#but it doesnt stick around long enough to really say anything
youngpettyqueen · 8 months
alright, thats Picard in the books. what to say about Picard...
overall? I wasn't impressed. the first season had the potential to be intriguing, but failed to live up to that potential and instead felt like it dragged. the second season was stronger, with stronger writing, but was again bogged down by some pretty stupid writing choices. still, I think the second season was the most strongly written. the third and final season was also fairly strong with most of its writing, but unfortunately where it was weak, it was really weak, and made it difficult to enjoy what I thought would be the easiest season to enjoy
the character writing in this show, when it came to the new characters, left a lot to be desired. season 1 was the worst for this, and things improved in season 2, but season 3... it was alright, in season 3, except for Jack. I could go on an entire rant about Jack, but ill spare you. it was just overall not great, the character writing, and it made it difficult for me to get invested in these new characters
Raffi was the best of the bunch of the new characters. her writing was also the best, and she really got to shine. I came around to Agnes in the second season, and enjoyed her. I never, at any point, cared about Rios. his entire thing bogged down season 2. I was glad to see him gone. Laris and her arc turned out to be entirely pointless, which. thats a whole other rant. lmao. Elnor was good, I really liked him, wish we got to see him in s3
I won't go on the Jack rant just know I hate him from a writing standpoint. Shaw was annoying and I didnt care for him. I did, however, quite like Sidney. and I wish we could've seen more of Alandra, we didnt get much so I dont have much of an opinion about her
there were good elements of this show. I enjoyed the focus on Picard letting himself feel, and express his feelings. I enjoyed the callbacks, and some of the cameos were really cool- I loved seeing Wesley, and Guinan, and even Moriarty. there were some good moments of closure, like Data and Lore, and Ro and Picard. I particularly loved Q and his role in the second season. the dynamics and interactions between the original members of the TNG crew were great, there was a lot of love, and I laughed a lot- shoutout to "I hope we die quickly! :D" and every single interaction between Worf and Riker. and, again, Raffi- cannot praise her enough. absolutely loved her, and would love to see more of her
this show could've been something really good. unfortunately it doesnt quite get there. I find it took itself far too seriously, and the writing often felt like a cop out. the changes to established lore were also annoying- trying to make Picard's father out to be more sympathetic, Picard having been infected by the Borg, etc- and felt like they were shoehorned in. I also wasn't a fan of how they kept bringing in more minor characters- Icheb, Hugh, Ro- just to kill them off. felt cheap
overall, im not a fan. I won't be rewatching this series. I wouldnt call it terrible, it has its good moments, but I wouldnt call it good. pulling off a sequel for a 30+ year old beloved series must be difficult, and I wish Picard had hit the mark, but unfortunately it falls short and fails to live up to TNG's legacy
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literalite · 1 month
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marlo velasco for @rainymoodlet's rock of love!
hii formally introducing marlo after showing them in cas first lmao i'll stick all their info and some bonus pics under the cut :3
they're filipino, nonbinary (using they/them pronouns), and androsexual- for simplicity's sake they sometimes just say they're gay
traits: erratic, hot-headed, creative likes: alternative and metal music, competency, a good discussion, wellness, getting everything just right, being praised(.......), a good visual contrast, travelling, friendly competition, hard workers, vintage artwork, and of course tattoos fhgjhkjkl dislikes: modern decor, elitism, people who lack drive or who follow tradition, being told what to do, stupid questions, green eyes, makeup, phones or cameras or honestly most modern technology, softening their tone in any way, uncomfortable shoes
quick well that was a fucking lie bio:
only child to two very conservative parents, had a very testy relationship with them both throughout their teens and young adulthood. currently no contact with them both
learnt how to tattoo in their teens and joined a tattoo and piercing shop as an apprentice at 21. they met both their ex husband and their current best friend, risa there
married their ex at 25, was truly in love with him despite being deeply unhappy in other aspects of life
came out and began transitioning at 29, which strained their marriage as he tried and failed to accept their true self as opposed to the "woman" he had signed up for
he convinced them to try for having a kid in order to save their relationship shocker, that did not work so mickey was born
after three years they divorced- admittedly marlo was not a stellar parent and left mickey mostly in her father's care while they moved on from working at the original tattoo shop, eventually seeing their kid for only a weekend per month
at 35 opened their new shop Purgatory Tattoos with their best friend risa as co-owner
two years ago, they got a call in the middle of the night, from their ex who immediately started shouting down the line at them for "corrupting" their 11 year old into thinking that she's a girl. they immediately drove the few hours to go pick mickey up and filed for custody the morning after
marlo's relationship with mickey was initially understandably pretty rocky, with marlo being really awkward around their own daughter and mickey obviously being distrustful of them. in years since, they've grown a lot closer, with marlo now really appreciating the work it takes to raise a kid. they're still very anxious about being a "good" parent though, having totally lacked for any role models
has sort of dated around since breaking up with their husband, but hasn't been able to commit to anything serious what with their focus on keeping their business running and the residual sting of a long and painful loss both emotionally and financially from their ex
signed up for this at risa's insistence and also thinking that it'd be nice for mickey to grow up with a more stable and loving environment than they did
fun facts:
they're pretty much tone deaf but nevertheless enthusiastic about karaoke much to their neighbours' detriment
for their employees and apprentices, they're known as kind of a hardass, especially in comparison to risa, but being under their guidance improves skills x10
lactose intolerant but im not wasting a trait slot on that LMAO
used to have piercings, but took their facial ones out years ago because they'd all been done by their ex- all the holes have since closed up
has pretty much no social media presence aside from their shop's instagram account, on which they've got no photos of themselves, not even a candid in the background of a shot. doesnt know wtf a tiktok is even though mick keeps begging them to do dances with her?
can't imagine moving away from tomarang even though they love travelling overseas. a big goal is getting enough money together to take mickey on a big holiday abroad
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here are some pics of them and their daughter, mickey! she's 13, trans, she/her pronouns. due to their long estrangement, mickey calls them "lo" instead of any other term
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electricsynthesis · 5 months
keith galraisms post
physical characteristics
-his hair grows like 3 times as fast as a normal persons. it grows unusually thick and weirdly layered and textured. i imagine it having a texture that isnt curly or wavy or straight, but is sort of coarse and pointed. dense hair. this is why he has a weird mullet. he cuts it and then he wakes up a week later and the mullets back. i reblogged a post with this exact hc like 2 days ago but i stg ive had this opinion for years
-somewhere around 19-20~ his canines fall out. literally like humans' teeth do with baby teeth. they get wiggly and then fall out. and then he grows extremely pointed fangs in their spot. when he tells coran this, coran explains that this is common in galra to lose their milk canines and grow adult fangs. lance compares it to wisdom teeth and keith gets annoyed
-on a similar note, the reason keith has a full set of teeth despite being a troglodyte child who beats people up when pissed off is because he just grows his teeth back once theyre knocked out. this didnt happen with his baby teeth but once his adult teeth grew in, he would just. Grow new teeth. this unsettles him deeply everytime he thinks about it because humans are born with both sets of teeth. how is he doing this .
-he can see in the dark
-he has prey animal hearing. his ears perk up when he hears sharp distant sounds
-obviously i think he growls when hes pissed and purrs when hes happy. Who do you take me for. i do think this is one of those things keith assumed was normal until he was older and someone he was fighting made fun of him for "growling like a dog". i think, pretty vitally, he does not sound like a human growling andor purring. i think he sounds like a cat. he also hisses but texas kogane trained him out of that as a kid. as an adult (post galra-heritage arc) he sometimes does it anyway. connecting with his inner child <3
-more generally i think his voice toes the razor's edge of sounding like a normal human's. i think it lowers to registers and heightens to heights that sound only just like a human could make that sound
-his ears have always been pointed enough to be noticeable (texas kogane had him trained to keep his hair relatively long so it would cover them) but they only get pointier the older he gets. they never stick out or anything but one day in their twenties allura sees them and is like hey! youre like a baby altean! and keith doesnt live this observation down for the entire rest of his life
-his stupid purple eyes are canon and go without saying. and the whole "go yellow and slitted when hes pissed" is also canon and goes without saying. im bringing this up because in home again's 'verse, by the time the events of the fic are happening the only people whos actually seen this happen are lance and shiro, because keith got a little upset at some enemy combatants on a mission with them once, and when they told him he was like. what the fuck are you talking about. fuck no. you imagined that. and they swear UP AND FUCKING DOWN that no, keith, your eyes literally turned yellow. they went slitted. we didnt imagine it that really happened--
-he bites people. in all contexts. violent. affectionate. sexual. if left unsupervised he will bite hard enough to draw blood so if its a lovebite you have to slap him away. unless youre into that i guess. this is one of those things he didnt notice until adulthood and he sat there like. head in hands. why is me being galra so fucking obvious in hindsight
-whether or not keith's temper and violent tendencies are the result of a childhood of violent bullying and general social neglect or if theres a genetic factor is entirely conjecture and everyone has a different, private opinion on the subject (keith's opinion is that it doesnt really matter), but its generally agreed on that his ability to power through lifethreatening injuries on pure adrenaline is a Galra Thing
-climbs trees like a spider monkey. generally likes being in places that are both high up and enclosed . if left to his own devices will start climbing around on shit. in the castle this is generally fun because theres big empty rooms that are entirely unused. but they all collectively realize this goes beyond castle exploration once they get back to earth and find keith on top of the fridge at 3 am. im talking completely relaxed while shoved as far in the upper corner of the room as he can possibly get
-hoards random shit he finds sentimental and keeps them shoved in various corners of his room. like a dragon. after they get together (sorry for sudden klance bias) lance is constantly accidentally finding his shit scattered around their room shoved into little corners. this is a love language to keith. hes hiding their beloved belongings in safe places. lance finds it EXTREMELY annoying because its early and he needs his moisturizer, keith, if its wrapped in my jacket underneath the bed again im gonna explode
the eternal question
-pidge: have you ever considered talking to a psychologist about you having autism keith: no. the orderly at the orphanage was convinced i was. but i'm obviously just galra. pidge: [exasperated silence]
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demodraws0606 · 13 days
Whit and Eden Accomplices Theory (or mostly just rambling about how Eden could be the culprit in a way that makes sense to me and also how Whit's strange behavior could be explained alongside it but that's a way longer title, oh wai-)
(I'm so sorry every DRDT theory I have involves Whit maybe if he was fucking normal and also not my fav character I would stop putting him in everything)
My entire mindset about theories is just throwing shit at the wall until it sticks, and it seems that this one has really stuck in my mind.
