#but it definitely adds an extra factor of
only-lonely-star · 2 months
Dating Dallas Winston Headcanons !! 💋
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Dallas will catcall you every waking moment of the day. Even though the two of you are already together he'd still make his appearance wherever you are just to whistle lowly and say, “Well damn, look at what I found here,” with the most cheeky grin imaginable. Sometimes it could be verbal, other times he'd be so bold as to give you a small swat or squeeze, followed up by a proud smirk. It's typical for him to pretend he doesn't know you as he does so, just to keep the teasing aspect of your relationship alive.
Dallas most definitely influences you. Whether you were already similar to him or the polar opposite, he’ll always find a way to put you on his favorite song, album, strange food combination, or a different brand of cigarettes. Not only physical items, but mannerisms and small phrases too. Dallas finds it amusing to add a bit of himself into your personality as well as things you enjoy. “Come on, just try it. One time,” is something you hear often.
Though Dallas is careless to most things and couldn’t be bothered to give a shit about his surroundings, he’s always protective of you. He doesn’t outright say much in terms of protecting you, but he’s always aware. He’s aware of the eyes on you and possible dangers. If you ever drown yourself in too many drinks at Buck’s, Dallas would keep his eye on damn near every man in that bar. He wouldn’t say a word about it to you, he’d silently observe and keep watch to make sure you were safe. The last thing he wanted was for you to end up hurt or hanging out with the wrong crowd. He would never let you get stuck in that position.
We all know he has borderline anger issues, a big factor in his behavior with every person he meets. He isn’t afraid to fight anyone including men, women, children, elders, Socs, Greasers- the list goes on. Dallas rarely found you to be annoying which was rare in his case. If an argument ever occurred he’d stand with clenched fists and a clenched jaw instead of taking that physical anger out on you. He cares. A lot.
His idea of a date doesn’t sound too romantic. While most guys take their girlfriends out for nice dinner dates and movie nights, Dallas would simply invite you to bed (take that how you want lmao) and see you behind closed doors. Partying, driving around recklessly, and laying in bed with you are his ideas of what dates are. Hell- he’s never done any of those corny dates to begin with so he didn’t know better. Since he’s more of a loner than anything, he prefers your company beside him late at night. Whether that leads to something or not, that’s your decision because Dallas is always down for extra. He simply enjoys having your limp and calmed body beside him, entangled in his bedsheets.
Dallas takes the nicknames you give him and takes it personally. He isn’t one to care about what people think about him whether it be good or bad. He’s too carefree for that. But of course he cares what you think. His natural cocky, arrogant, big ego type of attitude can become easily bruised. One small comment about his blatantly rude behavior and he’ll remember it forever. He won’t ever change his personality or looks just because of a comment or teasing nickname- but he won’t forget it either.
(that’s all for now, enjoy it loves! ❤️)
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comicaurora · 8 months
These have been pent up for a while, so there's a whole list lol. Some are Aurora, some are not.
1) Can lacrimas carry out multiple purposes at once? Or will they blend them? I'm assuming that this is possible, considering that the automaton in the ruins was using a lacrima as a brain
2) Has anyone tried to make tools or weapons out of lacrimas? I'm talking like chisel that needs no hammer. Or maybe a Fire lacrima on a bow that sets your arrows on fire
3) Can you engrave runes on lacrimas to make them affect themselves?
4) Where can I read more about the Twins? If I'm not wrong they're the creator gods, aided by the Light dragon and the Void dragon to create life, but I might be getting a wrong read on that
5) Since we see Erin successfully become the first Void mage, does that now mean there's potential for him to make a Void lacrima? The dragon probably won't allow it, but still
6) What exactly does elemental corruption of each element do? Fire literally burns you up, as we saw in Arc 1. I can infer that Life likely makes you a chimera. Void corruption makes you a cave crawler. But what do the other one do? Does Earth make you a statue? Does Wind disintegrate you, Thanos style?
7) Now onto the non-Aurora questions, is your art vector or raster? I believe it's vector, but it's always better to confirm
8) What are your opinions on reading into the environment and the character design to infer things about the character themselves? In any type of media
9) Have you played Baldur's Gate 3?
10) Do you have any music that you'd recommend? I've listened to every song I liked so many times that I hate them now.
11) I'm new to Tumblr, anything that I should know? You don't have to answer this one if you don't wanna. I think I know some of the basics already. Reblog what you like, and avoid the terfs, right?
You might be able to tell that I like the idea of the lacrimas a little bit. Just a teensy bit. The artificer in me definitely isn't obsessed. I appreciate any answers you can give :3
Ooh, lots of stuff!
Yes, it's possible. A lacrima can be engraved with multiple spells, set in a casing engraved with commands, or some combination of the two. Typically, all spells engraved directly on a lacrima will activate at once when the lacrima is "switched on", but a spell can be quite complex, and conditional activations are possible - "if-then-else" statements, basically.
Yes, magic items exist.
Generally no. If the lacrima is disrupted or broken, the spell generally stops functioning, so a self-affecting lacrima will run only as long as it takes for the lacrima to distort or break.
There's an extra lore page about them!
He probably could if he wanted to (and the Dragon allowed it) but Void energy is very dangerous, so he likely doesn't want to.
Each form of elemental corruption agitates the presence of the element in the mage's body. Earth corruption can damage or alter bones, encourage unhealthy petrification of soft tissues, etc. Wind corruption can have physical effects but it often most obviously produces breakdowns in the person's ability to speak or understand language. Lightning damages, numbs or intensifies a person's physical senses.
Raster, I draw with CSP's digital pens. I've only very briefly experimented with vector art - I don't like how it simplifies the lines.
I think it's a fun school of analysis but, like all literary analysis, it runs into trouble if it tries to lock down exactly what the writer was thinking or intending (which is an objective fact that one can be incorrect about) rather than trying to analyze the story on its own and what meaning might, intentionally or unintentionally, be factoring into it.
don't trust my taste in music it's 90% nu metal and sonic OSTs
Like what you like, reblog what you want, generally it's considered dubious form to add a comment to a reblog unless you have something profound to contribute (commenting in the tags is fine), steer clear of discourse and callout posts and generally the sectors of the site that are constantly on fire, blocking someone for any reason is 100% fine
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superstar-nan · 9 months
Fight Tooth and Nail
Day 1
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Summary: Your best friend goes missing after working a shift as an overnight security guard for the upcoming horror attraction Fazbear's Fright. You masquerade as a journalist to investigate their disappearance and find yourself with more questions. Questions that only a murderous animatronic intent on killing you has answers to.
Words: 3,586
Fun stuff: Springtrap/Reader/Michael, gender neutral reader, cannon typical violence, vv slow burn and romance is more implied kinda?? I'm very aromantic and the characters have complex relationships. william and michael are very much corpses and very much gross. Uploaded from my Ao3.
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Your eyes flitted from the hastily scrawled note in your hand to the crumbling building in front of you. You knew it was supposed to look rundown to add to the scare-factor, but even from the back Fazbear’s Fright seemed more likely to receive several health code violations over screams. Maybe it was the broad daylight, or maybe it was the metal beam that collapsed in front of you right at that moment, but you couldn’t imagine the horror attraction gaining as much attention as the newspaper clipping led you to believe.
You hesitantly opened the back door, praying another metal beam wouldn’t collapse on top of you. It was unlocked, just as the man on the phone said it would be.
“Hello?” You said, before reeling back into the fresh air outside. The stench coming from inside wafted in a plume of rotten eggs and sweat. You gagged, taking in a couple gulps of fresh air, and then steeled yourself as you entered the building. The door shut with an uncharacteristic soft click behind you. 
“Hello?” You called out again. You blinked a few times, trying to adjust your eyes to the dark interior. 
“Over here!” A hand waved out of a room to your right with a dim, ghastly yellow-green light spilling from its doorway.
You walked into the room; an office filled with grime (possibly decorational), loose wires (hopefully decorational), and trash (definitely not decorational). A young man with a nonchalant grin swiveled on his chair to face you. He said your name and you nodded. 
“Awesome,” He held out his hand in a wide, informal handshake, which you returned. His grip was loose and a bit sweaty. “I was the guy on the phone.”
“Oh,” You said as you distractedly looked around the office. There were big boxes filled with Fazbear Entertainment merchandise along with character posters plastered on the walls. “It’s nice to meet you in person.”
“For sure, for sure,” He started clicking through security footage, drawing your attention. 
