#but instead i have to take my brother to his swim lessons
fereldenshero · 1 year
my mom LOVESSSS to make plans FOR ME and then not tell me about them until like the last minute
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kybercrystals94 · 1 month
Read here on Ao3!
Summer of Bad Batch | Week 8 | Swimming Lessons
Rated: G | Words: 1000 | Summary: Omega faces a bully on Kamino.
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Omega tugs at the collar of her wetsuit. It is a little tight and small, her wrists and ankles exposed. Biologically, she is the same age as the cadets standing next to her against the wall facing the training pool; however, she is slightly taller physically. Nala Se didn’t think it was necessary to have a custom wetsuit made to fit since Omega will only be taking swimming basics, the lessons extensive and lasting less than a week.
“Where’d you come from?” the cadet on her left asks, eyeing Omega suspiciously.
Omega smiles and avoids the question. “I’m Omega,” she says instead.
The cadet frowns at her. “Why are you here?”
“Same reason you are,” Omega says, shrugging.
“You don’t belong here,” the cadet sneers, “You’re not a soldier.”
Now Omega feels annoyed. She’s being friendly, so why is he being so rude? “Well, you’re not one either,” she tells him. “You’re only three cycles. You can’t be a trooper until you’re nine.”
The cadet sticks his tongue out at her, crosses his arms, and turns to face the water again.
Omega learns that the cadet’s name is Racket, which suits him. He is loud and annoying. And bossy. And a bully.
Omega loses count of the number of times he shoves her underwater. While he never holds her there, it is always unexpected, causing Omega to sputter and gasp when she comes back up.
He takes her floatation device and throws it out into the middle of the training pool. The instructor gets it, scolding Omega for letting it get away from her. She tries to explain what happened, but the instructor interrupts, “I don’t want to hear your excuses.”
When they’re swimming laps, Racket grabs at Omega’s legs or arms as he passes her to throw off her strokes, leaving her floundering to recover.
When the lesson is finally over, Omega finds Nala Se waiting for her with a towel and change of clothes. “How was your lesson, Omega?” she asks.
It is all Omega can do not to cry when she asks, “Do I have to come back?”
“That is the intention,” Nala Se replies, guiding Omega to the private changing room usually reserved for the instructors. “Why? Did something happen?”
Omega glances across the room and sees Racket watching her, a cruel smirk on his round, young face. He might be a bully, but Omega is not a tattletale. “No. I just didn’t like it.”
“Hmm,” Nala Se hums. “I thought you would benefit from interacting with individuals your age; however, if you feel it is not a positive experience, perhaps private lessons would be more beneficial.”
“Oh, look, a little lab scrabber,” Racket sneers when Omega walks into the infirmary with AZI.
Omega ignores him, keeping her pace to show she doesn’t care. However, AZI stops to look at the clone sitting on the edge of a medical cot holding an ice pack to a developing black eye. “I must correct you, CT-1051811. Omega is not a lab scrabber. She is a medical assistant.”
“Ignore him, AZI,” Omega calls over her shoulder, putting the tray of sanitized medical tools on the counter and beginning to sort them into their proper drawers.
“It’s so sad that your only friend in the galaxy is a medical droid,” Racket croons and then laughs.
Omega rolls her eyes. “Yep. Almost as sad as ending up in medical because you lost a fight against a seven year cadet in a training module.”
“My medical records are classified, you little brat,” Racket growls.
Omega finishes sorting the tools and turns. “I’m a medical assistant,” she tells him sweetly. “So I have access to all your embarrassing records. I hope your cracked rib is healing up okay after that tumble from the Star Destroyer ramp. You really should be more careful.”
“Why you–” Racket begins, but Omega flees the room, AZI whirring behind her.
She’s done it. She’s finally found her brothers. And she’s sitting with them for a meal. They don’t seem to know what to make of her yet; however, Omega knows they’ll warm up to her. She’s their sister after all. They just don’t remember.
“Check it out,” a voice says behind her. Omega would know that awful voice anywhere. “The defect squad’s got themselves a new recruit. Another member added to the Sad Batch.”
Omega feels her blood begin to boil under her skin, anger bubbling up so fast she doesn’t really think about it when she climbs up on the table and picks up her bowl of soup. No one talks about her little brothers that way. Not on her watch. The bowl of soup hits its mark stunningly: the back of Racket’s stupid head.
“What the…” Racket whirls around, expression twisted with rage muted by the sludge of soup dribbling down his face and armor. “Who threw that?”
Omega already has her next projectile in hand. “I did. Now apologize to my friends.”
“I like this kid!” Wrecker’s voice sounds delighted, but Omega doesn’t let the warmth that fills her distract from the task at hand as Racket makes his way back to the table.
“What did you say to me?” he demands.
Hunter steps in, moving between Omega and her target. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back off,” he tells Racket, “I suggest you keep moving.”
Racket glares down Hunter, shifts his gaze to Omega, and then to something behind her. Omega knows it must be Wrecker looming at her back. She keeps her expression firm.
Wisely, he deflates, scoffing. He starts to turn around, but not without having the final word. “Know your place, lab scrabber,” he tells Omega, smirking.
Omega glares after him. She can take him calling her names.
But apparently, Wrecker can’t. A tray of food flies past Omega’s head, hitting Racket hard, nearly toppling him. Omega grins as the cafeteria begins to erupt into chaos. This will be a good bonding experience with her brothers.
And they already have her back.
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jinkicake · 2 years
~ ♡ Good Enough ♡ ~
(( Day #4 )) Lucifer x Reader
He hates you. He hates you. You’re sure that he must hate you.
A/N: This is my attempt at an actual fic like a long ass story... ummm,,,, I wrote this a while ago because I just love love love luci and mean m3n so I decided to combine the two!!!! xxx this isn’t the longest thing i’ve ever written but it’s the longest thing i’ve written in a while... hopefully it is alright~~
WC - 5,021
mean, stubborn Lucifer (pretty much luci before like lesson 20?? lmaooo)
For as long as you’ve lived in the Devildom, Lucifer has been hard on you. 
You’re not sure why the demon pushes you to your limits but, try as you might, you just can’t make Lucifer come to like you. No matter how early you wake up to be on time for breakfast or how intensely you study for your classes, the demon only says that you can ‘do better’. He always finds a flaw in every single piece of yourself that you present to him and that fact only makes you want to try harder with him. 
No matter how difficult it may be, you still want to get along with him (even if he has other plans).
“(Y/N), you’re on cleaning duty tonight.” 
Lucifer’s sudden announcement in the middle of dinner nearly makes you drop your utensils in shock. He has to be kidding with this. Last night was your turn to clean the kitchen and you didn’t leave a single spec of dust on any appliance. Not to mention, Mammon is the one who cooked tonight and you really do not want to be in charge of cleaning that up. 
“(Y/N) cleaned last night, Lucifer,” Asmo reminds his older brother before he sends a gentle smile your way. He tips his shoulder towards you thoughtfully but then instantly stiffens under his brother’s glare. 
“And?” The avatar of pride crosses his arms over his chest and waits for anyone else to refuse him. No one ever does. Asmo sends an apologetic wince your way before turning back to his food. When none of the other demons stick up for you, you know that you have to do something about it yourself. 
“Why do I have to clean up?” At the sound of your soft voice, Lucifer’s eyes slightly widen. This goes against every moral you have that relates to coexisting with Lucifer, the main rule is to never question his authority. As of lately, you’ve grown tired of the way he picks on you. It’s nothing extreme compared to how he punishes his brothers but, you don’t understand why he tugs on your hair and hands you time-consuming tasks.
All of the other demons slowly look toward you before glancing at Lucifer. The eldest demon places his utensils down gently against his plate as his red eyes narrow your way. 
You don’t have the strength to look him in the eyes so you keep your gaze locked on your half-empty glass. 
“Are you questioning me, human?” His now emotionless expression doesn’t falter once, not even as you fist your hands in the napkin settled on your lap. Everyone in the room knows exactly what you did and the tension becomes so thick that you wish the ground would just swallow you whole.
Right now, you know that you have a choice to make. You can either fight with Lucifer or comply with him. It would be so much easier on everyone if you complied but, it wouldn’t be easier on yourself. 
“I just don’t understand why I have to do it when you already had me organize the library today.” You try to keep your composure, try to keep your heartbeat leveled as you finally muster up the courage to look at Lucifer. 
His jaw clicks with frustration when you look into his eyes. He can see the uncertainty and fear swimming in your iris and the demon hates how it looks on you. 
“You’re not going to be cleaning it alone, I am also on cleaning duty tonight.” Lucifer’s answer doesn’t satisfy you at all but, you take the small inch as a win. For once instead of reprimanding you, Lucifer gave you something to take. 
You truly don’t understand him. You fear that you never will. 
The kitchen is filled with just as much tension as the dining room and you think that you’ll never have the luxury of breathing freely again. Lucifer remains quiet as he hands you clean dishes, ones that he expects you to dry to perfection and then place neatly on the drying wrack. 
Every time that you misplace a single dish, he is quick to correct you. 
“Place it beside the other bowl,”
“Organize the utensils by category.”
At one point, he reaches over and holds your hand to guide exactly where he wants each dish to go. His entire body is pressed up against your own as he leans over to hurry the task along. You hate how your heart skips a beat at the proximity, how you happily soak in the difficult presence of Lucifer. 
When you finally put the last spoon in its drying space, you wipe your hands on one of the kitchen towels. The realization that you can leave puts a smile on your face and you reach over to grab your phone so that you can go back to your room and hide. 
It seems that Lucifer has other plans as he boxes you in against the counter with both hands on either side of your body. He bends his tall frame over slightly, dipping his head so that he can look at you closer. 
“Do you think we are done here?” It’s obvious to you that this is a trick question. Regardless if you say yes or no, the demon is going to give you another task. You battle his question with one of your own. 
“We have classes tomorrow, shouldn’t we call it a night?” You try to keep yourself as polite as possible and even go as far as to give the demon a wobbly smile. Lucifer’s frown doesn’t falter in the slightest as he pushes himself off the counter to stand to his full height. He runs his fingers through his hair, and for a split second, you have slight hope that he is going to let you leave. 
But, then he glances down at you. 
“We’re mopping the floors right now.”
In addition to mopping the floors, the two of you also deep-cleaned the fridge and washed all the kitchen towels. Needless to say that by midnight when you both finish, you are exhausted. 
“I expect to see you at six am before breakfast to go over those reports from this afternoon.” Lucifer’s clipped tone as he leaves the kitchen almost makes you cry. You can feel frustration aching in your chest but when the demon turns around to get your confirmation, all you can do is blink the tears away and nod. 
No matter how many times you go over it in your head, no matter how many hours you spend thinking about it, you just can’t understand what you did to make Lucifer dislike you. His endless tasks feel like a punishment no matter how many times he tells you that they are not. 
You also can’t figure out why you go along with the demon’s gentle torment of you. You can’t figure out why you want him to like you so badly, why you want to make him happy. 
For the same reasons that you can’t figure out Lucifer’s intentions, you can’t figure out the same feelings in your own heart. 
Ignorance is bliss and you plan to continue keeping up with the demon until you physically can’t anymore. 
There is something inside your chest that is pushing you, it’s a feeling that motivates you to shoulder Lucifer’s harsh demands. What a coincidence it is that you can’t figure out that emotion either, love. 
You think it’s the exact reason why you find yourself outside of Lucifer’s office the next morning. Perhaps it’s because you just hate to let him down. 
“Come in,” Lucifer murmurs as you softly open his door. His eyes run over your figure as you enter and gently close his door behind you, the dark circles under your eyes physically pain him. He’ll give you a break after this but, for right now, he just needs more time with you. The demon just can’t get you off his mind and whenever you’re near, unfortunately, he feels a little more at ease. Lucifer knows you can put up with it for a little while longer. “sit.”
You sit wordlessly in the chair on the opposite side of his desk, mirroring Lucifer’s position. After that, you wait. Lucifer doesn’t hand you any documents right away, he continues to read over and hastily marks any section that needs it. All you do is sit there. 
The soft lull of his record player, a gentle piano melody escaping through the speakers, nearly makes you fall back asleep. Your eyes flutter shut under your exhaustion and despite the slight warmth from the fireplace, Lucifer’s office is very cold, the brisk temperature is the only thing that keeps you from escaping into a slumber. 
“(Y/N),” Lucifer calls out to you and causes your body to lurch as you sit up in a hurry. You subtly try to blink the sleep out of your eyes as you face him. The kind smile you give him does not phase the demon in the slightest. Lucifer merely stares at you for a long pause before going back to the document in his hand. 
The entire situation just makes you so incredibly confused, why would Lucifer have you come in and not even give you any work? You could have been sleeping. 
“Umm, I think I should-” The words of your planned escape fall off your tongue when Lucifer glances up at the sound of your voice. There’s something about the expected stare he gives you underneath his thin glasses and the shade of his hair, the dark strands tinted with gray, that makes you squirm in your seat. “never mind.” 
Lucifer continues to stare at you as he carefully watches your attempt to save a pitiful conversation. He notices how you glance over his walls, the clock, and then back down at your lap. The demon focuses on your fingertips and how you tightly clasp your hands together for warmth. 
He seems to have forgotten in his time away from the human world just how sensitive humans are. 
The avatar of pride rises from his seat, standing tall before you as he extends his limbs to take off his jacket. He slowly circles the desk and comes to stand right behind you. His gentle hands softly push your upper body forward in your seat so that he can wrap the thick jacket around your shoulders. Once he’s sure that your arms have gone through the holes, Lucifer reaches over to button each clip extremely slowly. His long fingers capture your attention and you greedily watch with anticipation as he gets closer and closer to your chest. 
“Don’t fall asleep again.” He murmurs against your ear, his lips so close that you can feel them ghosting over your skin. You can only pray and hope that the demon can’t hear the loud thumping of your heart. “Understand?” Lucifer gives you a hard look as he finishes his work with the jacket and walks to stand back in front of the desk. 
At your obedient nod, his lips twitch upward. 
For the rest of the session until breakfast, you sit in the silence of the light piano melody and the sound of his pen against paper. Lucifer doesn’t give you a single file to review. 
“Rest well tonight and tomorrow, I won’t be needing your assistance.” This new revelation before breakfast nearly makes you gasp, Lucifer rarely ever gives you a break. At the sight of your lips twitching as you fight back a smile, Lucifer scowls. “Don’t look so pleased, human. I will see you again the day after tomorrow.”
“Okay,” You quietly murmur before bringing your hands up to your cheeks. No matter what you do, you can’t stop relief from filling your face. It angers the other demon to no end, do you not care that he will be working all alone without you? Do you not care to extend the same politeness and ask if he still wants help? 
He’s aware of his incredible selfishness toward you and your time but, ignores it nonetheless.
Through his anger, Lucifer has to remind himself that you are both a student and a human. The fact that you put up with him so easily is a show of genuine kindness. 
The demon hates it to no end. He hates how you’re changing him despite how hard he tries to fight it. Lucifer is sure that he hates you. 
You become sure of it too the very next evening.
‘Come here now.’
The text from Lucifer comes without warning and you stiffen upon sight of it. Mammon, who looks over your shoulder, even screeches at it. Stupidly, you thought Lucifer would not bother you for the night. You thought you had a free night for once but, it seems the demon can’t even give you that.
“Is he mad about something?” You ask his brother because you really don’t get it, why would Lucifer tell you to relax and then demand that you go to see him? That seems like the opposite of relaxing. 
Levi shrugs his shoulders while Beel continues to down his popcorn. 
“Dunno, good luck! We can rewind the movie when you come back!” Levi’s enthusiasm is not new, he can barely rip his eyes away from the television. Mammon gives your wrist a gentle squeeze of support before you make your way out of the demon’s room. 
Finding Lucifer is incredibly easy since his office is somewhere you can walk to in the dark with your hands tied behind your back. You contemplate waiting before heading into his room, to give yourself time to mentally prepare yourself for his torture but, the quicker you enter, the quicker you get to leave. With that in mind, you push his doors open and step in without a second thought. 
