#and been ready so much earlier today so i could DO THE STUFF I WANTED TO DO
fereldenshero · 9 months
my mom LOVESSSS to make plans FOR ME and then not tell me about them until like the last minute
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skz-bee123 · 1 year
You back hug them
Stray Kids reaction
Word Count: 2.9k
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Bang Chan 
You awaken to the sun pouring in through the gaps of the curtain. You roll over to check the time on your phone only to see that it was 6:05 in the morning. Mentally groaning, you curse yourself for your body’s natural reaction to waking up at this time. 
You normally would be up, getting ready to start your day at this time, but you didn’t have work today and you wanted to sleep in as much as you could.
Pouting to yourself you turn to your side and see the back of the man sleeping next to you, shirtless. 
You trace a finger down his back, a soft smile settling on your face before moving closer to him, wrapping your arms around him from behind. 
The slight groan you hear lets you know that the man in your embrace was starting to wake. 
“Sorry Channie, go back to sleep. It’s still early.” You whisper in your boyfriend’s ear. 
Chan hums at you before grabbing your hand that was wrapped around his waist and bringing it up to his lips where he places a kiss on the back of it. 
“Can’t sleep?” Chan’s deep morning voice always sends a shiver down your spine.
You snuggle up closer to Chan, “with you in my arms? I’m sure I’ll be out again for the next couple of hours.” 
A giggle escapes Chan as he replies, wrapping your arm tighter around him, interlacing your fingers together over his stomach. “Good, you need to rest.”
“So do you baby.” 
“Well then we should go back to sleep then, in fact, why don’t we stay in bed all day today?” 
“I think that’s one of the best ideas you have ever had.” 
“They only come when you’re around, how else do you think I’ve been able to make those songs huh?” 
You just softly laugh at Chan before placing a kiss on the back of his neck, “go back to sleep bub, we can talk later.” 
“Mmm, okay. I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
Lee Minho 
You hadn’t seen Minho for a couple of days, work got him busy and you completely understood that. You both had kept up with messaging each other and the occasional call when you had time. 
You were currently on your way to the company, Minho had told you earlier that he was going to be in the dance practice room, just going over some stuff by himself. So you decided to pay him a visit. 
Quietly opening the door you slip into the room, gently dropping your bag to the floor. You look over at Minho who had not heard you come in.
Minho seemed to be watching a video on his phone, from what you could guess, it was probably a video of himself dancing and he was monitoring it. 
Making your way over to Minho, who had still not noticed you were there, you wrap your arms around him from behind. 
“Hey Min.” You say into Minho’s back. 
Minho turns his phone off and throws it on top of his jumper on the ground, “what are you doing here?” 
“Just wanted to see you.” 
“You know this is kind gross right?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’m all sweaty and you’re hugging me.” 
“Well I think you look hot.” 
Minho turns around in your embrace and grabs you by the waist, “of course you do.” 
“What? Can’t I think that my boyfriend looks hot when he’s sweaty?” You pout. 
“Oh no, you definitely can.” Minho leans down and gives you a kiss before pulling away from you. 
“Well since you’re here, do you mind having a look over what I’ve got so far?” Minho walks over to go and get the music ready. 
“Show me.” You say as you settle down on the ground.
Seo Changbin
Changbin had been in the studio for a couple hours straight and had not come out. Chan had messaged you 10 minutes ago because he was worried about Changbin. He had said that none of them could get him out and he was hoping you would be able to . 
You were extremely worried bout your boyfriend after hearing that and said of course you would. You were lucky that you had finished off all your work earlier and could leave to head over to the studio. 
You’re walking down the hall to the studio Changbin is in, food in hand when you see Chan and Jisung heading your way. 
“Y/n!” Jisung says as he gives you a hug. 
“You made it.” Chan pulls you in for a hug as well. 
“Yeah, I brought him some food and I’ll try my best to get him out.” You say. 
“Please, we’ve tried everything. We didn’t want to disturb you at work but you were the only thing we could think of.” Chan says with an apologetic look on his face.
“No, please don’t be sorry, I’m actually really glad you called.” 
“You take care of him okay? And please let us know how it goes, we’re all quite worried.” Jisung pats you on your shoulder before the two head off down the hallway. 
You carry on in the direction of where Changbin is and open the door to the room. You peek your head around the door and see Changbin sitting at the desk with his headphones on. 
You slip into the room and gently shut the door behind you, dropping your stuff on the floor and placing the food down on some of the shelves that are in the room. Making your way to where Changbin sat in his chair, you slowly wrap your arms around him from behind. 
Changbin at first jumps a little at the touch but settles down once he notices that it’s you. Pulling his headphones off of one of his ears, he gives you a quick glance. “What are you doing here?”
“Chan called me.” You softly say, as to show that you weren’t mad, but concerned.
“Yeah, the boys are worried ‘bout you baby.” 
“I’m sorry,” Changbin whispers s he pushes himself away from the desk. 
“It’s alright love, I know you didn’t purposely mean to worry them.”
Changbin pulls away from you and stands up, he then turns around and pulls you into him, hiding his head in your neck. “’M still sorry.” You manage to make out Changbin’s words despite them being muffled. 
You gently run your fingers through his messy, curly hair and pull away from the hug, grabbing his hand and interlacing your fingers together. You then lead your boyfriend over to the couch in the room. “Let’s have something to eat, yeah?” 
Changbin just nods his head at you as he sits down, accepting the food you give him. “I love you.” 
“I love you too, Binnie. Just could you please give Chan a call? I bumped into him and Jisung when I was on my way here, I think they would appreciate it.” 
“Of course, I think I’m done here for the night anyway. Can I come back to your place? Stay the night?” 
“Of course you can, I’ll even run us a hot bath with some candles and essences if you’d like.” 
“Thanks baby.” Changbin reaches over to pull you in for a kiss. 
“It’s nothing love, let’s head home after you finish eating ‘kay?” You say stroking your fingers through Changbin’s hair with a warm smile on your face. 
Hwang Hyunjin
It was late, like 2:30 in the morning late, or you suppose early. But you and Hyunjin were both awake, his schedule leaving him up until the early hours in the morning and you just couldn’t sleep knowing that he was still awake. 
So this particular day, you fought it within yourself to stay awake until he returned home. 
Hyunjin opens the front door of your house and quietly lets himself in, thinking that you would be sound asleep, tucked away in bed. So imagine his surprise when he spots you on the couch asleep. 
Hyunjin could tell from the way your phone was laying on the ground and the tv on, that you had fallen asleep waiting for him. 
Gently dropping his bag on the ground, Hyunjin makes his way over to you.
With a soft smile on his face, he reaches a hand out and gently pushes some hair out of your face. Hyunjin leans down and plants a kiss on your forehead before heading out to shower. 
After finishing his shower and changing into comfortable clothes, Hyunjin quietly makes his way over to the kitchen where he opens the fridge. Seeing the dinner you had made in there, he pulled it up and put it in the microwave. 
Lost in thought, Hyunjin didn’t hear you sneak up behind him until he felt arms wrap around him from behind. Immediately recognising your hold, Hyunjin sinks into your embrace. 
“Work good?” the sleepy sound of your voice sends a slight giggle through Hyunjin. 
“Yeah, it was good. What about you baby?” Hyunjin intertwines your fingers together. 
“Hmm, just tiring.” 
Hyunjin gently turns around in your arms and kisses you.
“Go back to bed baby.” Hyunjin slowly pulls you away from him.
“But nothing. Come.” Taking your hand, Hyunjin leads you towards the bedroom and pulls back the cover, helping you into the bed. 
“I’ll be back after I’ve eaten okay?” Placing a kiss on your forehead, Hyunjin softly closes the door to your room after he leaves. 
Han Jisung 
Jisung had texted you earlier on in the day that he had finished schedules early and was heading over to your place. You had just now gotten off of work and were heading home, you quickly stopped to get some take out for the both of you before continuing on your journey home. 
Walking through your front door, you take your shoes off and walk into your kitchen where you place your stuff and the food on the counter. 
Hearing no noise coming from the lounge, you wander the house in question of where Jisung was and why was he so quiet?
Entering your bedroom you spot Jisung standing with his back towards you, he seemed to have some clothes laid out on your bed and was peering down at them. 
With a small smirk on your face, you silently creep up behind Jisung, wrapping your arms around him. 
A shriek leaves his mouth as Jisung spins out of your hold and jumps back from you, a hand on his chest. 
“Y/N!” Jisung exclaims when he sees you, “were you trying to kill me?” 
You just shrug your shoulders with a smirk on your face, “I mean the opportunity was right there, I had to take it.” 
Jisung glares at you before grabbing your hand and pulling you next to him. 
“So?” Jisung says, pointing towards the clothes on your bed. 
“What?” You question, confused. 
Jisung rolls his eyes with an exaggerated sigh before reaching over and pulling the clothes up, showing them to you. You now notice that they were matching onesies. 
“I got us matching onesies.” A wide smile forms on Jisung’s face as he holds them up. 
A smile just as big forms on your face as you squeal, jumping into Jisung’s arms, “oh my gosh, these are so cute, can we wear them, like, now?” 
“I knew you would love them.” Jisung says, a proud smile on his face. “But only if we get to take a really cute couple, pinterest worthy photos and send them to the boys so that I can brag about how cute we are.” 
“Oh course, that's not even a question. Now pass it over mister, I’m going to get changed.” You grab your onesie from Jisung and run off to the bathroom to get changed 
What you don’t see though is the fond smile on Jisung’s face as he watches you leave the room full of excitement. 
“I love her.” Jisung comes to the realisation. You both had not said the three little words to each other but Jisung right then and there knew that you were the one. 
“Hey wait for me babe,” Jisung grabs his onesie to go and join you in the bathroom. 
Lee Felix
It was late, but both you and Felix could not seem to fall asleep. You were both currently in your apartment, soft, lofi music playing in the background while you baked some of Felix’s infamous brownies.
“Hey love, can you pass me some of that butter over there please?” Felix points over his shoulder in the general direction the butter was. 
Looking up from the bowl you were mixing, you spot the butter and walk over to grab it. 
Handing it over to Felix, you wrap your arms around him from behind, gently swaying the both of you to the music playing in the background. 
You hear Felix put down the spoon he was using and turn around in your embrace, wrapping his arms around your waist as you move your arms up and intertwine your fingers together behind his neck. 
“You’re beautiful,” Felix says as he reaches down to place a kiss on your lips. 
“Mmm no, I think you’re more beautiful,” you respond as you pull away from the kiss. 
“No, that’s not possible. I truly believe that you are the most beautiful human being to ever exist, both inside and out.” Felix brings your head to his chest, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
“I love you,” you whisper into his chest.
“I love you too beautiful.” Felix gently moves you both to the music, just enjoying each other's company.
Kim Seungmin
“Hey Y/n? Can you come have a look at this please?” 
You hear Seungmin shout out from the living room, setting down the knife you were using to make you both some lunch, you head out of the kitchen and into where Seungmin was standing. 
Walking up behind him, you wrap your arms around him, “yeah? What did you want to show me?” 
Seungmin holds up some papers, “the lyrics that I’ve been working on, I think I’ve got some good stuff but I want your opinion.” 
“Min, I don’t really know anything about lyrical writing.” 
“I know that, but your opinion matters to me, I want to know what you think about them.” 
Seungmin wasn’t always openly affectionate towards you. You knew he loved you wholeheartedly but also knew that he didn’t see the need to openly express to the world his love for you. 
It was these little things that expressed the love and affection he held towards you.
You unwrap yourself from the hug you were giving him from behind and move to sit down on the couch. You gesture for Seungmin to take the seat beside you and he does, handing you over the papers. 
“Well, I’ll try my best to give you what you want.” You say grabbing the papers from him. 
Taking your legs and placing them into his lap, Seungmin gently rubs your thighs, “anything you give me matters. So whatever you’ve got, just the first thing that pops into your mind when you read them.” 
You look over at Seungmin from the papers and smile at him, “I can promise you now baby, that I’m going to love whatever you write, I always have.” 
“You never know, it might change this time.” Seungmin says as he shrugs his shoulders. 
“I highly doubt that.” You say as you settle into the couch. “What was your inspiration about this time though?” 
“You. It’s always you.”
Yang Jeongin
“You alright baby?” You say as you walk up to Jeongin and you wrap your arms around him from behind. 
“Y/n? didn’t know you were here yet.” Jeongn says surprised. 
“Yeah, Minho let me in. I did text you that I was on my way though.” 
“Oh, I haven’t been checking my phone.” 
“I gathered that. But do you want to explain to me why you’re still in your jammies?” You ask with a slight chuckle to your tone of voice. 
“I was having trouble trying to pick out what to wear. I know that we’re going out on a date but I wanted to get you to take some photos for me so that I can post them for Stay later on.” 
“You know Stay will love whatever you wear right?”
“I know that, but I just wanted to look nice.” 
“Babe,” you move to stand in front of Jeongin and reach out to cup his face, “you always look nice. You could go out in what you're wearing now and I would still think you look amazing, I’m pretty sure Stay would agree with me as well.”
Jeongin still wears a pout on his lips so you reach up to kiss it away. 
“Well come on then,” you say as you pull away from the kiss. “Let’s choose an outfit. How do you feel about subtle matching with me?” 
The big smile on Jeongin’s face causes one to form on your face as well. 
“I love you.” Jeongin says. 
“I love you too. Now help me out here mister, we’ve got a date to go on.” You say as you give Jeongin a slap on his butt. His cute yelp that he lets out, followed by his playful glare causes you to laugh. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” Jeongin walks over to his closet and opens it up. 
“Yeah, you’re alright too.” You say as you walk over to join him.
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corollaservant · 2 months
False Alarm // Kenjaku x f!reader (18+)
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Synopsis: He never smoked. But then again, he lost himself along the way.
Warnings: noncon, smoking, signs of panic attack, degradation, violence, deception, humiliation... Kenny stuff.
A/N: don't hate me, Kenny is the perf man for dark concepts.
The last time you saw him was in 2007. He seemed sedated for some time, looking like he woke up and slept—if he ever slept—out of necessity, his lips on yours felt foreign and a burden would always accompany him. You hadn’t ever asked, what would you even say “Hey, is everything alright?’’ and what was he supposed to answer? ‘’Yes, everything’s fine’’. Not like it’d be the truth anyways. The last night you saw him was in 2007.
It was around 3 AM when he entered the bedroom, smoke filled the room as you looked at him. He never smoked, apart from some earlier mischief with his best friend as he sat next to you.
‘’Have you been smoking?’’ You quietly asked him as he sighed.
‘’Yes, had to give Shoko my lighter today and figured I might as well have one myself’’
He spoke so calmly, like everything was alright, like everything was like before.
The next day you woke up in an empty bed with a lighter to your nightstand. There was no letter or note as he exited your life and never came back.
It wasn’t like you didn’t know. He never intended to hide his actions, never once tried to stay undercover, intentions loud and clear and if you weren’t to find out from newspapers and various media outlets covering the crimes, a visit from his best friend would suffice. You hadn’t reacted much really, usually pain hit when you least expected it—not when Gojo would list you the heinous crimes but when you were in the snack aisle holding your groceries and saw his favorite crackers, silly things really. Ache was a funny thing.
10 years went by and your routine had not once diverted, home–work–home. Most of your friends stopped contacting you for a night out, seeing how you’d decline each and every time and you didn’t really blame them. They most likely wouldn’t understand. The door was unlocked when you entered the apartment floor and your heart sank. A domestic burglary was the last thing you wanted, shit, you didn’t even care about any belongings, his lighter was always with you and there were no prized possessions in the once shared apartment. But you were exhausted.
A figure stood facing the window next to the bed, wearing what seemed like a kimono over a robe that people 2500 years ago wore and sandals—enjoying a cigarette as you froze.
‘’W–what are you doing here?’’ You asked, stupid, yeah, who asks that? But fear stricken as you were and ready to dial the emergency number—your heart suddenly skipped a beat.
The figure had his hair, what was going on?
‘’Did you miss me?’’ A soft honeyed voice that made your skin crawl said as Suguru turned to look at you. Your eyes widened and you backtracked, colliding with the wall behind you as you dropped the bag you were holding and screamed. Loud.
‘’Who the fuck are you??’’ You yelled as you saw a line of stitches sloppily circle around what used to be your lover’s forehead. He had his hooded eyes and smile but you knew better. Whoever this freak was could never imitate the laced with care and love words that escaped Suguru’s mouth. Before he left. Before—
‘’What the fuck do you want? What the hell did you do to him?’’ You spat, the more you talked, the more a sardonic smile crept up his mouth, deforming what used to be the prettiest smile in the world.
‘’I wouldn’t call if I were you’.’ He inhaled the last puff and tossed the cigarette mindlessly out the window, as he approached you.
Your hands were frozen, you wouldn’t have been able to dial anyone either way, when he spoke again.
‘’Funny thing, the memories, aren’t they? I had this feeling today you know..’’
‘’Where is he?’’ You cried, as he sighed.
‘’Please don’t interrupt me, he’s dead, what do you mean 'where is he'? As I was saying..’’
His words made your knees sting, as you fell to the floor, choking on a cry—it wasn’t like you hadn't made a decent effort to register his death, but the spitting image ahead of you felt like you were atoning for sins you never committed. It was too much, too painful, too sadistic.
‘’I had this, let's call it.. instinct to smoke today.. and visit you. Matter of fact, my feet dragged me all the way here so I was curious to see what the..fuss was all about.’’ He spoke eyeing you up at 'fuss'. You didn’t understand a thing but wished for whatever this was to end as you closed your eyes. Please! You silently heard yourself say. Or maybe you didn't speak a word.
‘’Yeah.. I kind of get it now.. you look nice after all. Do you smoke?’’ He asked, bringing himself even closer, the apartment was small and he had you touching the wall, the shadow of his Kasaya casting a dark light in front of you.
‘’I- I don’t smoke’’...‘’P–please leave..’’ not bothering to look in his eyes, these eyes that used to make love to you, hug you and gently wash your hair, bring you tea in the morning, wrap around your waist..
‘’Oh, that’s too bad.’’ He spoke like he contemplated, smirking to himself once he noticed your bowed head.