You noticed there were quite a bit of people throughout the building, all splattering blood stains or grimming-up corners to make the attraction just a touch more spooky. You bit your lower lip. Would any of them be willing to reveal some information to you, or would they keep you from investigating anything useful? 
“Welp,” He clapped his knees and stood up, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Why don’t I show you around? You can get the gist of all the best scares of the place for... uh, who’d you say you write for again?”
“Scary Attractions Monthly,” You said, taking out a pen and notebook. It was a fake name for... something. Maybe a magazine or blog. You didn’t put too much thought in it and apparently neither did he.
No, you weren’t here to write a glowing article on a mediocre, somewhat distasteful, and very unsanitary hazard of a horror attraction like you said you were. 
You were here because of a call. A call you received at four in the morning. A call you didn’t pick up, but you wished you did. 
“Right, that,” He said in a way that told you he was going to forget it again. “Well, you’re gonna love the place, we found some real legit relics!”
You just hummed as you followed him out of the room. 
“The attraction opens in like a week, so everyone’s been working extra hard to make sure everything works, and nothing catches on fire.” He stopped in front of a disassembled torso of Freddy. “Uh, not that anything would, that was, uh, “off-the-record” .”
“Right.” You said, pretending to cross something out. 
“Yeah, so when the place opens, people will come in at the opposite end of the building, and work their way towards where you came in; that’s the exit. We’ve got some totally vintage relics, man. Like this foxy head, super authentic.”
You squinted at it. 
“Like, it’s not a crappy cosplay for sure .”
That made you think it was a crappy cosplay.
“But it’s not just these totally authentic pieces that make the place, the whole place is rigged super vintage.”
You stepped to the side as two employees rushed past you, holding a heavy box of miscellaneous mechanical parts, “What do you mean?” You asked.
“Like, the whole place is built like it’s 1987, just like from the missing kids stuff,” It felt a little insensitive to refer to that tragedy as the ‘missing kid stuff’ . “The ventilation, the electronics, even the cameras and stuff, all for that authenticity.”
You swallowed, “So there’s no security footage?”
“Nah, but we’ve got a guard on around-the-clock, even overnight, so it’s perfectly safe.” You already knew that. Your best friend was an overnight security guard.
Suddenly, a pipe burst, spewing some white, cloudy vapor rapidly at an employee who was struggling to get the pipe under control.
“And is the ventilation perfectly safe?” You asked.
“Heheh,” he started to sweat. “Basically, I mean. He’s probably fine. Here,” He turned you around to a different hallway, “Let’s go this way, you gotta see the coolest part of the attraction.”
You followed him to an area with no one present. It was an odd feeling going from a busy part of the attraction to this place of complete emptiness, and you finally found the creeping horror of the attraction. With the molding tiled floor that was once bright, the low-ambient lighting flickering on-and-off, and the decades-old child’s drawings interspersed on the walls, the place really felt haunted. 
Then, the smell of rot and decay hit your nose in a crashing wave. You held your nose and gagged. It was worse than when you walked into the attraction, and then you knew why this area was so empty. 
“You gotta get that pen out because you’re not gonna believe this,” He said. “We got one, a real one!” He looked back at you gagging and coughing. “Oh. Yeah, the smell is, like intense , but you get used to it quick.” 
“What do you mean...?” Your sentence was lost on you as your entire focus was drawn to figure in the corner. 
A very large figure in the corner. A rotten bunny animatronic that towered in the shadows. 
Chills danced up your spine in your visceral fear. You were stalled by some animal instinct you didn’t know you had. 
It was large and lumbering and fully intact—ruined and soiled with time. It had to have been nearly seven feet tall, even as it stood motionless in its hunch. It looked almost half a century old, and even in its decayed state you could still see the design of what it once was: a golden Bonnie suit now corrupted a dingy green by age and rot.
Your heart beat slowed when you realized it wasn’t moving. It was just an animatronic; part of the attraction. Even as you followed your guide towards it, its eyes flashed with reflected light in a way that was perfectly terrifying. This really was a great find for the attraction. 
“So cool, isn’t it?” He said, knocking on the animatronic’s mildewy chest, and though logically you knew that wasn’t dangerous, you couldn’t help the drop in your gut as he touched the thing. “It’s like it was made for this place.”
“No kidding.” You said, and you meant it. Honestly, that animatronic might’ve been the scariest thing you had ever seen, let alone the scariest part of the attraction. You dared to take a few steps closer to it. You weren’t able to pull your eyes away from it, almost as if you did it would lunge at you. 
Its eyes looked too human. You wanted to throw up.
“Yeah, so spooky.” He also was transfixed, but not for as long as you were. “You wouldn’t believe how long it took to find it! We found some vintage audio training cassettes with it. We’ll probably have them playing, like over the speakers while people walk through the attraction. It’ll make the place feel legit .” 
The cassettes didn’t even cross your mind, “Does it still work?”
“Uh, yeah, probably.”
You were finally able to pull your eyes away from the rotted Bonnie. “Probably?”
“Well, I’ve never seen it move, and no one else has either, but nobody moves it and sometimes it’s not in the same place so probably. The cassettes mention something about the suits following kid noises, but I haven’t seen that either. And uh, we’ve got a guard checking the cameras all the time, so it's not dangerous.” 
He said that so nonchalantly you were baffled, “Are you sure about that? Didn’t somebody get bitten by one of these things years ago?”
He started to sweat, “Oh ye-yeah, that’s something uh, we’re working on this week. We’re grabbing a mechanic or... There’s a week until the place opens so, you know.” He trailed. 
Your face blanked. Well, it wasn’t any of your business how dangerous these things were anyway. You were only here for one reason. “Right,” Your eyes wandered back to the animatronic.
Your heart dropped. You held your breath.
Its eyes were looking at you. Eyes that were too human. 
It wasn’t looking at you before, was it? You would have certainly remembered it looking at you. You swallowed as you took a step out of its sight. Its eyes didn’t follow you. You must’ve imagined it.
Turning away from the rotted Bonnie, you put your pen to your notebook, “Having overnight guards is a good safety precaution.” You said, and his shoulders visibly relaxed when you said it. “And it’s pretty authentic to the original Pizzeria.”
“Oh, for sure, for sure,” He said. “That’s what we’re trying for, authenticity and all. Plus, they’ll also be a part of the show to really get that feel of a pizzeria!”
“The place hasn’t opened yet, but do your guards run into any trouble at night?”
“Nah, or at least I don’t think so.” 
His nonchalance irked you, “You don’t think so?”
“Well, nobody’s mentioned anything to me yet, so.” 
“Hmm.” You tapped your pen on your notebook before setting it back down, “I heard a rumor that one of your night guards disappeared on the job, is that true?”
“What?” He started to look nervous again, though whether it was from the pressure of saying the wrong thing or the guilt of having done something wrong, you didn’t know. “Oh uh, I don’t really know anything about that, where did you hear that?”
“Somewhere online.” You said, casually. 
“Well, it’s not true, somebody would’ve said something or—”
“But if there’s only one person on the night shift, how would somebody be able to say something?”
A click was heard behind you. Almost like the sound of a gear. Both you and the man you were talking to turned toward the rotted Bonnie suit. It didn’t move, or at least it didn’t look like it moved. It was still. That didn’t matter. You and the man you were with were deadly silent for a few moments. 
“We should, uh, we should talk in the office, right?” He said, and it wasn’t a balm that he was anxious as well.
“Yes, that’s a good idea.” 
The two of you left the area with the animatronic, and you felt the air around you lighten. It seemed he was right when he said you’d get used to that rotted smell, because you didn’t notice how much it was a relief to get away from that thing. 
“Anyway,” He said as the two of you walked. “I don’t know anything about a night guard disappearing. Yeah, a night guard quit suddenly without any notice a few nights ago.” The two of you ducked as a vent dropped nearly on top of you, barely being stopped by two employees who grabbed it just in time. It didn’t slow either of your gaits, “And yeah, this is not the first time that’s happened and is eerily similar to events that happened thirty years ago. But there’s always a bad string of luck before grand openings, typical exciting attraction stuff. So...” The two of you slipped into the office as a group of employees brought in a string of large boxes, “Probably don’t mention any of the rumor stuff in the article.”
You eyed him head to toe as he sat in the office chair. He was sweating a little under your scrutiny. He wouldn’t give you anything if you antagonized him, so you smiled and he relaxed, “Of course, it’s typical. Especially for haunted attractions.”
“Heheh, yeah, ‘course,” He swallowed and sniffed. “Well, uh, what other questions can I answer?”