His office is quiet as a soft melody plays in the background, if anything, the air seems relaxing. Well, it seemed that way until you entered. 
“Do you not understand the concept of knocking?” Lucifer asks without looking up from his pile of documents. His glasses rest on the bridge of his nose as he roughly notes something against the paper in his hands. The rough action causes you to tightly swallow the rest of your nerves. “I believe it is a common human world practice, is it not?” 
At your silence, Lucifer looks up at you with an expecting glare. The resentment in his eyes is something akin to frostbite and you’re sure you’re going to freeze over. 
“It is,” You answer and then take a few steps forward to stand directly in front of his desk. Lucifer hums before glancing back to his paper and like this, you can finally get a good look at him. Seeing the wrinkles in the corner of his eyes and the lighter strands of gray against the dark backdrop of his thick hair almost causes you to squirm upon sight. He’s a handsome demon and even you can acknowledge and appreciate that. Lucifer is ethereal even when he is glaring at you and threatening you with your life, you’re sure of it. 
“Then why is it that you fail to knock each time you enter my office?” Gone is Lucifer’s patience, it seems that you’ve been given the short end of the stick since you’re now the target of his bitter frustrations. 
For a brief moment, you mull over your words before choosing to tell him the honest truth. 
“I get nervous and forget,” Slightly honest, it’s true that you get nervous but, you fail to knock because you’re always trying to get in and out of his office as quickly as possible. Lucifer’s pen stills in his hand and his jaw clenches together tightly. 
“I give you no reason to be nervous.” He looks at you with a narrowed gaze as if he is trying to understand you, as if you will spill all your secrets under his glare. Much to his dismay, you remain silent and are unable to reply. 
Conversing with Lucifer is always a tricky dance where you try not to step on his feet. 
It’s best to get straight to the point. 
“Um, is there a reason you wanted to see me?” You stare down at his desk instead of his face as you run your fingers along the wooden trim. It’s distracting, a good thing to you, and a bad thing to him. 
“I can hear you all talking through the walls.” Bitter, Lucifer sounds undeniably bitter. “It’s too loud, I thought I told you to rest.” If this is his attempt at showing his concern for you, you find it to be weak. 
“I am relaxing, we are watching a movie.” Lucifer’s frown only grows larger at your words and you anxiously start to toy with your fingers. Your thumb runs over your knuckle and then the tip of your finger before pressing down on the digit to pop it. 
“A movie?” His voice sounds dangerous as if he is insinuating that you are doing something you’re not supposed to be doing. “Who is we?” The rapid beating of your heart must not be good for your health and you try to take a moment just to breathe. 
“Mammon, Levi, and Beel,” You answer truthfully as your eyes dart to a random corner in the room. There is no way you can face the disappointment in Lucifer’s eyes or attempt to understand him. No matter how much you think about it, you can’t understand why he is acting so difficult. 
“Sounds like fun.” He practically spits this out through clenched teeth and you finally look over him. Timidly, your eyes run over his hard face. The feeling in your gut is pity.
“Well, would you like to join us?” At your question, Lucifer looks at you as if you insulted his very being. His eyes widen dramatically and he places his pen down against the hardwood of his desk. However, the shock quickly evaporates from his face and is replaced with anger. 
“No.” His decline is firm, set in stone. “Unlike you and your head full of air, I try not to spend my free time doing such worthless things.” 
Your eyes narrow toward him and your nose scrunches up in disgust at his dramatics. If Lucifer was trying to offend you, he did so incredibly well. As you try to put a lid on your temper you think of your second rule that comes with surviving Lucifer, never let your anger get the better of you. 
Despite how hard you try to remind yourself to do this, the words work to no avail. Who gave Lucifer the right to judge you so hard? To pick you apart and pluck at any piece of you that he doesn’t find satisfactory?
“I wouldn’t want you there anyway.” The petty reply leaves your lips before you can catch it and the glare to match your words is not something you even try to hide. With just the two of you in the room, you have no worries about how this explosive decision would affect any of the other demons. Lucifer’s eyes narrow at the fight instilled in you. He slowly places his hands in his lap while keeping his deadpan stare on your face. 
“Excuse me?” He settles for this and tries to give you an opportunity to take it back. Horns appear on top of his head as voluminous wings sprout from his back 
“You heard me.” If Lucifer is shocked by your outburst, he does an exceptionally well job at hiding it. “Do you really dislike me so much that you have to nag me about everything?” You can’t help how your voice grows with emotion, how you firmly place your palms on his desk and slightly lean over the wood. “I do everything that you ask for and I do it perfectly. Would it kill you to be the least bit appreciative?” 
Your fingers twitch against the hardwood as Lucifer continues to stare at you. Timidness is flowing through your body once again and you try everything in your power to push it away. No good will come to you right now if you back down. It’s not like you can pretend this never happened, no, you have to push through. 
“Do I dislike you?” Lucifer repeats as he finally pushes himself out of his chair, standing to his full height to tower over you. He crosses his arms over his chest, letting his muscle bulge under his jacket and you have half a mind to think that he does this to hold back from lunging at you. “I loathe you, human.” 
Fear instills in your core and disappointment takes root at the painful feeling of it all. 
“What? Why?” You can’t help but ask him of this, ask him why he’s stepping all over your heart so easily. 
“No matter how much effort you put into this place, the Devildom will remain the same.” In contrast to your own wide eyes filled with glossy tears, Lucifer’s are narrowed and tinted with irritation. The bitter feeling rubs him entirely the wrong way. 
“You hate me because you think I’m trying to change this place?” No matter how much work you did for Lucifer, no matter how closely you followed his directions to a ’t’, it didn’t matter. That much is true for you now. “All I ever did was what you asked of me.”
“I did not ask you to change my brothers and I most certainly did not ask you to change me.” This is too much for you to keep up with, your head is spinning under Lucifer’s true feelings. “I see the way you look at me.” 
You instantly freeze and dart your eyes to the floor, he can’t be insinuating this. Right now, you’ve never wanted to run away and hide as badly before in your life. You can’t have Lucifer saying this out loud, not when you haven’t even said it to yourself yet. 
“Do you think that you are subtle, human? All the lingering touches and meaningful stares, I know exactly how you feel about me.” Lucifer’s harsh words stab at your heart, picking and pulling you apart. Unlike you, the demon doesn’t appear affected in the least. Lucifer still stands tall with his arms crossed over his chest and glare as dangerous as ever. “You will not change me.”
“Haven’t I already changed you?” You wish you would bite your own tongue and stop talking but, you can’t. The harder Lucifer pushes you, the harder you push back. At this point, you’re not even aware of what you’re saying anymore. You just want to affect Lucifer as terribly as he’s affecting you. “I-I think you’re wrong about how you feel about me.”
“Oh? Tell me, how do I feel about you?” The demon seems to be mildly entertained, his eyes widening in some twisted amusement as you tremble in front of him. 
“I think what you really hate is how much you need me.” Your hands instantly slap over your mouth after the words finally fall out. Need is a strong word. Regardless of how Lucifer claims to feel about you, you know the demon wants you near him all the time. Why else would he keep you attached to his hip?
It seems that the tension of the entire room, which is filled to the brim, explodes. Before, it was like a suffocatingly thick smog covering the two of you. Now the room is draped in heavy silence, one so loud that all you can hear are the ticks coming from the grandfather clock beside the door. 
You subtly glance towards it, the door, and start planning how exactly you can escape from this situation. 
“Get out.” Lucifer’s orders send you quickly excusing yourself without a second thought. Not once, do you look at him or think to do so. You don’t see the stunned look on his face or the pieces of his heart all coming together. No, you run back to your room and hide with your tail between your legs. 
Under the covers, you pray that no harm will come to you. 
Weeks have passed since that incident with Lucifer and all has seemingly run smoothly. The demon remains cordial with you and does not make a scene in front of his brothers. He simply hands you documents to review and makes you leave them outside of his office when you are done. The complete 180 shift of his treatment toward you almost makes you feel embarrassed about your previous words. 
How could you be so bold and claim that the demon needs you? It’s been weeks, much to your aching heart, and Lucifer has not asked for you once. 
‘I know exactly how you feel about me.’ His lingering words sometimes ring in your mind, forcing you into a state of humiliation. It’s safe to say that you somewhat understand your feelings for Lucifer better now, you can admit that how you feel about him is different than how you feel about anyone else that you know. Your affection for him makes the distance between the two of you more difficult to cope with. 
All you want to do is see Lucifer. 
“(Y/N), Lucifer wants to see you in his room.” Asmo knocks on your door in passing, delivering the words that seal your fate before he happily heads to his own room. 
You regret your earlier dramatics and begs for his attention because as you walk to his room, you can’t think of anything scarier than facing him. The demon must have a reasonable explanation to call you out and you hold onto the hope that it will all pass over smoothly. 
Once in front of his door, you actually remember to knock. The sensation of the hardwood against your knuckles momentarily distracts you from the anxiety in your heart and you’re thankful for it. 
“Come in,” Lucifer’s voice sounds sharper than normal as if he is on edge. You mentally say a prayer to anyone who will listen before entering his room and closing the door firmly behind you. 
The demon can’t hide the shock on his face when he finally sees you. His eyes slightly widen and his hand moves to rest over his chest. The moment of weakness doesn’t last for long before his face falls into a rather pleasant expression. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to knock,” He teases and you can’t help but awkwardly rock on your heels. You’re not sure what to say to Lucifer or how to face him. The demon can tell this right off of your face. “calm down, human.” 
“I’m not going to eat you,” His voice draws you in, and forces your feet to move as you walk over to the couch by his piano. “sit.” You sit on the edge of the cushion, incredibly close beside him, and mentally prepare for the scolding you’re sure you’re going to receive. “I am only going to say this once,” 
You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping his anger won’t be too blunt. 
“Look at me.” There’s a soft touch against the back of your hand and you timidly open your eyes to find Lucifer’s fingers brushing against your own. You obediently look up at him. “You were right,” He grabs your hand with his own.
Lucifer is admitting to one of his faults, your lips part in shock and eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Right about what?” 
Lucifer looks you over as his eyes slightly soften and a gentle smile takes place on his face. 
“I do need you.” The confession nearly makes your heart stall in your chest and the gentle glide of his thumb against your palm does little to calm you down. 
“You do?” You repeat, testing the words on your tongue. Lucifer bends his head forward slightly, letting his hair brush against your forehead. 
“I do.” His voice sounds much closer now and you freeze at the proximity of his body. “I always have, please forgive me for always being so harsh with you.” One of his hands crosses your body to hold onto your hip, wrapping his arm around your waist. “It seems I was the one who was unaware of my feelings.”
“Your feelings?” Finally, you look up through your lashes to find Lucifer staring intently at you. He nearly sighs at the contact. 
“Must I spell it out for you?” He looks away for the slightest moment before bringing his eyes back to you. “I adore you, (Y/N). I was harsh because of it. I am terribly sorry.” 
You’re having a hard time keeping up with the suddenness of it all. It seems that you couldn’t have been more wrong about this meeting. While you were preparing for a scolding, he was preparing for a confession. 
“Is that so?” You murmur and attempt to hide your face from his stare. Lucifer gently cups your cheek and your skin burns underneath his gloved fingertips. The flustered state of your appearance nearly makes the man coo. 
“It is.” He confirms and dips his head to rest his forehead against your own. Lucifer doesn’t expect anything in return from you, just getting to express his desires to you is more than enough. “I apologize that I took so long to come to terms with it.” 
Deep down, the two of you always knew that you shared a mutual adoration for one another. 
With a slight tilt of your head, you brush your lips against his cheek. 
“(Y/N),” Lucifer warns as his eyes flutter shut. If you continue to be so soft with him, to love on him so kindly, the demon can’t be responsible for how he responds. “do you think I would be satisfied with such a sweet kiss?”
His hands tighten against your jaw before pulling your chin downwards, allowing his lips to brush against your own. 
“Please allow me to shower you with my love for tonight.”
. . .
2023/02/07 ♡
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zablife · 11 months
The Swimming Lesson
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Finn Shelby x Adeline (OC)
Summary: Adeline makes a terrible mistake when she underestimates the vengeful nature of the youngest Shelby brother.
Author's Note: A lovely anon requested a dark!Finn fic. I included the John love triangle bc it added motivation. I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: dark fic 💀, drinking, misogyny, murder
“Finn, say something,” Adeline urged her friend, the confession of a budding relationship with his brother John still hanging in the air between them.
Attempting to forget the refusal of his kiss, Finn stopped pacing along the bank of the pond as an irresistible notion came to him. “Will you go for a swim with me?” he asked.
Adeline paused, “So, you’re not upset about John?”
Finn shook his head as he proclaimed, “I don’t want to talk about that anymore. I’d like to have some fun with you instead.”
Adeline held her breath as she felt him take her hand in his, wanting to believe he was happy for her. However, something cried out within her at the rough grasp of Finn’s touch, the distant look in his eyes which had turned dark as obsidian glass. “You want to go in there?” she asked carefully, raising one eyebrow in a look of uncertainty.
“Why not? Are you afraid?” Finn taunted with a mischievous grin.
She peered down into the cold, murky water and gulped. “You know I can’t swim."
“You going to let that stop you when you have me with you?” he urged. Placing a hand to her lower back, he pushed her closer to the uninviting water.
“I suppose a quick dip couldn’t hurt,” she conceded as she removed her shoes.
“That’s my girl,” Finn praised, relishing the sound of it on his tongue. He watched with lecherous delight as she stripped her stockings down her legs, discarding them beside her hat and shawl before tentatively slipping her toes beneath the water. Modestly gathering the hem of her white dress in one hand, she tip toed forward, a pathetic squeal escaping her lips as she felt a fish skim against her calf beneath the thick green algae.
Finn went first with his back to the pond, holding her hand as she ventured into his waiting arms. He was captivated by every intake of breath and needy squeeze of her fingers against his. She was at his mercy and he relished every second of it. When her foot faltered along the slimy bottom where it sloped downward into greater depths, she cried out “Finn, I’m slipping!”
“S’alright, I’ve got you,” he replied confidently, flexing the muscles in his arms for her benefit.
“Can’t go much further,” she warned, biting her lip. The look in her eye begged for understanding, a sliver of mercy, but Finn only tugged at her wrists more insistently.
“Let’s try a lesson, shall we?” he said with a look of amusement.
“No, no, please!” her voice trilled anxiously.
“C’mon, you’re a big girl, you can do it,” he insisted, hands moving to clutch her waist and pull her into the center of the pond with him. She released a frightened cry as he did so, grappling onto his shoulders as she felt herself become weightless. 
“Finn! Finn, this isn’t funny!” she wailed, realizing she could neither see nor feel the bottom to ease her fears.
“Relax,” he commanded firmly as he pried her hands from around his neck. He chuckled inwardly at the way her nails clawed at his bare back and forearms, thinking of the suggestive tales he could tell.
Without warning, he turned her onto her back in one swift movement, hushing her whimpers as her hair dipped and swirled in the water. “I taught all my nieces and nephews this way,” he informed her, patting her dampened locks down gently. His fingers slowly crept along her arms, unfurling them from her chest so they reached out from her body like a crucifix. She couldn’t say if it was the chill from the water or his hands dipping perilously close to the curve of her breasts, but she shivered beneath his touch.
To her surprise she found herself floating easily, ears submerged below the water line listening to the muffled sound of her heartbeat thumping in her chest. Finn’s face hovered above her imposingly and a nervous twitch pulled at her cheeks. She watched Finn’s mouth moving out of synch with his words she could barely hear through cotton stuffed ears. Her brow furrowed as she tried to connect the words she thought he'd said, “I loved you." They made her chest rise and fall quickly with uneven breath, disturbing her balance. Something about the slight sneer of his lip and the intensity of his gaze made her tense suddenly, muscles clenching until her middle began sinking downward precariously.
