#but it was on the village dirt roads so it was fine
ryuki-blogs · 2 years
Why am I looking at VAZ 2101s for sale? My grandpa sold his when I was 5 and I haven't recovered since.
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yanderenightmare · 1 year
would love to hear any thoughts you have of what you think sukuna was like with a darling 1000 years ago, in the past before he became a curse
Ryomen Sukuna
TW: noncon, death of reader, fluff to angst
fem reader
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Back when you were both little, Sukuna was just a village clown – a little rascal old farmers would shout at after he’d set their farm animals loose, skipping down the dirt roads with a sun-swallowing grin as they chased him away with their cane in the air.
He was the one with the unruly hair, bruised hands, and scuffed knees who’d steal bread from the baker and set the temple on fire. The one everyone knew to suspect but who managed to slip away somehow, always scot-free.
And you were his little cheerleader. Always hiding your giggle behind two hands, knowing it wasn’t ladylike of you to encourage him.
But he’d pull shenanigans just to make you smile. Often acting scary, playing in the shadows before popping out with a roar, scaring all the other children around the campfire, and getting scolded by the teachers. He’d pout when put in a timeout, running away and pulling you by the wrist to keep him company while the whole village searched for the two of you long into the night.
He'd found a spot for just the two of you. A cavern behind a veil of green, with a crack in the ceiling that allowed the moon to spill in, just bright enough to still let Spiderlillies bloom. He'd make a small fire, and you’d play shadow puppets on the rock. You’d make pine people and play the villagers while he’d put bird skulls on his fingers and act as the village monster.
Your father didn’t approve of him. Especially as the two of you got older with marriage arrangements fast approaching. Like always, it was unladylike of you to run around with the boy who never seemed to grow up.
You’d always loved the same person, but it wasn’t up to you. And soon you’d been promised to someone else.
Sometimes, you wished Sukuna was just a bit different – or, at the least, that he’d act somewhat differently. Maybe then he’d been good enough for you in the eyes of others. In your heart of hearts, you can't help but think that he’s a little selfish for never having tried for your sake, but when he surprises you in the night with those devious eyes and that childish smirk upon his lips, you can never will yourself to say no – let alone keep yourself from smiling and leaping into his arms.
Even on your wedding day, you wondered if he’d come – if only to say one last goodbye. You even selfishly wondered if he’d apologize and tell you he’d wished he’d tried harder, fought, and insisted on being a man who truly deserved you – that he regrets he isn’t the one taking your hand.
But you were a fool.
Maybe it was best he hadn’t, you thought after sitting awhile – a silent tear rolling down your cheek. In your wedding robes with your heart breaking. The maids gush and think it’s just wedding jitters, and you allow them that understanding even though your wedding is the furthest thing from your mind.
Your mother tells you that you’re beautiful, and it’s but a small salve to your aching – but enough to make the tears stop. She wishes you good luck and leaves you with the maids.
It’s only a short moment later that you hear screams. Blood-curdling, dying wails – worse than anything you’d heard in your life.
You follow quickly and find the ceremony in a bloodbath. So many lightless eyes stare blankly toward nothingness, their fine-dressed bodies piled on top of each other on the floor, blood-soaked and ripped limb from limb.
There’s only one thing left standing. Splattered in red blotches and black markings you don’t recognize. It breathes like a beast but stands atop the carnage as though the kills were all for sport.
But somehow… despite the second eyes, you knew that face.
He turned, and you saw the other side of him, a deformed mockery of his once so pretty face. His eyes had gone red, glowing like a wolf in the wild – four of them, you counted now. They all blinked at the same time when looking at you.
You flinched, looking back at the slaughter of your village. Breath shivering. “What have you done?”
 “I’ve ensured no one's left to stand between us- no one to take you away from me- no one to tell me I’m not good enough-”
That isn’t his voice. Those aren’t his words. This isn’t the man you know – not the one you love. Sukuna isn’t a murderer. This was… this was a demon.
You ran. Slipping in your drapes as you pushed yourself forward, heart in your throat with lungs bursting your ribcage. You make it out into the moonlight before he has you pinned in the dewy midnight grass.
He growls something, but you can’t hear it. There’s too much blood rushing past your ears, hot and deafening, as you shake your head – eyes squeezed tight while you claw and kick at the thing that has you pinned.
“Get away- don’t touch me-”
Two of his arms grab your wrists and push them down flat by your head. The other two grab your face – not entirely softly, but much softer than what you’d expect from a monster. 
“Are you gonna tell me I’m not good enough for you too?” His words waft onto your face, warm with the breath that feels so familiar – a taste you’ve swallowed so many times before. 
But it just can’t be him, you deny. “I don’t know you- I don’t know who you are-”
It angers him. His hands strengthen their hold, and you wince as he leans in closer with a sneer. “Sure you do. I’m that village pest you waste your precious time on. The one you can’t be caught with during the day.”
You shake your head again with a cry. “You lie. Sukuna wouldn’t do this. He’s not cruel- he’d never hurt me-”
“You hurt me!” He argues with a roar, cutting you off sharply.
There's a heavy pause.
His lips ghost yours with teeth, making you whimper caught beneath him before he continues kissing you with his words. “Whispering you love me during the night, with your hands and legs wrapped around me like a brazen little whore, before you go and marry someone else in the same fortnight. Who’s the cruel one?”
“It wasn’t my choice-” You deny then, finally acknowledging it’s him but still not daring to open your eyes.
“Tch-” He scoffs callously, bitterly disappointed and judging you just as viciously. “Is that how you console yourself?”
The hands he’d held your face with slipped down your neck, stroking your skin with streaks of wet blood and hot tears, traveling down the dip of your attire with fingers curling around the fabric before tearing it off you.
“Maybe you can seek refuge in that now, as well.”
You killed yourself that same night after he’d had his way with you.
You’ve been dead a thousand years now.
Every year, on the day of your death, he plants a Spiderlilly by his shrine to honor you. Sometimes, he gets the urge to rip them all up, but he just ends up shouting instead.
He can barely remember your smell, your warmth, your face, the size of your hand in his. But still, not remembering the exact feel of you just makes missing you all the more painful.
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
Hi! I have three questions. In my story I'd like one of my characters to use a cane, because I never see any representation for younger people who use canes. For context this is in a medieval fantasy setting and it's going to be a comic so it will be visual media.
Question 1
I was thinking about why she might use it, and I thought maybe she could have broken her leg at some point and have chronic pain from that. I looked it up and it looks like broken bones CAN cause chronic pain, and I found a few posts from people saying that they have chronic pain/a limp after breaking their legs.
Does this sound like something that she would/could use a cane for? Would this type of chronic pain be helped by using a cane, or would it not make much of a differnece?
Question 2
At one point in the story her best friend/love interest is being attacked by a creature. Would it be okay for her to use her cane to hit it? She doesn't beat the shit out of it or anything, she just whacks it on the head to get its attention and stop it from attacking her friend.
Idk if this is even a trope but I don't want it to come across as me saying disability aids are dangerous or secretly weapons or something. She doesn't have one of those sword canes, it's just a normal cane.
Question 3
I don't know a lot about canes but I'm planning on her cane being a hand-carved, wooden, offset handle cane.
Will that type of cane be good for supporting her body as she walks around? She's pretty petite and maybe around like 5'2" or something, so she doesn't have a lot of weight to support.
I found a guide online that stated how to size her cane correctly, but do I need to add a few extra inches to compensate for the cane sinking into the ground when she walks around outdoors or will that not make much of a difference?
She lives in a rural village and there are no paved roads, just dirt. Should I maybe put a metal cap on the bottom of the cane so that it doesn't get worn down on dirt/rocks/etc?
A cane would make sense for that! Especially if her leg doesn't offer enough stability or can't bear all the weight (though if it can't bear it at all, crutches would be better).
I don't see a problem with whacking something with a cane, though it's definitely a desperate measure (I mean, a walking cane is short as hell). I can't imagine that it would be a particularly good weapon unless she manages to knock it out first try lol. But for diverting attention it would be fine.
The type of cane sounds good to me! Though keep in mind that if she's petite and doesn't have a lot of strength, it being wooden could be eventually tiring for her in the long run. Most modern canes are much lighter for this reason.
As for the height measuring, unless she walks in mud or something equally swamp-esque it wouldn't really make a difference. The general rule is that a cane should reach the crease at the wrist, but in my experience it doesn't have to be exact. More or less around that height should be alright.
A metal cap is an interesting solution! Canes do very much wear out at the tip, and we have to change out the tips once in a while, especially if we happen to be going through harsher terrain a lot. Because her cane is wooden and non-modern, I think the best idea would be to always have the tip covered (these things wear off from any surface in existence, some are just faster than others) and change them occasionally when they're no longer usable (e.g. after walking through a rocky terrain for a long time).
I appreciate the amount of thought you put into the character! I hope this is helpful:-)
mod Sasza
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willalove75 · 1 year
Alcina's New Maid. Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
This idea has plagued my mind for almost two weeks and I need to get it out of my head so I can function😅😂
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu brings you in as one of her maids, at least, that's what you thought she brought you to the castle for.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: flirty, fluff, slow burn, smut.
Notes: This might be a few parts idfk I just need it out of my head NOW 😅😅
Click here for the rest of the series
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It's the early hours of the morning, the sun has just risen and you're out in the back tending to the garden. You bring the mornings harvest into the kitchen and greet your aunt and uncle, both sitting down at the small kitchen table.
"Good morning." You say.
"Good morning dear." You aunt says, your uncle grumbles at you. "Are you off to get the children ready for the day?" She says, less asking and more telling you.
"Yes, I was just on my way to take care of them."
You walk into the bedroom, three young girls in a deep sleep in their beds. You begin to wake the oldest, Ana, who is about 10, and make your way to the middle and then the youngest, Elena, the youngest in the family at only 4 years old. You help them get dressed and send them down for breakfast, you make your way into the other bedroom where the two twin boys are still fast asleep. You wake them up, dress them and accompany them into the kitchen. You prepare their food and serve each child, you try your best to personalize each meal for each child, although your family is not wealthy by any means, you make do with what you have.
Once the children are fed and the kitchen is restored to its usual state, you bring them outside as you sweep the cobblestone path leading up to the house. The children are running around in the yard and in the street, kicking up dirt and rocks as kids do. As you're sweeping you hear the bells, you drop your broom and rush over to the children and begin to quickly usher them into the house.
The bells are only rung when the Lady of the castle comes through the village in her carriage. You've never seen her before, but you've heard rumors of her ruthlessness, many of those brought into her castle are never to be seen again. To avoid her, or her daughters, who are rumored to be worse than the Lady herself, the townspeople ring bells throughout the village to signal her arrival. All of the villagers rush inside and lock their doors, fearful that if the Lady or her daughters even see you, you will be whisked away, never to be seen again.
You hear the stomps of hooves a short distance away as you try and wrangle the children and get them inside, one by one they enter the house and you realize you're missing one. Fear shoots through you as you look into the road and see Elena, bending down in the road, picking up the rock she was playing with. You see the carriage, mutant-like horses pulling it, hurdling towards the child. Before you realize it, you're sprinting towards her, just before she's trampled you dive into the road and knock her out of the way, the two of you tumbling away from the carriage. The horses rear, bringing the carriage to a halt. You scramble and scoop the child into your arms, cradling her close to your chest as you sit in the dirt.
"Oh Elena," you say breathlessly, "are you hurt?"
Aside from a few scrapes, she is fine, but more scared then hurt and begins to cry.
"Shh, you're okay." You whisper to her.
You were so focused on Elena, you didn't realize someone emerged from the carriage until you see the hem of a cream dress and black stilettos standing just a few short feet in front of you. You slowly follow the dress up with your eyes, by the time you expect to reach the face of the person in front of you, you realize your eyes are only up to their waist. You strain your neck up and finally reach the top of the woman in front of you, her face shielded by a shadow cast by her large hat. You wrap your arms around Elena tighter as you're frozen by fear, realizing you're sitting at the feet of the Lady herself. Her one hand draped across her chest, her elbow resting on her arm with a long cigarette holder sitting between her two fingers, a lit cigarette sitting on the end of it.
"And what do we have here?" Her sultry voice taking you by surprise.
You sit there, still frozen in fear, your throat suddenly dry.
"I do not have the patience today to be ignored." She says, leaning down towards you. Piercing yellow eyes emerge from the shadow as she moves.
"I- I am so sorry Lady." You say bowing your head. "The child- she- she's just a child." You say with a shaking voice, your arms wrapped tightly around Elena as you try and hold back tears of fear.
The Lady says nothing, you can feel her eyes burning into you as she stares.
"Please," you say as you sheepishly look up at her. "Please don't hurt her."
She stands up straight and the shadow covers her face again. She says nothing for a moment and then speaks.
"And what if I want to?" She says, her voice sending chills down your spine.
"Hurt me instead, whatever you want to do to her, do to me instead, please, I beg you, don't harm her."
You hear her smirk, even though you can't see her eyes you know they haven't moved off of you.
"Is she your child?" She asks.
"No ma'am, she is my cousin."
"And you would be wiling to die for you, cousin?" She asks as if she's more surprised at who you would be willing to sacrifice your life for than the fact that you're willing to sacrifice your life at all.
"Yes ma'am, my purpose is taking care of them, if anything were to happen to them, I would never be able to live with myself."
"Your purpose?" She asks.
"Yes ma'am. I serve no other purpose than to take care of the children, without them, my life has no meaning." You say sincerely. Since your aunt and uncle took you in, you've taken care of the children, you have no job, you're not suitable for marriage, you truly believe that the only purpose you have in your life is to care for them.
"How pitiful." She says. You look away and stroke Elena's hair, still trying your best to comfort the terrified child. The Lady bends down, you look up and she brings her hand to your chin, you close your eyes, terrified that she's just going to kill you where you sit. You feel a soft gloved finger under your chin, she lifts your face and you open your eyes and look at her, a shadow still mostly covering her face. "Pitiful that such a beautiful maiden is nothing but a servant for children. Children that aren't even hers."
Taken back, you stare at her, you know what you heard her say, but your brain cannot process it. "Beautiful? Did she call me beautiful?" You think to yourself.
"Tell me draga, where do you live?"
"Just across the way." You gesture to the small house behind her.
"And who cares for you?"
"I- I live with my aunt and uncle." You say, unsure of why she's asking you these questions.
"Bring me to them."
You nod your head and stand up with Elena still clinging to you. You walk past the cart and take notice of a buzzing noise coming from the inside.
"Girls," you hear the Lady quietly growl to the cart as she walks past. "Behave."
The buzzing quiets and you walk up to the house, your aunt and uncle standing at the door with horror on their faces.
"Oh Elena." You aunt says as she takes the girl from your arms and carries her inside.
You stop at the door and turn and look at the woman, unsure of what to do next, she stands taller than the ceilings inside, you don't think she'd be able to fit.
"Well are you going to invite me in?" She says, looking down at you.
"Yes, of course." You say and make your way inside.
"Girls." The Lady says and turns towards the carriage.
A massive swarm of flies emerges from the carriage and three girls emerge, all dressed in black robes, one with blood stains on her cheeks. The Lady removes her hat and hands it to one of them.
"Stay here." She commands them.
"Yes mother." They reply in unison.
She bends down and enters the house, kneeling on the floor inside. Finally able to see her face, you're almost taken back at her beauty, her inky black hair curled and held in place with pins, her blood red lipstick, glowing yellow eyes, you're less afraid and more fascinated. She looks over at you and sees you looking at her, you quickly look down as your cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
"How may we help you Lady?" Your aunt politely asks, a little afraid.
"Your niece," she says gesturing to you. "She tells me the only purpose she serves is caring for your children, is that correct?"
"That's all she's good for." You uncle says.
She slowly turns her head and glares in his direction.
"And why is that?"
"She has no skills, she's an orphan with nothing to her name so she's not suitable for marriage, no man will have her, and besides being a burden, all she can do is care for the children."
You look down at your feet as your uncle speaks, although you've heard those words your whole life, they still sting. The Lady purses her lips.
"An orphan?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Her parents, my sister and her husband, perished in a fire when she was a child." You aunt says, you hear the three girls outside of the door giggle. "Our only choices were to take her in or-" she pauses and doesn't finish her sentence, everyone knows what she would have said, all orphans are sent to the Lady's castle.
"I see." She looks back over at you, you keep your eyes on the floor. "Well, if she is such a burden, I will gladly take her off of your hands." You look up at her with fear in your eyes.
"And who will care for our children?" Your uncle asks with anger in his voice.
"You're their father, are you not?" She snaps at him, he doesn't speak but he still has anger in his eyes. "If losing her will be an inconvenience, I will pay you handsomely for your troubles. Much more than a marriage proposal would fare." She laughs as she finishes her sentence.
"How much are we talkin'?" You uncle asks.
"Uncle!" You say in disbelief, you know he was never fond of you, but you never thought he would sell you, especially to her.
"Silence you wench! You have no say in this matter." He shoots daggers in your direction. You look at your aunt, tears filing your eyes, she looks away from you, not able to look you in the eyes.
The Lady's glare becomes more intense as she watches him reprimand you. She turns and looks at the girls out of the corner of her eye.
"Girls, my bag please."
"Yes mother." One of them says, disappearing into a swarm of flies, they fly over to the carriage and return, the girl emerging from the swarm with a large, leather purse in her hands. She hands it to the Lady and she pulls out a large pouch, handing it to your uncle.
"That would be half. I shall have one of my maids bring you the other half in a few days."
You uncles eyes light up as she drops the bag in his hands, it looked so small in hers, but easily fills both of his hands.
"Deal." He says, his eyes not leaving the large pouch in his hands.
"Uncle please," you beg.
"Enough, pack your things." He says.
You run into your room and lean against the door, tears falling down your cheeks, trying to stop the hyperventilating. You hear a small knock on the door, you take a deep breath and turn to open it, you aunt and Elena are standing there.
"How could you let him do this?" You say through tears. "She's going to kill me. You're sending me away to my death."
"I'm sorry, there was nothing I could do." She says, her eyes watery. You were never particularly close with either your aunt or uncle, you were always looked at as lesser than them. Although your aunt was kinder than your uncle was, maybe because you looked so much like your mother, regardless, neither of them seemed to care much for you.
"Don't go y/n." Elena says, tears in her eyes. You lean down and hug her.
"I'm sorry love, but I have to. I don't want to leave you, but I have to." Her little hands grab at your dress and you hold her close.
You aunt pulls Elena off of you and you pack your things. You don't own much, so everything fits into a small bag. You walk back out into the living room, your hands gripping the bag, trying your hardest to stop them from trembling.
"My Lady," you aunt says, breaking the silence. You uncle stares daggers at her, while the Lady looks at her curious of what she's going to say. "What can we do to ensure her safety? I- I don't want harm to come to her."
The Lady laughs, her deep laugh shakes the walls of the house, a terror fills your chest.
"You have my word, no harm will come to her." She says as she caresses your cheek with one of her gloved fingers. "And I am a woman of my word."
Her touch sends shives down your spine, the corners of the Lady's mouth curl as she feels the effect she has on you.
"Say your goodbyes. We must be going."
You turn and hug each child, you get to Ana and hold her tightly.
"Take care of them, okay?" You gently say. She nods her head with tears in her eyes and hugs you.
You get to Elena and you wrap your arms around her and kiss her head.
"I love you, please listen to Ana, okay? For me?"
She cries and nods her head, burying her face into your dress.
"Be brave." You say gently.
"I'm scared." She cries into you.
"I'm scared too," you say, looking into her eyes, "But we have to be brave when we're scared, when we have to do things we don't want to. Okay?"
She nods her head and hugs you again.
"I love you y/n."
"I love you too Lena."
The Lady clears her throat and you take a deep breath and let go of the child. You wipe her tears away and kiss her on the head again. You stand up and hug your aunt and turn towards the lady and nod your head.
"And what? You don't have anything to say to me?" You uncle says angerly. "You ungrateful, useless-" he stands up and walks towards you, the Lady reveals one of her sharp, long claws and puts it to his neck. You all gasp and your aunt tries to cover the children's eyes.
"I surely hope you treat your daughters better than that." She growls. She must have put the fear of the Black God into your uncle because for the first time in your life, he's silent, and terrified. She retracts the claw and looks at you.
"Let's go."
She backs out of the door and takes her hat from the girl holding it and places it back on her head. You follow her out the door and she leads you into the carriage. You look back at the place you called home once more and wave to the kids before climbing in. The Lady climbs in next to you, the carriage leaning to the side as she gets in. A massive swarm of flies enters the carriage and the three girls appear across from you.
"Oh mother she looks fun!" One of them says.
"Oh yes, mother can we play with her? Please?"
The third one grabs your arm, staring intently on the cut you got when you were saving Elena.
"She smells delicious mother, can we have a small taste? Please?" She begs.
"Girls, enough." She commands, the three girls immediately falling silent, the one releasing your arm. "She is going to be one of my new personal maids." She says, looking over at you, you feel her eyes on you and you keep your eyes on the floor.
The girls giggle and begin to chat amongst themselves. You hear whispers of them talking about a dungeon, who they were planning on taking down to it, whispers of hunting, you try your best to keep your nerves under control but the Lady seems to pick up on them immediately.
"No need to be afraid," she says looking down at you. "As long as you're obedient and you behave, you will never have to experience the dungeon, or worry about any of them." She says gesturing to the girls. She gently pats your leg, her hand can practically wrap around your entire thigh. The thought sends chills down your spine and you look out the window to distract yourself from thinking about it.
You reach the castle and you look out the window in amazement, you've never seen it up this close before, it's as breathtaking as it is ominous. You get out of the carriage and Lady Dimitrescu leads you inside.
"I presume you know how to clean, and well given you've watched after so many children for so many years?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Good, I will introduce you to the head maid and she will give you your assignment and a uniform. You start tomorrow morning, I suggest you clean yourself up and get a good nights rest tonight." She says, eyeing the dirt stains on your dress from earlier.
"Yes ma'am."
She leads you into the kitchen and introduces you to the head maid. She excuses herself and you're lead to the maids quarters, you're shown your small room, although it's still bigger than the room you had at your aunt and uncles house. You're given fresh uniforms and the head maid hands you a sheet with your duties.
"You will begin in the library tomorrow morning, I will show you around for the first few days, but after that you must remember where to go on your own. It is also very important that you do not, under any circumstances, enter the Lady's study or chambers without her explicit request, understand?"
"Yes." You say, looking over the list of chores.
"I can't tell you how many new maids I've lost due to them wandering in there, either on accident or to snoop around. Do not do it. Understand?"
"Yes. Understood." You say, looking up at her.
She leaves and you shower and put on the clean pajamas that were left in your wardrobe. You lay down in bed, surprised at how comfortable it is, and before you know it, you're asleep.
You wake the next morning and put on your uniform and pull your hair back. You grab your supplies and meet the head maid. She gives you a quick tour as she leads you to the library, you do your best to remember which room is which. You make sure you engrain into your mind which room is the Lady's study and which is her chambers so you never accidentally end up in there. You get to the library and the head maid leaves you to work. You look over your list, you have to dust, polish, return any stray books, sweep and mop the floors. The library is large, but you figure the floors are going to take the longest. You begin by putting away any books you see laying around, carefully replacing them to their correct spot.
You hear a faint buzz across the room and the sound of giggles, it's incredibly unsettling, but you do your best to ignore it and keep working. You hear books falling to the floor, the sound echoing across the room and it startles you. You walk towards the sound, the closer to the mess you get, the louder the buzzing gets. Out of the corner of your eye you see movement and turn around, you see one of the daughters giggle.
"Oopsies." She says, covering her mouth as she laughs and disappears into a swarm of flies.
You kneel down and pick up the books and return them to their shelves. "Well, it's not much more different than dealing with the kids at home." You think to yourself.
Once the mess is cleaned you return to dusting and polishing. As you're cleaning you hear the shrill laughter of the girls as they buzz through the castle, although much more frightening than the laughter of children, you quickly get used to the sounds and eventually you don't even notice it.
You hear the laughter enter the library and you do you best to keep focused on the floors. You hear footsteps behind you and you turn to see the three girls, the redhead running up to you and getting right into your face, examining you closely.
"Daniela please, let the girl do her work." The blond says.
"Get out of the way!" The brunette says, pushing the read head away. "I want to get a closer look at her." She says looking you up and down. "Oh I bet you taste sweet," she says, licking her lips. "I would love to get just a little taste." She holds up a sickle. "Just a little taste."
"Cassandra mother will kill you if you lay a finger on her." The blond reprimands her.
"Ugh." She says lowering the sickle. "You always ruin the fun Bela, I wanted to make her squirm!"
The girls still tower over you a bit, you don't even notice the smile that crossed your face as they bickered, reminding you of the kids you practically raised.
"What are you smiling at?" Bela says, looking at you curiously.
"Oh, nothing, sorry." You say as you look down. "You guys just reminded me of the kids a little, that's all."
"Oh, were they bad?" Cassandra asks with wild eyes.
"No, not at all, they were amazing."
"Well that's no fun." The Daniela says. "I can't wait to see what mother has in store for you."
You look at her, unsure of what she meant.
"Oh Daniela hush, you don't even know what mother wants with her." Bela says.
"All I know is that if she ever brings you down to the dungeon, I want to be there so I can get a taste of you." Cassandra says, licking her lips.
"Do you know why mother paid to bring you here?" Bela asks.
"Honestly, no. I have no idea." You say.
The three girls look at you curiously, none of them seeming to know the answer themselves.
"Well, it was lovely talking to you girls, but I really should get back to cleaning, I wouldn't want to fall behind on my first day and anger the Lady." You say.
The three girls look up and giggle and disappear in a swarm of flies.
"I should be offended that you would think it takes so little to anger me." You jump when you hear the voice behind you.
"Oh, Lady Dimitrescu, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were there." You stutter. "I didn't- that's not what I-" You fumble with your words, trying to save yourself.
She chuckles. "Oh draga, I am not offended. Not this time."
"Oh," you look down at the floor, avoiding eye contact. "Thank you."
She steps away and takes a seat on one of the chairs near you and crosses one of her long legs over the other.
"Is there anything I can do for you ma'am?" You ask, your eyes still focused on the floor.
"You are allowed to look at me dear." She says.
You look up and she leans forward, your eyes go to her massive chest as she leans forward, her dress perfectly showing off her impressive breasts. You immediately snap your eyes up, hoping she didn't notice. Her lips curl into a smile, "damnit. She noticed." You think to yourself. She sits back into the chair and opens the book you never noticed in her hand.
"There is nothing I need from you draga, not yet." Her yellow eyes feel like they're piercing your soul. "Please, continue, don't allow me to distract you from your work." She smiles at you and you shyly smile back.
"Oh, okay. Well, if you do need anything, please let me know." You say.
She turns her attention to her book and you go back to finishing sweeping the floors.
As you're cleaning you swear you catch her watching you, you try to focus on doing the best job you possibly can even though your nerves are extremely heightened at her presence.
You finally finish in the library, you look around and realize that Lady Dimitrescu is no longer in her chair, you didn't notice that she left, you're not entirely sure how long it had been since she left, but you're grateful that you were able to do a good enough job where she didn't say anything.
You gather your things and head back to your quarters to look for the head maid to see if there's anything else you needed to do since it was only the afternoon. To her surprise, there was nothing left for you to do so you had the rest of the day to yourself. You showered, changed into a new outfit and hung out in your room until dinner.
Once dinnertime came you made your way to the kitchen and got in line to eat. You could tell there was a pecking order amongst the maids, made up between the highest-ranking ones and the ones who have been here longest. You did your best to not step on anyone's toes as you waited in line. You could tell there were cliques among the maids, you tried to make yourself as invisible as possible as you tried to find an open seat with your tray in your hands. You notice a maid stuck her foot out to try and trip you, you carefully walked around her and avoid looking at her as you pass.
"You think you're better than me?" You hear someone say.
You had no idea who they were taking to, but you didn't think they were talking to you so you kept walking.
"You, new girl." You hear her say. You turn around and realize she was talking to you. "You think you're better than me?" She asks, anger in your eyes.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were talking to me. But, no, I don't not at all." You say.
She walks up to you and smacks your tray out of your hand, your meal scattering across the floor.
"Know your place bitch." She growls at you. "Now clean up the mess." She says as she walks back to her seat.
Stunned, you stand there for a second before cleaning up what was going to be your dinner. You look over and realize that there wasn't much left and you head back to your room. You lay in bed, your stomach growling. "How was it easier to deal with the three girls than it is dealing with the other maids?" You ask yourself. You finally roll over and fall asleep, hoping there won't be any more issues with the other maids.
The next few weeks are about the same, the one maid knocking at least half of your meals out of your hand. You eventually figure out when she gets to the kitchen for meals and try to get in before she does so you can actually eat, it angers her, but you do your best to ignore her. You have more run-ins with the girls, they seem fascinated by you, and you couldn't help but be a little fascinated with them too. Lady Dimitrescu pops up a few times throughout each week in whatever room you're working in, it strikes you as odd, but you try not to think too much of it. You can't imagine that she has time to visit every maid as frequently as she sees you.
You were eventually given the task to take care of requests that the girls ask of you, although they really didn't ask for too much. You removed blood stains from their dresses, cleaned and polished their weapons, usually their sickles, helped them remove blood stains from carpets their mother specifically asked them to not get blood on, the usual, at least the usual for this castle.
One day you're cleaning the main stairway, leading from the foyer to the second floor. You hear the usual buzzing and giggles and you smile as the girls run amuck through the castle. A swarm of flies appears in font of you and Daniela appears.
"Y/n, I need your help!"
"What's up Daniela?"
"You have to tell Cassandra that I'm less messy than she is. She doesn't believe me!"
"Daniela, respectfully, I am not getting in the middle of whatever you and Cassandra have going on today. Plus, it's not nice to lie." You say with a smile.
You hear a laugh from the second floor and you look up to see Lady Dimitrescu staring down at the two of you from the balcony. Your cheeks turn red as you return your attention to your work.
"Ugh!! Mother! Make her tell Cass!" Daniela whines.
Lady Dimitrescu descends the stairs towards the two of you.
"She's right Daniela, it is not nice to lie."
Daniela bursts into a swarm of flies and angerly storms away and you try and hide the smile on your face.
"You're very good with the girls, I know they can be," she pauses for a moment to carefully pick her words. "A handful."
"They're not so bad, plus, they're like any other siblings, they all bicker the same, just over different things."
She smiles at you and gently hums as she walks down the stairs past you. You pause for a second to listen, you never realized she was able to sing, no less had such a beautiful voice.
"What else is on your to-do list today?" She asks as she reaches the bottom of the steps.
"Once I finish the stairs I just have to dust and mop the hall up here."
"And you are off tonight, correct?" She asks.
"Yes, my next night shift is tomorrow night."
"Delightful, I am going to need your assistance tonight."
"Oh, uh, yes of course."
"Meet me in my chambers after dinner."
You freeze for a second and look down at her, she looks up at you with a smirk on her face.
"In your, uh, chambers?"
"Did I stutter?"
"No ma'am. I'll be there."
She walks away and you take a deep breath. You continue the stairs and try to finish as quickly as you can while still doing a thorough job.
Once you finish you shower and change into a fresh uniform, you hurry to the kitchen and quickly grab your food and eat before the maid that has it out for you throws your dinner across the kitchen. Luckily you're able to finish by the time she shows up, she sees you cleaning up your plate and she shoots daggers at you. You have no idea why she seems to have it out for you, but you try your best to ignore and avoid her. You go to leave the kitchen and she goes out of her way to walk past you with her tray in her hands. You look forward and try to ignore her, as you pass you feel a sharp pain across your arm and you yelp and put your hand over you arm only to realize you're bleeding. You turn to look at the maid and you see her turn her kitchen knife back in.