“Tell me a bit about the security guards' role in the show.”
He leaned back slightly in his chair, “Oh yeah well, this is where they will be, in this office. When the place opens, people will come in where I told you before, and work their towards this office, and pass them, and out the exit.”
You wondered if your faux-enthusiasm was believable enough, because it felt as stiff as the disassembled animatronic pieces, “Oh, very cool.”
“Yeah! Just like a real security guard from a pizzeria.” He said, “Or well, they are real security guards, but you get what I mean.” 
“Absolutely,” You said. “Can I see the cameras? They’ve got such a neat 80s vibe to them.”
“Oh yeah, for sure,” He rolled his chair over so you could look over his shoulder. “I just click the camera here and... one sec.” He pulled an old panel with a few technical reboot options on it, before clicking one. You leaned your arms on the back of his chair as you watched the cameras fizzle from white static to a poor resolution of video footage. “There,” He said. “Pretty legit, huh?”
“Very legit.” You paid very close attention as he flitted through the different cameras, or rather what the cameras didn’t catch. 
“Yeah, in trying to make the place feel more vintage we have overdone it a bit, heh heh. Some of this equipment is barely functional!” His eyes widened slightly as he held up his hands, “But still functional, of course.”
“Of course,” You said. “Well, I thought I might take some more notes on the attractions and then I can let myself out in the front?”
“All the way to the other end of the building? Sure, if you want.”
“Thanks,” You held out your hand. “It was great meeting you.”
He smiled and shook your hand, and you almost felt bad for lying to him. He was just a guy excited about horror attractions doing his job. Even if he was brushing the dangers of this place under the rug; brushing your best friend's disappearance under the rug... No, nevermind. You didn’t feel even a little bad.
“It was awesome meeting you too,” He said. “Can’t wait to read about us in...” He forgot your fake journalism blog/magazine/whatever. “A few days or whenever you get around to writing it.” What a save.
You threw him one last smile before making your way through the busy preparations. You pretended to take a few notes, gave your best impression of someone interested in an empty Chica head, and attempted to talk to a few employees. Talking to the people who were working was more fruitless than you hoped. They either were too busy to talk to you or were skirting around certain subjects like the man who’d shown you around had. You attempted to find real evidence and real clues as well, but that was just as fruitless. Fake blood and artificial claw marks fooled you every time and you had to pass it off as admiration and journalism.
No, if you wanted to know what really happened, you would have to get into that office. Look at it more closely and see if there were any traces or clues left by them. Or even if you could take a look at the cameras more closely, see if a bird’s-eye-view gave perspective. You could only hope that maybe there would be an hour between the day shift and the night shift that you could look around and do some real investigating.
First, you needed to find a good place to hide. Somewhere the cameras couldn’t see, but employees wouldn’t spot you either. From what you saw, the cameras even extended to the vents, which was insane to you. However, not all of the vents were monitored. In your mind, you imagined some big locker or box you could hide in, but there was nothing like that, so the vents would have to do. 
Your stomach dropped. Hiding in the vents also meant you couldn’t be seen tampering with them, which meant you had to go to the area with the least amount of people. You rubbed your eyes. You were an adult. You shouldn’t have been so hesitant to be around what was basically a giant toy, a decoration. A nearly seven foot, moldy, possibly dangerous decoration that could crush you just by falling on you. You swallowed.
Steeling yourself, you walked toward the area with the rotted Bonnie.
There it was. Unmoved in a way that mocked your fear. Just as horrible to smell (was it really that ruined by mildew? Did someone stuff food in there? Did some poor animal die in there?), but you were getting used to it quickly. After a quick moment of choking. 
You wondered briefly what it must’ve looked like on stage, alive with music and light, warm in color and a delight to children. That must’ve been such an exciting thing thirty or forty years ago. Now it wasn’t even a shell of what it once was, it was a perversion. Twisted and moldy in such a way that its wires looked like guts and its endoskeleton was dulled like bone. Its smile that must’ve been cheery at one point now looked like a permanent, malicious grin. Its eyes—ever too human for your liking—and teeth were nearly the same dingy color of its mildewy fur. You realized this Bonnie was missing his bowtie, and that made you sad for some reason. 
You cursed under your breath, “What happened to you?”
You hadn’t realized how close you had gotten to the rotted Bonnie. Not unlike the sickening smell that you had adjusted to, you seemed to have adapted to the initial fear the animatronic instilled in you. Suddenly in a morbid curiosity, you were wanting to poke and prod at it; to test how rusted its joints must’ve been or to try peeking for rot inside. You shook your head of the impulse. 
You turned your head to look at the way you came. There wasn’t anybody passing by just yet. You looked at the camera, which didn’t seem focused but you couldn’t be sure. Lastly, you looked at the vent against the wall. 
In an effort to alleviate the tension beating against your chest—caused by a fear of getting caught, a fear of not finding anything, and a fear of the rotted Bonnie themself—you threw the animatronic a wink and said, “Keep an eye out for me, will you?”
You hurried to the vent, throwing a cautious glance behind you. You knelt in front of it, fully prepared to use a piece of shrapnel you found to undo its screws. However, you found the screws had already been pulled loose, interestingly enough. You briefly wondered who could have the strength for that as you quietly shifted the vent open and slipped in, gently and silently putting the vent back. 
You laid there on your stomach for a few moments as your exhilaration began to calm down. You hoped this place’s ventilation system wasn’t so “vintage” and “legit” that you’d suffocate or get some noxious gas spewed into your lungs.
As your heartbeat fell slower and slower, you cast your eyes downward. You had a long evening of waiting ahead of you. You shuffled quietly until you could get a hold of an earbud in your pocket. You took it out along with your phone, putting the earbud in your ear. You tapped on your most recent voice messages. 
Maybe you’d be able to recognize something in the voice message... or maybe you just wanted to remember why you were doing all of this.
You tapped on your phone until their voice message began playing in your ear.
Heavy, muffled breathing.
More silence.
Your name in a shaken whisper.
“...Come...” Their voice was hushed so so quiet. “...Come to...”
A child’s laughter, not quite right.
The sound of the phone dropping.
Your finger hovered over the option to play the message again. Your best friend was working at Fazbear’s Frights the night you got that message. They were supposed to meet you the morning after. They didn’t. After giving the message to the police, Fazbear Entertainment reported that your best friend had clocked-out at 6AM that morning and that there was no incident during their shift. You didn’t buy it. Whether there was some big corporate conspiracy, or whether something happened and Fazbear Entertainment just didn’t want to delay the attraction’s opening, you didn’t know. But a body hadn’t been found and that was something . Something to hold on to. 
You would get to the bottom of it.
You rested your head on your arm as you played the message again.
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dryad-druid · 3 months
Great 2018 fanart :D Could u elaborate on the whole tea scenario? Im curious. What do u mean by spicing the tea? Post-Battle Nexus match tea session is crazy
Omg, i've been so busy.
Well, I've been thinking for a while now about how on earth Big mama managed to keep Lou Jitsu captivated for so long. Splinter was able to sneak away, the boys were able to sneak away too, so why the heck didn't Lou Jitsu just.... Sneak out?
As for my AU, it was a combination of several factors, which I will detail more later, but a big one was basically that he spent 80% of his time in the Nexus on drugs.
As I was thinking of an idea for day 1 of Splinterweek @thedawningofthehour (check her fic) and @turtleinsoup had an argument about this and once again, I shouldn't be surprised that I'm the only one who thought of that.
But yeah, Big mama is definitely the type of person who would add something extra to his drink to calm him down a bit and stop it from overthinking things too much.
You know, now that I think about it, I wonder how fuck up Lou's bloodstream must have been when Draxum used his DNA. In my family chaos AU Lou spent quite a bit of time living with Draxum just before he mutated the turtles, so he was mostly clean by then; now, will it work as in pregnancy? Drugs use can cause developmental problems in the baby, OMG, it would be hilarious if that really was the reason Donnie ended up as a genius.
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icedragonlizard · 6 months
I imagine Galacta Knight being bad-tempered and lashes out easily.
I mean... to be honest, considering what he's been going through, how couldn't he be bad-tempered? His life sucks. Being trapped in crystal for long periods of time can't be fun at all. Doesn't help at all that I interpret he's conscious during it, which just adds on to the misery.
And the only recent interactions he has with other people is when they summon him for a fight. Like he's literally just being used for people's entertainment. To let people be enriched by fighting him.
If I was trapped for a long time and only interacted with people via them picking a fight with me, I'd be bad-tempered and snappy too.