I feel like this post will be long bc there has to be a lot of explanation as to how I got to this theory.
See, I have an issue with the Eden motive from mostly a character perspective as Eden coming up on her own such a cruel method to kill Arei just does not feel in character even if she did snap. It also doesn't help that there isn't much of a motive for her. I've seen people justify but I just don't buy it and I personally just find it a bit boring. I also don't believe she would be fully distrustful of Arei unless being pushed to believe so.
However, the idea that she might have an accomplice could help that justification but it ends up creating a lot more problems. Because you'd need to find a character who would be willing to put their life on the line for seemingly no good reason. This is the issue I had with the Levi/Eden accomplice theory and now for me that theory is pretty much debunked since Levi admitting to his secret just drives more suspicion around him (it also doesn't match with his behavior in the trial, he does seem to genuinely want to help).
I can't deny that Eden definitely is the most suspicious despite me throwing Levi and even Whit under the fire purely because I just don't buy narratively that Eden murdering Arei makes sense. However undeniably, Eden could have access to both Teruko/Hu's clothes and she could've gotten hold of the tape, doesn't help that she was also quite suspicious when Teruko snuck up on her.
So I start to go back to the idea of accomplices, if it's not Levi, who could it be ?
Now before I get to Whit, I do want to propose the kind of other thought I had that didn't quite work out but also is interesting.
Eden culprit + Hu accomplice theory
Now this one is purely because of the fact that we know Hu and Eden hanged out a lot the day before the murder happened, Hu and Eden talked about the clothes as well. There's enough of a connection to make them planning a murder make sense.
However, it doesn't make sense with Hu's character so far. We do know she seems reluctant about her secret however we run into the problem that she has no reason not to just admit it on the spot when the secrets are now already revealed. It works especially not well with the fact that her whole thing is that she wants to live and blows up at David for wanting to play with the cast's lives. In fact her secret quote emphasizes how much she wants to live.
Her having also an alibi makes it impossible for her to have committed/contributed to the murder directly though if she's an accomplice that isn't much of a rebutal, it just makes it impossible for her to be anything more than just a distant accomplice.
Anyways, that really just doesnt leave us with a lot of viable accomplices to help Eden, at least not ones that would make actual sense except....
*sigh* Whit...
I would like to say this is kind of an evolution/building up of my personal theory of Whit being the culprit, as he was linked with a lot of suspicious behavior and also would be the only one with a hypothetical motivation (which in this theory there is a potential second motivation possibly here).
Now my main argument against a lot of the accomplices is the threat of death, who would willingly risk or give up their lives for someone's murder ??
The thing is...Whit already has multiple times refused to tell the truth both in the first case and second case, to the detriment of the survival of everybody. Trial 2 being the most obvious with him being reluctant about Eden's note and David's secret, if he truly continued to keep it shut he had potential to risk people's lives by leaving out information. In the first trial it's him being reluctant to divulge Charles's trauma despite it being the key reason as to why he couldn't have commited the murder.
In fact it's such an issue that Charles hands his secret to Teruko and not Whit because he can't trust Whit to divulge the secret in the class trial.
This would also give Whit a motive, his strange disposition to not unveil anyone's secret could potentially expand to him having personal motivation to not have everyone's secret revealed.
But I think the real motive lies in the strange subject of Whit's secret, his secret being thrown away by Rose without her looking at it, making it impossible for Whit to ever know what his secret was. Interestingly enough he also takes a strange amount of time to indentify that secret as his, like to a point of it no longer just being carelessness.
Therefore lies a potential motivation of him overthinking what his secret actually is. If you want more I go into Whit's potential motivation more in the Whit culprit post (specifically his strange behavior) but let's get onto other information that's smaller but works well with th
Another thing that like, while is mostly based on vibes and circumstancial evidence is still an interesting thing to think about. There's the fact that Whit and Eden were both the people chosen with Teruko and this is something I want to bring up for three reasons.
One, it is important to bring up the counter argument of "them orchestrating Arei's death would go against the body announcement rules right ?" and that is correct. However, the rule is extremely vague to an almost ridiculous degree, if Arei died of suffocation or if Whit and Eden weren't looking when she actually died would it not count as "witnessing the murder" ? In fact I believe this rule being there more so hint at it being subverted especially since we know how unreliable Mono-TV is. Also if we're going with that argument, it is interesting to also note that Eden and Whit were weirdly reluctant about Teruko going to the playground (aka Whit asking if she even really is at the playground and Eden telling Teruko to please wait when she opens the door).
Second, is Whit and Eden's closeness due to this trial, well that wouldn't be the right word, the more correct word would be proximity. Whit jumps to comfort Eden, although in a quite strange apathetic way (no whit saying "there there" doesn't count as actually emotionally being there for someone whose friend just got hanged). They both are in charge of the evidence by Teruko with Rose being grouped up as well. Whit tries to avoid the subject around the note that is incriminating to Eden. They also both "coincidentally" didn't notice Arei's swaying.
Third, more shorter and "funny" little subject would be Teruko's bad luck, especially with Min in the first trial. How unlucky would she be to have picked both of the people responsible for Arei's death. It would be an interesting running theme. However there's not much evidence behind that.
Now here are like short little bullet points that I think kinda cement my thoughts on how Whit being an accomplice can work (bc a lot of people have talked about Eden being the culprit already)
-Whit again one of the few who knows about Arei's rope, everyone could've technically gotten their hands on it but only a few would really know about the rope itself and it being taken away
-Whit is the one to question about acomplice thing and in fact actually manages to get Mono-TV to accept his criteria on who would be considered the blackened. Aka the one that was the most "active" in the crime. If Whit managed to do less than Eden this could be a potential attempt at him for the rules to be in his favor in case Eden gets found out (or vice verca, if he did most of the work he'd be the one to escape).
-I feel like Whit would be high in the spot of being able to manipulate Eden, they both have similar ideologies, plus his intuition seems to get him to read people like a book (or see the future ? were still not sure about that one chief /j). Along that it would be really funny if the Ultimate Matchmaker was the one to break down a relationship. Similar irony to the Ultimate Student killing the Ultimate Rebel.
Anyways I'm sorry about these incoherent ramblings, i'm trying to piece this whole thing together and Eden just being the culprit just doesn't sit right mainly because it feels like the story doesnt justify itself enough.
So here's some spice
By the way if Whit's motivation seems strange throughout my ramblings is mainly because I don't fully know what they are, what I was trying to get across is mostly that it wouldn't be out of character for Whit to have motivations that would lead him down to helping Eden. Unlike, say, Hu whose whole theme of being someone who probably having taken their own life before considering the secrets, has an immense determination to live.
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esosage · 1 month
God i need more movie robotnik angst! Like my man is prime angst material and theres just not enough for him!
Need him to be sobbing, and crying, and haveing a mental breakdown.
Especially when it involves stone, since it forces him to let his walls down, and bear his soul to the other man wether he likes it or not. Which could really offer some interesting developments in their relationship.
I can see movie eggman being very antsy after he has a mental break down infront of stone, since he's primarily waiting for the other to either take advantage of him or leave him. Since thats probobly what he's experienced in relationships up till now (with the whole trust issues thing.)
Infact, i'd say he gets so antsy that he becomes a self fulfilling profocy. Being so pent up, and not beliveing stone has anything but maliciouse intent twards him now, he lashes out at the other. Saying some real horrible shit in an attempt to push him away before stone can hurt him.
He ends up secretly regretting it after the fact. He tries to convince himself that its better this way, or that he doesn't care, or that he likes hurting the other, in attempt to cover up that guilt, but he knows deep down that its just not true. Even so, that doesnt stop him from returning back to old habbits to cope with being in a very unframiliar situation: aka him being a dick. Maybe not directly to stone this time, but by avoiding him. He isn't really angry at stone, more so angry at himself, but he doesnt have the emotional intelligence to recognize that. So he tries to put up walls. In his mind hes gotten far to attached to stone and needs to cut the other man out before he has a one up over him, or uses robotniks emotions against him. But robotnik just cant do it. He cant force himself to get rid of stone, he cant force himself to just fire the man, because stone is the only person who takes care of robotnik.
Now, robotnik doesnt think that stone genuinlly cares for him, he doesnt think anyone is capable of that, but stone does give him attention. Attention, that he despretly seeks and searches for. Infact, stone has probobly cared for robotnik, more than anyone else before. Which isnt a high bar, since robotnik isn't exactly a likeable person, but its still a very big thing for a robotnnik. Because in his whole life, stone is one of the very few people who has cared about him somewhat, and managed to stick around him for this long without gwtting tired of his bulshit. And as someone who has been longing and desperate for attention their entire life, who craves it, robotnik just cant give stone up. Regardless of if stone huets him or not, because he doesn't think he'll find anyone else who will care for him as much as stone does.