"Oops. Sorry." She says sarcastically.
You hurry to your room and wrap a bandage around your arm, you realize you have a little blood on your dress but you don't have time to change. You rush out of your room and make your way to the Lady's chambers.
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arisewanekosuki · 2 months
New friend or maybe something more? (Gaming x Fem!Reader)
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While following the path that will lead you to Qiaoying Village, you were looking around, enjoying the scenery of Chenyu Vale. This is your first time in this part of Liyue. Your aunt broke her arm and your family sent you to live and help her till she recovered. You didn’t mind it, you think this is a good chance to see a bit more of the world. The only problem is that the person who was supposed to escort you didn’t come, you thought that maybe something came up for them so you went on your own with a thought "what can happen to me on the popular road?”. And of course Treasure Hoarders happened.
At some point they came from the bushes, surrounding you and demanding to give them all things you are carrying and if not there will be consequences. You were terrified, you were wondering whether you should scream for help or try to come to an agreement with them. One of them was impatient, he started to approach you with a knife, you couldn’t move, you closed your eyes afraid. But then he came. The boy with a claymore in hands and Wushou mask. While he was fighting, you couldn’t help but be amazed by his moves. He was a human but he moved like a beast, beating the Treasure Hoarders. After they ran away, he shouted -“And I hope to not see you all again!” he then ran towards you, crouching down, you didn’t even realize when your legs gave up and were sitting on the ground.  -“Are you okay?” he asked, with a look of concern on his face. But you didn’t respond, too immersed in his beautiful eyes. -“Um.. hello?” and then you realized, you have been appreciating his eyes for too long. -“aH, y-yes! I’m f-fine!” you coughed and then got up, shaking any dirt from your clothes “Thank you very much!” The boy smiled.  -“I’m Gaming! Sorry for being late! I got informed about the change today and I tried to come as fast as I could!” -“I’m (Y/n) and it’s alright! Did something happen to the person who was supposed to escort me?” You asked. -”Ah yes, there was some family emergency, this is why I’m here!”  He looked at your big bag. “It must be heavy, let me help!” and with that he started to take the bag from you. -”Oh no! You don’t have to-!” -”I insist!” he smiled again and you couldn’t say ‘no’ to his cute face.
And this is how you two become friends. Gaming was talking all the way to Qiaoying Village but you didn’t mind. His stories were interesting and he didn’t talk only about himself, he showed interest to learn more about you too. When you reached the village you were feeling a bit disappointed. You wanted to spend more time with your new friend but your aunt was already waiting for you. Gaming seems to notice that. -”Would you like to meet up tomorrow? I can show you some nice places in Chenyu Vale!” -”I don't want to take your time from practicing! And you know my aunt may need me for whole day-” -”Oh that’s not a problem! I can help too with anything!” You didn’t have any more excuses. You felt bad for taking his time but knowing that he wants to spend more time with you makes your heart skip a beat. -”Alright… then I’ll wait for you.” You said shyly and bid goodbyes to him. When you enter your aunt's house you notice her standing by the window, smirking at you. -”You just came and you already got yourself a boyfriend?” -”Aunty!! That’s not it!!” and she started to laugh. 
The very next day you were helping to clean the house. When you finished and you were eating lunch with your aunt you heard knocking on the door. -”Ah it’s probably your boyfriend~” You pouted. -”He is just a friend!” and with that you went to open the door. Gaming was standing already brightly smiling at you. -”Hey! So what can I help you and your aunt with?” -”I gave (Y/n) a list of what to buy and from you…hmm.. how about taking my cute niece on a date?~” -”Aunty!!!” you screamed and then laughed “Ahaha don’t listen to her! Let’s go Gaming!” and you quickly left while taking the boy’s hand. After walking for a while you finally sighed “Sorry for my aunt…she likes to joke like that…” you scratched your cheek, embarrassed by your aunt's behavior. -”I don’t mind at all! I think she is very nice!” after he said that you looked at him and then realized that you didn’t let go of his hand. -”Oh I’m sorry!” you took your hand so quickly as if you had been burned. The boy didn’t react to that. -”So what do we have to buy?” -”Let me see” you took the list from your pocket and after that Gaming took you to stalls where you could buy all the things.  While you two were shopping you noticed how Gaming is getting along with everyone. You hoped that he may be interested in you like you’re in him but after that you started to wonder. Is he only nice to you like he is to everyone else? After shopping he walked you back to your aunt’s home and before saying goodbyes he promised to meet with you again after some days. 
After that you have been meeting with Gaming from time to time. Sometimes he would come visit you and your aunt, other times you would find him performing or practicing. You loved to see him perform. If you could, you wouldn’t mind seeing him dance everyday. And Gaming loves when you are watching him too. The first time he met you he never thought he would start to develop stronger feelings than friendship towards you. At first he felt embarrassed when your aunt made those jokes, but after some time he wished he could be more than a friend to you. But he wasn’t sure what you felt. He didn’t want to ruin the friendship between you two. And then Man Chai came to help. You were surprised when you met the little Suanni for the first time but you quickly came to love him. And Man Chai loves you too! And because of that little Suanni wanted to help Gaming. Whenever you two go for a walk, there were many moments when Man Chai would slightly push you so you would end up in Gaming's arms. Other times he would eat Gaming’s portion of food, hoping you’ll share yours with a brown haired boy. After so many incidents like this Gaming became more careful with Man Chai around to little Suanni dismay.
After some weeks your aunt recovered and it was time for you to come back home. Gaming wanted to escort you of course but while walking towards Liyue harbor you two didn’t talk too much like always. When you were close to your home you smiled and thanked him. -”Thank you for everything Gaming! I’m glad I could meet you!” -”Aw don’t say that like we will never see each other again!” You laughed at that and then there was silence. It’s not like you live in another nation but now you two won’t be able to visit each other that often like for past weeks and this makes you both sad. -”Well… I don’t want to hold you longer, you have to come back before night falls so bye, take care.” You smiled towards him and he smiled back. -”Yeah… bye.” and with that you started to go towards your home. Gaming was watching you leave, but then he shouted. -”Don’t forget to come and see my Wushou dance from time to time!” You turned around to look at him surprised but then smiled.| -”Of course! If you come to Liyue Harbor don’t be shy to come see me too!” -”Prepare! Whenever I’ll be here I’ll take you for some stroll or to a restaurant!”  Gaming waved and went on his way back home. Now you two are a bit further away from each other but this is not a problem. You both want to continue to spend time together. And who knows, maybe at some point one of you will be brave enough to finally confess your real feelings.    
---- Managed to finish it and yeah… that was something I started to write when Gaming came out TwT Tbh idk when I wanted to go while writing it so sorry if it's not good ;v; But thank you if you still decided to read it till the end!!
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thecampjuicebox · 11 months
Hi! I would absolutely love shameless smut Astarion x f!Tav (or f!reader) with some oral ministrations ^-^
Hi sweets! Your wish is my commend! I've been waitin' for this one. *cracks knuckles* Let's do this.
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Pairing: Tav(f) x Astarion
POV: 2nd person (Reader is Tav)
Rating: 18+, Minors DNI
Warnings: Smut, masturbation, oral (f/m giving/receiving), biting, choking, Dom Astarion x Sub Tav, gentle face slapping
Sleep eludes you this particular night, your brain running through the recent events of the past few days. The nautiloid, the tadpoles, gathering this seemingly harmless band of misfits, it's all so.. Strange. Before waking up in the grasp of the mindflayers, your life was simple. A merchant and artist in Baldur's Gate. During the day, you were peddling your wares to the higher society of the city, making a name for yourself amongst the lords and ladies. You specialized in jewelry, mostly. Adorning the necks of the wealthy with the finest jewels Faerun has to offer. You breathe slowly, eyelashes fluttering at the memory. You'd had your fair share of meetings with some of the most eligible fellows in the upper city because of your line of work. Each one of them powerful, wealthy. Insanely wealthy. You've danced with Lordlings, held hands with Dukes, even been bedded by a magistrate or two. None of them compared to the pale skinned elf you happened to pick up after the crash. Astarion. He's so.. Different. Your mind reels at the very idea of him and you fidget in your bedroll.
Tired eyes snap open at the sudden sound of shuffling beside you, the sight of that very elf leaning over you with fangs bared sending you into a daze. He widens his eyes at you, backing away slowly. "Shit." You hurry to your feet, taking a defensive stance towards the intruder. He blinks at you innocently.
"I-It's not what it looks like! I swear!"
Crossing your arms over your chest, you eye him for a moment, waiting for some sort of explanation.
"I wasn't going to hurt you.. I just need, well, blood."
Shit. You stare at him blankly for a moment, mind racing. It all makes so much sense now. His lack of appetite, his blatantly obvious sneaking off at night, the dead boar your group found on the bridge to the Blighted Village. Perfectly drained of blood from no more than two little pinholes in its neck. Of course. He's a vampire. You pause for a moment, considering the implications of your discovery. Heat travels down your spine and stings in your core. You stand firm, furrowing your eyebrows to seem angrier than you really are.
"I can't believe I didn't see it. We even found your last meal lying in the road. Clever of you to act so naïve about the situation. Bravo."
His posture straightens and he places his hands on his hips, lips curving into that devilish grin that makes your knees week. The vampire quirks an eyebrow at you then drags his eyes down your body before meeting your eyes again. His intense gaze makes you shiver. Picking at your fingernails, you chew your bottom lip nervously and kick your foot at the dirt beneath you. Astarion drums his fingers against his hip bones.
"I usually feed on animals. Boars, Kobolds, whatever I can find really. But right now I'm too slow. Too weak. If I could just have a little blood.. I could fight better."
You nod slowly and weigh your options. This could help him. You need him strong to fight the massive hoards of enemies you and your group seem to continuously encounter. What's a little bite? You smirk at your next thought, cheeks unknowingly burning hot the moment the idea crosses your mind. You'll also have the chance to be deliciously close to the vampling. No, don't think like that. The tadpole squirms with excitement in your brain, making you wince slightly at the sudden movement behind your eyes. You sigh and straighten your posture.
"Fine. But not a drop more than you need."
"What? I- Okay. Yes. Perfectly reasonable. Shall we make ourselves comfortable?"
Astarion motions towards his dimly lit tent and you nod, keeping a death grip on your bottom lip between your teeth. His hand rests at the small of your back to guide you into the cramped living space, the gentle yet dominant gesture making your knees nearly buckle underneath you. His breath is warm on your ear. "Lie down." Without hesitation, you lower yourself knees first to his bedroll, a quiet growl rumbling in the vampire's chest as he watches you closely. You choke back a quiet whimper, clearing your throat quickly. Astarion moves next to you and smiles, giving your shoulder a gentle push to lower you the rest of the way to the plush surface beneath you. A trembling hand moves up to cup the back of your head.
"Stay still for me.."
Before you can respond the vampire bares his fangs, moving in to plunge them deep into the sensitive flesh of your neck. Icy hot pain courses through you, each vein in your body simultaneously burning. You whimper up into Astarion's ear. The hand on the back of your head tightens its grip, holding onto your soft hair now. Your mouth falls open at the tension on the back of your head. "A-Astarion.." Is all you can say as his tongue laps at the fresh wounds on your neck, little grunts of enjoyment vibrating your skin. You mewl at the new sensation and grab a fistful of his shirt, desperately pulling him closer to you. He finally breaks contact with your neck, gazing down at you with drunken eyes.
"Gods, you're.. Delicious.."
Little black spots speckle your vision as you try to focus on Astarion's face, a woozy feeling rushing over you suddenly. He must've been starving, he's basically drained you and left you on empty. Your heart thumps in your ears. Soft hands push the hair from your face before resting on your cheeks, giving the now sickly pale skin a few little gentle slaps. A devilish grin thins your lips.
"That was incredible. I feel incredible."
Late night feedings have become a regular thing for you and Astarion. You reveled in the intimate way he'd hold you close to him to ensure you wouldn't move, hand tangling in your hair to keep your neck steady. It left you needy every single time, often excusing yourself to a secluded part in the woods to relieve the urges, the freedom to be as loud as you want. Tonight is one of those nights.
Astarion stands and wipes his lips with the back of his hand, licking the remnants of your blood carefully from his skin. He groans happily before helping you back to your feet. You smile and say your goodbyes quickly, dashing out of the tent. He quirks an eyebrow, waiting for your footsteps to fall silent before peaking his head out of his tent, scanning around for you. He spots you ducking into the woods and pure curiosity wills him to follow. "Where in the hells is she going?" Astarion slinks out of his tent and picks up on your scent like a lost dog, carefully following your trail. He crouches low, making sure to leave a decent amount of distance between you so you don't detect his presence.
You tip toe through the thick foliage, leaves quietly crunching under your boots. Stopping in your usual clearing, you sigh heavily, carefully scoping out the area for any intruders before lowering yourself to the ground. Shaky fingers unlace your boots and kick them off in a rush, fumbling with the ties on your shirt. You groan with anticipation and fling the garment to the side, standing up to quickly shimmy out of your leathers. Goosebumps raise all over your pale skin at the cool night air and you slide out of your underwear last, a sticky puddle of arousal staining the fabric. You toss those aside, eyes doing another once-over of the land. No one in sight. You lean against a large oak tree and stare up at the sky, gulping down the massive lump in your throat. You're so desperate for release. So needy. So wet. You close your eyes and allow your fingers to travel over your chest, little whimpers escaping your dry throat as you carefully circle your painfully erect nipples. You give one a pinch, grinding your hips at the air. "F-Fuck.."
Astarion breeches the thick line of trees and enters the clearing quietly, eyes roaming the area in search of you. He catches a glimpse of your boots and smirks, gaze flicking to your pile of clothes. "The little devil." His pointy ears perk up at your moan and he leans in the direction of the sound, holding his breath for a moment to listen even closer. Stifling a moan of his own, he moves towards the tree you're leaning against, eyes fixed on your profile. Without noticing the intruder, your fingers slide down your abdomen, muscles flexing at the feather light touch before hungrily dipping between your folds. You tilt your head higher, jaw falling open as you collect your arousal on your fingers and carefully shimmy your feet further apart to give yourself more room to work. Your knees buckle, your belly aches with desire, your skin burns for attention. Astarion moves in closer, the sound of his shuddering breath causing you to freeze. Your eyes snap open.
"W-who's there? I swear to the gods above, I'll kill you."
The vampire moves into view, tongue flicking out over his bottom lip to moisten the skin. He steps in front of you, placing both hands on the tree to trap you between his body and the tall oak. You gaze up at him, blinking in embarrassment.
"Having all of this fun without me, pet? I'm hurt."
"I.. I just.. Didn't want to bother you with asking. Wasn't sure you'd be interested?"
"Hmph. May I?"
You nod quickly at his question, pushing your hips forward. Astarion tuts, reaching a hand down to rub over your sensitive mound, earning a strained moan. He leans in close to your ear, exhaling slowly before biting at your lobe, a low growl building in his belly.
"At least you had the decency to consider my feelings. How sweet of you."
He presses a single digit to your clit and rubs slow circles, cooing into your ear after each of your whimpers as he gradually picks up speed. Both of your hands find the front of his shirt and give it a rough tug to pull him closer to you, hips bucking up against his touch. He licks a slow, hot stripe up the side of your neck, the still fresh bite mark stinging from his saliva. You chew your lip for a moment, releasing the flesh to whisper up at him.
"May I touch you?"
His fingers pause at your words and he stares down at you, expression melting into one of almost sadness. No one has ever asked to touch him as sweetly as you just did. He's so used to being just a body, a toy. Someone for people to play with as they please. Tears well up in the corners of his eyes and he blinks them away quickly. You back yourself against the tree and wait for his response, hands resting at your sides, The vampire nods down at you, mumbling a soft "Please." You flash a sweet smile up at him, placing your hands on his chest and slowly sliding them down his slender body, falling to your knees. He gasps at the touch, head tilting up towards the sky. A hand instinctively rests on the back of your head.
"If at any point you get uncomfortable, please tell me and I'll stop, okay?"
He beams down at you, bottom lip quivering. You quickly undo the lacing on his leathers and press gentle kisses to his already stiff cock through the fabric, Astarion grasping a handful of your hair in response. You giggle to yourself and tug his leathers down carefully. "Mm.." His eyes darken with lust. He tugs your hair to tilt your head up, forcing you to look at him. His hand leaves your hair and circles around your neck, fingers fitting perfectly in the subtle indents just below your jawline. You grunt at the sudden restriction of air.
"Such a good pet. So obedient for me. I want you to touch yourself while I fuck your throat. Can you do that?"
You groan and nod up at him, face turning red from the lack of oxygen. He releases your neck, giving your cheek a gentle slap before grasping your jaw firmly, fingers sliding upwards to squish your cheeks together.
"Good girl."
You mewl at the roughness of his hands, cunt dripping onto your thick thighs. He releases your face and frees his cock from the constricting leather. You part your knees and slide a hand down between them, fingers swirling around in the mess. Astarion grasps his cock in his hand, giving it a few pumps before pressing the weeping tip to your lips, swiping the pre-cum around your cheeks and mouth.
You obey happily, parting your lips and letting your tongue lull out, a thin line of drool falling onto your chest. The vampire taps his throbbing member against your tongue, swiping it back and forth before shoving it as far into your mouth as he can. Your lips wrap tightly around the base as he bottoms out. His head falls back, jaw slack from the warmth of your mouth. You bob your head carefully after giving yourself a moment to adjust to his girth in your throat and your fingers move furiously against your clit, slick coating your trembling hand. Your free hand sits firm on the ground beneath you to hold you steady. Astarions hands move to your hair, grabbing a fistful on each side of your head to keep you in place as he fucks into your throat, groaning with each thrust. Drool spills out of the corners of your mouth when he pushes in. He pauses his thrusts and slides his boot between your legs, gritting his teeth before growling down at you.
"Fuck yourself on my boot like a good pet. Show me how needy you are."
You scoot closer on your knees, lowering yourself onto the shiny top of his boot and you grind your hips into the leather, both arms wrapping around his leg to hold you steady. He resumes his quick thrusts into your throat, rhythm beginning to falter as he nears his end. He gasps for air. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." You stick your tongue out once more to rub against the underside of his cock, earning a loud moan from the pale elf towering above you. "Gods, please. I'm so close." His voice is desperate now, tough exterior crumbling in front of you. He bucks his hips furiously into your face, the tip of his cock brushing the very back of your throat and you stifle a gag, only earning another moan at the way your throat tightens around him. You grind down roughly onto his boot still, slick coating the black leather. He snaps, completely coming undone, hot ropes of cum shooting into the back of your throat and you swallow quickly, making sure to milk every last drop. The vampire shudders and pulls himself away from you and you keen at the emptiness, a string of drool and cum still connecting the two you of you. You flick your tongue out to collect the fluid, hips still moving in a slow steady motion and you gasp as he lifts his foot into you slightly.
You grin, moaning up at him, chest heaving as you gasp for air. Swift hands yank you up off of the ground, your back slamming into the oak tree behind you. Astarion's lips crash to yours and you melt in his embrace. His tongue wrestles for dominance in your mouth, the taste of him still lingering there. You groan into his mouth quietly and wrap one leg around his waist, the other still supporting your weight. The kiss feels like it goes on for years, lips moving in perfect harmony. This is perfect. He is perfect. Astarion pulls away from your lips and you whine at the lack of touch, eyes fluttering open to stare up at him.
"May I taste you, pet?"
Astarion's sudden change of tone makes your heart flutter and you nod quickly, resting your ass against the tree. He kneels carefully, nose leaving a soft trail down your hip bone and to the top of your mound. He presses gentle kisses there for a moment. Your hips twitch, a hand reaching out to stroke his hair back lovingly. Without warning, he lifts you up, tossing your legs over his shoulders, pinning you up in the air against the tree. His hands rest under your thighs, spreading your legs apart as far as your hips will allow, opening you up to him. You gasp and reach your hands up above your head to grip the thick trunk. Astarion dips his tongue between your folds and licks a long stripe to your clit then back down, spreading your thick juices around. He groans at your taste. His lips work against your clit now, sucking the sensitive nub between them, creating a tight seal. You cry out in pleasure, back bowing upwards. The sensations knock the wind out of you. Waves of pleasure send you into a daze as he shoves his tongue into your slit, teeth carefully scraping your clit. His fingers dig into your plush thighs, leaving little indents that will surely bruise. You whine and grind your hips against his tongue. He grins, sticking his tongue out, allowing you to take control and you happily oblige, grinding your aching clit against his warm tongue.
"Gods, Astarion I'm gonna-"
Before you can finish your sentence, the vampire wraps his lips around your clit once more, tongue lapping furiously at the bundle of nerves. Electricity pulses up your spine, your climax exploding inside of you. You fall apart in his arms, crying his name out to the empty clearing, his mouth still working you through your release. The over stimulation causes you to writhe in his embrace and you desperately push on his forehead, doing anything you can to escape his hungry mouth. He chuckles and lowers you to your feet, hands resting on your hips now to hold you steady. He licks his lips, pressing a wet kiss to yours. You shudder at the taste of yourself. Astarion leans in to press a gentle kiss to your shoulder, nuzzling his nose into your collar bone and you sigh happily. His voice is low and sultry, breathing still labored.
"You're absolutely divine, my sweet."
You giggle shyly and wrap your arms around the vampire's thin waist, helping him tug his leathers back up into place. Gently trailing your fingers along the skin just above his pants, you gaze up into his eyes, lids lowering. The vampire shudders at your touch, pulling you into a tight hug. Your heart thumps in your chest.
"You're not so bad yourself."
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Closed Until Further Notice
Oh my god this was WAY longer than anticipated and I wasn't planning on making it like spicy, but it's been a while so I threw some at the very end ;) this is Eris x Cafe Owner ! Reader / trope, it was very cute so I hope I captured the idea well enough for the anon who requested it!
Word Count: 10.3K
Warnings: Cursing, Smut
Eris wouldn’t say he frequented the small towns scattered throughout the Autumn Courts, nothing more than a yearly visit or two, normally just for an inspection called upon by his father. He usually came on horseback, flanked by his soldiers in their shining armor, and strolled through the town for a quick survey. He nodded politely, quick to make his way through the town without disturbing any of the residents. No matter how nice he was, how civil and respectful he was, they still cowered from him - hid in their homes and shut their shop doors when he passed through.
But there was one town, nestled just past the forest in the valley of the mountains right before the Winter Court, that Eris took his time visiting. That’s exactly what it was, in fact: a visit, not an inspection - no surveillance, no prying. He traveled there alone, winnowing to the outskirts of the village, taking his time walking down the main street. Stores and homes littered the dirt road, nearly frozen solid from the Winter wind that blew across the border; he walked along the stone sidewalk, past the brick houses and the shops built up from the redwood trees. 
At the center of the town stood the bakery, a hand painted sign that spelled it out in fine script. The chalkboard was propped open on the walkway, the specials written in swirly cursive. Eris bit the inside of his cheek to hide the smile that crawled up his lips, eyeing the Topfenstrudel you’d written no doubt early this morning - probably before he’d even woken up. You’d listed a few teas below it, fruit sauces, and spices to pair it with. 
Eris wouldn’t admit to it, but he’d patroned it more than the other little towns. It started once a year, just like everywhere else, but turned quarterly - monthly, even - after he visited your bakery. Small and tucked away, next to a butcher’s shop on one side and a bookstore on the other, your cafe was lined with tables and plush chairs, golden faelights and fresh flowers strewn across the space. 
He slipped through the door quickly, trying not to let out the heat from the small fire in the hearth beside the counter. “Good morning,” you called from the back kitchen, not visible from the doorway. “I’ll be with you in a minute!” Eris hummed in response, throwing a tiny ring of fire at the dimming flame. He noted the heat immediately, a welcome shiver down his spine at the feeling. He shook off the cold, shoving his hands in his pockets and pacing a few steps around the cafe. 
He had half a mind to bring you flowers this time - though, he’d been telling himself that the past three visits. His mother had clipped some hydrangeas from her garden, had them laid out along the long table in her drawing room. He should have just swiped a few, winnowed out before she would even notice, but he thought against it, didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or think he was trying something. 
Not that he wasn’t, necessarily - he should - gods, he wanted to. But the only thing you knew about him was that he was the High Lord’s son, he didn’t want to accept your advances because you felt like you had to. 
You popped around the corner, stopping in front of the counter wiping your hands on your apron. Your mouth opened and shut quickly, eyes wide at the sight of him. But he didn’t miss the blush that crawled up your cheeks, the small flustered smile when his fiery gaze met yours. “Oh - I didn’t - sorry to keep you waiting,” you said, shaking your head slightly. 
Eris smiled and relaxed his shoulders. “I wasn’t, don’t worry.” He’d counted down each minute - all forty-four thousand of them - until he saw you again. 
“You’re early,” you replied, pressing your hands against the counter, shuffling the random pile of papers before you.
He shrugged, eyes falling to the counter, watching how you moved the papers, each scrawled with a different recipe or note, and pushed them to the side. “Long day ahead - I wanted to make sure I got the strudel before you ran out.” 
The High Lord’s son typically came closer to closing, when just a few customers lingered around. Some ducked out quickly, afraid of the tall male’s presence; others stayed, tucked away in the dimly lit corners of the cafe, watching the handsome male from just over the rim of their coffee up. He usually ordered a tea - something chamomile or tisane - along with a pastry or two, and always tried the daily special. 
But you opened at six in the morning, and Eris strolled in just three minutes past. 
“Then what else can I get for you, Eris?” He almost melted on the spot - his name dripped like honey off your lips. You’d exchanged names and gotten past formalities a few months ago, when you’d started greeting him more like a friend than the High Lord’s son. 
He figured he’d never get anywhere with you if he kept lingering around the bakery before closing, when your neighbors sat watching his every move. 
“I’ll have a coffee, please.” You quirked a brow at the male, surprised at the change in order, though you supposed it was too early for a sleepy tea. 
You watched him ruffle around in his pocket for some change, the heavy gold coins shaking in his hand. He dipped his head to count the money, you watched the red locks of hair fall over his brow. You tipped your head back to look up at him, watch the fire’s shadows dance over his carved cheekbones, kissing his straight nose. 
You were able to see him clearly in the morning light; you could count the freckles across his cheeks, and oh how you longed to. He looked so different at night, when the sun was gone and the only light came from the red fire and amber faelights, as well as his glowing eyes. “And how do you take your coffee?” You watched his throat work, his eyes roam over your features. 
Eris pressed his tongue behind his teeth. “How you take yours.” 
“Milk and sugar?” You hummed, raising your brow, smiling at the male. While he savored the sweets you served him, you would have assumed he went for the more bitter taste. 
To be fair, he did. He just wanted to know how you liked yours, should he ever have the chance to make it for you himself. 
Preferentially in his bed. 
And nude. 
“Milk and sugar,” he replied with a small nod but a broad smile. 
Your eyes flitted between him and the mess on the counter in front of you - yet his red eyes never left yours, his gaze burning into you. You couldn’t help but blush, the heat emitted from his body calling to you, for you to throw yourself into him and feel his arms around you. The chill from the Winter Court was strong that morning, you’d wanted nothing more than to linger around the warm ovens all morning. But the cafe felt warmer, like it always did when he visited; you weren’t sure if it was his fire powers or just him. 
How much you wanted to touch him. 
“Coming right up.” You offered him a smile before trotting off to the kitchen, setting the grounds up over the set of mugs. “Make yourself comfortable.”
Your voice carried quietly from the back kitchen, just audible above the cracking fire. Eris’s eyes swiped around the cafe, over the small tables and iron chairs, never having seen the shop empty before. But he took a seat against the window, the seats shrouded with pillows with stacks of books adorning the tabletop. Your scent lingered across the space, bright and fruity with a hint of cinnamon. 
He tried not to stare at the counter across the shop, watch and wait for you to appear in the doorway to return. Eris tried to busy himself, glancing at each of the plants hanging from baskets, the flowers that he tried to remember, the sound of his mother reciting each name in the back of his mind. 
You piled the mugs and plates on a small wooden tray and made your way back to the tiny dining area, weaving through the tables to meet him in the corner. His thick brows raised in surprise as he noticed the amount of goodies on the tray, scrambling to stand and take it from you. But you shooed him off, setting everything down between you and ushering him to sit when you took the seat across from him. 
You never thought you’d meet a member of Autumn royalty, let alone one that fretted over you carrying a small try and who stood whenever you entered the room. 
“Thank you, (Y/N),” he said, quietly, almost unsure of how the word was supposed to sound - like it was foreign. But your pointed ears flexed, unable to miss the small sentiment, no matter how unusual it tasted on his tongue, he was trying. 
“You’re welcome, Eris,” you replied simply, handing him a mug, taking the matching one for yourself. There were a couple strudels on a plate, paired with a bowl of fruit, and some macaroons, a couple pumpkin tarts fresh from the oven on the side. 
He noticed how you pulled your strudel in half, how your shoulders shrugged slightly when you tasted it, the warm dough relaxing the cold chill that stiffened your spine. You couldn’t help but watch his hands work before you, pulling apart his pastry, just as you did, how he picked up the coffee cup loosely in those long fingers, pale knuckles and veins lining his big hands. You cradled your own mug in both hands, half needing the warmth from the side of the cup, the other half needing the grasp on reality, keeping you grounded - keeping your mind from wandering too far. 
His gaze washed over you, watching as you zoned out, staring into the space between you. “Were you here early this morning?” 
You blinked once, twice, trying to pull your eyes away from the male’s hands. “Yeah.” You huffed a laugh, sipping from the much needed coffee. “I start baking at four - got here at three though.” You eyed the pastry he’d picked up. “These were a bit more difficult than what I usually try for.”
“It’s excellent,” he said, taking a bite of the flaky pastry. “Very much worth the extra time, in my opinion.”
“I’m glad you came today.” Eris’s red eyes sparkled at your words, he felt the fire roar through his veins and crawl up his cheeks. 
Me too. He ached; wanted to find out everything about you, about your life, what you liked and what you didn’t, your family, what made you tick, what made you smile, how you tasted, how you’d look in his bed, on his lap. 
But before the male could even think of a response, the door swung open, followed by a gust of wind. Your eyes shot to the door immediately, assessing who came in, interrupting (what Eris believed to be, at least) a pleasant conversation. 
“Good morning, Mrs. Aldrich,” you greeted the old female, bundled up in her coat and wrapped in what looked like two scarves. Your eyes dropped to Eris once more as you pushed yourself from the table, sauntering off to the counter to serve her. 
But Eris decided to only wait a few moments longer, downing the rest of his coffee and finishing the treats on the table before stacking the bowls and plates. He ran his hands over the sides of his corduroy pants, unsure of whether to bring them to you in the kitchen, whether he should even go out of his way to say goodbye. He felt the Fae female staring at him, too afraid to say anything, but watching his every move. So he buttoned his jacket, preparing to leave before anyone else could come to the cafe to study him. 
He turned to the female, offering his a polite bow of his head in greeting, which she returned with a small curtsey. “Bye Eris,” you called, poking your head around the corner from the kitchen, arms working to tie a white apron around your waist. 
His eyes found yours, sparkling in the morning light that shines from the front windows. “Bye (Y/N), thanks again.” He offered you a smile before he ducked out the short front door. 
Eris felt Mrs. Aldrich’s eyes move back and forth between the two of you. 
The next time he came by, it was still just as cold and just as early. He tried to take his time walking to the shop, but he couldn’t slow himself down - his hands itched, flexing at his sides, simmering with heat that poured out of him. The pocket watch in the front of his jacket told him he was a few minutes early, so he lingered along the cobblestones, kicking at the loose rocks on the sidewalk. 