I'd imagine that he's really traumatized for being trapped for so long. It'd only make sense. I feel bad for Galacta Knight. He's been treated inhumanely for so long, there's no way it wouldn't mess him up.
In my personal interpretation, Galacta Knight wouldn't be friends with Meta Knight. I usually don't factor in extra mode content in my verse, but I do interpret the event of Meta Knight summoning and fighting Galacta Knight as something that happens in my verse.
And that's precisely the reason why they wouldn't be friends in my verse. Galacta Knight does not like Meta Knight for having the audacity to summon him, pick a fight, and then leave after winning. Truthfully, he holds a grudge about it. I think they'd fight every single time they encounter each other. Meta Knight loves to fight anyways, so I'm sure he wouldn't be bothered by Galacta Knight picking a fight with him out of anger and frustration for what been happened to him.
I actually don't interpret any of the four major knight characters getting along. In my opinion, Meta Knight and Dark Meta Knight would still pick fights with each other most times they encounter. I also imagine Galacta Knight and Dark Meta Knight fighting. Although I could maybe see them trucing a bit over their mutual distaste for Meta Knight, but I feel like they'd mostly fight anyways because they're both standoffish and ill-tempered people that lash out easily. And I, of course, do not imagine Morpho Knight being friends with any of the other three major knights because I generally do not see the grim reaper being exactly friends with anyone LOL.
That being said, I could definitely see Galacta Knight being friends with Kirby. Mainly because Kirby is easily capable of being anyone's friend. Although it might take some time in Galacta Knight's case because I like to think he's (understandably) grumpy and irritable over being trapped in crystal for so long, but Kirby is a compassionate little guy that's sad about people being hurt, so he'd be giving some support. He'd give Galacta Knight a hugely needed hug because that's a very Kirby thing to do when he goes to establish a friendship.
... Imagine Kirby stopping Meta and Galacta from fighting, lol.
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
Star Swap: I might have mentioned this, but I love the idea of Jonathan semi-accidentally rallying the meeker prisoners like Guccio and Atroe, which means a lot given that the prison is largely led by a right-makes-right mentality. Because Jonathan is nice and caring and kind and (with some advice from Gwess and Ermes) not afraid to start punching people if need be. He may not have his old muscles but he still has his boxing skill and maybe his hamon? Can't remember when he was taken. Anyway, he manages to assemble a small following of prisoners, helping them so that they can eventually help themselves.
while Jolyne's body may not have the pure muscle and intimidation factor that Jonathan's original one had he's far from helpless. As you mentioned there's the aforementioned Hamon and boxing, plus how Hamon would work really well with The Passion when he gets pricked
and it's definitely an accident at first. Jonathan couldn't help it! He wants to help people, no matter whether or not they can give him anything in return. And while he may not teach them Hamon (he realises pretty early on just how dangerous that could get if he taught others), he can teach them how to defend themselves and get away from danger
For a bit of fun chaos, I like to image there was an instance where two people he taught used the things he learned to pick on others and he marched his way over and started scolding the shit out of them. He gave them a flawless "I'm not mad just disappointed" look and speech like he was their parent or something and he looked to genuine and upset and oh god I feel so bad what the fuck was I thinking-
and just to add a but of extra fun spice to it, maybe one of the two ends up attacking him because You Can't Tell Us What To Do Short Stack only to promptly get their ass handed to them on a silver platter. Maybe even a broken bone or two........ but then when it's over Jonathan completely heals the opponent but leaves himself injured so when the guard shows up it looks like the fight was completely one-sided
was that a bit tricky of him to fool the guard like that? Yes, he feels terrible about it for days afterward and can't get the mental image of Dio out of his head, but he isn't going to just let this person use what he taught them to hurt people that just wouldn't be nice >:(
he doesn't even realise how many people he's befriended until Hermes makes a comment about it and he almost starts crying because he hasn't had this many friends EVER, he's still honestly trying to come to terms with the fact he has friends period
once again, I'm loving the mental image of Hermes and Gwess trying their absolute damnedest to just Keep Jojo Alive. They know he's powerful and that he should theoretically be able to handle himself, and most of the time he's honestly really reliable! He's surprisingly emotionally intelligent and knows just what to say....... but then right after he'll do the stupidest (/aff) shit imaginable and they'll remember "right, this is the same guy who thought the tv was trapping people inside and that blood letting was an acceptable medical treatment"
also, speaking of Atroe, I had a silly idea for how Foo slides into things: I think it would if they're just Body Buddies. That's it. Foo expressed interest in helping out Jonathan for the respect he showed them and Atroe was like "welcome to the club! Jojo's really cool and nice so I can't blame you, why don't you come with :D" and just lets Foo vibe in their body
would this work biologically? I don't think so, but also consider It Would Be Funny For The Sake Of The AU
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grossrottie · 4 months
If you’re still into warriors cats would you mind sparing some nsfw bramblefire headcanons
Helloooooo!! I am still in my warriors brainrot!! (Also I didn’t realize until pasting this big ramble here that you asked for NSFW headcanons specifically oOP!! I’ll add those after my rambles!!)
I’ve been struggling to find a way to tag my warriors stuff for my own organization, while also not using the main tag. So I’ve just cut down on posting WC by accident while I try to figure it out ajdhhshrhrb
Y’know, believe it or not, I don’t have many thoughts about this one! I’ve seen some posts and I may have even reblogged an artwork or two, but I’ve never found that it really grabs me. It’s cool, but it’s sort of in that tier in my mind that HawkBramble is. It’s nice but it isn’t my usual go-to.
Now, that being said, let’s see if I can get any thoughts going about these two! I like trying to make up ideas even if it’s a ship I don’t usually go for.
This ship has a lot of potential and a lot of ways it can be taken!!
I’m a big fan of the “age-gap ship but the younger one is the pursuer” trope, however I feel like it might not fit here. Not exactly, at least.
My initial thought was of 1) the wariness that Fireheart/star feels towards Bramble as he’s growing up and 2) the desire of Bramble to be accepted, to be loved, to not be feared. To be seen as himself, not as his father’s heir. Not as the kin of the leader-slaughtering, coup-planning beast that was/is Tigerstar.
Bramblepaw/claw is without a father, and even his sister is no longer part of his clan anymore. (I can’t quite recall Tawnypelt’s age when she moved clans tbh, so take this with a grain of salt). Cats fear him. They see his father in his eyes even as he wants so badly to divorce himself from Tigerstar’s influence.
Meanwhile Fireheart/star is wary (my god man, I gotta make a chart so I can figure out what point of time has which cats in each clan, and who is apprenticed vs warriored).
I could totally imagine a few situations, but one of them would definitely be young Bramblepaw/claw desperately seeking out approval. He wants to be liked. He wants to be accepted. Maybe he tries to spend extra time with Firestar. Maybe he tries to catch his attention. Maybe he tries to do the opposite of what Tigerstar had done, to try to distance himself from his father.
I’m not sure who would develop a crush first, tbh.
If it was Firestar: perhaps he always had an admiration for the thick fur and the muscular form that Tigerclaw/star had been blessed with. However due to Tigerclaw’s clear evilness, it never went beyond a vague admiration from the ginger tom. Firestar sees Tigerclaw reflected in Brambleclaw, but there’s also an edge of kindness to Brambleclaw’s actions. He may be clumsy, a bit temperamental, oversensitive to comments about his family, and stubborn, but he also has an endearing factor to him. Maybe Firestar even sees himself in Brambleclaw. A cat who is uneasy and uncomfortable with the roles and titles thrust upon him, who only wants to live in his truth and exist in a place where he belongs. I imagine that Firestar would admire Bramble from afar if he developed a crush. Maybe he’d even distance himself from his apprentice (depending on the ages they are when Fire realizes his own interest in Bramble), not wanting to influence him or act wrongly. I don’t think Brambleclaw would take well to that, though. He’d likely want to know *why*. What did he do wrong? Why is Firestar suddenly so distant? Why won’t he come near Bramble? Why does he suddenly act skittish and uncomfortable when he’s training Bramble? Bramble wants to know and he will do anything he can to figure it out. (And there *is* a risk if he doesn’t figure it out. A risk by the name of ‘Tigerstar’, the cat who will absolutely come into Bramble’s life and take control if he doesn’t have an older role model to look towards for support.)
If it was Bramblepaw/claw: Hmmmm! I’m not sure!! I wonder if he would even realize it was a crush at first. Maybe he thinks it’s competition, or some sort of innate link with Firestar due to the hatred that Bramble’s father felt towards Fire. Maybe he tries to avoid that feeling, because he fears that it’s Tigerstar’s influence that causes that interest!