‘’Mind looking up?’’ He came even closer, so close you could feel him on you—he didn’t really wait to bring his finger, a cold sensation against your chin and lift it to look at him.
‘’Be honest. Isn’t this my best work?’’ He moved...the face left and right, showing you horrible—pretty angles of your old boyfriend. Your eyes quivered, tears fell down your cheeks, down your chin, down the floor. A bile formed at the back of your throat.
‘’Would you kiss me?’’ He asked rhetorically, it wasn’t like he cared about your opinion, it was more as if he was asking himself, experimenting with a predetermined outcome as you sniffed and felt a strong hand travel down your neck, pinning you to the wall. No! Stop asking questions! Leave!
‘’Well.. it doesn’t matter really, cause you will now.’’ He said as his mouth touched yours. Soft lips. Same feeling. Memories. Your lips parted to cry and he squeezed the sides of your neck, blocking the air and sliding his tongue in your mouth.
This wasn’t Suguru and you weren’t supposed to be kissing him. This wasn’t his hair, his mouth, his eyes albeit your heart racing and a known sensation flooding your chest. His breath was hot as he growled and you squirmed, tears soaking him.
‘’S-stop..’’ You whined, thinking back to all the times you thought Suguru leaving you, abandoning you was the worst thing that could’ve happened to you. This couldn’t even be compared.
‘’P–please! I-I will not tell anyone, I—will do whatever you want—just—’’
‘’Then be silent cause you will be doing what I want regardless.’’ He smiled, the same sinister smile and you started breathing heavily, shit—this wasn’t good, this always signaled a panic attack. You had these more frequently than before. Ever since he left. You started sweating, feeling chills, particularly in your arms and like you'd die from asphyxiation, the more you failed to inhale properly. Don't think—breathe—don't think you can't breathe—don't—
Two strong arms cupped your face and turned it upwards.
‘’Shh..hey..hey..darling, I’m right here.’’ The idol of the man you used to love gently whispered as you looked in the dead eyes in front of you. The voice honeyed and soft as the words he purred soothed you and you closed your eyes.
‘’Come here.’’ He said and brought your body close to his, embracing your trembling limbs as you exhaled—you could at least breathe through your nose again, an unfamiliar cologne in your face.
‘’Good.’’ He said as he took a deep breath.
His arms felt good.
‘’Now let’s continue.’’
A finger was brought up against your entrance as the intruder’s body hovered above you. You were moved (thrown) to the bed, begging in silent whispers for him to leave, but to no avail. He was kissing you with his tongue—leaving a saliva string each time you opened your mouth to protest, beg, promise to do anything except this but he’d had enough, he loved a good Shakespearean act but pretending to be him to calm you down just so he could fuck you had wasted a lot of his time. The play needed a climax.
He caressed your core through your panties, your dress was lifted up as he slid them to the side, trailing two fingers against the folds. You had been fighting for your body not to betray you, fighting for your eyes to not involuntarily close each time his disgusting mouth kissed you. Whenever you closed them, you thought of him, the mouth felt all too familiar and you couldn't help it. Fluids smudged the fabric and fell down his fingers as he smirked.
‘’Such a good girl, no need for me to help a lot here I see.’’ His wicked grin caused you to let out a scream, maybe if you cried for help someone would listen, someone could save—
A slap took the breath out of your lungs, vicious and hard as your cheek burned from the pain.
‘’Be quiet, pretty, I don’t have all day.’’ He said toying your cunt and pushing his fingers inside you as you tried your best not to moan.
‘’Please! ugh—Stop!’’ You wailed but there was no remorse (or halt) in his movements—squelching sounds from the contact almost covered up the noise you made.
‘’So..so filthy and wet, fuck, what would your boyfriend say seeing you soaking someone else’s hand, huh? Disgusting..’’ He spoke with disdain as you cried and tried to not feel the guilty pleasure that took over your core.
‘’I think we’re good now, don’t you?’’ He said as he got off you, your eyes trying to look around for exits while trying to have him within your peripherals.
You could escape, you could leave, right?
The moment your body dared to stand up while he was taking off his kimono, you were thrown back to bed, head crashing against the steel of the bed frame—the pain was accute and you winced, your eyesight left for a second.
Yet, he continued.
‘’Don’t be that dumb, please.’’ He sighed as his cock was brought out, stiff and long, sitting upright on his abdomen. A revolting sight but his body reminiscent of Suguru’s made your heart flutter.
The paranoia of the predicament messed you up, it felt like a torture, a dichotomy between love and hate, you wanted to spit on him, kick him and escape, hell, you wanted to slash his throat but each time your gaze was brought to his sinister stitches, the reminiscent features made you ache, sob and long for the all too familiar face.
‘’Get off m–me, please.’’ You begged and begged as he parted your legs and brushed his slit against your cunt, tapping it on the tiny nub when a moan escaped your lips—embarrassed, you brought your hands to your mouth.
‘’Stop!’’ You pleaded, the feeling there not aligning with the disgust in your mind but he continued.
‘’I love it when you beg, you look prettier.’’ He softly whispered as his cockhead thrusted swiftly in your cunt, hard enough to make your body hurt in more parts. You hadn't been fucked in a while, it wasn't worth it after him.
The sensation was overwhelming—his weight fell on you, cock stayed within your walls for a couple of seconds before he grabbed your hands to get them off your mouth. Your head was banging against the frame, as whichever sobs fell from your lips were pitifully covered by your hands.
‘’Now, you don’t wanna be silent, do ya? This is the best part!’’ His eyes gleamed as his cock slid in and out of you fast and he groaned.
‘’Fuck, I can see why he loved you so much, taking me as if we're meant to be...’’ He hummed as you closed your eyes, trying to ignore the stinging pain, not in your core anymore but your chest.
‘’I want to hear you, come on girl, moan for me..agh-.. I know you want it.’’ His ruts became harder and sloppier, as you let out a loud moan—teardrops spilled from your eyelids onto the sheets as he tilted his hips into you, it was too much.
‘’P-please! Please!’’ You begged, still hoping for an end and he continued, a finger found your swollen clit and rubbed around it in circular motions, you jerked but his pace never faltered, fuck, it wasn't right—your cunt squeezed him in, clenching tightly around him.
‘’Shit, little slut’s enjoying herself?’’ He hissed and you cried.
‘’S—Suguru.. s—stop, please agh- I - love you.’’ You called out your favorite name and he laughed. There was no other way to save yourself.
‘’Stop calling for your dead man, stupid, he’s not coming back..’’ He sounded like he lectured you, thrusting upwards and groping your chest as you withered under him, what felt like an orgasm slowly threatening to exit your tormented body. Your head hurt and your throat felt sore as you now only used broken syllables for help.
‘’S-st— I–I-ugh–..’’ Your cunt spasmed.
‘’Come on this cock– shit, be a good slut for your boyfriend, sweetheart, can you do it for Suguru?’’ He groaned, feeling himself close—the sight of your hands trying to throw him off aroused him even more, such a cute little thing you were, he didn’t wonder now why he liked you so much.
‘’S-suguru!’’ was all you said as you came undone, squeezing your eyes shut and biting your lip till you tasted metal. He continued; his predatory eyes made him look disfigured, melted even, reminding you of ice cream dripping down a cone.
‘’So filthy doll, he'd– agh.. be so proud..’’ He grunted and you felt a palm grab your neck and choke you with a firm grip, so not to moan or cry anymore. He came—looking in your eyes filled with terror shooting his cum deep within your walls as he praised you further. The foreign sensation stirred your insides.
You felt nothing; except maybe his cock soften and palm removed from your throat, allowing air back in your lungs. He got up.
He grabbed a cigarette pack from a tailored pocket in his kimono and moved to the window while you were left in a puddle of bodily fluids, trembling and tasting what must've been blood down your face.
‘’W—why...why did you come?’’ You brokenly managed, as he turned around.
It wasn't fair! It wasn't fair, it wasn't—
‘’I felt like having a smoke.’’ Cool and collected. Like Suguru. His face despite the wickedness looked serene, eyes crinkled similarly to his. He offered a smile.
‘’Could I have my lighter now, please?’’
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moni-logues · 4 months
Pairing: Yoongi x reader (Kintsugi couple!)
Genre: slice of life, fluff, established relationship
Word count: 2.9k
Summary: Yoongi's tired of his job and terrified of making a change.
Content: no warnings! Just fluffy stuff
A/N: firstly, 'gardening leave' is what happens when, rather than working your notice period, the company pays you NOT to work. Secondly, AHHHH Kintsugi couple is back again. This is truly a drop in the ocean of what I've thought about for them lmao but as someone asked the other day about their future, here is a small glimpse into it!
You heard the door open and close and then Yoongi was immediately curling himself up in your lap.
“You’re late today, baby.”
“I know,” he mumbled, speaking into the fluff of your jumper. “I hate my job.”
You kissed the top of his head. This was not the first time he’d said that. Not even close. He had been saying it more and more frequently over the past few months and you weren’t quite sure what to do about it.
“I made dinner; do you want me to get you some?”
He shook his head again and you stroked his hair as you wondered what might help. A cat climbed up into his lap and you thought that might work but Yoongi barely noticed her.
“I could run you a bath? Do you want a bath?”
There was a second’s hesitation and then he nodded and sighed.
“That sounds nice.”
“Ok, I’ll run you a bath.”
And you moved, to get up, to go and start the task at hand but Yoongi gripped you tighter, a quiet noise of protest leaving his mouth.
“You know I have to get up if you want that bath.”
“Five more minutes.”
So you sat for five more minutes: you stroking Yoongi’s hair, he stroking the cat, and then he did, as promised, let you get up.
“Ok, bath is ready.”
You had done your best: the nicest bubble bath, candles, quiet classical music on in the background (because studies have shown it helps to reduce stress). Yoongi stripped and stepped into the hot water with a hiss; it was probably too hot, but you knew that was how he liked it. As hot as hell. Even hotter.
He sank into the water with a groan and you kissed his forehead before turning to leave. Your exit was stopped by your hand in his, which he would not drop. You turned to him.
“You come here,” he said, pointing to the bath.
“Me, too?”
He nodded, so you stripped as he had only a minute earlier and tentatively, slowly, and carefully lowered yourself into hell’s hot spring. You grimaced but eventually were able to settle, leaning back against Yoongi’s chest, tucking your face into his neck. He kissed your shoulder, once, and then again, and then made his way to your neck and your cheek.
“Would you still love me if I quit my job?”
“Yes,” you answered instantly.
“What if I had no job?”
“I’d still love you.”
“What if I were poor?”
“Still then, too.”
“What if I never got another job ever again?”
“I can support us.”
Yoongi snorted, softly and not unkindly.
“Not here.”
“No,” you conceded. “Not here, but I make more than I did before I moved in and I was supporting myself pretty decently. We could live ok together on just my salary. We’d eat.”
Yoongi’s arms grew tighter around you and he nuzzled his nose into your hair.
“I love you,” he murmured into it.
“I love you, too, baby.”
“I’d never make you do that, you know.”
“I know. But I could. I would.”
He kissed your cheek.
“Do you want to quit your job?” you asked after a few moments’ silence.
Yoongi let the question hang and you didn’t push the issue. You knew he’d been struggling recently. That work wasn’t what it used to be. That he got no satisfaction from it. You saw him lie in bed and stare at the ceiling every morning before he absolutely had to get up. You saw him crawl home at night – never early, never on time, always late – and fall asleep on the sofa. You noticed how much less frequently he was doing the things he liked to. You noticed he wasn’t eating so much. You worried about it, but you didn’t know how to help. Because you felt sure that what he needed was to quit and you weren’t sure if he could.
That job had been his lifeline. His everything. It had been his way out. It had made him. He didn’t know what to do without it. Didn’t know how he would survive – except that, of course, he did know. He knew he would be fine. More than fine. He was smart and sensible and had a financial advisor who was worth every one of the many, many pennies he cost. If he were really smart about it, he probably could never work again.
But he still didn’t know how he would quit his job. His whole life he had dreamt of it. His whole life worked towards it. He was good at it. Great, even. He was well-respected. He was successful. He didn’t know what he would do if he failed. He didn’t know if quitting was failure. He saw his teenage self, his lost, lonely 18-year-old self arriving in Seoul for the first time with nothing but a rucksack and a heart full of terror and he saw that self curse at him for even considering handing in his notice.
It made him feel ungrateful. It made him feel arrogant. It made him look at his colleagues with something closer to contempt than it had ever been. Made him look at himself that way, too.
His therapist, Joan, the one he liked, the Australian in her mid-fifties who had studied abroad in Korea, met a man, and then lived here ever since, had asked him to talk to you about it. About quitting. Because you were part of his fear, too. What would you think if he quit? What if he couldn’t get another job? What if he lost all his money? Would you still respect him for being a quitter? Would you still want him if he couldn’t provide? How would you ever be able to marry and have children with him if he couldn’t support you?
He squeezed you tighter and kissed you, reminding himself that you were there. Reminding himself of the person you were. Because he knew you wouldn’t leave. He knew you would love him. He really did know it, but there was doubt deep in his heart that wouldn’t leave him.
You had let Yoongi lead the conversation on his job because you didn’t want to say the wrong thing. It felt too big, too significant to dare risk putting your foot in it. But then, you usually did just that; you would usually say anything, everything, to Yoongi. This felt like an exception because it went so far back into his past and so far down into the depths of his soul.
Maybe that actually made it all the more important that you dragged it to light.
“Ok,” you said, sitting up a little and twisting to look at him. “What would you do if you quit?”
He shrugged.
“Would it make you feel more confident about quitting if you had a plan?”
Yoongi shrugged again. Because he did have a plan. Or not so much a plan, but an idea. Something he’d thought about, been thinking about. Something he might want to do. Something that scared the shit out of him. He was still thinking, though; he didn’t know if he was ready to tell you.
“Well, if you want to try to make a plan, you know I’m here. And if you don’t want a plan, that’s ok, too. I want whatever you want, remember?”
You leant forward and kissed him lightly, twice, and then a third time because you just couldn’t help yourself.
“I’m on your side, baby,” you whispered, lips still close to his. “I’m always on your side.”
You lay next to Yoongi, later that night, bath water cooled, bodies dried, bed-ready. You were thinking about the day Yoongi might quit his job—what you could do for him, what he might want, how he might feel. He interrupted your thoughts.
“I might want to be a counsellor.”
You waited a second to absorb it, to bring your mind back around. It seemed obvious, now he had said it. Of course. Of course, that was what he would be. What he would do. How perfect for him.
“A counsellor? I think you’d be an amazing counsellor.”
“You do?”
You pushed yourself up so you could look at him, even though you could barely see a thing in the darkness. You used your hand to guide you, resting it against his cheek, fingers gently brushing hair from his brow.
“Yeah, I do. I think that’s a great idea.”
He hummed and you felt him nod.
“How would you do it? How do you qualify for that?”
There was the rub. That was the other reason he hadn’t wanted to say it. Because it would take years. He could do an accelerated course, so he’d qualify in two rather than four, but he didn’t know how long after that it would take him to make money, to be stable, secure.
The thing was that he wanted to marry you. Had been thinking about it. Had been trying to not want to quit his job so that he could just do it, ask you already. He wanted to marry you and stay happily in his job for the rest of his life so he could provide for you and however many kids you might or might not have; he wanted to ensure that they would be safe and secure, that you would be safe and secure. He could do that if he stayed in his job. He didn’t know if he could do it if he didn’t. And he didn’t want to propose to you under false pretences; didn’t want to propose while he earnt good money and then quit, then earn next to nothing, trap you into life with him when he didn’t know what he could give you.
That was why he hadn’t quit yet. That was the excuse he was giving himself. That was what Joan had really wanted Yoongi to talk to you about. Because when she had asked how you would feel if you knew these were Yoongi’s concerns, he answered. He knew the answers already. Joan thought hearing them from the horse’s mouth might help. She was probably right.
But he still didn’t want to ask you because he was scared of asking. Scared of raising the topic of marriage in case you didn’t want it.
That was why he couldn’t quit his job.
“It would take a couple of years,” he answered eventually. “I’d have to go back to university. To qualify. Not sure how long it would take after that to get established, to make good money.”
“You don’t have to make good money. I told you: I can support us.”
“And I told you I would never make you do that.”
There was an edge to his voice, an anger you knew wasn’t really directed at you. You let this one slide because you knew that even talking about quitting his job, doing something else, was hard enough for him.
“I have passive income,” he continued, voice softer, “and savings. It won’t be on you.”
“I don’t want you to use your savings, though.”
“That’s what they’re for.”
“You shouldn’t use them up if you don’t have to. I said I’m on your side and that means we’re a team, ok? Be a team with me. Let me help. I let you help me by not paying rent here, don’t I? Let me help you not use your savings.”
Because that was how you got through to him. You reminded him that you were in this together, that this was supposed to be about giving and taking, not just him giving and giving and giving. You wanted to give, too, and Yoongi liked giving you what you wanted.
“Well it’s not like it’s happening anyway,” he said. “Doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter. I really think you should do this. It sounds so good. It would be so exciting.”
Your eyes had adjusted to the darkness enough to make out the features of his face, allowing you to dip your head and kiss him.
“I know you hate your job, baby, and I want you to be happy. You deserve it. You deserve the opportunity to find out if there’s something else out there you can do. I think you can do it. And I’m always, always going to be here for you, no matter what happens. Promise.”
It didn’t come up again for a while and you didn’t raise it, leaving the ball in Yoongi’s court. Besides, he had seemed lighter since your conversation—like even discussing the possibility of something else was enough to lighten the load a little. You did your own research, looking at schools and trying to find out what he’d need and when, but you weren’t sure how much research he’d done, whether he knew what course he wanted to apply for, whether he’d applied for it already.
You decided to give him another couple of weeks. There would still be time after that for the application deadlines you’d seen (if they were even the right ones). It would give him a little more time to bring it up again. And if he didn’t, you would.
You leant heavily on the door handle as you opened it, tired from work, hungry, so, so ready for the weekend: a weekend in which you would lie down a lot and do little else, you hoped. You kicked your shoes off and two cats came skittering towards you. Then human feet appeared behind them and you looked up in shock.
You leapt into Yoongi’s arms with a little too much force and he staggered back, laughing, holding you tight. He span you around in the air just once and you tottered on your feet when he placed you back down.
