived there?"
Mobius nodded and Casey continued, "I knew it, that there was something or rather someone. What happened?"
Mobius replied simply, "I lost him."
Mobius replied with a hesitant voice, "It's hard to explain. It's mostly... it was... bad timing."
"You miss him?"
Mobius couldn't deny it and Casey insisted, "Make him come back."
Mobius ran a hand over his face, "It's too late. Or too soon..."
Mobius shook his head, "Nothing. I don't even know where he is. And even if I did, I couldn't walk up to him and say, ``Hey, I'm here, let's pick up where we left off."
Casey defiantly asked him, "What would you have to lose?"
Mobius didn't answer.
Loki was still living in the same place and the tree had continued to grow in front of the building.
He spent a lot of time with Thor, who had apparently decided to take him under his wing.
He was alone, but he had a friend, friends even, that he could count on, and if sometimes one or the other tried to encourage him to date someone, they never insisted.
He devoted his life to his classes, the students liked him a lot, and Kamala who kept coming to see him after class had brought other members of the gang with her, and the discussions around Norse mythology had turned into a reading club.
Early February 2023 - Loki's apartment
Loki had decided to clean up, because in two years, he was starting to pile up things, and it was time to sort out.
He was organizing his clothes when he came across the outfit he had never put back on since the missed date. His throat tightened as he was about to put it in the pile of clothes to be thrown away, but he couldn't bring himself to do it and put it in the back of the closet.
Later, as he was vacuuming, he noticed a creaky floorboard. He bent down to examine it and found that it could be lifted quite easily.
Loki pulled the floorboard and to his surprise, there was an empty space underneath. He bent further to examine it. He saw that there was something there, put his hand to grab it and pulled out a package wrapped in dusty plastic. He opened it. His heart leapt out of his chest, it was his copy of PERSUASION.
One page was marked with a rose, now dried and withered by time. He opened it to the marked page and saw that a sentence had been underlined.
There could have been no two hearts so open,
no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison.
He stared at the words, breathless.
February 14, 2023 - September Academy
Thor and Loki, along with the other teachers, were sitting in the school's conference room waiting for the presentation to begin.
Thor leaned over to Loki, "Hey, since Jane won't be able to spend this Valentine's Day with me, how about a hallmark movie night with some popcorn and good beer?"
Loki smiled softly, "Sounds good to me, but in the meantime we've gotta get through this presentation."
Just after his words, a short dark-haired man entered the room and took his place on the stage, greeted by Natasha who spoke up, "Hello everyone, thank you for coming. We are pleased to welcome Casey Fish, from Miss Minutes."
Loki startled slightly, the name ringing a bell.
"Casey is here today to introduce us to a new line of electronic organizers for students and teachers, allowing for better communication between the various parties. Thank you for giving him your attention."
Casey cleared his throat and began to speak, "Hello everyone! Thank you for your welcome Ms. Romanov, Miss Minutes is basically a small watch store, but over the years we wanted to expand its business to include time management in all its forms, and its founder had the idea a little over two years ago to create this."
He pointed to the screen that just displayed a small rectangular device, much like a flip phone.
"Let me introduce you to The Tempad. The Tempad, thanks to its small holographic avatar, allows you to be connected at any time with your colleagues, with your students."
He clicked on the remote control to bring up the next image.
"This is Miss Minutes for you."
Loki gasped, of course he knew Miss Minutes, it was exactly like the little picture Mobius had drawn when he had written to him about his store.
Thor, sensing his friend's confusion, leaned toward him and whispered, "Loki? Are you okay?"
Loki nodded.
He listened to the rest of the presentation in a daze, and as Casey was packing up his things on the stage, Loki rushed in without further ado, almost shoving some of his colleagues in his way.
February 14, 2021 - In front of Miss Minutes
Casey and Mobius came out in their winter coats, but they realized it was surprisingly warm.
Mobius growled, "Honestly, what the hell?"
Casey shrugged as he replied, "Global warming."
Mobius asked Casey, "Do you want to come to my house for dinner tonight?"
Casey replied with a small air of pride, "I can't. I have a date tonight, it's Valentine's Day."
Mobius continued forward for a few steps, then stopped.
"What, is it so weird that I have a date on Valentine's Day night?"
Mobius looked around. The day was really hot. People everywhere were enjoying the sun. He turned to Casey, a strange look on his face.
"What's the date?"
"Valentine's Day I told you, so it's February 14."
Mobius repeated, "February 14, 2021."
Casey looked at him, curious, "Yeah. What's up with you?"
Mobius with pensive eyes replied, "He told me about today."
"Who? You mean the guy?"
"Yes!" replied Mobius excitedly, "There's a letter that says where he's going to be!"
Casey understood less and less, "He wrote you?"
Mobius nodded quickly, "Yes. I could see him today. You said it the other day...what have I got to lose?"
Casey replied matter-of-factly, "What are you waiting for?"
"I just need to find the letter!"
Mobius ran to his apartment above the store, rummaged through his old boxes, until he remembered that Loki's letters were still in the house on the cliff, in the attic. He looked for the spare keys to the housel, ran to his old pickup and drove off at full speed.
February 14, 2023 - September High-school
" Mister, uh... Casey, can I ask you something. Miss Minutes' founder, who is it?"
Casey, with a surprised look, answered him, clearing his throat, "He's a friend, Mo... Mobius M. Mobius."
Loki repeated, his heart pounding, "Mobius..."
Casey replied, "Yes. Do you... do you know him?"
Loki nodded, "Yes. He... where is he? Could you tell me how I could contact him?"
Casey suddenly looked very sad, "I'm sorry. You don't know?"
Casey replied with a tight throat, "He died. Two years ago." He swallowed before resuming, "Two years ago today, in fact, there was an accident..."
Loki, shocked, gasped, then whispered, "Where?"
A few seconds later, Loki ran out of the school and headed for his car under the rain that had started to fall. Thor was behind him, bewildered, and called him, "Loki! Wait! What's going on?"
As he continued to run, Loki told him, 'It's an emergency! I don't have time!"
Thor asked, "Is that him?"
Loki, while running, replied, "Yes!" and heard Thor shout back at him as he climbed into his car, "Go Loki! Get him!"
Loki drove out of the city toward the house, rain pouring down on his windshield. He weaved between lanes, passing cars, driving recklessly, as fast as he could.
House on the cliff - February 14, 2021
Mobius stopped in front of the lake house. It was closed, empty. He ran across the path and unlocked the front door.
House on the cliff - February 14, 2023
Loki arrived at the house and stopped skidding in the rain in front of the mailbox. He pulled out a notepad and began to write, desperately.
House on the cliff - February 14, 2021
Mobius ran to the attic. Inside was the only box he had stored there when he moved out. He opened the box and searched frantically. He found the bundle of letters from Loki. After a few moments, he found the one he was looking for and read it.
Last February, I remember it was Valentine's Day, but it was really hot for a day in February.
I was at the fountain in Valhalheim Square.
He said aloud, "The Valhalheim Square Fountain."
House on the cliff - February 14, 2023
Loki finished writing the note and jumped out of the car. He put it in the mailbox and raised the flag.
He stayed there, and fell to his knees in front of the box, soaked by the rain.
House on the cliff - February 14, 2021
Mobius jumped into his pick-up , and quickly drove away from the house. He passed the mailbox.
Valhalheim Square - February 14, 2021
Loki closed his eyes for a moment, letting the sunlight warm him. Just aware of the surrounding sounds, the water in the fountain, the splashing and laughter of children playing in it, an old man grumbling about global warming, pigeons landing nearby.
Mobius could see the fountain from inside his pickup. He looked for a parking spot, finally found one and jumped out. He started running towards the square.
In his hand he clutched a piece of paper, the words of which echoed in his head.
Dear Mobius.
I know it now... it was you at the fountain that day.
It was you on the square. Please, don't go there.
Something terrible will happen if you go there.
Mobius continued to run toward the fountain.
He stopped at the curb, separated from the fountain by a dense road full of traffic. He looked away, searching for Loki beyond the noisy traffic, among the crowd in the park.
Please don't look for me.
He finally saw him, a distant figure, eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the sun. He smiled.
Don't try to find me.
They are now only separated by distance.
Don't run to me.
The traffic became less dense and Mobius had a clear view of Loki, straight ahead.
Do you understand? Please. You must wait.
Mobius stepped off the curb, wanting to get closer to Loki.
Forget everything I said before.
We both have to wait.
If you love me and if I love you.
I love you, it's taken me this long to say it but I really love you, so wait for me.
Mobius saw Loki open his eyes, as if drawn in his direction. He looks alarmed.
Wait with me. Wait until time catches up with both of us and we can be together. Please. Just... wait.
House on the cliff - February 14, 2023
Loki soaked, was in tears at the foot of the mailbox and only whispered, "Wait, wait..." and continued to cry.
The rain continues to fall.
Loki, finally, having lost all hope, tried to pull himself together and began, very slowly, to get to his feet.
He looked at the box and gasped, the flag was down.
With trembling hands, he did not dare to open the door and when he did, he saw that his letter was gone.
Valhalheim Square - February 14, 2021
Mobius was standing on the road, straining to see Loki and at the last second, he backed up to the sidewalk, safe. He continued to watch Loki, he desperately wanted to run to him, but he didn't, he folded the letter, put it in his pocket and reluctantly turned and walked away.
House on the cliff - February 14, 2023
Loki looked at the empty mailbox, his face soaked with tears and rain.
A hand came up from behind him and gently closed the box. He slowly turned around.
Mobius stood silently and looked at him, holding the worn letter Loki had just posted. Loki stared at him for a moment, trying to convince himself that this was real.Then Mobius took a step toward Loki and smiled, shyly.
"Have we waited long enough?"
Loki, still shocked, his eyes filled with tears, whispered, "Yes."
Mobius approached again, and smiling more openly this time, brought his hand to Loki's face and wiped a tear with his thumb.Loki rested his head in his palm and then finally they fell into each other's arms, squeezing each other, inhaling each other's scent, prolonging the embrace again and again, making sure it was real. Making sure that each of them was real.
Then Mobius finally pulled back and captured Loki's lips in an endless kiss. For long minutes they separated only to catch their breath before kissing again, over and over again, indifferent to the rain that fell around them.
Much later, they separated to catch their breath and Mobius took Loki's hand to lead him home.
Loki gasped. The house on the cliff had changed.
In the two years of Mobius' life, the life Loki had saved, Mobius had transformed it.
He had brought to life the design he had shown Casey two years ago, with the deck, and the stairway to the water they had talked about, and the trees planted along the path, lit and glowing in the rain.
Loki laughed, astonished, and turning to Mobius he took his face in his hands and kissed him again.
Then they walked together along the path, stopping often to touch and kiss.
As they passed the door, Loki held Mobius by the sleeve, "Wait."
Mobius turned around and couldn't help but touch Loki's face with his fingertips once more.
Loki grabbed his hand and interlaced his fingers with Mobius' as he said softly, "I don't want to wait to tell you for real this time." He paused and with a trembling smile and bright eyes, he told him, "I love you."
Mobius didn't want to wait to tell him in turn either, "I love you."
They hugged each other tightly again, tasting the happiness of hearing those words spoken by the beloved voice.
Then much later, they entered their home, ready to start a new life where everything was still to be discovered. Together.
The house on the cliff - Summer 2024
"Cwoki! Cwoki!"
"Lila! Go slowly honey and wait for your little brother!"
"Wait my love, I'll help you." Clint came to support Laura who was struggling up on the small path leading to the house on the hill. She huffed a little, laying her hand on her belly rounded by her 6 months of pregnancy.
They watched, fondly, as their two children gave gentle pats to a Croki who seemed to enjoy it.
"Lila, Cooper, stop spoiling Croki, he'll keep coming to us for petting afterwards."
Both children stood up and grabbed onto the legs of the man who had just spoken.
"Uncle Mobius!"
He picked them both up, carrying them each in one arm.
"What about me, don't I get a hello kiss?"
Each of the two children placed a sounding kiss on Mobius' cheeks at the same time.
"Should I be jealous?" a voice behind Mobius spoke up.
"Uncle Loki!"
Cooper was already reaching out to Loki, who didn't hesitate. The little boy gave him a big kiss on the cheek and wiggled to be put back on the ground.
Loki and Mobius, side by side, welcomed Laura and Clint.
"Clint, Laura, Welcome!"
They all embraced and then headed to the terrace.
Loki guided Laura to a comfortable chair, stuffed with cushions for her. She sat down with a sigh, "Thank you." then looking around, she continued, "I may have been here many times before, but I'll never tire of this view."
Mobius motioned for Clint to sit next to Laura, before taking a seat as well.
Loki was about to sit down when he heard the unmistakable sound of a car pulling up in front of the house, Mobius started to get up, but Loki motioned for him to stay seated. "Stay seated, love, I'll welcome them."
He walked down the path toward the cars that had just arrived.
Thor was the first to walk over to him, "Loki! My friend!" before hugging him. Loki was now used to Thor's overflowing affection and allowed himself to be patted on the back.
Soon Heimdall, Bruce, Carol and Natasha joined them and followed his lead into the house. When they arrived on the terrace, everyone greeted each other, and sat around the table chatting happily. Lila was in awe of Natasha's red curls, and Cooper laughed out loud as Thor spun him around at arm's length.
"Is this the direction for the little party?"
Heads turned to the source of the voice as Mobius exclaimed, "Casey, we weren't expecting you anymore!"
Casey laughed lightly and added, "Where do I put this?" he pointed to the cake in his hands.
"I'll take it." replied Loki. He took the cake into the kitchen and there he felt suddenly overwhelmed by emotion. He waited for a while before returning to the terrace.
"Hey handsome, what are you doing here alone?"
Loki looked up and smiled, "Mobius."
Mobius, who after more than a year had learned to decipher Loki's expressions, noticed that something was wrong.
"Loki, sweetheart, what's going on with you."
Loki wanted to start talking, but the emotion was too strong,
"Hey, come here." Mobius took him in his arms and gently stroked his back, waiting for the worst of the crisis to pass.
After a few moments, Loki straightened up, a trembling smile beneath the tears, "I'm sorry, I don't know, I'm not sad, not at all, on the contrary, but I suddenly had this irrepressible urge to cry."
Mobius nodded, pushed a strand of Loki's hair back behind his ear.
"Just too much emotion maybe? What were you thinking?"
"I... I was putting the cake on the table and I thought, if you hadn't read my letter, none of this would be real. I wouldn't be here. There wouldn't be all these people on our deck. And it freaked me out for just a short moment, to realize that I almost lost everything."
Mobius, also visibly moved, pressed a tender kiss on Loki's mouth and said softly, "But on the contrary, you have, we have gained everything. You saved me, gave me a new life, and in doing so you gave us all a different and more beautiful life."
Loki nodded his head, then shook it as if to collect himself.
He kissed Mobius tenderly in turn, then stepped aside and grabbed Mobius' hand and pulled him toward the terrace, a confident smile on his lips.
"Come on, let's go celebrate!"
As Mobius let himself be pulled along and they walked through the living room, his gaze fell on Ravonna's book. His first family. His sister. Then his gaze slid to Loki in front of him and by extension everyone else on the terrace. Their new family. Not by blood, but by heart. All because one day, Loki had posted a little letter.
Dear new tenant.
Hello and welcome to your new home and congratulations, blah blah blah. You have made an excellent choice, New Asgard is a wonderful place and this house is a gem, as you may have already noticed.
I'm sure you'll love living here as much as I do.
Loki had not known that these words would be so prescient, even though they came from the future and were addressed to someone from the past.
Oh yes, Mobius loved living here, but not because of the house, because of the love that filled it. Because of Loki.
Together. For All time. Always.
That's it, everyone is happy, including me. I hope you enjoyed it to the end. 1000 thanks to all the comments left, it's the fuel for each chapter. I love you all!
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cakelanguage · 3 years
Another gift I made for the Malec Secret Santa 2020, this time for yorit1 on AO3! It was my first time venturing into high school AUs, and it was actually quite fun. I hope you enjoy this goofy and fluffy high school au <3
You can also read this on AO3
Alexander Lightwood was different. He was nothing like his brother, Jace who was the star quarterback of the football team and a bit of an egomaniac at times. He wasn’t like his sister, Isabelle who was free-spirited and made a statement with her fashion choices and opinions.
No, Alec was quiet. He tried to take up as little space as possible no matter how much room he was given. Despite his towering stature he tended to hunch unconsciously. Like he was afraid he was always taking up too much room.
But he was stubborn and terse to the majority of people and doted on his family. He stood up for others and advocated for LGBTQ+ rights at school and outside it. He took in those who wormed their way into his heart with nary a thought but kept them away from knowing him besides the front he presented.
He was an array of contradictions that only made him more interesting in Magnus’ eyes.
And he stared. At Magnus. A lot.
Initially, Magnus hadn’t even noticed Alec’s gaze. He’d only realized it when Ragnor and Catarina had brought it to his attention.
“You’re being watched,” Catarina commented offhandedly, taking a bite of her salad.
Magnus smirked. “I’m always being watched,” he purred.
A groan echoed beside him. “I swear, if your head gets any bigger they’ll be no way to hide it,” Ragnor groused.
“I refuse to have this negativity within my eyesight.” Magnus made a shooing gesture. “Remove yourself at once.”
Catarina giggled at their banter before clearing her throat. “I’m being serious, though. You’ve been being watched by mister brooding over there.” She inconspicuously pointed to somewhere diagonally to them.
Not one to shy away from attention, Magnus whipped his head around to try and meet the gaze of his admirer. His eyebrows shot up when he met the gaze of Alexander Lightwood.
Alec seemed to have met his eyes too because his face reddened. The boy gave him a timid wave before ducking his head to gaze at his food, seeming to ignore the other occupants at his table.
Magnus would have continued looking at the bashful boy if his vision wasn’t suddenly obstructed. He squawked and turned a glower to Ragnor. “Are you really trying to cover my face up with a paper bag right now?”
His best friend grinned. “You were staring.”
“He was staring.”
“You wouldn’t have even noticed his staring if Cat hadn’t informed you.”
Conceivably, there was some truth to that. He wasn’t short on admirers so it didn’t surprise him that he hadn’t noticed one person’s attention.
He was curious to see how this would all play out.
It happened at a party.
A Magnus Bane party.
Magnus Bane had risen to popularity with these outlandish parties he threw while his father was away on his business trips. They were grand with drinks flowing in red solo cups and music blasting so loudly that they had the cops called on them more than once.
Magnus could easily party the night away. Immerse himself in the sweaty, hormonally charged throngs of his fellow student body. Ordinarily, he would.
But Alec actually came to this one and that wholly couldn’t be ignored.
The boy still hadn’t acted on what Magnus assumed was attraction to him. He merely continued to covertly admire Magnus from afar. The few times they’d talked, Magnus had reduced the boy to scrambled word-vomit. Alexander was bright red and Magnus was beyond flattered.
Here under the colored lights, the boy was a wallflower if he'd ever seen one. He stuck close to the wall and people watched with a dour expression. Magnus had seen people more excited about midterms than Alexander looked at one of his parties. And that wouldn't do at all.
Optimistically, this conversation would go better than their previous ones.
He saddled up to him with an extra cup of whatever brew Catarina had concocted and a charming smile. "Staying over here all by your lonesome, pretty boy?" Magnus inquired lightly.
Alec lurched beside him and looked at him bug-eyed. "What?" He asked.
"Well, you're denying the party-goers a fine specimen while you hunker to the shadows." Magnus couldn't tell if the boy was blushing with the colored lights gleaming across the room but his expression seemed flattered if not terribly shy.
It was adorable.
"I'm uh—My siblings wanted to come."
Magnus hummed thoughtfully and looked around the room until he spotted Alec's sister dancing amongst the crowd. "Ah, Izzy seems to be having a blast." He turned to Alec with a smirk. "I'm assuming Jace and Clary are making out somewhere around here."
Alec groaned and thumped his head against the wall. "I didn't even want to come." His eyes widened, and he jerked his head back to Magnus with his hands raised. "Not—Not that it isn't a great party because it is uh—everyone loves them and I—" he sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "Parties have never been my scene and it's just easier to stay on the sidelines."
"Perhaps," Magnus conceded, "or maybe you just need to keep trying." He handed the extra drink to him. "Start with something to drink. It'll do wonders to relax those tense shoulders of yours." And what gorgeously broad shoulders they were.
Alec shook his head and pushed the cup away. "Can't, I'm the designated driver."
Magnus arched a brow and poured the new drink into his original cup. "More for me, I suppose." He took a sip, ignoring the fire that licked his throat on the way down. "In the meantime, we might as well see if we can entice you into enjoying the party,” he set the cups down on a random table and held out his hand, “dance with me."
It wasn't a question and Alec recognized that but still, he shook his head. "Unless you want me to accidentally break your toes, I’m gonna… I'll just stay here."
"Pretty boy, I taught Ragnor how to dance." It'd been his own personal hell for half the summer but Ragnor had gotten significantly better at dancing enough so that he didn't look like he was suffering a seizure when the desire to dance struck him. "I'm sure I can teach you something."
