#but it refuses to stay dead
softpine · 2 years
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cut my life into pieces this is my last resort
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
Lily leaving Mary not because she doesn't love her anymore but because she'd never truly seen herself making it out of the war
She settles for someone simple and easy because she doesn't think she could bare to imagine Mary having to wake up one day without her being in their shared home. She doesn't want Mary to live with the pain of losing her so she tries to soften it by going back to being friends. As if it would make it any easier.
Unfortunately that choice is the one that gets her killed in the end. Maybe if she'd have stayed she would have made it out.
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manicpixiejinxgirl · 2 months
Anyone who makes a modern au of Arcane that doesn't include a freshly out of jail young adult Vi and a long suffering totally not shady businessman Silco having split custody of a pissy teen Jinx who constantly pits her guardians against eachother to get exactly what she wants is doing it incorrectly
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quillkiller · 2 months
microfic: sirius & family trauma, 950 words
cw: death and implied abuse
idk what came over me. i wrote this mostly to project onto sirius and i dont even know if it’s supposed to be set in canon or in a modern au. enjoy i guess !
Sirius’ father dies on a regular tuesday. He hasn’t heard from him in several months before that, but his brother had called him from the hospital.
So here he was, sitting in an impersonal waiting room, his brother half asleep on his shoulder, staring at an ugly painting on the wall in front of him. It was a little crooked, Sirius thought. It was driving him a bit mad, and he wanted to correct it, but he didn’t want to wake Regulus.
Their mother was in the hospital room with their father— with her husband. The thought made Sirius feel strange, almost sick. Sirius’ mother was his devil, and she had always been the very picture of evil to him. It was easier to cope that way, thinking there was no good in the woman that had spat him out into the world against his will. It had shaken him to the very core of his bones to learn that his mother had refused to let Orion be alone when he died.
His mother had been at her husband's side for ten hours now, sitting by his bed, waiting for him to stop breathing. Every once in a while she came to speak to Regulus, sometimes glancing at Sirius. She had even touched Sirius’ shoulder and given him a gentle squeeze. Something he did not think her capable of.
Sirius’ father dies on a regular tuesday, which feels comically underwhelming and anti-climactic, all things considered. He had been such a large presence that even his absence had felt suffocating. He had been something Sirius couldn’t get rid of even even if tried. Always looming like a shadow in every corner of Sirius’ life.
Sirius had wished him dead more times than he could count, and now that he was he realised how unnerving it was. It was a lot more fun having a complicated relationship with your father when he was alive for it. It felt a little too final, a little too scary, now that he was a corpse a few doors down the hall and not someone Sirius could pick a fight with just for kicks.
Regulus had mostly been quiet, not really saying much. It had all been a little too surreal, too big for both of them. His brother had cried and made himself small against Sirius like when they were kids, getting snot and tears on Sirius shirt. Sirius had teased him for it, Christ, Regulus, you’re such a baby, and Regulus had laughed into his shoulder. Sirius had laughed too– until it escalated, and then they were both laughing. Sirius didn’t know why they were laughing, or why it was so funny, only that it was.
It went on like that the entire night, until morning, until their father had taken his last breath and his heart stopped. They were laughing hysterically about nothing in particular, and a moment later they were both so quiet it felt like the world around them had melted away or narrowed down to nothing but these four walls. Nurses came and went, offered them drinks or snacks, and two of them sat down and gave them a talk about grief. They were both biting their tongues trying not to burst out laughing again when one of the nurses said: At least you have all these wonderful memories with him.
It’s difficult being an older brother to someone whose father has died. Almost to the point where you forget that your father died, too. It’s hard watching Regulus mourn him and know he’s going to carry this with him for the rest of his life. Sirius would take the burden from him if he could. He’d do anything if it meant his little brother didn’t have to go through this, not even having a choice. It feels desperately unfair and cruel that Sirius can’t protect him from this.