The lights in the cafe were on, but the specials sign was missing and the Closed sign hung across the green door. He chewed on his bottom lip, shoving his hands inside his pockets and turning on his heel. He thought maybe he should just leave, not wait around like a creep, and solicit the peaceful town. 
The male’s head lifted as he turned over his shoulder, meeting your soft smile. He lifted a hand to run through his messy red hair, pushing it away from his eyes. “Hey (Y/N), good morning,” he stumbled over his words, too focused on his racing heart - beating almost as rapidly as the first day he saw you. 
You held the door open with your foot - the tip of your brown boot covered in flour, as the hem of your skirt was - and moved to pull the chalkboard through the door. The High Lord’s son pulled it from your hands, grabbing it easily with on and moving it as though it weighed nothing. He fixed it up on the sidewalk before turning to you with a smile. “Apricot sachertorte?”
You beamed at him, proud of your newest sweet treat, and propped your hands on your hips. You almost didn’t notice the Winter Court chill seeping through your clothes. You felt the heat he emitted, centuries of fire burning through him, drawing you to him. “You like chocolate, no?”
Eris ushered you inside, noting your missing coat when his eyes drew up and down your body. The dress you wore was thin, tight. Dusted with ingredients and a messy apron. He swallowed, forced some air into his lungs, and forced himself to not stare when you led him inside. “I have a certain weakness when it comes to chocolate.” And you. 
He rolled his eyes inwardly at himself - how his father would have killed him for even making a joke about having a terminal flaw. But he’d developed enough of a friendship that he’d actually made you laugh, and it was a sound he’d say nearly anything to hear it again. 
“Perfect then, take a seat and I’ll get some coffee for us.” Eris sighed in sweet relief, thanking you for saving him from having to ask you to sit with him again. 
You were quick to return with two mugs and two plates, one exceptionally large slice of the torte accompanied by a smaller one. He was quick to help you, settling into the table across from the fireplace. You’d hummed when you sat down, relaxing into the iron chair, and the male couldn’t help but wonder if it was the first time you’d sat down all morning. You drank your coffee like it came from the Mother herself, savoring the rich taste. “This is probably the fourth cup I’ve had this morning.” 
Eris wasn’t surprised. He was in the same boat himself, actually. He hadn’t been able to sleep all last night, not with the anticipation of seeing you. He’d forced his night owl of a brother to spar with him, tire himself out wielding the heavy steel sword. He’d fussed over battle plans and boring court papers. When that didn’t work, he’d even found himself in the kitchen, attempting what was intended to be a galette. When that didn’t work out, he gave up and laid in bed for a few more hours. He was tired, sure, but couldn’t fall asleep. 
“You ought to take a day off, sleep in,” he replied, taking a bite of the layered chocolate cake. Gods, if that was the last meal he’d eat, he’d be beyond satisfied. 
You shrugged, finger tracing the rim of your cup. “I could… but I just love it too much - even if I have to wake up early for it.” Eris nodded along. “Besides, what if you came by the shop and I was closed?”
He shifted in his chair, trying to settle the burn in his chest. “You’re right - ” he tried to play it off casually. “I wouldn’t know what to do with myself without your pastries.” Another job well done, he cursed himself. 
You smiled sweetly, propping your elbow up on the table and resting your head against your knuckles. “So tell me, Eris. What’s on today’s agenda? I can hardly believe you came all this way just for coffee and chocolate.” 
Oh how wrong you were. He’d go to the ends of Prythian just to spend one moment with you. 
“Taking care of some errands for my father,” he began, not interested in divulging too much. You understood, and simply nodded along, taking whatever he’d be willing to give out. “I have a meeting in the Winter Court.” 
“Ah, just a stop along the way, then.” He wasn’t sure if he heard faint disappointment laced in your voice, or if it was just what he’d been hoping to hear. 
“Well - yes, but…” It was one of those rare moments where Eris didn’t know what to say. “But I wish I could come more - I don’t want to bother you. I know a lot of your customers are uneasy when I stop by - ”
You cut him off, sitting straight in your chair. “You’re not - I love when you visit, Eris.” You fought against all your instincts to reach across the table and grab his hand. 
It was his turn to blush. Maybe he was overheating, what with all the layers and sitting in front of the fire. Or perhaps it was your bright eyes staring at him, burning into him, starting straight into the depths of his soul. “I wish I could stay longer, I’d like to - ”
But that godsdamned door opened again, a group of Fae walked in, conversation abruptly stopping when they noticed the fiery-haired male sitting at the table across from you. Eris stood in one swift motion, abandoning his fork and empty plate behind him. He noticed the young female that walked in, orange hair wild around her ears, starting straight at you, wiggling her eyebrows. 
When he tossed a look over his shoulder at you, he saw your pink cheeks, chin tucked close to your chest. “Your highness,” one of the males began, bowing to Eris.
His friend smacked him in the chest, grimacing at his friend’s actions. “Shut up.”
Another female interrupted all of them, smiling broadly at Eris. “Good morning, sir,” she said sweetly, dipping slightly in greeting. 
Eris had never felt more awkward in his life. He’d been trained in court politics, to lead armies, to host High Lord meetings on behalf of his father, to speak in front of hundreds of Fae. But never to talk with teenage Fae. 
“Good morning,” he replied as politely as he could, shifting his weight from foot to foot. But he recalled his courtier training, standing tall and holding his chin high. 
He got a small confidence boost though, as the other males tilted their heads back to look up at him, and cowered a few steps backward. And although Eris was normally cocky enough to have loved to inflict that kind of response on others, it wasn’t what he should be displaying in front of a female he was trying to impress. 
“I have to be getting on my way, (Y/N),” he finished, turning back to look at you. “Thanks for the coffee.” He smirked, watching as you glared at your friend - the one whose eyes kept flitting between you and the High Lord’s son. 
Your attention was drawn back to Eris and he threw a wink your way before he left the cafe.  
He winnowed back just after the sun had set, when the chill from the mountains was visible in each breath he took. Eris appeared right in front of your shop door, where the lights were dimmed and the sign on the door read Closed. 
Fuck, he’d cursed himself, fifteen minutes late. He’d rushed back as fast as he could, after having spent the day in the Winter Court, useless meetings with Kallias and his staff. Eris had nearly run out of the meeting room, winnowing before he’d even left the table and made it close to the door. 
But you’d spotted him, the brown wool coat and dark red hair from the window. You almost skipped to the door, something between a hop and a half-jog, making your way to the door before he’d off and disappeared again. “Eris, wait!” You’d called, unlocking the door and poking your head through. 
He smiled when he turned around, meeting you in the doorway. You held a broom in your hand, obviously close to leaving for the evening. No matter how tired you were, there was no doubt in his mind that you’d had a busy day, you still greeted him with a cheery smile. 
“I just wanted to,” he began, digging his hand through his pocket and pulling out a handful of gold coins. “For this morning.” 
You shook your head, but took his wrist in your hand, pulling him through the door. Your fingers sparked when you felt his warm skin against yours. “You visiting is quite enough - ”
Eris groaned, wishing you’d held onto him for just a little bit longer. “I don’t need special treatment.”
You rolled your eyes. “I can’t be nice to you anymore, Eris?”
He smiled, sharp teeth glinting in the dim faelight. “Are you being nice to me or being nice to my family?” 
He watched you tut, giving him an indiscreet up and down. It almost made him nervous. “Just you.” And Eris smiled at that, his own selfishness getting the best of him, but glad you had invited him in. “I like when you visit. You don’t do it enough.” 
You’d set the broom against the table, hands clasped in front of you trying your damnedest not to look like a giddy child in a candy shop. Eris glowed, watching your movements, daring to see how much else you’d reveal to him. 
Eris was too busy staring at you, committing every feature of yours to memory, to respond. “How about some tea?” You asked, already making your way to the kitchen. 
“Please,” he nearly sighed, and no matter how happy and excited he was to be back at your bakery, he was still beat from a day of Winter Court bullshit. 
You disappeared only momentarily, returning just after you’d set the kettle over the stovetop, with two mugs in hand. You set them on the table by the window, the seats both cushioned with freshly fluffed pillows. Eris joined you, eyeing the loose tea leaves at the bottom of the cups, a mixture of chamomile flowers, linden leaves, and peppermint. 
He smiled gratefully, seeing your body relax once you’d slid into the chair across from him. “You like it here?” Eris couldn’t help but ask. You seemed to work yourself into exhaustion, rising before the sun, staying past dusk, holed away in the quaint cafe. It was a small town, too far from the other Autumn villages to easily visit - though, he supposed there would be plenty of adventure in the woods beyond and the mountains between Winter. That ought to be dangerous, especially given the fact that if Beron found out about his subjects crossing the border, he’d outright banish or kill them. 
You smiled back at the High Lord’s son, him looking equally as tired as you must have. Light purple lined the tops of his cheekbones, starkly contrasting his otherwise luminous pale skin. His brows were taught, pulled together as if really contemplating your answer - or perhaps overthinking his question. He’d forgotten his coat on the back of his chair, a dark blazer underneath. His eyes glowed, his red irises burning brighter as the light from the windows faded.
“I do,” you hummed, content with your little date. 
But the screeching of the kettle interrupted you, and right as you placed your hands on the table to push yourself up, Eris stopped you. “Let me, please.” Before you could even respond, he was already on his feet, rushing off into the back kitchen to pull the kettle off.
He returned with the kettle in one hand and a bottle of honey in the other. He poured your cup first and then his, setting the hot water to the side. Surely, should you let him stay long enough, it would be easy enough for him to reheat later. 
“You were saying?” He continued, eyes locked on the mug before him, dropping in a swirl of honey to his tea. 
You bit your lip, pushing your mug closer to him. His eyes flitted up to you once before he repeated the action. “I like it here. It’s small - I know all of my customers by now. All of their names, their orders, it’s like a little family.” 
Eris nodded along, leaning back in his chair. “No problems with the Winter Court?” 
You rolled your eyes. I have more problems with the current court, if we were being honest. “It’s cold,” you replied. “It’s quiet. But far away enough that we aren’t…” You bit your tongue. “Not that there’s anything wrong with - ”
“You don’t have to lie to me,” Eris replied, not shocked with your response. “I understand.”
Just like any other Fae on the continent, he reminded himself: scared of his father. He wasn’t surprised, this would be the perfect town to escape Beron’s tight holds. It wasn’t close enough that he kept it under his nose, monitoring the town and the villagers. It wasn’t particularly useful to him - no major crops or orchards, maybe lumber from the redwoods, but there were far closer regions he could busy himself with. 
But he saw how quickly your brows raised and cheeks turned red at your comment. It was almost as if you’d forgotten he was the High Lord’s son up until that moment. 
Eris was ashamed to carry the Vanserra name. 
He finished off his tea, suddenly uncomfortable with keeping you so late. Maybe the reason you were so nice to him was because of who his father was. You were hosting him out of formality, not friendship or desire - you were probably afraid he’d go running back to the Forest House with your name at the top of his list. 
You reached a hand out to him, watching his lips turn into a frown and his brows narrow as he lost himself in thought. “That’s not what I meant.” 
“If there is anyone who gets it, (Y/N), believe me - I do.” He took a long sip from the mug in his hand, set it down silently, and pushed himself from the seat. His hands fumbled over his coat, swinging it over his shoulders and fastening it shut. “I don’t want to keep you any longer - I’ve intruded quite enough.” He turned to the door, to avoid watching you awkwardly scramble to your feet. The sky was dark, the only light along the street was the glow from the faelights in the windows of the houses along the way. He turned back on his heel to face you, staring up at him, bewildered. “Can I at least walk you home?”
You pressed your lips together, clasping your hands in front of you. “I live upstairs, actually.”
“Ah.” It was all that came from him, which left the male cursing himself once more. Fucking idiot. “Well thank you again, (Y/N).” Back to formalities, back to square one. 
You nodded once more, watching as he turned to the door. As he reached for the handle, you stopped him, grabbing his other hand. His skin was burning hot and sent sparks into you. “You’re welcome anytime here, Eris.” You waited until he turned around, fully acknowledging your words. “And not just because of who your father is.” 
Eris nodded, albeit a bit numbly, as you sent his mind reeling the moment he felt your fingers grasp his. Should I do it?
He wanted to kiss you so badly. So badly that his fingers itched to grab you and pull you against him. You batted your eyelashes at him, all innocent as if you had no idea what you were doing. Maybe you weren’t doing anything - no signals, no invitation to kiss you, love you, fuck you. 
It was all in his head, it had to be. 
He couldn’t compromise your innocence, not when he’d already been seen alone in the cafe with you twice in one day. He could only imagine what the other Fae were thinking, how he’d either besmirched your reputation or created a scandal in the small town. 
“Then I’ll be sure to return more often.” With that, he gave your fingers a squeeze and turned - forcing every fiber of his being not to take you with him. 
Eris couldn’t sleep again. Gods, he felt ill. 
He was clammy all over - absolutely disgusting. He’d forced himself from bed and into the bath, letting the cold water wash over him and take away whatever it was he was feeling. His heart was racing out of his chest, his breathing was jagged - it was unlike any other fever he’d had. 
And then he felt it, laying in the cold water of the porcelain tub. It felt like a rubber band snapped against his ribcage. It winded him, had him lurching forward and clutching his chest. He figured the copper taste in his mouth was a figment of his imagination, being no stranger to the taste of blood. Maybe he bit his tongue when he felt the snap, it had his heart lurching upwards into his scarred throat. 
Eris’s fingers gripped the edge of the cold bathtub - he felt the water turning hotter by the second. He couldn’t control the heat that emitted from his body, the simmering flames smothered in his palms. 
That was it.
That was it. 
He wasn’t dying - not if you could call being utterly grossly in love dying. 
His heart hammered in his chest and the fire roared through his veins. It felt like he was suffocating, sure, but it felt good. His hands were shaking, and he knew the only cure would be to have you in them. You were the one who could teach him how to breathe again.
He huffed a long shaky breath, leaning back in the tub until his back touched the now warm ceramic. Curls of steam began to dance on the surface of the water that seemed to be rippling in time with his heartbeat. 
Eris shut his eyes, trying his damndest to clear his head, to calm the fuck down. But all he saw was you, the flour that dusted your cheek, the apron wrapped so tight around your waist he wished it were his hands. He thought of your cheeks, rosy and red from the ovens, your plump lips sipping on tea, how sweet you looked drinking your milky coffee. Then he remembered the shape of your brow, how it quirked downwards when you’d mentioned his father, how you gnawed on that bottom lip of yours when he’d been in such a rush to leave. 
But it didn’t matter what you thought of his father, of the whole damned Autumn Court itself. He’d get on his knees before you to beg, plead for you to understand - it’s not his fault, it’s not him. 
So that’s what he set off to do. 
He pushed himself from the near boiling water, haphazardly drying himself off as he skitted to the wardrobe. He flung it open, opting for a casual pair of brown trousers and a white linen shirt. He ought to be prepared to do a lot of begging, spending the whole morning on his knees begging for you to accept him as a mate, begging for a taste. 
It was only seven hours since you’d seen Eris, the whole time you’d spent thinking of him and replaying your latest conversation. It was very much the same after each time you’d seen him, spending the evening tossing and turning, picturing his red hair and soft smile, the freckles over his cheeks and that little scar under his eye. You imagined what it would be like to hold him in your arms, laying on top of you, suffocating you in the best way; you pictured what it’d be like for him to hold you, laying behind you, arms wrapped fully around you, holding you against his chest. 
But you laid in bed alone, staring at the clock until the golden hands ticked to three o’clock. 
You pushed the covers from yourself, shivering at the cold that swept through your bones. You’d gotten better at fighting that fight, the urge to stay in bed and revel in your warmth instead of forcing yourself downstairs at such an early hour. The warm ovens called to you, but you’d have to overcome the chill of the nearly Winter air and the cold hardwood floor. 
You wondered if it would be warmer with Eris there. As if the male just naturally heated every room he walked into - 
You shook your head, trying to rid the thoughts of the Autumn heir from your mind. You’d only distract yourself. You knew the visit yesterday would have to last you for the rest of the month. You could only begin to count down the days until you anticipated his return. 
So instead, you shuffled down the stairs, pulling open your recipe book and setting out a few bowls. You hadn’t decided the day before what you were making yet - not like you usually did. Your mind had been much too occupied. You settled on figuring it out later, just starting with something simple and figuring out a custard later. With flour dusting the counter, you rolled out some dough, working it until it was so thin that it was almost transparent. A simple croissant surely would do, you’d thought. Maybe you could use up some of the pumpkin or raspberries…
You’d gone rifling around for inspiration when you felt a shiver down your spine. It wasn’t the cold of the early morning, nor the chill from the produce cooler. No - it was the hard knock on the door, rattling the closed sign against the wooden frame. 
You bit your lip, debating wiping out all the Faelights - that no doubt alerted whoever was outside that you were in. But you had no choice, as the knock sounded again, softer this time, but still enough to prove your visitor’s determination to talk to you. 
Not once in your centuries of owning the cafe had you had a morning visitor. Nobody had ever shown up before opening, especially not at three in the godsdamned morning.
All you could do was grab your stone rolling pin from the counter, holding it between your two shaky hands as you trotted quietly to the door. But as you stepped around the counter and wove through the tables, you’d spotten a tuft of red hair through the window. 
Red hair, pale skin, long coat, the smell of firewood and burnt sage. 
Your heart stuttered, pure shock replaced with utter bewilderment. Your throat tightened, nervous as to what he may be visiting for - what you may have said that offended him. Then you sighed, dropping your head to stare at the thick cotton dress you wore, the wool sock on your feet. Fuck, you huffed, blowing a piece of hair out of your face. The Mother could not have prepared you less. 
All you could do was pull the door open, holding the rolling pin behind your back. 
And when the door swung open, the cold coming in immediately, Eris’s eyes were blown wide. The red around his dilated pupils glowing against the dark of night. Gods you were so fucking beautiful. His gaze roamed over your messy hair, the loose dress that hung over your shoulders, the cozy looking socks on your feet. 
“Hey,” he said, quieter than intended. He cleared his throat, stepping closer, arms tightly pressed behind his back. “Sorry to - interrupt.” He couldn’t stop - his eyes were roaming, frantically moving between yours, trying not to wander over your body, his mind was reeling, heart was pounding out of his chest. His cheeks were flushed, breathing ragged - the bond was fucking with him. Absolutely fucking with him - he wasn’t even sure if he’d be able to stand in front of you much longer without having to get his hands on you. “I regretted leaving so abruptly last night. I stayed late and should have at least helped you clean up.”
You smiled. He was so serious. Those red eyebrows were raised, mouth parted, almost frowning at the corners - so distraught. “Don’t make a fuss about it - I just like your company.” I miss when you’re not here. I miss your visits. 
I missed you. 
The corner of his mouth turned up, gaze softening at your apparent forgiveness. He took a step closer, closing the distance between you. He moved his arm from behind his back, holding up a bundle of blue-ish hydrangeas - the flowers he hadn’t stopped thinking about bringing you. 
It wasn’t inconspicuous, like he hoped it would be. His mother caught on immediately, asking him why he kept inquiring about her flowers, what she’d pulled from the garden. Who are you bringing them for? He’d rolled his eyes at her, scoffing. I’m not bringing them to anyone, mother. I can’t show interest in the garden? So he’d been deterred from bringing them. He didn’t want to draw attention to it - to you - especially not from his father or courtiers. 
Until that night - until he had the perfect opportunity, when everyone was asleep, to snatch them from the table and winnow straight to you.
Your eyes fell to the bunch of flowers, jaw dropped, unable to speak. What did you say? What does one say to the High Lord’s son who brings you flowers. He brought you flowers. You simply couldn’t find the words. But when you looked back up at him, having to tilt your head upwards to meet his gaze, he looked so scared - unsure if you’d accept them, as if he’d made some horrible mistake. 
And you couldn’t help but laugh, having to bite your lip to stop yourself. You didn’t take the flowers, you took his hand, that warm, blazing hot hand, and pulled him inside. “Well, no point in letting all the heat out.” And as if on cure, he lit up, warmth erupting from him, his chest radiating heat into your hand and arm. “Thank you, Eris, I… don’t even know what to say.” You pulled your fingers away from his, taking the bunch of flowers in your free hand.
But you had to place the rolling pin down, having to set it on the table closest to the door. His brows rose. “Preparing for battle, I see.” He surveyed the white stone, nodding his head in approval when he heard the clang of the marble against the iron table. 
You huffed a breathy laugh, ushering him inside and placing them in one of the empty vases from the bookshelf in the corner. You’d set it up on the counter, where everyone would be able to see the beautiful flowers Eris had brought for you. “I was hoping,” he began from behind you, hands shoved into his pants pockets, boot kicking at the thick grout between the stones on the floor. “You might let me help you this morning.”
You turned on your heel, spinning around so fast that you’d nearly startled the normally steadfast male. “You want to help me?”
He nodded. “I’m not very useful - I wouldn’t say I’m the best baker.” He held his hands up in surrender. “I used to help my mother bake apple pie but - ” he finished with a shrug, laughing through his own awkwardness. 
You couldn’t stop your smile. “Of course you can, Eris.” 
And truth be told, the male wasn’t bad. He’d kneaded the dough, he’d prepared the raspberry filling, and even mixed some fresh whipped cream. He’d followed all your instructions and even prepared you a cup of tea in the meantime, while you worked on your own dough at the opposite side of the counter. 
You’d spent far too long watching his hands knead the soft pastry, his long fingers and large knuckles flexing as he pushed the dough around. He’d rolled up the sleeves of his linen shirt, forearms working with each move. You couldn’t help but notice the few missed buttons at the top of his shirt, pale collar bones peeking out. You’d made out some ridges over his skin, down his neck and tucked away underneath the fabric of his shirt. You couldn’t get a good look at it, not with the dimmed lights and loose shirt. 
He made light conversation, asking about the town, who your favorite patrons were. You’d asked him similar questions, how he likes fencing and polo, he’d indulged you in some childhood stories of wrestling his brothers in the Autumn rain - how they’d tracked mud through the entirety of the Forest House. When it came to his parents, though, the topic was off limits, as he’d scoffed and asked about your parents instead. 
By then, the hours had easily slipped past you - the pastries cooling after their bout in the ovens. Eris leaned against the counter, watching as you sliced the baked pumpkin you held in front of you, scooping the soft contents into a bowl to begin your filling mixture. 
His eyes watched your hands work, unable to meet your eyes, afraid of your response. “I have a confession.” 
You looked up only momentarily, not a stutter in the whisk as you continued mixing. “Confess away,” you replied softly, heart suddenly lurching into your chest. 
He swallowed thickly, but raised his gaze to your face - your focused look - as you stared back down at the bowl. “I - last night after I left - there was a…” He trailed off, sucking in a deep breath. “I felt the…” Eris’s throat was closing. His heart was beating so fast, so hard, that he thought it would break all of his ribs. “I believe we’re mates, (Y/N).”
Your breath caught in your throat, suddenly all air evaded you and your heart seemed to stop. Mates? Mates? Gods, you knew you liked Eris - who wouldn’t? The male was beautiful and tall and kind and -
You swallowed hard. To hide your shaking hands, you continued working on the pastries. You kept you eyes sole trained on the table in front of you, fearful that if you looked up, if you saw those red eyes before you, that you’d surely crumble away in a fit of tears, laughter - you weren’t quite sure.
You were elated.
So fucking elated, in fact, that you didn’t know what to do.
But you didn’t respond. You didn’t make a move - not an eyebrow raise, not a quirk of your lips, nothing. “I know we don’t really know each other - I’ve wanted to stay longer, believe me.” The male rambled on, filling the silence you’d offered. “I just felt this thing last night after I left and it’s been eating me away since and I already knew that I cared for you so much and you’re so - fuck, so godsdamned beautiful but I - ”
You straightened, pulling your shoulders back and dropping the whisk. “It’s okay, Eris.”
His eyes widened. “It’s okay?” What the fuck did that mean?
You’d turned to grab a pastry off the rack - the one you’d kneaded, the one that turned out so much flakier and taller than his. “It’s okay.” You smiled, though, but didn’t falter in your movements, continuing to assemble what looked like a dessert sandwich. 
He stared incredulously at you. “Did you… hear what I said?” 
And so you laughed, a light giggle that had Eris reeling. You pushed over the pumpkin Mille-Feuille, nodding at him as he stared at it like it was otherworldly. “You told me one time you liked the pumpkin turnovers because it was your favorite Autumn Court fruit.”
The male was bug-eyed. “This is for me?”
You nodded.
“Just for me?”
Again, with a smile, you nodded. 
Eris looked between you and the fluffy pastry. “For me?” He raised a hand and gestured between the two of you. 
“Yes, Eris. I made you a pumpkin pastry. For you.” His cheeks tinged pink, but let out a breathy sigh of relief. You added for clarification: “Not on the menu.”
Gods, yes. It was the only thought running through his mind. 
“And even in all that rambling, you haven’t asked me to be your mate,” you continued, voice raised an octave, teasing the poor nervous male. He opened his mouth to interrupt - to ask - but you cut him off. “I would love to be, Eris Vanserra.”
And while his heart rate didn’t slow down, he calmed, shoulders relaxed and eyes shut in relaxation. His hands fell to the treat before him, staring at the perfect little pastry. He could finally breathe again - as if in the past three minutes he’d been stilled, lungs, hands, and mind unable to work properly. 
But Eris dug in anyway, picking up the soft treat like it was the most delicate thing in the world. He took a big bite, holding his free hand underneath, catching all the flakes that broke off, saving every bite. He chewed slowly, licking his lips to savor the pumpkin flavor and the light pastry. His eyes fell to yours, wide and wanting, watching you like a hawk.
You didn’t dare move, frozen in place as the male ate. 
As the bond solidified.
As he became your mate.
By the time he’d finished, his breathing was ragged and he had to press his hands against the counter to keep his balance. You watched his chest rise and fall, the linen shirt loose on his frame but hugged his broad shoulders. Those red eyes burned into yours, as though waiting for you to make the first move. 
Or waiting for your permission. 
So you took a step backward, pushing yourself from where you’d been nearly clinging onto the counter, where it was holding you upright. And as soon as you’d freed yourself from the confines of the countertop, he’d pounced. Eris felt like leaping across the counter and pulling you into his arms. Instead, which might have cost his last ounce of decency, he’d taken the few long strides towards you and grabbed you. 
To be fair, he was as tender as he could have been, what with his heart beating up into his throat and his lungs burning, winding his arms around your back, fingers gripping the cotton that hung loose on your frame. His head dipped, immediately catching your lips with his. You were quick to follow his lead, throwing your arms around his neck and rising on your tiptoes to meet him. 
Gods, he was warm - it was all that you could think of. His heat spread into you, the physical heat, but also those internal flames, the warmth that formed in the center of your chest as the bond built itself between the two of you. Sparks sizzled between you, and you were sure you felt them when your lips met in a fiery kiss. 
Your fingers threaded through your hair as his hands roamed your back. He tasted like cinnamon, like the pumpkin from your mating food, the burnt sage that mirrored in his scent, that filled the cafe as soon as he walked through the door. 
“I don’t know anything about you,” you breathed, a soft sigh against his lips as his mouth skimmed your bottom lip, over your chin, down across your jaw. 
He released something half crossed between a moan and a sigh. “We have time to talk about me,” he whispered against your ear, biting at your soft flesh. “Later.” His lips ran over your cheek again, and he left a sloppy kiss on your lips. “Much, much later.” 
You hummed in response, pressing yourself to his front again, chest, stomachs, legs - all of it. Eris groaned, sinking down on his knees, stopping when he was eye level with you. His red irises burned with an eternal flame, burned into you with the promise of forever. He wrapped his arms fully around your waist, his elbows at your ribs and knees on either side of your legs. He tilted his head forward, only until your lips met, noses brushing against each other. 
Your lips parted on instinct alone, the breath pulled from your lungs when his lips met yours - so soft, barely meeting at all. You could have cried, screamed, grabbed his hair and pulled him further against you. But all he gave you was a touch, so close your eyelashes nearly tangled. His mouth brushed yours again and you snapped - arms linked around him still, pulling him against you. “Upstairs?” You asked, fully against his mouth, the word muffled between your lips and heavy breaths. 
He shook his head, still not breaking the kiss. His hands ran down the small of your back and over your ass, cupping the back of your thighs and pulling you upwards, setting you on the counter in front of him. Eris let his fingers find the hem of your nightgown, trailing over the skin of your bare flesh. You were burning hot, like you ran a fever at his touch. In the cold air, his touch sent shivers down your spine. 
“I can’t wait, (Y/N).” His lips barely left yours. “I have to have you now.”
“Then get on with it,” you mewled, taking his hands in yours and dragging them up your thighs, under the gown. “I’ve been waiting far too long for this, Eris.” 
You leveled his gaze - it struck quite the nerve with him, he never thought he’d succumb to an ethereal being like you, especially not to one he got to call his mate. 
As his hands roamed under your gown, your own explored his chest, running over the lean muscle and pulling at the buttons. You’d pulled them apart one by one, eyes shut and mouth being devoured by Eris. He seemed to pay no mind, working his way to your hips, squeezing at your thighs. You opened the shirt and pushed it off his shoulders, breaking away from him momentarily. 
And Eris felt it, felt it through the fresh bond between you. He felt your heart stutter, felt the shock that flooded your system. 
His heart stopped, lungs held his air hostage. 
And then you’d felt it - the utter disgust and shame that rang through him.
So you raised your hands, holding his jaw in your palms, brushing your thumb over his cheekbone - over the other faint scar that laced his skin. You weren’t sure what to say - if you should say anything at all. But he’d already noticed your surprise. That’s all it was - surprise, not in the hardened male before you, but at that any one male could endure that much pure trauma. You were not disgusted with your mate, not horrified at the scaring.
You we’re just… “What happened to you, my love?”
And he blinked a few times, turning his head in your hands and raising his own hands, holding your wrists in his palms. His throat worked, his mind rolling over the proper response. You moved your hands, dropping them down his cheeks, fingertips grazing the marred skin on his neck, the slashes over his collarbones and down the puckered skin of his chest. His hands remained on yours the whole time, feeling you work your way down his body. 
My love. It made the fire inside of him burn brighter. He imagined you’d felt it too, felt the initial draw toward him like he did to you - even before you were mates. 
“That’s a story for another time.” He whispered, gazing down at you from under his eyelashes. “If you’ll still have me.”
You were almost shocked to hear that - to hear him question your desire to be with him just based on his scars. You wouldn’t expect such doubt from him. So all you could do was sit up a little taller, pull you down to your lips and offer him the most reassuring kiss of his life. 
He made quick work of your dress, unbuttoning the small row of buttons behind your back. You shimmied the dress from under you, where you’d been sitting on the soft fabric, and let Eris bunch it up and drag it up over your sides and arms. He slid it off quickly, discarding it in a pile along with his shirt. His eyes and hands roamed over you, exploring the curves and ridges of your body. 
Your cheeks reddened, so exposed before the male you’d barely known, but longed for him to touch you. You’d thought of this moment many times, during those sleepless nights, some of which ended up leaving you with your hand between your legs. 
Eris felt your blush through the bond, he felt your outright attraction, the desperation you had. And he knew he mirrored it through the bond, too. It’s what made you pull him back into you, until he stepped right up against the counter and the front of those trousers were pressed against your undergarment. He ground against you, unable to hold in the urge as the ferocity flooded his veins, the bond finally taking hold of him now that he had you laid out in front of him. 
You moaned at the feeling, his hardened cock a tent in his pants, slotting perfectly between your lips. He moved up and down, gliding against the warm heat from your pussy, the smooth fabrics only aiding in his desperation - your too. Gods, you could have come from that alone should he only have kept going. 