Alec swallowed and looked around the room for anything that might help him. "I'm really not a good dancer," Alec insisted even as Magnus started to coax him from the wall. "I'll look stupid which means you'll look stupid."
Magnus waved him off. "Practically everyone looks silly when they dance, so you won't be alone there." He seized Alec’s hand and pulled him away from the wall. “Give it a try for five minutes, and we’ll see how it goes.”
Alec let himself be dragged to the dancefloor with consternation. “Five minutes and that’s it.”
This conversation was going lightyears better than their first few conversations. “If you want to stop, that is.”
He let go of Alec’s hand to grab ahold of Alec’s hips. “We’ll start with a sway, literally everyone can sway,” Magnus instructed as he started to sway his hips with Alec’s. He quickly directed their swaying to match the beat of the music. “See? Just gotta listen to the music; your body should pick up on the beat.”
A nervous laugh bubbled from somewhere in Alec’s throat as he bopped his head. “Yeah—okay, now what?”
“Arms, you don’t want to just flap them about.” You could knock someone out by accident if you did that. “Though if that’s your style, we can work with that.”
Alec raised his arms, shifting them side-to-side like muscled windshield wipers. “This?”
Magnus threw his head back and laughed. “God no, that’s—“ Magnus dissolved into another fit of giggles, waving a hand at Alec, “I’m not laughing at you, I promise. I just—I wasn’t expecting that.”
Alec scowled. “Then show me how to do it,” Alec commanded.
The scowl on the boy’s face resembled more of a pout than anything scary so Magnus figured the boy wasn’t too bothered by his laughter.
“You have to loosen up. You’re too tense!” Magnus ran his hands down Alec’s arms, relishing the shiver that ran through Alec’s body. “Relax your shoulders.”
“They are relaxed.”
He quirked an eyebrow and massaged at Alec’s shoulders feeling the tight muscles jump and release under his ministration. “Darling, I’ve seen assholes looser than your shoulders.”
Alec wheezed, his face twisting up, and squeezed his eyes shut. “That’s—why did you have to say it like that?” Alec groaned with a snort like he couldn’t decide whether to be upset or laugh at Magnus’ comment.
A Cheshire smile spread across his face. “I’m not wrong.”
Alec flushed, his eyes settling everywhere except Magnus’. “Well, I’m relaxed now.”
“Good, now just watch me for a moment.” He winked, biting his lower lip. “Try to keep your gaze virtuous.”
The laughter that tumbled out of Alec was beautiful and something he’d never heard before. His laughter echoed between them, somewhere caught between rough and warm. He’d never heard the boy laugh before.
But he wanted to hear it forever.
Magnus swayed his body, gyrating his hips and moving his hands up his body, letting them move with him. Lidded eyes gazed at Alec who’d stopped dancing altogether and was just staring at him with a familiar intensity.
“Feel free to admire me.”
Alec grinned and shook his head, already miles past his original comfort levels. “Thanks for the consent.” He crossed his arms and gave him a look. “You want a complete too? I feel like your fishing for one.”
“I very much am fishing for compliments,” Magnus said, “I’m just waiting for the hook to pick some up.”
“Normally people don’t admit to fishing for compliments.”
“Normal is subjective, Alexander.” He beckoned Alec over. “Now come join me, let that body talk.”
Alec shook his head again as he walked back over. “You’re so weird.” But his voice was husky belaying his real feelings on Magnus’ behavior. He clumsily joined Magnus and was soon following the beat more or less.
Magnus had thought this would be an innocent folly – just figuring the other boy out – but he found he was having fun. Alec's inexperience and awkwardness were endearing, and Magnus couldn’t turn his gaze away.
And he didn't want to.
He wasn't even sure what it was about Alec that drew him in. Magnus lived for partying, standing out, and being unashamedly himself. He wore glitter and sheer shirts that got him dress coded constantly.
Conversely, Alec was an introvert who orbited around the ones he loved. He'd started an archery club and followed all the school rules to an alarming degree. The only thing Magnus had thought stood out to him about Alec was that he was openly gay.
But just from his interactions with the boy tonight had revealed a hidden charm behind that stoic front. He had a laugh that made Magnus' heart skip a beat. His smile lit up the room way more than the assortment of lights did. He could dance only marginally better than Ragnor could now – which wasn’t saying much – but it made Magnus enjoy dancing with him all the more.
Just these observations made him wonder why he’d never noticed Alexander Lightwood before.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Alec interrupted, nudging him in the side.
Magnus shook his head from his previous thoughts. “My thoughts are worth plenty more than a penny,” Magnus sniffed.
Alec rolled his eyes. “Offer still stands.”
Magnus closed the distance between them. “You surprised me.”
“I surprised you?”
“Don’t sound so shocked.” Magnus put his arms around Alec’s neck and slowed their dancing down to a sweeping sway. “You’re more than I expected when I came over to you.”
Alec frowned. “More...?”
He shook his head. “I mean that in the best of ways,” Magnus reassured. “There’s just something about you, Alexander.”
Alec ducked his head down sheepishly. “There’s uh… something about you too.”
Magnus grinned, running his fingers through the short strands of hair at the back of Alec’s head. “Glad we’re on the same page about that.” He chanced a look around the room his eyes zeroing in on the clock before turning back to Alec who was finally looking at him again. “It’s been more than five minutes, still want me to leave?”
Hands grabbed at his hips as Alec leaned his head closer. “Please stay.”
Any quieter and Magnus would’ve missed Alec’s plea, but his grip on Magnus was telling enough. “Only if you’ll keep dancing with me.” Magnus gave Alec an exaggerated pout.
Alec snorted, shaking his head. “Stop being so cute.”
“Can’t, darling,” Magnus sighed, “it’s a curse.”
At this point, Magnus could feel Alec’s breath against his lips. With each moment his restraint grew smaller and smaller. He doubted Alec would gather the courage to mention his feelings. But he wasn’t going to wait for the other boy to make a move first. “Maybe this is the alcohol talking, but I really want to kiss you right now.”
Alec’s breath hitched, and for a second Magnus thought he’d ruined their moment until Alec let out a pleased sigh. “I – you uh… If I let you kiss me,” he paused to gather his thoughts, “You have to let me take you on a date.”
Magnus’ face lit up. “You wanna take me on a date?”
The tips of Alec’s ears practically glowed. “I’d like to.”
“I think,” Magnus drawled, twirling a piece of Alec’s hair, “that would be more than okay.”
The other boy’s mouth gaped and he seemed caught between awe and joy. Alec pressed their foreheads together. “So do I get that kiss now?”
“That depends.”
“On what?”
Magnus bumps his nose against Alec’s. “How are you feeling about parties now?” Magnus inquired. He genuinely wanted to know if Alec’s opinion had changed.
Alec hummed thoughtfully before shrugging. “I won’t say I like them, but I got to spend time with you.” He brushed his lips against the corner of Magnus’ mouth. “So if you’re there, I can see the appeal.”
“Sweet talker.”
Magnus closed the distance between them. Alec’s lips were dry and deliciously warm against his. Just like his dancing, Alec’s kiss was inexperienced and their teeth clanked together before they got the right angle. Magnus led the kiss, coaxing Alec’s mouth to move with his own. It was hungry and sweet and profoundly earnest.
It was perfect.
Reluctantly Magnus pulled back to let them both breathe. Alec tried to chase his lips for a moment longer, eyes still closed as if he thought he’d open his eyes and Magnus would disappear.  Eventually, Alec did open his eyes, and quiet awe transformed his face.
“Would it be greedy to ask for another?” Alec asked between them, their lips still barely an inch apart.
“Terribly greedy,” Magnus chided with a grin, “But if you take me to that Thai place four blocks from the movie theater I’ll happily give you another.”
Alec laughed, their noses nudging against each other’s. “Promise?”
No answer was needed; his kiss was enough.
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malecsecretsanta · 3 years
Merry Christmas, yorit1!
For @yorit1​​, I'm so happy I was able to write you this fic and I hope it makes you smile and you enjoy it. I've never written a high school au, but I wanted to keep it fluffy and funny. Wishing you a happy holidays; stay warm, grab your favorite warm drink, and read to your heart's content.
Read On AO3
I Caught You Staring (And Now I Can't Look Away)
Alexander Lightwood was different. He was nothing like his brother, Jace who was the star quarterback of the football team and a bit of an egomaniac at times. He wasn’t like his sister, Isabelle who was free-spirited and made a statement with her fashion choices and opinions.
No, Alec was quiet. He tried to take up as little space as possible no matter how much room he was given. Despite his towering stature he tended to hunch unconsciously. Like he was afraid he was always taking up too much room.
But he was stubborn and terse to the majority of people and doted on his family. He stood up for others and advocated for LGBTQ+ rights at school and outside it. He took in those who wormed their way into his heart with nary a thought but kept them away from knowing him besides the front he presented.
He was an array of contradictions that only made him more interesting in Magnus’ eyes.
And he stared. At Magnus. A lot.
Initially, Magnus hadn’t even noticed Alec’s gaze. He’d only realized it when Ragnor and Catarina had brought it to his attention.
“You’re being watched,” Catarina commented offhandedly, taking a bite of her salad.
Magnus smirked. “I’m always being watched,” he purred.
A groan echoed beside him. “I swear, if your head gets any bigger they’ll be no way to hide it,” Ragnor groused.
“I refuse to have this negativity within my eyesight.” Magnus made a shooing gesture. “Remove yourself at once.”
Catarina giggled at their banter before clearing her throat. “I’m being serious, though. You’ve been being watched by mister brooding over there.” She inconspicuously pointed to somewhere diagonally to them.
Not one to shy away from attention, Magnus whipped his head around to try and meet the gaze of his admirer. His eyebrows shot up when he met the gaze of Alexander Lightwood.
Alec seemed to have met his eyes too because his face reddened. The boy gave him a timid wave before ducking his head to gaze at his food, seeming to ignore the other occupants at his table.
Magnus would have continued looking at the bashful boy if his vision wasn’t suddenly obstructed. He squawked and turned a glower to Ragnor. “Are you really trying to cover my face up with a paper bag right now?”
His best friend grinned. “You were staring.”
“He was staring.”
“You wouldn’t have even noticed his staring if Cat hadn’t informed you.”
Conceivably, there was some truth to that. He wasn’t short on admirers so it didn’t surprise him that he hadn’t noticed one person’s attention.
He was curious to see how this would all play out.
It happened at a party.
A Magnus Bane party.
Magnus Bane had risen to popularity with these outlandish parties he threw while his father was away on his business trips. They were grand with drinks flowing in red solo cups and music blasting so loudly that they had the cops called on them more than once.
Magnus could easily party the night away. Immerse himself in the sweaty, hormonally charged throngs of his fellow student body. Ordinarily, he would.
But Alec actually came to this one and that wholly couldn’t be ignored.
The boy still hadn’t acted on what Magnus assumed was attraction to him. He merely continued to covertly admire Magnus from afar. The few times they’d talked, Magnus had reduced the boy to scrambled word-vomit. Alexander was bright red and Magnus was beyond flattered.
Here under the colored lights, the boy was a wallflower if he'd ever seen one. He stuck close to the wall and people watched with a dour expression. Magnus had seen people more excited about midterms than Alexander looked at one of his parties. And that wouldn't do at all.
Optimistically, this conversation would go better than their previous ones.
He saddled up to him with an extra cup of whatever brew Catarina had concocted and a charming smile. "Staying over here all by your lonesome, pretty boy?" Magnus inquired lightly.
Alec lurched beside him and looked at him bug-eyed. "What?" He asked.
"Well, you're denying the party-goers a fine specimen while you hunker to the shadows." Magnus couldn't tell if the boy was blushing with the colored lights gleaming across the room but his expression seemed flattered if not terribly shy.
It was adorable.
"I'm uh—My siblings wanted to come."
Magnus hummed thoughtfully and looked around the room until he spotted Alec's sister dancing amongst the crowd. "Ah, Izzy seems to be having a blast." He turned to Alec with a smirk. "I'm assuming Jace and Clary are making out somewhere around here."
Alec groaned and thumped his head against the wall. "I didn't even want to come." His eyes widened, and he jerked his head back to Magnus with his hands raised. "Not—Not that it isn't a great party because it is uh—everyone loves them and I—" he sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "Parties have never been my scene and it's just easier to stay on the sidelines."
"Perhaps," Magnus conceded, "or maybe you just need to keep trying." He handed the extra drink to him. "Start with something to drink. It'll do wonders to relax those tense shoulders of yours." And what gorgeously broad shoulders they were.
Alec shook his head and pushed the cup away. "Can't, I'm the designated driver."
Magnus arched a brow and poured the new drink into his original cup. "More for me, I suppose." He took a sip, ignoring the fire that licked his throat on the way down. "In the meantime, we might as well see if we can entice you into enjoying the party,” he set the cups down on a random table and held out his hand, “dance with me."
It wasn't a question and Alec recognized that but still, he shook his head. "Unless you want me to accidentally break your toes, I’m gonna… I'll just stay here."
"Pretty boy, I taught Ragnor how to dance." It'd been his own personal hell for half the summer but Ragnor had gotten significantly better at dancing enough so that he didn't look like he was suffering a seizure when the desire to dance struck him. "I'm sure I can teach you something."
Alec swallowed and looked around the room for anything that might help him. "I'm really not a good dancer," Alec insisted even as Magnus started to coax him from the wall. "I'll look stupid which means you'll look stupid."
Magnus waved him off. "Practically everyone looks silly when they dance, so you won't be alone there." He seized Alec’s hand and pulled him away from the wall. “Give it a try for five minutes, and we’ll see how it goes.”
Alec let himself be dragged to the dancefloor with consternation. “Five minutes and that’s it.”
This conversation was going lightyears better than their first few conversations. “If you want to stop, that is.”
He let go of Alec’s hand to grab ahold of Alec’s hips. “We’ll start with a sway, literally everyone can sway,” Magnus instructed as he started to sway his hips with Alec’s. He quickly directed their swaying to match the beat of the music. “See? Just gotta listen to the music; your body should pick up on the beat.”
A nervous laugh bubbled from somewhere in Alec’s throat as he bopped his head. “Yeah—okay, now what?”
“Arms, you don’t want to just flap them about.” You could knock someone out by accident if you did that. “Though if that’s your style, we can work with that.”
Alec raised his arms, shifting them side-to-side like muscled windshield wipers. “This?”
Magnus threw his head back and laughed. “God no, that’s—“ Magnus dissolved into another fit of giggles, waving a hand at Alec, “I’m not laughing at you, I promise. I just—I wasn’t expecting that.”
Alec scowled. “Then show me how to do it,” Alec commanded.
The scowl on the boy’s face resembled more of a pout than anything scary so Magnus figured the boy wasn’t too bothered by his laughter.
“You have to loosen up. You’re too tense!” Magnus ran his hands down Alec’s arms, relishing the shiver that ran through Alec’s body. “Relax your shoulders.”
“They are relaxed.”
He quirked an eyebrow and massaged at Alec’s shoulders feeling the tight muscles jump and release under his ministration. “Darling, I’ve seen assholes looser than your shoulders.”
Alec wheezed, his face twisting up, and squeezed his eyes shut. “That’s—why did you have to say it like that?” Alec groaned with a snort like he couldn’t decide whether to be upset or laugh at Magnus’ comment.
A Cheshire smile spread across his face. “I’m not wrong.”
Alec flushed, his eyes settling everywhere except Magnus’. “Well, I’m relaxed now.”
“Good, now just watch me for a moment.” He winked, biting his lower lip. “Try to keep your gaze virtuous.”
The laughter that tumbled out of Alec was beautiful and something he’d never heard before. His laughter echoed between them, somewhere caught between rough and warm. He’d never heard the boy laugh before.
But he wanted to hear it forever.
Magnus swayed his body, gyrating his hips and moving his hands up his body, letting them move with him. Lidded eyes gazed at Alec who’d stopped dancing altogether and was just staring at him with a familiar intensity.
“Feel free to admire me.”
Alec grinned and shook his head, already miles past his original comfort levels. “Thanks for the consent.” He crossed his arms and gave him a look. “You want a complete too? I feel like your fishing for one.”
“I very much am fishing for compliments,” Magnus said, “I’m just waiting for the hook to pick some up.”
“Normally people don’t admit to fishing for compliments.”
“Normal is subjective, Alexander.” He beckoned Alec over. “Now come join me, let that body talk.”
Alec shook his head again as he walked back over. “You’re so weird.” But his voice was husky belaying his real feelings on Magnus’ behavior. He clumsily joined Magnus and was soon following the beat more or less.
Magnus had thought this would be an innocent folly – just figuring the other boy out – but he found he was having fun. Alec's inexperience and awkwardness were endearing, and Magnus couldn’t turn his gaze away.
And he didn't want to.
He wasn't even sure what it was about Alec that drew him in. Magnus lived for partying, standing out, and being unashamedly himself. He wore glitter and sheer shirts that got him dress coded constantly.
Conversely, Alec was an introvert who orbited around the ones he loved. He'd started an archery club and followed all the school rules to an alarming degree. The only thing Magnus had thought stood out to him about Alec was that he was openly gay.
But just from his interactions with the boy tonight had revealed a hidden charm behind that stoic front. He had a laugh that made Magnus' heart skip a beat. His smile lit up the room way more than the assortment of lights did. He could dance only marginally better than Ragnor could now – which wasn’t saying much – but it made Magnus enjoy dancing with him all the more.
Just these observations made him wonder why he’d never noticed Alexander Lightwood before.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Alec interrupted, nudging him in the side.
Magnus shook his head from his previous thoughts. “My thoughts are worth plenty more than a penny,” Magnus sniffed.
Alec rolled his eyes. “Offer still stands.”
Magnus closed the distance between them. “You surprised me.”
“I surprised you?”
“Don’t sound so shocked.” Magnus put his arms around Alec’s neck and slowed their dancing down to a sweeping sway. “You’re more than I expected when I came over to you.”
Alec frowned. “More...?”
He shook his head. “I mean that in the best of ways,” Magnus reassured. “There’s just something about you, Alexander.”
Alec ducked his head down sheepishly. “There’s uh… something about you too.”
Magnus grinned, running his fingers through the short strands of hair at the back of Alec’s head. “Glad we’re on the same page about that.” He chanced a look around the room his eyes zeroing in on the clock before turning back to Alec who was finally looking at him again. “It’s been more than five minutes, still want me to leave?”
Hands grabbed at his hips as Alec leaned his head closer. “Please stay.”
Any quieter and Magnus would’ve missed Alec’s plea, but his grip on Magnus was telling enough. “Only if you’ll keep dancing with me.” Magnus gave Alec an exaggerated pout.
Alec snorted, shaking his head. “Stop being so cute.”
“Can’t, darling,” Magnus sighed, “it’s a curse.”
At this point, Magnus could feel Alec’s breath against his lips. With each moment his restraint grew smaller and smaller. He doubted Alec would gather the courage to mention his feelings. But he wasn’t going to wait for the other boy to make a move first. “Maybe this is the alcohol talking, but I really want to kiss you right now.”
Alec’s breath hitched, and for a second Magnus thought he’d ruined their moment until Alec let out a pleased sigh. “I – you uh… If I let you kiss me,” he paused to gather his thoughts, “You have to let me take you on a date.”
Magnus’ face lit up. “You wanna take me on a date?”
The tips of Alec’s ears practically glowed. “I’d like to.”
“I think,” Magnus drawled, twirling a piece of Alec’s hair, “that would be more than okay.”
The other boy’s mouth gaped and he seemed caught between awe and joy. Alec pressed their foreheads together. “So do I get that kiss now?”
“That depends.”
“On what?”
Magnus bumps his nose against Alec’s. “How are you feeling about parties now?” Magnus inquired. He genuinely wanted to know if Alec’s opinion had changed.
Alec hummed thoughtfully before shrugging. “I won’t say I like them, but I got to spend time with you.” He brushed his lips against the corner of Magnus’ mouth. “So if you’re there, I can see the appeal.”
“Sweet talker.”
Magnus closed the distance between them. Alec’s lips were dry and deliciously warm against his. Just like his dancing, Alec’s kiss was inexperienced and their teeth clanked together before they got the right angle. Magnus led the kiss, coaxing Alec’s mouth to move with his own. It was hungry and sweet and profoundly earnest.
It was perfect.
Reluctantly Magnus pulled back to let them both breathe. Alec tried to chase his lips for a moment longer, eyes still closed as if he thought he’d open his eyes and Magnus would disappear.  Eventually, Alec did open his eyes, and quiet awe transformed his face.
“Would it be greedy to ask for another?” Alec asked between them, their lips still barely an inch apart.
“Terribly greedy,” Magnus chided with a grin, “But if you take me to that Thai place four blocks from the movie theater I’ll happily give you another.”
Alec laughed, their noses nudging against each other’s. “Promise?”
No answer was needed; his kiss was enough.
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broadwayandnetflix · 5 years
Meet Cute - Officer Slater x Reader
Warnings: Language
Theme: Fluff
Summary: After you get robbed you keep finding yourself meeting up with the cute officer you met at the police station. 