Sirius had left home, almost cutting all his ties to his family. Regulus was the only reason he never managed to cut them all. He’d tried to get Regulus to come with him— to move on with him. Had told him that blood isn’t what makes a family, and Regulus had said No? What about you and me?
So he hadn’t cut all his ties with his family— continued to stick it out for his little brother who refused to let go. He suffered through the occasional family dinner or social function, but at least he had his own apartment to go back home to.
He knew Regulus would mourn differently than Sirius would. Knew that Regulus thought that their father had done unspeakable things to them, but maybe he’ll make a good grandfather one day when I have children. Sirius didn’t think so, but he never said.
Not like it mattered anymore, anyway.
Sirius had always been more like Orion than Regulus. Both his mother and his brother had told him so more than once. Sirius despised the very idea, the very thought that he would one day grow into becoming his father. Had fought violently to refuse his legacy. Had fought harder to stop his father looking back at him through the mirror.
Strange, now, how he’d never see his father again if he wasn’t looking in the mirror. Regulus had mostly taken after their mother.
Sirius’ father dies on a regular tuesday. The view from the tenth floor is beautiful, the sun just starting to come up, another day coming alive. The painting is still askew, and still will be when they leave this room.
How strange that a day, a night, like this can end. That this room will be the same, only empty of two brothers holding onto each other the best they can waiting for their father to die.
Sirius’ father dies on a regular tuesday.
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angy-grrr · 3 months
I can't believe Horikoshi decided to parallel togachako with shigaraki and deku, but also with kacchan and izuku, because there are multitudes into their relationship.
Ochahimi has this obvious textual side going on for a long time that its meant to be seen along Shigaraki Tomura and Midoriya Izuku: a hurt villain and a hero who feels the need to stop the pain. Two sides of the same coin. Will they take their hand? How could they reach out? Is there any hope for the rejected? We have different scenes in which its clear Uraraka and Midoriya have this idea of saving someone who is hurt even if they are a villain, the flashbacks of their conversation before the war, but surprisingly Ochako doesn't think of it as much as Izuku in this final battle -clearly stated, is when Himiko is giving her own blood to save her and explaining how she felt like her heart was floating when Uraraka touched her. The flashback reminds us of Izuku talking about how "maybe theres no way to avoid a battle, but I cant ignore what I saw deep inside him".
But Ochako isn't happy even if she got there, even is Toga tells her she made her happy. She's tired, sad, and desperate to stop her when she cant even move.
Its difficult to analyze Izuku's emotions, but once again, we can try to work with what we currently have! As far as we know, Izuku isn't really having that much of a conflict in terms of if he should save Tenko or not -the problem was external. What would the OFA users think? He challenged them by staying true to his inner core, and they accepted him, but we don't see him struggling with the idea of him reaching out to Tenko in itself like Ochako, who actively tried to forget about Himiko.
I interpret his flashbacks to his conversation with Ochako as a reminder of the person behind the villain, because he is also feeling something else: anger. Izuku was really hurt during this battle both physically and, I would argue mostly, mentally. As he himself said, he can't forgive Shigaraki, just try to stop the crying child from hurting, and the reminder of Ochako's own goals and words are a reminder of his own intentions; lets not forget, moments later he took control after seeing Katsuki's dead body, he attacked Shigaraki in ways that would cause severe damage -like in the middle of his chest, causing a hole.
Uraraka doesn't actually try to hurt Toga, but use her martial arts training in order to both dodge and tackle her, so she can hear what she has to say. I re-read the chapters around Katsuki's revival, because I was wondering, "does Izuku remember this before or after he locked eyes with Bakugou?", and the answer is after*. The other time he thought about it was before leaving the togatsuchako battlefield, when Ochako encourages him to not worry and go get Shigaraki.