But the male wasn’t having it. He kicked off his boots and unbuttoned his pants, shucking both along your kitchen floor, discarded for what he hoped would be the next few days. 
Eris’s cock bounced up against his stomach as he neared you, the precum gathered on the tip mixing into the fine pale hairs that trickled down his bellybutton to the base of his cock. Eris wouldn’t even touch himself, deciding it would be fucking ethereal, should you reach out and grab him. 
And, luckily, you did, holding your hand out for him to step back into position. Your hand wrapped around his dick, fully hard and standing proud. You’d surely need two hands to work him properly, perhaps even your mouth, too. His skin was warm in your palm, hot and ready to combust as you ran your hand up and down, offering him a small squeeze as you neared the base, your thumb rubbing the tip when it slid up.
You couldn’t hold out much longer, either. You’d pressed him up right against your pussy as he just did, leaning back on your other elbow so you could further spread your hips. You held his cock with your other hand still, pressing it into your pussy. Eris began to rock, back and forth, back and forth, wincing at how wet your pussy sounded. His cock glided along your cunt effortlessly.
He braced a hand on the counter, on either side of you, and held his hips back. He let you continue to rub his dick as he leaned in close for a chaste kiss. He rubbed his nose against your ear, hot air stirring around you. “Are you going to let me fuck you, my love?” 
You moaned - you’d heard many tales of the trickster male’s wicked tongue, but hadn’t been granted the opportunity to hear him use it around you. You were very much looking forward to exploring that side of him. 
Gone was the chamomile drinking, flower giving High Lord’s son. This was Eris, hot and heady and ready.
His one hand moved over to hold yours, moving your fingers to grab his cock and angle it into you. You gasped as the head nudged your folds, pushing only the tiniest bit in. You clenched around nothing, as he rocked back and forth, the head moving against your entrance but not in. “Will you let me mate you? Fill you up? Claim you?”
“Gods, yes,” you moaned, trying to move off the counter even closer to him, to inch his dick farther into you. “Please, Eris. My mate - ” 
You were cut off with a harsh gasp, Eris sunk halfway in as you rambled on. “Oh my gods - please.” 
He moved slowly, warming you up to his length. “Still so much more for you,” he murmured, holding your hand against your lower stomach. He pressed it softly into you, around your soft flesh, so you could feel him enter in you as he pushed his cock all the way, bottoming out.
He held there for a moment, reveling in how you squeezed your walls around him. It was unlike anything he felt before. The roaring in his chest from the bond fed straight into his cock - willing him to drive into you over and over and over. 
But as much as he wanted to hold himself back, he found himself moving faster and faster, hitting farther inside of you with each stroke. Your moans spurred him on - your gasps, your prayers to the Mother - to him. 
Your hands fell around you, gripping anything you could find, looking to anchor yourself on something, anything. 
“You feel so good, (Y/N).” He huffed, breathing becoming ragged as he fucked into you. “I can’t believe I’ve waited this long for you.”
His cock stretched you, the familiar coil in the bottom of your stomach already causing you to clench around him. “You have me, Eris, fuck.” He grabbed your hips, holding you still, driving into you harder. “Please, more, Eris.” 
So he rutted into you, Eris hooked his knee onto the counter, pushing himself up, joining you on the floury surface. Your arms splayed out, knocking over bowls and eggs, ingredients falling to the floor and clinging to your sweaty skin. He hooked his knees around either side of your hips, positioning himself directly above you, driving straight down into your wet pussy. 
He groaned - an estranged deep noise coming from the male’s throat. His one hand was positioned beside your head, holding himself above you - though, you wouldn’t care if that male suffocated you, if he laid all the weight he’d been holding all his life onto you - the other came to cradle your cheek, holding your jaw with his thumb brushed against your chin. Your breathing mixed with Eris’s, your shared air, heat, love. You sighed, feeling his cock drive deep into you, hit the deep spot inside of you - he stretched you, seeped into you, molded into you. 
He fucked you so hard that you felt yourself moving, inching closer to the edge of the counter. Your hair fell first, starting to fall over your shoulders and off the counter. But Eris held your head, cradled you as you neared the edge, feeling your stomach coil at the rhythmic pounding in your pussy. 
Eris didn’t stop until you came, until your fingernails dug into his biceps and you screamed his name. He followed behind you quickly, his hips snapping into yours until he painted you white, with his cum that marked the bond. He claimed you as his, and silently thanked the Mother for her blessing. 
His bright eyes washed over you, eyes squeezed shut in pleasure, lips swollen and bruised from his kisses, crying out for him. He watched how our brows knitted together, your skin was flushed with a pink blush. He committed everything to memory, the heave of your chest, the sweat across your collarbone, your throat working to gasp air. 
He pulled out of you, dastardly watching the mix of both of your cum slide out of your pussy. He longed to feel it, to drag his finger up your sweet cunt, to lick it up. He knelt above you, pushing himself off the counter and grabbing your hips, pulling you centered on the tabletop. You huffed a sigh, arms limp and covered in flour at your sides. 
His warm fingers caressed your hips, your thighs, the muscles burning from being spread so wide. You dragged a hand over his arm, up his shoulder until you met the back of his neck. Your fingers brushed through the back of his red curls. “We made quite the mess.” You were tired, sounded so breathless - it nearly made Eris’s knees wobble. 
He laughed, though, a hearty chuckle, quite proud of his creation. He surveyed the messy kitchen, in no shape to bake, to serve anything made from or around the mess that had become evidence of your mating bond. But after pressing a quick kiss to your forehead, the male was off, walked those long legs to the counter and scribbled down a note on a piece of scrap paper beside your recipe book. 
Even his handwriting was beautiful. “Closed until further notice.” 
He rushed back to you, scooping you in his arms, holding you tightly against him, even as you broke out into a fit of giggles.
“Now you can show me this upstairs I’ve heard so much about.” And you knew right then that you’d be riding the high of your mating frenzy until Eris had learned every inch of you.
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genshingarbage · 2 years
The One And Oni. || NSFW ||
Arataki Itto x Reader / Oneshot
Warning: This Is Super Long.
My first ever one shot with Itto! ;D I find this guy funny, not so much- well, simpable for me, but for Mod Kaeya? Ooooohoooo booooy. (totally not doing this one shot just to bully them heheheheheheh) sorry if he acts a bit odd or off at times, I'm just learning how to write this hyped up guy lmao - Mod Diluc
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"I cannot stress this enough, Miss L/N. He is not easy to negotiate with, nor to subdue either." The Tengu confessed to you. Her face void of energy now and her eyes forming ever so slight bags under them.
You sigh softly and wave your hand in a dismissive tone; "I appreciate your words of advice Kujo Sara, but this, Oni, has kept the Tenryou Commission distracted for long enough."
With that, all further conversation was halted as you lift from your office chair and swiftly depart from both Sara and the Tenryou Commission headquarters, making your way to the last known sighting of this, Arataki Itto.
Thirty Minutes Later; Nearing Higi Village.
Your eyes scanned along the dirt road, the crumbling structures of long since abandoned houses all around you, it was quiet. Eerily so. But you pressed forward, Kujo Sara had said this was where she had tirelessly attempted to arrest the Oni, for having caused several public incidents, various having resulted in damage to public property.
As you neared the centre of the village you couldn't shake the presence that seemed to shift all around you, it was obvious someone's eyes were on you, and you were willing to bet it was this Arataki Itto.
You let a long drawn out sigh slip from your lips as you heave your intricately designed claymore and let it sink in the dirt beneath you. Your hand still gripped tightly on the handle, your brows furrow with displeasure.
"Come out now, Oni. I'm not one for games." Your voice carries in the wind.
"Heh, could already sense me huh?" A more than energetic voice booms out from behind a wall to a decrepit building.
"Would be embarrassing if I couldn't. Show yourself, I find no amusement in talking to you with a building between us." You turn toward the building and cross your arms, waiting for the reply.
A silhouette emerged from behind the building, tall in stature, broad in figure too. Once in the light the fine details made themself apparent, long white hair, sharp crimson red horns adorned the top of his head, muscular and toned arms, legs, chiseled chest features accompanied with a six pack.
He takes care of his physical appearance that much is obvious, however as he steps toward you, sheepish smile on his face with a hand scratching the back of his neck, he nearly slips while maneuvering around rusty buckets and tumbled over barrels; physical appearance seems to be the only trait he's good at maintaining.
"So uhhhh, what can I do for ya lady?" He chirps at you, his hands awkwardly fidgeting beside him and then in front, unable to keep himself still.
"Miss L/N." You correct him, quickly. "And I'm here to see what the fuss is, you're becoming all the talk among the Tenryou Commission, and Kujo Sara is becoming less than efficient in her tasks, thanks to your constant need to seek her audience for a duel-" Your abruptly interrupted by a boisterous laugh.
You narrow your eyes and glance at the Oni, who appears to be laughing his lungs out, you fail to see where there was a joke in your sentence, but he's quick to aid you in your confusion.
"So the Tengu has finally had enough of me eh? Hahaha! I always knew I'd win some day, finally she is defeated-" he fist pumps the air in a childish manner before pouting; "ahh man, but she didn't even have the guts to tell me she calls quits? She runs to... you? Miss serious lady."
Your eyes widened slightly, how rude. You'd given him your name, yet he refuses to address you in the formal way. You were beginning to understand why Sara had given you so many prior warnings of this Oni.
"Miss. L/N." You corrected, yet again.
He finally quietens down from laughing so much, before raising a brow at you and then smiling, something you don't like the feeling of is laced behind that said smile.
"Say, you're like, higher up in the ranks right?" His eyes light up as you stand before him, a quizzical expression apparent on your face.
"What?" You question back, the fast pace of this conversation was making your head spin. How quick he was to change topics and switch subject at unpredictable times.
"I'm asking if you're strong or not, let me dumb it down for ya lady-"
"Yea yea! Miss lady right? Anyway, I'm Arataki Itto, The One and Oni, Undefeated and now, as of just learning; unrivaled." He puffs his chest out in an act of prideful display, his hands resting eitherside his hips.
Your lids begin to droop in boredom, if he doesn't kill you when trying to arrest him, he's definitely going to kill you from this self made entitlement he's pinned to himself through arrogance.
"As much as I enjoy this mind numbing idle chatter, unfortunately it must end here." You now interrupt him, which he's clearly unhappy about as he pouts yet again toward you.
"Huh? How come?" He asks while tilting his head.
"I find it astonishing you think I come to you on equal ground right now, Oni." You let your neck crack as you brace yourself for whatever happens next, swinging your claymore around and readying yourself into battle stance.
"Hey! That's Arataki Itto to you Miss- ... uh... miss..." his fist was raised in an outrage till faltering in his words and actions. Your face lacking of any expression.
"Hypocritical too I see, demanding respect from those you've given none, interesting. Your criminal ways really have sullied your sense of social etiquette. Perhaps sometime in solitary confinement will actually do you some good." You finish your sentence, and you're met with an unamused look from the Oni.
"Heh, you can speak with all those fancy big words all you like lady, but I can assure you something, I don't go down without a fight." While speaking matter of factly he summons his golden and crimson claymore from the air beside him, readying himself too.
"Say let's make this duel fun huh?" His crimson eyes glow as he speaks, "I was going to ask if you'd wish to become my next rival, considering you're higher up than that Tengu, naturally speaking you should be stronger too then, better for dueling by default you see!" You huff loudly. Honestly he talks too much.
"So you really wish to play games now? Even during such situations?" You ask, in disbelief to this Oni's carefree attitude.
"Haha! Of course! Betting makes everything more fun." He chuckles filled with too much confidence for your liking, you were soothed by the fact you'll soon discard him of this self entitled confidence.
"Very well, do whatever makes you happy, one way or another you will be bought to justice." You shake your head unamused. Patience was definitely waning on you now.
"Winner, can do anything they please." He hums happily, to which you're temporarily taken aback by.
"Wait what? Such absurd terms will not be agreed on by m-"
"Hya!" The Oni strikes at you fast, his claymore crashing down at you with intense speed and frightening impact.
You raise your own claymore and shield against his attack, the clank of metal against metal rings out.
"You're quick! I like that in a rival." The Oni yells out as he flies at you with another frontal assault.
He was big, which made you think he'd be slow, but how wrong you was. This Oni was quick, precise, otherworldly with his instincts to dodge and parry, his strength was commendable too, he seemed so childish and idiotic while talking, but he was no foreigner to the conversation of battle.
Forty-five Minutes Later.
The duel had raged on for far longer than you'd expected, and Kujo Sara had managed to once apprehend this Oni's vision? You were contemplating giving her a raise in rank for that feat now, no wonder The Almighty Shogun requested her to be her right hand.
It turns out Geo and Anemo are quite even in terms of dueling, much to your utter agony. Your muscles were screaming to be given time to rest now, constantly having to dodge, counter and weave was taxing on your energy, damn this blasted Oni!
"Ushi let's go!" He yells, still as insanely energetic sounding as he was before even starting this duel. How annoying he was.
However you had little time to loathe him as a whole when you saw him lining his arm at you as if ready to throw a ball, except... wait, it was a bull! Holy shit!
Your eyes widened as a small angry faced bull flung at you, achieving the title pigs truly can fly huh? You panic, no time to dodge, your energy was near depleted now, so trying to counter with your vision was out of the option too. With all this in mind, you had only one choice-
"Hyaarrggh!" You yell out with utter frustration as you swing your claymore infront of you, shielding your entire frontal form, the bull closing in fast, your close your eyes tightly and brace-
"MMMMMMMMOOOOOOOUGH!" The bull cries out as he crashes into your blade of the claymore, the impact causes your feet to swivel and lock into place, trying to keep yourself solid, and by doing so it results in yourself being dragged along the dirt, causing the mud and grass to dig up around your feet as you claw backwards, keeping yourself tense, braced in your stance.
Once the impact leaves and you're feeling ever so slightly relieved you open your eyes and look up, seeing you've been pushed back several inches, the deep sunken tracks from where you once stood. He'd put so much force into that throw... and it was a damn bull to add to it... this Oni, he was entirely mad, he... he had to be.
The bull had already vanished back to whether the damned Oni had summoned it from however, lucky for that giant pig anyway, if you'd see it you would've fried it into bacon!
"Wow! You actually shielded against Ushi? Nice one! I'd expect nothing less from my amazing rival!" He flashes a toothy grin at you, his mood highetened to an almost scary excitement you simply refuse to make sense of in your current ordeal.
You pant softly, trying to mask your sheer exhaustion, you've given it all you have, and that last stunt from him had caused your energy to leave you entirely now, you were simply bluffing at this point.
"You can still fight? Even after Ushi?" He calls out, sounding hesitant himself. Did he doubt you? How insulting, a criminal now doubting your abilities and even showing concern to you? He should be restrained and in jail by now... infuriating.
You steal a glance at him, seeing not a single sweat break from him, casual look, smeared with a smug expression as he closed in on you, his claymore lazily slung behind his neck being held up with little effort by him.
You close your eyes sighing softly, before weakly lifting your claymore back up, a shake now apparent in your grip, your arms ache miserably, your clothes stick to you, your damp hair clings to the sides of your face uncomfortably. You were a complete mess now.
He continued to draw in closer, and you hadn't realised it yet, but you'd subconsciously been taking small steps backwards with every intruding step he made.
"Backing down are we? Heh, can't blame you, I am the great Arataki Itto after all, numero uno an all, hahahaaaa!" He bellowed out.
You scowled at him, he now toys with you too? Unforgivable. You try your best to strengthen your grip on the claymores handle, trying your best to chase away your fatigue, but everytime you tried to make an advance your body just did not allow it, you couldn't merely will your strength out of thin air after all.
"I am NOT backing down." You growl at him, to which he smirks mischievously.
"A stubborn one, that's even more fun." He snickers softly to himself.
"You will face justice Oni." You snarl out through gritted teeth.
"Riiiiiight, and... you're gonna be the one to do that huh? You sure about that lady?" He chuckled as he swings his claymore back out, aimed at you, a glow emanating from him as his claymore forges itself into a refined state, mimicking a massive club with crystaled geo spikes sticking out from all angles. Impossible- he still had this much energy left... did he even use an ounce to begin with?
"I'm waiting, mighty rival." He teased you further, the glow emitting an ethereal appearance to him now.
You took a single step forward, before dropping your claymore and collapsing into the dirt, your weapon disintegrating back into the atmosphere around you, indicating one thing, you were now unconscious.
The last words heard before darkness consumed you was; "Yea, that's about what I figured."
Unknown Amount Of Time Later.
A sharp inhale was all you were able to muster as your eyes shot open, the darkness dissipated fast, only to be replaced with a dim glow surrounding yourself. Your heart began to pick up in pace as you scanned the area before you, you were acting out of panic, frantic moves swirling you into a panicked frenzy.
You closed your eyes and breathed in slowly, gradually you began to recollect yourself and bring back your composure. The pieces of memories of what took place before you'd wound up where you were now started to slot back into place. Ah yes, The Oni.
Once everything had calmed down and your mind was thinking clearly again you had a new goal, find that damn Oni. Just as you went to lift off the rather uncomfortable chair something pinched the skin around your wrists, you let out a sharp inhale again, cussing under your breath.
"Of course." You sighed lowly to yourself as you glanced backwards slightly to allow yourself to look at your restrained wrists against the rickety old chair.
You rolled your eyes as you repositioned yourself back to facing forward and at the candle that kept the room dimly lit, you should've expected the Oni would do something like this, he's a criminal after all.
Your body still ached and the wounds of the duel were beginning to make themself known to you now, your legs hurt, and your head was spinning slightly, but you kept a stern gaze forward and your head steady on your shoulders.
You didn't know if you were being watched right now, and the last thing you wanted was to let the enemy know you felt weak and tired. So you sat there; silently, unmoving, slow rhythmical breathing. Acting completely unphased, a facade of looking disinterested and detached from the situation.
As time crawled on you opted to keep scanning the room you were placed dead bang in the centre of. It was small, cramped, a couple of torn papers scattered along the floor toward one of the corners, the candle placed on a rusty bedside table that was oddly placed beside the door.
There were windows; albeit boarded up from the outside, preventing you from seeing the outside at all. You glanced back again with minimal effort and located a basic bed with no covers on behind you, just two pillows and some mattres sheets for the basics of supposed comfort.
You turned back round and scrunched your nose slightly, the room looked trashed and barely upkept, everything looked seconds away from falling apart, so you drew the lines together and conjured up the possibility this was the Oni's hideout. It was the only plausible conclusion you could summon up right now.
You felt rather uncomfortable with the fact you had dried mud over your clothes and side of your face, from the fact you fell face flat into the mud, you must've looked so ungracious. But there was nothing you could do about it right now with your hands being tied the way they were.
You kept waiting, and waiting, and waiting. But nothing was happening, you heard no sounds, saw no movement. He was nowhere in sight. You let out an impatient sigh and then let your eyes close for just a second-
Three Hours Later
Your eyes shot open and you jolted backward from instinct, your body weight shifted and the imbalance caused you to fall backwards.
You squeezed your eyes shut and screamed as you suddenly felt yourself falling, your arms still restrained.
"Woah there!" An overly energetic voice beamed out.
The falling feeling halted and was then swiftly replaced with the warmth of something encasing you.
You opened your eyes slowly only to then widen them abruptly as you saw the dreaded Oni hovering over you with his arms hooked around you. A concerned expression over his features.
You narrowed your eyes angrily as he stepped backwards bringing your dangling form in the chair back forward to, hearing the legs of the rickety chair plant them self back onto the floorboards beneath you.
He slumped back in the chair that was in front of you; that was not there earlier.
While doing so you glanced down to see the fact your clothes were slightly damp, half wiped clean of the dried mud, you pushed your tongue against the inner part of your cheek and as your cheek stretched the skin didn't feel covered in mud anymore; had he... attempted to clean you while you was asleep?
You sat there quietly, furious beyond belief that you'd allowed yourself to fall asleep in such a dangerous predicament, and probably allowed yourself to be touched by the enemy, and how dare he awake you in such an unfair manner! Making you jump and scream, how stupid-
You flicked your eyes back to the Oni, whose hand was now stretched out towards your face, waving side to side.
"You sure do zone out alot huh Miss serious lady?" He tilted his head in that frustratingly innocent way yet again.
"I told you; my name is L/N." You practically hissed at him now. Your impatience beginning to crack through. How many times can someone avoid calling you by your name?
He returned his hand back, crossing his arms over his chest, letting his legs spread out in a very unceremoniously manner.
He huffed out childishly before speaking out again.
"So are you like this everytime you lose a fight?"
You blinked a few times shocked by the boldness in his words, though you really shouldn't be anymore at this point.
"Tsk." You rolled your eyes.
He simply snickered and leaned forward, invading your personal space yet again, his hands slapping down onto his knees.
"Strong willed. I like that in a woman." He smirked, his fangs protruding in a mishevious manner.
You narrowed your eyes yet again, your face distorting into one of disgust.
"What does that mean?" You retort angrily.
He merely let's his smirk widen. The tension of the silence making you feel uneasy, this Oni really was unpredictable and you were unfortunately at his mercy right now.
As if playing on the fact you felt uncomfortable with him constantly too close for comfort- he shuffled his chair forward, closing the gap between you entirely, his hands now firmly resting on your thighs, just above your knees.
You involuntarily shudder from the contact and then begin to feel yourself seethe with unparalleled anger.
"Get your hands off me." You spat the words at him.
He didn't follow through however. Instead he grinned and let his hands do a few pliant squeezes into your soft flesh.
"Stop th-"
"Shut up." He growled out. His tone was entirely different... it didn't sound childish, didn't sound innocent and carefree, it sounded hoarse and rough.
You swallowed down your words of rejection. Something gripped at your nerves with the way his tone had changed so suddenly, a spine chilling tingle ran through you.
He let his eyes wander back up to your own, trapping your stare with his.
"You lost the duel remember? And I did say winner gets to do whatever they want~" his tone had shifted yet again back to the childish demeanour you recognised.
"I never agreed to those terms Oni." You groaned.
"But you did continue to fight back didn't you?" He was quick to respond.
"Yes? But that's because you quite literally waved your claymore at me with all your force! Was I suppose to not retaliate and let you kill me?!"
"Kill you?! Haha! Arataki Itto may be many things but a murderer is not one of them."
You opened your mouth to proceed with another rebuttal but you were honestly dumbfounded, no words came forth and your mouth simply closed again.
His look changed, it went from defensive to earnest in a heartbeat, and the pleading look in his eyes made your stomach flip for some unknown reason that you refused to press furher on.
"Hey, lady? What do you truly know about me? Because the accusations you throw my way hurt ya know?" His voice was soft, and the way his words made you feel was different. No anger and frustration at all. You didn't know how to respond so you just remained silent.
"I see... so you barely know anything about me huh? Just the basic rumours everyone throws around about me, the big terrible Oni right? Gonna eat the babies and burn villages to the ground kinda Oni right?" He scoffs half heartedly.
"No. I wouldn't believe such nonsense." This time you were quick to respond. The earnest look in his eyes had dissolved into one of sadness, his emotions were never hard to see, he certainly didn't shy away from expressing his true feelings to anyone. That much you'd already made sense of.
"Really?" He sounded and looked hopeful now.
"Of course, I wasn't born yesterday. If there were truly a beast doing such heinous crimes out there that severely, the Shogun herself would've said something about it by now." You rolled your eyes, unbelievable that he required explanation for this.
"Oh." His face grew a solemn look. Was that not the answer he hoped for? Tough. Though not a killer he was a criminal all the same.
You breathed out slowly, awkwardly. Time felt like it had come to a grueling stop now.
"So... about this bet, that I'd had no partake in, what exactly is it you want?" You decided to reel back onto track, things were falling apart at the seams right now and this chair wasn't growing any more comfortable.
"Hm? Oh! Oh right, haha!" Suddenly the life in his eyes sprouted back in all his glory.
You started gnawing at your bottom lip as you sucked it inside your mouth, his hands had been squeezing and rubbing up your thighs, this, entire, time. Had it become a subconscious movement on his behalf? You weren't sure but you'd like it to stop, now. For reasons you yet again would rather not press further on.
"Well you lost, and I won, that much is obvious, so technically. I get to do whatever I want now." He smiled happily at you, your face showing nothing but disbelief back at him.
"That is utterly too vague. Explain yourself Oni-"
"Itto." He corrected.
"Miss L/N." You responded.
He grinned wildly at you. You nervously glanced at him.
"I really like you lady." He finished the staring contest off with a sudden confession, innocent at first glance, but what he meant was far more serious.
Slowly he began to rise, his tall stature looming over your own, reminding you once again just how tall and intimidating this Oni really is.
"Think it's about time we cut to the chase huh lady?" He mused as he walked behind you and began to fiddle with the restraints around your hands, was he freeing you? And would he please stop calling you 'Lady' for archons sake!
Your question was quickly answered as you felt the ropes that pinch around your skin suddenly release.
Before you could stand however you felt his hands grasp you into a princess bridal style carry, firmly pressed into him. Your face flushed a bright red, what was going on?
"You have a strong will, and an unbreakable fighting spirit lady, that's why I think I'm so inexplicably drawn to you." He started his own monologue to you now, though you could barely make sense of the words that left him, as he walked you behind the rickety chair and dropped you onto the bed.
You bounced slightly as your rear landed into the mattress, you huffed by instinct, you went to sit up but his hand was quick to flatten you back down.
"Or maybe its because I've met a woman who fights with strength like me, showing how tough you really are." He continued so casually as his weight pressed down onto your form, engulfing you in him.
You were lost right now and your heart began to race in pace yet again.
"What are you doin-"
He pressed his nose against yours, the cold sensation of his crimson red horns pressing gently against your forehead.
"Shh, I'm doing whatever I want, part of the bet remember?" His voice was rough again, but the way it sounded made you shudder once more.
You looked into his red eyes and saw nothing but lust staring back at you, was this his plan all along? Was his intentions really to bed you since the beginning of this whole ordeal?!
"W-wait wait, what is this the meaning of this-"
"Isn't it obvious lady? I did just say I like you did I not? The moment I saw you I was too shy to step out the shadows. You're so beautiful and strong. The thrill of fighting you got me way too pumped, and I just knew I had to make you not just my rival, but mine."
"Y- yours?"
"Mhm." He nodded slowly, his hot breath beginning to fan across your face, your own breathing becoming irregular in pace as your nerves and embarrassment climbed higher.
Was this criminal saying he had some sort of crush on you? An infatuation? Like how a child would confess? This can't be happening-
You gasped out when you felt his warm lips press against your neck in a tender experimental kiss. Your reaction gained a gentle chuckle from him however, his breath fanned across your skin like smooth butter as he whispered against your neck; "You're so cute."
Soft and gentle he was, for some reason you couldn't fight back, your will to retaliate left you so fast, the feeling inside you was too good to pass up on.
He kissed your neck again,
And again,
Each kiss softer and longer than the last, trailing his warm saliva along your plush skin.
Through his gentle kissing and timid nibbling and sucking of your skin, his large hands stroked up your body, to your arms, his hands now encasing your own in a firm embrace, guiding your hands above your head and keeping them there, his eyes closing as he began to let his kisses press more intensely against all your delicate skin.
His voice rumbled against your neck as he spoke gruffly.
"Mmh, I knew you wanted this too, I could taste your want for me before you'd even accepted it yourself." He chuckled hoarsely against your skin, before allowing himself to lick one long strip along your neck with his tongue.
You closed your eyes and whimpered against the wet sensation his tongue provided, his saliva felt so hot against your skin, before the cool air kissed and cooled it instantly, the vast contrast searing you.
Was what he said true? Did you really want this? You'd admired his physique during battle that's true, and you'd let your eyes glimpse one too many times at his toned abs and flexing muscles, but it's hard not to appreciate his masculine frame when he clearly works a great deal to maintain his form... but...
Did that really mean you'd wanted this? How shameful were you? He's a criminal for crying out loud! And he'd been bothering your subordinates for months now, you'd come to take him to prison, not let him have his way with you in some dingy house on a poor excuse of a bed.
You couldn't help but let the moan escape you when you felt his fanged canines peirce into your skin, the sharp stinging of pain was replaced with a numbing pleasure almost instantly, was you addicted to pain now too?
"Hey... come back to me lady. I want you here with me while I do this to you." Something about how possessive he sounded made the whole situation feel even more lewd than it already was.
"I... I don't understand..." Your voice wavered in tone, shaky and fragile sounding, you hadn't realised you'd even started talking before it was too late.
"Mmh... don't understand what lady?" He asked the question slowly before languidly licking another strip along your neck against the current bite mark that began to adorn a deep purple to it, a deep guttural growl reverberated from him as he did so.
You couldn't open your eyes, everytime you did the sensation tingled you and numbed your senses entirely, you felt pins and needles all over as you kept your eyed closed.
"Kujo Sara... Kamisato Ayato... they are able to fight you, win even, so why... why couldn't i- enanngh!" You moan out as you feel another slightly harsher bite sink into your neck thanks to him.
"Rude to mention another name when being intimate with someone, and you mentioned two... that's just mean..." He hummed as he lifted his face from your neck, his eyes glancing at your now abused flesh around your neck, your skin now sporting a set of marks and bruises that he took great pride in knowing he created.
You opened your eyes slowly, blinking as you did, the dim glow of the room blanketing the Oni above you, and if in some ironic way giving the demon blooded man an angelic aura. He licked his bottom lip slowly, drinking in your beautiful blushing doe eyed expression.
"Well, if you must know, the reason they win is because one of them isn't even human lady." He was feeling generous, so decided he'd give you a quick answer to your questions before you become too fucked out to weave anything audible to him.
You pouted up at him, annoyed with the answer he gave, obviously you knew Kujo Sara was a Tengu, not fully human. But... maybe that really was why she was able to hold her own for so long against him, she did master techniques in stamina endurance-
"And as for my good bro Ayato? He's mastered his fighting skills with the aid of speed techniques. Yea I pack a punch, but that doesn't account to much if the opponents too fast to land a hit on haha!" He laughed out in a boisterous manner. He seemed awfully happy to reveal his weaknesses to you right now...
But it made sense... they were both fast and agile, one not even human... you relied on your heavy hits and strong defense but he was the exact same in that field of action... and unfortunately, he's got Oni blood pumping through his veins... so a strong human stands no chance against a strong Oni huh? ... if only you'd known that sooner.
As if noticing the sad look on your face now he began to frown down at you.
"Oi lady." He groaned.
You didn't even look up in response to him now, you just turned your head to the side, looking so defeated and broken now. He wanted you submissive, and there were several faces he wanted you to make tonight but this look of hopelessness wasn't one of them.
"They win, because they can dodge out the way of my attacks." He lowers his head down right to your ear now, his voice going rough again as his hot breath brushed right against your ear. "But I assure you, they wouldn't have been able to remain standing after a head on assault from my strongest move with Ushi." You tensed slightly as he began to praise you, to which he smirked; ah, so you liked appraisal huh? This would be fun then.
"Like I said, your strength is what draws me to you lady, you don't rely on running away or dancing around attacks like a fragile bird. Your tough and experienced. I like that in a- my woman." He began to nibble around your earlobe after speaking, and you whimpered upon hearing him practically claim you. You tried to stifle the whimper but it was a failed attempt, and he'd noticed it.
"Oh? You like that, hm?" He teased you ever so slightly as he licked your ear and nibbled your lobe again, guiding your smaller hands together so one of his large hands could grasp them both, his free hand beginning to drag his black painted claws along your arm and back down to your torso, his touches feather light against your skin.
"Like being called mine, hm? My good girl." He asked the rhetorical question to you, more so trying to coax more reactions from you, and more reactions he got. You mewled softly as he called you his good girl, his hand swiftly slipping under your shirt. His fangs poking out of his lips from his pointy smirk.