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: I just want to clarify that I don’t know jack shit in regards to how police officers do things. If I butchered anything, I am so sorry in advance. If any constellation, I don’t think Slater or Micheals do either. Also, I’m so sorry in advance I feel like this could’ve gone a lot better, or into two parts, but I hope you enjoy! @wltz-bby​
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A soft hum escaped his lips, fingers tapping rhythmically to the beat of a faint stereo song playing in the background. There he sat, in uniform, kicking the ground one foot at a time to twirl his office chair around and around.
The small and dingy office fan blowing weakly in his face, while sweat dripped down his forehead in response to the heat.
Heaving a big sigh, he runs his hands through his hair, instantly cringing at the dampness of his disheveled locks.
Let’s face it, summer within abnormally warm cities sucks, or more specifically summer in Los Angelos sucks ass. He can’t tell what’s worse, the daily humidity or the fact that he has to wear his uniform and act like he’s not sweating to death.
Whoever decided that police uniforms should be pitch black, were obviously not thinking correctly. That shit attracts heat, and if Slater dies on the job from a heat stroke, he’s going to sue from the beyond.
So when it was devastatingly announced that the air conditioner within his unit broke, Slater knew that his day was ultimately going to be a long one.
That was until Jennifer called him down to the front desk, he stood up rather too quickly as the chair below him shot out, causing him to stumble backward. Catching himself, he straightened his sweaty uniform and strode out.
Jennifer, a woman in her mid 50’s, always seemed to carry a slightly sour disposition with her. So when he witnesses the reason why he was called down, he can’t help but feel bad for the poor thing.
In front of the front desk resides a somewhat frazzled woman, her eyes widened and body all staticky. If there’s one thing that Slater notices despite her current state, is that she is quite the looker.
Now one didn’t have to look long at Slater to tell that he was not as smooth with the ladies, so when dealing with a pretty woman, while simultaneously looking like a sweaty, hot mess was not ideal.
“How can I help you, ma’am?” thoughts aside, he was at work here.
“Oh, uh, I think I was robbed!” you blurt out quickly.
“You think?” he hums, quirking a brow.
“No! I know! I’m sorry, this has never happened to me before.” you admit quickly, silently cursing yourself.
He smirks at you, emphasizing that he’s teasing, to which you deflate slightly, before pulling out a notepad and a pen to which he promptly points towards you.
“What apartment complex do you live in?” he asks procedurally.
“Nansen, I’m in apartment 7B.,” you reply, watching as he jotted it down.
“Can you give me any reasons or details that may revolve to you getting robbed?” he questions, no longer looking at the pad but at you.
You could feel your face begin to heat up under his pressing gaze, as you have never had much experience with Police Officers prior.
Especially not attractive ones.
He seems to catch on before softening his gaze, deciding to give you tips about the questions prompted.
“Did there appear to be any forced entry?” he starts.
“Uh, yeah, there did, I think. I came home from the grocery store, and my door was wide open. I know for a fact that I didn’t leave it open, and I don’t have a roommate.” you explain quickly.
He nods in response, muttering the words under his breath while he quickly scribbles them out on his pad. This allows you to get a quick glance towards his name tag, Slater.
“They definitely took a few things, nothing that I really need back. You see, my neighbor told me to call the cops, but the precinct is down the street, and the guy already left, so.” you look down at your feet.
“No that seems about right, I’ll check in with your complex in regards to any security cam footage. In the meantime, I’d like you to fill out this report so we can contact you if needed,” he informs, clearing his throat, causing you to glance up at him once more.
In his outstretched hands contains the form, the paper rustling gently under his slightly shaky grasp, to which you take it before pulling it down to your side.
He looked a tad bit flustered and quite sweaty now that you’ve gotten a better look at him. It doesn’t surprise you in the slightest, the weather outside was boiling, and the precinct was littered with fans.
“Sound good?” he asks, breaking your train of thought, you nod quickly.
He smiles, sweetly at you for a moment, causing you to feel your cheeks heat up once more. Until a muffled voice erupts from his side pocket, his smile faltering and eyes widening as he reaches down to pull out a walkie-talkie.
“Slater, Micheals, 10-16, I repeat 10-16.” a male voice omits from the speaker to which he dramatically groans.
“I gotta take this,” he juts out quickly, looking at you hesitantly, to which you promptly nod, smiling awkwardly, watching as he walks away to talk to another officer.
Letting out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding, you walk over to a section with a table and discarded chairs, filling out the form to get it over with.
“Hey, sweet thing, whiskey neat, would ya?” A customer calls out, his voice gruff and slurred.
Forcing a smile, you nod, biting back a witty remark as you grab a clean glass and a bottle.
You don’t know what exactly prompted you to become a bartender, but it paid the bills and gave you desirable hours. Despite the usual filter of drunken men, you enjoyed the company of your coworkers and regulars.
Sliding the glass across the counter towards him, he gives you a wink and scoots his barstool around to face his friend. You cringe slightly, before turning back to meet your coworker, Julie.
“Hey, Y/N, can you do me a favor and grab another bottle of tequila from the back? We just ran out, and some asshole wants shots,” she asks, rolling her eyes slightly at the drunken calls coming from behind her.
“Yeah sure, Avión, right?” she nods quickly as you shuffle towards the back.
Slipping into the back, you quickly secure an unopened package of tequila, walking back out only to stop at the sound of loud commotion within the bar.
Hunched over the front counter are two police officers and one scrawny kid, you catch the eye of Julie as she rushes over to grab a case.
“What’s that about?” you whisper, noting the familiarity of one of the officers.
“I don’t know, thanks, though.” she shrugged before rushing off to the other side of the bar.
Eyes widening as you walked closer, the officer you had spoken to earlier that morning sat delved in some conversation with his partner.
“How may I help you?” you ask as nonchalantly as you could, shifting nervously on your feet.
His eyes flicker upwards towards you, before forming a slight “o” with his mouth. Out of the corner of your eye, you note his partner nudges him in the side.
“Oh, hey?!” he stammers before clearing his throat, sitting up straighter.
You shyly smile before leaning against the counter, a silence settling between the two of you.
“So we actually wanted to ask if you could play this tape for us,” his partner begins, you quickly glancing down to his name tag that read Micheals.
“Oh yeah, robbery at a local store, and we need to check the security cameras,” Slater adds in, never taking his gaze off of you, holding the tape out for you to consider.
“Oh yeah, of course,” you reply.
Your fingers brushing against each other as you grasp the tape, you feel your breath hitch, before turning around to slide it into the television behind you.
“Can I get you guys anything to drink in the meantime?” you ask as you play around with the remote.
“Of course, three Coronas?” Slater replies you look back at him eyebrow raised in response to the kid beside him.
You watch sympathetically in response to the kid, eyeing him as he gulped nervously under the sudden set of attention on him, looking anywhere else but you. It makes you feel almost nostalgic, being a teenager again wanting to sneak a beer. You’d certainly done it with friends at parties, but never with cops.
“Can I see some ID please?” you inquire while reaching down to get three beers at the ready.
One by one, they slide them out towards you, including the kid with quite the peculiar name. You bite back a smile, before reaching up to slide their ID’s back along with a beer for each.
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Slater wink at you, you press play on the remote and lean back to watch the tape.
The footage containing the robbery that Slater had mentioned prior, which included the kid getting the brunt of the attack.
Slater and Micheals finding the ordeal very entertaining, you couldn’t help but giggle at their antics, replaying the video to get the perfect timing of the hit.
After a while, the commotion between the three died down, Julie often making her way over to take orders, and you began clearing tables. The bar was a tad bit smaller than a typical bar, so clean up wasn’t so bad.
“Hey, I just wanted to thank you for being so understanding about Mc’Lovin and everything.” A voice calls out from behind you, you spin around becoming face to face with Slater once more.
You smile softly, shaking your head as you set down your tray of empty glasses. His taller figure towering over your smaller frame, you couldn’t help but pay closer attention to how good he looked in uniform.
“Oh my gosh, don’t worry about it, I trust that you guys know what you are doing,” you reply, casually leaning against the table, eyeing him.
His stares blankly in response, tilting his head to the side, you gesture to his uniform, watching it click within him.
“Oh yeah,” he stammers, “probably the beer kicking in,” he smirked, raising his drink up for you to see.
Chuckling softly, you make your way over to another table, motioning for him to follow you. He does, watching you curiously while you worked in your element, making sure everything was precise and orderly.
“So,” you hum, “what’s it like being a police officer?” glancing back at him briefly before wiping down a dirtied tabletop.
“Oh, it’s the shit, Micheals, and I get to do all the badass shit like stop robberies, car chases,” he pauses, prompting you to look back at him, his finger pointing towards you, motioning for you to come closer.
Just between you and me,” he whispers practically pressing against you, the scent of his cologne filling your senses.
“Micheals and I skip red lights, just for the fun of it,” he smirks at you, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
“Okay, sounds like someone’s a little tipsy.” you chuckle before pressing away to grab your tray.
He shakes his head defensively, even though the scent of his beer still lingers on his breath. A smile forming at your lips, watching as he tries to sober up to prove a point.
“No,” he sighs, “I just haven’t done this in a long time.” you eyed him curiously, “I haven’t flirted with a pretty girl in a long time, I’m afraid I’ve lost my charm.” he murmurs dejectedly.
Now, this surprised you, looking up at him with wide eyes, now it’s you who are shaking your head in disagreement.
“Trust me, you haven’t,” you reply quietly, smiling softly at the thought.
A small grin meeting his lips, the two of you taking each other in, that is until Micheals calls out from behind breaking the moment.
“Buddy! Apparently, there was a fight that broke out at a party, we need to check it out.” You watch as Slater almost deflates at the prospect of leaving, to which you chuckle softly.
“Go get ’em, tiger.” you wink before gently shoving him off.
“That’ll be $38.25 for your total, and just sign here please,” you say as you slide the receipt out towards them with three extra beers.
Slater nods before doing so; his script messy and signature tremendous in comparison to the line.
“Thank you.” you murmur as you grasp the receipt from his outstretched hand, and then hand him the final one with a little something extra.
Your phone number.
You watch as he looks down at the total and then towards the extra slip in his palm, giving you a huge grin, before being promptly shoved out by Micheals.
This was going to be interesting.
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seizethecarpe · 4 years
Seal Vibes || Skylar and Dave
Timing: Current Parties: @theskyeandsea @seizethecarpe Summary: After Skylar ghosts him when Dave confirms he’s a selkie, the pair run into each other 
Skylar had never replied to his message about being a selkie, which had made Dave all kinds of nervous, but he wasn’t about to go chasing her like some goose. There were a whole number’a reasons why people didn’t want to talk about themselves, not all of them that nefarious. Not to mention, he couldn’t help but think of her as a nervous lost pup, from how she’d flailed in the waters, and looked all kinds of young when soaked wet. So he didn’t think too much about it, until he spotted her one day, walking in the shopping area. “Hey, SKylar,” he called, waving to catch her attention, considering how little she’d been able to hear before. 
After her encounter with Jared at the lake a week ago, Skylar was feeling… better. Not about the situation-- she was decidedly not okay with someone else finding out about her selkie nature, much less seeing her like that. But, at least her symptoms had disappeared for the time being. The vials of Bliss remained hidden in her desk and after what she’d seen in the mirror at the carnival, she was hesitant to reach for them again. But, for the time being, she didn’t need them. The days immediately after shifting, she always felt better. Which is why she was out and about, enjoying the warm summer breeze as she walked around the downtown shopping area. She wasn’t looking for anything in particular, just window shopping, really. As she looked at one of the stranger knicknack shops, she heard her name called out and glanced up. The color drained from her face as she saw that it was the man who’d rescued her from the sudden flood-- Dave. The selkie. Letting out a squeak of shock, Skylar froze in panic. Oh no. Mmmmmmmm, Nope, no, no, no. This wasn’t good.
Dave didn’t realise until he got up close why she wasn’t moving, Instead of waiting for him to meet up with her, her eyes were wide with shock, and he didn’t need to be able to see well to know that she was trembling. He slowed his gait and came to a stop a few feet away from her. Maybe she thought he was some kinda threat to her. Maybe she’d had a bad run in with a selkie in the past, maybe she didn’t know as much as it’d seemed. All bad options, and he didn’t want to frighten her further. He pulled his hands out of his pockets, looking all friendly like, as much as a six foot guy with deep scars all over him could.  “You alright?” He signed. “Look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Skylar’s hands twitched at her sides, nervously fingerspelling letters too quickly for anyone to catch. As he walked up, she was able to get a better look at the man-- she had been too startled and shaken by nearly drowning to notice just how… scarred he looked. His face was a spider web of scars and it only made her wonder just what had happened to him. Had some monster gotten a hold of him? Reminded of the scar that stretched across the back of her calf, she wondered if a hunter had done that. Barely catching his sign, Skylar shifted uneasily from foot to foot. “I’m okay, I didn’t expect to see you here.” She signed back at him, unsure of what else to say. She’d left him on read weeks ago, too stunned and shaken by his revelation to say anything more. “You-- Are-- Is everything--” Her fingers stutter started through the words, her mind too taken off guard to form a solid sentence. There was so much she wanted to ask. But on the other hand, did she really want to hear the answers? Did she really want to open up that particular can of worms? Swallowing, she nodded. “Thank you, for saving me the other week. I know I said that already, but really. Thank you.”
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” Dave signed back, stepping to the side so they weren’t clogging the middle of the street quite so badly. He couldn’t stand when people did that. All the while, he watched the pallor of her face, as she stopped and started mid signs, unable to pick a thought to go with. Like a damn deer in the headlights. “Like I said, it wasn’t no thing. You don’t gotta keep thanking me.” With a deep sigh, Dave looked around, spotting a small cafe with a cute icecream mascot standing by the window. “Can I get ya a coffee, or something?” Dave signed eventually. He wanted to talk, and understand what she was. Not to mention, he wanted to know why she was so damn frightened of him.
Noticing the way he shifted out of the way, Skylar did the same, moving so that they weren’t just standing in the path of others. Again, Dave brushed off her thanks and she couldn’t help but compare him to Nic. Wasn’t that how they’d met? With Nic saving her life, pulling her out of the way of danger? And a wonderful friendship had formed from that initial encounter. But… Dave was different. He was a selkie, like Ricky, like her. And as reassuring as it was to know that there were others, she couldn’t help the fear that came with it. If he found out what she was, what would he do? Glancing over at the cafe he pointed at, Skylar blinked. Coffee. Mmmmm. She really didn’t want anything to do with him, but she couldn’t really see a way out of this. “I-- sure. Coffee would be great. But, please, I’ll buy.” She signed with a nod.
Dave had no idea she didn’t want to sit down with him, wary as she looked. He wouldn’t have pressed had she said no. He nodded at her offer to buy, and walked with her to the cafe, hands in his pockets until the moment they sat down. “I’ll actually do a green tea. Not a caffeine kinda guy.” He told her with his hands, setting them on the table and clasping them as the waiter came to take their order. He bit down on his teeth covers in the meantime, trying to put them more properly into place. It was a losing battle, but he did it all the time. “Why’re you nervous around me?” He asked, after a long moment.
“Um, black coffee for me, thanks.” Skylar said to the waiter, with a polite smile before waiting for him to walk away. Unlike other places in White Crest, the small cafe wasn’t too busy right now. A few other people were seated in the booths and tables around them, but most were too busy listening to music or working on their laptops to pay them any attention. For a while, they sat in silence, with Skylar squirming slightly in her seat, fingers anxiously drumming against her leg. But then, Dave broke the silence. At his words, Skylar winced. It was that obvious? Swallowing, Skylar offered an off-hand shrug. “I just… I don’t--” She tried to bluster, but the lies wouldn’t come. She wasn’t very good at this sort of thing, of outrightly lying and hiding the truth. “I haven’t met many other people like me before. Only one other and that didn’t really work out.” She said, staring down at her hands as she spoke. 
She was a squirmer. Just like Dave’s youngest. Never comfortable in the absence of conversation, whether it was spoken or signed. So nervous it could spread through the room like a virus, making others uncomfortable too. Not him, though, Dave had lived enough decades that not much rattled him. Finally, she answered, and he raised his eyes. “Sorry to heart it. What do you mean, like you. How do you-” Dave spat out his tea, coughing so hard he needed to his his own chest to get all the tea that had gone down the wrong way out. She was yanking his chain, she had to be. “You gotta be kidding me. You’re a seal that can’t swim?” 
Playing with the mug in front of her, Skylar forced herself to raise her eyes, to watch him speak. She knew that it was a pet peeve of hers when people didn’t look at her when they spoke, it wasn’t fair for her to do the same to him. But, when she saw him sputter and cough in shock, she immediately wished she hadn’t. Shrinking slightly in her seat, Skylar felt her cheeks burn a bright red. “I-- I can kind of swim. Just not well.” She said, defensively. Shiloh had taught her a lot, had helped her get better at it. But, the flood had come out of nowhere and her waterlogged clothes had made keeping her head above water difficult. “I never learned how to when I was younger.” She admitted.
Dave stared at her for a long second, disbelievingly. His hands were on the table so he could feel through the wood the nervous race to her pulse. She was frightened. If she was lyin, she was better at it than he was. “Sorry. I just-” She should have been strong and fast enough that the waterlogged clothes weren’t a problem, that the current wasn’t too  tiring. They were made for the riptides and the rough storms. “Never seen anything like it. Guessing you weren’t raised by other selkies then.”
“It’s okay, you don’t need to apologize.” Skylar said with a shrug before taking a sip from her coffee mug. The bitter taste was a nice distraction from the conversation, even if she knew that it had to continue. There wasn’t any real way that she could get out of this now, not when she’d told him what she was. Setting down the mug, she shook her head. “No, I wasn’t.” She fidgeted with the ceramic handle for a moment, not wanting to say anything about her family. He didn’t need to know about her parents, what they’d done to her… how they’d raised her. “I only figured out what I was earlier this year.”
Dave nodded, watching her intently to show he was listening. He’d already shown his surprise, and it had only made her shrivel up. As concerned as he was, and he was concerned as hell, he didn’t want to make her feel worse. Even though, hell, he couldn’t even begin to wrap his head around it. Land stranded seal. How the hell wasn’t she dead? Someone must’a known something, or she’d have to be dead. Which made him think of the kinda shit he didn’t want to. Dave set his tea down, pushing away those particular grieving thoughts, to focus on her. “Sounds rough, kid.”
“It’s okay.” Skylar said quickly, even though there wasn’t anything okay about her situation. She’d grown up in the dark about what she was, had learned that her parents had… had kept the truth from her for her entire life, and had been completely cut off from her family as a result of it all. None of this was okay. But, Dave really didn’t need to know about that. Clearing her throat, she looked at the man carefully, “Do you-- Um… I’m guessing you’ve lived around other selkies?” She asked. Did he have a clan like Ricky did? A family who’d moved here with him?
“Is it?” Dave asked simply, cocking his head back slightly, looking back at her with hooded eyes. His shoulder were slack, his hands clasped in front of him. It didn’t sound too alright for him, and all he wanted was to ask where her pelt was in all this. It just wasn’t his business, same as his wasn’t her business. But god, did his heart fucking ache in a familiar way when he looked at her there. “Yeah. Been alone for a while, though.” 
“I...” Skylar faltered, caught off guard by his blunt words and level gaze. “Maybe it wasn’t okay. But-- but there’s not really anything that can be done now.” She swallowed, shaking her head. What her parents had done to her, it hadn’t been good. But she didn’t want to think about that, didn’t want to think about what it meant. “Oh? Um, I’m sorry.” She couldn’t help but feel sorry for the man. She didn’t know the circumstances of why he was alone, but a part of her wondered if it had anything to do with the scars that stretched across his face. She wondered if he felt lonely in the same way she did, kept apart from anyone who could understand what she was going through. “Well, I’m not exactly… good at being a selkie. But, you don’t need to be alone-- if you don’t want to be.” Skylar said offering a timid smile. 
“No, guess not,” Dave agreed, humming to himself. “Don’t be sorry. Not your problem.” The corner of his lip turned up at her offer, and he turned his gaze to the table for a moment, his calloused fingers tracing over the rough grain. Divet, rise, divet, swirl. A dent where someone had dropped a fork or something. She wasn’t the first one to have made the offer, not in the last twenty years. Selkies were like that - family was important as hell, and everyone had space in their pod. Especially for someone like him. Thing was, as Dave had learned over and over, every time someone had made that offer, was that he didn’t have space in him for a new pod. He didn’t have space in him for any kinda family. There were nights he was still angry in went into the water just to slaughter whatever creatures he could find. Not to sound like a goddamn cliche, but there was a darkness in him, and it weren’t fair to let anyone near it. “You’re sweet, kid. Skylar. You don’t gotta worry about some old codger like me.” He huffed around his smile, finishing his tea. 
“Mm, maybe not. But… being alone is awful. It’s not easy.” Skylar said quietly as she looked down at her mug of coffee, staring into the dark liquid. She’d been alone her entire life, she’d only realized it recently, but, maybe she’d always known that. On some level, she’d always felt as though she was on the outside looking in. Even if she didn’t know the specifics behind it. But, even among her family, she’d still never been quite the same. Her mother, her brother, neither one of them treated her quite the same as they did her sister. Taking a long sip from her coffee, Skylar matched his smile. “I know, but still. I don’t think being alone is something that gets easier with age.” She shrugged.