Then Finn reached a large hand beneath her lower back to support her. With his opposite hand grasping under her chin, he elevated her face toward the heavens so she might breathe evenly again and she sighed in grateful relief. Eyes fluttering against the breeze, Finn swore she batted her lashes at him in that moment. “You’re so beautiful,” he couldn’t help mumbling, his Adam’s apple bobbing in desire. Despite their proximity, he wondered if he had actually said it aloud. The moment of perfect silence stretched on as he cradled her into him adoringly, not a ripple to be seen all around them. 
The peace soon shattered with the force of Adeline’s impish laughter which forced her chin from his hold. Finn’s jaw clenched as he suffered the indignity of her rejection for the second time that day. The shred of affection for her dissipated with the faint echo of her voice as it skipped over the water. His resolve returned as he became more certain than ever of his decision.
Adeline bit her lip as she noted the look of displeasure cross his face and wiggled beneath Finn’s grasp.  Attempting to right herself in the water was a useless endeavor, however, as Finn kept her prostrated before him. Recapturing her cheeks with his long fingers, he pressed into her flesh slightly as he scolded, “Wait, we’re not finished." Then he queried softly, "Do you trust me?” 
“I-I do,” she affirmed, not knowing how else to respond. She screwed her eyes shut in concentration before exhaling shakily, “What are you going to teach me?”
Finn smirked at her obedience, knowing she’d sink like a stone without his aid, her fate literally in his hands. Leaning over to brush his nose against the shell of her ear, he whispered, “Oh, this is a lesson you won’t forget.” He allowed himself a moment to savor the feeling of his lips pressed firmly to her temple the way he imagined he might after making love to her. He swallowed harshly as he realized that could never be. Adeline did not want him. The hours spent in her company had been a lie and he felt like a fool. With that thought, he released her to the murky depths where she belonged.
Her eyes shot open in abject fear as she felt herself falling, mouth gaping in shock as she felt his strong hands shove her toward a watery grave. The air from her lungs escaped to the surface in massive bubbles as she attempted to cry out. Arms and legs fumbling in uncoordinated panic, she resurfaced momentarily. Her hands desperately grasped for a hold, fingertips brushing Finn's ever so slightly. "Now you want me?" he taunted.
Swimming an arm's length away to watch the look of betrayal and horror on her face, he felt righteously vindicated. Closing his eyes, he listened to her jagged screams pierce the air, sending the birds from the trees in alert. Then he paddled back to the shore, barely registering her torturous fight, thrashing in the dark waters until exhaustion overtook her weakened body.
Sitting upon the muddy bank, he witnessed her final struggle as she silently slipped beneath the algea, white dress billowing above her like a cloud. The ripples left behind by her futile attempt at survival, beating against the shore in one last, quiet protest. Finn’s breathing came calmly and evenly as he thought of walking home to sit by the fire. His sopping wet clothes clung to his body in the way her perfume still hovered in cloying sweetness and he longed to be rid of the sensation. 
The late sun had gone, dipping below the horizon in tranquil undulations of pink and orange. As Finn looked over the hazy water with a blank stare, a surge of pride swept through him. The powerlessness he’d felt earlier, washed away with the mocking sounds of Adeline’s laughter. As he gathered his shirt and cap, he closed his eyes to relive the sounds of the splashing and screams, trying not to forget their satisfying melody.
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sirenologyyy · 1 year
( a.k.a my hot take on all the teens if they were humans)
part 1 part 2
- I cannot stress this enough this man listens to Frank Ocean LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS, if given the chance to inject his lyrics into his veins Neteyam would be the one to stick the needle in himself
- plays sports, (soccer for 6 years and swim team for 3) people think his dad encouraged him and his brother but they joined willingly, it was their mother who wanted them to join afterschool activities because she does not know what to do with that much energy when she already has Tuk bouncing from wall to wall
- wore those thick Harry Potter glasses to school before he learned about contacts
- wants to take up filmmaking when he's older, already has a YouTube channel where he posts the most innane vlogs with the messiest layouts and time cuts but his subscribers eat it up everytime
- wants to produce music too, all of his siblings are all musically trained (as in took voice lessons and music lessons as children as afterschool activities because again, Neytiri deserves a break plus they inherited her singing voice and she did not want it to go to waste as she should) everyone of them knows how to play at least 2 instruments. Neteyam plays the piano, the drums, and acoustic guitar. He's also one of those people who makes music from zippers and glass clinking and the finished product is annoyingly good
- extremely early or 5 minutes late to things there is no in between.
- is left handed
- used to like lego as a child, his dad got mad at him because the pieces would stick to the wheels of his wheelchair and would threaten to melt them down into coasters
- loves everything mango flavoured
- wired earbuds >>> headphones
- this man studies his ASS OFF and it PAYS OFF, with being on two varsity teams, the oldest brother, trying to get into an Ivy League school, and trying to maintain his hobbies he always has free time. It's so weird because his schedule is so packed and you see him chilling on his bed all the time like how does he do it
- was the password child (emphasis on was)
- has a huge ass sweet tooth I SWEAR (you'd never even expect it)
- his jersey number is 12
- THIS. MAN. PULLS. He doesn't even try to but he's a gentleman, good with kids, smart, active in school, good in sports, well-spoken, what more could you want? Plus he's got his Dad's charm and his Mom's charisma, everybody's hallway crush, you can see a throng of girls crowding the bleachers everytime the soccer team or the swim team have practice. (Most of them were there for Neteyam, and he says hello to everyone of them like the clueless son of a bitch he is)
- definitely does skin care (he has a 5 step regimen he does religiously)
- introverted extrovert
- learned how to drink at home (like the good boy he is) but can take 6 straight shots without making a face
- is always on his little sister's YouTube channel as a guest, always starts the video by addressing her brother by his yt handle instead of Neteyam. (they make slime and do unboxing videos and he dosent always say it but he enjoys them)
- his dad would bring him to boy's night with his Marine friends so Neteyam could get used to how rowdy his dad's friends were (my dad did the same thing with me that's literally the best I could explain it) Neytiri gets mad at him for it because she dosent want Neteyam to be around those kind of people
- has had 1 serious girlfriend before but she broke things off with him because she felt too trapped and started getting feelings for another guy (she never told him the last part but it was implied) since then he's only entertained a few people but he never got into another serious relationship :((
- almost barely recites in class but he is ALWAYS that one guy that saves the class when the teacher asks the hard questions
- he wasn't the type to go out of his way and make new friends when he was little plus they never matterred to him, Neytiri would often worry about him but Jake said he'd be fine
- has the neatest room and the messiest at the same time BCS HE HAS AN ASSLOAD OF POSTERS AND STICKERS ON HIS WALL, hangs up lightsabers, world maps, banners of his preferred college, used to hang awards but took them down so Lo'ak wouldn't have to feel bad
- has strong alcohol tolerance (Sully genes fr fr)
- taught himself how to fix his own hair, it takes him hours so that's why if he wants to try out a new hairstyle he wakes up at 3 just to devote 3 more hours into fixing his hair (he'd be doing his hair in front of the mirror at like 4:15 and he stumbles upon Lo'ak looking groggy af so Neteyam asks him if he'd been dragged awake by a tractor and Lo'ak goes I haven't slept yet and left)
- hates math but gets the questions on the take home sheets correct EVERYTIME, would complain on the workload but would get it done in like 2 hours. He loves Biology and History, still hates math, reads classic books even though he dosent understand shit, has a love hate relationship with social studies after this one time when he was 10 and had a nosebleed WHILE presenting in class.
- oh also did I mention this man is a photographer?? BECAUSE HE IS A PHOTOGRAPHER. Has an arsenal of janky film cameras to professional dlsr cameras on a shelf in his room. His pride and joy.
- always has to be doing something with his hands
- saves money and dosent like to ask for allowance but everytime they get a ride from their dad he slips them all 50 bucks like they're doing a drug deal
- his dad's a stickler abt posture (because of his spinal injury) he hated it when he was younger but now he's older he finds himself reminding his siblings (kiri surprisingly) unconsciously
- you can bring him to his mom's native country and leave him there and he'd be fine because EVERYONE WOULD THINK HE'S A LOCAL WITH HOW GOOD HIS SPANISH IS
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- is more focused on music than Neteyam is because if you'd be handing around an electric guitar Neteyam would start playing the solo to Beer by Itchyworms, Kiri would start playing Moon Song by Phoebe Bridgers, and Lo'ak would decline BUT if forced he would shred the hell out of that guitar by playing Layla by Derek and the Dominoes
- draws a lot more too, Jake couldn't see how good Lo'ak really was until he won an award at school. (Jake found himself looking at that award on the Sully display case in their living room often)
- does graffiti art, skateboards, drinks monster on a daily basis, the stereotypical sk8r boy we all know and love (avril lavigne is typing) although he does not like monster he liked red bull more and everyone knows this
- wore a crop top to school once (no one noticed because he always wears baggy clothes)
- could be a straight A student if he cared (his parents remind him that everyday) likes biology too because his sister likes plants and his mom was a biology major, hates calculus and trigonometry. (Was the child that would cry on the dining table while his dad is this 🤏🏼 close to popping a nerve from repeating the problem to him over and over until he gets it)
- shaved off one side of his head after an argument with his dad and did not regret it
- if there's a new soccer line in Nike he's clearing the shelves out in no time
- has dyscalculia and gets Neteyam to help him (he never asks Neteyam just knows) He'd never get mad at his baby bro for taking hours upon hours on 1 single equation, but Lo'ak would get mad at himself that's why he's a visual learner
- put him in a room with boys his age and his littlest sister and he'd still go to his sister
- on the soccer team just like Neteyam, also on the swim team once they moved closer to their school because swim practice takes longer than soccer and they'd have to wait extra long for the bus
- when they'd visit their mother's province he'd teach the little kids in the neighborhood how to play soccer :,)
- hates that he's always Tuk's practice dummy for make up but lets her do it anyway *cue Lo'ak running away from a 7 year old in a tutu clutching her makeup brushes and eyeshadow palettes*
- is a night owl... enough said
- listened to Kanye West bcs of his dad's marine friends but heard about the issue at the VMAs and has been a swiftie since then (don't tell tsireya that also his favorite album is definitely reputation)
- is always late to things HE REALLY TRIES TO BE EARLY but Eywa says no
- would always be in that group of boys that play ice ice water during recess and lunch (they never get him because bros faster than speedy gonzales)
- I feel like aside from Jake seeing Lo'ak as the younger version of himself (brash, immature, impulsive) he was always in and out of the hospital because of injuries and medical conditions. Pretty much the second foundation as to why Lo'ak and Jake have such a sensitive relationship
- loves rice meals more than his siblings do, he will not function properly without rice in his system (he got that from Neytiri)
- makes ur mom jokes CONSTANTLY he does it so often that his other siblings are spiritually, mentally, and physically incapable of making that joke to others
- the pickiest eater (pickier than tuk but he was the 10+ allergy kid growing up so his parents constantly get him to try foods he was allergic to before but he'd just throw a fit)
- knows how to patch up wounds better than most nurses because of how many times he fell off his skateboard tryna show off to girls in the skatepark (or just in general)
- EVERYONE WAS SHOCKED THAT HE COPPED TSIREYA. As in Hina Tsireya Maihoa, student body vice president, it girl, must I go on? Anyways she is WAY out of his league not even Lo'ak could comprehend he got the finest girl in the school to fall for him
- always referred to as Neteyam's younger brother :((
- would literally dislocate his knee to ensure a win for their soccer team
- the type to carry around lighters to play with them
- if he's angry he resorts to drawing or taking a jog for several hours (both involving very loud music)
- was scared that he couldn't grow taller than Kiri or Neteyam when he was 12 but now he's taller than Kiri and 2 inches away from towering over Neteyam
- always carries around pads (shh) and hair ties in his bag
- listens to The Weeknd the same way Neteyam listens to Frank Ocean. Endlessly.
- hates loud places unless he's the one making all the noise
- used to want to become a pilot when he was younger like his Aunt Trudy before she died
- loves sour candy I mean LOVES sour candy (he and neytiri could go through those jumbo value sour patch kids and would not need water)
- developed a habit of scratching himself when he's nervous or on the verge of a panic attack (he's getting better now that he's been open about it to his siblings and now that he's got tsireya)
- has a blue takis obsession
- collects stickers for his skateboard and his room (he got that habit from neteyam)
- dosent fold and prefers to hanger, he'd be caught DEAD before he ever folded a shirt
- hates bell peppers (they just couldn't get him to eat them, the reason? Unknown)
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- would have crystals in her room because let's be fucking fr they work like a CHARM she could get anyone she wanted (she really could though she pretty af) but chooses not to (because then the entire highschool would be on their knees)
- forced herself to have crushes on guys in elementary just so the other girls wouldn't find them weird for not liking anyone
- when she reached middle school she came out as bisexual and everyone made fun of her for it, would always go home crying with neteyam and lo'ak who had split open knuckles (half the time)
- terrified as fuck that jake and neytiri wouldn't accept her but then they did??? And she was like holy shit??? Because Neytiri was raised in a very very religious household and that gave little Kiri heart palpitations every time they went to the mall and a gay couple would pass them by and Neytiri gives them weird looks...
- her room is full of plants but we all know that (she may or may not have named all of them)
- always fighting over the aux with Lo'ak and Tuk (either it's gunna be another round of Kyoto, Reminder, or Girl in the Mirror)
- always layers her jewelry, they could be getting McDonald's drive thru and she'd be wearing 7 bracelets on each hand 4 necklaces on her neck
- would fucking OBLITERATE you in scrabble, they're literally just that comprehensively literate
- is ambidextrous
- joined theatre for shits and giggles but ended up loving it so much that she's the president now
- is the last one to die in a horror movie (final girl shit)
- always volunteered to bring home the class pet
- would always get bullied for her skin colour too, growing up with their dark skinned siblings, UNTIL JAKE WHEELS INTO THE ELEMENTARY SCHLOL BUILDING ONE DAY MAKING THOSE 9 YEAR OLDS QUIVER IN THEIR LIL BOOTIES
- she was the 'English teacher' gay
- once she reached highschool she started becoming more open with her sexuality and also came out of her shell a little more, she volunteered in animal shelters and that's where she met Tsireya and they've been besties ever since 🤞🏼
- makes cooking videos on tiktok, did that salt prank on both Jake and Neytiri (they have been reluctant to try anything Kiri has made since then)
- would give you 20 bucks if you needed it no exceptions (just pay her back most of it you'll be fine)
- if you wake up at 4 in the morning to use the bathroom and pass by her room and see them trimming their hair you didn't...