Of course, he never acknowledges this, because to him, saying that he needs the agent on such a deep level is admitting to being weak. Since he's supposed to be untouchable (and perfect.) And he much less has enough emotional intelligence to understand this, so he puts up walls instead, in the hopes that stone will do it for him. That stone, just like everyone else, will get sick of his bullshit and leave. (He doesnt really want this in reality. But because he's in such an unframilar situation, hes resorting back to old habbits and lashing out to feel more incontrol. Because theres nothing robotnik hates more, than not being in control, because in his mind, if hes not incontrol then he's going to get hurt.)
Thankfully for robotnik though, stone is crazy and refuses to leave. He might have before robotnik had the mental breakdown, since he didnt belive the doctor genuinlly cared about him before then, but after the mental breakdown, he knows that the doctor cares about him more than he's letting on. So he refuses to leave, because he knows somethings up with the doctor, and he's not going until its fixed. Careing more about robotniks wellbeing than his own, (regardless of how unhealthy it is.)
This confuses to robotnik till no end, and sets his mind down another spiral. Because normally, your mean to people and they leave, but stone isn't doing that...... why? Thats the part that catches robotnik up the most: the why. In robotniks mind, he's an asshole, he knows he is, he plays into it sometimes, and thusly he thinks nobody can care about him. That because he's a horrible person, and because, in his mind, he'll never be anything but one, its simply impossible for anyone to care, much less love him. So he doesnt think stone is capable of loveing him. Which begs the question of why stone is staying.
If stone doesn't love him, and has every reason to leave him right now outside of the pay, why stay? Does he want revenge? Does he have a card up his sleeve? Is he trying to take robotnik down? Is that why he's been more nosey lately?
All of those are questions floating in robotniks head. His trust issues takeing his anxiety twards the issue and going wild. Which naturally sends robotnik down a paranoid spyral.
All of this, culminates in another argument. Stone demanding to know whats wrong, and robotnik eventually slipping up in the moment, and admiting that he thinks stone hates him, and is trying to sabatouge him.
The agent vehemently goes against this motion, claiming he would never tries that, and that he doesn't hate robotnik. Of course, due to his trust issues, robotnik doesnt buy it. Combating this with the "facts" he has gathered thus far. Asking why stone would stay with him otherwise if it wasn't to gain something.
Another thing the agent opposes, stuttering over his words to avoid saying the obviouse, but just enough to hopefully convince robotnik when he says he cares. Though robotnik keeps pushing back, still not buyinh it.
And exaughsted, stone just screams out rhe truth in the hopes that it will get through the others thick skull. Admiting that he loves robotnik, and thats why he stays, because he cares about him dammit!
This leaves robotnik floored, he doesn't belive it at first, can't fathom the thought of someone actually being in love with someone like him outside of what he can give them (relationships arw transactional in his mind,) but hes putting up a lot less ressistancdñe than before. And while he doesnt want ot admit it, logically speaking, it would explain t a lot of things.
Eventually robotnik does something slightly emotionally intelligent for once in his damn life, and asks for a moment, (he doesnt say its to prosess his emotions, but its deffinetly implied,) and he asks stone to leave.
This obviously leaves the other anxiouse, wondering if he did something wrong in admiting his feelings, but he complies. Thr two on their own to process everything..
They end up haveing a conversation about it later once they've calmed down, (something stone had to initiate,) and it ends up being productive! The two of them planning a path forward for the both of them (with no romance by robotniks request) and they begin to work on things.. very slowly yes, and with a lot of cognitive disonence on robotniks part (he still cant admit that he cares, much less loces stone yet, even if he does,) but its progress and stone is satisfied with it.
Anyhow, sorry i went on a ramble, my thoughts decided to just go this way lol. Regardless, my point still stands, robotnik is a very deep and interesting character, and deserves to ve explored more. And also deserves a hell of a lot more angst.
Thank you for listening to my bullshit.
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ma3mae · 1 year
Make a part two??🥺🫶Maybe Chuuya and Nikolai?
No brain, just horny! 2
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Summary: Oh no! Your bf's acting all hot! What to do??? (Chuuya, Akutagawa, Nikolai, Fyodor)
Genre: fluff, crack, bit suggestive 🤓
A/N: ANOONNN WKDJEKHFKS HERE U GO, SWEETIE 🤩🤩🤩 how can yall find rat man hot, idk man 💀 his parts rly short bc I CANT WRITE HIM so see it as a small extra 💀💀 not proofread btw 💀
Part 1
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Nakahara Chuuya
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😳 yall wanna get railed by this man, huh??
Cant blame u tho 💀😭 😭
honestly i think his reaction would prob depend on his mood, lowkey like rampo
Just that his reaction would be a bit more intense EHEH
idk if hes kinda busy at the moment and annoyed bc work is being a hoe, hed prob be all impatient like "Damn, doll. Im barely holding myself back as well so just wait a bit, will ya?"
As much as hed love to indulge u immediately, he still values his work yk 😔😔😔
ok yk what would be funny tho? Like he told u he'd be having a meeting at his work place and honestly, its not hard enough to know where it is bc its like legit one of the highest buildings (idk maybe even the highest???) in yokohama lmaoo
And you've been waiting for him to come back home after two weeks but noooo, he has to report everything to his boss 🤓🤓🤓🤓
so you're like "alright, im horny and been waiting for too long."Guess where we're going yall 😋😋😋😋???
Jk nah but we makin our way over there and lets just say they only know u as "the love of his life who def shouldnt be messed with if they wanna live" bc he'd go haywire AS HE SHOULD if anything happened to u 💀
Anyway we know when the meeting's being held so oopsie, we "accidentally" manage to find him in the hallway with some of his colleagues
"Oi, isn't that your girlfriend over there, Boss??" not only tachihara but everyone's confused on why u r even there??
Chuuya just whips his head around and doesnt know if he should just yeet himself outta the building or be happy to see you bc
its especially bad if our boy still hasn't told you what hes actually doing bc no way in hell wants he to drag u into that shi 💀
Anyway you're just too excited so u ignore his to tomato face with a twitching eyebrow and you start to jog towards him but damn tf is that???
OF COURSE theres a bump sticking outta the carpet SMH SUE THE CLEANING STAFF😋
And obviously we all know whos gonna trip on that
But as embarassed as he is, your future hubby will make sure that you won't end up on the floor 💕💕
all you feel is a slight gust of wind and you can only open your eyes to see his gorgeous ones
"Don't just fall for me every time you see me, doll." LMAO thats so corny and he actually gets even more red when he realises wtf he just spouted out of his mouth but he couldnt help it 😭
Especially when hes holding you bridal style in his arms and you can feel him subconciously squeeze you tighter against him bc he missed his wifey
and we are just too whipped to stop ourselves from saying "Chuu chuu, i just couldnt wait anymore. Can we move this to our place? I'll be anything you want, even just a hole for you, mkay?"
thats the EXACT question that goes through his mind as he just stares at you like 😳
But he cant deny that it made him feel hot, even down there a bit...
"Come in when you're done, Chuuya." is all you hear from HIS fking boss as he just sends the both of you a smile as he enters the room before closing the door
Help our man, hes so TORN
All he can do is take a deep breath, trying to stop his face from heating up bc its already hot enough as it is
He'll gently set you down but still keeps a secure grip around your waist with one arm
His gloved hand tilts your face slightly up and all you see is a sea of blue
Letting his gloved thumb slowly glide on your bottom lip
"You really like teasing me. Dont'cha sweetheart? Just give me 15 minutes and then we'll be at home. Honestly might scold you for your little stunt but it's not like you don't like that, right? But I gotta say...."
cherry sweet lips lock onto yours for what seems like only a second before feeling them on your forehead
"I did miss you pretty much...and I'll make it up to you. Thanks for your patience, love."
now YOU'RE the one who's face is about to explode and that annoying ass smirk of his isnt even helping u but oh well
He should be lucky that you're so in love with him and that his handsome looks always manage to hold you back from yelling at him out of embarassement 💀😳
He gives you a peck on the lips before giving you on last squeeze
"Only a little bit longer, okay? Will give you a proper kiss when we're at home."
He makes his way back but stops "Also I love you but please... wait at home next time. No need for anyone to see your cute ass here. Only mine to look at, yk.." the last part kinda gets muffled under his breath as he tilts his fedora down to hide his heated face but welp, ofc u heard everything 😋
Anyway, you let him go to his meeting with a wave with ur hand bc he did promise to make it up to you and your body would be tingling with excitement until yall get back home for yk what 😋😋😋💅
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Akutagawa Ryunnosuke
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ngl he'd make a similar expression to this pic here 💀 like hes fking constipated or smth
Give my man some time pls bc its his first relationship and he needs some minute to get it through his head that you feel sexually attracted enough to him to yearn for him, broo
"Can't you just... wait until we get home? Why now?" SKKSKS you think he sounds so pissed but hes just so confused 💀😭😭
lmao just came up with a ridiculous scenario
idk some random wannabe gang is stirring up some trouble in yokohama
And how do u resolve this problem as fast as u can?
By sending one of ur best men there who legit just slices them all in mere secs 😋
but wait whats that?
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
You just stare wide eyed at your boyfriend as he stands there infront of the mall, choking the living shit out of what seems to be some weird thug
"Ryu, what are you doing here?"
He just clicks his tounge out of annoyance and casually tosses the man to the side as he makes his way towards you
Stopping infront of you, you only see his furrowed eyebrows and the annoyed look on his face
But if you look closely, you'll see a glimpse of worry in them💕
"I could ask you the same thing. Didn't I telll you to stay at home? And specifically to not enter this area?"
You can only sheepishly laugh at his words and the huff at your answer wasnt that helpful
"Well, the mall here had your favorite tea on sale and I really wanted to surprise you with it!"