You screamed internally to yourself as you felt his warm hand cup over your breast under your shirt; you'd not worn a bra today, typical for the one day you decided to not wear one something like this would happen. But you kept arguing with your inner voice, fight back, retaliate, refuse, anything!
But your body wouldn't listen, you felt weaker by the second and breathless by every little touch. He knew how to tease your body, he knew how to make you shudder, how to feel unbelievably good. Your body still ached from the prior battle but his ministrations against you was soothing and riling you up all at the same time, it was driving you insane.
His clawed fingers made quick work kneading and squeezing your mound of flesh that was encased in his large warm hand, the tips of his nails gently pinching and twisting your nipple; "No bra, Mmh." His tongue slipped out and slowly licked his bottom lip absentmindedly, it looked damn right sinful, you could see it was a habit of his.
His blood ruby eyes stared into your own and made you feel even more trapped by all that was him, you tried your best to look angry still, refusing to give in to the Oni but your face soon faltered and a whimper left you involuntarily as he pinched and pulled particularly rougher on your nipple, the stimulation your breast received became more harder to bear and upon see your reaction he merely scoffed smugly in return.
How quick he was to go from gentle and soft to intense and overwhelming, flicking between the pressure and pace of his own actions against your heated body. All attention you received fell to only your right breast, leaving your body half satiated, pining for more; against your utter morbid displeasure to the knowledge of feeling such a way.
"I could just devour you, my sweet girl." His voice bellowed out as his gaze finally lifted from you and back down to your chest that was still being toyed with but out of his sight, your clothing still obstructing his vision; which he quickly grew impatient with. Your mind was racing a hundred passing thoughts a second, but you soon got tugged back to reality when you heard the sound of tearing echo and ring against your red ears.
You lazily looked down, your eyes half lidded before widening as your blush came back with newfound vigour, your skin now littered with goose bumps as your warm flesh was exposed to the cooling nipping air that kissed along your stomach and exposed breasts, your chest fully on display for the Oni that loomed above you now.
The ripped, tattered remains of your garments clung to your arms in a final attempt to remain intact, his hands and claws were strong enough to completely shred your entire upper clothing that had kept you modest, you didn't know if it was thrill or excitement that you felt to being unsure of his true strength- or maybe it was both.
You saw something flicker in his eyes and the closest word you could label it with was; hunger. He growled as he saw your nipples standing fully erect, you looked delicious to him and he wanted nothing more but to dive right in, so that is exactly what he did. Your eyes widened for a second before squeezing shut tightly, a loud moan was squeezed from you as you felt his lips encase one of your nipples, trapping it between his pointed teeth and grazing while his tongue flicked and rubbed the very tip inside his hot mouth.
His weight slowly dipped more onto you, and the sensations of his chest pressing against you made you feel sandwiched and suffocated, in all the good ways. The cool smooth texture of his belt straps pressed into you too, all these sensations mixed with the newly intense ones from his mouth and hand toying and teasing with your breasts stimulated you more, but the true friction was needed down below now...
You squeezed your thighs subconsciously as he continued to play with your chest, your eyes still shut, your body arching into his ministrations against your own rational thinking. Releasing his grip from your restrained hands in favour of having another hand to knead and press into your soft smooth skin left you finally free, sort of.
Your hands quickly found their new home, nestled into his white soft silky hair, combing through it eagerly, the urge to pull him into your chest more beginning to gnaw at the back of your mind, but the last thing you should be doing right now is embracing him lovingly while he uses you to his fullest his desires. So instead of giving in to your more needier wants you opted in tugging and pulling his head instead, which elicited an animalistic and strained hiss from the Oni.
A shudder ran down your spine as his hiss rumbled deep within his chest, as if flicking a switch his hands snaked under your body and pressed tightly against your back, lifting you off the bed slightly and pressing you more firmly into him as he kept sucking and biting your breasts, his saliva coating your skin and making you feel more hot and bothered by the second.
Trying to keep yourself balanced and under some control you flew a hand back and pressed it into the mattress, you told yourself it was to stop you looking like meat being dangled in his vice grip, but you soon found yourself pushing yourself up more into him too. How much longer you could keep up this fight you was unsure, for it wasn't even with him anymore, just yourself.
You were no virgin to the acts of intimacy, but your so called lovers were few and far between, you'd never really shared a proper romantic relationship for your job was always put first, but from what little experience you had gained, none of your previous partners had ever spent such earnest time on these formalities, foreplay was there and then gone with in minutes, but by the way he kept lapping at your now swollen nipples, sucking hard and nibbling and grazing eagerly to add to it was making you lose focus.
No one had spent so much time on your body before, specially not your breasts, did he have a fascination with them perhaps? You hadn't realised but your thighs had been squeezing and rubbing against one another for the past several minutes now, the friction was nearly enough to elevate some of the tension from your aching sex now.
As his tongue continue to lathe along your nipples and his teeth kept sinking into your plump mounds of flesh your whimpers became pitiful and weak, eventually you were whining and you hadn't even realised it, but he had.
With a sudden flop back onto the mattress you began to pant softly like a bitch in heat, your chest covered in bite marks, hickeys and saliva. You look like you had quite literally been chewed up and spat out, the loud pop that had left him when he finally detached his mouth from your nipple was painfully loud to your now numbing senses.
You glanced up weakly to see his tongue flick across his bottom lip yet again as he looked down at you with happiness and pride bursting from the seams, so pleased he was with the mess you'd now melted into within his grip, he loved seeing the slow decline of your tough defence be replaced with the same amount of lust for him that he was constantly feeling for you.
But it wasn't nearly enough yet, he wanted to break you, ruin you, he wanted your mind to be occupied with nothing but just him now. he would not be satisfied fully till you was putty in hands and obedient to his every whim he wished to perform to your body, after all he just wanted to make you scream and writhe in pleasure as he worships his prize from his victory.
His chest heaved as he too panted softly, having felt the stinging need for air burn his lungs, he'd suppressed himself a lot just so he could keep tasting you, you was scarily addictive and he was already more than hooked to it, to you. Your reactions were sublime to him and your taste was heavenly, so it didn't take long for his hungry eyes to wander down to your rubbing and squeezing thighs, there laid his next prize.
You felt the heat spread across your face as more excitement rushed and pooled down between your thighs, right at your now aching and dripping wet sex, seeing his eyes travel down your dishevelled and ruined form till fixating at your thighs, you got so aroused from seeing his nostrils flare, his eyes fluttering slightly as he picked up on your scent almost instantly.
His pointed fangs poked from his lips once again as his expression changed to a gleeful smile, almost crazed with lust embedded fully within. You smelt intoxicating and he hasn't even seen below your waist yet, still propped on the balls of his heels while knelt above you he glanced up at you, his firm grip now latching onto the sides of your under garments.
"Hold on to something." His voice was hoarse but stern, it was advice you nearly didn't get to follow for just as your hands sunk into the headrest behind you he yanked hard, your clothing tearing and ripping just like your upper clothing, tattered and destroyed and leaving you on full exposure to him. There you laid, completely bare before him now, your enemy, a criminal who was suppose to be going to prison by your hands.
"Woah~" His voice still had such enthusiasm and life to it, while yours had been drained entirely from you, however you still dared to glare up at him, shock and horror on your face as you saw your Anemo vision snuggled tightly in his grip.
"Wouldn't wanna let this go flying off now, huh?" He chuckled softly, your heart began to race with fear and worry, your vision, how could you have been so careless, your vision was now in the hands of the enemy, but your panic soon subsided as you saw him gently toss it with ease onto the floor in your discarded clothes; if you could even call those ripped rags clothes anymore.
"Why the face?" His brow raised in question, your expression soon fizzled back to awkward and nervous, looking away instantly. You didn't have it in you to give back remarks anymore or verbally argue, not after what he's already done to you, and the fact you now lay completely naked before him while he is still fully clothed was enough to make you accept, you'd lost this fight.
He enjoyed teasing you though, he loved the look you had right now, shameful guilt for secretly enjoying everything happening to you, he wasn't gonna pass up this opportunity.
"Well? I am waiting for a response." he cooed provokingly.
The bed dipped and shifted in weight disposal as he began to lower back down above you, making you feel tiny once again against his broad and masculine frame. You opted to close your eyes to try hide your embarrassment as best as you could, he smirked as he began to lower down more, inch by inch, till he wedged himself comfortably between your thighs; You'd tried to keep them shut obviously, but your efforts were pointless, he pried them open swiftly. His fingers now squeezing into the generous and curvaceous flesh you had there.
Now face to face with your sex he flared his nostrils again to get an even stronger sniff of your mouth watering scent, he groaned as his eyes fluttered again more aggressively this time, fucking delicious. Was all he could muster up in his mind, seeing your slick coating across your lips made his eyes almost sparkle with joy, it was him who'd made you get this way, so why not bask in the knowing of it.
You whined loudly in a pathetic protest, you decided to glare down once and you'd regretted it entirely when you saw him practically sticking his nose against your wet sex to smell it, why must he embarrass you so much?! You hated this man- Oni whatever!
He squeezed your thighs again while planting gentle wet kisses against your inner thighs, all round your sex, dancing around giving you attention where you wanted it most, it was making you angry and crazy, hungry to put it bluntly.
He watched as every small touch made your slit twitch and throb in anticipation, how eager your body was to feel him, he watched as your entrance clamped around nothing, and his thoughts juggled with the imagery of your walls clamping around his thick cock, blowing cool air gently against your entrance caused you to jolt slightly, another whine softly leaving you, he couldn't help but lick his bottom lip, again.
"Where did all that bite go from earlier, Hm?" His breath fanned against your hot achy sex and you squeezed your eyes even more rightly shut, he was snapping every last thread of your nerves you had left.
"Well lady?" he hummed sweetly.
"I told you, my name is!-" you were abruptly cut off as you felt the invading sensation of his long warm tongue against your entrance, causing a wanton moan to ring from you, giving open mouthed kisses lovingly to your slick covered lips, sucking gently and almost chewing against them softly, his eyes closed as his breathing was heavy and hard through his nose.
Every breath he took he was further pushed into the haze of your arousal, so thick and disorientating, it tastes so sweet and divine to him, he couldn't pull away, your noises only spurred him on more and awoke the more animal Oni side within him. His grip on your thighs grew tighter, a bruising pressure now being applied to his squeezes.
Your hands found purchase in his hair yet again, desperate for any sort of balance, a grip to help you remain solid, worried he will whisk you away into a frenzy you'll never escape from, moans continued to leave you and his name suddenly flew from you like a chant.
"itto! I-itto, Oh f-fu-mmph." broken curses and incoherent babbles was all you were capable of now. His loud slurps intentionally burning your cheeks with a blush but the blood rushing all around you made you less effected by it right now, the friction and attention you'd been chasing after finally being given to you in such force drove you to your high at a delightfully fast climb.
Somewhen during his onslaught one of his hands had slid back up your burning skin and began to grope and knead one of your breasts again, twisting and pulling your nipple once again. still suckling and lapping at the juices that continues to pour from you, a man starved of his dinner was all he portrayed right now, his other hand still squeezing your thigh tightly, switching from your thigh to grasping over one of your hands.
Suddenly both his hands flew to your rear as he pulled back and easily lifted your smaller frame with him, his mouth never once leaving your soaking wet sex, he knelt there now with your back pressed against his chest and toned abs as he bent you into a clear C-shape, your legs being kept up and either side his head by his strong bruising grip.
In this angle you was forced to watch clearly above as he sunk into your arousal with an insatiable hunger, your hands had fallen over your face, moaning and whimpering in an embarrassed and lust filled state, it drove him mad how cute you were still being while in such a slutty position, it made him suck harder and with a burning need to make you climax, he wanted to see you fall apart in his hands entirely now.
The intensity was not let up for even a second, your high being reached quicker and quicker, your juices mixed with his hot saliva as your sex became slippery, but he didn't relent, you were clearly wanting the main course now, and from the painful strain he felt in his own boxers he was too, but he refused to give up till he reached his goal unshared with you however.
"I- engh... m'close, so close, feels s-so, mmmph good!~" your moans enticed him further, seeing you struggle to form words made a bubble swell inside his chest, it wasn't just pride and happiness anymore that kept him going on so earnestly, there was something else deeper with in, did he like you more than even he had realised...
There was no time to give it thought right now though, as your moans picked up in tone and your breathing became more erratic so did his sucking and licking become more intense and just as you tethered along the edge of the tight coil snapping inside you his middle finger deftly found your clit, his index and ring finger pressed either side as he effortlessly coaxed it from its hooded hiding spot and latched his lips to it, harshly sucking and thrashing his tongue against it.
Your eyes widened as your hands gripped his bright red horns and yanked his face down harder into you, a loud sinful moan wheezed from your lungs like a singing prayer to the archons above as your orgasm crashed into you like a violent wave against the shore. Your vision blurring to white as you was sent to Celestia, he dipped back down and on purposefully latched his mouth hungrily against your entrance where your honeyed liquid practically squirted from, his fingers still skilfully circling round your clit to keep the stimulation, causing you to shudder aggressively from overstimulation.
His eyes were closed as he lapped up all you had to offer, it was so fucking good, he couldn't get enough of it, but he wasn't that cruel, as your moans became more pained and strangled he knew you'd got nothing left to give, so finally he pulled away with one final loud suck and then lifted his head back up, his glowing eyes raking over your destroyed form, your fucked out expression was picturesque, the sheen of sweat that coated you so beautifully from the exhaustion.
"Perfect." he mumbled breathlessly.
He softly laid your body back down, seeing you still twitch slightly and your toes curling and uncurling, a smile too fond looking now lay on his face. You couldn't speak, you couldn't move, you just laid there panting, utterly exhausted. He must be a full blooded demon... how else could he do all this...
Your vision was still blurred but as you continuously blinked it soon came back to you, and what greeted you was the Oni smiling down at you, his pupils blown out entirely and his chin still soaked from before, your cheeks went red again and you turned your face and hid yourself from him.
"Ah, ah." he happily sung out as he gripped your chin and forced you to look back at him, lowering himself back down onto you, it strangely relaxed you to feel his weight against you once more.
"I think it's a bit too late to still be getting so flustered now Lady." He chirped at you and before you could even think of protesting to his use of the title lady for the Nth time he forced you into a fiery and heated kiss that suffocated you with passion and possessiveness that oozed from him. You could taste yourself so vigorously as his tongue danced with yours, he sucked on your tongue and let himself explore your mouth freely with zero retaliation from you now.
He hummed approvingly against you as he melted further into the kiss, your display of obedience making him more than happy, whether because you actually wanted to comply now or because you was simply too tired to keep fighting he didn't care, he was just pleased you were not putting up a fight to him anymore, it would make the rest of this process a lot easier for the both of you.
As the kiss grew deeper and the stinging need for air in your lungs grew more painful you felt his large warm hands dance across your skin, heat radiating from his touch as he did so. Your mumbled pleas and suffocated groans of rejection remained as lost noises in the room as his hands continued to dance and stroke, it was as if he was mapping out your body right before you as you remain trapped under his weight.
"Mmm, taste s'good...." his voice was low and barely above a breathy husk as his lips brushed against your own, allowing you to now inhale some much needed air, whether he said that specifically for you to hear or just because he was riding in his own world of euphoria you had no idea, but the one thing you did know, that you found yourself cursing at within your mind was how your body yearned for attention from him, more touching, more sensations, just... more.
As time slowly and frustratingly dragged on you thought you might finally snap and resort to begging soon, there was only so much of his feathery touches and gentle nipping you could tolerate before demanding more to satiate this burning ache inside you, against you... between your thighs. But just as you opened your mouth to speak your words were swallowed by a muffled gasp into his mouth, as he yet again wrapped you into a deep kiss, just as your eyes closed however you found your back arching hard into the air causing your breasts to press against his broad toned chest.
His finger had swiftly found your bundle of nerves yet again, it felt as if he was beginning to know your body better than yourself in such a short period of time. Just like before he attacked your clit with precise circular movements strung out by his finger, your body jolting and arching more in reaction, you were so sensitive now and as he looked down at your tightly squeezed eyes with your face flushed with arousal he couldn't help but snicker almost sinisterly.
"Is someone enjoying themselves, mmh?" His voice was drowning in a smug aura, you hated it so much but you were far from being able to give him a piece of your mind, or at least your rational side.
"I-oh, oh, oh, oh....s-st...engh." You couldn't formulate a single word now, your heart thudding against your ribcage so aggressively, your words being stolen from you with every small movement of his finger against your clit, you were so angry, but boy oh boy did it feel so damn good.
"What was that?" he leaned his head further down now, his toothy smirk more obvious to your blurring vision. He let his tongue slide out as if it had a mind of its own and lick one, long, slow, stripe against your cheek. The contrast from warm to boiling as his saliva touched your skin again, caused another whimper to fall from your quivering lips, protesting words were hot on your tongue but unable to voice them aloud resulted in them merely fizzling back down into breathy whines.
He lifted his head back up humming calmly to himself, his behaviour and face far too nonchalant for the fact he was mindlessly shoving two of his fingers in an out of your twitching sex repeatedly, causing you to writhe while under him as his onslaught never ceased on your oversensitive clit either. His fingers stretched you so deliciously but it was lacking just a tiny bit, so delicious it was but not filling enough, you just craved more.
Clicking his tongue as he watched your expressions he finally pulled his fingers away entirely and up to his lips, absentmindedly slipping them into his mouth and sucking them clean, groaning gently as he sat up on his heels now, looming over your sweaty and riled up body. You were looking at him, or through him, he couldn't really know for sure, since your pupils were so large and dilated now. He smirked while looking at your cute face.
You stared up at him, nervous but somewhat excited to know what he was about to do to you next, did the thought of being at his mercy entice you so much? Knowing he can use you as he pleased made your heart flutter and your stomach do backflips within you, for some reason it all felt wrong, but so good? So fun and freeing. You didn't want it to stop, but you did not have the guts to drop your pride to admit as much.
A problem he also seemed to pick up from you with little effort as he suddenly lowered his hands and began to unbuckle his belt from around his waist, the sight of your eyes widening and your bottom lip being sucked in as you gawked like a timid deer before a hungry lion made the beast inside him growl lowly and grow hungrier, he had you right where he wanted you now and it was a satisfying enough victory to know he himself was the one who got you to this point, where not only was your body practically begging and crying to be stuffed by him- but your mind too was growing impatient with the lack of him inside you, it was simply, delightful for him to bare witness too.
"Hope you're ready-" his voice sounded so far away, you cared not for the words he spoke to you, far too enthralled in watching as his fingers slowly and teasingly undressed his lower self, the belt finally unbuckled and hanging either side his hips, the bulge so big against his pants, and then with one final push down his monstrous cock sprang out and up.
It practically slapped his lower abdomen as it stood up right, so angry looking it was, thick, long, veiny, the girth frightened you almost instantly, but the sheer size was just... terrifying, the thought of it fitting inside you was unfathomable. There was no way it would fit, it just, wouldn't... it can't... can it?
The tip was already shiny as it leaked beads of thick precum, weeping almost from the lack of attention it had received the whole time, but as you continued to stare wide eyed you noticed something- ridges, or well bumps, not massive but enough to definitely be felt, they circled his entire length in rings, tracing all the way down to the base of his massive cock.
It went without say that such a monstrous cock was paired with equally large balls, and where the length met with the rest of him there was a wild and untamed patch of white hair nestled there, it looked unruly but also strangely complimented the rest of his size.
From the way it bobbed slightly you could tell it was also heavy, you inwardly rolled your eyes at such an obvious observation, something so big would clearly have weight to it as such, but for a cock to be heavy... just added to the fear in your thoughts of it being unable to fit. Reacting on instinct alone you naturally began to scatter against the bed, your weight shifting in the soiled mattress before a strong grip locked on your ankle yanking you back to your prior position.
"So scared." His voice was intrusive all of a sudden, and it made you finally tear your gaze from the intimidating member back to his glowing crimson eyes which were almost just as intimidating in all honesty, with the pure hunger and lust that swirled in them for you right now.
You jumped out of reflex as his clawed fingers suddenly clasped your chin tightly but not painfully, locking your gaze with his as he began to sink back down onto the bed, shuffling and moving closer to you, wedging himself between your shaking thighs.
"It will fit-" his voice was hoarse as he leaned his face down and began to kiss and lick against your cheek and reddened ear tip, nibbling and suckling gently against the very tip making you sigh out and unknowingly relax into his ministrations once more. His hot breath softly brushing your ear as he then whispered right against you; "and you're gonna be my good girl and take it all."
Briefly drunk on the praise of his little pet name to you again gave him all the distraction he needed to bring himself close enough to finally start grinding and rubbing the under part of his cock against your soaked lips, parting them easily allowing him to slide up and down effortlessly, the bumps already causing tiny tremors throughout your entire body.
You gasped and squeezed your legs tightly around his body and locked them just above his ass, your hands flung out as you tried to weakly push at his lower abdomen in a futile attempt to remove himself from you, but he was quick to scoop your hands up into his, intertwining his thick long fingers with your much smaller ones in comparison and locking your hands above your head as gently he hushed you, leaving you open and vulnerable to his mercy all over again.
"Shh, shh, come on now-" he cooed gently as he continued to thrust himself against your entrance, lubricating himself with your fluids dripping from you. "you're gonna be my good girl, right?" He tilted his head at you, giving the false impression you had an option to refuse entirely, but you knew you didn't and at the same time, you didn't want there to be an option for that either.
With another slow and devilish lick of his bottom lip, he began to prod at your twitching entrance, his tip bulging in size at it began to push further in, more and more until- your eyes widened and a strange strangled choke of incoherent babbling tumbled from your swollen red lips. Shaking your head and trying to voice aloud your panic and fear you began to writhe and wriggle underneath him, any distance from his cock was good distance at this point.
He clicked his tongue from annoyance that he'd been disrupted in his process, he groaned deeply and leaned further down till his massive and muscular arms were eitherside your head, you were effectively caged in and your fragile efforts to escape or create space went wasted. With one of his hands he stroked your cheek in a doting way, a look of understanding across his features; until it was replaced with a smirk frothing with smug and lust.
"Bite." Is all his gruffly voice whispered out in a hushed order, and as doing so his clawed thumb gently slid into your mouth, with his movements so careful he made sure he didn't nick you in anyway inside your mouth. You looked worried and confused, simply adorable but he waited for you to come back to grip and when you did he felt your teeth hesitantly sink into his thumb. He found it somewhat heartwarming that after all he's put you through you were scared to bite down too hard on him; how thoughtful.
He leaned further down till his nose brushed against yours and then locked his hand on your face by letting his fingers wrap against your cheek and under your chin, his thumb lodged into your mouth. "Harder, you'll need too." You didn't understand his words but you had next to no time to try unravel it as then you felt it, his large and throbbing cock pushing through your entrance and stretching you out painfully as he began to sink himself into you.
You began to cry out in a muffled mess and eventually you took the advice and sunk down harder into his flesh on his thumb, his eyes fluttered from the sensation of feeling your walls spasm and stretch around him as you bit him with all your might. Your hips began to buck and knowing it will only cause more harm than good for you right now he used his other hand to get a vice grip onto your flesh, bruising force added to ensure you were kept still.
Your eyes began to roll back as tears swelled up and threatened to trickle down your cheeks, your breathing utterly out of rhythm and rushed as you tensed up and sniffed over and over. Your hiccups of refusal were swallowed back down as his thumb pressed against your tongue flattening it against the inside of your bottom jaw. He was just so enormous, so thick and every inch he pushed in was greeting your quivering walls with an extra ridged bump. You could actively count every inch as the ridges acted akin to landmarks, well, you could if your mind was anything but hot mushy inchorenet mess right now
As he finally bottomed out inside you his eyes closed and his head dropped down, his crimson horns pressing gently against your forehead as he inhaled deeply before letting out a shaky sigh.
"F-fuck me Princess, you really are t-tight, Arcons have mer-cy..." he swallowed down deeply as he slowly gathered back up his composure, having nearly released inside you instantaneously; not that you were aware, your eyes were closed tightly while you gnawed on his thumb, desperately attempting to distract yourself from how insanely full you felt right now.
You don't know when he'd started, but he'd begun to do small experimental thrusts into you, each rigid bump along his shaft rubbing deliciously against your spasming walls deep within. Your eyes opened, but your vision was blurry now, tears swelling and eventually running down your red tinted cheeks, and what was that god awful sound- oh, right, it was you.
With his thumb so comfortably lodged within your mouth and pressed flatly against your tongue, he made sure to keep your mouth ever so ungracefully pried open. Your moans seeped out with wild abandon, echoing throughout the dusty and unkempt hideout. Your face remained a flushed, furious red, if only your mind could share the same furious look inside, but alas, your mind was the biggest traitor right now.
He's so big!
It feels, so... Good...
Don't stop!
Could your mind become any more traitorous?!
This was so embarrassing, and so, so- just... wrong! The fact that your mind was now buzzing with a sickly, strong, and sweet euphoria that continued to wash over your body was humiliation at the finest degree, but you could do little to actually care or even continue to fan the flames of frustration when- oh!
His thrusts began to pick up in pace now, mercilessly so, much like how he was in battle, prior to all this, he remained focused and undeterred throughout it all. Fixated on his goal, whatever it may be, you had no clue nor cared to try find out, since every thrust buzzes your brain and a staticky white flash continuously drowned your vision out.
The vulgar sound of slapping and squelching continued to ring out around the room, accompanied by your mewls and moans, which helped drown out somewhat but not entirely the low guttural grunts and huffs from the Oni above you. His biceps continued to flex as he positoned into you with no signs of slowing down, due to your vision being so blurry now and his face nuzzled into your neck you couldn't see his eyes shut tight and brows furrowed together as he continued to fight the nearly overwhelming urge to just release inside you right now.
He wanted to, more than anything, and he was going to. But not till he heard more of your beautiful melody, your singing voice that cries such beautiful notes of ecstasy and pleasure for only his ears to hear and for his ministrations alone to be the cause of. You sounded so angelic to him, beautiful and perfect, sexy as hell; if he was gonna be his brutal truthful honest self to all this.
To see you remain so strong-willed and ferocious yet still somehow exude such cute and submissive sounds and actions made his somewhat simple Oni mind melt and fizzle. God, he was so infatuated with you! You surely were meant to be his woman if you're able to rile him up so and get under his skin so damn well.
Both yours and his body began to shine with a sheat of sweat, exhaustion starting to numb your poor abused body and sex addled brain, and even he deep inside had to admit this pace he set was taxing on even his energy now. The constant piston thrusting deep inside, the rigid bumps rubbing and scraping inside as it continued to batter your walls wider for his fit, morphing your insides to better fit him, only him, only ever him forevermore.
He wanted to ruin you and ruin you he thrououghly had. For when he finally lifted his head from the soft crease of your neck and shoulder, he nearly choked on his own spit, your eyes were glossed over, shiny pearls of utter dizziness. Drunk on all that was him now, you looked so properly fucked out in a clammy hot mess with your tongue now lulling out your mouth, your saliva dribbling down your chin, his thumb was coated in your saliva too but he really couldn't care less right now.
His lips parted, actually left speechless, so in awe of your pleasure ridden facial features, he ceased all the momentum of his thrusting hips. He... did this? Your stoic and stern expression from before, gone... shattered and replaced with a moaning flush faced shy girl, your strict and icy cold words replaced with utter incoherent and stringless garbles of praise- praise?
"-ide me, p-... please." You hiccuped through heavy pants and sniffles, muffled round his thumb. He blinked several times in a daze and slowly let his thumb leave your mouth, lifting his other hand off your body too, and he really didn't expect what happened next when you suddenly whimpered in full blown out worry and weakly wrapped your legs as tightly as possible round his lower abdomen in a tired plea for him to remain.
"Lad- L/N... what did you say before?" His voice sounded uneven, and even he was taken aback by how fragile it sounded. He cleared his throat softly as the faint pink on his cheeks dusted over even more so now, you hiccuped again through your whimpers and sobs as you wiped your eyes, soft sniffles escaping as you did so.
"I..." You didn't want to repeat yourself, for it was merely a heat of the moment thing, right? Yea... that was it. You swallowed down, having had your tongue pressed flatly down for so long, and your harsh panting and moans tearing at your vocal cords your throat felt unforgivable dry right now. You turned your head fast, trying to conceal your blushing face one again.
"It doesn't matte-" You were cut off by his hand grabbing your chin softly but sternly and angling you back to meet his Ruby eyed gaze.
"Don't give me that." It came out more depeserate than he'd liked, but he was at a complete loss of well, everything right now so he didn't have time to care.
You, however, were stunned by his desperation in his voice. You'd heard the lilt in his voice weave and tangle through many tones tonight, sarcastic, playful, serious, but, desperate? This was a first. Should you really repeat your silly request? After all... are you sure you even liked this criminal now? And it wasn't just your mind dizzied on sex speaking nonsense?
Because he gave you some praise? Flashed pretty words to you and then proceeded to drown you in the most intoxicating sexual experience you'd ever had, not that you'd had many to even compare this with might you add.
"I... well... it doesn't matter! I wouldn't have even meant it." You suddenly barked at him. Your voice was weak, however, due to your wear and tear of your poor throat.
"And why's that, mh?" He retorted, fast, too fast.
"I .. because..." You fell short of excuses there... you somehow found yourself lost for words, or at least words that wouldn't result in hurting the Oni before you. Why did even matter to you if you did hurt his feelings? You'd done it no problem earlier, so why was it making a small twang of guilt ring throughout your body?
"Because?" He questioned back, again too fast, a tensing of his jawline visible. Was he getting angry with you?
"Because it's stupid, silly, and ridiculous." You calmly said back, your eyes now locked with confidence against his own.
"Really." He merely scoffed, rolling his eyes as he let out a rather not nice sounding feign chuckle. Clearly, sarcasm was not foreign to him either.
You narrowed your eyes, still glossed over with lust as you were at the peak of your most intensive orgasm yet, till he stopped and broke the beautiful glass of non thinking and feeling straight bliss.
He shook his head, though annoyed he still couldn't help but find you cute, adorable even, he really did admire you, how tough you acted, that façade of yours definitely worth praising after all, it has managed to remain intact after all, this. But his patience really was running thin now, real thin.
"Stupid, is it?" He asks you bitterly as he suddenly thrusts hard into you once, causing you to gasp and moan out.
"Silly, am I?" He asks again bitterly, followed by another sudden rough thrust, eliciting another moan from you as he hit especially deep that time.
Your frustrated narrows eyes never leave his impatient red glowing ones in your staring contest throughout this all, but as he lowers his face, fangs protruding once again, the red paint looking even more luminous from his sweat covered body that maps all over him making him almost look like a walking canvas, of breathing art; you begin to feel your quick put up defence crumbling once again.
"Wanna know what's ridiculous?" He mutters lowly to you to which you give an exhausted and quizzical look to.
"How I'm balls deep inside you hearing you cry out in pure bliss and sing my name for any living soul to hear miles away. And yet, you still insist you don't like it? Or me for that matter." He narrows his eyes at you now as you gasp in shocked horror at his appalling words, covering your mouth with your hand in disbelief to how crude he was just then.
"Mmh?" He tilts his head at you as he thrusts yet again at that spot, and you mewl.
"Psh. Yea, that's ridiculous, alright." He merely grunts yet again. Your pride was admirable, but it sure was gonna be your downfall one of these days, and he knew that, so he did what he had to. Bring it down a few pegs.
Huffing loudly and dramatically, he sat back up again, and slowly, he began to pull himself out. Ridged bump, by ridged bump.
"Well, if you really don't like this or me, then I guess this is all for nothing-" he was interrupted by your sudden needy whine.