- also never initiated fights as a kid except this one time where they were told to make a diorama of their family (ya'll know where I'm going with this) some kids caught on that she wasn't exactly related to Jake and Neytiri, only that they took them under their wing when her biological mother Grace died, anywho they said that Grace 'took one good look at Kiri and decided to pass away because who wanted someone as deformed as her as a daughter' she had been sharpening a pencil at the time and let's just say she found a better use with the graphite than solving another math equation
- lit incense once and Jake thought she was smoking a joint
- on that note she always smells earthy and floraly
- she comes prepared or not prepared at all. Either their sage green cross bottle bag has 3 different kinds of gum, an extra charging cord, and alcohol wipes, or her tote bag has receipts, spare change, and tissue from this fancy Italian place they went to 2 nights prior
- has dry lips and peels them
- makes their own jewelry
- is a morning person through and through but she sleeps at ungodly hours of the night and still look more well-rested than their brothers who get like 8 hours of sleep AT BEST, meanwhile Kiri be out here making whole ass breakfast quiches and onion and potato foccacia
- has tried writing plays before (they never end up finishing them but the planning is what excites them the most) the only person she ever allows to read it is lo'ak, not that she dosent trust neteyam it's that him and her just click in a different way
- bi, lesbian, bi, unlabeled, bi, lesbian until she met Rotxo (starts giggling like a maniac) when he was trying to grab a 4lb weight on top of the shelf and got startled by a projectile being pelted at him and drops the weight on Kiri's head. He rushes them into the infirmary and stayed there with her until lunch time (he missed 3 classes which he's never EVER done before), they ate lunch together in the clinic just the two of them, laughing so hard that peas started shooting out of Kiri's nose, making them laugh harder, but Kiri got sent home right after and lemme just say that Rotxo looked like a wounded puppy the rest of the day
- identifies as queer and are a demi girl
- tsireya and her would go for sunset drives all the fucking time, they'd order take out, park by the one larkspur tree by the lake and start dishing out on the school tea AND LEMME TELL YOU! TSIREYA. DOES. NOT. MISS. She's literally friends with everyone who was anyone in pandora high and the tea is ENDLESS
- whenever Neytiri takes Neteyam and Lo'ak out for grocery shopping (she likes having them around because they'd be obligated to bring the groceries with them while she goes to Sephora to buy some skin care and if they don't complain she'll buy them ice cream) that leaves Jake alone with the girls at home and they'd blast 2000's songs through their big ass speakers while they dance around the (still very dirty) living room in pajamas and they often forget to cook the rice because of it, they would always ALWAYS pull up Rihanna's superbowl performance and vibe to that while they hurry and clean the house because the 10 minute mark has started and Neytiri would be home ANY FUCKING MINUTE
- her and tsireya bond over lo'ak's quirks
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I had too much fun with this... anyways that's it for the Sully siblings! I'm gunna be doing part 2 which covers our beloved Metkayina Triad <3 will probably make this into a hs series but who tf knows... stay tuned if you are!
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sillspore · 10 months
Could you please infodump some of your mothpool headcanons to us?
they’re so. they’re so i love them (my bad this turned into a mothpool story ramble instead of headcanons)
- leafpaw sees mothpaw once and her lesbian eyes widen like she just saw god
- mothpaw is super anxious and leafpaw makes her feel unjudged and like an equal
- yes i made moth a paw still, i’ll have it so moth was changed to a med app shortly before her warrior ceremony, explaining why she’s an app and hawkfrost is a warrior
-mudfur names her mothwing (after the fake sign hawkfrost planted) before he dies
- anyway back to the gays
-they’re both lesbians, mothwing is a trans girl :) for me bc im trans and i like making characters trans and also for biological kits purposes
- in the lake territories, leafpool has a crisis when she realizes she loves mothwing. they have a little abandoned cave slightly past the territories they’d meet in i think
- mothwing confesses first, not caring for the code (in ripples, meds can have mates just not kits unless they have a replacement while they step down to care for their family) (half-clan relationships are still forbidden until bristlefrost’s law is made, allowing cats to switch clans to be with their mate)
- leafpool gives in and they are mates!!!
- they almost run away. go back to save thunderclan :( just like leafcrow in canon
- shortly after, leafpool realizes she’s pregnant!! luckily, squirrelflight confesses that she is too. they concoct a plan…. leafpool will give her kits to squirrel to raise, and no one can ask where they came from bc of the queen’s rights law in the warrior code
- (leafpool can’t raise her kits herself bc she’s the sole medicine cat, her clan would be left without a healer)
- they openly tell everyone squirrel is expecting to take attention off of leafpool, brambleclaw immediately assumes they’re his — squirrelflight doesn’t refute him. she only sees him as a brother, but if she denied it the only other cat as a possible father would be ashfur, or a rogue. neither of those options are good for others to assume in her opinion
- as canon, squirrel and leaf go off, and luckily they give birth at the same time. squirrelflight gives birth to hollykit and breezekit, and leafpool gives birth to lionkit (name change maybe), jaykit, and dovekit. they do this at the moonpool, and the wailing attracts crowfeather. he and squirrelflight get emotional, muah muah, cutesy, agree to separate, crowfeather takes breezekit for his friend nightcloud to raise with the kits she was currently giving birth to. that’s the reason crow was out, to get her a nice stick.
- they go back to tc after a patrol helps em carry the 4 kits, later on dovekit dies, squirrelflight is devastated :( so is leafpool :(
and brambleclaw ig
- holly, jay and lion are raised as siblings
- after the reveal, i kinda don’t want leafpool to die as i’ve said before so i think she’ll go to riverclan to be with mothwing, but she’ll be there as a warrior
- theyre so sweet :( leafpool picks flowers and puts them in mothwing’s mane
- leafpool headbutts, a trait she shares with squirrelflight
- mothwing curls around her every night to keep her warm. in greenleaf, leafpool often has to kick her away bc the heat is STIFLING
- leafpool brings the thunderclan herb pouch craft to riverclan, which afterwards becomes quite popular
- leafpool takes her swimming lessons from mothwing, and doesn’t do half bad! she ends up enjoying it
- similarly, she enjoys fishing and how calm it is
- whenever she can find willow she weaves it into necklaces and crowns for mothwing. they are all over the medicine den
- mothwing loves her wife so much she uses her healer privileges to get her the best piece of prey
- leafpool acts as mothwing’s guard, which just means leafpool is required to accompany mothwing on most patrols. leafpool is delighted by this.
- they bask on rocks together!!!! leafpool is entranced by the way mothwing glows
- “i don’t know her god, but i’m no stranger to devotion”
- maybe they’ll even have more kits… who knows?
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eyrina-avatar · 1 year
Rotxo x Kiri headcanon
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genre: romance, fluff
author's note: Ao'nung and Tsireya, and Rotxo are siblings in this(writing before someone complains in the comments lol). also, this is more focused on Rotxo's feelings.
warnings: none, my first time writing a headcanon though😬 only proofread 1x
Arrival at awa'atlu
the arrival of the Sullys was strange for everyone involved, especially for the children of Ronal and Tonowari
Rotxo was especially interested in learning more about the forest na'vi and how they used their slim tails and arms in their everyday life
Lo'ak's five fingers was definitely interesting but he always seemed too busy with Tsireya to bother
but Kiri usually had more alone time and seemed more understanding of the Metkayina ways out all of her family members
she was perfect to hang out with to learn about the forest clans and so they started taking lesson together
it started with meditation classes- learning to breathe
and then eventually swimming lessons- the metkayina way
Kiri had been doing great and her calm and accepting nature was easy for Rotxo to handle
Rotxo's feelings for Kiri
he eventually started to develop a small crush on her
her amber eyes, in contrast to her blue skin almost mesmerizing
and her chill and easy-going attitude instantly putting him at ease whenever she was around
he couldn't help but blush whenever he guided her hands to the spot she was supposed to be breathing from and whenever he held her up and moved her arms in the right spots while teaching her all the ways to swim
ao'nung had eventually started to catch up to Rotxo's little feelings when he realized that he was often asking about her
"Kiri...where is Kiri" Rotxo had always seemed worried when the group was together but she was wandering elsewhere
"Dude, just ask her out. It's not like she's gonna hit you" Lo'ak rolled his eyes and simply tried his best play cool at the confession he'd just told him, more worried about what Rotxo's older brother would say he found out that the troublesome forest boy liked his sister
nervous, Rotxo sat alone on the sand, enjoying the water splashing on his feet while he thought of how to ask her out
Kiri knew something was wrong when she saw how quiet he was
"what is wrong?" she placed her hand on his shoulder, immediately calming him down
"something is wrong, Rotxo," the worried but soft look in Kiri's eyes slowly reassured him that she would react well
he eventually got the courage and confessed, but to his surprise, she reciprocated the feelings
Their relationship
their relationship started off slow, but steady
nothing was rushed and Rotxo was sure to ask if Kiri was comfortable before holding hands
but they weren't public about their relationship, though, Lo'ak knew but couldn't care less, as long as Rotxo kept quite about Lo'ak's and Tsireya's relationship
Rotxo and Kiri didn't hold hands while walking, but instead held hands while swimming
he showed her all the best spots and prettiest islands he knew of
he especially loved taking her out during eclipse, when her face shined beautifully and the way her eyes twinkled at the sight of the islands during that time of day was always breathtaking to him
Rotxo was quick to introduce her to his spirit brother as his girlfriend, earning a congratulatory flip from the tulkun.
hugging was something Kiri wasn't too accustomed to so Rotxo was sure to take it slow with her
when she got more comfortable, they would often bask in each other's arms, making fun of lo'ak's and ao'nung's antics while the rest of the friend group ran wild trying to control them.
Rotxo and Kiri often found comfort and peace in each other's arms, basking in the sunlight or watching the night sky
for them a new form of tranquility and happiness was found, each other
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
what do you guys think of my first headcanon, did it suck?💀
I decided to write this after I got a nice little suggestion in my inbox hehe
I would have focused more on their feelings and more on Kiri's pov but I was honestly tired when writing this and just needed to get some content out already
want to see more rotxo x kiri writing or other ships? make a suggestion
Reblogs/ any interaction/ feedback is always much appreciated!
as always do not steal my work and please don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
© eyrina-avatar
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colors used: #54CAFB and #5FE9D7
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
I love the quiet "Please" at the end
Gaz stumbled back, groaning when the lights went out and then the power went off. 
“Mierda!” Rodolfo cursed, startling him. “Alejandro-”
“I’m already working on getting you both out. Apparently a recruit hit the power box with a throwing knife.”
Rodolfo shook his head and sat against the wall. He and Gaz had been in the command room, which required a keycode to open and wouldn’t open if the power was off. As it was, right now. Gaz winced and went over to sit by him. “How long should it take?”
“The system says an hour.”
“Ah. Bloody fantastic.” Gaz shook his head. Already, he could feel himself sweating as the temperature rose. “What are we supposed to do for an hour?” He groaned.
Rodolfo sighed. “I do not know, Gaz…” He went quiet and then looked at him. “Well, Captain Price says you have been telling him a story… Do you think we could hear the next part of it? Since Alejandro told you about the time he was kidnapped. Well, one of them.”
Gaz perked up. “You… want to hear it?”
“Of course! You’re a pretty good story teller from what Price says.”
Gaz grinned, feeling proud. So Price was interested in the story. “Sure, um… has he told you what’s happened so far?”
“Yes, David tricked you into a surfing lesson by Alex, right?” Rodolfo nodded, smiling.
“Well, David really didn’t know.” Gaz blushed. “He… apologized later. But, yes, that’s essentially what happened. Okay, I’m gonna skip a bit because nothing happened the next two weeks besides us going to the beach and shopping and honestly, none of it is worth focusing on. But… Two weeks later, on a Friday, David came to me, because Jess, who was 17 by the way, I didn’t find that out until later, had invited him to a party at a much smaller, privately owned beach…”
Kyle pulled on a tank top, since it was fairly hot that day. It was a black one that had the logo for a video game he liked on it, which his mum had bought him on the trip. It looked fairly okay with his swim shorts, which he was wearing because he planned to go to the beach and watch the sunset. 
David had finally left him alone that day instead of bugging him to do something. Go shopping, go to surfing lessons, go to blah blah blah. 
Then, David walked in, wearing a wide grin. “Kyle-”
“Oh, no!” Kyle shook his head. “You- No. I finally get to do what I want to do, which is chill on the beach without someone causing mischief and- no.”
David pouted and came over. “You didn’t hear where I was going to ask you to go!”
“I can only imagine.” Kyle glared at him, before softening when David just pouted more. “Fine. But only because you’re my brother and I love you.”
“Hell yeah!” David grinned. “Okay, so Jess and I were hanging out and she mentioned this party-”
“No.” Kyle shook his head, immediately.
“No.” Kyle repeated. “I do not go to parties. I am 15 and a half. I do not go to parties.”
David groaned and whined. “Kyleeeeeeee….” He pouted, again. “Please??? I need a wingman and… Jess is… really hot and… she’s too hot for me…” He made a sad face which was so fucking fake, but it was already working. “I just… need my brother to go with me.”
“I hate you.” Kyle mumbled, rolling his eyes and looking away. “Fine, but only for an hour or so.”
“Fantastic!” David grinned. “Let’s go, it should be starting soon!” He grabbed Kyle’s wrist and yanked him out the door.
They ended up walking to the party, and as they walked, Kyle’s nerves got more and more heightened. He was 15 and a half and he was going to a party. They heard the music from a small distance and Kyle made a face, not really liking the stuff that was playing. But… well, he was this far.
Or this close.
He shook it off and looked around as they got closer, shrinking a little into David. “I’m not drinking.”
“Neither am I.” David shrugged as they finally arrived to the beach. Kyle could see there were a lot of people, a couple of which looked closer to their age. In fact, they seemed to range from their age to maybe the oldest being 21. 
David immediately beelined for a drink table and they both grabbed a soda before David started to look around. “Jess said she’d be here when we got here… Where… oh, there! Just… stay here and I’ll be right back with her!”
Kyle tried to stop him as he left, but he didn’t succeed before David had ditched him and Kyle saw him disappear into the small crowd of people dancing. He cringed back into himself and hugged himself, biting the inside of his cheek. This was… horrible. 
Thankfully, everyone seemed to ignore him, dancing to Cooler Than Me, which he was shocked he recognized. David had it on his Ipod, Kyle was pretty sure. 
David please come back… 
Telepathically begging didn’t seem to be working. Fuck. 
“Hey, what are you doing here??”
Kyle’s whole body froze and he internally groaned. Oh no. He turned and looked up at Alex, who did not seem to be looking at him like one would look at someone they were pleasantly surprised to see. Instead, he appeared to be deeply concerned. “Oh um… David asked me to come?”
Alex frowned. “Where is he?” He looked around and Kyle did the same before wincing. Alex looked at him and then just sighed, shaking his head. “That’s fine. Just stick close to me.”
Kyle blushed dark. “I don’t… I don’t think I have to do that… I’ll be fine!” He assured. 
“You’re like 15, you shouldn’t even be at a party!” Alex shook his head, running a hand down his face. 
Kyle huffed. “I’m 15 and a half!”
“The half is important?” Alex crossed his arms, his expression changing to amusement. 
Kyle glared at him. “Incredibly.” He muttered and hugged himself tighter. “I just… I’ll be fine…”
“Okay, how about this. I would like you to stay near me because I am concerned for you and I don’t want you to get hurt?” Alex sighed, dropping his arms. “Please?” He looked at Kyle, his expression soft.
Kyle stared at him. Oh that was not fair! There was no way Alex didn’t know what he was doing! He groaned and shook his head. “Fine.” He mumbled, rolling his eyes when Alex’s face changed to a grin. Prick. 
“Perfect. Well, you’re in luck, my friends ditched me, too.” Alex sighed and shook his head. “Have you ever been to a party before?”
Kyle hesitated, seriously considering saying yes to appear cool but… he doubted Alex would believe him. “No…” He winced, admitting. “Not really my thing.”
“You’re 15, I would hope not.” Alex shook his head.
“And a half-”
“Yeah, yeah.” Alex laughed and Kyle blushed dark again. “Well, they’re pretty straightforward.”
Kyle suddenly got a thought, narrowing his eyes. “How long have you been going to them?”
“Three years,” Alex seemed to answer without thinking and then he was also turning dark red. “Okay, wait-”
“Ha!” Kyle said. “Rules for me but not for thee??” He joked, crossing his arms. “You’re a hypocrite.”
Alex seemed to stare at him before rolling his eyes and shaking his head. “Fine, fine. You got me, you’re right… I’ve been going to parties since I was 15, however, I definitely would not have gone to them if I could go back.”
Kyle blushed. Again. “Well, the only reason I’m here is for my brother…” Who still hadn’t come back. Great. He winced as the music got even louder and hugged himself, again, trying to shrink into the drink table. 
Alex seemed to frown and then he nudged his head towards the water. “Come on, I want to go look at the water.”
Kyle hesitated before nodding, hoping it was a bit quieter over there. He followed Alex, glancing back a few times and hoping to see David, but not having any luck. Whatever, he was sure David would find him later.
Alex led him over to the edge of the water and then he was plopping down in the sand. Kyle made a face, not really wanting to get his shorts sandy. He resolved to just stay standing and Alex looked up at him. “You good?”