So, what I mean by this is, Ochako Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya are not the same person, and they don't feel the same way for their main villains, just like Tomura Shigaraki and Himiko Toga don't feel the same for their main heroes, and are not the same. Izuku actually feels resentment and anger for Shigaraki, he cant forgive him, but he also doesn't want to kill and punish like that; he is a savior, if he has to fight he will, but in his heart he knows what he prefers' maintaining peace, and help the ones who are vulnerable. He sees the villain, and he sees the child who grew up abused and sad; he is a sweet boy, ofc he would try to stop the crying somehow. His conflict with him now, Im guessing, is that he doesn't really feel like he actually saved him -after all, he disappeared after the last punch, and he still considered himself the leader of the league who wanted to destroy everything. He gave him his autonomy back and tried his best, but his last words and request feel like a completely different "task" than what he envisioned; it makes him think, about what heroes and villains even mean in their society, and who gets to decide those things. How can he continue with Shigaraki's legacy?
In another hand, Ochako's conflict don't come from her own moral compass, but from what she is supposed to do; before she even saw sadness in her face she thought positive things about her -she has a cute smile, she is really honest with her feelings, and isnt scared to be open with others, and she envies that. She envies the villain Himiko Toga, and relates to her, and feels connected to her. So her pain feels even more personal when it shouldn't; she isnt her family, she is someone who has tried to hurt her and her friends over and over while being so happy about it. She is weird!
Besides the thoughts about society and who helps both heroes and villains, which are really important for her character and goals, the other side of their problem is... the way Ochako was refusing to see and accept her own weirdness. Interacting with Himiko was chaotic, confusing, and left her full of doubts about herself and what she wants, because isnt she even weirder if she wants to be more like her? How can she admit those thoughts out loud? Anyone would agree that behavior is disgusting, but... she can't hate her. She can't try to punch her, or hurt her, and she never was able to no matter how much she tried to convince herself this is the only way.
Her conversation with Izuku opened her mind and heart to start accepting what she truly wants to do to Himiko instead of what she has to do as a hero. What does she want? To stop her. Her hurt. Her tears. To make her happy, and to keep her alive. She wants to see everyone happy, to get peace.
This is why her conflict is both related to Shigaraki and Deku, and Katsuki and Izuku; in one aspect its about morality, heroism, villainy and society as a whole. Himiko will question how things works constantly, and she can't ignore it. And at the same time, there's an emotional side to it; she has multiple confrontations with her, where miscommunication and holding back hurts them both. She pushes herself to be more like others, but it doesn't feel right anymore; Himiko makes her see her own self hatred, and jealousy and care grow more and more. Why can't see just do the right thing to maintain peace?
Just like Izuku was surprised by Katsuki's tears during their second fight, Ochako gets concerned by Himiko's, when she interpreted Uraraka's words as her rejecting her love -and therefore, whole self. Is not until the second war that she even realizes Toga actually loves her in the same way she loves Izuku, being a little clueless herself.
It doesnt sit right with her to do the "normal" thing, because she isn't normal at all; she thinks about making a villain happy, and how lovely her smile is. Her honesty and openness to be unapologetically herself, no matter how much others try to push her down or change her attitude; she hurts others, she knows that's wrong and agrees with that generalized sentiment... but hate her for it? She tries to do it, but it doesn't work. Inside of her heart, she knows what her emotions are telling her, and its not anger.
This is messy, my head hurts, but Im hoping I can write something better and longer in the future. I guess it makes more sense that drawing of Shigaraki, Izuku, Ochako, Himiko and Katsuki all together. I always wondered, if this is about heroism and society, Katsuki shouldn't be there, and if it is about emotions and rivalries, then it would be Tomura.
If you read this far, thank you for your time, and apologies for the confusion the writing could have caused you.
*My internet is going really slow, so im not re-reading all of the chapters after Izuku's arrival in the battlefield, so I cant 100% say this is the very first time he does remember it. Once im able to, or someone checks it for me -wether im right in my statement or not-, I'll edit it to be accurate with the material.