Firestar has shown a considerable amount of wariness to Bramblepaw in the books due to that same link to Tigerstar. Perhaps he sees Bramblepaw avoiding him and acting odd, so he takes Bramble out for a walk to have a talk. Firestar thinks he’s going to have a serious talk about Bramble’s father’s and his loyalties, or whether Bramble wants to be a Thunderclan cat at all. But Bramblepaw instead explains his interest in Firestar. Firestar is very familiar with the feelings that Bramble is describing and he realizes that Bramble has a crush on him. Still, part of him is unsure whether it might be a trick, a silly childish crush, or perhaps Tigerstar’s influence somehow.
I’m not really sure! I could think of a few routes but I’m not sure what would be most accurate to the characters themselves. Hmmmmm.
Either way, I feel like Fireheart/star would have to grow and learn not to see Tigerstar when he looks at Bramble. That was already a plotline in the books but it’s definitely more prominent if we’re going the BrambleFire ship route, since the closer relationship could be damaged much more intensely by those brief flashes of distrust and recognition in Firestar’s eyes.
So to round out this rambling (which I hope made some sort of sense akdhrbehrhrj) I think Brambleclaw would really have a thing for being praised and appreciated! He’s always been in the shadow of his dead father and the sins that Tigerstar committed, it means a *lot* to him when someone appreciates and loves him for who he is.
Meanwhile, Firestar strikes me as the type to make his appreciation known, *especially* once he realizes how much it means to Bramble.
I think a sign that they’ve grown and developed together, would be when Firestar listens, understands, and helps Brambleclaw through his moments of anger and rage without any distrust or wariness. When Firestar sees Brambleclaw angry and thinks “What happened, is he okay?” instead of “He’s just like his father”, that would be a sign that they’ve reached a point of understanding and trust between them.
Okay sO Brambleclaw absolutely has a praise kink. Maybe a daddy kink too. He’s also the type to not know how to accept praise sometimes too, imo!! Depending on how hard the praise hits, he might devolve into chuckles and giggles and coughing as he tries to think of something to say. He also loves being named, I think! Both pet names, as well as his own name. He wants to know that he’s seen as *him*, not as his father’s kin. He wants to be Brambleclaw.
Meanwhile Fireheart/star is definitely willing to give that praise. It may take a while, but eventually Firestar would indulge Brambleclaw with the sweetest cooing and adoration and kind loving words of praise and admiration.
I also feel like Brambleclaw might have a thing for being de-ranked, if that makes sense! He obviously likes his warrior rank and the respect he’s earned, but I feel like he’d really like those occasional moments when he can strip that away and be Bramblepaw. Needing instruction, needing guidance, and needing a warm ginger tom to look up to. However it might take a while to admit that to himself and accept that it isn’t a shortcoming to sometimes want to be protected.
Brambleclaw also seems the type to like worshipping, both giving and receiving! He likes to make his partner know that they’re the most important cat in the world to him. He likes to dote on them and indulge them as if they’re the stars themselves. Firestar also enjoys this!!!
Maybe there’s even a bit of kittypet play, or power swap if it’s a switchy relationship! They’d definitely leave camp to do that though; they wouldn’t want anyone walking in on Firestar bent down, pretending to be a clueless kittypet while Brambleclaw pretends to be an intimidating warrior or rogue who is creeping up on a new victim.
(Neither of them are aware of the similarities to that one instance with Tiny and Bramble’s father, if that does end up happening between Fire and Bramble.)
Oooh! Maybe one or both of them have impregnation or breeding kinks. Or maybe feminization? The options are absolutely endless!
Me at the start of this ask: eh, I don’t have many thoughts
Me looking back at this post: oh, that’s a lot of words. I guess I did!
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greensimp · 1 year
First off, I want to say I’m glad I found a fellow asexual in the fanfic community! Considering the majority of it is smut/sexual related, it’s nice to see works being done that don’t correlate to that 😅 I didn’t realize you were one until reading your guidelines when submitting requests, so it was a nice surprise!
Second, I enjoy reading your Gyutaro fics, he became an instant favorite of mine after watching Demon Slayer. If at all possible if requests are open, would you be interested in doing a forgetful reader x Gyutaro? It’s a struggle of mine (ADHD is a factor in my case) and it can get frustrating considering people treat me like I do it on purpose and don’t pay attention, especially if it’s in a scenario where I’m overwhelmed. If not, I look forward to continue seeing your other works regardless!!
Oh my god I get so frustrated with myself when I forget things all the time. I’ve never been diagnosed with ADHD or anything, but I suspect I may have something similar. Especially since I’ve already been diagnosed with Tourette’s and ADHD/ADD often coincides with that. I can relate with you on a spiritual level tbh lol.
Also yes, I do mostly identify with the asexual community! My writings are definitely mostly catered toward fellow asexual people and I agree that there is an oversaturation of smutty content in fanfiction (not a jab at those who enjoy smut, I know it’s the majority of fanfiction consumers that do, but I also think that pretty much everyone can enjoy a story without smut as well. It’s inclusive to asexual people and the average reader.)
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Gyutaro x Forgetful!Reader Headcannons(ish)
A/N: AFAB reader (Ace coded in honor of the requestor).
-In the canon setting, I don’t think your forgetfulness would effect your relationship much. Its your personal and internal frustrations about it that would get in the way of anything.
-You’d live in a small room above a clothing store near the Kyogoku house as the owner’s assistant.
-Your boss’s main customer? The Kyogoku house, of course! Gyutaro met you when you had tagged along with your boss to get his sister’s measurements one day.
-From the beginning, he got the impression that you were a little air-headed, often misplacing small objects and frantically searching for them once your boss asked for them. How could someone lose things so easily?
-The first time he would “visit” you (sneak into your room to play with his food), he’d taunt your behavior, only for you to be more concerned about whether you had met him before and had forgotten, absolutely mortified at your own perceived rudeness. Like, his appearance was the least of importance, a rarity in Yoshiwara.
-Once the initial “honeymoon” phase of your relationship wore off, your true worries would begin to affect your relationship (at least, you would believe that to be so).
-Gyutaro caught on from the start that you weren’t normal. Your brain didn’t work like other peoples’. If he was being honest, your common fits of panic when you couldn’t find an important piece of jewelry or document was one of your most endearing qualities. You cared so much about little things in such a drastically different way than other people. You spent so much energy on being the perfect little maid servant to your boss (and him sometimes) and you strove to be kind to others.
-However… the longer you tried to keep him and the people you interact with on a daily basis happy at your expense, the more apparent it was becoming that a breakdown was eminent. Months of masking your abnormal behavior and constantly taking great steps (often repeating a single task in your mind hours on end so you wouldn’t forget) to remember things would come to a head.
-You’d be in your room, frantically searching for an important document with the measurements for a very high profile client. It wasn’t that big of a deal, as the client would be stopping by later that day and could just be measured again. It would only take a few extra minutes at the beginning of the appointment. That didn’t matter to you though. You hated the thought that anyone would be inconvenienced because your brain can’t work right.
-Your brain is just defective. Worthless. Why were you cursed with such an incompetent memory? Why were you so weird?
-Gyutaro would emerge from your window to find you sitting on your knees and looking down.
-At this point, you and him had been in a relationship for almost 6 months. He’d gotten comfortable just appearing in your room whenever. At the moment, it was very early in the morning, the sun not even peeking over the horizon yet.
-“Hey baby, whatcha stressin’ about this time?”
-He could tell you were tense, but when you didn’t turn to face him with those adorably panicked eyes like you usually do, his big toothy grin fell, eyes softening.
-Then he’d notice the tremble in your hands as they gripped the fabric of your kimono.
-Now concerned, he’d furrow in brows in confusion, crouching down to try and get a look at your face.
-only to be met with a thousand-yard stare
-“Why am I so stupid?”
-The question would take him aback. You’d never acted like this before, so  what had happened to you?
-“I try to do everything right. I try and try and try. So why can’t I just remember? Why can’t I just be normal?”
-Something about the tone in your words would resonate with his memories long since locked away by Muzan’s influence. Merely a reflexive reaction at this point.
-“Hey, snap out of it, you’re actin’ like it’s the end of the world or somethin’-“
-Your head whipped around and you gave him the most horrified stare he’d ever seen from you. Your eyes were wide with terror and your teeth were chattering. Internally, you felt like your world was ending. An unexplainable sense of doom was gripping your chest without mercy, causing your breathing to pick up rapidly.
