#but it was still such a cute event <3
torgawl · 4 months
someone was cutting onions during the lantern rite cutscene
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artist-rat · 3 months
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my main party and durge reveal <3<3 i call them the shenanigang
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cellgatinbo · 8 months
pac was setting up a prank by himself and fit just stumbles upon it, doesn't say a word, and immediately joins him as his partner in crime <3
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sysig · 4 days
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Pretty clothes for you! ✨ (Patreon)
#My art#Solanaceae#Satine#Ahh!!! Even with this one being done I'm still so nervous about it somehow!! Haha ♪#It's been so so soooo long since I've participated in an Event that I've forgotten everything I've ever learned or done in one haha#But yes! This is an event piece! DCS put out an art call and I wanted to join and I'm very glad I did! :D#I would consider myself a very casual fan of Solanaceae like it's been way too long since I've reread in earnest but I like to stop by#Lovely art and characters and interesting movement and feelings and problems everyone runs into it's quite cool :D#Satine is probably my favourite of the bunch even if it has been too long since I've properly caught up with everyone!!#I remember always feelings very positive and like - mixed-love? They're complex in a way that I really like#Ahh all the more reason to catch up again! So I can properly express how I feel about Satine /now/ not just partially remembered haha#I'm also just generally a fan of DCS' art style and passion and ah <3#I don't think I've mentioned it anywhere but DCS was one of my Very Big - maybe even Main inspirations to make VargasLovingHours#And then I also get to draw their pretty lad in Satine! Yes!!#I have a lot to feel thankful for inspiration-wise haha ♥#This was a fun outfit to design :D I really wanted Satine to feel pretty 'cause they are!#A kind of cool pink and scalloping I will always choose scalloping if there is an option for scalloping to be chosen#And I got to bring back a bit of the rainbow-opal look I used for Winter King a bit back as well! :D#And mirrors and sparklies and just - yes! Many good and fun things!!#I do think it's a bit funny since those were supposed to be thought bubbles but then I just - forgot to make the little bubble tails lol#Remembered them on the flowers! But not the thought bubbles! Haha oh well ♪#Does not diminish the cutes or the pretties ♫
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ourlittleuluru · 3 months
Okay, I did see the announcements for the new banners on the day itself but didn't have time to post anything about it...
I do see some people asking why no Xavier kisses but, hear me out. Imagine no Xavier kisses for all the cards. But then his birthday one comes out, and it ends up being the most sweetest of kisses? Man.
Can say goodbye to my soul o7
Anyway, the amount of comfiness with the new card is just 👌 It's so domestic, I am lovin' it~ (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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Look at how cute he is, leaning on the knees and just staring. Ugh. Muh heart.
Aside from that. This bunny. Look at it. It's even more cute. And the rendering on the embroidery of the cloth??? Dayum, is the rendering of the game insaneeeeee
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Please let this be a merch I can get irl somewhere. It's so cuteeee and it's got the blue eyes too 😭
(Also the new battle pass... and it's Xavier too. RIP. Imma pray hard I get his gacha with the 75% c': But i think it's all used up with the new FF7 rebirth Kuji atm... I really don't need more money flying off at this moment)
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celestialrealms · 11 months
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"mephisto's a straight guy!!11" sorry you are objectively incorrect <3 i will be claiming him now...........🏳️‍🌈
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danses-with-dogmeat · 10 months
R is for -- Raul Tejada
Ah, Raul, what an absolute legend for beating MacCready in the polls. I couldn't believe it, but once again, I am not complaining. I love him, I love writing for him, and just... these types of prompts for him make me feel all giddy.
Gramps deserves some lovin', what can I say?
And here is the 2k event masterlist, for your browsing pleasure!
Pair: Raul x F! Six
Dialogue: “Don't stop."
Word: Relief
Rating: NSFW (but not super explicit)
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 1.4k
“Really? Wow, I can’t believe you remember all that…When it was, what, over a hundred years ago or something?” Without putting too much thought to the action, Six leaned her head against her companion’s shoulder as her eyes stayed transfixed on the smoldering fire they’d prepared.
“Well, more like 200." He let out a dry sort of chuckle, and the movement jostled Six's head slightly. "Doesn’t seem as long ago as it was, though. And what can I say? Memories like that... They stick with you. Family, you know?” 
“I don’t actually.” She was quick to answer him.
“O-oh, right, sorry ‘bout that, boss.” Raul stammered, and Six felt him tense. 