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starfallkaz · 5 months
AU Legendborn
Bree wants to go to a concert and Sel is quite frankly appalled at the idea (think almost comical look of horror on his face)
Sel’s ears are so sensitive, he can’t get closer than a block from the venue (and that’s pushing it) or he’ll as Alice puts it, “start tweakin’ ”
Seeing his face, Bree tries to reassure him that they have metal detectors and they check bags in the venue (with a completely deadpan expression he crafts a crossbow of aether with one hand, did you forget aether is a thing???? Briana???? Demons don’t need metal)
Bree suggests he could put in some earplugs and come with her? “Briana please be serious,” he’s even more outraged.
But the thought of Sel wearing earplugs or ear muffs and scowling in a corner is so funny to me
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37 years ago today steve harrington shot his shot at bisexuality only for eddie munson to call him ‘big boy’ and promptly die 🖤
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ofekma · 1 year
Some people in this website:"anyway, you deserve to die. We're happy that your loved ones get killed. We hope it'll continue and get worse for you. You are not human. You are evil incarnate. You live in Israel? You deserve it. You live aboard but came Israel? You deserve it. You're Jewish and didn't come from Israel? Wait wait first of all-how do you feel about Israel? No, we don't care that you're being attacked and killed right now we have to know that first. Oh? You oppose Israel? Welp, too bad, but honestly it's nothing compared to what the Palestinians are going through, stop complaining."
Israeli people:"Wait. So what are we supposed to do?"
People on this website"LEAVE! Go somewhere else!"
Israeli people:"To WHERE?"
People on this website: "Like, where we live for example. Trust us, we are the good progressive guys who care about minorities and human rights! :)"
Israeli people:"....yeah you know what, we prefer to stay here with the rockets."
Israeli people: "To WHERE?"
People on this website: "LOL, Europe or something? America? Just Not Here."
Israeli people: "Hi-"
Europe, America, Just Not Here:".... Were the last few hundreds (if not thousands) of years of kicking you out, killing you, telling you to go back to Palestine, not enough for you? Are the current pogroms and attacks to jews who are here not enough for you? Did you not learn your lesson? Are you really coming back? WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE!"
Israeli people: "Um. Did you guys hear that?"
People on this website: "Huh, what? The moment we stopped talking about you being Evil Colonizers we stopped caring."
Israeli People: "They said that they don't want us to be there either and will hurt us if we will."
People on this website: "Oh? Well, I'm sure they didn't mean that, you're overreacting."
Israeli people: "Look at the current antisemitism states in those places! Look at the long history of antisemitsm in those places! How are we overreacting?"
People on this website: "Uh, then in that case, have you considered that this might be your fault?"
Israeli people: "For WHAT?"
People on this website: "Being jews."
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 month
god the fact that that specific post was soulscreamed right after i became so so so fucking sad about blaseball all over again. the apophenia....... getting the briefest taste of what blaseball was like all over again. im going to fucking throw up forever
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angie-leena · 1 year
But what if Hal found Post Resurrection/Pre Pit Jason. Like fresh out of his grave Jason. Not to be strict with any timeliness, but maybe after coming back from the dead Hal makes it a point to visit the Graves of lost loved ones and he has someone in Gotham and it's the worst horror show he can think of when the grave across the way is suddenly bursting open and someone is crawling out of it.
This someone is crying and Hal us a sucker for tears so he eventually gets himself together and good thing he does cuz this someone is a kid, and this kid is hurt. God someone beat this kid and buried him alive. Fucking Gotham
Hal doesn't stick around. He grabs the kid and bundles him up in the passenger seat of his car and takes off. It's pretty clear on the car ride that the kid isn't really aware. There's blood on his knuckles and his fingers are torn to shreds, from breaking out of a coffin wtf. There are no words, just whimpering and crying.
He asks the kid what happened, who did this to him and the kid just keeps crying and curling up in the seat but he's pretty sure he hears a soft, broken Dad through the tears.