-“What if I forget things about you next?! What if I forget our memories?!! What’s HAPPENING to me, Gyutaro?!”
-A panic attack. Gyutaro knew about it all too well. Even as a demon, he would probably still experience those.
-As if on instinct, he would jump to envelop you into an embrace, trying everything in his power to ground you. Guilt would quickly overcome him, now realizing how much you had been bottling up for his sake. You didn’t want to inconvenience him with your problems.
-When you would finally calm down, he’d grab your face and kiss you softly, not caring if your salty tears touched his lips.
-“Even if you do forget about us, I’ll spend every waking moment reminding you. You don’t have to worry, sweetheart.”
-He'd make sure you don't have to burden your insecurities alone ever again.
-And yes, he did help you find those measurements.
AAAAAGH I'm so sorry this took forever to answer I've in the process of moving for weeks and my job is exhausting *sigh*. I really wanna update this blog more regularly from this point onward tho!
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bluegekk0 · 8 months
could you explain how you draw fpk? he looks like a very shaped beast /pos
Hm, I'm not sure how to explain it exactly. But I suppose I could talk about my thought process for his design and how I portray him.
My main sources of inspiration for him are reptiles and mammals, as time went on I definitely started to lean more into the latter. Because he's covered in skin instead of scales, his body is very soft, and I try my best to emphasize that in my art. With his additional fat, I also look at fat reference to make sure it has the proper shape, softness and physics.
It's also worth mentioning that his design changed over the year, he was a lot more reptilian and sharp when the AU started, so that also affected my drawing process for him. A big change was to his proportions - his head used to be a lot bigger, his legs shorter and his arms smaller. His tail was also quite thin, and his belly was closer to what you see on kittens than how I draw it now (which unfortunately also made him look swollen, or even pregnant, and since that wasn't my intention, I decided to change how I depict it). His proportions are a bit closer to a small person, and that also affected his posture. He's more upright now, has longer legs and arms, and a smaller head.
The tail is also much more thick now, he drags it behind him almost like the very old depictions of dinosaurs, and it's very important for counter-balancing his large head (even if the head is not actually very heavy). The tip is much more flexible and almost prehensile, so I make sure to put emphasis on it in my art. I imagine it would wiggle around a lot so I want to make that apparent when I draw him.
A big part of how I draw him is his crown. I make the horns very short compared to his canon design, and they're more spade like with round tips, they're also much closer to one another. This is both a stylistic choice and also part of his design, and it gives him a more streamlined look. The two spikes on the sides of his head are probably the only sharp part of his design, and they're very stylized. Realistically they make no sense, but he's a cartoon character so that's fine. If I were to draw him more realistically, they'd be positioned on his cheeks, I don't think they'd actually go all around (so you wouldn't see them on the top of his head in the profile view).
His face is salamander like, flatter at the bottom and rounder at the top, with a significantly more pronounced nose and snout than before. No nostrils or earholes though, he does have them but they blend in so well they're not visible in my art. And there's of course his eyes. Big and reflective, I pay extra attention to making them look alive and "wet".
His colors are also very important, I intentionally made him leucistic so that he has a pink undertone to his colors, which gives him this soft marshmallow look. The pink around the face, elbow/knee joints and at the tip of the tail really emphasize it.
I don't have any specific "guide" like images for this, so I'll just add my most recent drawing since it illustrates everything I said the best.
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In short, the soft colors and the roundness are definitely the biggest factors to his design. He's meant to look very approachable, and the cushion-y marshmallow/dumpling vibe is definitely something I really enjoy about his design. So I pay attention to the weight distribution, the color palette, and all that, my goal is to make him look as if he was very soft to touch. It is a relatively recent direction, but one I'm much more satisfied with than his older, more gray/blueish design with sharper traits.
I hope this was somewhat informative, I wasn't sure how to approach this ask but hopefully you enjoy the answer!
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prettyoddfever · 8 months
hi! there’s a poem that brendon supposedly posted in august 2008 on “dylan’s myspace” that a lot of fans call “the summer poem” and i was wondering if you could confirm if he wrote it or not. i know you touched on the fact that there were a lot of fake accounts made around that time, but this specific poem has always felt more genuine than other posts and the writing style fits his tone. i’ve always really liked it, but i was never 100% sure of its validity. thank you!
ok so I had to google this to see what the "summer poem" was and I found this tumblr post, which had this link at the bottom:
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and that links to the dilloncornbreadandchicken myspace as the source of that poem, which explains everything.
So towards the end of the Honda Civic Tour (and shortly after Pete Wentz got married), one of Pete's dog Hemingway's supposed extra myspace accounts posted a bulletin that said “it would make me happy if you would add my buddy dillon. here's his myspace" and linked to the dilloncornbreadandchicken account. The fact that Dylan's name was spelled wrong and she was misgendered was a little weird. Also, Hemingway's real account didn't post anything about this. (Side note: Yes, Panic's myspace got hacked around the end of the Honda Civic Tour, so even the legit myspace accounts could occasionally do something unusual. Also can I please just complain that the hackers could have posted some highly entertaining stuff "from Adam" on Panic's myspace if they'd had any imagination. Like we all know what's going on, so why not just do something absurd for a laugh).
But the dilloncornbreadandchicken account seemed questionable on its own anyways. Keep in mind that a lot of fans were obsessed with the idea that Brendon & Shane were dating... like a lot of the Ryden enthusiasm got channeled there in 2008 because at least it still implied that Brendon was into guys.
Some random things that seemed odd to me:
Several of the pictures on that myspace were absolutely not Dylan. Similar looking dog, but definitely not her.
One of the songs that played on Dillon’s profile was “Ur So Gay” by Katy Perry.
The account said things like "yea i have 2 daddys... out of the ordinary? daddy brendon and shane both take excellent care of me.”
Many girls had convos with the “Shane and Brendon” who ran that myspace. That account was also very active with replying & commenting on other's profiles. June was still a busy month for the real Brendon, who was finishing the Honda Civic Tour (and doing a lot of publicity/media stuff) and then getting ready for Europe.
In July (while the band was still in Europe), fans asked Shane about Brendon's comment to Kerrang about how the last time he cried was when he heard that Dylan ran away for a few days. Shane explained that Dylan was living with his parents while Panic was on tour, and that she'd run away on a nearby golf course to chase rabbits for a few days. Shane also apparently seemed confused when a fan at the Astoria show told him she was friends with Dylan on myspace.
There were a ton of fake myspace & facebook accounts for everyone in PATD over the years. Some of them even managed to spell Brendon's name right. But Brendon just would not be talking to fans on myspace like that (or even be on myspace at that point period). The band had stopped doing even basic journal updates by 2008, but even in 2006 Brendon & Ryan had put a lot of distance between themselves and fans, and we heard from them less & less. The guys didn't even run their band's social media in the Fever era. This whole episode reminded me of how in late 2006 many middle school girls swore they'd been talking to Ryan on AIM and he'd shared secret lyrics with them, and I was like omg common sense please.
The person who wrote that "summer poem" sounds like a school schedule still factored into their awareness, and they're possibly trying to make a subtle connection to Brendon's old part_time_lovah livejournal account. I stopped paying attention to the dilloncornbreadandchicken myspace after seeing so many big fans similarly conclude that it was fake, so I don't remember much about the poem. I'll only say that it should be regarded with some suspicion... even just posting a poem anywhere online like that would have been very out of character for Brendon. (For context, that poem was posted while Brendon was busy being a tired, sick, sweaty mess on tour in Asia and the band was heading to Australia next).
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thepioden · 9 months
Can we get Auntie Pi's cornbread recipe? I've been wanting to make some soon but don't have a specific recipe already
You certainly can! Pi's Gluten-Free Skillet Cornbread (also works with gluten, and in regular pans.)
Since I made it the first time, the base recipe hasn't changed but I do have some notes:
If you're using AP flour and not a gluten-free blend, use about 1/3 cup less flour -OR-
Use about 1/3 cup more milk. You want this to be a thick but pourable batter - it should self-smooth in the pan, not stick up in chunks or peaks.
Be prepared to need about an extra 1/3 cup milk generally, depending on your GF flour blend. I buy whatever's cheap and big at Costco, so brand consistency is nonexistent and some of them are drier than others. Also, humidity can be a factor, as will all flour-based things.
Any solid fat works; 1 stick of butter is 4 oz., match on weights. I've run out of unfrozen butter before and dipped into my Pie Lard for cornbread and it was fine.