“I’d rather not have to shake sand out of my shorts later…” Kyle mumbled, biting the inside of his cheek. “I can just stand.”
Alex raised an eyebrow before shrugging, just pulling his shirt off. He laid it out in the sand and Kyle immediately looked away, trying not to think hard about that, but ultimately sitting down and pulling his knees up to his chest. “How have you been?” Alex asked.
Kyle hesitated. “Um… I’ve been okay. Mostly just going to the beach.”
“I’ve noticed you haven’t come to too many lessons…” Alex frowned. “Any reason why?”
“Surfing really isn’t for me.” Kyle admitted. “I only went because David wanted to impress this girl and… well, he ended up finding Jess, so… I just didn’t go.”
“Oh.” Alex frowned and Kyle almost fancied that he looked disappointed, but Kyle was willing to believe he was making that one up. “Well, I’m glad you’re having fun.” He shrugged, leaning back on his hands. 
Kyle looked towards the horizon, smiling as he looked at the sunset. Thinking of Alex’s words, he looked up, looking for the darkest part of the sky and melting. “Yeah, that is a nice blue.”
“You remembered that?” Alex looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
Fuck. “Uh… Yeah. I haven’t talked to many others, so it’s hard not to.” Kyle quickly lied to cover it up. No, actually, he’d thought about any time he was outside and the sun was setting. Hell, he thought about it when it was rising, too. Alex was… kind of permanently in his head. It was embarrassing. He was already looking forward to going back to England and just… forgetting about this-
“Well, that didn’t end up happening, did it?” Soap’s voice came over the coms.
“Soap??” Gaz cringed. “You’ve been listening??”
“The power is out and I’m bored.”
“Where’s Alejandro?” Rodolfo lifted his head from where it’d been leaned against the wall.
“I’m still here, Mi Luna.”
Gaz softened, thinking they were so sweet. Rodolfo smiled to himself, shaking his head. Gaz went to keep going. “Where was I-”
“I don’t get something.” Soap cut him off. “Also Ghost and that mercenary are listening, too, but they’re with Alejandro in his office.” That mercenary sounded awfully bitter…
“Hello.” Ghost’s voice.
Gaz blushed dark red. “Great. Love this.” The mercenary was likely referring to Roach, who had just shown up out of nowhere. He was supposed to be dead, but… apparently not. “Who else is listening?”
“I think Price might be, but I doubt it. He said he was going to take the opportunity to take a nap.” Soap.
“He acts like he’s senile, he’s like 37!” Gaz rolled his eyes.
“And a half.” Price.
Laughter came over the coms and from Rodolfo and Gaz shook his head. “What don’t you get, Soap?”
“Price said you said this was a conundrum. You and Alex are together now. You’ve been together for almost a year… Why is this a big deal?”
“Because… I don’t know. It’s weird. What if he decides that it’s weird and breaks up with me?” Admitting this when knowing 6 people were listening in was pretty embarrassing, but he was already there, so. 
“Sounds like someone, eh mi Luna?” 
“Shh…” Rodolfo laughed, softly.
Gaz looked at him and tilted his head, but he didn’t get any sort of clarification. “I just… don’t want him to think this is a deal breaker.”
“So you tell the story to a bunch of random people? Solid logic.” Ghost.
Gaz rolled his eyes. “Thanks. I mean… It was originally supposed to just be Price.”
“Okay, okay, vamos. I want the rest.”
“I don’t know… You took three days to tell us about yourself being kidnapped…” Gaz half grinned.
“Garrick.” Gaz couldn’t help but shiver at Ghost’s voice, giving him a warning. Oh that was why Soap did everything Ghost told him to. Even still, Gaz almost didn’t anyway. 
But, he sighed and took a deep breath, starting to continue.
Fuck. “Uh… Yeah. I haven’t talked to many others, so it’s hard not to.” Kyle quickly lied to cover it up. No, actually, he’d thought about any time he was outside and the sun was setting. Hell, he thought about it when it was rising, too. Alex was… kind of permanently in his head. It was embarrassing. He was already looking forward to going back to England and just… forgetting about this stupid crush.
Alex didn’t look completely convinced, just shrugging. “Right. Well… yeah, I really like it.” He looked up at the sky. 
Kyle did the same, noting that you could see the stars, though not that many. “When I was a kid-”
“You’re still a kid.”
“When I was a younger kid,” Kyle glared at him, “there was a field behind my foster parents’ house. There weren’t any streetlamps or anything, so it would get very dark outside. So, when I would have trouble sleeping, I’d go out and lay in the field. Since it was pretty dark, you could see more of the stars… So, I’d try to count them. Always gave up around 113.”
Alex looked over at him and then looked back up at the sky. The sun was finally starting to dip down under the horizon, so more and more of the stars could be seen. “113 is pretty high.”
“Yeah…” Kyle nodded. “I always fell asleep around that point. Woke up covered in grass and dirt too many times.” 
“That’s funny.” Alex laughed and Kyle glared at him, again. “If you go out on the water a small distance, you can see a lot of the stars. The sky looks packed full of them. They’re pretty bright, too.”
Kyle hesitated. “That sounds really nice…” He nodded. “I’d love to see it…” He hoped Alex would get the hint. He wasn’t doing it for any romantic reason, he just really would like to see it.
Alex looked over at him before shaking his head. “I’ll get a board, hold on.” He stood up and brushed himself off before heading off.
Kyle relaxed, smiling to himself. He was excited to get to see the stars from the water and it being with Alex was even better, if he was honest. 
Alex was quick, coming back with a surfboard and gesturing for Kyle to follow. Kyle, obviously, immediately got up and did so, following him to the edge of the tide and then putting the leg strap around his ankle before starting to wade out with Alex. Alex took them a fair distance out, though it wasn’t enough that Kyle couldn’t hear the music from the party. 
When they were a bit out, Alex hummed. “It won’t be perfect. I usually take a boat. But… Well, you see how dark it is.”
Kyle looked around, noticing how dark it was, indeed. In fact, the moon and the lights of the tiki torches from the party were the only lights around. It was almost eerie, since he could hear movement in the distance of water, but he couldn’t really see it. In fact, he could hardly see where the sky ended and the water began. Had it gotten dark so fast??
Alex held onto his board and then nudged his head up. “Sit up.”
Kyle carefully stood up, remembering how Alex had said to do so, and then he looked up at the sky, smiling as he saw all of the stars in the sky. It wasn’t as many as he remembered from the field, but it was more than one could see in the average city. “It’s still so beautiful…”
“I think so.” Alex nodded, also looking up. He looked at Kyle for a moment and then sighed. “You know, I don’t think I’d ever be glad to be missing a party to hang out with a 15 year old- And a half, I get it, but… you really are pretty cool.”
Kyle blushed dark red. It’s only 2 and a half years. Yeah, but… maybe that would be a short time to anyone else, but… Kyle knew he was only 15, and a half, and Alex was 18. In 2 and a half years, it may be less weird. Hell, in a year, it might be less weird. But… for now it was. In Kyle’s mind. Even still… he really liked Alex. 
Ugh, this was frustrating! Besides, what did it even matter? In a month, he’d be going back to England and Kyle wouldn’t ever see him again! 
“Man that really didn’t happen-”
Gaz laughed, softly. “Can I please keep telling the story??”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Ugh, this was frustrating! Besides, what did it even matter? In a month, he’d be going back to England and Kyle wouldn’t ever see him again! And, Alex had made it pretty clear that he just saw Kyle as a kid. Which… Kyle would reluctantly admit that he was.
This sucked. 
He frowned as he noticed Alex was looking towards the beach. He hoped Alex wasn’t going to take them back so soon, that would be disappointing… He winced when he saw David was on the beach, watching them and waving. No, he definitely did not want to go back, because he knew David would do something to embarrass him!
It was a split second decision. Maybe it was a stupid one but… 
Kyle fell off the board. He didn’t stop his own breath and made the choice not to tread water, quickly sinking and just using his arms to try to stay afloat, knowing that would barely keep him above the water. 
Well, he expected Alex to panic just a little, he did not expect to be lifted out of the water and almost slammed into the board. That… fucking hurt. They somehow made it back to the beach in the time it took Kyle to catch his breath and then David was quickly asking if he was okay, looking panicked. 
“You’re a swimmer! I don’t know how that would happen!” David said, putting a towel around his shoulders.
Alex shook his head. “Riptides can suck anyone in.”
Kyle paused. Riptide? He looked at Alex, who was focusing on getting the leg strap off his ankle. He knew David wouldn’t know why that was a shit excuse but… Alex should… Unless Alex was panicking still? Well, Alex’s breath did look rather heavy, in fact, he still looked very concerned as he got up, looking over Kyle. “Are you okay?”
“I just fell off…” Kyle mumbled. “I guess it was a strong riptide.” He decided to roll with it, anyway. The speed with which Alex had rescued him was… Well, his chest was very warm. It had him fuzzy and trying not to swoon. Swoon. God, Kyle.
“Maybe we should go home…” David mumbled. “I think it’s pretty late.”
“I think that’s best.” Alex sighed and nodded. 
Kyle coughed a little, the salt from the water burning his throat. He was never going to pull that shenanigan, again. Especially since it’d just gotten him dragged to the beach, anyway! He should have seen that coming, he knew but… Whatever. Mistakes and lessons or whatever. 
He was kind of disappointed, wanting to spend more time with Alex, but… He supposed that he could always come back to the beach tomorrow. “It was fun to hang out with you…” He told Alex.
“Likewise.” Alex nodded. “Come by the beach tomorrow, so I can make sure you’re okay.”
Kyle blushed dark when Alex touched his shoulder and nodded. “Okay…” He then turned and started to walk with David, again. 
“How did you almost drown??” David asked as they started to walk back. 
Kyle rolled his eyes, now kind of irritated. “I don’t know. Do you care? Since you abandoned me.”
“I’m sorry…” David winced. “I saw you with Alex and I thought you’d be fine! You looked fine!”
“You still abandoned me!” Kyle made a frustrated sound. “You’ve been treating me like rubbish this entire time! You keep abandoning me and dragging me around and- I’m sick of it! Find one of the other siblings to be your wingman because I don’t want to do it anymore.” 
David frowned and went quiet for a moment. “I’m sorry-”
“That’s not good enough!” Kyle knew he was maybe overreacting, but he was sick of David dragging him around! “Find someone else.”
David winced but nodded. “Okay… I… I will. I’m sorry, Kyle. I really am…”
“Whatever.” Kyle muttered and went up to the room they were sharing, just going to bed before David came in. Whatever.
Gaz looked up as the power came on and made a triumphant sound. “Finally!”
“Just in time. Rodolfo and I are both off tomorrow, so we’re going to the ranch house.”
“Aw, we don’t get to join?” Gaz joked before jumping as both immediately said no. He raised an eyebrow before seeing Rodolfo turn dark red. Oh. Gross. Yeah, no thanks.  “Nevermind.” 
“I still don’t see how this is a conundrum. It sounds like Alex liked you.” Soap said.
“He didn’t. He made it very clear I was just a kid…” Gaz sighed. “But… I still just worry about it.”
“I don’t think that will happen. He’s very clearly deeply into you. Grossly into you.” Soap laughed.
Gaz huffed, but Rodolfo touched his arm. “Don’t let him be mean to you, he’s just upset over Gho-”
Gaz and Rodolfo both laughed, laughing even harder when Ghost spoke up, “over who?”
“Ignore them! They don’t fucking know what they’re talking about.”
“I mean, I think we do.” Gaz muttered. “But, what do I know?” He knew he was just riling Soap up, but hey, Soap considered it his professional job to rile everyone around him up, so Gaz was just returning the favor. 
“Well, I’m gonna get going.” Rodolfo smiled. “I will see you in two days. Might get the rest of the story from you.”
“I will definitely give it.” Gaz grinned.
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luvaera · 1 month
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hi friends ( yes, if you’re reading this, we are friends now ) !! i’m nervous yet suuuuuper excited to be here ! it’s been so long since i’ve been here on tumblr, so do forgive me for any mistakes. oh — i’m ree ( she/they ), by the way !! beating life levels 21 ‘n up & find me casually swimming over here in the east coast ( i would drown, i can’t swim … but it’s raining as i’m typing this so i had to ).
below the cut are some quick tidbits about my pretty, in her own right, it girl sour patch kid — chloé !! ♡
quick links: dossier & kprofile & plots & pinterest ! ( everything is a wip, you'll know more about her below the cut, really )
⸺ welcome to infinite entertainment ! it's KIM AERA ( CHLOÉ ), who is the MAIN DANCER of BRAVEHEART. i’ve heard whispers that the TWENTY-FIVE year old is pretty ECCENTRIC but lowkey UNPREDICTABLE. also, doesn’t she remind you of HUH YUNJIN ?
people either love or hate her — there often isn’t an in-between. well, unless they’re the few who are so envious that they want to be her. aera assumes that comes with being a popular idol, right ?
originally born with a silver spoon in gangnam, south korea ( cheongdam-dong district, to be exact ) to a family of old money chaebols. the middle child.
with parents that were too focused on themselves and their careers ( mother climbing the ladder in the entertainment world and later becoming a cj enm director and shareholder && father becoming the executive director of asan medical center / hospital ), aera was pawned off, akin to the same fashion as her older brother, at the age of two to be raised by her dotty, outgoing uncle in manhattan.
a child that struggled with healthily expressing her emotions, yet had an abundance of energy — so, after multiple failed methods, aera was put into dance lessons. that was how aera learned to release her emotions instead of letting them accumulate. by now, she has learned to use her words. there are times when she struggles !
found her place with contemporary and hip-hop dance. became inspired by popular pop artists such as britney spears, lady gaga, and beyoncé ( to name a few ), as well as early kpop idols such as lee hyori and boa. it was boa that inspired her the most to pursue wanting to be more than a dancer in a dance group after school.
moving back to korea years later felt jarring, but with the "support" of her parents ( enrolling her in more dance lessons, along with vocal lessons ) when they felt settled enough to parent their children, aera once again found her footing.
it is rumored that her parents sponsored her to eventually debut in braveheart, taking the spot of another deserving trainee. neither she nor the label has ever addressed the circulating rumor, causing netizens to form their own opinions.
known for giving people whiplash with her personality and behavior. one minute she's lively, bubbly, full of herself and the next she's speaking without a filter, being rebellious, or randomly getting up to something she shouldn’t be doing. a sour candy.
silently struggles with the insecurity that she doesn't live up to the same level as the other members, but fake it until you make it ... right ?
will say that she's definitely got an ego that started in her high school years and escalated as fame hit the group. which can have her unintentionally coming off as pretentious.
really wants to get a pet of her own, but settles for the tamagotchi on her phone, that she proudly talks about in lives.
doesn’t mind going by aera or chloé !! whichever the person prefers.
a big reader ! leans towards romance, fantasy, thriller, occasional horror. loves webtoons and manga, but doesn't read them as frequently like her books. always has her ipad with her for reading ( and occasional games ).
a fan of anime and movies. enjoys her fair share of dramas too. sometimes has her wanting to try a hand at acting.
if she can't sleep, aera is probably in the practice room learning choreography for other idols or making up her own.
has a soft spot for memories. never far without her camera to capture the moment. or using her phone. shares some moments on her second instagram account.
random aesthetics: late night adventures, early mornings. imposter syndrome. luxury brands. unread text messages. a spring baby with a winter loving heart. vibey facetime calls, phone calls that are hours long. black lace, freshly manicured nails. leaving before the other wakes up. leaving little notes around to make others smile. never taking no for an answer. highlighted passages in a book. dreaming of something bigger and making it happen. the smell of dark cherries, vanilla, and roses. headphones always over ears with music or podcasts playing. sipping lattes. bringing a camera everywhere you go. talking too much, yet not enough. faint strums of a guitar. the wrong key pressed on a piano out of frustration. shoes squeaking against hardwood flooring, mirrored reflection looking back. a sweet disaster. going missing when you take your eyes off her. penned lyrics but never shown. words from privileged lipgloss coated lips. sentimental photo albums. tear stained pillows. might be a sinner might be a saint.
possible connections: best friends. rivals / someone she has beef with. frienemies. ride or die. exes. secret friends. secret lovers / fwb / situationship. platonic soulmate. squad / friend group. summer romance. childhood friends. former best friends. dance partner. role model. drinking or late night adventure buddies. mutual crushes. on and off again something. you know what ? just give me anything and everything ! i want it all !!