Hal leaves Gotham.
The place fucking sucks and he's not about to leave this kid with the goddamned Bat. Fuck that guy and his fucking city.
It's still dark and raining when he gets home so no one sees him drag some shrimpy kid in a filthy suit into his apartment. That's too many questions he couldn't answer so thank god.
Getting the suit off him is the worst thing Hal's ever done he's sure. The kid isn't crying anymore but the dead glassy eyed look is definitely worse. The jacket snags on his jagged, ruined fingertips making them bleed again but there's no reaction. He almost throws up when he opens the shirt. There's deep bruising and small jagged cuts, but that's nothing compared to the huge fucking Y incision that spans his entire torso. The cut looks deep. Thick dark thread keeps it closed but the skin around it is bright red and puffy.
Someone tortured and vivisected and buried this kid alive in the middle of Gotham.
A hospital wasn't gonna help him. Or they would but then whoever did this to him would eventually find out he was alive. And what if they couldn't. What if he died after being a fucking survivor. He wasn't responding anymore and really who could blame him. This shit was traumatic as fuck. No matter what Hal asked him all he got was a dead eyed stare. He washed himself just fine and he got dressed into the clothes Hal handed him, black sweats and a big red hoodie he never wore, but other than that there was nothing.
Hal was not equipped to handle this. Hal had his own trauma he wasn't equipped to handle, there was no way he could add someone else's. But the kid was there. Staring off into space, silent tears running down his face every once in a while. His broken fingers twitched and his steps were unsteady when he moved. There was a huge Harry Potter looking scar on his forehead that ran up into his hairline and the hair around it was pure, bright white.
Hal had no idea what to do with him.
His ring beeped.
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worstloki · 5 months
Jujutsu Kaisen asks many important questions such as: mentally healthy daughters that are happy but racist OR son that isn’t racist but is so mentally unwell he rarely smiles and has no will to live
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chirpos-pencil · 1 year
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A conversation between Makoto and a peculiar old man
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slyandthefamilybook · 7 months
Disney really heard the line "no one's ever really gone" in The Last Jedi and instead of taking away "people live on in our memories and it's our duty to keep their legacy alive" they thought "so you mean deaths never have to matter because we can always just bring back any character whenever"
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shorlinesorrows · 5 months
just got the time to start the sunshine court and I'm Vibrating out of my skin
#i did not think it was possible for me to like a character this much three chapters into a book#i might actually end up liking Jean better than Neil which is saying a Lot#something about a character whose route to survival had to be giving in and staying small instead of fighting back or running away#something about a character who has been taught to lock up their emotions for years or suffer the consequences#something about a character who is resigned to what happens to them because that's the only way they can survive in their environment#I am desperately hoping that Jean learns how to be ANGRY outwardly without permission.#I need that boy to be able to Rage out loud and do it MESSY#because I'm not convinced he's going to be able to really smile until he does#Also I'm really appreciating both the Renee and Thea content we've desperately needed more of both of them and they showed up so quick#privately hoping both stay present for a while but tbh i'm just excited for where this is headed#Anyways I also just fixated on Jean Moreau then discovered that (SPOILERS) he's 19???? Almost the same age as me??? hate riko hate riko HAT#anyway sorry riko enjoyers i know he's Complicated but I never liked him in the first place#and this book is making me look forward to his death even more than I did when I first read aftg. So.#listen i know he has Issues. I know Ichirou killing him without a second thought is probably the cruelest way that he personally can die#I also want him dead and gone. Those statements can and should coexist imho.#the sunshine court#jean moreau#really looking forward to finding out more about Jeremy too#this is gonna be a wild ride#jeremy knox#all for the game#love how nora's writing and characters can grab me in a chokehold and refuse to let me go thank you nora for the food
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recovering-vamp · 1 year
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chaotic-kitty · 1 year
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