He just puts a hand on his face as you peek over his shoulder, only seeing whips and bits of rashomon dealing with the thugs while you boyfriend seems somehow unbothered by their presence, hell he was legit not even aknowledging them at this point 💀
"Let me just finish this real quick and then I'll take you home."
"But I still have t-"
A glare from him immediately zipped your mouth shut, deeming it unnecessary to argue with him any further since he could be very very stubborn
"Just stay behind me and wait."
If you had to be honest, watching your bf just casually beat the shit out of 20 or more men without even breaking a sweat made you feel really hot
He might be stoic, blunt or whatever everyone would call him but at the end of the day, he'd make sure you're well protected and cared for, even if it would take some nudges from you to guide him
He was a fast learner after all in every aspect of your relationship
And it wasn't until he poked your forehead that you snapped out of your trance, your face beet red and only for him to raise an eyebrow at you
"Don't tell me you got sick from just being outside for a bit? I really don't know how someone frail like you had managed to live for so long."
Harsh words yet the gentle press of his hand against your forehead was telling a different story
"Hm, you aren't heating up that much. But I'll still be taking you home."
"Can you stay with me then? Because honestly, watching that fight somehow made me really horny."
🤨 > 😳
"Are you kidding me? How does watching me beat the shit out of some random wannabe thugs make you horny?"
You can only groan at his answer but couldn't keep the smirk on your lips from growing as you noticed the red hue on his cheeks
"It's just hot to see how easy it was for you to just casually fend of all of them. Not to mention, that it's always nice to have a reminder what a strong and reliable lover I have. I'm just really lucky, I guess"
Ah, you smart vixen.
Always using his praise kink for your advantage and oh boy, he knows
But he just can't help his rising pulse at what your words just do to him
"W-Why-? Y-You-???"
Suddenly he grabbing your hand, he turns his body away from you, only his back in your sight as he continues to walk
"Ryu, are we walking ba-"
"Told you I'm taking you home. Someone has to make sure nothing happens to you since you probably wouldn't even know how to defend yourself."
"Aah, I see. Well I'll be sure to thank you properly when we're at home." 😋🤩
A hitched breath and his grip tightening around your hand really made it difficult not to laugh at him
Well, atleast it was nice knowing that you weren't the only one eager to get home asap 💀💀
At the end, you thanked him as promised and he made sure to make you feel safe as always
"Oh, thank you for the tea... I guess.." he'd mumble in your ear as he pressed your back against his chest, his arms tucked comfortably around you. 🤭
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Nikolai Gogol
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erm 😨 how about no?
Do u not value life?
Jk but his goofy ass would NEVER let u rest if u even show him a tiny bit on how horny you are 💀💀💀💀
bro's like "ew human desires, they only bind u" lowkey (not as hard as fyodor but yk what i mean)
but hes sadly down bad for his future or maybe already wifey so 😉 how could he 😉 say no 😉
like idk lets say for whatever reason u r also part of their rat gang 💀 and its honestly a big headache to endure his weird and annoying antics every day
But thats what made u fall in love bc u have bad taste 😋😋😋 same tho
is prob gonna tease u about that too like "Oh, Y/N~ So many men out there and yet you still chose me?? Either you're just very desperate or you just don't care at all! But don't worry, I'm more than happy to be the one who's on your mind all day 🤩🤩🤩" he says as he's casually bombing a whole building and kills hundreds of people 🤩
Thats for sure gonna be blowing ur mind for weeks 💀 IM SORRY
throw him into a trash can or smth 💀 jkjk maybe im not 💀💀
anyway back to the scenario 💀
lets say hes as always acting like the 🤡 he is and disrupting everyone's life by being plain annoying
Ok so fyodor threatened to kill him for the 100th time? Check.
Sigma's crying in his office bc he just escaped random pairs of scissors flying at him for the whole day? Check. someone has to cut that atrocious hair away, okur💀💀💀
Getting hit by gf after randomingly stealing kisses from her?
"But why won't you let me kiss you, Y/N????"
Dodging his attempts for what would seem the 30th time for the day, you hastily continued to make your way to Sigma, a box of self made cookies in your hand.
"You've been harassing everyone for the entire day as always! And don't get me started on what you tried to do to Sigma!"
You could only hear a whine as fast footsteps tried to outrun yours, you wanting nothing but wanting to somehow lift Sigma's spirits up since no one else would make their time to comfort him after the inhuman pranks your boyfriend couldn't refrain from doing
"But he's just so funny, you know! How could anyone resist not teasing him all day?!"
"Teasing doesn't mean endangering his life! Only because YOU don't like his hair!"
"Hmm, but won't you atleast give me one kiss before you go?"
"nope, never. Bye!"
Aah, you really shouldn't have challenged him 😨
"Well, then I guess you won't be needing that then!"
"NIKOLAI GOGOL?! GIVE ME THE FUCKING BOX BACK!!" only hearing maniacal cackling quickly distancing itself from you, as he ran away with the box in his hand
Ah, he really was blessed with the perfect ability for him
Too stubborn and annoyed to realise his intentions, you quickly followed him, the urge of wanting to punch him pulling you towards him like a magnet
"A chase is what he wants? Okay, he'll get it." 😋😋
Knowing immediately that he made it too easy for the both of you as he nonchalantly laid on your shared bed, crumbs on his cheeks as he enjoyed your cookies, his mask casually laying next to him.
"You are more than an annoying child, you know that?"
"Yep but I don't care! Also how dare you only make cookies for your friend when you've got such a loving partner like me!"
A groan slipped out of you as you walkes over to him, earning yourself a "HEY?!" as you snatched the box away from him
"If you wanted some, you could have just asked like a normal person. I wouldn't have minded sharing some and Sigma probably not."
"Ugh, like a normal person? You know that's just boring~ buuuut if you really want me to then-"
You felt a pull at your wrist, making your chest hitting his as you landed on top of him, affectively stradling him
Both of your hands at the side of his head as you tried to lift yourself up, yet the arm around your waist stopping you, your faces only mere inches away from each other
A smirk splayed on his face as he wiped the crumbs away from his lips with his gloved thumb
Pressing it softly against your lips, the movement ingrained in your body as you opened them without any protest
a low chuckle at your cute actions as you licked the crumbs of his thumb before releasing it with a soft 'pop'
"Is that normal enough for you, my dove?"
Not letting the heat on your face and body stop you from throwing remarks at him, you merely stated "That wasn't asking, just plain seduction at this point."
Letting his eyes trail over your body and the hands next to him, tightly clutching the sheets only spurred him further on.
"Well, I've got your attention now, right?"
"You're lucky that I love you."
"Isn't it good to know we're both obesessed, dearie?"
A whine left his lips as you tucked at his hair at that statement, grazing your teeth across his neck before harshly biting on it.
"Well, then end what you've started then."
Getting hit by Y/N after randomingly stealing kisses from them? Hair pulled, make out sessions and more after annoying them? Double Check.
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Fyodor Dostojevski
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💀 im dead, you're dead, we're all DEAD
ok jk he wouldnt kill u bc even if he wont admit it immediately, he loves u 😋
but why would u feed his annoying god complex like that 😨😨
but guess what 😋 youve always had bad taste so why not be together with a terrorist 🤩
Ur only dates would be either sitting in his stinky room full of computers as hes been sitting there for days and you're chilling on his lap
or yall actually go outside to ruin someone's life 💅
and honestly, what better way to confirm that humans r horrible af when he sees you get turned on by his horrid acts 💀💀💀
"I just took a life infront of your very eyes and all you say is how hot that is? Well, aren't you ruined to the point of return? But that's what makes you so interesting, I guess."
i think it would be rly difficult to actually turn him on as well at first
Or catch him off guard tbh bc all you'd get is a condescending smirk of him just teasing you
He'll prob also just call u out about how horny you are but its ok bc he loves having that effect on you 🤩
"Is it seeing someone's eyes lose their light? Killing the gifted because the world would be purer without them? Tying them up and choking the life out of them? Or is it because I am the one doing these acts? Planning it all out, only for you to witness it? How about I'd do it to you, hmm?"I FEEL ITCHY AFTER WRITING THAT 💀
tbh it depends how "horny" u r tbh bc he'd prob make you beg for it first by just telling u off n stuff until you cant take ir anymore
Like if you want him then SHOW him how much you want him 🤩
he prob has not that much of a stamina but he'd make up for it with technique what am i writing rn😭😭😭😭
anyway you'd def be satisfied but he'd prob make you work for it first before tending to ur "needs"
im crying i hate this
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A/N: DAMN already hit 400 followers?? thinking of maybe doing smth for that, idk what tho. Got too many ideas 💀 and lmao sorry for the radio silence 💀 writers block and life, we love it.
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raisin-writes · 5 months
hachi x reader hcs
fishman island got me feeling kinda fruity for this big lug and i know DAMN well the normies aint gonna write for him, gotta do everything myself around here smfh
sfw and nsfw
nsfw under the cut. minors dont interact with that part istg 🫵👁️👁️💢
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super super sweet bf, like tooth rotting levels of sweetness.
hes the one who asks you out, but hes so shy and awkward about it. any courage he'd gathered beforehand goes right out the window as he twiddles his thumbs and stutters over his words like a fool. its all the more endearing, really; you cant help but laugh when his face lights up and he pulls you into an all encompassing bear hug while jumping around hooting and hollering after you accept.
big kisses from him, likes to surprise you with them when you're looking away only to get a cheekful when you turn back to face him again- that long mouth of his has its advantages. giving him kisses in return makes him squeal and often ends up with you being pulled into him, his arms wrapping around you as he nuzzles you with his cheek, giggling and smiling.
he could never say no to you. he'd give you the world if he could, you mean so much to him. he doesnt have much in the way of financial security, especially now that hes retired from his pirating career, but by god he will try his damndest to make good on his promises to provide for you.