“No, no, sorry, I meant that more as a joke.” Six laughed a bit, and she felt Raul’s shoulders relax from their previous stiffness as she kept her head leaning on him. 
“It may sound bad to say," She continued, "but… I feel like I don’t really need to be sad about not having a family.” Six seemed to say it without thinking, the words just flowing out freely like Raul’s ears were a natural sort of irrigation path. “I mean… I have you.” 
Raul shifted as he looked down at his companion, and though she was still staring ahead, into the glowing coals of their leftover fire, he could see the truth of her words shining through in her expression. 
“Me?” He asked, and it came out as little more than a breath. 
“Yeah, Raul.”
He smiled at the way she said his name, feeling like a giddy colegial again, even after so many years.
“I feel like, with you, I have everything I need.” 
He could only blink at that, unsure quite how to respond to something so sweet, directed at him. 
It's been awhile...
Six shifted against him, sitting up and turning so that they could meet his gaze. 
“And… I’m sorry, for everything that you’ve lost, that you had to leave behind. But I hope… I hope that having me in your life makes it a little easier.” 
She looked away now, and-- was that un poco de rosa rising to her cheeks? 
Raul felt… captivated, his eyes unblinking as he took in the lovely sight of his partner–
His boss, he had to remind himself. 
There is no way she could see me that way. Románticamente. She just said she sees me as family. 
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, mija.” He said, in placement of everything he truly wanted to reveal to her. 
This... this is más fácil.
What she feels for him now; how she depends on him, how she views him, it should be enough. 
After all this time though, time on his own… Raul felt ready for something more with this woman, but if it meant losing what they have? If she refused him? Maybe, like the few others he’d thought of pursuing in the past hundred years or so, she’d turn him away, maybe with that same hint of disgust upon her face, that quality of ‘what were you thinking?’ in her voice. 
Raul didn’t think he could handle something like that, couldn’t go back to his measly shack and his workbench, todo solo. Not now, that he knew what it was like to be with her. 
Sure, he complained and he sassed, he still worked and was in danger a hell of a lot more than he had been on his own, but… He was living, now. Not just wallowing in his memories, living in the past, or living in a prison– in more than one way– like when she found him. 
“Really?” Six breathed, and he felt the spill of warm air over his face, just now realizing her close proximity to him. 
How come she hasn’t flinched yet? Most women flinch– most gente, even– can’t stand to be so close to someone like me. 
“I feel… Just the same, only, well…” 
Raul could see the way her heart picked up written upon her face. Six was about to tell him something that would change everything, but… 
She never quite had the chance, as something possessed the ghoul, some confidence her words had forced into him, something her closeness brought about, and he leaned forward the couple inches it took to press his lips to hers. 
A small noise escaped her, surprise, he hoped, and not– 
Disgust, revulsion, fear, anger. Sólo elige uno, could be any. Or multiple, even. 
His own fear was dashed from him, though, as Six wove her hands around the back of his neck and pulled him closer. 
Sparks flew behind Raul’s closed eyelids as he felt her press so wholly into him, as she tilted her head and her soft, perfecta, lips kneaded over his. His, that he’d been so self-conscious about, that he feared might even hurt her, with their roughness. If it did though, Six made no mention or motion of it, and before he knew it, Raul found his– equally bruto– hands sliding over her waist, pulling her body closer to his, delicately weaving his fingers over her loose-fitting sleep shirt, lifting the fabric ever so slightly to graze his warm fingers over the smooth skin of her torso. 
As one exploratory hand moved to caress her back beneath her shirt, Raul felt Six gasp against him, her body tensing beneath his touch in a way that jolted him out of his mindless bliss, back into reality. Without another thought, he pulled back and away from her, his hands and lips both vacating her body with rash haste. 
“Mija, Six… I…”
Does an apology even begin to cover this?
Maldito idiota--
“Shh.” She filled the space that he'd made between them without hesitation.
No, alternatively, Six’s hands never left their place over Raul's shoulders, and even now, they sought to pull him closer, her fingers insistent where they pressed into the thin fabric of his jumpsuit.
“It’s alright, Raul.” 
She’d whispered his name this time, and despite all his cautionary thoughts, Raul couldn’t stop the tingle down his spine from reaching another place, one he was more ashamed of, as he felt his jumpsuit seem to tighten below his hips. 
“Don’t stop.”
Raul heard the words, and then, Six’s lips were back on his. 