“You’re here! You’re- you’re early!”
He grinned and nodded.
“Yes and I’m making dinner.”
You kissed him hungrily, fingers tightly wound in his hair.
It had been so long since Yoongi had beaten you home from work that you couldn’t even remember the last time. Even longer still had it been since you’d seen Yoongi this happy on a work day.
You both walked to the kitchen and Yoongi poured you some wine. You hopped up on a bar stool and refused to let him go back to cooking; you wrapped your legs and arms around him and kissed him, relieved and excited and so damn happy to have him there, then, at that moment.
There was a twinkle in his eye when he pulled back from you and it sent a spark down your spine, woke the butterflies in your stomach.
“I quit my job.”
You gasped, your mouth open wide.
“No way!”
He nodded. You squealed with laughter, pulling him close, holding him tight, then letting him go to pepper kisses all over his face.
“You quit!”
He looked happy about it, sparkling, glowing, radiant even. He grinned at you until it faltered, a second of doubt passing over his face like a cloud.
“I should have told you,” he said, brow creasing. “We should have discussed it-“
You knew, though you couldn’t see them under his hair, that the tips of his ears were going red. You kissed him, cut him off mid-word.
“I like surprises,” you told him. “And I’m so happy for you.”
You brought your lips to his again, hoping to kiss him for long enough for his doubt to fade and pure joy to return.
“Does this mean you’ll be home on time now?”
He nodded.
“I’m enforcing working hours,” he told you, “not working whatever hours they ask.”
“Can you do that?”
“What are they going to do, fire me? I already quit. And if they want to put me on gardening leave, even better.”
He shrugged with a cavalier smirk.
He may have looked confident, but Yoongi’s heart was hammering in his chest, had been all day. He wondered when it would give out from the stress. He’d blocked out his entire morning for an ‘urgent, top priority’ problem: he sat in his office for three hours trying to get it together so he could go to his boss and hand in his notice. He hadn’t told anyone he was going to do it. He couldn’t take the pressure of anyone else knowing, though now, in hindsight, he wished he had told you (even if you did love surprises and even if he did love the glee on your face when he’d told you). Somehow, even after all this time, he was still not used to the fact that he didn’t have to do everything on his own. That he shouldn’t be doing things on his own. That he preferred doing them with you.
He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to yours, his heart now hammering and fit to burst, pressing against his ribs as if it could break them. He was terrified. There was a pit of anxiety in his gut that felt endless, that made him unsure if he would be able to eat the dinner he was halfway through cooking. But he had you. In his life, in his heart, in his hands, on a stool in the kitchen of the apartment where you both lived. You knew he could do it. He wouldn’t let you be wrong.
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
Pairing : Mason Mount x reader
Theme : Fluff
This was so so so cute I had a blast writing it!
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Your relationship with Mason wasn’t a secret amongst his fans. Two years ago, Mason asked you to be his girlfriend and a few months later, he uploaded a picture of you on his Instagram story which proved all those rumours that has been flying around to be true. His fans had found your social media way before Mason posted or confirmed anything and it was only because they saw Mason following you, a random girl with no more than 1000 followers and never missed to leave a like on every posts of yours though he never left any comments.
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Liked by masonmount and others
ynusername 🥐☕️
ynbestfriend miss uuuu
masonmmupdate you are soooo pretty
footballwagssoon mason’s gf??
rebeccaa__19 are you mason’s girlfriend? 🥹
masonmount has added to their story
12th June
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ynusername has added to their story
2nd July
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Even though everyone knew you were together and that you were no longer an unfamiliar face amongst the fans, you chose to keep it as private as you can. There would be an occasional pictures of you guys holding hands together or showing off your matching socks or a 2 seconds view of him in your Instagram story to which the fanpages would cut the part of the 15 seconds video and reposted it with the slow motion effect. It wasn’t because you were trying to hide anything or trying to be mysterious but it was because you wanted to use the social media platforms as your personal diary and no one stayed on one topic in their diary.
You had been staying at Mason’s house a lot this month as he tried to sort out his contract which meant he wasn’t at home that much so you would occasionally treat yourself on a solo date where you would took a stroll near the park or got yourself a coffee at the new coffee shop you came across. It was therapeutic sometimes to spend time with yourself.
But today, it was different. Mason asked you out to buy some stuffs at a department store. You told Mason that you wanted to do a vlog and that he didn’t have to be in it. He didn’t mind, of course but what he didn’t knew was that it wasn’t actually a vlog.
You already had your phone recording when you did your makeup earlier so as you talked thorough all the products that you were using, you decided to talk about the plan as well but in a whispering tone now. Not that Mason could hear but just to be safe. “So, we’re going out and I wanted to prank him. I’m gonna chatter about 20 random topics I could think about at one time and none of it are gonna make any sense. I’m not sure how he’s gonna react because he never gets annoyed with me so…”
“Babe, you ready?”
“So, I went to this one bakery the other day, yeah?”
Mason had his hand on your thigh, like he always did whenever he drives and nodded to your question. Your phone was propped against something on the car dash to record both you and Mason. You had asked him once again if he wanted to be in the camera and he said of course he wanted to be seen in the camera with his girlfriend.
“And I asked the worker which one was the best-selling and she said it was pain au chocolat but they had a new menu that made them won the— Oh! Do you know the history of pain au chocolat?”
Mason blinked, trying to catch up with you before shaking his head. “No, I don’t know but babe, what about the new menu?”
“Mase, listen! So August Zang..”
“Wait, who’s Zang?”
“The one who brought pain au chocolat to France! This is why you should listen.”
“Okay, baby, I’m listening.”
“Oh! And there was this cute dog that passed by—”
“Was it Zang’s dog?”
“….what? Mase…” You gave in and cackled at his question. “That doesn’t even make any sense!”
“Oh, yeah, tell me about it, princess.” He pinched on his furrowed brows, didn’t find this whole thing funny, in fact, it was kinda stressing him out but were you gonna stop? Not yet, of course so you continued.
“Then I felt like getting a green tea but there was a stranger that walked past me and the smell of coffee from the one that she was holding— the new menu was something to do with cranberry I think.”
“Okay, babe, are you okay?” He teared his eyes away from the road as the traffic light turned red and placed his hand on the side of your face.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Do you…want me to stop talking?” You leaned into his touch and trailed off.
“No, no. Keep talking. The topics are kinda complicated but I’ll manage. So, you were talking about the dog, yeah? No? Was it the coffee? Cranberry? Zang? Which one do you want start with?”
“I want to talk about the street art I saw…” You forlornly returned his gaze.
“Okay, I don’t mind adding one more topic. Let’s take it slow, okay? What about the street art?” Mason stroked his thumb against your jawline and took your hand in his. To him, you looked the most adorable when you talked. He had a hard time catching up, sure but he didn’t mind. The sight of you blabbering, the way you bit your lips to think off the next topic, the way your hands moved randomly with every words you said. He sworn he wouldn’t trade this moment with anything else. He was listening attentively but he also couldn’t stop gazing at you full of admiration. His precious girl.
To you, he didn’t look annoyed, didn’t look irritated. Of course, you wouldn’t be able to read his mind but the public could be the one to decide on that when you posted the video on your Tiktok.
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tsxkkis · 10 months
# random relationship stuff w/ haikyuu
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a/n = i finally have more time to write and i'm gonna use it as much as i can before school starts
with = karasuno 3rd years (daichi sawamura, sugawara koushi, asahi azumane, kiyoko shimizu)
warnings = a teeny tiny bit suggestive for daichi, like one swear word? nothing else.
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daichi sawamura
"haven't we forgotten anything, love?" daichi's voice echoed from inside the bathroom, hurriedly brushing his teeth as he tried his best to button his shirt at the same time.
he was as stressed as ever at this moment. you planned this trip together almost two months ago now, and yet it felt like he left everything for the last minute.
he loosened up when he felt you wrapping your arms around him from behind, a sweet kiss left on the back of his neck as you drew small circles with your thumb, calming him down.
"we still have an hour till the train comes, daichi." you whispered, gently smiling at his reflection in the mirror. "the train station is a five-minute walk from here. no need to rush, sweetheart."
daichi's heart almost melted hearing the nickname fall from your lips. unlike him, you were never big on using pet names, but you would do it from time to time, especially if it was to make him calm down. and, to no surprise, it always worked on him. this time was no different; a big, warm smile crept onto his face as he turned to face you, his hands swiftly finding their way to your waist.
he leaned in, gently pulling you closer to him, with little to no space between your bodies as his lips captured yours, and you could feel the tension leaving his body with the kiss.
"there's no need to panic." you murmured between kisses, your right hand going up to cup his cheek, giving it a gentle squeeze. "i love you, daichi, but we need to find a quick solution to relieve your stress sometimes."
an idea popped into daichi's head, one that he definitely shouldn't think about, and you quickly caught up on what he was thinking, slapping him on the shoulder.
"hey! i didn't mean it that way. weirdo."
the boy laughed, planting a quick kiss on your cheek and smiling at you, a sight that always made your stomach full of butterflies, no matter how long you've been dating him already.
"i know, love." his hand reached out to gently ruffle your hair, gaining a huff from you in response. "it'll be hard to recover from the amount of stress kageyama and hinata gave me over this past year."
a chuckle left your lips as both of you exited the bathroom, sitting down on the edge of his bed, your eyes roaming around his room, tidy as ever. of course, it would be. daichi would never leave his room dirty before leaving for a longer time. he loved when everything was shiny and clean, and his room was a perfect depiction of that.
"we can go there earlier if that'll help calm your nerves more." his head turned towards you as he heard your suggestion, nodding quickly as an answer. "i'll buy us something to drink before we get there."
he gave you a knowing look, and you were ready to hear what he was about to say, his taller figure standing up, fingers intertwined with yours as he gently helped you get up, his other hand already grabbing your suitcase.
"love, if you think you're paying for anything on this trip, you're very wrong."
sugawara koushi
"honey, i think you messed the recipes up." sugawara stopped in his tracks at your words, a terrified look on your face as he turned towards you, his smile dropping in an instant.
he wanted to do something nice for today. after all, meeting your parents for the first time is a very important situation; one that requires a lot of effort from him to make himself look good in their eyes, so that when he leaves they can congratulate their kid on how good of a partner they found for themselves. so, to appear as a great boyfriend material, baking a cake for your family would be the right think to do, right?
"what do you mean?" he mumbled the words, the bowl of cake batter in his hands, ready to pour it into the form. you smiled at him, taking a few steps towards him, your hands gently grabbing his and putting the bowl down on the kitchen counter.
"koushi, how many eggs did you add to the cake?" your question echoed through the kitchen, and he felt a wave of embarrassment go over him as he realized just how big of a mistake he made. his face turned a bright shade of red as he looked down, an awkward smile finding its way onto his face.
"four." sugawara whispered, just loud enough for you to hear, a sigh escaping your lips right after. he didn't expect to hear you laugh right after, a short, rather quiet laugh escaping your lips as you leaned in towards him, ruffling his hair.
"you messed up the proportions, suga." your words sounded gentle and warm, no signs of disappointment or annoyance in your voice, which he greatly appreciated. "it was supposed to be two eggs for that amount of cake batter."
a frown appeared on his face, a wave of sadness hovering over him as he realized that his best attempt to impress your parents had just failed. he took a deep breath, exhaling loudly before looking up at you, his expression making your smile drop.
"i just messed up my chance for your parents to like me." he mumbled, both of your hands resting on his arms as you slowly rubbed circles with your thumbs. "what am i supposed to do now?"
"honey, they already love you."
you laughed softly, hand caressing his hair as you smiled at him, a questioning look on his face as he waited for you to explain just what you meant exactly by your previous words.
"they had to listen me talking about you so many times, i think they know more about you than you do about yourself at this point." she giggled, seeing as his eyes slowly lit up hearing her explanation. "i even showed them pictures from some of our dates. they're amazed by how much of a gentleman you are, and i had to listen to my dad blabbering about how he finally has a future son in law material. you don't have to do anything to make them like you, believe me."
relief washed over him like a wave of fresh air as sigawara let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding in, a sweet smile appearing on her face. he leaned in to press a quick kiss to your forehead, a silent thank you for helping him with his overthinking, very simple but also very meaningful for the two of you.
"i'm glad to hear that." he said, his signature smile back on his face as he ran his hand through his hair. "i am still buying flowers and chocolates for your parents on our way there, though."
you laughed, your hand squeezing his.
"alright, mr. gentleman."
asahi azumane
"here, let me help you with that." asahi popped up on your side the moment you entered his house, the sweetest smile ever gracing his face as he quickly took the bags from your hands, carrying them towards his room.
his mom let you in a few minutes ago since the brown-haired boy was currently occupying the bathroom at that time, and she knew that if she hears the doorbell on a weekend afternoon, the only person who could be standing behind the door was you. it was a tradition of some sort; every weekend you would stay over for the night, preparing a list of movies to watch with sugawara until you're too tired to keep your eyes opened.
"what genre are we watching today?" his voice reached you from behind the doorframe as you walked towards his room, grabbing a piece of your hair that just wouldn't stop falling down in front of your eyes. seeing the big grin on your face as you entered his room, the list of movies you chose opened on your phone, he already knew what the answer was.
horror movies.
they were your favorite, of course you'd use every possible occasion to watch them with your boyfriend. except that meant that asahi had to pretend like he definitely isn't scared of whatever is happening in the movie.
he was good with slasher movies. they didn't scare him almost at all, only making him jump a bit here and there if there was an overly bloody scene with too much gore. but paranormal horror movies with ghosts and demons? that was a whole different story.
and as if he just ran out of luck, that was exactly what you chose for today.
both of you were sitting down on his bed, asahi's head resting on your arm as he did his best at pretending that the happenings in second installment of the conjuring franchise didn't scare the absolute shit out of him. your eyes were focused on the screen, laughing when a very obvious jump scare happened in the movie.
you turned your head towards your boyfriend only to find his face absolutely pale, the color of his skin reminding you of that of a dead body. reaching for the remote to pause the movie, your hand went down to his to give it a gentle squeeze, a concerned look on your face.
"you know, i would laugh at how scared you got, but you genuinely look like something just sucked the life out of you." your words were quiet, a hint of humor in your voice as you gently smiled at him. "we don't have to watch it, if you don't want to."
asahi quickly shook his head.
"i know you really wanted to watch it with me." he said, an awkward laugh escaping his lips as his hand went up to scratch his neck, his hair getting in the way as he decided to let it loose for today. "i'll survive it for your sake."
"you're the sweetest, azumane." you leaned in to gave him a quick peck on the top of his nose, his cheeks flushing a bright shade of pink. "if you get through this movie with me, i'll get you a thousand kisses."
his eyes lit up at your words, a big smile growing on his face, as he suddenly seemed to be very determined to watch it.
"let's continue the movie, then. i can't wait to get my reward."
kiyoko shimizu
"can you give me your hand for a second?"
kiyoko adjusted the strap of her tank top, which seemed to fall from her arm when she was focused on her work, a small yet genuine smile on her face as she turned to face you. her hair was tied up in a high ponytail in an attempt to make the hot weather a little less unbearable.
you stood up from the bed, putting your laptop down as you walked over to her, sticking your hand in front of you the whole way, even though she could only grab it once you were already at her desk.
it was something that you always loved about shimizu; the two of you didn't have to necessarily do something together to enjoy each other's presence. of course, there was no end to cute dates like picnics or going to every single cafe around town between you two. but sometimes what you enjoyed most were the moments where you two could just sit in silence, both occupied with your own things, yet still deciding to find a way to do them together.
"what're you up to this time, hm?" your voice sounded soft, your eyes roaming around the black-haired girl's desk which was full of different charms, beads, and whatnot. even though it all seemed to be a mess, you managed to distinguish the two color stories that she chose for her next craft.
her free hand picked up what seemed to be a bracelet, one she hasn't finished yet, her other hand grabbing the other end carefully so as to not let any beads fall off. you observed closely as she put it on your hand, wrapping it around to measure if she got the length correctly. you didn't miss how her smile grew just a tad bit more as she realized she measured it perfectly, a satisfied huff coming out of her lips.
"give me two minutes, and i'll be ready to show you." she adjusted the glasses on her nose, hand gently squeezing yours for just a second before she turned back to her work, grabbing a few additional things from the desk. you smiled, leaning over her chair to watch what she was about to do, eyes carefully scanning her every move. normally, kiyoko would hate if someone just stood over her like that and interrupted her peace, especially if she was busy doing something.
but it was different with you.
a bright smile appeared on your face as you saw the finished product, eyes sparkly at the sight in front of your eyes.
"i wanted to make them for a while already, but i never had enough time for it." she explained, carefully putting one on your hand, and one on hers.
the bracelets were beautiful. she specifically picked beads in your favorite color to make them, using similar ones for hers so that you'd be matching. it was only when your hand got close to hers that you realized the best thing about them; a heart charm, which both of you had half of on your bracelet, magnetically coming together whenever your hands were close enough.
if shimizu thought your smile couldn't grow more, you proved her wrong, smiling so much that it almost hurt your face. so close to each other that she could feel your breath on her face, you quickly closed the gap, planting a quick, sweet kiss on her lips.
"you're the best girlfriend i could ever ask for, you know?" you whispered, resting your forehead against hers. kiyoko smiled at you, nodding slightly.
"yeah. i know."
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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pinkyqil · 1 month
Too Much Is Never Enough
Hidden secrets series
Hidden secrets Masterlist
Warning : mention of pregnancy, little morning sickness and overly fluff
A/n: hope y'all enjoy this along with the anon that requested for this,I also added a lil sneak peak of what r future opucation might be in this I'm gonna be working on one more chapter before writing the birth and how alexia and jenni start their co-parenting the part y'all probably want the most but anyway my request are open at the moment so feel free to send them in, as always feedbacks and opinions are always appreciated
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A few week's had pass since the mini gender reveal party and the leak photo of them both hanging out.
Right now the couple could careless and just let the internet go on a rampage of what was going on between them.
On the other hand alexia had woken up feeling a little morning sickness kicking in.
she should be familiar with it but no matter how many times she gets that feeling she couldn't get past feeling so sick.
she hated having to dealing with it especially right at this moment. and today her body honestly wasn't feeling it. but got up either way too wash up her face before heading down to meet join jen.