He looked down at you, feigning disinterest to you now, which... hurt. You missed that look of hunger...want...need... you miss him showing his expressions like he wears his heart on his sleeve... you miss his well... childish and goofy attitude; this side was... cold and harsh.
"Don't leave..." You whimper barely above a whisper.
"What was that? Speak up, Lady." He replied curtly, using that damned 'Lady' again.
"Don't leave." You said clearer this time, albeit still weakly as you had taken a battering so far in all fairness.
"Why." Stupid Oni.
He knew why.
"Because... I don't want you to..." You groaned and pouted now, fuck you was acting so cute. He nearly threw caution to the wind and just continued to pound you into the mattress, but no, you need to learn this lesson now.
"Wrong answer." Is all he sighed as he began to lift off again, your eyes widened as panic wrenched inside you now, concerned he may actually fully pull out and leave you empty inside, high and dry. With sudden abruptness you sat up and latched onto his biceps which he instinctively flexed at the sudden squeeze of.
"No! Dont- don't go!" You whined loudly now. You didn't care anymore about your pride, about your rationality of this situation, and how wrong it was. You actually somehow had started to like this damn criminal, bastard Oni.
"Why!" He now smirked at you, knowing fully well he'd teased you to your prides' end, and your stubbornness has now fleed behind the shadows of your mind.
"Because i- i- ugh! I like you! Okay! I don't know how you managed to do this to me, you animalistic criminal Oni, but... I like you now okay! Happy?!" You yelled out in a high-pitched whine sounding nowhere near as angry as you'd wished.
Suddenly, he smiled at you, big and bright, beaming with... something that could only spell 'uh-oh' for you.
"Yes. Very." He replied before suddenly without warning yet again he leaned slightly into you and began to piston inside you once again, deep and unforgiving. His massive length pushes all the way back inside again, the bumps sending shivers and tremors inside you all over again. Your eyes widened, then rolled back as you'd forgotten just how sensitive you were now from the long distraction and lack of movement.
You let out a wanton moan suddenly and yelped from embarrassment of the sound as he'd pushed hard against that special spot once more. He stopped for a few mere seconds as he glared into your widened glossy lust filled and now worried eyes.
"Itto- n-no no no wa-ahhh!" You cried out through mid protest as he angled his massive throbbing length and continued to thrust hard and deep and began his relentless assault to that spot over and over. Your vision blurred almost instantly again, and you were forced back into the white staticky buzz with every thrust once again.
"For... all... it... matters... I did confess I... engh- liked you right from... the very... start... just saying, engh-argh fuck!" He growled and groaned every word out through harsh and hurried hisses of air while maintaining his brutal fast pace on you.
You couldn't even hope to reply now but merely moan over and over, you squeezed his biceps over and over, your nails digging into his skin which only further fueled his hunger to continue the chase of yours and his high now. You were close... so close and rapidly drawing closer with his unrelenting thrusts.
Your mind was reaching that fuzzy high again, and you felt like you were floating all over again in a sea of clouds and simply soaring higher. You opened your mouth and barely muttered the beginning of your sentence before you shut your mouth once again, adement on not saying something so dirty and naughty. But he noticed. He always will notice.
"No, not again L/N" he ordered.
"Y-.... Y/N." you said through hiccuped sobs of pleasurable mewls, having been resorted back to the sorry state of inchorentness again.
He smiled warmly down at you, a look too full of admiration and adoration for what the beast was currently doing to you right now.
"Very well, tell me what you was gonna say, Y/N." He grunted out as he continued to thrust hard and fast, the slapping of his waist into your plush thighs beginning to make your skin red raw.
There wasn't any way out of this now... was there? You couldn't keep hiding it from hiii-!!!!!
You cried out and shuddered violently as you suddenly felt his finger mercilessly rub and flick and squeeze against your swollen and sensitive clit, you jerked violently over and over- you really was about to cum now.
"Tell meeeee Y/N~ be my good girl, don't hide it from me now." He saw the way your face cracked its defence even more from his praising words and use of your name. He had a fair idea already of what it was you were trying to fight the urge to say, but he really, really wanted to hear you say it.
"Inside me..ah!" You moaned out again, a vast change of tone and pitch from when you try to talk.
"Say it clearly now, my good girl, use your words. After all, you are the fancy talking one here, eh?" He continued to grunt and growl, he was so close and fighting it back every devastatingly painful second this game continued on, but he refused to not have you surrendered fully to him, otherwise it wasn't a true victory.
"Itto for the love of archons s-sake!! Cum inside me!" You practically screamed it out now just as you began to fully black out from your orgasm crashing down on you, dragging you under into the starry skied abyss in your mind, tremors and shudders, accompanied with numbing and sense wracking tingles that electrocuted all over your body, it felt so intense and aggressive, you don't remember the last time you'd cummed so... hard?
But then you felt it the blissful throbbing and pulsating of his stupidly large and thick cock wedged in humanly deep inside you, the hotness of his cum as it shot out in plentiful and thick ropes deep inside, coating all your insides with his seed, making everything that is you, now his.
Both of you were too fucked out and riding high on your release that neither of you heard the door to the shabby small room open, ten minutes ago... so once he finally drooped ontop of you still being mindful to not crush you and you absentmindedly caressed his head and scalp with gentle soothing and dotting caresses you both jumped and yelled from shock and uncertainty to hear a woman's sudden curt-
Oh no... you knew that voice... no... please... it can't be... not... not-
"Tengu! Haha! Hi again! Did you come to duel me again?" Ittos happy voice seemed far too loud right now as your body went weak and numb and all colour to your face drained, you felt sick.
"Arataki Itto, I beg, if you actually have any damn braincells, remove yourself from... my superior and dress yourself. Now. For Shogun's sake, this truly is disgraceful behaviour." Sara said sternly as ever, though the wavering in her tone was clearly adamant.
He groaned and rolled his eyes dramatically. "Sore looser, tsk."
Just as he went to lift up off you, he looked down and remembered, ah yea... he ruined your clothes. In some crude act of gentleman's chivalry, he quickly pressed back down you, causing you to whince as... yes, his length was still deeply wedged inside you, and your poor filled to the brim battered insides.
"About that, aha... hey, Tengu, mind stepping out for a sec? Your uh, boss here has a slight lack of... wearable clothes." He asked sheepishly.
You were dead, yes? You had to be. Please say you were. Because this... you couldn't ever live this down. How could you order Sara around now and remain serious after this ordeal.
Archons, please kill me now.
The uneasy sigh from Kujou set your cheeks ablaze with a fire red blush. Hearing the soft sound of fabrics pooling against the floor, she merely clicked her tongue in annoyance.
"You. Out now. Let Miss L/N dress in private. Show her some respect damn heathen." Is all Sara said as she must've stepped outside you assumed from the clacking of her shoes fading slightly.
Itto grumbled as he finally slowly lifted off you, pulling out gently, taking one last look at your battered and soaked sex that was now leaking his essence from it. He frowned. What a waste. But at least he'd found his woman now, so when his rut struck, he had the perfect partner to finally create a bunch of baby Ittos with!
He flashed you a goofy toothy grin as he stepped back onto the floor and crouched down, grabbing his clothes in a half assed messy heap in his arms and winking at you before leaving. Hearing his voice fade out as the door began to shut, only making out the tail-end of the conversation between the Oni and the Tengu.
"Why'd you bring your boss spare clothes?"
"Because I know duels with you don't naturally last this long, and besides, I knew she was your type. Animal. Shut up and get dressed already!"
With the door finally shut, you let out a long held in whine and sigh. Pulling at your hair slightly as you sat up and inwardly cursing yourself for falling victim to... all of this!
You got up a bit too quickly, your legs wobbled, and you nearly fell flat on your ass. You ached, you were sore all over, you had a headache, and you were so damned hungry and thirsty.
Just how long had he kept you in here? Fiend.
You sighed softly and a gentle smile slowly made its way onto your face as you remember all he'd said.
I kinda like you.
My good girl.
Stop it! Ugh. Stupid woman.
You rolled your eyes as you looked down at the pile of clean spare clothes your subordinate had graciously bought along with her, and after a failed lazy attempt to give yourself aftercare you threw hygiene to the wind for now and just threw the clothes on. Comfy. At least Sara knew your size well.
Yea, definitely time for her raise, huh?
After slipping your Anemo Vision back into your back pocket, you breathed in and tried to neaten your completely sex mussed hair and dishevelled appearance. Closing your eyes at the door, you breathed in deeply once more and then dared to face the front of your consequences.
You looked down the small dimly lit hallway to this shabby cottage and saw an exasperated Kujou arms crossed and faced away from a smiling and arms flailing Itto. She clocked onto you immediately, almost begging for help to escape the Onis consistent babbling and you couldn't help but chuckle.
Making your way back down to them at the front door of the cottage, she bowed respectfully to you, grabbing Itto by his chest strap and tugging it down too much to his sudden 'Hey!' going ignored by the Tengu.
"Lady L/N. I hope you've been okay in my absence. I'm sorry I could not be here to help protect you from this brute. I should've pressed harder on the seriousness of this matter in the first place-" You lifted your hand and cut her mid apology as you couldn't bare to hear her blame herself anymore.
"Enough Sara, please, call me Y/N. You are not in any way to be blamed for this. You gave me ample warning of this Oni and his mannerisms. I chose to ignore it with my selfish pride. The fault is mine to bear alone, understood." You still sounded authoritive, which you were grateful for at least.
Upon hearing your words the Tengu blushes faintly as she began to slowly lift up with a quizzical look, Itto quick to pry himself free from her vice grip and huff crossing his arms not appreciating being spoken about as if he wasn't right there. But she merely flashed a genuine happy and grateful smile to you which you returned in full earnest.
"Thank you, lady L- Y/N." She bowed quickly, unable to completely dismiss her soldier demeanour.
Your stomach then suddenly let out a very loud and embarrassing grumble, which Sara's eyes widened too, and Itto burst out in boisterous laughter at.
"Hey! No laughing Oni! This is your fault, after all!" You snarled, trying to keep your serious tone, but it failed and came out more pouty as you crossed your arms. "Archons knows how long you kept me caged up in there." You finished.
"Psh, you wasn't complaining a little while ago- ow!" He rubbed his arm where Sara had left a perfectly time silencer punch that you nodded in gratitude to her for.
"Let's go grab something to eat Sara." You said as she smiled at you and nodded.
"Sounds lovely, Y/N." She replied as she walked beside you and then began to walk with you.
"First though, I need to head back to my chambers and... properly tend to myself." You embarrassingly whimpered to which Sara nodded in understatement.
"Hey! I'm hungry too! Can I come, ladies?" Itto sing songed beside you both, arms crossed behind his head nonchantly.
"Only if you're paying." You deadpanned to him and he flashed you a toothy smirk.
"Of course I'll pay for my woman, silly Y/N! I'm not paying for the Tengu, though." He sniffed calmly back as Sara flashed him a threatening glare.
"Amazing, you called me Lady for probably twenty-four hours straight, and somehow you now say my name so naturally like we've always known each other?" You raise a brow playfully to him, amused at his slightly taken aback demeanour to your new playful attitude, but he welcomes it fully with a daring grin as he replies;
"Was it not you who said-" he then breathes in to raise his voice in a archons awful attempt to impersonate your voice- "Maybe sometime in solitary confinement is what I need, or something like that." He stuck his tongue out at to which you stuck yours back out at him.
It felt, nice, to let go of your serious tone you always wore and just... live, after all there are times when proper etiquette and attitude will always be needed and serious moments will require serious level headed stability, but that doesn't mean... always. Certainly not in just normal day to day activities.
"It isn't solitary if you're not alone Itto." You simply huffed and shook your head, albeit slightly amused.
"Well, it was alone enough for you, so it was alone for me too, aha!" He broadly said back to which you blushed hard.
"Whatever my woman is happy with, I am happy with!" He finally concluded, before getting elbowed in the rib my Sara beside him to which he groaned at and began rubbing his skin softly.
Neither noticed or if they did they didn't respond to your blush of his name calling to you again, you let out a small smile and faced ahead as you all made your way back to Inazuma city, with their bickering keeping you amused and content the whole way.
"You will pay for me Oni. Its called being a gentleman."
"I'm an Oni."
"Your still paying."
"Am not."
"Alright, we'll arm wrestle for it. If you lose, you pay for me if I lose. I'll pay for all of us."
"Haha! You're on Tengu! You're soooooo gonna regret challenging me! Arataki The One and Oni, undefeated, unrivalled, and now taken Itto!"
"Archon, give me strength..."
Finished! Finally! Ahhhh!!!! Sobbing rn 😭 this took... so... damn .... long! I hope you lot like it because I really had to fight myself for months to not give up on this but since its near Christmas and Ittos rerun banner is out rn this seemed the perfect time to finally get it done. So. Yea. Merry Christmas, guys, lmao! - Mod Diluc
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evidenceof · 2 months
saw you were taking winnix prompts! how about [ knuckles ] ? :)
my god, poe. im so sorry this took so goddamn long. the brain refused to brain. still, i hope this moment after The Market Garden Bridge Incident is to your liking!!
one hell of a way to die “You look like shit.”  Dick squints through the flecks of debris, still puffed up in the air and floating down around them. In the monotony of gray dust, he finally spots a familiar smudge of pink lips turned towards him, laughing. “Thanks Nix.” And Dick’s laughing too. Their backs are coated with gravel and Dutch dirt; both of them with their bellies on the ground, laughing across the obliterated bridge. Operation Market Garden is a failure. But Nix is alive beside him—these days, that’s all Dick can find himself wanting.
At the second of detonation, Nix had grabbed Dick’s hand like a prayer, desperate and unmistakable. In the aftermath, that same hand was still wrapped around his. Lying down like this with the remains of the bridge raining down on them like first snow, Nix’s muffled laughter still ringing close by, makes it very difficult for Dick to stand. But he tries.
“C’mon Nix. Sink’ll want us. Gotta get cleaned up.” But Nix can't seem to move and for a moment Dick feels something constrict in his chest. “You hurt, Lew?”
There’s a beat and Nix grips Dick’s hand tighter before he lets go. “Never felt better, Captain Winters.” Whatever knot is tangled inside Dick unravels. He stands, offering his hand back to Nix who doesn’t take it and makes it up on his own. “No showers here though.”
“When are there ever?” The air is thick and it takes some effort to see beyond the tip of his nose but Dick feels Nix beside him anyway. “Just need to wipe all this off.” 
They walk through a throng of bleeding men on stretchers and stalled jeeps, and down an incline by the main road. Being this far along into the Allied advance, Dick finds that the destruction around them has become mundane. Today it’s a bridge, tomorrow it’s a village. Dick slides down the grass, stretching his legs to face the horizon and Nix does the same. Their ODs a dusty and stark white against the green. Dick's waited for this too to become commonplace—Nix finding a place beside him; the idea of becoming a habit to someone like Lewis Nixon.
Dick unwraps a clean bandage, soaking it with water from his canteen. When he uses it to scrub his face, behind the ears, along his neck, he feels Nix watching, still leaning against the grassy incline, unmoving. “Settling for a rugged look?” Dick grins still wiping his nape.
“Gonna take me a bit of effort to do all that.” Nix says it annoyed and sheepish. “Fucked up the hands. You’re gonna have to pour the Vat down my throat from now on.” 
Dick’s eye twitches, ignoring the voice in his head, chastising him for the oversight. He crouches closer until he sees the blood bright against Nix’s skin. When he breathes out, it rattles. Dick wills his own hands steady, slipping his fingers under Nix’s palm, lifting the hand closer into view. The gashes on the back of both his hands aren’t deep; the blood not fully fresh, already crusting over the knuckles and joints of Nix’s fingers. “I can call a medic.” 
“Just douse it with sulfa.” Nix says wincing, peering at the growing concern on Dick’s face. “They’re useless right now but consider this my ricochet on the ankle.”
Dick presses his finger on the side of the gash making sure that the flesh wounds were the extent of it. He leaves Nix’s hands to rest on his palm. His other hand fishes out a sulfa pack that he tears open with his teeth.
“You have a spare bandage?” He asks before he finally looks up at Nix who’s staring at him in muted panic. “Lew, what? You hiding a wound somewhere else?” Dick paws on his torso until Nix wiggles away.
“No, no for chrissakes, Dick. Just my hands. I’m fine. Quit looking at me like I’m dying.” Nix shakes his head, trying to dislodge whatever thought was skirting through his mind. “Bandage’s in my leg pocket.” Dick frowns at him when he plucks out the bandage. The length of it unfurls and he covers the gashes, looping the cloth around Nix’s palms. The adrenaline from the initial panic has all but petered out, and Dick feels his heart ramming against his chest every time he touches Nix’s fingers a second too long. Neither of them speak until both hands are secured.
“I’ll clean you up.” Dick doesn’t know why he offers, only that it seemed more proper that both of them show up with clean faces in front of Sink. 
“Dick c’mon, regiment won’t care.” Nix whines but Dick is already washing off the debris from the his own damp bandage and soaking it again in clean water. “I’ll do it late—“ Dick presses the cloth on Nix’s jaw and he goes still. 
“Just shut up for a second, Lew.” Dick isn’t proud of the way it comes out choked, but he feels a little out of focus being this close. He drags the cloth gently on Nix’s jaw, willing himself to go father down his neck when he catches the thump of Nix’s pulse against his index finger. Dick soaks the cloth again and wraps it between two of his fingers, wiping down on the rest of the skin on Nix’s neck and the soft skin behind his earlobes. Dick wonders if they’re both just breathing very loud or if everything else has gone deathly quiet. He presses the cloth on Nix’s forehead and tries to concentrate on the task when he sees Nix close his eyes and feels him lean into his touch. With the damp cloth wrapped around his index finger, Dick traces down the bridge of Nix’s nose. 
He presses his thumb on the stubble underneath Nix’s bottom lip and braces himself, trying to remove as much of the debris there without getting distracted. But Nix’s lips are so pink, no matter what the circumstance, in a way that has always felt like a personal affront to Dick’s sanity. Now he feels stuck, all but paralyzed when his thumb brushes against Nix’s lips. It feels like forever and a day.
It’s Nix who moves first. His stubble grazes Dick’s knuckles when he shifts his head slowly. The prickly sensation of it is chased down by soft lips trailing closely behind. Nix stops and rests them on Dick’s bare ring finger where he presses down a kiss on the knuckle above. It feels as soft as a bullet, as reverent as worship.
“Thanks,” is what Nix mumbles on Dick’s fingers before he pulls away smiling. “Glad to be alive.” And Dick stares at the back of his hand until he remembers to breathe, until he can hear the army jeeps rumbling around them and the tired grousing of soldiers on the road far ahead. Until the world refocuses around him with Nix at the center. Dick looks at him like it’s a question. One that Nix answers when he doesn’t turn away.
“So am I.”
my winnix kiss prompt drabbles
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ruiniel · 1 year
i think i'm too late so obvs feel free to ignore but i saw alucard smut fic and yelled so... i'm thinking outside (wherever lmao), and "I thought u were dead but you're not!" vibes? >_> (or...anything fluff/angsty alskdfj.)
While we are silent
Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Pairing: Alucard x F!Reader
Follow up to A Place To Hide
Rating: Explicit 🔞(in Part II)
Count: 1.3k
Also on ao3
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You watch the crowd on this chill November night, each nursing the flicker of a candle as they follow a path toward the village cemetery. Most are bundled in thick layers of clothing, as this time of year has seen the advent of less forgiving weather, far too soon.
Removing your glove, you raise a clawed hand into the air; only to feel... if only you could feel the cold as you did before, if only it could harm you. 
Another, larger hand cups yours as it curls, bringing it down between the two of you. “What happens now?” asks Adrian.
He stands at your side, close enough that you sense his body heat, radiating off him like the memory of sun rays on skin. You crave more of it, always more, all the time, ever since… “The priest will hold the rite for those no longer among the living… and the people, their families, will tidy up the graves of their dead,” you continue in a hollow voice, remembering. You’d missed them, the chatter, humanity. “They bedeck the graves with flowers…” you say, blinking as fading candlelight reflects eerily in your eyes, “with chrysanthemums, or crowns made of evergreen leaves.”
“That sounds… beautiful, in its own way,” Adrian comments, bringing an arm around you.
You tuck yourself into him, ensuring your hood shields your face—especially your eyes. As startling as his own appearance might be, unlike him, you would swiftly give yourself away, and despite recent alliances and the fragile peace his father had forged by the strength of both vampire and human arms you’d been warned and knew it well: the base mortal fear of the unknown always prevails.
In short, you’d like to avoid any unfortunate events, if you can, and he understands this better than anyone.
“Why the candles, though?”
“It’s said they help light the way, guiding the souls of the departed to the other side.”
“The other side…” 
You glance up at him, at the expression of contemplation on his face; every feature is visible to you, despite the shroud of darkness. 
The pinpricks of light are far and smaller now, a procession of wisps wandering away.
“What?” Adrian asks with a drowsy smile, not looking your way. 
“Thank you for joining me here.”
Adrian turns to you, sensing your mood. It never left you; ever since that damned night, when you were desperate and struggling, slashing with your dagger at a face pale in the moonlight. Whenever you close your eyes, you see it—but Adrian doesn’t know. You’d declined to tell him, no matter the gentle probing once or twice, no matter the shiver in his fingers, the clawing anger turned to talons each time. The anger you should feel, but find you do not; anger at the one who took your life, who robbed you of choice. 
“What else do you wish to do? Come, this is your night.” He wears inconspicuous, plain clothing for your excursion in the nearby town, but the fine cut would still draw many a trained eye were it not for night’s shadow.
You stare after the retreating people again, then to your feet, and glance at the gauze of light flooding the dirt road from the nearby tavern. Once, you would have gone in without a second thought, to be happily ignored, and when you were yet human, Adrian by your side was a deterrent to any trouble.
But now… you clench your fist. “Why don’t we return to the castle?” Your hand glides down his chest. You reach, fingers twirling a lock of his pale hair. “I’ve had enough of study for this week…” you smile, trying to change the mood; heart unbeating, yet still, you possess the capacity to feel, and that is a blessing or an anathema depending on circumstance. “I could pose for you if you like.” A grin slips across your face, a ploy against yourself. He’s the one thread keeping you together, and you’re trying. You both are.
The war is over, but still, at times, you catch him staring into nothingness, unobserved; a shadow he does not sense if you’re careful enough until you make yourself known. He looks haunted in those moments, as though a tapestry depicting things foreign to you has been drawn before his eyes. Moments together help him, too, though every so often he still falls prey to his perceived share of guilt for your state. But etching, painting… nothing for nothing’s sake, done together, is what still seems to move him.
You will take from my warmth. Words once spoken gleam brightly in your mind as his arm slides around your waist. “... that is a fine suggestion, I’m forced to admit …” he says with a soft sigh. “... any particular ideas?”
Your forced smile feels genuine now, your body pressing closer into his, the perceived warmth of longing sparking within. “Didn’t you mention, yesterday, that you’d like…”
His eyes widen for a breath, expression swiftly melting into one of tender mischief. His touch glides through your hair, graceful along the nape of your neck. “I doubt I’ll manage more than a sketch if that is to be the case.”
You shake your head as thrill blooms—the full spectrum of human emotions and needs is still there, an unravaged cloister. It feels like a refuge, the last remaining piece of your old self, and you’re grateful for that much.
You disentangle yourself from him; together you take the path unnoticed towards the end of the human establishment, skittering and winding ahead through the forest. The nightly dark affects neither of you, no one is in sight at this hour. It’s you, and him, and the wind in the crowns of withering trees.
The stars have disappeared. The sonorous voice of the woods is mellow, with his help you’d learned to filter out all the much too loud sounds your mind had begun to perceive, and again you can be at ease, finding some enjoyment in the twigs snapping beneath your shoes as you walk. 
Somewhere along the way Adrian begins a soft banter, teasing you with hidden meanings and suggestions concerning your proposal.
“... you’re impossible,” you shake your head, and if nothing else, this, at least, feels right at last. 
“But you like me that way,” Adrian speaks in that mellow tone of his, and you’re about to say something just to feel the heat rising through him, always a delight.
You stop in your tracks, fingers tightening around his.
“... what’s wrong?” But then he feels it also; you see it in his eyes.
It must be the predator instinct he’d said would awaken and the pitched awareness it entails, as you sense the peculiar and disturbing wave of alertness, a sharpening of senses so sudden it aches. Another.
Adrian turns, eyes narrowing. “We’re not alone.”
“I know.” You each listen closely, but there is no breath no beat no warmth. 
Before you know what you’re doing, your palms are set against his chest, pushing him roughly away. Something darts between you, striking the trunk of a tree. 
You stare at the arrow even as the prickling up your spine becomes ice needles, the glimmer unmistakable: silver-tipped, the same used in the war.
Adrian is swifter than you still, but he’d not taken a weapon. And the glimmering pairs of eyes staring at you from the shadows come nearer, behind you—before you. Adrian’s voice fades from your hearing.
“... Vampires; hostile.”
“Finally,” one speaks, and your teeth gnash at the voice even as Adrian’s warmth meets you where you stand, back to back. The utterance is pain.
“... the prince—”
Dread awakens unmatched but for the bite that made you, burning like hot coal pressed to skin; your insides are roiling thunder but you stand as stiff as a corpse, limbs cramped as though the mere inflection has turned you to stone.
“—with my fledgling.”
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More of my work is on AO3 [many stories not on tumblr]
BLOG MASTERPOST (all you need to know)
Likes/comments/reblogs always and forever appreciated
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gav-san · 2 years
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It's warmer here, near the desert. 
You aren’t sure when exactly you left Hyrule, never having reason to leave the confines of the country, but you know that you are not there. The small villages you sneak around contain no flags or ensigns, and the people talk in ways and with words that aren’t familiar. You’re not taking any main road, paths of dirt are far more common than stone.
You grimly wonder if an even more primitive manner of living awaits you if you make it to the mysterious Gerudo City. What would living in the desert entail? Hiding under boulders in those sealskin tents, everyday sand creeping in your clothes, having to watch for terrible things who want to make a home in your shoes? That your buttox is in a consistent state of pain?
You had even given in to wearing a veil, like a true Gerudan woman, but only because it was the best way to save your face from burning under the increasing heat.
The stories the Gerudo women have told you with smirks no longer are so strange or jesting. What if they were the truth? Would you have to so soon come to terms with your own ignorance and pride?
“My moon, look aloft. The spires of my forefathers.” He says, pointing to the distant mountain peaks that had grown over the ride. You do your best to be unimpressed, not wanting him to know this was your first time seeing such mammoth rocks. The ones in Hyrule now looked like gentle hills!
“Are they so tall to keep thieving Gerudo in?” You say sharply, giving your best to appear as haughty as you can. It’s the worst insult you know, sharpened to hurt him as best you can.
There was a lot of time to ponder these things, riding aloft the mighty black horse of the Gerudo King. Ganondorf, as he wanted you to call him, did his best to capture your attention. He seemed to be able to read your mind, and unfortunately, the fears deep inside. 
The worst part isn't all in vain. He is successful, in part because you are bored but mostly because he is an excellent conversationalist.
“Or to keep rogue princesses in.” He replies lightly, not falling for your bait.
How you hated how charmingly intelligent he was. There would never be a day when you wouldn’t be entertained!
Witty, clever, and educated to an absurd extent he is exactly the sort of knife you like to sharpen yourself against. But unlike most with those qualities, he doesn’t cut when he finds himself.
You pause, jaw left open.
You realize that despite everything, you are having fun. Real, genuine enjoyment just speaking to him. You aren’t bored or tired or even offended. He has navigated you better than you can understand!
And more so, you weren’t the only one.
Occasionally when you do come across a traveler it becomes apparent that you aren’t the only one who finds him delightful. Strangers do stop and stare at your spectacle, a male Gerudo adorned in gold, pulling a giant black demon horse with an angry, sunburnt fairy in matching silks.
Not even you can deny the absurdity of your situation. 
For those that do recognize him, it’s even worse. You think you might be saved when you first see the group of men, riding their horses. They appear to be a mix of both Lanyruan merchants, with their carts, and as soon as they see you they start catcalling. 
Not at you, but the Gerudo King.
“Desert-man!” They say, comfortably approaching, “How good to see you, Gerudo King!” Another called, “Where are your fair retainers?” 
Your eyes stay wide as they pay you little attention, entirely fixed on the King. The foremost gives a deep bow as you approach. 
“Beedle, fine to see you this day.” The Gerudo King says, placing his large palm on his chest and nodding. 
“King Ganondorf! I’m surprised to see you alone on this back road! Are you here to trade?” He says, black eyes bright. Ganondorf smiles, moving to the side and holding a hand out to the merchant who enthusiastically shakes it.
You blink, flabbergasted at the strange friendship 
“Alas, I am not,” He tilts his head, but doesn’t quite move out of the way to fully reveal you on his horse. You glance down to the ground, wondering if it’s possible to dismount the horse and steal one of theirs. 
The man’s eyes widen, so big they look like tea plates, round and white. 
He bows again, arms to his sides.
“My apologies. I hadn’t realized you had gotten married, King Ganondorf.” He says, and you gasp. “I shall gift my finest specimens.” He has turned, opening up a large box and you almost gag. Inside are a variety of thick bugs, pinned to the back like some macabre show.
You are about to chastise him, but your ‘husband’ intercedes, pulling Beetle and his disguising bug box aside.
“Ah my friend, your fine gift honors us both, but we are traveling light,” Beetle nodded, not being the slightest bit offended. “Next time you are at the Gerudo Market I shall accept your trade and give you my best dyes in return. But my bride and I must be on our way.”
The man nods, placing his hands together, thrilled. His companions look awestruck and jealous.
You aren’t sure what warrants this level of awe, but it’s clear that these are Gerudo Allies, though you think they should be yours.
So you keep your mouth shut.
After you had left in different directions you couldn’t help but satisfy your curiosity.
“I didn’t think Gerudo Town let in any males.” You said, thinking back to how you promised to seduce one, and his resounding rebuttal.
“You are right,” Ganondorf replies, moving to stand by your side. Even with you riding on his large horse, his height is impressive. He holds his hands aloft, and you let him take your waist so you can dismount. Standing on the ground your legs feel shaky, but you are glad for the rest. “But at the first outpost, before entering the desert we hold a large marketplace every two weeks during summer. That way traders can come to us without having to risk the desert until it is cool enough for the Oasis Marketplace to be opened. There are more adventurous travelers but few.”
“Sounds complicated.” You say, watching him unpack. You accept a woven blanket, finding two bare trees that it can be strung between, making quick work to set up your hammock in a victory for all independent women. 
You aren’t as ready to collapse as days before, but the thud you make when both you and the hammock hit the ground gives him reason to chuckle. You don’t even bother getting up, and the King easily strings you and the hammock more tightly.
Once he’s done you lazily wave a hand and he goes and fetches your watch and some of the jerky he’s saved. You take both gladly, scarfing them down much to his amusement. He lifts his hand as if to caress your hair, only to pull it back before he touches you. It makes you feel bereft for some reason you shove deep down.
“How are you, my moon?” He says softly, eyes Milton gold as he looks to your feet, and shortly, your rear end. It’s clear he knows that you’ve been biting back your pain.
Your groan is enough confirmation, and he goes to pull out the blister gel.
You don’t remember the name of the first ‘shrine’ you come across, and you’re not even sure you know what exactly a ‘shrine’ is. You’ve of course heard of the Spirit Temple, along with the ‘Temple of Time’ and other mysterious old ruins. They dotted Hyrule as well, but you hadn’t had much interest in them, nor had even looked at one up close before.
So when you find yourselves approaching something like a gray toe with a long nail sticking up out of the ground, it is a bit underwhelming. 