“Hey, I ain’t that alone. Did just move here, but I ain’t hard of company,” Dave replied, leaning back and crossing his arms. Despite all that, his grouchiness carried a smile, playing at the corner of his lips. Without his tooth glamorous, he’d be snagging his lips on his canines. Maybe she was looking for some sorta family of her own, or something to hold on to. Dave didn’t know he had that to offer her. But then maybe she wasn’t looking for that at all. Just someone to talk with. “Sides, sometimes the better company by far are the local harbour seals, you know.”
“That’s good, at least. It took me awhile before I started to actually meet people, but the people here, they’re really kind.” Skylar nodded, thinking back to all the people she’d met. Remmy, Morgan, Winston, Nic… And even the new people she’d met, who’d stumbled upon her secret, they were still good people, who understood why she needed to keep what she was underwraps. Looking up at him, she saw his lip catch on his teeth, saw the flash of sharpness. Skylar averted her eyes immediately, knowing how much she hated when people stared at her own teeth. Not for the first time, she was grateful for her veneers and the security they provided her. “The local seals? I’ve never actually met any.” She said, not wanting to admit that she’d never willingly swam in the ocean. Just the one night when she’d been forced to flee down the river, leaving a trail of blood behind her. 
“I’ve been seeing that. Strong sense o’ community here, which isn’t true for all small towns, however much they try. Guessin’ it’s to do with all the-” Dave signed the rest of his sentence. “Supernatural folks around town.” He cocked his head with an easy smile, keeping up signing if only because it was habit, and it was real nice to talk to someone with the signing. “Harbour seals are not conversational types, but they make good company in a haul out. Besides, at the moment they got lotsa young ones. You should try it some time. Only problem is the stink.” He guffawed amicably, finishing off his tea. “So, Skylar, what do you do for a living?”
As the man switched over to sign, Skylar nodded contemplatively. She hadn’t really thought of that, but… he had a point. Maybe it was because of all the different people who lived here. She’d met witches, someone who could see ghosts, a werewolf, zombies, a girl covered in scales who lived in the lake and a boy with horns who spoke for the wild creatures of the woods. Maybe they were all drawn to each other because of their differences, because they were all trying to figure things out. “Wait… Can you talk to seals?” She signed, confused. Ricky hadn’t mentioned that they could do that. The idea of little seal pups was interesting, though. She wondered how she had looked as a child, if she had looked anything like them in her seal form. “Oh-- I’m a sign language interpreter with the school. I work kids who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.” She replied, “What about you?” 
“Oh, nah!” Dave signed back with a laugh, “Well, yeah, but it ain’t like they understand me, and I don’t understand them. It’s more like a sorta kinship. Jus’ seals vibing. Besides, my sort of seal doesn’t normally live in these parts and so they don’t know to be afraid of me.” Naturally, normal leopard seals would eat seal pups, but that just didn’t sit right with Dave. He had plenty to eat in the waters here, so why would he need to? “Neat! Bet that’s real fulfilling work. Me? I take up contracts for monsters in the local waters, find people’s treasure or lost iphone’s, that sorta thing.”
Seals vibing. That was a sentence Skylar had never expected to hear in her life, but she supposed that was just White Crest for you. Nothing ever went as she expected, nothing was ever easy or normal. So, vibing with seals? Sure. That might as well be a thing that happened. “Your kind of seal? I didn’t realize people could be different kinds.” She said, not sure how to voice her confusion. She’d never really done much research into what kind of seal she turned into-- she hated looking at herself in her form. Seeing her soul in the body of an animal, it made her incredibly uncomfortable. She wasn’t like that. She couldn’t be like that. Tilting her head at him in surprise, Skylar’s eyebrows raised. “That’s cool.” He really couldn’t be more different from her, could he? He was so imbedded in life as a selkie and she just… wasn’t. 
“Yeah. There’s many sorts you can be,” Dave replied, pulling out his phone to google leopard seals, and showed her the first page of search results. “Ain’t too sure how fate decides what you’ll be, but I’m a leopard seal, even though no one in my family’s been to the Antarctic. Fast and muscled, see?” Did she really not know? He pursed his lips in displeasure, although it wasn’t at her. “Yeah, it’s pretty neat. Truth be told, I’m getting kinda old for it.”
Blinking at the image he showed her, Skylar stared at his phone. He looked nothing like how she did in her seal form. She was rounder, less sleek, more squish to her. And more spots. Almost like freckles, her pelt was dotted with dark spots. Was that why she was so freckly? Because of her pelt? Or was her skin spotted because of her freckles? Either way, the concept bothered her. “That’s cool.” She said before nodding. “That makes sense. It sounds like it would be a hard job. If, um, if you’re ever interested in interpreting work, you should let me know. It’s just me and another woman with the school district and I know Eileen is hoping to retire in the next few years.” Skylar offered. 
“I got a criminal record. ‘Sides, I ain’t all that great with kids, they find me scary,” Dave smiled in a mild-mannered way, gesturing to his face. “Thanks all the same,” No school’d look at him once they knew all that. Assault, theft, burglary. Evidence of a violent disposition, and when he was younger (but still not all that young) a propensity for taking what he wanted when he thought he needed it. As for working with kids… well, he hadn’t done much’a that since he’d lost his own. No thanks.
Skylar did her best to hide her shock at his easy admission to his criminal record. She didn’t want to make any kind of assumption, not based off how he looked. Maybe he’d just been in the wrong place at the wrong time? Found himself on the wrong side of the law? She nodded instead of speaking, lifting her mug to her lips to sip from her now lukewarm coffee. Just as she was about to ask Dave another question, one of the many swirling around in her mind, her phone buzzed in her pocket. “Sorry--” She glanced down at the screen and blanched. Oh no, she’d completely forgotten she had a tutoring appointment scheduled-- she had to get all the way over to the library. “I’m so sorry, I have a tutoring lesson I need to get to. But, um… I’ll be in touch?” She asked tentatively as she rose from the table.
Skylar did not succeed in hiding her shock. Dave huffed out a small laugh, letting her sip at her tea until she regained her composure. She looked like she was about to say something when she glanced down to her pocket. He didn’t see her phone, but he recognised that panicked look when someone’d forgotten something. “No worries. Kinda caught you by surprise. You got my number, so looking forward to hearin’ from you.” He dipped his head in goodbye, ad watched her leave. Jesus. A selkie that could barely swim. That was a new one.
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writeyouin · 4 years
Connor X Reader - Do You Dream? Chapter 5
Chapter 5 – Defying Expectations 
A/N – Somewhat of a short chapter, but I’m finally pleased with where this story is going.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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It wasn’t long till Gavin came to pick you up from the park but every second spent in silence with Connor dragged painfully on, laden with anger and sadness. You squinted as Gavin’s rusted Buick headlights fell over you. Gavin got out, grinning smugly at the pair of you.
“Bye,” You said sullenly to Connor, not sure what else to say in lieu of the previous events.
“(Y/N), wait,” Connor said, reaching out for your wrist before he thought better of it and held himself back. “You don’t have to do this…”
You shook your head, frowning morosely, “I just- I can’t be around you right now.”
“What are you two ladies talking about?” Gavin asked cockily, swaggering over.
“Just give me a minute, Gavin.”
Connor stepped in front of you, whispering quickly, “You don’t have to stay with me. I’ll find a place temporarily and you can stay with Hank. Just please, don’t go with him.”
“Connor, don’t make this harder than it has to be. I’ve made up my mind. I’ll… I’ll see you at work. You coming, Gavin?” You asked, upon going over to the Buick.
“Sure, sure, just give me a sec.” Gavin approached Connor with a wicked grin, talking in a hushed tone so you wouldn’t hear, “Thanks for giving (Y/N) to me, plastic. This’ll just give me time to work on her. I hope you’ll think of us two rolling under the covers while you’re left alone, worthless and broken.”
Connor grabbed Gavin’s arm, speaking through gritted teeth, “You better take care of her. If anything happens- If anyone hurts so much as one hair on her head, I will personally see to it that you suffer.”
“If anyone hurts her? From what I’m seeing here, it’s you who hurt her.” Gavin yanked his arm back, “I’ll do a damn better job than you at taking care of her. Plastic prick.”
After that vicious exchange, Gavin left Connor standing alone in the park as he got back into his car and drove you towards his apartment.
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Gavin thought he was being reasonable. He had let you spend the twenty-minute drive to his place in silence. Now, he wanted the answers he was due.
“Alright, what happened with the plastic?”
“Don’t call him that,” You reprimanded glumly, lacking any of your usual fire.
“Cut the shit (Y/N). Just tell me what happened, then you can go inside, get the VIP tour, and I’ll leave you alone for the night.”
“I don’t know, Gavin. Things just got complicated.”
“With the plastic or the drunk?”
“Please, don’t talk about my friends like that.”
Gavin rolled his eyes and got out of the car, surprising you slightly when he opened the door on your side. “Fine, whatever. You won’t answer my questions about them, at least tell me why you called me up to stay at my place.”
“Who else am I gonna stay with, Gavin? You’re working the case with me, you don’t live with anyone that could be endangered by the Flayer, and since I have to stay with a cop… Shit, who else am I gonna stay with? Captain Fowler?”
Gavin snickered, leading you into the apartment block and up the stairs, “It’d be one hell of a slumber party, that’s for sure.”
“Yeah, Fowler could braid my hair while we talk shop.”
On the first floor, Gavin unlocked the second door, letting you in to what you expected would be a dingy apartment. Once again, you were surprised to find a neat living room with plush brown carpets, several family photos, and a generally warm vibe.
He walked you down the narrow hall, pointing out rooms, “Kitchen. Bathroom. My room. And that’s the magical mystery tour. That’ll be ten bucks.”
“Sorry, I’m short of change. I could give you a sucker punch instead.”
“Phuck off.”
You heard a light mewling behind you and turned to find a Sphynx cat sniffing at your heels. “Never figured you for a cat guy.”
“Her name’s Meatball.”
“Who turned her inside out?”
Gavin petted Meatball under the chin, “Don’t listen to the crazy bitch, Meatball. It’s a bold fashion statement.”
“Any more pets hanging around, or just the reject gremlin?”
“First off, she’s not a gremlin, she’s my sidekick. Second, Cagney and Lacey are around here somewhere, probably hiding from the bitch who keeps insulting my girl here.”
“Uh-huh, sure,” You nodded along, finding your first real smile of the night. It seemed that you had Gavin all wrong. Maybe at work he was an ass who used insults to look tough, but perhaps he wasn’t so bad after all.
“So… You don’t have any of your things with you.”
You tucked your hair behind you ear, avoiding Gavin’s gaze, “No. I left it all at Hank’s place.”
“I’ll get your shit together tomorrow.”
“In the meantime, I got an old hockey jersey you can wear. You know. If you want to. And I know it’s late so if you go into my room, you’ll find it, second drawer in the dresser. I’ll set up the sofa bed.”
You nodded and made your way into Gavin’s bedroom. Previously, you had imagined Gavin living in some kind of seedy Quentin Tarantino set. Instead, you found a fairly regular room. The most elaborate thing it held was a dart board which you were unimpressed to find pictures of androids on. Hastily, you tore the pictures off, throwing them into the bin in the corner. Just because he wasn’t as bad as you’d thought, you wouldn’t accept any form of xenophobia from Gavin. All the same, it was too late for an argument with your host, so you got changed into the way oversized jersey; it was far too big even for Gavin and you couldn’t help thinking that he probably saved it for those tiny women he fetishized.
Folding up your day clothes, you wandered into the living room, expecting some kind of sleazy comment about the jersey that only fell down to your knees. Instead, Gavin had set up the sofa-bed where he was perched gingerly on the edge. Upon your re-entry into the living room, he stood up giving you a cursory nod.
“Hey, so uh- I tend to wake up late. You can get whatever you want from the fridge. There’s a lock on the bathroom door. The front has the best damn security I can afford, and uh-” He put his hand on your shoulder, “We’ll catch this fucker, (Y/N). Then you can live your normal life and shit.”
Gavin left you after that and just before he entered his bedroom you saw two Bengal cats run from under the sofa bed after him.
“The elusive Cagney and Lacey,” You mumbled to yourself. Then, looking at the sphinx cat on top of your pillow, you added, “So, you’re staying with me, Meatball?”
Meatball purred enthusiastically as you stroked her head, only arguing slightly when you shifted her from the pillow to the blanket.
“Sorry girl, you gotta share.”
As you slipped into the bed and tried to get to sleep, you wondered why Gavin bothered to act so awfully in work. You wanted to find out who was the real him, and you hoped it was the version you had seen since he took you to his apartment. Maybe there was a chance the two of you could be friends after all.
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Two weeks into living with Gavin and he had defied all of your expectations. Late into the evening as the two of you sat pouring over the most recent victim of the Fornication Flayer, you had to ask the question that had been on your mind since you first crashed on his sofa.
“Why aren’t you like this at work?”
“Hm? (Y/N), I’m always this good looking. You just haven’t noticed.”
“Come on Gavin. You’ve been nothing but nice to me for two weeks. No flirty comments, nothing mean to say about my friends, working from home to reduce any risk to me, making sure to get everything from Hank’s. I don’t get it. Why do you act so rough at work?”
Gavin grabbed his empty coffee mug for something to do that would allow him to avoid the question. “You want another coffee?”
At Gavin’s evasion, you decided not to press the matter. You guessed that he was just insecure in himself and used toxic masculine bullshit as a way to hide his true self. “Alright. I get it. You don’t want to go into it, but at least tell me what your damage is with Connor. He’s not a bad guy, y’know.”
“Just coffee for me then. Got it.”
“Come on, Gavin. Is it all androids, or just him?”
“Hey, what do you want from me? I just don’t like the prick. Besides, it’s fun to wind him up by toying with the things he likes.”
Although you didn’t like the insinuation that Gavin knew Connor had a crush on you before you did, you let it slide. At least he’d only called Connor a ‘prick’ instead of a ‘plastic’; that showed real improvement on Gavin’s behalf. With a bit more work and encouragement, you were sure you could change his opinions on androids, if not Connor himself.
“Ugh,” Gavin sneered. “We’re outta milk. You wanna come to the store with me?”
You appreciated it whenever Gavin asked you that. Since the store was only across the street, he allowed you the choice of staying in the apartment or going with him whenever he had to grab something. It was a privilege that Hank and Connor hadn’t allowed under their constant surveillance routine.
“You go. I could use a few minutes on my own.”
“Right, so you can throw that big surprise party to thank me for being awesome,” he snickered.
“Excuse you? This party is for Meatball, who is indeed not an inside out gremlin, but a big sweetheart who keeps your other two monsters in line.”
“Pfft. Whatever loser. Keep the door locked and don’t talk to strangers.”
“Okay, mom.”
“Don’t you speak to your mother in that tone, young lady. Go to your room.”
“I don’t have a room.”
“That’s right. And you won’t get one until you learn to appreciate your mother!”
With that playful exchange over, Gavin left, locking the door behind him. You stared at your datapad, flicking through case files and the analysis of the latest victim. It was horrifying to stare at yet another corpse of someone who looked just like you, but you did it anyway, trying to find anything from a stray hair or a boot print that might lead the DPD find the murderer.
There was a crash in Gavin’s bedroom and you groaned at the sound of hissing cats. “I swear, if that’s Cagney and Lacey again, you’re grounded for life cats.”
Sure enough, it was Cagney and Lacey, hissing at poor Meatball who had scrambled onto Gavin’s dresser, smashing the lamp in the process.
“Oh man… Why do you two bully this hairless freak so much? Don’t worry, Meatball. It was an accident. Just a case of lamp slaughter. We’ll get you the best damn jury Detroit has to offer.”
A knock at the door startled you and you stood in utter silence, feeling your heart pound against your chest.
“(Y/N), open he phucking door,” Gavin’s unmistakable voice called. “I dropped my keys down the damn drain.”
You shook your head, muttering under your breath, “How in the world is this idiot not dead?”
Upon opening the door, you only had a few seconds to take everything in. There was a man at least three feet taller than you wearing a tuxedo and a full venetian mask to hide his face. A voice modulator sat cosily on his throat and when he spoke again, he still sounded unpleasantly like Gavin.
“How very nice to meet you in person, detective.”
There was no time to run, fight, or even slam the door in his face as the Fornication Flayer pulled a syringe from behind his back and plunged it into your neck.
“There, there now. We’re going for a little ride. How does that sound?”
Unconscious in the Flayer’s arms, you couldn’t respond. Your only hope was that someone might spot you and come to your aid. If not, you would most certainly be the next victim that the DPD investigated.
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erintoknow · 5 years
bigger than the sound
fallen hero fanfiction chargestep and intrigue ~3k words [ao3]
title taken from [Cheated Hearts by Yeah Yeah Yeahs]
“Thanks for coming with me,” Ortega whispers from the corner of her mouth.
“Of course, thanks for inviting me.” A smile flits across Jane’s face as she studies the mess of an abstract portrait hanging on the wall in front of them. “Hopefully no super villains crash this party.”
Ortega laughs, uneasy, as she rubs the back of her neck. “Anyone that does is going to regret it.”
Jane arches an eyebrow as you try to keep her from smiling. In the aftermath of the Gala fiasco, security has tripled in order to keep the city’s elite feeling safe. The Mayor’s Guardian force was milling around here somewhere, ready to jump into duty in a split second. For the Rangers, beside Ortega, Jane has seen Herald milling around somewhere and it wouldn’t surprise you if either Argent, or Steel, or both had been bullied into attending.
The Mayor needed to prove to her benefactors she was worth keeping in office. The Rangers needed to prove they were worth keeping in Los Diablos.
Taking them all head-on as Banshee would be a pointless suicide.
Lucky for you then, Ortega still owed Jane a second date.
No explosives this time. No dramatic fights. No terrible mistakes with people screaming and blood everywhere and emergency rooms filling up. Going to do this right. Going to do this quiet. The bastards won’t realize the damage until it’s too late.
“Charge! How’re you holding up?”
Jane and Ortega turn together to find Herald walking towards them. It’s a little strange seeming him in a tuxedo again. All crisp angles and sharp features. He raises an arm to wave and you think Jane spies a glimpse of blue sleeve from a Ranger skinsuit underneath. Well, that confirms what you suspected from the Gala. Wonderbread really is ready to throw-down at a moment’s notice.
Is Ortega? She’s in a suit this time instead of a dress. Easier to fight in?
Ortega waves back at Herald with a smile. “Haven’t throttled anyone yet, how about you?”
Herald takes Ortega’s hand and pulls her into a quick hug. “Oh, this is old hat to me. I just focus on the art, and see how many fancy hors d’oeuvres I can sneak before anyone notices.” Ortega laughs and Jane politely covers her mouth to hide the smile. He shifts his gaze down to Jane and his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Sides–?” He flinches and shakes his head. “Wait, no?”
Jane keeps her face blank. Sidestep? Sidestep who? Never heard of the bitch.
There is a tense silence and then Ortega breaks it with a forced laugh. “Sorry, this is my friend Jane I was telling you about.” She gestures towards you and then from you to Herald. “And Jane, this is Herald, but you probably already knew that.” More forced laughter.
“Sorry,” Herald rubs at his knee, “you just reminded me of someone.” He shoots Ortega a curious look.
Was it too late now to go back and dye Jane’s hair? You idiot. You stupid vain idiot. All the more reason to keep your two lives separated. Why did you have to go and get Jane involved with Ortega? Moron. Fool. Buffoon.
Jane keeps her face a careful blank. “It’s… nice to meet you too, Mr. …?”
Herald smiles, awkward. “Just Herald is fine. Nice to meet you, Jane.” He doesn’t offer a hand to shake.
When Ortega and Herald descend into small talk Jane breaths a small sigh of relief and politely detaches herself from the conversation. A few tense moments, but it had at least bought you some needed freedom from Ortega. Time to get to work then.
“Excuse me, folks, I’m just gonna duck into the restroom real quick.”
Ortega nods, “You know where it is?”
“I’ll figure it out. I’ll see you at the shrimp bar, sweetie.” Jane winks at Ortega, a smirk spreading across her face at the slight color on the hero’s face. Still got her.
Your sense of direction as Jane isn’t as strong as Ariadne’s but enough time spent studying floor plans makes up for it. Weave through the crowd, past the buffet table. The further from the food and the booze Jane gets the less people in ritzy outfights milling around being offensively rich.
There, next to the restrooms, a side entrance for the gallery. A very bored looking cop stands next to the door, watching the guests. 
Mustering up all the elitist disdain she can muster, Jane approaches the door and gives the cop a dismissive glance. “I’m taking a smoke break.” The man frowns but otherwise doesn’t stop Jane as she steps through the door, pretending to fish through her purse. Perfect.
Outside, the street gives a clear view to the Hero Museum just down the block. Once again closed for renovation and repair. The dumb bastards. Maybe you’ll trash the next grand opening too. Keep it up until they get the idea.