Jenni noticed the little pale look on alexia face wondering if she was alright,already knowing the answer to that.
"You alright". she asked
"Not really feeling a little down"
"You feel good enough to go shopping or we can just cancel it".
"Jen I'm alright just need to rest up a bit before heading out".
"Why don't you go upstairs I'll come join you soon and once you're fully rested we can go". Jenni told alexia one more time before helping her up.
alexia nodded agreeing to head up and rest before going out has she seem to lack energy especially after throwing up earlier.
After a while she was joined by jenni who started to massage her before pulling her into a cuddling position which made alexia feel slightly better before they both fell asleep real fast.
jenni had woken up first so that she could prepare the car and a few snacks for alexia so she could feel her best. by the time she was done alexia had already woke up and gotten ready. and now the couple were on there way
The trip too the baby store took an hour and half has the were going to an all baby mall. At there arrival jenni had already been talking alexia ears off on what they were going to get without even arriving at the store.
"So where do we start"?. Jenni asked alexia.
"Why don't you tell me seeing you were talking about it the whole ride huh".
Jenni obviously being annoyed with alexia answers before grabbing her hands leading her to the clothing section.
"Jen grab a cart on your way before we bump into something".alexia told her once again
They were both enjoying the occasion looking at the different choices that they had but would often disagree with each other sense of clothing choices.
"Why can't we get this it would definitely look cute on her". Jenni questioned her
"We can't get cause you already picked three of it in different colors Jennifer".she said while rolling her eye's to the older woman.
"That doesn't mean she can't have another color putellas". She spat back
"What did you just say hermoso". Alexia asked her with a glare.
"Nothing".jenni mumbled under her breath.
Even with alexia disagreement she had stil added the pices of clothing the cart while alexia wasn't paying attention. they had the same disagreement over and over again
"For the last time our baby doesn't need every color of each item".
"Whatever you say". It was now jenni's turn to roll her eyes.
Alexia was getting annoyed but she couldn't hide her smile whenever jenni suggested in getting more stuff she found her enthusiasm fun but would decline just get on her nerves.
Jenni had saw a huge cute teddy and a musical box that looked like it had an dancer on it.she knew she had to get it but alexia would just deny her request.
so she decided buy it without her noticing and hurrying up to hid it somewhere in the car without her knowing.
The musical box had gotten Alexia attention but by the time she tried looking for it again it was gone.this time so was jenni she couldn't even bother cause she knew that jenni was roaming around and all.
"You ready to go". she asked alexia.
"Yeah my legs are killing me right now".alexia told her.
The pair payed for all there purchases before heading out and putting arranging it in the car. mostly jenni thought as she didn't want alexia doing heavy lifting.
Ride back home was peaceful spanish music playing in the background jenni singing while alexia struggled to stay awake after a day full of shopping and needed sleep and food.
They arriving back home and got into arranging the things they got. alexia was a neat freak or at least she just needed everything in place so they wouldn't have to be doing it once the baby arrived.
While putting stuff where they belong alexia noticed stuff that they didn't get kept on appearing as she was trying to organize the clothes noticing the other colors top that she said no too was there.
"hermoso what did you do".alexia asked while holding the top.
"I can explain". jenni said once she felt alexia eyes starring deep at her.
"Oh well you better have an explanation for every single one of these that you got".
"Fine we can go return them".she said with a deep sigh turning her back on alexia.
"We can keep them I'm just messing with you". She said while laughing.
"Was wondering where this was".she said while holding the musical box close to her.
"You like it".
"Yeah it like one of a kind".
The rest of the night was spent arranging the things they got laughter and a few makeout session before they finished up.
Before heading to bed alexia had played a traditional catalan dance recital that she had found herself wachting a few days ago and right now.
She found herself loving the dance culture and everything that surrounded it. Reminding her a little about football with the way they move how it precise and everything with it's flow she loved it all.
A/n : hope y'all enjoy this chapter,one more chapter left still I write the birth and we get to the main part of the storyline. Anyway feedbacks are appreciated and I hope you all have an amazing saturday 💗
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heavcnslyre · 11 months
chapter three — j.f. ( masterlist )
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“maybe i'm too young to keep good love from going wrong
but tonight, you're on my mind so, you’ll never know”
taglist: @jellybassett @glowingtree
(authors note PLEASE READ: you guys are the SWEETEST ever omg the amount of love i’ve gotten on this so far is insane. i appreciate, and reread over and over again, every single comment or reblog i get, it genuinely keeps me so motivated to write and i appreciate you guys so so much you have no idea. i haven’t written in forever so i excepted no one to like this fic but so far you guys have proven that to be not true and it brings me so much joy. i plan for this to be long!! idek how many parts i’m just gonna keep writing chapters until the story ends!! i cannot guarantee how often updates will be but i’ll write my ass off as much as i can for a while!! all the love in the world to you guys!!! enjoy!!)
you wake up the next morning with no messages from peter. this, usually wouldn’t be strange since he often slept in later than you, but he didn’t even reply to your message from last night at ten thirty. he never went to bed earlier than two in the morning. a gross, nervous feeling creeps up on you. you try to shake it off, thinking that maybe he just fell asleep early when he hadn’t heard from you. that’s what you would keep telling yourself.
downstairs in the kitchen, steven and jeremiah were sitting on stools at the counter, comparing their cereals. belly was at the table, studying the pancakes she was eating. susannah was cooking more pancakes at the stove. “morning (y/n)!” susannah greets you as you enter the room. jeremiah looks up at you and when you make eye contact, he gives you a forced smile and then looks back down at his cereal. he’d been acting weird since last night, when you told him about peter. it actually sort of made you feel bad, that you didn’t tell him sooner. he was clearly bothered by it or offended about you not telling him. the last thing you wanted to do was make things weird between the two of you, and that’s exactly what you did.
“morning susannah,” you smile at her. “can i have some pancakes?”
“absolutely you can!” she exclaims, flipping a pancake over onto a plate. “give me two minutes and they’ll be ready.”
“thanks susannah,” you say then walk over to sit with belly at the table. she smiles at you, her mouth full of pancakes.
“what are you doing today?” she asks you. you shrug.
“dunno. what were you thinking?”
“you should take me driving,” belly smiles cheekily. you laugh. she always asked to go driving ever since you got your license, but you didn’t mind. she had told you before that she trusted you the most to teach her how to drive without being too judgmental.
“sure, bells,” you say. “you can drive me into town to grab some stuff from the store.”
“bonfire tonight, (y/n),” steven turns to face you. “don’t forget.”
you nod. “would never.”
“can i go?” belly asks, looking between the two of you. steven looks at jeremiah then laughs.
“belly, that’s not really your scene,” steven says. “you’ve never gone before.”
“well i wanna go now,” she looks at you. “please?”
you look at steven, who shakes his head. you shrug. “i don’t know, belly. isn’t tonight usually your movie night?”
“it is,” susannah appears with a plate of pancakes for you. you thank her as she sets them down. “but we could always reschedule if belly wanted to go to a party with her siblings.”
“see?” belly says. “even susannah doesn’t think it’s a bad idea.”
“don’t get me too involved, now,” susannah tucks belly’s hair behind her ear. “i have no opinion on the matter except for i want you to do whatever makes you happiest.”
“i think you should come, belly,” jeremiah speaks up for the first time since you’ve gotten downstairs. everyone turns to look at him and he shrugs. he won’t look at you. “it would be fun if you were there.”
“it’s decided then,” belly says. “i’m going with!”
“better make sure it’s okay with mom first,” steven tells her, but she waves him off, finishing her pancakes and going to rinse off her plate.
“(y/n), i’ll be in the pool. come get me when you’re ready to go!”
“thirty minutes after eating before you can swim!” susannah calls out to her, but belly was already gone. susannah shakes her head, but there’s a smile on that face. “that girl.”
soon enough, you and belly are in the car, her driving you both into town. the music was blasting and the windows were down, hair whipping everywhere, but neither of you cared.
“what do you have to get from town?” belly asks.
“some hair stuff and i wanna go to that one boutique we found last year and see if they have anything cute,” you reply. she grins.
“i completely forgot about that place!”
“me too until i was packing for this trip and found my skirt i got from there last year,” you and belly had always looked around different shops in town, mainly window-shopping and judging the clothes that were sold in those shops. they were so extremely over priced and half of them looked like something your grandmother would wear. that was, until last summer, when you found the most gorgeous hot pink skirt on a sale rack at a new boutique. you could not stop thinking about it after you left, so the next day you and belly went back so that you could buy it. you wore that skirt constantly. the thing you remembered most about it was the way that jeremiah had looked at you the first time you had worn it. he made you feel so special just from one look, so that skirt became a staple piece in your wardrobe after that. when you started dating peter, you stopped wearing the skirt. it was such a small, meaningless idea that he looked at you special when you wore a random skirt, but it meant a lot to you at the same time. enough that it felt like betrayal to pack the skirt to bring to cousins, so you left it at home.
you and belly spend the afternoon at the shops, picking out outfits for each other to try and laughing at the ridiculousness you put each other through. as you’re getting ready to leave, before she starts the car, belly turns to you. “(y/n).”
“what’s up bells?”
“have you noticed anything…different, about conrad?” she sounds hesitant to ask you, and almost whispers his name. you sigh.
“sorta,” you say. “i was talking to jere last night and he told me that things were weird with him. he doesn’t know why, but it’s been months. he quit the football team.”
“what!?” belly exclaims. “no way. he loves football, i thought he was gonna play in college.”
you shrug. “so did everyone. he just changed things out of nowhere. jere said that he won’t ever say anything and pretends nothing is wrong, but he hasn’t really tried talking to him. you know how guys are with each other. talking about stuff like that does not come easy.”
belly nods, staring down at the steering wheel. you touch her arm gently. “hey, maybe you should talk to him.”
“yeah bells. he’s happier around you, even if you don’t see it. maybe he’ll talk to you.”
she sighs. “i don’t know (y/n). he seems mad at me. like, every time we’ve talked, he is so different,” she glances over at you. “you know how i feel about him. i just…i hate the thought of losing him.”
“you won’t. i promise you, you won’t. he’ll open up. you sure as hell did not do anything wrong, it’s probably just something small he needs to work through. everything will work itself out.”
belly smiles at you gratefully. “thank you, (y/n). i think i would go crazy without you.”
“that is exactly what a big sister is for.”
she starts the car and begins to drive away. “so, another thing… do you think i should be a debutant?”
“a debutant?” you ask, shocked. “belly, when i was considering it last summer you seemed disgusted.”
“i know,” she sighs. “but susannah asked me to do it…and i know she was bummed when you didn’t do it last year so i just figured….” she trails off, but she didn’t have to finish. susannah had asked you last year to be a deb and you were going to do it, you really were. you even started looking for dresses and planning everything. that was, until jeremiah announced that he had no intention of ever being an escort to the deb ball. it had felt like such an indirect that it completely killed all of your interest in the ball. he was the only person you had even considered asking to be your escort, and he so openly hated the idea of being one, so you figured that was a sign that it wasn’t right for you. if you were honest, you always regretted it.
“you should do it,” you say after a while. “you’re right, it would make susannah happy. and i’m sure you’ll have no problem finding an escort. it’d be a lot of fun to watch.”
“you think so?”
belly nods, but doesn’t say anything, focusing on the road. you do the same thing, staring forward. part of you still wondered if jeremiah would have been your escort if you had asked. the other part of you hates yourself for thinking that you would be the exception.
later that night, you’re standing and staring at your closet, trying to figure out what to wear to the bonfire. you brought a few dresses and skirts, but suddenly, you hated everything you owned. this bonfire was super fun every year and the best way to start out the summer, so you felt so much pressure to pick out something cute.
“hey,” jeremiah appears in your doorway, ready to go. “you about ready?”
“yeah,” you sigh. “just gotta figure out what to wear.”
“hm,” he thinks for a second, walking towards your closet. “you still have that pink skirt from last summer? that was good.”
you look down. “uh, left it at home.”
“oh,” he says, a hint of disappointment in his voice. then, he clears his throat and turns his back to you, facing your clothes. he looks for a second before grabbing a blue sundress and handing it to you. “here. this is perfect.”
you look at the dress and smile. it was one of your favorite dresses, simple and comfortable but super cute. of course jeremiah would pick out a sundress for you to wear. he always claimed that girls in sundresses were his weakness.
“okay. get out so i can change,” you push him out the door and he laughs as you do, allowing you to close the door in his face. you change quickly and find a pair of sandals to go with the dress, check your hair and makeup one last time, then you went downstairs to meet everyone else. conrad and belly were sitting on opposite sides of the couch, steven in the middle of them (which looked like it was awkward for all three of them), and jeremiah sat in the chair by the couch, staring at his phone. when steven sees you come down, he shoots up from his seat and claps his hands. “alright! let’s get going! jere’s driving, i call shotgun!”
you make eye contact with jeremiah who smiles at you after looking you up and down. you feel yourself blush at his gaze. he always did this to you. you felt so special just by him looking at you. it was stupid, honestly. that’s just how he was.
the five of you pile out of the house and into jeremiah’s car, you, conrad, and belly squished into the back while steven and jeremiah sat in the front seat of the car, singing their hearts out to taylor swifts ‘cruel summer.’ they were insane when it came to her music, but neither of them would ever admit it.
as soon as you arrive at the beach, steven jumps out of the car. he’s halfway to the fire by the time you even open your car door, and conrad and jeremiah are following close behind him, leaving you and belly to walk down on your own. you glance over at belly, who is staring at the group of people on the beach, a nervous look on her face. you throw your arm around her. “it’ll be okay bells. it’s actually fun here, promise. just…don’t talk to anyone weird. or too old. and if you get uncomfortable just come find me. we’ll figure it out.”
she smiles at you gratefully. “thank you, (y/n). i’ll be okay. you go have fun with your friends.”
you squeeze her shoulder gently as your friend nicole waves you over. “love you bells.”
“love you too.”
you hurry over to nicole and hug her tightly. “oh, nicole! it’s so good to see you!”
“it’s so good to see you too!” she exclaims. as you pull away from the hug, she offers you a beer and you take it. “how have you been?”
“so good,” you tell her. “the school year was great and i actually have a boyfriend back home!”
“ohhh!!” nicole squeals. “what’s his name? how long have you been together? tell me everything.”
you fill her in on all of the details of your relationship, with her squealing excitedly at the end of almost every sentence. as soon as you finish talking, you feel a hand on your shoulder, and turn to see your friend shayla. it was your turn to squeal in excitement as you hug her tightly, then nicole does the same.
“shayla! i didn’t know you were coming this early!” nicole exclaims. shayla shrugs.
“yeah, mum and dad decided we’d come now rather than later,” shayla replies. “deb season, you know? they want me to be prepared.”
“oh, don’t remind me,” nicole sighs. “i’m helping as a big sister this year. i don’t know if i’m ready to go through it again.”
shayla laughs. “cant be that bad! at least, that’s what i’m telling myself.”
“do you know who’s gonna escort you?” nicole asks. shayla glances at you quickly.
“well, it’s so early, i don’t know…”
nicole scoffs. “shayla, you are the most prepared and efficient person i know. i know you have someone in mind.”
“well,” shayla gives you an embarrassed smile. “i was kinda thinking i would try to get to know steven more. see if he would escort me.”
both of the girls look at you, waiting for your reaction. usually, you hated when girls had a crush on your brother. at school, girls who did would try to become friends with you to get closer to him, and it was tiring. but this was different. shayla was one of the most kind, incredible people you have ever met. you knew she had no ill intentions. also, steven could use a good influence like her in his life. “that sounds like a great idea, shayla.” you say sincerely. she breathes an obvious sigh of relief.
“i’m so glad you said that,” she says. “i would never wanna pursue something if it meant it would hurt our friendship. no man is worth that.”
you nod. “you’re so right.”
nicole’s eyes drift over your shoulder. “i’m, uh…i’ll be right back.”
without either of you replying, she walks away. you watch her as she walks directly to conrad, who had apparently been by himself in that moment. you and shayla look at each other and laugh.
“she is so down bad for him,” shayla says. you nod.
“painful to watch sometimes.”
shayla laughs again. “well, i’ll see you later too, (y/n). i’m gonna go talk to steven.” you grin at her.
“have fun!”
as soon as she walks away and you’re left on your own, your phone buzzes. you pull it out to see a text from peter. finally. it had only been all day since you’d heard from him.
peter: been busy today babe sorry for not replying
peter: at party rn it’s super fun!
peter: look at this video lol there was a tall ass diving board i jumped in fully clothed
peter: (attachment, one video)
you smile at his messages and click on the video he sent you. it took a moment to load, but once it did, you almost dropped your phone in shock. it wasn’t a video of him jumping off the diving board. it was a video of him making out with a random girl. you watch in pure shock, unable to move. as the video goes on, you realize it wasn’t a random girl. it was cassie, your best friend. you watch the video closely, hoping for any sign that this was some sort of a dare or big joke, but there was nothing. they were just heavily making out, his hands up her shirt and her hands in his hair, and someone just happened to be filming on peter’s phone.
peter: oh shit
you stare at your phone for a full minute after the video ended, unsure what to do next. then, looking at your other hand, you knew. you chugged the rest of your beer, found a cooler, and chugged another one. when you started your third one, you felt a hand on your shoulder. “hey.”
you turn around to see jeremiah standing there, smiling at you. “you having fun?” he asks. you nod, chugging almost half of the new beer in one sip.
“so much fun,” you finish off the third beer and go to grab another one, but jeremiah grabs your hand.
“wait, be careful,” he says. “how many have you had?”
“that was like, my first,” you lie, opening a new beer. “don’t worry, jere. i’ll be fine. just having some fun.”
he stares at you, a concerned look on his face. “(y/n), you never drink like this. what’s going on?”
“nothing!” you say cheerfully. “just trying to start the summer out right,” you look around and see a group of people dancing nearby. you take a sip of your beer and motion towards them. “i’m going to dance.”