You make a noise in the back of your throat as Ganondorf pulls the black horse, and he glances back with a highly amused look. It strikes you that things have become very comfortable between you both, far too quickly. 
You had been trying to be as cool as possible after waking in his arms again, knowing that it had indeed been you who had crawled into his warm embrace. Again. It turns out desert nights were not warm, but freezing cold.
It makes your cheeks warm, almost sting, to know how wanton you have been. You want to escape, you tell yourself over and over. You have to! This man has kidnapped you, a great princess! 
But under the smooth veneer that you desperately cling to, there is something in you that ignited when you first saw the Gerudo King. Something bubbling under the surface that brooked no pretty lies you can fool yourself with.
It scares you, that thing.
So you sniff loudly, twisting your head away, and he gives an audible laugh. Shifting your brows, and mouth purse you hold back the smile his laughter brings. But in a moment you don’t need to hold it back, because it’s completely gone.
Because you can see the path you’re going to have to take to get to the blasted thing, pardon your language. 
Because the path to the shrine finished at the end of the most unstable-looking rock you’ve ever seen, filled with curves and turns that would make an experienced climber cry.
“Never fear, my moon. I promise that you shan’t be disappointed inside.” He replies to your disdain, even misguided as he is as he leads down the winding tunnel.
“Are you not tired?” You ask as he navigates the path, not a trail of sweat coming off of him as he bounds down, in an extremely good mood. 
“How can I not possibly be?” He says, only glancing back a moment. “I am with you.” It’s enough to make those butterflies in your stomach begin flying with attention. Oh yes, your butterflies love his attention. He gives a low chuckle.
You clear your throat knowing it’s not just the fictional butterflies that enjoy his throaty voice.
Instead, you focus on things you know will keep you bothered. The rocky path, the way your rear hurts in the saddle, the uncomfortable pink where the sun hits your skin, veil notwithstanding. You want to wail the loss of your carefully manicured visage.
You look to the cliff side realizing it isn't a perfectly smooth wall. There are many pathways, carved into the deep rivets and winding deep into the mountain. A heavy sense of something tangible rests on you.
It isn’t until you reach the bottom that you can name it.
It takes a surprisingly short time for you both to reach the bottom, and in the shade, you hold your arms until Ganondorf can fish out your bear covering that you reluctantly pull on.
You can’t help but be glad for the cool air inside the mouth of the shrine, though it makes your sweat feel uncomfortably cool. It’s here you can see the deep blue glow intertwined with the shrine’s stone.
“It feels… sacred here.” You say to Ganondorf as he softly helps you down until you balance steadily on your feet. 
He nods, looking pleased.
“Yes. We have long believed that the old sheik who served the great goddesses built these shrines so that those who entered would be given a test that they must pass to gain enlightenment.”
You blanch, and he chuckles.
“Have no fear, my moon. I have already entered all the shrines here in Gerudo as all things do. For the Kings and Queens of the Desert, it is a right of passage. Now they are only used for ceremonial washing and marriage cleansings for the couples.”
You blink.
“Marriage cleansings? We’re not just going to… wash in separate areas?” 
He grins wolfishly, leading you to the mouth of the shrine, rather quick for his laid-back nature.
“They say that the fated couple who binds themselves together in the waters of the sacred shrines, then present themselves at the Spirit Temple will gain the power to wipe away the calamity of the world.” You press your lips together, your nerves starting to build as he presses a hand against the stone, almost wrapping you into his embrace doing so.
It lights up bright orange, startling you into jumping back into him. You latch onto him, wrapping your arms around his torso. He softly returns the embrace, looking both concerned and thrilled.
A panel in front of you slides away, revealing a black hole where it seems like you’re just supposed to trot in.
You turn up to him, hands digging into his arms.
“If you are going to sacrifice me, I am taking this moment to object.” You hiss. He thinks you’re joking again, because he laughs, gently pushing you inside.
The entrance closes behind you when you are both inside but it isn’t the pitch black that you expected. The soft orange glow is inside as well, leading down a deep path into the rock. Slowly Ganondorf coaxes you down it until you reach the bottom. 
You enter the overlarge room, eyes wide. 
The room is lit in a soft blue glow, from strange, cut rocks from the ceiling. Crystals are at every corner, aloft tall spires exiting the perfectly smooth pool that fills most of the room.  
You don’t need to be prompted to go forward and stick a toe in.
You yip at the cold.
“What in the!”
“Water, especially cold water, is precious in the desert.” The King says, wasting no time in taking off the long strip of silk that crosses his chest.
“Wha- What are you doing?!?” You cry out, and he raises a brow, stepping in as if the water had been heating on the stove to a pleasant temperature.
“The water can only accept those with a willing heart and mind,” Ganondorf says, his thighs already engulfed. You watch as the thin, silky fabric goes dark and saturates the deeper he goes, something dangerous and terrible inside prompting you to stare unabashedly. You shouldn’t look but there is no stopping, watching as his abs flex as the cool water hits them, the way goosebumps pimple his flesh.
“In order to survive the desert without the special skin and constitution of the Gerudo, this holy water must be visited.” He pauses for a moment. “No sunburn.”
You raise an arm, chuckling, eyes narrowed.
There are parts of him revealed you cannot speak of, but you don’t turn away. 
Instead, your feet move.
You’re in the water before you realize it, and even then you’re sure you wouldn’t break from your trance but it’s the coldest water you’ve ever felt. You automatically try and calculate how long until you lose feeling and are in threat of hypothermia- but your mind stops cold.
Ganondorf has his hand out to you. 
And you can feel his heat, almost boiling in this pool of ice.
He’s only standing a few feet away but the ground looks like it drops off, enough for the water to be at his clavicle. His hair has been let loose, falling into the water and surrounding him like a circle of flames. Droplets bead down his jaw, winking in the mysterious light of the crystal walls.
“Come my queen.” He commands, “Think no more of those people who don’t appreciate and can’t love you I see. I wish to worship you.”
Who are you to resist such passion?
You’re not sure that the ceremony you just went through is legally binding, but for the first time in your life, you feel bound. Not captured, violated, and dirty, a prisoner to some system you can’t overcome. But you feel safe, like a chick under its mother’s fluffy feathers. 
It seems that you spend hours in the embrace of the Gerudo King, the water lapping at the edges of your searing skin. You almost believe that you have been reborn anew. 
“The moon is brighter here, I think.” You mutter under the stars. “Hyrule is always cloudy. I do love the rain but at the expense of the stars?”
You had finally exited the shrine, choosing to camp next to it. And tonight, you didn’t bother waiting for a reason to lay on him. It was so much warmer to snuggle up together.
“It does rain in the desert, for around a month every year.” Ganondorf murmurs sleepily, “It just pours and pours. It’s quite the problem because it washes away the sand.”
You turn, tapping a finger on his chest.
“When I first became a princess of Hyrule Castle I wanted to help the people from the country that I loved, just like my own parents. I didn’t just want to parade around, so I decided to study with the most eminent tutors who would accept a girl. My uncle thought it was fine. I remember reading in a report something about how the deep slopes of the caldera, next to the village of the Gorgon had an unusual amount of rain one year. One of our most learned men found that if he placed sandbags measured with a specific mix of both rocks, dirt, and sand, that it absorbed the excess water.”
You pause, a bit sharply. It causes Ganondorf to look at you.
“I apologize. I hardly think such a topic is suitable for the moment.” You say, voice getting soft. It causes Ganondorf to shift, twisting so you rest on his chest. It makes you shy to try and look into his eyes, but he brings your chin back, holding your gaze.
“I love hearing you talk.” He says with no guile. “The world would be a much worse place without your voice in it.”
Tears fill your eyes.
You give a sad smile.
“The world is no place for such things anymore.” You say. 
“You told you that? Who dared say anything to hurt you?” You blink, surprised at the venom in his eyes. Not for you, but for whoever hurt you. “Give me the name, and whoever hurt you shall be dealt with.”
“I think I have left those things behind me.” You struggle to form the right words, turning to sit up and sliding off him. “They no longer matter.”
Ganondorf isn’t dissuaded, sitting up to follow you.
“Everything about you matters to me.” He replies like it’s only natural. “Tell me everything.” Your throat catches, and you struggle to breathe. 
If he had pushed you any further, had tried holding you like you were a baby, you would have shut your mouth and may never have spoken again. 
But he just listens. 
And so you tell him, everything that has ever happened to you. 
He isn’t sure when he goes to sleep. He had thought himself alert enough to wait one more night until he reached the outpost. He shouldn’t have waited, should have let you kiss him later. The was so much danger that he didn’t want to inflict on his beloved. 
He should’ve waited.
But how could he have?
Not when you told him of your entire life. Not when you have revealed how alone you had felt since the death of your parents. How you had been assaulted by the Archduke, and how you had contrived since that day to overcome every enemy you had ever met.
How you had received a dream about delaying your marriage but only after being almost forced into a tenuous marriage with several men. 
“And your dream.” He said, remembering you looking at him so vulnerable when he asked such a question. Your hair was still wet, clinging around your fair face, and you brushed it out of your lashes, blinking as you did so. 
“A meaningful existence.” You close your eyes, letting your arms reach the cool air around you. “For freedom to be myself.”
You lay asleep, your glorious hair spread like a halo of light, still curled from the water. And looking at you so free and unbound by the thick Hyrulian dresses and crowns made his spirit soar, putting his heart at rest.
So just like that, he fell asleep. 
And he only woke up at the attack of the Yiga Clan.
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Hold Me Closer
Ben Solo x plus size reader
After escaping the clutches of the first order, Ben isolates himself on a desolate planet but sees a face he thought he had lost forever
Warnings:  smut, former storm trooper reader, past violence and death, little bit of angst, name kink? is that a thing?, unprotected sex, mutual pining
WC: 3.5k
Minors DNI
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There must have been only two or three primitive towns on this entire planet and he was completely fine with that. He was finally alone, truly alone for the first time in his life. He breathed a sigh of relief as another sunrise greeted him, casting his humble shack in a warm orange light.
It was going to be a beautiful day, calm and warm enough that he wouldn’t feel like his toes were about to freeze off but not too hot that he couldn’t wear a thick cloak in order to cover his face. Even if the beings on this planet had never even heard of the First Order, he was not going to take any chances of someone recognising him when he had only just found his peace.
Using an old leather strap, he tied his curls out of his face before pulling the green hood of his cloak over his head, the hem ending just below his eyes. It was strange looking at himself now. He looked like he used to when he was young, skin just beginning to tan, his eyes so brown they were almost black, his hair long, a slightly bent posture. He wasn’t headstrong and violent anymore, he deplored dark colours and he was quiet, not in an intimidating manner, but more of a shy one.
The nearest village was a few hours walk, it would have been faster with a speeder, but as of late, he found himself enjoying moving through the world on his feet. He liked the silence and the rhythm of his steps. Sometimes, he would even see an animal scurry across his path.
The suns were high over his head as he entered the edge of the small township. Subtly, he pulled down his hood even more and strode towards the vendor stalls in the center of town. His plump lips turned up in a small smile at the smell of various foods that filled the air. Maybe he’ll treat himself today with some street food.
Quickly, he gathered the supplies he needed from a shop towards the back of the street, mostly tools he needed to repair where a storm had ripped off part of his roof. With a polite nod, he left the small hardware store, throwing his brown rucksack over his broad shoulder.
The dirt road was now filled with people but he was fine with that. Even if he did tower over everybody around him, he found it easy to blend, choke down his force signature and just become another person in the sea of people. He liked that, he liked not standing out after spending so much of his life as the center of attention. 
As he walked through the crowd, there was a strange tugging in his chest. It felt familiar like the apprehension before meeting a long lost friend. His dark eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. This feeling was more powerful than he could repress safely, so without being noticed, he slipped into a nearby alley and leaned against the wall, hiding in the shadows.
The tugging was steadily getting stronger until he felt like there was a rope wrapped tightly around his chest, trying to yank him towards something or someone. His hand fell to his hidden lightsaber, gripping the hilt tightly as a hooded figure came to a stop at the end of the alley. They darted between the buildings, quickly headed his way.
The shorter figure got closer and closer, his knuckles turned white as he held the blade with an even stronger grip. Just as they got within a meter of him, he reached out and yanked them back, shoving them against the wall.
His hand quickly wrapped around their neck, pinning them in place. Their hood slipped from their head as their back met the stone of the building. The grip on his lightsaber faltered, but he did not release their neck.
“It’s you.” He murmured, his eyes locking with her own which were large with fear and surprise.
Being forced to address a new unit of storm troopers was the most tedious of the dark sith’s duties. Having to intimidate, scare and inspire hundreds of the same blank helmets was downright boring. But today seemed to have more promise than the last.
Phasma had informed him that this particular group had a promising leader, a young captain that had the potential to be one of the best in the fleet. With the right guidance and leadership, they could become a better right hand than Hux.
Their armour was a deep silver, much like Phasma’s but with an undercurrent of blue that made the stars reflect brightly off of the metal. “I have been informed that your squadron has been the most successful in their missions. Quite uncommon for a new captain.” His voice crackled as the modulator in his helmet struggled to keep up with the power of his tone.
“I do my best, sir.” A chill rolled up his spine. Her voice was beautiful, even beneath the clunky regulation helmet. Her back was ramrod straight, hands clasped behind her, like the good soldier she was. But what intrigued him most was the power that seemed to radiate from her.
Stalking behind her, he attempted to tease himself into her mind. Quickly though, he hit a wall, one built so high and so strongly, there would be no way for him to break through it without sufficient torture, both physical and mental, placed on her. “Your mind is well protected.” It was meant as a threat but she did not buckle.
“I was trained to protect my mind from everyone. No jedi could force their way in and find out what I know.” He smirked beneath his helmet. That’s why she was so good, she knew how the jedi worked, knew how to beat them at their own game.
Coming to stand in front of her, the sith towered over but she did not flinch away. “Remove your helmet.” Her head tilted to the side in confusion. “If I cannot see your mind, then I need your face. I need to know you can be trusted. Otherwise, your time with the order will come to an end very soon.” A large hand fell to the hilt of his blade.
The air became stifling, every inch of space between them filled with a heavy tension. One by one, his long fingers closed around the metal of his lightsaber. But she obeyed.
Yellow eyes traced the curve of her face, the fullness of her cheeks, the colour of her eyes. There was no doubt she was beautiful, she could have easily been a princess or entertainer but he could also see her determination and strength. She would not lay down for anyone. 
“Put it back on, we have much to discuss, firefly.” The pentane slipped out but she did not care to correct him and he found the name too fitting to take back. This was the beginning of something wonderful.
She had not changed in the years since he had last seen her. Maybe a bit more worn with a few more scars but she was still his firefly. 
The silence between them was charged with hundreds of unanswered questions and emotions he had long since stomped out. “I thought you died.” Her cloak was thrown over the back of her chair, a nasty purple bruise developing around her throat from where he had gripped her. He sat across from her, his large body perched on his flimsy mattress since he only had one chair in his shack. Her eyes dropped to the ground, focusing on the small clump of dirt by her feet.
The mission had been simple: get in, annihilate the target, get out. Only she and three of the best storm troopers could go. They needed stealth and skill. But when they came back without the young captain, it was plain to see what had occurred. They all assured him it had been an accident, random chance that she was hit with a stray shot between the plates of her armour.
It had ripped straight through her body, destroying her chest. He had been told it was painless, quick. But that didn’t stop him from decimating an entire wing of the star ship, his anger and grief becoming so all-consuming his vision went red. She was his! He had screamed into the universe, angry but also begging whatever force was out there to bring her back.
He even considered investing ways to revive her soul with the force. The strength was there, so was the determination but he doubted he had the skill to accomplish something so great. So he lived with her death, a hollow feeling forming in his chest each time he turned to make a comment to her, each morning when he woke up and her report wasn’t projected on his halo pad.
“We were too close, I was a distraction.” His breath caught in his throat. “Snoke wanted me gone so he ordered an execution. The mission was a way to get rid of me without you realising what was going on.” He felt so stupid, it was obvious now. She softened his anger, comforted when he was about to explode. She was a liability in the truest sense, his weakness but also his strength. He would have done anything to keep her safe, including disobeying his master.
“I honestly don’t remember how the fuck I survived, but I did and I just kept running.” Tentatively, her eyes met his but her shoulders remained hunched, submissive. “I didn’t want to leave you behind, Kylo but if I went back, I doubted even you would be able to save me.”
He should’ve felt offended by the insinuation that he wouldn’t have been able to protect her but he knew it was true. Snoke’s anger would have, undoubtedly killed them both or at least, made their lives a living hell. “Ben.” She inhaled sharply, her hand tightening and bunching up the fabric of her pants.
“What?” It came out as a whisper, a tone so unlike her usual self. The bed creaked dangerously as he shifted his weight forward, prying her hands away from her plump thighs so he could intertwine their fingers in a gesture so innocent and loving, it made him yearn for more. “It’s my name, my real name.”
A gentle smile came over her face. “Ben.” It rolled so easily off her tongue, just one syllable, three letters but she made it sound like the most beautiful music in the universe. He wanted to hear her call for him over and over, take his name and make it hers as he surrendered himself to her. 
Their knees brushed together as their bodies brought them closer and closer. “Ben.” His heart skipped a beat. His brown eyes fell to her lips, enchanted by the way she said his name. He watched each letter spelled out with her lips and tongue. “My firefly.” 
Releasing one of his hands, she cupped his square jaw. They had never been this intimate before, this naked and open. Her touch was tender, like she was waiting for him to push her away. “I was lost without you.” His hand came to rest on top of her own, easily engulfing it. He leaned into her palm.
The air around them rippled, pulling tight as it guided them into each other’s arms. Their legs locked together, his knee dangerously close to her core as her own slid against his muscular inner thighs. He was close enough now, he could count each individual eyelash that rested against her full cheeks. 
There was a silent question in his eyes, a pleading. She smiled softly, guiding his face even closer so that the tips of their noses brushed together. “My Ben.” And then she kissed him. 
It was soft at first, both of them terrified that this wasn’t real, that they weren’t finally reunited somewhere safe, somewhere they could be themselves without any fear.
Both of them had found that words were not necessary between them. They became experts in each other, reading body language like it was their native tongue. It was quite useful both in the field when silence was needed and in boring meetings they weren’t able to get out of.
She knew he was in pain. His stiff back and tight shoulders told her he was filled with shame, embarrassment, anger and grief. He blew past her as she was going through her battalion, counting off who had been killed after the rebel attack. 
Her helmet turned, watching him retreat to the upper deck where his temporary rooms were. With a quick jerk of her chin, she dismissed the troopers and followed after him. 
The trail of destruction was easy to follow. The walls were singed and some were still smoking from where his lightsaber had sliced into them. An entire door had the middle cut out from his blows, the edges of the metal white hot. 
“Sir?” She stepped over the piles of rubble in the entryway to his room, not noticing the helmet lying on the floor, cleaved in half. She walked into the darkness with a confidence that he would not hurt her even in his most manic of states. 
There was a lump in the dark, far blacker than the space around it. Cautiously, she approached her superior, worried about how quiet he was after seeing what he had already done to the ship. “Kylo.”
She had only referred to him by his name once or twice before and only when they had been completely alone, certainly not with the door open and him this distressed. A force slammed into her sternum, forcing her to take a couple steps back in order to right herself. “Leave.” His voice was clear, unmarred by the crackle of a modulator.
“You know I cannot.” She answered simply, shuffling her ways towards him as if walking through a strong wind. The grip on her torso increased in pressure with each step, but she didn’t relent, even when it felt as if a bantha was about to crack her ribs. By the time her gloved fingers were able to wrap around his broad shoulder, she was struggling to breathe.
But she held firm, pulling herself forward, using his body as leverage. That’s when he turned and her breath caught in her throat. 
His pale face looked back up at her, a gnarled scar running up the length of his right cheek. The resistance against her body suddenly disappeared, leaving her winded and her chest plate dented. He looked so tired.
No more words left their lips, they would only be cheap comforts. So she fell to her knees before him as if swearing an oath or praying to the old gods. ‘I will not leave you’ it told him, ‘I will remain by your side until my death’. Her fingers curled tighter into his black cloak, lowering the walls in her mind just enough for him to know it was the truth.
He dipped his head, unable to meet her gaze anymore, even if there was a helmet separating them. His black hair tumbled over his yellow eyes. She squeezed his shoulder, her hold not faltering, not even for a second. 
The thick curves of her body fit perfectly in the palms of his hands. Her loose shirt hung up around her wide hips, leaving a line of soft skin for him to explore. Her fingers were tangled in his hair, keeping his face pressed against hers as their soft pecks quickly became something more.
‘I have longed for you’ He yanked her forward so she sat on his lap, her plump thighs caging his hips.
‘I need you’ She sighed into his mouth, tilting her head to deepen the kiss, his large nose now pressing into her full cheek. Hands skirted up her warm skin, coming to rest in the middle of her back.
‘You are my heart’ His own shirt was quickly thrown over his head, followed by hers. The tips of his fingers brushed against her breast band, loosening the small buckles in the back. Her touch moved down to his thick neck, then his shoulders, then his biceps. She held the hard muscles tightly as the band came loose, letting her heavy chest spill out against his solid pecs. 
‘You own me’ He cupped one of her breasts, a thrill shooting down his spine as she relaxed into him, pushing the soft tissue further into his grasp. Her tongue licked the seam of his mouth, encouraging him to open up for her. 
‘I am yours’ Slowly, he began to lean back, letting himself lie down on the flimsy mattress, keeping her pinned to his bare chest as he did. Her weight was both comforting and arousing. She kept him pinned to the bed and he could feel her naked skin everywhere. 
‘I adore you’ They separated for only a second, unable to be apart for any longer than that. Quickly, both of their trousers were kicked off, their tongues tangling together, unwilling to pull their lips apart. 
‘I love you’ His breath hitched as the full force of her thoughts hit him. The walls in her mind evaporated, crumbling to dust in his hands. He felt every ounce of love, of adoration, of annoyance, of desperation she had for him. He was nestled comfortably between her soft thighs, his muscular body held down comfortably. 
Brown eyes fluttered open as she pulled away for air. Her hands were now firmly placed on his heart. The setting sun cast her in a beautiful light. It made her shimmer like a dream. “Firefly.” He murmured as he sat up, wrapping her to him. She moaned with the movement, the thick vein on the underside of his cock brushing against her throbbing clit.
“Ben.” She responded softly. The tips of her fingers of her dominant hand trailed down his front, brushing the sparse hair that was dotted along his chest and stomach. A shiver rolled through his body as she got even lower, coming into contact with the dark bush of hair at the base of his slim pelvis. 
He was trembling, keyed up on adrenaline from finding her alive and the intoxication of her touch. His body seized as she finally reached the place where they were connected. “Please my firefly. Please.” She pressed her kiss-swollen lips upon the small mole beside his now fully healed scar as she lifted her wide hips and wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock.
“Patience my lord.” She teased but her voice held no venomous bite, just as needy for him as he was for her. She did not make him wait long. Lining him up, she used her other hand to coat his considerable length in her wetness. 
Stars exploded behind his eyes as she sank down onto his cock. She was far too tight to not be in pain but she continued to lower herself, swallowing each thick inch of him until her plump ass met his scarred thighs. “Shit.” He hissed through his teeth. 
Unable to stop himself, his hips bucked up, forcing himself impossibly deep inside her. She threw her head back and howled. Tears dripped down her cheeks, either from pleasure or pain, he could not tell. Her cunt fluttered around his cock, desperately trying to accommodate his size. 
The rock of her hips was soft at first as she forced her body to take him fully but as she relaxed, she increased the pace. Fitting his forehead on the juncture of her neck and shoulder, he nibbled on her skin, encouraging her movements, telling her to take what she wanted from him. 
The bed frame creaked with each rotation of her hips. He felt her legs begin to tremble from holding herself up. With almost no effort, he lifted her into his arms and spun them around so he rested on his knees between her legs, arms wound around her back and his cock still deep inside her. 
“Yes!” She cried out, her back arching beautifully up against him. “My firefly, my beautiful firefly.” He felt her stomach tense against his own, her nails biting into his strong back. Their bodies folded together, not a centimeter of space between them. 
“Ben!” She shattered beneath him, her head thrown back as wave after wave of pleasure consumed her. He could hardly move she was holding onto him so tight. “I love you.” He chanted, pushing himself as deep as he could go before he himself surrendered to ecstasy.
Darkness enclosed around them and yet they could never see so clearly. Through everything, through the pain and the fear, through their failures and mistakes, but also their triumphs, they were bound together, destined to find each other even when lost amongst the stars.
Ben kissed her slowly as he let his guard down for the first time since Luke had made an attempt on his life. And many lightyears away, an evil force smiled in the dark. He had been found.
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scriberye · 2 years
Nightshade (1/?)
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           ➥  Ghost x GN!Reader     |     1147     |     Ao3
⚠️ Mentions of Blood, Injury, Medieval AU, Slice of Life Deep in the heart of an ancient forest, in a humble cottage, you toiled away, making salves and tonics from the herbs you gathered. The residents of the neighboring village relied on you, and you selflessly gave it your all. It kept your mind distracted from the recent passing of your mentor and only family. So, it was just another day when you found a man lying face down and bleeding out in the snow. Right? a/n: Inspired by a game called Potion Craft, Marzo's Medieval AU art, and my tumblr feed being slammed by cottagecore.
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The sun rises on a new day, casting golden rays upon the snow-covered rooftops and casting the buildings and streets in a soft, warm glow. It’s a little village, nestled in a corner of the realm where it remained untouched by the broiling politics of neighboring kingdoms.
The blacksmith’s wife gave birth to her first child during the night. Although the midwife was with her, you offered your own help. Your knowledge of medicinal herbs would be invaluable if the birth became difficult. Naturally, everything went well. Your heart feels full, though fatigue weighs heavily on you.
You can’t wait to get back home — if the driver would hurry.
You sit on a crate in the back of the cart, cocooning yourself in your cloak to shield yourself from the morning chill. While you wait, you take a bite of an apple, savoring the crisp and juicy burst of flavor. It’s a much-needed pick-me-up.
“Be careful on the roads.” Curious words draw your attention away from your breakfast. Two figures approach the cart, silhouetted by the morning light. One of them you recognize as the cart’s driver, an older man whose hair has gone gray and a sour look on his rough features.
“I’ll be fine! The roads are fine!” he huffs in irritation.
“I’m serious, old man. They’ve been saying there’s some foul sort out there. They say a man wearing a hood like an executioner slaughtered an entire village!”
“And who are ‘they’, then? Hm?”
“The lads at the tavern,” the younger man hesitates. “Well, that’s what they told me. Said they heard it from some merchants.”
“Hah! You know better than to trust every tale you hear, especially from that lot. Always drunk before the sun’s in the sky, that bunch.” The driver scoffs as he makes his way to the front of the cart, gathering the horse’s reins. The young man sighs, hands held up in defeat.
“Morning,” you greet around a mouthful of apple.
“Morning,” the younger man responds with a smile, although it’s strained, “Keep an eye on him for me, would ya?”
“I don’t need no minding!”
You laugh softly, “Will do. Have a good one.”
“You too. Safe travels out there.”
The driver tugs on the reins, and your journey home begins. As the cart rumbles along, cobblestone soon gives way to dirt roads. You finish the remains of your apple, watching as the village gradually shrinks and disappears into the horizon.
You and the driver make idle chitchat as you pass through barren, snow-covered fields. The harvest was plentiful, assuring that no one would go hungry in the coming months.
Soon the cart slows down, approaching the edge of an ancient and dense forest. Your home. The trees tower overhead, their branches heavy with snow. In thanks, you offer the old man a handful of coins. He refuses. He insists it’s no trouble since he was going in the same direction. However, your persistence wears him down, and he eventually accepts the coins.
With a quick farewell, you go your separate ways.
You linger at the forest’s edge, watching the old man and his cart amble away, then follow your own path. The forest is quiet, aside from the soft crunch of snow under your boots and the gentle rustling of snow falling from branches. Sunlight filters through the trees, illuminating the all-too-familiar path. One of your earliest and fondest memories is traversing this same trail with your mentor. Either the snow was higher or you were smaller back then. She forged ahead, cutting a path through the snow for you to follow.
Memories flood your mind, tugging at your heart. The forest holds not just her love, but also the wisdom she gave you.
And then you stop.
Something’s wrong.
You frown, scanning the surrounding woods, and there. You spot it. A dark figure sprawled out amongst the crisp snow, staining it red with his blood. Your heart skips as you push through the snow, rushing to the person’s side. You drop to your knees, your eyes sweeping over the figure.
He’s dressed in black, his face obscured by a skull fashioned into a mask. The blood is still fresh, seeping from wounds in torn clothing. The rise of his chest is painful and slow, and a spark of hope ignites inside you. He’s alive, but just barely. You needed to get him somewhere warm so you could give him care.
The cottage isn’t far.
“You’re a heavy bastard,” you groan, maneuvering him up enough to hook your arms under his. He’s deceptively heavy. You take a deep breath and begin dragging him toward the cottage.
It’s a struggle, but you get him home and laid out in front of the hearth. You hurry to start a fire, watching the sparks ignite into a roaring flame. You pull off your cloak and bundle it up, tucking it underneath his head before you get up to gather the supplies you need.
The cottage is an eclectic mess of knick-knacks, plants, and dangerously high piles of books in various states of wear. You move around them with ease, grabbing jars of salve and bandages from your workstation.
Once more at his side, you undress him, peeling off the protective layers of clothing he wore. You frown. The chain mail and rugged leather carried marks you recognized as being from a weapon. A warrior? You wonder. Not a hunter, as you initially expected. You’ve seen many hunters meet an unfortunate end at the tip of a boar’s tusk.
With his armor out of the way, you examine his injuries more closely. They’re not that deep, and you breathe a sigh of relief. You clean and disinfect the wounds, stitching up the largest with skilled hands.
“I bet you’re a stubborn one,” you said, focused on spreading another layer of salve over the cleaned wounds and bandaging them. “Probably thought it was nothing and just wandered through the woods, bleeding out.”
They say a man wearing a hood like an executioner slaughtered an entire village!
You tie off the last bandage, a sense of worry coming over you as the man’s words from earlier echo in your mind. You lean back with a sigh, your eyes lingering on the skull mask he still wore.
“Just hope you’re not one of the bad ones,” you murmur, “Me and my bleeding heart.”
You’re confident he’ll survive now, but only time will tell. With the urgency gone, you take a moment to study him. He’s impressive. His skin is a tapestry of old scars covering powerfully sculpted muscles. You stop yourself before your gaze can wander any lower.
“None of that now, be professional,” you scold yourself, slapping your cheeks to distract yourself from the temptation. You’ve done all you can for him. You reach for a fur blanket and tuck it around him.
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pro-gamer-moves · 1 year
I've had this in my head for a loong time and please do a quick writing about it! What if the Links went to a party and there all trying to look their best (most of them at least) like wearing their best clothes, wearing their best makeup and all. While warriors thinks he looks best but wild beats him with some silent princess drawn on his face with eyeliner.
Sorry if that's too much it is kinda specific 😥❤️
Party Time!
(Could be considered a sequel to my earlier fic)
(No worries Jiy specific prompts are kinda better tbh)
The chain emerged from the portal on the outskirts of a village. Wild immediately perked up and began running, yelling back to the rest of the group as he did so. “This is Hateno village, we’re close to my house!”
The others set off after him as fast as they could, only catching up once he was already engaged in conversation. The woman had short blonde hair and blue eyes, and Wild turned back to face them with a wide grin on his face. “Everyone, this is Zelda. We’ve been engaged for three months, but don’t tell Impah.”
Flora smirked and softly punched his arm. “As if everyone in Hyrule doesn’t already know. Nice to meet you everyone— Link’s already explained everything.”