It doesn’t take long to spot her. The woman pacing back and forth down the sidewalk, staring anxiously at her phone, purse hanging loose in the crook of her arm. Jane whispers to get her attention and when that doesn’t work progressively raises her voice. “Hey! Ochoa!”
She looks up, sags in relief and hurries over to Jane, her movements stiff and awkward in the tight black and gold floral dress. “Finally! I was about to call the whole thing off.”
“Do you want your dirt or not?” Jane hisses. 
“Please, Jane.” Mia Ochoa’s frowns, “I’m an investigative journalist, not a tabloid columnist.”
“Sure, whatever.” Jane glances up and down the street. She keeps a hand in her purse, fingering the gadget from Dr. Mortum that should be disrupting the video cameras. How long did the charge last for again? Five minutes? “Sit tight, I need to get the pig out of the way first.”
“You’re not going to–?”
Jane snorts, “I’m not going to hurt anybody. I’m not stupid.” She tilts her head, thinking. “Well. I’m probably not going to hurt anybody.” She shakes her head and holds up a hand. “Whatever, wait here. This’ll only take a second.”
“Ugh,” Jane contorts her face into a visage of barely contained fury as she steps back inside. “I can’t believe some people.”
The cop sighs, “There a problem, Ma’am?”
A short bark of a laugh. “Problem?” Jane glowers down the hallway. “Yeah, there’s a fucking problem.”
“There’s no need for that kind of language, Miss Smith.”
Jane snarls, “Tell that to the asshole who can’t keep his hands to himself.”
That gets the cop’s attention. “Again, is there something I can help you with, Ma’am.”
Jane holds her breath. You’re about to do something really shitty. Oh well. Sorry Kieth, it’s for the greater good. “Yeah, alright.” Jane sighs, avoiding the cop’s gaze. “someone ought to teach that damn waiter at the cocktail bar some manners. I’m not the only woman either he’s harassed tonight. The ass.”
The man’s eyes narrow. “I’ll see someone talks to him.” He puts a hand up to the walkie-talkie strapped to his breast pocket. Presses the button. Jane holds her breath. “Hey, Sam? I got a woman here reporting a problem with one of the help.”
The cop frowns as no one answers.
“Sam? You there?” No response. “Kim? José?”
Jane crosses her arms, and taps her foot. “I thought you said you’d take care of it.”
He shakes his head, “Something’s wrong with my damn walkie.” He taps it one more time and shakes his head. “Goddamn this garbage keeps busting. Sorry miss, I’ll have to find my superior.” He shoots Jane a glance, eyeing her up and down. “In the meantime, use some common sense.”
Jane huffs, as the cop walks off, grumbling about equipment.
Honestly, you half expected that not to work. Thank you, Dr. Mortum.
A quick glance around to check for any other eyes and you step back to hold the door open. “Alright Ochoa, you’re in.”
“Finally.” The reporter quickly steps inside and you let the door close. “I can’t believe I’m really doing this.”
Jane frowns as she digs through her purse again. “Yeah, well, if you want the real meat you gotta go where they don’t want you to be.”
“Oh believe me, I know.”
“Ah, here we go.” Jane pulls out a small laminated pin, holds it up for Ochoa’s inspection. “Your own name pin. It’s like you were supposed to be her all along.”
“Oh!” The woman takes it from Jane’s hand with a look of surprise. “You thought of everything.”
“Don’t jinx it.”
As the two of you walk down the hallway to rejoin the main event Ochoa pins the name tag to her chest and smoothes out her dress. “Alright, well, thanks for getting me in. I can take it from here.”
“Just don’t forget our deal. You owe now.”
The smile fades from Ochoa’s face. “Of course.”
Jane scans the room as the two of you step in. There’s Ortega and Herald still talking in the far corner, and then there’s… “Actually,” a tight smile crosses Jane’s face, “how do you feel about in introduction to the Mayor’s right-hand man?”
Ochoa’s eyes light up, “I’d love it.” She frowns, “But do you think he’ll talk?”
“I think you might be surprised.” Jane grabs Ochoa’s hand, pulling her through the crowd. There we go. Jane raises her free hand in greeting, “Professor Vanderpoel, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”
The balding clerk turns with startled surprise towards Jane, as the other two men in his group stop talking, watching the two approaching women with mild interest. “I’m sorry… do I know you?”
Jane laughs, a bright smile on her face. “Don’t tell me you forgot me already? Tell me you at least remember the linden trees?”
A cascade of color rockets up the man’s face. “That– that was a very different time in my life.”
One of Vanderpoel’s companions laughs and elbows him in the side. “You never told me you used to teach!”
Vanderpoel flinches, “I haven’t for eight years.”
Jane nods, knowingly. “Such a shame what happened! Still I’m so happy to see you’ve bounced back without any problems.”
“Anyway,” Jane cuts him off without mercy, “I was just catching up with my good friend Mia over here,” Jane tugs Mia forward by the arm. “When I saw you over here.”
One of Vanderpoel’s friends tilts his head, “Mia…? You look familiar.”
Ochoa’s smile is strained. “I’m a reporter for LD Confidential.”
Jane laughs, “Don’t worry, she’s not working today.”
Vanderpoel’s two friends laugh with Jane, but Vanderpoel himself has a thoughtful look in his eye. Encouraging. Banshee’s bridge-side chat with the man had been sinking in after all.
The man on the right claps Vanderpoel on the back. “You know some lovely ladies man, I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on us!” A strange look crosses across Vanderpoel’s face and the three men make room for the two of you to join their conversation. You can’t stop the smirk on Jane’s face. You’ve got them.
S u c k e r s.
Not every bomb needs to be literal.
A few more minutes of smalltalk to help work Ochoa into the conversation and then Jane politely excuses herself from the group. She’s got a date to rejoin after all.
Ortega perks up as Jane crosses the room, a glass of wine in each hand. She doesn’t wait to ask before offering Jane one of them. “I was beginning to think you might have ditched me.”
Jane smiles, laughs, as she takes the wine glass. “Sorry, sorry, I saw some people I knew and got distracted.”
“Oh?” Ortega’s focus zeros in on Jane, “Anyone I’d know?”
“Oh, I doubt it.” Jane shakes her head and waves a hand to dismiss the idea. “Just some old college friends. “ She glances about the room, “Herald still around?”
Ortega laughs, “He’s around somewhere. Why?”
“No reason. Just wondering.” Jane sips from her glass. “You have a lot of attractive friends.”
Wait, fuck what? Why did you say that? What the fuck? What happened to that masterclass of infiltration?
Ortega blinks, surprised, then laughs. “I hadn’t pegged you for being into men too.”
Jane glowers up at her. “So what?”
“Hey, it’s fine. I’m bi too.” Ortega smiles, pats Jane on the shoulder, then lets her hand run down the arm.
“You are?” Jane winces, “Ugh, what am I saying, of course you are. Sorry, I’ve apparently lost my mind tonight.”
“I suppose my love life is pretty well documented at this point.” There’s a bitter tinge to Ortega’s voice that catches you by surprise.
“I’m surprised we haven’t shown up in a tabloid yet,” Jane admits.
“The press don’t follow me around like they used to.”
“Miss it any?”
“God no.” Ortega smiles widely, and then the smile quickly fades. “Sometimes I wonder how many relationships it cost me.”
Huh. “Was it that bad?”
“You got out for dinner with one guy and suddenly they’re your boyfriend. After awhile I just kind of embraced it. Especially once I became Marshal. At least I could take some ownership over it that way, you know?”
“I’m… sorry, that sounds pretty rough actually.”
“It’s in the past now.”
Silence threatens to stretch out between you two. Jane coughs, “So… when did you figure out you liked women, then?”
Ortega rubs her neck, “When I figured it out…? Hrm.”
“You don’t have to tell me.”
“No, I’m just… it feels like so long ago, now.” Ortega sighs. “I guess… there was this vigilante…”
Jane holds her breath. No– It couldn’t be, could it? “A vigilante?”
“Well, I had just joined the Rangers properly.” Oh. “This vigilante, Axel. She was this speed boost that worked in the south end of the city. She was Latina too, and we just… kind of hit it off.”
“Wow,” Jane says. You try to wrack you memory for anything about an ‘Axel.’ It’s not ringing a bell. “What ended up happening?”
“It wasn’t easy trying to keep it out of the press. Eventually it got to be too much and we just kind of… mutually broke it off. She retired not long after. Or moved, maybe?” Ortega crosses her arms, thinking. “That’s it, she moved down further south. I haven’t heard from her since.”
“She didn’t want to go public?”
Ortega sighs. “This was like the early aughts. Things were starting to change but…”
Jane frowns. “There would have been consequences.”
“Yeah. I think…” Ortega stares at the floor between the two of you, lost in memory or maybe regret. “I think maybe I had been too pushy. I was under a lot of pressure at the time. The new face of the Rangers. They told me I needed a relationship to look ‘normal.’”
“Yeah,” Ortega laughs, bitter. “That too, I guess. Not that it was an excuse mind.”
“Would a relationship with a woman really of worked for that though?”
“Well, we’ll never know now. I wanted to try but…”
“I don’t think I gave her the space to really process what coming out would mean. We just fought about it. A lot.”
Jane rocks back and forth on her heels, avoids looking at Ortega. “That’s rough, I’m sorry.” Ortega never shared this with you – with Ariadne. You’re not sure what that means. How to feel about it. 
“Well, hey,” Ortega looks up, catches Jane’s eye. “I learned from it. Eventually.” She smiles, and Jane smiles back. “Well, I told you my story, what’s yours?”
Jane blinks, bites her lip. “Oh! Uh. Hrm.”
“Sore subject for you too?”
“Uh… not exactly…” Jane laughs while panic runs through your head. “Like… when I figured out I liked guys…?”
“I was thinking more women? Society kind of expects the male interest.”
Jane forces a laugh. “I guess that’s true. I’ve never actually dated a guy though.”
Ortega shrugs, “Doesn’t make you any less bi. Nothing wrong with that.”
“Is it still bi if you don’t want to date guys though?” Jane frowns, looking away. Floor, artwork, the crowd. Anywhere else.
“Oh. Hrm,” Ortega pauses, “I guess that’s up to you? I’m not the sexuality police.” She laughs and Jane finds herself joining in.
“Oh good. I’m safe then. I mean… guys can be… attractive, I guess.” Jane shrugs helplessly, “But… I don’t know. I guess I’m kind of afraid of them?”
“Jane…?” There’s a note of concern in Ortega’s voice, and Jane cringes. This conversation is getting too real.
“This isn’t really the place to talk about it.”
“Okay. I get that. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” Jane sighs. That is absolutely not a subject you want Ortega to chew on. You need something to distract her. “ As far as women go, well..” You need to think of a story quickly. “There was this… girl I worked with in – in… college.”
“You know,” There’s an impish grin on Ortega’s face, “they say you should never date a co-worker.”
Jane scowls, “Oh believe me, no dating was involved.”
Ortega puts a hand over her mouth. “Oh no! You just pined from afar?”
“Uh… more like, right next to her. For five years.”
“Ouch. She never caught on?”
The pained expression on Jane’s face matches the one in your heart. “I… have no idea?” Jane sighs and downs the rest of her wine glass in one go. “Honestly, I didn’t really… realize what it was I was feeling until years later. And then it was too late.” She shrugs and looks away. Can’t believe this conversation is happening. Have you lost your goddamn mind?
Ortega is shaking her head, equal parts amused and pitying. “I never would have pegged you for the shy type.”
“Hey!” Jane crosses her arms, “not shy enough to keep from kissing you.”
Ortega laughs again, “I’ve noticed.”
“I learned from my mistakes too,” Jane lies.
36 notes · View notes
letswritebangtan · 5 years
Ace | Jeon Jeongguk
Jeon Jungkook x reader  f.t. olderbrother!Jimin
fluff + !mature content!
synopsis: Jeongguk wants to make you his but Taehyung keeps getting in the way.
You had no idea why you agreed to sit in the scalding hot sun for 2 hours to watch your brother practice. He was whining about how you weren’t supportive and how you never watch him play, and he was right though, you’ve only been to one of his games but there was a reason that that was your last one. He just wanted you to bring food for him, why else would your brother want to see you on a boiling hot tuesday afternoon during football practice? 
“Go long!” you heard a manly voice yell. 
You sighed and checked your phone for the hundredth time, counting the minutes to when practice would end. You couldn’t scroll through Instagram because the glare from the sun gave no use to the brightness settings on your phone. And you certainly couldn’t stare at your big fat crush Jeon Jungkook because you were too embarrassed. 
“Run! Pick up that speed, Jeon!” the captain yelled. 
You watched as Jungkook sped through the field, legs moving like the flash as he ran to catch the ball. You saw him leap up high to gracefully pull the ball into his embrace and land onto the grass with a thud so loud you heard it from miles away. 
“Nice catch!” 
“That’s why he’s our ace!”
Jeon Jungkook was a man you’d never find in a lifetime. You could say that you pretty much hit jackpot. He was tall, muscular, handsome, hair as soft as cotton candy, built like a god damn greek god. And let’s just say you got to see pretty much all if him. Your brother was pretty well-known around campus and he had tons of friends who loved to party. Usually he never let you attend, saying that it was too unsafe for you, but the moment you entered college you demanded that he let you go. And man was that the best decision of your entire life. 
It was there that you met Jungkook. He was in his white t-shirt that displayed his broad chest, and his jeans so ripped it was pointless wearing them. But it worked, because he still looked dazzling. You couldn’t keep count of the number of girls that approached him that night, but you knew exactly how many he didn’t turn away. One. That one was you. You saw him walk towards you so effortlessly through the mushed-up bodies on the dance floor. He made small-talk, and it was the first time you heard his voice. 
“You’re brother would probably kill me if I did this,” he muttered, his lips only inches away from yours. 
And you couldn’t take it anymore. Jimin can go to hell for even trying to keep you from such a catch. 
“Can we pretend I don’t have a brother tonight?” you whispered, alcohol running through your veins making you dizzy and yet so bold. 
His smirk was the last thing you saw before things got heated up. 
So that was what happened when you first met Jeon Jungkook. You slept with him. That was two months ago, and the most you’ve had contact with Jungkook since then was a small smile that he sent you when he passed you in the corridors one day. The two of you were too afraid to reach out to each other. Well for one, you were embarrassed because how on earth were you supposed to face him again after possibly having the best night you’ve ever had in your entire life? And if you did face him, what the heck were you going to say? It bummed you out sometimes when you thought about how you were just a one time thing, but it was true. That also kept you from trying to talk to him. 
“y/n!! You came.” Jimin shouted from afar and ran over to you. 
He sat next to you with a thud, and his arm brushed against yours.
“Ew, you’re all sweaty. Don’t touch me.” you grumbled as you handed him his takeout. 
“Aw, why such a sour mood?” he cooed as he dug into the bag with his sweaty, filthy hands. 
You cringed at the sight but you knew your brother, even if you had told him to wash his hands he’d never listen. 
“You’re really asking me that? After making me sit 2 hours in this heat with nothing to do, you really don’t know why I’m in a shitty mood?” you asked sarcastically. 
“It wasn’t that bad, was it? You got to see Jungkook being all sporty.” Jimin teased.
You flushed red and resisted the urge to smack his arm only because it was sweaty and gross. “Shut up, fool.” you said embarrassed. 
Jimin laughed and bit into his burger, strands of lettuce falling out of his mouth and sticking to his sweaty chin. 
“Don’t worry, y/n. I’d never let you date him anyway.”
You turned to him and looked at him worriedly, “You wouldn’t?”
“Yeah, he’s not right for you. He’s a good friend of mine but I just can’t have him dating my sister. My friends are off-limits.”
You rolled your eyes, staring ahead of you. “And you just had to be the popular kid.”
“Are you telling me that you-”
“No! No I don’t like him.” you you cut him off quickly.
Jimin looked at you quizzically before turning back to his burger, chomping at it.
“If you say so, sis.” he shrugged. 
You sighed and leaned back against your seat, fanning yourself with a notebook that you had pulled out of your bag. You knew you looked like a mess right now, and sometimes you wondered how, although sweaty and not at all composed, that your brother could still manage to avoid looking like a melted snowman. 
“Can I steal a fry?” you heard an all too familiar voice. 
You snapped your head to look at the intruder of you and your brother’s sibling bubble. Of course it was Jeon Jungkook. 
“I’m hungry.” Jimin complained. 
You gulped, shifting in your seat and trying not to make eye contact. But somehow Jungkook’s eyes lured yours to meet his, because when you looked up, he was staring at you. 
“You know it’s really nice of your sister to bring you lunch.” Jungkook said raising an eyebrow. 
You smiled kindly at Jungkook and then glared at your brother. 
“At least someone’s appreciative. You didn’t even thank me, dumb butt.” 
“Thank you, y/n. You’re the best, you know that? Come, let me give you a hug.” he said as he set his burger down and moved his sweaty arms to try and trap you.
You squealed and protested as Jimin laughed evilly. You could see Jungkook smiling amused from the corner of your eye but that wasn’t important now. You had to get away from the sweaty beast you called your brother. 
“Jimin I swear to god I’ll spray paint your dance shoes pink!” you threatened as you held your bag in front of you as a shield. 
“You wouldn’t dare.” he said dramatically. 
“For god’s sakes, hyung, leave the poor girl alone. She brought you lunch, I wish I had someone to do that for me.” Jungkook called out. 
“Yeah, listen to your friend, oppa, please.” you begged. 
Jimin’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. He sat back in his seat making you release a sigh of relief. 
“I don’t know what you did to my sister, JK, but she hasn’t called me oppa in 12 years.” Jimin told his friend. 
Jungkook smirked, his gaze shifting over to you with a small glint in his eye. 
“Guess I just have that effect on her.”
You had never turned so red in your life. 
“Eat your damn burger.” you grumbled at your brother and you earned a small chuckle from Jungkook. 
“Are we still on for later?” Jimin asked.
“Yeah, we are. Would your sister like to join us?” Jungkook asked looking at you. 
He was smart not to use your name. In Jimin’s eyes, you and Jungkook hadn’t met before. 
“Where are you guys going?” you asked curiously. 
“A few of us are going to Starbucks to chill. I asked you if you wanted to join, remember?” Jimin said. 
“Oh yeah, no thanks. I wouldn’t wanna intrude.” you smiled slightly at Jungkook. 
“You wouldn’t be intruding, we’ll be happy to have you. The team has been wanting to meet you for a really long time but Jimin-hyung never allowed it.” Jungkook said disapprovingly to him. 
“I never said no!” Jimin protested. 
“Yeah you did, we wanted you to bring her to the movies last month but you-”
“She was feeling unwell so I assumed she wouldn’t wanna join-”
“You can’t just assume, hyung. Your sister has her own opinions-”
“Oh shut up, since when were you so concerned about-”
“You shut up!”
“No you!”
“Jesus, guys quit it. I’ll come if that’s what you guys want.” you interrupted. 
The two ‘men’ rubbed the back of their necks embarrassed and you giggled softly at how cute Jungkook looked. 
“I can meet you at your last class and we can walk from there.” Jungkook suggested. 
“No, I’ll take her. What do you think your date will say when she sees you walking with another pretty girl?”
Date? You frowned slightly and your gaze flickered to Jungkook who’s facial expression held a mix of disgust and annoyance. 
Suddenly you weren’t so keen on going anymore. 
“You finish at 4 right? Second floor.” Jimin asked.
You nodded, and then stuffed your notebook in your bag, zipped it up and shrugged it on. 
“I gotta go now, I’ll see you guys later.” you said. 
You stepped past Jimin and came face to face with Jungkook. He moved slightly so you could get around him and he offered you a small smile to which you didn’t return. Jungkook frowned and watched as you exited the field and then turned to Jimin. 
“You gonna finish-”
“Oh for god sakes just have the fries.”
Jungkook’s date was a dare and he was forced to take her so yeet he def. likes u :D but you don’t know that yet so shhh
time skip
“Jungkook, could you order for us?” Namjoon asked. 
Jungkook nodded and pulled out his phone to open the notes app. He handed his phone to his ‘date’ to enter hers. 
“Don’t you know my regular, babe?” she asked obnoxiously. 
“I don’t, just write it down.” Jungkook sighed.
There was a visible frown on her face as she typed her order into his phone. In the meantime, you sat there as awkward as a potato. 
“So y/n, it’s so nice to meet you. Jimin never told me he had such a beautiful sister.” Taehyung said smiling from next to you. 
He was really cute, and he had cheeks that you wished you could pinch but sadly that was very inappropriate. 
“It’s nice to meet you guys too.” you replied giggling softly. 
Jungkook sent Taehyung a death stare mouthing the words “mine” but Taehyung shrugged it off. 
“y/n, would you like to be my date for the next Starbucks outing?” Taehyung asked shamelessly. 
You were surprised that Jimin hadn’t said anything, but you didn’t mind. You blushed slightly and looked at Taehyung. 
“Depends. Give me pros and cons.” you challenged. 
Taehyung laughed and took your hand in his. “Pros, I’m handsome, funny, and I’m very romantic.” he said as he lifted your hand to place a kiss on top. 