“(y/n),” jeremiah calls, but you were already stumbling away from him, towards the people dancing. shayla and steven were in that group, shayla doing more dancing than steven was, but both of them looking like they were having fun nonetheless. shayla grins at you as you approach, grabbing your free hand and spinning you around. you giggle and dance with her for a while, finishing off your beer as you do. you were definitely drunk at this point, which wasn’t hard for you, since you were a lightweight. at things like this, you usually stopped at one beer or seltzer, so you definitely were not used to four. it was good, though. it made you forget about peter and cassie betraying you.
it made you forget until now.
if you were honest, it didn’t surprise you as much as you thought it would. cassie had been the one to introduce you to peter, and she always had a weird connection to him. you almost felt stupid for not seeing this coming sooner. most of all though, you were just angry. angry at peter for leading you on and cheating on you. angry at cassie for supposedly being your best friend and then doing this the second you’re not in town. angry at both of them for ruining the one good thing you had in a long time. as you walk towards the beer cooler again, jeremiah catches up to you and grabs your arm, holding you back. “okay, no. i’m cutting you off, (y/n).”
“let go of me,” you grumble quietly, trying to free yourself from his grip, but he was much stronger than you. he grabbed your other arm so you were forced to face him.
“(y/n), what’s going on with you?”
“nothing!” you yell at him, catching the attention of a few people around you, but you were too far gone to care. “nothings going on with me! i’m just trying to have a good time, okay?”
jeremiah smiles awkwardly at a few people around you, trying to divert the attention away from the two of you. “i know you, (y/n). why are you acting like this? you’re never like this.”
“so what?” you say. “so what if i am?”
a few girls call jeremiah’s name and attempt to wave him over to them, but he ignores them. “come on, we should get you home.”
“i don’t wanna go home,” you say hardly, looking him in the eyes. he looks genuinely concerned for you. somehow, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. “i wanna stay here.”
“(y/n)…” he’s cut off by the sound of police sirens and people yelling and scrambling around to pick up the beer cans and leave quickly. jeremiah swears under his breath and grabs your hand, pulling you away from the beach. “guess you have no choice.”
the two of you run towards his car, following everyone else who was running away from the scene. you look around frantically, but can’t find belly, conrad, or steven. “jere, wait, where’s everyone else?”
jeremiah shakes his head. “i’ll find them in a second. gotta get you to the car.”
“but belly, jere,” you say. “she’s probably scared shitless.”
he shakes his head again. “she found someone to hang out with. i’m sure she’s with him. i’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“i’ll find her, (y/n).” he cuts you off. “just please get in the car first.” at this point, he sounds like he’s begging you. you look him in his eyes but have to look away quickly. the desperation in his expression was too painful to look at. you nod.
he squeezes your hand then opens the passenger door for you, allowing you to climb in. “i’ll be right back, okay? stay here.”
and with that, he’s running back towards the beach like he was superman. at that moment, it felt like he was, honestly. running back towards the cops in order to save everyone else. you weren’t sure that you knew many people who would do that. while you’re still alone in the car, you pull out your phone to finally reply to peter, who had texted you again, five times.
peter: (y/n) omg i’m so sorry
peter: wrong video but i swear it’s not what it looks like
peter: we’re both so drunk we were dared to do it and that’s why it was recorded
peter: please (y/n) please we didn’t mean it
peter: please believe me
you: fuck you
and with that, you block his number, and set your phone down. you wonder if you would have that much confidence if you were sober. you wonder if you would believe him if you were sober. it was a good thing that you weren’t, you figured. it was for the best. two months didn’t have to mean much, right? just a silly little mistake you made to date him that ended badly, but it didn’t matter, right? yeah your best friend betrayed you, but no worries, right?
suddenly, you realize that you are crying. sobbing, actually. uncontrollable sobs escape from your lips and you sit in the dark car, alone, sobbing your heart out. how was this fair? what did you do to deserve to lose your best friend and boyfriend all at once? the fact that if he hadn’t accidentally sent you that video then you never would have known made it worse. it made you wonder if this had been going on for a while, and he had just slipped up now. you could not stop crying.
even when the car doors opened and jeremiah slid into the seat next to you, you could not stop crying. he looks at you, shocked. “(y/n)?” he asks softly, unsure. the rest of the car is quiet, but you could feel everyone else’s presence in the backseat. you shake your head.
“i’m… i’m fine,” you say unconvincingly. “i’ll be, i’ll be okay.” you nod at jeremiah, who was staring at you with the same desperation on his face from before. he seems unconvinced, but starts the car, glancing at you again before he drives away. in the dark, he reaches over and grabs your hand, holding it tightly in his. you continue to cry silently for the rest of the ride home, squeezing his hand with both of yours.
533 notes · View notes
slippingkim · 8 months
how have you been? life has ben quite crazy here but im a survivor🤭!
when ever you feel ready and back into the groove with writing could you please write about Sunoo who was in previous relationship ( he broke up with reader ) so after a few years they spot each other at a store and Sunoo goes to greet reader only for the reader to look way more mature and grown. In the end somehow they end up have desperate sex , Sunoo telling reader how much he misses them?
- 🐍
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✦ an ex’s dream ✦
A/n: haiiii I’m good just my classes got a little overwhelming and family stuff and I saw enha on Wednesday so preparing for that was stressful too but I’ve adjusted!!
— ✰ nsfw|mdni
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, reader pov, manipulative-sn, cursing
pairings: dom!sunoo x subfem!reader
Writing time: two hours 🥲
Today you were shopping for a nice new cocktail dress at the mall, something you’ve done as tradition even before you and sunoo broke up two years ago, as a gift to yourself for the change in weather. You found a cute short black dress with rhinestone accents that matched perfectly with the silver heals you picked out earlier and put them on immediately. It felt a bit formal to only walk around the mall in but you felt pretty and that’s all that mattered in your opinion.
As for sunoo he was shopping for the new Prada drop that happened a couple days prior, a small messenger bag caught his eye along with a puffy beret and some sunglasses that he didn’t end put putting on. These picks satisfied his interest for shopping today since he wasn’t a big fan of the activity.
You two headed for the exit in the west wing of the mall when you saw him standing against the wall staring off, he looked breathtaking his hair slightly grew out framing his face perfectly his jawline was more defined since the last time you saw him and he looked significantly more fit your jaw was most definitely on the floor at this point.
Sunoo quickly snapped out of his zone to see you staring at him, your stare made him dizzy seeing your slim dress that showed your long legs and eventuated your boobs so well he almost fainted. Your hair was longer than last time as well, you looked like an angel in his eyes.
The truth was neither one of you ever really moved on from your previous relationship, it was a messy break up that left you two both missing a piece of your hearts this was the first time you two had seen each other in two and a half years what was the big deal in saying hi?
Sunoo walked over with a growing smile, while you stood with the same wide eyed stare. “Hey, y/n.. how’ve you been?”He said looking you up at down as a familiar heat grew inside him. “..I’ve been well” you said giving him a suspicious glare as the same heat grew inside you something you haven’t felt since you saw him last.
You two chatted for what felt like an eternity, reconnecting about anything and everything that’s happened in the past few years before he offered to show you his new apartment and new puppy named 시시 knowing whole heartedly that that’s not what he wanted to do at all. In his eyes you were just a gullible as before, falling into every one of his traps.
Sunoo drove you to his place, it was spacious and comfortable his puppy was cute too it was only about 5 months old which made you melt into a puddle it was almost like he got a dog just to lure you back in, which is something he’d definitely do.
“Did you miss me y/n?” He asked suddenly in a sort of manipulative manner. “I’ve moved on if that’s what you’re asking.” You said with confidence but sunoo could see right through that lie. “I bet I could make you miss me~?” He said walking behind you to hugging you from behind pushing his hard into your lower back, you were left speechless by this moment as your panties slowly moistened. His grip tightened around your waist as you let out a stained gasp. “..sunoo?” You said squirming in his forceful grasp, you couldn’t deny that you liked what he was making you feel but it all felt too soon.
He turned you to face him pushing you against the kitchen counter before crashing his lips into yours, kissing you hungrily like he’s been urning for this moment since the last time he’s saw you. Placing small bites on your lips as it felt like he was swallowing you whole, while you made muffled whimpers against his lips.
He began to trail up your dress, continuing the kiss tipping your head back slowly taking hold of your panties and pulling them to the floor. Letting go of the kiss as he unzips his own pants and pulling down his boxers revealing his erect veiny cock. You gulped nervously as he pulled you into a straddle on the kitchen counter.
His tip positioned at your entrance and entered you slowly making your mouth pour out with stained moans as he began to pound into you desperately. “..f-fuck s-sunoo” you said as he grazed your G-spot with every hard thrust. His soft grunts and flesh slapping against yours filled the room as he buried himself into your cunt, almost begging for a release.
“..I-I’ve missed your cunt so bad y/n~” you groaned breathlessly as his thrusts got slower, you could feel him twitching inside you he seemed to be edging himself just to feel more of you. His thrusts sped up again as he held you close to his chest, fucking you at a desperate pace once more.
You two were sweaty messes while sunoo still pounded into you making your hair stick to your face as you neared your end feeling yourself cum on sunoos buried cock when he pulled out as his length leaked cream all over your stomach, spewing like a small fountain.
You two panted as he put you back down to his feet your knees wobbled together, you grasped his chest for support. Kissing up his neck in approval for the last few minutes. “Please stay?” He asked softly, you nodded with a smile. Before he picked you put and took you upstairs to clean you and put you in a large t-shirt of his just like old times. “I love you sun..” you said with a warm smile almost like you two never broke up.
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sopiao · 10 months
hiiii! love your stuff >-<
could you please do the 141 boys + konig with chubby reader love please? i don’t see much on here and i’d love to see your work with this
thank you and have a great day/evening/night!!
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ehehehhe tysm. >:]
i’ll do the best i can!!
“Johnathan Price”
Every morning you two have the same routine. You wake up much earlier than him and get ready. By the time your husband wakes up there’s a fresh pot of coffee ready.
You’re leaning against the counter, sipping your mug while planning out the rest of the day. Thinking about timing and how long driving would take in between each errand and what should be first priority. Categorizing with importance and time. Very similar to Price as he’s always planning and thinking ahead.
Too busy in your own planning you don’t even hear the creaking of stairs and you husbands sleepy footsteps. He wraps his arms around you from behind and rested his chin on the top of your head. Surprising you as you almost drop your cup of caffeine.
“Mornin’ lovely” Price mumbles sleepily in your hair. Holding you tightly against him so your back is flush against his chest. He loves to roam his hands over your hips and curves them back at your stomach, what he loved the most.
Making you flush with how handsy and intimate he is even without it being sexual. Chuckling as you give him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Morning, hun” You hum back a response, giving him time to fully wake himself up before talking to him about today’s plans. Even when the two of you started to date he was very touchy and loved physical touch, wanting to hold whatever he can whenever he can.
At first it scared you, worried about what he thought when his hands roamed to your curves and pudge. But over time with enough reassurance and love you started to grow comfortable with it.
John would often would kiss your stomach when you two would start winding down for bed. He’d rest his head on your chest while his muscular arms wrapped around your stomach.
“Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish”
Johnny has been out since 6, out with his friend, which ended up at a bar. You weren’t worried since he texted you his location and he was with friends you both trusted. All you did was wait for him, his text or a text from his friend to inform you if you’ll have to pick him up or if he will just sleep over at a friends house.
You were sitting in your bedroom, reading a series that you’ve been working on finishing for about a month now. The door suddenly swinging open and your husbands loud yelling startled you.
“*hic* Heeeyy bubby” Johnny yelled, using a nickname he never used before, obviously intoxicated and drunk, he smelled it too. His words were slurred and uneven when he spoke, his accent not really making it easy for you to understand. You were never scared of him or worried about what he’d do since he was never a dangerous or mean drunk, more of a childish and out of control one.
“Johnny, how much did you drink?” You don’t even know why you asked, knowing that you won’t get a serious or straight answer. Immediately he plopped on the bed, scooting up next to you to lay on your lap.
“I love this” Soap cooed like a child, squeezing your thighs tightly like a kid’s favorite toy. Making you laugh at how direct he is. He acts as if he’s smooth with flirting and does it all the time, but whenever he’d try to out a move on you he’d stumble and stutter. You decided to let him rest for a while, noticing he left the door open, you got up.
“No” He answered, pulling you back down, dragging on down from sitting up to laying down. Nuzzling his face deeper into the split of your plush thighs. Making you laugh harder from amusement to instinct cause of how much it tickled. You protested, trying to wiggle away from his bear grasp.
Yelping in surprise when you feel a pinch on your thigh. Looking down you see Johnny withdrawing his mouth from your lap. A string of saliva connecting from your skin to his lip. A large, and obvious, bite mark, deeper indents on the edges from his canines.
“Johnny!” Scolding him. But it doesn’t work as he just smiles up at you, like a sweet, wide eyed, puppy that just chewed up your shoe. Leaning back down to cover the bite in soft kisses, knowing he might’ve messed up, he tried to soothe the red area.
“Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick”
Around the base you always preferred to wear form fitting clothing, it doesn’t snag on things as easy and gives you a better range of motion. Not too tight, not too loose. Although, it’s always a hassle to find the perfect jeans, not too restrictive on the ass but not too loose lower. Especially fabric that won’t rip or ware out on the inside part of the legs where your thighs often rub together when you walk.
At all times you have a belt that extend to a garter on your thighs for a gun holster, the straps couldn’t extend any further so you had to settle with it just constantly hugging your thighs. It just seems like too much to complain for a different one for it just to still be uncomfortable, garters are uncomfortable in general.
Whenever Gaz sees you trotting around base or crouch walking to sneak about during missions. His eyes always somehow wonder down to your round behind and plumpy thighs. He doesn’t know how it always happens, even when he tries so hard to distract himself.
Always watching how the fabric hugs your ass whenever he’s in front of you, which is why he always insists that you stand behind him. You always found it sweet and gentleman like, not knowing how shameful and guilty he feels each time he’s behind you. Even as your boyfriend he feels guilty for thinking and acting like a pervert.
“Can we…cuddle.. differently today?” Gaz immediately asked once he entered your room in a safe house. He knew he would be nervous to ask this since it’s a weird request but he wanted to get it over with if he was gonna get turned down. Thinking nothing of if you nodded, excited what your boyfriend had in mind.
You were laying on stomach already, scribbling in a small word search book you bought beforehand to keep you busy. Kyle mentioned how you wouldn’t need to move from the position you’re in now, which made you even more curious on what he had planned, but you didn’t worry since you trusted him.
“Are-are you comfortable like this?” Stunned as you stood still, too shocked to move. Laying on his stomach he had his arms wrapped around your backside in a way that his hands rested on your lower back. Relaxing his head on your pillow like bum.
“A-are you?” He stuttered, worried that he made you uncomfortable. Reassuring him that your okay with this, just wasn’t expecting it. Sitting in comfortable silence you tried your best to continue focusing on your word problems.
Wondering if Gaz was comfortable or at least comfortable enough to continue like this. You had nothing to worry about as Kyle was in heaven right now, his face buried in your soft, plump, bottom, focusing on your soft and tender the meat was under his face.
“Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley”
“Simon..” Whining his name to try and get his attention. His scarred hands held your face, your tears falling from your eyes to the side of his thumbs, as you sniffled, trying your best to hold in your tears. Ghost gave you that same stern, but in a soft way, glare. Squinting his eyes at you as he squished your cheeks.
“I’m fine” You tell him. But it goes through one ear and out the other. Knowing damn well that you can’t convince him otherwise. He had found you sobbing by yourself in your shared bedroom. Using his military interrogation techniques, the less harsh ones, he got the information out of you. Finding out that you had mistakenly seen him being followed by these tall, model bodied, girls from work.
“Bullshit” Simon cursed, he was never that good at verbal communication, especially verbal reassurance. This time it was different, it affected you so much that you hid it from him. You’re normally very open to talking to him about what bothers you, but this time you didn’t, you stayed quiet and even denied anything was wrong.
“Fuck..” He thought deeply but couldn’t think of anything to say that can soothe you that sounds right. Instead he leaned down, holding your plush cheeks in his hands and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. Humming softly in content. Then a kiss to your nose, to your forehead, cheek, other cheek. Slowly, he started peppering your face in kisses. Making you slightly scrunch your face in surprise, a nice surprise at that.
Ghost loves your cheeks, he loves squishing them, loves holding them. Kissing them before he leaves. And pinching them playfully when you’re being stubborn or crabby. Sometimes he’d even hold you’re face when it cold, using your warm cheeks as a personal hand warmer. One only he can hold and kiss.
“Fine, fine! You win!” You giggle at the affection, trying to push him away with your hands on his chest, knowing he can’t verbally speak his emotions out loud. Knowing this is his way of telling you that he loves you. Simon smiled, satisfied when your laughter hit his ears.
Ghost shakes his head, suddenly a growing urge beckons him to do what’s been on his mind. He abruptly but softly bit down on your cheek. To him it always looked like they tasted sweet, a pleasant kind of sweet like milk chocolate, and had a smooth texture, so the curious thought crossed his mind more than once, but was too chicken to do it since it does come across as weird.
Once he understood what he just did, he immediately retracted.
What the fuck.
You two stared at each other, blinking in silence. Trying to process what just happened. Usually it’s you that can turn a dull moment into a vibrant and lively one. This time it was Simon that switched the whole mood of the situation. Making you completely forget about what you were upset about.
Kilgore “König”
König is a very sleepy man. He gets tired very easily. If he’s full after a meal you two made he always takes a little nap, after training, post-work out, or maybe watching a very boring movie. He’s either drained in energy or needs a nap right away. Whenever he’s with you he always uses you as his own personal pillow.
After hours of doing errands and chores he comes home to take a nap, first thing he does. Bee lining his way towards the couch, where your watching TV. Doesn’t matter if there’s pillows closer to him, he sees you getting up to greet him with a hug, he doesn’t respond but instead lifts you up, one forearm under your butt, with your legs locked around him, and the other to support you back.
He lays you down on the couch, resting his head on your full chest. You can’t do anything but accept it. I mean, what else can you do? He’s too heavy to try and pry him off you. Either way you like this, no, love this. It’s always so nice to see that he’s comfortable with napping on or around you.
Giving him a little kiss on the head, you start to play with and twirl locks of his hair between your fingers. While he’s already snoozing away, nuzzling his face further into your chest. Arms wrapped around your chubby middle, holding you desperately close.