The sugar is optional, I'm just a yankee and like my cornbread sweet.
You can definitely halve this recipe; it makes a lot of cornbread.
You can use this to coat corndogs, just add more milk until it's the consistency of thick pancake batter. You can also just... drop spoonfuls in a pan with about 1/2" of hot oil, and make cornbread doughnuts.
Any other food I either make up or significantly alter from an existing recipe I usually post on my recipe tag.
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ao3wasntenough · 5 months
Anon again lmao. Thankyou so much for all the recommendations and I’ll definitely be checking them out. Oo I agree that mini bot Sam has a lot of potential. I love the idea of minicons not being that common anymore from the war and I saw this piece of lore somewhere on tumblr about how minicons had a fear of being trampled or not treated so well hence why they view bigger bots as clumsy and reckless. I look forward to seeing what more you add to your au. :DD Sam fr could be such a pest and it would be interesting to see what alt mode he could have as in RID (which I somewhat despise) we see minicons such as Fixit, Slipstream and Jetstorm. Of course there’s others but they seem to have a range of useful alt modes to bigger bots e.g. weapons, extra armour plating. So it be interesting to see how Sam’s new status would be taken with the bots and how the relationships would be. Especially if Sam have to choose a host or a bot to be close to. Somewhat like cassette bots bonds. I love the aspect they need this connection to keep their spark stable.
Oop sorry for the spam. I like to chatter too much. 😆 totally not stalking ya blog.
Sam realising his a bot _| ̄|○
Sam being told minibots can transform and be helpful partners to larger bots ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Sam when he realises he still doesn’t know how to transformer or even if he has a helpful alt form and the autobots are just as awkward and walking on eggshells about having a minibot around for the first time in forever (c" ತ_ತ)
I think that’s why I thought Prowl would be an interesting choice with Sam cause from what I’ve learned about his character he’d probably get over the precautionary factor around Sams situation the quickest without to much thought and start incorporating Sam into routines around the base.
Maybe Prowl picks up how Sam can move amongst larger Bots without them perceiving him and Sam’s natural trouble magnet to have him fetch and find out who’s doing shit their not supposed to. Or using Sams human nature in feeling peoples and bots changes in mood or behaviours to aid in handling human to bot communication or complaints.
Also having the bot most at risk of being physically taken hostage or captive by his side means he doesn’t have pankicked autobots running around trying to find Sam thinking he’s missing.
And while Prowl fully believes he’s not Sams larger bot partner everyone thinks that’s how their acting. Envy it just a little bit to but other bots even Bee and Optimus get a bit lost in how to handle their former human friend now bot
Though if I had to think of another bot I could see minibot Sam working well with would be Jazz, both deceptively good at disarming Bots and humans with their behaviours while noting personal details and information to use later. And Jazz’s relaxed approach while believably acting like everything under control comforting to Sam’s anxiousness. Little intel hunters that make Prowl alarmed at how much they know
I am so stuck on alt forms for Sam 😅 the funniest idea I had was a high tech Bat, something bots would be like wtf at seeing another bot wield still they hoods are smashed in while also being familiar to Sam as a human
And don’t feel bad or nervous about spamming or rambling!! It’s actually so enjoyable to have people talk or ask questions at length for something I can talk with!! I get like huge imposter syndrome over wether I have valid ideas or takes so feedback or interpretation off something I’ve created or said is like crack to me
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nerdranttheories · 1 year
Toshinori Yagi is a Heteromorph, but Quirkless
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Nerd rant of the day! I’ve seen many different takes on All Might’s muscle form, arguing about whether it’s a part of One for All, is just a visual gag, or it’s a separate quirk entirely, that’s purely cosmetic in Toshinori’s case. I’ve had this theory for a while, but after seeing some videos on TikTok disagreeing over his secondary form, I’ve decided to publish this headcanon. I also have proof for this idea, so hold, please.
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Firstly, I want to address the idea that All Might’s secondary form is just a visual gag, and not an actual thing that happens within the canon in the series. I can see why this would be an accepted headcanon, as it’s hard to explain this ability of All Might’s, when it has little to no explanation within the series. The often comedic times in which All Might changes also lend themselves to this idea, and make it hard to take his transformation seriously. However, there are instances where attention is called specifically to the transformation All Might partakes in. Well, and the gush of blood from his mouth every single time he reverts to his smaller form prove that there’s definitely a physical change going on.
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With the idea that the transformation is a canon thing he does in mind, I want to address the idea that All Might only recently started doing this transition, since his injury. Boku no Hero Vigilantes disproves this as we see a young All Might do the signature transformation. (However, I’m not sure of the canonicity of ‘Might Ears’ so perhaps this can be taken with a grain of salt.)
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So what is this transformation? Izuku doesn’t do it so it’s not a part of One for All. Here’s where my theory comes into play.
We see several heteromorph characters, even within Izuku’s class. Shoji, Tokoyami, and Koda are the ones I am going to specifically refer to. There are other hetemorphs, like Ojiro and Hagakure, but in their case, their different anatomy is their quirk. To some extent, so is Shoji’s and Koda’s. However, Shoji’s unusual facial proportions aren’t connected to his quirk “dupli-arms”, and while Koda’s ears seem to play some factor in his “ani-speak” ability, from a scene later in the manga. (I won’t add it just in case for spoilers?) but his overall shape doesn’t seem to affect his ability much. And of course, Tokoyami’s ability is Dark Shadow, which really doesn’t explain why his head is shaped like a bird’s.
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As such, my guess is there is some kind of classification system in place in the MHA society that places heteromorphism as a quirk or not, most likely due to usefulness. Hawk’s wings allow him to fly, while Tokoyami’s head doesn’t seem to give him an advantage in any way.
Having said all that, I think All Might’s transformation, as well as his eyes, place him as a heteromorph. The eyes I’ll explain a different day, so as not to clutter this post too much. Flexing muscles does make them stronger, but in Toshinori’s case it may be that the transformation doesn’t add any extra strength outside of that, and so he’s considered quirkless. It’s only with One for All that he gets that super-strength. But his different biology may be part of why he was able to accept OfA without the same difficulties Izuku experienced, because it’s never mentioned that All Might has the same toe thing Izuku does. (You’d think if he did, his tailor (and David Shield!!!) would have noticed (which of course could just be the author forgetting but for now I’ll use it as support)) which adds even more to the idea that he’s a heteromorph, just not classified as having a quirk.
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knbposting · 6 months
at this point i have no idea if it's a headcanon or if it's just canon, but kagami's 24 maji burgers has got to come from somewhere. he generally eats a lot of food, my hypothesis is that he's a growing boy, he's a teenager, and he's really tall/strong, therefore his basal metabolic rate is probably really high. add onto that all the exercise that he does
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kagami also goes all-out during practise. he's always training until he's out of breath, always striving to improve himself. on top of that, he talks about going on runs sometimes too (in order to help him think things through and regulate his emotions, my sweet boy). therefore i can only imagine he's hungry all the time.
his burgers are a particularly specific demonstration of him choosing to eat that, though. walk with me here. maji's/fast food joints are pretty inexpensive and they have yummy food. he didn't have a lot of pocket money growing up so it makes sense that he'd want to go somewhere cheap. then it becomes normal. then he starts buying more to the point that he actually feels full.
i think the 24 burgers thing is a gag. first and foremost, i think it's just an exaggeration for the hahas and i agree, it's pretty funny. it makes sense that someone so huge like old kagz would want to eat that many burgers in one sitting, but let's put this thought aside for a moment and consider alternative reasons for his 24 burgers. it is 24 burgers, by the way. two dozen burgers. mental
anyway. assuming that maji's is just a mcdonald's substitute, here's the nutritional information for 1 cheeseburger:
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15g protein for 300kcal isn't bad imo. he's got a decent amount of carbs in there to fuel him, and honestly the fat isn't great but he's eating at maji's he's not going there for health foods. (also kagami doesn't care about health foods, king)
my belief is that he probably read in a fitness magazine about the importance of protein and calorie intake for building muscles, and thought of maji's. i reckon he doesn't track macros or calories because he doesn't want to have to do the maths, but he knows that if he eats enough, it doesn't matter.