Even the coals of the fire had darkened and cooled now, and the pair were utterly lost in one another. Months of buildup, of feelings unspoken and actions un-acted upon, and all of it being released on this one fine, cool night beneath the stars. 
Raul’s mind only came back to him when Six’s fingers set upon the zipper of his mechanic jumpsuit, pulling it down without an ounce of reproach, and he couldn’t find it in himself to stop her. At this point, Six knew what she was doing, she wanted this, as much as he did. 
And mierda, but that was a wondrous thought. 
So, he allowed her to tug the fabric from his arms, to haul it all down, down, until his chest was exposed to her. Only then, did she pull her lips from his. 
Breathless, Raul opened his eyes, seeking any semblance of apprehension or disgust from her as she saw his ravaged skin in its gross entirety, but no such expression crossed her face. 
No, only that same such wonder that he felt as he looked at her, as he thought of her. She drank him in, like a clear, blue oasis in the middle of the blistering heat of the Mojave, and her lips quickly followed suit from her eyes. Tentatively, but more for his sake than her own, it seemed, Six kissed down his neck, then to his chest, as her arms smoothed over his skin in a reverent sort of way. A way that made him want to worship her in return. 
The touch was… shocking, to say the least, but the weight off his shoulders, the fear, it was all lifted away as she pressed her hands to his chest, encouraging Raul to lay back on the rough blanket they’d laid upon the sand, and continued her cariñoso actions over his skin. 
Raul allowed himself to close his eyes, to soak in the feeling of her touches, unabashed and unashamed. More than he could say of his own views of himself. 
It was aliviando, to forget his own biases, and to free himself of what he’d thought she might say or do when he told her the truth, when he made it clear how he cared for her. 
It wasn’t something he was used to, but perhaps, that too could change. 
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
if u’re still doing these… top 5 most insane martian moments.
Sry for the late response, I really had to think on it! But these have been pretty fun to do so thank you!! <3
1. The entirety of Monaco 2010
Any Monaco celebration has a special place in my heart as you probably well know! But just Monaco 2010 as an entirety is insane to me, to name a few: the matching Porsches...their parc ferme hug...Seb trying and failing to pull Mark into the pool...them jumping into the harbor together and Seb having to pull Mark up onto the dock, MONACO REALLY GAVE US SO MUCH 🤧 but also this race being the calm before the storm, like seeing them be all cute with each other but then knowing how the season ends and how things continue to proceed after that
2. Their Singapore 2008 date
Always holds a special place on my heart. Just that we have so many pictures and even footage(!!!) of their PR mandated date in a time where this kind of thing wasn't really common yet. The caption of the YouTube vid "Mark Webber and Sebastian Vettel share an evening in Singapore" 😵‍💫 and I also think often about this comment on that vid calling Seb a "kleine Mädchen." I just think it's very cute. Giggly STR Seb and older gruff RBR Mark, not yet affected by teammate tensions
3. Japan 2007
I think its always very interesting the foreshadowing you can read into while watching older races. I love that Martian were always on an inevitable collision course. Like imagine being Mark and that rookie who crashed into the back of you then goes to win a race before you and then becomes your teammate and then becomes wdc. That they were on this collision course before they even became teammates and Seb had barely been in the sport yet. And LIKE that quote from Mark about Seb about "kids with no experience" and Seb crying in his garage, crazy.
4. Turkey 2010
I have such a fondness for "WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING HERE!? WHAT A STUPID ACTION! I'M GOING HOME! FUCK YOU!"(to the point where my friends who know nothing about f1 know about that quote by proxy bcs I quote it so much") I think it's interesting how much Martian's conflicts revolve around team orders and disobeying radios. It's funny bcs in Turkey 2009, a very similar situation to both Turkey 2010 and Malaysia 2013 happens, them telling Seb to stay behind Mark bcs of whatever reasons. And in 2009, Seb is clearly 🫤 about it but obeys but then goes on to try to overtake Mark in 2010 and fails, but then succeeds in 2013, very interesting to see how that dynamic evolves and grows more toxic! But by far the best part about Turkey 2010 is them having to take that "Us in our Get-Along T-Shirt" pic 😭 it's so funny and I wish they'd do press releases like this nowadays
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5. That Monaco 2021 interview where Mark interjects about knowing the meaning behind the coins in Seb's race boots
It's just very sweet to me. There's some post about it on here that explains how meaningful it is, but I don't feel like searching for it, so I'm kinda just paraphrasing that. But like imagine them having a conversation where Seb explains it to Mark and the meaning behind it, and like probably a decade later, Mark still remembers it in perfect detail, enough to remember about the specificities about which coin goes in which boot and why.