Whenever you two are cuddling together before bedtime, his most favorite way to fall asleep is with his head resting on your stomach, one hand on your ass and the other on your back.
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leavingsunsets · 1 month
Hi, Sen! I have a fanfic request here (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) Psst- Senku and Fem!Reader please
The set is an alternate universe where no mass-petrification ever happened. Instead shs Senku meets a new member (first year) of the science club, where she's passionately into nuclear and stuff (you could add any). The reader here's pretty shy and afraid of men but when it comes to Senku.. yk, love and simp, secret crush 🥺‼️I've had to mention it earlier tho, please make this fic fluff and cute 🩷
Thank you for your time, mind, and whatever it takes to make this fic. And please stay healthy 🩷
omg thank you for the request !!! like the scenario, and reader concept, and will do for cute and fluffy themes!! thanks thanks for the hearts !!!
"𝖲𝖼𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝖼𝗅𝗎𝖻 𝖻𝗎𝗌𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌."
[𝚏!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 & 𝚂𝚎𝚗𝚔𝚞 𝙸𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚒]
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Your first meeting wasn't much to talk about, other than the fact that Senku's pinned you as a little oddball. He still remembers your head just barely peeking into the empty room, flinching the moment you spotted him.
"Do you, uh, happen to know where the science club president is...?" A timid type, he sees. "That would be me. Anything you need?"
"Oh, uh, just my form."
"Ah, the membership form," pulling off his gloves, he approaches. When you hand it over, his eyes skim over it. "Ah, a junior." He folds the paper, smirking. "Well aren't you eager. Weren't these just passed out today?"
A little tense, you rub your arm. "Ah, yeah. I just, wanted to get a spot, I guess."
He assumed you would've been a more quiet member, working off on the side with your own little experiments. Which, you were, at first. Tinkering with microscope and the like.
"Radiation?" he queries, which makes you jolt. You hadn't noticed him. Following his gaze, you see that he's checking out your notes.
"Uhm, yes. It's just for my research..." you mumble, pulling away from the microscope.
"I see. Into atomics, ey?" Chuckling, he turns to walk back to his own project. "School materials aren't quality enough for that kind of science, junior."
You rub your arm. "Well... I'm only studying about it now.. I'm not ready for experimenting until I know everything about it."
His lips quirked slightly, "Smart. Good plan."
Since then, he's always been aware of that constant student by the club room's window. In her own world, barely talking if unneeded. Of course, Senku wasn't dumb. Based on his observance, you've always been stiff around him, or the guys who even so much as breathe near you. Odd behavior, but it doesn't hinder you, or others, so, he leaves it alone.
When you started approaching him more, he didn't mind.
"Senior, since you know more about this, I wanted to ask if you could teach me...?"
"Senior, here, I'll help."
"Senior, I just wanted to ask if I could conduct this experiment in the lab?"
It wasn't really anything strange for him. In fact, he thought it was great improvement. He encouraged it, even.
And so, here you were, clutching the wrapped bento in your sweaty hands. It was just you and him again, with the others so eager the moment the bell rang.
"I'm going for a drink," he breaks the silence, taking off his safety gear. At this, you jump for the chance.
"Wa- Senior, wait!"
He pauses, looking at you. "Hm?"
With the weight of his eyes on you, your heart beats a little faster in nervousness. This was nervewracking, you were starting to regret it a little. However...
'Come on. It's now or never. You know how busy he always is.'
"I notice you usually spend lunch in the clubroom... So..."
You hold it out to him, shakily. Too nervous, you look elsewhere, too scared to look at his face.
It was quiet. For a little while. But every second for you felt like an eternity.
Senku chuckles. Caught off guard, you look up.
"You got a crush on me or something, junior?" he jests, running a hand through his hair. And you, simply, erupt into a vivid scarlet.
"N-No!" You fluster, gesturing wildly. "I just, I thought you'd want some lunch, cuz I see you everydayandmaybeyou-"
"Calm down, it was just a question."
You hang your head once more in embarrassment.
"But," he says,
"I appreciate it."
His smile is soft, and voice placid, all of a sudden. The light from the window only highlights it, only giving the empty room a bright glow. This felt like some kind of shoujo moment.
It shocked you a little. Knowing his personality, you expected obvious discomfort, maybe even a harsh rejection. You're snapped out of your thoughts when he's already turned for the door, bento taken.
Your eyes linger on the door that slides close.
Yeah. Maybe you do have a crush on him.
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Remember You Even When I Don't (8)
Summary: A training accident, the doctor had told him. A nasty one that led him here, laying in a hospital bed with a splitting headache and an inability to remember the woman sitting beside him. What he did know, though, was that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you felt important to him. That, as it turns out, would become an understatement.
Words: 5.5K
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw/Reader (no use of y/n, so can be read as unnamed oc)
Warnings: angst, hospitals, memory loss, language, suggestive themes, smut
Notes: Please note the updated warnings. These next few chapters are a new stage of Bradley and Pumpkin growing back together, and while I'm very excited about it, I know it may not be for everyone. For everyone who sticks around, please continue to comment and reblog, and my inbox is always open! I love to talk about these two :)
This was inspired by a one shot by the lovely @roosterforme and would not exist without her assistance. If you haven't read any of her stuff, please check out her masterlist - you won't be disappointed! All of the thanks to her and @mak-32 for being the best cheerleaders and friends I could ask for!
You’re working today. You hadn’t wanted to, but a local congresswoman you had requested an interview with months ago finally agreed to a conversation in her office, and Bradley wouldn’t let you pass it up. It was only for a few hours, but he finds himself missing you while you’re gone. 
This is the first time he had really been alone in the house for a long period of time since he got back from the hospital a month ago, and he didn’t quite know what to do with himself. He had tried to read a book, or get lost in a movie, but nothing had really kept his attention. He was laying on the couch, the news on the tv in the background, aimlessly scrolling through his phone. He hadn’t fully dove into all that it contained, and he figured now was the time to do it, even if you weren’t here to answer any questions that he might have. 
It’s interesting, seeing himself this way. Groupchats where he was an active participant, talking about parties or plans he has no recollection of, or discussing flight schedules for the week. He swaps Star Wars and Harry Potter trivia with Fanboy and gym regimes with Hangman and sends music back and forth with Coyote.  
When he opens the text thread he has with you, the only one pinned to the top of his messages, his breath catches at the last message received. 
 I love you so much. Please don’t leave me.
It was sent the day of his accident, and he knew by the time stamp that it was sent after the crash. You must have texted that to him while you were waiting for news on his condition, and not for the first time, he feels both guilt and gratitude go through him; he’s so sorry that he’s hurt you like this, but he’s so glad he’s here now. 
He scrolls for a while, reading you rambling to him about your work day and bouncing ideas for articles off of him, jumping from one topic to the next while you know he’s in the air or teaching a class so he doesn’t have his phone on him. Based on his responses that come later on, he knows he never minded the almost nonsensical messages. Even now, he finds it adorable and enjoys reading through them. There are conversations about dinner and what true crime documentary the two of you were going to watch that weekend. 
There’s a little bit of everything in these messages between the two of you, but his brow furrows when he gets to a point about a week before his accident. 
I’m on my way home, he had texted you, You better be ready for me, Pumpkin. 
He scrolls further up, trying to find the beginning of the conversation that led to that, and he almost wishes he wouldn’t have. 
You had texted him earlier that morning, when he barely must have left the house to go to base, a picture of you. There was a playful smirk on your lips, and you had what looked to be the cap from his formal dress whites perched crooked on your head. That in and of itself wasn’t what made his breath hitch, though. It was the fact that you were still in bed, your arm draped over your chest where he could see everything but everything, you hanging onto only a single shred of decency. 
Fly well today, Lieutenant Commander. 
It had descended into a day full of teasing from there, each message dirtier than the one before. Descriptions of what you wanted him to do to you and him warning you of what he would do when he got his hands on you. He feels flushed all over, but he keeps scrolling up. He bypasses recipes you wanted his opinion on and a reminder of what the Hulu password was, and eventually finds more pictures. Some are more risque than others, but all of them make him feel like the temperature in the room rose by multiple degrees. 
There’s a tickle in his brain again, and he finds himself closing the messaging app and going to his photo albums. There’s a locked album there, and he knows, he just knows what it’s going to contain. 
He shouldn’t. He knows that he shouldn’t. It feels like a strange invasion of privacy. But he’s wracking his mind to try and remember what the code would be to get into it anyway, and he curses when he gets it wrong first once, then a second time. He enters your birthday on the third attempt and groans out loud when he’s immediately met with the filthiest images he’s ever seen. 
It’s a whole gallery of you, or the two of you together, and Bradley can’t stop himself from looking. He bites his lip as he takes in the photos, his mind so overrun with thoughts of how fucking stunning you are that he can barely think straight at all. 
He stops at one in particular, clicking to enlarge it, and loses all thoughts entirely. Neither of your faces are in it, but he doesn’t need to guess that it’s the two of you. You’re sitting back against his chest, his ankles hooked over your legs, forcing them wide for him. He can see your nails biting into his thighs, but it’s his own hand that draws his attention. With the hand that’s not taking the selfie style photo, his fingers are gliding through the wetness gathered between your legs. You shine against the dark wedding band on his left land, one that’s noticeably absent from his finger now. He’s practically panting as he stares. 
He’s so hypnotized by the way the two of you look together that he doesn’t hear the garage door open or the sound of you walking into the house. 
Your voice makes him jump so high that his phone goes flying out of his hand, a curse leaving his lips. He scrambles to pick it up when he sees you reaching for it as well, and your eyebrows are raised high as you look at him in surprise. 
“Hey,” his voice cracks, higher pitched than normal, and he blushes. Your eyebrows raise a little bit higher. “Hi, sorry. Didn’t hear you come in.” 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yup,” he nods, faking a cough so he could try to clear his throat, his face flushed. “Totally fine.” 
It’s not difficult to see how skeptical you are, and it’s hard for him to maintain eye contact with you and not let his eyes flicker down your body now that he has an idea of what rests underneath the smart dress you wore. 
You eye him suspiciously, “Are you sure?”  
He contemplates for a moment, trying to figure out a way to get himself out of this conversation, because the longer you looked at him like that the hotter he became under the collar. He took a deep breath, nodding again. 
“I was looking at messages and pictures,” he says all in one breath, not liking the idea of completely lying to you. He rationalized that a different version of the truth was okay, even as the pictures flashed in his mind again. “Trying to see if anything jogged my memory.” 
You search his eyes, and he tries his best to appear innocent, willing the hardening in his jeans to go down before you took notice. He suspected you already might have from the hint of a blush on your cheeks. “Did it?” 
If he thought hard enough he swore he could almost feel you. Your back against his chest, how soft your inner thighs left. How warm your wetness felt against his fingers as he took you to the edge. 
“No,” he stutters out after a moment, shaking his head, his face burning, “nothing yet.” 
He finds himself rubbing his thumb against the fading tan line on his left ring finger, something he had seen you do time and time again. He hadn’t really wondered up until this point where his ring was, but ever since he saw the picture with it so clearly against your skin, he couldn’t get it out of his head. 
He’s helping you in the kitchen a few days later, mesmerized as always by how efficient and easy you made everything look. You roll your eyes when he comments on it.
“It’s cookies, Bradley. Nothing fancy.”
“But they’re from scratch. The dough isn’t pre-made. That’s fancy!” 
You laugh at him in response, shaking your head. You take the rings on your left hand off, sitting them beside the sink as you wash your hands before the two of you get started. It raises the subject back to the forefront of his mind. He had been desperate to ask you for the last few days, but hadn’t built up the courage to do it. But he can almost feel it on his finger now, can feel a ghost of your fingers as you slide it into place, and it’s suddenly more of a need to know. 
“Can I uh…can I ask you something?” 
“Of course.” 
“What happened to my wedding ring?” 
You pause from where you’re cracking an egg into the mixing bowl, your eyebrows raised high. You set it down gently, turning to face him. 
“Does it bother you…that I wear mine, still?” 
“No!” he insists, hating even the idea of you taking it off. “It doesn’t bother me at all. I promise. We just have never acknowledged mine? I know that I wear one - I remember wearing one, and I’ve seen it in pictures, too.” 
“You love your ring,” you tell him softly, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. 
“We don’t have to talk about it,” he says, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. But you give him a small smile, though he can see the pain in your eyes, and shake your head. 
“You don’t fly with it on,” you explain, “you tried, at first, but you had been flying so long without anything on your hands that you couldn’t get used to it being there when you were operating the controls.” 
He thinks for a moment and the words come to him slowly. “You were the one who told me to start taking it off when I fly.” 
“I was.” 
Your lips quirk and you shrug. “I’m more worried about you flying safely than wearing your ring at all times. You keep it in one of the pockets of your flight suit when you go up in the air now.” 
Of course you were more worried for him. He should have expected nothing less from you and the way you effortlessly care for him. He can also picture that, he thinks. It’s easy to imagine not wanting to be separated from the physical reminder that he belongs to you, so even if he couldn’t wear it, he’d at least have it on him, in the inner chest pocket right above his heart. 
“So..” He doesn’t quite know how to ask his question, but you must read it on his face. 
You twist your own ring on your finger in the way you always seemed to do to center yourself. Pain flashed across your face and Bradley knew you were remembering, too. “They uh..they had to cut your flight suit off, before you went into surgery. You weren’t breathing and were bleeding…” you cut yourself off, squeezing your eyes shut and shaking the visual from your head. “But it was still in your pocket. So. I have it.” 
He sets down the bag of chocolate chips he had been holding and walks the few steps to where you’re standing at the counter. When he holds his arms open, you don’t hesitate to step into them. He presses a kiss to the top of your head as he breathes in your scent. 
“I’m so sorry I put you through that,” he whispers into the strands of your hair, and he feels the way you squeeze him in response. 
“You’re okay now,” you speak into his chest, and he thinks he might feel you press a kiss there, directly over the spot where that inner pocket of his flight suit would be, where he kept you when he had no other choice. 
The two of you stand there wrapped up together for a long moment. When you lift your head, your eyes are glassy, but you give him a smile and a small kiss to his lips. 
Later, after the cookies have been made and devoured, you join him on the back porch. You had taken to sitting on the swing together and when you sit beside him tonight, he sees you rolling something between your fingers. His breath catches when he sees exactly what it is. You’re staring at it too, your gaze intense and pondering. He doesn’t speak, not quite knowing what to say. Eventually, you break out of your haze and meet his eyes. 
“You don’t have to put it back on,” you tell him, holding your hand out to him. His wedding band sits on your palm, shining against your skin. For a moment he sees you in white standing right in front of him, wildflowers in your hair.  
His fingertips brush yours when he takes it from you, admiring the piece of jewelry he wasn’t aware that he missed until it was back in his possession. 
“But it’s yours. I want - I want you to have it.”
He rolls it between his fingers, contemplating for a moment. He swallows, suddenly overcome with emotion he hadn’t seen coming and that tingling that’s starting to become familiar to him. You had picked it out yourself and he knows when he looks, he’ll see an engraving of your initials beside his. He was always so proud to be able to wear this, knowing that it symbolized being with you, a small way of telling anyone who saw it that he was lucky enough to be your husband. 
But he wasn’t him - not yet, not completely. Everyday brought him closer to thinking that he could be, though.
“Pumpkin, I…” he trailed off, not sure what to say. 
“Hey,” you murmur, cupping his cheek and turning his head to meet your eyes. You didn’t look mad, or upset, and you’re giving him the gentlest, kindest look anyone ever had. But your eyes didn’t hold pity or sympathy either - just a trust and love that he’s still not sure what he could have ever done to deserve. “Whenever you’re ready. And if you never are-” 
“I will be,” he cut you off; he wanted nothing more than to be ready. “I just…I still have something to prove to myself.” 
You nod, and Bradley leans forward to kiss you softly. He leaves his forehead pressed against yours when he pulls away, relishing in the calm you brought him. 
“I’ll get there,” he says, “I promise.” 
He’s spent time alone, but he hasn’t spent time away from you with other people. He’s hesitant to accept the invite from Mav to visit the hanger he had here. But planes and his godfather had been a staple of Bradley’s childhood, an influence on his whole life, really. He had been cleared to drive earlier in the week, so that Saturday, he leaves early. He’s anxious at the thought of being away from you but he knows that the him from before wouldn’t have said no to the invitation and he was so determined to get back to who that was. And he knows that you have a life outside of taking care of him, too. You’re getting brunch with Nat and Coyote’s wife later and he knows you’re excited, even if you hung onto him a little bit longer than a normal hug when he said goodbye. You had made him promise that he would call you if he needed anything and the whole way to the desert, his fingers twitched, wanting to call you just to hear your voice. 
Mav greets him with a large smile and a tight hug, “I’m glad you could make it.” 
“Me too,” Bradley says. He means it, even if he does miss you already. He looks around the hanger, taking note of the few planes and motorcycles throughout the long stretch. It was a lot more than the collection he had when Bradley was 17. “What are we working on today?” 
Mav gives him his signature grin. “I want to show you something.” 
He follows him to the end of the hanger, where a large blue tarp is covering what can’t be anything but a plane. His godfather gestures to it. Bradley raises an eyebrow but walks up to it, grabbing hold of the tarp and yanking it back. Like he suspected, he’s greeted by a Cessna. It’s a classic 172 by the looks of it, a smaller four seater. It’s a sleek white in color with subtle burnt orange line work. Bradley whistles. It was beautiful in a way that only planes like this could be. 
“When’d you get this one?” 
Mav smirks, shaking his head. “I didn’t.” 
“Take a look at the other side.” He nods his head, urging Bradley forward. Confused and intrigued, he follows the instructions, walking around to the other side of the small plane. He gets what Mav was saying, then, and sucks in a breath. Right there emblazoned on the side, in an elegant script, was Pumpkin.
This wasn’t Mav’s plane; it was his. 
“You got her about six months ago,” he says softly when he joins him at his side. 