Warriors bowed with a flourish. “An honor to meet you madam.”
Flora blushed. “Please, just Zelda is fine.”
Time held out a hand, and Zelda shook it. “Glad to finally meet you Zelda. Link talks about you a lot. Do you have anywhere in this town we could spend the night?”
Flora looked at Link, who nodded. “Of course! There’s plenty of room in our house.”
Together they led the way to a mid-sized house on the outskirts of Hateno, passing several villagers hanging colorful flags and wreaths as they did so.
“What are all the people doing?” Asked Wind.
Flora looked around to see what he was looking at. “Oh! Today is the first anniversary of Link’s defeating Calamity Gannon, so there’s going to be a feast with dancing. You’re all welcome to join in if you aren’t too tired.” She grabbed Wild’s arm. “I know I’m looking forward to dancing with a certain someone after so long.”
Wild blushed as the other Links exchanged exited glances, all thinking the same thing. A party meant a chance to go completely over the top with outfits and makeup. Nobody said a word, but unofficially the competition was on.
When they reached the house there was a scramble as everyone claimed rooms and shelled off armor. Quite a few immediately ran down to the nearby stream to wash off the dirt of the road, while the others took their time picking out which clothes needed washing before following behind.
Several fights broke out about who got to use which mirror shield, and Time even had to break out his unsettling “screaming face” mirror shield that he refused to tell anyone where he had found. Tension was high as Wind and Four had to completely wash their faces and restart their looks, but soon the sun was kissing the horizon and music began wafting from the village square.
Hyrule was the first out the door sporting his regular green tunic and eyeshadow, with the addition of matching lipstick and fierce winged eyeliner. Wind followed in his lobster tunic with blue and green eyeshadow and blue eyeliner he had borrowed from Time.
Four was next out the door wearing his usual four-colored eyeliner and -shadow and tunic with the gold embroidery newly repaired, with every colored line on his face given an extra flair to stand out in the firelight. After Four was Time, wearing a blue tunic with his facial markings mirrored on the other side of his face.
Twilight wore a bold smokey eye and brown lipstick, wolf pelt freshly washed and brushed and facial markings outlined in gold. Legend had leaned into his pink hair and somehow turned all of it the same rosey shade, with bushing cheeks and pink lips to match. He had also found a pink crop top and skirt somewhere, and was unabashedly showing his midriff.
Sky had opted for a more subdued look, twisting his sailcloth around his shoulders in mesmerizing knots and giving his eyes a subtle glow and a lick of eyeliner. Warriors was second to last, boasting pridefully about how he was the prettiest.
It was for good reason, too. He had apparently been carrying his formal knight uniform with him the entire time and had only now decided to wear it, resplendent in green with gold and blue highlights. His ever-present scarf was wrapped fashionably around his neck, and his hair glittered gold in the firelight. Whatever he had done with his makeup perfectly accentuated his blue eyes and high cheekbones, and a crowd of young women was already gathered around him giggling.
Then came Wild. The moment he stepped into the light everyone stopped and stared to admire the artwork that was his outfit. He wore a dark blue royal guard uniform, with freshly shined boots and his hair twisted neatly into a complicated bun. The real show stopper though, was what he had painted on his face. Elegant Silent Princesses twined their way up his neck and around his eyes, framing them and matching in color. Flora gasped when she saw it.
“Oh Link! How did you know? I love it!”
She rushed over and embraced him, and the dancing restarted in earnest. The other Links were in shock. How had he done such a complicated design? They had never seen him wear anything other than various berry juices smeared over his face before. Even Warriors had to agree, Wild had won the contest fair and square.
(I’m not that great at endings, but I hope you liked it! Thanks for the request)
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Regally Smitten
chapter 2: the secret
chapter word count: ~5.2k
synopsis: A future king and his servant are bound by their forbidden love. With the odds stacked against them, and a jealous brother out for blood, will their love prevail? Or will history repeat itself?
warnings: homophobia (specifically religious homophobia, this is a period piece so these beliefs are a reflection of the time period being portrayed, and the characters themselves, and do not reflect my personal beliefs. please read with caution and remember to take care of yourself. ily.) descriptions of violence, main character injury (no main character death), foul language, suggestive themes, brief mentions of anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. one mention of suicidal thoughts (but no action)
disclaimer: this is a work of fiction and in no way represents any member of stray kids in reality. this is a fanfiction and should be treated as such. this is not me “shipping” them, these are simply characters based on real life people. i don’t need the minsung antis coming for me.
authors note: i definitely cried multiple times while writing this chapter.
series masterlist • main masterlist
The road to Westwood was a long one. About a weeks trip to be exact. They had rode all day long in the sweltering heat, along a dirt path with little tree cover. Well, Han did. The two princes and the king and queen rode in a gold trimmed carriage. Two members of the royal guard rode in front, their black stallions draped in the colors of the kingdom, their long manes braided with flowers. The guardsmen carried swords and tall poles that flew the flag with the crest of the Lee Dynasty.
Han rode on a much less impressive horse, behind the carriage. As did two other squires, one for prince Rian and one for the king and queen. The carriage kicked up dust from its wheels. It stuck to Han’s sweaty skin and left him feeling gritty and dirty. This was his first time as squire, his first time traveling this far away from the castle, his first time being on the back of a horse for this long. His legs and back were absolutely killing him. And to add to it, the other squires would not shut up. They had all been at their post for years. Whereas, this was Han’s second day.
"How you holding up over there, newbie?" called James, the squire assigned to the king and queen. He had been their squire since heinrich first took the throne almost ten years ago, and he was a royal pain in the ass.
"I’m fine. Just a little sore is all." Han told him. The other squires laughed.
"This is only day one. We’ve still got six days worth of riding before we make it to the Westwood gates. You better get used to it."
Han nodded. Unable to focus on their conversation anymore. He was more focused on not falling off his horse.
And just when he thought he could ride no longer, he could see a small village in the distance. As they approached, they started to see more people. Little stone houses, and small fields of crops. A waist high stone wall surrounded the little town. The entrance was guarded by two men, their armor dented and worn. The carriage stopped. The royal guard didnt have to say anything, before the two small guards stepped aside and let their party through the gates. Both guards bowed as the carriage passed. Everyone in the town stopped what they were doing and gathered around the town center, where the carriage stopped. The small door swung open and minho was the first one to step out. He looked just as he did when they had left the castle that morning. He showed no signs of having been riding all day. Han was sure the same could not be said for him.
Minho was dressed in his royal garb, his white undershirt covered by his lilac velvet vest, and tucked into his black trousers. He approached the town leader as the rest of the royal family exited the carriage. Prince Rian was next, followed by Queen Charlotte and lastly, King Heinrich. Everyone in the town center knelt to one knee, bowing their heads.
"Your Grace," said the town leader. "Welcome to Nalefell. It is an honor to have you."
"Thank you, my lord." Minho told the man. "You all may stand." Minho said louder, so everyone could hear him. "Thank you for your warm welcome."
Though no one stood. Rian gave a snobby chuckle. "You’re not king yet, brother." he whispered into Minho’s ear.
"Thank you, people of Nalefell. We wish to seek shelter for the night on our way to Westwood." the king announced.
"Yes, your grace." the town leader said. "Clarice is the head of our inn. She will get your rooms together right away."
A woman to Han's right stood up, he assumed this woman was Clarice. She bowed and said a quiet 'your grace' before turning on her heel and heading into a large building behind her.
Minho, Rian, and the king and queen followed. Leaving the royal guard and the squires to attend to the horses and the carriage.
Once the carriage was parked, their horses tied and fed, Han and the rest of the squires headed to find their respective royal family member.
Han was so incredibly tired, it took everything in him to drag his feet through Minho’s door. The prince was sitting on the edge of the bed, untying his boots. "I am starving." he announced without looking up.
"Of course Your Grace." Han said, his voice worn with exhaustion. “Let me fetch your dinner." He turned to leave, to head to the small pub across the square from the inn where he was sure he could find something to satisfy the king.
"Hold on." the prince stopped him. Han turned back around, facing Minho, waiting for instruction. "Are you alright?" the prince asked.
"Yes, Your Grace. Just a little tired from the days journey." Han explained. "Though I’m sure you are even more tired than I am. Please allow me to get your dinner."
"Han, you look awful." Minho said.
The look on Han’s face made Minho backtrack a little. "I mean no disrespect." the prince said. "You just look like you need to rest." Minho put his boots back on and stood. "Here. Please lie down." Minho motioned to the bed.
Han froze. "Your Grace.. you are too kind. I could not lie in your bed." Han shook his head. "I will get your dinner and then I will find my own bed if you have no need for me after that."
Minho wanted to tell his squire that he will always have need for him. He needs him in more ways than anyone will ever know. He felt so bad. Han was filthy, covered in dirt and sweat. He looked like he was about to pass out on the spot.
"As prince, im ordering you." Minho said, his voice gentle and not at all sounding authoritative. "Wash up while I go across the way and get us some food. It will give me a chance to talk to some townspeople anyway." Minho crossed the room to where Han stood in the doorway.
"Oh and by the way, my bed is your bed tonight. They only had three rooms. One for my parents and their squire, one for Rian and his squire, and one for me and you."
Han's cheeks pinked at the thought of sharing a bed with minho. Surely the other squires weren’t sleeping in bed with the royals. There’s no way that the king and queen are sleeping in the same bed as James. No, Han would sleep on the floor, as he was sure thats what the other squires would do as well.
Minho smiled, pleased with the blush that covered Han’s weary face. He patted the squire on the top of his head and gently moved passed him, in search of some food.
The dinner that Minho had found, filled Han’s tummy and made him very happy. They ate in silence together, both unsure of what to say to the other. The only break in the silence was when Minho had quietly said, "You’re cute with your cheeks filled with food like that. Like a little chipmunk." and Han was so stunned, he could not reply. He just bowed his head slightly to the royal. Minho also didnt add anything after that, having accomplished his mission of flustering his squire once more. He had decided he would do so any chance he could, as he never tired of seeing Han blushing and speechless.
Plates empty and left on the table, the prince climbed into bed. Han grabbed a spare pillow from the corner and took his place on the uneven floorboards at the foot of the bed.
"What’re you doing?" Minho asked.
"We should get some sleep, Your Grace. We ride again at first light."
"I know that." Minho said, shortly. "I meant, what are you doing on the floor? There is plenty of room and I promise I dont bite." Well, not unless Han wanted him to.
"It would be inappropriate, Your Grace. I am comfortable on the floor." Han curled up on his side, unable to see the prince any longer. Even thought the floor was dirty and hard as a rock, it was nice to finally rest his body by lying down. The bed squeaked, and Minho’s head popped up over the footboard. He looked down at Han, curled up in a small ball on the floor, and took a moment to admire him. His eyes were closed, his hair tickling his forehead, his full lips in a small pout. Han opened his eyes. "Your Grace?"
"You’re going to make me sleep up here all by myself? While you’re miserable on the hard floor?" Minho raised one eyebrow at his squire.
"Your Grace," Han began.
"Call me Minho." the prince interrupted. "You were practically limping earlier. There’s no way you will be able to do another full days ride after sleeping down there."
"Your Grace, I am flattered at your concern for me. But I must sleep on the floor. I promise I am okay." Han’s stomach was in knots, the prince's face so close to his.
The prince rolled his eyes. "I’m not taking no for an answer. I’m your future king. Get up here." Minho said, before crawling back to the top of the bed and climbing under the covers.
Han took a moment to take a deep breath before he stood. He awkwardly stood at the end of the bed, wringing his pillow in his hands. Minho lifted the cover next to him and patted the mattress. "I promise to keep my hands to myself." he teased.
Han nodded before gently laying on the bed, as close to the edge as he could get, facing away from the prince. The mattress sank under him and conformed to his body. He had to admit, it was extremely comfortable. He felt sleep coming for him quickly. Minho let out a small chuckle and smiled to himself. "Goodnight, Han." he said, quietly.
"Goodnight Your Grace."
The rest of the trip to Westwood was much of the same. Long grueling hours on the back of a horse, behind a carriage thats kicking up dust. The only reprieve being the rest when night fell in a small inn somewhere in the countryside. Though every night that followed had not been like the first night. Each inn they stayed at had a room specifically for the squires to share. Han sometimes let his mind wander back to that first night. Why had the prince insisted on sharing a bed? And why did he seem so.. flirtatious? Surely Han must be mistaken. No, he was delusional. That’s what it was. He would write to Hyunjin and have his best friend set him straight. Though, does he risk writing that down and sending it with a messenger? Han’s newfound feelings for the prince could cause him to loose his job should the word get out. And not only that, it could ruin the prince's reputation. Same sex relationships were defintely looked down upon in this kindgom. Han wondered if maybe it went even further than that. Han had always kept his feelings to himself. Only Hyunjin knows which way Han leans. Who Han fancies. And Han had never heard of anyone else in the kingdom being like himself. Only the gods know what would come about if this information got out. And selfishly, he didnt want to loose his place at the prince's side. No, he would admire him in secret and make sure to keep his distance from now on. Though the prince made it hard sometimes.
On the last day of their trip, the last night in an inn before they made it to Westwood, Han had been asleep on the floor, James had stolen the only bed in their room all for himself, when he was awoken. Someone was shaking him awake.
"Han." shake shake. "Han, wake up." shake.
Han slowly opened his eyes and he was met with.. chocolate. Han jumped back, scooted as far away as he could until he hit the wall.
"Shhh. Don’t wake them." The prince pressed a ringed pointer finger to his lips, telling Han to shush. He motioned with his hand for Han to follow him. Han clutched his boots in his hand and tiptoed out of the room.
"Your Grace." Han whispered. "Is something wrong?"
Minho shook his head and began walking to the entrance of the inn, Han trailing behind him, trying to put on his boots and walk at the same time. They snuck outside, the town quiet, the horses softly munching on their hay. Han finally caught up with Minho, who walked casually behind the inn.
"Your Grace." Han said, quietly. "Might i ask what's going on?"
"I couldn’t sleep." the prince answered. "I thought some fresh air would do me good. And the stars look so nice."
At the edge of the little village, a small river bubbled along, Minho standing on its banks, head tilted toward the sky.
"I agree a night walk is rather lovely.." Han said, still unsure why the prince woke him up for this. Han tipped a small rock over with the toe of his boot, the silence between the two men growing.
"You’re wondering why I woke you up." the prince stated.
Han looked over at Minho, the moonlight making his sharp features even sharper, his nose prominent. Though Han wished he could see that small freckle he knew was there. No, the darkness still hid that from him. "You dont need to explain, Your Grace."
The prince took a step closer to Han. Close enough to poke him in his side. Han jerked away, out of ticklishness, and unsure how to handle this playful nature. "It’s Minho." he said. "I wish you would call me Minho."
Han just nodded, taking a step back, looking at the dirt and trying to gather his thoughts.
"Can i ask you a question, Han?"
"Of course, Your Grace." Minho rolled his eyes. He would get Han to drop the formalities one day.
"You don’t have to answer if you so wish." he said. Han nodded, intrigued with what the prince could possibly have to ask him. "Do you think I will make a good king? Or do you think Rian is better for the job?"
Han took a moment to process the question. He needed to tread carefully. He didn’t want to say the wrong thing. "I think you would make a fantastic king."
"I’ve been raised my whole life to be king one day." Minho said, taking a seat on the soft grass next to the running water. He gestured for Han to sit next to him. Carefully, Han sat cross legged, the soft grass slightly damp with the morning dew. Han noticed the sun would be up soon. "I’m only going to be king because I was born first. If Rian had been born first, he would be the heir, not me."
"If i may speak freely, Your Grace." Han said, pulling up little blades of grass and rolling them together in his fingers. Minho nodded, gesturing for Han to continue. "I think your brother can be a little.. crass at times." Minho chuckled at that. Han continued. "I mean no disrespect toward Prince Rian, but he can be a little harsh. But you, Your Grace.. you are kind. You are what the people need." Minho looked over at Han, who was focused on the grass in his fingers. "You are kind, and fair, and enjoy talking with the people, hearing their stories and where they come from. Sometimes I feel like your brother is just interested in the notoriety." Han looked up and met Minho’s gaze. The prince was staring at him, hard. "But- but I’m sure im mistaken. prince Rian is lovely."
"Do’nt lie to me, Han." Minho said.
"Never, Your Grace." Minho looked as if he was searching for something in Han’s features. Any trace of dishonesty. Not about Rian. No, Minho knew his brother was an ass. But did Han really believe everything he had said about Minho being kind? Should Minho be harsher? More like his brother? Is that what it takes to be king? Minho wasn’t sure.
Han turned his gaze to the water, dipping his fingertips into its cold depths, unable to look into Minho’s eyes any longer.
"What if I just left?" the prince said.
Han's head snapped up, shocked. "What do you mean, left?"
Minho shrugged. "I don’t know. It’s just something I’ve thought about." He studied Han’s face. The way his blinks were slow, processing the words and formulating an appropriate response. He was so cute. Minho felt the need to protect him at all costs. Nothing bad could happen to Han. Minho didn’t think he could live if it did. "I’ve been thinking about it a lot more, recently." He continued.
"Is that something you want?" Han asked.
"I don’t know. Maybe." Minho ran his hands through his hair before reclining back on his hands. "I don’t want to run from my responsibilities, but at the same time, I’m not sure if being king is what I want. But I may not have that choice."
Han nodded, listening. "Could I say something rather selfish, Your Grace?" Minho looked over at Han, the dim light casting shadows across his face. "I think you would make a wonderful king. The best king this realm has had in a very long time. But I would not be mad if you decided you wanted to run from it. I can not imagine the amount of stress and pressure that must be on your shoulders." your incredibly broad, muscled, perfect shoulders. "but if you were not king, or if you left while still a prince, then I would no longer be your squire. And that would make me sad, I think."
"So come with me." Minho said, quickly. He sounded so sure of himself. Like he had thought this out already and had the plan in place. "..if i decide to go." he added. Han was stunned, his mouth hanging open, dumbfounded. And somehow Minho thought it made him even more adorable. The prince slowly inched his hand across the grass until his fingertips brushed Han’s. He ran his index finger down the length of Han’s thumb before Han pulled away. His stomach was in knots, he felt he may throw up his mutton he had for dinner.
"The sun will be up soon, Your Grace." Han said quietly. "We should go back to the inn."
And all Minho could do was admire the flush on Han’s cheeks. He wanted so badly to tell him that he has made up his mind. That they should leave, start a life together somewhere else. Somewhere where kings and queens didn’t rule, somewhere where Minho could kiss Han. Where he could openly kiss him and hold his hand and tell him just how happy he makes him. But Minho knew it was a fantasy, knew that it could never be. Minho had duties, a whole kingdom of people depending on him. He could not just run and leave them to suffer the nightmare that would surely be the rein of his brother. No, Minho must stick it out. He knew he needed to be king. But it was fun to entertain the thought of happiness, sometimes.
And with the sun peeking over the hilltop, Minho also rose, and led the way back to the inn.
Han had decided Westwood was a beautiful city. It was slightly smaller than the capital city where their castle was, but it was twice as beautiful. The city was covered in flowers. As far as the eye could see, flowers. Fields of lilacs and peonies, tulips and roses. Bright green vines crawled up all of the stone walls. The shops that lined the square were selling bouquets and don’t get Han stated on the smell.
"First time in Westwood?" James asked, seeing the awe on Han's face. Han nodded in response, unable to take his eyes off of the beautiful colors, but being careful to keep his horse in line. "Westwood is the main flower supplier for all of the realm." James said. "Anytime there’s a wedding, or a coronation, or birthday feast, the flowers come from here." James scrunched up his nose. "I think it reeks."
Han turned his head toward his fellow squire. "What? You hate it? How? It's so beautiful."
James rolled his eyes. "You're kind of a priss, aren't you?"
Han turned away, decided not to even respond to that comment.
If the town was beautiful, and the square was beautiful, it paled in comparison to the house they approached now. The single story stone house was sprawling. Covered in vines and flowers just like the rest of the town, but the house was very open and airy. There were so many windows with no glass, just large holes decorated with gossamer curtains that blew in the rose scented breeze. They were greeted by Lord Alexander and Lady Ere, and a young lady who Han did not know of her name but assumed her to be their daughter. Based on the way she was dressed, and the way she curtsied when the king approached, Han knew she was no servant. She had been raised well.
"Welcome, my lord, to Westwood." Alexander said, bowing, and then spreading his arms wide. The king laughed a laugh that Han didnt think him capable of. One that actually sounded.. happy. One that sounded like it originated deep in his belly.
"Alex! So good to see you, old friend." The king embraced the Lord before turning his attention to Lady Ere. He kissed her hand gently.
"I trust your trip was comfortable?" Lady Ere asked.
The queen answered her. "Oh very much so. But we are glad to have finally arrived. A week is a very long time to travel."
"Of course, of course." Alex said. "Please, do come inside out of the heat. We have dinner prepared."
And with that, the king and queen and both princes followed them inside the beautiful flower covered home. And Han rode away to feed and water his horse.
The servants at the Westwood home, showed the squires to their guest rooms. Unlike the inns they stayed at along the way, this house was large enough for everyone, all the members of the royal family and their squires, to have their own individual rooms. The room Han was placed in was small, but that was okay with him. He had a bed all to himself for the first time in a week. He wasn’t about to complain. He relaxed onto the soft cushion mattress and before he knew it, sleep overtook him. He only awoke to the sound of a soft knocking at his door. Bleary, his eyes cracked open. The once bright room was now overtaken with darkness. He squinted, trying to get his eyes to adjust. The soft knocking happened again. Han begrudgingly hauled himself off of the bed and cracked the door open.
The prince immediately felt better after seeing Han’s face. He could tell his squire had been sleeping, his eyes barely open, his face puffy. It instantly made his heart feel lighter. It’s just what he needed. "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you." Minho said.
Han stepped aside and allowed the prince to enter. "No, that’s okay, Your Grace. I was just getting up." Minho knew that was a lie, but he appreciated the way Han worried about his feelings. "Did you need something from me?" Han asked.
Minho paused for a moment, thinking. "No." he said. "No, not really. Just.." he paused again, turning to face Han, who was closing the door behind them. "Some company?" Minho finished his thought.
Han looked surprised. Minho noticed that Han often looked surprised. Like he felt that the prince would never want to voluntarily spend time with his squire. But that was not the case at all. Minho wanted to spend every single minute with Han. But it wasn’t appropriate to tell him that. Especially after the news he had just been given at dinner. Minho sat on the edge of Han’s bed, and looked up at the sleepy man. Han took a seat next to the prince, the small bed dipping under their weight causing their bodies to slide closer together. Their knees touching.
"I was thinking again about our conversation from this morning. About leaving and starting somewhere else." Minho said. Han nodded, but was unsure of what to say, so the prince continued. "It’s a wonderful fantasy. Don’t you think?"
Han did think that it would be nice to run away with Minho. To spend a life with Minho. But Han was sure that the future he was imaging was far different than the one the prince was picturing. "It does sound nice, Your Grace."
Minho sighed, he turned his head toward Han, who was looking down at his hands. "Will you ever listen to me when I say, please call me Minho?"
Han looked up and met Minho’s gaze. His eyes were intense. That was the only way that Han could describe it. They were so filled with emotion. More than one emotion for sure, but Han couldn’t place what they were. Sadness? Fear? Love?
"It would not be appropriate for me to call you anything other than your grace.. Your Grace." Han said quietly, feeling small under Minho’s stare. He couldnt tear his eyes away from the princes, though. He was captivated, enthralled. In this moment, nothing else existed for him. And Minho felt the same way. When he looked into Han’s eyes, he could see the future he so longed for. Deep in his brown iris, was a whole life that Minho could see. A whole world away from all of this princely bullshit. A simple life, with the man he loved.
The prince was leaning closer, trying to chase that life he could see. Han was busy trying to memorize all the lines of his prince's face. They had never been this close, their breath mingling together. That freckle that Han loved so much was only a few inches from his own nose. And what would he do if those noses touched? What would Han do if the prince's pouty lips met his own? Han didnt know.
Minho placed one hand on Han’s knee, the contact sending shivers through Han’s body. As the prince drew ever closer, Han knew this was a bad idea. He knew they should stop. But he couldn’t bring himself to pull away. He didnt want to. Minho brought his other hand up and brushed some hair away from Han’s eyes, before sliding that hand to cradle Han’s head. Han was having trouble breathing now, his breaths coming in short ragged pants, his heart rate spiking.
Minho loved it when Han let out that little gasp, loved it when his cheeks turned a soft pink. But he thinks he loves it the most when he finally gets close enough.. after these long, longing days, he finally gets close enough..
Han closed his eyes, his fists clenched in his lap, as the prince finally was close enough, that their lips touched.
And it was everything Han had dreamed of. The prince's lips were soft, and warm as they moved against his own, the pressure feather light. Minho used his hold on the back of Han’s head to pull him closer, deepening the kiss. Han felt his whole body relax as the prince's tongue ran along his bottom lip, the pince's hand rubbing soft circles on Han’s leg. Han thought this must be what heaven felt like. This is what the devoutly faithful meant when they said that heaven is beautiful. And Han thought he may take them up on their talk of gods if it meant he could stay in this heaven forever. In Minho’s arms for the rest of eternity.
Minho gently pushed Han, until his back hit the mattress. The prince broke the kiss, but only to move his lips to Han’s neck. he placed gentle kisses there. Minho was used to being a prince, used to having people worship him and faun over him. But in this moment, and in all future moments, all he wanted to do was worship Han. Wanted to give him everything he could ever want and more. And when the prince bit down softly on the flesh of Han’s neck, that’s when he heard it.
Han let out a soft gasp. "M-Minho.." he breathed out.
And then it clicked. Hearing his squire finally say the one thing he had been begging for this whole time, it finally brought the prince back to his senses. They can’t be doing this. This is dangerous. Minho threw himself off of the bed and across the room. His back against the cold hard stone of the wall, as Han lay on his back, flushed and panting, embarrassed.
"I- I’m sorry.." Han said quietly.
Minho's heart broke. What had he done? There was no going back from here. He promised not to make the same mistake as he did before, and now look at him.
Han sat up, his head in his hands. "I’m so sorry. I- I shouldn’t have.." Han couldn’t find the words. Minho had done this. His heart felt like a lead weight in his chest. He had made Han feel this way. Had made Han feel like he had done something wrong. Had practically begged for him to drop the honorifics and call him by his name and when he finally did.. it was so beautiful. But then Minho freaked out and now he fears he will never hear it again. And if that’s the case, then it’s what he deserves.
"They want me to marry her." Minho said bluntly. Han looked up, his eyes brimming with tears. Minho had to look away. He would not cry in front of Han. "The daughter here, Astrid. They want me to marry her. That’s what the dinner was about. What this whole trip has been about.”
Han's heart shattered some more. "oh-- oh." he stuttered. "I th-think you and the lady would make a fine match." Han said, though his voice shook.
"I told you never to lie to me, Han." Minho said quietly. He approached the squire. He knelt down on the floor in front of him. Looked up at him and used his thumbs to wipe his tears. "I don’t want to marry her." He whispered. Han sniffled. "I don’t want to, but I fear I may have no choice."
Han remained silent, holding back his tears. "I’m sorry, Han. I shouldn’t have put you through this.” He searched Han’s face, searched his eyes, no longer seeing their future there. "I’m sorry. I had a moment of weakness..” Han nodded, silent tears falling down his cheeks.
"But this has to remain a secret." Minho whispered. He leaned in and kissed Han on the cheek softly. “This has to remain a secret, and it can’t happen again.”
And with that, the prince stood and left the room, the door softly shutting behind him and Han’s heart was in pieces, littering the floor.
♡ pls reblog if you liked it! it truly helps a lot and makes me smile :) ♡
©hyunjins-orange-slice-too i do not give permission for this work or any of my work to be translated, copied, or reposted.
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zarvasace · 2 years
Gen, 700 words, Wind & Wild, disability AU, AO3 link here
Today was a bad walking day for me so I wrote :) Usual disclaimer, I don't have this disability, but I have something similar ish. The descriptions are from my own experience and may not be accurate.
(@arecaceae175 the day's pretty much over, but I hope it was an okay day in the end! Your comment earlier gave me the bug to write this one.)
"You're limping," Wild says. At least he has the forethought to keep his observation quiet. 
Wind still scowls. "If you haven't noticed, I'm always limping a little. It's not exactly easy to walk on a wooden leg, Wild."
"No," Wild says, and Wind isn't sure what part he's rejecting. "Your walking isn't always even, but that's not a limp. You know what is, though? Whatever you're doing right now."
"I am not!" He is. He knows he is. He's usually one to walk near the front of the pack near Warriors and Wild, or at least the middle, but he's drifted to the very back today. He's been trying to keep up. 
Everything just… it hurts. The end of his left leg is a little achy, and his knee feels cold. He can't actually feel his prosthetic, he knows that, but little bright sparks of pain shoot up his left leg whenever he takes a step. That's not even accounting for his hips, which feel overworked and numb, and his right foot, which is tired from all the weight he's been putting on it all day. 
It's a bad day. His world has been narrowing to the road in front of him as he's been focusing harder on just keeping up with the group. 
And, despite Wind doing what he could to pretend he's fine, Wild had noticed. Of course he'd noticed. 
"We can stop," Wild says, even quieter. 
Wind shakes his head. "We're almost to the village Twilight mentioned, it isn't worth it." He knows he's not the only one who'll appreciate a bed underneath him soon. If they stop for a few minutes, they'll just be delaying sweet softness by that much more. 
"You could climb on my back," Wild offers, which is very nice of him, but it just makes Wind scowl more. 
He narrows his eyes at the dirt in front of him. A pebble just the right size to kick passes, but Wind's too focused on moving his feet to branch out like that. "Thanks. But I'm okay."
Wild shrugs. "You have about thirty seconds until someone asks if we need a break."
"What?" Wind looks up, and sure enough, they're walking about four yards behind Legend and Hyrule, who've definitely noticed them lagging. They're walking a bit farther behind Four and Twilight than they normally would, perhaps to disguise the distance Wind's fallen behind. 
Wind groans at himself. They can't even see the village yet. His limp is becoming more pronounced with every step. He's not sure if he can make it on his own, his legs feel like they're entirely made of wood, numb and heavy. It's just a matter of time before he stumbles. 
A faint noise makes Wind look back up at Wild, recognizing the sound of the slate activating. Wild's switched out his usual blue tunic for a leather vest that doesn't cover his stomach, which now features purple body paint. 
Wind stops to stare in confusion. And perhaps a little jealousy—the outfit looks ridiculous, but in kind of a very cool way. 
"Boosts my strength a little," Wild says by way of explanation. He smiles a little and counts under his breath. "Eight, seven, six, five…"
"Fine!" Wind huffs. Wild has him by the throat, metaphorically speaking. Wind won't force everyone to slow down for him, and Wild provides a convenient way of doing that. 
"Fine," Wind says again, setting his hands on Wild's shoulders and hopping. Wild's elbows lock beneath Wind's knees, and he jogs to catch up with the group just as Twilight pauses and looks back at them with a question in his expression. Wild had been right on the money with that timing. 
Wind doesn't quite have time to erase the pain and frustration from his own face, but he does his best to smile as if he and Wild are doing something dumb for a dumb reason rather than what they're actually doing. 
Twilight clearly doesn't buy it, but he doesn't speak up or make them all slow down. He smiles back, rolls his eyes a little, and goes back to the conversation with Four. 
"Mission accomplished," Wind mutters to Wild, relaxing a little more in the hold. His legs don't hate him quite as much anymore. It's good to get the pressure off. "Hey, Wild?" 
Wild doesn't answer verbally, but he doesn't need to. 
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