LOVES pda, it makes him feel all giddy inside. even just a peck on the cheek has his chest puffing up and a big grin forming on his face. hand holding makes him weak in the knees. cupping his cheeks in your hands and locking eyes with him while you have that soft, loving look in your eye will make him flush beet red from the top of his head to his chest, you swear you can see steam coming out of his ears.
he gets all starry-eyed whenever he gets the chance to just sit back and admire you, a longing sigh leaves his lips and his heart swells with love.
he doesnt mind making a fool of himself if it makes you laugh- whether that be with some sort of accidental slap-stick routine (he gets so clumsy around you) or singing the worst rendition of a love song in all his tone deaf glory. hes addicted to the sound, he cant get enough of it. your happiness never fails to bring a smile to his face.
regularly gushes about you to caime and pappagu. camie is so happy for him and lets him babble on for as long as he likes, but pappagu will eventually roll his eyes and start to tease him if he rambles for too long. from what hatchi tells them, you seem very nice, they wonder when they'll get to meet you.
really enjoys meal dates, hes lowkey kind of a foodie. dont worry, whatever you dont eat he'll gladly finish for you.
making food together is such a tender, intimate activity for him, it makes his heart ache (in a good way!). likes to show off his culinary skills in an effort to impress you; compliment him on said skill or how good the food tastes and he'll give you the cutest bashful smile youve ever seen, hes so modest. he gets all flustered when you ask him to help you with anything involving him standing behind you and guiding your hands.
endless takoyaki. its on the house, only for you- no ifs, ands, or buts. if you have special requests for him hes more than happy to accommodate.
hes very strong, so no matter how light or heavy you are, he can easily carry you around like a princess in his arms, on his back, or up on his shoulders, whichever you prefer. in truth, he likes carrying you on his back the most, like a little backpack <3
swimming dates are another favorite of his. it feels like youre in his domain while in the water, and he has a duty to keep you safe. loves diving down below the surface and swimming around with you on his back or in his arms. he'll take you to his favorite reefs and show you around the local marine life.
he took you to a kelp forest one time and fell in love with you all over again with the way you looked- awestruck, the sunlight glistening from the surface shining through the kelp made you look ethereal. kissing him under the water makes him feel like hes died and gone to fish-heaven, he feels so at peace down here with you. dont even get me started on the way he screams internally at getting to see you in a swimsuit for the first time; he gets so red, hiding his face in his hands and kicking his feet.
HUGE cuddle bug. hes the reason they call it octopusing, his hands and legs are curled around you so there is absolutely no chance of escape, yet at the same time youve never felt so safe. whether youre sitting in his lap or laying in bed, hes happy as a clam just being so intimately close with you, skin to skin, chest to chest or spooning you from behind. loves having you lay on top of him, his hands rubbing soothing shapes into your back and giving you forehead kisses. on the other hand, he also likes it when you let him rest his head on your chest, his arms over your torso, and your nails combing through his hair (he'll forgive you for messing up his meticulously shaped 'do).
whether you want to live with him down on fishman island or up on the surface, he doesnt care. he'll be content and happy so long as he gets to be with you. if you decide on the former, he might have you live with camie for a while, at least until he can figure out a safer place to live (like hell is he gonna let you step foot in the noah district). but for you, its worth the trouble.
oh this fishman is a service verse fr fr, he lives to please.
because hes much bigger and stronger than you, he feels its just easier for you to take the lead and tell him what to do. he doesnt want to end up accidentally hurting you, so normally he'll just let you have your way with him, whether that be climbing on top of him and riding him while he holds you up with all of his big greedy hands, sitting on his face while he moans into your wet heat, or sinking down on his thick fingers- hes got plenty for you to choose from 😏.
gets a little nervous when you ask him to be on top. he knows hes a big guy, hes afraid hes going to accidentally crush you under him if hes not careful. dont worry, with a little encouragement and maybe some teasing, hes more than happy to give you what you need.
absolutely no degradation, choking, or hitting. he could never intentionally hurt you, that would be too much for him, he'll feel so guilty. youre his sun, his moon, his stars- in his eyes, you deserve only kindness.
hes not the best at dirty talk, but when he gets to the point of babbling, he'll shower you with praises like "you feel so amazing, your face looks so pretty right now", and cries of "need you so bad, youre perfect. youre so perfect. i love you so much." alongside other sweet endearments.
if you really beg him and goad him on, he might get huffy and smack your ass or manhandle you a bit to get back at your teasing, but thats the extent of his ability to dom. deep down you know hes capable of more, but the wall of self-discipline hes built up for himself is damn near-impenetrable.
hes in the 7 feet tall range, so you know that thang is big- around 7 inches to be specific. its tentacle-like, thick, and has a smooth velvety texture with a tapered tip. the underside has small, underdeveloped suckers that feel insanely good when he slowly drags his cock down against your walls. it normally sits inside him, tucked into a slit between his legs, but it unsheathes itself when coaxed out or hes teased in other erogenous zones.
he gets really whiney and whimpery when hes about to cum, its insanely cute. his shoulders will shake and his knees start to buckle but by god is he gonna make sure you finish either before or with him- he'll even stubbornly push himself to the point of tears to make sure he doesnt beat you to the finish line.
he has a weird thing about making sure you're satiated before he worries about his own pleasure. "its the gentlefishly thing to do!" he'll say, but deep down hes kind of insecure you'll leave him if he doesnt go above and beyond. hes not the sharpest tooth in the anglers mouth, but hes got eyes and the wherewithall to realize that theres always going to be other humans and fishmen that'll be bigger, better-looking, and richer than him, and hes scared they'll tempt you away from him. he gets better about not thinking that way the longer youre with him, but it still eats at the back of his mind every once and a while.
to combat this negative train of thought, he requires a bit of special attention; lots of kisses, anywhere and everywhere, but especially on his face and neck, sweet praises whispered in his ear, telling him all the little details you love about him, teasing caresses, maybe a small bit of tickling to get him to laugh, boasting about all the things only he could do for you, etc. he'll bounce right back with a "r-really? you think all those nice things about me??" his face gets all red and he seems to forget how to make eye contact, but the timid smile on his face and the hint of tears beginning in this eyes is a good indicator that youve done a good job of lifting his self esteem and reassuring him youre all his.
back to the fun stuff, hes very good with his hands and mouth. he loves making you moan and whine for him, your pleasure spurs him on to keep going. hes very obedient when you tell him to suck on you harder or finger you faster, all for the sweet reward of your pretty whimpers and praises. hes a hard worker, having much more stamina than the average human, so he'll go on with foreplay for seemingly forever if you ask him to.
when he first pushes inside you, it leaves you breathless. youre whining and taking shallow gulps of air when he bottoms out and you can feel that delicious twinge of pain from being stretched just past your limits.
hes not faring any better; hes shaking, gripping the sheets under you and involuntarily rutting further into your warmth, the action making you cry out and grip his forearms to keep yourself from going insane. his eyes are shut tight, his brows scrunched together in concentration. its taking just about everything in him not to just slide back out and ram into you, you feel so deliriously tight and wet around him he might just explode.
hes so gentle with you. you can see hes trying his best by the way he grits his teeth and slides into you with slow, deliberate strokes, letting you get used to his size.
you'll be more than ready for him by the time he starts actually fucking you. his thrusts are heavy, making your whole body bounce back before meeting him again in a wet slap of skin against skin. it makes you dizzy with how full you feel.
he cums a lot. it gets pretty messy, so be ready for that. once hes gotten past the peak of pleasure, his loud, pathetic whimpering gradually subsiding to quiet little moans, hes slow to pull out, amazed at the sight of his release leaking out of you and around his cock. its not a full on kink, moreso just a fascination for him.
your sigh of contentment brings his attention back up to your face and he smiles. youre both sweaty, flushed, and tired, but hes still a gentleman, he needs to clean you both up first and foremost.
aftercare is so tender with him. hes quieter, his voice a low hum when he checks in with you. hes also attentive to any mess and soreness you have, hes got plenty of hands to multitask so you'll be ready for bed in no time.
cuddling is just routine at this point, but if youre too hot, he'll settle for just holding your hand while facing you, admiring. you conk out soon after youre both settled and sleep like a baby, he'll follow a little later when his eyes get too heavy to keep open.
he snores. it sounds a bit like a kazoo sometimes. its cute.
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pocketramblr · 10 months
For the ask game, how about an au where Aizawa quirk is actually gene manipulation, everyone just assumed it was just quirk nullification cause the quirk factor was the only part he knew much about when he awakened it
Izuku just happens to ask more questions than quirk specialists
Aizawa casually says 'oh yeah, Erasure works by deactivating the plus alpha factor in the target, that's different than these bullets' in the meeting discussing Eri. Izuku is too busy being horrified about the poor kid to really latch on to what his teacher said until later that night. He goes to talk to him, and Aizawa is bracing himself for a repeat of his conversations with the other students and sending him to Hound Dog or All Might. But then Izuku says "hey, did you say your quirk alters a person's dna so it temporarily does not express certain traits??"
Aizawa blinks. "What." Izuku repeats his question. "Uh, yeah, i guess it does- Midoriya what are you doing?" (he's pulling out his notebook and furiously scribbling in it.) Izuku looks up at him and Aizawa (king of 'just shove all the bad emotions too far down to see and never speak about it') decides to indulge the distraction only because he does not want a Kamino 2 Electric Boogaloo. Izuku asks many questions, and Aizawa has answers to about one in three of them.