kagz has mentioned before that when he's with people he thinks would care, or they've been weird about it before, he will order 12 cheeseburgers. let's say that this was his first solid quantity before he ended up raising that number, the bigger he wanted to get. in 12 cheeseburgers, there's 180g of protein (3,600kcal). hell yeah, dude! that basically covers his general intake goal for protein (if he was actively tracking it, which, again, i doubt -- but let's call it a ballpark). in 24 cheeseburgers, there's 360g of protein and 7,200kcal. that is definitely too much protein to eat at once and expect any extra benefit, but he's not eating this every day so it's not so bad. and again, i have a feeling his calorie requirements are going to be super high due to all the contributing factors i mentioned before.
in conclusion, i think kagami read one thing once about having to get over 200g protein if you want to bulk up (which he has always wanted to do, he's always aimed for being big and stocky), and ran with it. 24 cheeseburgers fulfils his protein requirement so he doesn't have to do any maths, and it leaves him feeling full.
i do just want to point out that mcdonald's cheeseburgers are, according to google, about 200yen each, bringing the 24 order up to ¥4,800 (£25GBP/$31.40USD) which is not an absolutely insane cost for eating out. of course he also orders fries and a drink but he seems to prioritise his burgers so i cba to look up those numbers. he's a king ordering like one fries to 24 cheeseburgers ratio tho. no wonder he likes maji's so much if it's cheap and cheerful and completely eradicates any concern for getting enough protein. we're talking GAINZZZZ BABY
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months
an/other thing/s, Of Course
rifling through things again going like "oh yeah, That" & "hmm making connections. great work, me" & "huzzah forgot that entirely / what a delight as always to revisit things" & Pointing these couple times
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reminded of wondering "wait did another sibling die in infancy or are they always just out of frame, infantly. or is their mom coincidentally babysitting at the moment" and in a real feat was like alright a wiki sure might have these answers, i'll open it & look things up. indeed telling me an infant hannah was a sibling, died. then going "oh right you're telling me What lmfaooo" re: the wiki's timeline asserting that Mordecai's First Murder(tm) was four years before the fleeing on a train incident?? murder of "opportunism and revenge" like What is going on there lmao, a lot at once, apparently. providing more of a quote that i'm just taking for granted Exists rather than perhaps have to wayback cited sources: "He extorted money from someone who had previously worked for and who had, in a way, betrayed him and indirectly cost his already depleted family a great deal. What he managed to get from this individual was a frustrating pittance, though, so believing himself to be smarter and more capable, he murdered him and took his place as a relatively minor player in a larger criminal network. He used the to position to embezzle money from higher-ups, at first to make up for what was lost and later, because he could. Eventually, inevitably, he got caught." that little Mystery Solving thing where you sure just don't have enough info until you do lmao like What! out here going "starts as a bookkeeper. probably does some embezzling wuh oh" like no way am i inferring "yeah but also previously worked for, indirectly kind of betrayed by some bookkeeper, Got His Ass i.e. killed and replaced him like hello yes it's me, That Guy? working remotely? what Comedy played out in replacing him lmfao and Then embezzles and Then gets in trouble for that" like hello!!! amazing. another win for looking things up ever after all.
which does kind of ramp things up, also. figured "i do remember mordecai's dad died at some point in his childhood & the entire poor tenement living conditions issue & combining that & general socioeconomicpolitical factors it's like well yeah sure so he gets into bookkeeping for perhaps less than legitimate(tm) enterprises, does some less than Definitely Not Embezzling" was motivation for things enough, sure, then like oh uh hello murder years before fleeing??? but add in a sibling dying for increased sense of insecurity and some kind of especial acute crisis specifically uponst this family by some specific party Fucking Around like ah right sure. doling the Finding Out and more broadly being in tempestuous situations always from some point onwards, gotcha.
and well the only thing about the little atlas & mordecai photograph is "oh right i forgot there was that photograph of these two" and the other remarkable point being like, can't really think of another time mordecai is ever shown so Wide Eyed in a "neutral" mode of being. rather than elevatedly bothered, whether at the level of "quite unsettled &/or irritated" or the level quite above that of "trying to kill someone before they kill him and it's extra tricky / urgent" which is very neat of him (to shift o_o mode for that, namely. thank you mordecai for the Drama as always. real [!] visuals) and it's like, maybe it's to cue his being younger? sure has real I'm Baby design, even with also "yeowch. sharp" and resting bitch face design, additionally. complimentary. was gonna be like "sure don't know when it was taken or how quickly this particular of the job was further presented to him, but maybe it's about having a few dozen fewer kills under his belt or something. but like damn never mind even getaway train mordecai was like been there, ["you son of a bitch i told you i'd do it. you're next (i'm referring to a specific post edit lmao. but you can imagine)"]'d that....still perhaps several dozen fewer kills and, you know, kind of a wash to consider the specifics beyond that when it's like sure maybe that'd make him look unhappier in pictures or maybe there's reaching the point of having to adjust to that new norm here. rather than that even with motivation, probably baby's first murder is more difficult than the implicit second through fourth required to Not Be Killed himself. or maybe not. much to consider; all speculative. maybe it's another impromptu unexpected snapshot. maybe he's glad to take a pic with just atlas &/or doing so feels more like a Portrait & this is still his Portrait Face. presumably he wouldn't have had many, or any at all, taken in years. and atlas mustering half a half smile like another giddily joyful day with the boys
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otrtbs · 1 year
The Ultimate Orange Muffins
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Hello everyone! So, previously, there has been some discussion on this blog about trying out several different orange muffin recipes on the quest to find the best Art Heist, Baby! James (and Regulus Black approved) Orange Muffin™️ ever made. I am now ready to begin this journey and will document my research and discoveries along the way! Please feel free to follow along on this orange muffin journey!
Starting Information:
I will be working my way through orange muffin recipes at least once a month (maybe twice if I can manage and have people to pawn muffins off on! We will see!)
The goal is to try at least 10 different iterations of orange muffins which i will rank (1-5) on skill (how easy is it to make, how many/what types of ingredients/ special tools you need, how long it takes), orange and overall flavor (arbitrary but it's my muffin bracket so idc!), and texture (consistency, moisture, idk, like, crumble factor)
After giving each recipe an overall score, the top scoring muffin will be crowned The Art Heist, Baby! Orange Muffin (James' version).
If you wish for your orange muffins to be included in the running, please feel free to send along your recipe and I will add it to the docket to bake! 😋
If you want to follow along with these bakes and form your own opinion, I will post all the recipes here for you to try!
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All that being said...Here is the first recipe and rank for September's bake! ✨
Chai Orange Muffins!
Ingredients: 🍊 3/4 cup Oil 🍊 1 cup Sugar 🍊 2 Eggs 🍊 1 tsp. Vanilla 🍊 1/3 cup Chai tea latte concentrate (store bought or make your own!) 🍊 1 and 1/2 cups Flour 🍊 1 tsp. Salt 🍊 1 tsp. Baking soda 🍊 2 Tbsp. Orange zest, grated
Directions: Set oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line 12 muffin cups with paper liners. Combine oil, sugar, eggs, vanilla, and Chai Concentrate. In a separate bowl, stir together the flour, salt, baking soda and orange zest. Blend in the oil mixture and stir lightly. Pour into muffin cups. Bake for 15 to 25 minutes. Serves 12.
Extra: I also made a chai glaze to put on top of the muffins which is optional but here is the recipe for that as well!
🍊 1 cup of powdered sugar 🍊 2 tbsp of chai concentrate 🍊 1 tsp of vanilla 🍊 1 tsp of cinnamon
Directions: Stir until glaze consistency and add more chai concentrate as needed! Wait till muffins are cooled to add the glaze.
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Skill: 4 (Super easy to make! Had all of the ingredients at home to make besides the chai concentrate! Just needed a bowl, a fork and a muffin tin really. Kinda hard to nail down a set bake time though. The recipe said 10-15 minutes mine needed like 25.) Flavor: 4.5 (The chai is so wonderful and it doesn't overpower the orange flavor. Muffins are good with or without the glaze. Can definitely taste the orange!) Texture: 4 (So yum. Not dry! bUT some cooked a little unevenly (that's on me ik but shush). Also they don't really have a good muffin top. They're more flat like a cupcake so I deducted some points for the aesthetic. Sorry!) FINAL RANKING: 4.2/5
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Final Thoughts: The muffins are good! Almost more of a dessert muffin because they are very sweet! But they're a strong contender for my favorite already because I love chai, and the muffins made my entire house smell so lovely. A slay! (Would Regulus be able to stack several of these on his plate and save them for later though??? Kinda doubt it. So we continue on!) ✨ Tune in next time for my "Bakery Style Orange Muffin" Bake! Recipe posted here for reference! 😋 ✨
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