Obligatory mentions: Malaysia 2013 of course(but I wanted to mention others, but Multi-21 is a given when considering crazy Martian moments), Australia 2016 podium, Mark's various Instagram forays during Seb's retirement, that one interview where Mark grabs Seb from behind while Love Will Tear Us Apart plays, when Seb sat on Mark's shoulders, anything of them from Abu Dhabi 2022, etc etc
#okay this post is a lot longer than i thought itd be#i had to hold myself back from adding pictures to everything i just tried to put a lot of links instead!#i almost finished making this and then tumblr glitched and i thought it deleted all of it#but it just posted it so i privated it but hopefully it will still show up to people!#this was fun to make bcs i was brought back to my early days of learning their lore(not that im ever finished tbh)#also if you hadnt guessed my favorite season is 2010(cough cough heard you're a player)#but intense teammate rivalries like theirs is so interesting#youre fighting for the wdc and wcc so you're forced to constantly be fighting for yourself but still have to consider the team as a whole#and as I mentioned i love the progression of Martian#guy who crashed into you and ruined your race in 2007 then wins a race before you for your JUNIOR team#then he becomes your teammate and scores the first win for YOUR team that youve already been in for 2 seasons#and then hes your main rival in the next season and he wins the wdc at the last race before you#and then you have to watch him win the next 3 WDCs and meanwhile theres so many interteam tension#and then you retire and you become very fond for each other and have very cute interviews until his very retirement#OKAY SORRY THAT WAS SO MUCH LMAO#ive been so sebson brained lately so its fun to think about martian!!!#also dru if you see this tysm your blog was super helpful for finding stuff from specific events hehehe#martian#sebmark#formula 1#catie.asks.
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mitchmarner · 1 year
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The Leaf: Blueprint S8 E1: Honour
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cottageivy · 1 year
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I learned a long time ago:
Never bet against Annabeth.
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baeshijima · 7 months
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karamell-sweetz · 1 year
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im npc posting again lol sorry
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linabirb · 7 months
being in both twst and milgram fandoms is just hearing people say "but :( but they did a bad thing!! so they're bad!!" all the time and sighing and going "bestie.. you're not gonna believe this.. but it's this media's whole point.."
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sysig · 9 months
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Kinda in the middle of planning a defense, no flirting pls (Patreon)
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#Doodles#SCII#ZEX#The Captain#Commander Hayes#And my first pass at an Arilou! :D#They're cute! I like them!#As with all the SCII aliens I haven't met yet I'm already injecting headcanons into them lol I'll stop once I actually start playing#I think what's especially funny is that this was mostly just meant to be a warmup/drawing ZEX as a handsome pirate briefly#Again to celebrate how pretty he is in that getup <3 And then it turned into an idea! Come on now!#I am quite pleased with how it all turned out tho haha - I got to draw the Captains coat and an Arilou and Commander Hayes!#Oh and pretty pirate!ZEX as well - as originally intended lol#I like the idea of the tables being turned and the Captain is able to actually act on his righteous indignation at ZEX's treatment of him ♪#Not enough to actually dissuade him (himself) but he still gets to be mad! It's unfair of you ZEX! (He knows haha)#Still not enough to avoid a hug - and in front of his own crew and allies no less haha#At first including the Arilou was just kind of an errant thought#I had mixed up ZEX seeing their ship in-fic and one of the ZEX comic panels as being the same event in my head#Realized the other day that it was not! Still not by rereading lol I went and looked at the art again ♪ It's cute!#And the Arilou did end up being quite fun to draw :D I like the triple eye fold haha I didn't think I'd get to use that again outside of Bar#And only shading the upper one hehe ♪ I think it gives a neat look overall#Been a heck-while since I drew Hayes as well - I didn't see a reference for him either (understandably) so I just made something up haha#Thinking about it I wonder if ZEX likes how the Arilou look :0 They are rather humanoid! Would he be dissuaded? Are they annoying enough lol#''It's a very simple solution to all of this Admiral :)'' haha ♪
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good morning!! <3
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teasemic · 2 years
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day ?? It’s instant coffee. How strong can it be?
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bonus bonus (since it still made me laugh after few months and has a little different vibe):
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