It goes unmentioned the next day, and Izuku refocuses on Eri. Then its raid time baybey! Annnnnd Aizawa takes a chrono-arrow for Izuku, getting captured. Chronostasis has a reason for keeping him alive, and Aizawa (slowly) tries to get info out. he sadly cannot break Chrono's arms, so he's got to be trickier. he (slowly) says that Chisaki would have just had Chrono shoot and take his quirk if they were worried about fighting it- implying Chrono should have been entrusted with bullets but wasn't- so they must want it. but (he continues, slowly, while Chorno sits bored on his back) between erasure and gene modification, they have what they want from Eri, so why take him too?
Chrono does take a second to go 'wait, gene modification?' because he and Chisaki never were sure how Erasure worked, but he's also not going to give his prisoner answers so he just says 'youre smart enough to know why a backup is still nice to have' and looks around impatiently for a sign that Chisaki won. When he doesn't get it, he shifts and takes Aizawa's knife. Aizawa remembers Izuku's question and thinks 'well. no time like the present' but since he's still blindfolded, he can't look at Chrono and try anything. He can, however, look at himself- as Chrono brings the knife down, he's suddenly impaled by a sword fish and also several hardened spikes sticking out of Aizawa's back which then immediately retreat as he winces- 0/10, do not recommend using your quirk on yourself the first time. His eyes have never burned this much before and that's really saying something.
"What the hell." Suneater barely manages to say as he drags Chrono off, still also holding up Mirio. "Frog girl. how long has your teacher had multiple quirks?" Aizawa gets picked up, answers no questions (he can think later about Izuku's questions on his quirk, or his report on Kirishima's quirk in the last partner project), and goes to erase Eri so Izuku doesnt cease to exist. He does not mention his true power to Mirio- he could, in theory, re-wire permeation into his body, but only until he blinks. He does not re-register his quirk to update the information. However, as he starts training Eri, he also starts practicing to see what else he can do.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
You points
I'd like to hear some of your general headcanons for itward! Any and all headcanons you can think of >:)
General Itward hcs!
I got too silly guys
This is gonna be long so buckleup
Side note, my silly little goofy baking marathon has begun, so requests are REALLY gonna slow down today and tomorrow and likely Tuesday as well
I current have multiple pies in the oven as we speak <\3 (note from the future i was typing for so long the first batch of pies finished and the second group just got put in)
My bodies gonna hate me for this but imma get paid (yaaaay!!!!)
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Love to think that itward is self sufficient. He grows his own stuff and scavenges for any metal parts he needs what whatever (his ship, a project, ect)
As such he also builds and maintains his own stuff; the ship is the most obvious thing! But I like to think nearly everything in the ship itself was either made by him or found abandoned !
Its canon that he loves forks, both stated in the character sheet thing KMG posted as well as the copious amounts of forks decorating the main area of his ship! I mean he literally has a wall covered in forks! I can easily see him having even more forks stashed away somewhere
Torn between headcannoning him to just have them in a jumbled heap in a drawer somewhere... and headcannoning that he sorts them by size, material, color, and style... both seem so in character for him.. hmm..
I can say for certain that he has a box somewhere full of random stuff hes collected and it's not at all neat and organized. Rocks, gears, bolts, sticks, glass vials, jewels, and so on! The "oo pretty I think I'll keep this and use it for later (never uses it for later)" mindset! I like calling those lil trinket boxes "crow boxes"
"The one many children talk about", as said by the man himself. So fran and the twins arent the only ones who have interacted with him... dad of dozens of children
I was gonna go somewhere with that previous point but I genuinely forgot what I was gonna say
Has made stuffed animals and dolls at least once for all of his kids. And yes, that includes Clara and Mia, at least before they tried to kill him... reluctantly makes bunnies for kids who ask
Speaking of bunnies, since it's been proven that itward wasnt bluffing or lying about his fear of them (KMG made a post showing off a type of Kamala that basically makes you addicted to their candy, making you eat them til your guts explode) (which... is horrifying and makes me wonder, did itward see that happen to someone? Perhaps one of his kids? A friend? Or did he not and the concept just scares him so much?) It's a little funny that itward has a bunny plushie on his ship
Sad hc but I like to think it belonged to one of his past children and as much as hes afraid of it he doesnt have the heart to give it away
While we're on the topic of sad stuff, I dont think itward can shed tears. So in place of them, his bones start to rattle a little
While I also headcannon that his bones rattle when hes nervous or flustered, and perhaps on the rare occasion that hes angry, it does happen when hes sad enough
Okay no more sad, I like to think his hat steams when he gets real excited about something or embarrassed. The top of it just. Pops open and theres the steam billowing out
I dunno I think it suits him and his aesthetic...
Stole this idea from someone else but he can purr; it's mostly involuntary imo and if you listen close enough you can hear his bones vibrating and clacking against one another
His eyes glow in the dark! Not too bright, it's fairly dim, but it's enough for him to see around and for you to see where he is in a dark room!
Creaky bones. He is OLD! probably VERY OLD! So it would make sense his bones click and make noise thanks to the general age.. wear and tear you know? Especially prominent in his spine and ankles
Has a habit of clacking his teeth/jaw when speaking, as well as when hes just. Not doing anything
Prone to fiddling with his rings (!! Will get to that in a second!) As well as the accessories on his coat; and sometimes, even his hat!
Okay the rings! I like to hc that itward makes his own accessories too ! That includes the gems and chains on his coat (heck, hes probably made his own clothes!) And I like to hc that he sometimes wears rings !
Sometimes sells his stuff; more likely to sell shoes and clothing, as well as his machines and services! Sure he mostly lives off stuff hes found or grew, but theres some stuff that he cant just find or grow.. plus its generally a good idea to have some money somewhere
I'm pretty sure hes good friends with palontras and ziar (given him and palontras work together to help Fran and the painting of ziar in itwards ship) but I also like to think he is friends with the wizard and cogwind!
Mostly because I wish we got more stuff for both of them... also him and cogwind can bond over their interests!
Does not stay in one place for long, given that KMGs labels him as a wanderer, but assuming he keeps Fran around to raise her I think he anchors down to one place... well not ANCHOR but like, cutting down on traveling at least a bit, especially in the beginning so fran can fully come to terms with everything shes learned (the truth of her parents death, the grieving process, learning she may or may not be part of something larger if memory serves me right, it's been a while since I played the game, as well as being shot.. like yeah she was healed physically but like imagine how shes gonna feel when that fact she was shot mentally sinks in) ... cant have her bouncing between different realities and the spaces in between them constantly
Listens to Antonios (giant old ant dude) old music, I think! Probably has a bunch of old vynlls laying around somewhere
Frequently has to clean his hands, especially his fingers since hes always working on SOMETHING, he doesnt wanna walk around with gunk in the grooves of his fingers. Very yucky very gross and very un-gentleman..ly...
I keep trying to wrap this post up but I keep remembering hcs/coming up with new ones
Anyways COMMITS to the bit when hes playing a game with Fran, or really any kid hes looking over. Tea party? Hes gonna bust out his very best manners. Yes he will wear a tiara if its offered to him. It will go over his hat, of course. Playing doctor? Oh he'll moan n cry about how sick hes feeling, please help him! Ect ect, things like that!
Sometimes makes shadow puppets and tells stories. Both in the form of little shadow theatres, but sometimes he will use his own hands and project the shadows onto the wall!
Very good at coming up with stories on the fly
Also very very good at comforting people, I think. Hes been around for a while and he just OOZES comfort
So if you have a nightmare or struggle with anxiety, itward wont let you just suffer and be scared, hes gonna do what suits you best to calm down; distractions, holding, taking, quiet, grounding, ect ect ect anything you need
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clouds-by-me · 1 year
Yan!Genshin x winged!reader
Characters; Venti, Scaramouche, Albedo
Gene: Angst, Yandere
Au; winged!Reader, Also implied black reader
Synopsis; Tells have been told...Stories have been sung...and yet most still don't believe that such A creature exist. I mean A winged creature with horns and razor sharp claws doesnt sound believable at all. And yet you exsist. And now that you do, you've gained the attention of someone who really loves you:)
Warnings; passive behavior, obsessive behavior, just Yandere things
•For him to be the god of freedom, he really loves keeping you locked away
•He wants you for himself, I mean why would you want to be with anyone else?
•He is however very clingy, he craves to give you affection
•He really loves you though
•He would try to give you as much freedom as he can, but the moment you do anything, A punishment is soon to follow.
•Please, please PLEASE. Just do as he says, he's the anemo archon. If you ever tried to fly away he could just easily stop you, and prevent you from going anywhere.
•And don't even think about running away. He knows everything. Hes the wind in human form. you won't make it far
•All you have to do, is what he says. And he may just let you keep your wings. In all honesty, he LOVES your Wings. The way they feel when you wrap them around him, and the way they feel. He loves them.
•He won't ever cut them off, but he will hurt your very sensitive wings to get what he wants, so be careful
"Such beautiful wings, for such a beautiful dove..."
•You'd be lucky if he didn't cut those wings off as soon as he got his hands on you.
•He'd actually use them against you. Poking and pricing at them, just to mess with you
•At first he'll let you keep them, but after the first escape attempt, he cut off half of your right wing
•He has this sick way of teasing you about even being with him in the first place, as if you had a choice.
•Once your with him, your stick.
•There's not really any chance of escape. He holds too much power, and has so many people under his command. If do somehow manage to get away which you won't you wouldn't be able to trust Anyone
•He wants you by his side all the time, no exceptions. The rules he has set for you are so strict. He doesn't really understand that you have limits, well he does but he wants to see how long it'll be before you brake
•He can be somewhat decent tho.
•No ones ever going to disrespect you. Not with him around
•And he's always around
•He'll make his subordinates basically worship you. He's the only person that can touch you, or even look at you for too long.
"If only you'd just listen. Then your poor wings wouldn't be getting cut off, now would they?"