Bradley reaches up and runs his fingers over the name. It’s foggy, but he thinks he can remember now. He had always wanted to own his own plane since the first time his godfather took him up in one at 6 years old. It was always a pipedream, though. He was never in one place for long enough, and while he was generally good with saving money, it was a bigger purchase than he had ever made. But then the two of you got married and a permanent station here in California. Between both of your savings and what he still had of his parents life insurance, the funds were there. It was you who had made the suggestion of finally pulling the trigger, and it was him who had suggested a four seater instead of a two seater so that if the two of you ever had children, you could all fly together. You cried when he showed you the name he had painted on it. 
“Still needs some work done before she’s flyable. I thought maybe you’d want to work on it today.” 
An eager smile appears on his face and he nods, already peeling his jacket off and heading toward the toolbox. If Mav noticed that he didn’t need to instruct him on where it was, he didn’t comment on it. 
The two work in tandem for hours. It had only been six weeks since his accident, but he couldn’t recall a time since flight school that he had gone this long without being near a plane and it felt good doing so again. It’s easy, getting into the rhythm of twisting bolts and tinkering with the engine wires. He thinks it won’t be long until he can get this cleared to go in the air and he knows without a doubt that you’re going to be the first passenger. 
His phone buzzes in the early afternoon and he doesn’t hesitate to put down the wrench he was working with and dig it out of his jeans pocket. You had sent him a selfie earlier when you had gotten to brunch, sunglasses on and a bright smile on your face with a mimosa in your hand, and he hoped it was another picture. His eyebrows furrow when he sees it’s Phoenix calling him, instead. He picks up, bringing the phone to his ear. 
“Your wife got stung by a bee. We’re on our way to the hospital.” 
He can feel the dread as it settles over him. His heart beats faster in his chest. “What?” 
She sighs on the other line, and he can hear commotion in the background. “She’s severely allergic, Rooster. We sat outside at brunch and we didn’t even realize it happened at first. She didn’t have her epipen on her so we had to call an ambulance. She’s going to be fine, but you should get here anyway, okay?” 
He feels like he can barely breathe, like the room is closing in on him a little bit. Mav must notice the panic written all over him because he’s quick to come over and take the phone out of his hand, taking over the conversation. He can barely hear him over the roaring in his head. You were hurt. He knew you were extremely allergic to bees. That was something he had remembered. You were supposed to carry an epipen on you at all times. He can’t remember if you’d ever gotten stung when he was there. He can’t remember how bad it got if you ever were. But now you were in the back of an ambulance and on your way to a hospital and he could feel his fear all the way down to his bones. 
“Bradley, hey. Look at me.” 
Mav is in front of him, hands gripping his shoulders. He meets his eyes and tries to breathe, but all he can see is you, struggling to catch a breath and being loaded into the back of an ambulance. 
“I’ll drive, okay? Let’s go.” 
He follows him to the car, not really calculating anything other than the fact that he was almost an hour away from you and what if there was traffic and why didn’t you have your epipen on you? 
“She’s going to be okay.” 
“Phoenix said the paramedics administered epi as soon as they arrived, and it didn’t take them long to get to her. She was awake and was already breathing easier when they left for the hospital. Didn’t even need to use the sirens.” 
That doesn’t make him feel better. Not really. Knowing that trained professionals weren’t panicking must have meant that you were okay, but he knows how serious anaphylaxis is, too. 
He can’t reconcile everything that he’s feeling right now. He has never, ever felt like this before. The thought of something happening to you is scarier than any mission he had ever been on, any enemy he had encountered in the air. 
“Mav I can’t - I can’t lose her. I just got her.” 
“You aren’t going to.” 
Bradley doesn’t say anything, can’t think of a single thing to say, and instead buries his head in his hands from his spot in the passenger seat. You were going to be okay. You had to be okay. Because he may not remember everything about the two of you, but he did know for certain that if something ever happened to you, he would never, ever recover from it. 
He doesn’t wait for Mav once they get to the hospital, the older man opting to drop him off at the front before going to find parking. He’s practically sprinting as he goes through the emergency room doors and vaguely, he remembers you telling him about the time this happened before, when you took yourself to the hospital and ended up needing surgery. He can almost feel that panic now, and it makes what he’s already feeling worse. 
“Can I help-“
“I’m looking for my wife. She was brought in because of a bee sting-“
“She’s really allergic and-“
“Sir!” The nurse behind the counter snaps, raising her voice over his to get through to him. “I need your wife’s name if I’m going to find her for you.”
Oh. Yes, he thinks, your name. They need your name. 
It’s the first time he’s said your full name, and your first and his last name feel so right coming off his tongue. But he can’t focus on that right now, giving all of his attention to the nurse who is typing so slowly. 
Before she can even hit enter, though, he hears his callsign echo behind him. He spins, heart racing with anxiety, and spots Nat making her way over to him. She gives the annoyed nurse a kind, charming smile as she grabs Bradley by the arm 
“Sorry about him, ma’am. I got him from here.”
She pulls him away without another word, heading toward the hallway off the packed waiting room. 
“Is she okay? Nat, is-“
“She’s fine, Rooster. Coming down from the adrenaline rush that the epinephrine gave her, but she’ll be okay.”
“What about-“
Nat stops in front of a closed door, lowering her voice. “Bradley. She’s okay.” 
He’s pushing past her before she even finishes, spotting you on the bed through the glass and half drawn curtain. You look so small amongst the crinkly white sheets, still in the clothes you wore to brunch. Your makeup is a bit smudged and your eyes are red and he hates to think that you were scared enough to start crying. You’re holding an oxygen mask in your hand at your side. 
“Hi baby.” Even your voice sounds more pitched. He’s quick to make it to your side. 
Your breathing is slightly elevated, and the heart monitor is beating a little bit faster than he thinks is normal. He grabs the hand holding the mask, placing it over your mouth to start providing you with the supplemental air again. You make a small sound of surprise, but take in a deep breath of it anyway before pushing his hand away. 
“I’m okay.”
But your hands are shaking and your eyes are wider than normal. The skin that he can see is splotchy with hives. 
He looks back at Nat, who is still hovering in the doorway, an eyebrow arched and a small smirk on her face. He ignores the look. “Can you grab a doctor?”
You protest from the bed, but Bradley doesn’t waiver. With a fond roll of her eyes, Nat disappears from view. 
“Bradley. Sweetheart.” You grip his wrist, trying to get him to focus on you. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m fine.”
“You’re in the emergency room because you went into anaphylactic shock. You are not fine.” 
“But I am,” you insist, smiling softly at him, even as your body trembles as it works to burn through the adrenaline that was injected into it, “medicine worked just fine.” 
The door slides open before he can respond, an attending doctor who looks like he’s been up for longer than is healthy and in wrinkled green scrubs introducing himself as he walks in.
“Is she okay?” Bradley demands immediately, and the tired man looks startled for a moment at how abrupt the question was. Bradley stares at him, his eyes wide and unblinking as he waits for the answer. His heart is still pounding in his chest. He feels you tangle one of your hands with one of his and he squeezes back when he feels the pressure from you. He knows you’re trying to reassure him. 
“And you are…?” 
“I’m her husband,” he answers easily, the words falling off his tongue like he had said them a thousand times before. You suck in a small breath and tighten your grip on his hand again. 
“Ah,” the doctor hums, flipping through the chart he’s holding. Bradley wonders if all non-military hospitals move this slowly or if it was just because of how anxious he is at this moment, but he really, really needs him to answer his question. 
“Is she okay?” he repeats. 
“Bradley,” you murmur, but he keeps his eyes trained on the man in the scrubs and white coat. 
“She responded well to the epinephrine that was administered by the paramedics who brought her in,” he finally says, looking up from the chart and taking a step toward your side. He stops when he sees that Bradley doesn’t move an inch. He sighs, switching direction to go to your other side instead. “How are you feeling Mrs. Bradshaw?”
You answer his questions as they come, Bradley paying rapt attention the whole time. Your throat doesn’t feel tight anymore. You aren’t lightheaded, but you do feel a little shortness of breath. You feel jittery - wired, almost. You’re both assured that it’s completely normal as the drug works its way out of your system. They can give you something to try and calm you down, and they want you to stay for a few hours to make sure you don’t go back into the allergic reaction once the epinephrine has worn off. The thought makes his blood run cold. 
“Should she stay overnight?” he asks, but the doctor shakes his head no. 
“The standard observation timeslot should be just fine, Mr. Bradshaw. But we’ll make sure you both know what to look out for when you leave.” 
He walks out without saying much else. Bradley feels you tug on his hand, his name leaving your lips in a whisper. He meets your gaze and he watches as your eyes soften even more. 
“Sit down, honey.” 
He listens to you, dragging the chair beside your bed as close as possible. He rests his elbows on the mattress beside you, holding your hand tightly between both of his. 
“I’m okay,” you repeat again.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your fingers and taking a deep breath. “I…this really scared me.” 
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” you say softly, running your thumb over one of the hands holding yours, soothing the skin and helping his racing heart. Your touch is like magic to him, providing an almost instant calm that he desperately needed. Guilt curled in his stomach, knowing that even now, you’re the one helping him. 
“I should be the one comforting you, not the other way around.” 
“We comfort each other, baby. That’s how this works.” 
“Why didn’t you have your epipen on you, Pumpkin? Don’t you normally carry it?” he asks quietly, a touch of urgency still in his tone. He couldn’t stop thinking about what would have happened if you were alone and this happened, with no one around to call 911. He could have lost you, all over a silly little bee sting, and he can’t wrap his mind around that. He just got you. He had had you, he knew. But he was just getting you back. 
“I switched bags this morning and forgot to take it out of the pocket of the old one, I guess. I haven’t had to use one since college. I forget about it, sometimes.” 
He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to rid himself of the worst case scenarios. He’s the one that normally reminds you to always have it on you, he thinks. He vaguely recalls having a spare in the glove compartment of the Bronco, and in the drawer in the kitchen and maybe one in the bedroom, too. 
Not for the first time, he curses his memory and the accident that took it from him. 
When he opens his eyes, his look is intense, “Never again, okay?” 
“Okay,” you say, but Bradley shakes his head. 
“No. Promise me. Please?”
Your lips part and you stare at him for a long moment. His gaze never waivers from yours. He needs you to listen to him. To hear him. 
“I promise,” you finally whisper. 
He rises from the chair, pressing a kiss to your lips. He keeps his forehead against yours, breathing you in. 
“Will you lay with me?” You ask quietly, shy in a way reminiscent of when you asked him to say I love you on the porch all those weeks ago. He hates that you felt you even needed to ask. 
With no hesitation, he maneuvered himself into the small bed beside you. He kisses your forehead once, twice, three times, holding you as tightly as he could. Your body still gave the occasional tremble but they had lessened now, your breaths coming a little bit easier, and he felt the tightness in his chest ease. 
“Sorry for being a mess,” he whispers into your hair. 
“Don’t,” you whisper back, and he feels you shake your head from where it’s tucked into his chest. “It means you care.”
The words are there, right on the tip of his tongue, but he can’t say them, not yet or here. You deserve more than a frantic hospital room confession.
Part Nine :: Series Masterlist :: Main Masterlist
Notes: I hope you liked this one! We're nearing the end, but I think everyone is really going to like the next chapter. Would love to hear any thoughts you may have :)
Tag List: @roosterforme - @mak-32 - @hoyaharper - @wildxwidow - @gretagerwigsmuse - @bradshawburner - @iamaslytherin0 - @lilyevanswhore - @too-fangirl-to-fuction - @fav-fanficssss - @benhardysdrumstick - @fandomxpreferences - @acatwriteshere - @1234-angelika - @double-j - @cocoskween - @sunflowersteves - @teacupsandtopgun - @littlezee80 - @sometimesanalice - @je-suis-prest-rachel - @khaylin27 - @infamous-reindeer - @hotch-meeeeeuppppp - @sarahjoestewy-blog - @sunnysidesidra - @notroosterbradshaw - @yanna-banana - @inthestars-underthesun -@avengersfan25 - @wkndwlff - @zbeez-outlet - @lt-spork - @indynerdgirl - @loveforaugust - @mssleepy876b
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wlwprker · 15 days
coming out- s.r. x gn!reader
a/n: this is my first time writing for gn! reader so i apologize if it's not great! In honor of pride month coming up, I wanted to write a little blurb of reader coming out as bi to spencer, ik some people don't have the best experiences w/ coming out so i hope this provides you with comfort! I want every single one of you reading this to know that no matter how you identify, you are VALID and loved :) bi!reid is real to me !!
warnings: insecurities, self-doubt, i didn't proofread too much sorry for grammar or spelling mistakes!! bold and italics! lowercase intended
wc: 913
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you always knew you were different than most people your age in almost every single way. you didn't like parties, you found peace within the pages of a book rather than at a bass boosting party with alcohol and strangers compacted into one area. you liked the rain especially the petrichor that the rain provided, it was peaceful.
however, you could get lost in your own head just thinking about anything and everything. today's topic that was plaguing your mind was your sexuality, a very touchy subject. you knew so many people who knew who they were at the start but that was just not you, you found people attractive which is normal, but it wasn't until high school that something had changed, and you weren't prepared for it, so you pushed it down so far that you thought it wasn't real.
it was very real. you thought the way you felt for your friend was a platonic feeling but it wasn't. you daydreamed about them, being with them, wanting to cross the line of friendship. you yearned for them and every single conversation, meaningless touch, every look...it drove you crazy.
so now all that repressing has come back to the surface all these years later and you're forced to address these feelings, emotions and thoughts all at once. what scared you more than anything was having to come out, that was something that you never have had to do before.
naturally, your mind shifted to spencer. you haven't been together long, but you hoped he wouldn't look at you differently or treat you differently, it terrified you. it was way too early in the morning for this, you had to get ready for work, spencer always was up earlier than you, so he wasn't home. you sighed and shook off your thoughts as you got ready and grabbed breakfast and coffee and headed to work.
you both worked at the BAU, and you both knew it was risky to be together because of what the job entailed but spencer and you wanted to take that risk. work was a good distraction from being stuck inside your head, you could use something to push those thoughts far away.
however, spencer knew you like the back of his hand, he knew something was wrong, but you had to be in the briefing room for a case, he would find time to talk to you. the case was a rough one to put it lightly, everyone felt drained mentally and emotionally which just added more thoughts to your head.
"you're not sleeping?", spencer said quietly so he wouldn't startle you. you shrugged and avoided his eyes because you knew if you looked in his eyes, his eyes would be asking you to talk to him, you can't, not yet.
spencer noticed the way you didn't look at him and his eyebrows furrowed in worry, he knew you didn't want to talk but there was clearly something circling in your mind.
the jet ride back to the office was quiet, very quiet. as soon as the jet landed, you grabbed your stuff and waited for spencer. spencer packed his stuff and put an arm around your waist, and you started to walk towards the parking lot, but spencer softly guided you to the empty briefing room.
"spencer, what are we doing in here?", you asked curiously. he didn't answer he just looked at you, waiting for you to meet his eyes.
"what is running through that mind of yours?"
you didn't answer and spencer lifted your chin up with his finger, so you were now looking at him. "there's that pretty face!"
you couldn't fight the smile that appeared on your face. spencer always knew how to lift your spirits no matter what. it was one of the endless reasons why you adore him so much, you are so grateful to have someone who cares for you as much as he does.
"it's nothing, it's stupid"
"if it's bothering you, it's not stupid", spencer whispered, and you knew that you couldn't keep it in anymore, it was spencer, he has never judged you.
"i just don't want you to think about me differently"
spencer's heart twisted in pain at the mere thought that you were worried he would think of you in a different way. "sweetheart, there is nothing that you could do or say that will change the way i feel about you"
you took a deep breath and played with your necklace as you worked up the courage to finally speak. "i'm bisexual and i've been driving myself absolutely crazy because I didn't want you to like think of me or treat me differently. not that you would but i get so lost in my own head and i was just so scared that i-" spencer cut off your rambling by grabbing your face in his hands and kissed you with so much adoration, you felt dizzy.
"thank you for trusting me with this, angel but i love you, you know that right? it doesn't matter to me who you love because you're still all i want every day of my life"
spencer reid will be the death of you.
"i love you too, spence", you said as he feigned a sigh of relief, and you rolled your eyes playfully at his antics.
"at least we have another thing in common"
you raised your eyebrows at him, and he smiled brightly back at you.
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miss-conjayniality · 10 months
Submissive Dilf (Drabble)
genre: smut (+ fluff), short drabble!!!!!
pairing: sub!jaehyun & dom fem!reader
word count: 570
warnings: MINORS DNI!!!!!!! submissive dilf!jaehyun, spoiled wife!reader, reader is a soft dom
A/N: r3p0sting…for the third time….cuz it doesn’t show up in the t4gs….fingers crossed that it works this time!!!!!🤞🏼
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imagine submissive dilf!jaehyun. in everyday life, it appears that you “submit” to him by letting him handle all the “manly” stuff like finances, carrying heavy stuff for you, killing the bugs in the house, planning out gatherings and events, fixing/assembling stuff, etc………..so you’d think it’d be the same in the bedroom right?
HA!!!! 🤣 no……..what most people don’t see is that it’s actually you pulling all the strings. even in everyday life, he lives to serve you - his princess. his goddess. his lady. his beloved wife. he’s the one who submits to you by spoiling you and taking care of you……
whenever you tell jaehyun to do anything, he’ll do it in a heartbeat. he worships the ground you walk on. he loves you so much and will do anything to make you happy. he’s such an obedient daddy to you. after all, spoiled princesses always get what they want!
today was such a good day for you because you’ve been meaning to complete your pink retro monogrammed dior collection and the only thing left was the iconic 2000s saddle bag. you cutely pouted and asked him for his credit card to buy it. and with a content smile, he went “of course you can! anything for you princess.”
“AHHH OH MY GOSH! thank you so much daddy!” you excitedly respond, jumping in excitement and pecking a kiss on his cheek, “you’re so kind to me. you deserve a reward for being such a good daddy to me. i love everything you do for me. i mean it. get ready for tonight buttercup.”
jaehyun blushes when he hears those remarks. he’s a selfless giver. but hearing such praise is equal parts endearing, adorable, and sexy. he’s a whore for praise, and both of you know this.
fast forward to bedtime and jaehyun is welcomed at the sight of you looking ravishing. curled hair, light and natural makeup, nude stilettos that elongate your stunning legs, and a short pink silk nightgown with nothing on underneath.
you command him to take his clothes off completely and he complies. he does tease you a little with a slight smirk on his face by stripteasing slowly, but you don’t mind the sight as you stare him down like a voyeur. both of you briefly giggle at that experience, and then he lays down on the bed like the obedient angel he is, waiting for your next actions.