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neteyqmswife · 2 years
Anything for you.
Neteyam x OC
wc: 3k
part one of maybe 3 more? not sure.
new to tumblr so i apologize if its not as good or if it takes a while to get the hang of things.
Ronal sighed as she walked outside her Mauri pod to see her five year old son, Ao'nung, playing with his four year old sister, Teilää, who was giggling as Ronal smiled with a hand on her pregnant belly. Teilää turned to face her mother and grinned before she gave back Ao'nungs his toys and instead ran to her mother and grabbed her hand.
"Mama!" Teilää smiled as Tonowari walked in his family's pod and sighed in contentment once he saw his oldest son and his sweet daughter and he picked her up and smiled once she let out a giggle.
"I want my sister now," Teilää whined as he threw her head back and Tonowari placed his hand on her head to make sure she didn't get hurt. "Tsireya will be here soon, Ilää." Ronal stated as she called her a nickname Tonowari used.
"Ao'nung," Teilää said as she turned to see him still playing with the toys. "Ao'nung!" She called louder and smiled once Ao'nung rolled his eyes before standing up and walking towards her and his parents.
"She wants to play with her brother." Tonowari said as he set Teilää down and smiled as he watched his daughter play around with Ao'nung.
"Ao'nung will become a great, Olo'eyktan." Ronal stated as she watched her son play and tell Teilää the instructions to the game. "Ilää will become a great Tsahik to the other clan." Tonowari said and Ronal sighed. "Now with Tsireya,"
When Teilää was 16 she knew she didn't love her promised mate. Her mother told her that if by the first time you make eye contact you don't feel anything then maybe they weren't for you and Teilää tried to wait a few more months to maybe build a relationship but it wasn't working.
Yet she knew, she couldn't just abandon her promise to marry and mate with Zu'leyk. He was waiting until Teilää turned 18 before they were to be married and mate before Ewya and she would become the next Tsahik. Ronal has been teaching Teilää and guiding her and having her take lessons almost all day everyday so she can be the best Tsahik for her clan.
It wasn't that Zu'leyk was ugly because he wasn't. He was very attractive and a fine man but Teilää just couldn't grow feelings for him no matter how hard she tried.
He was tall. Taller than Ao'nung. He had his hair down in waves but pulled back in a low ponytail and already had many tattoos of things he has accomplished.
When Teilää turned 18, she managed to convince her parents to let her have one more year to be alone and with them before she got married with Zu'leyk and she was glad. So very happy.
She just didn't know that the person she's been wishing for was finally coming.
"Sister!" Tsireya called as she dragged Teilää to the beach.
"I must wait for Z-"
"Please?" Tsireya pouted as she gave Teilää a pleading look. "Fine." Teilää sighed as she ran with her sister and they called for their Ilu's. Teilää was wearing a shell, a pretty big one but not as big as Ronal's on her forehead and her hair was in waves and it was long. It stopped just past her middle and she was wearing a seaweed top. It was covering her breasts and it had dangling shells on them. She was wearing her loincloth and around it she had a skirt that was in dark blue that dangled and whenever she moved it too moved.
There was no doubt that Tsireya and Ao'nung wanted to spend a lot of time with their sister as in a matter of just a few months, she would be leaving the clan to become the Tsahik of another.
"Are we going to our place?" Teilää asked and Tsireya shook her head. "Lets swim around and talk."
"About what?"
"I want you to come and visit us, sister. We will have a new sibling and they will need their big sister." Tsireya stated and Teilää smiled and nodded. "I will ask Zu'leyk if he would consider leaving his brother in charge for a few weeks so we could stay here.
"Good." Tsireya smiled. "I cannot wait to be a Aunt." Tsireya smirked and Teilää rolled her eyes and faked laugh. "Ha-Ha. No kids until I'm twenty, you crazy."
Tsireya was about to say something when the horns went off and Tsireya and Teilää quickly got back on their Ilus and swam towards the shore and broke the bond and walked up to where Teilää could see was new visitors.
Neteyam saw Lo'ak watching someone and he turned to see a girl coming from out the water and he shook his head at his brother before he ended up getting mesmerized by the girl that walked out behind her.
She pushed her hair to her back and he walking gracefully towards them and he watched as she took a stand next to the Chief Tonowari and in between Tsireya and Ao'nung.
She had to be the Chief's daughter. Neteyam turned around and tried not to let her know he was staring but when he turned around he made eye contact with her and he felt his world slow down as he let out a small smile.
Teilää blushed as she looked down and away from the boy. He was different. A deep blue and skinny arms and legs and a skinny tail. But he was handsome and Teilää loved the way he looked at her and she felt as if she had a million butterflies in her stomach.
"My son, Ao'nung, and daughters, Teilää and Tsireya will help you-" Tonowari started before Ao'nung started to say he didn't want to when Tonowari cut him off. "It has been decided."
Neteyam smiled at Teilää and she smiled and kept eye contact and blushed but Ao'nung frowned and stepped in front of his sister and glared at Neteyam who looked away but looked back once he saw Ao'nung hissing at his sister who hissed back before she and Tsireya walked up to them.
"Me and my sister will show you the way to your new Mauri Pod."
"Thank you," Jake nodded and Teilää smiled and lead them with Tsireya.
Neteyam looked over at his parents and siblings and let out a sigh of relief once he saw they were all peacefully sleeping and he quietly left the Mauri Pod and walked towards the farthest end of the beach and saw trees and some flowers and grass and paused mid way to see Teilää and Tsireya.
"Neteyam? Thats the boy's name?" Teilää asked and Tsireya nodded. "Lo'ak told me. Hes the oldest. Hes your age."
"Tsireya," Teilää started as she placed her hair behind her ear and Neteyam could see a blush appear on her cheeks. "You know how mother always says that you will know who is your person when you first look in their eyes?"
"I feel that way with Neteyam." Teilää whispered but Neteyam still managed to hear it as he hid behind a tree as Teilää stood up abruptly. "I felt like my stomach took turns. It made me so happy. I want to tell mother but she would end up marrying me with Zu'leyk immediately." Tsireya watched as Teilää's face dropped at the thought and mention of Zu'leyk.
Neteyam frowed. Were you promised to another? He felt that way too and he wanted to know her better and she would be happier be Neteyam anyways. He could feel it.
Why would Eywa have them meet each other and feel this way and not have them together? Neteyam would try to be there.
He heard loud footsteps and Neteyam hid behind the tree more better and he saw a man as tall as him walk over to the girls who were still talking about Neteyam.
"I want to tell him because why would Eywa—"
"Tell who what?" Zu'leyk asked as he came to a stop behind Teilää and Neteyam watched as Teilää closed her eyes briefly before turning around with a fake smile. "I wanted to tell you that my father wants me to teach the new family that arrived our Metkayina way."
Zu'leyk nodded. "Alright. I will stay the necessary time here and help your father while you help those...forest people."
Teilää nodded as Zu'leyk placed his hand out and Teilää hesitated for a second before placing her hand in his and she turned to her sister. "Go back to the Mauri Pod, sister. Me and Zu'leyk will go and sleep. Good night."
Before Tsireya could say anything, Zu'leyk already dragged Teilää away and towards their own Mauri Pod. It was a Pod that Ronal and Tonowari gave them and Teilää only slept in it when Zu'leyk came over because she slept with her family.
Neteyam watched as Tsireya sighed and shook her head as she spoke in Na'vi.
"My poor sister. Stuck with a man she does not love."
Neteyam watched as Tsireya walked back to her family's Mauri Pod before he went back to his and he quickly fell asleep with one person in his mind.
"I will be back to make dinner, Zu'leyk." Teilää said with a fake smile as she looked down at Zu'leyk who was laying down on their shared mat that had some pillows and woven blankets. "Alright. Be careful around those people."
Teilää nodded as she walked out the Mauri Pod and let the curtain close and cover the doorway to the Pod before she saw down in the beach that everyone was there.
Tuk, Kiri, Lo'ak, and Neteyam. Her siblings and Rotxo was there too but she felt a blush cover her cheeks when she was close enough to make eye contact with Neteyam.
"Come on, lets dive." Tsireya called as she, Teilää, Ao'nung, and Rotxo dived into the water and very easily and they swam our further before they looked behind them to see the Sully kids going up for air before looking down at them.
"Come here," Teilää signed with a smile and she saw how Neteyam frowned, clearly confused. She smiled at him and waved her hand and gestured for them to come down here and they took another breath and dived down and Teilää quickly swam with a smile.
She turned to see Ao'nung frowning as he looked at Rotxo and Tsireya.
"What are they doing? They aren't very good." Ao'nung signed and Teilää shook her head at her brother. "Stop it." She signed. "They're learning."
They dove up and Teilää noticed she reached the surface next to Neteyam.
She noticed how Tsireya blushed as a Metkayina diver looked at her before swimming away and she turned to face Neteyam when she made eye contact with Lo'ak before looking at Neteyam, not seeing Lo'ak's blush.
"You are too fast for us! Slow down!" Tuk whined as she wiped her eyes and Ao'nung reached the surface with Rotxo. "You are not good divers. Maybe good swinging through trees but—"
Tsireya lightly slapped Ao'nung head and shook her head as Neteyam looked at them with a confused look. "We do not know this finger talk you use—"
"I will teach you." Teilää quickly rushed out and Neteyam smiled and nodded. "We will all teach you." Tsireya corrected and Teilää blushed as she nodded. "Will you teach me too?" Lo'ak asked Teilää who smiled lightly. "Of course."
"First me of course." Neteyam smirked and Teilää rolled her eyes before Rotxo spoke up. "Wheres Kiri?"
"Lets show you the Ilus. Maybe you will have better luck with them." Tsireya said and Teilää nodded. Neteyam quickly nodded, he knew his sister was safe and fine.
"You call the Ilus with a certain calling and pattern." Teilää told them as she called the Ilus. Ao'nung and Tsireya with Tuk and Rotxo with Lo'ak and Teilää with Neteyam.
"Place your knees here," Teilää spoke as she gently placed Neteyam's knee the way its supposed to go and she grabbed Neteyam's hand and placed it where he should hold unto. "Now you can bond with her, gently. Be careful because Ilu's will follow your every command."
Neteyam nodded with a smile. "Here," Neteyam said as he pushed a curl away from her face and behind her ear and grinned when she blushed and looked down. "Thank you,"
Neteyam laughed and Teilää giggled as Lo'ak was thrown off his Ilu. "Be careful or that can happen to you.". Neteyam smirked. "Mawey, Ilää." Teilää blushes even more at hearing him call her the nickname.
"Okay," Teilää nodded and watched with a smile as Neteyam kept his hand on the Ilu and stayed longer and she gave Lo'ak who was looking at her a smile before she looked up and realized it would soon be dark.
"Teilää." Zu'leyk called and Teilää tensed as she looked to the shore and saw Zu'leyk standing there as he looked at her and waved her over with his hand and Teilää looked over at the group to see Neteyam resurfacing with a grin as he looked from Lo'ak to Teilää who quickly started to swim towards Zu'leyk and he frowned once he saw Zu'leyk grab her hand and hold it as they walked back to their Pod with a bag of fish and other animals that Zu'leyk hunted.
"Teilää will be back tomorrow with us to help you all with your breathing. She has to cook and spend time with Zu'leyk for now." Tsireya stated and Neteyam sighed and nodded and Lo'ak rolled his eyes at him. He knew Teilää would not focus on him. Obviously. Neteyam was the mighty and perfect warrior. He was just the trouble maker. The freak.
"Who is he?" Neteyam asked as he looked at Tsireya who sighed. "He is Zu'leyk. He is Olo'eyktan of another neighboring clan. He and my sister have been promised to each other since Teilää was merely 7."
Neteyam sighed as he realized that riding lessons would be over.
"Lets rest. Tomorrow we will pick up again."
"Mom!" Tuk called as the Sully kids ran to their Mauri Pod. "Today was so fun! I think Neteyam has a huge crush on—"
Neteyam quickly put a hand on Tuk's mouth as he shook his head at Tuk. "Stop it, Tuk." Neteyam said and Tuk grew quiet and walked to her dad as he hugged her. "A crush huh? On who?" Jake asked as he raised a brow at Neteyam who groaned in annoyance and Lo'ak was glad they didn't know about his.
"The Chief's daughter." Kiri hummed as she stuck her tongue out at her brother. "Teilää."
Jake frowned as he realized they were talking about the young woman that was already promised to another. "Better not be true Neteyam. She is already promised."
"I know, dad." Neteyam said as he rolled his eyes before sighing. "Nothing is gonna happen. Me and Teilää are just friends."
"Better just be that way, boy. We cannot start a war just because you have a silly crush."
Yeah, a silly crush. Lo'ak sighed as he sat down next to Kiri and Tuk as they all ate and talked about their days. Jake telling Neytiri and Neteyam about him learning to ride a Tsurak and how Tonowari was helping him with the animal.
Lo'ak turned to the door and saw in the distance that Teilää was sitting on the edge of the docks with her legs swinging in the water and he quickly looked back at his dad. "Dad," Lo'ak called and Jake turned to face his youngest son with his brow raised. "Can I step out?"
"For what?"
"The bathroom." Lo'ak answered and Jake nodded and Lo'ak made sure to cover the doorway with the curtain as he slowly walked behind Teilää and sat down next to her and smiled once she didn't tell him to leave.
"You okay?" Lo'ak asked as he looked at Teilää to see her eyes were red with tears. "I'm okay."
"Can I.." Lo'ak hesitated but decided to ask it. "Can I ask what happened?"
"Zu'leyk wants to get married this month. We agreed to wait until I'm 19." Teilää said as she sighed heavily before standing up. "I must go talk to my parents."
Lo'ak didn't get to say anything as he watched her walk to Ronal and Tonowari's Mauri Pod.
He felt bad. Teilää did not deserve this. He wished he could just help her.
He wanted to help her. But he knew she would probably go to Neteyam.
Lo'ak walked back to his family's Pod to see Neteyam outside with his eyes narrowed at him and shaking his head. "You shouldn't have done that, Lo'ak. She probably wanted to be alone."
"Well she didn't say anything so she was fine with me there." Lo'ak snapped as he rolled his eyes. "Lo'ak—"
"No," Lo'ak shook his head. "I already know she would choose you so I'm not gonna even try."
Neteyam sighed as he realized that Lo'ak too liked Teilää. Neteyam felt bad. Obviously, but he liked Teilää and he felt as if him and Teilää met for a reason. Ewya wouldn't bring them together if they weren't meant to be together.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 1 year
The Girl In The Net (Part 2)
Since it has been a while here’s the full fic.
Azula blinks at the child in front of her. Okay so she had lied, it isn’t that she doesn’t like children. It is that children like her. A bit too much at that. They have taken quite a shine to her since she has acquired her tail and it makes her uncomfortable.
Children like to touch things. 
They like to rub her scales and poke at her pointy teeth and her finned ears. 
This Tom-Tom seems to be no different. One of his little hands is already reaching out, but Mai catches his wrist before he can touch her. “We talked about this, Tom-Tom. You have to ask permission before touching or grabbing.”
The boy grumbles something that could be, “yeah, whatever.” He folds his arms across his chest and with a sigh he asks. “Can I touch your ears.”
“No!” Azula too folds her arms across her chest.
“See, Mai! This is why I don’t like asking. People always say no.” He puffs up his cheeks. 
“Yeah, and you just have to deal with that.” Mai shrugs. “Sorry about my brother. He’s a little monster.” 