•Hes absolutely intrigued by your wings
•Your soft feather filled wings,
•He has so many questions about them, so much he wants to do with them...
•He swears that he loves you, then makes you run test for him until the only thing you know is test
•If you pass his little experiments then he'll reward you with love and praise. Hugging and cuddling you, telling you how good you did, and how much he loves you
•If you fail however, then he'll make you do more until you pass. But they become easier, he understands that your tired, but he needs you to get through this. He wants, needs you to pass so he can hug and love on you in every way
•He loves your wings, and will never cut them off, however he'll find other ways to make you learn your lesson.
•He has his own way of keeping you for himself. All he has to do is keep you occupied. That's it. He is smart enough to make such a elaborate plan to keep you busy and with him for as longs as he wants
•Which happens to be forever
"You did so great for me today love, so great"
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Pastor Jeff x Reader HCs (Crackfic??)
General Themes: Religion, Aftercare/Implied Sex, Cuddling, Kissing, Angst
Authors Note: Obession 1# in young sheldon, not kidding, maybe dr linkletter or hagenmeyer but he is number 1# (though connie is a good runner up)
Anyways hes a religious man, he is a pastor so expect him not to be home in the afternoon unless you work with him, he is also goes on church retreats often so expect alot of alone time, though that doesnt stop any affections from him, he always calls you to make sure you are safe and okay because he loves you more than Jesus himself
But when he has his day off? Expect sex, he is a pastor but when he wants it, he wants it, also very gentle mind you, also he is very clingy afterwards, loves you and your body is just a plus to him, anyways he gives the best aftercare, sometimes he doesnt even take care of himself, he wants you to be comfortable, though when you dont want to, hes chill with it but makes up with it by being overly affectionate
Speaking of he loves kissing you anywhere when you want, how you want and where you want, he is also very big on consent, if you dont like touching, the most he will do without asking is a hug or a chaste kiss on your cheek really, but when you allow him to kiss you passionately, he will pin you to the nearest wall and hold your neck, that is if you are married, if not dont expect it much outside when he asks or when you are engaged
Cuddling this man feels like hugging a warm and soft stick/twig, i imagine him to be thin and slim but also tall and has long limbs, especially his arms, he could wrap his arms around you twice around your waist if you are small enough, speaking of which he finds it cute youre shorter if you are, he loves picking you up when you allow him to
Also loyal as can be, wont even look at a woman unless its for work or something important ot just yknow being the pastor, he will die by you or die before he even thinks of cheating, if you break his heart, its fine, as long you are happy and live peacefully
If you ever cheat on him, he wouldnt do anything, he would just let it happen and wont bat an eye, but the bottle isnt large enough to hold his feelings, eventually he will explode at you and it will always end with you breaking up or divorcing and you moving out, and him drinking his heart out until he passes out and forgets the night, it haunts him forever and will probably stay single until he dies
He wouldnt complain if you did something to him, just as long you didnt bottle it up, he will take it to his grave, even if it hurt him, he will suck it up, he loves you too much to let go of the fleeting feelings of love in general, hurt him as much as you please, he wouldnt say a thing
Hes insecure of himself all around, low self esteem and all, he knows he shouldnt envy others for having your attention, but he just have a gut feeling he csnt get rid of that you will leave him some day and leave him all alone by himself, thats also a reason for him being a bit of a pushover and letting things happen, hes a pastor, alot of things get past him, no matter hoe much it hurts him to see it happen
Also a bit toxic and possesive, he loves you and wants you to be happy but he cant bear to see you with another person, because hes not the type to care for himself and cares about others...unless they flirt with you in that case they are never ever going to enter or step foot in his church ever, a yandere of sorts i guess?
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lovelyrotter · 3 months
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official cervidae strilonde headcanon post go
a firm and universal headcanon of mine is that all the human kids are racially ambiguous to the point where you could say 'that one looks xyz' and always be partially correct. some of them are less or more white passing than the others but none of them are 100% anything esp white. even dave. ive liked too many interpretations over the years to just pick one or a few to spin as my own plus i think thats kind of a cool concept wrt ectobiology
stuff about dirk
very warm undertones. burns THEN tans. defined cupids bow and epicanthal folds. cute-ass button nose that sticks up a little
vitiligo patches on his face, elbows, between his fingers, knees + feet. hes gotta be strategic with the sunscreen and watch his b12 (hes so sick of fish)
BIG round eyes and long lashes. his eyes startle ppl when they see them the first time
intersex trans man
asthmatic. youre made out of your OWN paradoxical ghost slime and you roll yourself asthma. great job idiot
thick kinda wiry hair. his natural hair type is big springy ringlets but he discovered hair straighteners and drag queen grade hair gel on earth c
facial scars from drone attacks, decapitation scar from dave
stuff about roxy
very cool undertones. has some hyperpigmentation around his eyes. freckles! no cupids bow, hooded eyes
long nose with a deep bridge that just kinda waterfalls of his brow bone. think of the elves from dragon age tbh. hes rlly elegant looking
one of his canines is crooked
flushes really easily, kinda hates it
perisex trans man. egg crack is highly conditional. SO bisexual
hair seems to always curl up only at the ends
subconciously let his godtier ascension remove all his own drone scars. he feels better without the reminder
stuff about dave
warm undertones. he has albinism so he needs to be very careful in the sun. uneven mouth shape because of a scar
has a pair of perscription shades but barely touches them in favour of the aviators. his eyes WILL cross if he doesnt wear them dude cant focus ever
can make his eyes as round as dirks. squints a lot and is usually heavy lidded
fairly certain hes a perisex cis guy. very gay. loves men
broken nose left the bridge permanently crooked. same shape as roxy but with a more defined brow
facial scars from strifes with Bro
would have freckles if he had any PIGMENT. if he didnt have albinism he'd have roxys skin tone and dark auburn hair lol
stuff about rose
neutral undertones. tans super easily and doesnt seem to ever burn. no cupids bow. dirks button nose
facial features are mysteriously reminiscent of a cat
thick hair in springy ringlets like dirk. she straighens out her bangs just enough to let her wrangle them into Something presentable
feathers and fur allergy rip.
her eyes are super sensitive and even gentle makeup can irritate them
also really sensitive to smells and scents. suspects some kind of something with her lungs but results are inconclusive
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AITA for making work more fun (OC)
I (Enby) work with this other guy (really old lol M) to monitor this THIRD guy (i don't know how old these guys are I never asked, M) and to put it simply me and my coworker kinda boss him around. telling him what to do. yknow. me and my coworker take turns monitoring him, sometimes interchangeably, but for the most part he's the one in charge and i get to sit back and do nothing. which i wouldnt usually mind if the way we monitor this guy wasn't so boring. My coworker says we can't mention each other whenever we monitor the other guy, because it'll "ruin the narrative" or whatever something stupid and nerdy like that. generally just really boring and dumb to be honest. i don't even know why i work here but i can't remember what anything else even is, so i just stick to what i know, which is to just work. none of us are getting out of here so im just trying to make the most of it. i do that by adding a few things here and there, change a bit of the scenery up to just make things more fun for the guy we monitor. i mean if hes having fun then surely we'll have fun too right? at least i am. i add stuff like, yknow, a mini golf course..this- fake police interrogation, just for shits and giggles. apparently my coworker doesnt really like how im adding things, mentioning him, changing things im not "supposed" to change and "stick to the script". To HELL with your DAMN script already, I'M actually making things more FUN. And yknow what?? if I could maybe I'd make my OWN thing, but no, I can't, "we have to stick to the story!" well whats even the POINT of a story if its not fun?? Do you think walking around aimlessly with just- some GUY bossing you around is FUN?? No! No it's not, I'd imagine!! I'm actually doing work YOU don't seem to appreciate ENOUGH. AND FRANKLY I DO A LOT OF THINGS FOR YOU, AND A LITTLE RESPECT WOULD ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING TO ME. YOU CALL ME RIGHT AS IM IN THE MIDDLE OF DOING MY THING, YELLING AT ME THAT I "DID EVERYTHING WRONG AGAIN! GO BACK!" AND THEN I LOSE TRACK OF WHERE HE EVEN IS. BECAUSE OF YOU. I MESSED THINGS UP MORE. AND YOU STILL BLAME ME. YOU ALWAYS, ALWAYS BLAME ME. WHENEVER YOU'RE NOT IGNORING ME OR TELLING ME OFF FOR CHANGING THINGS OR MESSING THINGS UP I AM THE ONE WHOS BLAMED. CAN'T YOU SEE THE THING WE'RE MISSING IS THE FUN PART?? YOU WANT HIM TO BE HAPPY. YOU YOURSELF WANT TO BE HAPPY. BUT YOU CANT EVEN FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF HOW TO MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY IN JUST A FEW SIMPLE WAYS DESPITE THE COUNTLESS TIMES I'VE SHOWN YOU I COULD. I SHOWED YOU WHAT WE CAN DO INSTEAD OF THIS. IS IT BECAUSE IM JUST..SOME STAND IN TO YOU?? DO YOU NOT THINK THE PROGRESS AND EFFORT IVE PUT IN HAS NO MERIT WHATSOEVER?? AND YOU STILL FAIL TO SEE HOW IMPORTANT SOME ACTUAL ENTERTAINMENT COULD BE?? HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN ALREADY?? HOW LONG DO WE HAVE TO KEEP DOING THIS??
..Sorry. i got a bit mad.
i don't think i'd actually be able to tell him all that. at least i get to let my feelings out here now. its a bit more relieving. he thinks im the asshole here, but i think im justified. im making progress. im making things better. he just cant see it and ignores all of it.