“aww daddy,” you coo slyly as you caress his naked body and whisper into his ear. “you’re so endearing. i mean it. earlier today when i asked to borrow your credit card to buy that pink dior bag, i loved the way you went ‘anything for you princess’ and pulled your credit card out of your wallet instantly. such an obedient daddy for his pretty princess.”
you kiss down jaehyun’s body and lick his luscious washboard abs. he hisses a little at the action, but still relishes in it nonetheless. the rest of the night comprises of sweet lovemaking - giving him amazing head, worshipping his godly body, riding him, placing a few hickies, playing around with his cock with a vibrator, and so much more.
you love to please jaehyun and hear those gorgeous moans and whines of that deep, sexy, velvety baritone voice of his. it’s pure music to your ears and you could climax untouched just at the sound of it……
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sabcandoit · 11 months
Can i request a wedding night with Noir or are requests closed?
Thank you for the request! They are open!
"Thank You, Mrs. Parker"
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Spider-Man Noir x Female reader
Summary: After your wedding, you and Peter go home and have sex for the first time.
Warnings: Smut, fluff. Domestic Peter and very stereotypical 1930s purity stuff with not having sex before marriage and such. Praise kink sorta, unprotected sex, lots of kisses. He's very gentle and nice. :)
A/N: I hope to get to all of your guy's requests soon, I've been kinda busy! Thank you for the support! Enjoy...
It was late at night and you and Peter were driving from the reception hall to a small cottage a family friend lent to you both. It was the night after your wedding, and here you were, in the passenger side of Peter’s Model T in the impossibly dark night. He was clad in his black suit and you in your long white dress, both slightly disheveled from the party earlier. Your hair was out of the updo specially put in for the ceremony.
As Peter drove the car, he looked at you with the familiar loving look you had seen all day. You smiled back at him. You were both so tired from everything although there was more to be expected in the night. For never having sex, you were both equally exhilarated and nervous. There was this unspoken knowledge of what to expect anyway, that feeling looming over the both of you since you were engaged. Though you kissed maybe a bit too passionately or hugged for too long at times, nothing further ever happened.
He pulled into the driveway and parked the car, getting out and coming to your side to open the door. You stood up from your seat and you brought your luggage into the home. He helped you with your things like a gentleman and you both got ready for bed. You had never seen each other in sleepwear, nonetheless together in a bed. 
Peter knew his boundaries, he didn't push himself onto you. He let you get dressed in the bathroom separately and come out when you felt ready. Before you did though, you asked if he would unzip the back of your dress. He said yes, doing it with gentle hands, tickling your back as he grazed down. The wedding dress started slipping, but you caught it, blushing as you held the neckline of the dress high to keep yourself covered. He chuckled softly and kissed the back of your neck. You looked back at him as he did this, the whole situation feeling much more sensual than needed. He made eye contact with you, though, and smirked. You thanked him awkwardly and moved off to the bathroom to finish getting ready.
Despite the common demeanor of men at the time, Peter was very good at communicating and asking you how you feel, and sharing his opinions too. You had talked before about intimacy and had agreed upon taking it slow, being as comfortable as possible. You put on your nightgown, brushed your teeth, and braided your hair. The nightgown was long, silky, and off-white. You came out from the bathroom to see him sitting on the window seat, looking out. He was changed into his garments as well. He looked back at you with a look of adoration, his eyes widened and his mouth slightly parted. “You are beautiful…” he said softly, standing up and moving closer to you. You looked up at him, your arms in his and your bodies very close. “Oh, Peter,” you laughed, sighing and smiling while looking down. He brought a hand to your chin and tilted it up, your gazes matching. “My love, today you have given me the unspeakable honor of making you my wife, something I have been wanting to do for quite some time now,” he chuckled but kept his romantic stature. “I love you, much more than words can express,”
Your eyes practically swelled with devotion, and after he finished his declaration, you kissed him with fervor. Before he could reciprocate the kiss, you uttered, “And I love you too”. Your arms roamed each other’s bodies, and his kiss moved down your jaw. You brought your hands up to his hair and kissed the top of his head. He picked you up bridal style, making you squeak as he led you to the queen-sized bed. He laid you down and kissed your lips gently before standing back up and unbuttoning his shirt, tossing it to the ground as you watched with wandering eyes. His muscular build made your heart flutter, his hair so messy at this point and you were aching to take off your dress. He came back down, smiling with heavy eyelids as he kissed your collarbone and caressed your waist. You brought your hands up to his torso, feeling every inch of him with anticipation. You inhaled sharply a few times, earning groans from his lips. 
 “Oh, woman,” he murmured as you shifted underneath his hold and shrugged the arms of your nightgown off, showing your bare sternum and breasts. Your hands came up to shield them from him, but he was quick to bring his mouth to your ear, whispering, “Please don’t hide yourself, sweetheart.” taking a while to kiss your ear and temple before continuing, “You look absolutely heavenly”. You uncovered your breasts, allowing him to stroke and appreciate them. His face went down to your chest, a nipple being fondled with one hand and the other between his mouth. “Darling…” you mumbled, strewn with moans. “Yes, dear?” He responded, lowering himself down your stomach as you looked at him lustfully. “Don’t stop,” you said with confidence, causing him to buckle in his movement, being so overcome with your intoxicating look. 
He pulled down the rest of your dress and underwear, revealing your full body to him. He kissed and kissed and kissed, bringing a hand down to your clit and rubbing it in circles. You moaned and bit your lip, holding back, stumbling to take off his pants. His arousal was exposed, no boxers in the way, just pure manhood. It was a sight to see and you looked back up at him with ardor. He looked proud and cheeky, loving your reaction to his body. He sat up, you laying beneath him, and straddled you, positioning his cock to your vagina. You closed your eyes, feeling himself enter you. It was uncomfortable and somewhat painful, not being used to this sensation, but your arousal overrode, and he slowly bucked in and out of you. “I hope I’m not hurting you, love,” he worried with a quiet tone. You pursed your lips but shook your head no, bringing your hands up to his shoulders. He huffed, cursing at your tightness. You moaned loudly, your brows furrowed with focus. Embarrassed by the sounds you made, you covered your mouth with one hand while the other gripped his back. He kissed your cheek, sloppily grasping all parts of your body as you both succumbed to the pleasure. 
He groaned your name and thrusted one last time, his cum filling you. You held on tighter, squeezing your eyes shut and moaning. He was equally exasperated and leaned back, his arms on each side of you to steady himself.
 He slid out of you and you sighed with the loss of contact, but he fell back onto the bed next to you. After a moment of breathing heavily and coming back to reality, you made eye contact, smiling lovingly at each other. He brought one of your hands up and kissed it, taking a while to part and look up at you again, saying, “Thank you, Mrs. Parker.”
TAGS: @kairiscorner @miguelswifey04 @alliwriteistrash @thecoolerdor
lemme know if you want or don't want to be tagged!
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vivalas-vega · 1 year
hello again! I was the anon who asked if you were taking requests for Phoenix 💞 lord knows I've spent too much time on the #natasha trace x reader tag HAHSAHAJS tumblr needs more nat content (I'm pleading on my knees 🧎🏻‍♀️)
I was thinking about Nat having a girlfriend but struggling to come out to her friends. She has been dating reader for long enough that they've moved in together and has yet to mention to them that the reason she's been leaving the hard deck earlier than usual is because she has a girlfriend at home.
She thinks nobody suspects a thing but bob found out somehow (it's up to you) and asked her directly. She gives up the facade and tells him everything and they have a long talk about her struggles with her sexuality and her fear of coming out to her friends and actually showing off her gf. That night, she talks to her gf too and decides she's going to finally introduce reader to the dagger squad.
I would looooove to see their reactions on this, bc in my head, everyone must've thought she was into guys like hangman or whatever and she's shows up with this pretty girl by her side. They're already planning on who's gonna get her number first and nat just "uh.. guys this is my girlfriend😄"
Just super fluffy and kinda angsty too? Maybe throw in some smut if you feel like it 👀💞 It's totally up to you!!!
- Syd
syd !!! thank you so much for sending this in, I absolutely loved this idea and I hope I did it justice!
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The Hard Deck wasn’t as crowded as it usually was and Phoenix was grateful for the breathing room as she sipped her beer at the bar and checked her phone, letting you know she’d be leaving soon… Friday night was always bar night for the squad, a way to relax and unwind heading into the weekend after a long week of training and she really loved it… it was always fun getting to spend time with them, the squad had turned into its own little family but that didn’t stop her from always being the first to leave to get home to you as quickly as she could. 
No one knew about you yet… she’d wanted to tell the team for weeks now but every time she thought she worked up the nerve she backed out at the last minute, anxiety overruling and shutting it down before she could even get the words out. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t even notice Bob slide into the seat next to her until he was tapping her shoulder and pulling her focus back to the present.
“Hey Nat, can I talk to you for a minute?” he asked softly as she nodded, turning to give him her full attention. “Why haven’t you told anyone you have a girlfriend?” he whispered and her eyes widened at the question… she’d been thinking he might want to talk about the training exercise today, she’d made a decision in the air he didn’t agree with and it was normal for them to talk it out afterwards but this felt like Bob had dropped a bomb on her.
“What do you… how did you know?” she asked and he gave her a soft smile.
“Overheard you on the phone at lunch,” he replied and she thought back to the conversation she’d had with you… she’d laughed while you filled her in on some of your coworker’s antics and told you what time she’d be home before calling you her sweet girl and telling you how much she loved you. She’d thought she was alone in the locker room, otherwise she wouldn’t have let that slip. 
“Oh… uh, just haven’t felt ready to, I guess.” she answered and Bob nodded, giving her the space to continue when she gathered her thoughts. “I’ve gotten mixed reactions from other squads in the past and… I don’t know, we’ve just got a good thing going here and I don’t want to ruin it.”
“Why do you think you would ruin it?” he asked, genuinely interested in the answer and she sighed.
“It’s not easy… being a woman in the Navy, let alone being a gay woman in the Navy. We’ve never talked about that kind of stuff before, I don’t really know what everyone’s views on that are. My parents struggled with it when I came out to them and it’s been an issue in the past at my other stations and I guess I just didn’t want to deal with the fallout again,” she shrugged. 
“If it helps, I really don’t think anyone here would have a problem with it,” he said, and she lifted her attention from her glass to look at him questioningly. “I know we’ve never talked about it but… I can’t see anyone on the squad treating you differently because of it. I think they might be a little shocked, but that’s mainly because of how you banter with Hangman, everyone kind of thinks you two might be a thing on the down low-”
“Wait, what?” She cut him off and his eyes widened.
“You guys just have this like… thing, you’re very competitive and playfully mean to each other, I guess some of the squad just assumed it was because you were a thing,” he explained and she chuckled as she shook her head. “But once they get over the shock of being wrong, I think they’d be happy for you.”
“I just don’t know what I’d do if it doesn’t go that way. I’ve tried to get to a place where I don’t care if people aren’t accepting but… I’m just not there yet,” she sighed.
“I understand… I mean, as well as I can understand. It can’t be easy but you shouldn’t have to hide who you are, and I can at least speak for myself when I say I’m really happy for you… but I really think they’d like to meet her, they’re probably going to figure it out anyways because they all want to know what has you slipping out early every night. Whatever you decide, I’m in your corner… if you don’t want to, your secret’s safe with me,” he said, giving her a soft smile and a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder before he rejoined the group to leave her alone with her thoughts. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to introduce you to them, she really did… she’d told you everything she knew about each of them and you’d expressed your interest in tagging along one night but were understanding when she said she wasn’t ready for that yet.
If she had it her way she’d be screaming from the rooftops how in love with you she was… she’d invite the squad over so they could try your amazing cooking, and you’d be by her side every Friday night but there was truly no way to know how everyone else would feel until she came clean, and that idea absolutely terrified her.
“Hey honey, I’m home!” Phoenix called out as you heard her keys rattle against the dish on the entryway table and you padded down the hallway to greet her with a warm smile.
“Hey Nat, how was work today?” you asked, giving her a sweet peck on her lips before watching her pull her boots off and you immediately noticed the slump in her shoulders. “Are you okay?”
She nodded and gave you a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes as she grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the couch, “Bob found out about us.”
“Yeah? What’d he say?” you asked as the two of you sat beside each other and you instantly pulled her legs over your lap. 
“He was really supportive, he said I should tell everyone else,” she sighed.
“How do you feel about that? Are you ready?”
She shrugged, “I don’t know… once I open that can of worms it’s not like I can stuff it back in,” she said and you nodded, your thumb rubbing reassuring circles against her uniform-clad thigh. “It’s not that I don’t want to… I don’t want you to think for a minute it’s because I want to hide you, I just don’t want it to blow up in my face.”
“I never thought that sweetheart,” you said with a reassuring smile. “I know it’s hard, and I know you’ve been burned before in previous squads but you speak so highly of them… from what I’ve heard they all sound like really great people and I think it would be good to finally clue them in,” you said. “You know I’m okay either way, it’s at your pace, Nat… but this has been stressing you out ever since you got permanently stationed here, and they are probably going to find out sooner or later… I think you might feel better if you get to control the conversation instead of more people piecing it together like Bob did.” She knew you were right… you always were, it really was only a matter of time. Sure, Bob was the most observant of everyone else so she couldn’t be surprised he was the first one to piece it together but it’s not like her squad was stupid. “It’s up to you, but I think you should get it over with. Just rip off the bandaid and whatever happens we’ll deal with it together just like we always do.”
She gave you a soft smile, the first real one of the evening as she looked at you with nothing but love in her eyes, “what do you think about meeting me at The Hard Deck after work next week?”
“I think that’s a really great idea,” you answered, leaning in to press your lips to hers. 
“I really love you, you know that?” she asked and you nodded with a chuckle.
“I know, I love you too.” 
The entire week leading up to their usual hangout at the bar had Phoenix on edge… logically she knew you and Bob were right, but she just couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that had settled deep in her bones as the day creeped closer and closer. She didn’t want to call it off (though she’d thought about it a dozen times), she had to stick with it and follow through otherwise she never would and as she stood around the pool table with the rest of the boys she honestly felt like she might throw up.
“You good, Nix?” Hangman asked, looking her over curiously, “worried I’m going to kick your ass again?” He gestured over to the pool table and she just rolled her eyes.
“I don’t know what you mean by again, you’ve never beaten me,” she replied and he scoffed. “Revisionist history, I see how it is,” he teased and when the bar door swung open she whipped her head around to see you walking in looking as beautiful as ever… you were wearing her favorite dress of yours, a simple little wrap dress that really brought out your eyes and she couldn’t help the smile that overtook her face but no one around her could notice as they all stared at you too. 
“Damn, she is gorgeous,” Rooster said, eyes tracking you as you scanned the bar and Hangman just shoved his shoulder.
“In your dreams, Chicken, watch how the professionals do it,” he said, straightening his posture as he started to move towards you but he stopped in his tracks when recognition flashed over your face and watched as you walked directly towards their group. You gave her a bright smile, not standing too close and waiting to see how she wanted to proceed… you didn’t want to toss her into the deep end by planting a kiss on those lips you loved so much (despite how you really wanted to) and you watched as she laughed nervously, grabbing your hand as she introduced you.
“This is my girlfriend,” she said, squeezing your hand and waiting for everyone’s reaction and you watched the variety of emotions that passed over their faces before they all seemed to put the pieces together in their heads and soon they were giving you big smiles and extending their hands as they told you their callsigns. 
“Well, I see why she’s been hiding you away… you are beautiful,” Bob said with a genuine smile and you chuckled as you shook his hand. 
“How long have you two been together?” Rooster asked and Phoenix shifted her weight nervously.
“A few years,” she answered and you bit back a smile at their shocked expressions.
“Years? Nix, why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Hangman asked, and you thought the concern in his voice was out of character for him… well, as much as you knew about his character from what she had told you. 
“I uh.. Well, I didn’t know how you guys would react,” she said honestly with a shrug and you saw the understanding pass over their features.
“Phoenix…” Rooster said, giving her a sad look before wrapping an arm around her. “I’m sorry if anyone ever gave you the impression you couldn’t tell us,” he said and she shook her head.
“No one did… it’s just, not necessarily a well-recepted thing in the Navy even though times are changing.” she replied.
“Well I speak for everyone when I say the squad just gained its newest member… and if anyone has a problem with that I will not-so-kindly throw you overboard,” Hangman said as he slung an arm over your shoulders. “You and I have much to catch up on, I want all the details,” he said and you chuckled as you walked down to the bar with him. You knew Phoenix would have nothing to worry about, you could tell from your after-work conversations she immensely respected all of them (even Hangman) and after meeting them you honestly felt like she might have been selling them short all this time. The way they welcomed you with open arms had your chest feeling warm and you could just tell it was all genuine as Hangman started talking your ear off and ordering you a beer.
You’d been passed around from person to person all night, barely getting a moment alone with your girlfriend but that was fine with you… you knew the novelty of a new person hanging around would wear off and they were all just excited to get to know you. 
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” you asked when Fanboy finally relinquished you from the very intense discussion you’d both had about Star Wars. You wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into you, smiling softly as she melted against you.
“Good. So good, you were right… I should have gotten this over with sooner. I love seeing you with them,” she said and you pressed a kiss to her lips. 
“And I love getting to know them. It doesn’t matter if I was right, you needed to do this when you were ready to,” you said and she just beamed at you before pulling you back in and kissing you passionately… earning some whistles and cheers from her friends and making your cheeks burn.
“I love you so damn much, you know that?” she asked and you nodded as you giggled.
“Yeah, I know. I love you too,” you said, pecking her lips once more before dragging her over to the dartboard where Hangman had all but promised to take it easy on you (you didn’t believe him one bit). Phoenix had found her family, and you were so grateful to now be a part of that.
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taglist: @callsignspirit @thegodessc @failuretothrivesstuff @olliepig @cruelmissdior @underaveragefangirl @grxcieluvr (if your username is struck through it means I couldn't tag you - sorry!)
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