Jungkook was practically fuming at this point. 
Also, you were really pink by now. 
“Cons, he snores and releases fart bombs in his sleep.” Yoongi cut in. 
“Hyung!” Taehyung whined. 
Everyone laughed, except Jungkook. “I think that’s cute.” you said smiling cheekily. 
“Not as cute as you.”
“y/n, your order.” Jungkook snapped. You didn’t realise he was standing right in front of you and shoving his phone into your face. 
“Oh, I don’t really drink Starbucks so I don’t know what’s good here.” you said taking the phone from him. 
“My drink’s good! The matcha latte is nice. We can share.” Taehyung offered. 
“Oh, sure.” you replied smiling. 
You turned to Jungkook and you were slightly taken aback with his foul expression. 
“I’ll share with Tae, thanks.” you said politely. 
“Tae?” he asked and then scoffed. “Yeah, fine.”
“Babe I think I’ll share with you instead!” Jungkook’s date piped in. 
“Yeah, no.” Jungkook replied before storming off to the counter. 
“Is...he okay?” you asked. 
“Jungkook’s unpredictable, but don’t worry about it, it’s probably nothing.” Jimin shrugged. 
You were about to say something but Taehyung was already asking you questions. 
After an hour of talking and drinking sugary drinks you decided to go to the bathroom. 
“Don’t take too long.” Taehyung whined and you smiled. 
“Unfortunately for you, Tae, girls pee longer than guys.”
“Yeah we have better aim, plus we don’t have to sit.” Jimin said. 
“But we have to stand next to each other while we pee.” Yoongi added.
You left before the conversation got any more wild. After you were done with your business you washed your hands and stepped outside. When you looked up you got slightly startled by Jungkook standing there with his arms crossed and his tongue poking out from the inside of his cheek. He was pissed. 
“Hey.” you greeted awkwardly. 
“It’s gotta stop.” he said suddenly. His fiery gaze on you.
“W-What’s gotta stop?” you asked feeling slightly intimidated. 
Jungkook stepped closer to you, cornering you against the wall. He placed one hand on the wall beside your head and the other on your waist firmly. Your breath hitched when his lips made contact with your neck. 
“Can Taehyung make you feel like this?” he growled lowly. 
He sank his teeth into your sensitive flesh making you whimper. Your hand instinctively went up to tangle in his hair. 
“Can he make you feel this good?” 
Jungkook kissed all the way to the underside of your jaw leaving multiple marks. 
“Do you need a little reminder baby? Hm? Do I need to show you again? How amazing I can make you feel?”
You moaned softly when he pressed his hips against yours. He held your chin between his fingers and pulled your face closer to kiss you feverishly. It’s been so long since you felt his touch, it made you weak in the knees. 
“Jungkook.” you gasped. 
His fingers slipped under the hem of your shirt and started to trace the bare skin near your waistline. 
“Just say the words, baby, and I’m all yours.” he rasped into your ear. 
You closed your eyes and let your head fall back against the wall. You craved his touch. You craved more. He was making you feel so weak, and he hadn’t done anything yet. 
He placed another soft yet stimulating kiss just below your ear. You groaned and latched your hands onto the back of his neck and tugged him closer with so much force he practically fell onto you. His lips crashed onto yours and his hands started travelling across your body in a way that made you feel so good. Jungkook picked you up, supporting your weight from the bottom of your thighs and stumbled into the restroom careful not to run into anything. He placed you down onto the sink counter and locked the door, quickly returning to you. 
“You really thought you could flirt with him like that and get away with it?” 
Jungkook’s hands slowly moved up your thighs closer and closer to where you felt the heat pooling. You panted as you tried to lift his shirt over his head but he tutted. 
“I’ve gotta have my way with you first, babygirl.”
Jungkook removed your top and he was just about to unclasp your bra when a knock was heard. 
“I HAD TOO MUCH COFFEE AND IT’S URGENT.” you heard Taehyung yell. 
You stifled your laughter and Jungkook groaned, cussing a little. 
He turned to you and smiled sheepishly, his previous dominating demeanor vanished. 
“We’ll continue this later.” he said handing you your shirt. 
“Jungkook? Who are you talking to? Will you hurry the fuck up I need to piss.” Taehyung hissed. 
Jungkook rolled his eyes at his friend and helped you off the counter. 
“You’re mine, remember that princess.” he said placing one last kiss onto your lips before unlocking the door. 
Jungkook stepped out and held your hand, pulling you out with him. Taehyung froze and examined your flustered states. 
“I guess you really meant it when you said she was taken.” Taehyung mumbled in shock. 
“Better get in there before you pee in your pants.” Jungkook teased. 
Taehyung scowled and wasted no more time. You giggled and turned to Jungkook who was now smiling fondly at you, still holding your hand. 
“I’m sorry I never reached out after...you know.” he said. 
You shook your head, “Well I didn’t either so we’re even.”
“I really like you. Like, really really like you. Like really really really really-”
“Okay, I get it.” you laughed, making him flash his bunny smile. 
“I really like you too. Really times ten.” you said cheekily.
Jungkook placed his hands on your waist to pull you to his chest. He leaned down to kiss you softly on the lips. You tip toed, holding onto the back of his neck for support to push your lips against his to deepen the kiss. 
“I think the ladies room isn’t occupied.” Jungkook muttered breathlessly against your lips. 
“I’m down.” you smiled, squealing as he picked you up again and carried you into the room. 
“I told you my friends were off-limits!” Jimin complained. 
“Jimin, pleasee? I really like him.” you protested. 
Jimin scowled at Jungkook who was leaning against the door so that he’d have a head start if Jimin ever charged at him. 
“Did you sleep together?” Jimin asked. 
“Um....t-that’s none of your business.” you said. 
“Oh my god, you did. I swear Jeon, if you weren’t my friend I would have found a deadly spider and I would have shoved it down your pants.” Jimin snapped. 
“Oppa, please.” you begged as you tugged on his shirt sleeve. 
“Don’t you go all ‘oppa’ on me.” Jimin grumbled. 
“I swear I’ll bring you lunch during every practice and I’ll do your laundry for the whole month and I’ll give you my Marvel figurine collection.” you offered.
Jungkook’s and Jimin’s eyes widened at the mention of your figurines. 
“y/n, that’s a bit much, baby-” Jungkook tried to reason. 
“Don’t baby her! I’ll kill you!” Jimin exclaimed. 
“Jiminnnnnn~” you whined. 
You looked at your brother with puppy eyes and he tried to stare back at you but you were his cute little sister so he gave in. 
He sighed and wrapped his arms around you, “Only because I love you, y/n.”
You shouted in victory and hugged your brother tight. 
“You know I was joking about the figurines right?”
“Yeah I’m not stupid, y/n.”
You laughed and pulled away from him and Jimin smiled down at you. You turned to Jungkook and held out your hand for him to take.
Jungkook cautiously stepped closer, not taking his eyes of of Jimin. Slowly he took your hand in his and stood in front of your brother.
Jungkook smiled sweetly at him and Jimin only squinted his eyes at your new boyfriend. 
“Hyung, you know I love you right?” Jungkook said smiling. 
Jimin sighed, “Fine, at least you’re better than Taehyung.”
“I think Taehyung’s sweet.” you said. 
Jungkook turned to look at you, “What was that, babygirl? You wanna say that again?”
You smirked, “He’s sweet.”
Jungkook bit his lip as he stared you down and you teasingly smiled back at him. 
“I guess one time wasn’t enough...” he said tracing your cheekbone with his finger. 
“Guys.” Jimin called. 
“Hm?” you and Jungkook hummed in unison. 
“Get out.”
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amanda-teaches · 5 years
Happy New Year
Summary: The fate of your and Dean’s secret relationship all comes to a head on New Year’s Eve. Will you choose to reveal it to the world or let it fall away as the clock strikes midnight?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Square filled: Secretly Dating for @spngenrebingo
Word Count: 1387
Warnings: A little bit of fighting but mostly fluff
A/N: Happy New Year, everyone!
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The library was quiet, a stark contrast to the expected festivities that were coming later that night, but you, Sam, and Dean were taking full advantage of the peace to catch up on some much-needed research. That was until you felt your phone buzz in your jeans pocket.
New Year’s Eve, huh? What d’you think my chances are for a little midnight kissing?
You grinned, raising your eyes to find Dean gazing mischievously at you from across the table. Careful not to let Sam see your reaction, you dropped your eyes back to your phone to type out a response.
What part of secret dating don’t you understand?
The part where I don’t get to kiss you anytime I want, Dean texted back, adding a winky face at the end that matched the devilish glint in his eyes.
You couldn’t help but laugh at that answer, the sound urging Sam to look up and turn your way with raised eyebrows. “What’s so funny?”
“Oh, uh, nothing,” you answered quickly, shooting a meaningful look at Dean as you put your phone down on the table. You placed the book you were reading next to it and focused your full attention on Sam, eager to change the subject. “So, Sam, everything set for the party tonight?”
He smiled and nodded, putting his book down as well. “Yeah. Cas is out picking up the last of the drinks now and Jody and the girls should be here soon.”
“Is Jack still in his room whittling down his list of potential resolutions?”
Dean chuckled at that picture, standing up from his chair and making his way around the table to you. “Yeah, I think the list of ‘100 Inspiring New Year’s Resolutions’ Sammy printed out for him may have been a little too much for the kid to take.”
You laughed again as Sam glared at his brother. “Hey, Jack’s just excited. It’s his first real New Year’s, considering last year he was…”
“Stuck in an apocalyptic world with a sociopathic angel?”
“Yeah that,” Sam agreed, smiling sheepishly. “I just want tonight to be fun for him, for everyone.”
You and Dean exchanged looks, knowing just how much Sam had been going through to try to get everything back to normal for everyone. This party was his latest attempt, but it clearly meant a lot to him that it was successful. “The party’s going to be great, Sam,” you assured him. “I’m sure Jack will have a great time. We all will.”
“Yeah,” Dean nodded, looking back down at you. “You know what, Sammy, why don’t Y/N and I go and check on the last minute preparations? Make sure everything’s all set for the party?”
You stared at Dean incredulously as he winked at you and wiggled his eyebrows. “Now wait a second, we don’t need to…”
But, Sam interrupted your deflection. “That sounds good. Why don’t you guys do that and I’ll go check on Jack in the meantime.” He stood up and hurried off, quickly leaving you and Dean alone in the empty library.
“What was that?” you asked, standing up and facing him with your hands on your hips. “Could you have been any more obvious? What do you want Sam to catch us?”
“He didn’t notice!”
“Yeah, no thanks to you,” you huffed, poking him in the center of his chest. “With the texting and the eyebrows. You know, Dean, the whole point of secret dating is that no one’s supposed to find out. That’s what we agreed. How is blatantly flirting right in front of Sam keeping it a secret?”
“Y/N, it wasn’t that big of a deal.”
“Yeah, maybe not this time, but what about next time? I mean, God, Dean, if we want this to stay a secret…”
“What if I don’t want to keep it a secret anymore?!” Dean blurted out, shocking you into silence. “I like you, Y/N, I really like you, and I know we wanted to keep this a secret so no one got too involved in case we didn’t work out, but what if I got too involved? What if I don’t want to keep us a secret anymore? What if I want to tell people about us because I want there to actually to be an us?!”
“I...I…” You didn’t know what to say so you did the only thing you thought you could do: you took the coward’s way out. “I gotta go,” you stammered before taking off and running to your room, leaving Dean standing alone in your dust.
By the time the party rolled around that night, you hadn’t stopped thinking about Dean and what he’d said. You felt awful about running out on him, but you just froze. The whole point of keeping things secret was so that you didn’t get too involved and risk getting hurt when Dean inevitably realized he could do better. 
You sighed. Because, deep down, you knew you couldn’t get any better than Dean, and now that you knew he felt the same way…
“Y/N? You okay, hon?”
You turned to find Donna smiling at you sweetly, concern lacing her eyes. “Uh, yeah,” you answered hastily, looking over her shoulder for Dean, who you found standing on the other side of the crowded library, talking to Cas. “You know what, actually, I’ll be right back.”
Seeing Dean now, his face lighting up in a sun-stealing smile at whatever Cas was saying, you realized that all of your fears, they didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was Dean, and, if he was willing to risk his heart with you, then you were more than willing to risk it with him.
“1 minute to midnight!” you heard someone yell as you made your way through the crowd to get to him. You pushed your way past Sam laughing at Jody’s jokes, past Jack explaining the seven resolutions he had finally settled on to Alex and Mary, past all the other hunters and friends and family that had gathered to celebrate the new year, and straight to Dean.
By, the time you reached him, someone had already started the countdown. “30...29...28....”
“Dean!” you yelled as you neared him, hoping he could hear you over the noise. “Dean!”
He turned to you, his eyes lighting up before he masked his excitement behind a wall of self-preservation. “Y/N?”
18...17...16... You grabbed his arm and pulled him towards you. “I need to talk to you.”
His eyes widened. “What, now? It’s almost midnight.”
“I know,” you whispered, hearing the countdown behind you. 12...11…
“Look if this is about earlier, it’s ok…”
“Dean…” you tried, but he just kept talking. 7...6…
“Really, we don’t have to tell anyone. I shouldn’t have pushed you when you’re not ready. We can leave things as they are and….”
“Dean!” you yelled, finally getting his attention as the countdown neared its end. 3... He looked straight into your eyes, his deep green ones reaching into your very soul. 2… He was waiting, waiting for you. 1… And, in that moment you knew exactly what to do.
“Happy New Year, Dean,” you whispered, pulling him in for a kiss just as the clock struck midnight and cheers sounded out all around you. He wrapped his arms around you instantly, his lips pressing into yours with a frenzied passion you’d never felt before. You could hear the cheers around you shifting from celebration to surprise as people began to notice you and Dean, but you tuned it all out. All that mattered was the man who held you in his arms and his lips on yours.
When you finally pulled apart, the two of you were met with a chorus of applause and “It’s about time”’s, but the only thing you saw was the dazzling smile on the face of the man in front of you. “I guess we’re not such a secret anymore, huh?” he chuckled.
“Hey, you’re the one who wanted a New Year’s kiss,” you laughed, leaning up to kiss him again. “You got a problem with everyone seeing?” you asked, knowing full well what his answer would be.
He shook his head and grinned, letting you pull him down for another kiss. “No, ma’am.”
Forevers- @hamartiamacguffin @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @katymacsupernatural @impandagrl @cyrilconnelly @impala-dreamer @castielhasthetardis @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @be-amaziing @jalove-wecallhimdean @there-must-be-a-lock @mysterious-398 @hannahindie @emoryhemsworth @ohmychuckitssamanddean @wi-deangirl77 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @ericaprice2008 @masksandtruths @jpadjackles @roxyspearing @squirrel-moose-winchester @sweetpeamoose @babypieandwhiskey @deans-dirty-writer @roxy-davenport @heyitscam99 @starry-chaos @spnbaby-67 @rideandwritethings @mogaruke @atc74 @dolphincliffs @closetspngirl
Dean Tags- @akshi8278 @whimsicalrobots @dean-winchesters-bacon @adoptdontshoppets @alexwinchester23
439 notes · View notes
Love, Blood, And Rhetoric, Ch 3.
Fandom: The Society.
Summary: Campbell’s just trying to survive in the new world. He knows he can make it– it’s everyone else he’s worried about.
Rating: Mature.
Tags: Canon Divergence, Mental Health Issues, Family Issues, Substance Abuse, Complicated Relationships, Consent Issues, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Homophobic Language, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Character Death, Mild Sexual Content, assuming Elle and Campbell are both 18 for the sake of things, Underage Drinking, PTSD, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, implied eating disorder, Fix-It, Campbell has mild ASPD, and is actively trying to not be awful
Word Count: 4782
Ch 1 || Ch 2 || Ch 4 || Ch 5 || AO3
Campbell woke to the sound of his phone beeping.
It was early.  Sunlight filtered through the window, bright and shining as if nothing  had happened the night before at all. It would have seemed like any  other morning except for the fact that Elle was snuggled under the  covers and snoring quietly. He considered waking her up, but she looked  so peaceful that Campbell couldn't bring himself to do it. A few extra  minutes wouldn't hurt.
He eased out of the bed and tiptoed  downstairs, glancing at his phone. Voicemails. Texts. Two missed calls.  What the hell had happened now? Campbell opened his phone and read over  everything. Cassandra and Harry had texted and called him. Sam had  texted. There had been bunch of robberies, and a fight had broken out at  some point. Cassandra wanted to know if he and Elle were okay; Sam, to  Campbell's surprise, also wanted to know if he was okay. Harry, as per  usual, was just freaking out in general.
Yes, Campbell texted back to Sam and Cassandra, I'm fine. Are you?
Harry  could wait. Campbell wasn't ready for that mess, not until he'd had  some coffee; he turned the ringer on his phone off and let out a breath  of relief. Luckily, Grizz had sent out a mass text to everyone saying  the power had only been off for a few hours, and that Will said all the  food people had stored should be safe to eat. Cool. It meant Campbell  could cook breakfast. Fifteen minutes later and he was heading back  upstairs with frozen waffles, eggs, bacon, and two cups of coffee. Elle  was awake by the time he got back, stretching and yawning just as he  came through the door.
"Good morning, sunshine."
Elle rubbed her eyes. "Mm. The power came back on?"
"Just  in time to save our bacon, literally. I didn't know what you liked, so I  kinda just went with the staples... Unless you're one of those  free-range asparagus water types, then I can't help you." When Elle  didn't reply, Campbell set the tray down and sat next to her on the bed.  "Hey. No judgment, if you want free-range asparagus water, I can get  you some."
"No, no. I like all these things. It's just..." Elle  shook her head. "School here is almost as bad as ballet. There's so much  pressure to be so thin and pretty. And people here just hate me, even  when I look like they think I should. If I didn't..."
"If you didn't, you'd still be beautiful."
"Yeah. And you know what else is beautiful? A big stack of waffles with fancy butter and real maple syrup."
"I can't argue with that."
They  both ate in silence, knees touching; Campbell tried to think about how  to bring up the night before, but Elle seemed content, and he didn't  want to act like it was some big deal. After all, they'd just slept. But  what if he'd fucked up again? What if she was upset, but just wasn't  saying anything?
But then Elle's phone buzzed. She glanced at it  and sighed. "Cassandra's holding some sort of no-men-allowed meeting at  the church. I should go and see what's going on." Elle inspected  Campbell over the top of her phone. "Maybe you could go see Harry in the  meantime? He's called twice in five minutes."
She wasn't wrong.  More than that, there was another slew of text messages. Campbell  sighed, giving Elle a spare toothbrush from the cabinet and walking her  to the church once they were both freshened up a little. He waited until  she was inside before moving on to Harry's home; he probably should  have messaged first, but of course Harry would be home. He didn't really  have anywhere else to be. Not anymore.
"Fuck. Where've you  been?" Harry slurred, not even bothering to get up. He was sprawled in  his bed wearing not much more than a sheet. "I thought you got beat up."
"Your concern is noted."
"You didn't come to my party, Cam."
"No, Elle and I went back to my place."
"Ooh,  fun. I had some fun, too. Think I might be in love with Allie, for  real. She's like... gorgeous." Harry pushed himself up off the bed,  stumbling towards the bathroom. He didn't even try to cover up; he was  acting like he was still half drunk, and hell, maybe he was. "Is that  weird for you?"
Campbell ignored the comment, kicking some beer  cans towards the trash. He very suddenly wanted to be anywhere but in  Harry's presence. "You've gotta pull yourself together a little bit. It  looks like a dumpster in here."
"Okay, mom."
"Don't be ridiculous. Your mother wasn't much better than this."
When  Harry came back out of the bathroom, at least he had on some underwear.  "What's gotten into you this morning? Would've thought you'd be in a  better mood."
"Since when do you get to make comments about my  sex life?" Campbell snapped. "Life isn't about screwing everything with a  pulse, you know."
"Don't be mad at me just because you don't get any."
Campbell  felt a surge of anger. His fists balled,  and oh god he wanted to punch Harry so hard his ancestors would feel it. "Keep your fucking mouth shut, Harry."
Something  in Harry's expression shifted, as if he'd become at least somewhat  sober the moment he heard Campbell's tone. "I'm just playing around,  Campbell. Seriously. What's with you?"
"Maybe I don't want to play."
"Are you... are you jealous?"
What  had been rage mere seconds before guttered and went cold, turning into  something hollow. Campbell's shoulders dropped. Their eyes met, and  Campbell wanted to just say it. But it was too goddamn late. "I gotta  go. Elle needs me."
"And I don't?"
"I'm sure Allie's available. Call her."
Harry  stared at Campbell like he'd been slapped. Campbell turned on his heels  and walked out the door, slamming it behind him. What the fuck had that  been? Campbell fumed at himself the entire way to the church; Elle was  waiting on the sidewalk, and though she smiled when she saw him, he  couldn't bring himself to smile back.
"What's wrong?" Elle asked. "Is Harry okay?"
Campbell  kicked a rock into the road. "Yeah, peachy. He's slept with damn near  everyone in this town, and finally got around to my cousin."