“My mother said that about me once.” Azula mentions. 
“Great, then you and Tom-Tom should get along just fine.” 
Azula picks a clump of seaweed out of her hair and shakes it off of her hand. “ So does that mean that you will come back tomorrow?”
Mai shrugs. “If I have time.” 
“Well, I will be here tomorrow.” Azula says. “And if you want to know how I got here then you’re going to have to come back.”
“Could be interesting to be friends with a mermaid.” Mai muses.
“Well I’ll also be back!” Tom-Tom declares.
“Mother is taking you to get your portrait painted tomorrow.” Mai shrugs. “So don’t get your hopes up.” 
Tom-Tom grunts and kicks at the sand. “Well I don’t want to get a dumb portrait painted anyhow.”
“We all have to do it.” Mai sighs. “I had my updated portrait done last week.”
A pang of jealousy flares up. She should have been getting her own royal portrait updated. Instead she is here, confined to the water and beaches. They could, she supposes, come here and paint her. But she can’t imagine that father would want to hang up a picture of a fish in the palace hallway. 
Even if that fish is at least half human.
Even if that fish is his daughter. 
Was is daughter.
“I would love to get my portrait painted.” She says aloud. 
“Oh! Well you can go instead of me then!” Tom-Tom declares. “And I can go for a swim!” As if that clears up every problem in the land and in the sea. 
“I don’t think that, that will work as well as you think it will.” Azula sighs. “Come back here tomorrow, Mai.” 
“I really can’t make any promises. My parents want to go back to Omashu…”
Azula’s stomach sinks. Omashu! That’s high up in the mountains and nowhere near the ocean. At least if she is recalling her geography lessons correctly. “Omashu.” She mumbles. “I’d like to go there some day.” She’d like to go to many places. The cities that have no coasts and lakes near them. 
“Yeah, it’s not a very exciting place.” Mai sighs. “There are no mermaids in Omashu. Just a whole lot of rocks and these mailchutes. But I’m not allowed to climb on those.”
“I can’t climb on anything.” Azula grumbles. 
“And I can’t swim.” Mai confesses. “We all have stuff that we can’t do.” 
“If you come back, I can teach you to swim!” Azula tries.
Mai cracks a smile. “We’ll see.” She pauses. “It’s getting late so, I’ll see you later.”
Azula sure hopes so. 
But she isn’t holding her breath on it.
Quite a few people have said the same thing.
Azula watches Mai cross the sand. The setting sun shapes she and her brother into silhouettes on a golden backdrop. 
She finds that her stomach is sinking. And, at first, she can’t place why that might be. 
She throws herself into the water and, with a few beats of her tail, she is in deeper waters. It has been three days since she has been ‘home’ and five years since she has been home. 
Home with father. Home with Zuzu.
She wonders how they are doing. 
She wonders how mother is. 
Does mother miss her? Or is mother relived to not have to deal with her anymore?
She glides through currents and schools of angelfish with shimmery scales. They swim in an endless line and only part when she forces her way through. 
She swims around jungles of kelp and coral; sun, staghorn, elkhorn, and hexacoral among them. It is colorful and would, perhaps, be delightful in other circumstances. 
At last she arrives a her destination; a sunken Fire Nation vessel is about as close as she will get to being home. She curls her fingers around the doorframe and peaks inside. 
It is always good to check for sharks. 
She has bite marks on her fins to prove that; a line of misshapen and uneven scales with a duller sheen. 
Now and then she traces her fingers over them. She wonders if they will show up on her legs if she ever gets those back.
Azula makes her way to a mattress. It now has a good helping of seaweed to add extra padding. She hadn’t liked it at first, the way it tickled her back when she tried to sleep on it. It had felt gross and cringe inducing. 
Now it is almost a comfort to have it swishing and swaying against her skin as she tries to sleep.
There is another mattress but she doesn’t use this one. It is where she’d found the first skeleton. 
Initially Azula had, had to remove a few of those. They were sprinkled generously about the ship and had really made an already dismal mood darker. She had flirted with the idea of keeping them around, fish aren’t much company afterall. But neither are bones. 
She makes her way over to the mattress, lays down upon it, and stretches her tail. The water stirs her caudal fin. She watches the seaweed clinging to the ceiling swish and sway. 
Azula hopes that Mai will take her up on her offer and make another appearance. 
It gets lonely here sometimes.
Horribly boring too.
The water can be so cold.
She has already explored this vessel top to bottom, its thrills have come and gone. 
The ocean itself, though always shifting and changing has become monotonous too. She has begun to notice that it is the same schools of fish that usually swirl about. She supposes that they are nice to have as pets when they do come by.
Over the years, the vessel has acquired more barnacles and algae in all varieties. It is not yet an ecosystem like some of the older, deeper sunk ships probably are. 
If father and mother haven’t returned, not even for a little visit, she can’t imagine that Mai would be interested. 
And if no one is interested in talking to her then how is she supposed to get her legs back? The ocean spirit who had taken them is long since gone and she certainly can’t walk herself to any of the land temples. 
Perhaps somewhere in this vast ocean there is a temple beneath the waves…
She doesn’t want to venture too far from her home. At least here, there is a chance that she can come by people. Even if she usually slinks back away from them. The truth is, people make her nervous, she hasn’t spoken to any of them since she was nine or so. 
The water swishes her hair. 
It is so very long now. 
She wonders if she would be recognized if she went home. And maybe going home isn’t something that she’d like to do. It might just be strange now. She can’t imagine that the Fire Nation public would take well to a fire princess who is more acquitted with water than with flame. 
She can’t imagine that they would believe her if she told them that she could make fire underwater. 
Her fire is strange. 
It turned blue when she turned fish. 
But it lights underwater and that suits her just fine. It would be despairingly dark under here if she didn’t have her fire. 
She snaps her fingers and lets a small flame dance upon her fingers. The light reflects in her eyes. She has never seen her eyes, but she imagines that they might look different too. She wonders if they are still a cozy golden-brown. She wonders if her pupils are the same shape.
Having spent so long in the ocean night, she wonders if they have adjusted for that. Or if she makes enough trips to the surface to warrant them remaining mostly as they always had been.
They have to have changed at least somewhat if the water doesn’t burn and sting them. 
She hugs her tail to her chest. 
She misses home.
She misses land. 
She has only known Mai for an hour or so but she misses her too.
She reminds her of an old friend.
What has become of her old friends?
She supposes that they would have moved on. The world has probably carried on without her. Even if she did get her legs back, what would she do? She has missed out on so many years of firebending and history in the making. 
This is what the ocean has taken from her.
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nysocboy · 11 months
Gemstone Connection: The Nazarene boy tries to win me for Christ
An autobiographical story with a Gemstone connection:
Every year the family spends a week camping somewhere in the northwoods, fishing, swimming, hiking -- and, on Sunday, finding the nearest Nazarene Church. This summer, when I am 14 years old, it is in Brainerd, Minnesota, an hour's drive from our campsite
"An hour there and an hour back!" I protest.  "It will be 3:00 by the time we get home-- the whole afternoon wasted."
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"Church is never a waste of time," Mom points out.  "Besides, there might be some cute girls there."
I sigh.  Ever since I started junior high, my parents and brother have been pointing out girls, asking if there are any cute girls in my class, high-fiving each other whenenever I casually mention a girl.  So have my friends.  Even the preacher, as he stands at the church door to shake everyone's hand as they leave, gives me a wink and says "A lot of cute girls here today!"
"And what about the soulwinners?: I continue. "We'll be mobbed!"
"Oh, stop complaining.  We'll just call ahead and tell them we're coming."
The most prestigious thing a Nazarene can do is soulwinning, talking sinners (which basically means all non-Nazarenes) into accepting Jesus as their Personal Savior, thereby winning their souls for our team.
We take classes in soulwinning, hear sermons about it, read stories about it, evaluate scenarios.  Our Sunday School teacher often asks "How many souls did you win this week?"
Usually none at all.  It's not easy.  When you were 14 years old, would you have been able to walk up to this guy and say "Hi, do you have a moment to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ?"
If you aren't "spiritually mature" enough for soulwinning, you can witness instead: tell the sinner that you are ecstatically happy every moment of every day because you're saved, or just demonstrate with a broad smile.  The sinner, immersed in the unrelenting agony of the unsaved life, will eventually want to know more.
Soulwinning is so prized that casual visitors to a Nazarene church can easily be mobbed by people grinning at them and trying to start soulwinning conversations.  Unless they come with a member, signifying that they are "taken," or call ahead.
When we walk through the foyer of the Brainerd Church of the Nazarene, looking for all the world like a family of sinners who stumbled in by accident, we are nearly mobbed, but the Sunday School superintendent, the one we called earlier, comes to the rescue.
"We have Nazarenes from Illinois visiting us today," he announces, and the wannabe soulwinners back off.
But in my Sunday School class, they haven't gotten the word. Ten or so high schoolers are sitting on folding chairs or chatting before the class begins, and every one of them looks up and flashes me a toothy witnessing grin.  Two girls and a boy approach, intent on starting soulwinning conversations.
"I'm from....." I begin.  Then a tall, black haired boy with a strong physique, obviously church royalty, leaves his cluster of admirers and exerts control.  The others back off.
"Welcome!  I'm Roald," he say, offering a warm, tight handshake and a more subtle witnessing smile.  He's done this before!  "Is this your first time?"
"My parents made me come," I say, which is true.
"Well, sit down over here by me.  I'll tell you how everything works.  If you have any questions, just ask."
So I sit thigh to thigh with a cute boy, who helps me hold the hymnal and shows me how to find Bible verses.
The lesson is about how God has a husband or wife planned out for us, so we should keep ourselves pure and not kiss before marriage.  Standard Sunday school stuff, but I'm already annoyed by Mom's "there may be cute girls there" crack, so I must look rather grumpy.
Roald thinks I'm "under conviction" and puts his arm around me.
Then we have to hold hands for the closing prayer. This could definitely work to my advantage! 
The full story, with illustrations, is on Rigteous Gemstones Beefcake and Boyfriends.
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dulcewrites · 2 years
Hiiiii so I wanted to do a post to sort of explain my mini hiatus AND pick yalls brains about some ideas/update y’all on what I am working on. First I just want to say THANK YOU for all the support. I know I keep saying it but I truly was not expecting fool me once to take off the way it did. The amount of love, feedback, and followers I’ve gotten over the past like week and a half has been amazing!
Now my hiatus is going to be a short one. Starting on 11/16 to 11/26. I’m gonna still be writing and such, I just might not be on here a lot during that time. So if you send an ask or request know that I am not ignoring you if I don’t answer right away.
Ok since that’s out the way I want tell you guys what I am working on/will be. As you guys can probably tell I LOVE feedback. If you guys see an idea you like or have an idea send it my way (and I’ll see if I can do it). My inbox is always open or you can reply
Things I am working on
Request: Aemond comforting reader after a bad nightmare (there will be a fun twist in this)
Fool me one part 3. I’m banking on this being the last part but I have to plan this out and see. Also just a little hint: daddy lessons for Beyoncé is giving me inspo rn. Especially with reader’s dad possibly coming to court
Black alys x Aemond fic. I truly don’t know when this will be done lmao. Let’s just cross our fingers it happens
Little Bird: oc (name to be decided) becomes one of mysaria’s spies. In exchange for possible freedom, oc finds herself in the red keep as a servant, trying to get close the prince (y’all can tell me which but tbh I’m leaning towards this being for Aegon. I really want to a little character study on him)
Pursuit of Legacy (this is a fav of mine): Alaena (name might change) Velaryon is the younger sister of Corlys and Vaemond, and newly betrothed to Aemond. Once Corlys becomes sick, Aemond pushes to Alaena to contend to be next in line for the Driftmark throne (I want them to have similar vibe of rhaenys and Corlys. Like Aemond respects/loves alaena and thinks she’d be a great lady of Driftmark BUT he also want this in spite of Lucerys)
Till you come back to me: after the death of Lucerys, Aemond and you must navigate your changing relationship (Aemond had always been in love with you, his brother’s wife, and you always saw him a close confidant. now you’re queen and must reckon with him putting your children in danger through his albeit accidental actions)
Sink or Swim (working title): this will basically be a rhaena character study. I love her and feel like she (and honestly baela) need more love. Want to explore her relationship with her sister/father/new “blended” family. A possible rhaena x Aemond action 👀. Also one day we are gonna have a convo about how people will write these Rhaenyra’s daughter x aemond fics with ocs that have personality traits that rhaena or baela have… instead of just writing for rhaena/baela. All bc they’re allergic to writing black characters. If hbo casted white actresses y’all would be screaming about the enemies to lovers realness
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glapplebloom · 1 year
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What’s with Applejack getting stuck in holes?
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I say this since this comic was published January 8, 2020, while the episode aired June 1, 2019. I should also note that the final episode of the series aired October 12, 2019, so this comic was passed the show’s date. The comic would continue until August 12, 2020, when they claim to be the 10th Season. There will be 2 storylines (3 issues) before we get there. We’ll get to my thoughts on “Season 10” when we get there...
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This issue begins with Apple Bloom saying she saw a giant Fly-der and AJ going to see what really spooked her. They find a big web and end up getting caught in it (via snare trap). Apple Bloom’s side is weaker, so she could break out of it but she’s too scared to do so. So Applejack figured the best way to calm her down is to tell her a story of when she was too scared...
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As a filly, she didn’t learn her lesson about avoiding holes, so when she saw the well she wanted to look closer into it to see what’s in there and how deep it was. She fell in. . She didn’t know how long it was but if it was like Going to Seed it probably was like half a day. And since then, she was afraid of any water that would go over her head. But you saw her swim, so what's the explanation for this contradiction?
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Well, Big Mac seeing through this tells AJ that being brave isn’t about having no fear, but facing it. So AJ tires and fails. Big Mac saved her, but she gets angry since she hates to be afraid and takes it out on the rest of the family. Mostly the kids since I don’t see any adults. But back to reality (oops, there goes gravity), Applejack found the source of the webs. It was not a giant Fly-der...
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It’s a Wolf Fly-der. As if the combination of flies and spiders were bad enough, now we got wolves into the equation. It goes away (for some reason, it wasn’t like AJ could actually do her threats) and the story continues. After storming off from the Watering Hole, AJ notices rain. And where there’s rain, there’s a storm. She heads back to the water area to find Big Mac in the middle of it and the winds being too much.
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So AJ jumps in, swims to Big Mac and saves him. And that’s how she overcame her fear of the water: seeing what really scares her and facing her old fears to save someone close to her. This is a lesson Apple Bloom takes to heart as when the Wolf Fly-der targets AJ instead, Apple Bloom relaxes like AJ told her too. She screams at the Wolf Fly-der to take his webbings and go someplace dark and creepy like Tartarus...
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And he does. Like, why? The thing listened, nodded in agreement, and left with his webs. Like if he liked Tartarus, why did he leave in the first place? Cerberus I understand because it's boring, but the creature likes dark and creepy and it wasn’t hungry considering it just up and left with no food. Like how on earth did this situation happen in the first place?!? Was it the Flim Flam Brothers? Filthy Rich from the Equestria Girls universe? A scrapped plan of Doofenshmirtz? 
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Either way, the story ended. Other than the ending, I think the story is okay and a good lesson to learn. I can see the Flash Back Story being canon at least to GLAB. The rest of it, I honestly doubt it. Even ignoring the Lantern in the Room, like how could this have been set up? Why did the Wolf Fly-der show up if he liked Tartarus so much? What, did Tirek tell it to go to the Apple Farm? Oh wait, he couldn’t because he was stoned at the time. 
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somedayonbroadway · 2 years
What if Race tried to go swimming with Jack?