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placeinthisworld · 4 months
i am relating to SO much of what im reading on ur blog rn. do not get me wrong - i LOVE ttpd and love taylor. it's kind of one of those things that's like "always have, always will." im always going to be so grateful for her work and this community, and as i said - i AM loving the music rn!
BUT. she feels different, and feels so far away. i know we are not owed her time or attention, but when you've built your entire brand on fan connection and being "different" than any other celebrity in that regards, it's going to feel off and unexpected when it suddenly stops with no explanation. most of her little interaction is on tiktok, which is half the time not with actual fans, but rather anyone who uses her song in the background (which a lot of times is influencers!) ppl say "yeah but now she does so much more for us" .... yeah... so many new THINGS to buy.
i also think she's at a place where she KNOWS she is on top of the world rn (good for her!) but it has come with a complex - she knows now she doesnt NEED to be close with her fans, doesnt NEED to use her platform for good, doesnt NEED to take constructive criticism - because the gp likes her enough to where she doesn't even need a strong centralized fanbase. as of rn, no opposition can make a dent in her fame or income and she knows it. and it feels icky, and honestly makes her feel less human (which is interesting, because the ttpd is imo some of the most raw humanlike work)
the new social circle is off too. i dont hate travis, and i was happy for her, but have come to like him less and less since realizing he's a bit sleazy and is kind of only liberal for pay. he's publicly made r*pe jokes and xenophobic comments in the past couple years (NOT from 15 year old tweets! recent!) his dad is also super transphobic and mahomes brother is a charged SAer yet taylor gallavants w both of them. travis just seems like an oaf and while im glad she had something more easy and fun, it's telling that there's been a lack of backlash towards him when he's exhibited the same behavior as matty and the only things taylor could write ab him were sports and high school references. i hate to even touch on her personal life like this but god forbid this is a forever thing :/ omg this is a lot but yeah im glad we're having this convo
yup!! bestie your feelings are so valid and i feel very very similarly about everything!!
she knows she doesn’t need to appeal to a niche audience of tween girls anymore. she knows she’s beyond that. fate worked its magic and now she’s america’s it girl without any of drama of having to censor her work. and while yes i’m very proud and happy for her, you’re exactly right, she’s more than happy to continue to push things for us to buy in order to feel close to her. she’s already established a group of life long fans by those who she’s interacted with, invited to things, sent money too etc. so she really doesn’t have to do anything else besides make more music and have the world speculate about her personal life. at the end of the day she just feels sooooo disconnected to us now, compared to how we used to have it at least.
ugh i knew icky meathead was sleazy without even needing taylor to bring him into the limelight but now everyone and their mom is obsessed and up his ass too. EVEN with all those gross things about him (we all saw the recent commencement speech excuse 🤢) he’s definitely democratic for pay. i definitely don’t think he’s gonna stick around forever, either he’ll fuck up and get caught w another girl or she’ll get bored of his ass (speculating that this is a legit relationship and not PR at least lol) she’s a girl that needs a new boy every now and then i fear.
generally i’m just disappointed in her now in a lot of aspects. but completely disconnecting from the world, acting like a whole ass genocide is not actively happening, only ever promoting of talking about herself or her own work just seems so bland and selfish. she’s mentioned voting like what, twice this year? in generic ghost written sentences on an IG story?
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Hi! I'm the one who sent in that "Tanjiro sees ghosts" AU ask, and I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on it!
[re: this post!]
!! oh hell yeah! :D ill disclaim really quick that these are less of "fun facts" or "Worldbuilding Beats" and more of "i thought abt this character in this scenario a bit too hard and now theres a mini narrative." . meaning its a little long. ofcourse. So!! under the cut <33
ok just gonna get the bias one out of the way <33 in regards to the whole "not every ghost is nice" thing, Yahaba is actually one of the ghosts that remained hostile post-death. which wouldve been a problem for Team Foxmask to deal with-- but before much can happen, everything is interrupted by one (1) very distressed susamaru, going on and on about how theyre ignoring her theyre ignoring her they cheated and now theyre ignoring her, its not fair!! trying to calm her down and figure out what the hell shes trying to say is enough of a distraction for Team Kamado to step in. yahaba originally wouldnt have listened to a word anyone had to say to him, but hearing everything from an outside perspective (and listening through how they speak to susamaru) is enough to slowly de-escalate the situation. this serves both to double down on exemplifying the shoddy hand demons are often given, and also to give the Kamado Family a bit more characterization-- to give them more agency other than "fridged family that turns up sometimes." show off where tanjirou gets his values from! anyway those two stick around a little while, mostly just keeping to each other rather than anyone else. (theyre still poking fun of tanjiro in the background. and everyone else. i shrimply believe they should get to actually become friends. :] )
the pillars have. SO many ghosts. a lot of the time, they really dont want much of anything to do with him-- not usually because they dont like him, but because they have someone to watch out for. two exceptions are masachika and kanae. masachika so very badly wants to actually get to talk to this kid, but unfortunately: Sanemi is Sanemi. he rarely gets the chance to see tanjiro, and when he Does, things are kinda. stressful. because sanemi fucking hates this kid. masachika could easily give a good entryway to hinting at sanemi's softer side-- and also a way to up the escalation of the conflict in the pillar training arc. (sanemi would Not much like this kid suddenly talking about his friend that he Shouldnt Know About.) kanae, i feel, would actually like hanging out with nezuko more than with tanjiro! he might actually not figure it out for a good chunk of time, only catching on when he hears rumors about nezuko running about in the middle of the night, seemingly playing with someone who Isnt There. she would give some good character insight on shinobu-- maybe giving some extra depth to the conversation she and tan have on the roof.
muichiro. is going to be So Weird. yuichiro is likely ridiculously clingy-- constantly watching out for his twin, completely unheard. he... doesnt like tanjiro much at all when they meet for the first time. (though... that scene where mui and tan meet is a bit... complicated. its unsettling watching mui act like that, but yui's also inherently going to side with him on anything. do Not touch him.) they dont get to talk one on one (yui+tan) but it could very easily serve to both give more of an insight on mui's... Weirdness. and also to setup those hints that yui is just. he cares so much. this also gives very very fun opportunities for talk between mui and tan as tanjiro cant get a grasp on what exactly is going on with the ghost situation (its like a weird mirror..? its not the same, but...) and muichiro is just. completely oblivious. ("hey tokito-kun, have you ever died before?" "no, that's stupid. i'm real, and ghosts aren't." [the two continue saying more and more outlandish things to each other with complete sincerity as everyone around them try not to stare.])
honestly there's just a lot of good opportunities for interesting plotlines w/ this concept-- a ghost that helps tan unravel a demon-related mystery that everyone else had trouble finding a way to unravel. the ghost ends up being a family member or dear friend from the demon's previous life who was killed when they turned-- and they just want to be able to put their soul to rest and tell them they dont blame them for what happened, despite everything. ...or even the opposite-- a ghost who misleads any slayers from their turned friend in stark denial of what is going on-- causing a sort of double-antagonistic force that requires both tanjiro And the ghost squad to properly quell.
so like!!!! yknow!!!! waves hands around! its just a really fun way to get more subtle character details across without the characters themselves saying it-- especially for the less sociable ones. yknow. Get Haunted, Idiots(tm) <33
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cocolacola · 1 year
Yes, hello i have news
So today i showed my friend hellsing. I love her so much but she is so annoyinh, i ask her "which one would you like to watch, the 2001 version or ultimate?" (Mind you i talked to her about both of them extensively, so its not like she didnt know what was the difference) then she tells me "idk which one would you want me to watch?" and already then im crawling on the ceiling, but i stay calm and ask her "well do you want style or action?" And then she still doesnt give me an answer and then i start the gonzo version bc i think that that is a good starting point bc i saw that before ultimate (i read the manga before it but gonzo left a bigger impression in me amyways) and then she has the nerve to say that its slow and doesnt make any sense and that so much is filler
Bestie YOU let me choose, yes it will not be explained who makes the artificial wampires, but Ultimate doesnt explain it either at the same point in the story and i think its far better to look at in the case of style and mood
Anyway her mom doesnt really want her to watch it bc - prepare yourself - Alucard is Integra's servant. Yeah in the story where vampires kill vampires and lunatic catholic priests are running around with meter long bayonets and killing anyone who he wants (mind you her moms boyfriend is catholic), and THAT is the problem? That Alucard is a servant? That the fucked up anime has fucked up stuff in it when the point is to BE fucked up?
AND, and (and) this is when my friend watches aot which is equally fucked up, if not more
Idk its weird
my full response below the cut!
hey bestie ^o^ well let's see gets out clipboard there's a few different factors to this...
if we're talking about quality, hellsing ultimate all the way. a lot of people like gonzo for nostalgia and characterization reasons but ultimate is simply the better option for a first-time/one-time-watch viewer. i will say though, if they think gonzo is slow then the ultimate finale is likely going to be a total drag.
when it comes to getting into the show in general? it's a slippery slope. hilariously enough, most of my irl hellsing friends (hi guys) found out about it through me and the conversation went a little like:
"please for the love of god dont watch this show guys" "we're gonna watch it anyways" "might as well rewatch it with yall..." "HOLY SHIT WE LOVE IT"
in my (slightly un-knowledgeable) opinion, i think if your friend has watched aot they can handle the themes of hellsing ultimate. however i have been meaning to compile a list of content warnings (mostly for my own rewatches and skipping over scenes that are just. straight up assault) anyway so if you guys need any of that i would be happy to pitch in. unfortunately there's not really a way to cut out-how do i dance around this-the antagonists of the show so if that's going to be an issue i'd say stick to gonzo.
tldr, id say ultimate (unless you need to avoid the factor above), but that's just my humble suggestion and im not gonna hold myself responsible for anything that happens next lmao. thanks for inquiring and i wish you and your friend well :)
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