"Surely you don't mean Cassandra."
"No. Allie. Cassandra, I could understand. Allie? I don't know what the hell she's thinking, getting involved with him."
"I didn't think you and Allie got along."
"We  don't, but she's still family, and I'll end up having to hear about it  either way. And Harry... he's just confused. Latching onto anyone he can  for a distraction. But in the end he'll get left, and I'll have to  clean up the mess."
Elle was silent for a couple blocks. "It's  gonna get worse, isn't it? All of this. Cassandra said it's only a  matter of time before men start attacking women. That's going to be a  worse mess, if she's right."
"She isn't wrong. Did she say what she wants to do about it?"
"There's  going to be a meeting in a few days. She told us to talk to the rest of  you, see if we could get the men in town to agree to some ideas. Not  taking anything, a work schedule, that sort of thing."
It wasn't  going to go over well, Campbell knew. Even if all the women in town  agreed to it-- and they wouldn't all agree, that was clear from the  night several were prepared to walk out of the church-- that didn't mean  everyone else would. "She'll have to get the Guard on board. A lot of  people look up to them. Grizz and Luke probably will be easy to  convince. Clark's an asshole, but Helena is tough. She'll crack him."
"And you?"
"I'm always on her side."
Elle  stuffed her hands into her pockets. "It just feels so pointless. At  some point, we're gonna run out of medicine. Someone will get sick and  we won't have doctors. Electronics will wear out. Gas will run out.  Power, water. Aren't we just delaying the inevitable?"
"Hey."  Campbell stepped in front of her. "Don't talk like that. Yeah, we're  stuck right now, but we can survive this. I will dump these fucks off a  bridge if they try to hurt you. Okay? We'll be alright."
"You don't know that."
"There  are a lot of people here who know what they're doing. Cassandra,  Gordie, Bean. They're smart. So's Will, and he knows how to survive.  Grizz is like a weird bag of cool special interests, and I can do  anything that needs to be done that they won't do. Trust in us a  little."
"Trust isn't my strong suit."
"Me, either. But I trust them, even when I don't like them."
Storm  clouds were rolling in again. Elle looked up at them and shivered. She  didn't say anything, but she stepped around Campbell and kept walking  towards her home. By the time they got there, rain was starting to fall.  Campbell watched Elle stand in the front entrance; the place was oddly  sparse, for having been lived in for years, and Elle looked so small and  pale among the stark white walls and hardwood floors. Suddenly, he  understood what she'd meant by one person being alone in such a big  space. It didn't feel quite right. Not at her home, or his, either.  But...
"Can I stay over at your house for a few days?" Elle  asked, interrupting his thoughts. "I just really don't like the thought  of being alone."
"Yeah, of course. Estás en tu casa."
It  didn't take long for Elle to pack some clothes, her make up, and a few  other belongings. Campbell left and got the car, coming back to pick her  up; there was no point in walking in the rain and having her stuff get  damp. He helped her unpack in his parent's bedroom. He wasn't about to  ask her to stay in his room. It was a huge assumption, and besides, he  knew the value of having one's own space.
Elle was hanging up  her clothes when she saw him stop, looking at a framed picture. "That's  me, after that first solo I told you about." In the photo, she looked  even smaller, with a big toothy grin and flushed cheeks. Her parents  were darker blonde. Pretty. "We didn't get ice cream often, but we did  that night to celebrate."
"They look like nice people."
"They tried, I think. I'm an only child, so they went all in on me I guess."
"What's that like?"
"Intense."  She took the photo from him and set it on the bare nightstand next to  the bed. "They gave me a lot of love, but they expected so much from me  all the time. I guess it's an immigrant family thing, you know? Parents  want a better life for their kids. They gave up everything back home to  make sure I'd have a good future. It was hard, but I know they mean  well."
Campbell tried to smile, but it didn't really stick. "That sounds nice. It must suck to be here without them."
"I do miss them. What about your parents? Do you really not miss them?"
"No. I know I'm supposed to, but all I feel is relieved."
Elle  examined the room, her gaze falling on another picture. It was his  parents' wedding picture, sitting on the dresser across from the foot of  the bed. "I noticed they have a lot of pictures everywhere, too. It  must suck, being in a place surrounded by them."
"I guess so. I try not to think about it."
"Have you ever considered just getting rid of it?"
Eyeing  the picture, Campbell stood up and walked to the dresser. He lifted the  picture off the wall, took it to the trash basket, and dropped it in.  "Yeah, that does feel better."
They went through the house  together, with Elle holding a big, black garbage bag. Campbell dumped in  all the photos of his parents, and everything else that reminded him of  them. He avoided Sam's room, and left the photos that were just him and  Sam together. There was no telling what was going to happen between him  and Sam, but he didn't want to bother Sam's stuff, in case they  smoothed things over eventually.
When he was done, Elle hefted  the bag into the middle of the living room floor. "What do you wanna do  with it all? Take it to the dump?"
"I'll take it to the  basement." Campbell dragged it away. "Thank you for helping me. It's  better, not having their blank eyes everywhere."
"Also less weird seeing your parents' underwear in the room where I'm sleeping."
Campbell  shuddered, taking the crap downstairs and sticking it in the darkest  corner of the basement. Why shouldn't he? Until the adults came back--  if they came back-- it was his house. What did he owe them, really? He  hadn't asked to be born. They had only done the bare minimum his whole  life. Most of everything he had, he'd worked to get for himself. They  weren't around to appreciate the crap, anyways. Campbell shut the door  to the basement and put it out of his mind. Time to start looking  forward.
They were making dinner when Campbell's phone buzzed.  Harry. He hit the decline button, going back to stirring the tomato  sauce he had on the stove; he wasn't in the mood for more drama and  whining. Elle looked up from the salad she was working on the second  time the phone went off. She didn't say anything, but Campbell saw the  question in her eyes.
"I need a night to cool off," Campbell  muttered. "I know he's probably drunk or high or both, and I just can't  deal with him like that."
"Do you get into fights often?"
"Every now and then. We know each other too well."
"You'd think that'd help you fight less."
"Maybe. For us, it just means we know how to hurt each other."
Elle  turned her attention back to the salad, but not before he saw the  troubled expression on her face. Well, it wasn't any secret that his  relationship with Harry wasn't healthy. Still. Harry depended on him,  and he knew Harry wouldn't actually leave, no matter how ill-tempered  Campbell got. Which was why, after he and Elle had their nice spaghetti  dinner and headed to their separate bedrooms, Campbell read the texts  Harry had left.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Please call me?
Campbell, I'm sorry. Pick up.
Please, Cam.  
I need you.
Ah, and there was the sweet spot. Campbell smiled at those three little words, opening the message and tapping out a reply. Heading to bed. I'll call you in the morning.  It was a cruel reply; he knew Harry wouldn't sleep well after that.  It'd do the guy some good to think about being an asshole to his few,  true friends. Campbell turned off the phone, rolled over, and  immediately fell asleep.
The next morning, Campbell woke up to  Elle sitting down at the foot of the bed. "Cassandra texted. She wants  everyone to meet up at the church." Elle had dark circles under her  eyes. "I didn't wanna wake you up, but she said it was urgent."
"It's okay. How long?"
"An hour and a half."
Campbell  nodded and stretched, rolling out of bed and into the shower. He was  half dressed when he popped downstairs, his shirt slung over one  shoulder. "Why don't you go on ahead? I'll have to go drag Harry out of  bed and haul him down by the ear, probably."
"Sure. Good luck."
He  wasn't sure he needed luck, but by the time he shrugged on the rest of  his clothes and got to Harry's house, Campbell had thought too much  about the whole situation. This was a new world, one they were going to  have to likely fight to survive in. Harry was going to need some tough  love, if he was gonna make it. Right? Maybe Allie made him feel good,  for a little bit, but Allie was also gaga over Will; in the end, she  would leave, and Harry would fall apart again. It wasn't something that  Harry could afford. It only made sense for Campbell to be hard on him,  didn't it? It was pretty clear Harry's mental health was going down the  pipes already. Once the booze and drugs were gone, how was Harry going  to survive? Maybe Campbell was being too harsh, trying to put their  friendship between Harry and Allie, but it was the only way to toughen  Harry up.
The point was proven when Harry answered the door,  looking like he'd gotten mowed over by a tractor. When he saw Campbell,  his eyes lit up, if only a little. "Hey. I didn't expect to see you."
"Surprise. Jesus christ, have you taken a shower since the party?"
Campbell  stepped inside the house, shoving Harry towards the bathroom. "I'm not  talking to you while you smell like a garbage disposal. Go."
Harry  sighed, but did as he was told. When he came back out, his hair was  combed and still a little wet, and the asshole looked like some sort of  model that you'd see posing next to the ocean with some expensive,  organic wine or some damn thing. Campbell scowled and threw him an apple  and a bottle of water.
"What's this for?" Harry asked.
"Something for you to eat while we head to the church. Cassandra texted, she's calling for a meeting of some kind."
"Is that the only reason you're here?"
"No, but we can talk on the way. Get your shoes on."
They  could have taken Harry's car, but Campbell chose to walk. Fresh air  would do Harry a little good, and it gave them time to talk about  whatever it was Harry thought they needed to talk about. It was quiet  for a long while. Harry kept glancing over, but he just rubbed his neck  and kept his mouth shut.
"What's going on between us, Cam?"
Campbell  paused for a step at the sudden question. Fuck. Fuck, that was not the  conversation he was expecting. Time to play ignorant. "What are you  talking about? We had a spat. Whatever. There's nothing going on."
"Come  on, you know what I mean. You've got to." Harry looked at him again,  eyebrows knit together in worry. "First you hated Kelly..."
"Kelly wants me dropped into a volcano because I stole her pizza rolls in the 4th grade."
"...And now you're jealous of Allie."
"Okay, so why would I be jealous of Kelly and Allie?"
"You tell me."
Grabbing  Harry's shoulder, Campbell spun Harry around to face him. "What do you  want me to say, Harry? Huh?" He stepped closer, until he could feel  Harry's breath on his face, and then a little closer still. "That I want  you? Is that what you think this is?"
Harry swallowed hard. "Is that what this is?"
"It doesn't matter, either way."
"No,  just stop. Even if it were true, you had years to figure this out.  Years. But you slept around, and then you settled down with Kelly. Now,  you have Allie. I have Elle. Whatever could have happened here, it's not  happening now."
"I just..." Harry trailed off. Oh, Campbell had  hit a nerve. The hurt in Harry's eyes was almost enough to make Campbell  take it back. "I just want us to stay friends, okay? I don't want  anything to come between us."
"We're still friends. That's not going to change. Alright?"
But  it wasn't whatever. Campbell could tell that from the way Harry pulled  away, moving like he was trying not to jostle some sort of wound. Well,  what was Campbell supposed to do? Harry might not have known specifics,  but he knew Campbell was a roller-coaster. He knew Campbell had trouble  with feelings. If he'd wanted something more out of their relationship,  he should have said something sooner. Why sugarcoat the truth?
They  had other people, and unless Kelly and Elle were interested in  polyamory, nothing was going to happen. It sucked, but it was true. It  still forced Campbell to look at those goddamn emotions, and that wasn't  something he'd counted on having to do any time soon. Of course Harry  was handsome. Most of the male-attracted population of the school  agreed, even if they hated him. And of course they knew each other well,  to the point that they could look at each other and know what the other  was thinking. That wasn't even mentioning all the times they'd flirted  under the pretense of a joke, and everything else remotely sexual that  had ever happened between them.
But did Campbell want to be with  Harry? Hadn't it all just been a little bit of a game? A phase? Some  weird hormonal thing? Harry hadn't ever really seemed interested in  guys, beyond Campbell. Maybe Harry was just confused. Campbell had  already accepted being a little bit bi, even if he'd only ever told  Harry. But Harry had never confessed anything like that to Campbell. Not  until now, and even then, he hadn't actually admitted anything.
The  rest of the trip was just as silent as the first part had been, thank  whatever higher powers existed. By the time they got to the church, they  were late; the entire church was packed, and Campbell couldn't even  really see Elle in the giant flock.
"There's practically no seats left," Harry mumbled. "Damn."
Campbell  shrugged, smiling a bit at Cassandra as she stood at the front of the  church. She certainly had stepped into the leader role. "She called, and  they came."
They found a seat, and Campbell listened as  Cassandra began to speak. It was hard to focus, though, what with Harry  hunched up and radiating irritation. Christ. He was already on edge, and  a quick glance around the room revealed he wasn't the only one.  Hopefully Cassandra was going to be careful. She was an expert on the  debate team, and knew politics well enough. She was the best leader they  could have. But... she wasn't popular, so much as infamous. They both  were. He knew better than anyone that she had to be careful.
And  at first, she was. Cassandra spoke of making an inventory of resources. A  good idea, but then she followed it up with the words food rationing.  Logical and another good idea, but Campbell could feel the tension in  the room growing. Communal eating earned a few groans, but it was the  sharing houses idea that shut the room down. Campbell felt a slight jab  of disappointment. He'd told Cassandra it would be a bad idea. Yes, it  would save resources if they were limited-- potentially-- but people  would grate on each other. Even friends who were stuck together against  their will could turn on each other. Strangers? Enemies? It was asking  for trouble.
She continued on. Work rotation lists, good. Sharing  the work load, good. A committee, excellent. There was a murmur of  excitement when Cassandra announced a committee on finding out how to  get home. That would be something to help keep people hopeful, for sure.  They'd put up with things much better if they thought it was temporary.  And, likely, they'd be used to the new way of things by the time the  geeks inevitably came to the conclusion that they were trapped.
"I think we should take a vote," Cassandra concluded with a smile. "All in favor, raise your hand."
A  large portion of people raised their hands right away. A few more went  up, slower. More uncertain. A few women hissed at their partners, and  another small group of hands went up. There were still plenty of  holdouts. Campbell watched Harry from the corner of his vision, waiting.  Harry didn't budge. A lot of people didn't budge.
Cassandra scanned the room. Her smile faded. "I don't think we can do this unless it's unanimous."
A  bad move, that. What was the point of putting it to vote, if those who  expressed dissent were going to be pressured into agreement? Wasn't a  majority of the vote good enough? If she could convince them... but it  didn't matter, it seemed, because those begrudging hands went up after a  long pause. Cassandra glanced towards Campbell, who in turn looked to  Harry. Harry stared back at him. Don't do it, that look said. Campbell  smiled and raised his hand. Gritting his teeth, Harry raised his, too.
When  the meeting was over, Harry cornered Campbell by the door. "What did  you do that for?" he seethed. "Those rules are bullshit."
"They're not bullshit. It's common fucking sense."
"Easy for you to say. No one's gonna want to share houses with you."
"Elle already is."
"Wait, what?"
Campbell  almost felt bad at the note of upset in Harry's voice. "I mean, you  were in bed with Allie, so maybe you didn't hear. She asked to stay at  my place for a few days. But honestly, with these new rules, I don't  think she'll be leaving again any time soon. We're both kinda high key  social rejects."
"I guess that makes sense, then." Harry studied  his hands. "I better get going. Lock up all the valuables before these  assholes move in and wreck everything." He stood, heading towards the  exit, but then paused. "Would it have made any difference, if I had said  something sooner? Would you have felt anything?"
A  lie, but Harry took it at face value. He shook his head and kept  walking. Campbell leaned back in the pew and sighed. Whatever was going  on in Harry's head, hopefully it would blow over now. Campbell wasn't  going to abandon Elle, and Harry needed to see his thing with Allie  through. Even if it ended-- and of course it would-- he wasn't going to  be the reason for it. Allie already loathed Campbell, and it wouldn't be  a good idea to make that whole thing worse.
Footsteps came  closer, and there was a whiff of jasmine in the air. "That bad, huh?"  Elle asked as she sat down next to him. "I see you managed to get Harry  down here."
"For all the good it did. This is all going to explode."
"I don't know. A lot of people seemed open to it."
"They  did. And they will be, for a while. But..." Campbell rubbed his face.  "Cassandra is a good leader. She's tough and she's fair. The issue is,  she's a total goddamn extraterrestrial when it comes to feelings. Give  her a puzzle and she can solve it, but this isn't just a puzzle. People  are going to get upset, and she isn't going to know how to fix that."
Elle rested her hand on his knee. "Maybe it'll be alright. Sometimes people can surprise you."
Campbell  wanted to argue, but he just smiled instead and placed his hand over  hers. "Yeah. I'm sure you're right. What are you gonna do about your  house, though, now that we're all getting sardined together?"
"Well..."  Tucking her hair behind an ear, Elle hesitated. "I've never even really  gone out for sleepovers or anything. The idea of living with someone  else is kind of terrifying. I thought maybe I could stay with you. I  know we're not serious or anything, but..."
"If you want to stay with me, you can. I'd be happy to have you there."
He  gave her hand a little squeeze. "I seriously like you, regardless of  whatever this is or where it's going. And like I said, I think maybe I  do need someone there with me. Keep me from staying in my head too  much."
Elle smiled, and Campbell felt that little flutter of  warmth reserved especially for her. They headed back to her house, and  she packed up the rest of her things. The rest of the day was spent  moving; it was an interesting feeling, seeing her possessions slowly  replace the traces of his parents. For the first time, the house started  to lose that cold, hostile chokehold it always had whenever he walked  through the door. It was inviting, instead. Comfortable.
They  had some cheese pizza rolls and a couple beers, the closest thing they  could get to the American moving-in tradition. Elle still slept in the  other room, but Campbell didn't care.
Someone else there, someone who seemed to want to be around him. Someone safe to love. That was good enough.