Everything I Ever Wanted Masterlist
They were sitting on the edge of the lake. Jack glared at Snyder who sat idly by on the bench a few yards away. Jack felt like he could throw up. Every part of him wanted to get angry, to kick and scream because the old man knew what he was doing. Tyler was restless and wanted to go outside, so naturally, Snyder obliged and here they were, sitting out by the lake on a gloomy day in the exact spot that Jack would have engraved in his memory forever. This was the very same lake his crazed mother had driven them into years ago. This was where Jack’s brother died.
Still, Jack kept his mouth shut and held his child in his lap, looking out on the water and trying to shove Spencer to the back of his mind. He felt guilty. But if he let himself think about that day he’d start crying and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop.
So instead, Jack looked down at the little boy in his lap, brushing his hair back as he played with some toy dinosaurs, babbling in little voices that always made Jack smile. It was these moments, the moments where his son got to be a kid, that he lived for.
They were so close to the dock that it made Jack nervous. He couldn’t look out at the water. He knew he couldn’t. “Hey… can you stay right here while I go talk ta Mr. Snyder?” he asked the boy gently.
Race looked up and pouted. “Why can’t you just stay with me?”
Jack melted. “Because I gotta talk to him for a minute.”
The boy shook his head and set his toys down, turning and hugging Jack. “I don’t like it when you talk to him.” Even so young, the boy knew something was wrong. Jack closed his eyes and hugged the boy so tightly he wasn’t sure he’d be able to let go. “Why are you so sad?”
“Baby, I really need ta talk ta Mr. Snyder,” Jack insisted. “Stay right here, okay? I’m comin’ back…” Jack gently set Race down and walked over to the old man who was reading a genuine newspaper. Jack sighed, not knowing where to begin.
“I'm giving you time outside with Tyler. Why are you hovering over me like a nuisance?” Snyder asked.
“You’re a bastard, Will,” Jack muttered. “There’s a park right across from his school. It’s sick that you brought us here.”
The man folded up his paper and crossed his arms. “I thought you’d be pleased. You haven’t been back here since the incident. Thought it might bring you some closure—“
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Jack hissed.
Snyder stood, challenging Jack. Jack always was afraid of the man, despite his efforts to hold his ground. The man smirked. “Are you looking for a firm lesson on where your place is, James? Because I’d be more than happy to remind you,” Snyder growled.
Jack looked down. “Can we please just take my… Tyler… can we please take Tyler home? I can entertain him there, if that’s what you want,” he insisted. “Just please don’t make me sit here…”
“What an ungrateful little leech you are!” Jack flinched when Snyder spat on his face. He took a step away. “I do every little thing for you, I put a roof over your head, clothes on the back of you and your bastard son, provide food for you—“
A splash came from behind Jack. That’s when everything went silent. The world came to a halt when Jack whirled around and saw a ripple beside the edge of the lake. “Tyler?!” Jack screamed, running to the dock and looking around.
The water stared back at him with malice. It would swallow him whole. Jack shook his head, trying to find a small body in that muddy water. “Tyler?!” he cried again, looking back at Snyder who only stood and watched, only a shred of worry on his face.
Jack couldn’t breathe. He figured if the water wanted to swallow him whole, he might as well let it, as long as it set Tyler free. In a frenzied panic, the young man dove off the shore, trying like hell to see a mop of curls or a hand reaching for the surface but he could hardly see a foot in front of his own face. So he swam up to the surface for air. “Tyler!” he screamed again, looking in every direction. “No, no, no, no…” he whimpered before diving back beneath the water. He was panicking so bad it already felt like he was drowning. He could see Spencer trying to cut through a seatbelt. Jack screamed under the water, grabbing at his hair before resurfacing and swimming even further into the lake.
It felt like an eternity. Jack dove under so many times, unable to catch a breath. He swam up and down so many times, never once looking back. He couldn’t. If this lake took another person from him, it would take him too. He’d make sure of it.
But after about the millionth deep dive, Jack finally noticed a small body on the shore across from him. Snyder was so far away. Jack didn’t care. “Tyler!” He swam viciously over to the side of the lake to find the boy’s top half out of the water. The rest was still submerged. Jack gasped for air. “Tyler, Tyler,” Jack called, quickly pulling the boy completely into the sand. “I’m here, baby, daddy’s here,” he whimpered, rocking the child as he checked for a heartbeat. It was slow. The kid wasn’t breathing. So Jack laid him down flat and pressed on his little tummy, watching the boy sit up fast and choke up a bunch of lake water beside him. “You’re okay! You’re okay. You’re okay…” Jack assured, gasping for air just like Race did. He scooped the boy into his arms, rocking him gently back and forth. “I got you…”
Snyder slowly walked over. Jack looked up at him. “He needs a doctor,” the young man pleaded.
But the old man shook his head. “He needs discipline and a good night’s sleep.”
Jack sniffled and kissed the child’s head. “It’s okay, It’s gonna be okay,” he promised, standing up and walking the boy back to the car where he could get the child warm and comfortable.
It was a long ride home.
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clayozre · 6 months
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Amnesia / Insomnia
What if I lost my memories after having a crazy dream? Lessons I learned the night before are important today, What if I lost my feelings after having a crazy dream? If I had amnesia, how would I be by now?
But seriously.
Though there may times where I could try to memorize, Romanticize to feel, when pleasure comes, Vibe will guide me to stay in time Forget everyone, Fake the names for the best seat side, Amnesia would hit me harder with Insomnia, When the thoughts and the words equal a stayed up late all-night, Rough championship round of life and start picking stuff, ‘Think twice’ is both solve and kill, The difference are the context and how it hits
Well, most of you are mean, Why do you do that to me? ‘What do you mean?’ stuttering, Well, most of you are mean
I mean it when I am me, here, sit down with tears, I hope karma isn’t a boomerang, I deserve so much better now The things to do and how it ends, This relation needs to end, friends, Pardon, did I just call you ‘friends’? ‘Come on’ is common but it won’t be sent to you, I just know you and this isn’t mine either, Oh, mean class, I deserve something better, Seven guys, I deserve that ball better, Could’ve been better if you used your brain better, It is mean and the drive of sin makes you crazy, Happiness Ocean I would die with love to swim
Pretend to be kind then return to make me sad, Pretend to wave ‘hi’ or whatever from your hand, A sign that means ‘goodbye’ forever for a long time, Straight line that sets me high forever for a long time
Perhaps my dream was right about 4, Woke up and added to 3, no, Felt something wrong for a bit, I’m glad everything has hit
Pure disaster since the beginning, Rollercoaster ride I’ve had made me wish I could crossover, I am the only one who reals the fake with tempted, This is not healthy forever Cursed to yell to say how mad and sad I am, I could do it, but I don’t, ‘cause it shows I’m a bad man, Bury me in a prison with dads who miss their son, I miss my past without this in my lungs Heartbreakers, isn’t it nice destroying mental? Tie me all over would’ve been more metal, Leave me alone along with the ghosts, You’ll get something similar like me, here: sorrow It’s sad to be me, wish I was not here, You could make fun of me wishing I was there, it is true, Instead of silence that made me miserable, it’s all you
How they treat each others, the others, Not bother and tie like a brothers, If I were theirs and they were mine, I’d be new me, guidance and dance — a big time But if I was there and everything felt like this, Would I be this same insane? My interest in something different, Trust the instinct, feeling, Wish I could crossover with the dream ones, I miss my past without this in my lungs, A feast would’ve exploded with the dream ones
We’re next to each other and the half are strangers, If I never dreamt it, I would have picked 2; The Fully Loudly Brightly, I’ve had 5 enough when I lay on a couch, 6 is far, and 1 is not much different than this
In The Name of Clean
Open up is healthy, Maybe scary, Emotions were given, Responses to release, Gatekeep is solitary, Direction to keep everything in, Let go in the name of clean
Be honest for once, or twice, Let go for the sake of clear Take or break to clear, For the sake of clear
In the name of clean, I see there are things that should come to me, I deserve it, I see better things that should come instead of me dreaming it Wishing I could get better at it, I could get it, ‘Cool, get it’ ‘qul gets it, And I should get it to get rid of this heat that I see, that I feel, that I dream, and I scream For the sake of clear, I’d bury the past, I’d bury the sins and the things that are not me, It’s not supposed to be lived For the sake of clear, I am will for Them to take me if it means I’m cleared, deleted, Released has done nothing, What I need is something For the sake of clear, I would see the most disturbed things if it cures me completely, Will I find a hidden window that leads me to somewhere? Place to fix my nonsense, Complicate in my tenses, Blurred signs and lines in my lenses, Struggling with stuttering to say something else, Will I find a bridge I could walk that leads me to somewhere? Will I find the answers of Future? of Purpose? I compose
In the name of clean, I would be all real, I’d love to be cleared, if it means I’m clean
Mental Health Hospital
Do I have to be there? Do I want to be there? Do I need to be there? Or must? Questioning won’t help unless you do it, Aggressively positive is worth it, Passing everyone fast but I know it’s the best, Cut the sadness and work to gain the first place
But life isn’t a competition, Value in relation that’s still informal, Internal issues are not a thing to make fun, If you do, they might think and start pick a gun, Chew a gum in their mouth with evil driving wild, Pick a gun and start shooting till everyone dies
Oversharing over days of getting over Get rid of the heat in my psyche, it’s a big war Spiritual and poems I misunderstand the words, This world is cold, Take me somewhere fearless, Maybe, Mental Health Hospital
Emotional or brutal that cause bloods Who should I trust to drain the thoughts? Where should I go to know how I am? Take me somewhere helping, Maybe, Mental Health Hospital, Hotline I could call when the thoughts are loud
If a pill could, I would take it, Addict till it leaves completely Medicine, if it could, Consume till my assumes become healthy, I’ve had Him and this ability since the beginning, But dreaming and questioning it makes this never ending
12 Years
Marked 12 years of some things, big things, Important as it is to me, Wouldn’t be here without it
What has done were meant to be, Can’t change the fate He planned for me, ‘I wish’ overnight is old, ‘I hope’ when it rises overused, Make a path and sure in what to do, But I don’t know what to do other than trusting You
I heard noises about future, still I’m doubt, Questions that hit, instructions hit, Just wanna live life easy like a snap Is it okay to worry as they’re counting? Don’t wanna end this early
Separate things, Difference prove we’re human, We have different songs but same issues, Wipe your tears and your fears, all over yours with tissues
Masih Waras
Coba hidup dengan cara kencang, Bebas yang bombastis menyerang psikis, Berhasil mengubur rasa tangis, Aku masih waras, kawan
Pertanyaan masa depan menghantui kesenangan, Ketenangan datang jika bahan bakar habis, Berhasil menghibur rasa diri untuk bangkit, Aku masih waras, kawan Aku masih asli, kawan
Perayaan yang terlihat seperti makna ‘perayaan’ Bukan ulang tahun tapi untuk aku yang dulu jatuh jauh dari daratan Berhasil bangkit dari kerumunan babi darat, Aku masih waras, kawan
Aliran apapun asal aman, kawan, Adrenalin biar tidak biasa, ‘Demi kenang-kenangan’ Jaga yang menurutmu baik dan asli, Kebangkrutan bisa datang tanpa sepengetahuan diri
Semut yang mabuk hal manis, Tetes demi tetes turun, Hujan manis yang semut mau, Pahit adalah ketakutan terbesarnya
Kau semut, Gila manis dengan berbagai versi, Varian layar atau yang asli, Asal judulnya ‘manis’, apapun kau sikat rapih, Gajah terbang terlihat bohongnya, Makan ayam tanpa daging kulit tersisa, Asal judulnya ‘jatah’, apapun kau sikat rapih, Kau semut yang gila dengan hal manis
We have mountain to climb to reach the crown, Though people think we’re clown, Truest ones won’t let them down, Baddest will let us fall underground, We’ll jump we’ll climb we’ll grind for a crown, We look like clowns who cheer people in down
‘Fighters have bruise’
I’ve had bad bruise that’s still take a place inside, Memories will drown when I reach my crown Sceneries of life I’ve known good for a while The real will win, I repeat, My bruise will gone through a crown, not you, dhafayzaenabradrakyan, King without a crown, I’m singing like a clown, Words to rhyme in time, Desperately wanting people to react to what I try, Hey, Ma, you’re not the worst but I learned a lot, Hey, mom, I want to see your smile when I reach my crown, I want to see our smile when the crown is mine, I need to feel you now, may you have them now
Don’t drown
Post (General Thoughts)
Excitement shakes as we breathe, see it real, Something new hits and brain connects with it, Crazy to the screen and the culture of both sad and happy, Forced to give although the heart says nothing but everything to keep Are we as humans supposed to live like this post reformation? Share bomb all information, Not knowing it it’s true or just imagination, Was nowadays made with ambition while in gymnasium? Imagine in expectations start to spark after demonstration, Education comes in our nation generation
With a smile on my face, Know I’m safe with you, Deserve this for sure I lost it for a while, He knows when it comes and goes, Or stay and together grow
With a sound from my mouth, With a laugh I throw out, Every second passes by, I’m safe with you Make my move from the bad, To you I feel glad, Every second passes by, I’m safe with you, Saved good with you
Sentil setiap sudut lebih bersih, Lembutkan daerah lain, Tangkap yang belum pernah terkupas, Kencang dan besar bersama
Berarti penting, ‘jangan dibanting!’, Akankah ada yang seperti ini lagi? Pemberian mahal sepanjang masa Pupuk dari lama dan terus berkembang, Pusat utama ku, obat perasaanku
Banyak fisiknya di sekelilingku, Tapi hanya satu yang aku mau
Sakral seperti ritual, Emosional memang mental, Psikis, berfikir kritis, Hidup dan bernafas dengan ini
Christian Girl
A dream to know someone, She’s a christian girl, Left to right, day and night, She’s a christian girl
Sketch in her thin skin, crossed is her necklace, Colored or natural, I dream about a christian girl tonight Talks about the end of life, fix the edge in live from different perspectives, Trying not to get seductive but productive in protective friendship
I had crush on a christian girl, Some people have it too, I’m so sure on a christian girl, A friend or more I don’t want to end
If I were a christian girl, I’d name me Karina, If I were a strong woman, I’d name me Annisa, A girl I met I dreamt once, her name was Yolanda, The one I’d like to meet, the dream one is Alexa
Who would I be if I were a christian girl? Exploring then blowing or saving after exploding, I’m glowing, I would be her or nothing at all
Silence + Madness
Cut the rope of our relation, Wipe the hope of future promises, Trim the hair clear till nothing left, Shuffled alphabets you could leave, Canceled the plans of staying, Flying in the sky by my side, I have wasted so much energy and time
I don’t need an apologize, The poisons messed me up so much, Did it start from me or you? Don’t want to break it all down, Exhausted and tired, This is how it wrapped: Silence and madness
For the sake of bettering, In the name of clean I would be all real, Do it and who cares about whose feelings, I’ve told you before, you just ignored it, What was our relationship meant for? Lessons I could learn from the forms, Generally formal but honestly informal words, Kick from sweet to sin, Repeats won’t break a circle, and that is boring
People change, people come and go, People make a chance, people bound to grow, Make a turn, slow but sure I flow, Stuck in mellow, hollow, sorrow, ‘Hello?! It’s been a year! Move on and start to run!’
Such a waste of time for things that could’ve been done
Lost It
And I lost it in the speed of light, Goodbye to what made me lost in lust, So long
Acceleration high, so goodbye, Will we meet sometime? You’re not mine, nor in my mind Graduation cries, gold time, Will we meet again sometime? Focus and leave, straight forward in time
This Cross
The names and the show on the board, Pick a knife and start cross the board, Do I have to say it if this cross says it all? The blood is streaming all over the board
I don’t talk that much, say with my mouth a lot, My thoughts and this cross are loud The more I live, the more I know, The more they try to hit, the less I understand their show’s flow
The red is moving all over this place, Bleeding violently they’re crying dying Do I have to say it if the cross says it all? This cross and the blood are loud Bleeding violently they’re crying dying, This cross and the blood are loud
Fishes don’t breath in the air, And I don’t breath in a water Lions don’t live in the streets, And I don’t want to see their existence
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