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vs. Jon Willis,Melificent Lasciel, and Matt Knox
Match Writers: (Matt and Willis)
Johnny Vegas: Well if you wouldn't have taken so damn long... we could have gotten started three fucking hours ago. Terra Skye: ... Johnny Vegas: WHAT?! Terra Skye: ...Tonight's first match-up features four of Carnage Wrestling's newest stars! There's quite a few very interesting stories heading into this match. Johnny Vegas: You say that like I'm supposed to care about these people. Terra Skye: We all know that the only thing you care about is whether or not the two dollar whore you spent last night with gave you the clap. Johnny Vegas: So that's how it is now, huh?  For your information, I-- Boy: TICK TOCK! Terra Skye: It's JUST that this is a hell of a story if you'd bother paying attention. The two men involved in this match are two former world champions, and the two women are doing their best to step out of the shadows and assert themselves as bonafide stars. For Willis and Knox it's all about redemption. For Levi and Lasciel it's all about respect. All four of them have a lot to prove, to themselves and to everyone in Carnage Wrestling as a whole, and we could very well be witnessing a show-stealer in our very first match. Johnny Vegas: Well when you put it that way, BLEH. And right on cue, the camera pans to the middle of the ring where Kelly Carmichael stands ready to kick off the show.[/color] Kelly Carmichael:Ladies and gentlemen your opening contest is scheduled for ONE FALL, and is a FATAL FOURWAY match! Introducing first, from Houston, Texas, standing five feet, six inches and weighing one hundred and seventy two pounds... JONATHAN WILLIS! Jon walks out from the backstage area as "Rookie" by BoySetsFire begins firing out of the PA system. Jon takes a few moments to bounce lightly on the balls of his feet, then he kneels down, says a few quiet words to himself, and bounces back up. When the main guitar riff kicks in he begins sprinting down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope. He then quickly runs across the ring, jumps onto the top turnbuckle, backflips, and pumps his fist in the air. He then goes to his assigned corner and begins warming up lightly, moving around quickly in order to get his blood pumping and his mind ready for his match. Terra Skye: This is Jon's debut match in Carnage Wrestling, and if his promotional work can be believed, he's approaching this comeback with the desire and passion to one day call himself Carnage Wrestling's world champion. Johnny Vegas: He looks about a foot and a half too short and about two hundred pounds too light, but hey, what do I know? Terra Skye: At this point we've all figured out that the answer to that question is "not much". Kelly Carmichael: Introducing next, from Clearwater, Florida, she stands five feet, nine inches and weighs one hundred and thirty five pounds... ADRIENNE LEVI! Adrienne Levi makes her way down to ringside full of nervous energy as "In the Meantime" by Spacehog begins playing. She rolls into the ring, goes to her assigned corner, and begins taking deep breaths, summoning up her courage as her opponents continue to be introduced. Johnny Vegas: Looks like Levi is just as nervous for this match as she was for her last one. Which she lost, by the way. Terra Skye: It's just nerves. You likely have never cared enough about anything on this earth to understand what Levi is going through. Mark my words, once she kicks herself into high gear, she's going to surprise you, me, and everyone here. Call it women's intuition. Kelly Carmichael: Our third competitor for tonight's contest stands five feet, seven inches and weighs one hundred and thirty nine pounds. From Venice, Italy... MELIFICENT LASCIEL! Mel enters from backstage wheeled out from one far side by two women in dark brown nursemaids uniforms, Mel herself is strapped to a Hannibal Lecter style dolly by her signature psych ward ring attire. Straight jacket sleeved, psych ward corseted top and long pleated leather style skirt, the words [Buried Alive] roughly carved and painted red diagonally across. When she is unhooked from the dolly at the beginning of her entrance music she does a pirouette of joy. A small wireless earpiece microphone shows in her ear as she sings her entrance music, "Porcelain Black" by Pretty Little Psycho. She proceeds to skip around any upper stage and pester stage hands while giggling, before heading to ramp down to the ring.  She reaches the ring's edge and pulls herself up by grasping the second rope and jumping up, sometimes making a show by acrobatically stepping into the ring with one leg and straightening the other leg down the length of the second rope before shifting her hips and waist to bring her outstretched leg at level in front of her. Winking at the camera where applicable, she would then reach and slowly push her leg to the ground and move to her corner of the squared circle as her music simply fades out. Johnny Vegas: Now that's the kind of girl I'd like to get my hands on. And more than just my hands, if you know what I mean. Terra Skye: If you tried it you'd probably lose your hands. And then your arms. And then your penis. And then, probably, your life. Johnny Vegas: And it'd be damn worth it. Kelly Carmichael: And our final participant in this match, standing six feet, six inches and weighing two hundred and forty four pounds... from Monterey, California.... "THE RAVEN".... MATT KNOX! As the melancholy bassline of "The Game" by Trapt rumbles forth the houselights drop a cool, ice blue. Fog and strobe lights roll forth on the stage, the caw of ravens mixed in with the music. How have you been, nice to see you again How quickly these conversations seem to end You meet a friend, every now and then How quickly these relations turn into trends A single pyro erupts in the middle of the fog, and Matthew rises from within, adorned in a leather jacket, black ring pants, and black boots. His pale skin glistening, his hair slicked back. He takes in the aura of the arena as the prechorus kicks in, and makes his way down to the ring. Put all your walls up and open your windows And close all your doors You catch yourself standing in front of the mirror And now you need more He slides under the bottom rope, going to each corner as the song continues, throwing his arms up and beating on his chest. After this he hops down and removes his coat, going about checking his taped up hands, before picking a corner and kneeling in it, awaiting the start of the match with a calm but calculating look upon his face. Boy: Bell go ding and pain come now! DING DING!! Boy rings the bell to begin the match, and all four competitors walk to the center of the ring and stare each other down. After a few tense moments of silence, all four competitors rush towards each other!! Adrienne Levi and Jon Willis trade clubbing blows while Matt Knox and Melificent Lasciel begin trading strikes. Levi attempts a clothesline, but Jon ducks, and Jon fires back with a kick to the ribs, which is caught. Levi whips Jon's leg upward, but Jon counters with a backflip. He rushes forward at Levi, but finds himself eating a quick knee to the stomach, doubling him over. Levi grabs her opponent with both arms, one arm around Jon's head and the other under his right armpit, and Levi tosses Jon right over the top rope and to the floor below! But Jon manages to flip himself over in mid-air and land right on his feet! Jon turns around and stares defiantly at Levi, who seems surprised, but only momentarily. Levi reaches over the top rope looking to grab hold of Willis, but Jon grabs both of her feet and pulls her down hard. Jon then whips Levi's feet to the left, causing Levi to find herself half-in and half-out on the apron, her upper body dangling precariously while her lower body is inside the ring. Terra Skye: Damn, Levi and Willis are really going at it! Johnny Vegas: I mean if that's what going at it really looks like... Terra Skye: Oh come on, Adrienne Levi is starting this one out standing toe to toe with a former world champ and she's not doing a bad job. Johnny Vegas: If you say so.  What about the other two?  They're fucking each other up real nice. Jon takes advantage of the opportunity by landing a hard elbow to Levi's chest, and while Levi is recovering, Jon quickly sprints back a few paces and then rushes forward, leaping up and using the middle rope for stability as he comes crashing down with a huge legdrop right on top of Levi on the apron! Levi falls to the outside and Jon is the first competitor to his feet. He quickly slides into the ring... right into the stomps of Mel! As Mel lays in the heavy leather onto Jon, Matt Knox comes up from behind and deals a clubbing double ax-handle blow to the back of Mel's neck, buckling her. Matt Knox whips Melificent Lasciel into the ropes, but Mel counters, twisting and pivoting, now sending Knox into the ropes! Mel ducks down and Knox sails over her, seizing the opportunity and launching at Jon Willis, who had just barely gotten to his feet, with a crossbody! In an amazing display, Jon backflips over the top rope while holding Matt Knox, causing both of them to fly up and out of the ring and right into Adrienne Levi! And now, three of the four people in this match are down on the floor. Terra Skye:They're risking it all tonight! Johnny Vegas:Gotta say, if they're willing to kill themselves to win this match, I'm certainly willing to watch it. Terra Skye: Because of course you are. Boy: GROVER CLEVELAND! Adrienne Levi, Matt Knox, and Jonathan Willis all begin struggling to get to their feet as Melificent Lasciel weighs her options. Deciding to join the party and throw caution to the wind, Melificent executes a jaw-dropping Springboard Moonsault, catching all three of her foes as they come back to their feet! All four wrestlers are down and out outside the ring! Mel is the first to her feet, and grabs her fellow female Adrienne Levi and hauls her back into the ring. Levi is roughly hauled up by her hair, and Mel cracks her with a European Uppercut. Levi stumbles backward and cries out in pain as Mel continues grabbing her hair, yanking Levi right back in for a second European Uppercut! After two vicious blows, Mel pulls Levi down by her hair and executes a backbreaker! Levi flops to the mat as Mel attempts the first pinfall of the match! One!! Two!! Kickout!!! Mel gets to a kneeling position and looks surprised, first at Levi for kicking out, and second at Matt Knox, who announces his arrival back into the ring by dropkicking Mel right in the face! Johnny Vegas: Father of the year didn't give discount Pat Benetar a chance to even think about how surprising it is that Loser town over there kicked out! Terra Skye: You just really know how to endear people to your presence, you know that? Johnny Vegas: It's a gift. Terra Skye: Frankly, I'm liking what I'm seeing out of Melificant. Boy: GROUCHY PIECES! Knox roughly hauls Mel up to her feet and sends her crashing back to the canvas with a hard powerslam! Knox quickly grabs Mel up and attempts a powerbomb, but Mel counters by flinging herself up and over Matt's head, ready to execute a Sunset Flip Powerbomb! Mel's legs wrap around Knox's torso and she pushes herself back up off the mat, ready to attempt the Sunset Flip Powerbomb, but Jon Willis executes an incredible Springboard Front Flip Stunner, with Matt Knox combo'ing the maneuver with a Gory Special Bomb! Mel is left absolutely devastated right in the middle of the ring as Willis and Knox stare each other down! Terra Skye: Holy shit!  That was incredible! Johnny Vegas: Okay, that wasn't half bad.  I'll give em that much. Terra Skye: How kind of you. Knox and Willis begin talking to each other before things quickly turn physical, with both men trading hard forearm shots. Willis then chops Knox hard across his chest, and now the two men start trading chops. Both men seem evenly-matched, but suddenly Adrienne Levi springs off the ropes into both of them, taking out both men with a flying double clothesline! Levi begins getting fired up as she hauls up Melificent Lasciel, who had just barely started to recover, and nails her with a pinning Hurricanrana! One!! Two!! And Matt Knox rushes in and breaks up the pin! Levi is hauled to her feet by Knox, and her attempts to turn the tide by landing some shots to Knox's stomach are immediately put to a halt as Knox executes a vicious Axe Kick, flooring Levi. Johnny Vegas: Did I just see what I thought I saw? Terra Skye: What?  Adrienne Levi proving that the shit you've been saying is bullshit? Johnny Vegas: No, can't be that. Rather than continue the offense, Knox instead re-focuses his attention to Mel, no doubt due to her alliance with his hated foe. Knox picks up Mel and sets her up for a Snap Dragon Suplex, successfully executing the move, but Knox doesn't let go! Keeping his hold on Mel, Knox forces her back up, executing another Snap Dragon Suplex! And he wants a third! But as Knox puts Mel into position for a third devastating Snap Dragon Suplex, Jon Willis runs the ropes, rebounds, and floats over both man and woman, executing a Sunset Flip Powerbomb onto Knox, who is forced to release the hold but manages to follow through on the maneuver, nailing Mel with a Snap Dragon Suplex that Suplexes her right out of the ring right before Knox gets planted with Willis' Sunset Flip Powerbomb! Jon attempts the pin! One!! Two!! And Levi breaks up the hold! Johnny Vegas: Well shit. Levi hauls Jon Willis roughly up to his feet for a Suplex, but Jon flips up and over Levi! When Levi turns around he blasts her with a Ganmengiri kick, but Levi has the move scouted and blocks it with her forearms! Jon lands chest-down on the mat and attempts to spring up to his feet, but Levi is just a fraction of a second quicker and lands a double knee stomp to Jon's back! Jon rolls around in pain and Levi measures her opponent! Jon stumbles to his feet as Levi runs the ropes, and upon her return, Levi cracks Jon with a Knee Lift strike! Jon is whipped around and runs into the ropes, bouncing back and stumbling right into Levi's Schoolboy Rollup pin! One!! Two!! And Matt Knox blasts Adrienne Levi with a thunderous spear, breaking the hold! Terra Skye: Matt Knox with the save!  But oh shit look ou-- And when Knox turns around to plan his next offensive maneuver he's met with the feet of Melificent Lasciel, who blasts him with a Missile Dropkick! Mel hauls Knox to his feet, sends him into the ropes, catches him on his return, and plants him right in the center of the mat with a spinning backbreaker! Mel goes for the pin! One!! Two!! And Knox kicks out! Terra Skye: Mel almost had him there.  Mel's taken quite a beating out here tonight but this right here tells me she's one tough woman.. She's just gotta stay on the offensive. Johnny Vegas: Well with four fucks in the ring, wanting the same thing... That's a tall order. Terra Skye: True.  But they're all capable of it.. It's just a matter of which one will do it at the right time, and Mel right now looks like she's tired of people kicking out. Mel looks angry, and then surprised, as Jonathan Willis comes flying into her with a dropkick!  Jonathan grabs Mel and hauls her up, executing some rapid-fire strikes before shoving Mel into the ropes! Mel rebounds with a clothesline, but Jon ducks, pivots behind Mel, and then flips up and over her, looking to execute a Stunner! But Mel has the move scouted and flings Jon off her shoulders! But Jon counters that counter with a counter of his own, landing on his feet and then somersaulting backwards with a Pele kick! Mel's legs buckle and she has to lean up against the ropes to keep from falling down. Terra Skye: Willis is on fire though, but something tells me he's gonna find that Melificant's will to keep him from running roughshot on her is just as strong as his skill. Johnny Vegas: Right.  Whatever you say, know it all. Terra Skye: Listen, at least I'm doing my job without being a total dickbag. Johnny Vegas: Then you're missing out on all the fun. Jon gets up and makes a move towards Mel, just as she gains her footing and turns around.  Willis leaps up into the air, looking for a tornado DDT, but Mel ducks his attempt and it's Jon Willis who's now on the ropes.  Mel wastes no time, rushing Willis from behind and powering him up into a gut wrench suplex - sending them both back down to the mat!  Mel gets to her knees and grabs Willis, only to be grabbed from behind by Adrienne Levi but NO!  Mel absolutely LEVELS Levi with a HARD Right hand, sending Levi back down to the mat and allowing Mel to focus back on Willis.  She grabs him by the head again, bringing him up to his feet and Irish whips him into the ropes.  She takes off running and as Willis makes his return trip, she takes him right back down to the mat with a running corkscrew neckbreaker!  She hooks the leg! One!! Two!! Th--NO!  Willis kicks out! Johnny Vegas: Jesus Christ, I'll give it to her, she nearly had him. Terra Skye: She did, and she's gotta stay on him before anyone else gets back into this. Johnny Vegas: Yeah like Levi - Who just got her head nearly taken off?  That looked fun. Mel rolls off of Jon and up to her knees as Jon rolls over onto his belly to get up off the mat, but before he can, Matt Knox uses his body as a springboard! Matt Knox plants both feet on the back of Jon Willis and uses his opponent as a jumping-off point to hit Mel with a dramatic clothesline that sends both Mel and Knox up and over the top rope! Both wrestlers flip end-over-end and land hard on the outside! Boy: YESTERDAYS GARBAGE! Terra Skye: And once again, they're all outside - save Adrienne Levi and of Jon Willis. Johnny Vegas: I don't know if she'll wake up after that haymaker. Terra Skye: Well I don't think that's realistic... but it looks like Willis has something on his mind... Jon gets back up to his feet, looks at his opponents on the outside, and nods. As his opponents attempt to get back to their feet, the crowd rises to their feet as well, anticipating another death-defying stunt from Willis. Willis gives them exactly what they're expecting as he sprints full-tilt to the opposite side of the ring, springing back off the ropes with a full head of steam, launching himself towards Knox and Mel on the outside! Knox and Mel barely have a second to get back on their feet before Jon flies up and over the top rope, executing an amazing Shooting Star Press to the outside that catches both Mel and Knox! Inside the ring, Adrienne Levi gets up and looks around, puzzled at the sudden disappearance of all of her opponents. She quickly spots the heaps of bodies outside the ring and summons up all her courage as she begins formulating a plan. Johnny Vegas: She better not be thinking about doing something stupid. Terra Skye: Why is it stupid?  Sure she's inexperienced but I feel she's more than held her own out here tonight. Johnny Vegas: No, it's stupid and she should leave that kind of shit to professionals. Terra Skye: SHE IS a professional! As Knox, Mel, and Willis gather themselves on the outside, Levi ascends to the top rope, crouching down, waiting for her opportunity. When all three wrestlers on the outside rise to their feet, Levi launches herself from the top rope, catching everyone on the outside with an amazing Crossbody! And now it's all four opponents down! Matt Knox, Adrienne Levi, Jon Willis, and Melificent Lasciel are all down and struggling to get back up to their feet on the outside of the ring!! Terra Skye:I can barely keep up with these four! I told you we might be seeing a show-stealer for our very first match and I don't think I'm wrong! Not in the slightest! Johnny Vegas:To tell you the truth I lost track of the match about an hour ago! Terra Skye: Bitch, you were never here. The two veterans are the first to their feet, with Knox using the barricade to haul himself up to a standing, albeit slouched position. Willis keeps the aggression up and charges at Knox however Knox scouts it and ducks down, sending Willis over the barricade with a back body drop. As Willis gets to his feet he eats an Enziguri from Knox who uses the barricade to lift himself up to deliver the vicious kick. Willis goes down, and stays down. Levi has gotten to her feet along with Melificent, the two lock eyes and nod, they charge at Knox and send him over after Willis with a double clothesline. Terra Skye: The rookies working together to take out the veterans. Smart move. Johnny Vegas: Yeah sure, but they do know they gotta fight each other now right? Melificent instantly turns on Levi though, nailing her in the jaw with a hard elbow. Terra Skye: Pretty sure they know. She then grabs Levi by the hair and walks her to the steps, going to bash her head into the top step. Levi however lifts a foot, and stops herself before eating the steel. She elbows Mel in the ribs, and bashes her face into the turnbuckle. She follows this up by climbing the steps, and leaping off nailing an elbow drop onto Melificent Terra Skye: Levi once again showing incredible heart, and grit. Johnny Vegas: That's all fine well and good, but will it translate into a win?  Ain't no heart and grit titles. All heart and grit gets you is pandering sob story shit, or being the least liked member of the kids on Captain Planet! Boy: PLANET FAT MAN! Johnny Vegas: SHUT UP! She lifts Melificent up, and rolls her under the bottom rope. She begins to slide in, intent on pinning and getting her first career win but out of nowhere Willis has popped up and is running along the guard rail - Levi turns just in time for Willis to leap, and nail her with a tornado DDT onto the floor on the outside. Terra Skye: Willis out of nowhere, neutralizing Levi! But now, once again everyone is down for the count!! Willis gets back to his feet, and slides into the ring, measuring up Mel as she starts getting to her feet. He Goes for a vicious super kick but Poppy sidesteps it, nailing Willis with an elbow to the side of his head. She then spins him around and hits Closing Call! She goes for the pin Johnny Vegas: Mel is gonna win this! So much for Redemption, druggy!! One!! Two!! Knox suddenly appears, slingshotting over the top rope and nailing Melificent in the back of the head with a leg drop to break up the pin. Terra Skye: Knox saving the match! Johnny Vegas:   Dinosaurs working together!  Good for them. Mel gets to her feet, holding her head and looking pissed. She goes for a clothesline, but Knox ducks and begins unloading on Melificent. He kicks her in the shin, then the hip, then nails her with a hard kick to the gut that doubles her over and brings her down with a hard axe kick. Levi slides into the ring and goes to attack Matt, nailing the bigger opponent with a series of elbows to his face. He manages to shove her away, then catches her with a roundhouse kick to the chin as she charges back in. Johnny Vegas: Fucking Matt Norris out here. Terra Skye: Ugh. Stop it. Levi stumbles back almost comically for a moment before falling over. Willis has gotten to his feet again seeing Knox across the ring. Willis and Knox circle one another, until Knox goes in and fakes a low kick, Willis moves to block it but Knox goes high, nailing Willis in the side of the head with a hard kick. Willis gets turned around , holding his head and Knox moves in and locks in The Mercy! He falls down, clamping the move in and locking his legs around Willis to establish a body scissors Terra Skye: The Mercy! It's locked in! Willis has no place to go! Willis flails around, yelling from the pain the best he can as his windpipe is constricted. He reaches for the ropes the best he can but to no avail. He shouts valiantly that he isn't going to submit when the ref asks him - He soon starts to fade though. The ref picks up his arm, and drops it. One!! He lifts it again, and lets go. It drops. Two!! Terra Skye: This is it!  Matt Knox might just win this o-- Just as the ref goes in to lift the arm, Levi flies in with a baseball slide to the side of Knox's head. Knocking him, and Willis out of the ring with the momentum. Unable to secure a victory on the outside, Knox squeezes as hard as he can one more time, then releases Willis shoving him away. He turns in time to see Levi vaulting over for another crossbody. He catches her this time, and nails her with a backbreaker. Johnny Vegas: This motherfucker is on fire.  Why didn't I bet on him!? Terra Skye: First off, you're a terrible human being.  Secondly, we're NOT allowed to bet on these matches, Johnny. Johnny Vegas: You gonna tell, Narc? Terra Skye: Um.. We're on live television, Moron. Melificent has finally gotten to her feet, and Knox slides in to meet her. The two jaw with one another, before going at it and trading blows. Mel soon gets the upper hand though, having more in her tank due to a more conservative offense during this match. She hits Knox with a European uppercut, then a roundhouse of her own before snatching him and launching him with a belly to belly suplex. She pursues him, and goes for the pin.. Johnny Vegas: Shit! I might be saved!  COME ON! One!! Two!! Thr--NO!!! Knox powers out, getting a shoulder up right before the ref hits the three. Melificent sits up, looking disheartened and astonished. She gets to her feet just as Adrienne is sliding Willis into the ring, and pursuing after him. Knox uses the ropes to get up as does Willis and suddenly, the four are on their feet again. The four warriors spent and battered eye each other all of them thinking the same thing. This had to end, or their debut would also be their retirement match. Terra Skye: This has been an absolutely stunning bout. I couldn't pick a winner with a gun to my head. Knox instantly charges Melificent, aiming to do some damage as payback and to further his violent message to Thor and Insidious. He nails her with a clothesline that takes them both over the top rope and to the outside. He lifts her up, and nails her with a flapjack onto the ring steps which illicits a cry of agony from Mel, and causes Knox to raise his arms, then point toward the back - no doubt pointing to his foe backstage. Johnny Vegas: Man that fuck really has a hard on for Thor, don't he? Terra Skye: No doubt. Don't think it'll end well for either of them though.  Call it a feeling. Inside the ring, Levi and Willis set to exchanging elbows. Levi gets the upper hand eventually, she whips Willis into the ropes and nails him with an arm drag. She follows it up with a kick to the head and begins to get Willis to his feet. She leaps, going for a Hurricanrana but Willis reverses it into No More Tomorrows! He Quickly scrambles to his feet and heads to the nearest corner and scales the top rope. He stands, crosses himself once and goes for the End of Days and nails it! Willis with the pin!!! One!! Two!! THREE!!! DING DING DING!! Matt Knox leaps at the last second, but doesn't break the count in time. "Rookie" By BoySetsFire begins to fill the arena. Willis sits up, holding his head and looking absolutely beat. Knox slides back to a corner for a moment, looking shocked and disgusted as their other two opponents slowly come about and realize what happened.. Knox and Willis lock eyes a moment and pay each other a nod, Knox slides out from the ring and heads up the ramp, clapping for Willis who celebrates going to each corner, and lifting his arms victoriously, looking at the camera. Terra Skye: I almost feel like we need to wish everyone a good night after that. This might have been the match of the night, and we got so much more to come! Johnny Vegas: I need a fucking nap. Terra Skye: Too bad. We just saw some great stuff out here from four very promising stars here in Carnage.  Congratulations to Jonathan Willis - He certainly earned that 'W'.  What a match. We'll be back in a few folks!  Stay tuned!
RESULT: Loss via Pinfall (0-2)
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